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Quarantine Bros Chapter 1


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Not much muscle here, this is setup for a longer story. As always, comments/feedback are welcomed and motivate me to write more.

Forming the Pod

“Tyrell, the campus is closing down this week due to the pandemic. I’ve spoken to your parents, and you’ll have to go stay with your step brother since all the flights are cancelled too,” Coach Levi told his star long-distance runner.  “I went to college with your step brother, and we were on the wrestling team together. I’m still in touch with him, and he’s looking forward to having you come over.”


“That’s a bummer Coach,” replied Tyrell. “I’m fully recovered from the virus, and I’ve set new 5k records every day this week. I’m probably the fastest collegiate distance runner in the entire country now. I was really hoping to start training for discus throwing too.” Tyrell had a very brief bout with the virus, but was fully recovered in just a few days. The team physician said his fast recovery was due to his excellent physical condition.


Tyrell accepted the scholarship on the long distance track team, on the hopes he could eventually become a field athlete. As fast as he was, Tyrell hated being a long-distance runner. It was soooo boring, and it kept him too skinny. At 20 years old, he stood 5’7” and weighed 140lbs. All his life, he heard people say, “Look at how fast that skinny kid can run” and it made him cringe. Tyrell had always idolized athletes like Sam Mattis, who stood 6’1” and weighed 245lbs, and was training to dominate in the Olympics. Tyrell would go through Sam’s Instagram account everyday, and just marvel at his size, muscle and power. He could probably toss a bowling ball a full mile, and Tyrell craved that power as well.


“Coach, I know I can add some muscle with the right training, but I wlll have to cut back on the running,” pleaded Tyrell.


“After the regionals, Tyrell, assuming they aren’t cancelled, you can train with the field athletes.” Coach Levi handed Tyrell a vial with 60 tablets in it. “Take one tablet a day Tyrell. This will help with your recovery from the virus. Your brother Kyle, he was very athletic too, and I’m sure he has some weights at home you can use.”


“My STEP brother Kyle,” Tyrell corrected the Coach. Tyrell and Kyle weren’t blood related, and didn’t even grow up together. At 32 years old, Kyle had already moved out before their parents met and married, and they had only spent a couple of summer vacations together. But he seemed like a good guy, and his friendship with Coach Levi helped him secure the track scholarship.


“You have my number, stay in touch. Keep running, and I’ll check in on your training. Hopefully we’ll be back here soon,” said Coach Levi.


Tyrell spent the rest of the afternoon packing his things and preparing for the 2 hour drive to Kyle’s house, where he lived with his wife Kelly. Kyle and Kelly, Tyrell thought. How much whiter and blander can you get? He looked at Kyle’s Instagram account and his suspicions were confirmed: photos of Kyle and Kelly apple picking, at a winery, out to dinner with friends, were peppered in with plenty of shirtless photos of Kyle working out in his garage gym. Tyrell looked at those closely: Kyle had a fully functioning gym in his garage. And at 32 years old, 5’11”, he looked to weigh a solid, athletic 185lbs. Tyrell was impressed, especially since he hadn’t seen Kyle in over a year.


The drive to Kyle and Kelly’s house went fast, and he pulled up to their big colonial house in the afternoon. Kyle was working out in his garage, shirtless, and he bounded out to greet Tyrell, keeping a safe 20 feet distance. Tyrell was impressed – Kyle looked even more jacked than in his photos. His shorts hung low on his waist, revealing a defined 6-pack and Apollo’s belt, and his muscular torso was glistening was sweat. Tyrell's eyes were drawn down to Kyle's powerful legs, and the enviable bulge in between them. "Damn," thought Tyrell to himself, "he's really won the genetic jackpot." Tyrell couldn't help but feel small and inferior around his powerhouse step-brother.


“Hey Tyrell, sorry I’m going to keep a distance for now. Can’t be too safe these days,” said Kyle. “And Kelly and I are trying to conceive a baby, so we’re being extra careful.”  Kyle pointed to the porch, where Kelly stood, waving at Tyrell. Kelly was fit as well, stood about 5’7” tall, same as Tyrell, and had a svelte figure.


“There’s a loft above the garage, I’ve set everything up for you,” said Kyle. “You can stay there for the first seven days, then we can officially form a pod,” he said, laughing.


“Thanks Kyle. Sorry for coming here like this, but I had no other option,” said Ty. “And man, looks like you have an awesome gym in there,” said Ty, looking past Kyle’s broad shoulders.  “Coach Levi said I could start lifting, maybe you can help me.”


“Sure thing, Ty. There’s nothing else to do these days, so I’ve been lifting like a madman! I’ve gained 10lbs of muscle so far, finally closing in on 200lbs!” he said, pushing out his big chest. Then, whispering so Kelly couldn’t hear him, Kyle said, “She LOVES muscle, and that helps with the baby making, haha!”


“Well thanks again, I’m kinda beat, so I’m going to head up to the loft now.” Kyle directed him up the stairs, telling him the pantry was fully stocked, and to help himself to anything.


Ty got settled in as he heard Kyle finish his workout in the garage below him. He walked over to the window, holding the vial that Coach Levi had given him. As he watched as a shirtless, muscled Kyle bounded up the steps into his house, Ty popped open the vial and swallowed one of the tablets.





Coach Levi:


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5 hours ago, Aronymous said:

Absolutely despise when photos are included in fiction.

Thanks for your feedback Anonymous, I’m sure there’s plenty other stuff for you to read. 

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6 hours ago, Aronymous said:

Absolutely despise when photos are included in fiction.

Absolutely despise when people post shit that costs zero energy to not post

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