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New Years Resolutions


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When we met, Jake and I had both recently graduated college and moved to the city for our first big boy jobs. We'd found each other using one of those roommate finder websites, which initially made me really nervous since I'd be sharing an apartment with a complete stranger, in a new town, while starting a new job. Thankfully, it turned out to be a pretty ideal situation, though we had differing interests and careers so we didn't really become friends. It might be better to say we were very compatible as roommates, we stayed out of each others way, kept the place clean, and typically engaged in different hobbies.

We barely noticed each other until one new years a tub of whey appeared in the kitchen and Jake started going to the gym, leaving the apartment in workout clothes and a gym bag. I didn't expect much to come from it since plenty of people made going to the gym and getting in shape their new years resolution. Jake also just didn't seem like the type, he wasn't all that into sports and was a pretty average looking if not a little chubby.

I couldn't have been more wrong. A few months passed and it was starting to make a noticeable difference. His face started looking leaner and he wasn't so chubby anymore, eventually becoming pretty athletic. He hit the 1 year mark and was looking pretty good, even started walking around the apartment shirtless from time to time. I was pretty proud of him since he'd never really done that before. Though as the months rolled by he was shirtless more and more frequently until it was pretty much constant in summer.

I had to admit he was getting bigger than I could of originally imagined and I was getting hard not to stare. Worse yet, the idea that he would only keep getting bigger as he kept going to the gym occupied my mind much more than it should. I found myself starting conversation more, encouraging him, even offering to make him his shakes from time to time, anything to manage my growing feelings.


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