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Scent of Strength - Chapter 1 (2/22/2023)

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Chapter 1:


My name is Dean a 23-year-old Junior in university with a huge obsession with muscular men, but an even bigger heart as a hopeless romantic. Now you might think this story is all about me meeting the biggest man of my dreams but read on and you’ll soon see that the BIGGEST things come in the smallest packages.


The cool breeze hits my face as the empty road filled my view, boundless fields of wheat encompassing everything to my left and right. Classic rock blasting in my car feeling relaxed as I drive my way home. The recent pump I had given myself was already fading fresh out the gym. I was heading home on a long drive across the state after being away for a year at the university. See I had transferred from community college trying to save some money.


Taking a glance at the mirror I was proud of myself for the progress I had made in the past year in the gym. I’d always been overweight all my life and wanted the attention of the guys I had liked, but I was never seen as anything other than a piece of meat ready to be discarded. My weight loss and lifting journey had started for that reason, but I quickly learned that I wanted to do it for my own self and not some random hot guys who still wouldn’t even bat an eye at the progress I’ve made. If I had to be honest with myself, I never even wanted to get huge, but I wanted to feel comfortable in my own clothing and even though I just said I wasn’t doing it for “hot” guys it still wouldn’t hurt if one happened to come my way from all my hard work.


Being a big gay nerd who wasn’t stereotypically gay I struggled to find a place to belong, always ending up finding the straight guys who got weirded out when they found out I was gay and then there was the gay community on college campus full of guys who just wanted to hook up and party which wasn’t me at all. I’m a bit of a homebody and I prefer one on one activities not some frat party where I just feel my anxiety spike. I felt like a fraud of gay man not fitting in anywhere except with the few close friends I had made in high school. 



I’ve come to realize that I seem to have a fear of men even though I’m attracted to them. Most of my early life I was made fun of by other boys in school for my weight and subsequently me being gay, even before I knew what being gay was. Which translated to that fear now making me a mess when it came to meeting guy let alone trying to be friends with them. Any time I’ve gone out of my way to try it I end up hurting myself as I end up catching feelings for them only to suffer the time old response of “Sorry I’m straight” or the polite no I’ve grown so accustomed too.


As the next song plays on my playlist the whiplash from going to some upbeat video game music from one of my favorite bands the doors, causes my mind to snap out of its slide down the slippery slope that I tended to have when remembering all the rough times I went through in the past.


Instead, I focused on the rode as the beeps and boops played in my car, letting my mind clear out now feeling excited to finally get back home.




Arriving back in town I got to my parents’ house where I was greeted by my mom, dad and sister who were all shocked to have seen me lose 30 pounds of fat in year that I had been away, but even more shocked that I had started hitting the gym. They always pushed me to get healthier which I appreciated but I had a crippling anxiety when it came to going so, they could never get me to go.


But we all caught up and headed inside where I went into detail about my time in university as we all ate dinner together for the first time in a while. After we finished eating like true siblings my sis immediately got me to cough up the tea on all the stuff I wouldn’t say in front of my parents.


I quickly turned to a darkened mood as the tea she had wanted to know was what got me in the gym in the first place. I wasn’t quite ready to share just yet, so I deflected the conversation in another direction.


Afterwards I got back into my nightly routine after unpacking and fell asleep in my childhood room.


The next morning, I went ahead and reached out to a few of my few close friends asking to hang out and repeating the same until the week had passed by in a flash. It wasn’t until the end of the week that I had realized that I almost missed my chance to meet up with one of my only guy friends Jake. 



Although he must have heard I was in town as when I got out the local gym later that night Jake had invited me over again to hangout one last time and watch a movie before returning to university once spring break was over. He let me know that he probably wouldn’t be home yet but I’m more than welcome to come over before then, since his little brother Brett was still home.


I took him up on his offer and decided that seeing Jake and Brett would be a nice time before needing to leave in the morning. So, I hopped in my car fresh out the gym, but quickly realized I needed a shower, I contemplated driving home first, but his place was on the way so I might as well shower over there; it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to shower at his place in a rush and we were close enough that he wouldn’t mind.


Parking into the driveway I made sure to leave room for Jake to park as he had not gotten home yet but I could see Brett’s car neatly parked. 


I hadn’t seen his little bro Brett in a while, but he was always close to me, he was practically my own little brother, maybe even more so than Jake himself from how much he clung to me when I was around. With only having a year of difference in age it wasn’t difficult to find common ground between the two of us, so I always enjoyed getting to see the little shrimp whenever I came over. 


And a shrimp he indeed was, Brett had to have been the unluckiest dude in his family when it came to the height lottery as everyone related to him was over 6 ft tall, Jake included always towering over him and myself at 6’3. The poor guy was left at 5’4 and I could always see the small gleans of yearning or jealously for the height that his own brother had.



Getting to the door I knocked on it, wondering if he grew anymore in all that time apart over the past year.


A few moments pass and there was no answer at the door.


I tried knocking again but as my knuckles were about to bang against the metal door, it swings open with Brett now standing right in front of me.


“DEAN is that you?!”


The cute little shrimp I knew and loved was staring at me not having changed one bit, with a look of pure happiness to see his friend had come back to visit.


Before I could even get a word out Brett had launched himself at me jumping onto me giving me a full body hug.


Clinging to my body I could feel that he had gotten even lighter since the last time he had done this with me after all my brief time at the gym while I was away.


“Yeah yeah bud, it’s me now quit monkeying around and get off of me.”


Brett was never one to listen to me though as he clung tightly to me, clearly having missed me deeply since the last time we had seen each other.


“Or don’t I guess, never have been good at saying no to you haha.”


Stepping inside the house I had to practically pry him off me.


Brett speaks “Fine I’ll get off now, I can’t believe you’re here! Jake didn’t tell me you were in town!”


“Well, you better believe it, I couldn’t come back to town without seeing two of my closest friends.”


I wrap my arm around Brett.


“I guess I also came to show off all these gains I’ve made too.”


I give Brett a tight squeeze letting him feel the brunt of my increased strength. 


“Dude, you put on a good bit of size! But that gut is still there I see.” Brett said poking fun at him.


In response I squeeze him tighter pressing the air out his small chest.


“Oh, you think you can just keep making comments like old times huh, I’ll have you know I built these bad boys up just to do that whenever your cocky ass makes one.”


Being the smallest one of their group Brett was always one to cling to the one thing he had going for him, his lighting fast metabolism that let him eat like a black whole and no matter how much he ate he’d always have the faint outline of his abs peeking through his skin. I always let him get away with his jokes but occasionally, I liked to keep him in check.


“Alright alright, you proved your point I take it back, your gut is just as great as the rest of you! But is it better than these!”


Brett grabs his shirt lifting it up and flashing his stomach to me, revealing a set of more defined abs since the last time we had seen each other. 


“Holy fuck dude, how’d you get even more ripped since last year.”


“Oh well I actually heard from Jake that you’d been working out and I decided I’d do the same.”


But looking at the rest of him I could see he was nowhere nearly as developed as the set of stone bricks in his abdomen. I felt a twinge of jealousy as I looked at them since I could never burn off all the fat in my stomach, I just loved food too much to commit to staying shredded.


“Well where are the rest of your muscles looked like you haven’t added anything else?”


I could see his prideful look deflate a bit. 


“Oh well… I haven’t had much luck in that department been trying like hell to build up my arms and chest, but nothing seems to be working.”


“Hey, chin up bro, you look amazing regardless, especially with these cum gutters.”


I playfully feel up his abs while taking note of the new whisps of hair forming into a happy trail. 


“That’s pretty gay bro!”


We both look at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing.


The both of us had come out as gay to each other years back when Bret worked up the courage to tell me not realizing I was gay myself, blowing his mind completely when the one person he confided in was just like him. Ever since the bond between us was inseparable. There were a few times when the two of us got intimate with each other but that brotherly bond always made the two of us stop before anything could happen, although I had the feeling that the both of us wanted never wanted it to stop.



As my mind reminisced I failed to remember I had just worked out and with my sweaty body hovering around him it was only a matter of time before he made a comment on your scent.


“Dean as much as I love feeling your arms around me, you fucking reek go take a damn shower!”


Having snapped back to reality I was embarrassed hearing his reaction to my smell causing me to jab back at him in a playful way.


“And here I thought you always loved my natural scent when you used to cuddle up next to me during horror movie nights.”


Jokingly I grab his head which was perfectly perpendicular with my pits turning his head into it.


He tries fighting against my stronger grasp unable to break free, I can feel his deep breathes taking in in pure masculine scent after a grueling workout. But once I felt he’d had enough I released him.


Almost coughing he’s catching his breathe wiping off all the sweat from my pits with his shirt, letting me once again catch a glimpse of his ridiculous set of abs. Seeing them gave me an urge to reach out and touch them again feeling each ridge as I would trace them, but I knew better than to risk our friendship and stopped the thought before it snowballed out of control. 


“Damn you’re strong now Dean, I used to be able to break free from your hold a year ago.”


“Thanks for the compliment. It means a lot coming from you. But I’m gonna head off and shower now, hopefully Jake takes a bit longer to get back so we can catch up some more! Oh, and would you mind putting these to wash for me.”


The two of us were close enough that we’ve seen each other naked multiple times so I stripped down to just my boxers and handing him my sweaty clothes before heading over to the bathroom.


“Sure thing, but don’t get used to this I’m not your butler Dean.”


“Sure, you aren’t, you’re just my cute little butler. Oh, and don’t make me ring the bell for a set of new clothes please.”


“Ha hah, very funny, just don’t waste too much water in there, I’m the one paying the water bill now.”


With that last comment I left the room, failing to notice that in all my fooling around I didn’t see the faint outline of Brett’s bulge getting tighter. As he stared longingly at my slightly broad back disappearing into the bathroom.




Deep down Brett had always known he had feelings for Dean, but he never allowed himself to act upon them because he was afraid of losing the man, he was closest to in his life. He loved him regardless of his body; in fact, he loved cuddling up next to his once chubby build during their movie nights, but after seeing his slimmer and more muscular physique he appreciated the hard work he was putting in and wanted to admire him and body he was building for himself. 


But as much as he wanted to be proud of Dean, he could also feel his own insecurities flare up still being the smallest guy in pretty much every situation. One of which he was slightly thankful for in the current moment as his rock hard 3 incher was creating the smallest tent in his shorts looking like a regular soft bulge on most other guys, so Dean didn’t take notice of his arousal at the events that just happened between the two of them. On the other hand, he felt like shit about all his progress over the past year barely showing when he knew full well the kinds of men that Dean was attracted to physically. 


Brett had always secretly yearned to get taller and work himself into a hulking mass, not even Dean knew of his desires for himself. But with his feelings for Dean coming into the mix it made him even more ravenous to grow into the god he dreamed off and be the man of Deans dreams while he was at it.



While Brett was lost in thought of the body, he wanted the smell from Deans clothes wafted by his nose as he took a deep breathe trying to compose himself. As he registered the scent coming from the clothes, he was holding his mind was overtaken by a sudden primal urge like a flip had switched in his mind and it was telling him only one thing.


“I’m gonna get so fucking HUGE!”


  • Like 19
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What a pretty great and freking cute start. 

Of course i want more

  • Like 1

Great start!  I got a bit confused when you switched from "I/me" to "you" a couple times, and at least once to "him", all referring to the narrator.

  • Like 1

My bad I thought I switched all the you’s to I/me already

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