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Steve walked into the gym with butterflies in his stomach. He had signed up for a 6 month training program with Brian, a 285lb musclebear who was not only a highly sought after strength coach, but also had advanced degrees in chemistry and biology. 

When Steve had first met Brian at the consultation, he was intimidated by the bigger man's sheer size. Brian's arms were thicker than Steve's legs, and he had pecs that looked like boulders grafted onto his chest. But Brian's friendly smile and gentle demeanor soon put Steve at ease. 

"I think we can do great things together," Brian said as he looked over Steve's stats - 25 years old, average build at 5'10" 185lbs, 15 inch biceps and a 42 inch chest. Steve explained his goals were to gain size and strength, but also drop his body fat percentage which was currently sitting around 26%. 

Brian devised a comprehensive plan to transform Steve's physique over 6 months using a combination of strategic nutrition and periodized strength training. They would focus on building Steve's foundation first before moving into more advanced techniques like chemical muscle enhancement.

Steve was eager yet apprehensive as he started the program. Brian had him training 5 days a week, following a routine that cycled heavy compound lifts like squats, deadlifts and bench press with lighter isolation movements. The workouts were brutal, often leaving Steve sore for days after.

"No pain no gain!" Brian would bellow as he added more plates to the bar, forcing Steve to grind out those last critical reps. 

The dietary plan was just as regimented. Brian had Steve eating 6 meals a day, focusing on lean proteins, complex carbs and healthy fats. Bacon and butter were off the menu, replaced by chicken breast and brown rice. Steve missed his junk food fixes, but trusted in Brian's expertise.  

After 8 weeks, Steve started to see and feel a difference in his physique. The scales said he was up to 195lbs, having gained 10lbs of mass. But the bigger change was in his body composition - the flab around his midsection had noticeably reduced. Brian's workouts and meal plan were melting away the fat while adding slabs of muscle to Steve's frame.

At the 3 month mark, the gains were coming even faster. Steve weighed in at 205lbs, with his biceps now measuring 16.5 inches cold. Visible abs began to etch across his stomach as his body fat percentage dropped down to 16%. Brian kept pushing Steve harder in the gym, yelling at him to squeeze out every last rep. 

"You're becoming a beast brother!" Brian said, admiring Steve's burgeoning muscles as they posed together in the mirror. Steve no longer felt intimidated standing next to the massive musclebear. 

The compliments from friends and coworkers on Steve's growing physique fueled his motivation to stick to the plan. For the first time in his life, he felt proud and confident about his body. At 6 months, he had reached 200lbs and reduced his body fat to 10%. The once average built Steve was now a massively muscular 200 pound stud. But Brian had even bigger plans for the next phase of the program.

"I've created some chemical compounds that are going to take your gains to the next level," Brian explained, showing Steve his makeshift home laboratory. "My chem and biology degrees are finally paying off!"

Brian started administering small doses of the experimental formulas, explaining how they would accelerate muscle protein synthesis while also inhibiting myostatin. Steve noticed the effects almost instantly - workouts that used to wipe him out now felt easy as his strength shot through the roof. Brian kept upping the dosage, keen to test the limits of what his formulas could achieve.

Over the next 6 months, Steve's physique exploded. Brian's chemical muscle enhancement program packed layer after layer of thick, striated beef onto Steve's frame at an astonishing rate. What used to be average was now a monument to human muscularity.

At the end of 12 months, Steve had soared from 185lbs to an eye-popping 260lbs of mass monster. His arms taped out at a freaky 25 inches, with wrists so thick that his watch no longer fit over them. Veins wriggled across his biceps even at rest, fatigued from trying to keep up with the colossal muscle's demand for blood.

With a barrel chest measuring 58 inches around, Steve could barely find shirts that fit over his jutting pecs and 8-pack abs. His neck bulged out wider than most people's thighs.

"This is incredible! I'm a whole different person now," Steve exclaimed, struggling to recognize himself in the mirror. He had to lean down just to see past his mountainous pecs and bowling ball delts. 

Legs like tree trunks carried Steve's 260lbs frame effortlessly. His quads swelled like beach balls stuffed under tan skin, diamond shaped calves popping as he walked.  

But for all his intimidating size, Steve remained humble and gracious. He continued training at the gym, only now the roles were reversed - wide-eyed beginners asked Steve for advice on building freaky mass. Brian loved having a walking advertisement for the potency of his muscle formulas.

"Never forget where it all started," Brian said, patting the mammoth Steve on the back. "You may be huge, but always stay hungry bro!"

Steve had embarked on this journey a small, shy guy lacking confidence. Now he stood tall and proud, 260lbs of ripped muscle and strength forged from determination. Steve knew he owed it all to Brian for pushing him further than he could have ever imagined. The two muscle brothers had a bond that would last forever.


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On 7/17/2023 at 5:45 AM, ctico said:

Damn hot pic

Thanks Part 2 on the way.


Part 2: Brian Decides to take the formula.

After seeing the astonishing results from Steve's transformation over the past year, Brian decided it was time to test his experimental muscle formulas on himself. 

"I need to experience these gains firsthand to truly understand the effects," Brian explained to Steve one day after their workout. Despite already being a massively muscular 285lbs, the scientist in Brian was eager to optimize and enhance his own physique. 

Brian started by establishing baseline measurements of his strength and physique - 23 inch biceps, 60 inch chest, 32 inch quads and a 22 inch neck. Though already considered a musclebear, Brian believed his formulas could add some new mass onto his frame.

He devised a 4 month plan, steadily increasing the doses of his chemical compounds while also pushing his workouts into new realms of intensity. The first few weeks were underwhelming - Brian felt pumped during his sessions with Steve but gains were minimal.

"Patience, it takes time for the formulas to fully saturate the muscle cells," Brian reminded himself. Within a month, the effects started to emerge. Brian's sleeves grew tight over his swelling biceps as they ballooned to 24 inches of peaked height. New striations appeared along his delts and pecs as meaty muscle pushed outward.

By the end of the second month, Brian's dress shirts were fitting more snugly over his bulging 62 inch chest and rounding shoulder muscles. "Looking jacked!" Steve said, admiring Brian's physique as it continued expanding. The muscle formulas were clearly working their magic.

Adding mass became easier for Brian by the midpoint of the trial. He moved past plateaus that had stalled his gains for years prior, strength and size now rising steadily week after week.

Brian's neck thickened to 24 inches, trapezius muscles noticeably bigger from new muscle growth. His lats spread wider, arms forced away from his sides by their increasing thickness. Legs shredded with new diamond shaped separations etched deeply into his quads.

At the end of month 4, Brian had grown to a impressively massive 305lbs of muscle. His biceps peaked at 25 inches, chest now a meaty 65 inches across. Brian's thighs had swelled to 34 inches apiece, thunderous when walking. 

"I'm a freakin' muscle monster!" Brian yelled, his voice booming through the gym. Steve was thrilled to see his training partner's physique achieve such exciting gains.

The results proved Brian's formulas could pack pounds of extra mass on even the most developed physiques. Steve and Brian were eager to keep training together as muscular 280lb partners, pushing each other to new heights.

After experiencing his own substantial improvements, Brian focused on using his formulas responsibly. He and Steve offered free coaching to underprivileged youth and abuse survivors, transforming bodies and lives through strength. 

Brian rejected deals to mass produce his compounds, aware of how drugs had hurt so many athletes and sports. He only used the formulas for humanitarian causes - helping injured veterans and hospital patients rebuild lost muscle and strength.

Brian's reputation grew as a world class coach who could rapidly transform physiques, but money and fame mattered less than uplifting others. He and Steve were proud to utilize their gifts and gains to inspire people through hard training and revealing the greatness within us all.


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Part 3, Brian gets inspired.

After gaining over 75lbs of shredded mass in his first year of training with Brian, Steve was hungry for even more extreme growth. He set his sights on getting on stage to compete at a national level bodybuilding competition as a heavyweight.

Brian was fully supportive, tailoring Steve's workouts and diet to pack on the maximum amount of freaky size. But he reminded Steve that competitive bodybuilding was about more than just mass - he needed to nail his conditioning, posing and stage presence.

They studied videos of top level NPC heavyweights like Nick Walker, Justin Rodriguez and Patrick Moore. Weighing in at 270-300lbs, these men showcased monstrous mass balanced with aesthetic lines, insane vascularity and granite hardness. Steve knew he had a lot of work to do before standing next to these behemoths.

Each workout focused on strategic weak points - blasting calves to hang with Nick's diamond shaped lower legs, upping the intensity on side delts to match Justin's cannonball shoulders, increasing chest volume for a deep separation like Patrick's pecs. Brian even had Steve training vacuum poses between sets to shrink his waist.

Steve's nutrition plan was equally scientific - increasing carbs to pack on fullness and glycogen to the 280lb mark while keeping fat low and water tight. The overall goal was shaping Steve into an imposing freak beast who would dominate on stage.

After bulking for 8 months, Steve had grown to an obscene 285lbs at just 5% body fat. Brian's chemical muscle formulas assisted in adding staggering mass while avoiding spilled over bloat. Steve's study of posing paid off - he now radiated confident power while hitting shots.

Three months out from the NPC nationals, Steve got his competition invite. Brian immediately shifted priorities to pre contest conditioning. Workouts were reduced to metabolic resistance training - short bursts with abbreviated rest periods to carve every ounce of fat off Steve's huge muscles.

The diet also became stricter - dropping carbs lower each week while sodium and water manipulation peaked. Steve's muscles looked shrink wrapped by skin as he leaned down, vascularity now resembling spider webs under his skin. The scale said 275lbs but Steve looked even bigger carved up.

Brian worked meticulously with Steve on posing and transitions. They analyzed the competition footage together - what compulsory poses did each judge seem to favor and where were the big guys losing points by being too smooth? Steve committed every critique to memory, rehearsing his routine daily.

Finally competition day arrived. Backstage at the NPC nationals, Steve focused on pumping up - light presses, arm curls and jumping jacks. The goal was just to get blood flowing to the muscles and avoid cramping on stage. Brian gave Steve a final pep talk before heading back out to take his seat.

"You got this brother, now go give those heavyweights hell!" Brian said, clapping the freaky Steve on the massive back. Steve took a deep breath and stepped out on stage as his name was called.

The auditorium filled with audible gasps and sounds of disbelief as Steve strode out. He towered over the other heavyweight competitors, looking photoshopped at 275lbs shredded. Steve nailed his first pose - double biceps - biceps exploding, veins branching everywhere.

Steve worked smoothly through the mandatory poses - front and rear lat spreads to showcase wingspan width, side chest to maximize shoulder to waist taper, hands clasped most muscular to emphasize peaks. He held poses just long enough to display striations before transitioning.





The free posing routine was where Steve pulled ahead, hitting arm shots that showed off outrageous vascularity followed by an ab spread revealing an 8 pack etched deep between flaring lats. The crowd roared as Steve's routine built to its peak pose - a Lat spread that looked like two cobras flaring.

In the end it was unanimous - Steve was awarded his pro card in his first competition as the new overall NPC heavyweight champion. His freaky mass, crisp detail and commanding stage presence could not be touched. Backstage an awestruck Brian embraced the triumphant Steve.

"Bro you killed it, I knew you had the genetic potential to be #1 but the hard work you put in to win...I'm just proud!" Brian said, struggling to contain his emotions. For Steve it was a dream come true - from average gym goer to undefeated bodybuilding champion.

But Steve knew none of this would have happened without Brian's mentoring - the workouts, nutrition plans, tough love when he felt like quitting, and the chemical assistance. He owed his pro size and status all to Brian's belief in him. They celebrated as more than coach and trainee now - as true brothers.

Steve took some time off after winning his pro card to rest and enjoy his victory. But watching videos of Mr Olympia greats like Ronnie Coleman and Dorian Yates lit his competitive fire once again. His new goal was to train for the ultimate bodybuilding contest.

Brian was again onboard to design a plan, convinced Steve had the potential with his Structure, proportions and work ethic to be a top 5 Olympian someday. They took it slow at first, cleaning up Steve's diet after the long offseason. Workouts targeted weak spots - lower lats, serratus, posing endurance.

By 12 weeks out Steve was training and eating in beast mode again, surpassing his previous heaviest and hardest condition. He stepped on stage at the Olympia over 290lbs but with a tight, grainy look contrasting his sheer mass. Backstage Brian gave a final psych up before Steve stepped into the bright arena lights.

Standing beside multi time champions, Steve looked freakishly big. But he held his own through the posing rounds, showcasing his otherwordly proportions. When the callouts were announced, Steve could not believe it - top 5 in his first Mr. Olympia!

Though he didn't take home the Sandow this year, Steve was now part of bodybuilding royalty. He relished the journey ahead chasing the ultimate prize. Win or lose, Steve knew he always had his mentor, partner and friend Brian in his corner. The muscle brothers were just getting started.


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Loving this one! Stats stats stats, Grow grow grow!

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