TheWeremuscleForest Posted March 4, 2024 Posted March 4, 2024 Andrew was talked into going to what some of his personal friends have said is a very unusual restaurant. His friends, who shall remain nameless for the time being, told him how amazingly great the food was, and that the service from the staff was keen on keeping them satisfied. What they didn’t know though was that the restaurant was picking and choosing certain patrons to try and experiment with their secret recipes and experimentations. After spending a few minutes at the bar in the restaurant, he and his good friend Terrence chatted with the hunky bartender about random goings on in the world. They both remarked at how incredibly well-built and friendly all the guys there are, and how they don’t seem to care how skinny both himself and his brownish-skinned friend are. Eventually, Andrew notices that most of the people that were dining in the restaurant have left. Terrence asks the bartender if they need to leave as well, but they are both reassured that things are going as planned, which seems a bit odd to both young friends. Terrence is then approached by a few members of the restaurant staff and is asked a couple of questions. It appears that they are wanting him to try out some of the new recipes that they are developing for additions to their menu. Andrew admits that he is a bit jealous that they went to his friend first, but one of the buff staff members smiles and quickly invites him to come along as well. The two skinny men look at each other and agree to the proposition and are ushered into the back of the restaurant. They are surprised to see that there is another table set up for people to sit at and eat. The three men that are with them pulls the two chairs out for them to sit in, as well as one for one of the staff members. He sits directly left from where Terrence is sitting, while Andrew sits to his African American friends right. The man, who clearly spends a great deal of time in the gym, is well tanned and is wearing a pair of grey slacks and a white shirt underneath his restaurant attire, looks as if he could burst free from his clothing at any given moment. His giant arms leave nothing to the imagination as their huge veins can be seen beneath the fabric of his shirt. He has a thick reddish beard and is incredibly handsome. He tells them both to sit down so he can start going over the itinerary for the evening. “Hello my friends. Well, I hope we can be friends. My name is Bryson Chambliss. I will be your host tonight. You have both been selected to taste a few of the new recipes that we are testing out for our menu that may or may not be added in the future. I hope you are both hungry.” Both young men shake their heads yes in unison and mumble under their breaths about how they really like Bryson’s British accent. “That is good to hear. The chefs here at Myostatin Grill wanted to catch you both before you ordered something already on the menu.” The man signals for the other two beefcakes to leave the room. Andrew and Terrence look at each other again with a puzzled look on their faces. Andrew starts asking questions. “So, what exactly are we taste testing? Is this something that we should be concerned about, health wise? I don’t want to end up in the hospital after this.” Bryson lets out a low grunt. “I don’t think you will have anything to worry about, what is your name mate?” “Andrew Mason.” “Ahh Andrew. Is it okay if I can call you Drew? It suits you much better.” “I suppose that is alright.” “Perfect!” The two friends are calmed down by his laid-back attitude and they both clearly find him very attractive. The man hasn’t taken his eyes off Terrence this whole time except to address Andrew with his questions. “And what is your name, mate?” Bryson stares into Terrence’s eyes and smiles. “Umm...Terrence Garrett.” “Nice to meet you, Terrence. What is a nickname that I can call you by?” The lanky 5’7 black 23-year-old looks at him in confusion. “Uh...I don’t know. My friends call me Deron.” “OH! I really like that name mate. I will call you that from now on. My name is Bryson. The taste testing will begin soon enough for you both.” After a few more minutes of random chatter between the two young men, two members of the kitchen staff bring out two trays with appetizers on them. The men are asked what they would like to try from the trays, and both agree that they would be interested in the chicken wings. Bryson smiles at his staff and shakes his head yes, before saying to the two unsuspecting guinea pigs, “I think you will both like these quite a bit.” The wings are put on small plates and put in front of them. They are asked what they would prefer to drink and are given water for Andrew and Terrence asks for an energy drink, which gets a rather muted response from the British server. The young black man then decides that he will get a water as well. Bryson starts talking again, as the kitchen staff return to the back once again. “I don’t know how you both like your wings, but I think you will both notice a slight difference in the taste. Eating proteins can sometimes lead to some very interesting sensations after a few minutes of digestion. This is why we need you to be honest with your assessments of the recipes that we use here.” Before we move forward with the story, I want to point out that Andrew is wearing a long-sleeved white polo shirt, blue jeans, black belt, a pair of boxers, black socks, and a pair of Nikes. Terrence is wearing a loose blue button-up shirt, black jeans, black belt, white socks, no underwear, and a pair of blue Converses. Andrew and Terrence are also both clean-shaven. Bryson watches in earnest as the two men take a few bites of the wings before putting them down on the plates. Andrew looks a bit disgusted, while Terrence looks relatively satisfied. The buff restauranteur grins as he sees the 23-year-old’s face light up. Andrew tries to hide the fact that he hates how they taste. “It is okay if you find it disgusting Drew. Their taste isn’t for everyone.” He can see that Terrence wants to eat more of the wings. “Go for it, Deron. Feel free to get more of them if you wish.” Andrew watches as his friend continues to eat more of the wings and shakes his head. Bryson is turning his full attention to what the African American is doing. “It seems that the recipe is to your liking, mate?” “Mm, oh very much, bro. They taste really good. They have a nice seasoning on them, of course I have always liked spicy food.” “That is great to hear, Deron. Drew, would you like a free meal on the house from Myostatin Grill? We can get anything for you.” Andrew can see that he is no longer going to be treated the same way as his friend and it is starting to annoy him. “Now hold on a minute. I thought that we were both going to do this. I don’t like the taste of the wings; can I have so other appetizer maybe?” Bryson turns to give him a wink. “Well, a part of the process is to see whether you can get past the first course of the meal. You said that you didn’t like the taste of the wings we provided you. The rest of the dinner will likely not change the way that you feel about the taste of the food. Each of us responds to the recipe in different ways. We are willing to provide you with a meal that you would probably like.” Andrew decides that maybe he should go ahead and accept the free meal, but he also feels like Terrence may be in some kind of danger without him there with him. “Terrence, are you sure that you want to continue with this? I am not sure what is going to happen without me being here with you.” The smiling young black man turns to him and says, “I will be fine Andrew. In fact, I have this overwhelming hunger to keep going. I feel almost euphoric.” His 24-year-old white buddy sighs and says, “Alright Bryson, where do I go now?” The buff man pushes a button as one of his staff members comes in and escorts Andrew out to the main atrium where he will be provided his food. Bryson goes back to focusing his energy on the black man. “Are you starting to feel something happening to you, Deron? Like maybe your body is tingly or perhaps your muscles are getting a bit sore, mate?” Terrence stares back at him and can feel his cock starting to ache. He lightly moans as leathery stretching noises start emanating from every muscle fiber in his body. He is now looking down and notices his forearms and biceps are slowly expanding as the veins surface and swell ever so slowly beneath his bronzed skin. His nonexistent pecs now have contours and are slightly visible beneath his shirt. He can feel his quads starting to fill in the space inside his jeans. His cock, nicely thick and girthy, has grown an additional inch as it stretches down his left leg. He feels it as it brushes against the denim, his veiny sheath now clearly visible beneath the fabric. Bryson reaches down underneath the table to pet it, grunting as it leaves a wet spot on Terrence’s jeans. The young black man jumps slightly but is also lightly moaning. He is no longer the skinny 23-year-old that entered the restaurant. His face is now more defined and has grown a bit of a beard as well. His clothes fit better also. The buff man sitting beside him has started to massage his left arm. “Feels good, doesn’t it Deron? I know it does. The same thing happened to all of us in the restaurant. We sort of stumbled upon the recipe by accident. Of course, this is not meant for the public because that would be an absolute catastrophe. It is a shame that your friend didn’t like the recipe, but that just means that we can have a bit more fun without him here.” Bryson has taken his host jacket off and is now wearing just his white shirt and slacks. His outfit does very little to contain the mass beneath it. He flexes his huge pythons, which are straining the hell out of the sleeves of his shirt, as they ride the edge of his bloated shoulders. His lower body looks like it is painted to his pants and his cock is now clearly visible. He is getting turned on clearly. “I imagine you are still hungry, mate. Let’s just move on to the main course.” The kitchen staff brings him a dish that makes his eyes light up. “Wow, it is a brisket. Oh, and it looks amazing. I can’t wait to eat it. It smells incredible too.” “I definitely think you will enjoy it, Deron.” After savoring it for the next several minutes, the athletic African American leans back in his chair and sighs as it permeates his insides and his senses. Bryson motions for the staff to take his plate away as he stands up to get behind him and begins to rub on his shoulders. “I know that had to be even better than the wings, right mate? I am glad that you approve of the brisket because things are about to get very interesting.” Bryson makes eye contact with Terrance again and tells him to get up from the table. He leads him over to a sitting area with a big couch and a very unusual looking chair. He tries to get the young man to sit in the chair, but he is stumbling a bit. The Brit attempts to get him to focus again. “I have a very unusual question to ask you Deron. Is there a bodybuilder that you have ever wanted to look like? Or maybe you have wanted to meet one to have some fun with?” “Huh? Uh, I have never thought about any of that before. Why are you asking me these questions? Oh wait...I know why you are. I am turning into one, aren’t I?” Terrence bolts for the door that himself and Andrew entered in the very beginning. Bryson tries to keep up, but he is not as small and agile and is attempting to keep pace. The young black man’s buddy can hear him calling out his name and runs over to where he is. They both manage to get away from Bryson and his crew for the time being by finding an empty office and locking the door behind them. “I knew that there was something wrong with this entire scenario Terrence.” The athletic 23-year-old African American is sweating profusely and is breathing heavily but seems really happy at the same time. “No no bro... He has done something great for me. He was wanting to keep you from enjoying the experience and was going to stick me in some chair to hold me down so that he could mess with me, I think.” Terrence can feel his body getting ready to grow again. Andrew wonders if he is okay. “Are you sure you are alright dude? Hmm...I just noticed that you have a beard and... oh you have bigger muscles.” They can hear someone trying to get into the room and there are voices saying “Deron” and “Terrence” behind the door. The two young men open the one window in the office and climb through it. Surprisingly, there is no one on the other side. When they reach the ground below them, Andrew is stopped by his friend. They are now outside of the building. “BRO! I am about to grow again. Fuck, I think I am going to get REALLY BIG!” Andrew watches in amazement as he sees Terrence swelling in front of him. His forearms and biceps start ripping through his sleeves revealing his dense expanding vascular bronze cannons. “OH YEAH DREW! It feels so good. I can feel myself getting more powerful with every second that passes.” The growing hulk’s quads are now ripping out of his jeans, making him moan in delight as his huge brownish cock hangs out the left side of one of the openings and starts dripping precum all over his leg. His shoes are no match for his growing feet as his socks rip like paper. “Oh my god Terrence, you are going to be so fucking...HOT!” “Drew...I want you so fucking bad. I want to be the one to turn you into a beast like me. back is getting so fucking massive.” The black hulk grunts as his delts and lats start to tear through the back of his shirt. He can feel his pecs stretching the buttons on his shirt to their limits as his ass blasts through the back of his jeans. He is now breathing down Andrew’s face as he makes his friend feel him as he grows. “Feel how huge I am Drew. Big, mother fucking dense black muscle. I had no idea that I needed this so much. And I need you too.” Andrew hears several tearing sounds coming from Terrence’s pants as the beast’s huge cock rips itself free from them and is rubbing up against his chest. The black beauty’s pecs are now blasting the buttons off his shirt as they are revealed. Huge, heavy, incredibly vascular like the rest of his body is. He tears his shirt off and moans as he continues to feel himself swelling. His friend is now lusting over him as he stares in awe at his black friend’s huge frame and is feeling all his muscles. “I can’t concentrate Terrence; you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life. I mean...” The hulk grunts as he lifts him up and locks his lips on Andrew’s. They kiss for quite a while, losing track of whether they are still being hunted by Bryson and his crew. Terrence holds him tightly against him, flexing his huge 22” guns and grimaces as he flexes his pelvic floor, ripping the last remaining fabric away from his body as his belt splits in half and his jeans fall to the ground. They finally stop kissing. “Mm... I admit I have wanted to embrace you for months Drew. I wasn’t about to let some random guy I don’t know take this away from me. I mean...he is hot, but he isn’t you.” Andrew is petting Terrence’s huge pecs making him sigh in pleasure as he is put back down on the ground. The hulk’s huge 11-inch cock bounces in anticipation of being milked as it starts to be stroked by the black beauty. “Ahh...I am so fucking hot for you bro. I want to drown you in my boys and watch you become like me. I don’t even fucking care if we are found at this point because this is between the two of us now.” Andrew is now down on his knees and is caressing Terrence’s bloated quads, running his hands down between each split and kisses both, making his partner sigh deeply. He eventually makes him stop stroking his cock so he can have a go at it. “Let me make this beautiful muscle spit on me dude. I have wanted to...mmm...” He slowly starts to slide his friend’s huge cock down his throat and moves back and forth in very slow movements. Terrence tries not to yell in pleasure as he bucks his hips and squeezes his ass. Andrew smiles as he looks up into the beast’s eyes. He moans tasting its sweet nectar as it flows into his gut. He pulls it out as several strands of precum drape from his lips to its cockhead. “Oh, fuck dude, we are meant to be. I can take this beast and I want your cum.” Terrence quickly shoves his cock back inside Andrew’s mouth and hastens his thrusts. His moans are getting louder and deeper as he feels his massive load starting to flow into his cock. Andrew looks up into his eyes again with lust as the beast sighs dumping his thick protein into his partner’s body. “OH...FUCK BRO... I had no idea that you could take my beast so easily.” Andrew gags a few times as a little bit of his partners cum drips off his chin and onto his polo. He stops sucking to let it continue to fill him. He is now closing his eyes and moaning softly. Terrence is wondering what is going through his head. He opens them when his partner asks him a question. “You okay Drew?” He pulls his cock out of his partner’s mouth so he can speak. “Oh, I am fine dude. I can already feel something happening inside me. You were right when you thought that your ‘protein’ was enough to grow me. I never got the chance to eat anything in there because you ate your food so fast. I am really happy I waited feels like it is going to start at any moment.” The black hulk helps him up to his feet as he braces himself for what is about to happen. Terrence rubs his back slowly and watches as Andrew’s face begins to grow stubble. He unzips his jeans and pulls his cock through his boxers to let it hang freely. He can hear his muscles making stretching noises as he rubs his chest. “Ah I can feel the hormones pumping through my brain dude. Your cum is so powerful.” “You better believe it bro. I am anxious to see you get huge like me.” Terrence now has one of his hands on Andrew’s cock as it swells in his grip. He grunts as he sees his white friend’s lower half starting to stretch his jeans. The growing beast lets out a few manly yelps as he feels his pecs expanding under his hands. His feet have now started to rip through his Nikes as his socks tear in half. He lustfully stares into the black beast’s eyes and moans. “You are turning me into this gorgeous massive beast Terrence. I love it so much.” The black hulk is now stroking his partner’s huge 10-inch cock as it starts to leak all over his huge hand. His other hand is squeezing Andrew’s swelling right bicep as it slowly starts to rip through the sleeve. He can hear the growing beast grunt as his mammoth quads burst through his jeans and keep expanding. His traps are now tearing seams along his neckline. “FUCK YES! RRAARRHH! Oh, I want to just tear everything off, but watching myself leave my puny me behind is too exciting.” Both beasts moan loudly as they watch Andrew’s pecs start to rip out of the front of his polo. The sound of the fabric giving way sends them both over the edge as they blast cum in two different directions. Two huge heaving golden-haired mounds of power emerge ready to be admired. His thick and blocky six pack is also in full view. “AHH YEAH! What an absolute rush. I didn’t think I was going to cum like that, but the feeling of just hulking out was too much.” “Yeah bro! I was incredibly turned on myself. We crossed streams.” Andrew rips the rest of his polo shirt off to start flexing his gargantuan 21” guns and to show off his expanding back. His jeans are now falling apart as his glutes rip completely out and his belt splits in half the same way Terrence’s did. He goes ahead and destroys the rest of his pants and boxers and tosses them to the side. The two beasts embrace as they start to get more acquainted with each other’s hulking muscles. In the midst of their transformations, the two hulks had no idea that they were being watched by the others. Bryson had witnessed the entire sequence from both men and didn’t want to interrupt. He had his own cock out and was blasting cum multiple times from inside the office they were in. Other members of his crew were feeling themselves up as well. The buff Brit starts making loud grunting noises from inside the window to get their attention, which works for a few seconds. They stop focusing on each other to turn to look up. “Hello mates, I would like to congratulate you both on joining us here at the Myostatin Grill. It is obvious that the recipe is a complete success as you Deron, have become a big bloke like us, and passed your own protein on to your friend Drew. I did wonder if you were going to be a problem.” The two hulks smile as they lovingly punch each other in the chest. They both say a few words to Bryson. “We both thought you were really hot Bryson, but you were so shady. You were trying to get me out of that room so fast. If it wasn’t for Terrence, I don’t think I would still be here right now.” “Yeah bro, I care deeply about this white hulk. He has always been there for me, and I wasn’t about to leave him out of this.” “I can understand that guys. That doesn’t matter anymore, now does it? My guards are going to let you back in through a side door. We need to discuss what the next move will be for not only you two, but for whom the recipe will be offered to next.” Two huge men are now trying to get them to go through a side door, but Terrence is messing with one of them. Andrew starts laughing because he knows that he can put up a fight, if need be, as well. Bryson starts to sigh to himself. “Okay guys, I get it. You are both as big as the rest of us, but what you don’t know is we can get even bigger if it is necessary. Don’t make me tell them to take the booster.” One of the men pulls out a syringe and gets ready to plunge it into his partner before Terrence yells out that he will cooperate. “Good, just come back inside so we can discuss the future. You both will likely enjoy what I have in store for you.” Both Andrew and Terrence are led inside by the two men, who quickly close the door behind them. Bryson shakes his head and makes sure no one is around before talking to himself. “I love this job so much, but getting to this point can be so frustrating. I will have to work really hard to get that black beast away from his white knight. He is going to be a BIG problem for sure. I can sense an aggressiveness with him. They do complement each other, but I need Deron’s obvious ability to turn runts into hulks. Mm... just thinking about him filling me with his seed makes my muscles sore with pleasure. Anyway, time to work my magic.” Bryson zips his pants up and leaves the office to go find the two beasts. It is just another night at the Myostatin Grill. 16 Quote
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