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Buffet to Grow


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Hey all! This is a muscle growth about a goblin… there isn't much sex in this, but wanted to share it either way. Hope you enjoy 😊


Ethan couldn't help himself. He needed to feed himself more and more of the gourmet food before him, forcing mouthfuls after mouthfuls of the collection of meats, dairy, fish, and nuts. He needed more and more.

When Ethan's thin and flat belly couldn't cope with any more food being forced inside, it did the only thing it could do… and expanded slowly outwards; if only Ethan's body would have let it grow even more. It wanted, so badly, to fill the bony goblin with the rich juices he was enhancing his body with, but it just couldn't. Apart from Ethan wanting to throw up, a part of him that was winning wished to devour the food until the end. 

Someone placed a thick white liquid into Ethan's hands, and the goblin swung it back as if he hadn't eaten for millennia. It didn't take long for him to let out a burp and dive back into the feast before him. This belly gurgled, then settled down as he fed himself on more protein-rich foods. His short body is visually shifting and changing. 

Ethan's belly didn't quiet down and continued to dome within his shirt, but what now wasn't contained within the goblin's stomach was adding mass elsewhere on the tiny creature. Where bones once were visible began thickening with a layer of mass, notably muscle. Where he was just sap green skin and bones, filled slightly with a definition, he started looking more fit than thin.

Ethan greedily took his fill, picking up whole chickens, stripping their meat, and throwing the bones onto the floor, eager to grab the next calorie-rich food. Ethan stepped back from the table while eating his next portion of food. Servers took the opportunity to clear some empty plates and place some new ones, all food rich with nutrients to feed the goblin's growing appetite and his body. 

Noticing glasses of the white liquid from before, he jumped at the chance to drink more. 

Ethan grabbed a couple of glasses and emptied them into his maw, the liquid doing wonders instantly. His tights visually flexed and bulged out within his elephant grey joggers, making the goblin look more like an athlete now, his pecs filling his shirt nicely as his belly grumbled, demanding more from the amount of fuel the little one needed. The scientists wrote notes, even if it was only about some chaos. At least one of them would have noticed Ethan's privates had grown bigger - If ever so slightly. This was only the beginning of the transformation. 

And the beginning it indeed was. Ethan had to grab more and more food in an attempt to fill his appetite.

The goblin's arms quickly doubled, with hulking pecs to match. Ethan was starting to look like a short bodybuilder who had been at the gym for years. His joggers began straining under the stress of how much the goblin's legs were inflating, how much muscle was being packed onto his thighs. His cock and balls did not help the situation as they also bloated, churned, and demanded more protein themselves. God, they looked like tennis balls. They were thickening in front of him. 

Ethan's shirt was being heavily affected at this point. Where biceps and triceps weren't stretching it, if it was being pulled apart by a broadening back and barreling chest. He moaned while shoving more food into his gob, moving a hand down to grope his inflated balls and cock, fondling the heft.

Ethan observed the buffet before him, moving his head slightly, his long, pointed ears following suit. He must've been around 4 feet, yet he looked packed with muscle - considerably wider than the average man. His clothes strained to keep his twitching muscles at bay. 

It wasn't over.

Ethan swallowed his mouthful and dived in again. Servers changed more plates so the goblin wouldn't run out of food. More and more food was consumed so the goblin would grow bigger and thicker. A couple of seconds later, Ethan let out a soft moan as his back visually expanded, and a loud *snap* was heard as Ethan finally became wide enough to break out of his shirt, tearing the seams underneath his arms as his back exploded with juicy, sexy muscle—the straps of fabric fell beside the man. Thick pecs flopped down from the bondage, keeping them close to the goblin. 

Ethan grabbed his chest with his hand, feeling how hefty the muscle was, how unbelievably thick it had become on his frame…, and how his thick nipple had expanded, all while the body surged with the size. He carefully rubbed over the meaty muscle that defined his hairless chest. Yet Ethan wanted more, needed more!

At this point, the servers brought a cooked cow out and placed it on the table. Ethan licked his lips as he jumped at it, dragging the carcass across the table with his boulder-like shoulders, then diving his hands into the flesh and shoving it into his maw. His neck bulged as he barely swallowed in between clumps of meat.

As more and more protein went into the goblin, his whole body expanded, and his balls filled up even more space, putting more stress onto his pants and, now, underwear. It was all too clear how 'blessed' the goblin had become down there as seed continued to be churned beside his enlarged thighs. Now bulkier than any human bodybuilder has ever achieved, he had so effortlessly ripped through his joggers like paper, that Ethan hadn't even noticed what had happened, far too distracted with shovelling food into his growing body. 

Ethan's glutes hardened and expanded within his underwear, his cock, and balls so vast and low that the overstretched boxers looked more like briefs - dropping halfway down his thighs. The goblin grabbed his balls again - feeling the incredible heft in between his legs. Even a single ball wasn't able to be picked around properly. His massive cock reacted with a throb and some pre. Ethan gave a seductive moan.

Another surge of muscle packed onto the goblin, rounding Ethan’s shoulders and expanding them on both sides of his head. Even they were thicker than his original torso. Ethan wiped his mouth, squeezing his bicep as much as he could and noting how massive it was on his arm. He quickly flexed it, noting how it was now more extensive than his head. His body was so thick it would make any bodybuilder envious. He laughed slightly. All of this brawn was on a ‘puny’ goblin. A creature that should be controlled…

He didn't feel like a goblin anymore, god; he barely felt like a hobgoblin but more like a squashed-down orc. He grinned at the food and drink before him, and rubbed his brick-like abs, licking his lips. The more he ate, the thicker he grew.


He'll become a chieftain and then grow goblins in the hulking male he has become. Make the orcs work, similar to how they have forced goblins to become enslaved people under the promise of gold and sparkly trinkets. 

Ethan stepped towards the table again, his tree-like legs rubbing against each other as his bubble butt moved and swayed to keep the short guy up. He picked up a drink in one hand and a cow leg in the other, consuming more fuel.

Ethan's balls instantly thickened with more seed as they churned violently. Becoming cannonballs and finally destroying his underwear, a cock flung up and hit him in the chest, the stiff wood wanting some attention in a frenzy and spilling pre over his smooth chest. The goblin did his best to ignore it, gouging on more food, his body rewarding him with even more muscle packed onto his four-foot frame. Ethan's pecs and arms hastily thickened, now restricting a little movement, nothing his widening back helped immobilize him as it pushed his triceps away. 

Ethan adjusted his legs as they increased in thickness, pushing his gigantic balls forward and forcing the goblin to alter his stance. He would find walking with this amount of mass harder than normal. His step waddling. He noted how his muscles shifted when he lifted his leg as he stretched his thighs. 

Ethan did some stretches and tested his range of movement. The goblin had grown so thick and meaty, so sexy that he couldn't help but admire himself. Goodness, he was thicker than he was tall at this point. 

He brought his arms in front of himself and felt his pecs force themselves into his jaw. He was generally just massive—a mountain of green flesh that allowed his muscles to ripple. Ethan did a few poses, feeling his newfound strength until his stomach growled again. 

So, whatever those scientists did, whatever he had been given something, or if something was in the food to make him grow. He looked around to see a way out and noticed the mirrors along one of the walls and his appearance; there were no set doors for him to walk out of. So, how did the servers get in and out of here?

He shrugged and changed for the mirrors, letting his muscular shoulder take the brunt of the damage. As expected, they broke, letting him fall into a separate compartment. Before he could recover from what had happened, he felt a soft prick on his back and then fainted.

Ethan awoke in the dark. He had no idea where he was or what was happening. He groaned and lifted himself with incredible difficulty. Everything felt heavy and stiff. 

He thought about the dream he must have had, the bizarreness of it all. How could that have been real? He finally got himself off the floor and scrambled towards a wall, fiddling until he could find a light switch. Why did he find it so hard to move around? He was shifting with an exercise ball strapped underneath his legs.

He turned it on and yawned, stretching his arms up. 

Observing his surroundings, he was baffled about why he was in his lounge. Why was he on his floor in the lounge? Shrugging it off, he went to talk through the doorway, only to be stopped by a set of hulking shoulders. 

He looked down in alarm only to be greeted with a set of pecs. Oh? So it wasn't a dream after all. Ethan squeezed himself through a doorway and rushed to his full-length mirror (which was no way he would have been able to have fully viewed himself) to get a better look at his body with a light chuckle. 

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