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Growth Powder - Part 4


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Aaand, here's part four. Not a lot of muscle in this one, but a lot of setting up, hopefully the next part should be awesome. :P

Well, I got a strange idea for the red powder, but I'm still working on the others. Anyways, next time, the football team grows together, but strangely, Alex has badminton practice after school too. Hmmmm - whatever might happen then? >_> (Ooh, look at me, I'm being sheepish xP)

Hope you like it.


Part One:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/4927-growth-powder-part-1/

Part Two:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/4995-growth-powder-part-2/

Part Three:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/5108-growth-powder-part-3/









Alex turned around to leave, when – he hit something. Rather, he hit someone, it was a large athletic man, and for a moment Alex was afraid that Max had noticed him peering, but then he realized that this man was far smaller, and still had his t-shirt on. And, as far as he could remember, the remains of Max’s shirt still lay on the ground, torn off by his large, strong hands, off his amazing body.

“Going somewhere?”

Alex recognized the voice immediately.


Then he stepped away for a bit, looking up and realizing that it was indeed John that was there with him, Alex covered his crotch with his hands clumsily, but John just laughed.

“Well, I hope you enjoyed what you saw. Something tells me you did, quite a lot.”

“W—wh—“ Alex began, but John walked straight past him, coming to the rest of the jars, getting down on the ground and opening the fridge.

“Well, well, well. So this is how that ass grew that quickly.”

John looked at Alex, with a furrowed brow.


He beckoned him over. And Alex came over, also getting down, looking into the fridge.

“Well -  I think it’s a good idea that I take one of these. What do you think Alex?”

Alex looked up at John, a bit afraid of him. John was taller and stronger than Alex, and a bit aggressive so he wasn’t quite sure how to act around him, especially now that they were outside school. He looked away, answering.

“Oh er, I don’t know – I guess. Like, you do what you want, I guess.”

John laughed. “Really?” He took out the blue jar, looking at it, bringing it up, turning it around. “I know I want me one of these.” He grunted, then said. “And I know you do too.”

“What? Er, me? H- heh, I don’t er… I don’t want to like… no – no thanks. I’m er, I’m not that sort of guy that would, er… you know, wanna grow or—“

John cut him off, getting up. “Suit yourself. Me? I’m going to go home, and eat the shit out of this jar, you better believe it.”


“Egh…” John just looked at Alex, and turned around – walking away with that, being his farewell. Alex went home – he had to rest for badminton practice tomorrow, he looked first at himself then at the jars. He was rather scrawny, the t-shirt that he had on was very loose on him, his shorts revealed his thin legs underneath. He was weak – but, then again he was always weak.

How would people react to him getting bigger? Should he even take the jar? Sure, he really liked the idea of it, but – he wasn’t quite sure that it would work. What if he took the jar? And besides, he was the nerdy type, would it really suit him? All these questions, Alex thought of.

As he headed home.

With the red jar under his arm.




Max got home, as it got dark – parking his bike outside, he immediately went to the kitchen, taking the second jar, then he headed to his room, where he hid both of them under his bed. He even just… felt, powerful with every move he made, it was such a sudden change – so he kind of felt himself so much stronger and bigger.

He thought to call the boys from the team right there and then, to show them the jar, the powder. To let them grow like he did. But he decided against it. No – he wanted another day at school, and after that, they would meet together at the gym for some practice, there – he would share his ‘findings’ with them.

He wanted to experience that awe of the other students just a little bit more, especially now that he had grown even bigger, he thought, as he looked at himself in the mirror. Flexing his engorged muscles.

He looked at his hand, even his fingers seemed longer and thicker, more powerful, his feet too were bigger, longer – his face remained relatively the same as it had always been, but the rest of him. The rest of him changed drastically.

He stepped into the shower, and as he did he noticed just how much smaller the door was, compared to before. He was growing all over, and he was liking it. He gently ran his hands over his muscles under the shower, and even after he got out and got into bed.

He enjoyed feeling them, flexing them – playing. He enjoyed his other growths too, now that he was longer, and thicker, he enjoyed himself – the whole night, again and again.




Alex got home as well, and got up to his room. Setting aside a few books from his desk, he sat down and turned the jar – that he just brought home – around, and began reading the instructions.

He noticed that he should probably melt the powder in some water, but – strangely, the label indicated that it was ok if he ate the thing raw. He washed himself first, and then returned to the jar, a bit apprehensive about the whole thing, still.

Then, he slowly opened the lid, and took the jar with him. Coming over to the mirror in the bathroom, he took a bit of the red powder, between his fingers, and put it in his mouth. It tasted of cherry – it was quite delicious.

Then, he saw that nothing happened. For a moment, he thought that he saw something, but – not really.

Then he reasoned – Max’s hands were quite larger than his own, and he had taken a lot more of the powder, so, perhaps all he needed was – more powder?

Then, he simply took more, a handful – then, just for good measure, he took another.

He drew back his sleeve, and flexed his arm, looking at himself in the mirror. He didn’t notice it grow though – then, he felt something strange. It was as if… something… was happening to him.

He looked at himself straight in the eyes, in the mirror and saw something happen to his face. It was changing. In fact, strangely he felt something happen to his whole body – but he didn’t quite feel the same as his face.

His face’s shape, changed, slightly, it was still him, still old Alex but – different. More… handsome. A lot more handsome, in fact. He looked, quite beautiful, actually. And he felt beautiful, more… confident.

He felt himself more differently now, and he felt very… aroused. Not quite by himself, but, just… in general. He suddenly had a much stronger sex drive, and there was something else. One last thing he couldn’t put his finger on.

So – he took more of the powder, to see if he could notice what it was. Again, his face shifted – he looked stunning, radiating with some strange… handsomeness.

In fact – that was it, he felt a weird… almost glow coming out from him, something that made him seem even more beautiful, even more attractive. Something that incited lust in him, and possibly in other people.

“Oh my God…” Alex said, and then he heard his voice – it too was different, deeper, sexier, more… commanding.

Suddenly – he had a theory. And he was about to test it.

He went outside, still feeling a bit bummed that he didn’t get to grow any muscle, but he thought that – if his theory was correct, it would be worth it.

He looked around for a bit, walking around – noticing that people did indeed look at him differently. Well, they looked at him more intensely, for longer and even with a shade of… lust.

Then, he just walked up to a man – a man in his twenties, about six foot tall, large, very handsome. And he said.


The man was on his phone, the looked down a bit puzzled as to who this unfamiliar voice was coming from – and then, his eyes went wide as he saw Alex. He was… stunned, somehow. Alex was radiating this sort of warmth, he looked… well, he was very easy to look at. His eyes were piercing and there was something else… even though the man was straight his whole life, he was – very attracted to Alex suddenly.

Very attracted, so much so, that he felt something stir in his pants.

But – Alex knew about this, it wasn’t what he wanted to test.

“Can I have your… Oh… I don’t know…” He said, in his new, deep voice. “Your wallet.”

“W—What?” The man said with a crack in his voice. It seemed funny to him, but – sure, he was ready to do it.

“Give me your wallet. Just, no reason.” The man, almost instinctively handed Alex his wallet, for some reason – seduced, feeling as if he wanted to get on his good side, but… it was almost as if he were doing that just to have sex with Alex.

Though, Alex just smiled, took the wallet, and satisfied – went home. Leaving the poor man staring at him lustfully, deeply wanting him.




Max woke up the next day – feeling quite full of energy. He took his, now dirty sheets, and went to the bathroom. He took a measuring tape, realizing that he didn’t quite know how large he had gotten last time he ate the green powder.

He measured himself, how tall he was, and he was surprised that he now stood at a whopping 6’5’’! This was a large improvement, he thought, as he put the tape around his arm, and he stepped onto the scale.

“Wow – seventeen inch guns! Yeah!” He said, flexing both his arms, now looking at one, now at the other. Seeing the muscle ripple underneath his skin with power.

Then, he looked down past his large pecs that jutted out from his chest, his powerful eight-pack, and long, strong thighs filled to the brim with tough muscle – and saw the scale.

“Oh my God! I gained ten pounds!” He exclaimed, looking at the scale – which showed he weighed at about 210 pounds. “Nice.”

Though – he did feel as if he were a lot stronger today, and… much more full of energy.

As he went outside, after getting ready for school, he saw that he was up quite early. So, a strange thought came into his mind. Why not… run to school?

And so he did, he felt his new long legs carry him along the road – much faster than before. He was breathing heavily, and he was breathing fast, still kind of getting used to looking at the world from this taller perspective.

He went by things very quickly, and after a while arriving at school, drenched in sweat, and an earthy smell from the workout. He felt great, he felt his large legs pumped – as he looked down at them, they were ready to tear right out of his jeans, every muscle visible in his thighs, his calves tightly clinging to the fabric, pushing against it from inside.

Max stepped on his toes, looking at how his calves blew outward, sort of aroused by this. And then he thought – today, after school, he would get the guys together, and share with them the thing he found. He brought it with him, in his backpack. The thought of them growing bigger was strangely appealing to him, seeing their bodies blow out, elongate, become so strong and tough and thick.

As the school bus pulled up in front of school, he put on a knowing, sly smile – waiting for everyone to come out.

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Just wondering but what exactly IS a nerd? >;3 Does everyone know?

Why does Alex think like the jars won't work on him? x3 I mean: He did see that it worked on others right? So why wouldn't it? x3

Gosh I wish the red jar will make him a giant musclebeast with the cute stereotype nerdy personality. >;P lol

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Nice pace you have, I love your style.

John took more jars but we dont know what they do jet. so far the green one gives you muscles and the red one gives you a commanding aura.

It will be a nice meeting between Max and Alex. The two of them becoming alphas in their own way.

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Just wondering but what exactly IS a nerd? >;3 Does everyone know?

Why does Alex think like the jars won't work on him? x3 I mean: He did see that it worked on others right? So why wouldn't it? x3

Gosh I wish the red jar will make him a giant musclebeast with the cute stereotype nerdy personality. >;P lol


Well, I'm not saying it's impossible to make him a giant musclebeast ;)

But - I don't think he thought it wouldn't work on him, rather, that maybe others wouldn't (and also he wouldn't) react well to sudden and large changes like that. Also, what IS a nerd? No idea - but I'm just taking the, stereotypical-ish view here, I think it works. Don't know. :P



Nice pace you have, I love your style.

John took more jars but we dont know what they do jet. so far the green one gives you muscles and the red one gives you a commanding aura.

It will be a nice meeting between Max and Alex. The two of them becoming alphas in their own way.


Thank you. I'm actually still working on what the different colors do, but I hope that they would make it more varied, interesting? I don't know, if you guys have any suggestions - please say. :D

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Well, I'm not saying it's impossible to make him a giant musclebeast ;)

But - I don't think he thought it wouldn't work on him, rather, that maybe others wouldn't (and also he wouldn't) react well to sudden and large changes like that. Also, what IS a nerd? No idea - but I'm just taking the, stereotypical-ish view here, I think it works. Don't know. :P

Lol, sounds like more of an autistic person than a stereotypical nerdy person to me, tbh. (I can say that cause I got autism. xD lol) x3 lol Though would he have to change in personality? Well aside from a little more confidence of course? xP I mean: Isn't it so cute and sweet to have a muscle nerd? >;P

Also, just putting it here but: aren't we all nerdy in our own way? I mean: We're all nerdy about musclestuds and all right? >;P I mea : Even the biggest jock is a nerd, a nerd about their interests and sports etc. X3 There is no person in the world that is NOT nerdy after all. xD lol (Take that cocky jocks. >;P lol)

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Great story and looking forward to seeing where it goes, but I think if someone grows a couple inches taller and gains any muscle, their weight should go up by more than 10 pounds. Try using http://bodyvisualizer.com/male.htmlor http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/drobson207.htm or lookup stats of professional bodybuilders or wrestlers.


Yeah - so far I'm using all the numbers to kinda help better visualize growth, and for the inconsistency, I suppose I say it's all because of the strange or magical effect of the powder - which I do hate, but it's all I got for now, still I do try to represent it as best as possible. Yeah, thanks for the tip/sources, appreciated - I do try to learn, and hopefully it'll help in future stories. :)

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