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  1. “Preston? All the guys are anxious to see you bro. It is your birthday after all.” “Uh...Cam? I can’t leave the bathroom right now, you know what I told you before about my weird issue, right?” “You know that I don’t believe that you have some other guy inside you. I am not telling them that either. Just don’t be in there too long, they will get pissed off and leave.” “I can’t control what is happening to me dude. It just starts when it starts. I think maybe it is because he knows that there are other male suitors here.” The now 25-year-old beefy Texan can feel himself starting to change and is trying not to get too excited over it. “Uh...Cam...just...well try to entertain them for a bit. I... uh...mmm...oh fuck this is going to feel so good, I can tell.” “Whatever you say, bro!” Preston can hear his bones shifting and his muscles stretching and swelling as he looks on in the bathroom mirror. It has been a long time since he has let his mature, incredibly muscular half have its way with him. He knows that he needs to try and keep his voice down, but the sensations coursing through his body are going to be overwhelming. “Oh fuck...I have really missed this so much. Daddy Preston is going to be really popular tonight; I can feel it deep down inside me.” He can feel his back swelling as he gradually gets a bit taller at the same time. His boots are now straining against his expanding toes as they fight for release. He can start to feel his mind changing ever so slightly too. It makes him want it even more. “AHH, yeah fucking grow for me muscles. I am more than willing to let you out, big daddy.” He laughs slightly as he feels his arms starting to expand as his quads and calves begin to stretch his jeans as well. His ass is stretching the fabric as it squeaks loudly. He can also feel his pecs getting bigger beneath his undershirt as his leather vest starts straining against his expanding delts and traps. “MMM...rruugghh...oh...fuck...heh...I can’t be too loud...uhm...he he...but damn the pleasure really makes me want to go full Saiyan.” He can see how big the veins are getting on his biceps which are completely visible beneath the fabric, the thick cords protruding, and it is making his cock react to the sensations. He can feel it stretching down his growing right quad as his underwear rips slightly under the weight of his manhood. The contours of his pecs are also visible in the bathroom mirror as well. He is prolonging the growth as much as he can. “This time is SO MUCH better than before. Mm... heh heh...” He grunts as he feels his feet and ankles destroying his boots, the leather splitting in two as his jeans begin ripping apart at the seams as well. He knows that his voice will change at any second as a result of his transition into his bigger half. He can hear a knock on his door again. “Preston? Are you really going to be in there all night? I am having trouble keeping the guys entertained.” The growing beast laughs and moans as he hears Cam outside the door again. “Cam...I already told you...I am growing in here. HAHA! Mm... you want to come in here and see what I am talking about?” The 25-year-old outside the door notices that the tone in Preston’s voice has definitely changed and is a bit confused. “Uh...are you okay in there? I can tell there is something different about your voice. You seem incredibly happy as well.” Preston starts saying, “YEAH...YEAH...” as he feels his belt snap around his waist, and he his vest starts to split along the middle of his back as it also starts ripping through his shirt. “Get in here dude. Watch me as I... I will try to wait until you do...” “Wait until you what?” “Just get in here Cam...I think you will be glad you did.” His friend is quite surprised when he enters and sees that Preston is looking a lot bigger than he did earlier. Pieces of his boots are hugging his legs as his calves are now peering out the sides of his jeans where they have ripped open. His quads are still growing wider as the last remaining seams on his jeans give way, revealing his huge, dense, powerful wheels, which have now developed several teardrop-shaped separations in each of them. “WHOA! Uh...wow Preston. You were not lying, were you?” “Lock the door Cam. I am not ready for the reveal...mmm...just yet...RRAARR!!” The beast’s swelling pecs are now ripping his undershirt down the front as his gut completely vanishes and his expanding eight pack can now be seen. His giant biceps and triceps make quick work of his sleeves as he tenses his hands and gleefully watches in delight as his bloated forearms blast through the front sections of his shirt. Each one of them is incredibly vascular, wide, and powerful. “I am so glad that you decided to come in and watch me hulk out Cam. You are now meeting daddy Preston. He is very glad to meet you.” The huge bodybuilder is now tearing his vest and shirt off and is breathing heavily as he shows Cameron how massive he is getting, flexing his biceps and chest for him. The striations are vast in each one of his muscles and incredibly thick. His friend reaches in to start rubbing on the beast’s abdominal rack, which makes Preston sigh in pleasure. “Oh, my gawd Preston, is this really you?” “It is all me dude. Hold on while I... err...mmm...YYEESS!!” The huge bodybuilder grunts as his big cock frees itself from its confines and is now smacking Cam’s leg, who is just a foot away now. Preston tears the rest of his jeans off, as well as the remnants of his underwear, and tosses them off to the side. He has now put his hands around his friend’s waist and is hugging his ass with his fingers as he picks him up and places him on the sink in front of the mirror. “I... uhm...I don’t know what to think right now, bro.” He notices Preston’s eye color has changed from brown to green. “Oh wow, your eyes are so beautiful too.” “Hehe, yeah this happens when I change over to him. Do you like how daddy Preston looks, dude?” “Oh, of course I do. We have been friends for a really long time though. I haven’t thought about you in this way before.” “That is probably because I was overweight Cam. Mm...it feels so exhilarating to do this after holding him back for so long. He has wanted to make an appearance with someone else for as long as I have known you.” Cameron’s hands are now traveling all over his buddy’s chest as Preston grips his hands on the sides of the sink trying not to put too much pressure on it. He is flexing his arms, making them bulge, veins thick and corded. He continues to stare into his friend’s eyes with a sense of longing. “You know I want you badly dude. I am holding back so much right now because I really like you. My balls are so full that they are stretching my sack.” Cameron can see that he is right as the big beast moans feeling them grow beneath his huge, sheathed power tool. Preston grabs one of his friend’s hands and places it over top of it and has him start stroking. He moans deeply as he starts to precum all over his buddy’s hand. “Oh fuck, it is really huge and veiny Preston.” “Just keep stroking me Cam and make me cum for you.” Cameron continues to rub Preston’s huge chest and abs while stroking him. The huge beast pants for the next 30 seconds before he starts grunting in pleasure. “Here it comes dude. I am not sorry for what I am about to do to you, HAHA! YEAH DUDE...YEAH pump that out of me...” The unsuspecting stroker starts to get bombarded by several ropes of thick goo as it lands all over Cameron’s clothing. Some of it ends up on the walls and eventually onto his face. Preston laughs as he sees this occurring and tries to wipe some of it off his buddy’s eyes. “Ahh...I didn’t mean to get it in your eyes like that.” “Oh fuck bro... you were not kidding when you said you were full of your man seed.” Cameron thinks he even got some of it in his mouth. “Uh...I think I may have swallowed some of your boys. Weirdly, it doesn’t taste too terrible.” “Heh, that is great to hear. Cam...I have to ask you. Do you want to look like me?” His friend seems confused, but also intrigued. “Umm...I don’t know Preston.” “Well...I want to grow you buddy. All you have to do is swallow more of my spunk.” The beast starts scooping up off Cam’s clothing and face and shows it to him. “Open up dude and let me help you become a pro bodybuilder in just minutes.” Cameron reluctantly does so as he licks Preston’s big fingers. The huge muscle monster moans as he leans in to talk to him with a smile on his face. “I know you are probably thinking that this is just a dream, but it isn’t. Join me buddy. I would love to see you become daddy Cameron. Big and furry too...YEAH! Make this happen dude. I will conjure him out of you. You can’t turn back now because I have placed the seeds inside you. I was respectful about it too. MMM...you know I want this to happen.” Cameron looks at him bewildered. He can feel his insides reacting to Preston’s cum. “OH GAWD! You are not joking. You are kind of evil bro. I don’t know what to think right now.” “HAHA! I know you mean that in a slightly playful way. I can sense it. You want this. I know you do because of the way you are looking at me right now. You are attracted to me and what I have become.” Preston finally kisses his friend on the lips, and they embrace. The beast is now holding him against him, feeling his body shaking as it tries to cope with what is about to transpire. The huge sweaty hulk is quite enamored with his close friend and can’t wait to see him experience what he has for the first time. They both stop kissing after a few seconds. “He wants to come out so badly Cam. I can feel him raging from inside you.” “Uh...but I didn’t want this, Preston. You tricked me into lusting after your muscles. That wasn’t fair, you know?” “HAHA! You are lying to yourself right now. If you didn’t want any part of this, you could have turned around and left, but you didn’t. You came in here because you could hear me enjoying it and was curious. Now, you can do the same. I have only shared this gift with one other man, and I can’t tell you who is right now because he is someone you might know.” Cameron is now quite anguished and can’t seem to focus on anything else anymore except for what is transpiring from within his body. “Oh fuck...I can...I can feel something happening now...” Preston grunts as he hears Cameron’s bones cracking and his muscles squealing beneath his clothing. The other 25-year-old can feel his feet starting to stretch his sneakers as his legs begin to grow as well. The huge beast that is with him is now slowly massaging his friend's lower half, feeling him expanding against his fingers. “MMM dude...you are going to make me cum again watching you grow into a muscle beast. Now get fucking MASSIVE for me you puny man.” He can feel himself getting taller now as his shirt untucks itself from his jeans. Preston can see his friend’s abs starting to expand across his torso as he begins to feel his arms inflate as his chest and back start to stretch his shirt. He is now moaning in pleasure as his beastly friend says, “OH YEAH...GROW!” a few times. “AH BRO! I... uh...I am fucking LOVING IT! My mind has stopped resisting it and... I... I just want to keep GROWING!” “It is an unreal feeling isn’t it, Cam? Try to stay in control of it though, I want you and I to savor this together so I can cream all over your beautiful muscles.” Cameron grunts as his feet finally tear through his sneakers, making Preston say, “YEAH DADDY! I want you so MUCH!”. The beast stares greedily at his friend’s expanding chest, reaching in to feel each inflating mound of hard, thick, dense, powerful pectoral as they push his top out and further away from his body. He can hear his growing buddy growling as his arms, now wrapped around Preston’s waist, start to slowly rip his shirt sleeves, revealing his big meaty horseshoe-sized triceps, which have a nice covering of reddish-brown fur all over them. He squeezes his engorged biceps against his hulkish friend’s obliques and giggles as they both notice his newly developing deeper voice. “I have to be bigger and stronger than you, bro. That is all I am thinking about right now. I won’t settle for anything less than that.” “OH HEH! Well, I won’t object to that Cam. I am going to shoot if you...” Cameron grins as he starts to lift Preston off the ground. His immense back immediately tears through his shirt as his enormous quads do the same with his jeans. He realizes that he is getting incredibly strong as he holds the 285-pound beast in the air for several seconds before placing him back down on the floor. Preston is now starting to squirt cum all over him again. “OH YEAH DUDE! You are so fucking amazing...AHH...mmm...you are getting so handsome too. The hair on your head is thicker.” “Ah...let me run my hands on my face then. Do I have a beard now?” “Yeah, you have a nice one Cam. Your Spanish and Irish genes are coming out. I knew that you would get nice and furry for me too.” “That isn’t the only part of me that is getting big and furry, Preston.” Cameron’s jeans are practically in tatters as his bloated cock tears through the side of them and swells even bigger. His massive pecs easily shred his shirt all the way down as he reaches in to tear the rest of it open. He can’t help but run his hands all over both of his furry mounds and feels how big his nipples are as well, as they turn downwards towards his huge rack of ten meaty slabs. “Heh, you evil genius. I love that you are creaming all over me. It is my turn to release my thick river and I want that huge ass of yours to do it in.” “OH, FUCK CAM! I have never bottomed before. You might tear me up if you...” Cameron picks him up again and wraps his friend’s huge quads around his powerful waist. He then finds Preston’s wet hole and slowly starts to wedge his big shaft inside. The beast groans as he slowly starts to work it in. “You had no idea that you chose a power top, did ya bro? I am so anxious to plow you and I wonder if the cycle will continue if I cum inside you.” “I don’t know dude. I would love to know myself. MMM...fuck me good daddy and we can find out.” Cameron, who has grown to over 300 pounds now, has managed to push most of his cock inside his buddy after a few minutes. He grunts loudly as Preston says, “YEAH...YEAH...I want it so much daddy Cameron. Feed my body.” “Uh...Uh...I am just about there you hunky...mother fing...AHH...YYEESS!!” The big beast laughs as he covers Preston’s mouth because his partner is starting to yell in pleasure as he is being filled with Cameron’s massive load. The furry beast’s cock and balls contract as they pump round after round of thick jizz inside the eager bottom. After a couple more minutes, he pulls out of his partner’s hole and puts him back down on the floor. He smiles as he sees some of his cum rolling down Preston’s huge and veiny right hamstring and calf. “WHEW! That was really fun Preston. I will have to regroup after that one I think.” “I wonder if it will take very long to take effect. I have never gone this far with this before. I... OHH...UH...HAHA...it really does work...I can feel it starting again.” The beast moves back a little bit to allow himself to have more space. He moans as his legs and arms begin growing once again. Preston can also feel himself getting even taller as his cock starts to leak profusely as well. He quickly places Cameron’s hands on his swelling shaft. “STROKE ME DUDE! Join me on this incredible journey into godhood and we can outgrow this tiny bathroom.” After working him over for just a few seconds, Preston starts showering Cameron in his seed. The hairy beast guzzles his friend’s load from his now 15-inch dong and can feel things starting up again in his body. “OH, FUCKING YES! GROW...GGRROOWW...” Cameron can feel himself expanding rapidly as the two hulks feel themselves pressing up against each other as they get closer to the ceiling inside the bathroom. The sink breaks under the weight of the hairy hulk as the mirror tumbles to the ground. They both start pushing on the walls in the room and laugh as they see cracks forming. There are voices coming from outside the bathroom. “Heh, I think maybe we might have to expand our little group here Cam, don’t you think?” “OH, you better believe it dude. I feel like a god now and need a bunch of slaves to pleasure me. Of course, you will always be my number one.” “HAHA, that is great to hear, dude!” They both knock down the bathroom wall that was separating them from the rest of the house. The other men that were there for Preston’s birthday are in total disbelief as they stare in awe at the two muscle monsters in front of them. Cameron pulls off the rest of the clothing that was stuck to him and drops it on top of a couple of the men. He turns and smiles at his humongous buddy. “I think we can do this in no time bro. I can’t imagine that Teddy and Pablo could resist at least getting a few licks of the seed on that fabric.” “Heh, you are probably right Cam. The smell alone has to be driving them wild.” The story ends here...or does it?
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