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daddy muscle Ollie’s New Daddy Muscle God - Ch 66 | SS 2 EP24
TubokuZumuru posted a topic in Stories
Season 1 Chapter 1 The night sky erupted in a blinding flash, followed by an earth-shattering boom. Ollie's world spun violently as the car careened off the road, metal screeching against asphalt. "Mom! Dad!" Ollie cried out, his voice hoarse with panic. The acrid smell of smoke filled his nostrils as he struggled to move. "I can't... I can't feel my legs!" Suddenly, a deep voice cut through the chaos. "Hey! Can you hear me? I'm coming to get you out!" Brock's muscular form appeared at the shattered window, his open flannel shirt revealing a glimpse of his impressive chest beneath a tight tank top. With a grunt, he wrenched the door open. "Easy now, kid. I've got you," Brock said, his strong arms wrapping around Ollie's slender frame. "What's your name?" "O-Ollie," he stammered, wincing as Brock pulled him free. "My parents... they're still inside!" Brock's eyes darted to the front of the car, assessing the situation. "I'll get them. Just stay put, alright?" As Brock turned back toward the wreckage, a deafening explosion rocked the night. Flames engulfed the vehicle, the heat searing against their skin. "No!" Ollie screamed, trying to lunge forward despite his immobile legs. Brock caught him, holding him back. "I'm sorry, kid. I'm so sorry," Brock's voice cracked with genuine anguish. He fumbled for his phone, dialing quickly. "This is Dr. Brock Steele. I need emergency services on Route 7, about 10 miles outside of Millbrook. Car explosion, two fatalities, one injured teenager." Ollie sobbed against Brock's chest, leaving streaks of blood on the white tank top. Brock's arm tightened around him protectively. "Listen, Ollie," Brock said, his tone urgent but gentle. "The ambulance might take a while to get here. I'm going to drive you to the hospital myself, okay? We need to get you checked out." "But my parents..." Ollie choked out. Brock's face was a mask of sympathy and determination. "There's nothing we can do for them now. We need to focus on you. Can you trust me?" Ollie looked up, meeting Brock's intense gaze. Despite the horror of the situation, he felt an inexplicable sense of safety in this stranger's arms. He nodded weakly. "That's good, kid. You're being real brave," Brock said, scooping Ollie up as if he weighed nothing. "My car's just up the road. We'll get you help, I promise." As Brock carried him away from the burning wreckage, Ollie caught another glimpse of the man's muscular chest, peeking out from his partially unbuttoned shirt. Even in his grief-stricken state, Ollie couldn't help but notice the strength and warmth radiating from Brock's body. "Stay with me, Ollie," Brock's deep voice rumbled. "Keep talking. Tell me about yourself." As they made their way to Brock's car, Ollie's world narrowed to the sound of that voice and the feeling of those strong arms around him, a lifeline in the midst of unimaginable tragedy. Ollie's voice trembled as he spoke, his words punctuated by quiet sobs. "I... I just graduated high school. Was supposed to start college in the fall." Brock carefully maneuvered Ollie into the passenger seat of his car, his strong hands gentle as he buckled the seatbelt around the injured teen. "That's great, Ollie. What were you planning to study?" "Medicine," Ollie replied, his voice distant. "My dad... he was a doctor too. Always wanted me to follow in his footsteps." Brock's heart clenched at the pain in Ollie's voice. He reached over, giving the young man's shoulder a comforting squeeze. "I'm sure he was very proud of you." As Brock sped towards the hospital, Ollie stared blankly out the window, tears streaming down his face. "I can't believe they're gone. What am I supposed to do now?" "One step at a time, kid," Brock said softly. "Right now, we focus on getting you better. The rest... we'll figure it out." They pulled up to the ER entrance, Brock jumping out and rushing to Ollie's side. He scooped the teen into his arms once more, carrying him through the automatic doors. "I need help here!" Brock called out, his voice commanding attention. Nurses and doctors swarmed around them, peppering Brock with questions. "Car accident. Possible spinal injury, multiple lacerations and contusions. Parents DOA at the scene," Brock rattled off, his tone professional despite the urgency. Ollie found himself being transferred to a gurney, the bright lights of the ER ceiling flashing above him. He reached out, his hand grasping for Brock. "Don't leave me," he pleaded, his voice small and frightened. Brock caught Ollie's hand, giving it a firm squeeze. "I'm not going anywhere, Ollie. I'll be right here." As the medical team wheeled Ollie away, Brock's reassuring presence never wavered. Even as doctors and nurses worked to assess his injuries, Ollie's eyes remained locked on Brock, clinging to the strength and comfort the man provided. Hours later, Ollie lay in a hospital bed, his body bandaged and his heart heavy with grief. Brock sat beside him, still wearing his blood-stained tank top, his flannel shirt discarded somewhere along the way. "Why did you stay?" Ollie asked, his voice hoarse from crying. Brock leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "Because you needed someone. And because... I know what it's like to lose everything in a single moment." Ollie's eyes widened, a flicker of understanding passing between them. In that instant, he felt a connection to Brock that went beyond mere gratitude. "Thank you," Ollie whispered, fresh tears spilling down his cheeks. "For saving me. For being here." Brock reached out, gently brushing a tear from Ollie's face. "You're not alone, Ollie. I promise you that." As Ollie lay in the hospital bed, his eyes drifted to Brock, taking in the man's appearance. Despite the blood stains on his white tank top, Brock's muscular physique was impossible to ignore. The fabric stretched taut across his broad chest, hinting at the powerful pectorals beneath. His shoulders and arms were equally impressive, the muscles flexing with each small movement. Even in his grief-stricken state, Ollie couldn't help but notice Brock's rugged handsomeness. The man's chiseled jawline, strong features, and kind eyes created a striking combination. However, given the tragedy that had just unfolded, Ollie felt no stirrings of arousal, only a deep appreciation for Brock's presence and support. Brock's appearance exudes raw masculinity and mature allure. His face is chiseled and handsome, with strong, defined features that hint at his 42 years. Dark, expressive eyebrows frame intense eyes that seem to hold depths of experience. His jawline is sharp and masculine, covered in a light dusting of stubble that accentuates his rugged appeal. Fine lines around his eyes and mouth add character, speaking to a life lived fully. His hair is short and neatly styled, dark and thick, cut close on the sides with a bit more length on top. It's the kind of no-nonsense cut that requires minimal maintenance but always looks put-together. Brock's body is a testament to his dedication as both a scientist and personal trainer. His frame is large and imposing, with broad shoulders tapering down to a solid core. His chest is expansive and well-developed, straining against the fabric of his shirts. His arms are thick and powerful, veins visible beneath the skin, speaking to both strength and vascularity. How I imagine what Brock would look like at this point of story, but less muscular, no abs, less body hair Model reference A knock at the door drew their attention as a nurse and doctor entered the room. "Hello, Ollie," the doctor said gently, glancing at his chart. "I'm Dr. Patel, and this is Nurse Johnson. We're here to check on your injuries and get you started on treatment." Ollie nodded weakly, wincing as the nurse began to carefully remove the temporary bandages applied in the ER. Dr. Patel examined each wound, her skilled hands probing gently for signs of deeper damage. "The lacerations are fairly superficial," she noted, "but we'll need to clean and stitch a few of the deeper ones. Any pain or discomfort, Ollie?" "My legs," Ollie said, his voice strained. "I still can't feel them properly." Dr. Patel's expression turned serious. "We'll need to run some tests to assess the extent of the spinal injury. An MRI and CT scan will give us a better idea of what we're dealing with." As the doctor continued her examination, Nurse Johnson began cleaning and dressing Ollie's wounds. Brock watched, his brow furrowed with concern. "Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked, his deep voice filled with genuine care. Nurse Johnson glanced up, offering Brock a small smile. "Just being here is helping, sir. Support from loved ones is crucial in the healing process." Brock nodded, his eyes meeting Ollie's. In that moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them - Brock would be the support Ollie needed, even if they had only just met. Dr. Patel finished her assessment, making notes on Ollie's chart. "We'll get you scheduled for those scans as soon as possible. In the meantime, try to rest. Your body has been through a lot." As the medical team left the room, Brock moved closer to Ollie's bedside. "You heard the doc, kid. Rest up. I'll be right here if you need anything." Ollie managed a small nod, his eyelids growing heavy. The emotional and physical exhaustion of the night's events finally caught up with him, pulling him into a deep, dreamless sleep. Brock settled into the chair beside Ollie's bed, his muscular form seeming to dwarf the small hospital furniture. He watched over the young man, a silent guardian ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. In that quiet moment, a bond began to form between them, a connection forged in the crucible of shared tragedy and unexpected compassion. As the day progressed, Ollie found himself being wheeled through the hospital corridors, the sterile walls and fluorescent lights blurring together. Brock walked alongside the gurney, his presence a constant comfort in the unfamiliar surroundings. "We're taking you for the CT scan now, Ollie," Nurse Johnson explained gently. "It's a painless procedure, but it's important for us to get a clear picture of your spinal injury." Ollie nodded, his hands gripping the sides of the gurney. The fear of the unknown weighed heavily on his mind, compounded by the grief that still consumed him. Brock seemed to sense Ollie's anxiety. He placed a large, comforting hand on the young man's shoulder. "You've got this, kid. I'll be waiting for you when you're done." Ollie managed a weak smile, drawing strength from Brock's unwavering support. As he was positioned on the CT scanner, he closed his eyes, trying to focus on the warmth of Brock's hand rather than the cold, clinical atmosphere. The scan seemed to take an eternity, the whirring and clicking of the machine filling Ollie's ears. When it was finally over, he was returned to his room, exhausted and emotionally drained. Brock was there, just as he had promised. He helped the nurses settle Ollie back into bed, his strong arms gentle and reassuring. Dr. Patel arrived shortly after, her expression serious as she reviewed the scan results. "Ollie, the CT scan shows significant swelling around your spinal cord. While there's no evidence of a complete spinal cord injury, the swelling is putting pressure on the nerves, which is likely causing the numbness and weakness in your legs." Ollie felt a wave of fear wash over him. "Will I... will I be able to walk again?" Dr. Patel met his gaze, her eyes filled with compassion. "It's too early to say for certain. Spinal injuries can be unpredictable. But we'll be starting you on high-dose corticosteroids to reduce the swelling, and we'll be monitoring your condition closely." Brock stepped forward, his brow furrowed with concern. "What's the next step, doc?" "We'll be admitting Ollie to the hospital for further treatment and observation," Dr. Patel explained. "He'll need intensive physical therapy and rehabilitation to give him the best chance at recovery." Ollie felt tears prickling at the corners of his eyes, the weight of his situation crashing down on him. Not only had he lost his parents, but now he faced the possibility of never walking again. Brock seemed to sense Ollie's distress. He sat on the edge of the bed, his muscular frame dipping the mattress as he took Ollie's hand in his own. "Hey, look at me, Ollie. You're not facing this alone. I'll be with you every step of the way." Ollie met Brock's gaze, finding strength and comfort in those intense eyes. He nodded, swallowing back his tears. "Thank you, Brock. I don't... I don't know what I would do without you." Brock smiled softly, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on the back of Ollie's hand. "You don't have to worry about that, kid. I'm not going anywhere." As the hospital staff bustled around them, making preparations for Ollie's admission, the young man clung to Brock's presence like a lifeline. The road ahead was uncertain and filled with challenges, but with Brock by his side, Ollie felt a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. Ollie lay in his hospital bed, his mind began to wander. The trauma of the day mixed with the strong painkillers, creating a hazy state where reality blurred with fantasy. He found himself imagining Brock as the muscular daddy figure he'd always secretly dreamed about. In his mind's eye, Ollie saw Brock's powerful arms wrapping around him protectively, those broad pecs pressed against his back. He imagined Brock's deep voice whispering words of comfort and love, calling him "son" in a way that sent shivers down his spine. Ollie's cheeks flushed with a mix of shame and desire. Here he was, in the midst of tragedy, entertaining these forbidden thoughts about the man who had saved his life. He tried to push the images away, but they clung to the edges of his consciousness, a tempting escape from the harsh reality of his situation.- 191 replies
- 23
- muscle worship
- daddy
- (and 13 more)
Hey All, here's a new one. I think I know where this one goes, in terms of future chapters. I'm trying to write more until Spring, so if you like it, let me know and I'll keep going. Feel free to AI-art reply Thanks. ___ “Come on, Jack. I know there’s space in your comic.” It was Asim, Jack’s boss, and head of dispatch and scheduling for the trucking company. “I don’t know, man. I’m exhausted. That’s three straight runs west. Just gimme twenty-four hours to rest.” Asim leaned into the taller man standing in the team locker room. “I know you’re close to paying off that engine. Soon you can make your own schedule. I’ll give you the overtime. Just don’t tell the others.” “Dammit, Asim! Fine! I’ll be back in a few hours.” In truth, both men knew Jack was always going to take the extra work, as soon as overtime was available, that is. The portly bossman strutted away as if winning a great argument, Jack merely relieved to be outside the man’s general vicinity. Everyone knew after lunch that man smelled of coffee and curry. It wasn’t a pleasant combination this late in the evening. Jack locked up his keys and started his one-hour drive home. Pulling into his craftsman cul-de-sac, he couldn’t help but swear under his breath. His son’s queer friend was parked in his spot. Too tired to make a federal case out of it, Jack parked three blocks away in the vacant church parking lot and walked back to the house. There was a light on upstairs, and Jack took the side door, turning sharply into the basement, his man cave. Upstairs, Kris and Chris were stacking all the equipment to head to the attic. One of the attic windows let out onto a landing under the roofline. It was enough for two chairs, a chance to enjoy the view over the Rockies. “You have to admit it’s a bit ridiculous.” Kris was positioning the cauldron while Chris drew the casting circle. “Kris, we’ve been over this, and what does it even matter now, anyways? The moon is perfect. We have everything. The timing is perfect.” Chris would be described by anyone as handsome, 5’11” with brown hair, the spitting image of his father, in his youth, with broad shoulders, a muscular build, and chiseled jaw under piercing green eyes. “Yeah, but you don’t know what I had to promise that perv at the aquarium to get this stuff.” Kris pulled a Gatorade bottle out of the cooler Chris passed through the window. Kris had very feminine features, a light frame, only 5’4”, with womanish angles, though dressed in loose denim pants and an oversized hoodie. “’Go big or go home!’, right? Besides, if this actually works, imagine what we could do?” “I just don’t see the point in making you more of what you are,” Kris whined. “Me? This was your idea. ‘Enhancing what is already present.’ I remember when you said it, that this would be easier than major changes. If this works, we can force massive changes, including your dream. Besides, I’m the guinea pig here!” “I’m sorry. I know. You’re right. It’s just that now that it’s here, I’m nervous.” Chris put the last touches on the elaborate circle over fresh roofing paper covering the landing and approached his partner. “Look, there’s no pressure here. If it works, great. If not, we spent money. There are other ways to get you what you want.” “No, you’re right. Let’s do it. I’m just tweaking.” Chris leaned in for an escalating peck on the lips. “Well, you know what helps you relax,” Chris’s kiss was loving while wrapping his adolescent arm around Kris and pressing his body into theirs. “Hold on, tiger. Save it for after the spell is cast,” Kris rebuked, playfully pushing Chris away, but lingering on his firm pecs, knowing that would have the opposite effect. Chris checked his watch. “Okay, let’s start!” “Hold on,” Kris paused while reviewing the ancient language on the burn scroll. “What’s this? Did you add an exemption?” “Oh, you saw that, eh? Yeah, I just kept thinking about it, and if I’m enhanced, I don’t think I want to know. I don’t want it ‘staying’ with me, know what I mean? You’ll be the only one to remember what we did.” “If I’m honest, I don’t get it, but we don’t have time to rewrite this. I’ll yell at you later.” With furrowed brow, Kris began the incantations. The two were the perfect little coven, Chris a savant with spell-writing, translations, and symbol work, and Kris able to convert ancient ingredients to modern groceries, and their ability to find all the ingredients. Together, they’d managed smaller spells with great success and had started writing their own. The casting took over an hour, and both were sweating, despite the cool mid-west evening. “Okay, almost midnight. What’s next?” “Now the fun part, Chris. The genius of the spell is that it’s fueled by the collective energies of sex. You need to cum.” “However will we accomplish that,” Chris asked playfully. Shall we adjourn indoors? The neighbors might hear us?” Moonlight shone into the attic, where sleeping bags and a candle were already set up. Removing soaked sweats, Chris took in all of Kris’s form. He would miss their breasts and their face pressed into his pits, but he knew he would love them even more in a body they wanted. Kris dreamed of being a man, in every way, and this was the best way to achieve it. Chris was eager to be the test subject, slipping his hard five-incher into Kris’s wet betrayal of womanhood, dreaming of the effects of some of the more potent additions to their cauldron, especially the walrus semen. Jack stepped out of his small quarter shower in the basement, surprised by the intensity of the blue-silver sliver of moonlight shining through the small 12” x 12” window. Dressed in an old t-shirt and sweatpants, he collapsed in his worn, brown recliner. He took up the remote for his 36.0” tube television and the remaining half of his gas station burrito from the tray table. It was cold, but it was food. He couldn’t hear the kids upstairs, but it was almost midnight. He assumed they were asleep. There was nothing on cable, and Jack looked down at the VCR indicator, showing a cassette in the machine. He hit play. The VCR whirred to life, as Jack’s favorite video, My Party Doll, played from the last time viewed. This wasn’t his favorite scene, but he let it play while he finished his late dinner. With no constrictions in his sweatpants, his dick chubbed up, demanding attention. Despite his fatigue, Jack took the prompting, crumbling the empty burrito wrapper, while pumping a dollop of lotion from the bottle on the same crowded tray table. It didn’t take too long before the 47-year-old was grunting and pumping into the dirty socks from his last shift, relieved and surprised by how much he needed that release. Two Kleenexes later, with his recliner in second position and the television showing an infomercial on knives that could cut a penny, Jack drifted off to sleep. His son came six minutes later upstairs. At 04:00 AM, Jack’s Casio wristwatch trilled an alarm, taking him out of a solid sleep. Splashing some water on his face with some fresh deodorant and clean teeth, he was out the door in less than fifteen minutes. This time of day, he could get to the highway and to work in an hour. The on-duty dispatch was surprised to see Jack, but stamped his comic book without comment. Now in well-worn calf-high boots, loose denim pants, the same t-shirt he slept in with a suspicious stain on the bottom right edge, and a flannel overcoat, Jack grabbed his overnight bag, a thermos full of bad coffee, and his favorite baseball cap from his locker and climbed in the cabin of his semi. It was another two hours to the trailer pickup, with a delivery due by 04:00 PM the next day. Twenty-seven miles on the interstate, Jack pulled into a truck rest. He had a long drive ahead of him. From his kit, he pulled an acrylic tube connected to a brass hand pump. Using a small jar of petroleum jelly, Jack lubed his shaft and stroked himself to full erect, well, as erect as he was able to get these days. He slid all seven inches into the tube, pressing it against his fat pad. Despite his efforts, his division II wrestler college build was well behind him. At 5’10”, he’d somehow managed to balloon to over 260lb. Jack hated his gut, but being on the road led to eating at gas stations and diners, not a lot of salads. His hours also gave little opportunity to hit the gym. If he could just pay off the truck, he could schedule his own runs, take the jobs he wanted to take, maybe go fishing with his son this summer before he goes back to college for his senior year. Just a few more months, a little more overtime he told himself. Once the vacuum caught, Jack waited roughly ten minutes, adjusting the pressure based on gauge and feel, like a professional pumper. Once sure he had the right balance, Jack pulled a small box from his bag with a plug dangling from it. The plug was attached to a converter for the cigarette lighter port. The other end of the digital box had a tube that connected to the other end of the vacuum tube. Jack made the switch, moaning in pleasure after switching the yellow-lit button on the box. After repositioning his thermos, Jack pulled his purple engine out of the rest area and began his trek southwest. Chris awoke as the sounds of a school bus in the cul-de sac rang out. He had to get to his summer job at the golf course. It was going to be a long day. He was spent. His dick was red and raw. Though he couldn’t really remember last night, he knew he must have fucked the shit out of Kris, who wasn’t even moving yet. Chris would start breakfast and then wake them, just a normal day. Three hours later, Jack set his brakes in the truck parking zone at the last rest stop before Idaho. He took his time releasing his engorged cock from the tube, setting the improved girth with a staying ring wrapped around his whole package. As an avid pumper, he was used to the sensations of power, size and confidence, but considering his activities last night Jack was surprised by just how horny he was. It took a few minutes for his full erection to subside enough to tuck back into his boxers and zip up safely before jumping down from the cabin and walking towards the diner: Molly’s. “Jimmy’s never wrong. He was out smoking, and said he saw your truck pulling in. Your usually, honey?” “Yes, ma’am. I’m starved!” Molly never missed a beat, waving a half-full carafe of coffee at Jack as the bell chimed on the doorframe as he entered. “’Starved’? Poor baby! Don’t chu worry. We’re gonna feed ya.” Molly had an accent that was half-mid-west and half-somewhere else, but Jack never asked where. Bespeckled, middle-aged, pear-shaped with hair too grey for her age, Molly’s apron was always dirty, as she wiped everything on it. She poured coffee quickly, without spilling a drop, and was never stingy with it. Four minutes later, a short stack of pancakes, two eggs, bacon and toast were dropped on the table. “Oh, sugar, you have some laundry here. Do you wannit now?” Jack was spreading syrup on his pancakes after forking a whole egg into his mouth. He took a second to make sure he didn’t spit. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll take it with me.” Jack paid the $5 for his meal, another $8 for a duffel of laundry, and tipped Molly another $4, refilling his thermos with good coffee and sugar, and loaded his cabin. He walked around the truck area, where there were some odd bushes scattered. He was about to take a piss before he saw the path leading up and left to the old station restrooms. There was a worn path leading to it, and Jack remembered there were stalls inside. Truckers used to use this for number two before Molly put her full-service diner there. Most of these were gone, as more family-friendly rest stops were being put in, ruining many of the surviving diners truckers relied on. He thought he saw fresh boot prints on the path. Jack paused, squeezing his still-thickened bulge, finally deciding to go inside. Inside was a mix of peeling paint, a leaky corner, and missing sink mirrors. Most of these places were no longer being serviced. You’d be lucky to find many that had running plumbing. There were two urinals along the far wall perpendicular to the sinks. Next to the urinals were two stalls. Cutout from the stall wall was an oversized round hole, lower than waist high with the edges surrounded by worn duct tape. There was someone at the sink, inspecting a bit of broken mirror still somehow glued to the wall. Jack walked over to the second urinal, next to the whole, and whipped out his junk. Grunting loudly, Jack pissed in the urinal until sighing. An unknown finger rimmed the hole of the stall wall, and Jack could see the edges of sneakers just below the wall’s relief. Jack turned to check on the man by the sink, who smirked knowingly at Jack, nodded and walked out. Jack shook himself clean before turning to face the hole and waited. An approving moan escaped from the other side of the wall while that same finger motioned a “come hither.” Jack undid the snap on his denim pants giving purchase to the fly of his boxers and stepped towards the hole. His erection came fast, and Jack pushed it into the hole, meeting warm lips and an eager tongue. Eighteen years of truck driving and pumping, like his mentor taught him, Jack had grown over an inch, an inch and a half out of the pump in length. But his real claim to fame was a near 8.0” girth, near 8.3” out of the pump. Finding takers was more difficult these days, but these restroom sluts took anything you gave them. Jack’s mind drifted to a blowjob scene from his favorite adult film. The taker on the other side of the wall tried several times to deepthroat him, but choked each time, Jack getting harder with each failed attempt. “Fuck, your mouth is great. Keep sucking on my head. Oh, fuck yeah. I’m gonna cum!” Jack was used to the mouth on the other side hearing his warning, and pulling back, but this mouth did the opposite, clamping down while the tongue went into overdrive. Jack grabbed the side and top of the stall and began pumping hot jizz past his cock ring and down the gullet of the grateful slut, grunting almost painfully. Even drained, the cocksucker kept sucking and swallowing until Jack ripped his cock away. His legs weakened, he complimented the wall with two flat slaps and stuffed his softening meat back in his boxers and closed his jeans. Once outside, Jack adjusted himself. That was easily the most intense blowjob he’d ever experienced. “Fuck me!” he said in the empty air outside. Back at the truck, Jack noticed the other trucker leaning against the body of another semi tractor. Their eyes met, and to Jack’s disgust the other trucker looked him up and down licking his lips. “Fuckin’ faggot,” Jack mumbled while climbing into his own cabin. He had to make up twenty minutes. For the first half hour on the road, the rumble of the engine kept his dick tingling with vibration. Hot and leaking from both his pits and his dick, Jack removed his flannel, the cabin filling with his musk. Kris sat disappointed, but still optimistic about the spell. Chris had been right, not knowing about it was easier for him, allowing him to get on with his day, and it helped to know that the spell was in effect, at least some portion of it. Chris knew nothing about the previous night this morning, but he didn’t look any different. Kris wasn’t worried though, there were still two full moon nights. Perhaps they had overestimated the energy released from sex or underestimated the mana required for the scope of the spell. Modern spell craft was tricky. Four hours later, Jack jumped down from his semi. Normally, he wouldn’t stop, but he was hungry again, for both food and something else. This area was well-known as a biker thoroughfare and had great sub shops. The 6.0’ tall trucker sat at the counter and ordered a steak sandwich. He noticed a few west coast roadies and nodded respectfully with them returning the gesture. Half-way through his second sub and fries, another wave hit him. For almost ten seconds, Jack’s entire body warmed and small changes took place. “What’s that,” Jack asked the waitress staring at him across the counter. “I say, more coffee?” “Oh, no thanks, miss. Water’s fine.” Jack was confused for a minute. His balls were so tight in his pants. He spread his legs a little wider to make space, grateful he stopped wearing underwear several years ago. The bulge was a bit unsightly in polite company, but he didn’t care. Full of shaved beef and fries, Jack paid and headed back to his truck. His groin was screaming at him, demanding release, but he needed to stay on the road. It was probably a bad idea, but he reconnected his vacuum pump, feeling especially large in his tube. Normally, he wouldn’t pump more than once a day, but he somehow knew his body could handle it. A mere hour later, and Jack felt a new sensation: the tip of his dick was tickling the top of the cylinder. For a second, Jack was shocked. He’d never managed to fill the 9.0” long tube. He was confused. What was happening? The warming sensation came again, traveling to his groin, but this time out towards the shaft. When next he looked, Jack’s nine-inch dick was comfortably pumping away inside his 12.0” x 3.25” tube. That’s right. That’s the way it’s always been. What was he thinking? “Just so I’m clear, you saying you want me to fuck you without protection, any hole I want?” “Ya know, when you put it that way-“ “No, no, sorry. I’m just surprised is all. I mean, I’m game if you are. You don’t have to tell me twice.” Chris mounted Kris, noting how tight their hole was, almost like the very first time they had anal sex. Last night, and now right after walking through the door from work, Kris was insatiable, though Chris didn’t mind, as long as his dick didn’t fall off. Sixteen minutes later, Chris was panting, post climax flat on his back. Not only had Kris given up their hole, but they’d let him cum inside, no condoms, no birth control, no nothing. Raw. After dinner, they had sex again. And again later that night in the shower. Chris slept well that night. He would have to remember to ask Kris what was up in the morning. Damn, but Jack couldn’t figure out why he was so hungry. He forced himself to keep driving until after nine that night. Just outside of Salt Lake City, there were multiple places with fine food. He parked his truck next to an inspection station, and walked the quarter-mile to Scottie’s, a classic American diner, the fat log in his pants outlined and leaking the entire way. The 6’1” man stepped inside, light denim pants painted to muscled thighs, a comically thick shaft snaking down his right leg. The t-shirt the man wore was stretched to bursting, the pecs and arms especially chiseled, both riding up to boulders in place where shoulders should be, exposing a flat stomach whenever the man took a step forward. A young man by the door nearly fell trying to get out of the behemoth’s way, both in awe and fear of the man’s presence. Jack ate ravenously, spending nearly $20 on food alone. He finished his meal of biscuits, two pastrami burgers, funeral potatoes, fries with sauce, and two bowls of cheese broccoli with two slices of berry meat pie. Outside, Jack checked his route, thinking he should rest for an hour or two before continuing. He made up a lot of time on his last shift. Finishing up an outdoor piss, Jack almost didn’t hear the truckie approach. “Hey man, you’re headed west, right?” Jack flexed his monster traps while shoving his sausage roll down his thigh, zipped up, and turned to face the query. “Look, I don’t usually take on hikers. And it’s company policy, no strangers in the cab.” The young man was quick to counter. “Well, I’m Arvin. Most people call me Vinnie. Once you tell me your name, we won’t be strangers anymore. Besides, a big guy like you, I doubt you let other people tell you what to do.” Maybe this kid was just a hiker, and not a truckie, Jack thought. Vinnie continued, “I see you’re thinking about it, and you did say you don’t ‘usually’ take hikers, meaning sometimes you do, right? Come on, man, it’s gettin’ late, and you could probably use some company.” “Where ya headed,” Jack sighed. “As far as you can take me.” “Alright Vinnie, get in.” The young man smiled wide and ran to the other side of the truck to climb inside. Jack started the engine and unapologetically stowed his pumping gear. Vinnie observed it all with a raised eyebrow but knew better than to say anything. He was probably in his mid-twenties, clean, with Mexican features and build, including an accent and on the shorter side at about 5’6”. Once well on their way, Vinnie entertained all the usual questions: “What’s a young, able-bodied young man like you . . . ,” “Won’t your family . . . ,” “Are you on the run from the law?” By all accounts, Vinnie seemed like an educated and responsible young man. He was headed back to his family after a post-college backpack around America but ran out of money. His uncle had a job waiting for him in Phoenix, but he couldn’t ask his family for support, as they had little. Six more hours, and the conversation had died out, Vinnie sleeping peacefully the last few hours. He was jarred awake when the tractor’s brakes engaged. There was a line of trucks at an interstate stop. Vinnie assumed all the drivers were asleep in the trucks. Jack exited the cabin, with the keys, and headed off into the woods, stating he’d be back in a little while. Vinnie was thankful for the break. Being in the cabin with the man was doing something to him, as if his masculinity was pressing down on him, and if he wasn’t careful, he would drown in it. The night air was cool and refreshing. Jack had shared some jerky with Vinnie, and he took a few pocketed pieces out of his jacket to eat with the water bottle from his backpack. Several hundred yards from the parking area, Jack stopped his fast-march to nowhere, and freed his monster. He couldn’t take it anymore. Once free, Jack began stroking his near 9.5” dick, with both hands encircling his beer-can girth to create one massive stroke. Continuous leaking from the tip coated his hands, providing lube. Jack stroked faster, moving his hips up and down to create a rhythm, while deep grunts escaped his lips. The clearing he was in allowed the moon to shine directly on him. With a cool night, the moon felt invigorating, almost warm like the sun on his skin. The urge to cum came quick, but Jack pulled his balls, played with his bulbous head, playing with himself in earnest, all while the moonlight continued to penetrate his form. He needed more of it, needed to breathe it in. And he continued to stroke and moan. With the moon on his neck and arms, his tee became constricting, ripping at the arms and neck. It was easier just to rip it off. The bright silver light pulsed into his body any way it could, rippling down the length of his cock, his arms, seeping into his hardened nipples. Jack widened his stance as his back grew hotter and began contracting, absorbing the light, contracting, growing, absorbing, contracting, growing, absorb, contract, grow. Absorb. Contract. Grow! Sweat poured from his body, dripping from his chin, leaking like a river from his pits, and his sac. They grew larger, their shape changing from round to almost bean shapes, and wider. Jack almost came right there, but he wasn’t done. His pecs inflated up into his shoulders, his neck thickening while his whole body widened. Pearlescent drops began oozing onto the dry leaves of the ground. Jack’s tension peaked, his entire body contracting in the moon’s embrace, his new cum factories visibly squeezing product up and out of his body. His orgasm lasted nearly a full two minutes, his animalistic combination of growling, grunting, and nonverbal utterances startling the local beasts from their own routines. Jack climbed back into his truck, thinking his size 10 boots felt tight. He was shirtless. Vinnie paused for a second, while a thought almost formed, and then quickly faded from his mind. This kind man was always shirtless while driving, and who could blame him. Those arms, that chest, the perfect amount of hair that didn’t cover, but instead accentuated each cut of his jutting abs and frame of that massive chest. It was near impossible to see all that man, with that trail of hair heading south, and miss that massive bulge in his shorts. Pants. No, shorts! Vinnie hoped his own stiffie was well-disguised with his jacket folded on his lap. The two men slept until sunrise. While Jack slept, moonlight that shone into the cabin prepared his body. There was little, if any fat remaining, so more fuel was needed. Fortunately, there was an abundance, and not just what the truck driver had been eating. Another trucker was in the woods last night, and watched a near liter of cum explode from the man, watched his shirt rip to shreds, and came in unison at the climax. That same voyeur approached the steaming puddle of baby batter, and with tongue lapped it up from the very leaves of the ground becoming a contributor. It was this trucker, who made it home before dawn and thought of nothing but that scene, wishing he’d been brave enough to beg for more, to be the man’s pet, and be allowed to lick every surface of that body. It was this trucker that couldn’t keep his hands off his own dick, coming two more times before passing out for the morning. He wasn’t alone. The favored cocksucker a state over had serviced multiple men, some for meals, some for rides, but always thinking about the thickest cock they ever sucked. In this way, the expert blowjobist contributed. But what of the owners of these serviced appendages? They too went their separate ways, some home to wives eager to greet and feed their men, many taking to bedrooms. And others drove in opposite directions, knowing the perfect spots for additional services, unable to explain why their libidos were in overdrive. Neither food, nor rest could satiate them. Only sex, and lots of it. They too contributed. And Jack’s body pulsed while he slept, fueled by many others, magic seeking balance in his body. His feet continued to grow, his limbs grew longer, his hands and calves wider, the legs becoming tree trunks while veins throughout his body grew corded and thick, multiplying and crisscrossing his body. Oversized orbs between his legs quickly refilled, and filled again, growing grotesquely larger. Meanwhile, the spell continued to work: Jacks boots thinned to almost nothing to stretch to size 15, his denim shorts only covered his glutes. The beefstick running down his shorts leg only stopped oozing when thick foreskin sprouted from a previous shaft scar and covered the head to stop it rubbing against the thinning, slightly shredded denim. Chris was still asleep, and assumed he was simply having a dream, a sensational dream, but a dream nonetheless, and so was surprised to see an amorphous mound under his sheets bobbing up and down on his morning wood. Kris gave the most eager oral, nearly cumming themselves from the excitement. Chris had gone from sleeping to being awake and excited, to moaning, to being almost too forceful with his hand on Kris’s head providing the rhythm and intensity of the morning. Perhaps Kris imagined it, but to them Chris did look bigger, maybe just. Today was the last day, their last chance to capitalize on the spell, and it was Friday, meaning Chris didn’t have to go in until later. They could fuck all morning. Jack stepped down from the semi, the cabin clearly shifting from his weight. After checking the map, he let Vinnie know they were headed out, but that the casino dock didn’t open for an hour or so, and that he knew a place for breakfast. Jack drove them to an early morning buffet. For a shirt, he pulled on his flannel vest, which left his rippling abs and protruding slabs of pec exposed. No one questioned him on the shirt policy. As long as you used the slot machine, the breakfast was $4, though the server who sat them looked concerned for the stock. Jack ate. And then Jack ate some more. And then Jack ate even more. Belgian waffles, pancakes, scrabbled eggs, two omelets, toasts, sausages, bacon, fresh fruit, boiled eggs, frittata, scones, and a bagel sandwich for the road, all washed down with juices of apple and orange and fresh coffee and cream. Vinnie was in awe, but somehow not surprised. By now, the desire to cum again was throbbing at the base of Jack’s skull. It wasn’t just horniness. He needed to fuck something, and soon. The two reloaded the cabin and drove back to the casino dock, where Jack expertly reversed the trailer via decline into a lower level. When he went to the door, there was a sign saying the receivers were at a company safety meeting and wouldn’t be back until 10:30. Slamming his door after returning behind the wheel, Vinnie could feel the heat coming from the muscled bull of a man. “Are we at the right place?” Vinnie tried for conversation. “Yeah, this is the place. They just didn’t mention a delay. It’s alright, we’re early. Just need to kill some time. We’ve got about an hour. Any chance you have some cards in that bag?” “No, sorry.” After minutes of stalled conversation, Vinnie made his move, sliding close enough to the center console to place an anxious hand on the hot thigh, accidentally waking the python at rest whose head was clearly visible out the bottom of the man’s sad excuse for a pair of shorts. Jack said nothing while Vinnie began stroking the outline of the third leg, “You’ve been so good to me, the only one to try to help me. Taking me all this way and feeding me too. The least I can do is return the favor.” But Vinnie was surprised when the man’s bear claw of a hand grabbed his and flung it back into his lap. “Look, kid, if someone says they’re going to help you, you don’t owe them nuthin’ but a thank you. You hear me? Is that how you hitchhike today? You gotta be careful out here. There are pervs and killers, and if you make like this with them, they’ll take advantage of you. You might not make it home. D’you understand?” Vinnie nodded. “The world may be transactional, but you don’t have to be, not with your dignity, you get me?” Vinnie nodded again, suddenly a schoolboy being disciplined by his Abuelito. “And that’s all I’m going to say about that!” Jack leaned back in his seat sighing heavily and closed his eys, his cockhead fully exposed from the denim and the foreskin attempting to dutifully collect pre, while leaving some to drip onto the carpeted cabin surface. The dock workers returned closer to 11:00. After an exchange of trailers and paperwork and some gawking from parts exposed, Jack was back on the road headed southeast towards Phoenix, he and Vinnie chatting about the Vegas strip like nothing happened earlier. Jack was listening but finding it more difficult to focus. Randomly, he started having full erections, leading to several stops. The third time it happened in as many hours, the thinned denim finally gave way, forcing Jack to send Vinnie into an Army/Navy supply store for some cargo pants and boots. Once dressed, Jack went in himself to buy some shirts and a pair of sweatpants. The clerk kept asking Jack about football, but Jack only played in high school, mostly wrestled thought, which seemed to disappoint the clerk. Jack was relieved when he set Vinnie at the bus stop in Phoenix. “I didn’t think you’d come all this way, even though it’s out of your way.” “Kid, as I said, the only thing you have to say is ‘Thank you.’ Now, get outta here, and start putting that education to work. You don’t want to be driving like me when you’re my age.” Jack shoved a $20 in Vinnie’s hand and stepped back into his truck. While driving away, he heard someone shouting over and over again: “Thank you!” Only a few miles down the road, Jack was hit with another erection and pulled over. With great effort, he freed the beast from its cotton prison, which he now thought was a mistake. In the pants, fluids from his constant state of arousal soaked through the fabric, down his leg, and pooled. But freed, his horse cock slapped against the wheel, stood straight between his pecs and stained his new shirt. What would it take to slake this need. For once, Jack wasn’t hungry for food. Less familiar with this area, Jack was reluctant to leave his truck, but the urgency below his waist was his primary concern. There wasn’t a lot of traffic, and the road curved, allowing even a man of Jack’s size to be obscured by the trailer. He took a chance, and in the shadow of trailer allowed all his manhood to be revealed. The scene was absurd, even on Jack’s 6’4” frame. Bobbing in front was a cock easily 12” long, but that wasn’t the surprise. Like some torture pegging toy, the girth of the appendage was obscene, thicker than Jack’s forearm and thicker still at the base where multiple ligaments could be seen, clearly needed to manage the monstrosity. Jack took it in both hands, as if a common practice for him, slapping it against his muscle pecs, and inhaling the musked sweat accompanying its every moment in air. The pent-up trucker let the sensations take him, adding slow strokes to the session. As he stroked more of the engorged baseball head crawled forward from its thick skin sheath, extending past the original estimate, all the while veins bulging and thickening, the shaft firmer with each stroke. Jack was lost in ecstasy and ready to give his body and life to the mounting pleasure, his nipples almost an inch thick through his stretched shirt, and his body waiting patiently for this release as permission to grow bigger still. “Well, what do we have here? Son, don’t you know – Holy fuck! What is that!?” Jack hadn’t heard the officer park his cruiser or approach, and so was legitimately surprised when he turned to face the voice behind him. “Sir! Officer, look I can explain. You see, umm . . . mmm . . . fuck. Sorry, this feels so good. You understand, right?” Jack hadn’t bothered to stop stroking, not that he could. Turning so abruptly had forced a ribbon of pre to splatter the officer’s boot. The fleshly globes producing it had also sloshed in the moment sending pure bliss up Jack’s spine. “Look, I don’t know what, fer sure, but I say you better put that away,” said the cruising officer, though his eyes were fixed to taking in every detail of the scene in front of him. Several times his hand moved towards his pistol but stopped either finding no reason for it or not wanting to interrupt the proceedings. Jack didn’t stop. In fact, he began using his hips to thrust up and into the hole created by joining his two hands in a circle, constantly lubricated by dripping from the widened slit. “I’m almost there, sir. I know you understand. Just a little longer.” “Now, you listen here. When an officer tells you to obey, you obey.” The officer couldn’t have been more than thirty years old and fit with oversized arms. With the authority of his experience and the badge, he stepped towards the masturbating goliath, but this was a mistake. The grapefruit-sized sacs hanging down were doing more than just preparing for an epic finale. As Jack tapped into all the sexual energies produced in the last 48 hours, the spell continually multiplied every aspect of Jack’s reproductive system, and those sacs expanded yet further. The officer stepped forward and within reach of powerful pheromones; they assaulted his body. The fact that the officer was an amateur gym rat worked against him. The sweat of twenty bodybuilders filled his nostrils and took over his brain. This smell was familiar, desirous, and combined with the pulsating sweat and musk of the perfect man in front of him, something in the officer’s brain snapped. The officer stepped forward, and matching the rhythm set by Jack lapped at the meatus of head, teasing the hole. The smaller man grabbed the upper portion of the monster cock, licking and stroking, all the while the taste stimulated, sweat from the furry chest dripped down his nose, and the oversized body’s warmth combined with the midday Phoenix sun had both men’s pits heavy and saturated. The officer teased a thumb into the exposed slit, and when he saw it well-received, pushed to the nub in earnest. Jack was close, and while no coherent words could be heard, a slow ripping noise, his loss of rhythm and increased pre all signaled the same. When Jack came, the officer wasn’t ready. The first eruptions hit him in the face, pushing him back and stumbling to the ground. Copious, thick ropes shot out. If Jack’s animalistic screams weren’t so loud, the officer would have heard those newly christened melons contracting. The first few releases were so strong, the ligaments on the side of his cock ripped, forcing the weight to sag as more cum splattered onto the officer audibly. He seemed shocked at first but quickly began trying to shove as much of the thick cream into his mouth, scrapping it off his uniform, out of his hair, and even off the cracked earth robbed of its opportunity for moisture. It was several minutes before Jack regained his composure, enough to take in the scene. What had he done? But that thought was pushed out before it could form and was replaced: Big men with big cocks need to cum when the need arises. If this officer was a big man with a big cock, he’d understand, but because he’s not he needs to get out of the way. Jack found the officer changing his uniform shirt with one from the cruiser’s trunk. “Alright, big man. I’m letting you go with a warning. But next time, I’ll book you for public indecency. You keep that Loch Ness locked up on my highway.” “Right. Yessir.” Jack took the warning slip and used it to wipe the excess jizz from his shaft, crumbled it up and threw it on the ground. The officer frowned but said nothing, watching Jack fight his anaconda back into his pants before boarding his rig to depart. Back in his cruiser, the officer looked at the warning slip copy and stroked his semi, certain he wouldn’t make it back to base before needing to relieve himself. Jack was finally hungry again and stopped on interstate 15 for food before continuing north. Thinking he should have been exhausted, but finding a second wind, Jack continued home. On the ride, Jack took out his favorite toy, inserting his 12” x 1.0” stainless steel rod down his piss-chute, completely engulfing it. Throughout the drive, he flexed his cock muscles moving the rod up and down, teasing his prostate, like he’d done for years. Energies of lust and wanting continued to find the truck driver and move to feed new parts of his body: the ligaments supporting the full weight on his shaft healed and were made stronger, the strength of his pheromones doubled, the pleasure centers of his brain expanded demanding more hormones and stamina to support the effort. Jack’s abdominal muscles grew dense, and his hips pushed out wider supporting stone glutes and quads that projected further forward. By sunset, Jack was hungry again. Chief Officer Boyd listened to the squawking of the CB radio, all the chatter about some hulk in a purple rig with Wyoming plates. He overheard chatter of a young officer arguing with Trooper Haines at the end of shift: “I don’t care what you say. My dad’s a doctor, and I asked him. There are no foot-long dicks or as ‘big as your thigh.’ Come off it!” “Whatever, man. I know what I saw.” Haines thought back to early afternoon and shuddered with longing. He’d jerked it twice before coming back to base but couldn’t get the idea of that man out of his brain. He wanted to be that man, worship that beast, learn its secrets. Blood was moving down to his groin. He needed to finish changing and head out, instead of sitting here arguing with this idiot. But this wasn’t the only report. On both the CB and Astro, there were reports: “Giant puddles of cum found at rest stops.” “Bigfoot spotted. Reports wrong. Not Bigfoot. Bigdick!” “Hulking man ate every pie in diner.” Officer Boyd was on the Utah border with curiosity seizing him. He’d stick around, just in case the rumors were true. After eating and cumming again, fatigue finally found Jack. He pulled off on a quiet back road near Ogden and climbed on top of his trailer. Jack stripped his clothes, finding the cool steel of the roof comforting on the warm night. There were few clouds, and the moon was low and bright while waning. Jack slept in it, finding peace and sleep easily. And while he slept, the moon did its work fueled by over thirty sexual aides pouring into the well of power with Jack as its only outlet. As the moon faded and sun rose, Jack jumped down from the roof. There was only one thing on the man’s mind, and it wasn’t food. For the simple comfort of shoving his walrus cock into stretched cotton sweats, Jack needed to pump his morning wood for the relief. Back on the highway, Jack turned his rig east towards Logan for the home stretch. The trailer he had could be dropped off at the depot. Half-hour into the drive, and Jack spotted it, a disused post for truckers one could only see from the main road if you knew to look for it. There were two Ford pick-ups parked outside. Jack rumbled his rig to a stop off the main highway. He was so hungry; discipline finally absent from his psyche. The 6’10” giant stepped down from his rig, no shirt, no shoes, just a sweat-stained baseball cap with a long brown ponytail sticking out and those stretched sweats keeping his leaking monster at bay. Jack stepped inside. This was probably the worst one yet, where stall walls used to stand were remnant posts and a lone toilet. Directly across the restroom was a sink, but the discoloration and staining of the bowl suggested it had long been dry. Two men in a mutual jerk session stopped as the shadow caster knelt through the creaky concrete doorway. “What the shit,” the taller of the two, thin if not scrawny, in a wife-beater undershirt, backwards baseball cap and denim pulled down to his knees spoke first. The other was immobilized. Jack nodded at the two and in his baritone voice commanded the men, “Come to me.” The shorter man, stockier with a small gut and over-tanned complexion, suggesting outdoor work found his feet and slowly stepped forward arriving with arms outstretched to sample the weight and warmth of his master’s pecs. The other was willing and followed seconds later. Jack put him to work on his knees massaging and licking the twin flesh melons dangling and dripping their own fluids, their taste meaty to the thin man. Sweats fully discarded, Jack allowed the other man free reign over his thick trunk of a cock and muscle body. As pre oozed out continuously, both newcomers fell deeper under the thrall of masculine power. It had been difficult for Kris to grow the culture of yeast using stolen sweat from three different gyms, the salt retarding blooming at first, but the efforts well concocted. The small room quickly filled with Jack’s funk and mist, inhaled by the men as they gave themselves in body and mind to the muscle god. Jack, fully aroused, allowed his balls to grow heavy and begin their overpowered expansion. He was going to take his time and enjoy this. One hour later. Officer Boyd checked the plates on the truck, pleased he finally found his new urban legend. Boyd had busted a few men at this site, trading arrests for favors and information. He approached slowly. In the doorway, the sounds of deep moaning and pleasure were obvious. It took Boyd a moment to take in the whole scene. A mammoth of a man, perhaps 7.0” tall and easily wider than most doorways or any human Boyd had ever seen had a naked man pressed against the wall, an elephant trunk extending from his waist, but Boyd had it wrong. The man against the wall was thrusting into the other man, into his slit. When it all clicked in the officer’s brain, he couldn’t help let out a, “Holy fuck!” The giant man having his dick-hole ravaged merely smiled at the new voyeur in the doorway. A slap from behind the wall of muscle surprised Boyd; he hadn’t seen the man behind him on his knees feverishly working the asshole of the same monster. The officer thought about retrieving a disposal camera from his kit, but curiosity got the better of him. As single step was all it took for scent to join sight and ripple through the officer’s body. He needed to join in. How could he service this beast? How could he be serviced by him? Officer Boyd removed his belt, shoes, tie, and holster with pistol. His entire body was warming the closer he got to his goal. Boyd removed his shirt, his undershirt, and slacks tossing them into the pile of slick, fermenting fluids on the floor. The seasoned officer had softened muscles, but obvious strength with a hairy coat about his front, and legs likely too small to support his barrel chest but not unflattering. The handlebar mustache gave Boyd a commanding look wasted while exposed in tightie-whities sporting an insignificant bulge. As Boyd approached, the thin man began to lose pace, grabbing the sides of the Herculean cock he was fucking and coming hard straight down the shaft’s hole. Jack wrapped a hand around Boyd’s neck. Instantly, the officer came in his briefs, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Just a touch by the god was enough to bring pleasure. Gripping the arm of the man, Boyd insisted on staying on his feet. He would prove his worth. The giant took a step back, creating an audible pop as the 8.0” cock in his slit dislodged, the sensation crippling the owner as he fell to the ground, his fourth orgasm in the last hour. It wasn’t enough. Jack still needed to cum, needed to fuck. He turned around to face his other toy, the same thought from earlier coming to mind: “Ass is ass.” Jack swung his cock-trunk over to the shorter man on his knees. “Give me your ass.” A second of fear flashed across the man’s face, but he turned on his knees, walking onto all fours and even pushed his ass into the air in anticipation. Jack lined up, his cock nearly as wide as the man’s ass and squinted in doubt, as he pressed his softball-sized head at the man’s hole. He fucked all the time. He never had a problem. Why hesitate? Jack’s entire body warmed as he rested the full weight of his mast in position. That’s right. His family had that anomaly, that weird gland at the base of his perineum. Jack focused on that gland now, a cooling release working its way down the long runway of his shaft. The milky fluid flowed thick and Jack massaged it onto his bottom’s ass, coated his glutes and worked it back and forth against the whole. The stocky farmer yelped, feeling the fluid first cool and grow warm over his lower half, soaking into muscle and tissue. As the potion mixed with the sweat and fumes already present, the man could no longer control his ass muscles, opening and closing and producing additional fluids. Jack nodded in approval, pushing forward while holding his sturdy cock sleeve in place. At contact, the farmer’s hole opened to suck in the first six inches of oversized thickness. Jack fed more in stopping at about ten inches when meeting resistance, and started pulling back to slide back in. Officer Boyd watched it all in disbelief, not understand where that monster cock was disappearing, or how the man pressed against the floor wasn’t split in half. More than anything, Boyd wanted a chance to try it. He settled for the scrawny fellow with the big dick who was quietly rousing himself. Boyd maneuvered between the man’s legs on the floor to begin slobbering on his soft shaft. The man in the backwards cap didn’t resist, and there was life yet in his dick as he hardened from the officer’s attentions. It didn’t hurt scrawny Joe that when he looked past the unknown man sucking him off, he could clearly see the muscle giant fucking his jerk-off buddy, Miguel. Boyd could taste something special on and inside this man’s dick, and he worked his tongue in and out of the man’s slit digging for his prize of more meaty delights. When there was none left, the officer satisfied himself with repeat attempts to deepthroat the otherwise sizeable shaft. “Oh, fuck yeah. You’re really good at that. Most people can’t take it all down. Keep suckin’ just like that.” Not that Boyd needed any encouragement; he knew how to suck a cock, and he knew when it was enjoyed. Meanwhile, Jack was ready for more action and his special gland was ready to release more fluids. Farmer Miguel’s ass accepted the slurry of special lubricant, absorbed by the walls of his ass, pushed deeper and into the crevices of his mancunt. Jack pushed deeper until all 16” of his ultra-wide hose filled the man, the hole expanding with each convulsion, and the pleasure overtaking all sensation in Miguel as his organs moved, and his muscle master took up residence deep inside his body, his second hole sending nonstop pulses of pleasure to his brainstem, distorting his gut as each thrust could be seen ravaging his insides. Miguel only wanted to be fucked, and deeply. Why had he denied himself this feeling until today? Jack sensed the total surrender of his new cock cavity and stood up with Miguel following, attached. Leaning back, gravity slid the farmer down on the giant’s shaft. With a simple squeeze of his glutes and thrust of his hips, Jack sent his bottom slut sliding up and down the full length of his cock. From behind him, the moans of the lean tall one signaled another orgasm. That bear cocksucker lapped it all up. Miguel, perhaps conditioned to cum when his buddy did, began spraying his own white-hot while he screamed in pleasure. Both friends passed out, reaching their limits. The monster muscle trucker pulled the farmer off his cock disappointed allowing the routed rectum to stand agape, Miguel falling to the floor in a puddle of his own seed and body drippings, Jack having yet to release himself. When the trucker turned, Officer Boyd was there patiently waiting to work that monster cock, teasing the head, standing straight up to work the shaft and head. Jack released more special slurry down his shaft where it was eagerly drank by the officer. Boyd’s throat pulsed and contracted, his lips and jaw growing wider, ignoring bones in the way. The entire cockhead sunk into the officer’s mouth, who breathed deeply from his nostrils with practiced expertise. He took in more inches, timing fresh breathes with strokes. Soon, the monster’s sweat-soaked pubes were being smashed against the officer’s face. Jack grabbed the back of the bear’s neck, and while slow at first, began fucking his face with deep strokes. Boyd allowed his mouth to become the necessary hole, noticing the growing size of the behemoth’s sacs as they slapped him, the space between his chest and the suspended orbs becoming smaller. Boyd grabbed one and began kneading it roughly, eliciting the greatest of moans yet from the hulking mass above him. Moving between both melons had Jack groaning in anticipation. Pleasure was finally building inside of him for release. When he came, it was thunderous, vibrating through the old concrete structure. Boyd actually felt the contractions of balls in his hands and came again with the monster, his relaxed body allowing jet after jet of enchanted jizz to fill his stomach. Jack regained his senses after a full ten minutes, the breath from Officer Boyd’s nostrils tickling his pubes. The man with his mouth wrapped around his cock was snoring soundly. Carefully pulling his length from the man’s gullet, the trucker moved to grab his sweats on the ground in the corner but paused as his entire body warmed pleasantly for a minute. Dressed in cotton trunks, his mammoth shaft jutting from a center hole, Jack returned to his truck and headed back to the depot across state lines. Jack parked his engine in the late afternoon and checked out with the on-duty dispatch, Asim, with fresh curry stains on his brown uniform. No one mentioned Jack’s attire or lack there of. That was just Jack being Jack. An hour and a half later, Jack pulled into his driveway, climbed out of his tight pickup, and grabbed the (3) pizzas on the passenger seat before heading inside. “Hey, Mr. Halsey. We thought you’d be home yesterday?” Kris was looking at Chris’ father with confusion. There was something about him . . . . “Yeah, so did I. Asim caught me on the way out. Did you already eat?” Kris maneuvered around Chris’ father to grab plates from the cabinet, thinking the kitchen was smaller than usual, their brain suddenly foggy. “Not yet. Chris was gonna grill, but pizza from Johnny’s sounds great. He should be home any minute.” “Who should be? You cheatin’ on me?” Chris walked in the back door with a goofy grin, and gave Kris a peck on the cheek. “Pizza. Sweet!” Jack looked down at his son confused. This wasn’t his son. A single thought played in Jack’s mind on repeat: “ . . . spitting image of his father.” Chris was always the mini-me to his father. Always! Jack stared at his son while the image corrected itself in his mind. The 8’4” giant began to shrink as Chris stretched taller. All three in the small kitchen stopped moving while these changes took place. Chris’s clothes couldn’t keep up with the changes. His Converse trainers split as his feet grew longer and wider. The young man’s body grew broader to match his father’s girth. His chest grew out and solid, his already fit body dwarfed by the increasing muscles. Naked and still expanding unnaturally by the seconds, a special gland formed at the base of Chris’s groin. In less than a minute, his once modest appendage doubled in length and began expanding wider, growing rounder, surpassing cock can thickness. Painfully, if not in a trance, the exhausted and abused grapes at the base of his manhood began to expand, filling and dropping lower, heavy; his adolescent hormones mixing with the already powerful changes gifted to him by his father and the moon. And just as quickly as it started, it stopped. “Only three pizzas though? I may have to grill that meat anyway.” Kris was confused. In the kitchen was their boyfriend Chris and his father. That was normal, but why were they both naked, acting as if nothing was wrong. “Um Chris, what happened to your pants,” Kris asked, still confused, as if a thought was just out of reach. “What? Oh, those. Just letting it breathe when home. You know how we Halsey men like it.” Kris looked from Chris to Mr. Halsey, both over 7.0’, Chris a little taller, but with the father wider with muscles that looked seasoned, grainy. Chris had always been an over-muscled freak of sorts, just the kind of body Kris wanted one day. This was the first time Kris had seen, or remembered, Mr. Halsey’s cock. It hung heavier and thicker than Chris. Both men were uncircumcised, but even the father’s cockhead looked wider while sheathed. Something was happening to Kris, her body. Wild thoughts invaded her mind, flashes of having both holes filled by Halsey men. “Erm, we should eat before the pizza gets cold, right?” Kris grabbed a box and headed into the living room. Chris followed with the plates and two glasses of iced tea. The living room was worse. Chris sat to the right, while Mr. Halsey sat on the left of Kris, sandwiching her in, each so they could reach the narrow coffee table between the couch and the 36.0” tube. Kris tried to focus on the college basketball game, but Jack stood up to grab another pizza box, his thick and bouncy cock passing in front of them, a gravity unto itself, in one run and his stone-chiseled ass on the return. Scents from both men filled Kris’s brain, addling it, and making the earlier thoughts worse, though some may argue, better. Even though they ate the better portion of three large pizzas, both Halsey men seemed dissatisfied, ravenous. “I’m still hungry,” Chris declared. The Cowboys managed a comeback in the last two minutes of the game, but Chris wasn’t watching anymore. He worked his way down Kris’s neck, pawing her breasts while moving lower. In short order, Chris’s was between her legs, sweats pulled down, ripping thin panties out of his way. Jack watched calmly, bringing his near footlong cock to full mast with slow purposeful strokes. Jack spread his legs as a churning need began to build in his orange-sized balls. Pleasured by his son, Kris grabbed the thick protrusion of the senior Halsey man, surprised by the power and weight. Clear liquids oozed from the tip, coating Kris’s hand. Is it possible Mr. Halsey’s testicles were larger than just a few minutes ago? The room felt so small and close. Kris wanted to bury her head in the father’s groin, to inhale it, take it all in. Yes, she had to have it inside of her. “Chris, fuck me.” Looking up from between her legs, his maw already damp with her eager fluids, Chris playfully pulled Kris down on top of him with one hand, pushing the tiny coffee table away with the other. Kris’ slight hands came to rest on her boyfriend’s oversized pecs, her favorite muscles on him, firm as steel yet warm with adolescent brown hair dusting the whole. As Kris discarded her loose sweatshirt and 32A support bra, Chris wasted no time kneading both ass and breasts, leaning up and forward to taste loose sweat on her firming nipples. All the while, Jack sat watching, slowly stroking his girthened baseball bat with the steadily leaking precum. Petting and foreplay completed, Chris moved to position his own piston into his girlfriend’s eager hole and felt her shiver. “Everything okay, babe?” For a few seconds, Kris imagined a small thought in the back of their mind, growing smaller and further away, but no longer tried to claim it, and let it fade from their mind to accept the lust. She looked down into Chris’ eyes and only wanted to make him happy. When he was happy, she was happy. There was no reason to fight it. Kris pushed back into Chris’s length, feeling thick and sticky fluids coat her lips and the icy-hot sensation of her body preparing to accept her man. Chris buried 10.0” easily, their bodies instantly becoming one, before beginning his rhythmic assault deeper into her body, into her mind. For her part, Kris let her bodyweight be supported by his hips and two hands squeezing her slight rear cheeks. It felt so good, each thrust sending electricity to her exposed clit while his cock reached deeper into her with each thrust depositing juices absorbed by her body, simultaneously melting away all thoughts for anything other than a hunger for more. Slowly, her hips grew wider, her breasts more sensitive and urgent, Kris gained a new command of her cavities. “Ohh, gawd! YES! More, Chris! MORE!”, and he obliged, sinking several more inches only just formed into her firm expanse. Jumping slightly when Mr. Halsey dropped his shaft onto her back, Kris looked behind her only slightly surprised. But the size of mister’s cock. Surely, he didn’t mean to enter her, not from back there. Jack wasn’t unkind, releasing more Halsey man slurry down his shaft to coat her ass, ensuring her rosebud was well coated. Kris only whimpered as the hot and cold sensations traveled down her rectum. Chris pushed his own hips down and used the grip on his girlfriend’s ass to push her forward forcing her ass into a higher position, all while smirking his approval. Typical Halsey men. Kris nodded, but needn’t have, as Mr. Halsey pushed just the exposed head of his monstrosity into her asshole. Even with the special lube, it was too tight. Kris felt thin pressed between both her boyfriend and his father. “Don’t worry, babe. We’ll go slow,” Chris kissed her lovingly, pulling out to the tip, so his father could push more in. Slowly, the two Halsey men worked their respective holes until Jack was full in, the walls of Kris’ cunts stretched to paper yet still holding after the combined secretions of both glands. “I can’t. I’m so full. I --, It feels so . . . mmm. So full!” “I know, babe. I won’t let anything hurt you.” Before Chris could doubt further, his father had a simple thought, “A real woman can satisfy a Halsey man.” All three felt the flush of warmth in their bodies. Mr. Halsey began thrusting in earnest, feeling every nodule and crevice of her ass squeeze his cock, his son’s length he felt on the underside of his shaft and knew his son felt his father’s girth the same way. Batting his son’s hands away, Jack grabbed her ass and pumped her full of seed, taking control of the rhythm, oozing slowly and continuously. Each slam by Jack sent Kris into Chris chest, but the space grew smaller, as her breast continued to grow wider, riper, her teats and clit fattening with each stroke. A white-clear liquid began to leak from the puffed and nerve-raw nipples, leaking onto Chris’ still deepening pecs. The last minutes of the waning blue moon consumed them, changing their bodies and minds forever. Chris drank greedily of her milk, Jack lost himself in an hour-long orgasm, and Kristine accepting her new baby-making body. It would be two years before Kris remembered her part in these events, though no one believed her. End of part 1.
- 3 replies
- 13
- grow w/out effort
- muscle growrh
- (and 4 more)
Luka doesn’t remember much of last night. It’s all a bit of a blur after about five drinks and when his buddy Dylan ditched him for some girl he just met. Some designated driver! From then, he remembers getting progressively more undressed as he flexed for random girls at the bar. Luka was the type of man who stood out in a crowd with his broad shoulders and strong physique. Luckily, he’s a fun drunk. If he was the type of guy who got in fights after a few drinks, someone would more than likely end up in an ambulance. But Luka prefers to just show off his strong muscles and let strangers tell him how big he is. Being admired turns him on. Eventually, he stumbled the five blocks back to his apartment after his DD had abandoned him. The semi-hard cock poking down the leg of his tight khakis forced him to walk with a slight limp. Usually, the walk isn’t too bad, but Luka was drunk and his bladder was full. About halfway home, he had to pull into an alleyway to take a leak. Still visible to the street, he pulled out his slightly hardened dick and pissed on the side of a black-bricked building. His penis is his least impressive muscle, but it does what it needs to. Leaning up against the wall, Luka holds his cock in his hand, mindlessly thumbing the shaft. Strangely, that was the last thing he managed to remember from the previous night. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Luka wakes up in the morning in his bed. Seems he got home just fine. Guess whatever happened the rest of the way home was of no importance. He sits up on his mattress, his thin bed covers slipping down his naked body. He scratches his wide back lazily. Still waking up. His morning wood jumps, pushing up the bed sheet playfully. Half asleep, he scratches his balls too before he winces. The quick sting of pain confuses Luka more than anything. He lifts the sheet to examine his penis. Two scrapes scratch down the length of his shaft. They aren’t too bad, but enough to break the skin. Red marks around the wound make it tender. Luka gently grabs his penis and slowly feels up the marks with his thumb. His dick throbs reflexively, plumping up in his palm. “Huh, that’s weird,” Luka mutters to himself. He shifts his legs over the edge of the mattress and stands to head to the shower. The sheets fall behind Luka, pulling from his naked body as he strides toward the door. His nude build is fully revealed, his bulky chest and thick arms swinging gently. His tight abs are at a near-constant flex. The sheets fall from his legs and reveal his thick ass and impressive thighs. His morning erection rocked with each step, dwarfed by his powerful build. Luka steps out of his room into the common area of his apartment. His bare muscles are exposed without caution as he walks past his roommate Paul who is sitting on the couch with his late afternoon tea. “Well, rise and shine, big guy! Have fun last night?” Paul teases. Luka just lets out a grunt of agreement as he slumps into the bathroom. The whole naked roommate bit was never an issue between the two of them. Paul is a proud, and sometimes forward, gay man. Luka is comfortable in his heterosexuality, even more so in his sculpted body, so he never really saw any issue with their living arrangements. Paul gets a common area with a view, and Luka gets to dress (or lack thereof) comfortably in his own home while getting the occasional ego boost. The only slight issue that has ever come up was the volume of Paul’s night company. But Luka can’t really say much. He’s brought in his fair share of ladies back to the apartment when his roommate was trying to sleep. Both just have to live with the fact that their roommate fucks. After a shower, Luka comes out in a towel. His morning wood is now quelled thanks to the load he just sprayed all over the cold shower tiles. He falls back onto the couch and lets out a deep sigh. “So, did you have any fun while I was out drinking last night?” Luka says, making conversation. “Yeah, I had Riley over last night. Wine and fucking.” Paul turns over towards Luka. “You know, the usual.” “That’s good. I know that kid is packing some serious dick too. Saw it bulging last time he was hanging around the apartment.” “Oh, I know. Young and hung! Those study abroad students get so pent up,” Paul laughs. “So, the bar was fun?” “Yeah, it was! Dylan ended up ditching me for some girl, but it was all fine. Got felt up by some American girls after a couple of drinks. The bar was pretty handsy last night.” Luka smiles at the thought. “Although, I did end up with a scratch on my penis. I don’t remember how I got it. I don’t think any of the girls touched my dick. They all seemed pretty focused on my gains.” “That is strange. It’s not like a rash or irritation?” “No, it’s an actual scratch,” Luka clarifies. He stands up and puts his hand on his towel, about to pull it off. “Do you want to see it?” Luka asks, realizing he should’ve started with that. “Yeah, let’s see it,” Paul chuckles. Luka drops his towel. His soft penis hangs on top of his heavy balls. All of which still seem small in comparison to his tree trunk thighs. Luka is clean-shaven to make sure his genitalia is well presented. He likes to make the most of what he’s got. Paul leans closer, examining the side of Luka’s penis. He sees the two scratch marks that follow down the length of the shaft. The irritation has gone down since Luka woke up, but it is still slightly red. “May I touch it?” Paul asks. “Yeah, it’s okay.” Paul’s warm hand cups Luka’s dick. Holding the shaft up and to the side to get a better look at the scratches. Luka fights a shiver as Paul’s fingers wrap gently around his penis. “These look like teeth marks. Like if someone didn’t have their jaw open wide enough,” Paul explains. “What? But I didn’t get any head last night. Not that I remember at least. My dick also isn’t even that big! I’m not cracking any jaws with this thing.” Luka swings his hips and makes his penis slap against his thighs a couple of times. “I don’t know what else to say. That’s what it looks like to me. And I’ve seen a few scratched-up penises in my time.” “Huh, strange…” “But I will say,” Paul smiles as he drops Luka’s dick from his palm. “You do have a very handsome cock. Being uncut is a bonus.” “Oh, please. It’s not that impressive,” Luka blushes. “Oh, trust me, aesthetics are impressive! Like Riley for example. That kid has a massive cock! But it’s big and veiny like a sweet potato,” Paul chuckles. “Still love taking it, but it’s not the most handsome penis. Monster cock is an apt descriptor for what he’s packing. But you, you’ve got the looks.” “Well, thank you,” Luka accepts the compliment. “And I guess these scratches aren’t too much to worry about.” “Yeah, I’d say you’ll be fine. Just keep that dick clean. Don’t want an infection or anything.” • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Later that night, Luka returns from his room dressed in a pair of tight grey briefs, the ones that hug his muscular ass and lift his penis to give some definition to his bulge, as well as a fitted muscle tank that’s stretched out by his full pecs. “So, what are we watching tonight, big guy?” Luka says with a smile before flopping on the couch. Paul steps out of the kitchen with two glasses of scotch. He’s dressed in a black silk robe, opened to reveal his smooth chest and the pair of bright pink briefs he wears under his robe. He is a skinny guy with a runner’s build, so his above-average dick fits awkwardly on his waist. All 8 inches looking oversized in his tight briefs. Despite his impressive penis, he was a strict bottom, always looking for a bigger cock to put him in his place. “I was thinking about Suspiria. Get in the spirit of the season,” Paul suggested as he handed a glass over to Luka. “Sounds good, P,” Luka says, bringing the glass to his lips. “Why don’t you pull it up while I work on this drink.” Paul starts up the movie while Luka takes a big swig of scotch. They both lounged on the sofa, enjoying the movie and finishing their drinks. About 15 minutes into the movie, Luka stands and grabs the bottle from the kitchen. A couple of glasses in, Luka lazes into the corner of the sofa, nursing his third drink. At this point, he’s a little too drunk to understand the movie, but he enjoys spending time with his roommate. Luka shuts his eyes with his hand lazily slumped over his bulge. Then, out of nowhere, he feels his chest start to itch. The same way it does after he shaves. Luka slips his hand under his tank and lifts it to scratch at his chest. His body hair slips between his fingers. And then his stomach turns. His muscles suddenly start to ache. Luka sits up and lets out a groan. His biceps cramp and flex. “You all right, man?” Paul sits up as well. Still only on his second drink. “Yeah, I think so.” Another cramp makes Luka’s pecs flex against his tank top. And the itching moves down to his crotch. He moves his hand down and slips his fingers beneath the waistband of his briefs. Scratching the base of his flaccid cock roughly. “Ah, fuck!” And then Luka starts to get hard as he scratches. Against his will, his dick starts to swell up. Getting fatter. Pushing out against the tight fabric of his underwear. Throbbing, getting bigger with each flex, stretching out the pouch until the sides of his hardening shaft peeked out. “Holy shit! I didn’t know you got that big when you were hard,” Paul said slack-jawed. “It… doesn’t… oh, shit…” Luka groaned. The moon shines through the balcony window, casting its gossamer glow on the floor of the apartment. Luka stops scratching and stares as his penis grows erect and then continues to grow. His grey briefs stretch out past his usual 6 inches. Luka’s dick repeatedly flexes, pushing up and out and out. Bigger and bigger, and all he can do was watch. Must be at least 9 inches now. His cock tugs on his briefs, stretching them further out until they hear some of the stitches start to pop. Still no sign of slowing down. Luka’s balls start to swell up too. Precum stains the fabric as Luka’s dick continues to grow. So big now that his briefs hardly cover his cock. In an effort to save his underwear, Luka pulls his waistband down and strains the stitching to pull it over his growing cock. A couple more stitches pop, but he manages to unleash his penis. It stands upright from Luka’s waist. Thick veins pumping along the side of his meaty shaft. His cock starts to turn red as it swells up. Foreskin pulled back so tight that he almost looks circumcised. Luka struggles but sits upright. His cock doesn’t stop and throbs up to his chest. Must be over a foot long now. Standing tall and rigid from his waist. Slowly, he reaches toward his beastly endowment and wraps his palm as best he can around the swelling girth. With just a touch, his dick twitches and flexes until a glob of precum squirts out, dripping down his overheating cock. “Ah… oh… fuuck…” Luka whines like a dog. And then his cock throbs again. Only this time, it doesn’t just grow larger. Luka’s cock head swells and morphs. It stretches out into a point giving it an additional inch. More precum leaks down the new head of his cock, slicking up his transforming penis. Luka lets out a strained whine as his dick continues to morph. The pain is immeasurable but euphoric. It feels like the best erection no man has ever felt. His dick gets so hot, physically hot, that the precum dripping down his cock begins to steam. His dick just continues to get bigger and harder, ignoring all human limitations. He was more than a man now. The base of his dick pulses, throbbing with more girth. Getting thicker and thicker. And then, suddenly, his penis erupts from his waist. A thick, veiny knot forces its way out from his body, pushing his cock out another four inches. Luka can’t hold back his howl as his new cock grows to its full potential. “Ahh… Ahh, fffuck… Oh, fuck yeah!” Luka just falls back on the sofa, huffing and fighting to catch his breath as the pain subsides partially. “What the fuck… Luka? Are you a fucking werewolf?” Paul just stares in astonishment. Admiring the entire process of Luka’s cock’s transformation. “I… I don’t… know…” Luka huffs. “But it feels fucking great!” Paul looks over the beastly dick sticking up off of Luka. Massive and swollen red. It stands like a living pillar, throbbing idly. Paul lifts his forearm next to the true monster cock in front of him to compare its size. With his elbow on Luka’s thigh, his fist does not even reach the head. Just over 16 inches of wolf dick, even thicker than his arm. “Can I touch it?” Paul asks cautiously. Luka gives a slight nod, “Please…” He rests his head back on the sofa. Paul places his hand on Luka’s new cock, wrapping his palm around the shaft just below the head. His fingers stretch to try pathetically to wrap around its girth and don’t even come close. Paul then slowly begins to stroke, rubbing his hand up and pressing into the ridge of Luka’s cock head. It is so hard that it barely moves against Paul’s touch, but with each stroke, it throbbed and milked out another pulse of precum. Luka squirms as Paul lightly strokes his now huge and very sensitive penis. Huffing and whining under his touch. “Oh yeah… that’s fucking gooood…” Paul likes the way he moans, so he takes his other hand and places it around the base of his shaft. He begins to stroke just a little faster. One hand massaging up and under the ridge of the cock head, the other pushing down and putting pressure on Luka’s thick knot. Luka whines louder as Paul milks his giant cock. Precum now constantly streamed out from the tip of his red rocket, pulsing with each stroke. His cock glistens as precum coats his shaft. His massive balls hang over the edge of the sofa and shift from Paul’s touch. Precum pours out from Luka’s dick like a hose. A pool of it building up around his balls and on the floor. Luka suddenly sits up and leans forward. His dick reaches up to his chin without even trying. He comes face to face with his wolf-like endowment. “Don’t stop…” Luka orders with a growl. Paul doesn’t even slow his rhythm. Stroking and milking more precum out from Luka’s cock. Luka then leans closer and runs his tongue up the pointed head of his cock, licking up and drinking his own precum. He uses his tongue like a dog, tasting himself. His new self. It tastes so good. Luka wraps his lips around the tip and attempts to take the entire head in his mouth. The sensation of his tongue on himself makes him throb in his own mouth. Drinking up his precum as it continues to squirt out from his cock. He never knew he wanted to suck his own dick, but seeing this monster cock in front of him, he can’t help but taste himself. His milky precum overflows in his mouth and spills off his lips and down his cock. He just can’t believe this is really his cock. It’s fucking massive and it feels so fucking good. Luka never really thought size mattered. He was happy with his just above-average-sized penis. But feeling how it is to have a fucking ginormous cock makes him so horny, he can hardly take it. Paul, while still stroking, gets down to the floor on his knees. He continues stroking the beast in front of him. It almost completely obscures Luka from this perspective. Paul is rock-hard himself. He’s a size queen, but he never thought he’d get to live out a fantasy like this. His cock reaches out from the waistband of his underwear as it throbs happily. Paul gets closer, using his forearms now to stroke Luka’s lycanthropic endowment. His arms put pressure on the sensitive beast in front of him. He moves forward and presses his hard cock against Luka’s massive testicles. His bulge fits so nicely between those giant balls. Rubbing up and dry fucking them like a pair of pecs. “Ugh… AH… ahh… fuuckkk,” Luka growls. He pulls off of his dick, precum coating his chin. He feels itchy again. All up his chest and arms. Paul lets go of Luka’s cock, letting it slump forward slightly under its own weight. And then he grabs one of Luka’s fat nuts in each hand. Weighing them in his palms like big coconuts. He can almost hear them sloshing with an awful amount of cum. Then he presses them together on either side of his dick. So big and heavy as they squish his shaft. Then he starts fucking them, sliding his 8-inch cock between them. Slowly at first, but it’s not long until Paul starts vigorously fucking the tight space between Luka’s balls. It’s such a perfect sensation, using these werewolf nuts like a fleshlight. Luka moans in response. His giant cock spurts out even more precum that now drips onto Paul’s face below it. “Oh, fuck, that’s hot… Keep playing with my huge balls… Fuck, that feels good!” Paul licks the dripping precum off of his face, so lost in the fantasy. His cock is stimulated by Luka’s massive, hairy balls as he slips it up and down his scrotum. His own precum starts to mix with Luka’s. Luka scratches at his chest as the itching gets worse. He feels his tank top getting tighter against his torso as well. He looks down, finally pulling his attention away from his attention-stealing cock, and stares at his pecs. They stretch out his shirt even more so now, swelling up with more mass and thick hair sprouting all over them. As his pecs widen, his shirt stretches down tightly, and his nipples are revealed. They are big and sensitive, islands of pink in a sea of dark brown hair. Luka grabs his shirt and tries to pull it up and over his chest, but tears it off in the process. Now bare, his chest flexes and swells into two giant slabs of meat. His pecs hanging over his now thick abs. He raises his arms and flexes both his biceps beside his head, now also covered in thick hair. Luka already looked like a gym rat, usually one of the biggest guys on the gym floor, but now he was a muscle beast. His body still looked human, just bigger. Only his cock had transformed into something truly beastly. Still flexing, Luka leans down and huffs his overgrown pit. The scent of man and beast musk overwhelms his nose. But it makes his cock jump. He takes a bigger whiff, this time picking up the scent of something else. Perhaps someone else. “Hooo, fuuuuck…” Luka huffs. “Damn, I smell fucking good.” Paul slows down from fucking Luka’s balls and leans toward the giant cock in front of him. He presses his face against the shaft, his skin sticking to the coat of precum pouring down the length of Luka’s cock. He gets a good whiff of Luka’s musk. “You’re telling me, big guy,” Paul moans. He stands up, hands sliding up Luka’s dick as he rises. Even with him standing and Luka sitting on the sofa, the cock between them reaches up to Paul’s chest. He wraps his arms around it and presses his inferior man-penis against the beast-cock’s shaft. He uses his hand to massage the pointed tip of Luka’s dick. Squeezing more and more precum out as his thumb edges the urethra. “Fuuck…” Luka growls. “I need to cum so bad. My cock is so big and hard, I can’t take it. I need a hole. I need a hole so fucking bad.” Before Paul can respond, Luka stands up from his seat, now standing slightly higher than usual above his roommate. His cock flumped forward against Paul’s chest. If he wasn’t so turned on right now, Paul, like any rational person, would probably be terrified. But feeling this giant werewolf cock slumped against him brought him to the edge. “On your knees now, pup,” Luka commands. Paul grabs the tip pathetically in his hand, massaging the sensitive underside of the ridge. Petting it like it alone was a wild beast. A spurt of precum shoots out onto his face. He licks it off his lip slowly. “I thought you would never ask,” Paul moans. “Stop talking,” Luka barks sternly. He grabs Paul, moving him easily with his new werewolf strength, and positions him bent over on the sofa. Paul’s knees spread out, his arms steadying him on the back cushion. His silk robe drapes lightly over his round ass that’s arched back for Luka. He knows this position well and his dick still throbs in anticipation. Luka lifts Paul’s robe to reveal his beautiful ass. Pink briefs cling tight to his butt, getting swallowed between his thick cheeks. Luka bends down, getting his face close. With one hand, he tears the briefs effortlessly from his body. Paul’s ass jiggles and spreads as he arches further back in response. Paul’s hairless hole is so perfect, Luka grabs his hips and pulls his face between his cheeks. Sloppily licking and tasting his hole. His tongue pushes past the threshold and into Paul which makes him moan. Luka makes out with his hole, using his tongue to push open and loosen Paul’s ass. “Oh, fuuck… I didn’t know you ate ass like that,” Paul whines as his ass is devoured. Luka gets lost in his meal, feeling Paul’s prostate against his tongue. Loosening up his ass as much as he can. He leans back, admiring the pink, spit-coated hole in front of him. His cock is going to tear that shit open. He sits up on his knees, lifting his heavy cock from the ground. Using both hands, Luka positions his dick against Paul’s begging hole. “Oh, doggy style? Really?” Paul jokes. “Shut it.” He starts slow. He gently pushes the pointed tip of his cock into Paul’s ass. It stretches open and accepts the head first. Precum already starts to flood his hole. Luka moans as Paul’s tight hole wraps tight around his cock. He needs more. Slowly pushing another inch in. Then a couple more. He stretches Paul’s ass open even wider, making room for his excess of dick. Paul whines as his ass is forced open. No signs of slowing. Just more and more dick pushing into him. He can feel the tip pressing into his stomach, making his skinny stomach bulge up towards his chest. His hole squelches as Luka’s flood of precum pushes out from his ass. Finally, he feels the thick knot press against his cheeks, preventing Luka’s cock from going any deeper. But Luka is not done yet. Luka grabs Paul’s waist and starts to thrust. Slowly at first. Long, steady strokes push his dick into Paul’s chest. The tight, warm sensation makes his dick flex inside of him. “Oh fuuck… Such a good hole,” Luka moans, lost in a sexual trance. He starts to thrust faster. Pushing deep rhythmic strokes into Paul. His cock throbs and swells. More precum oozes out from between his cock and Paul’s hole. Luka could feel his cock starting to grow again. It flexes as if begging to release its load. He pushes faster and deeper. His knot pushes up against Paul’s ass, slapping his meaty girth against his hole, and then it finally forces its way in. Paul’s hole is forced open, stretching wide until he can almost feel it tear as it takes the fat knot of Luka’s magnificent cock. “Oh, shiiiit!” Paul cries out. Luka’s werewolf dick locks itself balls deep into Paul. Throbbing and pulsing as it dumps its load into him. It flexes as it shoots cumshot after cumshot against the walls of his stomach. Its balls flex and lift themselves, rubbing themselves against Paul’s legs like an affectionate pet. They bounce happily as wave after wave of cum is emptied. Luka loses count of how many shots he pumps out, but his orgasm continues for nearly a minute. Eventually, he starts to catch his breath. His knot is still squeezed tight by Paul’s hole. He huffs, slowly trying to catch his breath. He sits up to readjust his position, but then he feels his cock twitch again. He can feel the cum pouring through his shaft. More of his hot load ready to bust. He whines, leaning forward onto Paul’s back as his dick pulses again as he shoots another wave of shots against his will. Hot, steamy cum spills out from Paul’s ass and drips down Luka’s giant balls. “Whew… fuuck! God damn, I needed that. Thanks for letting me use your ass, P,” Luka huffs. “Didn’t know your ass felt that good.” His knot is still lodged in Paul’s tight hole. “Fuck yeah…” Paul struggles. “So… please tell me this is gonna be… a monthly thing…” “I hope so, pup…”
- 1 reply
- 24
- werewolf
- cock growth
- (and 12 more)
There’s a loud thud as I pin him against the wall. A fit, little twink in my grasp. My tongue teases his neck. My strong work-calloused thumb grazes against his Adam's apple. For tonight, he was all mine. “Fuck, boy…” I growl as I grab his chin. “I’m gonna wear this throat out.” • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I was loving my new apartment. High ceilings. Huge windows. A gorgeous view of downtown Dallas. It’s a ways away from Jersey, but I would be crazy to turn down this new management position. Dallas is a good change of pace at the very least. Southern hospitality is a real thing. I got my share of soaps, candles, and whiskey from my new neighbors. Now I just needed a good southern twink to break in the new bed. I left a lot of speed-dial holes back home in Jersey. I needed to build up my Rolodex of hungry bottoms for whenever I needed to dump my load. Just hope my balcony neighbors will enjoy the view through to my California king. I stood at my window rubbing myself while scrolling through the local Grindr pool. It was work to scrub through the rows of metrosexuals half-dressed in plaid who thought they were tops. Oh, please. Like you could dominate anybody with those skinny arms. I would call them vers at best. If they’re lucky. These twinks are just overconfident. I swear, if I get one more twig-dicked hipster to ask if “daddy” needs some cock, I’m going to invite that boy over and show him what a real top looks like. Broad-chested and hairy. A deep, commanding voice. Rough hands that can make a hole quiver. I’ll show them what a real man dick looks like and fuck them like the brat they are. Maybe then they’ll know their place beneath this Alpha daddy. Luckily as I was laying in bed, losing my hard-on, I found Perry. Right at the top of my refreshed home page. Beautiful boy. Got a thin build that’s perfect for tossing around. He was already on his knees in his cute little jock strap. Good start. I love a boy who knows where he belongs. On his knees. He had my interest. I sent the first text, but he drooled over my post-gym selfies. He begged to worship my muscles. He also bragged about his little “Magic Throat.” He was confident he could take all my inches. I find that hard to believe, but he was hungry for my cock. I loved the eagerness. We’ll just have to see how proficient he is with that throat of his. I’m going to push this boy to his limits. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I grab the scruff of his neck with a smirk. “Get to fucking work, boy,” I order. He drops to his knees and looks up at me with his deceivingly innocent eyes. He is loving every second of it. Perry. Such a good boy. We are gonna have some fun. He places his hand on the outline of my dick in my office slacks. He waited so patiently for me to get home from work. I picked him up from his room a few floors down. He looked so hungry dressed in his little shorts and gym shirt. He couldn’t keep his hand off my bicep the whole ride up the elevator. Now, his fingers lightly trace my semi-hard shaft. Slowly, he massages my bulge. I feel my cock hardening, extending down my pant leg. His gentle touch just makes me want to grow. I want to use him. “Pull it out,” I bark as I pull my leather belt off. He slowly undoes my pants button while keeping a hand on my thick bulge. I’m still not done growing. With his thumb and palm, he squeezes my thickening shaft down, trying to find where my cock ends. I always make sure to warn my bottoms that I’m hung before we meet up. I don’t need them running out scared of my size. I’ve been blessed with eight inches of man dick since I was 15. I’ve only gotten thicker since high school. I wouldn’t mind another couple of inches, but I think I hit my last growth spurt a long time ago. I don’t think my usual bottoms would be able to handle much more of me anyways. Except for Perry. I could tell he wanted every inch of me. I just hope he can take it how I like to give it. I watch as his eyes widen slightly when he finds the tip of my dick. Eight inches hangs lower than you would think, but I can tell he was excited. He tucks his fingers under my waistband and begins to pull down my slacks. I don’t wear underwear for this exact reaction. I love watching my bottom get excited revealing all my inches. I watch as Perry pulls my pants down. Slowly, inch by inch, revealing more and more dick. Until he finally got to the head. There’s a second of resistance as my pants get caught on the tip, but then it gives way. My semi-hard cock jumps forward with its full weight, swaying side to side. My fat, manly cock hung in front of his cute face. That move never fails to turn me on. Perry kisses the base of my shaft. He got a big whiff of my musk with his nose in my short pubes. I like to keep my cock hairy, but not unkempt. I’m an alpha, not an animal. Perry cups my dick in his palm to appreciate the weight. His petite fingers slowly stroke my shaft. He struggles to touch his thumb to his pointer finger around my shaft. “Fuck… I’m gonna have a lot of fun with this,” Perry fought a chuckle. He looks like he’s enjoying himself. Almost a little too much. Although, who could blame him? He is getting a four-course meal of a man tonight. I only let out a deep grunt in response. My button-up shirt feels tight against my chest as I heave. I let out a growl as I grab my button-up shirt and tear it open. A few of the buttons pop their stitches and fly across the room. Nothing a little trip to the tailors couldn’t fix. My tailor was used to me coming in with popped buttons and torn sleeves. He got his fair share of tips. I look down at my boy with a smirk. I wrap my hand around his skinny forearm and pull his hand onto my stomach. He continues kissing the base of my shaft while he feels my abs. The tips of his fingers follow the definition of my six-pack, slowly making their way up to my pecs. He looks up, keeping his tongue on my shaft. “What? See something else you want, boy?” I bark. I give him a smirk and flex my biceps above him. His eyes follow my muscles lustfully as my arms ripple and harden. Perry wraps his hand around my oblique and grabs onto my back to pull himself up. His hungry breath brushes against my stomach. He wants more. I let out a short grunt, ready to provide. His soft lips kiss my skin. The warm sensation of his tongue following up on my abs makes me groan reflexively. He knows how to press my buttons. His tongue climbs up to my heavy pecs, flicking against my hardening nipples. Fuck, that’s good. His hands move across my body while he teases my man tits. He gropes my thick arms. His fingers wrap around the head of my bicep. I feel them start to burn as I flex them harder. “Fuuck, boy…” I growl in pleasure. “Worship your daddy!” His hands struggle to grab and feel all of my alpha mass. His tongue tastes and teases my sweaty, sensitive nipples. “Oh, yeah! Just like that…” my voice deepens. All eight inches of my girthy dick throbs. My swollen cock head leaks precum all over itself. It’s so pent-up. I feel it demanding to be serviced. I need to fuck Perry’s tight, little ass. With a growl, I stick my hand down the back of my boy’s pants. My calloused man hands grope his soft ass. I let a finger tease the rim of his hairless asshole. He’s so fucking tight. I’m gonna tear his hole wide open. I know he wants me to rip him open. Slowly, his hole swallows my thick index finger. “Ahh…” he moans. “Fuck, Daddy.” His little outburst interrupts him worshiping my pecs with his tongue. I don’t remember telling him to stop. “Keep licking my pecs, boy,” I grunt out. He’s so obedient. He leads his tongue across my hairy chest. He gets lost in the cleavage of my post-pump pecs. God damn, that feels so good. I feel my muscle tits flex and harden instinctively. My chest felt hot. Literally hot. Similar to how I feel after chest day. I love the burn, but it feels odd right now. Despite that, I keep a firm grip on his ass. With my free hand, I grab the waistband of his pants and tear them to the floor. Damn, he really does have a great ass. His adorable, submissive cock pokes against my quads. I feel his twink dick twitch while he worships my pecs. Precum leaks out of his swelling dick and drools all over my leg. Beneath his tongue, he moans and whines in pleasure. My hands left red outlines of my grip on his pale cheeks. His ass was signed by my hands. I spread his ass and kept teasing his hungry hole. My fingers are thick, but they’re nothing compared to how my thick man cock is going to feel deep inside of him. I slide another finger in to loosen him up. He’s gonna need some training if he’s gonna take all my inches. Perry whines and presses his forehead into my chest in pleasure. I only have two fingers in him. Fuck, my cock is going to make this boy squirm. I keep my fingers in his hole and lift him up off the ground. I press my lips to his neck softly. He wraps his arms around the nape of my neck to keep his balance. I pull him up onto my lap as I sit back on my bed. “Oh, fuck…” Perry moans. “Please, Daddy.” My tongue caresses the underside of his chin. His perfect ass is in my lap. I reach behind him to grab my cock and slap it between his ass cheeks. Fuck, my dick felt heavy. I could usually wrap my fingers around the whole shaft, but right now, my thumb couldn’t quite touch my middle finger. Damn, this boy has got me hard as fuck I guess. I continue kissing his sensitive little body. I could deadlift twice his weight effortlessly. He was so light in my grasp. I lay back on my bed, letting my cock grind against his ass. With one hand, I grab the back of his neck and pull him down on top of me. My tongue enters between his lips. His hands wander all over my body. I grab the base of my cock and slap it against his ass. The fat head of my dick teases his weak hole. God damn, his ass was going to feel so good. Then, Perry places his hands on my chest, both dwarfed by the sheer mass of my pecs. He lifts himself up slightly to look into my eyes. “Wait, sir! I want to suck your dick first,” he begs. I snicker under my breath. He looks so cute thinking he could make demands. “Fuck, boy… I love your eagerness.” I grab the side of his head, playing with his hair. Such a good bottom. “Ask daddy again…” I tease. “I want you to beg for it.” “Please, Daddy… Please let me suck your dick.” “Again…” I demand. Perry reaches behind him and wraps his fingers around my shaft. Well, as best he could. My cock felt so huge in his grasp. I love it. “Please, Daddy…” he whines. “I need your massive… thick… monster of a man cock… so fucking deep down my throat. I want to feel you grow, Daddy.” Oh fuck, he’s so good. “Damn, boy… I think you already got my fat dick rock hard,” I moan under my breath. Perry just gives me this cute little mischievous grin. I don’t know what he’s planning, but I need it right now. I sit up and lower my boy to the ground. His gentle hands massage my thighs while his lips press against my penis. That gentle sensation was enough to make my cock throb. Slowly, he kisses up the underside of my shaft, gently tugging on my low-hanging balls. He pinches my foreskin between his lips and tugs it back. Then he wraps his lips around the head of my cock. Oh, fuck. My head fell back in ecstasy. The warm sensation of his tongue on my dick sent a shiver up my spine. I feel that heat spread over my entire body, like every sensitive part of me is getting stimulated. A bead of sweat rolled down my pecs. I feel my muscles contract and flex. “God damn, boy…” I groan. “You sure know how to worship Daddy’s cock.” I can’t help but moan as he takes more of my cock down his throat. He swallows every inch of me like it was no problem. All eight inches of my man cock deep, deep inside of him. I stand up and grab the back of his head. I hold him in place, balls deep down his throat. His lips wrap tight around the base of my cock and his tongue continues to tease and massage my shaft. “Oh, fuck yeah, boy!” I bark in a deep voice. Deeper than usual. I let out a deep growl as his throat grows tighter around my cock. Another wave of that hot ecstasy washes up my body again. All my muscles tense up against my will. My pecs flex as that heat burns in my chest. It feels like I was being cooked in a sauna. More beads of sweat roll down my neck and stomach. “F-fuck…” I pant like a dog. “God damn, boy…” My grip on the back of his hair loosens. He looks up at me with hunger in his eyes. My cock still stuffing his throat. He flashes me this devilish look as he slowly pulls his mouth off of my dick. He grabs my cock and slaps it on his face. Shit, my cock looks huge! It weighs down over half his face, my fat shaft extending over the top of his head. God, did my cock always look that big? “Fuck… What are you doing to me, boy?” I struggle to catch my breath. My entire body grows sore. My skin wraps tight around my muscles like I could flex and outgrow my body. It’s that post-lifting pump-type burning. That feeling when you know you’ve put on some mass. That feeling I chase every time I hit the gym. Only now, I feel it all over me. I feel it in my hands. It’s in my jaw. And I feel it engulf my cock. Fuck. I wrap my fingers around my thick shaft, only now my girth won’t let my fingers touch around it. Thick veins pulse under my palm. My foreskin stretches tight and pulls under the ridge of my swollen cock head as thick, creamy precum leaks out from my dickhole. God damn, my cock had to have gotten bigger! This wasn’t just a man dick, it was a grade-A Alpha cock. Fuck, all this growth was turning me on so much. My dick is fucking massive! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ever since middle school, I’ve wanted a bigger cock. Puberty itself was my biggest sexual awakening growing up as the scrawny kid. With every new hair I grew on my chest and every inch I got taller, my libido grew. I kept a record of my cock growth. I waited patiently as my cock grew bigger than the American average. Fuck, when I grew two inches over the span of three months just before starting high school, I was jerking off every chance I could get just so I could admire it. In the football locker room, I felt my teammates always staring at my bulge. They thought I never noticed, but I loved feeling their eyes on me. I could feel their confidence drain when they got undressed next to me. Even though I was skinny, I made them feel small. Nobody else came even close to my eight inches. I was a man standing among boys. My dick stopped getting longer when I was 15, but with every football season, my cock just got thicker. I still had the biggest dick on the team. I knew it and my team knew it. Each season, my bulge just got heavier and heavier. Eventually, my team got more comfortable around me and would start to poke fun. They had accepted their role and got used to it. But by the time I turned 19, the growth had stopped. Not that anybody else could tell, but I still wanted more. I went to college wishing I could feel my dick keep growing. I wanted to feel my body swell with more size, but my dick was done. So naturally, I turned to bodybuilding to get that high that my growing cock used to give me. It was a good substitute. But look at me now! My cock has swollen to new records. Fuck, what was it? Nine? Ten inches? Bigger than that? God damn, this is the dick I was born to have! A dick belonging to a true Alpha! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • “Holy shit… That’s more like it!” My voice rumbles in my chest. Perry just looks up at me. A sense of euphoric satisfaction stretches across my face. He looks so proud of himself. He struggles to grab the base of my new cock and then slaps its freshly grown size on his tongue. With each slap, another hot, erotic sensation shoots up my chest. “You like how I make you grow, Daddy?” Perry moans softly. “Fuck yeah, boy! You got me so fucking big and hard,” I growl. Perry licks the tip of my cock. I watch it throb and swell even bigger. “You want more, big daddy?” he teases. I still don’t understand how he was doing this, but I don’t care. Whatever it is, it was making me grow and that’s all I need right now. More size… “Make me grow, boy…” Perry wraps his lips around my fat dick. Slowly, inch by inch, he swallows my Alpha cock. His warm, tight throat barely struggles as he accepts every inch. His neck swells as my cock stretches him open. Fuck, that’s so hot. Eventually, his nose finds its way onto my stomach. His tongue flicks and teases the underside of my shaft and pushes on my heavy bull balls. He makes it look so easy. That hot sensation spreads over my entire body again. My cock swells in his throat. My pecs and biceps throb. My stomach tightens and my abs become more defined. I throw my head back in ecstasy. Fuck, that’s it. I grab the back of his head and force him to bob up and down on my shaft. Oh, fuck yeah! I could feel my entire body tighten and stretch as he sucks me clean. “Bigger, boy…” I grunt. “Bigger!” With my eyes closed, I enjoy every sensation. I feel every individual muscle in my body flex like a full-body orgasm. I start to twitch and swell as he keeps sucking me dry. Fuck, I never want this to end. I finally open my eyes and look back down at my boy on his knees. I watch as my quads ripple and flex, and then they swell and grow. My body goes numb. I watch as the top of my boy’s head feels more distant. I fight to catch my breath. I look down at my muscular body. My pecs bounce as they grow further off my chest. I gaze at my thick arms. Stretch marks pull across the sides of my biceps. I lift my arms and flex. My shoulders and lats spread like wings unfolding. My biceps erupt with size. Each flex causes them to swell until they’re the size of my head. Thick veins throb across my arm. Holy shit! I grab my pecs and feel their weight. Fuck, my muscle tits are heavy with mass. I flex to force them to grow even bigger. And bigger. The top of Perry’s head felt even further now. Fuck, it wasn’t just my dick. My entire body was growing! I’m swelling up with pure orgasmic muscle. This has always been my fantasy. I wish I would’ve left my shirt on so I could’ve shredded it with my hulking pecs. Bet my tailor would love to give me a fitting right now. I’m becoming a beast and I fucking love it. “Oh, fuck… This is how a man should feel!” I roar out. I bend down from my still-growing height and grab the back of my boy’s head. I force my monster cock balls deep down his throat. My nuts have swollen to the size of eggs that hung against his chin. I feel my load is building up and sloshing inside of them. Perry is unfazed as my beastly cock stuffs his perfect throat full. This dick could kill someone with its size, but Perry just keeps worshiping me. I need to be worshiped. I hold his head against my stomach for another moment. “Fuck…” I moan. “Just a few more inches, boy!” Then I let him pull out. Slowly. I want to appreciate my new size. A few thick veins pulse around the base of my cock. More inches. My shaft has a heavy downward curve under its new weight. More inches. I wrap my two huge hands around my shaft. There’s still room for more. More inches. My foreskin has been stretched so tight by my growth that it looks like I’ve been circumcised. More inches. More inches. At least a foot and a half of raging monster cock throbs under its mass. Finally, I feel Perry’s lips wrap around my big, sensitive dick head. A wave of precum falls from the edge of his mouth. He looks up at me like a succubus. My monster cock falls from his lips with a loud whiff. The sound of air displacing fills the room as my massive endowment swings down like a baseball bat between my knees and flops over the edge of my bed. God damn, I’m fucking massive! “Holy shit…” my voice rumbles. “Look at how fucking big I am!” I stand up as I talk dirty. Perry gets further and further away as I stand at full height. The back of my head bumps against the ceiling and forces me to hunch down slightly. Damn, I’m fucking huge! I must be over ten feet tall now if I was reaching the ceiling. I look over my hulking body with lust. Fuck, I was turning myself on so hard. I look down and reach across my barrel chest to start groping my right arm. I squeeze my hulking triceps and dig my thumb into the ridges between my muscles. All mass. I feel them expand as I reach my arm up. My hand follows down my chiseled lats into the hairy jungle under my arm. Oh, fuck yeah. I bend down and get my nose as close as I can to my armpit and take a big whiff. Oh, fuck! That’s fucking good. I smell like I spent three days straight at the gym. Fucking ripe. My pits are drenched in that intoxicating Alpha musk. These pheromones could turn any wannabe alpha into nothing but my little bitch. Fuck, it made even my monster cock throb. I push past Perry and approach my full-body mirror. Although now the top of it barely reached up to the bottom of my chest. I bend down and face myself in the mirror. A field of thick black hair covers my face. I just shaved this morning, but now I have a full short beard that perfectly chisels my jawline. “Hello there, sexy,” I purr at my reflection. I run my hand up my thick neck. I turn my head and check myself out. God, I would fuck myself so hard right now. I drop to my knees in front of the mirror so I can stop hunching over to stare at myself. My beastly cock hangs off my waist and slumps to the hardwood floor between my engorged thighs. The cold floor feels good on my sensitive cock head. I reach down and grab the very base of my dick. I squeeze my hand three-quarters around my veiny shaft and pull down like I’m milking a bull. I bet most bull studs would even struggle to measure up to this cock. I let out a moo-ish groan as I stroked my hand down maybe a third of my shaft’s length. A puddle of thick, creamy precum oozes out of my swollen cock head. “You look fucking massive, Daddy,” I growl to myself. I raise my arms above my head and flex. My biceps and triceps swell with a mountain range of muscle. My pecs squeeze and balloon out. My laterals spread out past the edges of my reflection. “Holy fuck… You are so fucking huge,” I chuckle. “You are a muscle god!” I reach down and continue to grope my own muscle mass. I cup my huge tits with both hands and watch them bounce. Thick shockwaves ripple across my chest. I let go and make them dance. Each time I flex my pecs it’s like an earthquake of muscle. I can’t help but slide my fingers under and between my pecs just to feel them get swallowed up by my massive muscle tits. I bet any boy would kill just to get the chance to fuck these pecs. These slabs of meat could swallow an entire beta dick easily. So fucking big and tight. Hungry. Then my fingers find my nipples. Fuck, they’re so thick and sensitive. Just running my fingers over them makes my cock jump against my will. My thumbs rub across their tips and my nips just perk up. It takes my breath out of my chest. It’s intoxicating. I pinch my nipples and squeeze them tight between my thumb and pointer finger. Holy fuck. My cock flexes on its own. Then I twist and pull on my hard nips. My bull cock lifts with its full weight and lunges forward. There’s a loud, wet smack as it slaps against its reflection in the mirror. Thick droplets of white precum run down the mirror from the splat mark left from my cock. I close my eyes and keep twisting my nips harder. I don’t even feel the pain. I just feel euphoric. “FUCK…” I roar. And then I feel tiny hands groping the underside of my tricep. I open my eyes and Perry is beside me trying to lift up my arm and get closer to me. He’s so tiny. Even on my knees, he is only as tall as my shoulder. There’s not even enough room in the mirror for him next to me. He puts his hand on my chest and slides it under my hand. “Slow down, Daddy,” he giggles. “Don’t want you to cum just yet.” I let go of my nips and let him pet my chest. His hands look so puny against my barrel chest. I make everything look puny. He rubs my nipples with his palm slowly and I can’t stop myself from letting out a deep moo. “Watch who you’re talking to, son…” I groan. “Don’t forget who the Alpha is here.” “Yes, sir.” Such a good boy. Perry stands next to me and massages my muscles for the mirror. His little hands slip under my pecs and make them bounce. His hands feel and grope each of my abs. His hands just wander around my mountainous body while I flex in the mirror. Now this is true muscle worship. I am a size god and he was praying at the temple that is my body. Praying for my benevolence, for my protection, for my raw, savage fucking. “That’s right, son. Worship me!” He falls to his knees and kneels beside my cock. He struggles to wrap his tiny hands around my 3-liter bottle-thick shaft. He lifts it up slightly from between my knees. My cock is hard as steel and yet it still hangs down under its enormous weight. My beastly dick weighed across Perry’s hands as he held it in front of him. “Finally big enough to feed your appetite, son?” “For tonight, big daddy,” Perry smiles devilishly. He moves closer toward my pelvis. He struggles, but lifts my cock up and over his shoulder. He kisses my stomach and tugs on my enormous balls. In the mirror, I see my massive shaft hanging over his shoulder and down his back. My thick veins pulse and more precum drools out of my cock and onto Perry’s perfect little bubble butt. “You like your new size, Daddy?” Perry looks all the way up at me. “Like it?!” I growl. “I fucking love it!” I flex again for the mirror. For myself. It turned me on. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • If only my high-school buddies could see me now. A size demon with a pretty boy on his knees to worship me. That scrawny kid with the oversized cock they used to know was gone. I swallowed him whole. Now I finally have a body that matches my ego. Not just a kid with a big dick and a big head. I’m fucking huge! The sight of me would make any man tremble with inferiority. As they should. I am a god and they would be so fucking lucky as to worship me. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • “Look at me, son,” I commanded. Perry obeys. “You want daddy to fuck you?” “I need you to fuck me, big daddy…” Perry whines. “Fuck me with your massive cock, Daddy!” I grab the back of his neck. He felt so small in my big, meaty hands. He just whines and accepts it. I wrap my hands entirely around his waist and lift him off the ground. My heavy shaft slides off his shoulder and slaps against the floor. He is so tiny. His little hands press against my forearms to keep his balance as I carry him. Fuck, I’m gonna tear this boy open. I toss him onto my bed like a toy. “Now I’m gonna give you a taste of what you fucking created, son…” I tease. I kneel next to the bed while Perry lays on his back on my mattress. I lift my heavy cock and slap it on top of him. I pull his legs closer to me. The full weight of my shaft sits on top of his chest. He was gonna feel this monster cock all the way in his ribcage. Perry smiles as if to challenge me. “Give me every inch of you, big daddy…” His cute cock twitches in anticipation. I let out a deep chuckle as I backed up. My cock drags down his stomach. “I’m gonna fucking destroy your little hole, son…” I grunt. I place the tip of my cock against his tight ass. Even just teasing his hole, I felt so powerful. Slowly, I press my cock into him against the resistance. It takes a second, but then his warm hole accepts my cock and swallows my girth. I expected his hole to squeeze my new cock so tight that it hurt, but his hole feels absolutely fucking perfect. The warm sensation of his ass strokes my cock just how I like it. Slowly, I force myself another inch deeper against his tight walls, and then another. “Fuck…” I moan. “Your ass is fucking perfect, son…” I press deeper and deeper. His hole felt like warm silk wrapped tight around my sensitive cock head. I’ve got my dick only about halfway in and I can feel it throbbing, begging for more. I watch my boy as my cock twitches inside of him. A distinct bulge presses up against his skinny stomach as my hard cock flexes like the beast that it is. My dick pushed aside his organs to make room for the only one that matters. Perry throws his head back against the mattress as he moans out cries of pleasure. He opens his eyes and looks up at my giant-like frame as I kneel above him. “Fuck… Give… Give it all to me…” he whines between strained breaths. “Please, daddy…” He heaves like he was in pain, but his eyes glinted with that devilish look. His smirk was begging me to take him like prey. I huff like a bull as I pound my hands down onto the mattress on either side of my boy, pawing at the ground before I charge. My hulking frame overshadows Perry completely as my muscles flex above him. His tiny hands trace along their swollen definition. His fingers follow the trenches of my musculature. My pecs can swallow his hand whole. It is intoxicating. My massive size was a drug and I am addicted. Then I charge. I let out a roar as I thrust another few inches deeper inside of him. My massive cock makes room to dump its load. The bulge in Perry’s stomach reaches further up towards his chest. Perry cries out in that whining voice. His hands struggle to grip my biceps. I face little resistance as I force the last leg of my cock deep into his tight and hungry hole. My heavy balls hang against the side of my mattress. My monster cock filled his tight, little body so nicely. I place a hand across Perry’s stomach and feel my dick throb inside of him. I run my thumb up his smooth frame, tracing the bulging outline of my monster cock all the way up to his chest. My dick is currently taking up a majority of his torso. Perry heaves through a pained smile as the head of my cock is pressed against his lungs. “Fuck, daddy… You got… bigger than I expected…” he huffs. “ I… I want you… to fuck me… hard!” A shiver ran up my spine as he said that. His guts massaging my throbbing cock. My dick was begging to unload the sloshing reservoir of cum that was building up in my balls. I bare my teeth, “You’re reading my mind, son…” My fingers wrap easily around Perry’s neck. My other hand grips his waist as I slowly pull out. The thick bulge running up his stomach shifts. Fuck, I didn’t even know I had a fetish for this. “I’m gonna tear you up… Like a cheap fuck toy.” I already stretched his hole open, so now I was going to take what was mine. I slam my cock back deeper into him and force him to cry out. The sound of his whines awakens some kind of primal instinct inside of me. I pull back and feed him another thrust that makes him whine. Again and again, I fuck him harder and harder until his hole can’t resist against my cock any longer. I am an animal and he is just my toy. He cries out louder as I use him. My cock took him effortlessly. My balls swell and grow as my load just keeps building up. I’m so fucking pent up. This is the load I have been waiting my whole life for. Fuck, I feel so fucking powerful. I am a god playing with a mere mortal. With my huge hand still wrapped around his neck, I lifted Perry up. My cock still fills his body with man meat. As I pull him against my torso, he slides down deeper onto my godly endowment. He doesn’t even whine anymore. He just lifts his arms weakly to hold onto my thick traps to steady himself. Mouth agape, he looks up into my eyes. He pants like a pup. Such a good boy. “You want this fucking load, son?” I smile. I lean down and press my lips to his. Making out slowly and passionately. My tongue fills his mouth. My cock stuffs his ribcage. I lift him up and start using him like a fleshlight. Up and down he rides my monstrous dick. He feels so fucking good. His tongue dances with mine in his mouth. My perfect boy. Takes my cock so well. A rush of heat runs down my chest. I fuck him harder. Harder. His perfect ass slaps against the base of my shaft. My cock throbs and flexes. I feel my shaft swell even bigger. My cock head grows against his lungs. My endowment isn’t done growing yet. I’m going to cum. I need to unload these massive balls and dump my seed deep inside of my boy. I can’t hold back anymore. It’s now just a primal urge to breed. I was going to endow this boy with the blessing that is my hot cum. The sounds of whines and grunts and slapping skin fade until I hear nothing but ringing in my ears. My body becomes numb as I force myself balls deep inside of Perry. The little fucktoy on my cock and on my tongue disappears. My vision goes white. I feel nothing except pure orgasmic euphoria. My mountainous cock erupted with its semen and my mind ascended. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I lose track of time. I just float in that heavenly orgasm. Until eventually my vision returns to me. I’m bent over on my knees with my head resting on my bed. My cheek was resting in a pool of cum. I sit up. My head still feels heavy. Perry lays on his back in my bed. His chest heaves heavily. A satisfied smile spread across his face. I look down and see waves of cum pouring out of his gaping hole. My load was splattered all over my bed and spilled over onto the floor of my apartment. I grunt and force myself to stand up. My vision is still blurry. My head felt like a sandbag. My feet step into a puddle of my own cum. “Fuck, you are perfect,” I sighed in my usual voice. My eyes shoot open. I look around my apartment, gradually growing around me. The ceiling seems so far away now. I look down at my arms and watch as my muscles shrink before my eyes. My biceps relax and slowly return to my tiny self. All my muscle mass was melting away. “What?! What the fuck! What’s happening?! Where—” I stammer. I grope my biceps. Begging for my size to return. I don’t want to go back. I turn and rush over to my mirror. I still look bigger than I was before, but I could only watch in horror as my muscles shrink. My pecs pull back tight against my chest. My arms thin out. My height fell. Even my cock shrivels up to its tiny 8 inches. It was as if my entire body was like a cock going soft after shooting its load. I panic. I grope myself trying to keep some of that size that made me feel like a god. But it was all gone. Stripped away from me. “Oh, fuck…” Perry huffs. “Don’t worry, big daddy.” He stands up from the bed. More cum sloshes out of his ass and drips down his leg and onto the floor. He comes up behind me and puts his hand on my bicep. My skinny arm. “It’s okay,” Perry tries to calm me down. “Your body is just settling back into its usual form. It’s normal.” I turn and grab the back of his neck. My hands can’t even wrap around his entire throat. I pin him back against the wall. He looks scared. I don’t even care. “What the fuck are you talking about?!” I bark. “I was fucking massive! I—… I was a damn god…” “Okay… Okay, relax…” He places his hand on my tiny chest. He massages the underside of my pec gently. “You are still huge, Daddy. You always were. That’s why I picked you.” “I was a fucking monster! And now I’m just… this,” I said with disgust. “It’s okay. My saliva made you grow uncontrollably. You weren’t restrained by the limits of human nature. You could just grow freely. I knew you would appreciate the power. But when you came and shot your load deep… deep inside of me… Your body released and began to return to your usual… absolutely jacked self,” he huffs in satisfaction. Perry continues to pet my chest, trying his best to soothe me. “You can’t be a muscle beast all of the time. You’ve got a normal life to live. And… being normal-sized most of the time will help appreciate the size and growth I can give you sometimes. I know that for a fact. I’ve tried it myself too.” A “normal” life is such bullshit. I have worked all my life to grow. My cock grew through puberty and that was my gateway drug. I worked to grow my muscles. Grow my height. Grow my dick. I worked to live comfortably so I can spend all my free time growing. But now I have the secret. This perfect little twink can make me grow just by slobbering on my cock. He could make me grow. Beyond what I even ever imagined. The orgasmic growth I have been chasing is here in front of me. I am never going to let that go. I will become a muscle god and people will come from miles to worship me. I will be a king and no one will be able to stop me. “I hope we can do this again soon, Daddy. You really were the best I’ve ever had. You grew a lot faster than anyone else I’ve ever gifted. We will seriously have to push the limits next time we get together. See you soon, Daddy!” Oh, I was going to grow again very, very soon…
- 8 replies
- 52
- muscle growrh
- cock growth
- (and 6 more)
Jed couldn't believe it. Dexter was eating again. Jed's locker was just down the hall from Dexter's. He watched as Dexter, his face buried in his locker, cracked open a canned protein shake and with the ferocity of someone who hasn't eaten in days, glugged it down in three giant gulps. Dexter then grabbed a handful of snack bars, slammed his locker shut, and loped past Jed towards the study hall they both had next period. Dexter was wearing baggy jeans and an oversized sweatshirt. Jed watched Dexter as he passed. Something wasn't right. Jed was used to looking down on Dexter as were most of the other students at school. But now, Jed realized that he could not see the top of Dexter's head as he shuffled passed eyes fixed on the floor. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. He couldn't get to his locker fast enough. He was starving! That morning he had eaten even more than usual -- a three egg omelet, two breakfast sausages, and a bowl of grits. Thankfully his mother still enjoyed cooking for him. He was full when he finished, but that lasted barely an hour. By 9, his stomach felt empty. By 9:30, he was hungry. By 9:45, he was counting the seconds till the period was over and he could rush to his locker where he knew he had snacks waiting. Dexter felt Jed eyeing him. He hated that he had so many classes with Jed. Many people picked on Dexter, but Jed was the worst. Of course, that hadn't happened recently. Things were changing. The bell rang and Dexter leapt from his seat and tore across the room and down the hall to reach his locker as quickly as possible. He had finished his protein shake before he realized he even had his locker open. It felt so good to drink it. His body calmed a bit. He took a breath and grabbed three of the healthy snack bars that his mom started buying for him. He knew the protein shake wasn't going to be near enough. Three snack bars would hopefully do it. Lunch was an hour and a half away. He raced past Jed without looking up at him. Even from his periphery, Dexter noticed that Jed was seeming less and less tall. Soon, Dexter thought, I'll be the taller one. Maybe very soon. Dexter was asleep in class again. Jed didn't know how he got away with it. Dexter was sitting in his usual front corner desk when Jed entered the room. Before Jed could settle in a seat, Dexter opened a book like he was going to study, then quickly unwrapped three snack bars. A disinterested Mr. Bowman sat behind his desk facing the class. He never cared what the students did as long as they kept quiet. Each student took a seat, the room quieted, and Dexter methodically and silently ate three snack bars, one after the other, appearing to savor each bite. He then put his head down on his desk and seemed to fall asleep instantly. Again, Jed thought something wasn't right. Dexter's sweatshirt was baggy and oversized, but Jed could not convince himself that Dexter wasn't almost filling it out. In his position leaning forward, the sweatshirt appeared to be stretched somewhat tightly across Dexter's shoulders and upper back. As he slept, Dexter's chest expanded and contracted with each slow breath. With each expansion, Jed swore he could see Dexter's lat muscles coming further into focus under the sweatshirt. Were his eyes playing tricks on him? Dexter's back couldn't be that wide, his back muscles couldn't be that pronounced, and there is no way those could possibly be Dexter’s shoulders and upper arms filling out the sweatshirt. He must be wearing a thick shirt underneath. Maybe it was even a second sweatshirt. That had to be it. Dexter shifted slightly, his arms changing position, the creases in what to Jed increasingly seemed like a stretched sweatshirt changing to accommodate the shifting mysterious bulk beneath. Jed looked away. He must be going crazy. Dexter made sure his book was opened and his snack bars unwrapped before the normal classroom noises died down. He liked sitting in the front corner of the classroom -- close enough to the teacher that no one would mess with him, far enough from the teacher not to draw his attention. The snack bars were so inviting. He was still very hungry. He wanted to wolf them down but knew that would be a bad idea. So, he ate them as slowly as he could manage. Each bite was delicious. He knew each mouthful he swallowed would go towards his growing body. It felt so good. He wasn't wearing anything under the sweatshirt. Each time he brought a bar to his mouth to take a bite, he could feel the tightness of his sweatshirt as it stretched ever so slightly over his shoulder and arms. He resisted the temptation to flex. His biceps and triceps bulged now even without flexing. Could he see the peak of his bicep through the sweatshirt even now? Was the sweatshirt that tight on him? It couldn't be. He took another bite. Then another. Then another until he was finished. He got tired right away as he often did after eating these days. The weight of the snack bars and protein shake felt good in his stomach. His body was happy. Maybe he would grow. He realized he should bury that thought. The thought of growing excited him. Sometimes he got hard just thinking about it. His jeans were very baggy, but now he was starting to worry they were not baggy enough. He looked down at the folds of the jeans over his lap. The bulge of his penis was obvious to him. It was so big now. People couldn't tell, though, right? He wasn't sure he wanted anybody to notice. Except maybe Cindy. People would just see bunched baggy jeans. Maybe he should try to stay awake. If he fell asleep, he might get an erection. He was so tired, though. Before he could register just how tired, he was asleep. Forty minutes went by slowly for Jed. People kept trying to pass him notes mostly to ask about his girlfriend Cindy. Jed refused to write back. Cindy was fine and yes, she was still his girlfriend and people needed to stop asking him about it or he was going to get mad. All the while, his mind kept coming back to Dexter who was dead to the world asleep. Jed's friends finally gave up on him. Left alone, Jed was drawn once again to Dexter's sleeping form. With each passing moment, Jed became more and more convinced that Dexter did seem to be the wrong size. He was too big. Something was definitely wrong. Jed scanned Dexter from head to toe taking in everything that looked wrong -- thick arms, rounded shoulders, a wide back, and... was that a giant bulge in Dexter's crotch? Jed tried to look away -- this was disgusting -- but he couldn't. It could be a trick of his jeans, which were every bit as baggy as his sweatshirt, but was it? Jed watched with fascination and horror as the bulge at Dexter's crotch started to grow. It grew, pushing outward, a dome bigger than Jed's eyes wanted him to believe. There was a pause, then abruptly the bulge changed and began snaking its way down Dexter's right leg. One inch, then another, then another until a bulge as thick as a can of energy drink and twice as long snaked more than halfway to Dexter's knee! It was enormous! Dexter's breathing became deeper and faster. What was clearly a giant erection pulsed against Dexter's increasingly tight jeans. Moment after moment, breath after breath, the bulge in Dexter's pants seemed to swell towards its full size. Could Jed see the head of Dexter's cock inflating under his jeans? It looked the size of a baseball! Suddenly, Dexter shot awake. He sat up, looked down at his lap, and immediately flushed. Jed forced his eyes to the front of the room. He tried to forget what he just saw. Finally, the bell rang, and Jed left the room with the class. Dexter was having a dream about Cindy. Fuck it was good. She was so damn hot. Her tits huge and so soft. He was about to kiss them. Cindy moaned, her pink nipples swelling towards his waiting mouth... Derek bolted awake. Fuck, he’d fallen asleep. He was immediately aware of the giant erection straining against his jeans. Fuck, it was huge! People would see! He repositioned his legs and shifted his sweatshirt, so it covered as much of his leg as possible. Fuck, stop thinking of Cindy. Think of something else. Anything else. Did anyone notice? Dexter scanned the room. Nobody seemed to have noticed, but Dexter thought Jed seemed to be making a point of looking straight ahead at the empty whiteboard. Mercifully, the bell rang. Dexter stayed seated as the rest of the class left the room. He felt his cock deflate slightly. "Ok there Dexter?" Mr. Bowman asked with an inquisitive look? "Yes, I'm fine Mr. Bowman", Dexter responded gathering his things. He stood to leave. When he reached his full height, he realized things looked different. The angles were off. Things looked lower. Was he taller? He had had a few tall mornings recently, waking up realizing he had grown overnight. It couldn't have happened while he was napping during class, could it? Mr. Bowman raised an eyebrow. Dexter hurried out of the classroom. Jed couldn't believe what he'd seen. Or what he'd thought he'd seen. What was happening? Trying to appear calm to anybody who was watching, he walked towards his locker. Cindy was supposed to meet him there. He rounded the corner of the hall where his locker was. No Cindy. Jed just kept walking. People were watching him. He just kept walking. He arrived early to his next class -- physical education. He walked straight to his locker and started to change. One more period to go till lunch. He would probably see Cindy there, unless she was making a point to avoid him, which she might be. He thought back to two weeks ago when things really started to go bad with them. Jed was messing with Dexter as he had done countless times before. He had twisted Dexter's arm behind his back and was slowly raising it higher as Dexter squealed in pain. A small crowd had gathered to watch the entertainment. Jed's friends were goading him on. Then Cindy was there. "Why do you always have to pick on him?!" Cindy shrieked at him. "Why shouldn't I?!" Jed shot back. But what he was thinking was, "Because I saw you looking at him! Again!" What was worse is there was something wrong with Dexter. He was putting up much more of a fight than he ever had before. He screamed at Jed in his squeaky voice, "Let me go!" and tried furiously to break Jed's grip. Jed's left hand was clutching Dexter's upper left arm, Jed's right hand forced Dexter's right arm up his back, well past the point of pain. Suddenly, Dexter grunted, really more of a squeak, and tried to escape, forcing his right arm downward and lurching forward to break Jed's grip on his left arm. Even through his oversized sweatshirt, Jed felt Dexter's left arm swell with hard muscle as his biceps and triceps flexed violently. His right arm forced Jed’s down an inch or two before Jed, throwing all his strength into it, managed to stop Dexter's escape attempt... just barely. Dexter struggled for a few more seconds before giving up. Jed had won again, but just barely. Jed was shocked at Dexter's seemingly brand new strength and the way his arm had swelled when he tried to escape. Jed looked back at Cindy to find her glaring at him. Her arms were crossed under very ample breasts. Her eyes were points of anger aimed directly at Jed. Jed let Dexter go and he shuffled off, eyes down, tears streaming down his face. Cindy broke her gaze with Jed to watch Dexter as he left. Things had been bad with Cindy ever since. Everything in the hallway looked just the slightest bit shorter to Dexter. The lockers, the classroom doors, and even the other students. Could this really be happening? He did have not time to dwell on it. The friction of his jeans against his cock as he hurried down the hall caused his erection to return in full force and then some. His swollen cock had escaped his underwear, he knew. As he walked, his cock head pushed closer and closer to his knee. It strained against his increasingly tight jeans, his quadricep muscles flexing against his swollen erection. The thought of his cock growing caused it to swell that much more. He had to find someplace private and deal with this situation. He had to get to gym class though. There was no way he could walk into the changing room like this. Frantically, he ducked into a bathroom and into an empty stall quickly closing the door behind him. There were two other guys in the bathroom. A bead of sweat ran down Dexter's forehead as he waited desperately for them to leave. The instant they were out the door, Dexter unzipped his jeans and pulled them down. His dick was straining against his over-matched underwear. His cock head and at least two inches of shaft had escaped the bottom edge of his underwear. Dexter marveled at it for half a heartbeat before ripping his underwear down. His cock surged and sprang upward thickening and lengthening by inches. Fuck, it must be ten inches long! Dexter put both his hands on his cock and instantly it exploded in an intense orgasm. Spurt after spurt of cum erupted from his dick and splattered against the door of the stall. Dexter became lost in the orgasm as he ejaculated over and over. He finally came to his senses almost a minute later. The door was slathered with cum, which was dripping and pooling on the floor. How was he going to clean all that up? His dick was still half hard. Wondering how he would stuff it back in his pants, he reached down to pull them up, and saw his legs. His quads looked muscular! And big! It was only a couple of days ago doing leg presses that he noticed how crazy strong they had become. The silence surrounding him reminded Dexter that he was late to class. With some effort, he stuffed himself into his pants, used fistfuls of paper towels to clean his cum off the stall door and floor, and rushed off to gym class. Jed was the first person dressed and ready for class. Today's class was about proper bench press technique. It was a valuable exercise, but if done wrong could lead to shoulder problems. The teacher, Mr. Greer, asked Jed to demonstrate proper technique and then spot other students as they demonstrated theirs. Jed demonstrated first with just the bar to show perfect technique. To show how things can go wrong, Mr. Greer asked Jed to do additional sets progressively adding more and more weight. Jed started with 25 lbs. on either side, which was still easy for him. He then put 45-pound weights on either side for a total of 135 lbs., not his max, but definitely something he could feel. Jed did a full set of 10 as Mr. Greer pointed out how Jed was still maintaining proper form despite the fact that he was working harder to move the weights. "Are you up to push yourself further?" Mr. Greer asked Jed. "Of course, Mr. Greer. Let's go to 185." Pleaser, Mr. Greer added a 25 lb. plate to either side of the bar. Jed took a deep breath and pushed the bar upward. He proceeded to execute 7 repetitions, the last two of which were a little shaky. Mr. Greer pointed out how Jed's form started to loosen as he reached the end of the set. "Let's go up a little more, Jed. Just for a couple of reps to show the class why it's smart to be aware of your limits. I'll spot you. You'll be safe." Mr. Greer put 10 lbs on either side of the bar bringing the total weight to 195 lbs. Jed wasn't very worried. He had maxed at this level before. He took another deep breath and pushed the bar upwards. Be lowered the bar to his chest and could feel his form loosening. His back was arching slightly, his elbows shaking a little as he slowly thrust the weight up to complete his first rep. He lowered the bar again and struggled through a second rep. Mr. Greer started to say, "That's enough, Jed", but Jed lowered the bar for a third rep. As it touched his chest, he knew he made a mistake. He struggled with all his might, but the bar raised only a few inches before Mr. Greer grabbed the bar and re-racked it. "That is a great demonstration, class, of why you do not want to push yourself too far." Mr. Greer looked across the room to the door. "Ah. Dexter. So kind of you to join us. Perhaps you should be next to show the class your technique on the bench." Jed looked over and saw Dexter in the doorway of the gym. He was wearing an oversized tee shirt and shorts. Jed thought his forearms looked oddly thick. So did his calves. Mr. Greer turned to Jed. "Jed", Mr. Greer said, "why don't you spot Dexter while I observe." Jed responded, "Yes, sure, I'll spot." Dammit. Dexter had arrived at just the wrong time. He was hoping to avoid attention at today's class. Instead, he was about to go second behind Jed in a class demonstration. To Dexter's dismay, Mr. Greer asked Jed to spot. Jed agreed quickly, but Dexter thought his voice sounded shaky somehow. Dexter actually loved lifting weights. His muscles had grown so much over the past couple of months, it was insane. On top of which, bench was one of his favorites. His pecs always pumped incredibly from a good chest workout. They actually felt pumped right now as did his entire body from the strenuous activities of the bathroom just a few minutes ago. Dexter tried to ignore the fact that Jed would be his spotter and took his place on the bench. They started with just the bar. God, it was so light. Dexter complete 10 repetitions like it was nothing. When he started a couple months ago, even just the bar was pushing it for him. Things were so different now. "Ok, that was obviously too easy for Dex. Slow down son! And keep your form tight. Let's throw on some 25's." Jed put 25 lbs. on either side of the bar bringing the weight to 95 lbs. Dexter knew it would be easy. He completed 10 steady reps with barely any effort. He could feel his pecs and arms beginning to swell. "Looking good, son." Mr. Greer said. "Let's go up to 45's." Dexter was surprised. Mr. Greer had never jumped him up so quickly. Jed replaced the 25's with 45's and took his place behind the bench. Dexter wrapped his hands around the bar. A couple weeks ago, this was his max weight. He pushed upward lifting the bar off the rack rather easily. He steadied the weight and then lowered it to his chest. It felt light! He pressed it up with relative ease. God, he'd gotten strong. He completed nine more repetitions without struggling at all. "Wow, son, these weights have worked wonders on you, haven't they? Think you're ready to jump right to 185?" Dexter started to say, "I don't know..." but was interrupted by Mr. Greer. "Sure, you are. You'll be fine." Wordlessly, Jed added 25 lb. weights to either side of the bar. 185 lbs. was a lot for Dexter. In fact, it was his max lift from last week. He had managed only three shaky repetitions. But he felt good. His pecs felt full and pumped. He grabbed the bar and without hesitation lifted it off the rack. It didn't feel as heavy as last week. He lowered it to his chest and fearing it might get stuck there immediately tried to push it back up. It moved! Fast! Before he knew it, his arms were fully extended. Fuck, that was a lot easier than last week! He lowered the bar and did another easy repetition. Then a third and a fourth and a fifth. He slowed down on the sixth and perhaps a little more on the 7th. He was suddenly conscious that the entire class was watching him. He'd forgotten this was a class demo. He still felt he could do more reps, but before he could move, Jed racked the weight, keeping Dexter from attempting an 8th rep. He immediately felt blood surge to his chest. The pump felt amazing. "Very good son! What progress! Let's keep going. Another 10 on each side, Jed." There was a beat where Jed froze, but then he started mechanically loading the additional weight. "I don't know if..." Dexter began. "You can, son" Mr. Greer interrupted. Jed finished and took his place behind the bench. Dexter gripped the bar, took a deep breath, and pushed against the bar. It lifted off the rack. It did feel heavy. He took another breath and lowered it to his pumped swollen chest. He let it rest there just a moment and then pushed with all his might. He felt his pecs, shoulders, and triceps bulge with the effort. The bar went up! He completed a rep. It felt good. He lowers the bar for a second rep. His muscles surged upward for another successful rep, faster than the first, which he completed with a grunt. It escaped his lips before he realized it. Fuck, I can do another, he thought. He lowered the bar for a third rep. His chest felt hot. He could feel he was starting to sweat. He pushed the bar up and with another somewhat louder grunt completed the rep even faster than the second. That was three! He paused with the bar raised, panting. Sweat was beading on his forehead, but he still felt strong. He was about to lower the bar for a fourth repetition when he felt it pulled away from him. Jed had grabbed the bar and re-racked it. "Well, class, that was some textbook form even up to the end. I suspect we could push Dexter further, but we'll let him off the hook for today. Very well done, Dexter. Very well done indeed." Still on the bench, Dexter looked up at Mr. Greer who was beaming. Dexter lifted himself off the bench and slowly stood up. His eyes reached the angle they were used to seeing the world when Dexter was fully standing and then continued to rise, just a little bit. Everything seemed lower, smaller, including Mr. Greer. Dexter was looking down into his eyes. Weren't he and Mr. Greer the same height? "Thank you, Mr. Gr--” Dexter’s voice cracked. He could feel his face flush with embarrassment. He could also feel his chest, shoulders and arms filling with blood, his muscles swelling. His gym shirt was feeling tighter with each passing moment. "Thank you very much, Mr. Greer." Dexter finished. Did his voice sound deeper? "Alright, son, go ahead and finish your workout" Mr. Greer said, placing his hand on Dexter's shoulder. Dexter thought Mr. Greer's hand looked small on his shoulder, which was pumping with blood and clearly muscular under his tee shirt. "I will", Dexter responded in what to his ears sounded like an obviously deeper version of his voice. "Let's thank Jed for being a good sport about spotting." Mr. Greer offered. He and the rest of the class clapped politely. Dexter turned to look at Jed. Dexter found that he was looking Jed level in the eye. Something must be wrong -- the floor must not be level. Jed is way taller than him. Dexter raised his hands to join the clapping and felt the tightness of his tee shirt around his arms. Jed's eyes were everywhere but on Dexter, though Dexter thought he seemed nervous somehow. "Ok, let's find our next victim..." Mr. Greer continued the lesson. Dexter pulled up the lower half of his tee shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and then melted into the crowd making his way to the chest press machine to continue his workout. He definitely needed to continue working out. His pecs felt incredible. Dexter looked down at himself and observed how his pecs protruded from his chest like a shelf. He flexed and watched them ripple and bulge under his shirt. Jed watched Dexter take his place on the bench. From this perspective, Jed could not help but notice the bulges of Dexter's body even under his oversized clothing. The way his shorts draped over his legs; it was clear his quads were huge with separated musculature. Not to mention the bulge of his cock. There was a softball sized dome that caused his shorts to stretch and pucker. Jed quickly moved his eyes elsewhere, but things got no better. Dexter's pecs, shoulders, and arms looked big, way bigger than Jed would ever have thought possible. Jed tried to keep his face blank as he watched Dexter do ten reps with the bar like it was nothing. The 25's on each side barely changed things. The domes of Dexter's pecs bulged with each far-too-easy-looking repetition. When Mr. Greer suggested moving to 45's, Jed started to dread what was about to happen. Dexter completed 10 perfect reps at 135 lbs., his muscles swelling just a bit more with each contraction. Jed notices that, while Dexter was working, he had a look of absolute pleasure on his face, snapping back to reality only after the bar was re-racked. Jed was trying to think of a way to stop this, to get Dexter off the bench, when Mr. Greer suggested Dexter move up to 185 lbs. Recognizing that he missed his chance, Jed added a 25 to each side of the bar. Jed remembered seeing Dexter struggle to do a single rep with this weight last week. He was completely shocked to see Dexter push the weight off the rack like it was his normal work weight. Dexter did his first rep so easily that it appeared to surprise Dexter himself as much as it did Jed. Dexter proceeded to pump out six more reps, each perfect, his pecs swelling more and more, muscled rippling under his shirt, veins starting to become visible under the reddening skin of his forearms and neck. His seventh rep was as perfect as his first, if a bit slower. Then Dexter paused for some reason. Jed seized the opportunity to rack the weight. Jed knew he struggled more with that weight than Dexter just did -- in front of the entire class. Jed wanted this to end but didn't know how to end it. When Mr. Greer suggested to go to 195 lbs., it felt like a nightmare coming true. He could think of nothing to do, so he added the weight. Dexter grabbed the bar, pushed it off the rack, and proceed to do a solid repetition with it -- a weight that Jed knew Dexter couldn't even lift at all last week. The grunt Dexter released at the completion of his second rep caused Jed to feel something... it made him nervous. The louder grunt during the third successful rep almost caused Jed to jump. Dexter's eyes were half rolled back in pleasure. When Dexter paused for just a moment to catch his breath, Jed did the only thing he could do, grab the bar and re-rack the weight. Jed knew just as much as Mr. Greer did that Dexter could have kept going. Then Dexter stood up, and up, and up, until Jed thought he almost had to look up to meet Dexter's eyes, not that he wanted to do that. When Dexter started talking, his voice sounded more husky than squeaky, and then it cracked, and when Dexter started talking again, Jed swore Dexter's voice sounded deeper. An anxiety started growing in Jed's mind. Things got worse when Mr. Greer thanked Jed for spotting and Dexter turned towards him. Jed made a point to stretch to his full height as Dexter turned. Jed found his eyes were at best level with Dexter's. The globes of Dexter's pecs and shoulders were stretching his gym shirt. Jed may have said something in response to Mr. Greer's thanks or he may not have. When Dexter pulled up his shirt to wipe his face, he revealed a deep 8-pack of abs. The move also highlighted the way his low-hanging short were draped over the giant bulges of his quad muscles and crotch. Jed tried to unfocus his eyes, to look away, but he could not help but follow Dexter as he tried to disappear into the class. Jed was watching as Dexter flexed his pecs causing them to swell obscenely, rippling and filling his oversized shirt. Dexter felt amazing. He realized his gym shirt, which was absolutely huge on him just a couple of weeks ago, was now almost too tight. He could not stop flexing his pecs feeling them fill and stretch the shirt. He jumped on the pec deck machine and alternated sets on the machine with sets of push-ups. He quickly worked his way up to his max weight from last week and then blew past it by forty pounds. The unweighted push-ups were almost too easy, but they did serve to pump his chest to a level he never thought possible. He then moved to the cables and felt his pecs swell even further. He looked down and saw deep ridges where his upper pecs bulged from his rib cage. With each fly maneuver, his pecs and lats pulsed outward pulling his shirt tight. Dexter then moved to the dip station. He ripped through two sets of unweighted reps like they were nothing. He grabbed his weight belt and hooked 10 lbs. to it. Another set of dips. He added another 10. Another set of dips. He was starting to feel it. He added a third 10 bringing the total to 30 lbs. He proceeded to do three sets with thirty pounds of additional weight. He still felt strong, so he did a final set with a single 45 lb. plate. Fuck it felt good. Dexter realized he was lost in the feeling of it. Was he grunting? He finally looked up and saw that the class was beginning to file out of the gym. Mr. Greer waved to him, "C'mon Dex. That's all for today. You don't want to bust out of your clothes, now do you?" he asked with a smile. Dexter laughed somewhat uncomfortably and shouted back, "No Mr. Greer. Of course not." The deep voice that emanated from Dexter sounded in his ears like someone else's. The way a few class members looked back at him made him think that maybe it really was deeper. Dexter lowered his eyes and trailed the rest of the class out of the gym. He was struck again by the shelf of his pecs. He briefly flexed his upper body as he walked, pecs, lats, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. Was that a rip he just heard from his shirt? The rest of the class was a waking nightmare for Jed. Though he tried not to look, he found his eyes continually coming back to Dexter who proceeded to move more weight than Jed had ever seen him move -- in some cases more weight than Jed could probably move. Dexter's muscles bulged while he was exercised, but they bulged even more in between sets as he flexed them brazenly. Dexter was also suddenly not shy about grunting, which he did especially when he was clearly pushing past a previous max weight. What is more, his grunts did not sound right. They were too deep. The squeak in Dexter's voice was gone. Each grunt sounded deeper than the last to Jed. When he grunted during his last set of dips, with 45 lbs. of additional weight, it was so deep that Jed's brain would not accept that it came from Dexter. The rest of the class seemed to notice as well, especially when Dexter responded to Mr. Greer in a baritone that left little doubt that something had changed. Jed was somewhat relieved when Dexter lowered his eyes to follow the class from the gym. But, looking back, he caught glimpses of Dexter flexing his muscles as he walked. At the peak of the flex, Jed swore he heard fabric tearing. Jed hurried to the locker room. He wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. He had spent the entire class spotting other student. He hadn't broken a sweat and did not need to rinse off, Jed decided. He quickly changed into his regular clothes, hoping nobody would notice that he was rushing. Dexter walked in as Jed was about to leave. Jed watched transfixed as Dexter, his eyes still on the floor, stopped in front of his locker, his back to the rest of the class, and flexed again. He expanded his entire upper body -- lats, shoulders, pecs, triceps, and biceps. Jed watched Dexter's lats expand outwards like wings, his shoulders bulged bigger than softballs. Despite the background noise of a full class of students in a changing room, Jed was sure this time he heard Dexter's shirt rip, the sound of which was echoing in Jed's mind as he exited the changing room. Dexter proceeded directly to his locker in the changing room. His body still felt amazing from the workout. He did not look up to see if anyone was paying attention to him. He thought nobody was. He stopped in front of his locker and engaged on one more flex. He could feel every muscle, especially his pecs and triceps, but thought it was his lats that caused his shirt to rip even before he was fully flexed. The ripping sound broke his trance. He aborted the flex before it caused visible damage to his shirt, if it hadn't already. Dexter thought it was a good thing he jerked off just before gym class. Otherwise, he would be getting hard. Dexter had sweat quite a bit during his workout and knew he needed a shower. He grabbed his change of clothes and a towel and entered an empty shower stall. He did not like changing in front of people, so he brought everything into the stall with him, despite the fact that it usually resulted in his putting on his clothes while he was still wet. Removing his shirt in the stall, which was much more confining than Dexter remembered, proved problematic. The sweat soaked short got stuck on his lats and shoulders as he tried to pull it over his head. It was a struggle, and he was sure he heard a rip before he got it off. He looked down at his body, which to him was bulging with muscle. He removed his shorts, turned on the hot water, and began running his hands over his body. Everything felt huge. There was muscle everywhere, especially his pecs, which looked like they were ready to leap from his chest. Fuck, he was going to get hard. He felt his cock swell and stiffen. In moments, it was fully extended pointed straight up. He looked down at his deeply carved abs, comparatively narrow waist, and his extremally large cock and lost control of himself. One hand on his cock, the other steadying against the wall of the stall, he started stroking himself. He could not help it. He hoped he was being quiet. In seconds he exploded like he had in the bathroom, spurt after spurt of his cum splashing against the tiled wall. So much cum that it ran in rivulets down the wall, gathering speed with the shower water, and finally running down the drain. Dexter finally came to his senses enough to finish showering. He took his time to flex each muscle and feel it bulge in his hands. Then came a knock against the stall. "Is that you, Dexter?" It was Mr. Greer. "Better hurry up. The bell is about to ring." "Ok, will do" Dexter responded in a baritone voice that he could still not accept was his own. He turned off the water, dried himself quickly, and then set to dressing in the clothes he had walked in here wearing. It proved much more difficult than he had anticipated. The previously oversized sweatshirt barely fit over his bulging shoulders, pecs, and arms. His pants were even worse. His cock did not want to fully deflate, on top of which he was having a tough time pulling the pant legs over his quads. The fact that his skin was not fully dry only made things worse. The bell rang just as he finally finished dressing. He burst from the stall to find Mr. Greer waiting for him. Dexter found he was looking down at Mr. Greer's eyes. They both seemed taken aback. "Alright, Dex, better make your way to lunch. You don't want to be caught in the halls." "I'll head straight there, Mr. Greer", Dexter responded in his deepening voice. "You really seem to have an aptitude for lifting, Dex" Mr. Greer said, subtly scanning Dexter from head to toe. "You may want to consider a career in the fitness industry." Dexter looked down at himself, conscious of the way his previously baggy sweatshirt was now stretched over his upper body. "Thanks, Mr. Greer. Maybe I will." Dexter suddenly realized he was starving. He practically ran to the lunchroom. Jed thought he felt people's eyes following him as he walked the halls. He reached his locker. No Cindy. He threw his gym clothes inside and headed towards the cafeteria, bracing himself for what he might find there. Sure enough, Cindy was there. She was already seated at a table with food surrounded by her friends. The sight of her stopped Jed in his tracks. She and he locked eyes for half a heartbeat, then she looked away. Her friends noticed Jed and proceeded to huddle around Cindy like they were protecting her from an attacker. Jed was blocking an entrance to the cafeteria and people started pushing around him. He thought he heard Dexter's name floating amongst the chatter in the hallway behind him. " seen Dexter today?... huge!... ripped his shirt..." Jed spotted a couple of his friends in line for food. They ended up at their usual table. His friends were peppering him with questions, not just about Cindy, but also Dexter. They heard about gym class. Jed wouldn't say anything. Cindy, only at the far end of the next table over wouldn't even look in his direction. Finally, she did look towards him, but not at him. She was looking past him to the entrance to the cafeteria. Dexter was entering the room, eyes on the floor, almost jogging towards the line for food. The line was short by the time Dexter got there. He kept grabbing food, plate after plate of it, piled precariously high on his tray. It looked like at least three helpings of everything. He threw some money at the cashier then hurried off to his corner table with a handful of other misfits. They might have said a few words to him, but Dexter tore into his food shoveling mouthful after mouthful into his mouth. Jed wasn't sure why, but it was making him anxious watching Dexter wolf down all that food. Bite after bite after bite. Jed looked down at his own barely eaten plate of food and suddenly realized he had no appetite. His anxiety grew into something closer to abstract fear as he watched Dexter spend the next half hour shoveling plate after plate of food into his mouth, his jaw muscles working efficiently and furiously. People started filing out. Lunch was almost over. The entire senior class had to meet in the assembly room for a presentation about graduation. Jed's friends got up to leave and he followed them. As he was exiting the cafeteria, he looked back to see Dexter finishing his lunch by chugging an entire bottle of water in one unbroken gulp. Food! Every step towards the cafeteria caused Dexter's hunger to increase. It reached an overwhelming crescendo just as he reached the front of the cafeteria line. Everything looked so good, and he was so hungry. He piled so much food on his tray, he wasn't sure how much was there. He just hoped it would be enough. The cashier charged him for three full meals, a price Dexter gladly paid. He raced to his corner table where he and the other unpopular kids ate together. They might not be all friends, but they were at least friendly to each other. Not that any of that mattered to Dexter in the current moment. All he wanted to do was eat this food, which he did as soon as he took his seat. For the next half hour, all he could think about was shoveling the food down his throat. He had never been so hungry! He was used to his workouts increasing his appetite, but this was more than he had ever experienced. His body wanted every bite, every morsel of food that he had taken - three Salisbury steaks, a mountain of mashed potato, and piles of steamed vegetables. All of it was overcooked, but he didn't care. His body craved it. When he was finally finished, he up-ended his bottle of water and drank it all down. Dexter realized the rest of the kids at his table were staring at him. The expressions on their faces were somewhat inscrutable. The girls were looking at him in a way that confused Dexter. "What? I was hun..." His voice cracked again. "I was hungry", he finished in what might have been an even deeper version of his voice. "Obviously" one of the guys said. "Well, you've got muscles to feed" one of the girls started, "or so we've... heard." Her eyes were glued to Dexter's chest. "What?" Dexter said, suddenly feeling drowsy. "I've gotta go. We've got an assembly." "Did his voice always sound like that?" he thought he heard a girl ask as Dexter rose from the table, leaving his tray and stack of plates behind, and made his way towards the assembly room. The halls were a blur. Suddenly, all he wanted to do was sleep. Also, his sweatshirt was too tight. It was catching under his armpits and at his chest and he could feel it squeezing his upper arms. He flexed his biceps watching as the peak stretched the sweatshirt to its limit. He finally made it to the assembly room, which was more than half full by the time he got there. There were empty seats up front. He took one near the corner where it was darkest, propped his head on his hand, and melted into sleep. Jed spotted Cindy seated near the middle of the assembly room, flanked by her friends on either side. The seats behind her were empty. Jed pushed his way through the crowd of students and took the seat directly behind her. A few of Jed's friends filtered in his row after him. From this angle, Jed had a perfect view of Cindy's amazing tits jutting almost arrogantly from her chest. She was wearing a tiny top that hugged her fit body in all the right ways. Several inches of well-toned abs were exposed above her tight jeans. She had no right to ignore him. Jed leaned forward and started to say, "You can't ignore me, you..." but before could get it out, Cindy leapt from her seat and stepping over her friends moved almost to the end of her row as far as she could quickly get from Jed. Jed was considering stepping over his friends to get to her when he saw Dexter walk down the far aisle. He passed by Cindy and took a seat near the front, not far from her. Jed watched as Dexter sat and quickly passed out. Jed also noticed two other things. One, he noticed that Dexter's shoulders were a lot wider than his seat back. Two, he noticed that Cindy was also watching Dexter. In fact, she was staring. She was erect in her seat, back arched, stretching to get a better view. Her chest was heaving slightly, her breasts silhouetted in prominent display. Jed was vaguely aware that the assembly presentations had begun. As they droned, the minutes dragged on and on and on. Cindy barely looked away from Dexter. When she did, it appeared as if she was forcing her eyes forward like she was fighting with herself to look away. Each time she did, within moments she was back staring at Dexter. She never once looked back at Jed. Who the fuck did she think she was? She could not treat him this way. Dexter slept through the entire assembly. He shifted every few minutes, the stadium style seating not designed for comfortable sleep. With each repositioning, Jed thought Dexter looked less comfortable, not more, like his body was struggling to fit inside a space too small for it. Dexter stretched in his sleep reaching his arms upward. Jed noticed that there was exposed wrist between the end of Dexter's sweatshirt sleeves and his hands. The assembly proceeded tortuously, Jed's gaze alternating between Dexter and Cindy. Finally, the assembly was over, and the bell rang. Dexter did not stir. Cindy did, the bell seeming to wake her from a reverie. She finally did look back at Jed. Anxiety spread over her previously serene expression. She jumped from her seat and made swiftly for the doors at the back of the assembly room. This time, Jed did step over his friends to follow her. Shoving his way through the crowd, he caught her in the hall outside. Furious, he grabbed her arm and spun her around. She was panting, her breasts rising and falling with each respiration. Her trim abs, tones arms, and shapely athletic legs were evident even through her jeans. Jed's voice caught in his throat for a moment, but he mastered himself and practically yelled, "What the fuck, Cindy? You can't treat me like this. Who the fuck do you think you are??" She did not say a word but glared at him. Suddenly, her eyes widened. She looked past and over Jed, her expression changing from one of anger to one of amazement. Jed felt something behind him. Without looking, he felt he knew what -- who -- it was. Dexter woke slowly from what was a pleasant dreamless slumber. His body felt relaxed. He stood to stretch, bumping his knees on the seat on front of him. Like earlier today, his visual perspective went up and up, past where it was yesterday, still up, past where it was this morning, still up, past even where it was when he fell asleep! He reached for a full stretch and was conscious of his sweatshirt riding up his mid-section, his hands stretching past the ends of the sleeves. He felt cool air around his ankles and looking down noted that his pants did not reach his shoes. His jeans, formerly baggy, were stretched over his calves and even more so over his thighs. Neither his jeans nor sweatshirt were tight at his waist, but when he lowered his arms, he felt the sweatshirt bunch around his chest leaving most of his med-section exposed. He pulled the sweatshirt down and found it would not reach his waist. In fact, it could barely contain his upper body, the globes of his shoulders, twin domes of his pecs, and thick full lats all strained against the nearly over-matched fabric of the sweatshirt. Dexter flexed slightly watched his pecs dance, the sweatshirt clinging to them in a way not wholly different from how Cindy's top clung to her breasts. Dexter was suddenly aware that his cock felt constricted. He looked down and beheld a truly massive bulge at his crotch on obscene display despite his jeans. Dexter looked around and noticed the last of the class leaving the assembly room. They all looked smaller. Everything looked smaller. He followed them outside to find a crowd of students huddled around something. He continued to stride forward and was surprised that the people in his path, when they noticed him, looked at him, looked up at him, and moved quickly out of his way. Dexter found himself walking up behind Jed who seemed to be in an altercation with a furious looking Cindy. As Dexter approached, Cindy locked eyes with him, her expression changing instantly from one of fury to one of eagerness. As he got closer, Dexter realized he was taller than Jed now. Dexter closed the gap coming within inches of Jed, able to look completely over Jed's head to Cindy and the gawking crowd beyond. Jed turned around and found himself staring at what had become his worst nightmare -- Dexter. His eyes were level with Dexter's mouth. Jed's chin was practically resting on a shelf of pec muscle that was so big and perfectly formed as to be almost inhuman. It rose and fell with each of Dexter's slow calm breaths. When Dexter spoke, Jed knew his life was changed forever. "Leaver Cindy alone, Jed." Dexter said in a deep confident voice, which reverberated in Jed's own chest nearly knocking the wind out of him. Dexter was huge! Neither his sweatshirt nor his jeans could hide the protruding muscles beneath. His sleeves, stretched over his muscled arms, did not reach his hands. The gap between Dexter's sweatshirt and jeans revealed inches of muscled abs. Dexter's jeans struggled to contain the immense bulges of Dexter's quads and the obscene bulge at his crotch. Jed, struggling with a growing abject terror, thought that with each breath, Dexter grew a bit more. Soon, his clothes would split revealing a horrifically muscled body. Jed became frantic. His fight instinct kicked in. He panted a foot behind himself, then thrust off it to tackle Dexter to the floor. The collision may have hurt Jed more than it hurt Dexter! Dexter's mid-section was hard as a rock! Whether Dexter was surprised by the attack or simply did not care, Dexter went down with Jed on top of him in a classic school-boy pin, straddling Dexter with his hands on Dexter's wrists to trap his arms. "Fuck you, Dexter! You stay away from us!" There was a brief moment of silence. "Fuck me?" Dexter responded. A smile crept over his face. "Fuck me?" Dexter slowly bent his arms in a double bicep flex. Jed tried to stop him, but found he was easily overpowered. Dexter barely seemed to notice Jed's strained effort. Dexter's upper arms expanded, his bicep peaks pushing against the fabric of his sweatshirt. Halfway through the flex, his sweatshirt began to rip over his emerging biceps. "Fuck me? No Jed." Dexter completed his flex, the entirety of his biceps ripping into view. They were massive and defined with peaks that jutted so high they met with Dexter's mid-forearms at full flex. The sleeves of Dexter's sweatshirt were in tatters. "Fuck you!" Dexter exclaimed as he flipped Jed over as easily as an older brother might toy with a younger sibling, reversing the school-boy pin leaving Dexter on top and Jed on the bottom. "Fuck you, Jed!" Then Dexter's expression changed, a pleasure seeming to wash over it, his eyes rolling back, his eyelids fluttering. Holy Fuck, Dexter was so much stronger than Jed! Jed couldn't do anything to stop him! Jed's pathetic attempt to stop Dexter's bicep flex was barely even noticed! Then, he flipped Jed over like it was nothing! Dexter looked down at Jed cowering beneath him, Dexter's hugely muscled arms flexing and swelling as they held Jed easily and firmly in place. Dexter knew his weight was more than enough to keep Jed's waist pinned to the floor. Dexter could feel the violent bulge of his massive cock pressing into Jed's comparatively soft and yielding stomach. Dexter was so fucking strong! It felt so fucking good! Dexter's cock started to expand, his bulge pressing deeply into Jed's stomach, which yielded before it. Dexter was getting hard, and he didn't even care. His cock bulged more deeply into Jed's stomach. Dexter's cock grew and lengthened, stretching his underwear to its limit. Dexter heard a ripping sound and felt his cock thrust through his underwear and snake down his leg, inexorably making room for itself between Dexter's massive quadricep and Jed's waist. It grew and grew and grew. Dexter was lost in the pleasure of it. He did not even notice the look of abject horror that spread across Jed's face or Jed's frantic attempts to escape. Without realizing it, Dexter began thrusting himself against Jed sending waves of pleasure throughout Dexter's own body. Jed felt something pressing into his stomach and looked down to see Dexter's massive bulge, pressed against him, growing obscenely. Vainly struggling to escape, Jed watched in horror as Dexter's bulge grew and grew. Jed heard the ripping sound of Dexter's underwear and felt Dexter's massive penis expand against his waist. Then, Dexter started thrusting against him! "Get off me! Get off me!!" Jed screamed, flailing violently in a desperate attempt to escape, whose only effect was causing Dexter's pec and arm muscles to flex and bulge as they easily hold Jed in place. Dexter kept thrusting. Jed was about to scream again when Cindy suddenly appeared alongside Dexter. Dexter was snapped to consciousness by a gentle touch on his shoulder and the scent of perfume reaching his nose. Dexter's head whipped to his side to see Cindy crouching beside him, one hand on his shoulder. Her breasts were heaving. A tiny bead of sweat rolled down her neck, then gathering speed, plunged between her more than ample breasts. "Dexter", she said breathlessly. Dexter's eyes were drawn to her nipples, which were suddenly very visible beneath her thin clothing, "Leave him. Let's get out of here. C'mon. Let's go!" Dexter looked down at Jed, who looked absolutely terrified. His eyes were darting from Dexter to Cindy and back. Dexter had Jed by the wrists. Dexter squeezed. His forearms, biceps, and triceps bulged incredibly, his corded forearm muscles, peaked biceps, and striated triceps standing out in bold relief. Jed squealed in pain. Cindy pulled on Dexter's shoulder, and he let her drag him to his feet. She took his hand and led Dexter swiftly down the hall and out the main entrance of the school. Nobody tried to stop them. She ran straight for her car motioning for Dexter to get in the passenger seat. It was a tight fit. Dexter's head nearly brushed up against the roof. Cindy started the car and sped away. She drove out to the main road and followed it for just a minute to the parking lot of a local church, which was unused at this time of day. She pulled around back where there was some relative privacy, shut off the car, and turned to face Dexter. She was panting slightly, her unbelievable breasts, barely contained by her top which seemed painted on, filled Dexter's vision. "Dexter", she said, "You stood up to Jed to protect me." "Of course, I did", Dexter responded in his new baritone, "I would do anything for you." She leapt at him, and they proceeded to devour each other in an overwhelming fit of passion. Dexter had never kissed like this before. Their hands and lips and tongues were all over each other. A metallic creak drew their attention to Dexter's cock, which had just surged, destroying the zipper of his jeans. "Holy fuck" Cindy exclaimed and then ripped Dexter's jeans open in one motion. She extricated Dexter's hardening cock from his tattered underwear and held it as it grew, lengthening and thickening and lengthening inch by inch until it stood straight up, erect, nearly a foot long and still growing. "Oh my god", she breathed as she leaned forward and plunged Dexter's massive erection into her mouth. The moment her lips touched his cock, Dexter experienced a feeling he never had before. Cindy moaned scandalously as she slurped furiously at his dick. It barely fit inside her mouth, but she forced her head downward until Dexter's cock was thrust down her throat. Dexter would have cum instantly had he not done so twice already since he arrived at school. Cindy's head bobbed up and down, Dexter's cock continuing to swell. At the top of each motion, Cindy's head was a fraction higher until Dexter's cock had, reaching its full height and girth, lengthened by inches and become so thick it was impossibly tight inside Cindy's hungry moaning mouth. Cinder broke from Dexter and set to desperately ripping her clothes off. In the blink of an eye, she was out of her top. Her breasts finally set free appeared to float in midair. Her nipples were as erect as Dexter's penis and were every bit as impressive. She then quickly but with some difficulty peeled off her jeans, which caught on her shapely athletic thighs. Her panties came off as well, exposing her trimmed pussy, the inviting smell of which immediately wafted to Dexter's nose. In one graceful movement, she straddled Dexter. With each hand, she grabbed a handful of Dexter's tattered sweatshirt and ripped it fully apart exposing Dexter's insanely muscled torso. She then thrust her boob in Dexter's face. Instinctively, Dexter took her erect nipple in his mouth and sucked. Cindy released a full-throated moan of pleasure as her nipple expanded to full prominence wrapped in the warmth of Dexter's lips. She positioned her now dripping pussy against the head of Dexter's tremendous cock. She paused for just a moment, then thrust herself downward, and Dexter was inside of her. Cindy's second full-throated moan was joined by an equally full-throated, but much deeper one, from Dexter. Dexter's grips on Jed's wrists were like vices. Then he squeezed sending lancing pain through Jed's arms. The cry of pain escaped Jed's lips involuntarily. He thought his bones may have snapped. Then Dexter was gone, being led down the hallway by Cindy. Half the crowd was watching them go, while the other half looked down at Jed with a mixture of pity and horror. The only thing Jed knew was that he needed to get out of there. Now knowing where else to go, he leapt up and raced after Dexter and Cindy. He burst from the main entrance just as Cindy was closing the door of her car behind her. He could see Dexter's massive bulk in the passenger seat. Like he was caught in a nightmare, Jed ran to his car, jumped inside, and raced after Cindy and Dexter to the church parking lot. They did not notice him pull up nearby. He saw everything. He saw Cindy and Dexter kissing passionately. He saw Cindy rip off Dexter's clothing and her own. He saw her bury her head in Dexter's lap, her head momentarily disappearing, then bobbing into view, up and down, higher each time, until at the low point of her motion it almost looked from Jed's vantage point like she was kissing the rim of the car door, then bobbing upward revealing inch after inch of Dexter's massive cock visible over the door's rim. Jed's jaw dropped as Cindy, in one graceful maneuver, positioned herself over Dexter's erect penis and then thrust herself downward, taking all of it inside herself. The next five minutes were filled with the most furious sex Jed had ever beheld. They fucked like wild animals to the soundtrack of Cindy's melodious moans and Dexter's terrifying deep ones. The two of them completely filled the passenger seat of Cindy's car, which was bouncing up and down with the dangerous fury of a streetcar that has careened off-road at full speed. Cindy and Dexter were bracing themselves with their hands against the car door and ceiling. Amidst their moans and grunts and the squealing of the car's shocks and brakes, Jed thought he heard the creaking of metal. He thought he saw the roof of the car and the passenger door buckle outward where Cindy and Dexter were bracing themselves. After the most interminable five minutes of Jed's life, Cindy and Dexter came together, the pair of them roaring in unison for almost another minute. Finally, it was over. Cindy collapsed on Dexter's massive, muscled form, their panting subsiding into the deep slow breathing reserved for those who have just experienced ultimate physical bliss. Jed, overwhelmed, broke into tears, turned his car around, and sped away, sobbing...
Please remember, I'm not a writer. Body dysmorphia warning. I'll post final parts next week. Enjoy. Feedback welcome. To say it was an awkward dinner would have been generous. The table and mood of the diners was downright funereal. The two couples sat guy-girl and the same across the table. Hugh’s wife kept giving furtive glances towards her husband, obviously keen to leave, or run, or be anywhere else than here. Warren’s wife, Emma was a chef, and had worked hard on the dinner of crispy-skin salmon, braised white beans and pea puree. For dessert, flourless chocolate cake. It was, after all, she and Warren’s sixth wedding anniversary. She wore the necklace of rose gold and inset amber that Warren had given before going backstage. Warren was excited about dessert after cutting for nearly nine weeks in his bid to go pro. His stretch T-shirt was purposefully dark, as despite washing off most of the express tan, it always took a few days to return to his normal, somewhat pale skin tone. Warren Woodrick had come in second place, and would need to travel in several weeks to try again before the off-season started, breaking his promise to go away with Emma. He simply couldn’t risk two weeks of cruise-life with another chance around the corner. He knew Emma would understand. Warren was wrong. It was the last straw. “Does anyone want to go to the bazaar?” Hugh’s wife, Nancy, was sweet. She was always positive. “Yeah, sounds like fun. We should all go.” Hugh tried to smile across the table to Emma, but faltered at her Medusa’s glare. Her response surprised Hugh, but that could have been the fourth glass of wine talking. “Sure, why not. Gives me a chance to get out of this tiny apartment.” Warren didn’t even look up. The emphasis was clearly a dig at their lack of lifestyle change. Warren didn’t make much, working as a fitness model and “muscle-extra” in films. Living in LA made it easy to get gigs like that, despite all the competition. Emma made more as a sous-chef at a fine-dining restaurant in a hotel. She could have meant the other thing as well. The night was warm, and there were loads of people out at the bazaar. Some stalls were inside the amphitheater while others lined the parking lots. Organically, the men separated from the ladies by simply walking slower in the crowds. “Oh, come on! We have to go in. When are you gonna have another chance?” It was the argument Nancy had used to get Emma into the fortune teller’s over-curtained and heavily incensed space, after giving Hugh the signal to wander off. Nancy had some regrets. The teller seemed to be hitting a nerve. “It’s clear, child. A child is what you want.” Emma snatched her palm out of the wizened woman’s grasp. “What do you know!,” she shrieked. “It’s not fair. It’s not fair. It’s not me, ya know. It’s him. All that muscle, and for what? Specials shakes! Macros! Bulking! Gym fees! Cutting! Coaching! And all for what? FOR WHAT!? Those tiny BBs couldn’t produce half a teaspoon. Did you know that Nancy? You’re the lucky one. If Warren has it up, you couldn’t even tell. He’s that small. Micropenis, they call it. I’ll say!” Suddenly, she held up her pinky and began laughing hysterically. “Oh, honey, I didn’t know. I’m sorry.” Nancy tried to hug-carry her out, but Emma wouldn’t have it. ‘You didn’t know. You didn’t know? What about Hugh? He’s older. Doesn’t he have the same . . . condition?” “Um, well, no. I mean, I never measured, but I never thought, well, it’s not been an issue for us. Look, that doesn’t mean . . . .” Nancy’s laughs changed to sobbing cries. Under the sobs, both women in attendance could hear, “It’s not fair,” on repeat. “Ladies, ladies,” clapped the soothsayer, I have a solution.” The old woman rose from the circular table with youthful movements to disappear behind one of the wall curtains. She returned a moment later, with a small glass vial, full of round, pearl-colored balls, perhaps pills. “No, my dear one,” started the teller, moving closer. “A single pearl will solve your problem for one night. Prolonged use, once a week, will have permanent effects.” Emma, her makeup appearing as a watercolor abstract, looked up. “Really? What does it do?” “They are wish pearls. As long as the user is focused, a single wish is possible.” Emma reached out, but the old woman was quicker than expected. “Alas, wishes are not cheap. $100 per pearl, young ladies. A fair price, almost generous, for a wish to come true. Wouldn’t you say? How many would you like?” Emma was reaching for her purse, Nancy trying to reason with her drunk sister-in-law, when there was a commotion outside. Fire! FIRE! Panic rang out. The ladies ran from the stall, through the curtains, into the mob outside. Fire was streaming down the hill. Smoke had already made its way, while embers lit the dry landscape as fireflies in a dream. “No, Emma! The boys know where to go. We’re leaving!” Hugh and Warren had left the bazaar, knowing the ladies would be a while. Hugh had suggested they go to a bar he knew close by. His office was nearby, and the spot was good for catching a game, a decent meal, and local attention. A few drinks in, “Was that about the same thing you’ve been fighting about?” Warren nodded, “Yeah, she won’t drop it. I told her we could adopt. I thought it was just about the sex,” Warren leaned in closer to his brother, “but you know I’ve always been generous.” Warren took his callused and over-muscular hands off his glass to emphasize the point. Hugh knew of his brother’s problem. They shared a room growing up, and were only two years apart. Hugh was average, if not a little bigger than average, but his brother had always been small. That was likely why he started lifting. At 28-years-old, Warren was just shy of 5’10”, with a 32” waist. Hugh didn’t know all his brother’s numbers, but they could share pants. Hugh was 5’11”, but at least 40lb lighter. That T-shirt Warren wore left nothing for the imagination: massive biceps with that vein bulging out from the seam ridden high on defined and separated shoulders, all accenting full and high pecs. The taper to the narrow waist, which had to be smaller than normal considering his latest cutting, was all produced by back muscles that flared impressively. “Most people enjoy the ‘trying’ portion of making a kid,” Hugh smirked. Warren patted his brother’s back, “It’s hard for us. She’s so small, and it’s difficult for me to, well, get in there. We tried a baster, but I don’t make enough. . . . Never mind. I don’t know what else to do.” “Finish you drink. I have an idea.” Eleven blocks North, the two brothers were in Koreatown, stepping into a low-height basement. “Ahh, good evening gentlemen. With bazaar, I not think customers come. What can Foo do fo you?” The short, Asian man was dressed plainly in cotton sweats, a 3-button Henley, and slippers. It was cooler down here. The wall behind the counter had dozens, no, hundreds of small drawers. The smell down there reminded Warren of food co-ops that sold vitamins. “Cut it out Frank. It’s just me.” “Ah, Hugh. What brings you here this time of night? It’s a bit early for a refill, innit?” “We’re not here for me.” It was clear Hugh didn’t want his frequenting brought up. “Refill?” Warren seemed to wake up for the first time since leaving the bar. “Don’t worry about it. Suffice to say, Frank, or Foo, is the real deal.” Through a series of questions reluctantly answered, and crafting time, a small box that was surprisingly heavy was passed to Warren. Inside was a purple powder, a 90-day supply, according to Foo. Warren was to take a small amount, provided by an accompanying wooden spoon holding maybe an eighth of a teaspoon. Foo was clear; he made no promises. Take everyday for ninety days, and then come see him. Could he miss a day? Maybe, but not more than two. It would take time to fix his little problem. A klaxon from a small television in a room beyond wailed. Frank ducked in to check. When he returned, he told the men he would close up, as another fire was moving down the hill, and he wanted to check on his family. Home for the night, Warren and Emma insisted Hugh and Nancy stay for the night, as they had a long drive, and emergency vehicles on the road would make it difficult. The latter couple slept on the pull-out couch. The following morning, Emma woke to an empty bed. It was the noise of the front door that woke her to a deserved hangover. Hugh and Nancy were watching the news and making breakfast in the small kitchen: eggs, turkey bacon, bagels and coffee. Warren heaved a giant tub of protein powder on the counter. Half the counter was taken up by supplements, gels, powders, and blender bottles. “Everyone on the hill was evacuated. Some of the houses towards the highway were lost. A shame. You would think the governor could do something. Coffee Emm?” Nancy did try, bless her heart. Emma walked in, and looked from Warren to the powders, her face becoming a scowl. The fight that followed was a relief for Emma, to get it all out. She complained about his lack of careerism, his waste of money on goos and potions for an extra pound; that if he spent half the time trying to make their marriage work as he did picking things up and putting them back down, she’d be pregnant by now. She even insulted his penis size and lack of semen production, causing Warren to finally roar back calling her an alcoholic and an insufferable bitch lacking empathy. Emma finished packing, and Hugh took her bags down to the car. Nancy hurried after, letting Emma know they’d be down in the port after she said goodbye, encouraging her not to leave angry. Emma waved her off, sitting on the bed, while Warren stripped his gym clothes, having just returned from his morning workout. Despite herself, she enjoyed the view: his glutes always made her tingle. She wondered if there would come a day where she didn’t both love and hate her husband’s muscles. Her thoughts were punctured by her disappointment and anger once he turned to face her, completely nude. The entirety of his manhood was as a button, with shriveled mounds in place of hanging testicles, as if they’d never dropped. Emma sighed. “This is who I am Emm. Am I so disgusting to look at?” “You’ve never been disgusting to me, Warren. I deserve, we deserve to be happy. I didn’t know this would happen to us. It’s not fair.” Warren moved to hug her, all 5’3” of her. She pushed him away. Damn, his abs were nice. Hard, and carved with those sexy bits on the side. Too bad they led to nothing. “I have to go. You know how to reach me, the restaurant or my parents. No, don’t ask when I’ll be back. I don’t know if or when.” Warren leaned in to kiss his wife. She didn’t resist, though she barely kissed back. “I love you.” “I love you, Warren. It may not be enough.” Emma grabbed her purse from the bed, and walked into the kitchen-living space. She took a water from the refrigerator, hearing the shower in the bedroom start. Emma opened her purse, and removed the small apothecary bottle of pearls. Warren had opened his new keg of powder, as she called it. She uncorked it, and was hit by that pungent, manufactured blue raspberry scent. The coffee grinder was drying upside down on the counter. She wiped it out, and poured the pearls into the cannister. Checking to confirm the shower was still running, Emma ground the pearls into a lavender powder. It was probably nonsense, but she did wish and hope. Oh, how she wished. Over and over she wished. She poured the powder into the protein. The colors were fairly close. Using a whisk, she mixed all she could until she heard the shower stop. She replaced the cap, and rinsed the grinder cannister. The empty bottle, she tossed in the kitchen garbage, and left the apartment, still wishing, but also still angry, and maybe, just maybe, a little sexually frustrated. “Babe, is that you?” Warren stepped out of the bedroom, a towel wrapped around his midsection. She was gone. Back in the bedroom and fully dressed, he remembered the origin of the white box, with a single Chinese character written on it. Maybe it was Korean, but Warren didn’t know the difference. He was going to throw it out, but Hugh had spent so much on it, insisting it was an anniversary gift. A thought occurred to him. He carefully removed the plastic bag inside the box, holding the purple powder. His new “keg” of powder should last him sixty days. There wasn’t a lot of space inside the container, but he had the old one in the hall to take down for recycling. Emma never liked the bottles or containers to pile up. But she wasn’t here. He took the hallway keg, and the new keg, pouring half in the old keg an eye-measured half of the purple powder. It took him a while to mix the two back and forth, mixing the purple into the light blue powder. Hopefully, it wouldn’t make the taste any worse. These kegs of unsold powders were cheap because they didn’t sell. They didn’t sell because they tasted like shit. The next few days were uneventful. Warren did his heavy lifting in the morning, but kept mindful of being ready for the next competition. At nights, Warren stretched, went to hot yoga, and continued teaching his plyometric HITT fitness class to offset his gym fees at the second place. The weirdness started on the fourth morning. Tony, his buddy was there, cycling between heavy lifts and updates on something called a “blog,” as he called it. “So, how’d it go last night, Dub.” “Whaddya mean? Oh! The shoot? It was the same as usually. I walked in. I was labeled Goon #7. There was a bit of choreography, where I had to get blown up. Nuthin’ serious. They good have used another one, T. One of the other guys canceled, last minute.” “Who, me? Not with this mug.” Tony chuckled, took his phone, and snapped a selfie, while petting his thick beard. “Where are you?” “I’m at about fifty. You wanna cycle?” “Nah, you’re already going. I thought you were warming up because of the weigh, but I just remembered you have another chance in what, like, seven weeks?” “Six! Alright. Happy lifting. I’m gonna get back to it.” Warren went back to his flat bench, while Tony went over to the dumbbells to start warming up his shoulders. Warren kept his reps high, and his weight moderate, with full control. The disciplined lifter racked his 200lb barbell whispering “twenty-five” under his breathe. He could stand to up the weight. “What the . . . ?” Small though it may be, Warren couldn’t help feel his penis becoming erect. He tried to dismiss it, thinking it would go down, but it wasn’t happening, not that anyone would notice. Between the tight joggers underneath his shorts, and his muscled thighs, all his penis did was push into the pouch of his briefs. Warren worked the cable crossovers, and brought the bench weight up to 225lb, thinking if he focused, his situation would resolve itself. He racked. He whispered, “twenty-three.” That should be higher, he thought. If it wasn’t for this damn distraction! Warren even smirked, while walking over to the cable crossover, and adjusting the weight: if he took the blood in his penis, and had it for his chest, he’d have no problem hitting his rep goal. A warm sensation traveled from his crotch to his chest. It felt good, like a full pump. Finally, his erection subsided. Warren almost ran back to his bench. Some kid was loitering nearby, obviously frustrated with having to wait for a bench, but not daring to comment. Warren sat his bench and pushed. When he hit twenty-five, his chest was on fire, pumped, excited. He kept going, racking at thirty-two. His chest felt amazing. Warren moved to upper and lower exercises. An hour later, in the locker room, Warren striped down to his Hawaiian briefs, and wrapped a towel around his waist. Once in the showers, the pumped man paused in front of the oversized sink mirror. “Fuck, what did I do?” His chest was high, rounded, and full, his nipples straining against the engorgement of fresh blood and new cells. He couldn’t help it. They were so big, he just had to feel them. Heavy and firm! Warren’s erection made a reappearance, but was ignored again. This wasn’t his first time being turned on by his own pump, but it had been a while. Someone entered the locker room, and Warren hurried to wipe the rest of his hot sweat off. He would shower at home, as home was only ten minutes away. He donned a fresh tank, but his chest spilled out the sides, his nipples fat and angry refused to stay behind the cotton cloth, while his sternal stitching heaved up and down with each step he took. Once home, Warren shucked his clothes. He needed to see what was happening with his pecs. Half exhausted, half aroused, the bodybuilder flexed his pecs. Blood rushed to his nipples. His erection hadn’t subsided the entire the drive home. Warren peeled off his briefs, filling the room with his sweet musk. With his left, he teased his nipples, with his right he began beating his dick. That may be too generous. Warren beat his entire shaft between his thumb and two fingers. It didn’t take long. In less than two minutes, pleasure racked his body with a decisive grunt. A single drop of cum pearled at the head before his unimpressive shaft shrank and recoiled back to its button face. After cleaning up, Warren took his purple medicine, and left for the day, smiling whenever someone’s gaze lingered too long, or someone moved out of his reflexively. He was, after all, wearing one of his signature tight T-shirts, and today, it was even tighter. This phenomenon happened again on leg day, and the next day: back. Warren was worried at first, but thought maybe this was normal at reasonable weight with high reps. Maybe this was something mislabeled by bodybuilders. It was the same every time. He would work up to a sweat with good weight, then an erection. He almost had to tell his erection, “No!” His body would get hot, and his erection would go away, the warmth traveling to whatever body part was being worked. Then, the response. It was like every nerve, fiber and strand was in sync, his most perfect pump. Today, he had to meet his coach. He showered at the gym. These “extra-pump” workouts took at least 45-minutes longer than normal. The water hitting his back was almost a massage, and in all the right places. Normally, he would never do this in public, but he was so horny, and his hardon was raging, demanding release. There was someone two stalls over, but he didn’t care. As expected, a grunt and pearl later, it was all over. Warren dried off and put on a pair of light blue posers in the shower before dressing in the locker room. He filled his blender bottle from the fountain, and drank his purple on the way out. “Oh, good. Let’s get started. Scale first.” Omar’s gym was almost two hours away for Warren, but he was the best coach he could afford. “214! What are you doing?” Warren was surprised too. He was 192lb a week ago. He was going to discuss the 187lb weight class as an option. He wasn’t eating more, although he was prepping his own food with Emma out of the apartment. But twenty-two pounds was not possible. “Get off the scale for a sec.” Omar jumped on the scale himself, while Warren checked his pockets for the extra weight. “No, that seems to be accurate. 166, as always. I don’t know what’s going on, but if you’re no longer serious about a pro card, just tell me.” “No, I am serious. You know that. I must have slipped up, but I can fix it.” Omar just sighed. “Alright, let’s get started. We’ll review your diet afterwards.” Warren stripped down to posers, and after some stretches, began going through the mandatory poses for men’s classic physique. They went through the routine seven times. Usually, it was five. “Well, it’s as I thought. When you walked in, I thought you looked bigger. The good news is your vascularity and fullness are solid. You worked back today, yeah? I can tell.” Omar continued at the nod from Warren, who was sweating and huffing next to the mirrors. “Much is still the same. You need to hit these without use of the mirror. You have good lines, but look a little imbalanced. I don’t know what you did since the last tournament, but if you keep it up, you might as well compete in Open. You need to tell the board if you’re competing in 187 or 192 soon, and at this point, I’m not sure you should cut from where you are. We have a couple of weeks. You’ll decide by then?” “Yeah, and hey, I don’t know what’s happening, but I’ll take care of it.” “See that you do.” They spent the remaining time reviewing the current maintenance routine, editing his back double bicep, and critiquing his meal plan, not that Omar believed Warren showed any restraint from overeating. That night, while Warren slept, his groin warmed, and spread to his muscle. Throughout the entire night on repeat: erection, warmth, spread to the muscle, as if draining the erection every time. In the morning, Warren felt heavy. He checked the scale. Maybe Omar’s scale was broken, though he felt . . . well, he didn’t know. Warren felt good, real good. 219lb. “What the shit!” That’s not possible. Last night, he ate a pound of Brussel sprouts, two chicken breasts, grilled, and some heirloom tomatoes for dessert. That’s not 5lb. Something was going on. Even still, Warren couldn’t help getting excited. He could feel the extra weight, the strength. It was there. It was real. Maybe he’d finally figured out what worked for him. If this muscle was so quick to put on, he could definitely cut before a tournament. Warren shoved, with ease, his erection into a pair of Christmas-themed briefs, and pushed the blood into his body, favoring his shoulders and forearms in anticipation for the next few hours. Tony was early today. “Dub, arms today, right?” “What, are you memorizing my schedule, T?”, Warren mused. “Well, if I can gain like you, I should take notes. You look huge.” “Gee, ahh shucks, Tony.” Warren playfully scratched at his nape while flexing his biceps. “Fuck you! Now, are we lifting or what?” The two friends laughed while starting cable stretches. Warren knew better. He had a plan. But with Tony egging him on, he couldn’t resist. With Tony, he worked his biceps, his triceps, his forearms, and even added shoulders. Tony tried to keep up, bless his heart, but reached his limit only sixty-five minutes in. By them, the power was spreading from Warren’s neck down through his shoulders, and even into his fingers. He rode the edge of muscle-gasm. It warped his mind, demanding he lift heavier and heavier. He wasn’t supposed to. He wasn’t supposed to get bigger, but it felt so good. Almost two hours in, his sleeveless shirt -he only wore this short on arm day – was soaked through. Warren knew his arms were at least 4.0” larger than normal. His shoulders were trying to reach his ears. If asked, Warren would swear he could smell his muscles growing bigger. His erection returned. This was his third: one before the gym, one working out with Tony, and now another towards the back-end of his workout. He tried to banish this one as well, but it wouldn’t listen. He tried over and over again. On his fourth try, a moan escaped his lips as the warmth doubled in his crotch. In the same minute, there was pain, a stretching, nerves that tingled, and still it didn’t go away. Something was moving, traveling down his shaft. Warren grabbed his floor bag, and retreated to the locker room, much to the displeasure of a young student that was watching him for the last hour. Warren grabbed a towel, and headed straight to the showers. If not for the size of his arms, he would have noticed sooner that his erection was slightly different, just a little bit longer. Warren feverishly began stroking, only just remembering to turn on the water to disguise the sound of his moans. Three minutes of stroking, and he almost collapsed under the pleasure of his orgasm as his tell-tale pearl traveled up and out to freedom, and down the public drain. The growing man tried calling his wife that night before class. She hadn’t picked up. He checked the scale after his post-workout purple protein: 22lb. Not too bad. Maybe he was finally controlling it. Despite feeling out of control earlier, class went well. That night, his erection cycle happened again, not that it woke him. Every now and then, while he slept, a moan escaped his lips. The following morning, he was only a pound heavier. He went to his day gym to start chest again, going earlier than normal, knowing he would have a long morning ahead of him. As soon as he started his workout, his erection started. This time, it listened to his commands, as he was able to activate his pecs at the start of his workout. No Tony today. Good. He didn’t want anything slowing him down. An hour of cables and his erection struck again, and again, he was able to push it into his chest. He felt it entering his triceps and shoulders too. Omar’s voice rang briefly in his mind, but it didn’t stand a chance. There was no reason. Bar work was next. 225lb. More. 275lb. Warren moved to flat bench, supersetting with dumbbells. 315lb. More. And again, more. More! He couldn’t stop. A third erection. This one, he wouldn’t let stop him. It felt too good. 405lb. 27reps. Had he ever done that many at that weight? No, but he could handle more. 495lb. It feels so good. He needed to rip his shirt off. It was getting in the way, restricting him. The fourth erection, he couldn’t negotiate. His erection swelled, longer and thicker. Warren was oblivious. His muscles gasmed, rippling again and again. He only wanted to get bigger, stronger, more powerful. Warren read the scale: 229lb. The last hour was a bit of a haze. He remembered coming home, and showering again. He’d sweat all the way home, and that was after showering at the gym. Well, he was supposed to be showring, but he was pleasuring himself the entire time. Even his penis felt bigger. Heck, it looked bigger. But, was that possible? Even standing in his kitchen, cleaning his blender bottle and gallon jug, he couldn’t really remember what happened after his workout, or was it during? He needed to go see his agent. There were a couple casting calls he wanted to discuss. Warren’s mind raced. He couldn’t really stop it. Every minute, the sensations in his chest kept taking over his mind. Get dressed, he thought. He had to repeat it over and over again. An hour later, he was ringing the doorbell outside the downtown office. The next morning, Warren chastised himself. He wouldn’t allow himself to lose control like that again. In fact, he couldn’t. Upon arriving at his day gym, one of the owners pulled him aside to give him a warning about attire on the floor. Warren didn’t remember removing his shirt, but apparently, he had ripped it off, slammed his weights, and howled like a Wildman. He apologized, and insisted he wasn’t on any drug, especially steroids. The look the owner gave reminded him of Omar at their last meeting. Was he really 30lb heavier than just a week ago? No, Warren was never good at math. He was 40lb heavier. Warren used Tony’s pace on legs to control his desires. His erection came more slowly, but it was there. Warren ignored it, or tried to. It was hard, I mean, difficult. What’s worse is that Tony seemed to notice. He didn’t say anything, but every so often, he would look at Warren’s crotch and frown. Warren thought he should say something. “Sorry, man. It’s all this blood in the lower body.” “Well, I didn’t think it was for me, but maybe some biker shorts underneath next time.” And just like that, Warren no longer felt guilty about it. His erection was still raging at home. Isn’t it bad if an erection continues for an extended period? He couldn’t remember. Walking by the mirror in his bedroom on his way to shower, Warren couldn’t help but give a doubletake. Was this him? Was this his dick? Fully naked, he ran to the closet. Emma had a sewing kit on the bottom of the closet. He found what he was looking for almost immediately. This wasn’t the first time he’d measured himself. He extended the tape, placing the 0.0” mark at the base of his penis. 6.2” fully erect. Since when? He didn’t understand. Almost in answer, his legs pulsed warm, desirous. The smallest thought occurred to Warren. What if he could move the muscle to his penis? What an odd thought. He flexed his quads. It was calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes, and abs. They all answered him, a familiar sensation of warmth and power rising inside him. Impossibly, his erection grew even harder. He understood. He moved the warmth to his crotch, and visualized “longer.” He kept focus on “longer.” Pull it from the pump in his quads. Longer. Pull it from the bulge of his hamstring. Longer. Pull. Pull. Pull. The heat from his shaft, he could even feel on his face. In the mirror and right below him, his length extended, and did it again. Looking down, he could even see it past his pecs. Pulling from his abs or glutes was challenging. It was easier from his legs. Even his calves contributed. In the mirror was something Warren couldn’t understand. It was long, red, angry. Veins wrapped the entire length, with one long, thin vein traveling from base to tip. Was this normal? He remembered the tape, and remeasured. 7.5”. A miracle. Looking in the mirror again, he noticed his legs were smaller. Warren could feel his legs, but his pump was gone. None of that mattered. This engorgement demanded attention. All of his attention. With callused and muscled hand, Warren grabbed his new manhood at the base, and stroked. Yes, he could stroke up and down. He didn’t know how. He squeezed and pulled up. No, too tight. That was painful. He rubbed, and while that sent tingles down his spine, it wasn’t enough. In college, his friends always joked about lotions and oils, and he had plenty of oil. Taking a handful, the excess dripping onto the bedroom carpet, he applied it to the entire length and rubbed it all over. It worked! Like a teen discovering the pleasures of adolescence, Warren stroked. He stroked fast. He stroked slow. The veins pulsed and bulged, and all the while, the waters beat against the dam of his release, growing higher and more urgent. His muscles joined in, singing their approval, when he popped. “Holy shit! Uhh, fuck. I’m- Yes, I’m cumming. I’m cumming!” The combination of cock and muscle coming together pushed Warren into a haze, his prostate spasming several times, as he’d never felt before. His single drop traveled up and out, the longer runway extending his pleasure. Warren showered, and downed his purple, and started washing everything in the sink. He thought he understood, but needed to prove it. After drying his hands, Warren rechecked the scale. He was 240lb this morning, and had another large muscle group workout. With the trend from last week, he should be heavier. 224lb. Warren grabbed his crotch appreciatively. Surprisingly, even after several orgasms, his erection remained. Warren searched his body, his new shaft, and summoned the power, that pump. He found the pump in his shaft, and returned it to his legs. It took almost twenty minutes. His erection was gone. Warren pulled his pants down. He was flaccid, and looked close to his previous size. His legs were right. Not pumped, but back to their competition size. Warren checked the scale: 225lb. He understood. There were no moans faintly heard in the Woodrick bedroom that night. If one listened carefully, one would hear a grown man softly sobbing into his wife’s pillow. It was two days later when the obvious finally occurred to Warren. His weight was still up. If he could learn to control whatever this was, maybe he wouldn’t have to choose. He had to keep going, maybe even to give into whatever this is. At 231lb, he tried an experiment, forcing muscle to his penis. It was after his evening class. He could still feel his shoulder pump from earlier. Warren summoned muscle from all over his body. He kept being led back to his shoulders, but ignored it. He wanted to take from what already existed. His erection grew. 5.0” 6.0” 7.0”. He checked the scale. 209lb. His muscles complained, trying to take back the pump repeatedly. He fought for almost two hours, finally releasing the muscle back to their homes. Exhausted, Warren checked his flaccid size. Flaccid at 4.0”. He was right. It would work. Now, the scale: 198lb. Trying for an erection, and finding he was too tired, Warren slept, and slept hard. In the morning, he had an erection, and couldn’t remember the last time he had morning wood. Wood, ha!. He had wood! Back in the gym without Tony, Warren was conflicted. He needed to push himself to gain the pump that he could later use. Was he being greedy? No, this was necessary. His wife was angry. She had shamed him. It would be the motivation he needed. Warren worked. He pushed hard. He actually had to adjust his erection. He knew how to control it now, but three erections was his max. Any more, and the muscles took over, infiltrating some lower portion of his brain. Four days later and Warren was up to 260lb. He had a job that morning, and lifted early and heavy. He needed it, had to. He was close to becoming a slave to his muscles, but stopped himself. Taking his blender bottle to go, he barely made the 09:00AM call time. There was a lot of yelling about three hours later. The crew had broken for lunch, and the makeup department was furious. “It’s not our fault your fucking casting team can’t do their fucking job.” It was the head of the special effects department. Ron? Don? Jon? It doesn’t matter. But public arguments with the director? Several of the cast mimed eating popcorn while watching the spectacle. “I don’t need your attitude. I need your solutions! Calm down, and bring me plan B.” The director was one of the few Warren had noticed wasn’t an asshole, but when had telling someone to “calm down” ever had the desired effect. The department head just grunted, and stormed off. Warren risked asking one of the costume chicks what happened. “Our devil couldn’t get his visa. The cast they made and used in Germany on the first film only fits him.” “They really can’t replace him,” Warren asked. “No. Well, probably not. The guy was huge. I mean, you’re big, but that guy was huge.” Warren felt his muscles anger at being called smaller, and tried to quiet them. The next few hours, everyone milled about. All the devil henchmen were eventually pulled into a side room, likely used for meetings or small conferences. The effects team lined them up. “See, I told you. Maybe one of these two, but still not close. We’re going to lose at least a day of filming.” “This one’s not too far off. We can probably- No, that won’t work. The best thing is to recast, both the actor and the mold, otherwise it’ll look like shit.” The designer nodded at the department head’s words, but neither agreeing or otherwise. “Um, sir. I can do it. I mean, if you show me the mold, I can fit it.” Warren swore he didn’t say that. It was his ego, his muscles. An impatient director answered without looking at him. “And just how to you expect to replace the girth of a 300lb man by 6PM, young man.” The “young man” was particularly condescending, but Warren’s muscles wouldn’t back down. “No offense, sir, but I’m a bodybuilder! If you give me til 06:00PM, I can do it.” The laughter was hysterical, and echoed even outside the office. The department head denied his request. Half an hour later, the nice director found Warren outside with the crew at a picnic table. A lot of these gigs where you’re an extra is just that. Show up early. Leave late. Mill around for hours, and get paid very little. “Can you really do it? You could save us thousands. Lonny doesn’t think you can do it, but I can’t lose another day.” Lonny, that’s his name. I was close. “I know I can, but not for anything less than you were paying the German.” “Sold! It’s four now. You’ve got two hours.” That’s how Warren found himself in a trailer with a devil mold staring into a mirror, thinking of the impossible. Yeah, he was 260lb right now, but this guy was massive. It was clear he was taller than Warren, and wider. The mold was from the waist to the head and beyond, with a cowl of heavy horns with graphic scaling. Likely, this German wasn’t as dense as Warren. There was a gap in the chest piece, exposing the center of his pecs. He could compensate for the height with more muscle in the traps, he thought. He pulled it on, and immediate felt the excess space and sag. Why did he say he could do this? He lost a full half-hour trying to figure out how to do it. Warren thought about being 300lb, taller, larger, stronger. He was rock hard, but his muscles kept demanding control. What if he lost control? He had to take the risk. He started pulling muscle from his legs. He had done it before. The power moved up his body, past his groin to his traps, filling in all the spaces. His neck became thicker sealing the cowl. The shoulders needed to be higher. Pull. Pull. Warren kept pulling. His arms were close to the German’s size. The shoulders sealed in place. His legs left so weak. He pulled more, more from his glutes, more from his calves. The legs screamed in protest. Stop! But he couldn’t. The chest filled in, and sealed. There was so much back. The cast was a V-taper, and so wide. Warren even tried pulling from his feet, but there was almost nothing there. There was only one more spot to pull. Warren reluctantly summoned from his erection. His upper body demanded it. They were unstoppable. They pulled from the shaft, and kept pulling. 1.0” His lats flared against the cast mold. Muscles pulled again, another inch. His back filled in growing wider. More. They pulled again. The front chest piece was filled. This likely would have passed, but Warren didn’t stop the muscles soon enough. They took another inch. The mold strained against the girth of his body. These weren’t muscles for show. The strength. The power. A bit of drool escaped Warren’s mouth as the unstoppered pleasure quickly consumed him. Why was he here? He didn’t remember. He didn’t care. This was all that mattered. The mirror. Who was that? Yes, the devil. The devil would have this power. He was the devil, powerful beyond human strength. If not for the knock on the door that interrupted Warren’s near gooning, the mold likely would have been torn off. It was the phone that woke Warren the next morning. It was his agent, calling to praise him for, “saving the movie.” Even the director was pleased with his performance, noting he played a better devil than the German. They wanted to reshoot all the German’s scenes once Warren recovered. Warren was tired, his upper body heavy. He was going to be late, and Tony was expecting him, probably that weird kid that had been watching him the last two weeks as well. To his surprise, there was also a message from Emma. She was open to going on a date, taking it slow.
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muscle growth Muscle Daddy - Chapter 1-3 (updated and to be continued)
canon posted a topic in Stories
MUSCLE DADDY a romantic muscle growth story co-written by @Astromuscle, @canon & @raphi0508, with the inspiration of @Marquis Chapter 1 - The Introduction Whew, finally I am back I thought when I set my bag down on my dorm bed. Too bad that my old roommate got suspended cause it got out he was taking steroids. As I unpacked my belongings, before I had to attend my first class this afternoon, I thought back and remembered how cool it was to live with my old roommate. He was 5ft11 and weighed 200lbs at the beginning of college, though he told me secretly he wanted to grow with the help of steroids and that he had a good source. True to his word he did grow. At the beginning he had the body of a typical high school football jock. Nice bulging 17’’ arms, wide shoulders, pretty solid and ripped legs and a nice bubble butt. And best of all was his big bulge. In those three years everything changed for me. He grew 40lbs of pure muscles in just one year. After three years, he weighed an astounding 270lbs and had developed the body of an Olympia-level bodybuilder. Watching him grow, arms getting bigger and more defined, chest getting puffier. I was horny a lot, and I often jacked off just thinking of him. He was also the reason I discovered I was gay. He became very confident in his body, needless to say. He began strolling around naked in our room, and I got many mental images to help me jack off to. Pumped muscle, huge roid gut, and thankfully the roids didn’t seem to affect his junk, hanging large from his body. The problem with him was that he was as straight as an arrow. Nearly every week he had another girl with him in bed, and word was afterwards every girl couldn’t help but talk about his huge cock. I couldn’t blame them he was huge, at least 10’’ from what I could tell from him strolling around our room, not concerned that I was staring wide eyed., I wish I had gotten the chance to feel the large cock, make it inflate, and cup those large balls in my hand. Maybe the college found out about his steroid abuse because it got to be too obvious. As he left we promised each other we would stay in contact, but life came in my way and I had to earn money during summer. Now the new and hopefully last college year has started, but I am sure I will find some time to meet him again soon. I wonder if he continued to grow in the meantime. I drifted away from the things I had to do and got a boner. I hope that I will have enough time before my new roommate arrives, to get off, because hiding my 8.5’’ boner is not easy. Maybe my new roommate is a small dweeb, then my hard on would probably go down fast enough he wouldn’t see it. Suddenly some knocks on the door made me jump up surprised. Even more so I was shocked as my new roommate walked in. Fortuna was generous with me, because he was the most massive guy I had ever seen. He had to turn sideways to get through the doorway. In front of me stood the most impressive and beautiful man I saw in my life until now. The large man squared himself to me after having entered, effectively cutting off my view of the door. Each arm was carrying suitcases that were making his forearms bulge, each muscle standing out, held in place by a net of veins crossing each other and drawing my eyes up his arms, huge biceps and triceps thickened around his arm, a muscle hoody hid the rest of the body a little although i could see some big pecs heaving out from his chest, the hoodie draping over it, hiding whether he had abs, or a gut. My penis twitched at the thought of ripping off the shirt to find out. After a second sizing me up he dropped his bags with a loud thud and reached out his hand. “Hi, I am Mark. I’m guessing we will be roommates this year. Nice to meet you”. I reached out and we shook hands. Damn he has such a strong grip. His hand was larger than mine, thick muscular fingers didn’t give at all to my pressure, and I could feel weight lifting calluses. I was sure we could become good friends. He let go of my hands and bent over to pick up his bags. My penis jumped again. His back is so wide and that ass looks so hard, where do I stare...I quickly shoved my hand into my pants to shove my penis to somewhere less conspicuous while he had his back turned. I had to move to let him by as he passed I noticed my eyes barely met the top of his shoulders, seeing his large delts pulling the fabric of his hoodie forward and back as he carried the heavy bags. After we both had finally unpacked we sat down and started to talk. Mark told me that he is here because he got a Football scholarship, but he also told me that he really wanted to do bodybuilding instead, like his dad does. He enthusiastically described how big his dad was and how small he was compared to him. He also mentioned that he got the good genes of his dad, and expects to start growing bigger soon. The muscle talk made me pretty horny again, I was very thankful that I was sitting down. During our talk we both found out that we have most of our classes together, even the first one of the new year. We continued talking for a while, until we had a sudden shock because we had nearly missed our first class While I was getting ready Mark suddenly dropped his jogging pants to change into jeans. If I thought my old room mate was big, then Mark was a freak. His quads, calves and bulge were huge. I couldn’t stop my jaw from dropping. Mark had been in a rush, but noticed me sitting in awe. He smile confidently at me, turning to give me a better view., “Pretty impressive, huh? You can thank my dad’s good genes for this thing too, though he is much bigger.” Then he gave me a wink, causing me to blush. I used far more willpower than it should have taken to close my mouth. Once he stopped teasing me and got ready, we both left for class. During the year, we got even more connected. We got to be pretty close friends. Unfortunately for me again, he was also straight. I tried not to let on that I was gay, hoping it would make him more comfortable. If he knows I’m gay he might not take off his pants in front of me anymore either, which would be a tragedy. We both started to workout together after Mark mentioned he really needed a spotter at the gym, and so our friendship got closer because of it. I was unsure how good of a spotter I was being, but Mark didn’t seem to mind, and he spotted me in turn. Luckily I was also benefiting from the workouts growing more athletic myself and began sporting some good pecs and my arms were gaining some definition. Throughout the year I also got to see more of Mark. When he had arrived I had only seen those heavy arms of his, and later his privates. In retrospect I had wished I could have noticed his legs at the time, but I had been hyper focused on his manhood. As it turned out I didn’t need to worry, since much like my last roommate, Mark had no boundaries. I got many opportunities to appreciate Mark’s entire body as he would stroll around naked in our room. Is this a jock thing? I don’t walk around in the nude. Maybe I would if I looked like that I guess. His wide back held his arms out away from his body a little, a nice V-taper going down to his ass. I also discovered he did indeed have a flat stomach, abs like bricks holding up the large chest and shoulders with a solid foundation. His ass was muscular and even at rest you could see the muscles through any slight amount of fat he may have housed there. Large, powerful quads came out of his tight waist, bounding up and coming in tight to his knees. Diamond calves pressed hard against his skin behind his shins, more veins becoming apparent as if the skin needed help to contain the muscle. If I thought Mark had even one atom of gay in him I would worship those muscles in every way my brain could come up with, but sadly I had to settle for keeping some tissues near my bed for when he walked into the bathroom for a shower. During our workouts Mark could not stop talking about his dad, and the more often we worked out the more he told me about how big his dad was and how much bigger he wanted to grow. Mark said one day he hoped to get bigger than his dad, but he told me he wasn’t sure if he ever could. This was one of the only times Mark seemed insecure about anything, and I comforted him telling him one day he would surely outgrow his old man. Despite my word the more he talked about his dad, the more curious I got and the more I wanted to meet the man who could supposedly dwarf the muscle man in front of me. Was it really possible that his dad was that much bigger than Mark? Mark was already an alpha jock. Thinking about his dad being even bigger made my cock grow bigger in my pants every time. Luckily I wore tight spandex under my workout clothes at the gym, where Mark gushed the most about his dad the most. It kept my cock and balls in place. Thank god. As the end of the semester came around, Mark suddenly asked me if I would want to join him during spring break. We could continue working together at his house, in his dad’s home gym. I quickly agreed, mind taken up by the idea that I could finally meet his huge dad. “I would love to join you. You need a spotter after all I guess.” He smiled at me and I blushed. God does he realize that I’m gay? Chapter 2 - The Visit As I got there, Mark showed me around his house: his and his dad’s bedroom, the bathrooms, a jacuzzi, an office room and a big living room. The kitchen was also very roomy and there was enough food in it to feed an army. After the first pass through the house he opened a new door and told me to follow him downstairs to a private room. What hit me first was a very manly smell that caused me to get hard instantly. I was really surprised to not only find another bedroom but also a fully equipped gym with a huge mirror wall, a small juice booth with a lot of supplements and a big sofa in the corner of the room. Looking around I noticed that the bench and the squat rack were loaded and the bar was slightly bent from the heavy weights. I asked him if all the heavy weights and protein powder were his. He just smiled knowingly and said that he usually works out at the college or the nearby gym and not here. Everything I saw here was his dads’. I just looked at him in shock with my mouth open again. Suddenly after checking his phone he tells me that one of his friends had an emergency and needs a lift somewhere and asks if I would want to come, or if I'd prefer to stay and try to get settled. I told him that I would stay here and get comfortable, and I went over to the other room in the basement, which was supposedly my room. As I set down my bags and made my bed I hear Mark head out the door. Now that I am alone I walked around the gym, imagining how big his dad must be, using the ridiculously heavy weights I can see in the room. I start getting a boner as I see some used briefs and a torn tank top on the floor. My eyes almost pop out of their sockets when I see the shirt is a 3XL. It couldn’t be Mark’s, big as he was it would drape over him like a canopy. I step closer, picking it up and smelling the fabric. It has such a sweaty, manly smell and my penis gets hard at the combined scent and thought of what someone who wears that must look like, not to mention rip it. My cock keeps growing down my left leg, pinned inside my pants. I may not be big in other areas, but having a large cock was definitely something I reveled in. It would always makes me feel very proud of myself, especially recently in the gym locker room. I eventually decide I want to take a tour upstairs again, going up and finding the main laundry. My mind is racing about this legendary dad who must be a true beast, and now my eyes pick up on things I hadn’t done before. One whole cupboard was filled with every supplement I had heard of, and some that I didn’t even recognize. One even looked foreign. As I keep looking I went to the fridge. I had noted earlier that it was full, but looking closer I now saw that while there were some fresh produce, I saw a lot of meats of different varieties, as well as cottage cheese, greek yogurt. The cupboards had tuna and flaked chicken, lentils, beans and rice. I was never a bodybuilder myself but I did know enough out of sheer lust for them to know exactly what most of this stuff was. My god this is all protein, and high carb foods. Building blocks of muscle. Next I moved on to the living room. One large couch sat across from a very large TV. The couch itself looked very well used. It was odd, since it didn't look old per say but the middle cushion sagged down and looked about as flat as a pancake. A couple shaker cups littered the table, all empty and some of the dumbbells from downstairs were also up here. The lowest weight I saw was 80lbs and my dick did a twitch, trying to free itself from my pants. It took me both my hands and heaving back to lift the weight adequately, which sent my mind reeling. Ok so his dad brings weights up here for while he’s watching TV. If this is the lowest weight then it must be for the smallest muscles. Does he bicep curl these monsters?! I take my dick out of my pants and begin massaging it as I look at the den of someone who I figure must be from my imagination. I close my eyes a little as I slip into my own thoughts trying to visualize Mark’s dad. Picturing a masculine muscle guy like Mark and then morphing his muscles big enough to handle the weights around the house. *Boom* A loud noise came from the back door into the kitchen. I can hear heavy footsteps, and am not sure if it’s my roommate or not, but I know if anyone sees me like this I’m going to be in trouble. I shove my cock haphazardly into my pants and rush down the stairs as quietly as I can, though it didn’t end up being that quiet. I make it downstairs, winded. Looking down I noticed my cock is still half way down my left leg. I try to cover it up and make it disappear, but having a big cock also has some disadvantages. I hear the footsteps thumping again and it is making my heart race. My heart beating isn’t exactly helping the boner go down. God damnit. I listen now and think that the footsteps and creaking sound louder than when Mark left, making me think this must be the dad. My penis twitches, as if trying to find a way out so it can see for itself. I hear the footsteps approach the top of the stairs, and the stairs creaking heavy as he comes down them slowly. I go to hide in my room, too shy to be seen alone here with a huge boner, but too interested not to peek. One massive foot slams down into view, extending over the edge of the stairs. I can hear the stair creak as I watch even the shoe seem to cry out as weight is being transferred to that foot, the next foot comes down, this time I get to see the calf. The dad was clearly wearing shorts because his calf was exposed. Or he’s naked I think but shove the thought away, he’s wearing shoes after all. The man’s lower leg is thick and strong, and becomes so much bigger halfway up where his calf starts, exploding out in all directions. I can see the muscles bunch and work as weight moves to that leg instead. Two more steps and the bottom of his quads came into view, even his knees were thickly built, but it was still not enough to prepare me for how big his thighs would be. They came out hard at the knee, bulky and thickening as they traveled up his leg to what I was beginning to think of as the promised land. Unfortunately that’s where his shorts started and I couldn’t see the upper half of his thighs. I was so disappointed. I realized he was still coming down the stairs and turned away from the door. I was breathing heavy even just at what I had glimpsed. That was the biggest person I had ever seen in my life, bigger than any person I had seen in the gym. His size put him up there with the biggest that I had masturbated to online even, and he was real, just on the other side of the door. My cock was twitching into overdrive and I became scared I might cum right there. I had to turn around and take a break from watching him. Then I could finally hear him stepping down onto the landing and walking around a little. “Mark? Are you down here?” His voice was so deep, manly, almost like a growl. It had a little roughness to it, but otherwise it was a deep bass and strong. I almost moaned but I caught myself and covered my mouth. I prayed he wouldn’t come in here and see me like this. After a minute of walking around and moving some things around I can hear a grunt.I figured the dad must have started lifting some weights, and my curiosity got the better of my common sense. I slowly sneak over to the door and I turn to get a better look at what is happening inside the weight room. What I can see, I can barely believe. Right in the middle of the weight room stands the most massively muscled beast I have ever seen. My eyes didn’t know where to look at first, because all I saw were bulky muscles on top of more muscles. All of this was made even more clear because he was not wearing a shirt. The only clothing was the shorts that half covered his massive thighs. His back was so thick and wide, lats coming from so far out and curving down and in to a narrow waist. I was wondering why he didn’t fall over. My gaze fell lower, back to his quads. Holy shit. Those are fucking tree trunks. His thighs each were almost bigger than his waist. You could clearly see the outline of some really heavy Hamstrings, striations leading into his shorts. At the other end of where I knew those lines would lead were two globes that formed a large, hard as steel ass big enough the shorts looked like they were straining to hide it from my view. I followed the spine up his back, muscles exploding out to either side as they grabbed hold of the bones for support, but came out after for space to hold their mass. Huge traps popped out at the top of his back, and converged on the back of his head. If he had a neck, I couldn’t see it. To either side were two massive shoulders formed on that were almost the size of small watermelons and anchored two of the biggest, most ripped and vascular arms I have ever seen. He was doing curls, and swear I could see his arms swell up bigger with every rep. His triceps were so visible and thick, they were blocking my view of his biceps a little. Each curl was accompanied by soft moans and grunts that made my cock throb and twitch hard. Looking at that muscle beast was like seeing a living and breathing 3D anatomy chart, and I was studying it like I was about to take a final exam. After what seemed like an eternity, Dad put the weights down with a loud boom and went straight into a double biceps pose. FUUUUUCK. Those bicep peaks are almost higher than his head. He turned around slightly to find the best lighting to show off his huge guns, making the shadows between his biceps and triceps even darker and more pronounced. From where he was now I could see his face. He had a military cut head, cleanly buzzed that lead into a trimmed and well kept beard, thick but shorter. The square jawline was still visible and made his face look so much harder. Altogether, he was the picture of masculinity and handsomeness. He turned towards the mirror again and began shaking his quads. I could hear the muscles move on his leg left and right until he flexed them, at which point the thigh became a solid mass of crevices and peaks of strength. Fuck he’s so fucking massive. Is he even human? Big, thick muscular legs were always a huge turn on for me, and his were like something beyond what even I had dreamed were possible. He straightened up and stretched a little and my heart skipped a beat. He might be leaving the room, and there I was in the doorway, staring at him pose without making a sound or introducing myself. My heart almost stopped as I thought he caught me. Then I was shocked to see what happened next. Before my eyes I saw the dad lower his shorts and pull out a semi hard cock. It flopped big and heavy into his hand, almost as big as the silicone dick men online, but I’ve heard that doing that takes away the sensitivity, and judging by his face at his own touch that was not the case. He swirled it around once or twice with one hand, the other posing and cupping his own muscle until finally he was at full mast, magnificent and huge jutting from his body. Veins twisted around it more so than on his arms, which I hadn’t thought possible, leading to a mushroom head that looked so swollen at the tip of it all, adding an extra 2 inches to the length. His hands were clearly big but even still his dick was large in them. He brought down both hands on his dick and even then couldn’t cover the whole shaft. He begins jerking it off, and before I even realise mine is out of my pants and I’m doing the same. Eventually the dad returned to posing and jacking off, making the whole display hotter as I stroke my member, trying to savour what I saw without making noise. Eventually the beast reaches down and his hand goes to his asshole, putting one large finger in. I moan and my body buckles, ready for the next part, although everything shuts down when both our eyes open at the noise. Dad looks at me, dick in his hand, and steps back, falling over and hitting his head on a bench. OMG I don’t know which is worse, the first time he saw me I was jacking to him, or that now I hurt him. I tuck my dick away as best I can in a flash and rush over, nervous but also needing to check if he's ok. “Man I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have been doing that, you were just working out and-” I decide it might be better to stop talking about it and I help him up, biting my lip at the feel of his back muscles hard and flexed in my hand and the heaviness of his weight as I try to help him. “Fuck man where did you even come from?” He shakes his head. “You can’t just jack off to the sight of people man. Who are you even?” As I was about to say something we both hear footsteps coming down the stairs. “You down here Dad? Tommy?” We both look at each other and then at our hard dicks. I panic and grab a heavy dumbbell nearby, just lifting it enough to clear the Dad’s body and get it to the other side of him, taking my body with it. I land over his crotch with my own, both our dicks rubbing together as the weight thuds on the other side. “Shit man I’m so sorry.” I look over at the dad from where I am as Mark enters the gym room. “I thought I could handle the weight, I guess I was just cocky, and maybe wanted to try to show off, you were throwing these weights around like it was nothing. I should just go probably.” The dad looks down at me, confused but when his son enters the room and doesn’t notice their boners he clues into what I did. “Buddy listen, it’s fine I guess I can see where you are coming from, can’t say I might not have done the same in your position but man you gotta do things the right way. Talk to me and tell me where you are at, and we might be able to work something out, but promise me you will never try something like that again.” “I promise sir.” My god did he imply he might be gay? He may have been keeping up the act, but what if he meant it! Mark coughs a little form where he stands. “Were you going to get off him Tommy?” I look down at our crotches, neither of our dicks having gone down at all, especially with the added pressure of the other dicks against it. I reach the hand away from Mark down on the dad’s abs, as if for support then i fake a slip. My hand shoots down the dad’s shorts and I grab his dick, it’s so veiny and huge, and pulses at the new visitor but I try to keep my head. I quickly shove it around and behind one of his thighs. It offers some resistance but it’s long enough that I manage it quickly and recover my hand. I get up, facing directly away from Mark and tuck my dick into my waistband and over it with a thankfully loose shirt. I turn to Mark, seeing if my trick had worked. “Mark, your dad hit his back pretty hard off the bench just now. Do you have like some muscle relaxing gel or something?” Mark thinks deeply for a minute. He doesn’t seem to notice we are rock hard, that’s a good sign at least. After a moment the dad pipes up, “In the upstairs medicine cabinet. The boys right. Could you go grab it for me please Mark?” Mark nods and heads off up the stairs. “That was some quick thinking there Tommy. I’m Rent by the way.” He holds out his large hand and I shake it, enjoying how hard and calloused it is and how big it feels against mine. “You are the new roommate I hear so much about. Not much for first impressions are you?” I look terrified now that Mark is gone. I have returned back to this giant of a man, the man of my dreams and fantasies berating me because I couldn’t keep it in my pants. That is until he reaches down and grabs my dick with one hand, his own with the other, and begins jacking us both off. “What are you doing! I’m so sorry but I’m really confused now!” My mind is racing, the big man’s actions not matching his words. “Mark is going to be back down here any second and these beasts aren’t going to go soft in that time unless we cum. We were both at the edge anyways.” He picks up the speed he is going, ripped bulbous biceps lengthening and tightening with each motion. He plays with his chest a little and smiles as he looks over at me and shows off. That proved too much for me and I came on the floor in front of me. Now Rent began to focus more on himself. He spread his legs and began using his other hand on his dick as well. I could hear Mark upstairs and knew we didn’t have too much longer. I go over to Rent and put my fragile thin arm next to his. Mine looks like the bone that MIGHT be strong enough to support the sheer muscle Rent had. I put my leg against his for good measure and show him how big he is. “You’re so big, I can’t believe it. I can’t even compare, your arm could hold 5 of mine, legs too.” Rent grunts as his eyes roll back. Thick white goop shoots from the end of his cock against the wall and floor. I so want to enjoy the sight but I already messed up once today because of my lust and I was not about to do it again. I grab some nearby towels and make quick work wiping up our mess. As I pass I nudge Rent who is coming back to his senses. “Hunch over, you’re hurt remember?” Rent nods his head, traps stretching and then bunching at the movement and he bends over as if his back was weak. Seems more just like a realistic representation of how that big upper part would weigh down over that thin waist. Those abs are big, but it looks ridiculous to think they can hold up that giant piece of perfection. Mark comes back just as I drop the towels into the hamper, the hamper itself has a scent I recognize as a cum smell. Clearly this was common fair, except for the interruptions. The idea of him coming down regularly to work out and then worship his own muscles was so hot I felt my dick ask if it was time for round 2. I pushed the idea from my head and started to think of gross things that would keep me soft. Mark hands over the gel stuff to his dad and gets a thank you. Rent excuses himself to go apply it, saying he should cut his workout short due to his back. “Thanks for this Mark, and it was… interesting meeting you Tommy. Welcome to my home.” He smiles a little and leaves. “Do you want to work out then?” Mark asks. “Man I think after how badly I botched that I better call it too. I don’t feel hurt, but I don’t want to risk it” Mark wished me well and I went over to my room. I couldn’t believe what had just happened and my mind was exhausted. I crawled into my bed for a nap. I fell asleep with a boner at the thoughts of living with Rent, and also at the sounds of Mark working out in the other room. Chapter 3 - My first night I had gone in my room and jacked off once or twice more. I was in heaven, but the idea of living with that muscle monster, along with Mark who wasn’t bad looking himself. He had been right, I could see where he got his looks and muscle from. I even found myself cursing his mother for diluting the genes he got from his father. How could she even leave someone like that?! He’s hot, but not only that he seemed nice. I took a nap, and when I got up I could smell food cooking. I was led by my nose upstairs to find the big man himself stirring a pot full of what was now a distinct enough smell that I could tell it was chili. Mark wasn’t around and Rent hadn’t noticed me. I was overcome by embarrassment, and began to go back down the stairs. “You don’t have to run away. It’s fine. I’m making food for all of us, and it will be ready in a couple minutes. May as well sit down at the table.” The deep voice assaulted me from behind. I looked down the stairs. He sounded like this was weird for him too. I debated just leaving anyways. I could pack up my bag, travel back home for spring break. I sighed and came back around. I avoided looking at the muscle man, walking up, only to see his feet, bare, thick and covered in veins, like I should have known they’d be. Dear god those things are some of the biggest I’ve ever seen. Could there be something about him that didn’t completely arouse me? I blink but keep looking down, figuring this was better than seeing the rest of him. “Sir, I am so sorry for what I did. I shouldn’t have done that. It was disgusting and disrespectful and completely inappropriate. I can pack my bag tonight and head out in the morning, if you want.” I heard him give a deep sigh, and watched his weight shift. “Listen kid. I’ve thought about it and I get it. I mean I was jacking off to myself too. Not gonna lie the idea the idea you were jacking off at the sight of me was pretty hot too.” I look up, Rent is blushing a little, but look right back down. “And gotta admit man you knew exactly how to press my buttons to finish me off.” I smile a little and give a shy uncertain laugh. It shocked me when his hand came into view and grabbed my chin, turning it up. He did it quickly, but even then my eyes seemed to work quickly catching each part of him, thick legs that had been in my peripherals. Tight waist and huge bulge that his shorts draped over. Waist coming out wide quickly with lats, and then the chest kicking in and expanding his physique in every direction. Traps coming upleading from far out to latch onto the back of Rent’s head. Rent’s face was not something I had had a lot of time to take in, but now he was forcing me to look at it. It was square and strong, even the muscles here looking ripped a little. A thick jaw led down to a strong chin. A short, well kept beard was there following the jawline, and going around his lips, which were thick and full. A relatively small nose took up the middle of his face, and above those were deep brown eyes, like the bark of a strong oak or maple. Even his forehead was almost squared off, and he had a military buzz cut. Over his temples and on some of his forehead even at rest I could see veins snaking their way about. This face would scare me shitless if it were angry at me. This face wasn’t angry though. Rent was looking into my eyes and had a slight smile. He still had some colour in his cheeks from blushing a second ago. “You don’t have to leave. You can stay, and maybe I can even show you how to pick up a weight properly without dropping it on me” I interject, “That was on purpose to cover you before Mark came in” Rent’s smile widens a little, as if about to laugh. “Do you mean to say if we went downstairs right now you could lift that dumbbell and not drop it? If you say yes I will call your bluff, so pick your words carefully” I think about it, I had been in a rush and only had to lift it a little and did so quickly. I remember that it had actually been quite difficult and almost didn’t get it all the way over Rent’s side. “Fine, I admit it was very heavy.” Rent put his hand on my shoulder, his smile turning sweeter. “Admitting that is the first step. Good job. I don’t think I could throw you out of the house anyways, your face is too cute.” Rent removed his hand from me, and I felt a weight lift off me. Had just his hand been that heavy?! My dick twinged a little. Fuck this is going to be a tough week, I think as I watch Rent prepare three bowls of chili from the pot. Two are regular size, but one is definitely a mixing bowl he is filling up high. Rent sees your gaze and laughs. “It takes a lot of food to keep this ship sailing. Don’t you worry, I won’t get fat off it.” He sets the two bowls down and calls for Mark. I sit down and watch him walk and grab the last bowl. My god he’s almost waddling, each ass cheek filling the space the other is leaving behind. I am very thankful I am already sitting down at the table, because I am getting boned up just watching. Mark comes out of his room to sit with us. “Dear god dad got enough chili there?” Rent laughs at his sons comment. “Is everyone getting on my case about how much I’m eating? I plan to have dessert later too…” Mark laughs, while I’m just struck by these two muscle men talk. “Dad you eat like that and you will get fat. Even you can only handle so many calories.” “Tell you what little man o’ mine. You get to be as big as me without eating this much, and I’ll reconsider. Until then keep lifting your kiddie weights.” I would have suspected this to be said arrogantly, but Rent had a sweet tone to his voice and Mark laughed so deeply, I figured that was just their relationship. Mark looked over at me. “What does that make the weights Tommy uses dad?” I watched as Marks chair moves and he almost falls out of it. “I did not raise a son who makes fun of others or feels superior because he can lift more. We kid, but you will not make fun of someone who is doing their best and is starting out.” Rent looked over at me, eyes kind. “I’m sorry about that. We tease but I don’t make fun when people are lifting heavy, no matter the weight.” I blink, having really not taken offense to anything. “That’s ok. Honestly it’s not like I don’t think the same when I lift with Mark there. I bet with your physique-” I stumble on the word a little, a mental image of everything I had seen coming to mind, but I only slow for a second. “-with your physique I’m sure he must feel like I do.” Mark nods in agreement. Rent keeps asking questions about me, and about how we are both doing at school. Jokes were thrown around all night and I actually managed to distract myself in the conversation enough for me to get up in the end and not be worried they might see me hard. Rent excused himself after dinner was done to finish the workout I had interrupted and Mark and I cleaned the dishes. I washed and Mark put them away. I thought about Rent downstairs lifting, and occasionally heard a grunt come from the stairwell. “Sounds like a monster coming from down there, right?” I look over at Mark. He was also staring down there. “My big man is just so strong and powerful. I look up to him a lot.” My tongue works for a sec. “Makes sense, he is something else man. Not how I pictured him though.” Mark looks confused. “Didn’t I tell you he was bigger than even me?” Mark goes into a double bicep pose. “Hard as that might be to believe.” My jaw drops a little. It was easy to forget next to Rent how large and muscular Mark was, his biceps like two cannonballs held in a boat of tricep. I look away and try to recover. “That’s not what I meant. I meant he’s not cocky. He just seems cool. He’s aware of who he is, but he doesn’t flaunt it that much, except to you.” At that I turn to him. “But that seems like it’s to put you in your place, and motivate you.” “Put me in my place? What do you mean?” I look over to him, and hold up his arm, he flexes intuitively. “You are amazing physically, and I bet you always have been, especially with an influence like that in your life. You are also a great guy, so don’t take it personally when I tell you you are arrogant man. Makes people feel lesser.” I kind of zone out remembering being bullied by people like Mark. I look up and see Mark’s face concerned. “Dude, you know I don’t feel that way. I flex because I’m proud of what I’ve worked for. To be honest I kinda thought you liked it when I flexed my muscles too.” He doesn’t seem as hurt as perhaps disappointed. “Mark. Are you crazy? I do like when you flex, and I love seeing how proud you are of it. You deserve to be. You are huge, but I know you’re huge because I am smaller.” I pull the sink plug and watch the dirty water swirl away. “Anyways I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s not for you to worry about me. You develop a thick skin when you are small.” I dry my hands and wander off downstairs. That was more intense then I meant for it to be. Hope Mark doesn’t take that too seriously. I need to breathe, I will check with him in the morning. I pass by the gym, and see Rent working out. I stop and see him bench pressing, chest muscles heaving up as he reracks the weight. I quickly turn around and head off to my room, closing the door behind me, trying hard not to think about the massive man there. I lean against the door, and am shocked to hear deep thumps against it, absorbed into my back. I turn around and open the door. Rent is there, taking up the entire space. He is a little sweaty and in a stringer that reveals a lot of his upper body, thick, slick, bulky muscle hanging out huffing and puffing. “Listen Tommy, come work out with me.” My jaw drops. “Work out? Next to you? Man I can’t even compare to you, why do you want to work out with me?” Rent just smiles sweetly. “It doesn’t matter how much you lift. I want to see what kind of stuff you are made of. I feel like I can really tell what a man is like by how he lifts.” He breathes deeply “By which I mean ‘how’ not ‘how much’. No ego lifting, even with me there to spot.” God despite his body I could just get lost in that smile of his. Rent turns and stalks off with his wide back, moving his legs out as he walks. I began to get hard again, but at this point in this house it was becoming the norm. I was nervous, but it wasn’t like Rent hadn’t already seen it. I came in and he did notice. “Doesn’t take much for you, huh? Try not to blow on my bench, K?” I blush, shifting it away. Did Rent watch me adjust myself? Fuck now I’m imagining things. I look at the bench, loaded with several large plates on either side, and then a coupe small ones. 700lbs?! Just casually?! There were safety bars in place on the power cage, although I had a hunch that they weren’t intended to save you from a 700lb barbell falling. Rent began taking the weight off one side, and I mimicked him on the other. “How much weight you want?” His face seemed to study me. Fucking beast is testing me. I think for a second. “Empty bar.” Rent smiles. “Smart boy! Sounds good to me.” Rent finishes and leans on the wall. I take off all my weight and slide under the bar. I check my form and position, and then grab the bar tightly. I unrack and bring the bar down slowly, and then shoot it up. Keep your shoulders on the bench, that’s the thing you are always messing up. I feel them coming up a little, and I readjust. The weight isn’t trying, but if this is a test like I wanted an ‘A’. Rent began to straddle me so he was in view. Holy shit the view from down here… FOCUS! “What are you thinking about right now Tommy?” “I’m trying to keep my shoulders on the bench.” I breathe, and then continue. “They always ride up and off the bench.” Rent lightly touches the bar the next time it comes up and shifts it down closer to him. I follow it with my eyes making me look more at him. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS. I could tell what my penis wanted me to focus on. “Try arching your back, activating your lats to keep your shoulders down, and pushing it up here over your shoulders, not over your neck.” I make my eyes look at the bar instead of Rent, which was no easy feat. I control the bar down to my mid chest, and then push it up, this time more slowly to focus on the bar path making it come over my shoulders and then stop. The entire time I was straining my lats in the hopes my shoulders wouldn’t rise up. I rerack and breathe a little, it hadn’t been much weight but I did quite a few reps with the bar. Sweat was already forming on me and I was a little embarrassed at having such a little weight get to me. I slowly increased the weight until I got up to 135. Rent went to straddle me again before I unracked. I am going to hate myself for saying this. “Rent buddy why are you going over me, instead of above my head?” “I actually always feel a little cramped inside the cage, figured I could still help from out here. I don’t spot a lot of people other than Mark sometimes.” “Rent… You know I’m gay… and you know you turn me on… It’s a little distracting having your body hanging over me. If you really do want me to lift my best you may have to not be there.” I blush so red I feel like I am turning into a tomato. Rent looks down at himself, as if seeing his muscles for the first time, and then realizing what I was saying. “Damn, I guess that’s a good point.” Rent gets off me and I feel my lust pull me towards him. I force myself not to move. Fuck but having his body hanging over me was amazing. I unrack the weight, wobbling a little. I steady myself and bring the bar down, touch my chest, and then press it back up. Shoulders on the bench, touch mid chest, push to over the shoulders, no further. I press it back up about 5 times before my arms start to get weak. I force myself to go for one more, and before I am done Rent is back over me, hands under the bar without touching it. “Go for one more. I am right here to catch it.” I don’t even have enough breath to remind him how distracting he is. I take a big gulp of a breath, fix my position and lower the bar, shaking as I go down and touch it against my mid chest. It rests there a little heavier than I meant it to, but I begin pressing it up, getting it a little less than halfway before the bar stops moving. Don’t crane your neck, don’t compromise your form. Keep pushing. I push and push but the bar doesn’t move and it begins to fall again. Rent’s large hands go under the bar and lightly touch it, taking a couple pounds of weight. I redouble my efforts and concentrate on squeezing my chest. Rent wasn’t pulling that hard, but he was doing enough I got past the sticking point and locked out my elbows. Rent pushed the bar back into the rack and I let it go. “Well a couple more sets like that and I’ll be toast.” I laugh a little, and feel my body touch his thighs. Fuck this position is torture. Rent looks down at me, face of joy. “You gave that set your all, I’m proud of you.” I give him an accusatory look. “Didn’t I mention how unhelpful you holding your body over me is? Kind of gives my brain the wrong idea.” Rents facial expressions change in a second. Where before it was purely one of happiness, now there was something else… close to a hunger. He leans over, grabbing some bench supports for hand positioning as his body hangs horizontally over mine. “Who said it was the wrong idea?” Dear god I know that look. It’s not hunger, it’s lust! Rent lowered himself onto me. I was stunned. “Boy I already know you like me. My son doesn’t know, but lately my tastes have become more… Well more like you.” Rent was beginning to lay part of his body on me, pressing my shoulder blades into the bench better than the bar had. Rent had his nads on the bar above me, his huge hard hands resting on it as two thick bulky arms hung over me, lowering his head towards mine. “You know, if you want to make out with an old fart like me” My body almost moved on it’s own, not that I would have stopped it. I bent my head forward, and touched our lips together. Rent’s lips were firm but soft, working with mine as he lowered his head down so I could lay back. ... TO BE CONTINUED...- 45 replies
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Andy wiped the sweat from his bench with a towel, and then the sweat from his brow. He was done for the day, and at last it was time for him to drink his shake and go home. Andy always worked hard in the gym – it meant a lot to him. Anyone who has been bullied will know what it means to get tough. He walked back to the changing room, feeling the endorphin rush, the ache in his limbs and pectorals, the bulk of his pump. At the start of the summer holiday, he hadn’t had a clue what he was doing. He had been so skinny he could barely push open the door to the gym. Now he looked like an athlete. A skinny athlete, fine. An athlete with the barest bit of muscle. It was enough. For now. He swept through the changing room door, pulled his vest with difficulty over his pumped upper body, kicked off his sneakers, jockstrap, shorts. He walked to the shower and luxuriated in the heat on his body – and the feeling of being bigger. Bigger than the old Andy. And bigger than – them. It felt so good. He turned off the shower, walked out of the cubicle and that was when he saw them. The lads from the estate. Lee. Dean. They were dressed in the usual scally boy uniform: white trainers and socks, black Adidas tracksuit and white t-shirts. Lee was in a black baseball cap and wore a thick chunky silver chain over his t-shirt and Dean had a skinny gold chain with a little cross hanging from it. They were sitting by his gym kit, waiting for him. Lee pretended not to have seen him. He picked up Andy’s jockstrap and sniffed deep. ‘Fuck,’ he said, ‘that fucking reeks. Must belong to some little poofter gym bunny.’ ‘Yeah, stinks of sweat, disgusting little bum bandit must get fucked in it when he’s not working out.’ ‘Hello lads,’ said Andy. ‘Haven’t seen you in a few months.’ ‘Whoa, fuck me,’ said Lee, looking him up and down. ‘Look at this, Dean, it’s Arnold fucking Schwarzenegger.’ ‘Or is it a little baby bird?’ ‘Cross between the two, I reckon.’ Andy grinned. ‘Take a good look while you talk your shit. I’m not huge but I'm pretty big. Bigger than either of you losers.’ He curled a bicep. ‘You’re nothing now. I’m in control.’ He pulled a ‘most muscular’. ‘And I’m only going to get bigger and bigger. Stronger and stronger. More powerful.’ The two scallies stared at him, taking in the new contours of his physique. For years he had been their bitch. Now the tables had turned. ‘Okay, so it’s true. You’ve been dedicated,’ said Lee, standing up. ‘And it’s paid off. You’ve really changed.’ ‘We heard you’d been working out,’ said Dean. ‘Thinking you could fight back.’ ‘And you know what,’ said Lee, ‘it would have worked. You’re already bigger than I thought you would be.’ ‘You’ll be getting all the local daddies chasing your arse, won’t you, poofter,’ said Dean, and spat on the changing room floor. Andy felt himself getting hard at their words. Fucking hell, he thought, not now. ‘Maybe I will,’ he said, folding his big arms. Fuck, he thought. I’m naked in front of them and I’m more intimidating than they expected. ‘Well, enjoy that, you fucking queer,’ said Lee. ‘But don’t go thinking you’re safe.’ ‘Not from us,’ said Dean. ‘I have nothing to fear from two skinny little chavs,’ said Andy. ‘Maybe not,’ said Lee. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little brown medicine bottle. ‘But we’re not staying that way for long.’ He unscrewed the bottle and knocked back half the contents, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. ‘Come on, you cunt,’ said Dean, ‘give me the other half.’ Lee extended the hand with the bottle toward his mate. He was breathing hard suddenly, and the hand was shaking. Dean took the bottle quickly. ‘What’s going on?’ said Andy, suddenly nervous. ‘We’re catching you up, gay boy,’ said Lee. He unzipped his tracksuit top and threw it on the floor. His face was a little flushed, his teeth were gritted, and his breathing was getting harder. He ran a hand over his white t-shirt, the cloth flapping around his skinny frame. He swallowed, and swallowed again. And the neck suddenly thickened. Around the neck, Lee’s shoulders flexed and broadened, like wings opening. He raised his little stick arms as if flexing his biceps. He had no biceps to flex, and then suddenly they were swelling inside the white t-shirt, filling it out. ‘Fuck!’ Lee gasped. ‘That feels fucking good!’ He was as big as Andy in the shoulders. Now his pecs were growing to match. The t-shirt went suddenly taut with a twang. The chunky silver chain that had hung loose on his neck was now riding on a pair of pecs rounder and prouder than Andy’s pert little ones. Lee’s hands moved down to caress his waist, and the t-shirt stretched tighter to show thick hard abdominals that had suddenly appeared. ‘Oh yeah,’ said Lee. ‘I’m gonna be beach body ready this year.’ He looked ridiculous, an adult gymnast’s body on a teenager’s legs. But suddenly he convulsed, bent over, and when he stood up straight away, he had gained several inches in height. ‘This is better than sex,’ said Lee, moaning. His hand was actually on his cock. ‘Fucking hell,’ said Dean. ‘Is that gonna fucking happen to – gah!’ He sank to his knees as the chemical took hold. ‘Holy shit, here I come!’ His tracksuit suddenly looked moulded to his physique. He looked up and grinned at Andy, a mad stare. ‘How’s that, you gay cunt,’ he said. ‘All fucking equal now, right?’ ‘Oh shit!’ gasped Lee. ‘How do you – how do you fucking – how you fucking stop the fucking thing working?’ They both stared at him. The height he had gained suddenly swelled by another couple of inches. The tracksuit bottoms were clinging to his hips now. The t-shirt was riding up to show off abdominals swelling into a bodybuilder gut. As his shoulders grew taller, the t-shirt was drawn up to just cover his chest. Then the lats expanded outwards and the pectoral muscles swelled outwards and Lee panted. ‘It’s fucking strangling me!’ he gasped. The shirt burst down the front and hung in two big shreds off his huge form. The silver chain was now getting tight on his throat, but it showed off the massive mounds of his pectorals as if that had been its original purpose. Lee’s teenage face above it looked surreal, but now he grinned; his gasp had turned to a laugh, several octaves deeper than before. He advanced on Andy and effortlessly put a huge hand on the lad’s shoulder. ‘Thought you were big, didn’t you?’ he growled. ‘Well, look at me now, gym bunny. Look who’s in charge now?’ ‘Yeah,’ said Dean. ‘And it’s only just fucking well begun.’ To be continued
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Francisco era un hombre ya maduro, alrededor de los 52 años, un hombre de cuerpo lampiño y cabello negro, ya tenía canas en su cabellera, aúnque aún el color oscuro predominaba, bigote bien cuidado, su forma física era buena, era alguien fornido, se veía q en su juventud había sido alguien que siempre estuvo en buena forma, sus brazos robustos aún se veían un poco en forma era el dueño de una empresa farmacéutica, su vida y sus investigaciones las había dedicado por mucho tiempo a encontrar la forma de pelear contra el avance de la edad, había estudiado posibilidades infinitas, la constante de saber el desgaste continuo del cuerpo era la falta de la capacidad célular de regeneración, pero... ¿Y si hubiera alguna forma de apoyar esa regeneración?... Francisco se obsesionó desde joven con ese tema, no paraba de desvelarse durante noches, estudiando componentes que pudieran ayudar a esos procesos, hasta que al llegar a la edad de los 30 llegó a la conclusión que era importante darle especial atención al ejercicio y a la alimentación. Darle al cuerpo una dosis extra de proteínas concentradas y también testosterona en el caso de los hombres era esencial para poder hacer que el cuerpo humano estuviera en óptimas condiciones, a nivel célular era lo ideal para poder hacer que todo estuviera como una máquina perfectamente afinada. Pero no era suficiente, aún el desgaste avanzaba y ahí fue cuando Francisco entendió que el cuerpo humano tenía que tener de forma obligada una ayuda exógena, algún tipo de estimulante que pudiera hacer que el cuerpo produciera más testosterona y al mismo tiempo darle proteínas adicionales al cuerpo, trabajó años en un esteroide que tuviera efectos, no de hormona exógena, si no más bien hacer que el cerebro obligara al cuerpo a producir 100 veces más testosterona. Francisco consiguió crear aquella formula que estimulaba el cerebro para la producción de testosterona a los 35 años, realmente algo rápido, empezó a experimentar con ratas de laboratorio, pero había un problema, aunque la substancia hacia en los sujetos de prueba lo que se suponía, que era un aumento drástico en la masa muscular, también había ciertos efectos secundarios, el menos peligroso era un gran aumento en el deseo sexual, los sujetos de prueba demostraban un gran apetito sexual, si el ratón estaba acompañado no importaba si era macho o hembra el ratón acompañante, el que estaba lleno del suero experimental follaba a su pareja hasta que el ratón normal fallecía. El segundo era que después de unos días el cuerpo del ratón inyectado colapsaba, al parecer el cuerpo de la criatura no aguantaba el ritmo acelerado al generar testosterona de forma tan rápida. Entonces si el cuerpo podía aguantar así por unos días había una posibilidad de que pudiera todo esto tener éxito, solo había que buscar una forma en qué el cuerpo se pudiera aclimatar al cambio desenfrenado de producción de testosterona, y a la aceleración del metabolismo. Francisco pensó en varias opciones, pero una más improbable que la anterior, en este mundo, no había nada parecido a lo que él quisiera recrear, sus investigaciones quedaron estancadas conforme el tiempo pasó y la fórmula de su esteroide la guardó, le dió más importancia otros proyectos para poder sustentar su investigación más adelante, mientras aparecía alguna forma en la cuál cumplir lo que él siempre había deseado. Con el paso del tiempo Francisco se hizo de una gran riqueza, su talento en la rama de la farmacología le ayudó generando bastantes medicamentos innovadores pero costosos que lo catapultaron a la cima, a la edad de 42 años con la trayectoria que ya tenía y toda su experiencia en el ramo, incluso decidió ampliar sus conocimientos a la ingeniería genética. Efectivamente, lo que necesitaba Francisco estaba en esa área, todos los conocimientos que tenía empezó a usarlos en su proyecto que había abandonado, solo tenía que crear un organismo simbionte, no tenía que ser inteligente, solo tenía que poder unirse y ayudar al cuerpo humano con el proceso de aceleración de su suero, y recrear las funciones básicas de cualquier ser vivo con excepción de la reproducción. Fueron años de experimentos hasta que Francisco por fin logró su cometido, en un contenedor yacía una mancha azul obscuro moviéndose de forma rara, arrastrándose por un gran contenedor una criatura viscosa y que parecía haber salido de una película de terror, pero Francisco sabía que no era así, era el siguiente paso para combatir el avance del desgaste del cuerpo humano, esta criatura había sido diseñada por él, y de hecho Francisco había usado algo de su sangre para asegurar la compatibilidad con su nueva creación, así q nadie más que él podría ocupar a aquel ser que había creado.
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forced growth Feeding the Birthday Boy's Growth...And Then Some (Part II Added - 01/01/25)
TheWeremuscleForest posted a topic in Stories
“Preston? All the guys are anxious to see you bro. It is your birthday after all.” “Uh...Cam? I can’t leave the bathroom right now, you know what I told you before about my weird issue, right?” “You know that I don’t believe that you have some other guy inside you. I am not telling them that either. Just don’t be in there too long, they will get pissed off and leave.” “I can’t control what is happening to me dude. It just starts when it starts. I think maybe it is because he knows that there are other male suitors here.” The now 25-year-old beefy Texan can feel himself starting to change and is trying not to get too excited over it. “Uh...Cam...just...well try to entertain them for a bit. I... uh...mmm...oh fuck this is going to feel so good, I can tell.” “Whatever you say, bro!” Preston can hear his bones shifting and his muscles stretching and swelling as he looks on in the bathroom mirror. It has been a long time since he has let his mature, incredibly muscular half have its way with him. He knows that he needs to try and keep his voice down, but the sensations coursing through his body are going to be overwhelming. “Oh fuck...I have really missed this so much. Daddy Preston is going to be really popular tonight; I can feel it deep down inside me.” He can feel his back swelling as he gradually gets a bit taller at the same time. His boots are now straining against his expanding toes as they fight for release. He can start to feel his mind changing ever so slightly too. It makes him want it even more. “AHH, yeah fucking grow for me muscles. I am more than willing to let you out, big daddy.” He laughs slightly as he feels his arms starting to expand as his quads and calves begin to stretch his jeans as well. His ass is stretching the fabric as it squeaks loudly. He can also feel his pecs getting bigger beneath his undershirt as his leather vest starts straining against his expanding delts and traps. “MMM...rruugghh...oh...fuck...heh...I can’t be too loud...uhm...he he...but damn the pleasure really makes me want to go full Saiyan.” He can see how big the veins are getting on his biceps which are completely visible beneath the fabric, the thick cords protruding, and it is making his cock react to the sensations. He can feel it stretching down his growing right quad as his underwear rips slightly under the weight of his manhood. The contours of his pecs are also visible in the bathroom mirror as well. He is prolonging the growth as much as he can. “This time is SO MUCH better than before. Mm... heh heh...” He grunts as he feels his feet and ankles destroying his boots, the leather splitting in two as his jeans begin ripping apart at the seams as well. He knows that his voice will change at any second as a result of his transition into his bigger half. He can hear a knock on his door again. “Preston? Are you really going to be in there all night? I am having trouble keeping the guys entertained.” The growing beast laughs and moans as he hears Cam outside the door again. “Cam...I already told you...I am growing in here. HAHA! Mm... you want to come in here and see what I am talking about?” The 25-year-old outside the door notices that the tone in Preston’s voice has definitely changed and is a bit confused. “Uh...are you okay in there? I can tell there is something different about your voice. You seem incredibly happy as well.” Preston starts saying, “YEAH...YEAH...” as he feels his belt snap around his waist, and he his vest starts to split along the middle of his back as it also starts ripping through his shirt. “Get in here dude. Watch me as I... I will try to wait until you do...” “Wait until you what?” “Just get in here Cam...I think you will be glad you did.” His friend is quite surprised when he enters and sees that Preston is looking a lot bigger than he did earlier. Pieces of his boots are hugging his legs as his calves are now peering out the sides of his jeans where they have ripped open. His quads are still growing wider as the last remaining seams on his jeans give way, revealing his huge, dense, powerful wheels, which have now developed several teardrop-shaped separations in each of them. “WHOA! Preston. You were not lying, were you?” “Lock the door Cam. I am not ready for the reveal...mmm...just yet...RRAARR!!” The beast’s swelling pecs are now ripping his undershirt down the front as his gut completely vanishes and his expanding eight pack can now be seen. His giant biceps and triceps make quick work of his sleeves as he tenses his hands and gleefully watches in delight as his bloated forearms blast through the front sections of his shirt. Each one of them is incredibly vascular, wide, and powerful. “I am so glad that you decided to come in and watch me hulk out Cam. You are now meeting daddy Preston. He is very glad to meet you.” The huge bodybuilder is now tearing his vest and shirt off and is breathing heavily as he shows Cameron how massive he is getting, flexing his biceps and chest for him. The striations are vast in each one of his muscles and incredibly thick. His friend reaches in to start rubbing on the beast’s abdominal rack, which makes Preston sigh in pleasure. “Oh, my gawd Preston, is this really you?” “It is all me dude. Hold on while I... err...mmm...YYEESS!!” The huge bodybuilder grunts as his big cock frees itself from its confines and is now smacking Cam’s leg, who is just a foot away now. Preston tears the rest of his jeans off, as well as the remnants of his underwear, and tosses them off to the side. He has now put his hands around his friend’s waist and is hugging his ass with his fingers as he picks him up and places him on the sink in front of the mirror. “I... uhm...I don’t know what to think right now, bro.” He notices Preston’s eye color has changed from brown to green. “Oh wow, your eyes are so beautiful too.” “Hehe, yeah this happens when I change over to him. Do you like how daddy Preston looks, dude?” “Oh, of course I do. We have been friends for a really long time though. I haven’t thought about you in this way before.” “That is probably because I was overweight Cam. feels so exhilarating to do this after holding him back for so long. He has wanted to make an appearance with someone else for as long as I have known you.” Cameron’s hands are now traveling all over his buddy’s chest as Preston grips his hands on the sides of the sink trying not to put too much pressure on it. He is flexing his arms, making them bulge, veins thick and corded. He continues to stare into his friend’s eyes with a sense of longing. “You know I want you badly dude. I am holding back so much right now because I really like you. My balls are so full that they are stretching my sack.” Cameron can see that he is right as the big beast moans feeling them grow beneath his huge, sheathed power tool. Preston grabs one of his friend’s hands and places it over top of it and has him start stroking. He moans deeply as he starts to precum all over his buddy’s hand. “Oh fuck, it is really huge and veiny Preston.” “Just keep stroking me Cam and make me cum for you.” Cameron continues to rub Preston’s huge chest and abs while stroking him. The huge beast pants for the next 30 seconds before he starts grunting in pleasure. “Here it comes dude. I am not sorry for what I am about to do to you, HAHA! YEAH DUDE...YEAH pump that out of me...” The unsuspecting stroker starts to get bombarded by several ropes of thick goo as it lands all over Cameron’s clothing. Some of it ends up on the walls and eventually onto his face. Preston laughs as he sees this occurring and tries to wipe some of it off his buddy’s eyes. “Ahh...I didn’t mean to get it in your eyes like that.” “Oh fuck bro... you were not kidding when you said you were full of your man seed.” Cameron thinks he even got some of it in his mouth. “Uh...I think I may have swallowed some of your boys. Weirdly, it doesn’t taste too terrible.” “Heh, that is great to hear. Cam...I have to ask you. Do you want to look like me?” His friend seems confused, but also intrigued. “Umm...I don’t know Preston.” “Well...I want to grow you buddy. All you have to do is swallow more of my spunk.” The beast starts scooping up off Cam’s clothing and face and shows it to him. “Open up dude and let me help you become a pro bodybuilder in just minutes.” Cameron reluctantly does so as he licks Preston’s big fingers. The huge muscle monster moans as he leans in to talk to him with a smile on his face. “I know you are probably thinking that this is just a dream, but it isn’t. Join me buddy. I would love to see you become daddy Cameron. Big and furry too...YEAH! Make this happen dude. I will conjure him out of you. You can’t turn back now because I have placed the seeds inside you. I was respectful about it too. know I want this to happen.” Cameron looks at him bewildered. He can feel his insides reacting to Preston’s cum. “OH GAWD! You are not joking. You are kind of evil bro. I don’t know what to think right now.” “HAHA! I know you mean that in a slightly playful way. I can sense it. You want this. I know you do because of the way you are looking at me right now. You are attracted to me and what I have become.” Preston finally kisses his friend on the lips, and they embrace. The beast is now holding him against him, feeling his body shaking as it tries to cope with what is about to transpire. The huge sweaty hulk is quite enamored with his close friend and can’t wait to see him experience what he has for the first time. They both stop kissing after a few seconds. “He wants to come out so badly Cam. I can feel him raging from inside you.” “Uh...but I didn’t want this, Preston. You tricked me into lusting after your muscles. That wasn’t fair, you know?” “HAHA! You are lying to yourself right now. If you didn’t want any part of this, you could have turned around and left, but you didn’t. You came in here because you could hear me enjoying it and was curious. Now, you can do the same. I have only shared this gift with one other man, and I can’t tell you who is right now because he is someone you might know.” Cameron is now quite anguished and can’t seem to focus on anything else anymore except for what is transpiring from within his body. “Oh fuck...I can...I can feel something happening now...” Preston grunts as he hears Cameron’s bones cracking and his muscles squealing beneath his clothing. The other 25-year-old can feel his feet starting to stretch his sneakers as his legs begin to grow as well. The huge beast that is with him is now slowly massaging his friend's lower half, feeling him expanding against his fingers. “MMM are going to make me cum again watching you grow into a muscle beast. Now get fucking MASSIVE for me you puny man.” He can feel himself getting taller now as his shirt untucks itself from his jeans. Preston can see his friend’s abs starting to expand across his torso as he begins to feel his arms inflate as his chest and back start to stretch his shirt. He is now moaning in pleasure as his beastly friend says, “OH YEAH...GROW!” a few times. “AH BRO! I... uh...I am fucking LOVING IT! My mind has stopped resisting it and... I... I just want to keep GROWING!” “It is an unreal feeling isn’t it, Cam? Try to stay in control of it though, I want you and I to savor this together so I can cream all over your beautiful muscles.” Cameron grunts as his feet finally tear through his sneakers, making Preston say, “YEAH DADDY! I want you so MUCH!”. The beast stares greedily at his friend’s expanding chest, reaching in to feel each inflating mound of hard, thick, dense, powerful pectoral as they push his top out and further away from his body. He can hear his growing buddy growling as his arms, now wrapped around Preston’s waist, start to slowly rip his shirt sleeves, revealing his big meaty horseshoe-sized triceps, which have a nice covering of reddish-brown fur all over them. He squeezes his engorged biceps against his hulkish friend’s obliques and giggles as they both notice his newly developing deeper voice. “I have to be bigger and stronger than you, bro. That is all I am thinking about right now. I won’t settle for anything less than that.” “OH HEH! Well, I won’t object to that Cam. I am going to shoot if you...” Cameron grins as he starts to lift Preston off the ground. His immense back immediately tears through his shirt as his enormous quads do the same with his jeans. He realizes that he is getting incredibly strong as he holds the 285-pound beast in the air for several seconds before placing him back down on the floor. Preston is now starting to squirt cum all over him again. “OH YEAH DUDE! You are so fucking are getting so handsome too. The hair on your head is thicker.” “Ah...let me run my hands on my face then. Do I have a beard now?” “Yeah, you have a nice one Cam. Your Spanish and Irish genes are coming out. I knew that you would get nice and furry for me too.” “That isn’t the only part of me that is getting big and furry, Preston.” Cameron’s jeans are practically in tatters as his bloated cock tears through the side of them and swells even bigger. His massive pecs easily shred his shirt all the way down as he reaches in to tear the rest of it open. He can’t help but run his hands all over both of his furry mounds and feels how big his nipples are as well, as they turn downwards towards his huge rack of ten meaty slabs. “Heh, you evil genius. I love that you are creaming all over me. It is my turn to release my thick river and I want that huge ass of yours to do it in.” “OH, FUCK CAM! I have never bottomed before. You might tear me up if you...” Cameron picks him up again and wraps his friend’s huge quads around his powerful waist. He then finds Preston’s wet hole and slowly starts to wedge his big shaft inside. The beast groans as he slowly starts to work it in. “You had no idea that you chose a power top, did ya bro? I am so anxious to plow you and I wonder if the cycle will continue if I cum inside you.” “I don’t know dude. I would love to know myself. MMM...fuck me good daddy and we can find out.” Cameron, who has grown to over 300 pounds now, has managed to push most of his cock inside his buddy after a few minutes. He grunts loudly as Preston says, “YEAH...YEAH...I want it so much daddy Cameron. Feed my body.” “Uh...Uh...I am just about there you hunky...mother fing...AHH...YYEESS!!” The big beast laughs as he covers Preston’s mouth because his partner is starting to yell in pleasure as he is being filled with Cameron’s massive load. The furry beast’s cock and balls contract as they pump round after round of thick jizz inside the eager bottom. After a couple more minutes, he pulls out of his partner’s hole and puts him back down on the floor. He smiles as he sees some of his cum rolling down Preston’s huge and veiny right hamstring and calf. “WHEW! That was really fun Preston. I will have to regroup after that one I think.” “I wonder if it will take very long to take effect. I have never gone this far with this before. I... really does work...I can feel it starting again.” The beast moves back a little bit to allow himself to have more space. He moans as his legs and arms begin growing once again. Preston can also feel himself getting even taller as his cock starts to leak profusely as well. He quickly places Cameron’s hands on his swelling shaft. “STROKE ME DUDE! Join me on this incredible journey into godhood and we can outgrow this tiny bathroom.” After working him over for just a few seconds, Preston starts showering Cameron in his seed. The hairy beast guzzles his friend’s load from his now 15-inch dong and can feel things starting up again in his body. “OH, FUCKING YES! GROW...GGRROOWW...” Cameron can feel himself expanding rapidly as the two hulks feel themselves pressing up against each other as they get closer to the ceiling inside the bathroom. The sink breaks under the weight of the hairy hulk as the mirror tumbles to the ground. They both start pushing on the walls in the room and laugh as they see cracks forming. There are voices coming from outside the bathroom. “Heh, I think maybe we might have to expand our little group here Cam, don’t you think?” “OH, you better believe it dude. I feel like a god now and need a bunch of slaves to pleasure me. Of course, you will always be my number one.” “HAHA, that is great to hear, dude!” They both knock down the bathroom wall that was separating them from the rest of the house. The other men that were there for Preston’s birthday are in total disbelief as they stare in awe at the two muscle monsters in front of them. Cameron pulls off the rest of the clothing that was stuck to him and drops it on top of a couple of the men. He turns and smiles at his humongous buddy. “I think we can do this in no time bro. I can’t imagine that Teddy and Pablo could resist at least getting a few licks of the seed on that fabric.” “Heh, you are probably right Cam. The smell alone has to be driving them wild.” The story ends here...or does it?- 8 replies
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Hope you enjoy the fun Christmas story I've been working on. Merry Massmas Chapter One Daniel Lorca was mopping the front lobby of the gym at 2pm on Christmas Eve when the older man walked in. “We’re closing at 4pm today. That gives you about two hours. That enough time for you to train?” Daniel looked up from what he was doing. As soon as he saw the older man, he knew he had never seen him before because he would definitely would have remembered the body, if not the face. For a guy who was probably in his late 50’s or early 60’s, he had a killer body on him. Of course, since the popularity of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, lots of older guys had great bodies, but none could hold a candle to his guy. Daniel himself was envious of the guy’s bulging pecs, his broad shoulders, his wide lats, and the bulging biceps on display under the tight red compression shirt he was wearing. “Guess it’ll have to be. Won’t it? Can I purchase a day pass?” The guy smiled a perfect smile at Daniel and had a gleeful look in his eye. No, Daniel had never seen him before, but if he had, he definitely would have wanted to see more of him. Upon closer inspection, the guy’s hair and beard might be a mix of silver and white, but his skin and ice blue eyes were timeless. He was one of those individuals who could either be 30 or 300. He was taller than Daniel, around 6 foot 3, with a wide bright smile and and sharp chiselled cheekbones. “Don’t worry about it. My treat. Merry Christmas. If you need longer, just tell me. I’m in no rush. Might train myself again after we close.” Daniel walked over to the counter and grabbed a sheet of paper. “Just need you to fill this out for liability.” The ‘Old Man’ put down his leather gym bag, picked up a pen in his muscular hands, and began to fill out the form. “Not going out tonight?” “Nah. Probably just chill and watch A Christmas Story.” “Great film. Sexy guy like you shouldn’t be watching it alone.” “Thanks. But… yeah. Alone this Christmas.” “What happened to Tristan?” The ‘Old Man’ put the pen down and looked caringly into Daniel’s eyes. “Trist? We… broke up. Three months ago. Said dating a Gym-Rat was cute at 20 but pathetic at 30. He was looking for a ‘Big Man’ who could match him financially. It’s for the best. Honestly. We’d both changed…” “Sounds like it. What about your friends?” “All off visiting family. Damn I sound pathetic!! Daniel laughed and made a valent attempt to change the topic. He hated talking about himself let alone his failed relationship. “What brings you to town?” “Here on business.” The ‘Old Man’ locked eyes with Daniel. His blue eyes were piercing, and Daniel found himself getting hard just from the gaze. “Over the holidays? Damn. Rough.” All Daniel could imagine was the ‘Old Man’ bending him over the bench press and fucking the life out of him. “I’m used to it. Makes for a good change. I work from home most of the time.” Both men stared at each other until the ‘Old Man’ broke the silence. “Do you… want to show me where the locker room is?” The ‘Old Man’ smiled a warm happy smile. “Of course! Sorry.” Daniel walked through the multitude of machines to the stone and silver locker room. The ‘Old Man’ followed close behind Daniel, his large warm body magnetically close to him. “Pretty quiet here today.” “Yeah. Most people worked out this morning. That’s why we’re shutting early. The lockers are right here… and the showers are back there.” The two men stared at each other again. When the ‘Old Man’ breathed in, Daniel could see his shirt straining to hold in his substantial pecs’ “Thanks, Dan. I can take it from here.” The ‘Old Man’ smiled broadly at Daniel. No one had called him ‘Dan’ since his father died four years ago. His father had been a tall and muscular mechanic whose name was also Dan and the name fit his masculine nature. Even when Daniel got in shape and packed on some muscle mass, he never felt like a Dan… only a Daniel. “Oh. Right. Of course. Let me know if you need anything.” “Will do.” Daniel returned to the lobby and resumed mopping the floor. Occasionally, he’d catch a glimpse of the ‘Old Man’ working out. He lifts were insane, and never once did he ask Daniel to spot him, no matter how heavy he went. The only time he came over and spoke to Daniel was in the middle of his bench press when he asked for a bottle of water because he had forgotten his refillable one. The ‘Old Man had taken his shirt off and was mopping his brow with it. His chest was exactly as Daniel thought it would be: Meaty, thick, with a nice coating of slier hair that cascaded over his pecs and over his mountainous abs. Standing close to the ‘Old Man,’ Daniel could feel himself begin to get aroused simply from the powerful aroma he was giving off. The ‘Old Man’ smelled of rich and potent spices. Daniel tried to put his finger on what he smelled like, but all he could come up with was a mix of cinnamon, gingerbread, and leather. Daniel gave him the bottle of water, on the house, and watched him bench for a few minutes before he went back to finishing his closing duties. He had barely realized the time had flown by until the ‘Old Man’ walked up to the counter. He had showered and changed and was wearing a red hoodie over an extremely tight white t-shirt that threatened to split every time he moved. Daniel hadn’t realized how thick and full the ‘Old Man’s’ beard was or how ice blue his eyes were either. His eyes seemed to dance and glow, and when the ‘Old Man’ glanced at you… you felt like he was seeing and caring about only you. Leaning over the counter, his face extremely close to Daniel’s, a cool artic blast of peppermint radiated from his mouth and into Daniel’s nose. “Thanks for helping an old guy out. All the cookies at Christmas aren’t great for my waist.” “Tell me about it. I’ve been trying to be good all month.” “I know you have. Good all year. Very good.” The ‘Old Man’s’ face was inches away from his. His lips were red, and his cheeks flushed from working out. Barely above a whisper he said: “Any other day, I’d be riding that tight as of yours all night… but tonight… just not possible.” The ‘Old Man’ grabbed the back of Daniel’s head, and their lips met. The ‘Old Man’ was a powerful kisser, and Daniel thought he would cum just from feeling his strong and probing tongue toy with his own. Moments later, the ‘Old Man’ let go of Daniel and pulled away. “Fuck it. What happens down here stays down here.” The ‘Old Man’ came around the counter, and moments later the two men were locked in each other’s arms, holding each other tight, and making out. The ‘Old Man’s’ large hand massages Daniel’s cock through his pants as Daniel massaged his thick pecs. Both knew that they didn’t have much time. Daniel watched the ‘Old Man’ undo his black leather belt and let his jeans fall to the floor. Daniel fell to his knees and began to lick the ‘Old Man’s thick cock through the red fabric of his jockstrap. Just as Daniel would have expected, the ‘Old Man’s’ basket was very full with a fat cock and two large balls. Daniel’s hands shook a little as he raised them to the ‘Old Man’s’ waist and pulled the tight jockstrap down, releasing his treasure. The ‘Old Man’s’ cock quickly grew hard, and soon Daniel was face to face with a beautiful uncircumcised 9 incher that he eagerly took into his mouth. The ’Old Man’s’ crotch smelled strongly of his own essence: spice and leather. Daniel tried to get as much of the shaft into his mouth and throat as was humanly possible, but it was impossible to get his mouth down to the curly silver hairs that surrounded the thick root. After a few minutes of eager cock sucking, the ‘Old Man’ grabbed Daniel, forced him up off of his knees, spun him around, and bent him over the counter. No matter how much Daniel didn’t want it to, reality seeped in. He turned his head slightly and said: “the door… need to lock the…” Daniel grunted and moaned as he felt the ‘Old Man’s sturdy hands grab his ass and shove his meaty cock head into him. The ‘Old Man’ thrust again and again and again, filling Daniel up with the longest and thickest cock he had had in a while. Finally, the guy was all the way in, and as he rode Daniel, he said: “No one will come in. Trust me.” Daniel did trust him. The ‘Old Man’ turned Daniel’s head towards him and they began to make out as he rode Daniel’s ass hard and deep. Waves of euphoria washed over Daniel as he felt himself filled up like never before. Skill definitely had come with age. The ‘Old Man’ was the best lover Daniel had ever had, and he never wanted it to end. After fifteen minutes of hard pounding, Daniel heard the ‘Old Man’ grunt several times, and then release a hot load deep inside of him. Feeling the heat as well as the swelling cock so deep within him forced Daniel over the edge, and he began to cum the biggest load of the year all over the paperwork that covered the counter. Daniel’s orgasm shook him to the core, and he found himself collapsing onto the counter. The ‘Old Man’ pulled his half-hard cock out of Daniel’s ass, leaving him feel oddly empty; like someone had given him the greatest gift, and then taking it away. Huffing and trying to catch their breath, the two men grinned at each other. “I hate to tap that and run, but if I don’t, I’ll never get started.” “I understand. That was…”. The ‘Old Man’ grabbed Daniel and kissed him. Then, quick as lightning, he had his jeans pulled back up, threw his red hoody on over his white T-Shirt, and crossed in front of the counter. “You’re a good guy, Daniel Lorca. Here.” The ‘Old Man’ opened his black gym bag and pulled out a glass jar that contained both red and green gumdrops. “Merry Christmas. Now, lock up. You live in the apartment attached to the building, right?” “I… I do…” Daniel still found it hard to speak after such a marathon fuck. “Then go home. Have some fun. It’s Christmas Eve… the one night of the year wrapped in magic.” The ‘Old Man’ closed his leather gym bag, threw it over his shoulder, and in a moment, he was out the door. Daniel found that the room still smelled like the ‘Old Man’ long after he was gone. After downing two bottles of water, Daniel cleaned up the mess and threw the cum coated papers in the trash. After locking the door and turning off the lights, he turned around, and watched as the moonlight hit the jar of gumdrops, causing them to glow. Daniel grabbed the jar and walked to the coded door in the back of the gym that led to his apartment. It was while he was punching in the code that he thought, how did he know my name? I never told him… and how did he know about Tristan and me? Daniel didn’t even know the ‘Old Man’s name. He had gone to look it up after the guy had left, but it had been written on the form that Daniel had let loose his biggest load over, and it had smeared the ink. Ah well. It was a fun Christmas Eve fuck! More exciting left a mystery. Daniel hummed a Christmas carol as he closed the door to his apartment behind him. Surprisingly, Daniel was horny right again after closing the door. He was barely in the tiny apartment before he was tearing his sweatpants off, laying down on the couch in the living room, and jerking himself off quickly to completion. His orgasm was once again unnaturally strong, and he felt ropes of hot cum hitting his pecs and face. Daniel lay there for a while enjoying the afterglow of his orgasm and thinking once again how incredible a lover the ’Old Man’ had been. After breaking up with Tristan and not sure what life held for him, it was exactly what he had needed. He wished he had a way to thank, the mysterious stranger, but deep down he knew that the ‘Old Man’ knew. Then, with a leap, he jumped off the couch and headed into the bathroom to clean up. Looking at himself in the mirror, Daniel was in awe of how large his load had been. He’d been so busy working to cover the shifts of friends and colleagues who had gone away for the holidays, that he hadn’t had time to even think about sex, let alone jerking off. It must have been nearly two weeks since the last time he had orgasm, so it was no wonder the last two times he had nut it had been a deluge! Daniel took a quick shower, enjoying the warm water cascading over his body. He was proud of how he looked. He may not be as big as the ‘Old Man,’ but his body had decent size and symmetry. When he wore tight clothes, he got lots of looks from both men and women, and even if he was thinning a little on top, he knew that he would be classified in the sexy category if asked. He hated that he never went to college, but when his father died, he needed to be the one to bring in the money for his family. Tristan never understood that. He never said it, but Daniel always thought Tristan believed he was just lazy or not very bright, preferring the gym to the classroom. Even when he had gotten his PT certificate, Tristan had acted pleased for him, but deep-down Daniel had felt his ex was never really that proud. Daniel turned the shower off and stepped out into the steam filled bathroom. Rubbing the condensation off the mirror with his hand, something he always regretted doing but did anyway, he took a good look at himself. He stood 5’10, 198 lbs of muscle with a stubborn layer of fat over it. His hair was buzzed short to make up for the areas where none grew anymore and was hiding the fact that some silver was starting to show. Daniel flexed his right bicep and enjoyed the sight of its peak. He couldn’t complain. He may not be the mass monster he always wished he could be, but he was healthy and mostly happy. Sure, he wished his 5-inch cock was longer and thicker, and maybe it would be nice to have bigger, low hanging balls that shot epic loads ever time, but these were the genetic cards he had been dealt. What good did it do to whine about it? After fully drying off, Daniel slipped on a pair of black briefs, left the bathroom, and made his way into the kitchen to reheat his meal. He had originally planned to make a Christmas Eve dinner, but instead he decided to wait and make a ‘feast for one’ the next day. Right now, reheated chicken, some rice, and a veg would do him just fine. He had bought a carton of Rocky Road ice cream as a treat along with some eggnog to eat and drink while celebrating the holidays and watching Christmas lying on the couch. It was a few hours after he had eaten his meal, and in the middle of the film ‘White Christmas,’ when Daniel suddenly began to crave something sweet to eat. He wasn’t in the mood for ice cream yet, and he never kept any other candies or cookies in the house due to his diet. He thought about running out to the gas station get a candy bar when he remembered the Christmas present ‘The Old Man’ had given him. Jumping up from the couch, he grabbed his backpack and opened it up. Inside was the glass jar. Pulling it out, his eyes fell to the printed label: “Make a Christmas Wish! A small gift for Daniel. Make a wish before biting into a green gumdrop, and the wish will come true. Regret a wish, and all you need to do is bite into a red one. Warning, there are far fewer red ones than green ones. Have fun… and be specific! Kris” Daniel laughed at the idea. What an incredible marketing tool! He was sure the company must have sold tons of these this year. Who doesn’t love the fun of imagining their wishes coming true… yet… the label… the instructions and his name were printed directly on it… it wasn’t handwritten… and the label was glued to the glass. There was no way… Daniel turned the glass jar around and looked at the label where the ingredients should be. Instead, there was another message: ‘Believe it, Daniel. Trust me. But remember: once the 25th turns to 26th… the magic in the gumdrops fades away, and what you’ve wished for and kept, will be yours. Nothing like a little Christmas magic! Kris. Oh… they also have no calories! Enjoy!’ Daniel shook his head. How in the world had ‘The Old Man’ done this? He unscrewed the top, and when he took it off, his nose was inundated with the scent of peppermints, cinnamon, and evergreen trees. It was possibly the best thing he had ever smelled in his entire life. Putting his fingers into the jar, he removed a green gumdrop and held it up to the light. It looked exactly how you would expect a gumdrop to look. There was nothing truly magical about how they looked, and yet… Why not? Why not try it. If it didn’t work, no one would know how silly he had been. It wasn’t like there was a hidden camera in his house… right? He looked around but saw nothing out of place where a camera could be hidden. Sitting up, he placed the glass jar on the table and looked at the green gumdrop. Aloud, Daniel said: “I wish I could lose 20 pounds of stubborn fat and be shredded as fuck!!” He put the gumdrop into his mouth and but down. Instantly, his mouth exploded with flavour. The spicy taste of peppermint filled his mouth and then radiated through his entire body. For a moment, he had the sensation he was standing naked in a forest with snow falling all around him. Daniel swore he could smell the pine in the air and the crispness of the winter wind. When the coolness eventually faded away, he was left with the sweet chewy goodness of a masterfully crafted gumdrop. Chewing the rest, he quickly swallowed it. And he waited… and waited… and waited. Soon five minutes had passed and.., The room began growing hot..., or was it Daniel’s own body temperature rising? His face felt flushed, and he could feel tiny beads of perspiration rising all over his body. He went to stand, but his body felt out of his own control, and he fell back onto the couch. Fuck, he thought, that old man poisoned me. He… Daniel felt his body getting more feverish. Sweat was pouring off him now, running over his pecs and down his abs. He stood up again, and although the living room spun around him, this time he was able to stand on his own feet. His stomach had begun to gurgle, and it felt as if steam was rising from the pores all over his body. He stumbled into the bathroom and turned on the lights. When he did, his mouth fell open as he saw with his own eyes the stubborn layer of fat that had always covered his pecs and abs was quickly disintegrating. Daniel could actually feel the fat melting away, and it wasn’t only on his torso. In the small mirror he watched as his face proceeded to grow thinner and sculpted, his neck and chin lost the annoying bulk, his quads slimmed slightly, and his ass lost some of the jelly buy gained a firmness he had never seen. Once the fat had dispersed to who knows where, the skin covering his abdomen began to tighten, and in minutes Daniel had the tight 6-pack he had always dreamed of. Daniel’s body temperature continued to rise and the sweat continued to pour, and the longer this continued, the more shredded his body became. His body fat must have dipped below double digits as his skin began to look shrink wrapped over his musculature. Pipe like veins were now visible circling around his body to feed his muscles, while his face became more angular and chiselled. Eventually, when the extreme temperature began to lower and return to normal, Daniel began to flex his jacked body in front of the mirror. All of the poses he had read about or seen on line or at the gym he began to do. I look like a fuckin fitness model. Hell! I could be a fuckin fitness model!! Daniel flexed more, his cock hardening in his briefs from the excitement. It would have taken more than a year of strict diet and cardio and who knows what else to have gotten these incredible aesthetics… and who could say if I actually could have accomplished this!! Looking at himself in the mirror, Daniel began to grin and stroke his cock. I can have anything I want, he thought. I can become anything I want!! Merry Christmas, Daniel!!! All you need to do is wish it!!! The image of himself at that moment, and the image of what he could become caused his heart to flutter. I can have anything, he thought. I look like a fuckin fitness model. Ha! I could be a fitness model! Daniel flexed a few more times, his cock hardening in his briefs from the excitement. This would have taken more than a year of strict diet and cardio, and who knows if I would have gotten these incredible aesthetics. Looking at himself and grinning, he stroked his cock a few times. The image of himself at that moment, and the image of what he could be caused his heart to flutter.
- 16 replies
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- muscle
- musclegrowth
- (and 8 more)
Frank's In Control Part One “Fuck him, Boy. I’ll do it.” Shai turned slightly to his right to fully see the man who had just spoken. “So… what are you… some mad scientist?” The man grinned at him. Shai had seen him before. Often. He was one of those guys you always saw at the gym no matter what time you went and always wondered if they had a job or a home to go to. While working out, Shai had caught his eye several times, and it had always been Shai who had been the first to look away. Yeah, even standing half dressed in the locker room at 10.30 pm on a Friday night, there was no doubt that the guy thought highly of himself. Seeing him again without his shirt on, Shai’s brain went primal; thinking to himself that he was positive the guy was incredible in bed and fucked like a machine. That type of guy always did… and they never gave Shai the time of day. Shai was guessing, but he placed the man at around 53, or possibly 55 years of age. He looked to be in great shape… no… amazing shape, actually, for his age. He was taller than Shai, probably a little over 6 foot. His hair was salt and pepper, with a little bit more salt than pepper in the mix, and it would have fallen to his neck if it wasn’t tied up in a small ponytail. He had a bit of a beard, and behind the hair surrounding his mouth were pearly white teeth and a shit eating grin that reached up to his blue eyes. He could definitely pass for an amateur bodybuilder. His sleeveless T-shirt showed off a hairy, wide torso with pecs that pulled against the fabric, and a solid neck connected to incredibly broad shoulders. Shai guesstimated that his chest was in the range of 48 to 50 inches if measured, while the delts connected to it were round and substantial. They were the perfect beginning to thick, veiny arms with an estimated 18 inch bicep. Standing in his tight, black briefs. Shai could tell that it was obvious that the man never skipped leg day. His thighs were solid with beefy quads and substantial hamstrings. The roundness of his glutes pulled at the fabric of his briefs, showing off a package that appeared to be as sizable as its owner. Remembering suddenly to talk, Shai said the first thing that popped into his head: “Excuse me?” “Sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt… but couldn’t help overhearing what you were saying to Mitchell.” The man’s Texan twang surprised Shai, but it seemed apropos. The man settled himself onto the changing room bench next to Shai. He was close enough that the scientist could smell the leathery scent of the man’s body and feel the warmth he was giving off. “Actually, you were both pretty loud, so it wasn’t like I was snooping or anything. These changing rooms have a serious echo to them. So… what is this about some new PED you’ve been working on?” The guy smiled again, slight crows feet highlighting his eyes. “That was… kind of a private conversation.” “My advice, Boy, don’t have private conversations in locker rooms if you don’t want anyone to hear them.” “Thanks for that. I have to get going.” Shai stood up, grabbing his gym bag in the process. “I said I’d do it.” “Do what?” “Be your guinea pig for trying out this new PED. Mitchell said he changed his mind. I won’t change my mind.” “What you heard… just… forget it. It doesn’t concern you.’ “What if I don’t want to forget it? What if I want it to concern me? I’m interested, and you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially when your funding is being pulled and tonight is one of the last chances you have to test it. Sorry. I have ears like a hawk, but you did come off pretty strong with Mitchel. You almost sounded desperate. I can see why the pup skedaddled. Never appear desperate… even if you are. That’s another lesson for the day.” The guy smiled broadly, opening his legs slightly wider, taking up more room in the bench. “Even if you were interested… I don’t know how your body would process the formula.” “Why? Too old? You ageist?” “No. I’m not ageist. This has nothing to do with…” “I get it. Mitchell’s 23. I’m 54. Mitchell looks better on paper, but my guess is that this ex-Marine could handle whatever it is better than that kid.” “I’m sure you probably could.” “I know I could. Why don’t you try me out.” “Look. I have nothing against you.” “Good to know.” “I just… thought… with his symmetry… with his body composition… he’d be perfect. He was all set last week. I don’t know why he backed out now.” “Like I said, you sounded desperate with the whole, ‘it has to be tonight! They’re taking my credentials in the morning. We have to do it tonight!’ shit.” “Fuck.” Shai collapsed into the bench. “I must have sounded like a lunatic. It’s just, The Company have cut my funding and they will be taking the keys and my work away from me in the morning. This might be the only chance…. Fuck.” “Don’t beat yourself up about it. Kids get scared. When you've been in combat like me… in a fucking insane war zone over and over again… not much scares you. Semper Fi do or die.” “I bet.” “Look. I could blackmail you into getting what I want, but I don't want to be that guy.” “Thanks.” “It wouldn’t be a good way to start our relationship.” “I didn’t know we had a relationship.” “Look. Our relationship can be mutually beneficial. You want a guinea pig… and I want size.” “I hear what you’re saying…” The guy stood up. Yeah, Shai thought, he has to be about 6’1. Grabbing onto his t-shirt, he pulled it over his head and threw it onto the bench. His chest was pumped, his torso was tan, his pecs coated with hair that had obviously been trimmed a week or so ago, and he had the muscular build of someone who spent every day in the gym, yet didn’t deny himself a couple of beers or slices of pizza. Over his heart, directly on his left pec, he had a jet black Marine Corp logo tattoo which he subconsciously bounced as he displayed himself for Shai. “Thought you might want to see what you could be working with.” He lifted his left arm and flexed his bicep. “Looking… good.” “Thanks.” The guy moved closer to Shai. “You know, I’ve seen you checking me out. If you would have had the balls to approach me… who knows what we could have gotten up to.” “Oh yeah?” The guy smiled. “Let’s both admit that I’m taking Mitchell’s place in your experiment tonight.” The guy walked closer to Shai until his crotch was directly in front of him. “I…. I can’t… guarantee that…” “You said to Mitchell… I just need to see it work. Imagine. You can gain 15-20 pounds of muscle in one night. I just need to know my hypothesis was correct.” “Yeah… I think I said that…”. Shai could smell the musky scent of the guy's crotch from where he sat, and it was making him hard. “Can you imagine this body with 15 more pounds of muscle. Hell. I’d let you go further. Give me 20 more pounds of muscle… or more. I’m not some Tik Toc influencer worried that my fans are going to think I’m not natural like Mitchell was.” “You’d still be natural… it’s your DNA.” “I would be… huh?” The guys smile grew broader. “No… I mean. Mitchell still would have been natural. It’s his DNA we would have been working with.” The guy reached out his thick hands and grabbed Shai under his armpits, standing him up. Shai was so surprised that he simply allowed the man to manhandle him as he pleased. Moments later, he had leaned over slightly, and the two men were suddenly kissing. Fuck, Shai thought as it was happening. He’s an incredible kisser. Shai felt The Guy’s hand move down to his crotch , and soon he was beginning to massage it, feeling that it was already extremely hard even before touching it. “Just admit it, Boy, we’re gonna be great partners. Right?” Shai groaned. “Right.” “How big can you make me?” With one hand The Guy had undone Shai’s pants and had his cock out, slowly stroking it. “How… how big do you want to get?” “30 pounds more… 35 pounds? Can you imagine me at 250 lbs of muscle?!” Fuck!! He was so horny!! “Yeah… I can.” “I’ve always wanted to be massive like… stupid massive.” “I… I… oh fuck… I can do that. Bigger… stronger...” “Now you’re talking my language. I had a feeling you could.” “I… just don’t know… if we should…” The Guy began playing with Shai’s ass as he continued stroking his cock. “You let me worry about what you should or shouldn’t do. You want me in control… don’t you?” “I… I… maybe we can… talk more… first….” “Say it.” “I want you in control.” “Tell me how big you’re gonna make me.” “I’m going to make you massive.” “Keep going “ “You’re… you’re going to be so muscular… people will question if you’re still human.” “Fuck yeah. Right, Boy?” “Yeah. Ungodly huge. Exactly what you want.” “Say it. Who’s in control? “You’re in control.” “Yeah. We’re gonna be great partners. Aren’t we? You’re gonna give me what I want… and I’m going to give you what you need.” “I…” “Just say, ‘Thank you, Frank’.” “Thank you, Frank.” “Good boy.” Frank went to his knees and took Shai’s throbbing cock in his mouth. “Oh fuck!” “Now… you’re gonna cum in a few seconds… and then I’m going to follow you to your lab which you already had set up for Mitchell. There… we’re gonna get started making me more muscular than anyone ever thought could be possible… and then some.” Just as he was told, Shai came a few seconds later in Frank’s mouth. As he came, he thought… I made a deal with the devil. I don’t care though… Frank’s in control. To Be Continued...
- 41 replies
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- growth w/o effort
- cock growth
- (and 4 more)
Here's the third instalment of my growing dad story. This will be the final part of the growth act. If i continue writing more in the future, it will be about living with their newfound size rather than growing them bigger. I hope you guys enjoy, let me know what you think in the comments. Part One and Two Like Father, Like Son Part Three "Do you know where I can get more of that stuff?" Darren grinned to himself and flexed his pecs, working on tensing the muscles one at a time. Beside him Darren's father Lawrence struggled to control the steering wheel around his own chest. His Dad's biceps fought for space against his pecs, and his huge hands had already gripped and distorted the plastic wheel. The two men had struggled to fit inside his fathers beat up pickup, but it had been an enjoyable struggle, and Darren felt his cock throb in his tight sweatpants as his fathers massive muscular arm tensed and rubbed against his own. Both men had one arm hanging out a window to make more room within the cab, but they were so wide they couldn't avoid pressing against one another. Not that they would want to. When his father had asked for more of the chemicals that had turned them into muscle gods, his cock had shot back to full hardness, throbbing between his massive pecs. This had in turn gotten his father hard again, and the two of them has been 'forced' to rub their enormous cocks against each other, flexing their new manly pecs together until both had blasted another load across their kitchen ceiling. Darren and his father's libidos were so active they had struggled to control themselves long enough to go upstairs and find some sort of clothing that fit. The results of that search had been laughable. Darren had stuffed his thick quads and enormous cock into a pair of formerly baggy sweatpants. A once loose tank top was now stretched across his broad chest and rode up enough to expose the lower third of his rock hard stomach. His father hadn't managed much better, an old pair of basketball shorts now clinging to his thighs and ass, barely long enough to cover the length of his extraordinary cock and definitely not enough to support or obscure his huge cantaloupe sized nuts. Lawrence had tried pulling on several shirts, and both father and son had been turned on watching Lawrence's enormous upper body shred through and tear each garment like tissue paper. In the end his father had opted to go shirtless. This was fine with Darren as it meant he had an unobscured view of his father's hugely swollen chest muscles while they bounced and quivered with his Dad's every motion. The two hairy masses made driving difficult, but his fathers grin suggested to Darren that Lawrence didn't mind. The way his father had flexed his massive bicep at another car when stopped at a red light, leering and laughing at the shocked men next to them, told Darren his Dad was fully in love with his new body. It was late by the time they left the house, and as they approached the University campus the sun had set. Darren was glad as it meant they would attract less attention when they made their way into the science building. He wasn't sure how to explain the presence of two eight foot tall muscle gods on campus, and would rather wait until they were even Bigger before trying. "Take the next left Dad, and then we can park right there," said Darren, pointing to an empty parking lot next to the chemistry building. Or trying to point, his own bulk and his father's meaning he mostly flexed his bicep against his Dad's tricep while barely lifting his forearm. His Dad smirked and reached down to rub Darren's thigh, making his cock jump and throb in his sweats in response. His Dad laughed and gave Darren's cock a quick squeeze as well as he brought the pickup to a halt. Exiting the vehicle proved just as difficult as entering, and Darren bent the door nearly off it's hinges in the attempt. He was shocked when the door refused to close and he saw the imprints of his fingers on the door panel. Darren was distracted by cursing from the drivers side, arriving just in time to see the door fly fully off it's hinges and land with a crash on the asphalt. One massive quad and thick calf emerged, huge bare foot thudding solidly on the pavement. Neither massive man had fit into shoes, and Darren found himself strangely turned on. They were both so Big! Another string of curses mixed with deep laughter drew Darren's attention, and he stepped in to help his father. Grabbing one arm, he helped pull his Dad free of the truck, hearing the steering column crunch and twist. The truck sprung upward as his Dad exited, and Darren had to wonder just how much the two of them weighed now. As his father stood up and stretched his neck and arms, he spoke. "Damn son, they really don't build them like the used to huh?" He patted the truck roof with one meaty hand, then frowned as he noticed the bits of metal and plastic caught in his chest hair. Darren helped Lawrence brush them from his furry pelt, then spent a few moments caressing and exploring his Dad's huge fuzzy chest with his hands. Lawrence then pulled Darren in for a swift kiss, chests pressed tightly together. Darren felt his Dad's cock and ball throb in response to his own, before his Dad pushed him away. "Enough of that for now kid, save it for when we're Growing again," his Dad growled, eyes gleaming with desire. Darren mock saluted his father, bicep and forearm making it difficult. "Yes sir, lead the way," he joked. "Darren, this is your school. I don't know where we're going. I can barely see over my pecs anyway." Lawrence puffed up his hairy chest proudly as he spoke. Darren had to admit it was more difficult to adjust to his new size than he expected. As both he and his Dad strutted towards the science building, he felt his thighs rubbing together, had to adjust his stride and swing his legs wide around one another. His large nuts and impossibly huge cock also swayed and bounced distractingly in his sweatpants, and he enjoyed every jolt of his heavy testicles in his sack. His father next to him was the biggest distraction of all, a walking mountain of muscle that flexed and bounced with his every stride. He was so distracted by his fathers mass that he walked right into the doors, thumping against them and cracking the glass with his chest. Darren blushed and tried to fish in his small pockets with his giant hand for his keycard, while his father roared with laughter and congratulated him for growing up into a real man. Darren scanned his card and the two of them ducked and lumbered awkwardly through the entry. Looking at the small card in his palm, Darren shrugged and tucked it between his pecs for easier access compared to his skintight pockets. The chemistry building was empty at this hour. Students were allowed to work late, but on a Friday night there was no one to be seen. The automatic lights lit up ahead of them, and dimmed again behind them. The thumping of their bare feet and the subtle creaking and groaning of their muscles provided an organic counterpoint to the low electric hum and mechanical background noises of the building. "We need to get to the third floor," Darren said in a low voice. He felt himself more on edge now, anxious at the thought of being discovered sneaking in. "Is there an elevator nearby then?" His Dad also spoke in a subdued voice. Looking over, Darren almost laughed. They were both slightly hunched, instinctively trying to make themselves smaller to attract less attention. A completely ridiculous and pointless endeavour for the two muscular titans. Darren forced himself to stand up straighter and relax his shoulders. He watched his father do the same. "I don't think we're going to fit in the elevator Dad. Plus I don't think it's rated for our weight!" Darren winked and bounced his chest suggestively. "Alright Mr. Massive, let's take the stairs. Lead the way." Darren set out, down one corridor and up a second. The main stairs on the first floor were broad and decorative, giving the two men plenty of room to make their way up. Darren's new stride meant he took the steps three at a time comfortably. A broad hand on his ass told him his father appreciated the view, and Darren made sure to flex his powerful globes with every step. The hand on his ass squeezed in appreciation, and Darren swallowed a deep chuckle. The second floor hallways were narrower and darker, banks of lockers lining the walls. Darren lead the way again, his father a warm presence looming behind him. The floors farther up were restricted, and Darren had to swipe his tiny keycard to let them access the much smaller concrete stairwell. The metal steps clanged dully under their feet, the enclosed stairwell booming with the echoes of their passage. Darren felt the hair on his neck rise, certain somebody would notice the noise and that they'd be discovered. He scanned his keycard again at the third floor and both massive men ducked through the door, relieved to be in a quieter hallway again. They stood in an island of light, massive muscles gleaming from anxious sweat. Darren felt his Dad's hand on his shoulder and his Dad's lips near his ear. "Alright son, where to from here?" Lawrence whispered. Darren had to clear his throat and swallow before whispering his reply. "Two hallways over and three more down. We're looking for room 313." Both men set out, trying to walk quietly. Darren found he required a surprising amount of effort to control the strike of his heel. His mass was so immense now, it just felt natural to be loud. The rubbing of his muscles was also a constant distraction, his cock in his sweats demanding more attention due to his increased libido. It was natural in his distracted state, with the sexy mass of his father behind him, that he almost missed the warning glow of lights approaching the hallway intersection ahead of them. A hissed breath behind him and a hand grasping his shoulder alerted him. Darren stopped, frozen, unsure what to do as lights switched on ahead and quiet footsteps came towards him. His Dad pulled him back, finger to his lips, and jerked his head towards the intersection behind them. The two men hustled as best they could, as quietly as they could, towards that perceived shelter. His Dad turned the corner just ahead of him, broad back barely out of sight when a voice behind Darren froze him in his tracks. "Hey! You! Are you supposed to be here?" Darren looked at his father in stunned panic. Lawrence looked uncertainly back. Then Darren watched a grin spread across his Dad's face. The older man straightened up and relaxed his shoulders. He gave Darren a reassuring look and a wink, puffing out his chest and gesturing Darren to turn back. He also tapped his chest, once, twice, three times, until Darren realized his father was indicating the keycard tucked between Darren's own pecs. Darren felt relief surge through his body, and his dad nodded encouragement. Then Lawrence turned and began to tiptoe his way down the corridor. The sight of his giant muscular Dad trying to be sneaky was so ridiculous Darren couldn't help letting out a quiet giggle. He stifled that a moment later as he heard footsteps stomping towards him from the other hall. "Hey, Buddy." The voice was insistent, but not yet rude. "This floor is restricted, I'm going to need to see your... ID... please..." The voice trailed off as Darren turned, standing up to his full eight foot height. He crossed thick rippling arms across his broad chest and smiled down at the security guard staring up at him in slack jawed awe. "Good evening little guy. What was that you were saying?" Darren forced himself to sound more confident than he was feeling. The butterflies in his stomach told him his confidence hadn't yet grown as big as his body. The security guard shook his head, obviously trying to collect himself, and just as obviously distracted by Darren's massive muscles. Darren decided to help the man out, and began to flex his pecs, slowly, one at a time, making the massive mounds swell up and tighten before relaxing and bouncing back down under his 'shirt'. "I, I uh, I need to see your ID. Please. These floors are uh, restricted to chemistry students only. Dangerous." The smaller man stood there, clearly not sure what else to say to the giant in front of him. Darren felt a second wave of relief, and relaxed his posture even more. He reached between his pecs and pulled out his keycard. "Sure thing big guy, no worries. You having a busy night?" Darren passed down the card, slick with his sweat, smirking as he noticed the security guards hand trembling as he took it. He looked for a moment at the card, then up in disbelief at Darren. Darren helpfully leaned forward, looming over the smaller man. "Sorry bud, I know it's hard to see my face sometimes over my chest." Darren flexed his chest muscles to prove the point. He looked down and winked at the security guard. The man was clearly in his late twenties, not much older than the students he policed, and he was obviously being turned on by Darren's body. "Y-you weren't kidding," stammered the security guard. "How come I haven't noticed YOU before. A guy your size should be famous! Are you really supposed to be here?" Darren let out a deep laugh, lifting one arm up to flex his bicep. He was beginning to enjoy the lusty look on the smaller mans face. "Yup, I'm just here to get a little chemistry homework done. It's easier to do without a bunch of people around, you know?" Darren wiggled his wrist, making the bicep dance. "What's your name by the way?" "Stan. Uh Stanley, and you're-" the security guard checked the card again. "Darren." "Yep that's me." Stan still seemed unsure and floundering. "You uh, you don't look as big in your picture." Darren bent down, getting closer to the smaller mans face, his huge chest in danger of knocking the guard back. "Yeah, they just zoomed in really close on my face. I think the photographer didn't like my chest being in the way." Stan reached out tentatively, almost touching Darren's chest, before catching himself and coughing. Blushing, the smaller man transferred Darren's keycard to that hand and held it back out to Darren. Darren grinned and gently grasped the security guards wrist. He helped guide Stan's hand to tuck the keycard back between his thick pectorals. The security guard blushed and gasped, and Darren fought to keep from grinning as he noticed the wet spot on Stan's pants. He stood back up and leaned against a locker, denting it with his elbow, and looked back down at Stan. "So do you work here very often? Will I be seeing you again?" Darren felt almost ashamed at how much he was affecting the poor little man. But he felt a tingling excitement instead. He lifted both arms up and gave the shorter man a huge double bicep flex, and flexed his cock in his sweatpants as well. Beads of sweat broke out on Stan's forehead, the wet spot in his pants growing darker. The security guard half hunched and gasped. "Y-yeah probably. But I, I should get back to m-my rounds. Don't w-want to keep you, from homework." Darren could see Stan's dick throbbing in his pants and took pity on the smaller man. "Well alright then Stan, it was nice meeting you. Maybe I'll see you in the gym sometime." Darren rested his hands on Stan's shoulders, gently moving him aside so Darren could slowly slide past the man, letting his prominent bulge 'accidentally' graze against Stan. Darren began to walk away and turned to wink back over his shoulder, seeing Stan bite his lip. He then heard footsteps rushing away in the direction of the nearest bathroom. Darren held his breath until he heard a door slam and then threw his head back to let out a deep laugh. The tension bled from his body, leaving him trembling slightly. It was going to take time adjusting to his new body, but he thought he was going to thoroughly enjoy doing so. Darren rushed down the hall, taking the remaining turns until at last he reached room 313. He ducked inside and closed the door behind him, turning to see his father at the far end of the classroom silhouetted by the light from the fridge. His father held a clear vial between his fingers as he turned to Darren and grinned. "Bottoms up son!" said Lawrence as he drained half the vial in a single swig. Darren stood frozen, watching his father, waiting for the growth he knew was about to occur. His father beamed, holding the vial loosely in one hand, looking down at himself and gently flexing his other forearm. Both of them waited in silence for nearly a minute before the disappointment set in. "Nothing is happening." "Dad did you feel anything?" Both men spoke at once. Darren's father looked chagrined as Darren made his way across the room. "What is it Darren? Did I grab the wrong stuff?" Darren bent down to peer into the cooler, seeing two more vials of clear liquid within the refrigerator. "No Dad, this is the right room, and those are the vials that were left over when I went home today. It should have worked. Can I see that?" Darren took the glass from his father and peered at the small label. "Do you remember which vial did what back at the house?" "How should I know son, you didn't label them remember? I think the pink one grew my muscles?" "Pink..." Darren said under his breath, looking at the vial. It took him another moment to realize the vial he held and the vials in the cooler were each clear liquid. "That's what's different Dad. The stuff we drank all had different colours. These are all still clear. But I don't know why." "Were they clear when you brought them home earlier? Did somebody change what was in here after you left?" Darren could hear the impatience and frustration in his fathers voice as Lawrence was denied the size he craved. "These are the same solutions I brought home with me earlier. They have to be kept cool, that's why I put them in our fridge." Darren frowned, then snapped his fingers as inspiration dawned. "Dad, they were supposed to stay cool! But they didn't, everything heated up when I was in the car driving home. That's why they're still clear, they're still cold!" Darren watched his Dad's face, saw disappointment give way to thoughtfulness, and then a full grin. Darren stepped aside as his father reached past him, grabbing the remaining two vials and the one still held in Darren's hand. "Alright son, we better find a way to make these hotter." Lawrence smirked as he carefully places first one, then the second tube from the fridge between his mammoth pecs. The huge hairy muscles easily held the vials in the crevasse between them, and Lawrence reached out to tuck the third one safely into Darren's own meaty chest. Then he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Darren's back, pulling him close. Darren immediately felt himself heating up from his father's proximity, and couldn't help letting out a low moan as his Dad pressed the stretched crotch of his basketball shorts against Darrens equally bloated junk in his sweat pants. "Looks like things are heating up already," said Lawrence, smiling and leaning in to kiss Darren. Darren kissed back, hungry for his fathers lips, grinding his cock against his fathers massive thighs. Darrens own arms wrapped around his fathers broad back, hands grasping and groping his father's heavy slabs of muscle. He broke the kiss and traced his tongue along the heavy muscles of his father's neck, tasting the salty sweat already glistening across Lawrence's body as the two titans groped and pressed against each other. His father's hands pulled his face downwards, pressing Darrens face against his father's bloated chest. Darren obliged him and licked the huge hairy globes of beef, groaning as his father moaned above him. Already in the dim light through the windows Darren could see the colours of the liquids in the vials changing, and he could feel the warmth of his body radiating from his own chest. Both men were so involved in their admiration for the others body, neither heard the classroom door open and close. Both let out a yelp as the lights flicked on, dazzling eyes that had grown used to the dimness. "Is somebody in here? I didn't expect- Oh my God!" exclaimed an unfamiliar voice. Darren stepped back from his father, morbidly aware of his cock tenting his sweatpants, noticing his father's own huge erection emerging from the bottom of Lawrence's tight basketball shorts. He turned from his father's huge hairy form and looked towards the door. There he saw his Chemistry professor, Mr. Jones, standing at the light switch, staring in awe and confusion at the two men in his classroom. 'Two Giants' corrected Darren in his own mind. He tried to calm himself, tried to think past the rapid beating of his heart and the answering throbbing in his sweats. The three men were frozen in tableau for a moment more, before Mr. Jones stepped away from the wall, walking slowly towards Darren and his father. "Darren? Is that you? I-it can't be? What on earth happened to you?" Mr. Jones transferred his gaze to Darren's father, eyes widening somehow even more as he took in the heavily furred, obscenely muscled torso of Lawrence, eye's flicking down and then back up. Darren watched Mr Jones' face flush as he swallowed and tried not to stare at Darren's fathers cock. "Darren! What is happening here. I demand an explanation!" "Mr. Jones, I can explain. You see I, we-" "Darren," interjected Lawrence smoothly. "Is this one of your instructors? Aren't you going to introduce him to your old man?" Darren turned in surprise, giving his father a quick glance, returning the nod he received. "Yeah, sorry Dad, of course. Mr. Jones, I don't think you've met my Dad before have you? This is Lawrence. Dad, this is my chemistry professor, Mr. Jones." Darren stepped back at a loss as his father stepped forward to shake hands with Mr. Jones as if they were meeting by chance on a stroll in the park. Mr. Jones looked no less shocked and bewildered, but the ritual pleasantries were a lifeline he could cling to for a sense of normalcy. Mr. Jones stuck out his hand only for Lawrence's massive mitt to completely engulf his hand and wrist in a gentle grasp. "Nice to meet you Mr. Jones. My son here has told me about you, says he really enjoys your classes. Never mentioned you were so handsome though. What brings you in so late?" Darren stared in surprise at his Dad, flabbergasted by how calm he was being. Darren thought he must be trying to flatter the smaller man, but from the look on Lawrence's face Darren suspect his Dad really did find Mr. Jones to be handsome. "Ah, um, nice to meet you Lawrence. I'm H-Harold. Harry." Darren watched Mr. Jones look between himself and his father, and wondered just how much of their activities Mr. Jones had witnessed. Judging by the bulge in his pants, he wasn't turned off by the sight. "Harry? Really? Bit of an ironic name isn't it? You make bald work for you though, and I like the moustache." Darren's Dad continued to hold Mr. Jones' hand, smiling down as the smaller man grew more flustered. Now that he really paid attention, Darren supposed that Harry Jones really WAS a handsome man. He just hadn't considered being interested in an older man before, until... well, a couple hours ago. Mr. Jones pulled his hand free of Lawrence's grip, and looked towards Darren again. "Darren! What is going on here! What happened to you? How did you get so, so," Mr. Jones floundered. "So huge! Why are you here and dressed like..." Mr Jones gestured helplessly up and down at Darren and his Dad. He even seemed to sigh in exasperation as he noticed both men were barefoot in a chemistry lab. "Mr Jones, I can explain. It's kind of a weird story, but..." "Darren, why not stop confusing your teacher, and just Show him what happened instead?" Darren blinked and looked at his father in surprise. Lawrence just grinned at him, and carefully pulled a glass container of faintly blue liquid from between his pecs. Harry looked flummoxed and slightly turned on as he watched the vial emerge from between two enormous pillows of muscle. "My son," Lawrence said proudly, "created the greatest experiment in the world today. I was his first test subject." His father flicked the stopper from the vial with his thumb and slowly lifted the glass, flexing his huge arm for show as he took a small sip of liquid. He sighed happily, and Darren felt his cock throb in excitement, the familiar sensation of butterflies filling his stomach again. He looked down at his teacher and laughed, rubbing the back of his head, flexing his own bicep as he tried to enjoy having an audience. "Sorry Mr. Jones, I guess I'm a better scientist than I thought. You might deserve some of the credit though." Whatever Harry Jones was going to say in reply was lost, as both he and Darren turned at a loud groan from Darren's Dad. As they watched, Lawrence lifted both arms up, pointing and posing like a classical statue. His huge muscles flexed, seeming to grow larger. Darren heard a gasp from Mr. Jones as his father began to inch slowly upwards, body creaking and groaning as he put on height and weight. His dad switched poses twice more, ending with a most muscular as his growth topped out at about six inches. Darren found himself having to look up slightly again at his newly eight foot six inch tall father. He grinned up at Lawrence. "Looks like your second puberty isn't quite over yet Old Man," joked Darren. "Hey, watch who you're calling old, shorty. Or your Dad will send you to bed with no supper." Lawrence winked down at Darren and shook the vial of blue liquid meaningfully. He then transferred his gaze to the awe struck shorter man before him. Darren stepped out of the way as his father knelt down in front of Mr. Jones. "So what do you think Harry? Do you approve of my sons genius?" Lawrence winked and flexed one massive bicep in Mr. Jones face. "Why don't you give it a feel?" Darren grinned as he watched his entranced teacher reach out and rub one hand tentatively over his fathers arm. A big flex from Lawrence encouraged the smaller man to touch and feel the tricep and forearm, even trying to wrap his small arms around Lawrences bulging muscles. "My god, I must be dreaming," breathed Mr Jones. "None of this can be real. You- You're huge! And hulking and handsome and, and..." words failed the smaller man, and Darrens father winked. "Well thanks Harry, I think you're pretty handsome yourself. By any chance has a cute little man like you ever dreamed of being a Big Man like me before?" Lawrence smiled, and Darren felt his stomach do flips of excitement. "W-what? What do you mean, me? I- I couldn't. None of this makes sense, we don't know what's happened, we don't know if you're safe or, or, or any of a hundred other things." Mr. Jones was looking up at Darrens father in both confusion and lust. Darren saw his knees wobbling and stooped to try to catch him, but Lawrence was there first, picking the smaller man up and setting him on a long counter. Darren's father then reached out and casually plucked the vial of liquid from between Darrens pecs, giving his son a wink and knowing nod before turning back to Mr. Jones. "Harry, you're over thinking this. The question is simple. Do you want to be big like me?" Lawrence said, bouncing his pecs in the smaller mans face. "Because if you do, you just have to drink this." Lawrence held up the half empty vial of green liquid, wrapping Mr. Jones' hand around it, helping him hold it steady. Darren watched Mr. Jones swallow and close his eyes, breathing deeply. Taking a deep breath of his own Darren realized how musky and warm the lab classroom had become, the scent of him and his father's huge bodies and throbbing erections permeating the space. He found it intoxicating and knew it must be having an even stronger effect on his chemistry professor. Mr. Jones seemed to come to a decision, opening his eyes and looking up at Lawrence's smiling face. He held the vial to his lips, hesitating. Darren's father reached out with one finger and gently tipped the glass vial up, green fluid flowing into Mr. Jones mouth. The smaller man drank the whole vial, not spilling a single drop. He then sat on the countertop, breathing deeply, and gave Lawrence a worried look. "What did I just- ungh." Mr. Jones bent forward, holding his stomach for a moment. He slowly straightened back up, a weak grin on his face. "Sorry about that, I almost believed you for a moment..." said Mr. Jones, trailing off as his eyes became unfocused. Darren moved up next to his father, eager to watch the growth process again. His father slung one heavy arm across Darren's broad shoulders, the other still supporting Mr. Jones. 'Harry' thought Darren. 'I think I'm going to have to get used to calling him Harry.' Harry meanwhile was beginning to sweat, eyes still unfocussed. He let out a low moan, leaning back against Lawrences supporting hand. Darren grinned eagerly as he watched the crotch of Harry's pants begin to swell and grow. The imprint of an impressive cock began to show through the fabric, two egg sized lumps developing below. Harry gave a sudden gasp, looking down in shock at his crotch, then back up at Darren's father. Lawrence smiled and gave Harry a nod, then gestured down at both his and Darrens own impossibly swollen junk. Darren just winked and reached out to pat Harry's shoulder in support, then reached down to pat the smaller mans rapidly swelling bulge. A soft groan emerged from Harry's lips, turning into a louder moan as the snake in his trousers extended down his pant leg, and the bulge of his testicles threatened the seams of his trousers. The swelling didn't stop, and soon a loud popping sound announced the surrender of Harry's zipper. Darren and his Dad both tensed in excitement as they watched two large nuts emerge from Harry's pants and roll onto the countertop. The rapidly swelling orbs grew from the size of oranges to grapefruits and beyond while the log in Harry's pants throbbed and flexed, swelling up thicker and harder. Finally the cock tore free of Harry's trousers and rose up to smack against the smaller mans chest. Harry's look of shock and excitement made Darren grin, and he looked to his father and grinned wider to see the hungry look on Lawrences face. Darren watched his father retrieve the blue vial from its pectoral prison. His father took another swig of the serum, then held the vial in front of of Harry's face. The smaller man eagerly tipped it back, nearly emptying the glass. He was prevented from doing so though when his own own throbbing erection knocked the vial from his hands. Darren caught the vial before it could be smashed, and gazed hungrily at his father and Harry. Lawrence had one huge hand at Harry's back to support him, while the other hand stroked the nearly four foot long erection the smaller man was sporting. Harry's cock had grown so hard it was in danger of hitting his face if Lawrence wasn't there to fend it off. Darren felt his own cock stretching out his sweatpants. The heat in the room grew more intense as all three men grew hard, breathed harder. Darrens father guided Harry's cock up and between his pecs, moaning with Harry as the massive log throbbed against Lawrences sensitive chest. Both men were beginning to stretch taller, and Darren enjoyed the contrast between his huge, hulking father, and the increasingly lanky limbs of Harry. Harry moaned and groaned as he fucked Lawrence's chest, and Lawrence let out a booming laugh as he hefted Harry's watermelon sized nuts with his larger and larger hands. Darren stepped back as his own cock tore free of his sweatpants, the fabric puddling around his ankles. He grabbed his cock as it throbbed against his chest, eyes glued to his father as the man grew past nine feet tall. Harry seated next to the counter couldn't be far behind. "Hey Dad, who do you think is taller?" "Fuck son, I don't know who's taller, but I know who's Bigger!" said Lawrence, rubbing Harry's throbbing cock. As if to prove the lie, Lawrence's basketball shorts chose that moment to tear around the swelling globes of Lawrences ass and the even larger melons of his nuts. His fathers gigantic cock swelled upward, rising in a graceful arc to thump against his chest next to Harry's. "Well I'm still bigger in most ways anyway. Maybe it's time to fix that," boomed Lawrence. Darren watched eagerly as his growing father pulled the increasingly small final vial from between his pecs. The big man fumbled with the stopper, fingers too big and clumsy to pull it free. Finally he used his teeth, swallowing a mouthful of pink liquid as he did so. Lawrence then pulled Harry to his feet. The two men were of equal height, but where Harry was slender Lawrence was built broader than a barn, and much more muscular. Darren watched his father pull Harry into a deep kiss, then pour the remainder of the pink solution down Harry's throat. As the two giants crested ten feet of height, Darren watched both their muscular bodies tremble and then FLEX. His fathers muscles swelled and bounced, fighting for space on his frame as the already prolific masses grew ever more impressive. Harry's muscles however Exploded onto his body. Huge heaving rolling masses of sinew and steely fibres rose up under his skin. The almost Fey skinniness vanished in moments as Harry morphed into a hulk to match Darrens father. Biceps grew from baseballs to bowling balls to basketballs into bloated beach balls of muscle. His triceps expanded on the back of his arm, rubbing against newly forming lats that forced his arms to higher and higher angles. Darren shifted position, the better to watch Harry's back expand into a broad "V" shaped taper. His narrow waist thickened, but the incredible growth of deltoids and traps more than compensated. Great rolling plains of muscle erupted from Harry's smooth back, the symmetrical foothills crisscrossed by great cables of sinew and thick pulsing veins delivering more power and more growth into the expanding hunk. Meanwhile Harry's ass rose up, becoming perky, then solid, then almost obscenely curved as the two globes bloated with lead heavy mass. Darren felt his cock throb and gush with cum as he watched Harry's ass expand, driven by need to press his own rod between those cheeks. He stepped up behind the giant man, wrapping arms around him, and pressed his own cock between those cheeks. His dick throbbed between his pecs, against Harry's back, and between Harry's huge ass cheeks. In response, Harry began to buck his own hips against Lawrence, his own moans growing deeper as he continued to grow broader. Darren felt the growing mans huge nuts swing between thickening thighs to slam back against his own orbs. Darren let out a wordless yell as his cock throbbed and shot load after load of sticky cum across Harry's growing back. His voice was joined by Harry's new deep voice, and the even DEEPER tones of Darren's Dad. Darren realized he had to look up to see the back of Harry's head now. The colossal muscles of his traps had swallowed his neck, expanding out towards impossibly broad shoulders. The muscle giant in front of of him was breathing extremely heavily. Darren looked up as a wet drop of something landed in his hair, then again onto his chest. The ceiling above the three men was coated in thick heavy cum. Darren also noticed the ceiling was much closer to Harry's head than his own. Staggering backward, Darren bumped the long counter with a crunching noise. He couldn't help laugh at how easily the stainless steel bent under his mass. The two looming studs in front of him turned at the sound, and Darren felt his jaw drop. Harry's back was broad and impossibly muscular and beautiful. The front of his torso however was a masterwork of bloated, powerful muscles, bouncing and throbbing as they fought each other for space. The thick veins pumping power across the masses of muscle were receding, settling down under the smooth skin. Harry's face had grown more rugged, his jawline even more pronounced, and his bald head gleamed under the bright lights, glistening with sweat that collected in his thick moustache and shimmered. Darren's Dad was a perfect contrast to the smooth hulk, a hirsute colossus of rippling perfection, thick beard and thick hair slicked with sweat and cum. The two men loomed over Darren, both of them ten feet tall, each one having to weight at least a ton. Darren felt his cock lurch to extreme hardness again, a response echoed in the other two studs as their cocks thumped against their powerful pecs, huge swollen testicles bouncing against their thighs. The two mature muscle giants grinned at each other and then down at Darren. "Hey son. What are you doing down there?" boomed Lawrence, voice even more resonant as it echoed from his chest. "Just admiring the view Dad. How's the new perspective?" "Pretty fucking great son." Lawrence lifted his arms up into the most enormous most muscular pose ever performed, huge chest forcing his arms apart as it swelled with mass. Next to him, Harry let out a shaky laugh, still learning how to move his thighs around each other, clearly still dizzy from his new libido. "Darren. Lawrence? Did that really happen? I have to be dreaming," spoke the newest member of their muscular family. "Not dreaming at all Harry," said Lawrence as he slung his arm across the new giants massive shoulders. "Could a dream do this?" he said, planting a kiss over Harry's lips while flexing both his massive biceps to either side of the giants head. Darren watched enviously as the two massive men embraced each other, grinding hips together, enormous muscles dancing, colossal balls swaying between their thighs. Darren bit his lip as his cock throbbed urgently again, wanting release as he beheld the monstrously muscled men before him. His hands flexed, and he became aware of a small glass vial still clutched in his palm. He held it up, realizing it still contained a single mouthful of blue liquid. Darren grinned. "Dad. Hey, Dad!" Unable to get the attention of the giants, Darren strode up to them, sliding his arms between their sticky torsos and with enormous effort prying the two horny muscle giants apart. Darren held up the glass vial to forestall their complaints, and Darren's Dad grinned down at him. "Ready to join your Old Man up here then short stud?" asked Lawrence. Darren smirked up at his dad, handing him the vial. "Nah Dad, I'm pretty happy with my new perspective. But I think yours could use a little more adjustment." Lawrence looked down, at a loss for words as Darren pressed the glass into his palm. Lawrence looked across at a beaming Harry, then down at his grinning son. "You sure boy? We don't know when we'll be able to make this stuff again, or even if. You sure you don't want to join us?" "Oh, I won't ever be leaving you Dad. But I'll be happier down here, and we both know you're going to be happier up there," said Darren, pointing at the ceiling a few scant inches above Lawrences head. "Well then, I won't ask again," smirked Lawrence. "Bottoms up!" The huge muscular man drained the last of the vial in a single swallow, tossing the glass aside with a small crash. He then reached out with two enormous arms, pulling Darren and Harry into a massive, crowded hug. All three men felt their cocks throb in anticipation, and they didn't have long to wait. Darren felt his Dad's bulk stretching upward again, enormous furry chest pressed against Darrens face. Harry's smooth bulk moved up behind him, giant cock and heavy balls rubbing against Darrens back and ass. Darren pressed his face against his fathers flexing pecs, feeling them stretch larger while he listened to his father moan and groan. A dull thump and the crack of ceiling tiles announced Lawrence rising to his new height of ten feet six inches. The giant muscle man bent his knees slightly, leaning forward, chest to chest with Darren to plant a long slow kiss on his son's lips. He then reached forward, pulling Harry's lips to his, crushing his son between titanic pecs, gargantuan cock throbbing against Darren's torso. Darren smiled and breathed deeply of his fathers musk, as his new muscular family closed around him. "I love you Dad." "And we love you" rumbled two deep voices.
- 4 replies
- 42
- male/male
- father/son
- (and 5 more)
This is a prequel to the Brent series. All characters are of legal age. Previous parts: - Brent visits a new gym: - Brent hits the showers: - Brent the god: The music was loud enough to make the walls vibrate, and conversation had to be shouted even if you were standing next to someone. Brent was very unsure as to why he was even here. And worst of all, his friends had never showed up, leaving him alone in a sea of random people. The lean high school senior made his way through the throng of people loitering in the doorway into the kitchen, where the sound of the thumping bass was dulled enough he could hear himself think. His 5' 6" frame barely got a second look from the group of jocks nearby, who were busy chatting it up with a gaggle of girls as he moved past them towards the counter that had been turned into a makeshift bar. Despite being an all-senior party, this was most certainly not his scene, he grumbled to himself as he perused the various bottles and decanters left out haphazardly. Brent wasn't much of a drinker, but maybe the alcohol would help loosen him up enough to try talking to someone. His gaze flitted over each bottle, some brands he recognized, others he didn't. There was one smaller little bottle way at the back that he picked up that was still sealed, but the label had been scratched or ripped off, leaving barely anything to describe what was in it. Brent could just make out the remnants of a -U on the label, and shrugged to himself, rooting around for a plastic cup. He had just finished opening the little mini bottle and pouring it into the cup, when a pair of giggling voices startled him, causing him to fumble and empty the whole little bottle into his cup. Straightening, he looked up to see a pair of guys coming into the kitchen. Both were taller than Brent, and probably a year or two older. The first guy looked latino, with an easy smile. He wore a ripped t-shirt and jeans, both tight enough to show off his toned physique. His partner was unmistakably Irish, with red hair and freckles. He wore a tank top and had a plaid shirt tied around his waist. His face was red, as if he had been recently crying. The pair had a slight stagger to their step, indicating this was probably not their first visit to the liquor spot. "I'm telling you, hun, Robbie doesn't know what he's missing," the first guy said, waving his hand dismissively as he poured a drink with the other. "Maybe," the other sighed, pouring one for himself. "Still irks me that he just falls into Kevin's trap like that, even though I've been putting the moves on him for weeks." The first guy snorted, tossing back half the drink he had poured. "Please....that slut's been with half the football team, and the soccer team already. If he has any interest at all, he'll see you're the better choice." "And if he doesn't?" "Then do what he's doing! Find some random guy here, take him upstairs, and make him jealous," the first guy slurred and giggled. His eyes looked around the pretty much empty kitchen, before landing on Brent, who was busying himself with examining the sink and counter-tops, trying not to look out of place. "There! How about him? He's cute and looks like he needs to get laid!" "Dude!" the second guy turned beet red as he chugged his drink. "Hey buddy!" the guy called over, taking a step towards Brent. "You from Westridge too?" "Umm...n-no," Brent said, gripping his plastic cup tight. "I'm from across town. I...ah...came with some frien-" "Yeah, cool," the slightly taller guy waved him off, speaking over his stutter. "You wanna get lucky tonight?" he asked bluntly, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder at his friend, who was now shrinking away. "My buddt here could use a hand to woo this guy...y'know what, never mind. Point is, he need a fling, and you could probably use a little action to, amirite?" "Wha...ah? Um," Brent stammered, as he looked over the two guys. This was a prank, right? "I...I don't, uh...." "You're an ass, Jose!" the second guy admonished, smacking his friend in the shoulder. "I'm not just gonna do some random guy to get his attention!" With that, he stalked off out of the kitchen, leaving the senior and the first guy alone. "Ahhh, well fuck it," Jose grumbled, tossing back his drink. He watched his friend go, then looked back at the thin teen still blushing intensely as he nursed his drink. "Sorry, I guess," he shrugged. Brent shook his head, cheeks burning. "I-its fine," he whispered. He shuffled on his feet and looked at the floor for a bit, before raising his gaze and realizing he was still checking him out. "Uh..." "You are kinda cute," the inebriated guy said with a dopey smile. He reached over and rubbed his arm, picking at the shirt that hugged his lean frame. "Thanks?" "Sorry for getting your hopes up," the man said, still petting his chest. Brent wondered if he could feel his heart racing under his sternum. "Looks like you could probably use the fun as much as my friend could," he chuckled. He traced Brent's shoulder a bit, his eyes dipping down across his lower body, making Brent shuffle a bit in embarrassment. " wanna go upstairs?" "Huh?" Brent blinked, looking back at him in confusion. Jose shrugged, grinning in his drunken state and chuckled softly. "I mean...kinda threw it out there, then took it back, eh? Not cool, really." He stifled another laugh, his eyes dripping down over Brent once more. "Unlike Mister Hopeless over there, I'm not against having a little fun with a cute guy tonight. Honestly, this party kinda blows and I could use the excitement." Brent blinked again, his eyes slowly widening. " you seriously want to....uh?" "Yeah, come on dude," he said, tugging on his arm. "Its no biggie, and plus we'll both probably enjoy it," he shrugged casually. "Finish your drink and let's go, cutie." Brent's mind ran in about five different directions. Was this hot guy seriously offering him to get laid, just like that? He'd heard some parties like this people ran loose and easy, but he never thought he would get a score like this, especially since he was a virgin! Brent wrestled with himself; part of him not wanting to just bed some random guy from across town, made him feel cheap. On the other hand, there was no way Jose would have ever paid him a second glance if he were sober. Finally deciding, he tossed his cup back and downed the liquor in one go, the burn on his throat nearly making him choke and gasp. A wave of warmth ran down his gullet and pooled in his belly, infusing him with some liquid courage as he allowed Jose to pull him out the back of the kitchen and upstairs. Jose picked out the first available bedroom, leading him inside and locking he door. His hands were on Brent's crotch a moment later, and Brent bit back his urge to squeal in surprise. ", lets see what we're working with," he said, wasting no time in undoing his pants and tugging them down. Brent felt his face heat up as he knelt down, coming face to face with the growing tent in his boxers. Clearly he was more drunk than he thought, or really just had no inhibitions, as he leaned in and rubbed his face against his erection. "A-aah...." Brent stammered, his legs wobbling at the friction. Jose was full on nuzzling his groin as his wandering hands groped his tight backside. "" "Hehe, you like that," he slurred, looking up at the thin guy with a dopey grin and half lidded eyes. "Let's see what you're packing..." he tugged Brent's boxers down, letting his cock to spring up at hit him in the nose. "Holy Shit! Is this 8 inches?" Jose said with a laugh, wrapping his hand around the base of Brent's cock. Brent nodded, turning red. He knew he was bigger than average based on what he saw in the showers after gym class, but he'd never let anyone see. Framed by his lean body, his dick looked even larger, out of proportion to the rest of him. "Nice dude! Mmmm I'm gonna enjoy this..." Jose murmured as he slurped over it and swallowed down his shaft, making the teen blush and gasp, his hands holding Jose's head as he swallowed. "Ffffuck...." he groaned, feeling his tongue wrapping around the base as he bobbed on him without hesitation. Jose sucked around his pulsing dick, swallowing him down to the base as he let Brent hold his head, getting him good and ready. With his free hand between his own legs, he unfastened his pants and shimmied them off, freeing his own 7-inch cock to play with. Taking Brent's base in a hand he pulled back, stroking him slow and firm as he pulsed in his hand, looking up at him. "Doing okay, cute stuff?" "Y-yeah....damn..." Brent panted, his legs wobbling a bit as he braced himself on Jose's broad shoulders. "Tsk...awww, first blowjob?" he teased lightly, working his hand up and down his big cock. He nodded, blushing, and he chuckled more. "Well, I want to get something out of this before you pop, so why don't you sit back on the bed?" Brent nodded again, moving back to the bed against the wall and flopping backwards on it, his chest still heaving with excitement. The liquid courage still blossomed in his gut, the warmth surging through him, but pooling particularly in his loins, a thin bead of precum dripping from his shaft. He watched Jose kick off his jeans and boxer briefs, climbing up over him and straddling his waist, lining up his ass to rub against Brent's throbbing pole. "Mmm...then lets forget the foreplay, and just get to the fun, huh?" he said, grinding against his shaft as he shuffled Brent into position. Brent opened his mouth to say something, but it turned into a gasp as Jose pushed down, slipping Brent inside his asshole with surprisingly little resistance. The heat building in his loins flared out and he felt his balls tense, pumping a thick wad of precum up into Jose as he wriggled down the first few inches. "O-oohh fuck!" he moaned, bucking up against Jose instinctively. "Mmff...oh yes," Jose grunted, biting his lip as Brent pushed inside, spreading him open around his surprisingly thick shaft. He could feel the gush of precum up into him, and he chuckled, impressed by the quantity. "Oooh...those balls are productive!" "Hhngh..." was all Brent could reply, bucking up into him again as he rolled his hips, the hazy lust of his first time getting laid fogging his mind. He was dimly aware of how warm he felt, his lower body almost tingling like pins and needles, but it was drowned out by the feel of Jose's tight ass wrapping around his cock. He bucked up again, sinking himself to the hilt inside, and making him moan as he arched his back. "H-aaah! Eager are we?" Jose grunted, pushing back down against him as they managed to drive Brent inside up to his base, the more muscular man squirming a bit at the feel of the throbbing cock spreading his insides. "'re big, cutie," he panted, rocking atop Brent. "Perfect for an ass like mine...." Brent bit his lip and grunted, pushing up into him steadily as his lust drove him on, his hips on autopilot. " warm," he panted, bucking against Jose and feeling his full balls slap against his backside, his cock throbbing hard and pumping another good spurt of precum. Jose arched his back, wiggling down on him as he felt his hole dripping already from him. "Sh-shit you pre a lot," he grunted, working back and forth atop him as the lean guy pushed up against him. His tunnel tightened down around Brent's dick, making him feel the throbbing cock more firmly, and he spasmed as it flexed inside him. "Ohh! Nngh...y-you sure you're a virgin?" "Y-yeah!" Brent grunted, laying his head back and holding Jose's tanned thighs as he rode him. His mind was imploding with pleasure from how warm and tight Jose felt, his heart pounding in his chest as he got lucky for the first time so casually. Forget his friends, this was starting to rule! "Y-you're really tight!" He shook his head as he squirmed a bit, feeling a little odd as he rode him. Jose never felt a stretch like this, and it was driving him crazy, almost like the little man had grown inside him. "N-no...mff...i-it feels're getting bigger!" The mismatched pair groaned as Jose began to ride him harder, the bed creaking softly, but not enough to be heard over the music from downstairs. "Nnngh...r-really good...for a virgin...." he panted, bouncing on Brent as his cock jabbed at his insides. They moved together for a time, grunting and panting as Brent's cock slid in and out of him, biting his lip. After a few more moments though, he felt Jose clamp down around him again tightly. "Mmff...ahh..fuck...!" he cried out, hips shoving upwards a little harder than intended. Jose arched his back and squirmed, as it felt so odd to feel this good with someone so inexperienced, but it was drowned out by the intense pleasure of having Brent's thick 8-inches rubbing against his insides, making sparks explode in his mind. "Nnaah....keep going,"he grunted, pushing back against his hips as he thrust up, determined to keep feeling this sensation, even as it felt harder and harder to pull up off of him. The warmth that had been pooling and building in his gut and loins stared to grow and flare, making Brent moan again as pleasure washed over him. He panted and slowed his pace of thrusting up into Jose, getting close. " I'm gonna cum..." he grunted, trying to pull back. Shaking his head, the horny hunk pushed down harder, forcing Brent deeper as he moaned. "Not yet!," he growled, riding him harder as his whole body flexed. He didn't know who this guy was, but his dick felt like magic! "Soooo good...come on!" His legs wrapped tighter around Brent's as he felt his balls brushing against his taint. Brent grunted instinctively as his cock began to swell. He had never felt so full down below before, building up to what he knew would be the greatest orgasm he had ever had. He gripped Jose's hips tightly, mashing their groins together as he bucked into the larger man. Brent ground himself inside Jose again and again as he clenched around his dick. It was like the more he pulled his partner down onto him, the tighter he gripped his cock. As Jose's body tightened, his muscles rippled. Suddenly he jerked and a big glob of cum burst out from his cock, spraying ropes of white onto Brent's face and chest. "Shit!" Jose called out with each burst. His pole lobbed long ropy globs of cum into the air. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" The hunk shook his head from side to side, unable to control himself. "Oh FUCK!" he moaned. His muscular physique tightened. He swore he saw spots in his vision as a wave of pleasure washed over him. "Nngh! Ahh! Ahh yes!" he groaned, his body jerking as it rode out the orgasm. Brent's vision swam, trying to make out the hot guy squirming on his dick as Jose's asshole clenched his cock like a vice. "Nnngh...shit! Ahh...fuck...fuuuuck!" Brent moaned as he finally climaxed, spraying thick wads of cum deep into Jose. His hips bucked as he came and came, harder than he ever had before. The two enjoyed simultaneous orgasms. Jose's cock squirted all over Brent and the bed, and Brent's cock filled the stud's ass with his load. The two exchanged moans and expletives as they simultaneously released the pressure of their sexual dams. "Unnf! Nnngh! Aw yeah on baby....cummm!" Jose could feel Brent's balls pulse as they emptied. He couldn't believe how good a fuck this guy was! He had a bit of a reputation of hooking up with multiple guys at the club each night, and yet here he was, what was supposed to be a quickie was leaving him winded. The cutie under him jerked and spasmed as they rode out the last of their orgasms. Jose felt so heavy stop him, like a wave of fatigue from their sex washed over him, but still the two bucked together. When they were done, Jose collapsed on top of Brent. The two kissed and gazed into each other's eyes, basking in the afterglow. After a moment, Jose's eyes closed and his body went slack, passing out. Brent felt Jose's full weight shift on top of him, pinning him down like a weighted blanket. Though he gasped to catch his breath, he didn't have the strength to push the larger guy off of him. His eyes closed as he gave into his exhaustion, not noticing the unnatural glow eminating from between them. Brent's eyes opened with a start. His heart was racing, he was covered in sweat. His eyes darted around the room, his mind trying to discern his current location. How long had he been out? Jose was nowhere to be found. Laying there panting, he tried to sit up, still trying to figure out what just happened...and if he wasn't just having some crazy dream. Suddenly, his body clenched violently, making him curl in himself. He fought the urge to cry out, lest he draw any attention to him. It felt like liquid heat rushed to every part of his body, all the way from his fingers to his toes. He watched as his leg muscles tensed and thickened, growing more toned. "Nngh...fuck...augh!" he grunted through his teeth. He could feel his chest tighten and expand as his arms curled, the muscles once barely existent now plumped up with more mass. Brent panted and jerked atop the cum splattered bed as his body grew. Finally, the growth stopped. A cool sensation of relief washed over him and he struggled to sit up. His cock was easily several inches bigger and thicker than before, already hard and pointing straight up in front of him. He shuffled over to the nightstand, throwing on the light. Staring back at him from the floor-length mirror at the foot of the bed was himself....but more. "What the hell?" He stared at his reflection for a good five minutes, eyes wondering all over his body. The teen was now a good four inches taller than he had been. Whereas before he was thin, almost lanky, now he had a swimmer's frame. His pectorals were firm and pronounced, showing off a chest he never had before. His abdomen was firm, but toned, the muscles there just starting to show. Even his arms and legs were larger than before, yet still lean. He couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as he looked at his new self, grinning hugely. He extended and arm and looked it up and down, running his other hand over it, squeezing his bicep as he flexed it, amazing at how far up the muscle traveled.He had sometimes dreamed of something like this happening, but now it was real! He couldn't believe it. His newly enlarged 10-inch long cock throbbed as he explored his body. Brent wrapped both hands around his huge shaft and pumped it slowly, throwing his head back and groaning in pleasure. A small wad of precum dribbled out and slid down his shaft, running over his fingers. He made a circle with both hands, interlocking his fingers, and placed it at the top of his cock, then pushed it down his shaft, squeezing tightly. His cock throbbed in response, seemingly growing even harder as a huge, thick vein bulged out, traveling the length of his cock. He moaned loudly when he felt it pulsating against his palm, his hands still traveling down his length until finally ending at the base. His whole cock quivered and throbbed as though ready to burst. It only took two strokes to send him over the edge. "Ohh YEAH!" he roared, thrust his hips upward, fucking his hands, cum shooting out in massive, long, thick ropes, splattering against the ceiling and falling back onto him. Warm splatters decorated his body, and soon began to soak into the bed. The pleasure was too great. Brent lost control of his body, his arms falling to the side and spasming as he writhed, howling in pleasure, his cock thumping against his chest and spurting a long rope of cum onto his face and the wall behind him. After a minute of mind numbing pleasure, Brent felt his body unclench and relax. He wiped the cum from his face and gasped for air. He breathed deeply, watching his pecs rise and fall as he caught his breath. Brent's thoughts raced as he remembered feeling Jose's weight sink into him right before he lost consciousness. How he felt heat envelope the two of them as his eyes closed. Had he literally absorbed him? How was that possible? This post-orgasm realization sent a rush of terror through him. He leapt off the bed, looking at the mess of cum he had splattered all over. Panicking, he quickly began to pull on his clothes, a distant part of him noting how much he filled out the front of his jeans now. He clicked off the lights and snuck downstairs, making a beeline for the door and heading out into the cool night air as his mind raced with the fact that he just had sex....and absorbed his partner. "Wh-what was in that drink?"
- 15 replies
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(and 2 more)
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Like Father, Like Son Part Two "So, you ready to grow up like your old man?" Darren blinked, once, twice, three times. His fathers grinning face, surmounting two enormous hairy pecs, swam in his vision. Lawrence picked up one glass container between two fingers and wiggled it in front of Darren. "Hey Darren. Earth to Darren here. You want to keep your old man waiting? I'm not getting any younger, but if you don't say something soon, I am going to start getting Bigger!" Lawrence laughed as Darren snapped out of his fugue. "Fuck yeah Dad! I want to be just like you, if not even bigger!" said Darren in an excited rush. He reached out again to grope his father's chest, his hand looking small on the thick muscular pec. "That's right you do," said Lawrence, bouncing his chest. "But I don't think you're going to getting bigger than your old man. But let's see how you do!" Lawrence winked down at Darren and then gently tipped the glass, carefully pouring the solution into the second container. The pink and blue liquids merged into a light purple concoction. They both watched to make sure not a drop was spilled, and Darren picked up the now full container. "Bottoms up!" said Lawrence, pulling from behind his back the third and final glass, containing a pale green liquid. He clinked beakers with his son and tossed his head back, draining half the glass before wiping his satisfied smirk. Darren stared at his father for just a moment longer, before tipping back his own glass and chugging the combined formulas. He set down the glass and looked at his father expectantly. Darren wasn't sure what sensation he anticipated, but when it came he couldn't help but moan. Darren first felt a light heat radiating from his stomach, suffusing his body with a pleasant tingling. His brain felt dizzy, almost as though he were pleasantly buzzed. Then the tingling sensation in his neck and shoulder began to grow more insistent, becoming an itch. Then becoming a throbbing almost-pain. The pressure on his neck and shoulder built, making Darren gasp, and he tried to stretch and strain his neck, twisting to look at his shoulder. As he watched, the feeling intensified and suddenly his neck throbbed and BULGED as the trap muscle on that size inflated. The feeling was near indescribable as his skin stretched, feeling like a water balloon full of lead was growing on his neck. His shoulder followed, swelling up into a striated ball before the growth spread lower. Darren's upper arm tingled, then filled with a fire like liquid steel as his muscles and tendons tensed and swelled. He felt themthrobbing, and growing against his bones. Bones that were lengthening, growing denser, stretching to accommodate new size and mass. Darren looked up at his father, panting, sweat running down his face. His father was watching Darrens arm intensely, grinning lustily, and Darren felt an answering grin appear on his own face. The bloating sensation traveled down from his bicep into his forearm, and he lifted his hand, watching his limb stretch and swell to double it's former length. It seemed almost twig-like, until snaking cords of muscle began to rise up, wrapping and folding over themselves as they grew thicker and more powerful, enlarging his forearm until it was bigger than his thighs. Darren felt himself leaning to one side, the new weight of his arm pulling his whole body to the left. He tried to sit up straight, but didn't have the strength to support his own muscles. The thought was so incongruous Darren began laughing helplessly, in between gasping for breath, trying to draw air into a chest that was becoming too heavy for him to lift. Suddenly Darrens right foot cramped and twisted. He yelped as the feeling turned into an icy burn, numbing the pain, but he could still feel the bones of his foot shifting, broadening, growing longer. He looked down and watched his right foot inflate, becoming wider and blockier, fully twice the size of his left foot. He briefly wondered what shoe size it might be, before the icy coolness flowed up his shin. The chilling effect transformed into burning heat as his calf began to balloon, and again he felt as though his skin was stretching over hot lead. Huge veins and muscular cords stood out as his calf bulged larger than his head, the pulsing snakes of blood and cords of sinew rising up, over and around his kneecap, stabilizing it as his thigh began to swell as well. Darren felt himself lifting, rising up on his seat as muscles throbbed and bulged in his thigh, causing him to list even farther to the left. Tipping further and further, until the chair he was sitting on slid out from beneath him. Falling to the floor, Darren felt large hands grip him beneath the arms and lift him into a sitting position on. His father was moaning up above him, and for a moment Darren thought his Dad might be hurt, or think that HE was hurt. Then, Lawrence's hands shifted, one hand staying on Darren's monstrous and powerful shoulder, the other reaching to grope Lawrence's underwear. Darren was temporarily distracted from the feeling of his other foot starting to go numb and swell by the swelling in his Dad's underwear. Seated on the floor, between his fathers own redwood thighs, Darren was at the perfect level to witness his fathers nuts bounce and churn, beginning to inflate inside his underwear. The two orbs were already larger than the average mans but now they were swelling up to the size of oranges. Then grapefruits. One large nut escaped the leg hole of Lawrence's underwear, and Darren gasped lustily as he watched that orb stretch and pull on his fathers sack. Darren braced his massive left hand on the ground, using his right hand to grip his father's thigh and pull himself closer. Darren shoved his face against his fathers huge nuts, feeling the silky hot skin against his cheek, heady musk wafting into his nose. Above him his father groaned, Lawrence shifting and bucking his hips in the chair, grinding his swelling underwear against his son's face. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck yes Darren, that's it, worship your old mans nuts. Fuck they feel so big. I'm so big! How big is your fucking Daddy, son?" his deep voice boomed from above. As he spoke, Lawrence lifted his hands behind his head, and slouched in his chair, leaving his lap exposed to Darrens worship. "He's so, BIG," moaned Darren, licking his fathers nut as it throbbed larger against his face. "Your the biggest man and best Dad in the whole world..." Darren trailed off as he gasped, the fiery feeling in his thighs driving all though from his brain. Thick, powerful muscles filled his legs now, and his ass was beginning to inflate inside his own underwear. The sensation was unimaginable and forced Darren to lean against his Dad's thighs for support while his whole body trembled. Darren's ass filled with iron hard muscle, lifting his seat even higher, thick cords of muscle spreading up his back. He felt his core begin to tighten, and reached down with his right hand to rub his emerging six pack, each ab lightly dusted with hair, the grooves between the muscles growing deeper with every flex. Suddenly Darren felt his back explode outward, both shoulders broadening, one slender, one freakishly muscled. Darren was aware of them forcing his fathers knees apart only vaguely, as the spreading of Lawrence's legs wider pressed his cock and balls harder against Darrens face. Darren laughed, feeling power flow up his back. Huge, HEAVY slabs of muscle erupted across his shoulders, neck buried in engorged traps. His strong abs and powerful core supported the new wingspan, and he felt his arms lifted up and out into new amazing angles by the spreading of his lats. But his focus now was on the rising cannon about to burst out of his fathers underwear. Cantaloupe sized nuts pushing firmly against his chest, Darren leaned forward, placing his right hand on his fathers growing tool. The black cotton of Lawrence's underwear finally tore away, waistband snapping off as his Dad's nine inch cock began to bloat and thicken, catching up with the amazing testicles below it. Darren watched as both his hand and his fathers cock swelled up bigger, huge veins bulging out of both. He squeezed his fathers dick, feeling his grip strength increase as his forearm thickened. Above him he heard his Dad's moans and grunts get louder. As his right arm bulked up into a powerful series of bulging muscles, Darren could resist no longer, and guided his fathers growing cock into his mouth. The taste of his fathers cock was heavenly, sweaty, salty and musky. Darren groaned lustily around the shaft of his fathers expanding cock. He realized that his Dad wasn't hard yet, that some part of the growth process was holding the old man back. All the swelling in Darrens mouth was entirely due to the increasing heft and scale of that tool. A fierce new flaming and throbbing sensation began in Darrens stomach, and he tightened his abs up in excitement. The burning bloomed upward, moving as a wave of heat into Darrens still flat chest. He leaned even harder against his father, pressing his chest into those massive testicles as he felt his chest begin to pump. Throb. Flex, and grow. Darren moaned around the rapidly inflating cock as pecs, two enormous and heavy masses of muscle erupted from his torso. The weight was incredible, the strength to carry the mass even more so. He flexed and bounced his chest as the muscles swelled and stretched without end, grinding them against his father's nuts. At the same time he felt his fathers cock begin to stiffen, growing harder in his mouth. Darren's head was forced backward, only the insane growth of his chest keeping him in contact with his fathers cantaloupe sized balls. He lifted both hands to that rod, each finding space on his fathers increasing length while Darren continued to lick and suck on the tip within his mouth. He felt his jaws forced wider and wider, until with some panic he finally had to pull his fathers cock head out of mouth. He was just in time as the enormous muscular length thickened until Darren new that even a giant like himself couldn't hope to fit that flared head in his mouth. 'A giant like himself.' The though stopped Darren for a moment, and he realized it was true. His huge hands pressed against his fathers thighs were attached to forearms bigger than the bole of a tree. Soccer ball sized biceps pressed against a chest that contained more muscle than his entire body had that morning. Boulder shoulders stretched away from his face as he stretched his thick neck left to right. Cobbled abs led down to skintight underwear that seemed laughably small to him, like he'd shrunk them in the wash. His massive thighs rubbed against each other pleasantly, and he could feel his huge calves flexing and grinding against his even more massive ass as he sat on his knees. An insistent throbbing and a flood of musky pre splashing across his broad hairy chest brought Darrens attention back to his fathers mammoth cock. Two heavy hands thumped onto Darrens shoulders, and he felt his fathers powerful grip rubbing and probing the muscles, while pulling Darrens face insistently against his Dad's cock. Darren was happy to oblige, stroking his fathers enormous length with one hand while the other squeezed and kneaded Lawrence's heavy balls. HIs tongue bathed the head of his Dad's mighty cock, and he slurped up the gushing torrent of cum as he felt his fathers body seizing and spasming above him, growing closer and closer to release. Suddenly, a rugged hand was gripping his chin, forcing Darren to tip his head back. Those fingers prized his mouth open, while a second hand brought a glass container to his lips. Understanding dawned in Darren, and he brusquely seized the glass from his father, pouring the liquid down his throat before throwing the vessel away with a shattering crash. He turned his attention back to his father and shoved his face between Lawrence's two heavy musky orbs. He licked and worshiped those hairy nuts with his tongue, feeling his fathers hand on the back of his head tangled in his wavy hair. The burning heat in Darrens stomach, nearly receded, crested suddenly to a new intensity, and he felt burning tendrils of magma pumping their way down his abdomen and deep into his scrotum. He gasped and moaned, body tensing and flexing uncontrollably as liquid lead poured into his balls. He felt the skin of his sack stretch to bursting, and then continuing to grow tighter, more taught against the swelling mass of his testicles. The cool floor made him sigh when his nuts touched ground, filling the space between his thighs, making him shift his legs further apart to make room. The desire to cum, to climax, to relieve the pressure was intense, but the pressure only continued to build. He felt his own average cock began to snake outward from his abdomen. The weight of it was surreal, the sensation of his cock growing longer, thicker, and plumper without ever getting hard was impossible to describe. Above him he could feel his fathers cock jerking and spasming, a rain of burning droplets across his broad back telling him his father was cumming. The desire to join his Dad forced his cock even larger, and fhe finally felt the intensely sensitive skin of his dick stretching and firming up, his shaft rising higher and higher. His cock thumped against each set of his abs, and somewhere in his mind, a part of his brain that was free of the haze of hormones and pheromones wondered just how BIG he was going to get. Darren got his answer when he felt the tip of his cock tickling the underside of his enormous pecs. The sensation made Darren cry out in his much deeper voice, and he grabbed his cock with one hand, eyes going wide as he felt it continue to swell, fighting his grip. Unable to control himself any longer, Darren rose up unsteadily to his feet. Standing took much longer than he though it should and his new vantage point was dizzying, but Darren focused his horny thoughts on his father below him. His old man seated on a chair, head leaned back, hands rubbing his cock and abs as Lawrences own massive cannon relaxed to half mast. Darren grabbed his father by the shoulders and thrust, driving his cock up between the mounds of his Dad's chest. The tight canyon felt impossibly good around Darrens cock, and he began to buck his hips, feeling his nuts sway wildly and collide with his Dad's own cock. The chest muscles around his dick began to flex and bounce, driving Darren wild as the nerves in his cock sent signals of impossible pleasure to his brain. Darren couldn't take anymore, and he felt his body tense and his enormous nuts draw up, before his cock burst. A geyser of thick cum erupted from the tip, splashing against the ceiling and raining down on the two of them. Darren bucked and thrust, grunting and moaning as he climaxed, powerful energy suffusing his entire body with a feeling of bliss. The kitchen chair beneath his father gave way and collapsed, and the two giants tumbled to the floor. Grinding their massive chests together, still feeling his cock trapped between his fathers pecs, Darren leaned down and planted his lips against his father's. The bristles of his fathers beard scratched against his own pronounced stubble as he made out with his father, hands roaming and exploring that impossible body as his fathers hands squeezed and groped his own muscular back. Both their cocks rose up again, and the two of them felt their nuts contract simultaneously, and they blew thick sticky loads of cum between their hard muscled bodies. After what felt like hours, the two of them lay gasping on the kitchen floor. With a groan Darren rolled himself off his father. Their bodies made a sticky rasping sound as they pulled apart, and Darren felt his back land on the blessed coolness of the kitchen linoleum. He lay there, panting, staring at the mess on the ceiling, watching his pecs rise and fall out of his vision with every shuddering breath. Deep breathing from the radiant heat source beside him confirmed his father was also in need of a rest. Darren wasn't sure how long he lay there before he felt his fathers hand grasp and squeeze his own, the pressure immense but pleasurable to his newly strengthened body. "Darren?" "Yes Dad?" "I love you son." "I fucking love you too Dad." Darren began to chuckle, enjoying the bassy sound of his new voice. His father began to laugh too, and the two of them laid in the hot kitchen catching their breath after the growth they had just experienced. Darren heard and felt his father sit up next to him, and rolled onto his side, propping his head up on one massive hand. Darren admired his fathers heavy silhouette, and he reached out to rub his hand over Lawrence's bulging tricep. His Dad looked back down and grinned at him. "I think we made a bit of a mess son." He gestured at his cum soaked torso, then waved to include the ropes of sticky seed covering the rest of the kitchen. "Looks like that last drink did more than just grow our dicks. I've never felt myself cum so much. Or felt so Virile!" His dad lifted an arm to flex his bicep, then lifted it even higher, taking a whiff of his own arm pit. He made a gross face, but then grinned and leaned in to take a second deeper breath before letting his arm drop. Lawrence scratched his chest, making the muscles of his arm dance. "I don't think anybody has ever felt like us Dad," spoke Darren. "Let alone smelled quite as musky as we do." Darren groaned and sat up, a look of surprise crossing his face as he felt how strong and supple his core was. It was pleasantly easy to lift all the mass of his torso. He watched his father stand up and stretch our a hand to help Darren up. Darren enjoyed the view of his father enormous bare backside, then let out a gasp as his father turned. "Jesus Christ Dad. I knew you grew big, but I didn't realize just how much!" Lawrence looked puzzle, hand still outstretched. When he looked down at his cock swaying by his knees, he let out a deep chuckle and winked down at Darren. "I'd say watch your language son, but I think we can make exceptions for a couple of muscle gods like ourselves. Besides, I'm not the only one packing more tool than he needs." Darren reached up and accepted his Dad's hand, letting Lawrence pull him up. As he stood he brushed aside the kitchen's hanging light. His father wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into a tight bearhug. Darren returned it with conviction. He loved the way their muscles bulged and pulsed against each other, and the incredible pressure of his Dad's hug. He could also feel his own cock pressed against his Dad's giant tool, and felt himself throb. Trying to distract himself, Darren experimented with flexing and bouncing his mighty chest. It took him a few attempts before he could reliable flex the muscles one at a time, but his father didn't seem to mind. In fact his Dad flexed right back, his hairier chest grinding against Darrens with enormous strength. Eventually his Dad let him go and they stepped apart. Their bodies made another sticky rasping noise, and they both broke into low pitched laughter. "Dad, I think we might need to have a shower. We're still a little sticky." "Just one shower? Son, we're gonna need to do this separately, there's no way we can both fit into the bathroom together, let alone the shower. Not that I don't want to try," his Dad said, leaning in for another kiss. "You've got a point," said Darren, breaking the kiss. "Why don't you go try first. I've already showered once today, it seems only fair. I'll try to do something about the mess in the kitchen. " "You sure you don't want to go hose each other off in the backyard?" joked his Dad, grabbing his own cock suggestively before laughing. "I think the neighbours might object Dad. Let's save that as a last resort. Or at least until after dark." "Oh, after dark. I like the way my son thinks!" Lawrence smirked. "It won't be too long before then anyway. But fine. I'll go try." Darren stood looking at his Dad, neither of them moving, both entranced with the others giant bodies. Finally his Dad shifted, strutting past Darren. Or trying too, as their shoulders collided and they both had to laugh again. "It might take your old man a bit of time to adjust to how BIG he is now son." Lawrence chuckled as he forced his way past Darren, reaching back to cup Darren's ass as he did so. Darren stuck his head through to the living room, grinning as he watched his Dad climb up the groaning stairs, huge ass bouncing with every stride. Turning back to the kitchen, Darren brought his own arms up into a flex, looking at both of them, making the muscles dance. He grinned, then sighed as he looked at the ropes of cum splashed across the kitchen. He also chuckled at the layer of dust on the fridge, now visible from his new height. By his guess both he and his Dad were equally eight feet tall now. The countertops looked so far away, and the cupboard door handles were tiny in his massive hands. He kept misjudging distances, banging doors with his knuckles, bumping walls and furniture with his shoulders. The biggest excitement was when he tried to stand at the sink and had to back up to make room for his junk. He looked down proudly at a cock nearly as big as his meaty forearm, and shifted his hips, feeling how his balls swayed. Darren became so involved with exploring his newfound size that he nearly jumped when he heard his fathers deep voice from the living room entry. "I thought you were going to start trying to clean up in here," came a stern mocking tone. "Why does it seem like things have only gotten more messy! Darren turned to see his dad gesturing at a broken vase, knocked over chairs, and a cupboard door wrenched from the wall and placed neatly on the kitchen table. "Well pardon me Dad, some of us have been adjusting to the new size that You got us into!" Darren grinned. "I wasn't the one that decided to drink unknown liquids!" His father walked into the kitchen, heavy thighs sliding around each other, hairy body glistening fresh from the shower. His dad hadn't even bothered to look for clothes, and stood there drying his hair with a small towel, muscles dancing with the movements. Darren couldn't help but lick his lips. "Well I wasn't the one that brought home unknown experimental liquids either. But I'm so glad you did," said Lawrence, stepping up to Darren and planting a kiss on him again. His dads hands exploring his torso made Darren gasp, and he tried to pull his dad in closer. "Ah ah son, none of that now. I just scrubbed up and you're still covered in my load!" His Dad's eyes sparkled. "Get upstairs and clean up. That's an order. I'll try to do something about the mess down here." Darrens Dad snapped his ass with a towel as Darren lumbered by. Rubbing his ass in mock pain, and then with fingers curious about all that new muscle, Darren made his way upstairs. He grinned as the stairs creaked and complained under him. He smirked as his shoulders brushed the walls of the hallway. He laughed as he saw telltale gouges in the bathroom doorframe where his father has clearly hit his head and shoulders. Everything felt new and amazing to Darren as he looked down at the smaller world from his new height. The bathroom felt almost claustrophobic to a man of his size. The shower barely hit his chest, and he cracked several more tiles in the shower trying to twist his body to rinse off. More tiles in addition to the several broken tiles he noticed his father had left. Eventually giving up and pronouncing himself clean, Darren lumbered back out into the hall, drying himself off with his second towel. He walked carefully down the creaking stairs, and rounded into the kitchen, towel wiping and groping his already dry pecs, and saw his Dad washing the walls with a mop. Darren laughed, making his Dad turn and grin. "Seemed like the only way to get the job done son. I didn't know we had it in us. I guess these big bodies of ours can do a lot of new things now." Lawrences smiled and cupped his big full balls again, letting them slap against his thigh. "I guess this towel might make a better cum rag than an actual cloth at our size. I'll do here, if you get that wall." Darren grinned, working behind his Dad, purposely grinding his ass into his father's at every chance he could get. He felt himself beginning to perspire again. The close confines of the kitchen combined with their more massive bodies made the space heat up quickly. Soon the pleasing scent of Man filled the kitchen, and Darren felt his cock twitching back to life again. It was his father who broke the companionable silence. "You know, I've been thinking son." "Oh? What about, Dad?" "Do you know where I can get more of that stuff?"
- 12 replies
- 54
- muscle growth
- growth without effort
- (and 4 more)
Wrote this story recently and haven't submitted it to metabods yet, really hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think! What happens when you give the smallest guy in the gym a supplement for muscle growth? He becomes a massive muscle behemoth of course! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the gleaming, high-ceilinged sanctum of the Ironclad Gym, the clanging of weights and grunts of exertion formed a symphony of ambition. Amidst the sea of bulging biceps and sculpted abs, there was a stark contrast—a very short man, no taller than a stack of two gym lockers, who went by the name of Timmy. He was a regular, known for his fierce determination and his diminutive stature. Today was like any other for Timmy as he huffed and puffed through his rigorous workout routine, sweat beading on his brow, pushing himself beyond the limits that gravity and biology seemed to have set for him. He wore a pair of worn-out gym shorts that barely grazed his knees and a faded T-shirt that stretched over his surprisingly defined chest, betraying his dedication to his fitness despite his size. As Timmy moved from the leg press to the bench, the heady scent of sweat and disinfectant filled the air around him, a testament to his relentless pursuit of personal improvement. As Timmy pushed through the final repetition of his bench press, the sneer of the gym's resident Adonis reached his ears, echoing in the space between the clanks of metal. The towering man, a human mountain of muscle with a complexion that gleamed like freshly oiled marble, stepped closer, his shadow engulfing Timmy's already minuscule frame. The giant, known as Tank, was notorious for his brutish charm and the trail of intimidated gym-goers he left in his wake. He looked down at Timmy with a smug expression, his arms folded across his chest, which was a landscape of bulging veins and taut skin. "What's a squirt like you doing here, hogging the bench?" he bellowed, his voice resonating through the gym's acoustics. Timmy's hands trembled slightly as he lowered the barbell to the stand, his knuckles white from the effort. He knew the type—someone who fed on the insecurities of others to bolster his own ego. But Timmy had faced giants before, in more ways than one, and this was his battlefield. He took a deep breath, his chest puffing out, and looked up with a steely gaze. "Just trying to get a little bigger," he quipped, not missing a beat. The gym fell silent, all eyes now on the unfolding drama between the David and Goliath of Ironclad Gym. Ignoring the tension, Tank threw his head back in a roar of laughter, the sound ricocheting off the mirrored walls. He unfurled his arms, his biceps swelling as he flexed, the veins standing out in stark relief against the cobalt canvas of his skin. "Look at these guns," he sneered, waving them in Timmy's face. "You'll never have these. You're just wasting your time here, little man." Timmy felt the heat of embarrassment creeping up his neck, his cheeks reddening. The gym patrons looked on, a mix of pity and morbid fascination on their faces. But instead of cowering, Timmy took a step closer to Tank, his eyes narrowing. "You're right," he conceded, "I'll never be as big as you on the outside. But size isn't everything. Maybe you should focus more on what's inside, like humility and respect, before you go around flexing what your momma gave you." The gym's silence was suddenly pierced by a few muffled snickers and nods of approval from those watching the exchange. Tank's smug grin faltered for a brief moment before he regained his composure, his eyes flashing with a hint of anger. The atmosphere grew thick with challenge, and the air was charged with the electricity of a storm that was about to break. Tank's smugness curdled into rage at the shorter man's words, his ego bruised by Timmy's unexpected retort. The towering brute leaned down, his face contorted into a mask of fury, and barked, "You think you're clever? You'll never be a real man like me." He grabbed Timmy's bicep with one hand, his fingers easily encircling the smaller man's arm and lifting it as if it weighed no more than a feather. With his other hand, Tank pushed Timmy's palm onto his bulging chest, making him feel the unyielding wall of muscle beneath his touch. "Feel that? That's what it's like to be a man." Timmy's jaw clenched, his eyes flicking from the hand on his arm to the one now pressing his hand against Tank's pectoral. "Is that all you've got?" he spat, refusing to back down. Tank's smile twisted into a snarl, and without warning, he yanked Timmy's head down, shoving his face into his crotch. The scent of sweat, testosterone, and something undeniably masculine filled Timmy's nostrils. "This is what real power smells like," Tank sneered. "You're going to worship it, just like everyone else here does." Timmy's eyes watered from the pressure and the overwhelming aroma, but he remained steadfast, not allowing Tank to break his spirit. The spectators held their breath, waiting for the storm to erupt, unsure if this was the moment Timmy's bravado would be crushed beneath the weight of Tank's tyrannical dominance. Timmy felt a rush of heat in his loins, his body betraying his revulsion with an erection that bulged obscenely against the fabric of his shorts. Tank's eyes flickered downward, and the cruel laugh that escaped his lips sent a shiver down Timmy's spine. "Looks like you've got a little admiration going on down there," he taunted, pointing at the tent Timmy was desperately trying to ignore. The gym echoed with the guffaws of the onlookers, their amusement a sharp knife twisting in Timmy's side. His face burning with humiliation, he tried to stand, but his legs wobbled like those of a newborn foal. As he made a break for it, Tank's iron grip clamped down on his shoulder, halting him in his tracks. "Not so fast, little buddy," Tank jeered, holding out a pill that gleamed in the fluorescent light. "Here, I got this free from the front desk. It's a supplement that'll help you grow." He patted Timmy's cheek with mock pity. "Take it, maybe you'll finally fill out those shorts of yours. But remember, if you're going to strut around with a hard-on like that, you better be able to back it up." With a shove that sent Timmy stumbling, Tank turned away, the crowd parting for him like the Red Sea for Moses. Timmy's eyes watered with rage and embarrassment as he stared at the retreating figure, the pill burning a hole in his hand. He clenched his fist around it, a silent promise forming in his mind. He would not let this be the end of the story. He would not be the butt of Tank's jokes for much longer. This was just the beginning of his transformation. With a trembling hand, Timmy brought the pill to his lips and swallowed it with a defiant gulp, fueled by his fury at Tank's degradation. The moment the pill hit the back of his throat, a searing pain shot through him like a bolt of lightning, making him double over and clutch at the floor as if he might collapse. The gym's cacophony faded to a distant buzz as he felt his body convulse and contort, his muscles spasming uncontrollably. The agony was unlike anything he'd ever experienced—it was as if he were being stretched on a medieval torture rack, every fiber of his being screaming in protest. Yet amidst the torment, a peculiar warmth began to spread from his stomach, coursing through his veins like liquid fire, igniting something within him. The pain receded, giving way to waves of euphoria that washed over him, making his toes tingle and his vision swim with an intensity he'd never felt before. His eyes widened in astonishment and fear as he watched his fingers stretch and his shoulders broaden before his very eyes, his body seemingly morphing into something new and powerful. As the transformation took hold, Timmy realized that he had just embarked on a journey that would irrevocably change his life, turning the tables in this cruel game of gym dominance. The crowd's laughter had long since died down, replaced by whispers of shock and awe as they bore witness to the birth of a new titan within the gleaming halls of Ironclad Gym. Timmy's muscles felt like they were on fire, each fiber stretching and bulging as if straining against the very fabric of reality. His biceps ballooned, pushing the sleeves of his shirt to the brink of tearing. The muscles in his forearms swelled to the size of a normal man's biceps, his veins popping like thick cables beneath his skin. His chest expanded, the seams of his T-shirt threatening to rip as his pectorals inflated to the point where they looked as if they could crush a watermelon with ease. His abs rippled, turning into a washboard so defined that one might mistake them for a series of small, rolling hills. His legs thickened, the muscles coiling and growing until his quads resembled the mighty trunks of ancient oak trees. His calves and glutes followed suit, filling his shorts so tightly that it looked like he had two bowling balls stuffed in each cheek. And as if to match the grandeur of his newfound physique, his cock and balls grew to monstrous proportions, stretching his underwear until it was a mere scrap of fabric, barely containing the beast that now resided in his crotch. The sight of his own transformation was both terrifying and exhilarating, and he could feel the power surging through him, his newfound bulk a testament to the rage and determination that had been building within him for years. The gym rats stared, slack-jawed, as Timmy stood, now a giant among men, his body a sculpture of pure, unbridled power. Tank's eyes went wide, realizing that he had just created a rival more formidable than he could ever have imagined. Timmy's roar shook the very foundations of Ironclad Gym, a sound so primal and powerful that it could've been mistaken for the thunder of a gods' quarrel. His body, once the epitome of compact determination, had transformed into a short-stacked muscle blimp, his newfound bulk jiggling with each movement, a stark contrast to his former self. He flexed his arms with a theatrical flourish, biceps now the size of melons, and bounced his inflated chest, causing his pecs to clap together like the thunderous applause of a victorious gladiator. His eyes, now blazing with a fiery confidence, locked onto Tank's. "Is this real enough for you?" he bellowed, the challenge in his voice resonating through the hushed gym. The towering behemoth's smug grin was wiped clean, replaced with a look of utter astonishment and a touch of fear. The crowd, once his loyal subjects, now stared in a mix of horror and admiration as Timmy stepped forward, his massive form casting a shadow over Tank that seemed to diminish him. "You think you're big now?" Timmy sneered, the words dripping with a cocky swagger. "Let's see if you're man enough to handle this!" The air was electric with anticipation, the battle lines drawn, and the war of egos ready to begin anew. With a snarl of pure, unbridled power, Timmy bent down and hoisted the heaviest barbell he could find, the metal groaning under the weight of a hundred pounds of iron. The onlookers gasped in astonishment as the barbell, which had once looked so intimidating, now looked like a child's toy in his thick, bulging arms. He flexed his bicep, the muscle swelling like an inflating balloon, and curled the weight with ease. The veins on his arms bulged like rivers of molten lava as he switched the barbell from one hand to the other, each arm performing the feat with the grace of a circus strongman. His cock, already obscenely large, stiffened even more, pushing against his shorts in a display of dominance that mirrored the flexing of his muscles. As he did this, Tank's jaw dropped, his eyes wide with a mix of awe and fear. The once-smug giant was now forced to confront the reality that the playing field had been leveled—or perhaps, Timmy had just raised it significantly higher. Timmy's chest heaved with each breath, his nipples standing at attention, the fabric of his T-shirt straining to contain his newfound assets. The gym patrons, once eager for the spectacle of a David and Goliath confrontation, now watched with bated breath, not knowing what to expect from this transformed creature of power. The air was thick with testosterone and the scent of fear as Tank took an involuntary step back, the sheer presence of Timmy's might overwhelm him. The crowd was silent, all eyes on the two men, each flexing and bulging in their own right, but with Timmy now holding the upper hand—or rather, the upper arm. The dynamic of Ironclad Gym had shifted in a single, earth-shaking moment, and the story of its two most unlikely adversaries was about to reach a crescendo of epic proportions. With a deafening clang, Timmy dropped the barbell to the floor, the sound reverberating through the gym like a declaration of war. His eyes never left Tank's, a fiery challenge burning in their depths as he began to stride across the expanse of the gym floor, each step a testament to his newfound power. The crowd parted before him like the Red Sea, creating a clear path to Tank, who now had the look of a cornered animal. The giant's retreat was hastened by the sheer force of Timmy's presence, his own cock straining against his gym shorts, betraying his arousal. Backed against the wall, Tank's bravado had crumbled, his breath coming in ragged gasps as Timmy closed in, his inflated physique a stark reminder of the transformation he'd undergone. Standing before the once-intimidating figure, Timmy looked up and met his gaze, the difference in their heights now a mere footnote in the narrative of dominance playing out before the stunned onlookers. He reached down, grabbed Tank's burgeoning erection, and squeezed, his hand easily engulfing the shaft. "You like what you see?" he purred, his voice a deadly mix of sarcasm and confidence. Tank's eyes went wide, his pupils dilating with a mix of lust and terror. The gym rats watched, frozen in their tracks, as the balance of power in Ironclad Gym shifted dramatically, the air thick with the electricity of an unspoken challenge that had suddenly become all too explicit. Timmy's grip tightened on Tank's cock, and with a swift, almost casual motion, he ripped the fabric of the giant's shorts, exposing the hardened shaft that stood tall in the face of its new master. "Looks like you're the one who needs to start worshipping now," he sneered, his voice a dark promise of what was to come. The crowd watched, their eyes glued to the scene, as Timmy flexed his monstrous bicep, the veins pulsing like serpents beneath his skin. Tank's eyes grew wide with a mix of arousal and fear, his own hand trembling as he reached out tentatively to touch the sculpted boulder that was Timmy's chest. With a force that belied his height, Timmy shoved the towering man to his knees, the sound of his knees hitting the ground echoing through the tense air of the gym. "You want to feel power?" Timmy rumbled, his voice deep and commanding. "Then worship your new god." He thrust his massive chest forward, the pecs now swollen to the size of basketballs, creating a deep valley of muscular cleavage. Tank's head was forced into the crevice, his mouth moving instinctively to Timmy's now-exposed nipple. The little man's cock, which had been hidden by his over-stretched shorts, was now fully visible—a mighty pillar that seemed to have a life of its own, throbbing with each beat of his powerful heart. As Tank's lips wrapped around the sensitive tip, his hands found themselves on Timmy's thighs, moving upward with trembling reverence. The room grew hotter, the air thick with the scent of desire and the undeniable presence of a new alpha. The dynamics of Ironclad Gym had been flipped on their head, and it was clear that from this moment on, Timmy would no longer be the underestimated underdog, but the feared and desired object of every man's envy and craving. Precum leaked from Timmy's cock like a river, glistening in the harsh gym lighting and painting a trail down his engorged shaft. He moaned deeply, the sound echoing in the silent gym, his body trembling with anticipation and newfound power. Without a moment's hesitation, he bent down, his muscles flexing and bouncing in a mesmerizing display of might. He hooked his arms under Tank's brawny thighs, his hands gripping the back of the giant's muscular ass. With a strength that seemed to defy gravity, Timmy hoisted Tank into the air, aligning his massive member with the taller man's tight, quivering hole. The crowd watched; their breaths held in anticipation of the impending collision of bodies. The air was charged with the potent scent of sweat, musk, and desire as Timmy's cockhead nudged against Tank's entrance, demanding entry. The giant's eyes rolled back in his head, a whimper escaping his lips as he felt the pressure build, the tip of Timmy's cock parting him, inch by inch. The smaller man's face was a mask of concentration and dominance, his eyes locked onto Tank's as he pushed his way inside, claiming the throne of the Ironclad Gym with each powerful thrust. The once-intimidating Tank now clung to Timmy, his legs wrapped tightly around the smaller man's bulging waist, his mouth open in silent surrender to the overwhelming pleasure that flooded through him. The crowd looked on, their own desires kindled by the scene before them, as the new king of the gym asserted his dominance over the man who had once belittled him. The story of Timmy and Tank had taken an unexpected twist, one that would be talked about in hushed whispers and furtive glances for weeks to come. Timmy's powerful hips thrust upward, driving his thick, monstrous cock deep into Tank's gaping hole, filling the giant with a sensation so intense it bordered on pain, yet Tank couldn't help but moan in pleasure, his body responding instinctively to the newfound power that was now in command. The sweat and precum of both men mingled as they moved in a frenetic dance of dominance and submission. With a final, guttural roar, Timmy reached his peak, his cum flooding out from his cock, painting the inside of Tank with his seed and leaking out, dripping down the giant's muscular thighs like a testament to his victory. As his orgasm subsided, Timmy looked down at the now-pliant Tank and said, "You're mine now, muscle slave." Tank, his face a picture of ecstasy and defeat, managed to nod his head in silent acceptance. Timmy leaned in, whispering in his ear, "And remember, from now on, I'm not just your king of the gym. I'm your god." The once-mighty Tank, now trembling and spent, could only whimper in agreement. The gym patrons watched, a mix of shock, envy, and lust playing across their faces as Timmy, still buried inside his new conquest, announced his triumph. With a final, authoritative slap on Tank's ass, Timmy withdrew his softening cock, leaving the giant's hole gaping and leaking. The air was thick with the scent of sex and submission as Timmy offered his hand to the man who had once towered over him, pulling Tank to his feet. "Let's go," he said with a wink, and together, the unlikely pair strutted out of Ironclad Gym, leaving behind a legacy of shock and a newfound respect for the limits of human potential. The story of their encounter would echo through the locker room for weeks, each telling adding to the legend of Timmy, the short man who had claimed the throne through sheer force of will and the power of his swollen muscles and unyielding cock. As they disappeared into the night, the whispers grew, hinting at the beginnings of a new era in the gym's history—one where the strongest weren't always the tallest, but the most fiercely determined and sexually dominant.
- 3 replies
- 15
- cock growth
- domination
(and 1 more)
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Through the haze of lust that Frank was feeling, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. Turning to see what it was, he was taken back by his own reflection. In the mirror stood a man in the prime of his life. No longer the man who looked aged and soft from years of steroid abuse. No this was the vision of health. Frank brought an arm up and flexed. It mounded into a solid orb. No bigger than before his contact with Damien, but now it was rock hard and covered in veins. He noticed his pecs were firmer and more square than before, coated in a thick dusting of hair that traveled all the way down his solid 6 pack abs. Nestled just below his abs in a nice bush was a much heftier cock and balls. Grunting and straining through pose after pose, admiring his younger harder looking body, Frank began sweating from the exertion of it all. He could smell a musky aroma emanating from his pits. Giving his pits a sniff caused his eyes to roll back in his head with lust as his already hard cock began to throb, which started a stream of precum flowing from the bulbous cock head. Unbeknownst to Frank, his musky aroma had made its way across the room and had begun affecting Damien. Laying back on the bed, Damien had been feeling up his fuller pecs, running his fingers over his nipples as little moans escaped his mouth. They were much more sensitive than he remembered them being. When Frank’s musk hit Damien it caused an overload in his brain, and all coherent thoughts escaped his mind as his hard cock throbbed with excitement. With each throb of his cock, his balls surged slightly larger, as his cock and muscles slowly shrank. He was grasping his nipples when the aroma hit him and when he finally came to, he noticed his hands were soaked. Damien brought his hand up to his face so he could inspect the mystery liquid. He gave his hand a sniff. It smelled a little tangy, almost like sour milk. He watched as a bead of the liquid ran across his palm and down to his finger tip. Curious, he brought the finger to his mouth and stuck out his tongue, allowing the fluid to wash over his palette. Damien was pleasantly surprised to find the sour smelling fluid tasted sweet. He licked his palm, trying to sample more of the mystery fluid. Damien brought his hand back down to his thick pec and grabbed his nipple between his thumb and forefinger and gave it a squeeze. A small moan escaped his mouth from the pleasure of it, but it was what filled his hand that gave him a real shock. Bringing his hand up to validate what he thought to be true, his hand was filled with a milky white liquid. The liquid was coming from him. Damien, now seeing through the lust, realized something wasn’t right. He shouldn’t be leaking from his pecs. It was at this moment that it also dawned on him how much he had shrunk. His physique no longer resembled that of an IFBB offseason bodybuilder, but more an amateur one, and that was tipping the scales in his favor. “I need to get out of here and figure all this out.” Damien whispered to himself as he slowly slid off the bed and onto his knees, trying to find anything to wrap himself in so he could get out of there. He looked around the room for anything, and saw the towel he had come to the office in by the desk. Frank was standing on the opposite side of the room by the weight equipment, still admiring his physique in the mirror. As Damien stood up and began to walk towards the desk to grab the towel and run, he was interrupted by another wave of Frank's pheromones filling his nostrils. His eyes glazed over as he turned towards the wall of mirrors and began walking towards the smell like a sex crazed zombie. Part of Damiens mind is telling him he shouldn’t do this and that he should try to escape while Frank is occupied with his own body in the mirror. The other part of his mind can’t stop looking at Frank’s glutes as they ripple with each flex. The striations and sinewy muscle that makes his back look strong and intimidating. The lust to have Frank’s massive log between his legs shoved inside of ass balls deep filled his mind as well. Damien reaches Frank and reaches a hand up onto his trap to feel the muscle. Frank begins flexing wherever Damiens hands land. “Your muscles are getting so hard!” Damien said as his hands roamed the ripples of muscle along Frank’s backside. Frank put his hands on his hips and did a lat pose for Damien. He heard a light gasp escape Damiens lips as his hands began feeling the hardness of the muscle Frank was flexing. “That’s not the only thing that’s hard.” Damien peered around Frank’s wide muscular pose to see him smirking in the mirror, but his attention was quickly brought downward to the python that was flexing and bobbing up and down in front of Frank. He had incredible control over it as it flexed harder and smacked into Frank’s hard abs with an audible “THWACK”. Every time the cock head slapped against his abs, it left a wet shiny patch on his midsection. Pre-cum was constantly streaming from Frank’s balls now, thanks to his much larger nuts and the increased amount of testosterone flooding his body's system. Damien’s head began to clear a little more, as he faltered while reaching for Frank's dick. Shaking his head as if to clear cobwebs, Damien took a step back and then another. The smirk faded from Frank’s face as he realized that his scent was no longer driving Damien’s lust. Damien turned around and headed straight for the desk where the towel was sitting. Frank turned around and faced Damien as rage began to compete with lust as he watched the globes of Damiens ass shift back and forth with his wide gate. Damien heard a low growl coming from behind him. He turned to see that Frank was no longer worshiping himself in the mirror. Instead he was looking blankly ahead with his hand stroking his cock. He watched as the growling grew deeper and ropes of pre shot from Frank's cock as a long low moan escaped his throat. What Damien didn’t see was that when Frank turned he had accidentally trapped his balls between his now harder thighs, causing his nuts to release even more hormones into his body. This forced more blood into his dick, making it larger. His body began sprouting more hair as his face started to change shape slightly, it was getting more angular and his eyes looked more sunken into his skull. Then it hit him. Damien was hit with more pheromones as he doubled over the desk in pleasure. What felt like minutes, was actually just seconds, but in that time Frank had raced his way over to Damien and spread his legs wide from the inside with his own. This forced Damiens fat globes of ass meat apart. Frank held is cock steady as it shot out more pre all over the puckering hole. Due to all the hormones racing through his body, Frank was no longer in control of his own thoughts. His dick seemed to have a mind of its own as it continued belching up pre as his body pushed him forward, impaling Damien on his dick. Damien began to moan out loud, having never taken a dick this big before. Surprisingly it was almost all pleasure and no pain. It must have been a combination of the pheromones and Frank’s pre-cum. It wasn’t long before Frank was buried balls deep inside Damien. Frank had been lost in lust, but as he bottomed out into Damiens ass some clarity came back into his mind. “Fuck, what am I doing, I ain’t fucking gay.” Frank began sliding his cock out of Damiens ass, but before he could completely pull out, his balls began to tingle. Then all of a sudden they felt tight in his sack. Frank's eyes glazed over with lust. His own balls had constricted without any outside force being applied to them. They had hijacked Frank’s body. Frank began sliding his dick back in as it swelled slightly inside of Damien. His ball constricted again, doubling the hormones inside of him. This sent Frank into a frenzy as he slammed his expanding cock all the way into Damien. Frank began thrusting hard and fast as pre cum shot like crazy inside Damiens hole. The entire time Frank’s body was going through a metamorphosis, Damiens was going through one of its own. From the first time Frank had hit Damien’s prostate, he had finally found release as cum lunch from his cannon. It sounded like someone had turned a hose on every time jizz launched from his cock head. His balls were contracting with each load, making them slowly lose size. But Damiens balls weren’t the only thing losing size, his whole body had begun shrinking down as it was all being transferred to his balls and then coming out in his jizz. Damien can feel his body being shoved further and further across the desk with each one of Frank’s thrusts from behind. Damien doesn’t know how much more he can take as he feels his orgasm begin to diminish. He reaches down to jerk the last bit of his load from his cock, only to find that his cock was nothing more than a tiny nub now. His balls were also nowhere to be found. Instead his fingers were greeted with flaps of skin where his sack once was. Damien encountered yet another surprise as he looked down to inspect what his hands were feeling, he was instead greeted with a huge pair of bulbous tits. They were no longer pecs, he had full blow breasts and they were huge. Damien let out a gasp as a pair of huge hands reached around him and grabbed hold of his newly minted tits. Frank began grunting more and thrusting even harder as he felt the now large breasts that Damien possessed. Damien felt himself being lifted up by the hands underneath his breasts until his feet left the ground. Damien could still feel the cock inside of him expanding as he was lifted up the thickening shaft and then lowered back down until his thick juicy ass cheeks rested on Frank’s balls.. Damien was now nothing more than a fuck doll for frank. “BIGGER!” The low growl came from behind Damien as he felt the cock beneath him flex and expand and then contract. At first Damien thought Frank was talking about his cock getting bigger, but then he realized that wasn’t the case. Damien could feel the flood of jizz inside his gut as Frank’s cock pulsed with load after load. Damien could feel Frank’s legs shaking beneath him with the force of his orgasm. The hands grasping under Damiens breasts began squeezing as his breasts began to throb and expand, forcing more flesh into Frank’s hands. The nipples slipped between his fingers as they thickened and began shooting out liquid. Frank could smell a sweet fragrance fill his nostrils. He brought a hand back to inspect the liquid, realizing that’s where the sweet smell was coming from, he shoved his finger into his mouth to taste it. Frank took his other hand still on the breast and milked the nipple into his cupped palm. He brought his hand back to his mouth and slurped up the liquid. Damien heard a rumbling moan from Frank as he was being lifted up and off Frank’s cock. He was swiftly turned around and then lowered back down. Damiens eyes rolled back into his head as Frank's cock slid back into him, except this time it wasn’t inside his juicy ass. Damien reached down and felt around the base of Frank’s cock and found that it was pushing into his body where his ball sack once was. Damien wasn’t given much time to register the changes as Frank dove mouth first for his right breast. Frank latched onto the nipple making hard draws of the liquid. This in turn caused slight pain for Damien which quickly turned to pleasure. Frank couldn’t get the milk fast enough as he kneaded the breast, forcing the milk to gush into his waiting mouth faster. His tongue danced across the nipple, savoring the sweet flavor of the milk. Damien took notice that the hands kneading his breast were getting rougher. Damien looked down at Frank’s hands, and was shocked to see that Frank's forearms were slowly getting larger with each draw of milk he took. It wasn’t just his forearms, it was his entire body growing larger by the second. Before long the first tit was empty and Frank, not missing a beat, switched to the other nipple and began sucking hard. All the while growing larger with each passing gulp of Damiens milk. Damien could feel Frank's dick slightly expanding inside of his newly grown pussy. It was filling him up and almost becoming unbearable. Not realizing he had been completely drained, Frank had lowered Damien back to lay on top of the desk. It was then that Damien finally saw Frank’s face, I mean really saw it. He looked almost like a neanderthal, his brow protruded forward and his eyes looked even more sunken into his skull. He had a look of bliss across his face. Something caught Frank’s attention because he looked up from staring at Damiens tits and brought his hands up to his midsection, feeling up his abs and his thicker pecs as he did. He was watching himself in the mirror as he fucked Damien. Frank brought his arms up and flexed, sending both arms into hard balls the size of softballs covered in veins. Frank then brought his arms down in front of him and did a most muscular pose, but as he held the flex he lost control. He threw his head back and roared, still holding the flex as his cock lurched inside Damien, pumping him full of cum. Something inside Damien changed and he knew from this point on, he would forever be a woman. Frank’s seed caused permanent changes to his body as his breast inflated again. His ass began lifting off the desk as it filled up with more meat to take Frank's deep hard thrusts. Frank's body was glistening with sweat as he began to come down from his orgasm. The room was clouded with his pheromones. It reeked of cum now as it began to spill back out of Damien as his body could no longer contain the vast amounts of jizz. Frank stepped back from the desk, causing his cock to pop out of Damiens pussy, still firing volley after volley of jizz as his cock lodged itself under the ledge of his desk. Both Damien and Frank were startled back to reality as a loud buzzing emanated from the phone next to Damiens head. Frank pushed the intercom button with a cum coated finger. “Sorry to interrupt sir, but the police are here to see you. Something about a man they’re searching for.” To Be Continued.
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Erik loses a bet with his friends and has to spend the night in the old haunted house on the outskirts of town. However, he's in for a big surprise when he finds he's not the only inhabitant of this massive mansion. (Warning: Contains Muscle Growth, Hyper Muscle, Cock Growth, Hyper Cock, Macro Growth, Lactation, Giant) Erik walked up to the abandoned mansion that sat at the edge of town as the sun began to set. He’d lost a bet with his friends over fantasy football and now he had to sleep in the supposed haunted house. Rumor has it, this house had many owners dating back to the colonial era of North America, but all of them died under mysterious circumstances. Even those who dared to sleep in the house like Erik was about to would go missing, their bodies never found. Erik reached for the ornate handle of the tall double wooden doors and it felt cool to the touch. He pushed open the door and the sun shone through the elaborate stained glass portrait on the other side of the room. Erik took in the sight of the massive staircase leading to the upper floors and so many doors and hallways that led to various other rooms in the house. “Okay Erik, this is fine. It’s just a house. It’s not scary. You’ve seen a lot of movies. If anything feels off, you’ll know what to do. Most of the time just have common sense and try to get out” Erik walked through the house and the old wood creaked with every step the big man took. Erik himself was a rather large man. Standing at 6’4, he weighed about 180 pounds of lean muscle on his tall frame. He had always wanted to have bigger muscles to match his height, but he could never manage to pack any real size onto his frame. He wore an extra large t-shirt that hung off his body and a baggy pair of jeans as he walked around the entryway. Finding a light switch, Erik flicked it, but no lights came on. “Guess I’m spending tonight in the dark.” Erik grabbed his phone out of his pocket and turned the flashlight on as he explored the bottom floor of the house. Grabbing at some of the doors, all of the ones that were closed were locked. Luckily, there were plenty of open corridors for him to walk through. He hadn't realized just how big the inside of the house was as he walked through many rooms. There was a large kitchen connected to a lavish dining room and ballroom, multiple living rooms on the ground floor, and even a servants quarters. “This place isn’t that bad. Maybe if someone hired a cleaning crew, a team of handymen, an electrician, and probably a plumber too, it could be a great house.” “It already is a great house…” came a voice. Erik nearly jumped out of his skin as he spun around to look for the source of the voice to only see nothing. “Jake! If that’s you man, you’re gonna have to do a lot better than that if you’re gonna scare me!” Erik shouted down the hallway as his light panned across the closed doors. Erik hesitantly started exploring again as he returned to the entrance foyer. Climbing the stairs to the upper floors, Erik saw the last bits of the sun going down over the horizon as nightfall came. At the top of the stairs, there was a small living nook with a couch and a chair as well as a large window that overlooked the front yard and the entire town below. The upstairs was comprised primarily of bedrooms as Erik searched room after room. But like downstairs, many of the rooms were locked aside from the occasional ajar door. “I guess I have some options of where I can sleep tonight.” However, unlucky for Erik, the beds that he was finding were all full sized or twins. “I forget everyone was shorter back in the day. I doubt there’s a bed big enough for me here.” “Find the master…” Erik spun around again as he heard the same eerie voice behind him. “Jake, seriously dude! Enough with these games!” Erik’s breath started to quicken as he looked around for any sign of his friend. In the corner of his eye, he saw a green flashing coming from the balcony on the floor above. But as soon as he shined his flashlight in that direction, it disappeared. Walking towards the spiral staircase that led up to the balcony, Erik brought his light down, and as he did, he saw the green light flickering again atop the balcony. Erik turned off his flashlight and put his phone away as he climbed the stairs. At the top, he could clearly see a green hew wafting towards him from down a long hallway. Pulling his phone back out, he turned his flashlight back on and the green light vanished. Looking down the hallway puzzled, Erik slowly walked down it. On the walls were large portraits hung of men, presumably old owners of the house. Looking at them, they seemed to get bigger as he got closer and closer to the end of the hall. The first few looked no bigger than children while the last ones looked like bodybuilders. “I didn’t think men could get big like that in the 1700’s.” “I loved getting those done…” came the voice directly into Erik’s ear. He immediately flailed his arms in every direction in an effort to get whatever was touching him off him. “Fuck you Jake! This isn’t funny!” Erik looked around and still didn’t see anyone next to him. “I don’t know how you’re doing this, but you’re dead when I see you!” “I already am…” The voice came from behind the large doors at the end of the hallway. Erik slowly approached the doors and reached to turn the handle. Unlike the rest of the doors in the house, the door was unlocked. It creaked open and Erik slowly shined the light around the room. Inside was one of the largest beds Erik had ever seen. Spanning over 12 feet across and 15 feet long, Erik put his hand down onto the bed. Erik walked over to the bed and examined it. “Clear of dust, unlike everything else in this place.” Erik sat down on the bed and it didn’t creak under his weight like everything else. Bouncing up and down, the bed felt sturdy and very comfortable. Setting his phone down on the bed, he laid his head down on the pillow and let out a sigh. “At least not everything in this house is old and decrypted.” “Rude, I built this place myself, including this bed.” Erik screamed when he turned to look at the source of the voice and saw a man lying next to him in the bed dressed in an old time-y puffy vest and suit. Erik sprang out of the bed and put his back against the wall. “Who the hell are you?!?” screamed Erik as he panted heavily and stared at the man in the bed. He had the same green hew around him as Erik had seen before when he was walking towards the room. “I’m the owner of this house.” The man’s body floated up from his lying position and hovered closer to Erik. Erik made a break for the door as the specter got closer, but the doors quickly slammed shut, unable to be reopened despite Erik’s best efforts. “Please, don’t hurt me. I- I didn’t mean to disturb you, or whatever. I’m just here because of a bet.” Erik’s voice was high pitched and shaky as the ghost landed in front of him. Being as tall as Erik was, he hardly was intimidated by people’s height, but this spirit stood at least a head taller than him and despite being translucent, his frame encompassed Erik’s entire view. “Sweet boy, I’m not going to hurt you,” said the ghost with a smile. “My name is Jonathan and I actually might have a gift for you, if you’re willing to accept.” Erik looked up at the ghost and saw he was actually fairly handsome. He had bright green eyes, long white hair, and a kind smile to him as he loomed over Erik. “A gift? Wha- what kind of gift?” Erik swallowed hard as he straightened himself back up and looked the ghost in the eye. “Something that every man on the planet desires…to be bigger.” The ghost put his finger under Erik’s chin and showed his teeth to the young man as he flew up into the air. A chill ran up Erik’s spine when the ghost’s fingers made contact with him. “Bigger? Bigger how?” “Bigger everywhere. I’ll make you taller, more muscular, and more…endowed than what you’re currently packing down there.” The ghost floated behind Erik and pushed him towards a towering mirror on the other side of the room where Erik could only see himself in and not the ghost. “You already seem to be much bigger than most of the people I’ve seen coming through my doors, but what’s a little bit more size, huh? Everybody wants more right? Every man can always use a little…boost in some areas.” The ghost reached down and patted the front of Erik’s jeans and felt almost nothing beneath its hands. “Well…I have been wanting to get a little bigger.” Erik looked at himself in the mirror. He had been working in the gym for years to build muscle, but had very little results to show for it. He had a lanky body for being as tall as he was. He had a little definition in his pecs and arms, but he got mocked for his chicken legs constantly and wanted to be wider. And men and women alike had judged him for his less than substantial package he had in his pants; thinking that a guy so tall would be packing a lot more than a meager 5 inches. “Yes! Yes, good. I can help you then. I just need you to agree to let me into your body and I’ll grow you into the man of your dreams,” said the ghost with excitement as his icy fingers ran across Erik’s chest. “That’s all I have to do? Allow you to ‘enter my body’ and you’ll make me bigger?” Erik hesitated and looked back at the ghost pawing at him. “What’s the catch?” “Catch? There’s no catch my boy. You’ll get to be a huge walking wall of muscle, bigger than any man on the planet, and I’ll get to watch you be it,” said the ghost a matter of factly. Erik paused and thought about it for a moment while the ghost was getting impatient. “In fact, I’ll even let you have more if you aren’t satisfied by the initial…eh deal.” Erik looked at his body and attempted to flex, but with his lack of muscles, he could barely make his baggy shirt move with his pecs or biceps. “Fine, we have a deal.” “Splendid! Excellent my dear boy!” The ghost spun around in the air out of excitement as he landed on the ground facing Erik. “Now, just say the words “We are one within the eyes of the gods” and enjoy the ride.” The ghost was positively giddy waiting for Erik. “We are one within the eyes of the gods,” repeated Erik. As the words left his mouth, a green circle lit up on the floor around him as the ghost began to laugh maniacally. “Wonderful! Just wonderful young man.” The ghost floated closer to Erik and began sinking into his body. “By the way, this ritual might kill you if your body can’t handle all the size, but no takesies backsies HAHAHA!” “What!?!” yelped Erik as the ghost disappeared inside of him. Erik keeled over in pain as a cold spike ran through his entire body like he’d been dunked into an ice bath. His veins came to the surface of his skin, glowing a dark green color as his heart pumped blood all over his body. His eyes shot open and his brown eyes glowed green as his dirty blonde hair became white as snow. The sound of Erik’s bones cracking filled the entire house as he began to grow. Groaning loudly, Erik’s frame widened and his spine lengthened taller. Erik’s neck was the first to thicken with muscles. His traps swelled up to his head and the head hole on his shirt stretched out wider. His deltoids rounded out into boulders and tears in his shirt formed. The growth ran down his arms as his biceps and triceps exposed themselves from their cotton prison, bulging larger than softballs as Erik grunted in pain. He made a fist and veins ran up the length of his forearm as Erik felt more of his body growing. Looking down, Erik saw his shirt stretch out as his pecs bulged out, obscuring the view of the rest of his body below him. Erik breathed heavily and brought his hands up to feel his newly grown massive pecs. His shirt began to ride up as every inch of his growing body was on display, including his large, erect nipples. Erik had had a faint set of abs, but they disappeared as a roid gut began to swell forward. “Ooooo what the fuck is happening to me-” Erik moaned as his hands ran down his pecs and stomach. Erik tried to stand up, but his knees went weak when his cock throbbed in his jeans. Erik fell to his knees and reeled backwards as his bulge swelled forward. A snap rang out in the room as the button of his jeans snapped off and broke the mirror as his hips widened. Like a balloon inflating, Erik’s bulge forced his jean’s zipper to unzip itself as it grew, his white underwear stretching out as his cock bounced forward with every breath he took. His bulge wasn’t the only thing that was growing in his pants. Erik’s thin legs began to thicken and lengthen. His once baggy jeans filled up like sausages in a tight sleeve as they rubbed against one another. His flat ass behind him grew bigger like two cantaloupes, then even watermelons. Part of his cheeks got so fat that they spilled out of the back. His jeans ripping as his calves hardened and bulged out. His ankles became exposed as Erik’s body extended higher and higher, closer to the ceiling. Erik’s body broke out into a cold sweat and his transformation came to a close. Erik’s eyes glowed as he stood back up to his full height. Looking forward into the mirror in front of him, he couldn’t even see his head from how tall he was now. He had to be at least 8 feet tall as he looked down at the rest of the room. Everything looked miniature to him. Picking up his phone, it was fully engulfed in his palm when he closed his hand. Balling up his hand into a fist, he saw his veins run up his arms as his biceps tore through the remainder of his sleeves and swelled out bigger than a man’s head. Looking back at himself, his clothes were torn apart by his body, barely hanging onto him. His shirt had a large rip down his pec valley due his pecs growing to the size of pillows sticking out well over a foot in front of him. His midsection had rounded out and his bloated abs were exposed while his once baggy shirt had practically been turned into a tank top showing off his gut. His jeans were almost shorts as the bottom hems were up to his knees and ripped up by his thunder thighs and dump truck ass. His waistband stretched across his tight pelvic bone as his underwear hung out of his zipper. His was dick well over a foot long, maybe even 2, and as thick as a 2 liter soda bottle with volley ball sized balls stretching his tighty whities to their limit. “Fuck yeah! I’m huge!” Erik was taken aback by the low voice that bellowed out of his mouth. He flexed for himself as he admired his newly grown body. “You are!” said Erik, but it wasn’t him speaking. “What?! Who’s that?!” Erik became off balance as he held his head in his hands. “It’s me, big guy. The new owner of this body,” said Erik to himself. “Did you really believe me when I said that there’d be no catch to growing into a giant muscular hulk? No no you fool, I’ve finally found a specimen that can survive the growth process, and I’m never letting you go! HAHAHAHA!” The ghost’s laughter echoed throughout the halls of the house as Erik’s mind was pushed down. Now no longer in control of his own body. The muscle man lifted his head up with a devilish grin painted across his face. “It worked. After numerous failed vessels, I’ve finally found one who can grow as big as I desire.” Jonathan looked himself over in the mirror and flexed his new body. “I was lucky to stumble upon such an attractive specimen too. I’ll be unstoppable once I get out.” Jonathan walked through the bedroom and looked through living eyes for the first time in centuries. He ran his giant mitts up his body and groped himself. “I missed feeling so big!” Jonathan punched the door and it crumpled under his overwhelming strength. Despite how big he had become, he could still fit through the door frame. His newly spiked hair grazing the top and his shoulders almost taking off a chunk of the hinges. “Ah, I see in your memory that you thought these were different men,” said Jonathan looking at the portraits that lined the hallway. “They are all me. When I was born, I was the “runt of the litter” according to my father. Destined to never amount to anything because of how small I was.” His heavy footfalls rattled the frames as he walked down to the balcony. “It was only until I found magic did I see my true potential. And the potential that was wasted by people who were “gifted” with size.” He looked at the first portrait of him when he had dark brown hair and was practically skin and bones. “My poor twin brother, he never saw it coming. The big lug just thought we were playing.” Jonathan looked down over the balcony and kicked out the railing separating him from the floor. With a massive leap, he jumped off the balcony and landed with a loud slam on the second floor. His heavy body bouncing up and down as he steadied his weight on the ground. “You are perfect, boy. Just perfect. With this body, I’ll be able to leave this house and be the biggest and strongest man on Earth. Every woman will want me. Every man will want to be me. I’ll be irresistible. No longer bound to this rotting estate.” Jonathan flexed his bicep and smiled as the peak rose higher and higher as he continued to flex. “No, this is my body!” Erik managed to get out of his mouth. The big hunk broke down onto his knees as the giant slammed his fist on the ground. “You mortal scum, what do you think you are doing?” In Erik’s head, the two were having a battle of willpower for control over the hunks body. “I’ve been around for over 400 years and you think you can simply kick me out? I am out of your league, boy.” On the mental plane, Jonathan grew to tower over Erik and crush him under his foot. “You are merely another bug for me to squash.” “You might be old, but that doesn’t mean you are inherently better.” Erik lifted the ghost’s boot up off of him and threw it to the side. “I grew up in a modern era when education programs existed, the internet had been invented, and I’ve seen a lot of movies about mental battles.” Erik sunk his fingers into Jonathan’s boot and stole size from the giant mental figure. “No…NO! That’s impossible!” The ghost screamed as he fizzled away and Erik ballooned bigger and bigger. Going from towering over him, then looking him in the eye, then being dwarfed by him so much that he could be held in his hand. “Famous last words from cheesy movie villains.” Erik smiled as he sucked more of the size away from his tiny captor. “Now get out of my head!” He closed his fist around the ghost and absorbed the last bit of Jonathan’s power. Leaving Erik the sole owner of his mind. Opening his eyes, Erik stood back up. His senses returned to his body as he stretched out his limbs and took stock of himself. “Good to be back. And I still have my prize,” said Erik as he flexed his arms and popped his pecs. “And given the circumstances, I don’t think the guys will be pissed if I take off from this place early. After all, I defeated an evil size queen ghost.” Erik started to walk towards the stairs, but stopped in his tracks suddenly. “Defeated yes, but not destroyed you simpleton!” echoed Jonathan’s voice throughout the house. “You kicked me out of your body, but I have another part of our deal to fulfill.” Erik’s head turned to the hallways beside the upper staircase landing as he could hear multiple doors open. “Hear me, my loyal servants! I am no longer your keeper! I have been defeated and your ownership has been placed into a new man’s hands. The one you see before you is your new master!” Erik swiveled his neck as he saw more ghosts flying overhead. “Master!” they called out in a ghostly wail. “I am not your master! You are free to- UGH!” Erik grunted loudly as a ghost flew down and entered his body just as Jonathan had. But this time, it felt concentrated in his crotch. “What the fuck? What are you doing to me?” Erik fell back onto a couch as his bulge throbbed intensely. “I promised you that I’d give you more size if your initial growth spurt wasn’t enough.” The sides of Erik’s underwear began to bow forward, exposing his pale skin. “And I intend to keep this end of our bargain.” Erik threw his head back as his cock sprang free from its cotton prison. Swelling bigger and bigger with each beat of his heart. Erik looked down and could even see it coming into view over his pec shelf. Erik was baffled as his cock grew more and more with no end in sight. In quick bursts of growth, it passed the 3 foot mark, 4 foot mark, and 5 foot mark as it surged up and out. Erik attempted to stand up amidst his intense growth spurt, but he was thrown off balance as his balls rolled forward onto the ground, now the size of yoga balls sloshing with gallons of cum. “I-I have to get up!” Erik reached his arms forward in an attempt to move the towering cock, but as his hands made contact with it, he shot a string of pre into the air; glowing bright green like ectoplasm. Erik's low guttural moan bellowed through the halls as the sudden rush of pleasure only egged his cock on to grow more. It grew longer and thicker to the 6 foot tall mark, quickly closing in on being bigger than Erik’s previous height and definitely looking thicker than his old body. “Stop. Your master commands you to stop.” Erik tried to command the ghost to get out of his body, but his efforts were futile. His cock only kept inflating with size. Now outgrowing his freshly grown body and passing the 9 foot longer mark and not stopping. “Oh they won’t stop. In their lives, they were dedicated to making their old master the biggest he could possibly be,” came Jonathan's voice. “They only exist to grow their master bigger.” “Must serve master.” said two ghosts as they flew into Erik’s field of vision, only to then fly directly into him. The pair disappeared into his torso and another cold spike ran its way through Erik’s body. More tearing of fabric could be heard as Erik looked in front of his giant cock and saw his pecs now growing. The tear that had already formed during his first growth spurt deepened further and further as he grew. “I’ve gotta get out of here!” said Erik as he tried to stand up again. However, with the immense weight of his giant cock that was close to touching the elaborate chandelier above him and his now expanding chest, he was very front heavy. It didn’t help that his balls had grown so large that they were the size of bean bag chairs resting on the ground and as he stood up, they gurgled loudly and toppled over the coffee table that sat in front of the couch. Even with Erik’s enhanced legs, he couldn’t even his foot to move their massive weight as gallons of cum sloshed around inside his sack. Erik tried to take a step forward, but like a falling tree, he came crashing down onto the floor. His massive cock laying out in front of him with Erik on top of it. His massive pecs acting as airbags as they landed atop his cock and he moaned loudly as he chest had become just as sensitive as his cock. His balls now free to grow behind him against the couch he had nearly crushed. “Come on Erik, put these muscles to use.” Erik put his arms on his cock and tried to lift himself up off of his cock, but his chest had grown so massive, it weighed him down. His pecs were so large that they each looked like king sized pillows strapped to his chest. Growing wider and thicker by the minute. Even his nipples had grown larger and extended outward looking extremely erect. Erik kept trying to push himself into an upright position, but every slight movement of his hands sent waves of pleasure up his cock and down to his balls making them grow bigger even faster. As Erik pushed himself up, he couldn’t keep up his pace with his growing chest. For every inch Erik got himself up, his chest would grow an inch back down towards his cock, raising his torso up on his cock like a car jack. “Getting…too…heavy-” panted Erik. With one last growth spurt, Erik’s pecs grew down and pressed against his cock. The pleasure of his hands pressing against his cock and now his pec valley massaging it, Erik’s arms gave out and his pecs came slamming down onto his dick. Erik let out a roar and gallons of pre from his cock as it was squeezed between his deep pec valley. His balls swelling bigger and crushing the couch like a piece of tin foil. Erik’s pecs had grown so big, as they straddled his cock, they hit the floor below him on either side. His pecs were now the size of the couch behind him and his nipples were comparable to dinner plates. “Woah, what’re you guys doing in there?” Erik reached out and rubbed his swollen tits. Unlike before, when his pecs felt firm and hard like muscle, now when he touched them, they resembled giant water balloons filled with liquid as he poked and prodded them. Pushing down on them, he moaned and groaned with pleasure again. His pleasure was met with a new sensation as ectoplasm started shooting out his nipples. Erik’s eyes rolled back into his head as he had never felt a sensation this euphoric in his lifetime. “Fuck, this feels so weird,” said Erik as he pushed his pecs down against his dick as they both grew bigger. “But so…GOOOOOOD!” The giant man started gyrating his hips forward, rocking his big body on his cock that now dwarfed him. His cock was now at least twice as tall as the rest of his body and his long legs were barely touching the ground from how girthy it had become. Erik hugged his pecs and lifted them up only to push them together against his cock. Both his pecs and cock leaking ectoplasm out onto the floor like three fountains making giant puddles around him. “Master desires more!” moaned more ghosts that appeared above Erik’s head. “Yes! Your master wants more!” A few ghosts flew down and were absorbed by Erik in an instant. Erik smiled as he felt more parts of his body start to grow. He reached his arms down and hugged his pecs and cock as they thickened. His biceps pressed against his cock as they inflated like balloons growing bigger than tires in no time. They were also lengthening downwards towards the ground so Erik could actually get a grip around his girthy manhood. Joining in on the growth were Erik’s legs. Destroying whatever remained of his jeans, Eriks quads swelled out to the size of tree trunks and crushed his giant cock between them. Erik would never have a thigh gap again with how fat his legs were becoming and would walk in a permanent waddle. As his legs lengthened down to be firmly planted on the ground, Erik could get a better footing for bucking his hips forward to stimulate his cock further; his muscular legs now being able to move all the tons of pounds he was packing onto his frame. Along with his legs, Erik’s ass received a substantial boost in size as it bubbled out behind him. Rising higher in the air like bread baking in an oven. His hips widened to accommodate his massive legs and inflating backside. His cheeks became so wide that he could fill an entire couch with just his ass alone as it rose closer to the ceiling. Erik’s back was next to transform and swell out. With every passing second, Erik’s back became wider than the double doors he was able to walk through earlier. His boulder shoulders, now the size of actual boulders, extended further to his sides closer to the opposing walls. His lats pushing his arms out to the sides more than his biceps already were. Deep ridges formed across Erik’s expansive back as his back muscles strengthened into a massive display of size. While Erik’s muscles had been growing, all along he had been gaining height as well. His legs had lengthened longer, his back had extended upwards, and even his neck grew higher as his head threatened to be swallowed up by his traps. Even with Erik kneeling on his cock, his head was close to touching the ceiling with each vigorous thrust. “So…much…POWER! MUST HAVE MOOOOOOOORE!” roared Erik. He had become a giant man of size and strength. His entire body was beginning to take up the entirety of the upper landing. All of the furniture had been crushed by him and his body was nearing the walls on all sides of him. The head of his cock pressed up against the window on the other side of the room, taking up the entire view from it. “This is better than I ever could’ve imagined!” “No! You weren’t supposed to keep growing. You were supposed to die!” came Jonathan’s voice. Abruptly, Erik’s transformation halted and he stopped growing. “No. NO! I WANT MORE!” screamed the giant. Erik sat up on his cock to his full height and his head punctured a hole in the ceiling without breaking a sweat. “You’ve gotten enough size. My minions won’t be making you any bigger.” Erik looked up and around trying to find anymore ghosts, but they had all disappeared. “NO! THEY WERE MINE TO CONTROL! I AM THEIR MASTER!” Erik roared and slammed his fists into the ground, but he hadn’t realized his own strength when he did. The wood below him splintered and cracked as he felt his body become off balance. The floor was giving out below him and Erik’s body came crashing down to the bottom floor with a loud slam. Debris littered the floor as the dust cloud started to clear to reveal Erik’s giant form. Erik coughed as he got his bearings back after the destruction of the top floor. He hadn’t realized how much he had really grown until that moment. Standing atop his cock with his tanker balls behind him, he looked around and the massive door he had come through could maybe fit one of his massive arms through. Behind him, the stained glass portrait shone moonlight through it that lit up Erik’s wide back, balls, and ass and the shadow he casted eclipsed the entire down stairs entryway. “WHERE ARE MY SERVANTS! YOUR MASTER WANTS TO GROW MORE!” shouted Erik. “They aren’t going to listen to you. I’m their true master,” said Jonathan. Erik looked around at the halls and doors around him to see they had closed. “YOU? YOU ARE MASTER OF NONE! I AM THE TRUE MASTER! YOU TRIED TO TAKE CONTROL OF MY BODY FOR YOUR OWN SELFISH INTENTIONS, BUT FAILED MISERABLY! I AM THE MOST POWERFUL MAN ON THE PLANET AND I WON’T LET SOME WEAKLING LIKE YOU STOP MY ASCENSION INTO GODHOOD!” Erik closed his eyes and flexed every muscle in his body. He felt the ghosts’ energy coursing through his veins and felt the power he held. “COME TO ME MY SERVANTS! GROW YOUR MASTER AND I WILL OFFER YOU RELEASE FROM THE HOLD YOUR OLD MASTER HAS HAD ON YOU!” Erik looked up and a single ghost appeared from invisibility floating above his head. This one looked familiar, like Jonathan almost, except smaller. “Do you really mean to let us escape from our exile in this realm? My brother has kept many of us here for centuries.” Erik straightened his back and looked the ghost dead in his eyes. “I promise to let you pass on to wherever you go at the end. I’ve searched my mind and body and the ghosts that have already been absorbed are no longer a part of me. Only their energy remains. Their spirits have been set free,” said the giant. The spirit smiled lightly and then opened his arms. As he did, all of the doors opened and he flew into Erik’s body. Erik smiled as a familiar energy flooded his system. His entire body began to surge with size as all of the ghosts in the house flew into him and fueled his growth spurt. One by one, ghosts hit him from every angle, making him swell immensely bigger. Every part of his body doubled its size as he pulsed larger. His muscles grew larger and denser as his body pressed against the walls. His dick sprung forward towards the front door and banged directly into them like a train. His ass and balls inflated behind him like giant balloons crushing the stairs with ease. “HAHAHA YES! MORE! MORE!” Erik laughed maniacally as the entire room became full of him. He bent his arms in an effort to keep his body contained within the room, but he was fighting a losing battle. His head grew upwards through the hole he had made and his view of the second floor returned. His shoulders and arms extended through the numerous bedrooms with ease. His legs were forced to his sides and they grew into the walls of the first floor. Demolishing the living room, the dining room, kitchen, and any other room that stood in his way. His pecs grew forward and slammed themselves into the window in front of them and as they did, the pressure of the tightening space made gallons of ectoplasm shoot out of him like fire hydrants. Erik moaned and thrusted his hips forward as he cock grew bigger than an 18-wheeler hitting the door like a battering ram;ectoplasm constantly leaking from his tip. “THIS HOUSE IS GETTING A LITTLE SMALL FOR MY TASTE!” Erik felt all of the walls pressing into him and then the sounds of the foundation breaking could only make the giant’s cock throb harder. ___________ “Jake, slow down. Erik is probably still awake and if he hears us coming, we’re fucked,” said Erik’s friend Lucas as he caught up to his friend Jake. “Relax Lucas. This house is massive. I bet he wouldn’t be able to hear us if we were blasting an air horn on our way inside,” responded Jake. The pair walked up the driveway to the house dressed in zombie costumes, holding a few bluetooth speakers and cameras. “We just have to slip in, set up a few of these speakers and cameras around the house, and get to the basement. Then we’ll be able to watch Erik piss himself over and over again from how scared he gets.” “Yeah, yeah, I know. Just let’s make it fast. This place gives me the creeps.” They came upon the front door and stood in front of the tall wooden doors. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of this place too. It’s just a house. There’s nothing to be scared of.” Jake leaned forward, reaching for the handle, but jumped back suddenly when there was a loud bang on the door. “YES! MORE! MORE!” came a loud low voice from behind the door. “What was that?” Lucas’s eyes shot open and stared at the door as another loud knock hit the door. “Just the wind?” said Jake as bang after bang hit the door. The old wood bowing forward towards them more and more with each hit against the door. The friends looked down at the bottom of the door as a glowing white liquid seeped under the doorway and out onto the porch. “What is that stuff?” asked Lucas as he started to back away. “I don’t know…” Jake stepped backwards as the sounds of wood cracking filled the air. Looking ahead, the door began to splinter and cracks formed along the hinges. In a loud explosion, a giant flesh colored wall burst forth from the door towards the pair. “What the fuck!?!” screamed Lucas as he turned around and ran in the opposite direction of the house. Jake was frozen in place as the monster emerged from the doorway. Pushing forward towards him quickly as it tore away the walls on the sides of the door it had just bursted through. “What is that?” Jake said in shock as that white glowing liquid flowed out of a hole at the tip of the monster. “I don’t wanna find out! Jake, get out of there!” Lucas had run down the driveway of the house and watched as the worm-like monster slump towards Jake. Jake blinked multiple times as the beast towered over his head raining goop onto the ground. “Right, Right!” Jake’s senses returned to him as he heard more wood breaking and the sounds of bricks being crushed. He turned and ran away from the house as Lucas could see a figure through various windows moving. “Erik! Is he okay?” cried Lucas with a realization. Jake caught up to his friend and looked back at the house. “Maybe that thing ate him.” They looked at the house and the sides of it began to morph and bend as something inside threatened to break it down. “Should we call someone? This doesn’t seem normal.” The monster that came out the door kept growing across the front lawn and the glowing liquid began to flood it. “You got ghostbusters on speed dial or someth-” Jake’s thought was cut short as a giant arm bursted out of one side of the roof. It looked massive, like it could fit both Lucas and Jake in the palm of its hand. Another sprung free on the opposite end of the house that was just as big. The biceps were easily bigger than a car and still seemed to be getting bigger. “Holy shit…” Next came two legs that shot out the front of the house. The feet on them were taller than a person and calves bulged with power as they widened the holes. Lengthening out further into the lawn, the thighs to the legs cracked the ceilings of the first floor and brought chunks of the second floor off with them. “Is that-” With one final bang, the entire house came crashing down around a mountainous body that emerged from the wreckage. Two giant pairs of pecs pushed forward out of the second story window. Each big enough to fill an entire room and the fountain sized nipples leaked gallons of that liquid out onto the body. Out of the roof popped a giant head with short spiked white hair and glowing green eyes; the head being much taller than the two men that stood before it. “Erik?!?!” the two said in unison surprise. He was a giant that had demolished the house he had been staying in. Their friend rose higher and higher into the night sky as more of the house was destroyed by him. Debris rained down and cleared away as the giant put his hands on cock. He moaned so loud that Jake and Lucas covered their ears out to avoid their eardrums bursting. “HAHAHA! WHO’S THE MASTER NOW JONATHAN!!!” Erik’s deep voice echoed out from his big mouth. His pecs bounced with every laugh he bellowed and sent shivers down his friends’ spines. He jerked his cock that looked bigger than an airplane as two silhouettes appeared behind him. In the moonlight, Lucas and Jake could see the spheres pulsing bigger with each jack of Erik’s cock. “Are those his…balls?” Lucas gulped down his saliva as he saw the orbs rising higher behind the giant. Each one the size of a normal house filled with a metric ton of cum. Erik’s moans became faster as he pressed his cock between his pecs and gave himself a pec job as more ectoplasm was squeezed from his tits. “Lucas, we’ve gotta move! I think he’s gonna-” With an earth shaking rumble, Erik’s dick shot a massive volley of cum onto the landscape below. The initial blast flooded the front lawn and Lucas and Jake along with it, but with balls as big as Erik’s he was far from over. Shot after shot, Erik rained ectoplasm down upon the town below as his balls emptied out all of the cum they had been producing. After what felt like an eternity of cumming, Erik’s shots became smaller and smaller. Puttering out so as to only add to the lake of cum he had shot all over the front lawn of the estate. Erik’s chest heaved up and down as the giant basked in the afterglow of his orgasm. The moonlight illuminating his incredible body. Taking a deep breath, Erik felt how powerful he was and how massive he’d become. He was the biggest creature on the planet by a long shot. Nothing could be bigger than him. Looking around, he saw the rubble of the house around him. Broken wood planks and crushed wooden planks were scattered across the grounds as he shifted his body around. Looking out at the landscape that wasn't obscured by his body, he saw the entirety of it covered in his cum. The moonlight reflected off of the glowing substance giving it a ghostly vibe. Erik was brought out of his relaxing daze as he heard some movement below him. Pushing his pecs down and surveying the area, he saw two little figures wiggling around drenched in his cum. “WELL LOOK WHO’S HERE.” Erik smirked and reached forward and grabbed the two tiny men in his massive grip. Erik brought them up to his face and looked at his tiny friends that were no bigger than action figures to him. “SORRY, DIDN’T MEAN TO SCARE YOU LITTLE GUYS. I’M NOT GONNA HURT YOU TWO!” Erik laughed and the low, loud voice rattled the bones of his friends. “Master…” said Jake in a monotone voice. Squinting his eyes, Erik looked at his friends and saw their skin had become pail. Their eyes glowed green and were voidless of any thought as he held them in his hands. “Must make Master bigger,” came Lucas as well. Erik opened his palm and his friends bowed down to him. “HMM, I’M YOUR MASTER NOW, HUH?” Erik’s face morphed into a grin as he began to stand up, his giant footfalls sent earthquakes all over the town. “HAS A NICE RING TO IT.” Standing at over 100 feet tall and weighing thousands of pounds, Erik began to walk towards the town with his cock and balls dragging along the ground behind him. Ready to see just how much of the town had succumbed to their new ruler and already feeling his next load coming on to indoctrinate any survivors who dare go against him.
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Hope you enjoy the start of a new story! Food of the Gods Part One “Vince!!” From across the bar, Mason shouted at the top of his lungs. Mason was sitting at a table in the corner, looking fairly content, if not almost jubilant, with a greasy hamburger, fries, and a half a beer in front of him. Taking off his black woollen hat, Vince crossed over to his table, not making eye contact with the bartender and servers who definitely wanted him drinking if he was taking up space. “Just the fella I wanted to see!” Vince extended his hand to Mason, but his friend grunted slightly and then hungrily picked up the hamburger instead of shaking Vince’s hand, and took a huge bite. “You texted me, Mason. You told me I had to meet you here..” “Sit down. Sit down. Want a beer?” Mason took another bite, practically forcing half of the burger into his mouth. “No thanks. Too many carbs. I’m good.” “It’s on me. Get a beer. Maybe you want a whiskey?” “Beer would be great.” As Vince loosened the scarf his mother had knitted him last year for Christmas, Mason waved his hand at the server and forcefully pointed to his beer. Vince imagined how much the server must loathe Mason’s non-verbal bar communication signalling he wanted another round. Mason was in the bar most nights, so Vince was sure the staff must be used to his demeanour, but it didn’t make it any less off putting. Once he had gotten the servers attention, Mason threw a handful of fries into his mouth and then looked Vince in the eyes. “Rumour on the street is that for the past four months you’ve been selling that legendary cock of yours for $50.00 blowjobs.” Mason always was a straight shooter. “Yeah, well, desperate times. Since I was cut loose due to cutbacks, I’ve been struggling a bit. Need to use what I got.” Vince wasn’t ashamed of what he had to do to make some money. He was just surprised the news had spread all over town so quickly, especially since he drove 40 miles into Wichita to hustle his ass. In the last two weeks, he had gone further than receiving blowjobs from patrons and had been fucking three to four different men or women a night. “Understandable. That’s why I thought of you when this fell into my lap the other day. Do you…”. Mason grew quiet as the Server came over to the table and deposited Vince’s beer. He didn’t speak again until he was far enough away. “Do you know what this is?” Mason dug into his pocket and removed a plastic bag which he held up for Vince. Inside was a handful of what Vince could only guess was dried corn. “Got me. Chicken feed? And if this is about raising turkeys again to sell for Christmas, I’m out. I still have scars on my hands and wrists from last time.” “We’re not going back to the turkey biz, Vince. This is going to be bigger. Much much bigger. What do you know about Professor Regwood?” “Who?” Vince took a sip of his beer as Mason hungrily finished off the last of his fries. “This was before your parents moved you here. I think he came to Tander around 1980… 1981.” Vince hated when Mason talked with his mouth full, but he couldn’t deny that his friend was a great storyteller. Sure, most of the things he came up with were bullshit… but it was always entertaining. “Apparently he’d been a chemistry professor or researcher… kind of like you…” “I am a chemistry researcher. The lab let me off like every other place in this area. If my mother wasn’t so sick, I’d move somewhere else and I’d be working again.” Vince didn’t know why he was defending himself to Mason. He didn’t know why their relationship was always competitive, but it was. “I’m not arguing with you, Vince. It’s the main reason I told you to meet me here. I’m just giving you some background. Professor Regwood was exactly that. A professor. He taught at University of California or Nevada before being thrown out for ‘unethical practices;’ whatever that means. I've done some research online and all mentions of him working at any university have been wiped clean, so I’m guessing whatever it was was pretty extreme.” Mason paused for a moment to close his eyes and probably gather his thoughts. Like an uncontrolled creature, his hand reached out for more fries, but the basket was empty. Upset, he flipped it over and grabbed for his beer. “He moved here without his wife or son. That’s still a mystery. I never even heard of them till about 5 years ago… long after Regwood was dead. I’ve discovered evidence of them both leaving California with him, but never arriving here to Kansas. I reached out to some relatives, but none of them were very close with her and had no clue or cared about her whereabouts “ “You ever think about joining the force or the FBI? You’re pretty good at this research shit.” Vince took another mouthful of beer and wished Mason hadn’t eaten all of his fries. He was starving and couldn’t afford to buy some of his own. “Unfortunately I was never fit like you are. They wouldn’t take me. Anyway… local legend…” “Local legend?” “Local legend has Regwood moving here to do research on something called Herkalor IV.” “How the hell you know all this?” “My grandfather, you remember him, he was chief of police. You know that. He used to tell me stories just before he died. Can I continue?” “Go on.” “This Herkalor IV was some alkaloid that would help create an extendable food source.” “A what?” “Damn! For being so friggin smart, you’re thick! It would grow livestock bigger. Bigger cows… bigger chickens… bigger pigs…” “I get it.” “Apparently, the initial testing was done on six chickens. My grandfather interviewed Mr Skinner who supposedly worked for Regwood with the feeding and care of them. He confirmed the stories. He said the chickens grew to about six times their original size and were totally healthy. Unfortunately for Regwood, he had to terminate the experiment because the chickens started turning against them both; acting violent… attacking both him and Redwood. Of course, this was before the wasps and rats got at the feed mixed with Herkalor IV.” “Come on. This is bullshit.” “I’m telling you what I’ve been told. Everyone who lived through this is pretty much dead, but if they weren’t, they’d tell you it was 50 wasps and 20 rats that grew and began to attack residents. That I call bullshit. My grandfather said it was something like 2 wasps and 5 rats that were easily handled with rounds of bullets. He said that in all likelihood, they were only beginning to grow and who knows what the hell might have happened if they had been allowed to continue.” “Regwood was found dead at his house. Autopsy showed it to have been from anaphylactic shock. Killed by multiple bee stings on his hands and face. My grandfather guessed they were caused by some giant bee, but none were discovered. He did say that he did wonder if what Regwood had been working on caused the sudden emergence of killer bees in the US. Who knows.” Mason pointed to the server for another round for both of them. “Skinner pointed my grandfather to the chicken feed, and it was taken in as evidence. Evidence that was never used, but the bags of it remained in large air proof totes in police holding until recent flooding hit the basement.” The story paused while the server delivered the beers and waited for payment from Mason. Smart kid, Vince thought. Wonder how many times Mason got drunk in here with no funds available to him. “Alan, you know my Alan, he came in early to work at the station three Monday’s ago to find the basement under 4 feet of water. Paperwork and boxes that should have been destroyed 20 years ago were now floating around and causing havoc. It took 3 weeks for the cleanup to be completed, and eventually they delivered to me, at the dump, 25 cartons of moldy ass paperwork and two totes filled with feed to incinerate.” Mason grinned at Vince. “And?” “Two totes filled with seed!” “What? You’re thinking this feed is the same shit that made the chickens grow.” “I know it is.” “Prove it,” “Thought you’d say that.” Mason pulled himself up from the chair he was sitting in, shocking Vince for the first time since he sat down. From when they had been kids and through their teenage years, Mason had always been shorter and pudgier than the 6’3 Vince. Vince guessed that Mason stood about 5’6… maybe 5’7 on a good day. He had always made up for his lack of height with a round belly and a quick, if not sometimes, cruel mind. Now though, as he stood for Vince with a shit eating grin, it was obvious that all of that had changed. Mason was still overweight, but he now towered above the sitting Vince at around 6’2. “Holy fuck!” “Gained this from a handful.” Mason sat back down in the chair and leaned into Vince. “Shit makes everything grow, if you get my meaning!” “You're lucky it didn’t kill you.” “Sometimes you need to take risks. This one was worth it. I’m slightly over 6’2 now and my 5 inch cock grew to nearly 8 inches when hard.” “Fuck.” “Took it last night. The growth stopped around 10 this morning.” Looking at Mason now, it was obvious to Vince that Mason was indeed much bigger than the last time he had seen him, which had been about a week ago. It wasn’t that he had simply grown taller. Mason's entire body had… Vince searched for the word he was thinking… magnified. Everything was bigger… including his sizable stomach. “Damn! You’re nearly taller than me now.” “Yeah. If my cock grew anymore, I could start selling myself like you… but I have a better idea. That’s where you come in.” Mason leaned in closer still till Vince could smell the beer and burger on his hot breath. “I want you to use that chemistry brain of yours and find out what exactly Herkalor IV is. How does it work? How does it make shit grow? How can we remake it and use it to our advantage?” “You said you have two totes. Sell it to the highest bidder. You could make a mint.” “I can’t. It’s stolen property. I was supposed to incinerate it. Remember? I can’t just go around selling laced chicken feed.” “True.” “But, if you could figure it out… you could remake it… and we can sell it.” Mason’s eyes gleamed as he talked about money. “It’s not that easy…” “You must really love selling ass if you aren’t interested in this.” “I don’t love selling ass…” “Then take the corn and let me know how it works. How long do you think it will take?” “To recreate it? I have no clue.” “Isn’t that what you used to do?” “Kind of. Finding out the chemical properties of different vaccines or drugs and re-engineering them to make off-label brands is a little different from what you want. Besides… I don’t have the things I need…” “I thought you’d say that.” From Mason’s coat pocket he pulled a thick white envelope. Putting it on the table, he slid it over to Vince. “Open it.” Vince did as he was told. Inside were about 40 100 dollar bills. “That should get you started. There’s more where that came from. This…” Mason pulled a second envelope out of his pocket. “This is for you. To help tide you over. Another 3,000 dollars.” Vince badly wanted to grab the other envelope and shove it in his jeans pocket, but he stopped himself. “Maybe you should just burn the feed. Like you said, it's dangerous. What if more rats ate it?” “You don’t need to worry. I’ve got it safely contained where nothing can get at it.” Mason leaned on the table as best as he could. “You really surprised me, Vince. I thought you’d be jumping at this chance. Don’t you want to be rich? Don’t you want to help your mother out? Make her comfortable in what could be her last days?” “Of course I do.” “Don’t you want it to be like it was when you were Captain of the football team back in highschool. Fuck!! Those were the days! You were the fucking golden boy. You had pussy falling at your feet, was on that float in the Thanksgiving parade, and even got your face on the front of the paper. You had everything. I thought you were gonna be a huge star… take the world by storm. But, let’s be honest, you wasted it. You were just a tall kid with a big cock and a great body. You didn’t know what you were doing and didn’t have anyone to guide you… direct you. Imagine if you had all of that back again. You're smarter now… college graduate… better head on your shoulders. You could have all of it… and more. Lots more. Imagine the money you could be making.” “Say I did do it. How would we split it?” “60/40. You take the bigger percentage. You did all the work. I just found the shit.” “You’d give me 60 percent?” “Sure. 40 percent of a couple of million would be enough for me.” Vince knew that there had to be a catch, but the money sitting on the table was calling to him. “Look, Vince. I know you owe three months on rent and they’re threatening to evict you. You have no food in the house, and your mother’s fighting cancer in the hospital. Let me help you by making you help yourself. Find out how the Herkalor IV works… how you can remake it… and let me take it from there. By this time next year… we might be rolling in dough.” “I don’t know.” “What have you got to lose? I mean… let’s be honest, Vince, your life is shit. You're thirty seconds away from either living on the street or moving back in with your mother, which at your age is pathetic. You don’t have a girlfriend or a boyfriend or anyone in your life. I mean… come on… even I have a guy and a girl I fuck regularly!! You’ve been out of work for 8 months and can’t get a job bagging groceries. It’s either this or just put yourself out of your misery. You know what I mean? “I know what you mean.” “This is your chance to get what you had back… possibly even more. Your final chance to hold your head up… way up!” Masons fingers played with the empty fries basket. Looking down at them, Vince could see how much larger they were… thicker… chubby but stronger looking. If Mason decided to punch someone now with that fist… he’d do some serious damage. “I should be able to order the stuff I need tonight… get it delivered tomorrow. It’ll take me a little while to synthesize it.” “We need to be quick, Vince. We need to strike as soon as we can.” “How are you going to explain your new size?” “I’m not. It is what it is. It’s not like I’m fucking King Kong or something! Besides, at this height and size, who’s going to question me? “I’ll need to deposit that money… pay my landlady…” “Have what you need delivered to my cousin Kenny’s place.” “Why there?” “He’s in rehab so the place is empty. Besides… he has a barn which will be the perfect place to set up.” To sweeten the deal, Mason slid the fat envelope closer to Vince. “This will solve a lot of your problems… and there will be a shit load more where this came from. I promise. Is it a deal?” Vince looked from the envelope to Mason. Finally, need won over fear and he grabbed it and put it in his jacket pocket. “Smart boy.” “I still think it’s crazy… but… who knows. I thought the internet was a crazy idea!” “Go deposit that before it’s too late and order what you’ll need. I want you starting on this by tomorrow night. You can stay with me at Kenny’s. Bring anything you think you’ll need. And don’t tell anyone what we’re doing. It needs to be a surprise.” “Alright.” Vince chugged the rest of his beer, put on his hat, and stood up from his chair. As he turned to leave, Mason stopped him. “Be at Kenny’s tomorrow. Early.” Mason watched Vince exit the bar much faster than he had come in. As he took a sip of his beer, he winced as he felt his feet grow slightly thicker in his recently purchased sneakers. He had thought the growth had stopped this morning, but it had begun to rear its ugly head again about 15 minutes ago. All during the conversation with Vince, he could feel himself growing slightly larger. He could feel it in the tightness of his clothing, how much smaller the chair was feeling, and how his stomach moved closer and closer to the table. He guessed that when he had left the house that morning he had been around 6’2 and now he guessed that he was closer to Vince’s height of 6’3. The chemical that made him grow was no doubt leaving his body, and these small growth spurts were probably the last of it. Maybe he’d grow an inch more. He didn’t mind the thought of that at all. Looking over at the server, Mason waved him over to his table. “I’d like another burger. A double. With fries. And bacon. I’ll get another beer as well… and whatever you’re drinking.” Mason paid his bill and watched the server walk away, feeling how much more room his cock and balls took up in his briefs. He was proud to be sporting, what he could only guess without seeing, was now over 8 inches. It felt good being this big. He was really enjoying it. Walking in the parking lot to go pick up some new clothes at Walmart, Mason had taken in how people watched him maneuver his much larger body. He had been lucky that at home he had sweatpants and a sweatshirt that were large enough to fit him, but he hadn’t been so lucky with underwear. As he walked commando around the store, picking up clothes that would fit, he found himself getting hard as he noticed more people glancing his way with admiration. Yeah. Being big was a powerful feeling that, now he had it, he never wanted to lose. He had to pee. Leaving his new jacket on the chair, Mason stood up Looking around at the bar from his new height, Mason thought to himself how different the bar and the patrons looked from this perspective. Much more… insignificant. Walking to the bathroom, Mason noticed that his new jeans had already started to rise up slightly revealing his socks, and when he reached the narrow hallway, Mason found that he had to maneuver himself differently to get through the narrow door and into the bathroom.. Pulling out his 5 inch soft cock caused Mason to chuckle. He was seriously growing down there. He was now as big soft as he had been hard. Wait till he hooked up with Alan. He was sure that he wouldn’t be able to get enough of his now much longer and fatter cock… not to mention the rest of his body. Sure, the Herkalor IV had also grown his fat, making him over 120 lbs heavier than he had been yesterday, but he could deal with that. In fact, he actually liked his bulk in this new body. It made him seem even bigger than he was… more imposing. After relieving himself, Mason stood at the urinal and watched as his cock began to harden. He was in awe as he watched it plump up thicker and longer. When fully erect, it now had to stand at a whopping 9 inches long and 4 inches thick. Fuck! He was nearly bigger than Vince was and he knew that boy was packing a serious 10 incher. His balls had also doubled in size and now hung lower and larger in his sack. As he stroked himself, Mason commended himself on his own brilliance. At first, he had wanted to try the formula on a mouse to make sure that it worked and that it wouldn’t kill him, but paranoia drove him to take a handful himself. He was so concerned that the police might be checking out his place for the feed that he took it over to his cousin Kenny’s and hid it in the safe in his basement. There was no way anyone was going to come and take his new size and his new revenue away from him. The feed falling into his lap was like a gift from god… and it was a gift he was going to use to its fullest. Mason grunted as his cock suddenly swelled thicker in his hand. As his feet grew even more crowded in his sneakers, he felt both his torso grow longer and his stomach fatter. His t-shirt rode up over the bottom part of his belly just as a roll came pouring out, revealing his belly button. With both hands, he pulled it down to cover his bulk, but it refused to stay, continually riding up. As his cock flexed and proceeded to grow slightly longer, Mason groaned. The Herkalor IV had to nearly be out of his system. It had been nearly 24 hours since he ate, and he hadn’t even ingested that much. His shoulders broadened as his cock proceeded to near the 10 inch mark. 10 inches!! All of his life he used to imagine what he would do if he was built like Vince and had 10 inches of cock… and now he nearly had it. He most certainly would have it, if not more, by the end of the day! He might just end up packing 11 inches of cock by the time this was over. Alan was a real size queen at heart, and even though he let Mason fuck him, he was always remarking about how huge his ex husband had been. Yeah. He couldn’t wait to surprise him with this piece of meat. Another guy entered the bathroom and Mason found himself quickly trying to do up his pants, not realizing how difficult that was going to be with his cock so huge and so hard. Chuckling to himself, he turned so that the new patron in the toilet could see all of him. The stranger's eyes grew wide as his 10 inches came into view. “Sometimes it sucks being this huge… but what the fuck can you do? Interested in having a go on it?” The guy turned red and went into the available stall. “Guess not.” Laughing, he did up his zipper the best that he could, and pulled down his shirt to cover the immense bulge. He then opened the door without washing his hands and walked back to his table where his food was waiting for him. Hell yeah! He was starving and needed to eat before he headed over to his cousins. The guy from the bathroom walked out and joined his friends who all proceeded to look over in his directions. Lifting his beer, Mason looked back and toasted them. Hell yeah!! This was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He was like a kid on Christmas Day!! As he ate, Mason thought about the money that would be pouring in once Vince could remake the formula. Maybe even improve on it! It had been around 4 am, as he was growing, that Mason had come up with his money making scheme involving Vince. Vince had never been the brightest bulb, and Mason knew that his vanity, his longing to be relevant again, and his money situation would have him take part in his scheme. He knew Vince wouldn’t be able to resist the $3,000, but Mason had stashed another $2,000 in another pocket just in case he had to use it. Now Mason had him exactly where he wanted him. Vince would reproduce the formula for him and if Mason felt generous enough, he’d give him 10 percent. Like he told Vince, businesses would pay big bucks for the formula… but so would some people who would do anything for power. He could imagine some politicians, some film stars, some guys in the mafia paying major bank to grow taller! Also, looking on the internet, Mason found a whole community of people who’d also pay to watch someone grow. He could pay some guy to take the formula and then put him on Only Fans. Maybe have a whole stable of giant guys and girls. He could pimp them out at a million a go! Oh yeah. Soon… very soon… he was going to have enough money to do whatever he wanted. Let the world deal with a giant problem. He’d laugh as he lived in a villa somewhere far away! Mason caught himself loudly grunting and nearly spit out the piece of burger he was chewing on as he felt himself shoot larger. Fuck!!! That was the strongest pull since late last night! It had really caught him unaware. When another hit him quickly after the first, Mason was reminded of standing in his living room and just jerking off as he grew bigger. Fuck!! Suddenly his world was spinning and he was feeling confined in the much tinier chair. He wanted to finish his food, but a third pull had other plans for him, forcefully grabbing him from what felt like the pit of his soul. Arching his back, Mason growled, attracting the glances of the people around him. As his clothes grew tighter, his arm shot out, knocking the glass of beer and plate of food on the floor. Everyone was watching, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't control his own body. His mouth was wide open and he was grunting and groaning like he was having a fit. He tried to force his body to be still, but the pull was too powerful. Everyone was silently staring as his bulk exploded with serious mass. When it finally ended, much to the relief of himself and all the bar patrons, Mason was shocked by how much heavier he felt, even sitting down. Starting to stand, his ass and thighs got stuck on the arms of the chair, and Mason found himself pulling it off of his body. With a forceful tug, it shot out from under him and flipped onto its back. His T-shirt rose up over his belly button giving the entire bar a peak of his now sizeable stomach. He tried to pull it down, but there was no way possible that he ever could. He had grown way too big for it, and it was pulling taught across his shoulders and his chest which now looked more like tits. Mason laughed as he looked at all of the people staring at him. His cock was hard again and with the button blown off of his jeans, the head was now rising up against his stomach. Seeing it caused his smile to grow wider. It was definitely bigger than Vince’s now, standing proud and thick at nearly 11 inches! “Umm… Mason…”. The server was standing next to him and trying to get his attention. Looking to his right, Mason needed to look down to stare him in the eyes. Hadn’t the server been the same height just an hour ago? Now he was at least two inches shorter, putting Mason at 6’4. Fuck!!! 6’4! He was pretty much bigger than everyone in the fuckin bar!! “What?” Mason grinned as the server took a step back. “You.., you need to go. You’ve had enough.” “I’ll let you know when I've had enough, and I’ve only just started. Get me another…”. Mason's stomach gurgled as it swelled larger while his shoulders spread wider, tearing a seam under his arms. His cock rose up higher, forcing his zipper to open up further, revealing more shaft and pubic hair. “Look, Mason. Don’t make me call the cops. You… you can come back tomorrow.” The cops. No. As soon as they saw him they’d know. It was bad enough if someone talked about what had gone on at the bar. Fuck!! He was stupid. “Pick up my jacket.” The server quickly did as Mason told him. When he had the jacket In his hand, Mason patted the server on the head, turned and left. Walking to his car, Mason had never felt bigger or heavier. He guessed he weighed over 350 lbs now. It wasn’t just that he was taller and fatter. No. Looking at himself in a store window… he realized that he actually took up so much more space than ever before. It was like… well… like he was now two people in one! Was it possible that even his head was larger? Fitting himself in his car was difficult now that there was so much more of him to fit in the front seat. Sitting caused his zipper to pull down completely, and his 11 inch cock flopped out along with two XL egg sized testicles. His cock was no doubt the best part of growing bigger. His cock was now bigger than 98 percent of the male population in the world, and Mason was definitely proud of that. He couldn’t wait to fuck Alan with it. And with his extra mass… there would be much more force behind his pumping. A lot more. Mason definitely felt stronger than he ever had. He never before could use his muscles to get out of anything, always having to rely on his brain and his cruelty to do that for him. He was feared by many people… but due to the variety of ways he could harm them… but none would ever have been physically. Now, he felt that if he got into a fight he could totally hold his own. Probably even win. When he got to his cousin’s farm, he would have to test out his strength and see how it was. Looking up, Mason pulled his arm back and proceeded to forcefully punch the roof of the car causing a fist size dent to erupt in his hands place. Oh yeah. He was much stronger than ever before. Much. Mason started the car and pulled out into the street. His cock was still hard, and he jerked it slowly as he drove. His mind was playing out the next couple of weeks, and he couldn’t wait till the money started to pour in. Pulling onto another street, Mason began to whistle. He was practically euphoric. For a brief second, he wondered if it was the drug in his system causing him to feel on top of the world. He felt powerful… strong… and ready to take on anything. He was definitely horny, but he would have to wait till tomorrow to go to Alan’s. His hand would just have to do. Singing a song he made up, Mason drove down the road. Paying attention more to the road and his own cock, he didn’t notice when the back of his T-shirt split, nor the seam in his right arm pit. Even with his hand on his cock, he didn’t notice how it had begun to force his grip further apart as it moved in length ever closer to twelve inches. No. Mason wouldn’t take the changes in until he was at his cousin’s house and in the bathroom, admiring himself in the mirror. Fuck, he thought. I have to be… like… 6’5! Hell yeah!!! Tall… big… and with a cock that would split anyone in two!!! I’ll need to tell Vince to get me some new clothes. Doubt he’ll be able to buy them in Walmart. Might need to go to the Big and Tall!!! Mason lifted his arm and flexed. A sizable peak rose up as he did. As he felt it with his hand, his cock hardened. Watching his new anaconda rise up had Mason drooling. It was soooo long… sooo thick! It had more than doubled in size in 24 hours Mason grinned as he began to stroke his cock while watching himself in the mirror and admiring his massive bulk.. When he came, he thought he felt himself grow slightly larger, but as he cleaned himself and the floor and the mirror off, he thought he had only imagined it. He was exhausted. Walking into the living room, he took off the rest of his clothes, lay down on the couch, and shut the lights off. He only wanted to rest his eyes for 10 to 15 minutes; needed to rest them. But, his cock had other plans. In seconds it was hard again… achingly hard… and leaking onto his stomach. In the dark, with a grin. he grabbed it with both hands and slowly began to stroke it.
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Wesley is a short-stacked college student with aspirations to become a bodybuilder. He has been bullied relentlessly for his entire life, but now he gets the chance to turn the tables on his tormenters. Feel free to rate on metabods and leave feedback/comments here or on there, thanks!
chapter 1 Marcus pov “Babe a package arrived for you says it’s from titan corp” my adorable husband ray said. I carefully went down the stairs even though they were reinforced i was still 500 pounds of muscle. I grab him from behind lifting him up “i still can’t believe I convinced you to marry me” I say kissing him. He blushes “I think I should be the one saying that your the beautiful dark god the swept me off my feet with your love of dnd” ray said looking at me with nothing but love and a little lust as he reminded me of how we got together. about 7 years ago the government randomly selected people for the titan program which was really just them testing out super solider serum on the lower class wether it work on you or not you got a fat check and all medical covered for life and free college. And it worked for me went from a 140 pounds to 500 all muscle and I’m still growing a bit. After my results and a bunch of tests I was released and went to a nearby college where I met ray a kinda chunky guy but the way his eyes lit up when he talked about dnd or his other hobbies drew me in and after we hung out a few times I asked him out the rest is history. I opened the package and pulled out the vial inside the same stuff that grew me “babe this is for you even though I think your perfect the way you are I wanted to give you the option to grow as big as me” “how did you even get your hands on this isn’t this worth millions as this point “ ray says “I pulled some strings alright don’t worry ” I put the vial in his hand “just drink it if you want to or toss it up to you babe” ray pov I didn’t even have to think about it I opened it and downed it in one go. Even though I knew he loved me for me I always had that voice in my head that I wasn’t worthy enough to be in a relationship as perfect as this one. Just seeing him walking around the house made me hard and now I was gonna grow just as big as him (picture of Marcus)
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Warning incest and probably other weird stuff down the line u have been warned first time writing here sorry if it’s a mess lotta set up in chapter 1 and maybe 2 Also writing this on phone so if the formatting is weird I apologize with that all out of the way here we go ryan got out of bed sore from yesterdays workout. feeling good he was finally making a good income off of his only fans after working for so long to be able to build up his body and fan base with the support of his older brother Ray. “come on get out here u big dork” Ray yelled. Ryan chuckled to himself only his older brother could get away with calling him a dork with him being a 6’3 hunky mix of Viking and indigenous blood “ I don’t care if your tired get out here” Ray yelled. Ryan put some blue shorts on and met his brother in the living room a similarly attractive but bespectacled man being slightly shorter at 6’2 with a lot less muscle on him. “Come on lay down if your going to help pay the bills with that body I gotta make sure your taking care of it” after Ryan lays down Ray carefully massages his muscles sometimes giving an area a playful squeeze “your lucky I took the time to learn this u big hunk imagine if u had to pay Someone for this you lucky ass” he says squeezing his brothers butt jokingly. “Now u can stay there if u want but I’m making breakfast” Ryan lays there for a bit just enjoying his less sore body watching his brother cook in nothing but his shorts and a cute apron. “He should really get back into working out again I miss him coming to the gym with me”Ryan thought “come on Prince Charming foods ready” setting a large but healthy meal for his brother and himself. “four eyes you ever gonna run out of names for me” ryan says between bites “not any time soon Goliath” they both laugh at the dumb game the have made between each other. “Now on to business” Ray says in a jokingly serious voice “ your finally making enough for the both of us I’m proud of yah you big nerd sooo what the plan moving forwards mr.swole” “Well for one with u having to take less hours now I was hoping You would join me in the gym it was fun spending time with you. Secondly I’d like to take us on a vacation ” Ryan said with a hopeful look on his face “uh sure I guess I won’t need to work so much overtime now might as well bulk back up a bit and take some time off” Ray says flexing his average but toned arms. “So when do you want me joining you in the gym ?” “how about tomorrow runt” Ryan flexing his huge 22 inch arms “whatever you say bigger bro” Ray jokes while cleaning the dishes. ryans smile fades for a second that didn’t feel right before the pandemic the roles were reversed .his ripped nerdy big brother dragging him to the gym celebrating him meeting his goals and reassuring him when he fell short. But with their parents passing Ray didn’t have as much time for the gym having to work his ass off to earn enough for both of them his body fading some what still fit but nowhere near to wear he was. “Hey I’m not bigger everywhere u half-horse” hoping to give his big bro a little confidence boost. “hey I’ll let u know the correct term is centaur” shamelessly dropping his shorts swinging his soft 6 inches around. Ryan blushing slightly “come on horse man get those pants back on we got some stuff to do.” Not wanting the admit he found that hot . Ryan enjoys his rest day by buying his big bro some workout clothes then later submerging himself in a bubble bath in there giant tub. while Ray works from his home computer as a game designer happily logging off after a dreadful 9 hours he flops onto the couch turns on the tv. Ryan flops on top of him in nothing but his towel “hey u big lug if u wanna share a spot shouldn’t it the bigger guy be the one being laid on” Ryan ignoring him passing out his head on his brothers lap “great now I’m stuck here” Ray says gently stroking his brother hair eventually passing out himself
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// Another shorter series Part 1.1 It was already midnight when I started my shift at the assembly line. I am average in every way possible, slightly below average in some aspects. My muscles developed somewhat through the years of hard labor. I stand around 5'7 feet (1.7 m) in height, and it was the first time I had listened to an audiobook that my sister gifted me just the other day. Listening to a few books calms you during work. Her words - She was cute for trying to make the monotonous work more pleasing. I was used like a robot, doing repetitive tasks for hours. Only the breaks gave me some room to breathe, and the brief toilet breaks. But it paid well, and now I had a few audiobooks to listen to. I never was a fan of books or literature. Music was more appropriate for this type of work. Starting the audiobook, I was entirely captivated by the story of a woman who changed her life. The key message of her research and talk was straightforward—almost too easy to be legitimate: "Fake it till you make it. Your body will adapt to your new behavior." I have always been rather shy around others, unable to stand crowds, and never dared hit the gym in my spare time. "Fake it till you make it, huh? " I muttered to myself when the loud whistle signaled it was time for a break. I slowly made my way towards the restrooms for a piss while I decided I'd try it. I slightly puffed my chest out, pushing my chin up instead of constantly glancing down. It was a strange feeling. It was uncomfortable to see all the other workers. Most of them were reflecting on their phones. To be honest, all of them were well-built and quite hot. There were only three urinals in the small room, which had become run down over the years but was mainly empty during break time after most workers used their working hours to take a toilet break. I was alone when I took the spot closest to the wall. I was slightly tensed when I pulled my 5-inch shaft out for a stroll. The door swung open, and one of my colleagues entered. He was huge, black, and pumped to the rims like a beast of a man. His tank top was at its limits. He had to tower at least a head or two taller than me. Moving powerfully, he slowly strolled down the small room and took the spot right next to me after nodding towards me. I inhaled slowly when I remembered to relax. To change my behavior. My shoulders lowered when I slowly smelled the potent musk next to me. "Hey man, Abed here." His voice was deep and masculine. I could feel my cock slightly harden when I almost forgot how to talk in the blink of a moment. "Liam here. This is the first time I've seen you around... Looking good, man." I couldn't resist glancing all over his body while he slowly whipped his massive cock out of his jeans. He needed both his hands to pull his fat anaconda through the fly. "That's because you always stare down at your feet. It was the first time we made eye contact... "And I have to admit... Walking with your chin up raised makes you way more attractive." I slowly glanced down toward his cock, which almost kissed the ceramic. It was almost nothing compared to his intense beam of piss. His cock was heavy enough that he didn't need hands. His thick shaft's base fought with his zipper. "Like what you see?" Abed grinned before slowly laying his colossal hand around my biceps, giving it a firm squeeze. "Are you lifting?" I slowly shook my head. "Never saw a gym from the inside." - "Really? How bout you join me after shifts from now on?" He squeezed my biceps slightly rougher before slowly lifting his enormous arm in front of my face for a flex. His hairy, sweaty pits slowly made my cock harden in my grip. His biceps alone were almost as big as my head. - I had to change my behavior... Leave my old self behind... "Fuck I'm willing to take anything to get anywhere close to your size, man." - "Can see that." Abed grinned slightly, leaning in before he wrapped his hand around my stiff shaft and pulled me against his side and musky pits. I could feel his enormous pecs and abs. He had just finished his business when he slightly leaned in until his juicy lips were right next to my ears. "I'll make a fucking freak out of you. There's only one rule... No cumming before the workout is finished." He squeezed my stiff shaft, slightly fapping it before he slowly rolled his massive shoulders back with a wicked grin on his lips. "Promise." He wiggled his hips and let his fat shaft slap from one side to the other. It had to be above 10 inches. I never saw a member that big. "I... promise...". - "And don't worry bout after the workout. I'll show you how to get some relief after a good pump." He squeezed his monstrous shaft before pushing it back inside his jeans with force. "I'll wait in front of the factory entrance after our shift. I saw his cocky grin. His hot attitude when he slowly shifted and strolled away towards the exit. My cock was still pulsating in my grip, oozing slightly when I tried calming myself down again. I feel good right now. I felt confident for the moment when I pushed my hardon back into my jeans. My pecs felt juiced up, slightly grinding against my shirt. I couldn't tell why, but my muscles felt like I had just gotten a good pump. I slowly approached the sink and mirrors, glancing at the man in the mirror. I lightly ran my hands over the V-neck I wore. It looked tighter than usual. I could see my belly slightly sticking out as if I had washed it too hot in the machine the other day. My sleeves looked painted on. I slowly tucked it into my jeans before returning to grab something to eat. Then, I returned to the assembly line, tucking my earbuds back in for the next chapter.
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Commission I did for an anonymous user on Twitter. Dean is running late getting home to see his husband for their birthday, but forgets he still has to get a dessert. He stops at the first shop he see's and finds something that might not only save his butt from his husband, but also his marriage. Part 1: 06/20 I ran across the sidewalk with my briefcase in hand. “Dammit, I’m so late.” I looked down at my phone, almost midnight. “I’m the worst husband ever.” I stumbled across many puddles and fell down in front of a lit up store front. I wiped some water off of my face as I sat up and looked at the bright neon sign. “The Sizemologist’s Caldron? I’ve never seen this here before,” musing to myself as I stood up. I looked at my phone and saw a text message light up across the screen. “Are you at least bringing ?” shined a text from a user named ‘Big Daddy’. “Cake? Cake! Shit, shit, shit! I forgot the cake!” I yelled as I wrapped my hands around my head. “Fuck, what am I gonna do?” I looked around and then back at my sizable butt in my work pants. “No, I did that last year. He deserves better for such a day.” I brought my phone down and looked into the windows of the dimly lit storefront. A light emitted from the very back of the store and I had to press my face up against the glass to see anything inside. My eyes scanned around the room until they focused in on a sign. ‘Eat Me & Drink Me’ read the sign and a smile grew across my face. “Hello! Hello!” I knocked on the window and saw some shadows move in the background. “I’m sorry! I know it’s late! I was just wondering if I could bother you to buy some sort of dessert? A cake perhaps?” I saw the outline of a very large man coming towards me. His silhouette seemed to only grow bigger as he strode closer to me. Not only did he tower over me, he sported one of the biggest guts I’d ever seen. As a light flickered on, the man’s features were revealed. In an extremely tight blue t-shirt that had ‘The Sizemologist’s Emporium’ stretched across it. As he leaned his head down to reveal a small beard and a head full of bushy blonde hair, he opened the door. “Sir, we’re open till Midnight, feel free to come in,” said the large man as he pulled the door open and stepped to the side. “Oh, uh…thanks.” I walked in and continued brushing water off myself. “Sorry I didn’t think you were open. It’s just the lights were off and I didn’t see anyone inside.” I said as I entered the shop. The room looked so much more spacious than I expected on the outside. I had to sidestep the big belly bulging out in front of the big man as it threatened to push me over when the big man swung it around to head towards the back. “Yeah, that’s my bad. The lights in here are on motion sensors at night. And normally I get up to turn them on, but I might’ve dozed off after I polished off a few pieces of sourdough bread. Woof, I really did some damage,” said the shopkeep as he patted his big belly. The ripples cascading over the blue fabric of the t-shirt. “I see, well I saw the sign from outside “Eat Me & Drink Me” and I was hoping you’d have some sort of dessert. A cake preferably.” I said and started walking over to the section. “That’s my newest section. Opened it up just a couple weeks ago. I’m Sam by the way. The Sizemologist. I run this shop,” said the shopkeep. I turned my head to see the big man smiling down at me. “Nice to meet you. I’m Dean,” I said and reached out to shake his hand. “And about the cake, I actually just sold my last cake earlier today. It was to a lovely couple celebrating their anniversary. Awe, they’re gonna have a fun night,” mused the shopkeep as he waddled past me toward a bar built into the wall. “But I have plenty of other desserts and treats for you to select from.” He lifted up an opening in the bar and squeezed his love handles through the sides as best he could. He started putting out plenty of desserts and pastries as I took a seat in the stool in front of him. Cookies all labeled with ‘Eat Me’ on them, brownies that had colorful sprinkles on top, and many selections of bread were set in front of me. I could even smell some more treats cooking in the back. “Take your pick.” “Wow, you’ve really got quite the selection here. It’s for my husband’s birthday. He loves cheesecake and I was really hoping to surprise him after I’ve been such a bad husband today.” “Oh I bet you couldn’t be that bad of a husband. You are buying your husband a cake for his birthday. That’s something,” said Sam as his head disappeared under the bar where he started rummaging around below. “Yeah, but this’ll be the one good thing I’ve done for him today. I was supposed to have today off, but I got called into the office for some emergency meeting that turned into a lot of work and I kept getting hit with project after project and I couldn’t get away from any of it until now. Almost midnight and I’ve barely spent any time with him today.” I wracked my head and shook some water from my fluffy brown hair. “You’re certainly feeling guilty and stressed about it if you’re willing to reveal that to a random customer service worker you just met,” said Sam as he came from the bar with a glass and a clear liquid in a beer sized bottle. “I’m sorry si-” “Sam, just call me Sam.” “I’m sorry Sam. I didn’t mean to put that all out on you. It’s just, my husband and I, we’ve been arguing a bit lately. And today just must feel like a punch in the gut to him.” I looked at Sam and he started putting ice in a shaker. “It’s okay. I understand, and I’ve been there. Marital troubles can be tricky. What’s got you two arguing?” I saw Sam polishing off the glass and setting it down in front of me. “You know, I really should get going. I’m already late enough as it is. I can’t have a drink right now. Maybe another time,” I said and started getting up from my seat. “Just stay and talk a moment. I promise it’ll be quick.” Sam grabbed a bottle cap opener and popped the top off. The smell from the beer hit me immediately and I froze in place. “Wow, that smells really good. Maybe I can stay for just one drink,” I sat back down in my chair and I heaved my briefcase onto the bar stool next to me. Sam had a satisfied smirk on his face as he poured the liquid into the shaker. “I thought this would change your tune. So, tell me, what’s the matter?” asked Sam as he started to shake up the drink. “It’s complicated. My husband has been a bit self conscious about his body as of late. He’s been trying to work out and grow his muscles out, but has been getting minimal results at best. He started off at maybe 120 pounds and 5 foot 7 and has only gained 10 pounds in almost a year,” I said as Sam poured the drink into the glass. “Well you seem pretty fit, big guy.” said Sam nodding to my pecs that protruded from my white button down shirt. “Maybe you could give him some pointers in the gym?” He slid the drink over to me and popped open a bottle for himself and started drinking it straight from the bottle. “That’s part of the problem. We started working out together. Before we got married, I was on the heavier side. And not in the muscly way I am now. I was fat. And just fat. No muscles. So we joined the gym together. He wanted to put on more size and I just wanted to reform my fat into muscle. I’ve succeeded so far, but he’s been not so successful.” I reached down to take a sip of my drink and my eyes nearly bulged out of my head. “Mmm this stuff is incredible! What is it?” “Made with a special rubber plant from South America, I call it “Stretchy Cider”,” said Sam as he took a swig of his own drink. “As for your husband, you shouldn’t feel guilty just because you have been seeing improvements and he hasn’t. That isn’t fair to your goals’ importance.” “I mean, sure. It’s just that I know we’ve both wanted this for a long time. We bonded a lot over fitness and wanting to grow bigger before we even committed to the gym. And we’re both sorta size queens so that plays a factor into this too. I know he wants to be a massive man with muscles all over his body and he knows I want that for him too. He just puts so much pressure on himself and I hate to see him do it. And I hate being one of the causes of it too,” I said as I took another sip of my drink. Sam gave me a morose look and put his hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry Dean. That does not sound like a fun environment to be living in.” I hung my head and let out a long sigh. “It is a bit of a toxic web we’ve sown as a foundation for our relationship. And that’s only half of it. He’s been really wanting to have kids lately. And I get it. He’s turning 40. He’s not getting any younger. But we can’t get our finances together to get a kid since it costs so much to have a single child as a gay couple. Let alone the cost to raise one. I bet with our salaries, we could have tons of kids. We’re just gay men so we can’t afford to have kids in the first place.” “I see. Well Dean, it’s your lucky day. I think I have a great birthday gift from you to your husband. Be right back.” Sam did a quick about face, leaving his fat body wiggling for a second or two after, and walked through a door to what I assumed was the back. I looked down at my phone and it read 11:55p.m. “Shit Connor is gonna kill me,” I said through gritted teeth as I brought the drink up to my lips and started chugging the whole thing. “I’ve got just the thing for you. Here’s this muffin I have. It’s for a special promotion I’m doing this week. This is a muffin that helps people be the biggest person in any room,” said Sam as he placed a red velvet muffin down right in front of me with star shaped sprinkles on top. “I don’t know, a muffin on his birthday? That doesn’t sound like the best thing to bring home to a probably very upset husband,” I said as I looked down at the muffin. Sam brought a sparkling, extravagant yellow birthday candle out and pushed it into the top. “This’ll help set the mood. Trust me, he’ll love it.,” said Sam as he started getting a bag out for it. “Alright, I guess I’ll take it. It’s not like I have many other options,” I said and reached for my wallet. “How much for the muffin and the drink?” “Just $5 for the muffin and the drink is on the house. Just come and thank me after you have your kids.” Sam winked at me and slid the bag forward. “Thank you Sam. You are too kind. I hope this works.” I pulled a $5 bill out of my wallet and grabbed the bag and my briefcase. “Sorry to keep this short, but I’ve gotta run. Thanks again!” I darted towards the door and Sam waved me off. “Not a problem Dean! You two have fun tomorrow!” yelled Sam as I walked out the door. I tilted my head at the tomorrow part, but kept running towards home. I looked down at my phone, 11:55 still. “Damn, he said it would be quick, but I wasn’t thinking that.” I kept running until I got to our apartment building. I bursted through the doors and hit the up button to the elevator repeatedly. With a ding, the doors looked like they were moving at a snail’s pace to open up. I tapped my foot and hurried in the elevator just to stand and press the close door button repeatedly in hopes it would go faster. I went up floor by floor over what took an eternity. “Come on. Come on.” With another ding, the elevator started to open up into our apartment on the top floor. I emerged from the elevator to see a short man with his hands crossed across his chest. “Finally home from work. And it’s not midnight yet. Congrats babe. You didn’t miss all of my birthday,” said the man as he walked away from me into the kitchen. “Connor, look I’m sorry. I didn’t think that this one meeting would take away our entire day!” I followed him into the kitchen until I stopped in my tracks as he swiveled on his feet to get up in my face despite his much shorter stature. “Today was supposed to be our day. I wanted to spend a lovely birthday with my husband, but it was one thing after another, again. And I get pushed to the side for your career, again. Why would I think today would be any different than any other day,” said Connor as he stormed off through the house away from me. “Please babe. I’m sorry. I just had to stay. I kept trying to get away, but they wouldn’t stop pulling me into meetings “I had to be in”.” I used my fingers to make air quotes around those words and followed him into our bedroom. “Connor, stop running from me. Can we just celebrate a little late? I did bring home a dessert for you.” I fumbled to set my briefcase down then tear open the bag Sam had given me. “I didn’t get anything for me, but I was thinking that could be part of my punishment.” Connor turned around and saw the birthday muffin I was holding. “Is that a muffin? I think I’d prefer you just give me your ass instead.” I shrugged and then wrung my head. “Connor, I’m so, so sorry. I’ve been the worst husband lately. And especially today of all days.” I walked past Connor and sat on the king sized bed in our bedroom. “I had forgotten to get you a cake and could only find this one little shop open and all they had left that you would have liked was this.” I sighed and set the muffin down on the bedside table. I could see in Connor’s face that his anger was slowly simmering down. “You’re not the worst husband in the world,” he said as he sat down on the bed with me. “I just feel like our lives have been drifting in two different directions these past few months.” We both sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity. “Yes, we are. But I don’t want us to be,” I reached for his hand and I could see tears welling up in his eyes. “I don’t either. I just feel like sometimes I can’t even talk to you about it. Some days, despite living in the same apartment as you, I never see you. You’re always at the office, or at the gym, or when you’re home, you just go into your study and don’t come out all day playing your games.” Connor had a couple of tears running down his face as we continued to sit in silence. “I’m sorry. I’ve been so wrapped up in work. Ever since that promotion last year, I just can’t get away from the office sometimes.” I put my hand on Connor’s thigh and squeezed it. “Why did you even take that promotion? You hated your job before you took it. And now it’s just gotten worse. And it’s not like we need the money. We live in a penthouse apartment in the city. While it is expensive, I make more than enough to cover it alone. That and just about all of our other living expenses. I just don’t understand why you do this job that I know you aren’t happy in.” Connor stopped his long winded question to me and I paused again. “Because I thought you wanted kids, babe. I have been busting my ass so we could afford to have some kids,” I said and Connor gave me a weird look. “Honey, we could have kids tomorrow if we want. At least start the process. Our savings account is filled with the child fund. You know this. You helped set it up with me. We even used the fund already and it’s grown the money back. This is something else.” I looked into Connor’s big brown eyes and my heart just melted. “It’s because I’m afraid.” “Afraid? Afraid of what honey.” “Afraid that we had grown too far apart to come back together again. I didn’t want to come home and face the silence and coldness that I would’ve sat in with you.” I blurted out as I started to cry as well. It was Connor’s turn to think on my words. “I knew we had been growing apart and I didn’t want to face it. But now I see running from my problem only makes it even harder to deal with.” “You took the job so you wouldn’t have to deal with me?” asked Connor. “No. No! Not at all babe. It wasn’t to deal with you. I did it cause I thought that’s what I needed. To be thrown into my work. After trying and failing to have a child and going through the painstaking process of venting and paperwork of in vitro just to have no results was heartbreaking. I couldn’t handle it.” The tension in the room could be cut with a knife as I sobbed quietly into my hand. “I understand that babe. After the surrogate failed to have any eggs that attached, I also was feeling broken. But I needed you. My husband. And you ran away to your terrible job.” Connor began to join me in crying. “I’m so sorry Connor. I was being selfish with my reaction to the news. I was doing what I needed to do to protect my own feelings. And as your husband, I needed to be there for you too.” “It’s okay. We each have our own coping mechanisms. I know that about us. This is just the first time it’s hit us so hard. I don’t think we could’ve prepared ourselves for this one,” said Connor as he put his hand on mine. “But I think we know what’s happening now. For the first time in over a year.” I cracked a smile amidst my tears and went in to hug Connor. “We are. I don’t think we really talked about what we wanted to do going forward after failing to have a kid the first time. Do you think we could do it?” “Dean, I have never had any doubt in my mind that when we become parents, we will raise beautiful children. However I do think that we need to have a lot more love in the home before we bring a child into it.” We looked into each other's eyes and hugged each other. We held each other and just breathed for a moment. We hadn’t had this much physical contact in months. “Same to you Connor. You’re gonna make a wonderful dad.” I pushed his body away to kiss him and it was like fireworks went off. This was the first time I had felt something around him in months. “I do hope we’ve begun to rekindle that love today.” “I think so. We’re definitely headed in the right direction.” Connor leaned back in and we shared a passionate kiss. I felt his hand pressing into my chest and he gripped my pecs. “And I don’t think we’ve done anything with your new body since we’ve started working out.” “Yeah and we haven’t done anything with yours either big daddy,” I smiled and kissed Connor back only to feel him lose steam part of the way through. “Uh huh, like I have any progress to show,” said Connor as he kept massaging my pecs over my shirt. “But you have babe. You’ve slimmed up since working out and now you’re starting to put on more muscle,” I went to grab at his chest but he flinched when I did. “Babe, I just spilled my guts about my tough feelings. Maybe tonight we just get all of our feelings out in the open.” “What feelings? I’m fine, babe. We were just about to have sex for the first time in forever. I’m great!” Connor started to kiss me violently and pounced onto me. Forcing me to lean back on our bed with him on top. “Hun, you’re talking to the king of not talking about things that bother me.” He broke the kiss and rolled off me. “Spill it babe.” Connor looked at me as we both lay on the bed together. “I can’t get big. I can’t be the big man of my dreams and I definitely can’t be the big man of your dreams.” “Okay, what do you mean by that?” “The gym isn’t working to get me bigger.” “And I don’t have a problem with that. Everyone’s bodies are different and gain size in different ways.” “Oh Dean, stop beating around the bush. The entirety of our relationship was based off of our shared love for growth. You remember all of the role playing we did back in the day. Do you remember that one where you were the sweet scientist and me, your science experiment that got huge. I wanted that for you.” Connor sat up and put his elbows on his knees and head on his hands. I followed suit soon after. “Connor, those were fantasies. And while they were hot at the time of doing them, I don’t really care about them now. And I definitely never expected you to get THAT big. Babe at one point we said you were over 100 feet tall and many tons of muscle. No one has even come close to that big before.” “I know, but maybe if I thought that maybe if I did get bigger, it would help us rekindle that spark.” I brought my arm around him and pulled him in close to me. “Well after tonight I hope you can put that idea out of your head since we might not be past our differences, but we are on the road to recovery.” I leaned in and kissed the short man. We sat on the bed in silence for a long time. Just me holding Connor in my arms. “I did however mention to the guy that sold me the muffin that you were having some issues in the gym and he assured me that the muffin makes men feel like they’re the biggest one in the room.” “What does that even mean? And you were talking to a random baker about that?” “I don’t know. I assumed it had a bunch of calories in it or something. But yeah. I did kinda vent to him for a sec cause I felt so guilty about how bad of a husband I was being.” I stand up and open up a drawer in the night stand to reveal a lighter. “At this point I’ll try anything to make me grow,” said Connor as he got up and stood beside me. “But that cupcake is so small, what are you going to eat?” “Think of it as a punishment to myself for being so late and forgetting to pick up a cake today.” I started to light the candle that was on top of the muffin and presented it to Connor. “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Connor, Happy Birthday to You.” Connor gave me a cheesy smile and blew out the candle. “Thanks babe. Despite all of the drama I couldn’t have wished for a better 40th birthday,” said Connor as he started eating the muffin. “Feliz cumpleaños mi amor. Did you make a wish?” “Of course. I always make a wish. You can’t not make a wish. But I’m not gonna tell you.” Connor continued to eat his muffin and was delighted by how good it tasted. “You don’t need to tell me until it comes true.” “Well then I can tell you what I wished for last year?” “What?” “You.” I smiled at Connor and leaned down to give him a big kiss. “I’m glad I granted your wish then. I just hope I can grant this one for you too.” We kissed a couple more times before we sat down on the bed. We began to make out, small moans escaping our lips as we did. “You definitely can babe. But actually,” Connor paused our kiss and let out a long yawn, “I’m feeling really tired all of a sudden. Think maybe we can pick this up in the morning?” Connor began to lie back in bed onto his pillow and tapped the one beside it. “Sure babe. Screw work if they call me in. I’m gonna spend tomorrow with my husband.” I climbed over to my side of the bed and got under the covers with Connor. “Thank you Dean. I would love that as a birthday present. As well as snuggling with you tonight,” said Connor as he wrapped his arms around my body as I faced the opposite way. “Goodnight Dean.” “Goodnight Connor.”
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- 21
Wrote a small story about a delivery man. Its more like a raw manuscript (just ignore the mistakes in some of the parts). Day 1 It was my second month working for the shady delivery company in my city. And it was the first time that I found my way around town without any navigation or maps. It was insane what people ordered and how huge and heavy some of these packages could get. But I couldn’t complain. After all I never made my way in the industry. I was a nobody. And I was built to lift heavy stuff. I stand around 6’2 and my jockish physique is quite handy in my field. To be honest it always was a fucking kink of mine to work out and feel the burning sensation in my guns each time the weights competed with my endurance. Probably one of the reasons why I never managed to start an academic career. It was just way more tempting for me to spend my time in the gym all day long with lifting, instead of reading books all day long. So there I stood in the beaming heat. My olive green shirt drenched in sweat. The outlines of my 8 inch cock grinding against my uniforms shorts while I stared at my next delivery… To be exact… It was the last delivery on my tour. The box looked regular sized. But I remembered when I had to lift that thing into the truck. It had to be above 100 lbs. Maybe even more like a whopping 140 lbs. I ran my arm over my forehead to get rid of the build up sweat before I slowly grabbed the package with both of my hands. My muscles were already sore from my workday and it made me slightly hard when I imagined how Jack, my colleague would probably give up immediately, after he’s the one in our team who was built like a twig compared to myself. I slowly left my truck behind, making my way into the expensive looking apartment complex. I rang the bell. “Delivery for Mr. O’ Connor”. There was no feedback, no answer. The door just buzzed and opened up. It was the Penthouse on the 10th floor of the building. And just when I stopped in front of the elevator I found the “OUT OF ORDER” sign. The second red flag. I should’ve probably just thrown the package down and leave without another word like my colleagues usually did. But my cock was slightly aroused just by the weight of the box alone. I could feel the challenge in my bones. And fuck. I could smell my own musk and my fucking pits soaking the fabric with my sweat. And on top of that I needed the money. That rich bastard would probably tip me for making my way all the way up. I opened the door for the stairs and slowly started making my way up. I tried to focus on something else than my throbbing cock and my bulging muscles. I was pumped by the weight of the package. I could feel the testosterone in my blood and the fucking lust running through my veins. It didn’t even bother me that the light in here were dim. I wasn’t built for cardio. Probably the reason why when I made it to the 10th floor and towered in front of the doorway which lead to the hallway, my shirt was wet and completely soaked in my sweat. I slightly adjusted my belt, forcing my raging boner in between it and under my shirt to cover it up somehow before I made my way inside the hallway towards the only, prominent door. Everything looked expensive, even the material of the wooden floor boards. I knocked on the door slowly, already squatting down to place the package in front of the door when it swung open and the biggest fucking bear of a man just glared down at me. His voice already boomed when I was about to stand back upright. “Fuck boy…. Time for your reward for your delivery, right?” His voice was deep and masculine. Fuck I felt like a runt compared to his hypermasculine body. My eyes widened when he grabbed his package. It had to be at least above 10 inches and thicker than a beercan when it slowly grew harder. His scent drove me wild when I muttered a weak “Sry sir. I’m not into men” He grabbed the package out of my hands like a fucking toy with one arm before he pulled me into his flat down on my knees and up against his massive hairy nuts. I tried to edge away with all my bodyweight but my resistance just made him harder. “You’re fucking boning boy…. Love submissive whores like you” He grinned when he just forced my lips up against his massive cockbase. The musk flooding my nostrils. My own cock pulsating while I let out a weak attempt to get off the hook: “Can’t ruin my uniform, sir” He just laughed, pulling me back onto my feet before he lifted me in a wrestling manner and tossed me through his flat onto his couch like a fucking toy. He still held the package under one of his pumped arms while his other started stroking his fat cock. “Can’t ruin your uniform… huh? Your only fear right now?” He got even cockier than before while thick strands of pre started flowing out of his fat member down onto his massive feet and calves. His hairy quads and calves probably powerful enough to crush anything in between. “Take care of it then” His low voice rumbled when he started to jerk his cock rougher. His massive nuts pushing outwards, swelling bigger before he tossed the package onto the ground to lift his second arm up in the air for a flex. He took a good whiff of his pit while his nipples pushed out fully erect. I just stared at him dazzled for a long moment while my brain struggled with my next decision. I couldn’t run off. He was a fucking berserker of a man. A monster. He could probably break me in half if needed. I could feel my hands run over my belt slowly unbuckling it. My throbbing cock already visible when I slowly got out of my shoes and shorts. My shirt fighting with my pecs for a long moment before I stood in front of him. I felt like a fucking twink. My body mainly shaved. The exact opposite to his display of power and destruction. “Not gay, huh? Your cock tells me you like what you see…. And can’t complain about the sight either…. Fuck boy you’re the jackpot” He grinned when he slowly advanced in my direction. I wanted to open my mouth and got slapped by his massive cock on my cheeks. He just grabbed me like a fucking twig, lifting me off the couch and into midair…. “Fuck boy… You really took your time coming all the way up here…. Already had a bit of foreplay.” His hands were wrapping around my biceps, holding me in position while he slowly licked over my sweaty abs and pecs. His tongue running over my nipples before he let out a low chuckle when he saw my cock twiching desperately. “Looks like you aren’t used to that type of foreplay, huh?” He slowly forced my cock in between his massive hairy pecs. “Come on…. Tell Papa that you like his monstrous pecs way more than any of your sluts tits” He flexed his pecs full mast, grinning when my cock just unloaded its complete shot all inside them at once. My abs slightly crunching in the process. “Good boy” He licked over my abs once again before he forced his small finger inside my hole after his rough hands started spreading my cheeks apart. My hands cramped around his hair on his head, slightly tugging on it but he just rammed in another one of his thick fingers down to his knuckles in exchange… I wasn’t horny any longer…. But I could feel the stimulation rise again when he hit the right spot in my ass as if he never made anything else. My cock twiched again but my balls were fucking dry…. He continued before he slowly let me slide down in his massive arms…. Grinning cockily at me before he forced his tongue inside my mouth. I could feel my cock grind against his abs now instead. They were hairy… Sculpted like small fucking mountains…. And they were pulsating. I could feel his abs flex and relax in a rythmic perfection while his fat anaconda slapped up against my back and cheeks…. “Now be a good whore and take my whole load” He lowered one of his hands to help his shaft inside my unfucked hole. I could feel the dimensions of it…. My muscles slightly cramping at the inhuman size…. “Don’t worry…. I’ll be gentle today” His low voice whispered in my ear before he forced me in for another kiss and slammed a third of his massive cock inside my ass, slowly advancing in further. My eyes widened…. My hands tugged on his skin, squeezed harder than I ever squeezed anything. I could feel my fucking quads and calves cramp around his body when he started humping his hip forward to force another inch inside my ass. His pre alone was enough to push my abs out slightly. My whole body felt…. Fucking good……. My cock suddenly erupted with another load…. *NNNNGHH FUOOOCK* My moans muffled by his tongue when my cock came a athird time. Almost as if his pre was refilling my nuts…. He just grinned when he stopped halfway in…. “Can’t ruin your hole on the first visit” his low voice was sending shivers through my body. I could feel my slightly dried cum up on my abs when my eyes widened when I felt his hot semen enter my whole. Forcing its way all inside my body. Pushing my gut outwards… *NNNNNNGHH FUOOOOCK* My eyes slightly blacked out when I clung to his arms. He pulled out after a while, tossing me on his couch… But his cock wasn’t done yet. He was still masturbating. Massive valleys of cum splashing over my body and against my face. I swallowed gallons of it while he continued, before his cock finally relaxed… He ignored me like a used toy. I just laid there for a while. Listening while the shower ran in the other room… My uniform covered in his jizz along with my whole body and got. I used the chance and pushed myself up… My muscles felt…. Fucking good. Only my ass was fucking sore. I felt cum run out of it. I found a blanket and just cleaned off as much cum as I could before I pushed myself back in my jizz-covered uniform…. I felt my sticky briefs. But I couldn’t stay here… I wouldn’t let him fuck me for a second round….. I charged back outside…. Still struggling with my pants when I already made my way down the staircase. I could feel how sticky my skin was. Like fucking glue all over me. And the fucking scent. As if he just marked his property. My cock was hard again….. I wasn’t hungry any longer…. Instead I could see my roid gut push out underneath my shirt slightly. “That fucker…” I inhaled the air…. But somehow…. I could lift a bear right now…. I rarely visited the gym, because my job usually took over tha tpart…. But this night….. I spent it all lifting and working out instead. Day 2 I felt great when I finished my workout that night. I felt like a beast, ready to breed any women in my way. But somehow I couldn’t think about tits that night. I tried masturbating to some porn. But each time when I saw it I revisited the scene from work…. How he forced me to breed his massive, hairy pecs. How he fucking used me like a toy. My cock was getting rock hard when I sprayed my load all over my chest and abs. I wiped it off, tasting a bit on my fingers tip before I focused on my abs. They looked sculpted tonight. The prominent happy trail catching my attention when I slowly ran my finger over my cum-soaked hairy abs. … Fuck’s sake… I never had visible abs…. But now there they were. A perfect six pack pumped enough to be visible even with my cum-filled roid gut. I ran my fingers further upwards over my pecs…. They felt fucking pumped. My mind was wandering and I imagined how it would’ve been if I was the fucking monster instead…. My cock got hard again, throbbing when I imagined how it was if I was the fucking hulking beast of a man towering in his doorway instead…. Crushing his fucking heavy delivery with my biceps before I return his favor… My chest so fucking dense and hairy that his cum would be just absorbed by my frame…. Fuck… I imagined how it would’ve been if he was the fucking runt barely reaching my abs. I let out a low moan before my cock exploded all over me again. I edged slightly back when it even hit my fucking face this time. “Fuck…. Probably need a shower, huh?” I grinned when I lifted my arm for a flex to inhale my stinking, weaty pits…. The workout really paid off in all aspects…. It was the first morning in weeks that I had a morning wood. To be exact…. A fucking throbbing morning wood that needed attention. But I was already late for my fucking shift when I rushed out my bed and towards my closet. I could still smell my musk…. Even forgot to shower the day before. I grimaced slightly… But there was no fucking way I’d make it on time. I forced my boxer briefs over my package. My fat anaconda fighting with my rough hands and abs before I decided to just stuff it between my belt and under my shirt. My uniform was clean again…. But the stench… It smelled like him. Like the testosterone filled air in his flat. I felt my ass cheeks flex at that thought before I forced my body inside my uniform. Struggling with my shirt and quads - Luckily we could wear shorts in the summer. I must’ve used the wrong cleaning program because I could see my hairy abs sticking out under the shirt…. And even worse… My plan to cover up my hard rod with it was turned upside down when I saw my fat member greeting me instead….. “Fuck was I always that gifted?” I ran my finger over my shivering cock and slightly grinned, before I grabbed its beercan thick mushroom-head to just force it inside my briefs with force…. “I’m in a rush fucker…” I looked in the mirror. I could see my fucking boner through the uniform…. But somehow… Today I didn’t give a fuck about it. I squeezed one of my juicy pecs before I ran my hand over my slight 3-day beard… When was the last time I shaved?... Right…. Yesterday… I could see my neck and cleavage pushing the uniform to its limits. My adam apple looked sculpted. Even greek statues would be jealous…. I never really had a jizzled jawline…. But today… I looked good… I rushed into my bathroom to brush my teeth, my cock slowly relaxing again when I finally grabbed my keys and charged out the house. My first stop was at the small lokal bakery. Jonny, a young 25 year old twunk of a man leant against the counter when I charged inside. “The usual Jonny” I let out a low grunt in my rush. I saw him stare at me… Then slowly at my cleavage, abs and bulge before he slowly wanted to open his jaw for a speech and decided to just shut up instead. It was more than obvious that he was hard again. I still remembered how many times he tried to get my number. And how often I’d turned him down. “Eyes up here” I grinned slightly before I grabbed the order and tossed him his charge. Jonny opened his mouth for a second attempt… “When did you…” “I’m already late… Gotta talk another time” I bounced my pecs slightly like I usual did, revealing even more of my hairy abs before I charged back outside. Jonny just stood there behind the counter. His 6 inches of cock throbbing in his pants. His nuts aching while he saw his best customer leave. He could see his glutes fight with the fabric. His wide shoulders and his fucking arms slightly kissing the doorway…. How…. When…. He couldn’t recall that Luke had to duck to get through their small entrance. And that scent… Fuck he smelled like a whole wrestling team. “Finally” Adam grinned when he spotted my truck on the large areal. He gaped when I swung myself out the driver seat. “Holy shit…” He stared at me like I was out of his world… “Don’t give me that look man…. I’ll help you out, no worries” I ran my hand through his hair, pinning him against my side to tease him like I usually did…. Before I remembered that I missed my shower the day before… I could feel his wiggling body, his weak fists slightly slamming against my abs… And fuck the size comparision made me slightly hard when I slowly released him to make my way to his truck. Adam was a twink… He only managed to fullfil his deliveries by begging his customers for help all day long. And couldn’t blame him. After all he was able to seduce me to lift the heavier packages into his truck since day one. Today was fucking off. The packages were all way lighter than usual. “Damn… Next time call me only if there’s something heavier to lift” I groaned and slightly adjusted my bulge while glaring down at him. He just opened his jaw again. Thinking for a long while… “I I can’t lift them Luke… You know I’m a fucking twig…. And there was even a fucking fridge for the tour…” I stopped in my haze for a moment… I just lifted a fridge and it felt like a fucking cardbox filled with beginner weights…. “Well…. In that case…. You better make it more tempting for me to help you out next time” I pinned him up against my body, squeezing his ass slightly through his jeans while I couldn’t resist the urge to compare my size to his twig-like frame…. He wanted to get away… But I just bearhugged him up against my body, muffled his words with my musky pits before I lifted him slightly off the ground just to see how heavy his body felt compared to the fridge I lifted earlier… “Damn you really should eat more” I let him back down and watched him edge away to his truck. “Fucking demon” he muttered, trying to cover up his throbbing boner. I grinned slightly. I stared filling my own truck for my tour. Just stopping when I felt my muscles strain like hell with another smaller box. This time it looked even more pathetic than the box yesterday. Two packages for the monster…. For the fucking alpha in the huge apartment complex…. My cock hardened full mast when I barely could lift both at the same time…. Whatever it was… It had to be a fucking dense material. My cockhead was forcing its way out of my shorts’ left leg, leaking pre down my hairy leg while I slowly manouvered the two packages into the truck. That fucker… The whole Tour was a fucking wet dream for me. I delivered a fucking fridge into the fifth floor and carried it like a fucking toy on one of my arms - And I could swear the man who opened me up had a boner next to his drooling girlfriend. It was strange… Each fucking package felt lighter than the package before. And after each house I visited…. I felt hornier…. I felt needier… I still remember how I took my lunchbreak to jerk off five massive loads into the woods….. Fuck I could blast another five any moment. I didn’t even bother to pull my shirt back down as my second row of hairy abs started showing during the day. It was no use…. And it didn’t bother me. Instead they tipped me for my service when I did what I was best at…. Lift heavy stuff…. My muscles burned after 8 hours of delivering heavy stuff around the town. And there I stood at the last house…. My cock throbbing already. Pre leaking from my cock’s tip onto my sneakers, soaking the fabric mesh. “Time for the last client today, huh?” I ran my hand over my package to give my greedy cock a good squeeze…. “Time to return his favor, huh?” I grinned, slowly grabbing both the packages in my truck. They were heavy…. But it just made me hornier than before when I made my way towards the apartment complex. “Delivery” my low voice growled towards the microphone before the door buzzed open. Everything exactly the same…. The elevator was out of order again when I made my way up the stairs…. I could feel the sensation of my rock hard cock, rubbing against the fabric of my way too tight shorts with each step. I could feel my hot pre drip down onto my sweaty feet every few seconds. And I could feel my hard nipples grinding against my shirt while I made sure to carry both packages directly under my stinking pits…. If I had to deliver to that fucker I wanted to make sure that his packages stank like a true man…. I felt cockier than ever when I made my way down the hallway…. Towering in front of his door again before I knocked against the door with my foot….. “Finally…” his low voice boomed when he opened up the door…. I could only see a massive set of hairy pecs, abs and a cock when he opened up the door. He stepped back a bit, grinning even cockier than yesterday when he saw me….. “Knew you’d come back for service” I just stared, not backing off this time. I made my way inside, feeling my cock screaming for release while I slowly handed him both boxes. He let them drop to the ground when he eyed me slowly…. “Fuck boy…. Can’t remember I ordered a confident bastard” He flexed a most muscular right in front of me. His hairy pecs bulging in front of my face before He let out a low chuckle. “Wanted to impress me by wearing a shirt two sizes smaller, huh?” His hand wrapped around my glutes, pulling me in against his body. I used all the strenght I had, slamming my fists against his abs…. Fuck it wasn’t like I imagined. I didn’t want to end up as his fucking toy again…. “Looks like you need a fucking lecture by your Master, huh?” He slammed me against the ground, ripping my clothes off with a single movemet. My cock was crushed against the floor and my body. He let his massive cock slap up against my ass cheeks again. Against my sculpted back… But this time…. It felt smaller… Or was I bigger? I wanted to scream but he just muffled me by wrapping his rough hand around my mouth, lifting my head slightly before I felt his hairy pecs up against my head. His cock slowly getting into position…. “You made me wait, runt” His cock got heavier. Slowly filling with blood when he slowly got it into position. “EIGHT HOURS TO BE EXACT” He slammed his mast down my hole until my cock exploded against the ground and my abs… I felt fucking defeated but he wasn’t done. His arms rippled when he wrapped his arma round my upper body, upa gainst his monstrous, sculpted frame. Hi cock pulsating inside my hole…. “Don’t even think that I’ll be gentle tonight….” His low voice whispering when I zoned out. I felt muscles…. Destruction… And I heard the sound of his slapping nuts against my pumped quads. I caughed up dense semen now and then… But he just continued. He shifted into different positions after some while…. And the worse part was his bedroom. When he decided it would be better to spend the rest of the night in his bedroom instead I was fucking done. His master bedroom was a fucking mancave. My musk was nothing compared to his stench. I still remember how my cock exploded on my way through the doorframe. And how it only made him even hornier in return. How he fucking rubbed his nuts against my chest and abs at some point to force his fat cockhead in my mouth instead. And at no point…. At no fucking point I was in charge…. He was… He used me like his personal sex slave. He fucking showed me that I was just a worm in his eyes. A fucking runt… Even when night break in he just bearhugged me up against our cum soaked bodies. He didn’t care that the fucking bed was soaked with this thick semen. He just forced me into a fucking bearhug against his pits for the night. Ignoring my weak attempts to break free….. I still remember how I woke up in the middle of the night, trying my way out of his arms again but he just thanked me for the weak attempt by another round with his fuckrod, filling me up once again with his hot seed. To be fair… It warmed me up from the inside before his bearish frame froced me back up against his pits…. He knew I wouldn’t be missed on a Sunday. And he couldn’t care less about my weak escape attempts. Even if I went to the fucking police… He’d probably just breed them instead. It was hard dreaming about outgrowing that fucker…. Because he showed me the whole time how a real man had to behave. How strong he was… And how less of a thread I was…. Each time when I tried to squeeze his glutes during the night to fill my fantasy more he just forced me back up against his sweaty pits or forced one of his thick fingers inside my hole for revenge. . . ----- I could feel my cock throbbing the moment I woke up. His massive cock grinding against my ass and quads. His sweaty pecs were kissing my shoulder blades and neck while one of his rough hand were kneeded one of my juicy pecs. I tried getting up but his second arm made sure I was locked in place. Forcing me back up against his frame into another fucking tight bearhug. I shifted…. But I couldn’t deny it…. I fucking loved the scent in his bedroom. The fucking smell of cum, sweat and masculinity in the air. I felt my boner lube up against my abs…. Fuck…. I couldn’t recall that my cock ever reached my abs while boning….. I tried to take a look…. And was greeted by my pumped, slightly hairy pecs…. Fuck…. I couldn’t recall them to be that juicy either…. I could see the peaks of my biceps slightly before his massive arms blocked my sight further down. *NNNGH* I groaned, shifting slightly in his grip when I felt his cock awaken. It was subtle at first…. His fat anaconda slowly hardening up against my quads, forcing its way in between my legs and up against my hairy nuts before it was lifting my cock up slightly…. “Morning runt” His low voice boomed in my ear when he just bearhugged me from behind like a stuffed animal. I didn’t say a word. Still pissed about our last encounter and how I ended up bottom again. “Makes you even hotter when you’re mad at me” his voice sent fucking shivers through my bones. “I’m not mad” my voice was rougher…. Lower…. It felt unfamiliar…. But in a good way…. “You’re not? Huh?” He squeeezed my nipple harder, slowly squeezing my fat cock with one of his rough hands…. “In that case…. Don’t mind me” He growled before he slowly losened his grip around my pecs. He slowly got up…. Towering besides the bed… He was tall…. But not really intimidating any longer. I slowly made my way to the edge of the mattress when his rough hands just wrapped around my ankles, pulling me all the way towards his massive throbbing anaconda. “If you’re not mad…. You won’t mind if I claim that ass a third time, right?” He didn’t wait for an answer. I felt my cock squirm without any control again when I felt my hairy nuts, nipples and cock rubbing against the fabric of the mattress on my way towards the edge. My eyes widened when I felt his cock slap against my cheeks again, this time feeling… Smaller…. But still…. The way he moved…. His rough hands on my hips before he forced my upper body off the mattress in for a kiss…. He still turned me on…… But the fucking magic was missing that I felt on our first meet up…. I could feel his fat member thrust inside my ass…. He wanted to make me squirm…. He wanted to fucking ruin my ass….. But today I felt hungrier than ever… My glutes almost acted on their own when they started massaging his giant anaconda…. I could feel my own lust level rising steadily. But I couldn’t cum. Perhaps it was the fact that I was way smaller when he fucked me the first time. Or it was the reason that he fingerd my hole all night long. He trained me…. He fucking created me…. I was already getting cocky when his low voice suddenly stopped my thoughts and I felt his body lean in. His rough arms wrapping around my body…. “Guess you’re ready for the last few inches then, huh?” His thick fingers found their way in my mouth when I suddenly felt another 3 to 4 inches thrust into my ass until I felt his hairy nuts slapping against my glutes and quads. My eyes widened. My cock exploded all over my hairy pecs and abs. Ruining the fabric on the sheets. “Fuck boy… Papa just got started” My eyes widened when I felt my glutes struggling against his cock. His cock base was way thicker than I expected. Fucking splitting me apart when I felt his cockhead fight with my hairy abs from the inside. I felt my legs losing the ground underneath when he slowly lifted me off the bed. His hands just wrapping around my pumped frame, slowly going over to breed me mid air. He wanted to show me that he was still in charge… That he was the fucking alpha. *NNNGHH FUOOOOCK* I let out a deep grunt when he continued breeding me mid air. I could feel him struggle. He was clearly exhausted. His whole body sweating all over while he tried to play his role of the invincible Alpha. My eyes widened when I felt his arms slightly push the air out of my abs when he started to thrust his hips in harder, faster…. The beat of his nuts slapping against my ass speeding up…. My balls hurt, pumped from all the pressure in between. He repositioned me after a while, forcing me to face his sweaty front instead…. My cock was fucking his hairy abs and pecs…. But this time…. I was bigger…. I slowly wrapped my pumped quads around his waist and hips. Stabilizing my body when I slowly ran my pumped arms around his neck and shoulders, pulling myself in for a kiss…. I slightly grinned when I saw how he tried to avoid my gaze. How he shifted slightly uncomfortable before I just flexed my glutes with all my strenght. Hearing his uncontrolled moan under our kiss. I could feel his hot semen fill me up…. But this time it didn’t spurt out of my mouth. It just gave me a slight roid gut after my body just absorbed it all into my system. I kept kissing him. I ignored the fact that he had to sit down on the edge of his bed after he couldn’t hold my weight upright any longer. He was almost cute when he let his body sink into cum-soaked mattress. My ass still milking the last drips off his fat anaconda before I slowly pulled myself off his cock, licking over his massive abs and pecs to get a taste of his sweaty frame…. He looked almost innocent while he laid there. Eyes closed, exhausted by our fuck session. I kept sitting on his body a while longer until I felt his hardon slowly get soft again, hearing his heavy breaths while he was asleep again… I slowly got off his frame and stared into the full-length mirror on his wall…. “Fuck….” I flexed my right arm while grabbing my massive cock with my left hand…. I was huge…. I grinned cockier when I slowly forced my nose under my hairy pit to take a whiff of my new musk….. Feeling my cock ripple in my hands, thicken underneath my grip while pre started to pour down over my hairy quads and calves….. “Fuck…. Would love to ruin his ass already….. But first I need a workout…. It’s best to work out while you’re horny after all, right?” I squeezed my fat member and slowly looked around his flat. He was huge… Pumped and roided. There was no way he’d make a long way to the gym each day. I made myself slightly at home while looking through his cabinet first. He had tons of suits hanging inside. One looked more expensive than the other. I slowly closed it back down again when I found a cum-stained red jockstrap resting on the side of his bed. I slowly lifted it up to take a good whiff before I slowly pushed it over my legs. My cock got even harder when I realized that it almost fit… Still a bit too big… But fuck it made me feel like the dominant part for once…. I slowly made my way outside the bedroom. His flat was massive. I only saw a fraction. There was the entrance and living room area. The master bedroom… A massive bathroom with walk in showers and quite an amount of cum dripping off the mirrors…. But apparently it wasn’t his main kink room in his flat. His kitchen was a fucking arsenal of growth powder, supplements and - to my surprise – high quality food… Even prepped for a week or two. Well he wouldn’t mind if I made myself at home… I took one of the packed portions and started downing the portion. Rice with chicken and veggies. Nothing special… But it didn’t taste normal… Almost as if he mixed protein powder into the recept. Behind the kitchen was a long hallway leading to a massive roof area. A garden, a massive pool and even a fucking hot tub. A few more rooms on the side. One of it looked like a guest room. And another like his office. Just when I thought there was nothing more to discover I found it…. His gym… It was as big as the rest of the fucking flat. And it was separated into different rooms. Each equipment had its own fucking spotlight. Massive weight racks. He even had machines without visible weights. Just fucking cords and a computer monitor who displayed a weight count instead. It stank like musk and cum… And it turned me on… Fuck I could understand his lust for muscle and growth…. But the real fucking mess was inside the gym lockerroom. He had his own gym lockers in his personal home gym…. And it was covered with jizz, ripped jockstraps and clothes. The showerdrain still fought with a glue-like substance and I couldn’t blame him…. He just lived the fucking dream…. He even had a small protein bar at one of the walls with a fucking automat for protein shakes. I let it dispense a shake. The buttons had morphed studs on the outside. I downed the thick substance and slowly walked towards the machine where I found the most ripped jocks resting on its side. “Fucking hightech shit, huh?” I slowly stared at the cable cords. It was a weight bench. But it had cable cords instead of real weights… Just when I sat down on the bench the monitor started to light up. It took a short moment before I heard the walls slightly vibrate. “Welcome back, Master” a deep, masculine voice hummed through the air…. – “Fuck that kinky motherfucker” I muttered when I slowly grabbed the cable cords. “You lost weight, master. Your workout routine will take that into consideration” I laid down and stared at the ceiling when a number was projected onto it… 35 reps a 5. I started lifting my arms for a bench press. I held it for a fucking toy at first…. The numbers didn’t change for the first 15 reps before the text briefly changed. “Warm up complete” The weight slowly got heavier…. Heavier…. *NNNNGH* I growled under the fucking weights… I never lifted anything that heavy on work…. But fuck… I could feel my cock fight against the fabric of my jockstrap. It still kept going. I heard the machine rattling while the 35 still lit up and I hadn’t managed a single rep. I klenched my teeth when I put all I’ve got into it. My muscles rippled underneath my skin. My veins pumped more blood into my muscles while my bones slowly got denser. Tried to adapt and grow to give my body the fucking stature needed for the job. My muscle fibers slowly got denser. Thicker and tried to enhance my body further. “Should I decrease the weights further, master?” The deep voice asked again but I just growled back in an even deeper tone. “Add… More…” I heard my jockstrap ripping apart, felt my cock slapping against my abs while I slowly pushed out the first rep. Feeling my muscles fucking burn…. I grinned cockier… hornier… FUOOOCK I Loved that feeling. The fucking sensation in my muscle fibers… The fucking pain in my system…. I felt my calves slightly cramp underneath all the lust and pleasure. My thick veins pushing out even bigger. With each rep… With each set I could feel the urge to add on even more weights to the machine. It was so fucking easy. Just an order and I could feel the resistance rise further. Just when I finished the last repetition I heard the low voice. “You finished your last set with a weight of 650 lbs” My cock almost exploded under that last line…. I barely lifted 200 just three days ago…. But now…. Could lift a whopping 650 without maxing out….. I jerked my massive cock slowly in front of the mirror…. I wanted to cum so bad…. I wanted to cover the whole mirror with my seed…. But fuck….. I still had more workouts ahead of me…. /// It was already late afternoon when he woke back up. His balls aching… Emptied to the last drop of cum. His muscles burning from his fuck session earlier. He slowly pushed his upper body off the mattress, clenching his teeth slightly when he felt his burning abs. . . That fucker….. That runt…. He slowly got up, running his hand over his hairy abs and soft shaft before he slowly stepped out of his room to grab something to eat. He found the empty container, which made him slightly pissed… “He shoul’ve begged on all fours for that” He kneeded one of his pecs slightly, before he slowly started digging down another container and a huge protien shaker. /// Almost two hours had passed since I started my workout at the bench press. And somehow my muscles didn’t feel sore… Almost as if my muscle fibers just healed in mere seconds afte reach repetition. I finished the last biceps curl and felt my cock stir when I heard the announcer again. The max weight was 200 lbs”. “Fuck’s sake… I usually lifted with 75 at my old gym…. And now I just managed to push out above 30 with a fucking inhuman weight of 200?” I stroked my cock slightly while I slowly made my way back out of his home gym… I heard the shower running in his master bedroom…. My massive cock was fighting with my senses…. I wanted to breed him… Wanted to fucking break him…. I grinned when more pre rushed out of my shaft…. But fuck…. First I want him to get cocky again. I wanna see his cocky grin fade when he opens the door for his next delivery…. I made my way in his bedroom, slowly grabbing a pair of his cum-soaked jockstraps. My semi-hard cock was fighting with the urge to just snap them apart. I searched through his cabinet and threw over one of his bigger hoodies and a pair of grey sweat pants. I grabbed a few more speedos and a few more shirts and sweat pants under my arm before I made my way out of his flat, cursing slightly when I bumped my forehead against the frame. I was surprised to see the elevator working again when I made my way back down to the entrance. My delivery truck stood still in the driveway… Well… Have to give tham that bit. Probably a plus that these rich bastards have private security around all day long… Else I could’ve searched for an excuse why my truck was stolen. . . I tossed the clothes which I borrowed onto the passenger side before I left him alone for the night.
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