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Ménage à Trois : Chapter Six


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Preceding chapter is found here:



Ménage à Trois

Chapter Six

They woke up with morning wood. All three of them.

At some point, during the small hours, they must have removed their footwear and clothes. His clothes, including his underwear, were lying in a heap on the floor, but he could feel from the sensation where Cub's groin touched his back, that Cub had kept his jockstrap on. Those two! Waking up between Master and Cub felt like a dream, and he could feel how blood rushed to his tentpole. He felt more present in his body, than he usually felt, like some of that Something Master and Cub exuded had rubbed off on him. Not that he complained about that. He could hear the peaceful breathing of Cub, and a wave of protective instincts welled up inside him. He could hear the calm breathing of Master, and he shivered delightfully in the resting presence of the beefy man, the commanding presence of whom had enchanted last night into unreal delight.


A beam of sunshine shone in from the corridor, causing a strip of golden light on the floor. Master stirred in his sleep, and then this physical Presence moved, and rested on his elbow:

"Time for morning snack."

"Morning snack? You mean breakfast?"

"No, I mean morning snack."

Master put his feet on the floor, his palms in his face, trying to wake up. Then he rose, grabbed a white terrycloth bathrobe, and pulled the thick and black satin curtains aside. The city, and the hills surrounding it, rested under a dark blue western sky, illuminated by light falling from behind the observers’ backs. It looked like it had rained during night, and there was a rainbow in the sky.

"Rise and shine, lads."

There was a furrow between Cub's eyebrows. The young bloke didn't seem to like early mornings, but his breathing changed, and he opened his eyes. When he saw Dick reclining beside him, his face lit up, a broad grin caused dimples in his cheeks, and the bulge inside his jockstrap grew considerably. Cub's reaction turned Dick on, but Master prod them on to the kitchen downstairs.


The kitchen blender was mixing something.

"Which hotel do you stay at?"

Dick answered.


Cub and Dick were sitting around a small kitchen table with a large glass each of something floury and creamy. 'Tasty' wasn't a word Dick would use about it, but it wasn't revolting either.

"What's this?"

"Morning snack."

"Tastes like a milkshake married to a chemistry lesson."

"That's basically what it is. Master takes care of the maths, so I don't have to care about it."

"Would it harm someone like me, who only work out once a week?"

"I doubt it. Will you not join us for morning workout?"

"Morning workout? You really are on a regimen, aren't you?"

Cub looked full of mischief when he answered.

"I didn't become like this without effort, Mr. Smith."

Cub flexed his biceps, and his cocky grin returned. Dick blushed.

"Don't call me Mr. Smith. My friends call me Ricky."

Cub looked pleased with himself. 

"Master call you Dick. I guess I will call you Dick, too."


Master returned to the kitchen, and filled his own glass of morning snack from the blender:

"Will you fetch your hotel key, Dick? I ordered a car to return your key and check you out. I'll pay the hotel bill and the car."

Dick felt conflicted. Master was swiftly taking command over his life, and he wanted to retain control, but at the same time he didn't want to be ungrateful. If Master was this affluent, it wouldn't do him any harm to help Dick with a trifling thing like this, and Dick was eager to stay together with the two attractive musclemen the entire weekend. He fetched his key, and when the driver arrived, Master took care of all the practical details.

* * *

Next chapter is found here:


Edited by Hialmar
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