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The Str8 Masseur (Part 1)


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After end of spring measurements Sean’s trainer had a few opinions about the growth of his legs. Sean was 6’2 and had reached 100kg that quarter. His broad swimmers shoulders and chest had thickened to point where none of his button downs fit any more. Still his trainer, Cody, berated him.

“You haven’t been stretching like I showed you,” Cody said. “So you haven’t met this quarter’s goals.” Cody was built like a god, and every measure of strength was a measure against him. They were in the flex room. Sean stood there nearly naked in posers. “I just don’t get it.” He looked right in Sean’s eyes. The disappointment in his face stared back from a million corners of the mirrored room. It wasn’t true, but Cody didn’t tolerate back talk and didn’t like excuses. 


Week after week Sean had ditched friends and lovers so they could train in the morning before Cody’s other clients. He couldn’t believe it either. Heat began to rise in his cheeks, and his bottom lip quivered. He hid his face. 


“Turn around and let me measure your waist again.” Sean did as told and knew there was more coming. He exhaled and tried to make himself small. Cody tugged at his posers then cupped both ass cheeks and shook. “Jesus, you got a big ass, boy!” he said and gave it one hard slap.


“Say are you crying again?” 


“Fuck,” Sean said, his dick starting to rise. He hated these games and loved them, too. 


Cody’s callused hands clasped Sean’s shoulders and his face glowed with a shit-eating grin.  “I’m just yanking your dick, lil bro. You know you can’t beat me that quick.” They both laughed, and Sean’s hands went down to cover his cock. 


Then his face was serious again. “But you do measure small.” Sean’s face turned red. “They look good but not as big as I predicted.” 


Sean took a deep breath. In the corner of his eye, he could see others coming to the door, watching them, two huge men in an awkwardly close embrace, Cody’s arm flung around Sean’s neck as he tried to explain the next steps. The room went cold and Sean’s nipples got hard.


“What you need is deep tissue massage once a week after leg day.” Cody tweaked Sean’s right nipple, and his dick nearly jumped out of his posers. “I’ll set you up with my man and he’ll give you a good price.” 


Cody walked to the door. “I’ll text you his number,” he said and gave Sean one more glance over before he left. 

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