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The Secret Snuffers Society part 2: Taking care of business.


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Warning, extremely violent, if you´re turned off by this type of dark story, please don´t read it.

Version 1.2.


Thanks to Freakoman2 for the encouragement and mczapl for his edition input (still work to do here)

The Secret Snuffers Society part 2: Taking care of business.

There was a normal day on the SSS offices, the Interviewer was on his desk typing on his computer while Wolf was standing next to him looking at an excel sheet. The business was thriving, the warehouses were a good business. The clients always sent some strange stuff,  Wolf and the Interviewer always smiled at the kind of things that  their shady clients wanted to be hidden there. The SSS kept the uttermost secrecy for his clients who pay handsomely for the secrecy and the safety of their belongings, the only rule was “no drugs”. The SSS didn’t wanted to mess on drugs turfs since that would jeopardize their compromise to the Secrecy. The SSS was top notch security they were proud to achieve a 100% reliability and that was mostly due to a good administration and mainly because their guards, all trained by Wolf.

The SSS strong guards were not only the best, they also where trained to be very sadistic, they inspired so much fear on the burglars that no one dared to try to smuggle on the warehouses, no person that tried to enter got out. The last time someone tried to break in,   two tugs where found by the guards, has per usual they where given two chances: to fight on the streaming fights or to die at the guards or Wolf hands. One to the tugs were quickly dispatched by the guards and the other is so terrified that he's still training on an isolated cell where he´s still waiting for his opponent, once he can put a somewhat decent fight, he will face Wolf on the streaming fights, he still dreams that with luck he will get out of that alive.

Today the Interviewer was revising the PnL on the spreadsheet. Wolf really didn't cared too much for that, he only cares about his strength and size, the Interviewer takes care of the rest.  Because his size, Wolf barely fits on shirts and when they “fit”, they rip so frequently that the SSS needs to get a stash of shirts only to try to keep Wold barely clothed. The Interviewer loved to see Wolf ripping his shirts off but at the same time he worried a little about the ever growing expenses that his ever growing strength causes.

It was almost 12 o clock, the Interviewer saw that the time was up for dinner and walked to the door where Wolf already was waiting while bouncing his pecs and flexing his biceps. The Interviewer touched Wolf’s biceps and Wolf smirked, he loved the discreet worship he received and also he liked the good administration the Interviewer made on the SSS, that helped him to buy his ever growing protein needs and the top notch gym equipment that where on the dedicated warehouse for Wolf training that represented also an ever growing number on the excel spreadsheet, Wolf was so damn strong that the weights didn’t last long, some where twisted, some just broke, and when Wolf decided to train his grip he decided to crush the weights when he got tired from them and wanted new equipment. Those need to be replaced and the old one melted to recycle the metal. The furnace has other good uses for the SSS needs too.  

They walked outside of the office and went up on the elevator. They got out of the small warehouse that hided the offices, training fields and fighting arenas.  That day was cloudy, once outside the Interviewer looked at the smoke coming out of the furnace where Ryan’s remains where being burned, the crushed remains from last day´s failed Interview,  that Interview was so much pleasure for Wolf and him, but at the sea time, he was worried that he needed to find some new guards quickly for the warehouses and also some fighters where needed. These positions where very difficult to fill. Wolf always loved to snuff out the rejected candidates but even if the Interviewer liked the Wolf sadistic impulses, he also knew that he would add more work finding the personnel for the SSS.

The interviewer sighed, Ryan could be a good SSS worker, but in the end he was a complete waste of time. The interviewer looked at Wolf, his rippling pecs, his arms, his legs, that awesome smirking face, Wolf looked at him, those piercing black eyes mesmerized him.  “You quite enjoyed snuffing him out do you?”   Wolf closed his eyes and smiled sadistically as he licked his lips moaning in pleasure “Yes, I loved every second of snuffing out that wimp, I would do it again” he said while flexing his pecs and feeling his biceps. The interviewer smiled, touched Wolf biceps and kept walking.

Today there where no interviews, Wolf and the Interviewer just went out to the office restaurant where they usually find a lot of chicken, beef, protein shakes for all the personnel, that was also a good opportunity to get some fresh air different of the one in the basement offices. After the dinner they went to a small walk, once they knew they needed to get on the office again they saw a police car outside the warehouses parking lot entrance. Wolf grunted, The Interviewer knew that Wolf thought that the only good police was a dead one, and the  better cop would be a cop snuffed out by him. The Interviewer didn’t wanted a ruckus at this time if it could be avoided, so he walked to the parking house entrance where there was a fit and big guard trying to argue with two cops, one cop had and average body type, he was doing the talking and his companion, a fit cop that just nodded his head  when the first cop talked. Wolf and the Interviewer walked by and got near the two cops and the guard.  

“I can’t let you enter here, please leave” The guard said. The average body type cop, had a “Lt Lobo" plaque on his uniform, he simply ignored the remark and said “I just want to meet one of the administrators”.  Lt Lobo wasn’t negotiating, he was ordering. The guard tried to look tough but clearly he, for some reason didn't wanted to have problems with the cops and was almost begging them to leave.  Lobo´s companion was Officer Leon. He had a built body, but the SSS guard was bigger, more Light heavyweight bodybuilder type, even if was big, he looked…weak in that scene.  From an outsider view,  the image was clearly something  to see since the guard was clearly  the bigger  one. But the some local cops were known for being abusive and sometimes veered to brutality. Maybe that made the guard fearful and the cops capitalized on that,  The guard was very uncomfortable, and hesitant, “please he begged, but the cops weren’t budging.

It was pretty clear that Lt Lobo was the one making the calls. Lt Lobo turned his head and then he saw the two figures walking toward him. He looked at his companion, and with a head movement ehe passed from the guard and both walked to Wolf and the Interview place both with a cocky smile on his face.  The guard looked at the Interviewer, then he saw Wolf and widened his eyes and begun trembling, he knew that Wolf could be unpredictable sometimes…specially with cops…and the weaklings The pair walked next to the Interviewer and stood still, the Interviewer walked in a very controlled way and looked at both Lt Lobo and Officer Leon.  Wolf stood a few steps behind the Interviewer and kept flexing his pecs and feeling his biceps while sneering at the cops. Officer Leon respond with a pec bounce himself, Wolf smirked contemptuously and then glared at Lt Wolf who was looking at the Interviewer.

“Hello officers, how may I help you?” The Interviewer said in a polite voice while holding his hands together and holding his hand together and his fingers agains each other. Wolf sneered but Lobo and Leon ignored Wolf and concentrated on the Interviewer.
“See, you have a pretty prosperous business here” Lobo said, “these are the kind of business that we like to see in our town”.  The Interview was unfazed, he knew how these talks usually ended up, He also was fearing on the ruckus that Wolf could cause if he gets unleashed at that place. Wolf was already breathing heavily, he stopped bouncing his pecs and was already closing his fists.  “What do you exactly want?” The Interview said.

Lobo and Leon laughed, “Well, lets cut to the chase, your business need protection, we will give you protection for a pretty small fee”. Wolf laughed “Protection?, what kind of protection your puny, weak and corrupt selves have to offer?”, “Watch your mouth your animal” Lobo said visibly annoyed at that act of defiance. “Why I have to hear you you puny weakling” Wolf said ripping of his shirt and bouncing his pecs. Leon walked in front of Lobo trying to look tought but clearly puzzled by the sudden act of defiance and authority.  The guard was almost terrified of the act that was happening in front of him while looking at Wolf and the cops in turns.

Wolf was about to hit but suddenly “Gentlemen, please wait” The Interviewer said. Touching gently, but firmly at Wolf biceps “Not now” He muttered, The Interviewer was the only person capable to stop Wolf once he was set to attack, at least he could defer the killing, but the Interviewer knew that such s ruckus on the entrance would mean more work and he would not like to add more negative numbers on his spreadsheet. Anyway, he already resigned that something would happen that afternoon, but at least he could try to get a better deal on this advert situation.

“Gentlemen, please,  lets discuss this in my office” The Interviewer said, while looking at Lobo to his eyes,  Lobo was puzzled, he could not forgive Wolf defiance but he came for a quick bribery bucks and maybe a dopamine surge from feeling that he could take money from a grey market business. He was costumed to that until he and Leon got transferred.

Lobo and Leon where good friends,  Lt Lobo had more service time, but he got into gambling debt and then he learned from some fellow cops that asking for bribery from business with “shady” reputation would help him to get easily from debt, unfortunately he also got addicted to this way to earn money, so every place he went, small, big, family and organized business where his preys, but since he got some powerful contacts, he could just ask for a transfer when things where getting out of hand, like when he shot an old man that couldn’t afford the “protection tax” that Lobo unfairly charged, or when he almost choked to death a teenager that happened to see him charging his money to a medium business.  In the last transfer he met officer Leon, Leon became almost his tug, Leon liked to show his power, and Lobo found Leon sources of pleasure quite adjusted to his business, Leon acted has the tug that helped Leon to keep his gun at the belt and Leon could fight until he beat the crap out of the people that could afford his charges and then both shared their incomes. It was win win for them and lose lose for all the community that unfortunately met them. The problem was that Leon was also a sadist that the last time could contain himself and broke the neck of the poor barista that was trying to lower the fee. Leon beat him with the police stick and then he proceeded to choke to poor guy until he felt a “crack” and the body when limp. “Your Idiot Leon said” and then they where transferred again, after disposing the body on the sea. So, they went to the SSS after hearing the rumors of what happened there.

However this time the tide was different, Lobo saw that Wolf was serious business, Wolf was bigger than Leon and Leon was this too, every time that Wolf blessed his muscles Lobo thought that Leon won’t have any opportunity without firing his gun, Lobo unbuckled his gun and tried to take out his gun until he hear the Interviewer voice. “Please Lieutenant….Lobo, there is no need for that, Wolf, please, let’s hear what this gracious officer has to say to us and maybe we can get a mutually beneficial deal”, Wolf grunted and suddenly, with a smirk he flexed his pecs and nodded with his head. The Interviewer smiled lightly.  “You, guard, come with us” The Interviewer said. The guard looked puzzled “me”? “Yes” the Interviewer said “come with us, we will need you on the office, Lt Lobo, Officer Leon, please put your car inside, we don’t want to attract more attention to our deal”.

Lobo and Leon went to the car and the guard opened the fence, they parked in a place near the small warehouse that acted has a cover office. Wolf looked at them, almost menacingly, barley containing himself.  Lobo and Leon thought that The Interview called the guard to contain Wolf in case he got out of control “Steroids” Leon was pondering, “What kind of steroids he could be taking to be that big” “All natural” Wolf muttered with a smirk, Leon was wondering if Wolf could read his mind but kept the thought to himself.  Wolf just laughed and kept walking.  

After a few minutes, some downstairs and some elevator runs they got to the office, “Please bring me a can of coca cola” The Interviewer said to the guard. “And then come here” Wolf said while standing on the door.  The guard marched outside the door and the heavy steps where echoing on the room.  The Interviewer sighed “such a waste” and left for his seat.

“Please have a seat” The Interviewer offered. Lobo and Leon sat in from of the Interviewr´s desk. The Interviewer looks at his screen and after some clicks he said “Well Lt Lobo, what do you ask?”  Lobo straightened up in his seat and said “Well, I see you have a big business here, lots of warehouses, some nice offices, but I’m afraid you don’t have security, we are offering protection, and for such a small fee, we can assure that your business will be safe…..from any harm”.

“From any harm” The Interviewed repeated while looking at his numbers, “So, what kind of harm do you mean?” Asked. Lobo was about to answer but Leon spoke: “we are talking about fire protection, do you have valuable merchandise out there, also, your guard could be harmed by unknown people, there could be some damage to yourself, we are offering a very good deal here”.
Wolf laughed almost histerycally, he found that phrase so funny that he just hit the wall with the open hand the wall and cracked it Leon and Lobo almost jumped from their seat, now realizing that Wolf was more powerful that they initially tought and missed the guard there. The Interviewer looked at the wall “hey Wolf, we just finished painted it from the last time you stained it”  So, so….sorry Wolf said still bursting in laughs and holding his tears “HAHAHAHAHA” was the only sound that echoed from the place and Wolf kicked a sofa that went flying and smashed on pieces on the other side of the office and the shoe when off leaving the place with some scant of a very powerful human, Wolf didn’t cared and rioted the other shoe from his feet.  The Interviewer was somewhat entertained by this show of power and tapped some buttons on his spreadsheet “The shirt, the shoes, the sofa, the wall, the paint” “All this mess will add some numbers here“ the Interviewer muttered. Wolf finally went silent and then stood silent smiling lightly while holding his flexed biceps.
“Well gentlemen, let’s see”, at that moment the guard came with a cold can of coke in his hands and hand it to the Interviewer that opened and didn’t even care to offer something to the cops. “What kind of business do you think we have?” Lobo opened his mouth and said “well, you certainly store some goods up there, you have money enough to have some of the fines guards I have seen”. The interviewer looked somewhat disappointed. “Well, I fear that you only scratched the surface, the warehouses are just the known part of the business, let me show you the real business an then you can tell me your price, It will be better if we negotiate on one swift exchange and we don’t see each other again”.  Lobo and Leon where puzzled, the Interviewer left the room with Wolf while signing Lobo and Leon to follow him.  

They walked another long aisle and then entered a construction more akin to a colosseum. The walls looked more spartan, Wolf was bouncing his pecs while walking clearly pleased to be there.  Lobo and Leon watched in admiration until Leon asked “What is this?”, They walked next to some type of cell where a black man was trainman furiously, he saw the cops uniforms and ruined to the doors until Wold looked menacingly and the man suddenly stopped. “You will get out of that cell when you turn comes” Wolf ordered and the man pissed himself and when to train more.

Lobo and Leon were very surprised by the scene, How in earth Wolf could command such respect, the cops were meant to be the authority, but Wolf was at another superhuman level. Wolf looked at the cops and shot a double bicep pose and Leon almost pissed himself too but managed to control himself Lobo looked ashamed at other side, but the y came for money and has people say “some people do whatever fool thing for money”. They walked the aisle until they found a very heavy door with a small horizontal column that acted has a lock, the sheer size of the lock made Lobo and Leon think that club be alt least one or two tons.  Wolf ripped his shorts and stood only in his boxers revealing the strongest quads anyone could see, Wolf smiled, caressed his quads and tights, then walked to the lock. Wolf took the lock with his hands and lifted it, while flexing his quads, back, and triceps who worked in unison revealing the strength and the beauty of that body. Wolf kicked the doors that opened with a heavy “Clonk” then Wolf dropped the lock, crossed the door and the group followed, the guard was in awe, it was the very first time he crossed the door. Wolf closed the doors that locked with a “clonk”. The Interviewer looked at Wolf´s muscular back while he was closing the door. Then continued walking the aisle.

“This is our colosseum” said the Interviewer while showing with his hand the place, the aisled then turned into a circular arena surrounded by cameras and  in one of the side, the only seat that was surrounded by some kind of bulletproof crystal, and in the from the was a mechanism that seemed to lock it from all sides in bulletproof crystal. Leon and Lobo wondered why this mechanism would exist. “From this place we stream underground fights to all the world, the fights are seen in every continent by the finest people that enjoys the pleasure of muscle and power, we bring here the best warriors that fight to the death” The Interview said with the uttermost respect.  “The warehouses over us are just one of the SSS most visible business, but this colosseum is our pride and our most important business”. The Interviewer said while walking to the seat, that looked more like a small throne and took the seat, then he saw at the two cops. “We do our best and biggest business here, Secrecy is our most treasure value” And for a second his looks when fiery before Turning to the cold glance again. “Now that you know our business, what is your price?” The Interviewer said with some contained rage in his voice. “What do you want so we can forget that you even exist?” Wolf glared to the Interviewer and looked somewhat puzzled, the guard was surprised. “Could be that the Interviewer would negotiate them out of this?”. Could be that the Interviewer saw something on these two weaklings?.

“Well, seems that we underestimated your….organization…” Lobo said.  “We thought that you had only had the warehouses but seems they you have more business venues”. Leon was ecstatic, seemed that we was dreaming on what he could do with the money he would win today. “We tought that asking for 10 grand was enough, but seems that you can handle more, so 100 grand and you will never heard from us….each”.

The Interview went silent for a second, thinking for himself, “so it’s two hundred grand and we forget all of you?” The Interviewer looked at Wolf who was serious for the first time, unable to understand what was the Interview thinking.  The Interviewed then muttered “Secrecy is our most valuable value” then he spoke to the guard “Come here” The guard stood in front of the Interviewer, shaking in fear,  then the Interview muttered “Wolf”. Wolf came at the guard side with his fist closed and looked at him. Wolf was serious…Wolf looked at the guard black eyes silently, he was serious but a slight smile was on his face and then Wolf released his fist. Both Lobo and Leon looked in silence. The Interviewed looked at the pair of cops and said, “please stay there, then we will negotiate, first, we don’t need any witness”. The guard pleaded, “No, no no, please no!!! Then he went on his knees and pleaded for mercy, Wolf glared in disgust “Weak” Wolf said in the most loathsome voice he could say, then he lifted the guard from his uniform and forced him to stay on his feet, the Glassdoor closed in front of the interviewer who lifted his hand with the index finger pointing up and the guard stood silent.  “We received you, trained you, and made you strong, you where so string that you could kill these two unworthy cops, this is why you never ascended from the front door, you never got a warehouse to keep and you´ll never be a worthy SSS warrior, I held you responsible of all this”  Then Wolf yanked the guard forcing him to look at his eyes, then Wolf bitchslapped the guard and his head exploded; brain, blood bone went in all directions and splattered the bulletproof glass and some of it wet the cops uniforms who jumped in fear and took out their guns. The guard body fell to the floor trembling from the sudden brain denervation. Wolf ignored them and took the body from the legs and with a quick turn he trowed at one of the walls that cracked at the same time that the body  was crushed like it fell from 100 meters up but in horizontal and the remains splattered all over the wall that looked like a gruesome painting with the  torn uniform in the center and the rest of the body stuck in the wall. Then he looked at the Interviewer and said “No witness, punishment complete”.

“See officers” The Interviewer said calmly, “Why the SSS needs protection when we have Wolf?” the cops where pointing their guns to Wolf but their hands where shaking. “Why we would need two disgrace of a ‘cop’ that only abuses their power to gain undeserved money?” Leon tried fired the gun but Wolf was quicker and held the gun barrel with his hand at the same time that a “bang” sounded.  The  bullet fell to the floor in a shapeless mass but Wolf’s skin wasn’t even red. Wolf proudly smirked and took Leon´s weapon from his hand and with a quick close of his fist, the gun became a twisted metal shapeless mass, Wolf laughed and then flexed his biceps while twisting the metal ever more. Leon looked in horror on the hand, muscular forearm and swelling biceps that Wolf was looking proudly. The Interview pushed a button and some water fell over the glass and that retired some of the goo and helped to have a better view. Leon ran off. “Come back your coward” Lobo yelled while firing all the bullet rounds and Wolf’s head. One bullet went directly onto Wolf eyes but there bulled simply was crushed and  bounced to the floor. Wolf was unfazed by the shots, but only looked back  at the seat to see if the Interviewer was OK.   “That was a mistake” Wolf said and then he took the gun, lowered the barrel to the floor and then closed his fist that crushed Lobo´s hand that became a blood and bone indeterminate mass mixed with twisted metal remains.

Lobo yelled in pain, stumbled back and fell on his ass. The Interviewer pressed a button on his seat and the Glassdoor opened up. The Interview stood up and went next to lobo and caressed his flexing biceps. “Let me out” Leon yelled from the aisle, his cries for help mixed in the air with Lobo´s pain cries. “Why I would need to may you even a cent if Wolf can get his pleasure and make you dissapear from the face of earth for free?”  Wolf then took Lobo’s by his feet ant twisted it in a 180° angle, Lobo´s yelled again “pleaaaaaaase” the Wolf in disgust closed his fist and crushed his feet, breaking all the bones of the feet so the shoe became a strange shaped mass with blood oozing from the sides of the shoes. Wolf smirked proudly and flexed his biceps. Lobos tried to squirm his way out of the colosseum but Wof was not taking any of it. Wolf lifted his feet and stomped the leg with a swift motion and a super string quadriceps dance that stomped Lobo´s  tibial bone who broke like it was nothing.
AIEEEEEEEEE was the only sound that was heard on the colosseum,   Wolf bounced his pecs while laughing at the Lobo´s weakness, Wolf, without lifting his leg from the tibia lifted Lobo´s body and in that movement he inadvertent ripped Lobo´s leg from his body in a swift movement that provoked more pain on his victim.

“Opps” Wolf said. Wolf shook Lobo’s body and said “you’re disgusting” while holding one arm at the humerus “Lobo means Wolf, I’m disgusted to share name with such a weakling thing” Wolf said while holding the other arm. “I’m going to fix that” And with a sudden movement Wolf´ perked both arms from Lobo’s body.  Lobo yelled in pain, but the yells where muted, he was agonizing from the blood loss and was shaking in both sides from the pain, but Wolf would not let Lobo´s die from blood loss, he was unworthy, he needed to know his place while living, with the bugs. Lobos placed his barefoot over Lobos head, made a double biceps pose and slowly brought his feet down, his quadriceps dancing and his calves getting harder while slowing bringing Lobo´s head down, crushing all the face bones, then the skullbones and then grinding his head on the floor until it became a mass of goo.

Wolf smiled seeing how easy was to crush a corrupt cop, but he still saw intent bones and before going to meed Leons and showing him his ultimate fate Wolf lifted lobo’s corps and bearhughed it, with a sudden movement Wolf crushed what remained from Lobo´s bones, grinding all his ribs, vertebrae, sternum and  internal organs until the only bone that remained was the leg with the crushed feet. Wolf lifted the remains from the remaining “good” leg and tore it apart before walking to find Leon with the Interviewer looking from behind.

Wolf was breathing heavily, like a predator, he loved his kill,, he loved the satisfaction to see the life fading out of his victim eyes while Wolf inflicted more and more pain until the life went out and Wolf destroyed even the corpse with his unfathomable strength.. The Interview then came close and said “there is one more”.  Wolf smiled and walked to the aisle.

“Help me!!!!!” Leon yelled at the top of his lungs while hitting the heavy doors in vain. Wolf walked slowly, letting his muscles swell, bouncing his pecs, feeling his biceps and legs, thrilling for the kill. “Those doors won’t move your idiot” You will need to be have at least 10% of my might to even move one of them” Leon trembled in fear,  he looked at Wolf who was soaked in blood and bone remains fro head to toes. Leon was so in awe and fear that he pressed himself against the doors like he was willing to mix himself with the doors.
“You’ll need at least 10% of my might to move the doors, but only I am capable to to this” Wolf said in a soft menacing voice but filled with authority, Wolf yanked Leon out of the door and then kicked the doors that went flying to the aisle, Leon almost peed himself while Wolf was flexing his biceps staring at Leon, despising his weakness.  “I just hope you can give me more fun that your partner over there” Wolf said. Leon stood and ran all over the aisle, Wolf smiled “A hunt, good” Wolf stood there for some minutes, then the Interviewer arrived. “Do you have any plan?” Wolf flexed his right bicep letting the Interviewer caress it. “Same plan has always, I hunt, I kill, I enjoy, go to your office, when I find my prey, please come, you find us n the CCTV, ill make sure of that”. Wold said, the Interviewer left to his office and Wolf walked calmly, then faster, then jogging and when to the aisle.
Leon entered some doors, then he found a big darkaisle on a space that looked like a warehouse. “Where are the stairs?” Leon said to himself, he was sweating from the desperate run he went to scape Wolf, some aisles more Leon found that he was lost. “How this could be that big” Leon wonders to himself while trying to outsmart Wolf. He then went to a small aisle, then the lights went on and Leon saw that he was in some long aisle with doors that looked like some kind of maze. Leon heard some steps, but he saw behind him and nobody was there, but Leon had this strange danger feeling, why the lights when up?. The steps went closer. Leon ran again,  “there is no use to run” The Interviewer voice echoed on the aisle, “Fuck you” Len said and kept running but he didn’t knew where to go.  But has long has he kept away of the monster the Wolf is, he at least could be alive.  

Leon leaned at one wall taking a breath, but suddenly the wall when down in dust and rubble and a monstrous hypermasculine and hyperstrong man traversed the wall. There was Wolf, smirking, bouncing his pecs, proudly looking and how he just destroyed a wall to find his prey.  Leon shook his head on disbelief, he saw the walls remains and noticed that the walls were so thick that it would be impossible to a man to demolish it, even a team with heavy machinery would need days to make a hole on them, Leon has enough knowledge to see that Wolf made the impossible there, but after the way he saw Wolf killing his fellow guard he thought that that impossible feat would be possible to Wolf who stood there bouncing his pecs, irritably smirking because Wolf was the alpha and Leon the pathetic loser that would be crushed at Wolf’s whim.  “Why you just don´t kill me?” Leon said?  “Just waiting for my buddy” Wolf said. After some very long minutes where Wolf just flexed and bounced his pecs in a mesmerizing way with some double biceps flexing and kissing (loving himself in a way the disgusted Leon but Wolf loved) the Interviewer arrived.  “This wall will cost us Wolf” The Interviewer said but Wolf just walked to Leon who tried to hit Wolf in the face. Wolf didn´n budged, Wolf just hold Leon at his humerus and with his other hand, he ripped Leon shirt of the police uniform. Leon was well built, he had defined pecs what where sweating from the effort putted in that vain intent to scape.
Wolf pondered what to do, Leon certainly had the body type that the Interviewer looked for the SSS and Leon was the kind of abusive-power hungry guy that could be trained for the SSS, he could even be the new guard at the front door that certainly would need to be replaced since he already destroyed the former employeee. But at the same time Wolf hated cops, specially the corrupt ones, Wolf couldn’t stand the fact that Leon wasn’t even calling the shots on this corrupt team but was merely obeying orders from a weakling that barely stood a chance against him (but well, no one stand a chance against Wolf). Wolf pondered, the business, of the pleasure?. “Wolf, i have no use for him” the Interviewer said.

Wolf then closed his fist and walked to get the kill, Leon stood and then swung a fist to Wolf’s face, Wolf took the hit again but this time he would only ponder how to kill in a most gruesome way,  he took his pleasure from the former “Lobo” and now he was going to kill “Leon". Wolf pinned Leon against the wall. Leon tried to kick Wolf, to hit him, to make even a dent on his skin, nothing worked, Wolf took a heavy breath, trying to feel the scent of Leon’s fear.  Wolf would enjoy this kill every second “Leon huh?” Wolf devilishly smiled. “That means lion in Spanish…let’s see if you have some claws” Then Wolf took Leon’s left hand by the middle with his right hand, examining Leon’s hand and then, only using two fingers and with a swift moment a crack sounded and  Leon’s hand was snapped in half like a twig. “Weak” Wolf said with contemp. Leon yelled in pain and fell to his knees holing the destroyed hand with his good hand. “Get up” Wolf ordered, Leon looked at Wolf and decided to fight. He somewhat managed to get up and put a fighting stance, Wolf simply stood still, he didn’t needed a fighting stance, he was absolute and pure muscle power.  Leon tried to land a kick at Wolf´s groin but Wolfs quickly held Leon’s leg and in a swift movement he snapped the leg at the knee, breaking the knee and halving the knee flexing it 180° at the wrong side. “AIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE” was the only thing Leon could say, the pains on his hand and leg where unbearable, he fell on his good knee and hand the other leg destroy and the hand useless.

Wolf walked next to Leon and kicked him in the gut sending Leon Flying to the other wall. Leon spitted blood and fell in fetal position trying to instinctively protect his head from Wolf and making him small so maybe he will get some mercy. Wolf then crouched next to Leon, accommodated him on his back and begun to touch his pectoral muscles.  Wolf examined Leon’s pecs “How you could be that weak?” Wolf said to himself, the looking at the horrorized face of Leon he said “they said that Lions have claws, Wolves too, let’s see with claws are better” then Wolf put his fingers like claws and ripped bot Leons pectoral muscles, the ripped his abdominal muscles with his claws, Wolf laughed maniacally has he was destroying all of Leons muscles that only could yell and move himself from side to side but Wolf kept tearing Leon´s muscles apart until Wlof begun to note that the bones where almost visible, so then Wolf begun to break and rip the bone.

Wolf was ecstatic, while he pinned the body to the ground using his knee, Wolf ripped bot legs from the pelvis in two swift movements, Leon was barely responding, almost shocked from the unfathomable pain, then h ripped bot arms in one swift movement, he clearly enjoy that way to tear both arms apart and was getting practice on that, the with his claws he tore open the rib cage, sternum. At this moment Leon was clearly dead but Wolf wasn’t satisfied,  Wolf ripped the lungs and then tore the heard out of the remains of the body,  he trow the heart to the other wall and it exploded and got stuck on the wall. Wolf laughed maniacally at the way he killed this excuse of cop and then he ripped the head open, he then stood over the remains with the head on his hands. Wolf smirked, “I’m the only one that the SSS need to protect it” Then he smacked the vertebrae with his feet so hard that the ears shook and the Interviewer´s feared for a little that the structure could collapse and all over himself and after the rest of the body was only a stain on the floor, Wolf walked in front of the Interviewer and paled the head and slowly his pecs went to life again, his arms got swollen and with all the strength that Leons was putting on the head imploded, brain, blood, hair, skin and teeth were grinded to a paste Wold closed his fist just to make sure that no breakable part was intact.

Wolf yelled in satisfaction, he flexed all his muscled at his admirer, “what do you think? Wolf asked. “Well, seems that I will need to add a lot of lines to the spreadsheet” the Interviewer Sid with a smile and then left the room walking to the aisle while Wolf, with a very satisfactory smile walked next to him. “I need new clothes” he said while ripping his boxers from his body and cleaning his hands with it.



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