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On 1/10/2024 at 9:21 AM, DawnFire98 said:

Yay, the two hot sailors are back! Random sidenote: nice, how you gave them distinct manners of talking / writing to make them unique. 👍 @Broody

Thanks @DawnFire98, trying to give them an approximate 1930s feel (between the wars).

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Wish You Were Here, part 5



What irony that as you is fleeing from your hoosegow in Panama, I is disembarkin’ inna whole hoosegow country! My burly brother, let me tell you, if you is looking for some fighting action in Australia, the surest path to fisticuffs is ta make that observation about their history. My first brawl was with a tough ol’ grandpa who musta been on the last boatload a’ cons, fer how sensitive he was about it. I must say it was humblin’ to get my ass nearly handed to me by a geezer twice my pa’s age, but in my defense I was shy about hittin’ back for fear of breaking brittle bones. He had no such compunctions and tenderized my youthful muscles with fists like mallets. I woulda been left with as few teeth as he, had I not got in a lucky shot ta his gristle-y solar plexus. 

The next day after recoverin’ my dignity I found more entertaining fare at a nearby beach, with some rugged muscular athletes who thought themselves fighters. When I emerged victorious over the lot a’ them there was no hard feelings, and a fair amount of feeling of hardness, all in the spirit of warrior camaraderie a’ course (har-de-har-har). Then we drank rum and sang sea shanties over a roarin’ bonfire.

I may linger a few days here, before heading west to the outback, where I hear the real toughies live, ranchers and cowpokes as strong as their bulls to hear the Sydney lads tell. ‘Course you city-folk always wax romantic about us country bumpkins, though in your case specifically I was never one to complain (wink-wink).





My first attempt to find a ship did not work out so well. In particular it did not work out so well for the crew of said ship. I hope I have not shifted the balance of world power by single-handedly converting the newest frigate (of a country I shall not name) into a floating infirmary. But then a country that attires its navy in khaki ought to sit back and reconsider its military priorities anyhow, says I. Where do they think they’re sailing, through the Sahara?

‘Now, Hank,’ you may be saying, ‘did you not get a little carried away?’ I will admit that my extended time under the thumb (and other appendages) of Mackinley has left me with something to prove. And when the first mate of the Blankety-Blank said they had ‘men enough’ on their mission, I might have misheard him, and took mistaken offence. But even so, I feel you may appreciate my tips on fist-fighting 200 sailors at one time, should the need arise. First off, 20 of them are officers and with the odd exception they are mostly pantywaists who aren’t going to get their own hands dirty. Next I find it most helpful to select the biggest, strongest sailor on the ship, challenge him to a man-on-man fight, knock him stiff with a sharp crack to the jaw, and then pick him up by the ankles and swing him about like Babe Ruth. With the right technique, you can knock about fifty or so of ‘em overboard, and then another hundred or so get occupied with fishing ‘em out of the drink. That leaves a mere thirty men to pummel with fists, and that’s a scrap! Now I will admit, with all my new muscle I’m not quite as lightning fast as you might recall. But on the plus side I can hoist a man up in each hand and crash ‘em together like cymbals! And you should see how the thrill of a fight now jacks me up like a tractor tire, it sure is a sight to see. Aw, chum, I’m aching to show off for you, and feel the gaze of those sparkling blue eyes on all this bulging meat. All I can say is if the next ship I ask denies me a post, I’ll rip the damn tub in half and swim to fucking Australia.

Taking the plunge,


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4 hours ago, Broody said:

Aw, chum, I’m aching to show off for you, and feel the gaze of those sparkling blue eyes on all this bulging meat. All I can say is if the next ship I ask denies me a post, I’ll rip the damn tub in half and swim to fucking Australia.

Taking the plunge,


I am definitely up to read about that. I think swimming to Australia would be faster by now 🤣

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