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King of the Court (Parts 6-8 4/5/24)


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Hi guys. Long time lurker here. I've been working on a story blending together the elements of some of my favorites, including "Jason: The Bigger the Better," "Elongro," "A New Performance Incentive," and "Contract Law" with my own twists. I love guys growing huge, but I don't see enough of them adjusting to their new bodies. Don't expect a ton of sex or continuing growth--the main character grows all at once and then the rest of the story is about him adjusting (although there will be plenty of explicit scenes and some continued growth). It's a slice of life, and there will be a lot of repetitive scenes. There's a bit of an overarching plot that begins after the initial growth adjustment but nothing too complicated. No, I will not be taking suggestions, the story is already written and I'm just making slight edits. Hope you enjoy!


Vikram Singh, the youngest sibling at 25, often finds himself in the towering shadows of his brothers, both literally and figuratively. His eldest brother, Gurinder, stands at a formidable 6 foot 7 inches, with a presence as commanding as his height. At 32, Gurinder's life is a testament to discipline and precision, his career as a software developer marked by a series of calculated moves that have led to a string of successes. His short topknot and beard are not just a style statement but a reflection of his no-nonsense approach to life. He speaks sparingly, but when he does, his words carry the weight of thoughtful analysis.

Harminder, the middle brother, is even taller at 6 foot 9 inches. His fashion is as sharp as his wit, with three-piece suits that seem to be crafted just for him. His jet-black hair, always in a perfect coiff, complements his meticulously groomed short beard. As an attorney at counsel at Gully & Sons LLP, Harminder's brilliance is as renowned as his sarcasm. His reputation precedes him, not only within the legal community, where he's been named the #1 Young Lawyer to watch, but also in social circles where his charm makes him a favorite among women. His ambition is palpable, with his eyes firmly set on the prize of partnership.

In contrast, Vikram, or Vik as he's affectionately known, carries a different kind of presence. Standing at 5 foot 9 inches, he lacks the imposing stature of his brothers but makes up for it with a charisma that is all his own. His low taper fade haircut and short beard give him a boyish charm that endears him to those he meets. As a first-year associate at Gully & Sons LLP, Vik's journey is just beginning. His honesty and trustworthiness have earned him the respect of his peers, even if he doesn't always feel like the sharpest tool in the shed.

Living together in a house Gurinder owned in the city, the brothers' interactions are a mix of playful banter and deep-seated loyalty. The house is one with tall ceilings, tall doors, and wide halls to accommodate the two huge older Singh boys. Gurinder and Harminder, protective to a fault, often treat Vik like the baby of the family, their teasing a sign of affection, albeit sometimes bordering on annoyance. Vik, for his part, navigates their overprotectiveness with a mix of frustration and love, knowing that beneath the surface, there's an unbreakable bond that ties them together.

Their home is a microcosm of their world, where each brother's unique traits contribute to a larger, more complex picture. It's a place where Vik's charm, Harminder's intellect, and Gurinder's stoicism come together, creating a balance that, while sometimes precarious, always finds its way back to harmony.




Exhausted from the relentless demands of his role at Gully & Sons LLP, Vikram had succumbed to the comfort of his silk pajamas, a small act of rebellion against the endless hours. He would keep them in his office and wear them once everyone else had left to relax. He looked stupid in them—like Ebineezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. But Vik was a sucker for comfort.  The office was silent, a stark contrast to the cacophony of the day. As he settled into his chair, the case files for Accelercola—an energy drink company under fire for its potentially lethal product—loomed over him like a dark cloud. The company came under fire when it was revealed that a certain batch of the drink contained over four times the amount of caffeine it was supposed to have, causing heart attacks in several customers.

The senior partner, Rebecca Lawson, had entrusted him with a critical task: to send a batch of the contaminated energy drink for testing. But fatigue clouded Vikram's judgment, and he placed the case of Accelercola perilously close to his personal cache of Diet Coke.

Hours ticked by, and the night deepened. Vikram's hand, guided by muscle memory, reached for a can. The hiss of the opening was familiar, but the taste was anything but. A fiery sensation spread through his mouth, an unexpected spiciness that made him gasp. Heat flushed through his body, his heartbeat thundering in his ears. Panic set in just as darkness claimed him, and he collapsed into a cold sweat.

When consciousness returned, the world seemed different—smaller. Vikram's silk pajamas were stretched to their limits, barely containing the new, muscular form beneath. He was a giant among men, standing at an astonishing 12 feet. The ceiling, once a distant overhead, now allowed for only a foot of clearance. A primal urge led him to the bathroom, but the journey was fraught with obstacles. The doorway, a portal he had passed through countless times, was now a barrier. His head met the wall with a thud, leaving a dent as a testament to his newfound stature.

Cursing under his breath, Vikram maneuvered through the wreckage, his body a mass of rippling muscles and raw power. The bathroom mirror revealed the extent of his transformation. His reflection was that of a Desi Hercules, a bodybuilder with a physique that artists would clamor to sculpt. A smile crept across his face, a mix of disbelief and excitement. "This is gonna be good," he murmured, his voice a deep, resonant timbre that vibrated through the room.

Vikram's mind raced with possibilities. His brothers, always the protectors, would now see him in a new light. The cases that had weighed him down seemed trivial in comparison to the strength he now possessed. As he explored his new form, a sense of invincibility washed over him. He was no longer just Vikram Singh, the overwhelmed attorney—he was a force to be reckoned with, and he was more than ready to embrace this extraordinary twist of fate.

He managed to pull down his barely together silk pajama bottoms without tearing them to shreds. Vik suddenly because aware of the new size of his phallus. Vik had always been average in every department. But this thing was monstrous. Vik realized he was too tall to piss in the urinal standing up. He fell to his knees and the bathroom shook as he released his firehose piss in the bowl. The sensation of the powerful piss stream traveling down his long and girthy tool was euphoric.

The sound of his powerful stream echoed off the bathroom walls, reverberating with a force that matched his newfound physical strength. Vikram couldn't help but marvel at the sheer intensity of the experience. As he stood up, a sense of euphoria surged through him, blending with the rush of adrenaline that came with his colossal transformation.

As Vikram emerged from the bathroom, his new towering form was a sight to behold. Jasper, a fellow first-year who had arrived at the office unusually early (on a Saturday to boot), was frozen in place, his eyes wide with astonishment. The sight before him was something out of a comic book—a colleague who had grown into a giant overnight.

"Vik... is that really you?" Jasper stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

With a grin, Vikram flexed his muscles, the sheer size of his biceps casting shadows on the walls. "It's me, Jasper. Just a bit... upgraded," Vikram replied, his deep voice filling the room.

Jasper's initial shock gave way to curiosity as he circled Vikram, taking in the unbelievable transformation. "How did this even happen?" he asked, his scientific mind already running through the possibilities.

Vikram, still reveling in his newfound strength, simply shrugged. "I guess I just needed a little pick-me-up," he joked, bouncing his pecs with a chuckle.

Realizing the practicalities of the situation, Jasper quickly agreed to help Vikram find suitable clothing. Vik waited in his office, sitting on the floor and fondling his new muscles for about 2 hours. Jasper returned with an assortment of athletic and dress clothes, which, against all odds, fit Vikram's massive frame—albeit snugly. God knows where he got them, but Vik didn’t care. At least he could leave this office.

As Vikram slipped into the black athletic shorts, he gave another flex for Jasper, who couldn't help but laugh. "You're going to need a whole new wardrobe, man," Jasper said, shaking his head in disbelief.

The notification on Vikram's computer caught his eye, and he read aloud the message from the senior partner, Rebecca Lawson, granting him a day off on Monday for his hard work. "Looks like I've got some time to adjust to this," Vikram mused.

Determined to leave the office before anyone else saw him, Vikram attempted the elevator, only to find that he was far too large to fit. The stairs were his only option, and as he descended the 51 flights, he felt the stairwell shrink around as his shoulders crashed into the walls, leaving many a dent in his wake.




The morning air was crisp as Vikram stepped outside, the city still quiet in the early hours. With each stride, his towering form drew curious glances from the few passersby on the street. He made his way to the office of Dr. Julian Brownly, his endocrinologist, and the one person he hoped could make sense of his bewildering transformation. Vik had been seeing him since a potential thyroid scare a couple years ago.

Dr. Brownly, a brilliant and handsome 30-year-old physician with a passion for bodybuilding, was taken aback as Vikram ducked through the doorway of his clinic. The doctor stood at a modest 5'9", a stark contrast to Vikram's colossal stature.

"Vikram, what on earth..." Dr. Brownly trailed off, his professional curiosity piqued.

Without wasting a moment, Dr. Brownly set to work, measuring Vikram's height, taking blood samples, and running a series of tests. The clinic seemed to shrink around them, the equipment dwarfed by Vikram's size.

The doctor had to measure Vik laying down as there was no way he could reach his lofty head. “Twelve feet on the dot.” The doctor said, astonished.

Vik sat up and flexed his arms— “I like how that sounds. Vikram the 12-foot-tall giant.” As he heard his measurement, Vik’s already immodest bulge thickened into a fat semi. The doctor could not help but stare, but quickly composed himself to return to his work.

After a thorough examination, Dr. Brownly delivered his findings with a mixture of concern and astonishment. "The Accelercola—it wasn't the cause of your growth. It was laced with something lethal. But somehow, your body reacted... differently," he explained.

Vikram listened intently as Dr. Brownly revealed the existence of a dormant 'giant gene' within him. A rush of hormones, triggered by the contaminated drink, had activated the gene, altering his body to save his life.

A sense of pride swelled within Vikram. He stood taller—if that was even possible—and flexed his muscles, a playful smirk on his face. "So, I'm not just a giant in the courtroom now, huh?" he teased.

Dr. Brownly couldn't help but smile at Vikram's good humor, despite the gravity of the situation. "You're certainly something special, Vikram. But we need to monitor you closely," he cautioned.

Vikram nodded, but his attention was elsewhere. He caught his reflection in the mirror, his new form a marvel to behold. He bounced his pecs, the movement sending ripples across his chest. The feeling was exhilarating, empowering.

"Looks like I've got some new assets to work with," Vikram quipped, turning to Dr. Brownly, who was scribbling notes furiously.

Dr. Brownly looked up, adjusting his glasses. "Just remember, don’t try to take on too much more heart stress. Your labs are perfect, better than perfect, but who knows what could happen," he said, with a tinge of concern.

Vikram laughed, the sound deep and resonant. "Don't worry, Doc. I'll be fine. I think I might be close to invincible now."

Vik glanced down at Dr. Brownly’s modest 5’9”. From his new vantage point, he laughed— “is that what I used to look like?” Vik came dangerously close to the doctor, his body heat radiating onto the smaller man. “No wonder Gurinder and Harminder thought I was a midget.” The doctor, a once proud bodybuilder gulped.

“Let’s schedule a follow up in a few weeks to make sure you are still good.”

With his newfound confidence, Vikram thanked Dr. Brownly and left the clinic, his mind racing with possibilities. The world was a different place for him now, and he was eager to explore it with his giant steps.

As Vikram Singh, now a giant among men, exited Dr. Brownly's office, the morning rush was beginning to swell on the streets. His departure was anything but inconspicuous; pedestrians halted mid-stride, their expressions a blend of awe and disbelief. Children pointed, their eyes wide with wonder, while adults fumbled for their phones, eager to capture the extraordinary sight.

Vikram, however, was unfazed by the attention. With a confident stride, he made his way to a local cafe, a quaint establishment he had frequented in his former, more average-sized life.




Ducking to avoid the top frame, Vikram entered the cafe, the bell above the door jingling in his wake. He relished the sensation of his muscles flexing and contracting as he navigated the narrow doorway, the fabric of his black shorts stretched taut over his powerful legs. The cozy interior was a stark contrast to his grandiose physique. Patrons glanced up from their lattes and laptops, their conversations trailing off as they took in the sight of the colossal newcomer.

Behind the counter stood Evan, a barista Vik had never seen before. His eyes met Vikram's, and for a moment, there was a silent exchange of mutual respect—Evan for the man who dared to dream beyond his size, and Vikram for the artist who sought to capture the essence of life in song.

"Quite the entrance," Evan remarked, his tone light and playful.

Vikram chuckled, the sound deep and resonant. "Just trying to fit in," he quipped, flexing his arms casually. The motion was fluid, a testament to his newfound strength and control.

Evan couldn't help but be impressed. "Well, you certainly stand out," he said, reaching for the largest jug he could find. "And I suppose you'll be needing coffee to match."

The two engaged in conversation, their topics ranging from the mundane to the profound. Vikram shared his aspirations and challenges, while Evan spoke of melodies and harmonies that danced in his head, waiting to be set free.

As Evan prepared a giant jug of coffee, the rich aroma filling the cafe, Vikram found himself grateful for the normalcy of the interaction. It was a reminder that despite his dramatic change, the simple pleasures of life—like a good chat over coffee—remained unchanged.

Evan slid the jug across the counter, a smile playing on his lips. "Here you go, a brew fit for a giant."

Vikram accepted the jug with a nod of thanks, his large hands enveloping the container. "You know, Evan, maybe this size isn't such a bad thing after all," he mused, the steam from the coffee warming his face.

Evan laughed, the sound mingling with the soft notes of jazz playing in the background. "Just don't outgrow us all, Vik."

With a final wave, Vikram left the cafe, his spirits lifted by the encounter. The city was waking up, and with each step, he felt more at ease in his towering frame, ready to face whatever the day might bring.


Vikram, with his newfound stature, strode through the city streets, the giant coffee jug in his hand now seeming no larger than a regular cup. His destination was the law library, a repository of legal wisdom where he hoped to unearth a long-forgotten case citation for work. The morning sun cast long shadows on the pavement, mirroring the elongated silhouette of his imposing figure.

As he approached the library, a shrill screech pierced the air. Vikram's sharp eyes caught sight of a school bus, its frantic driver wrestling with the steering wheel as the vehicle barreled down the street, brakes evidently failed. Without a moment's hesitation, Vikram set his jug down and sprinted towards the impending disaster.

The ground trembled beneath his colossal strides. Onlookers gasped, their fears for the children on the bus momentarily eclipsed by the spectacle of this giant man in motion. Vikram reached the bus just as it neared a busy intersection. With a roar of effort, he planted his feet firmly on the asphalt and extended his arms, his hands grasping the rear of the bus.

Metal groaned under the force of his grip, and with a herculean heave, Vikram slowed the bus's momentum. Sparks flew as his shoes slid across the ground, his muscles bulging with the strain. Inch by inch, he brought the runaway vehicle to a halt, just shy of the crosswalk.

As the dust settled, Vikram stood tall, towering over the bus. The children inside, wide-eyed and breathless, peered out the windows at their savior. The driver, overwhelmed with relief, mouthed a silent 'thank you' as emergency services arrived on the scene.

Vikram surveyed the crowd that had gathered, their expressions a mix of awe and gratitude. He had become more than just a lawyer or a giant; he was a hero in the truest sense. With a nod to the first responders, he retrieved his coffee jug and continued on his way to the library, his heart pounding not from exertion, but from the realization of his own strength and the difference he could make.


The library doors, once imposing, now felt like gateways to a new chapter in his life. As he ducked inside, Vikram knew that no matter how tall he stood, it was his actions that truly made him larger than life.

Vikram's arrival at the library was a moment of relief; the high ceilings allowed him to stand tall, unencumbered by the fear of bumping his head. The scent of old books and the quiet whispers of knowledge-seeking patrons filled the air. It was here, amidst the rows of legal tomes, that he met Marcus.

Marcus, the law librarian, was a 28-year-old with a physique that spoke of hours dedicated to bodybuilding. Yet, even his well-defined muscles seemed modest in comparison to Vikram's towering form. Marcus couldn't hide his fascination, his eyes tracing the contours of Vikram's massive frame, which dwarfed his own 6-foot stature.

"Never thought I'd meet a real-life Goliath in the stacks," Marcus joked, breaking the ice.

Vikram laughed, the sound echoing off the library walls. "And I never thought I'd need to duck under doorways," he replied, gesturing to his height.

As they conversed about obscure case laws and landmark rulings, a camaraderie formed between them. Their shared passion for the law bridged the gap that Vikram's size might have created. It wasn't long before Marcus enlisted Vikram's help with a problem: the library's ladder was broken, and a stack of books awaited reshelving on the highest shelves.

With ease, Vikram lifted the volumes, organizing them with a care that belied his size. Marcus directed him to the right sections, impressed by Vikram's ability to handle the delicate task.

After the work was done, Marcus scribbled his phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Vikram. "How about we hit the gym together? I could use a workout buddy, especially one who doesn't need a spotter for the heavy weights," he said with a grin.

Vikram accepted the offer with a nod. "I'm in. It's not every day you find a friend who's not intimidated by a little extra height," he responded, tucking the number into his pocket.

As Vikram left the library, he felt a sense of belonging. His size might have changed, but his ability to connect with others hadn't. With a new friend and potential gym partner, Vikram's world seemed a little less daunting.


Vikram's stomach grumbled with the ferocity of a thunderstorm, echoing off the skyscrapers as he lumbered down the street. Hunger pangs struck with such intensity that he half-expected to see a 'Feed Me' sign hanging from his neck. Spotting an 'All You Can Eat' buffet, his face lit up like the neon sign above the entrance.

As he ducked into the restaurant, a collective gasp rose from the patrons. The maître d' froze, clipboard in hand, eyes tracing the arc of Vikram's stooped entry. "Table for one?" he ventured, the question sounding more like a hope against hope.

Vikram nodded, his eyes already scanning the smorgasbord of culinary delights. The maître d' led him to a table, but it was clear that no mere piece of furniture could accommodate Vikram's colossal frame. With a sheepish grin, Vikram opted to stand, his plate resting on the table like a toy saucer.

Plate after plate, Vikram sampled everything—the roast beef, the sushi, the exotic cheeses, and an impressive mountain of shrimp. The other diners watched in awe, their own forks paused mid-air as Vikram devoured dish after dish. The chefs in the back began to sweat, their culinary creations disappearing faster than they could say 'buffet.'

Finally, with the contented sigh of a man who had eaten his fill, Vikram leaned back—careful not to topple over the dessert cart—and let out a belch that rumbled through the restaurant like a bass note in a symphony. Patrons chuckled, and even the staff couldn't suppress their smiles.

The restaurant owners, a charming couple who had never seen their buffet so thoroughly appreciated, approached Vikram with a mix of trepidation and fascination. "Sir, we must say, we've never had a customer quite like you," the wife said, her eyes wide with wonder.

Vikram winked, flexing an arm as thick as a tree trunk. "Well, I do have quite the appetite. Hope I didn't cause too much trouble," he teased, the corner of his mouth twitching with a playful smirk.

The husband laughed, shaking his head. "Trouble? No, no. You've set a new record! Tell you what, come back anytime, and we'll make sure to reinforce the tables."

As Vikram thanked them and squeezed back out the door, the couple exchanged glances. "Maybe we should start a new promotion," the husband mused.

Vikram strolled away, his hunger sated and his spirits high. The city had never seemed so small, nor the buffet so endless.



Vikram's journey home was a study in contrasts. The familiar streets seemed narrower, the doorways smaller, and his own house appeared as if it had shrunk. He had to twist and turn to squeeze through the front door, feeling a bit like Alice after she drank the potion in Wonderland.

Inside, the world was different from this new vantage point. The ceilings felt lower, the furniture doll-sized. Vikram marveled at the transformation, a grin spreading across his face as he realized the power and size he now possessed. He stretched out an arm, his hand almost spanning the width of the hallway. The sensation was intoxicating.

Gurinder walked in first, his eyes glued to his phone, not noticing the colossal figure of his younger brother. It wasn't until he bumped into Vikram's leg, which he mistook for a new, oddly placed column, that he looked up. "Vik...?" Gurinder's phone clattered to the floor, his voice a mix of shock and awe. "What in the world happened to you?"

Harminder, entering behind him, stopped dead in his tracks. "You're... huge!" he exclaimed, his eyes traveling the length of Vikram's towering form.

Vikram beamed, his chest swelling with pride. "Yeah, it's a long story. Let's just say I had a bit of a growth spurt."

Gurinder circled Vikram, his analytical mind kicking in. "This is incredible. You must be over twelve feet tall! How do you feel?"

Vikram could sense the shift in dynamics as he towered over his brothers, the air thick with unspoken tension. Gurinder's excitement was palpable, his hands gesturing animatedly as he bombarded Vikram with queries about his newfound stature. Harminder, usually the most confident of the trio, now seemed withdrawn, unable to meet Vikram's gaze directly.

“What the hell is that?” Harminder asked, pointing at Vik’s prodigal crotch bulge.

“Oh, this?” Vik asked innocently as he gave it a squeeze, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Seems like my growth spurt affected more than just my height and muscles," he replied with a chuckle. Harminder blushed furiously, averting his eyes as if trying to unsee what he had just witnessed. Gurinder, ever the scientist, leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued.

As they settled into the living room, Gurinder couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "How did this happen? Are you some sort of superhero now?" he blurted out, eyes wide with wonder.

Vikram chuckled, running a hand through his hair that seemed to touch the ceiling effortlessly. "I wish it were that simple. Long story short: I feel like one,” he replied, trying to downplay the magnitude of his transformation.

Harminder finally spoke up, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and envy.

"I can't believe this! How did you get so huge overnight?" Harminder's voice quivered with a hint of jealousy, his eyes flickering between admiration and resentment. “And why do you get to be the giant?"

Vikram shrugged, a small earthquake in the gesture. "I guess I just got lucky. Or maybe it's karma for all those times you guys used me as an armrest."

Vikram could sense the emotional turmoil within his middle brother and decided to address it head-on. "I know this might seem overwhelming, but it's still me, Harminder. Just a different version. And who knows, maybe this could be a blessing in disguise. We'll figure it out together," Vikram said, his tone gentle yet firm.

Gurinder nodded in agreement, offering his support with a reassuring smile. "Yeah, bro. We're here for you no matter what. You're still the same Vikram we've always known, just a bit... enhanced," he added with a chuckle.

Harminder's expression softened as he absorbed their words. Slowly, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "I… I’m still your big bro, I can run circles around you at work, and I can still pummel you. Well, Mr. Giant, how about I prove that size isn't everything? I challenge you to a wrestling match."

Vik’s arched an eyebrow, “At work, sure, no doubt. But the pummeling?” A wry smile formed across Vik’s lips, “You wanna go?”


The backyard of the Singh household had been transformed into an impromptu wrestling ring, the grassy expanse a stage for the brothers' test of strength. Vik, the youngest and now the largest, stood at the center, his massive form casting a long shadow in the afternoon sun.

Gurinder and Harminder, no strangers to physical contests, eyed their younger brother with a mix of anticipation and wariness. They were tall and athletic, but next to Vik, they seemed almost ordinary.

As the makeshift bell rang, Vik's deep voice boomed across the yard. "Ready to learn a lesson from your little brother?" he teased, a playful smirk on his face.

The wrestling began, and it was immediately clear that Vik's size and strength were in a league of their own. His movements were fluid and precise, each muscle in his body working in perfect harmony. His arms, thick as tree trunks, wrapped around his brothers with ease, lifting them off the ground as if they were children.

Gurinder grunted as he tried to find leverage, but Vik's grip was unyielding. "I have to admit, you've become quite the force of nature," he said, struggling to break free.

Harminder, caught in a similar hold, couldn't help but let out a laugh despite his predicament. "I think 'force of nature' is an understatement. He's more like a one-man earthquake."

Vik chuckled, the sound resonating through the air.

Vik's muscles rippled under his skin, their power evident in the way they flexed and bulged with every exertion. His brothers could feel the immense strength coursing through him, their bodies pressed against his like pebbles against a boulder. Harminder and Gurinder grunted and strained against Vik's overwhelming force, their attempts to break free met with little success

He released his brothers gently, allowing them to regain their footing. "I can't deny it; I love being this huge, this powerful. It's like I've been reborn as an alpha, and I'm not going to lie—it feels incredible."

The brothers circled each other again, their movements a dance of power and agility. Vik's legs, each the size of a small person, propelled him forward with surprising speed. His back, a broad canvas of rippling muscles, flexed with each twist and turn.

As the match continued, Vik's dominance was undeniable. He moved with a confidence that came from knowing he was the strongest, the biggest, the alpha. And yet, there was a grace to his actions, a reminder that he was still their brother, still Vik. When Vikram finally pinned Harminder to the ground, it was with a gentleness that belied his gargantuan form.

Lying on the grass, Harminder conceded, "Alright, you win, Vik. This new size of yours... it's something else."

Vikram helped his brother to his feet, his laughter booming across the yard. "I think I could get used to this.”

The tournament ended with laughter and backslaps, the brothers acknowledging Vik's superiority in good spirits.As they caught their breath, Vikram bounced his pecs, the movement sending ripples through his muscles. "Still think size isn't everything?" Vik's thoughts were on the future, on the possibilities that lay ahead for a man of his size and strength. Gurinder chided Vik, “Just don’t become a bully.” Vikram shook his head. "Never. I'm still your little brother, just a little... bigger."

After their match with Vik, Gurinder and Harminder stood up, shaking off the defeat with good humor. They locked eyes, the unspoken challenge hanging between them. It was Gurinder who broke the silence, his voice laced with competitive spirit.

"Alright, Harminder, you and I haven't had a proper go in a while. Let's see if you've still got it."

Harminder smirked, rolling his shoulders in anticipation. "You're on, Gurinder. But don't expect any brotherly mercy from me."

The two brothers circled each other on the soft grass, their athletic forms a testament to years of friendly rivalry. They lunged and parried, each seeking an advantage, their movements a dance of strength and agility.

As the match progressed, it was clear that both brothers were evenly matched, each countering the other's moves with practiced ease. But it was Gurinder who found the opening, a momentary lapse in Harminder's defense, and with a swift maneuver, he took his brother down to the ground.

Harminder grunted as he hit the grass, a mix of surprise and respect flashing in his eyes. "Well played, Gurinder. I guess you've still got the edge," he conceded, offering his hand for Gurinder to help him up.

Gurinder pulled Harminder to his feet, a triumphant grin on his face. "It's all in the technique. But you put up a good fight, brother."

The brothers shared a laugh, their bond unshaken by the outcome of the match. As they walked back to the house, their conversation turned to plans for the next family tournament, where they would once again test their mettle against each other—and against the giant that was their younger brother, Vik. Vikram's new size and strength were overwhelming, his pecs bouncing in a triumphant dance as Harminder looked on, defeated but impressed.



The night had fallen, and the house was quiet as Vikram, now a giant among men, prepared for bed. He entered his bedroom—a room that once felt spacious, now seemed like a dollhouse around his massive frame.

"Alright, Vik, let's see if we can do this without breaking anything," he muttered to himself, a habit he found comforting in the face of his new reality. He raised his arms for a goodnight stretch, misjudging his own strength and size. His fist connected with the ceiling with a thud, leaving a hole where smooth plaster once was. "Oops," he chuckled, "Guess I don't know my own strength yet."

Carefully, he maneuvered towards the bed, the furniture creaking a warning. He sat down gingerly, only to hear the wooden frame groan under his weight before it surrendered with a crack, the mattress hitting the floor. "Well, that's not going to work," he said with a resigned laugh, looking at the bed now resembling a nest rather than a place to sleep.

Lying down proved to be another challenge; his feet dangled off the edge, scraping against the wall. "I'm going to need a bigger bed," he mused aloud, the absurdity of the situation not lost on him.

Despite the discomfort, exhaustion took over, and Vikram drifted off to sleep. His snores were deep and guttural, vibrating through the house, a testament to his new, gargantuan size. The walls trembled with each breath, a lullaby of sorts that echoed his earlier thoughts. Gurinder, from upstairs, heard the sounds. "With great size comes great... snoring" he mused.

Morning light streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on Vikram's face as he stirred from his slumber. For a moment, he lay still, the events of the previous day feeling like fragments of a dream. But as he attempted to stretch, his hand met the resistance of the ceiling—reality came crashing down. The transformation was real; he was a giant.

With a groan that sounded more like a growl, Vikram rolled out of bed—or what was left of it—and stumbled towards the kitchen. His movements were awkward, uncoordinated, like a puppeteer learning the strings. "Time for breakfast," he mumbled to himself, his voice a deep rumble.

The kitchen, once a place of culinary experiments, now felt like a dollhouse. Vikram ducked under the doorway, his tighty-whiteys hugging his massive frame, leaving little to the imagination. The sight was enough to stop his brothers, Gurinder and Harminder, in their tracks.

"Vik, for heaven's sake, put on some clothes!" Gurinder chided, trying to avert his eyes.

Harminder just whistled. "You're going to need a custom tailor, brother. At least make sure they’re clean before leaving your room."

Vik's looked down as his enormous manhood and testicles bulged, the fabric of his underwear stretched to its limit. A huge spot of precum made his underwear almost see-through at his massive cock head. The scent of musk and sweat emanating from Vikram's groin was strong, an earthy and slightly sweet smell that only added to the intensity of his current state.

It was unlike anything Gurinder or Harminder had ever seen, a testament to his new size.

Ignoring their comments, Vikram set about making breakfast. He cracked eggs with one hand, each one looking like a quail's egg between his fingers. The frying pan was comically small, but he managed, flipping pancakes that were more like silver dollars on the griddle.

He raided the fridge, devouring everything in sight—bacon, bread, leftovers from last night's dinner. The protein powder was next; he tipped the container, and the contents vanished like dust in a vacuum.

As he ate, his appetite seemed insatiable, each bite only fueling his hunger further. He finished with a belch that rattled the windows, a satisfied grin on his face.

Gurinder, ever the analyst, had been calculating on his phone. "Vik, at this rate, you're going to eat us out of house and home. Literally."

Vikram's smile faltered. "I... I didn't think about that. I'll cover the costs, don't worry."

Harminder raised an eyebrow. "With what? You're going to need a raise just to pay for breakfast."

The reality of his financial situation dawned on Vikram. His associate salary, once a source of pride, now seemed meager. "I'll figure something out," he said, determination setting in. "Maybe I'll start a side hustle. Giant for hire, anyone?"

The brothers laughed, the tension easing. They would support Vikram, no matter his size or appetite. But as Vikram looked around at the empty shelves and the demolished pantry, he knew that being a giant in the modern world was going to require more than just a big personality.

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The grocery store's automatic doors slid open, but not quickly enough for Vikram's massive frame. He ducked and sidestepped, narrowly avoiding a collision that would have sent glass and metal flying. Inside, the fluorescent lights illuminated his path as he towered over the aisles, his broad shoulders nearly brushing both sides.

"Okay, Vik, just a quick in and out," he murmured to himself, reaching for a shopping cart. To him, it felt like a child's toy, the handle sitting comfortably in one hand. He began to fill it, each item disappearing into the cart as if into a magician's hat.

"Vikram? Is that you?" The familiar voice belonged to Evan, the barista with a knack for cooking. He craned his neck upwards, his eyes wide with amazement.

"Hey, Evan! Yeah, it's me," Vikram boomed, a smile spreading across his face. "Just picking up a few things."

Evan chuckled, "A few things? Looks like you're stocking up for an army!"

Vikram's laugh rumbled through the store. "Feels like it. I'm eating like a horse these days."

As they walked the aisles, Evan suggested recipes and ingredients, his culinary expertise guiding Vikram's choices. "You'll want to get plenty of protein, and don't skimp on the veggies," Evan advised, pointing to the leafy greens.

At the checkout, the total climbed higher and higher, the numbers on the register a stark reminder of Vikram's new needs. His wallet felt significantly lighter as he handed over his card, the amount making him wince. "Guess I'll be living on more than just a budget," he said, half-joking.

Evan, ever the friend, offered a solution. "I've got my pick-up outside. Let's get you and your mountain of groceries home."

The ride back was a spectacle, with Vikram seated in the back of the truck, his head visible over the cab. Children waved, and drivers honed their horns, while Evan navigated the streets with a grin.

As they pulled up to the house, Vikram thanked Evan, his voice carrying easily from the truck bed. "Couldn't have done it without you, man."

Evan waved off the thanks. "Anytime, Vik. Just maybe order online next time, huh?"

With a wave, Evan drove off, leaving Vikram to ponder the logistics of his new life. One thing was certain: grocery shopping would never be the same again.


The gym, Iron Palisade, housed in an old aircraft hangar, was one of the few places where Vikram could stand tall without fear of hitting his head. The vast space, with its high ceilings and wide-open area, was a perfect fit for his giant stature.

"Man, this place is perfect for you," Marcus remarked, his eyes scanning the expanse of the hangar-turned-gym.

Vikram grinned, "Yeah, it's not every day you find a gym where you can actually fit in."

They approached the leg press machine, and Vikram gave it a skeptical look. The seat and weight sled seemed almost comically small compared to his massive frame. With some maneuvering, he managed to position himself, but his knees were up to his ears as he pressed the weights.

Marcus couldn't help but comment, "You make that machine look like it's made for ants!"

Vikram laughed, the sound echoing off the metal walls. "Feels like it too. But hey, a workout's a workout."

As they moved through their leg day routine, Marcus was visibly impressed by Vikram's sheer size and strength. "Dude, your quads are the size of my chest," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

Vikram's legs powered through squats, lunges, and deadlifts, each muscle standing out in sharp relief. His calves were like sculpted boulders, and with every flex, the striations were more pronounced.

After the intense workout, both men were drenched in sweat, their breaths heavy with exertion. "Good session, man," Vikram panted, giving Marcus a gentle slap on the back that nearly sent him stumbling.

In the locker room, the contrast between them was even more evident. Vikram's tighty-whiteys clung to his hips, outlining the muscles that rippled with every movement. Marcus, though fit and muscular himself, looked almost ordinary next to the giant.

"Next time, we're doing arms. I want to see if you can make the dumbbells look like toothpicks too," Marcus joked, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Vikram chuckled, "Challenge accepted. But for now, let's just try to survive the rest of the day."

The gym's showers were a sanctuary for Vikram, the one place where he could truly revel in the sensation of water cascading over his colossal form. The spacious shower room accommodated his size, allowing him to stretch out his arms and let the warm streams soothe his muscles.

"Ah, this is the life," Vikram sighed contentedly, tilting his head back into the spray.

Marcus, standing a few shower heads over, called out, "Enjoying the little things, huh?"

"You have no idea," Vikram replied, his voice echoing off the tiled walls. "It's the first shower I've had since... well, you know, where I don't have to bend double."

Marcus chuckled, "I can only imagine."

After a few moments of blissful silence, Vikram stepped out of the shower, droplets of water glistening on his skin like diamonds. He caught Marcus's eye and struck a classic bodybuilder's pose, his muscles rippling under the lighting.

"Check this out, Marcus. What do you think?" Vikram boomed, transitioning from one pose to another, showcasing his physique.

Marcus whistled appreciatively. "Man, you're like a statue come to life. Incredible!"

Vikram laughed, flexing his biceps and then spreading his lats. "Feels good to move without knocking something over."

Drying off was another story. The towels, standard-sized for anyone else, were woefully inadequate for Vikram's massive body. He dabbed at himself with what might as well have been a handkerchief, the fabric comically small against his skin.

"Need a little help there?" Marcus joked, tossing him another towel.

Vikram caught it and smiled. "Might need a few more of these."

Together, they managed to get Vikram reasonably dry, though it took nearly the entire stack of towels. "Next time, I'm bringing a beach towel. Or maybe a bedsheet," Vikram said, chuckling at the thought.

As they left the locker room, the camaraderie between them was palpable—a bond forged through shared experiences and the unique challenges of Vikram's new life.

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As the morning sun peeked through the curtains, Vikram awoke to the familiar sound of his alarm clock. With a groan that shook the room, he sat up, his head nearly grazing the ceiling. "Another day, another dollar," he mumbled to himself, swinging his legs over the side of his makeshift bed.

In the kitchen, the smell of coffee filled the air, and the sound of bickering brothers added to the morning chaos. "Vik, watch it!" Gurinder exclaimed as Vikram's elbow knocked over a salt shaker in his attempt to grab the milk.

"Sorry, sorry," Vikram replied, his movements awkward in the cramped space. "This kitchen wasn't made for a giant."

Harminder, leaning against the counter, sipped his coffee with an amused smirk. "You're telling me. I've been saying we need a bigger place for years."

The battle for the bathroom was a short one; Vikram's size meant he could simply lift Harminder out of the way with a gentle nudge. "I'll be quick," he promised, squeezing through the doorway.

Dressed in a dress shirt and slacks that looked painted on and a bit too short, Vikram checked his reflection in the mirror. "Guess it's time to go shopping again," he sighed, noting the tightness around his shoulders and the way his pants threatened to split with every movement.


The metro ride to work was an exercise in contortion. Vikram had to squat to fit in the metro car, drawing curious glances from the other passengers. "You good, Vik?" Harminder asked, trying to hide his concern behind a casual tone.

"Yeah, just perfect," Vikram replied dryly, his knees up to his chin.

Exiting the metro, the brothers faced a daunting flight of stairs. "Escalator's out of the question," Vikram noted, eyeing the fragile-looking steps.

As they ascended, Vikram's giant strides left Harminder trailing behind. Vikram's muscular ass strained against his snug dress pants as he ascended the stairs with purposeful steps. Each powerful movement sent ripples of strength through his whole body, showcasing the sheer force contained within his imposing frame. His pants groaned with protest, the seams on the brink of surrendering to his burgeoning muscles.

"Hey, wait up!" Harminder called out, panting.

Halfway up, a ripping sound stopped them both. Harminder couldn't help but laugh. "Nice pants, Vik. Very... airy."

Vikram's cheeks flushed a shade of red that matched his tie. "Guess I'm really going shopping today," he said, trying to cover the tear with his jacket.

Despite the mishaps, Vikram's spirits remained high. He was a giant in a small world, but he was learning to navigate it—one giant stride at a time.

Vikram's heart skipped a beat as he realized that today was the day he would update Rebecca Lawson, the senior partner at the firm, on the Accelercola case. Rebecca was not just an amazing lawyer, known for her sharp intellect and courtroom prowess, but also an incredible mentor who guided her associates with a firm yet nurturing hand.

With a deep breath, Vikram squeezed through the doorway of Rebecca's office, his massive frame barely fitting. The sight of him caused Rebecca to drop her pen, her usual composure slipping into a flustered silence.

"Good morning, Rebecca," Vikram boomed, trying to ease the tension with a chuckle and an impromptu pec bounce.

Rebecca blinked, then regained her professional demeanor. "Vikram, please, have a seat," she gestured towards a sturdy, reinforced chair.

As she reviewed Vikram's update on the case, her initial shock gave way to admiration. "Excellent work, Vikram. This is thorough and insightful," she praised, her eyes scanning the documents.

Standing to leave, Vikram felt the chair cling to his legs, his muscles having molded around the frame. With a twist, the chair gave way, crashing to the floor. "Oh dear," Rebecca exclaimed, jumping at the sound.

"It's okay, nothing's broken... except the chair, maybe," Vikram said, a sheepish grin on his face.

He made his way back to his own office, the corridors feeling narrower with each step. Without thinking, he plopped down into his chair, which splintered under his weight. As he landed on the floor with a loud curse, laughter echoed from the nearby cubicles.

"Guess I'll be standing until we find something a bit more... Vik-proof," he joked, rubbing his behind and joining in the laughter.

The day at the office had just begun, and it was already proving to be an eventful one for Vikram, the gentle giant.


The office corridors seemed to shrink as Vikram made his way through them, his head and shoulders towering above the cubicle partitions. Whispers followed him like a shadow, but none were as piercing as the silence that fell when he turned the corner and stood face-to-face with Ryan Godfrey.

Ryan, once the office bully who took every chance to taunt Vikram about his stature, now craned his neck to meet Vikram's gaze. His usual smirk faltered, replaced by a flicker of disbelief.

"Vik...ram?" Ryan stammered, the name catching in his throat.

Vikram folded his arms across his chest, the fabric of his shirt straining against his biceps. "Ryan," he acknowledged with a nod, his deep voice resonant in the quiet hall.

Ryan took a step back, his eyes darting down to Vikram's massive legs, then up again. "What happened to you?" he asked, trying to mask his unease with a laugh that came out more nervous than mocking.

"Just a bit of personal growth," Vikram replied, the double entendre not lost on either of them.

Ryan stood up, his chair rolling back with a squeak. He took a cautious step forward, craning his neck to meet Vikram's gaze. "I'll say," he muttered, his attempt at nonchalance falling flat.

Vikram leaned in slightly, enjoying the moment. "You know, Ryan, I always believed what goes around comes around. Seems like it's my turn to be the big man on campus."

Ryan swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. "Yeah, well... just don't let it get to your head," he said, the words rushed.

Vikram straightened up, his chuckle echoing off the walls. "Don't worry, I’ll let it get to both of them,” Vik sneered as he lewdly squeezed his gigantic manhood. “I'm still the same Vikram. Just a little harder to overlook."

Vikram leaned against a nearby desk, which groaned under his weight. "You know, Ryan, I always appreciated your... 'feedback' on my stature. Gave me something to aspire to," he said, the irony not lost on the onlookers.

Vikram straightened up, his head nearly touching the ceiling tiles. "Thanks, Ryan. I'll be sure to reach out if I need any 'tall' advice," he quipped, turning to walk away.

With a final pat on Ryan's shoulder that nearly sent him stumbling, Vikram continued down the corridor, leaving a stunned Ryan in his wake. The whispers resumed, this time with a note of respect for the gentle giant who walked among them.

Vikram hunched over his desk, the surface barely reaching his knees as he pored over the files of the Accelercola case. His fingers, each the size of a marker pen, flipped through pages with surprising delicacy. A line in the financial report caught his eye, and his heart raced. "This is it," he whispered, "the missing link."

With a surge of excitement, he pushed himself up, his knees protesting from the prolonged strain. He made his way to Harminder's office, his broad shoulders brushing against the door frame as he entered.

"Harmin, you've got to see this," Vikram said, his voice booming with enthusiasm.

Harminder looked up, raising an eyebrow. "What's got you all worked up?"

Vikram laid the report on Harminder's desk, pointing to the figures that danced before their eyes. "Right here. The numbers don't add up. It's the evidence we need to crack the case wide open."

Harminder leaned in, his eyes scanning the document. "Hold on, big guy. Let's play devil's advocate here. How do you plan to present this without it getting torn apart in court?"

Vikram nodded, appreciating the challenge. "I thought you might say that. I think if we can corroborate these figures with the testimonies we have..."

Harminder interrupted, "Testimonies can be subjective. You need hard evidence, something irrefutable."

Vikram's brow furrowed in thought. "You're right. I'll dig deeper, find the paper trail."

Satisfied, Harminder stood up, and Vikram, unable to contain his gratitude, wrapped his massive arms around him in a bear hug that lifted Harminder off his feet.

"Easy, Vik! I need to breathe," Harminder gasped, though a smile crept onto his face.

Vikram set him down, chuckling. "Sorry, I'm just... thanks, Harmin."

Later, as the office began to empty, Vikram spotted Rebecca Lawson packing up her briefcase. He rushed over, his long strides closing the distance in seconds.

"Rebecca, wait! I've made a breakthrough on the Accelercola case," he announced, barely containing his glee.

Rebecca turned, her eyes widening at Vikram's towering form. "A breakthrough? Show me." Vikram explained his discovery, his words tumbling out in a torrent of legal jargon and excitement. Rebecca listened intently, nodding along.

"This is excellent work, Vikram. Truly impressive," she said, her praise sending waves of pride through him.

As she left, Vikram couldn't help himself. He jumped, a move that shook the floor, his head dislodging a few ceiling tiles. "Yes!" he exclaimed, the compliment from the esteemed Rebecca Lawson worth more than any victory dance.


Vikram's victory at work was not just a win for his career, but also a personal triumph. Eager to celebrate, he changed into his workout clothes, the fabric stretching over his muscles like a second skin. He headed to the gym, where the clanking of weights and the scent of determination filled the air.

Marcus was already there, warming up with a set of dumbbells that looked like mere pebbles to Vik. "Ready to crush some arms?" Marcus called out, spotting Vikram's reflection in the mirror.

"You know it," Vikram replied, his voice booming across the gym. The two friends bumped fists and dove into their workout, pushing each other to the limit. The sound of heavy weights hitting the floor punctuated their intense routine.

Between sets, they reminisced about their pasts, which once ran parallel in their ordinariness. "You were just an average Joe like me, huh?" Marcus said, wiping sweat from his brow.

Vikram nodded, curling a barbell that seemed to bend with each lift. "Yeah, but I always had this fascination with bodybuilding. My brothers were into it, and I guess it rubbed off on me."

Marcus laughed, "Well, now you're living the dream, man. You're like a superhero straight out of a comic book."

The workout left them both exhausted and exhilarated. As they headed to the locker room, the atmosphere was one of camaraderie and mutual respect. They changed out of their drenched clothes, the locker room echoing with the sound of lockers slamming shut and the murmur of post-workout conversations.

Vikram approached the showers, the tiled floor cool under his bare feet. He paused at the entrance, the steam wafting out like a curtain hiding the stage of his next scene.

"See you on the other side, bro," Marcus said, clapping Vikram on the shoulder. “I’m gonna wash up at home today.”

Vikram grinned, "You bet." With that, he stepped into the steam, his massive silhouette disappearing from view as the sound of cascading water filled the room, his muscles still thrumming with energy. The steam from the hot water filled the room, creating a misty veil that seemed to dance around him. He stepped into the shower stall, the cool tiles a stark contrast to his heated skin. The giant communal shower room, with rain-fall showers and a 15 foot ceiling allowed Vik the only place where he could stand and shower in peace.

The water cascaded over his colossal form, each drop tracing the contours of his well-defined muscles. Vikram tilted his head back, letting the stream wash over his face, the droplets mingling with the sweat that beaded on his forehead. He closed his eyes, savoring the sensation of the water sluicing down his body, taking with it the fatigue of the workout.

His arms, massive and veined, moved with a grace that belied their size as he lathered up, the soap suds sliding over his biceps and trickling down his abs. He moved his giant soapy hands to his phallus, the muscles in his forearms flexing with the action. A low groan escaped his lips as he felt the warm water and lather work their magic, heightening his senses and sending shivers of pleasure through his body. His already elephantine dick grew

in stature, stretching out and throbbing under the soothing stream.

His fingers sank into the soap, producing a thick lather, which he used to massage every inch of his swelling member. The sensation was indescribable, a mixture of pleasure and pain intermingling to create an experience that was both erotic and primal.

As the water continued to cascade over him, Vikram's penis grew larger and more prominent, reaching a stage where it seemed to defy the laws of nature. He continued stroking until his low moans shook the tile walls, his arousal reaching a fever pitch. The water cascaded over his orgasmic peak, mingling with the rivulets of semen that spilled forth, creating a symphony of sound and sensation. Load after load of semen spilled from his massive member, each one more powerful than the last. The force of it was so great that it seemed to knock the air from his lungs, leaving him gasping and panting for breath.

As the last of his semen dripped from his throbbing member, Vikram let out a long, satisfied sigh. The waves of pleasure subsided, Vikram exhaled sharply, his massive chest rising and falling with his breath.

The sound of the water echoed in the tiled room, a rhythmic backdrop to his deep, steady breathing.

Vikram ran his hands through his hair, the strands slicking back under the weight of the water. He flexed his muscles instinctively, watching as the water beaded and rolled off, catching the light in a shimmering display. It was moments like these that he appreciated the full extent of his transformation, the power and the presence he now commanded.

As he rinsed off, Vikram felt a sense of renewal, the water not just cleansing his body but also rejuvenating his spirit. He shook his head, droplets flying off like a dog after a swim, and gave a contented sigh. The shower had always been a place of reflection and solitude, and now it was a place where he could truly stretch out and relax.

The water cascaded down in a soothing torrent, enveloping Vikram in a warm embrace as he stood in the expansive shower stall. The steam rose around him, a gentle fog that seemed to cocoon him away from the world outside. He closed his eyes, letting the heat seep into his muscles, still tingling from the day's exertions.

As the water traced the contours of his body, Vikram reflected on the journey that had brought him to this moment. He thought of the days when he felt overlooked, his presence barely registering in the crowded spaces of life. Now, he filled every room he entered, his size a testament to a transformation that was as much internal as it was external.

He pondered the irony of how he used to strive to stand out, to be seen, and now he yearned at times for the anonymity he once had. Yet, he couldn't deny the surge of pride that swelled within him when he caught his reflection—a man who had grown beyond the bounds of an ordinary life.

Vikram's thoughts drifted to his family, to the brothers who had instilled in him a love for bodybuilding, a passion that now shaped his daily routine. He smiled as he remembered their reactions, a mix of astonishment and joy, at his newfound stature. They had adapted, just as he had, finding new ways to connect and support each other.

His mind turned to his work, to the Accelercola case that had consumed so much of his time and energy. The breakthrough he had achieved was a victory not just for his career but for his confidence. He had proven to himself and to everyone else that he was more than just his physical appearance—that his mind was as sharp as ever.

Vikram considered his colleagues, the bonds that had been tested and strengthened in the wake of his change. He thought of Marcus, his workout partner, and Rebecca, his mentor, grateful for their acceptance and encouragement. Their reactions had ranged from shock to admiration, but through it all, they had treated him with respect.

The water continued to pour over him, and Vikram let out a deep breath, releasing the tension he hadn't realized he was holding. He acknowledged the challenges that lay ahead, the adjustments that would have to be made, and the patience required to navigate a world that seemed to shrink in comparison to him.

But as he stood there, the sound of the water a constant hum in his ears, Vikram felt a sense of peace. He had grown in stature, but he had also grown in spirit. He was still the same man, with the same heart, the same dreams. His size might have changed, but his essence remained.

With a final rinse, Vikram turned off the shower, the droplets slowing to a stop.  Vikram reached for a towel, which now seemed more like a hand towel against his expansive chest. He patted himself dry, the fabric absorbing the moisture from his skin. With one last glance in the mirror, he admired the figure that stared back at him—a man who had grown in more ways than one.

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The morning sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on Vikram's face as he woke up with a sense of excitement bubbling within him. He stretched, his arms reaching out wide, and with each movement, the remains of the bed creaked a reminder of his immense size. Today felt like a day of promise, and he was eager to start it right. In fact, it was the day of the Gully & Son's annual softball game against their firm rivals. Vik had been planning to watch from the sidelines before he grew. He flexed a bicep in bed, "Maybe I'll play today," he mused.

Still rubbing the sleep out of his body, Vik placed his hand over his prodigal bulge and began to massage it, feeling the familiar sensation of power thrumming beneath his touch. His muscles responded eagerly to his ministrations, flexing and expanding under his fingers as if eager to show off their strength. The solid mass of his biceps tensed and rippled, the sinewy cords of muscle shifting beneath his skin like a living thing.

As Vik continued to knead his testicles and massage his engorged member, he reveled in the raw power that surged through him. The sensation was both electrifying and comforting, a reminder of the potent masculinity that now defined him. Each stroke, each caress sent ripples of pleasure coursing through his entire being, igniting a fire within that demanded release.

His breath quickened, his chest rising and falling with the mounting anticipation. Vik closed his eyes and let himself be consumed by the intensity of sensation, savoring every moment of the exquisite torture he was inflicting upon himself. It was a dance of pleasure and pain, of desire and fulfillment, all converging in a crescendo of ecstasy.

As he neared the edge, Vik's grip tightened, his muscles straining with the effort to contain the primal force that threatened to overwhelm him. With one final, primal roar, he let go, surrendering to the overwhelming surge of pleasure that crashed over him like a tidal wave.

The room filled with the volley after volley of cum shooting forth from Vikram's straining member, an impressive display of power and passion. The force of the ejaculation sent a shiver through his entire body, every muscle tensing and releasing in a perfect symphony of satisfaction.

As the final droplets of semen landed on his chest, Vikram opened his eyes, the look of contentment on his face a testament to the intensity of the experience. He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of his own arousal, and let out a satisfied sigh.

With a final stretch, Vikram stood up from the bed, the muscles in his legs rippling as he moved. He looked down at his impressive erection, still throbbing with the remnants of pleasure, and let out a low chuckle.

"Well, boy," he said, reaching out and gently grasping his member, "it looks like we're going to need to put you away for now.” Vik looked at the mess and chuckled. “I’ll clean this up later.” He knew he wouldn’t.

He plodded out of his room, each step a gentle thud on the wooden floor, and made his way to the kitchen. The aroma of coffee already wafted through the air, a signal that his brothers were up and about. Vikram hummed a tune, flipping the switch on the stereo to fill the room with upbeat music. It was a day to celebrate, and what better way to do so than with a mega breakfast and some good vibes?

As the sizzle of eggs and the pop of the toaster accompanied the music, Vikram found himself swaying to the rhythm, his hips moving in time with the beat. Clad only in his tighty-whiteys, which stretched across his muscular thighs and struggled to contain his form, he was lost in the joy of the moment. Vikram's body glistened with a light sheen of sweat, his muscles rippling with every movement. His snug white briefs hugged his defined thighs and strained against his impressive bulge, barely containing his form, cupping his firm buttocks. His tanned skin was a striking contrast against the stark white of his underwear. He swayed his hips erotically, as his ass undulated to the beat. His steps shook the house, making the silverware rattle in their drawers and the hanging pots and pans sway to their own metallic rhythm.

Upstairs, the reaction was immediate. Guminder, ever the analytical one, peered up through the banister, his eyes widening behind his glasses.

"Harminder, come see this," he called out, a mix of amusement and disbelief in his voice.

Harminder, who was no stranger to sarcasm and carried a hint of jealousy for his brother's transformation, sauntered over with a raised eyebrow. "What's he doing now?" he asked, leaning over to catch a glimpse.

"He's... dancing," Guminder replied, his analytical mind trying to process the sight.

Harminder snorted, "Dancing? More like causing a seismic event."

Upstairs, Vikram was oblivious to their commentary, flipping pancakes with a flourish, his movements exaggerated and full of life. The kitchen had become his stage, and he was the star of the show.

Eventually, the scent of breakfast lured the brothers downstairs, and they found themselves face-to-face with the dancing giant.

Gurinder, his tall frame filling the doorway, and raised an eyebrow at the seismic dance happening in the kitchen. "Good morning, San Francisco, it is 1906," he quipped with a grin, pouring himself some coffee. "Planning to shake the whole neighborhood awake or just us?"

Vikram turned, his chest bouncing with laughter. "Just making sure you guys are fully alert for the day," he replied

"Vik, man, you've got to put on some clothes," Harminder said, trying to keep a straight face.

Guminder nodded in agreement. "It's quite... distracting."

Vikram turned, a broad grin on his face. "What? This old thing?" he joked, gesturing to his minimal attire. "I'm at home. I should be comfortable, right?"

Harminder rolled his eyes. "Comfortable for you, maybe. But think of our retinas, brother. You still have a colossal semi from your morning wank session."

Gurinder chimed in, "Perhaps a robe would be a good compromise?"

Vikram laughed, serving up the breakfast onto plates. "Alright, alright, I'll consider it. But for now, let's eat. I've worked up quite the appetite with my morning dance."

As they sat down to eat, the conversation turned to Vikram's choice of clothing, or lack thereof, at home. It was a light-hearted debate, filled with laughter and the occasional jab, but beneath it all was an undercurrent of family and the comfort that comes with being among those who know you best.

The morning skirmish for the bathroom was a familiar routine in the household, but today, Vikram's participation turned it into a spectacle. The brothers jostled and joked, each vying for their turn, but it was Vikram's sheer size that eventually parted the way for him to enter the bathroom first.

Inside, Vikram faced the mirror, his reflection a tight fit within its frame. He began the delicate task of brushing his teeth, his brawny arms moving with an unexpected grace. Each stroke of the toothbrush was a study in controlled power, his biceps flexing and relaxing with the motion, the muscles of his forearms dancing under the skin. His pecs and abs rippled as he reached for the mouthwash, a symphony of strength and control.

The minty foam gathered at the corners of his mouth, and he rinsed, the water swirling down the sink like a miniature whirlpool.

A sense of satisfaction washed over him as he admired the sharp lines of his beard, a stark contrast against his smooth skin. With a nod of approval at his reflection, he splashed his face with cold water, the droplets catching in his beard like morning dew.

Squeezing out of the bathroom, Vikram emerged victorious, his appearance impeccable. His brothers, waiting outside, couldn't help but express their thoughts.

Gurinder, analytical as ever, adjusted his glasses and remarked, "Efficient use of space in there, I must say."

Harminder, leaning against the doorframe with a smirk, added, "Yeah, and about as subtle as a bull in a china shop."

Vikram just grinned, "All part of the charm, brothers."

As the two walked out the door, Harminder remakred, “Well, look at Mr. Confidence here. Just don't start thinking you can outshine me in everything, big bro. Remember, brains over brawn,” he said as he flexed his would-be impressive bicep if-not-for-Vik.

The morning commute was now an adventure for Vikram and Harminder, but today it felt like a scene straight out of a comedy sketch. They approached the metro, the rush of people like a river flowing around them. Vikram ducked to enter the train, his frame filling the doorway.

"Man, you really don't fit in here, do you?" Harminder joked, eyeing the scant space around them.

Vikram grinned, his head brushing against the ceiling. "It's like being a kid in a playhouse," he replied, the amusement clear in his voice.

Passengers glanced up, some with curiosity, others with annoyance, but Vikram didn't mind. He enjoyed the attention, the way people had to acknowledge his presence. It was a far cry from the days when he felt invisible.

At work, Vikram's size turned ordinary tasks into obstacles. His new chair groaned under his weight, his desk seemed to shrink before him, and doorways became narrow gauntlets. Yet, he moved with a confidence that was infectious.

Ryan, his workplace nemesis, seemed to shrink every time Vikram was near. The once-boisterous man avoided Vikram's gaze, his voice faltering whenever he spoke.

"Hey, Ryan, need help with those files?" Vikram called out, his deep voice echoing across the office.

Ryan jumped, papers fluttering from his hands. "No, no, I've got it," he stammered, not daring to look up.

Vikram chuckled, turning to Harminder. "I think he's afraid I'll step on him."

Harminder laughed, shaking his head. "You're like a walking, talking skyscraper, Vik. It's going to take some getting used to."


As the day went on, Vikram's presence continued to make itself known. He had to stoop to use the water cooler, stoop to reach the top shelves, and sidestep to avoid bumping into desks. But each little incident only made him stand taller, his confidence growing with every stride.

Vikram had left an impression on everyone, his size a symbol of the change he had embraced. And as he squeezed back onto the metro with Harminder, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride deep down. He was more than his size; he was Vikram, the man who had learned to fill any space with his spirit.

Vikram approached the water cooler with a purposeful stride, his throat parched from a long morning of meetings. The office chatter seemed to fade into the background as he focused on the task at hand. He towered over the cooler, his shadow enveloping it like an eclipse.

With a casual ease that belied his massive strength, Vikram gripped the five-gallon tank. His fingers wrapped around it, the plastic groaning in protest. He lifted it effortlessly, tilting it to his lips as if it were a mere water bottle. The office fell silent, all eyes drawn to the spectacle.

As Vikram drank, the muscles in his jaw and neck worked rhythmically, a testament to the power within. His adam's apple bobbed with each gulp, keeping time like a metronome. The water level plummeted, the clear liquid disappearing as if being drawn by an invisible force.

The tank crinkled and deformed under the pressure of Vikram's gulps, the plastic folding in on itself with a series of soft crunches. It was a sight to behold, the once sturdy container now succumbing to the might of his hands.

Forty-five seconds passed, and with a final, resonant gulp, Vikram lowered the tank, now a twisted shell of its former self. He exhaled deeply, a satisfied look on his face, his chest heaving from the exertion.

As he stood there, his muscular stomach pressed against the fabric of his dress shirt, outlining his abs. The shirt, strained to its limits, showcased the results of his dedication to bodybuilding, each muscle defined and prominent.

Around him, his colleagues murmured in awe, some shaking their heads in disbelief, others chuckling at the sheer absurdity of what they'd just witnessed. Vikram just smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement.

"Thirsty work, this lawyering," he quipped, his voice a deep rumble that seemed to vibrate through the room.

With that, Vikram placed the crumpled tank back on the cooler, gave a nod to his audience, and returned to his desk, ready to tackle the rest of the day's challenges with the same vigor he'd shown in conquering his thirst.


The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the baseball field as Vikram and his coworkers arrived for the firm versus firm game. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation, and the chatter among the players was lively. Vikram's entrance, however, turned heads and brought an almost palpable sense of awe.

His coworkers had managed to tailor a custom baseball uniform for him, and as he slipped into it, the fabric stretched over his muscles, accentuating every curve and bulge of his physique. The jersey, snug around his chest and arms, highlighted the definition of his pecs and biceps, while the pants clung to his thighs and calves, showcasing the power within.

Harminder, the captain and once the pinnacle of athleticism in the firm, clapped Vikram on the back, a knowing smile on his face. "You're a sight to behold, Vik. Make us proud out there," he said, his voice tinged with pride and a hint of nostalgia for his own days in the spotlight.

As the game began, Vikram's presence on the field was magnetic. The rival firm's players couldn't help but steal glances at him, their confidence waning under the shadow of his towering frame. Vikram noticed their stares and, with a playful smirk, flexed his arms, the sleeves of his jersey looking as if they might tear at the seams.

The match was a display of Vikram's sheer dominance. Each time he stepped up to bat, the air thrummed with excitement. With a swing that combined grace and brute strength, he connected with the ball, sending it soaring into the sky. The crack of the bat breaking upon impact echoed through the field, a testament to his power.

The ball flew for what seemed like miles, much to the amazement of everyone watching. Cheers erupted from his team with each home run, their voices growing louder and more jubilant with each display of Vikram's prowess.

As the game drew to a close, Vikram's team emerged victorious, their spirits high and their camaraderie stronger than ever. They gathered around Vikram, their giant of a teammate, for a commemorative photo. The camera captured the moment, the team's smiles wide and Vikram's figure towering above them, his uniform still clinging to his muscular form, a symbol of their triumph.

The photo would be more than just a memory; it would be a reminder of the day when Vikram, the gentle giant, led his team to victory with his strength, his spirit, and a bat that couldn't withstand the force of his swing.

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