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Justin’s Ascension Part 1-15 (FULL STORY)


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1 hour ago, idealmuscle said:

Love this. When can we expect the next chapter?

Going to work on getting the next two chapters posted today!

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Some more growth in the next few chapters. Things are about to get interesting for Justin and Will as a new character emerges in a soon to be chapter  

Part 5

The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the bedroom. Justin lay in bed, his massive frame taking up most of the space. He felt a comforting weight on his chest and looked down to see Will, still asleep, his head resting against Justin’s broad pecs. A smile spread across Justin’s face as he gently ran his fingers through Will’s hair, pride swelling in his chest at the sight of his “big boy.”

Will had grown so much over the past six months, becoming a powerhouse of muscle and strength. Justin couldn’t be prouder of the progress they had made together. But now, as he lay there, a new thought crept into Justin’s mind. He had pushed Will to new heights, but it was time for him to grow even more. He would get what he wanted today.

Carefully, so as not to wake Will, Justin eased out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror, his already colossal frame reflected back at him. But he wanted more. He needed to be bigger, stronger, the ultimate dominant force.

He returned to the bedroom and gently shook Will awake. “Wake up, big boy.”

Will stirred, blinking up at Justin with a sleepy smile. “Good morning, sir.”

“Good morning, Will. I have something special planned for us today.”

Will sat up, stretching his massive arms. “What is it, sir?”

Justin’s eyes gleamed with determination. “It’s time for me to grow even more. We’re going to push my limits today.”

Will’s eyes widened with excitement. “Yes, sir! What do you need me to do?”

Justin smiled, feeling a rush of anticipation. “Just be ready to help me. We’re going to the gym, and I want you to use your power to make me bigger while we train.”

Will nodded eagerly. “Anything for you, sir.”

They quickly got dressed and headed to the gym. As they walked in, the usual heads turned, but today there was an air of something extraordinary about to happen. Justin led Will to the area with the heaviest weights, ready to start their session.

“Remember, Will,” Justin said, his voice filled with authority, “focus on making me grow. Use everything you’ve got.”

Will nodded, his eyes fixed on Justin with unwavering determination. “Yes, sir.”

They began their workout, Justin lifting weights that seemed impossible for any normal man to handle. As he pushed through each rep, Will concentrated, willing Justin’s muscles to expand, his body to grow. The energy between them was palpable, a powerful force driving Justin’s transformation.

With each set, Justin’s muscles bulged larger, his veins standing out in stark relief. His chest broadened, his biceps swelled, and his thighs thickened. His height increased, making him tower even more over Will.

Gym-goers watched in awe and disbelief as Justin’s body continued to grow, his already massive frame becoming a true colossus of muscle and power. Sweat poured down his face, his breath coming in heavy pants, but he kept pushing, driven by the desire to become the ultimate dominant force.

“More, Will,” Justin growled, his voice deeper and more commanding. “Make me bigger.”

Will focused harder, his own excitement growing as he watched his master transform before his eyes. “Yes, sir. You’re going to be the biggest, the strongest.”

Justin’s body responded, his muscles expanding even further. His chest was now a massive expanse of rock-hard muscle, his arms like tree trunks, his legs pillars of power. He felt unstoppable, invincible.

Finally, after what felt like hours of intense effort, Justin dropped the weights, his body trembling with the sheer power coursing through him. He looked down at Will, his eyes filled with satisfaction and dominance.

“Look at me, Will,” Justin said, his voice a rumbling command. “I’ve never felt more powerful.”

Will’s eyes were wide with admiration and excitement. “You’re a God, sir. The biggest, the strongest.”

Justin stepped closer, his massive hand cupping Will’s chin. “And you, my big boy, have made this possible. Together, we’re unstoppable.”

Will’s heart swelled with pride and love. “I love you, sir.”

“I love you too, Will,” Justin replied, his voice softening for a moment. “Now, let’s go home. There’s more I want to do with my new size.”

As Justin and Will left the gym, the sheer power of Justin’s new size was palpable. Every step he took seemed to resonate with strength and dominance. Will followed closely, filled with a mixture of pride, excitement, and anticipation. He knew that Justin’s plans were far from over, and he was eager to see what his master had in mind.

Once they were back home, Justin closed the door and turned to Will, his eyes burning with determination and desire. “Will, there’s so much more I want to do with this new size,” he said, his voice a deep rumble.

Will looked up at him, eager to hear more. “What do you want to do, sir?”

Justin’s grin was both predatory and affectionate. “First, I want to explore what this body can do. I want to push my limits even further, test my strength, and see just how powerful I can become. And I want you by my side every step of the way, helping me grow.”

Will nodded, his heart racing. “Yes, sir. I’ll do everything I can to help you.”

Justin placed a massive hand on Will’s shoulder, the weight of it reassuring and possessive. “Good. Because I want to be the biggest and the best. I want to dominate in every way possible. Not just in the gym, but in every aspect of life. I want to be the ultimate force, the one everyone looks up to and fears. And I want you by my side as my big boy, always there to support me.”

Will felt a thrill run through him. The idea of Justin becoming an unstoppable force was exhilarating. “What can I do to help, sir?”

Justin’s eyes softened slightly as he looked at Will. “You’ve already done so much, Will. But your role is to grow with me, to support me, and to remain my big boy. You’ll always be important to me, but remember, I am the one who will always be the biggest and the strongest.”

Will’s eyes widened with surprise and admiration. “I’ll do my best, sir. I want to make you proud.”

Justin leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to Will’s forehead. “You already do, every day. Now, let’s see what this new size can do.”

With that, Justin led Will to the bedroom. He wanted to test the limits of their physical connection, to see how his newfound strength and size could enhance their intimacy. As they moved together, the sheer power of Justin’s body was overwhelming, each movement a testament to his dominance and Will’s dedication.

“Feel this, Will,” Justin whispered, his voice a mix of command and affection. “Feel the power you’ve helped me achieve.”

Will responded with fervor, his hands and lips exploring every inch of Justin’s massive frame. The intensity of their connection grew, each moment a celebration of their journey together.

As they lay entwined afterward, Justin’s mind continued to race with possibilities. “Tomorrow,” he said softly, “we start a new phase. We push the limits even further, both in and out of the gym. We’re going to take on the world, Will. Together.”

Will looked up at him, his eyes filled with unwavering devotion. “Yes, sir. Together.”

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A small update for you guys. Finally someone else decides he needs to get in on the growth action. 

Part 6

It was measurement day and Justin wanted to see how much more of a man he was than Will. 

Will (after six months):

• Height: 6’2”

• Weight: 265 pounds

• Chest: 58 inches

• Waist: 36 inches

• Biceps: 24 inches

• Thighs: 34 inches

• Calves: 22 inches

• Neck: 20 inches

• Cock Size: 9 inches


Justin (after gym growth):

• Height: 7’2”

• Weight: 400 pounds

• Chest: 70 inches

• Waist: 38 inches

• Biceps: 30 inches

• Thighs: 40 inches

• Calves: 25 inches

• Neck: 24 inches

• Cock Size: 16 inches

After reviewing their measurements, Justin felt an overwhelming sense of pride and dominance. He was now a full foot taller than Will, and his size and strength were unmatched. He loved the feeling of power that came with his immense physique and couldn’t resist flaunting it.

“Look at this,” Justin said, his voice dripping with arrogance as he flexed his enormous biceps. “I’m a foot taller than you now, Will. You’re so small compared to me.”

Will looked up at Justin, his eyes filled with a mix of admiration and frustration. “I know, sir. I’m trying to grow, but it feels like it’s taking forever.”

Justin chuckled, patting Will’s head condescendingly. “You just have to keep working at it, little boy. You’ll never be as big as me, but you can still get stronger.”

Will’s shoulders slumped slightly. He had been putting in so much effort, but the progress felt slow compared to Justin’s incredible transformation. An idea began to form in his mind, a risky thought that he knew he needed Justin’s approval for. He took a deep breath and looked up at his master.

“Sir, I’ve been thinking… what if I used my powers on myself? I’ve never tried it so I don’t know if it would even work. Just a little bit, to help me grow faster. Would you allow it?”

Justin’s expression turned serious. “No, Will. I don’t want you messing with things you don’t fully understand. You could hurt yourself. Especially if you’ve never even attempted it. I mean you really are pathetic if you’ve never tried to turn yourself into a muscle god!”

Will nodded, accepting the initial refusal, but the longing to grow stronger still burned within him. “I understand, sir. I just… I want to be better for you.”

Justin saw the earnestness in Will’s eyes, the desire to improve and be worthy. He sighed, considering the request carefully. “Alright, Will. You can try it, but only for a small amount of muscle. I don’t want you pushing it too far.”

Will’s eyes lit up with hope and determination. “Thank you, sir. I promise I’ll be careful.”

Justin nodded, watching as Will focused on himself for the first time. The energy flowed through Will’s body, and he could feel the familiar sensation of growth. His muscles began to swell slightly, his frame becoming just a bit larger and more defined.

Will (after using powers on himself):

•.    Height: 6’2”

• Weight: 285 pounds

• Chest: 59 inches

• Waist: 35 inches

• Biceps: 25 inches

• Thighs: 34 inches

• Calves: 22 inches

• Neck: 20 inches

• Cock Size: 9 inches

Will looked down at himself, feeling the difference. He flexed his arms, marveling at the additional size and strength. He turned to Justin, his eyes filled with gratitude. “Thank you, sir. I feel stronger already. I can’t believe that worked!!!”

Justin watched him closely, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. “Not bad, Will. Remember, this is just the beginning. You can grow, but you’ll always be my big boy, and I’ll always be the biggest and best.”

Will nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. “Yes, sir. I’ll keep working hard and growing for you.”

As Will walked towards his room, he knew this only the beginning. 

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Part 7

After the small but significant boost in Will’s size, Justin felt a mix of pride and satisfaction. He had allowed Will a taste of growth, but now it was his turn to take it to the next level. He craved more power, more size, and he knew exactly how to get it.

“Alright, Will,” Justin said, his voice dripping with authority. “As a reward for letting you grow, I want more. Make me even bigger.”

Will looked up at his master, his heart racing with excitement and anticipation. “Yes, sir. How big do you want to be?”

Justin’s eyes gleamed with desire. “Push me to 7’5” and 550 pounds of pure muscle. I want to be a god among men.”

Will nodded, focusing all his energy and concentration on Justin. He visualized the transformation, channeling his power into his master. As the energy surged, Justin’s body began to change.

Justin’s muscles started to swell, expanding with incredible speed. His biceps ballooned to an almost unbelievable size, veins popping out as they grew thicker and more defined. His chest broadened, becoming a massive expanse of rock-hard muscle. His thighs thickened, turning into pillars of pure power, and his calves followed suit, bulging with every flex.

Justin’s height increased, inch by inch, until he stood at an imposing 7’5”. His shoulders broadened even further, and his neck thickened, adding to his already intimidating presence. His cock grew larger as well, now an immense 18 inches, a testament to his overwhelming dominance.

Justin (after final transformation):

• Height: 7’5”

• Weight: 550 pounds

• Chest: 80 inches

• Waist: 40 inches

• Biceps: 36 inches

• Thighs: 50 inches

• Calves: 30 inches

• Neck: 30 inches

• Cock Size: 18 inches

The transformation was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Will watched in amazement as Justin’s body expanded, each muscle group growing to Herculean proportions. The sheer size and power radiating from Justin was intoxicating.

Justin flexed his newly enlarged biceps, his muscles straining against his skin, and let out a deep, rumbling laugh. “Look at me, Will. I’m a god.”

Will’s eyes were wide with awe and lust. “Yes, sir. You’re incredible.”

Justin’s hand reached out, gripping Will’s shoulder with a possessive strength. “You did well, Will. Now, come here.”

Will obeyed, stepping closer to his massive master. Justin’s eyes burned with a mixture of pride, dominance, and raw desire. He pulled Will into a powerful embrace, their bodies pressed together, the difference in size even more pronounced.

“You’ve made me unstoppable,” Justin growled, his voice dripping with lust. “Now, let me show you what this new power feels like.”

Justin’s hands roamed over Will’s body, exploring the added muscle with a hunger that sent shivers down Will’s spine. He kissed Will fiercely, their connection electrified by the transformation. Will’s own arousal was evident, his body responding to the sheer dominance of his master.

Justin’s massive cock pressed against Will, a tangible symbol of his newfound power. “You feel that, Will? That’s what you’ve given me. And now, I want you to worship every inch of this.”

Will’s heart raced as he knelt before Justin, his eyes level with the throbbing cock. He began to kiss and lick, his hands caressing Justin’s immense thighs and abs. The size, the power, the overwhelming dominance—it was everything Will had ever wanted to serve.

Justin’s deep moans filled the room as Will worshiped him, the sensation heightened by his newfound size and strength. “That’s it, Will. Worship your god.”

Will obeyed with fervor, his own arousal growing with every moment. He could feel Justin’s muscles flex and shift under his touch, each one a testament to the power he had helped create.

As they continued, the room was filled with the sounds of their shared lust and the raw power of Justin’s transformation. They moved together, a perfect harmony of dominance and submission, strength and worship.

In that moment, Justin knew that he had achieved his ultimate form, and Will knew that he had found his perfect place by his master’s side. Together, they were unstoppable, their bond unbreakable, and their future filled with endless possibilities for even greater power and connection.

The transformation had left Justin in a state of heightened arousal, his new size and power filling him with a feral, animalistic hunger. He looked at Will with an intense, predatory gaze, his desire palpable and overwhelming.

“Come here, Will,” Justin commanded, his voice a deep growl.

Will approached, his own arousal mingled with a hint of fear. He could feel the raw power radiating from Justin, and it thrilled him. Justin grabbed Will and pulled him close, their bodies colliding with a force that left Will breathless.

Justin’s hands roamed over Will’s body, his touch both possessive and urgent. He kissed Will fiercely, his lips and tongue demanding submission. Will responded, his own excitement building despite the intimidating presence of his master.

Without warning, Justin lifted Will effortlessly and positioned him on the bed. He entered Will with a powerful thrust, a primal growl escaping his lips. The sheer size and force of Justin’s cock sent waves of pain and pleasure through Will, who cried out, his voice a mixture of agony and ecstasy.

“Please, sir,” Will gasped between thrusts, his voice strained. “Let me grow. I can’t take it like this. Please.”

Justin’s thrusts became even more forceful, each one pushing Will to the edge. “Do it, boy,” Justin growled, his voice filled with lust and dominance. “Grow for your master.”

Will focused all his energy on himself, willing his body to expand and grow. He felt the familiar surge of power coursing through his veins as his muscles began to swell. His chest broadened, his arms thickened, and his legs grew stronger, matching the size and power he needed to withstand Justin’s feral intensity.

Will (after growing again):

• Height: 6’5”

• Weight: 350 pounds

• Chest: 65 inches

• Waist: 38 inches

• Biceps: 28 inches

• Thighs: 40 inches

• Calves: 26 inches

• Neck: 23 inches

• Cock Size: 11 inches

As Will’s body expanded, the pain began to subside, replaced by a new sense of power and resilience. He met Justin’s thrusts with equal fervor, their bodies moving together in a perfect rhythm of dominance and submission.

Justin felt the change, the added muscle and strength beneath him, and it only fueled his lust further. “That’s it, Will,” he growled, his voice a deep rumble. “Grow for your master. Show me your strength.”

Will’s hands gripped Justin’s massive shoulders, his own body now powerful enough to handle the intensity. He looked up at Justin, his eyes filled with a mixture of admiration and desire. “Yes, sir. I’m yours.”

The room was filled with the sounds of their passionate connection, their bodies moving together with an intensity that bordered on the primal. Each thrust, each touch, was a testament to their bond and the power they had achieved together.

As Justin reached his climax, he roared, the sound echoing through the room. Will followed soon after, his own release driven by the sheer power and dominance of his master.

They collapsed together, their bodies still entwined, breathing heavily. Justin looked down at Will, his eyes filled with satisfaction and a lingering hunger. “You did well, Will. You’ve grown so much.”

Will smiled up at him, his body aching but his heart filled with pride and love. “Thank you, sir. I’ll always grow for you.”

Justin leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to Will’s forehead. “And I’ll always push you to be your best. Together, we’re unstoppable.”

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What if, they went even bigger with their growth, like growing 2x bigger than they are now or even more, basically going macro territory? 👀

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Part 8

The next morning, Will woke up with a brilliant idea, one that filled him with excitement and anticipation. He turned to see Justin still asleep beside him, the massive expanse of his master’s body taking up most of the bed. Will gently kissed Justin’s cheek, waking him with a tender touch.

“Good morning, sir,” Will said softly.

Justin stirred, his eyes opening to meet Will’s with a sleepy smile. “Good morning, Will. What’s got you so excited this early?”

Will grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “I have a surprise for you, sir. Come with me.”

Curious and intrigued, Justin followed Will out to the backyard. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the garden, and the air was fresh and invigorating. Will turned to face Justin, his expression filled with devotion and eagerness.

“Sir, you’ve been the best master I could ever ask for,” Will began. “Today, I want to reward you. I’m giving you free reign to grow as much as you want. Whatever you call out, I’ll make it grow. Every part of you.”

Justin’s eyes widened with a mix of surprise and excitement. “Are you serious, Will?”

Will nodded, his determination clear. “Yes, sir. You deserve it. Just tell me what you want to grow, and I’ll make it happen.”

Justin’s grin widened, his mind racing with possibilities. He felt a surge of power and anticipation as he looked down at his devoted boy. “Alright, Will. Let’s start with my arms.”

Will focused intently, his hands gently touching Justin’s massive biceps. He channeled his energy, willing the muscles to grow. Justin’s biceps began to swell, expanding with incredible speed. The veins bulged, and the muscles became even more defined, growing to a size that seemed almost impossible.

“More,” Justin commanded, his voice filled with lust. “Make my chest bigger.”

Will moved his hands to Justin’s chest, feeling the powerful muscles beneath his fingertips. He concentrated, pouring his energy into his master’s pecs. Justin’s chest broadened, each muscle group expanding and becoming even more formidable. His pecs pushed outward, creating a massive expanse of rock-hard muscle.

“Yes, sir,” Will responded, his own arousal growing as he watched the transformation.

Justin’s excitement grew with each command. “Make my thighs and legs bigger. I want them to be unstoppable.”

Will knelt, his hands tracing the powerful lines of Justin’s thighs and calves. He focused, channeling his energy into them. Justin’s thighs thickened, turning into colossal pillars of power, while his calves bulged with new muscle. His legs became massive and sturdy, each one a testament to his strength.

“More, Will,” Justin growled, his voice dripping with dominance. “Make my back and shoulders broader.”

Will stood behind Justin, his hands moving over his master’s shoulders and back. He focused all his power, willing the muscles to grow even larger. Justin’s back widened, his shoulders broadened, and every muscle became more defined and powerful. His frame expanded, making him look even more imposing.

Justin’s breath quickened with the transformation, his eyes burning with desire. “Now, make my cock bigger.”

Will’s heart raced as he placed his hands on Justin’s already impressive cock. He concentrated, channeling all his energy into it. Justin’s cock began to grow, thickening and lengthening with each passing second. It became a colossal 24 inches, a massive symbol of his dominance and power.


Justin (after final transformation):

• Height: 8’0”

• Weight: 800 pounds

• Chest: 100 inches

• Waist: 44 inches

• Biceps: 40 inches

• Thighs: 60 inches

• Calves: 35 inches

• Neck: 32 inches

• Cock Size: 24 inches

Justin looked down at himself, his eyes filled with awe and lust. He was now a towering giant, every part of his body a testament to his overwhelming power. He turned to Will, his expression a mix of dominance and gratitude.

“You’ve done an amazing job, Will,” Justin said, his voice a deep rumble. “Look at me. I’m a god. You’re nothing but a tiny speck.”

Will looked up at his master, his eyes wide with admiration and desire. “Yes, sir. You’re incredible.”

Justin reached down, lifting Will effortlessly and pressing him against his massive chest. “You’ve made me unstoppable, boy. You realize that don’t you?”

With a feral growl, Justin threw Will to his knees, their bodies pressing together with an intensity that sent shivers down Will’s spine. The sheer size and power of Justin’s new form was overwhelming, and Will felt a surge of pride and arousal as he clung to his master.

That afternoon, Will had another idea to reward his master for his impressive transformation. With a knowing smile, he led Justin to the local scrap yard, a place where they could truly put Justin’s newfound strength to the test.

The scrap yard was a sprawling expanse filled with old cars, machinery, and massive piles of metal. It was the perfect playground for Justin to showcase his incredible power. As they arrived, Justin’s eyes lit up with excitement, eager to demonstrate just how powerful he had become.

“Alright, Will,” Justin said, his voice dripping with arrogance. “Let’s see what this new body can do.”

Will nodded, his own excitement growing. “Yes, sir. Show me your strength.”

Justin strutted up to the nearest pile of old cars, each one a rusted, heavy relic of the past. With a smirk, he reached out and grabbed the first car by its frame. His massive muscles bulged, and with a grunt of effort, he lifted the car effortlessly over his head.

“Watch this, little boy,” Justin boomed, tossing the car aside like it was a toy. The metal crumpled on impact. “This is what real power looks like.”

Will watched in awe, his admiration mixed with a hint of fear. “Incredible, sir!”

Justin’s grin widened, the thrill of his power coursing through him. “That was just a warm-up.” He moved to the next car, lifting it and throwing it even further with ease. His strength seemed limitless, each display more impressive than the last.

As he continued to demolish the scrap yard, lifting and tossing cars, bending metal beams, and crushing machinery with his bare hands, Justin’s excitement only grew. He reveled in the sheer physical dominance he possessed, each act a testament to his godlike power.

“Look at this, Will,” Justin called out, his voice booming with authority and arrogance. “Nothing can stop me. I am unstoppable.”

Will could barely contain his admiration and desire. “You’re unstoppable, sir. The strongest man in the world.”

Justin’s eyes burned with satisfaction and superiority. “And you, Will, have helped me achieve this. But don’t forget, you’re still my little boy.”

He approached a massive industrial compactor, a machine built to crush and compress large amounts of metal. With a single powerful kick, Justin sent the compactor flying, the metal crumpling under his immense strength.

Will’s heart raced as he watched his master in action. “You’re incredible, sir. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Justin turned to Will, his expression filled with pride and a hint of affection, but also a clear sense of his own superiority. “You’ve done well, Will. Now, come here.”

Will obeyed, stepping closer to his massive master. Justin wrapped an arm around Will’s shoulders, pulling him into a possessive embrace. “You’ve helped me become this strong. Now, it’s time for you to benefit from it.”

With that, Justin flex his massive bicep right in Will’s face, the intensity of Justin’s bicep made Will’s cock throb and immediately orgasm.  Justin laughed maniacally at his display of raw power over Will. “Haha, such a pathetic insect. Made you cum without even trying.” 

The afternoon in the scrap yard was a testament to their journey and the incredible power they had achieved together. And as the sun began to set, they knew that this was just the beginning. With Justin’s unyielding strength and Will’s unwavering support, they could conquer anything that lay ahead.

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New character alert! Everyone enjoy as the story heats up!

Part 9

During the scrapyard workout, neither Justin nor Will realized that they had an audience. Zach, a local boy, had stumbled upon the scene and watched the entire spectacle from a hidden vantage point. He was utterly amazed by Justin’s raw power, lifting and tossing cars like they were mere toys. Even Will, with his impressive size, left Zach in awe.

As Justin and Will finished their destructive display and began to leave the scrapyard, they finally noticed Zach standing at the entrance. He was a very tiny man, barely 5’6” and weighing around 120 pounds. His eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and admiration as he took in the sight of the two muscle-bound giants.

Justin’s eyes narrowed as he spotted Zach. With his newfound size and arrogance, he couldn’t resist a taunt. “Well, what do we have here?” he said, his voice dripping with contempt. “A little mouse sneaking a peek at the lions.”

Will, standing beside his massive master, couldn’t help but laugh at Zach’s small size. “You’re right, sir. Look at him. He’s so tiny.”

Zach flushed with embarrassment, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from Justin and Will. Despite their mocking tones, he was fascinated by their sheer size and power.

Justin took a step forward, towering over Zach. “You like what you see, little man?” he asked, flexing his enormous biceps. “This is what real strength looks like.”

Zach swallowed hard, nodding slightly. “Yes, sir. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Justin’s grin widened, his eyes gleaming with superiority. “Well, you better remember it, because you’ll never come close to this.”

Will chuckled, shaking his head. “Sorry, Zach. This kind of power isn’t for everyone.”

Despite the ridicule, Zach couldn’t help but feel a burning desire to grow stronger. He looked up at Justin, his eyes filled with a mixture of envy and determination. “Is there any way I could… learn from you?”

Justin raised an eyebrow, his expression turning more serious. “You think you’ve got what it takes to grow? To be like us?”

Zach nodded, his voice firm despite his small stature. “I do, sir. I want to be strong. I want to grow.”

Justin glanced at Will, a knowing look passing between them. “What do you think, Will? Should we give the little guy a chance?”

Will shrugged, still amused but slightly intrigued. “Why not, sir? It could be interesting to see if he has what it takes.”

Justin turned back to Zach, his expression hardening. “Alright, Zach. You want to grow? Then you’ll have to work harder than you’ve ever worked before. And you’ll have to prove yourself worthy. Are you ready for that?”

Zach nodded eagerly, his determination unwavering. “Yes, sir. I’m ready.”

Justin’s grin returned, a mix of amusement and challenge in his eyes. “Good. Then let’s see what you’re made of. But remember, you’ll never be as big as me. Understand?”

“Yes, sir,” Zach replied, his voice filled with respect and determination.

As they left the scrapyard, Justin and Will led Zach toward a new chapter in their journey. The tiny man had no idea what lay ahead, but his desire to grow and prove himself would drive him to push his limits. Under Justin’s ruthless guidance and Will’s watchful eye, Zach’s life was about to change in ways he couldn’t yet imagine.

Unaware of what Justin and Will had in store, Zach followed them home, his heart pounding with anticipation. He understood quickly that Justin was the ultimate master, but he also recognized Will’s authority, given his impressive size compared to Zach. Justin exuded a ruthless dominance, while Will had a more caring presence, almost like a prince in this dynamic duo.

As they entered the house, Justin turned to face Zach, his expression stern. “Listen up, Zach. If you want to grow, you’re going to have to earn it. This isn’t going to be easy.”

Zach nodded, his determination unwavering. “I understand, sir. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

Justin’s eyes gleamed with a mixture of amusement and authority. “Good. For the next week, you’ll follow every rule of this house. You will worship both Will and me daily. That includes bathing us, cooking our meals, and waiting on us hand and foot. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” Zach replied, his voice filled with respect.

Will stepped forward, his expression more compassionate but still firm. “We’ll be watching you, Zach. Prove yourself, and you might just earn the chance to grow.”

Over the next week, Zach dedicated himself to his new role with unwavering commitment. Every morning, he began by worshiping both Justin and Will, meticulously bathing them, making sure every inch of their massive bodies was clean and well cared for. He moved with reverence, understanding the privilege and responsibility he had been given.

Zach prepared elaborate meals, ensuring that both Justin and Will were well-fed and satisfied. He waited on them hand and foot, anticipating their needs and responding quickly to their commands. Each task he completed was done with care and attention to detail, eager to prove his worth.

Justin observed Zach closely, his expression often critical but occasionally showing a hint of satisfaction. “You’re doing well, Zach,” he said one evening. “But remember, this is just the beginning. If you want to grow, you need to show total dedication.”

Will, on the other hand, offered encouragement and guidance. “Keep it up, Zach. You’re making progress. Just stay focused and committed.”

By the end of the week, Zach was exhausted but proud of his efforts. He had followed every rule, worshiped Justin and Will daily, and served them with unwavering dedication. He stood before them, awaiting their judgment.

Justin looked down at Zach, his expression unreadable. “You’ve done well, Zach. You’ve shown that you can follow the rules and that you’re dedicated to growing. Are you ready for the next step?”

“Yes, sir,” Zach replied, his voice steady.

Justin turned to Will, giving him a nod. “Will, you may begin the process. But remember, Zach, this is just the beginning. You have to continue to prove yourself worthy of this gift.”

Will stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Zach’s shoulder. “You’ve earned this, Zach. Now, let’s see what you’re capable of.”

Will focused intently, channeling his energy into Zach. He visualized Zach’s muscles growing, his body expanding. Zach felt a surge of power coursing through him, his muscles beginning to swell and expand.


Zach (original measurements):

• Height: 5’6”

• Weight: 120 pounds

• Chest: 32 inches

• Waist: 28 inches

• Biceps: 10 inches

• Thighs: 16 inches

• Calves: 12 inches

• Neck: 12 inches

• Cock Size: 5 inches


Zach (after initial growth):

• Height: 5’10”

• Weight: 180 pounds

• Chest: 42 inches

• Waist: 30 inches

• Biceps: 16 inches

• Thighs: 24 inches

• Calves: 16 inches

• Neck: 16 inches

• Cock Size: 7 inches

Zach looked down at himself, amazed by the transformation. He felt stronger, more powerful, but he knew this was just the beginning. He looked up at Justin and Will, his eyes filled with gratitude and determination.

“Thank you, sir. Thank you, Will,” he said, his voice filled with respect.

Justin’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction. “This is just the start, Zach. Prove yourself worthy, and there’s no limit to how much you can grow. Welcome to your new life.”

Will smiled, his hand still on Zach’s shoulder. “Keep working hard, Zach. We’ll guide you every step of the way.”

Zach was brimming with pride as he admired his newly transformed body. The growth he had experienced was significant, and he couldn’t wait to show his new masters what he was capable of. He flexed his biceps, feeling the new power coursing through his veins, and stood taller with a newfound sense of confidence. Deep down, he harbored a secret ambition—maybe one day, he could grow even bigger than Justin. But for now, he knew he had to focus on proving his worth and continuing to grow.

As Zach approached Justin and Will, he could feel their eyes on him, scrutinizing every inch of his enhanced physique. Justin’s expression remained stern, his eyes narrowing as he took in Zach’s new form.

“Not bad, Zach,” Justin said, his voice dripping with condescension. “You’ve grown, but you’re still just a tiny man compared to me.”

Will, standing beside Justin, chuckled in agreement. “Yeah, you’ve got a long way to go, little guy.”

Zach’s heart sank slightly at their words, but he steeled himself, knowing that this was part of the journey. “Thank you, sir. I know I have a lot of work to do, and I’m ready to keep pushing.”

Justin stepped closer, towering over Zach. He flexed his own enormous biceps, making Zach feel small despite his recent growth. “You better be, Zach. If you ever want to be half as big as me, you need to follow every rule and give it your all.”

Will leaned against the wall, his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. “Listen to the master, Zach. You’re just a tiny man compared to us. But keep working hard, and maybe you’ll earn a little more growth.”

Zach nodded, determination burning in his eyes. “Yes, sir. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

Justin’s gaze hardened. “Good. Because from now on, you’ll have even more responsibilities. I expect you to worship us daily, take care of all the chores, and make sure our needs are met. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” Zach replied firmly.

Will’s smirk widened. “And remember, any failure will set you back. So stay focused, little man.”

Zach’s mind raced with thoughts of his potential. He envisioned himself growing even more, surpassing his masters, but he knew it would take relentless dedication. “I won’t let you down, sir. I promise.”

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Over the next week, Zach dedicated himself to his new role with unwavering commitment. Every morning, he began by worshiping both Justin and Will, meticulously bathing them, making sure every inch of their massive bodies was clean and well cared for. He moved with reverence, understanding the privilege and responsibility he had been given.

Zach prepared elaborate meals, ensuring that both Justin and Will were well-fed and satisfied. He waited on them hand and foot, anticipating their needs and responding quickly to their commands. Each task he completed was done with care and attention to detail, eager to prove his worth.

One evening, Justin decided it was time for Zach to face a new challenge. “Zach, come here,” he commanded, his voice firm and authoritative.

Zach approached, his heart racing with anticipation. “Yes, sir?”

Justin’s eyes gleamed with a mixture of amusement and authority. “You’ve done well so far, but now I want you to pleasure both Will and me. Show us that you’re truly dedicated to serving your masters.”

Zach’s eyes widened, but he nodded, understanding what was expected of him. “Yes, sir.”

Justin and Will positioned themselves, their massive cocks ready. Zach started with Justin, using his hands and mouth to pleasure his master. Despite his best efforts, he could see the dissatisfaction in Justin’s eyes.

“Come on, Zach,” Justin growled. “You can do better than that.”

Zach moved to Will, trying even harder to please him. Will’s laughter and smirks only increased his anxiety. “Nice try, little guy, but you’ve got a lot to learn.”

After what felt like an eternity, Justin finally motioned for Zach to stop. “Alright, enough. You tried, but it wasn’t good enough.”

Will looked at Justin, his expression a mix of amusement and pity. “Should we let him grow a bit, as a small reward for his efforts?”

Justin sighed, his disappointment clear. “Fine, but just a very small amount. He still has a long way to go.”

Will focused on Zach, channeling a small amount of energy into him. Zach felt a slight tingling sensation as his muscles grew just a little.


Zach (after very small growth):

• Height: 5’10”

• Weight: 190 pounds

• Chest: 44 inches

• Waist: 31 inches

• Biceps: 17 inches

• Thighs: 25 inches

• Calves: 17 inches

• Neck: 17 inches

• Cock Size: 7.5 inches

Zach looked down at himself, feeling a mixture of gratitude and frustration. He had grown, but it was such a small amount compared to what he had hoped for.

Justin’s eyes bore into him. “You have to do better, Zach. If you want to grow, you need to prove yourself worthy of it.”

Will chuckled, shaking his head. “Keep working hard, little guy. Maybe next time, you’ll earn more.”

Zach nodded, determination burning in his eyes. “Yes, sir. I’ll keep working hard.”

As they left the room, Zach’s mind raced with thoughts of his potential. He envisioned himself growing even more, surpassing his masters, but he knew it would take relentless dedication. Despite the disappointment, he was more determined than ever to prove himself and earn the growth he desired.

Over the next week, Zach worked tirelessly, determined to serve his masters fully and earn their approval. He dedicated himself to every task, ensuring Justin and Will were well taken care of. In his downtime, Zach even practiced sucking cock, wanting to improve his skills and impress his masters. He was driven by the desire for significant growth, knowing he had to prove himself worthy.

At the end of the week, it was time to test Zach once again. Justin and Will summoned him, ready to see if he had improved. Zach’s heart raced as he entered the room, his eyes filled with determination.

Justin and Will stood before him, their massive bodies exuding dominance. “Alright, Zach,” Justin said, his voice commanding. “Show us what you’ve learned.”

Zach nodded, moving forward with confidence. He started with Justin, using his improved skills to pleasure his master’s massive cock. Justin’s eyes widened in surprise, a deep moan escaping his lips as Zach worked him expertly. Will watched, equally impressed, and when it was his turn, Zach didn’t disappoint. He moved to Will, his mouth and hands working in perfect harmony.

The muscle studs couldn’t help but moan and flex as Zach worked their cocks, their powerful bodies reacting to his touch. They were blown away by his improved skill, their satisfaction evident in every groan and flex of their massive muscles.

Afterward, Will exchanged a knowing look with Justin. He approached his master and said, “Let’s show this runt what real growth is.”

Justin nodded in agreement, a wicked grin spreading across his face. “Good idea, Will. He needs to see what real men are like.”

They turned to Zach, who looked up at them with a mixture of hope and trepidation. “You did a good job, Zach,” Justin said. “But before we reward you, we want to show you what real men are like.”

Zach’s eyes widened in fear and excitement. “Please, sir, don’t grow. I… I can’t handle it.”

But it was too late. Will and Justin had made up their minds. Will focused his energy, channeling it into both himself and Justin. They began to grow simultaneously, their muscles swelling with size and power. They growled intensely as their bodies expanded, veins bulging and skin stretching to accommodate their new mass.


Will and Justin (after simultaneous growth):

• Will’s Height: 6’9”

• Will’s Weight: 500 pounds

• Will’s Chest: 75 inches

• Will’s Waist: 38 inches

• Will’s Biceps: 32 inches

• Will’s Thighs: 45 inches

• Will’s Calves: 28 inches

• Will’s Neck: 23 inches

• Will’s Cock Size: 14 inches


• Justin’s Height: 8’3”

• Justin’s Weight: 900 pounds

• Justin’s Chest: 85 inches

• Justin’s Waist: 42 inches

• Justin’s Biceps: 38 inches

• Justin’s Thighs: 55 inches

• Justin’s Calves: 33 inches

• Justin’s Neck: 28 inches

• Justin’s Cock Size: 24 inches

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6 hours ago, wnich123 said:


Over the next week, Zach dedicated himself to his new role with unwavering commitment. Every morning, he began by worshiping both Justin and Will, meticulously bathing them, making sure every inch of their massive bodies was clean and well cared for. He moved with reverence, understanding the privilege and responsibility he had been given.

Zach prepared elaborate meals, ensuring that both Justin and Will were well-fed and satisfied. He waited on them hand and foot, anticipating their needs and responding quickly to their commands. Each task he completed was done with care and attention to detail, eager to prove his worth.

One evening, Justin decided it was time for Zach to face a new challenge. “Zach, come here,” he commanded, his voice firm and authoritative.

Zach approached, his heart racing with anticipation. “Yes, sir?”

Justin’s eyes gleamed with a mixture of amusement and authority. “You’ve done well so far, but now I want you to pleasure both Will and me. Show us that you’re truly dedicated to serving your masters.”

Zach’s eyes widened, but he nodded, understanding what was expected of him. “Yes, sir.”

Justin and Will positioned themselves, their massive cocks ready. Zach started with Justin, using his hands and mouth to pleasure his master. Despite his best efforts, he could see the dissatisfaction in Justin’s eyes.

“Come on, Zach,” Justin growled. “You can do better than that.”

Zach moved to Will, trying even harder to please him. Will’s laughter and smirks only increased his anxiety. “Nice try, little guy, but you’ve got a lot to learn.”

After what felt like an eternity, Justin finally motioned for Zach to stop. “Alright, enough. You tried, but it wasn’t good enough.”

Will looked at Justin, his expression a mix of amusement and pity. “Should we let him grow a bit, as a small reward for his efforts?”

Justin sighed, his disappointment clear. “Fine, but just a very small amount. He still has a long way to go.”

Will focused on Zach, channeling a small amount of energy into him. Zach felt a slight tingling sensation as his muscles grew just a little.


Zach (after very small growth):

• Height: 5’10”

• Weight: 190 pounds

• Chest: 44 inches

• Waist: 31 inches

• Biceps: 17 inches

• Thighs: 25 inches

• Calves: 17 inches

• Neck: 17 inches

• Cock Size: 7.5 inches

Zach looked down at himself, feeling a mixture of gratitude and frustration. He had grown, but it was such a small amount compared to what he had hoped for.

Justin’s eyes bore into him. “You have to do better, Zach. If you want to grow, you need to prove yourself worthy of it.”

Will chuckled, shaking his head. “Keep working hard, little guy. Maybe next time, you’ll earn more.”

Zach nodded, determination burning in his eyes. “Yes, sir. I’ll keep working hard.”

As they left the room, Zach’s mind raced with thoughts of his potential. He envisioned himself growing even more, surpassing his masters, but he knew it would take relentless dedication. Despite the disappointment, he was more determined than ever to prove himself and earn the growth he desired.

Over the next week, Zach worked tirelessly, determined to serve his masters fully and earn their approval. He dedicated himself to every task, ensuring Justin and Will were well taken care of. In his downtime, Zach even practiced sucking cock, wanting to improve his skills and impress his masters. He was driven by the desire for significant growth, knowing he had to prove himself worthy.

At the end of the week, it was time to test Zach once again. Justin and Will summoned him, ready to see if he had improved. Zach’s heart raced as he entered the room, his eyes filled with determination.

Justin and Will stood before him, their massive bodies exuding dominance. “Alright, Zach,” Justin said, his voice commanding. “Show us what you’ve learned.”

Zach nodded, moving forward with confidence. He started with Justin, using his improved skills to pleasure his master’s massive cock. Justin’s eyes widened in surprise, a deep moan escaping his lips as Zach worked him expertly. Will watched, equally impressed, and when it was his turn, Zach didn’t disappoint. He moved to Will, his mouth and hands working in perfect harmony.

The muscle studs couldn’t help but moan and flex as Zach worked their cocks, their powerful bodies reacting to his touch. They were blown away by his improved skill, their satisfaction evident in every groan and flex of their massive muscles.

Afterward, Will exchanged a knowing look with Justin. He approached his master and said, “Let’s show this runt what real growth is.”

Justin nodded in agreement, a wicked grin spreading across his face. “Good idea, Will. He needs to see what real men are like.”

They turned to Zach, who looked up at them with a mixture of hope and trepidation. “You did a good job, Zach,” Justin said. “But before we reward you, we want to show you what real men are like.”

Zach’s eyes widened in fear and excitement. “Please, sir, don’t grow. I… I can’t handle it.”

But it was too late. Will and Justin had made up their minds. Will focused his energy, channeling it into both himself and Justin. They began to grow simultaneously, their muscles swelling with size and power. They growled intensely as their bodies expanded, veins bulging and skin stretching to accommodate their new mass.


Will and Justin (after simultaneous growth):

• Will’s Height: 6’9”

• Will’s Weight: 500 pounds

• Will’s Chest: 75 inches

• Will’s Waist: 38 inches

• Will’s Biceps: 32 inches

• Will’s Thighs: 45 inches

• Will’s Calves: 28 inches

• Will’s Neck: 23 inches

• Will’s Cock Size: 14 inches


• Justin’s Height: 8’3”

• Justin’s Weight: 900 pounds

• Justin’s Chest: 85 inches

• Justin’s Waist: 42 inches

• Justin’s Biceps: 38 inches

• Justin’s Thighs: 55 inches

• Justin’s Calves: 33 inch

• Justin’s Neck: 28 inches

• Justin’s Cock Size: 24 inc

I really enjoy this story. In fact the best one I've read on the forum for a long time. I was wondering if you could do more with the god idea and making Justin become more powerful. You've explored wills ability to grow bigger muscles and become taller but could Will turn Justine into a god with his power. Increase his powers etc. 

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