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  1. Season 1 Chapter 1 The night sky erupted in a blinding flash, followed by an earth-shattering boom. Ollie's world spun violently as the car careened off the road, metal screeching against asphalt. "Mom! Dad!" Ollie cried out, his voice hoarse with panic. The acrid smell of smoke filled his nostrils as he struggled to move. "I can't... I can't feel my legs!" Suddenly, a deep voice cut through the chaos. "Hey! Can you hear me? I'm coming to get you out!" Brock's muscular form appeared at the shattered window, his open flannel shirt revealing a glimpse of his impressive chest beneath a tight tank top. With a grunt, he wrenched the door open. "Easy now, kid. I've got you," Brock said, his strong arms wrapping around Ollie's slender frame. "What's your name?" "O-Ollie," he stammered, wincing as Brock pulled him free. "My parents... they're still inside!" Brock's eyes darted to the front of the car, assessing the situation. "I'll get them. Just stay put, alright?" As Brock turned back toward the wreckage, a deafening explosion rocked the night. Flames engulfed the vehicle, the heat searing against their skin. "No!" Ollie screamed, trying to lunge forward despite his immobile legs. Brock caught him, holding him back. "I'm sorry, kid. I'm so sorry," Brock's voice cracked with genuine anguish. He fumbled for his phone, dialing quickly. "This is Dr. Brock Steele. I need emergency services on Route 7, about 10 miles outside of Millbrook. Car explosion, two fatalities, one injured teenager." Ollie sobbed against Brock's chest, leaving streaks of blood on the white tank top. Brock's arm tightened around him protectively. "Listen, Ollie," Brock said, his tone urgent but gentle. "The ambulance might take a while to get here. I'm going to drive you to the hospital myself, okay? We need to get you checked out." "But my parents..." Ollie choked out. Brock's face was a mask of sympathy and determination. "There's nothing we can do for them now. We need to focus on you. Can you trust me?" Ollie looked up, meeting Brock's intense gaze. Despite the horror of the situation, he felt an inexplicable sense of safety in this stranger's arms. He nodded weakly. "That's good, kid. You're being real brave," Brock said, scooping Ollie up as if he weighed nothing. "My car's just up the road. We'll get you help, I promise." As Brock carried him away from the burning wreckage, Ollie caught another glimpse of the man's muscular chest, peeking out from his partially unbuttoned shirt. Even in his grief-stricken state, Ollie couldn't help but notice the strength and warmth radiating from Brock's body. "Stay with me, Ollie," Brock's deep voice rumbled. "Keep talking. Tell me about yourself." As they made their way to Brock's car, Ollie's world narrowed to the sound of that voice and the feeling of those strong arms around him, a lifeline in the midst of unimaginable tragedy. Ollie's voice trembled as he spoke, his words punctuated by quiet sobs. "I... I just graduated high school. Was supposed to start college in the fall." Brock carefully maneuvered Ollie into the passenger seat of his car, his strong hands gentle as he buckled the seatbelt around the injured teen. "That's great, Ollie. What were you planning to study?" "Medicine," Ollie replied, his voice distant. "My dad... he was a doctor too. Always wanted me to follow in his footsteps." Brock's heart clenched at the pain in Ollie's voice. He reached over, giving the young man's shoulder a comforting squeeze. "I'm sure he was very proud of you." As Brock sped towards the hospital, Ollie stared blankly out the window, tears streaming down his face. "I can't believe they're gone. What am I supposed to do now?" "One step at a time, kid," Brock said softly. "Right now, we focus on getting you better. The rest... we'll figure it out." They pulled up to the ER entrance, Brock jumping out and rushing to Ollie's side. He scooped the teen into his arms once more, carrying him through the automatic doors. "I need help here!" Brock called out, his voice commanding attention. Nurses and doctors swarmed around them, peppering Brock with questions. "Car accident. Possible spinal injury, multiple lacerations and contusions. Parents DOA at the scene," Brock rattled off, his tone professional despite the urgency. Ollie found himself being transferred to a gurney, the bright lights of the ER ceiling flashing above him. He reached out, his hand grasping for Brock. "Don't leave me," he pleaded, his voice small and frightened. Brock caught Ollie's hand, giving it a firm squeeze. "I'm not going anywhere, Ollie. I'll be right here." As the medical team wheeled Ollie away, Brock's reassuring presence never wavered. Even as doctors and nurses worked to assess his injuries, Ollie's eyes remained locked on Brock, clinging to the strength and comfort the man provided. Hours later, Ollie lay in a hospital bed, his body bandaged and his heart heavy with grief. Brock sat beside him, still wearing his blood-stained tank top, his flannel shirt discarded somewhere along the way. "Why did you stay?" Ollie asked, his voice hoarse from crying. Brock leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. "Because you needed someone. And because... I know what it's like to lose everything in a single moment." Ollie's eyes widened, a flicker of understanding passing between them. In that instant, he felt a connection to Brock that went beyond mere gratitude. "Thank you," Ollie whispered, fresh tears spilling down his cheeks. "For saving me. For being here." Brock reached out, gently brushing a tear from Ollie's face. "You're not alone, Ollie. I promise you that." As Ollie lay in the hospital bed, his eyes drifted to Brock, taking in the man's appearance. Despite the blood stains on his white tank top, Brock's muscular physique was impossible to ignore. The fabric stretched taut across his broad chest, hinting at the powerful pectorals beneath. His shoulders and arms were equally impressive, the muscles flexing with each small movement. Even in his grief-stricken state, Ollie couldn't help but notice Brock's rugged handsomeness. The man's chiseled jawline, strong features, and kind eyes created a striking combination. However, given the tragedy that had just unfolded, Ollie felt no stirrings of arousal, only a deep appreciation for Brock's presence and support. Brock's appearance exudes raw masculinity and mature allure. His face is chiseled and handsome, with strong, defined features that hint at his 42 years. Dark, expressive eyebrows frame intense eyes that seem to hold depths of experience. His jawline is sharp and masculine, covered in a light dusting of stubble that accentuates his rugged appeal. Fine lines around his eyes and mouth add character, speaking to a life lived fully. His hair is short and neatly styled, dark and thick, cut close on the sides with a bit more length on top. It's the kind of no-nonsense cut that requires minimal maintenance but always looks put-together. Brock's body is a testament to his dedication as both a scientist and personal trainer. His frame is large and imposing, with broad shoulders tapering down to a solid core. His chest is expansive and well-developed, straining against the fabric of his shirts. His arms are thick and powerful, veins visible beneath the skin, speaking to both strength and vascularity. How I imagine what Brock would look like at this point of story, but less muscular, no abs, less body hair Model reference https://www.instagram.com/sergey.nyzhnyk/ A knock at the door drew their attention as a nurse and doctor entered the room. "Hello, Ollie," the doctor said gently, glancing at his chart. "I'm Dr. Patel, and this is Nurse Johnson. We're here to check on your injuries and get you started on treatment." Ollie nodded weakly, wincing as the nurse began to carefully remove the temporary bandages applied in the ER. Dr. Patel examined each wound, her skilled hands probing gently for signs of deeper damage. "The lacerations are fairly superficial," she noted, "but we'll need to clean and stitch a few of the deeper ones. Any pain or discomfort, Ollie?" "My legs," Ollie said, his voice strained. "I still can't feel them properly." Dr. Patel's expression turned serious. "We'll need to run some tests to assess the extent of the spinal injury. An MRI and CT scan will give us a better idea of what we're dealing with." As the doctor continued her examination, Nurse Johnson began cleaning and dressing Ollie's wounds. Brock watched, his brow furrowed with concern. "Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked, his deep voice filled with genuine care. Nurse Johnson glanced up, offering Brock a small smile. "Just being here is helping, sir. Support from loved ones is crucial in the healing process." Brock nodded, his eyes meeting Ollie's. In that moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them - Brock would be the support Ollie needed, even if they had only just met. Dr. Patel finished her assessment, making notes on Ollie's chart. "We'll get you scheduled for those scans as soon as possible. In the meantime, try to rest. Your body has been through a lot." As the medical team left the room, Brock moved closer to Ollie's bedside. "You heard the doc, kid. Rest up. I'll be right here if you need anything." Ollie managed a small nod, his eyelids growing heavy. The emotional and physical exhaustion of the night's events finally caught up with him, pulling him into a deep, dreamless sleep. Brock settled into the chair beside Ollie's bed, his muscular form seeming to dwarf the small hospital furniture. He watched over the young man, a silent guardian ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. In that quiet moment, a bond began to form between them, a connection forged in the crucible of shared tragedy and unexpected compassion. As the day progressed, Ollie found himself being wheeled through the hospital corridors, the sterile walls and fluorescent lights blurring together. Brock walked alongside the gurney, his presence a constant comfort in the unfamiliar surroundings. "We're taking you for the CT scan now, Ollie," Nurse Johnson explained gently. "It's a painless procedure, but it's important for us to get a clear picture of your spinal injury." Ollie nodded, his hands gripping the sides of the gurney. The fear of the unknown weighed heavily on his mind, compounded by the grief that still consumed him. Brock seemed to sense Ollie's anxiety. He placed a large, comforting hand on the young man's shoulder. "You've got this, kid. I'll be waiting for you when you're done." Ollie managed a weak smile, drawing strength from Brock's unwavering support. As he was positioned on the CT scanner, he closed his eyes, trying to focus on the warmth of Brock's hand rather than the cold, clinical atmosphere. The scan seemed to take an eternity, the whirring and clicking of the machine filling Ollie's ears. When it was finally over, he was returned to his room, exhausted and emotionally drained. Brock was there, just as he had promised. He helped the nurses settle Ollie back into bed, his strong arms gentle and reassuring. Dr. Patel arrived shortly after, her expression serious as she reviewed the scan results. "Ollie, the CT scan shows significant swelling around your spinal cord. While there's no evidence of a complete spinal cord injury, the swelling is putting pressure on the nerves, which is likely causing the numbness and weakness in your legs." Ollie felt a wave of fear wash over him. "Will I... will I be able to walk again?" Dr. Patel met his gaze, her eyes filled with compassion. "It's too early to say for certain. Spinal injuries can be unpredictable. But we'll be starting you on high-dose corticosteroids to reduce the swelling, and we'll be monitoring your condition closely." Brock stepped forward, his brow furrowed with concern. "What's the next step, doc?" "We'll be admitting Ollie to the hospital for further treatment and observation," Dr. Patel explained. "He'll need intensive physical therapy and rehabilitation to give him the best chance at recovery." Ollie felt tears prickling at the corners of his eyes, the weight of his situation crashing down on him. Not only had he lost his parents, but now he faced the possibility of never walking again. Brock seemed to sense Ollie's distress. He sat on the edge of the bed, his muscular frame dipping the mattress as he took Ollie's hand in his own. "Hey, look at me, Ollie. You're not facing this alone. I'll be with you every step of the way." Ollie met Brock's gaze, finding strength and comfort in those intense eyes. He nodded, swallowing back his tears. "Thank you, Brock. I don't... I don't know what I would do without you." Brock smiled softly, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on the back of Ollie's hand. "You don't have to worry about that, kid. I'm not going anywhere." As the hospital staff bustled around them, making preparations for Ollie's admission, the young man clung to Brock's presence like a lifeline. The road ahead was uncertain and filled with challenges, but with Brock by his side, Ollie felt a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. Ollie lay in his hospital bed, his mind began to wander. The trauma of the day mixed with the strong painkillers, creating a hazy state where reality blurred with fantasy. He found himself imagining Brock as the muscular daddy figure he'd always secretly dreamed about. In his mind's eye, Ollie saw Brock's powerful arms wrapping around him protectively, those broad pecs pressed against his back. He imagined Brock's deep voice whispering words of comfort and love, calling him "son" in a way that sent shivers down his spine. Ollie's cheeks flushed with a mix of shame and desire. Here he was, in the midst of tragedy, entertaining these forbidden thoughts about the man who had saved his life. He tried to push the images away, but they clung to the edges of his consciousness, a tempting escape from the harsh reality of his situation.
  2. Hey everyone! I have posted this story once here, but wasn't happy where it was going. It wasn't a true spin-off, but originated from the Vikings Blood idea. I have revised this one now too. Enjoy! ---------- Textual credits to the following (discord) role-player’s: Jake089, Alphamusclemale, UMMuscle, Musclelover, growingwolf, PhantomSuperman Copyright disclaimer: I don't own any picture. I link every source if possible. Please contact me or a moderator in case of demanded removal. Content notes: Reader discretion is advised! I am not sure about trigger warnings. I beg to inform me if there is something to note! ---------- Chapter 1: Desires planted It all happened when they had their first RAW sex. Marcus, a 170cm short but jacked dude, was the bottom. Jonas, his one head taller and with a swimmer build gym trainee, was the top and exhausted after he literally fucked Marcus to the brim… Marcus wasn’t exhausted. He felt extremely energized and heavy. Marcus had to get a look at himself. Thus, that oddly swollen mountain of muscle was getting to the bathroom. Marcus wondered why everything around him looked smaller while waddling away with his definitely thicker legs. He couldn’t see them and wondered why his belly was so big. His belly jiggles from the filling and still processes the cum of his completely milked lover. Marcus figured he not only felt bigger but in fact significantly GREW all over. The new size alone and the thought of it made his much bigger cock stir. Just like the overwhelming musk which was a good reason to open the window. Getting into the bathroom right afterwards, Marcus then saw the yet untold result of their night… "What the boy happened?”, Marcus asked himself, amused when he caught his own reflection in the mirror. His eyes bugged out as he glanced at his muscles and, to his surprise, new and quite big muscle cum gut for everyone to enjoy. Where once was his ripped abs, his belly’s skin simply felt like filled to the brim with love. Marcus was happy about his gains but also quite confused. His body knew the reason already, but Marcus still couldn’t really believe what happened. His muscles resized without detours – bigger than they ever have been. Even after a workout he rarely looked THAT pumped – less so swollen and fresh. His lats pushed his arms out by a good 30° angle - more than their previous 20° – making him even wider. Deviantart – BBbelly - https://www.deviantart.com/bbbelly/art/Immense-Roidgut-576854741 (19.09.2020) Even odder to him was that he not only built astoundingly new amounts of muscles but especially balls – in which the planted seed was breeding already. Groping his balls, he felt them fitting perfectly in his massive hands. Marcus thought about showing Jonas how monstrous his balls got since Jonas planted his seed inside him. But then again, it might have been something both want to accommodate a bit slower. Thus, Marcus grabbed a cappy and loved how his cum factories plus big appendix filled it fully. The now bear loved it with quite a tone of embarrassment as things will never be the same again – knowing he found the one… Freshened up, Jonas then was greeted by that BUFF smiling man, leaning against the doorframe – way wider and bearish. “Good morning, my big boy! You are good to go now.”, the man in front of him growled with a flex of his huge, head-big arm and his cappy over his crotch. Jonas stuttered, totally dumbfounded by the changed sight of Marcus: „Uh… … H-hey… big muscle … uh… bear?” Dizzily he noticed and commented on Marcus’s change: “Shit… Have I cum so much you got that fat?” Marcus’s smile vanished because he liked this. Jonas registered was that Marcus was hiding his crotch with a cappy It made Jonas meow apologetically and ask about that cap. “Uh, just wanna keep him warm down there. Morning air really is cold today, you know… Don’t want to show you how smol my dick got after you filled me up so much.” Jonas blinks first amused, then a bit apologetic. Twitter – lazy_tiggy – https://twitter.com/lazy_tiggy/status/1624449214641233921 (08.04.2023) “Maybe I shouldn’t have joked that much last night… I really did him too good. Maybe his old man’s libido went into a bearish winter-mode. I am almost sure that cumming THAT much must take time to recharge. Maybe he feels like an old man now and gotta be for himself for some minutes after all this…”, Jonas thought and supposed Marcus was ashamed about literally getting FILLED up by him so well. He remembered Marcus never moaned so much by his COCK inside him and naively thought he caused this huge belly by his three “ultra nuttings”. Jonas was obviously stupidly foggy because of his yet unnoticed own growth all over, which Marcus wasn’t even surprised about. While Jonas was showering, Marcus was asking himself quite a few questions. “Shit! I literally got fucked HUGE! This was just one night!”, Marcus mumbled surprised in so many ways. Marcus felt terrified when he remembered he knew this state of his body. A flashback to his last relationship just told him that. It’s a memory he pushed away since he met Jonas for the first time. He didn’t need to check himself out for hours to imagine he would jerk his also bigger cock in the future a lot, if the trend continues. He never was so big before, so he feared that he would compete with every door very soon. “How much bigger will he make me without really noticing it? When will it snap?”, Marcus asked himself. Marcus wasn’t sure whether Jonas was way too deep in Marcus’s charm to even notice what he did to him. As “IT” happened again, things will grow way sooner than Marcus could want them to be. But why would he even want to keep it all secret? He didn’t want to kill it by freaking him out, but he also must not repeat his error. His body already was set to sail…
  3. BeauXRated

    The First Encounter

    Part 1/2 Heath had just downloaded the newest gay dating app. After the first three apps had resulted in several absolute disastrous dates, he kept his hopes low. He was a very attractive man, 6’0” even, 165lbs of jock. Sure he’d let his 6-pack go, he’d stopped shaving his chest, but damn if he didn’t look good in a tight fitted shirt. His sharp square jaw, stunning smile, and soft kind eyes seemed to win over everyone he struck up a conversation with, sometimes much to his chagrin. He was a people pleaser at heart, almost kind to a fault, and it didn’t lead too many successful relationships. He seemed to only attract the worst of his community, people looking to take advantage of his kindness and good looks, and no one truly interested in seeking a deeper relationship with him other than casual sex. This had brought him to a realization that maybe he could profit from this aesthetic, the jock team captain who was secretly very kind and loving. He started producing self-made fan content with different characters, leaning into his natural state and easily gaining a following. He quickly had bigger names reaching out to him for collaborations, but he rarely took anyone up on this offer. For him, he was searching for something more than sex. Quickly after downloading this new app though, he seemed to strike gold with Will, a guy one year younger than him, dark shaggy hair, deep dimples when he smiled, and a stunning body that only a high level runner could earn through hard work and dedication. November came and things had never been better for Heath, he was mentally and physically in the best place he’d ever been. His first couple of dates with Will had been the perfect breath of fresh air, but he hadn’t felt comfortable enough to disclose how he earned a living to Will just yet. He knew he had to do it soon, but for the moment he was simply enjoying finally having the kind of honeymoon period he’d never seemed to find. Two weeks before thanksgiving he received a message on his fans website, asking for a collab. Typically he would ignore these DM’s, but he recognized this name. It was a creator he’d watched himself a few times, BigNRich. BigNRich: Hey stud, I see you haven’t collaborated with anyone in a while, how’d you like to get together and come up with some ideas for a scene. If you live in the town you’ve mentioned on your site, I’ll be there for work this week. Heath was a bit taken aback. This guy was next level, and Heath couldn’t believe he’d reached out to HIM. The thing to know about BigNRich was he had a gimmick of sorts for his videos that men seemed to love. He could grow his muscles and inflate his size at whim it seemed. He typically only ever collaborated with other huge bodybuilders whom he could dwarf, but Heath had never seen him do a video with someone who looked less than 250lbs. Heath: That sounds absolutely incredible! Could we meet this weekend, or over a video call? BigNRich: I don’t show my face on a screen, ever. So a video call won’t work. I will meet you at HyerUp’s Gym on Saturday at 5pm. We can get a workout in together and see if we can work well together. Heath felt his heart rate soar and blood rush to his cock. His thoughts quickly flashed to Will, suddenly wary of upsetting the delicate balance that exists in a new relationship. Heath: I’ll see you there big guy, but how will I know it’s you if I don’t know what your face looks like? BigNRich: Trust me, you’ll know who I am. The next few days until Saturday were surprisingly uneventful for Heath. Heath awoke on Saturday feeling fresh, it wasn’t often he woke up with a smile already on his face; but today he was excited, this was going to be a good day. He started off this Saturday as he did most days, a high protein breakfast, and then a light jog around the neighboring few blocks around his apartment. As he ran, Heath replayed the scenes he’d seen of BigNRich online. He could understand that a man who could swell up his musculature at will, always appearing to be a different size, never showing his face, and had no visible tattoos or marks on his body would be eager to remain completely anonymous. But in that, there was something so hot for Heath to ponder, the mystery of this man, and he was going to be one of the lucky few to learn who he really was. His mind drifted to one of the first videos BigNRich had posted. In his earlier videos, he had always remained the same size, not unleashing his ability just yet, and coasting on his naturally impressive physique. Those videos, now posted almost two years ago, would always show BigNRich solo. In each video he would be exercising a different part of his body in nothing but a pair of the tightest underwear it appeared he could find. During his workouts, he would always inevitably end up rubbing his hands over his body, squeezing and flexing whatever muscle he was focusing on during that particular video. Ever the apparent narcissist, his cock would begin to grow hard in his briefs, thong, poser, whatever he’d chosen to wear that session. Quickly, the already hefty bulge would grow and grow. BigNRich’s signature move at the time was to turn to the side, where the underwear would inevitably be shoved forward from his body by his expanding cock, exposing a side profile of his balls and thick shaft. Ever the tease, this was typically where the videos would end in the early days of his account. He always left you wanting more. After months of this, and Heath wasn’t sure if it was because his audience got tired of the shtick, if he got more comfortable, whatever it was, finally BigNRich posted a solo video of himself jerking off. Heath remembered this video well, the camera was positioned low, maybe knee height, but angled up. From the perspective below him, it was clear as day just how huge he really was. He towered over the camera. His tree trunk thighs and thick chest dominating the screen, while central focus was on the bulge in his underwear. For this video BigNRich has chosen a mesh see through suit, his huge balls pressed to either side as the meat of his cock was shoved down into the underwear. “Daddys been saving this load for you boys for a while now.” BigNRich began as he grabbed his bulge in one meaty hand and worked a fat nipple with the other. His cock swelled in the confinement of the fabric. Growing slowly on camera. A less observant eye may not have noticed, but Heath did. At the same time as his cock was expanding, his legs slowly moved out of the frame as they gained mass and pushed against each other. His chest slowly rose from mid screen to the top of the screen as his torso elongated, his chest broadened, soon his nipples were off camera. It happened slowly, over the course of maybe 10 minutes, but slowly BigNRich grew out of the frame of the camera until only his bulge was visible. “One second. Looks like I’m too close to the camera. Let’s move you boys back so you can see what a real man looks like.” BigNRich moved the camera back further, and his body came into focus as he returned to his original spot. He looked even more monstrously huge than before, his muscles swollen, almost deep reddish color crossing his skin where blood rushed to power the growing muscles. BigNRich released his bulge from his hand, exposing his now semi hard cock, so full and plump that when he did his signature side profile, his balls had slipped out, with no room left in the pouch and his cock pressing out so far they couldn’t stay contained. From the front of the mesh, precum leaked in a clear glisten from his cock head, creating a sticky connection with his thigh were the head of his cock rested. BigNRich squatted, then flexed his cock. Portions of the holes in the mesh tore where his expanding body pressed the fabric beyond it limits. Slowly BigNRich pulled down the underwear. Wiping the dripping head of his cock off with the now torn underwear, and then giving them a long, deep, sniff. “These will be for sale on my website tomorrow.” Through the holes in his facemask, you could make out the seductive grin, the flash of his white teeth, and a wink to serve along side. BigNRich moved and sat down in a large recliner that was behind him, completely covering the dark fabric cushions with his size. Using one hand he grabbed his now rock hard cock with one hand, and smacked it against his abs, leaving yet more sticky precum leaking from his cock. Then smacking his hand a few times with the solid sound before grabbing his cock with both hands. Concentrating he moved both hands up and down the full length of his shaft. Leaning his head back to moan, where it disappeared behind the mountain of chest muscle he possessed. “It’d be a shame to waste this huge load.” He said, reached off to the side and grabbing an opened condom. Slowly rolling it down his throbbing shaft. His huge cock stretching the latex into a thin clear film. “You boys wanna watch me fill up this little condom?” BigNRich said as he tugged at the slight excess at the end of the condom. Letting go of his cock it smacked hard against his abs, as he raised his arms into a double bicep pose, his wide shoulders almost expanding off of the camera. BigNRich kissed one bicep, licking the big vein that snaked its way from his shoulder across the peak of his bicep. His cock twitched and lurched against his abs, filling the already tight condom with precum as he worshipped his own growing muscles. “You boys ready for daddy to blow this load?” BigNRich growled. Gripping his cock and stroking. As he brought his arms together in front of him to grab his cock, his biceps pressed against his pecs, and forced them closer together, putting on an a phenomenal display of muscle. As he jerked quicker, his chest bounced and shook as his eyes rolled in the pleasure he was giving himself. BigNRich growled, a deep primal sound that you could feel through the screen, then he froze. His hands in place on his cock, his muscles striated and veins just below the surface. He bucked his hips once, the condom filled, expanding to accept the huge load pumped into it. He bucked his hips twice, the condom, ballooned out and fell to the side under the weight of the load, filling more. He bucked his hips a third time, completing his show. Placing his hands in his lap, on his thighs. Breathing deep, with each deep breath his chest expanded, but it never seemed to decompress back when he exhaled. His cock sagged as the cum filled condom hung off of his cock, weighing jt down towards the ground. BigNRich licked his tongue across his teeth, bit his lip, and bounced his pecs once more. “This will also be for sale. Send me a DM with a tip and I’ll pick one of you lucky studs to take home daddy’s load.” He leaned forward and clicked off the camera. Heath snapped back to reality as he rounded the block nearest his apartment, realizing he remembered none of his run. Not if he checked before crossing any streets, passing any people, stepping on trash, nothing. He’d been completely absorbed into the memory of that last video he’d seen, knowing he’d soon meet the star. Inside, Heath climbed into the shower. Turning the water cold to not only help with the heat from his run, but to somehow relax the throbbing hard on he’d gained remembering BigNRich. Out of the shower Heath checked his phone. Will: Hey! I was wondering if you’d be down for a spontaneous lunch in the park. I know it’s late notice, but I wanted to see you today. Heath felt color rush to his cheeks. Heath: I’d love to! When and Where. Quickly remembering his meeting this afternoon with BigNRich he added. Heath: I have a business meeting at 5, but I should be good for lunch. Will: Work on a Saturday? You must be a better employee than me haha. I’ll pick you up in 30. Heath: Should I bring anything? Will: Justin yourself. I’ll handle everything else. Heath practically giggled and kicked his feet as he lay on his bed naked, thrilled with his day ahead. True to his word, promptly 30 minutes later, Will called Heath and told him he was parked outside. Heath walked out of his apartment in one of his best fitting button down short sleeve shirts. The top few buttons undone to show off the top of his smooth chest, the sleeves rolled a couple times to hug his arms. Climbing into Will’s car he could see the shine in Will’s eyes. “You look great.” Will complimented. “So do you.” Heather replied, leaning over the center console to kiss Will on the cheek. At the park, Will grabbed a cooler and a blanket from the trunk and led Heath to a spot under a large shade tree, spreading out the quilted blanket on the ground. It’s mismatched pattern of light baby blues and deep purples, bright yellow threads sneaking out from years of love and use. Will opened the cooler and produced two sandwiches wrapped in clear plastic, a bottle of sweet white wine, and two disposable cups. Heath blushed at the gesture. “This is so sweet. What made you want to do all this today?” Heather asked. Will shied away and focused on pouring two cups of the wine. “Well I figured I’d better wine and dine you before I ask a big favor.” Heath felt a pang of anxiety drop into his stomach. “Okay what’s the favor?” “Please don’t be freaked out or think I’m crazy or moving too fast or…” before Will could continue, Heath placed a hand on Will’s thigh. “It’s okay. Just ask me. I haven’t seen a red flag yet, I think you okay.” He offered Will a soft smile and Will softened in kind. “So. Thanksgiving is coming up this week. I wanted to ask if you’d like to come home with me and meet my parents?” As he said this, he looked up to Heath with soft eyes, making it impossible for Heath to say no. Another thing to know about Heath, after he came out his entire family had all but left him to the wolves at the age of 17. Thankfully his aunt had taken him in supported him until he could make it, but truly in the 7 years since then, he had missed having a family more than anything. This seemed like a dream come true for him and he jumped at the chance. “Yes!” He replied almost as soon as Will had finished asking the question. “I mean. I’d love to.” Smooth Heath thought. Really smooth. With the elation of his request being approved, Will brightened and unwrapped their sandwiches. As they ate Heath fought to not smile stupidly during the entire affair, excited to finally see a light at the end of the dark, lonely, tunnel he’d felt trapped in for so many years. Dropping Heath off, Will said, “I’m so excited for you to meet my family. I think you’ll love them. Maybe we can hang out sometime this week and I can give you the rundown and prepare you for their…big personalities.” Will said as he laughed. “I’d like that.” Heath said, stepping out of the car. “Thank you again for today. Text me when you get home, we can make plans for maybe Monday?” “Sounds good to me.” Will said as Heath closed the door, walking inside to his apartment. Fresh on the high of this new turn in his relationship, he realized the time. 4:30. He was to meet BigNRich in 30 minutes; his lunch with Will had lasted much longer than he’d planned. He really just enjoyed Will’s company so much that time seemed to slow down as if just for him, so he could truly enjoy every moment with Will. Changing into his workout clothes, Heath left his apartment and headed for the gym. It was only a 7-10 minute jog from his apartment, so he set off. Arriving at the gym, he was really struck by the branding. It was bright and airy, the gym floor was open and modern, large panes of glass in the windows allowed in plenty of natural light. Mirrors surrounded the walls, and everything seemed so clean and well organized. Once inside, he realized how the gym afforded to be so modern, it was packed. Heath figured a Saturday afternoon made sense for so many people to be getting in a workout. He searched around for BigNRich. “You’ll know who I am.” He’d said. Well Heath wasn’t so sure seeing the mob of men and women who had came here this evening. As he walked through the gym, he noticed a group of people congregated near one corner of the gym. A group standing near a window, nearly all of them men whose physiques put Heath to shame. They looked like competitors for a physique contest lined up for judging. But they were all simply standing around. Heath approached the crowd. He wanted to see what they were looking at outside the window. As he grew closer he could hear the distinct clang of metal bars and heavy weights. Standing near the back of the crowd now, he could see a weight bench was in the center of the group. They weren’t looking out the window, they were watching someone bench. Heath couldn’t see much from the back of the crowd, so he began to make his way through. At the edge of the crowd he finally saw the spectacle. On the bench was one of the biggest guys Heath had ever seen. His thick thighs straddling the weight bench, a tight stringer tank top covering his torso. Heath watched the man rack the maxed out bar as the big man sat up. His cropped grey hair led down to a salt and peppered 5 o’clock shadow. The facial hair accentuating the sharp square angles of his strong jaw. His eyes looked around at the crowd that had gathered, then they locked on Heath. The big man stood and moved towards Heath. The crowd slowly dispersed as if not wanting to be the plebeian who gets approached by this god, but Heath remained frozen as his eyes wandered over the big man’s body. Each step he took closer, the taller he seemed to become as his figure slowly overtook Heather entire field of vision. The big man was within arms reach, his form blocking the light from the window and casting a large dark shadow onto Heath. The big man held out an impossibly large hand to Heath. “Heath. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Richard, but you can call me Rich.”
  4. Hey everyone! Coming up with an old but rewritten story! Enjoy and let me know what you think! (HUGE EDIT: I was very unhappy what happened to the lore. The story that was once here will be reposted under its new and actual name!) Textual credits to the following (discord) role-player’s: Jake089, Alphamusclemale, UMMuscle, Musclelover, growingwolf, PhantomSuperman Copyright disclaimer: I don't own any picture. I link every source if possible. Please contact me or a moderator in case of demanded removal. Content notes: Reader discretion is advised! I am not sure about trigger warnings. I beg to inform me if there is something to note! ---------- Chapter 1: Better take public transport on a date Josh is busy preparing himself for a serious date … Taking a deep breath, Josh scans his reflection in his mirror in a hurry, giving his hair a once-over and checking his teeth for any last bits of food. “Breath? Good. Cologne? Perfect and not too strong. Good and good. I am prepared.”, he tells himself. Taking another breath to fortify himself and calm his raging heartbeat, he opens the door and steps outside his flat. It’s a lovely early summer day and the perfect weather to go outside. Driving to the local coffee-shop, he appreciates his cars’ AC… But there is a problem. Josh gets stuck in the timewasting traffic and arrives late. Josh’s fear of loss increases the number of his worrying questions like “Will he be angry ‘cause I am too late?” and “Will he become disinterested once he sees me?” It is a sign that all the invested energy already built up quite the amount of feelings he brings with this very first date. Passing a corner and seeing the sign of the café above the entrance, a wave of nervousness hits him like a stack of bricks. Feeling doubtful about his chances, Josh stares through the entrance – fearful of his date’s reaction. While he enters the café, Josh can hear his heartbeat in his ears as he tries to stay cool and breathe. Then, Josh watches out for the man in question but is unable to find him amongst the surprisingly crowded place he never has been to. Checking the full room over and over again, Josh fails to spot his date. “Hmm… No one here is looking like he would want to go out with me… DANG IT! I knew I’d be dumped when I come late…”, Josh mutters to himself in frustration… But wait… One might ask here how he got so anxious in the first place. He could just accept his mistake and move on, no? Well, finding love is hard nowadays, just like finding a good date on a regular dating platform. Hence, most dating-frustrated people end up forming rather sexual, simple and straight forward profiles to speed things up and focus on quick hookups to increase the chances – regardless of whether the look for love or not. To Josh, people are usually looking for what they are themselves or the complete opposite. It doesn’t help to find someone and perhaps is the source of great sulk. But, with some luck there is still a chance for unexpected adventures. At least, Josh was hoping for that. He was once about to delete his profile as he had enough of hookups but then got that message of that seriously interested guy named “Leonel” in the moment before doing so. He had met up with plenty of guys on dating apps before but never managed to score someone like Leonel, who has many characteristics that catch his interest. To Josh, Leo seems like someone, who wouldn’t let you down … Considering past conversations, they have found out that their situations fit to most extends – with Leo being the one not always having time as he is a slight workaholic and in great demand as he is a project leader in his company. Next to that, he could hold a driving conversation and had his desire for slow-paced intimacy and romance in common. It intrigued Josh that Leonel seemed like a really loving, hardworking, keen, gay short king - accordingly willing to invest his love too. He was all Josh is looking for. So, not only seems his manly, calm and simultaneously dorky character just fitting perfectly, further impressions also created that big WOW. That’s why he finds himself already being sad of seemingly getting no chance to actually meet this guy… ---- Switching perspectives, Leonel meanwhile sits on the last chair in the deepest corner of the café, at their reserved table and his most favourite spot. It offers a beautiful view out of the window. He is already waiting for his newest date and already sips the last drops of his morning coffee. The place around him used to be quite relaxing with its jovial atmosphere. But today, many people chatter and drown the bossa nova playing in the background. The annoying situation adds up to his disappointment as his date is not showing up for quite a while now and is also not texting back. Leonel, who absolutely didn’t think he would find that “sweet young lad”, sighs in utter disappointment, which originated from big hopes and anticipation. He remembers how eager he was to learn more. He eagerly collected new facts about Josh, like him being a wealthy student, owning a car and practically having lots of fortune with low obligations and responsible parents. Josh was raised in a very based manner and never took off by his wealth. The reason: What he got always depended on his negotiation-skills, which truly aren’t THAT great to get a Lamborghini. Leonel noticed that he might not be the most experienced man, but at least didn’t skip on taking every chance to widen his horizon. “I know what my parents did for me and that I am not obligated to work my ass off like others do to just survive. I probably couldn’t have made so many experiences without their help and well-meanings.”, was a statement Leonel truly loved. Comparing his profile to his own, he still feels – even when now considered muscled - overweight with his three-digit heft. It’s something Leonel never feels sure about, especially as such a short man. In his eyes, people only perceive what they see on pictures. So, in his past, he rather had been perceived overweight than a loving short muscle bear. “Hopefully Josh isn’t like those others, who treated me like a fat nobody.”, Leonel hoped. He thinks about his seemingly stupid optimism that he finally found someone who would embrace and love how he is. He glances over his new once big crush' profile over and over again… Is he forced to throw all those memories away already? Immensely disappointed, he scrolls through the most recent online-chat and his new candidate’s profile one final feeling time…
  5. Miałem niedawno bardzo dziwną serię fantazji które postanowiłem tu zapisać w formie złożonej, wieloczęściowej historii. Czemu po polsku? Po pierwsze... chciałem być autorem pierwszego polskiego opowiadania MG na tym forum, nawet jeśli przeczyta je tylko parę osób. Po drugie, historia którą wymyśliłem jest BARDZO polska. Wszystko kręci się wokół dresów! W pierwszym odcinku nie dzieje się zbyt wiele, ale mam już przygotowanę parę BARDZO mięsistych scen na kolejne części. ROZDZIAŁ 1 Widoki za oknem pociągu sunęły powoli w lewo. Nadal w powietrzu unosił się letni żar, jednak niektóre drzewa już zdawały się wiedzieć, że niedługo przyjdzie im zmienić barwę na złoto i brąz. Był początek września, a Sebastian Janecki nadal czuł w ustach smak urodzinowego tortu. 20 lat. Przede mną siódme niebo. A właściwie cały wrzesień na zaaklimatyzowanie się w nowej stancji. Akademik zamknęli na remont, więc teraz jego rodzice znaleźli ogłoszenie w gazecie, że jest gdzieś tanie mieszkanko, za grosze, na Warszawskiej Pradze Północ, tak że wystarczyło mu przejść na drugą stronę Wisły. Rodzice załatwiali mu dużo rzeczy. Pan Janecki był wójtem małej wsi Sterynin, więc małemu Sebusiowi nic nigdy nie brakowało. Jako jedynak mógł skupić na sobie całą miłość rodziców. Gorzej, że wyszedł przez to na straszną ciapę i niedojdę... Sebastian skupił wzrok z krajobrazu na własne odbicie w brudnej szybie pociągu. Zobaczył okrągłą, pyzatą i różową twarz przygniecioną parą ciężkich okularów w grubych oprawkach. Seba nie był przystojny, ale ludzie zawsze mówili mu, że wygląda miło i poczciwie, jak pluszowy miś. Miał krótkie, czarne, kręcone włosy, solidne brwi i ciemne, brązowe oczy. Jego dziadek od strony mamy był chyba Grekiem, albo Gruzinem, i przekazał wnukowi w genach trochę południowej urody. Sebastian i tak go nie poznał. Spojrzał trochę niżej i westchnął. Sebastian nie lubił swojego ciała. Wzrost był jeszcze ok, 173 cm mieściły go w ramach średniego wzrostu. Niestety, był przy tym drobny i chudy, dopiero niedawno nastoletni metabolizm zostawił go w spokoju i pozwolił mu odrobinę przytyć. Miał teraz mały brzuszek, a jego kości przykrył tłuszczyk, jednak Sebastian nie tego chciał. Sebastian chciał mieć mięśnie. Wiedział to od dawna. Zawsze gdy przebierał się na WFie w szatni, oglądał sylwetki swoich kolegów. Były to solidne chłopaki ze wsi, które musiały pomagać rodzicom na roli i w gospodarstwie. Z roku na rok robili się coraz szersi i silniejsi, kiedy Sebastian pozostawał kujonkiem niedojdą. Nie potrafił stwierdzić, czemu wtedy nie potrafił oderwać od nich wzroku, czemu rumienił się i chował przed resztą. Kiedy koledzy nazywali go pedałem, wypierał się wszystkiego i mówił, że to przez smród ich potu. Pewnie nawet sam starał się w to uwierzyć. Jednak życie postawiło przed nim dwa niezbite dowody: Pierwszym była transmisja zawodów Mr. Olimpia w telewizyjnej dwójce, w roku 1999. Sebastian zaczynał wtedy liceum. Gdy rodziców nie było w domu, on, późną nocą siedział przyklejony do telewizora, oglądając największych, najbardziej umięśnionych mężczyzn jakich tylko potrafił sobie wyobrazić. Prawdziwe bestie, tak ciężkie, że trzęsła się od nich scena. Przy każdej ich pozie Sebastian dosłownie ślinił się na koszulkę. Ich muskuły były tak wielkie, że dosłownie rozpychały się na ich ciałach, próbując wywalczyć sobie odrobinę miejsca. Gdy w końcu Ronnie Coleman otrzymał złoty medal, Sebastian czuł się absolutnie pijany. Nocą śnił o tym, że wielcy kulturyści komplementowali go, dotykali jego ciała, całowali i przytulali swoimi wyrzeźbionymi łapskami. Rano okazało się, że zmazał sobie całą pościel. Wtedy Sebastian był już pewien, że 1.Jest gejem 2.Chciałby być mięśniakiem 3.Chciałby mieć jeszcze większego mięśniaka za męża Drugie olśnienie przyszło do niego tuż po 18tce, w 2002. Sebastian przez przypadek znalazł podczas sprzątania kasety VHS podpisane po niemiecku. Z ciekawości wrzucił jedną z nich do odtwarzacza. Okazało się być to stare, dobre porno. Najpierw Seba zaczął się śmiać, potem umarł z żenady, że jego rodzice kupili sobie takie rzeczy, a potem... oglądał dalej. Jego uwagę przykuł mężczyzna na filmie - nosił on skórzaną kominiarkę, skórzaną uprząż i niewiele poza tym. Był też świetnie zbudowany - choć nie tak wielki jak kulturyści na Mr.Olympia, to jego włochate muskuły prezentowały się pysznie, gdy dominował pulchną, niemiecką blondynę, lub gdy przeciwnie - ulegał jej, pozwalając się smagać batem . Jego erekcja była przy tym tak wielka, że Sebastian zastanawiał się, jak on wogóle znajdował na nią miejsce w spodniach. W pewnym momencie przestał widzieć blondynę, a zamiast niej widział siebie - lepszego siebie, wspaniałego i wielkiego. Marzył, że to on jest karcony, chłostany i zapinany przez zamaskowanego włochacza, a potem role odwracają się, Seba podnosi go za uprząż nad głowę i zaczyna dominować go, miażdżyć mięśniami i ryczeć rozkazy i obelgi, gdy tamten wył z rozkoszy. Niestety, z tych marzeń nie wyszło nic. Sebastian 3 razy podchodził do trenowania na serio, zawsze rzucał to po miesiącu, gdy nie umiał zobaczyć żadnych efektów. Być może nie miał do tego genów. Skupił się więc na nauce. Ze wszystkich nauk wybrał sobie socjologię i starał się ze wszystkich sił, aby dostać się na wydział socjologii w Warszawie. Sebastian lubił ludzi, choć niespecjalnie lubił się do nich odzywać. Obserwował ich bardziej jak kolonię mrówek zza szyby, więc zawód socjologa wydał mu się idealny. Zza szyby mrówki nie mogły go pokąsać. W 2003 dostał się z marszu na uczelnię. W końcu pociąg stanął, a Sebastian wytoczył się z zestawem walizek na peron. Był stanowczo za słaby aby wziąć te wszystkie walizy na raz, ale chciał załatwić przeprowadzkę jak najszybciej. Przed nim widać było Warszawę Wschodnią - co było dość blisko do jego nowego mieszkania, ale spacer z takim obciążeniem był katorgą. No pięknie. Urządziłeś się, Sebuś, idealnie. Po chwili spaceru migające neony przerzedziły się, elewacja budynków pociemniała i pokryła się wulgarnymi grafitti. Wszystko wyglądało groźnie i obskurnie. Sceneria wyglądała jak z horroru i tylko sylwetka wszechobecnego Pałacu Kultury przypomniała mu, że nadal znajdował się w tym samym mieście. Po plecach Sebastiana przeszedł dreszcz, gdy jeszcze raz upewniał się, że jest na dobrej ulicy. Szlag, przynajmniej teraz wiedział, dlaczego mieszkanie było tak tanie. Choć w Unii byliśmy raptem od kilku miesięcy, to na efekty tego członkostwa trzeba będzie poczekać wiele lat, na samą Pragę Północ pewnie pójdą ciężkie miliardy. Sebastian na drugim końcu ulicy dojrzał grupkę karków i zdębiał. Trzech łysych bandziorów bardzo głośno dyskutowało przy butelkach Żywca, okutani kibolskimi flagami. To w sumie śmieszne. Jakby nie patrzeć, miał na imię Seba, jednak różnił się od typowego dresa praktycznie wszystkim. No i nikt nie mówił do niego Seba. Nigdy. Dresy też były wielkie, silne i w pewien sposób seksowne, ale strach przebijał jakąkolwiek żądzę jaką Sebuś mógłby do nich poczuć. Próba podrywu równałaby się z samobójstwem. Samo zbliżenie się równałoby się utratą telefonu i portfela. Zdecydował się więc obejść ich szerokim łukiem, idąc boczną uliczką. Po nadłożeniu parunastu minut drogi i taszczenia waliz, w końcu stanął przed właściwym adresem, pod starą, odrapaną kamienicą. Przy drzwiach wejściowych stał blady chłopak. Spoglądał gdzieś w przestrzeń ponad Sebastianem, miętoląc w ustach peta ze smętnymi resztkami papierosa. Był mniej-więcej w jego wieku, nosił ortalionowe spodnie i stary, lekko pożółkły podkoszulek. Wzrok Sebastiana przykuły odsłonięte ramiona tamtego gościa. Był on kościstym chudzielcem, tak samo jak Sebastian, jednak gdy ramiona Seby były delikatne i słabe jak rozgotowany makaron, ramiona palącego chłopaka składały się z ciasnej plątaniny żył i ścięgien, najgęściej skupionych na przedramionach, wędrujących w górę jego smukłych ramion, po zarysowanych bicepsach, znikając przy wystających dramatycznie obojczykach, tylko po to by opleść jego chudą szyję z widocznym jabłkiem adama. Sebastian poczuł dziwne napięcie patrząc na jego twarz. Była przystojna, lecz surowa, wpisana w trójkąt między kośćmi policzkowymi a spiczastym podbródkiem. Miał lekko germańską urodę - krótkie włosy strzyżone maszynką w kolorze jasnego blondu, dumnie zadarty nos i zimne, niebieskie oczy których wzrok starannie omijał zgarbionego Sebastiana. Jaka szkoda... Tego dresa nie mógł w tej chwili - ale też nie chciał - ominąć. Przez chwile stali tak w milczeniu, blady dresik palił, Sebastian garbił się pod ciężarem walizek z ubraniami i sprzętami, nie potrafiąc odezwać się do chłopaka, o którym nie potrafił myśleć inaczej niż "piękny." W końcu ów piękny dres chrząknął i w końcu spojrzał w stronę Sebastiana: "Ta?" burknął. "Nooo taaa co...? A w sensie... Ja tutaj do mieszkania. Z umową." Blady chłopak westchnął, krzywiąc się. "A więc to ty będziesz teraz wynajmować pokój? Troche sie pospieszyłeś, bo mamy jeszcze nie ma." Sebastian zamrugał, zdziwiony. "Mieliśmy podpisywać umowę..." "No ale mama jest jeszcze w robocie. Nie wyczaruje ci jej." Blady dresik burknął i wrócił do miętolenia resztek papierosa. "Mogę chociaż wejść i się rozpakować?" Zapytał Sebastian, powoli kierując się w stronę wejścia. Blady zastawił mu drogę. "Ej, ej, ej! Gdzie ty się pchasz?" "Chciałbym wejść do środka." "Bez umowy? Niby po co?" Sebastian zmarszczył brwi. Uroda urodą, ale blondas okazywał się być niezłym dupkiem. "Bo mi ciężko z tymi walizami." Blady dresik zmierzył go wzrokiem od stóp do głów. Przez chwilę zdawał się coś kalkulować, jednak po chwili odstąpił przejście: "No na siłacza nie wyglądasz. A takie grzeczne kujonki jak ty raczej nie kradną." Sebastian nie miał nawet sił się obrazić, tylko wtoczył się z walizami na obskurny korytarz. Nagle rozległo się szczekanie. Zza rogu wypadła radosna kulka brązowego futra która zaczęła wściekle obwąchiwać i łasić się do nóg Seby. Student uśmiechnął się i machinalnie zaczął drapać kundelka po główce. Blady uniósł brwi, a na jego wąskich ustach po raz pierwszy pojawił się lekki uśmiech: "No proszę. Kapeć cie lubi, a ta łajza warczy na byle-kogo. Chyba jednak jesteś w porządku." Z tymi słowy wziął od Seby jedną z walizek - jego niewielki biceps napiął się przy tym elegancko - a drugą rękę skierował w jego stronę. Najwidoczniej "Test Psa" został zdany: "Jestem Mateusz, ale ludzie mówią mi Siwy." "Sebastian." Student odwzajemnił uścisk dłoni. Mateusz uśmiechnął się szerzej: "Seba? Naprawdę? Nie gadaj!" "Taaa, to imię średnio do mnie pasuje." Sebastian uśmiechnął się słabo. Mieszkanie było małe, ale wystarczające dla jednej osoby. Główny pokój, kuchnia, łazienka, przedpokój. Pokoik miał sklejkową meblościankę z poprzedniego systemu, mały telewizor i biurko, turecki dywan oraz potężną, zabytkową kanapę z ciemnego dębu, która musiała służyć tu za łóżko. Wszystkie ściany były w kolorze mentolowej zieleni, od której Sebastianowi robiło się niedobrze. "Okej. Czuj się jak u siebie." Siwy kiwnął głową na całą tą skromiznę, patrząc jak Sebastian powolutku otwiera swoje walizy: "No a teraz regulamin." "Czytałem regulamin." Sebastian wzruszył ramionami wyciągając starannie złożone ubrania. Część Seby bardzo chciałaby, aby chudzielec już sobie poszedł. Druga część, ta spychana i ignorowana, chciała aby został jak najdłużej. "Wolę ci go powtórzyć. Jak masz jakieś zwierzaki, idzie kaucja. Jak coś zepsujesz, idzie kaucja albo płacisz za szkody. Jak sprowadzisz na mieszkanie psiarnię, idzie grzywna..." "Już mówiłeś o zwierzętach." "Jezu, o policji gadam, nie zgrywaj debila." Siwy wywrócił oczami i wrócił do wyliczania na palcach: "Jeśli coś nam zwędzisz, grzywna. Jeśli będziesz palić wewnątrz, grzywna. Jeśli zarysujesz podłogę, kaucja. Jak zgubisz klucz, kaucja." "Dużo tych kaucji..." mruknął Sebastian niepewnie. "To jest Praga-Północ. Ludzie potrafią tu odwalać takie cuda, że by ci oko zbielało." Mateusz zaśmiał się wrednie. "A jeśli... Nie będę mieć kasy na grzywnę?" "To zdobędziesz?" "A ... Jak nie zdobędę?" Dopytywał Seba nieśmiało. "To będziesz kurwa łamany." Wredny uśmieszek Matiego zrobił się szerszy, uniósł ramiona i strzelił głośno knykciami, tak że chude mięśnie na jego przedramionach zagrały pięknie. Nie dało się stwierdzić, czy żartował, czy mówił na serio. "Złam mnie proszę" odezwał się zdradziecki głosik w głowie Sebastiana, zezującego na te knykcie. On sam jednak tylko skinął głową. Pani Danuta Pyziak-Miller okazała się być dużo milszą osobą od swojego synalka. Po podpisaniu umowy w kuchni, gdzie wokół matki kręcił się jeszcze Kajtek - mały chłopczyk kropla-w-kroplę podobny do Siwego, zapewne brat, Sebastian otrzymał klucze do mieszkania i do skrzynki pocztowej. Czynsz był faktycznie niski. Mieszkanie Pyziaków znajdowało się naprzeciwko stancji, więc szansa, że będzie natykał się na pięknego złośliwca Mateuszka, była bardzo wysoka. Coś za coś. Zostało mu się tylko rozpakować. Dwie godziny później Sebastian czuł, że dla wszystkich ubrań, sprzętów i drobiazgów udało mu się znaleźć dobre miejsce. Została jeszcze jedna walizka z ubraniami na chłodniejsze dni. Sebastian wyjmował bluzę za bluzą, póki zwały ubrań nie odkryły... małej paczuszki owiniętej w różowy papier urodzinowy. Sebastian nie pamiętał, żeby pakował coś takiego. Powoli chwycił ją w obie dłonie - była miękka. Rozerwał papier, z którego wypadła karteczka. "Jak już mieszkasz na Pradze, Seba, to musisz odpowiednio wyglądać! Sto lat, bandziorze! Wujek Staszek" Wujek był bratem ojca, który zawsze miewał dziwne pomysły i dość żenujące poczucie humoru. Zwykle pojawiał się tylko na rodziny i święta z naręczem dziwnych i niesmacznych prezentów, jak stringi dla babci czy koszulki z napisem "Piwo to moje paliwo". Właśnie tego typu koszulki spodziewał się Sebastian, jednak jego brwi uniosły się aż do linii włosów, gdy w paczce ujrzał grubą, czarną kominiarkę.
  6. Frank's In Control Part One “Fuck him, Boy. I’ll do it.” Shai turned slightly to his right to fully see the man who had just spoken. “So… what are you… some mad scientist?” The man grinned at him. Shai had seen him before. Often. He was one of those guys you always saw at the gym no matter what time you went and always wondered if they had a job or a home to go to. While working out, Shai had caught his eye several times, and it had always been Shai who had been the first to look away. Yeah, even standing half dressed in the locker room at 10.30 pm on a Friday night, there was no doubt that the guy thought highly of himself. Seeing him again without his shirt on, Shai’s brain went primal; thinking to himself that he was positive the guy was incredible in bed and fucked like a machine. That type of guy always did… and they never gave Shai the time of day. Shai was guessing, but he placed the man at around 53, or possibly 55 years of age. He looked to be in great shape… no… amazing shape, actually, for his age. He was taller than Shai, probably a little over 6 foot. His hair was salt and pepper, with a little bit more salt than pepper in the mix, and it would have fallen to his neck if it wasn’t tied up in a small ponytail. He had a bit of a beard, and behind the hair surrounding his mouth were pearly white teeth and a shit eating grin that reached up to his blue eyes. He could definitely pass for an amateur bodybuilder. His sleeveless T-shirt showed off a hairy, wide torso with pecs that pulled against the fabric, and a solid neck connected to incredibly broad shoulders. Shai guesstimated that his chest was in the range of 48 to 50 inches if measured, while the delts connected to it were round and substantial. They were the perfect beginning to thick, veiny arms with an estimated 18 inch bicep. Standing in his tight, black briefs. Shai could tell that it was obvious that the man never skipped leg day. His thighs were solid with beefy quads and substantial hamstrings. The roundness of his glutes pulled at the fabric of his briefs, showing off a package that appeared to be as sizable as its owner. Remembering suddenly to talk, Shai said the first thing that popped into his head: “Excuse me?” “Sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt… but couldn’t help overhearing what you were saying to Mitchell.” The man’s Texan twang surprised Shai, but it seemed apropos. The man settled himself onto the changing room bench next to Shai. He was close enough that the scientist could smell the leathery scent of the man’s body and feel the warmth he was giving off. “Actually, you were both pretty loud, so it wasn’t like I was snooping or anything. These changing rooms have a serious echo to them. So… what is this about some new PED you’ve been working on?” The guy smiled again, slight crows feet highlighting his eyes. “That was… kind of a private conversation.” “My advice, Boy, don’t have private conversations in locker rooms if you don’t want anyone to hear them.” “Thanks for that. I have to get going.” Shai stood up, grabbing his gym bag in the process. “I said I’d do it.” “Do what?” “Be your guinea pig for trying out this new PED. Mitchell said he changed his mind. I won’t change my mind.” “What you heard… just… forget it. It doesn’t concern you.’ “What if I don’t want to forget it? What if I want it to concern me? I’m interested, and you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially when your funding is being pulled and tonight is one of the last chances you have to test it. Sorry. I have ears like a hawk, but you did come off pretty strong with Mitchel. You almost sounded desperate. I can see why the pup skedaddled. Never appear desperate… even if you are. That’s another lesson for the day.” The guy smiled broadly, opening his legs slightly wider, taking up more room in the bench. “Even if you were interested… I don’t know how your body would process the formula.” “Why? Too old? You ageist?” “No. I’m not ageist. This has nothing to do with…” “I get it. Mitchell’s 23. I’m 54. Mitchell looks better on paper, but my guess is that this ex-Marine could handle whatever it is better than that kid.” “I’m sure you probably could.” “I know I could. Why don’t you try me out.” “Look. I have nothing against you.” “Good to know.” “I just… thought… with his symmetry… with his body composition… he’d be perfect. He was all set last week. I don’t know why he backed out now.” “Like I said, you sounded desperate with the whole, ‘it has to be tonight! They’re taking my credentials in the morning. We have to do it tonight!’ shit.” “Fuck.” Shai collapsed into the bench. “I must have sounded like a lunatic. It’s just, The Company have cut my funding and they will be taking the keys and my work away from me in the morning. This might be the only chance…. Fuck.” “Don’t beat yourself up about it. Kids get scared. When you've been in combat like me… in a fucking insane war zone over and over again… not much scares you. Semper Fi do or die.” “I bet.” “Look. I could blackmail you into getting what I want, but I don't want to be that guy.” “Thanks.” “It wouldn’t be a good way to start our relationship.” “I didn’t know we had a relationship.” “Look. Our relationship can be mutually beneficial. You want a guinea pig… and I want size.” “I hear what you’re saying…” The guy stood up. Yeah, Shai thought, he has to be about 6’1. Grabbing onto his t-shirt, he pulled it over his head and threw it onto the bench. His chest was pumped, his torso was tan, his pecs coated with hair that had obviously been trimmed a week or so ago, and he had the muscular build of someone who spent every day in the gym, yet didn’t deny himself a couple of beers or slices of pizza. Over his heart, directly on his left pec, he had a jet black Marine Corp logo tattoo which he subconsciously bounced as he displayed himself for Shai. “Thought you might want to see what you could be working with.” He lifted his left arm and flexed his bicep. “Looking… good.” “Thanks.” The guy moved closer to Shai. “You know, I’ve seen you checking me out. If you would have had the balls to approach me… who knows what we could have gotten up to.” “Oh yeah?” The guy smiled. “Let’s both admit that I’m taking Mitchell’s place in your experiment tonight.” The guy walked closer to Shai until his crotch was directly in front of him. “I…. I can’t… guarantee that…” “You said to Mitchell… I just need to see it work. Imagine. You can gain 15-20 pounds of muscle in one night. I just need to know my hypothesis was correct.” “Yeah… I think I said that…”. Shai could smell the musky scent of the guy's crotch from where he sat, and it was making him hard. “Can you imagine this body with 15 more pounds of muscle. Hell. I’d let you go further. Give me 20 more pounds of muscle… or more. I’m not some Tik Toc influencer worried that my fans are going to think I’m not natural like Mitchell was.” “You’d still be natural… it’s your DNA.” “I would be… huh?” The guys smile grew broader. “No… I mean. Mitchell still would have been natural. It’s his DNA we would have been working with.” The guy reached out his thick hands and grabbed Shai under his armpits, standing him up. Shai was so surprised that he simply allowed the man to manhandle him as he pleased. Moments later, he had leaned over slightly, and the two men were suddenly kissing. Fuck, Shai thought as it was happening. He’s an incredible kisser. Shai felt The Guy’s hand move down to his crotch , and soon he was beginning to massage it, feeling that it was already extremely hard even before touching it. “Just admit it, Boy, we’re gonna be great partners. Right?” Shai groaned. “Right.” “How big can you make me?” With one hand The Guy had undone Shai’s pants and had his cock out, slowly stroking it. “How… how big do you want to get?” “30 pounds more… 35 pounds? Can you imagine me at 250 lbs of muscle?!” Fuck!! He was so horny!! “Yeah… I can.” “I’ve always wanted to be massive like… stupid massive.” “I… I… oh fuck… I can do that. Bigger… stronger...” “Now you’re talking my language. I had a feeling you could.” “I… just don’t know… if we should…” The Guy began playing with Shai’s ass as he continued stroking his cock. “You let me worry about what you should or shouldn’t do. You want me in control… don’t you?” “I… I… maybe we can… talk more… first….” “Say it.” “I want you in control.” “Tell me how big you’re gonna make me.” “I’m going to make you massive.” “Keep going “ “You’re… you’re going to be so muscular… people will question if you’re still human.” “Fuck yeah. Right, Boy?” “Yeah. Ungodly huge. Exactly what you want.” “Say it. Who’s in control? “You’re in control.” “Yeah. We’re gonna be great partners. Aren’t we? You’re gonna give me what I want… and I’m going to give you what you need.” “I…” “Just say, ‘Thank you, Frank’.” “Thank you, Frank.” “Good boy.” Frank went to his knees and took Shai’s throbbing cock in his mouth. “Oh fuck!” “Now… you’re gonna cum in a few seconds… and then I’m going to follow you to your lab which you already had set up for Mitchell. There… we’re gonna get started making me more muscular than anyone ever thought could be possible… and then some.” Just as he was told, Shai came a few seconds later in Frank’s mouth. As he came, he thought… I made a deal with the devil. I don’t care though… Frank’s in control. To Be Continued...
  7. GenericExcuse


    Wrote this very short story after Galea1 came up with a bowling idea. Apologies if I used any bowling term incorrectly, I'm not a bowler! Vik pulled open the front doors of the bowling alley and the four of them stepped in. Vik was the oldest, a beefy man who was the star of their football team when the four were in college. Second oldest was TJ; not the brightest guy, though he did have his fair share of gym-time, earning his unserious title of "himbo" among the group. Then Julian, who wasn't as into the gym as the other two, but did attend when they all had time together. And the youngest, Raul, who was in the same boat as Julian, but desired to spend even more time working out. It was a new alley that had only opened a few weeks ago. Reviews were good so far; the perfect place to celebrate Raul's first full-time job, being the final of the four to achieve one. "Now that we're all rich, we can, like, hire strippers for parties and stuff!" TJ chimed. "We're not rich, just employed. Hopefully you'll remember that," Vik sighed while mussing up TJ's hair. "Four pairs, please." Julian told the burly employee, who proceeded to hand them 4 pairs of rather large bowling shoes. "Err...can we get smaller sizes, please?" "No." And that was that. Flopping their feet clumsily to the alleys, the four began their first game. They elected Raul to go first. The blue and white ball rolled down the alley, hitting 3 pins before disappearing from sight. His next ball hit 2, for a total of 5 in his first frame. Next up was Vik, who scored a clean 7 in total. Then, TJ hit 9 total. "Yo, nice!" Julian clapped his shoulders, shaking him gently. "Gimme some of that luck." Julian knocked down 3, then 5. Not quite as lucky. The game continued, Raul managing to take the lead, with Julian and TJ coming close. Vik seemed to be having a bad day, and was lagging quite far behind. By the 5th frame, Raul had 84, TJ had 73, Julian had 70, and Vik had 54. None had made a strike yet, with only a few spares. A few frames later, they arrived at the penultimate round. The ranking remained mostly the same, with Julian overtaking TJ by a slight amount. Raul's turn was next, for the start of the 9th frame. He took a deep breath, trying to remember the form he learned in high school gym class, then rolled. The ball spun, curving into the right side of the pins and knocking most of them down. The pins that had fallen swept perfectly into the standing pins, bringing them down in the first strike of their game. "Yes!" He pumped his arms up, feeling a swell of accomplishment. The other three cheered, happy for the youngest member of their group. The cheesy strike animation played on the screen above them. It was a cartoony bowling ball with arms curling a dumbbell with mini bowling balls as the weights. Then it dropped it, rolling it into a group of pins, knocking them all down. When the score screen came back, there was something different. "Was that there before?" TJ pointed. They all noticed Raul's current score appear, with a small "lbs." at the end, reading "146 lbs." "Huh? Pounds?" Raul muttered before a zap of what felt like electricity surged through him. In an almost deafening boom, his right arm bulked up into the arm of a heavyweight bodybuilder. They all stared, dumbfounded, as the growth made its way through the rest of his body, pumping his body to an incredible mass. He unconsciously flexed his arms, spiking his bicep into a rolling, split peak mountain. When the growth ended, Raul fell to his knees, panting. Each breath made his burgeoning chest expand, an array of striations tensing along both slabs of beef. His clothes were just at the brink of bursting. He stood to his feet, which had grown just enough to fit the bowling shoes perfectly. His bulging, teardrop shaped quads stretched out. With not much added to his height, he stared across to his friends, awaiting some speech to break the silence. "What the fuck?!" TJ almost yelled. Raul instinctively shrugged his mammoth shoulders, bunching his traps and neck into a beefy structure. The seams of his shirt stretched, individual threads visible. "I-I don't know, but it feels awesome!" He exclaimed. "Did my strike do it?" "I'd love to find out." Vik stomped up to the alley, getting his ball ready. With all his concentration, he swiftly let loose the ball, aiming right for the middle of the pins...
  8. Hey everyone! In the course of sharing my stories I next have a LONG all dialogue adventure for you. It's meant to have your own fantasy creating scenes, lead by the things said. Enjoy and let me know what you think! --------------- Copyright disclaimer: I don't own any picture. I link every source if possible. Please contact me or a moderator in case of demanded removal. Content notes: Reader discretion is advised! I am not sure about trigger warnings. (Inconsensual?) I beg to inform me if there is something to note! ---------- Chapter 1: Reunion Hey man! Yoooo! Glad you decided to move back to our hometown! Got a hug for your ol’pal? Sure! Fuck yes! Come’ere! Ugh! GOD, your hug’s have gotten TIGHT! Oh! I am sorry, buddy! But it’s SO good to see you! Ohhh… Thanks, bro, good to see ya too! And you are a strong boy now, huh? Hahah, yeah! I am a big AND strong man now! Speaking of … God, I have to say! Say what? I thought your pictures were a bit made up but… Gotta say, you look so different now! Is that bad? No! The opposite! Looking pretty good, man! Your clothes look just as TIGHT as your hugs feel! Your shape looks so different compared to when I last saw you! Watching you by the side, you really seem to put women to shame as if you have blocky Ds yourself! Hehehe, someone noticed! Almost thought it was all for nothing. All for-. MAN, how couldn’t I notice!? You look like you are in the midst of that strongman or bodybuilder type of stuff! Your pecs are bigger than your belly! In fact, I AM bulking, man! I am taking bodybuilding quite seriously nowadays. Wooow, atta, man! You really look like you moved all your pounds to all the right places! Oh bro, I did not only move them! I am very proud to say I transformed my fatty to jacked 300 pounds. Wow… uhh… Yeah? Can you… can you show me what you are hiding under that sweater? I am DYING to see your change. Hahaha, I’d actually be proud to show the progress I have been making to you! Really? I beg you for a tease then! Haha, I’ll just pull up my sweater for a little show, ok? YES! Here… … how is the view? WOW, nice abs, Bro! Can I touch them? Sure! Wow… just wow… Hhh, I hoped you would say more… Hmm? Why? Should I not be speechless of your transformation?! What shall I ask? Wanna flex? Hehe, of course! ARrrrBOOM!! Haha, wow. Look at all those mountains! And… Yeah? Oof… people are staring at us. Hahaha, let them! You enjoy the attention as the big, ripped muscle bear around the block, huh? Hahaha, yeah. I grew to love attention. Do YOU still work out? Yeah, not AS regularly though… Basically stopped since moving back into town… Oh, need someone to push you? I… honestly wouldn’t say no. Where should I even work out those comparably punny looking muscles? Hmm, wanna join me tomorrow? I have a guestcard. If I don’t interfere with your schedule, I wouldn’t say no! They won’t reach the size of my head though! Haha, we will see about that. Well, anyhow a good pump before hitting the beach and traveling around ol’home would surely boost my confidence! Haha, nice, got ya covered then! Would help me too. Oh, why? Mmm, I guess I hit the ceiling. And how could I help with that? Well, you know, your positive influence on things. You were the reason why I started. Really? Me? Yeah! You were the jock of us two once, remember? Ahahaha, time has passed. Good’ol days, huh? Mmm, I’d rather say BEST-nowadays! Hahaha, if you say so! Can’t deny you levelled up to another kind of big king. Do you think I am big enough though? I still feel small. YOU?! SMALL?! Oh my! Could have sworn you reached the doorframe with your head, when you came into the café! Hahaha, don’t fuck with me! I grow like weat these days! Fuck, I can see THAT! Do you use steroids or something? Some new ones, yes. Really give me lots of energy! I can’t control my body sometimes and might eat like a pig … Hope you won’t mind. Who am I to judge? This seems totally worth it. Hhh… I can’t even stop myself to stare at your changes. You got a body that’s top 0.1% of the world! Such admirable dedication! Awww, come on! I am not THAT charming nor is my change THAT stunning. I just happen to pump and bulk the hell out of this. I always was a two heads taller and thick guy, you know that! Yes, but damn… I wish I could ever be that big… … Broh, you slowly make me redheaded if you keep complimenting me like that! Ah, sorry. I just never met an Arnold Schwarzenegger... ... Speechless, huh? ... Hehehe.
  9. Harris hated his roommate. It was a fact that often raised eyebrows of their few mutual friends when he had chosen to share his opinion - mostly he kept it hidden and bubbling under the surface, fooling few but at least allowing the pretence of civility to exist. For those friends, it was hard to imagine anyone hating Rhys. He was kind, considerate, generous with time and money, and an all round “nice guy” who never seemed to reciprocate any feelings of ill will. Mostly, they put it down to jealousy. In highschool, Harris was very much the big fish of his pond. At 6’3”, he wasn’t the tallest guy in school, but he certainly enjoyed the benefits of being tall, and he didn’t have that gangly look a lot of the tallest boys had. Neither was he the strongest - he had friends who out-lifted him consistently, but they were all red faces and beer-bellies. They looked chubby more than they looked muscular and, Harris reasoned, if you’re not going to look good whilst doing it, what’s the point? He was still one of the strongest guys around after all, and had a perfect V of a torso, pumped arms, tight quads and defined abs that made all the girls he knew swoon when they saw him - even those that pretended not to. It also meant he was quicker than those lumbering gorillas, which helped him excel at sports. He was, as far as he was concerned, perfect. And he would admit, meeting Rhys for the first time was… difficult. How could it not be, when it was the first time his perfection was challenged? It was his freshman year at university, and he was the first to arrive in their halls of residence. He’d just finished unloading his belongings into his new room when a voice came rumbling from behind him. “Hey, buddy - room for a little one?” An innocent joke, one designed to break the ice, but a misjudged one: it had knocked Harris out of joint from the very start. Although, there probably wasn’t much Rhys could have done to stop his new roommate going down that path. When Harris turned around, he froze with his jaw hanging slightly open. He was tall - very tall, having to duck just under the doorway to enter the shared bedroom. That made him, what, 6’7”? But the bastard didn’t have the good grace to be skinny streak of shit to go with that height, oh no. His broad shoulders filled the door frame - making him almost like a ship in a bottle, Harris unsure exactly how he entered the room so quietly - and crowned a thick, burly mass of muscle. He didn’t have a cut physique - despite being fully dressed, the items he was wearing were stretched to near transparency, so Harris was certain of that. But what he did have was mass, probably twice as much as Harris himself possessed, on what seemed to be the most natural looking mountain of musculature the poor teen had ever seen. “Rhys - pleased to meet you,” the giant said, a friendly smile on his face and his hand outstretched to Harris, trying to break the tension. Harris accepted and immediately regretted it, finding his own hand swimming in the giant’s paw. He wrinkled his nose - not just because of the indignity of the situation, but because he was pretty sure he could smell the guy. It wasn’t a foul odour, and definitely wasn’t sweat, but it wasn’t entirely removed from that. It was manly, and a little intimidating, and the only way a guy like Harris knew to respond to feeling threatened was anger. Quiet and seething, he finally spoke. “Harris. This bed’s mine.” But Harris wasn’t jealous. He was very adamant about that, despite the fact that - from that moment on - Rhys wasn't able to put a foot right in his eyes. So what if the guy was huge? Some people just happened to be genetic freaks, it’s not like anyone could do anything about it. If anything, Harris felt sorry for the big oaf, who would almost definitely go on to have health problems later in life. No, the thing that Harris despised, the biggest crime that Rhys had committed, was being lazy. Harris was not the kind of person to have everything handed to him on a plate, or so he liked to think. His view on the matter always seemed to gloss over who paid for his gym memberships or his specially catered diet, who had taken him to sports meets and bought equipment, who had helped him with school work to let him focus on his hobbies, or the numerous genetic advantages at his disposal. But it was true, at least, that Harris did work hard alongside all of these benefits. He was up at 6am most days, trained long hours down at the gym, stuck to his dietary regime with pious zeal and put in effort day after day. He felt he had earned the body he was blessed with, Rhys had not. The giant lump was snoring loudly whenever Harris left in the morning to train, and was often still in the same position when Harris returned. He played sports casually as if there was such a thing. He played pick-up sessions if they were going, always humiliating his diligent roommate in the process, but no matter how much any of the teams on campus begged him to even try out a practice session, he always firmly but politely refused. “I’m just not interested in sports,” would be his template response. His actual interests appeared to be just goofing off with his friends, playing games and watching shows. He always had a soda open or a packet of something filled with carbohydrates, and whenever he caught Harris giving him a venom-filled side-eye, he would have the absolute gall to offer him some. Harris would politely refuse, then send off an angry text to the effect of “YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HE DID NOW-” At first, this behaviour made Harris feel more than a little smug. If that’s the way Rhys decided to take care of the gifts he’d been given, then so be it. Maybe when the freshman fifteen hit, and all that mass turned to flab, and he found himself a useless, out-of-shape wreck the moron would learn a thing or two about actually taking care of himself. And when he came to Harris, begging for his help in getting back in shape, he might even consider helping the poor guy. But that never happened. Worse, as time went on, Harris became aware of something else: the fucker was still growing. His head seemed to get closer and closer to the ceiling of the dorm, cresting at around 6’8”. Whenever Harris left for his morning gym sessions, he found himself having to squeeze past a humongous sock-clad foot, sticking out from the end of Rhys’ bed; it was humiliating! Within days of term starting, a new selection of clothes had arrived for the colossal boy, but within two months even these were now beginning to look tight on him! Rhys’ body loomed bigger and bigger, both physically and in Harris’ mind. The injustice of it made him seethe with rage, and people found him more and more prone to snapping at them. How could anyone possibly experience so much change in such a small amount of time, especially when they had so much to begin with? It just wasn’t fair, and the more Harris thought about it, the more he realised - no. It wasn’t fair, was it? There was something very badly wrong here. One day, he waited until Rhys had left the room before springing into action, and it wasn’t long before he found exactly what he had suspected to be true. RESIZR Hormonal adjusting hypersteroidal compound. WARNING: Resizr causes extreme difference in body mass. Use must be prescribed by a medical professional. Misuse can cause fatal injury. Dose must be taken as prescribed. Missed dosage can cause immediate, catastrophic reversal of effects. Had he not seen the proof of it already, flaunted in front of his face every day, Harris would never have believed it. But here it was! A bottle of pills that might as well be a genie’s lamp, hardly even hidden in a fucking sock drawer. His first instinct is to unscrew the lid, and pour as many of those pills down his gullet as he could, and see just how big someone who worked for it, someone who deserved it could get on the stuff. But some small, still-rational part of his mind saved him. That label about fatal injury cowed him, and so he settled on another course of action. The bottle said that regular doses were needed, right? Then all he had to do was make sure that would never happen. He flushed the lot, and hid the bottle at the bottom of his closet, a wicked grin plastered on his face as he did so. It persisted all day until his lumbering roommate returned, squeezing in through the door with a cheery smile and a wave, feeling happy, for once, to have it returned. Then Harris watched him. Rhys put down his keys, took off his shoes, took a trip to the bathroom, put his phone on charge and then - finally - he did what Harris was waiting for. He walked over to his sock drawer. Paused. Rifled around, then went over to his bedside table which he checked, then back to the sock drawer. He looked up at Harris, urgency clear on his face. “Um - Harris, you haven’t seen a medicine bottle lying around have you? I’m due a dose.” He asked, plaintively. “A medicine bottle? Are you under the weather?” Harris asked, unable to wipe the smile off his face. “No, it’s… it’s an ongoing thing, just some medication I need to take is all. Have you seen it?” “Hmm, I’m not sure. Have you tried the bathroom?” Rhys held his gaze for a long moment. He wasn’t an idiot, he could tell Harris was acting strangely, but then he always did. With no better options he went to the bathroom and, as he expected, found nothing. He came back into the room saying so. “Oh, dang. You sure it’s not in the drawer?” Harris asked. “Yes, I’m sure.” “Really? Because sometimes, I can just stare at something and-” “Harris, I’ve checked twice, it’s not there.” Rhys says, and uncharacteristic impatience in his voice. “I’m sorry, I just really need to take this medicine, like right now. Please, if you know anything just say so.” “Sorry, friend, I - no wait, I think I did see something!” he said, faking enthusiasm. “I saw it when I was tidying earlier, I just thought it was a prank gift or something. Is this what you’re looking for?” He hopped up, went over to the closet, and pulled out the bottle before handing it over. “Yes! Oh, thanks buddy, you’re amazing. You really don’t know-” And then he stopped. He’d unscrewed the bottle, peered inside, and found it empty. Then he looked up. Harris was watching his every move with a shit-eating grin on his face. “What’s up, pal? I think you better hurry up and take your medicine.” Rhys was still frozen. He had tried, really he had, from the moment he had met Harris. He knew that his size made people behave in funny ways sometimes, and usually all it took was a few careful words, a friendly hand extended across the aisle, and they’d come around to him. Not Harris. He fought him every step of the way, every attempt at friendship and civility dashed, thwarted and sent back to him smeared in crap. And now this. Going through his things, stealing medicine from him, hiding the evidence, lying. No. Rhys was through trying with this prick. Just then he felt a pain in his stomach. With a wince and a stifled “Ah-!” he doubled over, his huge form bending down before Harris and his nasty, sadistic smile. Rhys would be sure to wipe that off his face. “You clueless, jealous, tiny piece of shit…” he said through gritted teeth, still clutching at his stomach. “You have no fucking idea what you’ve done.”
  10. Hey everyone! Credits to the following (discord) role-player’s I met to create this: Jake089, Alphamusclemale, UMMuscle, Musclelover, growingwolf, PhantomSuperman Copyright disclaimer: I don't own any picture. I link every source if possible. Please contact me or a moderator in case of demanded removal. Content notes: Reader discretion is advised! I am not sure about trigger warnings. I beg to inform me if there is something to note! Enjoy and let me know what you think! ---------- Chapter 1: Solving tension like modern gay men Ringing at a door, I am glancing at my hookups profile. I never managed to score someone as stacked as Leo, who is practically my wet walking dream. Leo does not disappoint in the body-department either. It’s just too natural to ask myself: “What if I am not big / muscled enough for him?” But I guess am ready to find out. I basically can’t wait to meet that buff powerful bear. I can’t help but feel growingly aroused and nervous in equal parts about my encounter’s profile repeatedly. Name: Leo Age: 38 Height / Weight: 185cm / 115kg Cock: XL Info: Your local himbo to fuck you silly! Your local himbo to cuddle you all night. Your local himbo to keep. Come for the muscle bear, stay for the personality… Twitter – shadowgrizzly20 - https://twitter.com/shadowgrizzly20/status/1560438989999448067 (08.09.2023) And suddenly he opens the door and stands there. I can’t help myself and feel blood rushing down south. Heavily surprised and excited by the bear, I check him out from top to bottom. Leo looks even bigger in person, making my dick chub up - just by the fucking sight from a metre away. I don’t need to say I am fucking attracted by the first sight already. I ogle his packs and admire his very massive looking body, wrapped in a slightly ripped t-shirt and shorts, which look like they are filled to the brim. Greeting that buff dude then holds another surprise. A pure testosterone driven determinate and DEEP voice thunders into my direction – making my dick not only chub but harden undoubtedly. Greeting back, we shake hands and have the very first body-contact, which also holds a surprise: His paws are almost crushing my hand. I can tell that he is not exerting any extra effort. The way Leo’s forearm ripples are quite an impression to behold too… “Pleased to meet ya, handsome.”, he rumbles roughly but appreciatively. Feeling even more fluttered, I stutter: “Y-yeah, th-thanks for inviting me.” The bear looks at me and chuckles amused. I can tell he knows my inner workings already. “Nervous?”, he says with a softer tone. Feeling charmed and slightly boiling, I nod and blink. He laughs warmheartedly and guides me in. I see his smartphone with my open profile, making me guess he did the same thing right before we saw us. We almost look like on the pictures. Only difference is that I have a T-Shirt on. Name: Josh Age: 23 Height / Weight: 185 cm / 80 kg Cock: L Info: Just your hottie you can feel to free to shoot your message to. You won’t know if you don’t try~! “Want something to drink?”, the bears’ voice thunders while I see that muscle gut turning and wobbling tightly while leading the way. I figure this guy doesn’t also try to hide his rack. The opposite because he even flexes his fat buns while slowly walking me into his beautifully decorated home. His wide hairy back leads me into his livingroom while I answer: “A-a glass of water will be just fine. It’s a crazy heatwave outside.” He laughs and leaves the room for a second and returns with two glasses of water. Handing me the right glass, I take it, and I eagerly drink up. “Thanks.”, I say. “Want another?”, he rumbles surprised. I nod. He blinks and invites me to sit on the sofa. “I’ll get a jug for us.” He vanishes once again, while I calm my heartbeat in vain because he is then directly sitting down next to me with his hefty body. I immediately feel his warmth. “I must say, you look quite stunning up closely.”, Leo emphasizes, what makes me blush. “Th-thanks! Clearly you do even more so!”, I shyly return the compliment and gesture towards his buff body to redirect the attention while silently crossing my legs to conceal my seriously hard thing. That simple compliment plus the hiding lets Leo vibrate a deep chuckle through his throat to indicate he is indeed fluttered and amused at the same time – knowing why my body is slightly trembling. He smiles, making my heart melt away… Giving my deviating hair a shy renewing once-over, he observes my cute biceps flexing – being of rather modest but defined size. I see him noticing my eyes all over his body. I guess he knows that he provokes stares over his magnificent body, showing a lot through the close-fitting wardrobe. I then find myself staring a bit too hard at Leos’ pecs and fear he would judge me, but he just raises his arm to run his hand over his head to make his massive bicep bulge prominently, “unintentionally” giving a droolworthy optical taste in showing some of his strength. Only thing he then says is: “Big, huh?” I nod with a way to interested look. He flexes once, grins widely and then drinks out of his glass – only to show off with his other arm. Then, he sets his hands around his small looking empty glass. Looking at the glass in my hand I recognize he has stunningly big hands, which I enjoy envisioning on my ass. Damn, I guess I am just a horny motherfucker after all. The bear then redirects his eyes away from my crotch to not get hornier, because I clearly see his own quite impressive bulge forming. I hate that I love the TENSION he creates with it. And if things are true, Leo is also seemingly a BIG fan of semen retention. He would love to make him cum multiple times. But what could Leo’s lifestyle cause for problems?
  11. Hey everyone! Consider this as a spin-off story from my original story. Enjoy and let me know what you think! --------------- Credits to the following (discord) role-player’s I met to create this: Jake089, Alphamusclemale, UMMuscle, Musclelover, growingwolf, PhantomSuperman Copyright disclaimer: I don't own any picture. I link every source if possible. Please contact me or a moderator in case of demanded removal. Content notes: Reader discretion is advised! I am not sure about trigger warnings. I beg to inform me if there is something to note! --------- Chapter 1: Worryingly unworrying curse A couple, Leo and Josh, is in the breaking because the part of growing bigger together doesn’t add up, leaving big hunky Josh unsatisfied. He once got together with otter Leo, who did everything in his power to grow along but couldn’t keep the sizehungry guy satisfied. In denial and keen to win him back, Leo made a pact! ----- Leo felt getting hotter and hotter inside this lovely morning and couldn’t sleep anymore. He decided to warmheartedly cuddle Josh – his most loved man on earth – and gently wake him up to show him a surprise: The otter accented to a whole new level – a bear. But this wouldn’t be all... Leo smiles with a warm expression down at Josh while waking Josh by pulling him into his buff fat muscle bear chest. Leo massages Josh’s build chest, making him notice the big change: Leo’s whole body got a LOT fatter and thicker overnight. Josh doesn’t know in sleepyness, how he could not appreciate that gentle and way too cute giant of bear kneeing above him. With his body on Leo’s lap, Josh even feels so save and happy and almost forgets how stressed out they were a night ago. Why? Simply put: Things escalated. But they found back together at last and that’s what counts at the end. Or at least, that’s what Josh thought… Twitter – avero_art – https://twitter.com/avero_art/status/1589714276209815553 (08.04.2023) They cuddle for a while but there is a pressure, which makes Leo ask: “Hon, have you thought about telling me what happened yesterday?“ “Well, I … uh… okay, truth to be told, I not only might have met an old friend of mine. I not only told him a bit about you and our little … fiasco. He helped me accepting everything back then and… uh-” Josh is still in the process to remember things. But he doesn’t know Leo knows more than he just “admitted”… Secretly knowing the truth already, renewed envy is rushing through Leo, who grunts deeply. “I know you both FUCKED, HON!”, Leo rumbles jealous and feels a heavy throb in his already slowly outwards-bulging pants. Josh can’t even lie to protect himself, because both know that it did indeed happen. And both know it was hot. Both know Josh’s love-tool did a hell of a fucking. Both know Josh fucked for HOURS. Both know, Josh fucking passed the honour to someone else. Both know that it was a WAY more intense sex than Leo could ever have caused to Josh - yet … Josh doesn’t know that this makes Leo immensely hot. But Josh knows that this makes him growl deep in sheer anticipation to balance his debt. Leo moans in aggressive lust and envy and whispers slyly: “You little fucking cub did have some DECENT sex, huh? And now you leave me waitin’, boy…“ Josh just can’t deny and starts to get hot as his bear obviously wants to punish him right here and now. Leo moves his hands over Josh’s built traps and grabs into Josh’s tank top at his nicely pumped neck to give him a vampire-like “bite”, continuing by smouching him from top to his abs in greatly upbuilding heat. But there is Josh – unsatisfied… Twitter – VMorphs - https://twitter.com/VMorphs/status/1093963631551791104 (19.09.2020) “I wish he would not only have grown bigger but finally grow some chesthair too…”, he thinks, sighing and looking up to his fat bear. Josh would still enjoy his bear with a very furry chest. He guesses there is no chance to have Leo be that way, so he decides to cope with it by telling himself: “You can't have everything.” … But suddenly something was looking itchy on Leo’s chest. One couldn’t right notice but hairs are slowly sprouting all over Leos’ body. More and more new sprouts of hair appear, which had not been there a few minutes ago. Slowly, a thick carpet of fur sprouts all over Leo’s chest and also spreads over his muscle gut. It fades out all over his body. Meanwhile, Leo looks very self-righteous in these seconds, bouncing his again more and more furry chest for his love… Josh describes his view and makes the beast growl – filling up with testosterone. He raises an eyebrow as Josh fumbles with Leo’s furry belly. “I really love it!”, Josh admits. It makes Leo smiles slyly and proudly growl: “Mmmmmm, you like your bears FAT and HAIRY, huh?!” He smouches all over his hunks face and grunts hungrily. Leo starts his journey up to Josh’s neck. Josh simply huffs surprised in his ears: “Mmm... Someone’s REALLY needy, huh?“ “Guhhh~”, Leo just moans. Blushing by all this lust and admiration, Josh is tilting his head and exposing more of his bullneck for Leo to kiss. “Cub, I got a-”, Leo huffs with rumbles, desperately denying that his body REALLY wants to do some dirty things to Josh. Josh’s eyes light up as enthusiastically and asks almost beggingly: “Oh no… Don’t say ‘surprise’!”. Leo growls: “Fuck, cub, I am so HORNY I would FUCK you for hours too! And each time I would reach climax I’d remember that night in the hut, you FUCKED SOMEONE ELSE. Shit! I missed you so much, hon!”, tells Leo and lets Josh feel the double-edged sword of a burn. “Fuck, you… you KNOW?! Why are you that jealous!?”, Josh grumbles. “Oh boy, I am not done with you!”, Leo promised… Leo chuckles devilishly and states: “Your BOAR will be BIGGER than you. Your BOAR will be MANLIER. Your BOAR will be your fucking PROTECTOR. Your BOAR will fuck his CUB BETTER. Oohh, I feel like your DADDY of a BOAR might grow a LOT for you tonight, hehe!” And saying this, this shall only be the beginning of something HUGE. He would show it ALL to Josh now. To convince him, HE, the BOAR, is THE better man and the only dude to love for once and for all. Josh knows his situation shouts for incoming punishment: A swelling and even hairier BOAR!
  12. Chapter 1: Standing there John a 22 year old college student felt that everything around him felt hazy, aimlessly he walked down a corridor where a light was shining. Drawn by the light source, his eyes focus on it, seeing a figure slowly come into focus. With each step he took the figure became clearer but it seemed almost as if he wasn't actually getting any closer. With the urge to find out what exactly he was looking at, he closed his eyes and made a mad dash to try reach the figure. His body felt light as he ran but his thoughts were cut short running into something, causing him to be knocked down to the floor from the impact. "Need a hand" the figure spoke Looking up he saw what looked to be a monstrous being of muscle mass extending his arm towards him. He wasn't able to get a look at the figures face since his pecs were blocking his view casting a shadow below them. Taking the figures hand he felt a jolt of power rush through him which at first felt like pain then quickly turned to pleasure, it felt as if his whole body was having an orgasm, his knees buckled under the immense pleasure he was feeling then giving way as he collapsed to the floor. As his face was about to smash against the floor he shot up straight in his bed, opening his eyes to find himself in his own room staring down at the wet spot on his sheets caused by the hardest morning wood he had ever had in his life. Looking over at his phone he sees his alarm going off with the text displaying 23rd birthday on it. Before he had any time to process any of the dream he just had, he hears his fathers voice yell for him from down stairs. "Coming dad!" John responded Before going down he did his morning routine and made sure to put his stained bed sheets to wash. As he walked towards the stairs his 24 year old brother Daniel appears as if he was waiting for you and wraps his arm around him pulling Daniel in for a hug. "Hey dweeb happy birthday, did you miss me!" "Daniel?! What are you doing here I thought you were still at college." "Seriously John did you forget, it's spring break of course I'd be coming home to visit for your birthday." Taking a step back John took a second to take a look at Daniel and noticed Daniel was looking different. "Woah you look..." Daniel cuts John off "JACKED RIGHT!" Daniel raises both arms into a double bicep pose and flexes hard making the bulky mounds of muscle in his long sleeve shirt rise up. "I started working out last year and I haven't stopped since, guess you could say I got bit by the iron bug. Now come on dweeb dad has breakfast ready for us." As he walks past, John catches Daniels scent from just having worked out and starts feeling aroused, he feels an odd sensation wash over his body. Breaking from his trance he follows Daniel to have breakfast. Sitting at the table John sees his 45 year old father Sebastian and Daniel both conversing about Daniels year at college as they both stuff their faces with food. John could tell there was a shift in their relationship as their dad has always been the man of the house but now that Daniel had been working out he had eclipsed their fathers slim toned body. It didn't help that Daniel was already taller than their fathers height of 5'6 standing at 6'0, but now he was out weighing him in muscle. After breakfast everyone went on with their daily routine and celebrated your birthday. As the days passed John watched as Daniel starts pushing the boundaries with their father, clearing out an old room used for storage without asking to be used as his weight room whenever he visits home. Their father without question didn't argue with Daniel although they could both tell their father was not happy with Daniels actions. Every morning and night John would hear the clang of metal and the grunts of his now beefy brother Daniel. This distracted him as he would just picture his sweaty pumped body throughout the day as he took his online college classes or relaxed in his room. Every time he would start fantasizing about his brothers impressive gains he would feel a sensation a kin to the one he had in that intense dream he had a few nights prior. In fact just about any time he started feeling horny he could feel the sensation start to take root in him, seeming to get stronger with each passing day. One day when he was feeling particularly pent up he even started jerking off to his fantasies and this time the sensation felt stronger than ever. As he jerked off he felt he could hear his brother seemingly get louder during his workout. Finally climaxing he cleaned himself and readied to take a shower to clear his mind. Coming out of his room John saw Daniel also heading towards the shower. Daniels body was red his his clothes were plastered to his body dripping with sweat. His post workout pump made his body look ready to burst right out of his already previously tight shirt. He flashed John a cocky smile as he continued for the bathroom locking the door behind him. Now riled up again John went back to his room trying to get his composure after seeing Daniel look the biggest he has ever been, completely unaware that these strange new sensations might have something to do with how big Daniel had been getting since getting home. Later on in the week on the night before spring break would end and Daniel would leave back to college, Daniel had a few of his friends over. As they arrived Daniel would stand proud puffing his chest out as he caught all his friends looks at his improved physique, the whole night Daniel would be showing off as he loved to talk about his body. The guys got drunk and Daniel got a whole lot more loose even starting to flex for his friends. In particular his best friend Tyson seemed the most interested since he took every opportunity he got to feel up Daniels muscles. After Daniels friends left, John heard some commotion coming from Daniels room and decided to check it out. Peeking through the door John sees Daniel drunk checking himself out in the mirror. He would do different poses starting at every bulge on his body, the longer it went on John could see the bulge in Daniels pants get larger. Staring at his brothers impressive physique he felt the strange sensation coming back. As John kept staring, his knees gave way and he stumbled into the room. Standing up Daniel saw his brother looking at him. Johns face flushed red waiting for Daniels reaction, but instead of being embarrassed or angry, Daniel looked like he was enjoying Johns gaze on his body. "Took you long enough dweeb I thought you were never gonna walk in here." Walking closer to John he makes sure to get close to his face. "You know dweeb ever since I got home I've been catching you looking at my body it's like your eyes are glued onto me. How's about you start doing a lot more than just looking." With that Daniel presses his body against John as he grabs the back of Johns neck and locks lips with him. As he continues kissing John, Johns feels that odd feeling flare in strength. Fully giving himself to Daniel he wraps his arms and legs around him as Daniel picks him up effortlessly with one arm. Walking over to his bed Daniel lays John down and sits down on Johns chest. Looking up all John could see is Daniels grinning face looking down at him past his pecs. "I know you want to rub your hands all over these gains but I think your gonna have to work for it." Daniel spoke With that Daniel pulled the elastic waist band of his shorts down and out pops his 6 incher smacking straight across johns face. Quickly overwhelmed by the scent of Daniels member John wraps his lips around it's head. As John services Daniels member he feels the odd sensation once again grow stronger. Not giving a care about it at this moment he fully gives himself to it. Continuing the blow job John open his eyes and what he see stuns him. Daniels pecs were visibly bigger, and not just that they seemed to still be inflating. Unaware of what was happening to him Daniel flexed a most muscular pose in hopes of giving John a show, only for his shirt to rip clean off. "What the hell that was my favorite shirt man! Guess I just don't know the limits of these clothes bro." Looking over into his mirror as he dominated John he thought he was seeing things. "Shit I must be wasted I look like a god." Releasing you from his cock Daniel gets up and walks back over to the mirror where he admires his body before really getting a good look at himself. "Holy shit I am bigger...." looking back over at John in bed he sees John staring in amazement at his own body. "Did you do this bro?" Daniel spoke Unsure of how to react John put his attention on the sensation coursing through his body as he stroked himself, focusing on Daniel. Without hearing a word from John he got his answer as he felt a warmth fill his whole body. Looking back in the mirror Daniel could see the bulk that he had amassed over the last four months begin to disappear being replaced with pure muscle. One by one his abs became more pronounced as his body involuntarily flexed them. His body shone with a layer of sweat further showing off the increasing definition of his expanding musculature. His pecs seemed to inflate with every breath he took as the shadow they cast grew larger Next his shoulders widened making more room for muscle, the sinews of muscle in his delts striated, his traps becoming freakishly developed capable of holding a large bottle. Daniel felt himself becoming intoxicated with the growth wanting more. So he walked back over to John and ripped his shorts right off. Picking John up he placed Johns ass directly at the head of his dick. Slowly he entered his brother as John latched his mouth and hands to Daniel, worshiping his growing body. Each slow thrust into John sending waves of pain and pleasure through his body. The sensation in John's body grew stronger as he felt Daniels grip on him increasing. With each passing moment he could feel the strength in Daniels body getting stronger as Daniel picked up the pace of his thrusts, his brother was turning into a raging growth bull. John plants his face between Daniels cleavage as his pectorals envelop Johns face muffling the sounds of Johns moans as Daniel fucks him. The whole while Daniel was watching himself in the mirror as he kept growing, at some point he even noticed his view seemed different as his head was gone from the reflection "FUCK bro your making me taller too!" Daniel spoke John only responded with a loud moan learning that not only was he making Daniel muscles bigger but his height was also increasing. Soon it was all too much for Daniel as he pulls out of John and blows the biggest load he's had in his whole life. Collapsing on the bed both John and Daniel lay exhausted from the effects of whatever John had done to Daniel and dozed off to sleep with Daniels new size taking up the whole bed, completely enveloping John. As they peacefully slumbered they had no idea that John wasn't the only one that was alarmed from the noise that came from Daniels room that night.
  13. Sizemologist

    Happy Birthday! (Updated 08/02/24)

    Commission I did for an anonymous user on Twitter. Dean is running late getting home to see his husband for their birthday, but forgets he still has to get a dessert. He stops at the first shop he see's and finds something that might not only save his butt from his husband, but also his marriage. Part 1: 06/20 I ran across the sidewalk with my briefcase in hand. “Dammit, I’m so late.” I looked down at my phone, almost midnight. “I’m the worst husband ever.” I stumbled across many puddles and fell down in front of a lit up store front. I wiped some water off of my face as I sat up and looked at the bright neon sign. “The Sizemologist’s Caldron? I’ve never seen this here before,” musing to myself as I stood up. I looked at my phone and saw a text message light up across the screen. “Are you at least bringing ?” shined a text from a user named ‘Big Daddy’. “Cake? Cake! Shit, shit, shit! I forgot the cake!” I yelled as I wrapped my hands around my head. “Fuck, what am I gonna do?” I looked around and then back at my sizable butt in my work pants. “No, I did that last year. He deserves better for such a day.” I brought my phone down and looked into the windows of the dimly lit storefront. A light emitted from the very back of the store and I had to press my face up against the glass to see anything inside. My eyes scanned around the room until they focused in on a sign. ‘Eat Me & Drink Me’ read the sign and a smile grew across my face. “Hello! Hello!” I knocked on the window and saw some shadows move in the background. “I’m sorry! I know it’s late! I was just wondering if I could bother you to buy some sort of dessert? A cake perhaps?” I saw the outline of a very large man coming towards me. His silhouette seemed to only grow bigger as he strode closer to me. Not only did he tower over me, he sported one of the biggest guts I’d ever seen. As a light flickered on, the man’s features were revealed. In an extremely tight blue t-shirt that had ‘The Sizemologist’s Emporium’ stretched across it. As he leaned his head down to reveal a small beard and a head full of bushy blonde hair, he opened the door. “Sir, we’re open till Midnight, feel free to come in,” said the large man as he pulled the door open and stepped to the side. “Oh, uh…thanks.” I walked in and continued brushing water off myself. “Sorry I didn’t think you were open. It’s just the lights were off and I didn’t see anyone inside.” I said as I entered the shop. The room looked so much more spacious than I expected on the outside. I had to sidestep the big belly bulging out in front of the big man as it threatened to push me over when the big man swung it around to head towards the back. “Yeah, that’s my bad. The lights in here are on motion sensors at night. And normally I get up to turn them on, but I might’ve dozed off after I polished off a few pieces of sourdough bread. Woof, I really did some damage,” said the shopkeep as he patted his big belly. The ripples cascading over the blue fabric of the t-shirt. “I see, well I saw the sign from outside “Eat Me & Drink Me” and I was hoping you’d have some sort of dessert. A cake preferably.” I said and started walking over to the section. “That’s my newest section. Opened it up just a couple weeks ago. I’m Sam by the way. The Sizemologist. I run this shop,” said the shopkeep. I turned my head to see the big man smiling down at me. “Nice to meet you. I’m Dean,” I said and reached out to shake his hand. “And about the cake, I actually just sold my last cake earlier today. It was to a lovely couple celebrating their anniversary. Awe, they’re gonna have a fun night,” mused the shopkeep as he waddled past me toward a bar built into the wall. “But I have plenty of other desserts and treats for you to select from.” He lifted up an opening in the bar and squeezed his love handles through the sides as best he could. He started putting out plenty of desserts and pastries as I took a seat in the stool in front of him. Cookies all labeled with ‘Eat Me’ on them, brownies that had colorful sprinkles on top, and many selections of bread were set in front of me. I could even smell some more treats cooking in the back. “Take your pick.” “Wow, you’ve really got quite the selection here. It’s for my husband’s birthday. He loves cheesecake and I was really hoping to surprise him after I’ve been such a bad husband today.” “Oh I bet you couldn’t be that bad of a husband. You are buying your husband a cake for his birthday. That’s something,” said Sam as his head disappeared under the bar where he started rummaging around below. “Yeah, but this’ll be the one good thing I’ve done for him today. I was supposed to have today off, but I got called into the office for some emergency meeting that turned into a lot of work and I kept getting hit with project after project and I couldn’t get away from any of it until now. Almost midnight and I’ve barely spent any time with him today.” I wracked my head and shook some water from my fluffy brown hair. “You’re certainly feeling guilty and stressed about it if you’re willing to reveal that to a random customer service worker you just met,” said Sam as he came from the bar with a glass and a clear liquid in a beer sized bottle. “I’m sorry si-” “Sam, just call me Sam.” “I’m sorry Sam. I didn’t mean to put that all out on you. It’s just, my husband and I, we’ve been arguing a bit lately. And today just must feel like a punch in the gut to him.” I looked at Sam and he started putting ice in a shaker. “It’s okay. I understand, and I’ve been there. Marital troubles can be tricky. What’s got you two arguing?” I saw Sam polishing off the glass and setting it down in front of me. “You know, I really should get going. I’m already late enough as it is. I can’t have a drink right now. Maybe another time,” I said and started getting up from my seat. “Just stay and talk a moment. I promise it’ll be quick.” Sam grabbed a bottle cap opener and popped the top off. The smell from the beer hit me immediately and I froze in place. “Wow, that smells really good. Maybe I can stay for just one drink,” I sat back down in my chair and I heaved my briefcase onto the bar stool next to me. Sam had a satisfied smirk on his face as he poured the liquid into the shaker. “I thought this would change your tune. So, tell me, what’s the matter?” asked Sam as he started to shake up the drink. “It’s complicated. My husband has been a bit self conscious about his body as of late. He’s been trying to work out and grow his muscles out, but has been getting minimal results at best. He started off at maybe 120 pounds and 5 foot 7 and has only gained 10 pounds in almost a year,” I said as Sam poured the drink into the glass. “Well you seem pretty fit, big guy.” said Sam nodding to my pecs that protruded from my white button down shirt. “Maybe you could give him some pointers in the gym?” He slid the drink over to me and popped open a bottle for himself and started drinking it straight from the bottle. “That’s part of the problem. We started working out together. Before we got married, I was on the heavier side. And not in the muscly way I am now. I was fat. And just fat. No muscles. So we joined the gym together. He wanted to put on more size and I just wanted to reform my fat into muscle. I’ve succeeded so far, but he’s been not so successful.” I reached down to take a sip of my drink and my eyes nearly bulged out of my head. “Mmm this stuff is incredible! What is it?” “Made with a special rubber plant from South America, I call it “Stretchy Cider”,” said Sam as he took a swig of his own drink. “As for your husband, you shouldn’t feel guilty just because you have been seeing improvements and he hasn’t. That isn’t fair to your goals’ importance.” “I mean, sure. It’s just that I know we’ve both wanted this for a long time. We bonded a lot over fitness and wanting to grow bigger before we even committed to the gym. And we’re both sorta size queens so that plays a factor into this too. I know he wants to be a massive man with muscles all over his body and he knows I want that for him too. He just puts so much pressure on himself and I hate to see him do it. And I hate being one of the causes of it too,” I said as I took another sip of my drink. Sam gave me a morose look and put his hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry Dean. That does not sound like a fun environment to be living in.” I hung my head and let out a long sigh. “It is a bit of a toxic web we’ve sown as a foundation for our relationship. And that’s only half of it. He’s been really wanting to have kids lately. And I get it. He’s turning 40. He’s not getting any younger. But we can’t get our finances together to get a kid since it costs so much to have a single child as a gay couple. Let alone the cost to raise one. I bet with our salaries, we could have tons of kids. We’re just gay men so we can’t afford to have kids in the first place.” “I see. Well Dean, it’s your lucky day. I think I have a great birthday gift from you to your husband. Be right back.” Sam did a quick about face, leaving his fat body wiggling for a second or two after, and walked through a door to what I assumed was the back. I looked down at my phone and it read 11:55p.m. “Shit Connor is gonna kill me,” I said through gritted teeth as I brought the drink up to my lips and started chugging the whole thing. “I’ve got just the thing for you. Here’s this muffin I have. It’s for a special promotion I’m doing this week. This is a muffin that helps people be the biggest person in any room,” said Sam as he placed a red velvet muffin down right in front of me with star shaped sprinkles on top. “I don’t know, a muffin on his birthday? That doesn’t sound like the best thing to bring home to a probably very upset husband,” I said as I looked down at the muffin. Sam brought a sparkling, extravagant yellow birthday candle out and pushed it into the top. “This’ll help set the mood. Trust me, he’ll love it.,” said Sam as he started getting a bag out for it. “Alright, I guess I’ll take it. It’s not like I have many other options,” I said and reached for my wallet. “How much for the muffin and the drink?” “Just $5 for the muffin and the drink is on the house. Just come and thank me after you have your kids.” Sam winked at me and slid the bag forward. “Thank you Sam. You are too kind. I hope this works.” I pulled a $5 bill out of my wallet and grabbed the bag and my briefcase. “Sorry to keep this short, but I’ve gotta run. Thanks again!” I darted towards the door and Sam waved me off. “Not a problem Dean! You two have fun tomorrow!” yelled Sam as I walked out the door. I tilted my head at the tomorrow part, but kept running towards home. I looked down at my phone, 11:55 still. “Damn, he said it would be quick, but I wasn’t thinking that.” I kept running until I got to our apartment building. I bursted through the doors and hit the up button to the elevator repeatedly. With a ding, the doors looked like they were moving at a snail’s pace to open up. I tapped my foot and hurried in the elevator just to stand and press the close door button repeatedly in hopes it would go faster. I went up floor by floor over what took an eternity. “Come on. Come on.” With another ding, the elevator started to open up into our apartment on the top floor. I emerged from the elevator to see a short man with his hands crossed across his chest. “Finally home from work. And it’s not midnight yet. Congrats babe. You didn’t miss all of my birthday,” said the man as he walked away from me into the kitchen. “Connor, look I’m sorry. I didn’t think that this one meeting would take away our entire day!” I followed him into the kitchen until I stopped in my tracks as he swiveled on his feet to get up in my face despite his much shorter stature. “Today was supposed to be our day. I wanted to spend a lovely birthday with my husband, but it was one thing after another, again. And I get pushed to the side for your career, again. Why would I think today would be any different than any other day,” said Connor as he stormed off through the house away from me. “Please babe. I’m sorry. I just had to stay. I kept trying to get away, but they wouldn’t stop pulling me into meetings “I had to be in”.” I used my fingers to make air quotes around those words and followed him into our bedroom. “Connor, stop running from me. Can we just celebrate a little late? I did bring home a dessert for you.” I fumbled to set my briefcase down then tear open the bag Sam had given me. “I didn’t get anything for me, but I was thinking that could be part of my punishment.” Connor turned around and saw the birthday muffin I was holding. “Is that a muffin? I think I’d prefer you just give me your ass instead.” I shrugged and then wrung my head. “Connor, I’m so, so sorry. I’ve been the worst husband lately. And especially today of all days.” I walked past Connor and sat on the king sized bed in our bedroom. “I had forgotten to get you a cake and could only find this one little shop open and all they had left that you would have liked was this.” I sighed and set the muffin down on the bedside table. I could see in Connor’s face that his anger was slowly simmering down. “You’re not the worst husband in the world,” he said as he sat down on the bed with me. “I just feel like our lives have been drifting in two different directions these past few months.” We both sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity. “Yes, we are. But I don’t want us to be,” I reached for his hand and I could see tears welling up in his eyes. “I don’t either. I just feel like sometimes I can’t even talk to you about it. Some days, despite living in the same apartment as you, I never see you. You’re always at the office, or at the gym, or when you’re home, you just go into your study and don’t come out all day playing your games.” Connor had a couple of tears running down his face as we continued to sit in silence. “I’m sorry. I’ve been so wrapped up in work. Ever since that promotion last year, I just can’t get away from the office sometimes.” I put my hand on Connor’s thigh and squeezed it. “Why did you even take that promotion? You hated your job before you took it. And now it’s just gotten worse. And it’s not like we need the money. We live in a penthouse apartment in the city. While it is expensive, I make more than enough to cover it alone. That and just about all of our other living expenses. I just don’t understand why you do this job that I know you aren’t happy in.” Connor stopped his long winded question to me and I paused again. “Because I thought you wanted kids, babe. I have been busting my ass so we could afford to have some kids,” I said and Connor gave me a weird look. “Honey, we could have kids tomorrow if we want. At least start the process. Our savings account is filled with the child fund. You know this. You helped set it up with me. We even used the fund already and it’s grown the money back. This is something else.” I looked into Connor’s big brown eyes and my heart just melted. “It’s because I’m afraid.” “Afraid? Afraid of what honey.” “Afraid that we had grown too far apart to come back together again. I didn’t want to come home and face the silence and coldness that I would’ve sat in with you.” I blurted out as I started to cry as well. It was Connor’s turn to think on my words. “I knew we had been growing apart and I didn’t want to face it. But now I see running from my problem only makes it even harder to deal with.” “You took the job so you wouldn’t have to deal with me?” asked Connor. “No. No! Not at all babe. It wasn’t to deal with you. I did it cause I thought that’s what I needed. To be thrown into my work. After trying and failing to have a child and going through the painstaking process of venting and paperwork of in vitro just to have no results was heartbreaking. I couldn’t handle it.” The tension in the room could be cut with a knife as I sobbed quietly into my hand. “I understand that babe. After the surrogate failed to have any eggs that attached, I also was feeling broken. But I needed you. My husband. And you ran away to your terrible job.” Connor began to join me in crying. “I’m so sorry Connor. I was being selfish with my reaction to the news. I was doing what I needed to do to protect my own feelings. And as your husband, I needed to be there for you too.” “It’s okay. We each have our own coping mechanisms. I know that about us. This is just the first time it’s hit us so hard. I don’t think we could’ve prepared ourselves for this one,” said Connor as he put his hand on mine. “But I think we know what’s happening now. For the first time in over a year.” I cracked a smile amidst my tears and went in to hug Connor. “We are. I don’t think we really talked about what we wanted to do going forward after failing to have a kid the first time. Do you think we could do it?” “Dean, I have never had any doubt in my mind that when we become parents, we will raise beautiful children. However I do think that we need to have a lot more love in the home before we bring a child into it.” We looked into each other's eyes and hugged each other. We held each other and just breathed for a moment. We hadn’t had this much physical contact in months. “Same to you Connor. You’re gonna make a wonderful dad.” I pushed his body away to kiss him and it was like fireworks went off. This was the first time I had felt something around him in months. “I do hope we’ve begun to rekindle that love today.” “I think so. We’re definitely headed in the right direction.” Connor leaned back in and we shared a passionate kiss. I felt his hand pressing into my chest and he gripped my pecs. “And I don’t think we’ve done anything with your new body since we’ve started working out.” “Yeah and we haven’t done anything with yours either big daddy,” I smiled and kissed Connor back only to feel him lose steam part of the way through. “Uh huh, like I have any progress to show,” said Connor as he kept massaging my pecs over my shirt. “But you have babe. You’ve slimmed up since working out and now you’re starting to put on more muscle,” I went to grab at his chest but he flinched when I did. “Babe, I just spilled my guts about my tough feelings. Maybe tonight we just get all of our feelings out in the open.” “What feelings? I’m fine, babe. We were just about to have sex for the first time in forever. I’m great!” Connor started to kiss me violently and pounced onto me. Forcing me to lean back on our bed with him on top. “Hun, you’re talking to the king of not talking about things that bother me.” He broke the kiss and rolled off me. “Spill it babe.” Connor looked at me as we both lay on the bed together. “I can’t get big. I can’t be the big man of my dreams and I definitely can’t be the big man of your dreams.” “Okay, what do you mean by that?” “The gym isn’t working to get me bigger.” “And I don’t have a problem with that. Everyone’s bodies are different and gain size in different ways.” “Oh Dean, stop beating around the bush. The entirety of our relationship was based off of our shared love for growth. You remember all of the role playing we did back in the day. Do you remember that one where you were the sweet scientist and me, your science experiment that got huge. I wanted that for you.” Connor sat up and put his elbows on his knees and head on his hands. I followed suit soon after. “Connor, those were fantasies. And while they were hot at the time of doing them, I don’t really care about them now. And I definitely never expected you to get THAT big. Babe at one point we said you were over 100 feet tall and many tons of muscle. No one has even come close to that big before.” “I know, but maybe if I thought that maybe if I did get bigger, it would help us rekindle that spark.” I brought my arm around him and pulled him in close to me. “Well after tonight I hope you can put that idea out of your head since we might not be past our differences, but we are on the road to recovery.” I leaned in and kissed the short man. We sat on the bed in silence for a long time. Just me holding Connor in my arms. “I did however mention to the guy that sold me the muffin that you were having some issues in the gym and he assured me that the muffin makes men feel like they’re the biggest one in the room.” “What does that even mean? And you were talking to a random baker about that?” “I don’t know. I assumed it had a bunch of calories in it or something. But yeah. I did kinda vent to him for a sec cause I felt so guilty about how bad of a husband I was being.” I stand up and open up a drawer in the night stand to reveal a lighter. “At this point I’ll try anything to make me grow,” said Connor as he got up and stood beside me. “But that cupcake is so small, what are you going to eat?” “Think of it as a punishment to myself for being so late and forgetting to pick up a cake today.” I started to light the candle that was on top of the muffin and presented it to Connor. “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Connor, Happy Birthday to You.” Connor gave me a cheesy smile and blew out the candle. “Thanks babe. Despite all of the drama I couldn’t have wished for a better 40th birthday,” said Connor as he started eating the muffin. “Feliz cumpleaños mi amor. Did you make a wish?” “Of course. I always make a wish. You can’t not make a wish. But I’m not gonna tell you.” Connor continued to eat his muffin and was delighted by how good it tasted. “You don’t need to tell me until it comes true.” “Well then I can tell you what I wished for last year?” “What?” “You.” I smiled at Connor and leaned down to give him a big kiss. “I’m glad I granted your wish then. I just hope I can grant this one for you too.” We kissed a couple more times before we sat down on the bed. We began to make out, small moans escaping our lips as we did. “You definitely can babe. But actually,” Connor paused our kiss and let out a long yawn, “I’m feeling really tired all of a sudden. Think maybe we can pick this up in the morning?” Connor began to lie back in bed onto his pillow and tapped the one beside it. “Sure babe. Screw work if they call me in. I’m gonna spend tomorrow with my husband.” I climbed over to my side of the bed and got under the covers with Connor. “Thank you Dean. I would love that as a birthday present. As well as snuggling with you tonight,” said Connor as he wrapped his arms around my body as I faced the opposite way. “Goodnight Dean.” “Goodnight Connor.”
  14. Hey everyone, this storyfied roleplay takes place within a universe of demis. To not bore you too much with pure fantasy writing, I left out the beginning and created this tale as an erotic version. Enjoy! --------------- Credits to the following (discord) role-player’s I met to create this: JonasCopperwire, lorelollo Copyright disclaimer: I don't own any picture. I link every source if possible. Please contact me or a moderator in case of demanded removal.
  15. Long time lurker or all the amazing stories here. Tried my hand at my first ever muscle growth story. Hope you guys enjoy! Definitely a big learning curve but I have the full story finished and will release it in parts! Adding this here instead since it does have an ending at some point. Sorry new to posting Part 1 Will had always been the largest guy in the neighborhood, his towering 6’2” frame and muscular build making him a standout figure. But what nobody knew was that Will had a unique ability: he could control other people’s muscle growth with just his thoughts. He had discovered this power a few months ago and had been cautious with it, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention. One sunny afternoon, Will was on his way back from the gym, his muscles pumped and glistening with sweat. He spotted his neighbor, Justin, in his front yard, struggling with a heavy bag of mulch. Justin was much smaller than Will, standing at 5’10” and lean. He had always admired Will’s physique, often commenting on his dedication and discipline. As Will watched Justin struggle, an idea sparked in his mind. He focused on Justin, envisioning his muscles growing larger, his strength increasing. Almost immediately, Justin’s arms began to swell, his biceps expanding, straining against the sleeves of his T-shirt. His chest broadened, and his abs tightened into a defined six-pack. Justin dropped the bag of mulch, staring in shock as his body transformed. “Will, what’s happening to me?” Justin exclaimed, his voice tinged with panic and excitement. Will walked over, a knowing smile on his face. “Don’t worry, Justin. I’ve given you a little help. How does it feel?” Justin flexed his newly enlarged biceps, a grin spreading across his face. “This is incredible! I feel so powerful!” “Good,” Will replied. “You deserve it. I’ve seen how hard you work, and I thought you could use a boost. Don’t worry there is more where that came from stud.” As the days passed, Justin grew more accustomed to his new size and strength. He joined Will at the gym, eager to see how far he could push his enhanced physique. Will guided him, offering tips and encouragement. But the more time they spent together, the more Will felt the temptation to use his power again. One evening, as they were working out, Will decided to push Justin further. He focused, and Justin’s muscles responded, swelling even larger. His traps bulged, his thighs thickened, and his back widened until he was almost as large as Will. “Wow, Will, this is insane!” Justin exclaimed, flexing in the mirror. Completely aroused and turned on my his own body. But Will’s power was growing, and so was his ambition. He began to wonder how far he could take Justin’s transformation. One night, while they were both at the gym, Will decided to test his limits. As Justin was lifting weights, Will focused intensely, channeling all his energy into Justin’s body. Justin’s muscles erupted in size, his biceps ballooning to 20 inches, his chest expanding to 50 inches, and his thighs growing to an enormous 28 inches. His once snug gym clothes now looked painted on, struggling to contain his massive frame. The veins on his arms and legs popped out, and his abs became even more chiseled, looking like they were carved from stone. Justin let out a roar, dropping the weights as he flexed his newfound size. “This is unbelievable! I feel unstoppable! Fuck I am becoming such an alpha!” Will watched, a mixture of pride, fear and a hint of envy. “You look incredible, Justin. I’ve never pushed someone this far before. How does it feel?” Justin’s eyes were wild with excitement. “It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt! I can’t believe how strong I am!” Will couldn’t help but smile. “There’s still more where that came from. Let’s see just how far we can go.” Over the next few weeks, Will continued to enhance Justin’s physique, pushing him to new heights. Justin’s body became a marvel of muscle, his measurements surpassing even Will’s. He now stood at a solid 240 pounds, his biceps measuring an incredible 22 inches, his chest a massive 52 inches, and his thighs a staggering 30 inches. His cock had grown to a formidable 9 inches, adding to his overall impressive physique. The neighborhood couldn’t believe the transformation. Justin had gone from a lean, struggling yard worker to a colossal powerhouse, rivaling the most dedicated bodybuilders. Will’s secret was safe, but his influence was clear. The power he wielded was addictive, and he knew that Justin was just the beginning. Will: Height: 6’2” Weight: 215 pounds Chest: 48 inches Waist: 32 inches Biceps: 18 inches Thighs: 26 inches Calves: 17 inches Neck: 17 inches Cock Size: 8 inches Justin (initially): • Height: 5’10” • Weight: 170 pounds • Chest: 40 inches • Waist: 32 inches • Biceps: 14 inches • Thighs: 22 inches • Calves: 14 inches • Neck: 15 inches • Cock Size: 6 inches Justin: (After growth) • Height: 5’10” • Weight: 240 pounds • Chest: 52 inches • Waist: 28 inches • Biceps: 22 inches • Thighs: 30 inches • Calves: 18 inches • Neck: 18 inches • Cock Size: 9 inches As Will continued to experiment with his power, he decided to push the boundaries even further. He wondered if he could not only increase Justin’s muscle mass but also his height. One evening, while they were working out together, Will focused his energy on Justin, envisioning him growing taller. He concentrated harder than ever before, feeling the power surge through him. Justin, who was mid-rep, suddenly felt a strange sensation. His body began to stretch, his bones elongating and muscles expanding to accommodate the new height. He dropped the weights, standing up straight as he felt himself grow. “Will, what’s happening now?” Justin asked, his voice filled with a mix of awe and excitement. Will watched in amazement as Justin grew taller, his frame becoming even more imposing. “Just trust me, Justin. You’re going to like this.” Justin’s height increased steadily until he stood at an impressive 6’4”. His muscles swelled even larger to match his new height, making him an absolute powerhouse. Will marveled at the transformation, knowing they had reached a new level. Justin: • Height: 6’4” • Weight: 260 pounds • Chest: 54 inches • Waist: 30 inches • Biceps: 23 inches • Thighs: 32 inches • Calves: 19 inches • Neck: 18 inches • Cock Size: 10 inches Justin looked down at his new form, his eyes wide with disbelief. “Will, this is incredible! I’m a giant!” Will grinned, feeling a sense of pride and satisfaction. “You deserve it, Justin. You’ve worked hard, and now you’re the biggest, strongest guy around.” The two continued their training, knowing that with Will’s power, there were no limits to what they could achieve. Will knew deep down, that this was going to get out of hand fast. The thought turned him on immensely.
  16. Sizemologist

    Growth Drive! (Updated 3/22)

    Moderators Preface: This story asks for people to vote / like in order to generate the next stage of the story. It is not to be seen as a method of generating views or income for the user. Week 0 Jared jogged down the sidewalk with his airpods in his ears. He was dressed in a big hoodie that hugged his pecs tight and accentuated them jiggling up and down. It didn’t help that Jared’s pecs were already the size of textbooks strapped to his chest. The sleeves of the hoodie strangled his arms inside. As he jogged through the city, his soft cock bounced with his body, clearly visible through his gray sweatpants. His wide hips gave his bubble butt a nice natural sway to his run. “I’ve got the eye of the tiger, a fighter. Dancing through the fire ‘cause I am the champion. And you’re gonna hear me roooooar…” hummed Jared as he passed by a storefront. It was typically abandoned, but there seemed to be one shop lit up at the end of the street. That’s never there, thought Jared to himself. Jared always ran this way to his Friday night shift for work and there had never been any kind of business here. Not even any that were being renovated. Jared paused his music and took his airpods out of his ears. He slowed his pace to a walk, reading the tacky neon signs in the window. BIG SALE read the blue letters, lit up in an explosive cloud of smoke behind it. Jared lifted his head up and saw the massive sign above him light up. “The Sizemologist Cauldron?” mused Jared. He pushed open the door and walked into the surprisingly spacious store. He walked through the shelves of items. His wide shoulders brushing up against the glass bottles on display. He turned his body to read one of the potions on the shelf, but in doing so, his big shoulder made two vials wobble and begin rolling off the wood. “Woah there big guy!” came a voice from behind him. Jared jumped forward startled by the gentleman leaning down behind him. His big pecs lurched forward and pressed into many more glass bottles in front of him on the shelf. “Shit, fuck. Sorry!” Jared steadied himself and carefully pushed the bottles to the back of the shelf. “I thought I had more room to move.” Jared slowly turned back around to see a man with platinum blonde hair holding two bottles. “Jumbo Juice and Two Ton Tonic, a fun mixture, but probably not for right now,” said the man as he put the two bottles on the shelf. “And don’t worry about it. I know how tight these hallways can be,” said the big man as he rubbed his own prestigious belly. The man seemed to be in his mid forties and had a stocky muscular build with a round belly that stuck out a foot or two in front of him. He stood just an inch or two taller than Jared, but Jared was definitely the wider of the two. “Sorry about that. Sometimes I forget how big I am,” replied Jared as he returned the last potion to the shelf. “No worries big guy. My husband says the same thing. Now, what can I do for you today?” asked the salesman as he led Jared through the aisle. “I’m just browsing. I’ve never seen your shop before. When did you open?” asked Jared as his eyes peered across the name tags. Bubble Butt Brew? Pillow Pec Potion? Muscle Milkshake? What’s this guy selling here? thought Jared. “Just yesterday. Had to get out of the last place I was in a bit of a rush. And lucky for me, this place was available to move in immediately.” They entered the main shopping area with multiple kiosks setup with jewelry, sunglasses, even some speedos on manikins. “Feel free to look around. I’m clearing out my entire inventory to make room for a new line of products so don’t be shy.” Jared immediately ran towards the speedos. The manikins modeling them had a substantial bulge outlined in their front pouch and an ass that was spilling out the sides and could be seen from the front. “How much for one of these? I could always use a new speedo for work.” asked Jared, feeling the fabric of a striped red one. “And do they come in bigger sizes?” He brushed his fingers across the hard plastic dick inside. “Those speedos are pretty cheap, only $5. They aren’t as great as you think they might be.” The shopkeep walked over to the manikin and pulled the speedo off of the plastic to reveal a smooth surface. “The charm of the clothes only are in effect when you’re wearing the clothes. Not good if you’re going for long term gains.” Jared’s eye’s did a double take when he saw there was no mold of a dick on the manikin. He grabbed the one he was holding and pulled it off to reveal the same smooth surface. “What the fuck?” Jared backed up from the display and looked around at some of the other items. Lock Cock Ring? Juicer Belt? Gainer’s Snack Sack? His head was spinning as he could only imagine what he might’ve stumbled onto. “What? Not a fan? I would’ve thought you'd at least enjoy looking like you had bigger junk. Given your line of work,” said the shopkeep. “I meant the magic speedos! What kind of place are you running here? And how do you know where I work?” asked Jared. “I’ve seen your act and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed by your size.” Jared gazed into the eyes of the older man leaning against the counter. “And this place is for people who want to get really big. Like yourself.” “Thank you. I have been growing a lot lately,” smiled Jared as he held up his bicep. It balled up and swelled to the size of an orange in its poor black sleeve. “And I’m always looking to grow more.” “You have no idea. Well if you’re interested in a nice speedo, I can show you to my more exclusive selection.” The shop keep held up his hand and pointed towards a sign that read Does This Make Me Look Big?. “Well if everything is on sale, why not? I have time before work.” Jared turned and followed the bigger man down the hallway. At the edge of the shop, there was a glass display with three speedos underneath. “Normally, these speedos would go for around a few hundred bucks, but hopefully they’ll be in your price range.” The shop keep flipped the light and the speedos lit up. “Why are they so expensive?” asked Jared as he examined the selection. There was a dark red one with a black diamond design running down it, a light blue one with white circles emanating from points of the speedo like ripples, and a royal purple one with a golden stag on the crotch. “They allow someone to grow by being paid for it.” Jared snapped his head to the shop keep and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “If I wear this, people can pay to grow me bigger?” His eyes glared back down at the speedos, wide with the possibilities. “Yep.” The shopkeep held the key in his hand with a smirk on his face. “I had a feeling you’d be intrigued by these.” “How does it work?” Jared pressed his face up to the glass, “Is it like a coin machine and it gives candy out?” he changed angles on the glass, “Or is there a barcode I can scan for Venmo or Cashapp?” he changed his angle to stare down at the speedo, “Or will people need to swipe their cards through my ass?” “No no no, calm down big guy.” The shop keep peeled the big excited man off the glass. He turned the lock and pulled out a rectangular metal box behind the display. “It’s done using this remote.” He clicked a button on the remote and the white circles on the blue speedo lit up. “This remote is a money-getting machine. It has a hole to suck in any cash or coin thrown your way, a card reader that can swipe, chip, or tap, as well as a projector for a barcode for people to scan to send money to as well.” The man clicked a button and a barcode lit up on the wall. “That is incredible.” Jared was in awe as he picked up the purple one. “Are they all the same?” “No, they each have special features that can accompany the growth. The red pair is a boost in the wearer’s muscles. The blue is a boost to the wearer’s cock. And the one you’re holding, those will boost both.” Jared stretched the speedo out with his hands and found it had a surplus of stretch. “And I’ve never met someone who has been able to outgrow them if you were worried about that.” “There’s a first time for everything,” said Jared with a smirk. “I’ll take them. How much?” “Normally they’d cost you around $500 for this particular pair,” said the shop keep as he reached for another remote. “But I’ll give them to you for the low price of $50. Do we have a deal?” He plugged in some numbers on the remote and turned it to show Jared the screen that read $50. “Deal.” Jared didn’t waste any time pulling out his wallet and tapping his card on the screen. “So how does this thing work?” Jared took the remote from the man’s hands and started fiddling with the screen. “Why don’t I let him explain.” He leaned forward and tapped a button on the side of the remote that lit up a light blue. Out popped a man clad in only the same speedo as the one Jared had just bought. Except the man was entirely translucent and shiny blue. “Hello there! You must be my new master!” beamed the hologram. The man was completely bald and had a round jaw line with a cartoon-like muscular body beneath his head. “Wo-ho-ho you bought these?! You wanna get bigger? My good sir, you're already huge!” the hologram zipped back behind Jared’s shoulder as it talked like a mosquito in his ear. “I mean look at you! You could already bench, what, 250, 300 pounds? What do you need me here for?” The hologram reached forward and squeezed Jared’s hefty pecs. “350, actually,” Jared swatted away the hologram’s hand, surprised he could feel its touch. “Exactly, what are you doing here looking to get even bigger?” The hologram poofed away and reappeared in front of Jared’s pecs with a straw hat and a flannel. “Y’all tryin’ to grow these milkers even bigga’.” The hologram reached forward and grabbed Jared’s nipples that were visible even under two layers of clothes and started milking them like a cow. “Hey! Cut it out!” Jared reached his arms forward to swat at the hologram only to have them go straight through it. “Wait, what the? How are you doing that!?!” yelled Jared as the hologram vanished and appeared beside the shop keep like a gnat buzzing around the room. “Go easy on him R. People here aren’t as familiar with the mystic arts. This is R, he will teach you how to use the speedo.” The hologram brought its hand up and waved at Jared before putting his hands together in front of him. “Sam I can smell this guy’s hunger for size from here, this isn’t a good idea.” the hologram turned back to the shop keep and glared at him. “Hush up, I just wanna see what he can do. Give him the royal treatment,” said the shop keep, giving the hologram a comically exaggerated bow. “Oh we’re giving this one the royal treatment? He’s that big a deal?” asked the hologram. “I’m definitely a big deal.” Jared smiled and hit a double bicep pose and flexed his arms down in front of him. The hologram simply rolled its eyes and looked back at the shop keep. “Fine, I’ll give him the royal treatment. Hell, I’ll make him as big as he wants.” Jared’s eyes lit up with excitement and he looked back at the remote. “Let’s go, R. I’ve gotta get to work, and I’m sure you can walk and talk.” Jared tapped the Settings button on the remote and connected his airpods to the remote in a second. “Thank you so much sir. I can’t thank you enough. Hopefully, you’ll see how big I get soon.” Jared stuffed the speedo in his pocket and started to briskly walk towards the door. “No problem Jaren. You have a fun time at work!” yelled the shop keep as R blinked the further away Jared got. “I hope you know what you’re doing,” buzzed R as he flickered away. Jared pulled the door open and barreled out of the shop towards the club. He only had a few blocks to go, but he walked slow as he put his air pods back in. “Testing, KEEEETTTCH, Testing, SHEEEEESH Testing, Testing, Testing, is this thing on!” rang a loud voice from the air pods. “God dammit, yes dude I can hear you.” Jared pulled out the remote and looked down at the screen to see a little 2-D animation of R floating on it. “Excellent, let’s start with introductions!” blared the animation. R poofed away and was replaced by 4 more R’s in marching band uniforms holding trumpets blasting a fanfare into Jared’s ear. “Welcome to the Royal Speedo from the Sizemologist’s 4th collection! I am your guide for this machine as well as sometimes the machine itself, here to grow you beyond your wildest dreams!” shouted an R wearing a long flowing royal purple cape and a golden crown. “Still very loud, but I don’t think you understand how big I can dream,” replied Jared. He looked around to see if anyone saw him talking to this remote, but he was alone before he walked into the club. “We’ll see about that,” replied R as he flew off the screen and his head appeared next to the main menu. “So, to get started, you will need to select your levels.” A button labeled Levels highlighted itself and Jared clicked on it. “Select what levels of growth you want based on your prices.” Jared was presented with a screen of sliders. He saw lengths on the left side of the screen and dollar amounts on the right. He swept his fingers up and down on the screen to adjust the numbers accordingly. “What do you think is a generous number for how much I want to grow?” asked Jared. R blinked and the lens of the remote flashed and an angel R and a devil R appeared on Jared’s shoulders. “It would be wise to keep your ratio of cash to size low considering how much money men already give you for your body,” said Angel R on Jared’s shoulder holding a harp with a halo on its head. “Or knowing that you’ll be rolling in the dough come show time, you could make it pretty easy for you to grow with just a little bit. That way you can get huge fast!” grinned the Devil R holding a pitchfork with horns on his head. “I like that idea waaaay more!” Jared didn’t think much as he started moving his money meter down. “No no no, you can't do that! You’ll get so big so fast! That could be dangerous!” shouted the Angel R. “I suggest that you make it so that $100 would grow you a foot.” The Angel R crossed his arms and puffed air out of his nose as he flew in front of Jared’s face. “Dangerous shmangerous, let’s get this cash cow growing!” The Devil R bumped the Angel R away as Jared settled on his ratio. “Excellent choice master.” “Master, I kinda like that.” Jared devilishly grinned as he walked to the back entrance of the club. He had landed on $10 would grow him a foot taller. “And your name is just R? Does that stand for anything?” “Royal Model. I was fashioned for some of the most powerful people in the world,” replied R from back on the remote screen. “Then it’s perfect I’ll be wearing you. But I don’t like the name R. What about…Rob. Short for Robot.” R changed into a floating head with three dots coming out of it giving Jared a blank stare. “Alright, I’ll be Rob. Now to get the machine active, you’ll need to put the speedo on first.” Jared entered the club and made his way to the dressing room. Taking off his hoodie, he peeled off the tight tank top he had on under it. Shimmying out of his sweatpants and sliding his jock off to reveal his chubbed up 8-incher. Picking up the speedo, he fit one leg through the hole then the other. He was surprised just how much they were able to stretch around his massive legs. He pulled it over his fat ass and pulled the creases out around it and his crotch. He rearranged his balls nicely inside then looked at himself in the mirror. He was hot in them, even though it wasn’t advertised for it, Jared could swear his dick looked bigger in the speedo. He turned to the side and his jaw dropped from how fat his ass got. Like an overgrown cantaloupe overflowing the sides of the speedo. “Fuck, I love these things.” “Uh-huh, yeah I know they’re great. Now get over here,” chirped Rob from the remote. “Let me get a quick read through of your stats.” “A what? What are yo- Whoa!” Jared felt a surge of energy flow through his crotch as the golden stag lit up. It rode its way up his body over his abs, up to his pecs, and out his arms. All while running down his legs and spreading to his back. “What the fuck was that?” “You like?” the remote blinked as Jared picked it up and focused on the screen. “That’ll be what it feels like to grow. But for now, it was just to see what we’re working with now.” A table came up as it started tallying together some stats on Jared’s body. Height: 6 Feet Tall Weight: 250 Pounds Cock Size (Flaccid): 8 Inches Long Cock Size (Erect): 10 Inches Long “My oh my, you are a big one. I am excited to watch you grow.” Rob beeped and the screen went away. “Once you’re on stage, you just let me handle collecting the money. You just focus on getting those men’s hard earned cash and getting huge.” “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Jared pulled out his airpods and set them down next to his clothes. “Alright gentlemen, y’all are in for a treat tonight!” came Rob’s voice from the loud speaker. Jared admired himself in the mirror for a moment as his intro music played. “We have for you tonight one of the biggest men out there. And he just plans on getting bigger! You guys like that, right?” The crowd outside erupted with boisterous applause while Jared popped his pecs in the mirror. Rubbing his big nipples with some glitter as he stretched. “Well folks, if you would like to see this next dancer get even bigger, then don’t be afraid to show him some love. And by love, I mean cash!” Jared bounced his hair with his fingers and smiled at himself in the mirror. “Please give it up for…The Hulking Himbo!” (A quick author’s note here at the end, this is a growth drive! For Macro March, I am growing this hulking himbo as big as he can get and that will be based on how much you guys like him. To participate, click on the linktree I have in my bio and it’ll take you to the main post on my Twitter where you can grow this hunk. You can also grow him here by liking/favoriting the story, giving me a follow, or commenting on it on any of the other sites. Either way it’ll count towards this man getting bigger. The first round will go through March 1st to March 13th and I will post those results on March 16th. We’ll see how much he grows after just 1 week Hope you guys enjoy and Happy Macro March!)
  17. RoseConspiracy

    The Last Summer Holiday

    My chest swelled the moment our eyes connected followed by a loud growl tearing from my lips. It would have startled the shit out of anyone– if they could have heard it over the hum of the damn tank I was currently riding on. Those gorgeous evergreen eyes trailed down my body and my cock actually stirred as her pink, little tongue darted out to lick her lips. I almost smirked knowing she liked what she saw. But the look on her beautiful face was immediately replaced with panic. “Oh my god, Linkin!” A woman frantically yelled as a boy of about five darted out into the street to grab a bag of skittles. It all happened so fast. The blaring sirens around us from the parade drowned out the mother still struggling to get out of her chair. She pointed desperately as she screamed. “Hailee! Grab Linkin! Grab my baby!” The woman who with just a single look had me almost collapsing to my knees, darted out after him. As the tank barreled towards them, the oblivious little boy stretched his hand out to grab his prize. Hailee was tall, curvy, toned, gorgeous– she reached him in no time. But so did we. A tank couldn't exactly stop on a dime. Her brunette hair flew out all around her as she grabbed the boy with one arm and swung to take the brunt of the hit with her back. I watched her long eyelashes flutter closed as she just waited for the pain. But the only thing her back collided with was the meaty brawn of my chest. The vehicle rocked slightly as it hit me, but my own body was built as powerfully as the tank itself. Maybe even more powerful. Fuck, it barely felt like a tickle. This time I did allow myself to smirk as I spun the woman around in my arms. Her gasp was just so damn cute when her eyes snapped back open. She licked her lips again as she looked down at my thick, beefy arms. It had to of been nearly a hundred fucking degrees in Chicago today, and my sweat soaked tee clung to my body like a second skin. I could tell by the look on her face though that she wasn't complaining. “How did you–?” Her head tilted to the side but she didn’t seem able to form words as her eyes lingered a little too long on each one of my magnificent pecs. I immediately fell in love with the sound of her voice. Not too high pitched or deep, just absolutely perfect. I didn’t want to let her go. I never wanted to let her go. The boy sandwiched between us though brought me back to reality. Finally his parents had managed to waddle the way out of their chairs and Linkin went running into their arms. I wanted to say something– anything– But the tank had kept on rolling without me. Assholes. I snarled mentally in my head. “I– I’ve gotta go,” I said as I gestured towards my ride. She nodded her head and as I ran to catch back up, I noticed how much tighter my clothes suddenly felt. Shit. Had I actually almost hulked out in front of everyone? I looked down and gave a little flex. Oh fuck yes. My pecs and arms looked bigger and I felt stronger too. My god, what could this woman do to me? A half hour later I was sitting inside the little Mexican restaurant just across from the vixen. Our VFW float had been in the beginning of the parade, so I still had plenty of time to creep on Hailee and her family. Even after that near brush with death, she continued to run after her nieces and nephews while everyone else just sat. I sipped on my Corona as I watched, my thick fingers curling into a fist. Her tan skin begged for them to dig into her waist and pull her towards me. I longed to hear her gasp again but only this time with my big, fat cock rubbed up against her ass. I heard it then. The seams in my shirt and cargo pants pleading with my body to stop. A part of me wanted to just let loose. Afterall, growing always felt so good. And the way Hailee’s eyes greedily soaked in my body– But I couldn’t. Not here. Not now. I stood abruptly and threw down enough money to cover my meal and a decent tip. I was taller than when I came in here. Broader. Thicker. Fuck. If I wasn't careful, I was sure my ass and cock would burst through the fabric of my pants. Something told me I wasn't done growing yet. It took almost two hours to get from downtown to a little bar just eight miles away on the southside. I should have just walked, but I didn't want to leave my truck parked at the VFW post overnight. Everyone else had BBQs and parties to rush off to. But not me. No family. No friends. I had hunkered down in the darkest corner of Hatleys. A little hole in the wall bar right off the lake. The bikers inside looked rough, but most of them were fellow veterans who'd give the shirt off their backs just like me. I spent the rest of the day there and when the sun started to go down I figured it was about time for me to head home. I had just closed out my tab when she suddenly strolled in. My traitorous cock instantly rose to half mast at the sound of her laugh. Another two hours past and I continued to just sit there and watch. I realized I would be perfectly happy to just sit there and watch her all fuckin' day. The way her own muscles flexed, I could tell she knew her way around the gym. A couple of times I had caught myself stroking the monster tenting my pants at the glimpse of her toned little shoulders and biceps in the dim light. In no time she had commanded the attention of the entire bar. She never sat for any length of time, running around singing karaoke, playing darts or just joking around with the other patrons. The older woman she had come in with for the most part just sat and watched her too. She definitely seemed to enjoy the free drinks that Hailee was securing from all over the bar. I noticed Hailee stuck to only the areas with full lighting. Which meant she never fluttered my way. Good girl. She'd probably been touched or groped one too many times in these dark corners. Of course she had. She was fucking gorgeous. And clearly the guy who had been sitting at the bar for as long as I had agreed. He kept calling Hailee back over to him. She always looked a little uneasy, but she went. If he got too handsy, she'd just swat him away with a laugh and a tiny kiss to his cheek. She had told him once that he looked a little like Jason Momoa and that seemed to put him on cloud nine. The idiot thought he had secured her as his escort for the night. I growled and clenched both of my fists. Fucker needed to be taken down a notch. "Forget Irish car bombs! Alicia, make us a round of my Italian-Irish car wrecks, please!" I had been creeping on them long enough to know that Hailee was mostly of Italian descent, while her celebrity look alike was half Irish and half Mexican. The bartender served up five, half full glasses of Angry Orchard and then set down the same amount of shot glasses filled with Jameson and Bailey's. The little group claimed Hailee's concoction tasted like a maple glazed donut and by the fourth round the big guy was starting to get out of hand. "Come on baby girl, are you going home with Papi tonight or what?" He growled at her while gripping the fishnets just under one of her ass cheeks. The same bouncing globes I had been watching poke out from under her shorts all night long. It suddenly dawned on her that everyone was clearing out of the bar. The same look of panic flashed across Hailee’s face as she realized even her friend was gone. She glanced my way, head tilting to the side like this morning– but I knew there was no way she could see more than a burly shadow of my figure. Papi stood to his full height, towering over her five foot eight frame from his six foot four. She visibly trembled as she looked up when he pinned her back against the bar. "Enough," I snarled. I slowly stood from my spot, allowing myself to finally be revealed. I knew my sleeves had rolled up as my biceps had grown even bigger watching her. I was surprised the shirt was still able to contain my two massively growing pecs. Delicious tingles shot down my spine as I continued to rise– widen– thicken. The half Irish prick was a big man. But I was even bigger. I strode up to them as his hand cupped her breast before going to her throat. She was shaking her head, whimpering for him to stop. She looked up at me over his shoulder. My breath hitched. Unlike Papi, it wasn't fear in her eyes when she looked up at me. It was lust. I tapped Papi on the shoulder, smirking as he turned around. He hadn't expected someone the same height as him, and I wasn't. By now, I was at least a head taller. "She said STOP." I growled. My beefy fingers easily wrapped around his wrist as I removed his hand from Hailee's slender neck. I could see the fight or flight reaction written all across his face. For a moment he actually looked like he would argue. But then he heard it. We all did. It started with the fabric along the collar of my ever thickening neck. A tiny tear at first, but then the rip just kept growing. "Goddamn." My voice dropped an octave as I released the asshole and watched him run for the door. The fabric of my shirt had finally decided it had stretched enough. Hailee hesitated for all of about two seconds before she grabbed my ginormous hand and pulled me out towards the back exit. "Why– why aren't you afraid of me," I asked. My voice was so deep, so loud. But I couldn’t help it. I was growing so much. She smirked as she looked up at me. My bald head still rising in the light of the moon. "You're him, aren't you?" Her eyebrows knitted together as she whipped out her phone and showed me my own Twitter account- The Growing Green Beret. I nodded and grinned. I might not have had family and friends, but followers I definitely did. I knew there were a few women who enjoyed my content, but it was so far and few between. Sure, lots of women were into big, beefy men. But big, beefy, growing men? Fuck. And judging by the lust in this woman's eyes, I had hit the proverbial jackpot. "I won't be able to stop," I warned. "I can't stop." I corrected. "So don't." "Fuck, woman." "That's the plan," she smirked. I grabbed her roughly by the waist. My hands still growing till my fingers completely encircled her and touched. She felt so tiny. So fragile and weak. It actually caused my growth to halt. "I'm not a goddamn vase," she growled– it was like she could read my mind. "I won't break." Apparently, that was all the encouragement my body would need. I was like a goddamn animal as I lifted her with one hand, hauling her up my chest. I roared and snarled. My back arching as hundreds– or fuck, was it thousands of pounds of muscle – piled onto my ever growing frame. She attacked my lips first and then moved on to my chest. Pausing for only a moment to push the remnants of my shirt off my rising traps. She may have stopped the half Irish punk from ripping her clothes off, but I'd be damned if she tried to stop me. "Oh fuck," she gasped, rocking her tiny hips against me. My powerful fingers were no match for her fishnets and lace panties. I sunk a thick finger between her folds then immediately growled in her ear. "Wet for me already?" She blushed as she looked up at me, but the embarrassment didn't last long. "Jesus!" She cried out. I smirked because I had thrust a second finger deep inside her. My other hand tearing off her shirt and bra. "Why did you keep going back to him?" I asked. "I– I thought I could handle him." "And me?" I laughed darkly, even deeper than the devil himself. "You think you can handle me? Look down." I growled in satisfaction at the look of terror on her face. It was so goddamn cute as her hands frantically tried to grab on to my pecs and traps. But they'd grown too big– too thick. I hadn't fancied her the type to be afraid of heights. But then again, she was hovering nearly twelve feet off the ground and all that was keeping her held up was one of my big, strong hands. "Oh, fuck yes," I roared. "Baby girl, I'm nearly as thick and wide with muscle as I am tall. I feel so fucking good! So powerful. Goddamn, what are you fucking doing to me?" With renewed fervor, I practically wedged her between my pecs before fisting her hair in my hand. Her lips parted and like a good girl, her tongue partook in a dangerous dance with my own. She growled suddenly and looked down, my eyes following after hers. "There's no fucking way this thing is going inside you," I laughed. I stroked it for emphasis from the thick root upwards with my free hand. "It'll rip you in half." With a force that came out of nowhere, Hailee grabbed my chin and lowered my face to look me dead in the eyes. "I swear to Christ if you don't shut up and fuck me, I will murder you in your goddamn sleep." Feisty. She was fucking goddamn feisty. But who was I to argue with a lady? My fingers dug into the soft flesh of her waist, and with one hand I lifted her– Then impaled her right on my giant, rigid cock. *Don't forget to like, comment & follow me on here or Twitter!*
  18. Hi folks. Just found this on an old cd disc from 2004. Don't know who the author is/was,but thought some of you might like to read it? Jasen with an E Jake was a short nerdy looking kid. He liked music such as classical and The Beatles which no cool jock liked… it also didn’t help much that he was in his School Orchestra and he was as skinny and as tall as a rail. He was always picked on and had a few friends but they were all in the Orchestra or Chorus. One day he was walking into his gym class (aka. His least favorite class) he got pined on the ground by someone big but he really didn’t see whoever it was because he got blindfolded pretty much right after he was pinned. He felt himself being carried somewhere. After about five minutes he finally heard a door close. He got sat into a chair and got his blindfold taken off. When he got in off it looked really bright in the room, even though it was quite dark, he couldn’t see anyone though. Finally he saw someone, he really couldn’t distinct him though. “Jake… Jake…” Jake could hear the person talking to him but he was talking very quietly. Jake… You are getting very relaxed and obedient…” Right before Jake’s vision blurred away he could see it was the star Quarterback for the football team. They hadn’t won in three years and they were always complaining how they needed a good football player. After every thing went black became tried and fell asleep but still could hear the person talk. He kinda thought it was strange. “Jake you will listen to my every command and shall obey my every word…” *All of a sudden I feel very in-tune with this person’s voice.* “I want you to listen, your name from now on shall be Jasen with an E. J-A-S-E-N and when anyone spells it or says it wrong you get real mad” *Jasen… but my name is Jake wait no it isn’t it is Jasen with an E and I get pissed of when anyone spells in wrong. * “I also have never been in the Orchestra in fact you hate the Orchestra because they are all nerds, dork, and gay. You have been in the football team instead for as long as you used to be in Orchestra. But for four years after second grade you were in the swim team…” *On the swim team… football… I was never part of any of those things or was I? Yes I was on the swim team till Fifth Grade and on the Football team for three years when I entered High school… ya! I am a real jock.* “Jasen… when you woke up this morning you didn’t look like an Orch Dork you looked like a swimmer and a football player. You had big strong arms and thick legs and calves for swimming. You had an eight pack. And you were so tall you couldn’t see your face in the mirror. You had to bend over to see your face because you are 6’ 7” and you have all the muscles to match. When you saw your face you had handsome features… big strong square jaw. And you had big Aquamarine eyes that any girl would die for. You had puffy cheeks and a rather large but fitting nose.” After he was done saying this Jasen (Jake) felt a large burning all over his body. First he felt and heard his arms and legs growing. It hurt so bad he wanted to scream but he couldn’t. It was like all his work to get those muscles was happening to him in five seconds. Then he felt the same pain I his abs. He could almost feel each ab forming as the pain increased. He again felt pain in his legs and torso but it was different. It was like he was being reshaped. He knew what was happening as he felt the back of his chair become lower. Then he felt extra muscles form from swimming under his football muscles. Then he felt a burning in his eyes and face as his face rearranged. “Lastly Jasen you are growing to have your hair grow longer and with each 1/2 of an inch of hair you will gain 1 inch to your Cock. It will stop after 3 inches are added to your hair.” Jasen felt a large sensation in his head and penis… no wait cock… and felt his pants get tight, really tight. “I see you are about to burst out of those clothes, so take them off” Slowly Jasen took of his clothes and when he got it all off. He could feel a difference in the way his parts moved. “Know we need to change your grammar… okay you are an honors student at the moment and you are really smart. Now I want you to take ¾ of that knowledge and change it into football knowledge. You know everything there is about football but you don’t know any thing about your academics.” Jasen could feel a difference from that one but not much. “Know Jasen I want you to open your eyes and look at your self. Also you can talk” Slowly Jasen opened his eyes he looked at himself and saw a huge difference. His perspective was much different in everyway. Everything seems smaller and farther away. He guessed it was from growing seven inches. He then looked at his arms. They were huge he could tell he had done both swimming and football because of how huge his arms were compared to other football players. He then looked farther down and saw his fuckstick which was also huge he had a seven incher soft but now it was at least 13 inches soft, 18 inches hard and 3 inches thick. He then looked at his abs and saw a thick stab of perfectly carved metal. It looked like an 8 pack but he could see two more forming making an almost ten pack. He then looked farther down and saw his feet, which were a size 14 before now they had to at least be 17. Then he saw his legs… oh the legs… the most perfect thing he had ever seen. Perfectly sculpted in every way. They were beautiful. “Man… this is fucking awesome!” Oh my god He had never said fuck in his life, what is going on, “Holy fuck, why am I fucking talking like this?” “Ok Jasen, what ….” The quarterback asked a bunch of football questions and a bunch of science and math questions. He got all the Science and Math questions wrong and all the Football questions right. “What the fuckin’ hell is happen’ to me!?!?!” he screamed, “I hav’ n’ver talk’d like tis befor’!” “Now Jasen I would like you to go back to sleep. I want you to now start thinking you have always been like this and that you think changes have never happened to you. And I will make sure that everyone else thinks you were always like this…” “You will now wake up in 5…. 4…. 3…. 2…. 1…. Awake!” “Sup homey, Paul, I haven’t fuckin’ seen you since a week ago!” “I’m Good Jason” “Hey! Fuck You Paul my NAME is JasEn with a fuckin’ E! Never get it wrong again!” “Hey it’s time to got to football practice, Jasen, now go and don’t be late… you’re the new quarterback this year and you can’t be late on coach will be Fuckin’ mad! I can get there late because I’m the Center.” “Fuck you and see you later. Oh and hey where the fuck is my clothes!?” “On the Ground” Jasen picked up his clothes and looked at them… they looked too small but when he put them on the fit perfectly. On his way to Football practice he got looks by the ladies. That felt somehow strange for him but all he did was nod and say “What the Fuck up, whore?” and kept on walking as Jasen with and E!
  19. Daladon was on his way home from one of the worst days he’s ever had when he stumbled upon a cart vendor with potions, clothes, and other goods. Daladon is in for a surprise when he meets the owner of the shop and see’s what some of these goods are capable of. From Small Beginnings The bell rang through the halls of the Marian Smith factory as Daladon Pentorn breathed a sigh of relief that the day had finally ended. “Freedom at last,” exhaled the exhausted human. Standing up from his desk, he grabbed his worker’s jacket and headed to the door, “I thought today would never end.” He pushed his way past many factory workers that out sized him, but he ducked and squeezed through the big muscular men in the crowd making his way outside. Walking towards the town square as the sunset painted the sky around him, Daladon rubbed his eyes as the lanterns in town began to light up. “Dal! Wait up!” called a large half-orc stumbling out of the factory. Daladon turned his head and saw his friend Brucelog Gondar running towards him. The 6’3 half-orc had plenty of muscle packed onto his frame, and a sizable midsection poking out from below his white undershirt. “Go away Bruce. I’m not in the mood tonig-HEY!” Daladon was caught off guard as Bruce grabbed his torso and hoisted Daladon up onto his shoulders. “Bruce, put me down! Today sucked and I just want to go home.” “I’m just your giant transport service. We’re going out. We need some drinks after today,” said Bruce as he sauntered off into town with his smaller friend on his shoulders. “And I already heard what happened. My dad let me in on everything. He told me that you might’ve misread a measurement on a giant’s breast plate and now we have to waste a lot of metal remaking it,” said Bruce as he turned right towards the local tavern, Triple B’s. “One, you’re not a giant so stop carrying me around. Two, I’m not in the mood to go out tonight. And three, that 8 looked like a 9,” said Daladon as he steadied himself on his new elevated position. “While I agree with you Dal that it did look like a nine, 80 feet long and 90 feet long makes a BIG difference in what we’re building.” Daladon grimaced a bit and sat back on his friend's broad shoulders as they rounded the corner. “At least take me home and let me change. I don’t want to go out in my work clothes,” said Daladon as he pulled his friend’s black hair. “Ouch, fine. I’ll put you down. But you’d better come back out. No “Oh I’m tired and wanna be alone” crap. Come be with your friends. Kimlen even said he’d come out tonight. Plus Jaren and Siv told me that there’s a private party in the back room that they can get us into.” Bruce grabbed Daladon’s hips and put him down at the entrance to the tavern. “I’d better be seeing you soon,” stated Bruce as the tall half-orc walked through the wide double doors. Daladon looked into the tavern at the candle lights inside, lighting up with energy and the sound of coins clinking against wood faded away as he turned towards a shortcut home. Daladon sat with his thoughts as he walked back behind a few houses with their lights off. Making his way to a dirt path back to his house. Most people were already home in bed at this hour, but his boss made him stay until the final bell of the workday rang due to his performance today. He gazed out onto the mountains on the edge of town and he saw a few torch lights moving up the steep ridges. Despite being many miles away, Daladon could see every subtle move the giant climbing the mountain side made. It helped when the torch the giant was carrying was a tree he plucked from the Earth. As he locked eyes with the flame quickly disappearing over the peak of the mountain in the distance, Daladon’s cheek was met with sharp pain as he ran into the back of a cart. With a loud thud, Daladon hit the ground and rubbed his head. “Damn, where’d this come from?” He sat up and looked at a wooden cart blocking his path home. Daladon stumbled up to his feet and walked to the other side of the cart to where a sales window sat. “Hey buddy, you’re not allowed to park carts on these paths,” said Daladon as he looked inside the window. But much to his surprise, it was completely abandoned. Only a few crates scattered here and there on the floor with dust collecting. “Sorry about that!” called a voice from back where Daladon came. “I’m right here. Sorry, I just put my cart there for a second so I could find where I needed to set up shop. ” Daladon sighed then started walking out to the side of the cart where the voice was coming from. “It’s okay, I just wasn’t paying attention to wher-” Daladon stopped immediately in his tracks and stared at a massive man bounding towards him. Not only was he probably 20 feet tall, he looked as big as a whale with how much fat was on him. His tight blue shirt exaggerated every jiggle and jostle his belly made as he screeched to a stop in front of Daladon. “Yeah, but still, I am parked illegally. I’m a bit turned around. I just got here a few minutes ago and I am already lost,” said the giant as he casually picked up the cart and hoisted it onto his shoulders like it was nothing. “Hi, I’m Sam, the Sizemologist,” said the giant with a smile as he threw his cart like a hammer throw towards Triple B’s. With a light bounce off the ground, the cart landed perfectly next to the tavern. “Bullseye.” “You’re a- a- a-” stuttered Daladon as he looked up and up at Sam as his belly eclipsed most of his view. “Oh yeah, sorry. Forgot this far away from the city, you don’t see many people like me.” The big man waved his hand a bit and suddenly his size started to diminish away. His belly receded into his clothes as his bright blue shirt stayed taut against him. Sam’s face came more into Daladon’s view as he shrunk down in height as well. His elven features became more and more apparent as the fat drained away. His platinum blonde hair stuck out of his hat and curled around his pointy ears as he stopped shrinking himself. Landing at about 6 feet tall with a nice beer gut on him. “And before you say it, no I’m not a giant or a gainer.” Sam walked past Daladon whose face was still frozen with excitement, lust, and fear all at once. “But you were just like 50 feet tall or something. And had a belly bigger than my whole body,” said Daladon as he turned to see Sam walk back towards his cart. “I don’t get my size like most people around here do,” said Sam as he gestured Daladon to his side. “But I am sorry that you hit my cart. I didn’t think I had parked it anywhere that might get hit by someone. But I guess this is a chance for you to see my stock. Here, why don’t you come in and I can show you what I got. Maybe even get you a drink on me,” said Sam as he disappeared and walked behind the cart. “Thanks uh Sam was it? But I really do need to get going. I promised my friends I’d meet them out at Triple B’s after I went home and changed. And I really need to feed my chinchillape. He’s been home all day,” said Daladon as he resumed walking along the path towards his house. “No no no, come in. I insist. Besides, I’m working Triple B’s tonight. I can give you something to wear so you won’t be late. It’s just like you took a bit of a detour. And now your chinchillape will be fed and thinks you’re there with him now,” said Sam with a snap as he quickly walked back to Daladon and put his arm around his shoulder, ushering him behind the cart. “And I might just have something in my shop that you’ll absolutely love.” Even at his shrunken size, Sam easily pushed the 5’5 skinny Daladon into the cart. When Daladon stepped up into the cart, he was apprehensive about going in since the cart didn’t even look big enough to fit Sam’s belly alone inside. But to his surprise, he walked into a room almost bigger than his own tiny home. “Woah, this place is massive.” The ceilings were 20 feet high above his head and there were shelves full of boxes all around them. “Sorry about the mess. I packed up my shop in a bit of a rush earlier so I haven’t had much time to make things look nice,” said Sam as he shut the door behind Daladon. A snap rang through the room and suddenly, the boxes vanished and were replaced with bright shiny jars with various colorful liquids sloshing around inside. Daladon’s eyes lit up with amazement as the room went from an empty warehouse to a lively storefront. Lights began to string along the shelves connecting them as signs fell down from the ceiling reading Eat Me and Does This Make Me Look Big?. “So, are you some kind of magician or something?” asked Daladon as he walked forward and browsed the shelves. “A sorcerer actually. And a pretty good one at that,” said Sam as his smaller, but still substantially sized belly pushed into Daladon’s back as he walked by. “But that’s only a side hustle to my true love. Alchemy.” Sam grabbed a couple of glass bottles off the top of a shelf and an empty glass jar. Daladon looked at the big man now walking behind a bar and watched intrigued as he poured orange and green liquids into the jar. “Aren’t all the sorcerers supposed to be in Sizeopolis? I didn’t know y’all were allowed to leave.” Daladon wandered around the big room as the brown mixture changed colors to a dark purple in Sam’s hand. “Most of us train there, but we aren’t required to stay,” said Sam as he sprinkled little green flecks down onto the drink. “After we complete our apprenticeship, we’re free to travel the world spreading size and magic to everyone. Or at least that’s what the administration says we should do. But many do stay in Sizeopolis after they graduate for all the jobs they offer magic users there.” Sam stirred the mixture as the specs of green dissolved and the mixture turned white. Daladon continued to look around the shop in amazement at all of the different items that must be magical. A jewelry section lined with necklaces and earrings with beautiful crystals sprouting from them. Plenty of rings on display varying in size from a normal sized ring to a hula hoop sized one. “Do you get a lot of giants buying wedding rings in your shop?” asked Daladon. “Uh…sure,” said Sam as he garnished the drink with a pink flower. Sliding it towards the edge of the bar, he grabbed a bottle with a blue liquid out from behind the bar with his other hand. “I have one funergy drink for…sorry, I just realized I never got your name.” “My name is Daladon. Daladon Pentorn,” said Daladon as he walked away from a purple silk nightgown shimmering in the lights. “Nice to meet you Daladon. Consider this one on the house as an “I'm sorry for parking my cart somewhere I wasn’t supposed to” apology drink.” Daladon grabbed the glass from the bar and took a sip. “Mmm, this is delicious!” Daladon put the glass to his lips and started to drink up the white liquid until the glass was empty. “What was that stuff?” “A funergy drink. It doesn’t take magic for me to tell that you’re beating yourself up about something,” said Sam as he waddled around the back of the bar. “Sit a spell. Tell Big Sammy about your troubles URP!” Sam let out a belch before taking another swig of his drink and keeping the bottle in his mouth so he could grab a few crates out from under the bar. “It’s just work. I work at the Marian Smith factory in Grimford and I hate my damn job. I don’t like it, I’m not good at it, nobody there thinks I'm right for the position, it’s just a terrible set of circumstances,” said Daladon as he sat down at the bar. Running his hands through his short dirty blonde hair. “From what I’ve heard, Marian Smith factories change drastically depending on what managers you have. Maybe you could go to a different location,” said Sam as he downed the last bit of his bottle. “I would, but I don’t like the work. I don’t want to be a factory foreman for the rest of my life.” “Then quit. Sounds like you’ll be a lot happier for it. And you won’t need a funergy drink to get you to go out with your friends.” Sam started unboxing the crates to reveal large jugs labeled Big Dick Energy with a cartoonish twink holding a bottle up against his impressive bulge packed tightly into a cyan colored speedo. “I can’t. The job pays too well for me to leave. Especially in this economy,” said Daladon as he massaged the back of his sore neck. “Besides, businesses are shutting down left and right around here. It’s not like there’s a good option to go to if I do quit.” “You could always be a traveling salesman. I’ve found it’s not a boring job in the slightest.” Sam grabbed another crate and unloaded some more jugs. This time labeled Big Ass Energy with a similar twink now turned to the side the bottle perched on his huge ass in a speedo. “Yeah, but I’m not a powerful wizard from the big city who can conjure size from nothing,” said Daladon. He picked up one of the jugs and started to read the small print on the back. “I’m a Sorcerer. There is a difference. Wizards are very cliquey and kind of snotty.” Sam grabbed a final crate and unloaded another set of jugs labeled Big Bara Energy with the same twink on the bottle now looking like a twunk with his big bicep balancing a bottle on it. “And I can’t conjure size from nothing. Like I said before, I’m not a giant or a gainer. I use magic to change my size.” “What’s the difference? All I know is you were like 10 times my size and shrank right in front of me to a normal size. I assume you can grow to that size again if you wanted to. So if it looks like a giant, it is the size of a giant, I’m gonna say you’re a giant Sam.” Sam rolled his eyes a little as he set all of the jugs down on the edge of the bar. “I mean yes, I was the size of a giant, but I don’t belong to the giants. I can’t just grow or shrink my height because I want to. I have to focus on a spell to shrink me down.” “But you didn’t say anything before. You just shrank.” “That’s just because that small of size manipulation can be done with a simple flick of the wrist.” “That’s a small spell? But you were so big.” “I wasn’t THAT big. At least not compared to the giants I’ve seen in Hitclo or Sizeopolis.” “It’s clear you don’t get out around these parts often. We don’t have any giants in Grimford. Or at least any that stay in town for long. Most shrink down to get their deliveries and are off back to Hitclo or wherever they’re going. The tallest guy that stays in town is my friend Jaren and he’s 7’6,” said Daladon as he started to twist the top off of the bottle of Big Ass Energy before getting swatted by Sam. “No drinking these. These are for a private party,” said Sam as he placed a final jug on the bar. “You probably want to set that down by the way. And maybe stand back.” Daladon frantically put the jug next to the others and got up from his bar stool as Sam began to circle his arms over the jugs. “Animatré grandonta meriandé! Animatré grandonta meriandé!” Sam started to chant and Daladon saw yellow sparks forming on Sam’s finger tips before cinders fell down onto the jugs below. Daladon braced himself and rushed behind a display of cakes, cookies, and muffins that read Eat Me in icing on them. When Sam stopped chanting, Daladon watched and waited for something to happen. “You didn’t have to step back like that. Nothing’s gonna explode. Not yet at least,” chuckled Sam. Daladon emerged from his hiding spot looking intently at the jugs. Walking back, Daladon could tell something was different about them, he just couldn’t put his finger on it. “A big light show for better booze for the guests?” “Give it a second. Just watch.” Sam smiled and turned one of the jugs to face Daladon. Looking closer, Daladon saw the twink on the jug now waving at him. “Awe, that’s cute,” said Daladon as he waved back to the tiny label twink. The twink then grabbed the sides of the label and pulled himself out of it. Daladon’s eyes nearly gouged out of his head as he saw more little men jumping out of all the big jugs and onto the floor. “Well would you look at that. Finally, someone who’s shorter than me,” said Daladon with a satisfied smirk on his face, staring down at the little men that were maybe 8 inches tall. “Wanna bet?” chuckled Sam again as he peered over the counter at the 12 little men standing on the ground. “Come on guys. Up and at ‘em.” The twinks all looked at each other and smiled as each one began to grow. Looking down at the twinks, Daladon stared in shock as the twinks that couldn't even reach his knees were now growing up to his waistline. “They get bigger too?” asked Daladon as the twinks swelled up higher and higher. Now level with Daladon’s nipples. “Indeed they do. And you haven’t even seen the best part,” said Sam as the twinks continued to grow. Each one fighting for space near the bar as their bodies expanded up to Daladon’s neckline. Daladon stepped back as they reached his height and didn't stop getting taller. The room was getting more and more cramped by the second as 12 large men started to crowd around the bar. Growing up and up and up until settling at 6’8 towering over Daladon. “Well, I guess I’m the shortest again. That didn’t last long,” sighed Daladon as he admired the big men in their very tight speedos. “And we’re gonna be specific tonight boys so get your best assets ready.” All of the men let out some moans as their bodies started to change again. Daladon looked at all the men surrounding him and realized what Sam meant by assets. Each man started growing differently depending on which bottle they came from. The Big Dick Energy twinks’ speedos started to stretch as their cocks elongated in them. The dick print became more and more prominent until the sides were bowing forward to accommodate the growing python and two orange sized balls under it. Looking at some of the others, one of them was getting pumped full of muscle as his toned swimmer’s body blew up to bodybuilder levels of big. His pecs inflated out towards Daladon’s face. His biceps were getting pushed away from his torso because of their massive size. His legs got separated as his quads swelled into each other. A row of abs appearing right above the defined 6-pack that already was there. He was turning into a mass monster. “Excellent guys. You all look fantastic. Now head in there and you’ll meet, oh what was his name, hold on.” Sam ruffled through a few stacks of paper behind the bar as Daladon gawked at the sexy men around him. “Ah ha! Found it. Go find a guy named Siv Drucian. He’ll help you guys get set up.” The boys all nodded at Sam and then started walking past Daladon going to other parts of the shop to get various bottles and cases of potions. Their big bulging bodies bumped into him as they walked past. Especially the ones whose hips had widened. Daladon turned his neck to watch an ass with cheeks the size of basketballs walk by and he was practically drooling over him. Their speedos looked more like thongs with how much strain they were putting on them. “Wow, they’re gonna be serving us at that private party at Triple B’s? I think I’m now much more willing to go out tonight,” said Daladon as he stared at the big men sauntering out of the shop. “No, that's just the funergy kicking in,” said Sam. “Oh and Ricardo, see me before the event starts for the specialty drinks tonight.” One of the hunks on his way out waved at Sam and ducked out the door. “So will those guys be selling your potions tonight?” asked Daladon, retaking his seat at the bar with a noticeable bulge at attention in his pants. “Indeed they will. They’ll be your cock and tail waiters tonight ready to give out some specialty potions requested by our employer. And if you think that they’re great now, you should see them when we’re hired as performers,” said Sam as the last one squeezed his wide hips out the door and shut it behind him. “Damn. Now I wanna tell my friend not to perform tonight so I can watch them.” “Your friend is working this party?” asked Sam as he looked up from collecting more bottles of potions. “A couple of them actually. Siv, the guy your boys are meeting, he’s one of my friends. Love that guy.” “He’s the one performing?” “No, he’s just the bartender. My friend Jaren is the one performing.” “Oh yes, the giant boy. Well knowing who we’re serving tonight, I’m sure they’ll love a guy that big,” said Sam as he walked out from the bar. “And if your bartender friend needs any help with the drinks, I can make just about anything. And what I can’t make, I can conjure. Now I do believe I also told you I’d get you something to wear for tonight.” Sam wiggled his fingers and the sign that read Does This Make Me Look Big? lit up. “I don’t know Sam. I don’t really have the size to call anything about me big,” said Daladon, looking down at his fairly average body. “Nonsense. Anything can be big. You might feel small right now, but I’ve met men that live life at a fraction of your size. As well as men who live life bigger than entire planets.” Sam pat Daladon on the back and led him through the shop. “But maybe I could give you a little bit of an upgrade if that funergy drink didn’t get you one hundred percent ready for tonight.” Reams of fabric started flying off the walls into Sam’s hands as he occasionally muttered something to himself. “Now what size do you want?” “Well I wear a small shirt and have about a-“ “I didn’t ask what size do you wear, I asked what size do you want?” Daladon stopped in his tracks once Sam sat down at a sewing station. “You could make me bigger?” “That’s what I do. It’s what I LIVE for. Now tell me, what kind of body do you want to have tonight?” Sam started cutting bright blue fabric and mumbling things under his breath again. “Um, I don’t know. I definitely could be taller. Maybe a bit of muscle, but not like aggressive muscles. A bit of fat is fine. Ooo actually a belly would be nice. Maybe not one as big as yours though.” Daladon paced behind Sam and continued to ramble off parameters for what he wanted his body to be. “I’ve got limited fabric here so I can’t do all of that, but I think I’ve got a good snapshot of what you want.” Bright blue fabric started to unfurl around them and sewing needles flew through the air. Sam’s muttering began to get louder and louder into a full blown chant. “Exeto incantrabe god petsha yunn marcotauph!” Sam shouted aggressively and raised his arms into the air again. Scissors started slicing through fabric followed by needles threading in and out, connecting everything together. Daladon watched in disbelief as reams of fabric spun around them creating a vortex. But Daladon’s smile began to fade when a blue singlet formed before his very eyes with a weird patch of yellow fabric on the left pec. “A singlet? Really? Sure, you’ve got your cock and tail waiters that look like they’re models in Sizeopolis, but I don’t think that’s my style Sam.” Daladon walked to put his hand on Sam’s back on the chair while the singlet floated down. “The magic you have to say with words takes a second. Here, go try it on and then tell me if you got anything like it at home.” Sam sat up and handed Daladon the singlet. “It does look like you got the measurements right,” said Daladon as he held it up to his body. “Trust me. I always get the measurements right.” Daladon turned to go to the dressing room where he slid the curtain shut and started undressing from his work clothes. Daladon held the singlet up to him once he was just wearing his underwear. After taking a deep breath, Daladon brought the singlet down to put his legs in. Pulling the singlet up and pushing his arms through the holes, Daladon looked at himself in the mirror. “Maybe a little tight,” said Daladon as he tugged the straps up to be perched on his traps. “Give it a second!” shouted Sam as the yellow patch on Daladon’s left pec began to shine. Daladon let out a small moan as a shiver ran through his body. He felt his cock immediately start twitching as a warmth flooded his system. Daladon’s body began to expand with size. It was very small and unnoticeable at first, but Daladon could feel the sides of the singlet digging into him a bit. Looking down at himself, he saw his pecs blowing up under the blue fabric. Daladon couldn’t help but grope his chest and feel the muscle that was forming on his chest. The straps dug into his shoulders as his traps and neck thickened. He looked to his side and saw the strap of the singlet extending out into a sleeve around his growing arms. As the sleeves formed, he could feel his biceps pushing back against the fabric as they swelled with size. Daladon was pulled away by a new sensation. The fabric around his crotch was getting tighter and tighter. He could feel his dick fighting for space in the singlet as the underwear inside snapped. Unable to hang on due to his widening hips. Daladon moaned again, his cock now free to surge up in size. He looked down at his remarkable bulge he sported now. Pulsing with life, the beast swelled bigger and bigger with every heartbeat. Extending out to 10 inches long with balls as big as eggs and still growing. He also saw the fabric around his legs receding into the singlet. Cutting itself off to look like booty shorts, strangling his massive quads inside them. The last of his underwear sliding down the pant leg in tatters on the floor. Turning to the side and looking in the mirror in front of him, Daladon got a great view of his dump truck ass. Grabbing the big cheek, it felt heavy as he shook it. He couldn’t help but feel himself get hard over how huge he was getting. He smacked his ass and practically moaned when he saw the ripples cascading along the fabric. He stopped admiring himself as the singlet’s fabric started to recede again. This time it moved upwards from his waist, exposing his belly button that started to swell out in front of him. His once flat stomach rounding out as he heard a gurgle emit from his belly. He reached down to pat his swelling orb of a belly and ran his hands along it. Feeling how expansive it was. The fabric stopped just under his textbook sized pecs as the yellow patch of fabric started to fold and morph into an S symbol. And it wasn’t just an ordinary S on the outfit, it sported a curled bicep on the top right tail, a couple of moobs followed by a heavy belly as the curve on the left side, a perfectly round belly on the right curve, and a massive cock as the bottom tail of the S. “Woah,” said Daladon. He couldn’t believe the sight before him. He stood there looking like he was out of his own wet dream. Not only had the singlet made him bigger, it also had heightened his other features. He now sported a nice square jaw line as well as bright blonde styled hair. The singlet itself had morphed into a top that covered Daladon’s chest with long sleeves on his arms that had holes over where the peak of his bowling ball sized biceps were. He could barely see the booty shorts he was wearing below his pecs and belly, but looking in the mirror, they left nothing to the imagination. The blue fabric accentuated his cock and balls perfectly. Making them look absolutely stuffed in the shorts. And after seeing how much size he got in his ass, he guessed the entire outfit was fighting for dear life to contain his size. “Well don’t leave me in suspense! Come out!” called a giddy Sam. Daladon turned and walked out of the dressing room to see Sam smiling up at him. “Damn I’m good,” mused Sam as he let out a whistle looking Daladon up and down. Daladon’s already big smile grew even bigger as he realized he’d grown taller too. Before, he was eye level with Sam’s pecs, but now Sam was eye level with Daladon’s. “This is incredible! Thank you, thank you, thank you Sam!” shouted Daladon. Running up to Sam and crouching down to give the big man a hug only to hoist him up into the air with glee. “You’re welcome, big guy. Now, go have fun with your friends. Enjoy your night,” said Sam as Daladon released him from his tight grip. “I’ll be sure to tell my friends to tip your boys well tonight,” said Daladon as his heavy footfalls shook the whole shop. “Don’t worry about it. We’re already getting paid handsomely by whoever’s throwing this party. But I’ll see you in there.” Sam winked at Daladon and Daladon threw the door to the shop open and ducked out of the shop, but not before squeezing his hips out. Smiling to himself, Sam turned and waddled back to the bar and began making drinks for tonight.
  20. RoseConspiracy

    Daddy's Dildo (Pt. 4 updated 10/19!)

    "Ro? Sweetheart? Oh god, please tell me you're dressed and almost ready to go." Rich hollered up to me as he started making his way up the stairs to the bedroom. His voice was laced with panic and I could just imagine the tiniest beads of sweat forming above his upper lip. "I know you haven't met the man, and I know it's kind of your hallmark trait to be fashionably late, but my father hates people who lack punctuality." I grinned at that before stepping up to the doorway. Rich's foot had just hit the top step when he looked up at me and gasped. I pulled my curls back as I finished placing one of my big diamond earrings into the pierced hole. "You really think your father will hate this?" I smirked as I gestured down at the black dress that I knew hugged all the right curves. Rich gulped. "On second thought, I'm going to send him a text that we can't make it tonight." "Oh don't be silly," I laughed. "There will be plenty of time for a good ole romp after we have supper with your Dad." Rich snorted but offered me his arm as we both descended the staircase. "Did you seriously just say, romp? And supper?" I blushed and chuckled. "I just want to make a good impression. You and your father come from money. I– don't." "Aw, but I love your filthy little mouth," Rich laughed. He booped my nose but then quickly added. "But maybe don't use the word cunt or call anyone a whore fucker. And maybe just refrain from any f bombs at all. Oh, and you probably shouldn't tell that one joke about Superman watching Wonder Woman masturbate but its actually the Invisible–" "Rich," I snapped. By now we were in his Tesla and buckling up our seat belts. "I got it. Would you relax?" "I know. I'm sorry," he sighed. "It's just– my father has never approved of anything I do. And it doesn't help that I've gained like ten pounds since we started dating." "Wait, what?" My head snapped towards Rich, my right eyebrow arching over my bright blue eyes. "He would really say something about that?" Rich nodded as my eyes slowly drew over him. He wasn't that overweight and he certainly wasn't unattractive. But he definitely sported the "dad bod" despite not being one. I had tried to encourage him to come to the gym with me, but honestly, he was always out of town for work. "Well, I can't tell that you've gained ten pounds," I shrugged. "So maybe he won't notice either." "Thanks, babe." At the stoplight, Rich leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to my lips. "Is your Dad like some crazy skinny health nut or something?" I asked when we started moving again. For the second time that night, Rich just sighed. "Not exactly." When I gave him a confused look, he followed up with, "You'll see." And boy did I see. "Richard." A rather large man, well over six feet tall stood as he saw us. I could see he was grinding his jaw as he held out his hand for Rich to shake. 'Whoa' was all I thought. It was all I could think. This man– and my very timid, very painfully, average boyfriend looked nothing alike. Was Rich adopted? "Sorry, Dad. Traffic was–" I tried to bring my attention back to what had just been said instead of ogling my boyfriend's father. I cleared my throat, and cleared my thoughts, but then that very sexy man turned and looked at me. "And who's this?" His smile was dazzling and butterflies swarmed my stomach as his large hand reached for mine. My breath hitched as he brought my fingers up to his lips. "Rosalie Carter, sir," I quickly regained my composure. Or at least I faked it pretty well. Something I was absolutely used to by now. "None of that, I won't have my son's girlfriend calling me 'sir'," he chuckled. It was a deep, sort of manly sound that kind of vibrated through you. I almost sighed– and then snapped the fuck out if it. What the hell was the matter with me? "You can call me, John. That's what most people do." He spared Rich a look then added, "or Dad. Perhaps, Daddy–" I nearly choked on that but just smiled and shook my head. "John it is." I was relieved when we all sat down and I could take a big swig from the wine glass already waiting for me. Unfortunately, it was awful. Had the elite never heard of adding sugar to their grape juice? Or did they just prefer to drink wine as dry as their souls? This was going to be a long night. Especially if I had to be on my best behavior. "So, Ms. Carter, Richard tells me you're a trainer at the YMCA?" "Oh, uh, yeah," I said. Slightly caught off guard. No one had ever called me Ms. Carter before. "And who or what exactly do you train?" I was surprised when I didn't respond with the first snarky thing to pop into my head– 'pole dancing'. "Mostly old people," I smirked. "We get a lot of seniors, like yourself, that come in and don't necessarily know how to use the equipment." "I can assure you I know my way around the gym, little lady. And I'm not a senior." Only after making sure that he saw me completely look him over did I respond. "Well, I also teach a few other classes. Kettlebells, boxing–" "Boxing? Son, you never told me she could spar." "I didn't– I didn't know that you were–" My poor, naive little Rich. "Of course I'm interested. And you could use a little exercise yourself," he pointed towards Rich. "How about we start tomorrow–" "Dad, I can't. I'm leaving for Colorado." "Oh. And do you stay in that big house, all by yourself, Rosalie?" Oh crap. The big, sexy player was looking right at me. "Uhm… yep." "Nonsense! You should come stay with me at my house! It's bigger," he winked. "Oh no," I started to protest. "I couldn't." There was lots of head shaking and hand raising. But then Rich dropped the bomb. "Actually that's perfect. The roofers are coming out tomorrow to repair the damage from the hail storm. They said it would take three days. I'll be back by then." Violence was never the answer. But right now, I wanted to kill my boyfriend. After that, it was "all settled" as both my boyfriend and his father liked to say. I literally had no say in the matter. None. Whatsoever. And that's how I found myself, standing outside my boyfriend's father's home at 6am the next morning. My gym bag in one hand, luggage in the other. "I guess this is my kingdom now," I groaned as Rich let us in and led me up to the spare bedroom. "Just call me the Fresh Prince of Hell-aire." I got a chuckle as he turned and pulled me against him. "You'll be fine. I promise." Rich kissed my nose, then my chin, my forehead and finally my lips. "He'll be nice to you. It's me he doesn't like." That's what I was afraid of. "So there's a bathroom through that door," he pointed towards the ensuite. "And a walk-in closet over there. If you get lonely, some of my old college hoodies are in there." "Wait. Is this your old bedroom?" I laughed as I ran over to the bed. "Was this where you first made the magic happen?" "Oh god, would you stop?" Rich blushed. "You know you are my first girlfriend." "I know that's why your left arm is bigger than your right," I sang. "You're impossible." "And cute." Rich stalked over to where I sat on his bed. We kissed for a few minutes, but when his watch buzzed, he pulled back. "I've gotta go, or I'll miss my flight." I let out another groan and tugged on his silk tie. "Don't leave me," I wailed theatrically. But I knew he had too. "My Dad has a meeting at the Lodge this morning and then he'll hit the gym. He won't be home till noon. If you play your cards right, you can be out the door before then and avoid seeing him till you get off work." My face cracked open with the biggest smile. "I could kiss you right now. But only if you can tell me his schedule for the rest of the week!" Rich laughed and I kissed him anyway. "I promise, it won't be that bad. I'll see you in three days." I saw Rich off then decided to go explore my new kingdom. His father wasn't wrong when he said it was bigger. Soon enough I found myself in a dark bedroom with a hint of cigars and cologne. This must be John's room, I smirked. I traipsed through to the master bathroom, afterall, I needed to check the prescriptions. Make sure I wasn't staying under the same roof as a serial killer. Coincidentally, I probably looked like the psycho as I started rifling through his drawers. "What the hell is this?" I muttered. I hefted it out, my jaw dropping in awe. This thing was even bigger than Homelander's Star Spangled Banger. I didn't even know they made dildos this inhumanly huge. I started carrying it out of the bathroom, towards my own room. Then I stopped. What was I doing? I couldn't possibly– Could I? I looked back down at it. It was so heavy. So mind-bogglingly huge. My pussy ached just thinking about it. It was barely seven, and Rich said his Dad wouldn't be home till noon. That was plenty of time. Time for what, I asked myself– Then almost immediately replied. Time to see how much of this terrifyingly tremendous dildo I could fit into my wet, little cunt. I laid back after grabbing the bottle of lube and letting a drop fall onto my lips. A thrill ran down my spine, I was already getting wet. Especially as it took two hands to lift and maneuver the giant dildo up. I inhaled and held my breath in anticipation. Was I really going to do this? Without a second thought I pressed the dildo to my folds. My pussy lips parted and I let out a sigh. I pressed it lightly against my entrance, then harder. Goddamn. It was so huge! I subconsciously rocked my hips. My folds slid along the tip coating that giant head with cream. I couldn't help but groan at the sensation. *** Across town, John was just taking a seat on the bench at the gym. He looked down as his watch buzzed– Richard texting to say he was boarding his flight. How the hell his son had scored such a sexy little minx, he'd never understand. Pre-workout in hand, John took a big swig before laying back and getting under the bar. His hands wrapped around the cool metal, lifting up and then down. It felt lighter today. A twinge of excitement shot down his spine. His lips parted in a whisper. "What the–" His cock stirred and his balls churned with anticipation. His fingers readjusted. "Oh god–" he groaned. A sensation of power overtook him. "Oh god, this feels so good!" *** "Oh god!" I wailed. The skin of my entrance was wrapped tight around the head of the dildo. But fuck! "This feels so good!" The monstrous head of the toy filled the first few inches of my sex. I pushed it in farther, my god, there was still so much! My pussy lips were stretched taut around the thick silicone shaft, but I wanted more! *** "Oh fuck yes, MORE!" John roared as he pumped the bar with exceedingly more ease. The only reason he even had to put it back down was so he could adjust his hands to make room for his swelling pecs. He wasn't entirely sure what was happening, but he could feel his whole fucking body shudder with growth. His feet slid across the gym floor as his legs grew longer too. But not just longer, thicker. More powerful. He felt like he could press a truck! "Holy fucking Christ!" He yelled. John swore his voice sounded deeper as his giant python snaked down his pant leg. He could feel his balls swell. He was getting so hot. Ready to explode. *** Lube was mixing with my juices, being spread all over the enormous dildo. I was moving it so furiously inside my hungry hole, feeling the shaft hitting hard against me. I was growing so hot, ready to explode. The sensation was so intense, my orgasm so close I could taste it. I guided the dildo back inside, fucking myself with long, deep strokes. Suddenly, I felt it. No, not my orgasm. I felt the dildo, suddenly growing even bigger, thicker and longer inside me. "Oh holy fucking Christ!" I screamed. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before. Penetration never used to be enough to get me off, but now I was helpless and at the mercy of this growing monster dildo. I stopped abruptly, leaving myself impaled on the dildo's new full length. I could feel my pussy trembling– could feel my flesh tightly gripping every inch of this dildo's impressive girth. My eyes fluttered closed and I gripped the toy with both hands. This was it! With a final hard plunge, I moaned and bucked and screamed. I passed out a few moments later, but not before pulling the dildo from my well-fucked hole. ***A/N- Kinda written for our fave, resident beast friend. And kinda just because, well... DADDY. If you're not following me on Twitter, you're really missing out! @hstrikes3***
  21. Hey everyone, this storyfied roleplay takes place within a universe of demis. To not bore you too much with pure fantasy writing, I left out the beginning and created this tale as an erotic version. Enjoy! --------------- Credits to the following (discord) role-player’s I met to create this: JonasCopperwire, growingwolf, Lyra Strings Copyright disclaimer: I don't own any picture. I link every source if possible. Please contact me or a moderator in case of demanded removal.
  22. Sizemologist

    Not Nut For You

    Part 1: One Ring to Stop Them All Joey moaned in distress as he walked around his home in a panic. Racking his head as he breathed heavily. The buff man was clad in just his underwear where there was a clear indent from his cock as he walked around the house. It was November 25th and he had been trying to participate in No Nut November this year. It was his first time ever trying it and he was in pain from how much his cock ached for release. He had gone 25 days without cumming and his balls were begging for release. And with just 5 days left, he didn’t know if he’d be able to make it much longer. A knock on his door broke his concentration from his hardon and he opened it to see his friend Brian standing at his door. “Hey Joey! I got your text. What’s up?” asked Brian as Joey pulled him into his house quickly and slammed the door behind him. “Brian, you’ve gotta help me dude! My balls, I think they’re gonna explode from how pent up I am. I mean just look at this.” Joey motioned with his arms downward to his enlarged junk throbbing in his underwear. Even though Joey was already bigger than most men down stairs, his balls did look more swollen than usual. He twisted his hips and the bulge barely jiggled from how stiff he was. “I’ve been sitting with this hard on all day! And I never even touched my dick. It’s just always hard!” “You won’t explode big guy. Well not EXPLODE explode. Just make a big mess,” said Brian as he walked in and sat on Joey’s couch. “I can’t take it anymore. I need some way to get some relief,” said Joey as he followed Brian to his living room. “It’s unbearable! I go to the gym and someone compliments my gains, I’m hard. I put on a t-shirt that’s too small and hugs my muscles, I’m hard. Hell, even you calling me big guy just made it throb even harder!” “Well here’s an idea. Have you thought of just cumming and stop torturing yourself?” asked Brian. “You know I won’t do that. As painful as this is, I much prefer proving you wrong that I can do this.” “Uh-huh. I honestly am surprised you made it as long as you did. In the time I’ve known you, I don’t know a time that you’ve gone for more than a week without jerking off or fucking some twink from the club. Who would’ve thought that you could last so long with so much pent up jizz inside those massive balls.” Joey took a deep breath as Brian grinned a devilish smile. “Stop it. I know what you’re doing and it won’t work.” Joey slowed his breathing for a second as a little wet spot formed on his underwear. “I just need to know, did you bring it?” “Yes, I brought it. I don’t think it’ll be as helpful as you think it will be, but here.” Brian shifted his weight as he pulled out a ring from his pocket. “This was the cock ring we used that one time.” “Thank you thank you thank you!” Joey snatched the cock ring from Brian’s hand and kissed the smaller man on the cheek. “This is gonna save me.” “Sure it will.” Joey wasted no time in putting it on. He reached down and pulled back his underwear to expose his throbbing cock. He quickly slipped the ring down his shaft to the base and he sighed in relief. “You realize this ring isn’t gonna relieve anything for you? It’s just gonna keep you as pent up as ever?” “Yeah, but I prefer the cum getting spread out than just having it brewing in my already too big balls.” Joey closed his underwear and plopped himself next to Brian on the couch. Brian looked at him with a confused look on his face then stood up. “Whatever you say, big guy.” Brian turned around and got on his knees in front of Joey. “Now would you like some help giving those balls some relief?” Brian reached his arms forward and caressed Joey’s large thighs and it sent shivers up the big man’s spine. “Why do you think I called you?” replied Joey as he leaned down and kissed Brian. The two held the kiss for a moment as the cock ring’s effects were already being felt by Joey. “I haven’t felt this body in weeks. I won’t lie, I kinda missed it.” Brian and Joey continued to make out and Brian’s hands began to explore Joey’s big body. “I missed these massive pecs. I swear you have bigger tits than any girl I’ve seen. And I think they’ve gotten bigger than the last time I felt them.” The two of them continued to make out as Brian’s hands went down to caress Joey’s exposed chest. Kneading the juicy muscles like they were dough. Moving his mouth to start kissing Joey’s ear, he felt the big guy’s body already shivering with pleasure. “Fuck little guy. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold this in.” Joey moaned as Brian nibbled on his ear and twisted his nipples. “And we haven’t even gotten to the main course, big guy.” Brian smirked and started to move his lips down Joey’s body. Still rubbing the big guy’s chest and abs until he replaced his hands with his lips. Kissing the massive pecs and licking in between the large valley between them. “And even if you don’t hold it in, that’ll just make all of this better.” Joey’s big pecs heaved up and down with each moan. Brian had gotten his lips around one of his nipples and had his hand teasing the other one. “Fuuuuuck!” Joey moaned as he felt his throbbing dick spasm. But nothing came out. Instead he watched his view of Brian get worse and worse as his pecs started growing. He was getting a full body orgasm as he felt nothing coming out of his dick. “This was my favorite part!” Joey continued to swell bigger as the cum in his balls diverted to the rest of his body. His 6 pack abs started to fade as they bloated forward and he developed a roid gut. “Mine too,” whispered Brian as he moved lower. Kissing Joey’s happy trail as he played with his bulge in his over packed underwear. “I love it when you grow bigger for me. It’s always the best and I never know where the best spot to focus on is. It’s all just so big.” Brian’s hands moved over to Joey’s massive thighs that were now thicker than Brian’s waist. “Especially when it’s all still gonna get bigger.” “Fuuuuuck! You’re gonna make me not cum again with that kind of talk.” Joey’s breath was shaky as he felt his balls fill up again just as fast as they had emptied. “That’s the plan.” Brian shoved his face right into the massive bulge barely contained by Joey’s underwear. “I could get you to take these off the normal way, but I have a better idea.” Brian got up off his knees and straddled his legs across Joey’s lap with his ass grinding just above Joey’s cock. “Have I mentioned I love the way you think, little guy?” Joey pushed his lips into Brian’s as he bucked his hips upwards and his bulge pushed into the crevice between Brian’s supple ass cheeks. “I know you do. That’s why you’re gonna grow out of those underwear for me big guy.” Brian and Joey aggressively made out and Brian could even make out Joey’s heartbeat from how hard his cock was throbbing against his ass. “You’re gonna get massive, big guy. Bigger than any man that ever was,” said Brian in between kisses. “Bigger than anything ever,” replied Joey as his hands started to explore what was beneath Brian’s shirt. “And then bigger still. Your muscles will be pressed so close to one another, you’ll barely be able to move. These pecs will be big enough to have their own zip codes. Each. And these arms? They’ll be so big that you could crush the moon with just one hand.” “I can’t wait to be that big.” “And I can’t forget about this cock.” Brian exaggerated his point by arching his back and grinding it along Joey’s massive bulge. “It’s going to tower over even the tallest buildings in the city. With two balls swinging below it that could flood the entire country.” “Fuck little guy, I’m gonna be so huge!” Joey moaned as his body was sweating from the pleasure. “And everyone will be looking up at you like a god. You’re their giant muscular god for them to worship. And there will be so much of you to worship. You’ll have hundreds of men begging to get the best and biggest spots on your body to worship.” Brian kissed Joey again and Joey moaned into his mouth as another orgasm racked his body. Brian felt Joey’s pecs pushing him further and further away from the big guy’s lips as his head rose higher and higher. “You drive me crazy, little guy,” said Joey right before a tear and a loud slap was heard. Brian felt Joey’s massive growing cock hit him in the center of his back with a wet THWAP. “I know I do. And that’s just the way I like it.” Brian moved his ass backwards and his cheeks nuzzled Joey’s dick like a giant hotdog between two big buns. “And because I know I drive you crazy, I had a feeling I'd maybe need this.” Brian reached down into his pocket and pulled out a little vile no bigger than an inch tall and about as thick as a pencil. “Stretchy Cider?” Brian nodded as he threw the vial back and drank the white liquid inside. “If that’s the case, then let’s not waste any time.” Joey grabbed Brian in his big arms and started to stand up. Unaware of how big he had become, Joey’s head slammed into the 7 feet high ceiling in his house. “If we keep doing this, you should move somewhere that has higher ceilings,” chuckled Brian. Joey grinned and lifted his now much smaller lover towards his bedroom as they continued to kiss. Only to be stopped again as his massive shoulders hit the door frame. “And wider doors.” Brian laughed again as Joey tried to turn himself to get the two of them inside his bedroom, but between his wide shoulders, massive pec shelf that Brian was attached to, and his own massive dump truck ass, he couldn’t fit through the door. “Fuck this.” Joey let go of Brian with one of his arms and punched the side of the door frame and the wall crumbled like it was paper. “That’s better.” His hand returned to Brian’s back and he carried him to his bed where he threw the smaller man down. Looking up at Joey, he cast a wide shadow on Brian as he stood over him. At this angle, Brian now could take stock of how big Joey had grown already. His friend had already been tall at 6’4, but now he could only guess he was over 8 feet tall. His muscles were bigger than any bodybuilder Brian had ever seen. His pecs were obstructing Brian’s view of Joey’s face they had grown to the size of textbooks. It didn’t even look like Joey could bend his arms with his biceps bigger than beach balls. And his massive throbbing cock was out for the world to see and what a cock it was. The massive appendage was pressed against Joey’s bloated abs. It was at least 2 feet long now and as thick as a 2 liter soda bottle. “And if you’re gonna ruin my clothes, I’m gonna ruin yours.” Joey reached his big mitts down and grabbed Brian’s shirt and pants tightly. With one quick motion, the fabric was reduced to shreds that fell to the floor. Brian watched as the massive man descended down onto him and kissed him once again. His queen sized bed creaking under the newly grown giant. As they kissed, Joey grabbed Brian’s legs and raised them up into the air behind his head. Moving his hips back, he held his massive cock below him and started to aim it towards Brian’s ass. After finding Brian’s ass cheeks, Joey pushed into the ass and swirled his cock around Brian’s hole teasing it. “You ready little guy?” “Always,” Brian practically screamed as Joey shoved his hyper cock into his ass. The head of his cock alone was longer than a normal man’s cock and as thick as a DVD (look it up Gen Z). Joey felt the initial resistance, but he pressed further into Brian. Brian moaned again as his inside stretched to accommodate the giant python. Brian looked down and saw a massive bulge forming in his stomach as Joey’s balls hit Brian’s ass. Joey moaned so loud that it shook the walls of his home as his dick experienced so much pleasure that it put his mind into a state of ecstasy. Not giving Brian a moment to breathe, he immediately started to pull his dick back out just to thrust the giant cock back into Brian. The thrusts developed a rhythm as Joey picked up his speed. His balls hit Brian’s ass and the claps sounded like thunder as the giant pounded the smaller man. The bulge in Brian’s stomach visually went up and down as he thrust. “Fuck yeah big guy! Harder!” Brian cried out in between moans and Joey smirked. He used his long arms to grab the back of the head board of his bed with his massive pecs hovering over Brian. Once he got a good grip, he used all of his strength to slam his cock into Brian. He thrusted his hips like he was a jackhammer on Brian’s ass. “I’m so close little guy!” growled Joey as he shoved his massive pecs into Brian’s face. “Just let go big guy! Remember how much you’ll grow after you cum,” said Brian with faint breath as he felt his own orgasm cumming on. Joey reeled his head backwards and roared as his dick spasmed in Brian’s ass. Brian’s own dick started shooting cum all over the massive man’s abs as the transformation began. Joey’s core started to bloat out again. Making his abs vanish behind the cum stored in his belly. His pecs began to stick out further and further from his body creating a pec shelf that was more like a pec bench. Each one looked wider than the pillows on his bed. His biceps inflated bigger as he hit a double bicep pose. They grew to the size of yoga balls and he had to spread his arms out to the side when he put them back down due to their massive size. Brian looked down at himself as he felt another transformation taking place. Looking at the bulge in his stomach, it started to grow bigger and bigger. Lengthening and widening as the cock inside him grew. Brian felt his body begin to lift off the ground as the cock he was impaled on reached longer than a yard and kept growing. Even though Joey was on his knees on the bed, Brian could still see his hair scraping along the ceiling as his thrusts slowed. “Fuck…that was one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had.” Joey was panting as his big body turned to the side and fell like a tree onto the bed. The weak wood finally gave out as the legs snapped under the massive guy’s weight. Brian, still impaled on Joey’s cock, watched Joey’s massive pillow pecs heave up and down as the big guy caught his breath. “Maybe I should take breaks from cumming more often. That was incredible. And I got so much bigger this time.” Brian laughed a little bit as Joey’s eyes began to droop. “Well considering you had all that cum stored up, it only makes sense that you’d grow bigger this time.” Brian leaned forward and kissed Joey on the lips and held the kiss for a long time. “And before you fall asleep, can you get out of me?” Brian reached forward and squeezed what he believed to be Joey’s cock head bulging out of his stomach. “Oh come on. Can I please just stay inside you a bit longer?” Joey looked up at Brian and gave him a big puppy dog face. “Don’t do that to me. Even at this size, you know I can’t resist that face.” “What face? I’m just asking if I can stay nice and cozy in my little cock warmer,” said Joey with a smile. “Not this time big guy. I don’t know how long that little bit of Stretchy Cider is gonna last and I’d prefer not to see my insides when it does.” Brian grabbed onto Joey’s massive traps and pulled himself up. Joey frowned and pulled his hips back to release his dick from Brian’s hole. “Okay fine.” Joey yawned as he twisted his body so that he laid down flat on the bed as Brian stood up. “Are you going now?” asked Joey as Brian looked around the room. “I was, but all my clothes are ripped to shreds,” said Brian as he picked up a few pieces of fabric off the floor. “Then stay here tonight and I’ll get you new clothes in the morning,” said Joey as he patted his big chest. Brian looked at the big guy and rolled his eyes a little bit then walked back over to Joey. He leaned over and kissed Joey on the forehead then started to lay down on Joey’s body. It was the only place he could lay considering Joey’s massive frame took up the entire bed. “I’ll stay here tonight and then leave you with your new toy in the morning,” said Brian as he flicked Joey’s now pepperoni sized nipples. “Hey! Don’t do that unless you want to wake the beast.” Joey motioned to his semi hard cock. “Fair point. But I do think we should take the cock ring off now. You’ve gotten all of your horniness out of your system.” Brian sat up and crawled across Joey’s big body to the base of his cock. He started to grab at the overstretched ring only to have his whole body be pulled backwards by Joey’s massive hands. “I think I’ll leave it on. I don’t want to have a wet dream overnight and lose No Nut November. It’s staying on until December 1st,” said Joey as he wrapped Brian in his big arms and snuggled him against his chest like he was a stuffed animal. “Are you sure you want to do that? I don’t know if that ring is meant to stay on for that long,” said Brian as his face was smothered by Joey’s massive muscles. “I’m sure it’s fine. What could go wrong? Now let’s just go to bed and you enjoy the giant bed you get to sleep on tonight.” Joey’s arms were wrapped tightly around Brian as he rested his head on the pillows behind him. “Alright big guy. Sweet dreams,” said Brian as he rested his head down on Joey’s big pillow pecs and closed his eyes.
  23. Notes: Exam week just ended, which means I can finally continue working on the next chapter of "The Beast’s Curse". In the meantime, here's an old story that I wrote a year ago. Enjoy! The Jockstrap: Old man Muscle Growth “That’s one hot mouth you got there, gramps. Consider this as a small tip for returning my watch back there.”, The man said just as he was slipping his cock out of the old man’s mouth with a pop. The old janitor stayed kneeling, basking in his afterglow. Tasting and swallowing the leftover cum in his mouth. After the man tucked his dick inside his slacks, he left the changing room. Albert Davis is a 59-year-old janitor of a gym inside of a popular gay cruising spot. The place is always booming with customers for its good reputation. Among the other cruising spots in the city, this establishment is wildly exclusive to hot and attractive men. Customers from different social backgrounds tend to cruise here for a hot session with another hot stud. Social classes do not matter either as long as you have a fairly hot bod and some cash. As Albert scrubbed and cleaned away the dirt, sweat, and cum stains left behind by the countless bodies that traversed through the massive space, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of longing for something more. In a place filled with diverse types of beautiful men, Albert often found himself admiring the guys whose bodies were more toned and rippling with muscles. His own body, functional at his age, lacked the sheer beauty and power that seemed to radiate from those he admired the most. And yet, despite these feelings of inadequacy, he continued to work in the gymnasium, day after day, his job of cleaning the fairly spacious gym was the only source of temporal happiness in his life. Sometimes, with a slight stroke of good luck, a generous customer would offer their muscular bodies for Albert to worship. On luckier occasions, they would offer Albert a taste of their cocks. Because of these small and short moments of lust in his job, performing his duties just to bask in the glorious bodies he could no longer achieve, was worthwhile. One day, as Albert was diligently mopping the floor, when he came across an abandoned jockstrap lying on one of the benches. “Jesus, whoever forgot their underwear must still be in cloud9…” He couldn't resist picking it up and examining it closer. The fabric was soft and had a distinct smell. Albert immediately recognized the jockstrap from its brand and sheer size. “My goodness, this must be The Mountain's!”, Albert exclaimed. The only person who wore this was none other than the biggest bodybuilder in the cruising spot. The man himself is a regular customer who only comes by at the last open hour. Albert gave the stud the nickname, “The Mountain”, purely based on his first encounter with him. It was 2 years ago when his old self accidentally tripped from one of the unracked equipment, when the giant of a man caught his fall. Even when Albert was standing up to his 5’11 height, the giant towered over him with his 6’10 muscular, hairy body. Since that first encounter, he wanted to at least feel and explore the man’s musculature. “Just the size of his thing is just… incredible.” Intrigued, he decided to put it on. “It wouldn’t hurt to see what I look like in them.” He wanted to be just a bit closer to The Mountain. Even if he can never reach him, he can at least be close to him in some way. Albert disrobed himself from his usual janitorial uniform, leaving him naked. As Albert slid the jockstrap up his legs, feeling the smooth material against his skin, he couldn't help but feel a sudden surge of confidence. “The fabric feels so good against my skin, it must be hella expensive.” He caught his reflection in the mirror and began imitating bodybuilding poses, imagining himself as a senior bodybuilder. He tried to mimic the posing routine of The Mountain from the times Albert caught him posing in the gym mirror. “Yeah… Big strong bodybuilder, massive muscles…” After a while Albert felt a growing pulsing sensation all over his body. “Ah fuck, what’s with this strange sensation?” Looking down at his body, Albert couldn't believe what he was witnessing, right in front of his very own eyes, his body began to change. Before the old janitor could even react, the first changes took place. “ARRRRGH! My face feels so hot it hurts!” His face was the first to undergo a transformation. Although his facial features remained largely the same, they were now accentuated by a sprinkling of white stubble along his jawline and a well-groomed mustache appeared, which lent him a more rugged, masculine air. The remaining strands of hair that once clung to his scalp fell away, revealing a more robust visage adorned with prominent veins running across his forehead. “Bigger… I’m growing bigger!” As the seconds ticked by, muscle after muscle emerged on his previously frail frame, enveloping his limbs and torso like a senior version of the Hulk. His arms grew stronger, his shoulders broadened, his chest expanded, and his back became increasingly defined. “HAHAHA! My arms are so fucking huge!”, Albert flexed his arms as his biceps bulged with prominent veins. Albert's quads, calves, and ass grew bigger along with his torso and arms. The pair of legs that once belonged to a skinny and frail janitor gained large amounts of mass and power as they throbbed. White hair began covering the growing body of the old man. Albert's unimpressive penis grew into a beast itself as the limp and sleeping monster cock throbbed and pulsated inside the jockstrap. “OHHHHHHH Fuuuuuuuuuck… even my cock is getting bigger too.” The growing beast's cock surged with power as it grew longer and meatier with every motion as its owner began to move his broadened hips. Albert began dry-humping the air as he thrust his hips up and down, savoring every second of his still flaccid and growing monster cock. “Dammit, why am I not hard yet? Is it because my growth is still incomplete?” With every new development, Albert has fully realized that his dream has come true. He stood there, awestruck at the incredible changes unfolding before him, knowing full well that he would never go back to his previous self. “I’M GROWING INTO A MASSIVE ALPHA BEAST. HECK EVEN MY VOICE GOT DEEPER!” The jockstrap, now a part of him, enhanced his newfound masculinity, making him feel stronger and more assertive than ever before. His mind raced with thoughts of what he could do with this newfound power. He imagined himself seducing the very athletes who once made him feel inferior, taking them to heights of pleasure they had never experienced before. “FUCK, I WANNA SEE MY BODY GROW” With his newfound confidence, he headed toward the large mirror of the gym. Besides from his old body experiencing the ongoing muscle growth which made it a challenge to walk, he noticed something different. As Albert strode into the large mirror, he realized how his usual walk turned into a sexy swagger as he felt his bulging muscles sway with confidence. Once he reached the mirror he was shocked to see the once old and humble janitor turn into a muscle god covered in a light dusting of white hair. Eyeballing his measurements, he deduced that his new massive body must have weighed approximately 500 lbs. He also grew taller by 2 more inches, reaching a height of 7’11. With slight hesitation, he explored the expanse of his chest, feeling the dense muscles and fur, and pinching the erect and hard nipples on both mountains. Feeling his 6-pack abs, he could feel them throbbing and changing as a silhouette of another pair began to slowly emerge. Turning his back to look at the changes at his rear, he marveled at the hairy muscle bubble ass that bulged snuggly against the jockstrap., “MY GOD, IS THIS REALLY ME..? WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING?! THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT THE ABSOLUTE BEAST IS ME!!!”, The massive janitor flexed his body into an intense, most muscular pose. His body language had also changed drastically as his posture became more dominant and confident. Unshackled by any lingering doubts or fears, Albert fully embraced these transformations. He allowed himself to completely immerse himself in the process, relishing each new development that took place within him. “GRRRRRRRRR…”Albert flexed and tensed every muscle of his growing body with loud and beastly grunts. As he did so, his physical appearance underwent more drastic alterations. The beast's physique continued to transform into something far more imposing and powerful. Every time he would move a single muscle, the sheer force and strength behind it was evident. Veins coursed through his body like an intricate network, their presence indicative of the immense growth taking place beneath his skin. These veins were not just confined to his limbs; they extended all the way up, to his trap muscles. “COME ON! GROW FUCKING BIGGER!!!” As he continued to flex and push his muscles to their limits, the traps expanded exponentially, reaching ever closer to his ears. Broadened shoulders and deltoids continued to change, swelling with incredible bulk and power. With the tensed-up beastly arms and tree trunk legs, they are becoming denser and stronger than before. The hairy and mountainous chest area underwent remarkable changes, displaying the sheer power of the pectoral and abdominal regions. The continued growth was accentuated by the emergence of well-defined six-pack abs on his stomach, which bulged outwards due to the increased mass beneath them. Throughout this entire transformation, Albert reveled in every aspect of it, fully accepting and embracing the beastly nature that was gradually coming to life within him. Albert, now transformed into an immense muscular creature, began to relax his tensed body as he allowed the process to unfold further. His eyes were fixated upon his own reflection in the mirror, absorbing every detail of his transformation. The changes that had previously been gradual now seemed to occur rapidly, almost instantaneously. His once flaccid and dormant manhood began to stir, awakening from its slumber. “HEHE NOW YOU WANT TO JOIN IN THE FUN HUH, BIG GUY?”, The old muscle beast chuckled It started out small, gradually gaining momentum until it reached a point where it stood tall and proud. The sight of this transformation aroused Albert immensely, causing his libido to reach unprecedented heights. Witnessing his own transformation from a mere mortal to a colossal muscle beast fueled his desires, making him feel more alive than ever before. Feeling the imminent surge of his pent-up desires, he instinctively reached downward, seeking to please his growing cock within the tight embrace of his jockstrap. His fingers found themselves wrapped around the smooth pouch, as he gripped onto it with lust. The sensation of his confined manhood beneath the fabric seemed to heighten his urgency even further. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, echoing the rhythm of his rapid breaths. As if driven by an uncontrollable force, he continued to stroke himself through the fabric barrier, attempting to find relief from the overwhelming pressure building up within him. However, despite his efforts, the discomfort only intensified, causing his frustration to mount. With Albert's meaty and muscular hands, he grabbed the fabric of the underwear and tore it off his body. “FUCK! I’M CUMMING! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!” With an almighty roar, the unleashed beast's massive penis erupted just as he tore off the jockstrap, spewing forth copious amounts of its powerful, steaming semen across the entire expanse of the gymnasium. The thick, viscous fluid cascaded down from every corner, drenching the walls, the ceiling, the large mirror, and even the very being that had released it. The sheer volume of the potent muscle-infused ejaculate was enough to cover everything in sight, leaving no surface untouched by its forceful outpouring. As the waves of the torrent subsided, the once bustling gym now lay submerged underneath a sea of milky white liquid, a testament to the raw power and ferocity of the creature that stood amidst it all. "So much spunk... I- I can't..." Albert tried to regain his composure, but the exhaustion immediately made him fall on his back. The old beast janitor rested on the warm floor flooded with his cum. Before his exhaustion takes over him, he hears the front door of the gym open. The large, towering shadow of another muscle beast loomed over the newly transformed janitor. “What a great show you put on there gramps. I knew I made the right decision to turn you into one of us the moment we met.” The Mountain said while taking in the grown muscles of the man below him. “Tsk, such a shame that it took one hyper orgasm to knock you out. But don’t worry, I’ll help you get used to it…” As the beast slept, his hairy balls quickly replenished his cum and his massive cock rose up again with more life than before. Albert unconsciously began beating his massive meat with his hands as he lay there in his own cum. THE END(?) (Feel free to continue this story if you like)
  24. Sizemologist

    Chest Cologne

    Encouraged by his friend, Jacob asks out the hottest, buffest guy in the gym, Patrick, for Valentine’s Day. But after hearing Patrick’s dating history, Jacob thinks he might need some help bulking up to meet his standards. “Ask him out!” Jacob was at the gym pretending to do some bicep curls, but he hadn’t even gotten one in. He was too busy staring at the hunk of the gym, Patrick. “You’ve been staring at him all day. And tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! Just do it. You know you want to,” said Jacob’s lifting buddy, Connor. “Dude no. I’m not asking him out,” said Jacob as he got up from the bench to put the weights back on the rack. “Especially not for Valentine’s Day. Do you see how hot he is? He’s eye candy for everyone at this gym. He probably has a line out the door of dates for Valentine’s Day.” “That’s not what I heard,” said Connor. “Rumor has it that he’s turned down every guy that’s asked him out. Maybe he’s waiting for that special someone to ask him.” Connor nudged Jacob in the ribs and pushed against his back to go towards Patrick. “Connor! Stop pushing me!” said Jacob in a harsh whisper. “I don’t want to ask him out!” “Oh come on, what’s the worse thing that can happen? He’ll say no?” said Connor as he continued to push Jacob towards Patrick. “You clearly have never been rejected by a muscle gay. Some of those guys can cut to your core for even looking at them.” Jacob tried to push back against Connor, but he couldn’t get a good footing. “Oof!” said Jacob as he was pushed again. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to run into you.” Jacob turned his head to see Patrick smiling back at him. “Oh, no worries. The fault is all mine. Well not mine. My friend’s fault actually. He thought it would be funny to push me,” said Jacob as he awkwardly laughed and started to turn bright red. “What friend?” Jacob turned around to see Connor nowhere to be seen. You could practically see the fumes coming out of Jacob’s ears. “Nevermind. But I am sorry I ran into you. It won’t happen again,” said Jacob. He was getting really embarrassed now. “Not a problem Jacob,” said Patrick as he started gathering up his things to leave. “You know my name?” asked Jacob. Both confused and elated now. “Do I know your name? Ha! Of course I know your name. We’ve both been coming to this gym for years. You’ve spotted me many times. I know your name Jacob.” Jacob was still red from embarrassment, but now he was blushing too. “Oh uh, well then, good. I’m glad you know me.” Words were just fumbling out of Jacob’s mouth now. “Me too. I’ll see you later.” Patrick threw his gym bag over his shoulder and started walking to the door. Jacob panicked a bit as his chance for getting a date was leaving. Then suddenly, Jacob felt himself getting pushed again. “Connor! Where do you keep going and coming from with this pushing!” whispered Jacob. “You were doing so good! He’s not getting away this time.” Connor kept pushing Jacob towards the door that Patrick was walking to. “How’d you get strong enough to push me like this?” asked Jacob as he continued to resist. “Because, unlike you, I go to the gym to actually workout. Not ogle at beefcakes all day.” Connor kept pushing, but they weren’t getting to Patrick in time. “Wait! Patrick!” Connor made his voice higher to sound like Jacob’s and then immediately ran away again. Patrick turned around to see Jacob standing close to him. “What’s up?” asked Patrick. Jacob walked up to his side as he was walking out the door. “If it’s not too much to ask, and you’re not busy tomorrow, and if you don’t already have a date, and if you like Valentine’s Day, I know some people hate it, which is understandable, it’s really only meant for couples and we’re barely just friends, I found out that you know my name today so it would be a lot asking someone out for Valentine’s Day of all day’s so I’d understand if-“ Patrick put his fingers to Jacob’s lips. “I’d love to go on a date with you for Valentine’s Day. Here, give me your phone.” Jacob was on cloud 9 now. He practically had hearts in his eyes. He reached into his pocket and handed Patrick his phone. “There, this is my number. I’ll text you later and we can plan out the details,” said Patrick as he handed Jacob back his phone. “O-o-okay. Sure. Sounds great,” said Jacob still riding the high of Patrick saying yes. “Cool. And Jacob,” Patrick started walking out the door, “there’s no need to be so nervous. I’m probably more nervous than you.” Patrick leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek then walked off to his car. Jacob’s knees went weak when the door shut, but he felt two arms go under his and pick him up. “So that went a lot better than I thought it would,” said Connor as he started dragging Jacob back inside. “I have a Valentine’s Day date with the hottest guy in the gym,” said Jacob with not a care in the world. “Yeah you do. And Patrick is so picky. He must have a sweet spot for you,” said Connor as they started getting their stuff. “He is…” Jacob started thinking. “What if this is a charity date? What if I’m gonna get pranked by him and all of his buff friends? What if we get to the date and I’m not the man that he thought I was? What if he only likes me when I’m looking pumped in the gym?” Jacob’s mind started crashing after the love bug high of Patrick saying yes. All of the bad scenarios flooding his head. “Woah woah woah there. Nothing like that is gonna happen. Patrick even said that he was just as nervous as you.” Connor tried to bring him back down to Earth. “This is just the predate jitters. Everybody gets them.” “Yeah, but everybody doesn’t go on dates with Patrick. He reserves his dates for giant men. All big and look like they are competitive bodybuilders. While I’m…not that,” said Jacob as he looked in the mirror. “And? Size isn’t everything. Maybe he’s trying something different with you. Being less superficial and dating for what’s on the inside,” said Connor as they started walking out of the gym. “Maybe, but I don’t want to risk it. I’ll see you later,” said Jacob as he ran to his car. When Jacob got home, he got on his phone and searched through Patrick’s Instagram. He saw pic after pic of studs with Patrick. All of them having big meaty pecs. Despite what Connor said, Jacob did workout at the gym, but he wasn’t even in the same realm as these guys. Especially in the pecs department. Jacob barely had any muscle on his chest. He had consistently had a hard time growing his pecs at the gym. He needed a plan. He went through his phone and found his old friend Sam. He pulled up his contact info and opened a text with him. “Hey Sam, long time no see. Listen, this may sound weird, but I need a favor.” Jacob sat on his couch and saw the three dots appear on his screen “Hey buddy. It has. And sure. I’ll do anything I can. Just name it.” “I remember in college that your parents had that store for people with certain problems. I think I might have one of those problems.” “Oh, well I inherited the store when they retired. I should be able to help you with whatever problem you might have. Come by the store tomorrow and I’ll get it all straightened out.” Jacob put his phone down and breathed a sigh of relief. Sam would fix it. Sam can fix anything.
  25. 1. It was that time of year. Spring had ended and Summer had officially hit. The sun beat down on the town of North Carlisle, and there was no avoiding it. A heat haze rose from the hot asphalt of the town’s main street where Chris sat with his two closest friends, Matt and Brett. In between high school and university, the boys were running out of ways to fill their holidays already, and it had only been a few weeks. Chris was tall and gangly, there was no sugarcoating it. He tried his best to work out in the modest gym on the edge of town, but try as he might his body just didn’t seem to put on muscle. He was good looking, but his body made him shy and he tended to hide away behind his wavy brown hair. Matt wasn’t bad looking. He had strong, Mediterranean features, olive complexion, thick dark hair and bold eyebrows, however he still seemed very young to look at which often made him overlooked next to other guys, and he was plagued by oily skin and recurring acne. He was very self-conscious of his youthful appearance, and had a fiery temper that came out whenever someone dared to call him “Matty,” though his mother still refused to call him anything else. His efforts to get people to call him by his full name, “Matthias,” had been largely laughed off as a joke. Brett was much more average-looking than the other two with is messy blonde hair and muddy brown eyes, but he had confidence in barrels to make up for it. It was no secret why either; he’d tell anyone who’d listen that he was only a few inches short of being a tripod, and from what anyone had seen of him in the locker room, he was barely exaggerating. The three of them sat on hot metal café furniture, drinking cold drinks and chatting in the weak shade provided by a large umbrella. Their town was small, but not too far from the major city. As such, the main strip of shops tended to be ephemeral, small businesses popping up looking for city traffic without the high rent, then leaving once they realised there wasn’t any. “We’d better be heading off soon, it’s gonna be dark soon.” Said Brett, chugging the last of his iced coffee. “What’re you talking about?” asked Matt, half surprised and half annoyed. “It’s only like 4, where are you in a rush to get to?” “He’s just desperate to keep grinding that new game he got.” Responded Chris laughing. Matt smiled coyly. “It’s kind of sad that you actually believed that.” “What do you mean?” Chris was confused. “He probably doesn’t even have a game, he just used that as an excuse cos he was busy jacking off, you know what he’s like.” It was true. Brett probably jacked off two to three times as much as any guy Chris had heard of. He claimed his big dick meant he had a big sex drive, but the truth was he was just a horny guy filled with hormones. Chris would’ve been impressed that he was finally learning to have some humility about it, but really, he was just grossed out. “Fuck man, we waited like 15 minutes for you this morning.” “Whatever, nothing’s happening anyway, let’s get going.” Brett said, with the whine of a child asking ‘are we there yet?’ “Fine,” relented Matt, “but we still need to work out what we’re doing tomorrow.” “I thought we agreed on swimming at the lake?” said Chris. “Oh, right.” Chris could tell Matt was less than enthused. He was pretty sure he hated going swimming just because of how he looked in swimwear. The three got up to leave and started walking down the street, the sun singeing the backs of their necks as they walked, when a loud yell rang out from behind them. A man was running down the street towards them carrying something bundled in his arms. Looking further back they saw a dishevelled old woman hanging out of a doorway, waving her fist and shouting something obscene. Chris took a second to piece the scene together but the man was already upon them, however as he passed, Brett stuck out his leg and the man tripped, sliding face first on the pavement and dropping what looked like a small pile of rags. He scrambled to his feet looking worried and annoyed and sprinted away without picking up what he dropped. Chris picked up the bundle of rags to find it was some ancient-looking handbag stitched together from various differently patterned fabrics. As he straightened up, he found himself face to face with the old woman. “Oh, thank you boys so much, I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been here.” She said gratefully, tugging the bag out of Chris’ hands briskly, “I was just checking something in my shop and he grabbed my bag from behind the counter and bolted. I have so many cards and things in here, I just wouldn’t know what to do if I lost them.” “No problem.” Said Brett, puffing out his chest. “Just doing what anyone would have.” “No, it was very brave of you.” She said, waving down his modesty. “Tell you what, you boys come back to my shop, I want to reward you.” Brett started to argue, still eager to return home but she shushed him and bustled the boys off towards a rustic looking storefront that none of them really remembered seeing. The sign simply read “Antiques.” Once inside, they found a modestly sized store filled with cluttered shelves and piled-up tabletops. If there was some order to it, Chris couldn’t see any. It just looked like piles of old crap. “So, are you going to pay us…” Chris started. “Oh, no, no, no.” said the woman. “Something much better, I’m going to let you have one thing you like from my store, absolutely free.” The boys were less than thrilled, but she seemed so excited and grateful that they began to wander through teetering piles of junk. “What would you recommend?” asked Chris, not sure where to even start looking. “Oh, I find that if someone is meant to have something, that object will find its way to them!” she said cryptically, a look of pride cracking her wizened features. As soon as he turned his back, Chris rolled his eyes. He wandered to the back of the store, and found his eye drawn to a small table. Unlike the other tables it wasn’t covered in an assortment of items, instead it held only one thing, a camera. Chris enjoyed photography, but it wasn’t exactly his passion in life. Picking it up he found it was an old-style polaroid camera. That sort of thing was kind of cool to him, in a classic sort of way, so he decided that was good enough, nothing else here looked even remotely interesting. He shrugged, picked up the camera, and headed to meet the others near the exit. Brett was toying with a small ring. It appeared to be gold. Its band was thin at the bottom, but thick at the top where a large, squarely cut ruby sat. Brett seemed to think he had some rare expensive piece of jewellery, Chris thought it looked like cheap crap some nightclub owner would wear for attention. Matt took a little longer, but he came back carrying an ornate silver comb. It wasn’t anything particularly impressive, but had some nice carvings down the spine. The woman smiled warmly. “Looks like everyone’s found something nice.” The guys quickly excused themselves and left the store. Chris was surprised to see that the sun was indeed starting to set, and realised they must have taken a lot longer than they thought. Heading towards time, Matt and Brett split off to their own homes, confirming the plans to go swimming in the morning. 2. Chris got home and ate a quick meal of leftovers from the fridge. His dad and stepmother were on a holiday in Europe for a few weeks, so it was just him and his stepbrother Eric at home. Eric was older than him by about a year. He was a bit of a jock; tall with broad shoulders, but he was more of a swimmer than a footballer so he was more toned than muscular. He had sandy blonde hair, and if they lived anywhere near a beach, Chris would probably have assumed he was a surfer. Chris crept past Eric’s door, hoping not to catch his attention, but a few steps further down the hallway he heard the door open behind him. “What’re you home so late for?” Eric said, looking annoyed. He was hanging out of the doorframe wearing nothing but boxer shorts. Chris hated his confidence in his body, both out of jealousy for wanting that same confidence himself, and out of shame for his deep attraction for a guy who didn’t even seem to care that he existed. “Nothing, was just with the guys.” Chris said, avoiding staring at the tight abs in front of him, with a deep Adonis belt leading downwards temptingly to a low-sitting waistband. “The guys? You mean those two losers you hang out with, pimples and the hornbag?” Eric said, smirking. “Fuck off.” Said Chris, and he turned away and headed down the hallway to his room, but Eric called after him. “What’s that you’ve got?” Chris moved the camera so it was out of sight. “Nothing, just an old camera.” “Where’d you get a camera? Where’d you get money for a camera?” “None of your business!” said Chris quickly, and he slammed his bedroom door, flicking the lock behind him. He sat down on his bed and started to take his first really good look at the camera. There were some oddities he hadn’t noticed in his quick glance in the store. It seemed to be a polaroid camera, meaning it would require film, but as much as he looked, he couldn’t find any way of opening the camera. In fact he couldn’t even see a seam where it would open. On top of the camera were two dials. One was labelled “delay” and could be set from 0 to 3. Chris thought that seemed odd, a delay was meant to allow you to move into the shot for the photo, so 3 seconds wasn’t much of a window. The other said “intensity” and just had one of those little icons that showed which direction was more or less. Intensity seemed like a strange way to label the flash. Deciding it wasn’t worth worrying about the strangeness of the camera itself, he set the delay to 0 and the intensity to low, and held the camera up to take a selfie. The flash was bright, and it must have been some sort of old bulb in there, because Chris felt a soft wave of heat hit his body as the light strobed. Chris shook his head at the slight rush he felt, and saw the camera ejecting a small piece of photo paper. At least it had film. Plucking the polaroid from the slot, he waved it in the air until an image started to show up. He looked good. Great even. He didn’t know how, but in the photo he seemed to just look… bigger? Photo him had the hint of chest muscles visible through the material of his slightly tighter shirt. His arms weren’t so much weedy as lithe. He stood up, and looked at himself in the mirror standing up against his bedroom wall. He flexed his arms a little, and tried moving to see his chest at different angles, but try as he might, nothing looked as it did in the photo. Then, as he primped and preened, trying to see how he had got that photo, he felt the same tingling heat from the flash. Before his eyes, the material of his shirt became less lax. He felt warmth spread across his chest and tingle electrically at his nipples as they pushed out slightly. His whole body seemed to tense up and he even felt a slight dizziness as his head seemed to move further from the floor. Staring back at him from the mirror was the same guy he saw in the polaroid. Taller, just slightly more toned and in shape, but enough to notice. His jaw was hanging open in astonishment. He couldn’t believe what had just happened, what the camera had done. He couldn’t hold back. Pulling his t-shirt over his head, he dropped his jeans to the floor and stood in nothing but his blue briefs. His whole body just looked so much better. Some of that persistent belly fat had simply disappeared and the beginning of ab definition was showing down his stomach. His legs, already skinny, now had light striations down them without him even flexing. After quickly admiring himself, he picked up the camera. He left the delay off but cranked the intensity up a little bit past halfway, and holding it up, pushed the button. A wave like flames coursed through him in an instant, singeing him with pleasurable burning. Eagerly he waited, and after what seemed an age, the polaroid spat out. He grabbed it and waved it quickly and after a few tremendously slow seconds, the black faded to colour. Seeing the image, he nearly choked in surprise, and dropped the picture to the floor without even taking a good look. He bent down, and realised it had slid under his bed, but as he began to crouch down further he felt an agonising ecstasy rip through him, and that wasn’t the only ripping. A sharp crack came from behind him, and he felt his ass searing with heat. He started to try to get to his feet to examine what was happening, as he now felt coldness on his ass which he realised his underwear had completely given way to glutes, but the heat spread up him, and his back arched in pleasure, dropping him torso to the ground, muscular ass still pushed up into the air. He felt pressure between him and the floor, and found his chest was pushing him up, inflating like two meaty balloons. The feeling of his expanding nipples grinding across the rough carpet was like a hotline straight to his dick which sprang to attention. He reached out to try to push himself back to standing, but as his hands planted on the ground he felt the bones of his hands flex and expand, and he managed to turn his head to see thick ropes of muscle fibres spring from his wrist and coil their way up his forearm, twisting into the shape of a ham with deep cuts and striations. His upper arm followed suite, his biceps and triceps swelling as he pushed harder into the ground. On one side of his arm was what looked like a baseball; solid flesh turned iron, and on the other side a football to match it. Not as thick, but wider and just as impressive. The powerful arms seized and pushed him almost to standing in one heave. He turned to face the mirror just in time to see his stomach warping and contorting. Beneath slab-like pecs, slashed horizontally by deep cuts, his abs began to bulge like a flattened cartoon character inflating themselves. Two by two they slammed outward and locked into place until a tight core of 8 bricks stacked themselves around a sexy, ever so slightly protruding belly button. Was it protruding, or was there just no fat to hide it? Chris was too stunned to know. His obliques were absolutely shredded and the deep V-line of muscle looked so thick you could grab on like a handle. His rock-hard cock sat at its usual impressive 7 and a bit inches, standing at full attention. At first Chris thought his balls had swollen, but realised that they were just sitting forwards more, pushed outward by long, diamond quads that touched at the centre, leaving no room for his junk to hang. His calves were surprisingly even larger than his biceps, and tapered down to ankles that looked almost comically small by comparison. Like his hands, his feet seemed to have been upgraded by a few inches. He stared in awe. His face looked much the same, if slightly less chubby, but he looked more handsome simply from the fact that it rested on a neck thicker than his jaw, with huge, visible veins protruding under the skin, and two huge, rounded traps framing it. He looked like a physique competitor. Scratch that, a physique competitor who dominated the competition so fiercely that it put them to shame. The muscles twitched and flexed at the slightest whim, and in a moment of rapture, Christ put his hands on his neck, raised his elbows above his head, and flared his wing-like lats out as wide as they’d go. At the same time, his abs crunched together in a flex so hard it was almost audible. The sheer power of the pose, the sexiness of his elite body and the lingering heat of the growth caused Chris’ cock to explode a volley of cum across the room, splattering on the mirror. The bucking of his hips caused shots to land as high as his head in the reflection, and after a few seconds the orgasm ceased. Whether from pleasure, or exhaustion, he did not know, but Chris flopped backwards onto his bed which gave a threatening creak. Basking in the wavs of power he felt rushing from his body, he passed out almost instantly, still naked and spread eagle on his king-size bed. 3. Chris woke up to the warm feeling off the summer sunlight streaming through the window onto his bare chest. He’d had such an incredible dream last night about growing huge, so he kept his eyes shut to hold onto it just a little longer. When he opened them, he nearly fainted with the shock of seeing his view blocked by two mounds of striated meat. Spearing up between them in the distance was his morning wood, which surged in appreciation of the musculature he was seeing. Looking in the mirror, he once again flexed and admired his enormous body, revelling in every twitch and pulse as he moved. He shot another load hands-free which joined the already sloppily-covered mirror. Realising the time, Chris pulled on a small red speedo. It was considerably smaller on him than it had been even last week. His dick hadn’t seemed to grow, but the huge globes of gluteal muscle packed such mass into the tiny piece of material that it was stretched skin-tight, every vein in his dick was clearly visible, and he found he liked that. Turning around to appreciate the full package, he saw that the waistband barely came halfway up his ass, and the tops of his cheeks were plain to see, along with just too much crack. He didn’t care though, who would when he looked like this? Deciding a little humility may be wise on the way to the lake, he tried to pull on a pair of boardshorts, but they only made it halfway up his shredded quads before a ripping noise told him they weren’t going to be possible. Throwing a few things, including the camera, into a bag, he swung it over his shoulders and admired how puny it looked on the vast expanse of his lats. He hurried out of the house, quietly relieved that Eric seemed to be out already, and headed for the lake. It wasn’t a long walk to the lake, and most of it was along a dirt track, but to get there he needed to cut through the main street, and boy did he get attention. Heads turned. Jaws dropped. Someone like him was certainly an oddity in this town, and the locals seemed to be lapping it up. He loved the way the sun shone on his vast, pale muscles. A handsome, 30-something guy openly gaped at him as he strutted past, and he bounced his pecs in appreciation of the attention. The man’s face flushed so suddenly red that he looked like you could cook an egg on his face. Arriving at the lake, Chris laid out a towel and laid down in the sun. He supposed he had no excuse now not to work on a tan. He put on some sunglasses and laid back on his folded arms. The sunglasses allowed him to surreptitiously see the various passers-by absolutely ogling his sculpted physique, and there was barely a person that made it past without a second look or downright pausing to take in the view. After about 15 minutes of enjoying the sun and attention, Chris heard someone behind him say “Woah.” He raised himself on his elbow and turned to see Brett and Matt staring in lust and jealousy at him. “Hey guys.” He smiled, noticing that his voice had gotten significantly deeper, as he hadn’t talked since the night before. “I guess yours must be special too?” said Brett. Sinking out of his self-appreciation for the first time, Chris really took in the two guys in front of him. Matt’s changes were certainly more subtle than his own, but impossible not to notice once you’d seen. His acne was completely cleared up, his usual somewhat oily skin had a much clearer glow to it. His hair which similarly had problems being greasy instead had an elegant waviness to it. He couldn’t say for sure, but even his jawline and cheekbones looked slightly more prominent and defined. Overall, Matt just looked… handsome? He felt his cock give a slight twinge of approval just looking at him. And speaking of cocks… Brett, like Chris, had foregone his usual boardshorts, and there was certainly no questioning why. Brett was wearing a deep indigo speedo, and in the front patch was an enormous, bulbous cock. The size and colour gave Chris the distinct impression of an actual eggplant. The heft of the thing was so much so that the waistband of the tiny swimwear has pulled a centimetre or so away from his abdomen. Chris couldn’t help but notice several bulging veins running from Brett’s scrawny abs down to the beast that must demand a hell of a blood supply. On his finger, he noticed the red-jewelled ring. “Fuck, you two look good!” he said in appreciation. “You’re one to talk.” Said Matt, who was struggling to look any higher than Chris’ pecs. “How big is that thing?” Asked Chris, gesturing to the monstrous dick hanging obscenely between himself and Brett. Vaguely he wondered if the only reason Brett hadn’t been nabbed for indecent exposure was the eye-catching appearance of Matt next to him distracting people. “Haha,” laughed Brett, “well it was 10 inches soft this morning, and 14 hard, but I’m pretty sure it’s grown a bit since then.” With one hand he readjusted his package for emphasis, and as he let go the weight of it was clearly apparent as it bounced in the confining material. “And how about you, how big are you now?” Chris furled his brow. “To be honest I’m not really sure, I didn’t have much of a chance to measure anything before I headed out here.” Matt raised an eyebrow at this, but kept quiet. After a few more minutes of comparing notes, the guys worked out the long and short of each other’s gifts, and the conversation steered to how they could use those gifts. “How strong is the camera?” asked Matt, eyeing it hungrily as it turned in Chris’ hands. “Like how much muscle does it add?” “Well I used it twice last night,” answered Chris. “it has a dial for intensity, the first time I had it set to low and it was just a slight improvement, then I cranked it up halfway and came out a physique competitior.” “Halfway?!” Spat Matt. “What do you think the full intensity would do?” Chris grinned. “How about we find out?” he raised the camera. “Woah, woah, woah.” Said Matt waving his hands in front of the lens quickly. “I’m not being your guinea pig, what if it turned me into some kind of freak?” They both looked at Brett. “Ha, no thanks, you can beef me up once you’ve worked out how it works.” Chris shrugged, and set to work scanning the lakeside for a victim. There weren’t many people out today, so the choices were scant. He settled on a guy they’d gone to school with; Dave. Dave was a bit of a geek, and didn’t have too many friends, so he was sitting alone under a tree, eyeing a group of guys from one of the local sporting teams. Out of curiosity, Chris set the delay to ‘1’ and then wound the intensity dial as far as it would go. He raised the camera, ensured only Dave was in the frame, and then pressed the button. There was a whirring noise for a few seconds, followed by a blinding flash and a heat that Chris could feel even from behind the camera. Dave had obviously felt it, as he jumped about a foot and started looking around left and right. Chris and the others quickly huddled together and looked away, avoiding looking suspicious, and after a couple of second snuck a look over at Dave who seemed to have given up his search. He took the polaroid from the camera but it hadn’t seemed to develop. “Is that it?” said Brett. “No, but I wanted to try the delay. Obviously, it’s a little longer than I thought.” Said Chris. “With me it was basically instant.” They went about their day by the lake, keeping an eye on Dave who still showed no signs of anything interesting. Spending some time swimming in the lake, both Chris and Matt were getting absolutely eye-fucked by basically everyone that looked their way. The combination of Matt’s beauty and Chris’ huge body seemed to be enough to skip over most people’s apparent sexuality, as even the guys they knew with girlfriends had to make an effort to hide bulging in their swimwear. At one point, Brett had to stay in the water a little longer, blushing a little when the guys asked him why. Chris put his head below the water’s surface and was met with what looked like a full salami you’d see hanging in a butcher’s shop. Emerging from the water his jaw hung open. “That thing is insane man, that’s gotta be over 15 inches.” Brett laughed nervously; he was clearly enjoying the size but Chris could see some hesitation. “Are you sure you don’t want to take that thing off for a bit? You don’t want to do anything permanent…” Brett agreed, and pulled the ring off to chuck into his bag. It was only then that Chris noticed how perfectly it fit his finger. How odd for a random ring from a store to be the exact right size, even if it was magic, or cursed, whatever. “Uh guys.” Said Matt sounding eager, “You may want to have a look at this.” The two of them turned around and saw Dave, who they’d forgotten about briefly, starting to stand up. He was adjusting his clothes, a loose-fitting t-shirt and board shorts, as he seemed to be feeling some discomfort. He was messing with his sleeve, and Chris saw that his bicep was ballooning up, and filling the material. What had moments ago been a loose-fit was quickly becoming uncomfortably tight. Chris saw the material showing signs of strain as two humongous lats were pushing out sideways. The bottom of the shirt rose up to reveal an absolutely shredded lower back. Chris couldn’t help but get turned on as he watched the nerdy Dave’s head rise about 2 feet, putting him at almost 7 feet tall. His arms were getting further and further apart and had already become substantially beefier than Chris’ own. There was a resounding crack, and most of the lake goers looked around to see the material of Dave’s shirt giving out. Large splits were forming down the sides, and mounds of lats were spilling outwards. Dave hunched over, in what could have been pleasure or pain, and as he stood up, shredded material flew in all directions. It was a full-on hulk-out. Tree trunk legs erupted outward, forced sideways by the collision of his own quads. His already wide arms lurched even further, and despite his colossal 8 feet of height, he was easily wider than he was tall. His swimwear proved no match for his globular ass cheeks, and eviscerated themselves, allowing his hard 8 inches of cock to fly free. Chris was interested to note that his cock wasn’t as superhuman as the rest of him, and decided that confirmed the camera’s power was limited to muscle. The guys simply didn’t know how to react. A guy had just exploded to roughly ten times his starting size, and basically everyone at the lake was watching with rapt attention. How could they explain it? It seemed… they didn’t have to. A couple of the local jocks that Dave had been eyeing moments before were moving towards Dave, eyes burning with lust. “Looks like Dave’s ready to go!” One of them called to the others as he dropped his speedo, rock hard cock standing at attention. They basically melted into Dave’s monstrous form, worshiping his inhuman mass. There were at least ten of them mounting him from every angle, but his immense size still made him clearly visible through them. Two guys were ravaging the head of his cock which seemed to be attempting to drown them in precum. One lucky son of a bitch had his cock pincered between the enormous steel glutes, and he looked like he’d never been happier. 4. After several minutes spectating the show, which prompted Brett to offload his 15-inch cock with a volley like a shotgun, the guys hurriedly threw their stuff in a bag and headed over to Chris’s house. Gathering in his bedroom, still scantily clad, they sat the camera, comb and ring between them and sat silently for a bit. Matt broke the tension. “They just… accepted it?” he said “I mean like, we got noticed, but nobody called us out, but I guess it’s more than just that, people are just going to be happy to accept the changes.” “Yeah.” Said Chris. “I think that makes the most sense.” “Well great.” Said Brett, reaching for the ring. “Let me slap this back on then. There’s no consequence, everyone’s gonna accept my freakish cock, so may as well get to work on it.” “Wait though.” Chris stopped him, quietly marvelling at how fast and powerfully his hand whipped out to grab Brett’s. “I mean look at you, you’re already past the point of most people being able to take all of you, is that really what you want?” Brett hesitated and drew his hand back a bit. “I guess.” “At least stay as you are for now, get used to this size before you decide.” Brett still didn’t seem happy, but agreed nonetheless. After some careful decision making, the guys decided to try out each other’s gifts a little. A couple of minutes of playing with the comb left Brett and Chris substantially altered. Brett’s face had taken on a rounded, almost cherubic look. His blonde hair fell in almost elegant curls, rather than his usual dishevelled mop, and his muddy brown eyes had given way to a rich chocolate colour that kept catching Chris’s attention. Chris on the other hand was the image of masculinity. His jaw was almost perfectly square. Atop his newly thickened neck it gave him chills to look at in the mirror. His hair now naturally had the supermodel, effortless, just-rolled-out-of-bed look that really took guys hours of styling to achieve. A perfect spray of stubble adorned his chin. It didn’t take long before Matt made some excuse to grab his comb back. Chris could tell there was some jealousy spiking in the looks he was shooting. Matt was devastatingly handsome, and Chris suspected he had spent more than a few minutes with the comb even after discovering its effects, he still outshone both Brett and himself, but the other guys catching up didn’t seem to be sitting well. The ring took some experimentation. Brett hadn’t exactly been helpful in saying “you just wear it!” but after a little messing around, they found that it reacted particularly potently to excitement. While Chris wore it, Brett took out his monster cock with the intent of measuring it properly. He let Matt and Chris give him a hand to reach his… full potential. Both could fit a hand on with some room to spare, and with Chris’ animalistically large hands, that was impressive. In getting into the rhythmic stroking, Chris felt his own cock harden up as it had so many times in the past day, but he felt the ring grow warm, and with a feeling like getting an erection while his cock was already hard, he felt an extra inch or two expand forward. He moaned loudly which caused the other two to question him. When he pulled out a 10 inch cock, bound in rope-like muscle fibres, with thick coursing veins, and a pair of balls that looked like tennis balls, the others understood his pleasure. They quickly realised arousal was what caused the ring to work, which they made quick use of in growing Matt’s dick to a hefty 9 inches of thick meat. It didn’t take them long before their attentions turned to the camera. With some careful discussion and tuning of the dials, Chris took a photo of each of the guys. In a matter of moments, Brett burst out of his clothes. Already being tall, it was especially noticeable that he gained about 6 inches in height. He almost, almost, seemed in proportion with his goliath cock. He put on some serious mass too, his gangly frame already being slim gave them quite the view of muscle growing beneath his skin. He was beyond an amateur bodybuilder, far too much mass on far too much height. He was practically statuesque. Matt on the other hand didn’t gain any form of impressive height, his expansion was nearly universally outward. With his incredibly good looks, and an absolute tank of a body, he struck quite the figure even despite being shorter than the others. It didn’t take long before the extreme changes led the three of them to lust. In a collision of titans, the thrusting, sweaty muscle monsters were nothing but a ball of flesh. Their mouths explored the multitude of hulking muscles, their tongues tasted the hot, salty musk of deep armpits. Chris found himself on all fours on the floor. Beneath his face was the huge pulsing cock that belonged to Matt, he knew it was part of the comb’s gift but even his cock had an enchanting beauty about it, which was to say nothing of the absolute perfection of his abs. When people said “aesthetics,” they had no idea a physique could reach this point of visual pleasure. Going to town on the thick meaty rod in front of him, he kept his eyes locked on the sculpted torso in front of him, and the stunningly gorgeous face barely visible between two enormous pecs. As he tasted the sweet precum filling his mouth, one hand began to feel up Matt’s tennis ball-sized nuts, and the other reached up to rip at his huge nipples which were staring at him from below the slabs of chest muscle. He felt his own body being caressed, and then his huge glutes being parted by Brett’s monster cock. He firmly believed that if not for the camera’s work, he would never have been able to take that enormous anaconda of a cock, and yet here he was feeling inch after glorious inch sliding into him. His tight abs were forced to distend by the sheer volume of cock filling him up. With Matt’s dick deep in his throat he could barely moan to express the sheer pleasure he felt. Load after load was firing out of his cock, and he felt something similar going on inside him from both ends. He saw Brett’s hand feeling up his beefy arm, and saw that he’d slipped the ring on again. Its power was addictive to him. That explained why it felt like a bodybuilder’s leg was currently occupying his digestive tract. After what felt like hours the three men broke apart and lay on the ground in a pool of sweat and cum, bathing in the afterglow. It had taken Brett several seconds to pull out of him fully. What hung between his legs was easily over 3 feet long, and thicker than his own impressive quads. If he stood, the head would brush against the floor, and he was soft now. Matt seemed to have found the comb mid-throng, as he was now decisively hard to look away from, every small detail that Chris took in pulled at his heart, and if he hadn’t just emptied his balls profusely, he felt he would have done so again at the sight. Chris decided to make his way home to sleep it off, but before he left, he made a decision. “I’m taking these off you two for a bit, you’re fucking addicted.” He said, grabbing the ring and comb, before slinging the camera around his neck to leave. The others put up a little protest but all in all were too out of it to care. He made his way home where he dropped the gifts unceremoniously onto the kitchen table before collapsing onto his bed to pass out. 5. When Chris woke up, he felt uneasy. In the heat of the orgy the sheer size and beauty of the other two had been incredibly hot, but in the sobriety he now felt, it became more and more obvious they were beyond freakish, even if he did enjoy it. Making the decision to hide the gifts until he could work out what to do, he wandered to the kitchen. They were gone. He looked around in a panic. Nothing else seemed to be out of place, nobody had broken into the house. He hurried to the hallway where he saw a flash from under Eric’s doorway followed by a familiar whirring of film reloading. He slammed the door open, not knowing what he’d find, and what he did terrified him. Eric stood with his back to the door in nothing but a pair of small, black boxer briefs, the camera held in his hand as if to take a selfie. As he turned at the sound of the door opening, Chris’ jaw dropped. On his finger was the ring, and it had obviously been there for a little while, as the tiny boxer briefs were stretched almost to breaking point by what looked like a football-sized mound of cock. Chris saw the comb discarded on his desk, which explained his appearance. His sandy hair fell with grace and seemed to glow with its own light. His once slightly handsome features had become incredibly accentuated. His jaw had widened to an almost perfect square, his lips looked full and perfect. Chris actually felt a spray of precum wet his pyjama bottoms at the look from the Adonis. “Hey Chris.” He said. “What’s up with this camera, I can’t get it to work?” In horror Chris looked at the floor and saw a handful of undeveloped polaroids on the ground. He quickly rushed forward and took the camera, only to find the delay dial was up a little past 1, and he realised Eric had taken more than one photo of himself. He didn’t even dare look at the intensity. It didn’t take long. He didn’t even get the questions out about why Eric messed with his stuff. Eric began to swell before his eyes. It came in surges, and Chris assumed that must be different photos starting at different times. First his pecs ballooned forward, as they swelled to a monstrous size they retained incredible definition. Pecs that had to weigh several kilograms on their own were sculpted by enormous muscle fibers, each wrapped in paper-thin skin. His tits stretched huge but were quickly forced downwards where they met with the top of an expanding gut of pure muscle. His abdomen rounded outward as the muscles each fought for space. What started as a toned six pack quickly evolved into a monstrous 10 pack that put professional bodybuilders to shame. There was a distinct creaking noise as his shoulders broadened, the deltoids divided into head which each were about the size of watermelons. His disgustingly beautiful, masculine face began to be swallowed between his chest and mountainous traps that rose up on either side. His neck was tremendously thicker than any Chris had seen, but the entire height of it was lost to the traps. His arms began to raise, and Chris realised it wasn’t by any action of his own, but due to quickly growing biceps and triceps colliding with unbelievable wings. His lats weren’t just impressively wide, but thick as well, easily two feet from back to front. He was growing outward and upward at an accelerating pace, but the growth meant his width was well past exceeding his height. He was over 8 feet tall, which put him past 10 feet broad. It was impossible to define the 4 muscles of his quads, as there were so many deep striations separating thick branches of muscle bundles, leaving the appearance of at least 12 different muscles in each thigh. His calves were huge meaty balls of muscle, each larger than a basketball, which tapered down to tiny ankles which looked dangerously small to hold up such an insanely huge figure. The black boxer briefs didn’t last long at all. The material basically evaporated as an insane cock burst forth. Even Brett’s inhuman tool would look inferior next to this god. It was as hard as steel, and easily a foot across. It swung upwards to slap his roid gut before dropping down under the weight of grapefruit-sized balls. Even from the front Chris could see the sheer volume of his glutes as they flexed to balance his body against the weight of the substantial tool. Eric was panting, sweat dripped from his face which accentuated his inhuman beauty. Beads of sweat ran down his oversized figure and gave a sheen to his flawless, but incredibly thin skin. Chris managed to pull his eyes away for just a moment, to see that only around half of the pictures on the floor had developed. This wasn’t over. He felt the blood draining from his face, as he saw the grossly overdeveloped form starting to move towards him, reaching towards him with one colossal arm, while the other began to stroke his monstrous cock.
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