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Justin’s Ascension Part 1-15 (FULL STORY)


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Part 11

Zach watched in awe and fear as Justin and Will swelled before his eyes, their bodies transforming into colossal mountains of muscle. Their growls echoed through the room, each one a testament to their overwhelming power.

Zach’s tiny cock grew hard at the sight, his arousal mingling with fear. He felt even smaller and more insignificant in their presence, their sheer size and dominance making him tremble.

Will and Justin looked down at Zach, their expressions filled with satisfaction and superiority. “This is what real men look like, Zach,” Will said, his voice a deep rumble. “Do you understand now?”

Zach nodded, his voice barely a whisper. “Yes, sir. I understand.”

Justin stepped closer, his massive frame towering over Zach. “Good. You’ve done well, but you have a long way to go if you ever want to be like us.”

Zach’s heart pounded in his chest, a mixture of fear and determination. “Yes, sir. I’ll keep working hard.”

Will smiled, his hand resting on Justin’s enormous shoulder. “Remember, Zach, this is what you’re striving for. Keep proving yourself, and maybe one day, you’ll earn the right to grow.”

As they stood there, the room filled with the presence of two titanic muscle gods, Zach knew that his journey was far from over. He had seen the true power of his masters, and now he was more determined than ever to earn their approval and achieve the growth he desired. With every task, every act of worship, he would strive to prove himself worthy, driven by the vision of one day standing tall and powerful beside Justin and Will.

Standing there, breathing heavily from their immense growth, Will and Justin’s bodies were covered in a glistening layer of sweat. Their massive forms seemed to radiate power, each muscle bulging with newfound size and strength. Zach stood mesmerized by his masters, his cock throbbing with a mix of fear and desire.

Unable to contain himself, Zach looked up at them with pleading eyes. “Please, sir, can I have some?” he asked, his voice trembling with anticipation.

Justin smirked, his eyes glinting with amusement. “Go ahead, boy. Show us your dedication.”

Zach stepped forward, his heart pounding in his chest. He began to lick the sweat off Justin’s enormous body, savoring the salty taste of his master’s effort and power. He moved methodically, his tongue tracing the contours of Justin’s bulging muscles. Justin flexed for him, his immense biceps and chest pushing out even further.

“That’s it, Zach,” Justin growled, his voice deep and commanding. “Show your appreciation.”

Will watched with a satisfied smile as Zach worshiped Justin, then stepped in to join. “Don’t forget about me, Zach,” he said, his voice filled with a mix of authority and affection.

Zach turned to Will, his eyes wide with devotion. He began to lick the sweat from Will’s powerful frame, his tongue tracing the lines of Will’s massive chest and arms. Will’s muscles flexed under his touch, each movement a testament to his dominance.

As Zach continued to worship them, Will decided it was time to reward him. Without telling Zach, he focused his energy on him, channeling a moderate amount of growth into his devoted servant. Zach, lost in his task, didn’t notice at first, but soon he began to feel a familiar tingling sensation.


Zach (after moderate growth):

• Height: 6’1”

• Weight: 220 pounds

• Chest: 48 inches

• Waist: 32 inches

• Biceps: 20 inches

• Thighs: 28 inches

• Calves: 20 inches

• Neck: 19 inches

• Cock Size: 8.5 inches

Zach’s body began to swell with new muscle, his frame expanding as he grew taller and more powerful. His chest broadened, his biceps thickened, and his thighs became more robust. He felt the power coursing through him, but his focus remained on serving his masters.

Justin and Will watched with satisfaction as Zach grew before their eyes, his dedication earning him a significant reward. “Look at you, Zach,” Justin said, his voice filled with approval. “You’ve earned this.”

Zach finally noticed his transformation, his eyes widening with amazement. “Thank you, sir! Thank you, Will!”

Will placed a massive hand on Zach’s shoulder, his grip firm but gentle. “You did well, Zach. Keep up the good work, and there’s no telling how far you can go.”

Justin nodded in agreement, his massive frame towering over both of them. “Remember, this is just the beginning. Prove yourself, and you’ll continue to grow. Fail, and you’ll be reminded of your place.”

Zach nodded, determination burning in his eyes. “Yes, sir. I won’t let you down.”

Zach retreated to his room, his heart pounding with excitement and his mind racing with possibilities. The moderate growth he had just experienced left him feeling more powerful and turned on than ever before. He closed the door behind him and immediately stripped off his clothes, eager to fully explore and enjoy his newly enhanced body.

Standing in front of the mirror, Zach admired his reflection. His chest was broader, his biceps thicker, and his legs more powerful. He flexed his muscles, watching them bulge and ripple under his skin. The sight of his transformation sent waves of arousal through him, and he couldn’t help but worship his own body, running his hands over his newly developed muscles.

“Look at me,” Zach whispered to himself, his eyes wide with awe and lust. “I’m getting bigger. I can be so much more.”

As he continued to flex and admire his new form, a thought began to take shape in his mind. He wanted more. He wanted to be even bigger than Justin, to turn the tables and take charge. But he knew he couldn’t do it alone. He needed Will’s help.

“I have to find a way to get Will to grow me,” Zach thought, his mind racing. “If I can convince him, I can become the biggest and most powerful of them all.”

Zach’s desire for growth was fueled by his ambition and the thrill of his recent transformation. He knew he had to be strategic, to find a way to earn Will’s favor and persuade him to help.

“Maybe if I prove myself even more,” Zach mused, “show Will that I’m dedicated and capable, he’ll see that I deserve to grow even bigger.”

With a newfound determination, Zach formulated a plan. He would continue to serve Justin and Will with unwavering dedication, ensuring that every task was completed perfectly. He would find ways to impress Will, to demonstrate his loyalty and potential. And when the time was right, he would make his move.

Zach spent the rest of the evening flexing and admiring his body, his mind buzzing with excitement and anticipation. He imagined himself growing larger and more powerful, towering over Justin and Will, taking charge and commanding respect.

“This is just the beginning,” Zach whispered to himself, his eyes gleaming with ambition. “I’ll find a way to grow bigger than Justin. I’ll be in charge, and I’ll turn the tables.”

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So there are going to be 15 parts total. So buckle up and enjoy the last few chapters!☺️



The next morning, Zach was more focused than ever. He served his masters with a renewed sense of purpose, ensuring that every task was done to perfection. He paid extra attention to Will, finding ways to impress him and earn his favor.

“Will,” Zach said one day, approaching him with a mixture of confidence and humility, “is there anything special I can do for you? Anything to show my appreciation for your guidance?”

Will raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Zach’s eagerness. “You’ve been doing well, Zach. Just keep up the hard work and dedication.”

Zach nodded, a determined smile on his face. “I will, sir. I’ll do whatever it takes to prove myself.”

As the days passed, Zach continued to serve and impress, biding his time and waiting for the perfect moment to make his move. He knew that his ambition and dedication would eventually pay off, and when it did, he would seize the opportunity to become the biggest and most powerful of them all.

With every act of worship and every task completed, Zach’s determination grew stronger. He envisioned his future, towering over his masters, commanding respect and admiration.

The next day, an opportunity presented itself when Justin went out to run errands. Zach found himself alone with Will, his heart racing with anticipation. He knew this could be his chance to make his move. Determined to seize the moment, he approached Will with a mix of reverence and determination.

“Will,” Zach began, his voice filled with respect, “can I worship you? I want to show my appreciation for everything you’ve done.”

Will smiled, clearly pleased with Zach’s devotion. “Of course, Zach. Go ahead.”

Zach knelt before Will, his eyes full of admiration as he began to worship his master’s massive body. He kissed and licked Will’s muscles, tracing the contours of his powerful frame with his hands. Will flexed for him, enjoying the attention and adoration.

As Zach continued to worship, he felt a familiar tingling sensation coursing through his body. Unbeknownst to Will, his focus and energy were causing Zach to grow once again. Zach’s muscles swelled, his frame expanding with newfound power.

Zach (after another moderate growth):

• Height: 6’2”

• Weight: 240 pounds

• Chest: 52 inches

• Waist: 34 inches

• Biceps: 22 inches

• Thighs: 30 inches

• Calves: 22 inches

• Neck: 20 inches

• Cock Size: 9 inches

Zach looked down at himself, amazement and excitement flooding his senses as he realized he had grown even more. He stood up, his new size almost matching Will’s.

“Will,” Zach pleaded, his voice filled with urgency, “please, make me bigger than Justin. If you help me, I’ll treat you fairly. We can take control together.”

Will’s eyes widened with surprise and fear. He had not intended to grow Zach again, and the thought of defying Justin was terrifying. “No, Zach. I can’t do that. Justin would be furious.”

Zach’s eyes burned with desperation. “Please, Will. We can be stronger together. We can take charge.”

Will shook his head, his expression filled with worry. “No, Zach. This is dangerous. Justin will be home soon, and if he finds out what happened, it could be bad for both of us.”

Zach felt a surge of frustration and fear. He had come so close to achieving his goal, but he knew he couldn’t push Will any further without risking everything. “I understand, Will,” he said, his voice trembling. “But please, think about it. We could change everything.”

Will sighed, his gaze softening with a mix of sympathy and fear. “I understand your ambition, Zach, but we have to be careful. For now, let’s just hope Justin doesn’t notice your new size.”

As the tension hung in the air, Zach’s heart pounded with a mix of fear and determination. He knew he had to tread carefully, but his ambition burned brighter than ever. He would find a way to grow and achieve his goals, no matter the risks.

The sound of the front door opening sent a jolt of anxiety through both Zach and Will. Justin was home. They exchanged a tense glance, each silently hoping that Justin wouldn’t notice the change in Zach’s size.

Justin walked into the room, his imposing figure dominating the space. He glanced at Will and Zach, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Everything alright here?”

Will nodded quickly, his voice steady. “Yes, sir. Just going over some tasks with Zach.”

Justin’s gaze lingered on Zach for a moment, but he seemed satisfied. “Good. Keep up the hard work.”

As Justin walked away, Zach let out a silent breath of relief. The danger had passed, for now. He knew he had to be more careful, but his determination to grow and take control was stronger than ever. He would continue to serve and prove himself, biding his time until the right opportunity arose.

Justin, having noticed the recent change in Zach’s size, pulled Will aside with a stern expression. “Will, we need to talk about Zach,” Justin said, his voice low but filled with controlled anger. “I noticed he grew. Did you do this without my permission?”

Will’s face flushed with shame and fear. “I’m sorry, Justin. It was an accident. I didn’t mean for it to happen.”

Justin’s eyes narrowed, his anger barely contained. “I know just how to fix this.”

With that, Justin led Will downstairs and out to the backyard, where he summoned Zach. Zach arrived, his heart pounding with anxiety, sensing that something was terribly wrong.

Justin stood before Zach, his massive frame radiating authority and anger. “Of course I noticed you grew,” he said, his voice cold and commanding. “I pay attention.”

Zach’s eyes widened with fear as he pleaded, “Please, sir, don’t grow. I’m sorry. Please don’t do this.”

Justin’s expression hardened, and he snapped, “QUIET.”

Will, standing beside Justin, looked at Zach with a mixture of sympathy and fear. He knew he had no choice but to obey. “Yes, sir,” he replied, focusing his energy on Justin.

As Will channeled his power, Justin’s body began to swell once more. His muscles bulged, expanding with incredible speed and intensity. His height increased, making him even more imposing. Veins popped and skin stretched to accommodate his growing mass.


Justin (after significant growth):

• Height: 9’0”

• Weight: 1000 pounds

• Chest: 100 inches

• Waist: 45 inches

• Biceps: 44 inches

• Thighs: 60 inches

• Calves: 36 inches

• Neck: 30 inches

• Cock Size: 22 inches

Justin let out a deep, rumbling growl as he felt the power coursing through his body. He flexed his enormous muscles, his size and strength now truly godlike. He looked down at Zach, who seemed even smaller and more insignificant than before.

“This is what real power looks like,” Justin said, his voice booming with authority. “Do you understand now, Zach? You will never reach this level. You will always be beneath me.”

Zach trembled with a mix of fear and awe, his eyes wide as he took in Justin’s colossal form. “Yes, sir,” he whispered, his voice shaking. “I understand.”

Justin stepped closer, his massive presence overwhelming. “Good. Now, you will continue to serve and prove yourself. But remember, any misstep, and the consequences will be severe.”

Will looked at Justin with a mixture of admiration and fear, his own body trembling slightly from the power he had just channeled. “I’m sorry, Justin. It won’t happen again.”

Justin nodded, his expression softening slightly. “Make sure it doesn’t, Will. Now, let’s go inside. Zach, you have work to do.”

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As Zach diligently cleaned the house and cooked dinner per Justin’s command, Justin took Will upstairs, his expression a mix of authority and something darker. “I don’t think you’ve been sufficiently dealt with yet, boy,” Justin said, his voice low and menacing. “Time to put this new body to the test.”

With a swift, powerful motion, Justin grabbed Will effortlessly and threw him onto the bed. The sheer force of Justin’s strength left Will momentarily breathless, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and excitement. “Yes Master, please fuck me with that massive body of yours! I need to feel that power inside me. Even if I pass out, keep going, sir.” Will pleaded. 

Justin’s gaze burned with an animalistic hunger as he loomed over Will. “You need to remember your place,” he growled, his voice filled with raw dominance. Without waiting for a response, Justin positioned himself over Will, his massive body casting a shadow that seemed to envelop the entire room.

The bed creaked under their combined weight as Justin began to take Will with a ferocity that left no room for gentle gestures. His movements were powerful and demanding, each thrust a testament to his overwhelming strength and dominance. Will tried to keep up, his own body responding to the intense sensations, but the sheer force of Justin’s power was too much.

Justin’s growls filled the room, mingling with Will’s gasps and moans. The animalistic hunger driving Justin seemed to grow with every passing moment, his need to assert his dominance consuming him entirely. Will’s body shook with each powerful thrust, his senses overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of their connection.

“Remember who’s in charge,” Justin snarled, his voice a deep, guttural command.

Will’s responses grew weaker, his body pushed beyond its limits. The relentless pace and force of Justin’s movements were more than he could handle. His vision began to blur, and his strength waned. Finally, the overwhelming sensations became too much, and Will’s body went limp. He passed out, falling into a deep, exhausted sleep.

Justin continued for a moment longer, lost in the primal satisfaction of his dominance. When he finally stopped, he looked down at Will’s unconscious form, a mix of satisfaction and dominance in his eyes. He pulled away, his massive body glistening with sweat, and took a moment to catch his breath.

As Justin stood there, towering over the bed, he knew that his dominance was unquestioned. Will had been thoroughly reminded of his place, and Zach would continue to serve, driven by a mix of fear and ambition.

Leaving Will to rest, Justin made his way back downstairs. He found Zach still hard at work, diligently cleaning and preparing dinner. Zach glanced up, catching sight of Justin’s imposing figure, and quickly looked back down, continuing his tasks with renewed focus.

“Good job, Zach,” Justin said, his voice a mix of authority and approval. “Keep this up, and maybe you’ll earn another chance to grow.”

Zach nodded, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. “Yes, sir. I’ll keep working hard.”

Will awoke the next day, feeling the aches and remnants of the intense night he had experienced. He slowly made his way downstairs, the scent of breakfast drifting up from the kitchen. As he reached the bottom of the stairs and entered the kitchen, he was stunned to see Justin, who appeared even bigger than before. The sight was impossible to ignore—Justin had grown slightly, but the difference was noticeable.

Justin turned to Will with a smirk, his massive frame casting an even larger shadow. “Oh, well, good morning, my growth machine,” Justin said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. “Seems I grew in my sleep. You must’ve been dreaming about me.”

Will’s eyes widened in shock and confusion. “Justin, you’re even bigger! How is that possible?”

Justin chuckled, flexing his enormous biceps. “I guess your admiration and dedication are even stronger than we thought. Maybe you were dreaming about making me even more powerful.”

Will felt a mixture of awe and fear. He had never seen such a display of sheer dominance and power. “I… I didn’t mean to, Justin. I’m sorry.”

Justin waved off the apology with a dismissive hand. “No need to apologize, Will. I like it. It shows how dedicated you are to making me the best. Now, let’s have breakfast. Zach has been working hard to prepare it.”

Will nodded, still in a state of shock, and joined Justin at the table. Zach entered the room, his eyes widening slightly as he took in Justin’s even larger form. “Good morning, sirs,” he said, his voice filled with respect and a hint of fear. “I’ve made breakfast.”

After breakfast, Justin leaned back in his chair, his massive form dominating the space. “Remember, both of you, this is what true power looks like. Keep working hard, and who knows? Maybe you’ll grow more as well, but always remember your place.”

Will nodded, a mix of admiration and fear in his eyes. “Yes, sir. I understand.”

Zach, feeling the weight of Justin’s gaze, replied, “Yes, sir. I’ll continue to work hard.”

Justin’s smirk widened, his satisfaction evident. “Good. Now, let’s get on with our day. There’s always more work to be done, and more opportunities to prove yourselves.”


Justin (after additional growth in his sleep):

• Height: 9’3”

• Weight: 1100 pounds

• Chest: 105 inches

• Waist: 47 inches

• Biceps: 46 inches

• Thighs: 65 inches

• Calves: 38 inches

• Neck: 32 inches

• Cock Size: 24 inches

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Sorry for the delay guys! Was on vacation. Here’s the next entry!



Part 14

Throughout the rest of the day, Will couldn’t shake the thought of having grown Justin in his sleep. The fact that his subconscious admiration had such a powerful effect was both thrilling and terrifying. He knew this could get dangerous fast; Justin was already a power-hungry monster, and any further unintentional growth could make him unstoppable. Will needed to take control of the situation before it spiraled out of hand.

As he went about his tasks, the conflict gnawed at him. On one hand, he found immense satisfaction and pleasure in growing his master. It was a source of deep fulfillment, a way to express his devotion and admiration. The very act of making Justin bigger and stronger filled him with a sense of purpose and excitement. But on the other hand, he understood the potential dangers of letting Justin grow unchecked.

By evening, Will had made up his mind: he needed to devise a plan. He couldn’t continue growing Justin, but he also couldn’t give up the feeling of satisfaction that came with seeing the results of his power. The solution seemed clear—Zach would need to take over as the muscle god, ensuring that they could manage the power dynamics and keep things under control.

Will approached Zach discreetly, finding him in the kitchen. “Zach, we need to talk,” Will said quietly, his voice filled with urgency.

Zach looked up, sensing the seriousness in Will’s tone. “What’s going on, Will?”

“I’ve been thinking about what happened,” Will began. “Justin’s growing out of control, and it’s my fault. I grew him in my sleep, and if this continues, it could get really dangerous.”

Zach’s eyes widened with concern. “What can we do, Will? How do we stop this?”

Will took a deep breath. “We need to come up with a plan. You’re going to have to take over as the muscle god. We need to grow you quickly, all at once, without letting Justin know. You need to be ready to act decisively.”

Zach hesitated for a moment, then decided to reveal something he had kept secret. “Will, there’s something I need to tell you. From the start, it’s been my plan to become the big guy of the house. I want to be bigger than Justin. I’ve always wanted to be in charge.”

Will was taken aback by Zach’s confession. “You want to be bigger than Justin? Why didn’t you tell me before?”

Zach shrugged, a determined look in his eyes. “I didn’t know if you’d support me. But now, with the way things are going, I think it’s the best solution. I can take control, and you can help me get there.”

Will thought about this, his mind racing. It could work—Zach could become the new dominant force, and they could manage the situation together. But he worried about the ramifications. “What if you get power drunk, Zach? What if you become just like Justin?”

Zach shook his head. “I promise, Will. I won’t let it get to my head. I just want to restore balance and make sure things don’t get out of control. We need to work together on this.”

Will looked into Zach’s eyes, searching for any sign of deception. All he saw was determination and a shared goal. “Alright, Zach. We’ll do this together. But I’m only going to grow you just enough to take down Justin. We can’t let him find out until it’s too late.”

What Will didn’t tell Zach was that he planned to grow himself after the confrontation. He needed to ensure he could manage Zach’s ambition and keep the balance of power in check.

“We’ll need to gather all the energy we can,” Will explained. “When the time is right, I’ll channel it into you, Zach. It has to be a sudden and overwhelming transformation. You need to overpower Justin immediately.”

Zach nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. “And when we’re ready, we’ll confront Justin. We have to make sure he can’t overpower us. It’s the only way to take control and keep things balanced.”

The next day, Justin woke up in a terrible mood. His eyes blazed with anger as he noticed that Zach and Will had been spending a lot of time together, whispering and plotting. Suspicion gnawed at him, and his temper flared.

“Will! Zach!” Justin bellowed, his voice echoing through the house. He stormed into the living room, his massive body radiating fury. “What the hell have you two been doing?”

Zach and Will exchanged a nervous glance, their hearts pounding with fear. “We were just—” Zach started, but Justin cut him off with a furious roar.

“Don’t lie to me!” Justin yelled, stepping closer, his towering frame casting a menacing shadow over them. “I know you’ve been plotting something. You’re not as smart as you think.”

He continued to degrade them, his words sharp and venomous. “You think you can undermine me? You’re nothing but weaklings, both of you!” In a fit of rage, Justin turned and punched a wall, his colossal fist smashing through the structure with ease. Debris flew, and the house shook from the impact.

Justin stood there, his massive body pumped and throbbing with angry muscle. Veins bulged, and his eyes were filled with a dangerous intensity. Will and Zach were terrified, their plan momentarily forgotten in the face of Justin’s raw, terrifying power.

“You better be ready for your punishment when I get back,” Justin snarled, his voice dripping with menace. “I’ll make sure you remember your place.”

With that, Justin stormed out of the house, leaving a path of destruction in his wake. He headed to the store, leaving Will and Zach in a state of panic.

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I'm not liking how Power Hungry Justin is getting. Been thinking, If Will has the power to give. What if he can take? Making Zach the ascended. 

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21 minutes ago, Loki said:

I'm not liking how Power Hungry Justin is getting. Been thinking, If Will has the power to give. What if he can take? Making Zach the ascended. 

Stay tuned 😏

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Welcome the finale of the story! Thank you all sooo much for sticking with me on my first story! It is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!!


PART 15 (End)

As the door slammed shut behind Justin, Will turned to Zach, his face pale with fear. “We have to act now, Zach. This is our chance. We can’t wait any longer.”

Zach nodded, his eyes wide with determination. “You’re right. We have to be ready when he comes back.”

Will took a deep breath, his mind racing. “Alright, Zach. I’m going to grow you now. It’s our only chance to take him down.”

Zach stood still, feeling a mixture of fear and anticipation. “Do it, Will. Make me strong enough to stop him.”

Will focused all his energy on Zach, channeling every ounce of power he had. He visualized Zach growing, his muscles expanding and his frame becoming larger and stronger. As the energy flowed into Zach, he began to transform.

Zach’s body erupted with growth. His muscles swelled explosively, veins bulging and skin stretching to accommodate the rapid expansion. His height shot up, matching Justin’s exact size. The sheer force of the transformation was overwhelming, and Zach let out a maniacal laugh as the power surged through him.


Zach (after initial growth):

• Height: 9’3”

• Weight: 1100 pounds

• Chest: 105 inches

• Waist: 47 inches

• Biceps: 46 inches

• Thighs: 65 inches

• Calves: 38 inches

• Neck: 32 inches

• Cock Size: 24 inches


The explosion of muscle and veins was euphoric for Zach. Every fiber of his being felt charged with power. His laughter echoed through the house, a sound filled with both madness and exhilaration. “This feels incredible!” Zach roared, flexing his newly enormous muscles.

But Will knew they needed an edge. With a final push of energy, he grew Zach just a little more, ensuring that Zach had the advantage over Justin.


Zach (after final growth):

• Height: 9’4”

• Weight: 1200 pounds

• Chest: 110 inches

• Waist: 48 inches

• Biceps: 48 inches

• Thighs: 70 inches

• Calves: 40 inches

• Neck: 33 inches

• Cock Size: 26 inches


Zach’s laughter grew even more maniacal as his body continued to swell. He flexed, his muscles rippling with power, veins pulsing with the raw energy coursing through him. “I’m unstoppable!” he shouted, his voice filled with triumph and a newfound arrogance.

Will stepped back, admiring the result but feeling a knot of fear tighten in his stomach. “How do you feel?” he asked, a mix of hope and anxiety in his voice.

Zach turned to Will, his expression shifting to something darker. “How do I feel? I feel incredible. And you, Will, you’ve been a good little helper, but remember your place.”

Will’s heart sank. “Zach, we need to stay focused. Justin will be back any minute.”

Zach’s smirk turned into a sneer. “Oh, I’m focused alright. Focused on taking what’s mine.” He flexed his muscles, veins bulging as he relished in his new power. “Don’t think for a second that I won’t be the one in charge.”

Will’s fears had come to light. Zach was now power drunk, his ambition unchecked. While he was still on board with the plan to take down Justin, it was clear he had his own plans for what came after.

The sound of the front door opening sent a jolt of adrenaline through both of them. Justin was back. It was time to face him and take control.

Justin entered the house, his eyes still blazing with anger. He looked at Will and Zach, his expression darkening as he noticed Zach’s transformation. “What the hell is this?” he growled.

Zach stepped forward, his new size and strength giving him confidence. “This ends now, Justin. We’re not afraid of you anymore.”

Justin’s eyes narrowed, his muscles tensing as he prepared for a confrontation. “You think you can take me down, boy? You have no idea what you’re up against.”

Zach’s smirk turned into a cruel grin. “Oh, I know exactly what I’m up against,” he said, his voice dripping with newfound arrogance. “And I’m going to enjoy putting you in your place.”

The tension in the room was palpable as the two titans faced off, each determined to assert their dominance. Will stood ready, his own plan in mind, knowing that this moment would determine the future balance of power in their world.

Justin’s fury reached a boiling point. He lunged at Zach, his massive body moving with surprising speed. Will, caught in the middle, was thrown to the side by the impact, crashing into a wall with a grunt.

“You think you can take me down, boy?” Justin roared, charging at Zach with a primal yell. “You’re nothing compared to me!”

The two titans clashed with the sound of thunder, the force of their collision shaking the entire house. Muscles bulged, veins pulsed, and the ground beneath them trembled. Justin, using his size and experience, knocked Zach through a wall, sending debris flying and half of the house crashing down around them.

Zach got up effortlessly, laughing at Justin. “I’m bigger than you now, little pip-squeak,” he taunted, flexing his massive muscles. “You don’t stand a chance.”

Fueled by his arrogance, Zach rushed at Justin, colliding with him in a thunderous crash. But Justin held his ground, his experience with his own size giving him the upper hand. He planted his feet firmly and absorbed the impact, barely budging.

The fight continued with brutal intensity. They exchanged powerful blows, each punch echoing like a cannon shot. Justin, taking advantage of his experience, managed to pin Zach down, laughing maniacally in his face. “You thought you could beat me?” he sneered, degrading and belittling Zach.

Zach, surprised by the turn of events, struggled beneath Justin’s weight. “Will!” he called out desperately. “Give me more size!”

Justin turned to Will, his command ringing out. “Obey me and give me more size!”

But Will, rising from the rubble with a determined look, had a different plan. “Watch this, boys,” he said, his voice filled with a steely resolve.

Will focused all his energy inward, channeling the immense power within him. His body began to swell, muscles expanding rapidly. His chest broadened, his arms thickened, and his legs grew stronger, surpassing even the titanic forms of Justin and Zach.

Veins bulged and pulsed as Will’s muscles exploded in size. His biceps grew to the size of boulders, each flex sending waves of power through his body. His chest expanded outward, becoming a colossal wall of muscle. Abs, like granite blocks, formed an unbreakable core. His thighs, thick as tree trunks, filled with raw strength. Calves, as powerful as anvils, completed his transformation. Every inch of his skin stretched to accommodate the immense muscle mass, gleaming with sweat under the strain of his rapid growth.

Will’s height surged upward, reaching an unimaginable stature. His muscles rippled with every slight movement, and the air around him seemed to crackle with energy. He now towered over both Justin and Zach, his presence exuding dominance and power.


Will (after growth):

• Height: 15’0”

• Weight: 3000 pounds

• Chest: 200 inches

• Waist: 80 inches

• Biceps: 100 inches

• Thighs: 140 inches

• Calves: 90 inches

• Neck: 70 inches

• Cock Size: 30 inches


Justin and Zach, their expressions filled with awe and terror, struggled to comprehend the sheer magnitude of Will’s transformation. They were dwarfed by his immense size, their previous confidence shattered.

Will flexed his colossal muscles, veins pulsing with raw power. “Now,” he said, his voice booming with authority, “kneel before your new master.”

Both men, insanely turned on by the display of power, scrambled to their feet and immediately started worshipping Will. Their hands roamed over his massive form, their eyes filled with reverence and submission.

“Please, forgive us,” Justin pleaded, his voice trembling. “We didn’t mean to defy you.”

“We’re sorry for everything,” Zach added, his arrogance replaced with fear and respect.

Will looked down at them, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. “You’ve both learned your place. Now, remember it.”

As they continued to worship Will, the balance of power had been irrevocably shifted. Will stood as the ultimate authority, his immense size and strength ensuring his dominance. Justin and Zach, once formidable titans in their own right, were now humbled servants, their ambitions quashed by the sheer power of their new master.

The house, though damaged and in ruins, stood as a testament to the epic clash and the rise of a new ruler. And in that moment, as they knelt before Will, Justin and Zach understood the true meaning of power and submission.


Final Measurements


• Height: 9’4”

• Weight: 1200 pounds

• Chest: 110 inches

• Waist: 48 inches

• Biceps: 48 inches

• Thighs: 70 inches

• Calves: 40 inches

• Neck: 33 inches

• Cock Size: 26 inches



• Height: 9’3”

• Weight: 1100 pounds

• Chest: 105 inches

• Waist: 47 inches

• Biceps: 46 inches

• Thighs: 65 inches

• Calves: 38 inches

• Neck: 32 inches

• Cock Size: 24 inches



• Height: 15’0”

• Weight: 3000 pounds

• Chest: 200 inches

• Waist: 80 inches

• Biceps: 100 inches

• Thighs: 140 inches

• Calves: 90 inches

• Neck: 70 inches

• Cock Size: 30 inches

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