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  1. elysiumfields

    Diving School Muscle

    Another of my oldies.. Diving School Muscle Elysia bobbed up and down on the gentle ocean waves,anchored above the sight of the sunken wreck of the freighter Hephaistion, resting on the ocean bed at around 100 feet down. I sat in the cabin of the Elysia, monitoring the progress of the team of divers i had brought out to the wreck on my boat,catching a chance to relax and enjoy the warm sunshine and the calm shallows 4 miles out from Bermuda's Maritime Point. It was a good business ferrying divers to and from the Hephaistion and to the Sargasso reefs, and i had formed a close freindship with Alex and Jamie, two American buddies, who had just set up a Diving School together just outside of Hamilton and who had saved me from nearly drowning while snorkling near Devils Hole....'Damned Sea Turtles can be so alluring to watch!'. As a thank you to the two young guys for saving my life, i had formed a partnership with them as the boat operator with hopes of furthering their business and lining my pockets too. The wreck of the Hephaistion was a main pull for visiting divers. It had sunk nearly 29 years ago in heavy seas after an apparent disastrous fire in the engine room,and i think the main lure for divers to its grave,was the fact that it was rumoured to have had a crate of precious stones in the hold, but did'nt every shipwreck have some hidden treasures in their dark interiors!. As i expected, nothing had ever been found. Then there was the local lore that when the Hephaistion had gone missing in 1973 for 3 weeks,southeast of Bermuda in the Sargasso sea, it had been sucked into the Bermuda Triangle and not because it suffered damage in a storm. I had heard an urban legend, that if you stood at the very eastern tip of the island, at a turret in the National Maritime Fort,your watch would stop and run backwards for a while..'Bullshit!'.. i had tried it and nothing happened. One or two old maritimers had even said that the Hephaistion was deliberately sunk because the real killers of the islands Governor General back in 1973 were on board,and that the two men executed in 1976 which led to violent racial riots on the island,were innocent,and the British government and its Bermudian puppets, wanted to cover it up. Conspiracy theories bored me..As long as i had my boat and my beautiful idyllic life, i was fine.... Well,at least the Greek owners of Hephaistion had a sense of humour in naming it after Alexander the Greats gay lover...Full of happy sailors i guess,laughing to myself. I just sat in the cabin,my legs stretched out on the sideboard,taking in the sun and tranquility as the Elysia swayed gently on the ocean. Jamie and Alex had taken a group of 6 divers down to the wreck..All rich male college students from Boston on holiday, just a few years younger than my two buds, and all eager to learn how to dive. They were in two groups of 4 and had been down in the depths for a fair while now. I had a communication link to both Jamie and Alex,who had connections with the rest of the group,and both had undersea cameras with them,but i could not exactly retrieve a perfect signal on the monitor from them all the time.Too murky at times,other times too blurry,but sometimes i could see what they were doing crystal clear. I looked at the clock..2.50pm and then at the counters that kept an accurate digital reading of the air the group had in their tanks.They were going to have to come up soon. I picked up the microphone and sat forward to look at the monitor as it switched between Alex and Jamie. "Jamie,you'll have to come up soon,..you'll be running out of air." After a few moments of watching Jamie swimming along the freighters barnacle encrusted hull,he crackled back a response. "Yeah,no probs,Gilligan..i'm just looking for Hayden and Greg and we'll start back up." I gritted my teeth because i hated Jamie for keeping calling me Gilligan..joking about being shipwrecked on some desert island with some professor..I had not a clue what he was going on about?. 'It was Gilliam, and even better, just Gill !' . Jamie turned the camera to point at his face,and gave me the thumbs up, his sparkling blue eyes framed by the clear goggle mask, nearly the same colour as the sea. I checked upon Alex. He was swimming close behind two of the other college students.I could see their flippers waving up and down as they swam in front of him. "Its nearly time to come topside,Alex" "Yeah,i know." he replied, then a Barracuda suddenly swam close through his camera view,startling both Alex and myself. "Fucking fish..i nearly crapped in my suit" Alex said. I stifled a laugh as i got up to prepare to help the guys up on board. "See you in a mo.." muffled Alex. I acknowledged him as i walked to the back of the boat. Suddenly,the boat rocked heavily on a swell that seemed to come out from nowhere, and i nearly fell over the side,clinging hard on a side rung to stop me from going overboard. I stood up as the boat settled back down again, but at least 10 feet or so from behind the boat,i could see a wide circle of foaming,bubbling white water as if there had been an undersea explosion,..or the beast from 20,000 fathoms was about to rise its head out of the water! I felt my ears pop as if there was a sudden change in pressure,then a brief spell of dizziness,that i had to sit down to allow to pass. 'What the fuck was all that', i was'nt the one diving up from the depths and at risk of experiencing pressure change?. I watched as the foaming maelstrom on the ocean surface broke and dissipated as quickly as it came, returning to its tranquil rolling calm. "Oh shit..the divers!" i remembered. I rushed over to the monitor and literally shouted into the microphone. "Jamie,Alex, are you guys all OK down there?" i said with clear alarm in my voice. A few seconds of anxious waiting and for the camera footage to clear from a murkiness into dappled light, and Alex crackled onto his mike. "Yeah, why,..whats up?" Alex seemed calm as if he had'nt experienced anything that i had just gone through. "I just experienced a heavy wake as if something had happened down there with you guys.I nearly went overboard!". "Nah, nothings happened down here,not even turbulance of currents..Mind you,my wetsuits feeling a little tight though.." I sat back on the seat,both relieved that everything with Alex and his team seemed Ok,but perplexed by his odd comment on his wetsuit. I had helped him, and all the others into their neoprene wetsuits after applying the lubricating wax over their bodies, and being openly gay,i must admit i had found it mildly erotic rubbing the lean muscles and trim torso's of the better looking guys in the group. I shuddered myself out of an image of Alex peeling off his wetsiut to unveil his muscular smooth torso,before i got an erection. Jamie came on over the mike.."Whats up Gill, not becoming seasick after all the time in your boat,are ya?". "Very funny" i replied, as i watched him focus his camera a little too long on the firm arse of the student swimming close in front of him. "Why you looking at his arse,Jamie. I'm the gay one here?". "He's got such a nice full muscled butt, and i dunno why i ain't noticed how a guys butt looks so sexy in the first place!". I thought the camera was playing tricks on me as Jamie followed the guy upwards towards the surface,intermittently telling him and the others to ascend at a calm pace to avoid the bends, but it looked as if the young mans arse was expanding in his tight wetsuit.. The vision fuzzed as i caught a glimpse of the hull of the Elysia from below,the surounding surface waters dappled in sunlight. I got back preparing to haul up the divers onto the flat back deck of the boat. There was a break in the waters near the bow and a head popped up. It was Cody,one of the student divers. When i reached down to haul off his oxygen tanks, i could not help but notice that he seemed much broader in the shoulders and the arms much thicker beneath the sleek skin tight long sleeves. I shrugged it off as just tiredness as he clambered onto the boat, followed by his bud,Hayden. I scooped off the owygen tanks and secured them into a nearby racking and offered a hand down to pull up the cute young college jock with the golden blonde hair, azure blue eyes and tanned surfer boy looks.'Shit!' he felt heavy that i had to grip the side rungs to help him up. "Cheers bud" he said,grinning a perfect smile at me.his black and blue wetsuit looking un-naturally tight on a too thick physique. He had'nt been this built before he went into the water,..surely? Then Jamie surfaced and helped himself up onto the deck. I saw a definate change in his physique. He had been tall and thin when he had gone down to the wreck. Now he returned,still standing his 6 feet,but his wetsuit filled with a bulging curved shape of a powerful chest, and thick bulging arms. He looked at me staring at him and raised his arms up in a double bicep, the skin tight neoprene conforming to biceps that if it were possible,were expanding and stretching his long red and black sleeves."You like what you see,Gill?" he said teasingly. My cock stirred in my khaki boardshorts. There was a creaking groaning sound coming from my left, and i turned around to see Hayden with his arms up and hands clasped behind his head.His lats were swelling out a little too rapidly beneath his wetsuit and even the strong neoprene could not contain his burgeoning muscles as they grew bigger and bigger to the soze of a bodybuilders and then beyond!. His biceps really showed their growth,filling up his black sleeves making them look like bowling balls forming into fat near spherical mounds squeezing against thickening delts and traps.The sounds were coming from a rip spreading from under his arms,showing off the hairy arm-pits. I caught sight of another head rising out from the back of the boat. Greg..The short red haired and freckled kid. He rose up out of the water like the kraken at the end of Clash of the Titans,throwing his mask onto the deck, already huge with muscles,already his black and blue wetsuit ripped by biceps bulging through and rippled with veins, and heaving swelling pecs splitting open the front and busting the zipper,matted with thick stubbly red tinged hair.As he rose up,the strap over his shoulder,holding his oxygen tanks,snapped, and they tanks clanged onto the deck. I was too distracted by the huge thick shape of what could only be an oversized cock pushing his crotch obscenely.Turning to look at Hayden,then Cody, i could see huge bulges bloating their crotches as obscenely as Gregs..and Jamies. My own cock responded by throbbing into a prominant erection leaking pre-cum as i gazed upon them with fear mixed with lust. Jamie stomped towards me,just as Alex surfaced,again his yellow and dark blue wetsuit showing signs of a body growing massively muscled. Jamie blocked my view,glaring at me with glazed hungry eyes and groping an inhumanly large bulging cock. "Looks like something definately did happen below,..hey Gilligan".,emphasising the name to try an annoy me,but his growing size intimidated me more like!. The other guys laughed behind him,as i heard the sounds of their wetsuits ripping from swelling muscles. Jamie kept advancing towards me and i backed towards the steps and nearly fell down them if it had not been for Jamie to catch me in his powerful hands and lift me up by my waist as if i weighed nothing. "You ain't got nowhere to hide little man." Truth is, i had nowhere to hide.I was stuck on my boat 4 miles out from Bermuda in open sea.! Jamie carried me back outside,ripping off my clothes like they were made of paper and slumped me down naked with my pathetic little 6 inch erection,onto the deck. The Diving team had all come up now and had hauled themselves on board my boat. Each and every one of them, now grown or growing still, into hugely muscled hunks much more bigger than even the biggest bodybuilder. And they gathered around in a circle like hungry giants ready to eat me up. Crouched on the deck in the centre,i could only look up at their huge pecs bloated and filling out their wetsuits like painted mounds or ripping out of them,so big that it partially blocked the views of their grinning faces above. "How about a circle jerk over this little wimp" grunted Ben,once a tall wiry muscled student and now hulking over me,his massive chest densly covered with dark matted hair,heaving with each breath. I watched in mixture of desire and fear as the guys fumbled desperately with their obscenely stuffed crotches and whipped out huge fat cocks,as thick as beercans and all pretty close to,or over two foot in length.. Alex moved a little closer to me,grasping his gigantic pre-cum slick cock with both hands and began to beat off hard,grunting and huffing loudly,the fat flaring red cockhead already oozing pre-cum in thick globs. Matt,another student quickly joined in and began to beat his cock furiously,spitting and grunting like an animalon heat,his cock shaft throbbing with pulsing veins. Jamie spat on his hands and then pointed his huge vein streaked cock very close to my face and then banged away on it as wild as the others. I just sat there,naked and stiffly erect and began to stroke my own little dick,looking up at the hunks,their massive biceps flexing and bulging from ripped wetsuits,pecs heaving and juddering as they wanked over me bukkake style. Greg slapped me across the top of my head nearly sending me flying if it had'nt been for Hayden propping me back up. "Open your mouth Gill..,time for a cum shower." I lifted my head upskywards and gaped open my mouth just as the first of the muscleguys climaxed.Cum rained down impossibly thick globs and spattered into my mouth, signalling for the others to cum too. I gulped and swallowed as much as i could as i was literally soaked by their abnormally heavy loads. Ben and Alex leaned in towards each other and began to kiss passionately as they continued to whack off over me. Through cum soaked hair matting my face, i saw Jamie glaring down at me,his cock still spewing cum in torrents onto a slick deck.. "Its just us out here so why don't we have a little fun with you before we head back to port., hey Gill.!" I was at their mercy..but there was something else.... I had not noticed that my watch had stopped,or that the compass on the Elysia was going all haywire.. Are we gonna be out here for 3 hours or 3 weeks..? It seemed that the ghost of Hephaistion was laughing in the depths below.. THE END
  2. NYCBlackMuscle

    The Trials And Tribulations Of A Male Witch

    Here's an old story of mine from way back which will be my first post on the new forum. Please let me know what you think. -------------------- The following work of fiction portrays men in sexual situations. Please do not read if you are not interested in stories written for erotic purposes, if you are not of legal age, or if it is illegal for you to read sexually explicit material in this format or through this medium. All characters in this work are fictional. As such, they are immune to any and all types of infectious diseases, including the AIDS virus. You are not fictional and therefore you are not immune. Follow safer sex guidelines or risk having some brainless disease write the ending of your life story for you. Copyright 1998 – 2014 by [email protected] Trials and Tribulations of a Male Witch My grandmother was a witch. Not the cauldron stirring, wart-nosed kind you read about in stories but the laid back kind you'd pass on the way to the store and not even notice. She knew how to do things with herbs and the odd salamander tongue that would blow your mind. When I was a kid I used to stay at her big, old Victorian house for the summer. She taught me how to mix up potions and brews of my own, though as I matured and my natural tendencies came to light she laughed at the things I tried to stir up. Me, I think being gay comes from the genes because I never felt anything for girls but I was attracted to guys before I even knew what my dick was for. Not just any guys, mind you. My tastes always tended towards the big ones. I can remember being mesmerized by a big delivery man who delivered a couch to my parents’ house but as I got older my tastes became more focused and I realized that I was specifically attracted to big muscular guys. By my late teens I discovered bodybuilding magazines and spent much of my free cash and time buying them and jerking off to the pictures of massive, oiled up hunks that filled their pages. I realized it was all about size - the bigger the better, and if possible, bigger still. The summer after high school was the last one I spent with my grandmother. Neither of us realized it but she would die the following winter after an unexpected heart attack. Throughout those hot months we hiked the hills around Jacksonville, the town where she lived, and she pointed out all the natural elements that would be useful to me in my career as a male witch. After gathering plants and the like we would return to her home and mix potions and tinctures in a stainless steel pot on her gas range. Our hobby might have been ancient but our tools were modern enough. Sometime in July, after hinting around and skirting the issue, I finally came out and admitted to Grandmother that I wanted to mix a potion that would cause my thin, bony frame to fill out and become more athletic. I didn't have any desire to be a huge muscle-stud myself but I knew that that if I wanted to attract the kind of man I was interested in I'd have to be in better shape than I was. Grandmother just laughed at my request and told me that when she was younger she'd tried something similar on herself. She was still chuckling when she pulled a book down from the top shelf of one of her bookcases and opened it to a section on transformations. With the help of the book and Grandmother, when I headed home to my parents I looked a hell of a lot different than the kid who had left home only three months before. My 5' 10" frame had grown to a healthy 6'. What's more I had gone from a skinny 140 pounds to a buffed out 185. My biceps and triceps were now strong and striated, stretching the sleeves of my old T-shirts. My hairless torso was packed with ripped, defined muscle while my waist had barely expanded from the tight 29 inches it had been before. My ass, with a little judicious experimentation, had become as rounded, high and tight as was possible within the laws of physics. My legs, meanwhile, had grown longer and stronger, with powerful thighs sweeping down into bulbous calves. With my blond hair and blue eyes I was looking like quite the stud. My parents were astonished at the change but I just told them that a long summer of hard work, and a late puberty shock, had worked wonders. Dad shook his head but accepted my explanation. I think Mom was a little more suspicious, having a better idea what Grandmother was capable of, but she let it pass too. I headed off to college that September and found that my new physical attributes were more magnetic than I could have imagined. There were plenty of girls that tried to catch my eye but I ignored them, preferring to concentrate on the studly men that seemed to come at me from all sides. Even though I smiled and flirted with a lot of them it was only the big guys, the ones who had already put a couple of good years in at the gym, that I spent any time with. While the potion I had created insured that I stayed in great shape I spent a lot of time at the gym scoping out the overbuilt football players and wrestlers that kept my cock up and hard all the time. One guy in particular really caught my eye. His name was Tyrell and he was a receiver on the football team. Most receivers tend to be smaller than their teammates on the line because they need speed and agility in order to catch passes and run their way through the opposing team. The gods must have been kind to Tyrell because even though he was one huge motherfucker he was as quick and as fast as any receiver they'd had at the school for years. I used to watch him working out with his teammates at the gym. He was a big, black stud, somewhere around 6' 4" with a handsome face and a shaved head. In the gym he wore an old, faded tank-top and long shorts but these did nothing to hide the amazingly built yet cut body he'd managed to sculpt. He must have been around 230 pounds of dark, sinuous muscle that only got bigger when he lifted. I'd watch while his teammates, some of whom I'd already slept with, spotted him while he pushed out rep after rep of bench presses until his pecs bulged like two mountains under his tank-top. It was enough to get me hard. I just wished I could see him in the same condition since the lump in his shorts already looked impressive soft. Unfortunately he wasn't interested in me. He had a girlfriend, a blonde cheerleader, which made me think that he at least he was attracted to people with my coloring. Unlike some of the other guys, though, it looked like he only went for girls because he never returned any of my looks when we passed by each other in the gym or on campus. Damn it was frustrating. Despite the fact that I could usually get the guys I was interested in I started losing interest in anyone other than Tyrell. The frustration lasted through Fall term and the end of the football season. We did OK, and Tyrell did great breaking the school record for number of receptions, but the team didn't make it to the playoffs. Campus broke up for Christmas break and I headed home to my parents. A couple days after Christmas we received word that Grandmother had died. The heart attack that killed her struck when she was in town shopping and no one could save her. My parents and I went to Jacksonville for her funeral and then spent several days together before they had to fly home and return to work. They left me at the Victorian to get it closed up for the winter before they returned in the Spring and decided what to do with the old place. I had volunteered to stay behind and told them I'd just fly straight back to college after New Year’s. That gave me just about a week to whip up a little holiday gift for Tyrell. I pulled the book down from the top shelf and went to work only without my grandmother's guiding hand to help me. It was tough because what I wanted to create I couldn't test on myself and while it would have been fun to try on others, even some of the local yokels, I didn't have the time. I flew back to school hoping that what I’d developed would do the job I wanted done. With football season over a lot of the players took time off from the gym counting Spring term as a needed rest. Tyrell didn't, though, and I saw him there as much as ever. Now he was working out alone, a condition that mirrored his situation outside the gym as it became apparent the love affair between he and the cheerleader hadn't survived the football season. That was a good sign so a couple weeks into January I put my plan into action. It was a Friday evening and the gym wasn't particularly crowded. Tyrell was there giving his arms a major workout. By 10:00 PM, about the time the gym was supposed to close, everyone else had left, he was pushing out a last set of preacher curls, and I was trying keep my dick from getting rock hard at the size of his pumped up biceps. He finished his set and dropped the straight bar onto the stand with a crash that reverberated around the gym. Flexing his arms, he (and I) admired the peak on his sweating biceps in the mirror, before pointing both arms straight out from the shoulder in a stretch and then bringing them back up to flex again. By now I had strategically positioned myself by the drinking fountain so when he strutted over to get a drink I was able to look up and casually say, "Hey, you're Tyrell Davis, aren't you?" "Yeah, that's me," he replied glancing at my outstretched hand for a second before taking it and almost crushing it in his powerful grip. "Dude, I saw you play this year. You were awesome." "Thanks, man," he said and made as if to head past me to the drinking fountain. "Thirsty?" I asked, handing him one of the two bottled waters I held. "Go ahead, I've got an extra one." He shrugged and took the bottle, nodding his thanks. Thankfully his thirst overpowered any curiosity he might have had about why the cap on the bottle was already loose and he drank the whole thing down in a couple seconds. It was more than I had hoped for. He thanked me again and I started up some small talk waiting for the first effects. Grandmother's spirit must have been with me back in Jacksonville because right on schedule he blinked his eyes and began to sway a bit. "Hey big guy, what's the matter?" I asked. "You feeling OK?" "Yeah, sure, I'm fine," he replied, his voice already beginning to slur. "You don't look so good. Maybe you'd better rest." He blinked again and then nodded his assent, his docility being a temporary effect of the potion I had slipped him. With a little prodding he went with me to the locker room where we gathered our stuff and headed out of the gym. As a freshman I was still obliged to live in the dorms but I knew he lived off campus. As luck would have it, not only was his apartment nearby but he lived alone. It was your standard college pad, pride of place given to his bed and gaming console set-up. The former was what interested me and while he stood in the center of the room, swaying slightly, I laid back and feasted my eyes on him. God he was hot, even with his clothes on. He'd be even better without them. "You look a little warm, Tyrell. Why don't you strip off those clothes?" That suggestion was all it took for me to be treated to one hell of a show. In seconds he was entirely nude, and more impressive already than I could have dreamed. Except for his pubes, he was as hairless everywhere else as he was on his head. He even shaved his armpits. His big, black body was flawless. From his thick neck down through his massive torso and ridged, fatless stomach he was a built and cut as any pro-bodybuilder. His arms were massive, pumped with blood from his recent workout, while his legs showed the muscular strength necessary to move a man of his bulk at speed down the football field. And hanging between his legs was his long, thick, dark cock, the massive head swinging slightly in the air. As he was he would have satisfied the craving of almost any muscle addict. Any addict but me, that is. I reached into my gym bag and pulled out another bottle of water. "You look pretty thirsty, Tyrell. You'd better drink all of this." He took the bottle without comment and quickly sucked down the contents. This was the exciting part because while he had been docile to this point I had no intention keeping him that way. I wanted him to take charge. Tyrell shook his head and let the bottle drop to the floor. He put his hands to his face for a moment and then pulled them away, looking around the room as if surprised to find himself at home. When he caught site of me a dumbfounded look spread across his face, but that expression quickly shaded into anger. I sent a quick prayer to Grandmother which she must have heard because before he could react any further he suddenly cried out in shock and pain. Maybe because he just gotten through working out his biceps they started growing first. They were big guns already but within seconds they started growing larger still. We both looked with awe as his upper arms began to expand, the amazing growth quickly spreading to this triceps as well. "What the fuck?" he gasped, flexing his arms in wonder, whatever pain he had felt already fading. He was so engrossed in his arms that he failed to notice at first that the rest of his body was getting bigger as well. His already massive neck was stretching out further and further, as his cannonball shoulders swelled ever larger. His pecs seemed to expand like balloons, becoming so enormous and pumped that the skin grew glossy and looked as if it would split trying to contain the tremendous amount of muscle underneath. His back was obviously growing too as his v-shaped torso expanded like a cobra's hood. Before long his massive lats forced his increasingly freaky arms up and away from his torso until they were held almost straight out. His abs seemed to be fighting amongst themselves for space, twitching and growing under the tight skin of his stomach. As for his legs, the thighs, previously more cut than huge, became in the space of a minute tree trunks that any professional bodybuilder would have killed for. I watched he was forced to shift his stance again and again as the sheer mass of his growing quads and hamstrings made it impossible for him to hold his legs together. Even his calves, oftentimes the least developed muscles even on the big boys, got into the act, growing and swelling beyond belief. The growth didn't stop there though. Even as his body grew larger and larger his dick started growing too. For a moment I saw what it must have looked like hard before the change and that was impressive in itself. But before long his cock and balls began to expand further, his nuts churning in their sack, becoming more and more massive, hanging lower and lower in front of his powerhouse thighs. His dick, already as hard as a rock, began expanding in length and thickness, its eye seemingly pointed straight at me. While I had purposefully made this one of the effects of the potion I had given him I was soon wondering if I hadn't gone too far as the growing, black dick went from big to huge to monstrous in a few short minutes. All this time Tyrell was gasping in either pain or pleasure, though I suspect the latter. He kept running his hands, themselves growing larger, over his expanding body, flexing first his arms, then his chest, then his back and then his legs. Catching site of his more than massive cock he let out a hoarse shout and wrapped both mitts around hit, fighting to get his freaky biceps around his huge pecs. As large as his hands were becoming they were losing the fight to cover his dick, which was growing even faster and soon extended more than a hand's width beyond them. There's an ongoing debate on the bodybuilding forums as to whether size or symmetry is most important. For me it's never been a contest. Freaky is what turns me on and here in front of me was undoubtedly the freakiest man who had ever lived. When Tyrell's growth finally stopped all I could do was slide off the bed and fall to my knees, massaging my cast-iron dick through my workout shorts. Here was the man I had always dreamed of, so massive that he put all the heavyweight pros to shame. Whatever he did to me it was worth it just to be able to see such development. Panting as if he'd just finished a marathon, Tyrell finally let go of his dick and his eyes focused on me. He stepped forward and I felt through the floor the shudder caused by his amazing new size. Standing above me he seemed even more huge and I whimpered as he bent down and hauled me to my feet. Back at the gym I had come up to his nose. Now I barely came up to his shoulder, and I realized that if he had also grown taller then his size was even more astonishing. He lifted me up off the ground by my T-shirt until my face was directly before his. I could feel his big dick slip between my legs to stick out far beyond my ass. Even as his eyes stared into mine I took the opportunity to run my hands across the rounded muscles of his arms and shoulders. "You did this to me didn't you," he growled, his voice even lower and sexier than before. All I could do was whimper again, half in fear and half in almost painful desire. "Turned me into a fuckin' freak, man. You're gonna pay for that." Then he raised me even higher with one hand while the other pawed at my body, effortlessly ripping of my clothes. They say you should be careful of what you wish for because you just might get it. I have to admit that's how I was feeling at that moment. I was trapped in the grip of the biggest, blackest musclestud imaginable, a man who obviously wouldn't be able to walk down the street without drawing gasps of admiration and disgust, and I wasn't sure if I should yell for help or cum right there just from the sheer size of him. He didn't give me much chance to decide, though to be honest I don't think it would have been a tough decision. In seconds he had literally torn the clothes off my body, including most of my T-shirt causing the collar to rip apart in his big fist. I fell to the floor, my rock hard dick slapping against my stomach, and lay at his feet trying to somehow make sense of the colossus that stood above me. With an unintelligible grunt he bent down again, picked me up and tossed me like rag doll onto the bed. The strength he displayed, and the fact that I was so obviously in his power, was such a fucking turn-on I couldn't help moaning with lust. A second later the air was forced out of my lungs as his huge body fell on top of mine, pinning me to the mattress. I struggled to pull my arms out from under his bulk so I could feel the massive, overbuilt slabs of muscle that were weighing me down but he had other ideas. With one hand he grabbed one wrist and then the other, yanking my hands above my head. It felt like they were chained in place and as my eyes followed his amazingly thick arm, his biceps and triceps together as large as my leg, up and over my head I knew I had no hope of breaking free. A moment later my face was wrenched back down by his other free hand which grabbed me by the jaw and forced my mouth open, a waste of effort since I would have done it gladly of my own free will. Next thing I knew his mouth clamped down on mine and his tongue forced its way in and was heading for my throat. The rough thrust of his tongue made it feel like he was raping my mouth, totally disregarding any desires of mine. Ironically, that was my desire, to submit totally to this overdeveloped monster I had created. Even as he took my mouth I felt one of his mammoth legs forcing mine apart. His torso was much longer than mine so his groin was positioned somewhere around my knees. Even so, his iron dick ran all the way up past mine, his huge head mashed by his body into my torso. As he made his goal clea, the hand on my jaw moving down to force my left leg up and over his shoulder, I fleetingly wondered if I'd be able to take him without being permanently damaged. It looked like I was going to find out. He face pulled back for a moment and he stared fiercely into my eyes as he brought up his right thumb and forced it into my mouth. I sucked at it slavishly, my eyes holding his, mesmerized by the strength and power apparent in every inch of his body that touched mine. After I had gotten it wet with saliva he removed the oversized digit, and with a cruel smirk shoved it without warning up my twitching asshole. I gasped in pain and pleasure as my ass was lifted off the mattress from the strength of his arm. He watched me as he dug in, grinding his hand against my ass, opening me up for his planned assault. It felt like he was pushing it all the way up into my intestines and this was only his thumb! My dick was jerking in time to his thrusts, shooting precum onto my stomach as I rode the sensation. My eyes rolled back into my head and I could only moan as the probing of his thumb fed my desire to be filled by the massive tool that was throbbing on my stomach. Suddenly, my ass was empty, and at the same moment his other hand let go of my hands above my head. Seconds later he grabbed both my ankles and lifted my legs up and out, so that I was bent almost completely in half, my ass upraised and ready for his attack. I opened my eyes but for a moment could see only his huge cock which was so long that it went through my legs and thrust straight into the air above my face. I was eye to eye with its big head and watched as his precum pulsed from the tip, hitting me on my nose and forehead. His dick pulled back and until I could feel the head running over my balls and then down my asscrack. My eyes refocused onto his face and gigantic torso which I could see through my outstretched legs. Open mouthed, I watched him watching me as his dick head slid around my hole before finally catching my already abused assring. With a feral grin he punched forward with his lower body and I felt his head force its way inside me, driving further and further inside while my body convulsed from the pain. He gave me that entire, huge cock in one shove, and I almost passed out before I felt his groin smash up against my ass. For a moment he just held it there while my brain tried to sort out the pain from the pleasure that was washing over my tortured body. I could feel his heartbeat as his dick throbbed within me and I realized my mouth was moving and that I was trying to speak. "F-f-f-fuck me," I panted, "Please fuck me," and I trailed off into a low moan. "Yeah, I thought so, pussy," he growled, as he pulled the unbelievable length of his dick back until the head was lodged within my anus, stretching it open. Then he rammed the huge fucker all the way into me. He let go of my ankles and fell forward, his huge pecs engulfing my face and the very width of his torso forcing my legs far even further apart. I felt his cannonball biceps digging into my back as his arms engulfed me, crushing me to his body. All the while his pelvis was pulling back and then thrusting forward, driving his massive dick deep into my body, forcing the air out of my lungs. I felt surrounded by his bulk which was coming at me from all sides, even inside. The bottom of my head only reached his chin in this position but I could hear his hoarse grunts and growls which gradually turned into a low chant. "Take it fucker - yeah cunt, fuckin take that dick." The first time I came I passed out, unable to hold on when the sensations in my ass pushed me up and over the edge. I felt myself shooting for what seemed like forever, the cum from my dick forming a slick sheet that his muscular torso spread between us. After that things went black for a time. When I came to he was still pumping away and my dick, if it had ever gone soft, was hard and leaking again. He released me from his grip and with obvious ease rotated my body on the column of his cock, turning me so that my back was pressed up against his mountainous torso. His arms tightened around me again so that one massive bicep crushed my abs while the other cut across my upper chest, just below my neck. All the while his groin kept slamming away, slapping my ass while his dick had its way with my insides. I came twice more before the increasing speed of his thrusts made it apparent that he was going to cum too. His arms and legs grew so tight around my body that I couldn't breathe, and he began to roar, his dick seeming to expand even further inside me. I could tell when he began to shoot, the feeling of his hot cum actually soothing inside my battered rectum. Groggy as I was, for a moment I feared that I had lived through the fuck only to die during the contractions of his bulging muscles, which threatened to tear me apart. Somehow I survived and his grip gradually relaxed as he shuddered and panted above me. After a couple minutes he rolled away from me, his still hard dick taking forever to pull completely from my ass. I lay there trying to gather my strength while he got up off the bed and thudded from the room. I managed to turn my head and see that he had stepped into the bathroom, his bulk seeming to fill it to overflowing. I could tell he was trying to see as much of himself as possible in the ridiculously small mirror over the sink. He ducked his head and stepped out of the bathroom, his oversized legs giving him a rolling gate as he headed back across the room towards me. Despite what we'd just been through I still found his size almost incomprehensible. He was bigger standing there relaxed than any pro could have dreamed of being when pumped up and flexing. As he stood above me, one big hand ran over his pecs, massaging the overhanging shelf of muscle. "How'd you do this," he asked, his tone making it apparent it would be in my best interests to answer. "I'm a witch," I croaked. "I mixed up a potion and gave it to you in some water." His face split into a grin, the first I'd ever seen on him. "I'm kinda thirsty," he said. "Got anymore?"
  3. TheWeremuscleForest

    Achilles And His Muscle Adventures (Repost)

    (already posted elsewhere)
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