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  1. TheWeremuscleForest

    Transform Me Boss

    “I want to feel your muscles as they grow, Justin.” “Uh, we are in a public place Freddie. I have no idea why you are so obsessed with ‘him’. I wasn’t going to let him out until we have been dating for at least a few more months.” Justin Langham, a 42-year-old software developer has had a secret for most of his life. He learned, after hitting puberty, that he had a medical condition that allowed himself to ‘hulkout’ after a bit of sexual and mental stimulation. In other words, if he is ever coaxed by someone that is a bit too eager, it can result in some rather awkward, but possibly exciting results for the other person. As his body has matured in his later years; the growth became even more remarkable from the time he was just a teenager. His current partner, Frederick Hardman, a 29-year-old systems analyst at the same company, originally did not like Justin very much because he thought he was too much of a narcissist. However, after working with the lankily built older man for a few years, they drew closer and eventually a spark ignited between the two of them on a more ‘personal’ level. For years, Justin would satisfy his sexual urges in private by going into a nearby forest, or some other isolated area, so he could ‘let his inner beast’ take over, at least for the time being until he is satisfied. This has become less frequent in recent years, since he is much busier with his career and a bit less time for fun time with mates. Freddie, being a sexual creature himself, has been trying to get his new partner to have sex with him, but has gotten a lot of resistance from him since the very beginning. Justin, who is a decently good-looking man, does not have a muscular body. He has a typical dadbod for men his age, with tufts of hair strewn about all over his body. He is what they describe as skinny fat, with just a bit of padding all over. His body hair has some silver throughout, mixed in with brown and black patches. Eventually, after dating for a few weeks, Justin had to let Freddie know about his dark secret. Expecting the younger man, who is notably quite attractive, chiseled face with reddish stubble, has a furry chest with a defined eight-pack and firm pecs, 16-in guns, and big legs, especially his quads, to probably leave him after this revelation, was blown away when the sexy redhead had a different reaction. He was wanting to force Justin to be an exhibitionist and let the ‘beast’ out in an uncomfortable place, their employer. This is where the story begins. The two men are standing in a supply closet together. Both of them are wearing dress clothes. Freddie has on blue pants with black pinstripes, a white dress shirt underneath a matching blue jacket with the same pinstripes. Justin is wearing black pants with an undershirt with a V-shape along the neckline underneath a gray dress shirt, which is underneath a black jacket with gray pinstripes in it. “Do you have a name for ‘him’, Justin? I am really curious.” The older man is staring at Freddie in bewilderment. “What!? Uh...Eh. Umm, yeah actually. He goes by Mr. H.” The younger man is clearly getting wound up as he approaches his partner. He has him up against one of the shelves and is slowly rubbing his hands on his chest. He can feel Justin’s heart starting to beat a bit faster than before. “Mr. H huh? Does that stand for hulk?” “Umm, it does actually. It is kind of stupid, isn’t it? Freddie doesn’t seem to think so by his reaction. “No boss...I don’t think it is stupid at all. I think it is incredibly hot.” He unbuttons his blue jacket and opens it to show Justin that his shirt is getting wetter by the sweat that is starting to appear on his chest. He smiles as he flexes his abs, which protrude through his dress shirt. He can see Justin getting even more uncomfortable with each passing minute that goes by. “So... does it take a lot to get you to come undone? I am willing to make it happen, because here and now is a perfect place and time to let loose.” Justin knows that Freddie most likely planned this out and is probably not going to be able to get away because his partner is no pushover when it comes to strength. He has seen what he can do in the gym, even if he isn’t the biggest guy. “You clearly want me to destroy something, don’t you, instigator? I know I can’t fight you off, but I will resist as much as I can.” “Oh, I know you will Justin.” Freddie takes his jacket off and throws it behind him. He undoes the belt on his pants and lets them fall to the ground, revealing his big, well-developed quads, nicely padded in thick red fur. He flexes them which gets the older man to react in a way that suggests he is getting closer to losing it. The young analyst’s cock is clearly visible in his tight briefs. He pulls his shoes off and kicks his pants off to the side. Freddie is now only wearing socks, briefs, and his white dress shirt. He bounces his pecs the best he can and rubs his face along Justin’s brownish beard, which also has some silvery hair. The man’s breathing is becoming more labored. The redheaded stud undoes his older partner’s jacket and pulls it off of him, so he can get a better look at Justin’s upper body. He can see sweat stains appearing under his partner’s gray shirt and grins. “I imagine it won’t take much more, am I right boss?” “You are...right...evil man. It is definitely going to happen shortly. What you need to realize is...I do enjoy growing a lot. I FUCKING LOVE IT! I just...try to do it away from places...I...uhh...fucking shit...mmm...” Justin can feel his cock getting stimulated. Freddie can feel it against his abs and reaches down to rub his hands on it. He moans knowing what is coming. The hulk-to-be continues talking. “I have also learned...to control it...mmm...it feels REALLY GOOD! The pain was awful in the early years. Now though...I can make it go to where...I want it to go...” Justin’s pecs are now starting to inflate. Freddie watches in excitement as he sees his partner’s shirt starting to fill up. He unbuttons his own shirt and takes it off. He is mostly naked now besides his socks and his briefs. He can see the older man’s arms starting to swell now as well. Justin reaches down to grab Freddie’s hands and puts them on his chest. His pecs are now pressing against his shirt and continuing to grow. He is smiling with his teeth showing as he continues to talk to his suitor. “Alright...you wanted this...you horny fucker. Now you can watch and feel me become the version of myself that I crave...greatly.” Freddie watches as Justin rips his tie off of his neck with his noticeably larger forearms, as they slowly start ripping through his sleeves. The buttons that were holding the sleeves together at his wrists go flying and bounce off of his protruding chest. The veins pulsing and muscle fiber striations are visible as his younger partner reaches up to squeeze both of his boyfriend’s growing arms. It is clear that the swelling hulk is purposefully trying to control everything as much as he can. “Oh, fuck Justin, I only dreamed about something like this happening to the man I was dating.” Freddie can feel his cock starting to precum as it dribbles out the side of his briefs. The fortysomething beast-to-be is also starting to grow in his lower half, as his quads start filling out and stretching the fabric of his slacks. His previously undersized cock is now beginning to test the limits of the front of his pants as it attempts to push itself forward in front of him and is flirting with Freddie’s abs, causing a huge tent to form. The young stud can feel its power against him. “Yes boss...this is freaking incredible. I can’t wait for you to hulkout in here...” “Uhhmmm...it won’t take much...longer...mmm...fuck...my lats...” Justin grunts as the seams in the sides of his shirt rip, as his back begins to emerge. Freddie can see two thick forests of blackened fur peering from above each bloated lat. The growing beast takes his friend’s hands and slowly moves them up his arms, letting them go and says to him, “I am ready to give you a show, Freddie. I am going to try and control it...the best I can...mmm...YES!” Freddie moans loudly, eyeing and feeling his partner’s biceps and triceps, engorged with raging power, slowly tearing and ripping their way free of their confines. The sexy younger hunk notices they are still growing once they are freed. He can hear Justin sighing as he leans in to run his face and mouth over top of the thick, sweaty, garden-hose sized veiny softball-sized guns. He is then directed to move back to Justin’s attention, making eye contact. “AHH...well...guess what time it is...” The hulk’s pant seams begin ripping as his hairy quads continue to expand, but he then stares into his partner’s eyes and says, “MMM...he wants to meet you...” Freddie hears him grunting loudly as Justin’s huge beast finally rips its way out the front of his slacks, smacking his partner in the chest. “OH, FUCKING WOW boss!” Justin’s package has completely mangled his briefs as his swelling balls can be seen as well. Freddie marvels at its size, it looks as if it is at least 10 or 11 inches in length and is incredibly girthy. The veiny sheath covering it entices the young man, as he feels it pulsing and leaking down his abs and onto his soaked briefs. The beast’s quads continue to grow as most of them can be viewed now. Even the hulk’s calves are starting to rip through his pants. “Want to see me destroy my shoes, Freddie?” He groans as the sound of leather being destroyed turns him off greatly. His growing feet burst out of both of them. Justin laughs and is clearly intoxicated by the rush of adrenaline and testosterone flowing through him. His chest is begging for mercy, his nipples are twice as big as they used to be and peering through the shirt fabric. His traps, now engorged and veiny, are slowly tearing his shirt at the neckline as his delts, trying desperately to grow, are fighting for freedom as well on the swelling behemoth. Freddie can also see and feel his partner’s inflating eight pack protruding against his own sweaty body. “OH SHIT...MMM...I am... going to savor...TTHHIISS...enn...uhh...enjoy the experience...ffuucckkeerr...” Justin shoves Freddie’s face into his chest as he puffs his chest out. The horny redhead feels his own cockhead finding its way out the side of his underwear and is throbbing wildly. It accidentally touches the hulk’s raging tool and appears to be mating with it. He is shocked to see that is swelling a bit and it nearly destroys his own briefs. “Wait...what is happening to my...” “HAHA! Oh yeah...I did forget to let you in on another secret of mine, didn’t I? Well, this hulk is ready to let his chest do the talking...” Justin gleefully feels his pecs ripping his shirt open, as the two bloated masses nearly touch his chin before dropping down a couple of inches to rest. The top three buttons go flying like rockets all over the closet. He then intentionally flexes his abs, causing the rest of his shirt to rip open. “RAWR! Gawd I always love it when my chest does that. AWW YEAH, I am getting the urge now to...ERRMMM...Let me see if I can...” Justin then tries to do a lat flare which causes his shirt to nearly disintegrate from the back, as he feels all of his expanding back muscles to rip the fabric completely off the top of his neckline. He can feel his glutes finishing off his briefs as they burst his pants open from his ass and continue swelling. Freddie has now started to nurse on the beast’s mammoth, veiny, furry tits. Justin picks him up in his arms to let him get a better position to focus on the hulk’s immense chest. He tears Freddie’s briefs off and lightly massages his ass with his thickening fingers on his right hand. “Remember when you were so intent on fucking me, Freddie?” “Oh? OH? Oh, my gawd Justin...I am not sure I am prepared to be...” He laughs a little as he slowly starts to shove each one of his fingers inside the redhead’s wet hole, one at a time. He then takes his left hand and tears the rest of Freddie’s pants, belt, and briefs off. What is left of his shirt is also tossed to the side. Justin has stopped growing for the time being. “Hey crazy man...stop nursing on me for a minute stud.” The lust in Freddie’s eyes can be seen when he looks up at the beast. Justin leans down to kiss him deeply on the lips before stopping after a few seconds. “I am actually not done Fred. This is me being controlled. I want to keep going, but I also want to know if you want to join me. When our cocks made contact, you saw what happened. You gained about another inch in size and length.” The younger stud seems to get what he is implying. “Do you even have to ask me again boss? Let’s fucking become gods and outgrow this place.” “I knew you would you said that. My cock wants to be inside you so badly. I promise I will be as gentle as I can.” Justin slowly squeezes his beast inside Freddie’s eager hole. The young stud feels a whole range of emotions overcoming his senses as the growing hulk’s huge member makes contact with his insides. There is a sense of euphoria he has never felt before, which Justin can also feel himself. He slowly starts to grind his partner, feeling Freddie’s hole melding to his cock and is slowly easing the tension from within. The changes will likely happen soon for the redheaded hulk-to-be. “You are such a good boy Freddie. We are ridiculously compatible; I am not even sure if I even need to cum inside you because I can definitely sense a yearning emanating from your body. The hunger for conversion and growth is so obvious.” “I really hope you are right. I assume that I am associating with Mr. H right now?” “HEH! Well, we are one with each other. He doesn’t actually talk any differently than I do. Basically, as you can tell, I am getting more intense, which by the way, I need to do this.” Justin is now expanding rapidly as the rest of his clothing is reduced to nothing but strips of fabric. He growls as he feels his cock being forced to slide out of his partner’s hole. He stares directly into the redhead’s eyes and smiles. It is as if he is giving permission to his partner’s body to start growing itself. He can hear Freddie groaning loudly now as he starts to feel himself swelling. “OH YEAH! That is my studly boy! Mr. H has waited too long to find his perfect suitor. Grow big enough so I can slip myself back inside you. I am wanting badly to fill you up.” “YES! GROW ME! I can feel my body surrendering over to it completely. The testosterone is accelerating at lightning speed Justin. I have godlike genetics, you know this already. I am ready to give up my normal life for this one. LET’S GO!” Freddie is expanding rapidly as he repositions himself on top of his older partner. He laughs maniacally as his legs start to press up against the closet. His huge cock grows bigger on top of Justin’s thick abdominal wall and his swelling ass quickly finds the hulk’s eager tool and swallows it inside his larger hole. Justin yells in delight as he begins fucking his growing partner in excitement as he continues to watch the redhead beasting out on top of him. Freddie’s gorgeous chest is ballooning so fast that it is making a lot of stretching noises. His abs are getting incredibly deep and cavernous to the point that you could probably shove a normal man’s hand between them. He has now put his thickening arms up along the ceiling and is intentionally trying to make it give way. Justin is grinning as he does this, as it makes him even more horny. “HAHA, we are so perfect for each other. I will wait to go full blown hulk until you are with me, if you know what I mean?” “AHH YEAH! I already feel so fucking big hulk man. Make me a giant, I want your hulk hormones destroying me.” Justin’s intense hunger to cum inside Freddie has accidentally caused him to grow even bigger as he feels himself pressing his huge feet up against the front of the closet. His partner is also growing again as he starts to arch his back down towards his hulkish partner. He is moaning loudly as he pushes up on the ceiling with his enormous back. It is starting to buckle under the power of his frame as several things begin to crash to the ground. “PUMP ME FULL JUSTIN!” With each thrust now, both of them grow exponentially bigger, causing the closet to completely give way as they find themselves starting to go through multiple floors of the building, debris sticking to their godlike muscles as they eventually find themselves outside in the cool springlike air. Their voices echo as they moan loudly causing the surrounding car alarms to go off. “OH FREDDIE! I think it is time for us to get out of here. We will have to find another company to work for from now on.” “Sounds about right Mr. H. This human vessel is now a party of two thanks to you.” The two muscle giants get up off the ground and feel the rest of the building collapsing around them. They start walking towards a wooded area in the distance in hopes of vanishing into the fog that has developed there. They can hear helicopters and emergency services behind them.
  2. "Jake, I did it.” “You did what?” “I spiked his food.” “You spiked your dad’s food with...what exactly?” “You know...the special ingredient.” “Huh? You put the GH enhancer in his food?” “Yep. Your wish might come true, Jake. I mean, I think it is a bit weird that you find my dad so sexy, but I suppose someone has to, right?” “Well, he is rather good-looking Randolph. I think the dad bod suits him well, but I suppose a bit more muscle could help too.” “Heh well don’t wait too long to see it happen goof. He is about to eat it.” The two young 21-year-olds laugh a bit before Randolph jokingly goes into the other room to act like he is doing something. Jake goes to sit down by Randolph’s very sexy 51-year-old father Harrison, who is wearing blue jeans, loafers, and a top with three small buttons that are below his neckline. He has a bit of a pudgy belly, but it is cute, according to Jake. Harrison’s body is covered in fluffy reddish-brown hair with a light dusting of gray mixed in. The middle-aged man has noticed his son’s friend looking at him on occasion and it makes him blush. As he sits at the bar with Jake, scarfing down the food in front of him, he pauses and lets out a few moans. He yells for Randolph to come in so he can talk to him, but there is no answer. He then looks over at Jake and makes a few comments. “Did Randy put something in my chicken, Jake? This tastes better than I remember it. Actually...oh...that sneaky boy has finally done it, hasn’t he?” With his arms now sitting on the bar counter, Harrison looks down at both of them and smiles as he watches his forearms start to swell beneath the fabric of his shirt. He moans deeply as it gives him a lot of pleasure. Jake is also looking at them. “This explains why he isn’t in here right now. He did this for you, didn’t he?” Jake reaches over and feels the veins swelling and growing. Harrison sighs as the young man’s touch feels so soothing. “Mmm...I think I am going to enjoy this quite a bit Jake.” He jumps up from his stool and stumbles a little bit before getting his bearings again. He nervously laughs as he can now feel his legs growing inside his jeans. “Ahh...so this is what it feels like when you become a hulk. I hope I can give you a great show young man.” Jake joins him as he nearly falls over trying to stand up so he can watch in eagerness. Harrison’s biceps, triceps, and shoulders are now bulging. Massive veins pulse beneath the middle-aged man's sleeves. The 21-year-old slowly runs his hands along the growing beast’s swelling arms for a few seconds before leaning down to lick Harrison’s left bicep. The older man moans loudly. “Oh, fucking yes Jake. This is almost better than sex. Heck, this feels like sex to me.” His traps and delts are expanding now, as he grunts leaning his neck back to show it widening for his partner. The veins visible beneath the skin. He pulls Jake up to him as he feels his chest swelling as well. “I am becoming a beast for you Jake. I really loved this top too, but I am more than willing to hulk out of it for you. I am getting so much pleasure out of this, and I know that you are too.” The expanding outline of Harrison’s growing pecs is making Jake so horny that he is now reaching down to rub his own crotch with one hand and is feeling the 51-year-old's chest with the other. “I have fantasized about this for so long Mr. Jackson. You are so freaking gorgeous.” Harrison looks into Jake’s eyes and then leans over to slowly kiss the young man on the lips. He puts his arms around him and moans as he feels his huge biceps ripping through the fabric. Jake is transfixed on them as they stop kissing. The older man can feel his lower half straining in his jeans now as well. After a few seconds, the seams on them start popping loudly, making Harrison sigh in pleasure, feeling his quads blowing up in size. “Ahh, this feels so exhilarating Jake. Don’t call me Mr. Jackson anymore. We are way beyond that now. I will be Harris to you from now on. Mmm...fuck the anticipation of seeing what my huge upper body is going to look like is...” He is incredibly excited when he notices just how thick his pecs are getting. His belly has now vanished completely as his impressive six-pack can now be seen just beneath his shirt. He positions Jake to the side of him as the young admirer can feel one of Harrison’s forearms finally tear free from its sleeve. The older beast’s top is now struggling to stay intact as a few seams rip along his traps. He leans over to kiss Jake again. “Mmm...you are a great kisser, Jake; you know that don’t you?” He takes one of the young man’s hands and puts it over his growing package. The raging beast is about to burst from its confines. “I think it is a great time for you to meet my baby maker. He is getting so BIG!” Harrison grunts loudly as his cock bursts through the zipper on his jeans. He puts Jake’s hand over top of it so he can feel it as it swells even larger. He then rips his jeans open in the front so that his ballsac can also continue to expand. Jake moans as he caresses the beast in his hands, feeling the veins bulging against his fingers. “Oh yeah Harris, it is getting so huge. I am getting so freaking turned on.” “You are actually making my balls swell bigger and heavier by saying these horny things, Jake. I fucking love how much you are enjoying this.” Harrison has now positioned his massive furry quads to where his ballsack continues to expand as it starts to hang even further down between his immense thighs, his testicles swelling to the size of tennis balls. His glutes have also grown to nearly twice their size as well. Jake passionately kisses Harris’s huge veiny arms as he begins to stroke the older man’s huge rod. Harris moans in pleasure as he feels his chest getting even bigger as his top tries to stretch to accommodate his new size. He is now growing a lush, brownish-red beard with gray strands in between each luscious hair. Jake has now started to lick Harris’s big, protruding nipples on his shirt. The two swollen furry mounds of flesh are still somehow being contained within, but they are slowly rising to the sexy beast’s chin. Harris gleefully laughs as Jake chews on both of his tits as the pleasure sends his mind to places, he never thought it would go. He is leaking profusely onto Jake’s hand that is still playing with his tool. “Haha, don’t you worry Jake. I won’t forcefully rip my shirt on purpose...” As he says this, each of the buttons, one-by-one start to pop open, gradually revealing parts of his engorged, gloriously furry pectorals. He involuntarily bounces them, causing each sweaty manly balloon to start a small tear just beneath the last button. Jake sighs as he feels himself cumming in his pants. Harrison can see the anguish on his face, and he loves it. “I am loving that you are so hungry for my muscles, Jake. It is definitely fueling my lust for more.” Harrison’s back is shredding his shirt to pieces. Huge mounds of mountainous muscle emerge finally, revealing his delts and lats, which are growing thicker and wider with each second that passes. The big beast grunts as he slowly feels his abs starting to shred the bottom half of his shirt. His adonis belt has now ripped his jeans completely off his body as well. His swelling feet have also destroyed his loafers. “I am having trouble concentrating Harris. You are the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on.” “Keep watching me, Jake. My beautiful boys are wanting more attention as you can see.” Harrison has now placed both of the young man’s hands on his mammoth pecs and sighs as he feels them ripping his shirt open. The two heaving mounds glisten with intensity, his breathing labored but incredibly happy, as they drape over his swollen furry six-pack. His obliques are impressive as his gorgeously huge lats are now fully visible. Jake’s tongue quickly gets acquainted with Harrison’s erect nipples again, which are now pointing downward. The big beast laughs again as he feels an unbelievable amount of pleasure coursing through his body. “Oh, fuck yeah buddy. Mmm...daddy can never get enough of your appetite for me.” He yanks his tattered shirt off finally and is completely naked. He flexes his arms and chest a few times as Jake goes back to stroking the huge beast with one of his hands. “Ah, good boy. You want to make hulking Harris cum... That is such a smart decision you are making. How long have you wanted to make me cum Jake?” “For so long, Harris. You have no idea.” “Oh yeah? So, turning me into the man of your dreams, the muscle fucking daddy of your dreams is just a part of it? Mmm...I will feed you so much of my cum, don’t you worry.” Jake continues to stroke Harris’s huge one-eyed monster with authority, hearing the big guy moaning in delight, his body dripping in sweat. The young man is intoxicated by Harrison’s manly scent as he runs his tongue along the huge beast’s incredible abdominal cavity on up to his meaty pecs, sucking lovingly on each one of them as he stares up and smiles at the huge beast’s face. Harris hugs him in a strong embrace while letting his admirer have some control. “You are such a great worshipper, my boy. I think you should now move that mouth of yours down to little Harris, because he is getting ready to give you a real treat.” “Sure, thing boss. It looks so huge though, I don’t know how I can please him.” “Heh don’t worry about it Jake. He doesn’t take too much coaxing to get a rise out of him.” The young man takes a few moments to look at Harrison’s impressive equipment, staring at his thick furry bush, kissing his thick veiny shaft, and running his tongue on his meaty head. Harris sighs and laughs every time his partner flips his cock up and down. “Ahh, I’m glad you are having fun with him Jake.” Jake’s foreplay is driving the older man wild, and he loves how it is putting him on edge. It is making his testicles grow even bigger as they start to pump more cum into Harrison’s prostate. He is now starting to push the young man down on his swollen beast. Jake nervously tries to resist, but it is not happening as Harrison’s strong hands are too much. “Mmm...I can feel my seed starting to pump into my cock Jake. Drink up, my boy.” He can hear the 21-year-old gagging as his powerful load flows both down his throat and out the sides of his mouth. His neck muscles appear to be stretching a bit, as if his body is trying to adapt to what is happening. Harrison moans as he watches Jake trying to keep some kind of composure as he continues to get abused by the beast’s incredible white flood. “GOOD BOY! You are such a trooper. I wonder what is going to happen to you when I am done filling every part of your insides with my DNA. Are you going to resist it Jake?” After several more jets of cum leave his swollen balls, enter his thick cock, and escape down Jake’s sore throat, he lets go of the exhausted young man as he feels his emptied rod leaving his partner’s mouth. It dribbles several strands of fluid down onto Jake’s-soaked red t-shirt and black pants. He is now trying to catch his breath, gasping for air, but appears okay. Harrison picks him up off the floor and embraces him again, holding him close against his huge chest. Jake has now put his hands on the big beast’s arms and is caressing them. They are both smiling at each other. “Uhh...whew...Harris...I thought I was going to die. I am so overloaded with your cum, I can hardly breathe.” “I wonder what will happen next buddy. I want you to grow big and strong like me. Isn’t that what you want too?” Jake pauses to think about it and is getting an uneasy feeling. He has always admired muscle growth on other men but has never considered it for himself. His mind got swept up by Harrison’s incredible transformation and he wanted to look at and feel his older crush’s muscles, which did happen, thanks to his friend Randall. Speaking of his close friend, he now wonders where he is hiding. “With all of this happening to you, I completely lost track of where Randy is.” “Why do you care where he is at right now, Jake? Heh, your attention should only be on me, right?” They can hear someone groaning down the hall. Clearly, it is Randall, but he sounds like he is in a bit of pain. Harris has an idea of what is going on and tells him to come into the room to join them. “RRAANNDDYY...Did you get jealous of Big Harris and have to get big like him too? Come in here so we can see you hulkout as well.” The 21-year-old redhead slowly walks in. He is wearing a white tee and yellow shorts. His body has already started to grow as his quads and calves look quite a bit larger than they were before all of this started. His cock is tenting heavily in his shorts and his arms are getting huge and veiny. “OHH FFUUCCKK...I couldn’t resist the urge to take it, Jake. I didn’t realize it would make me feel so good either! I just crave size so much now.” “You are such a good boy, Randy. Our DNA is geared for hugeness. Just let it overtake your senses and enjoy the ride.” The young beast moans loudly as his glutes start ripping out of the back of his shorts. He stares and smiles at Jake as his pecs inflate, stretching his tee to the point that it is practically painted on his chest. His huge six-pack is also visible beneath his shirt as his lats start ripping through the sides. He is panting with excitement. “I want you to grow so bad too Jake. You have to join us; this feels so fucking amazing. I love the feeling of just...RRWWRR...” Randy’s swelling cock bursts through the front of his shorts with ease as his junk is in full view. It looks very similar to how his father’s cock looks, as his ballsack also expands to nearly twice its size. “Oh, well I see that my genetics have been passed down to you, son. Heh, I imagine you are going to need help with that in a little bit, right?” “I do dad, but I want Jake to be the one to make me cum. Mmm...the thought of him taking my load on top of yours pops is something I want to see. It has to mean that he will turn into a grotesque muscle monster.” The young growing beast has now walked over to join the other two as he gets ready to show them both his immense chest. Harris grunts as he sees his son’s shirt starting to rip. He is now stroking Randy’s huge cock as Jake starts to feel himself losing control. They both can sense it. “Good boys. I can’t wait to see you blow your load inside Jake, Randall. He is going to realize just how special he really is.” “Oh fuck, I can’t wait dad. RAWR! Yeah, chest fucking GGRROOWW!!” Harrison yells in delight watching Randy’s chest swelling bigger beside him, now completely exposed and covered in a nice fluffy layer of reddish fur. His shorts are now ripping off his swelling legs as his shirt is in tatters. He moans feeling his dad getting him close to the edge. “Fuck...I am going to cum. Get your mouth down there Jake, start drinking up, and get to growing already.” Randy rubs his big chest as he feels the cum start to flow from his big cock. Jake catches some of it in his mouth as he starts moaning deeply, feeling things happening to him all over his body. He can hear both other huge beasts grunting as they can see him swelling. The young man came in wearing a red tee shirt, black shorts, white briefs, and a pair of sandals. After savoring several shots of his friend’s cum, Jake stands back up and begins to embrace his growth. He stares down at his legs and calves and watches in amazement as they begin to explode in size. Father and son are sighing under their breaths. He can feel his cock expanding rapidly as well as his shorts are already starting to shred under the raw power of his muscularity. He can feel his confidence building in his head as the growth moves up into his upper half. His sandals are no match for his enlarged feet as they explode open. Harris and Randy yell in pleasure as the two beasts are loving how much bigger Jake is getting. They can hear his back cracking as it appears he is getting even taller. His shirt rises a little further up his chest as parts of his pelvic floor and lower abs begin to expand quickly. He moans in delight feeling his shorts ripping along the waist, exposing the top part of his briefs. Randy can see his friend’s huge cock trying to get free. “Come over here beside me Harris. You are responsible for creating this monster.” He Looks over at Randy. “Randy...I think my cock wants to play with you.” With just a few grunts, Jake’s enormous cock tears the rest of his shorts open as they fall to the floor behind him. His briefs are now the only things attached to his lower half, but that likely won’t last much longer either as he continues to expand. His glutes are swelling rapidly as well as he looks over at Harris and grins. He can feel his arms, back, and chest swelling now. “You are going to be the most beautiful monster I have ever laid eyes on Jake.” “You think so Harris? How big should I get?” “Oh, as big as possible buddy.” Randy is now working his cock over, which appears to be making his ballsack grow even bigger. “OH YEAH RANDY! Keep doing that, I will make you want to grow even more.” He looks over at the huge middle-aged beast and stares at him with intensity as his pecs and arms inflate in succession with each other. He grunts as Harris moans with pleasure watching them growing. “I don’t think you are going to be able to wear anything we can get for you Jake. You are going to...” Jake is now laughing as his bloated pecs easily rip through his shirt. His huge, bulbous shoulders, mammoth traps, and engorged triceps follow afterwards, as he continues to grow even bigger. “I am not worried about clothing right now Harris. I just want to keep growing. I have never felt this good in my entire life.” “Whoa, I don’t doubt that for a second stud.” He is now flexing his biceps, watching in amazement as they stretch bigger beneath his skin. He is guessing that they are as big as softballs but thinks maybe they won’t stop inflating. He then moans as his pecs continue to get wider and more powerful, pushing his arms further away from his body. His shirt is now only attached to his neck as it gets ready to destroy the fabric with its immense girth. “You think I am done growing, boss?” “I don’t know Jake, are you?” The hulking beast, who must be upwards of 325 pounds at this point, flexes his back, flaring his lats, touches Harris’s own amazing body and makes him swoon in pleasure. The older beast is now beating on Jake’s abs, which are rock hard and have somehow formed into a gorgeous ten-pack. He smiles as he continues to stare at his crush and leans over to kiss him on the lips. His cock is throbbing as he gets ready to drown his best friend in his own special sauce. “I can feel my cum rushing through my balls Randy. You ready to join the monster club?” “You better fucking believe I want to keep growing Jake. Make me forget what I look like now.” Jake laughs as he starts to spray his close friend in his cum serum. Randy gets incredibly excited as he anticipates that another growth spurt will happen at any second. He closes his eyes, stands up and starts breathing heavy, his chest heaves as he scoops several piles of spunk off his big muscles and downs them into his mouth. He doesn’t know if it must be consumed or not. “Ahh...I want to be big like you Jake so badly. My very existence depends on it right now. I am big, but I must be bigger...taller...fucking hung like a horse...” “I think you will know it when it gets to your...” Randall opens his eyes and starts to moan as he looks down and sees his cock getting even bigger. It is now nearly a foot long as his ballsack expands as well. He starts stroking himself again, feeling his forearms and biceps expanding larger and fuller than before. He is giddy with excitement as his chest begins inflating again, draping even further over top of his huge abs. He is now pressing himself up against Jake as they squeeze their giant pecs together and smack cocks, trying to see who the bigger beast is. His spine cracks a few times as he feels himself getting taller and adding even more muscle to his colossal back. Harrison loves seeing both young men fooling around with each other but is a bit jealous of their incredible massiveness. Both have eclipsed over 300 pounds, and he wants to join in on the fun, but he wonders how he will get there now. After Jake has a bit of a tug of war with his friend Randall, he composes himself for a minute or so and walks back over to the hunky mature beast and smiles. “We have gotten to a critical point in our growth journey Harris. You and Randy toyed with me this entire time about becoming a hulk and you both succeeded. I gave your son the tools to match me in godlike proportions but guess what.” Harris realizes what must happen now. He is a little bit nervous about it, but then again, he realizes that it isn’t that big of deal once he thinks about it. “Oh well fuck Jake. My beautiful boy must provide his old man with the family’s own growth formula by way of his godlike cock. Yeah, I think I can do it this once.” “Heh good, because I am sure that Randy has been wanting to blast you this entire time. He is acting like an insane beast at this size.” “I know you are my dad, but in this one instance, I have to think of you as some fucking gorgeous hunk that I want to grow for my own pleasure. Hope you understand that pops.” “Randall, fucking do it. I want to play with Jake just as much as you do.” The young hulk strokes his cock with both of his hands vigorously and points it in his father’s direction. He is about to do something he never thought he would ever do. Harris can already feel some of his son’s precum hitting his face. It makes him shutter as he hears Randy revving up. The streams of cum begin coating his chest and down his legs as he sticks his tongue out to catch some of the white rain. Jake is heard off to the side grunting, knowing that he will be getting the hulking mature dreamboat that he has always wanted. Randy finishes spraying his cum all over his father as he walks back over towards his fellow 300+ pound hulk and smacks his ass. Jake smacks him back and acts like he is about to tackle him again. Harris is still wiping cum off his body and is slurping it off his fingers. He chuckles a few times. “I gotta say son...you do taste pretty good. You are never going to shove that thing inside me though. I can promise you that.” “That is the same for you dad. Let’s see you beast out now.” Harris is now feeling his body start to grow again. He grins as he feels his cock getting bigger as it starts to look a lot like his son’s. He then hears his own spine cracking as he feels himself adding at least a few inches to his height. He giggles in pleasure as his lats stretch even wider and his back muscles nearly double in size. The swelling hulk moans, staring directly into Jake’s eyes, as his furry chest inflates even larger, pecs thicker, meatier than before and his abs expanding even wider. “Mmm Jake...I am going to be so FUCKING MASSIVE! I feel like I can grow even more.” His quads are forcing him to stand at a different angle because they are getting so monstrously dense and wide. His massive cock dangles between both, dripping profusely, feeling such incredible pleasure as he continues to feel his body expanding. “Aww fuck...YEAH! Look at my arms Jake...my fucking cannons are still...GROWING!” Jake is practically drooling as he watches his daddy hulk’s biceps inflate to the size of soccer balls, veins as thick as garden hoses, and his triceps are now larger than most human’s legs. Harris agonizes as his forearms stretch to equally supernatural sizes. He is much bigger than the two younger muscle freaks and he is loving every minute of it. “I am now back to being the dominant beast in this house boys. Now come over here my beautiful Jake and let me have my way with you.” “With pleasure daddy hulk. I will savor every minute I spend with you from now on.” Jake stomps over to Harris and they embrace, kissing each other longingly as Randy looks on. Jake looks at him and tells him to come join them for a little roughhousing. He smiles and decides that he will join them for that, but no sex with his dad. Jake understands and they start to play strength games with each other including arm wrestling, putting fists through walls, and whatever else they feel like doing. The house they are in will not survive the three hulks because they now feel like they have outgrown it. Between the three of them, they weigh well over 1000 pounds, and they are filled with tons of testosterone. Randy does watch his dad and Jake have sex with each other, and in a way, it does turn him on, but he must remember that this 400+ pound behemoth with his best friend is his father. He will get his turn with Jake as well, and they take turns plowing him. The extreme growth between them has ended. Now they will have to figure out what they will be doing once the house is in complete disarray, as these three will need to satisfy their hunger in just a short amount of time. For now, though, the three hulks are going to enjoy their newfound size and strength.
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