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  1. Miałem niedawno bardzo dziwną serię fantazji które postanowiłem tu zapisać w formie złożonej, wieloczęściowej historii. Czemu po polsku? Po pierwsze... chciałem być autorem pierwszego polskiego opowiadania MG na tym forum, nawet jeśli przeczyta je tylko parę osób. Po drugie, historia którą wymyśliłem jest BARDZO polska. Wszystko kręci się wokół dresów! W pierwszym odcinku nie dzieje się zbyt wiele, ale mam już przygotowanę parę BARDZO mięsistych scen na kolejne części. ROZDZIAŁ 1 Widoki za oknem pociągu sunęły powoli w lewo. Nadal w powietrzu unosił się letni żar, jednak niektóre drzewa już zdawały się wiedzieć, że niedługo przyjdzie im zmienić barwę na złoto i brąz. Był początek września, a Sebastian Janecki nadal czuł w ustach smak urodzinowego tortu. 20 lat. Przede mną siódme niebo. A właściwie cały wrzesień na zaaklimatyzowanie się w nowej stancji. Akademik zamknęli na remont, więc teraz jego rodzice znaleźli ogłoszenie w gazecie, że jest gdzieś tanie mieszkanko, za grosze, na Warszawskiej Pradze Północ, tak że wystarczyło mu przejść na drugą stronę Wisły. Rodzice załatwiali mu dużo rzeczy. Pan Janecki był wójtem małej wsi Sterynin, więc małemu Sebusiowi nic nigdy nie brakowało. Jako jedynak mógł skupić na sobie całą miłość rodziców. Gorzej, że wyszedł przez to na straszną ciapę i niedojdę... Sebastian skupił wzrok z krajobrazu na własne odbicie w brudnej szybie pociągu. Zobaczył okrągłą, pyzatą i różową twarz przygniecioną parą ciężkich okularów w grubych oprawkach. Seba nie był przystojny, ale ludzie zawsze mówili mu, że wygląda miło i poczciwie, jak pluszowy miś. Miał krótkie, czarne, kręcone włosy, solidne brwi i ciemne, brązowe oczy. Jego dziadek od strony mamy był chyba Grekiem, albo Gruzinem, i przekazał wnukowi w genach trochę południowej urody. Sebastian i tak go nie poznał. Spojrzał trochę niżej i westchnął. Sebastian nie lubił swojego ciała. Wzrost był jeszcze ok, 173 cm mieściły go w ramach średniego wzrostu. Niestety, był przy tym drobny i chudy, dopiero niedawno nastoletni metabolizm zostawił go w spokoju i pozwolił mu odrobinę przytyć. Miał teraz mały brzuszek, a jego kości przykrył tłuszczyk, jednak Sebastian nie tego chciał. Sebastian chciał mieć mięśnie. Wiedział to od dawna. Zawsze gdy przebierał się na WFie w szatni, oglądał sylwetki swoich kolegów. Były to solidne chłopaki ze wsi, które musiały pomagać rodzicom na roli i w gospodarstwie. Z roku na rok robili się coraz szersi i silniejsi, kiedy Sebastian pozostawał kujonkiem niedojdą. Nie potrafił stwierdzić, czemu wtedy nie potrafił oderwać od nich wzroku, czemu rumienił się i chował przed resztą. Kiedy koledzy nazywali go pedałem, wypierał się wszystkiego i mówił, że to przez smród ich potu. Pewnie nawet sam starał się w to uwierzyć. Jednak życie postawiło przed nim dwa niezbite dowody: Pierwszym była transmisja zawodów Mr. Olimpia w telewizyjnej dwójce, w roku 1999. Sebastian zaczynał wtedy liceum. Gdy rodziców nie było w domu, on, późną nocą siedział przyklejony do telewizora, oglądając największych, najbardziej umięśnionych mężczyzn jakich tylko potrafił sobie wyobrazić. Prawdziwe bestie, tak ciężkie, że trzęsła się od nich scena. Przy każdej ich pozie Sebastian dosłownie ślinił się na koszulkę. Ich muskuły były tak wielkie, że dosłownie rozpychały się na ich ciałach, próbując wywalczyć sobie odrobinę miejsca. Gdy w końcu Ronnie Coleman otrzymał złoty medal, Sebastian czuł się absolutnie pijany. Nocą śnił o tym, że wielcy kulturyści komplementowali go, dotykali jego ciała, całowali i przytulali swoimi wyrzeźbionymi łapskami. Rano okazało się, że zmazał sobie całą pościel. Wtedy Sebastian był już pewien, że 1.Jest gejem 2.Chciałby być mięśniakiem 3.Chciałby mieć jeszcze większego mięśniaka za męża Drugie olśnienie przyszło do niego tuż po 18tce, w 2002. Sebastian przez przypadek znalazł podczas sprzątania kasety VHS podpisane po niemiecku. Z ciekawości wrzucił jedną z nich do odtwarzacza. Okazało się być to stare, dobre porno. Najpierw Seba zaczął się śmiać, potem umarł z żenady, że jego rodzice kupili sobie takie rzeczy, a potem... oglądał dalej. Jego uwagę przykuł mężczyzna na filmie - nosił on skórzaną kominiarkę, skórzaną uprząż i niewiele poza tym. Był też świetnie zbudowany - choć nie tak wielki jak kulturyści na Mr.Olympia, to jego włochate muskuły prezentowały się pysznie, gdy dominował pulchną, niemiecką blondynę, lub gdy przeciwnie - ulegał jej, pozwalając się smagać batem . Jego erekcja była przy tym tak wielka, że Sebastian zastanawiał się, jak on wogóle znajdował na nią miejsce w spodniach. W pewnym momencie przestał widzieć blondynę, a zamiast niej widział siebie - lepszego siebie, wspaniałego i wielkiego. Marzył, że to on jest karcony, chłostany i zapinany przez zamaskowanego włochacza, a potem role odwracają się, Seba podnosi go za uprząż nad głowę i zaczyna dominować go, miażdżyć mięśniami i ryczeć rozkazy i obelgi, gdy tamten wył z rozkoszy. Niestety, z tych marzeń nie wyszło nic. Sebastian 3 razy podchodził do trenowania na serio, zawsze rzucał to po miesiącu, gdy nie umiał zobaczyć żadnych efektów. Być może nie miał do tego genów. Skupił się więc na nauce. Ze wszystkich nauk wybrał sobie socjologię i starał się ze wszystkich sił, aby dostać się na wydział socjologii w Warszawie. Sebastian lubił ludzi, choć niespecjalnie lubił się do nich odzywać. Obserwował ich bardziej jak kolonię mrówek zza szyby, więc zawód socjologa wydał mu się idealny. Zza szyby mrówki nie mogły go pokąsać. W 2003 dostał się z marszu na uczelnię. W końcu pociąg stanął, a Sebastian wytoczył się z zestawem walizek na peron. Był stanowczo za słaby aby wziąć te wszystkie walizy na raz, ale chciał załatwić przeprowadzkę jak najszybciej. Przed nim widać było Warszawę Wschodnią - co było dość blisko do jego nowego mieszkania, ale spacer z takim obciążeniem był katorgą. No pięknie. Urządziłeś się, Sebuś, idealnie. Po chwili spaceru migające neony przerzedziły się, elewacja budynków pociemniała i pokryła się wulgarnymi grafitti. Wszystko wyglądało groźnie i obskurnie. Sceneria wyglądała jak z horroru i tylko sylwetka wszechobecnego Pałacu Kultury przypomniała mu, że nadal znajdował się w tym samym mieście. Po plecach Sebastiana przeszedł dreszcz, gdy jeszcze raz upewniał się, że jest na dobrej ulicy. Szlag, przynajmniej teraz wiedział, dlaczego mieszkanie było tak tanie. Choć w Unii byliśmy raptem od kilku miesięcy, to na efekty tego członkostwa trzeba będzie poczekać wiele lat, na samą Pragę Północ pewnie pójdą ciężkie miliardy. Sebastian na drugim końcu ulicy dojrzał grupkę karków i zdębiał. Trzech łysych bandziorów bardzo głośno dyskutowało przy butelkach Żywca, okutani kibolskimi flagami. To w sumie śmieszne. Jakby nie patrzeć, miał na imię Seba, jednak różnił się od typowego dresa praktycznie wszystkim. No i nikt nie mówił do niego Seba. Nigdy. Dresy też były wielkie, silne i w pewien sposób seksowne, ale strach przebijał jakąkolwiek żądzę jaką Sebuś mógłby do nich poczuć. Próba podrywu równałaby się z samobójstwem. Samo zbliżenie się równałoby się utratą telefonu i portfela. Zdecydował się więc obejść ich szerokim łukiem, idąc boczną uliczką. Po nadłożeniu parunastu minut drogi i taszczenia waliz, w końcu stanął przed właściwym adresem, pod starą, odrapaną kamienicą. Przy drzwiach wejściowych stał blady chłopak. Spoglądał gdzieś w przestrzeń ponad Sebastianem, miętoląc w ustach peta ze smętnymi resztkami papierosa. Był mniej-więcej w jego wieku, nosił ortalionowe spodnie i stary, lekko pożółkły podkoszulek. Wzrok Sebastiana przykuły odsłonięte ramiona tamtego gościa. Był on kościstym chudzielcem, tak samo jak Sebastian, jednak gdy ramiona Seby były delikatne i słabe jak rozgotowany makaron, ramiona palącego chłopaka składały się z ciasnej plątaniny żył i ścięgien, najgęściej skupionych na przedramionach, wędrujących w górę jego smukłych ramion, po zarysowanych bicepsach, znikając przy wystających dramatycznie obojczykach, tylko po to by opleść jego chudą szyję z widocznym jabłkiem adama. Sebastian poczuł dziwne napięcie patrząc na jego twarz. Była przystojna, lecz surowa, wpisana w trójkąt między kośćmi policzkowymi a spiczastym podbródkiem. Miał lekko germańską urodę - krótkie włosy strzyżone maszynką w kolorze jasnego blondu, dumnie zadarty nos i zimne, niebieskie oczy których wzrok starannie omijał zgarbionego Sebastiana. Jaka szkoda... Tego dresa nie mógł w tej chwili - ale też nie chciał - ominąć. Przez chwile stali tak w milczeniu, blady dresik palił, Sebastian garbił się pod ciężarem walizek z ubraniami i sprzętami, nie potrafiąc odezwać się do chłopaka, o którym nie potrafił myśleć inaczej niż "piękny." W końcu ów piękny dres chrząknął i w końcu spojrzał w stronę Sebastiana: "Ta?" burknął. "Nooo taaa co...? A w sensie... Ja tutaj do mieszkania. Z umową." Blady chłopak westchnął, krzywiąc się. "A więc to ty będziesz teraz wynajmować pokój? Troche sie pospieszyłeś, bo mamy jeszcze nie ma." Sebastian zamrugał, zdziwiony. "Mieliśmy podpisywać umowę..." "No ale mama jest jeszcze w robocie. Nie wyczaruje ci jej." Blady dresik burknął i wrócił do miętolenia resztek papierosa. "Mogę chociaż wejść i się rozpakować?" Zapytał Sebastian, powoli kierując się w stronę wejścia. Blady zastawił mu drogę. "Ej, ej, ej! Gdzie ty się pchasz?" "Chciałbym wejść do środka." "Bez umowy? Niby po co?" Sebastian zmarszczył brwi. Uroda urodą, ale blondas okazywał się być niezłym dupkiem. "Bo mi ciężko z tymi walizami." Blady dresik zmierzył go wzrokiem od stóp do głów. Przez chwilę zdawał się coś kalkulować, jednak po chwili odstąpił przejście: "No na siłacza nie wyglądasz. A takie grzeczne kujonki jak ty raczej nie kradną." Sebastian nie miał nawet sił się obrazić, tylko wtoczył się z walizami na obskurny korytarz. Nagle rozległo się szczekanie. Zza rogu wypadła radosna kulka brązowego futra która zaczęła wściekle obwąchiwać i łasić się do nóg Seby. Student uśmiechnął się i machinalnie zaczął drapać kundelka po główce. Blady uniósł brwi, a na jego wąskich ustach po raz pierwszy pojawił się lekki uśmiech: "No proszę. Kapeć cie lubi, a ta łajza warczy na byle-kogo. Chyba jednak jesteś w porządku." Z tymi słowy wziął od Seby jedną z walizek - jego niewielki biceps napiął się przy tym elegancko - a drugą rękę skierował w jego stronę. Najwidoczniej "Test Psa" został zdany: "Jestem Mateusz, ale ludzie mówią mi Siwy." "Sebastian." Student odwzajemnił uścisk dłoni. Mateusz uśmiechnął się szerzej: "Seba? Naprawdę? Nie gadaj!" "Taaa, to imię średnio do mnie pasuje." Sebastian uśmiechnął się słabo. Mieszkanie było małe, ale wystarczające dla jednej osoby. Główny pokój, kuchnia, łazienka, przedpokój. Pokoik miał sklejkową meblościankę z poprzedniego systemu, mały telewizor i biurko, turecki dywan oraz potężną, zabytkową kanapę z ciemnego dębu, która musiała służyć tu za łóżko. Wszystkie ściany były w kolorze mentolowej zieleni, od której Sebastianowi robiło się niedobrze. "Okej. Czuj się jak u siebie." Siwy kiwnął głową na całą tą skromiznę, patrząc jak Sebastian powolutku otwiera swoje walizy: "No a teraz regulamin." "Czytałem regulamin." Sebastian wzruszył ramionami wyciągając starannie złożone ubrania. Część Seby bardzo chciałaby, aby chudzielec już sobie poszedł. Druga część, ta spychana i ignorowana, chciała aby został jak najdłużej. "Wolę ci go powtórzyć. Jak masz jakieś zwierzaki, idzie kaucja. Jak coś zepsujesz, idzie kaucja albo płacisz za szkody. Jak sprowadzisz na mieszkanie psiarnię, idzie grzywna..." "Już mówiłeś o zwierzętach." "Jezu, o policji gadam, nie zgrywaj debila." Siwy wywrócił oczami i wrócił do wyliczania na palcach: "Jeśli coś nam zwędzisz, grzywna. Jeśli będziesz palić wewnątrz, grzywna. Jeśli zarysujesz podłogę, kaucja. Jak zgubisz klucz, kaucja." "Dużo tych kaucji..." mruknął Sebastian niepewnie. "To jest Praga-Północ. Ludzie potrafią tu odwalać takie cuda, że by ci oko zbielało." Mateusz zaśmiał się wrednie. "A jeśli... Nie będę mieć kasy na grzywnę?" "To zdobędziesz?" "A ... Jak nie zdobędę?" Dopytywał Seba nieśmiało. "To będziesz kurwa łamany." Wredny uśmieszek Matiego zrobił się szerszy, uniósł ramiona i strzelił głośno knykciami, tak że chude mięśnie na jego przedramionach zagrały pięknie. Nie dało się stwierdzić, czy żartował, czy mówił na serio. "Złam mnie proszę" odezwał się zdradziecki głosik w głowie Sebastiana, zezującego na te knykcie. On sam jednak tylko skinął głową. Pani Danuta Pyziak-Miller okazała się być dużo milszą osobą od swojego synalka. Po podpisaniu umowy w kuchni, gdzie wokół matki kręcił się jeszcze Kajtek - mały chłopczyk kropla-w-kroplę podobny do Siwego, zapewne brat, Sebastian otrzymał klucze do mieszkania i do skrzynki pocztowej. Czynsz był faktycznie niski. Mieszkanie Pyziaków znajdowało się naprzeciwko stancji, więc szansa, że będzie natykał się na pięknego złośliwca Mateuszka, była bardzo wysoka. Coś za coś. Zostało mu się tylko rozpakować. Dwie godziny później Sebastian czuł, że dla wszystkich ubrań, sprzętów i drobiazgów udało mu się znaleźć dobre miejsce. Została jeszcze jedna walizka z ubraniami na chłodniejsze dni. Sebastian wyjmował bluzę za bluzą, póki zwały ubrań nie odkryły... małej paczuszki owiniętej w różowy papier urodzinowy. Sebastian nie pamiętał, żeby pakował coś takiego. Powoli chwycił ją w obie dłonie - była miękka. Rozerwał papier, z którego wypadła karteczka. "Jak już mieszkasz na Pradze, Seba, to musisz odpowiednio wyglądać! Sto lat, bandziorze! Wujek Staszek" Wujek był bratem ojca, który zawsze miewał dziwne pomysły i dość żenujące poczucie humoru. Zwykle pojawiał się tylko na rodziny i święta z naręczem dziwnych i niesmacznych prezentów, jak stringi dla babci czy koszulki z napisem "Piwo to moje paliwo". Właśnie tego typu koszulki spodziewał się Sebastian, jednak jego brwi uniosły się aż do linii włosów, gdy w paczce ujrzał grubą, czarną kominiarkę.
  2. “Perry, come over here to my cubicle. I promise you that you won’t regret it.” “What are you going on about Jai? Are you fantasizing again?” “Oh, I don’t think it is a fantasy anymore my friend. I think it is about to become a reality.” Over the past few months, the two office coworkers began bonding over their love of muscle and how they would love to just start growing after a long shift to let off some steam. Perry turns the corner and notices that his Indian friend is looking a bit sweaty. “What is going on? Did you take something to make you sweat like this?” “Heh, uhm maybe? I may have gotten a hold of a secret drinky drink that may turn a puny little man like me into a competition ready beast.” He shows his buddy a bottle that he was drinking out of and shakes it a little, making it make a sloshing sound. “Oh? OHH! You are really going to do this here in the office?” “Mmm hmm. It doesn’t matter anyway, does it? You will get to see me grow and become a huge hulk. Then maybe...” “Oh, my gawd, you don’t have to finish that sentence.” Jai smiles as he feels his muscles starting to swell beneath his dress shirt and pants. He can feel his feet straining in his shoes as he stands up and looks around. Perry tries to hide his growing erection, but his cute Indian coworker knows that he is getting excited. He takes his glasses off and puts them on his desk. “You don’t have to date a stereotypical skinny Indian IT guy anymore Perry. I will be your big hunky daddy and...err mm... ahh I think I am getting bigger down below.” They both look down at Jai’s swelling member, which is slowing moving down one of his expanding quads. The Indian is now starting to grip the sides of his cubicle, the veins in his hands are growing larger as they protrude up into his thickening forearms. Perry is starting to leak down his leg, leaving a wet spot in his own pants. “I... uhm...I shouldn’t want this to happen to you but...mmm...I do.” “I know what you want Perry. I want it too. I can already feel my testosterone levels increasing in my brain. Look how close I already am to bursting out of my clothes. I am starting to feel how big I am getting. This material does have some give to it, but enjoy how I look right now in them. This is all for us. Nobody else will ever have to know because they probably won’t recognize me after tonight.” The growing Indian manages to stop his transformation for the time being so he can let Perry take in the sights. He lets his coworker run his hands all over his sweat-stained shirt and pants, feeling each curve and pulsing vein, sighing as he tries to control his breathing and contain his excitement. It is clear that Jai has gained at least 30 pounds of muscle so far onto what was once a very slender frame. He leans in to plant a strong kiss on Perry’s lips, as they both embrace for a couple of minutes, letting his partner enjoy his warm body as his body hair thickens and he moans softly as he feels his facial hair growing and the hair on his head falls off onto the floor. “MMM...you are already so fucking sexy Jai. I can feel how round your pecs and biceps are getting through your shirt. Your handsome face is so much more manly now with the beard and the bald head.” “Heh, thank you cutie. This is fine if you wanted to be just a physique competitor, but I want to look like one of the big boys though. This is also fine if you want to appeal to the ladies too, but I want you, Perry, and I know that you want a lot of thick caramel beef to hold on to and play with.” Jai smiles as he puffs his chest out making a couple of the buttons fly off the top of his shirt. He then grunts as he hears some of the fabric ripping on his sleeves as his swollen biceps are partially freed. The top part of his growing pec shelf is visible now and making Perry lose his composure. “Ahh...that feels a little better. Oh, my guns are looking pretty good, but I need to make them bigger. I can feel my legs...” Jai’s swelling quads are now blasting the seams on his pants open. His bloated ass follows as it rips its way out of his underwear and starts to reveal itself as well. Perry is rubbing on the Indian’s huge tool, which is straining inside the fabric. Jai wants to flex so much as he feels his confidence building rapidly, but he can’t help but to revel in the feeling of hulking out of his clothing. “I think maybe you should move back a little for me Perry so I can outgrow this tiny space. Daddy Jai is ready to emerge and demand some more attention. Err...mmm...oh it feels so damn good...” Perry moves back a few steps as Jai grunts loudly feeling his entire body growing even larger. His feet blast through his shoes and socks as his thickening torso becomes too much for his shirt and it begins to rip in multiple spots. He growls in pleasure as his back splits his shirt down the middle and his lats start to flare wider, causing seams to rip. His pants are now being massacred by his expanding quads and his dick is starting to tear itself out the side of the fabric. “Oh, fuck Jai...I have dreamt of this before. Watching you turn into the man of my dreams is everything that I have ever wanted.” “Heh heh, I am going to be ready to step on a stage when I am done here babe. Look at how amazingly huge and striated I am getting. I can feel my abdominal wall getting so incredibly deep and wide.” He walks forward and moans as he big furry pecs become too much for his shirt and they launch a few more buttons across the cubicle. He barks as he bounces them and lifts his arms up into the air to feel his shirt literally rip open as he does a double bicep for Perry. His huge 22” cannons are now on full display as they rise in the air and harden, showing off their impressive vascularity. His partner marvels at his cavernous pits, which are filling to the brim with thick black fur. “I am... practically speechless Jai. You are so incredibly beautiful and massive.” The huge Indian bodybuilder stops posing for a few seconds to reach down and rip off his pants and his shirt. He then starts flexing his chest and legs for Perry, trying to emulate the huge beasts that he has idolized for quite some time. His big cock is now erect and leaking onto the floor. The cubicle is almost too small for the two men, but he is enjoying the fact that he has grown so much. “Am I big enough for you now Perry? I want you to put your hands all over me.” The stunned coworker is now rubbing his hands all over Jai’s impressive abdominal cavity and his huge heaving caramel-colored pecs as the big man leans down to kiss him again. He moans deeply as he picks him up in his arms to hold him against his huge body. They stay in this position for several minutes, exchanging saliva and enjoying each second together. He puts him back down and turns to let Perry see the back side of him. “Oh, my gawd Jai, you are mind-bogglingly gorgeous. What an incredible ass you have. Those hamstrings are really striated and I love your calves too.” “Yeah, I know. I think I have achieved the body I have always wanted.” He turns back around and kicks his shoes off to the side. He then turns to put his glasses back on, which are practically painted to his face now. He laughs. “Hmm, well I think I will need a new pair. These are about to snap in two with my muscular head.” Perry is petting his tool lovingly as he also gets more acquainted with his Indian partner’s incredibly huge well-developed quads, squeezing them with his hands. Jai can feel his balls getting really swollen and knows that he needs to release his boys really soon. He takes his glasses off again and puts them back on the desk as he also reaches for the bottle of whatever he was drinking earlier. “I saved some for you babe. I was not about to do this alone. I want to share my bodybuilding adventure with you, so we can both take over the competitions and make the other guys wish they were as huge as we are.” Perry takes the bottle from Jai’s hand and looks inside it. The aroma of the concoction permeates his nose and goes straight into his brain. He nearly falls over when the Indian beast reaches out to keep him up. He laughs a bit. “Whoa there Perry. I forgot to tell you that it had a strong smell. In case you didn’t notice, it has cum in it. It came from a warlock who is known to help out those who he deems worthy. He heard about us and felt that we deserved to be given this gift.” “A warlock? Hmm, I don’t know...uhm...damn it...I won’t be able to resist though. My mind is at war with what this stuff is already doing to me mentally.” He looks into Jai’s beautiful hazel eyes and starts to down the substance from the bottle. The huge beast pulls him into his arms again as Perry slowly strokes the huge hunk’s cock and finishes drinking the mixture. He throws it off to the side as the bottle hits one of the cubicles walls. “I have really strong feelings for you Jai. The prospects of being a huge bodybuilding champion alongside you is something I would definitely be willing to share. I think maybe we could take turns winning every other year.” Jai leans down to kiss him on the lips again as he squeezes his biceps and hands against his partner’s back. He can hear Perry groaning softly. The smaller man has stopped stroking his partner and has his hands and arms around the beast’s thick waist and is gripping his huge muscular lower back. They stop kissing so he can concentrate on his growth. “I was expecting it to hurt a lot, but I am feeling my muscles aching and straining. Deep down I feel like I am on the verge of exploding in size. I guess I just want it really badly.” “Oh, I know you do babe. You are probably going to make me cum when you outgrow that outfit. I am falling in love with you Perry. Watching you grow into your true form is everything I want from you and more.” Perry is now starting to feel his body swelling as his pants start to stretch slowly against his expanding quads and glutes. Jai has his hands over top of his partner’s ass, feeling it thicken against his fingers. He is moaning as he softly kisses Perry’s twitching neck, noticing that his coworker’s face is getting more defined as his facial hair starts to grow out as well. “Ahh...you were not wrong when you said that it feels even better once you start to feel your muscles testing the limits of your clothes. I am going to have a massive upper body; I can feel it.” Perry’s inflating arms and chest are starting to cause the fabric on his shirt to make creaky noises. He is toying with the growth as he lets go of Jai to show him what he looks like. His pecs and abs are practically painted onto his shirt as he stares at his arms in shock. He knows if he even flexes that the sleeves will likely burst open. Jai is incredibly turned on and is about to shoot his load. “OH BABE! If you already look this hot at this size, I just don’t know what I will...” “Yeah! I want you to cum all over me beautiful. Big Perry is going to make his entrance.” The growing hunk grunts as his quads start to shred his pants. His huge throbbing tool amazingly tears through the fabric as well as it starts to leak profusely. He gleefully starts to flex his arms, staring at them one at a time, watching as they blast through the sleeves, each bicep rising thicker and beefier. The fur on his body has greatly increased, as the front of his shirt struggles to stay intact under the weight of his bloated hairy pecs. Jai is now cumming all over Perry’s shirt and pants, making him yell “YEAH!” multiple times. He can feel his huge ass splitting his pants in the back as his huge delts and lats are slowly ripping seams as well. He can feel his feet tearing through his shoes as he looks down and marvels at how much he is growing. “I didn’t think I would ever look like this. Oh, my gawd, my chest is getting so fucking thick, I LOVE IT!” Perry moans as he feels his huge chest ripping the fabric on his shirt in multiple places. His huge round hairy melons gradually emerge as his thick abdominals burst through the bottom buttons on his top. He laughs as his huge muscular waist tears his pants apart, falling to where his immense cock is, holding them up with its strength. “Keep coating me with your thick cum Jai. It just makes me want to get even bigger. I love feeling the fabric ripping on my muscles and how this stuff inside me is building up my confidence.” The Indian hulk says, “Bigger Babe” a few times, making Perry moan loudly as he says, “Yeah...more...MORE...I love your fucking voice, Jai.” feeling his back getting larger and thicker, pulling his shirt apart as it sticks to his immense frame. He can feel Jai’s cum still hitting his chest, rolling down in between his massive pec forest and onto his thick cock. He reaches down to pull his mangled pants off his tool and tosses them over to Jai, who laughs. Perry is now gripping the sides of the cubicle now as he sighs, still feeling his arms growing. “I am growing into a muscle monster beautiful, but I don’t think you care, do you?” “OH, FUCK NO babe! You clearly are the dominant one, and I am okay with that.” Perry’s huge pecs are growing even wider as his shirt looks like a second skin now. He pulls himself up like he is doing a dip on the cubicle as it creaks. His arms are gigantic, full of garden-hosed size vascularity and tons of thick blackish-brown fur. His lats are on full display, flaring as he also has a thick forest of hair within his pits. Jai starts to mess with his partner’s huge muscles as he pulls the rest of Perry’s destroyed shirt off of him. The white beast gets down off the cubicle and grabs the Indian beast to pull him into his arms. They kiss each other deeply as Perry starts to shove his fingers into his partner’s wet hole. He reaches down with his other hand to keep stroking Jai’s wet tool as it continues to spill its seed. After a couple of minutes of teasing his partner’s anus, he lifts him up with his powerful arms and slides his thick cock inside the Indian’s eager hole. Jai lets out a few loud “AHHS” and grips the sides of the cubicle as Perry starts to grind him. They are completely unaware that they are being watched by the security guard, who is keeping his distance over by one of the other cubicles.
  3. TheWeremuscleForest

    Feeding My Gym Crush's Growth

    “Don’t be afraid to come into my apartment Murph. You have been eyeing me at the gym for literally months. I am fully aware that I am big and beautiful in your head. That is why I invited you over.” “I don’t know Ramon. I am so insecure with myself. I am so small compared to you and my shyness always gets the better of me.” “Just relax and take a deep breath, I think you are so adorable. I was getting so bored dating other guys that were huge like me. Me and you, we click. You have to understand that you can be attractive too.” “You think I am attractive?” “I think you are incredibly cute. Those first awkward days talking to me in the gym definitely made an impact. You were really struggling with those dumbbells, and I helped you use them with correct form. Then I had to help you up when you were having trouble getting off the leg press.” “Oh, yeah, I remember that first week. It was so embarrassing for me.” “Why? This is how friendships can form between two very attractive adult men.” Ramon is standing in his doorway wearing his cut-off shirt, showing off his hairy, thick, meaty biceps and triceps, big forearms, and pumped, round, insanely furry pecs. His big bulbous ass hugs his gym shorts well while his furry quads stretch the fabric to the very last stitch. He is gifted with incredibly large calves as well. The bearded Brazilian drove his American friend to his apartment because he has developed strong feelings for him, and he wants him to trust his intuition. Murph thinks he is being tricked, but is so smitten by the hunky bodybuilder, that he couldn’t resist not going to his place after the gym. The gorgeous South American beauty now has his hand out to hold his friend’s. He can him groaning under his breath. “Haha, take your time bro. I am not going anywhere tonight.” “I just...uh...my stupid anxiety.” “Okay, let me help you relax a little bit then.” Ramon steps out of his apartment to put his hands on Murph’s face and leans in to kiss him. The lanky 24-year-old with glasses, a black t-shirt, and matching black shorts is thrown off guard. He instinctively puts his hands on his friend’s thick black mane and starts petting it. Ramon loves it so much. He has now moved his hands down to Murph’s back and is holding him. “MMM...see buddy, I’m not faking this. This kiss was so good. Come in so we can get something to eat.” He puts one of his huge veiny arms around Murph’s waist and leads him inside. They are walking towards the kitchen. He lets go of his friend and tells him to go sit on one of the chairs in front of his island. He opens his fridge and starts pulling out a bunch of stuff he made the previous day. Most of it of course is extremely healthy food including chicken, eggs, salad, and an array of vegetables. “Wow, this is what I usually see on TikTok, Ramon. All the usual pro bodybuilder foods.” “Nothing wrong with that Murph. I think I can make us something good out of all of this.” As he starts preparing their meals, the Brazilian pulls his top off and tosses it over to a chair in the tv area located beside the kitchen. He looks over at his buddy and grins as he nonchalantly starts bouncing his pecs. Murph rolls his eyes for a few seconds but then smiles back. “Oh, so what if I do this then mister.” Ramon lifts one of his big arms up and starts to flex his left bicep, staring at it as it rises to 22”. He squeezes it hard and grunts making his forearm bulge as the veins swell. Murph does enjoy watching him do that. After a couple of seconds, he goes back to cutting vegetables and boiled eggs. “I do love a man who has worked hard to achieve such incredible size, Ramon.” “You are with one right now bro.” Murph’s need to go touch his upper body is getting the best of him. The South American beauty looks at him again and is smirking. “Come over here Murph. You can put your hands on me.” The much smaller, lighter-skinned man slowly gets out of his chair and moves around the island to start running his hands along Ramon’s huge chest and his muscle gut. He can hear the Brazilian beast sighing under his breath. “You enjoy it when I run my hands on your body?” He stops prepping the food again and reaches over to clasp Murph’s hands with his. “You clearly know how to use these, buddy. The way you touch my pecs and abs is...incredibly relaxing.” He pulls one of Murph’s hands up to his face and kisses it slowly. He can feel his friend starting to tremble with pleasure. Then he picks him up and sits him on the island, beside the food as he parts his buddy’s legs and wraps them around his thick muscular waist. He leans up against the island, as it makes a loud noise. Murph looks up at him in shock as he starts mumbling incoherent words. Ramon grins again as he grabs his friend’s hands. “They feel really good on my body. You should start massaging my chest again.” “Oh...Uh...yeah. Umm...I mean...I guess.” The young man is now messing with his huge hairy pecs again, finding his nipples and pinching them. Ramon lets out a few loud moans as he tries to finish fixing their food. Murph can’t believe that he is nearly being humped by probably the most beautiful man he has ever been around, and that he is letting him feel his muscles freely. Once he is done putting their food on plates he has out, the beautiful Brazilian quickly drops his shorts. His massive brownish cock is now in full view of Murph’s peripheral. He can’t take his eyes off it as it bounces up and down. “Oops, I must have accidentally dropped my shorts on the floor.” “You weren’t wearing anything underneath?” “Haha, I rarely do bud. It does turn heads on occasion. Isn’t he a sexy beast?” “Umm...yes...I mean...yes? Oh well...I shouldn’t have said...” Before he can finish his sentence, Ramon has one of Murph’s hands on top of it. He feels a large bead of precum coming out of the rod’s head. The two men are now locking eyes on each other. “Bro... I want you. I have had such a hunger for you for quite some time, you have no idea.” “OH! But you just made this food for us? I mean...mmm...” Murph wants desperately to put that beautiful brown penis in his mouth and Ramon knows it. He shoves his smaller partner down to it and moans as he feels him start to suck on the big head. The huge hunky beast has a very intense look on his face, like he is upset with him, but that isn’t what it is at all. Murph stops for a second with concern. “Did I do something wrong?” “NO BUD! You are...doing everything right. I just haven’t...well...I have a lot in there. We can have dessert first I guess.” Murph winks as he goes back to worshipping Ramon’s big, beautiful tool. He can hear the hot beast sighing in pleasure as the huge beefcake looks down at him savoring his thick meat and is now rubbing his impressive ball sack as well. “You are not so shy anymore, are you Murph? You just couldn’t help yourself when you saw him down there. I am so glad you took the hint because there could be a surprise for you very soon if you continue to suck me off.” The taste of Ramon’s precum is sending shockwaves through Murph’s brain. He can’t seem to concentrate on anything else at this point as he continues to worship his beautiful partner’s huge veiny cock. He has started to run his hands up and down the Brazilian’s chest again, petting his fur and it is making him moan deeply as he feels himself getting closer to the edge of ecstasy. “Yo bud, I think we need to take those glasses off your face. You are going to ruin them if you get too excited.” Ramon makes him stop for a few seconds so that he can put the food on the plates in the refrigerator and puts Murph’s glasses over on another counter. He takes his shorts and throws them off to the side before turning back around to lean in and embrace his partner to kiss him on the lips for a few seconds. He then pushes the 24-year-old back to where he was on the island and shoves his throbbing wet cock back in his face. “You don’t have to stop again this time. I know what you want, and you can have it. We are both pretty hungry I think, the food can wait till after we are done having a little fun with each other.” “I am so mesmerized by not only you Ramon, but your incredible muscular body. Your big penis is so freaking beautiful, and I might be a little obsessed with it.” The hunky Brazilian laughs as he pets his friend’s balding head lovingly. He then starts to move Murph back on top of his cock again. The American starts to slowly gulp down on him again, which once again gets several heavy sighs from Ramon, who is liking the way that his partner treats his equipment. “Ahh, I have to say Murph, I really do like the way you make me feel. I am getting SOOO...close to mmm...” He looks at his friend and moans seeing his precum dripping off Murph’s face. The nerdy man is moaning himself as he rubs Ramon’s tool all over his face. He licks and slurps on it several times before shoving it in his mouth again. The beautiful bodybuilder thrusts several times, marveling at how well his partner can handle it. “YEAH! It feels so fucking good bro. I am going to cum... get ready for it.” Murph moans loudly as he starts to feel it leaving Ramon’s cock and down his throat. He gags several times, which makes his well-muscled friend grunt in pleasure. Some of his cum is now leaking out the sides of his American buddy’s mouth and down his face to his shirt. He pulls the beast out and feels some of his seed against his nose as another jet lands on his head. “Oh, fuck Murph, I am so turned on. Coating you is something I have wanted to do for a while now. And if things go the way I hope they do, that won’t be the only thing happening here soon.” “Uhm...mmm...you taste so freaking good Ramon. I will be your cum bucket anytime you want me to.” Murph realizes what he said at the end of his statement. “What do you mean by happening here soon? Did you do something to me?” Ramon finishes cumming and leans down to slowly kiss his friend on the lips again. They embrace for a few moments as Murph starts to softly groan under his breath. His Brazilian partner sighs knowing what is about to start happening to his nerdy buddy. “I want to hold you up against me when it begins, bud. I wasn’t always so big, muscular, and beautiful as you say I am. I made sure that I injected myself with the growth hormone that my coach gave to me this morning. He is the one responsible for turning me into this hunk that you want so much. Now, I want to do the same for you.” Murph can feel his cock reacting in his shorts and is trying not to make it too obvious. Ramon hugs him tightly against his big chest and whispers softly into his right ear, “Us former nerds don’t have to be in the background anymore. Get huge for me, amante. I want to parade you around like the besta quente you will be.” The nerdy young man groans as he feels his legs getting thicker as they start to stretch further down the island towards the tiled floor beneath them. The big Brazilian has his hands on Murph’s ass as it swells inside both of them. He moans squeezing each individual inflating mound of beef as his friend tries to keep his composure in the process. “Oh, so this is what you had planned for me. I admit that I am more than willing to be your boyfriend, Ramon. I just had no idea that you were going to...well...I most certainly want to get huge and hot like you.” Murph’s feet have grown even larger as his calves expand into thick and veiny upside-down beefy hearts. He smiles as he watches his forearms and biceps inflating and pushes Ramon back a bit so he can stand up. He turns his back around towards the Brazilian and moans as he shows his friend how much it is growing underneath his shirt. His delts and traps are swelling to nearly twice their size. He is also feeling a great deal of adrenaline pumping through his veins. “Wow, I can feel my confidence growing with each passing second Ramon. This is literally erasing years of training that I would have needed to do to achieve such a dreamy body. The added height is making this even better too.” “Fuck Murph...I am so in lust of what is happening to you right now. I didn’t even think I would be into this as much as I am.” “I love it too...no more wondering about how much food I need to ingest. No more pining for guys and being down on myself. RRAAHH...I am so close to bursting out of these clothes too.” The young man turns back around to face his hunky buddy and now has grown a thick blackish beard. The hair on his head has fallen off and his shirt is now practically painted onto his thick frame. His obliques and stabilizers are fully visible beneath the tight fabric and his huge pecs are beginning to pull the shirt apart. He can hear some of the seams making loud noises. His moans are getting louder as his quads stretch his shorts to their limits. The denseness of both quads mesmerizes Ramon so much that he reaches in to rub on each of them with his hands and fingers. There are veins cascading all over both of his giant thighs as his Brazilian partner slowly squeezes them and marvels at their diamond shaped beauty. He can hear Murph sighing in pleasure as he does this. He has also started flexing both of his engorged forearms, making each of them swell as the veins and muscles bulge even bigger. His inflating biceps and triceps are now becoming too large for his shirt to handle as the sleeves rip open and each monstrously large upper arm becomes visible to Ramon’s eyes. He has now moved his hands up to each of them and squeezes them in awe. “You are the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on Murph. I just want to fucking worship every inch of you.” “You will get to do that soon enough stud. It is just about time for me to get completely naked for you.” The growing beast grunts as he feels his shorts ripping along their sides as his growing ass also frees itself out the back. His glutes have also mangled his boxers as they swell even bigger. His growing cock is destroying the zipper on his shorts as it finally rages out and hangs downward towards the ground. His ball sac is also tearing its way out to join the party. Murph yells in delight as he feels his shirt ripping in multiple places. His huge pecs flop out in seconds as his V-shaped torso follows. He shows Ramon what his huge lats and delts are doing as they tear his shirt in half. He starts flexing his neck as the muscles bulge wider, veins thick and corded, which makes him laugh with pleasure when he sees and hears his friend making grunting noises. He then does a double bicep which pretty much finishes the shirt off, as his mammoth round shoulders and traps split his top as it drapes down the front and back of his huge frame. He then tears it off with just a few of his fingers. “Am I starting to resemble Brandao now, Ramon?” “What do you think sua fera linda?” “Damn, I am really loving the fact that you are speaking Portuguese to me now.” “I want you so much Murph. You are intoxicating me with your new swagger and your vast muscularity. Estou a apaixonar-me por ti.” “You don’t need to call me by that name anymore either. That ship has now passed beautiful. I will be known as Brock from now on. I can’t wait until our friends see us together. Mm...I have waited YEARS to be with another man of your caliber. Uh...let me see if I can say something in your sexy language...Obrigado...querido.” “Ahh, I love your new name, Brock. Agora eu quero me sufocar nos seus musculos.” “OMG, come over here and fucking worship me then, you beautiful Portuguese stud.” He finishes ripping his shorts and boxers off, fulling nude now, and continues to flex for his friend. Ramon wraps his arms around Brock’s waist and starts to lick and kiss his partner’s huge guns. His mouth eventually finds its way to other areas including his huge pecs, which Ramon can’t get enough of as he spends several minutes working on both of them, licking and chewing on Brock’s hard nipples. After also meeting the huge beast’s big 10-inch companion between his quads for quite a while, the Brazilian makes eye contact with Brock again and they kiss each other on the lips. Ramon has his hands on the beast’s head as they embrace, and he attempts to try and work his cock back to his partner’s huge ass. He learns quickly that Brock is way too strong now to even try this as he finds himself being lifted by the huge hulk and is placed on the island that he once had his partner sitting on. Brock has Ramon turned around with his ass in the air and his big muscular frame leaning up against his Brazilian friend’s body. He can hear his partner breathing heavy and is incredibly excited. “Oh, uh, Brock, eu era um menino mau. Nao me castigue com esse penis grande e viril. Ele Ele...” The thick muscle monster laughs as he starts to smack Ramon’s furry ass and knows how eager he is because his hole is incredibly wet. “I don’t know everything you are saying to me beautiful, but what I am getting out of that is that you think my penis is great, or you think I am virile. Haha, well it is incredibly big now and I think that I would agree that I am quite the specimen.” He moans as he starts to push himself inside Ramon. He is loving the sounds that are coming from his partner too, as he lays on top of the hunk and starts running his hands all over his huge back and arms. They both tell each other how much they desire their muscles as they start kissing each other again with their heads turned to each other. Brock grunts and groans as he slowly moves in and out of his partner’s muscular ass, savoring every moment that he is with his dreamy boyfriend, loving the fact that Ramon is so infatuated with him. They eventually stop kissing when he notices that his balls are getting ready to push his huge load into his cock. “Beautiful Portuguese stud, do you want me to pump it in your hot ass, or do you want to feel me shower you in my love on your face?” “Mm... I want to look at you Brock as you coat me so I can remind myself of why this was the smartest decision of my life.” “OMG, this is why I am falling in love with you.” He pulls his meat out of Ramon’s ass and turns him around on the island facing his huge chest and dick. The beast slowly starts stroking as the 245-pound Brazilian hunk looks into his eyes and smiles as he leans in to kiss his partner’s sweaty abs and even gets a lick in on his big pecs and nips before moving Brock’s hands away from his hard stick so he can finish him off. “Big boy, let me do it for you. I can’t think of a better way of ending this special evening than to down a nice thick milkshake from my boyfriend before we eat some real food.” “I am all yours Ramon.” He has his mouth open and his tongue out as he grips Brock’s big tool in his hands and strokes it with conviction. The beast moans in pleasure as he feels himself getting close to the edge after a few strong rubs. Once he knows it is getting ready to fly, Ramon yells in pleasure as he starts to catch his partner’s thick river in his mouth. He moans as he gulps it down and makes the beast flex his huge arms. Ramon punches him lovingly on his chest, abs, and quads, rubbing them slowly as he continues to drain Brock’s ball sac. He then has to hold the beast up seeing that he is so spent from the buildup to this point. The Brazilian finally opens his mouth and pulls his friend’s cock from his lips. He gets up and hugs Brock in his arms. “I love you, big boy. You not only look amazing, but you taste as good as you look. That sounded better in my head.” “I don’t really care what you say anymore Ramon. I love everything about you. I am hungry, let’s eat.” They both start taking everything out of the refrigerator that Ramon fixed earlier and start dividing everything up between them. They both go sit outside on the deck, still nude, beside each other, at a table that the Brazilian had set up. They quickly start munching on their food while massaging each other’s big muscles. “You might be bigger than Brandao, Brock. Maybe...270...big and beautiful.” “Heh, I love being bigger than you stud.” “We will have to change that. I can grow bigger than this, I have done it before.” “OH, I will enjoy that if it happens then.” “Good, that is something we can both look forward to. After we get some much-needed nutrients, we need to get some quality sleep big boy. I’m sure we can take turns using the other as a body pillow.” “MMM...you are absolutely right.” After spending a few more minutes sitting out in the breezy air, they both get up and take their stuff inside and place things back on the counter by the sink. Brock finds his glasses and puts them on for Ramon to see after his transformation. He is immediately kissed by his partner. “Ah, so you approve of them being on me now?” “There is something about a nerdy hulk that I can’t resist Brock. You put more thoughts in my brain just now. Let’s get to bed and maybe we can talk about how much I love this.” “Heh, oh absolutely beautiful. I have a feeling that the talking will be short-lived.” The two muscle beasts put their arms around each other and walk down the hall into Ramon’s bedroom together. After a couple of minutes of being silly with each other and admiring each other’s voices, they end up focusing on their best body parts, which leads to lots of kissing and licking them. Brock/Murph will likely be the talk of the gym crowd the next day.
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