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  1. dangerdanger

    Tomás [ESPAÑOL]

    UNO Conocí a Tomás durante las vacaciones de verano. Yo acababa de recibirme de profesor de Matemática y como el resto de mis amigos había tenido que ingeniármelas dando clases particulares. Por suerte para mi frágil economía el asunto resultó bastante bien y en poco tiempo, gracias a la ayuda del boca en boca y la suerte de encontrar al "Peor Curso de la Historia de la Humanidad", en poco tiempo me encontré dando clases particulares todos los días. Así que cada día visitaba una casa diferente donde encontraba los mismos chicos y chicas que no entendían nada de nada, que si les hablaba de ecuaciones podían llegar a decir que ellos no querían estudiar química y que si por casualidad se me ocurría preguntar que era lo que no entendían largaban respuestas del estilo: —De mitad de año en adelante nada. Así fue como una tarde particularmente calurosa conocí a Tomás. Su mamá me había contactado por recomendación de la mamá de un amigo de él. Tomás tenía diecisiete años y al parecer las matemáticas no eran su fuerte. Lo que primero me llamó la atención fue el tamaño de la casa. Mi padres no eran pobres, ni mucho menos. Tenían su departamento y su casa de fin de semana en el country, pero yo nunca había visto una casa de semejante tamaño en medio de la ciudad. ¡Ocupaba media cuadra! La madre le pidió a una de las mucamas (tenían mas de una) que me llevara al estudio del fondo y se fue ella misma a buscar a su hijo al segundo piso. Atravesamos la casa y salimos al jardín más grande que vi en mi vida. Tenían una pileta olímpica y una cancha de tenis que solo ocupaba menos de la tercera parte e todo. En pocas palabras: una mansión. La mucama me abrió la puerta del estudio y me pidió si me podía traer algo para tomar. Le pedí una limonada. Lo que sucedió después me resulta medio confuso ya que no estaba preparado. Había dado clases a chicos de esa edad y más grandes también. A mis treinta y cinco ahora me daba cuenta de los chico que había sido a mis veinticinco aunque yo en esa época no me daba cuenta. Quizás por eso no asocié lo que estaba viendo con nada más. Un hombre salió de la cancha de tenis después de hacer frontón durante un rato. Llevaba puesto solo un pantalón debajo del cual asomaban unas piernas enormes, largas y musculosas que se tensaban con cada paso que daba. Se podían ver la forma de los músculos con cada movimiento, así como la casi inexistencia de grasa. Eran unas piernas propias de un hombre... y que hombre. Por sobre el pantalón comenzaban los abdominales más grandes y perfecto que hubiera podido imaginar sobre los que sobresalía un pecho enorme y poderoso que brillaba con cada rayo de luz. Todo ese cuerpo de hombre era coronado por unos hombros del tamaño de melones de los que salían dos brazos más poderosos que había visto. Era un cuerpo que emanaba una fuerza impresionante. Una musculatura que parecía estar empujando por crecer todavía más. Se tiró al agua antes de que pudiera ver su cara. Nadó hasta el extremo cerca de donde yo estaba y solo con la fuerza de sus poderosos hombros se elevó hasta salir. Fue la muestra de lo que un hombre era capaz si se proponía crecer, volverse fuerte y solo eso: seguir creciendo. Se elevó en toda su increíble altura y pude ver el rostro de niño de diecisiete años. Agarró una toalla y se acarició apenas cada parte de su enorme y poderoso cuerpo. Todos sus músculos exhalaban juventud, fuerza y una potencia sexual de la que yo ni siquiera había tenido una pizca. Me tendió la mano. —Vos debés ser Diego. Su mano era enorme y fuerte. Sus dedos eran los dedos de un hombre desarrollado y poderoso. Tomó mi mano entre las suyas y al saludarnos pude ver el imposible bicep de su brazo marcándose con el menor movimiento. Yo estaba tan anonadado que un hombre pudiera ser tan joven y tan musculoso que no pude decir nada más que: —Si. Tomás me sacaba más de una cabeza de altura. Era un hombre joven y poderoso. Lo más parecido a un semental salvaje y brillante. La cercanía con sus músculos enormes brillando cerca de mí me hizo perder el hilo de la historia que me había estado contando. Se puso la toalla sobre el hombro y se fue a buscar una remera. Yo quise ser esa toalla.
  2. Ultrabeef

    Magic Memo

    Magic Memo By Ultrabeef As a teacher it often feels like my work is never done. Responding to emails has to be my least favorite part of the job as it can often take hours after a long day in the classroom. I’ve been doing this job for 20 years so it isn’t often that I am surprised but tonight was different. I saw an email from an unfamiliar address that somehow made it through my school’s spam filter. “Tired? overworked? ready to work smarter, not harder? Have we got the app for you! Magic Memo is offering a free trial to a select group of educators. Simply click the link below to download the app and let your new magic memo enhanced life begin!” I usually don’t click links in suspicious emails (especially ones that make outrageous claims) but my curiosity was peaked. Sure enough the link took me to an official looking app store page and immediately started downloading Magic Memo onto my phone. Once downloaded, the app popped open and directions appeared. “Welcome to the Magic Memo app. Simply speak what you want into the app and it will translate your speech into action. Need a letter? Say “write letter” then speak what you want the letter to say and Magic Memo will take care of the rest. “Cool” I thought to myself, this could really save some time. A few hours later, after cleaning out my email inbox, I was just about to exit out of my work (and truthfully browse some internet porn), when an email popped up from a former student, Landon White. I had always liked Landon (and suspected that he might have been suppressing some homosexual tendencies while in school). But he had graduated 3 years ago, and like with most students, I had lost track of him. Landon had been a smart student; he was a tall, lanky kid with curly brown hair, olive eyes, and a polite manner. Landon had caught my eye even then, and I definitely wondered what he was up to now as a 21 year old. Based on his profile picture he was a thin but handsome young man. Landon’s email was asking for a letter of recommendation/character reference for a job. I quickly replied and suggested we meet up for coffee the next day. The next afternoon, I headed to a nearby Starbucks to meet up with Landon to get details from him before I wrote his letter of recommendation/character reference. A little past noon Landon walked in. He looked older and more mature than I remembered with his dark navy pea coat, dark jeans, and black boots. He still had curly brown hair and olive green eyes and was still tall and thin. He smiled broadly when he saw me and gave me a firm handshake. “Mr. Williams, it’s so great to see you!” “Likewise Landon, you look great. All grow up.” “Yeah, I guess so”. Landon blushed shyly, the nervous boy briefly coming back. “And you can call me Andrew, you’re not a student anymore”. Landon blushed again and smiled. As we sipped our espresso and Landon told me about the medical assistant job he was applying for, I was struck by how cute and handsome Landon was and I felt a stirring in my jeans, which I suppressed. I promised to write Landon’s letter and offered that he could pick it up at my apartment the next evening around 7pm. After giving him my address and directions to my place, he hugged me and thanked me for always being his favorite teacher, and we parted ways. The next evening, after procrastinating all day, I sat down at my kitchen table to write the character reference for Landon. He would be stopping by to pick it up soon. Just for fun I decided to try using the Magic Memo app to write Landon’s letter. I opened the app and spoke “write recommendation/character reference for Landon White”. The app responded with flashing “ready” icon. So, I started to speak “it is with great pleasure that I write this recommendation for my former student...” I trailed off and my own horniness and boredom took over, and I decided to write a fantasy letter. “It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for my former student, and current boyfriend, Landon White. I smirked at the thought of college Landon being my fantasy boyfriend (since as a 46 year old slightly overweight balding teacher I had no hope of finding a cute young guy to date). I felt myself unzipping my jeans and my hand reaching for my dick as I recalled how cute Landon had looked in the coffee shop yesterday. Getting into my fantasy character reference/ letter of recommendation I continued with the speech to text feature of the Magic Memo app. “Landon White is an incredibly handsome and hung total top twink who is an expert in the bedroom”. I grabbed my growing dick and stroked before continuing, my imagination taking over. “His chiseled features, high cheekbones, full pouty lips, beautiful green bedroom eyes, curly brown hair, ear and nose piercings and flawless pale skin are super hot.” I felt my dick swell larger in my jeans as I stroked it picturing Landon with piercings and even more handsome features. “Landon is totally committed to me as his lover and is in constant need of hot, horny, passionate sex”. I was really stroking furiously now as my imagination continued to run wild. “Landon’s ripped muscles and perfect six pack are so fucking hot”. I was getting close to cumming. “I love when he fucks me hard, feeling his massive dick penetrate me is all I need”. I grunted and felt myself cum in my hand. “Fuck! that was hot” I thought to myself. The Magic Memo app dinged and I looked at the screen. “Save changes?” I pressed the “yes” button before dropping my phone on the kitchen table and heading to the bathroom to wash up. As I came out of the bathroom I heard noise coming from the kitchen. “Shit, did someone break in while I was cleaning up?” I nervously wondered. As I rounded the corner, I found myself looking at Landon White standing in my kitchen. Except it wasn’t the Landon White I had met for coffee yesterday. Landon had definitely changed. The Landon standing in my kitchen looked exactly as I had just described him in the fantasy letter of recommendation I had written in Magic Memo app. Landon was only a tight white thong that displayed his sculpted torso, pierced nipples, and perfect six pack abs. it was obvious that his thong was struggling to contain what looked like a cucumber. His cute smooth bubble butt and toned legs were gorgeous with his pale skin. “Hey babe, what’s this?” Landon motioned to the open Magic Memo app on my phone as he picked it up. “Landon...how? How did you get in here? And why...why do you look so different?” My head was spinning as the sight of my former student, now a total stud, standing in my kitchen. “Stop kidding daddy you know I live here”, Landon grinned a beautiful perfect smile, his nose piercing and ear gauges glinting in the light. “Wha...Landon, that’s not possible. That letter I wrote in the app was just a fantasy”. Then as I looked at the hot twink in my kitchen it hit me. “Did you...did you just call me “daddy” young man?” “Sure did, babe” Landon smirked with a devilish grin. “Let’s have some fun...daddy” Landon clicked start on the Magic Memo app and spoke “Mr. Williams, Drew and I have been dating since I graduated from high school”. I reached for the phone but Landon pushed me back with his powerful muscular arm. As he pushed me back memories of dating Landon filled my head. Whatever Landon spoke into the app was becoming reality! “Drew’s an amazing power bottom who is totally in love with me” Landon continued as more memories flooded my brain. I frantically tried to get the phone from Landon but the shy boy from the coffee shop had been replaced by a cocky, horny stud who had no intention of stopping. Landon smirked as he held my phone up to his beautiful face and clearly spoke. “Fuck daddy, just look at your big juicy ass “Urrgh...no, stop!” I moaned as I felt my glutes swell up into to big melons and burst through the fabric of my khakis. Landon cupped my big exposed butt with his warm hand and smirked. “Yeah, that’s real nice! I love how my sexy daddy’s big booty just aches for my big, thick cock” Landon cooed in my ear. I almost dropped to my knees as my ass throbbed with the desire to be filled with Landon’s dick. “Oh...fuck...no...Landon...stop...” I moaned gasping for breath. “I just love my daddy’s huge hairy pecs and big, super sensitive, orgasm-inducing nipples” Landon grinned. “No! Oh fuuuccckk!” I practically screamed as I felt my chest expand into two massive globes of thick beef and burst out of my button down shirt. Buttons flew across the room as my freakish muscle tits swelled and forced my thickening nipples toward the floor with their weight and mass. I could see red stretch marks forming near my arm pits as my skin struggled to keep up with my rapidly expanding mass. Landon tweaked one of my newly expanded nipples and wider areolas with his finger and I moaned in pleasure. I could feel my dick shoot cum just from his touch. “My daddy just loves when I play with his big muscle tits” Landon spoke into the app. My face flushed red at the sight of Landon touched my hairy pecs. “Mmmm...more” I moaned as I ripped off the remains of my blue plaid shirt and shredded tan khakis. “My daddy had thick, veiny arms, wide shoulders, and a sexy muscle gut” Landon continued as I felt my body morph to his words. I could sense my shoulders growing wider and my arms swelling with muscle. As I flexed my newly muscular arms I could see big blue veins snaking across my 20 inch bicep. “My daddy’s tree trunk thighs and thick calves are so hairy and sexy” Landon continued with total lust in his eyes. “Landon...please...you’ve got to stop...” I moaned as my legs bulked up and dark hair spread across them. “Oh, I’m not done yet stud” Lance grinned a sexy smile. “My daddy has a super sexy deep voice and beard”. Oh shit!” I murmured as my voice dropped three octaves to a deep rumbling baritone and I could feel hairs sprouting across my jaw as sexy salt and pepper stubble spread across my widening jaw and neck. “Landon...stop this...please!” I groaned in a deep bass that seemed to shake the walls. But Landon just grabbed my dick and spoke into the app: “my daddy is huge everywhere except for his tiny little dick that constantly leaks precum and leaves him horny for me all the time”. “Noooooo!” I moaned as I felt my dick shrink to a tiny nub and start leaking precum. I could think of little else other than how hot and sexy Landon looked and how much I needed him to play with my pecs and fuck my ass. “Urrrghhh...fuuucckk!” I groaned in my deep voice as I sprayed cum all over my muscular hairy body from my tiny nub of a dick. “Fuck yeah, sexy daddy, show me that big ass” Landon purred. I felt so sexy and powerful and in love with both Landon and the complete freak I had become from his words and the Magic Memo app. Full of lust, I immediately bent over a kitchen chair and spread my legs. “You like what you see stud?” I grinned smacking my huge ass with my meaty paw, causing it to bounce and jiggle seductively. “Holy shit...Mr. Williams...I...” for a moment the mind of the old Landon had returned and was horrified at what he had done to me. “Let’s go boy, I want to feel that big fuck stick of yours inside of my hungry man pussy”. My voice snapped Landon back into his new persona and kissed me hard on the lips and our tongues mingled passionately as he flicked my nipple causing me to moan in ecstasy. “Damn you are one fine muscle daddy!” Landon purred, his huge dick growing harder by the minute as he pulled his enormous cock out of his thong and lubed up my willing hole with his spit. “Oh fuck yeah Landon! Daddy needs that big cock” I whimpered and moaned as my own tiny dick leaked cum and I played with my hairy pecs and nipples. “That app really is magic, isn’t it daddy?” “It sure is boy” I breathlessly murmured as Landon shoved his monster cock into my ass. Meanwhile, unnoticed by either of us, my phone that had been tossed onto the floor read “Thank you for using Magic Memo. Your free trial has now ended” before the app deleted itself from my phone.
  3. EnglishAltaria

    The Olympia Bar - Chapter 2

    https://muscle-growth.org/topic/11631-the-olympia-bar/ - Chapter 1 The Olympia Bar Chapter 2 – Discoveries (Sexual and Otherwise) Mr Malone released his grip on Jack, who fell to the floor with a loud thud due to his newly increased muscle mass. The bodybuilder sized teen was about to walk up the stairs when he smelled an alluring scent, seemingly coming from down the hallway. Following his nose, he stumbled across the source of the incredible smell on the kitchen counter. “A whole box!” Jack beamed as he saw a cardboard box of the mysterious Olympia Bars. “Help yourself stud,” Mr Malone smirked as he entered the room, his enormous biceps flexing as he leaned against the doorframe, the sheer size of his body practically taking up the entirety of the space within said doorframe, “I’ve found they can have quite an addictive quality, I’ve had to hold back and use all my willpower to stop me from wolfing down the whole box myself. I’ve only had around 3.” “Well, if they do what I think they do, it would explain your size sir,” Jack winked, walking over to his sexy muscle teacher and wrapping his arms around his thick, vascular neck before pulling him down into another deep, passionate kiss. Their tongues battled and intertwined in their mouths but all the time nothing but moaning sounds could be heard. After what seemed like an eternity, Jack and Mr Malone parted lips. “Go on Jack, help yourself to some of the bars, I’ll just occupy myself,” Mr Malone smirked. As Jack stepped back over to the counter and un-wrapped one of the Olympia Bars, he felt a warm, lapping feeling around his OH GOD THAT FEELS GOOD! His teacher grinned before he continued to lick and tongue fuck Jack’s sweet hole, darting the wet tip partially into his tight sphincter and moaning due to the musky scent. However, Mr Malone was not moaning anywhere near as much as Jack was, who’d dropped the bar back into the box as he had to lean forward onto the counter to prevent him from collapsing to the ground from the pleasure. “Fuck sir, no one’s ever been as good at this before!” he called out in a breathy, lustful tone. Wanting more, Jack backed his ass onto Mr Malone’s mouth, hoping to drive his hot professor’s tongue deeper inside of him. Although he knew there was something he wanted inside of him even more… Turning around, Jack stood Mr Malone up before getting down on his knees himself, slowly running his tongue up the underside of his teacher’s huge, bulging 19” cock. Swirling his tongue around the head, Jack savoured the few drops of sweet pre-cum he was coaxing out of the large throbbing length, enjoying the taste of his professor’s viscous nectar. Then he wrapped his lips around the head before lowering his mouth and throat lower down the enormous shaft. Mr Malone groaned as his massive member was enveloped by the glorious, moist warmth of his student’s mouth causing intense and ecstatic feeling to travel from his crotch and all over his body. This only intensified after Jack seemingly opened up his throat and supressed his gag reflex as he swallowed more and more of Mr Malone’s cock, slurping and moaning around the monstrous length and seemingly loving every minute of it. Sooner or later, Jack was bobbing his head furiously up and down his teacher’s dick, sloppy and wet just how he loved it, covering the cock with his saliva as he worked the shaft with his tongue and the head with his throat muscles. All the time, Mr Malone gasped and grunted, before becoming overcome with lust, grabbing Jack’s head and fucking his throat relentlessly. Jack just took the face fucking with no issue, his transformation seemingly making it easier for him to worship and serve huge cocks, such as the one he was quite happily sucking on right now. Suddenly, the face fucking stopped as Mr Malone slammed his entire length into Jack’s throat and left it there. Jack gagged but held it, inhaling his teacher’s immensely manly scent as his nose was buried in his crotch. Mr Malone smiled as he could see his 19” shaft bulging in Jack’s throat, forcing it to twitch inside the teen purely for the pleasure of being able to see how big it was even inside someone, he could even see that the head was bulging prominently near his chest cavity. However soon Jack had to breath, and as Mr Malone removed his huge cock from his student’s throat, Jack gasped for air, still lightly licking the tip of his alpha teacher. “Get back up and bend over the counter boy,” Mr Malone growled, voice laced with lust and arousal “I want that ass. Now.” “Yes sir,” Jack smiled before doing as he was asked, bending over and spreading his muscular cheeks without another word. “Mmmmm, good boy Jack,” Mr Malone smirked, rubbing the bulbous head of his cock against Jack’s tight, still wet hole. Then without another thought, he pressed forward and popped the head inside of Jack, who moaned loudly. “Fuck sir, and that’s just the head? What’s the whole thing going to feel like?!” “Let’s find out stud,” he responded before slamming forward, forcing all 19 huge inches into Jack, practically tearing his ass open, and with no complaints. “Fuuuuuuuuck!! Holy fuck sir!” Jack cried out “god your cock is huge!” “Yeah take it Jack, you little slut!” Mr Malone growled again, gritting his teeth due to the intense pleasure he was getting from Jack’s tight (well, previously tight) hole. “Fuck I’ve not had an ass this tight! I should’ve bedded you that first time you walked into my class!” “Oh…FUCK!” Jack shouted in pleasure with every thrust. The sexual pleasure was palpable in the air, along with the sound of slick, hot, muscle man sex as Mr Malone’s dick slid in and out of Jack’s hole with more ease, using only their collective spit as a lube. The sound of his meaty, muscular, diamond cut thighs slapping against his studly student’s muscular butt turned him on even more, making him pound him ever harder. Jack just screamed out his professor’s name in response as waves of ecstasy took over him. For what seemed like hours, Mr Malone pounded and fucked Jack’s muscled ass in doggy over the counter before flipping him onto his back laying on the counter with his legs over his bulging shoulders, ploughing him in a whole new way. The harder, quicker and deeper he fucked, the more they both moaned and cried out in ecstasy. Before long, both of the men groaned as their orgasms finally arrived, Jack launching a huge volley of cum all over his own body and up Mr Malone’s kitchen wall, whilst Mr Malone shot deep inside of Jack’s ass, a warm, almost searing sensation blasting inside of him with each individual shot his teacher released into his bowels. “Oh….fuck,” Jack said panting as Mr Malone pulled his still huge soft cock out of him, the torrent of cum that had been pumped into him leaked out slowly and all over the cold kitchen counter. “Grab some of those bars and get upstairs stud,” Mr Malone demanded, recovering his breath and energy ridiculously quickly “I think it’s time for you to get your turn on me now.” Steven jumped up out of his bed as he heard a knock at the door. After what had happened to his little brother he didn’t really know what to do, he was just completely lost in thought. How had that happened? Heck, what even was that? And why did his brother suddenly come onto him after ‘that’ happened? Fuck today was a strange day? But these thoughts had to be dismissed as he went down the stairs. Having forgotten to put his shirt on, Steven opened the door to find a rather knackered looking Caleb panting on his doorstep. “Oh erm…hey Caleb. What’s wrong?” Steven asked feeling slightly awkward. He obviously knew Caleb due to him being Jack’s closest friend but he wouldn’t say he knew him well enough or felt close enough to him to hold a conversation alone, and especially not to be stood half naked in front of him. “Have you seen Jack? He stormed out of gym class earlier and was pretty upset,” Caleb opened up instantly, clearly concerned about his friend. “You need to talk to your old coach Steven, he’s way too hard on Jack because of your success, and it isn’t fair on him.” Steven sighed. He was aware that his success at sports in school had reflected badly onto his younger brother but it didn’t realise it was getting him down so much. “Yeah…I know. I’ll have a word with him. But I have a question I need to ask you. Earlier, Jack kind of…erm…hulked out I guess you could say. He basically turned into an amateur bodybuilder right before my eyes. How? Did he eat something funny at dinner? Or has he mentioned anything to you about taking some drugs or feeling ill? I’m worried about him man.” “Well it’s funny you should mention that,” Caleb smiled feebly “that was kind of my fault, I think.” “What? What do you mean?!” “My mum gave me a new brand of energy bar in my lunch today but it contained nuts, which I’m allergic to so I gave it to Jack. But when I got home I came across an article that said there’d been bizarre, consistent side effects seen in multiple people who’d eaten one of them, most notably…growth: muscle, cock, height, everything. Except the interesting thing was that all of these effects only occurred in males; like there’s something in our genetics specifically that reacts with a compound in the bar or something like that.” “Ok…I’ll go with you for a moment. Did you think about taking this to one of the chemistry professor’s?” “Of course I did, I’m not an idiot. But here,” Caleb answered, pulling one of the bars out of his coat pocket “I brought one for you to look at. I wondered if you could talk to your dad and see if he and his colleagues could do a more in depth analysis in their lab.” “Oh, well I guess so. Did you only bring the one? It would probably be helpful to have a few more for my dad to analyse.” “There’s a whole box in my house if you want to have them, I can’t have them after all.” Caleb smiled, stepping off of the door step and back onto the driveway. “I’ll drop by in around half an hour with the box?” “Sure thing man, see you in a bit,” Steven said politely as he shut the door. Once it clicked he turned around to look at the innocent looking energy bar he held in his hand. “So, muscle growth huh? This is how Jack because a stud before my eyes? I guess there’s no time in trying it,” he wondered aloud before tearing into the wrapping and taking a bite into the bar. “Oh wow this is good!” Steven beamed with surprise at the delicious, sweet, almost caramel flavour with a crunchy hint of nuts. I gobbled the rest down eagerly, almost forgetting the whole reason why he ate it in the first place… Upstairs in Mr Malone’s bed, Jack was thrusting meticulously as he slammed his throbbing foot long cock in and out of his teacher’s tight, hot ass, both of them moaning loudly as the bed rocked and creaked relentlessly. “Oh fuck me Jack, just like that! God that cock feels amazing stud!” Mr Malone grunts in pleasure, twitching his ass around the huge dick buried inside of him. “Oh god sir,” Jack groaned, feeling his second orgasm of the night coming over him “I think I’m going to cum!” “No you don’t boy!” his professor snapped, clamping his ass so tight that Jack couldn’t move before he grabbed multiple of the Olympia bars, tearing them out of their wrappers and forcing them into Jack’s mouth one by one. Left with no choice, Jack bit and chewed the energy bars, grinning as a similar euphoria entered his taste buds, as well as his mind, making him crave more. An hour later, Jack was pounding Mr Malone on his back, shoulders propping up his huge tree trunk legs as he slammed his cock into his hot teacher, pulling out just as fast before smashing back inside again, clearly managing to slam into his prostate as he heard his professor cry out, unleashing a torrent of cum all over his ridiculously huge, ripped and bulging body. “Oh fuck sir! I can feel it happening again!” Jack roared as he collapsed on all fours to the floor in agony. “FUUUUUUCCCKKK!!!” he screamed as his back burst upwards with muscle, and his pecs exploded down with size, huge and bulbous chest muscles, a brick like 8 pack surpassing his already impressive six pack. He flexed his arms one at a time as they too grew and swelled, veins snaking around his body almost seeming tighter, striations cutting all over his muscles as they grew, fuelled with new strength and power. “Fuck…this feels…fucking amazing!” Jack roared again before slamming his lengthening cock back inside of his teacher who screamed due to the increase in size, easily matching Mr Malone’s cock and still growing with no signs of stopping. Mr Malone’s face contorted as he and Jack could see his burgeoning cock growing inside of his previously alpha professor, the head visible under his cut 8 pack, throbbing and huge, the entire length must be tearing through his bowels by now and Mr Malone was loving every minute of it. “FUUUUUCCKKK!!! YOUR COCK IS HUUGEE!!” he yelled in ecstasy before cumming again, Jack’s cock clearly visible near his diaphragm now. “Holy shit sir!” Jack’s newly deepened voice bellowed in a sexy bass tone, practically rumbling the furniture, just another way for Jack to assert his new extreme manliness. Jack continued to pummel Mr Malone, his enormous legs cracking the floor beneath him as his feet gripped to pound violently, his enormous muscle granting him the ability to destroy his ass as a blinding speed. “AAAARRRRGGHHH OH FUCK!” Mr Malone cried out again, almost in tears it was so pleasurable before cumming once again. Jack unleashed one final roar as he fired a flood of his seed deep inside his lover’s body, the volume so much so that it bloated his stomach slightly before he pulled out. Like popping the cork of a champagne bottle, the cum spurted out of Mr Malone’s ass with extreme force, showing just how much had been pumped into the hulking man. Jack stood catching his breath, easily near 9 feet tall and a tower of bulging, rippling muscle. Like the hulk, only not green and infinitely sexier. His cock even limp was around 18 inches long, it must’ve been well over 2 feet hard. Fuck, no wonder Mr Malone’s ass felt like it’s been demolished. “Wow sir…” Jack spoke softly (well as softly as he could with his new booming voice) “that was…wow!” And with that the pair of them collapsed onto Mr Malone’s ridiculously undersized bed to hold the 2 muscle titans, both of whom could simply just breath to make the bed creak under their enormous weight. Still, the lovers fell asleep in each other’s arms, Mr Malone using Jack’s giant pecs as huge muscle pillows. As the sun rose in the morning, the sun shone through the blinds and curtains of Mr Malone’s bedroom, once again waking Jack up who found himself being the little spoon to his professor’s big spoon…wait. How? Last night he’d been much bigger than Mr Malone, much bigger. Wait, last night he’d been muscular! Jack realised the change, and looked down to see his body back to how it had been before his first growth, slim and average once more, his 9” cock hard with morning wood. He looked over to Mr Malone to see that he had also shrunk back to his original (admittedly rather toned) size. But there was something odd. There was a taste in his mouth, one particular taste in particular. A craving he felt inside for something…familiar. Jack got out of the bed gently as to not wake up his lover. It was only 6 am after all, best not make his professor grumpy. God knows what he’d be like when he woke up and remembered what had happened the previous night. He shuffled over to the box of Mr Olympia bars that Mr Malone had carried upstairs for them to eat the night before. “What are you?” Jack asked them, obviously knowing they couldn’t answer. “Who made you…and why?!”
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