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This story is vaguely based on 9 Doors, 9 Persons, 9 Hours. A story I wrote a year ago on the old forum. Got a few of the files uncorrupted.


Puzzling- Chapter 1 – Getting along swimmingly


                I painfully opened my eyes. My head throbbing, I got up. There was a flash of light, and then it died down. I looked around and saw a port hole, a bunk bed, and an electrical panel. There was one thing though, I don’t remember how I got here. I was panicking, I was kidnapped. I began frantically looking around to find a way out. Then, I saw something in the bed.


                I looked around and found a book. I grabbed it and cautiously approached the bed. Carefully, I grabbed the covers and slowly pulled them back. My throat seized up and whispered, “Rich?” There was no response. I shook him a little and he groaned.


                “Good,” I said aloud, “He’s not dead.”


                I gingerly stepped back from the bed and tried to find a way out. The port hole window looked blacked out. I grabbed the edges and pulled. No luck. The electrical panel was locked. I don’t know why I checked it. I looked around the bed, but there was no secret doors, switches, etc.


                I looked again to Rich to see he still hadn’t woken up. I tilted my head back, closed my eyes and sighed. When I opened my eyes, I wanted to hit myself. I had checked all of the floor and walls, but I never looked at the ceiling. There was a vaulted door on the ceiling. I climbed to the top of the bunk bed and pulled as hard as I could on the vault. I pushed and pulled as hard as I could, but it was to no avail. I laid back on the bed and grunted in frustration. Then, I heard another grunt.


                I jumped down to the bottom bunk to see Rich stirring in the bed. I shook him again and said his name, “Rich, Rich. Rich wake up.”


                He groggily opened his eyes and said, “What is going on?


                I replied, “I don’t know. I just woke up a little while ago. I don’t remember how I got here. Do you remember anything?”


                “Nah,” he said putting his hand to his head, “But my head hurts like shit.” He looked at his wrist and said, “What is this? It looks like a watch.”


                I examined it closely and reached to bring it closer to my face, but I swiftly retracted my hand. There was one on my wrist too. It was silver with a red-ish screen and a red gem at the end of the screen. I must have so preoccupied with finding a way out, I didn’t notice it. Rich was giving me a quizzical look.


                “What is it?” he inquired.


                “I didn’t notice it on me before now. Check to see if anything else is different.”


                I began searching through my pockets while Rich checked his socks and shoes. Then we switched vice versa. Nothing…


                “I’m missing my phone,” he said.


                “Figured. I’m betting our captor doesn’t want us calling anyone.”


                “Yes, that would be right,” a mechanical voice appeared in the room.


                “Shit! Where did that voice come from?” Rich shouted.


                “Over here, numbskull,” the voice came from the electrical panel.


                We approached the panel and the voice instructed us to wave our bracelets in from of the panel. At this point both of us saw no other way out so we followed the voice’s directions.


                “Good, now that you’re both awake, you can begin your part of the game,” it chimed in again. “I am your so called ‘captor.’ You may call me Core. I know you are buzzing with questions so I’m going to explain a little bit. Your job simply is to escape. You can get out of this room by solving the puzzle within the panel. But of course there is a catch. You have a time limit. Water will be continuously be poured in the room through the port hole. If the water doesn’t finish you when time runs out, the nano-bots that are now coursing through your body will. Once the panel opens your time will begin.” There was a beep and the panel opened.


                The panel revealed what looked like a complex system of circuits with lights on the end. It looked so familiar to me. Then it hit me, “It’s a toy!”


                Rich gave me an odd look, “Please tell me you haven’t gone as psycho as the guy holding us.”


                The voice chimed in again, “I’m no psycho and I can still hear and see everything you are doing.”


                I felt my feet get wet and let out a little squeak. Water had already coated the floor. I knew we needed to get moved so I started on the puzzle. “I know this, I saw it in a store once. It’s a lock where you have to connect the matching center lights to the outer colored lights by the spinning circles. It will take some time, but I think I can get it done.”


                “Okay, I’ll leave you to it to you,” Rich said as he went to go try the vault.


                The water was waist high as I connected the third light. Rich was looking nervous. I momentarily turned away from the puzzle to reassure him, “We are going to get out, and I’m almost done.” That seemed to assuage him.


                The water was at my nipples while was still struggling with the right combination of circuits for the last light. “Come on,” Ryan shouted.


                “I’m trying,” I snapped back. Just then, I snapped the last circuit into place and there was clicking noise. “Quickly, try the vault!”


                Rich pulled at it and it popped open and once again he shouted, “Come on!” I waded through the water and climbed the latter to the top bunk and Rich pulled me out.


                We appeared to be in a large room that was all gray machine walls. We walked out and saw that there were more people. Just then we heard another noise behind us and saw another vault door open and then came another shock. Two more of my and Rich’s friends emerged, Wes and Jacob. Both of our pairs just stared at each other until Wes broke the silence, “What are you guys doing here?”


                “We could ask you the same,” Rich responded.


                “We both kinda just woke up in there and then some voice told us we had to solve a puzzle to get out,” Jacob said.


                “Same here,” I confirmed.


                The group of people we saw came walking over. I didn’t recognize any of them and Rich, Wes, and Jacob didn’t seem to either. When the group got close enough one of the black men in the group called to us, “Hey! Any of you know what’s going on?”


                “Nope,” Jacob replied our foursome effectively merged with the group, “And I’m willing to bet that we all just had the same experience.” Each person in the group recounted the same tale.


                “Well I guess that wraps that up,” the black man concluded, “Now which one of you is James and Rich.”


                Our faces may have given us away, but Rich asked, “How did you know?”


                “Well your names are by the green light next to your vault.”


                I looked down at the light and there it was, our names and a green light.


                The black man piped up again, “Well, I think we are all stuck here, so let’s introduce ourselves. I’m Don.” He was a large black man. His head was shaved and his eyes were brown. He was about 6’4” and had an average build for his height. He was 37 and worked as a mall security officer.


                There was another black man named Shaun. He was about 5’7” and was a bit chubby. He seemed more mousy and nervous. His hair was short, but was there. He was 24 years old and was studying economics in college.


                Mike was a black-haired 27 year old. He was 6’3” and kinda skinny. His shag of hair fell in front of his hazel eyes. He was studying to become an ER nurse. He seemed to be the most composed of the group.


                On the other hand there was Miles. He was a 22 year old wrestler at a university. He was 5’9” but must have been in a lightweight category because though he was muscular, it was all tight and defined with no bulk. He seemed to show distrust toward the other people in the group.


                Hunt was the shortest in the group at 5’3”. His messy and curly black hair was very greasy. He looked stoned mainly from the little amount of fat on his skinny body and made his face look that way. He was unemployed and uneducated; you could hear it in the way he spoke. The only redeeming quality of his physicality was his heterochromia; one eye hazel and the other green.


                Dave towered above the group at 6’7” but his beanpole physique took away from any commanding nature he had. He owned a gym, but didn’t seem to use it. His brown hair was just as dull as his personality. His dull blue eyes did not add any to him either.


                Landon was the oldest of the group at 45. He was a former coach turned health teacher due to a leg injury. He was a former football player and wished he could go back to the glory days. His gut was apparent from his days of desk work. It didn’t look so bad on his 5’10”. There was a cap covering his balding head.

                Tyler was also a college student. He was studying sports marketing, though he seemed to dislike the jocks in the room. He was of average build on his 5’8”, but his legs were a bit larger due to his biking habits. His hair was long and red. Following the red hair, he also had pale, freckled skin.


                Then we began to introduce our group. Wes went first. He had just graduated along with me, Rich, and Jacob. He had a fair complexion and was in good shape from cross country and rowing. He was 5’7”, had dirty blonde hair that curled at the end, and hazel eyes.


                Jacob went next. Also a graduate and did the same sports as Wes, but had different physique. He was 5’5”and that just made him look even more muscular. His pecs were the most prominent muscle. His Mediterranean skin just accentuated the muscles. He was a ROTC student and showed his dedication. His dark brown hair was already in a high-and-tight. His large nose and brown eyes made him really popular.


                Rich and I had started talking at the same time, but I let him go first. He was a half-an-inch taller than me at 6’2.5”. His light brown hair was also in a high-and-tight, but had no intention of going into the military. He was also in great shape. Between his running, rowing, and low body fat, he was ripped. His skin was naturally smooth, but sort of pale.


                Lastly, there was me. I was also pretty average. I was 6’2” and not necessarily out-of-shape. I had a low body fat percentage, but it did not make me look that good. I had no fat on my legs, arms (which were not muscular), or chest, but some on my abdomen and most of it was in my ass. My legs were very muscular from rowing, hiking, and swimming. My brown hair was greasy, but my saving grace was my deep blue eyes. After I finished introducing myself, I noticed something, “One of the lights is red.” The whole group moved several vaults down to look at the names.


                “It says Drew and Jordan,” Mike said nonchalantly.


                “Has no one come out?” Dave inquired.


                “No,” was the response of several people.




Meanwhile the two people in the last room were struggling to solve the puzzle and not drown. One dived down, but shortly resurfaced to catch his breathe. The other one having given up.


“Come one dude. It’s no use,” the one that stayed above water said.


“I’m going to keep trying Jordan!” he shot at Drew. They were both submerged from the neck up. Jordan was about to go down again when they heard a beep that signaled time was up.


Both of their heads were still above water. “Hah,” Drew exclaimed. “Something must have broke. We’re not dead!”


Their joy was short lived as they both felt a piercing pain in their wrist. “Damn,” Jordan whispered. “It must be those nano-bots.”


“Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-it,” Drew screamed as he clutched his stomach. Jordan did the same with his arms.


Drew was the first to change. As he held an iron grip on his stomach, abs etched themselves into his stomach area and that spread to his sharpening obliques. The pain then spread in both directions. His chest pushed out slightly, but became very defined. Because of his chest, his shoulders pushed wider and rounded out. His biceps pulsed with power and energy. They continued to grow and his arm lengthened. A large vein could be seen running down the hard muscle. Like his biceps, his forearms lengthened and thickened. The pain suddenly increased as it entered his hands. His palms snapped and expanded more and more until it was almost disproportionally large. The fingers followed suit by getting longer, but they actually slimmed down from their original stubbiness.


His lower body was next as his glutes clenched in pain. The two flabby cheeks pulled into a tightly muscled ass. They were so tight you could bounce a quarter off them. His thighs burned as they swelled with power and energy, lengthening slightly. His shins felt as if they had been shattered as they stretched longer. Behind his shins, his calves bulked up with lean muscle. The pain momentarily left his legs for his back. The pain was almost pleasurable now as he inched taller. He now stood, or rather floated, at 6’5”. But the pain quickly moved down his legs to his feet. His normal size 9’s stretched forward. The soles slowly and painfully pushed against his shoes. They soon burst from their tight confines and now felt the floor. Drew felt a twinge of relief as he realized the water was draining, but he was still worried for himself and Jordan who was grunting in pain by him. The relief left him as the pain in his feet eclipsed the pleasure. The toes grew further out and became sleek. Soon he had size 17 feet.


The pain then subsided to pleasure and it moved back up his body to his neck. The neck thickened and his Adam’s apple pushed out; effectively deepening his moans. The pleasure then moved to his head. His hair shortened to a crew cut and became bleached blonde. His forehead pushed out and his eyes became a sparkling blue. His chin jutted out and sharpened, but lost all hair. He soon felt the remaining water around him as the nano-bots left in nothing but a racing speedo. As the water drained, his body hair fell out into the drain.


The pleasure then moved to the seemingly forgotten place, his genitals. First, he felt his balls begin to expand inside of the speedo. He hadn’t realized that he had lost all of his pubes too. The testosterone from his new, larger balls caused it to expand and lengthen. It grew to a thick 8 inches soft to 11 inches hard. The nerves inside his cock grew even more sensitive and as he touched it lightly, he came.


Drew finally opened his eyes to see his new body. It was sleek, well-muscled, and extremely sexy. He flexed his biceps and abs. His head ached a bit as his new memories surfaced. He was a swimmer. A very good swimmer. Another feeling hit him and he quickly looked around for Jordan; he needed to see Jordan.

He spun around the room and he laid eyes on the most gorgeous person he had ever seen. He was 6’4” and also had the body of a young pro-swimmer. They both slowly padded across the wet floor with their huge feet and embraced each other. Then they attacked each other’s mouths with their longer tongues. Drew’s tongue left Jordan’s mouth and travelled down his pecs, to his abs, and finally to Jordan’s cock. He deftly engulfed the head of Jordan’s cock, eliciting a deep moan from his newfound lover. Drew worked his way down the 13 inch shaft. Jordan moaned again and pushed Drew’s head further down on his cock. After minutes of sexual bliss for both men, they orgasmed.


Drew pulled Jordan’s speedo back up and kissed him on the cheek. A beep signaled the opening of a secret door behind the electrical panel and both now 20 year old, gay swimmers left the room into their new lives.


Back outside, the red light outside the vault turned off.


“I guess they didn’t make it,” someone said.


The beep sounded again and the mechanical voice came on….



Puzzling – Chapter 2 – Making a gamble


                There was silence as we saw the red light turn off. I don’t know who it was, but someone had said, “I guess they didn’t make it.” There was a mumbling of agreements among us. We had heard the familiar beep that always preceded the mechanical voice. Several of the group shuttered.


                “Well, I guess we will have to start a pair short,” the voice said almost teasingly. “I wouldn’t worry about them now. They should be, hehe, getting along swimmingly.”


                “Is this some kind of joke you sick fuck!” Don shouted to the ceiling. “You just fucking drowned two people. You’re a murderer.”


                “Oh I assure you this is no joke. And I murdered no one. I just helped them move on into a new life”


                “You are fuckin psycho!”


                “Again with the psycho insult. Yah know if you keep that up, I won’t be so nice to you.”


                “What’s so nice about locking us up and forcing us to play your messed-up game,” Miles added in.


                “Well, there is a prize at the end for everyone that makes it to the end, but it’s a secret,” there was a sound. Nobody knew if it was static or snickering. “Anyway, I’ll be really nice to you now. You can switch partners once and when you all are ready, step by the lit up doors and swipe your bracelets by them to get in. And don’t even think about trying to get than one person in each. There will be consequences!”


                The mechanical beep sounded again signaling the message was over. We all looked at each other. “So I guess our partners are who we woke up with,” Jacob piped up. “So who woke up with who?” Everyone paired up: Shaun and Miles, Hunt and Dave, Don and Mike, Tyler and Landon, Wes and Jacob, and lastly Rich and I. Everyone seemed to be ok with that except Don.


                “Hey Mike and Miles I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like the bruthas to stick together,” Don said standing over them. “Mike, can you switch with Shaun?”


                “Sure thing man. Miles, Shaun, you guys ok with this?” Shaun nodded in silence while Miles just grunted. After the switch, the rest of us decided not to switch our groups. We walked in front of our doors and tentatively swiped our bracelets. The doors clicked open and we all stepped in.


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        Rich and I step into the room and we were surrounded by what seemed to be a casino. “Wow…” I examine the exquisitely designed room. “Now what are we supposed to do.”


        Rich spotted a piece of paper on the pool table. He grabbed it and said, “Hey, look at this.” He proceeded to read the slip of paper “Here in this room you have a lot more to lose than your shirt. Look to the door to find your lock with two missing parts. The keys being spades, clubs, diamonds, and hearts. If you waste your time, it might hurt. Now your time starts. There is a roulette, slot machine and table, but no darts. Run out of time and the lock will remain inert. One key happens after you eat. You just don’t want to taste defeat. The other key you need to solve if you can. It has already killed one man. I’ll give a hint and… you hold a hole in your hand.”


        “A hole in my hand? What is that supposed to mean?” I ask.

        “I dunno. Where’s the door?” Rich responded and I motion across the room. There was another vaulted door with a timer above it that read 58:23 and was counting down. I looked around the door to see the lock. All I found was the roulette table, slow machine, a frame with some cards in them, and another door.


        “Wait, did it say anything about another door?” I said as we moved toward it. There was a sticky-note on it: for whatever you need it for.


        “No, but lets see what’s inside,” Rich said as he opened it. He sighed, “It’s only a bathroom.”


        “Well that won’t help. Lets just figure out these clues,” I started as I mulled over the note in my head and mumbled to myself, “two missing parts…the suits…after I eat…taste defeat…killed a man…a hole in my hand…”

        “Hey James,” Rich called to me from the first door, “Look at this thing.” He was examining the frame by the door.


        “What’s with it?”


        “It looks like there are cards missing.”


        “What do you mean?”


        “Well… there are two aces, one heart and diamond, and one eight, but it look like there are two spaces left.” He pointed to the areas by the cards that seemed out-of-place.


        “So if this is the lock, then we are looking for cards in a Casino…?” I ponder.


        “I guess so, but which cards? That’s the question of the hour.”


        “Well, one happens after we eat and the other is in a hole in our hand?” We both look at our hands at the last remark. “I don’t see anything.”


        “What have we eaten then?” Rich asked?




        “The note was taking about what we ate.”


                        “Yeah, what we ate…we ate…ate…. Oh my God, Rich you are a genius!” I shouted in amazement.


                        “What? I am?” he recoiled a bit in shock.


                        “Yeah, eight! We are looking for an eight!”

“Wha- why?”


“What happens after we eat. We ate something!” I said spilling the cards on the table. “It’s a bit of a stretch, but it’s all we got.” I continued to search feverishly. “Found one!”


Rich and I continued to look through the deck. We separated all of the cards into piles but could not find another eight. “Did we miss one?”


“No, they are all here. What was it about the second clue?” I wanted to reconfirm.


“It said, ‘you hold a hole in your hand,’” he repeated. “I got nothing. How about you?”


“Maybe we can figure out from the left over cards,” I began to look over the cards again.


The clock only said 10 minutes were left. I grew frantic. I didn’t want to die in here. Then, Rich picked up a card. It was a seven. “There is only one of these.”


“Well lets try it!” We stuck the cards in the frame and heard a click.


We both pushed on the door at the same time and fell into the hallway. We untangled ourselves and looked up. Mike and Miles were walking toward us.


“Good you guys figured it out,” Mike said, “I was worried someone without medical knowledge wouldn’t get through.”


“Medical knowledge? How does that work into it?” I was curious.


“The hole in your hand. It’s a 7 made by your Thenar crease and proximal palmar crease.” He explained.


“So then what is a hole?” Rich inquired.


“It’s the unknown card that is face down in a game of cards,” it was Miles’s turn to speak. “We play a lot of cards in the frat.”

And with that explained, we waited. Pair by pair, everyone got out of the room. Everyone except Don and Shaun.

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There were only five minutes left on the clock and the panic was evident on their faces.


“Fuck,” Don shouted at Shaun. “Do something!”


“Like I know what the fucking riddle means!” Shaun shouted back in frustration.


The clock was in the last minute. Shaun walked to the bathroom.


“Where the fuck are you going pussy!?”


“To die in private. I don’t care to die listening to you barking orders at me,” he shut the door and locked it. Just as he did so, they both felt a prick in their wrist under their bracelets.


Shaun stared at his half-black skin and dull eyes and thought to himself, “So I’m gonna die a virgin. Wonderful…” His cock sprung an erection. “I’m even gonna die horny.”


Shaun noticed that his skin began to darken. He watched as his lips puffed out some more. Hair grew back into his head until it was buzzed. He thought to himself as he changed, “The nano-bots must simulate cancer.” He felt his bones ache, “I guess it does.” In reality, he was just growing taller. He grew to 6’5”. It began to feel exceedingly hot and he felt the need to get out of his clothes. He didn’t realize as he stripped, he did it like a stripper. Soon, he was just left in his boxers which changed right before his eyes into a white jockstrap that contrasted with his dark African skin.


Growing taller wasn’t the only thing that was happening to him. The heat intensified as his muscles began to grow.

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Meanwhile in the main casino room, Don had begun to sweat. He was sweating the fat out of himself. His cop clothes got looser on him more ways than one. He began to shrink from his 6’4” to a 5’8”. “Man it’s hot,” he thought to himself. He stripped more messily out of his clothes. If he was paying attention to himself, he would have noticed the black jockstrap he now wore and that his skin was no longer dark. It was now a honeyed tan.


He felt a pleasurable sensation radiate from his cock. It spread from his crotch to his abs. Slowly, but surely, abs emerged from his stomach. They were slick and hairless. The growth spread up from his abs to his pecs. His pecs pushed out until they were plump mounds of muscle. The nipples on the ends of them now pointed down. The nips grew large and stuck out ½ an inch, becoming super sensitive. He places his hands on his hips. The biceps swelled out with muscle. His forearms grew thicker as the hair on them fell out. Once his shoulders grew wider and filled out, he bounced his pecs.


“Yeah, the guys at the club love when I do that,” he thought to himself. “Where did that come from?”


He shook his hips as his legs swelled with defined muscle. His thighs quaked as they became stuffed with muscular beauty. Veins came over them as the growth passed to his calves. They became taut diamonds of muscle. His hairless legs shuddered as they were covered with a sweaty sheen. His hips switched from shaking to gyrating as his ass bubbled out.


“Yeah, the guys love my ass,” he purred. “Yeah, they love Juan’s sexy ass.” The nerves in his ass changed so that he loved getting fucked up the ass. His hair became greasy as it snaked out of his head, He now had a long mane of black hair.


He felt himself up as the bathroom door opened. Behind the door was a behemoth of a man. He took up most of the doorway as he walked out. “There you are Juan,” the voice from the man had an impossibly low rumble. “I thought you’d be messing with my clothes again.”


“I’m sorry Shaun,” Juan, formerly Don, said as his mouth watered for the giant pecs of this man. “I just liked how hot they looked on you and wanted to see how’d they would look on me.” He put one hand on Shaun’s pec and they other ran down Shaun’s abs.


“Yeah, save it,” Shaun grunted. “I’m horny and I need ass now.” He took out his massive, throbbing 14 inch cock. Juan eagerly turned around and offered up his ass.


“Come on then, put it in me.” He said as the 14 incher invaded his tight ass. The new nerves he had deep in his ass caused his own cock to become erect. His former 7 incher stretched and thickened into a nice and hard 11 incher.


“That’s it, take my cock bitch,” Shaun grunted as he increased his pace. Juan sped up too to match him. “Damn your ass is tight.” As he said this,  Juan’s ass clenched down on Shaun’s cock. That caused both of them to moan in ecstasy. Soon, both of them came with such for that they fell to the floor.


They picked themselves up and Shaun picked up Don’s old clothes. They were stretched tight across his mammoth pecs and broad shoulders. Juan picked up a separate set of clothes. They were a black wife-beater and some jean shorts that had holes in them.


“Come on,” Shaun motioned to a new opening in the wall. “The club is waiting for us and you need to sell your ass tonight.” Juan gleefully bounced up and followed Shaun out of the room.

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The light outside their room turned off.

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OMG I remember this story from the other forum, I loved it. I don't think it got very far though, only to the third chapter, maybe. Ace, If you are the original author, I hope you share more of this story, if not,I hope the original Author continues this great story.

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I am the original author. Unfortunately the USB I had all my planing for the story on got corrupted. I managed to get these two files fixed and will try for the other ones. However, it has been a year and continuing it may not be an option. Bit I'm glad you liked what I had so far.

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I also really enjoyed what I saw of this story, especially given the loose parallels with 999. Have you tried Zero Escape yet? You might find some inspiration for new writing there...

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I am the original author. Unfortunately the USB I had all my planing for the story on got corrupted. I managed to get these two files fixed and will try for the other ones. However, it has been a year and continuing it may not be an option. Bit I'm glad you liked what I had so far.


Well while I can understand not wanting to return to this after a long hiatus, I do hope you find it to continue this great story, or come up with another game/saw-like story to share. Also I hope one of the pairings has a really big guy with a really small one, but with reverse positioning. Just wishful thinking for anything in the future. Best of luck if you do continue. And thanks again for sharing. 

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