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Give or Take (Part 2 added 11th September)


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Part 2


The room is lit, barely, by the idle signal of the long forgotten TV, and what little of the streetlamp’s glow makes it past the curtain. It’s a sticky night, and sleep evades Jack as he lies in the gloom on the sofa, staring blankly ahead. Not that the heat mattered much; sleep and Jack never got on much. From down the hall, at the other end of the apartment, he hears the distant snore of Bradley, curled up and at peace. He wished he could join him in that moment, safe and calm and unconscious, but he knew it would be some hours before he finally became exhausted enough to pass out. How he envied his boyfriend.


Pain, which quickly subsides, but fades instead to extreme dizziness. His vision is a blur of creeping grey shadows, his ears filled with white-noise ringing. Am I dying? he thought, some aneurysm caused by years of insomnia catching up with him? His stomach lurches, he tries to cry out but a slur staggers in his throat, barely audible. He rolls off the sofa and stumbles to his knees, then feet.

His movements are slow, jerking in awkward motions as he stumbles forward across the room, hand grasping at the door frame. Something is… off. Not just the dizziness, but the room itself seems different. Or is it just the shadows? The dim gloom of the room, brought to life by his vertigo, making the top of the door frame seem just a little bit closer.

The hallway feels endless, a black corridor that seems to stretch two steps forward with every one that he takes. He falls sideways with one misplaced foot, bouncing off the wall, knocking a picture to the ground. His stomach lurches. He’s gonna hurl.

The bathroom door bursts open as he charges inside, flicking on the light which buzzes angrily as it blinds him. On instinct he continues forward, his eyes scrunched tight as his fingers grasp unsteadily in front of him, finally coming into contact with the basin. He retches once, but nothing comes. It's cool here. He’s steadied. He slowly becomes accustomed to the light, and as the dreadful feeling dissipates, he turns on the tap and brings cool water over his skin. Then he opens his eyes.

The person staring back in the mirror is not him. It looks like him, vaguely - his skin is flushed pink and his expression a mask of dumbfound disbelief, but otherwise the person’s face is more or less like his. But there the similarities stop.

His usually sandy hair, cropped short around the sides, is instead a shaggy brown mop. He stands tall - much taller than Jack’s 5’11”, the top of his head reaching up past the mirror, and likely the doorframe he’d just stepped through. And he is an adonis - his body packed with thick muscle, stocky like a rugby player but on a frame tall enough to be in the NBA. His arms look bigger than his head, fed by thick veins, two of which spread from there to the sides of his thick pecs, which are dusted with a thin layer of fur. Beneath them a set of abs is visible despite the bulk of the stomach beneath them, stretching his underwear almost to breaking point.

Ah. That’s not where the similarities stop. He’s wearing the same boxers…

Shocked out of his fugue state, Jack looks down, and sees the same colossal body from the mirror. What the fuck was happening? He moves his arm, flexing it to yet more absurd degrees, studying every detail of it from the shoulders down to the thick fingers. He runs his hands over himself. Seconds ago he thought he was dying, but he was fairly sure this - whatever it was - was not an aneurysm. His heart still pounded like a drum with fear - this was terrifying! It was insane!

It was fantastic.

The thought catches him off guard, but it was true, wasn’t it? Look at me, he thought. Look at this body. I’m fucking huge, I’m amazing! And if I’ve had so much already, couldn’t I have more?

He senses something deep in his chest, but it’s not the same horror from before. It feels like he’s been tethered to something, and as he focuses on the idea of more, it’s like he’s pulling against that rope. It resists him, but he overcomes it, and with each excruciatingly slow pull he feels himself getting bigger. Here his arm swells, there the seam of his pants pops, now his face is completely above the top of the mirror. Yes! More, give me more! Give me - 


The voice from behind him makes him jump, but nothing can prepare him for the sinking feeling of dread when he turns around.

Propped up against the doorframe, barely remaining vertical, is an emaciated figure. His eyes are sunken into his skull which is sparsely covered with a sprinkling of white hair. He can’t be more than four feet tall, and that tiny frame looks about ready to crumple under its own meagre weight. Jack wouldn’t have recognised him, if it wasn’t for the tattoo of a Swallow on the tiny man’s shoulder. When Jack responds, despite his newfound size, his voice is barely even a whimper.


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Office of ##########
Dr J####### #######
Case No: 4859-1

At #### on the afternoon of ####, local authorities - including fire, police and ambulance crews - were dispatched to #### college campus, #### following several emergency calls. A full report of the incident can be found in external report number EX-1342, but to summarize: 

Three separate buildings suffered significant fire damage
14 people suffered minor burns, plus a further 23 treated for smoke inhalation

However, while the broad strokes paint a picture of a situation outside our usual remit, there are some unresolved discrepancies.

Firstly, eye-witness accounts from those closest to the epicentre of the blaze recount seeing “a person on fire, completely engulfed” (see attached report, 23A). No major burns were treated on-scene, and no human remains were found on-site, which suggests that this could be an over-exaggerated account from shocked victims. However, more than 12 separate accounts from both students and teachers corroborate the same.

Secondly, six hours after the initial blaze, a separate burn site was found roughly 1.5 miles to the south west. A plastic trash can was found melted into the sidewalk, and local investigators place the time of the fire at roughly the same as the main inferno.

Lastly, forensic examination of the scene found no source of ignition at either site. Electric certification is present and correct, and local police found no obvious leads to suggest arson. Agents were dispatched to the scene, but given the otherwise ordinary nature of this incident, it took three weeks for our office to be notified. By this point, all we were able to do was confirm the work of the local services, which I am glad to say was thorough and exemplary in this case.

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that the similarities with the ######### incident are vague at best; in fact, the greatest thing they have in common is unanswered questions. We’ve also found nothing to connect subject C with the location in question. However, given the explosive nature of what occurred that day and possible threat to life and national security, I would recommend treating it with caution. With permission, I’ll arrange a surveillance team to monitor the situation.

Kind regards,

Dr J###### ########

To call the scene at the breakfast table uncomfortable was an understatement. Bowls of cereal and a stack of toast sits untouched between the pair, neither of them able to bring themselves to even look at it - Bradley can’t even look at Jack.

“Are you okay?”

“Would you stop asking me that?” Brad snaps back at him impatiently, “You know the answer.”

“I know, it’s just-”

“Look, I know you’re sorry, and that’s fine. I accept that. But what happened, happened and I’m still - still kinda reeling from it. I don’t exactly have previous experience of being turned into a human raisin,” Bradley says bitterly.

“Well, I don’t have much experience of turning people back. Which is why I need to know if you feel alright?” Jack says, tears pricking at his eyes.

“I’m f- I’m physically fine. I just need time,” Brad responds softly.

“You want me to go? Or call someone, you could talk to someone,” Jack suggests.

“And tell them what? I mean, who’d believe me?”

It’s true, Jack thinks. It’s not like there’s any real evidence, outside of some shredded clothes and a broken picture frame, which were hardly conclusive of anything at all. He knew the truth of it in the pit of his stomach though.

The second he identifies the diminutive little creature he saw last night as his boyfriend, he knew exactly what he had done. But he hadn’t meant to do it! He wasn’t sure how he’d done it all, though he was certain he had. Wracked with guilt he’d stomped over the room in a single step and swept the tiny Bradley up in his arms, each of which were bigger than the skinny little thing, and held him as tightly as he dared.

As they embraced, he thought of nothing but how he could fix it. And as his mind came up blank, those thoughts were replaced by two things; a deep self-loathing, chastising himself for being so awful, and a deep love for the man in his arms. And that’s when it happened. He could feel the room shift around him once more, his whole body deflating, while he felt the body in his arms grow heavier. It was like letting go of a tension he didn’t even know he was there, at once a relief whilst also feeling… hollow. Before long, Bradley’s feet touched the floor, and his body continued to stretch an inch or two taller than Jack, who had never realized just how big that difference was before.

For Bradley, it had been a nightmare made manifest. He’d been woken by the noise of something crashing in the hall, reflexively wishing to go and check on it, but finding himself unable to. He felt paralyzed, unable to move even an inch, but as he slowly tilted his head to look around him, he realized that wasn’t quite true; he could move his head after all. As his eyes adjusted to the grey gloom, and witnessed in horror the shrunken, bony limbs of his newly reduced form, he put things together with grim certainty; he could move, but the weight of the blanket had him pinned to the bed.

Using all his might to budge it even slightly, essentially levering parts of it off him at a time, he managed to shimmy his frail body out and over the edge of the mattress, falling a startling distance to the floor. He staggered to his feet, finding the door handle at eye level, but mercifully he’d left the door open a crack just in case Brad had decided to join him; he would surely have been left trapped with such an obstacle. From there he crept along the wall of the hall, reaching the lit frame of the bathroom door, just in time for that second wave to hit…

And, well, the rest was history. But for that moment, looking up at the hulking, growing behemoth in front of him… so much bigger than him, so powerful, raw manhood distilled into an avatar of HE… even now it turned him on. As awful as it felt to be him in that moment, drained and left with nothing of himself, it was almost like a divine connection. If only he’d had the energy to do something about it.

“What did you do?” Bradley asks, for the first time looking at his boyfriend.

Jack was shorter than he at 6’1”, though not by much, and his much stockier frame meant that he was almost certainly bigger. Bradley had played tennis through college, whereas rugby was Jack’s sport of choice, and though neither got to play as often as they would like these days, they hadn’t completely gotten to grass. Brad was taller and more toned, far more flexible and dextrous, whereas Jack was simpler stronger, and had more presence. Except of course last night, when he was the best of all worlds, Bradley thinks.

“I don’t know. Not exactly,” Jack says, lamely shrugging his shoulders, “It was more like a feeling, you know? Like I was pulling against something that got easier to pull. I didn’t know I was taking from you, though, I swe-”

“I get it,” Bradley responds, raising his hand, “What I mean is… what I mean to ask, is do you think you could do it again?”

Jack stares at him, unsure if this is some sort of trap. Was he worried it might happen the next time they go to sleep? No, he knew his partner better than this. It wasn’t concern driving the question… it was something hungrier than that.

“Why would you want me to do that?”

“To see if you can,” Bradley responds simply, “Whatever this is - and it’s fucking weird, don’t get me wrong - I want to know about it. And I don’t exactly think a physician is going to cut it, do you? Not that we could afford it.”

“So you’re proposing a practical test? On you?” Jack asks flatly, still careful of any potential pitfalls.

“Why not? You can put it back, right? You did last night.” Bradley stands, and walks around the table next to Jack.

“But what if I can’t?”

“Then you keep trying until you do.”
“Look, I don’t think-”

“DON’T think,” Bradley chides him, “You said it was a feeling, not a thought remember? Stop overthinking it and do it. Now.”

Jack stands, screwing his eyes shut and willing himself to grow.

Nothing. There’s no change, as he lets out a sigh.

“I can’t - see, I can’t do it. Maybe it wasn’t real to begin with?” he says, more hopeful than anything else.

“Bullshit. It was real and you know it,” Bradley takes his hand. “It felt good, didn’t it?”

“...yes,” Jack admits, his voice barely a whisper.

“Then focus on that. Think about what it felt like to be so huge, so unstoppable. Too big for this tiny apartment. Too big for me… focus.”

Jack’s breathing turned ragged, and he can almost feel the texture of rope in his hands.

“I think… I think I can feel it.”

“Good. So take it - just a couple of inches. Try and control it this time…” Bradley says barely able to control his excitement. Then his stomach lurches.

It feels like standing in a fast-moving elevator. This wasn’t just a couple of inches. The apartment stretches in every direction around him as he dwindles down, but this time it doesn’t feel quite as awful; his body remains more or less in proportion as it shrinks away, stopping at around three foot tall - though he’s more focused on his boyfriend.

Like himself, Jack remains more or less proportionate as his looming form fills the room. It’s difficult to tell just how big he’d gotten, as everything looks exaggerated in size now to the tiny Bradley, but he looks close to the 8ft ceiling. And then, with a dry mouth, Bradley realizes that’s not all he took.

It starts just out of reach above his head, but snakes down to right in front of him; a bulge in a pair of already strained pants that does nothing to hide to visible dick print. It would be the biggest he’d ever seen even if he weren’t currently half his normal size, and it was still, patently soft. With his jaw slack, he reaches down and feels his own manhood, confirming his suspicions - he’d been reduced near completely, to less than the size of his own finger tip, even though he’s painfully hard. How could he not be? He salivates being so close to such a monster…

He shakes his head, breaking the obsession, and attempts to do the same for his giant boyfriend.

“Jack. Jack!” he calls out. Jack takes a moment to respond, then shakes his head and looks down, almost confused at what he sees. “That’s enough now, take us back!”

The big man’s eyes close, and for a dry-mouthed moment nothing happens - until it does. Again, that sensation of letting out a held breath, and within seconds, the two men are standing face to face. Jack looks like he’s just woken up.

“That was-”

“-incredible.” Bradley finishes, planting a kiss on his lips. “You did it. You CAN do it.”

“Yeah, but…” Jack looks uncomfortable. “So what? What do we do now?”

“Right now? I’m going to work, unless you can do the same thing with peoples bank accounts. You can’t, right?” Jack laughs. Brad always could steady him. “Well then, I’ve got to go. But I’ll be back. And then… then we’ll see.”

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  • 6 months later...
On 3/11/2024 at 11:56 AM, kurisupei said:

This is amazing! Will you be making a part 3 by any chance? This is hot! 

Thanks! And unfortunately the answer is maybe - I hope so - but don't hold your breath.

Had some health issues in the family to deal with last year (which fortunately seem to be resolving) and that took all my time and energy. Then I made the mistake of trying to rush back into making a third chapter and I absolutely hated it. Since then, I basically haven't been able to continue.

I still have a story I'd like to tell, though. I've been trying to write out some short-form stuff and that's been going okay. Maybe that will help the gears start turning again, but as it stands, I can't promise anything.

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