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  1. xythanshadow

    The Trickster

    “I don’t want that piece of junk!” “It’s tradition that the closest male relative receives the inheritance. Would you deny your inheritance?” “What good is it if I can’t spend it? What am I going to do with a bunch of beads and feathers?” “Your father and grandfather would be so disappointed in you. Would you have all our ways be forgotten?” “This is why I don’t come here anymore! Every time it’s the same thing. Tradition this and heritage that and responsibly blah blah blah. I told you when I left 20 years ago that I didn’t care about the spirits or the buffalo or any of that. The world is different now. All of you guys need to get with the century. If you don’t have money and position, you’re just going to get ran over. I don’t even know why I came here. I knew I should’ve just ignored that letter.” Sam turned to leave but was stopped by the elderly lady holding a headdress. “You can’t leave before your grandfather has been given the rite of death and ascension. You shouldn’t leave until after sundown!” Sam shrugged her hand from his shoulder, “How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t care anymore about tradition and I don’t care if he died. I’m going back to L.A. and if I ever see this reservation again it’ll be too soon!” With that, Sam Smith, as he called himself now after long abandoning his birth name, stormed out of the tent. He muttered to himself in anger the whole time he stamped to his car, glaring angrily at the onlookers. He hated every moment he was here. He never liked growing up on the reservation and was so happy when he finally got old enough to leave. Sam got in his car and slammed the door. He thought again, “Why in the hell did I even come?” He cranked up the car and sped down the dusty hill, vowing to never come back to the reservation he left so long ago. Driving around 80 miles an hour under the hot New Mexico sun wasn’t the greatest idea Sam had ever had. His anger was preventing him from thinking clearly and it wasn’t until he saw smoke rising from his engine did he realize his mistake. He pulled over to the side of the road and slammed his fist on the steering wheel. “Fucking shit, this is all the hell I need!” he screamed as he got out. He popped his hood and was immediately blinded by the amount of smoke and steam that rose from the engine. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he yelled at the overheated car. “This is just fucking great.” He walked to his trunk and opened it, hoping to find something that could help. Sadly, he had no coolant or water in his trunk. He walked around to the backseat of his new Lexus, cursing under his breath the whole time. He looked in to see the bottle of soda he had bought in town empty and uttered a final ‘fuck’ at his situation. He looked around. He knew the reservation was about twenty miles from where he broke down, but what was worse was the closest town was still forty miles away. “Fuck!” he screamed once again, “I gotta go back to that fucking reservation to get help.” He pounded his fist on his expensive car, cursing his luck. He knew that twenty miles was way out of his limit to walk. He knew how harsh the desert was from his youth, and when he was young, he was fit enough to handle periods of time without supplies. Now he was going on forty-six years old and hadn’t even thought about exercise in twenty years. He knew that he would probably die if he tried to walk that distance without any water. So instead, he looked for shelter. He turned a few times, glancing at the horizon before spotting what looked like a hill through the haze. “A hill out here might have a cave, at the very least, there’ll be some shade. I can just go there, wait till the sun goes down and come back and catch the people coming from the reservation. I won’t have to go back and see that damn place again,” he said to himself in triumph. After placing a red flag on the car’s antenna, he started out on his walk. The flag was for naught though as after he was about 500 yards away, the car simply vanished, turned into the same sand that lined the desert floor. The hill was farther away than it first appeared, but after fifteen minutes of walking under the hot New Mexico sun, he started to see it clearly. He could tell there was a hole at the base of it and that got him even more excited. He knew that the area had some underground caves and rivers around. That’s why his people had settled here, so it was even possible that he could find some water. That was one good thing about growing up here, the water was better than most of the stuff he could buy in L.A. Ten minutes later, his clothes completely drenched in sweat, he arrived at the hill. It was a big mound of earth that rose up against the flat landscape that surrounded it. There was a few cacti around the area, but nothing that gave good shade. He was about to curse again when he saw out the corner of his eye an indention in the side of the hill. He walked over and peered down to see a hole, slightly bigger than he was going down into the base of the mound. He could feel a cool breeze coming up from it and he practically jumped at his luck. It took a little effort, but he squeezed into the hole. It was a slight fall, around six feet, and he landed face first in a pile of dust. He got up slowly, grateful that he didn’t break anything and started dusting himself off. But as soon as he started to shake his clothes, he was overcome with a feeling similar to bugs crawling over him. He started to dance and rip his clothes off, starting with his shirt, then his pants, underwear, shoes and socks. He threw them on the ground and stumbled back deeper in the cave. If he would have looked back in the dim light of the cave, he would’ve seen two things. One, there were no bugs at all in the cave. In fact, there wasn’t a single living thing in the area besides him. Two, he would’ve saw his clothes, just like his car, slowly turn to dust and vanish from existence. Sam could feel the cave slope down gradually as he walked. Thankfully, there were pinholes as he walked letting light in from the surface. He could only assume that he was walking a few feet below the desert floor. He could feel the temperature drop slowly as he walked and soon, he could hear the sounds of dripping water. He picked up his pace, stumbling naked through the mysterious cave when he finally came upon what seemed to be an ancient stalactite. He saw that there was a steady stream of water slowly dripping from it, landing on the floor, then running downward deeper into the cave. He rejoiced at his luck again and cupped his hands under the flow. What Sam didn’t realize was, as he quenched his tremendous thirst, his memories were flowing away from him like the river that was between his toes. He was too enthralled with the cool and soothing sensation of the liquid hitting his tongue to worry about anything else. Finally, when he had had his fill, he looked up and around. “What am I doing here again?” he said. It should have shocked him that he couldn’t remember, but he simply felt a sense of calm, confused, but calm. He turned and saw a light shimmer of heat before a pool materialize before him. The water was bubbling from an underground vent and it looked so enticing to Sam. He looked down at himself and saw how dirty his body was. “I must’ve come here for a bath,” he said to no one in particular. He gingerly stepped in the pool, wincing slightly at the sudden temperature change. Slowly, he lowered himself into the natural spa, sighing with relief as more of his body became immersed in the balmy water. Finally, his feet hit bottom, leaving just his chin above the surface. Sam became so completely relaxed as he stood in the pool. He closed his eyes and simply rested in the water. But as he did, he never noticed the changes that were happening. When he stepped in the pool, he was a stereotypical fat cat. Years of working in a law firm, spending twelve hour days wheeling and dealing had left his body a complete disaster. He had a huge stomach from all the huge meals he had with clients, cellulite covered his entire body and his chin gave new meaning to the phrase, “turkey neck”. He long had stopped caring what shape he was in, money could fix that when he hit his mid life crisis. But, as he stood in the water, years of unhealthy living seemed to melt from his body. It looked like the water was boiling away the fat on his body. Sam didn’t feel anything different happening to him as he stood there, but his body was going through several changes. Finally, he knelt down and dunked his head under for a few moments to clean the dust off his face. When he stood back up, his face had completely transformed. Now, instead of the bald, pale man that went under, there stood a man that face was lean and angular, skin bronzed from many days under the sun and long flowing black hair that floated on the surface half a foot from his head. He stood up, not noticing the added height from when he went in. “Ahhh, this water feels great. But wasn’t I supposed to be doing something?” He saw a shimmer out of the corner of his eye and turned to see a few feet from where he stood an elegant headdress and chest piece made out of beads and eagle feathers. He got out of the pool and walked over to the jewelry lying on the ground. Bending down a lot further than he would have had to a few moments ago, he gently picked up the mysterious item. He rolled it around in his hands for a few moments, thinking how familiar it was, yet so foreign. His eyes fixated on a red bead. The ambient light reflected and refracted off of what seemed to be an infinite number of facets in the jewel. He held it between his thumb and forefinger, slowly rotating it around, peering into its depths like it was a kaleidoscope. As he was mesmerized by the jewel, his body began to go another transformation. His frame, which was slender and taller compared to his old one, slowly began to expand. But instead of fat, it swelled with sinewy muscle. It started from the ground with his feet. He had small feet all his life, but now they seemed to pulse. Each moment was filled with expansion of his former feet, swelling from the small size 7 he had until they were giant feet, swollen with muscle that threatened to explode from even size 16 EEEE shoes. Then the growth progressed upwards. His calves started to become warm, but he was so enthralled with the jewel, he didn’t feel any discomfort. The calves began to bulge outward, flexing and growing into a mound of muscle that would’ve made anyone proud. They split and grew until his lower legs were two beautifully sculpted diamonds of power. Then his thighs began to experience the same growth. They ballooned outward as if someone was forcing pounds of air through them. But a glance would tell you that these legs were not filled with air, but instead thick striated muscle. They swole to such a size that he was unconsciously forced to adjust his stance. That growth eventually made its way to his cock. Sam had never had anything to be proud of in that department, but the meat that was growing at his crotch now would’ve made a mule proud. It grew thicker and longer in time with his steady heart beat, pulsing with size and power until it was as long as a ruler and thicker than his wrists. His torso began to change next, first with the slimming of his waist and the expansion of his abs. From an outside perspective, it looked like the skin was drawing itself closer and closer to the muscle until it seemed like there was no skin, only six perfectly formed bricks of muscles guarded by two impressive obliques. Then, his chest and back began to expand. It seemed as if with each deep breath he took, his chest and back filled with air, but didn’t recede any when he exhaled. The growth continued to fill with muscle until his chest was as big as a barrel around with pecs that looked as big as a person’s head and a back that looked like he could fly without any trouble. His arms followed soon after, slowly filling with the same thick dense muscle that filled his legs. He didn’t even notice that his hands and arms were getting bigger as the jewel glinted in his eyes. His hands grew to a size that could easily palm a basketball and his forearms were so bloated with muscle, they looked like they could twist off the stone stalactites that adorned the cave. His biceps inflated to the size of a football on his arms and his triceps soon grew to the size of a smoked ham. His shoulders and neck grew right after that as the warm feeling traveled up his body. His shoulders became huge mounds of muscle and his neck quickly thickened to a column of unmovable mass. Finally, his face began to change. It loss most of its age and weariness to reveal a youthful look, yet his eyes exposed the wisdom of a man twice his new age. A light layer of hair began to cover his entire body except his back. It was his back that experienced the final changes. The sleek and muscular back of this young Native American was completely hairless when it started. The muscles began to flex outward, displaying its power for an unseen audience. Then, lines began to form on his skin. The first image that appeared was that of a crescent moon on his left shoulder blade. It was light blue and white, the same color as what could be seen on a clear night in the New Mexico skies. Then, along his collar bone along to his right shoulder, a few depictions of clouds appeared. Then, starting from his lower back, lines began to fill in between the numerous indentions in his huge back. Slowly, the image of a mountain cliff was visible, perfectly formed to work in conjunction with his natural muscularity. As he moved, the mountain range seemed to shift and morph with each contraction and relaxation of muscle. The coloring even seemed to blend in flawlessly with his natural bronze skin. Finally, on top of that new cliff side, making up the majority of his back, the image of a coyote began to appear. Outlined by black, the animal slowly formed on the landscape of his new muscle. It stood proudly as the centerpiece of the artwork, howling at the crescent moon that adorned his shoulder. Then, a light layer of short grey hair sprouted from his back, filling in only where the image of the coyote was. He finally snapped out of his trance when the growth was complete. He thought and said nothing, but simply put on the chest piece and headdress. He adjusted it with the skill that could only be learned with years of practice. The chest piece stood boldly against his new muscles. It felt comfortable there, as if it were there for years. No shirt would ever be able to contain the mass of muscle that was under the beaded item. He looked around the cave once again and his eyes fell on a pair tanned leather shorts. Obviously, they were designed specifically for him because the waist was so slim, yet the leg holes were exceptionally big, befitting a man of his superior size and equipment. He slipped them on and looked up, “By the spirits, I’m going to be late!” In a few moments, he was outside the hill again. By this time, the sun was approaching the horizon and he lamented his forgetfulness. “I should not have taken so much time purifying myself for the rite!” He turned towards the reservation and began to sprint, his powerful legs indenting the ground as his huge bulk moved across the desert like a cheetah. So focused on the run before him, he didn’t notice the hill behind him fading into nothingness and the desert returning like nothing was ever there. Around fifteen minutes later, he ran into the front of the reservation. His body was covered in a light sheen of sweat from the run under the clear dusk sky, but he wasn’t exhausted at all. He was greeted at the entrance by three of the tribe’s braves. “Halt! We are not having any visitors today! You must turn back.” He stood before them, towering over the short, but fit guards. “I am Coyote Rock, son of Soaring Eagle. I have come to pay my respects to Falling Wind.” The braves stood there dumbfounded. One immediately ran up the hill and informed the chief and the great grandmother of the situation, and a few moments later, they walked down the hill. Seeing the majestic movements of the elders, Coyote Rock immediately bowed his head in reverence. The chief whispered something in the ear of the brave, and he stood down. The chief motioned for Coyote Rock to follow them. He was led to the top of the hill where the funeral pyre was being set up. Already, the tribe had started gathering for the rite of death. The chief turned to great-grandmother and her aides, then to Coyote Rock. “The braves told me that you said you are the son of Soaring Eagle. I am sure that Soaring Eagle had but one son.” “I know. I am he, son of Soaring Eagle and grandson of Falling Wind,” he said with a deep voice that cut through the silence. Before the chief could protest, the sound of thunder echoed across the village. Everyone looked up at the cloudless sky in confusion. Then suddenly, a few amazing things happened. Great-Grandmother, who was holding the headdress of Falling Wind, noticed the same exact headdress on the man who called himself Coyote Rock. Then, the headdress she was holding slowly dissolved into dust and scattered to the gentle breeze that ran through the village. Then, everyone’s eyes except Coyote Rock’s were drawn to him. A slight flicker engulfed his torso. Then, a paw print like that of a wild coyote appeared on his right hip. Then, another one, and another one until it looked like an animal walked from his hip, up his abs and across his left pec muscle. Finally, the sound of a coyote’s howl resonated throughout the reservation. All the people there stood in awe as Coyote Rock looked at the sky. Great-Grandmother simply smiled. She stepped forward, wiping the remains of the dust off her hands and said, “Young coyote, will you accept your inheritance and become our new shaman?” The chief looked at her in shock, then realization as Coyote said, “Yes, of course Grandmother. I will do all that I can to serve the tribe as my grandfather did before me.” “This is a good thing,” she said loud enough for the tribe gathered there to hear. “Then, young coyote, would you lead us in the Dirge of Sorrow?” Coyote Rock bowed his head solemnly and walked towards the pyre. Saying a quiet thanks before starting, he lifted up his head. With a low voice that trembled through everyone, he started to sing the song. His deep voice echoed though the hearts and minds of all the people, and soon, the hilltop was filled with the song of the tribe. A few weeks later, a pair state troopers came to the reservation. They were greeted by Coyote Rock. “Hello sir, we’re looking for a missing person, Sam Smith. His last known destination was supposedly this reservation. He had said he was going to the funeral of his grandfather.” Coyote Rock simply looked at the police officers as a howl was heard across the land. “I am the only grandson of Falling Wind. I do not know of whom you speak.” This post has been promoted to an article
  2. xythanshadow

    Another Choice 2

    Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain,something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one,and only, truth.- Alphonse Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist It's a good thing I like you. Normally, I don't spend this much time telling anyone about my work. Usually I just have lovely Celest to talk to and she never appreciates the subtle beauty in my changes. But these are some of my favorite subjects and you're such a good listener, so I guess I'll tell you another one. Now, which one was I going to tell you about? Oh yes, Steven, thank you. Yes, I remember Steven well. He's still alive if memory serves. Yes, he was a by-product of the time line that was created due to another project, Carl and Paul. Yes, you remember those two don't you? Paul was exceptionally special and had to be stopped, but I digress. Steven was someone that would've benefited from what Paul would've done if I didn't place Carl in Paul's life. Steven was the son of a single mother who was over protective of her baby. He was the last thing in her life that reminded her of her dead husband. So naturally, she wouldn't let him go out and play with the rest of the kids, she always was feeding him healthy foods and at the first sign of sickness, would dope him up on enough drugs to make anyone wonder. So, is it any surprise that Steven ended up being exceptionally confused when he entered school? His social skills were severely lacking, along with his physique and self confidence. He didn't even start playing with the other children at recess until he was in the forth grade. Needless to say, all his awkwardness translated to other aspects of his life. He was slightly above average in intelligence, but his shy and timid nature made him seem quite aloof. And anything physical was a complete mystery to him. He constantly failed his P.E. classes because he just couldn't do anything remotely sports related. The coaches tried everything, but eventually gave up on him. As you can guess, all this made him a prime target for bullying when he got to high school. He could count on one hand the number of people he considered friends, but the number of enemies he had seemed infinite. It was one day after a particularly rough school day that I introduced myself. He had spent most of his walk home being followed by a bully. Jeffry or Jeremy or something, I can't remember. Anyway, he had finally made it home, locked the door and ran to his bathroom. He stood there crying for a few minutes before he started to clean himself up. He looked in the mirror and started to wash his face. I whispered in his ear, “Not quite fair, is it?” He spun around to face me, then started looking around my pocket dimension. I'm a sucker for theatrics and the teleporting stunt always amuses me. He seemed as scared as a cornered rabbit when he looked at me. And I don't blame him. That day, I had chose a pretty intimidating appearance. I was around 6'8” that day and, since I had plans for the trade, I was pretty hefty in size. I'd guess I was close to 350 lbs of beef. Of course, there was like eight percent body fat on the giant frame. I had muscles on top of muscles, from the 21” inch neck down to the 30” calves. I had a bald head then and my face was covered with a thick salt and pepper beard. If I were a normal man, I would've been around 40 or 50 years old. I felt his eyes on my chest and I didn't blame him for staring. I placed my hands on my hips and did a lat spread. As my lats flared like a pair of wings, I heard a sharp intake of breath. His eyes were glued on the massive rocks that I called a chest and the mass of thick hair that encompassed the landscape of my torso. I flexed my right arm and saw his eyes widen. I'm sure he had never seen an arm as big as that. 22 inches of pure ripped power bulging before him with a tricep the size of a horseshoe, lined with thick veins, connected to a thick, hairy pipe of a forearm and a cannonball shoulder. Eventually he looked at the rest of my amazing physique. I didn't have a six pack today, but the stomach I had was flat and firm, covered in hair thick enough to have fingers ran through. It led down towards the mammoth cock that I had created. His jaw fell open as he gazed upon the thick member that hung lazily against my massive quad. The legs which were thicker than my waist accentuated the package well, giving the body an even more imposing appearance. Blood rushed through the fountain pen sized veins that ran along my legs like a road map. Even the calves I had were monstrous, bulging at the sides, threatening to burst at the seams. “Why don't you have a seat Steven? Looks like you're a little flushed. It must be the smell getting to you. I know you've always liked the smell of a locker room. It makes you think of what it would be like to be a confident jock. Someone who knows what they want and how to get it. Someone that was big and strong and popular.” Steven looked at me in shock and confusion as I laid his deepest secrets to bare. “Yes, I know about it all. I know about that bodybuilder magazine that you have underneath your second desk drawer. I know how you pull it out and jerk to the pictures of the huge bodybuilders, wishing that you could be just like them.” I strolled around my desk and sat in my huge red leather chair, “What would you say if I could make that happen for you?” He started to speak, but then held back. “What's the catch?” he asked, wisely. I waved my hand and off to the left of my desk appeared a television set. The all too familiar clip of the anime “Full Metal Alchemist” played. He smiled knowingly as he had watched several episodes of the show. I paused it after Alphonse explained the Equivalent Exchange concept and I asked him, “Have you ever given that any thought? Not the alchemy part, but the concept of giving up one thing to get another?” Steven shook his head no and I continued, “Think about it. You give up your time to study to get smarter or workout to get bigger. You give up privacy to hang out with people. People give up freedom for money and jobs. People even give up their dreams in exchange for stability. Every decision you make in life, you're giving up one thing for another.” Steven sat there thoughtfully as I continued, “I've brought you here because I'm willing to offer you an once-in-a-lifetime chance. I'm willing to trade you one commodity in exchange for what you desire most: This body and the confident, assured attitude that comes with it.. But the price isn't cheap. You'd have to give up something of equal value in trade.” I was slightly surprised when he didn't ask me what he would have to give. Instead, he asked me, “Why?” I smiled at him and said, “Because, I am the avatar of Chaos. It is what I do, I change things to make the world more unpredictable. Life is so much entertaining that way, don't you agree?” He shook his head no, “I've had enough chaos in my life.” I leaned on the desk, my forearms rippling at the simple movement. As I bridged my fingers, I said, “So, you enjoy the strict order that your mother created for you? You liked being completely different from everyone else? You enjoy that every thing so far in your life has been decided for you?” He hung his head and said, “No, not really.” “I know. I'm simply offering you a chance for control of your life instead of having everyone else control you. I wouldn't have chosen you if I didn't think you'd be a good candidate.” “What does it involve?” “It's simple. We come to the terms of the agreement, I change you and then complete the exchange. You will be fully integrated into your new life with no memories of this or your old life.” “What guarantee do I have in this?” I smiled. This kid was the first one in years that asked so many questions. It was refreshing to be honest. Kinda like a hard sell. I waved my hand and a few dozen scrolls appeared on the desk. I grabbed one and unrolled it, “Here are the rules to answer your question.” He looked at me in utter confusion and said, “I can't understand a single letter on this thing.” I smiled and said, “Sorry, my bad. Forgot this was written in Kuo-Toan. Basically, the gist of this scroll is the punishment and consequences for an unfulfilled exchanged. If I fail to uphold my end of the bargain in any way, I relinquish all my abilities and position as the avatar of Chaos to the client of said contract. In addition, the client will be made aware of my true name and I will become a mortal.” “True name?” he asked. “Yes, my true name. Good grief, don't they teach you anything in school. Ok, my real name isn't Kaos, your real name isn't Steven. Everything has a true name, and if you know a being's true name, you can command them to do anything short of harming themselves. So basically, if I do not carry out the contract, you gain all my powers and complete control over me.” “Really?” “Yes, really. So you can see why I am very careful and very thorough when I am conducting business.” “So, what would I have to give up to look like you?” “Time. For this body, you would have to give up your youth and long life. If you accept this deal, you will only have somewhere between five and ten years, but in that time, you will enjoy life infinitely more than you have since the time you can remember. He sat there mulling over the details and asking me random questions for around an hour. This kid amused me more than a lot of my subjects. A lot of them just accepted the deal. This kid actually thought about it. Finally, he said, “Ok, I will trade you my youth of torment for a life of enjoyment, no matter how short it may be.” I smiled as I waved away the desk, scrolls, chairs and television. He stood there before me, flabbergasted as I said, “You might wanna get undressed. Those clothes aren't going to be useful to you in a little bit.” He scrambled to get his clothing off. And I was amused by the amount of shyness he had. He held the clothing in front of his crotch after they were off. I smiled to myself, thinking how that aspect of him wouldn't last much longer. The transformation of a subject has always been a favorite of mine. Instant changes are a lot more enjoyable than the over time ones that I occasionally do, and this one was no exception. First, the subject's height must be adjusted, and that is by far the most painful part of the procedure. Everyone, from the little kids to the gruff bikers fall to the ground, rolling in agony in this phase and Steven was no exception. It started with his legs and feet. I tend to start there because you have to have a good base for someone to walk on. His toes cracked and reformed, followed by his feet, ankles and legs. I am used to the sound of broken bones, but to a mortal the sound would be sickening. Slowly, his bones thicken and mended themselves bigger and stronger before the growth moved onward to the rest of his body. Soon, it looked like Steven was an alien, his thick new skeleton protruding from his body like internal chitin. After the pain had subsided, Steven stood up. Confusion washed over his face as he looked at his hands. The skin on his hands seemed to be paper thin, revealing his new, thicker bones and fingers. Much to my amusement, he didn't panic or become impatient, but instead simply looked at me in anticipation. I decided not to make him wait any longer and started the muscle growth. As with his skeletal growth, this also started at his feet. He felt them tingle and vibrate as if someone was putting a low voltage wire in them. Slowly but surely, he saw them inflate. They thickened and widened as he watched. Completely mesmerized, he followed the growth with his eyes as it transversed to his legs. He moaned in pleasure as his calves and thighs began to expand with thick, firm muscle. Hair sprouted and grew along his new muscles as his body adjusted to the influx of testosterone. His cock was the next thing to grow and, as much as he wanted to reach down and play with it, he held still. But his moans were more than enough sign that he was enjoying the experience. His meat grew and swelled with each beat of his heart until it was the size of a thick summer sausage with balls the size of his tiny fists, all covered in a layer of manly salt and pepper hair. Before he had a chance to evaluate the growth in his lower body, his upper body started to expand. He could feel it all at once, how his chest, stomach, back and arms buzzed with power. Each part grew at a different rate, but they all expanded to a size that Steven would've never dreamed of. He could feel the weight of his new chest and how thick it was with muscle. He could tell how hard and solid his stomach was, even without a six pack. He could feel how swollen his arms were as they hung at an angle because of his new back. And he could also feel his shoulders and traps beef up. As he tried to look down, he smiled at the fact that his now huge chest blocked his view. He raised his arms to examine them before his face started tingling. He lowered his arms and once again allowed the transformation to proceed. His face started to feel a little itchy and he could tell that something was happening. The top of his head felt cooler and his jawline felt warmer. Finally, the transformation was done. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I simply smiled and nodded. He took that as a sign that he was done. He took his hands and explored the new contours and bulges around his body, flexing the new muscles. He laughed aloud at his new size and power. He ran his hands through the thick hair I gave him and took a few moments to get familiar with his new arms, legs and cock. He couldn't get enough of the changes, it was like he was a kid on Christmas day with his new toy. I allowed him to explore himself a bit longer before I said, “And now for the exchange.” Memories rushed into his head, laying the groundwork for his new life. He suddenly remembered wrestling in high school, captaining the football team, having sex with all the cheerleaders and half of the wrestling team. Then, memories of college flooded his head, starting with football, then going to his fraternity and how he was introduced to bodybuilding. He remembered how once he got into lifting weights, he discovered what it was like to be wrestle before sex. After that discovery, he never had sex with a woman again, preferring to fuck people who would wrestle with him first. A few times he lost and had to be the bottom, but every time he did, he enjoyed it. He then remembered the years he spent as a construction worker, followed by working at the steel mill. Every job he took went towards building up his huge physique. Even after he retired, he continued to stick to his strict lifting regiment and diet. Steven rubbed his temples as the memories took hold. When he finally accepted his new memories, he closed his eyes and I smiled and said, “Enjoy.” He blinked a few times before his eyes focused on the straight blade in his hand. He was confused for a moment, but then said aloud, “Must've been shaving the dome.” He started to scrape his head clean, until it was completely hairless. He smiled seeing the smooth skin atop his head. He then took the blade and shaped his beard. He never cut it anymore since he retired, but he did enjoy having it maintained. The full beard accented his masculinity so well. He walked into his bedroom, his sausage sized cock swaying with each step. He opened the closet to reveal a treasure trove of leather outfits. He pulled out a leather cod piece, and with practiced precision, encased his beef in it. He adjusted it slightly so it would stay in place yet bulge outward as he walked. As he pulled out his favorite leather pants, he said, “I hope there's some new beef at the eagle tonight.” He had been disappointed as of late. With a body like his, he could get any piece of ass he wanted. And if he wanted to fuck a little boi, they were lined up around the block to get some muscle dad beef. No, that night he wanted a challenge he thought as he strapped on his harness. He wanted a guy that wouldn't just submit. He wanted a fight for dominance. He wanted to wrestle around with a fucker that was as big or bigger than him, make him submit and then fuck him silly. Or get dominated, it didn't really matter. He just wanted the challenge, the hunt. He slid a leather arm band that looked like some twink's collar on his right arm and looked one last time in the mirror, seeing how the leather emphasized his huge hairy body and stunning cock. He smiled and said, “Yea, let's go find some one to come appreciate all this.” I smiled and waved that mirror away. I spun around and said, “Why hello Celest, so nice of you to visit.” A slender woman clothed in pure white lace materialized in the room. Her outfit flowed and drifted in an unfelt breeze as she said, “I don't appreciate what you just did?” “Hmm, really now?” I mused. “Yes, I had my eye on that Steven boy for a while.” “Well then, maybe you should've used one of your mid-level changes to take care of him before I did. I tell you what though. I'm feeling kinda sporting today,” I started with a smirk on my face. “I will relinquish my claim of non-interference so you may speak with him and I will reverse his contract IF you can convince him to agree.” I stood up and walked around my desk. Towering over her, I added, “But you have to tell him everything. You have to tell him that he will be bullied every day until he graduates high school, that he would have no more than five friends in college, never go to a party, never be invited to anything, resented for spending all his time studying and being so smart.” I smiled and continued, “Then you tell him about his adult life, how he never had a meaningful relationship, never had sex or anything, spent every moment working at the pharmaceutical company until he died alone and miserable at 43.” Finally, I leaned forward and whispered, “And then tell him the best part, how the only good thing that he accomplished in his life was credited to the young, attractive jock intern that he envied and lusted after.” “But he had figured out how to cure the common cold. It gave people a whole new understanding of viruses.” “I know that and you know that, but the question is, can you convince him to give up everything I've given him and ask him to go through that hell just so someone else can get the credit in the end.” Celestia turned away from me and started floating away. As much as she hated to admit it, she knew I had a point. Very few people would give up their happiness for someone they know, much less people they didn't. As she started to fade from view, I called out to her, “I'm sure next time, it won't be quite as easy.” “No, I won't make that mistake again. I will use a high-level change if I have to next time.” After she had returned to her realm, I sealed my dimension. Waving my hand, I brought up a separate spectral window displaying my newest interest. I watched curiously as the young kid ran after his dog, happy as can be. I smiled, because even though his future was closed to Celestia and myself, I was sure that interesting things would be following him in time. Hmm, what's that? You wanna know if it was you that I was watching back then? Well, if I told you no, would you believe me? And if I said yes, you would be suspicious of why I flatly told you so. So, I'll just let you decide. Either way, it doesn't matter to me. At least not yet it doesn't. This post has been promoted to an article
  3. xythanshadow

    Zachery The Knight

    Queen Tivania LeStrang was walking through the courtyard, her hair gently flowing in the breeze. In her hand she carried a lovely bouquet of flowers that released an aroma that matched her subtle scent. She loved to walk around her castle and her subjects' morale was always increased by seeing her. She turned the corner to see a few of the kids that frequented the castle playing near the moat. She didn't know their exact names, but she recognized at least a few of them. She saw the daughter of the baker hiding behind the orphan Zachery. She knew a lot about Zachery, seeing as how he was a frequent visitor to the court doctor. And it seemed today would be another day he would need the doctor's service. He was defending the young girl from three boys. The target was obviously the sweet roll that she held in her hand. The sweet cinnamon smell wafted up even to her nose and proved the skill and expertise of the master baker of the town. Zachery turned slightly to the young girl and said, “Cynthia, run!” She started to run down the moat towards the town, and as soon as one of the three bullies turned to chase her, Zachery jump and knocked him down then blocked their path. Cynthia got away, but Zachery paid the price. The three bullies weren't kind to the little kid that prevented them from their ill-gotten sweets. Even though Zachery was older than them by two years, he wasn't nearly as big as them. The queen watched sadly as the bullies beat Zachery before leaving him bloodied and hurt beside the moat bank. Queen LeStrang's heart broke for the young man. She motioned for a guard and when he arrived, told him to retrieve Zachery and take him to the doctor. Once he was out of sight, she ducked down, grabbed a small amount of the soil and smiled. Standing back up, she plucked the reddest rose from her bouquet. She then reached deep into the group of flowers and plucked a single rare starflower from the group. She put down her bouquet of flowers before she plucked the petals from the rare and beautiful starflower and rose. She merged her hands together, mixing the petals and soil before whispering, “Young man, noble and true Whose body does not fit the part Let your strength and size grow to match The Valor found within thy heart.” She opened her hands and blew the contents into the air. They rose on a wind, swirled above her head before flying down to the boy. They twirled and danced on the wind above him before they sprinkled and fell on the kid. They glowed for just a moment before fading. Then the guard that the queen sent arrived, picked him up and took him into the castle. The queen smiled and picked up her bouquet. She thought to herself, “You know, a sweet roll does seem like a good idea today.”
  4. xythanshadow

    Bear's Bar And Brews

    Mark's fingers drummed along the steering wheel of his Lexus as he headed home. He hated working in the gay district. He didn't know exactly what he did to Cheryl to gain her ire, but he had to fix it as soon as possible. She assigned him to this district for the next few months and he was long pass hating it. It didn't help it that he was another hour from his house. "Stupid gay bastards," he said to himself. He was hit on four times that day and if he knew that he could've kicked their flamboyant asses without getting fired, he would've. "I need a drink," he grumbled. He glanced out his window longingly. Even though he knew he was still deep in "gay-town", he was hoping to find somewhere to at least get a beer. As he drove, he started to lose hope as he passed by shop after shop proudly sporting rainbow flags and other gay paraphernalia. But luckily, before he lost all hope, he saw a black building sort of off the road that had a sign that said, "Bear's Bar and Brews". He slowed down and looked around the building before pulling into the parking lot. He saw a few Harley Davidson bikes, and most importantly, nothing that screamed gay. He parked and headed inside. As he entered the dimly lit building, his lungs were filled with cigar smoke. He smiled, thinking to himself how gays didn't smoke cigars, only fruity cigarettes. After a turn out of the foyer, he saw the bar at the back of the room. Above it were a trio of t.v.s showing various games. He smiled again at the site of football and rugby on the screens. Behind the bar was a burly man, covered in hair and wearing a leather vest washing out a glass. Near him was another big man, mature and also hairy, with a beard that would make Grizzly Adams envious. “What kin I git fer ya?” said the bartender in a gruff, raspy voice. Mark smiled and quickly took a seat at the bar, “What do ya have on tap?” The bartender smiled and grabbed a frosty mug. With a practiced motion, he started to fill the mug with a deep amber ale. “You don’t look like yer from ‘round here,” he said as he slid the beer to him. With a smile, he accepted the beverage and replied, “No, I live on the north side. Just had to come down to the queer side of town for work and I was so pissed I had to find somewhere to drown out today. Just had to put up with so many guys hitting on me today. I swear, if I didn’t have to worry ‘bout losing my job, I would have knocked one of those dick-loving fags out today.” The bartender simply nodded his head as he listened to Mark. He took another swig of his beer and continued, “I never liked them anyway with their floating around like the little fairies they are, talking about pop music and shit. I mean, I don’t have any problem with someone being gay, just them flaunting it around like that. I mean, men should be men and women should be women.” He set his empty mug down and the bartender grabbed it, refilled it and set it back down in front of Mark. “What would you do if you saw a gay guy that didn’t look gay?” the man near him asked. Mark took another huge gulp of his beer and responded, “I don’t give a flying fuck man, as long as they aren’t being all gay around me, hitting on me and shit. I’m a strict vagatarian.” Mark laughed loudly at his own joke. “Vagatarian, huh?” the big guy next to him said as he took a swig from his mug. “Yeah man, I can't get enough of some good pussy, ya know what I mean?” Mark said with a slight slur. The bartender muttered quietly, “Yeah, some boy pussy.” The big guy laughed at the joke while Mark looked around in confusion. “You know,” he said to Mark, “I can tell why everyone was hitting on you. I mean, look at you.” Mark glanced down and looked back at the huge bartender, “Whhaaat aaaaarrree yaaa talkin' bout?” Mark shook his head, wondering why the beer was affecting him like that. He usually could hold his alcohol but there was something weird about this beer. Weird, but it tasted so good he thought as he took another swig. “No offense man, but you look like one of those guys. I know it's popular to be 'metrosexual', but is that what you really want? I mean, look at me, none of those little twinks come in here and hit on me, same with ol' Humphrey there.” Mark looked closer at the two. He could tell what he meant. The two guys were big, burly men; the type you see in biker gangs or doing construction work. They both had really big chests and arms and both were covered in hair. Humphrey had a huge full beard while the bartender had a well-kept handlebar mustache. Mark rubbed his face in thought, feeling how bare and smooth it was. He had kept it that way for years, but maybe the guys had a point. Humphrey then flexed his arm and Mark was blown away. He thought he had a good physique, but seeing Humphrey flex just showed him that there was another whole level of size and strength. Mark though, “I bet those gay guys don't even think about talking to him with an arm like that.” He leaned forward slightly, suddenly feeling dizzy and started to fall. Humphrey reached out and grabbed him, his massive arms barely registering the movement. “Woah boy, looks like you had a little too much.” “I'm not as think as you drunk I am,” Mark slurred before it clicked in his mind what he said. He tried to regain his balance but his body didn't respond. “It's ok boy, I got ya,” Humphrey said with a smirk. “Hey Damien, can you 'take care' of our bud here?” Damien smiled and said, “Sure thing, let's take him to the back room.” The two big men helped Mark to a room in the back of the bar. Mark's head was swimming, but he saw the dimly lit room and the bed in the middle. There was a lamp next to the bed on a nightstand and a radio, but besides that, Mark didn't notice any other furniture or windows. They gently lowered him on the bed and Humphrey turned to leave. Damien reached over and turned on the radio and said, “Ok, go to sleep and when you wake up you can go back to your place.” Mark was too drunk to argue, so he simply nodded. Damien smiled and walked out the room, closing the door behind him. When the door was shut, the room plunged into darkness. Mark rolled over in the bed and tried to get comfortable as the sounds of ocean waves filled the room. He listened to the waves crash against an unseen coast, and as he listened, it felt as if all the tension in his body melted away.
  5. xythanshadow

    Clothes Make The Man

    "Hey Sam, First things first: Happy Birthday. I know you're probably not celebrating it, but I thought I would send you a present anyway. I know that you've always had a thing for big biker men, and I know that you always wanted to be one, so I figured I would give you a goal. Inside is the full Monty of biker gear. Most of it's special order and I hope you like it. Don't bother trying to figure out how much it cost me, just promise me you'll try it on once and set a goal for yourself. Just remember that clothes make the man, but sometimes the man has to work a little to help the clothes. P.S. When you can fit in this outfit, you've got to come visit me in CA" It was about five years ago when Sam first read the letter that came with the giant box a few days after his birthday. As usual, he didn't even remember his birthday had past, but he was thankful that at least Georgio had remembered. He smiled as he read the letter and wondered what insanity his best friend had in store. He opened the box and pulled away the bubble wrap. Immediately, his nose was assaulted by the strong musk of leather. Sam inhaled deeply the arousing scent and smiled. He started to pull out the contents of the box and laid them on his couch. A few moments later, he stood and took inventory of his present. He now was the owner of a very nice leather outfit, a jacket with a few zipper pockets, a pair of very shiny leather pants, a leather cop hat, some chrome reflective shades, a white tank top, a blue jockstrap and some calf high boots. Looking at the collection, Sam was tempted to find out how much he paid for the set. He fantasized about getting an outfit of his own, but never felt that he could pull the image off well enough. He collected all of his new clothing and headed towards his bedroom. He stripped down in front of the mirror and took a look at himself. It was almost enough to make him put back on his clothes, stuff his new leather into its box and hide it in the back of his closet. He saw himself through very critical eyes. It had been that way since the he was a kid. While he had a lean, athletic look, he simply saw himself as thin. He always envied the guys who had muscle mass, but he never actively tried to build himself up. While a lot of people envied him for his good metabolism and endurance, he lamented it. All he saw in the mirror was a small, thin guy who had a body that looked like it belonged to a child than a man. The only thing he was proud of was his cock which hung about six inches soft and swelled to around nine when he saw a world's strongest man competition or a bodybuilding show. He reached over and grabbed the blue jock strap. He rolled it around in his fingers, feeling the mesh fabric. He always had a lust for muscle men in jocks, but he never actually bought one for himself. He smiled and slipped it on. It wasn't a perfect fit though. He knew Georgio knew his exact measurements since he had a suit tailored for him, but for some reason, the jock strap was a few inches bigger in the waistband than he needed. Thankfully, the pouch fit perfectly. Then, Sam realized that he was supposed to grow into everything. With a smile on his face and one hand holding up his jock, he grabbed the tank top. He had to let go of his jock, so he widened his stance, allowed the jock to slide a bit, and used his other hand to hold the tank top up in front of him. It was definitely something he was going to have to grow into if he ever wanted to use it. It was a spaghetti string top, cut wide in the back to let a pair of huge lats hang out. He knew it was the type that most huge guys wore when they were working out or walking on the beach. It was designed to barely cover a massive chest and back, and obviously let everyone see the builder's massive arms and traps. He slipped it on over his head and the fabric drooped down, falling down to his stomach. If it wasn't so funny, he would have stopped there. Even though he did feel self-conscious about wearing the huge clothes, it was amusing at the same time. He grabbed the leather pants next and took a better look at them. They were very high quality from what he could tell. They smelled wonderful and seemed to be sleek and polished. As he held them up, he saw they were about the same size as the jockstrap that he had on, but the legs were unusual. If it was a normal pair of pants, the legs would have been smaller than what he was staring at. But instead, they were over twice the size as a normal leg. He chuckled; obviously Georgio was expecting some very big quads and calves when someone was going to put the pants on. It took him a few tries to get the pants on without letting the jock strap fall to the floor, but eventually he did. Once he pulled them up to his waist, he let loose a loud laugh. Even though the waist wasn't more than four or five inches bigger than his normal size, his legs felt as if they were swimming in a sea of openness. There was so much room in the legs that it felt like he wasn't wearing anything at all. The last thing that was left to put on was the jacket. By that time, his mind was teetering between hysterical amusement and depression. He picked up the jacket and slung it over his shoulders. As soon as he put it on, he could feel how huge it was. To get his arms though the holes and his hands out the ends, he had to bunch up the slick leather. He could feel how small his shoulders were when the jacket rested on them and how thin his back and arms were as the jacket engulfed his frame. As he turned around, he pulled up the slipping pants with a free hand. He turned to see himself in the mirror and several things ran through his mind. Everything from how silly it looked for him to be wearing clothes that were so huge compared to him to how much it cost Georgio to what he should buy him for his birthday. But the overriding thought in his head was, "How would I look if these clothes fit me?" He thought long and hard as he stared at his reflection. Finally, he started to take the outfit off with great care. He placed them on hangars before putting the boots in the closet and hanging the entire outfit on the door going to his bathroom. Right after that, he picked up the phone and called the closest gym. Every night for five years, it was the first thing he saw when he woke and the last thing he saw before he went to sleep. His dreams were filled with the goal of making the outfit his. The night he tried it on, something finally clicked in his head. He wanted to be the muscled leather daddy more than anything. He was just not honest with himself until that moment when he had the entire outfit on. So, for five years, he drowned himself in the bodybuilder lifestyle. Every moment was either work, gym, or eating. He denied himself anything that would tempt him from his goal. Every night, he would look at the leather outfit and say to himself, “Not yet.” It drove him, consumed him to the point where nothing else mattered. But, it made him happy. Before, he had no reason to live except to keep living. Now, he had a goal. And he would see his goal realized one Friday night. He had just came from the gym blasting his calves, forearms, bis and abs. He stood in front of the same mirror that had shown him all his flaws five years ago and smiled. “It’s time,” he said as he went to his bathroom door and retrieved the leather outfit. He had made sure to take perfect care of the outfit even though he never wore it, and it still shone as if it were new. Just like five years ago, he started with the jock strap. Pulling the mesh fabric up, he smiled at the fact that it now fit perfectly. It was snug around his hips and his cock fit perfectly in the pouch. He arranged his balls a bit and soon, he had a nice bulge that was already start to swell from the attention. He focused on not getting too hard and reached for the next item. The tank top was still white and soft even though it was unused. He gently slipped it on over his head and let it drop. But, unlike the last time he put it on, this time it didn’t look silly. Now, the tank top hung well on his thick traps, the straps barely covering his built pecs. He did a quick front lat pose and saw his lats flare outward from the sides of the shirt, spreading like a pair of muscled slabs of beef. His chest pressed against the fabric, almost spilling out from behind the thin straps holding it on his shoulders. He raised his arms in a double biceps pose and smiled as he saw the mound of muscle rise upward from his arms. He was lucky that he learned how to train early when he signed up to the gym because his work was showing. He nodded approvingly at the shape of not just his biceps, but of his triceps and forearms too. He was glad that he learned triceps make up the majority of the arm and worked them as hard as he did his biceps. Satasified with how the tank fit, he grabbed the leather pants. He confidently held them up in front of him, inspecting their sheen and shine. He then started to put them on. As he struggled with them, he remembered how they felt like parachute pants when he got them five years ago. But, this time, he had to tug on them quite hard. Sam knew that his legs were by far the best improved part of him, but it wasn’t until he tried the pants on did he realize how much they had grew. Just judging by how they felt then, when he couldn’t feel any leather on his leg, and now, when he was grunting just to pull up the pants a few inches at a time, he had to guess his legs had at least tripled in size. Finally, he had the pants completely up and buttoned. He looked at the mirror as he tucked in his tank top and sucked in a quick breath. He looked amazing. The pants looked so tight on him, he could see every curve and bulge in his legs. He could see the pouch where his cock was resting, slowly awakening to the sight of the huge muscles encased in leather. His gaze fell downward, following the massive sweep of his quads. There were indentions and crevices where the leather sunk in, molding to his massive thighs. The roundness and thickness of his legs was slightly interrupted by his knees, but continued at his calves where they swelled outward, both to in width and in depth. Sam felt himself getting harder as he examined his lower body. He could see his cock thickening and snaking down his pants and he reached in and adjusted himself slightly. When he was done, he looked back in the mirror and sighed happily. His ever growing cock added to the beauty of the image, swelling down his right leg, yet pinned tightly by the snugness of the pants. He reached for the jacket next and started to put it on. It was a struggle with his huge back, but eventually he got it on. It also was a tight fit, molding and contouring to his massive frame. His arms barely fit through the sleeves and there was no way he was going to be able to zip it up. He smiled, thankful that it was a warm night. He picked up his phone and started dialing a number as he walked to his front door. As he shoved his keys in his pocket, he heard the click of someone picking up, “Hola! This esss Georigo!” “Hey Georgio. This is Sam.” “Ahh Sam, esss so good to hear from joo. It has beeeen sooo very long.” Sam replied with a smile as he closed his door, not to mention a chapter of his life, “I was wondering, do you happen to have a room available?” This post has been promoted to an article
  6. xythanshadow

    An Alternative Choice

    The low hum and steady beep of the machine slowly brought David back to consciousness. He opened his eyes slowly, allowing them to adjust to the harsh florescent light that hung above him. He tried to move, but every nerve in his body seemed to scream in pain. He felt some motion to his left and slowly rotated his head to see his friend Jack sitting beside him. “What happened?” David asked, his voice dry and heaving. Coach Jack quickly shut his book and leaned closer to him, “Hey bud, you scared us there. From what your students said, you just collapsed during your lecture. The doc said you had a heart attack.” David closed his eyes and silently cursed. Jack continued, “Let me go find the doc. He said he needed to talk to you when you woke up.” Jack beamed David a brilliant smile before he got up and left the room. David, on the other hand was cursing his stupidity. His physician had told him for years now that if he didn’t shape up, something like this would happen. He knew he was a diabetic, had hypertension and was morbidly obese, but he didn’t try hard enough to change his habits. Just the simple fact that every school year he had to buy all new clothes to fit his expanding waist line should have been a clue, but being the stubborn, lazy guy he was didn’t do anything to change himself. And now, he was lying in a hospital. “Stupid, stupid,” he said quietly. He wanted to kick himself if he wasn’t feeling so weak. As he waited for Jack to get back, he started to get bored, so he tried to look around the room. He could see to his left and right, but in front of him was blocked by his bloated gut. He cringed slightly at the size of it, despairing at how out of control he allowed it. It was a huge ball of fat sitting on top of him, completely blocking his view. He wanted to blame it on all the late night eating and not exercising because of his teaching job, but he knew deep down that he could have fit in some exercise if he tried and his diet had no excuse for being junk food and fast food burgers. As he was wallowing in self-loathing, he heard a creak from his right. He turned his head to see Jack closely followed by a older man in a white coat. Jack smiled as he walked back around the bed but the doctor following behind him looked a lot more solemn. “So Doc, when can David here get back to teaching?” Jack asked with jovial tone. The doctor looked down at his chart before looking at David and Jack. “Mr. Dale, I see here that you were diagnosed with Type II diabetes around five years ago and hypertension about four years. What lifestyle changes did you make?” David winced slightly as he felt Jack looking at him. “Well, you see, I was meaning to start exercising more and eating,” he started before the doctor cut him off. “I see.” He walked towards the foot of the bed and pulled out a pen. “Tell me Mr. Dale, can you feel this?” David craned his neck to try and see what the doctor was doing, but his massive belly was in the way. “No, I don’t feel anything.” The doctor mumbled to himself before saying, “And how about this?” “No, still nothing.” The doctor put the pen back in his pocket before walking around the bed. “Move your arm please,” he asked. David, slightly worried, moved his arms upward as the doctor nodded. “That is good,” the doctor said as he scribbled something on his clipboard. “Well, what’s the verdict?” Jack asked.“Well Mr. Dale, I’m sorry to tell you that you had a stroke and a heart attack. And the combination of those two events seemed to have caused some paralysis in the lower half of your body. I’m sorry, but I would advise against going back into teaching until your risk factors have been lowered by a great deal. David’s heart shattered at the doctor’s words. Teaching was all he had in life and because of stupidity on his part, he had lost not just his legs but his reason for living. “I’ll leave you alone for a while. Just press the button if you need anything.” After the doctor left, Jack stood up. David turned away slightly so Jack couldn’t see how upset he was. “Anything I can get for you?” David shook his head no and Jack continued, “Ok. I’m going to go to the cafeteria real quick and make a few phone calls.” David simply said, “Ok” and closed his eyes. He knew Jack had to call the school to get a replacement teacher for him. He listened to the door close and sat in the quiet room, close to crying. He kept saying to himself, “How could I be so stupid? All I had to do was eat better or exercise or something and this would’ve never happened. Why did I let myself get like this?” He continued to berate himself until he fell asleep from exhaustion. While he fell into a deep pit of darkness, he saw a small pinprick of light. Not knowing what else to do, he floated towards down to it. As he moved closer to the light, it grew and grew until it engulfed his entire being. He stopped moving and just hovered in a warm, bright glow. For the first time since in years, he felt like everything was right. He smiled as he wrapped himself in the intangible threads of comfort that surrounded him. Then, he heard a voice whisper beside him, “Hello David.” For some reason, David wasn’t startled. The voice was so gentle and soothing, he felt no fear or anxiety as it spoke. “I’ve been watching you for a while and while you’ve made some mistakes in your life, you have always had the best interest of others in your mind, even before your own. I’ve decided that I will give you a very, very special gift. I want you to think about your past life, and I want you to focus on a single thing you wish you could change. One moment in time that you look back at and wish you could have made a different choice.” David started to let his mind wonder, and flashing in the emptiness before him appeared scenes from his life. Everything flew by rapidly, but they all seemed to converge on one moment in the past. Finally, the images slowed down and started to replay his first few weeks in middle school. Immediately, he knew what he wanted to change. “If I could change anything, I would have not given up so easily on the weight lifting sessions after school. I liked it, but for some reason I didn’t stick with it. I wish I had the drive and determination to lift and play football instead of being so shy and scared of what people would have thought,” he said aloud. Soon as he said that, the day in question started playing before him. David saw himself lifting on the bench. He could see the smile on his face as he felt his muscles working for the first time. Then he saw the look on his face as he looked around at the other kids in the weight room. He could see the fear that he felt then, knowing that he was getting aroused by the weights and the other kids lifting in the area. He could see the mental anguish he was feeling as he struggled to convince himself that he wasn’t gay. Finally, he could see the pain and defeat in his eyes as he put up the weights and went to leave. The scene stopped as soon as the door was opened. “Here is the point of choice. What would you change here?” the soft voice asked. Thinking carefully, David said loudly, “I would change my entire outlook right there. I would make it so he didn’t feel ashamed about the feelings he was having. I would let him know that getting aroused at the sight of muscle wasn’t a bad thing. And I would give him the focus to stick with it no matter what. I would let him know how much fun it is lifting weights and playing football, and how, even though it might not seem so right then, there were a lot of people in the world that felt the exact same way he did and eventually, he would discover an entire world of gay lifters and bodybuilders to fit in with.” “So shall it be.” The scene before him started playing and he continued out the door, but he was stopped by a large, muscular man. David couldn’t tell what was being said, but he could see the expression of awe and wonder on the his young face. As he talked, David could see his younger self begin to cry and fall forward into the bigger man’s embrace. It took a few moments, but eventually, the muscle man stopped talking and his younger self stood up, dried his eyes and smiled at the big man. The man pointed back inside and David returned to the weight room. The scene faded away and he heard the soft voice whisper, “You have been given a great chance David, remember always, be true to yourself and your life will be filled with joy and happiness.” As soon as the voice finished, the light started to fade. “Hey man! Wake up!” David’s eyes began to open slowly as some person shook him. He looked up to see Jack’s face again, but this time there was something different. Instead of a look of worry, there was simply a jovial smile on his face, coupled with a sense of bemusement. “Dude, I had no idea you were THAT afraid of needles.” “What are you talking about man?” “You mean you don’t remember? I mean, we come here to donate blood with the rest of the team, and the guys were laughing because their huge musclebound coach faints at the sight of a little needle.” “Who me?” “No, I’m talking about the queen of Sheba? How many other huge muscle bound coaches do you know?” David was about to reply, but suddenly his memories started changing. It started from his middle school experience when he chose to stick with weight lifting instead of giving it up. He didn’t even know why he was thinking about giving up lifting. It was such a great feeling in his muscles when he lifted. And who cares if he got hard every time he lifted. It was just the testosterone running through his system. That’s what the big man said. It was perfectly normal to pop boners like that. Even being gay was ok as long as he was happy with himself. The big man had told him so many things that made perfect sense and helped him get through that rough patch in his life. He remembered how rough it was to start, being an openly gay guy in the weight room, but just like the big man said, as long as he was truthful to himself, it would be ok. And it did turn out alright. The coaches saw him as a hard working and dedicated kid and his focus paid off. He grew a lot, his body responding well to all the working out. It seems that he had a lot of testosterone in his system and it went a long way to making him big. He remembered the years of playing football and wrestling, how he just kept growing and growing as he played. He remember the day he got the nickname “Dave the Dozer” from how he plowed through the line. He remembered raising the state championship trophy for football and for wrestling, and he remembered graduating school near the top of his class, and by far the biggest one there. Then, he remembered going to college, learning how to teach kids and coach, vowing that he would give back to his community. He also wrestled and played ball there, repeating the accomplishments of his younger years. David shook his head slightly, clearing out the cobwebs and said to his assistant coach, “Hey man, when you can bench 585 for fifteen reps, then you can give me shit about needles.” Jack erupted in laughter as David swung his legs off the bed. Something felt slightly weird as he moved, and he headed straight to the bathroom. When he closed the door, he was confronted by his reflection. He saw himself with fresh eyes. It started with his face. It was tight and masculine and rough from the years playing sports. He sported a goatee, but the rest of his head was bald. He always liked that look because it was so easy to maintain and since he usually wore his coach’s cap, he liked to maintain the image of the rough and strict coach, even though his jocks knew that he had a soft side. His eyes went down to his neck, thick and bulging with power. He could see the veins that trailed down the massive pillar that connected his head to his torso. Even though it was only visible for a few inches because of his traps, you still could see the power left over from when he wrestled. His shoulders and traps were massive, so wide they spilled off the mirror. He could remember the hours of doing shrugs and presses to get his shoulders to cap off with the thick layer of muscle that they had. His arms were amazingly huge and he was thankful for the genetics that gave him his massive pipes. The last time he had measured them, they were 25 inches flexed, with a pair of hairy forearms that looked like they belonged on Popeye. The polo shirt that he wore was a XXXL, but it still was stretched across his chest like it was Saran Wrap. The school’s mascot that sat on his left pec was just as equally stretched, letting onlookers imagine how massive his chest and back were. He hated how the shirt fit because while the chest was almost uncomfortably tight, the waist billowed in the wind if he didn’t tuck it into his shorts. He knew that underneath the shirt was a hair covered, mainly chest and torso, flat and hard as a rock from all the exercise that he did every day with his players. He looked at his legs, noticing the gym shorts he had on. He remembered that he was going to order some new clothes to try and fit his massive legs. He saw the thick quads and vascular hamstrings attached to his legs, thinking about how his legs were bigger than most people’s waists and chest. He flexed them a little in the mirror, thinking about how he and his team had to do squats today. Finally, he flexed his calves and saw the football sized muscle pop into sharp relief. He smiled to himself, “Yeah, going to have to hit those hard too.” He quickly washed his hands, shaking the last remenents of memory from his old life away before leaving the bathroom. Jack was standing there laughing still and David jabbed him in the shoulder. Jack laughed and rubbed his arm as David said, “Ok, ok. Let’s head on back. We’re going to need extra time for practice today because I swear, anyone that laughs is going to get extra laps.” The two of them started to laugh as they left the hospital room. As soon as they left the room, a figure materialized behind them. The white gowned woman floated towards the window and smiled. “See Kaos, you’re not the only one who can make massive muscled men.” This post has been promoted to an article
  7. xythanshadow

    Kaos Presents: Life 2.0

    Johnny walked up the steps to his apartment after a long day at work. He dragged his feet as he slowly worked his way up the building’s stairs, cursing the lack of an elevator the entire way. He finally reached his apartment and found a simple cardboard box addressed to him lying on the ground outside his door. He bent over, groaning as he did to pick it up, then headed into the apartment. Once he got inside, he tossed his briefcase next to the computer and examined the box a bit more closely. It had a pretty simple label on it; his name and address but no return address. Just a company name: Kaos Corp. He opened the box and found inside simply a CD case. Johnny smiled to himself, “Must be a new piece of beta software.” He read the label and it said “Life 2.0” His mind ran a bit, trying to figure out what it could be as he sat down to his very fancy computer. The install process didn’t take that much time. Soon, he was staring at an intro. He brought over a pen and notepad and started to make notes. The intro was very well done in his opinion. It featured excellent graphics of people morphing into other people. Thin people morphed into big muscle people who then morphed into women, who then morphed into fat guys, and every variation that lied in between. He wrote some notes, praising the creators, then pressed the start button. The next screen had in bold yellow at the top “Character Creator”. He saw two silhouetted figures, one male and one female. He clicked on one figure and it moved to the foreground while the other went to the background. The figure in the foreground rotated as a next button became highlighted. He clicked between the two to see how well it transitioned before he selected “Male” and pressed next. The next screen offered him the choice of difficulty. He selected the hardest difficulty and pressed next. The third screen was by far the most interesting he had seen so far. At the top of the screen was a pull down box. Inside it were several professions ranging from waiter to politician to athlete; all walks of life and salaries were found within. He noticed as he switched from one profession to another, the various pull down boxes below that would light up with different traits and skills, each with a slider beneath them. He glanced over them, marveling at the apparent complexity of the system. As a waiter, he would have traits like patience, charisma, attitude, and others while a politician would have sliders for traits like morality, speech crafting, likeability and more. He settled on an athlete. When he locked in that choice, a second box appeared underneath it. In that box, he had choices ranging from archer to weightlifter. While scrolling through the choices, he noticed that fewer of the pull down boxes changed as he went from sport to sport. He nodded to himself; it made a lot of sense how it was set up. All athletes share certain traits that make them athletes. He wrote a few notes praising the designer and pressed the random select button. The system selected “Bodybuilder” as the athlete type. The cursor moved down to the slider area and a message saying “40 points available” appeared on his screen. His available traits were “Concentration”, “Coordination”, “Determination”, “Genetics”, “Lifestyle”, “Mental”, “Support”, and “Training”. He had no real idea what he needed to put the points into. Each started at a base of 5 and went to a max of 25, so he could have maxed out two traits or spent his points evenly among all of his traits. But, when he went to spend points, he noticed some were linked to others. He would spend points in Concentration and the Determination and Mental stats would rise slightly. Genetics and Lifestyle seemed to be linked, Coordination and Training were linked, and Support and Lifestyle were. Again, Johnny was awed. He enjoyed the depth and complexity of the system. He eventually settled on having his genetics close to max, followed by determination, concentration, training, coordination, lifestyle and support. He made sure to spend his points in a balanced way because he didn’t want to hurt himself in the long run. After that was all completed, he pressed the save and continue button. The next screen that popped up asked him to smile. He saw his built in web cam light up, so he looked at it and smiled. A few seconds later, his face was staring back at him. The prompt asked if he wanted to retake the picture, which he declined to, and it continued. The next page is what surprised him the most. He saw his face on top of what looked to be a wire frame model of a huge man. He watched as a progress bar appeared on the screen that said, “Analyzing racial and genetic features: Please wait”. As the bar progressed, he saw on the left side of the screen various tabs being filled in automatically. He saw his race, ethnic background, parents race and background and his grandparents background all fill in. He was quite surprised that the computer was completely right about his family tree. After the progress bar was filled, a prompt appeared on the screen. “Auto adjust to fit trait selections? Yes – No”. He selected yes and watched as slight modifications were made to his family tree; both of his grandfathers’ race changed and one of his grandmothers’ changed, which in turn changed both of his parents and in turn changed him. After that process was finished, the face on the wire frame altered itself. Johnny was very surprised and impressed by how good it looked when it finished. It still looked like him at the base, but the features were stronger, sharper and more masculine than normal. He also noticed thicker hair and a tougher demeanor. Then the wire frame began to fill in. It exploded with muscle right before his eyes. Almost faster than he could see it, the model changed into what he could only consider a dream. The stats said the avatar was 6’2” and 250 lbs. He was in perfect contest shape from what he could tell. Clad in a blue singlet that clung to his body like a second skin, Johnny could see every muscle in sharp relief. From his thick neck to his boulder size shoulders, ham sized arms, barreled chest down to his tapered waist and his tree truck legs and bullish calves. The avatar was close to perfection and made Johnny feel glad he put a lot of points into genetics. He pressed the save and continue button and was greeted by a EULA screen. It started with the words “By clicking continue, you agree to the “Terms and Limitations” that…”. Johnny skipped down to the end, like he did with almost every piece of software he owned and checked the “I agree” button and pressed Continue. Suddenly, the power went out and plunged his world into darkness. When the power came back on, everything was completely different. His apartment was gone. He now stood in what seemed to be a jock’s apartment. No longer were there computers and books around, but instead he saw bodybuilding magazines, trophies, dumbbells and weights all over the place. For a moment, he thought something was wrong, but then he saw himself in the mirror and everything flashed. He was Jonathan Armstrong, up and coming bodybuilder. He was getting ready to try and get his pro card for the 3rd time in a few weeks. Granted, everyone said he should’ve had it when he first stepped on stage, but he knew it was all politics. They couldn’t deny him this year though. He was completely ripped and bigger than ever. He had spent the entire year focused solely on getting huge with his weight lifting bud and partner. He and James were two of the most dedicated lifters at his gym and while James did more power lifting than body building, Jonathan couldn’t have asked for a better partner. Jonathan began to go through his routine in front of the mirror. He had some problems with the rhythmic routine that his advisor made for him, but he was getting the hang of it. “When you look this good, who cares if you have two left feet,” he said to himself. He turned in the mirror, flexed his bicep, and then moved to the next pose. He watched himself carefully, dissecting every motion for any weakness. He was quite satisfied with his physique. He was huge, strong and built. Bodybuilding and training was everything and he was quite happy with his life. He raised his right arm and flexed it one last time, watching the mound of muscle rise to an amazing peak. James came in behind him and wrapped his arm around his waist and squeezed his lover. No words were spoken between the two as Jonathan led the way to their bedroom. Outside their door, a muscular man walked away from their apartment spinning a DVD on his finger. He chuckled to himself, “Another satisfied customer,” before he faded into nothingness. This post has been promoted to an article
  8. xythanshadow

    Here To Help

    I though it was going to be another normal day at the gym. I was beginning to get frustrated with the whole ‘lifting’ thing. I had been working out for over six months and I had nothing to show for it. But I had kept coming, kept lifting, and kept hoping that something would change. I had loaded the bench with a 45lb plate on each side. I was happy that I could do that, but disappointed that I was stuck at that weight for so long. Then, before I could lie down on the bench, I felt something. A presence if you would. I turned to see a man that if I saw him in a picture, I would’ve said he wasn’t real. The moment I turned, my gaze hit his chest. And my god, what a chest it was. The blue Underarmor shirt he wore did nothing to hide the massive pecs that lay underneath. It was slightly sweat-stained at this point, obviously from an amazing workout because I could see the striations of his colossal chest. I could even make out the veins pulsing underneath the fabric. His chest wasn’t the only thing that hypnotized me. My eyes went down before they went up and took in all his magnificent physique. He had a V-shape to his torso that would’ve made most professional bodybuilders jealous. His chest and lats spread out so far that I doubted I could reach around to his back and tapered down to a waist that looked so narrow, I wondered how it could hold up his enormous chest without breaking. The shirt was stretched to the point of deformity around his chest but sagged at the point where it was tucked into his shorts. My eyes continued to drift down and caught a glimpse of his beautiful legs. They were clad in matching Underarmor and I knew that this man’s physique was what they had in mind when they designed the clothing line. His quads were amazingly developed and had the size that most people couldn’t even begin to dream about. The shorts hugged every contour and indention of his meaty leg, doing nothing but enhancing the overall beauty of the gigantic muscle. His calves were just as stunning as the rest of him. They weren’t the classic diamond shape, but they were remarkably thick, befitting the rest of the leg perfectly. I finally looked back up at his arms. Arms are a favorite body part of mine and he had by far the best set of guns I have ever seen, even counting the dozens of morphs I’ve seen in my life. They were, for lack of a better word, awing. I know my jaw hit the floor when I saw those pythons. I could see why he wore a sleeveless shirt. At least twenty-four inches of pure, unadulterated mass hung from his beefy shoulders. The bicep that crested the top of his arm was so huge and developed, it had to come from the depths of someone’s fantasy. The Clydesdale horseshoe that was suspended from the back of his arm looked like it was sculpted from marble and was in perfect proportion to the huge bicep that was opposite. Even his forearms were massive, writhing with veins and covered in a beautiful layer of black hair. I finally looked at his face and was stunned. When God created man, he must’ve made him look like what I was seeing. It was perfect. His face was so defined, so masculine, I wanted to touch it to see if it was real. He had a jawbone that exuded power and authority, covered with a full black beard that made you think he had to be either in construction or a lumberjack or any of the real manly jobs. He had a few scars, but they did nothing to detract from his appearance. They only added to the natural ruggedness that was already there. And his eyes were amazing, jade green, so deep you could fall in them and never come out. He smiled at me and said, “Let me give you a hand, I’m here to help.” I felt like I was melting at that point. His voice was like the finest silk being drawn slowly along my ears. I could do nothing but nod in agreement. He strutted towards me, smiling a perfect grin as he came. He stood behind the bench where I was planning on working and waited for me. I snapped out of my daze and lay down and placed my hands on the bar. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to lift with this beautiful man standing over me, but I tried. For some reason, the set felt easier than normal. He didn’t do much to help me, just kept his fingers under the bar, staring at me, whispering encouragement as I lifted. After the set, he walked around, grabbed two more 45s and put them on. When I was about to get up and help him, he simply smiled and told me to stay where I was. Not wanting to disobey him, I watched as he increased the bar to double my max weight. I assumed he was going to work out with me, but when he got back behind the bench, I realized he wanted me to lift that. “I can’t do that!” I said in shock. He simply smiled and said, “Don’t worry. I’m here to help ya.” I stared at him in disbelief, but he simply nodded and smiled again. With a deep sigh, I lay back down and wrapped my hands around the bar. He helped me unrack it and immediately I felt the pressure of the weight. It almost came crashing down on my chest, but he was right there spotting me. “C’mon man, you got this shit. This is easy weight.” I didn’t believe him, but I put everything I had into pushing it up. Slowly, the weight began to rise. Then, I lowered it again and pressed it up. As each rep passed, it felt easier and easier to lift. Soon, I had done ten reps with a weight I never would’ve been able to do alone. I racked the bar with a growl. I felt amazing. I was about to jump up from the bench before he stopped me. “Don’t move,” he said, his low voice cutting through to my soul. He added two more 45s to the bar and told me to lift. We went through the same thing that happened before. First the unrack, then the feeling like it was going to be impossible, then the slow realization that I could do it and then doing it. We did that three more times with me ending up benching 405 lbs. I couldn’t believe it myself, but when he allowed me to stand up and see myself in the mirror, I could see why. My chest had grown to be huge. It was sexy yet comical at the same time. My pecs had grown to be almost as large as his, yet they looked completely out of place on my body. I looked at him and said, “What in the world is going on!” It wasn’t that I wasn’t grateful; it was that I was completely amazed and somewhat scared. He simply ignored my outburst and said, “Think it’s bout time for you to hit legs.” Part of me was in shock. It wanted to run as fast as I could, fearful of what could happen. The other part of me was in lust. Lust for a body that far exceeded what I had. And by some stroke of fate or luck, here was my chance. The brass ring was right there. All I had to do was reach out and grab it. So, I headed to the squat rack with the big man right behind me. I loaded it up with 185 lbs and he went ahead and added two more 45’s. I looked at him in disbelief again, but he simply laid his huge hand on my shoulder and said, “Don’t worry. I’m here to help.” Again, the weight felt like it was going to crush me. I could see my back snapping under the strain, but somehow, I got back up from the squat. Then another rep, then another. Before I knew it, I had done fifteen reps and racked the bar with authority. He added a couple more plates and ordered me to lift. I did so willingly. I didn’t know why, but I knew that I could as long as he was there. Soon, I was squatting 585 lbs. The bar had a slight bend from the weight as I lowered myself to the ground before powering back up. It felt great to do that. My legs felt so strong, almost invincible. Then, the big man took me by the shoulder and showed me the mirror. My legs had inflated to mammoth proportions. They now matched the chest that had been built earlier. I could call them tree trunks now. They were so wide I had to adjust myself a bit. The shorts that I had on had ridden up my legs to the point that they looked like bikini briefs and no matter how much I tugged on them, they refused to go an inch down my massive legs. I sighed with content as my eyes traced the valleys and contours that now etched my immense limbs. Before I could say anything, I felt his hand again. “Arms now.” I gladly followed him to the dumbbells, and soon, I was curling like there was no tomorrow. I’m not sure how much time had passed. I was too enthralled with the workout this giant was giving me. I did a full body workout with him there to help me the whole time. Every set was heavier than the first, each exercise completely destroyed what I thought were my maxes. By the time it was all said and done, I was completely exhausted. My clothes were drenched with sweat, but they also were skin tight. I looked at the big man expectantly. I couldn’t wait for what he had planned. But he simply smiled at me, turned me towards the locker room and gave me a gentle push. “Time to shower up,” he said with his deep baritone voice. I headed straight to my locker and, after a quick change, headed to the shower. It was a big communal one, left over the past that reminded me so much of high school. I never liked showering here unless I was alone. Looking around quickly to make sure no one was around, I turned on the spray to full blast and hot. Soon, the room was filled with a wonderful heated steam. The water on my skin felt amazing. Not only did it relieve the tension I was feeling, but it also accentuated the feeling of my new body. I took time to explore each and every crevice and new muscle. It was all like some dream, an unfulfilled fantasy that I’ve always had, now made real. I started to touch my hardening cock when a deep voice said, “Let me give you a hand, I’m here to help.” I spun around to see the huge guy that I knew caused all this standing before me, gloriously naked and soaking wet. The water made him look even bigger and sexier than I could’ve imagined, and when my eyes saw his meat, I almost choked. It hung low on him, almost to the middle of his quads against a backdrop of egg sized balls full of his super spunk. It was so much bigger than mine, I wondered how it would feel to have it in my hands, or better yet, be impaled on it. He reached out and grabbed my cock. Instantly, I felt like I would cum. He simply smiled and gripped it tighter, somehow stopping what felt like an inevitable orgasm. I could do nothing but stand there and let him manhandle my dick. He was obviously a master. His hands were rough and calloused from all the obvious lifting he did, but that only served to heighten the pleasure I was feeling. He continued to stroke my cock, slowly at first, bringing me close to the edge, then bringing me back. He changed speeds, tightened and loosened his grip, and did so many other things I would’ve never thought of, each time, taking me closer and closer to exploding. Finally, the tempo increased to the point where I knew I was going to explode. He gripped my dick tight, and with one final stroke, I came. I came and I came and I came, it was so powerful I felt like everything in me was draining out through my balls. My orgasm was so intense my body fell against the wall and slowly slumped to the ground. As soon as I hit the floor, I blacked out. I woke up a moment later to find that the big man wasn’t in the shower anymore. I hopped up, but was thrown off by something. Everything felt wrong. Then I realized my center of gravity was different. I walked out of the shower and stopped by the nearest mirror. When I got there, I was completely stunned. I was amazing. I had gotten huge, even bigger than when I was working out with the giant. Obviously, I was a bit taller, and every inch of me was covered with muscle. I flexed a few times, getting a feel for my new body and of course, seeing how hard and unmovable I had become. All these new experiences was getting me excited and my gaze fell to my cock. I stopped breathing all together from the shock. If I had a trouser snake before, what was hanging from my crotch now was a full grown anaconda. It was huge and thick, so meaty I couldn’t grip it completely with a pair of balls that could’ve substituted with golf balls. I had to thank the guy who somehow did this. I ran to my locker to find something to wear, hoping that my shorts were still able to at least cover my new package. When I opened the door, I saw that everything I brought was gone. In its place was a wrestling singlet, a new gym bag and a pair of chrome shades. I smiled again and quickly put on the singlet. It felt erotic having the fabric rub against my new furry, muscled body. I had to concentrate on not getting another hard on because it would have definitely shown. After getting dressed, I quickly went out the locker room and looked around. There was no one around that was even close to his size, so I went to the closest person and asked, “Hey man, have you seen a guy come out here, bigger than me, built like a brick shit house, black hair, green eyes?” The guy looked at me like I just beamed in from another planet, “Dude, I’ve been here for a few hours today and a few years at this gym and I’ve never seen anyone near as big as you.” I smiled. I wanted to thank him for the amazing gift he gave me. I didn’t even know his name, but I knew he changed my life permanently. I had to think of something worthy to do. Looking around the gym, I saw a guy that was a lot like me a few hours ago: Obviously been in the gym for a while, little but determined, yet making no progress. He was about to start benching when I walked up, put my hand on his shoulder and said, “Let me give you a hand, I’m here to help.” This post has been promoted to an article
  9. xythanshadow

    Gym Of Dreams: Sam

    "Oh God, I don’t look like that do I?" The day started out normally. I had just finished up my shower and was preparing to shave when I realized that I had run out of shaving cream. I wrap a towel around myself and I head towards my roommate’s bathroom. He was already gone to work and I could roam freely around. I walk into his bathroom and grab the can of shaving gel he uses. Then I saw myself in his full mirror. I was appalled by what I saw. I used to avoid looking at myself, but being confronted with that shocked me. There I was, slightly wet and in a towel, and I hated how I looked. My shoulders hung down as if I were slouching. I had man-boobs that rivaled most women and my gut sagged over the towel around my waist. I hesitated before removing the towel, and I wish I didn’t. Fat continued down towards my penis and it looked like that’s all there was. A small penis protruded from what seemed like a giant fat pocked. I dropped the towel on the floor and I cried. I sat there in my roommate’s bathroom, an hour before I had to be at work and I wept as if I were dying. ************************************************** ***************************************** "Elementary School was amazing. Middle School can only be better’’ Our sixth grade year was coming to a close and we all were excited. School was fun up till now, it can only get better right? Our entire class seemed to look forward to the new school. We were going to meet new people and see new things and it was going to be amazing. How foolish I was back then. Middle School seemed to be horrible for me. During Elementary School, I was smart, a little chubby, and an all around kind guy. Everyone accepted me for that. I was also a bit weird. I specialized in a unique form of martial arts and I naturally felt things that other people couldn’t feel, and sensed things that people were unaware of. I always had a sixth sense about things and people, and it seemed I was one of the luckiest people there. Everyone knew that about me, but didn’t mind it and appreciated it. Middle School, all that changed. Going from where everyone was accepted to your normal cliques was a trying time for me. The friends I used to have became jocks and preppy people while I was resigned to "weird geek". For a while, I continued to hang out with them, but we grew apart. It was only made worse by the publicizing of my "gift". People that I could tell were spiteful began to taunt me about it. And because they were the jocks, more people followed suit. Previously nice people fell to peer pressure. It saddened me greatly, but I took it in stride. I still had some friends and I was doing ok. Then, my life started to get worse. As the oldest son, certain things were expected of me. My mother would ask of things of my younger brother, such as simple household chores or help with a project. Unless he was interested, he would refuse. So, my mother would call upon me. I would go and do whatever she asked, and it put pressure on me to do so. I wanted to be more like my brother, but I felt the responsibility to do what she asked. I felt mounting pressure from all sides, my social, academic, and home life. In the end, me not being able to open up would cause a lot of suffering. This day started out as any other. I’m beaming happiness around me, trying to make others feel better. My presence usually did that and others felt good around me, but today was different. As the day went on, I felt more and more drained, people all around me were either teasing me or were needing to feel better. And I continued to take the taunts and help people. It was nearing the end of the day, and I was outside our gym. I was approached by a guy at my height but more lean and confident. He had his friends with him and decided that he was going to taunt me as I waited for my parent. He followed me calling me a "gay fat ass" repeatedly and something inside me snapped. Sometimes I regret it and sometimes I don’t. I’m sure he has never forgotten. That day, he didn’t go home, but instead to the ER. I ended up shattering a knee, dislocating his shoulder, breaking an elbow and breaking a ball. I did not know before that day that you could break a ball, and I thought it was cool at first. It cost me a week’s suspension, but I felt it was worth it. When I came back to school, I found that the guy who taunted me changed schools. I felt bad for snapping on him and decided that I must lock away my feelings no matter how much. I was dangerous if I got mad and I would have to control it. In the end, that desire for control would be my greatest downfall. From that day on, I showed no emotion. I took every taunt and jab with a smile and I did my best to make everyone feel better. I helped my parents with a smile and never complained. But at the end of the day, I lay in my bed and I cried. I wanted to be loved and I wanted to confess everything to someone, but I had to be strong for everyone. It was hell for me, but I endured it because I saw the look on my mother’s face when I did what she asked when my brother wouldn’t, and I saw how happy people were when I helped them with their problems. But almost every night, I laid alone and I cried. The pressure was getting to me. Constant taunting and constant helping drained me constantly and I spent hours alone in my room just sitting there. It was all I could do to remain sane. No one in my life knew. Not my parents, my friends, my teachers, no one. To everyone, I was the good son, smart student and all around helpful guy. It didn’t change when I was high school. High school started as horrible for me. The teasing that I endured in middle only increased in high. While people around me grew taller and stronger, I grew slightly taller and a lot fatter, which in turn made more people taunt me. I started to grow dejected from it. It took all my effort just to withstand the taunting that I began to show distress in my daily actions. My mother began to ask me what was wrong, but I continued to use the mask of the obedient son. I couldn’t tell anyone my true feelings and it tore me up inside. I knew one day I would probably snap again and I was scared of what I would do. Then I met him. His name was Bacon. Coach Bacon. I was walking around the school near the end of the day, feeling drained as ever. My posture was slumped and my mood projected sadness. He approached me and asked me my name. I told him and he asked what was I doing. I said nothing and he said to me why wasn’t I at football practice. I told him that I never thought about playing football and I was too fat and out of shape. Years of people saying I was fat had crept deep into my psyche and I believed it. He looked at me and said that he wanted me in the weight room fifteen minutes after school ended. I looked at him and I said ok. As we talked, I examined him. He wore a the school’s teacher shirt and a pair of gym shorts, so I knew he had to be a coach, but what impressed me was his size. He was about my height, 5’8’’ (1.72m) and I guessed around 300lbs (136kg). But what struck me most was while most of the coaches were either fat or old and slim, he was solid muscle. He bulged against the shirt well in the chest and arms and the fabric clung to his flat stomach as his shirt was tucked into his shorts. His legs were the proverbial tree trunks and I understood why he wore shorts. It would be almost impossible to fit his massive quads and calves into a pair of pants that fit his smaller waist which I guess was around 30’’ (76cm). He wasn’t ripped like a model, but he was very solidly built. He carried himself with confidence and my senses told me all I needed to know about his personality before he even spoke. To me, he felt like a kind, yet powerful man, stern but fair and loyal to those who’ve proven themselves. He had the aura of a good man, completely truthful and someone I could trust with anything. After he walked off, I went to call my mother and tell her to pick me up later that night. I made my way toward the weight room that was on the edge of the school and on the first floor. En route, I encountered the football team. They were in their practice clothes, wearing no pads for practice that day. Each of them seemed to carry themselves with more confidence than me, and that made them seem to look better than me in my eyes. Each of them seemed to have be playing for years, and their bodies showed the effort they put in the sport. I slunk down, ashamed of myself and walk by, ignoring the questions of what I was doing there and worked my way toward the weight room. I enter the weight room and am confronted by the smell. It smelt like muscle sweat and tears. It was overpowering, but for some reason felt natural to me. I step in a little bit more, entering a slight foyer of it. I look around and see that it’s empty, but for some reason, I’m not comfortable. I say to myself that I just don’t belong here and I turn to leave when he puts his hand on my shoulder. It’s a massive hand, befitting someone like him and firm yet comforting. He turns me around and says to me where I was going. I look at him and I’m awed and I respond, nowhere. He stood in front of me, changed from before. Now, he wore a black tank top that seemed to be huge if it were on me, but hung from his shoulders as if it was tailored for him. His arms, which were big in his teacher’s shirt, seemed massive hanging from his broad shoulders. His chest stood barreled before me, his pecs sitting upon it like two chiseled stones. He also was a lot hairy than I expected. His teacher’s shirt showed his forearms before, but I didn’t notice them until now. His forearms were huge, fitting his upper arms well. They were vascular and hair flowed down them. In the tank top though, you could see that his whole torso was covered with a layer of hair, not thick like an old man’s, but very distinct. It gave him the appearance of a primal force. He had changed his shorts also, wearing a pair that was slightly tighter, I presume so they wouldn’t get in the way of his work outs. They fit his legs snuggly and I could see the distinct outline of his massive cock, seemingly guarded by his massive quads. Everything thing about him seemed to fit and it seemed that he was a man among men to me. He says to me that he was the strength training coach and asked me again why I wasn’t playing ball. I looked into his eyes and I felt compelled to tell him the truth. My senses told me he was someone I could trust completely, so I opened myself to him. I told him everything about my years in middle school and my first year of high school. I told him about my gift and I told him exactly how I felt when I walked by the guys on the football team. He takes me by the shoulder and leads me to the door. We walk out and he points me toward the practice field about 100m away. It’s surrounded by a track and I can see the team practicing. He points at them and asks me what do I see. I tell him that I see big guys and fit guys playing ball. He says to me if I see them better than I am. I frankly state that yes, they were better than me. They were the jocks. They were stronger and faster and better than I was. He turns me to him and asks me if that’s how I really feel. I sadly peer into his eyes and whisper yes. It pained me to no end to say it, but it was true. I always felt less than the jocks. I don’t know when it happened, but one day, It just was like that. I hung my head in shame, tears forming in my eyes. Coach placed his other hand on my shoulder and made me look at him. I couldn’t face him like this. I was breaking down again. I promised to myself that I had to be strong no matter what. But when confronted with him, asking me these questions, peering into my very soul with his sea blue eyes, I felt that couldn’t be strong anymore. I had to let someone know. He took me back into the empty weight room and made me look at him again. By this time, the tears were welling down my face. I couldn’t control myself, I just had to cry. He pulled me closer and made me look into his eyes again. He told me, you have to do something about it or else you always will feel like that. His words were inspiring to me and I began to feel better. I dried my tears and stood up a bit. He said to me, we start your new life today, go get changed. I grabbed my bag and I headed to the bathroom in the weight room. I change into my gym clothes, a baggy T-shirt and a pair of sweat pants. When I finished and exited the bathroom, Coach had already set up a bench and a squat rack for me. He said good, you’re ready. He guided me through various stretches, and I followed his every instruction. After thirty minutes of good stretching, he led me to bench. On it, there is one 45lb weight per side. He told me to get on the bench and lift it. I laid down and tried my hardest to lift it, and could only do it twice. I began to feel bad again, I was so weak. He saw my despair and told me that it wasn’t bad, that someone my age with no weight training before was good to do that. He then led me over to the squat rack. As I’m walking, some of the linemen came in. They noticed me and instantly started to tease me. I was about to ignore then but Coach roared at them telling them not to fuck with me. That I had just as much right to be there as they did. And he told them not to mess with me anymore for being who I was. I was shocked. No one ever before stood up for me, and now I had a giant of a man there for me. The other guys went about their business and Coach continued to guide me through the various exercises. I did what he ordered me to squat while he spotted. I felt no one else in the gym while he worked with me. There was nothing else but him and me there at that point. All I could see was him and the weights, all I could hear was his voice and the clanking of plates, and I could smell his scent. I think it was his scent that made me forget about everyone. He smelt uniquely, but not overpoweringly. He smelt of weights and muscle and sweat. Simply put, he smelt like a man. I decided right then that I wanted to grow to be like him. The months passed by in a blur. I worked out everyday with him, his guidance forming me as I lifted what he told me to lift. I felt myself growing stronger and more confident, and I knew that Coach was impressed. He encouraged me daily, saying to keep up the hard work. I also became more and more impressed with him. Even though he was a massive man, he was more gentle and loyal to me than anyone I’ve ever knew. My first feelings about him were completely correct, I thought each day. He was someone I could trust completely, and I did. Plus he constantly amazed me with his strength. I saw him in the course of a few years lift weights I couldn’t imagine. He was constantly challenged by the big guys in the school, trying to prove their alpha status to others. They would place more weight on the bench than I could imagine doing then lift it about three times. Then Coach would stroll over, work out eight to ten reps of it, and then return to helping me. I witnessed him squat every one hundred pound and forty-five pound weight in the gym. I watched him lift and I saw the pure unadulterated power he possessed, and I enjoyed it. Watching his muscles tense and tighten at the weight, and him lifting it as if it was nothing aroused me. I could watch him all day, his chest, his back, his legs, they all were the definition of muscle. Seeing him flex in the mirror after a good pump, his arms bulging and rippling, his pecs standing out, his quads and calves bouncing, his body becoming more and more defined as he worked brought me great pleasure and pride. After a year of hard training, I felt confident enough to try out for the football team. With Coach backing me up, I became a defensive guard. In my mind, I felt better, but still had hang ups about everyone being better than me. At least now I had weightlifting to work out these feelings. I played football my junior year and loved it. But it would seem that my happiness would end soon. My senior year, Coach transferred to another school. Without him, I began to feel less and less confident about myself, and slowly fell from where I was. People began to talk about me again, and I felt more and more depressed. I continued to lift, but not with the intensity that I once possessed with Coach backing me. Eventually, I felt I didn’t belong and I stopped lifting. Slowly, throughout the year, my body which was getting firm and hard with muscle, began to decline. I stopped caring about how I looked and I just took the teasing that came with it. It felt bad, but what else could I do I told myself. ************************************************** ***************************************** "God, how far have I fallen?" I decide to walk over to the scale. It’s been years since I’ve weighed myself, not since I was in high school. Since going to work straight out of high school, I had let my body lose a lot of what I had. I step on the scale and am again shocked and depressed. While in school, I weighed around 250. I was still big but had a good layer of muscle. Right then, the scale showed me nearing 290. I stepped off the scale, picked up my towel and put the shaving cream back. I got dressed and slowly made my way to work. I spent the entire day dejected, crying at my desk at some points. "How could I’ve fallen so far? Why didn’t I stick to my goal? What would Coach say if he saw me now?" Questions ran through my head all day, and when no one was looking, I wept bitter tears. I promised myself that I had to change. I’ll never be happy if I continue to be like this. I would always hang my head low around bigger guys and I would always be ashamed to be shirtless if I didn’t change something. So began my new life. I started by looking up info on the internet about diet and exercise. Alone, I trimmed down a bit and cleaned up my diet greatly. But there’s only so much you can do with diet alone. I knew I had to get into a gym. Around my town, there are about half a dozen gyms, a lot of Gold’s Gyms. I decided to tour various gyms, looking for a place to belong. I started with Gold’s, but the moment I walked in the door, I felt that I didn’t belong. The only people there were people in great shape and huge muscles. Although I loved seeing the big guys work out, I couldn’t stand how I felt they were staring at me. My childhood had come back to haunt me some more. Then I found a home. It was a small gym, reminiscent of my school days. It felt comfortable and it had the same smell as I remember; Metal, sweat and tears. But as I go through it on the tour, I see guys bigger than I can imagine lifting. Their clothing is tight on their bodies and they massive bodies are flexing with power that comes from years of effort. As I walk through the gym, I’m awed at it all and I begin to feel like I didn’t belong again. The tour ends and I’m told that I’m free to work out. I stand and look a bit, seeing the big guys working hard, and I slump again and prepare to leave. On the way to the locker room where I stored my work clothes, I’m stopped by a massive hand on my shoulder. "So, how do you like our gym?" I hear from behind me. The voice is massive and booming, a bass or a baritone, and I feel my senses kicking into high gear. Before I see him, I feel a familiar type of person. I feel strength and power, but with kindness and gentleness. I turn around to see a giant of a man, towering over me at least 6’8’’ (2m). His shoulders are massive and are almost twice as large as me. His chest is barreled and tapers to a perfect V, leading down to his 34’’ (86cm) waist. His arms are as big as my legs and are ripped to shreds. His stomach seems to be rippled with abs through his sleeveless shirt and his legs seem like massive tree trunks, almost as wide as my torso. I look up to him and he reminds me so much of my old Coach. He asks me again, "What do you think?" I say to him after I catch my breath a little, "I don’t know. I feel kinda weird here." "Why is that?" I look into his eyes. They are a shade of sea blue, so reminiscent of my old Coach, and I also feel the same sense of trust that I did from him. I look his massive body, starting to lower my head in shame again, and he says to me, "Wanna talk about it?" We head to the locker room. Even as we walked, I felt tears welling up in my eyes. We get to the locker room and we’re alone. I break down and tell him everything. He ends up listening to my complete story, and he seems very intent on helping me. I manage not to cry and it felt good to let it out. He walks over to my bench and sits down. He placed his massive hand on my shoulder and turn me toward him. "I know what it’s like man. I felt the same way you do now. I felt no one loved me and I was a fat ass who was worthless too." He pulls out his wallet and pulls out a picture. In it I see a guy that looks a lot like me. He is smiling in the picture, but he slouching a lot. His stomach is protruding beneath his shirt and his body is smooth and undefined all over, like I was now. I can sense an aura of sadness coming from the person in the picture and I can feel what he feels. "This was me about 5 years ago" I look at the picture again and I can’t believe it was him. He currently stands at a giant, but in the picture, he seems to be only 6’ tall. His current massive frame seems to dwarf what he used to be. His arms were lanky and thin, his legs chunky, and everything seems to say that it was another person. The only thing that remained the same was his eyes, a gentle sea blue. I could see the pain in his eyes in the picture, the same pain that I experienced now. I look up to him and I see a gentleness in his eyes. They tell me more than his words could ever say. They told me that he truly understood what it was like to be me. They explained that what I’m going through can be overcome. His eyes spoke truisms to me greater than any I ever heard before and I understood what he went through. I begin to breakdown again. Tears start falling from my eyes and I put my head into my hands. He puts his wallet away and he takes me in his massive arms. My tears fall down his barreled chest and he pulls me in tighter. I feel completely safe in his giant hug, and my fears begin to subside. I rub my eyes in his shirt and he gently pats me on my shoulder. I gather my composure and I sit up again. "I don’t know what happened there" I lie. "Yes you do and I know too. I was like you once. I would probably still be as hopeless and sad as you are now if it wasn’t for someone who showed me they cared." I look at him and I sense he truly does care for me. "How can you care about me that much? You’ve just met me and I am such a fat ass." "Stop thinking like that," he chided me. "You’ll never change unless you change how you think. It’s not easy, believe me, but I see that you have a large frame and you’ve worked out before, so you should be familiar with it all" "How can you tell all that?" I questioned, "I look completely fat. You must think I’m horrible" He hits me across the face with a firm slap and growls, "I won’t let my new gym partner talk about himself like that." I was completely shocked and amazed. In thirty minutes, this man has gone from an unknown guy to my giant hero. I stand up with a huge smile on my face. He looks at me and smiles. He stands to his full height and pats me on the shoulder. "Thattaboy, now let’s go hit those weights" he laughs. I watch his huge chest as he laughs and it awes me. I look at it and I desire that power, and I follow him out into the main room. I watch him as he walks and I see how he strides with power and confidence and I wish that I have that one day. I lifted with him that day. I found out that I haven’t lost as much strength as I thought I did and I could still lift a good bit. He stood over me, a muscled colossus, pushing me harder than I’ve ever been pushed before. And I loved every minute of it. I knew deep inside that as long as he was there, I would be safe no matter what the weight. He made me burn muscles I’ve never felt before, and when we were finished and I was spent, he led me to the front counter. "Two of the Usual Joe!" he barks, his deep voice carrying across the gym. "Sure thing Armstrong!" I chuckle aloud, thinking that Armstrong is such a fitting name for this immense man. He looks down at me and says, "Yeah, I forgot to introduce myself, they call me Armstrong. Mike Armstrong." I reach to shake his hand and tell him my name. He grabs my hand and it’s a firm shake, his hand engulfing mine. The guy behind the counter finishes making our shakes, and I am slightly hesitant to drink. I’ve never had anything like this before. Sensing my anxiety, Armstrong leans down a bit and says, "Extra large peanut butter and chocolate, with a little extra something." I’m shocked, peanut butter and chocolate is my favorite combination. I take a giant sip of the concoction, and it tastes slightly funny, but is excellent. Armstrong takes two huge swallows of his and slams the cup down. "Ahh that was good" he bellows. "Hey Joe. This is my new buddy Sam. He’s gonna be under my tab for now." "Ok big guy!" I look up at him while drinking more of my shake. "This guy is amazing. I haven’t known him a day yet and he’s already more than I could’ve ever hoped for." I think to myself. "And he’s huge and powerful. He’s all that I aspire to be. I mean, I’m still working on this shake that he took down in two gulps. Look how his chest works as he talks and his arms move. I hope to be like that one day. No, I will be like that one day. No matter what!" Armstrong finishes his chat with Joe the owner as I finish my shake. "It’s getting late, let’s go clean up," he says to me. I look around the gym and see that there’s only a couple of people left in the gym besides Armstrong, Joe and myself. "Hey Joe, we’re hitting the showers, I’ll lock up when we’re done." Joe nods in agreement. A wave of panic rushes over me. I’ve never been comfortable showering around guys because I was uncomfortable with my size down there, now I am to shower with this behemoth of muscle? I tense up a little and Armstrong whispers, "Don’t worry, it’ll be alright." I gasp slightly, how can he know exactly how I feel so easily. What is it about this man? We work our way to the locker room as the last people leave the gym. Joe locks the door behind him as we enter the locker room. I didn’t get to look around it earlier, but I took the time to look at it more. It was a large room, public shower and a few scales. In the corner was a sauna and the lockers were open except the ones we were using, which ironically were right next to each other. I think to myself how perfect this day has gone so far. Then I look towards Armstrong. He’s already stripped down to nothing and it is here that I catch his full glory. Nothing in the gym came close to comparing to how he looked now, not even him clothed. His upper torso was covered in a light layer of hair that accentuated his enormous pecs. The hair started at his bull-like neck like a collar, and worked down his arms, thinning ever so slightly as it progressed to his hands. The hair seemed to follow every indentation and ripple of his arm, sinking into place where ever he had a depression. The hair on his lower torso was completely different, centered mainly on his rippled abs. I could see eight specific muscles, each more defined by the layer of hair that set upon them and in the crevices between them, but only his abs had hair on them, the rest of his lower torso was completely smooth. The trail of hair led my eyes naturally to his cock. When my eyes got there my heart skipped a beat. It was the most perfect example of manhood I could imagine. While the majority of his body had a layer of hair, his cock and balls were completely smooth. It hung down his leg around ten inches soft, and his balls sagged back and forth, befitting a penis of that magnitude. I drew my eyes away long enough to see his massive legs. They also were covered in a light but noticeable layer of hair, and like the rest of his body, they too were extremely well defined and I could trace with my eyes every muscle striation in his massive quads and calves. He stood before me, not as a mere man or a giant, but as the epitome of manliness, almost a god. He twisted and turned a bit, stretching his muscles from the work out, and I let out a slight gasp. He looks over to me and says, "You too can have this one day. Just stick with me." He flexes a powerful arm and it looks bigger than it did when we were lifting. I can feel my cock getting hard, but I try to control my urges. Armstrong looks at me with his piercing blue eyes and quietly says, "I know. It’s ok." I take off my gym clothes and I stand before the giant bare. He guides me over to a scale and says hop on. I’m weary of it, I don’t want to be disappointed, but his giant hand comforts me again. I step on it, and it seems that I’ve lost around five pounds since we started this morning. I laugh and tell him and he responds, "It’s only gonna get better" We walk over to the shower, me following him in. He starts lathering up and passes me the soap. I take his kind gift and I try to wash myself, but my eyes are fixated upon the Herculean specimen of man near me. He looks over to me, covered in water and soap and motions for me to come closer. I am shocked but I walk over to him. He tells me in a gentle and caring voice, "Go ahead. Feel them. I can tell you want to." I look up at him, my eyes questioning him. He nods in affirmation. I approach the massive giant, slowly caressing his massive body. I moan in delight over every ridge and depression of his muscles. "This feels amazing, like nothing I’ve ever imagined before" I groan in pleasure. "Work hard and all this can be yours too" he whispers. He hands me his wash cloth, and I wash his entire body from head to toe, him kneeling so I could reach his upper heights. I avoided his massive meat but he noticed and said it was ok. Ten inches of meat soft doesn’t compare to the full glory of his cock hard. It was almost as long as my arm and so thick I needed both hands to wrap it. After washing his body, then mine, we exit the shower and towel ourselves dry. I have a raging boner but it doesn’t compare to Armstrong’s. I look at myself and feel shame again. I have no right to be here with this monstrous muscle man. And the instance that thought comes across my mind, I feel the firm slap of Armstrong’s hand across the side of my face. "I told you I won’t have any gym partner of mine thinking like that. I said you can be here, so accept it. You’re allowed to feel this anytime you want to. You’ll have your own body like this soon enough." His words spoke to my very essence. I began to lose all the feelings of doubt I had over the years. This titanic guy chose me before he even knew me, I had to have some worth. It didn’t matter what happened all those years ago. This was the now. Nothing else was of my concern, just me and Armstrong. If he tolerated my presence, chose it, what right did I have to complain? I look up at the big guy and smile. "You’re right man." "Damn right I am." I put on my clothes as I watch him dress. Everything about him was perfect and almost too good to be true. I’m still sporting a boner and so is he and I wonder what would it be like to make a guy like that cum. Almost in response to my thought, Armstrong looks toward me and says under his breath, "You’re not ready for that yet, still a little doubt." I didn’t understand what he meant, I thought he was just mumbling and I tried to figure out what he was talking about when he speaks up, "Ok Sam, time to go. Meet me here tomorrow at 5 p.m." I nod in acknowledgement and we exit the gym. I fall flat in my bed, dead tired from the day’s events. My head is swimming with all that had happened as I drift off to sleep, and I dream. In my dream, I’m in a empty room, surrounded by white clouds and blue skies. A giant booming voice, familiar yet strange, distance yet surrounding speaks to me. "You’ve suffered many years with your gift. We’ve seen it all and we were pleased with you. You’ve given of yourself selflessly without concern for your own being. You took your trials in stride and now we present you with your reward. Take and learn of him and he will grant you your greatest desires and you most secret wishes" The clouds that I’m standing on change to a vast sea. Crystal water flows as far as the eye can see against a backdrop of a perfectly clear sky. I slowly descend to the water surface, landing yet not breaking the tranquil state. I look around and feel a sense of peace and as I take in it all, a figure steps forth on the water. It’s a massive figure, and as it approaches, I can tell it’s Armstrong. "Continue to share your gifts with the world. Bring joy to everyone’s life you meet and he will be there to refresh you to continue sharing with the world. Remember, he is pleased with you as are we." The figure on the water top takes a familiar appearance and smiles at me. He gives me a thumbs up and the scene begins to fade. I wake up suddenly, sitting straight up in my bed. I look around my room and feel a sense of peace. I slowly drift back off to sleep and I dream. The next few months are amazing. Each day ends with a shake, a measurement and a shower with me feeling him. I’m losing fat and growing muscle steadily, even getting taller as Armstrong helps me lift. I haven’t seen myself in months because Armstrong told me not to look at myself and I trust him. His presence is almost intoxicating. Whenever I’m around him, I feel as if anything’s possible. I feel stronger than ever. My body is becoming massive and I’ve grown to a respectable 6’4’’ in a second growth spurt. I feel more solid and hair is beginning to grow across my body in a pattern like Armstrong. A year goes by, and Armstrong takes me to a full length mirror. He tells me to take off my gym clothes and he does the same. I stand next to him and I’m amazed at the progress I’ve made. If you didn’t know Armstrong and me before, you would have sworn that he and I were brothers. I now stood at a height of 6’5’’ and I looked like a slightly smaller version of Armstrong. My body seemed to be shaped exactly like his, hair in all the same places and the same muscles bulged in the same places. He then told me to take off my boxers. I wondered what he meant by that, but as I did, I noticed that not only had my body grown, so did my penis. It had grown to a respectable 9.5 inches, just slightly smaller than Armstrong like everything else. Standing there naked, I looked exactly like Armstrong except for my face. Even looking closer at my face, I saw changes in my face. It looks slimmer, my jaw line more defined. My cheeks were less puffy and my skin was tighter. Except for a few differences, Armstrong and I were twins. I looked at him and asked "How is this possible?" "You worked hard this past year. What were you expecting" "But this is truly amazing" "Remember those shakes we drink every day? Recall how I said there was something special in them? "Yeah" "It was my sweat you were drinking in small doses. It doesn’t do much in reality, but it does give you an extra oomph when you’re working out. My body seems to sweat a small amount of testosterone when I work out" I look at him and I don’t doubt him for a second. He said it and I believe him. It’s not gonna change anything about our relationship. In reality, tasting his sweat kind of made me aroused. We shower up for the evening and I’m even more into it, and he starts to wash me also. I’m washing him and he’s washing me, both of us in a soapy embrace. My cock is getting harder as we wash up and it begins to throb. I feel Armstrong’s cock is the same way, but he stops me before we get started good. "Not yet," he says to me. I calm myself down as we towel off and he says to me, "Meet me at the mall tomorrow instead of here." The next day, I head to the nearby mall. I’m wearing my blue sweats, the ones I bought since I started growing. Armstrong waves me down and I yell a greeting at him. I’m amazed at how big my voice even sounds now. I can’t believe how much I’ve changed and how I didn’t see it. Armstrong’s giant arm continues to wave as he approaches me and I still am amazed at him. He’s wearing a pair of black jeans that fit him especially well and a sleeveless t shirt that hugs his torso like it was a second skin. He continues to stride forward with a confidence and essence that I’ve come to love in the year we’ve been together. He gets to me and we punch each other and then a half hug, something we’ve been doing for months. "We’re going to get you some new threads" "Cool" He points toward a big and tall store, a place I tried to avoid, now seems like home. I start walking toward it and Armstrong laughs a bit. I turn and look at him quizzically. He tells me to watch how I was walking in the nearby store window. I walked naturally and I notice that I’m walking with the same confidence and demeanor that Armstrong walks with. It felt amazing, seeing myself like that. I projected the same air of confidence that he does. We enter the store together and are greeted by two of the female attendants who seem to want to serve our every need. "I’ve never been treated like this before, it feels amazing." Armstrong retorts, "Haven’t been out much lately, have you" "Well no, just been work, gym and grocery shopping. I don’t go outside that routine much" "Get used to it. I’ll show you how it is outside the gym." Armstrong picks out some shirts and pants for me, similar colors and sizes as he wore. I went to the dressing room and changed. When I stepped outside, Armstrong gave me a approving thumbs up. I look at myself in the nearby mirror and I’m happy with what I see. Everything seems to fit snuggly and my muscles press against the fabric. I flex a bit in the mirror, watching how my muscles respond. I notice the female attendants staring at me intently as I check the fit. I smile at them and they begin to giggle. I lean over to Armstrong and whisper, "You get this all the time man?" "Sure do, get used to it" We finish up our shopping, Armstrong picked out a few sets of clothes including some shorts and some dress clothes. We tried them all on before we left and I liked how they all looked on me. We decide to grab some food at the steakhouse. During dinner, Armstrong tells me he’s very proud of me. "You’ve made some great gains both physically and mentally. I have one last surprise for you today. I’ll tell you after dinner." Dinner comes and goes, the steak was excellent and we head to our cars. He tells me to follow him to his place. His house is large for a bachelor I think to myself as we pull up. We go inside and he begins to talk to me. "Remember when we first met and you first felt my muscles" "Yeah, I do. It inspires me even to this day." "And you remember when I said you weren’t ready yet?" "Kinda." "I knew that you weren’t ready for what was to come yet. I knew your desires to see what could happen if I were to be aroused." "Really?" "Yeah. But now that you’ve grown confident and big, I think you’re ready." My heart begins to race as I think about what he could mean. He strippes to nothing and he nods to me to do the same. I rip my clothes and briefs off, sporting a massive hard on. He leads me upstairs to his bedroom walking the way that I’ve loved since I first met him. He stands at the door as his cock hardens to its full length. "Come Sam, I’ll show you what you’ve been wondering for a year." I walk into his room, extremely anxious and the door slowly closes behind us. This post has been promoted to an article
  10. xythanshadow

    Gym Of Dreams: Mike

    Today started out as normal. I get up to go to work, stretch and work on my Jujitsu forms. I’ve fallen back in love with them as of late, seeing as how I now have the conditioning to do them properly. I grab some boxer briefs and head to the shower. I bathe myself, and after I’m finished, I look myself in the new full length mirror I purchased. I see myself now and I smile, not out of arrogance, but out of pride. My reflection seems to speak to me. “Looking good there Sam. The sum of a year’s effort, packed onto your frame. You better thank Armstrong.” I laugh and I start putting on my work clothes; a drab uniform that barely fits anymore. I struggle to clasp the buttons across my chest and to pull up the pants above my quads. Everything feels almost too tight and I fear they will bust off me if I were to move in the wrong direction. “When are they gonna get me some new clothes? They probably enjoy watching me like this.” I laugh aloud and I grab my shake bottle and head out to work. The work day progressed as usual also. I’m radiating happiness everywhere and everything seems to brighten up. People seem to have a bounce in their step and go about their tasks with a renewed vigor. I enjoy it more than I did when I was young, seeing people naturally reenergized and refreshed around me. I approach my boss sometime in the day and bring up the fact that I still need new uniforms. He mentions that they put in the request a while back for a tailor to come by. I place my hands on my waist and breathe in, snapping the top few buttons off. I act as if I did it by accident, but I know the faster they’re gone the sooner new stuff will come in. Plus I had the distinct pleasure of walking around the office with a shirt that revealed my massive chest and watching the ladies drool. So much fun to be had all day. I arrive at the gym exactly as Armstrong gets there. It’s amazing. We’ve become so in sync since I first started coming here, I’m shocked sometimes. We grab our bags and greet each other with our usual punches and half hug. We walk in the gym together and instantly the atmosphere becomes charged. The regulars look our way and wave as we bellow, “Every person in here better be giving it their all!” Our voices are deep and powerful, resonating together to each corner of the gym. It’s another habit we’ve adopted, and it seemed to work wonders. People smile and push harder, lift bigger and feel better. We smile to Joe as he stands behind the bar. “Hello Joe!” Armstrong says with a grin. “Sup Joe!” “Evening you two. How’s my two biggest clients?” “Pumped and hard as usual. Here’s my special stuff again, lock it up for me.” Armstrong pulls out a jar of clear liquid and hands it to Joe while I smile. “One day, you’re gonna have to tell me what it is Armstrong.” “Maybe one day Joe.” I chuckle. “Well if Sam trusts you, who am I to complain” he laughs. We all have a good laugh and we walk off towards the locker room. The area is pumped, the sound of metal on metal fills the gym. We walk through and people smile and push harder. Armstrong has always been a role model, but now I was too. It felt good to be looked up to instead of down on. I stop to push a college kid a little further and give him a spot. He finishes an extra three on his set. I stand him up, he’s about 5’10’’, and I give him a pat on the shoulder and a smile. “Keep working hard man, you’re coming along well!” He gives me a huge grin and he stands up taller, more confident. I grab my bag and resume my walk with Armstrong while he gives the kid a huge thumbs up. “You made that kid feel a lot better, you know” Armstrong says to me as we’re changing. “Yeah,” I respond, “I know. I felt he was getting down about not making gains like some other guys, that’s why I said what I did.” “I saw that too” he responds. “That’s one thing I meant to ask you for a while now. When we first met, how did you know about me so much?” Armstrong closed his eyes and lowered his head. When he raised it back up, he looked at me with his sea-blue eyes and points at them. “It’s because of these. I’ve always been able to see a person’s true self, no matter what they had on the outside. I saw how sad your soul was and wanted to help ‘cause I saw you had a gift like mine, am I right?” I look at him and know I can’t lie. “Yea, I’ve always been sensitive to people’s feelings. I used to think of it as a curse, but hanging out with you made me realize the precious gift I have. Plus, since I can project my feelings, I want to make people happy.” “Well, there ya go; two guys with unique abilities making the world a better place. Maybe we should go grab some tights and give ourselves some catchy names. I’ll be Armstrong the Defender, you can be my sidekick Sam the not-so-good-looking-as-Armstrong protector.” I punch Armstrong in the arm and we laugh heartily. Changed into our gym shorts and sleeveless shirts, we march back into the gym. It’s time to work and we put on our lifting faces. Gone are the smiles and jovial attitude. We begin to project an aura of seriousness as we prepare to combat the weights. We load up the bench with 415 lbs of weight and Armstrong turns to me, “This should be a good warm-up.” I hit the bench and start lifting my fifteen warm up reps. In the middle of the set, I stop halfway up. Armstrong growls, “You can’t be tired now, this is light.” “No,” I respond “something’s wrong. Watch the door.” Armstrong turns toward the door as I continue my reps. As I finish, I hear the alarm ding as the front door opens. I stand up next to my partner and we peer as a small kid, about the age of 15 walks in. ************************************************** ************* “It’s not fair! Dammit it’s just not fair. I’m in my freshman year of high school and I still haven’t grown any!” My father looks down at me and pats me on the head. “It’s ok son, you’ll grow eventually. I mean, it’s in your genes!” I look up at him and smile. He always knows exactly what to say. He’s my father and I love him. I grew up in a marine home. My father is a Lieutenant Colonel, and while he loves it, it requires us to move around a lot. I never got to keep many friends because we were always moving. I loved my father though and respected his dedication. But that’s not the only thing I respected. He was a large man, well toned from years of physical training. He stood at 6’5’’ tall and weighed around 250lbs. He specialized in training of new troops for “special assignments”, even though he never told me exactly what he did. But whatever he did kept him in excellent shape. His whole body pulsed with veins whenever he moved. His arms weren’t the largest I’ve seen in my life, but they were rock hard and solid. He let me hang from them many times before, even to this day. His shoulders were broad and wide, perfect for carrying me around on and his chest was barreled, with massive pecs that I could sleep on for hours. His legs befit him too, thick with muscle and hairy. The rest of him was clean shaven, but his legs were manly. He was my father and I loved him and wanted to be like him so badly. That’s why I’m so upset I haven’t grown. My father has been training me for years in the same way he did his ‘recruits’. While my endurance was extremely high, my strength was mediocre at best. I could do an average amount of push ups and pull ups, but I could run all day. That was the best times I had with my father: long runs through the woods, nothing at all around us, just me and him talking. But I wanted to really make him proud. I wanted to play football like he did and be the greatest defensive lineman in school. My father spent some of his time in the basement. There was a T.V. and couch where we would stay out of my mother’s way, and I would curl up and fall asleep on his massive chest. There was also a foosball table where we would play. But on one wall was his trophy case. The one trophy he took most pride in was from his high school football days. It said on the front “Most Quarterback Sacks Ever: 73. Golden Central High School.” I looked at it and I beamed with pride as did my father. He was a threat to quarterbacks everywhere. He led his team’s defense to a record 23 points allowed in his senior season. My mother enthralled me with tales of how he performed on the field, and it filled my head with wonder and admiration of my father. So when summer had ended and I still stood at a measly 5’ tall, I wanted to scream. My father had landed a 4 year assignment in this new town, and I would be able to spend my entire high school year here. But I dreaded going to a new school and trying out for a football team being this measly height. My dad patted me on the shoulder and said with love in his voice, “It’ll be alright son, you’ve still got years to go.” My mother drops me off in front of my new school, Jade Mountain High. I step out of the car and wave goodbye and get ready to face my first day. It was hell. It seems the mountains that we now lived near grew big people. I was by far the shortest male there. Even a large part of the female population was bigger than me. I was assigned to classes and had to put up with the indignation of being called “Little Mikey” all day. My name is Michael, named after my father and his father and so on down the line, and I always hated being called “Mikey.” My father had stopped calling me Mikey and preferred to call me Mike, while my mother was the only one who I let call me Mikey, due to the sweetness and love in her voice. The day only got worse when I went to try out for football. I was determined to play defensive line. The coaches wanted to put me as running back, saying my “size” and “stature” would fit that position more. I said I want to be a lineman. So, they let me try out. Unfortunately, the linemen there were at least 5’8 and 250lbs. They were nowhere near as big as my father, but I seriously doubted I could move them. I could maneuver around them with my speed, but coach said that I had to power my way through them. That was the most humiliating thing I’ve ever done in my life. This large guy, a junior, stood in front of me and I had to push him out of the way to get to the quarterback, a simple drill. The only problem is that no matter how hard I pushed, the guy didn’t budge. He didn’t even try to resist. He just stood there, watching me try to move him. After about a minute of this travesty, the coach blew his whistle and called me over. He told me that it was obvious that I wanted to play, and that I could play as a runner. If I wanted to play as a lineman, I would have to grow. Then he rubbed my hair almost mockingly and called me, “Little Mikey”. I left the field and put away the practice pads they let me use. Practice wasn’t over and I could hear what sounded like laughter when I left the changing room. The junior was on the sidelines looking at me and laughing. “Damn him,” I thought “If only I would grow like my father, I’d move him.” I walked around to the front of the school, waiting for the time for my father to pick me up. As I’m sitting there, I let my mind drift. This is something I’ve known since I was small. If I lose myself and allow my inner mind to listen, secret voices would speak to me and give me guidance. I needed to grow big and strong. I needed to make my father proud. A few hours later, my father arrives and honks the horn. I awake from my trance and hop in the car. He knew about the tryouts and I tell him the truth. He looks at me gently with care in his eyes and says, “Maybe next year tiger.” I look up to him and say “Dad, I need a favor. There’s a gym in town that I wanna go check out, can you please take me there?” He looks into my eyes, gauging how serious I was and says, “You know I can train you, but if you really want a gym, just tell me where to take you.” I smile a huge grin and direct him downtown, where my ‘friends’ told me to seek help. ************************************************** ********************** Armstrong and I watch this kid come in the front door. He’s looking at the ground as he enters, followed a military man. We can tell by the way he walked that the guy was the kids father and, from the way he moved, spent years in the military. I nudge Armstrong and whisper, “The kid needs help badly.” The father walks up to Joe while the kid looks around a bit. He was around five feet tall and maybe 130lbs. His limbs looked like sticks and he had a demeanor of disappointment all around him. He looks at the weights and the equipment like he was totally lost. Armstrong did his best to catch his eyes. The kid looked our way and locked eyes with the big man. After a few moments, he turned away and walked back toward his father, who was finishing his conversation with Joe. Armstrong whispers to me, “He’s upset ‘cause he wants to be like his father. He feels sadness over thinking that he won’t live up to him, and he’s becoming desperate.” “I guess this is where we step in, right?” “After Joe finishes the tour.” We continue to do our warm up set, stretching out of muscles. We know that we’re not going to get our usual workout today. We’ve found our next project. After warming up really well, we watch the kid and his father being led around the gym by Joe. While the father is inquisitive, the kid seems distracted. He seems to be listening to his father’s questions and Joe’s answers, but he doesn’t seem all there. The tour starts to come to an end and Joe does the follow up interview with the father. He leans down and whispers to his kid. I look at Armstrong and Armstrong looks at Joe. Joe nods and steps away. Armstrong and I stride over to them. We have put on our personable faces and we begin to greet them. “How do you like our gym?” Armstrong says in his deep, gentle voice. “It’s quite nice. It reminds me of the weight rooms we had on our base.” I look down at the kid and I put my hand on his shoulder gently, “And you? How do you feel about it?” I sense anxiety oozing from him and I try to steady him and make him feel calmer. He looks up to me and I see the same look in his eyes that I had when I first met Armstrong, a look of wonder, sadness, hopelessness, and awe. He mutters something under his breath and I nod. I know exactly how he feels. I look to his father and then Armstrong. Armstrong smiles and says for them to follow us. We lead them to the front desk. “Hey Joe! Give me three of the usual,” then turning to the father “and what would you like sir?” “Ummm…”he browses the board, “I’ll take the banana shake” “Coming right up big guy!” “And put it on our tab.” I yell after him. “Thank you a lot gentlemen, but we didn’t put in my son’s order” “Don’t worry,” I say to the kid more than his father, “we’ve already got him taken care of.” Joe returns with three of the usual and a banana shake for us. We of course take ours down in two huge swallows, and then wipe our lips while the father slowly drinks his. The kid is looking at the huge cup the same way I did when I first saw it, and I lean down and whisper, “Peanut butter and Chocolate, with a little something extra.” His eyes sparkle a bit and he starts gulping the concoction. I stand back up and begin the conversation. “So, from the looks of you, you’re not the one looking for a gym, am I right” I state. “No, my son here heard about this place and wanted to check it out” “And he wants to grow bigger, just like his dad, doesn’t he.” Armstrong says. The kid perks up at Armstrong’s acute observation. “Yeah, I think that’s about it. He hasn’t hit his growth spurt yet, but I’m telling him to be patient.” “Hey Joe! C’mere.” I bellow, slightly startling the kid. “What’s your name kid?” I ask. “Michael” he barely whispers. “Joe, this here’s Mikey, no this is Mike. He’s the newest man in me and Armstrong’s crew. Put him on our tab.” I say to him, then turning to Mike, “Mikey’s no name for a man, you agree? We’ll just call you Mike since this is your first day as a new man.” ************************************************** ********************** I walk up to this place that was spoken to me. From the outside, it looks almost like a warehouse. The only way you would know what this place was is by reading the sign over the door that said “Gym of Dreams: Where YOU make your dreams come true.” I walk toward the door as my father parks the car. Before I even open it, I can smell something. I’m not sure exactly what it is, but it reminds me of my father when he came home from a heavy training session, but a lot more powerful. It’s so strong it’s almost intimidating. My father walks up behind me and sniffs. He lets out an ‘ahhhh’ and I presume that the smell makes him feel good. He opens the door for me and lets me go in first. I enter the gym and immediately I’m greeted by a guy behind this bar type counter. He waves at me while my father walks in and I do a quick scan of the area. All I see are huge guys lifting massive weights. If I thought I was small in school, these guys made me seem like a dwarf, no, an insect. I feel myself balling up and I start to look at the floor. My father walks in behind me and nudges me inward. He walks up to the bar and begins to talk with the big guy behind it while I move to the side. From here, I can see the place more clearly. There’s several machines and things that I’ve never seen before, and the only thing I really recognize are the bench press. As I’m looking toward them, I see this pair of brothers. They’re gigantic, bigger than anyone here and even bigger than my father. They’re wearing sleeveless shirts and gym shorts that make them look like they could break my father in half. The bigger of the two catches my eyes, and he’s staring at me it seems. His eyes look slightly blue, but there’s something weird about them. They feel warm and comforting, like I’ve known them for years. I stare at them for a minute until my father calls me over. Joe, as he is introduced to me, leads us on a tour of his gym. He’s talking and my father’s asking questions, but I’m not really paying attention. Being around all these huge guys makes me slightly nervous. I was always comfortable around my father, but these guys seem almost unreal. Time passes and the tour is ending. Joe is asking my dad various questions and my dad leans down and says how I felt. I mumble I don’t know and Joe started to walk away. I look up and see these two massive guys, the same two I saw earlier standing in front of us. When closer, they looked even more intimidating. From a distance, they just seemed massive, but up close, I could see every line and contour on their bodies. Their shirts stuck to their abs and their shorts to their legs. They were huge and hairy and extremely well muscled. Their arms hung off their sides like giant ropes and seemed that they were bigger than my entire body. They stood tall and confident and their arms and forearms rippled with power and might as they shook my father’s hand. The bigger of the two began to make conversation with my father. Then the other one leaned down and put his hand on my shoulder. I was a firm but gentle hand, and I knew if he applied anymore pressure he would’ve made me fall over. But what really got my attention is how I felt then. All of the sudden, I felt good. I wasn’t as scared anymore. These massive mountains of muscle were very personable and I felt better. He asked me a question I couldn’t really hear, and I mumbled in agreement. The bigger of the two tells us to follow him to the bar. Joe’s not standing there and so the big guy bellows an order. His voice is massive, full of bass and powerful. It feels like the gym resonates with it and I it is as if just a yell from him could knock me down. Joe walks up, obviously knowing what the big guy wanted while my father ordered his. I was about to say something but the other guy cuts my father and I off and looks at me and said that he had it handled. Joe goes in the back and in a few moments, comes out with some shakes. My dad picks up his and the big guy hands me a huge cup. It’s at least 64 ounces of liquid, and I look at it. The two big guys down theirs in two massive swallows and I continue to stare at them and mine. The smaller guy leans over to me and says “Peanut butter and Chocolate, with a little something extra.” I look up at him and smile. That’s my favorite flavor. My father has halfway finished his shake when the smaller guy starts talking. “So, from the looks of you, you’re not the one looking for a gym, am I right” he says to my father. “No, my son here heard about this place and wanted to check it out” “And he wants to grow bigger, just like his dad, doesn’t he,” the big guy remarks. I am completely shocked. How could he guess that so quickly? “Yeah, I think that’s about it. He hasn’t hit his growth spurt yet, but I’m telling him to be patient.” “Hey Joe! C’mere,” the smaller one yells. His voice is also a deep bass that shakes the gym and makes me twitch. “What’s your name kid?” he says to me. “Michael” I can barely get out the words. “Joe, this here’s Mikey, no this is Mike. He’s the newest man in me and Armstrong’s crew. Put him on our tab.” he says to Joe, then he looks at me, “Mikey’s no name for a man, you agree? We’ll just call you Mike since this is your first day as a new man.” Not only did they not call me Mikey, they’re treating my like a man, not some little kid. This is gonna be amazing I think to myself. ************************************************** ********************** Armstrong says to Mike’s father, “We’ll take good care of your kid. Hey Joe, toss me those clippers you got back there.” Mike’s father looks at me then Joe, and Joe says for Mike’s father to follow him. Joe quickly returns with the clippers and hands them to Armstrong then heads back into his office. As we walk away from the bar, I see Joe pointing to the pictures on the wall of myself and Armstrong. I know that he’ll understand. We walk toward the locker room, leading Mike along. As we walk, we introduce ourselves to him, and I reminisce. I so remember this same walk and the same talk that Mike’s gonna have. We enter the locker room and Armstrong sits Mike on the bench and he sits on the bench across from him. I stand behind Armstrong as he prepares to open Mike up. Armstrong tells Mike to look up at him. Mike looks up timidly and Armstrong begins to peer deep into his soul, as he did with me. He laid the clippers down and said to Mike “So you’re tired of being small, tired of people treating you like a kid, and tired of big guys imposing their will on you. You want to be as big as or bigger than your father, and follow in his footsteps. You want to do everything he’s done and excel at it, just like he did and you want him to be proud of you and you want to be proud of yourself. Am I right?” And just like that, Armstrong did his thing. Mike was looking into Armstrong’s eyes, as if his words struck him like a bolt of lightning, and I knew that everything he said was right on target. That was the beauty of Armstrong’s gift. It was exceptionally accurate and quick to the core. Mike’s voice began to tremble as he spoke, “Yeah. How can you know all that?” “It’s a gift that I have,” Armstrong said as he closed his sea-blue eyes. “It’s similar to mine, I could feel your despair before you entered the door,” I chimed in. “Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of you, as long as you trust us.” “For some reason, I do.” Mike says. “Good man. Now, let’s give you a haircut befitting of a man.” Armstrong laughs. Mike looks at Armstrong and asks, “What’s wrong with my haircut?” as he rubs his hair. “What’s the first thing that people do when they see you for the first time?” I inquire, knowing exactly what they do. Armstrong one-ups me though and does exactly what I was getting at and tussled Mike’s hair. Mike swats at Armstrong’s massive hand and I say, “Exactly.” Armstrong plugs in the clippers and moves Mike over near him. “Just think of this as your progression into being a man,” Armstrong says as he gives Mike a quick buzz cut. Mike looks down at the floor, his long locks of hair lying on the ground. He rubs his head in wonder and we take him over to a mirror. We see his father in him, the same contours and dimples will form on Mike over time. We then take Mike out back to the front bar. His father is standing their waiting for us. I presume Joe went through my whole history with him because he looks at me a bit. I’m guessing he is admiring the work that Armstrong did with me. We stand before Mike’s father with his son. Mike is standing a little taller and with a fresh new haircut. His father walks over to him and places a hand on top of his head. “That looks good on you boy, I mean, son. These guys are going to mold you into a helluva man from what I hear. You gonna be ok son?” “Yeah dad, I think I’m gonna learn a lot from these guys. They seem like good people.” Mike says. “You know I love you son, you don’t have to impress me” “I know Dad, but this is something I have to do.” “My son, growing up right before my eyes. And you look mighty good with your hair like that” “Really? You think?” “I know,” Mike’s father kneels down and picks up his son. He gives him a giant hug and whispers, “I love you son.” “I love you too Dad.” He puts down his son and looks toward us and says, “I know you’ll take good care of my son.” We nod as he looks at his son, “Learn all you can from these guys, they know their stuff” Mike nods at his dad and he puts a hand on his head. “I really can’t believe how much you’re growing. Wait till your mother sees you.” Mike smiles as his father walks out the door. “We’ll have him home before 11.” Armstrong calls. ************************************************** ********************** “These guys are simply amazing” I think to myself as they lead me to the locker room. My father went in the office with Joe; I hope to set up a payment plan for me to lift here. I think I could really call this place home. Although, when I still look around at the other guys, everyone seems so serious. I wonder what they’re thinking about me. They could probably crush me in their arms, but these two seem real nice. They introduce themselves. The big one calls himself “Armstrong” and the slightly smaller one says his name is “Sam.” We enter the locker room and Armstrong sits me down. He sits down across from me and Sam stands behind him. I’m not sure what’s about to happen and I tense up and look at the floor. Armstrong says in a quiet yet firm voice for me to look at him. I look up and I meet his eyes. They’re like a calm sea. I feel myself getting light headed as I gaze into his deep blue eyes. They’re unblinking. His stare is almost hypnotic. I can’t draw myself away from them. It’s almost as if he’s looking into my soul. What is it about his eyes! Armstrong blinks and sits up a little. He says quietly, “So you’re tired of being small, tired of people treating you like a kid, and tired of big guys imposing their will on you. You want to be as big as or bigger than your father, and follow in his footsteps. You want to do everything he’s done and excel at it, just like he did and you want him to be proud of you and you want to be proud of yourself. Am I right?” I can’t move. This feeling. What is it? How does he know so much about me? I’ve never told anyone that in my life. How could he possibly know? Does it show that much? Does my father know? Oh god, what if my father knows? How can I face him? Oh god oh god oh god. “How can you know all that?” I whisper. “It’s a gift that I have,” Armstrong said as he looked away from me. “It’s similar to mine, I could feel your despair before you entered the door. Don’t worry, we’ll take good care of you, as long as you trust us.” Sam said. I look at them for a moment. They both seem huge before me, but they feel gentle. I feel as if they would never do me harm. They probably would always be there for me and protect me if I needed it. I say to them, “Yes, I do trust you. I don’t know why, but I trust you.” “Ok then! Let’s get that haircut more manly” Armstrong laughs. I look up at him and ask, “What’s wrong with my haircut?” I look at his head and Sam’s. Both of their haircuts are really short, drawing attention to their massive jaws. They both wore the same kind of facial hair; clean cut except for a slight goatee. My hair was long and neat and I lacked all facial hair. I run my hand through my hair a little. Sam says to me, “What’s the first thing people do when they see you?” I’m wondering what he means by that. Does he mean they say hi or hey kid or something? Then Armstrong leans over and uses his massive hand to tussle my hair a bunch. “God, I hate that!” I think as I swat at his massive paw. “Exactly,” Sam remarks. I see what he means. People do that and they think of me as a small kid. Maybe if I looked more like them, I’d get a bit more respect. My dad has the same haircut and he gets tons of respect. Maybe these two are on to something. I sit on the bench where Armstrong was as he plugs in the clippers. I close my eyes and feel my hair fall off my head. “Just think of this as your progression into manhood,” I hear Armstrong say. In a few moments, the clippers turn off. I open my eyes and see hair all over the place. I reach up and rub my head. The hair is almost all gone and my head feels kinda cool. I’m led to a mirror and I look a bit like my dad. My face is smaller and younger and my body isn’t as large as his, but I do look a lot like him. The guys behind me smile and I smile back. We walk back toward the front of the gym. I can feel myself walking straighter, almost marching like my dad would. I see him standing next to Joe, and he’s smiling at me. I love to see him happy. I guess it’s from how I look now. He looks at Sam and nods, I’m assuming to say ‘Good Job’. My dad walks over to me and put a hand gently on top of my head. I can tell from how he’s looking at me he approves. I feel so happy. “That looks good on you boy, I mean, son. These guys are going to mold you into a helluva man from what I hear. You gonna be ok son?” “Yeah dad, I think I’m gonna learn a lot from these guys. They seem like good people.” I respond. “You know I love you son, you don’t have to impress me” I love my dad for saying that. I know it’s true, but I want to impress him. “I know Dad, but this is something I have to do.” “My son; growing up right before my eyes. And you look mighty good with your hair like that” “Really? You think?” I look into his eyes and blush. “I know,” He kneels down and picks me up. He gives me a giant hug and whispers, “I love you son.” “I love you too Dad.” I want to stay in his arms forever. His hug is powerful, yet loving. Gentle, yet caring. It feels so warm and safe in his arms. But I know I can’t stay here forever. Dad puts me down and looks up toward Armstrong and Sam. He says, “I know you’ll take good care of my son.” They nod at him. He looks back at me and whispers, “Learn all you can from these guys, they know their stuff” I nod yes at him and he puts a hand on my head. “I really can’t believe how much you’re growing. Wait till your mother sees you.” I beam with happiness as he walks out the door. ************************************************** ********************** We take Mike back to the locker room. I know what is up next. He has to get over a few of his hang ups before he can grow, just like I had to. We enter the locker room and Armstrong virtually tosses Mike into the corner and stands over him, being as imposing as possible. He roars at him, “What do you see little boy?” Mike looks up startled and mutters a bit. “I SAID WHAT DO YOU SEE!” I watch as Mike’s tiny frame shakes and he looks at me. I lean against the lockers and look back at Mike, trying to seem cold and uncaring. “Better answer him truthfully” I say calmly. “I---I---I---I see a giant” he stammers. “WHAT ELSE!” Armstrong bellows. “I---.I---I---I--- Armstrong takes of his clothing and begins to really impose his size by flexing naked over Mike. “WHAT DO YOU SEE?” Armstrong lets out a primal roar filled with bass as he poses down on Mike, flexing every muscle tighter. The lockers around us begin to shake from the power of Armstrong’s voice and Mike balls up slightly, obviously scared of how Armstrong is acting now. I kinda feel bad about what Armstrong is doing, but it has to be done. He has a bit of a fear of larger people even though he shows a brave face. Armstrong starts to break it down so Mike can see it for himself. “AM I BIGGER THAN YOU??” “Y…y….yes” “AM I STRONGER THAN YOU?” “Y----ye----yes” “AM I BETTER THAN YOU?” “Y---yes” Armstrong stops flexing and closes in on Mike, “No, I’m not.” Armstrong’s voice returns to his normal gentle bass. “Just because I’m bigger and stronger than you doesn’t make me better than you. I’m just a man, just like you. No better, no worse.” I approach Mike and put my hand on his other shoulder. Mike is still trembling. I decided to join Armstrong in the naked display to show him we’re still human underneath it all. I take off my clothes and I return my hand to his shoulder. “We have a rule around here. If you’re our gym partner, you have to see yourself as one of us. No better, no worse. You’re one of the gang now.” Mike is still trembling. I feel the shock from the whole ordeal washing over him. Armstrong picks up Mike and stands him on the bench so he’s looking at us near eye level. He leans down a bit to look Mike into the eye. “I know you want to be like your father. You can and much more. All the power and muscle he has, you can have. All the power and muscle we have, you can have. All you have to do is to desire it with your heart and work hard for it. We know you're not afraid of hard work or you would’ve never been led here.” I reach down to my shorts on the floor and pull out my wallet and grab Armstrong’s wallet also. I reach in both of them and pull out our pictures of old. I hand them to Mike. “That was me once, and this was Armstrong.” His eyes bulge out as much as mine did when I first saw how Armstrong looked. “Yeah, that used to be us. See how it’s not impossible to do anything you desire.” He nods in affirmation and says that he understands. Armstrong and I put our clothing back on and we get ready to test his strength. Out in the gym, we don’t push him too hard. We know that he has never lifted a barbell in his life, so we take it slow. We explain how to grip the bar and the proper way to breathe and other gym safety. He’s a good kid and he learns quick. Soon, it’s getting close to time for us to shut down the gym. We go to take our usual post-work-out shower. As usual, we’re completely comfortable with each other, but Mike is hesitant to jump in the shower. I see the look on his face and ask him a question. “What do you feel about two guys showering together.” “It feels a little gay to me,” he says. Both Armstrong and I laugh. “Why? Why are you laughing?” Armstrong speaks up, “Do you love muscle? How it looks and feels?” “Well---umm---yeah.” “And do you want to have sex with me?” “No.” “Well then? What’s the problem?” Armstrong, gotta love how simply he puts some things. Armstrong continues, “In here, we all have a desire for muscle. We enjoy how it feels on ourselves and on others. But it’s not sexual. There’s no desire for me to put this” he says as he adjusts his large cock, “into any hole of my gym mates. That’s what separates us from normal people. We’re completely comfortable in our natural states. We can admire hard work and dedication without it becoming a thing about sex. Do you understand?” Mike nods at us. “Well, are you going to shower or not?” I ask. He takes off his clothes and jumps in. We continue to shower up and I see the same look in his eye when I first met Armstrong. “Yes, you can feel our muscles if you want.” “Really? I want to hang from your arms like I do with my dad.” “Sure man, go ahead” I flex my arm for him and let him hang. He laughs a bit and then drops to the ground. “That was fun. You are way bigger than my dad” “But not better.” I smile at him. We finish up and start to dry off when I notice Mike doesn’t have any other clothes. I take out one of my extra sleeveless shirts and toss it to him to wear. I say that he can have it, but he protests that it’s too big. I tell him it’ll be alright. “You’ll grow into it,” and I smile. They pile into Armstrong’s car they pull off. I smile inside as I think this is a day he’ll never forget. ************************************************** ********************** I’m still bouncing as we head back to the locker room. My dad is so proud of me. I’m beaming with pride and I don’t care who knows it. But once we get into the locker room, Armstrong picks me up and almost throws me into the lockers. “What do you see little boy?” Armstrong roars at me. His voice is deafening and I cringe away from him. What does he want, why is he doing this? I’ve never heard anything like this before. It scares me almost to death. I try to sputter out anything, but I’m greeted with an even bigger roar. “I SAID WHAT DO YOU SEE!” I shrink back further into the lockers. Why is he so mean all of the sudden? Why is Sam just standing there? Why doesn’t he stop him? There’s nothing I can do against this huge guy. Is he just going to sit there and laugh at me while this monster tears me apart? I whimper at Sam and he looks at me with a stare that chills me and says, “Better answer him truthfully” “I---I---I---I see a giant.” I wanted to say monster, but I could barely get those words out. “WHAT ELSE!” Armstrong roars at me. “I---.I---I---I--- Armstrong takes off his clothing. He looked even more huge naked. His muscles looked like they were inflated. Blood coursed through all his veins and every part of him twitched with power and rage. It was even scarier than the yelling. “WHAT DO YOU SEE?” Armstrong roars at me, his voice filled with bass and fury. He looks like he’s going to engulf me. He’s so huge he could engulf me in his chest alone. I can’t do anything but stare at him. The lockers around me begin to shake. Whether it’s from me shaking or from the volume of Armstrong’s shouting, I don’t know, but I curl up into a ball slightly. He’s terrifying. I’ve never seen someone so huge and so angry before. He’s going to crush me like a little ant and there’s nothing I can do about it. Sam could help though, but he isn’t. I bet he’s enjoying watching me tremble like this. Big guys are always imposing themselves around, why did I think these two would be different? Where’s my father? Why did I let him go! “AM I BIGGER THAN YOU??” I close my eyes and hide my face as I stammer “Y…y….yes” “AM I STRONGER THAN YOU?” “Y----ye----yes” I tremble a bit more because I feel him getting closer. “AM I BETTER THAN YOU?” “Y---yes” I scream inside “Please don’t hurt me!” “No, I’m not.” Armstrong’s voice was back to his normal gentle bass. I open my eyes and see his massive hand on my shoulder and him close to me. He looks nothing like he did a moment ago. I see the gentleness and kindness back in him and my mind is racing. “Just because I’m bigger and stronger than you doesn’t make me better than you. I’m just a man, just like you. No better, no worse.” Sam approaches me and put his hand on my other shoulder. He then looks at me and takes off his clothes and returns his hand to my shoulder. “We have a rule around here. If you’re our gym partner, you have to see yourself as one of us. No better, no worse. You’re one of the gang now.” I still feel myself trembling even though they are calm. Armstrong picks me up and sets me down on the bench. I stand eye level with their massive chests. He leans down a bit and he looks me into eyes. “I know you want to be like your father. You can and much more. All the power and muscle he has, you can have. All the power and muscle we have, you can have. All you have to do is to desire it with your heart and work hard for it. We know you're not afraid of hard work or you would’ve never been led here.” Sam reaches down to his gym shorts lying on the floor and pull out something, then grabs something from Armstrong’s shorts also. He pulls out a pair of photos and hands them to me. “That was me once, and this was Armstrong.” I look at them in total shock. That just can’t be them. These two mountains of muscle that stand before me could’ve have never been what I’m looking at. It’s just impossible. “Yeah, that used to be me. See how it’s not impossible to do anything you desire.” I nod at them. If that was them, then anything is possible. I finally stop shaking in the presence of these naked muscle gods. I understand what Armstrong said. They may be bigger and stronger, but they’re not better. I’m their equal. That makes me feel really good. They begin to put back on their gym attire and I am once again glad to have them as my friends. They’re huge and awesome, I’m humbled by the mass of muscle they are. I watch them as they put on their clothing. Their chests seem to barely get inside the shirts they were wearing. The fabric, loose and flowing on the floor, became a second skin when they put it on. I can see all the definition that I could when they had the shirts off. The shorts are almost the same way. The only difference is their huge penises seem to be less cramped than I would expect. The rest of the shorts hug their legs well. I say to myself that I’m gonna look like that one day. We head back out into the gym area. It seems to be empty except for a couple of people and Joe. They lead me over to the bench press. I’ve never actually lifted weights before, but they’re kind and take everything slow with me. I feel really weak, but they’re encouraging me on and it feels great. Time flies and everyone is leaving. Armstrong and Sam say it’s time for us to get ready to go. I follow them back to the shower. I forgot my bag in my dad’s car. I guess I’ll just not shower until I get home. Sam and Armstrong strip naked again and head to the shower. They turn it on and they start washing each other. “They look good with all that muscle, but that is weird.” I think to myself Sam looks over to me, standing outside the shower area. “What do you feel about two guys showering together?” he asks “It feels a little gay to me,” Both he and Armstrong laugh. “Did I say something funny? Why are you laughing?” Armstrong speaks up, “Do you love muscle? How it looks and feels?” I look at him and know I have to be honest. “Well---umm---yeah.” “And do you want to have sex with me?” “No.” “Well then? What’s the problem?” I am shocked by how bluntly and simply Armstrong put it. Armstrong continues, “In here, we all have a desire for muscle. We enjoy how it feels on ourselves and on others. But it’s not sexual. There’s no desire for me to put this into any hole of my gym mates. That’s what separates us from normal people. We’re completely comfortable in our natural states. We can admire hard work and dedication without it becoming a thing about sex. Do you understand?” It makes perfect sense now. I nod my head yes. “Well, are you going to shower or not?” Sam asks. I strip down slowly, still kinda shy about the huge muscle in there, but I relax and join them in the shower. They continue to shower up. I’m washing myself off with the cloth Sam hands me, but I can’t help but be awed by their size. Everything looks so perfect right now, the way the water flows off their muscles, the way the suds slide down their chiseled abs. I will have all that one day. “Yes, you can feel our muscles if you want.” I’m shocked by the comment. “Really? I want to see if I can hang from your arms like I do with my dad.” “Sure man, go ahead” Sam flexes his arm for me. I jump up and grab them. They feel even harder than my dad’s arm and I don’t even notice any strain on his huge bicep. I laugh a bit and then drop to the ground. “That was fun. You are way bigger than my dad.” “But not better,” Sam says with a smile. We finish up and start to dry off. I remember I don’t have any other clothes to wear. “Damn, I can’t just walk out of here naked, there’s laws against that kinda stuff” I say to myself. Sam tosses me a sleeveless shirt and says it’s mine. “This is way too big, it’ll never fit me. “ “Don’t worry. You’ll grow into it,” he smiles. We leave the gym, and I get into Armstrong’s car. Sam waves at me and yells, “See you tomorrow.” I know for a fact that I will be back. ************************************************** ********************** As I sit at work today, I’m wondering about Mike. He’s a good kid, just needs a little more confidence. I pick up the phone and call Armstrong. I have an idea how we can help our new buddy out. Armstrong answers his phone and I give him the details of my plan. He agrees and says he’ll be a little late to grab the stuff. I spend the rest of my day warm on the inside because I know this is going to be good. I arrive to the gym at the normal time and I sit on my car. It’s nice to just sit sometimes and relax, baking myself slightly in the sun. I watch as Mike’s father drives up. I flag him down before he drops Mike off and tell him to come here. I ask Mike to stay in the car while I talk to his father. We step away from the car so I can tell him of my newest plot. He laughs a bit and agrees to my plan. He goes back to the car and tells Mike it’s ok to go. He comes out and sits with me on my car. I pick him up and sit him down next to me and tell him to relax Armstrong had not arrived when Mike begins to inquire about the current situation. “So, what are we doing out here?” he begins. “Just waiting for the big guy. He needed to pick up some items.” I say as I stretch out a bit. “Cool. I’m really anxious about it all.” “That’s good man. You’re gonna do great” “I had a dream last night. All of what you guys did yesterday really made me think.” “Want to tell me about your dream?” Mike looks up at the clear sky and begins. “I dreamt that I was in my high school. But I was tiny compared to everyone. I was shorter than everyone and even the lockers. I was trying to go about my day and do stuff, but the books were so heavy and people kept knocking me down. I was about to get stepped on when everything started shaking. People scattered everywhere and I rolled to avoid being trampled.” “Then the roof of the school started to peel off like a sardine can. I saw you and Armstrong towering over the school. You were like two naked gods. I remember seeing your arms bulge and your chest heave as you ripped the roof off the school. You two looked down at me and Armstrong put his hand on the ground next to me. I jumped into his palm and he lifted me out of the school. He brought me close to his chest and I began to feel the power of it all. I heard his heart beat like a bass drum and I could feel the muscles. Then you held out your hand. I jumped in it and you did the same. Your heart beat was just like Armstrong’s and your muscles felt the same way. Then you pointed at me. I looked at you in question and you pointed at me again, then your chest, then your ear. I understood what you were saying, so I listened to my own heart, and it beat the same way.” “Then Armstrong flexed his huge and powerful arm. You took me over to it and I felt every bulge and dent in his massive bicep. It felt wonderful, powerful and titanic. Armstrong then pointed at him, then his giant arm then me. I felt my arm and, although it wasn’t as big, it felt the same. I nodded at both of you, and then you set me on the ground. Suddenly, I felt my body growing. My muscles were expanding and my height was growing and I grew up as big as you two. I flexed my new muscles and I looked around and laughed. Then…..” I noticed he began to trail off, but I knew the dream didn’t end there. I felt as if he was holding back something. “Go on, you can tell me.” I whisper. He looks at me and sighs a bit. “I’m not sure how you’ll take it though” he mutters. “You’ll have to believe that anything you say I won’t be shocked or think of you any less.” I reaffirm him. He lets out a deep breath and continues, “Then I noticed your two huge cocks. They were hard as stone just like the rest of your bodies and thick. I felt as if I needed to touch them and you guys nodded. I grabbed both of your meats and I felt them. They felt good just like the rest of your muscles. They felt vascular and strong and thick. I wanted to rub them more and more, then I noticed that I was getting hard. I never saw myself get so hard and huge before. It was as huge as you guys’ and just as thick and vascular. Armstrong reached his massive hand down and grabbed it, and you followed suit. Your hands were rough but gentle and it felt so good.” “We continue stroking each other as I licked your muscles and you felt on mine. As I approached climax, I felt my hands getting wet. I looked down to see you two were the same. Armstrong turns me around and faces me toward the school. We explode together and we hit the school with our jets of hot liquid. My aim is off and I tear down some of the wall with your streams, but you two aim me right into the hole you made in the roof and scooped me out of. I aim you two in the same direction. We were filling the school with our juices; it flowed through each floor all the way down into the basement. Our streams finally slow down and I see a tiny person swimming in it all. It was that junior that was laughing at me trying to swim in our man juices. I roared with laughter and bellowed at him, “Who’s the small man now!” He looks away from me and adds, “I had to change my sheets this morning.” He seemed slightly sad that he had the dream. I put my hand on his shoulder. “That’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you knew the things that Armstrong and I’ve done since we’ve met, well, let’s just say that what we’ve done in this last year would make your dream seem tame.” Mike looks back at me and asks, “But what does it all mean?” I say to him, “It means you love muscle. Our cocks are just another type of muscle. Remember how you said it was hard and veiny? You just like to see ripped muscle everywhere.” He smiles at me and I know I’ve made him feel better. I think to myself he might be bi or gay, but I don’t want to confuse the issue right now. He’ll need to figure that out for himself when he’s ready. Armstrong pulls up and hops out his truck. I notice there’s a bunch of stuff in the back covered with a tarp. I smile and greet him normally with our punches and half hug. Armstrong then turns to Mike and goes to give him some gentle punches but Mike backs away. Armstrong says, “Yeah, you don’t know yet. See what me and Sam do? You need to do that to. That’s how we say ‘hi’ to each other wherever we meet.” Mike nods and he greets Armstrong. Armstrong gives him a few taps around the chest then picks him up and puts him on his shoulder. Mike doesn’t know what’s going on, but I grab his bag and mine and we hit the gym. As usual, we’re greeted at the door by Joe. We roar again, “Every person in here better be giving it their all!” I then look up to Mike and say, “We do that every day too. Psyches people up for their workout.” Armstrong leads into the weight area and I follow after waving to Joe. He stands in the middle of the floor and clears his throat loudly. Everyone stops what they’re doing and looks at the giant. “This here’s Big Mike,” he bellows as he points to Mike on his shoulder, “he’s with us. Treat him like the big man he is.” Mike turns a slight shade of red as our gym mates stand up and start calling him “Big Mike”. I can tell what Mike’s thinking right now and I laugh inside, but we’ve got to build his confidence up a bit too. We change in the locker and return. Today’s leg day, so we warm up real quick. I do my warm up set while Armstrong explains the physics and such behind the various exercises before he follows suit. Mike’s taking it all in well and we give him some warm up sets to do. As we’re lifting, one of the other guys yells, “Hey Big Mike, can you toss me that 45 near you.” Mike beams with pride and lugs the weight over to him. “Help me put this on the bar,” he says and Mike does a good job helping out. Armstrong and I smile as we see him stand tall and proud, getting used to being called Big Mike instead of Little Mikey. We finish our leg workout at around 9 p.m. We’re condensing our workouts so we can get Mike home in time. We shower up and change, Mike getting more and more comfortable around us. Joe has our usually ready for us and we head out. I say to Mike, “Drink half of that shake now, half after you eat tonight.” He nods and hops into Armstrong’s truck. “He’s doing real well. He will go far,” I think to myself as I watch them drive off. ************************************************** ********************** I’m still enjoying my shake as we pull up into my yard. Armstrong punches me on the shoulder and says, “See you tomorrow Big Mike!” I love that name: Big Mike. It sounds so good. I punch him back and say, “Sure thing big guy!” I hop out of his giant truck and head into my house. As I come in, I’m trying to decide what to have for dinner. “My parents probably have left some leftovers. Maybe I should’ve asked them what I should be eating. Damn, why didn’t I think of this sooner? I probably can’t eat just anything. Crap, what if I screw up something.” I walk into my house and smell the aroma of freshly grilled steak. “Damn it smells good in here,” I think “Can I have steak? Damn. If it tastes good, it’s probably not good for me. Maybe I’ll find some celery or something.” My dad is at the kitchen table when I turn the corner, sitting with an empty plate in front of him and a full one next to him. “Evening son, how was the gym?” he asks. “Real good dad, I’ll tell you about it soon as I find something to eat.” I say as I head toward the fridge. “Why are you looking, your food is right here,” he comments. “I don’t know what I can and can’t eat. I didn’t ask the guys, so I’m going to have some veggies or something” My dad laughs a bit and stands up. “Don’t worry. Sam told me all about what a big man like you needs to get big. I went out after I dropped you off and went to a wholesale store Sam told me about. I picked up a bunch of stuff he suggested: Steak, brown rice, veggies, a steam cooker, a rice cooker, some boneless skinless chicken, some vitamins and a ton of other stuff.” He motions his hand around and I see tons of supplies scattered about. There is stuff all over the place. That wholesale store must specialize in selling in bulk. “So, don’t worry about what to eat. Sam told me exactly how you should be eating and your mom is helping out by cooking for you and making your lunches each day.” I stand in awe of it all. These guys are truly amazing. I run up to my father and hug him. “Thanks dad!” “We know you’re serious son, so we’re here to help,” he whispers to me. My mom walks into the kitchen and I hug her too. “I love both of you so much!” “Go wash up for dinner” my mom orders, and I put my shake down and run up the stairs to clean up for dinner. The steak was excellent and I’ve never had steamed veggies and rice before. I scarf them down like a ravenous wolf. My dad starts the conversation off, “Slow down boy, I’ve never seen you so hungry!” “Yeah dad, I don’t know what it is, but I’m almost starving” “What kinda stuff is going on at the gym?” “Man dad, it’s awesome. Sam and I waited outside the gym for Armstrong and we talked and talked while looking at the sky. Then Armstrong got there and they punched each other and hugged then Armstrong did the same for me and then Armstrong carried me on his shoulder like you did, and we went in the gym. They roared really loud about everyone working their best and then Armstrong introduced me as Big Mike. Then everyone started calling me Big Mike. It was so cool!” “Sounds like these two are really nice guys,” my mother comments. “Yeah mom, they’re so cool and big and strong and impressive and nice. They’re easy going but they work hard and they make me work hard too and I feel good when I’m around them and I wanna work hard and be big like them and dad. And I’m gonna do it too! I’m gonna be big and strong and tough just like dad and them and then I’m gonna play defensive lineman and break your record dad and put my new trophy right next to yours in the case downstairs.” “I know you will son,” my dad says. I continue to devour my food and my dad says before I finish, “When you’re done, I have something to show you in the basement.” I finish up and polish off my shake. We head down and he turns on the light. I look ahead to the trophy cabinet and I can’t believe my eyes. Where the cabinet was full with pictures and trophies, it now stands half full. My dad tells me to look closer. I walk up to it and I see on the top shelf screwed in the center is a nameplate that says “Mike Evans”. My dad walks up to me and says “I know you’re going to do great things. This is for when you do.” I feel tears welling up in my eyes and I run and hug my dad again. “Thanks dad, you’re so awesome.” “Anything for you son. Now let’s watch some T.V.” I sit down with my father, lay my head in his chest and fall asleep watching SportsCenter. ************************************************** ********************** The weekend’s finally here and Armstrong and I have some big plans for Mike. The work day flies by. They finally got me some new clothes, but I think the tailor is in with my co-workers because it’s only slightly looser than my old clothes. Then again, I could just be growing since they measured me 3 months ago. Who knows? I pull up in my jeep as Armstrong pulls up in his car. As we’re greeting each other, Mike pulls up with his father. He hops out with his bag and starts walking toward us. His father parks the car and Mike looks back. “Why are you parking dad?” Mike says. His dad grabs a bag out of his trunk and I direct him to toss it into my jeep. Armstrong says to Mike, “Don’t worry, it’s a surprise.” We go through the day as normal, and I see an anxious look on Mike’s face. I can tell he’s thinking about the surprise. Boy is he gonna be shocked when this weekend is over. “Mike is lifting good and hard. He’s got moxy.” I think as the day progresses. We finish up another pumped day and Big Mike’s getting compliments from all the guys at the gym for how hard he’s working. He smiles and holds himself with pride. “Yup, he’s doing real well. This weekend should really test him though.” I say to myself. After we wash up and change, we grab our shakes and head out. We jump into our vehicles and drive over to Armstrong’s place. I see Mike’s head bobbing up and down with questions as we pull into Armstrong’s driveway. Mike hops out and asks, “What are we doing? My dad is expecting us at 9.” I grab our bags and walk up to him. I put my hand on his shoulder and I say, “Don’t worry, your parents already know. You’re going to be spending each weekend here. We need you handy for what’s in store for you” Mike looked up at me in wonder. Armstrong grunts from across the car, “Don’t worry. It won’t hurt…much.” Armstrong and I bust into laughter and we lead Mike into the house. Armstrong gives him the tour. Living room, dining room, small gym area, then upstairs to the bedrooms. Armstrong shows him the guest suite where he will be spending his weekends. Then it’s back downstairs to eat. It’s a special mix that Armstrong has prepared. Stir fry veggies and boneless skinless chicken and wild rice. Then Armstrong sends him off to bed, he’s going to need his energy in the morning. The next morning Armstrong and I stand over Mike’s bed at 6 am. I can’t help but giggle as Armstrong holds the bullhorn over Mike. Armstrong bellows into the bullhorn, “GET OUT OF BED YOU LAZY ASS!!!!” and I swear Mike jumps 10 feet into the air. He’s standing on the bed in his boxers and Armstrong growls “GET YOUR ASS IN THE SHOWER AND BE AT THE TABLE IN 15 MINUTES!” “Well, that woke him up,” I laugh at Armstrong as we walk down the stairs. “Yeah, I bet he thought this was going to be a relaxing weekend,” Armstrong chuckles. “Boy is he in for a shock!” We head down to the breakfast table and start laying the food out. Fruits, meats, oatmeal with whey protein mixed in, a few shakes and some multivitamins. We also mix up the midmorning shakes and put them into some bottles and we pack a cooler with it. We also fill up a cooler with water as Mike is walking down. He’s still slightly drowsy, but the aroma of fresh food perks him up. He comes into the dining room and we tell him to sit down and eat up because he’s gonna need his energy. He’s slightly confused and doesn’t realize what’s going on yet, but he eats a good amount. It’s around 7 am when we finish breakfast and washing the dishes. We hand Mike the cooler and we tell him to put it on the lawn outside. Armstrong heads to the garage while I grab the water. I head outside and place the water on a chair and go to grab some cups for today. As I’m coming with the cups, Armstrong is hauling a load of items including some practice clothes for Mike. He orders Mike to take off what he has and put them on. Mike takes of his good clothes and puts on this jersey that looks 4 sizes to big and some gym shorts that he has to tie very tight to fit in. “We’re gonna work every weekend until those are too tight for you.” Armstrong laughs. I walk up to Mike and tell him the plan. “Every weekend, we’re coming here, and for the two days, you’re gonna be in your own personal football camp.” “My own camp?” he asks with utter amazement and glee. “Don’t think it’s gonna be a beauty spa. We’re gonna work you harder than you ever thought possible,” Armstrong remarks as he marks a few lines in his yard. “Stand here,” he orders as he grabs a giant red blocking pad. Mike stands on the line and I stand next to him. “I want you to crouch down like this,” I tell Mike as I hit a three-point stance. “Bend your knees like this and straighten your back like so.” He attempted and I helped adjust him a little more. “Now hit me!” Armstrong ordered. Mike slams into Armstrong. “Again!” Mike tries again. “Again!” “HARDER!” “AGAIN!” I’m looking on from the side and it doesn’t seem that Mike is trying his best. From the way Armstrong is bellowing, I don’t think he thinks Mike is trying his best either. Mike stands up and starts to pant. Armstrong growls at him, “You’re not even trying. Hit me harder damn it!” Mike goes to hit him a few more times, each time making less and less of an impact. “STOP!” Armstrong shouts. Mike stands up and starts breathing heavily. “What are you, afraid of getting hurt?” Armstrong growls. “I’m trying! Really!” pants Mike. I watch as Armstrong’s face tenses up. “Uh oh” I think to myself. “RRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! !!!!!!!!!!!” Armstrong starts charging Mike like a raging bull as Mike stares into the eyes of this on-coming train. Armstrong uses the blocking pad to plow over Mike, giving him a really firm but not too painful hit. Mike lands on the ground with a thud. I begin to smile as I walk over. “Did that hurt?” I ask. “Yeah it hurt” Mike responds. “Are you injured?” Armstrong responds knowingly. “Well, no” Mike whimpers. “I know. You’re not gonna get injured either unless you do something very wrong. But you’re not gonna be good if you don’t hit me with everything you have. Just like you hurt right now from my hit, that’s about all that’s gonna happen. You get hurt but pain fades. You have to push beyond that mental limit that says hold back. Stop holding back. Give it everything you’ve got. Only then will you be great. Unleash that rage and use it to hit me!” Mike gets up and dusts himself off. Armstrong walks back over and sets himself up again. Mike steps up to the line and gets into his three-point stance. “HIT ME!” Armstrong bellows and Mike hits as hard as he can. I smile because I see the impact and while Armstrong doesn’t move much, I can see the way the bag moved. Armstrong smiles and says “Good. Now do that again.” An hour passes and Mike is getting tired from the hitting drill. It’s time for me to step in. “Break!” I yell and Mike and Armstrong walk over. I hand them both some water and tell Mike the next phase. “Now that you know how to hit hard, I’m gonna teach you where to hit.” Mike nods in agreement. I tell Armstrong to break us up at 10 for a snack and I guide Mike over to my area I set up. Here there are pads lined up against the wall with different areas highlighted and colored. I go through with him showing him how the safety pads fit on people and how to use that to your advantage. “If you hit a person here,” I say as I point to the bag “You can get slightly under their pads and use the leverage to move them easier. Now, hit here, and here, then here.” He follows my instructions, and I show him how to lift upward after the initial impact. He gets better and better at it as the training goes on when Armstrong comes over. “Working hard Big Mike?” Armstrong says as he pats Mike on the back. “Y…yeah” Mike pants as he takes a quick breather. “Well, it’s 10, time for your midmorning meal. C’mon, let’s head to the house.” We sprint towards the house and go inside for a quick break. Mike is drenched in sweat and he devours the shake. After he gets to rest for 30 minutes, it’s back outside for more training. Armstrong is working on breaking down his fear and I’m teaching him control. Later I plan on teaching him some of my Taijutsu, but for now, teaching him the basics of letting himself get pass the fear is our primary goal. It’s around 8 pm before we finish up the day. Mike is on the ground almost passed out; the workout gear Armstrong gave him completely drenched in sweat. Armstrong tells Mike to get out of all his clothes and hand them to him so he can wash them for tomorrow. Mike barely lifts up his head and says weakly, “Tomorrow?” “Yeah,” I remark “It’s gonna be even tougher tomorrow, and the next weekend is gonna be tougher than that and so on.” He sighs and his head falls back and Armstrong and I chuckle. “C’mon, time for dinner.” He has trouble getting off the cool grass, and I lean over to help him. He strips down to nothing and hands his clothes to Armstrong who leads the way into the house. Armstrong and I head to his washer while Mike heads upstairs. We take off all our clothes and toss them in the washer then head back to the dining room. Mike yells from the top of the stairs that he’ll be down in a minute. We work our way to the dining table and kitchen to bring out the food. “You guys are naked again” Mike says from the hall. “Yup,” Armstrong says, “does it bother you?” “Not really, I guess. Just never been around people as carefree as you two.” “Yup,” I say. “Me and Armstrong don’t care about little stuff like ‘clothing’. We’ve ran around the house naked just because we felt like it. Boy did we get some stares that day!” “Yeah man, I thought Ms. Barley was going to jump us and mount us the way she was looking. Mike looks at us while we burst into laughter. “Well don’t just stand there, come on in and have a seat, we’re almost ready to eat.” Armstrong says. Mike looks down at himself then at us and then he takes off his clothes. He rubs his arms a bit and comes into the dining room. “I want to be like you guys a lot, so I might as well start with the easy stuff like clothes,” he laughs. We chuckle a bit and sit down and have a nice meal. ************************************************** ********************** This was the hardest day in my life. Muscles I didn’t even know I had hurt. I can barely walk up these stairs to bed. My dad put me through a lot in training, but it was nothing like this; Armstrong demanding power and Sam demanding precision, both of them being relentless and accepting nothing but perfection. It was tiring, but satisfying. I felt good when I did well and saw their accepting faces. But boy am I tired now. I collapse on my bed and look at the nearby clock. It’s only 10 pm and I’m dead tired. But I still have to shower. I slowly crawl to the shower and let the water wash over me. As I’m bathing, I think about all that’s happened today. “Armstrong was right. I was holding back. Pain really doesn’t matter. Sure it hurt like hell when he hit me, but he didn’t hit me full power. I didn’t break anything and I feel ok now. I feel like I really tried and it felt good. My body might not agree with me tomorrow though.” “And Sam. What can I say about him? He makes everything seem so precise. I would’ve just thought if I hit the guy hard enough he would move, but Sam makes it seem more of an art than just uncontrolled rage. He makes it seem simple too. If he wears his pads like this, hit him like so. If he’s this size, his center of gravity is here. His pads are slack here. He seems to have so much knowledge. I’m very glad I found them.” “The food was really good all day. Different than what my parents cook, but still healthy tasting. And Sam and Armstrong are really free around each other. I’ve never seen two guys so comfortable with themselves and each other. But who can blame them? Their bodies look so good. Even without doing that much of a workout today, their muscles are still tight and firm and bulging with power. They hold themselves with such pride and majesty, it makes me proud to be their friend. And of course, their manhood is nothing to be ashamed of. They have everything I aspire to be: hardworking, huge, kind, tough, and respectful. That is my goal. I will stand up one day and be like them.” The water’s getting kind of cold now. I guess I should get out. That feels so good and the bed looks so very comfortable. I put on my boxers and fall on top of it, barely getting under the covers. As I drift off to sleep, I think I hear stuff moving and people talking in Armstrong’s bedroom, but I’m sure it’s nothing. So very tired. ************************************************** ********************** That’s how life was for Mike for the next several months. We worked him hard in the gym and on the weekends. He trained almost 7 days a week, working diligently to be like us and his father. And he’s growing too, steadily as time passes. For the first months, he remained around the same height but was packing on lots of bulk and muscle. He grew from around 100lbs to close to 225 of solid mass. Then his growth spurt started to hit. We watched as he grew taller and taller, almost everyday it seemed he grew half an inch. “Little Mikey” truly grew into “Big Mike”. By the time a year had rolled around, Mike had grown almost a half a foot in height and was up to 230 lbs of lean muscle. Everyone congratulated on his change and he felt good. We took pictures of him every month and you could see the change from a scrawny, unsure kid, to a confident powerful teen. His pictures showed the gradual, but evident change from his former 5’ tall, 100lb frame to his current 5’6’’ 230lbs mass. Then Mike told us it was football tryout time. We went to the mall and bought him some pads and some baggy t-shirts. He really wanted to show the coaches and players who he haven’t interacted with in a year what he was made of. After putting all the equipment on, he looked like a normal teen. The baggy shirt and pads hid his bulging chest and broad shoulders decently, and you couldn’t see his ripped abs. The only thing that stood out was his powerful arms and his well defined legs. Mike found that if he relaxed enough, his arms didn’t stand out too much, but there was nothing he could do about his legs. “I’ll just attribute it to all the running I did,” Mike smiled. We knew he was ready to show his former mockers. Armstrong and I arrived at the school early so we could get passes to get on the campus. As we strolled through the halls, we saw all kinds of kids. Some of my old feelings came back, and I wished that I could help them. They need to find the gym for themselves I told myself and I dropped Joe’s cards in a lot of their lockers. If they come, they’ll get help, I said to Armstrong. We arrive at the field and we stand on the sidelines. Mike runs up to us as hyper as ever and tells us he’s glad we came. We say we’re anxious to see what he’s learned and Mike responds that he’s anxious to use it. “My god I hope he doesn’t kill anyone,” I whisper to Armstrong after he leaves. Armstrong chuckles and says “He learned your control, he shouldn’t. Shouldn’t.” We both burst into laughter as the rest of the team runs onto the field. Warm ups are interesting. First they have to run laps, which Mike easily does, keeping ahead of almost everyone. Then there’s stretching, jumping jacks, push ups and other exercises. Armstrong and I survey the team. Mike is doing everything with no problem, but there are people who are getting tired already. Whether they’re first timers or long standing players, we don’t know. Then the moment the 3 of us were waiting for: Lineman try-outs. Mike is standing in the middle of the line of new hopefuls. We look over them as they try to move this large senior, which I’m assuming is the same guy that dashed Mike’s hopes last year. Most are bigger than Mike by sheer dimensions, but none of them have his muscularity. Most of them move the test subject a bit and slip by him. They are considered to pass. Some can’t move him and walk back to the coach for other assignments. I see the disappointment on some of their faces and know that’s how Mike felt last year. Then Mike is up. We move closer so we can watch. It was the most beautiful and painful thing I’ve seen in a long time. Mike stood in his three point stance perfectly. The senior leaned down a bit. Mike looked up at him with a pair of cold and determined eyes. The coach blew his whistle and Mike hit him with a giant crunch, lifted him under his pads and carried him almost 5 yards before slamming him to the turf. As Armstrong and I watched this display, ending with the seniors head bouncing off the ground, we both give a resounding “YES!” Mike stands up and looks at us, seeing us cheer him on and then looks at the coach, who stood there shocked. Mike trots up to him and says, “How was that coach?” The coach closes his mouth and responds, “Real good ummm….” as he shuffles his list searching for a name. Armstrong and I walk over and say, “This here’s Big Mike Evans, our buddy. He’s your new defensive lineman.” “Way to go Big Mike,” Armstrong congratulates him as we punch him a bit. “Yeah, I think you knocked the wind out of that guy” I comment as I point to the kid still trying to get up. “You know, I thought it was gonna be hard, but when I hit him like you guys trained me, it felt like he was light as a feather. I probably could’ve carried him further, but I felt I should stop and let him down.” Mike comments “Yeah man, we were glad you didn’t kill him.” Armstrong laughs. “I just feel so powerful now. It’s like a rush.” Mike flexes an arm. “I can’t believe this is really my body. I feel like a new person now.” He flexes some more. “You guys are really awesome.” “You did the work man; we just helped you along the path.” I say. “But don’t think this lets you off the hook for our stuff.” Armstrong comments. “No man, I would never stop working out with you guys. I mean, look at some of these guys.” Mike waves his arm around at the rest of the guys working and trying out. “I used to look up to these guys when I was small. Now they seem small to me. I know they’ve been working longer than me, but they don’t have these results.” Mike flexes some more. “I know it sounds conceited, but I’m better than they are. It’s because you two made me better. I don’t want to lose what I have and I doubt anyone in this whole school is as dedicated as you two.” We jab Mike in the shoulder and say, “We’re always here for you man.” Mike goes back over with his new team, standing tall and proud. Armstrong and I beam with pride; our young prodigy has grown into a respectful teen. We watch the day’s practice and are disappointed when it ends in about two hours. Mike is still hyper as ever when practice has ended while the rest of the team is tired. “Man guys, that was so awesome. I feel great,” Mike said as he bounced up and down on his calves. “Hey guys, let’s go work out!” Armstrong and I look at each other and agree. We wait for Mike to change out of his practice clothes into his gym clothes and meet us back outside. Armstrong and I meet Mike outside the school’s weight room. He’s wearing the sleeveless t-shirt I gave him long ago and he’s close to filling it out. Armstrong and I didn’t wear good shirts to workout in, so we just take our shirts off and tossed them in our vehicles. We walk into the school’s weight room and it looks pretty decent. There are a few machines and a bunch of benches and plenty of free weights. “This’ll do for a light workout,” Armstrong says and we all burst into laughter. Mike is the first one up. He is still hyped from football practice and is lifting bigger than normal. We follow suit with our normal weight and Mike is keeping up good, a mere 75lbs behind us. We hit the bench machine and I happen to notice that we’re drawing a little crowd. I jab Armstrong in the side with my elbow and point. He smiles and goes to spot Mike. Mike hasn’t noticed the crowd yet, but we put 325 on it. He goes for 10 reps and we push him to do 12. He pushes it out hard, grunting the last rep. We rack the weight and he turns and stands up and notices a large portion of his new team standing there, mouths wide open in shock. He looks at us and we smile. He then looks at his teammates and does a double bi pose, flexing as hard as he can. You can see every muscle on his body rippling, both from the intensity of pump and the flex. I watch as the people who are watching gawk in awe at the spectacular showing Mike’s giving them. I see some of their eyes drift lower on him as the rest stay fixated on his bulging biceps. We pat him on the shoulder and say “Way to go Big Mike.” He smiles a huge grin at us and piles on our additional 75lbs so we can do our benches. Armstrong and I try not to show off too much, but Mike is enjoying himself greatly. The people dispersed a bit, but they still looked from a distance, and Mike was giving them a show. He’s taken off his shirt and he flexes after ever set. You can see the definition on his body and every muscle is pumped. Even though he’s only doing chest today, his arms are full of blood and his veins are showing the power he now possesses. He looks to us and says, “I know I shouldn’t be showing off. I don’t even know why I’m doing it. But it does feel good.” Armstrong whispers, “Don’t worry about it man. You deserve the looks you’re getting. Just don’t forget where you came from, and never forget where you’re going.” “I can never forget you guys. Each time I stand in the mirror, I see the work that you’ve done. I know that if I stop, I’ll lose these gains,” he says as he points to his arm. “No one here is near as hardcore as you guys, and I’ve grown to love how much you guys push me. If anything, you’ll see more of me.” Mike smiles as I finish up my set and we both give him a giant hug. Everything came together so well. I can’t believe the gains I’ve made in one year. I bet that senior was surprised when I told him who I was. God, it felt good to slam him like that. He felt so light and moved so easily, I barely had to try. To think just a year ago, I couldn’t budge him, and now I could carry him around effortlessly. Today just seemed so surreal. Last year, I had trouble keeping up with the warm-up after the jog, but today, everything was so easy. The guys around me were winded after warm-ups but I felt energized. And god, did it feel good to toss that senior around like a rag doll. I still can’t believe it. Have I really come so far ahead of everyone else? They’ve been working at it for years. It’s all because of Armstrong and Sam. My teammates can’t be working as hard as Armstrong and Sam made me work. I walk into my house and sit down to eat. My dad comes down from his room to talk to me. “So how did it go son?” I try not to smile too much, but I almost yell, “I’m on the team dad!” He walks over and gives me a hug and says, “Good job. You deserve it. You’re a big man now and I know you’re going to do well. Tell me all about it.” “Well, first we started with a jog. Nothing like what we do though. It was 4 times around the track, you know, easy stuff. Then it was a bunch of warm up exercises. Some of the guys around me were tired when we finished, but I was good and excited. Then they told us who to see for what positions. Oh, and Sam and Armstrong were there. I stopped to talk to them before I walked over to the defensive linemen tryouts. They told me to take it easy on them.” I smile a bit. “The test was the guy I couldn’t move last year. I knew this year was going to be different. He was still taller and a bit larger than me, but I saw he was a lot fatter than last year. I hit him just like Sam and Armstrong trained me. I got under his pads and I carried him a bunch before I slammed him on the ground. Sam and Armstrong went crazy on the sidelines and the coach was shocked. I ran over and asked coach how I did and he was speechless. Sam said to him, ‘This is Big Mike Evans, you’re new defensive lineman,’ and all coach could do was nod. Sam and Armstrong congratulated me on the nice hit and I was so proud. It was all thanks to their training. They watched as we did the rest of the day’s practice and when it was over, we hit the weight room.” “You weren’t tired after all that practice?” my dad inquires. “No, I was so hyped. It was only two hours and the guys put me through a lot more than that. So, we hit the weight room and it’s a decent one. We do our normal workout and Armstrong was pushing me while I’m trying a slightly higher weight. I get 12 out and I’m proud, then I noticed the football guys were watching me. I felt kinda funny at first, but then I started flexing at them.” I held up my arm and flexed a little bit for my dad. “They were shocked and it made me feel good. I mean seniors were impressed by my size and muscles.” “Sounds like you had a nice day today.” I scarf down some more steak and respond “Yeah dad. I can remember when I didn’t think this was gonna be possible, but you and Sam and Armstrong made it all happen. I really love you dad.” I get up and walk over to my dad. I’m bigger than I used to be, but he still picks me up and hugs me. We stand for a moment in that hug and he puts me down. “You are becoming a big man. I won’t be able to do that much longer,” he laughs. “Heh, don’t worry dad, I’ll pick you up instead soon!” I head upstairs to take a shower. When I get into the restroom, I catch myself in the mirror. I’m wearing the shirt that Sam gave me the first time we met. It’s faded from its original black, and there some holes in it in various places, but what caught my eye is how I looked in it. When I first got it, it fit me like a dress. It hung down to my knees and was completely wide. Now, I fill it out a lot better. It hangs off my shoulders well, my body is wide enough to make it look baggy but not completely funny. It’s still a bit long for me, but it’s amazing to see the gains. Why didn’t I notice this stuff before? I flex a bit and I can see myself fill out the shirt a bit more. “Amazing” I say to myself. Then I begin to take the shirt off and I catch the smell of it. I’ve never noticed it before, but the shirt smells like that same smell I smelt the first day. But now I know what it was. This shirt, which was worn by Sam when he lifted and worn by me while I worked hard, smelt like muscle. I can label the smell now. It smells like Sam, Armstrong and I, sweating hard. It smelt like the metal and the weight. There was the scent of the locker room where we showered and there was even a slight hint of blood and tears. I took a deep breath of it and exhaled a giant “Ahhhh.” Now I knew why my father did the same when he first took me to the gym. It was great. It was like how men should really smell. Screw colognes, the stench of muscle and metal should be all over us, the exhilarating scent of power and hard work should be what defines us. I take off the shirt completely and look at myself. I look a lot better than I used to, but I still have a long way to go before I get to where I wanna be. I flex a bit more and I see myself getting hard. I look down at my cock and I say, “Yeah, I know you like that too.” I love getting the muscle as much as I like watching it. I jump into the shower and wash up, my mind reeling from today’s events. It can only get better. ************************************************** ********************** I’m sitting at my desk one boring day, and I’m reminiscing over the past 2 years. Year one of Mike’s transformation ended with him becoming his dream: a defensive lineman. He wasn’t on the starting line yet, but he could’ve been if he was a junior or senior. Every game he played and excelled. Year two was a lot more interesting. After he started playing football, he never seemed to tire. He would catch Armstrong and me after his football practice and make sure he got his daily workout in. Every weekend, he continued to do his personal football camp. We saw gains in him that made us proud. When he first started playing football, he was around 5’6’’ and 230lbs, but in the past year, he’s grown a full foot. And the constant running and lifting and diet has bulked him out to a lean 280. While he’s as tall as I am and a little shorter than Armstrong, he’s not as massive. But what he lacks in mass, he more than makes up for in definition. He’s a natural ectomorph and you can tell. While Armstrong’s shakes bulked me up, they added more lean muscle to Mike. Every muscle on his body is ripped. He carries no more than six percent body fat, no matter how much he eats. We went to his team’s dinner, and all three of us had to be fitted for suits, so that gave us a good excuse to be measured. Armstrong: 6’8’’ 334 lbs. Chest: 64’’ Waist: 36’’ Neck: 25’’ Arms: 27’’ Calves: 28’’ Quads: 37’’ Me: 6’6’’ 321 lbs. Chest: 61’’ Waist: 34’’ Neck: 22” Arms: 25’’ Calves: 25’’ Quads: 33’’ Mike: 6’6’’ 280 lbs. Chest: 57’’ Waist: 34’’ Neck: 20’’ Arms: 23’’ Calves: 24’’ Quads: 30’’ He continues to keep up with us in everything; eating, lifting and life over all. Over the past year on our weekends, I’ve been guiding him through some simple Taijutsu katas, forms and movements in a set pattern. He’s been keeping up with it and looks good doing it. While my frame is a lot bigger, his is extremely toned and you can see every vein move as he performs the kata. This week is Mike’s two year anniversary and we have a beach trip in mind. I haven’t heard of Mike having any girlfriends or a social life, so it will be interesting to see what he does at the beach. I pick up the phone and confirm our reservations. We plan on going to an extremely nice beach house, right on the beach. Our goal is to have lots of ‘fun’ this weekend and to do so we need to be as close to the white sands as possible. The time is slowly ticking away, me fantasying about the beach is keeping me awake enough. The day finally ends and I head out to the gym. We’re going to be meeting up there and taking Mike out shopping after we finish lifting. Armstrong and I arrive at the same time as usual and we great each other. We hit the gym feeling good about the upcoming weekend. ************************************************** ********************** “Coach, I won’t be in town this weekend. I’m going off with Sam and Armstrong. We have a vacation planned, my first one in almost 3 years.” I tell my coach. “Don’t worry; I’m sure that I will be working hard while I’m there. Sam and Armstrong aren’t ones to let me rest too long.” Coach looks up at me and says, “I wish the rest of your teammates had as much dedication as you did. I tell all the JV players that they need to be like you if they want to start.” I say to coach, “Thanks. It’s all Sam and Armstrong though. I just moved the weight. They made me feel like I could do it.” “Maybe I should get them to come down here and do strength training for the team.” “I don’t think so. I mentioned it to them once, saying how there’s people who could use their guidance, and they said to me ‘They must make the first step and find us, like you did.’ I don’t quite understand it, but I guess what they mean is you really have to want to change before they can help. I remember I was at my wits’ end when I first met them. If I wasn’t, I doubt I would’ve stuck around after that first night.” My mind wanders back to that night; the haircut, Armstrong shocking me with his huge size and me discovering things about myself I never knew. If someone wasn’t desperate or willing, they would’ve ran out the locker room screaming after Armstrong started roaring. I guess what they said is true. They must find the gym and first. “….next game.” Coach says as I get startled out of my daydream. “Huh coach?” “I said we’re starting on defensive end the next game.” “Cool! Thanks coach!” “You’re the best man for the job Big Mike, what did you expect?” “Still, it’s a giant honor.” I look at my watch. “Geez, is that the time? I gotta get to the gym.” “Tell the guys I said hello and I hope they send me more guys like you.” I laugh as I run out the door and towards my car. I arrive at the gym slightly late. Armstrong and Sam have already done their warm up sets and I need to catch up. They’ve already set aside a spot and preloaded a bar for me. I scream, “I’m late but I’m sure as hell going be giving it my all” The guys in the gym laugh a bit as I sprint to the locker room. One quick change later and I’m back on the floor. Sam and Armstrong pause for a bit and help some of the other lifters while I catch up on my warm ups. I take them slow as usual, taking care not to injure myself. Sam is helping a guy with his one rep max on the bench and Armstrong is growling “Push, don’t give up!” at a guy doing squats. Home Sweet Home. I finish up my warm up just as Sam and Armstrong finish helping out. They walk back to where we’re doing back exercises. Sam pats me on the shoulder and says, “Had a good day big man?” Armstrong starts lifting as I recant the days’ events. Sam gives me a thumbs up as Armstrong says, “Bout time they saw your skill.” He grunts out the last rep and switches off to Sam. “So,” Armstrong continues, “ready for this weekend?” I smile as I say, “Yeah, haven’t went to any beaches in a while. Been hanging out with you two guys for the last few years.” “Yeah,” Sam grunts, “We thought it was a good time for a vacation.” Armstrong responds, “Yeah, we’re going shopping today for stuff, you’ll probably enjoy it a bit.” Sam stands up and laughs a bit. “I still remember my first time shopping with this big lug,” he chuckles, “it was a day I’ll never forget.” I get ready to do my set, wondering what Sam could possibly mean. I know these guys; they always have something interesting up their sleeves. I smile, knowing this is gonna be a fun day. ************************************************** ********************** After our workout, we pile into my jeep, Armstrong in the front and Mike in the back, and head towards the mall. We stop to grab a quick meal at our favorite restaurant and head off to the big guy’s store. We walk in the store and are immediately greeted by the store clerks. There are two females and one male, all very nice looking and slim. We start to head off to the swim section. They have a variety of swim wear there, and Mike is looking at the normal swim trunks, but we have different ideas in mind for him. “Miss!” Armstrong bellows and waves his huge arm, gaining the attention of the nearby clerk. “Yes sir?” “Yes, we’re looking for your speedos.” Soon as he got the word ‘speedos’ out, Mike spins around. I smile as Mike looks at Armstrong. “Oh, yes. They’re right here” the young clerk says as she leads Armstrong to the far wall. Armstrong motions for us to follow, and I head over with Mike following. Once we all arrive at the speedo section, Armstrong looks at Mike. “You’re still about a 34, aren’t you?” “Yeah, that’s about right.” “Good, same size as Sam. Miss, here’s my card. Charge this pair to it.” Armstrong grabs a pair of black briefs off the wall and tosses them at Mike. “Go put them on. If they don’t fit, Sam can have ‘em, but I’m sure they’ll be just fine. Mike looks at Armstrong like he’s crazy, but Armstrong shoos him into the dressing room. Armstrong and I stand outside the dressing room while Mike changes. He steps out in a t-shirt and the new speedos. “Give me that shirt,” Armstrong orders as he goes to rip the shirt off Mike. Mike chuckles as he takes of the shirt and Armstrong directs him to a nearby full length mirror. “You think I can wear something like this?” Mike asks. “Let’s find out” I say as I wave down the helpful clerk. “Miss, how do you think this looks on our friend here?” She looks at Mike’s toned body and her eyes betray her as she stares at his very decent package. Mike turns 3 different shades of red as he watches the clerk stare at him. “I---I think it looks quite nice on him” “Well don’t just stand there, pose for the nice young lady. She needs to see you better,” Armstrong says. Mike turns beet red and begins to pose, starting with a single bi, then a double bi, then a lat flare. The young lady gasps at his physique, holding her hand near her chest. I look around and I see the other two clerks watching Mike’s display with lust in their eyes. Yup, I think they all like how Mike looks in those shorts. “Yes, I think they look really good,” the clerk stammers. “Well there ya go Mike,” Armstrong says, “if the young lady says they’re good, then you’re wearing them this weekend.” I reach up to the wall and grab another pair of black speedos in size 34, two pair of red in size 34 and a couple of size 36’s for Armstrong. We tell Mike to change back so we could leave, but he protests. “I’m not the only one who’s going to show off today. You two gotta try on your stuff too dammit!” “Nah,” Armstrong says with a chuckle, “we know they fit us.” “Dammit, you’re going to try them on. At least then I won’t feel so silly for standing here in these,” Mike laughs. “Ok, if it’ll make you feel better,” I laugh and punch him on the shoulder. I wave down the clerk and tell her to ring all this up real quick. She trots off to the cash register and then comes back with our purchase. I notice that the other clerks have moved to get a better view of us and I chuckle. Looking at Armstrong, I can tell he sees the same thing. We grab the black speedos and head into the dressing room. I step out first and I flex my right arm for the nearby clerk. I see her flutter a bit as Armstrong steps out. He looks like he flexed a little while changing because you can see some of the veins popping out. He strikes a double bi and I look at the other clerks. The female one is touching herself and the male one is licking his lips slightly. Armstrong: The master of getting people aroused. After about a minute of the show, Armstrong speaks up, “So you wanna walk around the mall like this Mike? You know we’re up for it.” Mike bursts into laughter and says, “No man, we wouldn’t want to scare the natives. Better change back into our gear.” We hop back into the changing rooms and switch back into our casual gear. We step out and I notice Mike’s still pumped and kinda hard from the earlier display. My eyes browse the store and I notice there’s only one clerk now. I smile and think, “Wonder where those other two went off to. I hope they enjoyed the show.” The remaining clerk walked up to Mike and placed her hand on his pumped arm and whispered some stuff into his ear before handing him a small slip of paper. Armstrong and I smile as Mike blushes a little more. We grab our bag of stuff and head out. Mike is really getting into being big. He smiles at every person that seems to be staring at his massive physique. He flexes his pecs a little while he walks and he’s all around enjoying the attention. I remark to myself that he’s a completely different person than when we first met, and I’m happy for him. ************************************************** ********************** Today’s the day! After today’s practice and workout, me and the guys are heading up to the beach. It’s gonna be awesome. I’m bouncing around, even more hyper and it shows that I’m excited. My teammates keep telling me to calm down but I just can’t. I’m too excited. I kinda take it out on the offensive linemen though. I’m so eager to finish practice I’m knocking them harder than normal. Coach calls me over real quick and tells me to calm down a bit and not to injure the guys. I look back and I see some of them are sore. I can’t help but laugh a little before I run over to the guys and hug ‘em by the shoulders and say a quick sorry. I can’t help but run everywhere and bounce on my toes when I’m standing. I just can’t hold still. This weekend’s gonna be awesome. As usual, practice ends with me still energized. I tell everyone bye and hop in my car and head off to the gym. My head is still swimming with anticipation of this weekend. I can feel the sea spray, the breeze, the looks of admirers. I wonder to myself, “When did I become so confident?” I remember times when I used to shun the eyes of the public and tried to avoid being seen. Now, I love the attention. It’s because of these I think as I raise my arm and flex slightly. I never would’ve realized how much confidence just feeling good about myself would’ve given me. Even before I had the huge muscles, back when I first joined the gym, I felt good. I think back to the night I first started being called ‘Big Mike’ and how I didn’t feel weird at all being around those huge guys. I helped rack weights and load bars and assisted the big guys in the gym with stuff, and I never felt weird. What was it about being there? Was it that I had a place to belong to? Was it because they didn’t see me as a scrawny kid but as a future man? Was it because of Sam and Armstrong backing me? I don’t know. Maybe all of it, but now, I feel different. I don’t care either. It feels good to feel like this, not worrying about what people think about me or even if they care. Just being able to be free from those thoughts is exhilarating. I roar a bit like Armstrong as I drive down the road. Truly, this is freedom. ************************************************** ********************** We do a quick workout as I tell the gang about the beach house we’re going to. It’s quite large and happens to have a hot tub, a pool, several large rooms and even a gym. Mike sighs with relieve and remarks, “Good, thought I wasn’t going to be able to workout this week.” Armstrong recants, “Don’t worry big man, you’ll defiantly have a workout during this vacation. Plus there’s some things we need to discuss on the way.” Mike looks at Armstrong confused and says “Like what?” “Later,” I say.Mike nods and we resume our quick workout. After we finish, we grab our shakes and Armstrong grabs a small vial of his sweat. It’s about time he found out. We’re cruising down the highway in my jeep when Armstrong begins.“Mike, we have a few things to tell you. We thought that this would be the best time to do so.” “Like what?”“Well, for one, Sam and I are bisexual.”I look in my rear view mirror at Mike to try and discern his feeling on the subject. He didn’t seem upset, but more jovial instead.“Yeah, I’ve known. You two are big guys, and when I’m going to sleep after the grueling training you put me through, I can hear your voices and the bed move in your room. It took me a while to figure it out, but I finally knew. I kinda wanted to be in there with you guys, feeling your muscles and seeing your huge cocks in action.”“Good,” I say, “I’m glad we got that out in the open. We weren’t sure how you’d react.”“Yeah, I’m ok with it. I’m bi myself. I’ve fucked a guy and a gal at the same time already.”Armstrong turns around and pats Mike on the shoulder. “Well that takes care of my next statement. Final thing,” he says as he reaches for the vial, “you see this?”Armstrong hands the vial to Mike and he examines the clear liquid.“Please tell me these aren’t roids.”“No no no. We’re all natural. Well, except for this, but it’s natural too. What you’re holding there is my sweat, slightly purified. I seem to sweat testosterone, and we clean it of impurities and mix it into shakes. So, it’s just me you’re drinking.”Mike gets a look of interest across his face, obviously wondering how that’s possible, and then says, “Ok. That’s cool. I presume that since it is natural, it’s not illegal?”“Nope, I took it to a doctor and he said is was as just like taking aspirin. He also said he was jealous of me because my genetics will keep me producing major amounts of testosterone for a while, and the same goes for people who drink this for years. It seems to alter your body’s chemistry to where your own body starts to make more testosterone naturally, hence the gains.”“So, what you’re saying is, I’ll continue to be able to make gains like this as long as I keep working out?”“Your gains will slow, but as long as you hit the gym hard, you’ll look like that when you’re 60 and 70 years old.”A huge grin appeared across Mike’s face as he envisioned a massive 70 year old Armstrong, out lifting people 1/3 his age. I smile and am relieved about how he took the news. We continue to cruise down the road, laughing and joking and just being free. ************************************************** ********************** We arrive at the house and start unloading stuff. Armstrong and Sam had packed two huge coolers with stuff for the two day vacation so we’d have tons to eat. They grab the coolers while I grab the duffle bags and we head in the house. It’s better than Sam described. The living room is huge, tons of space leading to a dock where you can see the beach. The view is beautiful, the ocean so clear, the breeze so crisp. Armstrong calls me back into the house to put the stuff away. I walk around and see the rest of the place. There’s a fairly nice gym, nothing like home but it should suffice for the two days. There’s a kitchen with a giant fridge. Two bedrooms, both with king size beds. I’m beginning to hope I can spend a little time in Sam and Armstrong’s room on this trip. Out the back door is the pool and hot tub. I nod approvingly, sensing this is gonna be the place of action. I head back towards the bedrooms and drop the luggage off before heading to the kitchen to help put away our supplies. After putting away the tons of pre-made drinks and food, we hit the living room for a little while before being drawn to the gym. We just can’t resist working out. We sat and relaxed for a good five minutes before I started getting jumpy and looking back and forth at Armstrong and Sam, them looking at me with the same glare in their eyes. Funny how I would usually relax at a time like this, now I just have to work out. We hit the in house gym, and since it doesn’t have the massive amounts of weight we’re used to, we decide to do really low weight for 100 reps. Well, I didn’t decide, Armstrong brought it up, and I agreed. After 60 curls, I wish I hadn’t. My arms were burning like acid was being poured on them. I wanted to drop the weight, but Sam and Armstrong were relentless.“Dude, you can’t stop. Look at that gun” Sam encourages me as he points to the mirror. I look at my arm and I like what I see. The high reps have my arm veins twitching madly. Every blood vessel in them are standing at full attention and pumping giant amounts of blood. It’s inspiring and helps me focus on the monumental task. I need a little help getting the last ten out without cheating, but I do it and my arms flop to my side, begging for mercy. “Way to go man, did you feel that burn!” Armstrong cheers wildly. I drop to my knees and exclaim, “Man that was hard as hell!” Armstrong looks at me then Sam and says, “Yeah, this might not be the best idea. Oh well, how bout ice cream!” They burst into laughter and I follow suit. Armstrong picks up a dumbbell about 20lbs heavier and cranks out his reps. I’m still on the floor but I watch as his huge gun churns out the reps. With machine-like precision, the arm goes up and down, each rep demanding more of his muscles than the last. I watch as his skin slowly tightens, the veins in his massive forearm begin to pump harder and harder, threatening to break the skin. Also around 60 reps, I see Armstrong begin to sweat. His arms are bulging with power, the muscles look fatigued but beautiful. The veins work up and down his arm like a serpent, coiling and relaxing at the task. Sam is pushing Armstrong to keep form and he continues to lift. It’s an amazing site, this man’s arms. At rest, they look simply like giant rocks on his arm, but when stressed like this, it’s awe inspiring. The beauty of his muscles working that hard, the blood coursing through his thick veins supplying lifeblood to each fiber, the massive size of it all, it is almost too much to take in. By the time Armstrong hits 100, I think his arms are going to explode. Veins I’ve never noticed have risen to the surface and are throbbing relentlessly against the skin. His forearms and biceps have tightened to almost unreal levels of tension and I can feel myself getting hard. Sam grabs the same dumbbell and starts working on his set. It’s amazing how much alike they are. He performs each rep with the same precision, same rate of lift and decline, same muscles bulging in the same spots. Maybe it’s me being tired from the massive strain on my body, but I feel as if I’m getting light headed. I watch as Sam’s arms bulge and strain just like Armstrong’s, and I get so excited. I’ve never seen them looked so pumped. Sure, lifting like they usually do showed me their exceptional mass, but this was different. They could be ripped if they wanted to because they’re so close to it but they prefer to be big, and seeing their arms ripped like this was a huge turn on. Armstrong does his best to assist Sam with the last few reps and at 100, Sam drops the dumbbells to the ground. “Damn that was a burn!” he shouts. I stand up and I can no longer resist…. I walk over to Sam and I begin to rub his arms a bit, slightly moaning in pleasure. Sam turns to me a bit and says, “Like that pump, don’t you? I know we all do.” He uses his other arm to grab my arm and squeezes it a little. It burns a bit from the pump but it feels so good. After replacing the dumbbells, Armstrong steps over and stands near us, and I reach out my hand to grab his arm also. While rubbing Sam’s arm, I guide my tongue along the road map of Armstrong’s arm outlined by his massive veins. I feel his light layer of hair across my tongue and the salty taste of his manly sweat and I whimper in delight. I have dreamed about doing this kinda thing for the longest, ever since I looked at my dad and other bodybuilders and realized that I loved muscle. I finally feel as if I can explore those feelings with these guys. They seemed to know what I was thinking and they pull off their clothes and help me with mine. It’s like my deepest dream come true. Sure, I still love women, but they don’t have these huge muscles that I also love. We spend the next hour standing there, worshiping each other’s muscles. I spent my time focusing on their upper bodies while they moved from my chest to my arms and down to my legs and back again. They expertly used their hands and tongues to send wave after wave of pleasure to each muscle in my body, and I tried to imitate them with my hands and mouth. Their fingers are running through the crevices of my abs and I flex slightly to gently hold it there. Sam laughs a little and continues upward while Armstrong works my lower body. My hands are exploring Sam’s massive chest with stops at Armstrong’s huge shoulders. It was heavenly, just standing there feeling their rippling mounds of flesh attached to their huge cores. After we finish up, we hit the shower. It’s a nice big shower and it can fit a whole family. Naturally, we all shower together, continuing what we started in the gym. In here, the experience is heightened by the flowing water. I enthrall myself with their bodies, washing their toned muscles as they wash me and each other, paying heed to every mound and indention in their amazing bodies. Our muscles are glistening in the water and soap, flowing around our bodies like rivers. Suds stream down their bodies slowly, following the path outlined by the years of hard work. Our cocks are hard and are rubbing against each other as we slowly draw our hands along each other’s contours. It feels so sensual, the firmness of their muscles and the powerful veins combined with the softness of their touch. I can barely control myself and I feel close to climaxing when Sam turns off the water. He steps out and smiles at us and directs us to the bedroom floor. I happily follow, and we continue on the carpeted floor. We roll around with each other, displaying our naked wet bodies and our rippling muscles. I grab their massive tree trunk legs and go to massage them. Sam picks me up and starts to lift me as if I were a barbell. At the lowest point of each press, I reach down to feel his massive pecs working and I reach towards Armstrong who is sliding his meaty paws up and down Sam’s arms. After a few reps, Sam hands me to Armstrong and the lifting continues. I am throbbing and I begin to stroke my lifter on each press. Armstrong then lays me down between him and Sam and we continue to rub our wet, glistening muscles against each other. We eventually begin to stroke each other as we continue to worship our muscled bodies and I’m first to explode in euphoric delight. Sam and Armstrong follow suit, and we lay on the floor, exhausted, glowing with pleasure, and covered in creamy goodness.“That was amazing guys,” I say.“That’s nothing compared to what’s planned for tomorrow,” Armstrong says. We get up and clean up the area. Seems we’ve had more fun than I thought and it takes half a dozen towels to clean up all the water and jizz. After tossing the towels in the wash along with our clothes, we head downstairs to eat. I’m beginning to wonder why I even bothered with clothes for this trip since now that I’m free with my buddies, I don’t plan on wearing anything around the guys. Our dinner consisted of steak and veggies, and a side of hard beef enjoyment. After dinner, we head off to bed. I’m headed to my room but Sam grabs me by the arm and leads me into the master room. I smile as I think about what’s going to happen, but they say no sex just yet, that I’ll need my energy for tomorrow. We jump into bed and I feel their hard muscles and cocks rub against me. It’s hard to fall asleep like that, but for some reason it feels natural. I eventually drift off to sleep with their massive arms draped across me like shields. ************************************************** ********************** We wake up later than normal around 7 am. I notice that all 3 of us are covered in white stickiness, and I smile. Nice to know the kid is highly aroused. I wasn’t so sure how he would react, but I’m happy. I wake up the gang and we head to the shower. Mike is raging again and it makes Armstrong and me hard too. We spend about thirty minutes “showering” and head to breakfast. After a quick meal, we put on our black speedos and head to the beach. It’s still fairly empty, so I lead the guys to the ocean. “Morning warm up today will be kata number 17 against the sea,” I say as Armstrong smiles. Kata 17 has a lot of circular and precise arm motions and emphasizes tension and control in the upper body. Armstrong knew exactly why I picked this one. While we’re standing still in the water, the kata will focus and pump our upper bodies, stretching the biceps and pecs, and the water will make our muscles stand out more. We begin the long kata, slowly tensing and relaxing our muscles as me move in the warm ocean. As we stand in a line facing the sea, I can see Mike’s tight body get pumped and Armstrong’s veins bulge against his skin and I feel the same in my body. We stand in the ocean for almost an hour, slowly performing the fluid and precise movements of the kata, breathing in controlled methods, being in sync with each other. We finish by bowing to the rising sun and turn around. On the beach are around 20 people, all staring intently at us. I laugh a bit and I smack Mike gently on the ass and tell him they’re checking him out. He laughs and I lead our little group out of the ocean. I spot this trio of college chicks lounging on the sands and I begin to walk over to them with Armstrong and Mike behind me. They begin to whisper and giggle as we approach them. “Good morning ladies,” I greet them as they stop giggling. Armstrong and Mike wave at the young ladies as they smile back. “How are you today?” Armstrong asks.One of the females speaks up and says, “Oh, we’re really good after that performance out there. What was it exactly?”I jab Mike in the side with my elbow and he speaks up, “Oh, it’s called Taijutsu. Something this big lug here taught me.”The leader of the females speaks up, “You looked very good doing that.” Clearly she was flirting with Mike, but Mike didn’t notice. I sit him down next to the chick and sit myself down near another one. Armstrong sits near the end and says, “Yeah, he’s a good kid and he knows his stuff.”“I bet. All you looked real good doing that out there. So big and strong,” she quietly speaks as she rubs Mike’s abs.Mike smiles a bit and I speak up, “Perhaps you ladies would like to join us this eve at our beach house? We plan on having a party and I see that Mike would love to invite you over.” Mike blushes as the woman rubbing him laughs a bit. “We’ll be there,” the female next to me giggles.I stand up and say, “Good, looking forward to having fun with you tonight. Excuse us while we go invite more people.” Mike rubs his companion gently before rising and waving goodbye. Armstrong takes a little more time detaching from his playmate, but we eventually continue down the beach. The large portion of the day was spent enjoying the onlookers and inviting them to our party. We got a large mix of male and female participants. I especially enjoyed our little beach football game. It was kinda unfair, 4 on 8, but they gave us a good run for our money despite the odds. We only won by 21 points. It kinda helps when three of our four players each are almost as big as two of their players. We invited them all to the party and told them to bring the ball too. We had lunch, played a few beach games, flirted with some guys and gals, and before we knew it, it was around time for us to start preparing for the party. We walk back to the house, waving and winking at all the hot people on the beach. I think to myself, damn this is gonna be one nice orgy. We set up some food and drinks that we brought along and we clear out a lot of the breakables to the second bedroom. We plan on keeping most of the action in the living and outside, so we block off the two bedrooms. We spread the couches out a little, exposing more floor space and we place pillows around the area. The door bell rings and Mike goes to answer it. I don’t think he’s realized that he’s naked, but what the hell, everyone’s gonna be soon. ************************************************** ********************** I open the door and see the three girls we first met at the beach and I greet them with a hearty hello. They’re standing on the porch just staring at me and I’m wondering why. A slight breeze blows, and I realize that I’m in my full glory. I smile for them and extend my arm to them, flexing my muscles ever so slightly. I invite them in the house with a Cheshire cat grin saying, “Welcome to our parlor,” and they giggle and enter. The ladies walk into the house and towards the living room where Sam and Armstrong are still man-handling the furniture. Seeing them like that makes me kinda excited so I can imagine what the girls are feeling. I give them a quick tour, showing them the kitchen and the pool area. I say to them that they’re free to relax, and the party should be starting soon. As soon as I guide them back to the living room, the doorbell rings again. I guess it’s later than I thought. I open the door and it’s the guys we played football with today. They also immediately notice I’m naked, but they come in anyway. I give them the same tour and lead them to the living room where Sam and Armstrong are already comfortable with some of the ladies. More and more people come, and soon the living room is full. Music is playing and people are getting more and more comfortable. Surprisingly, no one brought alcohol, but the atmosphere is still light. Our freedom with our bodies seems to make everyone comfortable, and slowly, clothing starts coming off everyone. I would’ve never guess that something like this would happen, but it seems that this was Armstrong and Sam’s plan from the start. The chick I met from earlier is near me, and she’s taking her time exploring my body. She starts with my chest, drawing her gentle fingers along the ridges of my chest. Her touch is so soft, and I feel my member beginning to harden. Her eyes glance towards my package, and they widen as if she was a kid at Christmas. She works her hands down to my cock and begins to wake the beast. My shaft arises to its full glory, and I hear a few audible gasps. She smiles and begins to mount me and Sam tosses a condom my way. My lady catches it and reads the labeling, “XXL eh? I can see why.” She rips the packaging with her teeth and goes to glove my member, slowly working her feminine hands down my throbbing shaft. It feels so good and I see Sam tossing condoms to all the guys in the room. It’s gonna be an orgy, but a safe orgy. She mounts me and starts grinding as some random guy begins to caress my balls with his tongue. “Damn that feels good,” I moan. I look around and I see Armstrong lifting a woman to the ceiling licking her while some guy sucks his massive member and Sam pounds some guy from behind while the guy pounds a chick. There are hands of all types feeling over myself, Sam, and Armstrong, getting a taste of the power our bodies hold. I hear the grunts of people having sex all around me as my chick slowly rides me. I lean her forward and give her a gentle kiss. Her whole body smells of some exotic scent, like lavender and aloe with some other tropical flowers. The guy under her is enjoying himself also, guiding his tongue along my shaft and her ass in rhythm with her. Sam is flexing for his partner, and I hear the coos from the woman admiring his body. The guy sucking Armstrong off has his hands full with Armstrong’s massive meat and the woman that Armstrong is tonguing seems to be lost in ecstasy. Sexual energy is flowing freely, and Armstrong is the first to cum, spraying hot man juice over everyone. His roar as he climaxes causes a chain reaction in the room, leading others to climax soon afterwards. While some people start to die down after that, obviously exhausted from the extreme activity we’re engaged in, we are still hard and ready for more. After a quick condom change, we take a few of the more lively people out to the hot tub and start more action there. I would have never thought I could fuck more than one person in a row, but Sam and Armstrong are almost pushing me to keep up. They’ve pleasured two guys and one woman each already, making them cum harder than I bet they’ve come in a while, and they’re pounding away on the 4th person. The guy I’m with begins to moan and I can tell I’m hitting his prostate just right. I start to thrust deeper and deeper, hearing his moans of pain and pleasure grow. He spews his load over his chest and I direct his hands to my guns as I pound him harder and harder. I cum soon after and I lift him out of the pool. He lies there, exhausted but euphoric. I take off my condom and I walk over to where Sam and Armstrong are. They each have a person, Sam with a chick and Armstrong with a guy. I’m getting hard again from just seeing their muscles work as they work these two over, so I position myself where the guy can suck my meat and the chick can lick the balls. It’s a nice 5-way; water’s splashing everywhere, their moans fill the air, and the primal grunts of the three of us echo. The guy cums first, and I follow suit, shooting my hot load into his mouth. Sam and Armstrong thrust a little more and empty themselves with an animalist roar. The guys lift their partners out of the pool and lay them down on the warm bricks. I grab a towel and lay it across them and then I look at my buddies. Their muscles are standing at full attention, veins bulging everywhere and toned muscle calls to me. Their cocks are still semi-hard, and even now they look amazing. I feel myself getting hard again, and they smile. I’ve cum 3 times in the last couple of hours and they’ve come four times, but it doesn’t seem like the night is over yet. We walk back into the house, dripping of water and jizz and we see the entire party lying there. Everyone’s asleep or falling asleep from the orgasmic bliss, and we slowly make our way to the bedroom. Now it’s time for us to really enjoy ourselves I think. As soon as we get to the room, I drop to my knees and start worshipping Armstrong’s massive body. His legs are just beautiful right now, so pumped from the constant thrusting and his cock is semi hard. I begin to suck it, slowly sliding the shaft down my throat. Sam walks up behind me and crouches down a little, sliding his hardening meat around my back as he rubs my shoulders. I feel his cock rub between the grooves of my shoulder blades as I run my fingers in the crevices of Armstrong’s abs. I hear my moans combine with the growls of my fellow muscle monsters as we worship each other’s bodies. I feel Armstrong’s hands run along my back and tickle Sam’s growing meat. Sam’s hands are exploring the crevices in my arms and my hands are working their way towards the tree trunks attached to the muscle cock in my mouth. I run my hand all around Armstrong’s legs as I slowly work his shaft with my tongue. I feel his serpent swell in my mouth, reaching to lodge itself in the back of my throat. I feel Sam’s powerful arm grabbing my peaked bicep and his cock working itself into my back. All this muscle and cock feel so wonderful and I taste Armstrong’s pre slip from his meat and Sam’s on my back. The thoughts and feelings of muscle everywhere around me, beside me, in me makes my meat swell even larger. I feel a pump that I haven’t felt since I first started lifting and it invigorates me. I begin to work a little harder, wanting to fill my mouth with all of Armstrong. I flex my arms a bit as Sam rubs them and I hear him moan. Armstrong expertly begins to rock back and forth, providing additional sensations to the mix. My hands feel his massive quads work, the muscles twitching and the blood flowing underneath my hands. He leans down a bit and grabs Sam’s arms, massaging the huge mounds of muscle. I take Armstrong’s meat out of my mouth momentarily, wanting to stand against his massive chest. I stand slowly, feeling Sam’s cock slowly slide down the middle of my back and down the crack of my ass. I reach towards Armstrong’s colossal shoulders and around his to his back. His chest is so huge I am unable to fully close my grip around his mass. I spend a few moments letting my hands explore the recesses of his back and lats before he picks me up in a huge hug. Such power feels so good to me and he knows it. Sam approaches and they sandwich me between them. I feel their thickening meats beneath my balls swelling even more. Our three members inter tangle with each other as they press their bodies against mine. Armstrong continues to hold me in mid air as he slides his cock back and forth against my balls and Sam does the same. The sensation is amazing, feeling these muscle cocks and massive monsters all over me is intense, swelling me even harder. I can feel the same is happening to them because their members are slowly but evidently pointing upward. I start to rub my meat between the grooves of Armstrong’s abs and reach behind me to grab Sam’s pulsating forearms as he massages my chest. “God this is so amazing” I moan. “Yeah, you like that hard muscle and these huge cocks don’t you?” Armstrong growls quietly. “Yes sir!” I spatter, “Don’t stop.” Armstrong’s cock feels as if it’s trying to work its way into my ass and I eagerly anticipate it, but it never penetrates me. It slowly rubs back and forth along the crack of my ass and I almost want to ram myself on his huge fuck pole. Sam’s cock has curved up just a bit and is rubbing the underside of my balls, providing sensations I’ve never experienced before. Armstrong lowers me a bit so I’m almost resting on their huge meats and slowly kisses me. It’s so passionate and amazing. The hardness of his muscles contrasts beautifully with the softness of his lips and tongue. Armstrong ends the kiss after what seems like an eternity, and Sam turns my head towards him and he also kisses me. His is just as electric as Armstrong’s and I enthrall myself in it. My tongue is almost overpowered by the muscular tongue of Sam and it makes me even more aroused. I spend a few more moments entwined in this dance of muscle before I allow Armstrong to lower me to the floor. I slide down between them slowly, letting my body experience each ripple and contour of their massive bodies as I return to my knees. My hands slide down the hills and valleys of Armstrong’s body and slowly work my way to his throbbing meat. I slowly guide it into my mouth as Sam repositions his dripping cock on my back. Armstrong’s thrusts are becoming more and more powerful as I increase the pressure in my mouth. I want all of him so bad that I can taste it. His pre is flowing and I can feel his cock and balls tighten in my mouth. Armstrong’s head tilts back as he unleashes his torrent of manhood into my mouth. Sam follows suit and releases a deluge of himself along my shoulders, allowing it to drip down my chest and back and along his shaft. I feel myself approaching climax, and they pick me up off the floor. Using one hand each to hold me up, they use their other hands to stroke me to ecstasy. I explode with more cum than I had unleashed all that night over the three of us and I smile at my two buddies. “This night was amazing guys. I’ve never had anything like it before,” I whisper as my flood begins to recede. “You deserved it man,” Armstrong’s deep bass echoes in my head. “You’ve worked hard and this is just the beginning. Remember the genetic stuff I was talking about earlier, this is another one of the side effects, increased sexual vigor. You can truly keep up with me and Sam now.”Sam laughs a bit and we work our way to the shower. I can feel what they’re talking about because just imaging them wet again is making me hard and I can feel my balls refilling themselves almost immediately. “Let’s go do something about this,” Sam says as he points at his stiffening boner. I laugh as I grab my ever-enlarging meat and step into the shower with my two muscle friends, fuck buddies, and demigods. ************************************************** ********************** Today is the first game of Mike’s senior year. Over the past summer, together we’ve packed about 100lbs of muscle on the three of us. Armstrong and I’ve gained about 30lbs and Mike gained a little over 40. His frame has bulked up a bit, but he still has the ripped, athletic look to him. We’re proud of his gains and we tell him so constantly. He’s proud of himself, but he’s still humble and polite. He opens doors for ladies, helps his mother with the groceries, says ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’, calls adults ‘Sir’ and ‘Ma’am’ and just recently, he picked up his father in a bear hug, something he’s wanted to do for a while now. Armstrong, his father, and I beam with pride as we see how good of a young man Big Mike has become. The three of us stood near the sidelines, watching Mike sit on the bench. The national anthem had just played and the captains had just got back from the coin flip. Mike was one of them, being the head of the defense now. The opposing team had won the flip and chose to receive the ball. Mike was sitting down composing himself as we taught him, preparing to release the torrent of rage and power that he holds. The kick is high, and the receiver catches it at the 20 yard line. He returns the ball back about 20 yards and is tackled at the 39. It’s time for the defense to perform. Mike stands up, turns around and places his helmet on his head. He trots to the field and heads to the huddle. They break and line up, Mike being on the right side. The opposing offense lines up while the quarterback slowly walks towards the center. Then Mike looks at him. With a voice that had more fury than a train wreck and overflowing with primal rage, Mike tilts his head back roars tremendously. It echoes throughout the stadium, drowning out the activity on the field, the chatter in the stand and even the blaring of the two large bands. After his feat of primal fury, you could hear a pin drop, a breeze blow or a blade of grass move. His opponents, their fans, his teammates and the fans stood in awe of this avatar of ferocity before them. The three of us could do nothing but smile. After what seemed to be an eternity, the quarterback slowly counts off the hike. He snapped the ball and Mike plows through two of the offensive linemen. The quarterback steps back a few paces for what seems to be a throw as Mike tosses the next person aside. The quarterback turns toward Mike, and froze like a deer in headlights at the sight of this unstoppable tank barreling towards him. Mike lowers his head slightly, placed his hands up towards the quarterback’s chest and careens into him. As the quarterback fell backwards from the force of Mike’s impact, his grip on the ball slipped and the pigskin became free. Mike’s hands slowly drifted toward the free ball. Slamming the quarterback into the ground with a large portion of his mass, Mike completes a forward flip, plucking the ball from the air before it could hit the ground. Like a panther pouncing from a tree to attack its prey, Mike lands on his feet with the agility of a gymnast without stopping his forward momentum. He sprints towards the goal line and scores a touchdown before the other linemen could even get pass their fallen leader. Mike tosses the ball to the ref and trots back to the sidelines. He’s getting so many cheers from the crowd I can barely hear myself think. Mike walks up to us and mouths “How was that guys?” and we all give him a huge thumbs up. They score the extra point and Mike walks to get some Gatorade real quick before he’s on the field again. A gentleman walks down near us and says, “That kid is amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”“Yeah, that’s Big Mike,” Armstrong says. “I’m so proud of my son, he’s easily gonna break my record this year,” his dad beams. “So that’s your son?” the gentleman inquires.“Yeah he is.”“Well, I’m a scout for State University. Some of my players told me about him in the gym, but nothing about how he was on the field. He’s really amazing!”“It’s all thanks to these two guys.”“I’d like to shake your hands. You are excellent coaches if you taught him all that.”Armstrong and I shake his hands and smile. We turn back to see Mike running on the field with the same confidence he’s had for years now and the offense almost trembling in fear. A few moments later, Mike has the ball again and has scored another touchdown. Even with them double covering him, he plowed through them, injuring one of them in the process. This display continues well pass the half, with their offense slowly losing people to injury as they try to keep Mike down. The coach tells Mike to rest, seeing as how they’re up 63-0, mostly in part to Mike’s defensive display. Mike walks over to us and we pat him on the pads and tell him how well he was doing. His dad beams with pride as he introduces Calvin the scout from State U. Calvin goes through telling him how he’s never seen anything like it before and how he’s not even tired after destroying what seems to be the entire starting offense. Mike laughs and says, “These two right here put me through stuff a hell of a lot tougher than that for the past few years. This is child’s play compared to running into this brick wall that I call Armstrong.” Armstrong laughs as he jabs Mike’s shoulder, “I can see why so many of their guys are scared of you now. If you’re hitting them as hard as you hit me, I’m not sure anyone will want to play against you!” We chat some more and the game ends 70-7. Mike tells his dad that he’s going to hang out with us and meet with the scout tomorrow with us in tow. We smile at Mike a smile that says what Armstrong and I are thinking. “Boy oh boy do we have a celebration lined up for you tonight.” Mike smiles back and I can almost hear his jock strap ripping from anticipation. This post has been promoted to an article
  11. Hi guys, I started to write this story yesterday, when I found out about the Evolution Forum closing... to start here with something new I always wanted to write a muscle theft story (there is no tag for theft?), and that's the first rushed result: .......................................... The Alpha, the Omega and the rest of us The world press was on the US Supreme Court for the most important decision of their history, perhaps the most important in the history of humanity. Alphas and Omegas were spreading all over the country and isolated cases started to appear in Europe and South America, it was a question of time before they would be everywhere, estimating that one in each hundred thousand Americans will soon become either an Alpha or an Omega. The closest Alpha I’ve ever met was our star player Tony, which graduated this year, he was the first Alpha of the entire state. Some college departments had to be closed and people fired so to be able to maintain our growing and costly star player. Talk about unfairness. On his freshmen year, his football contract was negligible, but then no one would guess Tony might become the Alpha of our campus. On his sophomore year, the one he started to grow jumped a four figure, by the end of his senior year, it was an eight figure contract and he wasn’t even famous beyond our state. Actually, he never cared that much about the sport itself or to excel in it. I was lucky to walk in the shadows, I never got under his radar. Like most of us, I believe, I started to stalk the star player on Facebook, at first just to believe if Tony was indeed growing bigger, more muscular, and that curiosity it slowly grew into a small obsession of mine. I myself have copies of every picture I could find of him, every youtube, vine, you name it. A friend even sold a Snapchat of Tony’s hard cock for fifty bucks, a picture that travelled the whole college by now, no one could believe his size without actually seeing it. Penises were either a shower or a grower, Tony was both. Of course, like any other Alpha, Tony took his muscles and overbearing sexuality from other people; just a sloppy kiss with Tony would be enough to form a mild bond, or linkage, and Tony kissed more girls than the rest of male student body, fucked more than one cheerleader squad – a squad that needed to be constantly replanted with new blood, even hiring new bubbly blond girls, a cheerleader near Tony would become a frail stick in less than a year-. I wasn’t in College yet, but Tony’s absurd development, was closely registered by the college communities and had photologs of the entire team…. devolution. Even that was closely followed. Poor cheerleader, those who had natural boobs would see them shrink and flow to Tony’s sexuality, his cock became truly immense, but ironically his pecs inflated out of the proportion with his body, on his smart boy band looks, men started to ogle more at his muscular cleavage than over the much less impressive female student body. Actually… that was the first thing I noticed on my first week of college, there wasn’t a single woman with memorable boobs, what a fucking disappointment. That is, until I saw Tony’s immense muscles strolling in the college corridors. I can say that was nice to see my psycho ex-tormentors of high school shrinking and on the path of becoming tiny effeminate creepy omicrons, a person depleted of any quality, some of my ex-bullies were shorter than freshmen like me. People just hated the omicron meekness, their dullness, not considering that might be the fate are the rest of us. I was afraid. I knew I was licking the knife while stalking Tony’s huge presence on Internet. I needed to feel involved with his life, like an addiction. If Tony picked me up and took me in my lips, I wouldn’t protest… even if that suck all my strength and masculinity out of me by the end of college. Nowadays, everyone could see in the open, that there is a toll to be paid by having a long and close friendship with Tony. All Tony’s closest college friends on Facebook were meeking to omicrons, with constant dark eyes, their faces somewhat melted like candles in the sun, losing face symmetry, even their legs, their bones crooked, thin as a broom. It is not like those Meth ads… but close, Tony didn’t rob their teeth. Many of Tony’s friends played football for their whole lives, many coached by their parents to become stars. Angry parents were the first enemies of him, some even tried to be violent with a jock that could explode a plaster wall with his fist –there are many youtube clips of Tony demonstrating his true strength, some surpassed a million views-. It was obviously to anyone that Tony’s personal life was a clusterfuck. That his parents became omicrons is easy to accept, but the parents of his friends becoming omicrons was suspicious. Tony’s parents were of the intellectual kind, never very receptive about his lifestyle as a football star player. Yet, all of those people, even those angry parents that wanted Tony’s head, suddenly became small omicrons faster than the cheerleaders. They were all converted now. Whatever Tony did to them, it made all of them to want him more, even after being discarded by him, even after they lost all their attractiveness that they could give to him, they still had this miserable hope that one day Tony would look back, to let them touch and kiss his huge muscles again. That was the conundrum that the Supreme Court found themselves, the omicrons, the people that had their bodies affected negatively by the Alphas and the Omegas, seemed to be okay with it. Anyone can understand the temptation of feeling Tony’s big biceps, but I could not understand why any of them willfully becoming irrelevant omicrons, that was the price of feeling Tony’s muscles for a prolonged time. “Dad” I shouted. “The Supreme Court reached a verdict, it seems.” My dad’s boss was an Omega, the female counterpart of an Alpha, he’s now shorter than I am. Scientists compared it to radiation, that low dosages for prolonged time is just as harmful as intense dosages over a short period of time, so a tongue kiss with an Alpha or Omega is just as bad as living by the side of them over a month. My dad was inches of becoming an omicron like Tony’s closest friends, and still he stays there, works for her, even if there was very little in his body to give her. While I had a minor obsession with Tony, dad had a major obsession with his Omega boss, who couldn’t give a shit about him. I noticed my dad entirely conflicted about what the Supreme Court would rule, I could see him enchanted by that mean amazon, that made mom to ask for divorce a year ago. Part of his mind wanted it to be ‘yes’, his body wanted it to be ‘no’. To tell the truth I don’t know what to think. If the Supreme Court rule Yes, then all the registered Alphas and Omegas would have to be displaced, removed from social life, asking written permission from touching other people; if they rule No, then nothing can be done and Alphas and Omegas are free to hunt and steal the life from the rest of us all. They not only steal our strength, health, muscles, our height, they steal precisely what stand out in people, major positive qualities, and sometimes it is their intelligence, dexterity, their clarity, leaving a dull nulled person in its place. Of course, Alphas and Omegas couldn’t steal someone ability to play a piano, but would rob their musical gift. What’s the point of stealing the intelligence of a Mozart or an Einstein if you have no interest in music or physics? Greediness. Greediness was present in every Alpha and Omega story I’ve ever heard and read on internet; for example, earlier this year, in the first weeks of college Tony decided to learn chess. He argued with some teacher that he could be a chessmaster if he wanted to, he probably reasoned that everything he needed were some nerds sucking his cock. Sucking an Alpha’s cock is a guaranteed link, if they taste his copious semen, it would be that link that would never be broken by distance, even if the Alpha’s gain were marginally zero. Everyone that once held a position of authority over Tony ended to suck on his cock. The dean was the one that became a fat five foot omicron in four months, losing any capacity to intimidate and to impose himself, also losing some five inches of height while Tony was close to 6’4 by then, and it was his sophomore year. Tony ended the college heightening over seven feet tall, he had to dunk and turn around to bypass most of the doors. By that time, Tony could parade with the dean on a leach around the corridors, if he wanted to. The nerds that Tony chose were those that formed a sort of secretive club of their own, usually to bash over us less brighten. Actually, no one lifted an eyebrow after learning that Tony left those snotty nerds borderline retarded. For some reason, even in the most unfair situations, people sided with him, finding excuses, or even saying that they would do the same. Would I? Anyway, Tony told the dean about the secretive club, and that an illegal poker game was scheduled in one of the college’s locked classes, which they had the key. Tony’s pet, the dean and the campus police was able detained four of them, the rest ran away, one of them being was my friend Mickey, who told me all of this. The dean, that no one respected anymore, forced them on some menial work in the college’s main library or he would report their gambling to the state authority. Our college does resemble a John Hughes high school to the point of being a location for a teen TV series –to raise money to pay our star player, obviously. Our library was pretty close to that one in Breakfast Club, but the movie here was slightly different. There was a conspiracy theory in college that Tony controlled the college and could even change the class schedules. No surprise that the ‘officer’ that supervised the geeks ‘detention’ was one of Tony’s minions. The campus police chief used to be a big black menacing dude, one that despised spoiled white jocks, Tony rendered him into a docile omicron shorter than me and in full adoration and subservience for the star player. I, and most of the college, wished to know more details of what happened in that library, when Tony wearing his usual second skin bike shorts. At least I guess he used the same shorts he used to show off his shlong casually on Facebook. He was 6’8 at the beginning of his senior year, the nerds he chose to be there were also seniors as well; I believe that there was more nuances in this story that I’m aware of. Tony wasn’t the brightest student before he became an Alpha, and he must still carry some complex about it. It wasn’t just about… ‘becoming a chessmaster’ here. For more than he tried to hide this side of him from me, Mickey was a bigger stalker of Tony than I was, Mickey was a full stalker. He behaved almost like the omicron people. He took photos of Tony with his phone, hundreds of them, thousands of pictures, short videos of Tony’s melon sized pecs twitching in shirt, clips of him casually flexing his arms… well, I admit that I invaded Mickey’s computer to copy it. Mike was using his father pro equipment to film Tony demolishing the opposite team, of him showing off and lifting the side of a car. Mickey had many clips of Tony scratching his big balls, I could sense Mickey’s fascination in those shots. Tony didn’t seem to care about being photographed and followed, my dumbstruck friend filming him everywhere would hit a nerve in anyone else. If Mickey knew that being detained that afternoon, and that would lead to an opportunity to lick Tony’s cock, Mickey would put the college on fire. It was troubling to think that nor did he or I had any attraction for men before discovering Tony. We both had our big boobed porn on google to masturbate for. For me it was a revelation the first time I couldn’t escape from Tony in my masturbatory fantasies, his beefy legs appeared in my mind, and after that I did it again, and again, to the point I can only ejaculate by looking at his pictures. Talk about man crush. Whatever happened in that library, it did not went as smooth as Tony intended, nerds are different, he must have noticed. What I do have nice details of what happened next, later in the night; Tony wasn’t pleased of having only four brainiacs to suck his cock off in the library. One of them told him about a RPG party and Tony invited himself there. Who could say ‘no’ to the giant college athlete stretching himself towards the ceiling pushing his back muscles forward by gyrating his arms for astounded audience of seven geeks, ‘he’s way bigger than that Thor dude’ one of stoned geeks marveled while another one fainted. Tony would need to be extra careful with these geeks if he wanted them all. I imagined that Tony would just shove the geek’s faces onto his cock, but no, Tony was far more insidious than that. He never forces anyone. He doesn’t need to. The cheerleader squad gave themselves their prettiness to his handsomeness and his cock size, the football team was devolved of their strength and confidence to him, pleased of it affecting Tony’s every cell, making his unnatural perfect appearance out of divinity. Tony was just a college jock inside, and that was the scary part. The nerds complimented him without trying to look overly nervous, Tony took the space of two or three people around the table, dwarfing them with his immense pecs and shoulders in his darkish skintight turtleneck base layer that covered his entire upper body, he was trying to look more intellectual to the geeks, I guess. I’m sure that he knew that intimidation was a double-edged sword, and if he wanted to take all of them to suck his cock, he would have to play nicely with them. None of them could pay attention to the game as the star player was watching them from his vantage point slipping from the cold beer pint, making his mammoth biceps to casually flex. Tony said he ‘just wanted to watch and learn’, but only the very naïve would believe that the star player had any interest in RPG. The only two nerdy girls of the geek group had their glasses lens already foggy by their own elevated perspiration, almost squealing when Tony shifted position, making his man’s biceps to touch his man’s forearm. Tony tested all of those geeks, using his muscles to secretly flirt, at a moment making the boulders of his pectorals to jump at one nerd’s face, who ended to throw his funny dice out of the window three floors below in the pool. Without the 20-sided dice roller, there was no game anymore. Tony thought of another one. When the geeks stared down at the pool where the dice had fallen, Tony called their attention back, “Oh, shit, dude, I spilled the whole beer over my crotch.” Everyone looked down at Tony’s stretched soaked stretchable jeans. His muscles didn’t let his balls and cock space between his legs, they’re always jutting, even bouncing when he ran shirtless and in his golden football pants, which he wore it carelessly in the campus as if it was a school uniform. That moment he was wearing jeans. Very stretchable ones, made to meet his measures in both states of relaxed and flexed muscles. “I think can find you some pants” said the fat geek that lived there. Tony must have dashed a smiled at that. “Sure, if you have a shirt it would be cool too.” He said. His manly voice must have shook the guts of the chubby nerd mumbling at the biceps that could lift the front end of a vehicle. In the presence of the other five and two girls, Tony said “I hope you don’t mind I change in here” and started to peel the skintight turtleneck base layer off his skin. To the girls, that must have be the greatest underwear ad of all time, glistering with perfect and vast intimidating muscles, and yes… that was it. No more effort was needed to seduce them. 100% sure, I’m absolutely sure that any healthy human being would gladly such Tony’s cock at that point. If you have doubts of what I’m saying, is because you don’t know Tony. He can bend the straightest square. Yet, for some reason, Tony thought that would be nicer to make these awkward geeks to beg for it. “How many inches?” One of the male geeks dared to ask a bro question, pointing to the ‘relaxed’ peak of his biceps. It was known in college that the best way to start a conversation with Tony, is to ask about his muscles, not the weather. Actually, in college we exchanged more amenities and small talk about Tony’s growing muscles than the weather. Tony flexed his right arm to the geek… I saw it upclose myself, it is unreal, his biceps seemed to inflated like a puffer fish, it gives you a shock, like a blinding light that takes time for eyes to adapt, “Twenty-three inches, but that was a month ago, they must be twenty-four by now.” “wow… yeah, I noticed that the team over this summer… got… reduced.” Tony laughed at it, giving the nerd a tiny bump on his shoulders that made him land over the far side of the couch, “Reduced… that’s a nice way to put it.” One of the nerdy girls just drowned an entire beer in one gulp to sum up courage to touch his forearm, feeling the indentations of his detailed and wide muscularit, feeling the warm stone flesh under the skin. She went say the line, “I wish I had muscles to give you, Tony.” The other nerds looked at each other, that girl never demonstrated any interest in sex was trying to get in Tony’s pants, for them, this possibility was hilarious and absurd since the most hot girl in the known universe would gratefully spread her legs for this young beefcake titan. On the other side, they were so intoxicated by this possibility, that his presence that must have clouded their judgment, they knew that once their lips exchange fluids with his cock, they’ll carry the lingering effect for life, and forget about having a ‘normal life’, no one likes creepy omicron people nearby. Smaller they get, creepier they are. The geek returned with a folded pair of sweats and a pullover. Tony chuckled at the size of the pants. “They’re perfect.” He said removing his pants. His quads were big as a big loaf of bread squashed between more muscles, I bet that the room went quiet at that moment, his quads were a work of art in complete balance with its monstrous scale. Of course, while he removed his stuck pants from his spherical calves, everyone in the room traveled their eyes above, on how different he was for us normal people, even his underwear was different, made of different, more expensive and expansive materials to avoid silly accidents, like his monumental boner flapping out in the middle of the class, which unfortunately I would never have a chance to witness myself. Tony in his socks and underwear, attempted the wear the pathetic pullover on his overdeveloped muscular body, one of his delts alone was bigger than any of these geeks heads. Slowly the sleeve stretched as it advanced onto Tony’s Herculean forearm, “so far so good…” He said as he pushed it as slowly as possible, like a very delicate piece of film. The material stressed much more to cover his bicep, that threads started to split, but did not collapsed yet. The sleeve wasn’t long enough to cover his forearm, stopping midway, and he tried the other one, this time the sleeve opened a wide crack at his left bicep’s peaks, but somewhat it held in place. His head entered the collar easily, but as soon he brought down his arms, the pullover protested the abuse, almost unable to take the full girth of Tony’s torso, the collar got deformed by the wideness of his shoulders, his traps pushing the pullover back while he tried to fit his legendary pectorals, the pullover opened more cracks on his bulging lats but, miraculously, like a huge 12-wheeler bulldozer crossing over a frail wooden bridge, it somewhat survived. His pecs deformed the college’s bulls circular logo to a very elliptical shape, making it unrecognizable. Most of his abs were left exposed, but shadowed by pullover’s gap that his prominent epic pectorals created. “Okay, if I don’t breath…” The cracks expanded one more time around his shoulders and lats, “…it will last a bit more.” “That was from my fat days.” Said that fat geek. Tony took the sweat pants, he knew that that cheap fabric would never withstand the enormity of his quads, but he tried anyway. “Help me with this thing. This pullover is going to rip apart if I move.” Tony commanded the geeks, all of them moved forward, but more appropriately, they let the two girls to help Tony, one leg at a time. Almost giggling with the bliss and excitement, the two blushing nerdy girls started moving the pants up over their first obstacle, his calf. All the while, half of the guys stared openly at his soft but heavy cock nested in a wall of muscles, swinging with his jerk movements to help the girls. The other half watched his pecs, more entrancing than any big boobs in their personal porn stash. It was Tony’s favorite muscle to show off, second to his quads and biceps. The girls licked their lips, dribbling at the vision above them, more wonderful than a aurora borealis with a triple rainbow, and yet so close of their own shaking hands. After so many imaginary sessions with their clit, repeating over and over all the stories they heard about Tony, the real deal was more overwhelming than their solitary fantasies with him envisioned. His aura of absolute superiority was at times frightening, and some people had troubles in their sleep when Tony appeared in their dreams. Most girls ignored by Tony developed some self-esteem issues that made those dreams much more frequent. These two girls dealing with his pants over the thickness of his leg muscles were a prime example. Now they could be the chosen ones, and Tony was remarkably choosy of whom he lets to suck his cock, or even to talk directly to him. I bet my life that both were wet as they completed the task of covering that bowling ball sized calf that could kick a ball a mile away. Quickly, they came for the next task, an impossible one, to cover his upper leg… Clothes for Alphas like Tony, sporting dimensions completely new for the fashion industry, were absurdly expensive, but Alphas always find a rich omicron drone to deal with it. These guys took it like a mission, I’ve heard of omicron people getting bankrupted to please the growing tastes of Omegas, and Alphas were not that different. I didn’t know who was spending some big money to wear Tony in his senior year at the college, his high endurance clothes were custom made in a specialized sportswear company in Germany, while all the rest of us used something made in China. The made in china sweat pants stopped at the begging of Tony’s quad, the girls pushed up but it wouldn’t give, “Hey guys, help the girls here.” Two geeks came forward and kneel before quad bigger their torso, Tony’s upper leg shape resembled a WWII fat bomb, they were speechless, mute, frozen, incapable to even nod at Tony’s reverberant voice, pitifully hiding their erections and fearing their own desires over Tony and his towering muscles. Eight hands around Tony’s upper leg pushed the cheap pants up, the hand of one the guys slipped and bumped into the head of Tony’s soft cock, which I heard that was seven inches long in its flaccid relaxed form. These days must be much longer. The same geek slipped his hand again, and it made Tony to smirk, it was no accident. That package in his boxers was bigger than two closed fists of the geek. The though must have crossed Tony’s mind because an instant later, that volume was bigger than three fists. There was a major RIIIIP and Tony’s quads tore the pants fabric. With their butts on the ground, making omg faces, they observed the pullover starting to collapse around Tony as well, with a huge tear coming from his hulking back up to his bull traps. Tony flexed his arms simultaneously to destroy the pullover in a single movement, throwing over his muted geek ‘friends’ the useless pieces of tortured cloth. “I guess I’ll have to spend the rest of the night like this. I hope you don’t mind.” The Alpha titan walked to the big TV led set, which he eclipsed with his wide v-shape back “… is that the new Playstation? Let’s play it.” No one could say no to Tony wearing only his briefs and socks, he sat on the big couch, which didn’t seem so big with Tony’s legs on it. The geeks sat around him as he chose one of the few games available, Street Fighter vs something was good enough. Tony was probably curious about the four nerd lingering their talents to him that afternoon, obviously, it was still too early to have any affect him, but then, many players of his depleted team were gamers. “I’m getting better at it.” Tony said to both girls at his sides after his fifth flawless victory. I would say that the geeks were all too affected by his muscularity and size to play any better with Tony. The girls kept on drinking beer to dilute any of their inhibition towards Tony, and that was working, they were getting a crazy fever to yank Tony’s fat cock from that underwear. They already gave all possible signs of how easy they got, laughing with him like maniacs, letting their silly hands to fall over his arms and biceps, letting to rest their faces on his naked hard shoulders, opening a few more buttons of their shirts, trying to entice the star player with their modest breasts. The guys were drinking beer and smoking weed nonstop as well, laughing nervously at every word of Tony just like the girls. After Tony beat all of them in the game, he decided to demonstrate a long stretch of his body with his eyes closed, and suddenly he felt someone to grab his crotch. “Finally,” he must have thought. The girl who grabbed his cock stared at Tony with pleading eyes, desperate, like a bad dog that did a bad bad thing and wanted forgiveness from its owner. Tony could be an arrogant prick but deep inside he had a mellow heart, he could play this game to the insanity of his geek audience, but he just let his fat cock to flop outside the cotton confinements. The two girls jumped at it, even Tony never saw so much despair for his cock, they both slurped their tongues at the soft shaft that started to inflate like a helium balloon, pulling their eyes out of their sockets. Tony noticed some guys stepping back, and he said to them, reassuring with his non-threatening voice, “hey, don’t go… I know that you want to watch…” He bounced his pecs once, and then multiple times, as Tony got their immediate attention trapped on his immense chest. The girls were relishing on his cock, making wild noises that never imagined that would do themselves, clumsily licking all that hardening cock, with their own long hair mixing with his skin and their saliva. The girls couldn’t care less of that mega cocksucking being watched or judged by their longtime college male friends. His cock erected like a crane, the girls could not move that strong shaft to their lips, they had to follow it as Tony reclined, putting his arms behind his head, flexing his twenty-three inches biceps one at a time for the rest of the geeks. “Can I?” one of them asked reverentially approaching his hand over muscle mountain. Tony just flexed it for him, becoming a ball of steel, the geek jumped at that, with trepidation, uncertainty and an amount of dare, he touched them. The girls were having their orgasms already, just by licking his dick, thick as a beer can, moaning like bitches over the sheer size of it “It didn’t even reached the final form!” Tony said laughing, making his cock an inch higher, wider, bigger than the previous fourteen inches, more veiny, just throbbing like his jock super muscles. Two of the geeks were still watching the muscular spectacle on the leather couch, their eyes fixed on the voluminous pecs that made all the popular girls at the college to feel inadequate. Tony bounced for them, in that position they reached his chin, inviting them, hypnotizing them with their mass, to make them to come forward and feel the size of it with their open hands. They looked at each other, maybe afraid of what the other would think, but the temptation was too big to let it go by. Simultaneously they went over Tony’s immense pectorals, basking their cheeks on their greatness, groping such mountainous muscles, letting it to overflow their two pairs of hands. That made the last two geeks behind Tony to lose all their last refrains, they moved to those earthquake-inducing quads, they wanted to be where Tony’s biggest muscles meet each other, to be between muscles that dwarfed their bodies. They wanted as much as Tony took his first step into that house, as much when they saw him striding in the campus, with his big legs pulsing a world of muscle at each step. Together, they embraced muscles stronger than a dozen of people, and before they could touch the Holy Grail, Tony toyed with them and started to compress the two geeks between his legs, like a car-crushing machine. Tony laughed aloud at the geeks getting freaky over his body, making all sort of noises. Certainly, they were clumsy virgins that suddenly found themselves in a fantasyland. For Tony was hilarious to watch them frantic over his body like famished animals, fighting between themselves for one more inch of his cock While it was all entertaining for Tony, he looked at his phone, there was some dozen invites to another parties and hundreds of PMs that Tony didn’t care to respond. Tony already got what he needed from these geeks, but he was feeling generous that night and let the geeks to lick, grab and smother their faces everywhere on his large body for more five minutes. They were weightless to him, threw all of them over the couch and the floor just by repositioning his body. He had their complete attention, and stood up above their perplexed faces. Tony spread his immense muscular winds and stood above the mass of geeks with his sixteen inches of iron rod pointing at them, which he slowly jacked, like he was arming a rifle. A smashing amount of cum slapped into the forehead on one geek, and Tony move his aim to the other ones, with absolute control and precision he hit their mouths and nostrils, infecting them even more. They even maintained had their mouths wide to receive more, they all became his bitches, wanting more mess over their faces and hair. Without ceremony, Tony took his own clothes and started put them on, “sorry guys, have a party to go. It was fun. See you in class.” They watched by the window the Alpha turning the engine of his big bike and going away from their lives. Over the college year, the above-average intelligence of those geeks dumbered down, lingering to the jock that would never fully use it. It helped his grades a lot in his graduation year, but not in the same proportion of the terrible grades that those geeks found themselves. They didn’t even care about grades anymore, or even the graduation, they became more numbers added to Tony’s minions, hopelessly daydreaming about touching their muscle god again. And then you ask… how do I know all these details? How do I know Tony’s clothes? Its colors, the precision of his height? That’s the catch, the entire campus know. We share stories about Tony the same way that Homer needed to preserve Greek battles. Tony was our Alpha, each day of him was more important than the life of any other student like me. I know so many stories about him that would fill a book. Why did I chose to tell this story? To show their greediness. For one. Tony went to learn about chess in the weeks after that event with the geeks. While he learned the game and the rules quite fast, he was never really able to win over an experienced player. “What do I need to do?” Tony asked to one of the best players in the college, one that he hadn’t drained yet, otherwise he wouldn’t have anyone to play with him. In frustration, Tony depleted another dozen four-eyed students of their brightness. I was lucky that I didn’t wore glasses at that time. His opponent offered an introductory book of chess strategies. “A book? I don’t have time for fucking books.” Said the titan that de facto governed the college. The first most important reason I told about this story, is the lesson that we are powerless to stop Alphas and Omegas from doing whatever they want from us. The frightening thing about the Alphas and the Omegas, well, I haven’t told you yet. Let me share with you some personal thoughts of Mickey about Alphas, that he told me just after Tony’s graduation: “Tony was nice actually. He only drained the popular girls and jocks, some geeks at the most. It would be hell worse. Do you know what happens when an Alpha fucks with an Omega, or Alpha with Alpha and Omega with Omega? They get linked. Just like any of us would… and the stronger will suck out what they want from the weaker, like a smaller star that loses its mass by orbiting a bigger star. Are you following me? In Tony’s position, I would make every motherfucker in this college to suck me, I would link every single people I would find, so that I’d be strong enough to drain any motherfucking Alpha. I would the climb pyramid as fast as I could, because there is only one place for the true Alpha. Well… Tony… I think he wont survive that in a long run. He’s too much of a nice guy.” “Tony is seven feet tall, any bigger you wouldn’t be able to drive a car. Who wants that? Why anyone would want to be a giant?” “Greediness.” He said. “This the shot to be a god on earth… would you let it slip away?” A lot of people do think like Mickey. Anyone could become an Omega, or an Alpha, who knows? That can happen with you. But everyone, Alphas and Omegas included, could become creepy omicrons by crossing a bigger fish. As they say in Brazil, A Vida dá Voltas. That gave a false sentiment of justice and a very thin sentiment of hope, making people to dream about becoming Alphas or Omegas to revenge against the unfairness of their lives. The blatant theft of the Alpha and Omega from the normal common people, is somewhat acceptable because of this tiny chance of being one of them and live the dream. Those Alpha and Omega parasite people should be sent to a remote base far away and be studied to find a cure to whatever is causing it. I would be compared to Hitler if I ever say this publicly. At each college of America, and any crowded workspace, even colleges, Alphas and Omegas were emerging to assume their territory and their human livestock. They could be anyone and their numbers were increasing by a thousand across the country. No one could predict our immediate future. Much less the US Supreme Court. They were about to rule if the affirmation of ‘omicrons are ‘not responsible’ for creating the linkage with the Alphas and Omegas’ is true or false, a trick question. Like I said, Tony never forced sex on anyone, he doesn’t need to. No one is able to deny him anything, even a suggestion. My dad had a confused look waiting for the resolution, he wanted his mega bitch Omega boss far away, but he was bounded to her, in despair he might even try to find her whatever they land her. Like many of Tony’s omicrons that he created in his college years. I was going for my sophomore year and Tony left us, all the political structure that served him over the last years fell like a castle of cards, the dean, the couch, the entire football management, all removed due to unpayable debts to the college ex-star player. By then those middle-aged men and women were all omicrons shorter than five feet tall. Sooner or later, an Alpha or an Omega will take Tony’s place in our college. Could be anyone of us. Could be janitor. On my old school Ms. Janet, the Principal, became an Omega. Whoever he or she is, we were sure that the rest of us would be his or her second-class citizens. And to cement our destiny, the Supreme Court gave their vote. It is NO.
  12. 7/4/13 Ouuuuchhhhhhhh, man i ache today, shoulders,arms,chest, legs, back, all killing me, if this is what im gonna feel like after every workout im stopping, i can hardly crouch down properly, every time i go to sit down the back of my legs knack. When jack walked in to the kitchen and saw me he burst out laughing, he asked how i felt, i just glared at him!! He said i would be feeling it for a good few days as my muscles aren't used to being worked out, he also said the workout tomorrow would really test me as i would still be aching, thanks bro! While having breakfast, again consisting of oats, eggs and a protein shake, jack told me i should spend the day looking for my own protein supplements, bcaa, creatine etc as i had been using his for the past few days, he gave me a few websites for me to look at, i told him i would look when i got back from college. When i got to college there was a lot of chatter going round, more than usual it had to be said, i met up with my mates which included buff dave, gone was his baggy clothing, it was now replaced with tight tee's and joggers, they asked if i had heard the news, i told them i didn't as i'd just arrived, dave then told me that there was a new guy started today and he was freaky huge, i was like so?? you know we hate freaky big guys, but dave said that this guy was beyond huge it was a huge he'd never seen before, it was hard for him to describe him he told me i'd have to see for myself, that moment came about 5 mins later. We were sat on the field talking about my gym experience the day before, when dave interrupted me to tell me the new guy was over my shoulder, i turned round to look, OMFG he was gargantuan, he made huge look tiny, i like many others round me could not take my eyes of him, to put into some sort of context im a tooth pick, he was 4 bison put together, as ive said i have a disgust for huge guys, but this monster didn't have the same effect on me, in fact it had the opposite, i was finding myself attracted to his size, even more i was starting to tent in my jeans. I asked if anyone knew his name, dave said that he'd heard he was called Alex and moved here due to some troubles he had were he lived. From that second something inside me fired up, i was no longer wanting jacks body i wanted Alex's or pretty damn close to it, after college i got home as quick as i could to check these websites, jack had gave me. I've now been home for 2 hours and ive been searching the websites for super weight and muscle gain shakes, found some that offer 1300 cals per serving, but its hit home that alex would have needed some sort of super steroid or something like that to get the size he has not the normal weight gainers that are on offer, i was resounded to only getting like jack, which as i've said isnt a bad thing,but my heart was with alex's size, i wanted it badly, that was until i came across a website that my security program didnt have a green tick of authenticity next to it, it had a grey question mark which meant it wasn't sure if it was a safe website to visit. it stated in the google description that this product offered unmatched muscle growth in a short space of time, the websites domain ended in .ru so this product was from russia. I clicked on to it and was took to a page that had a grotesquely huge guy on it and a picture of the product and a tab saying BUY ME underneath, i clicked on it and it took me to a purchase page, there was no detailed description of what the product was, just the price, which was 15,000 russian roubles, which worked out at £250. My mind was obsessed with getting like alex so i clicked buy, the product will take around a 3-4 days to reach me. When jack came home i told him id had a change of goal and wanted to put some more size on, i didn't say how much or about alex, i wanted to keep it a secret and surprise him with my freaky growth, jack told me that was cool but i now needed to work twice as hard in the gym and eat lots, i said i would because i really wanted some size. Jack jokingly asked if his body wasn't good enough, i just laughed and said it was but seeing dave's buffness made me want a little more!! What a liar i am hehehe!!! Thats all for this entry.
  13. Shade

    Fraternity Muscle: Part 7

    AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my first new story on the new forum. A little treat for Easter. Hope you enjoy. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 A Walk in the Park “OH FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!” hollered Greg as the weight slammed back on the rack. His pledge brothers looked around him dumbfounded as the five and half tons worth of weight literally bent the bar holding it. “Holy fuck!” sighed Nate in awe. “Ain’t nobody ever squatted like that before. Even Grieg has never managed over five tons. Why the fuck don’t you crossover now man?” Greg flexed his quads. He would never admit it, but the weight felt a little light for him. Both he and Matt had changed since he’d started taking Matt’s new formula several few weeks ago. And coupled with the old formula it had given him a boost even stronger than Matt. “Gotta keep it on the down low, man,” said Greg. But all the brothers could see it in his eyes. It was a heady mix. “We swore none of us would cross until we could all cross together.” “Word!” said Henry. Greg smiled at him. Henry was a fucking genetic god. He’d been so small the brothers has started calling him Tiny, and even so he had grown into a powerhouse. He was still the shortest of the five. But what he lacked in height he made up for in width. Even Nate could now barely stay ahead. If it had just been the three of them then they would have crossed several weeks ago. Greg had been the first to meet all the requirements, just beating out Nate. Henry followed swiftly and even Ivan had finally caught up to the minimum requirements. The only real problem was Davis. Neither Ivan, nor Davis had ever really been the sort of alpha males that the other three had found it in themselves to be. And this wasn’t a problem. Of the active brothers some had more passion for the physical side of things than others. But it meant that they were now being held back. But the bonds of brotherhood they’d forged during their pledging had become so strong no one of them was willing to go on without his pledge brothers. “You’re gonna fucking bust that weight today!” Greg told Davis. “I’m not going to hear any excused bro. Or I’m gonna kick your ass. HENRY, RACK THE WEIGHTS!” Davis was so fucking close, Greg was sure it was just a mental block on his side. With all of his pledge brothers there, Davis was going to overcome this. The bench looked intimidating, but Greg was ready to coach him through it. The other men gathered round. Each ready with a word of encouragement. Each looking like a brick wall. Davis, notwithstanding that he was the smallest of the lot, was still big enough to play professional football. “C’mon, man,” Greg said. “I can fucking rep 3000 pounds on this bench for a set of 100. If a fucking science geek like me can do it, you can do 1000. Now feel the bar in your hands. Get the weight of it. That’s right Davis. Perfect. Your form is perfect. Now lift. Fuck that’s right. Don’t worry about a thing, I’m here to spot you. That’s beautiful man. You’ve already got ten done. This is easy. Now c’mon. Yep. Feels good doesn’t it. Fuck bro look at your pecs. Getting swole. Don’t slow down on me! That’s fifty! Fucking easy. Now sixty. Just a few more.” The other guys watched, eager. Davis grunted. His arms were tiring. And he was wishing he’d spent more time in the gym with his pledge brothers. Always at seventy-five he felt himself giving up. He’d hit eighty only once. “DON’T YOU FUCKING GIVE UP ON ME DAVIS!!!!!!!” Greg was roaring. “ANOTHER. AND ANOTHER. COME ON!” Davis managed to squeeze eighty. His pec muscles burned. But then he saw Greg’s face over him. “MORE!” Davis steeled himself. It was this or nothing. He brought the bar back down. There was a pause, and the guys held their breath. Davis let out an almighty grunt. “C’MON!” shouted Greg, ready to take the bar and help guide it if he needed to. Against all odds Davis felt the bar rise. Eighty-one. The dam broke. “FUCK. YES. I. WILL. DO. THIS!” He began to rep against, slightly faster, most steady. He broke ninety. So fucking close. Ninety-one. Ninety-two. “YOU GOT THIS BRO! FUCK YEAH!” Greg was still hollering, but this time there was a sense of exultation behind the words. Davis felt something go through him. Ninety-three. A shaky ninety-four. He grunted. His breath hissing. Ninety-five. Ninety-six. Ninety-seven. Ninety-eight. “TWO MORE MAN!” this time from Henry. “DON’T GIVE UP!” encouraged Nate. Ninety-nine. Oh, fuck that weight. Crushing his arms. His hands felt numb. FUCK! One more, one more, one more. Just another deep breath. Another push. Fuck his pecs burned!!! He couldn’t feel them. One more. One more. Then Davis went for it. To the guys that watched it was perfect. A smooth finish as he completed the last rep. Then the weight slammed back into the rack with a loud clang, and Davis was hauled to his feet by Ivan, as the other guys slapped him on the back. “Nicely done,” said Greg. “Nicely done.” “Thanks to you Greg.” Davis had a tear in his eye. “No bro that was all you! You decided you weren’t gonna be a pussy. You’ve done it bro. You’re ready to cross.” Greg gave him an affectionate hug. It didn’t seem to bother any of the five that they were stark naked. It has all become so commonplace. “Well done gentleman.” They turned to hear clapping coming from the doorway. “Looks like I can inform the brothers that you’ve met the strength requirements at tonight’s meeting.” “Thanks Mr. Doorkeeper, Sir!” said Davis. Still a little bashful, and frankly in shock at his success. “Why don’t you all go out and celebrate? My treat.” Ty pulled out his wallet and handed Nate some bills. They looked like twenties. “Except you Mr. O’Brien. I need your help with something.” “Yes, Sir!” said Greg. He was unsurprised because Ty has always had it in for him. “Go on guys, I’ll catch you up when I’m done.” “That’s right,” smirked Ty. “He won’t be too long.” The guys shuffled out and the room became quiet. Ty pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side of the room. Greg eyed him wearily. “You’ve yet to fulfil one of my desires Mr. O’Brien. You do know that is a requirement for you to become a brother, don’t you?” “I’m aware of that fact, Mr. Doorkeeper, Sir.” Greg wasn’t as afraid of Ty as he had been. In fact, as he puffed up his chest he watched Ty’s body. Ty was a rockstar with a national profile. He was the darling of college football. Big, mean, and an arm like nobody’s business. And he was so fucking hot. As he let his head cock to the side as he walked closer to Greg, his pec bunched and rolled, rippling striations. Fuck the sunshine shone out the footsteps of Tyler Dickson. And if Greg wasn’t much mistaken, Tyler had a hardon for him. “I’m the Doorkeeper,” whispered Ty. He was now awfully close to Greg. Pretty much as close as he could come and not have their massive pecs touching. They were the same size. Maybe Greg was actually bigger? “Do you think there is anything that happens here without me knowing?” Greg didn’t even answer, assuming it was a rhetorical question. Tyler ran his finger down the front of Greg’s left pec muscle, and his finger burned like fire. Greg’s blood had been up already from the squatting and Davis’s session on the bench. He felt his cock rising, harder and harder as Tyler leaned in. Placing a fingertip on the hard point of Greg’s nipple, as his mouth found Greg’s. Fuck Greg didn’t know what he was expecting. Tyler had been so harsh with him. Shadowing him and ready to pounce on any failure. But now he was being…tender. Teasing. And his tongue touched Greg’s and soon they mouths were moving together. Then their pecs were touching. “What is it you desire, Sir?” inquired Greg as they finally pulled away. He needed to get his breath back. “What I’ve desired since I first saw you Mr. O’Brien. That sweet ass of yours. I want to add it to my collection.” He reached around and lasciviously squeezed Greg’s lower cheeks. “Fuck that’s been ripe for my cock for a while now. But you boys have held back. Thought I didn’t know what you could do?” Greg let his head fall back a bit as he enjoyed the attentions of Ty’s strong hand. It felt good. “Do you know then that I broke your record on the bench?” “What?” Tyler looked confused. “Your best ever bench is 2500 pounds isn’t it Sir?” Tyler saw satisfaction in Greg’s eyes. “I beat that a week ago.” “No fucking way!” “Oh fuck yeah…Sir” This time when he said sir, both men knew it wasn’t meant as sign of respect. Greg reached around and grabbed Tyler squeezing him in bear hug. “You’ve only seen what I let you see.” Greg smiled an evil grin this time as he felt Ty struggling in his grip. But Tyler was still hard. And Greg’s hold was harder than titanium. “Feels like what you really desire is this hard cock here, isn’t it Bottom Boy?” “What did you call me?” “Sorry…Mr. Bottom Boy, Sir!” Tyler’s face turned a shade of red, but Greg wasn’t about to be gentle. He picked Ty up and held him like a child, burying his face in Tyler’s pecs. “Fuck Ty, I’ll give you this much…you may be the hottest fucking brother in this frat!” Ty pulled Greg’s head even further into his pecs and Greg’s tongue tried to devour him, licking off every drop of sweat that was forming there and taking in Tyler’s masculine aroma. “Suck me off,” Tyler begged. "Take it in your mouth.” Greg hoisted Ty up higher, his massive frame light in Greg’s solid arms, and seeing the massive tool hidden behind the denim of Greg’s jeans he tore at it with his teeth. The smell of Tyler’s thick meat filled his nose long before he got it free, and with his raging hormones Greg was salivating with what was on offer. His wet tongue devouring Tyler. And Ty was a big boy. He’d kept many boys and girls happy with that monster. Greg sucked that flesh lightly, then roughly, enjoying the taste and the musky scent. Greg finally pulled his mouth off of the gigantic rod and gazed at it with awe and wonder. It was a thing of beauty, but he had other things on his mind.. “Oh, that’s right Bottom Boy,” Greg told him. “Don’t worry, you’ll get what’s coming to you. I know you’ve waited a long time for this.” Greg left Ty fall, but deftly caught him before he hit the ground. Setting him gently on his feet, Tyler made a last ditch attempt to extricate himself, but Greg held firmly onto his biceps, squeezing so hard that he saw a flash of pain on Ty’s face. Greg turned Tyler around to face the bench. “Is this how you like it best? Bending them over.” With his hand flat in the back of Tyler’s thick lats, he pushed him face first over the bench. He slapped Ty’s ass and looked at Ty’s face in the bank of mirrors ahead of them. Greg then grinned like a kid on Christmas morning as he tore open Tyler’s jeans. Tyler’s backside was muscular, and tight and round and Greg slapped it twice more before he knelt down and reached in, using his tongue to probe the tight hole, to rim around him. Tyler squirmed in delight experiencing a sensation he’d never felt before. His asshole spasmed around Greg’s tongue. Greg paused for a second, curiosity getting the better of him as he waited for the sodomy to begin, but he spread Ty’s muscular cheeks. That ass was so tight looking, the muscles clenched together. Greg really wanted him then. Wanted to fuck Tyler until he begged for mercy. “I’m fucking straight.” Greg said it more to himself than to Ty. “No you’re not,” grunted Ty. “You never were. At least not entirely. The formula only makes you more of what you were. So deep down fucker, you’ve always wanted this.” Greg knew he was right. And he didn’t want it. But Ty did, since Tyler had long ago stopped struggling against him. He’d been with women. Several women now that the pledge process had started. But he’d never been with a guy before. Not like this. Greg pressed the head of his cock against Ty’s hole. Tyler was resisting, whether subconsciously or not, and entering him was no easy task. After a slow eternity, Greg felt his massive, hairy balls rest obscenely against Tyler’s flesh. There was no turning back now. The blunt head of his cock buried inside a warm moist hole. Greg moaned softly from the filthy pleasure of it all. He began to pull out, leaving a void behind him. Then just when he was Tyler groaned feeling the sense of emptiness Greg thrust the head forward again. Tyler moaned and Greg grunted, relishing in the feeling of filling Ty again and again. It became easier as his cock, now slick with pre-cum and saliva, slid smoothly in and out of Tyler’s smooth ass, which was still expanding almost to the point of breaking. “Oh fuck!” Tyler grunted. “Oh, fuck … fuck me Greg.” “That’s how it feels to have a man inside you Bottom Boy,” Greg told him as pounded. His balls began to slap against that ass as he ploughed him. Greg was cock-crazed. Lost up in the sex. Finally, after neither was sure how long, Greg thrust his engorged dick inside Tyler and held it there. He convulsed as he felt the cum explode from inside of him. Tyler had a look of tired pleasure in his eyes. And Greg confused over his feelings felt his cock soften as he pulled out. Without a word he turned and walked away. * * * Later that day the five of guys were walking across the campus quad, a little drunk from their afternoon beers. Greg had been strangely silent, but the other guys didn’t press him about it. They figured that Tyler had given him some horrible task he’d needed to perform. Just then Ivan, half drunkenly, said, “Wow, who’re those guys?” All of them turned to look at a group of shirtless guys playing football across the grass from them. “They’re huge, but they’re not guys from our house.” Henry looked to Nate. “Never seen ‘em before,” muttered Nate, shrugging. Greg felt a knot form in his stomach. He knew every big guy on this campus and no one was as big as a Phi Epsilon Chi man. He looked a little closer walking forward to get a better look. Then the knot in the pit of his stomach turned into a dagger as he walked closer, interrupting the game, and grabbed one of the guys pushing him forcefully enough that he had to take a few steps backward. “Rich?” said Greg. His roommate had basically been living over at the Kappa Mu Alpha house, so he hadn't really seen him since the party. “Hey buddy!” said Rich good naturedly. Greg realised a couple things just then. Rich was fucking huge. Not as big as him, but no lightweight either. And he was surrounded by a whole bunch of Kappa men who were all Rich’s size or bigger. He looked around him and none of the faces were remotely friendly. Then Greg looked back at Rich. “Surprise!” To be continued....
  14. NYCBlackMuscle

    The Trials And Tribulations Of A Male Witch

    Here's an old story of mine from way back which will be my first post on the new forum. Please let me know what you think. -------------------- The following work of fiction portrays men in sexual situations. Please do not read if you are not interested in stories written for erotic purposes, if you are not of legal age, or if it is illegal for you to read sexually explicit material in this format or through this medium. All characters in this work are fictional. As such, they are immune to any and all types of infectious diseases, including the AIDS virus. You are not fictional and therefore you are not immune. Follow safer sex guidelines or risk having some brainless disease write the ending of your life story for you. Copyright 1998 – 2014 by [email protected] Trials and Tribulations of a Male Witch My grandmother was a witch. Not the cauldron stirring, wart-nosed kind you read about in stories but the laid back kind you'd pass on the way to the store and not even notice. She knew how to do things with herbs and the odd salamander tongue that would blow your mind. When I was a kid I used to stay at her big, old Victorian house for the summer. She taught me how to mix up potions and brews of my own, though as I matured and my natural tendencies came to light she laughed at the things I tried to stir up. Me, I think being gay comes from the genes because I never felt anything for girls but I was attracted to guys before I even knew what my dick was for. Not just any guys, mind you. My tastes always tended towards the big ones. I can remember being mesmerized by a big delivery man who delivered a couch to my parents’ house but as I got older my tastes became more focused and I realized that I was specifically attracted to big muscular guys. By my late teens I discovered bodybuilding magazines and spent much of my free cash and time buying them and jerking off to the pictures of massive, oiled up hunks that filled their pages. I realized it was all about size - the bigger the better, and if possible, bigger still. The summer after high school was the last one I spent with my grandmother. Neither of us realized it but she would die the following winter after an unexpected heart attack. Throughout those hot months we hiked the hills around Jacksonville, the town where she lived, and she pointed out all the natural elements that would be useful to me in my career as a male witch. After gathering plants and the like we would return to her home and mix potions and tinctures in a stainless steel pot on her gas range. Our hobby might have been ancient but our tools were modern enough. Sometime in July, after hinting around and skirting the issue, I finally came out and admitted to Grandmother that I wanted to mix a potion that would cause my thin, bony frame to fill out and become more athletic. I didn't have any desire to be a huge muscle-stud myself but I knew that that if I wanted to attract the kind of man I was interested in I'd have to be in better shape than I was. Grandmother just laughed at my request and told me that when she was younger she'd tried something similar on herself. She was still chuckling when she pulled a book down from the top shelf of one of her bookcases and opened it to a section on transformations. With the help of the book and Grandmother, when I headed home to my parents I looked a hell of a lot different than the kid who had left home only three months before. My 5' 10" frame had grown to a healthy 6'. What's more I had gone from a skinny 140 pounds to a buffed out 185. My biceps and triceps were now strong and striated, stretching the sleeves of my old T-shirts. My hairless torso was packed with ripped, defined muscle while my waist had barely expanded from the tight 29 inches it had been before. My ass, with a little judicious experimentation, had become as rounded, high and tight as was possible within the laws of physics. My legs, meanwhile, had grown longer and stronger, with powerful thighs sweeping down into bulbous calves. With my blond hair and blue eyes I was looking like quite the stud. My parents were astonished at the change but I just told them that a long summer of hard work, and a late puberty shock, had worked wonders. Dad shook his head but accepted my explanation. I think Mom was a little more suspicious, having a better idea what Grandmother was capable of, but she let it pass too. I headed off to college that September and found that my new physical attributes were more magnetic than I could have imagined. There were plenty of girls that tried to catch my eye but I ignored them, preferring to concentrate on the studly men that seemed to come at me from all sides. Even though I smiled and flirted with a lot of them it was only the big guys, the ones who had already put a couple of good years in at the gym, that I spent any time with. While the potion I had created insured that I stayed in great shape I spent a lot of time at the gym scoping out the overbuilt football players and wrestlers that kept my cock up and hard all the time. One guy in particular really caught my eye. His name was Tyrell and he was a receiver on the football team. Most receivers tend to be smaller than their teammates on the line because they need speed and agility in order to catch passes and run their way through the opposing team. The gods must have been kind to Tyrell because even though he was one huge motherfucker he was as quick and as fast as any receiver they'd had at the school for years. I used to watch him working out with his teammates at the gym. He was a big, black stud, somewhere around 6' 4" with a handsome face and a shaved head. In the gym he wore an old, faded tank-top and long shorts but these did nothing to hide the amazingly built yet cut body he'd managed to sculpt. He must have been around 230 pounds of dark, sinuous muscle that only got bigger when he lifted. I'd watch while his teammates, some of whom I'd already slept with, spotted him while he pushed out rep after rep of bench presses until his pecs bulged like two mountains under his tank-top. It was enough to get me hard. I just wished I could see him in the same condition since the lump in his shorts already looked impressive soft. Unfortunately he wasn't interested in me. He had a girlfriend, a blonde cheerleader, which made me think that he at least he was attracted to people with my coloring. Unlike some of the other guys, though, it looked like he only went for girls because he never returned any of my looks when we passed by each other in the gym or on campus. Damn it was frustrating. Despite the fact that I could usually get the guys I was interested in I started losing interest in anyone other than Tyrell. The frustration lasted through Fall term and the end of the football season. We did OK, and Tyrell did great breaking the school record for number of receptions, but the team didn't make it to the playoffs. Campus broke up for Christmas break and I headed home to my parents. A couple days after Christmas we received word that Grandmother had died. The heart attack that killed her struck when she was in town shopping and no one could save her. My parents and I went to Jacksonville for her funeral and then spent several days together before they had to fly home and return to work. They left me at the Victorian to get it closed up for the winter before they returned in the Spring and decided what to do with the old place. I had volunteered to stay behind and told them I'd just fly straight back to college after New Year’s. That gave me just about a week to whip up a little holiday gift for Tyrell. I pulled the book down from the top shelf and went to work only without my grandmother's guiding hand to help me. It was tough because what I wanted to create I couldn't test on myself and while it would have been fun to try on others, even some of the local yokels, I didn't have the time. I flew back to school hoping that what I’d developed would do the job I wanted done. With football season over a lot of the players took time off from the gym counting Spring term as a needed rest. Tyrell didn't, though, and I saw him there as much as ever. Now he was working out alone, a condition that mirrored his situation outside the gym as it became apparent the love affair between he and the cheerleader hadn't survived the football season. That was a good sign so a couple weeks into January I put my plan into action. It was a Friday evening and the gym wasn't particularly crowded. Tyrell was there giving his arms a major workout. By 10:00 PM, about the time the gym was supposed to close, everyone else had left, he was pushing out a last set of preacher curls, and I was trying keep my dick from getting rock hard at the size of his pumped up biceps. He finished his set and dropped the straight bar onto the stand with a crash that reverberated around the gym. Flexing his arms, he (and I) admired the peak on his sweating biceps in the mirror, before pointing both arms straight out from the shoulder in a stretch and then bringing them back up to flex again. By now I had strategically positioned myself by the drinking fountain so when he strutted over to get a drink I was able to look up and casually say, "Hey, you're Tyrell Davis, aren't you?" "Yeah, that's me," he replied glancing at my outstretched hand for a second before taking it and almost crushing it in his powerful grip. "Dude, I saw you play this year. You were awesome." "Thanks, man," he said and made as if to head past me to the drinking fountain. "Thirsty?" I asked, handing him one of the two bottled waters I held. "Go ahead, I've got an extra one." He shrugged and took the bottle, nodding his thanks. Thankfully his thirst overpowered any curiosity he might have had about why the cap on the bottle was already loose and he drank the whole thing down in a couple seconds. It was more than I had hoped for. He thanked me again and I started up some small talk waiting for the first effects. Grandmother's spirit must have been with me back in Jacksonville because right on schedule he blinked his eyes and began to sway a bit. "Hey big guy, what's the matter?" I asked. "You feeling OK?" "Yeah, sure, I'm fine," he replied, his voice already beginning to slur. "You don't look so good. Maybe you'd better rest." He blinked again and then nodded his assent, his docility being a temporary effect of the potion I had slipped him. With a little prodding he went with me to the locker room where we gathered our stuff and headed out of the gym. As a freshman I was still obliged to live in the dorms but I knew he lived off campus. As luck would have it, not only was his apartment nearby but he lived alone. It was your standard college pad, pride of place given to his bed and gaming console set-up. The former was what interested me and while he stood in the center of the room, swaying slightly, I laid back and feasted my eyes on him. God he was hot, even with his clothes on. He'd be even better without them. "You look a little warm, Tyrell. Why don't you strip off those clothes?" That suggestion was all it took for me to be treated to one hell of a show. In seconds he was entirely nude, and more impressive already than I could have dreamed. Except for his pubes, he was as hairless everywhere else as he was on his head. He even shaved his armpits. His big, black body was flawless. From his thick neck down through his massive torso and ridged, fatless stomach he was a built and cut as any pro-bodybuilder. His arms were massive, pumped with blood from his recent workout, while his legs showed the muscular strength necessary to move a man of his bulk at speed down the football field. And hanging between his legs was his long, thick, dark cock, the massive head swinging slightly in the air. As he was he would have satisfied the craving of almost any muscle addict. Any addict but me, that is. I reached into my gym bag and pulled out another bottle of water. "You look pretty thirsty, Tyrell. You'd better drink all of this." He took the bottle without comment and quickly sucked down the contents. This was the exciting part because while he had been docile to this point I had no intention keeping him that way. I wanted him to take charge. Tyrell shook his head and let the bottle drop to the floor. He put his hands to his face for a moment and then pulled them away, looking around the room as if surprised to find himself at home. When he caught site of me a dumbfounded look spread across his face, but that expression quickly shaded into anger. I sent a quick prayer to Grandmother which she must have heard because before he could react any further he suddenly cried out in shock and pain. Maybe because he just gotten through working out his biceps they started growing first. They were big guns already but within seconds they started growing larger still. We both looked with awe as his upper arms began to expand, the amazing growth quickly spreading to this triceps as well. "What the fuck?" he gasped, flexing his arms in wonder, whatever pain he had felt already fading. He was so engrossed in his arms that he failed to notice at first that the rest of his body was getting bigger as well. His already massive neck was stretching out further and further, as his cannonball shoulders swelled ever larger. His pecs seemed to expand like balloons, becoming so enormous and pumped that the skin grew glossy and looked as if it would split trying to contain the tremendous amount of muscle underneath. His back was obviously growing too as his v-shaped torso expanded like a cobra's hood. Before long his massive lats forced his increasingly freaky arms up and away from his torso until they were held almost straight out. His abs seemed to be fighting amongst themselves for space, twitching and growing under the tight skin of his stomach. As for his legs, the thighs, previously more cut than huge, became in the space of a minute tree trunks that any professional bodybuilder would have killed for. I watched he was forced to shift his stance again and again as the sheer mass of his growing quads and hamstrings made it impossible for him to hold his legs together. Even his calves, oftentimes the least developed muscles even on the big boys, got into the act, growing and swelling beyond belief. The growth didn't stop there though. Even as his body grew larger and larger his dick started growing too. For a moment I saw what it must have looked like hard before the change and that was impressive in itself. But before long his cock and balls began to expand further, his nuts churning in their sack, becoming more and more massive, hanging lower and lower in front of his powerhouse thighs. His dick, already as hard as a rock, began expanding in length and thickness, its eye seemingly pointed straight at me. While I had purposefully made this one of the effects of the potion I had given him I was soon wondering if I hadn't gone too far as the growing, black dick went from big to huge to monstrous in a few short minutes. All this time Tyrell was gasping in either pain or pleasure, though I suspect the latter. He kept running his hands, themselves growing larger, over his expanding body, flexing first his arms, then his chest, then his back and then his legs. Catching site of his more than massive cock he let out a hoarse shout and wrapped both mitts around hit, fighting to get his freaky biceps around his huge pecs. As large as his hands were becoming they were losing the fight to cover his dick, which was growing even faster and soon extended more than a hand's width beyond them. There's an ongoing debate on the bodybuilding forums as to whether size or symmetry is most important. For me it's never been a contest. Freaky is what turns me on and here in front of me was undoubtedly the freakiest man who had ever lived. When Tyrell's growth finally stopped all I could do was slide off the bed and fall to my knees, massaging my cast-iron dick through my workout shorts. Here was the man I had always dreamed of, so massive that he put all the heavyweight pros to shame. Whatever he did to me it was worth it just to be able to see such development. Panting as if he'd just finished a marathon, Tyrell finally let go of his dick and his eyes focused on me. He stepped forward and I felt through the floor the shudder caused by his amazing new size. Standing above me he seemed even more huge and I whimpered as he bent down and hauled me to my feet. Back at the gym I had come up to his nose. Now I barely came up to his shoulder, and I realized that if he had also grown taller then his size was even more astonishing. He lifted me up off the ground by my T-shirt until my face was directly before his. I could feel his big dick slip between my legs to stick out far beyond my ass. Even as his eyes stared into mine I took the opportunity to run my hands across the rounded muscles of his arms and shoulders. "You did this to me didn't you," he growled, his voice even lower and sexier than before. All I could do was whimper again, half in fear and half in almost painful desire. "Turned me into a fuckin' freak, man. You're gonna pay for that." Then he raised me even higher with one hand while the other pawed at my body, effortlessly ripping of my clothes. They say you should be careful of what you wish for because you just might get it. I have to admit that's how I was feeling at that moment. I was trapped in the grip of the biggest, blackest musclestud imaginable, a man who obviously wouldn't be able to walk down the street without drawing gasps of admiration and disgust, and I wasn't sure if I should yell for help or cum right there just from the sheer size of him. He didn't give me much chance to decide, though to be honest I don't think it would have been a tough decision. In seconds he had literally torn the clothes off my body, including most of my T-shirt causing the collar to rip apart in his big fist. I fell to the floor, my rock hard dick slapping against my stomach, and lay at his feet trying to somehow make sense of the colossus that stood above me. With an unintelligible grunt he bent down again, picked me up and tossed me like rag doll onto the bed. The strength he displayed, and the fact that I was so obviously in his power, was such a fucking turn-on I couldn't help moaning with lust. A second later the air was forced out of my lungs as his huge body fell on top of mine, pinning me to the mattress. I struggled to pull my arms out from under his bulk so I could feel the massive, overbuilt slabs of muscle that were weighing me down but he had other ideas. With one hand he grabbed one wrist and then the other, yanking my hands above my head. It felt like they were chained in place and as my eyes followed his amazingly thick arm, his biceps and triceps together as large as my leg, up and over my head I knew I had no hope of breaking free. A moment later my face was wrenched back down by his other free hand which grabbed me by the jaw and forced my mouth open, a waste of effort since I would have done it gladly of my own free will. Next thing I knew his mouth clamped down on mine and his tongue forced its way in and was heading for my throat. The rough thrust of his tongue made it feel like he was raping my mouth, totally disregarding any desires of mine. Ironically, that was my desire, to submit totally to this overdeveloped monster I had created. Even as he took my mouth I felt one of his mammoth legs forcing mine apart. His torso was much longer than mine so his groin was positioned somewhere around my knees. Even so, his iron dick ran all the way up past mine, his huge head mashed by his body into my torso. As he made his goal clea, the hand on my jaw moving down to force my left leg up and over his shoulder, I fleetingly wondered if I'd be able to take him without being permanently damaged. It looked like I was going to find out. He face pulled back for a moment and he stared fiercely into my eyes as he brought up his right thumb and forced it into my mouth. I sucked at it slavishly, my eyes holding his, mesmerized by the strength and power apparent in every inch of his body that touched mine. After I had gotten it wet with saliva he removed the oversized digit, and with a cruel smirk shoved it without warning up my twitching asshole. I gasped in pain and pleasure as my ass was lifted off the mattress from the strength of his arm. He watched me as he dug in, grinding his hand against my ass, opening me up for his planned assault. It felt like he was pushing it all the way up into my intestines and this was only his thumb! My dick was jerking in time to his thrusts, shooting precum onto my stomach as I rode the sensation. My eyes rolled back into my head and I could only moan as the probing of his thumb fed my desire to be filled by the massive tool that was throbbing on my stomach. Suddenly, my ass was empty, and at the same moment his other hand let go of my hands above my head. Seconds later he grabbed both my ankles and lifted my legs up and out, so that I was bent almost completely in half, my ass upraised and ready for his attack. I opened my eyes but for a moment could see only his huge cock which was so long that it went through my legs and thrust straight into the air above my face. I was eye to eye with its big head and watched as his precum pulsed from the tip, hitting me on my nose and forehead. His dick pulled back and until I could feel the head running over my balls and then down my asscrack. My eyes refocused onto his face and gigantic torso which I could see through my outstretched legs. Open mouthed, I watched him watching me as his dick head slid around my hole before finally catching my already abused assring. With a feral grin he punched forward with his lower body and I felt his head force its way inside me, driving further and further inside while my body convulsed from the pain. He gave me that entire, huge cock in one shove, and I almost passed out before I felt his groin smash up against my ass. For a moment he just held it there while my brain tried to sort out the pain from the pleasure that was washing over my tortured body. I could feel his heartbeat as his dick throbbed within me and I realized my mouth was moving and that I was trying to speak. "F-f-f-fuck me," I panted, "Please fuck me," and I trailed off into a low moan. "Yeah, I thought so, pussy," he growled, as he pulled the unbelievable length of his dick back until the head was lodged within my anus, stretching it open. Then he rammed the huge fucker all the way into me. He let go of my ankles and fell forward, his huge pecs engulfing my face and the very width of his torso forcing my legs far even further apart. I felt his cannonball biceps digging into my back as his arms engulfed me, crushing me to his body. All the while his pelvis was pulling back and then thrusting forward, driving his massive dick deep into my body, forcing the air out of my lungs. I felt surrounded by his bulk which was coming at me from all sides, even inside. The bottom of my head only reached his chin in this position but I could hear his hoarse grunts and growls which gradually turned into a low chant. "Take it fucker - yeah cunt, fuckin take that dick." The first time I came I passed out, unable to hold on when the sensations in my ass pushed me up and over the edge. I felt myself shooting for what seemed like forever, the cum from my dick forming a slick sheet that his muscular torso spread between us. After that things went black for a time. When I came to he was still pumping away and my dick, if it had ever gone soft, was hard and leaking again. He released me from his grip and with obvious ease rotated my body on the column of his cock, turning me so that my back was pressed up against his mountainous torso. His arms tightened around me again so that one massive bicep crushed my abs while the other cut across my upper chest, just below my neck. All the while his groin kept slamming away, slapping my ass while his dick had its way with my insides. I came twice more before the increasing speed of his thrusts made it apparent that he was going to cum too. His arms and legs grew so tight around my body that I couldn't breathe, and he began to roar, his dick seeming to expand even further inside me. I could tell when he began to shoot, the feeling of his hot cum actually soothing inside my battered rectum. Groggy as I was, for a moment I feared that I had lived through the fuck only to die during the contractions of his bulging muscles, which threatened to tear me apart. Somehow I survived and his grip gradually relaxed as he shuddered and panted above me. After a couple minutes he rolled away from me, his still hard dick taking forever to pull completely from my ass. I lay there trying to gather my strength while he got up off the bed and thudded from the room. I managed to turn my head and see that he had stepped into the bathroom, his bulk seeming to fill it to overflowing. I could tell he was trying to see as much of himself as possible in the ridiculously small mirror over the sink. He ducked his head and stepped out of the bathroom, his oversized legs giving him a rolling gate as he headed back across the room towards me. Despite what we'd just been through I still found his size almost incomprehensible. He was bigger standing there relaxed than any pro could have dreamed of being when pumped up and flexing. As he stood above me, one big hand ran over his pecs, massaging the overhanging shelf of muscle. "How'd you do this," he asked, his tone making it apparent it would be in my best interests to answer. "I'm a witch," I croaked. "I mixed up a potion and gave it to you in some water." His face split into a grin, the first I'd ever seen on him. "I'm kinda thirsty," he said. "Got anymore?"
  15. Shade

    Fraternity Muscle: Part 6

    Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 Matt's Secret “Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk!” Greg wasn’t sure if that was his voice or not. He couldn’t really hear anything over the pounding in his own head. Never in his short life had he experienced a night like that and through the fog of pain the good bits started coming back to him. At least right up until the part where he blacked out with that hot piece of ass riding his cock. He sat up too quickly and the world swayed a bit. He saw his slacks balled up on the floor and the tattered remain of last night’s polo shirt were also scattered nearby, along with four of the condoms he’d used last night. Reaching down he cupped his tender balls. They were sore and ached. Though he figured that had mostly been something to do with the epic amount of cumming he done. He just wished he could remember all of what had happened. And why he was now alone. Holding his head in his hands he heard his phone insistently chirping at him. When he picked it up he saw nine missed text message from Matt. And shit, was that the time? Eleven o’clock in the morning? He scrolled through the messages: Call me little bro. Did you forget we were meeting at 9? Where the fuck are you? Dude seriously, we are you! ??????? WTF? I NEED TO TALK WITH YOU!!!!! Call me urgent! I’m gonna to beat ur ass!!!!!!!! Call me right away! Greg raised his eyebrows in surprise. Matt never got on his case like this, but then he had missed their morning meeting. And by rights he should have been over at the Phi Epsilon Chi house. He dialled Matt. Fuck this was going to be painful. “Dude!” hollered Matt into the phone. “Where the fuck have you been.” “Sorry Sir, I went to a party last night, I meant to….” “Who cares?” cut in Matt. His voice was eager, excited. “I don’t give a fuck. I need you to get to the chem lab double quick. Be here by 11:30. Seriously…don’t make me wait.” Matt hung up. Greg stared at the phone for a minute. That was so out of character for Matt. Greg stood up and stretched. His underwear appeared to be missing, but maybe the Lambda Mu Chi pledge had taken it as a souvenir? Greg thought that was kinda hot and wished he’d gotten her name. The sex had been amazing, but Greg wasn’t sure if it was just cause the girl was hot or if his newly improved body made it even better. Oh well. He pulled his trousers up over his thick quads. Even after a night of sex and beer he felt hard and thick. It was definitely a struggle to get the fabric over both his thick calves let alone his much wider quads. He breathed a sigh of relief that he could still button them over his big glutes. A shirt was a bigger problem. He was still in the Kappa Alpha Mu house. Greg didn’t know whose room he was in, but he grabbed the biggest shirt he could find out of the closet and figured he’d return it through Rich later. The shirt itself was like a second skin, but he did manage to pull it over his muscles. His pecs stretched the front, while his lats pulled the back near to bursting and he was worried it might not hold. No sudden moves! Because the thread in the sleeves was already tearing. The frat house was as quiet as a morgue. A few people still lay where they’d fallen in the early hours of this morning. But there was no sign of Rich or Hank. Greg didn’t know the house and didn’t want to pry. He figured it was best just to beat a hasty retreat and thank the guys later for a good time. He walked across campus as quick as he could. It was pretty quiet on a weekend. The odd person was out, but most were sleeping off their morning afters. The chem lab itself was also quiet. It was normally full of industrious students, but today with most of the lights off it was even a bit eerie as Greg went to find Matt in his usual spot. Matt was standing behind a counter in a lab coat, and Greg remarked to himself at how even the folds of fabric couldn’t seem to hide the sheer size of his big brother. His visible pecs strained the fabric of the usual polo shirt Matt wore underneath the tight, white coat. “Man, it’s about time! I thought I was going to have to call out the search dogs!” Matt didn’t look up from what he was doing, as he was engrossed in inspecting some vials on the counter. He scribbled a note on a pad next to him. “Sorry Sir. With the night off I went out to a party with my friend Rich. His frat was giving a party.” “Party?” Matt finally looked up from his work. “Rich the dude pledging Kappa Mu Alpha?” “Yeah. Is that a problem?” Greg was feeling a bit uncomfortable with the level of scrutiny he was receiving from Matt, who was usually very carefree and upbeat. “Listen man, I don’t want to tell you who your friends should be. That’s not what we’re about. But word to the wise, those dudes are bad news. Seriously! Our frats have been rivals on campus for over a hundred years. I would tread very, very carefully.” “Ah…okay.” Greg reached up as he said it, an old nervous habit, to rub his hand on the back of his head. He hadn’t reckoned though on having an eighteen inch cannon inside his borrowed sleeves. The gesture tore through the seam which likely wouldn’t have held much longer anyway. Fortunately, it distracted Matt enough to change the subject. “Don’t worry man. Just be careful. Now, let’s get to the real reason you’re here.” He gestured for Greg to come nearer. “You’ve been taking the formula for a while now, but it’s not enough. Nate is going to win, and we can’t have that.” “Sorry Sir. I’m trying my hardest, but Nate is just a freak.” Matt made a dismissive gesture. “Nate was ahead of the curve maybe. But we all started as smaller, weaker guys. If this was the same point in the pledge process as my class you’d have already outstripped us. And don’t forget I was the biggest dude my class.” Matt winked at Greg and bounced his pecs. “Genetics are meant to be overcome.” Matt pulled out a syringe. “Do you know why the formula was invented?” Greg shook his head no. “A very smart, wealthy alum many years ago began experimenting with growth compounds. Back then Kappa Mu Alpha were the big boys on campus. But they were and still are assholes.” Greg looked a bit sceptical, which was not lost on Matt. “What have they ever done for anyone? They exist only for themselves: to party, to fuck, and to have a good time. No element of service. Back then they bullied everyone on campus. Everyone. Especially the Phi Epsilon Chi house.” Matt picked up one of the vials, and Greg saw that instead of the usual green and amber fluid, this one was a dark blue, almost indigo color. “We were and are a service fraternity,” Matt continued. “We had the men of intelligence, financial power, and sophistication, but we were physically weaker. One night, during a frat party held by our house, the Kappa brothers broke in and humiliated our chapter president. They held him down and took turns making him suck their dicks. It was a humiliation in a long line of humiliations, and one that this house has never forgotten. Sure each house has always played tricks on the other, but they stepped over the line. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. And our chapter president vowed it would never, ever happen again. In all these years we’ve been developing and refining our formula. It sets us apart from the other frats. We dominate now in all areas, including physical perfection.” Matt knocked the air bubbles out of the syringe, a tiny spray of fluid coming out the top as he adjusted the amount. “I hope you can see the difference between them and us. I hope you pledged for more than just muscles.” Greg thought back to his experiences since the beginning. Growing as fast as he had, the bond he felt with his pledge brothers, was nothing short of amazing. But he also recognised the things he admired about his house. The casual good deeds that went unnoticed, and unlauded. The leadership of the Phi Epsilon Chi men, their commitment to charity and their school, and the civility with which their approached everyone. It was a standard he respected immensely. “Of course I did Sir.” “Good, because I wouldn’t have sponsored you to pledge if I didn’t think you were pretty fucking awesome guy.” He hit Greg playfully on the shoulder, square on his big delts, and Greg was surprised at how little it hurt. “So I want you to be the biggest, baddest pledge around this year little bro, and I’ve got this formula to help us out.” “Well…I don’t know Sir. Isn’t that cheating?” “There are no rules in the game, man. I’ve been working on the new upgraded formula and I’ve started trying it out on myself.” Matt slipped off his lab coat, letting it fall to the floor. Greg had gotten used to Matt being a big guy, but even he was surprised. He really examined Matt’s physique and noticed how big the man was. His polo looked like it was painted on. The sweep of his lats, the thick bricks of his abs, each muscle was clearly outlined under the tight cotton. His pecs were so thick and vast that they pulled the neck of the shirt apart, displaying massive cleavage. “This is after just one dose man.” Greg looked a bit awed. He watched as Matt reached up aesthetically, Matt’s full glory on his display, and his flexed lats tore through the seams of his shirt, the neck of the shirt tearing as the pecs bunched and flexed, and the sleeves blowing out as he squeezed his open hands into fists and brought them down, massive cannons firing. BOOM! BOOM! One after the other like bloated footballs. The shirt was soon a tattered rag. “The only guys still really growing much out of the active brothers are Grieg and me. And I know Grieg’s been doing roids. I also know that he’s been giving some of them to Nate.” Greg’s jaw already having fallen open in a stupefied expression from Matt’s earlier display, fell open a little further upon hearing this. But as he thought about it his face took on a determined look and he clamped his mouth shut quickly. “Roids and the formula are a pretty heady mix. But don’t get angry man. As I said there are no rules on how you can grow. Just tools.” “I want this new formula,” said Greg. Even in his own ears his voice sounded determined. Matt pulled the tattered remains of his shirt off. His face was a smirk of satisfaction. “The alums think the current formulas are all we need, but I’m not satisfied. And I knew my little bro wouldn’t be either. Drop your trousers dude.” Greg undid them and let them fall as Matt ready the syringe. Greg grabbed onto the counter, as he exposed his striated ass to his big brother. “Going commando? Nice!” Greg felt the sharpness of the needle as it pierced his glute, it burned as it entered the flesh of his muscle. And the effect was immediate. Greg felt the hardness in his cock as it rose instantly. “Fuuuuuuccccckkkkkk!” he groaned. He gripped the counter harder as he felt the sensation overtake him. With the other formula he’d felt amazing, but this was akin to a sort of intoxication. Greg could literally feel it passing through his body and it was incredible. His head fell back as he felt his muscles tighten, harden, and swell. Felt his fingers press into the metal of the cold counter, even as he heard it groaning under his strength. “HOLY FUCK!!!” he roared as he felt his thick elongated cock spurting out ropes of white cum against the counter. “I should have warned your about that!” muttered Matt. “I probably should have warned you about this too.” Greg didn’t realise what he was talking about as his body was racked with euphoria. But the spike of an even larger needle slamming into his other glute brought him back to reality. And he felt his muscles tear themselves apart as they grew with an amazing pump, the extra dose augmenting the power of the first. The shirt Greg was wearing tore itself apart, like an explosion of confetti as his body swelled beyond anything Greg had ever imagined. His cock still leaking as his balls churned out another load. “It makes you horny as all fuck.” Matt reached around behind Greg and pulled Greg against his thick pecs, and Greg felt himself fighting against those hard, iron like plates. He was equally conscious of Matt’s thick cock wedged against his ass, and he squeezed his glutes together as Matt pushed him onto the counter. He felt the power of Matt’s arms, in the back of his mind fighting the idea, and yet his body welcomed it. He could feel the power of his own body, as it grew, fighting against Matt. “Fuck you’re strong little bro.” Matt’s voice sounded feverish. He felt Matt tearing into him. Immediate mind numbing pain gave way to ecstasy. He hadn’t expected that and it felt so good. Matt’s arms wrapped around him. Strength like he’d never felt before squeezed his torso, and Matt began to move inside him. It was heady, and Greg lost himself in the primal fucking as he felt that long thick piece of meat thrusting inside him. They both grew. Matt used his vast power to contain his growing little brother and Greg made him work for every inch, every thrust as they swelled up. Finally Greg’s cock spurted a last and final time before he felt the heat of Matt’s cum filling his ass. They both collapsed forward, Matt’s weight on top of Greg. “I’m sorry man....” Matt sounds almost ashamed. “This formula, sometimes I forget what it’s like. I just couldn’t help myself.” “It’s okay, Sir," said Greg. “And I think that was quite a workout.” “Time for the gym man. Time to grow. You haven’t even experienced a quarter of the power in those shots. Go back to the house and get a session in. There’s also plenty of protein drinks in my room. Drink your fill, you’re gonna be hungry!” “Better get back to the house then….” Greg could barely wait to try out his new muscles and grow even further. Read the Next Part
  16. Shade

    Fraternity Muscle: Part 5

    Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 The Party Greg stepped off the scale. He was five pounds heavier than he had been yesterday. He could feel it. He felt bigger, heavier, more solid. He stood before the full length mirror in the bathroom and enjoyed what he saw. His naked body was a piece of art. Greg remembered what life had been like five weeks ago. How small he’d been. No defined muscle, just skin and bones. In the last few weeks he’d seen incredible gains in size and strength. His arms now laced with veins pulsing under the skin, and beneath those thick, powerful pythons of muscle. When he made a fist the solid fibres of his forearms danced beneath his now tanned looking skin. He had a healthy glow. Greg’s favourite parts though were his biceps. Between his elbow and his massive round delts lay the long muscle bellies of his biceps and triceps. The best part was when he brought his forearm up to make a muscle and the powerful length of his bicep would mound ever upwards. A few weeks ago it had been small, but each day it continued to form an ever growing peak. Now it was a solid massive ball. On par with any light heavyweight teen bodybuilder. And better even than most. Three times now he’d inadvertently flexed and split the seams of his polo shirt. His parents kept asking why he needed more money for clothes. Greg didn’t know what to tell them. Especially considering that the polo shirts of a few weeks ago would no longer fit around the massive girth of his new chest and back. He’d done five hundred chin-ups yesterday with an extra three hundred pounds strapped onto his body, which weighed two hundred twenty pounds. His back muscles benched and flexed with the slightest movement. And he’d begun buying clothes a couple sizes too big, because he knew that those two slabs of meat that were his pecs would too soon strain the cotton fabric of anything smaller. And fuck trying to button up the collar. His neck was just too thick. No button would hold. There seemed to be no such problem with his waist though. It seemed to be the only part of his anatomy not making astronomical gains. Instead it looked like a bricklayer had laid each of the bricks of his eight pack. Three weeks ago it had been like a washboard of ten abs. Now it was a titanium wall. And his jeans now clung tightly to his new ass and legs as well. Greg had been busting his ass with squats and they’d paid off handsomely. He knew he had the best ass of the pledge class by far. He involuntarily flexed the muscles of his quads. Damn, they were powerful. And calves like diamonds. But Greg was also growing taller as well. He grabbed his cock and gave it a loving tug. Nine inches. Jesus. Who would have thought? It was like a dangerous weapon. Too bad Nate always seemed to be one up on him, now at ten inches. Greg’s balls too hung low between his thighs, big and round and covered in dark, silky hair. Greg always went au natural these days. He wrapped a towel around his waist and headed back to down the hall to his dorm room. Although the dorm itself was co-ed, each floor was still segregated by sex. And Greg was aware of the envious glares of his fellow residents as he walked down the hall. Before he had started pledging, Greg would have taken all of his clothes with him down to the showers, and dressed there privately afterwards. Now he enjoyed showing off his body as he walked down the hall, like the other jocks on the floor did. Each Pi Epsilon Chi man played a sport. And Greg was thinking about wrestling. When he got back to his dorm room, he saw that he had a couple text messages waiting on his phone. The first was from the Pledgemaster. “Mr. O’Brien, your meeting tonight has been cancelled. You and your fellow pledges have a free night. Enjoy it. But remember, you represent the fraternity at all times. Do not disappoint! –Mr. Pledgemaster.” Greg was so shocked he wasn’t sure what to do with himself. It was the first Friday night since he’d joined the fraternity that he didn’t have a meeting. However, even before pledging he hadn’t really been much of a party animal. What was he supposed to do? He checked the second message. It was from Matt: “Dude! I heard Nate repped 800 for 100 today. WTF? He’s gonna be ready before you! Drastic measures need to be taken my man! Meet me at the chem lab tomorrow at 09:00 you know the place – don’t tell ANYONE!” Greg was a bit surprised by Matt’s message. Greg pushed himself real hard. All the pledges did. But Nate was just ahead of the genetic curve. None of the other three pledges had gotten past seven hundred pounds for fifty reps. Although their gains were progressive. Greg was second only to Nate and he’d only reached seven hundred fifty pounds for fifty reps yesterday. Jerking off was not a problem though. Neither were the other tasks. It did seem possible that in just a short period of time Nate would fulfil all the physical requirements to become a brother. “Hey dude!” said Rich coming through the door. Greg saw Rich maybe once or twice a week nowadays, if that. They were pledging separate fraternities and that didn’t leave a lot of personal time. “Man, you are getting huge!” observed Rich with some awe. “What the fuck? What’s that bicep these days? Seventeen inches?” “Eighteen inches,” corrected Greg. He brought up his arm in front of Rich’s face. “Awesome,” said Rich. “It must be that formula right?” Greg choked. “How do you know about that?” “Well I didn’t until you just confirmed it,” said a smiling Rich. “All the Kappa guys know that you guys are juicing on something. I mean dude! There’s no way that you’re gonna gain fifty pounds of muscle in five weeks. It’s just not possible.” “Seventy pounds actually,” Greg corrected him. “Yeah, well, whatever,” dismissed Rich. “There’s still no way. Do you guys think the rest of the Greeks...hell, the rest of the school are oblivious? I mean more than ten pounds a week, for five weeks in a row? C’mon!” Greg realized for the first time that he was now taller than Rich. And quite a bit bigger. He flexed his chest involuntarily. He crossed his mighty arms over his chest. “Hell, man, don’t worry about it,” said Rich. He didn’t seem very intimidated, even if Greg outmuscled him by around fifty pounds. “I’m not worried about being one of the big men on campus. That shit will prolly make your dick drop off anyway.” “I doubt that”, said Greg as he let his towel drop. Rich tried to play it cool, but Greg saw his eyes widen as they involuntarily dropped down to Greg’s junk. He was as long and thick soft as most guys were hard. “Shit dude!” said Rich in awe. “I didn’t know you were that hung!” This was a true statement because Greg had never let Rich see him naked before. “No wonder those roids got you so big! Bet all the bitches love that thing!” “I don’t know,” said Greg truthfully. “I haven’t gotten laid since high school!” “Really?” asked Rich, dumbfounded. “Then you gotta come to the party tonight man! The Lambda Mu Chi girls are throwing a private party for us at our house tonight. I can invite anyone I want. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come anyway, but now I gotta get you over there. Dude, those chicks will go crazy for a dick like that. You’ll have to fight ‘em off you.” This wasn’t how Greg had wanted to spend his first free night in weeks, but it occurred to him that he was pledging a fraternity and had absolutely never been to a frat party in his life. Didn’t he deserve a break? And he’d known Rich all year. The guy was a little wild, but basically all right. And maybe he could break this losing streak he’d been on and get lucky. So after confirming that his pledge brothers had plans of their own, he pulled on one of his older and slightly tighter pink polo shirts and followed Rich up to the Kappa Mu Alpha house for a good time. * * * “Whoa! Big dude!” said the Kappa brother as he let Rich and Greg into the house. “You’re a Pi Epsilon Chi pledge aren’t you?” Greg smiled and nodded. “Well welcome, mate,” the guy told him. “I’m Hank. Rich, grab the man a beer.” “Yes, Sir!” said Rich. “This is a pretty special night,” continued Hank. “We don’t often get bros from your house at our parties, so it’s a doubly special night.” “Here you go.” Rich handed Greg his beer. “Enjoy yourself,” Hank instructed him, as he walked away to greet some other guests. “That’s our chapter president,” Rich told him. “So what’s so special about tonight?” enquired Greg. “Well, I don’t know for certain,” said Rich conspiratorially, or at least as conspiratorially as possible over the rumbling bass of the speakers. “Rumour has it that tonight’s the night the Lambda pledges cross over. But the way I heard it each one needs to fuck a guy before they can become full sisters. With proof of the dirty deed!? Greg glanced at him. “With odds like that you are bound to get laid!” enthused Rich. “I mean there’s twenty Lambda pledges this semester and only ten Kappa pledges, so you do the math. I figure that’s why each of us pledges got to invite a friend.” Greg grinned at him. It had been a while and the more he thought about it, the more he wanted it. He’d been over at the Pi Epsilon Chi house for so long now, with all those swinging dicks, that he’d almost forgotten that he liked girls. Surveying all the very lovely ladies in the room, he just had the feeling that it was going to be a very good night. * * * “Hey, Polo Guy!” Greg heard the chirpy voice next to him and looked down at the speaker. A Lambda pledge stood next to him, smiling up expectantly. He figured she was about five feet, five inches, but Greg now towered over her. He knew she was a pledge because her hair was up in pig tails and she was wearing tight, white shorts and a tight pink t-shirt that read: Hot Tits. All twenty of the sorority pledges had arrived about an hour ago, wearing a lot of make-up, their cheeks dusky with blush. The words that came to Greg’s mind were cheap and easy. Her pink t-shirt was very low cut, and from Greg’s birds-eye vantage point he could see straight down her cleavage. She wasn’t wearing a bra either. Greg felt himself get a little hard as he imagined his face buried in those tits. In the midst of his reverie she handed him a beer. “This is from that guy over there,” she pointed. Greg looked up to see Hank talking to some of his frat brothers. Hank saw him and saluted him with his own beer bottle. Greg returned the gesture. “He said that I was yours for the night.” “Mine?” asked Greg. “Yeah,” she said seductively. “He said I was supposed to make you feel like a man. And....” she paused to giggle, “Fuck you like my ass was on fire.” Greg looked a little blank. “You do want to fuck me, don’t you?” she said looking a tad concerned. “Of course,” sputtered Greg. “But only if you want to fuck me. Not just to become a sister or something.” “Well I do want to become a sister,” she replied thoughtfully. “And I am going to fuck someone here. I asked that guy if I could fuck you, and he said yes. So it might as well be you.” Greg thought that was as good a reason as any. And he was willing. He chugged back his beer. She took him by the hand and led him upstairs to one of the rooms in the house. It was empty, but it was clearly someone’s room. Posters of half naked women and Quentin Tarantino films adorned the walls. “Besides,” she said, as she shut the door, “I have kind of a thing for bodybuilders, and you are a pretty big guy. Would you flex your arm for me?” “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” said Greg. “Why not?” “Because if I do I might tear my shirt.” “Oh, please!” she begged him. “Please, please, please with sugar on top. If you do I’ll let you fuck me six ways from Sunday in every hole.” Greg’s rod got so hard instantly that he had an obvious tent in the front of his jeans. He brought his arm up. “Ready?” he asked her. Her eyes lit up and she nodded eagerly. Greg flexed his arm and the polo that was already taut against his bicep began to give way as the mound of his massive gun rose up in the air. Within seconds his bicep had hulked out splitting the arm of his polo all the way to his shoulder. “Oh fuck!” she cried. “Shit,” Greg informed her. “That’s nothing. If you like that watch this.” He brought his other arm up and, just like the other, it split along the seam. Greg wasn’t even flexing hard. He changed his pose to a most muscular and began to flex his muscles. This shirt was getting too small for him anyways. As he flexed he felt his already powerful muscles engorge with blood and get pumped. Soon he felt the strain in the shirt fabric as his muscle bulged too big to be contained by the cotton. Within seconds the tears began and shirt spit from its open neck down his waist. With a roar he ripped off the remains of the shirt, and flexed hard for her, then swept his arms up. “Oh fuck!” she hollered jumping into his embrace with a running leap. Greg swept the girl up in his arms and lay back on the bed, pulling her down with him, and kissing her. She sat up for a minute, her sexy bottom resting on Greg’s abs, as she pulled her shirt over her head. Her tits spilled out and he reached his meaty fist up to feel one as he flexed his abdominals. The girl felt the undulation in her clit as his abdominals rippled on his narrow waist. “Oh my god,” she said, her hands moving to rub his pecs. “Your muscles are so hard, even when they’re not even flexed.” The girl kissed him, then moved her mouth to his chest and bit on his nipple. She reached around to feel the outline of Greg’s tool in his jeans. “And your cock is so big.” “Do you like what you feel?” “I love what I feel.” "Ready to get naked?" he asked, picking her up like a doll and setting her on the bed. The girl nodded and pulled down her shorts. There was a damp spot in her panties that Greg couldn’t ignore. Greg reached down and undid his jeans and pulled down his pants and boxers. He put on one of the condoms he was required to carry with him at all times, and picked the girl up again like she weighed nothing. “Damn, that thing sure is big!” she moaned. She felt his big cock rub against her body, and she pressed her wet pussy against him. “Fuck me hard stud!” she told him. Greg sank inch after powerful inch into her body, and he felt like THE MAN. Like there was no finer specimen of masculinity on earth. And he was getting laid! “I’m just getting started....” he told her. And that was the truth. * * * Three hours later, Hank was still continuing to listen to the noises coming from the ceiling above him as the sounds and vibrations of Greg’s lovemaking permeated through the house. “I thought you put tranquilizers in those beers you gave him?” asked Hank “I did,” said Rich. “They could’ve knocked out a fucking rhinoceros!” “So why is that god damn Pi Epsilon Chi pledge still fucking Lambda pussy in my house!” Rich could see that Hank was pissed. But he didn’t have an answer, so he figured it was best to keep quiet. Just then, rather miraculously, the noises stopped. Hank and Rich raced upstairs and opened the door. Greg was passed out and the girl was still sitting on his dick. “I didn’t kill him,” she said, half hysterically. “He just passed out!” “That’s okay love,” said Hank, his excitement growing. “Get your ass out of here!” “NOW!” he shouted when she didn’t move fast enough. She scrambled off Greg’s dick, grabbed her clothes and raced out the door. Hank checked Greg, but he appeared to be out cold. His dick was still rock hard, pointing straight up. “Holy fuck,” breathed Hank, staring at it. “That’s amazing.” He turned to Rich. “Go get the Doctor. Tell him to get his ass in here now!” Rich raced out and after a few minutes came back with one of the guys from the house. “Shit dude,” said the new guy angrily. “I was banging my chick, what is so urgent...whoa! Is that a Pi Epsilon Chi brother?” “Even better! It’s a pledge!” said Hank excitedly. “That’s right dude, this is the one we’ve been waiting for.” “Excellent,” said the Doctor, grinning madly. “We just need to draw some blood.” Read the Next Part
  17. Shade

    Fraternity Muscle: Part 4

    Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Growing As he walked into the frat house he set his backpack on the floor near the door. He noticed that Nate’s and Harry’s packs were there also, next to their clothes. They’d be in the gym for their required workouts, and that was where Greg was bound as well. He stripped off his shirt and stepped out of his jeans, leaving them and the remainder of his clothes there as well. At first he had been embarrassed by his nakedness, but the guys in the house didn’t seem to mind. And quite often they were naked too. Or at least they spent most of the time without their shirts on. After the first week everything seemed quite natural. Just as Greg had been about to head into the kitchen to go downstairs, Ty walked through the door, stuffing his face with a sandwich packed with meat, cheese and anything else that Ty could pull out of the fridge. Ty gave Greg’s naked body an appraising glance. “Good, afternoon, Mr. Doorkeeper, Sir,” said Greg, a touch methodically. Ty swallowed the bite of food that he’d been masticating. “How’s the training coming Mr. O’Brien?” queried Ty. “When are you gonna cross over and become one of us?” “Soon I hope, Sir,” said Greg. “Make a muscle then,” said Ty. “Show me what you got.” Greg knew better than to hesitate or question the request of one of the brothers. To do so was to invite pain in their next pledge meeting. The Pledgemaster was not generous when it came to disobeying the wish of a full brother of the fraternity. He would find an unpleasant task for Greg and his pledge brothers to undertake as punishment. And Ty was the kind of brother who liked to keep score. So Greg raised his arm. He had nothing to be ashamed of anyway as a round, full sixteen inch bicep mounded on his arm. “Hmmm,” said Ty considering. “How much weight you curling?” “100 for reps. Each arm.” Ty put his arm up next to Greg’s. And Greg watched as it rapidly eclipsed his own bicep. Greg felt his own boner rise in time with the peak of Ty’s massive arm. “I warm up with five times that,” said Ty casually. “Your pledge class has to be one of the slowest on record for finishing your pledge process. At this rate we’ll be lucky if you finish before the end of next term.” Then he laughed as he left Greg standing there red-faced. “Better take care of that boner,” continued Ty chuckling, as he took the rest of his uneaten sandwich upstairs. On the whole Greg really liked his pledge brothers and the guys in the frat. They were tough to get to know at first, but he really started to feel like he was fitting in. But Ty was another matter. He was always unfailingly polite to Greg, but it was like he had it out for him. Greg never got away with anything. And as much as he tried to avoid him, Ty always seemed to be there, waiting for him to fuck up. Greg went into a small vanity bathroom off the main hallway to jerk his rod off. He was so horny these days that he was jerking off ten or eleven times a day. A stiff wind would give him wood. The pledges were teased unmercifully about it, but that too, like the saga of their nudity, had become routine. It was a common sight that at least one pledge at any given time was sporting a boner. It was hard not to when you were in the company of fifteen super muscular freaks all the time. And Ty and Matt were two of the biggest. Not to mention the changes occurring in their own bodies. Well, as much as he felt he could go again just thinking about it, Greg still had his workout to complete. He went downstairs to the gym. Like always when he entered the gym, he caught his reflection in the floor to ceiling mirrors that covered every inch of wall space around the room. As he suspected, Nate and Harry were at the beginning of their workouts, and Nate was spotting Harry as he attempted to bench what looked like a truly heavy amount of weight. He was benching about four hundred pounds. It was really quite spectacular, considering how small Harry Little had been when he’d started. And he was pumping out rep after rep. Four weeks ago, Harry Little had weighed about a hundred and ten pounds soaking wet. He’d gained seventy pounds of muscle in as much time, making him by far the biggest gainer of the five pledges. Where his chest had been concave and his arms had been like sticks, now he had the body of a powerful young bodybuilder. Evidenced as the pectoral muscles of his chest mounded and flexed as he repeatedly pressed the bar above his body. Greg had another boner by that point. But so did Nate and Harry. Greg went over to the cabinet and administered his shot, as Matt had taught him to do. As soon as the liquid hit his bloodstream Greg began to full the surge of power and knew that he needed to lift. He was determined to cross over into this fraternity as quickly as possible. Harry was just finishing up his set. “C’mon man,” encouraged Nate. “Just one more. Don’t give up.” Harry was struggling under the weight, but managed to pump out one more. He racked the bar and stood up flexing into a most muscular pose. “Fuck yeah!” hollered Harry. “Look at me!” “Hey man,” said Greg. “Check this shit out.” Greg had been working real hard. And he thought it might be time to show the other guys what he could do. He put an extra hundred pounds on the bar, and prepared for his best ever bench press. “No way man,” said Harry. “Nobody’s gotten past four fifty for reps dude.” Greg smirked cockily. “Watch me!” Greg got under the bar and tentatively lifted the weight up, getting the feel of it. Although he was struggling a bit he had the bar under control. Slowly he lowered the massive weight to his chest and then began to raise it again. He repeated this motion for a total of five times unassisted, even though the last rep was clearly an effort, and then put the weight back on the bench. “Now that’s power dude!” Greg stated enthusiastically. “Look at these fucking pecs!” His most muscular was most awesome. So was his side chest pose. He was pumped beyond belief. In four weeks, Greg had quickly gone from being an ordinary college student – second smallest in the pledge class to running neck and neck with Nate. Greg had put on fifty pounds of muscle, and watched as his body had become a powerful, ripped machine. While Greg and Nate hadn’t gained as much muscle as Harry, their strength gains were incredible. Greg realized that he’d been so busy over the last four weeks that he hadn’t really had the opportunity to enjoy his new body. He looked at himself in the mirror and realized that he didn’t recognize himself at all. The face that stared back at him had shed all the roundness of youth and had moulded itself into the strong jaw line of a man. A light dusting of stubble coloured his cheeks, but it only added to the look of raw masculinity and highlighted the new cocky twinkle in his eyes. His neck had thickened to the size of his head. And even in this pose the corded muscle stood out with the effort of holding the pose. His chest was terrific. It was like a young bodybuilder’s. And it bunched and flexed as he posed, his biceps engorged and big and round like baseballs. The ridges of a ten pack forming at his stomach, and thickening legs like young saplings. In front of him the raging purple head of his dick rose up proudly gaining about three inches, looking like a pornstar’s equipment. “That’s awesome dude,” said Nate warmly, coming to stand next to him. He too bent into a crab pose. Greg hadn’t been too sure about Nate at first. He was an athletic jock. And the formula had augmented that body. He had gained only thirty pounds of muscle, but he was still ahead of the curve. Achingly, as Greg compared their bodies, he knew that Nate was still ahead of all his pledge brothers. It seemed that Nate’s power had come in massive strength gains, although he was gaining muscle as well. Nate had always been able to out lift the others. And even without a pump he looked more massive than Greg. Nate smiled at his pledge brothers, walked over to the bench and lay down under the bar. “Fuck!” exclaimed Harry. Nate lifted the weight with more confidence than Greg had and began repping it. He was soon past Greg’s five and managed to crank out another fifteen for an even twenty. “Looks like one of you guys may give me a run for my money after all,” said Nate, grinning. "Although that felt kinda light." Nate was genuinely a nice guy. And he got along well with these other four guys he had been thrown into the deep end with. Now that they were all jocks, his respect for them and theirs for him had only deepened. And the constant barrage they received from the active brothers had forced them into a tight cohesive unit. They now looked out for one another everywhere they went. They were becoming friends, and the bonds of fraternal brotherhood were cementing themselves. But that didn’t mean they weren’t competitive. And Nate was very competitive. Greg felt a pang of healthy jealousy wash over him. “But I don’t think anyone is gonna beat me for the big dick contest,” Nate continued laughing, and he emphasized this statement by stroking his iron hard rod. “Fuck!” said Harry again, sounding a bit dumbfounded. “How big is that thing these days?” “Nine fucking inches,” said Nate. “My girlfriend is loving it.” Nate was the only one of the pledge class who had a girlfriend. He was also the only one of the pledge class who had any real success in that area. Greg wasn’t a virgin. He’d had sex with a girl in high school, but it had been an awkward, fumbling kind of affair and there had been no opportunity for a repeat performance. Since that time Greg had been too shy to approach girls. And he hadn’t exactly had the kind of body that drew the female attention he wanted. Hell, even his roommate Rich got pussy. Which was probably why Rich had been invited to pledge the party frat, Kappa Mu Alpha. Although he and Rich hadn’t seen each other in weeks, except in passing. Being pledges, their time was monopolized elsewhere. “Although,” continued Nate, “I’ve been so horny that I use my three condoms every fucking day. I have to keep buying more in case one of the brothers checks to make sure I always have them on me.” Greg was starting to feel really horny and began wanking off in time to Nate. “What prize does the winner get?” he asked. “Maybe he gets to fuck Mr. Pledgemaster, Sir,” joked Harry. “Yeah,” said Nate. “He’s such a tight ass. He was probably toilet trained at gunpoint or something.” They all laughed at Nate’s joke. But they were all getting into their circle jerk. Each of the men concentrating hard on his dick. “Fuck, Nate,” groaned Greg. “You’re gonna win that contest easy.” He was watching Nate pull on his dick and he was in ecstasy. Nate watched him as well, and there was something in Nate’s eyes as they roamed Greg’s body. “Don’t bet on it,” said Harry, who had closed his eyes and let his head fall back. “I’m six and half inches and still growing.” Harry began to stroke his chest with his free hand, and he was cumming. Greg followed shortly thereafter, and finally Nate. “Oh yeah!” Nate roared. “It’s time to grow!” Read the Next Part
  18. Shade

    Fraternity Muscle: Part 3

    Part 1, Part 2 The New Pledge When Greg had finally got home around 6:00 in the morning, he was exhausted. Despite the Pledgemaster’s suggestion that the pledges wouldn’t be kept there long after the measuring ceremony, Greg had found himself cleaning the toilets of the frat house all night, while learning the Greek alphabet. He was just thankful that today was Saturday and that he’d had the foresight to do a lot of his homework earlier that Friday afternoon before heading out to the frat house. Greg had never been much of a partier on a Friday night anyway. But he only had the opportunity for a couple hours of rest before he had to be back at the house for his first workout with Matt. He just remembered to set his alarm, and he was asleep before his head hit the pillow. He didn’t bother to take off the polo shirt or pants. He thought he was being tortured when the alarm went off. But he managed to drag himself out of bed. He didn’t bother with a shower, but he did remember to put on some fresh deodorant, and headed off back to the frat house. Fraternity Row early on a Saturday morning gave the impression of a ghost town. The Greeks at the University lived in a different time zone on the weekends: Breakfast at noon, Lunch at 5:00pm and Dinner at 10:00pm. When he got to the end of the street he saw the Pi Epsilon Chi House in front of him and Matt was sitting on the steps of the porch. “Hey dude,” said Matt. He checked his watch. “I’ve been waiting for you. You’re late.” “Sorry,” replied Greg. Matt regarded him sternly, and Greg felt his cheeks flush red with embarrassment. “Sorry, Sir!” “It’s okay this one time,” replied Matt, suddenly breaking into a smile. “Here,” he said tossing Greg a large plastic bottle. “I figured that you didn’t have time for breakfast, which is just as well. You’re gonna drink one of these energy drinks three times a day from now on. C’mon let’s go inside and get started.” Greg obediently followed Matt in through the front door as they headed down to the gym. He was surprised as he walked straight into Matt’s broad back. It was like hitting a brick wall. If Matt minded, he didn’t let on, as he paused and turned towards Greg. “Dude you better get naked real fast. Ty’s around, and if he catches you in the house with your clothes on, not even I will be able to save your sorry ass at the meeting tonight.” Greg’s early shade of red deepened when he realized how quickly he’d forgotten one of the primary rules of the pledge process he’d been told last night. That and the fact he had to get naked in front of Matt. Again. Would the shame of this never end? “Yeah,” continued Matt as he watched Greg take off his clothes. “Between you and me and the lamp post, Ty’s a bit of a faggot. Oh, he bangs his fair share of pussy, but he just seems to like dick too much. Probably comes from being a football player. Too much ass grabbing and all that.” Matt winked at him. “C’mon!” They stopped in the kitchen, and Matt encouraged Greg to finish his drink, while he instructed him where to find the powder to make more of them. The energy drink had a creamy taste, kind of like vanilla, and the consistency was thick like a milkshake. It came in a large unmarked can. When they’d finished Matt took Greg downstairs to the gym. “Before we begin I wanted to show you something.” He handed Greg a picture. “Who’s this?” asked Greg. In the picture there was a skinny kid. In some ways the kid reminded Greg a bit of his new pledge brother Henry Little. “That’s me,” said Matt. “Taken on the last week of summer vacation before my sophomore year here at college.” “What?” said Greg incredulously. “Dude you mean after your sophomore year in high school, right?” “Nope,” confirmed Matt. “I was pretty much a hundred pound weakling until a year ago.” “But, how....?” stammered Greg dumbfounded. “I pledged Pi Epsilon Chi. It changed my life. And it will change yours. If you do what I tell you.” Matt slowly stripped off his polo shirt. Greg knew of course that Matt was a big, built guy. That was obvious just from looking. But he’d never before seen him before without his shirt on. As the polo was peeled away from Matt’s bronzed skin, Greg saw the diamond hard cut of ten thick abdominal bricks protruding from an impossibly narrow waist. His oblique muscles were sharply defined, and his lats flared as his arms pulled the fabric over his head. When he brought his hands back down, shirt now in hand, Matt’s pectorals settled into an unflexed position, two mammoth cut shelves of rock hard muscle. His chest was covered with a fine dusting of hair. His stance shifted slightly as Matt straightened his shoulders. His neck was thicker than his head and traps rested on the top of that frame, which had the most unbelievably wide set of shoulders. Like an ox. His delts were like bowling balls, and his biceps and triceps thick as a watermelon. A really, really big watermelon. “Impressive isn’t it?” asked Matt rhetorically. “I was the biggest guy in my pledge class. And I’m still growing at a pretty good clip. I’ll probably pass Grieg soon and then I’ll be the biggest mother fucker at this school. We each do a sport you know. It’s part of our commitment to the school. I’m on the wrestling team with Sherman. We gotta dumb down our strength though, just to be fair.” Greg realized that his boner was giving him away. And there was nothing he could do to stop it. Or hide it. “Don’t worry about having wood, dude,” Matt told him aware of where Greg’s attention had gone. “Around here you get used to it. Just jerk off whenever you need to. In fact....” Matt undid his belt buckle and his loosened khaki pants fell to his ankles. His legs were thick and corded with muscle. And the absence of pants left Matt standing there in a pair of black underwear that tried futilely to cover both his huge, round ass and his massively protruding package. Before Greg could say anything else, Matt managed to peel down his underwear as well, although not being loose like the khakis they didn’t go any further south than his monstrous thighs. The cock and balls that hung proudly against his leg easily put Nate’s to shame. It looked as long and thick flaccid as most porn stars did erect. Matt reached down and pumped his cock in his fist. His two balls hung there massively underneath, enclosed in Matt’s hairy sack. “Hope you don’t mind,” Matt said. “But I didn’t get to fuck Julie last night for obvious reasons. And it’s just us guys right?” Matt winked at him again in that strange way he had. It made Greg go weak in the knees. “Sometimes you just gotta shoot a load,” grinned Matt. “You know what I mean? Don’t be embarrassed dude. You’re gonna be a Greek now, and not just any Greek, but a Pi Epsilon Chi man. We live too closely together to be shy.” Matt’s cock was starting to firm up in his meaty fist. “Greg, man, we don’t have all day,” said Matt. Greg grabbed his much smaller dick and began to frantically jerk it off. His eyes were transfixed on Matt’s groin. “How big is it?” Greg asked breathless, forgetting all thoughts of women in Matt’s presence. “It’s about 11 inches,” replied Matt smugly. “Ty’s is a little bigger, but just barely. And he’s not growing anymore.” Greg didn’t have any idea about what Matt was talking about, but it was clear to him that Matt was starting to get off on himself. He began grunting and groaning as his fist pumped the giant spear sticking out from his body. Matt seemed so much bigger than Greg ever remembered. All those muscles flexed and bunched as the pressure began to build in his balls. His other hand groped the slabs of meat that made up his two pectoral muscles and his abs, before reaching down to massage those two grapefruits that were his testicles. Suddenly Matt gave a mighty roar and grabbed his cock with both ends, and there was still a few inches poking out at the end that his two colossal fists didn’t cover. “Fuck!” he shouted as white liquid in copious amounts sprayed out of the end of his dick like water from a fireman’s hose. Greg was so turned on by the thought that his own dick erupted, spurting a good few inches in front of him. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d done so well jerking off. “Nice shot dude!” Matt said, with a hint of pride in his voice, as his stream of cum slowed down. Finally he shook of his dick as the last couple spurts made their way out. “I always say there’s nothing like a pussy, but sometimes you just need to make friends with your own right hand.” Greg grinned sheepishly. It was strange that Matt should take pride in him. He wasn’t a virgin after all. But he’d spent a lot of time with Matt last semester, although Matt had been a bit smaller in those days. Suddenly it occurred to Greg just how much bigger Matt had gotten over this past summer. He had to be at least fifty pounds heavier. “Now, dude,” said Matt soberly, as he pulled his underwear back over his junk. There wasn’t quite enough fabric to cover the large, muscular curve of his glutes, and the crack of his ass was sexily visible to Greg as Matt turned to walk over to a cupboard against the wall on the far side of the gym. Matt had kicked off his pants and took out a large pair of workout shorts. With his back turned he stepped into the shorts and pulled them up. Despite being so large, there wasn’t a lot of extra room in the shorts once they covered Matt’s ass. Greg didn’t think they would have fit at all if it hadn’t been for the fact that Matt had such narrow hips. How did that massive torso balance on that tiny waist? “You know I wouldn’t hurt you right?” queried Matt as he continued speaking. Greg nodded. And Matt reached into the cupboard and took out a box. “If you’re gonna be a Pi Epsilon Chi brother, you are gonna need all the help you can get. And that’s what these are for.” Matt opened the lid of the box and showed the contents to Greg. Inside were fourteen pre-filled syringes. Seven were filled with a dark, emerald green fluid. It shone magically in the lighting of the gym. The others were filled with an amber coloured fluid. A shade darker than honey. “We call this stuff juice,” explained Matt. “But it’s not steroids okay? This stuff was developed a very long time ago by one of our alumni brothers. It’s been refined over the years. This is powerful stuff, but it’s been taken by our brothers for years with no side effects.” “What if I don’t want to take it?” asked Greg sheepishly. “Then you’ll never be a brother of this fraternity,” stated Matt. “This is the only stuff on earth at this moment that will make you strong enough to bench 1000 pounds.” Greg looked keenly at the syringes. “This and the energy drink I gave you this morning,” said Matt. “But remember, this is between you and your pledge brothers. No one must ever know about this stuff. We only get enough for each of our pledges for a week at a time.” “And if I take them,” asked Greg, “I’ll get big like you? I’ll have muscles?” “Remember the picture man,” Matt reminded him. “Remember what I looked like a year ago.” Greg did remember as he considered the skinny nineteen year old teenager in the photo who in a few months time had become the powerful frat boy who had been partnered with Greg last semester. And it didn’t seem to affect the mind, because he knew that Matt was a smart guy. Very smart indeed. “Okay,” agreed Greg after a pause. “Excellent!” exclaimed Matt. “Now let me show you how to take these shots and how to do your workouts. We only have a couple hours before it’s the next pledge’s turn, so we need to make the most of it. Oh, and don’t forget to clean up that cum.” * * * If Greg thought he was tired after the night before, he was totally wiped out by the time he’d finished his workout with Matt. He felt like he’d been hit by a truck. Matt hadn’t let up, despite the fact that Greg had never worked out with weights a day in his life. He knew what he was doing now. Matt had made sure of it. He went home to catch some shut eye. Tonight he had another meeting and there were pledge assignments that needed to be taken care of. When he walked in the dorm room ready to fall over on the bed, he was surprised to be greeted by a smirk from his roommate. “Guess who just been asked to pledge Kappa Mu Alpha?” Rich asked him. “Now we’re both gonna be Greeks.” Read the Next Part
  19. Shade

    Fraternity Muscle: Part 2

    Part 1 First Night Greg passed a lot of kids out on Fraternity Row that Friday night. It was a hot night in early fall and many of the frats and sororities already had pledge classes. He’d seen some of them being paraded around earlier in the day. And that night the sisters of Lambda Mu Chi and their affiliated brotherhood, the notorious party house Kappa Mu Alpha, were throwing a big party in their adjoining yards. You could hear the music all the way down at the other end of the street. Pretty much everyone was ignoring Greg, which was good. He knew the kinds of pranks that were played on pledges and he hoped to avoid attention for as long as he could. But a Pi Epsilon Chi man couldn’t avoid attracting attention for very long. Up ahead the Pi Epsilon Chi House loomed at the very furthest end of the street, its four stories appearing more sinister with all the lights off. Greg was starting to wonder if any of the brothers were actually home. He almost decided to turn back, but gritting his teeth he put one foot after the other until he’d climbed the stairs to the top of the porch. There were four other guys already standing there. Greg didn’t recognize any of them, but they were all dressed similarly to Greg in polo shirts and slacks, and they all had rather dazed looks on their faces. Greg knew that he’d see the same look mirrored on his own face. Greg also couldn’t help noticing that the each of his fellow pledges didn’t seem to fit the Pi Epsilon Chi mould. The one guy to the far end looked like he weighed less than 100 pounds soaking wet. In fact he looked more like a high school freshman than a college kid. On the other hand the kid standing close to the door reminded him a bit of his roommate Rich. He had a cockiness to his bearing. From his general build and demeanour it was obvious that he played sports in high school. He was the only one that seemed even remotely like he belonged there. Suddenly the door opened, and even the cocky kid jumped like he’d shit his pants. Tyler Dickson, the starting quarterback of the school’s championship football team, stood framed in the doorway. He barely fit the doorway and it was a big door. There was no student more famous or instantly recognizable on campus than this man. Like the pledges, the QB wore a polo shirt and slacks. But unlike the pledges, the polo shirt Tyler was wearing looked like it had been painted onto his body. Greg could see his abdominal muscles rippling through the cotton that was stretched taut over his torso with each breath the man took. “Hey,” said Tyler, in a surprisingly soft, yet deeply masculine, drawl. “Y’all must be the new pledges. Why don’t the five of you come in and we’ll get the show on the road.” None of the pledges came up past the QB’s shoulder. But as he moved aside, waiting expectantly, they all shuffled inside to stand in the foyer of the frat house. It was a nice place. There was a certain bachelor quality, and of course the decor was decidedly masculine, but it was all in surprisingly good taste. And clean too. “I have a few instructions for you before we go any further,” said Tyler. “First off, I am the Doorkeeper. When you address yourselves to me or wish to refer to me when speaking to another Pi Epsilon Chi brother, you will use that title only. However, you will never ever use that title in front of any person who is not a Pi Epsilon Chi brother or a pledge. Secondly, you are not brothers of Pi Epsilon Chi. Remember that. You are pledges. Until such time as your circumstances change, if ever, you will call me and every other brother ‘Sir’. Is that understood?” “Yes,” came a few muttered voices. The cocky kid was in awe and said nothing. Tyler continued to look at the pledges expectantly. So finally Greg said, “Yes, Mr. Doorkeeper, Sir!” Tyler looked him over appraisingly an grinned. Then looked back at the others as the grin disappeared. They hastily repeated what Greg had said. “Gentlemen, we WILL haze you here,” Tyler told them. “Be of no doubt about that. I know the campus rules prohibit it, but we do what we want. I promise you that nothing that happens to you as part of this pledge process will be harmful. But it may at times be embarrassing and difficult to take. Even so, no pledge in the history of this fraternity has ever failed his pledge process. If any of y’all got a problem with what I just said, I’ll show your pansy ass to the door right now. But hopefully y’all aren’t a bunch of pussies.” Greg resisted the urge to go running to the door. But he did give it a glance. And he noticed that Tyler saw where his gaze had gone to. “Okay then gentlemen,” Tyler said finally. “Take off of your clothes and you’ll be taken for your induction.” The pledges all looked at each other, but nobody made a move to comply. “What the fuck?” demanded Tyler suddenly angry. Gone was the soft spoken Alabama boy. In his place was a fearsome creature. The man who was used to dominating the football field. His hands tightened into fists the size of frozen turkeys and his handsome face darkened. The muscles of his neck corded, and his biceps strained his sleeves. “I SAID STRIP!!! GET YOUR DICKS OUT NOW!!!” It was like trying to outrun an avalanche. Greg’s blood turned to ice. The five pledges scrambled to get as naked as possible as quickly as possible. When they were through, five skinny guys stood there, their hands covering their junk, their balls withdrawn into their bodies in terror. “PUT YOUR HANDS AT YOUR SIDES!!! STAND UP STRAIGHT NOW MOTHER FUCKERS!!!” The pledges complied instantly. “Good,” Tyler went on, back to his calm voice, seeing how well he was being obeyed. “Very good. Y’all might not be as hopeless as I first thought. Never be ashamed of yourselves. Never be ashamed of being men. The polo shirt and slacks are the uniform that every Pi Epsilon Chi man wears. It’s our brand. But y’all haven’t earned the right to wear it yet. When you are in this house, unless outsiders are present, you will be as naked as the day you were born. Is that understood?” This time there was an immediate and resounding chorus of “Yes, Mr. Doorkeeper, Sir!” “All right then. Take a good look at your pledge brothers. They are gonna be your family. Not just during this pledge process, but for the rest of your lives. Go ahead take a look.” Greg did as he was told. Most of the guys were scrawny. One of the guys was actually quite pudgy and clearly very embarrassed about his weight condition. Greg was not quite the smallest guy in the room. That distinction was reserved for the kid he’d noticed earlier on the porch. But he did come in second. The cocky guy did have an athletic and toned body and, as Greg had no choice but to look, a very big dick. Even limp it was clear that erect it would be bigger than a lot of porn stars. No wonder he was so cocky. “That’s enough getting to know each other. Follow me!” The pledges turned to follow Tyler and, organizing themselves ad hoc in single file, followed him through what turned out to be some kind of dining room, a kitchen and finally to a door that led down a set of stairs to a basement. The carpeting on the stairs gave Greg the impression that the basement was finished off. Although all the lights were off there were candles lit throughout the house, giving it an odd glow, shadows flickering off the walls. When they went downstairs they could see that fourteen men were assembled waiting for them. Tyler took his place with the other Pi Epsilon Chi men, making the number a total of fifteen. Matt James stood there looking as sombre as the rest of the assembly. A smaller, densely muscled man that Greg recognized as Robert Pembroke stepped forward. He wasn’t as big as some of the other guys, but he had a powerful presence and the other men deferred to him. Greg recalled that Robert, or Bobby as he was more usually called in the media, was the son of a United States Senator. And rumour had it that he was dating an aspiring actress whose first feature film was going to be released next summer. But, more interestingly, it was known around campus though that Bobby didn’t make any use of his connection with his father. Rumour had it they never even spoke to one another. Bobby Pembroke had worked very hard to build his own reputation and make his own successes. Perhaps he would go on to law school at Harvard or Yale. Perhaps he had his own very bright future in politics ahead of him. He was so very different from Tyler, who had come from nothing. Now Tyler was widely expected next year to be one of the hottest draft picks of the NFL. With his accuracy and skill, not to mention physique and physical prowess, Tyler Dickson could be another Joe Montana or Tom Brady. Easy. Greg knew instinctively that it was this fraternity that had both given them the opportunity, not their backgrounds. “Stand in a line gentlemen,” said Bobby, waiting until the pledges complied perfectly. “You are here because you have been invited. But you are also here because you want to be part of a fine tradition. A tradition of service and excellence. A proud tradition, including politicians, athletes, actors, writers, fathers, husbands, sons and brothers. We embrace all backgrounds, races, creeds and professions.” Greg looked at some of the other faces. They all had similar builds. Some of the guys were larger than others, but each man had a body that put mere mortal men to shame, with physiques ranging from merely well muscled to super-heavyweight bodybuilders. Most of the faces Greg didn’t recognize immediately. Some, like Tyler, he didn’t even know were in Pi Epsilon Chi. But there were others like Duncan MacNeill who was editor in chief of the college newspaper, and Brendon Thomas the star sprinter on the track team that everyone knew were part of the frat. “I am the President of this fraternity. You will refer to me by that title at all times, inside and outside of this house, no matter who you are with. Is that understood?” We all said “Yes, Sir!” “Each of you will, one at a time, repeat after me the vow of a pledge of Pi Epsilon Chi. You first Mr. Cook.” He moved to stand in front of the well endowed, cocky kid who was at the end of the line having been the first to follow Tyler earlier. “I, Nathaniel Cook, do willingly vow for all time to be a true and faithful pledge of Pi Epsilon Chi. To uphold its values. To abstain from smoking, drugs or alcohol while a pledge. To obey every desire of a brother of the fraternity. And to complete all tasks set for me for my admission as a brother of Pi Epsilon Chi.” Nate repeated the vow solemnly. Then Bobby went to each of the pledges in turn: Ivan Roberts, Greg O’Brien, Henry Little, and Davis Norton. Davis Norton was the name of the overweight kid, and not to disappoint, Henry Little lived up to his name as the shortest and scrawniest runt of the pledge class. “It’s time for you to meet your Pledgemaster. Mr. Pledgemaster if you please.” “Thank you Mr. President.” A fair haired Viking walked forward from the line. His shoulders were broader than those of a bull. His haircut was short, like he was in the service, and he carried himself with a certain poise. “My name is John Summers,” he told the assembly. “You may call me Pledgemaster whenever we aren’t in mixed company. I am in the ROTC. When I graduate in the spring I will be commissioned as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. But right here, right now I am yours and you are mine. This is your boot camp and you will not fail me. Before I go any further, let me explain what will happen. Each of your will be assigned a big brother to guide you through your pledge process. Firstly, your measurements will be taken by your big brothers. While they are doing that I will explain what you need to do to complete this process.” Five of the guys broke away and moved to stand behind each pledge. With heat rising in his face, Greg noticed that Matt had taken a position behind him. “Dude, hold your arms out,” Matt murmured. Greg realized that Matt had a measuring tape. “Flex your arm.” Greg did as he was told and Matt dutifully took the measurements. As he continued, whispering instructions to Greg, the Pledgemaster began to list off the requirements of joining the fraternity. “You will learn the ideals, values and history of this fraternity verbatim, and be able to recite them. You will learn the Greek Alphabet backwards and forwards and be able to recite it. You will each fulfil a desire of one of the ten active brothers, including myself. You will attend all your classes. You will maintain or exceed your last semester grade point average. You will report daily to your big brother and to me. You will keep three condoms on your person at all times. You will complete an exercise regimen set by your big brother. You will spend your free time here at the house, and make sure that it is clean at all times. You will be able to cum ten times in one hour. And finally you will bench press 1000 pounds for 100 reps.” Greg looked up at the Pledgemaster in shock just as Matt said, “Okay good. One more measurement to go.” When Matt grabbed his dick, Greg realized he had sprung a rod. His face turned six shades of scarlet, and Greg couldn’t believe that Matt James was standing there with Greg’s boner in his hand. One of the other guys gave a rebel whoop. And the man standing behind Nate said, “What kind of faggot did you pick out for us, Matty? Look at how little that dick is!” This guy was the biggest of all the brothers. But not, noted Greg, that much bigger than Matt. “That will be enough Mr. Grieg,” said the Pledgemaster. Then addressing the pledges he told them, “Each of you better start yanking those little cocks of yours if you don’t want us to be here all night.” Matt slipped the measuring tape under Greg’s dick and took the measurement flawlessly. Greg already knew the figure by heart. He was five inches, dead even. Now all the guys would think he was gay. It was so unfair! The other guys were too stunned or shy to get theirs up. Nate Cook glanced down the line at Greg, but Greg noticed that Nate didn’t have a boner. “Perhaps some help?” suggested the Pledgemaster. The sleeves of his polo had bunched up past the mound of his biceps. He took his left arm and pulled the fabric down taught over the muscle. Like Matt’s shirt, the Pledgemaster’s strained noticeably though he wasn’t even flexed yet. When he brought his arm up, he did so very quickly and there was a tearing noise as the cotton fabric gave way before the force of the powerful ball of muscle that formed on his upper arm. It was absolutely enormous. All the guys had wood then. Even Nate Cook. “Looks like Mr. Cook has a pretty big head start for this pledge class’s big dick award,” said Duncan MacNeill. “Seven and a quarter inches,” said Grieg, Nate’s big brother, proudly. “Apparently he does,” said the Pledgemaster. “But we do have a long way to go yet.” “Excuse me Mr. Pledgemaster, Sir?” asked Nate. The men in the room looked incredulously at Nate, like they were amazed he had the temerity to speak without being spoken to. Greg knew he was. “Yes, Mr. Cook?” “You said that we would be able to cum ten times in one hour, and bench press 1000 pounds for 100 repetitions. But Sir, that’s just not possible. The world’s record bench press is only about 600.” The guys around the room laughed. “I assure you that cumming ten times will be no problem, but I do admit that you will need to work very hard to bench that amount of weight for that many repetitions. But it can be done.” “Forgive me Sir, but I don’t believe you.” Rather than the anger that Greg was expecting, the Pledgemaster raised his eyebrow in a move right out of Star Trek. “Follow me,” he said. The pledges followed the Pledgemaster through a door in the basement that went down a short corridor. The brothers followed behind them. Greg assumed judging by the layout of the house, the size of the basement and the direction they had travelled, that they were no longer under the main structure of the frat house anymore. The Pledgemaster opened the door to a beautifully equipped gym and turned on the lights. It was easily on par with anything in a professional gym. Hell, Olympic athletes probably didn’t have it so good. It was mostly free weights, but there were a few machines also. Greg had never seen machines like them though. The weights were a slightly strange silver colour, but otherwise looked the same as any weights that Greg had seen in other gyms. The weight bench was racked with eight plates already. The Pledgemaster went over to a weight rack and grabbed two more of the plates from the rack. Each was the size of a 45 pound plate, and each of the pledges made the assumption that was how much the plate weighed. “Each of these is 100 pounds,” the Pledgemaster told them. “Here. See for yourself.” He handed the plate to Nate, who immediately dropped it to the floor having expected it to weigh less. “No tricks here gentlemen.” The Pledgemaster then picked up the plate from in front of the stunned Nate and placed it on the ends of the bar. Then he put the spare on the other side. The bench then had ten plates on it, equal to just over 1000 pounds if the Pledgemaster was to be believed and you counted the weight of the bar itself. The Pledgemaster got underneath it and picked up the bar. Greg held his breath as he watched the big man pump out rep after rep, silently keeping count of the amount. The big man didn’t even slow when he hit fifty, he just kept going. Then he was at ninety eight...ninety nine...finally one hundred. Amazing. Blood had rushed to the Pledgemaster’s muscles, giving him an obscene pump. After a second of watching him stand up from the bench, Greg could hear the sounds, tiny at first, of the threads of his shirt giving way. The cotton fabric ripped, unable to contain the mass of the man within it. Shredding and falling away, the bare skin beneath expanded before Greg’s eyes, exposing young, raw, engorged muscle underneath. A chest thick and full and a valley the depth of a normal man’s hand ran between his pecs. “That’s just my warm up weight. You should see my regular workout.” Then after a pause he asked the five stunned faces, “So, does anyone have any other questions?” Read the Next Part
  20. Shade

    Fraternity Muscle: Part 1

    The Letter Greg wasn’t sure what to do. It wasn’t often that he was confused. But he certainly was after he’d read the letter. Sometime last night the letter had been shoved under the door of his dorm room. Clearly it had been addressed to Greg O’Brien. That was his name. When he opened it, he had been a bit shocked to read the following words: “Dear Mr. O’Brien, Congratulations! It gives me the greatest pleasure to inform you that after a rigorous selection process you have been elected to form a part of the Fall 2009 Pledge Class of the Pi Epsilon Chi Fraternity. As you may be aware, unlike other Greek organizations on campus, Pi Epsilon Chi does not rush freshman. We prefer to select our pledges from members of the student body who have distinguished themselves, shown great aptitude in their chosen fields, and aspire to excellence. It is our opinion that you possess all the traits we are looking for in one of our future brothers. And we hope that you are as excited about this opportunity as we are. If you accept our invitation to become a pledge of Pi Epsilon Chi, we ask that you show up tonight at midnight at the Pi Epsilon Chi House on Fraternity Row. Please wear a polo shirt and slacks. I must advise you that your acceptance to the fraternity is conditional upon your successful completion of the pledge process. While the pledge process can be rigorous, you would not have chosen to participate if we did not think you were equal to the task. We very much hope to see you tonight. Very truly yours, Robert Pembroke, President of Pi Epsilon Chi” Everyone knew the brothers of Pi Epsilon Chi. They were pretty hard to miss. If anyone had asked Greg to name the big men on campus, both literally and figuratively, he would have pointed out his window at the large, ornate Victorian home that sat on a hill at the end of the cul du sac that was Fraternity Row. If the street had ever had another name, it had long since been forgotten. Now all the houses on the street were owned by the various frats and sororities with enough money to purchase them. And that was pretty much every Greek organization at the University. Property values had gotten worse over the years, since no one wanted to live near the sometimes raucous houses. It had been said that they occasionally liked to party too hard. The University itself did not officially acknowledge Greek organizations, and had not done so since an incident during pledging that occurred ten years ago which had left a student in a coma. No one could prove anything, but everyone knew who was to blame: the men of Kappa Mu Alpha. Further, Fraternity Row was not part of the campus, and not subject to the University’s jurisdiction. Consequently the twenty Greek organizations still in existence at the University were free from the usual administrative regulations around pledging and the bid process. Greg knew of course that there was a lot of partying in Greek circles, with some of the organizations being more social and some more professional. Kappa Mu Alpha had the reputation as being THE place to party. But the Pi Epsilon Chi men threw some pretty high class affairs themselves, plus unlike many of the frats they performed numerous charitable activities for the community and the University. And Pi Epsilon Chi men had their pick of the hottest women at the University and off campus too. They were, quite simply, the best of the best. None of which helped explain why Greg O’Brien had been asked to join their ranks. Maybe it was a joke? Would he show up and find they’d be laughing at him? Or worse, maybe it was a mistake? That was the most reasonable explanation. It was a big campus and there was probably some other Greg O’Brien that should have received this letter. Maybe if Greg showed up tonight they’d be pissed off and maybe he’d even get his ass kicked for his troubles. Still, there was his name and dorm room number in the address line of the letter. What were the chances they’d got it wrong? Greg was still not convinced and decided the best thing to do was go get some breakfast and try to relax his mind. His roommate Rich was lying still face down on his bed snoring softly. Yeah, definitely better to think someplace else in peace. He left the letter lying on the desk. Greg made his way to the cafeteria across the quad, grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat down again. Greg didn’t have many friends. He was considering expanding his work into biochemistry and going for a career in medical research. He had big plans to go to grad school, maybe cure cancer. That sort of thing. Even if the Pi Epsilon Chi men were serious, did he have time for a social life? His grades were critical. And presumably a fraternity was a big commitment. He was just about to get up and go back to his dorm room when he saw Matt James nod and smile at him from across the cafeteria. Matt was sitting next to a stunning brunette. A woman far too hot for her own good. Greg didn’t think she’d be the type to be wasting any of her time on college guys, but Matt James was an exception. He was the only Pi Epsilon Chi brother that Greg had ever actually met in person. And that’s only because they were paired together as lab partners last semester in a chemistry course. Both were pre-med. Even though it had been an upper level class, Matt as a sophomore and Greg as a freshman had been waived in. Greg had been pleasantly surprised to realize that Matt was more than just a frat boy and a jock; he was also pretty damn smart. And nice too. And what a body. If the chick he was sitting with was hot, Matt was even hotter. He had the kind of face that was on the cover of magazines. His eyelashes long and dark. Lips full. Strong jaw line. Perfect hair. Tanned skin. His neck was corded and ropy with muscle and easily as thick as his head. Even thicker! All of which was moulded onto the broadest set of shoulders, the thickest chest, the narrowest waist and the most athletic ass and legs that Greg had ever seen in reality. The man had a phenomenal build. But his best feature, and it was very hard to pick just one, were his arms. Absolutely massive. Greg had never dreamt of anything so big. Even now, as the sexy brunette laughed at something Matt had said, unflexed they looked ready to burst the sleeves of his t-shirt. Greg realized he was getting an incredible boner staring at this man and was just thankful that it would be hidden by the loose material of the shorts he was wearing. And he wasn’t even gay. Fuck! Greg got up, turned and started walking hastily towards the exit. “Hey, dude! Wait up!” He heard Matt’s voice behind him. He’d gotten to know it pretty well when they were partnered up last year. He considered for a minute ignoring Matt. “Greg!” hollered that voice. Lord, Greg could listen to it all day long. And he’d stopped before he’d even realized it. He turned around hypnotically to see Matt slow down from a jog as he approached Greg. Watching his body move was like poetry in motion. Every move graceful. Almost elegant. “Man, I was calling you. Didn’t you hear me?” Matt smiled. Greg felt his knees weaken. “Uh...hey...Matt,” Greg managed to stammer. “Guess I was in another world.” “Hey, I understand,” Matt said agreeably. “You must be pretty psyched getting that letter. You are gonna come tonight, right?” “Uh, well....” Greg tried to say he hadn’t decided, but Matt was grinning at him. God, anything but the grin. He could not resist the grin. “You gotta come man,” Matt said, a touch of pleading in his voice. “I’m the one that sponsored you. Although I probably shouldn’t tell you that. But if you don’t come it’ll break my heart. Plus the other guys’ll bust my balls.” “Uh...okay....” Greg wanted to disappear into the floor. “Great!” Matt said excitedly. “Look, I gotta get back to Julie.” Matt indicated the hot girl he’d been sitting with. “Pretty soon you’ll get girls like that too. Pi Epsilon Chi men have their pick. Okay, see you tonight.” Yeah, right, thought Greg. Matt turned to walk back to Julie, the one with all the tits, and gave her a very deep kiss. Then he looked back one more time at Greg and winked again. Greg moved so fast, he practically ran from the cafeteria. When he got back to his dorm room he saw Rich looking over his acceptance letter. “Wow, man,” said Rich. “This is pretty awesome. I’d give my right nut to get into that frat. Hell, I’d give my left one too. You are going tonight right?” Rich stared at Greg with a hint of envy and expectation. Finally Greg nodded. He’d made up his mind just then. He was on a high. It wasn’t a mistake. And the best part was Matt had wanted him to be there. “Do you know where I can get a polo shirt?” he asked Rich. Read the Next Part
  21. Hey guys i started this story on the old board under iwnnabbig so reposting here, third part should be up in next few days. 5/7/13 Hmmmm, I never know how to start these diaries off, but I’ll give it a whirl…… Hi everyone my name is Leo, 18 and im what you would call a geek, most people my age would enjoy going out having a few drinks, watching football (soccer), spending time with partners or family, but not me, I spend the days when im not at college sitting on a grassy verge near Heathrows north runway with a camera, binoculars and pen and paper jotting down aircraft and there registrations, I know exciting huh!!! But that’s what this diary is not about, what this diary is about is something that until recently I didn’t really give a monkeys for, I had a flimsy interest in it due to my older brother Jack, here’s a pic. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/05/12/article-2143347-130D745C000005DC-394_468x355.jpg Jack is a midfielder for the local football team and as you can see has pretty nice body, that 6 pack man wow! There’s nothing geeky about this but I actually love my brothers body, compared to me he’s a beast haha, im probably 130 wringing wet, were jack is about 170 and ripped! That’s where my affinity with a nice body ended, I had no desire to join a gym, a place where juice heads prance and pose there disgustingly huge bodies, I was quite happy to look at jacks body, he knew I liked it too, as every time he came in from a match dripping in sweat and his top clung to his tight body or when he would take his top off I would go all silent and usually get caught staring! You’re probably reading this thinking eh, for a guy who hates the gym, he really loves his bro’s muscular body? Well that’s because jack isn’t what I think of as a gym juice head, he doesn’t juice for one and he doesn’t prance round and pose, if I could find a gym that contained people entirely like jack I would consider joining just to get that body, but they are very few and far between, jack uses his clubs gym but members of public cannot use it. But all that was to change when a) I had an interesting experience at college and what jack had to say when he came home from training, lets start with A. It was during break time at college, we were outside on the field, I was with my other geeky mates sat in a corner exchanging notes on planes when one of them, dave, decided it was too hot to be wearing our baggy clothes, non of us dared as we would get laughed at as we were so skinny, but he was like no im taking mine off, when he took his top off there was a collective gasp, dave was super buff, im talking proper beefy pecs, big arms, ripped abs, broad shoulders the works. Dave went on to tell us that he had been having problems at home and college so he joined the local gym got loads of tips and supplements and the rest he said was history and he wasn’t planning on getting any bigger, he told us where this gym was and thankfully it wasn’t a prancy posing gym it was a council owned facility, that got me thinking if dave, who had hated gyms more than me, could get over his hatred and join a gym then why couldn’t I, I went home that night convincing myself to join a gym, that leads nicely on to B. As usual jack came in from training, shirt stuck tightly on to his ripped body, he told me to come upstairs with him, we got to our room , again the shirt came off, silence ensued, he told me that the club were opening the gym to the public as of next week, jack knew that if pushed in the right way I would join a gym as he knew that I loved his body and wanted it, but jack got all serious saying I would have to give up my geeky hobby as building the perfect body takes dedication, effort and eating correctly, I then told him about Dave at school and how it had ignited a little flame inside me. Jack could see that I was really thinking about it but in his words ‘you need that one last push’ that would cement my agreement. As I said earlier jack was never a show off, but he told me to pass him my hand, with my hand in his he guided it toward his ripped 6 pack and started rubbing my hand up and down it, OMG it felt unreal it was awesome, jack told me imagine what it would be like to feel your own abs like that, he lifted my hand off then flexed his left bi, what compared to mine looked like a huge peak rose from jacks arm but was probably only around 15-16”, again my hand was clasped round it, imagine flexing that for the girls or boys bro he told me, man I can’t tell you how much of a rush that felt at the time my bro not only looked awesome but felt awesome too, as you can imagine that cemented my agreement to join jacks clubs gym and what made it even better was he said he would be my training partner. During all this I had to hide the fact I was nursing a full hard on in my pants, jack was my brother but during that moment of feeling his body he didn’t feel like my brother he felt like my boyfriend, before we started working out I had to tell him I was gay. When I came to telling him I just came straight out with it, jack told me that he sort of knew, the feeling of his sixpack and bicep was a test to see how willingly I would say yes and the wry smile I had on my face, jack told me he was proud and was looking forward to helping me get the body I dream of, his!!! So there you have it, the back story, I start the gym tomorrow and I will be keeping regular diary updates for you to keep track of my progress. Here goes!! 6/7/13 So day one of the gym and I wasn’t expecting the early start! Jack woke me up at 8am, the only thing stopping me from biting his head off was his lovely ripped body staring back at me. He told me to get used to it as it’ll be the norm on gym days, my usual breakfast would consist of a muffin or toast but that’s all wrong now, this morning I was treat to oats, eggs and a protein shake, eughhh! Jack went into a monologue about how protein helps in the muscle building department and the oats for the energy I’ll need in the gym, if im honest some of it was interesting but it was mostly dross to my ears. Anyway nutrition over with it was time for me to make my debut at a gym, as I said in my first entry jack would be my training partner to give me that little extra bit of motivation, we arrived at his clubs gym, it was only 9am but it was pretty busy, jack introduced me to some of the staff telling them I wanted to be like him, talk about slightly embarrassing brothers!!! Off to the changing rooms we went, jack had wanted me to wear a vest to workout in, but I flatly refused and stuck to my baggy t-shirt and joggers, jack opted for an eye pleasingly tight under armour tee and sweat shorts that caressed his bubble butt nicely, jack asked if I was ready to get started, I said yes but a little apprehensively, jack noticed and told me everything would be fine. When we got onto the gym floor my eyes were opened to the amount of equipment, machines and weights that were there, also the amount of other ‘jacks’ that were there, no one else could beat my jack but my my there were some stunners in there. Jack told me he was gonna show me something called compound exercises which consisted of exercises called squats, bench press, deadlifts and other exercises called pullups, shoulder press and some arm exercises. All of these words sounded alien to me but I trusted jack knew what he was going on about. First up was the squats, jack told me they are good leg builders, but also works your calves and works the core too, judging by jacks thick thighs I believed him! Jack did his set first to show me the stance and movement need to properly do the exercise, he put a staggering 70kg on the bar (well to me anyway!) and did what he described as “shitting in the woods”, after completing his set he took all the weight off and told me to try. The bar itself felt heavy enough, when I felt ready I began to squat, down and up I went 5 times, jack asked of that felt good, a little out of breath I nodded, he said my form looked good, jack then added two 5kg plates to the bar and told me I could do it and he’d be right behind me. I managed 5 again before I started to struggle, jack helped me put the bar back on the rack, he told me I had done good. Bench press was next, again jack went first to show me, he was benching 80kg but made it look so easy and light, my eyes and concentration were briefly distracted by his chest bulging in that tight tee, anyway when I snapped back into it he was just finishing his set, again he left me with an empty bar, I lied down on the bench grabbed the bar and with jack behind me for support benched for 6 reps, jack told me to stay lying down while he added some weight, he added only 5kg this time, I managed 5 reps on my own but I needed jack to help me with the sixth, again he told me I did well. We then moved on to the deadlifts, this really took it out of me, jack again showed how easy it was for him, getting your back position right, pulling your shoulder blades back and squatting again, after my first go jack decided not to add any weight to the bar as he could see I was struggling with it he told me just to do it with no weight until I was confident in my form, by the end of this exercise I was really really tired, jack noticed that I was flagging a bit, he told me that was the last of the big exercises and we were gonna do some smaller ones. Jack instructed me through some light shoulder presses, after that my shoulders felt like they were burning, I felt like crying I ached so much, but my tears turned to gawping wen jack showed me some bicep exercises, although not huge his arms bulged and peaked amazingly in his tight tee, I had to try my hardest not to touch and also hide my growing hard on, jack must of noticed because after his set he turned to me and whispered to me that it was ok but don’t make it look so obvious next time. I completed a few light sets of bicep curls, but my arms were giving up and couldn’t take much more, but jack persisted this time, he showed me a basic tricep exercise using a cable machine and a rope contraption, it was called a tricep pull down, that was very lightweight at 5kg as my arms were really aching, after that we had finally finished. Jack took me down to the changing room, where he handed me another protein shake and some creatine powder, told me to mix them together and drink. Jack said he wouldn’t be coming home with me as he had to do his own training with his team, he gave me one last visusal treat by peeling his tight top off, his ripped body was bulging, rippling and sweaty, he towelled himself down the put his clubs training top on, he said he would see me later and left. So that was day one of my gym experience and as I type this I still ache all over, I’ll update you soon
  22. lsgnobody

    Big Redefined (Repost)

    I’ve been into big guys since I can remember it. Big in any way, I would say – tall, muscled, even superchubby guys would get my attention from time to time. The thing that turns me on is size, or perhaps size difference. See, I’m not a very small guy. At 5’8”, 150 pounds, I can say I’m average in many ways. My weight would be sometimes more muscle than fat or the other way around, depending on my mood on going to the gym. When I say I’m an average guy I also mean I’m not incredibly handsome or horribly ugly as well. Some have said I’ve got this thing with my smile and my eyes that are kind of hypnotizing but I can’t say I really know how to use those on my advantage at all. I work at an multinational Company specialized in Imports and Exports. Working in a cubicle hasn’t always been my dream but due to financial reasons I had to pursue some career which would offer me some steady money to rely on. And I am pretty successful at what I do, making enough money to support myself and a little extra for an occasional trip, expensive dinners and some eccentricities. What really drives my passion, though, is arts in general. I especially like singing and I’ve got a degree in acting – other than my international business degree. So, I try to get it out of my system by visiting karaokes and watching as many plays as I possibly can. The karaoke thing is pretty much in my routine. I visit this one special place every weekend, bringing different friends each time and, over the years, I got kinda good at singing. Three or four years after frequenting the karaoke I met him. I was at the stage the moment he came in and I couldn’t help but stuttering a little while singing. Man, he was tall. Like the tallest guy I had ever seen in my entire life. Not just tall but beefy, nothing like the usual beanpole tall guy you might expect. His darkish skin and heavy beard caught my attention immediately and, while singing, I couldn’t stop looking at him. By his side he had this beautiful little man. Like a pocket super model or something. I knew they were together, or so it seemed. Other than the obvious guy at his side, he didn’t seem to be gay at all, which got me a little puzzled at first. I had this “thing” with my girl friend in which we tested the guys like “let’s go and sing a song together, if the guy looks at you, he’s straight, if he looks at me, he’s gay”. We did it so, and tall guy really couldn’t stop starring at me. “Good sign” – I thought to myself. I was singing "Need you Now", by Lady Antebellum, and I would learn later it was one of his favorite songs. I didn’t try any kind of approach that day, since he was obviously with the little model boy and, like a good family man I am, I don’t hit on guys with boyfriends. We did start talking to his friends, though, who seemed very inviting and pleasant to talk to. Tall guy kept his distance, attached to his little model guy. It turned me on the way the little guy’s head wouldn’t reach tall guy’s pecs as he was so tall, and little model wasn’t so little as well. It was only a matter of perspective. He was actually my height. Other than tall, the big guy was very well proportioned, with good wide shoulders and legs that stretched his jeans. A small tummy was visible but nothing that I would object. His face had this “mean” look at it. Maybe because of the dense beard, maybe because of the heavy eyebrows. But each time he smiled he seemed like a gentle giant. Talking to his friends was all that happened that night. We exchanged names and a little conversation and called it a night. We all left the karaoke house together, he and his friends, I and my girl friend. Over the way home I couldn’t stop talking about him. She knew my tastes pretty well and she agreed – that was the perfect guy for me physically. Tall, burly, butch. My regrets were only on not having enough time to talk to him and see if he was a nice person. That changed as soon as I got home. As I opened my facebook, there was a message from him. He said he would’ve liked to get to know me better but he couldn’t since he was with the little pocket model for the night. They weren’t boyfriends or anything but he felt it would be disrespectful for the guy. I replied that I really liked what I saw of him and wished to see him again, the sooner the better. Next Saturday, same place, we agreed. Next Saturday soon arrived and I got there first. He soon showed up with his friends and as we saw each other the attraction between us was so intense it didn’t leave room for a proper “hello” or something. We just got into each other, kissing and hugging and feeling each other’s bodies. I stood over a step or else I wouldn’t reach his face and I was so turned on by his big hands on my back I couldn’t describe it. I was something I never felt before. You see, I tend to be a little aggressive with my guys, even though they’re always much bigger than me. I know this aggressive dominant guy turns guys on more than anything so I quickly tried to get a hold of the situation pressing him against a wall. I heard him groan and chuckle a bit. His chuckle turned into a laugh. In seconds, he grabbed both my hands and placed them behind my back. - Two months going to the gym and you think you’re stronger than me? Really? He turned us backwards so I was pressed between the wall and this huge guy. I had to be on my tip-toes to kiss him and still he was ducking a little. I learned later, he was 6’7” and, though he couldn’t be described as a muscle guy, the sheer size on him made him unbelievably strong. Soon I was being lifted up to meet his lips. Easily lifting my body with one arm, he used the other to caress my neck. It was pure heaven. His rough beard scratching my face, the manly scent his body exhaled, the immense power I felt on his grip that overwhelmed me with a sensation of being completely under his control. I soon gave up trying to have things my way and let him play with my body as he wished. I learned that the little gut was not soft at all. It was hard, as if I could punch it the hardest I could and still he wouldn’t feel a thing. His free hand ran under my shirt and I was surprised that one of his hands would actually reach my entire torso. Man, this guy was BIG. I was so hard at that point that I knew I would make a mess anytime soon. I reluctantly stopped him and got him away a few inches from me, still marveling at his immense size. Long story short, we kept seeing each other after this first date and, three months later we were officially boyfriends. I was in heaven. By his side, I felt both bold and secure towards other people. His size drove looks everywhere we went and I loved it. We would suck each other every single time we were together and life was pretty cool for me, I’ve gotta say. Now this is awkward… I am not a bottom nor a top. I’m not really into penetration at all. All my lust come from the guy being big and I never felt the need to fuck him or be fucked to be completely satisfied. He understood that but it was pretty clear he was a total top and, yes, he was missing it. By this time I was completely in love with my giant… so I asked a few gay friends on how to proceed. Seriously, I am 28 now and I almost feel like a virgin sometimes. I know I’m great at giving head and all… but my ass just doesn’t feel like it was made to accommodate anything. Talking to some friends they gave me tips here and there and, by the fourth month we were together, I was ready to try and give him the pleasure he needed. God… It hurts. So freaking bad. As I sat on his prick I tried my best to relax and let it in, inch by inch. He had a large and thick cock, which didn’t make things any easier on me. Finally, it was all in… and as I relaxed more and more I felt the pleasure. He held me with both hands and would lift me up and down his shaft and I think this display of strength helped me and increased my lust more and more. Soon I was laying back with my feet on his chest while he was fucking me hard, pounding like an animal, pulling me closer to him each time so he would go deeper and deeper. I came in seconds, spreading my milk all over my chest and face. He left his dick inside of me a little longer and pressed my butt around it which seemed to have made my orgasm last longer than I had ever experienced before. I came and came and seemed never to stop. I screamed in agony and joy as this had been the best, longest orgasm I’d ever felt in my entire life. He slowly took off his dick out of my ass and cummed all over me, exhausted, sweating and falling over my body. The 230 pounds weight of his body compressing me against the bed made me spurt another fill of cum beneath us. His sweat pouring over me, covering me completely. As he gained his strength back, he got off of my body, spooning me, leaving one of his huge meaty legs over mine – a weight I was not used to so it would hurt a little after a while but would overwhelm me with lust by the mere thought of him being this big. His tummy pressing against my lower back, the big arms protecting me from anything that could happen in the world. We both fell sound asleep. Chapter 2 Many other nights followed that unforgettable first time with him. We grew closer together and I was quite drawn to his size and strength. He would lift me up every now and then out of nowhere, he learned quite fast how to show me his biceps flexing it for my amusement. Again, he was nowhere near a bodybuilder but being that big of a man he was just big everywhere. His left arm carried a phoenix tattoo which emphasized its size. And throughout the months, as I thought my amazement by him would pass, it actually didn’t. Every single time we met I sighed at his immense size. Every single time I tried to reach for his lips for a kiss and couldn’t, my dick would twitch a little on my pants. During the months we were together he fell terribly ill, had surgery and required constant attention. I never thought twice… I took some weeks off my job and stayed with him for cleaning him up to changing dressings to cleaning and cooking for him. You see, he didn’t have anyone in the city so it seemed just right that I should help anyway I could. But you see… this is a real life story, and in real life there is no perfection. I noticed sooner than I would like to that he had a very… particular personality. It started by me having to cancel stuff with my friends so I would be by his side with his friends. Whenever I did go out with my friends, he would find an excuse and wouldn’t go. Other times, he would just vanish for a week just to contact me on a Wednesday telling he had travelled with some friends somewhere and couldn’t reach for a phone. We started fighting over these little things. I felt kind of neglected every now and then while he felt he was a free spirit therefore I should loosen up a little. Okay. I’ll try and do that. And that I did. However, while I endured these little things, my life at work started changing as well, for worse. For some unexplained reason my boss started doubting my competency and would challenge and humiliate me at some points over absolutely nothing. Never in my life I made a single mistake working for the Company but there was always a suspicious eye looking over me, questioning my every step. Billionaire projects that I sold would immediately be charged to someone else in my department. To shorten things up, the constant pressure on the job plus the boyfriend I idealized so much being egocentric, sometimes selfish and even – should I say – distrustful as to his loyalty to me… all of these things started bringing me down. There was no hypnotizing shine in my eyes anymore. Tall boyfriend wasn’t much of a talker, except when telling me about his problems (he was unemployed, sharing an apartment with a guy he didn’t like, etc). I always listened and tried to comfort him some way. Even with everything I was going through, the man, I decided, was the one. How could there be any other? I swear, the guy would touch me and I was hard in a minute. Okay, he is not perfect, he can be a selfish son of a bitch but… look at him! He is so fucking big! He had to be the man of my life. And every now and then he would say he loved me so I wasn’t alone. What if he would cancel seeing me at the last minute? What if I was paying for every meal we had together? What if I wouldn’t see my friends anymore? It’s my fucking life and I want to be by this humongous man’s side, god damn it! See how twisted I was at this point? Bet the story is pretty boring if you minded reading up to here. If you did, thank you. I promise to make it up to you. Yeah, I was fucking twisted, and sad and crying without reason. I decided to see a psychiatrist. A little depression, I thought. Nothing I couldn’t handle. I had never taken any anti-depressants before, never needed them. But I wasn’t recognizing myself anymore so I thought, why not? The psychiatrist alerted me about some side effects. Specially during the first month I would feel worse, much worse. Careless, anxious, a little desperate. I was pretty sure I shouldn’t be worried but man… I felt terrible! Really, really terrible! Like I could die at any minute, you know? And I ran to my boyfriend for support (he knew about all of this, I took the time to explain everything) and, to my surprise, he started driving further away from me. The weekends we had always spent together but now he had something to do or wasn’t feeling well. The thing is: second week of treatment, Tall boyfriend dumped me. He actually said he was afraid I would drag him down to the same rock bottom I was now. Well, after all “I love you”s, everything I did for him, all the attraction there was between us… this was the last thing I was expecting. And man, I was losing the man of my life! My giant, my big, strong man! I was freaking out! He couldn’t simply abandon me… not now! What was it??? I’m not fun at the time, so he just stepped aside??? How come? Why? Two weeks after the break up I had lost 40 pounds (approximately… you know, we use kgs in Brazil, so I lost 20 kgs). I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t stand up, I couldn’t take a shower. I stopped working. My life fell apart. I was sent to a psychiatric clynic where I spent around 6 months. I can’t tell for sure. I was mostly sedated all the time for the first months and took a lot of drugs during the time I was there. My life as I once knew was over. 1 Year Later They say time can heal anything. Well, I don’t know if it heals or helps to hide the scars from the past… but I do feel better now. I quit my job at the multinational Company and started working with all things theater related. I was acting again. Writing plays, making plans for the future, taking special classes for developing my acting skills. I was feeling good. Really good. Still taking ridiculous amounts of depression drugs… but who cares? They do make me feel good. My psychiatrist even started me on this experimental drug which was said to have no side effects at all, and it actually didn’t. I felt great. My social life got on trails again. I am visiting the karaoke quite often, going out to nightclubs with friends, sitting at bars and all. The whole year, though, I never dated another man. I wasn’t interested in anyone. Tall boyfriend’s ghost still chased me and there was no one even close to what he was. Big, strong, manly. All other men seemed dwarfed by what I have had before. So I didn’t bother looking… I am not going to gay bars anymore for I always feel frustrated… everyone seem so… small. In all aspects I mean. Either stature or small minded. And hey… fuck men. I’m all into my acting now. A producer saw me at the karaoke and asked me for a demo. Opportunities were rising… I didn’t care about men. So Saturday arrived and – oddly so – all my closest friends (about 10 people) called me that day. They had all planned everything for the night. One of them suggested there was this new bar/nightclub in town that had just opened and we were all on the VIP list. Ok, pretty nice for a Saturday night. We all met at my place and off we went to meet this new place. I noticed some weird giggling among my friends… some weird looks… but I just assumed they had drank some “cachaça” before the night to warm things up. I wasn’t drinking because of all the medication I was taking so, well, nothing really strange. We arrived at the place and it was really more than what I had expected. Classy place, a huge line just to get in. I wasn’t even sure if I was properly dressed for that… We skipped the line and got in. “Oh, no… REALLY? You fuckers! Why didn’t you guys tell me???” Other than the girls the came with my group, the place was full with a sea of men. A fucking gay nightclub. Great. “Surprise! It’s time for you to return, Leo” said one of my girl friends. “Enjoy the feast! There are men for all tastes here so pick which one you want to be with tonight before I do it!” “Ha ha… very funny. I don’t wanna be with any guys Amanda… seriously? Look at this place, you’re like the only girl here” “I know. Awesome, right? C’mon, let’s dance!” she pulled my arm. And I did dance for about an hour or so. Some guys hit on me but no thanks, I’m not interested. I tried having a good time but I got tired pretty fast. The good thing is that there was this other room at the place where the sound wasn’t so loud, there was a counter and a bench and I could sit there while everyone else was having their fun. “So, bad idea?” Amanda again. “Nah, that’s okay… Have your fun, babe. No problem. I’ll be here if you need me”. “Hey, don’t feel down… Here, let me buy you a coke or something. What do you want?” “Hon, I know it’s been a year and I shouldn’t… but I could really use a full glass of “cachaça” right here, right now”. “Are you sure? Won’t you feel bad or anything?” “If I do, call 911 and I’ll be safe in a minute” we laughed. “Okay then” – “Give my friend here a shot of “cachaça” and fill him up as many times as he wants, ok?” she yelled at the cute bartender. And then I took my first shot. I looked around and all I could see was stereotypes… guys with deep V-necks, tight jeans, spiky hairs, over-moisturized faces… God damn it. “Another shot, please”. By the eight shot I was pretty drunk already. Okay… I was really damn drunk. Totally unaware of my surroundings anymore, I heard “Hey”. Silence…. “Hey, you, sad face” I looked to find by my side this average guy. Maybe a little taller than me, like 6’1”, stocky guy, wearing this western shirt. I couldn’t say he was handsome… too drunk for that judgment… but he did have this big smile on his face. I was kinda dizzy so I mimicked his smile back. “Hey, what’s up”. “You look like you’re not at your best night, dude” “You’ve got that right buddy. Leo here, nice to meet you” “Paulo” I extended my hand but he somehow managed to hug me. “So Leo, what’s wrong? Why are you not having fun?” “Oh, but I am” – pointing at my glass. “Hahaha… I see you are. But a cute guy like you shouldn’t be by himself” “Thanks, I’m flattered… but no thanks, Paulo”. “Hey, hold on a minute. Don’t just send me away. Let’s talk, like friends, ok? Look at me. I’m not dangerous. Just a nice guy”. “Alright ‘friend’… what do you wanna talk about?” I didn’t even finished the sentence and he kissed me. I was caught totally by surprise but… fuck off… I’m so drunk I don’t even know where I am anymore… so why not? “Feeling better?” “I could say that, Paulo…” “Are you really by yourself here, Leo? Cause you shouldn’t drive tonight, man”. “You got that right, Paulo… Paulo…. Paulo…” man, I was feeling so stupid. He laughed at me “Alright buddy. I don’t know what it is or why I’m doing it. I just know you’re gorgeous and seem like a nice guy, so I’m not leaving you here tonight. C’mon”. He took me by the arm and started dragging me around the club for the cashier. He paid for both our accounts and I remember – in flashes – getting on his car. I remember my thoughts at the time, something like “God damn it, who the hell is this guy? He seems nice and all but where the hell is he taking me to? I’m not having sex with him… I’m not having sex with anyone… man after all this alcohol and with all those damn depression drugs I bet I won’t even get hard”. I felt sorry for him… He will be so disappointed… “Here we are” Paulo opened the car’s door and lead me to his building, then the elevator, then his apartment. I just kept quiet… I wasn’t in my normal in any way. Paulo sat me on his couch. His place was a little one bedroom, living room, kitchen and bathroom. Small place. A nice smell though. Yeah… I liked how the place smelled. Coffee… that was it. He was making coffee. Oh, that’s sweet. “Here, take this. No sugar”. I drank the coffee. “Now come here, let me show you the bedroom” he put one of my arms over his shoulders and dragged me to the bedroom. He threw me on his bed the best way he could and removed my shoes. Then he started taking off his clothes. It’s hard to describe him. The guy was so… average. About 6’1”, average weight, a small but noticeable belly. What caught my attention was that his body was completely hairless just as his face, like he never could grow a beard even if he wanted to. As those random thoughts went through my head I didn’t notice he unbuckled my belt and open my zipper. He took my cock out in his hands and started sucking on it. “Wow”… I couldn’t stop him even if I wanted to, as to how dizzy I was. And… well… he was pretty good. Really good actually. He sucked and sucked and licked the tip of my uncut cock slipping his tongue inside. And – miraculously – I was so hard! Man, I don’t remember getting this hard for… like…. A year. I closed my eyes and started painting him inside my mind. Paulo… With this name he could easily be a hunky Sicilian… some inches to his height wouldn’t hurt either. And big arms... oh, I love big arms... He blew me harder and better and took my entire shaft into his mouth. I wasn’t even paying attention to him. I was focusing on these parts of a man I was creating in my head to increase my pleasure. Yeah, a nice, full beard. A big chest… pecs, muscles. Big quads, stretching his pants. I moaned louder, feeling the climax approaching…. “Oh yeah Paulo… don’t stop… this is so fucking good… Ohhh…. YEAH……!” I came in his mouth and he swallowed all of it. Damn, I hadn’t came in like a year… wow, that was good. So fucking good. He kept sucking me until my last drop. And then, suddenly, he pushed my whole body away, crouching on the floor, laying on a fetal position, obviously in pain. “Paulo? What’s going on? What are you feeling?” “I… I don’t know… it hurts… damn, it hurts…” he said between clenched teeth. “Oh god it hurts… it… oohhhhhhh” he screamed. Loud. Like a guttural scream, like a beast, like something that couldn’t be human. I got so freaking scared I suddenly sobered up. “Paulo, Paulo! Look at me! I’m calling an ambulance right now” “No! Don’t do that… I'll be fine... I guess... see, it doesn’t hurt anymore… it feels good… ohhh…” this time it was a moan, a grunt. “ohhh… yeah… I’m feeling better, much better”. I was afraid something was happening but he didn't want me to worry. I didn't know what to do. Still laying on the floor he stretched his whole body and then it started… I first noticed his face. A dark shadow covered his face with new hair that wasn’t there before. The same shadow followed through his chest and his belly, a silky carpet of fur. “Oh yeah… it feels so good… I feel so good” Then I saw he was getting hard. And harder, and harder… Well, nothing average about it anymore. His dick was actually getting bigger. I heard some sounds coming from his body, like leather stretching, a pungent smell of sex filled the room completely. “What… what the hell is going on? Paulo?” I could barely whisper, amazed by what I was seeing. “Oh, don’t let it stop, Leo… it feels so fucking good” He… he was growing. Right before my eyes. His arms swelled bigger. First his biceps, than his triceps lifting the whole arm up, his chest got defined and then it was like he was pumping it. It was growing. Growing so much that the belly wasn’t that noticeable anymore. His quads were suddenly defining with muscle, a teardrop over his knee and then his loud moaning over all that sight . “Oh yeah… I’m so fucking horny… I’m…. ohhh….. I’m gonna cum!” His body convulsed pumping his new found muscles and he came… and he came and came and it seemed like it would never stop. The little hair over his chest was full of his own cum. I was paralyzed. I couldn’t believe my eyes. “Paulo… what happened?” “I have no idea… but I knew you were special. And I want more”. Chapter 3 The heat. It was a hot day. I could feel it all around me as I was trying to open my eyes. A little bit of a headache and man, I was thirsty. It’s gotta be around midday. Though the curtains are closed I can feel it somehow. It was so hot inside. The bed felt strange though… I wasn’t home. And the smell… The whole place smelled like sweat and sex and something else I couldn’t define. Something of wood and cinnamon, a distinguished smell I couldn’t name. I opened my eyes and all the flashes started coming back. Oh shit! Where’s Amanda? Did I leave her at the nightclub? Where are all my other friends? Where the hell am I? I looked around and tried to recognize the place. Yeah, I remember coming here with this guy but… flashes. All I got were flashes. Sitting in someone’s car. He brought me to his apartment. This normal, average guy. I remember him sucking me and all the pleasure I hadn’t felt in such a long time. All the rest seemed implausible and maybe caused by all the “cachaça” I had the night before. Whoever this guy was, he wasn’t here. I was all by myself at this strange place and had no idea what to do next. I noticed I was wearing my underwear only. My clothes were standing neatly folded on a chair right at the other side of the room. I got out of bed and found the bathroom. Oh my mouth tastes the hangover and so does the rest of my body. My head aches a little. I’m so thirsty. I look at my reflection at the mirror and the red eyes give me away… I shouldn’t have drank that much. I washed my face and found a tube of toothpaste. Brushed my teeth with my finger. The smell of sex was too much though and I thought I needed a shower. Well… there’s a shower here… why not? Going through the drawers I found a towel and headed to the shower. The hot water felt so good massaging my neck I let it down for a few minutes. Then I heard the front door. Damn it! I quickly closed the shower and started drying myself up. I wish I had left before this guy was here… Now there would be this awkward moment, I would tell him I was not interested in meeting anyone right now, I would leave never to return again and yada yada yada…. I wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the bathroom door. The guy was standing at the kitchen, preparing something. He turned as he heard the door. “Good morning, Leo! Or should I say good afternoon?” He was… he was not the same guy I met the other night. I mean, he seemed like the same guy but there was something different. There was the big smile I could remember. “Hey, hi. Sorry I spent the night. I had to take a shower before I left so I found this towel, sorry about that” “Oh, don’t worry, I’m happy you’re feeling home here. You should. You’ll be visiting me quite often, I hope” “I will? Ahm… Paulo, right?” “Yeah, Paulo, that’s it.” He was wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts. It was odd though… The clothes didn’t seem to fit him well, as if they were too tight. The surfer shorts that were supposed to be by his ankles were up to his knees and really, really tight around his butt. “So, Paulo… listen… where exactly am I? Are we close to the subway or something?” “Oh no, you’re not leaving already, are you? I bet you’re hungry. I am… I woke up so hungry I ate everything I had in the house and had to leave for the supermarket to buy something else. Let me fix you something before you leave.” He turned around and walked in my direction. The way he walked seemed weird as well. Like he didn’t know how to use his own body and I had to guess the clothes were so tight it was hard for him to look comfortable. He hugged me. He hugged me and I felt his body as if it was the first time. It was hard and hot like a furnace. And he could somehow envelop me completely as I stared at eyes level with his chest. No… he wasn’t that tall before. He was like a whole head taller than me. He hugged me tighter and it actually hurt a little. Damn, he was strong – and he didn’t seem to notice that as well. “Ouch… take it easy there, Paulo” “Oh, sorry.” He kissed my forehead and went back to the kitchen. That’s when I took my time to look at how wide his back was. His lats were stretching his shirt so much there was a small rip under one of his arms. And his arms… they didn’t look bad. Easily twice the size I remembered from the night before. What? I mean… seriously… what? Yeah, I remember him sucking me. I remember cumming in his mouth. I remember him drinking it. I remember him screaming then grunting then moaning… then swelling bigger. Could that be it??? “Paulo, we need to talk. What exactly happened yesterday?” “Oh, you were THAT drunk? Well, I found you at the nightclub, you were there by yourself, looking pretty sad. We started talking, I took you here and we had the most amazing night. You fell asleep right after it so I took your clothes off and cuddled by your side. I couldn’t get any sleep though. I’ve been feeling so energized since then… I don’t know why but I was up a few hours later, put some clothes on and went running. I ran for about 2, 2 and a half hours, then stopped by the supermarket and brought us some stuff to eat.” “Oh. So you are a runner then?” “No… Never done it before. But I had to spend this energy somehow. I figured running would be fine so I went for it. I feel a little light headed though… maybe because of all the running and stuff. I’m not used to it. Do you know what it’s like when you wear someone else’s glasses? Like the floor seems to be too far from you and you feel a little dizzy? That’s how I’m feeling. Plus my clothes feel really tight. I don’t know why… Guess I’ve been putting more weight than I thought.” Then it hit me. He didn’t look at himself at all after the other night. He had no idea of what happened to his body. Well, quite frankly it did seem a little surreal to me as well. “Paulo, have you got a full length mirror?” “Yeah, just open the wardrobe’s door and you’ll find It there” “No, I mean, for you… come here” “Oh, sorry, I didn’t even brush my hair before I left. I just put the first clothes I found, didn’t light up the room ‘cause you were sleeping… Do I look that bad?” “Hm… Not exactly… Come here”. He came back to the room, walking that strange way he was walking, and looked at himself at the mirror. His jaw dropped open. He looked scared. “Oh my… what? What is it? What did you do to me?” “I… I don’t know” He kept looking at himself. The fear slowly disappearing. He caressed his face with his hand, noticing the shadow of a beard he never had before. His eyes moved to his biceps, clearly so much bigger than before. His mouth turned into a grin, he clenched his eyes a little, trying to believe on what he was seeing. He was transfixed at his image and seemed to love it. He raised his shirt, tearing it a little bit more but he got stuck. “Leo, help me with it” I pealed his shirt off of him, not being able to avoid more tearing. He took his shorts off as well, with a little bit of a difficulty to get it past his quads. “Leo… look at me” I was looking all right. I was looking at his chest. Two big slabs of muscle hanging there with a light coat of fur. His shoulders so wide he couldn’t see both of them at the mirror at the same time. His arms were hanging by his side in a 40 degree, so big and round. Not defined but definitely big. His forearms were covered in a thick black fur, just as big as his arms used to be last night. His underwear seemed so tight it was about to give up holding his round butt and a big pole of a dick. His legs, which used to be almost hairless were now covered in black hair as well and almost as big as my waist. He started caressing his own body. First his round big gut. It did seem bigger than before but was now so well balanced with his big chest that it seemed just natural to be there. He flexed his biceps and I saw the peak rising and rising. His grin grew wider. He was getting hard just by looking at himself. “Leo, come here, stand behind me” I went there. He never took his eyes away from the mirror. “Can you see anything? I can’t even see you behind me! This is… wow… this is awesome!” He got around and hugged me in a bearhug, lifting me up from the ground, not aware of his own power I left out a squeal of pain. “Oh… sorry about that. Leo, did you do this?” “I… I don’t know.” “Man, look at my face! My jaw is more squared and this beard, oh, I’m so gonna let this beard grow. Not only the beard! I’ve got hair all over my body now, and I love it! Look at how big I am!” the tip of his cock so hard it was showing over his underwear, reaching his belly button. “Leo, come here, let me show you something”. He opened the other side of his wardrobe and found deep down stacked in there a huge pile of magazines. He took them all at once and threw them over the bad. The covers read “Flex Magazine”, “Weightlifting”, etc. All those huge HUGE guys on the covers. “What are these?” “These are my deepest, most profound dreams. I never showed these magazines to anyone. I’ve always wanted to look like these guys but I never had the guts to go to a gym and actually work on it. I’ve always wanted to be this big!” I took one of the magazines which had a fitness model on the cover “this big?” “Hm, not really… maybe this big” He showed me the weightlifting magazine with this humongous guy on the cover. The name under the picture read “Dominic Filiou” and the guy was so freaking big all over he looked like a house. I got hard instantly just thinking that Paulo would consider getting so big. “See, Leo, I never had any muscle at all. Look at me now! Yesterday I had the most intense orgasm of my life. I remember feeling some pain and then it come out like a volcano. I’ve been feeling weird since then but I never worried. But look at me! I look taller as well! And look at those arms! And my chest, I’ve actually got pecs now! And they’re fucking big!” He lifted his arms in a double bicep pose and I couldn’t handle it anymore. I jumped at him and started licking him all over. Feeling the hardness of his biceps as he lifted it up and down. He soon learned how to bounce his pecs as well and buried my face between them. He grabbed me at the back of my head and guided it through his whole upper body. Though his gut seemed big and round I could feel the bumps of muscle as he rode my face through them. “I see I’m not the only one who likes being this big, huh… Hey, Leo, I’ve gotta check! Here, I’ve got a tape measure. You’re gonna measure me all over, will you?” “All right” my boner harder than ever. “Start on my arms. I want you to tell me the measurements out loud, ok? I wanna hear you saying it” “All right”. He flexed his biceps and I measured them. “19 inches” “Wow, that’s a lot, right?” “You bet it is, big guy” “Keep going” I rolled the tape around his chest then “48 inches”. His belly was 56 inches. I moved then to his quads “31 inches” and finally his calves at 20 inches. “Can you check how tall I am as well?” “Of course” He held the tape by his head and I was amazed to learn he was 6’4”. “Wow, 4 inches! I was 6’ tall just yesterday!” He hugged me again, he was so happy he couldn’t stop smiling, such a beautiful smile. And his body… so strong, so hard, so manly with all that light fur covering it. He weighed himself at 229 pounds. “Ha… this is the biggest I was when I used to be fat… hahahaha. Guess it’s not fat that’s weighing this much now, right?” He was hard all the time and I couldn’t hold it anymore. I took the tape measure and slid his underpants off, ripping them apart while trying to pass them through his quads. “And for the last measurement… your cock is 9’” He grabbed the back of my head again and this time forced me down to his shaft. I swallowed all of it, going deep into my throat. He moaned and flexed while his eyes would never move away from the mirror, all the time flexing. He was getting off on his own body. He was wondering how he could get bigger, massaging his huge pecs. Suddenly, it came to him. He grabbed me under my arms and started lifting. I felt my feet leaving the floor, dangling in the air and he held me so up high my dick was in place for him to suck me. And so he did. And he did it so powerfully I felt he could swallow me whole if he wanted to. He didn’t seem to be breaking a swat by holding my weight that high, moving my body back and forth and so he kept sucking. I held his arms, afraid I might fall off but oh… that was so good. As precum poured from my dick, I could see he was getting bigger. Though it seemed almost nothing, I felt his forearms inflating while I was holding them, afraid I might fall from this much height. The sensation was too much for me though… I came harder than last time. Stream after stream of cum flowing right into his mouth. He was swallowing all of it, not missing a single drop. As my body convulsed he threw me to the bed so hard I bounced twice before I was steady and watching it happening. He was getting bigger right before my eyes. He moaned louder, again that guttural sound that sounded inhuman. His biceps swelled bigger, his shoulders growing wider than the bathroom’s door, his pecs fighting for space as they hang over his big gut, expanding, creating this big crevice between them. His underwear snapped and tore, falling from his body. Legs so big they looked like tree trunks. The tennis shoes he was wearing started splitting and I noticed the increase in height as well. He was growing all over and as he grew taller, his muscles seemed to follow the height and swell even bigger, keeping his proportions. He looked like a professional bodybuilder in off season with that big mother of a gut swelling along with the rest of his body. Then the hair came. His beard grew thicker and the coat of fur on his pecs was not that light anymore. There was hair growing in the deep valley between his pecs and all over them, over his guts and legs, like it had always been there. Thick, black hair that accentuated his muscles even more instead of hiding them. His height stopped at the door frame, which I figured was around 6’8”. His face changed slightly as well. His jaw seemed more squared, his eyes got smaller under his big eyebrows. His moan was louder now and he couldn’t take his eyes off the mirror, touching his body everywhere, flexing his biceps, feeling the weight of his huge pecs, circling his big gut with pleasure. He had to open his legs further as they grew wider and along with them his cock was so hard by looking at his own image he seemed to be reaching his climax any time soon. I noticed this little gold necklace around his neck and I saw the little pendant rising as his traps grew alongside his engorged neck. And then he came. More than any man I’d ever seen in my life. Gallons seemed to be shooting from his cock as he convulsed his muscles harder, hitting a most muscular at the same time. “Yeah, bigger! BIGGER! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT HOW BIG I AM” his voice deepened to a bass note, I could feel it reverberating through my own chest. “LEO, LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT WHAT YOU GAVE ME! LOOK AT YOUR CREATION! I’M BECOMING THE ULTIMATE MUSCLE GOD AND IT’S ALL THANKS TO YOU!” Thanks to me??? Okay… he seemed to be getting bigger by drinking my semen but how could it be? What’s different about my cum and anyone else’s? Of course! All the depression drugs… all these crappy drugs I was taking were somehow making me do it to him. With my body all covered in cum he laid on top of me squeezing the air out of my lungs. “Too… heavy… Paulo”. “Oh, sorry about that”. He moved by my side and enveloped me in his muscles Again, he was not shredded or anything, just plain big and muscular, like those weightlifters I’d seen on strongmen competitions. But I always thought those guys were flabby somehow. Paulo was hard, solid. And at the same time his warmth and all the hair made him comfortable. This feeling of security flowed me. I was safe. I was in my own muscle fortress and nothing bad could ever happen to me again. “Leo… thank you.” “Paulo, you’re all I ever wanted in a guy. You’re so fucking big and strong.” “I know, right? I can’t wait to see what these muscles can do. And I will milk you every hour if I have to to grow bigger. I want more. I see no limits for myself now. I could be a god. I could be bigger than anyone else in the world. I could put the biggest man in the world to shame. Think of what I can achieve by using you?” Using me? Huh? “You’re gonna make all my dreams come true, Leo. You’re gonna make me the biggest, most powerful man in the world. And there’s nothing that can stop me now”. Okay… now I was a little scared. ________________________________________ That's it for now. Hope you guys like it. Please, leave some feedback - even if it's to tell me my story sucks, I don't care. =) Tips are appreciated, give me ideas of where you want this to go, if you do at all. Thank you!
  23. Hi guys i posted this story in parts on the old board under my old name iwnnabbig, it got some nice comments so im reposting it on here, i have left it open at the end to tie in with a another story i am currently working on (the web diary of a skinny geek). Alex hated school, from 9am till 1530, Monday to Friday he was the skinny kid the bullies would pick on during break times, alex was 15 and weighed around 135lb, arms and legs represented drainpipes, flat chested and sunken shouldered he was the perfect bait for the bullies. The two main bullies were called nick and tony and were both in the schools rugby team, aged 15 and 16 they were both broad shouldered thick chested and weighed around 165lb, break times would usually consist of either nick or tony pinning alex to the wall by the scruff of his shirt, threatening to break his arms if he didn’t give them his lunch money. One day alex tried to fight back by punching nick in the stomach, nick never flinched and just laughed. “haha that all you got little man, you weak little dweb, this is a punch” He punched alex in the midriff, alex collapsed on the floor in pain and started to cry “never try to punch either of us again or you’ll end up with two black eyes and a broken nose, got it!!” tony said. Alex just nodded through the pain and tears. Even though alex hated school, he equally hated going back to his house and to his arrogant 18yrold brother Shane. Alex hated Shane for one reason and one reason only, his muscles, alex also had to share a bedroom with him as well. Shane was a bodybuilder and had a perfectly proportioned large muscular physique, arms measured a whopping 22”, his pecs looked like two cushions sitting atop a column of 6 rocks that made up his abs, his broad shoulders and wide raking lats made sure he dominated any space he was in, his tree trunk thighs and melon sized calves made up his awesome physique. Alex hated going back to shane as shane would dominate him and toy with him using his far superior size and all of his 210lb he had at his disposal, Shane would often use alex as a barbell to curl him, bench press and shoulder press him, arm wrestling, alex couldn’t even move shanes arms even if it was both of his against shanes 1 arm, shanes forearms were easily bigger than alexs arm and would demolish him in seconds of the match starting. Shane would stand over alex and spread his lats and completely engulf him with his awesome width. Alex came home from school after another day of pain from nick and tony, put his bag and jacket on the hook and went upstairs to the bedroom to where shane would be waiting to dish out the evening torture, alex walked into the room to find shane standing there in nothing but a tight pair of boxers, everyone of his muscles looking pumped and huge. “Hey skinny bro, how was school, just the same?” shane asked “what do you think meathead, it’s the same everday!!” replied alex “well sadly for you I’ve had a super session at the gym and im feeling extra pumped and huge, just look at me man im fucking beastly today!” Shane walked over to alex and flexed his left bi in his face, the sheer size of his bi covered alex’s entire face, “touch it bro this is what real muscle is!” he squeezed extra hard and his bi pumped even bigger. “no, im not your slave!!” alex replied “haha dweb! Instead of using you as a gym set and whipping your skinny ass at arm wrestling Im gonna humiliate you instead, your gonna see how huge this body really is!” Shane pushed alex over to the mirror, shanes strength was enough to send alex flying on the floor, he got up a little gingerly. “now take your top off and get the measuring tape and pass it to me” ordered shane Alex did what shane wanted otherwise he would get twist his arm unitl he agreed, so he took his top off and got the measuring tape from the drawer and gave it to his huge brother. “Flex for me I wanna see what your sticks measure, don’t make me bend that arm for you!!” ordered shane. Alex did a double bicep pose, but it was pathetic, there was no lump peak or anything, shane laughed as he wrapped the tape round alex skinny arm, “ sweet jesus haha 9 inches u skinny fuck, stand aside and see what biceps should measure” Shane hit a double bicep pose too, this time mounds of muscle rocketed up shanes arms and formed a freaky split peak at the top, “measure these giants bro, there looking gigantic!” Alex wrapped the tape round shanes arm, “whats it say bro” shane barked. “ too big you roid fuelled tit, but to please your ego they are 26inches” alex told him “26!! Yeah that’s it, bloody huge bro added 4 inches this week, flex your left arm I wanna see the comparison!” Alex stood next to shane and flexed his skinny arms, It was annoying for alex but wonderful for shane, the size comparison was sickening, shane moved behind alex , it looked like someone had drawn a white stick figure on alex’s body, shane turned round and spread his lats, they spread so wide that they inched past alexs elbow points. “can we stop now, ive had enough!” alex asked “ how can you have had enough of this fine muscular specimen, if I were you id be wanting to see more, but your pathetic and don’t know the true meaning of muscle and strength like I do!” shane replied, he then swung round picked alex up by the scruff of the neck and held him in the air, “feel that strength ? I could crush your neck in 2 seconds flat!” he then threw alex on his bed. Shane left to go in the shower before his 2nd gym session of the day, alex lay crumpled on his bed contemplating what just happened, his huge brother had just dominated him mentally and physically and there nothing he could of done about it, that was his life. Shane came back from the shower, got changed into his gym gear, drank what looked like a gallon of pre workout supplement and injected a few roids, “ im staying at my girlfriends tonight so you can sulk in peace, see you tomorrow bag a bones” shane left to go to the gym. When bedtime came around alex did what he did everynight and dreamt of seeking revenge on nick, tony and his brother, alex didn’t like shanes muscles for what they did to him but dreamt of being much bigger then him and getting his revenge by any means possible. With the next day being Saturday he would be spared nick and tony at school but not his brother, he went to sleep that night dreaming the perfect revenge but also trepidation of what shane will do to him tomorrow. Alex woke up the next morning happy at what had occurred during his dream, shane, nick and tony had been dealt with and were now scared of him, but reality soon dawned as he knew it was just a dream and his huge brother would soon be back and the weekend bullying would begin. Alex had a shower got dressed and went down stairs for his breakfast, the postman hadn’t been but there was a small package on the doormat, he went over and picked it up, looked at it to find it had his name on it. He went into the kitchen got the scissors and cut the top of the package, he pulled out a note and a small unmarked 50ml bottle of a black liquid, he placed the bottle on the table picked up the note opened it and read it: HI ALEX, I HAVE BEEN KEEPING AN EYE ON YOU FOR THE PAST YEAR OR SO NOW, I KNOW ABOUT THE BULLYING YOU GET AT SCHOOL AND ABOUT YOUR BIG BRO SHANE AND WHAT HE DOES TO YOU HERE, YOU MAYBE WONDERING WHAT THE LIQUID IS AND WHO I AM, THE LIQUID WILL GRANT YOU WHATEVER YOU DREAM TO MAKE YOUR TROUBLES STOP, FOR WHO I AM ITS NOT IMPORTANT I’LL BE WATCHING! TF Alex put the note down, “ tf tf tf, whos that!” he didn’t know anyone with those initials, not anyone at school or family, he picked up the bottle, shook it, the liquid had the consistency of honey, he re-read the letter, “will grant me what I dream? How does this guy know about my dreams?” Alex pondered what would happen if he drank it, what would it do to him, how would it change what is happening to him, all these thoughts were rushing through his head when he heard the door open, he stuffed the bottle and note in his pocket and walked out the kitchen. Shane was hanging his coat on the hook, his huge body stretching the t shirt he had on to ripping point, his monstrous legs filling out his joggers, he turns round and spots alex walking towards him, “ morning rake features, u well” shane asked “ well I was till u came in, brute!” alex retorted, he reached the stairs but shane shot out a beefy arm and blocks him. “let me!” shane said before picking alex up and tossing him over his shoulder and carried him upstairs to the bedroom, then dropping him on the floor. “ouch man cudda put me on my bed you daft or summit” alex knew what he had just said would not go down well with his bro. “daft!! Who you calling daft!!” shane was not happy, he tore off his shirt, his huge body was bulging and rippling, he walked over to alexs bed picked him up by his shirt, grabbed him behind the head and pushed his face into his mighty pecs, shanes pecs were big enough to cover most of alexs head, he pulled his head out, “wanna apologise?” shane barked out “sorry sorry” alex said as he gasped for breath. “ you call me a daft again and I’ll break you, you’re the one whos daft bro, im creating a body of huge proportions and awesome strength and you don’t even have the respect to say how awesome I look” shane hit a double bi pose, his bi’s grew upwards and outwards to form obscene peaks. “ tina measured them this morning fuckin 28 inches and could break any bone in your body!” Alex knew this was true, his brother was growing bigger and stronger by the day and any wrong word would result in him getting even more pain inflicted on him. Alex got up and went to lie on his bed. Shane was packing a travel bag with clothes, supplements, roids and posing trunks, “ your lucky this weekend boy im away at a competition, im not back till Tuesday, see you then, you better hope I win!!” Alex lay on his bed as shane left, he then did something he has never done previously, cry, tears rolling down his face as he thought will these humiliations ever stop, he has dreamt about getting revenge but physically he couldn’t do it in real life. He rolled over to lay on his side, the bottle of liquid fell out of his pocket onto the floor, because of shanes domination he had forgotten about the bottle, he got up picked the bottle up and remembered what the note said, “ grant you whatever you dream!” Alex knew that this could all be a load of rubbish, a prank as it were, but something inside him was telling him to drink it, he hesitated for a while, then he eventually unscrewed the lid and swallowed the contents, it tasted like liquorice, he felt its warm consistency flow down his body, he threw the bottle in the bin and settled down to do his homework. While sat doing his homework alex suddenly felt a strange sensation run through his body, it felt like a mini electric shock then it stopped, another 5 of these sensations happened over the course of the day, “what is this stuff, what are these sensations all about, nothings happening.” Alex went to bed feeling depressed, nothing was going right for him in his life, he was getting bullied at home and school and some unknown person has basically just sent him a liquid liquorice allsort, when was his life gonna change for the better. Morning broke, alex slowly woke from his slumber, stretched his arms. CREAK CREAK SNAP…………………………. BANG, alexs bed collapsed and left him in a heap on the floor, he composed himself and put a hand on the chair next to him, he was just about to get up when he noticed something very different about his arm, gone were the skinny brush handles that he went to bed with, in their place were two large densely muscled arms, writhing with rippling muscle and veins thick as pencils. “whoa bloody hell!!” he shouted “whats happened!!” he got up looked down and was met with two cushion sized slabs of meat that were his pecs, he moved his hand towards his stomach , it was met with 6 tennis ball sized abs. “ Christ I feel big n ripped” he muttered to himself, he then made his way to the bathroom, looked in the wall length mirror, his mouth dropped open, alex didn’t recognize the body that was looking back at him, atop his large chest were immensely broad bulbous shoulders, leading down to a pair of hugely thick biceps, his lats formed an impressive v tapering out from a mountain ridged sized back, down below his thighs were rippling with deeply cut thick muscle the size of tree stumps. Alex walked over to the scales, he wondered how much muscle he had put on, he stepped on.. 150…155…165.. the scales stopped at 185lb, “ wow 50lb” alex walked back over to the mirror, collected the tape measure from the shelf, flexed his left bi, a huge mound of muscle formed on his arm, he wrapped the tape round till it joined at the peak, the tape read 20 inches. Alex again looked in the mirror, to get one over on shane he would need to be a lot bigger, as shane was still far bigger than him and weighed at least an extra 70-80lb, but he knew he was now much bigger and stronger than nick and tony. Non of alex clothes would fit him so he had to use some of shanes old clothes that didn’t fit him now, he went down stairs to get his breakfast and again found a letter for him on the doormat, he picked it up sat down at the table and read it: AS YOU WILL BE NOW AWARE YOU HAVE GONE THROUGH QUITE A LARGE PHYSICAL CHANGE, NO WHERE BIG ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH YOUR BROTHER, SO I IMPLORE NOT TO TRY AND CHALLENGE HIM YET AS HE WILL STILL INJURE YOU QUITE BADLY BUT YOU ARE NOW CAPABLE OF SHOWING NICK AND TONY WHOS BOSS, YOU ARE BIGGER N STRONGER THEN THEY ARE BUT DON’T OVER DO IT!!!! I’LL BE WATCHING TF Alex again had questions going round his head, “how did this person know I had taken the liquid? The size of my 3 tormentors?” answers he would never get to know. All the questions were quickly wiped from his mind when he remembered he had been given this size for a purpose, to seek revenge on nick and tony, it was time for alex to get his own back big style. Alex got off the bus outside the gym were nick and tony had rugby training on a Sunday, he walked in and headed towards the changing room, passing the hall were nick, tony and the rest of the team were circuit training, he went into the changing room and sat in the corner waiting for the session to finish, 10 mins passed when the first few people started entering the changing room, alex had come dressed as if he was using the gym facilities, a white vest top and sweat shorts doing their best to keep his muscled body covered. Nick and tony entered a few mins later not noticing alex in the corner as there were too busy chatting, alex left the room and waited for them to shower and get dressed, by which time they were the only 2 left in the room, alex went back in and saw them getting ready to leave, he walked up behind them tapped them on the shoulder, they both swung round. “Alex??” they asked with a look of disbelief on their faces “ that’s right blockheads!” he said before grabbing both of them by their shirts and lifting them off the ground, “ you messed with me far too many times now its my turn!!” he lifted them up higher before slamming their backs against the wall and letting them fall on the floor. Nick and tony got up and tried to look imposing by puffing their chests out and tensing their muscles, but alex just laughed, “haha is that meant to scare me, call that a chest ,here??” alex then flexed his pecs and blew his own chest up , they ballooned to twice the size they were unflexed, he then tensed his biceps, which turned into solid mounds of rock. As alex was doing that nick and tony charged at him, their combined strength knocked alex to the ground, they both grabbed one of alexs muscular arms and tried to twist them round his back, but alex was too strong for them singularly and easily shrugged them both off, he got up picked them both up again and threw them on the floor, he picked tony up slammed him against the wall and punched him twice in the stomach, the force of the punches made tony scream in pain, he fell to the floor, alex then grabbed nick and dished out the same treatment. As they were both lying injured on the floor alex stood over them and said, “ that was just starters, if I see you bullying any kid at school like you did me ya gonna feel pain like you never felt before, got it!!” Nick and tony just nodded. Walking back to the bus stop alex knew that had to be done but he also knew they was a much bigger fish to fry. Alex thought to himself while sat on the bus that he could of done a lot more to nick and tony apart from throw a few punches, yes they now know that he should not be taken lightly, but he didn’t show his superior strength he had over them, he basically let them off lightly, “right” he said to himself while cracking his knuckles, “ tomorrow at school they gonna wish they never met me!!” Alex got off the bus near his house, as he got nearer he saw a hooded figure get into a car parked outside his house and drive off, he didn’t recognise the car, but found it strange that on a hot sunny day the figure was wearing a hoodie with the hood up, he got back to the house to find another package on the doormat, again he opened it to find a note and another bottle of the black liquid, he sat down and read it: NOW THAT YOU HAVE THE ATTENTION OF THOSE TWO THUGS, ITS TIME YOU UPPED THE GAINS IN READYNESS FOR YOUR BIG BRO AND IF YOU WISH, TO HEAP MORE MISERY ON THEM TWO, IM GROWING YOU IN STAGES AS I WANT YOU TO APPRECIATE THE GROWTH THAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU, ENJOY, I’LL BE WATCHING. TF Alex was beginning to understand that this mysterious person was on his side and not some loony doctor looking for a test subject, this person wanted alex to inflict mental and/or physical pain on his tormentors. When bedtime came around alex downed the fresh bottle of the black liquid and went to bed wondering how he would look in the morning. Alex woke up the next morning and stretched out but there was no creaking or snapping like the previous night as his bed was still broke, he rushed out of bed and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror, he looked in the mirror and was met with a familiar sight. The liquid had grown alexs body into a carbon copy of shanes, he had the monstrous 28 inch bis, the thick pillow sized pecs, large boulder shouldes, wide raking lats, titanic thighs and huge calves. A huge smile etched across alexs face, he knew he was huge and knew what havoc he could reap at school. When alex got to school everyone could not take their eyes of this super huge 15yr old, girls and boys were running up to him wanting to touch his huge body, he duly obliged by flexing his huge guns and chest, he was happy doing this but he only had one thing on his mind, nick and tony. While strutting down the corridor he noticed them walking into the locker room, he followed them in, made sure no one else was in then shut the door behind him, he walked over to where their lockers were. “Hello boys!!” his voice now a deep tone Nick and Tony swung round expecting to see one of their mates playing a prank, when they saw it was a much much larger alex they dropped their bags and stared at the behemoth that was stood infront of them. “Speechless eh, ha im not surprised when you’ve got muscle like this infront of you!!” alex flexed his mammoth arms, both nick and tonys mouths dropped. “You, come here!!” pointing to nick, nick walked over to where alex was hulking, alex flexed his left bi inches from nicks face, the sheer mass and peak of the bi covered nick’s whole face, “ haha my arm is bigger than your head!”, he pushed nick back, alex strength made nick fly into the lockers and slump onto the floor. “Your next dweb” pointing to tony, tony didn’t move. “ no, not gonna be your pet!” tony answered. “Well we’ll see about that” alex walked over to the lockers, “do as I say or this will be you!” alex ripped the locker door off its hinges like it was made form card, emptied the contents then picked it up wrapped his huge arms round it and began to crush it against his mammoth chest, the metal twisted and contorted from his sheer strength, he let go placed hands on the top and bottom of the locker and squeezed it like an accordion, then dropped it on the floor. Tony gulped hard with fear etched on his face. “Now get here!” alex sternly told tony, he walked over to him Alex pushed tony over, then grabbed his head and thrust it between his gigantic thighs, he closed his legs tightly against tonys head, he then started tensing his thighs making then harder and causing real pain to tonys head. “arghhhh, ouch, oowwwww,your hurting me man, let fucking go” tony demanded “aww afraid of a little pain are we” alex said as he tensed a little harder before letting him go, tony fell to the floor. “Ha your weak, no match for my awesome size and strength” Alex walked over to them both, picked them up, one in each hand and started using them as human dumbells, he used them for side lateral raises, up n down, up n down, it went on for what seemed like ages, he then pressed them over his head for a few reps before tossing them against the lockers, he walked over and stood over them. “ I enjoyed that, see you tomorrow!!” He left the locker room leaving nick and tony in a heap on the floor and made his way home. When he got home he wasn’t surprised to see another package on the floor, he sat down and opened it and read the note: SO ARE YOU READY FOR IT……………………………. TF Alex knew what taking this next bottle of black liquid would mean, it meant, in the morning he would wake up and be the biggest 15yr old ever, he could flaunt even more at school and give heavier punishment to nick and tony, but the most exciting thing on his mind is that he would be bigger and much stronger than Shane, at last he would be able to inflict some damage on his older brother. Alex downed the black liquid before he went to bed knowing that this time tomorrow night he would be going to bed having started his revenge on his older but smaller brother. Morning came and alex woke up, threw the quilt off his body , stood up and before he even moved he could see that he had grown considerably during the night, he looked down but his view was blocked by two gigantic barrel sized pecs, “ fucking hell, I need to see the rest!!” he said to himself. He went to the bathroom to look in the mirror, but he had a problem, he couldn’t fit thorough the doorway, his shoulders and back had thickened and widened so much during the night, he turned sideways to get in but even that was a struggle with his new bigger pecs. When he eventually got in he walked over to the mirror, he had to step back a few steps to get his whole body in view, “OMG!!!” Alex stared at his new freaky big physique, in addition to his new gigantic chest he had grown atlas stone sized shoulders which led down to his now gargantuan arms, he flexed them, mounds upon mounds of muscle blew up on his arm he had no tape but they must of topped 30+ inches, under his arms were the meatiest, widest lats ever seen, tapering down to his abs which resembled 8 softball sized rocks of super hard muscle, his thighs looked the size of 2 tree trunks never mind 1 and his calves were the size of soccer balls. Alex knew that clothes were now gonna be a major problem, he found the largest pair of joggers and tshirt he could find, they stuck to his body so tightly it looked like they had been painted on. He got to school and was again met with gasps and shocked faces from other pupils, everyone wanting to touch his new freaky large muscles, at one point he tensed his pecs and flexed his bi’s and got kids to try and dent his skin but to obvious no avail. He asked were nick and tony were, he got told they were in the gym. Alex made his way to the school gym, he got to the door and saw nick and tony were the only ones in, they were at the bench press area, he closed the door behind him picked up a whole rack of weights, which was loaded with about 400kg worth of plates and put it front of the door, walked over to nick and tony, “ ready for day two boys??” he said. They both turned round, before they even had time to speak alex ripped their shirts of their bodies picked them up by their necks and threw them over to where the mirrors were, they landed with a thump on the floor. “get up wuss’s” alex ordered Nick and tony both got gingerly to their feet and watched as alex peeled his own shirt of his mammoth torso. “Haha call that muscle” pointing at their bodies “ there not enough muscle on you two to cover my pecs.” He again picked them up and thrust their faces in his pecs one on each, rubbing their faces on his hard rippling muscle, every now n then tensing them to make them rock hard then bashing their faces of them, to nick and tony it felt like they were getting bashed against a brick wall. “ Arghhhh stop that your breaking our noses” tony cried “I’ll stop when im ready, understand!!” barked alex, eventually he threw them onto the benches, blood pouring from their mouth and nose. “ now your gonna both do what I say or I’ll break you in half, right!!!” came alex’s ultimatum. The look on nick and tonys face indicated that they understood but just to highlight the statement Alex picked up 2 25kg plates, placed one on top of the other and began bending them in half like they were made of cardboard, he separated them and then mind-blowingly tore them in half, the duos mouths dropped. “ That’s what muscle and strength like this can do!!” alex said before flexing his huge guns in their faces, “ I wanna know what these mountains measure, get the tape NOW!” Tony went to the set of drawers and got the tape. “ Now measure it!” ordered alex. Tony began wrapping the tape round alexs gigantic arm, he found it hard to get it round his freakish triceps and huge peak but managed to join the ends up eventually, “AND??” barked alex. Tony looked at the numbers, his eyes bulged in his sockets, “e.r.r.r.r.rrrrrr” he stuttered, “34 inches!!” “YEAH, that’s real muscle not those twigs u call biceps, what are they 15-16 haha, my arms are probably bigger than your waist and thighs.” Alex mockingly said. “I need to workout!!” Alex walked over to the rack of weights that was blocking the door, he crouched down picked the 400+kg rack up like it weighed nothing and started curling it, his mammoth arms bulging with every rep, after 40 reps he threw it in the direction of nick and tony, the duo had to dive out of the way or risk getting seriously hurt. With them still on the floor, alex walked over to them picked them both up and started bear hugging them with a python like grip, squeezing the air out of their lungs and crushing their bodies, nick and tony were gasping for breath but alex kept squeezing, mercifully he let his grip go a few minutes later, nick and tony looked in the mirror, their torso were black n blue from the super strong grip alex had on them. “ you could ave killed us man??” nick told alex “ Why would I do that, I’ve got loads more punishment for you this week!” alex told them, as an icing on the cake moment he punched them both in the face, knocking them out cold then left the gym. Alex got home that night, shane was not back yet but knew he would be in shortly, so he set his plan into motion. Shane walked into the house around 6pm, hung his coat on the rail and went up to the bedroom, he walked into the room THUMP….. Alex punched his bro in the face and knocked him straight out, picked him up, slung him over his shoulder and carried him down to the basement. Shane came back round, he was lying on a beat up mattress on the basement floor, there was no light it was pitch black. “ Welcome back little bro.” Shane staggered to his feet, “ Alex is that you? You wait till I get my hands on you, im gonna fucking beat the shit outta ya, who did you get to help you in this scheme coz I’ll get them too!” “Haha I’d like to see you try?” Alex replied, he then switched the basement light on, all he was wearing was a pair of shanes shorts, “ but somehow I don’t think you will!” he said before flexing his mighty 34” guns. Shane was too angry to acknowledge that his once skinny younger brother was now bigger than him, his roid rage took centre stage, he charged towards alex head first, his head collided with alex’s brick like abs, alex barely budged, but shane ended up in a heap on the floor holding his head. “grrrrrrr” shane growled, “ he got back up and started pounding alexs torso with punch after punch, but still alex just stood there, his huge body absorbing the punches like a sponge, shanes fists and knuckles were beetroot red with the effort. After what seemed like 5mins of constant punching, alex had had enough, he caught one of shanes fists in his huge hands and began squeezing it and twisting his arm to the side, his grip got stronger, shanes knuckles began to crack under the vice like grip, with his other hand Alex punched shane hard in his stomach. “Arrghhh” Shane collapsed on the floor in pain. Alex didn’t stop there, he picked shane by his chin and landed 2 punches on his face, he let him collapse on the floor before picking him up by his neck and slamming him back first onto the concrete floor. “ Bro you blind! Their no way you can hurt me with your fists, im fucking gigantic, your pathetic punches make no mark on me, but I can break you anytime I like.” Alex told his battered and bloodied brother. Shane tried his best to string a sentence together as he was still in a lot of pain from Alex’s beating, “ you…rr g….oo…na p p pay fffffor tthis bbbro!” “ haha, in that state your not bro, what you gonna do kick me” alex mocked his older brother, “ hope you heal quick as ive only just started, I got more growing to do and more mental and physical pain to inflict on your sorry body.” Alex left shane heaped on the mattress, as he went back up to the house he locked the door behind him, alex wasn’t daft he knew shane would be strong enough to break the door down, so to make sure escape was not possible alex went into the garage and picked up an unused American style double fridge/freezer that must of weighed at least 500kg and blocked the basement doorway with it. Shane lay on the mattress in constant pain, blood seeping from his nose and lips, the image of his huge hulking brother still in his memory, he was wondering how he would get his brother back, he couldn’t use strength as alex was far stronger than him, the only option he thought of was props, but there was non at his disposal in the basement, everything was in the garage or the bedroom, he staggered up the stairs to try and sneak to the garage, tried the door but couldn’t open it due to the fridge being wedged against it on the other side. “Grrrrrrr” he grunted in frustration, he punched the door so hard he punched right through the wood, but knew he couldn’t budge the super heavy fridge. He went back down and sat on the mattress, then an idea came to him, he got out his phone and started texting one of his gym buddies. Alex was lying on his bed plotting the next chapters for nick, tony and shane, he knew he could overpower them at will. Nick and tony could easily be broke, crushed with one squeeze of his hand, but shane would be a tougher nut to crack due to the size he has, be it alex was bigger and stronger than his brother he felt he needed more to really lay the punishment on him, but there was no liquid for him today, maybe that was it, the body and strength he had would be all he would get, maybe this TF person wants alex to elongate shanes torture, all this was going through his head. While lying on his bed there came a knock on the door, alex looked at his watch, it read 21:14, “ who could this be at this time.” He thought. He went down stairs to the door, opened it, but there was no one there, he turned back to walk back in the house when he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned round to see who it was. SMACK…….. a metal bar hit alex flush in the face, he wobbled abit but before he could retain his balance, SMACK…. Another blow to his face but harder, this time alex fell to the ground and lost consciousness. Alex came round, his sight blurry, he closed his eyes and shook his head, he saw that he was in the basement, he was stood up but he couldn’t move, he looked down. “What the hell!” his feet were encased in thickly set cement up to his ankles, he looked up at the sound of footsteps walking his way, shane was hobbling towards him, next to him was his gym buddy craig. Craig was a freak, bigger than shane but only slightly smaller than alex “Hello brother, this is Craig, he’s very handy when it comes to these types of situations, thanks to you im out of action, but craig here is gonna replace me for a bit, see what you’re REALLY made of!” Shane laughed as he sat down on a chair. “Shane you’re making a big mistake, this concrete won’t hold me for long!” alex said. “Haha we’ll see?” shane replied before giving a nod to craig. SMACK, the umpteenth punch landed on Alex’s stomach, even with his rock like abs there was only so much pounding he could take before he started to buckle, each one of craigs hard punches was now hitting the spot, each punch alex would keel over even more. A good 10mins of hard punches was rounded off with a huge uppercut to alexs chin, it didn’t knock alex out but it disorientated him for a little while, alex was stuck there swaying, blood seeping from his mouth. “ That’s what you get if you mess with me bro, you’re lucky you’re the size you are or craig would have seriously damaged you otherwise!” Shane said “ Is this how you go about your life, beating guys to a pulp, you and fuck buddy here, why? What are you achieving out of this, you’re just a sucker for the power you have!” Alex replied “ I do it so people will fear me, I wanna walk down the street or anywhere I go and people just quiver at the sight of me , knowing I’ll do em over if they dare cross me, craig is my side kick for more trickier people, the ones who need extra attention!” replied shane “ bro your pathetic and a psycho you can’t go round demolishing people just for the sake of it” alex said. “ I can do what I want, I’ve been building myself up to get freaky huge like craig and then we would be unstoppable, but you got in the way, so we need to eradicate the problem, craig was just warming up earlier, he’s now gonna unleash his inner beast, goodbye brother!!” Just as craig was about to land the first punch all the lights in the basement went out. “ Oh great, bloody hell, craig I’ll need a hand seeing as though my brother temporarily side lined me.” Shane hobbled up the stairs followed by craig. For the first time in a while alex was glad to see the back of his brother and his thug friend, he was stood there feet in concrete and still swaying from the beating craig had gave him, then at the top of the stairs he saw a torch light then heard a low whisper from a ladys voice. “ Alex, are you alright?” came the voice, followed by footsteps coming down the stairs, the lady shone her torch round the room until the beam came in contact with alexs huge body. “oh dear, you look a mess, is that what I think it is?” pointing down at the concrete. “ yeah it is!” alex replied, “who are you?” “I am the person who has been sending you the liquid, I am TF!!” the lady replied, “ don’t worry about the other 2, the power cut was my doing, it will take two dumbheads ages to find the real problem. I needed to find you before it was too late.” “ how do you know about me, were I live, who shane is, nick and tony and what they have been doing to me?” alex asked. “ My name is Tina Fulton, im Shanes girlfriend.” “ What, your tina? Why is the girlfriend of my brother helping me to take revenge on him?” alex was staggered. “ because what he is doing is wrong, he has been telling me all about what he does to you and what happens at school through you telling him I get too find out, I try to tell him to stop , that he should be helping you not making it worse, but he laughs it off saying he only doing it for a laugh, to try and spur you on, but knowing his mentality I didn’t believe him, so I set plans in motion to keep an eye on him, that stud he has in his ear? I bought him it as a gift, but hidden in the gem is a camera my mate inserted at her works lab which relays pictures to my laptop when I want them. After a while of seeing what he was doing I decided that you needed help, I didn’t know any muscle in town that could help, so I used my science degree to make you the muscle you needed to challenge him, hence the liquid. The first dose was to make you get back at nick and tony, the rest have been preparing you for shane, it was working until he enlisted craig, then I knew I needed to get u another higher dose asap, so this one is fast acting and you need to take it now!” Alex looked stunned, “ I don’t know what to say tina, er thank you would be a start, but how can I ever repay you?” “ Break the bastards!!” tina replied, she then handed the liquid to alex, “ I better go don’t want shane catching me yet, have fun!” Tina left alex to himself. Alex unscrewed the top on the liquid bottle and downed the contents, almost immediately he felt a warmth rush through his body, then it happened, his body started expanding at a fair rate, every bodypart growing to obscene sizes , he looked down but couldn’t see anything other than his gargantuan chest, he felt his thighs expanding, pressure was building round his ankles and calves, the new size and strength alex now possessed in his lower legs shattered the concrete, he was now free. Alex flexed his new size biceps, he turned and watched as his arms turned into freakishly big mounds of solid ripped muscle, the peak topped well passed his clenched fist. This new liquid had added at least 10” on to his arms and at least the same on every other bodypart. The lights came back on, alex heard shane and craig re-enter the house, he ran to the only dark spot in the basement and waited. Shane and craig came down the stairs, “ right where wer……., he’s gone, how!! “ Im here brother, we were at the point of my beating, but don’t think that’ll happen now!!” Alex stepped out of the shadows , his gargantuan frame blocking any light from above. “My turn !!” Shane and Craig looked at each other with stunned looks on their faces, looked back at Alex, all they could do was look at his gargantuan body, one of alexs thighs looked bigger than shanes torso, calves bigger than craigs arms. “that’s right dwebs you better look scared, im bigger and stronger than both of you put together, I wouldn’t like to be you right now, especially with what these have in store for you” Alex flexed his gigantic biceps, all 40+ inches looked menacing and full of unnatural strength. “So who’s first?” alex asked Shane and Craig again looked at each other, non of them wanting to have a go at alex first, for the first time they both had fear etched on their faces. “Bro come on, we wouldn’t stand a chance!” Shane said. “Does it look like I care bro, did I stand a chance when I was skinny, did I stand a chance when my feet were encased in cement, no, so why should I be lenient now, so which of you chickens is going first or do I just pick?” alex told them. With craig being the bigger of the two and having no injuries he plucked any courage he could find and opted to go first, he stepped forward towards Alex. “So its you first then, so go on beat me up, give me all you got, hahaha” alex mocked Craig let rip with a hard punch to alex abs, CRACK, SNAP, craigs knuckle bones obliterated on contact with alex mid-riff, alex abs felt like they were made from an impenetrable metal. “ouuucchhh” craig screamed in pain, he looked up in pain but anger replaced fear, he ran towards alex, but alex second guessed him, he shot out his arm and grabbed craig round the neck and lifted him up in the air over his head, alex started to tighten his grip round craigs neck, bones began to creak in his neck, but just before snapping them alex threw him against the brick wall, craig hit the wall hard and fell onto the floor, but alex wasn’t finished there. He walked over to craig, picked him up by the scruff of his tshirt and pinned him against the wall, “if you thought that was painful think again!!” alex said. He then pulled craig towards his humongous chest, then wrapped his huge arms round his back and began crushing his body like a python, his huge superstring forearms crushing his back bones and his huge rock solid chest pulverising his rigcage, craig screamed in sheer pain. His bones were getting snapped like toothpicks, alex finally let him go, craig collapsed on the floor in sheer agony, alex left him on a heap as he turned to shane. “ He was pathetic. God knows what you’re gonna be bro. lets find out” Alex walked towards his older brother, shane was quivering. “no bro please don’t, no bro!!” shane pleaded. “Shut up!” alex punched his brother square in the face, shane plummeted to the floor. Alex leaned over his brother, picked him up by his chin using only 3 fingers, with his free hand, he grabbed shanes left hand clenched it into a fist and with one squeeze of his mighty hand he crushed all the bones in alexs hand. “Arghhhh” shane screamed. “Aww that hurt bro!” alex said, he then pinned his bro against the wall with his meaty forearm pressing against his brothers neck, he then clenched his own left hand and began pulverising shanes torso with powerful punches, each punch forcing blood to the surface of his body, after the tirade of punches alex let his bro collapse onto the floor, he grabbed him with both arms and tossed him in the air with such force that shane crashed through the ceiling and the wooden floorboards from the room above, fell back through the hole and landed on the floor. Alex picked shanes limp body up and dropped him next to craig. “ haha your both equally pathetic, pleading for mercy, you needed teaching a lesson, from now on im the boss round here, if you do anything to anger me then be ready for even worse pain!” Alex walked up the stairs and out of the basement, he went upstairs to find Tina in the kitchen. “Lets just say they won’t be causing bother for a while” Alex told her. “ I could see that, the ear stud remember?? You did well, I’ll get the medical assistance sorted out, you go and rest, you need to get back to nick and tony tomorrow, and I may even have a little treat for you!” Tina told alex. “what you don’t think im big enough already, haha!” Alex once again flexed his gigantic guns. “ do us a favour measure these for me, I wanna know how big I actually am?” Alex asked tina “Sure” she replied, she grabbed the tape, stood on a chair so she could wrap the tape round alex huge peak, after what looked like a titanic struggle to wrap the tape round his arm she finally managed to join the ends, “wow oh wow, you ready?” “Hell yeah!” alex replied “ 48inches man!!!” Tina told him. “ Oh yeah, brutal size and they’re as strong as they are big!!” Alex cockily said, before making his way to his room. “Er aren’t you forgetting something mr!” Tina called after him. Alex turned round to see tina shaking another bottle of liquid in her hand. “ This is the last one Al, I want you at your biggest for nick and tony, you may be thinking why when you near enough wiped the floor with them lastime? Well im gonna leave the answer to your imagination!” tinal told him Alex came back and collected the bottle, “thanks” he said, alex turned and went up to his room. Alex’s room was now shrinking due to his gargantuan size, he could no longer fit in sideways either as his chest, back and thighs were so huge, so he bulldozed his way through the door frame, wood concrete and dust went flying everywhere, but alex didn’t care for that, all he cared about was drinking the liquid and waking up the next day even bigger and pasting nick and tony, alex drank the liquid and went to bed. He woke up the next day once again finding himself lying on the floor, he stood up and instantly he felt much heavier than he did the night before, he looked down to see how much muscle he had put on, this time he was met with pecs that had a gap of 3cm but were a staggering 3ft in length sticking out from his body, he looked at his arms, his forearms looked like tree trunks never mind his biceps, which looked like large atlas stones wrapped in skin, he went to the bathroom mirror to check the rest out. When he got to the bathroom he went to the mirror, the rest of him looked equally super gargantuan, his shoulders looked as thick and wide as a 3 seat sofa, his thighs looked like two tree trunks were stuck on each leg, and his calves resembled 2 boulders. “hey tina come look, bring the tape!” alex boomed. Tina arrived with the tape, “ my my you are a massive boy now aren’t you?” she said “ I am, now measure these bad boys before I go and pulverise them two!!” alex said before flexing his humongous biceps. Tina wrapped the tape round the mountainous peaks of all shapes and sizes, “ well there definitely grown bigger, you ready?” tina asked. “yes” replied alex. “ 60 inches man, damn your bis are 5ft round” tina told him. “Damn, my arms are bigger than some of the juniors in my school, im gonna have fun today, hehe!” Alex said. “go get em big boy!!” tina said. Alex left and made his way to school. Alex arrived at school at least 300lb more heavier than he had been when he was last there and it did not go unnoticed, all the students were falling over each other trying to get a touch of this super muscle 15yr old freak. When alex saw the size of some of the kids it put his own size into perspective, one of his thighs was probably thicker than two kids stood side by side, if he spread his lats to their widest point a six foot kid would be able to lay across the width of them and he could hide a child in his monumental pecs. As he was getting admired by all the kids he noticed tony and nick were standing watching from the school field, alex raised a big smile said excuse me to the kids and walked towards his next prey. Nick and Tony saw him coming towards them, they went to the only place they could think of which was up the tree, they climbed to the first set of thick branches and sat there. Alex saw that they had climbed to the tree, he walked up to the trunk. “ you really think your safe up there, haha watch this!!” alex said. Alex wrapped his huge arms round the tree trunk, which looked mediocre in size compared to alexs gargantuan mass, even from just the grip the wood and bark started to crack under the sheer strength of alex arms, alex crouched a little and then powering through his thighs he lifted the tree from the ground, then with one hard squeeze of his mighty arms and chest he snapped the tree trunk in two, the tree trunk must have been at least 4ft thick and it snapped like a pencil, the top half fell to the ground, nick and tony rolled off the branches and into a heap on the grass. Alex threw the rest of the tree away and walked over to nick and tony, such was the strength of alex he only needed 2 fingers on each hand to pick them up under their chins, he lifted them high above his head. “you two are pathetic, you are no match for my awesome size and strength look how easy i lifted and snapped that tree, so just think how easy I can snap you”. Alex told them, he tossed them in the air with minimal effort, they landed on the floor hard. Alex picked them both up and tossed them over his shoulders, “ right dwebs time for a stretch, both of you grab my sides at the lat area one each side and overlap your legs so your laying across my back, tell me when your done, got it!!” he told them. After a few mins nick told alex they were both ready. “ this is what im calling the stretch of pain haha!!” alex laughed, he then spread his gigantic lats, as they spread his other back muscles bulged out like mountain ranges, pulverising the two bodies which were already beat form earlier, alexs lats was stretching their bodies to snapping point. “arghhhhhh” came the cries from nick and tony, but alex kept spreading his lats and his back muscles kept bulging, nick and tony gave up and just let go and fell to the floor. “stop alex please!!!” nick begged Alex turned round and looked down, “ you had enough have you, well im not done yet come here!!” he picked there limp bodies up, he stuffed nick in between his pecs and tony in between his thighs, he began to tense his pecs and thighs hard against their bodies, the pressure was unbearable, to nick and tony it felt like they were being beat up my large rocks, their bodies getting crushed by the sheer strength of alexs huge pecs and thighs. After 5 mins of sheer torture alex released them from his grip, tony collapsed to the ground while nick just flopped over alexs chest, alex picked him out of his chest and threw him to the ground, he leaned over them both. “ any longer you would have had the air took from your lungs, but im not a killer but every bone in your body being broke is close enough, which………”, he stamped on both their legs “ I’ve now done, so long fuck wits!!!” Alex walked away leaving nick and tony broken on the floor
  24. TheWeremuscleForest

    Achilles And His Muscle Adventures (Repost)

    (already posted elsewhere)
  25. Omiganda

    Power Quake (Re-Post)

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Power Quake Part 1 I struggled with the shackles on my wrists as I sat, confined to this metal chair in the dark. Although the chair was uncomfortable, I wasn’t concentrating on comfort as much I was on escape. My wrists were raw as I’d been at it for hours, my ankles and wrists covered in painful looking marks and small bleeding scars. I still couldn’t remember why I was confined to this chair in the first place. I could remember the last thing I was doing before I was captured and dragged into that car. I’d been waiting for my boyfriend to show up at the nearest sandwich shop, tackling a sandwich as I always did. I ate a lot for little guy at 5’8 and 160 pounds. Teddy, my boyfriend, loved to poke fun at me with his ex-football player size. He’d never seen someone eat so much with so little to supply food to. Recently, I hadn’t gotten a chance to see him with all his classes colliding together and giving him only so much time to work, do homework, and then get sleep. Sometimes, I wouldn’t even get to see him home as I’d sit and wait in our apartment, hoping my big 6’3 linebacker would come and get some sleep. This would be the first time I’d get to see him in the past week. I’d just finished guzzling down my diet Coke when several men in dark suits came in. Each one was quite large and uniform as they walked like a military platoon from one of those super villain movies. My goal was to avoid eye contact but that was a pointless goal as they stopped and surrounded the small circular table I was sitting at. It was the one with burning red hair that spoke up. He was quite menacing with the ear piercing in his left ear and the scar across his nose. His red Mohawk like hairstyle and goatee weren't helping as his green eyes looked down and seemed to stab into my soul. “Mr. Collins?” came a rough voice out of the rugged man’s mouth. I hesitated to speak as I looked around my seated position to see the big man that left no openings to escape. The restaurant had been empty for the past few minutes so no one could save me. I choked up the wrong answer. “……Yes?” That was the last thing I said before the mean looking man looked to his side to his right hand man and nodded his head. A second later, before I could react, my head was covered in a bag and I was dragged out to the car outside. After that, I could feel it as I was moved from area to area over the next few days. I’d been in some cars, a few vehicles that roared like armored trucks, and now I was on a plane that was rocking back and forth as I wrestled for freedom. I had to get out. I had to get back to Teddy. I didn’t care about who these men were or what they wanted. I just wanted to get out of this situation. I was in the middle of trying to move my cuffed ankle when I heard a loud banging like a large door being opened and unlocked. I stopped moving completely as I feared for what might happen next. A mysterious clicking could be heard on the hard floor as I stayed silent and listened to my surrounds. It occurred to me that this was the sound of heavy shoes tapping against metal. I felt a chill down my spine as I heard the clicking stop and something near me began to move. One moment, I was looking into the blackness of the bag on my head and the next I’m looking at a shining belt buckle in a dimly lit room. My eyes squinted as I adjusted to the light of the room and started making out my surroundings. As expected, I was looking around to see the inside of a plane with nothing but several circular windows. The person in front of me was moderately large and pretty tall as he stood in front of my chaired position. He had to be at least 6 feet or taller with broad shoulders that pressed into his button up shirt. He was wearing tight jeans that revealed some muscular thighs and a bulged crotch that indicated he had been blessed in his youth with “a lot to carry”. I looked up to see a face covered in darkness. I was could feel eyes on me as I could make out a cowboy hat. “Congratulations, Mr. Collins. You’ve been selected ta participate in my program” he said down to me with a deep bass, Southern accent. “You will be undergoing a sort of…. Camping trip….. as you work to keep our work sustained” he riddled, clearly indicating he wasn’t using the entirely correct words to describe what he wanted. I was so frustrated, I saw through his stature enough to speak. “Where the hell am I?!” I screamed as I restarted pulling on my cuffs. The man chuckled down to me as I struggled. “You won’t be fixin’ to git’ free of those cuffs, boy” he said to me. I looked up to him with hatred. “What the hell do you want from?” I demanded. He looked down at me, his face still obscure, and then walked over to the wall, grabbing what looked like a backpack of covers. I felt a drop of sweat go down the side of my face as the man returned, bent down and then stuffed the pack’s top hook in my mouth, making me bite down on it. “I just want yur’ time, kid” he said before turning and walking away. With what little light was in the room, I watched as he walked off and could make out a pair of bulging melons in his pants that bounced with every one of his steps. The door slammed as he left the room, leaving me alone to my own devices. I began to wonder what was in my mouth when I heard something begin to make a whiiiiiiiiiring sound. The room became more illuminated as the machine like noise continued. I couldn’t see what was going on but I knew what was happening. The hangar door of the plane opened up. I felt the chair beneath me turn to give me view of a massive island. I could see many trees all contained within a beach and a wide, blue ocean. I didn’t get time to view what was happening as I felt the cuffs beneath me unhook. I could finally see what was in my mouth as I felt my grip on the chair fail and I began to fly out of the plane. It was a parachute to save me from the thousand foot fall I was about to experience. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I found myself trapped on a tree on the edge of a clearing, suspended by my own parachute. My mind was still reeling while my survival instincts kicked in and I tried to free my parachute from the tree I was stuck on. I several feet above the ground, branches curving around as if trying to protect me from the imminent drop. I became scared for my life as I panicked and fought. I wasn’t prepared as I slipped out of the restraints of my pack and began to free fall. I grabbed the nearest branch and hung for my life as I looked down at the closer yet still far grass floor below. Like coming thunder, I suddenly heard a shaking as I felt the earth move. This was my first earthquake ever so it’s understandable that I freaked and held for dear life as the tree shook like a flimsy twig against the power of the quake. I struggled as the quaking progressed and felt my fingers beginning to slip. It seemed like a whole minute had passed before a sudden roar like that of a large lion came and stung my ears with its power. With its call, the quaking immediately stopped and, for a moment, all was calm. I was now holding onto a bent branch that was starting to fail as I persisted to hold on. “Fuck” I said to myself as I watched it snap and tear. I saw my boyfriend’s face as I felt the fall and saw my death coming. I closed my eyes in my last moments were dragged on by the increasing fear. After a few minutes, I was beginning to realize that my fall was taking a good bit of time. The fast moving air had stopped, I could hear myself breathing, and, most disturbing of all, I could hear something else breathing very closely to me. I felt two big forms beneath me, protecting me as I lay in its grasp. I opened my eyes and there he was. Above me was the most beautiful face I’d ever seen. This was a face crafted by angels. Blue eyes concentrating on my little form, shining brown hair with a golden light in the sun, perfect skin that appeared untouched by the forest; the stuff one would think to see in the most beautiful portrait. I found myself lost in the curve of the man’s lips, mischievously curved on the ends with an eternal, seductive smile that allured me. I actually gasped when I saw the lips open to reveal the most beautifully white smile and then a deep voice. “ Are you ok, champ?” I felt so safe and secure and peaceful, I didn’t dare speak up to him. He was just too beautiful. A deep chuckle came from him as he started to shift and I felt the two big forms beneath me bulge and move. I made it down to the ground with a short trip and looked up to see an amazing sight. The face I’d admired was connected to perhaps the largest, most perfectly crafted muscles I’d ever seen. His chest hulked in a sort of way out in front of him, almost blocking the view of the tall man’s clefted chin. I let my vision trickle down the cleavage of those big pecs, both capped by hard, reddened nipples. I wasn’t prepared for the hardness of the giant’s body as he caused an eight pack on his stomach to push out and then pull in. I dared to touch it and felt the steely hardness beneath. Striations and veins trailed down to a pair of shredded shorts that were struggling to contain those muscular hips and thick thighs. I could actually see the bends and grooves of his thigh muscles through the tight pants (along with a massive appendage that was straining against the pouch of his tight underwear). I could make out the head of his thick manly tool that went down and seemed to fill his pouch and then trail down one leg with its length. I was speechless as the muscles continued down his thick, manly calves, covered in brown leg hair that stopped at his ankles just before his thick feet came into view. My own feet were surrounded by his big, muscular feet. I had to guess that, with my own size 9’s, his feet had to be almost twice mine at a rough size 17! I looked back to his face as he moved his towering body. He smiled down at me with a big smile and spoke. “Looks like you’re the one those ignorant fools sent” he said down to me. I’d never been more trapped between fear and amazement. Who was this man? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2 A lot less happened than I thought was expected to happen after you’re rescued by a human creature from heaven with the physical prowess of a full grown giant on steroids. The big man looked down at me with an amused expression and moved his beautifully crafted lips to speak. “It seems you require some nourishment and housing, dude” the giant spoke, indicating that he preferred to talk as though he were mixing teenage slang with intellectual words. “I will happily oblige” he said as he grabbed me under the arms, threw me over his arm, held my legs with a big hand and, before I knew it, we were running. I couldn’t believe the speed at which the man’s powerful legs were moving him but I’d seen them already. They were well crafted machines made to allow this man to travel at whatever speed he wished. Trees and exotic fruits passed us by as we moved like a jeep at top speed through the jungle. I couldn’t help but admire the beautiful scenery. ALL of it. Past the low hanging vines, the high reaching trees, the colorful fruits, the sounds of animals, and the dust cloud created by our trek through the area, I was mesmerized by the dance of the giant’s bubbled ass as it bounced with every kick forward. It was a seductive dance that followed with one cheek giggling after kicking and the other tightening as he prepared the next leg to launch him forward. I panicked as I embarrassingly felt myself grow hard against the firm, hard surface of my carrier’s large trap muscle. I was in a relationship! Why was I fantasizing over such a hunk of pure man just because I could watch his ass bounce for hours and see his back muscles contort with rising and falling mountains on his back. I could actually feel him breathing slowly and his muscles lacking sweat as though he wasn’t affected by this high speed dash at all. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy my little nook of the forest” he said as the trees began to thin. The clearing past the trees left me blinded for a moment as my eyes adjusted to the sudden light. “It’s not very festive but I feel this abode will suffice for your simple needs” he said without slowing down or stopping his big, powerful legs. I still couldn’t see for several seconds but, by the time my vision was back, I could make out a large building hidden surrounded by the sunniest field in the world. The building itself was made of shaved wood with holes to indicate windows. The entire thing could have reached 3 stories although it could be seen through some of the larger windows/holes that there was only 1 floor. I craned my neck in my awkward position to see all this but it was still clear to me how peaceful this space was. There wasn’t a churping or hissing or roaring at all nearby. That was when I noticed. There were no birds or animals nearby the house at all. Also, on our way here, the animals had never once tried to attack us. An island like this was bound to have its own ecosystem. What were they afraid of? The man who’d rescued me set me down and then looked up to his home with a big grin. “My masterpiece” he said as though he were referring to the perfect artwork. I was looking at the beautiful sculpture that towered in front of me, his beautiful eyes glistening in the sun light. Looking up at him with the sun perfectly set behind his head, his stature truly did seem large and potentially menacing and yet majestic. I was pulled out of my trance when I smelled cooking meat. The tall man released an immense laugh as he heard my stomach grumbling. “I promised nourishment. It would be rude of me to neglect my obligation” he said amusingly as he moved his large frame around me and walked into the house. I followed him into the large gaping square hole that was considered a door nervously like a mouse coming through a hole in the wall and looked up to see this massive slab of meat. It was blackened with the heat of the fire to the point where even I myself never questioned that it was well done. The slab was so tall it almost went up 2 stories from the thick tree it was perched on the way a meat stick is used. Who could possibly eat this much?! I looked lower to where the root of the slab resided and there, poking the fire with a stick, was the giant man, his ass pushing tightly into the seat of his pants as he bent down to check on the fire beneath. I walked toward the circle of fire and stone and got a closer at the two big melons being protected by the thin layer of clothing. I could see sweat coming from the giant’s hairy armpits as his big muscles made circulation difficult between his joints. He wiped his big forearm over his forehead and continued to check the fire regardless of my watching him. I went back down to view the lines and grooves leading to his perfect ass when I saw a gap in the clothing. A gap that I’d seen once when Teddy had tried to fit into a tux he hadn’t worn in years for his sister’s wedding. A large tear was lined down between the big man’s big glutes that allowed one to see a short glimpse of the tight undergarments he was wearing beneath. My mouth was drooling as I saw the exposed, round flesh drip with sweat and squeeze against the fabric like hams warpped tightly. I was so busy drooling I never noticed he was watching. “ No need to ogle, dude. We can converse over explanations and conflicts in a moment” he said as he did something unthinkable. With his big hand, the man stuck his hand into the fire consumed meat and tore off a big chunk as if it were cotton candy. My eyes bulged out of my head at that. He must have been so muscular and dense, the fire wasn’t strong enough to burn him. My cock was painfully hard at the sight but I ignored it as the man handed me the chunk of meat, its mass still smoking. “Eat up” he said with a smile across his scruffy face. I dared to touch it and was thankful it was warm but not hot. Before I took it from him, I couldn’t help but thank him. “Thank you….uh…” I said, realizing the most beautiful man in the world and I had yet to be introduced. With eyes that glittered in the fire, the man smiled a reassuring smile and gave me my answer. “Thompson.” I had to unbutton the belt to my jeans as I realized the meat I’d eaten was far more feeling than I assumed. In my time of exhaustion, I couldn’t help but look up and see the giant Thompson gnawing away at the expanse of the meat, ignoring its size to concentrate only on nourishment. I’d never seen a man eat like that; and so fast! Within 10 minutes, the meat that had been at least 7 times Thompson’s size had been fully consumed, the giant cleaning out a chunk of meat in his brilliant white meat-mashing teeth. His hard 8 pack abs were unaffected by the size of such a feast. “That’ll do for lunch” he said amazingly as he scratched his hairy chest and stretched a bit. With a long gait, the giant was in front of me in not time and hit the ground with a thud in a cross-legged position, his thighs bulging around his crotch. In the sunset’s light, his muscles were truly something one would expect to see once every lifetime. His pecs curved perfectly and pushed past his biceps like their own shelf as he sat up and looked at me. “ I think it’s time I told you what’s going on before this drags out too long” Thompson said. He seemed to be placing his thoughts for a moment before opening his mouth to speak. “To be begin, the reason I am here is perpendicular to the reason you are here, little guy. I am actually known as Subject T, the first successful subject to ever be given heightened male aspects. Heightened brain function, high testosterone, increased male hormones, and heightened metabolic systems. I was told this by the man in charge of the entire operation, the infamous and pompous Andrew Cassidy. He funded the entire operation, ordering a group of scientists to invent a drug that would make him immortal and, even more so, all powerful. To do this, however, they needed a test subject of sorts. A way to ensure that Cassidy would survive the procedure after being injected. In order to do that, all they needed was a teen at his prime with the perfect genetics to receive the drug. That’s when they found me several years ago. At age 18, I was a puny brat; 120 pounds, 5’5, barely able to lift 40 pounds. I was probably the puniest man on earth but they thought “hey, this kid could be perfect”. It’s not suprising I accepted their offer. At that point I’d just gotten out of high school and was suffering the same level of treatment in college. I needed to get out of my life then. That’s when they injected me. On Day 1, I’d already shot an inch and was gaining mass exponentially. My body reacted like a sponge to every food I ate. My testosterone was rising higher and it showed. It took till day 3 for me to get hairy. That was a year ago. On the way, I started getting big for another 10 months until I just stopped. I’d hit 6’2 and was at the point where I would no longer grow any more. I was able to bench 350 easy and squatted for days. I was at the top of my game and I’d gotten the chance to try some…. enlarged dimensions on some sexual partners.” At this point, Thompson actually dug his hand into the tight space of his pants and scratched as best he could the massive appendage hanging inside, confined to its space but looking strangely bigger than I remember it. “I thought that this was the result of their project back then but I was wrong. They wanted more. Cassidy wanted more. He’d spent his money on becoming an all powerful man, not a mildly strong one. So the braniacs too their time and, with effort, created the drug in a kind of 2.0 version. One that excelled past the safe parameters of the human body. Lucky me, my body took to that like a sponge too but more than the scientists thought. I went crazy for a while, rampaging and fucking people up with all my force. I really couldn’t handle all of the new power I’d been given well. Had my brain not caught up to the experiment, I’d still be mad with power. Once they settled me down, we could now see I’d raised my IQ by an immeasurable amount of points. I began to read books in an hour or less. I’d learned almost all the languages of the world in a day. I could do college level mathematics and statistics in my head after that. It only took a week for me to grasp all of the knowledge within the human race.” As Thompson told his story, I couldn’t help but let my jaw drop. These events he’d experienced were something one would see in some over intense action movie but, right in front me, he’d given me facts AND results with nothing but his words and his body. Thompson continued. “I’ve been here for about 2 weeks after the first power quake struck” he said to me. At this my ears perked. Quake? “My body was starting to solidify with muscle harder than steel. My body was actually adapting to the drag and trying to make it more powerful! I was shocked when I learned I could lift trucks over me and then large boulders. I’d even accidently uprooted a tree. That wasn’t even my most exciting feat as I could run the side of some of the tallest mountains in seconds. That speed we’d been going at earlier was like a brisk walk to me” he said with confidence. “ But I just kept getting bigger and stronger. The quakes were starting to destroy nearby buildings and the government was starting to peek around into the findings. That was when Cassidy thought it was a great idea to send me far far away onto a deserted island where I couldn’t destroy anything except the mountains and trees with my growth.” The last word Thompson said came with a bit of a shaking I think I imagined. “Do those still happen even now?” I asked unsurely as I felt I’d been adjusted in my position on the ground. A wicked smile went across Thompson’s face as another quick shake could be felt. “Everyday now. Getting stronger too. Went up 7 inches last time. Looks like I wont be 7’2 anymore” he said as he stood up with a grunt. I began to freak as I felt the quaking become more frequent. With every other second, a quake would run through the area and I’d be moved as though the earth had moved me. Thompson had his arms in a double bicep that looked tight but big. “Ugh. 25 inch fucking biceps” he growled. I could start to see the space around him look a little bit different as though the pressure were changing. The ground beneath Thompson looked a little bit like it was sinking as his legs suddenly tensed up, veins rising to the surface. “Ugh. So fucking big ” he growled again as he spread his stance wider. I stepped back as I could see the big man’s feet slowly inch out. Those big planks of mass were gaining muscle as quickly as the rest of Thompson’s body, the mass coming from nowhere. Objects near the wall were beginning to fall off makeshift shelves and the building was starting shiver at the chaos. I actually covered my head as a board of wood fell from the ceiling. I could still see past the shaking of my world and make out Thompson’s shoulders broadening and his chest sticking further forward. I was too scared for fight or flight. I had to see this beautiful man become more man than I could ever dream of. I could see that Thompson was gaining height fast as his face appeared to be in a state of constant orgasm. “ I fucking love this feeling” he roared as he began to touch his growing body. He seemed oblivious to earthquake he was creating as his chest spread further out and seemed to get perkier, becoming even leaner than they already were. Everything was getting raised higher and sticking out farther than before, making his super model body type shift to what had to be a bodybuilder like body type. As another thick board of wood fell from above, I I began to question my survive. Thankfully, however, the 10 minutes it took for Thompson to grow finally reached its end and, with a final quake, he was finished. Thompson was like a morphed, heightened version of himself. Everything looked to have changed proportion and gotten harder than before. Thompson had been upgraded to a much larger version of himself. He looked down at me from 8’3 with a big smile. “Guess the cat’s out of the bag” he joked as he flexed a bicep and gave it a kiss. I was starting to see the beauty of his arrogance as he looked longingly at his own muscles. I let my vision slip down the valleys and ridges of his muscles to see what had to be his manly treasure. A long tube of appendage was straining the confines of the shorts he’d been wearing. The sides had tears in them as though all the stitches except several were hanging on. The muscle in his thighs had taken off more of his shorts and made them look like shorts made for someone more than half his size. I jumped when I saw his cock shiver in its position, almost like he was growing again. I was wrong. He wasn't growing but his cock sure was. The long weapon was getting longer, the imprint of his cock becoming more obvious. I could hear and see the shorts strain against the force of his cock and could see the tiny button on top actually tighten in place with all its might. It was futile, however as the button tore and the giant’s undergarments were stretched out. “Lately, I’ve been experimenting with the chemicals and inhabitants around the island to see the extents of the drug. One thing is most certain: The drug gets excited whenever I exhibit sexual energy” he said as he began to palm the growing bulge in his briefs. His cock looked as though it were at least 14 inches and only seemed to get longer and thicker. It looked as though his cock might not even be thin enough to be stuffed into an extra large paint can. “The best way to control it is to pass it on to someone to release it for me” he said with a leer at me. I almost quivered at his gaze as my cock suddenly began painfully hard again. I felt almost a magnetic pull towards Thompson as he looked at me with his seductive eyes. Every part of my being wanted him and there was no debating it. “ All I need is someone willing to excite all the sexual energy within me and I will become a god” he said as he walked over to me and stood within 2 feet of me, his cock still slowly reaching out. “ Pacify my hunger and I’ll consider you the one who gave me power to conquer the world” he said down to me. I couldn’t refuse his offer and was on my knees in seconds, grabbing the pole in front of me with strict concentration. I couldn’t ignore what I was doing right now. I was creating a god. I don't remember what happened last but I remembered it as his long inhuman cock reached high above me and my mouth wrapped about what it could of the biggest cock head on the planet.
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