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  1. mczapl


    Chapter 1 His name was @SupremeAlpha. I found him on Instagram and immediately felt his alpha radiation coming from his pictures. He was young, in his mid-20. Tall, muscular and handsome. He loved to work out and pose in the gym and in the locker, showing his pumped muscles to his admirers. He had great wide and massive pecs which stood out after each of his heavy workouts. His smile was charming, but showing authority. A real Alpha. He had curly blond hair. Rather short. Sometimes he even shaved them off completely, which made him look more like an army recruit. He probably would look great wearing a uniform. Pity there was no pics of him like that. On other pics he let his hair grow longer. On those he resembled Adonis - a mix of a ancient Greek superhero and god of love. His skin was dark, as he loved to be tanned. Something between olive tan and golden brown. This was a great combo with his blond hair. His eyes were blue. Deep Ocean blue. On the pics where he looked straight into the camera, these eyes pierced through you, immediately took command of you. They were saying - I am better than you. Stronger. More virile. He was 6'1 (1m85). His legs were pretty muscular, but not huge, because he liked to run. I watched his instastories from his morning jogs. When he was sweaty, short of breath explaining his lifestyle. Wow! Amazing! His confidence was pouring out of these stories. Watching his Instagram profile over and over again, I instantly felt weak and beta. Which is completely normal, as I am a beta fag. A looser. I exist to serve. Serve supreme Alphas. The ones who dominate. Who are born to rule. I dared to write to him. I wrote how supreme he is to me. How his alphaness makes me shiver. But also how it makes me horny. I begged for his forgiveness for being so honest. After a few hours he replied. I was extremely nervous when I opened his message. What is he going to write to me? Maybe he will be crossed at me, he will block me and I will not be able to see his pictures anymore? That would make me extremely sad. Luckily his answer was different. It was short. Very Alpha-style. He wrote: "I was born to make weaklings like you feel insecure." Wow! He bothered to discover my existence and he even replied to me! I was so overwhelmed and horny that I had to jerk off! I replied to him immediately after I cleaned the floor of my room of my cum. "Yes Sir. I exist to serve you." That's how our insta-chats begun. I discovered he lives not far from me, around 1 hour drive by car. He demanded my nude pictures. I've sent him my insignificant body and my ass. I also sent him a pic of my dick, which was rock-hard when I shot the picture, but he scorned me and told me that my dicklet is irrelevant to him and completely useless. He liked my ass though. He said he likes it when it is plump and mine fits his tastes. I was overwhelmed with joy. I never dared to ask him for nudes and he never sent them on his own account, so I never have seen how endowned is he. I never asked about his size either. I assumed he is big, as any Alpha is. Today is a special day. He allowed me to visit him for the first time. I received precise instructions. He lives outside of town. I am to drive to his mansion (yes, he lives in a mansion! He is rich!) up until his gate. I am to be naked when I ring the gate bell. Then I will be allowed to enter his premises and drive till the main door. Unless he is unhappy with how I look or he will be busy with another faggot. Then I will be sent back. I am to leave all my belongings in the car, including my mobile, wallet and the car keys. I am to stand in front of his door completely naked. I am to be fully shaved from neck downwards and covered with a thin layer of oil to make me even smoother and shiny. I am so excited! I really can't wait! It will be an epic day! And night of course! I do hope I will be able to please him! To be continued…
  2. Chapter One : A Historical Case "Holmes, must you play that dirge?" As the great consulting detective stopped playing he looked at his partner, Doctor John Watson, with an odd expression. "Dirge?" asked Holmes "That is what it sounded like to me, and you have been playing it for the last hour without stopping. What is wrong with you?" "I'M BORED!" came the roared reply and with that Holmes threw the violin to the ground and humphed "I need stimulation. I know that Moriarty is still out there!" "He can't be" replied Watson and gesturing his friend to sit down he said, "I have just finished writing up the notes of that case, may I regale them to you?" "I have nothing better to do with my time!" complained Holmes and sat down with a bump in his chair. "It all began on the penultimate night of the year, some three hundred years ago!" began Watson as he regaled the story The night of March 30th 1649 felt like any other night to the citizens of Paris, but to the two horsemen galloping through the Bois de Boulogne, this night was different. Whilst they looked the same, both men looking as if they were true Titans, the reason for thieir gallop was different to each other. The slightly larger of the two men, whose strength was due to his size, looked at the other man with a concerned look. They had left Paris some thirty minutes prior, due to the man saying just one phrase "Tomorrow, I die, therefore have to do this" and seeking the man's permission asked him to follow him. And yet since then not a word had left the other's lips and not sure the reason for their flight, the man asked the only thing he could. "Mon chere, please tell me, why are you so sure you will die tomorrow? And what is this thing that you have to do?" No answer was given until the taller of the two men, just as strong as the other but this was due to his powerful frame, suddenly brought his horse to a stop outside an abandoned house and dismounting, gestured the larger man in. As they both entered, the taller man lit several torches inside and as he did, the larger man gasped in amazement. There at the head of the house, where in times of old, the owner of the house would be seated at some grand feast, were two chairs, one slightly wider than the other, made of oak. For the first time since leaving, the taller man spoke and said "Porthos, this is the last night that I live, therefore I wish to make you the only Titan in Paris, but need to test your resilence. Mon chere, tonight, we become men like never before!" Holmes looked at Watson with a strange look and asked him "Where did you find all that from then? We were not involved at that stage!" "That learned collegaue of yours, the man who calls himself Doctor, told me about it!" "The Doctor? A learned colleague? That man is as clever as I am and as for his...machine. If he had given me a bit more time I am sure I could have understood it" "If I may continue?" asked Watson a few moments later and was given permission by a grunt of disapproval. "Pull mon chere, pull against those manacles of oak, pull and show me that you are worthy of my gift!" As both men, now naked as they day they were born, sweat pouring off them, their bodies showing the agony and estacy of the feat of strength they were performing, pulled against the restraints holding their wrists and ankles, the taller of the two men started to moan. "Yes, I can feel it mon chere, your strength, your muscles bulging hard, your manhood, yes, yes, yes" and declared "TO ME, ADAM!" at which point his sword flew towards him and nestled in his groin. Panting hard, the man looked at the other man who nodded and with a might breath pulled as hard as he could. "FOR THE GLORY OF FRANCE" roared the taller man and as the sword started to glow he added "YOU HAVE THE GLORY!" "Two inverted men, testing their might in some manner of torture as seen on the stage like that Mr. Sandow person" scowled Holmes, "Well, now I know that the Doctor was making it up" "But Holmes, he was insistent, he even showed me the journals of King Louis, written by Captain Treville himself. These two men were in love with each other!" "Maybe, but..." and as Holmes shook his head, Watson nodded his "They were able to become even bigger and stronger than they were, and that's when things started to get interesting!" With a mighty roar both men, now twice as tall and strong, broke free of their prisons and as they landed on the floor, their chests heaving from the effort, they looked into each other's eyes and kissed. "Oh, what a touching scene!" The sudden declaration caused both men to look up and before they had time to react, two green glass balls landed either side of them and exploded releasing a green gas. As both men tried to hold their breath, it was no good and within moments the two men's eyes were completely glazed over. The man who had entered chuckled and taking out a notepad commanded the two men to stand, which they did without question, and announce themselves "The Ultimate Musketeer" replied the man with an emblem of the fleur de lys on his muscular chest "The Ultimate Titan" replied the other with an emblem of an anvil on his muscular chest "Otherwise known" said the man making a note, "as Lt. Henri de Ceredigion and Sub Lt. Issac de Portau of His Majesty's Musketeers from 1625 to 1649. Excellent" and with that he replaced the notebook and declared "Gentlemen, follow me, you shall be part of a scheme so daring that no one, not even Sherlock Holmes himself, will be able to solve it!" and with that he left with the two heroes, for that is what they were, following blankly. "You've turned the case into a penny dreadful haven't you? I mean really!" "I am just simply recanting what the Doctor told me, Sherlock, after all remember, we were not there!" "Can't you get to the part where I got involved?" "No, a good story needs an introduction, besides, we need a native American first!"
  3. demon577

    dating site

    I know I have a lot of history that has just started but I’m starting yet another one, like those that follow me, but history all have different themes, but they are all on the same subject, the muscles, the adoration, brutality, human crushing, fetishes, so like my other stories it has hard content. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ chapter 1: presentation my name is quentin, i am 30 years corpulent, 1m75 for 95kg I'm passive gay with lots of fetishes, but I'm so shy that I didn't realize any, I like muscles and would see them again, I also dream of being crushed by force but also in muscles, I even imagine the superhero superman sometimes squeezing me with that super-strength, but alas I look at muscular men discreetly so I don't see many, serte I could see them in the weight room, but I'm so shy that I do not enter this building because just the sight of their stature makes me draw up the penis (small penis), but another fetish sound on the smells like the sweat of the armpits after a training session or that which did not have have been washed for a long time, the smell of fart, the smell of sweat on other parts of the body, you also like brutal men who are without embarrassment even more those of the profession of police or military because their uniform makes them comemd are monsters and men who give orders, you also dream of a man with the longest and the biggest penis who demolished your ass, but hey you never did it so you don't know how it is. you even did research to learn about the issue, you read case because of their nutrition, their fart was big bomb and feels very bad for this that these men do not fart in public, they are also often furry certainly it looks prettier but it is mainly because of sweating because muscle men sweat a lot more than a normal man is it smells much stronger if they have hairs (armpits, pecs, etc) sweat and the smell will be even more horrible. one thing that you know about yourself is that you have a gift because you cannot die without having blood, but you can even suffer with the same feelings as a normal person and your body reform afterwards for a moment so if you crash flat you will scream during the procedure of being crushed is to have the same feeling as a normal man except that at the moment when the normal man passed out or died you are still happy and can still speak so even you flat and conscious, for the smell you will learn that it is the same thing a bad smell that can faint or kill will just make you scream and hurt. you had already looked for several gay dating site to try to find muscular man and to achieve some fetiche my alas you do not find because it was rare or it is man did not want to do what you like, then one day you receive in your mail is some kind of advertisement for a special gay dating site like name "Musclor" you were intrigued because the ad showed just a muscular man and a skinny man you skeptically click on the link because you were afraid it was a scam, a fake site, once you get to the page you see a familiar logo that goes up free but also certify that reassures you then you go to who we are for know that she is the concept of this site, it is written "You are a muscular man looking for a shrimp or you are a shrimp who is looking for a muscular man, this site is there for you, create your profile and get back to you announcement, this site but in relation it is nobody to carry out an appointment in the real life but attention the shrimp can see that the profile of the muscular man, it is also possible to make plan has several but that several muscular man with a shrimp, it is sticketement prohibited to ask for money, it has that 1 means of contact which is the cat but do not worry you all the world remains on line h24 is when have you contact by chat and that you are not connected you received the message by sms which you s allows you to respond directly by sms (free sms) which allows you to be always reachable but also to be able to continue these conversations without being afraid of missing anyone. " you were blown away by this message and you already knew what you will write in the announcement of your profile
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