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  1. Chapter 1 Feb 2, 2018 “Huh?” I turned towards the mirror again “I swore I…” my hands pressed on my chest, checking myself out in the mirror, trying to catch it again. I started working out about a month ago, and it’s been agony, just like every other time. I’m not even sure I know what I’m doing half the time. I’m not sure how quick I’m supposed to rack weights, or how much sanitizer I’m supposed to do. And then the next day after a workout? When it hits, and I don’t even want to get out of bed! But it’s kinda weird… some of the time… I kind of like it. All the big people I know have always seemed to be that big, and it kinda doesn’t feel like it's possible to go from one size to another, let alone when you’ve always been more on the lean side. So far it’s been like all the other times I’ve tried this, only thing I’m make sure to get my sleep in, eat the food. The food’s probably the hardest part. If I angle myself this way in the mirror, yeah, there. I have a shadow on my chest. Usually, it’s just one big flesh colour, but the light is just right… yeah, there. it was unmistakable. It was my chest. It wasn’t much of one, but it sure made me feel better after collapsing after those push ups. I slipped my shirt back on, and ducked my head a little and smiled. Height: 6’1 Weight: 148 --- May 4, 2018 It’s not an experience that most would really understand, so I’m going to be careful about how I put this. Did you know that your butt like, touches itself? Alright. Now this is a new feeling for me. When you’re pretty lean, you kind of say that you have a butt because you can sit on things, but it’s pretty much all tailbone back there. At some point you can get enough… ‘butt stuff’... back there that both cheeks touch. Today was the day of my awakening? I'm not sure if it was from the squats or from the climbing, but it definitely felt different. And when you haven’t felt that before, it’s kinda like someone is touching your butt all the time when you put on a pair of pants. But there’s no one there, so it’s like a ghost? I assume it’s a pretty common thing for people when they first develop a butt, but I haven’t exactly had a lot of conversations about it. My pants sit a little higher now, and don't just sag. This is weird, and I think I'm a bit out of my element. Weight: 155 --- July 27 Pull-Ups have got to be my exercise. I used to cheat a little with chin-ups by resting my chin on the bar (It’s a lot easier to do when you’re lighter, trust me). But pull ups, you just can’t cheat! You just go up, and squeeze, and lower yourself down, and don’t even jerk it around and just bail on the last one. And repeat. And repeat. And repeat. A few months ago, I even had to start them out as negatives, and here I could get a few of these in. I’ve even kicked my legs a bit, but man, pull ups are just hard when you’re tall. My back’s not huge or anything, but normally when I run my hand down my back from my armpit, it’s just like sliding your fingers down a table top. It’s smooth, and a little warm, but pretty much a straight line. But now, it’s not smooth. There’s a bump… a ridge? It’s not just straight there anymore. I’m kinda used to being to see behind me through my armpits, but now it was just a bit harder to get there. My chest’s been doing pretty nicely too! That shadow there’s not just between my pecs anymore. I can see a bit of shadow under them too! The light in here totally washes them out, but they’re there alright. I can’t make them dance or anything, but I’ve totally tried. I can’t grow any chest hair to save my life, but I kinda like that too. Okay, okay, okay... maybe making sure I get all the protein, and sleeping is actually paying off. Weight: 158 Part 2 August 15 I was grabbing some new shoes from the mall, when I came by the workout section. Honestly, despite working out, I don’t really know if I should be here. This place is for… you know… athletic people. I picked up this Under Armor shirt. Honestly, I can’t deny that they look cool. When you feel them, they just scrunch under your fingers, and because they’re soft, they hug right in between your knuckles. It’s weird, but it makes you feel more confident. It makes me feel more confident. But I don’t feel like that when I’ve worn them before. When you’re lean and tall, they make you look tall and tubish, and you look 20% like a skinny sausage. I guess that’s kind of a hug, but I can’t say it makes you feel confident. I’ve always worked out in a T-shirt. They’re loose, and you don’t look weird in them. And these kind of shirts aren’t really for newbies, right? This red one looks really nice. And it does something with sweat that I don’t really understand. Okay, that’s a half excuse. I do want to see if this looks any better on me now that I’ve been working out for a while. While I don’t look like the people in the ads, but I also don’t look like a sausage anymore. It’s harder to see, but I still have a bit of a shadow on my chest. It sits okay on me, but it both kinda flattens everything and makes everything squeeze together. It does feel more right to wear. I think my back looks bigger? If I’m still doing this three months later… yeah. Okay, I can say I earned it. Weight: 160 --- October 15 Halloween is coming up, and I’m starting to think of what kind of costume it’ll be this year. I’ve done Zombie a few times. I mean, I’d want to do Super Hero, but those kind of costumes only look good on people who are in really good shape. So, maybe not this time, but maybe next year? Ahh, that’s crazy. I had to make some adjustments to my workout shirts. There’s a bit where the seem at the back of the sleeve, well, it keeps rubbing against my lat when I’m working out. It’s really irritating. I ripped off the sleeve (It wasn’t that hard anymore). I ended up needing to fix it with scissors, and now the hole hangs lower. Now I’ve got a full range of motion and… and, alright, it looks nice to see it in the mirror. It shows itself when I turn to the side, and a bit when I lift my arm. It’s me! I’ve got a bit of… okay, the word is ‘meat’, I guess. My hand can get caught on something there. It makes it a bit harder to scratch all of my back now. It’s not huge, but it feels good to have it. And I can kind of see a groove between the muscles on my shoulder just above it too. How’s that work? Weight: 162 --- November 24 This city shuts down the moment it gets snowy, I swear. I’ve been working from home. I’ve been doing a lot more bodyweight workouts lately, and they feel great. Pull ups have been going well, but I can’t get above 12, and I think I need to do them differently now. I bought the Under Armor shirt from the store. It sits pretty nice on me right now. The only problem is… this one is garbage to workout in because of these ridges that rub up against everything when you move. At least it doesn’t bother my lat. And it looks good! I look good in it. It doesn’t make me exactly look like how I want to look, but it makes my chest look a bit bigger. It feels comfortable. I can push out my chest a bit and stand a little taller. I’ve been working out for a year now. Does this make me a gymbro? I’m feeling good, I’m getting all my sleep. Is a gymbro just someone that goes to the gym? Okay, not a gymbro. Jock? No… jocks are like… jocks. I’m not a meat-head, and I’m athletic-ish, but not an athlete. Is there a term for a guy that just likes (and hates) to work out and does it regularly? Weight 163 Part 3 January 1, 2019 My hands aren’t smooth anymore. They’ve been building up calluses along my finger joints, and now they get snagged on everything. I’ve trimmed them a few times now, because they really hurt at first, but now it’s just the rough parts on my one-smooth hands. I made them. When you’re doing pull ups, it’s really easy to get them, right along the part of the hand that joins with the fingers. They’re the first things to hurt; not your back, not your chest, and it’s the smallest part. It’s just something you have to build up a resistance to. With a pull up, you are your own resistance. It’s not that big dumbbell that you’re looking forward to pressing. It’s not maxing out the machine. It’s just you, and the bar. The only one stopping you is you. I don’t feel sore the next day after a workout anymore. Sleep is amazing, and I wouldn’t mind an extra hour of it. I’ve been smiling a bit more. I think people have been asking my thoughts on things more. It’s been different to get used to that. I usually have to fight it harder when I come up with something. People are acting like I’m about to say something great. I gotta say, food is still the hardest part. I’m constantly eating. Like every 2 hours, it’s another few handfuls of food and a protein shake. I feel stuffed all the time. I have to pick at food all the time to get it. I’m not sure where all of it is going. I’ve even been pushing with the protein powder. I’m not sure if 60 grams a day is a lot or not but other than that, I'm feeling good. Weight 165 --- February 2 I feel like I take up space now. I’ve been used to trying to squeeze into places a lot before, like in the back seat. And when you’re tall and lean, you can really bend yourself into small places. I can’t really do that anymore, just from ‘more’ shoulders I have. I even aim a little more for the center of doorways, just so I can avoid bumping my shoulder on the sides. One bright spot is that I don’t need a belt anymore on my jeans. They’d slip down before, but now I have enough… well, me down there that they hold up on my waist. I wear a size 32, and I’ve always needed a belt (usually on the first hole) to keep them on, and now, they just sat there and felt right. There’s even an outline from when the stuff in my pockets pressed against my quads. The ‘downside’ though, is I’ve had to buy a new dress shirt. I paid a bit extra for the last one because it looked really nice, but now when I put it on it pulls open between the buttons on the chest. I can even see my chest poke through the gaps. I’ve had to buy a new one to replace it, with a mixture of ‘What a waste…’ and ‘...I wonder how long it’ll take to outgrow this one.’ My back is looking nice. It’s got somewhat of a Dorito shape to it. It’s not filled in, but it looks nice, even with a compression shirt. It feels nice just… being. Weight 166 --- April 14 I’ve been kinda stuck with my workouts lately. I’m not getting any progression. I’m nailing these sets, and they feel good all the way through, but I can’t push out another rep, even when I want to. I’ve heard that some people can’t get bigger after a certain size. Have I topped out? Eating’s been feeling like a real chore again. There’s only so much you can do with chicken. And there’s just so much food. I keep being asked to go hang out with people. I’m not exactly used to a busy social life, and I’m happy that people suddenly want to start talking to me, but where is this all coming from all of a sudden? Just a lot of people have been getting friendly lately, and, like, maybe it’s a joke? We’ll be eating some food together, and I’ll be honest, it’s feeling really hard to eat all the time. I’m picking at it while they’re talking. I’m half there and half not. Am I doing something wrong? Weight 166 --- June 17, 2019 I haven’t worked out in two months. Weight 163
  2. Ziel


    This is a bit of a collaborative story between whatinsomnia from FA and I. A lot of the kinks and transformation ideas, but I did all the writing and characterizations. This series has been in the works for ages. As such the first chapter is not quite as polished as my newer stuff, but it's pretty interesting to see how my style has changes in the past year. [Next Chapter] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "There we go. A full nine inches. Congratulations, babe." Eli said proudly. The slender, blond man smiled broadly as he compared his lover's thick, olive skinned rod against the tic marks on the soft, fabric tape measure. "Finally..." Marco grumbled. He furrowed his brow and ran his fingers through his short, wavy dark brown hair and rubbed his scalp. "We've been using this stuff for six months now and I've only added an inch." "These things take time. You've already shown much better progress than most of the testimonials." Eli stated matter-of-factly as he pulled off his tight, latex gloves and dumped them into the garbage. "The only reason it works so slow is because they want to make us buy more. It's a big scam, I tell ya!" Marco grumbled as he chucked the now empty tube of MetaGro into the trashcan. "Hell, I bet you could make one that works a hundred times better than that crap." "You seem to give me quite a bit of credit." Eli replied playfully as he stroked his lover's thick cock. "Just saying what I think, babe..." Marco cooed between gasps. "You're twelve times as smart as any of those eggheads at MetaGro." Marco let out a gasp and shuddered as he felt his boyfriend masterfully work over his respectable tool. "Flattery will get you everywhere." Eli replied seductively before wrapping his lips around the impressive dick. He could feel Marco shuddering and his lover's sizeable dick twitching as he rubbed his tongue against it. "God... you're so good at that..." Marco murmured between gasps. Eli lifted off of his lover's shuddering dick and flashed the lean, olive skinned beauty a sultry glance. "I'm even better at this." He said saucily as he climbed up into his lover's lap. Eli slowly lowered himself down upon his lover's eagerly awaiting cock. Marco shuddered in ecstasy as he felt his boyfriend's tight hole swallow his cock. Eli definitely knew how to ride dick like a pro. The pale, slender man rocked his hips back and forth, causing his lover's dick to slide back and forth inside of him. Eli could feel Marco shuddering beneath him and his lover's cock shifting and twitching deep within him. "You can't be ready to cum already, can you?" The blond asked incredulously. "Sorry babe... you're too good." Marco muttered between gasps. "That's no excuse. Come on. I'm not getting off until I've had my fun and neither are you." Eli teased as he began rocking his hips even harder and faster. Marco grunted and groaned but still kept his load down. "That's it... just a little more." Eli moaned as he ramped up the pace even more. Marco had one of the biggest cocks Eli had ever ridden, but Eli still couldn't help but daydream about bigger and better things. Eli's private stash of monster dildos were all at least fourteen inches long and twice as thick as the rod that Marco was sporting. These plastic replicas lacked the warmth and passion of a real dick, but they certainly split Eli wide. He couldn't get enough of the sensation of being stretched out by such amazingly thick tools. At the rate the special gel they were using was working, it would be years before Marco's dick got truly huge. Marco was right, and Eli knew it. The slender blond was a whiz at chemistry, and MetaGro was most likely stifling scientific discoveries that could increase the potency of their serum in order to sell more doses. Eli's mind drifted to thoughts of his hot Latin lover of two years sporting well over a foot of rock hard cock. Eli's cock began to shudder and dribble pre just from thinking of impaling himself upon such a glorious specimen. He could almost feel himself getting split wider and wider as the beast ravaged him senseless. Eli moaned sensually as his cock lurched and spewed forth thick wads onto his lover's chest and stomach. Marco let out a sigh of relief and sexual bliss as he too allowed himself to finally cum. Eli could feel the thick wads spurting inside of him. Eli collapsed onto his lover's chest and threw his arms over Marco's lean shoulders as he waited for his heart rate and his breathing to normalize. "That was great, babe." He cooed into his lovers ears in between deep breaths. "Now go get cleaned up. You've got work in the morning." Eli softly instructed Marco as he got to his feet. Marco managed a weak nod and grunt of understanding but continued to lie back on the couch as he basked in the afterglow of being ridden in such an expert fashion. Eli scooped up Marco's discarded shirt and slipped it on as he sauntered off back to his personal lab. Eli liked to think of himself as a freelance researcher, although mad scientist was probably a more accurate description. He made a very nice living by performing experiments and studying fields of science that the big businesses didn't deem profitable enough to foot the bill for. He had made a number of startling breakthroughs and had sold the patents from his discoveries to fund his hobby. In the few years since college he had amassed a small fortune as well as built his own private, top of the line science facility. He took a moment to admire himself in the mirror as he entered his lab. By all accounts he was a good looking guy. His slight, slim features and long, straight blond hair could even be described as pretty or even feminine. He didn't mind these words though. In fact, he secretly enjoyed them. He picked a hair tie up from off the desk beside him and pulled his long hair back into a ponytail, leaving just the bangs loose to frame his delicate features.Other than his hair, he didn't bother getting cleaned up at all. One of the beauties of working at home was that he could show up at the office clad in just his lover's oversized, white button up shirt. Eli hadn't even bothered to close the front of it. His smooth chest and clean shaven cock and balls were left exposed to the elements. He enjoyed the cool air against his skin, though. The only reason he was wearing the shirt was because the scent of his boyfriend's cologne helped to calm his nerves and harden his dick.Eli couldn't get what Marco had said to him out of his head. There really was no reason why he couldn't solve this issue, and who knows? He might even turn a nice profit out of it. What really motivated him was the thought of his lover sporting the cock of his dreams. Eli kept the image of Marco sporting a foot and a half long, rock hard boner seared into the forefront of his mind as he worked feverishly. The image caused Eli's own perfectly average five inches to stand at attention, but he did nothing to attend to it. The constant state of arousal just helped spur him on in his scientific pursuits.Eli didn't come up from his lab for almost a week. Marco was used to these long absences by now, but he still got a little lonely during the times that Eli was in hardcore research mode. The only times Marco even saw his boyfriend were during the times when he went to the lab to bring meals or a fresh change of clothes. Eli didn't even come up to shower or sleep since he had his own small living quarters built into the lab.During the week Eli worked feverishly running simulations, testing isotopes, comparing genetic data. He approached the problem from every possible angle, but he still made little progress. He had been so focused on his work that he hadn't even bothered to take care of his more basic needs. As he got into day six, his more primal desires began to override his scientific mind. He popped up one of his simulations and stared at the 3D rendered image of his lover. The render was completely nude and sporting a cock that stretched up to his chest. Eli reached down with one hand and slipped his pointer and middle finger into his ass. He almost came right then and there. It had been almost a week since he had gotten any action and he was feeling painfully pent up.He fought a battle with his scientific drive and his sexual urges as he jacked off and tenderly fingered himself. Part of his mind refused to abandon his projects even in the midst of such base pursuits. He was very close to cracking this case after all. The only stumbling block seemed to be finding the perfect base for his serum. He had a theory, and his theories were usually right. He figured he could make a gel similar to MetaGro that, when rubbed into the soft tissue of the body, could spur rapid growth in that region. He just needed a core ingredient... something that contained much of the genetic data that he needed... something that also contained all the basic proteins needed for growth.Eli sighed contentedly as he felt the warm goop splatter against his exposed chest. He slid back in his chair and took a moment to bask in calm and relaxed feeling that washed over him after a nice good wank. He slowly lifted his messy hand up to his face and was just about to lick it off when he had the scientific epiphany of the century. His contented grin broadened into a huge, toothy smile of manic glee as he stared at the thick, sticky mess that was dripping from his fingers.Leaping into action, Eli gathered the materials and loaded them into the mixer he had prepared for such an occasion. He was positively giddy as he ran the calculations in his head again and again. This had to work. The science all checked out. He was never wrong on such things. He stared happily as the small wad he scraped off his chest got mixed in with various chemicals and compounds. The mixture changed from white, to green, to purple, and finally back to white. By the time it was done, the formula had taken on a gelatinous state.He picked up the beaker and stared into it excitedly. He just needed to test it. He almost ran upstairs and forced the newly christened mixture onto his boyfriend, but as sure as he was, he would never risk something so untested on someone he cared so much about. He pondered for a moment and decided that this best course of action was to test it on himself.Eli slipped on a pair of skin tight, latex gloves and stuck two fingers into the goop. He scooped up a small gob of it and eyed it suspiciously. Sure, he could apply it to his dick, but where was the fun in that. Not that he didn't want a bigger dick. Even bottoms love having huge cocks after all, but he had a better idea. He would be needing a lot more spunk to make further batches. That was assuming that this current batch worked, but he already knew it would.Eli began gently kneading the gel into his nuts. He had always had pretty meager balls, and he was excited at the prospect of soon having larger ones. He wasn't sure how much larger yet, but if this substance worked like he theorized, he could soon make them as large as he wanted. The murky gel vanished into his skin almost instantly. It absorbed into his skin so cleanly that it didn't even leave behind any residue.Eli sat in his chair, waiting patiently for any sign of change. It took but a few seconds for the first tingles to begin to course through his nuts. He grinned slightly as the sensation intensified. His grin grew into a broad smile as his nuts began to swell visibly before his very eyes. His previously marginal nuts swelled to the size of golf balls in a matter of seconds.After the initial surge, the growth seemed to taper off altogether. Eli wasn't disappointed, though. He still had a beaker full of the stuff with which to really ramp up his size. He stuck his hand into the container and scooped up a large glob of the compound and rubbed it into his nuts. Just as before, the tingling sensation followed soon after. The much larger dosage had the effect that Eli had predicted. His already decently sized balls swelled before his very eyes. They quickly grew and grew until they were the size of chickens eggs, and then small apples, and then finally the size of baseballs before the growth ground to a halt. Eli smiled broadly as he scoped out his newly enhanced nuts. The growth had abated, but they still tingled pleasantly. He wrote this off as a mere side effect of the increased dosage.He was so excited by his new and improved nuts that he was already rock hard. His eyes drifted over to the last little bit of the growth gel that was sitting inside the beaker. He knew exactly what he wanted to do with that. He reached his hand in and scraped up the last bits of the serum with his fingers and then rubbed the mixture along his rigid dick. He was so giddy about the prospects of increasing his mediocre dick that pre was already dribbling out of the tip of his painfully erect cock.The gel vanished into his skin much the same as before, followed soon after by the warm tingling sensation. He watched with bated breath as his dick slowly began to expand before his very eyes. He wanted to just sit there and stare in awe at the steady growth of his own dick, but his scientific mind needed numbers to corroborate what he was seeing. He turned in his swiveling chair back towards his desk and fumbled through his drawer for something he could use. He had no rulers, but he did have a small protractor that had the first six inches marked off on it. He quickly lined the flat edge of the plastic semi-circle up along the side of his swelling cock and stared. He could barely stifle his giggles of manic glee as the tip of his dick crept up along the tic marks. His dick was already five and a half inches by the time he had begun measuring. That was a gain of half an inch in a matter of seconds, and it was showing no signs of stopping. By the time the growth finally had! tapered off, the tip of his dick was well past the edge of the protractor. Eli couldn't stop grinning like a goof even if he had wanted to. He was now sporting over six inches of cock. He had put on well over an inch in under a minute. That was more than Marco had grown in six months using MetaGro.He was so worked up from watching his cock and balls grow before his very eyes that he didn't even manage to get his hand around is cock to jack off before it erupted like a volcano. It was the single most powerful orgasm he had had to date. Thick, heavy ropes of jizz flew trough the air, coating his exposed chest and even splattered into his face and hair. Just one spurt of jizz would have dwarfed any load he had ever shot, but again and again spooge launched forth from his dick. It wasn't until after the eighth heavy wad that his spurts finally began to taper off.Eli collapsed into his chair and gasped for breath as the post-wank bliss fogged his brain. He could feel the warm, thick spunk rolled down his face and chest as he lay there. He felt so amazing that he wanted to just lie there basting in his own spooge, but his scientific mind refused to let such a wonderful sample go to waste. He forced his sluggish body to get up and get to work. He staggered awkwardly around the lab as he scraped off as much salvageable spunk as he could into a beaker. There was so much cum that he filled the beaker to the brim and still had plenty left over.With the raw materials successfully gathered and loaded into the mixer, Eli finally allowed himself to slump back into his chair and bask in both the afterglow and the pride that came with such an impressive scientific discovery. His lethargy vanished instantly upon hearing the telltale ding from the machine though. There were far too many possibilities to explore with a brand new batch of gel for him to be sitting around goofing off like that.Eli hopped to his feet and skipped over to the mixer. The latest batch was several times larger than the previous one. He had an entire vat of product with which to work with now. His mind was already racing on ideas of what to do with it. Of course he knew he was going to get Marco to use it, but the question was, where would Marco use it? Obviously he would grow his boyfriend's dick, but why stop there? Marco had long lamented his inability to really bulk up. Eli theorized that this new compound would allow for Marco's muscles to swell in a matter of minutes, and of course, Eli's theories were always correct. The possibilities were endless.Eli was just about to load up the vat of gel and take it upstairs when he got a brief glimpse of his backside reflected in the glass. The blond frowned as he scoped out his own flat, boney ass. What he wouldn't give for a truly rockin' caboose. He got halfway through his sigh of disappointment when he realized that he had the answers to his prayers quite literally within his grasp.Eli quickly slipped on a fresh set of gloves and scooped up huge gobs of gel into each hand and began rubbing it into his flat butt cheeks. He could already feel it working as he reached into the tub and started a second couple of handfuls. He moaned sensually as he felt his ass swelling against his fingers while he rubbed in the second helping. He bit his lower lip to stop himself from giggling as he daydreamed about how truly gigantic his badonk would be in a matter of minutes.Eli was so happy that he sashayed over to the mirror to scope out the changes. He wished he had someone on hand that could give him a drum roll as he slowly lifted up the oversized, white button up shirt that he had been wearing. His rump was already huge and still swelling. Eli was ecstatic. He had a big dick, huge balls, and now a massive ass. He had seemingly everything he had always wanted, but something still seemed off. He turned slightly to scope out the view from various angles, and it hit him. His butt looked ridiculously out of place without hips to match. His huge, round cheeks were spilled over the sides of his slender frame. It looked like he had a couple of flesh colored playground balls glued to his backside. He knew there was only one solution for him. He had to grow his hips, too.Eli hopped giddily back to the vat and slathered on another couple of handfuls of gel onto his boney thighs. If his calculations were correct, which they always were, he would soon have amazingly wide, sensual thighs. His hips would look positively feminine by the time he was done, but this didn't bother him at all. He had secretly wished to have a more effeminate build. His slim, lanky body made him look too much like a twelve year old boy for his tastes. The only one who really knew about his effeminate side was Marco, who had often encouraged Eli to express this side of himself more. Eli had always been a bit too nervous about flaunting his femininity in public, but now that he would have the body to match, he was thinking it was time he changed all that.Eli peeled off his gloves and jogged back over the mirror to check out his new and improved physique. What he saw made him overjoyed and more than a little hot under the collar. He was absolutely stunning. His narrow, lanky frame was now wide and luscious from the waist down. His was now sporting wide, sensual hips that any girl would kill to have.It wasn't just his waist that was looking amazing, though. His cock was simply wonderful. The rigid shaft now stood over seven inches tall and was as thick as the TV remote in the living room. His impressive dick was topped off with two huge, low hanging balls that were the size of softballs. Each hefty orb felt so heavy and full of cum even though Eli had just jacked off a scant few minutes ago. He reached down and gripped his nuts with both hands. He was slightly surprised by just how huge and full they were. It was obvious that they had grown a bit more since he had administered the dosage, but he wasn't worried. They looked and felt even better than before. His nuts were now so huge that just one turgid orb could fill his entire palm. They were so huge and heavy that he could barely even hold his nut with one hand.Eli took his hands off his wondrously huge nuts and turned to scope out the changes to his backside. His ass was beyond phenomenal. The previously flat, bony cheeks were now so huge and full that each cheek was as wide as his hips used to be. He slapped one of his round, supple buns and watched in the mirror as it jiggled slightly. His ass was huge, but gravity didn't seem to be impacting it in a negative way. His cheeks managed to stay pert and perky despite their size. Each cheek was bigger than a basketball and had just the right curvature to it to really accentuate their size without looking flabby. He turned sideways to scope out his profile and was pleased to see that his ass jutted out several inches behind him. He was definitely going to be needing bigger pants, but that was a small price to pay for looking fabulous.The only downside, if one could call it that, was that his cheeks were now so large that they were bunching up against each other. Eli shifted his weight around and quickly found that spreading his legs wider gave his copious buns more room to spread out. The new stance took some getting used to, but he couldn't argue with the results. His new pose accentuated his luscious hips even more, drawing even more attention to just how wide and sensual his butt and hips were now.Eli could have stared at his glorious ass for hours, but he was roused from his reverie by the sounds of a car pulling into the driveway. He glanced quickly over at the clock and, for the first time in almost a week, realized just how late it had gotten. Marco was due to be home from work already. Eli quickly put a lid over the vat and hauled the awkwardly heavy tub of goop up the stairs and plopped it on the dining room table. Marco was sure taking his time getting in from the car, but Eli was actually relieved since it meant he had plenty of time to get everything perfect for his lover's homecoming.Marco grunted as he hoisted the several bags of groceries into his arms and smacked the car door shut with a quick jut of his butt. He got about halfway up the steps before he began to wonder if maybe he should have made two trips instead of trying to manhandle all the groceries into the house in one load, but he was enough of a male egotist that setting one or two of the bags down to lighten the load was simply out of the question. He fumbled awkwardly with the door handle using his left knee and shifted the bags in such a way that he could pull the door open using his right pinky. Once the screen door was open it was just a matter of rubbing his butt against the knob until the solid, wooden door granted him access.Marco heard the latch click and felt the door begin to slide open. He quickly regained his balance and turned to enter the house, but what he saw caused his jaw to drop. The bags he was carrying followed right after. There in the doorway was his sweet, slender, blond boyfriend, but Eli was much different than Marco remembered him. Everything above the waist was the same, but as soon as Marco's eyes reached Eli's waist he could see the blond's hips had broadened considerably. Eli's hips were now almost twice as wide as his slender waist.That wasn't even the biggest change. Eli's state of total undress left his now almost eight inch rod openly on display. He already rivaled Marco's old size and had Marco's new size outclassed in terms of girth. Eli's cock was almost as thick as a beer can now. Dangling below his lover's impressive shaft were two, hefty nuts that were closing in on the size of cantaloupes."You got the formula to work, huh?" Marco replied as casually as he could muster. He was hoping to come across cool and collected, but the cracking of his voice and the red hue of his face gave him away."You don't know the half of it." Eli said happily before leaning forward and planting a kiss square on his lover's lips. Eli was quite a bit shorter than Marco, but there was a bit of a step up to the doorway which placed Eli's large cock at the perfect height to grind against his lover's bulge as they made out in plain sight of the neighbors. When they finally broke apart from their passionate embrace, Marco had a large wet spot towards the bottom of his shirt where Eli's rigid cock had leaked pre all over him, and Marco's own sizeable cock was straining visibly against the fabric of his pants."Come on, come on. In with you. Off with them." Eli muttered hurriedly as he pulled his boyfriend into the house."What about the groceries." Marco asked innocently."Fuck the groceries." Eli muttered as he hastily pulled open the front of his boyfriend's shirt, popping a few buttons off in the process."I tried that once with a cucumber... it wasn't as fun as I was led... oh...." Marco tried to make a quick quip, but the feeling of his lover's mouth against the bulge in the front of his pants quickly derailed any form of witticism he could have attempted. Eli continued to suck on the front of his lover's pleats even while awkwardly fumbling with Marco's belt and buttons. They both held their breath in anticipation as Eli pulled down on the waistband of both Marco's pants and boxers. They both watched in silence as his warm, olive toned cock sprung free from its cloth confines."Oh, we can do so much better than that." Eli remarked lasciviously as he stared at his boyfriend's rigid nine inches. "Come on. Step out of them." Eli commanded his dark haired, Latin lover. Marco silently complied, stepping up with one foot and then the other, allowing Eli to pull Marco's pants and shoes off his feet one foot at a time. Marco was left standing in the entryway clad in just a tattered blue dress shirt, which he promptly pulled off and added to the rest of the pile of clothes."Come on. Have a seat. Over there." Eli jabbered giddily as he pointed over towards the dining room table. Marco smiled and silently complied. It had been ages since he had seen his boyfriend this happy, and judging from the changes the slender blond had gone through in just the course of one afternoon, Eli had every reason to be. The blond scientist was hopping around the room like a kid on Christmas."Huh? What's this?" Marco asked as he prodded the giant vat of what appeared to be murky white gelatin. The goop in the gigantic bucket jiggled slightly in response to his poking."Try not to get any on you. It's very powerful stuff." Eli explained as he rounded the corner from the pantry. Eli finished pulling on a fresh pair of gloves that he had just grabbed."Do you need me to do anything?" Marco asked politely. He was pretty used to dealing with Eli now and so he was pretty sure he would be asked to sit back and shut up, but he still felt the need to ask anyway."Just sit back and watch the magic." Eli replied giddily as he scooped up a huge handful. Eli got down on his knees in front of his boyfriend's still fully boned rod and began rubbing the huge gob of gel into the shaft. Marco was surprised at just how quickly the substance disappeared into his skin. In a little more than a second after application he looked like he had never come in contact with the goop at all.Marco stared at his hard-on suspiciously for a second. He was just about to ask how long it would take to feel anything when the tingling set in. It felt surprisingly nice and warm, almost as if a million tiny fingers were rubbing his dick. He moaned softly, but he didn't take his eyes off of his cock. In a matter of seconds after the tingling set in, he could already see the difference. His dick was swelling before his very eyes. His jaw went slack as he saw his dick get bigger, and longer, and thicker. He wished he had something to gauge his size off of, but Eli has been thinking ahead. Less than a second after Marco thought about the need for measurement, Eli already had the ruler in place. Marco stared in awe at his dick as the tip slowly crept past the ten inch mark and then the eleven inch mark. He had put on over two inches in less than a minute, and it was still growing.Eli tossed aside the ruler and grabbed two more heaping handfuls of gel. He immediately began rubbing these giant gobs of the compound into his lover's nuts. "H.. Hey, isn't that a little much?" Marco tried to ask, but he was quickly silenced by a stern glare from his blond lover. Marco decided to just go with it. He could stand to boost his balls anyway. The previous mixture he had been using had only increased the size of his dick a bit. His balls were still at their old size, and the bigger branch was definitely making the berries look smaller. Marco was just a little worried that his boyfriend might be getting a little carried away.Marco's apprehension faded away when he felt the tingling course through his balls. Even before he looked down to watch his nuts growing, he could feel them getting fuller and heavier by the second. The sensation of raw virility and sexual power that came with his balls swelling was exhilarating. He had to hold his now foot long dick back so that he could watch his balls swelling uninterrupted. He could have sworn his dick was even bigger than it was a minute ago, but that was not the most important issue on his mind at the moment. He stared in awe as his previously medium sized balls swelled up to the size of baseballs in a matter of seconds. He was so fascinated watching the two softball sized balls pull up and then descend that he was barely even aware of his boyfriend grabbing another couple handfuls of goop until Eli was kneeling before him and slowly reaching in to dose Marco's already hefty balls once more."Again...?" Marco sputtered as he stared as he stared into Eli's eyes. He recognized that lascivious glint in his lover's eyes, but he also knew Eli well enough to know that he would never do anything that Marco would object to. Eli sure loved to push the limits, though."That depends. Are you asking me to dose you again or are you asking whether or not I am going to dose you again?" Eli teased playfully, wiggling his laminated fingers as he spoke."I..." Marco's initial reaction was to tell Eli to stop. His balls were plenty big already. His balls were inhumanly large in fact, but his heart skipped a beat and he felt some fluttering in his stomach as his eyes drifted down to Eli's melon sized nuts. The enlarged cum factories looked so amazing and sexy, and Marco's own enhanced balls felt so wonderful that he just couldn't help himself. The words were out of his mouth before he even realized what he was saying. "I want more... Bigger... please." He pleaded breathlessly. He silently chastised himself, but it was too late. He could already feel his lover's gelled up fingers rubbing against his tingly balls.The second round of growth began just as suddenly as the first had. Marco actually grinned as he watched his nuts go from the size of softballs, to the size of grapefruit, and then swelled up even more until they were the size of cantaloupes."That's just the start of the fun." Eli said with a sly grin on his face. Marco looked up to see that his blond lover had another couple of heaping handfuls of the gel, but Eli didn't appear to be interested in Marco's nuts this time. Eli sidestepped his boyfriend's now thirteen inch dick and straddled his lover as he leaned in for a kiss. As the two kissed passionately, Marco could feel Eli's over ten inch, rigid dick and huge melon sized nuts sandwiched between them and Eli's deft hands gliding across his pecs.Eli leaned back and watched his handiwork as Marco's pecs swelled up before their eyes. Marco too was staring down at his chest with rapt fascination. In less than a minute he had gone from a completely flat, boyish chest to having two toned, well defined pecs. "It works on muscles?" Marco asked in awe as he rubbed his newly christened pecs."You don't know the half of it." Eli said playfully. A smug grin was plastered across his face.Marco's stomach felt like it had butterflies in it before, but now it felt like those butterflies had invited all their friends and were having a vibrant butterfly rave deep in his gut. This was literally a dream come true for him. He had always wished to have muscles, but his metabolism was such that he could never seem to gain nor lose weight no matter what types of diet or exercise he had tried. He had gone so far as to contemplate steroids, but ultimately chose not to for fear of shrinking his already meager nuts. Now that they had this gel, though, he never had to worry about his balls being too small ever again. Although, he never had to worry about taking steroids either so it really didn't matter."How big can you make them...?" Marco asked unsteadily. He couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. He had seen the results of the new concoction firsthand. His moderate balls had multiplied in size in a matter of minutes. It was obvious that this stuff could make him grow exponentially. With such power, why would he even worry about the max size... unless he secretly wished to reach it? Marco swallowed hard to ease the dryness in his throat. He couldn't believe he was actually even considering such a thing."How big do you want them?" Eli asked playfully as he dipped his hands into the gel and made a show of getting huge, thick gobs of the goop for use on his lover.Big... Huge..." Marco pleaded hoarsely. On some level he realized how ludicrous what he was asking was. He was giving his boyfriend free reign to turn him into a hulking muscle freak, but he wanted it. He desperately wanted it.Eli chuckled seductively as he gathered up two huge handfuls and leaned in close to his lover. Their faces were so close that their noses were all but touching. Marco could feel Eli's hot breath against his neck. "Say hello to the new Mr. Universe." He heard Eli's voice reach his ears in a hoarse whisper that sent chills down his spine, but these were not chills of fear or anxiety... No, Marco was trembling in anticipation.Eli once again sat down in Marco's lap and planted a deep passionate kiss on Marco's lips as he rubbed the mixture into Marco's olive skinned chest and over his shoulders. While the two continued to make out, Eli would continually scoop up handfuls of the mixture from the vat on the table and slather it all up and down his lover's torso and arms.Marco felt too amazing to complain or even question what his boyfriend was doing to him. His boyfriend was effectively giving him a full body massage. Eli's plus sized booty was so huge that his gigantic, supple cheeks were effectively jacking off Marco's massive dick while Eli was grinding against him. By this time Marco's entire upper body was tingling from the copious dosage of the gel that had been applied to him. He could actually feel his muscles beginning to swell all over his body.By the time they broke apart, Marco was gasping for breath, but this was more a result of his arousal reaching critical levels than because of an inability to breathe during their passionate kissing. Eli looked a little flustered as well, but he didn't let it slow him down at all as he grabbed another couple of handfuls of gel and kneaded it into his lover's pecs."A... Another?" Marco cooed softly as he stared at his lover. Not even he was sure if he was questioning Eli's actions or egging the blond on. Marco's chest was already looking very well defined, but Marco was obsessed with pecs; a fixation that he had shared with Eli on numerous occasions. In that regard they were very much alike."I know how much you've always wanted nice, big pecs." Eli responded coyly as he rubbed the remnants of his last handful into his lover's chest. Eli flashed his boyfriend a playful grin and grabbed a couple small gobs of gel. "I think you're gonna really love them when I'm done." With that Eli reached in and playfully tweaked his boyfriend's small nipples, effectively slathering the tiny nubs with yet another dose of the growth serum in the process.Marco's nipples were never all that sensitive, but somehow the small pinch sent shockwaves up his spine. It felt surprisingly good. He wondered what effect the gel would have on them, but he was already having a hard time seeing over his steadily expanding shelf of pectoral muscles.Eli grabbed a few more handfuls and went to work slowly rubbing the mixture into the regions of his boyfriend's body that he had previously been unable to get. The effects of the first dosage were already becoming very apparent. Marco's previously lean, dark skinned body was swelling up on all sides. His previously inconsequential muscles grew and swelled before their very eyes. His previously flat gut began to form small bumps as his abdominal muscles grew enough to become pronounced. His sinewy arms swelled and gained definition as his biceps, triceps, and forearms grew and swelled. The muscles on his shoulders and along the sides of his neck slowly grew and bulged out as his traps and delts slowly took shape. His legs went from wirey stalks to being pillars of thick brawn. Each bulging quad was as thick as his narrow torso had been just minutes before.Eli stood back and surveyed his handiwork. His lover was already looking like a fitness model, except for his pecs which were far larger than any other muscle on his body. Marco's massive pecs were like two massive, extra firm, king sized pillows of pure masculine brawn. His previously tiny, dime sized areolas were now the size of a milk cap and puffed up an inch above his burly pecs. Marco's impressive physique was augmented by his absolutely massive cock and balls. His huge dick was steadily creeping closer and closer to fifteen inches and was already thicker around than Eli's arms. Marco's gigantic nuts were already passing the size of basketballs and were hanging so low past over the edge of his seat that they dangled halfway the floor. Each of his massive balls was heavily laden with thick, pent up cum.Eli looked down at his handiwork with a lascivious grin. "Hmm... You look about ready to blow." He mused playfully. "Let's have some real fun." He added with a devious glint in his eyes. Marco was too wracked with pleasure to even muster a comeback. All he could do was lie there and soak up the intense pleasure of his steady expansion. He became vaguely aware that Eli was gathering another couple of huge handfuls of the formula, but it didn't dawn on Marco what Eli was planning until Eli's hands were already sliding against Marco's massive cock.Eli didn't rub the mixture into Marco's cock, though. Instead he spread it around just enough so that Marco's dick was completely coated in a white, glistening layer of gel. Marco already knew that this was going to make his dick absolutely massive, but it was far too late to turn back now. He was also secretly excited by the prospect. He had always half-joked with Eli about having a cock that was as big as the rest of his body. At the time, Marco had hoped that Eli had just taken it as a joke and had not caught on to the underlying truth of his statement, but the glint in Eli's eyes made it all too clear that his blond lover was in on it from the start. Marco slumped backed in his chair and stared on in awe as his boyfriend climbed up on top of him and began to slowly lower himself down upon the humongous shaft.Marco's gigantic cock split Eli wider than anything he had ever ridden. The blond was in a state of enhanced ecstasy as he slowly took more and more of the massive shaft deep inside of him. It shouldn't even have been physically possible for him to take such a beast, but once again, it seemed his theory was correct. The constant rubbing of Marco's huge dick against his insides was causing the thick laminate of gel to rub into Marco's cock and Eli's insides. As the gel continued to soak in and absorb into his body, Eli could feel his insides shift and adjust to make room for Marco's steadily expanding cock. The added dose was causing Eli's lover's thick Latin cock to grow and swell rapidly. Eli was so lost in the sensations that he couldn't even speak. He could barely even grunt in raw feral passion as he repeatedly shifted himself up and down along his lover's gargantuan cock.Eli was cumming hard by the third thrust. Huge, thick gooey wads of spunk spewed forth from his nearly foot long cock and splattered against his lover's broad, burly chest. The vast quantity of spooge stored in Eli's large, basketball sized nuts was flooding from his cock at hitherto unheard of rates. Each gush of jizz was enough to coat much of Marco's massive pecs. Eli stared intently at his lover's phenomenal pecs as the thick wads of cum dripped off of them. The blond had never been hornier than he was in that very moment.With every passing second, he could feel Marco's already massive dick growing larger and larger. Finally it got to the point where it felt like Marco's dick was in danger out outgrowing Eli's entire body. Eli reluctantly lifted himself off his boyfriend's enormous cock and collapsed into a well-fucked heap atop Marco's massive, brawny, olive skinned chest. He listened to his boyfriend's heavy breaths as he felt the steady rise and fall of his lover's burly chest. Eli was soaking in his own cum, but that just made the moment all the more tender.Marco had been struggling to hold back what was sure to be the biggest, messiest orgasm of all time. Even with his brain as addled by lust as it currently was, he couldn't shake the fear that he could seriously hurt his boyfriend if he unloaded inside the slender blond's amazing ass. Marco was overjoyed when he saw Eli finally lift off of his cock and collapse against his chest. The true extent of his most recent growth finally became apparent to him. His cock was simply massive. It was already over two feet long and was as big around as his thick, burly forearm. It was a miracle that Eli had even been able to take that inside of him without any serious pain.Now that he no longer had to worry about the safety of his boyfriend, Marco's mind was overloaded by the sheer size of his cock. He was filled with a sense of pride and something else as well. Something about the sheer magnitude of his tool brought him over the edge. He just couldn't get over how amazing his gigantic cock looked or how wonderful it felt as it blasted cum all over the ceiling. Thick gobs of jizz rained down on the pair of lovers, quickly coating them both from head to toe, and still Marco kept cumming. His globe sized nuts showed no sign of stopping. That was alright with him though. He was in such a state of pure, unbridled sexual bliss that he didn't care if he never came down from it. Again and again he shot massive, heavy ropes of jizz into the air. Even after the sixth and seventh eruption he was showing no signs of slowing. It wasn't until the thirteenth shot that his torrent of jizz finally began to taper. By that time both he and his boyfriend were th! oroughly coated in his spunk.The two of them laid there for almost an hour just basking in the afterglow and enjoying each other's company. Finally it came time for them to get cleaned up. The cum that covered both of them head to toe was getting so dry and crusty that it actually was beginning to be painful to leave it on. The two lovers said a few parting words and staggered off to their own personal shower stalls. They wanted to stay together and even shower in the same stall, but they both knew there was no way they would fit. Marco was so massive by this point that they weren't even sure if he could get just his own bulk into one of the stalls.After his shower, Eli took a seat on the couch to wait for his lover to finish up. It felt so nice to sit upon his massive, cushiony ass. His butt had grown even more since he had used the serum the first time. He couldn't be sure how much, but his butt now provided so much extra padding that he was sitting almost a foot above the couch cushion. His hips had also gotten much wider. A cursory glance made them appear to be well over twice as wide as his narrow waist.Eli's dick had mostly stabilized in terms of size, but it was already capping out at a foot long and as big around as his fist. His nuts had even grown some more since he had finished making sweet, passionate to love to Marco in the dining room. They now hung down to his knees, and each engorged nut was nearing the size of a medicine ball.Marco couldn't keep his hands off of himself in the shower. He just kept feeling up each and every massive, bulging muscle in his body. All of his muscles in his body had swollen even more since the last dosage. What had been a very well defined six pack set of abs was now a deeply trenched eight pack. His quads which had previously rivaled Eli's waist for sheer girth now were as thick as tree trunks. Each bulging bicep was as huge as Eli's head and Marco wasn't even making an effort to flex them. The real prize winning changes were Marco's pecs, cock and balls, though.Marco's nuts were the size of beach balls. They were so huge and hefty that they hung down past his knees. His massive, thick cock draped over his huge sack still dangled past his balls. The shaft was almost as thick as Eli's narrow waist. The beast had to be at least three feet long and was looking like it would hit the four foot mark in the near future.Marco's pecs had swelled up so much that each individual slab of brawn dwarfed Eli's entire torso. The huge, dense muscles protruded over a foot in front of Marco's dark skinned torso. Marco's areolas had increased in size to the point where each dark, puffy circle was now the size of a CD, and the rock hard, erect nipple protruded out a couple inches. Each enlarged nipple was so thick that it looked like the top of a baby bottle. There was even a definite trickle of white liquid dribbling out from Marco's nipples.Marco couldn't help but confirm his suspicions. He cupped a hand under the flow of liquid from his nipples and lifted it to his lips. He was surprised by the taste. It tasted wonderful. It was obvious that he was leaking milk from his nipples, but it was the most rich, full bodied milk he had ever drank. He wasn't sure why this was happening, but he wasn't particularly worried. The only thing on his mind was finishing up and getting back into the company of his beautiful blond lover.When Marco finished his shower, he found Eli passed out on the couch. He couldn't help but smile at how cute and beautiful his blond boyfriend looked. Eli had a habit of not sleeping much when he was in full scale research mode, and there was no telling how sleep deprived the little scientist was. Marco crept has silently as he could with his now bulky body and tenderly scooped up the slender man. He was surprised at just how light Eli was now. Even with his vastly enhanced butt, balls, and cock, the scientist was light as a feather. Marco felt another rush of exhilaration at his newly enhanced muscles as he gingerly carried his sleeping boyfriend back to their bed.Marco left Eli there to sleep as he went to work cleaning up the mess he had made. The kitchen was easy enough to clean up, but he still had to clean up the groceries off the front steps. He fumbled awkwardly through his wardrobe for a bit and eventually found an outfit that almost fit. His old open sided muscle shirt fit him like a glove now whereas before it had been so loose that it looked like he had a tent wrapped around his neck. He also had a pair of workout shorts that used to be extremely loose which now hugged his beefy waist and bulging quads perfectly. The only problem was that his cock and balls were simply far too massive to hide. His junk strained against the front of his shorts and pulled the front of the waistband down almost a foot. Almost half of his cock was openly on display for anyone to see as was the top of his sack. The added weight up front also caused the top half of his massive, beefy ass to stick up over his waistband as well, but it was still be! tter than going around naked.He was glad that it was already dark out as he fumbled around in his state of dubious dress. He just hoped that none of the neighbors happened to look out and see him. His humongous package was making bending down an interesting task. He had to actually squat down to pick things up as opposed to just bending over, but with his new and improved physique, squats proved to be extremely easy for him. He didn't even break a sweat. He actually enjoyed it, especially since his huge nuts would touch the ground each time he squatted down. Each and every item he picked up was a reminder of just how huge and hung he was now. What Marco wasn't aware of, though, was that each squat caused his shorts to ride down a little lower, giving the entire neighborhood a full view of his glorious ass. By the time he had finally cleaned up the mess in front of his house, he had attracted quite a few admirers.With the house cleaned up, Marco decided to join his boyfriend in bed. It had been a long day, and all the growth was so exhausting that he felt like he could sleep for days. Marco peeled off his awkwardly fitting clothes and tossed them on the floor as he approached his and Eli's shared bed and quickly realized that he was far too large to crawl in beside his boyfriend. He wasn't about to be so easily put off, though, and Eli was quite a sound sleeper, especially when he was as exhausted as he undoubtedly was tonight.When Eli finally awoke, he was immediately surprised by just how firm his bed was. Once his vision cleared, he quickly realized why. He was sleeping atop his hulking boyfriend. What he had thought had been his pillows were actually his boyfriend's massively swollen pecs. It was obvious that Marco had bulked up even more during the night, and Eli could only assume that he had grown some more too. Eli had to shake and shimmy his way out from his boyfriend's thick, brawny arms, but he managed to crawl out of bed without waking the hulk. Eli took a look back at his now massive lover before leaving the room and was shocked and more than a little aroused at just how huge he was all over.Eli staggered into the restroom and scoped out his own changes in the mirror. His cock hadn't grown much since the night before. It had only added another inch, and was closing in on thirteen inches, but his nuts had grown quite a lot. In the hours that he had been out cold they had almost doubled in size. They were now the sizes of beach balls. His hips had grown too, although the changes there were less pronounced. His hips were now closing in on being three times as wide as his narrow waist.Eli heard the sound of the bed and floorboards creaking and he knew that Marco was awake now, too. He wasn't sure just how well his lover would take having grown as much as he had, but there was no sense in stalling. Eli walked back into the bedroom and was floored by what he saw. Marco was beyond massive. His upper body had swollen up much more than his lower body, and now his broad, muscular chest was twice as wide as his buff hips. Each and every groove and contour of his muscles was so deep that the light could not reach the bottom. The deep shadows just served to accentuate his astounding musculature even more.Marco didn't seem upset, though. Far from it. He was too enamored with his buff physique to even acknowledge Eli at first. He slowly ran a hand over his swole arms and his ripped torso as he moaned and cooed softly. He was absolutely smitten with his now even buffer body. "You really know how to make a guy feel great, babe." Marco murmured softly without even looking up at his lover.Eli couldn't bring himself to say anything. He just wanted to bask in the sheer size of his lover's muscles and cock. Marco's junk had grown considerably overnight as well. His now beanbag chair sized nuts hung so low that they dangled around his ankles, and his massive, three foot long cock was easily thicker as Eli's torso. Eli's own thirteen inches rose to attention just from being in the presence of such raw, masculinity.Eli would have jumped Marco's gigantic bone right then and there, but he was feeling extremely weak and faint. He was absolutely famished, and judging by the audible rumble from behind the solid wall of Marco's deep cut, eight pack abs, Eli's massive, swole lover was in the same boat.Eli looked over at the clock beside the bed and noticed that it was already mid afternoon. They had been out cold for over twelve hours. "Want to go get some dinner?" Eli tried to ask as casually as he could, but his raging boner and flushed face gave him away."Sure. We don't have much in the house anymore, anyway." Marco concurred. "I salvaged what I could, but most of the frozen stuff spoiled before I got to it." He added sheepishly. The sight of such a huge, beefy man looking so apologetic and gentle made Eli's heart flutter. He was reminded of just why he had fallen for Marco in the first place. Marco's growth hadn't diminished his gentle nature at all, in fact it seemed like it even enhanced it.The two of them quickly threw on some clothes and set out for the little diner around the block. Eli was able to dress more or less normally. He threw on an old pair of Marco's sweatpants which had been extremely loose on him before, but now hugged his ample butt and hips tightly. His massive balls strained noticeably against the front. The top half of his body was the same as it ever was, though. Eli opted to complete the set and wear one of Marco's old hoodies. It was huge and baggy on him, but he loved being wrapped in his lover's scent.Marco wore the same outfit he had worn the night before when he cleaned up the spilled groceries, but today it fit him far worse. The muscle shirt didn't even completely cover his massive, swollen pecs. The bottom of the shirt stopped right above the bottom of his pecs. His torso was now so wide that his bulging lats spilled out the huge armholes. The shirt barely even covered half his pecs. His now huge, salad plate sized, puffy areolas were left completely exposed. His nipples were now so huge and thick that they stuck out quite a few inches from his chest and were as thick around as a Wiimote. His nipples were dribbling large amounts of liquid, but Marco tried his best to ignore it. Eli, however couldn't take his eyes off of them.Marco's shorts were stretched so tight across his ass that they appeared to be little more than low riding speedos from the back. From the front, though they were completely indecent. His nuts didn't even fully fit into the front of his shorts, and his cock was left to completely fly free. Marco had tried to cover this up by tying a sheet to his waist like an apron, but the massive outline of his huge cock was still painfully obvious to anyone who looked in his general direction.The couple received several looks as they made their slow, steady stroll towards the diner. No one said anything, though. It seemed that they had just barely managed to remain in dress code, but it was obvious that many people, especially those that had seen them on a regular basis were surprised by the sudden changes they had undergone. When they finally arrived at the diner, they were shown to their seats by a waitress. The waitress had known them for over a year now and said nothing, but it obvious that she too was shocked, concerned, and even a little aroused. She took their orders, but other than that she let them be."Can I feel your chest?" Eli asked suddenly. He hadn't been able to take his eyes off his lover's massive pecs throughout the entire walk."When do you ever need to ask?" Marco responded pleasantly. He flashed his little lover the biggest most heartwarming grin he could manage.Eli couldn't help himself. He had to confirm his suspicions as well as satisfy his more carnal desires. He leaned forward so that he practically lying across the table and began sensually kneading his lover's pecs. To his surprise Marco's chest wasn't feeling as firm as he had expected. Both massive pecs had taken on a slightly squishy, almost spongy consistency. He dug his fingers in and squeezed Marco's brawny chest. Eli was only partially surprised to see small trickle of liquid from Marco's nipples turn into a full fledged squirt.Marco moaned sensually in spite of himself as warm, fresh milk shot from his nipples. Eli grinned devilishly as he noticed this and moved in to experiment with this new development. He already found Marco's massive pectoral muscles phenomenally sexy, but the flow of milk somehow made them even hotter. Eli crawled up onto and over the table as he continued to sensually knead and rub his lover's chest. The blond moved his mouth closer to one of the enlarged nipples and began to passionately suckle it. He immediately felt a wash of warm liquid flood into his mouth. He was surprised at just how sweet and deep the flavor was. He had never had anything quite like it in his life.Eli found himself with a bit of a dilemma. He was so enamored with his lover's newly enhanced pecs that he wanted to worship every inch of them, and yet, at the same time he felt it would be a shame to let this wonderful nectar go to waste. He ended up working out a compromise where he would slowly travel from one nipple to the other, licking and nuzzling a trail back and forth as he basked in the glory of Marco's gigantic, burly chest. When he reached the midpoint, Eli found that the small strip of fabric was getting in the way."Lift your arms for a sec, babe." He commanded sensually as he slowly peeled his lover's skin tight muscle shirt up over Marco's bulging pecs. Marco was soon left with his arms stuck lifted straight up while his shirt pooled around his neck. Eli buried his face between the two brawny slabs and deeply nuzzled into the crevasse, soaking up every sensation he could about his lover's new body.Eli was so overcome with passion and hormones that his cock quickly became completely hard all over again. His rigid dick began to leak and dribble pre all over the front of his tight, grey sweatpants as Eli continued to worship his lover's glorious chest. It wasn't long before Eli was so overwhelmed with passion for his boyfriend's amazing pecs that his cock spurted thick, creamy jizz all over the front of his pants.Marco was getting worked up from the passionate nuzzling and suckling his lover was giving his pecs. The more and more attention his lover gave to his chest, the harder and harder Marco's cock became. He was streaming pre like a fountain long before Eli creamed his pants, but Marco didn't dare let loose in public. He struggled to hold back, but in the end, Eli's passionate sucking and nuzzling proved to be too much. Marco let out a long, low, sensual moan as his cock began spewing forth jizz like a geyser. His huge load crashed against the seat on the opposite side of their stall. Marco wrapped his huge, powerful arms around his slender lover and hugged Eli passionately as his cock lurched and bucked.Marco's gigantic hail of jizz quickly coated the entire seat and dripped down onto the floor. There just seemed to be no end of spunk stored in his massive, beanbag chair sized nuts. With each powerful gush he felt like his legs would turn to jelly. When the massive torrent of spunk finally subsided, Marco slowly sank down in his seat with his little boyfriend still clutched lovingly to his chest. He could feel the deep pool of spunk pooling around his feet. He figured everyone else in the diner could see the giant puddle of jizz that was slowly spreading out across the tile, but he couldn't bring himself to care. The two of them stayed there for some time, enjoying each other's company and enjoying the afterglow until finally their food came.The waitress gave them a confused look, not because she didn't know what had happened, but because she was surprised that these two long time costumers would act in such a way. The hefty tip that Eli left more than made up for the inconvenience of having to scrub down the lake of spooge, though, and just about everyone in the restaurant that afternoon had enjoyed the show.A few weeks later, Eli came back home from a business meeting. His stylish pants hugged his now amazingly curvaceous hips. His massive hips were easily three times as wide as his slender waist now. The growth had tapered off substantially after the first couple of day, but they still had not stopped altogether. Eli wasn't even sure if the growth would ever stop, but he was enjoying his new size so much that he wasn't too interested in running the necessary tests to determine when or if they would stop growing."I'm home, babe." Eli called to his lover as he stepped through the doorway. It was a tight fit for him now due to his massive ass, but he was used to it. Eli's butt was now so huge that it protruded a good two feet behind him, yet despite its size, it remained as firm and shapely as ever. He was the proud owner of the biggest, roundest, bubble butt the world had ever seen, and he was sure to wear clothes that drew as much attention to it as possible. These pants styles often looked effeminate or girly, but that was just fine with Eli. He was beyond worrying about hiding his girly side by now, and no one really gave him any grief for it either. Then again, few people would dare call his masculinity into question when the massive bulge caused by his fourteen inch long, milk jug thick cock and his two enormous beach ball sized nuts was plainly visible to anyone who saw him."Hey, El! How was the meeting?" Marco called excitedly from the living room. The enthusiasm was apparent in his voice, but his voice sounded somehow strained and breathy. Eli stepped into the front room to see his boyfriend sitting exactly where he had been since this morning. Marco's gargantuan five foot long, perpetually boned cock was hooked up to a giant pump that was draining the spunk from his seemingly infinite reserve of spooge. Marco's balls were so massive by this point that they filled the entire space between his feet and his crotch and then some. Each mammoth orb was almost three hundred pounds of sloshing cum."You took your pumps off." Eli responded. A slight hint of concern was audible in his voice as he glanced at his lover's exposed chest. Marco's chest was now so broad that it was as wide across as Eli was tall. The massive, brawny slabs of muscle extended over three feet out from his torso. His enormous areolas were now getting close to the size of dinner plates. The gigantic nipples were as thick around as a coke bottle and stuck out several inches from his chest. A steady stream of milk flowed from either of his engorged nipples."I wanted to make sure there was plenty left for you when you got home." Marco replied, giving his chest a soft squeeze for emphasis. His voice still strained and unsteady from the perpetual state of orgasm he was in. The squeeze caused his nipples to spurt forth milk like a fountain."Oh, that's so sweet, babe. I'll be over there in just a minute to help myself to some of that." Eli responded, flashing his boyfriend a sly wink as he did so."But first tell me. What did they say?" Marco pleaded once more."The investors loved our product pitch." Eli explained with a huge smile forming on his face. "But that means you're going to need to really step up your production to meet these new demands." Eli added with a devious glint in his eyes as he set a giant jug of their new product "OmniGro" on the table in front of his boyfriend. ------------------------------- [Next Chapter]
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