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  1. This is my first story so any positve feedback would be really appreciated Big Dicked Truck Driver PT1 My name is Tony, I had only been at my new company at major distrubution hub for a few weeks, I had previously worked in sales so this was the first manual job I had ever done. I took to my new role as a warehouse operator suprisingly well even though I am a regular at the gym and have built up a decent physique at 5ft7 and 210lbs, I am the proud owner of 17.5 biceps, 48 chest, a 32 waist and 27 inch quads, gym muscles don't really prepare you for the constant manual labour my new job demanded, the work consisted of picking a lot of 45lb boxes onto pallets, it was 8.5 hours of constant lifting, walking and pulling the orders around the warehouse, the work was really hard physically, however foreman was cool, and let us take regular breaks, there were 2 places on site where you could eat and drink the restaurant and the smoking cabin, I didn't smoke but most of the people I had a good rapour with did, so I chose to spend my breaktimes there. It was in this smoke room my life changed forever, so I should tell you I am gay and have been privately comfortable with my sexuality for a longtime, however I chose not broadcast my orientation at work especially in such a blue collar environment where some of guys had made some negative comments. I am 25 years old and carry myself in a masculine manor, and I considered an alpha amongst my friends, family and co-workers, I also have a healthy and varied sex life, I have been blessed with fairly good looks, worked at getting a body that many people admire, and prided myself on being well endowed, measuring 8 inches long with a 6.25 circumference when hard, I have had no shortage of willing bottom guys give up the goods, I tried bottoming a few times but it never really did it for me, and in my many encounters with men none came close to my size or girth, my confidence would sometimes spill into arrogance knowing I am not the tallest guy but most likely the biggest, Until that day a 50 something Musclebear truckdriver walked in. The first thing I noticed was his statue, over 6 feet in height and easily had my 210 beat by 50lbs, he was wearing a standard issue polo shirt all of our drivers wear, he had big vainy forearms his big upper arms filled the sleeves to the limit, his bi's and tri's we very apparent I would guess 20 inches, his chest was huge, besting mine by 10 inches, and there was an abundance of hair peaking around the opening of his collar, he was packing two tremendous thighs fighting for space in his utility trousers, everything about him astounded me, but it was the huge bulge in his pants that got my mind racing, I was truely humbled by this guy, and for the first time in my life I was speechless. Turns out he is based at site and takes the lorries on and off the bays, I didn't have the balls to even speak to him, I just sat there and stole glances at him whilst he spoke to my manager, whilst steeling glances, I started getting aroused. So I made my excuses and left the smokers cabin, went back to work, but was preoccupied with this mature musclebear god in the smoke cabin, time ticked on so it was time to finish work, 5 minutes before we are allowed to use the bathroom to wash ourselves. I proceeded to go to the bathroom, went to the end stall took out my dick which is still a respectable 5.5 inches not aroused, I was midstram pissing and I heard the door go and the truck driver came in stood next to me and proceeded whip out the biggest soft dick I have ever seen, it was soft and matched my size half, he started to let loose powerful stream, he turned me and said "I needed this been waiting for this you ran back inside the warehouse 4 hours ago, gotta let the beast out the cage now and again" I nodded but for some reason couldn't mouth response, He then asked why I am so quiet, and I responded that I was suprsingly humbled and a bit jealous of there being a bigger working here than me, a massive grin spread across face and did a bicep flex with his free arm whilst shaking the piss off his cock with thr other and said "I am bigger than you in all ways Son, I am the big dog alphamale balls of steel master around here" with that he cupped his balls that looked massive and shook his dick at me, I tried not to respond, but he said he clocked me undressing him with my eyes from breaktime, and knows a wannabe top cock sucker when he sees one. With that he zipped up gave my arm a squeeze asked me wear I worked out, I told him Planet fitness, he shook his head and said not anymore, and told me him and a few of his powerlifter friends rent a unit half mile from work and I should train with him from now on in a real mans gym, with that pulled out a card with the gyms phone and placed it in my top pocket, his big hand lingering on my chest, "not bad but I will turn you into a musclegod. "
  2. When a Titan enters the door, it is undeniable that each one of us will admire how big that person might be, in particular when the Titan has stats that go off-chart. 6’2’’ and 310 lbs can classify a person as a “Human Tank.” Adam, The Titan, was a Ukrainian bodybuilder, built like a brick shithouse. The sums of those addends made him close to perfection. Long and muscular arms and legs were attached to a body with huge and massive pectorals, that a tight t-shirt was not that able to contain. It was about to explode. Adding to that, an handsome face with a light beard and two pointy ears that perfectly matched his overall profile. Adam’s been competing regionally and internationally for quite sometime, and his winning competitions were well-known in his homeland. Being one of the tallest and heaviest bodybuilders in Ukraine, he was one of those bodybuilders that couldn’t have been missed during the shows, and other bodybuilders were always shocked by his masses, and the agility he used to show during his posing routines. A perfect bodybuilder? Indeed he was. That day, when he entered the door, in London, he was not going to compete. He was not going to show his perfection to the judges, he was about to show his whole-powerful body to a guy that paid him so much money during the years, that kept his bodybuilding dream alive. When Kevin opened the door, letting the big fella in, he almost lost his control. He realised that his bulge was raising. Adam was a pure muscle God. Adam entered with a big smile. Almost an evil smile. The light brown t-shirt showed his ripped uncovered biceps and the veins ran all over. Both of his arms were ripped, although it was not in a competition. His pectorals were massive and well-pronounced under that t-shirt that showed the logo Domination. Anyone wished to be dominated by him. He could dominate anyone without much effort. It was almost impossible to resist him. He was too perfect to run away. Kevin scanned his entire body in few seconds, he noticed everything Adam could offer. He noticed his bull neck, his hands were so big that he could have easily crushed a watermelon between them. “Hi Kevin!” Adam said, with his light Ukrainian accent, and with a strong and deep voice that matched his physique. The voice almost made the apartment tremble. Kevin hesitated on answering, his eyes moved like pinballs. Up and down. Right and left. His brain froze, his mouth let a kind of a squirt out, but in a couple of seconds he was able to get himself together and answer. “Hey Adam! You’re fucking huge!” He said. Adam laughed, still his laugh was heavy, trembling, and devilish. They shook their hands. At his own expenses, Kevin discovered how firm and strong Adam’s grip was, if he grabs me by the balls, they will be gone forever! Kevin thought. Kevin was half of Adam’s size and proportions. Adam was looking at his cash, towering him like a giant. He was intimidating. During the past years, Kevin commissioned several videos, paid quite well, but although Kevin knew how big Adam was, a video will never show the massiveness until he met him in real life. Like a first date, you can fantasise about a person through the pictures and a description, but the real life completely change your perception, and you see how that person really looks like. Perfection! Kevin though. Kevin’s dream was coming into reality, he could finally admire that muscle monster. His enthusiasm was irrepressible. They both walked to the massive almost-empty room that Kevin dedicated for that moment. Only a sofa in in the middle of the room, and a table right behind it. The walls were painted in a light green that brought peace and harmony. There were no need for words, they both knew what was about to happen. Adam walked to the edge of the room, he began undressing. Kevin comfortably set on the sofa. Excited. “Wow!” Kevin said. Adam only wore a pair of red posing trunks. Yet, Kevin couldn’t believe his eyes. That body is fucking huge, he thought. “What do you want to see my muscle friend?” Adam said. “Pose for me. Pose like you’re on stage for a competition.” Kevin said. “At your command!” Adam said. And he began. Slowly, he lifted his arms and aligned them to his shoulders, creating a crucifix-like shape. His shoulders and biceps were boulders. The striations were visible as those muscles looked like they were carved into wood by a professional wood carver. Adam stared at his fan with proud. “Here they come.” Adam whispered. Yet slowly, his elbow pits bent, his bicep fibres contracted, and the bicep inflated, and just right before the end of the muscle explosion, Adam loaded and locked, letting a soft grunt out of his mount. He smirked. He look at his right bicep and then the left. He brought the arms back to the crucifix position and hit a second, third, and fourth double bicep pose. Hammering it. “Boom!” Adam screamed at the sequential poses. Kevin was silent, he did not speak a word. He was admiring, and he knew that commenting was only a waste of time. Adam relaxed for few seconds, his right leg pointed at floor with his toe and shook his relaxed quad waving it from side to side, he lifted both of his arms up in the air, to then cross them behind his head and neck, he stomped his foot onto the floor, and contracted the whole quad, showing the different muscular groups in it, and hit an abdominals and thighs. “Arrrrghhh” Adam growled, like a beast. Smiles appeared in both of the guys. Kevin never imagined that Adam was such as an amazing poser when it comes to privately perform. He saw him very often on the stage, he used to pose like he was dominating the whole contestants, with a smile always drawn on his face. Kevin he had never heard him grunting or growling, and that was something new that he was loving along with his private, that minutes after minutes was increasing in volume, the blood was streaming like never before. What is he going to do when he’s going to hit a most muscular pose? Kevin wondered in excitement. He couldn’t wait for that moment to come. “You are the European Quadrosaurus!” Kevin said, still admiring Adam’s huge quads. “I am the Quadraosaurus. Fuck Branch Warren!” Adam said, smiling to this friend. Adam slightly bent over to his relaxed quads, placing both of his palms over the meat, and after lifting himself back up, the quads were as hard as rock. Contracted. Huge. He slapped them. Adam’s quads passed from a stage of full relaxation, to an insane contraction, slightly twisting them outward. If that was a film, and a sound added like a soundtrack, it could have probably been a bomb detonation, that was what the quads did. Exploded into perfection. “You know Kevin, People love to be crushed between the quads. Mine are pure destructions!” Adam said. “Fuck!” Kevin said with excitement. “I crushed several people, mostly bodybuilders. They yelled!” Adam said laughing. “Did they cry?” Kevin said. “The cried! They begged for mercy, that I did not grant!” Adam said. “Let me tell you one thing. Crushing bodybuilders is fun. Crushing strongmen is pure joy. They think they are the strongest men in the world, until they met me!” Adam said. “I wish, I could have seen the scene!” Kevin said. “They compete, lifting and throwing off stuff. They are strong, don’t get me wrong. I am way stronger than them. They think that we bodybuilders are only about appearance. We’re not, I’m not!” Adam said. Kevin nodded. Adam turned his back to Kevin, he placed his right leg on the floor with the tips of his toes, moving the feet on the floor like he was stomping cigarette butts. He gently slid both his huge hands over the back of his quads, moving to his perfect butt, and lifting his arms, with the palm of his hands opened, on the air, like he was about to fly. The back double bicep moment was about to take place, but Adam bent his right arm and brought his hand over his right ear, he did not hear any spur from his fan. He turned back, and with and funny-shocked face, he moved his hands in look for support. “C’mon man!” Adam’s voice trembled. “Double bicep! Double bicep! Double Bicep!” Kevin cadencing sang. Adam turned back facing the wall, and repeated the movements, from the back of the quads to the butt, and the hands back up in the air. “Boom!” Adam yelled hitting a back double biceps, hard locking the position for a while. Gracefully, he turned back to face Kevin, his pecs were bouncing up and down, joy for Kevin’s eye. He crunched them, squeezed them, pumped them. Keven never saw two pecs as big as Adam’s, they were pure perfection, and insanely shredded, able to beat the famous Andreas Münzer. The pec dance went on for few minutes. Adam was amazed what his body was able to produce, and Kevin was in pure ecstasy. Adam stopped. He went to the big bag that he left on the floor, bent his knees to reach it, unzipped and extracted few items from it. An empty can of coke, a cylindric metal bar, and an empty small plastic container that probably was once filled with supplements. “You love my huge pecs. I will show you that they are not only for the show business, but that they are strong!” Adam said standing back up. “Look at this!” Adam said, showing the empty-supplement-plastic container to Kevin, walking towards the guy, and holding it with the tip of his thumb and the pointer. Adam placed the container between his pecs, he was not flexing so hard, and the item locked perfectly between them. Like waves, the muscular part of his pecs were moving up and down, with rhythm, creating horizontal peaks that deformed the bottle at each movement. The bottle crackled like when stomped with a foot and the lid was blown away, landing on the floor. Adam applied a final long pressure over the item that cracked like under a press machine for cars. He deflexed his pecs and the deformed bottled fell off onto the floor. Kevin was amazed. His legs crossed one against the other, he moved them to cross on the other way, to give his exploding penis, pressing against the denims, a bit of a rest. Adam went to back to his bag. The can was laying on the floor, he grabbed it with his full hand, he put it between his pecs and with a decisive squeezing movement, he crushed it with ease. A popping noise was heard. For Kevin, it was pain inside his jeans, sweet and enjoyable pain. Adam returned back to his bag, he lifted the metal bar, and he brought it back to Kevin, handing the item over to him. He grabbed the bar, and he realised it was made out of steel, heavy, hard and not empty in the inside. “Don’t tell me you’re going to crush it in your pecs! It is impossible!” Kevin said. “Do you doubt about my capabilities, little fella?” Adam said, smiling. Kevin’s face was shocked, he opened his mouth, nothing came out, and Adam grabbed the steel bar back and placed it between his pecs. Another moment of joy for Kevin. Adam’s pecs moved again like waves, creating those famous peaks, this time he squeezed more than the first time. That steel bar was fighting back, but it bent at the end. It did not break, it simple bent of few visible degrees. Adam smirked with proud while Kevin left a big “wow” followed by a big smile. Kevin was enjoying every single moment of that private show, and hoped that it could never end. Watching a video and jack-off over it is one thing, being able to watch a bodybuilder posing for your is something that one person will never forget. Adam turned his back to Kevin and while walking toward the wall, he began speaking. “I guess, that you’ve been waiting for the most muscular, since you have opened that door half an hour ago!” Adam said. “You can bet it!” Kevin said with excitement. Adam stopped. He turned to face his fan once more, opened his arms and flexed the most muscular bending his body over. Two massive balls appeared as biceps, the pecs contracted, showing the striation once more. “Boom!” Adam screamed. Kevin almost wetted himself.
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