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  1. Chapter 1: The First Day Jayden looked over the website, looking for a new job. His funds had gotten low, and he was getting to that point where his roommates were pressuring him to find a new job, to help pay the bills. His current job as a janitor at a school wasn't really paying well, and he paid less bills than his roommates. So, he decided to try something new. Sighing, he rested his head on his desk. The young 22 year old's eyes had bags under them, having not slept for near on 23 hours now. He was about to give up hope, until he spotted a strange looking advertisement. It stood out to him, as it had an interesting job name: "Towel Boy/Escort Wanted! Male Only!" He shrugged, and decided to check it out. He clicked on it, and it took him to an external site. The site's color pallet was red and black. It was for a gym called "Pump and Hump". "The...Pump and Hump? That's...strange. Probably means something like 'hump day' or something." The young man shrugged, and continued to read the ad: Towel Boy/Escort Wanted! Male Only! We are seeking a young man, aged between 19 to 26. The applicant must be good with their hands, and be in shape. Preferably, the applicant must also be homosexual, or, at the least, bisexual. The applicant must also be willing to engage in possible intercourse. No references required! Pump and Hump is a homosexual gym proudly founded in 2017, by Mr. Tim Yates. It is a place for exercise nuts to come and be themselves, working out, and enjoying a public shower and locker room. We are specifically looking for a young man to towel down sweaty bodybuilders, as well as service them. The Position comes with many benefits: you will be provided health insurance, and free access to the gym and showers. In addition, your hourly rate will be $25. We hope you'll apply, and give us a chance. Jayden looked at the ad, his eyes wide. He never knew a place like this existed. He looked at the provided pictures, and the interior was clean, immaculate, and was filled with various pieces of exercise equipment. The showers were very large, and the locker room boasted 900 lockers. He then decided to look up Tim Yates, and found himself looking at a rather attractive image. Tim seemed to be a 47 year old man, who was tall, boasted a strong musculature, and was well-endowed. He had gorgeous brown eyes, and short, sandy blond hair. He was the epitome of masculinity. Jayden gulped. He was gay himself, and the thought of toweling down and servicing handsome men appealed to him. And with such good benefits, he was very tempted. He looked at the required schedule, and the expected maximum hours were 72 hours a week, at most, 24 hours at least. He quickly tapped apply, and sent off his resume, along with, as he hoped would help, a picture of himself. Jayden was a rather handsome guy. 6 foot even, and toned. He had blue eyes, and shoulder length brown hair. He also was proud of his 10 inches. He got up, and was about to head to bed. Before his head hit the pillow, his phone buzzed, telling him that he had an email. He blinked, picking up his phone. It was a text from...Tim Yates! "HI THERE! I was wanting to say, love the resume. We'd love to have you. Please, come by tomorrow at 10am sharp." Jayden's eyes went wide. Did he just net the job? He grinned, before passing out. Awakening several hours later, Jayden remembered his interview, and quickly washed up, suited up, and headed out. His short drive to the gym was uneventful, but he was thinking about what would happen. He could only imagine the types of guys that would be there. He grinned stupidly, before coming to when he got to the gym. He pulled up, and noticed that there were few cars in the car park. Maybe most people walked there? Regardless, the young man made his way inside, and found himself in a small reception area. It was soothing, playing rock music over the stereo system. "Hey there. You Jayden?" Jayden stopped looking around, and focused on the guy behind the counter, blushing bright red. The man was handsome! He must've been 6 foot 6, and was muscular enough that his chest bulged out his shirt, his nipples visible. His arms were strong, with veins on them. He was sitting, so unfortunately, Jayden didn't get a good look at the goods. The man, who's name was Adam, according to his name tag, had a gorgeous, heart melting smile. This man seemed genuinely nice. "U-Uh, yeah, that's me. Mr Yates wanted to see me?" "Yeah, for sure! Follow me!" Adam stood up, and led Jayden down a hallway behind the desk. Jayden watched Adam's bubble butt bounce with each step. It was mesmerizing, filling out his shorts nicely. Jayden grinned, before he quickly looked away when he noticed Adam looking over his shoulder. He stopped at a door, with a manager sign on it, and knocked. There was quiet for a couple of minutes, before it opened up, and Tim peeked out. He was really tall in reality, probably about 6 foot 10. "Jayden? Excellent! Come on in." Adam left them to it, as Jayden stepped in, Tim closing the door. They both took seats, and Tim looked over the young man, like he was looking for something. He nodded, seemingly pleased, and smiled at Jayden. "So, the ad...you know what you applied for? You may go home stinking of sweat, and with a sore ass." Jayden chuckled awkwardly, before nodding. "Yeah, I know. It's...It's why I applied, sir. If I have to be honest, this is kinda my dream job. I was caught off-guard something like this existed." "Is that so? So, tell me, Jayden, you're gay, right? You outed? Or closeted?" "Uh, I'm...kinda still closeted. I haven't told many people." "Heh, that's alright. Well, if you'd like, today we can give ya your first shift." Jayden blinked. He wasn't expecting to be hired immediately. He rubbed behind his head, and nodded. "Sure, but, don't I need a uniform? And to give you my bank details?" Tim nodded. He got up, and headed to a storage closet. He disappeared inside of it, before returning with a uniform. It was like Adam's, with a pair of shorts and a polo shirt with the logo on it. And, after this, Tim and Jayden sorted out the paperwork details, before Jayden was sent to change. He found the uniform comfortable, and it was shaped to his body nicely. He grinned, blushing that he had this job. He looked at himself in the mirror, before he lifted his arm into a flex. It wasn't impressive, but it showed that the lad worked out a little bit, at least. Jayden grinned, before the lights were blocked, and he looked at the mirror again, seeing someone standing behind him. He jumped, and turned around, looking up. It was an Adonis of a man. He must've been 7 foot tall, and powerfully built. He looked like a Greek god, his pecs as big as barrels, and his abs like saucers. His arms were as thick as basketballs. And, those tree trunk like legs. And, being covered by his only piece of clothing, his package hung heavy, the bulge itself looking like he was smuggling a bowling ball. "Hey there, cutie. Never seen you here before. New here?" "Uh, y-yeah. I am. You're...fucking huge..." Jayden facepalmed himself at his comment, which he had said out loud. The big guy laughed, and lifted his arm into a flex. That arm could've knocked down a wall. Jayden reached up for it, before stopping himself. The big guy cooed to him gently, before handing him a towel. Jayden then noticed that the huge guy was covered head to toe in sweat, super musky. He had a strong, masculine smell, and had an earthy tone to it. Jayden began wiping down the guy's abs, before the guy smirked, and tugged Jayden close, forcing Jayden's face into his armpit. Jayden groaned, his face and now moist hair covered in the big guy's sweat. "Towels are boring, aren't I right, cutie? So, let's be fun with this. Lick the pits, cutie." Jayden nodded, tossing the useless towel away, as he ran his tongue up the larger guy's hairy pit. He tasted the sweat, and it was rather salty, but it tasted nice to him. He sampled the pit, before the big guy pushed him back. "What's your name, kid? Mine is Phil, but you can call me daddy." Jayden huffed, licking his wet lips, as he was slightly dazed by the scent still. He shook himself back to reality. "Mine is Jayden, daddy." Phil nodded, admiring Jayden. He flexed his bicep, and Jayden immediately reached up, caressing the bicep. It was powerful, like it was made of marble. Jayden kissed it gently, massaging the bicep. Phil groaned happily, his shorts growing tight. Jayden turned his attention to those two, huge pecs. He smiled, running his tongue up the crevice between them. He then kissed each of them, massaging them happily. He would come closer, and would slip a thick nipple into his mouth. He suckled on it greedily, making the bodybuilder moan out in pleasure. "Fuuuuck, kid. Easy now. I wanna finish inside of ya." Jayden pulled off of that nipple, and kissed down the huge man's abs, before ending up on his knees in front of the huge man. He would hug around a thick leg, and would lick up and down it, tracing the muscles that flexed in it when Phil moved. He moved to the other leg, and ran his tongue up it, before finding himself face to face with that package. Phil grinned, and stroked Jayden's head. "That's right. Daddy has a present for ya. Gotta unwrap it first." Jayden hastily tugged down those shorts to the huge guy's ankles. He went wide-eyed, staring at the package before him. If he had to guess, the cock that was poking his nose now must've roughly been 20 inches of pure man, with a heavy set of balls dangling beneath them. Jayden was unsure, but he remembered his job. He looked up, and took the head of that monster into his mouth. He would slowly bob his head on it, running his tongue down the sides of it. He was an amateur, and it showed, fitting only 4 inches of it into his gob. The man still moaned in pleasure, gripping a hold of the lad's hair. Jayden didn't want to make the man bored though. He gripped the man's balls in one hand, and stroked them. And, with his other hands, he gripped the shaft that wasn't in his mouth, and began jerking it off. The man groaned, with a grin. "Fuck, kid, ya must be a pro? Or you've watched a lot of porn." Jayden blushed, working that cock in his mouth. Phil moaned out, before he began thrusting his hips. He looked down at Jayden, who looked up at the man, past his heavy pecs. THe two shared a look, before Phil grinned. He slammed a fist into a locker, denting it, as he let out a yell of pleasure. Jayden winced when his cheeks swelled up, his mouth quickly filling with the alpha male's cum. He gulped it down as quick as he could, only to be replaced by more cum. It felt like a long time, Jayden's eyes watering up from the heat. Phil was clenching his teeth, experiencing a hard orgasm. Jayden felt a breeze on his belly. After a couple minutes had passed, Phil pulled back, spurting some cum into Jayden's hair. He panted, swaying a bit, before he looked down at Jayden. "Well, kid, I gotta get back to work. But, you enjoy yourself now." Phil tugged his shorts up and left. Jayden shakily got to his knees, and looked at himself in the mirror. He was shocked to find that his belly had swollen up. He rubbed over it. It had swollen with Phil's seed, and the young man looked several months pregnant. Jayden belched, the smell of Phil's musky seed. He grinned, jiggling his now sloshing gut. "Fuck, if this is my first day, this job is going to be the time of my life." And, with that, Jayden went around the first day of his shift, stinking of the alpha male's sweat, and with a sloshing gut, as he attended to his customers. And Jayden had the best day of his life.
  2. Droz

    The New Neighbor - Part 3

    OK after working on things for a few hours lastnight and today. I managed to get some stuff down and get things to where I think they work ok at least. I had honestly wanted to write more though. But I think breaking it up more will help me get things out. I still need to work on more ideas I have for them. Been having a hard time with work (working remotely) that's just frustrating as hell and ruining my motivation and desire to continue. Unlike the days or hours the last parts took. This one took weeks. Thank you everyone who has commented about my work. I really appreciate it. Honestly surprised that my ideas and stories have an audience from the gay side of muscle. Would really be nice to know what parts you like or don't like. Please leave a comment! Feedback is appreciated. Part 1 is here https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20850-the-new-neighbor/ Part 1.5 is here https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20884-the-new-neighbor-part-15/ Part 2 is here https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20927-the-new-neighbor-part-2/ Again, original credit goes to https://www.deviantart.com/blank001/art/The-New-Neighbor-Part-1-657528406 Visual examples. This is sort of how I picture Danielle This is what I think Dylan's physique looks like. I really like MBBBB's artwork. I wish he was still around _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Now it’s time to pump some real weight!” Dylan said. He turned and walked over to a leg press machine, a very BIG leg press machine. Dani followed Dylan over to it and just stood to the side. She looked over the machine, her jaw dropped as she counted how much weight was on the sled. Ten plates, fifteen….3000 pounds!!???! She watched Dylan climb onto the machine and sit back in the reclined seat. He placed his feet on the plate and pushed hard with his legs. His quads exploded in size and definition as he exerted his muscles. Each head in his quads were like massive hydraulic pistons, made of steel fibers. Dylan even extended his feet out, his calves practically doubled in size as they took the 3000 pounds of weight. His hands on the locking handles, he pushed them out and unlocked the sled. “WAIT!” Dani shouted. She smiled and scrambled around the leg press and climbed up the back of it. She perched herself on top of it and sat facing Dylan. They grinned at each other. With slow controlled motion, he lowered the sled, his legs nearly touching his massive pecs. Then with a guttural grunt, an explosion of muscle in his legs, Dylan powered the sled up and started his set, pumping his legs with more weight than any other person could pump. Dani watched him as he did rep after rep. She could feel his power, his strength with every motion. Not just the contraction, but his control of the weight and sled on the way down. From Dylan’s vantage point, he could see Dani was already aroused, her shorts were wet between her legs. Dylan finished his first set. Locked the sled in place, got up and started to load more plates. Dani just watched him, her eyes wide as he carried a 100 pound plate in each hand, she loved seeing his muscles work, even doing simple things. Dylan added another ten plates, sat back down in the less press and started his second set. Dani moaned deeply feeling Dylan’s strength as he powered the now 4000 pounds of weight upwards. She could tell he was moving it slower, it was more of a strain for him, but he pumped it easily. Dani pulled up on her sports bra, her nipples were rock hard, her tits swollen from arousal and tingling. She cupped her tits and moaned louder as she kneaded them. She played with her tits to tease Dylan, seeing if he’d break his rhythm as he pumped. She even brought both her tits to her lips and would suck on her nipples alternately. Dylan glared at her, he had been wanting to do that himself since they first met. Dani’s tits are, for all intents and purposes, magnificent. They’re huge, even for her small frame, round with a slight tear drop shape, they’re heavy and firm. Thanks to Dani’s regular workouts, she has little back problems and they still sit high up on her chest, not much sag to them. Dylan kept pumping, heaving the 4000 pounds up and down, Dani could see his shorts were filling out more and more, his cock couldn’t hide the fact that he liked her little show. He pushed up one final time and started to work his calves just by pointing his feet. Pumping the sled in short fast motions. To Dani it felt like Dylan was fucking her, pumping hard and fast. Sitting with her legs over the edge of the sled, feeling the fast hard repetition. Dani was focusing on Dylan’s legs, his quads were fucking massive they looked almost double in size from being pumped up, all the veins in his legs were throbbing. His calves were exploding over and over with each rep, he was doing calf raises with 4000 pounds! He pumped harder and faster still, shaking Dani’s body hard on the sled, he watched her closely. Her hands were squeezing her tits hard, she closed her legs, squeezing tight, soft cries escaping her lips as she struggled to hold back her orgasm. Suddenly, Dylan stopped pumping and locked the sled in place. He stood up and held out his hand for Dani, to help her off the sled, she was breathing ragged, her huge tits heaving. She took Dylan’s hand to steady herself, moving slowly trying to control herself, being left on the edge of orgasm. As she steps carefully on the plates, Dylan simply curled his arm around her waist and pulled her to him without her feet ever touching the floor. He held her up high enough so that her tits pressed against his pecs, mushrooming outwards and conforming to the shape of his muscles and he held her close. He looked in her eyes and started to gently flex his pecs against her tits, kneading and massaging them just by tensing the striations in his pecs. Dani just moaned as she grabbed onto his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist. “You fucking tease” Dani hissed at him. Dylan replied “You started it first”. He gave a slow hard flex of his pecs, really pressing into Dani’s tits as he walked over to his chin up bar. He set Dani down, despite her hands clawing at him to stay close to him, the wet spot Dani left on his abs cooling. He loved that he turned on her on this much without even touching her. It turned him on that Dani was such a slut for his muscles. He loved seeing her get so worked up. Dani watched him, he was walking in a circle, shaking out his quads after having done what must have been a few hundred reps, with 4000. Each head of his quads were BULGING. Bigger, thicker and more ripped than before he started. Dani walked up to Dylan, stopping just inches from him, her rock hard nipples grazing against him. She looked up at him with a little smirk, her small hands began pulling down on his shorts and looked down, anxious to get a look at his enormous cock. Dani gasped seeing the thick base of his cock, her pussy clenched at the memory of feeling it buried inside her. Dylan’s hand reached down and moved Dani’s hands a side. “Here, let me help”. Dylan just gripped the fabric of his shorts and pulled at them, tearing them away with ease. His bigger than any porn star cock sprung free and hung down between his legs. His crotch and balls hairless, like the rest of him. Dani loved that Dylan didn’t have any body hair, she really didn’t like hairy guys, body hair in general just got in the way in her opinion. She loved to feel smooth skin on a guy, body hair just covers too much of muscles, hides the definition and striations. Her hands slid down his abs, caressing each muscle before taking hold of his cock. One hand on top of the other and squeezing firmly. Dani moaned lustfully feeling for the first time just how big it was in her hands. She knew he wasn’t fully erect, but she couldn’t get the fingers of one hand all the way around it. It was thick, long and heavy, she lifted it slowly and began to stroke Dylan’s huge cock. She knelt down slowly, looking up and smiled seeing Dylan’s face. His eyes closing and a deep groan coming from deep in his chest. She could see Dylan clenching his fists out of the corner of her eyes, his muscles tensing. She loved the sight of his pecs tensing up from this angle. “GOD, You’re huge!” she couldn’t get over the size of him...his muscles, his cock….everything. She stroked him larger, harder. Dani wanted desperately to make Dylan feel good, she wanted to suck his cock. She wanted to feel it deep in her throat, throbbing as he orgasms. But the simple fact was, he was far too big, even in his semi erect state, just getting the head in her mouth would be a challenge. She kissed along the underside of his cock, the thick ridge pulsed against her lips powerfully. Dani grunted with a carnality she never knew she had inside her. She gripped Dylan’s cock tighter and pulled it towards her lips, kissing the huge flaring head softly. What she felt next, though, shocked her. Her fingers were being forced apart, she tried to squeeze tighter and maintain her grip on Dylan’s hard as steel cock. But she couldn’t, her fingers were being forced wider apart. She looked up at Dylan, she saw him looking down at her over his pecs. She looked back at his cock, she saw…muscles…flexing in his length. Dylan was flexing his cock, it grew thicker, longer and unbelievably harder. She stroked it lovingly, kissing the head of his cock like she was making out with a lover. She could hear Dylan groan louder, deeper. She looked up with her eyes at him, he was tensing his arms, his pecs jumping every time her lips touched his cock, his abs rippling as he breathes. She wanted to cum right then and there. All that muscle, all that power, so closer to her. “He is a GOD!”, she thought to herself. Dani hungrily sucked on Dylan’s cock head, she struggled to open her mouth wider, but her jaw wasn’t allowing her. She growled in a mix of lust and frustration. Her hands stroking his magnificent cock up and down as she tried desperately to take what is the largest human cock in the world into her mouth. Dani sucked and sucked and SUCKED. Enjoying the sounds that Dylan was making as she held his powerful cock in her hands and lips. She looked up at him, she could see his pecs jump every time she applied suction on the head. She tightened her hands as much as she could around his cock. It was harder than anything she felt before, literally, anything. A steel pole didn’t’ feel this hard, a steel pole also didn’t throb like this or have pulsating veins snaking all around and along it. Dani kissed and licked along the length, she was so lost in her own desire she couldn't begin to guess it’s dimensions. She caressed the thick ridge along the underside with her tongue. She cupped his massive balls, they more than filled her hands, they were like large oranges. “No wonder he cums like a firehose” she thought for a split second. Continuing her focus on his cock with her lips. She nibbled at the base of his cock, her lips suctioning against his skin, her eyes looking up. She couldn’t see his face, his pecs were far too thick. She did notice his nipples, pointing straight down on the under side of his pecs, they were that thick, that massive. She watched as they bulged out as Dylan flexed them, she watched his abs flexing in waves up and down. His chest heaving as he breathed, just made him look all that much bigger to Dani. She was hungry for him, desperate to suck his cock and pleasure him. She moved back along his length, and began to tend to the large flaring head. Caressing it with her tongue before she attacked it with her mouth and began sucking on the head as best she could, taking in as much as she could. Her jaw already ached from before. She looked up again, this time she saw Dylan looking down at her, having to lean over a little to see past his pecs. “I know I’m too big for you to take in your mouth, Baby. Don’t hurt yourself trying. You get an A for effort and I love what you’re doing with your lips, mouth and tongue. I want to see and feel your beautiful massive tits around my cock." Dylan grinned. Dani grinned back at him and arched her back, pushing her huge tits upward, her cleavage long and deep. But Dylan's cock was just so big it didn't fit in her cleavage. Dani cupped her tits, pulling them apart to let Dylan's cock slip between her them. Dylan groaned deeply as she began to press her huge tits together, she smiled up at him an gave her own pecs slight flexes to make her tits bounce along his shaft. It wasn't something she was good at, her tits were large and heavy, but she could do it for a quick tease. Dani was proud of her breasts, wherever she got the genetics from, she loved them. At first she hated her breasts, they started growing fast, by freshman year she was already a large D cup. Hated by all the other girls because the boys paid more attention to her. Dani quickly learned how to use her chest to get what she wanted from guys. She expertly worked her huge firm tits around the biggest and hardest cock on earth. Dylan's cock felt like it belonged between her tits, it more than filled her cleavage, it was so big Dani's tits could barely surround the circumference. It was so long that there was nearly a foot of cock sticking up over the top of her tits. Every other guy Dani had been with, their cock's just disappeared between her tits. "That's it, Dani. Show me how much you love my massive cock. Show me how much you love my fuck muscle" Dylan's words were cool, clam and powerful. Dani looked up at Dylan, hearing his words in her mind, "FUCK MUSCLE". It was a realization to her, he as right, it was his fuck muscle. She loved the name for it, no other man could ever call his manhood a fuck muscle. They just aren't a god, where as Dylan is. Dani proceeded to tit fuck Dylan and suck on the head as best she could. Dani looked up, watching Dylan as she pleasured him. He was tensing his arms harder and harder as she tit fucked him. He looked down, watching her. Dani could tell Dylan was getting close, she worked her tits more and more on his monstrous cock. Dylan awas breathing harder, faster. Tensing his muscles more and more. She could feel him tense up all over, his whole body flexed hard. Then it hit her. A powerful blast of his cum, right on her face, in her mouth, up her nostrils. Dani gasped and coughed, caught off guard by the power of it. It felt like having a bucket of water thrown at her. Only thicker and hotter. Dani fell back a little, his cock popping free of her tits. She shook her head and catching her breath, then she attacked his cock hungrily. Aiming his cock head at her mouth, barely able to take the powerful surges of his cum, choking at first, struggling to swallow the torrent of his cum, gagging hard. She felt Dylan's left hand cup the back of her head and pull her closer, making sure he lips were pressed tight against his cock head. She looked up at him, watching him curl his right arm, flexing it hard as he held her in place. Cuming so powerfully, each seconds long surge of his cock pumping more cum into her mouth and down her throat than any other man could in one night of sex. Dani's eyes were riveted to his bicep, it erupted in size. The power, the dominance, the pure Alpha nature of Dylan in this moment made Dani orgasm hard. She tried to scream but Dylan was still cumming powerfully. Dani was getting painfully sore, her mouth and throat filled with his Godly cum, her stomach taking as much as it could. More and more of his cum was spilling past her lips and covering her body. Dylan released Dani's head, she stumbled back and lay on her back looking up at him. Dylan went into a most muscular pose. He groaned then roared like a beast. He came even harder, his cock gushing all over Dani. Coating her face, tits and stomach with his hot thick seed. Dylan needed a few minutes to recover, he was in a state of mind he has never been in before. He was breathing hard, his body still throbbing, muscle twitching and his cock still rock hard, his erections usually lasting hours, it didn't wane, even now. “Dani....get cleaned up in the shower in the corner.......I need to finish my workout….I NEED to pump even more….and you can help” he told her Dani looked at Dylan a little confused, he felt a little distant. But she got up and went to the bathroom in the corner and quickly rinsed off what seemed like gallons of Dylan's cum. She was oddly really aroused by being so covered in his cum. Her stomach felt full and heavy, she noticed her lips and throat were tingling. She hurried up and finished washing off, grabbed a towel and went back out to meet Dylan at a weight rack. She watched as Dylan turned and put on a harness over his torso, it was made with thick leather and thick nylon webbing straps and metal bracing. Dylan turned around and on the back she should see there were pegs for weights. “Dani, Can you put a plate on each peg?” Dylan asked, looking over his shoulder. Dani was fit and pretty strong for her age. She tossed the towel aside, nodded and didn’t hesitate, she went one by one and put a plate on each peg, four in total, securing them in place with a pin. Dylan turned to face her again, he picked her up by her hips and set her down on his cock so she was straddling it. He held her gently by her hips, holding her weight in his hands. He looked at her and smirked. He raised his right arm, letting her weight rest on his larger, harder cock. He gripped a handle of the chin up frame and proceeded to lift himself and Dani. Nearly 1000 pounds with his weight, Dani’s weight and the plates on his back combined, with one arm. He pulled upwards slowly, powerfully with perfect control. Dani cried out and orgasmed as he pulled her up with him, just using his cock. He lowered himself down, watching Dani closely. His right arm around her waist, holding her close. She moaned out like an exhale. Then crying out again as Dylan started another rep, his now almost wine bottle thick cock pressing upwards hard against Dani with each rep, easily holding her weight. Dylan kept going, rep after rep after rep, for dozens of reps. Then changed to his right arm and kept going. Pumping his muscles, slowly, powerfully. Dani just clung to Dylan and went along for the ride. Dozens of reps later, Dylan was still pumping reps with both hands now. Dani’s mind was racing, how could he be so strong, how could he have such a physique, how in the hell does his cock have muscle tissue in it?!! How is it he is barely sweating?!!??!! All these thoughts and more went through her mind in just seconds, at random, as she tried to control her lust, the undeniable and powerful urge she felt in her mind and body, to FUCK THIS GOD OF A MAN. Dylan just smiled at Dani as he pumped. He loved the feeling of his muscles working, swelling and the feeling of his own strength. He felt stronger than ever. He loved that Dani was just cumming over and over straddled on his cock, she was clawing at his arms and pecs. Pounding her fists on his chest as he forced orgasms on her with every rep. Dylan just kept pumping, slowly, purposefully, up and down with Dani clinging to him, writhing against him. After more than a hundred continuous reps, Dylan lowered himself and let go of the handles, dropping down the last few inches to the floor. Holding Dani with his left arm. She was, by now, lost in her countless orgasms and breathing raggedly against Dylan’s chest. Holding her closer and kissing her head. He walked over to a flat bench and laid Dani down on it to let her rest. Dylan walked over to a weight rack and started to unload the weight harness, taking off plates one at a time in each hand. Then pulled the harness off his torso and stated to load up the empty bar on another weight bench, plate by plate. Dylan smiled to himself as he added the plates to his custom made bar. It was longer and slightly thicker, the sleeves were longer to accommodate more plates. Dylan was feeling amazing today and loaded up 2800 pounds, 400 more than his usual. Dylan laid back on the bench, got into position, heaved the weight up off the stands and pumped like never before. Rep after rep, Dylan powered though them. He could see and feel his pecs jump and bulge, swelling huge with every rep. Dylan did hundreds of reps, he adjusted the bench for incline and decline, did hundreds of reps more in each position. He didn't stop until his pecs and arms were on fire, the final weight on the bar was 3600 pounds. He nearly dropped it before getting it racked again. He sat lay on the bench, breathing hard. Despite being exhausted, he felt POWERFUL, more than ever before. He got up slowly, his whole body was sore, muscles twitching and throbbing all over his body. He looked at himself in the mirror, what he saw shocked even him. He was more pumped than ever before, he looked bigger, he FELT bigger. His cock surged and throbbed, swung up and thudded against his abs as Dylan got off on his own body. He started to pose, a double biceps, he flexed hard. But he was so pumped and exhausted he couldn't contract all the way, he couldn't even curl his arms fully. He tried again, flexing as hard as he could, his muscles obeyed him, but simply didn’t have the energy to. His arms could barely manage to make it to 90 degrees. Dylan exhaled hard, took several breaths, he loved how huge and pumped his pecs were, he put his hands at his waist and went into a front lat spread pose. He flexed his entire upper body, his cock twitched hard as he felt his muscles explode. His lats forcing his arms out wider. His pecs rippled like a wave moving upwards, bulging out and pushing up against his chin. Tensing his abs to make them a solid flat wall of harder than steel brick. Dylan held his breath and flexed hard, or tried to. His muscles were sore and exhausted, he let out his breath all at once, he couldn’t hold a flex at all. “I love to see how pumped you get, Baby” Dani breathed out, having recovered from being overwhelmed by dozens of orgasms. Dani ran her hands up Dylan’s back, she was blown away by how ripped he was. She could see and feel the striations in his Rhomboids and lats, veins everywhere made his back look like a road map. As she ran her hands over Dylan’s back, his muscles responded to her touch by rippling and twitching. She heard him gasp at her touch. To Dylan it was the same reaction as if someone hand touched him with cold hands. But Dani’s touch was electric. She smiled and leaned over to the side, she looked in the mirror, seeing just her head popping out to the side of Dylan’s massive form. Her jaw dropped when she saw the rest of his body in a fully pumped state. His pecs twitching, abs rippling, quads bunching, his cock visibly throbbing and the huge the tip was brushing the underside of his pecs, it was thicker than before too. His balls looked to be nearing the size of grapefruit. Dani swallowed hard, her fear creeping up again, but her libido quickly beating it back. Dani returned her attention to Dylan’s back, she stepped closer, her huge tits pressing against him, molding to the shape of his muscles and began kissing along the bulges and separations. Giving them the attention and worship the deserve. Dani couldn’t help herself, she wanted…NEEDED to touch, to feel, TO WORSHIP AND PLEASURE Dylan and all his muscles. She moved slowly to the left, her hands exploring every bulge, every separation, every vein of every muscle. Every touch of her fingers or lips would cause the muscle of the fibers directly under to flex or twitch. Dani stopped at Dylan’s side, looking directly at his bicep and tricep, she put her hands on each muscle. She stroked them up and down, squeezing gently with her small soft hands. She gasped as neither muscle had any give to them. She marveled at his pumped but unflexed bicep and tricep together. She could tell that the circumference of his upper arm was greater hips. Dani planted her lips on the bicep, kissing it, making out with it for several minutes. She was loving being this close to Dylan, getting to explore and feel every millimeter of his body. But why were her tits tingling? Every time her nipples brushed against Dylan's skin it was like a low voltage shock. It didn't hurt, it felt oddly good. She would worry about it later and didn't stop, enjoying what she was doing. Dylan just looked down, watching Dani indulge herself in his muscles, his cock throbbed even harder as she worshipped him. No one before Dani had ever made him feel this way. Like pure Alpha muscle beast. Dylan raised only his forearm so that it was parallel to the floor, making his bicep bunch up and swell larger, but still unflexed, he wasn't exerting the muscle in anyway. This simple motion made Dani grunt carnally, her hands practically clawing at his bicep. He smiled wide, enjoying Dani's reaction. Then Dylan knelt down a little, he pressed his hand between her legs and pushed his arm all the way through until his bicep was pressed harded against her pussy. Then he lifted Dani up, with just his arm, standing up straight against and holding his left arm out so that his upper arm was horizontal and his forearm was supporting Dani's back. He looked up at Dani and blew her a kiss, she smiled back and started to rock her hips. But Dylan flexed his bicep hard and fast. She could feel it jump, bulging powerfully between her legs, the muscle pounded against her pussy. Dani cried out, she leaned foward, her hands resting on his shoulder. Dylan kept flexing just his bicep, sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Dani rocked her hips and ground into the massive muscle. Lost in so much lust and pleasure she could barely understand that Dylan was fucking her with just his bicep. Let alone the fact that he was fucking her better with just a muscle, than any other man could with his cock. Dani could feel the huge thick vein along the peak of his bicep, it almost felt like a cock, it was that big, that thick and hard as it throbbed, feeding the muscle. Over and over Dylan flexed his bicep, making Dani cry out again and again as she orgasmed non-stop. Her juices gushing over his massive bicep, dripping down to the floor. Dylan held her up and fucked her with just one muscle for nearly ten mintues. Dani rode his bicep, bucking and grinding on it until she was just so overwhelmed yet again. Dylan slowly lowered her down, let her get her feet under her and then pulled her in front of him. His hands around her tiny waist as they stood together in front of a mirror, Dani leaning back against him as she slowly got her breath back. Dylan cupped Dani's huge tits in his hands, he felt their size and weight. Dani just smiled as she watched in the reflection, she loved it when guys would fondle and play with her tits. But what really excited her, was how the guy doing the fondling looked. Dylan practically towered over Dani, she was fucking huge, all muscle and his hands could cup more of her tits than anyone else could. Her tits were sensitive, and Dylan was gentle with them. But something made them even more sensitive. Dylan gave them a firm squeeze, his fingers sinking into them deeper, he loved big tits and Dani's were the biggest and firmest natural tits he had ever had the pleasure of enjoying. Just playing with them made his cock surge and throb harder. It was pressing against Dani's back, From the small of her back nearly all the way up to her neck. Dani pressed back harder against Dylan, grinding....her back against his cock, rocking her hips, bringing her arms up and running her hands through her air. She was imagining his cock to be a dance pole as she moved. "Geezus, Dylan. I still can't get over how fucking big you are. Your muscles are just massive, your cock massive.....everything about you is just fucking HUUUUUGE. I could never be with anyone else, you're ruined me Dylan. How could I have sex with a smaller, weaker....lesser man?" Dylan just continued to fondle, caress and squeeze Dani's huge tits. Enjoying himself and the image in the mirror's reflection before them. Then Dylan turned Dani around to face him, both his hands around her waist and lifted her up effortlessly. He began to kiss and nuzzle against her tits, before sucking her right nipple into this mouth. He began to suck and suck and SUCK. Dani's tits were huge, firm and begged to be sucked. He could feel her nipple swell in his mouth, like a thimble at first, then to the size of a strawberry and very very hard. He caressed and flicked her turgid nipple with his tongue. He enjoyed hearing her soft moans as he indulged himself. Sucking more and more on her nipple and breast. It wasn't long before he began to taste something in his mouth. He stopped and pulled away, looking at the large breast in front of him. On Dani's nipple was a thick honey colored liquid. Dani took looked down, curiously looking at her breast, the liquid forming a drop on her nipple and at Dylan. They looked at each other for a moment before Dylan anxiously returned to sucking on her breast. The liquid was warm and sweet. It felt rough and hot going down his throat. Like swallowing a spoonful of honey, with a strong hint of vanilla. It took considerable effort to get another drop of whatever it was Dani's breast was making. Dylan hardly thought about, he just wanted more. He continued sucking more and more, only able to extract about a tablespoon more before moving to her left breast and sucking hungrily on it. Dani cried out this time, looking down at him and pulling his head into her breast. He sucked as if he were a staving infant, he didn't know why. But he NEEDED this sweet substance. Another tablespoon of it and it stopped coming from her nipple. Dylan pulled back, still holding Dani in his hand. He looked up at her face. A curious looking in his eyes. He set her down gently and sat on the bench nearest him. Dylan looked at Dani, his eye lids were getting heavy. "Dylan...are you ok?" She looked at him, concerned at what's happening. "Yeah...I'm fine, just feeling really exhausted all of the sudden." He looked up at saw the clock on the wall. They had been down here for six hours. "We should go upstairs and get cleaned up, especially before our parents get home, considering our state of dress". He smirked at Dani and stood up slowly, he wrapped his left arm around her waist and hefted her up against his torso and began to head up the stairs. Dani leaned agianst him, kissing his huge deltoid, one hand rubbing over his chest, the other over his back. Dylan smiled at Dani as she enjoyed being close to him. She walked up the first flight of stairs and went into his family's apartment, heading to the back and into his room.Like Dani's room it had it's own bathroom as well. Dylan set Dani down gently. "why don't you go first, this one barely big enough for me as it is. There's a clean towel on the rack" "I just gotta sit down for a....minute" he said. Then his eyes shut and he fell to the side laying hap hazardly on the bed and started snoring. "Dylan? DYLAN!!!" Dani rushed over and start to shake Dylan. He wouldn't wake up and just laid there. She, tried slapping his face, pounding her fist on his chest even. She reached down and gave one of his huge balls and hard squeeze. NOTHING. "Well how about that. Give him some boob and he's out like a light!" Dani, hefted her left breast up to her lips, gave her nipple a good hard sucking. He moaned from the sensation. But got nothing from it. "Oh come on! you're fucking huge and you can only make a little bit of that stuff!!!???" She looked at Dylan and groaned. "The ONE thing that knocks him out. Gold boob juice"
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