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The Repository - (Complete Story, 10/15/21)


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Yes someone's loving to grow some more. 

Again thanks for the addition. Great storytelling and descriptions. 

Also is it just me or it looks like you're vocabulary is expanding greatly :)

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Part 2 – The College Con-Man

Chapter 13

            The rest of junior year was unbelievable.  I had so much free time because I didn’t need a part-time job anymore.  Flynn even showed me how to invest my money to make it last longer.  With all that extra time, I decided to put in the effort to keep the new size.  I never thought I would get this big without taking a deposit.  Okay, sure, I was still borrowing ten pounds from Gregg, and I’d gotten this big with a lot of Repository help, but the majority of this muscle was all mine.  If I didn’t use it, I’d lose it.  I had to earn my right to keep it through dedication.

            And I liked being bodybuilder big with competition-ready definition.  For one, it made Flynn a lot more sexually attentive and generous with compliments.  For another, all of the exercise and regimentation were sharpening my mind—my grades went up, and they were pretty good to begin with.  For yet another, now that I didn’t have to hide my size, I could show it off a little around campus.  I avoided anything even vaguely resembling a polo, but I got to wear tight, form-fitting shirts that showed off my arms and chest and how narrow my waist was.  I got a thrill any time I took off my shirt because my shoulders, biceps, and even my chest fought me as I disrobed.  I also liked feeling just how hard and firm I was.  I no longer felt like I was made out of steel like I did when I was 300 pounds, but I definitely felt like I was granite or marble, or some other hard stone, harder than a normal human.  And I was still easily one of the biggest guys on campus.  If it weren’t for my boyfriend, I would’ve been the biggest guy on campus. 

            Almost out of reflex, I kept my eyes open for any other big guys, just so I could size them up.  I did eventually find two who looked seriously big, serious lifter big, as I walking past the library one day.  It turned out to be Steele and Rhodes. Happily, I was still noticeably bigger than they were.  I had bumped into them in front of the library (a main thoroughfare on campus), and I was shocked just how much bigger they were.  Especially because we were in the wide open, I expected them to be their usual uncouth and un-charming selves, but instead, they were delighted when they saw me.

            “Vaughn, buddy,” Rhodes said, pulling me into that back-slap/hug thing straight guys do.  Feeling our big hard bodies press into each other, I flexed a little just to show him I was bigger and harder.  “You’re looking swole.”

            “We’re hosting a low-key, underground, by-invite-only party for TGS-Max,” Steele said.  “Even though you and your boyfriend are no longer an official part of the company, you naturally made the guest list.”

            “So did Shafe,” Rhodes added.

            I declined the invitation, but soon after found myself invited to a large number of social events on campus.  Now that Rhodes and Steele had publicly marked me with their seal of approval, everyone was much friendlier to me.  They were even nice to Flynn, which he found absolutely delicious.

            I turned down every invitation that came my way—I’d already seen their true colors and did not need fair weather friends—but Flynn accepted about half of the invites.

            “They’re contacts, Vaughn,” he said.  “I came to this elitist school in part to form these connections.  I can exploit them later.”

            Even though I was opposed to the lot of it, I ended up going to a bunch of parties just for Flynn.  The parties were utterly depressing.  People only knew three things about me: I was a scholarship student, I was gay, and I had gone from buff to huge this year.  I spent most of these parties answering insulting questions about being working class (wasn’t it embarrassing to work at a deli?), dodging vaguely guised homophobia (you don’t look gay), and giving workout tips that weren’t my original insights (well, Shafe says…).  People I had classes with didn’t even know what my major was, not that they would’ve asked or cared.

            Outside of these awkward social contexts, though, I finally felt in my element.  Flynn and I had all of this free time to do the things college couples do.  And, yes, I do mean sex, but I also mean everyday boring stuff.  For instance, we started hanging out with Shafe and his crowd.  I really liked going out with his crew because it was easier to stick to my diet and workout schedule and still have a good time—they just got it.  Also, Shafe absolutely loved my new mass.  He really wanted me to join the bodybuilding circuit with him.  He was convinced that the stars had brought us together, and that we could push each other into size the world had never dreamed to see onstage.  When I explained to him why that was a Repository no-no, he respectfully dropped it, in honor to, as he put it, “my karmic burden.”  Flynn and I also went to the club about once a week.  Alphonse and his stripper friends were happy to see I was maintaining my mass, and they loved hanging off my muscles like a jungle gym.  Flynn liked watching me get all that attention because he knew I was going home with him.  We also did dinners, movies, walks, trips to the beach—little stuff that made life feel wonderful.

            Flynn never stopped developing his schemes, though.  I saw him sell a vast panoply of wares.  Every time I asked about one of his schemes, he just said, “Rich guys think they can buy anything,” and nothing else.  It got to the point that I just stopped asking about the schemes.

            Even still, I could tell when he thought of a plan that included The Repository.  He got a look on his face that was somewhere between the quizzical eyebrow raise of Spock from Star Trek and the sinister sneer of Mr. Burns from The Simpsons.

            One time, Flynn couldn’t help himself and said, “I know you’ll reject it, but I have to share with you the algorithm I came up with.”

            “Algorithm?”  I said with a laugh.  “Now I have to hear it.”

            “You take a deposit.  Just ten pounds or so.  For, let’s say, two weeks or so.”

            “Or so,” I echoed.

            “That’s long enough for the fizzing to drive you to the gym.  You put on ten pounds supernaturally fast to stop the fizzing.  Then, you return the muscle.  But you get to keep the muscle you built.  Ten pounds or so.”

            I nodded, having an inkling of where he was going with this.

            “Then you find a different person.  Borrow ten more pounds.”

            “Or so,” I added.

            “And you keep that deposit for two more weeks.”

            “On and on like that until?”

            “Well, after just three short months, you’d be back up to 300 pounds.  And that would be 300 pounds all you.  No deposits.  You were an amazing sight to behold at 300 pounds…”  Flynn trailed off and let me fill in the blanks.

            “I can’t live a normal life at 300 pounds.  At 240, life already requires some significant accommodating.  Clothes are an issue.  Even the stuff that’s designed to fit muscular men get caught on my torso.  I eat a very specific diet I can’t deviate from, or bye-bye, six-pack.  And yet, I eat all the time.  I have to cordon off a large chunk of my life to the gym, or there goes my size.  And while I’m determined to keep all of this sexy size, the world doesn’t make it easy.  I already have trouble fitting places like the dorm showers and public transportation.  Places meant for normal men.  Imagine what life was like for me at 300.”

            “But that’s the thing, Vaughn.  You’re not a normal, lesser man.”  He rubbed my chest affectionately.

            I smiled, but said, “You’re right.  But I’m saying no to the algorithm.”

            He shrugged innocently and added, “Just had to give it to you.  Had to.  In case you hadn’t thought of it yourself.”

            Despite my minor complaints, I was the happiest I’d ever been.  The rest of junior year just went on like that, blissfully.  I brought up all my grades in my classes, I had a thriving social life thanks to Shafe, I was no longer a pariah at school, and I had a hefty nest egg.

            We were living so high on the hog that neither of us was particularly looking forward to summer break.  I’d promised my folks I’d go back to Illinois (even though I could afford to stay in California), and Flynn was likely going back to Pennsylvania (he hadn’t decided), so there’d be an Indiana and an Ohio between us.  But, we both had cars.  Also, airplanes, telephones, and computers exist, so it’s not like we’d be completely cut off.  But not being able to touch him?  Smell him?  Fuck him?  That was not a happy prospect, so I was trying to just enjoy the time together.

            A week before summer break, Flynn and I were studying for finals in the library.

            My Ethics in Rhetoric class was kicking my ass and giving me a headache.  So, I let out a sigh, followed by a whispered, “I can’t wait for next year.  Next year, no finals.”

            “None?”  He sounded dubious.

            “I’m a writing major.  We spend our last year on our senior writing thesis.  I don’t even have proper classes next year.  Just regular meetings with my writing group and advisor to discuss my chapters.  At the end of the year, I should have my first novel polished and ready to be published.”

            “That sounds perfect for you,” Flynn said.  Then, louder than he intended, he added, “I, however, will still have finals next year.”

            I shushed him, pointing out that we were in a library.

            Flynn gestured around at all of the empty tables, indicating with this face that we could be as loud as we wanted. 

            “Are we the only two students in the library during finals week?” I half-asked, half-complained.

            Flynn grunted.  “No matter how badly the rich kids do, they’ll be fine.  Just buy a new wing for the science building.  Boom, degree guaranteed.”

            “I’m impressed you haven’t already bought the finals to cheat on them.”
            “That would only cheat me, Vaughn.  I want to know this stuff.  I want to be a successful businessman.  Let our rich classmates waste their money cheating.”

            “Yeah.  We have to actually earn it.  It’s like you say,” I vented, “rich guys think they can buy anything.  They bought their way into the school; then, they buy their grades.”  Frustrated, I added, “It pisses me off.  There are so many people out there who would kill for this education, and these rich kids are just pissing it away.  They buy things just so other people can’t have them.  Fuck.  They’d buy your wrestling scholarship if they could, just to kick you out of the school.”

            Flynn got that Spock/Burns look on his face again.

            “I might need you,” he said.  “Are you willing to help me run another big scheme?”

            “Depends on the scam.”

            “If it works,” he continued, “it’ll be my last one.  I’ll be able to fund my legitimate business ideas.”

            “Again, it depends on the scam.  You’re not being very specific.  That makes me want to say no.”

            “I might not need you.  But if I do, and this succeeds, it’ll barely feel like a scam.”

            “If it fails,” I added, “it won’t land me in jail like Roberto?”

            “Goodness no.  Nothing like that.”  Flynn patted my cheek.  “I got to go set this up before summer break starts.”  He gracelessly swept all of his study materials into his bag and raced out the door.

            When he came back an hour later, he said something cryptic.  “Okay.  It set up the way I thought it would.  In order for it to work, I will need you.  At some random times this summer, I’m going to have to lend you some substantial amounts of muscle for some short bursts of time.  At a moment’s notice.  Are you okay with that?”

            I shrugged.  “Sure?”

            “And the less you know about this, the better.”

            “Naturally,” I responded.

            He grabbed both sides of my face and kissed me hard on the forehead.  “Thank you.  Thank you so much.”  He handed me an old school pager.  “Keep this with you at all times.  Even when you shower.  Even when you’re asleep.  When it goes off, you’ll have less than a minute to get somewhere private and call me.  Cool?”

            I threw him a leery look, but took the pager.  “Cool,” I said tentatively.

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Man, I have zero clue what the hell Flynn is up to - which, naturally, just makes me all the more curious to find out what he's got planned.

Oh yeah, and the growth is gonna be hot too. :P

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I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: your stories are so fun, thrilling, sexy, and incredibly well written. So glad you’re continuing to share your own “power” with us.

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Welp, I just discovered your writing yesterday, and DEVOURED this...guess I'm gonna lose a few days of work (and writing...) to read your other stories :D

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2 minutes ago, lasergaser14 said:

guess I'm gonna lose a few days of work (and writing...) to read your other stories

Pace yourself.  Hey, Big Guy is ridiculously long.


But thank you for the high praise.

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