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Hey guys,  I'm a few hours early, but figured why not..  It's a long one.  Enjoy!


I was working as a financial analyst in this topsy-turvy, Covid crazy market and it had taken its toll on my mind and body.  I was told I needed to get away. Life had become too complicated and stressful.  A few weeks in the mountains, away from everyone, including my phone and computer is what it eventually came down to, and not by choice.

I was barely sleeping and ended up being cranky during the day, which would put my co-workers on edge. I would eat poorly, when I ate.  No breakfast, fast food for lunch, and maybe take-out for dinner, if they delivered to my office. 

The pouch had returned and others had noticed.   My 6’1”, 175-pound swimmers build had fallen off as I had not been to the gym in what seemed like forever.  My once toned muscles were sagging or replaced with a layer of fat.  My dark blue eyes had dark circles under them and my normally well-kept blonde hair was unkept, long, and showed signs of gray. 

After the incident on the office floor, my boss, Chuck, pulled me into his office and laid it out for me. 

Chuck hired me 9 years ago fresh out of college.  He saw I had knack and a spark for understanding and predicting stocks.  He said I could go far if I put the right attitude and aptitude toward my work.

And I did. 

For 9 long years, I devoted my life to the job.  Working late, overtime, weekends, not taking vacations, whatever it took to get the job done and to keep the clients happy, and rich.  But, at the same time, I also led an active personal life, dating men who shared the same passion for life as me, working out religiously, eating sensibly.  I had been on track for promotions, and got them. 

Then Covid hit. My life went sideways.  Dating came to a screeching halt.  Everyone was afraid to go out and meet, even for a quick cup of coffee in the park.  This is to say nothing of the market for the first few months, and the lay-offs most companies were doing. Everyone in the office was petrified of screwing up, knowing the company was looking for a reason to trim the fat to keep a healthy bottom line.

Then the gyms closed.  That hit me hard.  I have some weights and equipment at home, but like most people, I relied on the gym.  I tried to buy stuff online, but the backlog was weeks, if not months. 

I gained a few pounds, but figured I could adjust my meals to compensate. Yeah, that didn’t work.  Skipping breakfast was bad, but compensating later in the day made it worse.  15 pounds later and my mood darkened.  I was irritable at work and home.  Staying up too late, worrying about my job, my weight, my sex life, my everything… 

Chuck watched the slow spiral.  He would casually mention to me to take a few days off to recharge and clear my head, but I shrugged it off.  I had work to do.  Who would get it done, if not me? 

Then I snapped.  It just happened one Thursday.  The computer would not work, the paper in the copier jammed, someone made a quiet comment I thought was about me, and the flood gates opened. 

Next thing I know, Chuck and I are sitting in his office, door shut, blinds closed, him looking at me with the concern on his face only a friend would show, and me…deflated.  My energy gone, my breathing shallow and restless.  I sat slumped in the comfortable leather wingback chair staring at nothing in particular, but Chuck was right in front of me, in a similar chair, not behind his desk.  My sleeves rolled half way up my arms, shirt partially untucked, sweat stains on my chest and under my arms.  My eyes red and puffy. My throat dry.

He softly says, “Cole, you better?”  He hands me another cup of water.  I take a sip; the cold water feels harsh as it goes down my parched throat. “That was quite a show out there.”  He’s calm and not passing judgement.  I’m still hazy as to what I did, but I can imagine it was pretty bad. I glance up, and he cracks half a smile to let me know he gets it. I shrug my shoulders, not sure how to answer his question, but knowing I want to just cry.  It’s still inside of me, this pain, thought of failure, how my life will never get back to what it was a few months ago.

I feel his strong hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze to let me know he’s here for me. 

He leans back into his chair, his piercing brown eyes, looking at me. 

“Cole.”  He says it in a manner that he wants me to look at him.  I look up.  “I need you to take some time off.”  I shut my eyes, knowing this was coming, but am still stunned to hear it. Right now, my job is all I have left of my life, to take that away, even for a day, I’d be lost. “I know you hate to take a day off, unless it’s absolutely necessary, but…” I look at him again, “It’s necessary.” He says resolutely.  I sigh. 

I gather myself and say with as much of a positive attitude as I can, “Ok, I can take a long weekend, say next Monday and Tuesday?” 

Chuck shakes his head from side to side.  I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.  He puts his hand on my knee and quietly says, “I’m not talking a few days, Cole.  I need you take a few weeks off.”  My head snaps up and when I open my mouth to protest, he squeezes my knee, letting me know to be calm.  I take a few breaths and another sip of water.  “Buddy, whatever is inside of you has been building for a while.  A few days won’t cure it. You need to get away from this.”  He spreads his arms around the room.  “A few weeks at minimum.”  I stare at him and think ‘My job is my life. What will I do?’

He senses my thoughts.  He says, “You will still have a job when you return, but as of the end of work today, you’re on vacation.” 

“But, my clients, my files, my…” I stammer.

“Will be taken care of.” He says without hesitation, his eyes looking directly at me.

“But…” I say with a slow, unsure voice.

“We will handle it.”  I fidget in the chair, looking around his office.  “Cole, the company existed before you got here, it will survive a few weeks without you, trust me.”  I sniffle. His hand tightens.  “You will work through your pain and come back a stronger man.”

There’s no getting around this. I know I need to take the time.  He’s half offering, half ordering me to do it.  I need to accept that he’s trying to help. “Ok.” I whisper.  I think for a few moments, “Can I take my...”

“Nope.”  He says decisively. “Work phone, laptop, anything else work-related stays here.”  I frown, but know he’s right. He checks his watch.  “Listen.  Here’s what I’m going to do for you.”  I glance up at him.  He’s got a devilish smile on his face. “The company owns a cabin in the mountains.  About 4 hours away.” I’ve heard about this place.  The highest people in the company whisper about it in the hallways as some kind of Eden in the woods.  “This time of year, nobody is there.”  He says this spreading his arms wide.  “Let me check with the big-wigs and if it’s open, I’m going to block off a month for you there.” I sigh thinking of the cost. God; food, travel there, packing, what do I take…  My mind has wandered and Chuck’s voice brings me back, “…are the nicest caretakers around.”  He’s smiling at me.  “They will take care of your every need.  You just ask, and they will get it for you.  Now, I don’t mean go overboard and have steak and lobster every night with a nice Pinot, but don’t live on stale bread and water either.”  He winks at me and I crack a smile.


Chuck claps his hands in victory.  He stands up, puts a hand out to me and I stand to shake it.  He pulls me in for a hug.  “Remember, this time away is for you to recharge.  A month in the mountains, away from this rat race.”  He rolls his eyes.  “Maybe I should go out there,” He points to the office floor outside his office, “and let it all out.”

I smile, thinking what I sight that would be, and now realize what I sight I must have been.  My smile fades.  “I guess I need to apologize to a bunch of people before I go.”  He just looks at me and nods, knowing it won’t be easy.

“That will be the toughest thing you have to do for the next month.”  His hand is on my shoulder.  He squeezes and continues, “Go out there, do your thing, apologize, and get your stuff ready.  The moment I get the ‘ok’, you’re out of here.”  I glance at my watch.  He sarcastically says, “Leave that at home too.  Up there, live your day by the sun, not your watch.”

I crook an eye at him and ask quietly, “How’d you get so good at this?”

He wraps an arm around my shoulder as he leads me to the door.  He says with all seriousness, “You’re not the first person to stumble.  I’ve been where you are.”  He pats me on the back as I open the door. He points his finger at me.  “Give me half an hour, and be ready.” I nod and walk across the floor to stares and not-too-subtle glances as his door shuts behind me.


The four-hour drive on a late Friday afternoon was pretty easy.  The directions were straightforward. Me in my burgundy 2019 Volvo S60 4 dr. sedan, driving west into the dusk, toward an apparent palatial estate of a mountain house.  I was thinking ‘cabin in the woods with an outhouse for a bathroom and your bath is the creek half mile away’, but Chuck made it out to be a bit more than that. Not sure if he was buttering me up, or if I was exaggerating it in my head. He made me promise not to take any electronics, including my cell phone, Ipad, headphones, even my Movado watch had to sit this one out. He said there is a phone in the house, but it only calls to the caretaker’s home.


As I pull off the main road, I realize how remote the place is. The driveway is a narrow gravel path.  I click on my high-beams and take it nice and slow. On either side of the road is a dense tree and shrubbery line, well-manicured and in pristine condition. I guess it’s to keep the spectators from getting a view of the estate or house or log cabin, or whatever is at the other end of the driveway. About ¼ mile later, I come to the iron gate he mentioned.  I roll the window down, punch the code into the keypad and silently pray the gate opens.  Once I hit enter, I wait a second or two and then a spotlight comes on and the gate slowly rolls to the right.  I notice a well-placed camera under the light.  They know I’m here, that’s for sure.  As the gate finishes opening, I think, ‘Well, that’s one hurdle down’.  On the other side of the gate, the path widens and becomes a wide cement paved road.  I breathe a sigh of relief. 

The road winds thru another wooded area for about a mile, then the tree line ends and the road heads up an incline.  I see meadows on both sides of the driveway.  I can see house lights in the distance and some off to the side, about half mile away.  I figure one set is the cabin, the other, the caretaker’s home.   I follow the road up and it winds back into a tree line.  After about 3 minutes, I pass the turnoff to the caretaker’s house, which I catch a quick glimpse at and think, ‘it’s a pretty nice place in-and-of-itself.’  I roll on for another 3 minutes.  The trees end and the road pours onto a circular brick paved driveway leading to an actual log cabin. The lights are on, in anticipation of my arrival.

‘Shit’ I think to myself.  ‘Pretty fucking nice.’ It’s a log cabin, but not the one from Little House on the Prairie.  More like a large two story ‘A frame’ house with decks and patios around it. 

I park my car, get out, and grab one of my bags.  I walk to the front door and put the key in the lock, thinking ‘last hurdle’.  If the key works, I’m golden, if not, I’m sure the cops will be here rather quickly.

The key works.  The door opens to a wide two-story foyer with recessed lights and hardwood floors all around.

I do the quick check of the house, nobody here.  I grab the rest of my bags from the car, lock it, then head back inside.  I relock the front door and carry my bags to the living room.  As I set them down, I see the fireplace is on, real logs, not a gas one.  I head to the kitchen area on the other side of the open space and find a note.

The handwriting is immaculate and is definitely feminine. 

Dear Mr. Cole,

Welcome to the cabin.  Mr. Fisher and myself are here to help you with anything you need.  Please feel free to call us using the phone on the kitchen wall.  It is a direct line to us, no need to dial.  It will ring automatically on our side.

The refrigerator is fully stocked.  If there is anything you need, food wise, please let us know.  If you would like me to make your meals, just let me know and we can create a menu based on your preferences.

Linens are changed every 3 days, unless you request them to be changed more often. Laundry can be done when requested.

There is a pamphlet on the counter with instructions on how to work the hot tub, whirlpool, and sauna. You will notice there are no TVs or radios in the house, nor is there an internet connection.  The cabin was designed for the occupants to rest and relax. 

There is a library off the living room with a full selection of classic novels and some more modern tomes. 

If you would like a massage or help with exercising, please let us know.  Mr. Fisher is very adept at helping people work out their kinks.  The workout room is in the pool house, next to the pool.  We took the liberty of turning the heater on in the pool as it is still chilly here at night.

Graciously, Mrs. Fisher.


I re-read the letter and put it down.  I look around again and get my bearings. I go the fridge, open it, and find Mrs. Fisher was correct in that it is fully stocked.  I see a selection of white wines from Pinot Grigio to Riesling.  There are a couple different bottles of beer as well.  I pull out a Stella and see the bottle opener on the side of the fridge.  I check the freezer and find a frosted Stella glass on the middle shelf.  I think, ‘Yeah, I could get used to this’.  I pour the beer and start to wander around. 

The living room is sunken, and is also 2 stories with a balcony overlooking it. The furniture is rustic, over-sized, leather, and very comfortable.  The walls have artwork from local artists.  I do not recognize the names, but their work is outstanding. The fieldstone fireplace and hearth sit along the outside wall and there are French doors on each side.  The curtains on the doors are closed, but I wander over and take a look out.  Right outside is a brick paver patio leading to the rectangular pool.  The light in the pool is on and casts a green blue light into the clear night sky. 

I turn back toward the house and see the door to the library off to a side.  I click the light on and peek inside.  I see floor to ceiling oak bookcases crammed with hardback books.  There are windows on the far side of the room and two leather Duncan overstuffed sofas with rolled arms sitting opposite each other in the middle of the room on top of an Oriental rug.  There is Cross Island lift top coffee table between them with a vase of fresh white Peony’s and purple and pink Irises.

I click the light off and turn to see the dining room.  There is a Florentina dining table and chairs in the middle of the room.  I see a James Moder Wide Palace Ice Light chandelier hanging over the table and a Mahogany buffet table at the far end of the room.  The hardwood floor is covered by a Channing Persian-style Hand tufted wool rug.  There are more French doors leading to a private patio with a glass table and set of 6 chairs.  The view opens to a wooded area and a small fountain.

I come back thru the foyer and I’m back in the kitchen. I refill my beer, and take a look around.  The fridge is a Viking 36-inch-wide French door in brushed stainless steel. Next to it is a matching granite counter top which extends around the whole kitchen.  The stove, also Viking, is a 48-inch, 6 burners in stainless steel. The island has the same granite top with a deep sink.  The pantry door is shut.  No need to check it out, as I’m sure it’s full of food.  The cabinets are glass with mullion inserts.  I see plenty of fine Blue Willow China and then regular daily use plates and glasses.

I grab my bags and head back to the foyer and up the steps to the 2nd floor.  Again, hardwood floors throughout, with a carpet runner.  I see three bedrooms; all seem to be master suites.  I find one with a made bed and assume this is my room.  It has a vaulted ceiling with exposed wood beams and a Hunter Ceiling fan hanging down.  The king-sized bed has plenty of pillows for me and the dark blue spread compliments the lighter blue area rug under the bed.  I see a walk-in closet on one side of the room and a bureau against the wall opposite the bed.  There are French doors on the opposite side of the room. I walk to the doors, open them and step out onto a 10-foot wide by 20-foot-long balcony, overlooking the front yard and nearby woods.  I can hear the crickets chirping.  I take a deep breath and can feel some of the tension leave my body.

I step back inside and pull the doors shut. 

I step into the master bath and see it’s just as impressive as the rest of the house.  Double vanity, walk-in shower, heated towel rack, and a large soaking tub, with enough room to fit two adults.

I put my empty beer glass on the night stand and flop onto the bed.  I close my eyes and think, ‘No wonder this place has been kept a secret.’ 

I run my hands over my face and suddenly feel tired. 

I decide to call it an evening.  I notice there are no clocks in the room.  I remember what Chuck said, ‘Live your day by the sun’.  I pick up one of my bags, pull out my bathroom items and put them on the bathroom counter.  I pull out my PJ bottoms and change into them.  I head back to the bathroom and finish up in there. 

I take a look at myself in the mirror and am suddenly ashamed of what I see.  Tired from a simple four-hour drive, bags under my eyes, a flabby stomach where a six-pack used to sit.  I glance away embarrassed, but then look back, and stare at my reflection.  I say out loud, “Cole, you have a month to get your shit together.  You better fucking do it.”  I suck in my gut and can see glimpses of my six-pack.  I think, ‘There’s still hope.’ And smile to myself.

I turn the lights off and head to the bed.  As I lay down and pull the covers up, I realize how quiet it is.  No city noises.  No cars, subway, planes, people, or TVs from the neighbor’s apartment.  No one on the street yelling obscenities at their boyfriend or girlfriend.  No kids shrieking or parents fighting.  Just peace and quiet. 

I drift off.

I wake the next morning, Saturday morning. No clue what time it is, but I know it’s well past the time I would normally get up as the sunlight is streaming into the room thru the curtains.  I stare at the ceiling fan and the wood beams beyond it.  My mind drifts to work.  Did I set my out of office response?  I did I update the message on my phone?  Then I remember what Chuck said as he was ushering me out, “Cole, we’ll handle this, you handle this.”  And he lightly tapped the side of my head.  I take a deep breath and let my body relax as much as I can.  After a few minutes, I get out of bed and pad into the bathroom and do my thing.  After I wash my hands and run some cold water on my face, I get changed into a pair of dark blue nylon gym shorts and a yellow dry mesh t-shirt.  I pull out my size 11 Brooks Cascadia trail running shoes and head downstairs.

The fire is out.  Oops, I probably should have put it out last night before I went up.  Have to tuck that away for next time. 

The house is flooded with sunlight.  I head to the French doors and pull them open.  The sun is half way up the morning sky.  Guessing it’s either 10 or 1030. The morning chill has worn off and the day is heating up. I walk out onto the patio and see the pool and deck furniture.  There is also a Weber Genesis II Stainless steel gas grill off to a side.  I wander around the pool to the pool house and take a peek inside.  It’s fully loaded with equipment.  I’ll have plenty of time to get re-acquainted with everything.

I start to stretch.  I sit on the warming brick pavers and can feel the tightness in my muscles.  This run won’t be fun, but I have to do it.  I’ve got to start somewhere and right here, right now is the best place and time. After 10 minutes, I feel loose, or loose enough not to do any permanent damage.

I head to the edge of the patio and look out over the woods and fields below.  It’s absolutely gorgeous. I take another deep breath and jog off the edge. I head down an obvious path and it winds into the woods.  I take it nice and slow to start, remembering I’ll have to climb this hill to get home.

I get a mile or so into my jog and find the path has leveled out.  The trees are thinning as well.  I come to the edge of a meadow and I see a pond in the middle of it.  I continue my jog thru the warm fresh air and the path takes me right to the pond.  I see an area has been cleared and there are a couple of benches there, creating a sitting area which faces the pond. I can hear frogs croaking.  They fall silent as I pass them.  As I circle the pond, I decide this makes a logical turning point and I head back. 

I get back into the wooded area and am half way up the hill when I see a green John Deere 3032E tractor and trailer in the middle of the path.  I slow my jog and come to a walk as I near it.  I call out, “Hello?”

I hear a deep manly voice respond from in the trees, “Hello there.”  I glance around, but do not see the man who called back. 

I try again, “Hello?  My name is Cole.  I’m staying at the cabin.”

The voice comes back, a bit closer this time, “Oh.  Hello Mr. Cole.  My name is Mr. Fisher.  I’m the care-taker for the property.”  I can now see him emerging through the oaks and pines.  My breath catches. 

When I think care-takers, I think an elderly married couple who live on the property as a way to make some extra money for their retirement.  She dresses in flowery printed dresses and has gray hair bundled up on her head, held there by bobby pins and maybe a scarf.  She’ll have an apron on all the time and probably has gardening gloves stashed away in a pocket.  She’ll smell of apple pie and has a warm, grandmotherly smile, which puts everyone at ease.  She’ll pinch your cheeks and want to hug you every time you see her.  He’ll be dressed in overalls, a flannel shirt, and Workhog XT VentTEK work boots, even in hottest August.  He’ll be wearing a straw hat and have a sprig of grass in his mouth.  There’ll be a red and black bandana in his back pocket to wipe the sweat off his brow; and his hands will be calloused and worn, but strong and nimble. There will be a pair of old work gloves hanging out of his other back pocket.  He’ll look at you, squinting thru one eye, pointing his pinky at you as he dispenses valuable life lessons.

The man who stepped towards me, was not that.  I had to shut my mouth for fear of gaping at him too long.  Mr. Fisher was probably my age, but he was 6’3”, easily 230-pounds, and not wearing overalls or a flannel shirt.  Wavy dark brown hair, matted down by the first signs of sweat, cover his head.  He has 5-day stubble on his face.  High cheek bones and a strong jaw line help define his face.  He’s wearing a sweaty dry-fit mesh t-shirt, that is snug around his chest and free flowing around his tight waist.  His arms are like ham hocks hanging off his shoulders.  His biceps are engorged with blood due to the work he was doing before I interrupted him.  I see veins crawling over them.  He’s wearing tan work pants and I can see he does have on work boots.  I laugh to myself, ‘I got one thing right.’ 

As he steps thru the trees and closer to the path, I see his bright green eyes size me up in about a second.  He pulls off a work glove and sticks his hand out.  In his deep voice he says, “Good morning Mr. Cole.  How are you today? Did you sleep well?”

I break my stare, glancing from left to right, then cautiously back at him. I look into eyes, smile, and say, “Good morning Mr. Fisher.  I’m doing well today, thank you.  Yes, I did sleep well last night. Probably one of the best nights of sleep in a very long time.”  We glance at each other again, and I say, “Great morning for a run.” He nods, wiping sweat from his face with the back of his wrist, his bicep bulging, I stare at it a bit too long and he notices.  I quickly add, “I haven’t been able to do this,” I nod toward the trail “in a very long time.  I’m glad I did.”  I look back at him and he’s grinning, chest puffed out, sweat stain running down the deep crevice between his pecs.  My tongue quickly flicks out to wet my lips.  I try not to stare, but the sight of his body makes it hard not to.  I feel a twitch down below.  I shuffle my feet and lean against a tree to stretch my calf muscle, trying to casually hide my excitement. I embarrassingly say, “Need to stay loose.  Don’t want cramp up on my first run.”  I nervously smile to him.  He just watches me with a grin that I think means he knows what’s up.  I say, “Yeah, the house is bigger than I thought, and I have it all to myself.”  I cringe and think to myself, ‘Fuck, I hope that doesn’t sound like I’m asking him to come over’. 

He smiles back, “Yeah, the cabin is on the large side when there’s just one person there.”

Now the awkward silence. It lasts for just 10 seconds, but seems like eternity.  My breathing which had been heavy due to the jog has slowed. His sweating has eased, but he is still breathing deeply.  His chest rising and falling.  I notice his pert nipples thru the fabric.

I break the silence, “I’m sorry to have bothered you, Mr. Fisher.  I’ll let you get back to work.”  I smile to him.

He looks me over once more and says in a confident tone, “Since this is your first jog in a while, you will want to take some extra care in your warm down.  Remember to stretch everything or you may cramp up later today.” I nod in appreciation.  “I’ll be up to the cabin later today, if you need help with anything.”

‘Oh fuck, did he just come on to me?’.  I look at the path, thinking, ‘Not sure Chuck would appreciate me getting it on with the help on the first day.’  I look back at him and graciously say, “Thank you.  You know where I’ll be.”  He winks at me.  I turn from him and start my jog back up the hill, trying to keep my inflating unit from banging my leg. 

I get back to the house, run up to the bedroom, grab a towel, lay on the bed, and proceed to jerk off, remembering what the gorgeously muscular Mr. Fisher looks like. 

Afterwards, I shower, shave, and get ready for the rest of the day, I head to the kitchen and look for the microwave.  I find it and spot a clock on it. ‘Ha!’ It’s around noon.  I open the fridge and find more than enough ingredients for a salad.  I fill a plate, grab a glass of ice water and head to the pool area.  I wander back in and go into the library.  I don’t find a classic I’d like to read, but spot a book on yoga and relaxation. ‘What are the odds’ I think to myself, rolling my eyes.  I pull it down and head back out.   I take my time enjoying the salad and realize I’m eating fresh vegetables, like picked off the plant within a few days, not something I hurriedly grabbed at the local mini-mart that was God knows how many days old.  I savor every bite.

I start to read thru the book.  Much of the first few pages are common sense tips, which I need to re-incorporate into my life.  Get decent sleep, drink plenty of water, stretch your neck, etc. I move from the patio table to a deck lounge chair and continue to read.  The warm sun is overhead.  A gentle breeze runs between the house and the pool house. 

Next thing I know, I’m re-awakened by the sound of Mr. Fisher’s voice.  “Mr. Cole?”  I hear distantly. “Mr. Cole, are you awake?”  My eyes slowly open, the book has fallen to the ground and my hands are laying at my sides.  I squint thru the bright sunlight to see him standing near me, but off to the side.

“Good afternoon Mr. Fisher.” I groggily say smiling to him. I quickly collect myself and continue, “Sorry, guess I dozed off.”  He smiles back to me.  I turn, get up, and my leg cramps.  I stumble a bit and fall toward the patio table. He is by my side in a flash, gripping my elbow with a strong hand.  I reach my other hand to the table and steady myself.

With concern in his voice, he asks, “Are you alright?”  His hand still holding me, his fingers tight on my skin.  I can feel the warmth of his body and can smell the sweat on him. He easily guides me to a chair and I sit.

“I am, thank you.”  He slowly releases my arm and takes a seat next to me, his eyes scanning my body. “I guess the jog and sun wore me out more than I thought.”  He nods.  My leg cramps again and I wince in pain.  I reach for it.

“You didn’t stretch after your jog, did you?” He asks in a knowing tone.  I sheepishly nod no.  I can’t really tell him I was busy taking care of a raging hard-on, rather than stretching out.  “Ok.” He stands, pushes his chair back and turns to me.  “Turn your chair.” I do. “Stick your leg out as much as you can.”  I attempt to straighten it, but it sits at a 30-degree angle.  I hear him chuckle lowly.  He reaches both hands out and takes ahold of my calf.  I can see the muscles on the lower part twitching.  He sees it as well and starts to gently massage the area.  His strong fingers rub, then dig into the muscle, loosening the fibers.  The cramp eases after a few minutes of his ministrations. 

I sigh in relief.  He hears it, smiles, while still looking down, and says, “I guess ‘lesson learned’, Mr. Cole?”  I hear a bit of sarcasm in his voice, but can tell he’s not being malicious.

I give it right back to him, “Yes sir, Sargent Fisher.”  He glances up and winks.  “Also, you can just call me ‘Cole’.  The ‘Mr.’ part makes me feel like old.” 

“Ok, but only if you call me Jake. ‘Mr. Fisher’ are my dad and my Pappy.”  He stands up and gets back into his seat.  He crosses his legs and his huge work boots clunk into the table. We both laugh.

Now the conversation starts to flow.

“Ah, so you and your wife are the caretakers?” I ask digging for info.

“No.” I raise an eyebrow.  “The ‘Mrs. Fisher’ is my Nona.”  I nod in understanding.  “Nona is still able to get around and do things, but Pappy passed away a few years ago.  I was brought on to help and do the heavy lifting.  Kind of say, I like the gig.  The work isn’t too bad.  Just maintain the estate and help the people who stay here with any issues, you know like cramps in their legs.”  Now it’s his turn to raise an eyebrow and smile at me.

“Sorry to hear about your grandfather.”  He nods in appreciation. “Is there a lot of heavy lifting?” He shrugs his boulder shoulders.  “How big is the estate?”

“It’s a couple hundred acres.”  My eyes get large. He sees it, smiles, and says, “Yeah, we don’t get too many ‘regular people’ here.,” He uses air quotes.  He looks at the house and pool.  “Usually, it’s one of the execs looking to bring side-fling up for a good time weekend.  Or maybe one of their families over a holiday.”  He’s very nonchalant about it.  He puts his hands behind his head and intertwines his fingers.  His biceps flex and I try not to stare. “There are quite a few paths to maintain. And I have to mow the meadow area every few weeks, but besides that, and taking down a few dead trees every now and then, not much really happens.”

“Sounds like a pretty sweet gig, like you said.”

“Yeah, I get to look after Nona as well.  She’s not as young as she thinks she is anymore.” We both chuckle. “I mean, she still can put me in my place with a glance, but she makes a mean lasagna, so I am happy to help out.”

“Must be hard on your social life, being so far from town…and people?”

“Eh, I sneak off once the chores are done.”  He says with a knowing wink.  “Town is not that far, comparatively speaking.” 

I give him a sly smile and ask, “You ever bring a date up to ‘the big house’, just for some fun?”  I spread my arms around and say, “What girl wouldn’t like this view.”  I think to myself ‘and a view of your body in a speedo or less.’

He lets out a raucous laugh, “If I brought a date here, I think Nona would have my hide.”

I notice he didn’t say ‘girl’, but ‘date’.  Maybe…  “I think my leg is feeling better and I’m sure you have better things to do” I am cut off by the French doors opening.  I turn to see a spry elderly woman walk out.  Must be Mrs. Fisher. 

Jake immediately stands, he looks down at the ground.  She speaks with authority in her voice, “Jake, I believe you have some trees to trim in the lower meadow.  I think you’ve taken up enough of Mr. Cole’s time.” 

He quietly says, “Yes, Nona.”  He turns and starts to walk to the path.  When he gets to the edge, he turns and says to me, “Please remember to fully stretch before and after each jog.  It would not do you any good to be laid up while you were here.”  I take his meaning as something other than what he says out loud for his Nona.  He turns and I see his broad back descend the hill.  I hear tractor start and drive away.

“Mr. Cole.”  I turn to Mrs. Fisher and see she is half of what I expected.  She’s about 5’3”, maybe 100 pounds. She’s got the gray hair and gardening gloves, but past that, she’s her own person.  “I’m sorry if my grandson was bothering you.  Sometimes he gets chatty with the guests.”  I see steel in her eyes and realize not much gets past her.  Now I can see why Jake hasn’t brought any dates up here.  “I hope you got settled in last night.”  I nod.  “Very nice.  Would you like me to prepare any meals for you?  I see you found something for lunch.”  She glances at the dirty plate. 

“I did, thank you.  I made a salad.  The vegetables were very fresh.  Much better than I am used to in the city.”  She smiles.  “As to making meals for me…”  She looks at me like she really wants to cook for me to show off her skills.  “Maybe a dinner or two a week?”  She nods ok, but I can tell she’s disappointed.  “Maybe more as time goes on.” I wave my arms around and says, “This is new to me and a bit overwhelming right now.”  She nods, “Maybe in a few days, after I get comfortable.  Right now, I need to spend time thinking some things through and I’m not sure what my appetite will be like.  I would hate for you to cook a full meal and I only eat a small portion of it.”

“I understand.” She responds flatly.  “If you change your mind, just let me know.”  I nod.  “I’m going to make a quick check of the house and I’ll leave you be.  May I take the plate in?” I get up to hand it to her. 

She turns to go but I ask a question, “May I ask what the weather is going to be like for the next few days?  I’d hate to be out on the property and get stuck in a rain shower.  Not having a radio or TV, makes it rather hard to find out.”

She smiles and with a slightly condescending tone in her voice says, “You’re on one of the highest points of land around.  You’ll be able to see and hear any storms while they are far enough away.”

I try to let it go and say, “Thank you Mrs. Fisher.” I return to the lounge chair and lay back down.  I pick up the book and flip to the page I was on prior to falling asleep.  I hear the French doors shut. 

The rest of the afternoon is uneventful.  I read a few chapters of the book.  I grab a yoga mat from the exercise room and try a few of the easier poses.  After that I go for a swim.  The water is warm, but not too warm to make it uncomfortable.  I wander into the exercise room and do a light chest and arm workout.  I’ve got a month to get back into shape.  No need to pull something on the first day. 

I make my dinner, some salmon, vegetables, and rice.  I find a bottle of Pinot Noir and remember what Chuck said, but then think, ‘he’s not here’.  I open the bottle and let it breathe while the salmon is resting.  I find a loaf of sour dough bread and cut off a few slices.  I take everything back to the patio and sit to enjoy the meal in the fading light. 

After I clean up, I grab a pen and paper and map out my plan for the upcoming week, while sitting in one of the one leather chairs in the living room.  Not having my cell phone calendar makes it a bit tougher, but I manage to put a rough schedule together.  It includes jogging daily, working out, reading, and yoga.  I also write up a quick meal plan based on what I saw in the pantry, fridge, and freezer.  I realize I will need to contact Mrs. Fisher for a few more items.  I write up a quick grocery list and leave it on the counter with her name on it.  Maybe she’ll pick it up next time she comes up.

I grab a Granny Smith apple and head back to the patio.  Night has set in and I can hear owls in the surrounding trees.  I also hear crickets singing their song in the grass outside the pool area.  I begin to take stock of my life and realize that while I may not be able to afford an estate like this one, I can afford to get away for a week every now and then.  I take a few deep breaths of the clean, fresh mountain air and stare up into the night sky.  The stars are so clear.  I try to make out some constellations, but am woefully bad at it.  I’ll have to check the library for book on them.  I move to a lounge chair and lay for a while, just watching the sky and listening to nature.  I nod off once or twice and decide to call it a night.

I get another restful sleep.  I wake to the sun streaming in again.  I decide to move quicker today.  I get a quick shower, don’t bother shaving, and brush my teeth.  I get into my jogging gear and head down.  I notice the grocery list is still on the counter.  I head out to the exercise room.  I stretch for a full ten minutes, as I found a stop watch in the room. 

I head down the same path as yesterday, but at a slightly faster pace.  It feels nice.  I get to the pond and head past it this time.  I go to the far edge of the meadow, and re-enter the wooded area.  The path leads up an incline and then opens to another meadow, this one overlooking the next valley.  The path splits and I take the left branch.  I have a feeling this one will lead toward the gate house and driveway.  I continue on for another half mile and come thru the woods to the driveway.  I’m a few yards away from the gate.  I start to jog up the hill on the grass beside the drive. 

I get to the caretaker’s house and slow my pace.  I glance in and see it is a 2-story cottage with a work garage off to the side.  I see a beat up 1999 Ford F150 pickup and a later model Jeep Cherokee in the driveway.  I don’t see Jake’s tractor.  He must be on the property somewhere.  I turn and continue up the hill.  I get to the main house and slow my pace.  I enter the circle in front of the house and see his tractor.  The attached trailer is loaded down with tree limbs.  I see the limbs were broken off, not sawed.  Some are pretty thick and I think, ‘Jake must be one strong man to break limbs that size.’ I glance around, but do not see him. I walk to the side of the house and go thru a grape-vine covered arbor to the side yard.  I pass thru beds of annual and perennial flowers.  I stop to smell the ones in bloom. 

Such a soothing effect.  I see a bench near a birdbath and sit for a bit.  The shade of an old elm tree protects me from the sun.  I feel a slight warm breeze.  It feels nice.  I hear Finches, Thrushes, and Bluebirds in the trees around me.  I guess I’m interrupting their time at the bath.  I spread my arms over the back of the bench, slouch down a bit, close my eyes for a minute, and let the calm and peacefulness of the moment sink in. 

His deep voice hits me from behind, “They smell nice, don’t they, Cole?”  I open my and turn to face him.  His green eyes penetrate me.  “How was your run?”  I saw you take off a while ago.”   

“It felt nice Jake, thanks for asking.  I’m glad I pushed myself to go further this time.”  I ignore the fact that he saw me leave.  He’s going to be around the house and property and will see me, even if I don’t see him.  I take a look at him and see he’s in another sweaty t-shirt and tan work pants.  His arms are pumped again.  I guess there was some heavy lifting to do, or breaking branches. 

He sees me looking at him and smiles.  He glances at my leg and asks, “How does calf feel?  Any signs you’re going to cramp up again?” 

“I don’t think so.  I was just about the go into the exercise room and warm down.”  He nods.  I take a chance and ask, “The welcome note your grandmother left said you give massages?” His face brightens.  “How do I get on the list for one?” I ask with a sly smile.  “I mean, given your size,” I wave my arm toward his body. “I’m sure your schedule is booked solid.” 

He laughs and says, “I think I can squeeze you in.  Are you looking for a therapeutic massage or deep tissue?”  He crosses his arms over his huge chest and waits for my answer.

“I think a deep tissue would do the trick.” 

“Figured as much.”  He looks me over again and says, “What are your plans in about an hour or so?”

“Besides a whole lot of ‘not much’, nothing really, just reading and looking at the scenery.”   I try hard not to stare at his muscles.  “I guess I can be free.”

He booms, “Perfect.” He inflates his chest and stands up a bit straighter. “Be in the exercise room.  I need to head back to the house, get cleaned up, and get my gear.”  I turn to walk to the back of the house and as I pass him, he puts his hand on my shoulder, squeezes, and quietly says, “You’ll feel like a new man when I’m done with you.”  He winks at me again and turns toward the front of the house.

I think, ‘yeah, I’m sure I will.’  The thought of his hands rubbing my body gets me hard rather quickly.  I head around the house and quickly go upstairs.  I take a hot shower to ease my erection and to wash the sweat off me.  I decide to shave.  It only takes a few minutes due to my poor beard growing genes. 

I get dressed and head to the kitchen.  I grab a fresh mango from the counter, squeeze it to make sure it’s ripe, then cut it.  I get the fruit out and put it in a dish.  I check the microwave and have 15 minutes.  I sit at the counter and enjoy the sweetness of the fruit. I put the dish in the sink to clean later and notice the grocery list is gone.

I head to the patio and wait for Jake.

A few minutes later I hear him coming thru the flower garden on the side of the house.  I want to immediately turn and look at him, to see what he’s wearing, to see if his muscles are on display or are covered up.  Has he shaved his sexy beard off, or left it on for my pleasure? He calls out to me, “Hey Cole, right on time.”  With some jocularity in his voice he says, “It’s always nice when the client is on time, or even early.”  Now I turn to see him.

My heart starts to race and blood is diverted to my groin.  His still wet hair is pushed back over his head and covered by a dark blue baseball hat.  The hat is on backwards and there a few hairs sticking out the front and falling on his forehead.  He didn’t shave.  I smile inwardly as I take in his face.  Those green eyes and winning smile.  That scruffy beard.  I would love to run my fingers over it, just to feel the coarseness of it and the underlying jawline. He’s wearing a bright green tank-top which fits him like a second skin.  His chest is pumped and his pert nipples are clearly visible, and more prominent than I thought.  I wonder how sensitive they are and if I can make him fidget with delight as I twist or nibble them. I see a few dark hairs at the top of his pecs. His arms.  My oh my.  They must be 18-inches, unpumped, with veins crawling over them. His shirt is tucked into a pair of dark gray mesh gym shorts.  His waist must be 31 or 32-inchs.  I can see his abs thru the shirt.  My mouth waters. Those mesh shorts, they seem to be a size too small for his tree trunk legs.  God, what those tan workpants were hiding.  His quads are rippling with muscle and his hairy calves are enormous. I see his has flip-flops on, but even his feet look manly.

I see him smiling at me as I finish taking him in.  “You get a nice look?” He asks.  I blush. “Dude, don’t worry, I get it all the time.”  ‘I bet you do’ I think to myself. He’s carrying a backpack which must hold the massage oils.  I stand up as he nears me, and remember we’re about the same height.  He’s just wider and sexier.  He glances up and down my body, and now it’s his turn to blush, as I catch him looking.  I wink at him.

I say, “So, let’s do this.”  We head in. 

He quickly clears off an exercise table and pulls a sheet out of one of the cabinets along the wall.  He spreads it over the table and pats his hand on it, motioning for me to sit.  I do.  He gets in front of me, squats down, his legs exploding with muscle, and starts to poke and squeeze and expertly assess my body.  He starts with my feet and moves upward.  He asks if anything hurts and about previous injuries.  I answer, staring at his hat and his muscled forearms. As he gets to my midsection and chest, my semi-erect cock is partially straining my shorts.  He completely ignores it.  I’m guessing he’s seen it happen before.  He stands and works on my shoulders for a second.  “Please take off your shirt.”  I do.  His eyes wander down my body, taking in what used to be a toned torso.  He asks me to sit up straight and I do.  He puts his fingers on my clavicle and presses in.  He raises my right arm and uses his other hand to apply pressure to my side chest and upper rib cage.  He releases my arm and takes a step back. He looks me in the eyes and asks, “Swimmer, runner, or gymnast?”

“Swam in high school and college.  Did some cross country in high school too.” 

He nods.  “It shows. You’ve got that nice lean build.  Your muscles are there, but just need to be toned up.” I nod but with embarrassment. “Cole, it happens.  Life gets in the way.  You skip a day at the gym, then it’s every other day.  I get it.” I look him in the eyes and see not an ounce of judgement.  “May I ask what brought you here?  You aren’t the typically guest.  And, for a month?”

I sigh and give him the abbreviated version, including the part of me being gay.  He just listens, nodding every so often.

He gently puts his hand on my thigh and says with sincerity, “I’m sorry.”  I look at him with appreciation. “I must say, you have one nice boss to give you a month off so you can get yourself back on course.”  I think to myself, he’s absolutely right.  “Well, now that’s it’s out in the open, you can develop a course of action.”

I smile to him and proudly say, “I sketched out a plan last night after dinner.  Trust me, it involves a lot of exercise and working thru some stuff up here.”  I tap the side of my head. 

“Well, I can’t help you with that, but I’d be more than happy to help you with the exercise part.” 

I look at him with a bit of skepticism.  I tentatively ask, “Won’t your grandmother be upset that you’re shirking your work responsibilities?”

He shrugs his boulder shoulders and says back, “Well, part of my job description is to make the guests feel at home and help them with whatever they need.” His green eyes dance with anticipation. A slight smile comes over both our faces.  He claps his hands together and excitedly says, “Drop your shorts and get on the table, face down.”  I’m partially taken aback, but I see he is taking off his t-shirt. He turns back to me and his chest is enormous.  The dark hairs I saw earlier were just a taste.  His pecs have a nice dark mat of curly hair which trails down between his pecs to his abs.  From there it disappears into his shorts. 

I turn away, face the other direction and slip my shorts down over my growing erection, leaving me in just my boxer briefs.  I kick them off and slide back onto the table, making sure I don’t ‘free willy’ by accident.  I lift my midsection and make sure everything is pointed in the right direction.

I hear him laugh softly again.  He pats me on the shoulder and says, “Cole, don’t be embarrassed about getting an erection around me.  You wouldn’t be the first guy to admire and appreciate my body, and God willing, you won’t be the last.”  He pats me again and bends down to open his bag. 

I hear him open a bottle oil and put some on his hands.  He puts the bottle on the table, leaning against my leg.  As he starts to work my calf muscles, I decide to take the bull by the horns.  “So, what’s the social scene around here?  I mean you can’t spend all your free time with your Nona in the caretaker’s house.  Where do you go to cut loose?” 

He hums a bit and says, “I get into town every so often.”  He’s being vague on purpose. I desperately want to ask him if he’s gay, or at least bi, but he has my right foot in his hands and I think he could break it if he wanted to.  “There are a few bars and restaurants to hang out at.”  I wonder if any of them are gay bars.

There’s a lull in the conversation as he continues his work.  He asks every so often if the pressure is enough, not enough, or too much.  I let him know he could go a bit harder.  He does and I immediately feel it.  I moan as his fingers dig thru the tense fibers in my Adductor Brevis and Adductor Longus, releasing the pressure. He then moves to my Gracilis muscle and gives it a workover.

He is quickly moving from one side of the table to the other, adding oil to his hands as he goes.  He hits each side with equal pressure and attention. After he finishes there, he moves over my boxers and right to my lower back.  I hear him open the bottle and say, “Be ready, this may not be as warm as my hands.”  I feel a few drops of oil hit my spine.  It’s not chilly, but it’s not nearly as warm as his hands. I tense, then quickly release.  He puts his hand on the oil and starts to move it around, coating my entire lower back.  He hesitantly says, “Um…Cole…It would be easier for me it you took your boxers off.” I knew that request was coming.  “Just so I don’t soak them with oil.”

“Ok.” I buck my hips up and carefully slide them down.  Once they are around my thighs, I feel his strong fingers take ahold of them and slips them all the way off. There is a pregnant pause and I wonder if he’s staring as my ass.  Next thing I know, he tosses his shorts into a pile in front of me.  Then a few seconds later, a pair of dark blue posers.  I guess this is his way of answering my unasked question. 

He immediately gets back to work.  His strong fingers nimbly move around my lower back and side rib cages.  He applies pressure, stretches the muscle out, then relaxes the hold.  He does this over and over again, moving up my right side.  When he gets to my shoulder blade, he stops, walks around the table so he passes in front of me and starts to work on my left side.  He moved too quickly.  I didn’t get to see anything except his muscular legs. 

More oil, then he starts to work on my glutes.  His fingers grab ahold of the muscle, and he kneads it, like it’s bread dough.  Because of the pressure he applies, as well as his strong fingers, I can feel him practically rubbing my hip bone.  He keeps at it, his fingers grabbing, pulling, releasing.  I notice his fingers are moving closer to my crack.  I feel three fingers dip into my crack, but they just grab the muscle and he pulls it toward him.  He holds it, then I feel his index finger slide up and down my crack.  Now that was not my imagination.  He releases as quickly as he started.  He goes to the other side and does the same thing, except, no finger on my crack.

He gently slaps my ass and says, “Done down below.  Shoulder, arms, and neck time.”  He puts just a bit of oil on my upper back and uses both hands to spread it around.  He still standing off to a side.  “Cole, you’ve got nice wide shoulders.  It shows that you were a swimmer.  They taper down to a nice waistline too.”

“Thanks.” I say back.  “But that waistline is hidden under a layer of beer and fried food.” 

He laughs and says, “We’ll work on getting it back.  It shouldn’t be too hard, or take too long.”  He starts to apply deep pressure to around the area and I moan again.  It feels so good.  When he’s done with the shoulder, his picks up my arm and starts to work the Triceps.  He grips my arm with his fingers and uses the pads of his thumbs to press into the muscle. He works the whole area, then does the sides of my biceps.  He works his way down to my hand and gives it a work stretch as well.  He grabs each finger individually and pulls on them.  I feel the muscles lengthen, then contract when he releases.  I’m in heaven. He walks around the back of the table and basically reverses what he just did.  He starts with my hand and works up to my Triceps and shoulder blade.

As he finishes there, he walks to the head of the table, so he is right in front of me and starts to work on my neck and upper shoulders.  My head is forced down over the edge of the table, so I can only see is lower legs and feet.  Again, he applies deep pressure and I feel bones crack and tendons loosen.  His fingers quickly find any knots or bulbs and expertly break them up.  I squirm a few times, because it actually hurt.  He says, “Sorry, but I need to break them up or you’ll still have pain.”

“I get it and am glad you’re doing it, but I’ll be a lot happier when you’re done.”  He lets loose his deep laugh.

He continues his torture and I squirm some more, but slowly movements begin to feel normal, still deep and strong, but it’s like he’s hit his grove and is just working on autopilot.  Then I feel it.  His unit bumps the side of my head, near my right ear.  He is leaning over my body to reach my middle back and I can feel his warm sweat drip off him and onto me.  His hairy chest is touching my upper back as he reaches further down, to my lower back. I feel the bump again.  Due to his body practically laying on top of me, I am not able to turn my head.  He starts to lean back up and is drawing his fingers up my spine.  He is using both hands and is pushing the muscles from both sides.  I can feel my spine crack.  I moan again.  He says, “You think your spine is cracking now, just wait until I crack it for real.  You’ll be in heaven.” I think, ‘Already there Jake.” 

He’s at the nape of my neck.  He’s standing up and the pressure is off my head.  I lift it to readjust the position and catch a glimpse of him.  6-inches flaccid, shaved groin, cut.  I cautiously inhale his scent. Sweat and Old Spice.  Nice mix.  I feel blood rush south again. 

His fingers work their magic, digging into the side of my neck, getting between the fibers, and spreading everything out. He finishes my neck, then says, “Just to let you know, I’m going to massage your head.  Not sure if you’ve ever had it done, but it feels great.”  I feel the fingers of both his hands encompass my skull.  He applies gently pressure and starts to move his fingers around.  My skin feels like it is being pulled off my head, then put back on.  He takes his time and makes sure he gets every part of my scalp.  When he finally finishes, I’m breathing heavily.  He hears me and says, “See told you.”

“Not that I doubted you, but sounded more painful than it actually was.”

“Ok, turn over.  Time to work over your topside.”  Gratefully my erection has faded. I turn over and see him scan my body from head to toe.  I’m looking up at his body, from his belly button to his shelf pecs and pert nipples. I see he cobblestone abs, with ridges of muscles just waiting for a tongue to coat them with saliva.  ‘Fuck, blood rushing south.’ My erection starts to rise, but I close my eyes and block the image of his body from it.  I start to fade. 

I hear him walk to the end of the table and I feel his oily fingers grab my left ankle, lift it up, and put it on his shoulder.  I keep my eyes shut to avoid looking his face and spectacular chest.  He starts to work on my leg, squeezing and relaxing the muscles in my quads and groin area. When he has loosened it enough, he climbs up on the table and moves forward compressing my leg against my chest.  I feel his flaccid unit bump my balls.  Not a word from him.  He pushes down three or four times, each time he hits me.  I can feel his warm breath just inches away from my face.  I smell peppermint gum each time he exhales on the downward push. He very slowly eases off.  He does the same with my right ankle and leg, but when he is massaging my groin area, his fingers dance under my hairless balls.  Just for a second, they gently stroke my taint. 

I am unable to hold back my erection any longer.  It grows pretty rapidly to its full seven inches.  Jake just continues to work my leg over.  He does the same compression and now I feel his unit is no longer flaccid.  There some heft to it.  It bangs into me and I can feel his head hitting my balls. 

I take a chance and open my eyes.  He is right above me, maybe 6 inches away from my face, his bright green eyes looking directly into my dark blue ones.  He smiles to me and quietly says, “Hey”, but keeps on going.  As he eases off, his fingers run down my torso and trace down groin area, rubbing my super sensitive inner leg.  My unit goes full mast.  I hear a low chuckle. 

He climbs off the table and walks up the left side.  He puts his hands on my chest and starts to massage my pecs.  He’s not as aggressive here.  Just rubbing the muscles back and forth, loosening them up.  I can feel his unit poke me in the side. He’s erect as well.  I take a chance and turn my hand over and allow my fingers to caress the inside of his muscled quad.  He doesn’t seem to mind and keeps on working.  I feel him adjust his stance and my hand is now right under his balls.  I put my hand into a cup shape and he moves his body again so they are resting in my hand.  I slowly close my hand and let my fingers softly touch him.  I hear him hum as his fingers pause.  

His fingers work their way to my abs.  He uses the palms of his hands, as well as his fingers, to rub the muscles.  I release his balls.  He pauses and looks down at me.  I look up and he just nods. I cup him again.  He smiles and goes back to work.  I get a bit more playful and use my fingers to softly pull down on his ball sac. He moans again, a bit louder.

My unit is at full mast and sticking up at a 45-degree angle.  He maneuvers his fingers under it and caresses my lower abs, bumping my unit more often than not.  He’s looking down at it over his heaving chest.  His breathing is deep and paced.  I can see sweat trickling down the sides of his face, into his beard.  His biceps are engorged with blood, pumped up, and sweaty as well.  He glances to me, sees me looking at them and flexes them slightly.  My unit gets that much harder.

I release his balls again, but immediately rub my middle finger along his length.  He flinches and pauses again.  He puts his right hand flat on my lower abs and lets it rest there.  I look at the ceiling, feeling we have crossed a line, and there is no going back. 

His left hand comes to rest on my balls.  His fingers begin a slow dance, caressing the area, and stroking my taint.  He flips his right hand over and I feel him softly take hold of me.  I let out an audible sigh while looking at the ceiling.  He does as well, in response.  I move my fingers to grasp his girth.  I take hold and slowly move my hand right and left.  He does the same.   My chest is now rising and falling in unison with his.  Our hands are moving at the same pace, we have the same grip on each other. 

I feel the warm skin around his unit slide easily as I jerk him.  His body moves closer to the table.  His legs are against the side of it.  His unit is poking into me.  My movements become quicker.  He matches me.  I glance toward him and lick my lips, just at the beauty of his body and face.  He turns and sees my tongue slip back in my mouth.  He grins and moves his left hand further under my body. 

I feel him poke around my hole, but not enter it. He just caresses the hairs there.  That in combination with his jerking me, and me having a hold of his unit, sends a lightning bolt down my spine. I mumble, “Cumming.”  He slows his motion for a second, then gives me three quick yanks, each one more aggressive than the last.  On the third one, the finger on my ass dips inside me.  I cum, shooting my load like a rocket out of me.  The first load coats my face and upper chest.  The next two, my chest and abs.  The last one coats his hand.  He slows his jerking motion and comes to a stop. 

I realize I have a death grip on his unit.  I croak, “Sorry.” as I ease my grip, but don’t release him.

“Now worries.” Is all he says, smiling down at me.  I continue to jerk him and see his body tense up.  He grips the edge of the table with both hands and I see his biceps flex as his abs compress into his body.  His chest inflates. He growls as he lets loose.  His cum blasts into the side of my body.  Four distinct shots hit me and stick to my sweaty body.  When he’s done, I slowly release him. 

He takes his hands off the table and turns to put his ass on the edge. He takes a few deep breaths to cleanse himself.  He pats me on the chest and asks, “Feel better?”  I wink at him in response.  “Good to hear.”

He leans back down to his bag and pulls out a couple towels.  I see his very shapely muscular ass for the first time.  I whistle lowly.  He flexes his glutes and stands up.  He turns and winks as he hands one to and uses the other to clean himself.  I get my face, chest, and abs.  I move to clean my leg and he puts his hand on top of mine, stopping me.  He winks and says, “I’ve got this.”  He easily slides my body to the edge of the table, squats down, and proceeds to lick his cum off my body.  His warm rough tongue runs along my body, scooping and pulling the warm glop into his mouth.  I lean up and watch.  I reach my hand down and grab his nipple and squeeze.  He shuts his eyes tightly and moans. 

As he finishes, he stands, reaches a hand down to me and as I take it, he pulls me to a seated position. “Do you want me to crack your back now or later?” 

“Might as do it now, since we’re both soft.”  He chuckles.  “I mean, if we waited, I know I’d sprout another boner just from your touch.”  I pat his plate like pecs, which he flexes for me.

“Ok. Lay back down on the table.”  I do.  He explains what he is going to do.  “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m going to climb on the table with you, but next to you.” I grin and wiggle my eyebrows.  He just shakes his head. “You will lean up and take a deep breath and hold it.  I will wrap my arms around your back.  When I say so, you exhale completely and lean back.  I will squeeze as you go down and your back should crack.”


He climbs on the table with me, but on my right side.  His flaccid unit trapped between our bodies.  I lean up, take the breath and hold it.  He wraps his pythons around me and grips his wrists behind my back. He says, “Now.” I exhale and lean back.  I feel his biceps squeeze and grow larger.  I keep exhaling and falling back.  Suddenly I feel my vertebra crack, just like he said. 

I am flat on the table looking into his eyes, which are just inches away.  I move my left hand to his face and stroke his jawline.  It feels as masculine and strong as I knew it would.  He leans down and kisses me.  Not a quick peck on the lips, but a full lip to lip, tongues moving around, feeling each out, kiss.  His warm breath enters my mouth and mine goes into his.  We stay lip-locked for a minute or two.  My left hand moves to the back of his head, pushes off his baseball hat, and pulls him closer.  He does not object. I feel his biceps constrict and pull our bodies closer.  We stay at it and he carefully rolls his body on top of mine.

We break the kiss and I whisper, “You know, this might be a little easier on a king-sized bed.”  He smiles.  “You don’t happen to know where one is, do you?”  He lets out a laugh and quickly rolls off me.  He extends his hand to mine.  I take it as he easily pulls me up.  I get off the table and quickly pull my shorts back on.  He does the same. 

I exit the room first and head to the house. I come to an abrupt halt halfway across the patio.  Jake bumps into me, his bigger body pushing me forward another step.  He says, “Why’d you stop?”

“I saw movement in the house, in the kitchen.  I think your grandmother may be in there.”  Any hope of more romance is flying out the window as we stand on the warm brick pavers. I start to panic. “What if she sees us together?”

“Cole, we’re both adults.” I nod hesitantly. “What’s she going to do, ground us, send us to bed without dinner?”

I turn to him and see his smile.  “This isn’t the first time this has happened to you, is it?” He sheepishly shakes his head no.  I decide to be the adult for the next few minutes.  I tell him, “Ok, I’ll go in and see what she’s up to and how long she’ll be.  You get your ass back into the exercise room until I come back.”  Now he wiggles his eyebrows at me.  “Calm down big guy.”  I pat him on the chest and push him back toward the smaller building. 

Once he’s in it and shuts the door, I go thru the French doors into the living room and kitchen area.  Mrs. Fisher is there, as I thought.  She is putting groceries away.  I am as polite as I can be.  “Good afternoon Mrs. Fisher.  How are you today?”

She looks over to me, sees me sweating and says, “Good afternoon Mr. Cole.  I’m well, thank you.  How are you?  You look flushed and worn out.  Is everything ok.” 

I think, ‘Couldn’t be better.  Your grandson gives fucking awesome massages.’.  I instead say, “I’ve been in the workout room for quite a while.  I lost track of time.”

“Well don’t overdo it.”  Her voice shows some concern. 

“Thank you.  I was just about to change my clothes and go for a swim, then get in the whirlpool for a bit.”

“Very well.  I’m done here. I was able to find all the items on your list.”  She smiles to me and adds, “I’m glad to find someone else who also likes Brussels Sprouts.”  I nod with a smile.  “Unfortunately, Mr. Fisher does not like them.”

‘But he likes to lick his cum off my body.’ I say to myself. “That’s too bad.  If you cook them just right, they’re very flavorful.”  I head to the foyer.  “I must head upstairs and get changed.  I feel kind of sticky in these clothes.” 

“Have you seen Mr. Fisher today?  I see his tractor is outside, but I don’t see him?”

I hold my composure and say, “I did see him earlier when I finished my run, but have not seen him since.”

“Ok. Have a nice swim.  Call me if you need anything.”

“Thank you, I will.”

I hurry up the steps and to my bedroom.  I stand in the open doorway and listen for a door to open and shut, any door, which would indicate she’s left.  After a minute I hear one of the French doors open and close.  I say to myself, ‘Fuck’.   What if she goes to the exercise room to clean up?  I quickly move to a bedroom which has a view of the pool area.  I get there just in time to see her open the door to the small building.  My heart sinks.  She’s going to find Jake in there and then it’ll all be over.  I keep watching intensely.  Nothing yet.  Maybe she’s giving him the riot act.  I murmur softly, “I’m so sorry Jake.  I didn’t want you to get in trouble.”

From behind me I hear him calmly say, “Please, this isn’t my first time doing this.” 

I nearly jump out skin and thru the window.  I turn to see Jake standing there in just the dark blue posers.  He smiles at me and wiggles his eyebrows.  I point my finger at him and quietly say, “You!” 

He laughs. “Why are you whispering? It’s not like Nona can hear you.”  I shrug my shoulders.

I walk to him and put my hand on his chest as I lean in for another kiss.  I ask, “How did you get in the house?  I’m pretty sure Nona would have seen you come in the living room or foyer.”

“Yes, but the French doors in the dining room are not visible from the kitchen area.”  I grin like I’m 15 and trying to sneak past a hall monitor in school.  “Once you and Nona got into your discussion, I slipped past and came up here.  I went into your bedroom and waited.  Apparently, you were too distracted and didn’t see me.”  I gawk at his body and blush. “Thought so.”

I turn to the window when I hear the exercise room door shut. She has the sheet in her hands and leaves by the walk on the side of the house.  I say to Jake, “She took the sheet.  Hope the washer is down at your house and not here.”

“It is.  It’s also a different sheet.”  I turn to look at him.  He winks.  “Like I said, not my first time.”  He extends his hand and I take it.  We walk back to my bedroom and climb on the bed.  I lay on my back and let him crawl on top of me. 

We proceed to make out for the next half hour.  Just kissing and touching.  Hands wandering over each other’s bodies.  I feel up his muscles.  He tenses each one as my hands pass over them.  He does the same to me, letting his hands wander and caress my body.  We roll over and I’m on top and he’s under me, with his hands on my hips, gently caressing them.  Remarkably, we both remain flaccid.  We’re just getting to know each other.

I push up off him and lean up.  I splay my legs on either side of his torso and look down at his muscular chest and midsection.  I’m amazed and wonder how he got in the shape he’s in.  It cannot be from yard work at a mountain cabin.  My warm fingers wander over the sweaty muscles, just softly touching them. 

He sees me studying him. “You’ve got questions, don’t you?” 

I bite my tongue and nod, embarrassed.  I want to know everything about him, but think I need to slow down.  God, I’ve been here two days and have already had sex with the help.  Chuck would be on the floor laughing at me.

“What are you doing later tonight, say 11?”

“Probably trying not to fall asleep, or better yet, trying to get some sleep.”  We both laugh.

“Want to meet me down by the pond?  We can just sit and talk.”  He reaches a hand to my arm and caresses my forearm and elbow.  He is trying to help.  I smile.  “Ok, great.”  He moves his hands to my waist and he helps me off him.  I sit on the bed and he gets up.  He’s facing me and stretches his body upward.  God, what a specimen.  His wavy dark hair is disarrayed.  His sexy scruffy beard and green eyes compliment his hair.  He puts his arms over his head and reaches them upward.  I see he shaves his pits, but I’d still like to lick them and nuzzle my nose in them for a while.  His forearms and biceps are just big enough that he cannot bring his hands together while they are overhead.  His sweaty hairy pecs have visible muscle striations crisscrossing them.  His torso tapers to such a small waist it seems weirdly comically.  His flaccid unit and balls are pushed forward and sitting on top of his quads.  I see veins crawling over his legs like a city road map.

I look away to keep my brain from sending blood to my groin.  I hear him grunt, then he relaxes his body and I catch his arms fall down.  He sees that I’m trying not to look at him.  He moves to a side, just out of my sightline, and sits on the bed to pull on his clothes.

“You know Cole.  It’s ok to want to look at me.  I think we’re past the ‘is he gay or not’ question, and you obviously like guys with muscles.”  I let out a soft grunt.  “I don’t mind you looking at me.”  I sigh, unsure if he’s being nice or something else. “You can ask me anything tonight.”  I glance over to him and see his head is turned toward me.  He’s smiling.  “You were very honest with me about what happened in your life.  It would only be fair of me to be just as open with you.” He finishes pulling on his shorts.  He stands, grabs his tank-top and squeezes into it.  He leans down to me, softly takes ahold of my chin and brings his face to mine.  He softly kisses me on the lips.  He whispers, “Cole, don’t let your anxieties hold you back from having some fun.”  He kisses me again, leans back and says, “I need to take a few trees down along the upper tree line.”  He points to me and firmly says, “11, or I will have Nona give you your next massage.” I cough out a laugh. “Needless to say, she’s all business, unlike me.”  He winks and is gone. 

I hear the front door open and shut.  His tractor comes to life and the sound of the engine fades as he drives away.

I sit on the bed for a bit, reflecting back on what has happened in two short days.  Could life really be this simple?  Is the life I have back in the city worth the stress?  So many questions about Jake run thru my mind.  I want to write them down, but that would look kind of silly if I show up and pull out a list.  “Yes, Jake, my first question for you tonight is in 3 parts, and each part has 2 sub-questions.”

I get off the bed, pull on a pair of board shorts, drench my body in sunscreen, head down to the kitchen, make a quick salad, and head out to the pool.  It’s 2:30. I eat the salad slowly, enjoying the freshness of the food, and the views over the valley spread out below.  Not a cloud in the sky.  Temps in the mid-80’s according the thermostat on the side of the pool house.   

My mind wanders back to the cluster-fuck my life had been a few short months ago.  Working 10-to-12-hour days, running co-workers ragged, and pissing them off at the same time.  Trying to hook-up using an on-line site, but being disappointed most of the time.  Using those disappointments as an excuse to fuck other people over.  I can see the spiral now.  God, what an asshole I was.  I feel a tear run down my cheek. 

I continue to look at the valley. The green trees and grass swaying in a gentle breeze.  I spy some deer at the far end, just doing their thing.  Not a care in the world. 

I go back in and grab the yoga book. I get a mat and sit on the patio.  I check the index and find the chapter on meditation.  I read thru it and get the main points.  I put the book aside and get into a cross-legged position, with my back straight.  I put my hands on my knees, close my eyes, and lightly touch my thumb and index finger.  I breathe in thru my nose to a count of 4, hold it for a count of 4, then exhale thru my mouth to a count of 6.  I repeat this several times, then lengthen the counts to 6,6,8, then 8,8,8.  My minds wanders.  I picture a shallow slow-moving stream with some rocks in it.  As a thought enters my mind, I let is pass down the stream and out of my mind.  I think of the stress of work, and let it float away.  The bad experiences dating, float on by.  My poor personal choices; they are larger and take more time to pass, but they do.  I keep the breathing pattern intact and gently bounce my fingers to help ease any stress the creeps in. 

After a while, the stream looks like one in the valley below me.  My head is clear and my breathing is calm and paced.  I feel my chest rising and lowering at the same pace as my heart.  I slowly open my eyes, but continue the pattern.  I twist my head left and right and feel little to no pain.  I uncross my legs, bring my knees to my chest and wrap my hands around them, hugging them. 

I feel another tear run down my cheek, but this one is of happiness, serenity.

I sit for another 5 minutes, then slowly get up and walk to the pool. I wade into the warm water and let it encompass me.  I lower my body until just my neck and head are above the water line. I put my back against the wall and squat down.  I slowly wave my hands and create a rippling effect in the water.  I let the waves move around me and soothe my body.  I sit there, with the sun beating down on me.  I close my eyes again. My arms slow, the waves dissipate.  I nod off and when my lips hit the water, my eyes open. 

I climb out the pool and go to a lounge chair.  I move it into the shade of an umbrella, lie down, and am asleep in seconds. 

I wake to find it is dusk.  The last sliver of the sun is setting over mountains at the far end of the valley.  The yellow, red, and orange tendrils of light are bathing the valley and trees.  I watch as it fades.  Night encroaches from behind me.  I sit and watch the stars make their appearance, getting brighter with each passing minute. Crickets soon start their songs.  I see fireflies (lightening bugs) start to emerge from the grass. Frogs join the chorus.  Then the owls. 

My eyes become accustomed to the darkness.  I can smell the flowers from the garden, and almost taste the honeysuckle along the backside of the garden. I hear other noises in the dark, nocturnal animals waking to live their lives.

I get up and slowly move into the house.  I click on a minimal number of lights.  I check the time and see there is still plenty until I meet with Jake.  I head upstairs, get a quick shower, brush my teeth, and change into tan cargo shorts and a light t-shirt.  I put on some socks and pair of walking sneakers.  I head to the kitchen and cook up another piece of salmon and some veggies.  I eat on the patio.

I sit and let the stillness and calmness of the evening envelop me.

After a while I go back in, check the clock, and see it’s about time for me to head to the pond.  I don’t need a flashlight as the moon and stars provide enough light for me to navigate the path easily.

As I approach the pond, I see Jake’s darkened figure sitting on one of the benches, waiting for me.  I near and put my left hand on his right shoulder.  He turns, smiles, and pats the spot next to him.  I sit. He puts his right arm around my shoulder and hugs our bodies together.  I lean my head to his and put my left hand on his right thigh.

We sit. 

No words pass between us for a while.  All I feel are the muscles in his arm slowly moving as he caresses my right bicep.  Our breathing is in sync.

He quietly asks, “Better?”

I murmur back, “Yes.”

“Good.”  I feel him turn his head and kiss the top of mine.  He gently squeezes my body to his again and releases. 

More time passes.

I softly ask, “How did you know?”

His answer is a squeeze on my shoulder. 

All my other questions float away, like the leaves on the stream from my meditation.

We sit and watch the night progress.  The moon makes its slow arcing trek across the sky. Frogs and crickets and other unseen animals sing their songs and scurry thru the meadow, avoiding us.

I drift again.

I wake to find Jake is carrying me back up the hill to the house.  My head is against his shoulder.  His breathing is still slow and steady.  I can feel his biceps supporting me, but they don’t seem to be flexed or impacted by my added weight.  I touch him on the chest and he looks down.  He grins.  I say, “I can walk.”  He winks at me and keeps walking.

We get to the house, I open the door, and he carries me up the steps to my room.  He sets me down on the edge of the bed, strips off his clothes, and pulls me up and helps me out of mine.  He softly grabs my face in both hands, pulls me toward him, and kisses me.  Long, slow, and passionate.

I feel my unit spring to life.  His rises as well.  He turns us around, so his back is to the bed.  He releases me and falls to the bed and moves to the middle.  He extends and arm to me.  I take it, and he pulls me down, on top of him.  Our warm bodies sink into the comforter.  Now it’s my turn to put my hands on his face and pull him in for an extended kiss.

I reach my left hand to his right nipple and grab it thru the silky dark hair covering it.  I tweak it tentatively.  He sighs into my mouth.  He splays his legs around my body and locks his ankles together, drawing our bodies that much closer together.  Our units bump and grind each other.  We’re both at full mast and I feel moisture leaking from him, or me, or both of us. 

He wraps his arms around my back, hugs my body to his, and just holds me.  We continue to kiss.  Neither of us battling for alpha dog position.  Just letting the moment take us where it wants us to go.

He shows off more of his strength by rolling us over.  He’s on top.  He untangles his arms from my back and undoes his legs.  He leans up, puts his meaty hands on my chest, and plays with my nipples.  Now, it’s my turn to relish the feeling.  I close my eyes and let him play.  He’s gentle, but masterful.  He’s hitting all the right button.  I feel my unit spasm under the weight of his body.  He feels it too and moves his hips from left to right to spread out the fluid. 

He stops massaging my chest, leans down, and whispers, “Ready?”

I slowly open my eyes and see him smiling at me with a twinkle in his eyes.  I nod yes.

He gets off the bed, picks up his shorts, and I see a yellow tinfoil wrapper shimmer in the faint light.  I hear him rip it open and then he surprises me by coming back to the bed, leans down, and put it on me.  My unit had faded a bit, but his strong fingers remedy that.  He encases me, lets some drool fall from his mouth onto the tip of it, then he coats me.

I put my hands behind my head and let him do his thing.  He straddles my body, grabs my unit, and positions me at his hole.  He winks and slowly lowers himself onto me.  I feel my unit break his sphincter and enter his muscled body.  He slides down in one movement, not a moment’s hesitation.  I moan as his muscles constrict around my pole.  He massages me as I move in him. He settles his ass onto my groin.  His full weight is on me, but it feels like nothing. 

I tentatively thrust upward.  In the darkness of the room, I can see he smiles and wink again, letting me know it’s ok to do what I want to do.  I push up some more. He takes it, his body accepting my presence. My body feels free.  I move to put my hands on his thighs and rub the muscles there.  It feels like rubbing warm granite.  I thrust upward some more, with urgency.  He bounces on me. When we come down, he grinds his ass into me, coaxing a bit more of me into him.  I feel him release another round of pre-cum. It lands on my lower chest.  His hand moves to spread it around.  I see him move his index finger toward my mouth.  I open and he slowly inserts it. I lick at it, pull the sweet fluid off, and swallow.  My body warms as his pre-cum slides down my throat. I feel a tingle. 

I continue to thrust upward for several minutes, but Jake shows no signs of pain or of growing tired.  I, on the other hand, am getting tired from all the work.  Not that I haven’t had someone sit on my unit and ride it, but Jake is different.  He’s got the stamina to allow him to just ride for a long time.  As I tire, my motions slow and finally I lay on the bed. 

Once he realizes I’ve stopped, he leans down, rubs his beard along my cheek, and asks, “You ok Cole?”  I hear the concern in his voice.

I respond, “Yeah, just tired from today.  I’m sorry.”

He softly runs his strong fingers thru my hair and whispers, “Shh. It’s fine.”   He kisses my cheek. He pulls off me, turns and pulls the condom off, and proceeds to put his lips on my rock-hard unit.  He licks it and uses his right hand to keep it pointed up.  Then I feel him swallow me.  Again, no hesitation.  He swallows me to the hilt.  My groin in his face.  I feel his tongue massage and caress my pole.  He applies more saliva and starts to bob up and down.  I look at the ceiling and grab the sheets.  He’s an expert.  His strong fingers move from holding me erect to gently massaging my balls.  I feel his pinkie poke at my hole. 

My load builds quickly due to the fore-play and I know I won’t last too much longer.  When I’m close, I pat his muscular shoulder to let him know.  He continues to face-fuck me and then I feel his pinkie dip into my hole and piston in and out. I unleash my load.  He swallows every drop.  I hear him gulp, then slurp.  After a minute he carefully pulls off and my softened unit drops to my abs.  I’m breathing heavily, but feel very relaxed.

He leans up on the bed, grabs his unit and starts to stroke himself.  While he does it, he moves to straddle my chest, putting his unit right at my face.  I lean up and lick his bulbous head, being rewarded with a glop of pre-cum.  I move my elbows to support my position and take just his head into my mouth. He continues to jerk.  I see his body tense and hear him groan, “Cumming” in his deep sexy voice.  I immediately swallow him as far as I can.  He grunts as all the muscles in his body flex, and he unleashes his torrent.  I swallow every drop, just like he did.  I stay on him, maneuvering my tongue around, until he softens. I slide off him and his unit swings down to my chest. 

He sighs, looks into my eyes and says, “Dude, you’ve got talent.”  He winks at me in the dark, and I wink back with a grin.

He carefully gets off me and walks to the bathroom.  I hear him flush the condom down the toilet.  I hear water running and a minute later he is back.  He puts a hand on my abs and quietly says, “The towel is warm.”  He puts the washcloth on my abs, then gently rubs down toward my crotch.  He cleans the area, then takes it back to the bathroom.  He’s back in a minute and slips onto the bed with me. 

He lies next to me, but props himself up on his left elbow so he is looking at me.  I turn my head and can make his face out in the dim light.  He’s still got a smile and his eyes are bright.  I reach my left hand over to his face and stroke his beard.  The hair is soft and luxurious. He leans down to kiss me again. 

He puts his right arm over my body and grabs my left shoulder.  He rolls onto his back and pulls my body closer to his. He lets his left arm drop onto the bed and my head falls onto the bicep.  His unflexed muscle feels like a soft pillow.  I drape my left arm over his broad chest and close my eyes. My face is next to his armpit. I lightly inhale and smell his relaxing aroma. I feel his hand on my back, lightly tracing and caressing circles.  

I fade out.

I slowly wake the next morning and sense Jake is gone.  I am under the covers, but still naked.  I look around the room and he straightened up before leaving.  My clothes from last night are neatly folded on the dresser and when I walk into the bathroom, the towel from last night is hanging over the shower, drying. 

I do my morning routine and when I’m done, I get ready to go for a run.

I head down to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal and see the note he’s left for me.


I hope you enjoyed last night, I did.  Being with you makes me very happy. 

For someone who had a lot of stress in his life four days ago, you have done a tremendous job in letting it go.  I hope you will be able to get back to the ‘real you’ very quickly.  I cannot wait to see who that person is.

I glanced over your workout plan and made a few notations which I think would benefit you. 

Unfortunately, we will not be able to see each other for a few days.  Nona has asked me to go into town and help a family friend pack and move.  I should be back by Friday.  The extra money I make with these side jobs help me financially, so I take them when I can, I hope you understand.

Nona will be able to give you a massage, if you need another. 😊

If you can wait, I’d be more than happy to give you another when I return.



I smile.  He has a great sense of humor and am glad he is able to make money doing side jobs.  I’m a bit upset I will not see him for a while, but meeting him was a bonus.  I can use this time to work on getting my head straightened out. 

I grab my workout plan and see his notes.  They make sense so I add them where he indicates. 


The week flies by.  I make notes on my plan everyday as to what I did, so I can show Jake when he gets back and we can make adjustments.

It’s now Thursday night. I am finishing up my second workout for the day, legs.  Ugh.  Now I know why I tended to skip them at the gym.  My body doesn’t like me right now, but in a day or so, it will be very grateful.

I walk into the kitchen and pull a steak out of the fridge to come to room temperature.  I grab my plan and a pencil and I review what I did:

Monday: 45 min jog, breakfast, back and shoulders, 2 hours yoga and meditation, lunch, pool/sauna, second workout – row for an hour, pool & reading – The Dubliners by Joyce. Dinner, 30 min yoga

Tuesday: elliptical for 30 mins, breakfast, chest/arms, whirlpool, lunch, 2 hrs. yoga & meditation, 45 min jog, pool, more Joyce, dinner, 1 hr. walk, pool

Wednesday: breakfast, yoga, sauna, Joyce, lunch, jog for 45 mins, pool, nap, back and full body stretch. Sauna again. Dinner, pool, finish Joyce.

Thursday: 2 hr walk, breakfast, pool, start Tolkein, lunch, chest/arms, meditate for an hour, list out things to improve my work life, whirlpool, legs, dinner, pool.

I smile to myself.  I made a plan and kept to it, for the most part.  I did tweak an item here or there based on how my body was feeling, or how my brain was feeling. 

Tonight, I am going to reward myself. On Monday I had found a carton of chocolate peanut butter ice cream in the freezer, but made sure to bury it behind some other stuff so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat it.  I get the gas grill fired up and go upstairs to get cleaned up.  I just wash my face and brush my teeth. When I get back to the kitchen, I check the steak and take it to the grill.  I turn the heat down and put it on.  I close the lid and head back inside to get the vegetables ready.  I skewer some mushrooms, broccoli, and pineapple chunks and take them out to the grill.  I check the steak and put the kabobs off to a side where the heat is lower.  Back in the kitchen, I make a salad and get the Brussel sprouts peeled and trimmed then into a pan to sauté with some sea salt, cracked white pepper, and garlic.

While they start to cook on medium heat, I go flip the steak and turn the kabobs.  The meat only needs another few minutes to finish.

I pull the veggies off and take them inside and set them on a platter.  I take my salad out to the patio and set my place.  I pull the steak off, turn the grill off, and put the steak on the table to rest.  I finish the sprouts, lightly glazing them with some chicken stock.  I put them in one bowl and the pull the veggies and pineapple off the skewers and put them into a second bowl.  I bring them outside and sit to eat. 

Dusk has settled.  I eat and watch the sunset.  It never gets old watching the light fade and the stars come out.  I notice something new every night, be it a constellation I did not know, or the sound of dove cooing in the dark as it settles down to sleep. 

Half an hour later, I’ve moved to a lounge chair, gotten a small bowl of ice cream, and am settling in to read another few chapters of The Silmarillion.  I hear the phone ring.  I am startled as I thought I could only call the caretakers on it.  Apparently, they can call me.  I get up to answer it. 


It’s Mrs. Fisher, “Good evening Mr. Cole.  I am sorry to bother you in the evening.”

“It’s ok, I was just outside reading. Is everything ok?”

“Yes, it is. I wanted to let you know I will be away for the weekend. I am leaving tomorrow mid-morning and will return Sunday evening.  Mr. Fisher is expected back tomorrow at some point.  If you need anything, he will be happy to help you.”  I think to myself, ‘You got that right.’

“Thank you very much for letting me know.  Have a nice weekend.”

“You as well.”  The line disconnects. I look at the receiver for a moment, shake my head, then put it back. 

I go back out the patio and finish my ice cream.  I get the feeling Mrs. Fisher knows more about her grandson’s activities than he knows.  I watch the moon rise and makes its trek over the sky again. As I look to the sky, I’m still in awe of how many more stars I can see.  In the city, due to the light pollution, only the brightest stars are visible.  Out here, with less pollution, many of the lesser stars are visible.  What a difference a couple hours ride makes. 

I head to the kitchen with my bowl and book.  I check the time and see it’s pretty late, so I head up to bed.  I leave a window cracked open, as usual, to let the fresh air into the room.  I know this is one reason I’m getting restful nights of sleep.  I change into my PJs, do my bathroom routine, then crawl under the covers. 

I stare at the ceiling and think maybe the city life is not for me.  It’s only been a week, but whatever magical spell the country, and this house have over me, I don’t think I want it to end.  Slowly I fade out.

When I wake, something feels different.  I slowly open my eyes and hear it is raining.  Not a hard, pounding thunderstorm, but a nice soaking rain.  I walk to the patio doors, open them, pull up a chair, and sit in the doorway.  The rain pitter-patters on the patio and in the trees beyond. It’s very peaceful.  I continue to sit and listen.  I close my eyes and meditate. 

After a time, I open my eyes, see the rain has slowed, and decide to go for a walk.  The clouds are breaking up and I should be ok as long as I stay on the path.  The air feels a bit chillier than normal, so I pull on a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt.  I head to the kitchen, grab an everything bagel and head out. 

I head out the back path which leads into a heavily wooded area and up a slope.  It feels great to be in the fresh air.  There are droplets of rain still falling from tree branches and leaves.  The oaks, pines, and cherry trees are tall and full of foliage. The path winds around while steady going up.  One or two areas are slick with leaves and mud, but I take it slow and make out well.  At one point there is a break in the trees and I can see the whole valley and the house down below.  The clouds have broken and sun is starting to stream through.  I crouch down and stare.  My breathing slows and becomes even. After a bit, I get up, stretch and continue along the path.

It eventually makes its way back down the slope.  A half hour later and I’m now below the house, looking up from a meadow, but not the one with the pond.  I cannot see the house from this spot.  I see the clouds have gathered again and look like they’re going to open up at any moment.  I follow the path and it leads to the far side of the meadow and back into the woods.  I don’t run or jog, but am not looking around as much. I am 10 yards short of the woods when the skies open up again and it starts to downpour.  I am soaked by the time I get into the trees and relative safety. I squat down again and listen to the rain fall. 

About 30 minutes, later the rain is still falling at a steady pace.  I decide to head back the house, hoping the path I’m on leads to it.  I figure it must wind its way there at some point as it seems all the paths I’ve followed, start and end at the cabin. As I start, I notice little stream-lets along the sides of the path.  Water is running down to an unseen stream.

I’m ten minutes into the walk back, all of it up hill, when I hear a strange loud crashing sound. I cannot quite make out what it is, but whatever it is, it is quickly getting close to me.  I look around for a safe spot, but do not see anything.  I leave the path and look for a tree with a sturdy low branch.   I see a clump of maples and oaks nearby and head to them. Through the rain I grab the lowest branch I can find and climb up.  I move up another two or three when the noise becomes deafening.  Then I see it.  It’s a mudslide coming down the hill and it’s carrying quite a bit of debris with it.  I try to climb up a few more branches to be safe, but there are none.  I pray the ten feet I’m up is sufficient.

The mudslide hits the trees I’m in.  The trees sway due to the pressure to the trunks from the water and debris being moved along.  One or two smaller maples give way and slide downhill.  I see a couple good sized rocks or boulders (is there really a difference?) and they bang into the trees as well.  I few hit my tree and jar it, but the tree holds firm.  I slip a bit on the wet tree limb, but continue to grasp the trunk.

Then I see it as well as hear it.  A large conglomeration of tree limbs, rocks, water, and weeds are heading down the path.  It extends 20 feet off each side, meaning my tree is in the path.  I decide to sit on the branch to minimize my chance of falling out.  I grab the trunk with both hands and hold on tight.

When it hits, the tree shudders and I feel the vibration throughout my whole body.  It’s as if someone is continuously shaking my body with their hands.  I feel water and branches brush my feet, ankles, and lower legs.  The noise is deafening.  I could yell for help, but: there is nobody around and: they’d never hear me.  It goes on for a few minutes.  I get a whiff of a foul odor and realize there is something dead in the debris.  The water has a brackish look to it and it’s not as I expected, not that I have much to compare it to, except the odd Youtube video.

Then it happens.  The tree leans over due to the pressure from the debris below.  The roots start to pull up from the rain loosened ground.  The tree creaks and whines.  I hold on as tightly as I can.  I hear the trunk start to splinter.  It’s a loud cracking sound, then the tree falls backward into the mudslide, and I with it.  It makes a ‘whooshing’ sound as the treetop comes down thru the surrounding trees. 

We fall 80% of the way and come to a jarring stop.  I quickly realize I’d been holding my breath and had squeezed my eyes shut.  The jarring rattles my teeth and by body slams into the trunk with enough force to push the air out of my lungs.  My grip loosens.  I look around for a nearby branch to grab, but am too slow to grab it.  I slide off the branch and fall into the mudslide. 

I feel rocks and sticks hit and poke at me.  The water is cold, colder that it would seem and it is very viscous.  My wet long sleeve t-shirt and sweatpants become water temperature very quickly.  My mind starts to wander.  Can I get hyperthermia or can I drown?  Who will find me?  What will Chuck say about me dying in a mudslide?  I feel a stick jab me in the stomach.  I’m immediately brought out of my thoughts. 

I look around for something to grab onto as I travel down the hill.  I try to maneuver my body so I can see where I am being taken.  Then I see it.  There is a large rock in our path and I am heading straight for it.  I try to get my legs in front of me, with the hopes that I can brace my body for the impact.

It works to a degree.  My body still slams into the rock and my teeth clatter together, but I am able to get a grip on the rock as I slide over top of it.  I cling to the rock as my hands slip.  I get another grip and can feel my fingers scraping along the rock to keep ahold of it.  I feel a ledge in the rock and dig my fingers into it and grab.  I stop sliding, but mud and debris still moves around me, hitting me in the face and body.  I close my eyes and hold on as best I can. 

Slowly the onslaught abates.  I realize I am shivering and taking shallow quick breaths.  I glance around and see I’m about five feet off the ground.  There is still some water moving below me, but I decide to take a chance.  I slowly release my grip and slide to the ground.  My legs are cold and wobbly.  I stumble back into the boulder I was just laying on.  I put my back to it and squat down.  I let my body relax and try to get my breathing back to normal. It takes several minutes, but I eventually calm down.  I brace against the boulder and slowly stand. 

I hear a new noise on the path, but it’s not the same as the mudslide.  It’s muffled and distant, but gets louder over a few minutes.  It’s Jake’s tractor.  I move to the side of the boulder facing the path and wait.  I see him coming down cautiously, looking from side to side.  He wearing just a t-shirt, shorts, and his work boots. There is concern on his face.  When he looks in my direction, I put my arms up and wave as best I can.  They feel like hundred-pound weights and I only get a few waves in before my arms tire and fall.  But it’s enough.  He sees me and turns the tractor in my direction.  He sees my condition and comes off the path and right down to me.  He stops within 5 feet, jumps off, and comes to me.  He easily scoops me up, and without a word, carries me to the tractor and gently eases me onto the bench seat. 

As he restarts the tractor, he wraps his right arm around me and hugs me to his body, not worrying that my cold wet clothes are soaking him.  He quickly maneuvers us back onto the now rutted path and heads back to the house.  It takes longer due to the damage, but we make it back in one piece.  I notice tree limbs are down in quite a few spots and one or two smaller trees are down too.  He drives right to the front door of the house. As he pulls to a stop, he is quickly out and to my side.  I slide to him and he scoops me up again and we head into the house and up the steps to my room.  Still not a word from him, but still the concerned look on his face. 

I croak out, “I’m ok.”

He glances down, smiles a bit and says with all seriousness, “Need to get you into a warm bath quickly.”  He doesn’t say another word.  He carries me into my bedroom, gently puts me down on the edge of the bed, and looks into my eyes, one at a time.  He’s checking for a concussion.  He puts his warm hands on the sides of my face gauging my temperature, then points a finger at me to stay here. 

He turns and goes into the bathroom and I hear him turn on the soaking tub. A minute later he reappears, comes to the bed, kneels down, and starts to take my sneakers off.  I try to help, but stop as he is doing a more efficient job.  Once my shoes and socks are off, he stands, but then leans back down, hooks his right arm under my left armpit and lifts me up. 

He half orders me, “Put your hands on my head when I squat down.”  I nod and do what he says as he gets down.  He unties my sweatpants, pulls them down, along with my shorts and underwear.  He then lifts my legs, one at a time and pulls everything off.  He eases me back to sitting on the bed.  He grabs the long sleeve t and pulls it off, then takes off my t-shirt.  He scans my body and his look of concern does not ease.  I glance at myself and see mud everywhere.  There are cuts and scrap marks on my torso and legs.  My fingers are cold, white, shriveled, and raw.  I can feel clumps of dirt in my hair and on other parts of my body.  I realize I’m still shivering.

He stands me up and half carries me into the bathroom.  I see steam coming from the soaking tub as it is still filling.  He steers me to the shower.  I sit on the edge of the tub while he turns the shower on and get it to a warm temp.  He turns the water off from filling the tub.

Then he strips. He’s done in seconds and is lifting me up again.  He opens the shower door and helps me in, as he comes in with me.  He pulls his warm body to my cold one and holds me for a minute, letting his warmth penetrate me.  The mud and dirt wash off my body.  Some splashes onto Jake, but he continues to hold me.  After most of the mud has washed off, he grabs a bar of soap and quickly washes my entire body.  Not a crevice is missed.  He helps me rinse off then opens the door and walks us to the tub. 

I start to feel warmer, but Jake still looks worried.  He helps me in, making sure I don’t slip.  The water is hot and I very slowly lower my foot into it.  He has a vice grip hold on my elbow and arm.  Eventually I’m in and I slowly sit.  As the hot water hits my ass, I stop and clench my glutes.  He still has a hold of my arm.  I ease in and start to relax. 

He looks me over and climbs in slowly.  I move over as much as I can to give him room.  The water sloshes around due to him getting in, but I am used to it now.  He sits right next to me and slides his right arm behind my back and grabs my right side.  He pulls me to him.  His body is still warm, almost warmer than the tub water.

I whisper again, “I’m fine.”

He replies with concern still in his voice, “You had the beginning stages of hyperthermia. I had to get you warm as quickly as I could.” He turns his head to mine and I feel his warm breath on my ear.  He tenderly kisses it.

We stay in the tub until the water cools.  Every so often he reaches over with his left hand and feels different parts of my body.  First my legs, then my arms and hands, then my chest.  I feel like a chicken his is poking to see if it’s cooked or not.

He quietly asks, “How do you feel now?”

I close my eyes and do a quick check of my body, squeezing my fingers and toes, bending joints that bend, and when I’m done, I say, “Besides a few tender spots or cuts, I feel better.” 

He nods and slowly gets up.  He steps out of the tub and grabs some towels.  I start to stand and he is back at the edge of the tub, extending his arm to me.  I take it and step out.  He has a towel waiting for me in his other hand.  He wraps it around me and gently blots the water off me.  When he’s done, he quickly dries himself with a second towel.  He then gets a third one and wraps both of us in it.  He pulls our bodies together so his body heat is shared with me. I hold onto him as tightly as he is holding me. 

We stand for a good five minutes, then my legs start to tire.  I pat him on the chest and he releases the towel.  We walk to the bed and he pulls the covers back and helps me in.  He slides in next to me and pulls me close again to share body heat.  His breathing is calm and paced and my heart rate slows to match. 

I eventually drift off. 

I’m back in the tree.  This time I’m yelling for Jake to help me.  I scream his name, but he’s nowhere to be seen.  The tree starts to fall again, but this time it falls completely into the mud.  I’m covered in it, trapped under a branch, and starting to drown.   I flail my arms in an attempt to get the limb off me, but cannot.  It is too heavy. I call out Jake’s name again and muddy water flows into my mouth, cutting off my voice.  I gurgle and more water comes in.  I start to lose consciousness. 

I wake with a start, sitting bolt upright, and am hyperventilating.  Jake’s arm comes around my back and caresses my left arm.  

“Must have been a really bad dream.”  I look into his eyes and see pain.  “You mumbled my name several times, then called out, and then stopped.”

My breathing slowly calms. “I was back in the tree, but it was different this time.  I was drowning.” 

He leans over and kisses me on the side of my head.

I lay back down. I’m fully awake now and do a quick scan of my body.  I have a headache and feel some aches and pains where sticks or rocks hit me.  I’ll be bruised up in a day or so.  Jake must sense my pain as he climbs out of bed, goes into the bathroom, opens a cabinet, and returns with a bottle of Advil.  He opens it and hands me three.  I sit up and move so I am against the headboard. Jake sits next to me. I down them dry.

I ask, “How dd you know where I was?  This property is huge.” I wave my arms wide. “I could have been on any of the paths.” I turn to look at him. 

He smiles, leans over, softly kisses me on the lips, and says, “When I got back, I came up to the house to surprise you, thinking you’d stayed inside due to the rain, but didn’t see you.  It had let up at that point, so I checked the house and pool house, but didn’t see you.  I checked all the paths leading away from the house and found your footprints leading up the slope.  I figured you’d be gone for a while so I went back to my place.  I checked the weather,” I give him an odd look and he says, “Yes, we have a TV and internet in our place, come-on.”  He winks at me and continues, “and saw another large storm approaching. I drove back up to the house to see if you’d come back.  Then it hit.  I couldn’t drive the tractor out for fear of getting into an accident, so I waited it out.”  He takes a breath, caresses the side of my face with his hand tenderly and continues.  “When the storm finally let up, knowing the path you had taken out, and where it goes, I decided to go the other way in hopes of meeting up with you.  Then I heard the mudslide.”  His face grows dark.  “I had to wait it out, I’m sorry.” Now it’s my turn to caresses his bearded face.  “I knew you were down there somewhere, but had to wait for it to pass.” I nod. “I’m glad I did.  It’s pretty bad out there Cole.  We’ve had mudslides before, given the layout of the property, but this one was pretty bad.” 

I pat his hairy chest and say, “It’s over and I’m going to be fine.  Just some bruising, but otherwise I feel better.”  I watch his eyes scan my body again.  I see a slight smile come over his face.  “Now if there were a way for me to reward my rescuer?”  I arch an eyebrow and look down his body toward his flaccid unit. It stirs and we both smile.

He jokingly says, “Only if you’re up for it.” I check my hardening unit and smile. He does as well.

He scoots back down the bed so he is flat on his back.  He puts his arms behind his head, opening his body to me.  He flexes them and softballs appear.  I lick my lips.  I climb on top of his midsection, reach my hands to them and grope them.  He flexes and they become nice and hard.  My mouth starts to water. I lean down and we kiss.  I nuzzle his beard inhaling the scent of the soap we used.  I nibble at his left ear lobe then move to his flexed arm.  I kiss it softly, then more fervently. He moans.  I start to lick it, slobbering my saliva all over it.  My rock-hard dick is pressed into one of his granite hard pecs.  I go back to kissing, then move south to his hairless armpit.  I kiss and lick it.  I feel him put his right hand on the back of my head and gently hold my face in place.  I use my tongue to ravage the area.  He moans again and releases his grip.  I nibble and kiss my way to his left nipple.  I soak the hair around it with warm spit, then slather my face in the wet hair, coating my face.  Now it’s my turn to moan. I feel my unit rubbing against his muscled body.

He puts his right hand on my back and traces his fingers up and down my spine.  I shudder at the sensation.

He hardens his pecs and I playfully tweak his right nipple with my left hand, while I continue to bite at his left one.  He squirms and I increase my ministrations.

I kiss my way down this cobblestone abs to his bellybutton, with my hands feeling his muscled ribcage along the way.  His navel is surrounded by a mat of curly dark hair.  I purse my lips and coat the area with fluid.  I push some into the hole, then use my tongue to spread it around.  He is groaning with content.

I move a bit farther south and my chin bumps into his erect dick. I pull off his body a bit and grab him, near his base.  He’s thick and veiny.  I softly pull him to a 90-degree angle and enjoy the view I have.  I re-wet my lips and lower my head to his. 

I open wide and take his head into my mouth. I slosh my tongue all around it, coating it with copious amounts of saliva.  I run my tongue along the underside and my tastebuds scrap the nerves.  He squirms again.  I move to his slit and wiggle my tongue in it.  I feel a warm glob of pre-cum bubble out.  I suck it down quickly. It slides down my throat as my body instantly tingles and warms. 

I change the position of my body so I am now between his muscular legs, and start to bob my head up and down.  With each down motion, I push further down his unit.  He spreads his legs, giving me easier access.  He’s about 8 and half inches and has a nice girth.  I eventually get my nose to his shaved groin and hold it there.  I tickle his hairless balls with my right hand and stroke his taint. His unit is pushing against the back of my throat.  I seal my lips around him and suck as hard as I can.  I run my tongue along the length and hear him groan again. 

I feel his hands on the sides of my head.  They hold me in place for a few seconds, then lift me up a bit.  He starts to move my head up and down at a nice slow pace.  I continue to slather fluid on his unit and keep the vacuum seal I have on him.  He bucks his hips a bit and I feel him push past my uvula.  He quickens the pace and I go with it.  His strong fingers keep a firm, but not painful grip on me.  He’s now bucking his hips up every time he pushes me down.  I put my hands on the bed to steady my body.  I start to move faster on my own and he releases me.  He moans and puts his left hand on the right side of my face and caresses it.  Saliva is leaking out of my mouth, down his length, and onto his groin. 

I pull off for a second and catch my breath.  He smiles at me and says, “You’re good.”  I wink and go back down on him, all the way to the hilt.  I push my nose into his groin and gently shake my head from left to right.  He groans loudly and puts his hand on my head and pins me down.  I relax my throat as he slips down a bit.  As I breath thru my nose and with every inhale, I smell his now sweaty musk emanating from him. 

I move my hands from the bed to his ass.  I reach under them and grab a hold of his glutes.  He bucks his hips up to give me easier access.  I cup each glute in a hand and squeeze as hard as I can.  Mr. Muscles flexes his glutes and they become rocks.  I pull up on them and my face is buried in his groin.  I hear him croak out, “Oh…oh…oh…fuck…” and feel his load travel from his balls, up his shaft, and into my throat.  I relax as much as I can and let the cum make its way down.  I continue to suck him, but also use my tongue to clean up any leftover cum still in my mouth.  I slowly pull off, careful to not let me teeth touch him.  When I’m finally off, I sit back on my hunches, look up to him, and see a gratifying smile along with a very sweaty body.  Perspiration is running down his cheeks and arms.  His chest is still heaving and there are sweat droplets there too, damping his chest hair.

I crawl up his body, my raging erection dragging along his rock-hard abs, and lie on his chest.  I feel him constrict his abs, trapping my unit in the deep crevice between the left and right sets of muscle.  I kiss him while I move my body back and forth.  Pre-cum leaks from me like water from a 50-year-old faucet. His strong abs flex and he milks my unit. We continue to kiss, but now it’s my turn to moan.  I feel him put his hands on my back and wrap his arms together.  He pulls me closer to him and pins my unit down.

His tongue invades my mouth as he squeezes me harder.  I feel him flex his whole body and my brain spasms.  My balls tighten and my load quickly travels my length and shots out, onto him.  I moan into his mouth and he just kisses me, pulling my breath in. 

After I finish one of my longest releases, he slowly unflexes his body and takes his hands off my back.  I put my hands on his chest, push myself up, and stare down at him.  His green eyes twinkling at me with a bit of mischief in them.  He winks at me and rubs his right hand on my abs and chest. He says, “You look good.  The workouts are definitely paying off.”  I tighten my re-emerging abs and he rubs them again and gives me a low whistle.

“Thanks.” I reply.  I roll off him and cuddle up close to his warm sweaty body.  Our musky odors join together and delight my senses.  I feel him put his arm around my back and pull me a bit closer.  I drape my left hand over his chest and let my breathing slow. I feel his chest slow as well.  We both fade out.

I wake to find he is still next to me, but sleeping soundly.  His chest is rising and falling steadily.  I watch him for a while and admire his body.  I slip out of bed, careful to not wake him. I grab a pair of PJ bottoms, put them on and tip-toe to the bathroom, shut the door, and take care of business. 

I quietly walk out of the bedroom and head downstairs.  I go into the living room and see sunlight streaming into the room.  The air is nice and warm. I go to the French doors and open them, letting in a warm breeze.

I move to the kitchen area and start to make breakfast for two.  I realize I don’t know what Jake likes to eat or doesn’t like, except that he doesn’t like Brussel sprouts.  Eh, oh well.  I pull out the carton of eggs, some bacon, and potatoes.  I get everything going when I hear him come down the stairs.  He’s still naked, but looks Godly.  His brown hair is a product of bed head and he’s scratching his balls. He walks to me and pulls me into an embrace.  “Morning sexy.” He coos to me.  I kiss him and use all my strength to keep my dick from pointing north.  He has no inhibitions and his unit perks up.

I break the embrace, point the spatula at him and jokingly say, “Breakfast first, then I have stuff to do.”  He feigns sadness.  I point at his now erect unit and say, “As much as I want to do embarrassing things to you, it will need to wait.” 

He smiles again, pulls me back into an embrace and says, “I hear you.  I have things to do as well.  Let’s check your plan for the day and see where we can schedule in some ‘Jake’ time.  You know, maybe 5 or 6 hours of it.”  We both laugh.  

He goes back upstairs, gets into his clothes and is back down.  He helps me finish making breakfast and we eat it on the patio.

I figure now is as good a time as ever to ask him some questions.

I start tentatively, “So…” I glance at his body.

“I did some competitive bodybuilding when I was younger.” I nod.  “I had the genes for it and the knack.  I won a few, then lost one or two to guys who were on stuff.”  He looks out over the valley and continues, “I just didn’t want to deal with side-effects or drama that comes with being on a cycle, so I never got into it.  Because of that, other guys just got bigger than me.  I knew I could compete, but realized they were outpacing me, if that makes sense?” 

“It does.  Do you regret stopping?  I mean, you still look like you could win any competition if you walked onto a stage right now?” I wave my hand over his body with admiration.

“Nope.”  He says firmly.  He puffs his chest out.  “I’ve seen what steroids and growth hormones can do and it wasn’t for me.”  He smiles.  “I did get into some fitness competitions and did well in them, well enough to make some money for school.”  He’s got an ear-to-ear grin.

“That’s great.  What did you study?”

“I’m still doing it.  I’m taking Business classes.  I want to open my own property management business.  I figure running this place has taught me enough to have a firm base.”  He still smiling and I smile with him.

“Wow, that’s awesome.  How much longer ‘til you’re done?” 

“I have two more classes, so by the end of the summer.” I nod. 

I decide to broach another question, “So I was checking out your tractor and trailer the other day and saw all the branches.” He smiles, knowing where this is going.  He flexes his right bicep. “Ok, I guess that answers that question?” 

He laughs.  “Just because I gave up bodybuilding doesn’t mean I gave up training.  Not to sound conceited, but just because I’m not as big as those guys are, doesn’t mean I’m not as strong, or stronger than they are.”  This explains why he was able to carry me back from the pond without a problem. “Also, it’s fun to test my strength trying to pull a dead tree out of the ground, or to move a large rock from a path, or to carry a sexy blonde hunk back from the pond.”  My unit springs up and tents my PJs.

He sees it and grins, wiggling his eyebrows at me.  I look at him and point my finger, “No, I have to get stuff done.”  He mischievously runs his tongue along his lips. “Stop it.” I say as forcefully as I can, while my unit bobs back and forth.  He slowly flexes his right bicep.  The softball appears.  I groan. 

Suddenly he unflexes his arm, stands up, grabs the plates, and mockingly says, “Too bad, I really wanted to lift you up and make love to you standing up.  But, you’re right, we both have things to do.”

As he turns to walk into the house, I see him flex each glute.  “You’re just mean, Jake.” I hear him laugh.

We clean up and decide to meet up for dinner.

We kiss and he takes off.  I hear the tractor head down a path, most likely to clean up from the storm.


I spend the next two weeks increasing my workouts and really getting my head screwed on properly.

Jake spends time with me, when he can.  He would spend a couple days a week in town doing odd jobs or helping out, to make money. 

Once or twice, he took me with him while he was doing some work on the property.  He actually liked to show off his strength to me and would tear trees from the ground, roots and all, or lift large rocks over his head and tell me how much they weighed, before tossing them to the side with ease. Snapping branches off trees was his favorite thing to do.  He’d pump up his arms by curling me, then walk over to a dead tree, and grab the limb.  He’d flex for me, then rip the limb off with ease.  I’d get hard, he’d get hard, then no more work would get done.

Weekends were always just for us.  Our time together became more meaningful.  We talked more about our lives, our hopes and dreams, and what we really wanted.  

With the exercising and balanced diet, the weight I had gained, fell off. My body was back to a toned swimmer’s body.  My abs re-appeared and my biceps started to grow and take shape again.

On my third Saturday here, Jake surprised me in the afternoon.  Nona had called on Friday to let me know she’d be away for the weekend, visiting some friends in town and wouldn’t be around, but that Mr. Fisher would be here, if I needed anything. 

 I was relaxing by the pool, reading more about relaxation techniques when he came down the slope from behind the house.  I didn’t hear his tractor. 

He called out to me, “Hey sexy.”  I turned and saw he was in tan work pants, a black dry-mesh t-shirt, and his work boots.  He was covered in sweat.  His brown hair matted down under his baseball cap, and sweat stains around the crotch area of the pants.  I stared at him for a moment and licked my lips.  His arms were swollen from the work he’d done and there was sweat dripping from his brow to his cheeks. 

He walked right to me, leaned down and kissed me on the lips.  I got a salty taste of his sweat.  His meaty arm was on my shoulder.  The weight felt good.  We broke the kiss and I looked at him again and said, “Working hard, or hardly working?”  I wink at him and he lets out a low chuckle.

“Eh, a few saplings on the upper ridge needed to be thinned out.  Figured I’d get it done before the heat kicks in.”  He stands back up and starts to stretch.  He raises his hands over his head and his shirt pulls out from his pants.  His hairy abs come into view and I can see they are covered with sweat and matted to his rock-hard body.  His pants drop a bit in the front and I get a view of his goodie trail.  I lick my lips.  His biceps swell over his head and he grunts as I hear some bones crack.  He lets out a satisfied, “Ah….” And looks back down to me admiring his body.  He smiles and reaches his meaty left hand to me. 

I take it as he easily pulls me up from the lounge chair and into an embrace.  I take a deep breath and inhale his sexy, sweaty musk. He wraps his arms around me and softly asks, “Are you done your morning workout?” I nod yes. He kisses me and smiles.  “Have you eaten lunch?”  I nod again.  Another kiss, this one deeper and longer.  “So, I guess you’re free for a little bit, before your afternoon workout?”  My cock starts to swell and now it’s his turn to smile as he feels it rise up in my shorts, against his solid thigh.

I look him in the eye and ask, “How about you?  You done your morning workout?”  He nods yes with a wicked smile. I move closer and we kiss.  I lower my voice and ask, “Have you eaten lunch?’  Another nod.  I wrap my left hand around his neck and pull him close so we are cheek to cheek.  I whisper, “So, I guess you’re fr…” His face turns and we start to kiss again.  My right hand wanders up his left arm to his sweaty bicep.  I let my fingers wander over the muscle, feeling the fibers of muscle as they twitch and coil.  He raises the arm, flexes, and the muscle becomes hard.  I suck in air and continue to grope him.  He tenses it even more.  My hand cannot cover the whole head of the muscle.  My unit throbs in my bathing suit. 

He breaks our kiss, much to my dismay.  He quickly sheds his t-shirt and starts to undo his belt.  I squat down and untie his work boot laces.  He puts his meaty hand on my head to steady himself. His hand encompasses my whole head.  I feel him gently squeeze.  When the boots are untied, I stand up, and put my arm for him to use to control his balance.  He takes it and quickly kicks off the boots, his socks, then his pants.  He’s standing in front of me in a purple posing bikini thong.  I almost lose my load.  I suck in a breath of air.  His unit is rising as well and filling out the thong.  We come back together and start to kiss. He ravages my mouth.  My hands ravage his body, groping his wide back, his muscles lats, and then back to his chest. 

He puts his hands on my ass, squeezes my cheeks roughly, then pulls my body against his.  Both our rock-hard units grind against each other.  I dip down a bit, then rise up, causing more friction.  He moans, tenses his body, then easily lifts me up.  I wrap my legs around his tight waist and lock my ankles together.  I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull my body as close to his as I can. 

Sweat is pouring off both of us due to the mid-day sun and the feverish activity.  He turns and slowly walks us to the pool.  He takes us in, one step at a time.  The warm water surrounds us and envelopes us.  He walks us to the deep and pushes my back against the wall.  I am still clinging to his body as he supports me.  We continue to kiss.  I run my fingers thru his hair and feel how soft and silky it is.  He shakes his head and sweat comes off. 

He steps back from the wall, breaks our kiss, looks me in the eyes.  His are twinkling.  He smiles and softly asks, “Ready?”  He takes a breath of air, inflating his muscular hairy chest, and holds it.  He starts to descend into the water.  I take a breath of air as well. He easily takes us both to the bottom and squats down.  We both have our eyes open and are looking at each other.  I close the distance and our faces touch.  I purse my lips and start to kiss him again. I put my hands on his chest and tweak his nipples.  He smiles at me thru the water, a few air bubbles slip from his lips, and I feel him tighten his grip on my ass. He squeezes with one hand, then the other.  He alternates for a few beats, the squeezes both at the same time.

He starts to stand up, pulling me up with him.  His unit is straining the posers.  We break the surface and our kiss.  We both inhale and immediately go back to kissing.  My hand goes to the nape of his neck and gently caresses the area.  He walks us to the shallow and moves to sit on the stairs.  I untangle me legs and arms.  I stand and he moves to turn me around so my back is against his chest.  He wraps his hands around my waist and feels up my abs.  He growls into my right ear, “Sexy swimmer.  I told you that you’d get back into shape.”  I put my right hand on his forearm and feel the coiled muscles under the skin moving and twitching.  The warm sun is beating down on us.  I feel completely relaxed and at ease.

I softly say back, “Well, you did help me quite a bit.  Not sure how I can repay you for your help.”

“I have one or two ideas…”  I feel his rough tongue laps at the back of my right earlobe.  He warm breath stirs my unit even more.  I squirm a bit.  He tightens his grip and says, “Consider this part of your repayment.”  His hard unit pokes me under my left thigh.  I can feel it wants to escape.  I reach between my legs and take ahold of it softly.  Jake sighs.  I start to gently stroke it.  Nice long movements.  I feel his body become tense.  His muscles constrict, his grip around my waist a bit firmer as his biceps expand.  His teeth nibble my ear a bit rougher.  His breath is coarser and not as paced as it usually is.  I slow my movements so he does not release yet.  I feel him slowly calm and his body returns to normal.  

He whispers, “That felt nice.”  I massage his poser again. “Hmmm.  I need to make you feel just as great.”

I pat his forearm and say, “Just my way of saying ‘Thanks’.  No reciprocation is needed.”

He starts to stand, taking me up with him again, “But I want to.”  Who am I to argue with a muscular brown-haired God?  I turn to face him and see a mischievous grin on his face.  He reaches out, puts his arms under my armpits and easily lifts me up, his biceps expanding.  He carries me out of the pool and back to the lounge chair.  He sets me down and I lean over to him for a kiss.  He puts a finger up, indicating for me to hold on.  He leans over to his work pants, rummages around in a pocket, and pulls out a condom. I raise an eyebrow to him and, with a smile ask, “You always walk around with condoms in your work pants?”

He winks, kisses me, and replies, “Only since you arrived, sexy.”  I blush.  “Never know when the mood will strike.”  He ogles my tanning body.  My unit is pointing down my leg, but is bulging out, creating a funny ‘three-legged’ look.  He steps closer, grabs my girth, and gives it a few squeezes with expertise.

His fingers move up to the knot holding the suit up and he deftly undoes it.  I put my hands on the sides and quickly push it to the ground.  My unit springs northward, brushing his leg, then bouncing off my abs.  His fingers rake my trimmed pubic hair, then move to my freed unit.  His calloused hand has an erotic feel as he pumps me.

He steps back, looks down at his bulge, then looks back up into my eyes.  I reach out and grab the sides of the posers and skillfully slide them down his tree-trunk legs.  His unit also bounces up and off his furry rock-hard abs.  He hands me the tin-foil wrapper.  I rip it open and hold the condom.  He glances down at his unit, then winks at me.  I kneel, swallow him to the hilt, and coat him with a layer of saliva.  I slide off and slip the rubber on him.  I jerk him a few times to make sure it’s not too tight.  He puts his hands under my pits and lifts me to a standing position.  I start to turn to the patio table to present my ass to him, but he grabs my arm, keeps me facing him, and winks again.  He pulls me close, leans to my ear, and whispers, “Paid in full.”  He grabs me by my waist, hoists me up with ease, and lowers me to his tip, his biceps flexed but not showing any sign of strain due to my added weight.  I reach around and position him at my hole.  I relax and let him slide into me.  Down…down…and down some more.  I hit his crotch and my feet brush the ground. I let out a heavy sigh, as does he. 

He moves his hands back to my ass.  I grab his softball-sized biceps and grope him.  He flexes and effortlessly starts to lift me up and down.  Pre-cum starts to immediately dribble out of my steel pole and slide down into the valley between our bodies.  It gets caught up in the hair on his mid-section.  Blood rushes thru the veins in his arms.  I can see them pulsing as he lifts and lowers me.  I wrap my hands around the mounds and feel the power coursing thru them. 

I close my eyes and imagine him holding back the mudslide with a few tree trunks.  His legs dug into the wet ground, his thighs and calves exploding as they fight to stay still and hold back the onslaught. His chest heaves as he sucks in air and steadily blows it out.  Sweat pours off his head, down his shirtless hairy chest, to his soaked skin tight mesh shorts.  I stand on the ground behind him, hand on his back to steady him, as if he needed it.  He turns, smiles, and says ‘climb on my back.’  I do as he asks.  He tells me to ‘wrap your arms around my neck and legs around my waist, and hold on tight.’  I do.  He casually asks, ‘Ready?’ and before I have a chance to respond, he drops the tree trunks and jumps ten feet in the air to a nearby tree.  He lands on a sturdy branch, turns his head and says, ‘Don’t let go.”  I think to myself, why would I want to.  He squats down and the muscles in his legs coil with energy, and when he pushes off, we explode off the branch to the next one.  He leaps to another tree, then another.  Soon we are above the mudslide and away from any danger.  He takes one final jump and softly lands on the muddy ground.  My body is snug to his broad chest, my hands draped over his neck. 

He starts to walk us back to the house.  I let go of his neck and slide off him.  He turns, scoops me up and kisses me full on the lips.  ‘Why walk, when I can, and want, to carry you, sexy man?’  I wrap my arm around his neck and let him do his thing.  Who am I to argue with him?  I place my hand on his chest and feel the muscles twitching and pulsing with every step he takes.  My unit starts to rise in my shorts.  He sees the bulge and laughs.  ‘Hold on for two more minutes, Cole, we’re almost there.’ 

I come out of my dream and croak, “Close…”  He pulls me off him, tosses me up a few feet, catches me in his arms, lays my on the lounge chair, leans over, and swallows me completely.  He expertly moves his tongue around, massaging all the sensitive nerves under the mushroom cap of my unit.  I grip the sides of the chair, tense my body and let my load fly.  As it leaves me, Jake opens his throat and swallows every drop.  After I’m done, he uses his tongue again and carefully cleans me off.  I soften.  He lets me slide out of his mouth.  He moves up my body, nibbling and kissing along the way, until he’s at my chest.  He sucks on a nipple.  I put my left hand on top of his head and push him down.  His teeth latch on and his tongue gently runs across the tip of the nipple.  My unit stirs. 

I reach my hand to his unit, which is still sheathed.  I pull the condom off and jerk him.  He moans and warm air splashes onto my chest, along with some saliva.  I get a firmer grip, knowing he likes rough play, and try to pull his dick off his body.  He lets out a deep, animalistic growl.  He climbs on top of me, his sweaty body covering me completely.  We are chest to chest and head-to-head.  I wrap my legs around his thin tight waist and squeeze. 

He grinds his body to mine for a few minutes, heating up his muscles.  We kiss and nibble at each other.  I’m now at full mast.  He tenses his body, rears back, pulling me with him.  He climbs off the chair with ease, walks to the side of the pool and says, “Big finish little man.”  He turns so his back is to the pool and falls in, my body coming down on top of his as he hits the warm water.  I am clinging to him, so our bodies don’t bang together.  I feel him release as we hit.  He holds me tight and sinks to the bottom, still shooting his load.  The water around our midsection becomes cloudy with cum.  I soon realize, I came as well. 

After we both finish, we untangle from each other and float to the surface.  Our heads break the water and we take a deep breath of warm air.  I take a few steps toward the shallow end and regain my balance.  He’s right beside me.  I feel him take my hand in his.  He gently squeezes.  I turn and we kiss.

He breaks the kiss, smiles, and says, “Two loads within a few minutes of each other.  I’m impressed.”

I blush and say, “Well, I had some incentive.”  I let my other hand roam over his chest.  He flexes it and it becomes hard.  I glance down and see his unit is starting to match his chest.  Mine is not far behind.

We climb out of the pool and go to the lounge chairs.  We spend the rest of afternoon, relaxing under an umbrella, just enjoying each other’s company, and several more rounds of aquatic activities.


Nona and I warmed up to each other.  She made her lasagna one day and brought some of it over.  The three of us had dinner together.  It was excellent.  I made her some of my sprouts and she really enjoyed them. 


I could feel my body righting itself, getting back to where I should be, before Covid hit and before I became obsessed with my career. I started to reassess whether my job was right for me.  I have other skills that would help me get a job someplace else.


I am nearing the end of the last week.  We’re sitting by the pool, legs dangling in the warm water as the sun sets. Jake knows this and has spent the last three days with me.

I told him to go do the other jobs, make the money he needs for school.  He brushes it off and says, “Plenty of time for that later.”  I sigh. He looks at me and with all seriousness says, “Cole, hasn’t this past month showed you that money isn’t everything?”  He spreads his muscular arms wide and waves to the view around us.  I look out, over the valley and meadow below, to the mountains in the distance.  The red, orange, and gold streaks of sunlight painting the valley. 

I know what he means, but the thought of having to be back at work Monday morning has stirred my old life awake inside of me. 

“I would never think to tell someone what is best for them, but in this case, I think I’m, going to make an exception.”  I turn to him.  He’s smiling at me, those twinkling green eyes, his sexy wavy brown hair, the dimples in his cheeks, I think he’s going to change the direction of my life. “Over this past month, I think we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well,” I cock an eyebrow at him with a sarcastic smile, and he smiles back saying, “besides the sex, which is outstanding, but, I mean, you’ve shared your whole life with me, which I doubt you’ve done to anyone where you work?”

“Jake…” I pause, not sure what to say, but knowing what I want to say.

He reaches his right hand over puts it on my cheek.  He quietly asks, “Will you stay here…with me?”  My heartbeat quickens.  I grin.  I nibble on my lip.  I close my eyes and think for a minute.  But then I hear him say, “Stop overthinking it.”  I open my eyes and look at him. He says, “Yes, our sex is great, but I think…no, I know we’ve got something here.”  He moves his hand between us, touching my leg gently. “I know it…and you know it as well.”  I sigh, knowing he is right.  I’m still tentative.  “Cole, were you nervous when you got your job 9 years ago?”  I nod yes, “Did the nervousness go away right away, or did it take time?” I shrug knowing what he’s talking about.  

He rubs my leg in a caring way, letting me know he’s here for me.  I look back into his eyes, and see them dancing with excitement.  I look away and think to myself, ‘I know what he says is true, and yes, I want to stay here with him,’ A tear falls from my eye, ‘but…my life in the city’.  Then I remember what it had been like, and not just the past year, but the last few years. I straighten my back, brush the tear away.  I turn to him, grin, and say, “Yes.”

He leans over and we kiss, deeply, lips locked together and tongues playing with each other. 

I close my eyes, as he holds our heads together with his strong hands, and see the last of my worries and anxieties flow down the stream and out of my life.  I open my eyes and Jake is still right there, my new life.

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What an amazing story! Congrats and thanks for sharing…

  • Thanks 1
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Ahhh sweet and sexy.  Always enjoy your stories


  • Thanks 1
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Posted (edited)
On 6/23/2021 at 3:50 AM, Psuace said:

Hey guys,  I'm a few hours early, but figured why not..  It's a long one.  Enjoy!


I was working as a financial analyst in this topsy-turvy, Covid crazy market and it had taken its toll on my mind and body.  I was told I needed to get away. Life had become too complicated and stressful.  A few weeks in the mountains, away from everyone, including my phone and computer is what it eventually came down to, and not by choice.

I was barely sleeping and ended up being cranky during the day, which would put my co-workers on edge. I would eat poorly, when I ate.  No breakfast, fast food for lunch, and maybe take-out for dinner, if they delivered to my office. 

The pouch had returned and others had noticed.   My 6’1”, 175-pound swimmers build had fallen off as I had not been to the gym in what seemed like forever.  My once toned muscles were sagging or replaced with a layer of fat.  My dark blue eyes had dark circles under them and my normally well-kept blonde hair was unkept, long, and showed signs of gray. 

After the incident on the office floor, my boss, Chuck, pulled me into his office and laid it out for me. 

Chuck hired me 9 years ago fresh out of college.  He saw I had knack and a spark for understanding and predicting stocks.  He said I could go far if I put the right attitude and aptitude toward my work.

And I did. 

For 9 long years, I devoted my life to the job.  Working late, overtime, weekends, not taking vacations, whatever it took to get the job done and to keep the clients happy, and rich.  But, at the same time, I also led an active personal life, dating men who shared the same passion for life as me, working out religiously, eating sensibly.  I had been on track for promotions, and got them. 

Then Covid hit. My life went sideways.  Dating came to a screeching halt.  Everyone was afraid to go out and meet, even for a quick cup of coffee in the park.  This is to say nothing of the market for the first few months, and the lay-offs most companies were doing. Everyone in the office was petrified of screwing up, knowing the company was looking for a reason to trim the fat to keep a healthy bottom line.

Then the gyms closed.  That hit me hard.  I have some weights and equipment at home, but like most people, I relied on the gym.  I tried to buy stuff online, but the backlog was weeks, if not months. 

I gained a few pounds, but figured I could adjust my meals to compensate. Yeah, that didn’t work.  Skipping breakfast was bad, but compensating later in the day made it worse.  15 pounds later and my mood darkened.  I was irritable at work and home.  Staying up too late, worrying about my job, my weight, my sex life, my everything… 

Chuck watched the slow spiral.  He would casually mention to me to take a few days off to recharge and clear my head, but I shrugged it off.  I had work to do.  Who would get it done, if not me? 

Then I snapped.  It just happened one Thursday.  The computer would not work, the paper in the copier jammed, someone made a quiet comment I thought was about me, and the flood gates opened. 

Next thing I know, Chuck and I are sitting in his office, door shut, blinds closed, him looking at me with the concern on his face only a friend would show, and me…deflated.  My energy gone, my breathing shallow and restless.  I sat slumped in the comfortable leather wingback chair staring at nothing in particular, but Chuck was right in front of me, in a similar chair, not behind his desk.  My sleeves rolled half way up my arms, shirt partially untucked, sweat stains on my chest and under my arms.  My eyes red and puffy. My throat dry.

He softly says, “Cole, you better?”  He hands me another cup of water.  I take a sip; the cold water feels harsh as it goes down my parched throat. “That was quite a show out there.”  He’s calm and not passing judgement.  I’m still hazy as to what I did, but I can imagine it was pretty bad. I glance up, and he cracks half a smile to let me know he gets it. I shrug my shoulders, not sure how to answer his question, but knowing I want to just cry.  It’s still inside of me, this pain, thought of failure, how my life will never get back to what it was a few months ago.

I feel his strong hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze to let me know he’s here for me. 

He leans back into his chair, his piercing brown eyes, looking at me. 

“Cole.”  He says it in a manner that he wants me to look at him.  I look up.  “I need you to take some time off.”  I shut my eyes, knowing this was coming, but am still stunned to hear it. Right now, my job is all I have left of my life, to take that away, even for a day, I’d be lost. “I know you hate to take a day off, unless it’s absolutely necessary, but…” I look at him again, “It’s necessary.” He says resolutely.  I sigh. 

I gather myself and say with as much of a positive attitude as I can, “Ok, I can take a long weekend, say next Monday and Tuesday?” 

Chuck shakes his head from side to side.  I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.  He puts his hand on my knee and quietly says, “I’m not talking a few days, Cole.  I need you take a few weeks off.”  My head snaps up and when I open my mouth to protest, he squeezes my knee, letting me know to be calm.  I take a few breaths and another sip of water.  “Buddy, whatever is inside of you has been building for a while.  A few days won’t cure it. You need to get away from this.”  He spreads his arms around the room.  “A few weeks at minimum.”  I stare at him and think ‘My job is my life. What will I do?’

He senses my thoughts.  He says, “You will still have a job when you return, but as of the end of work today, you’re on vacation.” 

“But, my clients, my files, my…” I stammer.

“Will be taken care of.” He says without hesitation, his eyes looking directly at me.

“But…” I say with a slow, unsure voice.

“We will handle it.”  I fidget in the chair, looking around his office.  “Cole, the company existed before you got here, it will survive a few weeks without you, trust me.”  I sniffle. His hand tightens.  “You will work through your pain and come back a stronger man.”

There’s no getting around this. I know I need to take the time.  He’s half offering, half ordering me to do it.  I need to accept that he’s trying to help. “Ok.” I whisper.  I think for a few moments, “Can I take my...”

“Nope.”  He says decisively. “Work phone, laptop, anything else work-related stays here.”  I frown, but know he’s right. He checks his watch.  “Listen.  Here’s what I’m going to do for you.”  I glance up at him.  He’s got a devilish smile on his face. “The company owns a cabin in the mountains.  About 4 hours away.” I’ve heard about this place.  The highest people in the company whisper about it in the hallways as some kind of Eden in the woods.  “This time of year, nobody is there.”  He says this spreading his arms wide.  “Let me check with the big-wigs and if it’s open, I’m going to block off a month for you there.” I sigh thinking of the cost. God; food, travel there, packing, what do I take…  My mind has wandered and Chuck’s voice brings me back, “…are the nicest caretakers around.”  He’s smiling at me.  “They will take care of your every need.  You just ask, and they will get it for you.  Now, I don’t mean go overboard and have steak and lobster every night with a nice Pinot, but don’t live on stale bread and water either.”  He winks at me and I crack a smile.


Chuck claps his hands in victory.  He stands up, puts a hand out to me and I stand to shake it.  He pulls me in for a hug.  “Remember, this time away is for you to recharge.  A month in the mountains, away from this rat race.”  He rolls his eyes.  “Maybe I should go out there,” He points to the office floor outside his office, “and let it all out.”

I smile, thinking what I sight that would be, and now realize what I sight I must have been.  My smile fades.  “I guess I need to apologize to a bunch of people before I go.”  He just looks at me and nods, knowing it won’t be easy.

“That will be the toughest thing you have to do for the next month.”  His hand is on my shoulder.  He squeezes and continues, “Go out there, do your thing, apologize, and get your stuff ready.  The moment I get the ‘ok’, you’re out of here.”  I glance at my watch.  He sarcastically says, “Leave that at home too.  Up there, live your day by the sun, not your watch.”

I crook an eye at him and ask quietly, “How’d you get so good at this?”

He wraps an arm around my shoulder as he leads me to the door.  He says with all seriousness, “You’re not the first person to stumble.  I’ve been where you are.”  He pats me on the back as I open the door. He points his finger at me.  “Give me half an hour, and be ready.” I nod and walk across the floor to stares and not-too-subtle glances as his door shuts behind me.


The four-hour drive on a late Friday afternoon was pretty easy.  The directions were straightforward. Me in my burgundy 2019 Volvo S60 4 dr. sedan, driving west into the dusk, toward an apparent palatial estate of a mountain house.  I was thinking ‘cabin in the woods with an outhouse for a bathroom and your bath is the creek half mile away’, but Chuck made it out to be a bit more than that. Not sure if he was buttering me up, or if I was exaggerating it in my head. He made me promise not to take any electronics, including my cell phone, Ipad, headphones, even my Movado watch had to sit this one out. He said there is a phone in the house, but it only calls to the caretaker’s home.


As I pull off the main road, I realize how remote the place is. The driveway is a narrow gravel path.  I click on my high-beams and take it nice and slow. On either side of the road is a dense tree and shrubbery line, well-manicured and in pristine condition. I guess it’s to keep the spectators from getting a view of the estate or house or log cabin, or whatever is at the other end of the driveway. About ¼ mile later, I come to the iron gate he mentioned.  I roll the window down, punch the code into the keypad and silently pray the gate opens.  Once I hit enter, I wait a second or two and then a spotlight comes on and the gate slowly rolls to the right.  I notice a well-placed camera under the light.  They know I’m here, that’s for sure.  As the gate finishes opening, I think, ‘Well, that’s one hurdle down’.  On the other side of the gate, the path widens and becomes a wide cement paved road.  I breathe a sigh of relief. 

The road winds thru another wooded area for about a mile, then the tree line ends and the road heads up an incline.  I see meadows on both sides of the driveway.  I can see house lights in the distance and some off to the side, about half mile away.  I figure one set is the cabin, the other, the caretaker’s home.   I follow the road up and it winds back into a tree line.  After about 3 minutes, I pass the turnoff to the caretaker’s house, which I catch a quick glimpse at and think, ‘it’s a pretty nice place in-and-of-itself.’  I roll on for another 3 minutes.  The trees end and the road pours onto a circular brick paved driveway leading to an actual log cabin. The lights are on, in anticipation of my arrival.

‘Shit’ I think to myself.  ‘Pretty fucking nice.’ It’s a log cabin, but not the one from Little House on the Prairie.  More like a large two story ‘A frame’ house with decks and patios around it. 

I park my car, get out, and grab one of my bags.  I walk to the front door and put the key in the lock, thinking ‘last hurdle’.  If the key works, I’m golden, if not, I’m sure the cops will be here rather quickly.

The key works.  The door opens to a wide two-story foyer with recessed lights and hardwood floors all around.

I do the quick check of the house, nobody here.  I grab the rest of my bags from the car, lock it, then head back inside.  I relock the front door and carry my bags to the living room.  As I set them down, I see the fireplace is on, real logs, not a gas one.  I head to the kitchen area on the other side of the open space and find a note.

The handwriting is immaculate and is definitely feminine. 

Dear Mr. Cole,

Welcome to the cabin.  Mr. Fisher and myself are here to help you with anything you need.  Please feel free to call us using the phone on the kitchen wall.  It is a direct line to us, no need to dial.  It will ring automatically on our side.

The refrigerator is fully stocked.  If there is anything you need, food wise, please let us know.  If you would like me to make your meals, just let me know and we can create a menu based on your preferences.

Linens are changed every 3 days, unless you request them to be changed more often. Laundry can be done when requested.

There is a pamphlet on the counter with instructions on how to work the hot tub, whirlpool, and sauna. You will notice there are no TVs or radios in the house, nor is there an internet connection.  The cabin was designed for the occupants to rest and relax. 

There is a library off the living room with a full selection of classic novels and some more modern tomes. 

If you would like a massage or help with exercising, please let us know.  Mr. Fisher is very adept at helping people work out their kinks.  The workout room is in the pool house, next to the pool.  We took the liberty of turning the heater on in the pool as it is still chilly here at night.

Graciously, Mrs. Fisher.


I re-read the letter and put it down.  I look around again and get my bearings. I go the fridge, open it, and find Mrs. Fisher was correct in that it is fully stocked.  I see a selection of white wines from Pinot Grigio to Riesling.  There are a couple different bottles of beer as well.  I pull out a Stella and see the bottle opener on the side of the fridge.  I check the freezer and find a frosted Stella glass on the middle shelf.  I think, ‘Yeah, I could get used to this’.  I pour the beer and start to wander around. 

The living room is sunken, and is also 2 stories with a balcony overlooking it. The furniture is rustic, over-sized, leather, and very comfortable.  The walls have artwork from local artists.  I do not recognize the names, but their work is outstanding. The fieldstone fireplace and hearth sit along the outside wall and there are French doors on each side.  The curtains on the doors are closed, but I wander over and take a look out.  Right outside is a brick paver patio leading to the rectangular pool.  The light in the pool is on and casts a green blue light into the clear night sky. 

I turn back toward the house and see the door to the library off to a side.  I click the light on and peek inside.  I see floor to ceiling oak bookcases crammed with hardback books.  There are windows on the far side of the room and two leather Duncan overstuffed sofas with rolled arms sitting opposite each other in the middle of the room on top of an Oriental rug.  There is Cross Island lift top coffee table between them with a vase of fresh white Peony’s and purple and pink Irises.

I click the light off and turn to see the dining room.  There is a Florentina dining table and chairs in the middle of the room.  I see a James Moder Wide Palace Ice Light chandelier hanging over the table and a Mahogany buffet table at the far end of the room.  The hardwood floor is covered by a Channing Persian-style Hand tufted wool rug.  There are more French doors leading to a private patio with a glass table and set of 6 chairs.  The view opens to a wooded area and a small fountain.

I come back thru the foyer and I’m back in the kitchen. I refill my beer, and take a look around.  The fridge is a Viking 36-inch-wide French door in brushed stainless steel. Next to it is a matching granite counter top which extends around the whole kitchen.  The stove, also Viking, is a 48-inch, 6 burners in stainless steel. The island has the same granite top with a deep sink.  The pantry door is shut.  No need to check it out, as I’m sure it’s full of food.  The cabinets are glass with mullion inserts.  I see plenty of fine Blue Willow China and then regular daily use plates and glasses.

I grab my bags and head back to the foyer and up the steps to the 2nd floor.  Again, hardwood floors throughout, with a carpet runner.  I see three bedrooms; all seem to be master suites.  I find one with a made bed and assume this is my room.  It has a vaulted ceiling with exposed wood beams and a Hunter Ceiling fan hanging down.  The king-sized bed has plenty of pillows for me and the dark blue spread compliments the lighter blue area rug under the bed.  I see a walk-in closet on one side of the room and a bureau against the wall opposite the bed.  There are French doors on the opposite side of the room. I walk to the doors, open them and step out onto a 10-foot wide by 20-foot-long balcony, overlooking the front yard and nearby woods.  I can hear the crickets chirping.  I take a deep breath and can feel some of the tension leave my body.

I step back inside and pull the doors shut. 

I step into the master bath and see it’s just as impressive as the rest of the house.  Double vanity, walk-in shower, heated towel rack, and a large soaking tub, with enough room to fit two adults.

I put my empty beer glass on the night stand and flop onto the bed.  I close my eyes and think, ‘No wonder this place has been kept a secret.’ 

I run my hands over my face and suddenly feel tired. 

I decide to call it an evening.  I notice there are no clocks in the room.  I remember what Chuck said, ‘Live your day by the sun’.  I pick up one of my bags, pull out my bathroom items and put them on the bathroom counter.  I pull out my PJ bottoms and change into them.  I head back to the bathroom and finish up in there. 

I take a look at myself in the mirror and am suddenly ashamed of what I see.  Tired from a simple four-hour drive, bags under my eyes, a flabby stomach where a six-pack used to sit.  I glance away embarrassed, but then look back, and stare at my reflection.  I say out loud, “Cole, you have a month to get your shit together.  You better fucking do it.”  I suck in my gut and can see glimpses of my six-pack.  I think, ‘There’s still hope.’ And smile to myself.

I turn the lights off and head to the bed.  As I lay down and pull the covers up, I realize how quiet it is.  No city noises.  No cars, subway, planes, people, or TVs from the neighbor’s apartment.  No one on the street yelling obscenities at their boyfriend or girlfriend.  No kids shrieking or parents fighting.  Just peace and quiet. 

I drift off.

I wake the next morning, Saturday morning. No clue what time it is, but I know it’s well past the time I would normally get up as the sunlight is streaming into the room thru the curtains.  I stare at the ceiling fan and the wood beams beyond it.  My mind drifts to work.  Did I set my out of office response?  I did I update the message on my phone?  Then I remember what Chuck said as he was ushering me out, “Cole, we’ll handle this, you handle this.”  And he lightly tapped the side of my head.  I take a deep breath and let my body relax as much as I can.  After a few minutes, I get out of bed and pad into the bathroom and do my thing.  After I wash my hands and run some cold water on my face, I get changed into a pair of dark blue nylon gym shorts and a yellow dry mesh t-shirt.  I pull out my size 11 Brooks Cascadia trail running shoes and head downstairs.

The fire is out.  Oops, I probably should have put it out last night before I went up.  Have to tuck that away for next time. 

The house is flooded with sunlight.  I head to the French doors and pull them open.  The sun is half way up the morning sky.  Guessing it’s either 10 or 1030. The morning chill has worn off and the day is heating up. I walk out onto the patio and see the pool and deck furniture.  There is also a Weber Genesis II Stainless steel gas grill off to a side.  I wander around the pool to the pool house and take a peek inside.  It’s fully loaded with equipment.  I’ll have plenty of time to get re-acquainted with everything.

I start to stretch.  I sit on the warming brick pavers and can feel the tightness in my muscles.  This run won’t be fun, but I have to do it.  I’ve got to start somewhere and right here, right now is the best place and time. After 10 minutes, I feel loose, or loose enough not to do any permanent damage.

I head to the edge of the patio and look out over the woods and fields below.  It’s absolutely gorgeous. I take another deep breath and jog off the edge. I head down an obvious path and it winds into the woods.  I take it nice and slow to start, remembering I’ll have to climb this hill to get home.

I get a mile or so into my jog and find the path has leveled out.  The trees are thinning as well.  I come to the edge of a meadow and I see a pond in the middle of it.  I continue my jog thru the warm fresh air and the path takes me right to the pond.  I see an area has been cleared and there are a couple of benches there, creating a sitting area which faces the pond. I can hear frogs croaking.  They fall silent as I pass them.  As I circle the pond, I decide this makes a logical turning point and I head back. 

I get back into the wooded area and am half way up the hill when I see a green John Deere 3032E tractor and trailer in the middle of the path.  I slow my jog and come to a walk as I near it.  I call out, “Hello?”

I hear a deep manly voice respond from in the trees, “Hello there.”  I glance around, but do not see the man who called back. 

I try again, “Hello?  My name is Cole.  I’m staying at the cabin.”

The voice comes back, a bit closer this time, “Oh.  Hello Mr. Cole.  My name is Mr. Fisher.  I’m the care-taker for the property.”  I can now see him emerging through the oaks and pines.  My breath catches. 

When I think care-takers, I think an elderly married couple who live on the property as a way to make some extra money for their retirement.  She dresses in flowery printed dresses and has gray hair bundled up on her head, held there by bobby pins and maybe a scarf.  She’ll have an apron on all the time and probably has gardening gloves stashed away in a pocket.  She’ll smell of apple pie and has a warm, grandmotherly smile, which puts everyone at ease.  She’ll pinch your cheeks and want to hug you every time you see her.  He’ll be dressed in overalls, a flannel shirt, and Workhog XT VentTEK work boots, even in hottest August.  He’ll be wearing a straw hat and have a sprig of grass in his mouth.  There’ll be a red and black bandana in his back pocket to wipe the sweat off his brow; and his hands will be calloused and worn, but strong and nimble. There will be a pair of old work gloves hanging out of his other back pocket.  He’ll look at you, squinting thru one eye, pointing his pinky at you as he dispenses valuable life lessons.

The man who stepped towards me, was not that.  I had to shut my mouth for fear of gaping at him too long.  Mr. Fisher was probably my age, but he was 6’3”, easily 230-pounds, and not wearing overalls or a flannel shirt.  Wavy dark brown hair, matted down by the first signs of sweat, cover his head.  He has 5-day stubble on his face.  High cheek bones and a strong jaw line help define his face.  He’s wearing a sweaty dry-fit mesh t-shirt, that is snug around his chest and free flowing around his tight waist.  His arms are like ham hocks hanging off his shoulders.  His biceps are engorged with blood due to the work he was doing before I interrupted him.  I see veins crawling over them.  He’s wearing tan work pants and I can see he does have on work boots.  I laugh to myself, ‘I got one thing right.’ 

As he steps thru the trees and closer to the path, I see his bright green eyes size me up in about a second.  He pulls off a work glove and sticks his hand out.  In his deep voice he says, “Good morning Mr. Cole.  How are you today? Did you sleep well?”

I break my stare, glancing from left to right, then cautiously back at him. I look into eyes, smile, and say, “Good morning Mr. Fisher.  I’m doing well today, thank you.  Yes, I did sleep well last night. Probably one of the best nights of sleep in a very long time.”  We glance at each other again, and I say, “Great morning for a run.” He nods, wiping sweat from his face with the back of his wrist, his bicep bulging, I stare at it a bit too long and he notices.  I quickly add, “I haven’t been able to do this,” I nod toward the trail “in a very long time.  I’m glad I did.”  I look back at him and he’s grinning, chest puffed out, sweat stain running down the deep crevice between his pecs.  My tongue quickly flicks out to wet my lips.  I try not to stare, but the sight of his body makes it hard not to.  I feel a twitch down below.  I shuffle my feet and lean against a tree to stretch my calf muscle, trying to casually hide my excitement. I embarrassingly say, “Need to stay loose.  Don’t want cramp up on my first run.”  I nervously smile to him.  He just watches me with a grin that I think means he knows what’s up.  I say, “Yeah, the house is bigger than I thought, and I have it all to myself.”  I cringe and think to myself, ‘Fuck, I hope that doesn’t sound like I’m asking him to come over’. 

He smiles back, “Yeah, the cabin is on the large side when there’s just one person there.”

Now the awkward silence. It lasts for just 10 seconds, but seems like eternity.  My breathing which had been heavy due to the jog has slowed. His sweating has eased, but he is still breathing deeply.  His chest rising and falling.  I notice his pert nipples thru the fabric.

I break the silence, “I’m sorry to have bothered you, Mr. Fisher.  I’ll let you get back to work.”  I smile to him.

He looks me over once more and says in a confident tone, “Since this is your first jog in a while, you will want to take some extra care in your warm down.  Remember to stretch everything or you may cramp up later today.” I nod in appreciation.  “I’ll be up to the cabin later today, if you need help with anything.”

‘Oh fuck, did he just come on to me?’.  I look at the path, thinking, ‘Not sure Chuck would appreciate me getting it on with the help on the first day.’  I look back at him and graciously say, “Thank you.  You know where I’ll be.”  He winks at me.  I turn from him and start my jog back up the hill, trying to keep my inflating unit from banging my leg. 

I get back to the house, run up to the bedroom, grab a towel, lay on the bed, and proceed to jerk off, remembering what the gorgeously muscular Mr. Fisher looks like. 

Afterwards, I shower, shave, and get ready for the rest of the day, I head to the kitchen and look for the microwave.  I find it and spot a clock on it. ‘Ha!’ It’s around noon.  I open the fridge and find more than enough ingredients for a salad.  I fill a plate, grab a glass of ice water and head to the pool area.  I wander back in and go into the library.  I don’t find a classic I’d like to read, but spot a book on yoga and relaxation. ‘What are the odds’ I think to myself, rolling my eyes.  I pull it down and head back out.   I take my time enjoying the salad and realize I’m eating fresh vegetables, like picked off the plant within a few days, not something I hurriedly grabbed at the local mini-mart that was God knows how many days old.  I savor every bite.

I start to read thru the book.  Much of the first few pages are common sense tips, which I need to re-incorporate into my life.  Get decent sleep, drink plenty of water, stretch your neck, etc. I move from the patio table to a deck lounge chair and continue to read.  The warm sun is overhead.  A gentle breeze runs between the house and the pool house. 

Next thing I know, I’m re-awakened by the sound of Mr. Fisher’s voice.  “Mr. Cole?”  I hear distantly. “Mr. Cole, are you awake?”  My eyes slowly open, the book has fallen to the ground and my hands are laying at my sides.  I squint thru the bright sunlight to see him standing near me, but off to the side.

“Good afternoon Mr. Fisher.” I groggily say smiling to him. I quickly collect myself and continue, “Sorry, guess I dozed off.”  He smiles back to me.  I turn, get up, and my leg cramps.  I stumble a bit and fall toward the patio table. He is by my side in a flash, gripping my elbow with a strong hand.  I reach my other hand to the table and steady myself.

With concern in his voice, he asks, “Are you alright?”  His hand still holding me, his fingers tight on my skin.  I can feel the warmth of his body and can smell the sweat on him. He easily guides me to a chair and I sit.

“I am, thank you.”  He slowly releases my arm and takes a seat next to me, his eyes scanning my body. “I guess the jog and sun wore me out more than I thought.”  He nods.  My leg cramps again and I wince in pain.  I reach for it.

“You didn’t stretch after your jog, did you?” He asks in a knowing tone.  I sheepishly nod no.  I can’t really tell him I was busy taking care of a raging hard-on, rather than stretching out.  “Ok.” He stands, pushes his chair back and turns to me.  “Turn your chair.” I do. “Stick your leg out as much as you can.”  I attempt to straighten it, but it sits at a 30-degree angle.  I hear him chuckle lowly.  He reaches both hands out and takes ahold of my calf.  I can see the muscles on the lower part twitching.  He sees it as well and starts to gently massage the area.  His strong fingers rub, then dig into the muscle, loosening the fibers.  The cramp eases after a few minutes of his ministrations. 

I sigh in relief.  He hears it, smiles, while still looking down, and says, “I guess ‘lesson learned’, Mr. Cole?”  I hear a bit of sarcasm in his voice, but can tell he’s not being malicious.

I give it right back to him, “Yes sir, Sargent Fisher.”  He glances up and winks.  “Also, you can just call me ‘Cole’.  The ‘Mr.’ part makes me feel like old.” 

“Ok, but only if you call me Jake. ‘Mr. Fisher’ are my dad and my Pappy.”  He stands up and gets back into his seat.  He crosses his legs and his huge work boots clunk into the table. We both laugh.

Now the conversation starts to flow.

“Ah, so you and your wife are the caretakers?” I ask digging for info.

“No.” I raise an eyebrow.  “The ‘Mrs. Fisher’ is my Nona.”  I nod in understanding.  “Nona is still able to get around and do things, but Pappy passed away a few years ago.  I was brought on to help and do the heavy lifting.  Kind of say, I like the gig.  The work isn’t too bad.  Just maintain the estate and help the people who stay here with any issues, you know like cramps in their legs.”  Now it’s his turn to raise an eyebrow and smile at me.

“Sorry to hear about your grandfather.”  He nods in appreciation. “Is there a lot of heavy lifting?” He shrugs his boulder shoulders.  “How big is the estate?”

“It’s a couple hundred acres.”  My eyes get large. He sees it, smiles, and says, “Yeah, we don’t get too many ‘regular people’ here.,” He uses air quotes.  He looks at the house and pool.  “Usually, it’s one of the execs looking to bring side-fling up for a good time weekend.  Or maybe one of their families over a holiday.”  He’s very nonchalant about it.  He puts his hands behind his head and intertwines his fingers.  His biceps flex and I try not to stare. “There are quite a few paths to maintain. And I have to mow the meadow area every few weeks, but besides that, and taking down a few dead trees every now and then, not much really happens.”

“Sounds like a pretty sweet gig, like you said.”

“Yeah, I get to look after Nona as well.  She’s not as young as she thinks she is anymore.” We both chuckle. “I mean, she still can put me in my place with a glance, but she makes a mean lasagna, so I am happy to help out.”

“Must be hard on your social life, being so far from town…and people?”

“Eh, I sneak off once the chores are done.”  He says with a knowing wink.  “Town is not that far, comparatively speaking.” 

I give him a sly smile and ask, “You ever bring a date up to ‘the big house’, just for some fun?”  I spread my arms around and say, “What girl wouldn’t like this view.”  I think to myself ‘and a view of your body in a speedo or less.’

He lets out a raucous laugh, “If I brought a date here, I think Nona would have my hide.”

I notice he didn’t say ‘girl’, but ‘date’.  Maybe…  “I think my leg is feeling better and I’m sure you have better things to do” I am cut off by the French doors opening.  I turn to see a spry elderly woman walk out.  Must be Mrs. Fisher. 

Jake immediately stands, he looks down at the ground.  She speaks with authority in her voice, “Jake, I believe you have some trees to trim in the lower meadow.  I think you’ve taken up enough of Mr. Cole’s time.” 

He quietly says, “Yes, Nona.”  He turns and starts to walk to the path.  When he gets to the edge, he turns and says to me, “Please remember to fully stretch before and after each jog.  It would not do you any good to be laid up while you were here.”  I take his meaning as something other than what he says out loud for his Nona.  He turns and I see his broad back descend the hill.  I hear tractor start and drive away.

“Mr. Cole.”  I turn to Mrs. Fisher and see she is half of what I expected.  She’s about 5’3”, maybe 100 pounds. She’s got the gray hair and gardening gloves, but past that, she’s her own person.  “I’m sorry if my grandson was bothering you.  Sometimes he gets chatty with the guests.”  I see steel in her eyes and realize not much gets past her.  Now I can see why Jake hasn’t brought any dates up here.  “I hope you got settled in last night.”  I nod.  “Very nice.  Would you like me to prepare any meals for you?  I see you found something for lunch.”  She glances at the dirty plate. 

“I did, thank you.  I made a salad.  The vegetables were very fresh.  Much better than I am used to in the city.”  She smiles.  “As to making meals for me…”  She looks at me like she really wants to cook for me to show off her skills.  “Maybe a dinner or two a week?”  She nods ok, but I can tell she’s disappointed.  “Maybe more as time goes on.” I wave my arms around and says, “This is new to me and a bit overwhelming right now.”  She nods, “Maybe in a few days, after I get comfortable.  Right now, I need to spend time thinking some things through and I’m not sure what my appetite will be like.  I would hate for you to cook a full meal and I only eat a small portion of it.”

“I understand.” She responds flatly.  “If you change your mind, just let me know.”  I nod.  “I’m going to make a quick check of the house and I’ll leave you be.  May I take the plate in?” I get up to hand it to her. 

She turns to go but I ask a question, “May I ask what the weather is going to be like for the next few days?  I’d hate to be out on the property and get stuck in a rain shower.  Not having a radio or TV, makes it rather hard to find out.”

She smiles and with a slightly condescending tone in her voice says, “You’re on one of the highest points of land around.  You’ll be able to see and hear any storms while they are far enough away.”

I try to let it go and say, “Thank you Mrs. Fisher.” I return to the lounge chair and lay back down.  I pick up the book and flip to the page I was on prior to falling asleep.  I hear the French doors shut. 

The rest of the afternoon is uneventful.  I read a few chapters of the book.  I grab a yoga mat from the exercise room and try a few of the easier poses.  After that I go for a swim.  The water is warm, but not too warm to make it uncomfortable.  I wander into the exercise room and do a light chest and arm workout.  I’ve got a month to get back into shape.  No need to pull something on the first day. 

I make my dinner, some salmon, vegetables, and rice.  I find a bottle of Pinot Noir and remember what Chuck said, but then think, ‘he’s not here’.  I open the bottle and let it breathe while the salmon is resting.  I find a loaf of sour dough bread and cut off a few slices.  I take everything back to the patio and sit to enjoy the meal in the fading light. 

After I clean up, I grab a pen and paper and map out my plan for the upcoming week, while sitting in one of the one leather chairs in the living room.  Not having my cell phone calendar makes it a bit tougher, but I manage to put a rough schedule together.  It includes jogging daily, working out, reading, and yoga.  I also write up a quick meal plan based on what I saw in the pantry, fridge, and freezer.  I realize I will need to contact Mrs. Fisher for a few more items.  I write up a quick grocery list and leave it on the counter with her name on it.  Maybe she’ll pick it up next time she comes up.

I grab a Granny Smith apple and head back to the patio.  Night has set in and I can hear owls in the surrounding trees.  I also hear crickets singing their song in the grass outside the pool area.  I begin to take stock of my life and realize that while I may not be able to afford an estate like this one, I can afford to get away for a week every now and then.  I take a few deep breaths of the clean, fresh mountain air and stare up into the night sky.  The stars are so clear.  I try to make out some constellations, but am woefully bad at it.  I’ll have to check the library for book on them.  I move to a lounge chair and lay for a while, just watching the sky and listening to nature.  I nod off once or twice and decide to call it a night.

I get another restful sleep.  I wake to the sun streaming in again.  I decide to move quicker today.  I get a quick shower, don’t bother shaving, and brush my teeth.  I get into my jogging gear and head down.  I notice the grocery list is still on the counter.  I head out to the exercise room.  I stretch for a full ten minutes, as I found a stop watch in the room. 

I head down the same path as yesterday, but at a slightly faster pace.  It feels nice.  I get to the pond and head past it this time.  I go to the far edge of the meadow, and re-enter the wooded area.  The path leads up an incline and then opens to another meadow, this one overlooking the next valley.  The path splits and I take the left branch.  I have a feeling this one will lead toward the gate house and driveway.  I continue on for another half mile and come thru the woods to the driveway.  I’m a few yards away from the gate.  I start to jog up the hill on the grass beside the drive. 

I get to the caretaker’s house and slow my pace.  I glance in and see it is a 2-story cottage with a work garage off to the side.  I see a beat up 1999 Ford F150 pickup and a later model Jeep Cherokee in the driveway.  I don’t see Jake’s tractor.  He must be on the property somewhere.  I turn and continue up the hill.  I get to the main house and slow my pace.  I enter the circle in front of the house and see his tractor.  The attached trailer is loaded down with tree limbs.  I see the limbs were broken off, not sawed.  Some are pretty thick and I think, ‘Jake must be one strong man to break limbs that size.’ I glance around, but do not see him. I walk to the side of the house and go thru a grape-vine covered arbor to the side yard.  I pass thru beds of annual and perennial flowers.  I stop to smell the ones in bloom. 

Such a soothing effect.  I see a bench near a birdbath and sit for a bit.  The shade of an old elm tree protects me from the sun.  I feel a slight warm breeze.  It feels nice.  I hear Finches, Thrushes, and Bluebirds in the trees around me.  I guess I’m interrupting their time at the bath.  I spread my arms over the back of the bench, slouch down a bit, close my eyes for a minute, and let the calm and peacefulness of the moment sink in. 

His deep voice hits me from behind, “They smell nice, don’t they, Cole?”  I open my and turn to face him.  His green eyes penetrate me.  “How was your run?”  I saw you take off a while ago.”   

“It felt nice Jake, thanks for asking.  I’m glad I pushed myself to go further this time.”  I ignore the fact that he saw me leave.  He’s going to be around the house and property and will see me, even if I don’t see him.  I take a look at him and see he’s in another sweaty t-shirt and tan work pants.  His arms are pumped again.  I guess there was some heavy lifting to do, or breaking branches. 

He sees me looking at him and smiles.  He glances at my leg and asks, “How does calf feel?  Any signs you’re going to cramp up again?” 

“I don’t think so.  I was just about the go into the exercise room and warm down.”  He nods.  I take a chance and ask, “The welcome note your grandmother left said you give massages?” His face brightens.  “How do I get on the list for one?” I ask with a sly smile.  “I mean, given your size,” I wave my arm toward his body. “I’m sure your schedule is booked solid.” 

He laughs and says, “I think I can squeeze you in.  Are you looking for a therapeutic massage or deep tissue?”  He crosses his arms over his huge chest and waits for my answer.

“I think a deep tissue would do the trick.” 

“Figured as much.”  He looks me over again and says, “What are your plans in about an hour or so?”

“Besides a whole lot of ‘not much’, nothing really, just reading and looking at the scenery.”   I try hard not to stare at his muscles.  “I guess I can be free.”

He booms, “Perfect.” He inflates his chest and stands up a bit straighter. “Be in the exercise room.  I need to head back to the house, get cleaned up, and get my gear.”  I turn to walk to the back of the house and as I pass him, he puts his hand on my shoulder, squeezes, and quietly says, “You’ll feel like a new man when I’m done with you.”  He winks at me again and turns toward the front of the house.

I think, ‘yeah, I’m sure I will.’  The thought of his hands rubbing my body gets me hard rather quickly.  I head around the house and quickly go upstairs.  I take a hot shower to ease my erection and to wash the sweat off me.  I decide to shave.  It only takes a few minutes due to my poor beard growing genes. 

I get dressed and head to the kitchen.  I grab a fresh mango from the counter, squeeze it to make sure it’s ripe, then cut it.  I get the fruit out and put it in a dish.  I check the microwave and have 15 minutes.  I sit at the counter and enjoy the sweetness of the fruit. I put the dish in the sink to clean later and notice the grocery list is gone.

I head to the patio and wait for Jake.

A few minutes later I hear him coming thru the flower garden on the side of the house.  I want to immediately turn and look at him, to see what he’s wearing, to see if his muscles are on display or are covered up.  Has he shaved his sexy beard off, or left it on for my pleasure? He calls out to me, “Hey Cole, right on time.”  With some jocularity in his voice he says, “It’s always nice when the client is on time, or even early.”  Now I turn to see him.

My heart starts to race and blood is diverted to my groin.  His still wet hair is pushed back over his head and covered by a dark blue baseball hat.  The hat is on backwards and there a few hairs sticking out the front and falling on his forehead.  He didn’t shave.  I smile inwardly as I take in his face.  Those green eyes and winning smile.  That scruffy beard.  I would love to run my fingers over it, just to feel the coarseness of it and the underlying jawline. He’s wearing a bright green tank-top which fits him like a second skin.  His chest is pumped and his pert nipples are clearly visible, and more prominent than I thought.  I wonder how sensitive they are and if I can make him fidget with delight as I twist or nibble them. I see a few dark hairs at the top of his pecs. His arms.  My oh my.  They must be 18-inches, unpumped, with veins crawling over them. His shirt is tucked into a pair of dark gray mesh gym shorts.  His waist must be 31 or 32-inchs.  I can see his abs thru the shirt.  My mouth waters. Those mesh shorts, they seem to be a size too small for his tree trunk legs.  God, what those tan workpants were hiding.  His quads are rippling with muscle and his hairy calves are enormous. I see his has flip-flops on, but even his feet look manly.

I see him smiling at me as I finish taking him in.  “You get a nice look?” He asks.  I blush. “Dude, don’t worry, I get it all the time.”  ‘I bet you do’ I think to myself. He’s carrying a backpack which must hold the massage oils.  I stand up as he nears me, and remember we’re about the same height.  He’s just wider and sexier.  He glances up and down my body, and now it’s his turn to blush, as I catch him looking.  I wink at him.

I say, “So, let’s do this.”  We head in. 

He quickly clears off an exercise table and pulls a sheet out of one of the cabinets along the wall.  He spreads it over the table and pats his hand on it, motioning for me to sit.  I do.  He gets in front of me, squats down, his legs exploding with muscle, and starts to poke and squeeze and expertly assess my body.  He starts with my feet and moves upward.  He asks if anything hurts and about previous injuries.  I answer, staring at his hat and his muscled forearms. As he gets to my midsection and chest, my semi-erect cock is partially straining my shorts.  He completely ignores it.  I’m guessing he’s seen it happen before.  He stands and works on my shoulders for a second.  “Please take off your shirt.”  I do.  His eyes wander down my body, taking in what used to be a toned torso.  He asks me to sit up straight and I do.  He puts his fingers on my clavicle and presses in.  He raises my right arm and uses his other hand to apply pressure to my side chest and upper rib cage.  He releases my arm and takes a step back. He looks me in the eyes and asks, “Swimmer, runner, or gymnast?”

“Swam in high school and college.  Did some cross country in high school too.” 

He nods.  “It shows. You’ve got that nice lean build.  Your muscles are there, but just need to be toned up.” I nod but with embarrassment. “Cole, it happens.  Life gets in the way.  You skip a day at the gym, then it’s every other day.  I get it.” I look him in the eyes and see not an ounce of judgement.  “May I ask what brought you here?  You aren’t the typically guest.  And, for a month?”

I sigh and give him the abbreviated version, including the part of me being gay.  He just listens, nodding every so often.

He gently puts his hand on my thigh and says with sincerity, “I’m sorry.”  I look at him with appreciation. “I must say, you have one nice boss to give you a month off so you can get yourself back on course.”  I think to myself, he’s absolutely right.  “Well, now that’s it’s out in the open, you can develop a course of action.”

I smile to him and proudly say, “I sketched out a plan last night after dinner.  Trust me, it involves a lot of exercise and working thru some stuff up here.”  I tap the side of my head. 

“Well, I can’t help you with that, but I’d be more than happy to help you with the exercise part.” 

I look at him with a bit of skepticism.  I tentatively ask, “Won’t your grandmother be upset that you’re shirking your work responsibilities?”

He shrugs his boulder shoulders and says back, “Well, part of my job description is to make the guests feel at home and help them with whatever they need.” His green eyes dance with anticipation. A slight smile comes over both our faces.  He claps his hands together and excitedly says, “Drop your shorts and get on the table, face down.”  I’m partially taken aback, but I see he is taking off his t-shirt. He turns back to me and his chest is enormous.  The dark hairs I saw earlier were just a taste.  His pecs have a nice dark mat of curly hair which trails down between his pecs to his abs.  From there it disappears into his shorts. 

I turn away, face the other direction and slip my shorts down over my growing erection, leaving me in just my boxer briefs.  I kick them off and slide back onto the table, making sure I don’t ‘free willy’ by accident.  I lift my midsection and make sure everything is pointed in the right direction.

I hear him laugh softly again.  He pats me on the shoulder and says, “Cole, don’t be embarrassed about getting an erection around me.  You wouldn’t be the first guy to admire and appreciate my body, and God willing, you won’t be the last.”  He pats me again and bends down to open his bag. 

I hear him open a bottle oil and put some on his hands.  He puts the bottle on the table, leaning against my leg.  As he starts to work my calf muscles, I decide to take the bull by the horns.  “So, what’s the social scene around here?  I mean you can’t spend all your free time with your Nona in the caretaker’s house.  Where do you go to cut loose?” 

He hums a bit and says, “I get into town every so often.”  He’s being vague on purpose. I desperately want to ask him if he’s gay, or at least bi, but he has my right foot in his hands and I think he could break it if he wanted to.  “There are a few bars and restaurants to hang out at.”  I wonder if any of them are gay bars.

There’s a lull in the conversation as he continues his work.  He asks every so often if the pressure is enough, not enough, or too much.  I let him know he could go a bit harder.  He does and I immediately feel it.  I moan as his fingers dig thru the tense fibers in my Adductor Brevis and Adductor Longus, releasing the pressure. He then moves to my Gracilis muscle and gives it a workover.

He is quickly moving from one side of the table to the other, adding oil to his hands as he goes.  He hits each side with equal pressure and attention. After he finishes there, he moves over my boxers and right to my lower back.  I hear him open the bottle and say, “Be ready, this may not be as warm as my hands.”  I feel a few drops of oil hit my spine.  It’s not chilly, but it’s not nearly as warm as his hands. I tense, then quickly release.  He puts his hand on the oil and starts to move it around, coating my entire lower back.  He hesitantly says, “Um…Cole…It would be easier for me it you took your boxers off.” I knew that request was coming.  “Just so I don’t soak them with oil.”

“Ok.” I buck my hips up and carefully slide them down.  Once they are around my thighs, I feel his strong fingers take ahold of them and slips them all the way off. There is a pregnant pause and I wonder if he’s staring as my ass.  Next thing I know, he tosses his shorts into a pile in front of me.  Then a few seconds later, a pair of dark blue posers.  I guess this is his way of answering my unasked question. 

He immediately gets back to work.  His strong fingers nimbly move around my lower back and side rib cages.  He applies pressure, stretches the muscle out, then relaxes the hold.  He does this over and over again, moving up my right side.  When he gets to my shoulder blade, he stops, walks around the table so he passes in front of me and starts to work on my left side.  He moved too quickly.  I didn’t get to see anything except his muscular legs. 

More oil, then he starts to work on my glutes.  His fingers grab ahold of the muscle, and he kneads it, like it’s bread dough.  Because of the pressure he applies, as well as his strong fingers, I can feel him practically rubbing my hip bone.  He keeps at it, his fingers grabbing, pulling, releasing.  I notice his fingers are moving closer to my crack.  I feel three fingers dip into my crack, but they just grab the muscle and he pulls it toward him.  He holds it, then I feel his index finger slide up and down my crack.  Now that was not my imagination.  He releases as quickly as he started.  He goes to the other side and does the same thing, except, no finger on my crack.

He gently slaps my ass and says, “Done down below.  Shoulder, arms, and neck time.”  He puts just a bit of oil on my upper back and uses both hands to spread it around.  He still standing off to a side.  “Cole, you’ve got nice wide shoulders.  It shows that you were a swimmer.  They taper down to a nice waistline too.”

“Thanks.” I say back.  “But that waistline is hidden under a layer of beer and fried food.” 

He laughs and says, “We’ll work on getting it back.  It shouldn’t be too hard, or take too long.”  He starts to apply deep pressure to around the area and I moan again.  It feels so good.  When he’s done with the shoulder, his picks up my arm and starts to work the Triceps.  He grips my arm with his fingers and uses the pads of his thumbs to press into the muscle. He works the whole area, then does the sides of my biceps.  He works his way down to my hand and gives it a work stretch as well.  He grabs each finger individually and pulls on them.  I feel the muscles lengthen, then contract when he releases.  I’m in heaven. He walks around the back of the table and basically reverses what he just did.  He starts with my hand and works up to my Triceps and shoulder blade.

As he finishes there, he walks to the head of the table, so he is right in front of me and starts to work on my neck and upper shoulders.  My head is forced down over the edge of the table, so I can only see is lower legs and feet.  Again, he applies deep pressure and I feel bones crack and tendons loosen.  His fingers quickly find any knots or bulbs and expertly break them up.  I squirm a few times, because it actually hurt.  He says, “Sorry, but I need to break them up or you’ll still have pain.”

“I get it and am glad you’re doing it, but I’ll be a lot happier when you’re done.”  He lets loose his deep laugh.

He continues his torture and I squirm some more, but slowly movements begin to feel normal, still deep and strong, but it’s like he’s hit his grove and is just working on autopilot.  Then I feel it.  His unit bumps the side of my head, near my right ear.  He is leaning over my body to reach my middle back and I can feel his warm sweat drip off him and onto me.  His hairy chest is touching my upper back as he reaches further down, to my lower back. I feel the bump again.  Due to his body practically laying on top of me, I am not able to turn my head.  He starts to lean back up and is drawing his fingers up my spine.  He is using both hands and is pushing the muscles from both sides.  I can feel my spine crack.  I moan again.  He says, “You think your spine is cracking now, just wait until I crack it for real.  You’ll be in heaven.” I think, ‘Already there Jake.” 

He’s at the nape of my neck.  He’s standing up and the pressure is off my head.  I lift it to readjust the position and catch a glimpse of him.  6-inches flaccid, shaved groin, cut.  I cautiously inhale his scent. Sweat and Old Spice.  Nice mix.  I feel blood rush south again. 

His fingers work their magic, digging into the side of my neck, getting between the fibers, and spreading everything out. He finishes my neck, then says, “Just to let you know, I’m going to massage your head.  Not sure if you’ve ever had it done, but it feels great.”  I feel the fingers of both his hands encompass my skull.  He applies gently pressure and starts to move his fingers around.  My skin feels like it is being pulled off my head, then put back on.  He takes his time and makes sure he gets every part of my scalp.  When he finally finishes, I’m breathing heavily.  He hears me and says, “See told you.”

“Not that I doubted you, but sounded more painful than it actually was.”

“Ok, turn over.  Time to work over your topside.”  Gratefully my erection has faded. I turn over and see him scan my body from head to toe.  I’m looking up at his body, from his belly button to his shelf pecs and pert nipples. I see he cobblestone abs, with ridges of muscles just waiting for a tongue to coat them with saliva.  ‘Fuck, blood rushing south.’ My erection starts to rise, but I close my eyes and block the image of his body from it.  I start to fade. 

I hear him walk to the end of the table and I feel his oily fingers grab my left ankle, lift it up, and put it on his shoulder.  I keep my eyes shut to avoid looking his face and spectacular chest.  He starts to work on my leg, squeezing and relaxing the muscles in my quads and groin area. When he has loosened it enough, he climbs up on the table and moves forward compressing my leg against my chest.  I feel his flaccid unit bump my balls.  Not a word from him.  He pushes down three or four times, each time he hits me.  I can feel his warm breath just inches away from my face.  I smell peppermint gum each time he exhales on the downward push. He very slowly eases off.  He does the same with my right ankle and leg, but when he is massaging my groin area, his fingers dance under my hairless balls.  Just for a second, they gently stroke my taint. 

I am unable to hold back my erection any longer.  It grows pretty rapidly to its full seven inches.  Jake just continues to work my leg over.  He does the same compression and now I feel his unit is no longer flaccid.  There some heft to it.  It bangs into me and I can feel his head hitting my balls. 

I take a chance and open my eyes.  He is right above me, maybe 6 inches away from my face, his bright green eyes looking directly into my dark blue ones.  He smiles to me and quietly says, “Hey”, but keeps on going.  As he eases off, his fingers run down my torso and trace down groin area, rubbing my super sensitive inner leg.  My unit goes full mast.  I hear a low chuckle. 

He climbs off the table and walks up the left side.  He puts his hands on my chest and starts to massage my pecs.  He’s not as aggressive here.  Just rubbing the muscles back and forth, loosening them up.  I can feel his unit poke me in the side. He’s erect as well.  I take a chance and turn my hand over and allow my fingers to caress the inside of his muscled quad.  He doesn’t seem to mind and keeps on working.  I feel him adjust his stance and my hand is now right under his balls.  I put my hand into a cup shape and he moves his body again so they are resting in my hand.  I slowly close my hand and let my fingers softly touch him.  I hear him hum as his fingers pause.  

His fingers work their way to my abs.  He uses the palms of his hands, as well as his fingers, to rub the muscles.  I release his balls.  He pauses and looks down at me.  I look up and he just nods. I cup him again.  He smiles and goes back to work.  I get a bit more playful and use my fingers to softly pull down on his ball sac. He moans again, a bit louder.

My unit is at full mast and sticking up at a 45-degree angle.  He maneuvers his fingers under it and caresses my lower abs, bumping my unit more often than not.  He’s looking down at it over his heaving chest.  His breathing is deep and paced.  I can see sweat trickling down the sides of his face, into his beard.  His biceps are engorged with blood, pumped up, and sweaty as well.  He glances to me, sees me looking at them and flexes them slightly.  My unit gets that much harder.

I release his balls again, but immediately rub my middle finger along his length.  He flinches and pauses again.  He puts his right hand flat on my lower abs and lets it rest there.  I look at the ceiling, feeling we have crossed a line, and there is no going back. 

His left hand comes to rest on my balls.  His fingers begin a slow dance, caressing the area, and stroking my taint.  He flips his right hand over and I feel him softly take hold of me.  I let out an audible sigh while looking at the ceiling.  He does as well, in response.  I move my fingers to grasp his girth.  I take hold and slowly move my hand right and left.  He does the same.   My chest is now rising and falling in unison with his.  Our hands are moving at the same pace, we have the same grip on each other. 

I feel the warm skin around his unit slide easily as I jerk him.  His body moves closer to the table.  His legs are against the side of it.  His unit is poking into me.  My movements become quicker.  He matches me.  I glance toward him and lick my lips, just at the beauty of his body and face.  He turns and sees my tongue slip back in my mouth.  He grins and moves his left hand further under my body. 

I feel him poke around my hole, but not enter it. He just caresses the hairs there.  That in combination with his jerking me, and me having a hold of his unit, sends a lightning bolt down my spine. I mumble, “Cumming.”  He slows his motion for a second, then gives me three quick yanks, each one more aggressive than the last.  On the third one, the finger on my ass dips inside me.  I cum, shooting my load like a rocket out of me.  The first load coats my face and upper chest.  The next two, my chest and abs.  The last one coats his hand.  He slows his jerking motion and comes to a stop. 

I realize I have a death grip on his unit.  I croak, “Sorry.” as I ease my grip, but don’t release him.

“Now worries.” Is all he says, smiling down at me.  I continue to jerk him and see his body tense up.  He grips the edge of the table with both hands and I see his biceps flex as his abs compress into his body.  His chest inflates. He growls as he lets loose.  His cum blasts into the side of my body.  Four distinct shots hit me and stick to my sweaty body.  When he’s done, I slowly release him. 

He takes his hands off the table and turns to put his ass on the edge. He takes a few deep breaths to cleanse himself.  He pats me on the chest and asks, “Feel better?”  I wink at him in response.  “Good to hear.”

He leans back down to his bag and pulls out a couple towels.  I see his very shapely muscular ass for the first time.  I whistle lowly.  He flexes his glutes and stands up.  He turns and winks as he hands one to and uses the other to clean himself.  I get my face, chest, and abs.  I move to clean my leg and he puts his hand on top of mine, stopping me.  He winks and says, “I’ve got this.”  He easily slides my body to the edge of the table, squats down, and proceeds to lick his cum off my body.  His warm rough tongue runs along my body, scooping and pulling the warm glop into his mouth.  I lean up and watch.  I reach my hand down and grab his nipple and squeeze.  He shuts his eyes tightly and moans. 

As he finishes, he stands, reaches a hand down to me and as I take it, he pulls me to a seated position. “Do you want me to crack your back now or later?” 

“Might as do it now, since we’re both soft.”  He chuckles.  “I mean, if we waited, I know I’d sprout another boner just from your touch.”  I pat his plate like pecs, which he flexes for me.

“Ok. Lay back down on the table.”  I do.  He explains what he is going to do.  “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m going to climb on the table with you, but next to you.” I grin and wiggle my eyebrows.  He just shakes his head. “You will lean up and take a deep breath and hold it.  I will wrap my arms around your back.  When I say so, you exhale completely and lean back.  I will squeeze as you go down and your back should crack.”


He climbs on the table with me, but on my right side.  His flaccid unit trapped between our bodies.  I lean up, take the breath and hold it.  He wraps his pythons around me and grips his wrists behind my back. He says, “Now.” I exhale and lean back.  I feel his biceps squeeze and grow larger.  I keep exhaling and falling back.  Suddenly I feel my vertebra crack, just like he said. 

I am flat on the table looking into his eyes, which are just inches away.  I move my left hand to his face and stroke his jawline.  It feels as masculine and strong as I knew it would.  He leans down and kisses me.  Not a quick peck on the lips, but a full lip to lip, tongues moving around, feeling each out, kiss.  His warm breath enters my mouth and mine goes into his.  We stay lip-locked for a minute or two.  My left hand moves to the back of his head, pushes off his baseball hat, and pulls him closer.  He does not object. I feel his biceps constrict and pull our bodies closer.  We stay at it and he carefully rolls his body on top of mine.

We break the kiss and I whisper, “You know, this might be a little easier on a king-sized bed.”  He smiles.  “You don’t happen to know where one is, do you?”  He lets out a laugh and quickly rolls off me.  He extends his hand to mine.  I take it as he easily pulls me up.  I get off the table and quickly pull my shorts back on.  He does the same. 

I exit the room first and head to the house. I come to an abrupt halt halfway across the patio.  Jake bumps into me, his bigger body pushing me forward another step.  He says, “Why’d you stop?”

“I saw movement in the house, in the kitchen.  I think your grandmother may be in there.”  Any hope of more romance is flying out the window as we stand on the warm brick pavers. I start to panic. “What if she sees us together?”

“Cole, we’re both adults.” I nod hesitantly. “What’s she going to do, ground us, send us to bed without dinner?”

I turn to him and see his smile.  “This isn’t the first time this has happened to you, is it?” He sheepishly shakes his head no.  I decide to be the adult for the next few minutes.  I tell him, “Ok, I’ll go in and see what she’s up to and how long she’ll be.  You get your ass back into the exercise room until I come back.”  Now he wiggles his eyebrows at me.  “Calm down big guy.”  I pat him on the chest and push him back toward the smaller building. 

Once he’s in it and shuts the door, I go thru the French doors into the living room and kitchen area.  Mrs. Fisher is there, as I thought.  She is putting groceries away.  I am as polite as I can be.  “Good afternoon Mrs. Fisher.  How are you today?”

She looks over to me, sees me sweating and says, “Good afternoon Mr. Cole.  I’m well, thank you.  How are you?  You look flushed and worn out.  Is everything ok.” 

I think, ‘Couldn’t be better.  Your grandson gives fucking awesome massages.’.  I instead say, “I’ve been in the workout room for quite a while.  I lost track of time.”

“Well don’t overdo it.”  Her voice shows some concern. 

“Thank you.  I was just about to change my clothes and go for a swim, then get in the whirlpool for a bit.”

“Very well.  I’m done here. I was able to find all the items on your list.”  She smiles to me and adds, “I’m glad to find someone else who also likes Brussels Sprouts.”  I nod with a smile.  “Unfortunately, Mr. Fisher does not like them.”

‘But he likes to lick his cum off my body.’ I say to myself. “That’s too bad.  If you cook them just right, they’re very flavorful.”  I head to the foyer.  “I must head upstairs and get changed.  I feel kind of sticky in these clothes.” 

“Have you seen Mr. Fisher today?  I see his tractor is outside, but I don’t see him?”

I hold my composure and say, “I did see him earlier when I finished my run, but have not seen him since.”

“Ok. Have a nice swim.  Call me if you need anything.”

“Thank you, I will.”

I hurry up the steps and to my bedroom.  I stand in the open doorway and listen for a door to open and shut, any door, which would indicate she’s left.  After a minute I hear one of the French doors open and close.  I say to myself, ‘Fuck’.   What if she goes to the exercise room to clean up?  I quickly move to a bedroom which has a view of the pool area.  I get there just in time to see her open the door to the small building.  My heart sinks.  She’s going to find Jake in there and then it’ll all be over.  I keep watching intensely.  Nothing yet.  Maybe she’s giving him the riot act.  I murmur softly, “I’m so sorry Jake.  I didn’t want you to get in trouble.”

From behind me I hear him calmly say, “Please, this isn’t my first time doing this.” 

I nearly jump out skin and thru the window.  I turn to see Jake standing there in just the dark blue posers.  He smiles at me and wiggles his eyebrows.  I point my finger at him and quietly say, “You!” 

He laughs. “Why are you whispering? It’s not like Nona can hear you.”  I shrug my shoulders.

I walk to him and put my hand on his chest as I lean in for another kiss.  I ask, “How did you get in the house?  I’m pretty sure Nona would have seen you come in the living room or foyer.”

“Yes, but the French doors in the dining room are not visible from the kitchen area.”  I grin like I’m 15 and trying to sneak past a hall monitor in school.  “Once you and Nona got into your discussion, I slipped past and came up here.  I went into your bedroom and waited.  Apparently, you were too distracted and didn’t see me.”  I gawk at his body and blush. “Thought so.”

I turn to the window when I hear the exercise room door shut. She has the sheet in her hands and leaves by the walk on the side of the house.  I say to Jake, “She took the sheet.  Hope the washer is down at your house and not here.”

“It is.  It’s also a different sheet.”  I turn to look at him.  He winks.  “Like I said, not my first time.”  He extends his hand and I take it.  We walk back to my bedroom and climb on the bed.  I lay on my back and let him crawl on top of me. 

We proceed to make out for the next half hour.  Just kissing and touching.  Hands wandering over each other’s bodies.  I feel up his muscles.  He tenses each one as my hands pass over them.  He does the same to me, letting his hands wander and caress my body.  We roll over and I’m on top and he’s under me, with his hands on my hips, gently caressing them.  Remarkably, we both remain flaccid.  We’re just getting to know each other.

I push up off him and lean up.  I splay my legs on either side of his torso and look down at his muscular chest and midsection.  I’m amazed and wonder how he got in the shape he’s in.  It cannot be from yard work at a mountain cabin.  My warm fingers wander over the sweaty muscles, just softly touching them. 

He sees me studying him. “You’ve got questions, don’t you?” 

I bite my tongue and nod, embarrassed.  I want to know everything about him, but think I need to slow down.  God, I’ve been here two days and have already had sex with the help.  Chuck would be on the floor laughing at me.

“What are you doing later tonight, say 11?”

“Probably trying not to fall asleep, or better yet, trying to get some sleep.”  We both laugh.

“Want to meet me down by the pond?  We can just sit and talk.”  He reaches a hand to my arm and caresses my forearm and elbow.  He is trying to help.  I smile.  “Ok, great.”  He moves his hands to my waist and he helps me off him.  I sit on the bed and he gets up.  He’s facing me and stretches his body upward.  God, what a specimen.  His wavy dark hair is disarrayed.  His sexy scruffy beard and green eyes compliment his hair.  He puts his arms over his head and reaches them upward.  I see he shaves his pits, but I’d still like to lick them and nuzzle my nose in them for a while.  His forearms and biceps are just big enough that he cannot bring his hands together while they are overhead.  His sweaty hairy pecs have visible muscle striations crisscrossing them.  His torso tapers to such a small waist it seems weirdly comically.  His flaccid unit and balls are pushed forward and sitting on top of his quads.  I see veins crawling over his legs like a city road map.

I look away to keep my brain from sending blood to my groin.  I hear him grunt, then he relaxes his body and I catch his arms fall down.  He sees that I’m trying not to look at him.  He moves to a side, just out of my sightline, and sits on the bed to pull on his clothes.

“You know Cole.  It’s ok to want to look at me.  I think we’re past the ‘is he gay or not’ question, and you obviously like guys with muscles.”  I let out a soft grunt.  “I don’t mind you looking at me.”  I sigh, unsure if he’s being nice or something else. “You can ask me anything tonight.”  I glance over to him and see his head is turned toward me.  He’s smiling.  “You were very honest with me about what happened in your life.  It would only be fair of me to be just as open with you.” He finishes pulling on his shorts.  He stands, grabs his tank-top and squeezes into it.  He leans down to me, softly takes ahold of my chin and brings his face to mine.  He softly kisses me on the lips.  He whispers, “Cole, don’t let your anxieties hold you back from having some fun.”  He kisses me again, leans back and says, “I need to take a few trees down along the upper tree line.”  He points to me and firmly says, “11, or I will have Nona give you your next massage.” I cough out a laugh. “Needless to say, she’s all business, unlike me.”  He winks and is gone. 

I hear the front door open and shut.  His tractor comes to life and the sound of the engine fades as he drives away.

I sit on the bed for a bit, reflecting back on what has happened in two short days.  Could life really be this simple?  Is the life I have back in the city worth the stress?  So many questions about Jake run thru my mind.  I want to write them down, but that would look kind of silly if I show up and pull out a list.  “Yes, Jake, my first question for you tonight is in 3 parts, and each part has 2 sub-questions.”

I get off the bed, pull on a pair of board shorts, drench my body in sunscreen, head down to the kitchen, make a quick salad, and head out to the pool.  It’s 2:30. I eat the salad slowly, enjoying the freshness of the food, and the views over the valley spread out below.  Not a cloud in the sky.  Temps in the mid-80’s according the thermostat on the side of the pool house.   

My mind wanders back to the cluster-fuck my life had been a few short months ago.  Working 10-to-12-hour days, running co-workers ragged, and pissing them off at the same time.  Trying to hook-up using an on-line site, but being disappointed most of the time.  Using those disappointments as an excuse to fuck other people over.  I can see the spiral now.  God, what an asshole I was.  I feel a tear run down my cheek. 

I continue to look at the valley. The green trees and grass swaying in a gentle breeze.  I spy some deer at the far end, just doing their thing.  Not a care in the world. 

I go back in and grab the yoga book. I get a mat and sit on the patio.  I check the index and find the chapter on meditation.  I read thru it and get the main points.  I put the book aside and get into a cross-legged position, with my back straight.  I put my hands on my knees, close my eyes, and lightly touch my thumb and index finger.  I breathe in thru my nose to a count of 4, hold it for a count of 4, then exhale thru my mouth to a count of 6.  I repeat this several times, then lengthen the counts to 6,6,8, then 8,8,8.  My minds wanders.  I picture a shallow slow-moving stream with some rocks in it.  As a thought enters my mind, I let is pass down the stream and out of my mind.  I think of the stress of work, and let it float away.  The bad experiences dating, float on by.  My poor personal choices; they are larger and take more time to pass, but they do.  I keep the breathing pattern intact and gently bounce my fingers to help ease any stress the creeps in. 

After a while, the stream looks like one in the valley below me.  My head is clear and my breathing is calm and paced.  I feel my chest rising and lowering at the same pace as my heart.  I slowly open my eyes, but continue the pattern.  I twist my head left and right and feel little to no pain.  I uncross my legs, bring my knees to my chest and wrap my hands around them, hugging them. 

I feel another tear run down my cheek, but this one is of happiness, serenity.

I sit for another 5 minutes, then slowly get up and walk to the pool. I wade into the warm water and let it encompass me.  I lower my body until just my neck and head are above the water line. I put my back against the wall and squat down.  I slowly wave my hands and create a rippling effect in the water.  I let the waves move around me and soothe my body.  I sit there, with the sun beating down on me.  I close my eyes again. My arms slow, the waves dissipate.  I nod off and when my lips hit the water, my eyes open. 

I climb out the pool and go to a lounge chair.  I move it into the shade of an umbrella, lie down, and am asleep in seconds. 

I wake to find it is dusk.  The last sliver of the sun is setting over mountains at the far end of the valley.  The yellow, red, and orange tendrils of light are bathing the valley and trees.  I watch as it fades.  Night encroaches from behind me.  I sit and watch the stars make their appearance, getting brighter with each passing minute. Crickets soon start their songs.  I see fireflies (lightening bugs) start to emerge from the grass. Frogs join the chorus.  Then the owls. 

My eyes become accustomed to the darkness.  I can smell the flowers from the garden, and almost taste the honeysuckle along the backside of the garden. I hear other noises in the dark, nocturnal animals waking to live their lives.

I get up and slowly move into the house.  I click on a minimal number of lights.  I check the time and see there is still plenty until I meet with Jake.  I head upstairs, get a quick shower, brush my teeth, and change into tan cargo shorts and a light t-shirt.  I put on some socks and pair of walking sneakers.  I head to the kitchen and cook up another piece of salmon and some veggies.  I eat on the patio.

I sit and let the stillness and calmness of the evening envelop me.

After a while I go back in, check the clock, and see it’s about time for me to head to the pond.  I don’t need a flashlight as the moon and stars provide enough light for me to navigate the path easily.

As I approach the pond, I see Jake’s darkened figure sitting on one of the benches, waiting for me.  I near and put my left hand on his right shoulder.  He turns, smiles, and pats the spot next to him.  I sit. He puts his right arm around my shoulder and hugs our bodies together.  I lean my head to his and put my left hand on his right thigh.

We sit. 

No words pass between us for a while.  All I feel are the muscles in his arm slowly moving as he caresses my right bicep.  Our breathing is in sync.

He quietly asks, “Better?”

I murmur back, “Yes.”

“Good.”  I feel him turn his head and kiss the top of mine.  He gently squeezes my body to his again and releases. 

More time passes.

I softly ask, “How did you know?”

His answer is a squeeze on my shoulder. 

All my other questions float away, like the leaves on the stream from my meditation.

We sit and watch the night progress.  The moon makes its slow arcing trek across the sky. Frogs and crickets and other unseen animals sing their songs and scurry thru the meadow, avoiding us.

I drift again.

I wake to find Jake is carrying me back up the hill to the house.  My head is against his shoulder.  His breathing is still slow and steady.  I can feel his biceps supporting me, but they don’t seem to be flexed or impacted by my added weight.  I touch him on the chest and he looks down.  He grins.  I say, “I can walk.”  He winks at me and keeps walking.

We get to the house, I open the door, and he carries me up the steps to my room.  He sets me down on the edge of the bed, strips off his clothes, and pulls me up and helps me out of mine.  He softly grabs my face in both hands, pulls me toward him, and kisses me.  Long, slow, and passionate.

I feel my unit spring to life.  His rises as well.  He turns us around, so his back is to the bed.  He releases me and falls to the bed and moves to the middle.  He extends and arm to me.  I take it, and he pulls me down, on top of him.  Our warm bodies sink into the comforter.  Now it’s my turn to put my hands on his face and pull him in for an extended kiss.

I reach my left hand to his right nipple and grab it thru the silky dark hair covering it.  I tweak it tentatively.  He sighs into my mouth.  He splays his legs around my body and locks his ankles together, drawing our bodies that much closer together.  Our units bump and grind each other.  We’re both at full mast and I feel moisture leaking from him, or me, or both of us. 

He wraps his arms around my back, hugs my body to his, and just holds me.  We continue to kiss.  Neither of us battling for alpha dog position.  Just letting the moment take us where it wants us to go.

He shows off more of his strength by rolling us over.  He’s on top.  He untangles his arms from my back and undoes his legs.  He leans up, puts his meaty hands on my chest, and plays with my nipples.  Now, it’s my turn to relish the feeling.  I close my eyes and let him play.  He’s gentle, but masterful.  He’s hitting all the right button.  I feel my unit spasm under the weight of his body.  He feels it too and moves his hips from left to right to spread out the fluid. 

He stops massaging my chest, leans down, and whispers, “Ready?”

I slowly open my eyes and see him smiling at me with a twinkle in his eyes.  I nod yes.

He gets off the bed, picks up his shorts, and I see a yellow tinfoil wrapper shimmer in the faint light.  I hear him rip it open and then he surprises me by coming back to the bed, leans down, and put it on me.  My unit had faded a bit, but his strong fingers remedy that.  He encases me, lets some drool fall from his mouth onto the tip of it, then he coats me.

I put my hands behind my head and let him do his thing.  He straddles my body, grabs my unit, and positions me at his hole.  He winks and slowly lowers himself onto me.  I feel my unit break his sphincter and enter his muscled body.  He slides down in one movement, not a moment’s hesitation.  I moan as his muscles constrict around my pole.  He massages me as I move in him. He settles his ass onto my groin.  His full weight is on me, but it feels like nothing. 

I tentatively thrust upward.  In the darkness of the room, I can see he smiles and wink again, letting me know it’s ok to do what I want to do.  I push up some more. He takes it, his body accepting my presence. My body feels free.  I move to put my hands on his thighs and rub the muscles there.  It feels like rubbing warm granite.  I thrust upward some more, with urgency.  He bounces on me. When we come down, he grinds his ass into me, coaxing a bit more of me into him.  I feel him release another round of pre-cum. It lands on my lower chest.  His hand moves to spread it around.  I see him move his index finger toward my mouth.  I open and he slowly inserts it. I lick at it, pull the sweet fluid off, and swallow.  My body warms as his pre-cum slides down my throat. I feel a tingle. 

I continue to thrust upward for several minutes, but Jake shows no signs of pain or of growing tired.  I, on the other hand, am getting tired from all the work.  Not that I haven’t had someone sit on my unit and ride it, but Jake is different.  He’s got the stamina to allow him to just ride for a long time.  As I tire, my motions slow and finally I lay on the bed. 

Once he realizes I’ve stopped, he leans down, rubs his beard along my cheek, and asks, “You ok Cole?”  I hear the concern in his voice.

I respond, “Yeah, just tired from today.  I’m sorry.”

He softly runs his strong fingers thru my hair and whispers, “Shh. It’s fine.”   He kisses my cheek. He pulls off me, turns and pulls the condom off, and proceeds to put his lips on my rock-hard unit.  He licks it and uses his right hand to keep it pointed up.  Then I feel him swallow me.  Again, no hesitation.  He swallows me to the hilt.  My groin in his face.  I feel his tongue massage and caress my pole.  He applies more saliva and starts to bob up and down.  I look at the ceiling and grab the sheets.  He’s an expert.  His strong fingers move from holding me erect to gently massaging my balls.  I feel his pinkie poke at my hole. 

My load builds quickly due to the fore-play and I know I won’t last too much longer.  When I’m close, I pat his muscular shoulder to let him know.  He continues to face-fuck me and then I feel his pinkie dip into my hole and piston in and out. I unleash my load.  He swallows every drop.  I hear him gulp, then slurp.  After a minute he carefully pulls off and my softened unit drops to my abs.  I’m breathing heavily, but feel very relaxed.

He leans up on the bed, grabs his unit and starts to stroke himself.  While he does it, he moves to straddle my chest, putting his unit right at my face.  I lean up and lick his bulbous head, being rewarded with a glop of pre-cum.  I move my elbows to support my position and take just his head into my mouth. He continues to jerk.  I see his body tense and hear him groan, “Cumming” in his deep sexy voice.  I immediately swallow him as far as I can.  He grunts as all the muscles in his body flex, and he unleashes his torrent.  I swallow every drop, just like he did.  I stay on him, maneuvering my tongue around, until he softens. I slide off him and his unit swings down to my chest. 

He sighs, looks into my eyes and says, “Dude, you’ve got talent.”  He winks at me in the dark, and I wink back with a grin.

He carefully gets off me and walks to the bathroom.  I hear him flush the condom down the toilet.  I hear water running and a minute later he is back.  He puts a hand on my abs and quietly says, “The towel is warm.”  He puts the washcloth on my abs, then gently rubs down toward my crotch.  He cleans the area, then takes it back to the bathroom.  He’s back in a minute and slips onto the bed with me. 

He lies next to me, but props himself up on his left elbow so he is looking at me.  I turn my head and can make his face out in the dim light.  He’s still got a smile and his eyes are bright.  I reach my left hand over to his face and stroke his beard.  The hair is soft and luxurious. He leans down to kiss me again. 

He puts his right arm over my body and grabs my left shoulder.  He rolls onto his back and pulls my body closer to his. He lets his left arm drop onto the bed and my head falls onto the bicep.  His unflexed muscle feels like a soft pillow.  I drape my left arm over his broad chest and close my eyes. My face is next to his armpit. I lightly inhale and smell his relaxing aroma. I feel his hand on my back, lightly tracing and caressing circles.  

I fade out.

I slowly wake the next morning and sense Jake is gone.  I am under the covers, but still naked.  I look around the room and he straightened up before leaving.  My clothes from last night are neatly folded on the dresser and when I walk into the bathroom, the towel from last night is hanging over the shower, drying. 

I do my morning routine and when I’m done, I get ready to go for a run.

I head down to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal and see the note he’s left for me.


I hope you enjoyed last night, I did.  Being with you makes me very happy. 

For someone who had a lot of stress in his life four days ago, you have done a tremendous job in letting it go.  I hope you will be able to get back to the ‘real you’ very quickly.  I cannot wait to see who that person is.

I glanced over your workout plan and made a few notations which I think would benefit you. 

Unfortunately, we will not be able to see each other for a few days.  Nona has asked me to go into town and help a family friend pack and move.  I should be back by Friday.  The extra money I make with these side jobs help me financially, so I take them when I can, I hope you understand.

Nona will be able to give you a massage, if you need another. 😊

If you can wait, I’d be more than happy to give you another when I return.



I smile.  He has a great sense of humor and am glad he is able to make money doing side jobs.  I’m a bit upset I will not see him for a while, but meeting him was a bonus.  I can use this time to work on getting my head straightened out. 

I grab my workout plan and see his notes.  They make sense so I add them where he indicates. 


The week flies by.  I make notes on my plan everyday as to what I did, so I can show Jake when he gets back and we can make adjustments.

It’s now Thursday night. I am finishing up my second workout for the day, legs.  Ugh.  Now I know why I tended to skip them at the gym.  My body doesn’t like me right now, but in a day or so, it will be very grateful.

I walk into the kitchen and pull a steak out of the fridge to come to room temperature.  I grab my plan and a pencil and I review what I did:

Monday: 45 min jog, breakfast, back and shoulders, 2 hours yoga and meditation, lunch, pool/sauna, second workout – row for an hour, pool & reading – The Dubliners by Joyce. Dinner, 30 min yoga

Tuesday: elliptical for 30 mins, breakfast, chest/arms, whirlpool, lunch, 2 hrs. yoga & meditation, 45 min jog, pool, more Joyce, dinner, 1 hr. walk, pool

Wednesday: breakfast, yoga, sauna, Joyce, lunch, jog for 45 mins, pool, nap, back and full body stretch. Sauna again. Dinner, pool, finish Joyce.

Thursday: 2 hr walk, breakfast, pool, start Tolkein, lunch, chest/arms, meditate for an hour, list out things to improve my work life, whirlpool, legs, dinner, pool.

I smile to myself.  I made a plan and kept to it, for the most part.  I did tweak an item here or there based on how my body was feeling, or how my brain was feeling. 

Tonight, I am going to reward myself. On Monday I had found a carton of chocolate peanut butter ice cream in the freezer, but made sure to bury it behind some other stuff so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat it.  I get the gas grill fired up and go upstairs to get cleaned up.  I just wash my face and brush my teeth. When I get back to the kitchen, I check the steak and take it to the grill.  I turn the heat down and put it on.  I close the lid and head back inside to get the vegetables ready.  I skewer some mushrooms, broccoli, and pineapple chunks and take them out to the grill.  I check the steak and put the kabobs off to a side where the heat is lower.  Back in the kitchen, I make a salad and get the Brussel sprouts peeled and trimmed then into a pan to sauté with some sea salt, cracked white pepper, and garlic.

While they start to cook on medium heat, I go flip the steak and turn the kabobs.  The meat only needs another few minutes to finish.

I pull the veggies off and take them inside and set them on a platter.  I take my salad out to the patio and set my place.  I pull the steak off, turn the grill off, and put the steak on the table to rest.  I finish the sprouts, lightly glazing them with some chicken stock.  I put them in one bowl and the pull the veggies and pineapple off the skewers and put them into a second bowl.  I bring them outside and sit to eat. 

Dusk has settled.  I eat and watch the sunset.  It never gets old watching the light fade and the stars come out.  I notice something new every night, be it a constellation I did not know, or the sound of dove cooing in the dark as it settles down to sleep. 

Half an hour later, I’ve moved to a lounge chair, gotten a small bowl of ice cream, and am settling in to read another few chapters of The Silmarillion.  I hear the phone ring.  I am startled as I thought I could only call the caretakers on it.  Apparently, they can call me.  I get up to answer it. 


It’s Mrs. Fisher, “Good evening Mr. Cole.  I am sorry to bother you in the evening.”

“It’s ok, I was just outside reading. Is everything ok?”

“Yes, it is. I wanted to let you know I will be away for the weekend. I am leaving tomorrow mid-morning and will return Sunday evening.  Mr. Fisher is expected back tomorrow at some point.  If you need anything, he will be happy to help you.”  I think to myself, ‘You got that right.’

“Thank you very much for letting me know.  Have a nice weekend.”

“You as well.”  The line disconnects. I look at the receiver for a moment, shake my head, then put it back. 

I go back out the patio and finish my ice cream.  I get the feeling Mrs. Fisher knows more about her grandson’s activities than he knows.  I watch the moon rise and makes its trek over the sky again. As I look to the sky, I’m still in awe of how many more stars I can see.  In the city, due to the light pollution, only the brightest stars are visible.  Out here, with less pollution, many of the lesser stars are visible.  What a difference a couple hours ride makes. 

I head to the kitchen with my bowl and book.  I check the time and see it’s pretty late, so I head up to bed.  I leave a window cracked open, as usual, to let the fresh air into the room.  I know this is one reason I’m getting restful nights of sleep.  I change into my PJs, do my bathroom routine, then crawl under the covers. 

I stare at the ceiling and think maybe the city life is not for me.  It’s only been a week, but whatever magical spell the country, and this house have over me, I don’t think I want it to end.  Slowly I fade out.

When I wake, something feels different.  I slowly open my eyes and hear it is raining.  Not a hard, pounding thunderstorm, but a nice soaking rain.  I walk to the patio doors, open them, pull up a chair, and sit in the doorway.  The rain pitter-patters on the patio and in the trees beyond. It’s very peaceful.  I continue to sit and listen.  I close my eyes and meditate. 

After a time, I open my eyes, see the rain has slowed, and decide to go for a walk.  The clouds are breaking up and I should be ok as long as I stay on the path.  The air feels a bit chillier than normal, so I pull on a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt.  I head to the kitchen, grab an everything bagel and head out. 

I head out the back path which leads into a heavily wooded area and up a slope.  It feels great to be in the fresh air.  There are droplets of rain still falling from tree branches and leaves.  The oaks, pines, and cherry trees are tall and full of foliage. The path winds around while steady going up.  One or two areas are slick with leaves and mud, but I take it slow and make out well.  At one point there is a break in the trees and I can see the whole valley and the house down below.  The clouds have broken and sun is starting to stream through.  I crouch down and stare.  My breathing slows and becomes even. After a bit, I get up, stretch and continue along the path.

It eventually makes its way back down the slope.  A half hour later and I’m now below the house, looking up from a meadow, but not the one with the pond.  I cannot see the house from this spot.  I see the clouds have gathered again and look like they’re going to open up at any moment.  I follow the path and it leads to the far side of the meadow and back into the woods.  I don’t run or jog, but am not looking around as much. I am 10 yards short of the woods when the skies open up again and it starts to downpour.  I am soaked by the time I get into the trees and relative safety. I squat down again and listen to the rain fall. 

About 30 minutes, later the rain is still falling at a steady pace.  I decide to head back the house, hoping the path I’m on leads to it.  I figure it must wind its way there at some point as it seems all the paths I’ve followed, start and end at the cabin. As I start, I notice little stream-lets along the sides of the path.  Water is running down to an unseen stream.

I’m ten minutes into the walk back, all of it up hill, when I hear a strange loud crashing sound. I cannot quite make out what it is, but whatever it is, it is quickly getting close to me.  I look around for a safe spot, but do not see anything.  I leave the path and look for a tree with a sturdy low branch.   I see a clump of maples and oaks nearby and head to them. Through the rain I grab the lowest branch I can find and climb up.  I move up another two or three when the noise becomes deafening.  Then I see it.  It’s a mudslide coming down the hill and it’s carrying quite a bit of debris with it.  I try to climb up a few more branches to be safe, but there are none.  I pray the ten feet I’m up is sufficient.

The mudslide hits the trees I’m in.  The trees sway due to the pressure to the trunks from the water and debris being moved along.  One or two smaller maples give way and slide downhill.  I see a couple good sized rocks or boulders (is there really a difference?) and they bang into the trees as well.  I few hit my tree and jar it, but the tree holds firm.  I slip a bit on the wet tree limb, but continue to grasp the trunk.

Then I see it as well as hear it.  A large conglomeration of tree limbs, rocks, water, and weeds are heading down the path.  It extends 20 feet off each side, meaning my tree is in the path.  I decide to sit on the branch to minimize my chance of falling out.  I grab the trunk with both hands and hold on tight.

When it hits, the tree shudders and I feel the vibration throughout my whole body.  It’s as if someone is continuously shaking my body with their hands.  I feel water and branches brush my feet, ankles, and lower legs.  The noise is deafening.  I could yell for help, but: there is nobody around and: they’d never hear me.  It goes on for a few minutes.  I get a whiff of a foul odor and realize there is something dead in the debris.  The water has a brackish look to it and it’s not as I expected, not that I have much to compare it to, except the odd Youtube video.

Then it happens.  The tree leans over due to the pressure from the debris below.  The roots start to pull up from the rain loosened ground.  The tree creaks and whines.  I hold on as tightly as I can.  I hear the trunk start to splinter.  It’s a loud cracking sound, then the tree falls backward into the mudslide, and I with it.  It makes a ‘whooshing’ sound as the treetop comes down thru the surrounding trees. 

We fall 80% of the way and come to a jarring stop.  I quickly realize I’d been holding my breath and had squeezed my eyes shut.  The jarring rattles my teeth and by body slams into the trunk with enough force to push the air out of my lungs.  My grip loosens.  I look around for a nearby branch to grab, but am too slow to grab it.  I slide off the branch and fall into the mudslide. 

I feel rocks and sticks hit and poke at me.  The water is cold, colder that it would seem and it is very viscous.  My wet long sleeve t-shirt and sweatpants become water temperature very quickly.  My mind starts to wander.  Can I get hyperthermia or can I drown?  Who will find me?  What will Chuck say about me dying in a mudslide?  I feel a stick jab me in the stomach.  I’m immediately brought out of my thoughts. 

I look around for something to grab onto as I travel down the hill.  I try to maneuver my body so I can see where I am being taken.  Then I see it.  There is a large rock in our path and I am heading straight for it.  I try to get my legs in front of me, with the hopes that I can brace my body for the impact.

It works to a degree.  My body still slams into the rock and my teeth clatter together, but I am able to get a grip on the rock as I slide over top of it.  I cling to the rock as my hands slip.  I get another grip and can feel my fingers scraping along the rock to keep ahold of it.  I feel a ledge in the rock and dig my fingers into it and grab.  I stop sliding, but mud and debris still moves around me, hitting me in the face and body.  I close my eyes and hold on as best I can. 

Slowly the onslaught abates.  I realize I am shivering and taking shallow quick breaths.  I glance around and see I’m about five feet off the ground.  There is still some water moving below me, but I decide to take a chance.  I slowly release my grip and slide to the ground.  My legs are cold and wobbly.  I stumble back into the boulder I was just laying on.  I put my back to it and squat down.  I let my body relax and try to get my breathing back to normal. It takes several minutes, but I eventually calm down.  I brace against the boulder and slowly stand. 

I hear a new noise on the path, but it’s not the same as the mudslide.  It’s muffled and distant, but gets louder over a few minutes.  It’s Jake’s tractor.  I move to the side of the boulder facing the path and wait.  I see him coming down cautiously, looking from side to side.  He wearing just a t-shirt, shorts, and his work boots. There is concern on his face.  When he looks in my direction, I put my arms up and wave as best I can.  They feel like hundred-pound weights and I only get a few waves in before my arms tire and fall.  But it’s enough.  He sees me and turns the tractor in my direction.  He sees my condition and comes off the path and right down to me.  He stops within 5 feet, jumps off, and comes to me.  He easily scoops me up, and without a word, carries me to the tractor and gently eases me onto the bench seat. 

As he restarts the tractor, he wraps his right arm around me and hugs me to his body, not worrying that my cold wet clothes are soaking him.  He quickly maneuvers us back onto the now rutted path and heads back to the house.  It takes longer due to the damage, but we make it back in one piece.  I notice tree limbs are down in quite a few spots and one or two smaller trees are down too.  He drives right to the front door of the house. As he pulls to a stop, he is quickly out and to my side.  I slide to him and he scoops me up again and we head into the house and up the steps to my room.  Still not a word from him, but still the concerned look on his face. 

I croak out, “I’m ok.”

He glances down, smiles a bit and says with all seriousness, “Need to get you into a warm bath quickly.”  He doesn’t say another word.  He carries me into my bedroom, gently puts me down on the edge of the bed, and looks into my eyes, one at a time.  He’s checking for a concussion.  He puts his warm hands on the sides of my face gauging my temperature, then points a finger at me to stay here. 

He turns and goes into the bathroom and I hear him turn on the soaking tub. A minute later he reappears, comes to the bed, kneels down, and starts to take my sneakers off.  I try to help, but stop as he is doing a more efficient job.  Once my shoes and socks are off, he stands, but then leans back down, hooks his right arm under my left armpit and lifts me up. 

He half orders me, “Put your hands on my head when I squat down.”  I nod and do what he says as he gets down.  He unties my sweatpants, pulls them down, along with my shorts and underwear.  He then lifts my legs, one at a time and pulls everything off.  He eases me back to sitting on the bed.  He grabs the long sleeve t and pulls it off, then takes off my t-shirt.  He scans my body and his look of concern does not ease.  I glance at myself and see mud everywhere.  There are cuts and scrap marks on my torso and legs.  My fingers are cold, white, shriveled, and raw.  I can feel clumps of dirt in my hair and on other parts of my body.  I realize I’m still shivering.

He stands me up and half carries me into the bathroom.  I see steam coming from the soaking tub as it is still filling.  He steers me to the shower.  I sit on the edge of the tub while he turns the shower on and get it to a warm temp.  He turns the water off from filling the tub.

Then he strips. He’s done in seconds and is lifting me up again.  He opens the shower door and helps me in, as he comes in with me.  He pulls his warm body to my cold one and holds me for a minute, letting his warmth penetrate me.  The mud and dirt wash off my body.  Some splashes onto Jake, but he continues to hold me.  After most of the mud has washed off, he grabs a bar of soap and quickly washes my entire body.  Not a crevice is missed.  He helps me rinse off then opens the door and walks us to the tub. 

I start to feel warmer, but Jake still looks worried.  He helps me in, making sure I don’t slip.  The water is hot and I very slowly lower my foot into it.  He has a vice grip hold on my elbow and arm.  Eventually I’m in and I slowly sit.  As the hot water hits my ass, I stop and clench my glutes.  He still has a hold of my arm.  I ease in and start to relax. 

He looks me over and climbs in slowly.  I move over as much as I can to give him room.  The water sloshes around due to him getting in, but I am used to it now.  He sits right next to me and slides his right arm behind my back and grabs my right side.  He pulls me to him.  His body is still warm, almost warmer than the tub water.

I whisper again, “I’m fine.”

He replies with concern still in his voice, “You had the beginning stages of hyperthermia. I had to get you warm as quickly as I could.” He turns his head to mine and I feel his warm breath on my ear.  He tenderly kisses it.

We stay in the tub until the water cools.  Every so often he reaches over with his left hand and feels different parts of my body.  First my legs, then my arms and hands, then my chest.  I feel like a chicken his is poking to see if it’s cooked or not.

He quietly asks, “How do you feel now?”

I close my eyes and do a quick check of my body, squeezing my fingers and toes, bending joints that bend, and when I’m done, I say, “Besides a few tender spots or cuts, I feel better.” 

He nods and slowly gets up.  He steps out of the tub and grabs some towels.  I start to stand and he is back at the edge of the tub, extending his arm to me.  I take it and step out.  He has a towel waiting for me in his other hand.  He wraps it around me and gently blots the water off me.  When he’s done, he quickly dries himself with a second towel.  He then gets a third one and wraps both of us in it.  He pulls our bodies together so his body heat is shared with me. I hold onto him as tightly as he is holding me. 

We stand for a good five minutes, then my legs start to tire.  I pat him on the chest and he releases the towel.  We walk to the bed and he pulls the covers back and helps me in.  He slides in next to me and pulls me close again to share body heat.  His breathing is calm and paced and my heart rate slows to match. 

I eventually drift off. 

I’m back in the tree.  This time I’m yelling for Jake to help me.  I scream his name, but he’s nowhere to be seen.  The tree starts to fall again, but this time it falls completely into the mud.  I’m covered in it, trapped under a branch, and starting to drown.   I flail my arms in an attempt to get the limb off me, but cannot.  It is too heavy. I call out Jake’s name again and muddy water flows into my mouth, cutting off my voice.  I gurgle and more water comes in.  I start to lose consciousness. 

I wake with a start, sitting bolt upright, and am hyperventilating.  Jake’s arm comes around my back and caresses my left arm.  

“Must have been a really bad dream.”  I look into his eyes and see pain.  “You mumbled my name several times, then called out, and then stopped.”

My breathing slowly calms. “I was back in the tree, but it was different this time.  I was drowning.” 

He leans over and kisses me on the side of my head.

I lay back down. I’m fully awake now and do a quick scan of my body.  I have a headache and feel some aches and pains where sticks or rocks hit me.  I’ll be bruised up in a day or so.  Jake must sense my pain as he climbs out of bed, goes into the bathroom, opens a cabinet, and returns with a bottle of Advil.  He opens it and hands me three.  I sit up and move so I am against the headboard. Jake sits next to me. I down them dry.

I ask, “How dd you know where I was?  This property is huge.” I wave my arms wide. “I could have been on any of the paths.” I turn to look at him. 

He smiles, leans over, softly kisses me on the lips, and says, “When I got back, I came up to the house to surprise you, thinking you’d stayed inside due to the rain, but didn’t see you.  It had let up at that point, so I checked the house and pool house, but didn’t see you.  I checked all the paths leading away from the house and found your footprints leading up the slope.  I figured you’d be gone for a while so I went back to my place.  I checked the weather,” I give him an odd look and he says, “Yes, we have a TV and internet in our place, come-on.”  He winks at me and continues, “and saw another large storm approaching. I drove back up to the house to see if you’d come back.  Then it hit.  I couldn’t drive the tractor out for fear of getting into an accident, so I waited it out.”  He takes a breath, caresses the side of my face with his hand tenderly and continues.  “When the storm finally let up, knowing the path you had taken out, and where it goes, I decided to go the other way in hopes of meeting up with you.  Then I heard the mudslide.”  His face grows dark.  “I had to wait it out, I’m sorry.” Now it’s my turn to caresses his bearded face.  “I knew you were down there somewhere, but had to wait for it to pass.” I nod. “I’m glad I did.  It’s pretty bad out there Cole.  We’ve had mudslides before, given the layout of the property, but this one was pretty bad.” 

I pat his hairy chest and say, “It’s over and I’m going to be fine.  Just some bruising, but otherwise I feel better.”  I watch his eyes scan my body again.  I see a slight smile come over his face.  “Now if there were a way for me to reward my rescuer?”  I arch an eyebrow and look down his body toward his flaccid unit. It stirs and we both smile.

He jokingly says, “Only if you’re up for it.” I check my hardening unit and smile. He does as well.

He scoots back down the bed so he is flat on his back.  He puts his arms behind his head, opening his body to me.  He flexes them and softballs appear.  I lick my lips.  I climb on top of his midsection, reach my hands to them and grope them.  He flexes and they become nice and hard.  My mouth starts to water. I lean down and we kiss.  I nuzzle his beard inhaling the scent of the soap we used.  I nibble at his left ear lobe then move to his flexed arm.  I kiss it softly, then more fervently. He moans.  I start to lick it, slobbering my saliva all over it.  My rock-hard dick is pressed into one of his granite hard pecs.  I go back to kissing, then move south to his hairless armpit.  I kiss and lick it.  I feel him put his right hand on the back of my head and gently hold my face in place.  I use my tongue to ravage the area.  He moans again and releases his grip.  I nibble and kiss my way to his left nipple.  I soak the hair around it with warm spit, then slather my face in the wet hair, coating my face.  Now it’s my turn to moan. I feel my unit rubbing against his muscled body.

He puts his right hand on my back and traces his fingers up and down my spine.  I shudder at the sensation.

He hardens his pecs and I playfully tweak his right nipple with my left hand, while I continue to bite at his left one.  He squirms and I increase my ministrations.

I kiss my way down this cobblestone abs to his bellybutton, with my hands feeling his muscled ribcage along the way.  His navel is surrounded by a mat of curly dark hair.  I purse my lips and coat the area with fluid.  I push some into the hole, then use my tongue to spread it around.  He is groaning with content.

I move a bit farther south and my chin bumps into his erect dick. I pull off his body a bit and grab him, near his base.  He’s thick and veiny.  I softly pull him to a 90-degree angle and enjoy the view I have.  I re-wet my lips and lower my head to his. 

I open wide and take his head into my mouth. I slosh my tongue all around it, coating it with copious amounts of saliva.  I run my tongue along the underside and my tastebuds scrap the nerves.  He squirms again.  I move to his slit and wiggle my tongue in it.  I feel a warm glob of pre-cum bubble out.  I suck it down quickly. It slides down my throat as my body instantly tingles and warms. 

I change the position of my body so I am now between his muscular legs, and start to bob my head up and down.  With each down motion, I push further down his unit.  He spreads his legs, giving me easier access.  He’s about 8 and half inches and has a nice girth.  I eventually get my nose to his shaved groin and hold it there.  I tickle his hairless balls with my right hand and stroke his taint. His unit is pushing against the back of my throat.  I seal my lips around him and suck as hard as I can.  I run my tongue along the length and hear him groan again. 

I feel his hands on the sides of my head.  They hold me in place for a few seconds, then lift me up a bit.  He starts to move my head up and down at a nice slow pace.  I continue to slather fluid on his unit and keep the vacuum seal I have on him.  He bucks his hips a bit and I feel him push past my uvula.  He quickens the pace and I go with it.  His strong fingers keep a firm, but not painful grip on me.  He’s now bucking his hips up every time he pushes me down.  I put my hands on the bed to steady my body.  I start to move faster on my own and he releases me.  He moans and puts his left hand on the right side of my face and caresses it.  Saliva is leaking out of my mouth, down his length, and onto his groin. 

I pull off for a second and catch my breath.  He smiles at me and says, “You’re good.”  I wink and go back down on him, all the way to the hilt.  I push my nose into his groin and gently shake my head from left to right.  He groans loudly and puts his hand on my head and pins me down.  I relax my throat as he slips down a bit.  As I breath thru my nose and with every inhale, I smell his now sweaty musk emanating from him. 

I move my hands from the bed to his ass.  I reach under them and grab a hold of his glutes.  He bucks his hips up to give me easier access.  I cup each glute in a hand and squeeze as hard as I can.  Mr. Muscles flexes his glutes and they become rocks.  I pull up on them and my face is buried in his groin.  I hear him croak out, “Oh…oh…oh…fuck…” and feel his load travel from his balls, up his shaft, and into my throat.  I relax as much as I can and let the cum make its way down.  I continue to suck him, but also use my tongue to clean up any leftover cum still in my mouth.  I slowly pull off, careful to not let me teeth touch him.  When I’m finally off, I sit back on my hunches, look up to him, and see a gratifying smile along with a very sweaty body.  Perspiration is running down his cheeks and arms.  His chest is still heaving and there are sweat droplets there too, damping his chest hair.

I crawl up his body, my raging erection dragging along his rock-hard abs, and lie on his chest.  I feel him constrict his abs, trapping my unit in the deep crevice between the left and right sets of muscle.  I kiss him while I move my body back and forth.  Pre-cum leaks from me like water from a 50-year-old faucet. His strong abs flex and he milks my unit. We continue to kiss, but now it’s my turn to moan.  I feel him put his hands on my back and wrap his arms together.  He pulls me closer to him and pins my unit down.

His tongue invades my mouth as he squeezes me harder.  I feel him flex his whole body and my brain spasms.  My balls tighten and my load quickly travels my length and shots out, onto him.  I moan into his mouth and he just kisses me, pulling my breath in. 

After I finish one of my longest releases, he slowly unflexes his body and takes his hands off my back.  I put my hands on his chest, push myself up, and stare down at him.  His green eyes twinkling at me with a bit of mischief in them.  He winks at me and rubs his right hand on my abs and chest. He says, “You look good.  The workouts are definitely paying off.”  I tighten my re-emerging abs and he rubs them again and gives me a low whistle.

“Thanks.” I reply.  I roll off him and cuddle up close to his warm sweaty body.  Our musky odors join together and delight my senses.  I feel him put his arm around my back and pull me a bit closer.  I drape my left hand over his chest and let my breathing slow. I feel his chest slow as well.  We both fade out.

I wake to find he is still next to me, but sleeping soundly.  His chest is rising and falling steadily.  I watch him for a while and admire his body.  I slip out of bed, careful to not wake him. I grab a pair of PJ bottoms, put them on and tip-toe to the bathroom, shut the door, and take care of business. 

I quietly walk out of the bedroom and head downstairs.  I go into the living room and see sunlight streaming into the room.  The air is nice and warm. I go to the French doors and open them, letting in a warm breeze.

I move to the kitchen area and start to make breakfast for two.  I realize I don’t know what Jake likes to eat or doesn’t like, except that he doesn’t like Brussel sprouts.  Eh, oh well.  I pull out the carton of eggs, some bacon, and potatoes.  I get everything going when I hear him come down the stairs.  He’s still naked, but looks Godly.  His brown hair is a product of bed head and he’s scratching his balls. He walks to me and pulls me into an embrace.  “Morning sexy.” He coos to me.  I kiss him and use all my strength to keep my dick from pointing north.  He has no inhibitions and his unit perks up.

I break the embrace, point the spatula at him and jokingly say, “Breakfast first, then I have stuff to do.”  He feigns sadness.  I point at his now erect unit and say, “As much as I want to do embarrassing things to you, it will need to wait.” 

He smiles again, pulls me back into an embrace and says, “I hear you.  I have things to do as well.  Let’s check your plan for the day and see where we can schedule in some ‘Jake’ time.  You know, maybe 5 or 6 hours of it.”  We both laugh.  

He goes back upstairs, gets into his clothes and is back down.  He helps me finish making breakfast and we eat it on the patio.

I figure now is as good a time as ever to ask him some questions.

I start tentatively, “So…” I glance at his body.

“I did some competitive bodybuilding when I was younger.” I nod.  “I had the genes for it and the knack.  I won a few, then lost one or two to guys who were on stuff.”  He looks out over the valley and continues, “I just didn’t want to deal with side-effects or drama that comes with being on a cycle, so I never got into it.  Because of that, other guys just got bigger than me.  I knew I could compete, but realized they were outpacing me, if that makes sense?” 

“It does.  Do you regret stopping?  I mean, you still look like you could win any competition if you walked onto a stage right now?” I wave my hand over his body with admiration.

“Nope.”  He says firmly.  He puffs his chest out.  “I’ve seen what steroids and growth hormones can do and it wasn’t for me.”  He smiles.  “I did get into some fitness competitions and did well in them, well enough to make some money for school.”  He’s got an ear-to-ear grin.

“That’s great.  What did you study?”

“I’m still doing it.  I’m taking Business classes.  I want to open my own property management business.  I figure running this place has taught me enough to have a firm base.”  He still smiling and I smile with him.

“Wow, that’s awesome.  How much longer ‘til you’re done?” 

“I have two more classes, so by the end of the summer.” I nod. 

I decide to broach another question, “So I was checking out your tractor and trailer the other day and saw all the branches.” He smiles, knowing where this is going.  He flexes his right bicep. “Ok, I guess that answers that question?” 

He laughs.  “Just because I gave up bodybuilding doesn’t mean I gave up training.  Not to sound conceited, but just because I’m not as big as those guys are, doesn’t mean I’m not as strong, or stronger than they are.”  This explains why he was able to carry me back from the pond without a problem. “Also, it’s fun to test my strength trying to pull a dead tree out of the ground, or to move a large rock from a path, or to carry a sexy blonde hunk back from the pond.”  My unit springs up and tents my PJs.

He sees it and grins, wiggling his eyebrows at me.  I look at him and point my finger, “No, I have to get stuff done.”  He mischievously runs his tongue along his lips. “Stop it.” I say as forcefully as I can, while my unit bobs back and forth.  He slowly flexes his right bicep.  The softball appears.  I groan. 

Suddenly he unflexes his arm, stands up, grabs the plates, and mockingly says, “Too bad, I really wanted to lift you up and make love to you standing up.  But, you’re right, we both have things to do.”

As he turns to walk into the house, I see him flex each glute.  “You’re just mean, Jake.” I hear him laugh.

We clean up and decide to meet up for dinner.

We kiss and he takes off.  I hear the tractor head down a path, most likely to clean up from the storm.


I spend the next two weeks increasing my workouts and really getting my head screwed on properly.

Jake spends time with me, when he can.  He would spend a couple days a week in town doing odd jobs or helping out, to make money. 

Once or twice, he took me with him while he was doing some work on the property.  He actually liked to show off his strength to me and would tear trees from the ground, roots and all, or lift large rocks over his head and tell me how much they weighed, before tossing them to the side with ease. Snapping branches off trees was his favorite thing to do.  He’d pump up his arms by curling me, then walk over to a dead tree, and grab the limb.  He’d flex for me, then rip the limb off with ease.  I’d get hard, he’d get hard, then no more work would get done.

Weekends were always just for us.  Our time together became more meaningful.  We talked more about our lives, our hopes and dreams, and what we really wanted.  

With the exercising and balanced diet, the weight I had gained, fell off. My body was back to a toned swimmer’s body.  My abs re-appeared and my biceps started to grow and take shape again.

On my third Saturday here, Jake surprised me in the afternoon.  Nona had called on Friday to let me know she’d be away for the weekend, visiting some friends in town and wouldn’t be around, but that Mr. Fisher would be here, if I needed anything. 

 I was relaxing by the pool, reading more about relaxation techniques when he came down the slope from behind the house.  I didn’t hear his tractor. 

He called out to me, “Hey sexy.”  I turned and saw he was in tan work pants, a black dry-mesh t-shirt, and his work boots.  He was covered in sweat.  His brown hair matted down under his baseball cap, and sweat stains around the crotch area of the pants.  I stared at him for a moment and licked my lips.  His arms were swollen from the work he’d done and there was sweat dripping from his brow to his cheeks. 

He walked right to me, leaned down and kissed me on the lips.  I got a salty taste of his sweat.  His meaty arm was on my shoulder.  The weight felt good.  We broke the kiss and I looked at him again and said, “Working hard, or hardly working?”  I wink at him and he lets out a low chuckle.

“Eh, a few saplings on the upper ridge needed to be thinned out.  Figured I’d get it done before the heat kicks in.”  He stands back up and starts to stretch.  He raises his hands over his head and his shirt pulls out from his pants.  His hairy abs come into view and I can see they are covered with sweat and matted to his rock-hard body.  His pants drop a bit in the front and I get a view of his goodie trail.  I lick my lips.  His biceps swell over his head and he grunts as I hear some bones crack.  He lets out a satisfied, “Ah….” And looks back down to me admiring his body.  He smiles and reaches his meaty left hand to me. 

I take it as he easily pulls me up from the lounge chair and into an embrace.  I take a deep breath and inhale his sexy, sweaty musk. He wraps his arms around me and softly asks, “Are you done your morning workout?” I nod yes. He kisses me and smiles.  “Have you eaten lunch?”  I nod again.  Another kiss, this one deeper and longer.  “So, I guess you’re free for a little bit, before your afternoon workout?”  My cock starts to swell and now it’s his turn to smile as he feels it rise up in my shorts, against his solid thigh.

I look him in the eye and ask, “How about you?  You done your morning workout?”  He nods yes with a wicked smile. I move closer and we kiss.  I lower my voice and ask, “Have you eaten lunch?’  Another nod.  I wrap my left hand around his neck and pull him close so we are cheek to cheek.  I whisper, “So, I guess you’re fr…” His face turns and we start to kiss again.  My right hand wanders up his left arm to his sweaty bicep.  I let my fingers wander over the muscle, feeling the fibers of muscle as they twitch and coil.  He raises the arm, flexes, and the muscle becomes hard.  I suck in air and continue to grope him.  He tenses it even more.  My hand cannot cover the whole head of the muscle.  My unit throbs in my bathing suit. 

He breaks our kiss, much to my dismay.  He quickly sheds his t-shirt and starts to undo his belt.  I squat down and untie his work boot laces.  He puts his meaty hand on my head to steady himself. His hand encompasses my whole head.  I feel him gently squeeze.  When the boots are untied, I stand up, and put my arm for him to use to control his balance.  He takes it and quickly kicks off the boots, his socks, then his pants.  He’s standing in front of me in a purple posing bikini thong.  I almost lose my load.  I suck in a breath of air.  His unit is rising as well and filling out the thong.  We come back together and start to kiss. He ravages my mouth.  My hands ravage his body, groping his wide back, his muscles lats, and then back to his chest. 

He puts his hands on my ass, squeezes my cheeks roughly, then pulls my body against his.  Both our rock-hard units grind against each other.  I dip down a bit, then rise up, causing more friction.  He moans, tenses his body, then easily lifts me up.  I wrap my legs around his tight waist and lock my ankles together.  I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull my body as close to his as I can. 

Sweat is pouring off both of us due to the mid-day sun and the feverish activity.  He turns and slowly walks us to the pool.  He takes us in, one step at a time.  The warm water surrounds us and envelopes us.  He walks us to the deep and pushes my back against the wall.  I am still clinging to his body as he supports me.  We continue to kiss.  I run my fingers thru his hair and feel how soft and silky it is.  He shakes his head and sweat comes off. 

He steps back from the wall, breaks our kiss, looks me in the eyes.  His are twinkling.  He smiles and softly asks, “Ready?”  He takes a breath of air, inflating his muscular hairy chest, and holds it.  He starts to descend into the water.  I take a breath of air as well. He easily takes us both to the bottom and squats down.  We both have our eyes open and are looking at each other.  I close the distance and our faces touch.  I purse my lips and start to kiss him again. I put my hands on his chest and tweak his nipples.  He smiles at me thru the water, a few air bubbles slip from his lips, and I feel him tighten his grip on my ass. He squeezes with one hand, then the other.  He alternates for a few beats, the squeezes both at the same time.

He starts to stand up, pulling me up with him.  His unit is straining the posers.  We break the surface and our kiss.  We both inhale and immediately go back to kissing.  My hand goes to the nape of his neck and gently caresses the area.  He walks us to the shallow and moves to sit on the stairs.  I untangle me legs and arms.  I stand and he moves to turn me around so my back is against his chest.  He wraps his hands around my waist and feels up my abs.  He growls into my right ear, “Sexy swimmer.  I told you that you’d get back into shape.”  I put my right hand on his forearm and feel the coiled muscles under the skin moving and twitching.  The warm sun is beating down on us.  I feel completely relaxed and at ease.

I softly say back, “Well, you did help me quite a bit.  Not sure how I can repay you for your help.”

“I have one or two ideas…”  I feel his rough tongue laps at the back of my right earlobe.  He warm breath stirs my unit even more.  I squirm a bit.  He tightens his grip and says, “Consider this part of your repayment.”  His hard unit pokes me under my left thigh.  I can feel it wants to escape.  I reach between my legs and take ahold of it softly.  Jake sighs.  I start to gently stroke it.  Nice long movements.  I feel his body become tense.  His muscles constrict, his grip around my waist a bit firmer as his biceps expand.  His teeth nibble my ear a bit rougher.  His breath is coarser and not as paced as it usually is.  I slow my movements so he does not release yet.  I feel him slowly calm and his body returns to normal.  

He whispers, “That felt nice.”  I massage his poser again. “Hmmm.  I need to make you feel just as great.”

I pat his forearm and say, “Just my way of saying ‘Thanks’.  No reciprocation is needed.”

He starts to stand, taking me up with him again, “But I want to.”  Who am I to argue with a muscular brown-haired God?  I turn to face him and see a mischievous grin on his face.  He reaches out, puts his arms under my armpits and easily lifts me up, his biceps expanding.  He carries me out of the pool and back to the lounge chair.  He sets me down and I lean over to him for a kiss.  He puts a finger up, indicating for me to hold on.  He leans over to his work pants, rummages around in a pocket, and pulls out a condom. I raise an eyebrow to him and, with a smile ask, “You always walk around with condoms in your work pants?”

He winks, kisses me, and replies, “Only since you arrived, sexy.”  I blush.  “Never know when the mood will strike.”  He ogles my tanning body.  My unit is pointing down my leg, but is bulging out, creating a funny ‘three-legged’ look.  He steps closer, grabs my girth, and gives it a few squeezes with expertise.

His fingers move up to the knot holding the suit up and he deftly undoes it.  I put my hands on the sides and quickly push it to the ground.  My unit springs northward, brushing his leg, then bouncing off my abs.  His fingers rake my trimmed pubic hair, then move to my freed unit.  His calloused hand has an erotic feel as he pumps me.

He steps back, looks down at his bulge, then looks back up into my eyes.  I reach out and grab the sides of the posers and skillfully slide them down his tree-trunk legs.  His unit also bounces up and off his furry rock-hard abs.  He hands me the tin-foil wrapper.  I rip it open and hold the condom.  He glances down at his unit, then winks at me.  I kneel, swallow him to the hilt, and coat him with a layer of saliva.  I slide off and slip the rubber on him.  I jerk him a few times to make sure it’s not too tight.  He puts his hands under my pits and lifts me to a standing position.  I start to turn to the patio table to present my ass to him, but he grabs my arm, keeps me facing him, and winks again.  He pulls me close, leans to my ear, and whispers, “Paid in full.”  He grabs me by my waist, hoists me up with ease, and lowers me to his tip, his biceps flexed but not showing any sign of strain due to my added weight.  I reach around and position him at my hole.  I relax and let him slide into me.  Down…down…and down some more.  I hit his crotch and my feet brush the ground. I let out a heavy sigh, as does he. 

He moves his hands back to my ass.  I grab his softball-sized biceps and grope him.  He flexes and effortlessly starts to lift me up and down.  Pre-cum starts to immediately dribble out of my steel pole and slide down into the valley between our bodies.  It gets caught up in the hair on his mid-section.  Blood rushes thru the veins in his arms.  I can see them pulsing as he lifts and lowers me.  I wrap my hands around the mounds and feel the power coursing thru them. 

I close my eyes and imagine him holding back the mudslide with a few tree trunks.  His legs dug into the wet ground, his thighs and calves exploding as they fight to stay still and hold back the onslaught. His chest heaves as he sucks in air and steadily blows it out.  Sweat pours off his head, down his shirtless hairy chest, to his soaked skin tight mesh shorts.  I stand on the ground behind him, hand on his back to steady him, as if he needed it.  He turns, smiles, and says ‘climb on my back.’  I do as he asks.  He tells me to ‘wrap your arms around my neck and legs around my waist, and hold on tight.’  I do.  He casually asks, ‘Ready?’ and before I have a chance to respond, he drops the tree trunks and jumps ten feet in the air to a nearby tree.  He lands on a sturdy branch, turns his head and says, ‘Don’t let go.”  I think to myself, why would I want to.  He squats down and the muscles in his legs coil with energy, and when he pushes off, we explode off the branch to the next one.  He leaps to another tree, then another.  Soon we are above the mudslide and away from any danger.  He takes one final jump and softly lands on the muddy ground.  My body is snug to his broad chest, my hands draped over his neck. 

He starts to walk us back to the house.  I let go of his neck and slide off him.  He turns, scoops me up and kisses me full on the lips.  ‘Why walk, when I can, and want, to carry you, sexy man?’  I wrap my arm around his neck and let him do his thing.  Who am I to argue with him?  I place my hand on his chest and feel the muscles twitching and pulsing with every step he takes.  My unit starts to rise in my shorts.  He sees the bulge and laughs.  ‘Hold on for two more minutes, Cole, we’re almost there.’ 

I come out of my dream and croak, “Close…”  He pulls me off him, tosses me up a few feet, catches me in his arms, lays my on the lounge chair, leans over, and swallows me completely.  He expertly moves his tongue around, massaging all the sensitive nerves under the mushroom cap of my unit.  I grip the sides of the chair, tense my body and let my load fly.  As it leaves me, Jake opens his throat and swallows every drop.  After I’m done, he uses his tongue again and carefully cleans me off.  I soften.  He lets me slide out of his mouth.  He moves up my body, nibbling and kissing along the way, until he’s at my chest.  He sucks on a nipple.  I put my left hand on top of his head and push him down.  His teeth latch on and his tongue gently runs across the tip of the nipple.  My unit stirs. 

I reach my hand to his unit, which is still sheathed.  I pull the condom off and jerk him.  He moans and warm air splashes onto my chest, along with some saliva.  I get a firmer grip, knowing he likes rough play, and try to pull his dick off his body.  He lets out a deep, animalistic growl.  He climbs on top of me, his sweaty body covering me completely.  We are chest to chest and head-to-head.  I wrap my legs around his thin tight waist and squeeze. 

He grinds his body to mine for a few minutes, heating up his muscles.  We kiss and nibble at each other.  I’m now at full mast.  He tenses his body, rears back, pulling me with him.  He climbs off the chair with ease, walks to the side of the pool and says, “Big finish little man.”  He turns so his back is to the pool and falls in, my body coming down on top of his as he hits the warm water.  I am clinging to him, so our bodies don’t bang together.  I feel him release as we hit.  He holds me tight and sinks to the bottom, still shooting his load.  The water around our midsection becomes cloudy with cum.  I soon realize, I came as well. 

After we both finish, we untangle from each other and float to the surface.  Our heads break the water and we take a deep breath of warm air.  I take a few steps toward the shallow end and regain my balance.  He’s right beside me.  I feel him take my hand in his.  He gently squeezes.  I turn and we kiss.

He breaks the kiss, smiles, and says, “Two loads within a few minutes of each other.  I’m impressed.”

I blush and say, “Well, I had some incentive.”  I let my other hand roam over his chest.  He flexes it and it becomes hard.  I glance down and see his unit is starting to match his chest.  Mine is not far behind.

We climb out of the pool and go to the lounge chairs.  We spend the rest of afternoon, relaxing under an umbrella, just enjoying each other’s company, and several more rounds of aquatic activities.


Nona and I warmed up to each other.  She made her lasagna one day and brought some of it over.  The three of us had dinner together.  It was excellent.  I made her some of my sprouts and she really enjoyed them. 


I could feel my body righting itself, getting back to where I should be, before Covid hit and before I became obsessed with my career. I started to reassess whether my job was right for me.  I have other skills that would help me get a job someplace else.


I am nearing the end of the last week.  We’re sitting by the pool, legs dangling in the warm water as the sun sets. Jake knows this and has spent the last three days with me.

I told him to go do the other jobs, make the money he needs for school.  He brushes it off and says, “Plenty of time for that later.”  I sigh. He looks at me and with all seriousness says, “Cole, hasn’t this past month showed you that money isn’t everything?”  He spreads his muscular arms wide and waves to the view around us.  I look out, over the valley and meadow below, to the mountains in the distance.  The red, orange, and gold streaks of sunlight painting the valley. 

I know what he means, but the thought of having to be back at work Monday morning has stirred my old life awake inside of me. 

“I would never think to tell someone what is best for them, but in this case, I think I’m, going to make an exception.”  I turn to him.  He’s smiling at me, those twinkling green eyes, his sexy wavy brown hair, the dimples in his cheeks, I think he’s going to change the direction of my life. “Over this past month, I think we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well,” I cock an eyebrow at him with a sarcastic smile, and he smiles back saying, “besides the sex, which is outstanding, but, I mean, you’ve shared your whole life with me, which I doubt you’ve done to anyone where you work?”

“Jake…” I pause, not sure what to say, but knowing what I want to say.

He reaches his right hand over puts it on my cheek.  He quietly asks, “Will you stay here…with me?”  My heartbeat quickens.  I grin.  I nibble on my lip.  I close my eyes and think for a minute.  But then I hear him say, “Stop overthinking it.”  I open my eyes and look at him. He says, “Yes, our sex is great, but I think…no, I know we’ve got something here.”  He moves his hand between us, touching my leg gently. “I know it…and you know it as well.”  I sigh, knowing he is right.  I’m still tentative.  “Cole, were you nervous when you got your job 9 years ago?”  I nod yes, “Did the nervousness go away right away, or did it take time?” I shrug knowing what he’s talking about.  

He rubs my leg in a caring way, letting me know he’s here for me.  I look back into his eyes, and see them dancing with excitement.  I look away and think to myself, ‘I know what he says is true, and yes, I want to stay here with him,’ A tear falls from my eye, ‘but…my life in the city’.  Then I remember what it had been like, and not just the past year, but the last few years. I straighten my back, brush the tear away.  I turn to him, grin, and say, “Yes.”

He leans over and we kiss, deeply, lips locked together and tongues playing with each other. 

I close my eyes, as he holds our heads together with his strong hands, and see the last of my worries and anxieties flow down the stream and out of my life.  I open my eyes and Jake is still right there, my new life.

Wow. That was a touching, warm, beautiful and sexy rollercoaster of a story. Props! 👍👍👍❤ 

You just inspired me to finish my own stories which are just lying around in my laptop. 

Edited by DawnFire98
An addition
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On 6/22/2021 at 9:50 PM, Psuace said:

I close my eyes, as he holds our heads together with his strong hands, and see the last of my worries and anxieties flow down the stream and out of my life.  I open my eyes and Jake is still right there, my new life.

this was simply sweet. I couldnt stop reading. I loved it from start to finish.

an awesome contribution.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Always a fan of topical work, and your attention to detail was great! What a great new life with Jake!

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  • 2 years later...

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