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Bruce's Humanity - Chapter 10 - FINALE added - December 26


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On 11/26/2023 at 8:52 AM, Newmassaddict said:

It's been a while but I've been working on a new story. For this one, I decided to revisit an older character from my story, Sweet Revenge. This is the first story where the main character begins as a massive freak of nature and it's been a fun challenge to make him grow even more obscenely huge. I hope you like.


Bruce's Humanity

Chapter 1

It had been six months since Bruce’s mind-boggling displays at Mitch’s gym. He had bested Andy’s enormous 452lb body at every test. He toyed with the deadlift competition and nearly broke Andy’s arm when they arm wrestled. Even being tied up and suspended by industrial chains couldn’t restrain his inhuman power. His final display of power when he squatted Mitch’s 6,000lb pickup truck still caused Bruce to organism at the thought. The incredible orgy of muscle-fuelled lust that followed was still seared into Bruce’s brain. Bruce’s superior mass and power had both huge men begging to worship every inch of his pumped physique. He lost count at the number of times each massive man had came.

He should have been content with how things had worked out but the next morning as he stared at the exhausted, hulking bodies sleeping next him, Bruce knew he needed to leave. His journey for more mass and power was stronger than ever. He didn’t have time for others, this was his solitary quest. He remembered a momentary pang of regret as he looked at the gym in the rearview mirror as he drove away but a quick glance at the writhing mass of muscle that comprised his forearm, gripping the steering wheel, refocused his commitment and he accelerated, speeding towards his next chapter.

Bruce had been driving for hours and his rumbling stomach only intensified at the sight of the rundown diner. He came to screeching halt in the deserted parking lot. The truck’s frame groaned in relief as Bruce exited. He lumbered through the front door, the ding of the bell over the door signalled his entrance.

“Be right there.” A voice from the kitchen shouted.

Bruce made his way to a table by the front window, inspecting the heavy, metal chair before lowering himself. He didn’t look up when he heard the all too familiar gasp of shock as a person emerged from the kitchen. With his head still inspecting the menu, Bruce began listing off meal after meal only looking up when he had finished.

The old woman was writing frantically on her order pad, trying to keep up. She gave Bruce a frightened look before scurrying back towards the kitchen.

Bruce used to dwell on his aggressive and sometimes downright demented behaviour but the last six months had taught him that he didn’t need to waste his time thinking about his affect on others. He used people for his own selfish purposes and how they felt about that meant nothing to him. Everyone Bruce encountered served one of two purposes, they had something he needed to grow bigger, or they were an obstacle in his way to gain more size. He took what he needed from the previous and ran through the latter.

Being the only customer, the food started to arrive quickly. As Bruce started to devour what would have easily fed multiple families. After half an hour, his hunger pangs started to subside but he continued to gorge himself. He could feel his muscles swell in appreciation.

The bell over the diner door suddenly rang as someone flew into the diner. “Maggie! Ben!” the person shouted not surveying the restaurant.

The old woman, Maggie, appeared from the kitchen, shooting Bruce a quick glance. “What’s wrong?”

“My western fence collapsed, one of the bulls got loose! I need Ben to help get it back inside.”

“Where?” Bruce said as he slowly stood up from the table.

“What the FUCK!” The man said, trying to comprehend what he was seeing.

“Where did the bull go?” Bruce asked in a stern voice.

The man couldn’t take his eyes off Bruce, he could only raise his hand and point to the farm fields across the road from the diner.

Bruce started to move towards the front door.

“Where are you going?!” Maggie yelled.

Bruce didn’t answer, he made his way towards the fields.

Bruce started to climb the sloped hill and saw the broken fence. He turned towards the field and saw a fast-moving animal in the distance. While he was unable to sprint at his current size, Bruce still moved with impressive speed.

The large bull, seeing Bruce approach, stopped moving and starred.

Bruce squatted down slightly, anticipating the bull’s next move. “Show me what you got.” Bruce muttered.

The bull, lowered its head, let out a loud snort and stomped its front hoof. Bruce stood perfectly still and waited. Like lightening, the bull started to charge. Its thick muscles bulged and flexed as its considerable bulk quickly closed the gap between it and Bruce.

Bruce, filled with adrenaline and excitement, started to emit a low grumble but his body did not move. The bull, now just a few feet away, showed no sign of slowly and lowered its huge head and prepared to ram into Bruce’s body. The sound of the impact was deafening and surly echoed for miles. Bruce’s feet skidded across the ground, his boots digging deep groves into to the dirt until they came to a stop. The bull let out a noise as Bruce wrapped his arms around the thickly muscled neck of the animal. He had been wearing a comically oversized flannel shirt that looked more like a blanket than a shirt but the fabric instantly stretched to its limits before splitting in multiple places, exposing only slabs of inhumanly massive muscle.

“YOU’RE NOT GOING TO WIN!” Bruce snarled as he adjusted his grip willing his arms to connect around the bull’s huge, powerful neck. The bull’s lower body started to flail, trying to wiggle itself free. With stunning speed, Bruce twisted his enormous body, crouched lower and gripped the rear legs of the huge animal. With a loud grunt, Bruce hoisted the bull off the ground and laid it across his massive shoulders. The bull tried to twist itself free but Bruce held the over 2,000lb creature secure. Feeling the massive weight of the bull now under his control caused Bruce’s cock to harden instantly. His already massive muscles swelled from the weight and powerful movements of the animal. The feeling was one of complete arousal for Bruce.

The two diner employees and the farmer were slowly making their way up the hill when they saw Bruce appear on the horizon. The shock of what they saw caused them to stop moving. The most outrageously massive creature they had ever seen had the bull draped across his shoulders like he was wearing a tower after taking a shower. Bruce’s tattered shirt was no more than a few stings of fabric, his pants were completely gone, exposing just skin-tight underwear and massive hard-on. He didn’t resemble anything remotely human, he was nothing but pulsing, outrageously pumped muscle. A thick sheen of sweat covered his pale, smooth skin, further exaggerated his outstanding mass and while also accentuating his nearly non-existent body fat.

Maggie collapsed immediately, the others unable to look away, offered her no assistance.

“OH MY GOD!” The cook yelled.

Bruce didn’t register their presence. Instead, he carried the bull through the broken part of the fence and lowered it to the ground. As soon as its feet touched the ground, the mighty beast took off at full speed, wanting to be as far away from Bruce as possible.

Bruce stood up, barely breathing hard and looked around for something to close the broken part of the fence. His gaze focused on a large tree not far away. It stood over 20 feet tall but had a thick trunk. Bruce licked his lips and waddled towards the tree, every muscle on his body tensed in anticipation. He reached the tree and quickly wrapped his arms around the trunk, interlocking his fingers on the other side.

“THERE’S NO WAY!” he heard someone shout from behind him before planting his feet and flexing his arms.

He let out a bellow that shook the ground and started to pull. At first nothing happened to the tree but Bruce’s body essentially mutated. Every muscle flexed and grew to a staggering degree. The amount of power he was exerting was evident from his head to his toes. As the first drops of sweat started to appear on his brow, a loud crack echoed across the field. The sound only made Bruce apply more pressure and suddenly the sound of wood cracking became louder, like fireworks going off. Leaves from the tree started to fall and Bruce’s body vibrated with superhuman strength. With one final, terrifying scream, the huge tree was broken into two pieces, large chunks of wood flew in every direction. The tree should have fallen to the ground had it not been under Bruce’s complete control. Like carrying a flag in a parade, Bruce turned and walked the decimated tree towards the break in the fence. He tossed it to the ground, using the many branches at the top to seal the opening shut.

Bruce dropped to one knees, breathing heavily and looked towards the others.

Maggie was still on the ground. Ben couldn’t handle Bruce’s appearance and bent over and vomited. While the farmer had a familiar look of shock on his face, he retained most of his composure and slowly approached.

“A-a-are you okay?” He asked.

Bruce looked up, finally noticing the rugged good looks and sturdy build the farmer hid under his baggy flannel shirt and overalls. He slowly stood up, causing the farmer’s eyes to dart from each of his outrageously massive body parts.

“I’m Bruce.”


“You got any prepared beef that doesn’t require a fight? This really worked up an appetite.”

Keith shock his head as if to break the spell Bruce had put on him. “Yeah. The least I can do for what you just did.”

Bruce patted Keith on his sturdy shoulder, almost knocking him over as he started to walk towards his truck, still parked in the diner’s lot. “I’ll give you lift.” He said. Keith stumbled but started to follow.

Bruce dropped a wad of cash at the diner door, Ben was helping a now conscious Maggie across the road, both unable to look in his direction. He got in the truck and opened the passenger door for Keith who hesitated for a moment before climbing in. Keith directed Bruce towards his farm. As they approached, the sun was starting to set and the huge farmhouse was shrouded in dark shadows.

“You live here alone?”

“Yeah. Just me.”

“A farm this big must be a lot of work for one person.”

“I manage.” Keith said as they both exited the truck. “Let me grab some food from the shop.”Keith said leading Bruce towards a huge barn by the main house. Keith pushed the large barn door open. Along the left-hand wall was a state-of-the-art butcher facility, including a huge walk-in freezer which Keith walked towards. Inside countless animals were strung up on huge hooks.

“SHIT!” Keith yelled noticing one of the slabs of meat had fallen. Bruce moved to lift it from the floor but Keith stepped ahead of him.

“I got it.” Keith grabbed the frozen piece of meat that looked to weigh at least 500lbs and with a small grunt hoisted it off the floor and slung it over his shoulder while reaching for one of the hooks. With one fluid movement, he secured the slab and with his hands now free, Keith started to pull on a nearby chain, raising it off the ground like the other animals in the freezer. Bruce couldn’t help admire Keith’s large arms flexing through his shirt with each pull of the chain, growing from impressively solid to muscle-packed peaks.

“Impressive strength Keith.”

Keith secured the chain and tuned to face Bruce. “Thanks, I normally don’t show off around strangers, they tend to overreact. Someone my size shouldn’t be able to do that but after today, I doubt you are easily shocked.” Keith said.

“That’s true. I can’t deny you have a great body but I wasn’t expecting you to do that.” Bruce said as he followed Keith out of the freezer and scanned the far side of the barn. A smile crept across his face as he noticed the familiar look of gym equipment. “Your set-up?”

“Yeah, the farm is hard on the body but I need some additional resistance to build my body.” Keith said.

Bruce sauntered over to the equipment. He was impressed by the quantity of equipment, stopping at the bench press and ran his hand over the still-loaded bar, counting four 45lb plates on each side. “You bench 405lb?”

“For warm up.” Keith said, unable to hide his pride for the impressive number.

Bruce moved behind the bar and gripped the bar and slowly lifted it off the rack. Keith let out a loud gasp when Bruce started to curl the bar.

“You shouldn’t be shocked that I can curl this much, you saw what I did to that bull today.” Bruce said as he continued to curl the weight.

“FUCK!” was all Keith could say. His eyes settled on Bruce’s already massive arms as they visibly swelled with each rep, thick garden-hose thick veins appearing on the surface his barely-there skin.

Bruce nonchalantly stopped curling the bar and pressed it over his head before slowly lowering it behind his neck.

Keith stumbled back and covered his mouth to stifle a scream.

Bruce only smiled and started to perform overhead tricep extensions with 405lbs. His biceps were so massive, they pressed against his face. His triceps expanded so far from the sides, they looked like a regular bodybuilder’s lats. The sight was made even more extreme by Bruce’s flared lats and granite-hard abs. His entire upper body swelled from incomprehensibly large to something straight out of a science fiction movie.

“You don’t have to hide your shock Keith. I know you’ve never seen anyone even remotely this fucking massive; hell, I bet you never imaged a freak like me even existed.”

“FUCK! How is this even possible! Y-y-you’re so-“ Keith said as he trialed off.

“So HUGE, so MASSIVE, so POWERFUL, SO UNBELIEVABLY MASSIVE AND FREAKY YOU MIGHT PASS OUT FROM THE SIGHT?.” Bruce bellowed as he moved the bar back to a curling position before lightly cradling it back on the bench like it weighed nothing.

“I-I-I s-s-should get some food ready.” Keith stuttered and darted into the freezer, returning with his arms full.

“I’m fucking starving.” Bruce said as the two men made their way back to the farm.

While the farm house looked old from the outside, the inside was quite modern and well maintained. Keith went to work in the kitchen, setting out a number of platters full of uncooked meat on the large stone island.

You mind if I take a shower while you do that?” Bruce asked.

“Sure, down the hall to the left.”

Bruce emerged wearing just a towel, that around his frame looked more like a rag. Keith stopped what he was doing and just stared. Bruce’s attention was however, on the piles of meat now cooked and spread out on the counter.

“Oh fuck yeah!”

Bruce didn’t even grab a plate, he stood over the food and started to devour it using just his hands. Keith nibbled some but couldn’t stop glancing at Bruce.

“I have to ask; just how huge are you? I can’t even come up with a guess.”

Bruce wiped a stream of beef juice from his chin and swallowed his mouthful of food. He took a few steps away from the counter and squared his shoulders. The dim kitchen lights highlighted every inch of body perfectly.

“Glad you finally asked. First, I’m 34 years old and 5’11”.” Bruce said as his body started to slowly inflate. His shoulders visibly swelled and solidified even more.

“My neck is 32 inches.”

His biceps hardened and split into their individual muscle groups while his triceps splayed from either side of his body. His individual pec muscles inflated so they pressed his chin higher, each one comprised of hundreds of deep, razor-sharpe striations.

“My arms are 40 inches, forearms are 34 inches and my pecs are 102 inches; that’s over 8 feet.”

Bruce’s arms started to rise as his lats started to grow, when done, his arms were just shy of 90 degrees from the floor. Thick veins ran from his armpits across each lat and travelled across his tightening abs.

“My waist is only 36 inches and looks even smaller because my body fat is never above 2%.”

Keith lost count at ten of the most dense, perfectly developed abs he’d even witnessed before casting his eyes down to Bruce’s legs. With a small pivot of his hips, Bruce made the towel fall away, revealing his throbbing, thick cock. Keith swallowed and managed to look lower, at the quads. Their sheer mass and thickness made him question how Bruce could even walk with so much mass fighting with each other. The smallest movement of Bruce’s upper body caused visible waves of muscle to erupt from his waist to his ankles.

“These quads are 58 inches and my calves are 38 inches.” Bruce said as he methodically started to move his balled up fists towards the centre of his body. Keith doubted they could even meet in the middle because the massive slabs of muscle between them. As if sensing his thoughts, Bruce let out a moan of exertion as he willed his fists to touch. What appeared as massive, pumped up muscle shifted and morphed itself into a staggering wall of pulsing meat.

With gritted teeth and obvious struggle, Bruce managed to say, “I weigh 512 motherfucking pounds!”

Keith stumbled back both a the sight and that astounding number. He thought he knew what huge was but now his brain was breaking trying to comprehend what he was seeing.

“NO!” He screamed. “STOP!”

Bruce smiled, not from happiness but determination. Seeing Keith falter was intoxicating. He willed his herculean body to flex harder, swell larger and become even more extreme. To his surprise however, Keith appeared to regain his composure. With his eyes squarely on Bruce’s sickening display of mass, he reached up and unfastened his overalls, letting them fall to the floor, exposing his own rock-hard cock stretching his boxers tight. With a quick motion, he ripped open his flannel shirt, buttons flying across the kitchen, and stepped out of the pants, finally giving Bruce a view of his large and powerful looking body. He placed one hand on his throbbing cock and the other reached out and touched Bruce’s left pec.

“OH MY GOD! You are so hard!” He exclaimed as he began to caress Bruce’s body.

“MMMMM, that’s right Keith, take in all this muscle.” Bruce said finally relaxing the pose so he could pull Keith closer. He ran his hands up Keith’s thick arms and shoulders, marvelling at how much smaller the large man was compared to him. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had someone appreciate me, and even longer since I’ve met someone strong enough to have some fun with.”

Keith’s mouth moved but no sounds came out, his eyes and hands roamed from one mass of muscle to another, completely entranced by Bruce’s presence.

“It’s probably suicidal but I need you to fuck me.” Keith said with a trembling voice.

Bruce smiled and wrapped one arm around Keith’s waist and lifted him off the floor, sweeping some of the food off the counter and placing him down. He leaned in and kissed Keith’s lips roughly as his hands tore his boxer’s in two, causing Keith to let out a low moan.

“Be careful what you wish for.” Bruce said as he gripped Keith’s ankles and pried them apart, moving his own rock-hard cock towards Keith’s waiting ass.

So glad to see you return! 

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debatel, please do not use the quote button if you are only going to make a six-word comment on a posting - it requires other readers to scroll down the entire 90-paragraph quote (in this place) to read your six words.

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Chapter 3

“What’s it like to be so big?” Keith asked as the two men lay in bed.

Bruce was lying on his back, his pecs sitting higher than his face, obscuring his lower body. His right arm was extended underneath Keith’s head, providing him with a hard yet not uncomfortable pillow. The slightest movement was felt by Keith as Bruce’s entire body was unable to remain completely relaxed for too long.

“I’m not big. I know that sounds ridiculous but in my mind, I’m not big at all. I’ve felt that way since the very beginning. Back then, I joined the gym to feel a little stronger, look a little better. It didn’t happen immediately but not long after I started, I knew I would never want to stop. For the longest time, I was the only person that could see the changes. I took a couple of years of training before others started to notice. At first it was just a few innocent comments about how my arms looked bigger or a certain shirt looked tighter.”

“How did that feel?” Keith asked as he absentmindedly stroked Bruce’s inflated right pec.

“It felt great but it also really pissed me off. You see, something had changed in me during those first few years. A switch had be tripped. I became obsessed with the gym, no, with growing. I never thought it would happen, hell, I didn’t even know what bodybuilding was back then. But once I discovered what was possible, how someone could change their body so dramatically, I knew that was all I wanted. People admiring my puny gains sickened me. I was just beginning to realize what was possible and I was so far from where I wanted to be. I started steroids during those early days. I barely had any muscle but I knew I had to do whatever it took to grow. Before long, people started assuming I was an amateur bodybuilder but by then I had already moved on.”

“What do you mean?”

“I no longer wanted to look like a bodybuilder. Sure, I admired what they were able to accomplish but I craved much more. I believed even the top professionals were holding themselves back and that wasn’t going to be me. I needed to push myself to the absolute limit. When I say I was obsessed, I meant it. I became like an animal. The more muscle I gained, the more focused I became. Fuck, I was a complete asshole back then, hell, I still am. I refused to let anyone stand in my way. At the gym, I used my growing body to intimate everyone. If I wanted a bench, I took it. If I was feeling particularly pumped, I would pose and flex, I didn’t care who was around. All I wanted was to grow bigger, freakier and more grotesque.”

Keith shivered. “Grotesque?”

“Yes. I knew what I was becoming was not what most people considered pretty. Sure, there is a point where a jacked guy looks hot, and there are even a lot of people that get turned on by even the biggest bodybuilders, but what was happening to me was way beyond that. I was turning into something no one had ever imagined. Even before I reached 300lbs, I didn’t look human. My level of vascularity was way more extreme than others. I looked like I didn’t even have skin. I remember faltering a little back then. Seeing people’s reaction to how I looked. I thought I was taking it too far.”


“I remember picking some huge dude up once. I only weighed 280lbs, 30lbs more than him. We barely made it back to his place before he was ripping my clothes off. He marvelled at my size. We were both really getting into it. He begged me to pose for him, encouraging me to get as pumped as I could. I obliged and started to flex. At first, he was mesmerized. The more I posed, the more pumped I became. As my body swelled bigger and bigger, I saw his fascination start to change. I was in a trance by now and couldn’t stop flexing. I needed to get as pumped as I could, not for him but for myself. His face started to show fear as I grunted and sweated in front of him. I remember looking down at one point and nearly cumming at the sight of the veins on my arms and pecs. They looked more extreme than ever. I willed myself to flex even harder, my eyes must have looked crazed, I was growling like an animal, my jaw was clenched so tight I was frothing at the mouth. I was so focused I didn’t hear him begging me to stop. I still remember the feeling when I hit that final most muscular pose, every muscle screamed with agony, I had never been so pumped. I relaxed the pose and finally came out of my trance. The poor guy was curled into a ball on the floor weeping uncontrollable. I asked what was wrong and he just started stammering that I was a freak. I felt anger rise in me as I stood over his trembling body. I started to shout that I did exactly what he wanted me to do, get as pumped up as possible. When he whispered that I looked gross, I snapped. ‘Gross! You think I’m gross? Well man, I have some news for you; if you think this is gross you aren’t ready for just how disgusting I will become.’ My own words shocked me but as they flowed from my mouth, I knew I was changed. From that day on, I never questioned my goals again. I wanted people to cower at the sight of me, it meant I was achieving what I set out to do, become an absolute monster.”

Keith had sat up in bed, his back now to Bruce.

“You ok?”

Keith sat there for a moment, he head down, not moving. “No I’m not.”

Bruce propped himself up on his elbows. “Keith?”

“I’m not ok Bruce.” Keith said as he stood up and turned to face Bruce. “There are a few things you need to understand. First; you are fucking massive but that doesn’t mean you should stop. I never imagined someone could be as huge as you are and now that I know it’s possible, I want to see how much bigger you can get.” Keith climbed back on the bed near Bruce’s feet. His placed his strong hands running along the giant slabs that formed Bruce’s calfs. “Secondly; I personally like how grotesque you look. I’ve never been so terrified and turned on by one person at the same time before. I’m in awe of what you can make all this muscle do and I can’t get enough of how veiny and freaky you look.” With his hands dwarfed by Bruce’s un-flexed quads, Keith leaned down and gently placed his lips on Bruce’s semi-hard cock, causing the big man to moan loudly. Keith started to suck, making Bruce’s cock swell. He withdrew his mouth and grasped the now-hard dick and started to methodically jerk it up and down. “Thirdly, I never knew just how much I wanted to get bigger until this very moment.”

“AAAAAHHHHHHH, you mean it?” Bruce said, bucking his hips making Keith bounce like he was riding a bull.

“Fuck yes! I want you to help turn me into a roided up, massive freak of nature.”

Bruce reached up and grabbed Keith’s shoulders, guiding his mouth towards his now dripping cock. Keith swallowed the entire throbbing member as both men moaned loudly. Keith’s hands travelled up Bruce’s etched abs and explored every deep, iron-hard striation that covered every inch.

“OH FUCK YEAH!” Bruce screamed as he neared orgasm. “Let’s grow fucking MASSIVE!” He bellowed as he released his first load of cum. Keith eagerly drank every drop, never releasing his mouth from Bruce’s dick.

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