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  1. Bigrowinggod

    Damien’s favorite big brother

    I’m still working on stud camp I just wanted to write a story about nightwing growing lol also I’ve moved some of the ages around Damian’s 20 dicks 28 Not trying to really be comic accurate here Chapter one dick pov We managed to stop the plans of bane and poison ivy but not without Damian getting blasted by both of their chemicals. Without thinking he took the shot for me “ I know he’s going to be ok but it’s been hours and he hasn’t woken up”I say waiting outside of the watchtowers medical bay star fire /kori hugs my arm “Damien would never let himself die to some flowers and chemicals he will probably wake up soon now take a nap before we have to put you in the med bay with him” I try to argue but she grabs me and places my head on her lap. Eventually I pass out as she plays with my hair damien pov I wake up “where is dick is he ok” I ask Martian manhunter “yes he’s waiting outside for you I’m just going to run a few basic test quick” I’m poked and prodded for a bit before I’m given some of my normal clothes to change into “nothing to strange just be carful for awhile and make sure to check back in if you feel anything strange ok” he leaves the room as I change I check myself out in the mirror “weird there is no scaring” staring at my chest where the canister of ivy venom hit me I see my pecs swell bigger. i try to focus on other parts of my body and it works I make myself slightly bigger everywhere so I still fit my clothes “going to have to test this out later”I mutter. I finish and head out into the hall way and get hug tackled by dick and Kori “Dames your ok” dick says “next time let the weird chemicals hit me it’s way more stressful to be the person not hit” he jokes. “Hey between us three I think I’m the one who can take more hits” Kori smiles “Now im going to Titans tower I’ll expect you two there soon” she flys off leaving me and dick alone i focus on his body a bit just to see if it works and I see his suit slowly get tighter his already impressive bulge looks obscene now and it looks like his suit is struggling even more to contain his legendary cheeks I kinda zone out till I hear a rip and another dick panics running into the med bay trying to cover himself up “I’ll grab you some clothes just sit tight this is probably just some venom or something in your system from the fight” I half lie. Walking to the storage are I think about my feelings strange for me I know. I always had a bit of a crush on him he was everything dad was but better in my opinion just as smart and strong but without dad’s burdens. While we weren’t related by blood he was still my big brother,so I couldn’t talk to anyone about it but seeing him rip out of his uniform was driving me wild. I managed to refocus and grab him some clothes Once I made it back to the med bay I was shocked at how big he was I always kinda knew he was hung but the growing meat between his legs was monstrous now 14 inches and thick. He was slowly jerking off When he noticed me he quickly tried to cover himself up but failed miserably “ sorry you had to see me like this dames” I wonder if I can do anything else now I got banes muscle maybe I got ivys powers to before he can react I kiss him and he relaxes with that same love dovey look ivys victims have. I know this is fucked but I know this is going to be fun willing myself bigger as I make out with the hottest hero I’ve ever seen. (Edit note sorry for basically posting a ruff draft I’m going to work on editing before I post thank you all for reading)
  2. Bigrowinggod

    Stud camp

    I’m working on updating and fixing my other stories don’t worry just wanted to get this idea out of my head. It starts out kinda sad and slow you have been warned a lot of this is just stream of consciousness so it will probably be a bit messy dad (mark) pov are you sure you want to do this once you sign there is no going back he’s gonna be a almost completely different person by the time he’s done here”. Steven said. He’s my friend and partial owner of stud camp a highly controversial place for men to change themselves. I didn’t want to do this but my boi needs help and I’ve tried every other option from therapy to spiritual stuff a to z but he still isn’t better so time for the nuclear option. I quickly signed the waiver “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t understand” he seemed to understand “we will pick him up tomorrow make sure he has what he needs as you won’t see him for a awhile” I get home a few hours later poking my head into his rays room “how are you feeling bud” “ok” he mutters. ever since the crash that took his mom he’s been trapped in his own head and I get it I lost her too but it’s been 2 years he needs to accept it and move forward.At first I just wanted the kind boy I was proud to call my son back but now I just want him to live his life. “Your going to be going on a trip for while ray I really think this could work this time so I’ll help you pack enough stuff ok” I give him a tight hug “I love you now get washed up so we can go for dinner” ray pov I step out of the shower looking at myself In disgust if I wasn’t in the car she wouldn’t have tried to protect me. Well time to put on a smile so dad thinks I’m feeling better. dinner goes by quickly on the way back I ask” what are you gonna do while I’m gone dad I’ve been such a mess” he interrupts me “stop insulting yourself please ok I’ll probably just work on the house been wanting to get a pool and fix some stuff too” ending the conversation there. the next morning comes quickly a truck comes by and dad and a massive man quickly load my stuff “get in” the new man says I hop in and for the first time in awhile i feel small I’m 6’2 so it’s a feeling I haven’t felt in awhile but this man is almost 8 feet tall and it seems the truck was custom made for him “bye dad hope the pool is done by the time I’m back” waving as we drive off. “I get the your trying to be nice but your father but he isn’t dumb son he can tell that your not well”. I was going to say something but he was right if a guy I haven’t even met before could see through me i know dad has been “I just want him to focus on himself” I mutter “and now he can so just focus on you for the next few months” instead I focus on him for now other than his impressive height he is shredded beyond belief I see why the Truck was so Huge, he needs the room for his muscles. Looking lower I realize his pants do nothing to hide his bulge it seems impossible but it’s like hes 9 inches soft he chuckles “ I’m a grower to” he has to be joking. after a few hours of on the road I pass out. i wake-up In a cabin with a note next to me “ head to the main building” . chapter 2 As I walk in a doctor is waiting” huh you actually got marked to be one you lucky bastard “ the doctor chuckled “what do you mean?” Ignoring me he says “I’m just going to check your height and weight quick 6’2 290 pretty chunky” then he mutters “not for long “ “Now that I got your measurements you should head to the gym chief is waiting for the newbies” as I make my way to the meeting I see a few huge guys not as big as the guy that picked me up but still big surrounded by a bunch of other guys maybe it’s a gay camp I mean im bi maybe dad thought a boyfriend would help me. As I walk-in there’s a decent amount of guys waiting the guy that picked me up starts talking as he sees me walk-in “ for those of you unaware welcome to stud camp your gonna end up a stud or a bitch it’s all up to luck” he winks at me in a way the others can’t see One guy wearing nicer clothes speaks up “what do you mean chance I’m meant to be a stud” chief’s eyes roll as the guy continues to whine “shut it kid your dad signed the contract knowing it was up to chance if you got a problem being treated like everyone else leave” rich guy was going to say something but the guy sitting next to him mutters something in his ear and he calms down sitting back down. Chief thinks for a second before walking over talking to both of them rich guy and his boyfriend both look panicked for a a sec before quickly nodding “see I can be reasonable” “anyways you all are free to explore the camp or just relax in your cabins the real first day is tomorrow can’t wait to meet the new yous I’ll see tomorrow” as I leave I see him still talking to the couple. I get back to my cabin confused stud camp what was he talking about looking at my self in the mirror it was even funnier like I was in terrible shape well whatever I think I’ll head to bed early. The last thing I heard was the sound of my door locking itself and a deep masculine smell hit me
  3. hotmuscle101

    Frank's Gym Part 3: Lusty and Busty

    Through the haze of lust that Frank was feeling, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. Turning to see what it was, he was taken back by his own reflection. In the mirror stood a man in the prime of his life. No longer the man who looked aged and soft from years of steroid abuse. No this was the vision of health. Frank brought an arm up and flexed. It mounded into a solid orb. No bigger than before his contact with Damien, but now it was rock hard and covered in veins. He noticed his pecs were firmer and more square than before, coated in a thick dusting of hair that traveled all the way down his solid 6 pack abs. Nestled just below his abs in a nice bush was a much heftier cock and balls. Grunting and straining through pose after pose, admiring his younger harder looking body, Frank began sweating from the exertion of it all. He could smell a musky aroma emanating from his pits. Giving his pits a sniff caused his eyes to roll back in his head with lust as his already hard cock began to throb, which started a stream of precum flowing from the bulbous cock head. Unbeknownst to Frank, his musky aroma had made its way across the room and had begun affecting Damien. Laying back on the bed, Damien had been feeling up his fuller pecs, running his fingers over his nipples as little moans escaped his mouth. They were much more sensitive than he remembered them being. When Frank’s musk hit Damien it caused an overload in his brain, and all coherent thoughts escaped his mind as his hard cock throbbed with excitement. With each throb of his cock, his balls surged slightly larger, as his cock and muscles slowly shrank. He was grasping his nipples when the aroma hit him and when he finally came to, he noticed his hands were soaked. Damien brought his hand up to his face so he could inspect the mystery liquid. He gave his hand a sniff. It smelled a little tangy, almost like sour milk. He watched as a bead of the liquid ran across his palm and down to his finger tip. Curious, he brought the finger to his mouth and stuck out his tongue, allowing the fluid to wash over his palette. Damien was pleasantly surprised to find the sour smelling fluid tasted sweet. He licked his palm, trying to sample more of the mystery fluid. Damien brought his hand back down to his thick pec and grabbed his nipple between his thumb and forefinger and gave it a squeeze. A small moan escaped his mouth from the pleasure of it, but it was what filled his hand that gave him a real shock. Bringing his hand up to validate what he thought to be true, his hand was filled with a milky white liquid. The liquid was coming from him. Damien, now seeing through the lust, realized something wasn’t right. He shouldn’t be leaking from his pecs. It was at this moment that it also dawned on him how much he had shrunk. His physique no longer resembled that of an IFBB offseason bodybuilder, but more an amateur one, and that was tipping the scales in his favor. “I need to get out of here and figure all this out.” Damien whispered to himself as he slowly slid off the bed and onto his knees, trying to find anything to wrap himself in so he could get out of there. He looked around the room for anything, and saw the towel he had come to the office in by the desk. Frank was standing on the opposite side of the room by the weight equipment, still admiring his physique in the mirror. As Damien stood up and began to walk towards the desk to grab the towel and run, he was interrupted by another wave of Frank's pheromones filling his nostrils. His eyes glazed over as he turned towards the wall of mirrors and began walking towards the smell like a sex crazed zombie. Part of Damiens mind is telling him he shouldn’t do this and that he should try to escape while Frank is occupied with his own body in the mirror. The other part of his mind can’t stop looking at Frank’s glutes as they ripple with each flex. The striations and sinewy muscle that makes his back look strong and intimidating. The lust to have Frank’s massive log between his legs shoved inside of ass balls deep filled his mind as well. Damien reaches Frank and reaches a hand up onto his trap to feel the muscle. Frank begins flexing wherever Damiens hands land. “Your muscles are getting so hard!” Damien said as his hands roamed the ripples of muscle along Frank’s backside. Frank put his hands on his hips and did a lat pose for Damien. He heard a light gasp escape Damiens lips as his hands began feeling the hardness of the muscle Frank was flexing. “That’s not the only thing that’s hard.” Damien peered around Frank’s wide muscular pose to see him smirking in the mirror, but his attention was quickly brought downward to the python that was flexing and bobbing up and down in front of Frank. He had incredible control over it as it flexed harder and smacked into Frank’s hard abs with an audible “THWACK”. Every time the cock head slapped against his abs, it left a wet shiny patch on his midsection. Pre-cum was constantly streaming from Frank’s balls now, thanks to his much larger nuts and the increased amount of testosterone flooding his body's system. Damien’s head began to clear a little more, as he faltered while reaching for Frank's dick. Shaking his head as if to clear cobwebs, Damien took a step back and then another. The smirk faded from Frank’s face as he realized that his scent was no longer driving Damien’s lust. Damien turned around and headed straight for the desk where the towel was sitting. Frank turned around and faced Damien as rage began to compete with lust as he watched the globes of Damiens ass shift back and forth with his wide gate. Damien heard a low growl coming from behind him. He turned to see that Frank was no longer worshiping himself in the mirror. Instead he was looking blankly ahead with his hand stroking his cock. He watched as the growling grew deeper and ropes of pre shot from Frank's cock as a long low moan escaped his throat. What Damien didn’t see was that when Frank turned he had accidentally trapped his balls between his now harder thighs, causing his nuts to release even more hormones into his body. This forced more blood into his dick, making it larger. His body began sprouting more hair as his face started to change shape slightly, it was getting more angular and his eyes looked more sunken into his skull. Then it hit him. Damien was hit with more pheromones as he doubled over the desk in pleasure. What felt like minutes, was actually just seconds, but in that time Frank had raced his way over to Damien and spread his legs wide from the inside with his own. This forced Damiens fat globes of ass meat apart. Frank held is cock steady as it shot out more pre all over the puckering hole. Due to all the hormones racing through his body, Frank was no longer in control of his own thoughts. His dick seemed to have a mind of its own as it continued belching up pre as his body pushed him forward, impaling Damien on his dick. Damien began to moan out loud, having never taken a dick this big before. Surprisingly it was almost all pleasure and no pain. It must have been a combination of the pheromones and Frank’s pre-cum. It wasn’t long before Frank was buried balls deep inside Damien. Frank had been lost in lust, but as he bottomed out into Damiens ass some clarity came back into his mind. “Fuck, what am I doing, I ain’t fucking gay.” Frank began sliding his cock out of Damiens ass, but before he could completely pull out, his balls began to tingle. Then all of a sudden they felt tight in his sack. Frank's eyes glazed over with lust. His own balls had constricted without any outside force being applied to them. They had hijacked Frank’s body. Frank began sliding his dick back in as it swelled slightly inside of Damien. His ball constricted again, doubling the hormones inside of him. This sent Frank into a frenzy as he slammed his expanding cock all the way into Damien. Frank began thrusting hard and fast as pre cum shot like crazy inside Damiens hole. The entire time Frank’s body was going through a metamorphosis, Damiens was going through one of its own. From the first time Frank had hit Damien’s prostate, he had finally found release as cum lunch from his cannon. It sounded like someone had turned a hose on every time jizz launched from his cock head. His balls were contracting with each load, making them slowly lose size. But Damiens balls weren’t the only thing losing size, his whole body had begun shrinking down as it was all being transferred to his balls and then coming out in his jizz. Damien can feel his body being shoved further and further across the desk with each one of Frank’s thrusts from behind. Damien doesn’t know how much more he can take as he feels his orgasm begin to diminish. He reaches down to jerk the last bit of his load from his cock, only to find that his cock was nothing more than a tiny nub now. His balls were also nowhere to be found. Instead his fingers were greeted with flaps of skin where his sack once was. Damien encountered yet another surprise as he looked down to inspect what his hands were feeling, he was instead greeted with a huge pair of bulbous tits. They were no longer pecs, he had full blow breasts and they were huge. Damien let out a gasp as a pair of huge hands reached around him and grabbed hold of his newly minted tits. Frank began grunting more and thrusting even harder as he felt the now large breasts that Damien possessed. Damien felt himself being lifted up by the hands underneath his breasts until his feet left the ground. Damien could still feel the cock inside of him expanding as he was lifted up the thickening shaft and then lowered back down until his thick juicy ass cheeks rested on Frank’s balls.. Damien was now nothing more than a fuck doll for frank. “BIGGER!” The low growl came from behind Damien as he felt the cock beneath him flex and expand and then contract. At first Damien thought Frank was talking about his cock getting bigger, but then he realized that wasn’t the case. Damien could feel the flood of jizz inside his gut as Frank’s cock pulsed with load after load. Damien could feel Frank’s legs shaking beneath him with the force of his orgasm. The hands grasping under Damiens breasts began squeezing as his breasts began to throb and expand, forcing more flesh into Frank’s hands. The nipples slipped between his fingers as they thickened and began shooting out liquid. Frank could smell a sweet fragrance fill his nostrils. He brought a hand back to inspect the liquid, realizing that’s where the sweet smell was coming from, he shoved his finger into his mouth to taste it. Frank took his other hand still on the breast and milked the nipple into his cupped palm. He brought his hand back to his mouth and slurped up the liquid. Damien heard a rumbling moan from Frank as he was being lifted up and off Frank’s cock. He was swiftly turned around and then lowered back down. Damiens eyes rolled back into his head as Frank's cock slid back into him, except this time it wasn’t inside his juicy ass. Damien reached down and felt around the base of Frank’s cock and found that it was pushing into his body where his ball sack once was. Damien wasn’t given much time to register the changes as Frank dove mouth first for his right breast. Frank latched onto the nipple making hard draws of the liquid. This in turn caused slight pain for Damien which quickly turned to pleasure. Frank couldn’t get the milk fast enough as he kneaded the breast, forcing the milk to gush into his waiting mouth faster. His tongue danced across the nipple, savoring the sweet flavor of the milk. Damien took notice that the hands kneading his breast were getting rougher. Damien looked down at Frank’s hands, and was shocked to see that Frank's forearms were slowly getting larger with each draw of milk he took. It wasn’t just his forearms, it was his entire body growing larger by the second. Before long the first tit was empty and Frank, not missing a beat, switched to the other nipple and began sucking hard. All the while growing larger with each passing gulp of Damiens milk. Damien could feel Frank's dick slightly expanding inside of his newly grown pussy. It was filling him up and almost becoming unbearable. Not realizing he had been completely drained, Frank had lowered Damien back to lay on top of the desk. It was then that Damien finally saw Frank’s face, I mean really saw it. He looked almost like a neanderthal, his brow protruded forward and his eyes looked even more sunken into his skull. He had a look of bliss across his face. Something caught Frank’s attention because he looked up from staring at Damiens tits and brought his hands up to his midsection, feeling up his abs and his thicker pecs as he did. He was watching himself in the mirror as he fucked Damien. Frank brought his arms up and flexed, sending both arms into hard balls the size of softballs covered in veins. Frank then brought his arms down in front of him and did a most muscular pose, but as he held the flex he lost control. He threw his head back and roared, still holding the flex as his cock lurched inside Damien, pumping him full of cum. Something inside Damien changed and he knew from this point on, he would forever be a woman. Frank’s seed caused permanent changes to his body as his breast inflated again. His ass began lifting off the desk as it filled up with more meat to take Frank's deep hard thrusts. Frank's body was glistening with sweat as he began to come down from his orgasm. The room was clouded with his pheromones. It reeked of cum now as it began to spill back out of Damien as his body could no longer contain the vast amounts of jizz. Frank stepped back from the desk, causing his cock to pop out of Damiens pussy, still firing volley after volley of jizz as his cock lodged itself under the ledge of his desk. Both Damien and Frank were startled back to reality as a loud buzzing emanated from the phone next to Damiens head. Frank pushed the intercom button with a cum coated finger. “Sorry to interrupt sir, but the police are here to see you. Something about a man they’re searching for.” To Be Continued.
  4. Bigrowinggod

    Bull virus

    warning look at the tags before you read this u have been warned Chapter .5 (just set up really) zack pov “It’s spreading like wildfire this bull virus” the news reporter said “for the few of you that don’t know it changes men mostly with some effects on women. “Men were either turned into bulls (hulking breeding machines) or cows ( another option for bulls to breed ).your best option to avoid it is to wait it out those infected are only infectious for a few months after the initial infection so just stay indoors and relax now it’s time for Sheryl with the weather after that we will have the current specialist on this disease to talk about it later”. ”fuck my flight back just got canceled” my runt of a “big” brother ray said. “Oh boo hoo looks like you will just have to wait it out with us runt”I teased “dude I get that you don’t like me but I got projects I got to finish back on campus otherwise I wouldn’t care” he starts calling his school to see what he can do. awhile later dad walks in ,a mountain of a man in what’s basically a hazmat suit “boys shower now we can’t take any chances with this virus”. “together dad were both men now that’s weird “I complain. “Well if you didn’t manage to break the second one last week we wouldn’t have this issue now would we zack” ray grabs my arm “ let’s just get this over with dude” we strip and I hate to admit it but he isn’t a runt in one area when he's soft he’s larger than me hard but he’s to nice of a guy to tease me about it after we shower dad sets some rules : 1 unless it’s an emergency Or for food no leaving the house 2 ray is in charge of groceries (dad managed to find an extra suit in his size ) 3.no company over 4. zack will make the food the rules made sense dad can work from home and ray being smaller would probably help him avoid the bulls and I managed to convince dad to let my girlfriend stay with us. Unfortunately dad forgot to check ray’s entire suit and that would change our family forever
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