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  1. “Hello, Dr. Morelli.” “Oh, hey there Preston. What are you doing over here at this time of morning? Shane went back to college yesterday; I am surprised that he didn’t tell you.” The 21-year-old has had a major crush on his friend’s dad for several years. The 46-year-old medical doctor, with his thick grayish-brown mustache, lanky but furry body, and thinning hair on his head, has downplayed what he has suspected for a while. His wife is still sleeping in their bedroom. “Uh, well I just wanted to come over and talk a bit. I know that you are incredibly busy most of the time and I just wanted to get to know you more.” “Hmm, get to know me more? You have talked to me a bit already Preston. You are an insightful young man and you could spend a lot of time with guys your own age, you know?” “Oh, I know that doc. Can I call you that?” “Hmm, well I think Dr. Morelli is sufficient, don’t you think?” Morelli’s wife, Cassandra, walks through. “Oh, hello Preston. Shane has gone back to college, is there something wrong? Does Sidney need to help you with a problem?” “No no Mrs. Morelli, I just thought I would come over here and talk to your husband for a couple of minutes.” “Oh, well that is nice of you. I figured that you would be getting ready for work during this time.” “Yeah, I should I suppose. Thanks for the conversation doctor.” “Okay Preston. Have a good day.” Morelli briefly tells his wife that Preston is just being nice and that there really isn’t anything of note to wonder about. The 21-year-old waits a couple of hours and calls Morelli’s office to make an appointment with him. He has to wait a couple of days as there are no openings for the day. When he arrives for his appointment, it is near the end of the day and he eventually gets into one of the rooms. Dr. Morelli walks in with his laptop, is wearing a polo and dress pants, and dress shoes. He sighs when he sees Preston sitting on the exam table. He goes to sit down a few feet away and starts looking through his chart. “Preston...I presume that there is something going on with you? Or are you here just to see me?” “Well, actually I think there is something going on. Originally, I was just coming here to see you for no reason, but I have developed a... well maybe you can tell?” “Hmm, well you do have...huh? Have you always been this muscular?” Preston smiles as Dr. Morelli looks at both of his arms, which are hugging his shirt sleeves. “I may have taken something that may have caused me to grow bigger muscles. I mean I love the way I look; I just wasn’t expecting some of the side effects from it.” “Side effects such as what exactly, Preston?” “Heh, well I feel a lot more aggressive. People seem to think that I have an attitude. I mean...they are not wrong, but it wasn’t something I planned on in the beginning.” Morelli is now also glancing over other areas of Preston’s body such as his pecs, which are hugging his shirt quite well and his huge veiny quads. The doctor shakes his head in disbelief. “Did you do this for me? The side effects are likely a result from your overuse of whatever you are taking to look like this. I mean...the aggressive personality was bound to happen if it is your body’s response to the extreme growth you have experienced.” “Haha, I might have done this for you Dr. Morelli. Can I be a little more honest with you now?” Preston gets up from the table and goes over to lock the room door. Then he grins as he rips his shirt open to reveal his huge powerful chest as he bounces each thick pec. He then flexes his huge guns as they swell to at least 22” each. Morelli jumps back and is up against the cabinets in the office. The big college-aged stud has him pinned now. “I don’t seem to have any restraint anymore. I just react. I think I might actually like it doctor.” Morelli wants to yell for help, but at the same time, there is something deep within him that admires Preston and how muscular he is. He reaches in to feel the 21-year-old's big melons, which makes him sigh. “Mm, thank you for doing that Dr. Morelli. I would love for you to join me. I have a feeling that you want to be big and powerful as well, right? I have a surprise for you.” Preston pulls out a vial from his shorts pocket and puts it on the counter beside them. “Give me a syringe and I will gladly move this along. Or maybe you would be willing to do it yourself?” “You are actually trying to seduce me with these growth hormones, Preston?” “I can’t help myself doctor. I have wanted you for years. Growing myself over the past few days has made me hunger for you even more and I want to turn you into a hot, luscious hulk like me, because I know that you can do it.” Morelli now has his hands on Preston’s lats and is taking in his scent. He is lightly moaning as Preston undoes his shorts as they slowly move down towards the ground. His big cock strains helplessly in his small briefs. He grunts as it slowly rips out the front of them and stands fully erect beside the stunned doctor. His cockhead is very wet as beads of precum begin rolling down his shaft. “As you can see, I am more than willing to have that sexy mouth of yours on my cock, if you are wanting to taste this big stick.” “Uh, Preston. I can’t focus on all of this at once. You are...well...you are a gorgeous young man. I can’t deny it. I suspected that you wanted me a while back, but I couldn’t show it because of Shane.” “Ha, so you have thought about me? Well, there is nothing to stop you now from having some quality alone time with me. Just give me a syringe Sidney and I can change everything about you, including how you think about me and yourself.” “Damnit Preston...they are in this drawer over here beside us. I can’t believe that you are doing this to me.” “You won’t care in a few minutes when you are getting off on yourself and me.” Morelli is now down on his knees as he starts to mess around with the beast’s hard wet cock. He barely flinches when it slings precum all over his face. He moans deeply as he runs his hands all over the young hunk’s big powerful legs and ass. The hulk quickly takes a syringe out of the drawer he was talking about and shoves it into the vial he brought in. After getting it half full, Preston grunts as he reaches down to plunge the needle into the doctor’s neck. “I have wanted to do this to you ever since I laid eyes on you doctor. The fun is about to start for both of us.” “I should hate you for this, but I am entranced by your huge muscles and can’t stop touching them.” “Haha, I really like you too Sidney. Now, can I get a nice big manly kiss from you?” Morelli stops playing with Preston’s cock and gets back up to his feet to envelop his lips with his. They both moan deeply as the twentysomething kicks his shorts to the side and tears the rest of his shirt off after placing the used syringe back on the counter with the vial to wrap his arms around the doctor. He is pressed up against him and is now looking into the middle-aged man’s beautiful green eyes. “I knew that we had chemistry the moment I met you, Sidney. You are an incredibly sexy man and those eyes tell me that you want me to grow you.” Morelli has now started to groan as the serum spreads through his system. “Err...fuck...I can feel things happening all over my body.” “Mm, I know. It is so fucking great, isn’t it? Let me feel you as you grow into your true form.” Preston is now running his hands all over Morelli’s chest and arms as his muscles begin to expand. The doctor is now grunting as his legs and cock start growing as well. He is now licking his lips and biting his tongue as he stares lustfully down at his swelling body. “AHH Preston, you are absolutely right, I do want this. Daddy wants to grow so badly!” Sidney has wrapped his swelling furry forearms around his young partner and is now squeezing him, tensing them as they expand against the young beast. His thickening, roundish biceps and triceps are now causing the sleeves on his polo to tear. “Fuck yeah daddy, you are getting so fucking powerful. Make that chest huge for me.” “Heh...that won’t be an issue, Preston. Daddy will have a massive pec shelf.” Preston can feel Morelli’s pecs inflating against his hands which makes him yell in delight. The hairy man’s nipples are now protruding through the fabric on his shirt as he feels his polo being stretched to its limits. “YES! You are making me leak so much Sidney that I am practically cumming pre. I can feel your huge quads rubbing against me too. Mm fuck...makes those seams rip.” “My quads are getting fucking huge and the growth is making my cock and balls so much bigger too. You wanted daddy to hulk out, well you are getting your wish Preston.” Morelli grunts loudly as his pants begin splitting all the way down to his knees. Both of his inflating hairy tree trunks are now visible as Preston reaches down to feel the growing beast’s crotch, which is struggling to stay inside its confines. The doctor has now grown a full beard to go with his impressive mustache and is in complete lust of his growing body. “Mm big boy...you are making daddy so happy right now. My fucking cock is going to burst out at any moment. Wow, take a look down below Preston.” His feet are now blasting their way out of his shoes as his huge and meaty calves quickly massacre his socks. The young hulk moans as he feels Morelli’s cock ripping out of his pants. The huge veiny rod throbs wildly as his big ball sac manages to flop out of the tatters of his underwear. “OH FUCK! You are really hung Sidney. It looks so fucking beautiful in between those massive legs.” “Yeah, it feels absolutely incredible too. I was already pretty big in that department, but now I can say that I am a horse. Heh, well daddy’s about to explode out of the rest of his puny clothing Preston, so enjoy the sights and sounds. I know I will!” Morelli grits his teeth as his swelling delts and traps begin to tear through the top of his polo. He moans as his enormous pecs pull the front apart, revealing the upper part of his furry eight pack. Preston immediately grabs one of the doctor’s huge hairy mounds in his hands and feels them flexing against his fingers. “You are hotter than I could have ever imagined in my head Sidney.” “You don’t have to call me that anymore Preston. That is who I was before you decided to turn me into an alpha beast. Let’s go with Brett as I continue to grow out of this polo.” He pushes the young hulk back a few steps so he can do a most muscular as his flaring lats and huge back demolish the rest of his top as it lays in tatters on his immense upper body. He is smiling and moaning at the same time as his huge cock starts to make a puddle on the floor along with Preston. “Ahh, you are so fucking right big boy. I can’t believe I never wanted this before.” Preston goes to grab his shirt. “No, leave it Preston. I am savoring how I went from being so introverted to becoming the man I never knew I needed to become. I feel so fucking massive!” ‘Brett’ grunts as his thick pelvic muscles finally become too much for his pants waistband and rips it off. He finally reaches up to slowly rip the rest of his polo off. He is now running his own hands all over his heaving chest, running his fingers through the thick forest of grayish-brown fur along his pecs and abs, and marveling at how deep and cavernous they are. He pulls Preston into him. “You are a fucking genius young man. You made me lust for muscle and now...well I think you know what you want to happen now.” “OH YEAH! You might be surprised to know Brett that I would love for you to start flexing and posing for me.” “We can both do that Preston. Daddy would love to compare himself to such a hot young beast like yourself.” After a couple of minutes of trying to figure out how to pose correctly, Morelli starts to do various things with his arms, making his biceps bulge as big as they can get, the veins corded all the way down his arms. “FUCK! Ahh...Brett I might cum without touching myself.” “Don’t you dare cum without me big boy. I will just have to keep edging you with my huge muscles and you need to join in. I want to worship you as much as you want to with me.” Preston starts to pose as well which quickly leads to both beasts grabbing each other’s muscles and searching each other. Their cocks are now rubbing, mixing each other’s precum with ferocity. Brett is now running his tongue along Preston’s pec shelf and up to his neck as the younger beast moans in ecstasy. They then stare into each other’s eyes and start kissing each other. It isn’t long before the college-aged hulk starts moving down along Brett’s huge midsection and reaches his wide quads. He kisses on them passionately before rubbing his face on the older hulk’s furry bush. “I lust for your entire body daddy, but I admit that I am very thirsty for your big, beautiful cock.” “He wants you too Preston. Daddy Brett has plenty of milk to feed you. All of this growing has made this beast build up quite a backlog of cum in his big heaving sac.” “Oh, my gawd, you always know what to say Brett.” The 21-year-old is now slowly running his tongue along the sides of Brett’s huge 11-inch beast as he massages both of the hairy hulk’s thickly-muscled legs with his hands. Morelli sighs loudly, teasing one of his pecs with one hand and rubbing Preston’s head with the other. “Mm, give him a nice massage with that sexy mouth of yours, big boy. He is going to blow here in a short time.” He stops him for a moment. “Hold on, let’s move over to the exam table. Get up on the seat big boy and let daddy get into a better position.” “OH, FUCK YES!” The exam table that was lying flat in the supine position was lifted up by the doctor with his arms. He grunts as he hears the lever break on the table as it sits up in a sitting position. Preston sits down in the seat as Morelli stands up on the step with the young beast in between his huge quads. His cock is dripping all over the young beast, coating his cock with his precum again. “Mm, look at that beautiful sight big boy. I am lubing you up. Now let’s make a mess.” “I think I may be in love with you Brett. You are the man of my dreams.” “Heh, cum for me Preston. I want to cross streams with you.” The two hulks start stroking each other in unison, their moans getting louder and more intense. It doesn’t take too long before Brett starts barking as he begins to spray Preston in the face. The college-aged hulk follows with his own massive load as it flies into the air and starts hitting Morelli’s chest. “YEAH! FUCKING get off on me young man. RRAAWWRR!!” He continues to drown Preston in his man milk as the young beast lifts his ass in the air and starts to stuff Brett’s spurting cock inside him. “Fuck me daddy, fill me up, I crave it so much. You are my master.” “OH YEAH BIG BOY! This beast is going to enjoy this.” Brett turns him towards the floor and hops up onto the table. It creaks before falling to the ground and both men moan in pleasure as the huge hairy hulk starts pounding him into oblivion, pumping load after load into Preston’s gut. The young beast has his tongue out to catch his own load in his mouth, which makes Morelli smile as he helps to stroke his cock as he cums. “Mm... he he...good boy. Drink that thick cum. Daddy Brett would like a taste too.” He turns Preston’s cock up to his mouth and slowly moves down on it. He sighs as he slurps for a few seconds before pulling it out. His younger partner moans in ecstasy as he finishes cumming. Brett can feel himself nearly drained and leans down on top of the 21-year-old. “You are the best thing to happen to me since my own boy was born Preston. I honestly don’t know what is going to be next for me and Cassie because she will never want to be with a beast like me. I am not the same man she married.” “Well...you never know Brett. She might be into huge hairy bodybuilders and was keeping it a secret.” “I don’t think so Preston. You have pretty much ended any chance that I will be able to be the quiet and reserved doctor again. This doctor is going to have to choose a new specialty. Now give your daddy a kiss and let me explore you so more.” Morelli picks him up off the ground and carries him over to one of the counters again. He looks the young beast in his eyes again and leans in to kiss him passionately on the lips as he starts to run his hands all over the college-aged hulk’s back and arms. Preston has now started to explore Brett’s chest with his mouth, licking and tugging on the hairy beast’s nipples and slurping on his cum-covered pecs. “Mm... I am not going to be getting anything else done for the rest of the day with you here.” “I don’t think that fucking matters today, Brett. You have been reborn as a fucking god.” “Heh, you do have a point. This office is trashed anyway, I might as well make a bigger mess and have fun with it.” “Absolutely daddy. I want to make your muscles force you to make more milk for me. I am just starting to scratch the surface on your gorgeous chest and arms. Your legs are immaculate Brett.” “Do what you have to do Preston. I am more than willing to get worshipped again by you. I have never felt this good in my life.” “With pleasure!” As the young beast starts to massage Brett’s huge muscles again, there is a lot of pounding on the exam room door. The police have been called and are trying to get in. The two beasts laugh as they are interrupted.
  2. “Hogan, I have a surprise for you. You have been selected from the millions of applicants from around the world to meet the big guy himself.” “What have you entered me into Nasim? I told you I wasn’t interested in that contest that you have been talking about throughout the year. There are literally thousands of other guys like me that have also lost a bunch of weight. Besides...I doubt this is a real contest anyway.” “Well...it looks pretty legit to me. It has an official trademark attached to the social media account. I doubt that they would allow an imposter to run such a major contest like this without it being reviewed, right? It has also generated a great deal of money, and the big guy has even responded himself. Anyway, your transformation wasn’t anything to gloss over either. You need to look in a mirror sometimes bro, because you are very looking really fire, and you are incredibly attractive.” “I am not as attractive as you think I am. I just look a little bit better than I did a year ago.” “Yeah, sure Hogan...guys don’t literally drop half their body weight in six months, have surgery to remove a huge amount of skin, and then blow up in muscle like you have done. Your arms are bigger than your head, and you are stronger than anyone I know. I would say that you are a rare breed.” “Well...if you are so mesmerized by me, then you could have started dating me Nasim, but you never did.” “I am not going to cheat on Massimo. You know that. We both agreed to enter you into this contest because you deserve to find happiness like we have, and this is our Christmas gift to you. Apparently, he will be here to see you on December 26th, which is tomorrow. I will talk to you later, okay. I do care a great deal about you Hogan, just try to be open about this. He obviously thinks you are special, or he wouldn’t come to see you at your house. Merry Christmas and enjoy this experience for us.” Nasim hangs up and Hogan puts his phone down on the bar counter located beside his kitchen. He is pretty tired after attending two of his family gatherings for Christmas. The attention he received was more than overwhelming for him and he sort of wished that he didn’t go to either one of them at all. The 210-pound bodybuilder’s transformation from a 400+ pound blob to where he is now, is something that nobody expected to do. Hogan’s shy personality still lingers despite his noticeable handsomeness, impressive muscularity, and bronzed skin. He always pined for his friend Nasim, but they never moved beyond their close friendship. The incredibly sexy Saudi, who himself has developed into a well-muscled adonis, started a long-term relationship with another Saudi a few years prior to Hogan’s transformation, so it was too late for the two men to explore anything on a personal level. After going to bed that night, around 3:00am, Hogan hears a knock on his front door. Considering that he has been in a tough situation in the past, he grabs one of the bats beside his bed and slowly walks down the stairs to the door. He can see a silhouette of a fairly large figure in front of the door. He yells through the door, “Who are you and what do you want?” The person politely says back, “Hogan...open the door and I will answer all of your questions.” He cracks the door open slowly and is stunned when he sees a man standing there in a red and white Santa Claus outfit, complete with everything you remember from the stories with the jolly man from your childhood. The hat with the cotton ball on the end, black boots, and a big black belt. He is carrying a sack on his back but puts it down on the ground beside him to show Hogan that he has nothing else in his hands. The man has a thick white beard, a large portly belly, and is smiling back at the surprised man. The unsuspecting 26-year-old half-Arabian is wearing a striped pajama outfit, but no underwear beneath his pants. He keeps the door mostly closed. “What do you want old man? This is weird that you are doing this the day after Christmas. Are you here to rob me or something?” “Heh, no Hogan. I am here because someone in your life thinks you are worthy of meeting me. You see, after I am done taking care of all the good boys and girls in the world on Christmas Day, I can then reward some lucky man with a late Christmas gift of his own.” Hogan, still thinking this guy is a nut, tries to close the door on him, but the man holds the door in its place somehow. He is in shock when it doesn’t budge. “Uhh...how are you doing that?” “Let me come in Hogan so we can get to know each other a little better.” At this point, the young man can feel a force overtaking him as he drops the bat in his hand and opens the door so that the man can enter. He is staring in bewilderment as the man walks in, carrying the sack he has brought with him, and looks directly at the tree in Hogan’s living room. It is barely decorated with anything on it. “Hmm...it looks a bit bare; don’t you think young man? Don’t you worry, I will take care of this.” Hogan is even more amazed when he sees his tree get decorated seemingly out of nowhere with brightly colored lights, huge manly looking ornaments, and tons of interesting holiday accessories strewn about on it. He is somewhat aroused by this but doesn’t understand why as he tries to cover his semi-erect tool. “Wha...? How...? Are you really...him? I can’t deny that I absolutely love what you have done to the tree. I mean...oh shi...sorry, I didn’t mean to cuss.” The man puts down his large sack beside the tree and walks over to him to put his arm around Hogan’s shoulder. “Heh, this is just an example of what could be the beginning of our day together Hogan. As I said before, someone thinks you are worthy of my services, and I think they are absolutely right. We shouldn’t waste too much time today, should we? I know you have made a dramatic physical transformation over the past year. I have to say that you are indeed a very attractive man, and I am more than willing to give you everything that you desire today. On this day, being naughty and nice is perfectly acceptable behavior.” Hogan turns to look directly into his eyes and can’t help but think about how much he wants him to see the big guy get insanely buff. The man winks back and smiles because he knows what is going through his mind. “You are getting Nick all excited Hogan...*can feel himself getting ready to transform*...mmm I guarantee that you will have never seen me look like this before...*there is noticeable popping noises coming from all over his body* Ho... ho... HOOO...I have a VERRY...MERRY...Christmas gift for you...and actually...for the both of us...” The young man can feel something happening to the older man as he tries to pull away from him. The man’s beard is starting to darken as it adjusts itself perfectly several inches down along his jawline. He moans as his belly shrinks and vanishes from within his fuzzy coat. Hogan feels his own cock getting hard in his pajama pants as he continues to look on. “Ho ho ho... GRRR...this does feel really GOOD Hogan...” Nick is now squeezing his hands into a fist as they slowly expand. The veins also appear to be swelling in each of them. His legs can now be seen stretching his red pants. Hogan can also see the man’s cock growing beneath the fabric as well. The silhouette of Nick’s beast mesmerizes him and puts thoughts in his head that he never imagined before. “I... uhm...I shouldn’t have these types of feelings for you Santa...but...well...I can’t seem to help it.” “Haha...just keep staring at me young man. You are going to get a great show...and I am getting to share this experience with you. You deserve it.” Nick finally moves his swelling arm away from Hogan as it starts to stretch the sleeves on his coat. He is looking down at his inflating pecs with glee as they slowly start to press on his coat and open it. He closes his eyes for a few moments as his chest starts to heave, his breathing noticeably heavier, but he is laughing in delight. Hogan has now pulled his pants down past his knees as he slowly starts to stroke his cock. “I knew you would enjoy this, Hogan. You want to see Buff Santa and I am going to give that to you!” The belt on Nick’s pants is unable to handle the girth of his expanding muscular pelvis as it squeals before exploding off his waist. His pants start ripping all the way down to his knees, exposing his bloated, furry, tree-trunk sized quads, which are hard as steel, as they continue to expand. He grunts as his massive triceps and biceps finally blast through his sleeves and keeps on growing as he flexes them for Hogan. He then half grimaces and smiles in pleasure as his swelling pecs continue to get even thicker and wider, pulsating and bouncing as he reaches down to slowly open his coat to reveal them to Hogan, moving his big mitts down to squeeze his hard nipples and starts growling. “RAWR, oh yeah it feels so exhilarating Hogan. I have needed to do this for so long. I can’t thank you enough for allowing Buff Santa to come out and play.” His bloated back bursts through the back of his coat as he turns for a minute to let the young man get a clear view of just how immense his delts and traps are getting. His expanding feet then start ripping the seams on his boots before blasting out of them, revealing each thick meaty toe on his big beauties. The massive muscularity on this growing beast astounds Hogan, but he is still afraid to approach the impressive monster. Nick is now sighing, feeling the hair on his body thickening and turning darker with flecks of gray strewn in between each black strand. He has turned back around again to face his young partner to let Hogan see his mammoth abdominal cavity as it is now in full view of his face. Each individual ab is glistening with sweat and is covered in a very healthy amount of grayish-black fur. Hogan can’t help but moan softly to himself as he finds the beast’s chest to be incredibly beautiful. He is then motioned to come closer to Nick. “Come over here my young stud. I want you to also meet...my...RRAAHH...” He roars in delight as his thick meaty cock has found a way to rip itself out of his pants. It is fully erect, gloriously furry, and has a thick sheath. It is also quite veiny and dripping profusely. Hogan has now mustered up enough courage to walk up to him and begins to run his hands all over Nick’s incredibly massive chest. The big guy moans as he feels the young man touching his pecs. “OH ho ho young man. I think maybe you might like it when I do...this...” Hogan can hear Nick’s pecs squeaking as they both grow even bigger, getting even rounder as his nipples now point downwards towards his abdominals. His young partner is intoxicated by Santa’s manly scent as well as he starts to run his tongue along the contours of the big man’s huge tits. He is also petting Nick’s thick and hairy six-pack with his fingers, running them along the huge cords of muscle back along his stabilizers to the caverns of his incredibly furry pits. He can see the furry beast’s hefty lats agonizingly trying to stay in place without destroying the entire coat. Nick sighs in pleasure as he does this. “You really know how to make Buff Santa happy, Hogan. I just might be able to...mmm...add a little more size to my core...” Hogan lets out a very loud, “Ahh...” when he sees Nick’s abdominals swelling even larger, harder, and vascular than they were just a few seconds before. He starts petting them again making Santa shutter in pleasure as it appears to be making him hornier. His pecs start bouncing in unison as his young partner starts fingering both of his big nipples. He puts one of his hands on Hogan’s shoulder. “MMM yeah. I think maybe you will want to get a bit more comfortable with my huge mantits. I have something delicious you might like Hogan.” The half-Arabian moans as he starts to flick the big guy’s left nip with his tongue. He hears Nick say, “OH YEAH!” as he does this, which makes him extremely horny as well as he reaches down to start stroking himself again. He can feel Santa’s pec flexing after doing this for about a minute. Nick says to him, “Keep going...ahh...” as he grimaces in pleasure. Hogan gets his reward as he tastes something leaking from the beast’s swollen nip. It appears to be milk but is remarkably sweet and very thick. He can hear Nick going, “Ahh...yeah drink it young man. I have more in the other one too.” After a couple of minutes, it finishes leaking and he moves over to the other one to do the same. Nick is now laughing as he begins to drain his right nip of milk. He has his huge left arm cradling Hogan’s head as the young man looks up at him. “My pec milk is going to be providing you with a lot of necessary nutritional benefits for your body, Hogan. You should be feeling the effects very soon, once you finish with my big boy here.” As he finishes draining Nick’s other pec, the young man gets back up to compose himself for a few seconds. “What do you mean by that Santa? Is this going to make me grow?” The mature muscle beast smiles, knowing that he doesn’t really have to tell him anything. Hogan has stopped stroking himself again and pulls his pants back up. He can now feel something happening in the middle of his stomach as he clutches it. Nick is looking at him lustfully. “I think you are going to be really happy with what is going to happen to you now young man.” He can hear the half-Arabian groaning as his muscles begin to swell. The stretching noises emanating from Hogan’s body are making Nick want to grow even bigger, but he is trying to control himself. His cock is throbbing wildly as the precum starts flowing all over the young man’s floor. He can hear his partner saying, “Yes...yes...I want this...” as his cock finds its way out the top of his pants. Hogan looks directly at Nick and smiles as he moves his legs further apart, anticipating their forthcoming expansion. He has his hands on his chest as he continues to moan deeply, the pleasure indescribable as his swelling quads stretch his pants to their limits. His calves are now visible beneath the fabric and his feet have grown a few sizes larger. He can feel his arms squeaking beneath the fabric of his top, massive cords of vascularity completely visible from his wrists all the way up to his shoulders. “Uhh...uhh...I have dreamed about this for so long Santa. You have made my wish come true. I can feel myself getting bigger and stronger.” His glutes are now testing the limits of his pants as they start to slowly rip a few seams open in the back. As for his back, Hogan sighs as it splits the fabric, his lats and delts in view. He turns to let Nick see them. The mature beast walks up to him and winks as he reaches down to touch the young beast’s cock, feeling it swell in his hand. “I am getting so turned on watching you Hogan. I am going to grow even bigger so I can give you more.” Nick starts moaning loudly as he feels his cock getting even larger, his balls growing as big as softballs as his coat finally succumbs to his sheer size, arms, pecs, quads, and back all getting to gargantuan thickness. He is still holding on to Hogan’s cock and starts to squeeze it into his cock slit. The warm and slippery hole turns the young growing beast on so much that he accidentally shoots cum down inside the big man’s massive tool. “MMM...that feels really amazing, beast. BUFF SANTA is going to turn you the best bodybuilder on this planet.” As Hogan feels his inflating pecs stretching his top, he can also feel Nick’s supernatural cock undulating as his ball sack contracts and pushes massive amounts of cum into his own rod. The insane volume of Santa seed is now traveling up into the young half-Arabian's own ball sack, intestines, and throughout his entire body. The pain only lasts for a couple of minutes as his cock is finally pulled out of the muscle monster’s ridiculously enormous penis. “Your days of looking like every other short freak here on Earth is over Hogan. You are now going to get...” The young beast grunts as his spine cracks and he begins to feel himself rising towards the ceiling. His shirt is now up past his torso and his pants are now ripping off his body. He is probably well over 7” tall now. Nick can hear him saying, “Oh my gawd...I never thought...”. “You won’t even remember being this small after today, young man.” In just seconds, Hogan’s top disintegrates under the growth that is starting to happen. Nick moans hearing his partner in absolute pleasure, embracing his expanding muscles and losing control of who he was, prior to that moment. His voice is also changing, deepening to a very masculine tone. His quads are now bigger than most natural bodybuilder’s torsos and his biceps are as large as beach balls. He growls as he feels his pecs getting wider, forcing his arms to reposition themselves. He is flaring his lats now, hitting his Christmas tree and knocking it over. He is entirely unconcerned. “Mmm...I think you are enjoying this Hogan. Do you still have a problem with me being here?” “Are you freaking kidding Santa? I feel like I can conquer the world now. You have completely changed my life. There isn’t anything that I can’t do. I could probably pick up my car with ease with these bazookas.” “You are probably not wrong, beast. Before we finish here, why don’t we spend a little more time getting acquainted with each other’s muscles just a bit more.” “I would absolutely love to fool around with you. Maybe you could provide me with some more of your magical seed?” “Ho ho... not a chance Hogan. You will have to force me to I suppose.” “It would be my pleasure, Santa.” The two nude behemoths have moved their play time outside into Hogan’s backyard. Interestingly, the younger beast’s cock and balls have grown even bigger, big enough to where Nick can do something that might surprise his partner. He licks his lips staring at the half-Arabian's huge rod and starts to wrestle him to the ground. “Uhh...no fair old man. I wasn’t ready for that.” “Ho ho beast, I want to do something pleasurable for the both of us.” “OH!? Hmm...well I am willing to do it if it involves me being as big as a house.” “Well, no, but your big cock will enjoy this immensely.” The huge mature muscle monster is now slowly pushing his bloated forearm down inside Hogan’s cock, making him yell in discomfort. After a few seconds, it relaxes, and Nick starts moving his arm back and forth inside it. The young behemoth is now moaning loudly feeling his balls filling up with gallons of cum. “OHH YEAH! I love it, Nick. I won’t be able to hold it back very long though, there is so much cum...” “I am aware of that Hogan. You are about to possibly change the future for some other male on this planet if this works.” “OH!? OHHH...” Hogan’s balls are now pumping cum into his shaft as Nick slides his meaty arm out of his partner’s hole. The volcano starts to erupt, and it goes flying thirty feet into the air. He does this several times as his older partner grins watching it travel to another part of the city. The last strands of cum smack Nick in the face and he smiles as he licks some of it off his beard. He leans down to kiss Hogan on the lips. “MMM...this was a lot of fun, beast. It turned out even better than I imagined. This is the first time that I have been allowed to turn a mortal man into a supernatural creature, even though you are probably around 450 pounds give or take.” Hogan laughs at him and holds him against his body. “I hope this isn’t the last time I see you, Santa. You turned me into a demigod, and I would love to spend more time with another equally impressive force of nature.” “Well, you won’t have to worry about that much longer because what you just did was a catalyst for what will happen from this day forward. Now...I must go before your people find out about me.” Hogan kisses him deeply one more time before they look into each other’s eyes and Nick disappears. The huge 7’1 455-pound hulk manages to get back onto his feet and waddles into the house. There, he notices that there is a box sitting on his bar counter. He opens it and it contains a bottle labeled Buff Santa. The massive beast smiles as he closes it and walks into his living room to try and clean up some of the mess that they left. At least for the time being, Hogan is the only muscle monster that Buff Santa has created. Will there be more before the new year hits? As Nick said, this beast just opened a box that probably can’t be closed again.
  3. TheWeremuscleForest

    Not Your Typical Massage and Muscle Service

    Lincoln: “I am so freaking nervous, Ben. I mean...I know we have been planning this weekend for so long, but now that it is about here, I am having second thoughts about it.” Benjamin: “Just calm down, stud. Everything will be okay. I have known you now for about two years, and I have kept my schedule open for you for months to do this. We have talked on the phone and seen each other on cam, you know I wouldn’t do this for everyone. It will be alright.” Lincoln: “Uhh, my anxiety just gets the best of me sometimes. You know that.” Benjamin: “LOL, I know you enough to know how you can be. You are going to meet me at the hotel. I will make sure of that.” Lincoln: “Okay...okay. Just give me an hour or so, okay?” Benjamin: “Don’t you make me wait there too long, or I will find your apartment. You probably don’t want your building to start asking questions.” Lincoln: “Yeah, you are right. Heh...I promise I won’t be late.” Benjamin: “That’s right stud.” Lincoln Van Kirk and Benjamin Al-Sady are meeting up for a weekend of fun. What exactly the fun entails will depend on what Benjamin decides. He is an escort that is paid normally by the hour, but over the past two years, the Syrian American beauty has developed a strong friendship with Van Kirk. It wasn’t something he was expecting, but the two twentysomethings unknowingly became friends after exchanging phone numbers through Discord and then doing a few cam sessions about every few months. Al-Sady services don’t come cheap either. He has a 5.0 rating on a site called Escort Prestige, which includes men that attend events with clients and even provide services like massages, worship, and possibly even more kinky fetishes, within limits of course. Al-Sady is known for a few of these services. Van Kirk was willing to pay a great deal for his services, which naturally peaked Al-Sady's interest. The incredibly beautiful Arab arrived at the hotel around 7:00pm that evening. Van Kirk is supposed to meet with him by 8:00pm. It is a Friday evening, and they are supposed to go out and eat. Benjamin: “Linc...don’t disappoint me.” Lincoln: “I won’t...I won’t. Just a few more minutes.” Van Kirk is no slouch in the looks department himself, well at least according to some of his friends. Since he started interacting with Al-Sady, he hit the gym and started working on his body. He doesn’t see his progress, but a few of his friends do. He has a great six-pack and decently sized arms and legs. He is clean shaven, both on his head and his face, and likes to wear flannel as much as possible. It is now 7:50pm. Benjamin: “Ten minutes bud.” Lincoln: “I am on the elevator to the room.” Linc arrives at Ben’s door and knocks. The Syrian hunk opens and smiles. The two men had been texting the entire time. Now they are talking face-to-face for the first time. Benjamin: “You are much more attractive than even I thought Linc.” Lincoln: “I would say the same to you Ben.” The two men embrace as they wrap their arms around each other. Ben is wearing a tank top and black dress pants while Linc is wearing his usual flannel shirt that is blue and green with matching pants. They hold each other for a few moments before letting go. Benjamin: “I would kiss you, but I want to save that for later. Let’s go eat, we need to get our energy up.” Lincoln: “Okay, I am so nervous...but I trust you.” After Ben gets fully dressed, they go out and eat at a nice restaurant. They chat quite a bit and there are clearly sparks between them. Benjamin is wanting to go somewhere else so they can get more acquainted. He has bigger plans for Saturday night and wants Lincoln to get even cozier with him. They decide to see a movie before going to a club together. This is apparently designed to see how Lincoln reacts to other men. The men at the club recognize Ben and chat him up, knowing who he is. Lincoln is incredibly nervous of course but can keep his cool mostly. The beautiful Syrian is down to just wearing a pair of shorts that he was wearing underneath his pants. His nicely toned hairy body is on full display. A few men kiss him on the lips, but he is not engaging any further with them. He tells Lincoln not to worry because they will leave soon. After spending a couple of hours at the club, it is after midnight, and they leave. Once outside, Ben leans in and kisses Linc on the lips. They both moan deeply as the hunky Arab, with his well-groomed beard, tears Lincoln’s flannel open and starts licking his pecs and nipples. He is wanting Linc after being stimulated at the club. He stops after a minute of doing this. Benjamin: “Let’s go back to the hotel so I can give you a nice massage before bed stud.” Lincoln: “Sure, I am willing...” After taking a cab back to the hotel, they go into the room, and Ben gets his table out. Benjamin: “Take everything off Linc. I promise that you will be ready to snooze after I am done working you over.” He hands the sexy athletic white man a towel and walks him to the bathroom. After a minute, he comes out wearing just the towel. Ben is completely nude and his cock, all nine inches of it, is hard and throbbing. Benjamin: “Come over here and lay down. Damn, you look great.” Lincoln: “Heh thanks.” Van Kirk lays down on his back and is immediately coated in oil that Ben had sitting off to the side. There is lots of rubbing and teasing for around twenty minutes as he tells Lincoln to flip over to his stomach. The hairy masseuse intentionally positions himself in a way to where his partner can play with his cock. It doesn’t take much for Linc to get the hint as he slowly starts stroking the escort’s pole and feeling his hole being massaged slowly after Ben undoes his towel. Benjamin: “Mmm, I want you so much Linc, I wasn’t going to go this far...well...” He can feel Lincoln’s mouth slowly sliding on top of his huge pole and starts moving back and forth on him. The attraction between them is palpable. After a few minutes of loud sucking, Ben jumps up on the table and starts to tease his partner’s hole with his big beast. Van Kirk is more than willing to take him now, lightly moaning and begging. Lincoln: “Fuck Ben...I have never wanted a man more than I want you right now.” Benjamin: “The feeling is mutual stud. I am not just saying that either. I really wasn’t expecting this. I want to fucking fill you up until you burst. You turn me on so much.” After playing with his partner’s hole with his cock for a couple of minutes, the Syrian makes entry and is surprised when Lincoln’s hole takes it all. He starts pounding him, shaking the table, which makes a lot of noise, but the two men could care less. They both yell in pleasure with each round that passes. This goes on for another twenty minutes before Ben finally unloads inside Lincoln. He then flips his partner over and slides his mouth over top of the white stud’s own seven-inch tool. Lincoln: “Oh my gawd, mmm. Don’t stop Ben...” The furry beauty moans as he furiously works his partner’s cock, pulling it out of his mouth, strings of saliva and precum dripping from his mouth as he goes to kiss Lincoln on the lips. He then gives the well-built man’s cock more long and eager strokes. He is very hungry. Benjamin: “I lust for your seed, beautiful. Give me what I crave.” His mouth envelopes the engorged tool and is not stopping its endgame. He can tell that Lincoln is going to erupt and it is going to be great. Lincoln moans loudly as the river moves into his cock and starts to go down Ben’s throat. The Syrian’s neck flexes and looks a bit thicker as it focuses on taking it all in. He is in a start of nirvana as he moans deeply. He pulls his mouth off it to watch it gush down his hand and onto his beard. He is laughing as he looks directly into Linc’s eyes. Benjamin: “Fuck, you taste amazing Linc. That is one of the things I have wanted from you since we have met.” He licks his partner’s cock and swallows more of his spunk before running his tongue up Lincoln’s abs and pecs until his reaches the stud’s mouth and kisses him again. He holds him against him as they kiss longingly. It appears this is exactly what the escort was wanting out of their first night together, and it was successful. After a few minutes of composing themselves, they clean themselves up and Ben puts his table away before they hop into bed. They hold each other as they fall asleep. After waking up on Saturday morning, the two men chat briefly before Ben tells Lincoln that he will be out with a couple of his escort buddies for part of the day. They will meet up again that evening in the same room. He also tells Lincoln that he won’t have to pay him for the time that he is gone during the day because it isn’t part of the agreement. It stuns the athletic man that he is willing to do this. Benjamin: “It isn’t something that we agreed on, remember? Tonight, will be really fun for the both of us, and I must get ready for it.” Lincoln: “Oh alright. When should we meet here then?” Benjamin: “Let’s go with 7:00 again. We can go out and eat again and come back here for the fireworks to begin once again. Tonight, we’ll be doing something a bit different, and hopefully I can perform the way that I want to with you.” His sexy client seems quite intrigued. Lincoln: “Okay, I will definitely be here.” Benjamin: “I believe you this time. I feel like we have made an incredible connection Linc. I have developed a bit of a crush on you.” Lincoln: “Oh wow! I am surprised to hear that. I know I am not as nervous as I was yesterday.” Benjamin: “Good stud, now let me hold you one more time before I see you tonight.” The handsome Arab wraps his arms around Linc in bed and kisses him longingly again, holding him tightly. He then reaches down and strokes his partner’s cock again to get it hard. They stop kissing so that Benjamin can work his magic on his client’s tool again. Linc moans deeply as he gets ready to feed Ben another healthy dose of his boys. The Syrian sighs feeling the cum rushing down his throat. He looks up at his partner and smiles as he finishes drinking his white cocktail. He pulls it out of his mouth and kisses it a few times as he lightly massages Linc’s nicely built quads. Benjamin: “You make me feel so good Linc. I have trouble focusing on other things.” He checks to see how smelly he is. Benjamin: “Heh, I guess I don’t need to shower again. I will need to clean up my face though.” Lincoln laughs and they both kiss again. After that, they both get dressed and move on with their days after saying their goodbyes. The evening comes and the athletic white stud is in the room a few minutes before 7. He is greeted by the Syrian and kissed the moment he enters. Benjamin: “Good evening stud. Let’s go eat, I am feeling a bit off without food in my system. We are both going to need some protein for tonight.” Lincoln: “What do you have planned?” Benjamin: “Something that might involve me, and possibly you, getting into some roleplaying that could lead to something you might be interested in.” Lincoln is thrilled with this idea. Lincoln: “Alright, let’s go then. I am excited to see where this goes.” Ben is wearing a tight red polo shirt with a nice leather jacket and tight black jeans while Lincoln is wearing a red and green flannel shirt with matching pants. They both go to a different restaurant and order a decent amount of food. They are both stuffed when they finish eating. Lincoln: “Wow, I can’t remember the last time I ate that much.” Benjamin: “Yeah, you should look at my stomach.” He lifts his shirt inside the restaurant and shows the belly bulge he is dealing with. Linc tries to reach over to rub it, which gets an immediate grunt from the Syrian. He smiles as he motions for his date to move his chair over so he can get a nice handle on it. They kiss each other softly for a few moments before they finish up and get up to leave the establishment. They arrive back to their hotel room around 9:30. Benjamin takes his leather jacket off and chucks it over to one of the chairs by the windows. He grabs Lincoln and hugs him tightly for a few seconds before kissing him again. The two men are now very comfortable with each other. He lifts his shirt again, and this time, the belly bulge has vanished. Lincoln is surprised. Lincoln: “Wow, that was really fast.” Benjamin: “Yeah, my body was quite famished hunk. I will be putting that protein to good use soon.” He wants his well-muscled white partner to have a seat on the bed. Lincoln is more than eager to do so. Benjamin: “You want to see me do some posing for you, Linc?” Lincoln: “Sure...I love everything we do together.” Benjamin: “There is something I can do that you probably haven’t seen before.” He smiles as he starts flexing his arms, showing off his 14-inch well-toned biceps for his friend. He then grunts, trying to flex his toned chest through his polo, even though Lincoln is unable to see all that much through his shirt. Lincoln: “It is hard to see what you are doing under that shirt Ben, but I have already seen the goods. What are you trying to do?” Benjamin: “I am just trying to get warmed up Linc. I promise you that things will get more interesting. I am wanting to make this last all night.” He stops flexing and walks over to his partner. He decides to sit on Lincoln’s lap and rubs his ass against his friend’s crotch. This of course makes them both moan as his lighter-colored buddy’s cock gets hard and is trying to get free from its prison. Benjamin: “I think maybe this will get things moving along. I took something earlier that should get triggered with a bit of stimulation.” Lincoln: “Do you have to wear your clothes though? I like to look at you naked.” Benjamin: “In this case, yeah, I prefer to wear clothing because I want to feel myself...well...you will find out.” The Syrian stud is now lightly moaning as he grinds against Linc’s cock. His buddy now has his hands on Ben’s arms. He wants to unzip his pants to let his beast loose. Lincoln: “Can I let him free Ben?” Benjamin: “Sure beautiful. I think the fun is about to begin.” His horned-up partner reaches down to unzip his pants to release the beast. It is entirely hard as it attempts to rip its way through Ben’s black jeans. He can feel his Arab partner sweating and shaking ever so slightly. Lincoln: “Are you alright, Ben? You are shaking.” Benjamin: “It is all going according to plan, stud. Just focus your attention on my body and you will be happy when it gets going.” Ben puts his hands on Lincoln’s shoulders and grunts as his fingers and wrists slowly stretch bigger. The veins are now pulsing as his forearms slowly swell as the wave of growth moves into his upper arm. Lincoln is stunned when he sees the Arab’s biceps and triceps expanding beneath the fabric of his polo. There are two or three veins that Linc is transfixed on as he looks at them ballooning and feeding his hungry hairy arms. Ben takes a huge breath after a few seconds. Benjamin: “Ahh...whew...it is always so tough at first.” Lincoln goes to reach for them but is resisted as Ben takes his hands off Linc’s shoulders and reaches down onto the bed to lift himself up. He is now standing in front of his partner and grins knowing that the cycle is working as planned. Lincoln: “Oh my god Ben, what is this? Your arms are...growing?” Benjamin: “Yeah beautiful...I can control it too. Now look at my chest...” The Syrian begins grunting as he looks down and his pecs very slowly start to expand. He can hear his stunned partner gasp as he takes another breath. The sweat is pouring underneath his clothing now. There is a noticeable outline of pec cleavage now. He smiles and motions for Lincoln to get up off the bed. Benjamin: “You enjoying this hunk? Good...because I am holding back for you.” He can see Lincoln stroking himself and makes him stop. Benjamin: “Don’t rush it, Lincoln. Let your senses take it in. Can you smell the testosterone?” Lincoln: “Mmm...yes. You smell incredible.” Benjamin: “That is GREAT to hear...now I am going to pick up the pace a little bit! I need you to get me that jug over there, in the chair full of water though. I will have to resupply my body before I go all in on this.” Lincoln runs and gets it; he flips the lid off quickly and starts dumping the water down the Arab’s waiting mouth. As he does so, he can see Ben’s lower half swelling. His shoes look like they are about to explode, his calves are slowly stretching the fabric, and his quads are already testing the limits of the seams on his jeans. He motions for his partner to stop giving him water. Benjamin: “FUCK...thanks for doing that. Ahh...I am so horny now. My legs are incredibly thirsty and need to be quenched. Of course, this also helps me continue with growing other things as well.” His chest is growing again. His pecs are now stretching his polo and making it rise. Linc can now get a glimpse of his partner’s widening adonis belt and abdominal cavity peeking out from the bottom of his top. He can hear fabric slowly ripping all over his Arab partner’s body. Ben is admiring his swollen forearms, squeezing and flexing them and looks up to see if Linc is watching. He slowly flexes his huge triceps and laughs when they tear through the sleeve. He motions for his lover to grab a tape measure he brought with him in his bag. Benjamin: “Go ahead and wrap that around this beauty, Linc.” He starts flexing his left arm, Lincoln tries to keep up with the rising ball of power as it finally reaches 19 inches. He moans and kisses it lovingly, which makes the Syrian moan loudly. Benjamin: “Mmm...you are making me fucking want to...” He pushes Linc back a few steps and positions himself so that he can start hulking out. He moans as he flexes his quads, blasting the seams open as his tree trunks finally emerge, nicely covered in mammoth veins and thick fur. His shoes blast open as his expanding feet are freed from their confines. There is torn sock fabric strewn across them. He grunts and sighs as he turns to show his swelling back muscles and lats ripping out the back and sides of his shirt. He involuntarily flexes each individual delt, which are also covered in a nice sheath of fur. He pauses for a moment to breathe. Benjamin: “Ahh...say something to me Linc. I... Uh...mmm...it feels so FUCKING incredible, growing into a huge, luscious muscle beast.” Lincoln: “Uh...you are fucking gorgeous...I want to feel you as you keep growing.” He is grabbed immediately and pressed up against the growing Arab beast’s chest. Ben’s voice slightly deepens as his breathing intensifies against Lincoln’s face. His partner’s hands are now travelling across his exposed muscles along his back, lats, and quads. They finally end up stopping right at the point when his ballooning glutes rip his jeans open, down to his exposed, dripping cock and swelling ball sac. Linc leans down to start fondling both of his beastly parts, feeling them growing along his fingers. He then starts stroking Ben and watches it rise as it tents in the remaining part of his jeans. The Syrian grunts, growls, and lifts his lover back up to look at him. They slowly kiss longingly on the lips as Ben finishes and smiles. He then positions Linc to where he can get a good view of his chest. Benjamin: “Lover...are you ready for the big reveal of my supersized boys...” Lincoln: “Uh...of course?” Benjamin: “Great news...they are wanting to be played with as well...” Ben moans deeply as his pecs swell even bigger, causing all of the buttons on his polo to smack Linc in the face. He is incredibly turned on as he feels both of his pecs ripping their way out from the middle of his top. He continues to moan as the ripping goes all the way down to just the last inch of his shirt. His incredibly dense and hairy abs are now showing. Linc is frothing at the mouth as he leans in to start worshipping both of them. He rips the rest of the shirt open as they both flop down. The Arab beast’s erect nipples both look ready for sucking. Benjamin: “I told you they were ready for you Linc. You might get a nice surprise if you work them over really well too.” Linc starts to lick and suck at each of them lovingly, as Ben feels his shoulders and traps making quick work of the rest of his top when he finally rips it completely off. His swollen cock has found a way out the area of where the zipper is normally closed. Ben sighs as he feels it dripping precum down to the floor. He can feel his pecs and nipples getting closer to an event he hasn’t felt in a long time. Benjamin: “Yes lover...I am so close to...ahh...” Lincoln is stunned when he starts tasting a sweet mixture coming out of Ben’s left nipple. It is highly satisfying, judging by his reaction. Ben caresses his partner’s head and back as he drains it. Without hesitation, Linc moves over to do the same to his right nipple. He finishes and looks stunned. Lincoln: “How can you do this? It is so amazing.” Benjamin: “I can do things you have never seen before. Now that you have been primed by my boys...you know who needs attention now.” They kiss again as Lincoln quickly moves down to stare at the Arab beast’s immense new 11-inch tool. He starts licking and sucking on the head, which makes Ben howl. His balls are nearly twice the size they were before the growth started as well. Benjamin: “I am beyond ready to share this experience with you, stud. I have enough cum stored in those to make things interesting.” Lincoln is enjoying playing with it as he works his mouth up and down on the beast, getting accustomed with his partner’s beautiful ball sac as well. The smell and taste have completely overtaken his smaller lover, as Ben reaches down to rip the front of his jeans off. Benjamin: “MMM...feels so fucking good Linc. You are amazing at worshipping him. Just keep doing what you are doing, and you will get an even tastier reward.” Linc lovingly continues to worship Ben’s huge stick as it continues to gush more of his sweet precum. The worshipper is totally smitten as he takes turns massaging his lover’s huge balls and sucking on his partner’s big head and shaft. Lincoln: “It is so big and beautiful Ben. I can’t wait for the...” It then starts soaking him, as it puckers open and launches a big river of cum onto the unsuspecting onlooker. Ben pushes Linc’s mouth down on top of it so he can start gulping it down. Benjamin: “I know it is a marvel to behold Linc, but I need you to GROW...” The Arab beast has now grown from a respectable 160 lbs. to an impressive 260 lbs. While his height has barely changed, he looks taller, at 5’8. He can hear Linc choking on his cum, but he wants him to keep focusing on taking it all. The smaller man is gripping onto Ben’s bloated quads, which are made of solid granite, perfectly split into diamond shapes, and have a healthy coating of fur on them as well. He is dripping sweat all over his partner and has tiny pieces of fabric all over his body too. He takes Linc’s right hand and moves it over to his pulsing asshole and shoves a few fingers inside him. Benjamin: “Ahh...get me all loosened up in there stud. I will be wanting that swelling beast you have there.” Lincoln is unaware that his cock is already starting to grow as the Arab’s cum permeates every square inch of his insides. The sweet nectar from Ben’s pecs and his thick baby maker is starting to transform the unsuspecting worshipper. It is his escort friend’s entire mission to get to this point, and once again, it has been successful. Benjamin: “Let me have a look at it hunk. I know you are going to outgrow me for sure, and I am getting so fucking tingly just thinking about it.” He is now letting Linc focus on his own body as he pulls his partner’s hand away from his wet hole. The dazed man in the plaid outfit is now standing off to the side and is glaring down at the swelling bulge in his pants. He is starting to feel a mix of pain and pleasure coming from all over his body, including his head, which is pounding. Ben is quite transfixed on his friend’s arms and legs, which are now expanding as well. Lincoln: “I had no idea that I was going to be growing bigger tonight. It feels so...dizzying.” Benjamin: “I know love. It doesn’t last long though because your brain and your body are trying to figure out what is happening. You are going to be feeling extremely good in a couple more minutes when your muscles start getting really huge.” Linc is noticing how much larger he is getting as he feels the endorphins and testosterone racing through his brain and crotch. He starts moaning, feeling his inflating quads ripping out the sides of his pants. His huge cock is also pushing its way out the front. Ben lets out several noises indicating how turned on he is getting. He is noticing how much his partner is starting to enjoy it. Lincoln: “Oh fuck yeah. I am definitely wanting to get bigger now. I had no idea that I needed this so much in my life, at this moment, and I don’t regret you doing this to me at all. Uh my gawd, I am staring at my big fucking arms...YEAH! KEEP GROWING mother fuckers...” He spits at both of his swelling cannons and marvels at their round, bulbous, heavily vascular size and shape as he sighs feeling them ripping through the sleeves of his shirt. Ben is leaking on the floor watching his friend finding pleasure in watching himself grow. Lincoln: “Damn...I had big legs before, but this is...sexual...intoxicating almost. Ahh...fuck yes...I really do love the feeling of my muscles destroying my clothes. I feel like I am becoming more than just a man.” Benjamin: “Well, you are extraordinary Linc. I just wanted to tell you that my hole is absolutely drenched, watching you, and I think you know how much I want you.” Lincoln: “Oh, well you are going to get a supersized, very alpha, version of me Ben. Mmm...my chest is getting so fucking massive. Ahh, huge manly pecs...yyeess...ahh...I am going to make this shirt wish it was never made.” The growing beast puffs his chest out and grunts as he enjoys watching the buttons on his shirt fly across the room as his huge furry tits are now visible. He smiles over at Ben, chest heaving wildly. He can feel his abs expanding beneath his enormous pecs and reaches down to run his fingers between them as they stretch and widen. His body hair is wet and very fragrant. Lincoln: “This is so fucking intense. Come over here and join me you insatiable freak. This is your doing, and I want you to partake in this along with me.” Benjamin: “Absolutely you sex object. You know I need you inside me.” The Syrian walks over to him as Linc tears the rest of his own pants off, unleashing his humongous lower half for both to drool over. Lincoln moans in awe as he squeezes his thick tree trunks, flexes his wide calves, and rubs his huge feet, which are all accentuated by his incredibly thick 13-inch python and impressive ball sack between them. He growls as he picks Ben up and turns him around so he can look at him as he starts to push him down on top of his mammoth pole. Benjamin: “Yes...YES Linc. I have been fantasizing about this, and you, for longer than you might realize. Fuck me love and fill my insides with your alpha seed.” Lincoln: “RRAAWWRR! You better fucking believe that I will Ben. My lats are getting so insanely thick. Hold on while I take care of something.” The massive beast rips his shirt off and tosses it out of the way. He flares his lats out and grunts as he looks at both of his cavernous pits now sprawling with massive amounts of fur. The manly scent that is wafting out of them is making him shutter in pleasure. Ben is now sighing as he feels his hole being stretched by Linc’s wet power tool. The powerful muscle monster is laughing and moaning interchangeably because he is having trouble focusing on everything. Lincoln: “WHEW! I am feeling so much going on in my head and my cock that I hope I don’t get too lightheaded. I fucking love you right now Ben and I just want to...err...RRR...AAA...” He rushes over to the bed with Ben still on him and jumps, nearly breaking the legs off the bottom of it as he positions himself to look down so he can watch in pleasure as his mammoth cock moves in and out of Ben’s man pussy. The Syrian yells in delight as they both start to get really into each other. Ben is practically speechless as he slowly gets fucked by Linc. The huge 330-pound beast moans loudly feeling his strong man meat rubbing the walls of the gorgeous Arabian’s insides. He grunts like an animal and takes a few seconds each time he pulls out of his lover to give him a few passionate kisses and licks on his big chest and face, while smacking and punching his quads and messing with his big Syrian penis. He can feel the cum welling up in his bull-sized ball sack and wants to see it as it enters Ben’s gaping hole. Lincoln: “AHH FUCK FUCK...I want to impregnate you so bad man. Your hot body and ass...MMM...I love you...YEAH, I said it! I want you to say that you want me too.” Benjamin: “Gawd yes beast man, I want you so much. You are the biggest, most beautiful muscle freak I have ever laid eyes on. Pump me full of your baby makers now.” Lincoln plows into him and starts yelling as he feels it rushing through his cock. He quickly pulls out and sees it gushing out of his cockhead, which makes him growl in pleasure as he plunges it back inside Ben, who is yelling in delight as he squeezes his massive partner’s humongous arms, feeling their raging power in his fingertips. The power top has his eyes closed as he continues to grunt, flexing his massive glutes and pushing his cream far up inside his eager bottom. After several minutes, Linc finally calms down as the last few ropes of alpha cum are drained from his balls. He pulls out of Ben, smacks his bubble butt with his huge tool, and then falls beside him on the damaged bed. The Syrian drops his huge quads down onto the bed as he feels his hole leaking a little bit of Lincoln’s cum. He is in pure bliss as he leans over to start caressing his huge partner’s face before looking into his eyes and kissing him on the lips. The hulking beast moans as he wraps his arms around Ben and pulls him into his chest. They do this for quite some time. Benjamin: “I will never forget this night or this weekend beautiful beast.” Lincoln: “Oh, I won’t forget it either, Ben. I am guessing that this incredible body is going to go away soon.” Benjamin: “Unfortunately yes, for both of us. After all, we must return to our normal lives or what kind of destruction would we cause?” They both laugh as they get several knocks on the hotel door. It is the hotel staff from downstairs who have gotten numerous complaints about the noise they are making. They are demanding to talk to them. Lincoln: “Well, apparently I have already caused destruction.” Benjamin: “Don’t worry, I think I can fix this.” The huge, hunky Syrian goes into the bathroom to grab a towel and then walks over to open the door to their room. Linc can hear the staff arguing with him and it is making him mad. He gets out of bed, turns the corner nude, and starts doing a most muscular in front of them. Ben smiles as he stares at their faces. One of them, who is gay themselves, is mesmerized as they stare at the beautiful hulk. Unfortunately, the cops are called, and one of the muscular beasts reluctantly admits that they need to just appease the hotel and get back to looking like their regular selves. Benjamin finds his bag of essentials in his massage case and gets it out. He pulls out two syringes that are already full of some liquid and primes them to be used. Lincoln looks incredibly upset now. Benjamin: “I know love, I don’t want to do it either, but play time is over.” Lincoln: “Fucking DAMN IT! You turned me into an alpha monster, Ben. I can’t go back to being that other guy again.” Benjamin: “You can Linc. Deep down we both know that this is the real you, but you must play by the rules sometimes.” Lincoln: “Fine, plunge that damn thing into me and get it over with. I want to hold you as we both get smaller.” They both hand each other syringes and shove them into each other’s arms as they squeeze the serum into them quickly. The concoction flows through them and starts to work instantly. They can hear the sirens in the distance. The two mammoth hunks kiss each other again as they feel their muscles shrinking in a matter of seconds. The police are now entering the hotel and start rushing up the stairs to their room, where the hotel staff is waiting. The questioning for tonight will be an interesting one as Ben grabs a towel for Linc to put on. They both sit down on the bed again as the cops enter their room and begin their interrogation. The weekend is essentially over for them, but their relationship is far from it.
  4. “Uhh...wha? Where am I?” The 28-year-old Lebanese born cutie awakens in a place that he has never been to before. He is woozy from the night before and can’t remember what happened. He notices that the area has a bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom furniture after getting up on his feet. He looks down and sees that he is still wearing his outfit from the restaurant he went to with his date. A blue v-neck shirt with loose fitting jeans. He is not wearing shoes. He has multi-colored socks on. He finds a mirror down a small corridor and looks at himself. He is thin with a well-groomed black beard and opens his mouth to examine his teeth. He hears a voice coming from somewhere above his head and turns to find a camera directed towards him. “Good morning, Leo. It is good to see that you are doing okay. Our date last night went really well. I especially enjoyed the end of the night when you decided to kiss me.” Leonid Ajram grimaces as he continues to stare into the camera and immediately recognizes the voice. “Isiah, what are you up to? Is this some kind of joke? I genuinely thought that we were going to move forward in our friendship. I really like you. It isn’t easy for me to connect with another man. What is this place I am in? It looks like a bunker of some kind.” “Don’t worry about it Leo. If you check the fridge in the kitchen, you will see that you have plenty of food to satiate your appetite. I will also provide your computer to you once we get you more comfortable.” The 5’5 black-haired, furry Arabian man walks over to the fridge and opens it. He sees a lot of things that suggest that he is a bodybuilder. It confuses him with all the protein-rich meals and drinks. He closes it and walks back over to the same camera. “Heh, are you joking? I mean...look at me. Does it look like I work out? I am probably around 63 kilos soaking wet.” “Yeah, well that won’t be the case much longer, my sexy friend. Why don’t you drink one of those shakes?” After grabbing one of them out of the fridge and gulping it down, Leo can now feel something happening inside his abdomen. He clutches it and starts groaning. It doesn’t take long before he notices that his hands and feet start to swell ever so slowly. He realizes that he can also feel himself getting a little taller as well. His arms and legs slowly thicken, and he can feel his flat chest starting to get a bit curvier. He can feel his abdominals popping out as well and his cock getting a little fatter than before. The pain he felt in the beginning quickly subsides. He is now smiling. “You are an asshole, Isiah. You injected me with that molecule you were telling me about last night, didn’t you? I do feel surprisingly good right now though.” Leo is now checking out the changes in the mirror again. He lifts his shirt up and smiles as he stares at his athletic frame. He turns and notices that he also has more in the trunk than he did previously. He flexes his biceps, which rise and form into nice peaks. He then pulls his pants down to admire his well-defined legs, thick furry cock and heavy ball sack. He is starting to get incredibly horny and starts stroking himself. “I am okay with this bro. Are you watching me right now? I wonder how far you are wanting to take this with me?” After a few minutes of edging himself, Leo stops and pulls his pants back up. He turns to the camera again. He smiles and starts to moan. He is really starting to enjoy himself. “Isiah...I am not mad at you for doing this to me. Mmm...are you getting off on me turning into a bodybuilder?” The cutie can feel himself getting even taller now as his body goes into another growth phase. He realizes that he still has his socks on as his feet start to rip through them. He closes his eyes and starts to laugh. He can hear Isiah whispering on the camera saying, “Yeah...fucking grow for me Leo.” His clothing is now getting extremely tight on his swelling frame as his expanding quads strain his jeans and his inflating upper body begins to test the limits of his shirt. He opens his eyes to stare in delight at his gorgeous veiny biceps, triceps, and forearms. He takes a couple of his fingers from both hands and takes turns tracing the roadmap of his impressive veins up both of his arms. His sleeves are now clinging to his big triceps. His pecs have formed a shelf and are hugging his top perfectly. His cock is begging for mercy in his jeans, but he is savoring what is happening to him and is going to let his body decide what to do next. The amount of testosterone flowing through him has him longing for Isiah. “Get in here with me, jerk. I want to share this with you.” “Go weigh yourself Leo. There is a scale by the kitchen.” “OH, FUCK YES!” Leo finds it and steps on the scale. He is extremely pleased with the number. “Oh yeah, 84kg. I feel so much bigger. I wonder how much taller I am.” Isiah chimes in. “Well, the molecule generally adds about two inches each time you grow...so I am guessing 5’9.” Leo is not satisfied with that. “Damn, I’m not tall enough. Maybe if I drink some more of these shakes...” He opens the fridge again and guzzles down two more of the drinks that are in there. He sighs as he finishes them. He finds another camera in the kitchen. “Bro, how many times is this going to happen today? I want so much more...” “Well, I imagine you are going to grow again shortly because your body is now filled with thousands of molecules. They multiply each time you grow.” Leo can sense it again from within him. He starts to laugh slowly as he walks over into the bedroom area. It is at this point that Isiah crept into the complex through a back entrance. He knows that he is about to get a show because he has wanted to grow his good friend for several months. His dream has been to turn his friend into a huge beast so that he could be capable of turning himself into one. This of course, excites him greatly. He manages to sneak in behind the sweaty Arab and starts whispering into one of his ears, “I have dreamt about this ever since I met you, Leo. I can see how much you want this now, and I want it just as much as you do.” The hunky Lebanese stud moans deeply as his 6’2 150-pound instigator slowly starts caressing his arms and pecs, feeling them strain against his fingers. “Just stay focused on me stud and enjoy what is happening to you. I want to feel your muscles as they turn you into an insatiable beast.” Isiah is rubbing himself up against Leo and is moaning to himself. He finds Leo’s nipples and is pinching them, making him lean back to kiss his partner on the lips. He stops to breathe for a few moments and makes a few remarks. “Ahh...you are so evil bro. I can feel my balls blowing up inside my pants. I can do nothing but hunger for size right now, so this is all your fault.” Leo sighs as his huge cock and growing ball sac bursts through his zipper and begins to rip the fabric surrounding them, as it drapes forward, leaking profusely onto his other half’s clothing. Isiah is mesmerized by how thick and beautiful it is. It has a veiny sheath and must be at least 10 inches in length and 6 inches thick. He kisses the Arab on the face as he stares at it. “OMG, it looks beautiful Leo. There is no stopping your transformation at this point. I can’t wait for...” He can hear Leo’s pants ripping against his own crotch, noticing the Arab embracing it, as Isiah reaches down to feel his growing partner’s ass swelling. “Oh fuck! Mmm...it feels so incredible feeling your muscles growing against me babe. I am getting so freaking horny.” Leo turns to look at him and smiles as his quads blast their way out the sides of his jeans and continue to expand bigger. Their size and definition would envy many heavyweight bodybuilders at this point. He finally turns around and smacks his big tool against Isiah’s midsection. “BRO! You must feast on my cock because I want to feed you so much. I demand that you join me in this new world you are creating. OH yeah...here I grow again...” Leo can feel himself getting taller again as his upper body prepares for the coming surge. His shirt can no longer cover his abdominals as they are nearly exposed. Isiah gets down on his knees and starts toying with the hot beast’s wet cock, rubbing it with his hands and smelling his balls, taking in his irresistible aroma. He looks up at Leo and watches as the beautiful Arab’s expanding pecs start to slowly rip his shirt, the sound excites both men. The growing beast moans as he grabs one of Isiah’s hands and moves it up along his expanding chest, letting him touch each swelling hairy abdominal that is quickly filling space on his midsection. His fingers find Leo’s pec meat in no time, petting each one of them as they continue to widen and balloon. He moans deeply feeling his hard nipples straining against his shirt, which is not going to last much longer. “Oh yeah...feel them swelling? I am such a pec slave Isiah. I always craved feeling the giant ones in my dreams. I never dreamed that...mmm...it feels so FUCKING UNREAL! You are turning me into a gorgeous monster bro. Watching my body grow is intoxicating. I need so much more...” Isiah marvels as he feels Leo’s chest swelling even bigger, nearly touching the beast’s face. Leo looks down and grunts as his huge and beefy mantits finally release themselves from captivity, his shirt rips open and reveals his bloated furry torso. Isiah is now slowing gulping on his creation’s thick tool, tasting the sweet precum that it is now spilling inside him and moaning with each moment that passes, watching intently on the Arabian’s metamorphosis. Leo is moaning loudly as well, hearing his own voice change as the growth envelopes his arms. “Ohh FUCK YEAH! Is this supposed to feel this incredible? This is better than any sex I have ever had in my life Isiah. Look at me...bro! LOOK AT ME!” As he continues to work over the growing Arabian’s luscious cock, Isiah continues to look up at the beast as Leo feels his arms stretching bigger. He flexes his forearms and moans deeply as he stares in disbelief watching his biceps inflate, veins expanding and ripping through the fabric with ease. His expanding triceps tearing up his shirt like paper as his cock throbs violently ready to unload what has been building up inside him for quite a while. “Enjoy my protein shake, you devious asshole. You deserve this...ahh” Isiah gags loudly as he begins swallowing what must be gallons of cum. He pulls Leo’s bulging tool out of his mouth after a few seconds as it quickly coats him in his impressive load. The Arabian bodybuilder flexes his biceps making his shirt nearly rip in half as his swollen lats inflate and rip out the sides. His expanding lower half is almost completely free from his pants. His partner finds his cock again, licks and kisses it, wiping his eyes in the process, squeezing Leo’s cockhead, enjoying the Arabian beast’s buckling, seeing his muscular quads flexing, and every few seconds gulps down a few more jets of Leo’s thick and impressive liquid. He lovingly watches as the muscle monster’s tool calms down and stops leaking for a few moments. He looks up at Leo again in delight. The buff beauty smiles back at him. “I find great satisfaction in...uhh...hold on.” Leo grunts as his bloated delts and traps rip even more of his top, turning it basically into strips of fabric. He laughs as he examines his furry chest and legs, rubbing them with his hands before lifting his partner up to his face. He kisses him on the lips and moans, tasting his own cum. “Whoa! I make delicious spunk. I wonder how long it will take before you start...you know...joining me?” “I don’t know Arabian beefcake. This is new territory for us both. The molecule was generated to grow inside of a single host. After that, I’m not sure what happens when it exits through your cum, into another host.” “Well...I am fantasizing about it right now...you know...about you becoming like me, Isiah. Let’s make that happen soon because I have a deep yearning for it. I don’t know why that is, but...ahh...I think that maybe it will make me grow again, hopefully.” They both are now walking over to the scale together. Leo puts him back down on the floor as he stands on it and poses confidently. He is making a few funny gestures as he stares at the number. “Hmm...118 kilos. That is a lot better. I am guessing I am 5’11?” “I would say that you are probably a bit over 6’ now, Leo. You are not much shorter than me now. It seems your...desire...has helped you make up a bit of the height difference.” Leo turns around and hugs Isiah up against him. His growth has stopped for the time being and he is pulling off the remains of his clothing and tossing them off to the side. His skinnier partner rubs on him slowly, feeling his bulging muscles and starts kissing the Arabian beast softly again. After a few seconds, Leo moves his mouth over to start talking into one of Isiah’s ears. “You know it will happen to you bro. I think you are trying to stall because you didn’t intend for it to happen. Your obsession in transforming me worked and I don’t think you had any idea how much I wanted this. You have also underestimated my intentions to make you grow like me.” Isiah is drenched in Leo’s cum from his head to his soaked socks and dress shoes. He is wearing a button-up and black pants. He is not wearing underwear and his cock is clearing visible in his pants. He does look like he is starting to sweat just a bit, which is not going unnoticed by the Arabian beast, who thinks he is about to see one of his fantasies come true. “Come on Isiah...let it go. It can’t just be me. Maybe you need more of my protein...” He tells his partner to start worshipping his cock again, which is back to being fully erect again and is leaking once more. “Mmm...it is the thought of transforming you that is making me reload again. I want you to hulkout so fucking bad...” Isiah moans and comes to the realization that he does want it too, so he starts stroking Leo, making the huge beast try to hasten his load so that he doesn’t have to wait too much longer. It only takes a couple of minutes to reach its end. “Feeding time again...” Leo grunts as he starts pumping more cum out of his cock as Isiah starts catching it in his mouth. It is frothier than the last one, but equally satisfying. His smaller partner is savoring it as he slowly gulps as much of it down as he can. He is extremely full now as his body looks as if it has swelled a few pounds, due to the volume of liquid it has taken in. He motions to Leo that he needs to take a few minutes to compose himself. The huge Arabian picks him up in his arms and takes him over to the bed to sit him beside him. “I can feel something happening inside me...Leo. It is strange. I don’t know what to think right now.” “That is where I was when it started too Isiah. Just try to relax and let it do the work.” The huge beast rubs his partner’s back and watches Isiah’s body return to its original size. He leans him against his side and whispers in his ear as he starts to tremble. “I think it is working, you fiend. Your lust has gotten us both in this situation and now...your destiny and my pleasure await.” Isiah can now feel the effects of his partner’s powerful cum flowing though him. He reaches down to rub his hard cock again in his pants as Leo starts to run his hands all over his friend’s sore body. The huge beast pulls Isiah’s hands away from his cock so he can get down on his knees to start running his tongue along the shaft, which is raging just beneath the surface of the fabric. “Mmm, yeah, I can feel it building up inside me, Leo. I want it to happen so much, but I am also so nervous. I wonder how much I will grow because of your potent seed.” He can feel his muscles starting to swell as Leo stops playing with his member for a few moments to watch in anticipation. Isiah’s cock is getting even meatier as it struggles to stay hidden. His huge Lebanese partner can smell the testosterone collecting in his crotch and growls as he uncovers his buddy’s huge floppy pole to suck on it. He moans as he closes his eyes, gulping it down his big throat and feels Isiah struggling to maintain his composure. He looks up at him and grins as he continues to slowly slurp on his friend’s juicy cock before putting it back inside his pants. He stops for a few seconds again to watch Isiah. “YYEEAAHH...surrender to it Isiah. Mmm...your cock is so fucking beautiful too. So big and juicy. I must see you hulkout, it is something I crave deep down in my soul.” He can see Isiah closing his eyes as his pecs start to fill up the inside of his shirt, the buttons are now straining to contain them. Leo gets up off the floor and is now holding his partner’s arms as they expand within his grasp. He is sighing in pleasure as he feels the veins pulsing and thickening in each forearm slowly tearing through the sleeves of his friend’s dress shirt. The growing 32-year-old chemist opens his eyes again and stares at his arms in shock. “Oh fuck yes! I thought this would hurt so much, but it feels ohh...so...good. Ahh...my cock is so fucking big, Leo. Mmm...I can’t wait to see these huge beasts under this shirt become monstrous.” “You and me both, you evil genius. You are growing so much bigger than I did the first time.” Leo is then further stimulated when he watches in pleasure as several of the buttons on his partner’s shirt blast him in the face and body. He moans as he feels Isiah’s swelling chest now pressing up against him, pecs pumped to the max, his heart racing, breathing erratically, and laughing in delight. His pants have now burst open as his immense cock finally emerges spurting precum up into the air and onto Leo’s big sweaty pecs and abs. “URR...I am getting so fucking huge. I need more!” His hairy Arabian partner is now stepping back to give him more space. The growth is now in full force as his pants nearly disintegrate as his calves and quads are growing rapidly. He reaches down to tear the tattered fabric away and tosses it into the wall. He quickly flexes his expanding back and bloated arms as they blast through his shirt. He puffs his chest out, watching in ecstasy as it continues to inflate in front of his eyes. “Bro... I want those gorgeous tits in my mouth. They are calling my name.” Leo can’t help but to lean in to start sucking on each one of his partner’s swollen nipples with his mouth, grunting loudly as he is shocked at how amazingly big, they are. The sensation is incredibly intoxicating as Isiah easily tears his shirt off his upper body and tosses it to the side as well. His abs and torso have expanded to nearly twice their size to match his insanely round and meaty pecs. He is moaning loudly as he feels his huge cock getting ready to blast everywhere. “YES...FUCK...the feeling is indescribable. I am no longer a puny nerd, Leo. My muscles are now much bigger than my intelligence and I...am about to spray this fucking place with my seed.” The Lebanese beast quickly stops working on Isiah’s man tits to get down on his knees again to catch his bro’s thick load. His pupils are dilated, and he couldn’t be more excited. He watches as it throbs wildly, huge, purplish, and incredibly veiny in his hands. He then grabs it and slurps on it again, guzzling piles of precum as he awaits his meal. “How big are you Isiah...130...140 kilos? I need to be bigger than this. Feed me your man protein because I am the alpha here.” As he continues to stroke the huge beast a few more times, he can smell it emanating from inside Isiah’s cockhead and starts to gulp on it, moaning loudly and breathing heavily. Isiah yells with pleasure as he starts to unload inside his Arabian partner. After several ropes go down his throat, Leo pulls his friend’s cock out and lets it coat his chest and cock. He sighs for a few seconds before lovingly shoving it back into his mouth again. He is still moaning as he continues to suck on Isiah’s big 10-inch veiny shaft, drenched in sweat, precum, and man protein. His chemist friend is now finished growing. Leo is slowly massaging his own 9-inch shaft with one of his hands and his partner’s thick abs with the other. He loves having Isiah’s big pole in his mouth as it makes him pine for growth, but he finally stops massaging it with his lips and pulls it out to let it dangle downward. “I think I am in fucking love with your meat, Isiah. Why don’t you go weigh yourself over there like I did.” “Oh, that is a good idea, Leo.” The chemist gradually moves his way over to the scale and pushes a few buttons to clear it. Leo is now back up on his feet again and is grinning. He can feel it deep down in his loins. The next round is getting ready to start, but he wants Isiah to not see him until it is almost done. The 32-year-old at the scale steps on it and starts to read off the numbers to Leo. “OH DAMN! I did grow a lot bro... I weigh 132...ki...los...” “Don’t...uhh...turn to look at me Isiah...I... MMM FUCK...it feels SOOO...fucking...AWESOME!” Leo can feel himself getting taller again, this time adding several more inches. He reaches down to feel his cock stretching and expanding in his hand. The pleasure is making him feel almost numb to it as he revels in his transition to godhood. All he can do is just stare in awe at how dense and wide he is getting. His quads are literally pressing his legs further apart as he feels his chest doing the same to his arms. He lets go of his massive dong as it gets closer and closer to the floor. His ball sack is also blowing up in size as his two monstrously huge baseball-sized protein makers dangle further towards the ground. He can no longer see too much of his friend in the kitchen because his pecs are concealing part of his face. He is achieving growth nirvana and knows that it will be his mission to keep it going by making Isiah turn into a muscle god like him so that he can do the same for him again. “OKAY BRO! TURN TO LOOK AT ME AND FEAST YOUR EYES ON YOUR GOD!” Isiah is blown away when he sees the muscle giant standing a few feet away from him. Leo must be at least 6’6 tall now, but his weight can no longer likely be determined as he looks like he is at least 190 kilos. His booming voice almost shakes the walls in the facility. “Uhh...Leo? You look so fucking beautiful. I want to touch you and worship you, but are you going to try and do something to me?” The bloated Arabian behemoth smiles at him. “Why don’t you come over here and find out, Isiah. You won’t regret it. Well, you might for the first few minutes. HAHA!” Knowing that he probably doesn’t have much of a choice, the chemist walks over to him and starts to mess with Leo’s beastly cock. “I knew you couldn’t resist the urge, bro. We will probably be bursting through the ceiling before the day ends, and I wouldn’t do it with anyone else but you.” “I knew there was a reason why I picked you Leo. Let’s fucking keep growing forever.” “With pleasure!” Isiah slowly starts to go down on Leo’s cock with his eager ass and starts to move up and down on him. The 418-pound muscle monster grunts as he gets ready to grow his maker once again.
  5. TheWeremuscleForest

    Super Size Me: My Arabian God

    Haidar is a former citizen of Iraq. He was a part of the archeological society of the United Nations. His mission in Iraq was the find rare treasures that the world might want to invest in, according to UN rules and regulations. One of the dangers of Haidar’s job was the ongoing conflict in the country he was born in. One day, while he was unearthing a rare gem that was gold in color, a storm rolled in unexpectedly and started to drop hail on top of his team. Most of the team left and implored Haidar to come with them. He, however, was so enamored by the gem, that he elected to stay behind to snag it. Once he was able to break it free from the Earth and clutch it in his right hand, he was struck by lightning. The bolt ended up passing through him and went out through his other hand. The gem he was holding in his hand gleamed gold, which he notices, right before he passed out in the trench. Haidar wakes up in a bed, led by the American contingent that was stationed in Iraq. The military medical personnel managed to find him lying in the trench by accident and picked him up. They ended up taking him back to their triage area and started to assess his condition. Weirdly, there was no evidence that anything had ever happened to him. The UN-led society was looking for him and would find him at this particular medical complex. The war in Iraq was intensifying and they were trying to talk him into leaving the country, which he vehemently opposed. That was until he met Avery, an American Active-Duty medical student, who volunteered to go to Iraq to further his studies and to help the cause. Both men had kept their sexual orientations secret for most of their lives for their own protections. Haidar would have possibly been executed by his own family if he had revealed his love for men. Avery would have likely been shunned by his own family as well, because men in the military don’t pine for other men. The eager medical student was assigned Haidar as a last-minute study before he went home. He figured it would be another quick fix and then he could move on to the next patient. Nobody knew how Haidar recovered so quickly from his wounds. “Do you speak English, sir?” Avery stands over Haidar as he stares directly into the soldier’s eyes and slowly shakes his head yes. “You do? That is good to hear. I thought I was going to have to speak Arabic or Farsi.” “I...uhh...I only know little English.” “That is okay sir. What is going on with you? The doctors here are a little confused as to how you healed up so quickly.” Haider notices the gem he was holding is not in his hand anymore. He has a scared look in his eyes. “Are you looking for the gemstone? It is quite an unusual one. We were eyeing it ourselves. It could be worth quite a bit.” Looks around before leaning in to talk softly to Haidar. “Don’t worry, I put it in with your archeological equipment.” The Iraqi man smiles at him. “You American doctor?” “I hope to be one someday. Let’s take a look at your body, shall we, and see if there are any wounds the doctors couldn’t find.” Avery notices how good-looking Haidar is. He has seen quite a few Iraqi men, but none really struck him as being as attractive as this one. He has a slender build but looks like he takes decent care of himself. He has just the right amount of dark fur and his eyes have flecks of gold in them, which Avery takes note of. “Nope, no wounds. Everything looks good here.” Avery winks, which gets a small smile from Haidar. When the student goes to walk away, the Iraqi patient stops him. “Will you come see me again soon, American?” “Umm, I suppose it can’t hurt. Sure, I will be back in a few hours.” Avery walks away and Haidar goes back to sleep. Loud rumblings and gunfire erupt. Haidar is awakened by the sounds of war in the background. The Americans are moving quickly to pack up all of their equipment. The Iraqi man jumps out of bed and grabs his belongings. He starts running down the road away from the sounds but is quickly pulled into a Jeep. It turns out that Avery saw him running and had his team go and get him. Haidar looks extremely upset with Avery. “You can get mad at me later sir. I just saved your life. Thomas...Gilbert...let’s get out of here.” The Jeep barely avoids hitting a bomb, which unintentionally throws the Iraqi in Avery’s lap. He can feel the American’s fit body from the outside of his uniform. It is the first time that the two men feel the warmth of each other up close. Haidar no longer resists the rescue and situates himself inside the vehicle. The escape plan is then put in place. Later that day, the American contingent prepare to leave the country. Haidar is now wondering what will happen with his life. He has never left the country before. Avery talks with him for a few minutes at the American base. “Sir, what is your name?” “Uhh...Haidar...Haidar el-Montari.” “Haidar...that is a cool name. I like it. My name is Vincent Avery. You can call me Avery though. Everyone else does.” “Ahhvery. Very strange name.” Avery laughs for a few seconds. He then proceeds to ask Haidar where he will go now. “So, do you have family anywhere else besides Iraq, Haidar?” “I... don’t. My family are all here. I haven’t spoken to them for years anyways. They don’t care.” “What do you mean they don’t care?” “I...uhh...I have a secret. I don’t like doing...uhh...how do you say, sex with women.” Avery seems a little surprised by his revelation but is willing to help him find a new home. “I can help you get a green card, Haidar. Come home with me and I will do everything I can to help you.” The Iraqi man clasps his left hand with Avery’s right hand, which stuns the American man. Avery is informed that the base is being closed and that it is time to go home. He gets clearance to take Haidar with him, after nobody comes forward from the UN to block his exit from the country. Avery and Haidar land in Fort Hood, a few hours later. Avery is told that Haidar will have to stay at the embassy in DC for a few days. They will not see each other again for at least two years. Haidar received his green card for his residency inside the US in a matter of months. He picks up the English language rather quickly and finds a job with one of the museums in DC. His interests in archeology helped him get promoted quickly. He will get to see Avery again at a benefit for the Army, after being invited by one of his coworkers at the museum. Avery, who looks noticeably more buff than he did two years ago, spots Haidar almost immediately at the event. Haidar, who is now sporting a healthy beard, and is maintaining his lean appearance, is stunned to see Avery at the event. They lock eyes on each other and start talking. “Hello there sir. How has life been treating you in the US?” “Life is really good here. I seem to have found my place among the important people.” “It seems like it. Have you found someone to share your life with?” Haidar smiles and goes to clasp his hand with Avery’s. “I am surprised you haven’t Haidar. There are all kinds of hot men out there waiting to be met by you.” “I have met a few, but I am bored by them. I seem to be attracted to men in uniform.” He smiles again at Avery, which prompts the soldier to start rubbing his Iraqi friend’s right shoulder. They sit down at a table together and get extra close with each other. It turns out that Avery is being given an award at this event for his bravery in saving civilians in Afghanistan. He makes his speech about an hour into the event, and winks at Haidar at the end. The event ends soon after, and they both get up from their seats. Avery holds Haidar close to him. “Can I ask you something, Haidar?” “Sure, Ahhvery.” “Heh, I love that, you know. Would you be willing to come spend the night with me at my hotel room?” Haidar seems surprised by this question, but he has developed feelings for Avery over the time they first met two years ago. “I will have to let some people know that I will not be available later, but yes, I would love to, Ahhvery.” The buff soldier hugs him and leans in to kiss him softly on his lips. Haidar is shocked but feels all kinds of energy rushing through him. His eyes sparkle as the gold glistens in the moonlight once they go outside. Avery stares into them, and remarks at how beautiful they are. “This is going to be a good night. I can feel it, Haidar.” Because he is wearing his short-sleeved uniform, Haidar can see how big Avery’s arm is and runs his right hand along one of the thick veins traveling up and down it. Avery flexes to show it off. “You can explore it in great detail in a little while, sexy.” “You called me sexy, Ahhvery?” “I did. I feel like I should call you something else. Haidar seems so formal to me. What is your middle name?” Haidar looks at him puzzled as they walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. “Ohh, well it is actually Mofasa. Nobody ever calls me that, but you can.” “Good, how about Darmo? A combination of both names. This is fun.” The Iraqi man stops and leans over to kiss Avery on the lips again. This one is much longer and meaningful. Avery moans deeply as he holds his friend against him. His arms are now wrapped around Haidar. The distance between their bodies is entirely gone now. They stop after about a minute. “Mmm, Darmo. That was amazing. I am very interested to see where this night goes now.” “I am hungry, Vencint. Maybe we should go somewhere to get something?” Avery grins and holds him close to him. “You remembered my first name. Have you thought about me a lot, Darmo?” “I have to admit that I have, Ahhvery. You saved my life after all. You apparently have saved others as well. They never told me that you were being honored at this event. Of course, I was mostly invited because I knew someone.” “I think it was fate bringing us together, sexy.” The two men kiss again, as Avery runs his left hand along Haidar’s brownish-black beard. It is clear that the two men are gradually becoming even more fond of each other. “Would you be willing to grow a beard like mine, Vencint?” “It is possible, handsome. I would have to be off duty for a while though. We could rub beards together...” Haidar notices how big Avery’s ass is in his uniform and tries to hide it. The soldier laughs and walks a couple steps in front of him so he can get a better view of it. He hears an odd sound come from the Iraqi man’s mouth. “Admiring the view, dude? I do have a huge ass. A few of my previous lovers have told me about it.” Haidar seems concerned about his inexperience, so he mentions it in passing. “I don’t have your experience. Does that worry you?” “Absolutely not, Darmo. So far, you have shown me that you know what you are doing. I am more attracted to you than you might realize.” Avery takes Haidar over to a bench and they sit down. He undoes the buttons on his Army jacket and opens it, revealing his skintight shirt, that leaves nothing to the imagination about how well-built he is. Haidar runs his hands along the curves of the soldier’s pecs and leans in to rub his beard along his friend’s nipples, making them jut out in excitement. Avery nervously stops him, realizing that their chemistry is heating up quickly. “Ohh shit...ohh shit. Ahh, sorry Darmo. Mmm...that was my fault. I should have never...” Haidar moves back in to run his tongue along Avery’s nipples and appears to be intent on continuing his exploration of him. He lifts the soldier’s shirt and is stunned to see how developed Avery’s entire torso is. He kisses each and every one of Vincent’s abdominals before noticing the soldier’s swollen cock trying to get past his belt. Haidar touches his cock head, which makes Avery gasp. He is torn between letting him continue or wanting him to stop. “Darmo, Darmo, Darmo...wait dude. I don’t think I am ready to be such an exhibitionist, especially out here. Heh, I think we can bypass the dinner, don’t you agree?” Haidar smiles and lets Avery get dressed again. They kiss again and get up from the bench. The two men are holding hands and staying close to each other as they flag down a taxi and get in. The military officer sits right up against his friend in the back of the taxi, and arches his Arabian partner’s head back to start kissing him passionately. The chemistry is palpable. Avery is now exploring Haidar’s neck and chest with his mouth. He moans lightly to himself as he opens his friend’s shirt by unbuttoning it in the middle to run his lips along his partner’s furry pecs, and tussles on the hair with his teeth. This makes the Iraqi man excited as he feels his cock twitching in his dress pants. He unexpectedly makes the soldier stop though. “Pplleeaassee Ahhvery, not here. This is my fault I started this with you. I just couldn’t hold it in back there.” Avery seems surprised by his reaction. “Am I moving too fast, Darmo? I want to explore you so much.” “I know Vencint. It is just...well I will tell you when we get to the room.” “Umm...okay?” They arrive at the hotel and get out of the taxi. Haidar has buttoned his shirt back up and they get into the elevator. Avery looks into his partner’s eyes and sees the gold in them glisten once again. He is mesmerized. “I just can’t take my eyes off of yours, sexy. They have such a beautiful color to them.” Haidar smiles and holds Avery’s hand as they get out of the elevator and go down the hall to the soldier’s room. When they both enter, the military doctor shuts the door and takes his jacket off. His tight shirt leaves very little to the imagination. He starts unbuttoning Haidar’s shirt which is stopped briefly when the Iraqi puts his hand on Avery’s right forearm, squeezing it. “Wait Vencint. I need to tell you about what happened back in my country that week.” Avery sighs for a few moments, but he is willing to listen to his story. “Okay sexy, I am all yours now. What is so important that we can’t just enjoy each other’s company for the night?” “I...uhh...well...the gem that I found back then...uhh...did something to me. I was struck by lightning when I held it in my hand...” “You were struck by lightning? *Grips Haider’s hands tightly* Oh my gawd, how did you manage to get through that unscathed Darmo? *Pulls him into his chest* I am sorry that happened to you.” It is at that moment that Avery realizes that Haidar’s eye color matches the gems own. “Wait...your eyes do match the color of the gem’s. Where did you put it?” Haider is apprehensive to retrieve the gem as Avery lets go of him. He can see the nervousness on his Arabian partner’s face. “What did it do to you? Are you scared that it will cause harm to me?” The Iraqi man shakes his head no. “No Ahhvery, it will do something to me. I mean...tonight...I am afraid that I will let it do something to me that will change who I am from this night on.” Avery looks confused, but is quite intrigued by this suggestion. “Does it change how you look? Is that what you are afraid of, Darmo? *Smiles* I am not going to lie; I have had dreams of you where you grew into a gorgeous Arabian beast. I think this might be fate bringing us together tonight.” Haidar gulps and pulls the gem from his pants pocket. He hands it to the soldier quickly and lets him hold it for a minute or two. “Why are you giving this to me?” The gem starts glowing as the Arabian man’s eyes shimmer as well. They appear to be in sync with each other. Haider is starting to sweat profusely, knowing that the gem has been waiting for this night for a very long time. “I...uhh...Vencint...I am scared. It has been speaking to me for a long time. It felt our connection when we met earlier tonight. When I hold it again, it will meld with my body, and I will likely transform into whatever it wants me to be. Is this what you want, Ahhvery?” The soldier grins at him and is eager to hand the gem back to his partner. He puts his free hand on Haidar’s shoulder first though. “There is a part of me that really wants that to happen Darmo. I won’t force you to do anything you feel uncomfortable doing though. The more time I spend with you, the more attracted I am to not only who you are, but to what your body could transform into.” He opens his hand to Haidar, revealing the glowing gem. It is glowing brighter with each second that passes. It amazes the Iraqi man that the gem decided not to meld with the soldier’s body. He reaches out to put his hand over top of Avery’s and instantly feels vibrations move up into his own hand from the gem. Vincent takes his other hand and puts it on top of Haidar’s and clasps them together. There is something transpiring with the gem as they do so. “Uhh...no... It feels different, Ahhvery. I don’t like it.” “Shh...you will be okay. Let it do whatever it needs to do.” The energy from the gem is now coursing through Haidar’s arm. He can feel his right hand and forearm tingling as his muscles and veins throb. Avery’s secret desire for his partner to grow for him is about to happen. He can hear the Middle Eastern man groaning as the gem breaks apart within his fingers and is slowly being absorbed through his skin. Vincent moans feeling his partner’s fingers and hand swelling beneath his own. The veins beneath Haidar’s right shirt sleeve are now visible, as his forearm muscles begin swelling, and bulging, while they begin testing the limits of the fabric trying to hold them in. Avery lets go of the Iraqi and leads him over to his bed, so he can sit down. His right bicep and tricep are now growing, stretching the sleeve until a few seams begin ripping apart. There is a healthy layer of dark fur on top of Haidar’s swelling horseshoe. Growth is happening in various other areas now as he feels his other arm doing the same thing. His left bicep and tricep rip free of their confines as he accidentally flexes the beasts from within and reveal the thickly-engorged masses that are forming beneath his bronzed skin. Vincent is now rubbing his partner’s crotch as he sits beside him. He knew that Haidar had a nice piece, and can feel it getting even meatier in his hand. He can see it snaking its way down the middle eastern man’s right leg, at the same time, that his quads and hamstrings begin to expand. Avery is now totally enamored as he watches his lover-to-be transform into the beautiful hulk he was always meant to become. “Holy fucking god Darmo. This is what dreams are made of.” Haidar can no longer speak as he lets the growth overtake his senses. His pant seams rip open quickly, revealing thick, veiny, pumped, lightly furry, tree trunks of raw power. His cock makes an appearance out the right side, pumped, uncut, dripping precum down his mammoth quads. Avery rubs it just slightly, knowing that his partner probably won’t focus too much on it. He notices that Haidar is outgrowing his shoes now, as his feet and toes, tear themselves free from his socks and the leather from his dress shoes. He is gradually getting taller, as Haidar grunts feeling his spinal vertebrae getting longer. This is when his shirt begins to suffer the most damage. His back is now swelling to the point that his jacket begins to rip open from the sides. Avery grins as he leans in to feel his partner’s pectorals start their ascent into godlike proportions. The top two buttons he undid earlier on Haidar’s shirt is enough to reveal the thick, vascular, engorged beauties that are ready to reveal their darkly furry, bronze-colored, envious power. Vincent puts his hands on them, feeling them struggle against the buttons for a few seconds before they blast them everywhere as they cascade across the room. Haidar is breathing heavy now, his colossal, swelling, sweaty, extremely masculine chest, exposes itself to his partner. The fur that was covering his lean torso is now noticeably thicker and lies perfectly on top of two perfectly formed balloons of aesthetic beauty. The soldier runs his fingers along the Arab’s nicely-shaped areolas, aroused and pointing directly in front of the growing beast. Two buttons at the bottom of his shirt are all that remains intact, but his abdominal cavity presses firmly against them. Avery continues to pet Haidar’s chest, rubbing his hands through the black fur and feeling the raging power passing through his middle eastern partner’s thickening six-pack. The width of his lats and abdominals are too much for his dinner jacket as they rip the seams open along the sides and continue expanding. Avery tears his partner’s tops completely off and starts to explore his beautiful lover’s upper body. He runs his hands around to Haidar’s back and feels his delts twitching as they continue to expand. He can see that the Iraqi’s face has changed ever so slightly, looking even manlier than before. His neck muscles flex as it thickens to nearly twice its size. He has developed an even thicker beard than before the transformation. His eyes finally lock onto Avery’s, the golden sheen stronger than ever. He is no longer pained. He motions for the soldier to let him stand up. His ass is so huge that it has started to rip its way out of its confines. He turns around and smiles at Avery as he reaches down to tear his dress pants off of his bloated lower body. His cock and balls are free for the first time in Vincent’s view. He is stunned by how beautiful his Iraqi partner has become. He flips his destroyed shoes off his feet and into the nearby wall, leaving a few dents in it. It is clear that Haidar is a bit more confident than he used to be, but is he still the same man mentally? “Darmo, are you still in there? I want you so much right now, but I am wondering if you are still the same fascinating man, I met a couple of years ago.” Avery is quite turned on, but hopes that nobody will call the authorities over what Haidar just did. The Arabian beast roars in delight as he starts flexing and posing in front of his partner. He is dripping precum all over the floor. Avery wants to touch him, but the bronze beast smiles and says no to him a few times. “Yes...Avery...I am still here. *Realizes that he can speak English well now* OHH, that has changed too. *His voice is noticeably lower* Wow, I wasn’t expecting that either. *Looks at his arms and lifts them up to flex his biceps into massive grapefruits* Oh my god, they look so amazing.” He strains, making his triceps as big as they can possibly get. His pits deep as caverns with a plentiful forest of blackened fur tucked inside them. Vincent gets up off the bed and sniffs both of them, taking in the extraordinary aroma of testosterone being wafted into his face. He promptly puts his hands and arms around his partner’s back, barely even able to get halfway past his flaring lats. Haidar is clearly letting him do whatever he wants at this point. Avery starts to lick and nibble on the Arabian beast’s pits, spending several minutes just taking in his partner’s scent. It is enough to make him lose control of his cum load, as it rolls down his left pants leg. Haidar can smell his lover’s cum and it is making him extremely horny. His cock throbs wildly as he reaches down to start stroking it. “Wait Darmo, let me help you down there. *Gets down on his knees to take in Haidar’s gorgeous, furry package* Damn, so beautiful.” The beast’s cockhead is exposed from its huge veiny sheath, slowly pumping precum down his shaft. His huge ballsac flexes with each second that passes. Avery kisses his cockhead and starts to massage it with his tongue, making it long for release. It is clear that Haidar wants to feed him badly. Vincent wants to take in his partner’s other massive muscles down there as well. “Flex your quads for me beautiful. I want to see them swell in front of me.” The Iraqi beast immediately does so, each one of them flaring thicker, wider, and touching each other, pushing his thick ballsac close to Avery’s face. The soldier smothers his face in Haidar’s dangling balls, smelling the hormones emanating from them and kissing his partner’s furry legs. He is feeling the Arabian’s engorged calves as they flex and swell in his hands. “Vincent, I have waited so long to be with you. For you to want me in this way, well...I know that this was not what I was expecting, but I now know that we both deserve this.” Avery continues to work on Haidar’s beautiful 13-inch rod, making him sigh and moan, working it to the point that Haidar nearly flexes his entire body. The sweat pouring profusely down the Arabian beast’s hulking bronze frame, making it look like he has just stepped out of a shower, the fur completely wet and glued to his beastly muscles. It is one of the sexiest sights Avery has ever seen in his life. He wants to explore his lover’s chest, but also wants to drain him as well. “I can’t wait any longer for your cum, beautiful. Coat me or feed me, I don’t care!” He starts slowly stroking the beast, sucking it on occasion, making him buck in rhythm to his own. Within minutes, he will get his reward, as the Arabian’s cock hole parts to deliver a nice helping of thick, nourishing cream, which Avery happily drinks slowly, moaning as it flows down into his stomach. Incredibly, the eager soldier can gulp most of it down, letting some of it even roll down his face and onto his completely drenched uniform jacket and shirt. Haidar rubs his lover’s face lovingly with his huge veiny hands as he gets his cock worshipped. “I think I might love you, Avery. Everything that is happening with us at this moment feels like it is destiny.” After finishing his cum meal, Vincent pulls his partner’s cock out of his mouth, and lets it retreat back into its hiding place. He then gets back onto the bed and wants his middle-eastern lover to come join him. “Mmm...*rubs some of the cum off of his lips and face* Come over here beautiful so I can worship some more of your gorgeous body.” Haidar wastes no time and climbs in between Avery’s legs. He reaches down and starts to pull up on the soldier’s pants, gripping them, making his forearms, biceps, and triceps, swell and twitch, flexing and making them bigger. Vincent hears the seams ripping as the muscular behemoth starts uncovering his lover’s body. He has never once seen what soldier’s entire body looked like and is eager to see what he has been missing. He succeeds at uncovering Avery’s nicely-muscled lower half and smiles as he wraps his powerful arms around each leg, raising them to arch Vincent’s back and ass up into the air. How did Haidar know he was wearing a jock? His asshole is throbbing, which gets the attention of the Iraqi instantly. His cock swells again, which makes Avery’s breathing intensify. His cock, which has already stained his jock more than once, is begging to be freed. “Do you want me to ease your suffering, my hunky nurse? I have wanted to be inside you for so...long...hehe...” He tears Avery’s jock off, which makes him gasp loudly, and slowly pushes his way inside the incredibly horny white man. He then gradually arches his massive frame over Vincent’s-soaked uniform and shirt and proceeds to do the same to it that he did with the soldier’s pants, grabbing it from the sides and pulls onit from both ends, hearing the fabric ripping and tearing. He is slowing fucking Avery at the same time, distracting him. His jacket and shirt are torn open within just a few seconds, revealing the sexy soldier’s nicely muscled torso. Haidar moans, dripping his sweat and musk all over Vincent’s chest, as he leans down to rub his immense pecs and abs on top of his partner’s own. There was once a height difference, but that is all gone now. It appears that the Iraqi man gained about three inches in height, which probably prompted an additional 50-60 pounds of densely packed muscle to be added to his frame. He is considerably bigger in size than Avery is, but knows how to manage from hurting his lover. His white partner is having trouble focusing on any individual area now. “Fuck me Darmo...I have never wanted to be a bottom this much in my entire life. I just want you to smother me in your beautiful, beastly, brawn. FFUUCCKK!!” The Arabian laughs as he pushes his partner’s face into his pecs, letting him explore them, as they flex and bounce. He can feel himself about to cum as he attempts to reach for the Iraqi beast’s bloated glutes to feel them pound him; however, it appears that Haidar has been wanting a taste of his white partner’s seed as well. The cum starts to flow out of Avery’s cock when the middle eastern bodybuilder tries to lap up the river on his partner’s muscled chest. The taste excites him as he pulls out of the soldier to enjoy the rest of the meal. He swallows Vincent’s 8-incher and massages it slowly with his powerful mouth and throat, his neck thick and veiny, gulping loudly, letting the cum coat his insides. He sighs, loving every second of it. He holds Avery against him, rubbing his back, and flexing his enormous 23” pythons. “Ohh fuck yes...it feels so good when you do that, Darmo. I submit to you. You can have my seed anytime you want.” “I intend to taste you whenever I can, Vincent. You make me feel things that I have only dreamed about for years.” After getting every last drop out of Avery’s cock, he slides himself back inside his partner’s waiting hole and starts pounding him again. Between Haidar’s grunting and the soldier’s long-winded moans, they have attracted some seemingly unwanted attention. There is a knock on their hotel door, which promptly gets a response from the massively-built, sweaty, Arabian. “Don’t worry hunky soldier, I will take care of this.” He pulls out of Avery and proceeds towards the door. Vincent tries to stop him first though. “WAIT! Don’t do anything drastic, beautiful. I have had a good standing with this hotel.” Haidar turns to smile at his lover, his eyes gleaming, and his cum-soaked beard glistening, as he lumbers towards the door. “Come here then Avery. We don’t have anything to worry about, do we?” “Uhh...well...I don’t know.” The Arabian peeps through the eyehole and notices that there are two hugely muscled officers on the other side of it. He grins. He then lets Vincent take a look through it. The soldier is not sure what to think, but Haidar wants to try something. “You are a lot different now, Darmo. You didn’t seem like the type that would do something like this before the transformation.” “I know...something has changed inside my head. The gem apparently has freed up my inhibitions. I can sense something interesting about one of them from this side of the door.” The two officers knock again and start demanding that they open the door. Haidar obliges. The two men are not impressed, at first, when they enter and see the two lovers completely naked. They want them to cover up. “Both of you, put your pants on right now!” Avery can’t seem to find a pair to put on, so he finds a towel and wraps it around his waist. Haidar declines and remains nude, sweat still dripping off the black fur on his body, which finally does get the attention of one of the officers. He notices one of them is standing really close to the door. They are not holding their weapons since this wasn’t supposed to be that type of phone call. The one further inside the room is the one talking the most. “We got a call from numerous people at this hotel about the noise you two are making. We just want you to keep it down...*is the one studying Haidar’s body* Damn, you must work out three times a day to look like that, beast man. What the hell is your secret?” The Iraqi smiles at Avery, who smiles back. “I just take the right vitamins, I guess. Could you believe it only took me a few weeks to look like this?” The officer changes his tone with them, and laughs. “Well...you do look insane. I mean...I am trying to get big myself. *Flexes his guns, which strains his sleeves to their limits* I mean...you know...” The other officer rolls his eyes and proceeds to open the door to the room. “God damnit Rupert...we have a job to do. Stop fucking around with these guys. Just issue the warning so we can get out of here.” Rupert turns to look at him and says, “Ray...I will see you in a bit. I think I want to talk to these guys a little bit longer.” After uttering, “whatever”, Ray gives up and leaves down the hall. Rupert is now more inclined to interact with the both of them. He smiles as he unhooks his belt and drops it on the ground. He then starts posing in his uniform, flexing and bouncing his pecs, which can both be seen beneath the tight fabric. “I think maybe the two of you could give me a few pointers. I mean...you both look like you know what you are doing...” Avery does find the officer to be pretty sexy. The man knows how to wear a uniform, leaving very little to the imagination. His shorts are practically glued to his glutes and quads, his veiny calves do impress them both as well. The Arab wants to play with him, but Vincent motions for him to not get too antsy. “So, we are good, officer?” “Oh yes, we are definitely good here. *Unbuttons his jacket and takes it off. His undershirt is tight against his chest. His huge nipples protrude and are very hard. He is mesmerized by Haidar’s massiveness* I want to do a posedown with Big Ramy here. He is one of the most astounding looking bodybuilders I have ever seen.” Haidar begins flexing his biceps as officer Rupert joins him. He tries to pull his shirt off and struggles. The bulging Arabian helps him out by yanking it over his head. The shirt is thrown to the side as his thick upper body is exposed. He promptly flares his lats outward, wanting Haidar to do the same with him. The two men start doing a lot more posing, as the officer helps Haidar learn how to do it correctly. Avery lays on the drenched bed and takes in the sights in front of him. He is thoroughly enjoying it, rubbing himself. This man has a thick build, not ripped, but incredibly bulky, but in an extraordinarily good way. His mixed ancestry of African-American and Asian-American is seemingly a great combination in this instance. After a few minutes of fooling around and measuring each other up, Rupert takes his shorts off and shows the two lovers that he is wearing a pair of briefs that are tight against his well-built quads. Him and Haidar then start to flex their quads and calves, trying to outdo each other, while Vincent continues to stroke his cock, and moan watching this transpire. Rupert is getting quite turned on himself, judging by the meaty tool that is pulsing against his thick waist. He knows what he wants next. “So...*reaches over to start rubbing the Arabian’s thick tool* You studs want someone else to play with? I am totally game for whatever you want to do with me. Both of you are pretty great, and I think this little incident tonight can be completely forgotten with just a little more fun involved.” Without saying anything else, Avery jumps up and rushes over to join the two beasts as a threesome ensues. The officer turns to ask permission from the Iraqi beast if he can explore Avery. “I don’t see a problem at all. What about you, Vincent?” “As long as you are okay with it, then I am as well, beautiful.” They smile at each other as Rupert gleefully picks up the soldier in his huge arms and squeezes him. His briefs are promptly yanked off his body by Haidar. Vincent moans softly as Haidar gets behind the man and slaps his rod on his huge beefy ass. The man moans loudly, as the Arab leans in to kiss Avery on the lips. It sets the three men off. It doesn’t take long before Rupert plugs Haidar inside him and demands to be manhandled by the two of them. They eventually end up on the floor of the hotel room as Rupert explores Vincent’s body with his mouth and hands as Haidar lays on top of the officer, humping the man’s eager hole, sending him into waves of ecstasy. Haidar eventually pulls his beast out of the man when he feels himself getting ready to cum. The man moans feeling the massive middle eastern monster shower his thick back in his Arabian flood. The man then wants to see Avery cum next, as he moves down to work on the soldier’s cock. He gets his reward a few minutes later as Rupert gets his clean-shaven, broadly masculine face coated in Vincent’s cum. He slaps Avery’s cock on his face and smiles as he compliments him. The man then tells them that he wants to cum on both of their chests because he finds them both insanely hot, and it is something that enjoys. They oblige by getting on their knees while he stands over them. After just a little bit of effort, Rupert explodes onto their pectorals, covering them in his boys. He is absolutely spent. “Fuck...you are both amazing. *Realizes how much time has passed* Well...I need to get cleaned up and back to the office. Let me leave my number with both of you. We have to meet up again sometime. You are the hottest couple I have ever had time spending with. My full name is Rupert Tomlinson in case you both wanted to know.” After showering, the man quickly dresses and hands them his number. He is out the door. Avery and Haidar are spent themselves and decide to just go lay down on the bed again. They take the linens off and throw them onto the floor beside them. The Iraqi beast lays on the bed first, while the soldier lays on top of him, cradling his huge pecs and rubbing his fingers through the Arab’s thick furry six-pack. They are quite fond of each other now. “I think I love you, Avery. *Kisses the soldier* Do you think marriage is on the horizon?” Vincent seems surprised. “Well, we shouldn’t rush it, but yeah, I do think it is possible.” They both realize that what they did with Rupert was quite spontaneous, but it didn’t change anything about the way they feel for each other. They know that moving forward, they will both be quite inseparable because of a gem that has implanted itself into an unsuspecting, surprisingly willing, muscle lusting, Arab man whose love for another, prompted a life-changing transformation, in more ways than one. Haidar properly asked Avery to marry him in a surprise gathering that was set up by the people he works with at the museum. (Yes, they were incredibly shocked to see what he looked like when he showed up to work the next week, after taking a few days off to find a new wardrobe.) The soldier cried when the Iraqi beast put the commitment ring on his finger after getting on one knee. They both kissed for a full minute, prompting a few awes from the people at the gathering. Speaking of the museum, Haidar no longer felt like he needed to be the curator there anymore after he was offered a considerable bodybuilding contract from a prominent company. His endorsements went through the roof once he started doing shows, not necessarily to win them, but to simply show up and do routines. He was quite influential. Gay bodybuilders were no longer shunned as much due to Haidar’s charming personality and humbleness with many in the industry. He became a major sex symbol as well with the gay community. He was not afraid to pose nude for the fitness and muscle magazines, although the homophobes were not keen on what he was doing. These ‘special’ issues were done annually, and they normally sold out. He did not use his real name during his bodybuilding career either. He went by Hussein Moheida. As for Avery, he retired from the military after a few years. It was something that he promised Haidar from the moment they got engaged. He always tried to attend his partner’s events when he could in the beginning, but it wasn’t easy. Haidar understood. Once Avery was done with his military career, he also entered the bodybuilding industry. He would end up gaining an additional 40 pounds of muscle, and become a thick, beautiful, beast like his husband-to-be, but it required more work for him to achieve. Haidar was a big contributor to Avery’s rapid ascent to beasthood. He had access to a plethora of hormones that he could supply to his partner, which led to some shocking comparisons that were just months apart. Avery, who also used a different name, now known as Gregory Noland, was an up-and-coming bodybuilder. Just like with his husband-to-be, he was an influential gay bodybuilder, especially for hard gainers. He would become the spokesperson for a new supplement that would promise big gains in a short amount of time. It was the secret cocktail that he used to get big in a matter of months. Haidar, who was gifted his body, would use the cocktail to maintain his size, which seemed to work perfectly. The supplement would eventually become the most popular one on the market, setting records after just a few months. Guys were achieving gains in about half the time that it used to take them in previous cycles. Haidar and Avery’s wedding ceremony was a MASSIVE one. The two beasts had several of bodybuilding’s biggest names attend, even if they weren’t totally on board with two men marrying. The two behemoths had garnered such strong reputations, and provided such tremendous benefits to the industry, that some of the other huge beasts let it slide. They managed to keep from tearing each other’s clothes off until after the ceremony was over. Rupert became one of their closest friends after that night at the hotel. He would spend a few more nights with the two beasts before their engagement, just for kicks. Avery introduced the officer to one of his former buddies in the military, who was also a huge, hulking brute as well. It turned out that they were a perfect match. Rupert would become committed to the man after dating for nearly a year. Ironically, his partner-in-life, would become his partner on the police force, after Raymond, his previous partner, quit due to a scandal involving prostitutes, illegal drugs, and their connections to famous bodybuilders.
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