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Here’s an old story I pulled from the archives and recently updated I am working on a few ones. Happy to get comments back here or in PMs especially if you want to see more. I write about superheroes, peplum, magic, muscle growth & theft, & superhero fights & destruction. Btw I noticed the apostrophes and quotes changed to another character in the paste I’ll try to fix that next time. Maciste and the Muscle Demon Maciste after much effort disposed of the muscular warriors who were guarding the path to the cave that was the home to the demon. These guards would have been more than a match for any attacking force. Even the powerful Maciste had to struggle against them. They were men from the village who had been transformed into the demonÕs worshippers. Maciste did not harm the men, only knocked them unconscious. The women of the village had called Maciste to save their men from the demon. Several months ago the village miners had unearthed an ancient tomb deep inside the mountain. But it wasnÕt really a tomb. It was a jail for a demon whom the Ancients had encapsulated in stone there when the human race was young. Once released from his confinement, the demon slowly enslaved the men the village. The men abandoned their village, wives and their children, only to serve the sexual desires of the demon. The women had called upon Maciste to come and rescue their men from the enchantment. With the help of an old wizard, Maciste had obtained a magical, silver dagger with which he could kill the demon and vanquish him from the dimension of earth. As he reached the cave, he saw something in the brush next to the entrance. He paused to look. There was the body of a young man, but it was merely skin and bones on a body as if it had been starved of food. His eyes were still open and his hallowed cheeks and mouth frozen open as if he were still screaming. Maciste put his hands over the young manÕs eyes and closed them. ÒDonÕt worry, son, I will avenge you,Ó he said to the body and he entered the cave. Maciste walked slowly and surreptitiously through the cave hugging the stonewall looking for additional guards. At the end of the passageway, he came to the entry of a large hollowed room. There at the far end were torches on either side of a stone throne. In it sat the demon . ÒI know you are there, Maciste. Welcome,Ó he said. ÒCome closer so we can get a good look at each other. His hiding exposed, Maciste walked closer to the demon and came within 20 feet of him. He stared at the demon. The demon had the body of a tall, lean muscular man with broad shoulders and long dark wavy hair that reached his shoulders. His skin was light brown and he wore nothing but a small loincloth that barely covered his large member. ÒYou stare, Maciste. Do you like this human form that I have chosen? It suits my needs. But you are quite an impressive specimen of manhood yourself, Ó said the demon as he admired MacisteÕs larger and leaner muscular physique. The demon was hungry. “Enough of this,Ó Maciste shouted. ÒRelease these men of the village now from your spells, and I will not harm you!” The demon laughed at the demand. ÒI am sure you are quite formidable. But you are going to meet a challenger whom I think you will find most extraordinary. His name is Sarkus.Ó From the shadows off to the side of the stone throne, a blonde, bronzed man stepped into the torchlight. MacisteÕs eyes turned to the foe. He was the same height and build as Maciste, about 6’ 2” with broad bulbous shoulders that tapered to a 32- inch waist and etched abs. But he had about 20 pounds of more muscle than Maciste had on the same frame. Sarkus smiled confidently at Maciste and slowly raised his right arm and flexed. SarkusÕs right bicep rose and rose and rose. His arm peaked at 22 inches, almost two inches bigger than the village womenÕs hero. “Yes, you see Maciste. Sarkus was the strongest and largest warrior in this village until he joined me. And with the gifts I have bestowed on him, he is now the strongest man in the world! Oh, IÕm sorry. DidnÕt that used to be your title?Ó snickered the demon. ÒI have defeated larger opponents in the past,Ó Maciste answered confidently. ÒSarkus will be no different.” “Well then, Sarkus, why donÕt you dethrone Maciste from his title officially?” Sarkus strode toward the hero. Maciste pulled the magic dagger from its sheath in his belt and lunged toward his larger twin. He planned to push Sarkus aside and head toward to the demon himself. But Sarkus was fast for his size and he quickly stopped MacisteÕs advance. He grabbed MacisteÕs left arm that held dagger and then his right. The two muscle giants were locked hand to hand in a contest of pure strength. As each one pressed upon the other and seemed to gain an inch, his opponent pushed back and recovered the lost ground. The struggle went on and on. Sarkus focused his right grip, which was his stronger side, on MacisteÕs left wrist. His hand pressed like a vise attempting to force Maciste to drop the dagger. Maciste resisted but his wrist contained little direct muscular power to resist the powerful vise. Eventually his wrist gave way and the dagger fell from his hand whereupon Sarkus kicked it toward the edge of the darkness of the chamber. With the dropping of the weapon, Maciste was freer to force back SarkusÕs hand and once again the titans were locked in what seemed like an unending test of strength. “Surprised, Maciste?” taunted the demon. “Never felt this kind of power before, have you? I knew when I made SarkusÕs muscles larger, they would with my help become more powerful than yours!” Yes, Maciste was surprised. No man, no matter how large, had been able to match Maciste in power for this long. A small seed of doubt began to grow in MacisteÕs mind, and where there is doubt, there is weakness. In a battle of near equals, doubt can make a difference. As doubt began to swirl in MacisteÕs mind, the endurance of his powerful muscles began to weaken. As Sarkus pushed, Maciste could no longer recover the lost ground. Sarkus noticed this; his confidence grew and with confidence comes more strength into the body. That confidence made Sarkus push even harder than he ever had before, further weakening Maciste and pushing him back further and down. Maciste looked into the burning brown eyes of this opponent who was slowly overpowering him. Then in those eyes he saw the face of SarkusÕs wife calling Maciste to help her. “Sarkus, think of your wife and children,” Maciste said. Sarkus almost seemed to pause. That gave Maciste an opportunity. Using the force that Sarkus was himself applying, Maciste added his own and pulled both himself and Sarkus backwards. As MacisteÕs back hit the floor, he lifted his feet onto the washboard abdomen of his foe and propelled him backward with such a force that Sarkus was body slammed against the cavityÕs stonewall. His foe fell to the floor unconscious. Maciste leaped to his feet and faced the demon who rose from his chair and slowly approached him, clapping. Maciste needed to stall. He needed to find the dagger on the cave floor. His eyes scanned for it while trying to be watchful of the demon. “Very good, Maciste. You have lived up to your reputation.” The demon and the hero circled each other as they spoke. Unknown to Maciste, the demonÕ s breath contained a chemical that acted like a narcotic that weakened a humanÕs will. As he scanned for the dagger, Maciste decided to engage the demon. “Now release these men before itÕs too late,” Maciste threatened. Again the demon laughed. “Did you know, Maciste, that each one of these men joined me willingly? Yes, each one wanted to be manlier and more powerful, for their women, for their place in their village, for their work. So I gave them the strength and the physiques they dreamed about. As each one saw what I had given them, more came to me asking for the same thing! Their own lack of self worth turned them to me.” ”But you enchanted them. They rejected their wives, and left their families to become your slave.” Maciste ‘s tone was no longer angry like previously. He seemed to become calm as the demonÕs breath began to take effect on him. Then he spotted a flicker of light off the silver dagger on the floor. The two continued to circle each other as they talked but Maciste stopped when he reached the spot where he saw the flicker. “Ha! How little you know! These men asked for the physical gifts I gave them. In exchange, I asked for their love. They experienced an ecstasy with me that their wives could never provide them. Once they tasted my pleasure, no women could satisfy them again. From their love, I grew even more powerful.” ”You care nothing of these men, their village or their families,” Maciste said with conviction. His heart rate was slowing. “In fact, I care for and know them quiet well,” answered the demon. “I even know you, Maciste, better than you do. I know your character. Yes, you are good and true but I know what moves you?” “You know nothing about me.” Maciste began to feel lightheaded. His heart was no longer racing. He began to think about his timing. He needed to step back and reach for the dagger and plunge it into the demon but he needed to lull the demon into thinking he was not a threat. The demonÕs breath though was distracting his concentration. “Oh but I do. You see, your conviction, your courage, your confidence, your goodness, your steadfastness comes not from your inner nature. It comes from your strength, your looks and your body. Without them, your nature is just as weak as everyone elseÕs. I can enhance that body for you” Maciste stepped back and his left foot stepped on the blade of the dagger. He was not ready though. His mind was cloudy and relaxed and he listened to the demon further. “Let me show you. Curl your right arm for me and show me that beautiful manliness of your arm.” Now was the time for Maciste to reach for the dagger but he was confused and susceptible. He secretly enjoyed showing off his physique to the women he slept with and he wanted to show it off now. He did as the demon suggested and raise his arm showing off his 20 inch peaked tan bicep. “Yes, look at it Maciste.”Maciste stared at it. “Oh , it is so beautiful,” said the demon. “Now squeeze it a little harder and watch it!” As Maciste flexed more, he watched his bicep began to grow larger and larger till it was 23 inches. MacisteÕs eyes opened wide. “Yes, I have made it even more beautiful. Now kiss it.” Maciste continued to stare at his right gun and the veins and striations that ran across it. Never had it been that pumped. The demon gently touched the back of MacisteÕs head, pushing his face toward his bicep until MacisteÕs lips reached it and then hesitantly kissed it. “Yes, itÕs beautiful, isnÕt it?” the demon repeated. “Join me, Maciste, love me, and that bicep will be yours forever.” Maciste pondered those words as he continued to stare at his incredible masculine arm. Then from the place where Sarkus was lying, came a moan as Sarkus began to wake up, pressing himself off the floor with his inverted V triceps. Maciste turned his head toward Sarkus. That distraction was enough to break the mesmerizing moment for Maciste. He pushed the demon back and shouted “No. Never!” The demon was surprised but not alarmed. He stepped further back from his prey. “So Maciste. You have chosen. But as I said, who you are comes from that physique of yours. Without it, you are no hero, no moral guardian. You are no better nor more valorous than others, may be even weaker than most.” Maciste stood watching the demon as he spoke. His mind was so dazed, he did not know what to do though the dagger lay at his feet. “Where shall we start? LetÕs start with those arms of yours. Every man notices first another manÕs arm muscles. What if those arms suddenly shrunk and turned to flab?Ó Maciste looked at his right arm. Gone were the leanness, the veins, the bulbous delts, the defined biceps and triceps. Replaced with a mound of flab, straight and smooth and hanging off his arm. “No,” shouted Maciste. By now, Sarkus was standing behind the demon watching MacisteÕs transformation. “And how about those powerful legs of yours that propelled my Sarkus?” As the demon spoke, MacisteÕs defined muscular quads and calves muscles shrunk to bone and flab. “My legs!” He shouted as the demon laughed. ”Let’s turn that six pack into a bowl of jelly.” Our hero’s incredible abdominal armor flattened and disappeared into a small belly of fat. ”No, stop!” He reached and touched his now soft, cushiony stomach. ”And of course, those rounded striated pecs of yours.” His impressive domed pecs deflated and drooped. His once taunt nipples puffed out. His chest looked like old man bitch tits in need of a bra. “No, my chest! My power! My strength! What have you done to me! Give it back to me! Give it back!” he shouted. Maciste fell to his knees and he placed his hands on his now hanging man boobs. Whereas before he had felt his strong hard pec muscles, now he felt only softness like a womanÕs breast. That feeling was too much for him. “So Maciste, where is that confidence? Where is that goodness of yours? Where is that bravery?” The demon laughed. Sarkus smiled. Maciste then felt the dagger at his ankle. He reached down and grabbed it. He quickly jumped up and pointed the dagger at the demon, staring him in the eyes. “Stop, Maciste. If you strike me with that dagger, your present form will become permanent. You will never become the man you were.” Suddenly Maciste froze. Could the demonÕs words be true? Could he kill the demon but be trapped without his strength, power and physique? He had to kill him. He had to save the others. He must do it. He looked down at his fatty chest and his bulging belly. Maciste let go of the knife and it fell to the floor with a clang. He dropped his head to his chest and whispered, I will do what you want so long as you change me back.” The demon laughed. He picked up the dagger and handed it to Sarkus and said, “Destroy it..” Sarkus took the dagger into his hands and began to bend it, breaking it in two. The demon walked around Maciste as he spoke to him. “So our hero wasnÕt really the hero was he? Yes, it was easy before, wasnÕt it, Maciste? You were stronger than everyone, you were more powerful than everyone, you were handsome, you had that physique of yours that every man was jealous of and every woman loved. It was easy to be brave! It was easy to be righteous! It was easy to sacrifice and do the right thing! Because you never had to sacrifice, did you? But now with all that gone, itÕs hard, isnÕt it? In fact, for you, it was too hard. You couldnÕt do it without your power, your strength, your beauty. You were in fact all this time, weak inside. Weak where it counted. Not so wonderful and godlike as everyone thought!” Maciste head was bowed. His wide but now smoothed shoulders slumped forward. He realized all the demon said was true. It was easy for him to be good when he was so powerful. He could never fail. Tears began to well in his eyes. “I’ve agreed to do as you wish, now change me back,” whispered the broken former muscleman. “Give me back my strength,” he hesitated, “please..” ”Go into that room over there and sit on the floor,” said the demon pointing at an opening at the far end of the chamber. “Wait for me there!” he ordered. Two other muscular henchmen escorted Maciste out the large chamber. The demon turned toward the room and Sarkus grabbed his sinewy arm. “ Master,” he said, “please give him to me. Let me have him.” “No,” he replied, grabbing SarkusÕs arm and quickly removing it from his. “His power and strength are enormous. Unlike any I have felt before. I must have it for myself. I do not have much time. I found a weakness in his mind and my little transformation trick will not last long. I must move quickly before he realizes he lost his size but not his great strength.” Maciste entered the room and sat down on the black bear skin rug that covered the stone floor. As he sat, he looked down at his chest. There hung two sacks of fat looking like udders where his massive tight rounded pecs once were. He began to weep. He thought as soon as his strength was restored, he would crush the demonÕs head with it. But he needed to cooperate with the demon for his plan to work. The demon entered the small room alone and stood in front of the weeping Maciste.”So Maciste, do you miss your power? Do you miss your muscles?” “Yes, “ the once confident hero whimpered. “I want them back. I need them. What do you want from me?” ”If I give them back, will you promise to keave this area and never come back?” ”Yes, I will do as you wish,” said the defeated hero. “ I will restore them then But during the spell you must give yourself utterly to me. With all your will and with all your heart. ” I donÕt know if I can,” he said. “You must if you want the magic to change you back. Or do you prefer a chest like this?” And the demon took his hands and lifted each sagging pecs of Maciste and let them fall back onto the warriorÕs chest. Maciste wiped the tears from his face. He knew he had no choice. “.I'll try as you wish.” And his chin sunk lower onto this chest, hoping his moment for revenge would come soon. ”First, you must drink.” The demon knelt in front of the hero and began to massage his own powerful left pec. Maciste raised his head and watched. As the demon pressed into the pec, the pec began to swell. It quickly became bloated and the nipple, once tight, was now puffy. The demon lifted the tumescent chest muscle with his left hand, leaned toward Maciste and with his right hand behind the heroÕs head brought MacisteÕs mouth to the demonÕs nipple and said, “Now drink this milk from me.” Reluctantly, Maciste began to suck as commanded. The milk was both sweet and sour, neither foul nor refreshing. The demonÕs head and eyes looked toward the ceiling as he enjoyed the heroÕs mouth on his areola. Maciste drank until the pec was no longer inflated and had returned to its original shape. ”Now onto your hands and knees, Maciste,”ordered the demon. The warrior complied. Maciste looked down and saw his pecs hanging off his chest with his nipples pointing to the rug like small udders. His pecs no longer grew like cliffs from his sternum. More tears flowed into his eyes. “I must do this,” he angrily said to himself. “I must get my body back and then I will take care of this demon.” Though he was angry, he began to feel a sense of calm, not realizing the DemonÕs pec milk was having a soothing effect on him. The demon ripped MacisteÕs loincloth from him and the warrior was now totally naked. The demon knelt beside MacisteÕs torso and rubbed his hands together. As he rubbed, his pores began to open up and secreted a special whitish oil. The demon began to massage the oil into the warriorÕs smooth back and shoulders. As the demon rubbed, the warriorÕs delts, lats, traps and rhomboids began to grow and reappear. The oil and the rubbing created a warming sensation in Maciste. As the demon rubbed, the warming sensation had a further soothing effect on the warrior. His mind began to feel at ease and adrift either from the warmth or the demon milk or both. Maciste did not know which, but more important, he did not care. He tried to stay angry but began to yearn for the stress relief it provided. That comfort gradually led to feelings of pleasure. He began to enjoy the massage the demon was giving him. The demon extended the massage to the heroÕs sagging glutes. The fattiness of his glutes began to melt away and was replaced with hard firming muscle. He could feel his back and glute muscles growing and tightening. “Yes,” he said to himself, “ My power will be back soon, and I will slay this devil.” Soon his buttocks were muscular and round like they were before. Maciste knew his strength must be returning. These feelings of warmth, pleasure and strength began to spread down his legs and to his arms and chest from his back and butt. More skin and fat retreated across his body, and he could see his chest filling again with muscle. A battle of anger against the demon and the pleasurable feelings battled in his mind and his thoughts flowed back and forth between the two. “How are you feeling, Maciste. Do you want more muscle back?”asked the demon. “Yes,yes” he said, “more.” The demon began to massage the warriorÕs legs and arms and to work the palm secretions into the warriorÕs butt hole. This was a sensation the strongman had never felt before for no man had entered there. A corner of his mind resisted but other parts said no, he must allow it to regain his strength and get his revenge. By now, MacisteÕs mind was entering a daze. All he felt was pleasure. His anger faded even more into a mental whisper. He could see and feel his muscles returning. He lifted his hand off the floor to touch his right pec to feel the hardness and his pec cliffs returning. He thought it was almost time to turn on the demon, but the pleasure was so overwhelming and calming. He paused and thought he must wait till he knew his strength was fully restored. Besides surely the pleasure would subside by then. His member began to swell. “Now, Maciste, it is time to complete your transformation back,” smiled the demon. The demon removed his own loincloth to reveal an organ unlike any human maleÕs. It was long, covered with large pores with smooth but hard edges that encircled the shaft. The demon began to rub it and it swelled to over 12 inches quickly. A black gel began to ooze from the pores on the head and sides once it stiffened. The demon inserted his organ into the dazed strongman. Maciste winced and cried, “Agggh” for nothing had entered butt hole before. There was pain but the gel though smoothed that away. As the demon began to pump the strongman , the secretions eased the rubbing and surged into MacisteÕs body. Volumes and volumes were released with each breeding thrust so much so that Maciste muscled belly began to distend like a time lapsed pregnancy. The black ooze travelled everywhere, to every muscle and to his brain. With each thrust, the demonÕs member vibrated, flooding new sensations into the warriorÕs mind. MacisteÕs member quickly engorged and grew stiff. “Now say it, Maciste, say ‘I am yours, master,’” said the demon. “Agree to give yourself to me.” Even with the pleasure overflowing his mind, Maciste hesitated. The hero though then looked at his arms and as the demon pumped. He admired his muscular beauty. His muscle and vascularity had returned. His member was now taller and tighter than it had ever been. A small voice in his head said he must turn and attack now. “Now say it, Maciste. Say ‘I am yours, master,’” ordered the demon as the pounding sent waves of euphoria through MacisteÕs brain and further filling the heroÕs enlarged belly with more magical ooze. “I, I” Maciste repeated, but his mind was full of conflicting voices and still resisted. The secretions from the demon were transforming not only his body but his mind as well. His anger was gone and his warriorÕs will was weakening. “Now say it. Feel the hardness of your muscles, Maciste. You know you want them. Say you are mine. Otherwise your strength will be lost forever and you will lose the physique that I have returned to you. SAY IT!” His anger growing with impatience. “This is taking too long,” thought the demon. As the thrusts continued, the highs and lows of the euphoria leveled out. Maciste entered a dream state of bliss. He hardly noticed the thrusting anymore and could barely hear the demonÕs voice which sounded faint and muffled in the new state his mind was in. He lifted his left arm and moved his hand across his chest crevice resting it on his right pec. He looked down at it. It felt hard and it showed striations as he flexed it. Touching his hard muscle magnified the pleasure feelings even more. His finger grazed his right nipple and a spike of orgasm flooded his brain. His member began to ache for release. “Do you want your muscles or not?” shouted the demon as he pressed faster and harder into the restored muscleman. “SAY it!” the demon shouted again. Maciste looked again at his restored chest keeping his hand pressing against his hard muscle. Inside his brain, a faint voice called to what remained of his willpower, “Turn now and strike him” a faint voice whispered in his head. As he began to turn his torso and arm toward the demon, his voice whispered “I am yours, master.” Maciste then climaxed with such force that he was close to fainting. His seed shot copiously onto the rug. “Yes!” shouted the demon as he looked toward the caveÕs ceiling in victory. “Give me your power!” he called out hitting his fists on his chest as he continued to breed the muscleman whose belly was so distended full of the demon’s black cum. The demon then climaxed. The spell was now complete. Just then MacisteÕs body began to shutter. Every muscle that had been restored quivered. The body of the demon also began to quiver. Then it was if a vacuum had started inside the warriorÕs body. His muscles began to shrink and shrink. Meanwhile the demonÕs physique began to grow and grow. Larger and ever more muscular, and the demon shouted “Yes, yes, give me all of it!” As the demon withdrew from the hero. MacisteÕs body collapsed face forward onto the floor. There lay a tall, broad shouldered man of only skin and bones like the desiccated male body the hero had found outside the caveÕs entrance. All his muscle stripped from him. The demon raised his arms in a double bicep pose and stared at them. They were larger than ever before! Larger than any man had ever seen. Full of strength and might. Now the power of Maciste had become his.
- 6 replies
- muscle growth
- muscle theft
- (and 7 more)
Hi, this is the beginning of a story I wrote on another forum and I was going to post here too. The story is still incomplete, suggestions are welcome and as soon as I carry it forward I will post it here. Let me know for the moment what you think! p.s. sorry for my bad english but it's not my native language, i'm actually trying to improve;) ~Supernatural Muscles~ It was yet another trip for Sam and Dean. Just them, the road and the car. But this time the latter seemed to have abandoned them, in fact due to a breakdown they had been forced to stop on the roadside. Sam got out to check but Dean, tired and sweaty, remained seated. He thought of that glass bottle that Castiel had given him, to be used only in times of need. He had always kept it in his pocket ever since, and even though it wasn't a difficult time, he couldn't deny it was boring, so he decided to open that bottle and drink the sweetish contents. Dean felt a tingle go down his throat, travel his body and reach his still soft cock, and then a shiver go up his back. So Dean decided to call his brother. Sam couldn't believe his eyes: his brother's shirt was suddenly tightened, the veins in his neck were exploding and he could see the bulge between his legs. The collar of Dean's shirt was starting to tear, as were his sleeves. His very hard nipples were now evident and a six pack emerged. The veins in his forearms exploded as they grew thicker and more streaked covered in light fuzz, and his biceps continued to grow harder and taller. His legs were growing too, now they had filled his baggy jeans and his streaks were evident. His sexy, hairy calves were slowly emerging and his shoes tightened. Growing up his shirt was getting up revealing the lower part of his abdominals and the pulsating veins that rose from his cock, the tip of which was emerging from the pants that had opened in the meantime. It was weird for Sam, but in that moment he could feel something growing in his underpants as he watched his brother. He sat down on his legs, he felt Dean's cock growing under his ass, while his slammed his hard abs against him. He gave him a kiss and squeezed him tightly, as he felt his back getting wider and wider. They both moaned as their tongues met and the sweet taste of saliva flooded their mouths. Dean flexed his biceps by tearing his sleeves to shreds, leaving his huge manly arms completely uncovered. Sam pulled away from his lips and kissed his thick, veiny neck first, then began worshiping his growing biceps, kissing and licking them as they continued to grow. Meanwhile, the tear of his shirt had brought out his huge hairy pecs, so Sam began to suck and gently bite his nipples, hearing Dean moan. By now his precum was over his panties and wet Sam's ass. Dean's shirt had completely torn on the front of him, revealing his abs, which have now become an 8 pack. Sam leaned down to suck his abs one by one, then lick it and feel with his tongue how hard they were, tracing the path of his veins coming up from his cock. Sam unzipped his pants and let out his hard cock, which began to crawl into the crater between Dean's abdominals lubricated by his precum. By now Sam could no longer resist, so he moved to the other seat making his brother's cock wince. Dean's cock exploded tearing his underpants and what was left of his pants now torn to shreds by his huge muscular thighs. His cock was huge, veiny and wet, with a droplet of precum dripping from the top. It had a base of ash blonde hair like her hair that disappeared as it went up leaving a very shiny trunk with tight skin that revealed pulsating veins and a straight tip, hot and wet. Sam took the tip of that huge cock in his mouth for as long as he could, making Dean moan with pleasure. His mouth couldn't contain all that wonder, so he was forced to alternate between licking the shaft and sucking the tip. Dean couldn't take it anymore, he had to unload his huge testicles full of him. He grabbed Sam by the hair and pushed his head against his cock, almost choking him. His nose banged against his hard abs. Sam sucked all the precum that kept coming out of Dean's cock, making him enjoy like never before. After swallowing Dean's precum, Sam felt a shiver run down his spine. He felt his t-shirt tighten, his veins swell and his muscles tense. His great calloused hands filled with veins that rose along his striated forearms as they thickened, and so did his already large biceps exploding in size. His pecs grew to reveal her hard nipples through the shirt and his 6 pack became a beautiful 8 pack, covered in veins that joined towards his cock. His thighs were about to tear at her jeans and his calves turned like diamonds. His veiny, sweaty feet covered in hair were slowly coming out of his shoes. Sam pulled away from Dean's cock, got out of the car and motioned for his brother to follow him. I got out of the car their mouths joined in a deep kiss that was lost in their moans.
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- 10
- supernatural
- muscle growth
- (and 6 more)
Hello there! Just joined recently and wanted to write a story, so this is my first attempt at it. This chapter will mostly be set up, so not a ton of action at this point but hopefully it will set the scene. If you're more interested in the action I would recommend skipping to Chapter 4, when it is complete. The other couple chapters beforehand are just a small bit of exposition for those interested but probably not completely necessary. Warning: this has some religious tones in it and if that makes you uncomfortable I would recommend not reading this. Chapter 1: I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. I absolutely hate that sound, jolting me out of a deep sleep. I had to give myself a pep talk to get out of bed, "come on John! Time to get up, you don't have time to lay around!" It was a Sunday morning and it was time to get ready to go to church. I sat up and stretched my body - flexing my toned 15 inch biceps as I contracted my arms. I stood in front of my bedroom mirror shirtless, just my tight underwear on. I flexed a little looking at my defined abs, nice set of pecs and toned arms on my 6' body. I'd really been hitting the gym for 5 days a week for quite a while, eating as often and as clean as I could. I was proud of my body at 28, I had worked really hard to improve my health and to maintain a weight of 185lbs. As much as I'd like to flex a bit I really had to get going - it was nearly time for church and I'd slept in a bit. I changed my underwear and put on a nice pair of khaki pants and a blue button-up shirt. The clothes weren't very form-fitting but I definitely could see some definition from my shirt. I styled my brown hair into a neat, handsome comb over. After brushing my teeth and lacing up my blue flat-footed shoes, I was ready to go! I stepped out of my small 1000sqft 2bed 1bath home. I climbed into my sedan and headed to church that was only a few minutes down to the corner. I've been going to Faith Church ever since I'd moved here to the South. The people there are very friendly and I always enjoy going to the services. It's especially been nice being a part of something since I've moved away from most of my social connections and family. I text back and forth but rarely ever see anybody in person. Honestly, sometimes it was hard to go. I'd been deep in the closet my whole life. I've known I've been attracted to men since a young age. I remember seeing men on underwear packages in the store looking at their muscled and defined torsos. Or shirtless men on the front of men's fitness magazines. I knew that I wanted to look just like that when I grew up. I am not really sure where the envy began and when the attraction started. Growing up in an evangelical background I felt so much shame and confusion around my own attractions. Yeah, I liked taking a look at men's bodies; I wanted to be desired and to desire another man. Being with someone was something my straight peers got to indulge in but in my context I would never be able to enjoy the same relationship. Not me. Honestly, it just filled me with a touch of sorrow. I had very deep connections with friends but now that I was separated by distance we have started to drift a part. It's made living here quite hard even though I needed to move here for my career. I can't say that I wasn't jealous of them too. They were all finding partners, getting married, having children. Meanwhile, I was drooling over meat heads at my local gym. Well after stewing over that less than savory stream of thoughts in my head for the thousandth time, I finally had arrived. There were small groups of families filling the front door of the church with stained glass panels all around the church. I quickly got out of my car and shuffled my way to my usual seat in the back corner of the church. No one really talked with me apart from a few waves and "Hey John!" 's since church was just moments from starting as the piano player began playing a hymn. I settled into my seat, looked through the bulletin, and opened my Bible. I started looking around to see if the pastor was getting ready to welcome everyone to church. Just as the music slowed and the pastor stood up a MAN walked by and sat just in front of me. I didn't quite get a good look of his face but he had a thick head of well-styled, faded brown-hair with just a few strands of gray here and there. He was wearing a really nice smelling aftershave. And he was absolutely fucking massive. He was wearing a tighter red and grey shirt made of a cotton fabric, but the definition of his muscles couldn't be hidden. His traps were huge and encroached upon his girthy neck whose muscles flexed and moved with every little adjustment. I could see his big delts and wife back that fanned out giving him an imposing figure. The pastor began speaking, "welcome everyone. Let me go over a few announcements..." I couldn't pay attention whatsoever. I began to clam up and my dick began to engorge. I looked around and thankfully no one was near me. I was getting a full hard-on in church, as I placed my bulletin over my pants to hide my thick boner from popping out of my pants. Should I be thinking of another man this way in the middle of church? "Please stand and turn to hymn 330. 330" the music director said in a booming, hearty voice. I quickly scrambled for the hymnbook and stood up pushing my dick against the pew in front of me. While the beautiful specimen of a man stood up simultaneously. I quickly looked at his body. His body had a very pleasant shape with his wide back slimmed into his midsection. His shirt was tucked in to a nice pair of tight-waisted gray pants. His glutes bulged out of his pants and his quads were noticeable in the upper part of his pants. I sang along to the hymn but kept getting distracted by the extremely attractive man in front of me. I began to feel a little bit guilty about lusting after this man in church. But this was the story of every person I've been allured to. They were a nice piece of meat for me to look at but remained a forbidden fruit. Men were nice to fuel my fantasies but never to be had. It was frustrating. I thought to myself, "John pull yourself together. Pay attention. Pay attention. Pay attention." But I just can't. The entire service I hardly paid attention to the pastor giving a sermon, any of the liturgy, or the multiple songs. The whole service was my sexual frustration running through my head over and over again. Eventually the whole congregation stood up as the pastor prayed a long and winding closing prayer to dismiss us. It was strange having my head up in the clouds the entire service. All I could think about was what the front of this man looked like as I could hardly even get a side profile. "... Amen." the pastor said loudly, as the congregation replied, "Amen." "You are free to go," he said as the whole congregation gathered their items and began to get ready to depart for home or a restaurant. The man in front of me turns around to gather his items from the pew. He was even more perfect than my mind could conjure up during the service. He was around 5'9" and weighed around 230lbs. Man, was he handsome. He looked to be around his mid-30s. His hair was quite immaculate, and he kept a very short beard on his face tracing out a strong, chiseled face. He had dashing, kind, deep blue eyes. His lips were full and formed a joyful smile. His pecs filled out his tucked in shirt quite nicely, as a sligh outline of his nipped poked through his shirt. I had to jump at my chance immediately. I immediately blurted out, "Uh. Hello sir! My name is John it's nice to meet you." He looked up with a large smile and confidently brought out his veiny hands to shake mine. I obliged and shook his powerful hands. He gripped my hand confidently. "It's nice to meet you John. My name is Charlie!" he said in a deep, confident voice. "Well, we're glad you came this morning Charlie. I hope you found the service to be uplifting!" I said with a slight nervousness in my voice. I was in the precense of one of the most handsome men on earth, it was hard for me not to be. "Oh, yeah. I loved it. I thought the sermon was quite thought-provoking. I just moved to the area, so I have been visiting some churches here and there." Charlie replied, leaning on the pew behind him and cross his arms, causing his forearms to flare up underneath his shirt. " Oh, well, I am new to the area too. If you're looking for a friend maybe we could trade numbers and explore the city together?" I said with eager anticipation. "Oh, well that actually sounds great! I haven't really found anybody to hang out with yet and being single it's been kinda hard to adjust to everything here." My heart just melted. I can't believe that this was actually working. Maybe this was all just a bad idea, getting this close to an absolute hottie was a mistake. But there was no way I'd pass up getting to know this dude. I quickly handed him my phone, opened my contacts, as he did the same for me. I typed my information into his phone. "I'll text you sometime this week, dude! I gotta head out here soon but we'll figure out some time to hang out." Charlie said, shaking my hand again. It amazed me how confident and friendly he was. He was so comfortable in his own body. He was just the type of man I dreamt of when I was younger. He typified everything I loved about men and their personalities and body. The rest of the day my thoughts were occupied with nothing but Charlie. I've been so good about not jacking off, watching porn, or lustful thoughts. But Charlie completely derailed that and threw me for a loop. I edged the whole day thinking about his body. Eventually before I went to bed I completed my nightly routine of taking a shower and planning out my next day. I stripped off all my clothes down to my underwear. My dick was so hard, as I looked down at my bulge in my underwear. I began to rub myself through the fabric. It had been so long since I'd released any sexual tension and I was ready to burst. I pulled my underwear down releasing my dick as it flopped out onto my flat stomach. I began to think of Charlie stripped down to his underwear. His strong muscles drenched with sweat and pumped up beyond belief. His handsome, manly face looking down at his ripped body, heavily breathing as his chest quickly expanded and collapsed. "So... Fucking... Handsome... Uufffffhh" It was too much to think about much further. I began to cum all over my own body. The orgasm was one of the most intense I'd ever had before. I was so tired afterwards I didn't even want to clean myself up. It all felt so guilty but felt so amazing. I fell asleep with my cock out and cum all over my body...
My very first try on a muscle growth story. I really hope you like it! English is not my native language, so please be appreciative. And if you have any adivce or correction, just dm me! Summary: Manly a "Spartacus" fanfiction without Spartacus or any other know character. Just men in ancient rom in pretty much less clothing, fighting, growing and more. The first chapter is with little growth, just setting the stage. Chapter 1 Day of decision Sextus Barbatius Ennecus stood on his balcony on the top floor of his villa "Ludi Crescita" and looked at the training ground below him with mixed feelings. His last two gladiators were training with their instructor Narcissus. The owner of the Ludi, the gladiator school, sighed and thought about when exactly his decline had begun. More and more fights his gladiators were losing and they were dying off like flies. Of course, this was the daily routine in this kind of fights - but people wanted to be entertained. Exciting duels and an epic finale. But neither could his fighters deliver. So he could participate in fewer and fewer events, gained no money, could not buy new fighters and so the spiral went slowly but inexorably down. Socially it destroyed him as well as financially. His wife disappeared in one night with their common son. The heir who was to take over all this. But... what was it exactly? He had already inherited the "Ludi" from his father and now wondered if he never really had his father's skills? His eye for a man's abilities may never have been as good as he had hoped. A clearing of his throat snapped him out of his dark thoughts and the gaze of his blue eyes turned to Narcissus. The Hispania had been bequeathed to him by his father. He had been the most successful gladiator of that school in his time and then appointed to train the new fighters. Although he had not been in the arena for a long time and the ravages of time were also gnawing at him, Narcissus was always the epitome of strength. At 6’2 and well over 220lbs, he impressed every new slave and you just wanted to obey him. The sweat after his early morning workout made his tanned skin sparkle and glisten. "Magister. A word?" the instructor asked and with a slightly lowered gaze. A nod followed and while Sextus left the balcony, Narcissus entered the building. The two fighters outside sought out the shade and drank the little water that was provided. Sexuts approached the man and although he had the money, the prestige and the power, he always felt small around his closest confidant. The "Magister" had been too much affected by the years of prosperity. Literally. A fat belly bulged outward from his tunic and his arms, as well as his double chin, wobbled slightly as he descended the stairs. "What's up?" he wanted to know, looking at the symmetrical face of Narcissus. "These two... won't survive the day, Magister." No information that was really new to the owner of the school. "That's not going to happen. It SHOULDN'T happen. Do you realize what will happen if they don't?" Sextus was in danger of losing his temper in front of his slave and reminded himself to be careful. He could not show weakness. He cleared his throat and declared, "If they lose, you are useless to me. And if you're useless to me..." he left the threat hanging, feeling incredibly idiotic himself. The Hispania was a close confidant, an advisor who always stood by him. And physically he was so much superior to him that the threat seemed almost ridiculous and desperate. Narcissus knew better, though, and just nodded. "I will remind them again of the importance, Magister." The muscleman bowed and went outside. By the evening of that same day, it was clear. Sextus had lost everything. His last two gladiators dead. His reputation had been dragged through the mud once again. He was a laughingstock. Wife and son lost. What was left for him? The prayer The cliff where the Magister de Ludi Crescita stood went steeply down and ended in the sea, which broke several times on the rough rock formation. Despite the dim light, the waves and sharp stones were clearly visible. So this was how it was going to end for him? In his last act of pure despair, he knelt down, folded his hands and spoke to heaven: "Gods! Give me a sign! Give me insight! Give me a reason to go on living! Give me a sign and I swear I will become your faithful servant!" The sky did not crack. The earth did not shake. No golden light followed. It simply remained silent. But what had Sextus been thinking? Gods... "Get up!" commanded a voice so deep that the ground almost trembled, and the authority that lay within it could not be countered. Sextus stood up as and turned around to make out the source of this male bass. What he saw made him travel his eyes wide, and almost at the same moment sink back to the ground. "A befitting stance, little human." the voice continued to speak and Sextus looked up again to take a closer look at this god. The man was around ten feet tall and of handsome build. A six-pack on an impossibly narrow waist with beautiful Apollo belt led into two thighs the circumference of which would probably correspond to the current abdominal girth of Sextus. The chest was peppered with fine hair and each of the muscles was as big as a pillow. The arms, strong and full of veins could crush anything and everything and the shoulders explained why the giant wore only a simple toga around his hips. The face.... The face was out of this world. Symmetrical. Masculine. Angular. Intimidating, yet inviting. The god's eyes rested on Sextus, sparkling an unnatural red. "Mars...god of war. You shame me with your presence." he interrupted his admiration. "I heard your prayer and offer you a bargain that is in both our interests. I have chosen a new champion," Mars announced, and it was clear to everyone that he had fucked a mortal and created a demigod. "He needs to be trained. I will send him to you, you will train him, and in a year you will send him on the journey to Alexandria. In return, your fighters will always be victorious and receive a touch of my power. Do you consent?" Who was he to bargain and haggle with a god. "But what...if he loses and dies?", Sextus mused. The giant laughed uproariously, and in the distance birds took off in fright into the night sky. "You amuse me, little man. Mind your tongue." Mars paused briefly and considered further. "You seem to lack faith. Let me prove it to you and in return, you will receive another task from me. In a year, when you let my champion go, you will build me a temple in your estate. A shrine and swear that each of your gladiators will become a follower of Mars. Declare your devotion to me. To war. To passion in battle. To bloodshed." What did Sextus have to lose? He nodded and spoke humbly, "As you wish, Mars. God of war.“ The new recruit "We have... visitors, Magister," Narcissus explained uncertainly. After yesterday's defeat, he was unsure how his lord and master would react, and then to have a visitor at the door. It was a rarity, but the master nodded with a thoughtful expression. "Invite him in and show him to the reception hall. The Hispania nodded and walked back to the large, locked main gate. In front of it stood a boy. No more than 19 years old of slight build. Clothes hung too large from narrow shoulders and a simple sack was probably all the possessions the boy carried. As instructed, Narcissus led the youth into the reception hall where his Magister was already waiting. The Hispania would never dare to say it openly, but Sextus was not a good master. Neither did he know anything about fighting, nor did he have much experience in running this school. His father had died too quickly, leading to the decline of this school. Sitting wide-legged so that there was room for his ever-expanding belly, he eyed the mismatched pair. Narcissus was twice the man this boy was. "What's your name?" asked Sextus straight out. Hesitantly, the slightly too high voice answered, "Eroticus Prisca, my lord." The look of the master continued to be uninterpretable. "And what brings you here, boy?" he continued to ask. Again hesitating and uncertain, the boy answered, "An... an inner voice, my lord. I want to fight. I want to become strong. My whole existence cries out to prove myself. I want to prove myself. Become a hero." Narcissus had to control himself not to smile. The boy had balls. You had to give him that. "Undress, boy." demanded Sextus, and with a now blushing face, Eroticus disrobed. Revealed beneath the flowing tunic was a picture of misery. The boy must have traveled long. The body was scrawny and seemed to break like a twig in the wind. He had no chest to speak of, his arms were without definition and his stomach showed the malnutrition of what must have been a long journey. The boy's privates showed a few hairs, but the penis was also of small growth and the testicles were small. He was already preparing to escort him back outside when his master addressed him. "Narcissus. He gets one of the free chambers in the training camp. You guys train him. There's a new tournament scheduled in four weeks. I want to see him ready for action. Maybe the training and the fight will bring you honor, glory and a little chest hair. You have a year to prove yourself. Otherwise, you'll end up in the gutter." The expression of pure incomprehension was on the teacher's face. Sextus could not be serious. Not only was he delivering this boy to the slaughter, but he was further ruining the already desolate reputation of this school. Maybe he was actually crazy? But Narcissus was too much of a slave to voice a concern aloud. He nodded and repeated, "In four weeks, the boy will be ready to fight victoriously or die honorably." Whereas the latter was more likely after all. The Hispania had seen a lot in his 30 years. From Spain he emigrated with his father to Italy to find his fortune there. When his father died, leaving behind a 15-year-old, awkward son, Narcissus quickly went off the rails. It didn't surprise him that he was sold to this house as a slave at the age of 16. But it was the best thing that could have happened to him. His mind had a task. His body exercise. His whole existence had a purpose. In the now 22-plus years he had served the school, the man's brown eyes had seen much. Agile and nimble fighters. Technically proficient fighters. Muscle-bound war beasts. But Eroticus was something entirely new. He fought with the speed of a flying arrow and the determination of a raging torrent. Narcissus was not convinced by this action, but the longer he trained the man, the more he saw in him a fighter who could perhaps save this house. The energy that the youth displayed was unparalleled, and this despite the fact that the sun in may was already merciless. The physical transformation of the boy was also... interesting. With a speed unknown to Narcissus, the boy seemed to grow. The thin little arms showed signs of biceps. The legs grew stronger from run to run. The belly was adorned with four bulges after only a week, thanks to training and now regular eating. Maybe, just maybe, Narcissus thought to himself, the Lord had seen more in him than anyone wanted to think. After three weeks, Sextus ordered his confidant to his office. The Magister was busy with various traders, bookmakers and betting offices. He seemed so sure of victory. Did the lord perhaps know more than he wanted to admit? "How is he doing, Narcissus? What does your experience tell you." The Hispania thought for a moment and then spoke quietly, "I cannot tell you what my experience tells me, Lord. For I have never had such an experience." Wondering what this cryptic statement meant, Sextus prompted to continue speaking. "He is a quick learner. He understands quickly. He's good at assessing combat situations. I haven't come across his fighting style yet. He is quick, but there is such power and precision in his strikes. I would cautiously like to think he might have a good chance..." The Magister listened and continued to look at Narcissus. "So what? It sounds like you have something else to say." The slave was undecided whether to mention this at all. Sextus would see it either way, though. "Its...growth, sir. I have seen many men here. But his growth seems extraordinary." Incomprehension spread through Sextus' gaze. "His... fighting growth? Get specific, by the gods!" he commanded, and Narcissus replied, "Let me show you." A short time later, the Hispania entered the room again with a person almost unknown to Sextus. The boy was no longer a boy. He had the youthful features of a 17 year old in his face, but the body was steeled. His shoulders were broader, his legs strong and defined, and veins ran down his arms over his small biceps. He was far from a physical competitor to Narcissus. But the progress in just three weeks was tremendous. The six pack was defined and the breathing was still fast and excited. Eroticus had been working out and sweat glistened on his tanned skin as the scent filled the small room. His gaze continued to be directed downward. "Ah. It seems to me that you have found your purpose, Eroticus?" The boy, or rather... the young man nodded. "Yes sir. Have thanks for your trust." Sextus was surprised again. The boy's voice had deepened as well. But with the memory of that bass of his father, this was close. "You may both go." he ordered, waiting quietly until his two servants had left the office. Only then did a smile of victory steal onto the man's lips.
- 13 replies
- 15
- growth without effort
- supernatural growth
- (and 3 more)
Haidar is a former citizen of Iraq. He was a part of the archeological society of the United Nations. His mission in Iraq was the find rare treasures that the world might want to invest in, according to UN rules and regulations. One of the dangers of Haidar’s job was the ongoing conflict in the country he was born in. One day, while he was unearthing a rare gem that was gold in color, a storm rolled in unexpectedly and started to drop hail on top of his team. Most of the team left and implored Haidar to come with them. He, however, was so enamored by the gem, that he elected to stay behind to snag it. Once he was able to break it free from the Earth and clutch it in his right hand, he was struck by lightning. The bolt ended up passing through him and went out through his other hand. The gem he was holding in his hand gleamed gold, which he notices, right before he passed out in the trench. Haidar wakes up in a bed, led by the American contingent that was stationed in Iraq. The military medical personnel managed to find him lying in the trench by accident and picked him up. They ended up taking him back to their triage area and started to assess his condition. Weirdly, there was no evidence that anything had ever happened to him. The UN-led society was looking for him and would find him at this particular medical complex. The war in Iraq was intensifying and they were trying to talk him into leaving the country, which he vehemently opposed. That was until he met Avery, an American Active-Duty medical student, who volunteered to go to Iraq to further his studies and to help the cause. Both men had kept their sexual orientations secret for most of their lives for their own protections. Haidar would have possibly been executed by his own family if he had revealed his love for men. Avery would have likely been shunned by his own family as well, because men in the military don’t pine for other men. The eager medical student was assigned Haidar as a last-minute study before he went home. He figured it would be another quick fix and then he could move on to the next patient. Nobody knew how Haidar recovered so quickly from his wounds. “Do you speak English, sir?” Avery stands over Haidar as he stares directly into the soldier’s eyes and slowly shakes his head yes. “You do? That is good to hear. I thought I was going to have to speak Arabic or Farsi.” “I...uhh...I only know little English.” “That is okay sir. What is going on with you? The doctors here are a little confused as to how you healed up so quickly.” Haider notices the gem he was holding is not in his hand anymore. He has a scared look in his eyes. “Are you looking for the gemstone? It is quite an unusual one. We were eyeing it ourselves. It could be worth quite a bit.” Looks around before leaning in to talk softly to Haidar. “Don’t worry, I put it in with your archeological equipment.” The Iraqi man smiles at him. “You American doctor?” “I hope to be one someday. Let’s take a look at your body, shall we, and see if there are any wounds the doctors couldn’t find.” Avery notices how good-looking Haidar is. He has seen quite a few Iraqi men, but none really struck him as being as attractive as this one. He has a slender build but looks like he takes decent care of himself. He has just the right amount of dark fur and his eyes have flecks of gold in them, which Avery takes note of. “Nope, no wounds. Everything looks good here.” Avery winks, which gets a small smile from Haidar. When the student goes to walk away, the Iraqi patient stops him. “Will you come see me again soon, American?” “Umm, I suppose it can’t hurt. Sure, I will be back in a few hours.” Avery walks away and Haidar goes back to sleep. Loud rumblings and gunfire erupt. Haidar is awakened by the sounds of war in the background. The Americans are moving quickly to pack up all of their equipment. The Iraqi man jumps out of bed and grabs his belongings. He starts running down the road away from the sounds but is quickly pulled into a Jeep. It turns out that Avery saw him running and had his team go and get him. Haidar looks extremely upset with Avery. “You can get mad at me later sir. I just saved your life. Thomas...Gilbert...let’s get out of here.” The Jeep barely avoids hitting a bomb, which unintentionally throws the Iraqi in Avery’s lap. He can feel the American’s fit body from the outside of his uniform. It is the first time that the two men feel the warmth of each other up close. Haidar no longer resists the rescue and situates himself inside the vehicle. The escape plan is then put in place. Later that day, the American contingent prepare to leave the country. Haidar is now wondering what will happen with his life. He has never left the country before. Avery talks with him for a few minutes at the American base. “Sir, what is your name?” “Uhh...Haidar...Haidar el-Montari.” “Haidar...that is a cool name. I like it. My name is Vincent Avery. You can call me Avery though. Everyone else does.” “Ahhvery. Very strange name.” Avery laughs for a few seconds. He then proceeds to ask Haidar where he will go now. “So, do you have family anywhere else besides Iraq, Haidar?” “I... don’t. My family are all here. I haven’t spoken to them for years anyways. They don’t care.” “What do you mean they don’t care?” “I...uhh...I have a secret. I don’t like do you say, sex with women.” Avery seems a little surprised by his revelation but is willing to help him find a new home. “I can help you get a green card, Haidar. Come home with me and I will do everything I can to help you.” The Iraqi man clasps his left hand with Avery’s right hand, which stuns the American man. Avery is informed that the base is being closed and that it is time to go home. He gets clearance to take Haidar with him, after nobody comes forward from the UN to block his exit from the country. Avery and Haidar land in Fort Hood, a few hours later. Avery is told that Haidar will have to stay at the embassy in DC for a few days. They will not see each other again for at least two years. Haidar received his green card for his residency inside the US in a matter of months. He picks up the English language rather quickly and finds a job with one of the museums in DC. His interests in archeology helped him get promoted quickly. He will get to see Avery again at a benefit for the Army, after being invited by one of his coworkers at the museum. Avery, who looks noticeably more buff than he did two years ago, spots Haidar almost immediately at the event. Haidar, who is now sporting a healthy beard, and is maintaining his lean appearance, is stunned to see Avery at the event. They lock eyes on each other and start talking. “Hello there sir. How has life been treating you in the US?” “Life is really good here. I seem to have found my place among the important people.” “It seems like it. Have you found someone to share your life with?” Haidar smiles and goes to clasp his hand with Avery’s. “I am surprised you haven’t Haidar. There are all kinds of hot men out there waiting to be met by you.” “I have met a few, but I am bored by them. I seem to be attracted to men in uniform.” He smiles again at Avery, which prompts the soldier to start rubbing his Iraqi friend’s right shoulder. They sit down at a table together and get extra close with each other. It turns out that Avery is being given an award at this event for his bravery in saving civilians in Afghanistan. He makes his speech about an hour into the event, and winks at Haidar at the end. The event ends soon after, and they both get up from their seats. Avery holds Haidar close to him. “Can I ask you something, Haidar?” “Sure, Ahhvery.” “Heh, I love that, you know. Would you be willing to come spend the night with me at my hotel room?” Haidar seems surprised by this question, but he has developed feelings for Avery over the time they first met two years ago. “I will have to let some people know that I will not be available later, but yes, I would love to, Ahhvery.” The buff soldier hugs him and leans in to kiss him softly on his lips. Haidar is shocked but feels all kinds of energy rushing through him. His eyes sparkle as the gold glistens in the moonlight once they go outside. Avery stares into them, and remarks at how beautiful they are. “This is going to be a good night. I can feel it, Haidar.” Because he is wearing his short-sleeved uniform, Haidar can see how big Avery’s arm is and runs his right hand along one of the thick veins traveling up and down it. Avery flexes to show it off. “You can explore it in great detail in a little while, sexy.” “You called me sexy, Ahhvery?” “I did. I feel like I should call you something else. Haidar seems so formal to me. What is your middle name?” Haidar looks at him puzzled as they walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. “Ohh, well it is actually Mofasa. Nobody ever calls me that, but you can.” “Good, how about Darmo? A combination of both names. This is fun.” The Iraqi man stops and leans over to kiss Avery on the lips again. This one is much longer and meaningful. Avery moans deeply as he holds his friend against him. His arms are now wrapped around Haidar. The distance between their bodies is entirely gone now. They stop after about a minute. “Mmm, Darmo. That was amazing. I am very interested to see where this night goes now.” “I am hungry, Vencint. Maybe we should go somewhere to get something?” Avery grins and holds him close to him. “You remembered my first name. Have you thought about me a lot, Darmo?” “I have to admit that I have, Ahhvery. You saved my life after all. You apparently have saved others as well. They never told me that you were being honored at this event. Of course, I was mostly invited because I knew someone.” “I think it was fate bringing us together, sexy.” The two men kiss again, as Avery runs his left hand along Haidar’s brownish-black beard. It is clear that the two men are gradually becoming even more fond of each other. “Would you be willing to grow a beard like mine, Vencint?” “It is possible, handsome. I would have to be off duty for a while though. We could rub beards together...” Haidar notices how big Avery’s ass is in his uniform and tries to hide it. The soldier laughs and walks a couple steps in front of him so he can get a better view of it. He hears an odd sound come from the Iraqi man’s mouth. “Admiring the view, dude? I do have a huge ass. A few of my previous lovers have told me about it.” Haidar seems concerned about his inexperience, so he mentions it in passing. “I don’t have your experience. Does that worry you?” “Absolutely not, Darmo. So far, you have shown me that you know what you are doing. I am more attracted to you than you might realize.” Avery takes Haidar over to a bench and they sit down. He undoes the buttons on his Army jacket and opens it, revealing his skintight shirt, that leaves nothing to the imagination about how well-built he is. Haidar runs his hands along the curves of the soldier’s pecs and leans in to rub his beard along his friend’s nipples, making them jut out in excitement. Avery nervously stops him, realizing that their chemistry is heating up quickly. “Ohh shit...ohh shit. Ahh, sorry Darmo. Mmm...that was my fault. I should have never...” Haidar moves back in to run his tongue along Avery’s nipples and appears to be intent on continuing his exploration of him. He lifts the soldier’s shirt and is stunned to see how developed Avery’s entire torso is. He kisses each and every one of Vincent’s abdominals before noticing the soldier’s swollen cock trying to get past his belt. Haidar touches his cock head, which makes Avery gasp. He is torn between letting him continue or wanting him to stop. “Darmo, Darmo, Darmo...wait dude. I don’t think I am ready to be such an exhibitionist, especially out here. Heh, I think we can bypass the dinner, don’t you agree?” Haidar smiles and lets Avery get dressed again. They kiss again and get up from the bench. The two men are holding hands and staying close to each other as they flag down a taxi and get in. The military officer sits right up against his friend in the back of the taxi, and arches his Arabian partner’s head back to start kissing him passionately. The chemistry is palpable. Avery is now exploring Haidar’s neck and chest with his mouth. He moans lightly to himself as he opens his friend’s shirt by unbuttoning it in the middle to run his lips along his partner’s furry pecs, and tussles on the hair with his teeth. This makes the Iraqi man excited as he feels his cock twitching in his dress pants. He unexpectedly makes the soldier stop though. “Pplleeaassee Ahhvery, not here. This is my fault I started this with you. I just couldn’t hold it in back there.” Avery seems surprised by his reaction. “Am I moving too fast, Darmo? I want to explore you so much.” “I know Vencint. It is just...well I will tell you when we get to the room.” “Umm...okay?” They arrive at the hotel and get out of the taxi. Haidar has buttoned his shirt back up and they get into the elevator. Avery looks into his partner’s eyes and sees the gold in them glisten once again. He is mesmerized. “I just can’t take my eyes off of yours, sexy. They have such a beautiful color to them.” Haidar smiles and holds Avery’s hand as they get out of the elevator and go down the hall to the soldier’s room. When they both enter, the military doctor shuts the door and takes his jacket off. His tight shirt leaves very little to the imagination. He starts unbuttoning Haidar’s shirt which is stopped briefly when the Iraqi puts his hand on Avery’s right forearm, squeezing it. “Wait Vencint. I need to tell you about what happened back in my country that week.” Avery sighs for a few moments, but he is willing to listen to his story. “Okay sexy, I am all yours now. What is so important that we can’t just enjoy each other’s company for the night?” “I...uhh...well...the gem that I found back then...uhh...did something to me. I was struck by lightning when I held it in my hand...” “You were struck by lightning? *Grips Haider’s hands tightly* Oh my gawd, how did you manage to get through that unscathed Darmo? *Pulls him into his chest* I am sorry that happened to you.” It is at that moment that Avery realizes that Haidar’s eye color matches the gems own. “Wait...your eyes do match the color of the gem’s. Where did you put it?” Haider is apprehensive to retrieve the gem as Avery lets go of him. He can see the nervousness on his Arabian partner’s face. “What did it do to you? Are you scared that it will cause harm to me?” The Iraqi man shakes his head no. “No Ahhvery, it will do something to me. I mean...tonight...I am afraid that I will let it do something to me that will change who I am from this night on.” Avery looks confused, but is quite intrigued by this suggestion. “Does it change how you look? Is that what you are afraid of, Darmo? *Smiles* I am not going to lie; I have had dreams of you where you grew into a gorgeous Arabian beast. I think this might be fate bringing us together tonight.” Haidar gulps and pulls the gem from his pants pocket. He hands it to the soldier quickly and lets him hold it for a minute or two. “Why are you giving this to me?” The gem starts glowing as the Arabian man’s eyes shimmer as well. They appear to be in sync with each other. Haider is starting to sweat profusely, knowing that the gem has been waiting for this night for a very long time. “I...uhh...Vencint...I am scared. It has been speaking to me for a long time. It felt our connection when we met earlier tonight. When I hold it again, it will meld with my body, and I will likely transform into whatever it wants me to be. Is this what you want, Ahhvery?” The soldier grins at him and is eager to hand the gem back to his partner. He puts his free hand on Haidar’s shoulder first though. “There is a part of me that really wants that to happen Darmo. I won’t force you to do anything you feel uncomfortable doing though. The more time I spend with you, the more attracted I am to not only who you are, but to what your body could transform into.” He opens his hand to Haidar, revealing the glowing gem. It is glowing brighter with each second that passes. It amazes the Iraqi man that the gem decided not to meld with the soldier’s body. He reaches out to put his hand over top of Avery’s and instantly feels vibrations move up into his own hand from the gem. Vincent takes his other hand and puts it on top of Haidar’s and clasps them together. There is something transpiring with the gem as they do so. “ It feels different, Ahhvery. I don’t like it.” “ will be okay. Let it do whatever it needs to do.” The energy from the gem is now coursing through Haidar’s arm. He can feel his right hand and forearm tingling as his muscles and veins throb. Avery’s secret desire for his partner to grow for him is about to happen. He can hear the Middle Eastern man groaning as the gem breaks apart within his fingers and is slowly being absorbed through his skin. Vincent moans feeling his partner’s fingers and hand swelling beneath his own. The veins beneath Haidar’s right shirt sleeve are now visible, as his forearm muscles begin swelling, and bulging, while they begin testing the limits of the fabric trying to hold them in. Avery lets go of the Iraqi and leads him over to his bed, so he can sit down. His right bicep and tricep are now growing, stretching the sleeve until a few seams begin ripping apart. There is a healthy layer of dark fur on top of Haidar’s swelling horseshoe. Growth is happening in various other areas now as he feels his other arm doing the same thing. His left bicep and tricep rip free of their confines as he accidentally flexes the beasts from within and reveal the thickly-engorged masses that are forming beneath his bronzed skin. Vincent is now rubbing his partner’s crotch as he sits beside him. He knew that Haidar had a nice piece, and can feel it getting even meatier in his hand. He can see it snaking its way down the middle eastern man’s right leg, at the same time, that his quads and hamstrings begin to expand. Avery is now totally enamored as he watches his lover-to-be transform into the beautiful hulk he was always meant to become. “Holy fucking god Darmo. This is what dreams are made of.” Haidar can no longer speak as he lets the growth overtake his senses. His pant seams rip open quickly, revealing thick, veiny, pumped, lightly furry, tree trunks of raw power. His cock makes an appearance out the right side, pumped, uncut, dripping precum down his mammoth quads. Avery rubs it just slightly, knowing that his partner probably won’t focus too much on it. He notices that Haidar is outgrowing his shoes now, as his feet and toes, tear themselves free from his socks and the leather from his dress shoes. He is gradually getting taller, as Haidar grunts feeling his spinal vertebrae getting longer. This is when his shirt begins to suffer the most damage. His back is now swelling to the point that his jacket begins to rip open from the sides. Avery grins as he leans in to feel his partner’s pectorals start their ascent into godlike proportions. The top two buttons he undid earlier on Haidar’s shirt is enough to reveal the thick, vascular, engorged beauties that are ready to reveal their darkly furry, bronze-colored, envious power. Vincent puts his hands on them, feeling them struggle against the buttons for a few seconds before they blast them everywhere as they cascade across the room. Haidar is breathing heavy now, his colossal, swelling, sweaty, extremely masculine chest, exposes itself to his partner. The fur that was covering his lean torso is now noticeably thicker and lies perfectly on top of two perfectly formed balloons of aesthetic beauty. The soldier runs his fingers along the Arab’s nicely-shaped areolas, aroused and pointing directly in front of the growing beast. Two buttons at the bottom of his shirt are all that remains intact, but his abdominal cavity presses firmly against them. Avery continues to pet Haidar’s chest, rubbing his hands through the black fur and feeling the raging power passing through his middle eastern partner’s thickening six-pack. The width of his lats and abdominals are too much for his dinner jacket as they rip the seams open along the sides and continue expanding. Avery tears his partner’s tops completely off and starts to explore his beautiful lover’s upper body. He runs his hands around to Haidar’s back and feels his delts twitching as they continue to expand. He can see that the Iraqi’s face has changed ever so slightly, looking even manlier than before. His neck muscles flex as it thickens to nearly twice its size. He has developed an even thicker beard than before the transformation. His eyes finally lock onto Avery’s, the golden sheen stronger than ever. He is no longer pained. He motions for the soldier to let him stand up. His ass is so huge that it has started to rip its way out of its confines. He turns around and smiles at Avery as he reaches down to tear his dress pants off of his bloated lower body. His cock and balls are free for the first time in Vincent’s view. He is stunned by how beautiful his Iraqi partner has become. He flips his destroyed shoes off his feet and into the nearby wall, leaving a few dents in it. It is clear that Haidar is a bit more confident than he used to be, but is he still the same man mentally? “Darmo, are you still in there? I want you so much right now, but I am wondering if you are still the same fascinating man, I met a couple of years ago.” Avery is quite turned on, but hopes that nobody will call the authorities over what Haidar just did. The Arabian beast roars in delight as he starts flexing and posing in front of his partner. He is dripping precum all over the floor. Avery wants to touch him, but the bronze beast smiles and says no to him a few times. “Yes...Avery...I am still here. *Realizes that he can speak English well now* OHH, that has changed too. *His voice is noticeably lower* Wow, I wasn’t expecting that either. *Looks at his arms and lifts them up to flex his biceps into massive grapefruits* Oh my god, they look so amazing.” He strains, making his triceps as big as they can possibly get. His pits deep as caverns with a plentiful forest of blackened fur tucked inside them. Vincent gets up off the bed and sniffs both of them, taking in the extraordinary aroma of testosterone being wafted into his face. He promptly puts his hands and arms around his partner’s back, barely even able to get halfway past his flaring lats. Haidar is clearly letting him do whatever he wants at this point. Avery starts to lick and nibble on the Arabian beast’s pits, spending several minutes just taking in his partner’s scent. It is enough to make him lose control of his cum load, as it rolls down his left pants leg. Haidar can smell his lover’s cum and it is making him extremely horny. His cock throbs wildly as he reaches down to start stroking it. “Wait Darmo, let me help you down there. *Gets down on his knees to take in Haidar’s gorgeous, furry package* Damn, so beautiful.” The beast’s cockhead is exposed from its huge veiny sheath, slowly pumping precum down his shaft. His huge ballsac flexes with each second that passes. Avery kisses his cockhead and starts to massage it with his tongue, making it long for release. It is clear that Haidar wants to feed him badly. Vincent wants to take in his partner’s other massive muscles down there as well. “Flex your quads for me beautiful. I want to see them swell in front of me.” The Iraqi beast immediately does so, each one of them flaring thicker, wider, and touching each other, pushing his thick ballsac close to Avery’s face. The soldier smothers his face in Haidar’s dangling balls, smelling the hormones emanating from them and kissing his partner’s furry legs. He is feeling the Arabian’s engorged calves as they flex and swell in his hands. “Vincent, I have waited so long to be with you. For you to want me in this way, well...I know that this was not what I was expecting, but I now know that we both deserve this.” Avery continues to work on Haidar’s beautiful 13-inch rod, making him sigh and moan, working it to the point that Haidar nearly flexes his entire body. The sweat pouring profusely down the Arabian beast’s hulking bronze frame, making it look like he has just stepped out of a shower, the fur completely wet and glued to his beastly muscles. It is one of the sexiest sights Avery has ever seen in his life. He wants to explore his lover’s chest, but also wants to drain him as well. “I can’t wait any longer for your cum, beautiful. Coat me or feed me, I don’t care!” He starts slowly stroking the beast, sucking it on occasion, making him buck in rhythm to his own. Within minutes, he will get his reward, as the Arabian’s cock hole parts to deliver a nice helping of thick, nourishing cream, which Avery happily drinks slowly, moaning as it flows down into his stomach. Incredibly, the eager soldier can gulp most of it down, letting some of it even roll down his face and onto his completely drenched uniform jacket and shirt. Haidar rubs his lover’s face lovingly with his huge veiny hands as he gets his cock worshipped. “I think I might love you, Avery. Everything that is happening with us at this moment feels like it is destiny.” After finishing his cum meal, Vincent pulls his partner’s cock out of his mouth, and lets it retreat back into its hiding place. He then gets back onto the bed and wants his middle-eastern lover to come join him. “Mmm...*rubs some of the cum off of his lips and face* Come over here beautiful so I can worship some more of your gorgeous body.” Haidar wastes no time and climbs in between Avery’s legs. He reaches down and starts to pull up on the soldier’s pants, gripping them, making his forearms, biceps, and triceps, swell and twitch, flexing and making them bigger. Vincent hears the seams ripping as the muscular behemoth starts uncovering his lover’s body. He has never once seen what soldier’s entire body looked like and is eager to see what he has been missing. He succeeds at uncovering Avery’s nicely-muscled lower half and smiles as he wraps his powerful arms around each leg, raising them to arch Vincent’s back and ass up into the air. How did Haidar know he was wearing a jock? His asshole is throbbing, which gets the attention of the Iraqi instantly. His cock swells again, which makes Avery’s breathing intensify. His cock, which has already stained his jock more than once, is begging to be freed. “Do you want me to ease your suffering, my hunky nurse? I have wanted to be inside you for so...long...hehe...” He tears Avery’s jock off, which makes him gasp loudly, and slowly pushes his way inside the incredibly horny white man. He then gradually arches his massive frame over Vincent’s-soaked uniform and shirt and proceeds to do the same to it that he did with the soldier’s pants, grabbing it from the sides and pulls onit from both ends, hearing the fabric ripping and tearing. He is slowing fucking Avery at the same time, distracting him. His jacket and shirt are torn open within just a few seconds, revealing the sexy soldier’s nicely muscled torso. Haidar moans, dripping his sweat and musk all over Vincent’s chest, as he leans down to rub his immense pecs and abs on top of his partner’s own. There was once a height difference, but that is all gone now. It appears that the Iraqi man gained about three inches in height, which probably prompted an additional 50-60 pounds of densely packed muscle to be added to his frame. He is considerably bigger in size than Avery is, but knows how to manage from hurting his lover. His white partner is having trouble focusing on any individual area now. “Fuck me Darmo...I have never wanted to be a bottom this much in my entire life. I just want you to smother me in your beautiful, beastly, brawn. FFUUCCKK!!” The Arabian laughs as he pushes his partner’s face into his pecs, letting him explore them, as they flex and bounce. He can feel himself about to cum as he attempts to reach for the Iraqi beast’s bloated glutes to feel them pound him; however, it appears that Haidar has been wanting a taste of his white partner’s seed as well. The cum starts to flow out of Avery’s cock when the middle eastern bodybuilder tries to lap up the river on his partner’s muscled chest. The taste excites him as he pulls out of the soldier to enjoy the rest of the meal. He swallows Vincent’s 8-incher and massages it slowly with his powerful mouth and throat, his neck thick and veiny, gulping loudly, letting the cum coat his insides. He sighs, loving every second of it. He holds Avery against him, rubbing his back, and flexing his enormous 23” pythons. “Ohh fuck feels so good when you do that, Darmo. I submit to you. You can have my seed anytime you want.” “I intend to taste you whenever I can, Vincent. You make me feel things that I have only dreamed about for years.” After getting every last drop out of Avery’s cock, he slides himself back inside his partner’s waiting hole and starts pounding him again. Between Haidar’s grunting and the soldier’s long-winded moans, they have attracted some seemingly unwanted attention. There is a knock on their hotel door, which promptly gets a response from the massively-built, sweaty, Arabian. “Don’t worry hunky soldier, I will take care of this.” He pulls out of Avery and proceeds towards the door. Vincent tries to stop him first though. “WAIT! Don’t do anything drastic, beautiful. I have had a good standing with this hotel.” Haidar turns to smile at his lover, his eyes gleaming, and his cum-soaked beard glistening, as he lumbers towards the door. “Come here then Avery. We don’t have anything to worry about, do we?” “Uhh...well...I don’t know.” The Arabian peeps through the eyehole and notices that there are two hugely muscled officers on the other side of it. He grins. He then lets Vincent take a look through it. The soldier is not sure what to think, but Haidar wants to try something. “You are a lot different now, Darmo. You didn’t seem like the type that would do something like this before the transformation.” “I know...something has changed inside my head. The gem apparently has freed up my inhibitions. I can sense something interesting about one of them from this side of the door.” The two officers knock again and start demanding that they open the door. Haidar obliges. The two men are not impressed, at first, when they enter and see the two lovers completely naked. They want them to cover up. “Both of you, put your pants on right now!” Avery can’t seem to find a pair to put on, so he finds a towel and wraps it around his waist. Haidar declines and remains nude, sweat still dripping off the black fur on his body, which finally does get the attention of one of the officers. He notices one of them is standing really close to the door. They are not holding their weapons since this wasn’t supposed to be that type of phone call. The one further inside the room is the one talking the most. “We got a call from numerous people at this hotel about the noise you two are making. We just want you to keep it down...*is the one studying Haidar’s body* Damn, you must work out three times a day to look like that, beast man. What the hell is your secret?” The Iraqi smiles at Avery, who smiles back. “I just take the right vitamins, I guess. Could you believe it only took me a few weeks to look like this?” The officer changes his tone with them, and laughs. “ do look insane. I mean...I am trying to get big myself. *Flexes his guns, which strains his sleeves to their limits* I know...” The other officer rolls his eyes and proceeds to open the door to the room. “God damnit Rupert...we have a job to do. Stop fucking around with these guys. Just issue the warning so we can get out of here.” Rupert turns to look at him and says, “Ray...I will see you in a bit. I think I want to talk to these guys a little bit longer.” After uttering, “whatever”, Ray gives up and leaves down the hall. Rupert is now more inclined to interact with the both of them. He smiles as he unhooks his belt and drops it on the ground. He then starts posing in his uniform, flexing and bouncing his pecs, which can both be seen beneath the tight fabric. “I think maybe the two of you could give me a few pointers. I both look like you know what you are doing...” Avery does find the officer to be pretty sexy. The man knows how to wear a uniform, leaving very little to the imagination. His shorts are practically glued to his glutes and quads, his veiny calves do impress them both as well. The Arab wants to play with him, but Vincent motions for him to not get too antsy. “So, we are good, officer?” “Oh yes, we are definitely good here. *Unbuttons his jacket and takes it off. His undershirt is tight against his chest. His huge nipples protrude and are very hard. He is mesmerized by Haidar’s massiveness* I want to do a posedown with Big Ramy here. He is one of the most astounding looking bodybuilders I have ever seen.” Haidar begins flexing his biceps as officer Rupert joins him. He tries to pull his shirt off and struggles. The bulging Arabian helps him out by yanking it over his head. The shirt is thrown to the side as his thick upper body is exposed. He promptly flares his lats outward, wanting Haidar to do the same with him. The two men start doing a lot more posing, as the officer helps Haidar learn how to do it correctly. Avery lays on the drenched bed and takes in the sights in front of him. He is thoroughly enjoying it, rubbing himself. This man has a thick build, not ripped, but incredibly bulky, but in an extraordinarily good way. His mixed ancestry of African-American and Asian-American is seemingly a great combination in this instance. After a few minutes of fooling around and measuring each other up, Rupert takes his shorts off and shows the two lovers that he is wearing a pair of briefs that are tight against his well-built quads. Him and Haidar then start to flex their quads and calves, trying to outdo each other, while Vincent continues to stroke his cock, and moan watching this transpire. Rupert is getting quite turned on himself, judging by the meaty tool that is pulsing against his thick waist. He knows what he wants next. “So...*reaches over to start rubbing the Arabian’s thick tool* You studs want someone else to play with? I am totally game for whatever you want to do with me. Both of you are pretty great, and I think this little incident tonight can be completely forgotten with just a little more fun involved.” Without saying anything else, Avery jumps up and rushes over to join the two beasts as a threesome ensues. The officer turns to ask permission from the Iraqi beast if he can explore Avery. “I don’t see a problem at all. What about you, Vincent?” “As long as you are okay with it, then I am as well, beautiful.” They smile at each other as Rupert gleefully picks up the soldier in his huge arms and squeezes him. His briefs are promptly yanked off his body by Haidar. Vincent moans softly as Haidar gets behind the man and slaps his rod on his huge beefy ass. The man moans loudly, as the Arab leans in to kiss Avery on the lips. It sets the three men off. It doesn’t take long before Rupert plugs Haidar inside him and demands to be manhandled by the two of them. They eventually end up on the floor of the hotel room as Rupert explores Vincent’s body with his mouth and hands as Haidar lays on top of the officer, humping the man’s eager hole, sending him into waves of ecstasy. Haidar eventually pulls his beast out of the man when he feels himself getting ready to cum. The man moans feeling the massive middle eastern monster shower his thick back in his Arabian flood. The man then wants to see Avery cum next, as he moves down to work on the soldier’s cock. He gets his reward a few minutes later as Rupert gets his clean-shaven, broadly masculine face coated in Vincent’s cum. He slaps Avery’s cock on his face and smiles as he compliments him. The man then tells them that he wants to cum on both of their chests because he finds them both insanely hot, and it is something that enjoys. They oblige by getting on their knees while he stands over them. After just a little bit of effort, Rupert explodes onto their pectorals, covering them in his boys. He is absolutely spent. “ are both amazing. *Realizes how much time has passed* Well...I need to get cleaned up and back to the office. Let me leave my number with both of you. We have to meet up again sometime. You are the hottest couple I have ever had time spending with. My full name is Rupert Tomlinson in case you both wanted to know.” After showering, the man quickly dresses and hands them his number. He is out the door. Avery and Haidar are spent themselves and decide to just go lay down on the bed again. They take the linens off and throw them onto the floor beside them. The Iraqi beast lays on the bed first, while the soldier lays on top of him, cradling his huge pecs and rubbing his fingers through the Arab’s thick furry six-pack. They are quite fond of each other now. “I think I love you, Avery. *Kisses the soldier* Do you think marriage is on the horizon?” Vincent seems surprised. “Well, we shouldn’t rush it, but yeah, I do think it is possible.” They both realize that what they did with Rupert was quite spontaneous, but it didn’t change anything about the way they feel for each other. They know that moving forward, they will both be quite inseparable because of a gem that has implanted itself into an unsuspecting, surprisingly willing, muscle lusting, Arab man whose love for another, prompted a life-changing transformation, in more ways than one. Haidar properly asked Avery to marry him in a surprise gathering that was set up by the people he works with at the museum. (Yes, they were incredibly shocked to see what he looked like when he showed up to work the next week, after taking a few days off to find a new wardrobe.) The soldier cried when the Iraqi beast put the commitment ring on his finger after getting on one knee. They both kissed for a full minute, prompting a few awes from the people at the gathering. Speaking of the museum, Haidar no longer felt like he needed to be the curator there anymore after he was offered a considerable bodybuilding contract from a prominent company. His endorsements went through the roof once he started doing shows, not necessarily to win them, but to simply show up and do routines. He was quite influential. Gay bodybuilders were no longer shunned as much due to Haidar’s charming personality and humbleness with many in the industry. He became a major sex symbol as well with the gay community. He was not afraid to pose nude for the fitness and muscle magazines, although the homophobes were not keen on what he was doing. These ‘special’ issues were done annually, and they normally sold out. He did not use his real name during his bodybuilding career either. He went by Hussein Moheida. As for Avery, he retired from the military after a few years. It was something that he promised Haidar from the moment they got engaged. He always tried to attend his partner’s events when he could in the beginning, but it wasn’t easy. Haidar understood. Once Avery was done with his military career, he also entered the bodybuilding industry. He would end up gaining an additional 40 pounds of muscle, and become a thick, beautiful, beast like his husband-to-be, but it required more work for him to achieve. Haidar was a big contributor to Avery’s rapid ascent to beasthood. He had access to a plethora of hormones that he could supply to his partner, which led to some shocking comparisons that were just months apart. Avery, who also used a different name, now known as Gregory Noland, was an up-and-coming bodybuilder. Just like with his husband-to-be, he was an influential gay bodybuilder, especially for hard gainers. He would become the spokesperson for a new supplement that would promise big gains in a short amount of time. It was the secret cocktail that he used to get big in a matter of months. Haidar, who was gifted his body, would use the cocktail to maintain his size, which seemed to work perfectly. The supplement would eventually become the most popular one on the market, setting records after just a few months. Guys were achieving gains in about half the time that it used to take them in previous cycles. Haidar and Avery’s wedding ceremony was a MASSIVE one. The two beasts had several of bodybuilding’s biggest names attend, even if they weren’t totally on board with two men marrying. The two behemoths had garnered such strong reputations, and provided such tremendous benefits to the industry, that some of the other huge beasts let it slide. They managed to keep from tearing each other’s clothes off until after the ceremony was over. Rupert became one of their closest friends after that night at the hotel. He would spend a few more nights with the two beasts before their engagement, just for kicks. Avery introduced the officer to one of his former buddies in the military, who was also a huge, hulking brute as well. It turned out that they were a perfect match. Rupert would become committed to the man after dating for nearly a year. Ironically, his partner-in-life, would become his partner on the police force, after Raymond, his previous partner, quit due to a scandal involving prostitutes, illegal drugs, and their connections to famous bodybuilders.
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