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  1. Artizek

    My Dad the Hulk

    Longtime reader, first time posting. PART ONE Growing up, I never questioned how my Dad was so immense. I just always remember him being huge. Even in my earliest memories he was a veritable mountain. I know kids tend to exaggerate, but my Dad was absolutely massive. In our family album, he towers over everyone else. He doesn’t have his full beard yet, just some stubble on his lantern jaw. His chest hair isn’t the bear’s pelt it would later become. In the photo, we’ve moved into our house and dad is just in a stringer tank top. The photo’s just a grainy, yellowed polaroid, but still I can see the uncompromising mass in his arms, his bicep bigger than mom’s head, a finger-thick vein running down the middle, his forearms like Christmas hams. And there I am, a toddler perched on his broad shoulder. He’s got a hand on my hip to hold me there and it’s practically the size of my whole torso. Dad is 23 in the photo but already pushing 300 lbs. I’m ashamed to say I never remember him being this...small. All my memories of him are great. For his colossal size and strength, he was a caring and doting dad. His rumbling baritone was comforting instead of frightening, and he never raised his voice to Mom and I. He was quick to smile and laughed easily. Though he had a full-time job and spent most of his free time in his gym, he always found the opportunity to play with me. He’d help me build a fort in the woods and then take up the entire thing with his tremendous body. He’d read me adventure stories while I drifted to sleep on his broad chest. In one of my favorite games he’d pretend to be a bear. Snarling, he’d go shirtless, his chest and forearms covered in brown hair, and chase me about the house on all fours. I’d hit him on the head, which somehow tamed the bear, and then I’d ride on his back until bedtime. It was my favorite game until I discovered The Incredible Hulk. Dad went along as I painted my room green, covered it in posters, bought all the toys, and even talked Dad into painting himself green for my Hulk-themed birthday party. His only condition was that he’d keep his beard. I still remember a friend’s little sister crying as Dad lumbered over, gave a most muscular pose, and growled. I really can’t blame her. I was 8, so at 29, Dad must have been 6’7” and 450 lbs. His chest could stop a car and his arms resembled great knotted ropes like those used on ships. Dad’s neck was bullish and even when fully relaxed, I could spot a vein popping from it. As a kid, I just assumed all dads were gigantic. Didn’t all dads devour 20,000 calories a day? Didn’t all dads have to buy new clothes twice a year to accommodate their swelling muscles? Most of Dad’s friends were powerfully built muscle men (I would later learn he slept with half of them). I just thought that’s what men looked like. I remember going to a friend’s house and meeting my best friend’s dad, a thin wisp of a man, whom I mistook for an older brother. It blew my mind. Meanwhile, the friends I invited over were always awestruck at my dad’s sheer size and strength, something I took for granted. There were moments of jealousy as my friends flocked to him instead of me, but I soon realized I could show my dad off like a new toy. Five fifth-graders would dangle from his one extended arm. They’d ask him to crush watermelons or burst out of a shirt and he’d happily oblige. Most of the town knew my Dad (there were only a few thousand people and how could you miss a man of his stature?), but it wasn’t long before every boy in my school was talking about him like an action hero or football star. I admit I made a lot of friends that year. I did notice certain things, but I didn’t realize how strange they were until years later. For example, once a year Dad would disappear into a black van and be gone for a week. Mom always said he went to the hospital, but the men in black suits and sunglasses who ushered him into the van never looked like doctors to me. When Dad returned he would always, always be bigger and over the next few weeks he would fill out even more. He’d arrive on the doorstep with a big smile, his tank top and jeans reduced to ribbons, his toes poking out of his socks, his sneakers gone. At 10, I remembered Mom screaming in shock once she saw him. He was a few inches taller and his shoulders wider. He must have packed on over a hundred pounds. His delts, triceps, and traps looked like huge bags of flour. Freakish biceps pressed into his pecs, which were now the size of couch cushions. His quads were as big around as the trees in our yard, and his calves were bigger around than most men’s waists. Seeing him grow every year was second only to Christmas for me, but I’d have to wait before he showed me his gains. The day he came home I’d always have to go play in the yard or at a friend’s house. That was “mom and dad” time. “Mom and dad” time was right after I went to school, most days at noon when Dad would come home on his lunch break, and then at night. My parents weren’t particularly strict, but this was the one thing they couldn’t bend on. I was not to be in the house. Even at 10, I didn’t know what they did. I had my hunches, of course. Kids on the bus talked about it. It was some kind of wrestling. Now Mom was a powerhouse in her own right. She wasn’t a bodybuilder herself but she’d played rugby and volleyball in college. A friend called Mom “stacked,” which I think meant she lifted weights. In any case, she could keep up with Dad, or at least she did at first. Knowing what I know now, I can’t begin to imagine how they did the deed. I’d seen him getting out of the shower before he wrapped the towel around himself. Everything was proportionate: that is to say beyond human proportions. Maybe it was great at first. They did make me after all. I’d see her feel his arms and the look they gave each other was something I couldn’t describe at the time, but as he grew and grew and grew, it must have become too much. He needed release more often. Dad always made noises during those times, the same noises he made while working out, but over the years they became louder and more animalistic until my windows began to rattle and I thought we were having a small earthquake. One day I saw him pulling their giant bed frame to a dumpster. It was in pieces. So was a dresser and a nightstand. Things fell apart when I was 15. We’d moved to an enormous new house with vaulted ceilings, castle-sized doors, a huge yard, five refrigerators, a pool, and a basement that Dad would convert to a gym. As a teenager, I never wondered where the money came from to buy it all. I wouldn’t find out for years. Dad and I loved the place but Mom could only force a smile when I showed her how Dad wouldn’t have to duck to get through the door anymore. They started eating and sleeping in separate rooms. When Mom picked me up from school and explained her and Dad were getting a divorce, I was disappointed but not shocked. I didn’t blame her back then and still don’t. She didn’t expect her husband to triple in size. She hadn’t signed up for this. At that point, Dad was a goddamn behemoth: 7’4” and 900 lbs. His shoulders were four feet wide but the way his arms stuck out, his triceps pushed that to five feet. He started measuring his biceps in three digits, and it was a miracle he could even bend his arm. Even relaxed, those biceps resembled beach balls. One day, Dad accidentally tore the door off his truck. I remember him standing there dumbfounded, holding it as if it were lighter than a sheet of styrofoam. It took him less than a week to landscape our yard. He ripped a dead maple tree out of the earth like it was a weed, and he rolled boulders across the yard like soccer balls. How could a woman sleep with a man that powerful four or five times a day? Believe it or not, I think there was a lot Dad held back. Because once she left, his growth went into overdrive. Maybe “hospital” injections were more potent or maybe Dad had given himself permission to go all in? Whatever the reason, he quit his job as a construction foreman and devoted himself to growth. Every day a whole car full of groceries was delivered to our doorstep. Whey powders and supplements filled an entire wall of our walk-in pantry. No gym was enough of a challenge, so he had to build his own. A dozen construction buddies helped him weld a series of machines that looked like medieval torture devices: the benches were as wide as a double mattress, the weights went up to 15,000 lbs. They had to reinforce the house’s foundation. Even then finishing a set could make the ground rumble. Half a block away a car alarm would go off. Dad channeled all his sadness and frustration from the divorce into working out. He smiled less and hardly went into town, but he still participated in my life as best he could. He was ecstatic when the high school football team picked me as linebacker. Even now I chuckle at the memory of this 7 ½ foot colossus, shirtless and painted in our school colors, cheering me on at our games. I’d have friends over to the pool and half the talk centered on how gargantuan my Dad had become, especially a crotch that practically hung to his knees. “Your Dad could sit in his bedroom and fuck a chick in China,” and all that sort of thing. I laughed it off, trying to hide how conflicted I felt. Truly, I loved my Dad. I admired him and he was a great friend. But ever since puberty, something felt wrong. Friends would pass around copies of Hustler or pull up porn on their phones, but it never did much for me. While I used to stare in awe at my Dad’s column-like legs and the contours of his teardrop quads, I now cleared my throat and forced myself to look away from his dense, rotund glutes as he walked by. He’d lean over to check my homework and I’d seize up as his bare chest caressed the back of my head. Our playful wrestling came to a halt. We had the best gym imaginable downstairs but I always exercised at school, afraid the sight of my hulking beast of a dad, all pumped and sweaty would make me spray my gym shorts. We hung out less and less. I’m sure Dad assumed I was being an aloof teenager or perhaps still hung up on the divorce. We never said anything, but he gave me the space I needed. I couldn’t help but worry I was breaking his heart. Of course, I was growing, too. Looking in my bathroom’s full length mirror, I could see the beginning of my Dad’s thick jaw. I was 6’0” and 190 lbs with a stocky, muscular build. I was bulking, so the outline of summer abs had vanished, but that was fine. I was after mass. I had pubic hair but nothing on my chest or jaw. I was huge for a high school junior, but I longed for real growth. I wanted to be a leviathan like Dad. He went through so many tank tops, it was easy to take one without him noticing. The damn thing could have been a tent on me. It hadn’t been washed and some nights I would drape it over myself, breathing in Dad’s musk, imagining my naked body hulking out enough to fill the shirt, maybe even tear it. There were other guys I fancied in school. Being on the football and wrestling teams, I got to see all the biggest men working out, stripping down, washing themselves. We all jerked off together, never thinking anything of it. I don’t want to come across as vain, but because I was big for my age I got a lot of attention. Behind the bleachers, the quarterback and I sucked each other off after practice. During wrestling season, everyone was popping boners. After pinning a particularly strong guy, I realized I was raging hard. So was he. He was leaking through his lycra. Luckily the coach was distracted. We drove to my opponent’s house that night and repeated a version of our match. After watching people rub my Dad’s bulging muscles, it was strange to have someone do the same for me. Especially, since I was a toothpick next to him. In the midst of passion, my wrestler friend moaned how big my cock was. It was only ten inches, I thought. I’m ashamed to say I always thought of Dad during sex. My friends were hot, but I was always comparing their anatomy to Dad’s. It’s not fair, I know, but I couldn’t help it. When I finished on my wrestler friend’s chest, I imagined it was Dad’s mountainous pecs. I pictured them shredding out of his tank top, the striations dancing in each lobe, a forest of dark hair trapping the sweat, and the saucer-sized nipples pointing at his feet. Then I imagined my dick disappearing in his cleavage. I spent whole days locked in my room just beating off over and over, Dad’s old tank top pressed to my nostrils. I pictured him lifting the entire house, his cock rock hard as he crushed his truck into a ball of shrapnel no bigger than my head. Things only got worse after that year’s injection. With no wife to come home to, he spent a week with his construction buddies. No one will admit where the orgy took place, but we didn’t have to look far. No one was buying the “industrial accident” at a work site out of town. The explanation kept changing for how all those steel beams were bent, how entire concrete walls were leveled, and how half the surrounding trees were felled like in a hurricane. These were hundred year oaks, too. The place had a pungent ocean smell for days. Afterward, all the biggest, brawniest men in town were walking funny, though each and every one of them feigned ignorance. That whole week I couldn’t stop theorizing how much he’d grown. Each growth spurt was bigger than the last. Two hundred pounds? Three hundred? Maybe a few inches of height? The anticipation was unbearable. I felt like a little boy counting down the days before a trip to Disneyland. Bigger and bigger shipments of food had arrived in his absence and I’d spend hours putting it away. I was hoisting half sides of beef in our walk-in freezer when a knock came at the front door. I hesitated when I saw it rattle. This door was ten feet tall, six wide, and nearly a foot thick. Mom and I struggled to open and close it. From the way it shook, there must have been a battering ram on the opposite side. I opened it and couldn’t believe what I saw. A set of hairy deep-cut abs stared me in the face. I had to look up to see Dad’s colossal chest. Wider than a car, it bulged two feet over those abs. I could have buried an arm between those pecs. They rose and fell with his breath. His saucer-sized nipples were all but lost in the dense pelt of hair that now coated his stomach and shoulders. I say shoulders, but those delts were more like wrecking balls. His freakish arms hung at 45 degree angles, pushed out by lats that nearly started at his waist. Dad’s biceps were just as big as his delts, bigger even. They pushed into his pecs, fighting for space. A brachial vein thicker than my wrist snaked down the middle of his guns, and even relaxed, each head was prominent. His hairy forearms were two feet across at the widest point, covered in a lattice of veins. His hands put the Incredible Hulk’s to shame. They radiated strength. I could see them ripping train engines apart. Dad’s bare feet were just as immense, the soles caked in dirt from walking through fields and woods. It was a miracle there weren’t cracks in the front step. His calves should have been called bulls. I’m certain they were wider than a probodybuilder’s quads. Oh yes, quads. Dad’s were outlandishly developed, but I couldn’t appreciate them because they were so damn big they pushed forward his monstrous manhood and that’s where all my focus went. Look, I knew my Dad was hung, but this was something else entirely. Had they used a gamma ray on this crotch? A stretched and tattered jockstrap struggled to contain a mass that hung to his knees. Pumpkin-sized balls peeked from the open sides of the jock, so heavy they tugged the underwear down and exposed the base of Dad’s penis, itself obscured in a jungle of pubes. Alarmed, dumbstruck, and horny beyond belief, I looked up at Dad’s face and realized it too had changed. His neck had pretty much been swallowed up by his traps, though I could spot some tendons like steel cables. Stubble covered the majority of it. Dad’s hair was longer, shaggier, and though his beard was full, I could see his jaw had grown wider, bulkier. His cheekbones were more pronounced, too, not a ridiculous amount, but enough to give him a brutal, hypermasculine look. Though when he smiled, he still retained that friendly and loving demeanor. Always the gentle giant. “What’d’ya think, kiddo?” his bass boomed, deep and gravelly.
  2. VampyVamp

    Mad scientist gone perverted

    Disclaimers: this is both an m/f AND m/m story, the m/f version is on top while the m/m version is at the bottom. Please note that not only does pronouns NOT equal gender, but your genitalia does not define your gender identity read the version you want based on whether or not you’re a yaoi enthusiast or not. Also ignore the spacing between the two vers being different, I forgot the order of the spacing in the original ver. Both characters go back and forth being dom and sub; muscle subs aren’t exactly my type but I imagine Mao being a switch anyway so I guess this works out, I also see Beryl as a switch it still works out. This also has some musk and degradation stuff because I was jamming all of my fetishes/kinks into this shit sooo yeah enjoy! also spoilers but Beryl kinda breaks the laws of physics to ride Mao’s cock but thats ok because its my insane sex and I make the rules (also also some of this stuff only make sense if you’ve played Disgaea 3 which I’m not sure a lot of people here have so uhh) ___ M/F version: “Mao, I brought you some snacks!” Beryl notified, walking towards her childhood… rival’s dorm. “Great, just leave it at the door, I’m busy.” Mao responded before diverting his attention back to whatever was making him busy. “Busy? Heh, now I’m curious.” Beryl chuckled before waltzing into Mao’s room. “Just what are you up to? Do you need any help?” “No, I don’t need any help- and get out of my room! You pesky delinquent…” Mao tsked, trying his best to ignore Beryl after that. However, it was pretty hard to get Beryl out of his hair; she was just like that. “C’mon, just tell me. I don’t bite, I promise!” Beryl said with her usual cheery tone, although it was obvious she was begging. “Don’t make promises! Demons don’t do that kind of thing!” Mao spat in response, not budging from his spot despite being obviously annoyed by Beryl. The girl sighed. She really wanted an answer from Mao but he wasn't giving one, so she would just have to push further. “I know you're hiding something, Mao. That's why you dodged my pleads just now. So, what is it?! What are you working on? And don't lie to me! You know I'm a good judge of character!” Beryl demanded, but with her voice Mao could never really take her seriously. “Fine! If you must know, I am currently working on a new experiment.” Mao spilled. “Hmph, I already knew that, tell me more-“ “That’s all you’re getting out of me. Now just give me the snacks and get out. Isn’t it against your moral highgrounds as a delinquent to break into someone’s room?” Mao huffed. Beryl rolled her eyes. There were times when Mao came off as such an ass “Um, just answer this much; is it something pervy…?” The girl asked. “No. If you’re really that curious, then I’m making a potion to make me grow muscles.” Mao finally revealed, with Beryl giving him a rather surprised expression in response. “Oh, that’s not what you usually make… usually, you’re just dissecting people and/or giving them outrageous upgrades and all that baloney.” Beryl said with a chuckle. “Hey, my upgrades aren’t outrageous, nor are they baloney! They actually work!” Mao argued, taking offence to the latter statement. “Yeah, I guess I’ll give you that much. But anyway, why are you making this kinda potion anyway? I never knew you were into that stuff.” Beryl said. “This isn’t a fetish thing, I have my reasons; I need to grow strong just like one of those super heroes!” Mao explained, putting a serious face on. “Why are you so fixated on heroes if you just hate them? Just think about it; all those comics you read about them, all the animes you watch about them, all the time you consume ‘researching’ about them. Why do you even care about it?” Beryl asked. “Hmph, you already know the reason. Anyway, this potion will make me bigger every time I eat something! Sounds nice, right?” Mao said with an excited smile. “No offense but… aren’t there easier ways to go about this? Like, growing stronger through training or something? It doesn't seem like it'd be that effective." Beryl replied, tilting her head. "Training is for losers! I want to get strong NOW! Plus I get to eat food while I grow, that's what I call a win-win situation!" Mao shouted. “Then… wouldn’t taking steroids be a much less time-consuming way to get jacked?” Beryl asked, thinking aloud. “Heh, the Evil Academy’s biggest delinquent, Beryl herself, recommending that I take steroids? How ironic.” Mao scoffed. “Anyway, I don't need to take steroids! This potion is perfect for me! Besides, I don't even know how to use steroids properly! I can only do the one thing I know well, which is this!” Mao declared proudly. "Well, are you done making the potion? I’m still curious, y’know…” Beryl asked. “Basically. I’ll make adjustments later if I need to, but the base formula is ready. All I have to do now is drink it, of course!” Mao said happily, getting up from his desk and grabbing the bottle the potion was in. He then proceeded to drink it all down, without leaving anything left behind. “Mao… You drank it… all?!" Beryl gasped. “What? it needs to be drunk entirely. It has to absorb into my body and spread around. Or else it won’t work!” Mao explained. “Now, you brought snacks, didn’t you? Come on, give me something!” “Oh, right…! Here you go. This is just a small snack though...” Beryl said, handing Mao a plate full of assorted sweets. “Gimme!” Mao demanded, swiftly taking the treats. He then stuffed his mouth with all the snacks he could manage in one go, before letting out a satisfied sigh. “Wow, this is so good! I never thought that food could be this delicious! I'm hungry again! Gimme more! More, I say!!” Mao complained. “You sure are greedy, huh? Are you sure you're not just using this as an excuse to gorge yourself?" Beryl teased. “And it’s just mere sweets, too… haven’t you eaten anything any better before?” “Ah, now that you mention it, I don’t think I remember enjoying sweets *this* much before. Eh, oh well. I'll just keep eating until I feel full, yeah?” Mao declared. Suddenly, he felt his stomach growl loudly. “See? it’s not good to eat so many sweets at once… hey, hold on. You’re, uhhh- you’re kind of sweating… like, a lot.” Beryl noted. “Hmph, you’re right. And hey, I… I kind of feel strange too… What's happening to me?” Mao pondered, looking down at his hands. They suddenly seemed… well, a little bigger. A little bigger than before. “What? Huh? Uhh- what is this?” Mao exclaimed, confused before his face turned into one of realization. A grin grew on his face. “Eheh, I knew it! This potion actually works! I've got a feeling that I'm gonna grow even bigger, soon!” Mao proclaimed proudly. And, to be fair, he wasn’t wrong; he was already a bit taller than before. Not by much, but enough to notice. "So, how do you feel? Any side effects yet? I mean, if this potion really does what it claims to... then you should be fine..." Beryl asked, eyeing Mao suspiciously. “Hey, wait, your legs. They’re… expanding?” It was true, Mao's legs were buffing up rapidly; his thigh gap had gotten a lot narrower and they looked pretty toned. His quads were definitely bulging, too. His chest also appeared to be growing in size, too, and his shoulders were starting to get broader. His pecs swelled up impressively, too. As a matter of fact, everything on his upper body seemed to be expanding quickly. He quickly began developing rows of abs, his back muscles seemed to be getting bigger and denser, and his biceps and forearms started to look noticeably beefier, too. It was all very impressive, especially considering the speed at which it occurred. His neck was also starting to thicken, and his Adam's apple was becoming noticeable, too. However, his growth paused shortly after that, it seems like he needed more food… I guess it was like gas for a car. “Beryl, feed me more snacks! I want to fill myself up, alright?! I'll be fine, trust me!” Mao demanded, his glasses fogging up perversely as he slurped up the drool that was drooling down his chin. Oh, now that Beryl knew that this was turning him on, this changed everything for her. “Mhm, more food coming right up!” Beryl happily obliged, trying to hide the lust that had started bubbling up inside of her. She grabbed a few plates of snacks and handed them over to Mao, who greedily snatched them up. He then stuffed himself with all the snacks he could possibly manage, stuffing his cheeks with each bite. The more food he ate, the bigger he’d grow, and soon he grew once more. He grew even larger, rapidly transforming from a thin, scrawny boy into a muscular hunk of a man. His muscle mass increased dramatically, and while he was growing bigger, he also grew hungrier, constantly demanding more food. Even when he was full, he still managed to stuff himself with more food, constantly eating until he couldn't anymore, but who knew when that would be. His clothes strained under the immense pressure of his expanded frame, and they were soon ripped off his body, leaving him naked from above the waist. Beryl stared at him with wide eyes. She could feel herself getting increasingly wet down below, and it was getting harder for her to hide her overwhelming lust. Mao’s body glistened with sweat, making him seem like he was lathered with oil and even more desirable. His nipples were big and hard, and they stood out prominently against his large chest, and his pecs and abs were bulging. His biceps, triceps, pectorals, deltoids, lats, traps, delts, and forearms all bulged impressively, and his veins appeared clearly defined. His ass was also getting bigger, and it looked great. He was starting to develop a nice bubble butt, and the roundness of it was magnificent. Beryl had to restrain her urges to just masturbating right there and then, she’d probably be teased to death if she went through with her filthy actions… but to be fair, Mao wasn’t any better; his dick had been growing all this time and was now half-hard. As Mao grew, he had sweat profusely, giving him a sexy, musky smell. He practically oozed sexual appeal and sensuality, making Beryl want to fuck him right then and there, but she restrained herself. It didn’t take long after that for his belt to snap and his white shorts to rip. His knee-length tights and boxers threatened to rip to shreds any moment. Soon, he was completely naked, his dick rising to full attention. His body was covered in a layer of sweat, and it glistened in whatever light seeped into the room. A small bead of precum dripped out of his tip, making its way down his shaft. In response to Mao's nudity, Beryl blushed deeply. Her heart beat faster, and she felt like she might pass out from excitement, she was so aroused. The overwhelmed girl couldn't help but stare at Mao's impressive physique, his massive cock twitching against his belly. She wanted nothing more than to give it a stroke, or lick it, or even suck on it. She eyed his member hungrily, salivating at the thought of taking a bite out of it. She licked her lips unconsciously, and her face turned redder by the second. She could feel her panties getting soaked, and she desperately tried to grab them and hide her arousal. But, as if he sensed what Beryl was thinking, Mao leaned forward, staring deep into her eyes. "You want some?" Mao asked, grabbing Beryl's head with both hands. "Come on, you know you want it." Beryl nodded, unable to speak due to her raging lust. It seemed like Beryl was the pervert now. And now there was no point not to give into her urges, right? …Although, a large majority of her urges involved… feeding him more? Yes, that sounded perfect. She wanted to be a potentially gentle but definitely domineering feeder who fed him all of his meals, making him even buffer, and give him much more than that. She knew it wouldn’t be the best idea, given how Mao had already gained a bit too much mass than ‘recommended’, but she couldn’t help it; she didn’t care if he broke through the ceiling, she didn’t care if the boy outgrew the whole damn academy, she just couldn’t get this image of her sitting on top of his behemoth cock, feeding him more and more, enhancing his growth continuously out of her head. And that was why she shoved her hand past her skirt and between her thighs, rubbing her clit furiously through her tights and panties. She had to cum right away, otherwise she'd go insane. Her breathing became heavy, and her face was now bright red. Her pussy throbbed, and she was already so close to an orgasm. But she held back, determined to keep going for as long as possible. Mao smirked at Beryl, who was clearly horny as hell, and his member continued to twitch. He could tell that Beryl was enjoying herself, and he wasn't about to deny her wishes. That would just be cruel. He lifted Beryl up and placed her on his lap, straddling him. His member dangled over her pelvis, and it looked like it was going to fall into her crotch any moment. Beryl moaned softly, and her legs spread open slightly. Mao gave her a teasing look, “come on, tell me all of your desires. We’ll see who the real pervert here is.” Beryl glared at him, and her eyes were burning with lust. She wanted to scream her thoughts out, to tell him exactly how she felt, but she decided to keep things classy, and kept quiet, only moaning quietly when he'd tease her. "Well?" Mao asked again, grinning widely. "What do you desire?" Beryl stared into Mao's eyes, her fingers moving faster along her dripping wet slit. "I- I... um, want to be your feeder. Your..." she paused, trying to find the right words, "...your food provider." Mao smirked, pleased with what she said. "Oh really?" he said, licking his lips. "I'm glad to hear that. Do you want to be my feeder because you're attracted to me?" but the giant boy received no answer from the smaller girl in response. "Or maybe you want to see me grow? Are you curious to see just how big I can get?" he asked, his voice becoming husky.“You’re so dirty, Beryl. You want to see how big and buff I can get, don't you?” he whispered, staring deep into her eyes. God, since when did this boy get so damn teasing?! Beryl didn't think she'd ever been this turned on before. But of course, she had to pursue what she wanted; feeding him and making him grow even bigger. She gave her best attempt at a smirk. “I guess I am. And yes, I want to see how big you can get.” And Mao smiled, satisfied with what she said. He leaned back a little, and then grabbed another snack and handed it to the pink-haired girl that sat on his enormous girth. She then licked her lips and brought the piece of food closer to the mouth of the giant in front of her, and he started chewing. She slowly fed him bite by bite, and after a few minutes, he finished the whole thing. She then tilted her head and asked him, "Do you want more?" The giant boy smirked, "of course. What else would I want? More food, of course." Beryl giggled, and handed him another snack. Then she fed him more bites until he was full once again. This time, she made sure to slow down, savoring every second she spent feeding him. It didn’t long for his growth to resume, and soon he was rapidly swelling up again. His legs grew longer, and his arms got wider, and he gained some new muscles. Soon, he was almost as tall as the ceiling itself, and he was getting bigger by the minute, and his growth was relentless. But Beryl didn't mind. She wanted to see what he would become, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to contain her excitement. So, she reached out and grabbed hold of his growing pecs and squeezed them. “Aaaah!" Mao moaned loudly. "That feels amazing! Don't stop squeezing them, I love it!" Beryl grinned, feeling powerful and sexy as hell. She was stroking and squeezing the massive shoulders of the giant boy, and it felt absolutely amazing. He responded well to her touch, and his huge frame shook as Beryl slowly began to dominate him. His cock swelled hard against the inside of her thighs, and soon the giant was completely erect, ready to shoot his first load. Beryl moaned happily, and her fingers moved faster, gripping his muscular body tighter than ever. She loved the way he reacted to her, and she felt so incredibly sexy. The demon girl looked up at his face, and she saw his glasses were fogged up like hell, as if he couldn't control himself. He was breathing heavier than usual too, and his chest expanded with each breath, making him look even more impressive. She knew he was close, and she smirked, knowing she had to take matters into her own hands. She moved her small hands back to Mao’s shiny pecs, and she started massaging them harder. She watched as his muscles rippled beneath her small palms, and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest, as she rubbed and squeezed his perfect body. Her tight grip made him moan louder, which excited her even more. She continued to massage him, and soon she heard him groan loudly. She quickly moved her fingers to his nipples, and she pinched them roughly, causing him to cry out in pleasure. The pink-haired girl moaned, and she bit her lip in anticipation. She continued to pinch and twist his rock hard nipples, while still working his body. She kept rubbing his pecs and abs, until he finally screamed out loud, a deep guttural sound that echoed through the room. His cock throbbed against her inner thighs, and his thick cum erupted in between her thighs. She couldn't believe how much he shot. A large amount of thick white jizz splattered onto her thighs, and she touched them and held the semen up to her face, smiling. "Wow..." she murmured, looking at the globs of cum that were oozing out of his dick. Mao's breathing slowed down and he looked over at the smaller girl. He smiled, "that was intense." “Yeah, but I have the feeling you’re up for at least one more round.” Beryl smirked. Mao nodded, his mouth watering as Beryl pulled another piece of food out of literally no where. She placed it in front of him, and he took a bite of it before she gave him another. She continued to feed him this way until he was full again, and he was getting bigger and bigger by the minute. His gargantuan frame threatened to break through the ceiling, and Beryl was loving every single second of it. She felt like a goddess of sorts herself, and she loved the fact that her power over him seemed to be limitless. She saw the giant boy grow, and she smiled as she admired him. She stroked his massive frame, and she could feel his cock throbbing against her inner thigh. She smirked, and looked up at his face, "you like the way my hand feels on your body?" Mao nodded, still breathing heavily. His arms were covered in sweat, and his chest was soaked in it. He was drenched with manly sweat and musk, and a tad bit of it infiltrated Beryl’s nose. But surprisingly, it turned her on even more. She stroked his chest and abs, and let her hand slide down his stomach, until she reached his thick meaty cock. She smirked, and she started stroking him vigorously, and she knew it wouldn't take long for him to blow his load again. But she was definitely caught off guard when Mao began sliding her skirt off and he tossed it aside, revealing to top of her tights and panties. She gasped at his boldness, but she was intrigued. She wanted to see just how far he would go, and she decided to let him do whatever he wanted. He pulled her panties aside, and he was greeted by her wet pussy. It was dripping from all the excitement, and he didn't hesitate to spread her thighs apart and bury his face between them. Beryl moaned loudly, and she grabbed his hair tightly, pulling on it as he ate her out. Mao licked her slit and clit, and he sucked on her fat lips, his tongue swirling around her wet flesh. Beryl's eyes rolled back in her head, and she moaned deeply, "oh fuck... mhm..." Mao looked up at her and he felt a rush of pleasure run through his body. The adorable pink-haired girl was moaning and panting, as his tongue flicked over her sensitive clit. He could tell she was incredibly close to cumming, but he also wanted to make sure she enjoyed herself. So he stopped licking her pussy for a brief moment, and he moved his big hand between her legs. He slid one of his meaty fingers inside her tight hole, and he curled it around, while continuing to lick her clit. Beryl cried out, "oh god!" and her nails dug into his scalp as she came hard. Her juices squirted out of her pussy, coating Mao's face, and she threw her head back, screaming loudly. The titan in between her thighs just swallowed all of the tasty juice up, and it seemed to make him grow as well. The ceiling just above Mao’s head couldn’t restrain him any longer, and it crumbled under the weight of his monstrous form. Beryl looked down at Mao still in front of her sex and she smirked. The boy with glasses looked so fucking hot, with his face covered in cum and his dick rock hard and needy. The two were practically glowing with arousal, and Beryl knew that her orgasm had left her flushed in more than one way. She moaned and she ran her hands through Mao’s sweaty hair, pulling on it as she came closer and closer to cumming herself. She looked down at her “rival’s” beefy fingers, coated in her cum, and she brought them to her lips. She tasted the sweet liquid on her tongue, and she moaned, "mmmmm..." Mao could feel his growth continue, sending him wave after wave of pleasure. At this point, he was dying to fuck Beryl’s pussy. He needed to be inside her, and he wanted to pound her deepest parts. And judging from the way Beryl was reacting, she wanted him to do the same thing. She kissed his hand, and then she licked his fingers clean. She smiled seductively at him, and she grabbed his cock with both hands, stroking its length. She squeezed it firmly, causing his dick to twitch and throb, and she couldn't help but notice how much stronger it was now. She stroked him slowly, massaging his shaft, and she whispered something in his ear, "I want you to come inside me." Mao groaned lustfully, and he nodded his head eagerly. Beryl smirked, and she lowered herself onto his shaft. She wrapped her legs around whatever of his waist her small body could reach, and she took all of his cock inside her pussy. She moaned loudly, feeling the huge monster inside her, and she gripped his back tightly. She held him against her, grinding her hips in a circular motion, and she told him how good he felt inside her, "fuck yeah..." Mao grunted and he thrust his hips upward, pushing deeper inside Beryl, until he bottomed out. She shuddered, and she sighed deeply, as he filled her completely. She wiggled her butt, and she ground her pelvis against his, urging him to move. Mao obliged, and he started sliding his cock in and out of her tight pussy. He leaned forward slightly, and he grabbed onto Beryl's thighs with his large hands, holding them tightly against his shoulders. Beryl gasped, and she lifted her ass higher, allowing him to drive deeper into her. She smiled wickedly, and she said, "fuck me, Mao... fuck me harder..." Mao grunted and he slammed himself deep inside her. Beryl cried out, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She bit her lip as she looked into his eyes, "you're so big... fuck... I can feel every inch of your cock inside me..." Mao was overcome with pleasure, and he couldn't take it anymore. He bent forward and he buried his face in her neck, kissing the soft skin there. He moaned deeply, and he continued pumping his cock in and out of her tight pussy. the walls began to crack under the pressure of his immense frame. He pounded her mercilessly, and he reached behind himself, grabbing onto Beryl's tits. They were small, but they felt amazing in his hands, and he squeezed them roughly, causing her to cry out in pleasure. Beryl wasn't going to last long. She could already feel an intense orgasm approaching, and she was desperate to get there. She arched her back, and she screamed wildly as she came, spasming around his dick. She had never felt anything this good before, and she pulled him even closer to her. She fucked herself on his cock, and she rode it desperately, trying to prolong the pleasure that was coursing through her entire body. He placed one of his massive hands on her chest, and he squeezed it lovingly. He looked into her eyes, and he grinned, "good girl..." Beryl giggled and she rolled her eyes, "can we just cuddle for a little bit?" Mao chuckled, and he nodded his head, "of course." And proceeding to shove Beryl into his beefy, sweaty globes on his chest, A.K.A his gigantic pecs. Beryl squealed happily, wrapping her arms around whatever of him she could reach, and she nuzzled his muscle tits affectionately. She lay there, pressed against his muscular chest, and she smiled dreamily at him, taking his rough, manly scent in. She kissed his chest playfully, running her tongue along his thick muscles. His skin tasted salty, like sweat. She inhaled deeply, and she closed her eyes, letting the smell of his musk wash over her. She had never smelled anything so delicious in her life. Her mind wandered, and her thoughts became clouded by lust and desire. She couldn't stop thinking about this magnificent hunk next to her. She couldn't believe how strong he was. How handsome he looked. The demon girl wondered if the demon boy had any more surprises in store for her. She felt his bulge growing beneath her, and she shivered with anticipation. She wanted to feel it inside her again. But this time, she wanted to be in control; she wanted to ride him. "Do you want some more?" Mao asked, licking his lips seductively. Beryl smiled wickedly, and she shook her head, "I think I need another round... two, maybe three." Mao laughed. He kissed her neck sweetly, and he whispered huskily in her ear, "you got it, Beryl..." He pushed her flat against his chest, and he spread her legs open wide. Beryl giggled, and she looked up at him coyly, "go ahead..." Mao smiled wickedly, and he slid his cock slowly inside her. Beryl gasped, and she moaned as he filled her once again. He was thicker than he had been before, and he felt bigger too. She found it hard to imagine how he would ever fit even one more inch inside her, but she didn't have much choice. The demon girl was already impossibly stretched by his massive cock, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to handle any more. She tried not to think about it, though. She was determined to keep enjoying herself. Beryl bit her lip, and she arched her back. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and she squeezed his muscular pecs. She moaned loudly, and she looked into Mao's eyes, "fuck me harder... make me cum again..." Mao smirked, and he did just what she wanted him to do. He grabbed her by the hips, and he thrust his cock into her tight pussy hard and fast. Beryl groaned, and she tightened her grip on his pecs. Normally, this would have been totally impossible thanks to their burgeoning size difference, Beryl decided it was ok to break the laws of physics just this once. The demon girl dug her nails into his pecs, as she took all that he could give her. She was so close to cumming again already, and she hoped that it wouldn't take long before she would. She squeezed her eyes shut, and she threw her head back, moaning loudly. She started panting heavily, and she focused only on the feeling of being fucked. She was so overwhelmed with pleasure, and the heat between her legs was building rapidly. She could feel her orgasm rushing towards her, and she moaned loudly as she came, crying out in pleasure. She came hard, shaking uncontrollably, and she shuddered as she rode out her orgasm. She felt every pulse of his cock inside of her, and her whole body trembled, tensing up as she climaxed. She whimpered softly, gasping, "ahhhhhh..." Mao growled, and he grunted as he kept pounding her. He wanted to make sure that she felt the full extent of his cock. He loved making her feel good, and he wanted to show her that he cared about her. He wasn't afraid of hurting her or doing something wrong. He was sure that she would let him know if he was, and he had faith in her. He continued thrusting into her, even after her orgasm had passed. He was still hard, and he was ready for round 2. He picked up the pace, and he pounded her relentlessly. He grabbed her ass tight, squeezing it in his hands, making Beryl yelp and gyrate her hips once more, riding his cock. She rode him faster and faster, until she was on the verge of another orgasm. She needed to cum again, right now! Mao grinned, and he squeezed her butt harder, "cum for me, Beryl," he commanded, grinning. Beryl nodded, and she whimpered, "yes... yes..." She squeezed her eyes shut, biting her lip. She cried out loudly, and she shivered as her pussy clenched down on his dick. She screamed, and she came again, shaking violently. She shook from head to toe, and she shuddered uncontrollably. It felt like a dozen orgasms had hit her at once, and she couldn't help herself. She buried her face into his shoulder, sobbing and gasping in pleasure. She had never come so hard in her life. Mao groaned, and he thrust into her one last time. He held her close to him, and he kissed her neck tenderly. He tried to pull out of her, but Beryl stopped him before he could. “No,” she said, beginning to ride Mao’s manhood once more. It was the buff giant’s turn to be in the hot seat, and he was loving every second of it. He moaned and whimpered, clearly enjoying the tides turning. All Beryl responded with was a wicked chuckle, and Mao wasn’t really sure it fit her character, but he couldn’t really care, instead focusing on how much he was getting off to being used by this much smaller girl. Beryl smirked, and she teased him vocally, "ohhhh, you like this, don't you?" Mao moaned, and he nodded weakly, "uh huh. How’d I know?" Beryl pumped her hips, and she bit her lower lip, "it's ok, I'll make sure to keep doing this to you." Mao nodded, and he smiled, "okay, I guess I can deal with it." Beryl laughed, and she leaned forward, kissing him passionately. They both moaned loudly, and they kissed as they pleasured each other. They were completely lost in their own little world, which is exactly where they wanted to be. Beryl continued teasing Mao to hell and back while she stayed riding his thick, long rod. He had yet to reach his peak, and it was driving him insane. He loved having her ride him like this; it was so beautiful to him. She had such a cute face, and she was so small, but her body was incredible. She was so tight around him, and she gripped him tightly, milking his shaft for all its worth. Mao couldn't take it anymore, and he reached his limit. He pulled out of her, and he leaned over her back, grunting. He grabbed onto her shoulders, holding himself up. He took a deep breath, and he panted, "I'm gonna... cum!" he warned her, and she nodded, quickly leaning back against his chest. “Hehe, who’s the dirty one now~?” Beryl giggled, and she turned her face upwards, looking at him. He panted, drooling slightly, he looked so damn pathetic. She knew that she was going to have to make sure to use him like this often, because he looked so incredibly adorable when he was trying to hold back his load, and he looked so damn sexy too. It made her want to fuck him senseless! Beryl smirked, and she arched her back, grinding her hips against him. She forced his cock inside of her, and she began riding him rapidly. She bounced on his massive, thick member, and she moaned, "yes... yes..." She rode him enthusiastically, and she gasped, "you're so big... m-more... muah... ah..." She looked down at him, and she licked her lips, "c-can you handle it? Are you a good boy?" Mao nodded, and he whimpered a bit, "haha... yeah..." His voice was raspy, and he sounded like he was about to lose control of himself. Beryl smirked, "good." She leaned forward, pressing her breasts against his chest. She closed her eyes, and she moaned, "fuck me... please..." Beryl heard a moan next to her, and she opened her eyes slowly. She found Mao staring at her breasts, his face was flushed bright red. He looked so slutty, and so utterly happy. He was panting lightly, and he looked so excited. She was glad that he liked them, and that they weren't just a letdown. She smiled softly, and she bit her bottom lip, "here I go." She started to rock back and forth faster and harder. She was smiling wide now, and she leaned forward, kissing him. She felt his hands on her ass, squeezing her cheeks, and she moaned into his mouth as they kissed. The two of them were moaning and panting loudly, and they didn't even care. "Yes... oh god. Yes," she cried out, and she squeezed his arms tighter, trying to keep herself from bouncing too hard. She wasn't about to stop though, and neither was Mao. He knew how much she enjoyed riding him, and he could tell that she was close to her limit. He pulled her closer to him, and he wrapped his arms around her. He lifted her up off of him, and he held her in place, allowing her to grind herself against him without actually moving. Beryl purred, and she leaned her forehead against his, panting heavily. Her body shook from the intense feeling, and she groaned, "Are you close, Mao? Are you getting close?" Mao nodded, and he groaned, "yeah, I'm so close. Can you feel it?" Beryl nodded, and she grinned, "I can, Mao. Just keep letting me toy with you, and I‘d appreciate some whimpers with that too!” The girl joked, and she started to bounce faster. She hit all of his most sensitive spots, and she could feel his cock throbbing inside her every time. She rubbed her clit against his pelvis, and she cried out, "oh god! Mao... mmmf!" she moaned, and she bucked her hips desperately, thrusting herself up and down on his thick, long pole. “C-Come on, beg for it. Beg me to make you cum..!” Beryl moaned, and she squeezed her inner walls around his shaft, grinding against him. Mao moaned, "Please, Beryl!" he begged her, "Please ruin me..." The girl giggled, "Oh god, Mao. You sound like such a little slut sometimes. I love it." She moaned loudly, and she continuer her movements, bouncing frantically. “But thats just because that’s what you are; a slutty, filthy whore. Whores need to be ruined. They need to learn their place. And I’m going to make you see that...” She continued to ride him, and her pussy gripped him tightly. This wasn’t like her at all, but she couldn’t help herself. Mao’s new muscles seemed to have awakened something inside of her. Beryl's pussy clenched tight around his cock, and she moaned in orgasmic bliss. She came on him, and she came hard. She trembled as she rode him through it. Her juices flowed freely from her cunt, and she gasped, "no... no... don't stop!" Mao chuckled, and he slowed his pace to match hers. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers. He kissed her deeply, and he cupped her cheek, holding her still. The two of them were panting loudly, and they both kept moaning. They moaned together, and they kissed passionately while the girl recovered from her climax. "You're such a dirty little whore, Mao," Beryl moaned softly, "and I've never loved anything more. I love you so much right now, Mao." Mao smiled, and he kissed her again, "me too, Beryl. Me too. Want to keep feeding me?” Mao asked perversly. Oh right, the feeding thing! Beryl had forgotten all of that, which was surprising considering it was her initial desire when this whole muscle growth thing had started. And she nodded in response, going to grab some more food. ——— M/M version: “Mao, I brought you some snacks!” Beryl notified, walking towards his childhood… rival’s dorm. “Great, just leave it at the door, I’m busy,” Mao responded before diverting his attention back to whatever was making him busy. “Busy? Heh, now I’m curious.” Beryl chuckled before waltzing into Mao’s room. “Just what are you up to? Do you need any help?” “No, I don’t need any help- and get out of my room! You pesky delinquent…” Mao tsked, trying his best to ignore Beryl after that. However, it was pretty hard to get Beryl out of his hair; he was just like that. “C’mon, just tell me. I don’t bite, I promise!” Beryl said with his usual cheery tone, although it was obvious he was begging. “Don’t make promises! Demons don’t do that kind of thing!” Mao spat in response, not budging from his spot despite being annoyed by Beryl. The boy sighed. He really wanted an answer from Mao but he wasn't giving one, so he would just have to push further. “I know you're hiding something, Mao. That's why you dodged my pleas just now. So, what is it?! What are you working on? And don't lie to me! You know I'm a good judge of character!” Beryl demanded, but with his voice, Mao could never really take him seriously. “Fine! If you must know, I am currently working on a new experiment.” Mao spilled. “Hmph, I already knew that, tell me more-“ “That’s all you’re getting out of me. Now just give me the snacks and get out. Isn’t it against your moral high grounds as a delinquent to break into someone’s room?” Mao huffed. Beryl rolled his eyes. There were times when Mao came off as such an ass “Um, just answer this much; is it something pervy…?” The boy asked. “No. If you’re really that curious, then I’m making a potion to make me grow muscles.” Mao finally revealed, with Beryl giving him a rather surprised expression in response. “Oh, that’s not what you usually make… usually, you’re just dissecting people and/or giving them outrageous upgrades and all that baloney,” Beryl said with a chuckle. “Hey, my upgrades aren’t outrageous, nor are they baloney! They actually work!” Mao argued, taking offense to the latter statement. “Yeah, I guess I’ll give you that much. But anyway, why are you making this kinda potion anyway? I never knew you were into that stuff.” Beryl said. “This isn’t a fetish thing, I have my reasons; I need to grow strong just like one of those superheroes!” Mao explained, putting a serious face on. “Why are you so fixated on heroes if you just hate them? Just think about it; all those comics you read about them, all the animes you watch about them, all the time you consume ‘researching’ about them. Why do you even care about it?” Beryl asked. “Hmph, you already know the reason. Anyway, this potion will make me bigger every time I eat something! Sounds nice, right?” Mao said with an excited smile. “No offense but… aren’t there easier ways to go about this? Like, growing stronger through training or something? It doesn't seem like it'd be that effective." Beryl replied, tilting his head. "Training is for losers! I want to get strong NOW! Plus I get to eat food while I grow, that's what I call a win-win situation!" Mao shouted. “Then… wouldn’t taking steroids be a much less… time-consuming way to get jacked?” Beryl asked, thinking aloud. “Heh, the Evil Academy’s biggest delinquent, Beryl himself, recommending that I take steroids? How ironic.” Mao scoffed. “Anyway, I don't need to take steroids! This potion is perfect for me! Besides, I don't even know how to use steroids properly! I can only do the one thing I know well, which is this!” Mao declared proudly. "Well, are you done making the potion? I’m still curious, y’know…” Beryl asked. “Basically. I’ll make adjustments later if I need to, but the base formula is ready. All I have to do now is drink it, of course!” Mao said happily, getting up from his desk and grabbing the bottle the potion was in. He then proceeded to drink it all down, without leaving anything left behind. “Mao… You drank it… all?!" Beryl gasped. “What? it needs to be drunk entirely. It has to absorb into my body and spread around. Or else it won’t work!” Mao explained. “Now, you brought snacks, didn’t you? Come on, give me something!” “Oh, right…! Here you go. This is just a small snack though...” Beryl said, handing Mao a plate full of assorted sweets. “Gimme!” Mao demanded, swiftly taking the treats. He then stuffed his mouth with all the snacks he could manage in one go, before letting out a satisfied sigh. “Wow, this is so good! I never thought that food could be this delicious! I'm hungry again! Gimme more! More, I say!!” Mao demanded. “You sure are greedy, huh? Are you sure you're not just using this as an excuse to gorge yourself?" Beryl teased. “And it’s just mere sweets, too… haven’t you eaten anything any better before?” “Ah, now that you mention it, I don’t think I remember enjoying sweets *this* much before. Eh, oh well. I'll just keep eating until I feel full, yeah?” Mao declared. Suddenly, he felt his stomach growl loudly. “See? it’s not good to eat so many sweets at once… hey, hold on. You’re, uhhh- you’re kind of sweating… like, a lot.” Beryl noted. “Hmph, you’re right. And hey, I… I kind of feel strange too… What's happening to me?” Mao pondered, looking down at his hands. They suddenly seemed… well, a little bigger. A little bigger than before. “What? Huh? Uhh- what is this?” Mao exclaimed, confused before his face turned into one of realization. A grin grew on his face. “Eheh, I knew it! This potion actually works! I've got a feeling that I'm gonna grow even bigger, soon!” Mao proclaimed proudly. And, to be fair, he wasn’t wrong; he was already a bit taller than before. Not by much, but enough to notice. "So, how do you feel? Any side effects yet? I mean, if this potion really does what it claims to... then you should be fine..." Beryl asked, eyeing Mao suspiciously. “Hey, wait, your legs. They’re… expanding?” It was true, Mao's legs were buffing up rapidly; his thigh gap had gotten a lot narrower and they looked pretty toned. His quads were definitely bulging, too. His chest also appeared to be growing in size, too, and his shoulders were starting to get broader. His pecs swelled up impressively, too. As a matter of fact, everything on his upper body seemed to be expanding quickly. He quickly began developing rows of abs, his back muscles seemed to be getting bigger and denser, and his biceps and forearms started to look noticeably beefier, too. It was all very impressive, especially considering the speed at which it occurred. His neck was also starting to thicken, and Adam's apple was becoming noticeable, too. However, his growth paused shortly after that, it seems like he needed more food… I guess it was like gas for a car. “Beryl, feed me more snacks! I want to fill myself up, alright?! I'll be fine, trust me!” Mao demanded, his glasses fogging up perversely as he slurped up the drool that was drooling down his chin. Oh, now that Beryl knew that this was turning him on, this changed everything for her. “Mhm, more food coming right up!” Beryl happily obliged, trying to hide the lust that had started bubbling up inside of him. He grabbed a few plates of snacks and handed them over to Mao, who greedily snatched them up. He then stuffed himself with all the snacks he could possibly manage, stuffing his cheeks with each bite. The more food he ate, the bigger he’d grow, and soon he grew once more. He grew even larger, rapidly transforming from a thin, scrawny boy into a muscular hunk of a man. His muscle mass increased dramatically, and while he was growing bigger, he also grew hungrier, constantly demanding more food. Even when he was full, he still managed to stuff himself with more food, constantly eating until he couldn't anymore, but who knew when that would be? His clothes strained under the immense pressure of his expanded frame, and they were soon ripped off his body, leaving him naked from above the waist. Beryl stared at him with wide eyes. He could feel himself getting increasingly wet and hard down below, and it was getting harder for him to hide his overwhelming lust. Mao’s body glistened with sweat, making the expanding boy seem like he was lathered with oil and even more desirable. His nipples were big and hard, and they stood out prominently against his large chest, and his pecs and abs were bulging. His biceps, triceps, pectorals, deltoids, lats, traps, delts, and forearms all bulged impressively, and his veins appeared clearly defined. His ass was also getting bigger, and it looked great. He was starting to develop a nice bubble butt, and the roundness of it was magnificent. Beryl had to restrain his urges to just masturbate right there and then, he’d probably be teased to death if he went through with his filthy actions… but to be fair, Mao wasn’t any better; his dick had been growing all this time and was now half-hard. As Mao grew, he sweat profusely, giving him a sexy, musky smell. He practically oozed sexual appeal and sensuality, making Beryl want to fuck him right then and there, but he restrained himself. It didn’t take long after that for Mao’s belt to snap and his white shorts to rip. His knee-length tights and boxers threatened to rip to shreds any moment. Soon, he was completely naked, his dick rising to full attention. His body was covered in a layer of sweat, and it glistened in whatever light seeped into the room. A small bead of precum dripped out of his tip, making its way down his shaft. In response to Mao's nudity, Beryl blushed deeply. His heart beat faster, and he felt like he might pass out from excitement, he was so aroused. The overwhelmed boy couldn't help but stare at Mao's impressive physique, his massive cock twitching against his belly. Beryl wanted nothing more than to give it a stroke, lick it, or even suck on it. He eyed Mao’s member hungrily, salivating at the thought of taking a bite out of it. Beryl licked his lips unconsciously, and his face turned redder by the second. He could feel his panties getting soaked, and he desperately tried to grab them and hide his arousal. But, as if he sensed what Beryl was thinking, Mao leaned forward, staring deep into the smaller boy’s eyes. "You want some?" Mao asked. "Come on, you know you want it." Beryl nodded, unable to speak due to his raging lust. It seemed like Beryl was the pervert now. And now there was no point not to give into his urges, right? …Although, a large majority of his urges involved… feeding Mao more? Yes, that sounded perfect. He wanted to be a potentially gentle but definitely domineering feeder who fed Mao all of his meals, making him even buffer, and giving him much more than that. Beryl knew it wouldn’t be the best idea, given how Mao had already gained a bit too much mass than ‘recommended’, but he couldn’t help it; he didn’t care if Mao broke through the ceiling, he didn’t care if the boy outgrew the whole damn academy, he just couldn’t get this image of his sitting on top of Mao’s behemoth cock, feeding him more and more, enhancing his growth continuously out of his head. And that was why Beryl shoved his hand past his skirt and into his crotch, stroking his boner furiously through his tights and panties. He had to cum right away, otherwise, he’d go insane. His breathing became heavy, and his face was now bright red. His cock throbbed, and he was already so close to an orgasm. But he held back, determined to keep going for as long as possible. Mao smirked at Beryl, who was clearly horny as hell, and his member continued to twitch. He could tell that Beryl was enjoying himself, and he wasn't about to deny his wishes. That would just be cruel. He lifted Beryl up and placed him on his lap, straddling him. His member dangled over his ass, and it looked like it was going to fall into his asshole any moment. Beryl moaned softly, and his legs spread open slightly. Mao gave Beryl a teasing look, “come on, tell me all of your desires. We’ll see who the real pervert here is.” Beryl glared at him, and his eyes were burning with lust. Beryl wanted to scream his thoughts out, to tell Mao exactly how he felt, but he decided to keep things classy, and kept quiet, only moaning quietly when Mao teased him. "Well?" Mao asked again, grinning widely. "What do you desire?" Beryl stared into Mao's eyes, his fingers moving faster along his dripping dick. "I- I... um, want to be your feeder. Your..." he paused, trying to find the right words, "...your food provider." Mao smirked, pleased with what Beryl said. "Oh really?" he said, licking his lips. "I'm glad to hear that. Do you want to be my feeder because you're attracted to me?" but the giant boy received no answer from the smaller boy in response. "Or maybe you want to see me grow? Are you curious to see just how big I can get?" he asked, his voice becoming husky.“You’re so dirty, Beryl. You want to see how big and buff I can get, don't you?” he whispered, staring deep into his rival’s eyes. God, since when did this boy get so damn teasing?! Beryl didn't think he’d ever been this turned on before. But of course, he had to pursue what he wanted; feeding Mao and making him grow even bigger. Beryl gave his best attempt at a smirk. “I guess I am. And yes, I want to see how big you can get.” And Mao smiled, satisfied with what Berul said. He leaned back a little, and then grabbed another snack and handed it to the pink-haired boy that sat on his enormous girth. Beryl then licked his lips and brought the piece of food closer to the mouth of the giant in front of him, and he started chewing. Beryl slowly fed Mao bite by bite, and after a few minutes, he finished the whole thing. Beryl then tilted his head and asked Mao, "Do you want more?" The giant boy smirked, "of course. What else would I want? More food, of course." Beryl giggled and handed him another snack. Then he fed him more bites until he was full once again. This time, Beryl made sure to slow down, savoring every second he spent feeding Mao. It didn’t long before his growth resumed, and soon he was rapidly swelling up again. His legs grew longer, and his arms got wider, and he gained some new muscles. Soon, he was almost as tall as the ceiling itself, and he was getting bigger by the minute, and his growth was relentless. But Beryl didn't mind. He wanted to see what Mao would become, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to contain his excitement. So, he reached out and grabbed hold of Mao’s growing pecs and squeezed them. “Aaaah!" Mao moaned loudly. "That feels amazing! Don't stop squeezing them, I love it!" Beryl grinned, feeling powerful and sexy as hell. He was stroking and squeezing the massive shoulders of the giant boy, and it felt absolutely amazing. He responded well to his touch, and his huge frame shook as Beryl slowly began to dominate him. His cock swelled hard against the inside of his thighs, and soon the giant was completely erect, ready to shoot his first load. Beryl moaned happily, and his fingers moved faster, gripping Mao’s muscular body tighter than ever. Beryl loved the way Mao reacted to him, and he felt so incredibly sexy. The demon boy looked up at Mao’s face, and he saw his glasses were fogged up like hell as if he couldn't control himself. He was breathing heavier than usual too, and his chest expanded with each breath, making him look even more impressive. Beryl knew Mao was close, and he smirked, knowing he had to take matters into his own hands. He moved his small hands back to Mao’s shiny pecs, and he started massaging them harder. He watched as his muscles rippled beneath his small palms, and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest, as he rubbed and squeezed his perfect body. Beryl’s tight grip made Mao moan louder, which excited the delinquent boy even more. He continued to massage his rival, and soon he heard Mak groan loudly. He quickly moved his fingers to Mao’s nipples, and he pinched them roughly, causing the titan to cry out in pleasure. The pink-haired boy moaned, and he bit his lip in anticipation. He continued to pinch and twist Mao’a rock-hard nipples, while still working his body. He kept rubbing his pecs and abs, until Mao finally screamed out loud, a deep guttural sound that echoed through the room. His cock throbbed against Beryl’s inner thighs, and his thick cum erupted in between his thighs. Beryl couldn't believe how much Mao shot. A large amount of thick white jizz splattered onto his thighs, and he touched them and held the semen up to his face, smiling. "Wow..." Beryl murmured, looking at the globs of cum that were oozing out of his dick. Mao's breathing slowed down and he looked over at the smaller boy. He smiled, "that was intense." “Yeah, but I have the feeling you’re up for at least one more round,” Beryl smirked. Mao nodded, his mouth watering as Beryl pulled another piece of food out of literally nowhere. He placed it in front of him, and he took a bite of it before he gave him another. Beryl continued to feed him this way until he was full again, and he was getting bigger and bigger by the minute. His gargantuan frame threatened to break through the ceiling, and Beryl was loving every single second of it. He felt like a god of sorts himself, and he loved the fact that his power over Mao seemed to be limitless. He saw the giant boy grow, and he smiled as he admired him. He stroked his massive frame, and he could feel his cock throbbing against his inner thigh. Beryl smirked, and looked up at his face, "you like the way my hand feels on your body?" Mao nodded, still breathing heavily. His arms were covered in sweat, and his chest was soaked in it. He was drenched with manly sweat and musk, and a tad bit of it infiltrated Beryl’s nose. But surprisingly, it turned him on even more. He stroked his chest and abs, and let his hand slide down his rival’s stomach until he reached his thick meaty cock. Beryl smirked, and he started stroking Mao vigorously, and the delinquent knew it wouldn't take long for Mao to blow his load again. But he was definitely caught off guard when Mao began sliding Beryl’s skirt off and he tossed it aside, revealing to top of his tights and panties. Beryl gasped at Mao’s boldness, but he was intrigued. He wanted to see just how far Mao would go, and Beryl decided to let him do whatever he wanted. Mao pulled her panties aside, and he was greeted by Beryl’s hard dick, It was dripping from all the excitement, and he didn't hesitate to spread his thighs apart and bury his face between them. Beryl moaned loudly, and he grabbed Mao’s hair tightly, pulling on it as he sucked him off. Mao ran his tongue up Beryl’s erection from the base to the tip, and he sucked on his sexy penis, his tongue swirling around the head. Beryl's eyes rolled back in his head, and he moaned deeply, "oh fuck... mhm..." Mao looked up at Beryl and he felt a rush of pleasure run through his body. The adorable pink-haired boy was moaning and panting, as Mao’s tongue flicked over the sensitive underside of his cock. He could tell Beryl was incredibly close to cumming, but he also wanted to make sure he enjoyed himself. So Mao stopped sucking Beryl’s member for a brief moment, and he moved his big hand between Beryl’s legs. He wrapped it around the base of his cock and began stroking it while continuing to suck his cock. Beryl cried out, "oh god!" and his nails dug into Mao’s scalp as he came hard. His juices squirted out of his cock, shooting down Mao’s throat, and he threw his head back, screaming loudly. The titan in between his thighs just swallowed all of the tasty juice up, and it seemed to make him grow as well. The ceiling just above Mao’s head couldn’t restrain him any longer, and it crumbled under the weight of his monstrous form. Beryl looked down at Mao still in front of his sex and he smirked. The boy with glasses looked so fucking hot, with his face all flushed and his dick rock hard and needy. The two were practically glowing with arousal, and Beryl knew that his orgasm had left him flushed in more than one way. He moaned and ran his hands through Mao’s sweaty hair, pulling on it as he came closer and closer to cumming. Beryl looked down at her “rival’s” beefy fingers, so big and beefy, and he brought them to his lips. He swirled his tongue around the meaty digits and moaned, "Mmmmm..." Mao could feel his growth continue, sending him wave after wave of pleasure. At this point, he was dying to fuck Beryl’s ass. He needed to be inside him, and he wanted to pound his deepest parts. And judging from the way Beryl was reacting, he wanted Mao to do the same thing. Beryl kissed Mao’s hand, and then he licked his fingers once again. The pink-haired boy smiled seductively at the hunk in front of him, and he grabbed his cock with both hands, stroking its length. Beryl squeezed it firmly, causing Mao’s dick to twitch and throb, and he couldn't help but notice how much stronger it was now. He stroked Mao slowly, massaging his shaft, and he whispered something in his ear, "I want you to come inside me." Mao groaned lustfully, and he nodded his head eagerly. Beryl smirked, and he lowered himself onto his shaft. He wrapped his legs around whatever of Mao’s waist his small body could reach, and he took all of his cock inside her asshole. He moaned loudly, feeling the huge monster inside him, and he gripped Mao’s back tightly. Beryl held him against him, grinding his hips in a circular motion, and he told him how good he felt inside him, "fuck yeah..." Mao grunted and he thrust his hips upward, pushing deeper inside Beryl until he bottomed out. Beryl shuddered, and he sighed deeply, as Mao filled him completely. Beryl wiggled his butt, and he ground his ass against Mao’s, urging him to move. Mao obliged, and he started sliding his cock in and out of his tight hole. He leaned forward slightly, and he grabbed onto Beryl's thighs with his large hands, holding them tightly against his shoulders. Beryl gasped, and he lifted his ass higher, allowing Mao to drive deeper into him. Beryl smiled wickedly, and he said, "fuck me, Mao... fuck me harder..." Mao grunted and he slammed himself deep inside Beryl, who moaned and wrapped his arms around the other male’s neck. Beryl bit his lip as he looked into Mao’s eyes, "you're so big... fuck... I can feel every inch of your cock inside me..." Mao was overcome with pleasure, and he couldn't take it anymore. He bent forward and buried his face in Beryl’s neck, kissing the soft skin there. He moaned deeply, and he continued pumping his cock in and out of Beryl’s tight ass. The walls began to crack under the pressure of Mao’s immense frame. He pounded Beryl mercilessly, and he reached behind himself, grabbing onto the other boy’s tits. They were small, but they felt amazing in his hands, and he squeezed them roughly, causing the male to cry out in pleasure. Beryl wasn't going to last long. He could already feel an intense orgasm approaching, and he was desperate to get there. He arched her back, and he screamed wildly as he came, spasming around Mao’s dick. He had never felt anything this good before, and he pulled his ‘rival’ even closer to him. Berul fucked himself on Mao’s cock, and he rode it desperately, trying to prolong the pleasure that was coursing through his entire body. Mao placed one of his massive hands on Beryl’s chest, and he squeezed it lovingly. He looked into the smaller male’s eyes, and he grinned, "good boy..." Beryl giggled and rolled his eyes, "can we just cuddle for a little bit?" Mao chuckled, and he nodded his head, "of course." And proceeding to shove Beryl into his beefy, sweaty globes on his chest, A.K.A his gigantic pecs. Beryl squealed happily, wrapping his arms around whatever of Mao the guy could reach, and he nuzzled his muscle tits affectionately. Beryl lay there, pressed against his muscular chest, and he smiled dreamily at him, taking his rough, manly scent in. He kissed the larger male’s chest playfully, running his tongue along his thick muscles. His skin tasted salty, like sweat. Beryl inhaled deeply, and he closed his eyes, letting the smell of Mao’s musk wash over him. He had never smelled anything so delicious in his life. His mind wandered, and his thoughts became clouded by lust and desire. She couldn't stop thinking about this magnificent hunk next to him. He couldn't believe how strong he was. How handsome he looked. The demon boy wondered if the other demon boy had any more surprises in store for him. He felt his bulge growing beneath him, and he shivered with anticipation. Beryl wanted to feel it inside her again. But this time, he wanted to be in control; he wanted to ride him dominantly. "Do you want some more?" Mao asked, licking his lips seductively. Beryl smiled wickedly, and he shook his head, "I think I need another round... two, maybe three." Mao laughed. He kissed Beryl’s neck sweetly, and he whispered huskily in his ear, "you got it, Beryl..." He pushed the smaller demon’s flat chest against his massive one, and he spread the tinies legs open wide. Beryl giggled, and he looked up at the titan coyly, "go ahead..." Mao smiled wickedly, and he slid his cock slowly inside him. Beryl gasped, and he moaned as Mao filled him once again. The giant was thicker than he had been before, and he felt bigger too. The tiny one found it hard to imagine how he would ever fit even one more inch inside him, but he didn't have much choice. The demon delinquent was already impossibly stretched by the honor student’s massive cock, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to handle it anymore. He tried not to think about it, though. He was determined to keep enjoying himself. Beryl bit his lip and arched his back. He wrapped his arms around Mao’s thick neck and then squeezed his muscular pecs. The small male moaned loudly, and he looked into Mao's eyes, "fuck me harder... make me cum again..." Mao smirked, and he did just what the other boy wanted him to do. He grabbed Beryl by the hips, and he thrust his cock into his tight asshole hard and fast. Beryl groaned, and he tightened his grip on Mao’s pecs. Normally, all this fucking would have been totally impossible thanks to their burgeoning size difference, but Beryl decided it was ok to break the laws of physics just this once. The demon boy dug his nails into Mao’s pecs, as he took all that the behemoth could give him. He was so close to cumming again already, and he hoped that it wouldn't take long before he would. Beryl squeezed his eyes shut, and he threw his head back, moaning loudly. He started panting heavily, and he focused only on the feeling of being fucked. He was so overwhelmed with pleasure, and the heat between his legs was building rapidly. He could feel his orgasm rushing towards him, and he moaned loudly as he came, crying out in pleasure. He came hard, shaking uncontrollably, and he shuddered as he rode out his orgasm. He felt every pulse of Mao’s cock inside of him, and his whole body trembled, tensing up as he climaxed. He whimpered softly, gasping, "ahhhhhh..." Mao growled, and he grunted as he kept pounding Beryl. The titan wanted to make sure that the tiny male felt the full extent of his cock. He loved making him feel good, and he wanted to show him that he cared about him. He wasn't afraid of hurting him or doing something wrong. He was sure that he would let him know if he was, and he had faith in him. Mao continued thrusting into Beryl, even after his orgasm had passed. He was still hard, and he was ready for round 2. He picked up the pace, and he pounded the itty bitty male relentlessly. The giant grabbed his ass tight, squeezing it in his hands, making Beryl yelp and gyrate his hips once more, riding his cock. He rode him faster and faster until he was on the verge of another orgasm. He needed to cum again, right now! Mao grinned, and he squeezed Beryl’s butt harder, "cum for me, Beryl," he commanded, grinning. Beryl nodded, and he whimpered, "yes... yes..." He squeezed his eyes shut, biting his lip. He cried out loudly and shivered as his greedy asshole clenched down on her ‘rival’s dick. The tiny male screamed, and he came again, shaking violently. He shook from head to toe, and he shuddered uncontrollably. It felt like a dozen orgasms had hit him at once, and he couldn't help himself. He buried his face into Mao’s shoulder, sobbing and gasping in pleasure. Beryl had never come so hard in his life. Mao groaned, and he thrust into Beryl one last time. He held him close to him, and he kissed his neck tenderly. He tried to pull out of him, but Beryl stopped him before he could. “No,” he said, beginning to ride Mao’s manhood once more. It was the buff giant’s turn to be in the hot seat, and he was loving every second of it. He moaned and whimpered, clearly enjoying the tides turning. All Beryl responded with was a wicked chuckle, and Mao wasn’t really sure it fit his character, but he couldn’t really care, instead focusing on how much he was getting off to being used by this much smaller boy. Beryl smirked, and he teased Mao vocally, "ohhhh, you like this, don't you?" Mao nodded weakly, "uh huh. How’d I know?" Beryl pumped his hips and bit hus lower lip, "it's ok, I'll make sure to keep doing this to you." Mao nodded, and he smiled, "okay, I guess I can deal with it." Beryl laughed, and he leaned forward, kissing Mao passionately. They both moaned loudly, and they kissed as they pleasured each other. They were completely lost in their own little world, which is exactly where they wanted to be. Beryl continued teasing Mao to hell and back while he stayed riding the titan’s thick, long rod. Mao had yet to reach his peak, and it was driving him insane. He loved having Beryl ride him like this; it was so beautiful to him. He had such a cute face, and he was so small, but his body was incredible. He was so tight around him, and have gripped him tightly, milking his shaft for all its worth. Mao couldn't take it anymore, and he reached his limit. He pulled out of Beryl, and he leaned over him back, grunting. He grabbed onto his shoulders, holding himself up. He took a deep breath, and panted, "I'm gonna... cum!" he warned him, and he nodded, quickly leaning back against his chest. “Hehe, who’s the dirty one now~?” Beryl giggled, and he turned his face upwards, looking at Mal. He panted, drooling slightly, he looked so damn pathetic. Beryl knew that he was going to have to make sure to use him like this often, because he looked so incredibly adorable when he was trying to hold back his load, and he looked so damn sexy too. It made the small one want to fuck him senseless! Beryl smirked, and he arched his back, grinding his hips against Mao. The gigantic male forced his cock inside of her, and he began riding him rapidly. He bounced on his massive, thick member, and he moaned, "yes... yes..." he rode him enthusiastically, and she gasped, "you're so big... m-more... muah... ah..." he looked up at him, and licked his lips, "c-can you handle it? Are you a good boy?" Mao nodded, and he whimpered a bit, "haha... yeah..." His voice was raspy, and he sounded like he was about to lose control of himself. Beryl smirked, "good.” He leaned forward, pressing his breasts against Mao’s chest. He closed his eyes, and he moaned, "fuck me... please..." Beryl heard a moan next to him, and he opened his eyes slowly. He found Mao staring at his breasts, his face was flushed bright red. The buff male looked so slutty, and so utterly happy. He was panting lightly, and he looked so excited. Beryl was glad that he liked his little tits, and that they weren't just a letdown. He smiled softly, and he bit his bottom lip, "here I go." Hes started to rock back and forth faster and harder. He was smiling wide now, and he leaned forward, kissing this giant. He felt his hands on his ass, squeezing his cheeks, and he moaned into his mouth as they kissed. The two of them were moaning and panting loudly, and they didn't even care. "Yes... Oh god. Yes," Beryl cried out, and he squeezed Mao’s arms tighter, trying to keep himself from bouncing too hard. He wasn't about to stop though, and neither was Mao. They both knew how much Beryl enjoyed riding him, and he could tell that he was close to hus limit. He pulled him closer, and he wrapped his arms around him. He lifted him up off of him, and he held him in place, allowing him to grind himself against him without actually moving. Beryl purred, and he leaned his forehead against Mao’s, panting heavily. His body shook from the intense feeling, and he groaned, "Are you close, Mao? Are you getting close?" Mao nodded, and he groaned, "yeah, I'm so close. Can you feel it?" Beryl nodded, and he grinned, "I can, Mao. Just keep letting me toy with you, and I‘d appreciate some whimpers with that too!” The boy joked, and he started to bounce faster. He hit all of Mao’s most sensitive spots, and he could feel his cock throbbing inside him every time. "oh god! Mao... mmmf!" he moaned, bucking his hips desperately, thrusting himself up and down on the giant’s thick, long pole. “C-Come on, beg for it. Beg me to make you cum..!” Beryl moaned, and he squeezed hia inner walls around Mao’s shaft, grinding against him. Mao moaned, "Please, Beryl!" he begged, "Please ruin me..." The boy giggled, "Oh god, Mao. You sound like such a little slut sometimes. I love it." He moaned loudly, and he continued his movements, bouncing frantically. “But that's just because that’s what you are; a slutty, filthy whore. Whores need to be ruined. They need to learn their place. And I’m going to make you see that...” He continued with his riding, gripping the other male tightly. This wasn’t like him at all, but he couldn’t help himself. Mao’s new muscles seemed to have awakened something inside of him. Beryl's asshole clenched tight around Mao’s cock, and he moaned in orgasmic bliss. He came on him, and he came hard. He trembled as he rode through it. His juices gushed freely from his throbbing hard-on, and he gasped, "no... no... don't stop!" Mao chuckled, and he slowed his pace to match the tinies. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against Beryl’s. He kissed him deeply, and he cupped his cheek, holding him still. The two of them were panting loudly, and they both kept moaning. They moaned together, and they kissed passionately while the two boys recovered from their climax. "You're such a dirty little whore, Mao," Beryl moaned softly, "and I've never loved anything more. I love you so much right now, Mao." Mao smiled, and he kissed her again, "me too, Beryl. Me too. Want to keep feeding me?” Mao asked perversely. Oh right, the feeding thing! Beryl had forgotten all of that, which was surprising considering it was his initial desire when this whole muscle growth thing started. And he nodded in response, going to grab some more food. ——— Yeah that was the fic, hope you liked it! It’s probably a little out of character but I don’t care I just needed to let the horny out, which I very much did. When I’m completely done with this fic I don’t know when the next one will be not only have I been lacking the time to write stuff like this, I haven’t had the motivation to write stuff like this either (hell I wrote this when I had a random surge of motivation I haven’t had for a while XD) but I’ll probably announce when I’ve started writing my next sexy thing so be on the look out for that also before anyone asks something like “why post the M/F version here when this site is dominated by strictly gay men?” To be honest I don’t know I just thought it would be fun XD Anyway bye I love yaaaa ♡
  3. Here we follow the transformation of Subject 0, from an average guy to a sublime soldier. I am not the best illustrator and I’m aware of that, but I want to use the best of my abilities to, step by step, portray this transformation, one that is repeated throughout my stories. I will start here and continue on the comments. 1-Infection: On this stage the transformation sets in, the pain is excruciating, the muscles grow slow, most of the action is held on the blood, where the formula spreads and reproduces itself, indeed infecting the whole body;
  4. TheWeremuscleForest

    Growth Hormone Meta-Evolution (Part 5 & Finale)

    Don't forget to check out the previous part: Part Five: *Back to FutureTech Research* They pull up to the front gate as a security officer stands in front of them. Oakley flashes his badge and tells the officer that it is an emergency and that the doctor needs to pick up something before they go back to the precinct. The officer buys the information since he knows about the two giants now roaming the city. The gate flies open as the cruiser drives up to the front doors. Both Oakley and Banner jump out and rush inside. They get on the elevator and go up to the second floor. When the door opens, there is mass chaos everywhere as they slowly step over top of crushed lab equipment and tons of paper. Oakley is stunned. “Did the same shit happen here as well? *thinks about cuffing Banner again* Doctor I don’t know about this, this seems really fishy to me.” David puts his hands on Oakley’s face to get his attention. “Officer, you have to trust me. This was caused by a bad serum that my assistant developed a while ago. Our work can have consequences, but there are always at least one or two successes involved as well. *takes his hands off Oakley’s face* Now…..I hope that the key I need is still in the drawer I left it in.” He finds the drawer he is talking about along one of the wall cabinets and tries to open it. It is jammed and he can’t get it to budge. He looks at Oakley who reluctantly gets the point and yanks it open. The doctor rummages through several sets of keys and finds the one he is looking for. “Eureka! *holds it up* I purposefully puts all of these other keys in here to keep other people from finding the right one.” He leads Oakley over to an area of the room which looks uninteresting. Beneath one of the tattered rugs is a small square with a lock on it. He turns the key and opens it revealing a metal briefcase which he takes out quickly. He takes it back over to the cabinets he was at before and opens it. There are three vials of a purple liquid with three syringes as well. After looking it over for a minute or two, he closes it. “It is all here, we should get moving…..” Before they can leave the area, there is a rumbling outside the facility. Oakley and Banner walk over to where his assistant and his wife jumped out earlier and look out to see both Adrian and Skylar approaching the front part of the property. There are dozens of police cruisers and a few SWAT vehicles surrounding them. Banner turns to look at Oakley. “This briefcase has three vials that can reverse this process. I am confident that it will work because I have tested it before.” The officer looks at him puzzled. “How could you have tested this before? *thinks for a moment and is shocked* You mean, on another human? You have turned someone into one of these giants before and managed to reverse the process?” “Indeed, which is why so much of the serum was made. You have already done so much for me already Oakley so I will do the rest.” The officer grabs his arm and shakes his head no. “Are you kidding doctor? I am too invested in this now and yeah you are right. I do care about the city and what these monsters do to it. You give me one of those vials and I will take care of Officer Adrian.” Banner opens the briefcase again and hands a vial and syringe to Oakley. They both rush into the elevator and go back down to the main floor and out the front doors. At this point, the two behemoths have moved past the law enforcement teams and into the parking lot. They begin smashing cars left and right that were abandoned after the debacle that occurred there earlier in the day. Oakley and Banner position themselves in front of the giants and prep their syringes. They both seem ready for what is about to transpire. Giant Adrian and Giant Skylar barely notice that the two men below them are getting ready to jab needles into their big toes. As they get just a few feet away from the behemoths, Banner motions for Adrian to aim for the nailbed of Adrian’s big toe because it is softer than the rest of it. After a couple of seconds, they both quickly race to stab the giants with the needles and move out of the way in different directions. Unaware of what just happened, the two bloated hulks continue to move towards the research facility. Banner cringes because he doesn’t know if the serum will be fast enough to avoid his place of business from being destroyed so he can’t watch. Oakley runs over beside him and grabs David by the arm to let him know that he is there. As both Adrian and Skylar approach the windows on the main floor, they bash a few of them in as the reversion serum begins to take effect. Both men start to lose a bit of height and weight as they grab their heads and fall over. The teams of law enforcement and SWAT move in and capture both offenders before putting them in cuffs and carting them off to the trucks. Massey shows up with Doctor Gibbons who approaches both Oakley and Banner. The head officer salutes his fellow brother-in-blue and then shakes his hand while Gibbons talks to David. “Well that is a freaking relief Banner. I think we have had enough excitement for one day don’t you think? Now if you don’t mind, I think we need to get to the hospital so we can check up on a few people that we know.” Banner agrees and turns to talk to Oakley one more time as he finishes his conversation with Massey. “You did incredible work today Oakley. I think a promotion is in order don’t you think?” Massey salutes him again and turns to go over to the truck which is holding Adrian. He gets in the front and they drive off into the distance. Oakley knows that he should leave to go back to the precinct, but he tells some of the other officers that he will return later because he wants to escort Banner to the hospital. They get in his cruiser and drive off to the Bloodstone Willpower General Hospital where everyone that was hurt or killed was taken to. *Bloodstone Willpower General Hospital* Banner, Gibbons, and Oakley arrive and go up to the front desk to talk with the receptionist. Gibbons tells the other two that he will go find out where Amber and Brian Hennessy are at while he goes to see about Henry Holstein and his wife Bethany Rose. Oakley stays with him as he is led down a few corridors to where Henry is at. The medical assistant is thrilled to see his research partner and gives him a big hug as he lies in bed with a huge set of bandages on his leg. “I am glad to see you David. I wasn’t sure if you were still alive or not. I have been talking with a few of our coworkers and they said the facility managed to stay intact, barring a few broken windows and a huge amount of destruction on the second floor. It should be able to reopen in a couple of months I would think.” Banner introduces Oakley to him as they shake hands. They have a little bit of chitchat before Banner tells him that he needs to go and see Bethany’s body before they take her away. Henry says that she should be down in the morgue with Brian most likely. He was shocked to hear about his death, but the way the day turned out, he wasn’t all that surprised either. Oakley tells him that they need to go down as soon as possible because he knows how quickly they can process people. They say their goodbyes to Henry and venture into a nearby elevator to go down to the basement where the morgue would be located. When they get out, Gibbons is about five feet off to the side, sitting on one of the benches outside the doors into the morgue. He is a bit surprised by what he saw in the other room. “Unfortunately I have to warn you Banner, your wife is…..uhhhh…..looking a bit mangled. I had no idea that she would look like that to be honest. Brian however looks like he is asleep, with a few holes in his abdomen and an odd-looking spot on his shoulder of course. Amber is alive by the way. They managed to resuscitate her and she is in stable condition on the third floor. I don’t think she realizes though that she has lost her husband forever.” David and Oakley walk past him and into the morgue where the medical examiner is already cleaning up Brian’s body. He recognizes both men immediately and begins talking to them. “Hello there Dr. Banner and Officer Oakley, I assume you are here to see your wife doctor? *walks over to one of the doors and opens it before sliding out a tray with a body bag on it* There wasn’t much I could do with her, she was pretty messed up so I suggest that you don’t spend too much time looking at her.” As he unzips the bag, Banner immediately tears up and leans on Oakley’s chest, as the officer wraps his arms around the doctor’s back and is holding him. He then tells the ME to close it after a few seconds and to put her back in the cabinet again so he can go sit down and contemplate what happened to her. The officer takes him out of the room and over to an empty bench to sit him down. He sits beside him and rubs Banner’s shoulders. Gibbons is no longer down there and appears to have gone back upstairs. “I didn’t even have time to think about Beth’s death at all. Now that I see what she did to herself, it just makes me angry to think that I might have caused her to do something irrational.” Oakley’s demeanor with the doctor has gradually changed as the day has progressed. He knows that Banner needs to grieve for his dead wife, but he is also developing feelings for him. He flexes his 18” guns against the side of the doctor’s face just so he can get his attention which is working. David turns to look at him and can see that Oakley is giving him a certain look. Instead of being forceful, the officer leans over and slowly kisses Banner on the lips. The sensation from this makes the doctor shiver just a bit as he wasn’t expecting to like it that much. After spending a few minutes of lightly kissing each other, both Banner and Oakley get up to go back into the morgue to find out what to do next with Bethany and Brian’s corpses. Banner has never been completely against being with a man before. He once contemplated having an affair with Henry when they were developing their serums over the past few years. His relationship with Bethany Rose gradually fell apart over that time, especially after she took control of the company’s financial assets. He still loved her though despite their difficulties. Doctor Gibbons’s position with all of the parties involved has vastly changed with Brian Hennessy out of the way now. With his wife Amber now widowed, the door is now open for him to pursue her and gain her trust to help further his own causes. With Skylar Hamilton now finally in the custody of the law enforcement agencies, it is possible that a lot of dirt may end up out in the open about nearly everyone involved in the research and development of HGHX. The Hamilton Corporation will have a hard time trying to get past what the wild teenager has done to them over the past several months. Banner’s work will depend a lot on what Skylar has to say about Brian Hennessy and Doctor Banner’s wife Bethany Rose when he will be inevitably questioned by Massey and all of the other law enforcement agencies. He knew both of them well and could make up some crazy story to get himself out of all of this insanity. It is also possible that Doctor Gibbons will put a stop to this and make Skylar look like he is a spoiled brat that only inherited the company because his parents were too naïve to know better. Everything he does though has a price and he will definitely try to maximize whatever advantage he can get out of all of this. Banner has a new ally now and his name is Justin Oakley. If his superior, who turns out to be Marcus Massey, does indeed promote him to possibly being in a higher position such as detective or captain, he can bail Banner out of whatever predicament he ends up in. Henry Holstein may end up being a casualty in all of this since he was primarily responsible for what happened to Banner’s wife. It appears that the carnage is over for now, but who knows what the future will bring for everyone that is still alive and kicking. This is the end of the story. (For now at least!)
  5. TheWeremuscleForest

    Growth Hormone Meta-Humans (Part 4)

    To catch up on the first three parts, here they are: Metamorphosis: Metabolics: Metaphysics: Part Four: *FutureTech Research* Knowing full well that he is being chased by the person that used to be Bethany, a much more muscular and nimble Henry continues to knock down the walls in front of him to escape the giant transsexual hulk. He can hear her breaking down the door from the lab and is in total pursuit of him now. He is running out of square footage and is fully aware that he is going to have to jump out of one of the windows in front of him so he braces for impact. The 230-pound muscleman flies through the glass as it cascades down his body as he drops from the second floor and lands onto the pavement beneath him. The impact is very minor as he barely tears any skin from his huge arms and legs. He does scrape a bit of his 8-inch cock as he reaches down to rub it for a few seconds to make sure that it is still intact. He quickly gets up and takes off down the facility parking lot as he glances behind him every so often to see where the monstrous 325-pound behemoth is at. She jumps down from the broken window about fifteen seconds after he does. They both are gathering an audience as various other employees with the organization leave the building and start to gather around the entrance doors. The security officers located at the end of the parking lot are blocking the way out and are aiming their guns directly at Henry. He stops once he gets approximately five feet in front of them. “Please guys, don’t shoot me. I…..uhhhh…..FUCK…..I don’t have my ID with me……uhhhh…..I’m Henry Holstein, I work with Doctor David Banner on the second floor in research and development. You guys have to believe me when I say that the person chasing me back there *points* is trying to kill me. She…..I mean…..he used to be Bethany Rose, his wife.” The four men stare at each other in disbelief before turning back around to shake their heads no. One of them walks forward and shoots a bullet into Henry’s left quad. He falls to the ground as Bethany nearly cuts the distance in half. The other three men start shooting their guns at her as the one that shot Henry attempts to get him back up off the ground and scoots him over towards the guard tower. He shuts the door quickly behind him and locks it before helping Henry up the stairs to the top. He sits Henry down by a window and takes his jacket off. He then takes his shirt off and wraps it around Henry’s leg. He looks out the window and watches as the transsexual behemoth falls to the ground as the other three officers surround her. She is completely riddled with bullets and is clearly dead. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on man, but there is some seriously bad shit being done at this place. Whoever that person was is dead now.” Henry gets up and looks out to see that the officer is indeed correct. Sirens can be heard coming from every direction as the main gates open and medical vehicles pour in. Bethany’s body is placed on a gurney as Dr. Banner is seen running down the lot towards her. Henry hops down the stairs and out the tower to approach him. David can barely recognize Henry as he falls to the ground. “David, it’s me Henry. I…..can’t explain everything that has happened, but your wife took the HGHX serum that we were developing and it completely changed the way she looks. I took the other one and it turned me into a bodybuilder.” “Henry…..*weeps uncontrollably*…..she didn’t deserve to die. She cared about the research we were doing here, that is why she was funding it for us. Why in the world would she decide to use it on herself?” Henry slowly gets down on the ground to speak with David directly. “David…..I don’t think you know everything about Beth. She was conspiring with someone else in the company, I am positive. She thought you were nothing but a stooge doing the dirty work for the organization. She was trying to make me take that serum that she ended up taking herself. It ended up turning her into a freak of nature.” David punches Henry in the gut and gets back up from the ground. He is getting quite angry with what Henry is suggesting to him. “FUCK YOU HENRY! There is no fucking way that she would betray me like that. She has rarely even gotten into a fight with me, let alone…..” Banner pauses for a few moments before looking down at Henry who is now being attended to by a medical professional. He has a revelation that Bethany has in fact been quite distracted lately by something. He is starting to calm down as Henry is helped up to his feet and led over to an ambulance. David follows him over to where he is being put on a stretcher for medical treatment. The EMT loads him into the vehicle. Dr. Banner hops in for a few moments to talk to him. “Okay Henry, I will entertain your idea that something is going on. Who is this other person that you think she is working with?” The medical personnel are trying to wave Banner out of the vehicle, but he keeps putting his arm out to tell them no. Henry leans in and whispers a name to him which surprises David. He gets out of the ambulance and the vehicle is closed. It goes barreling down the highway to the nearest hospital as Banner walks over to his dead wife as they place her body in a bag. He barely even recognizes her, but knows it is her because half of her wedding band is still attached to her enlarged ring finger. He lets the medical personnel know that he will meet them later on at the morgue, but for now he has other things to attend to. They load her up and take off down the other direction down the highway. David is now racing over to his car to get in and drive over to Hamilton Tower. *Hamilton Tower Press Conference* Amber aims the gun directly at her husband Brian and attempts to shoot him directly into his heart. The bullet leaves the chamber just as Skylar jumps down from the podium platform and escapes through a back side door. The other attendees are now running through the front doors of the conference room to escape the carnage. Brian is hit in his shoulder instead as he grimaces feeling the bullet struggle to even penetrate his body. Amber manages to get another shot off before Brian tackles her to the ground as her purse goes flying into the air and hits the floor. He is now yelling in pain as he lies on top of her bleeding from his side. His immense size is too much for her as she lies there unable to breathe. She is gasping for air as a man walks up beside the pair and pushes Brian off of her. The huge hulk is now bleeding from his gut as a huge river of blood pools beside both of them. Amber clutches her throat as the man picks her up and takes her out the conference center and into the main lobby. The police have started to enter the building from various side doors and go rushing into the conference center. The man glances back and sees several of them surround Brian as he lies on the ground motionless. It appears that Amber’s second bullet has dealt him a fatal blow as one of the officers is calling for a medical examiner to come in on his walkie. The man runs up to a receptionist and tells her that he needs a medical professional immediately. As he turns around from the desk, he is met by Dr. Banner. The doctor is in complete shock as to what is transpiring and recognizes the man and whom he is holding. Amber is no longer conscious. “Gibbons? What the fuck is going on today? I need answers right now.” The two doctors have been working on separate experiments trying to perfect the same type of gene, but both are not aware of where each other’s work has progressed. An EMT intervenes for a few moments to take Amber away from Albert and places here on a stretcher as they rush her out of the building and into an ambulance to resuscitate her. As the two men stare each other down, the medical examiner runs into the conference center and declares Brian dead as they place his lifeless body on another gurney. As he is wheeled out of the room, they both walk over to stop the medical personnel so they can look the body over. The ME is not pleased, but is met with credentials from both doctors. Banner tears Brian’s dress shirt open to look over his wounds and examines the rest of his immense frame. He is fairly sure that he recognizes the man. “I know who this is Gibbons. This is Brian Hennessy, he has a scar that stretches from below his left pec and into his abdominal wall. *notices how stretched the scar is* He obviously used a serum as well on himself or somebody supplied it to him. Does this have something to do with you?” Gibbons is shocked that this man is Brian and not someone named Mason Ducati. “David I had no idea that this man was Brian Hennessy. He first spoke to me on the phone a couple of days ago and told me that Brian was indisposed and that he was his primary donor Mason Ducati. If you don’t believe me, then check out his credentials.” They notice that his conference badge is still on him so they both look it over. It lists Brian Hennessy as his primary name, but in small letters, it has Mason Ducati directly underneath it as his sponsor. Both doctors are puzzled by this and wonder what the hell is going on. “Gibbons, I have a feeling that there is more to this story than we realize.” Albert walks back through the conference room where Brian died with Dr. Banner following closely behind. They stop and turn to look to their right as they can see a shadow in from behind the stage where the ruckus started. They both walk through the doorway that is open and turn the corner to see Skylar Hamilton breathing quite heavily with sweat pouring down his face and neck. His heaving pecs are entirely visible from within his shirt. The two doctors look at each other and are getting quite angry as David starts speaking to him. “Henry was right. You are behind this whole debacle. Congratulations Skylar, you have successfully murdered at least two people so far because you just couldn’t wait until you were in complete control of everything so you could do extreme experiments on not only yourself, but others as well.” Skylar’s breathing is labored but he manages to get a few chuckles in once in a while. He pulls a vial of the HGHX serum out of his pants and shows it to both Banner and Gibbons. “Good evening……doctors. For your……information…..Brian’s death…..was a complete…..accident. I had no…..idea that Amber…..was going to confront…..him. He was going…..to leave that bitch anyway. *pulls a syringe out and plops the plastic lid off to plunge it into the vial* I was going…..to use this on both…..of us, but I guess…..I will have to use it all myself.” David rushes over to stop Skylar from continuing to fill the syringe as they begin to tussle. Gibbons moves over beside both of them to try and kick the serum away, but Skylar is too strong for both of them as he knocks Albert out as he falls down on the ground and flips David over to hold him down. Officers come rushing around the corner and point their guns at the three men. One of them tells Skylar to get up onto his feet again and to put his hands up. The extremely muscular teenager smiles at the officer as he stands back up. He then walks toward the officer and attempts to grab his weapon. The man shoots him in his chest, but the bullet barely penetrates him as it falls to the ground. Banner scoots over to Gibbons and notices that he is unconscious so he checks his pulse. He fortunately has one, but it is weak. The two officers watching them look at David and tell him to stop moving as they walk over to apprehend them. One of them calls for an EMT to come back there to pick Albert up as David is cuffed by the other one. He is led to his feet and carted out of the area to the front of the building. Gibbons is placed on a stretcher as he is also carted out to the same area as one of the officers stays behind to deal with Skylar. Both men are pretty well-built and are more than willing to use some of their training skills if need be. The teenager is still a bit winded from earlier, but spots the syringe with the serum close by. The officer that stayed behind that isn’t dealing with Skylar directly finds it and picks it up to examine it. “Is this that stuff your company is making Mr. Hamilton?” Skylar is tempted to lunge towards the man, but he knows that the other one will probably shoot him several times just to make him stop moving so he doesn’t. “What do you think it is officer? Why don’t you inject it? It might be worth it to find out, don’t you think?” He looks at Skylar with a puzzled look and then gives the other officer a slight glance before plunging the needle into his right arm as he squeezes the solution into himself. His beefy frame is unlike any other body type that the serum has been used on, which is why Skylar is so open to seeing what it does to this man. The one aiming a gun at the thick teenager is now very concerned for his partner’s safety. “Why the fuck did you do that Adrian? Do you know what this motherfucker does for a living? *grabs Skylar by the arm and cuffs him* Come on you piece of shit, time to join the other two outside.” Skylar is slowly carted out of the area but peers behind him to see what the officer is doing. It is obvious that this man is in a bit of discomfort as he throws the syringe across the room and breaks it. He stumbles slowly behind both of them and is sweating profusely. The officer with Skylar stops midway through the conference room to turn around and look at him. Skylar chuckles a few times to himself which prompts the officer to punch him in the face. He grimaces as he falls back a bit, but remains standing. Officer Adrian is now leaning over and his back is arched as strange sounds are coming from within his body. “Adrian? Why in the hell did you think that was a good idea?” The officer is no longer in anguish as he is now back up to being level with his law enforcement partner and is pushing his chest out in front of him. His pecs are now trying to tear through his uniform as his legs begin stretching the fabric of his pants. Skylar is absolutely giddy at what is transpiring and is now taunting the other officer. “You are going to be in for quite the surprise officer. He is going to do for me what no one else would. You better get out of here because I am not about to go to prison.” The concerned officer gets the hint as he goes rushing out of the room. Skylar gets down on his knees in front of Adrian as the police officer’s pants shred revealing his sweaty jock. The excited teenager begins to massage the man’s ballsac which is expanding out the sides. His cock is about to snap the jock off as Skylar opens his mouth to catch the veiny rod in his mouth. He sucks vigorously as Adrian’s entire lower half breaks free and continues to grow. His arms and chest make quick work of his shirt and uniform as the man completely embraces the changes that are going on from within his body. The other officer makes his way outside and notices that Dr. Banner is sitting in one of the cruisers with the officer that apprehended him. Gibbons is in an adjacent vehicle as well by himself. He gets between them to tell them what is going on. “Would you two fucking tell me what the hell is going on at this place? I have an officer in there that decided to go rogue on me because he somehow got mesmerized by that man that you guys confronted earlier. *hears a LOT of destruction going on inside the building* What the fuck? *he looks around the corner inside and sees two gigantic musclemen moving towards the entrance* Oh my gawd, we have to get the hell out of here.” The officer jumps into the cruiser with Gibbons and tells the officer in the one with Banner to get to the precinct as quickly as possible. Both the giant officer and giant Skylar burst through the front entrance about thirty seconds after the two cruisers take off down the road. Banner leans in to the front to tell the officer something. “Hey, take me to FutureTech Research instead. I might know a way to stop all of this destruction if you will help me out.” The officer seems very reluctant to listen to him. “You know I can’t do that Dr. Banner. If Massey found out I did this, I would be done.” Banner interjects. “And does Massey want two musclebound giants destroying his city? I think not. Take me to FutureTech Research and get me out of these cuffs so I can go and fix this.” The officer stops the cruiser at an intersection as Massey and Gibbons drudge ahead towards the precinct. He turns to look at Banner and sighs. His soft blue eyes look into Banner’s brown ones as he shakes his head. “Alright doctor, where is this research facility? *uncuffs Banner* I hope I am doing the right thing because I am risking everything to help you.” “Trust me officer, you won’t regret it. What is your name anyway so I can remember it for when I document everything?” “It is Oakley. Justin Oakley, but we go by our last names at the precinct. Give me the coordinates to the facility doctor.” Banner gives him the directions as they go barreling down several side streets towards the facility. End of Part Four
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