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  1. Rodolfo tied the harness around his waist, making sure the rope was securely attached to the bus full of college kids. Juan clung to his back, feeling the power of his younger brother's muscles as he prepared himself for the day's feat. With a strong push, Rodolfo started walking, dragging the bus behind him. The roar of the bus engine mingled with the whoops and gasps of the students, as Rodolfo moved easily forward. With each step he took, his muscles bulged more, as if they were about to burst. His muscles are already enormous, with bulging veins and a strength that seems almost inhuman. Students watch in amazement as they stand behind the bus, ready to push if necessary. Rodolfo, with his brother Juan still hanging from his back, concentrates and takes a deep breath. His muscles tense and bulge even more, looking almost like they are going to explode from so much force. With a whoop of effort, he pulls the bus up and the students feel him start to move. Rodolfo's muscles are a wonder to behold. Each one is perfectly defined, with a clear line of separation between each muscle group. His arms are huge, with biceps and triceps that look like footballs. His shoulders are broad and strong, and his chest is broad and deep. His back is a true marvel, with muscles like waves on a rough sea. And his abdomen is a solid plate of muscle that looks like it was carved out of stone. As he pulls the bus, Rodolfo grunts with effort while his macho voice echoes through the mountains, but it seems to have no limits. His muscles continue to grow, bigger and more defined, as if powered by some unknown force. The bus moves faster, and the students whoop with excitement as they feel propelled forward. Rodolfo's shirt bursts to pieces, revealing his imposing, muscular torso. His abdominal muscles form a grid of firm bulges, while his pectorals spread out like enormous wings. The scene is simply impressive, a display of strength and power that looks like something out of an action movie. And at the center of it all is Rodolfo, with the biggest and strongest muscles ever seen. With each step his breathing is more agitated, but he continues steadily pulling the bus full of students, his muscles seemed to grow with each breath, becoming visually more imposing. Juan, his older brother and defenseless of him who hung with his best grip on the muscular teenager's back, couldn't believe the experience he was living. The desire for his brother was a profound ecstasy, and his love for him was beyond brotherly. Rodolfo had become a titan, a true alpha male, and he was the alpha male of his family, the breadwinner, and the one who worked two jobs to support them all. Therefore, Juan knew of his inferior position to his huge younger brother. He was submissive and obedient to him. I am the oldest, I am 35 years old. But I promised Rodolfo to be as fat and weak as I could, so that he can use me as a weight for his exercises. This had become a master dog domination. Ecstasy takes me up to heaven and moves me among the stars. I never imagined feeling so much pleasure from feeling, touching, licking and cumming from a man's body, except my brother's, who is now the most powerful alpha male and Olympian of all time. My brother is everything I love and desire in the world, he is my alpha male, the dominating man in the house. Oh my god, it's a constant orgasm! My penis is about to explode, I can't stop ejaculating at such a display of strength and domination. My brother is only 18 years old. Juan's penis was stuck between the enormous muscles of Rodolfo's back, it was such a thin and flaccid penis that it fit perfectly between the thirsty muscles of the god who had become his younger brother, so he could not stop ejaculating over and over again in the face of such dominance and physical stimulation. Semen dripped like sticky beads between the chiseled dorsal muscles. Generating the hottest scene college students had ever seen in his life. Suddenly everyone was touching their genitals and masturbating fiercely for such a show of divinity. Rodolfo realized what was happening, but for him it was just his daily exercise routine. He had reached a point in his physical training, that his body functioned like a mesh of perfect systems, capable of withstanding any challenge. His penis became erect immediately, only his willpower was enough for the erect penis of 35 cm and thick as a liter bottle, tore his pants into pieces and flew off This is a photo of my brother 3 years ago, before the roles in my family changed. Do you want to know more about this story?
  2. scrawn

    Stashed Gainz

    Long-time lurker here, first time attempting writing... Stashed Gainz “Fuck!” I was over halfway back to my dorm room when I realized that I had left my phone sitting on the bench in the locker room of the university’s rec center gym. Now admittedly that would not be too big of a problem, except that the it was almost 3:00pm on Friday- the exact time the gym was closed to everyone else on campus except for the roided-out douche bags that made up our university’s vaunted wrestling team. Knowing that the gym wouldn’t re-open until Monday afternoon, I turned and started sprinting back towards the rec center. I made it through the campus gym doors with seconds to spare and heard the automatic lock engage as the door clicked shut behind me. The usual front desk staff had already cleared out for the weekend, so I walked through the empty main lobby and headed back towards the men’s locker room. A wave of relief washed over me as I spotted my phone sitting on the bench exactly where I had left it. I reached down and picked it up, turned to leave, and came face-to-pecs with a wall of near inhuman muscle. A huge hand clamped down on my shoulder. “Myles,” an incredibly deep voice boomed, “I think I may have just found a solution to my ‘big’ problem.” 10 minutes earlier… Cole and Myles sauntered into the wrestling team locker room, threw down their gym bags and stripped down to just their compression shorts. While making the idle chit-chat that jocks do in the locker room, both men took the opportunity to check themselves out in the giant mirrors that lined the walls. Myles, the blond Adonis and senior captain of the Middle State Mustangs Wrestling team, smiled as he took in his current form- standing 5’10 and an impressive 175lbs of ripped to shreds muscle. Cole bounced his bulging pecs and threw up a double bi as he took in his reflection- dark brown hair, killer smile, and while only being 5’8, he more than makes up for it; both in the sheer size of his muscles and due to the fact that he was packing quite a lot below the waist. An often repeated joke among the team and in fact, around the university, was that Cole had been the model that the Mustang’s mascot was based on- an insanely jacked horse, nearly bursting out of its singlet. “Horse Cock Cole” was a nickname he greatly enjoyed and had definitely earned.
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