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Jake was facing his great fate. He checked the yellow bodybuilding speedo he was holding in his hand. This yellow speedo belongs to Kevin, the bodybuilder who lives next door. Last night, Jake snuck into Kevin’s house to complete the magic.


At that time, Kevin was doing laundry, and Jake found a yellow Speedo among Kevin’s laundry. He secretly stole this and quickly returned home. Fortunately, Jake could smell Kevin’s body odor strongly in the speedo: the scent that, like it or not, emanated from Kevin’s genitals. It was a masculine, deep body odor that could never be removed with detergent. Jake placed Kevin’s Speedo in the large jar he had prepared ahead of time. He then filled the jar with the magic potion. After a while, light particles appeared in the potion and began to stick to the yellow speedo one by one.


The next day, when Jake woke up, Speedo had absorbed most of the potion. Jake stood in front of the mirror as he waited for every last drop to be absorbed into the speedo. A 5'4", 90 lb. skinny man was in the mirror: wispy chest, skinny abdomen, thin limbs, and a plain ugly face. Jake had lived his whole life as a quiet, lonely nerd. Even now, as a college student, he had no friends. He was rarely there, he was always alone. Even his life as a college student was even worse than when he was in high school: because Kevin started bullying him.


‘Maybe I’ll have to live as a nerd from now on.’ Jake thought. Literally, if he didn’t know about the existence of the magic potion, he might have had a terrible college life, being bullied by Kevin. Kevin’s bullying firstly gave him a desire for revenge, and secondly it taught him a desire for a strong, muscular body. Kevin’s body was the most ideal and perfectly muscular body Jake had in mind.


Kevin was a successful 21-year-old athlete and college student who attended the same college as Jake: a 7'3", 500 lb American football player with a huge muscular body. He had even competed in several bodybuilding competitions, and easily won first place in all of them. Naturally, this gave him sky-high popularity. Every boy and girl wanted to be with Kevin. His only flaw was his personality: kind to others, but vicious to Jake.


It was just because Jake was a nerd. That was why Jake wanted revenge on Kevin, and it was also why he got a magic potion from some suspicious witch.


According to the witch’s explanation, this potion has the power to swap physical traits between two men. It was simple to use. First, soak Kevin’s underwear in the potion. Once all of the potion has been absorbed into the underwear, Jake puts it on. Finally, Jake chants the magic spell, and the magic begins. This means that all of Kevin’s traits (muscles, skeleton, stamina, metabolism, DNA levels, etc.) will be transferred to Jake’s body. And this also means that all of Jake’s traits are transferred to Kevin’s body.


Finally, Kevin’s speedo absorbed every last drop of the potion. Soon, just as the witch had explained, it glowed with a weak light and soon returned to normal. Jake instinctively knew that the magic was ready. Now all he has to do is wear it and chant the magic spell and the magic begins. But instead of putting it on right away, Jake made a little plan. First, he took off all his clothes and wore only Kevin’s yellow speedo and gray training pants. The speedo and pants were too much larger than Jake’s thin waist and small thigh, But he did not care.


'Soon these will fit me perfectly. Maybe it will become smaller.’ Jake grinned. He hurried out to the backyard of the house.


At that time, Kevin was doing some light warm-up work-out in the backyard. He was wearing nothing except sports pants. He often worked out like this, wearing only pants. There was no shame in him. If has such a big, nice muscular body, who would feel embarrassed to expose it?


Well, maybe today is different.


When Jake came out to the backyard, Kevin, who was stretching, automatically turned his gaze towards Jake. Kevin immediately laughed when he saw Jake wearing too big and baggy sweatpants.


“Ha! Anyone who sees you will think you’re a beggar.”


Said Kevin. He flexed his biceps.


“Or are you jealous of this wonderf-”

“-Your favorite Speedo,”


Then Jake said. Kevin immediately noticed something strange. Jake was strangely confident.


“What the-”

“-has disappeared yesterday, dont you?”

How do you know that?”

“Because I have it.”


Jake took off his sweatpants. To be precise, he only let go of his pants. The pants slid to the floor, revealing Kevin’s yellow speedo hidden inside. Jake looked at Kevin, his hand clutching his speedo triumphantly. Kevin’s face was twisted with anger.


“You little thief!”


Kevin immediately jumped over the fence and charged at Jake like a bull. But Jake was a little faster. Just before Kevin’s hand touched Jake, Jake chanted a magic spell.


At that moment, Kevin and Jake’s bodies seemed to stop as if time had stopped. As if paralyzed.


The transformation came slowly but surely. As Kevin struggled to move, he noticed something strange. Jake didn’t look small anymore. Their height difference was obvious, so Kevin always looked down on Jake. But now there wasn’t much difference between his and Jake’s eye levels. No, the eye level has become the same. No, Jake started to look down at Kevin little by little?


'Jake is getting bigger?’ Kevin thought. But he felt like he was missing something more essential. Then he saw his surroundings and realized what he was missing. Although it was not growing as rapidly as Jake, the surrounding scenery was also slowly growing. And through it all he could see his own arm.


An arm whose massive muscles are gradually drying out.


Kevin finally realized the truth. Just as Jake was getting bigger, Kevin himself was getting smaller!


It was exactly as Kevin realized. Kevin’s massive muscles began to dry out quickly. His thick shoulders became as thin and narrow as Jake’s, and his chest, which was as massive as a mountain, became as flat as a dry plain. His proud arms shrank like small twigs. His perfect ten-pack abs disappeared from his abdomen and became thin. The vast back, which was wider than the door, suddenly became as thin as Jake. Both the bulky thighs and thick calves disappeared, and only weak legs remained. As his muscles shrunk, his once thick bones gradually became thinner and shorter. He shrunk to exactly the same height as Jake. Meanwhile, his huge penis, the essence and source of all his masculinity, became as small as Jake’s.


Kevin was exhausted and out of breath. The fatigue was such that Kevin didn’t even notice that part of his facial structure was deforming. The fatigue he felt for the first time in his life. Meanwhile, Kevin’s handsome, masculine face has now become a plain, somewhat nerd-like face. Kevin flopped down in his seat. The sports pants he was wearing flowed down Kevin’s slender legs.




Kevin said. His deep baritone voice has now changed into a high-pitched voice. The star athlete and bodybuilder who once dominated college campuses has become a frail, small man like Jake.


At that moment, Jake’s thin and weak muscles began to become strong and massive in an instant. His narrow, skinny shoulders became as wide and thick as Kevin’s, and a huge mountain of magnificent muscle bulged from his flat chest. The two arms, which were thin like tree branches, became thick and huge to the point of being proud. His slim abdomen became firm, and after a while, his perfect ten-pack abs were clearly revealed on his abdomen. The skinny and weak back became as wide and strong as Kevin’s. His skinny thighs became bulky, and his weak calves became strong. As his muscles grew, his thin, small bones gradually became thicker and longer. It grew exactly as tall as Kevin. Meanwhile, Jake felt a hot, tingling sensation in his groin. His testicles twitched as if they were being squeezed, then grew as large as an apple as all the essence of Kevin’s masculinity was injected into them. A thick vein rose from his testicles and connected to his cock, and in an instant, his small dick became as thick and long as Kevin’s.


Jake also gasped for air. It was not because he was exhausted like Kevin, but because of the intense and ecstatic sensation he felt for the first time in his life. It was so intense that, like Kevin, Jake didn’t even notice that part of his facial structure was deforming. Soon the plain, nerd-looking face was upgraded to the most manly and handsome version of Jake himself. Jake stood proudly in his place. The sweatpants no longer fit him at all, and the only thing that fit him was Kevin’s yellow Speedo.




Jake finally said. His high-pitched voice changed into a deep baritone voice. By taking everything from Kevin, the once frail and small man was reborn as a star athlete and bodybuilder who dominated the college campus.


“What have you done to-?!”

“Shut up.”


Jake said. Kevin instinctively closed his mouth due to the overwhelming feeling of intimidation. He had never faced anyone bigger than himself. The fear and awe it brought was much more terrifying than Kevin had imagined.


Meanwhile Jake lifted his arms and placed them behind his head. He looked down at Kevin with a satisfied smile. Like a predator looking down at its prey.


“Thanks for donating your muscles, idiot. Now it’s time to payback.”


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Very nice! It's always great to see new  muscle theft stories. I would love to see it continued to see more of the payback. 

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