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Hi, everyone! So I'm starting this experimental series to see if a more traditional narrative would work here, and I would really appreciate all feedback and critique to help me improve. This is mostly going to involve more plot and character than growing, although there will still be a lot of growing done. It just won't be the main focus (for now). Writing is something I don't normally get to do on a regular basis, but it's something I want to make a living out of, so all advice is incredibly welcome. I am more than willing to alter the way the narrative develops and is written depending on how people prefer their pacing and writing. Thanks and enjoy! Hard at Work [Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5a -5b - 6 - 7 - 8a - 8b - 8c - 9 - 10 - 11a - 11b - 12a - 12b - 13a - 13b - 13c - 13d] PART 1 Working at my job wasn’t exactly the most exciting thing in the world, but it paid the bills. On an average day, I would sit at my desk, wondering how a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry got me a job in human resources. It’s not like I had particularly good chemistry with other people either. During my time at the company so far, I’ve only been able to get close to two people. One of them was a co-worker of mine named Marcus. He often pulled pranks on me and made childish jokes at my expense whenever we took a break for coffee. Normally, him being a 23-year-old man, anyone would expect some sort of maturity or sense of responsibility. Marcus was nothing of the sort. He played around far too much and just did whatever the hell he wanted to. Every attempt our boss had at scolding him fell on deaf ears. With any other employee, our boss’ words would stop us dead in our tracks. Boss had that charismatic, authoritative aura about him. Unlike Marcus, our boss, Mr. Wesley Smith, or just Wes, took everything seriously. He had a reputation to uphold. Sure, he had his fair share of dad jokes every now and then, but people in the workplace were already so used to Marcus’ absurd antics that nobody ever really noticed. The three of us were often referred to around the office as the “threesome of power.” In one way or another, we all held some sort of power around the office. Wes had his obvious influence and status. Marcus had his absurdity and over-all charisma. Compared to them, I didn’t have as much. All anyone ever told me was that I was the glue that held together our little threesome. In my opinion, it’s just an excuse to call us a threesome since we’re always together. I wasn’t a big fan of the name, honestly. Especially since I was the only gay one. The main reason people chose to describe us as a “threesome” specifically is that Marcus and Wes were probably the most attractive and sought-after guys at the workplace. Marcus was 5’11” and pretty damn attractive. He had wavy, blonde hair that looked like it was streaked with chocolate, and his eyebrows were incredibly thick and a deep chestnut. Of the three of us, he also had the best body. He had been a model in his university years, so he developed a toned, muscled body with a deep V-shaped torso and disproportionate pecs and shoulders. On the other hand, Wes wasn’t bad looking, but all his time spent in bars showed. He was a good-looking man for his age, 31, having South-East Asian genes, and he had a strong square face that accentuated his stocky figure, being only 5’6”. He did go to the gym after work, but he developed a gut after all the vodka. People often say his most attractive feature is his cat eyes. His eyebrows also tilted inwards, so he always had this fierceness about him. It didn’t seem like he was meant to be built in any way besides a small tank either. While Marcus and Wes were the stars of our threesome, I was labeled the “DUFF.” I was only 24, but the new terms the kids kept coming up with always got lost on me. I was the least attractive among us, I must admit. 5’7” isn’t exactly a height anyone would be flaunting off. It’s not that I looked like Quasimodo though. I was just… average—nothing spectacular about me. On one particularly rainy day, Marcus approached me at my desk, wearing his favorite sky blue button-down. He leaned over the divider with a coffee in his hand and sipped it so loudly it echoed. “What are we gonna do about the rain? Do you wanna just move bar night to Wes’ condo again?” he asked. “Yeah, but have you asked him? We might still be banned since you wrecked his condo the last time.” Marcus flubbed his lips, nearly spilling his coffee on my desk. “Don’t worry about it! Wes’ll understand. Besides, this time we got someone to clean our shit.” “I’m not cleaning your mess this time, Marcus.” “Not you, stupid. I meant the new intern. Wes said he was coming in today.” I looked at him, puzzled. “What new intern? No one told me about any new interns.” “That’s because you never join the meetings.” “What? The last meeting we had was two months ago, and literally all we talked about was how you put red food coloring in the water tanks to make it look like we were drinking blood.” Marcus laughed. “Well, now we just have meetings at the bar. I managed to convince him to move our meetings to the conference room with the dancers.” He chuckled. I sighed. “Fine, whatever. What’s his name? The intern, I mean.” “Ah, wait.” Eric brought out his phone. “I’ll ask Wes.” We waited for the phone to pick up. As soon as we heard Wes’ voice, Marcus didn’t hesitate to yell. “Yo, Wes!” I could hear an audible sigh come from the phone. “What’s up, Marcus? I’m kinda busy right now.” “I just told Dory about the new intern, but I forgot his name. What was it again?” “Froy Adamson. 20 years old from Harbridge University. He just texted and said he was coming up. Could you two let him in and show him around? Thanks.” “Sure thing, sir.” Marcus bounced his head to the side and looked at me as if he were planning something. He always did his squinted eyes, raised eyebrows, and pouted mouth. It was a staple of his. He wasn’t fooling anyone doing a face like that. I wonder if he ever noticed. He put the phone back in his pocket. “Well, Dory, looks like you’ve got some more work to do.” I knew it. “Seriously? Didn’t he tell us to handle him? To-ge-ther?” Marcus shrugged. “Well, I’ve got some work to do, and I’m reeaally tired.” He yawned. “You can handle the kid by yourself, right?” I said yes, and he was off, walking back to his desk. I don’t know why I let him do this to me. He’s lucky he was hot. Before I could prepare myself for the new intern, there was a knock coming from the glass door. I got up and headed over. Only people without access cards couldn’t get in and had to knock, which meant it had to be the intern. If I heard correctly, his name was supposed to be Froy, and a student at Harbridge… damn, someone was loaded. I got to the glass door and saw him standing outside. He was wearing a black button-down with his sleeves rolled up and skintight black jeans. They must have been pretty big too since he looked like he had to be at least 6’1”. His jet black hair was short and cropped with little spikes sticking up. He had a cute face too. He had the most precious baby button nose and pronounced dimples, making him look younger than he actually was. I wouldn’t be surprised if girls crushed on him everywhere. He had a decently lean body, but he definitely had bodybuilder potential by the way his broad shoulders stuck outwards, much like Marcus’. However, it didn’t seem like he was the braggart type. If anything, he was a bookworm. He looked like he lived and breathed in a library. All he was missing was a pair of glasses, but instead, he had the most perfect eyelashes. The poor thing seemed soaked by the rain. I opened the door for him and let him come inside, causing him to shiver in his shirt from the cold, freezer-like office temperature. He smiled at me and giggled nervously. “Sorry, sir,” he said with a nervous smile. “I forgot to bring an umbrella. I didn’t think it would rain today.” My heart hadn’t fluttered in so long by a guy’s voice. The last time I felt this elevated was when I was still in college and chatting up the star football athlete before he got caught doping and got expelled. I missed having crushes like this. Thankfully, Froy seemed to be legal. A co-worker of mine already got fired once for having “intimate relations” with an underage intern. I wasn’t going to be next. “It’s fine. Are you Froy?” I asked. He nodded. “Yes, sir. I was supposed to start last week, but my mother had an emergency at the hospital, so I couldn’t leave.” “It’s fine, don’t worry. Family first,” I said. “Did you bring an extra shirt? You might get sick if you wear that wet shirt here all day.” “No, sir. I don’t have anything to change into. Sorry.” I grabbed his forearm. “It’s fine. Here, I’ll let you borrow one of my backup shirts.” “Sir, are you sure?” “Yeah, it’s fine.” I brought him to my desk where I grabbed him a seat. My co-workers who passed by would smile at him, enticed by his cute face and meek demeanor. He’d greet them back with a small wave and shy smile. Some people even came up and asked me if he was my new boyfriend. How many times did I have to tell everyone that I’ve never had a boyfriend before? They were just making the boy uncomfortable. I brought out a plain white shirt from my emergency kit and handed it over to him. He looked it over and thinking about it now, it was probably too small for him. Such was a con of being six inches shorter than someone. He held it up to the light, trying to estimate its size. “I don’t think it’s gonna fit,” I said. “Could I try it on, sir? Just to be sure?” “Sure, go ahead. Just don’t tear it.” I leaned back into my seat as I watched him begin unbuttoning his button-down. At the back of my mind, I knew this was leaning towards sexual harassment—and on the first day of his internship to boot—but I couldn’t help myself. The kid wasn’t reacting negatively either, so I guessed he was okay with it. A lawsuit was the last thing I needed. He started from the top-down, exposing his lean muscle underneath. He had a decently-sized chest for his leanness, and I never noticed how perky his nipples were underneath the black fabric either. There was no body hair on him too, just like Wes. “Nice abs,” I said. He blushed. “Ah, thank you, sir.” “You go to the gym or something? You play sports?” “No, sir. I used to be part of the gymnastics team, but I quit so I could focus on my studies.” Froy raised up his arms and tried squeezing into my shirt. He stuck his head through the tight hole and did his best to stretch out my shirt to fit in as much as possible. He looked ridiculous. It was like a man trying to wear a child’s dress. “You’ve still got a nice frame. If you went to the gym, I bet you could build it up easily,” I said. He looked ridiculous in my shirt. The sleeves didn’t even reach past his shoulders, so the fabric dug into his armpits. The shirt only reached the first set of abs, exposing his core and defined pelvis. It looked like a crop top. How he even got into something so tight is still a mystery to me. “Sir, I’m not sure I can wear this.” “Obviously.” I punched his abs. “Come on, let’s go ask someone else. I’m too short to be lending you my clothes.” “You’re not too short, sir.” “Yeah, you’re just too tall.” I told him to take off the shirt. He looked like he was in too much pain to be wearing something so ridiculous before we found a better replacement. As he raised it over his head and pulled his arms through the sleeves, he accidentally tore it down the side from the left sleeve down to the hem. He froze in panic. “Sir, I’m so sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to break your shirt. It was an accident, sir, I swear.” “Don’t worry about it,” I said. “It’s just a shirt.” His lean torso was now exposed to the cold of the office again, but at least he wasn’t squeezed so tightly in my shirt. I didn’t want to kill him before Marcus did. I couldn’t afford that kind of blood on my hands at my age. No way my salary was going to cover it. I led the tall kid over to Marcus’ desk at the other end of the office. Marcus looked visibly disturbed, watching in silence as I approached with a tall, shirtless kid following closely behind me. I didn’t know what he was going to say or do. His eyes just kept darting back and forth between us, seemingly asking me, “What the fuck is going on?” “Hey, Marcus, this is the intern, and he—” “Why is he shirtless?” Marcus interrupted. I looked back at Froy, looking lost as always. “He got wet in the rain, and I told him I’d get him a new shirt. I tried giving him mine, but, uh…” Marcus raised an eyebrow. “But what? Dory, I need to tell you as a friend that you are very small. Did you try lending him your shirt? Was it too small? Did you come all the way here, to my cubicle, while I’m working, to ask for a shirt from me?” “Yes.” “Alright, here you go.” Marcus dug into his drawer and tossed Froy a clean, black shirt. Froy looked confused but put on the shirt. It fit him perfectly. Thankfully, Marcus’ tailored shirts to fit his broad shoulders and chest fit Froy just right. It was a bit short at the hem though. His pelvis would peek whenever he moved, but he was well-covered. The sleeves also accentuated what muscle he had on his arms, as expected from Marcus. “I have to say though, he’s got a nice body,” Marcus said. “The ‘overtime work’ he’ll be doing later is gonna be a nice work-out.” “Marcus, he’s not a maid.” “And I’m not Frida Kahlo.” “You aren’t.” “Shut up,” Marcus said. “Hey, kid, you’ll be coming with us after work, right?” Froy’s eyes grew wide. “Uh…” “Marcus, it’s only his first day. He doesn’t even know our names yet!” “It’ll be fiiiine. My name’s Marcus Fringe, and there’s your Sir Dorian Yale. You can just call us Marcus and Dory. Our boss is Sir Wesley Smith: short, stocky Asian dude. You can call him Wes. If you ever wanna come work for us, you could be a part of our little circle of friends here. We got cookies.” “Oh, I like cookies,” Froy whispered. “Stop fucking with my intern, Marcus.” “You’re not my mom.” Wes’ office was right in front of Marcus’ cubicle. Any time Marcus made too much noise or whenever Wes would leave for the washroom and caught Marcus doing something stupid, Wes would be the first to scold him. He often threatened to lower his pay, but Marcus didn’t care. They were too close to actually do anything like that. As we were talking, the door to Wes’ office opened. He walked out, wearing a skintight banana yellow collared shirt that showed off his muscles and small gut. Every shirt in his wardrobe seemed to be skintight. I remember him telling us once that he was raised to only wear the tightest clothing because it makes you look bigger. He was only 5’6”, so I could understand why. “Why are you making so much noise, Marcus?” he asked, standing in the doorway. “Oh.” I waved at him. “Hi, sir. This is Froy, the intern. I was just asking Marcus for an extra shirt since he got wet in the rain.” “Well, take care of him then. Show him around the floor or something, I dunno,” Wes said. “Oh, and Dory…” “Yes, sir?” “Take him out with ya later, aight? We’re gonna have a little fun.” Oh god. “Yes, sir.” Wes was returning to his office when Froy spoke up. “Oh, sir!” he said. “How do I get through the door? I don’t have an access card.” “Hm? You don’t need an access card. You just grab the handle, twist it, then pull. That’s how you open a door.” “Wes, never speak again,” Marcus said. “What about this?” Wes whispered. “Or this ♪?” he sang. “I’m done,” I said. “And I’m just getting started!” He fired double finger guns at me with the silliest grin, laughing at himself immediately afterwards. We all separated and went back to our work for the day. I finished up the rest of my work as fast as I could so that I’d have more time to tour Froy around the building. It was just a hunch, but I thought he’d appreciate the convenience store. The store has an unlimited sundae cone deal where you could get as much ice cream as you wanted as long as it’s in one continuous swirl and it doesn’t fall over. When we got there, I saw his eyes light up like a child at the carnival. He wasted no time and immediately ordered a sundae cone. I didn’t even have to tell him. It seemed like he was used to doing this sort of thing already. By the time the ice cream was five inches tall, I was getting worried. It looked like it would fall at any moment. “Froy, are you sure you wanna keep going?” “Yes, sir! I’ve done this before. My mom calls me a master at this.” By the time it reached 8 inches tall, he stopped the machine. He stood still at first, watching it intently. It looked like he was trying to connect his soul to the sundae, becoming one with its spirit or something. When he finally got it to stabilize, he smiled. “See, sir?” he said. Then he raised it up and dunked it in his mouth, all the way down to the cone. My eyes grew wide. Froy just took in 8 inches of freezing cold sundae in his mouth like it was nothing. “What the fuck? Did you just eat the entire thing in one bite?” He nodded, still swallowing the ice cream. When he finished, he accidentally exhaled into my face, filling my nose with his cold, breath-infused chocolate smell. He apologized and offered to wipe it off my nose. I had to tell him to stop since he still had the cone to finish. “How the fuck did you do that?” “My brothers taught me when I was younger how to exercise my gag reflex so I could take in more things. I could fit a whole foot-long in my mouth too!” he said. “It just got kinda messy… so we had to stop.” His face sunk. The cute smile he wore faded away after it seemed like he remembered something. “What happened?” “They, uh, taught me to give them blowjobs when I was 12. I thought it was normal for a few years, then they got arrested for selling drugs when I was 15. My mother told me they were horrible to me and told me what they were doing to me was wrong. So now I’m trying to find a job to pay for my mother’s hospital bills since I’m her only family left. She already used up all her savings on my tuition.” I felt horrible for him and found myself hugging him. He was stiff and caught in surprise at first, but he softened up and wrapped his arms around me too. I didn’t know he lived like this. I couldn’t take advantage of someone like him. It wouldn’t be right. “I’m so sorry.” He gave his ice cream a quick lick. “Don’t worry, sir, it’s fine. I’m over it now. I still miss them though.” “Who? Your brothers? They molested you as a kid. You shouldn’t be missing them. They deserve to rot in prison.” “We used to play games every day outside our house. They even bought me a goldfish once for my 14th birthday since it was all they could afford with their own money. I named him Pudge.” We headed back to my desk upstairs after finishing his ice cream and filing for his access card. The issue with his brothers was something we didn’t want to bring up too much in case he got triggered. More than half the office had already gone home for the day. Marcus, Wes, and I planned to leave for Wes’ condo at 8pm with Froy together. After I finished up, I asked Froy if he was okay with it. It was only his first day as an intern. I wouldn’t be surprised if he declined. Who knows what we might have been planning to do to him outside office hours? “It’s okay with me, sir.” “Are you sure? I haven’t even told you what we were doing.” “Oh, uh,” he said before chuckling nervously. “We’re going to your sir Wes’s condo to drink. Wes and Marcus just want you to be their sober caretaker, so you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” Froy waved his hands. “Oh, no, sir, it’s okay with me. I’m used to being the sober one with my friends.” “Oh, okay. And don’t worry about something bad happening to you. None of us have ever done anything crazy before. Besides, Marcus is straight, and Wes is bi, but he has a family. I’m the only gay one here.” His eyebrows shot up. “You’re gay, sir?” “Yeah, why?” He looked away. “Nothing, sir.” That led me to wonder. Was he also gay? I guessed I could always figure that out some other time. After we packed up, we headed down to the basement carpark where Marcus and Wes were waiting for us at Wes’ truck. There were paper cups everywhere. It seemed like they’d been waiting there for a few years by the way they were lounging around and drinking coffee endlessly. When we got there, Marcus walked up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders. “What the fuck took you so long?” he asked. His pointed gaze shot into my skull. “You told me not to fuck with your intern, but is it really me you should be worrying about?” “We were just finishing up some shit. It took longer than expected. Sorry ‘bout it.” “Just get in the fucking truck already!” Wes yelled. “The vodka isn’t gonna drink itself!” I sat in the passenger seat, with Marcus and Froy in the back. It was the system we developed together when we first started hanging out at bars a few months ago. Marcus hated seatbelts and feeling claustrophobic, and I preferred the safety of the seatbelt. The three of us normally went out to the bar down the street on foot, but tonight, we decided to head to Wes’ condo instead to avoid the rain. The only thing different was that we had Froy with us. “Hey, kid, what was your name again?” Marcus asked. “Uh, sir, Froy Adamson, sir.” “Froy?” Marcus began to chuckle. He was visibly struggling to hold in his laughter. “Like fro-yo?” Froy was silent. “...Yes, sir. Frozen yogurt.” Marcus released his contained laughter, nearly keeling over his seat. Froy became worried and began to panic. Wes and I had to reassure him that making fun of people’s names was just something Marcus did on a daily basis to everyone around the office. Marcus was only a year younger than me, but he had the heart of a child that he never grew out of. We loved that about him. Marcus placed a hand on Froy’s shoulder. “I like this kid,” he said. Froy blushed. “I’m sure you do,” Wes said. “Everyone loves yogurt.” “Don’t predate on my intern, Marcus!” “I don’t wanna hear that from you, Dory!” Marcus said. “Hey, kid. I’ve been planning on going back to the gym again. If you ever wanna come with, just tell me, okay? You look like you’d be a great workout partner.” “Hey, what about me? Why do you ask the intern before your boss who you KNOW goes to the gym?” Wes asked. “How tall are you again, Wes?” Marcus asked. “Right now, about as high as your chances at a promotion, Marcus.” Marcus threw his arms around Wes’ seat. “Hey, come on! It was just a joke! It’s just too hard to be gym buddies with someone so short. Plus you’ve got that tiny gut.” “I can’t help it! Vodka might as well be my blood of Christ.” “So you’re a cannibal?” “What do you think happened to my first boyfriend?” The conversation continued for the next half hour on the road. Froy and I remained silent for the most part while Marcus and Wes bantered, with us being brought in every so often as jokes. Marcus couldn’t let go of “fro-yo.” The rain blocked the streets and kept us in traffic longer than we would have wanted. Wes began getting calls from his wife, asking about where he was since his kids were getting impatient after being locked up for so long. When we got to the forest separating Wes’ condo complex from the city district, Marcus brought out these small white pills he hid inside a tic-tac box. The resemblance was uncanny. Froy and I watched him, unaware of what the pills would do. No one was around to help if Marcus did something stupid. “Hey, Wes. You want a tic-tac?” Marcus asked. Froy and I watched in silence, fully aware of what Marcus was trying to do. “If you’re trying to bribe me for a pay raise again, it’s gonna take more than a tic-tac this time.” “No, seriously, come on. It’s just a candy. Completely free. No strings attached.” Wes held out a hand, and Marcus placed one on his palm. “This better not be another one of your fucking pranks, Marcus. The last one is still giving my kids diarrhea.” Wes threw the small white pill in his mouth without any hesitation. Suddenly, his stomach grumbled loudly. “God damn it, Marcus.” Marcus laughed and slammed his hand repeatedly against the back of Wes’ seat. Froy shifted closer to the door in fear. “What did you give him, Marcus?” I asked. “Dying in a car crash with you was not on my list of things to-do today.” “Mine too,” Froy mumbled. “Relax! It’s harmless. I already tried it on my dog, and nothing happened to her.” “I’m not a dog, Marcus! I’m your boss!” “And I’m not a scientist!” “That doesn’t make things any better, Marcus—Oh, my god... what the fuck is going on...” Wes looked uncomfortable, shifting around like there was a cactus on his seat. I looked down and saw that he was growing a tent in his pants. At first, I thought it was just viagra, but then a wet spot began to form. Wes’ face was red as a tomato and was completely speechless. I could smell the familiar smell that filled my room after school as a kid. Wes came. He came right in front of all of us. He didn’t even have to touch himself or do anything for it either. I looked back at Marcus and Froy, and Marcus’ face was frozen in a face of pure glee. He had the expression of a child witnessing Santa for the first time and couldn’t be happier. Froy on the other hand was completely mortified. The poor thing didn’t know how to react. Wes was barely able to keep his focus on the road because of the way he was feeling. He just came in his pants. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what that pill did to him. Wes stopped the truck at a nearby tree and turned off the truck, running out and checking the damages at a tree out of sight. The three of us followed suit. Marcus didn’t even look the least bit guilty about what he just did. Froy stood by me, waiting and watching for what happened next. “What the fuck did you give me?” Wes asked. Marcus waved his hands in the air. “Nothing! I swear it was just a bunch of random shit I found in my kitchen. I didn’t think it would do anything.” “Well, it did! Now my favorite pants are ruined.” Wes stepped back into the moonlight where we saw a massive wet spot all over his crotch. If we didn’t know it was cum, we might’ve mistaken it for piss just by its sheer quantity. I didn’t think it was possible to cum so much. Judging by the defined outline running down his left thigh as well, it seemed he was hiding more than just one secret. The short man had to compensate somewhere. “God damn it, Marcus.” “Come on, I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t mean it. I was gonna try it on myself, but I wanted to see if it—” “If it killed me?” “Well, no, but—” “I can’t believe I already wet myself… I haven’t even had a fucking bottle yet. You owe me for this.” Marcus shot me a look of relieved anguish, knowing he wasn’t going lose his job or his friendship. He walked up to Wes and helped him clean up by the tree. While Wes and Marcus were off cleaning up, Froy and I wandered a bit off to the forest to take in the beautiful nighttime scenery overlooking the city. The city lights shined brightly over the trees. They gave off an iridescent spotlight-lit night sky that shadowed the tree leaves and branches, blocking out the stars but lighting up the darkness. “This is a great view,” I said. “Yes, sir,” Froy replied. As we were enjoying our quiet time alone together, Froy noticed what looked like a shooting star in the empty sky. Wes and Marcus came over and joined us in staring at the falling light. A thought occurred to me, however, that this was not how falling stars normally worked. It looked as though it were literally falling out of the sky. I’m pretty sure falling stars aren’t supposed to look like they’re coming straight at us. “Hey, that’s no fucking shooting star, you idiots! That’s a meteor!” Wes said. “Hide behind something!” We could barely react when we saw that it was already a building’s height away from us. Froy and I hid behind a nearby tree. Marcus sprinted across to the truck with Wes. The burning rock rang a piercing loud screech in our ears before crash landing into the clearing between us and the truck. Flaming debris flew everywhere, covering the area in a black soot. Smoke filled the air for a good few minutes until we were able to breathe and see things again. All four of us emerged from our hiding spots and eyed the strange rock. Froy, Wes, and I approached it hesitantly, watching it from a distance in case it had any surprises waiting to pop out and do some serious harm. It could have had some new viruses or small flesh-eating aliens hiding inside. I highly doubted our job’s insurance program covered space AIDS. Meanwhile, while three of us were being careful, Marcus decided to make a headstart and gingerly walked up to it. He stuck out his hands and felt the intense heat emanating from the meteor. “What are you doing, Marcus?! Get back here where it’s safe,” Wes said. Marcus looked back and smiled. “Relaaax, it’s not gonna do anythingI” When the rest of us got to surround the meteor, it seemed to have cooled off. All four of us examined it closely, checking for any dangerous movements or glowing substances sticking out. For the next few minutes, it just seemed like it was a regular, boring old rock—from space. It didn’t grow a face and sing show tunes like I expected. I’d be lying if I said wasn’t disappointed. “It just seems like a rock,” Froy said. “Obviously,” Marcus said. “But what’s inside?” “If it's anything like your head, not much,” Wes said. “Then there’s nothing to worry about, right?” Marcus stepped into the crater and slammed his hands onto the meteor. He began pressing down on it with his body weight, trying to pressure it to crack open and reveal whatever monstrosity was inside of it. Froy and I backed away while Wes stepped forward and tried prying Marcus off of it. “Marcus, what are you doing?! Stop!” “I just wanna see what’s inside! It might have space diamonds, Wes!” Marcus let out a yell as he used all his strength and cracked open the meteor. From the crack, a neon green liquid splurged out, spilling onto Marcus’ shirt. He panicked, wondering what the hell the scentless, luminescent goo was, when suddenly the crack opened up further. It erupted, blasting a mortified Marcus with the strange gunk. He was covered head to toe, front to back, unable to even open his mouth or eyes in pure horror. The meteor now looked unstable. It was rumbling, and cracks began spreading from where Marcus first breached its outer shell. More and more of the green liquid spurted out. It didn’t seem long before it would explode. Marcus grumbled for help, running towards Wes. “Hey, stop! Don’t get that shit on me! I just got my pants dry!” Wes yelled. Before Marcus could even get to him, the meteor exploded. Nuclear green slime flew everywhere. Marcus got blasted back onto the ground by the sheer amount he was covered in. He didn’t look like he could move very well at all anymore. Wes was yelling out Marcus’ name when the goo flew into his mouth and covered his entire front from head to toe. I could hear him yelling as he swallowed it. “Sir!” As the meteor exploded towards us, Froy ran up to me. He used his body as a shield to block me from the slime, with his back spread out against the meteor. I looked up at him and saw fear in his eyes. Neither of us could move from where we were as we were frozen in absolute shock about what just happened. The meteor settled down, and there was green slime absolutely everywhere. It coated the trees, the grass, the soil, everything. Marcus was absolutely drenched in it, struggling to even stand up. Wes ran to a tree and began vomiting, trying to expel whatever he swallowed and trying to get himself clean again. Froy’s entire backside and his arms were completely covered. He shook his body as much as he could to try and get it off of him. “What the fuck just happened?” I asked. “That fucking—pfthuh—piece of shit meteor just fucking exploded!” Wes yelled, spitting out the remnants. “Are we going to fucking die?!” Marcus yelled, on his knees, crying in anguish at the sky, looking like a grotesque smile monster. “I don’t wanna fucking die, god!” “This is all your fault!” Wes said. “I’m fucking aware of that, Wes! I wasn’t expecting the meteor to be a fucking water balloon filled with green shit!” “Okay, everyone, just relax!” I said. “We just need to get clean and report this to the police so they can clean it up or something.” Marcus and Wes turned and glared at me, clean and dry from head to toe. “We can’t tell anyone about this! If the authorities find out we fucked with some meteor and got caught with some disease, then we might be forced to spend time in a lab until we die,” Wes said. Marcus pointed at me. “And why the fuck are you dry? Did you tell your little boytoy intern to be your shield?!” “No, he ran up to me himself. I didn’t tell him to do anything, Marcus.” “Fucking shit, man…” I stood watch by the truck while Froy, Wes, and Marcus cleaned themselves up by the river. It was nearly midnight when they got back looking absolutely exhausted after trying to get every drop of slime off their bodies for the past few hours. They dumped all their clothes in Wes’ gym bag and got into his truck in nothing but wet underwear. ‘Uncomfortable’ could not even begin to explain the atmosphere. I couldn’t even be bothered to appreciate all the hot, semi-naked bodies surrounding me when I was still reeling over what the hell just happened. I’d already seen all of them shirtless before at least once, but I had yet to see Froy’s business. Did he prefer boxers or briefs? Was he a shower or a grower? It didn’t seem that important. All I knew was that Wes was thick and hung like a motherfucker. “This has to be our secret, got it?” Wes said. “No one else can know about this.” We all agreed. None of us were in the mood to get dissected or experimented on for the rest of our lives. As Wes drove away, heading to his condo, I took one last look back at the scene. The meteor looked like a cracked egg that got blown up in a microwave. However, what seemed strange to me was how there seemed to be a lot less slime than before. What used to be a complete sheet of glowing green slime over everything was now mostly back to normal with some freckles here and there. It must have either dissipated in the atmosphere or got absorbed into the ground. Either way, it didn’t seem like that was just going to end there. I could feel in my gut that this wasn’t the last time this meteor was going to be a part of our lives. If the slime did get absorbed in the ground and trees, then what would happen with humans? There was no way they didn’t at least absorb some of it. There was just no way. Regardless, this was going to be our secret from now on. It seemed our little threesome just became a foursome.
- 227 replies
- 50
- m/m
- plausible size difference
- (and 13 more)
These are stories that I personally really enjoy. It's all about muscle theft. I would like to introduce them to you. Unfortunately, the author of these novels appears to no longer be writing 1. Desperate Husbands 2. My Father's Child 3. Taking the Good 4. Second Chances
- 4 replies
- 14
- muscle growth
- muscle theft
(and 3 more)
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I sighed as the hot water cascaded down on my muscular body. I always enjoyed the feeling of the hot water running along my pumped muscles after a grueling workout. I had worked hard over summer to get my body ready for the upcoming football season: Orchid University would be proud of its quarterback in my senior year. I was eager to get back to campus to show off my grown body: at 6 feet sharp and weighing 228 pounds of mostly muscle as I kept my bodyfat percentage around 12%,I was one of the best looking athletes on campus. Round shoulders, strong pecs, bulging arms, thick legs… the image of wet dreams. I turned off the shower, dried myself and wrapped the towel around my tight waist. I headed back to the locker room of the town gym I had set several records in over summer. I froze in my tracks as I rounded the corner from the shower zone. On the other side of the locker room the most massive man I'd ever seen was standing in front of the mirror. The man's broad back, wider than a door, was crammed with mounds of muscle that flowed into each other. His relatively tight waist combined with his wide shoulders gave him an awesome v-taper. His meaty ass jutted out hard and defined above his heavily muscled glutes. His calves seemed like diamonds pressed against the tight skin. He brought up his arms and threw a devastating double bicep pose. The muscle in his back tensed during the movement and then his biceps exploded upwards atop his thick arms where the outlines of his meaty triceps were carved in. "WOW", I muttered while I inhaled sharply. The sound caught the man's attention. He lowered his arms and turned around to face me. My eyes widened in disbelief as I recognized my neighbor Tristan. My mind tried to process the image as he came into plain view. Just a week ago we had similar physiques. But not any more: I still had the heavily muscled look of a quarterback but Tristan looked like an elite superheavyweight bodybuilder ready to compete. I didn't know where to look first: muscles seemed to fight for space with other muscles on his beastly torso. His wide pecs looked like half watermelons jutting from his chest, covered in veins and striations. His perfectly round, cannonball-sized shoulders capped his physique. His meaty arms, thick and intimidating although fully relaxed, hung at his sides. My gaze travelled down along the centerline of the cobblestones that formed his eight-pack. I glanced further down and noticed the hefty snake dangling between his tree-sized quads. There was no doubt who was the bigger man now, everywhere. A snicker made me look back up. I noticed the smug look on his face as he caught me staring at his cock. "Looking good", I said in a reflex. "Not good, great", Tristan corrected me in a husky, low bass. He raised his right arm and flexed it. The bicep once more exploded upward and outward in size and girth, forming a round orb of meat. Veins snaked along the steely ball as it surpassed 20 inches easily and rose to its full size of 23.5 inches. "Yeah", he grunted. My eyes followed the flexing bicep, getting wider as the muscle hardened to its intimidating size. I felt a tingle go through my dick that was getting plump beneath the towel as I couldn't tear my eyes off the muscular mound. I followed the downward movement of the thick arm as he relaxed his pose. My mouth fell open as Tristan threw a most muscular pose. The meaty orbs of muscle exploded along his wide torso, veins and striations being pushed up against the thin skin stretched to its limits by the hard muscle underneath. I didn't know where to look first: his torso was a display of sheer masculine power. His bulging biceps fought against the protruding mounds atop his chest; his cobblestone-sized abs sprang into a hard, corrugated eight-pack crisscrossed with deep grooves; his round delts turned into a striated mass of muscle and his triceps jutted widely from the back of his arms. My dick was getting plumper by the second and reached half-hardness as my eyes darted around the incredible spectacle. Tristan noted the look in my eyes. A leer formed on his face as he hardened his flex some more. He relaxed his pose and stepped toward me. He closed the distance in two long strides, standing mere inches from me. I gulped as I realized just how big he had become. Up close he looked even more intimidating: his wide shoulders began where my muscled ones ended. His v-taper looked unreal as thick muscle jutted from his insanely wide frame in all directions. My gaze traveled back up along his mighty torso and I noticed I had to look up to stare him in the eye: he was now a full head taller than me. I could feel the heat emanating from his heavy muscles. Somehow my neighbor had transformed from a 5’9, 195 pound, lacrosse player into a total muscle god. Where I used to outsize him slightly, he now dwarfed me completely in height and size. Before I could react, his left paw grabbed my throat and lifted me. My hands clutched at the meaty forearm while my feet left the ground. I coughed and my face began turning red as he supported my heavy body with his left arm. I couldn't fathom the superhuman strength he now had to possess as flashes of the nearly similar scene a week earlier shot through my mind; only then, the roles had been inversed and I hadn’t managed to lift him off the ground. He had defied my in a bar and I had been ready to knock him down, but his body had proven too heavy for me to lift him. I had then shoved him aside. Tristan grinned malevolently at my feeble attempts to get free: the thick cords of muscle on his forearm easily withstood the attacks and didn't budge. "Last week ya tried doing the same thing to me but ya couldn’t even lift my much lighter body. Remember it, Mikey?", he growled while he lifted me a bit higher. I hated it when people used the diminutive form of my name. No one had called me Mickey since I was a kid. Mike or even M. was the way everyone addressed me for years now. I tried reacting but only managed to choke out something inaudible. I struggled against his iron grip and tugged once more at his beefy forearm, but he was way too strong for me. My attempts got weaker as I began lacking air. My hands didn’t dent his forearm, not even slightly. I gasped for air and my face felt like it was on fire. I was trapped against the cold tilled wall and his superhuman grip. “Man, ya can’t even dent my forearm. I managed to do that to you with my weaker body last week”, Tristan grunted grinningly and tightened his grip around my throat some more. My feet dangled in the air and my hands clawed at his forearms. I coughed as black dots began dancing before my eyes by the lack of oxygen. I summoned my last strength and tried kicking him away. My muscular legs didn’t react to the command of my brain and only managed to rip away the towel from my waist, exposing me completely. Tristan looked down at the movement and an even wider grin spread on his face. “Turned on from being dominated, he Mickey”, he growled. I followed his gaze down and noticed my more-than-half-hard cock. “Like a runt in my grasp”, Tristan groaned and raised his free right arm in a flex to highlight his dominance. My eyes shot to the large ball of hard muscle that exploded atop his arm. The perfectly round, 23.5 inch orb of steely flesh stretched his skin to the max as it pushed a web of veins to the surface. A muttered ‘wow’ escaped my mouth along with some coughs for air. I felt another rush of unexpected heat shoot to my groin. My cock jolted as it plumped further toward full hardness. “Lusting after my muscles, little man?”, Tristan asked boomingly. “Can’t blame ya”, he added, “I’m a total muscle beast”. I crashed down to the tilled floor as Tristan’s strong paw finally released my throat. I lay in a heap at his feet as I took deep breaths to fill my burning lungs with oxygen. My ordeal was far from over. Mere seconds later, one of Tristan’s paws grabbed my hair and lifted me up. I peeped in pain and my hands reached for his wrist as he lifted me further until I was sitting on my knees. In front of my face was the thickest cock I had ever seen. I was well-endowed myself with a 9 incher that filled my hand when fully erect. His cock clearly dwarfed mine as did his muscles with mine: his cock had to be 9 inches in girth and easily surpassed the 10 inch mark in length; the plum-sized head pointed straight at me as a throb went through the thick, vein-coiled shaft. “14 inches fully hard”, Tristan said, “Told ya I’m the biggest man on campus in every department.” I didn’t have time to process his remark. His paw grabbed the back of my head and shoved me onto his cock. I blinked as my nose hit the bottom row of his eight-pack hard. Tears sprang to my eyes from the impact. I gagged as the plum-sized head of his cock invaded my throat. I grabbed his mighty quads for support, awe racing through my mind as I felt the concrete-like hardness of the tree-trunk-sized pillars of muscle. The scent of musky sweat emanating from his pubes filled my nose. “Ugh, yeah”, Tristan grunted while his right paw roamed across his thick chest. I chased the amazement for his monster legs from my mind and tried getting away. I summoned the remaining strength in my muscular arms and pushed with all my might against the tree-trunk-sized quads. My efforts were futile: my body didn’t move an inch. Tristan felt the pushing motion against his mighty quads. He didn’t even have to tighten his hold on the head of his once intimidating neighbor to keep me in place. “Fughnck”, he groaned, “My arm’s stronger than yar weak body”. I felt my fully hard cock jolt at the huge man’s remark and the thought that Tristan’s left arm overpowered my entire body filled my mind. Then, my head began moving up and down his lengthy cock as his paw moved me back and forth along his rock-hard shaft. One moment I was gasping for air as the plum-sized cockhead moved toward the back of my lips, the next I was gagging as it slammed against the back of my throat. “Mughn, fuck yeah”, Tristan rumbled. The excitement of feeling his own massive muscles combined with the feeling of totally dominating the man that used to outsize him. He speeded up the rhythm of moving my head along his cock. I heard his breathing speed up and his rumbles getting deeper and more excited. I gazed up to look at his face but my vision was blocked by the bottom of the meaty pecs that protruded from his chest. I saw his deeply grooved eight-pack ripple with strength on the rhythm of his fastening breathing. My left hand released his insanely thickly muscled quad and grabbed my painfully hard 9 incher. I realized I was jerking off while being face-fucked by the largest man I had ever seen. Tristan felt his lemon-sized balls churn and pushed my face hard along his cock. I muttered a weak painful shriek as my nose slammed hard into his lowest, cobblestone-sized abs. The next moment my eyes widened as I felt the plum-sized cockhead pulse inside my throat and his mighty cock spasm inside my completely filled mouth. “YEAUGHN!!!!” Tristan’s deafening roar rumbled like thunder through the locker room and further on into the shower zone, echoing against the tilled walls and vibrated deep inside my own muscular body. I saw the cobblestones of his deeply grooved eight-pack harden unlike anything I’d ever seen before as his orgasm exploded through his mighty body. I gagged as his cock blasted a first, huge load of thick cum deep down my throat. A second, third, fourth and fifth load followed quickly as his lemon-sized balls kept firing out more and more spunk. I felt my own cock jerk wildly in my hand as I came too. My own moan died in my throat as his plum-sized cockhead rushed out another blast. Tristan’s right arm released his own fantastic chest as he placed his paw against the wall for support. “YEAUghn”, he roared once more as the orgasm set his entire majestic frame on fire. His body rocked from the force of his blasts, making his muscles explode with striations. I marveled at the display of striated, granite-hard muscles just inches from my eyes and felt another jolt shoot through my deflating cock. The cock inside my throat kept spewing jizz beyond my capacity to ingest. I got trouble breathing as his thick juice began dripping from my nose. I felt more of it leak from the corner of my mouth stretched around his meaty snake. Just before I would pass out, the huge man pulled back my head and freed me from his cock. Only to make it spew a final load onto my face. Tristan released my head and inhaled deeply as I sank down against the tilled wall. Three deep breaths were enough to calm his breathing and come back to reality. I stared up at his mighty, muscle-crammed back as my now giant neighbor strutted away toward his locker, got dressed and left me. I didn’t know just how long I laid on the floor before I got up slowly. I cleaned the dried remains of Tristan’s final blast from my face, shoulders and chest, got dressed myself and returned home. The following day I returned to the gym feeling somewhat uneasy. I felt like I was 14 years old again, arriving for the first time at the gym. Even though I was now a good 80 pounds of muscle heavier then at that point, the familiar feeling of alphaness I always enjoyed walking into a gym, wasn’t there. My legs even quivered a bit when I entered the locker room to get changed. I felt my muscles relax slightly when I found the locker room deserted. The familiar feeling did return as I felt a hot pump spreading through my delts after the first set. Then, a grunt from the other side of the gym got my attention. Tristan was lying atop one of the benches, doing bench presses. The very heavily loaded bar moved up and down over his pecs that filled his yellow tank top to the max. “Yeaugh”, he groaned. There were only a couple of guys around the gym, but all of them were clearly watching the muscle god train. I got in a few glances in between my own exercises. I went over to the lateral raise-machine. I began my first set and in the middle of it, I noticed Tristan walking over in my direction. My heartbeat shot up instantly as he swaggered toward me. He was looking at his phone and hadn’t noticed me just yet. His head shot up from his phone when some guy approached him. The guy looked like a dwarf next to Tristan. I sighed as he followed the other guy and began giving him some pointers. I stared at his wide, v-tapered back: his lats spilled out the sides of his tank top. The word ‘monsta’ ran down the center of the back of his tank top. Fitting, I thought as I began the final set of my workout. I ended my training, enjoying the nice pump in my delts. I looked around and noticed Tristan doing cable flyes in the opposite part of the gym. His reflection in the mirror showed off how his pumped pecs bulged beneath the sweat-choked fabric of his now overstretched tank top. I gulped down the last bit of my shake as I looked away and made it over to the locker room. “Nice pump, man”, a guy said who left the locker room as I entered. A bit of pride shot through me and I nodded in response. I did look good with pumped shoulders my reflection told me. I stripped and made my way over into the shower zone. I was about to turn on the shower when a large shadow fell over me. I turned around and stared at the largest pecs I’d ever seen. Tristan’s chest was pumped beyond belief and the muscle seemed ready to burst through his paper-thin skin; stretchmarks were visible at the edge of the broads slabs of muscle and veins coiled atop them over his shoulders. “Enjoyed watching me train?”, Tristan asked. “Huh?”, I mutter in reply and slowly tore my gaze away from his monster chest to look up into his eyes. “Come on, Mickey”, he said, “Every guy in the gym was staring at me. I saw ya looking every time ya could. Why not? I’m a total muscle god”. He flexed his pecs to emphasize his words. I inhaled sharply as the half-watermelon-sized slabs of beef exploded in a display of striations and veins. I felt my cock getting hotter as blood flowed to it. A grin formed on Tristan’s lips. “Right”, he said as he relaxed his chest, “Ya know what to do”. His gaze travelled down. I followed his gaze and saw his cock starting to harden between his tree-sized quads. My gaze shot back up. “No, please Tristan”, I pleaded, “I don’t want to suck you off again. Please, man”. A saw a hint of anger shoot through Tristan’s eyes. My legs quivered as I thought of what this muscle god could do if he got angry. “Just let me shower in peace, man. I’ll buy you a shake when we’re done”, I added. “Ya don’t want to suck me off?”, Tristan asked, “Okay. Fine with me”. I inhaled in relief, surprised how easy the muscle god accepted me standing my ground. “Turn around”, Tristan said with a smirk on his face. The command left no room for discussion. I did as I was told. I felt the heat from his monster body as he closed the distance between us and stood straight behind me. I shivered as the thick head of his large cock smacked against my meaty ass. My mind urged me to flee as it realized what was about to happen. My legs refused to obey the command. “Tristan, please. I…”, I muttered. Words died in my throat as the thick cockhead pushed itself between the cheeks of my ass. Tristan placed his hands next to my head on the wall. I stared at the massive arms mere inches from my face. I couldn’t believe just how huge and hard they looked. “Miring my arms, Mickey?”, Tristan said, “Go ahead. Lick ‘em. And as you do I’ll shove my cock so far up yar ass, you’re gonna swear ya feel it in yar throat.” I would have laughed at that remark normally, but the new size of Tristan in every department just made his remark empty of humor. I turned my head to his right arm and let my tongue traced the contours of the thick veins that snaked across the massive bicep. As I explored more of the bicep, I felt his cock entering my meaty ass. “Yeah”, Tristan groaned and pushed his cock in even further. A moan of lust and pain escaped my mouth. I’d never had a cock inside me before, but Tristan’s massive snake was the center of my entire world. He began to pump in and out. He fucked my like a freight train. He was a total muscle monster, his strength unfathomable. Inhuman. Beyond human. Every time he pushed himself completely inside me, I was lifted to my toes. Finally, I gave up trying to stand and my legs went limp. I fell Tristan’s paws grab my waist and pick me up. The next moment my feet left the floor and I grabbed his thick forearms for support as I rocked on the rhythm of his fucking. His thrusts got longer, deeper, harder. I let go of his meaty forearms and began jerking my own rock-hard cock. My right hand stroking along my 9 incher as I was fucked by the muscle beast Tristan had become. Tristan’s breathing got faster and I felt his body heat rising against my back. His grunts were getting deeper and more guttural, more lust-filled. Then, with one more deep thrust Tristan buried his 14 incher deep inside me. “Upf”, I grunted as the fleshy snake invaded me deep and hard. My eyes widened as his cock seemed to swell a bit bigger deep inside me. “YEEAAUUGHNNN” Tristan’s thundering roar was accompanied by a tidal wave of cum that splattered deep inside me. The liquid heat filled my intestines, bloated my six-pack and dripped along my legs as it spilled from my overfilled ass. The amount of cum was unseizable. I felt my own cock spasm in my hand and my balls churned painfully as they too blasted out their load. Way less big that the ones that kept shooting up my ass. His paws clamped around my waist painfully, easily overpowering and compressing my six-pack. I even felt his mighty pecs flex against my back as he came. “FUARK”, Tristan roared as the final blast shot from his cock and the orgasm dissipated from his beastly body. I shuddered against his beastly torso as a final, watery load leaked from my cock. I felt exhausted and humiliated beyond anything I’d ever felt: like the day before, I had blown my load being fucked by this muscle god. Tristan must have felt me shudder against his rock-hard torso. He pulled me from his cock, making a flow of cum pour from my ass. He turned me around and lifted me higher, easily holding me at his eyelevel. “Jerking while I fuck yar ass, eh Mickey?”, he said grinningly, “Seems like ya like my body even more than I do. See ya tomorrow, Mickey”. I felt my feet make contact with the floor as he put me down. My quads quivered from exhaustion and I crashed down as my knees gave out. The week went on like that. No matter the moment I chose to go train, Tristan always was there in the gym. After every workout, he either made me suck him or fucked my ass. On Friday he even made me suck him first and then went on to fuck my ass relentlessly. It took me an hour to recover enough to drag myself from the shower to the locker room and return home. On Saturday he wasn’t around the gym for the first time that week. I took the opportunity to get a good workout in. After my shower, I went over to the front desk and began asking the trainer about Tristan’s new size. The guy didn’t know much either. I thanked him and turned around to smack into Tristan’s muscle-crammed torso. “Interested in my growth, Mickey?”, Tristan asked as I stepped back. Before I could react, his paw landed atop my shoulder. “I’ll tell ya. Come on over to my place”, Tristan said as he led me out the gym into his car. “It’s quite simple, actually”, Tristan said as he drove off, “Two weeks ago my grandpa died. He left me this special necklace with a shiny crystal. It’s a family heritage from centuries ago. It has the power to transfer someone muscles into another person.” I blinked in disbelief at his words. “I know”, Tristan went on as he noticed my reaction, “Sounds too crazy to be true. But my grandpa was the tallest and biggest guy of our family.” “There we are”, he added and he parked his car in front of his house. I followed him inside as we went up to his room. “See that picture”, he said while pointing at a muscular guy in a wrestling singlet, “That’s my cousin. Biggest guy in the family after my grandpa. He came over to take the necklace from me. As I struggled to hold him off, the crystal began lighting up and I felt stronger with every passing second. After like five minutes, all his muscles had drained into me. He’s a total wimp now. And I’m a freaking muscle god.” He went into a most muscular to emphasize his point and the hardening muscles on his torso ripped his skin-tight shirt to shreds. “Don’t I look so much better than he did?”, he asked and hardened his flex some more. I nodded in response. My mouth totally dry from the breathtaking display of muscular perfection. “Why…why are you telling me this?”, I asked after clearing my throat. “Can’t ya guess, Mickey?”, Tristan replied smugly. Horror filled my eyes as my mind put two and two together. “You’re… you’re going to take my muscles too?”, I asked in panic. “Nope”, Tristan answered, “I kinda like this size. Huge, but not too huge to make me slow. Just above 300 pounds is enough. Come on in, Logan”. I looked aside as a smaller, yet still muscular guy entered. I recognized Logan, the 160 pound teammate of Tristan on the lacrosse team. I followed Logan’s movements as he went up toward Tristan and kissed him on the mouth. “We’ve been fuck buddies all year”, Tristan said as he returned his gaze to me, “But I’ve gotten too big for Logan now. But that won’t last.”. I followed Tristan’s movements now: he opened the top drawer of his desk and pulled something out. I saw a strange necklace with a shiny crystal. He took it carefully and handed it to Logan who was taking off his shirt. “Ya know what to do, L”, Tristan said and stepped back. I looked up and saw Logan move toward me. Before I could move, his hands grabbed hold of my armpits. Warning sirens went off in my head as a wave of dizziness and heavy fatigue went through my limbs. “Ow yeah. I feel it”, Logan groaned in between his teeth. I saw pearls of sweat appear atop his body as the veins across his muscles grew bigger. I saw his shoulders, chest and arms swell and harden in front of me as if he was getting a solid pump after a workout. Then, he threw back his head and roared “FUCK” as his growth accelerated: his torso seemed to exploded outwards. My own body felt heavier and heavier from exhaustion even though it was getting lighter with every passing second. My mind was an empty, dark hole void off any thought. Even the urge of running away had somehow dissipated from my head. “FUACK YEAH”, Logan groaned. Logan’s grunt made me look back at him. The man holding me broke the 220 pound mark as I sank below 175 pounds. My feet left the ground as his heightening body took me along upwards. I saw the swelling veins snaking along his thickening arms as his biceps and triceps gathered more mass. His widening shoulders now eclipsed me completely, hiding me from view. “Keep growing, man. Ya’re getting so hot”, Tristan said watching the scene unfold before him. I saw Logan look directly in my eyes. The absolute hunger for more size filled his gaze. His beefening up pecs rippled with every breath he took, swelling and thickening into a protruding shelf of rock-hard muscle. I felt his growing paws cover more and more of my diminishing torso as he rounded the 240 pound mark and I melted below 155 pounds. A tearing sound tore my gaze down. My eyes scanned the hard ridges of his now eight-pack and saw his jeans starting to rip under the pressure of his swelling quads. “FUARK!”, Logan roared as he sucked the last strength from me and dropped my body on the floor where I sank down in darkness. Slowly, I came back to reality. I blinked a few times to steady my vision only to have my mouth fall open. At the other side of the room Logan was standing in front of a large mirror inspecting his new physique. Logan, now an intimidating 260 pounds, had morphed from a lacrosse player into an elite superheavyweight bodybuilder. Every muscle rippled atop his body. He was an impressive sight to behold. I saw his arms move up and his biceps exploded in size as he threw a double bicep pose. I inhaled sharply. Logan’s head turned away from the mirror in my direction. “Get over here!”, he boomed. I rushed to get up and move over to him. Mu now stick-like quads quivering as they supported my strongly diminished weight. I felt the heat radiating from Logan’s intimidatingly large frame as I got closer to him. I caught a glimpse of my own reflection: an emaciated, 128 pound, frail, boyish guy stared back at me. Every trace of muscle had vanished from my once large body. Even my abs didn’t have the skinny guy four-pack, but were a totally flat surface without even the slightest hint of separation. I couldn’t even remember when I had looked this small and weak. “No so tough any more, he”, Logan said and stepped back into view of the mirror. My body seemed to get even more pathetic as the reflection of the muscle-crammed Logan popped up next to me. I looked like a pre-pubescent boy standing next to a competition-ready bodybuilder. His upper arms looked thicker than my quads as they hung relaxed at his sides. The span of his shoulders was at least three times as wide as mine. He must also have drained some of my height as I was looking directly at his juicy pecs. Instinctively I knew what to do and kneeled in front of Logan. I opened my lips and let his 11 incher enter my mouth. I began licking and sucking him while my hands tested the hardness of his meaty ass. “Mmmm, yeah”, Logan groaned as his paws tested the hefty mass of his new pecs. Within seconds, I felt his cock go even more rigid in my mouth: the excitement of his growth, combined with the groping of his own muscles and my hot mouth servicing his cock pushed Logan over the edge. With a beastly roar he began pumping his seed down my throat. I gulped it down, my experience of sucking off Tristan that week came in handy while my own hand was stroking my 4 incher. After what seemed like an eternity, the cock stopped spewing its hot juices and withdrew from my mouth. “Started without me, eh?”. The deep, thundering voice rumbled through the room. I looked at the door and saw Tristan enter. Tristan walked up to Logan and made him look kinda average: he was half a foot taller and a whopping 40 pounds of pure muscle heavier than Logan. If Logan had the looks of a competition-ready superheavyweight bodybuilder, Tristan looked like he could eat the guy for breakfast. Tristan grabbed Logan’s armpit, lifted him up and tossed him atop his bed. I stared up from the floor as Tristan swaggered by toward the bed. “Ya’re lucky, Mickey: ya’re about to see the muscle fuck of the century”, Tristan growled down to me before turning his attention on Logan. I saw Tristan kneel atop the bed, grab Logan’s feet and pull open his legs. Tristan placed the heavily muscled legs atop his freakishly wide shoulders, placed his paws atop Logan’s round, cannonball-sized delts and entered the guy’s ass. I heard Logan scream, a scream that rattled the window, as the 14 incher penetrated his clenched defenses. “I used to dwarf those guys. Intimidate them just by standing close to them”, I thought as their lust-filled moans hit my ears and my hand pumped my hard cock. I had been tossed down the scale of dominance: from the alpha quarterback I had been reduced to the emaciated, beta-boy turned on by the sight of a muscle freak fucking a muscle god. I didn’t know if I had to weep for what I had lost or be happy I had a front row seat for this show…
The Atlas Man-pire Part 1/3 : The Field Trip John (23/m) and Jack(24/m) were brimming with excitement, the two best friends had been waiting for this all semester, hell their whole college freshman year. A three day archaeological tour of the temple of Atlas, lost for centuries deep in a cave in the heart of a mountain in Germany, only recently discovered and even more recently approved for tours. “I can’t believe this” John said, re-reading the pamphlet over and over on the bus. “We’re going to be the FIRST ONES to explore this temple in centuries!” Jack just smiled. John was always the history buff, Jack was always supportive of his friend, but he just didn’t care at all about the temple. Jack was only interested in Maddy (26/F). Maddy was also an archeology buff, supposedly, however she was an oddball in class. She knew almost nothing about WW2, Messopotamia, or almost any subject outside of ancient Greek or Roman history. On those topics she was an encyclopedia. Both Jack and John were well aware of her quirks, and each of them both fancied her, yet neither wanted to discuss it between them. Both boys secretly scheming to win her attention and impress her. John had a whole plan laid out. He’d studied this temple excessively over the past few months after the trip was announced. All he needed to do was share his niche knowledge of the temple with her, establish a common interest, and surely she’d fall head over heals for him. Jack…. Was a bit less naive. While John was convinced Maddy’s love was for mythology, Jack was well aware of what was really drawing Maddy’s attention: The statues. It wasn’t the history, it was the art. Specifically the human physique. Or rather the idealistic and unrealistic muscular physique of gladiators and warriors. While John was watching the Professor's chalkboard, Jack was watching Maddy’s eyes comb over Zeus’ veins and abdominals. He’d seen that look before. He knew that look, because he liked that look when people gave it to him. The unfortunate reality for John, is that he was, well, a nerd. 4’11, 120lbs, and arms thin enough that they’d snap like pencils if he ever tried to lift anything. Now to be fair he wasn’t completely hideous. His face was well kept and he was perfectly capable of talking to girls, he wasn’t even a virgin. The problem was that Jack had a massive head start in terms of Maddy’s true interests. 6’3, 270lbs, and the epitome of Herculean Physique. His face was just as attractive, but unlike John, Jack had severe anxiety around girls, which is why surprisingly, despite looking like a greek bodybuilder, Jack was actually still a virgin at this point. But he was so close. Jack knew he had Maddy in the bag as she wasn’t just a girl from class, he’d actually caught her at the gym in an increasing amount. All she ever did was run on the treadmill, but it was uncanny WHICH treadmill she was using and why it always had a clear view of Jack and his frequent workouts. It was blatantly obvious to Jack that she was actively stalking him. Jack pieced this together only a week before the trip, but out of respect for his friend, didn’t want to destroy John’s hopes, nor their friendship, as John was very vocal to Jack about the attraction he felt for her, so he pretended nothing was aloof. —------------------------------- The rest of the trip there was pretty uneventful. There were no buildings near the temple, so on the first day they simply checked into the hotel and set up their schedule for the following days. Jack had noticed the hotel had a gym, and considering how lazy the bus ride had been, he figured he’d best make up for it with a quick end-of-day workout. As he stepped out of the room into the hall, he noticed Maddy fumbling her room keys in the room nextdoor. Jack turned back to John and said “Hey I’m gonna go find a gym and get a workout in before the dinner.” to him, just loud enough that Maddy could hear. Jack didn’t even acknowledge John’s remark about drinking water or something as he was too focused on not chuckling at Maddy dropping her room key yet again as she heard this. The gym was empty, and to Jack’s delight, it didn’t look like anyone was going to be snooping by either, meaning no one was going to make a fuss about him working out with his shirt off. Jack was in the zone, he loved the feel of hot blood pumping through his arms. The sweat glistening against his heaving pectorals. The veins thickening with every pump. After a few sets, he slowed down and turned toward the doorway. Loe and behold, there was Maddy. “Sup… You’re Maddy right?” was all the very panicked Jack could muster. “Yeah…” “I’ve seen you in class before… And the gym… You seem pretty cool…” Maddy’s face flushes red at this. “Oh… Yeah I’ve seen you… around. I uh… Think you’re pretty cool too.” Maddy sheepishly responds. Jack then smiles and says “Well… I mean if you’re down we can hang out sometime…” “How about after Dinner” Maddy asserts. “Uh… Yeah! Yeah that’d be great! Did you want to go to like a bar or…” “I was thinking my place.” Maddy suddenly drops. “Oh uh…. Yeah! Fuck yeah! Great!” Jack fumbles together with excitement on his face as Maddy smirks and walks out of the gym swaying her hips from side to side. Jack bites his lip, whispers thank you to whatever god was watching over him, and then resumed his workout. —-------------------------------------------- After dinner, Maddy left nothing to the imagination. As soon as the door shut behind them, Maddy stripped Jack’s clothes off him, exposing his impressive and thick 9” cock swinging between his legs like a bat. As she engulfed his cock with her lips, she pressed him against the wall with all the force she could muster, fighting against her gag reflex so her fingers could analyze and caress Jacks’ muscular body. Jack didn’t know what the fuck to do, and occasionally would mudder something like “Oh yeah, you’re really good at this baby”. Eventually Maddy would have enough climbed onto his chest, mounting his cock as she whispered “Stop talking” into his ear before gagging him with her tongue. For the next hour and a half, they’d continue this display of passion, only stopping to let Jack recover for a moment, while Maddy occupied her thirst by licking the sweat off his body. Meanwhile, John was horrified. As it turns out, the walls of the Hotel are not very thick, and despite John’s attempt to tune it out, all he could do was weep and deny that his worst fears had come to fruition. —-------------------------------------------------------------- The next day on the drive to the temple, John questioned Jack. “I notice you didn’t come home until late yesterday… What happened to you dude?” “Oh… I uh, decided I needed to hit the gym after all those dumplings.” John was furious. But what was he supposed to do? Admit he’d heard everything? Lose John as a friend because some girl got between them? No… No revenge was a desert best served cold, and he’d be DAMN sure Jack would pay for stealing his girl… For now he’d feign ignorance, after all, he can’t let Maddy see him angry like that. “I have NO idea how you keep going through with these workouts man, if it were me I’d be exhausted after the first one you did before dinner.” Jack’s phone dinged as a notification popped up: “My group’s at the southern entrance to the temple, if you get here soon I’ll let you expor….” Was all John could read before the notification cut off. “Woah, is that a text from Maddy?” “Huh?! Oh… Yeah… She uh, asked if we wanted to meet up with her for the temple exploration later when we met at the gym yesterday. Something about her original group getting sick or something…” “Oh… Cool. I can’t wait to see her..” Is all John could respond with. —-------------------------------------------------------------- Both groups met up at the southern entrance to the temple. It was a large dark stone structure, currently illuminated by a series of LED lights strung into the temple by the surveyors who came before. While Jack had explained the John situation to Maddy, and she agreed to hide their involvement for the time being, she was NOT subtil about her intentions as she believed she could be. She’d rest on Jack’s arms regularly as she stared longingly into every masculine sculpture they passed, occasionally even groping Jack who was trying his damnedest to hide his throbbing boner in his pants. Everything was starting to click now that John wasn’t watching Maddy with rose tinted glasses. It destroyed him inside. She was just a size queen. She didn’t care about history, she cared about fucking biceps! “STUPID STUPID STUPID!” rang relentlessly in his mind. “Hold up… What the fuck? Why does this one say “Gilgamesh”.” said a voice behind the three. It was Lucy(29/F) She’d arrived at the cave with Maddy, and unlike her, Lucy had a genuine interest with the history of the building, amidst his anger John didn’t even realize she was still staring at some of the sculptures. “It can’t possibly say Gilgamesh, this temple was built for Atlas, the roman Titan who held up the heavens.” Lucy glared at John. “I can READ roman dude. I’m actually one of the top scholars in reading ancient roman. I’m telling you, this plaque, and this sculpture are for Gilgamesh.” Maddy chimes in: “Actually, this one’s a bit strange too. It’s clearly depicting a scene of david vs goliath…” “Pretty sure this one is Shiva as well… That’s one of the Hindu gods… I can only tell because of the multiple arms” Jack commented. “What culture built this place? Are we being punked?” “Maybe this is some kind of ancient museum for body builders? I… I don’t know… Maybe we’ll find more in the main antichamber up ahead…” Lucy questioned out loud. As the group entered the main chamber, it was clear this was the centerpoint of the whole temple with a massive statue of atlas in the center… Only strangely enough to the group, it was not the typical depiction of atlas struggling to hold the immense weight of the heavens, rather Atlas seemed to hold the sky aloft with a single hand. “This must be the main chamber. We should look around, I bet there’s all kinds of hidden treasures in here. If we’re lucky we may even find some ancient texts!” Lucy began to geek out as she explored the room. Wanting to be as far away from the love birds as possible, John sulkingly began to inspect the inscriptions on a mural in the side of the room. Meanwhile, Maddy became hypnotized by the powerful statue in the middle of the room as she began to inspect it, running her hands all over its stone body. Lucy began to translate the mural. “To all manner of men who walk these halls, I beseech ye to heed this warning. Beneath this temple lies the titan Atlas, a terrible Titan with inhuman power. He is not to be trusted, as his absolute power will corrupt even the most nobel of knights and pure of heart maidens. For the sake of the world, leave this place, and take only memories, less ragnarok be unleashed.” “Ragnarok? Is that really what it says?” John asks with immense skepticism. “It’s… A rough translation.” Lucy answers. However at that moment the whole building lurched in a massive quake. As Lucy and John turn around, they spot the ball Atlas was holding on the floor, as Maddy’s “inspection” had caused it to fall. Ominously, the door frames of the chamber began to close slowly. “What the hell?” Lucy screamed as cracks began to form in the floor, the four panicked as each began to run to the exit. Jack attempted to hold up the door, but only managed to slow it slightly, allowing Lucy and Maddy to escape, however, as John neared, an invisible force pushed Jack out of the doorframe, sending the door slamming down with John trapped inside. A flush of panic descended upon the three as they debated what to do. “We need to get help immediately!” became the group consensus quickly. The temple itself was easy to navigate, and having exhausted every other means of opening the stone door, the trio all left to find help. A rescue effort was coordinated immediately. Over the course of the next 48 hours, over 100 men and women worked tirelessly to open the door, eventually they managed to leverage the door enough to open it. As the door opened, three rescue personnel entered the room. It was distraught. In the center of the room a massive pillar of stone had crushed the atlas statue, leaving only its hand visible. However, despite the compromised structure of the room, unphased in the shadows was a pale boy doing sit-ups on the ground. “Kid! What are you doing?!” One of the team called out. “Situps obviously, how else am I going to define my core?” “You need to get out of here! Have you even had anything to eat today?” “I had some protein bars and a crocodileaid in my bag. I’m fine. See? Not even a scratch. Thanks for getting the door for me though, it’s a little over my max so I’d be stuck in here if not for you. ” John said as he shook the rescuer’s hand. Over the next few days,this operative would begin an intense investigation into the event as various aspects of what happened were just… Bizarre… The temple closing itself was one thing, but parts of the event were simply implausible. For one, the fallen debris in the middle of the room left scratch marks on the ceiling where it came down… However upon analysis… It became clear the scratches showed the pillar not only coming down… But being lifted back up somehow repeatedly… For another, despite initial thoughts, the atlas statue was recovered and re-constructed. However despite every scientific instrument known to german scientists, they were certain this couldn’t be the same statue, as it was not the depiction of the strong titan, but a frail starving man. However, what really stood out was John. He was completely unphased by the isolation, and only took the time to waste what little energy he had doing situps and other workouts like this was his personal gym. Even more bizarre, John had only been in the cave for a couple of days, yet when compared to his picture before his skin was far more pale… And his frame was much more well defined, more muscular even. Even his hair was slightly lighter. However, what disturbed the rescuer the most was when John shook his hand. It was cold. As a rescue veteran, he’d felt skin like that before and recognized it immediately yet he couldn’t bring himself to question it further as he’d be labeled a lunatic. However, in his mind, he was damn sure of it. John’s hands had the same feel as the hands of a corpse… —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For obvious reasons the rest of the trip was canceled and the rest of the class had already traveled home. When John got out of the cave, the only people he knew left were Jack and a few teachers who stayed behind. “JOHN!” Jack cried as he got back from the gym to find his roommate nonchalantly perusing their hotel room as if nothing had happened. Jack quickly ran up and hugged John. “Dude you’re alright! Your parents have been worried sick! Everyone’s been freaking out about this! Are you ok?!?” After a few seconds of embrace, Jack realized something was off about John. “Have… Have you gotten taller dude? And why are you so cold?” “Please don’t touch me anymore Jack. I’ve been in a cave, that’s why I’m so cold… Being in isolation for so long has given me time to think… Tell me the truth… Have you been fucking Maddy?” Jack froze up. “I… I ah…” John didn’t get mad, but rather smiled softly and raised an eyebrow. “Oh you lucky dog.” John said with a laugh. Jack was surprised: “I…I’m sorry dude… I know you had a thing for her, but she’s apparently super into… Well bodybuilders.” “Yeah I noticed in the temple… She was straight gaga for gilgamesh’s triceps. You’d think she’d at least have the decency to stay behind and apologize to the person she let get trapped in a cave.” “You… You aren’t mad?” Jack asked in astonishment. “Wouldn’t do me much good to be mad would it? I mean look at this…” John said, removing his shirt and lying back on the couch. “I’m not exactly her type…” Despite John’s claims, he looked surprisingly more muscular than the day before, but Jack didn’t want to patronize him and was more focused on the positive outcome of the situation. “Hey I’m sorry man, but there’s always more fish in the sea you know… How about I take you out to some bars downtown when you recover?” “Actually Jack, this whole experience has been eye opening for me. I think the best thing I can do now is focus on self improvement. Get that glow-up game going you know… I was actually going to ask you if you’d be alright mentoring me at the gym regularly? I can’t think of anyone else to teach me form and encouragement.” John said in a silky smooth voice like that of the devil himself. “I mean yeah of course! We’ll start whenever you’re ready!” “How about right now? I’m pretty sure the gym here is open.” “You sure? You did just get out of a cave… Do you feel alright?” “Oh Jack… I’m feeling better than ever….” John said with a snicker as he began walking to the gym. —--------------------------------------------- As they entered the gym Jack noticed there were a few people inside at the time and turned to John. “Hey, I wasn’t going to say anything, but considering this is a public gym, it’d likely be best if you put a tank-top or shirt on. It’s not like YOU you know, it’s just like a health thing…” John stared back at Jack like he’d just asked him if he could borrow his toothbrush. “Why should we let THEM intimidate us? If they have a problem with us they can say something. I for one though am not going to be bending my knees to some random douchebags.” “Uh… Well I mean it’s not really a sign of intimidation dude, it’s just… You know, courtesy.” “Oh you mean like talking to your friend before you rail the girl of his dreams in the room next door for an hour? Kinda like that?” John snapped back. “Ok… Deserved… I’ll give you that…” Jack said sheepishly. “Take your damn shirt off Jack, consider it our right to be here, and their privilege to witness us.” John said as he pushed his way past Jack. Jack would continue to wear his shirt, but didn’t bring the topic back up to John. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As the workout continued, Jack became more perplexed by John. “How do these things work?” John asked, lifting a 10lb kettlebell. “Oh, those are Kettlebells, they’re mainly used for things like lunges. I don’t hardly use them however as their shape is just a bit off compared to the classic dumbbell. We can start with those if you want.” Jack explained. “I only see them go up to 25lbs… What’s the point of that, even I can curl 25lbs?” “Well contrary to what you might think, it’s actually just an assistance tool, not a direct conflict like normal weights. You don’t really fight the weight itself, you’re fighting the resistance it causes you during other exercises.” “Intriguing….” John said, staring at the weight in the same way a caveman would stare at a laptop. Jack got a good look at the back of John’s head during this and finally asked: “Hey… John… You sure you’re up to push yourself? You haven’t even washed the ash out of your hair…” John simply turned and smiled with a cold voice: “I’m fine Jack. Let’s do some lunges.” Jack and John did a variety of lunges, but after a while Jack spoke up. “Hey, John, I think you should step down to the 15lb weights. You’re not doing any good for your body with that form.” “My form?” John glared back. This startled Jack for a moment. “I mean… Yeah your form dude, you’re leaning all the way to the side as you go down if you keep that up you….” “OW!” A sharp cry could be heard from the other side of the gym, interrupting Jack mid-sentence. “You alright?” “Yeah… It’s this damn cable… It’s frayed and it cut right into my arm…” Said the girl(45/F) from the other group. “You need like a bandage or something?” Jack offered. “No… But honestly I think I’ve had about enough of your friend. Look at him… He’s staring me down. Refuses to put a shirt on… Like fuck off douchebag.” Jack looked at John who had the girl in a deathstare. Even when she mentioned it, he didn’t stop. He was just staring at the girl, not blinking, with every vein in his body fighting back something within him that spooked everyone in the room. “John… Dude, stop staring” Jack eventually said, snapping John back to reality. “I’m sorry man… I think I expended myself too much… I think I’m going to call it for today and… Maybe get a snack… Haven’t eaten a full meal in two days you know…. How bout we pick this up on Friday when we get back home?” John said with a smirk. “Sorry to be a bother miss…” John said to the girl who just glared back at him in disgust as he walked out of the room. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Despite Jack’s promise, he didn’t actually make it to the gym that friday. As the field trip had been a disaster, it meant Jack’s final project was now changed to a completely new form which had Jack up all night. It wasn’t until Sunday that Jack was able to make the time, and to his surprise, as he arrived, he found John there. “What's up dude? You should have told me you were coming, I could have picked you up!” Jack announced as John put down the 20lb weights he was slow-curling. “Ah… Jack… I see you finally decided to show up… I’ve been waiting since Friday.” “Yeah I had to stay in to revise my stupid Archeology make-up final. Ridiculous man, we both nearly die and now they’re coming to finish the job with these last-minute switch ups… You sure you’re good to be here man? Come to think of it, I haven't seen you in class.” “Oh… Right… the final… To be honest I just don’t care anymore. The only reason I took that class was to impress Madeline…” John said. “Wait… you haven’t even started? Dude, what about your GPA?” “What about it…” John said coldly. “John… are you alright? You’ve been acting strange lately and I… I don’t know if it’s a good thing…” Jack said. “Jack… Like I said, being trapped in that cave was mind altering… If you don’t like my more assertive attitude… I really don’t give a shit.” John said glaring into Jack’s soul. “Well… To be honest it’s not just you defending yourself more… It’s physical too…” Jack said inspecting John a bit more closely. “Your hair is still gray… Hell it’s damn near white at this point. And your eyes… I swear I’ve seen moments where they’re ACTUALLY glowing. And not to mention, two weeks ago, you were as scrawny as they come… But now you look like some kind of boyband twink after photoshop…” “What are you, Jack? Gay?” said a nasally voice from behind John. John turned to the voice and saw a boy dressed in the gym’s uniform, with a build and complexion I can only describe as “Weasel like”. “Jack… Who is this person? He’s been following me every trip I’ve been here.” John asked with annoyance. “That’s Randall (24/M)… He works here… I think he also tutors people, he helped me out with trig last semester…” Jack answered. What he left out was that Randall was also a massive snitch and took out his own personal issues with anyone who broke his gym’s rules. “I HAVE to keep following you around! This is the fourth day you’ve been here in a row, and I can’t turn my back without you getting NAKED in the middle of the room.” Randall squealed. “Taking my shirt off does not constitute nudity.” John replied. Jack became alarmed at this and pulled Randall aside: “Ok, I’m sorry about this, a few days ago there was an incident and I think he’s traumatized in some way, I’ll talk to him about the shirt.” Randall, shouting as to ignore the privacy Jack offered, replied: “Look, I’ve already told him, if I see him in here without a shirt on, I’ll get Derick to throw him out!” “Sure dude whatever…” Jack relented. Randall then turned in a huff and went back to the front desk where he’d stare John down for the rest of the workout. John then turned to speak to Jack: “Jack about what you said before… Water under the bridge. To be honest I can understand your concern. When I saw my hair full of ash I immediately LOVED the look, so I dyed my hair lighter. I guess the hair change is bringing out something a bit more “glowy” in my eyes as you put it, and as for my, how did you put it? My boyband twink physique? I’m pretty sure you’re just seeing my pump. I’ve been here for about an hour now.” Jack was skeptical, but shrugged it off, as what other explanation could it be? “And I’m… “sorry” if I’m… Concerning you with how I act, but I’ve put my foot down and I’m growing as a person over this trauma. I refuse to be… Treated like that again…” “What betrayed?” Jack asked. “Forgotten…” John hissed under his breath. “What?” Jack asked before John changed the subject to discuss how much Jack’s max bench was. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jack didn’t question a thing for the rest of the workout vocally, but before long he had some private wonders that were puzzling him. John said he’d been in the gym for an hour, and even described the workouts he was doing. Now Jack figured he was going hard to keep pace with himself, but… It shouldn’t have been possible… Jack went through his whole full-body workout routine (hey, he had to make up for the days lost, no excuses), and while John wasn’t able to lift half the weight Jack was pumping, his stamina seemed almost superhuman. Curl-for-curl John matched every rep with Jack. Even at the end of Jack’s workout, when he himself was drenched in a thick layer of sweat, John’s skin was still dry. Furthermore something about the way John was looking at Jack was putting him off. His arms were darting all over Jack’s arms as if they were analyzing his movements, as if Jack’s form was some kind of meat being teased in front of a hungry wolf. Eventually, Jack had enough. “Damn… I am FEELING it!” he proclaimed. “I gotta start working out with you more often! I had no idea you had this kind of stamina dude! If we keep matching each other we’ll both be yolked as fuck in no time.” “I’m glad you noticed. I know it doesn’t seem like it but I’m practically about to fall over…” John mused as he lifted Jack’s dumbbells and put them back on the rack for him. “Ah… Oh hey it’s Sunday… The gym closes early… What time is it?” Jack asked. Without looking at the clock John replied “6:28PM”. “How did you…?” But before he could ask, John pointed to the large clock on the wall behind Jack. “Hey tell you what, I’ve got some protein powder in my locker, you want some?” Jack offered. “Sure thing… I’m heading back there anyways.” John accepted as he handed Jack his water bottle. —--------------------- Jack went to his personal locker in the back of the gym and started mixing the banana protein powder into his own bottle. That's when he noticed something else off, John’s bottle was bone dry. Not a drop of water left in the thing, not even any residue of water having been there before. “He’s got to learn to drink more water, that’s super important for any workout, particularly one that went that hard…” Jack went out and filled John’s bottle at the cooler. He looked around for John, but didn’t see him. So he walked back into the men’s locker room and called his name. “John?” “Yes?” John replied as he looked back from the shower area, naked as the day he was born. Jack quickly looked away. “Oh sorry dude, here you go, it’s your protein shake, filled up your water bottle too.” Jack had assumed John would put a towel on or something, but he was wrong. Despite being out in the open, John just turned and walked toward Jack without covering anything. Jack refused to look, but he heard something off as John approached. Slap, Thump, Slap, Thump, Slap, Thump. It was some strange noise following every one of John’s footprints. As John entered the locker area he asked “This one mine?” as he grabbed his bottle out of Jack’s hands. There was a long pause of silence. “I asked if this one was mine.” John repeated. “Yeah, I mean of course dude it’s in your bottle… You want to put some clothes on or like a towel or something?” John popped the cap to the bottle and immediately began consuming all of it. For Jack, all he could see was darkness as a disturbing “glug-glug” noise continued over and over until John had shotgunned the whole 45 oz drink. When he finished he popped the cap back on and dropped it on the ground. The sound of the bottle hitting the floor finally startled Jack enough that he looked John’s way, and to John’s amusement, Jack was too stunned to look away once he caught a glimpse. “Fucking Hell!” Jack shouted, his mouth agape and his eyes wide. John just stood there running his hands through his hair, pretending not to notice Jack staring at his monstrous cock. It wasn’t just big. It was inhuman. Massive. God-like. Jack stared in awe and horror at his friend’s *ahem* John-son. “I…. I can’t… What the… How did…?” John walked over to pick up the bottle he “accidentally” dropped. In reality, this was all just to show Jack that it was real. His balls swung freely with every step, contracting and lowering with every sway of his dick. The strange noise from earlier was clearly identified, it was the sound of what must be 25lbs of man-meat slapping John’s knees as the movement of his thighs somehow forced the beast forward with momentum. It was alien to Jack for some reason, and it took him a minute to figure out why when he noticed that his meat’s circumference was larger than his own wrists. HIS WRISTS! Jack couldn’t stop staring. He couldn’t speak. He eventually realized he needed to do something and stared at John. John just sighed and said. “What’s up with you man? You see something you like?” “Don’t just gloss over this, what the FUCK man?! That has to be some kind of trick!” “What trick?” “Dude I have access to the internet, I’ve seen a lot of porn. I’ve seen some pornstars with some absolute pythons, my own dick is bigger than most of them, but FUCK that is…. NOT healthy dude! How has no one noticed that beast between your legs?!?” “Oh my penis? Yeah it’s always been a bit bigger, never bothered me before.” “THAT IS NOT NORMAL!” “Really?” John smiled maliciously before continuing “I had no idea. What’s a normal cock size?” “I don’t know, like that THING must be at least a foot long!” “It’s 14 inches, or at least it was the last I measured. No idea how thick.” John cooed with a soothing voice that ALMOST distracted Jack. “Why don’t you show me yours?” John asked with pride. Jack protested: “Uh, nah man I’m straight… Fuck you’re straight too what the fuck?” “Yeah, but now I’m curious…” John started as he stared deep into Jack's eyes, and the longer Jack stared, the brighter John’s brown…. Yellow? … Red? Eyes began to glow. Jack backed against the lockers, unable to look away from John’s eyes as his own exhausted sweat-covered hands feebly made their way to his own gym shorts. “Take em off… I want to see.” John said as he took a step forward. John didn’t want to, but he did as he was instructed, slowly lowering his pants revealing his flaccid dick against his will. “Come on… All the way…” John requested, taking another step closer. Jack wanted to fight it desperately, but he couldn’t. It wasn’t like his body moved on his own… It was as if his curiosity overpowered his common sense. Some deep part of his subconscious wanted to do it. More than that, it wanted to whip out his own and compare it. He wanted it to be some kind of body dysmorphia, something that would suddenly correct itself if he could just look at his own package, maybe it’d measure up. Maybe it’d fix the obvious illusion before him. Some lingering fragment of his brain still denied the monster in front of him, but all that changed when he heard the sound of his own sweat-soaked shorts hitting the floor. He looked down, and saw nothing out of the ordinary. His own meat at half mast was normal. Finally breaking eye contact, he looked down at it, disappointed. “Oh… That’s it? Is it even hard? I mean neither is mine, but I didn’t know you were juicing.” “I’m not juicing, and it’s not hard… Why would it be?” “Good point.” John replied as he licked the palm of his hand with the entirety of his tongue. “Let's fix that shall we?” Jack was still distracted upon hearing this that he didn’t even notice that John was getting closer. The only thing giving it away was that out of the corner of his eye he saw John’s own meat dangling underneath his own. Without warning John grabbed Jack by the balls with ice-cold hands and massaged them seductively. “Woah! What the fuck DUDE?!” “Relax.” John commanded. “I’m only doing this for science. We’re both straight, remember?” Every ounce of common sense was ignored by Jack as he just continued to let this happen. True to his word, John didn’t try for anything more romantic. Both men were focused on Jack’s cock as it quickly began to rise to John’s finger motions. “It’s like cracking a safe… Only warmer…” John mused. “Ok… That’s full mast man, trust me, you can stop now it’s not getting any bigger.” “Nonsense” John said as his fingers sped up and his grip tightened. “You never know how far you can go until you try…” Jack was about to knock John to the ground when all of a sudden he noticed John was right. He didn’t know why (and quite frankly he didn’t care either), but little by little Jack’s penis continued to expand, thicker and fuller than he’d ever seen it. “Now. THAT is more like it.” John teased as he pulled his hands away. “Don’t stop!” Jack whispered before he caught what he just said. “Sorry buddy, but my work in the alley it aint that cheap bro. Now let's get clean, you reek and they’re about to close up shop.” “Uh… I’m good man, I’m just going to head out.. I’ll shower at home.” Jack said as if nothing had happened, yet determined not to go into the shower with John. “Suit yourself.” John said as he turned and returned to the shower. “Slap”, “Thump”, Slap, Thump, slap, thump… Jack’s mind was reeling from the experience, and there were a great deal of questions that zipped through his mind without answers… He turned to the bathroom mirror and looked at himself again. And as all men would think to do, the last thing Jack did before getting dressed and walking out, was watch his cock move and bounce like he’d never seen before… —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later on Jack sat in his shower at home, doing nothing but listen to the foreign sound of water sliding off of his body. He was concerned and curiosity had overcome him finally. What the fuck did John do? What was wrong with him? Why did he do this to him? Or was it all just his own imagination? His thought was interrupted by the sound of his bedroom door opening… “Jack? Baby? Are you here? You didn’t call me like you said you would… Everything Ok?” A grin appeared across Jack’s face for a moment before he realized the decision he was about to make. It took all of about three milliseconds for him to make the choice. “Alright… Time to take this beast out for a test drive…” End of Part 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part 2 : The Feast ______________________________________________________________________ —----------------------------------------------------------- John continued to sit in the shower. It’d been almost an hour now but it wasn’t like he cared about the gym’s water bill. “What is this dweeb even doing? He locked the front door forty seven minutes ago…How shit do you have to be at your job to not realize someone’s in the shower for forty minutes?” John amused himself as he left the shower running and stepped out to the bathroom, walked up to the mirror, and planted his hands against his reflection in the mirror. “It’s been so long… I’m so close… It’s almost time to feed…” John thought back to what started all of this and how far he’d come, and the gravity of what he was about to do. What he was about to choose to do. —------------------------------------------------------------ *Previously: in the Temple* As the door slammed down he panicked. He screamed. Did the others make it out? Was anyone coming? What could he do? All the exits were shut tight, there was no way out. The only light coming from a damaged LED cable wedged between the door… Was there even any way of getting air in here? He panicked for hours… Until he finally came to terms with the idea he wasn’t getting out of here… His mind slowly started to go to dark places. “This is how I die… The last thing they’ll put on my tombstone will be “Died Simping”.... I swear… I swear if I ever see Jack again I’ll destroy him!... I’ll burn his house down! I’ll screw his mom in front of him! I’ll I’ll….” “Why?” Said a chilling voice within John’s head. Startled, John stood up and asked out loud “Who’s there?!?” “Why are you so angry at your friend? Friendship is the most important thing in the world you know… Once you lose that… All you have is yourself…” The voice continued. “Show yourself!” John demanded. “My my… What spunk… You may not look it physically… But you have a very assertive tone… You’ve twisted my hand….” The voice continued. “Where are you?! Come out right god damn now!” John said, getting angrier. “God.. Damn? You say?.... A fitting choice of words… Alas…. Or rather… My corporeal form has not existed in eons… And my name… Oh my name is not something I can speak… Rules of being a “god” and all… So many ridiculous limitations…” “Is this some kind of prank? It’s been hours man this isn’t funny! I don’t even know if there’s any air in here…” “That’s a good question… I’ve never needed to know if this chamber is still air-tight…” “NOT FUNNY!” “Oh… you’re concerned for your health…Don’t be. In fact… When it comes to your health… Johnathan… I can assure you I won’t allow any harm to fall upon you…” “Who… Who are you?” “You know who I am… Your little friend warned you about me… I believe she called me by my previous human form’s name…" "Atlas" “Atlas? The titan?” “Titan?... It’s been over 2000 years… Why do they still insist on that word… But yesssssss, I am he. I carry the heavens on my shoulders, and bless the worthy with world bending power. I am a primordial being, who brought the concept of strength to this world… What a mistake that was…” “You… Are you holding the heavens right now?” “Oh… Ha ha… No. No, I let go of that millenia ago… Odd thing is… Once I let go, it didn’t fall like a stone or anything normally would… In fact it shot up, higher and higher than ever before far past the moon and the sun… Not even I know where it is now… Likely stretching the skies farther and farther into oblivion…. But I consider it my life’s mission to hold it once more…” “What… Why are you locked up here?” “Oh yes that… On that ground I feel we both share a connection… Maybe that’s why you’re the first one to hear me in so long… You see… I was betrayed… Just like you…” “Over a woman?” “Women were… Not such a weakness for me, no. Not that I cared, but I had fields of devoted maidens, and men too. Sometimes I’d humor them but I never grew any true attachments as you can imagine… No no… I was betrayed by my friend… Prometheus…” “The… Guy who stole fire from the gods and was confined to the earth and pecked by birds?” “Uh… No… Where did you get any of that?” “It’s what I know of Greek Mythology…” “Damn meatheads couldn’t even copy the texts right. Why did we even give them that nice library… Allow me to tell you the tragedy of “Atlas” , the origin of strength. ” —--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the world was young, it was populated not by man or beast, but by ideas. The world was less… Defined… Much more abstract. And these Ideas were in constant conflict with each other. How hot things should be, how big the world was, what direction should things face and fall, even the concept of death was debated. So many ideas… Each more ridiculous than the last. This is my earliest memory, and it was so short lived, as once I came into existence, everything seemed to change. I brought the concept of strength to the original ideas of the universe. The concept of having more control over something than someone else… The concept of being BETTER than your opponent. It settled things among the ideas very quickly. However, the consequences were unfathomably horrid. The origin of death took most of the blame, but deep down I knew my own role in the bloodbath that resulted. The concept of colors you can no longer imagine, shapes that you can never create… Blinked out of existence as law and reality defeated them one by one… Eventually, things calmed down. Those who remained were no longer at war with each other, and instead shifted to creation. It took more time than even I can imagine, but eventually they’d managed to create a little ball that everyone loved. They even created little servants for the ideas. They were just little meat computers, designed to prepare meals and settle disputes, however they quickly grew out of hand as the ideas became worshiped by these little meat-golems, to the point these “Humans” would sabotage and kill for the idea they liked more. Of course, when these disputes happened, it eventually would become my responsibility to resolve the issues. I was fair, and bound by the rules of the world, with many conflicts lasting eternity. It was cruel, and I was distraught over how what I brought to the world had begun to do. Then one day, Prometheus, one of my most trusted servants, came to me with an idea. “What if you yourself tipped the scales? These conflicts need not last a millenia, nor shed nearly as much blood if you offer your strength to one side.” The idea was brilliant, but alas, neither I nor Prometheus knew not the trap I was setting for myself. My followers erected this temple in my honor and I took residence here, hiding from the world I had failed in shame. I imbued the temple itself with my power, and told Prometheus of the totems. “Totems?” John asked quizzically. “You don’t even know what those are, do you? I’m sure you saw them on your way here. The statues… They act as conduits, they’re sculpted from the stone this temple is made from, and when one makes one in their image, my power is channeled through them, offering them incredible strength one couldn’t possibly obtain on their own.” “So if I were to break some of this rock and sculpt it into myself…” “You would be blessed with the power of a ‘Titan’ as you put it.” “Cool…” John said as he began looking around for something to chisel with. “Or…At least you would if it weren’t for that damnable statue of myself….” “Your statue?” John said, staring at the Atlas statue in the middle of the room. “Prometheus… Sculpted it for me… It was a gift… He sculpted the whole thing as a surprise for me… But when his servants placed it in this chamber… It crippled me. Suddenly the strength of the world was ripped away from it and forced back in, a loop of disturbing consequences causing chaos and disruption everywhere. It was at this point that the sky came crashing down… To save my people, I caught it, and held it. Determined to keep my worshipers and the other denizens of the world safe… I couldn’t move. All the strength in the world was still in the loop, and what little I had access to was used to hold up the sky. I ordered Prometheus to take the statue away… But for the first time, I looked up to him… And saw what I can only describe as greed in his eyes as he walked behind me and sat on my own throne. “You are the god of strength, and I am now stronger than you. I am the god of strength now.” Were the chilling words of my servant as the pure essence of my power flowed into him. “In a way… I suppose he did steal fire from the gods… But it was me who was cast into the earth…” Prometheus was only the first. Over time thousands sought my power. Eventually I released the sky… As no one was coming to destroy the statue… And found, as some cruel joke, that it was never at risk of crushing this world… I had allowed myself to be used for nothing… “Damn… What a bastard…” John empathized. “The fool… Others soon came to replace him. He defeated many, refusing to relinquish his title of god of strength. However, being the disgusting human he was, began to fornicate with thousands, dividing his own power over his thousands of children. Over time, the humans became so strong they no longer even remembered their former masters. So much of my power was fragmented and broken and I fear it will never be recovered…." That is the tragedy of this world, and the story of the failed idea of strength…and how it was killed by compassion…” John sat in silence. Until eventually he asked: “What would happen if I broke the statue now?” “I would be released, but without a vessel… I’d be just as powerless as I am now…” “A vessel?” “A worthy form to channel my abilities. All of them.” “All of them?” “However, to do so is… Unpredictable… It would be difficult to find anyone who could even handle it.” “ I can. “ John said assertively with a smile. Atlas, formless as he is, became intrigued by this offer. “Brave… But foolish. You do not know strength. You can scarcely imagine it. I have no idea what even only what’s left of my power would do to someone like you.” “I can imagine it, and I want it.” John continued. “YOU KNOW NOT OF THIS POWER BOY!” Boomed the voice in John’s head. “Physical strength is but a window into the power I wield. Strength does not constitute muscles alone, it elevates will power, intelligence, charisma, and control over everything around you.” “I can take it” John replied, truly believing in this voice, ignoring every inkling that this was just some delusion. “I… I am afraid.” Atlas replied. “What do you wish to do with this power? You’ve already shown how your anger will lead you to…” But Atlas never got to finish. “I want to rebuild you. I want to understand what true control entails. Like yourself, I’m also scared, but not of having power. I fear never obtaining it. I fear having everything ripped from me. My love. My life. My self worth. You must know what that’s like… And yet between the two of us, despite pitying yourself for centuries… Only I have overcome this fear.” Atlas sat in silence for what seemed like hours. Eventually he replied: “I am the true source of strength. That is who I am. If I continue to fear losing this strength…Or harming someone with it… I will never reclaim this title…” “Meaning…” John said with a smile. “Please… Undress yourself and sit yourself upon the pile of rubble that used to be my throne… I will grant you more than my blessing. I will grant you the last of my power… We will see if you are worthy of wielding it… If you even survive.” John didn't hesitate for a moment and instantly sat atop the rock, awaiting his prize. “When should I start to feel… AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” John snapped as it began. It was a moment of absolute serenity for John as the power began, and continued to flow into him. Atlas was right, he wasn’t ready. But he would be. It was like taking sunglasses off after walking inside, the whole world seemed beautiful and different. He no longer just saw stone around him, he saw the essence of strength flowing from the ground outward towards the rest of the world. He suddenly experienced the entirety of Atlas’s life in a single moment. More than that, he understood this world in a whole new way. The science of the world broke away, replaced with understandings of power and strength. Every historical battle, every world changing war, the pressure of evil as it shaped and corrupted the beautiful world in the name of progress, all for some… FILTH that was never meant to dominate these lands. It all flowed into John’s mind and body. Atlas called to John when he finally arose from his transformation. “John. Bonding with you… Has opened my mind in ways I never thought I could reach… I see now the fear I had, and only now do we both see purpose. We are no longer god nor man… We are something.. Beyond that… I see now I should have never wept for the people of this world. They are beneath us. And they will kneel before us as we reshape this world. Our world. A world I now see a clear path to conquer. To rule. To improve. A world we will change.” “Indeed my love. You see now the true strength of reality can not be corrupted by compassion, only conquest. We will not only return ourselves to our former power, but we will evolve even more as we rid this world of the filth that has robbed us as we take every ounce of our birthright back.” “My love… Yes… That is what I feel for us now… Love… What an… Amazing concept. I.. I have not felt this since…” “Since we were betrayed.” “Yes… So long ago.” “How much power do we have to work with now my love? I know the extent of my power, but I must know the extent of ours. The limits.” “Enough… Strength is not limited to physical power… Alas… As soon as the seal for this room is broken… We will be limited by the physical rules of this world.” “For now we will. However… We have all the strength left in this blasted temple… And we haven’t existed in physical form in eternity.” The new John smiled as he slammed his foot into the ground, cracking the floor, walls, and ceiling. Dropping a massive stone pillar onto him, which he promptly caught with ease, lifting it like it were paper. “Oh yes… This will do just fine.” The two voices said in unison as they began to express the power they both missed, and never had as they lifted the stones that had entrapped them for so long over and over. —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Already reminiscing of our first workout?” Atlas said, snapping John out of his own fascination with his reflection. “Mmmm… I’m just so hungry for it my love… That power… I almost wished they never opened that cave…” “I know… I know… They were simpler times…” “Yes.. And I’ve decided. It will be him… The annoying one… He’ll be the first…” “I can think of no one less deserving of even a fraction of my strength… The thought of reclaiming it fills me with pride. Although… I sense you have… Concerns over the morality of what we must do…” “ I do not. My concerns don’t lie with my own soul’s fate, as we will never face judgment for these actions. No. I weep for you my love. I know this is hard for you… Despite everything they’ve done to us… You still care for these creatures…” “How lucky I must be… To have a soon to be god like you worry about my foolish emotions that trapped me for eternity.” “Oh, my unbound flame… Your emotions are not a weakness, but my concerns are rooted in your compassion… You mustn't let that corrupt us. We can’t allow these vermin to trick us again… How about you let me take care of the seduction… You need not be awake for this.” “No… I can not hide from this any longer. My revenge will not be out of anger, it will only be out of love… As tough as that love must be… I must face it like the Titan I am…” “Titan huh?” “I’m… Warming up to the word… I know you like it…” “What a magnificent gift… I’m sure you’ll love my reciprocation…” John said as he turned towards the sound of someone entering the locker room. —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What the fuck!?! What douchebag left the water running?! Derrick is going to have my ass over this…” Randal shouted as he ran into the shower. “Not if we have it first” said a scenester voice from behind as Randal reached for the water. Randal turned around, spotting John in full view blocking the exit, naked. “Woah… WOAH Man… What are you…” Randal started, slipping onto the floor in shock, stopping as he spotted the hypnotizing mega-cock swinging between John’s legs. “What? You want a closer look, loser?” John teased as he stepped closer, towering over the cowering Randal on the floor. “Hey… HEY NO! I swear to fuck you bastard I’ll scream.” “You definitely will.” “GET AWAY FROM ME!” "Shhhh Shhh Shhhhhhhhh…. It's ok… Don’t be shy… I know you want to look at it… Experience it… Fantasize about having it… I can help with that.” John crouched down atop Randal as he slowly covered his body with his own. Randal was terrified, but powerless to move. He couldn’t. He tried. He could move his body, but he couldn’t flee or fight back. It was as if John controlled him like a puppet. Slowly, Randal was stripped, shirt, socks, pants, underwear… And yet he could do nothing but lay there as lukewarm water slowly dripped on him from above. John smiled and stood up, leaving poor Randal directly in front of his monstrous tool. To tease him John remarked: “You like this? I sure as fuck do. I love it. Pride doesn’t begin to explore my attachment to my fuck rod. I love the way it sounds when I spin it around… The “Twack” noise it makes when it hits my thighs… I can’t even stand still while I do it, it’s just too damn heavy you know? Throws off my balance.” As he began whipping his cock about, spinning it around right in front of Randal’s face.After a few whips, it smacked the glasses right off of him Randal was mortified. He couldn’t reach for his glasses, he COULDN’T. All he could think about was… Envy… Desire… Lust… It was slowly corroding his mind… “I want it out of my face!” he initially thought. Moments later his mind changed “I… Want that thing for myself… The power I’d have if it were mine. Respect, Women, Jealousy from others. But that’s crazy… I can’t just wish my dick bigger… Maybe just… Maybe just a touch. A feel… Fuck how to girls ride these things? My ass would never stretch that far… Would it?” “I know you want it… And you can have it.” John whispered menacingly. “All you have to do…" "Is ask for it…” Trembling, Randall looked up at John, his cold pale skin glistening in the dim flickering light from the locker room. His dark red eyes wide and unblinking. Somehow, deep within John’s demeanor he saw, he knew, Randall knew John wasn’t lying… No… He couldn’t lie to him… Who was this man…No… What was this man? Could he… Give him this gift? Could… He really bestow… That? No… Of course not, how could he? It was crazy to even think. “I…. I…” Randall stammered. “Go on…” John leaned in close and whispered: “I need to hear you say it…” “Can… Can you do it? Can you really… Make me a king among men like you?” John grinned widely as he knew Randall was now on the hook. “I can make you into a god above man. As tall, strong, and powerful as your darkest desires could never even entertain.” John said as he extended his hand. Randall’s eyes lit up with greed as he slowly shook John’s hand. “I accept. Make me into something pornstars wish they were.” —--------------------------- That was the final switch. In a sudden and violent motion John lifted the vile worm off the ground, flipped him over, and slammed a powerful jab directly into Randall’s spine. “AHHH! AH WHAT THE FUCK! I… WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME?!?” “I paralyzed your lower vertebrae. I can’t have you screwing this up. Don’t make me do the same to your arms.” John said, dropping to his knees. From the floor, poor Randall could no longer move his legs, but he could still feel everything, including the menacing cold cylinder lying on the crevice of his back. “No… NO YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” “You have no idea what I can do.” John said from directly behind Randall’s ear, his cold hands slowly feeling all over Randall’s body. “109lbs You weigh a total of 109lbs… Let’s beef that up a bit shall we?” Suddenly, Randall’s body began to seize. He’d lost control over his legs, and could no longer feel anything below his abdomen. As he looked down, it was clear as day why. John’s titanic monster meat had violently ripped its way inside of his tiny virgin ass and was now fucking his insides aggressively. As Randall’s head was forced backwards by the bucking motion, he noticed blood flowing on the shower floor. Randall was powerless to do anything, and waited in horror for the shock to wear off and his body to understand that his insides were being pulverized, but it never came. He knew lethal damage was being done to him. A powerful stomach cramp informed him his intestines were now pulled apart, vomit forced out of his mouth told him his stomach had been crushed, his inability to breathe could only mean his lungs had either been punctured, or completely ripped open. Yet death didn’t claim him. As Randall felt his shattered ribcage he knew he’d been ripped apart from the inside, yet as much as the intense pain kept him frozen in shock, a new feeling began to overwhelm him. Pleasure. As Randall continued to be hate-fucked by John, it was as if he’d climaxed a thousand times at once. Although he had no lungs, Randall somehow managed to form a few words utilizing the air being forced out of him. “M…MOre… Please… MORE!” John thought to himself. “Uhg… Worthless little bitch… I almost want to stop lubricating, and see his mind snap from pain before I finish coaxing the essence of strength out of him…” Randall suddenly looked down to see to his ecstasy that John was a man of his word. His tiny bitch-dick was swelling up larger than he’d ever seen it go. He was too busy having his back and head slammed against the floor to notice, but he eyeballed the measurement. “Four inches… Five inches… Yes… Yes yes more! SIX INCHES! MORE MORE MORE MORE I WANT MORE!” As Randall began to enjoy the sound of his new balls slapping against his flag-like body, his dick finally erupted like a volcano covering himself in his own cum, and John slowly stopped hammering him. “No… No please don’t stop…” “This is your limit. You can go no further. And now… It’s my turn.” John said as he lifted the nerd up by his legs and sank his fangs into Randall’s neck. Randall wanted to protest, but couldn’t as no one was pumping air through his throat anymore. John’s fangs were locked onto Randall’s face. But he wasn’t biting into him, rather, Randall could feel and hear the sounds and motions of sucking. It was relentless. Randall had long since calmed down from being destroyed, and now he simply sat in strange near-silence for minutes as this strange man continued to suck his neck. Randall tried to pull away, but only for a moment. When he finally broke free he noticed something strange… Was the room always this big? But he didn’t get a chance to question further as John had struck back sinking his fangs into Randall’s lips to continue his feast. It wasn’t until Randall realized he was now being held by one hand that he noticed and began to panic. He was shrinking, or rather, his size was being sucked right out of him. Scared, Randall tried to fight back, but it was useless. John didn’t need superhuman strength or stamina to hold him anymore, and with every passing breath he just kept getting smaller and smaller. Soon, Randall fell right out of John’s fangs and into his palm. Randall was now less than three inches tall, his entire body smaller than his own cock was this morning. “What the hell!” A tiny voice called to John. “Change me back.” “Sorry Randall, no can do… See, I need you. Or rather, I need your mass, your strength. And I’ve just claimed it as my own. Little as it may be…” John whispered, yet even these whispers sounded like demonic sonic-booms to Randall. “You bastard! How am I supposed to live like this!” “Like that? Poorly. But I still have one more surprise for you, a reward for participation. I could never let a weakling like you serve alongside me, not even as a servant. There’s only one place for someone like you in MY world…. And don’t worry, this time I’ll use a condom.” John explained as he pulled out an xl rubber, dropped Randall inside of it, and stretched it onto his viscera-drenched member. “Atlas, my love, I’d like you to do the honors.” John thought in his shared mind. A warm feeling began to make its way up through John’s balls as he leaned back in pleasure. Randall, frantically trying in vain to escape the condom, suddenly realized what was about to happen. It wasn’t an eruption, but a slow release of cum from John’s big dick. Even then, it completely covered Randall to the point John couldn’t even see him. Then with a single motion, he lifted the drooping part of the condom upwards and flexed his genitals, pulling the hot cum and Randall all the way inside his dick. John stood in silence for a few minutes with his eyes closed and his head cocked back. It felt so good. So right. Atlas finally broke his mental silence. “It worked… Fascinating.” “Of course, you should trust our abilities completely.” John replied, staring at his own reflection in lust, admiring his new body. “By liquifying his insides with my forbidden broth, it allows you to drain his body of its strength directly with our teeth… This is much more effective than I ever dreamed…” Atlas pondered. “And it’s not done yet either.” John said, licking his lips. “Any moment now, his essence will finish being extracted, and his spiritual form will become my fuel, strength and all.” “ You’ve not just reclaimed my strength from him… But now you’ve trapped his soul as well… Forcing him to exist as nothing more than our fuel for eternity. Amazing… Any other soul would have just killed him, but you my king, you’ve enslaved him for eternity… You’ve… found a means of making yourself even stronger than what should be possible with my abilities….” “Yeesssss…. So much stronger!” John mused, flexing his swollen biceps, traps and glutes as they began to expand within him slowly. Little by little John’s frame filled up. His thighs no longer subject to comparisons to twigs, his abdomen pressing hard against the skin as the layer of muscle began to consume the thin layer of fat in front of it, and his pecs, oh how John had waited for this moment, his pecs were finally heavy enough to caress and squeeze as he no longer had a flat frame. “As I gaze upon you now my love, I wonder which one of us is truly a Titan. I am so fortunate to have met such an unstoppable animal like you.” Atlas cooed from inside John’s mind. “My ascension will be in your name Atlas, I will reclaim what this world took from you, I swear to you, to me, to us. And I will burn this world to do it.” “I love you John. You know this in your core, in the heart of your mind, but I must proclaim it once more, you are beyond worthy of me… And I no longer fear I will never be worthy of you.” John smiled as he began to run his fingers all across his new naked form. It was so massive. So heavy. He stepped onto a scale to reassure himself, despite knowing instinctively how much he weighed down to the ounce. 186lbs “Fuck… I feel like a bodybuilder now… And yet I haven’t even broken 200lbs… God DAMN!!! So this is what it feels like to have an ass I can bounce!(Smacking his own ass to hear the noise reverberate) No wonder Jack is such a beastly jock… If I knew it’d let me feel like this ALL the time… I’d never leave the gym…” John continued to feel himself all over until he eventually satisfied himself. He then gripped his baseball-sized balls and said “Mmm… Keep fighting in there bitch… You’re going to be in there for a long time…” —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Don’t…. Don’t you dare stop…” Maddy whimpered as she drifted in and out of consciousness yet again. Jack, despite her demands, was exhausted. It was 3:42 in the morning, and he was still rock hard. He didn’t understand it. He’d never been able to last more than 3 minutes before. Even last week Maddy had to keep the momentum by balancing his dick and tongue action… Yet NOW, with whatever power John had massaged into his balls, Jack was a fortress of solidity, and could recover after mere minutes, even though he’d reached highs he’d never dream of reaching over and over, he just kept fucking! Maddy… The poor girl… She was clearly broken and insatiably hungry for more. Even after Jack finally stopped, she still relentlessly licked her man from lips to ass, desperate for any kind of reaction. Jack himself had passed out from exhaustion by 4AM, and awoke to his alarm at 9AM, only to find Maddy passed out and still gripping his balls. The rest of the day was… Super odd to Jack, but not because anything was different, but because it was the same. It was like walking through a dream where he just ignored the crazy shit that's happened to him the day before. Nothing of note happened for another two days. After finally working up the physical strength to return, Jack entered the gym again… And as he suspected, there was John’s head on the squat machine pushing 300lbs up with his legs. Jack thought about confronting him, but ultimately decided “no. It's just too weird right now. I need to focus on ME. I come here to improve MYSELF. I don't need to think about… Whatever weird shit he’s doing…” Nevertheless, Jack worked his pump in just as fiercely as he had with John. And… As if his eyes were deceiving him, he swore he hit a new PR with his incline press AND squat max. More and more he was captivated by his own reflection as his muscles seemed to swell and define themselves into more perfect, warm, powerful shapes beneath his tank top. It was his last set, machine flys, when he heard a voice behind him. “Oh Jack. I didn’t see you. Damn dude. Looking good.” Jack dropped the weights with a very audible “WHAM” as he knew the voice speaking to him, as he turned around, he wasn’t sure if he should be surprised or expectant of what he saw. John was physically larger than he had been. Somehow this little creep had put on at least another 40lbs of muscle in three days. Absolutely nothing was hidden from him as John was shirtless as well. “Woah, dude I didn’t even recognize you…” Jack said not even attempting to hide his skepticism. “Aw, come on man. I’m not THAT much bigger.” John said, hiding a smirk as he began flexing his arms so Jack could see. “Although….” “Yeah… That’s like… Insane. How are you doing that? You must have put on like what? 40lbs of muscle? In three days?” John just looked at Jack with fake confusion. “40Lbs? No dude. Not even close. MAYBE 5lbs if I really flex.” “Cut the bullshit,” Jack said firmly. “I know you’re doing something, and after what happened the other night in the locker room, I’m sussed the fuck out. Now spill it, what’s going on.” John reached out and grabbed Jack’s left pectoral, gripping it softly. “Yessss…. That’s a good boy…. Stand your ground. You are the master here. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” Jack glared at John. “Yeah see this is the EXACT shit I’m telling you about dude.” Jack said with annoyance. John simply looked around and said “Follow me” fake-sheepishly. John led Jack back into the locker room, and opened his backpack. Inside was a small case, which when he opened it, revealed a group of syringes. “I’ve… Been thinking about what you said the other day, and I’ve got to come clean dude… I’ve been juicing.” Jack was shocked but could only reply with: “Juicing?” Yeah… Juicing... "I managed to score some not long after I got out of the cave back in the hotel. I thought about what Maddy wanted in a man, and how I could get there. I’ve always told myself juicing would never work, big muscles didn’t mean anything if my dick didn’t work… I feel so foolish now… I didn’t realize I had such a… Blessed penis to leg ratio… Hell it may even be HEALTHIER for me to let this beast shrink a bit. I mean can you imagine anyone taking THAT thing? It’d rip them apart…. I guess I didn’t realize how much the steroids were messing with my brain chemistry… And I’m sorry about the other night man…” Jack thought about it a bit more, but eventually… He had to succumb. I mean, which was more believable? His friend always had a monster-cock and the changes in behavior were due to steroid abuse? Or was something supernatural going on without explanation? Obviously the former. “I mean… I guess that makes sense…” John said. “I’ve got to know though dude, what kind of chems are you pumping because FUCK, you have swollen the fuck up.” “Oh… I MAY have stolen them from Derrick. Fucking roid-hog likely just blamed his wife or that bitch Randall…” “Dude! Do you have a fucking death wish?” Jack asked, but then noticed something. “Hey wait a minute… Didn’t Randall say he’d have Derrick throw you out if he caught you shirtless in here again?” Jack asked. “Oh I’ve smoothed things over with Derrick. Yesterday I found him in here punching a hole in the wall of the main office, shouting something about how Randall made off with his stash and skipped town. I told him I’d help him finance some more juice in exchange for some kickback.” John lied as he nonchalantly scratched his balls. “So what? Derrick’s hooking you up with roids now?” “Not just roids, top shelf shit. I mean…” John flexed his impressive guns once more for Jack. “You can’t argue with these results.” “How… Effective are these roids? Like legitimately.” Jack asked. “I weigh 170 now Jack. Last week I weighed 140.” John snickered as he turned around and flexed his traps. “That’s… Insane…” Jack said in bewilderment. “You want some?” John finally asked. Jack froze at the proposition. “I mean… I don’t really want to fuck up my own clean record and… I’m sure they’re expensive as hell.” “A month’s worth of shit costs me 35$, my cock is more virile than ever, I’ve broken new PRs daily. Call me when you want to live like a beast, and you better do it soon, because you bet your hot ass I’m coming to take Maddy for myself if you don't.” That was the last John said as he walked out of the locker room, leaving Jack stunned and worried. But after a quick moment of thinking… He knew John was serious and he wasn’t about to become second biggest to a cocky cheater. —-------------------------------------------------------------------- Maddy laid alone in bed again today. What was she going to do? How could she stop? How far was she going to go? Jack had told her about his choice to start juicing, that didn’t bother Maddy, in fact she encouraged it. What concerned her so much, was what was coming next? Would today be the day he’d finally snap her in half? Maddy grabbed the side of the bed as she got out of it for the first time all day. Her knees buckled from exhaustion as she fell to the floor. “Fucking damn it...” Maddy thought to herself as pain from her legs and elbows began to throb in response to her fall. Maddy had always known she wanted a big strong man in her life. She didn’t just want big, she wanted stronger, bigger, a bodybuilder hunk who could finally stand up to her that would never stop impressing her. The perfect catalyst for self improvement. She didn’t understand it. She was gorgeous. 5’10. Luscious flowing hair. A face sculpted beautifully without a pimple or blemish ever. Her body was forced into a perfect ratio from her extremely regulated diet and regular exercises. Maddy had always earned the title “Queen” in every way. She demanded control, not through aggressiveness, but through sheer force of will. Jack did NOT understand the extent of her depraved quiet narcissism. She didn’t eat food, no, to overcome the challenge of controlling her weight perfectly she refused to consume food straight, rather she would spend hours every Thursday scientific instruments to process hyper-specific and strange meals into nameless bricks of nutrients which she would eat throughout the week at minute-specific scheduled intervals. When Jack asked her why she did this her response was unnerving. “I love my body. I really do. And I refuse to abuse it. For years my metabolism drove me mad as I could never control my caloric intake. Most people would just accept the extra calories from meals they didn’t prepare with scientific precision. I don’t. Because I don’t want what’s good enough for anyone. I want the best. Because I am the best. I will always be the best and this is why I am the best.” That was just her diet. She was obsessed with everything about her physical existence. Jack had thought she was just the typical spoiled-hot-girl with daddy’s money who didn’t care about school, but he was FAR off. She didn’t have money, she made money. She refused to model as well. By age 22 from borderline poverty she’d built a multi-million industry off software she wrote herself, before the end of her first college year, and told no one, not even her own parents, living as a millionaire in secrecy. She was a genius and an absolute boss. This power and knowledge allowed herself access to her own scientific instruments, which only worked to fuel her obsessive nature moreso. A variety of surgically implanted nodes allowed her to weigh different portions of her body separately. A chamber hyper-configured to massage and relax calculated parts of her body to burn fat from specific parts of her body. Thermometers, acidity probes, and pill-cams secretly monitored every inch of her body at daily intervals. When she began seeing Jack she was ecstatic at first, but quickly grew bored…. Until about a month ago, when Jack somehow grew 2 inches of his manhood overnight. She was very sure about the change, down to the centimeter. She immediately sent his blood for testing. It contained an unknown foreign substance that left scientists baffled. She needed to know more. By the time the tests were done, Jack had already met with John again, who had sold him on both the Steroids bs explanation, and on the “Steroids” themselves. Maddy was more excited than she’d been in years. The idea of her top-shelf toy growing in every way filled her mind with pride and greedy ambitions. Maddy didn’t just want Jack to grow, she wanted Jack to stand up to her. She wanted to feel it again. Like the world didn’t always bend to her will. Like there was someone who could tell her “no”. Her demeanor, body, and accomplishments had served her too well. She wanted a challenge from somebody…. But all she ever found were more hopeless simps and himbos she’d toy with as she searched for someone better. It didn’t take more than two days of use before Maddy noticed some serious improvements in Jack’s body. By the end of the week, Jack had beefed up to 300lbs. His veins were thicker than earphone cables, his pectorals filled out into two rock solid slabs above eight chiseled abs practically about to push through the skin. And if anything, his dick worked even better after the use. However, Maddy was unaware of how much more this would affect Jack. By week two, he’d begun pushing 315lbs, and had achieved a new max bench of 380lb, his already golden muscles continued to grow. Maddy hadn’t even considered Jack’s height, but one day as he hit his head coming into the apartment, she found he was now 6’5”. Jack hadn’t changed emotionally at all though. Maddy was certain he’d become angrier over time as the roids would affect his body chemistry, but instead he just grew… Bigger and bigger. All while Maddy was about to scream at her lover to stand up to her as she kept asking him to do more and more ridiculous things. He’d always either try to calm her down and explain what was wrong with her request, or he would conceive and do whatever Maddy told him. The only time he’d do anything close to stand up to her is in the bedroom, where she’d begun being torn apart nightly. While Jack’s cock had remained at an impressive 11 inches, the rest of him was growing so fast he was foreign to his own strength, particularly when he began bucking Maddy’s thicc ass. That was two weeks into the juicing. By the end of the month, Jack had plateaued at a staggering 345lbs, 6’7”, and muscles that were actively tearing his skin in places. That appeared to be Jack’s maximum. He had no idea how much more powerful he was from before any of this. To him it just felt like the weight numbers were going up and he had more trouble fitting through doors, but for Maddy, the tight embraces she used to love as he’d grip her ass was beginning to damage her glutes. Her perfect body at long last, despite years of unrealistic regimens and the best scientific innovations, was failing her. She was torn, both physically, and mentally. How can she be the best if she lets this PUSHOVER become too much for her to handle. Years of intense regimens, regular blood tests, extreme fasting periods, relentless workouts, and tireless nights programming her own personalized software WASTED! As Maddy stumbled into the hallway, she looked up at the table which had Jack’s formula on it. She still had no answers. One thing was certain though, whatever was in that serum he was getting from John… It wasn’t any kind of steroid known to man. It was mere IV fluid… Spiked with some kind of foreign super-substance. A somehow intelligent nano-substance which only reacted to Jack’s body, and couldn’t be replicated, or even transferred to another subject. Maddy was done searching for answers conventionally. It was clear the only way she was going to get answers was from John. She’d talked to him about this before, but he simply ignored her with a cocky comment about how “now” she’s interested in him. What a little brat. After a few more hours of rest, Maddy was finally ready. She injected herself with one more dose of antihistamines before slipping into her stealth outfit. (She’d used this before to burgle information from some less than cooperative clients for blackmail). She knew Jack and John were still at the gym, and one way or another, she was going to find out what John was up to… And claim it for herself. —--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was Sunday yet again, and the gym was soon to close as Jack and John were finishing up their workouts. While Jack had grown a massive 70lbs over the course of the last month, John had only perked up slightly to about 195lbs, a mere 15 lbs from what he’d obtained after consuming Randall. In his mind, Atlas was beginning to question John’s dedication as the progress he’d made was trivial towards their goal. As they shared a mind, John was instantly aware of this as well, but he assured his other half that everything was coming along perfectly. Finishing their last set, the two were approached by a wide-eyed man of impressive size. Jack recognized him immediately as the gym’s owner, Derrick (42/M). “Nice cling bro. Solid fucking work. Gotta say I’m fucking impressed.” The man said from behind. Jack turned around as John continued to push himself a bit further. “Oh hey, Derrick, what’s up?” Jack replied. “Not a whole lot my dudes, not a whole lot. Just… As a bodybuilder myself I HAVE to say I’ve been watching you two over the past weeks and I am blown away by your… Impressive work ethic.” Derrick continued. “Oh well… Thanks!” said Jack. “Do not. … Mention it.” Derrick said in a borderline threatening tone. “See what’s really been working my head over, is this timeline between the two of you. Four straight weeks of nonstop gym seshes, no rest days, multiple-hour workouts… I mean you are some REAL specimens. I’ve been bodybuilding for decades and I gotta say, I’ve never seen anyone with that kind of stamina and will power…” John finally dropped his bar and turned to the pair and spoke: “Sorry Derrick, but we don’t really do autographs.” John teased. Derrick didn’t respond as he looked behind him, he growled as there were still some witnesses all around him. As he did, Jack realized Derrick was clearly about to have an episode and motioned for John that they needed to get out of here. “Well… That’s a full day, I gotta get home to an ice-bath soon or else I’m gonna start cramping…” Derrick was pissed, but eventually smiled “Same time tomorrow?” Jack didn’t speak, but John cockily replied “Of course. You think we’re just going to give up on this like you?” as he flexed his arms in the mirror, without even facing Derrick. Derrick was about to beat the shit out of this little twink, but as he raised his hand, Jack caught it. “Cool it.” Jack said firmly. Derrick was even more pissed now, but in his mind he knew he didn’t stand a chance against Jack, and certainly not both Jack and John. Begrudgingly, Derrick let the pair walk back to the locker room. —---------------------------------------------------------- Jack stepped up onto the scale and frowned. “Damn, 345lb again… Third day in a row… I swear I’ve hit a plateau man… What do I do now?” “Haha… I know the feeling. You have NO idea how much I want to break 200. You doing all the stuff your girlfriend talked about? Eating enough? Cycles? Getting enough sleep? ” “Well fuck man, I know you stopped caring about school but I’ve been run ragged studying, and quite frankly I am SCREWED come Thursday’s English 201 test.” “Sleep is important for a growing man… Rest too. Why don’t you cut back a bit? Take a couple days off… Wouldn’t hurt, right?” “Oh nice try, you just want me to let my guard down so you can blow right past me. NOT GONNA HAPPEN TWINK! HAHA!” Jack bellowed with a double-bi flex and a deep laugh. “Oof. You got me! Ah… But seriously. I’m sure you noticed Derrick.” “What’s his deal?” “He thinks I’m tweaking his product somehow, making it more effective, and not telling him about it.” “Seriously?” “Oh yeah, he’s super jealous…” John said as he removed his shorts, unleashing his beast. “... And it’s going to stay that way for a long time…” John hadn’t exposed himself to Jack since the first incident, Jack wasn’t nearly as stunned this time but still had to keep himself from staring. “So…Uh… I thought you were done with… You know… Exposing yourself… To me?” “Oh don’t act like you don’t…” But John was cut off mid sentence by a sudden deep glare from Jack. “I mean… You said you were on a plateau… You sure you don’t want me to help… Fix that?” John said raising an eyebrow. “I’m fine thanks, the juice does me just fine, and quite frankly I think if I get too much bigger I might start seriously hurting Maddy. I don’t think either of us want that.” John playfully frowned and wrapped himself with a towel. “Oh and about the roids, ration yourself, Derrick is holding out on me now, I’ve got an idea about how I’m going to convince him to give me more (he said focused on moving his fingers) but we’re going to be a little short for a while. At most a week.” “Oh! Well… I mean I guess I’ll need to focus on my studies for now anyway…” Jack said with mild disappointment. “Better get them back quick though… We gotta find a way over this plateau hurdle you know?” Jack said as he began walking towards the exit. “Like your girlfriend says man, Sleep, Rest…” John started as Jack stepped outside with the door swinging behind him. “.... And increase your intake…” He whispered maliciously. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derrick was about to have a stroke. Those little bastards. Think they can come into HIS gym, take HIS roids, scare off HIS cuck slave, and RUIN his secret world of depravity TO HIS FACE!?! Oh no. OH HELL NO. Derrick was pissed off to all hell. From his perspective, his roids were gone, and two new cocky brats were abusing the fuck out of them IN HIS OWN PLACE OF BUISNESS. John knew about all of this, right down to where Derrick’s stash was hidden. He had absorbed all that knowledge from Randall. Randall himself was more than just Derrick’s work-bitch, over the past few months, Randall was Derrick’s private cuck slave. Derrick wasn’t gay himself, but he loved the way Randall would beg in the corner while his muscular body railed whatever prostitute Derrick brought home. Hell, Randall made the 250$ worth it. When Randall suddenly disappeared a few weeks ago, the cops were dumbfounded and had nothing to go off of. The case ran cold for them, but Derrick had his eyes all over the last place he was seen: His own Gym. Derrick didn’t believe it, but all of a sudden things started making sense when he heard a rumor that John, a twink Derrick had never spoken to, was getting roids from himself. Yet when Derrick checked his stash, his shit was sure as fuck gone. All of it was surrounding that little FREAK John. And he was about to spill everything. Or else… Derrick smiled as Jack strolled out of the gym and locked the door behind him. “Cocky little shit better enjoy his last shower” Derrick mused. Derrick stormed into the bathroom and bellowed from his lungs “COME ON OUT HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT! THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GET REAL UGLY FOR YOU!” John didn’t even flinch as he strolled out of the shower. Derrick caught sight of him and began stomping at him from the other side of the room before like all the others, he was momentarily caught off guard by John’s gorgeous naked body. It only stunned him for a moment before he became even angrier. “I’m about to rip that damn dick off! You little bitch!” John simply continued to stroll to a chair in the middle of the room and sat in it facing Derrick. Before Derrick could get within swinging distance, John spoke a single command, powerfully, as his eyes glowed and the lights flickered. “Kneel”. And as if commanded by a king or superior officer, Derrick dropped to his knees. “Wha… What the fuck!?!” “Wh… WHY CAN’T I GET UP!?!” “Instinct. Your mind might think otherwise, but your body is acting on instinct and obeying its master. " “YOU LITTLE SHIT! I’ll FUCKING…” “Oh Derrick Derrick Derrick… Do you REALLY think you’d stand a chance against “this”. John teased as his whole body flexed on command. “What… THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO RANDALL?” “Randall? Why, he’s right here…” John’s head rolled backwards as he began gripping his own balls and stimulating his cock. Soon it began to ooze a bit of precum, followed by a steady stream. Before long a huge pool of cold pale spunk congealed beneath John’s towering figure. Derrick was mortified, as the white pool continued to grow, thicken, and take form. Pretty soon it was obvious whose form it was taking. It was Randal. His eyes glowed as if his soul was the only thing holding the amalgamation together, with his thin neck bound by a tight ethereal choker on a leash. His hands were bound by chrome chains, his arms and ankles had skin-tight bands on them as well, with a series of demonic tattoos imprinted all over his face and body. He was gagged, but considering their experience, Derrick knew what Randall was screaming clearly. “MMMMMMHERRRRPPPPEEMEEEEE!!!” (Help Me) “Satisfied?” John asked as he inhaled deeply, licking his lips and flexing his now fully erect monster cock. This pulled on Randall’s leash forcefully, dragging every drop of his twisted cum-form back into John’s demonic dick. “What… What the fuck are you!?!” Derrick shuttered, unable to run or even turn away. “Your new Master.” “What?” “I’m sure you’re terrified Derrick… I would be too if I were in your shoes… But I want you to understand…” John said as he got up and strolled around Derrick, who was locked in place, unable to do anything about John as he began caressing and tasting his body. “I am not your enemy.” John cooed. “Up.” John suddenly commanded, and instantly Derrick stood erect. “Bend” John commanded again. “I swear to fuck you arrogant freak I’ll…” “Silence.” And with that Derrick’s mouth shut itself. John was now right behind Derrick as his torso was bent forward at a little more than 90 degrees. His hands caressing his hard stomach muscles and thick manly arms. “Lower” John said as he leaned all over Derrick as he lowered his torso, leaving his ass high up in the air. As John began caressing his back muscles, the salty musk of his Randall-soaked cock filled Derrick’s nostrils; he looked down to see the freakish member swaying between his own legs. “Oh yessss…. You will do just fine.” John finally spoke as he stood back up, Derrick’s thicc ass in hands as he slapped it. “See Derrick… You’re not like my other meals… I’ve been forced to pick off morsels so far… Tiny little bitches like your dear Randall. Vermin who are simply not worthy of worshiping me. Despite being born with power and potential, rats like Randall never even tried to amass strength. They have so little energy, even at twenty four years old, he had less power in him than a 9 volt battery…” “But you Derrick… You are so much more… Even if I wanted to consume you… You have spent your life accrewing so much more strength than average men, and I don’t just approve of that, I’m intoxicated by it. So much of my true love’s power flows through you, that it’d be such a waste to simply entrap you, no, not only that, it’d be wrong to have someone who was already such a devoted servant to my love be damned to the same fate as some lowly bitch like Randal. No… You deserve better. So I offer you a choice.” John stopped pacing and turned to Derrick. Gripped his skull painfully and forced his gaze deep into John’s eyes, imbuing Derrick with intense visions of the power John felt flow through him as he consumed several other people like Randall. “Join me, become my Thrall, and you will be rewarded with a life of unimaginable bliss, power, lust, and immortality." I will only offer this once… Derrick’s head flung back forcefully as John returned to his chair. Still on his knees, Derrick’s mind was fried from those visions. The pleasure, the power… It was so… Extreme… He’d already creamed his pants once and merely remembering the visions seemed to spur a second climax instantly. It was a welcome distraction from the horrors of what all those poor weaklings inside of John were now forced into constantly. John smiled as a grin stretched over Derrick’s face. “Speak” he commanded. “I wish to join you my lord…” Derrick whispered, staring into the unstable fluorescent lights above him. “Louder”. “I WISH TO JOIN YOU MY LORD, TO SERVE YOU, MY MASTER, MY COMMANDER, MY NEW GOD!” “Excellent.” John said as he stood up. “Against the wall” he commanded again. He then approached Derrick from behind and whispered to himself. “Oh yeah… I think I’m going to take my time… And enjoy this one…” as he began fondling Derrick’s plump ass. Derrick was a much bigger man than John’s previous fucks… As he pushed Derrick’s thick legs to each side, he heard Atlas speak to him from within. “We are ready. Our first worshiper has accepted his new title willingly… And what a disciple he is…” Atlas mewed as John gazed upon Derrick’s muscular body one final time. “You know we still don’t know if this will work” John thought. “Oh, but of course we do… I know, because you thought of the whole ritual.” “Only because I can see your world.” “Our world was always visible to you… You only needed to claim it… Now…Do it.” As Atlas commanded, John’s titan cock began to pierce Derrick’s ass by force. Derrick screamed both from his ass, and the sheer force of John’s inhuman grip of Derrick’s love handles. The force of which was like a hydraulic press, crushing Derrick’s roid-gut from the sides painfully. For Derrick, as soon as the transformation began, he knew it was trial by fire, and that weakness meant a violent and painful death. Unlike Randall, this time John didn’t use his own special lubricant, so Derrick felt all of it. His gut being split open from inside like a smoked sausage link, his back tore right down his spine, moving where his legs started up by at least half a foot. Derrick had started to scream, but John simply said “Silence”, and despite the moral peril his life was in, Derrick’s mouth sealed shut. As John continued he laughed in ecstasy. This was so much better than the scraps he’d been eating up until now. So much bigger… So much more control… Soon, John’s big dick erupted inside of Derrick, and whatever pain Derrick felt up until now, it was nothing compared to this. John’s otherwise cold body was suddenly replaced with searing heat, like if someone had spread hot coals or thick boiling soup all inside Derrick. He coughed, and as he did the hot liquid boiled out of his melting throat and burned his tongue. “Lick it back up” John commanded with a snicker. To Derrick’s horror, his body lurched forward, despite his own lips being burned away and frantically began re-consuming the hostile spunk. It was minutes of unending and unbearable pain. As Derrick looked down he saw his left leg had snapped clean off, and there were several holes in his torso, meanwhile John was only growing more and more violent as he continued to hate-fuck Derrick. Finally, John grabbed Derrick’s shoulders and forced his dick up even further, it slid right up what was left of Derrick’s throat and went right through his tonsils… To his brain. At long last, the pain suddenly stopped. As Derrick opened his eyes, believing himself to be dead, he only continued to stare at the locker he was forced against. He was still alive, but suddenly, he felt everything change. The blood of his injury began to flow upwards, covering his skin, tainting it to a deep dark reddish color, filling the tears and damage. Suddenly it all came back, his jaw, his hearing, even the feeling in his left leg. He attempted to stand, but fell against the wall. As he tried again he noticed the reason he fell: His legs were now twice as thick as they had been before. As he realized this, he quickly understood he could control his skeleton freely, and willed his stance to widen itself to accommodate his new red-hot-thunder-thighs. He stood up successfully now, proudly, before hunching back over. He hadn’t realized it, but his back was still mending, and his new pectorals were roughly 130lbs heavier than they were before, not to mention his much broader shoulders and skull-crushing biceps. Soon Derrick noticed something off… He could see so much further, as if his field of view had been increased. It was then that Derrick finally noticed himself in the mirror, and he loved it. He was clearly no longer mortal. His blood red skin glowed with symbols of power tattooed across him, he now commanded not two, but four eyes with perfect vision, atop his head, two horns projected from his cracked skull into a crown-like shape. The reflection told him everything. He was unleashed in terms of potential. His stamina was limitless, and his body was his to command at will. He toyed with his hair for a moment as he suddenly understood each strand was now a new appendage he could control. He no longer needed air, nor water. He no longer needed food, but what he did consume would metabolize perfectly, never leaving his body. Eventually Derrick spoke. “My master. I humbly thank you for this gift. I beg thee to forgive my earlier transgressions. I was a fool. Only now do I understand you are the source of true power for me, how may I serve you?” “Fantastic. My new disciple… You will go forth into the world and live as you please, you will quickly find your lust for strength to be insatiable. Thankfully you have ample resources at your disposal… What you must do for me… Is consume. It is your job to consume more strength, and pass it to me.” “Then I will consume the world in your name, master. No one will stop me! Just let them try and run! I’ll just bash…. AH!” Mid-rant, Derrick was forced to the floor by glowing red chains that enveloped his clawed hands. The chains appeared out of nowhere and extended all the way to John who gripped them firmly. To Foolish Thrall. "Violence and murder will only shame us. No. You must learn seduction and charisma. The “easy” way has no place in my world. As a punishment for assuming such a lazy existence, I will absorb some of your strength, and will continue to do so whenever you disobey or disappoint me.” John smiled as he felt a portion of Derrick’s new strength flow into him. Swelling him far past 200lbs to easily 225. His body began to seize in pleasure as he felt the muscles in his back stretch and expand, pressing his firm figure to an even more massive state. His eyes glowed red as he began to experiment with his new control, he forced wings to grow from his shoulder blades on command, his abdominals spread and grew teeth, opening up to reveal a massive tongue which licked the front of his body like his core was his mouth, he inhaled deeply and began to analyze the very air through senses he’d never dreamed of feeling. When he was done, he returned to his 225lbs human-esque form. “My ascension is now all but guaranteed. And in the dawn of my new form I shall grant you a new name, as your human name… “Derrick”... Will never fit my perfect creation. No. You will now wear the title of “Potesna, first wrath of the new world”. “Yes, my lord.” Potesna obeyed. “I will learn to consume as you have asked, not through fear, but through the core emotions that guide all humans: Greed, Envy, and Lust…. It will be almost too easy.” With that, Potesna willed his skin, body, and face back to a more human form, the red chains still binding him to the floor. “Excellent. Now, hold that position. You are to stay in that stance until sunrise.” “An easy task for this new body” Potesna accepted with pride. “I will know immediately if you fail me, and will take more strength from you if you do.” “I know sire…” “Good. Now I have to go…” John said as he turned menacingly towards the vent window at the edge of the room. “Poor Maddy is terrified across the street… She’s been watching us for quite some time…” John said, narrowing his gaze menacingly. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “SHIT.” Maddy thought to herself. “You can’t run Maddy…” Echoed a haunting voice as Maddy continued Sprinting as fast as she could, she had to get to the safehouse. No… Would she even be safe there? She turned down the alley, opened the door, and froze. It was pitch black inside, but she could tell from instinct he was there… Her worst fears actualized as a crack of fresh lightning illuminated the menacing figure towering in the darkness as his two frightening eyes began to glow crimson. She was frozen in fear until the thunder finally broke the silence. “So… I see you’ve finally taken an interest in…” “EAT LEAD ASSHOLE!” Maddy shouted as she whipped out a Desert Eagle from her belt and fired twelve rounds at John. John didn’t even flinch. He simply took the damage dead on. “... No foreplay then I suppose…” “What the fuck are you?” Maddy glared in defiance at the monster slowly approaching her “I am just like you Maddy… I am everything you’ve ever craved in physical form.” “You’re a freak!” “And so are you.” Those words sent a chill down Maddy’s spine. “You spend every moment chasing perfection for your body, you’ve bypassed every natural instinct in an eternal pursuit, not in pointless fear of escaping death, nor for approval from those lesser than you. You do it to achieve perfection. Divine form.” “No… You don’t know jack shit about me!” Maddy screamed in terror. “Oh but I do. Do you know how I can do this?”John said as he unleashed dozens of tentacle-like veins from his back that quickly covered the room. “FREAK!” “No… Not a freak. This is natural. I can do this because I see strength in its purest form. I have become enlightened and blessed with control over this energy. This is not magic, no soul was sold to achieve this, and no matter the dedication, no science could bring me to half this level.” “Then what is it?” “Knowledge. Vision. Understanding. A blessing from something… Better than what flesh creatures could ever hope to obtain on their own.” “S…SO?! It’s hideous. DISGUSTING!” “How dare she speaks to us that way…” Atlas whispered to John. “WHO’S THERE?!” John’s eyes suddenly snapped back to normal in surprise. “You… Can hear us?” Atlas and John asked in unison “Us?” Atlas began laughing in a deep menacing tone. “If she can hear us from here, she truly is worthy of our blessing.” “Worthy…” Maddy trembled as she continued to lock her eyes onto the monster. “Indeed. Even now her willpower is strong, but soon she will see.” “She has more strength within her than a hundred men…” Atlas mewed. “I’ll… NEVER Join you…” “And I suppose with that attitude you won’t… See, my abilities have more rules than you think… I can’t just force you to accept this gift… I can break your mind, isolate you from reality, or crush you easily… But to do so would mean all the strength you have will be lost for ages… I can not accept that as I yearn to complete my love. ” “Ahahaa… Look, my love… She’s speechless, her mind is afire from the mere sight of you. Her deepest desires enlighten her to your blessing even faster than Derrick… She must be brimming with strength the likes of which I haven’t tasted in millenia… And it wants to be whole again.” “What… What do I do?...” “Open your mind, and allow Atlas to elevate you.” “No my love… I cannot do this alone. Without my temple to direct my influence, she will require direct contact with you.” “Oh… Well. Hahaha, I’m going to enjoy this…” John said as he sat down on a nearby couch and ripped away what remained of his pants. “I… No… I won’t bend to this… YOU CAN’T FORCE ME!” “Oh I definitely can, but I won’t. Tell me what you want.” “I… I want a challenge.” “Is… Jack providing you with this challenge? I need to hear you say the words.” “He… He’s about to break me physically every night…” “From the power I gave him.” “He loves me.” “You’re the first girl he’s ever touched, he doesn’t know love anymore than he knows what a cervix is.” “He treats me like the queen I am.” “You mean like everyone else?” “Stop this… He’s a good person.” “You’re willing to give a man everything you’re worth? For nothing?” “I… I…” “Rip it off now, after all wasn’t that always your plan? Ditch him as soon as someone BETTER comes along?” “No… I don’t want to be… like you… I won’t hurt… people…” “You’d hurt Jack. You hurt Brent… You hurt Sara… Micheal… You ditched Harry because he liked gummy worms… Hurting people is not new to you.” “….” “Clearly if you could.” “Yes… Yes I am already a freak. If it were me trapped in that cave… If it was me Atlas discovered…” “Go on…” “I WOULD HAVE DEVOURED SO MANY MORE! AH AHAAHAA OH FUCK YES! YES PLEASE! PLEASE GIVE IT NOW! NOW! DO IT! I WANT IT ALL! I WANT THIS! I WANT MY POWER! I WANT WHAT I AM OWED! WHAT I WAS BORN TO TAKE!” Maddy screamed in ecstasy. “As you wish… My new Thrall… ” Was the last sound Maddy heard before the sensation of power and bliss enveloped her body with a hundred tendrils. __________________________________________________________________ “Oh yes… OH YES!” Maddy moaned as she explored her new body. “I’m so impressed with you Impertrix…” Atlas cooed from deep within the two’s minds and cristening her with her new name. “So… That’s what all the fuss was about… So much beauty… Such power… The things I can do…” Impertrix spoke softly as she approached a refrigerator. “WITH THIS BODY!” She shouted as she tore it open as if it was made of cardboard. “And this mind…” She continued as she leaned her head back in escastay exploring the new brainpower she'd been bestowed. “You… Are soooo very creative Impertrix…” Atlas mused as he finished melding with the former Maddy’s mind. “As your new lover, I should be…” Impertrix snickered with greed in her mind staring at John. John simply smiled in retaliation as Atlas laughed maniacally once more. “Oh my sweet girl… My succubus servant… No. I’m afraid John is second to no one.” “Let's see about tha… ARRRRRAHAHAAHAAAAA!” Impertrix screamed as her mind was flooded with ideas and plans to expand that even she dare not attempt. “That was a mere portion of what John has shown me. I want to reiterate that part so you truly understand. That is a fragment of the beauty HE showed ME. This world I’ve lived in for over a trillion years, that was molded by me into this hellscape by those who betrayed me…. And yet without these events, I would never have seen such divine brilliance twisted from this deviant mind. You may believe yourself to be an empress, and you may now serve as my new avatar in this world’s upcoming ascension, but do not make the mistake of thinking there is only one god in this room again…” “My love, you speak so well of me…” “Of course John… I would praise you for eternity… This temptress is nothing in such light…” “I understand… I was foolish to think I could ever compare… Please… Punish me for my transgressions… Take my power for your own, and in return I shall absorb all of it back before sunrise!” “A bet then? Interesting…” John smiled. “I set the bar at 50 lbs. You have until dawn breaks… And I’m sure you know the rules…” “Of course Master…” Impertrix giggled in ecstasy as she felt a tenth of her power drain out of her in crippling pain. “I’ve always loved a challenge” End of Part 2 —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Part 3 - Dawn of the New World” Benny (M/58) and Dale (M/56 were sitting together in their regular spot. The two were making quite a ruckus like two stereotype trailer-trash drunks at 11:30 in the morning will do. Tonight was special for the both of them though, as Benny was celebrating his new promotion to Manager and by sheer coincidence Dale had won a 3,000$ prize scratch off lottery ticket earlier that morning. The two were in high heaven as they had the bar to themselves, and had money to burn. Any other night and the two would remember it as one of the best nights of their lives. Then she walked in. Dale’s jaw was agape. Benny’s beer began to slowly drip onto the floor. Gorgeous, a chest the likes of which they’d never imagined possible, a massive ass that bounced with each step. The only thing that may have been tighter than her cut waist was her tiny black choker jingling it’s bell with every hiccup. The whole package wrapped in a tight black short skirt that left nothing to the imagination. Clearly wasted and stumbling towards the bar. “Ay… BAr..Bah… Tender… I… I need a Mojito… Stupid… Nigh (hic) nightclub ‘cross the street THREW ME OUT! Uhg…” She slurred the best she could. “I’ll start a tab, but you gotta promise me to not drive home tonight.” The bartender (who clearly didn’t give a shit about the risks she posed to herself). The girl smiled, tilted her head, stumbled a bit backwards and held out a two-finger peace sign and said “I prawmiss!” As the bartender rolled his eyes and walked away to make the drink. Dale suddenly snapped into reality as he looked at Benny. “You know… Our wives would kill us if we even tried…” Benny mentioned. “Yeah… They sure would if they ever found out…” With a twisted grin the two in unison got up and went and sat on either side of their buxom prey. “Hello there miss… What brings you here tonight? My name’s Dale.” The girl snapped into focus as she finally noticed the two. “Oh HeAeeayyyyy! I’m… I’m you know looking for a goooooood time tonight… You know? I’m… Uh… My name is (hic) “ISsey!” “Issey huh? Nice to meet you, Issey. Do you come here often?” Benny replied, startling the girl with the appearance of another stranger appearing on the other side of her. “No…No I’m just… I’m here for a wedding. My stupid BITCH sister’s wed(hic)ding… Wh… Why she gotta be so mean to me… She just LET me get… She LET me get… This DRUNK and then let them throw me out…” The bartender returned with the Mojito and stared her two new friends down with a questioning gaze. “You… Alright here, miss?” “YUS! Hav…. Ave you met my new friends? THi… THis one is bennybob, and THAT one is CHIP!” she said as she put her arm around Benny and placed her hand onto Dale’s chest, her long nails at first being stagnant, but slowly beginning to feel his chest sensually. “Eh, close enough” the bartender thought as he walked in the back. The girl turned and faced Dale directly. “Oooooo… Your chest is so (hic) so strooooong. Do you work out?” Dale was beaming with pride. “Carrying all those cement bags every day for 30 years was finally paying off” he thought as he looked over the girl’s head to see what Benny was up to behind her. Benny, the absolute bastard he is, had already decided how this night was going to go and spiked her drink with no care at all about the consequences. His lower lip was about to start bleeding from how hard he was biting it as the girl’s thick hips began to rub against his crotch. Once the tablet dissolved, Benny interrupted her exploration of Dale’s pecs by saying “How bout we all have a toast! He said, raising his own beer. “Gasp!” Issy said as she snatched her own glass and joined the cheers. The three clinked their glasses and chugged what was left. “Woooooo!” Issy exclaimed. “AnnnnnOTHer!” The two horrible men just smiled and nodded back at each other, until suddenly they were taken off guard. “Uhhhggg…. My DRINK is gone… I’m sooo thirsty….” She turned to Benny and scrunched her face into the cutest form she could. “Please daddy, can you get me something to drink?” “I mean… The bartender’s gone, but if you really want something to quench ya…” Benny said cockily as he reached under his fat stomach and undid his zipper, whipping out his impressively fat cock. “MMmmm…That’s a FAT one!.... Lets see what daddy two is packing ;)” she said as she gripped Benny’s dick and reached for Dale’s only to find he’d already whipped it out. “Mmm… Let's go to the bathroom for this…” Issey said as she led the two into the restroom by their exposed erections to fuck them. “Oh YEAH, OH YEAH, OH F FFFFFFFUCK YES!” Issy screamed with a cold unchanging perspective as Dale and Benny continued to double-team her with their eyes shut. Suddenly she stopped bucking. “Tell me you want it boys… Tell me you want to be inside me!” She demanded. The two bastards, eager to continue the best gangbang they’ve ever had, complied quickly. “Oh you bet baby… I never want to stop being this far inside you…” “Fuck you are DEEP, and I only want to go DEEPER! >:) “ “Your wish is my command” Issey said coldly as she placed both her hands flat on the sink and gripped it firmly as she prepared for what was about to come. “What’s the hol up baby girl?” Dale awkwardly said from beneath her. “Yeah baby, I’m almost there… Just a little more….” Benny said, bent over Issey’s back. Nothing could be heard from Issey aside from heavy breathing. “Well if you ain’t using that mouth for talking how bout I… huh?” Benny tried to dismount from Issey’s ass, only to find he couldn’t pull out. “The hell? Damn girl… You got me stuck here like a chinese finger trap… How about you move your hips a little… “ Benny asked. “AH!” Dale suddenly said. “GOD… DAMN IT her pussy is about to rip my dick off! My back can’t stay hol up like this much longer! Let go!” Issey took a deep breath and tightened her whole body, causing the two rapists to squeal in pain. “AH! BITCH!... FINE, YOU WANNA KEEP THIS DICK IN YOU, YOU CAN HAVE IT!” Benny shouted angrily as he thrust forward with all his might, but as he pulled back he only found that now, not only was his dick stuck, but his balls and front of his hips too became swallowed by her thick thighs. Dale had begun clinging to Issy from underneath to try and give his back a rest, and in desperation attempted to use his fingers to pull his dick out. “Uh… Benny… I… I think my hand’s stuck!” “The fuck is this shit!?!” Benny cried with fear in his eyes. “No no no… Don’t be scared boys…” Rung a demonically sensual voice in the air. “Don’t tell me this isn’t what you wanted… To be deep inside me…” “YOU RELEASE US RIGHT NOW OR WE’LL KILL YOU YOU DAMN BITCH!” “Kill me? You limp dick bitches tried to drug and rape me. Did you expect sympathy now that you’re stuck powerless and helpless…” “Dale… Dale I’m scared!” “It's… It’s gonna be alright Benny… We just got to AHHH!” was all Dale could say before the sound of his own hand being crushed and mangled forced him to scream. “Wha… What happened Dale?!?” “DAGUM BITCH CRUSHED MY HAND!!!” “Hh… How th… AHHHHHHHHH!” Benny screamed out as more of his hips were pulled in, forcing his back to bend backwards as his two legs and chest stuck out of Issey’s ass. “I think I’m getting the motions now… Teehee” Issey teased. “This is my first time doing this after all…” To Benny and Dale’s horror, the sadistic woman began to sway back and forth, crushing and consuming the two of them faster and faster like she was chewing food with her hips. “MMMmmmmm…. >XD YES YES YES!” Issey screamed as the two men’s screams began to tickle her entrails. “Oh… Oh don’t worry boys… It’s almost over… Here it comes….” A variety of clear juices erupted out of her ass and pussy as the process began its final stages. Benny and Dale inside of her were quickly dissolving into their conscious base essence inside her, where they would become trapped, providing their new queen with endless energy and strength for eternity. “Ok… OK… Oh yes… Ok boys… Let’s make a little room for ya!” Issey hissed as her climax subsided and she began flexing her body which drank up the raw mass from the two men like a sponge, forcing her muscles into larger and larger states. Eventually more muscle groups began to form all over her forearms and abdominals as the power of stealing the mass of two full grown men coursed through her veins and brought her to a whole new climax of excitement. “That… was… SO MUCH BETTER THAN I’D EVER HOPED! GEEEERRR!” She said flexing into the mirror with her reacquired power. HA HA! 50 LBS? THAT’S IT!?! THAT’S ALL THE BET WAS OVER!?! I CLEARED THAT BEFORE MIDNIGHT! My GOD YES! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT YOUR GODDESS IMPERTRIX! AHH! MORE LIKE IMPERTRIX-XXXL!” The sadistic Thrall then gripped her belly tight and spoke to the putrid scum she’d consumed. “Oh it feels so much better knowing you two little cucks deserve it. Any form of strength that ever flowed your way was a clear error. Weaklings like you two… Not even having the spine to try and swoon a woman. Truly pathetic. The lowest form of life, if you can even call it that…” Eventually she grew bored of watching how far she could flex and flaunt her body before her eyes eventually caught a glance at the clock in the mirror. “1:38 PM” “Mmmm… I may even have enough time for another…” She grinned as she slapped her powerful hand against her flat stomach. “What do you think, boys? Ready for round two?” She asked, inside the goopy essence of the two were trying their damnedest to scream, but without form, they merely tickled her insides as the musclebound demoness compressed her body into a significantly sluttier form as she walked across the empty bar and out into the streets to hunt. —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack’s mind was in bliss. By the skin of his teeth he passed his Archeology final, and for the first time in ages, the pressures of school for the time being had relaxed its grip. He decided he’d celebrate at home with Maddy. However, he couldn’t find her anywhere. She didn’t even show up for her own final. Suddenly it dawned on Jack that it was Friday and he had been so busy studying that he hadn’t noticed that Maddy hadn’t come home the previous night either… He checked his phone, Wednesday, the last thing he texted her. “ John and I are having another gym sesh. Is that Cool?” “ Let me know if you get any bigger. *heart heart heart* Eggplant Sweat” Was her reply back. Radio silence from that point onwards. A sudden pain hit Jack in the back of his mind. Was she alright? Had he not noticed her not even coming home?! It wasn’t odd for Maddy to disappear for some time, but she normally would tell him. He decided to call her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Meanwhile* Impertrix stood before a group of three friends, Jessica(F 29), Marty(M31) and Lucca (F28) in the dark recesses of the alley behind the Gym. They were horrified as Impertrix had revealed her true form, towering above them at 8’3 now, easily 400 lbs of pure muscle bulging from every inch of her body, and her tree trunk legs forbidding any of the three poor souls from escaping. The three were horrified, as they’d just walked in on this monster as it consumed their friend. “No… NO I CAN’T DIE LIKE THIS!” Jessica screamed as she hid herself in Marty’s arms. “I… Well actually as far as ways to go…” “MARTY!” Jessica growled as she slapped Marty’s perverted thoughts out of his mind. Lucca, the couple’s friend, stood before them and shouted “Get behind me! That THING ate Brent and it’s going to do the same to me next… It’s huge, and I can feel it’s power from here… If I attack it now, it will buy you both a moment to escape while she’s eating me! Get ready!” “Oh… Sweet girl… No no no… I’m not going to eat you… And in fact, you’re all free to run for the hills as soon as I’ve offered you my proposition…” “Pro…Proposition?” Jessica stammered. “You three stand before me at the dawn of a new age, just like… What was his name again? Brend?” “BRENT!” Lucca growled. “Ah yes, just as he did. I offered him a challenge. You see… Those like me can tell from touch the strength that lies in someone’s soul… And I offer the opportunity to expand his own to the likes of which he never dreamed of. The caveat… Is that those who fail my challenge are consumed to fuel those who succeed. Brent’s access to steroids and spoiled upbringing may have supplied him with more than enough physical power, but his soul was unsatisfactory, and true to my word, I consumed him for his failure.” “We…. We can just leave?” Lucca asked as she suddenly noticed her legs were trembling like wind-up-teeth as the amazon demon stepped closer. “Of course. I can’t force this power onto you, and while it would be easy to capture you three, to do so would be to admit to myself that you three could ever cause a problem for me. Even if you were to escape, tell the police, the FBI, the National Guard, the Army, the UN, hell even if you somehow told everyone in the world about us… It wouldn’t change a thing. You only delay your inevitable fate.” Lucca was within arm’s reach of Impertrix, at any moment the hulking beast could snap her in half with a wave of her arm. Yet, even after closing her eyes, the only thing she felt was the warm touch of a strong yet impossibly soft hand as it rested itself on her shoulder. “Lucca… You impress me. You’ve fought for everything your whole life… Would you like the same chance that Brent got?” “N…NO!” Lucca shouted between breaths. “Why?” Impertrix asked with a lulling soft voice. “COMENZO!” Lucca shouted with her eyes slammed shut. “You are a demon! You tempt me, but I know better! If Brent could not pass this trial, neither would I, nor would anyone! Let us go!” *SLAM* Impertrix’s fist had just punched right through the wall of the gym, leaving bricks scattered across what appeared to be the former Derrik’s office. The shockwave rattled all three of the humans who dropped to the floor.In addition, it also set off a few car-alarms behind her. “I do apologize, but I hate it when someone with so much potential simply can not SHUT UP AND LISSSSSSSSTENNNnnnn…” Impertrix hissed. The queen simply recomposed herself and returned to her softer tone. “Now… I told you… Physical strength is meaningless to me. Brent was a massive specimen, but how did he get there? Challenge? Dedication? Hardship? Mmmhhhmmm… No I don’t think so, and you know ALL about that, don’t you Lucca?” The giant stepped down to Lucca’s level and swooned its way behind her ear as she turned her backwards to face her friends. “You’ve fought for everything. As a child you beat a rare sickness no one had ever seen…Your mother passed away soon after… You had to put the food on the table for all five of your brothers and sisters while your bastard father drank himself to death in the TV room… Despite this, you raised your siblings to be good people who are now capable of taking care of each other without you…” Marty decided to speak up. “Hey don’t talk about her…” however a stunning glowing-red-eyed glare from Imperatrix shut him up mid-sentence. “... Now that you’ve worked even harder to earn a scholarship and work full time, and even still you somehow have the energy left to join your friends in the gym. However… In the back of your mind it’s been clawing at you. You’ve dealt with this problem for so long you’ve become immune to it, and don’t even think about the injustice being done to you before you anymore… It’s… So sad…” “Injustice?” Lucca said in a sleepy voice as she opened her eyes and stared at her friends with a weary grogginess as if she’d just been awoken from a nap. “All these privileged brats… They think it’s so easy to enjoy the luxuries they take for granted. Did they have to scrub meth-head shit off the walls of a McDonalds to get by as no one else would hire them? Did they have to sacrifice their childhood to raise their siblings? Every week they surprise you with some other shameful weakness you conquered over a decade ago, letting their cars get towed, splurging on alcohol before a test, wasting money on Uber eats without even bothering to think if they can just go get it themselves…” “They… They’re just normal people, it’s not their fault I had to do more…” “Of coursssssee…” Imperatrix lulled as she pushed Lucca’s chin up with her finger, forcing her to stare right into the horrified eyes of her friends. “... However.. Why does someone like Brent just GET to be bigger than you? He didn’t work for it, he had a personal trainer, steroids, the highest quality equipment and pockets deep enough that it allowed him to focus on himself without having to care about a job or even school.” “That just doesn’t seem… Fair to me.” Imperatrix said as she moved back behind Lucca. “Now… The only real choice you have is before you, Lucca, and you have nothing to fear. Look at your friends as they tremble, and think back to everything this world has taken from you. What it’s burdened you with…” Lucca was petrified but stood strong while Jessica and Marty were pissing themselves in terror still. After a moment, Impertrix turned Lucca around with her finger and forced her to gaze into the muscular giant Imperatrix was. “Then look at me. Look at what I can offer you. You know in your heart that I need not lie. That my judgment is fair. You know you deserve more. That you deserve better. In our new world, no one will suffer as you have and those who can not follow us, those who do not deserve such grace, shall only serve as our food. Marty and Jessica were still on the floor as Lucca continued staring at Imperatrix for what seemed like hours, but was in reality a few minutes. Finally she asked: “If I do this… Will I end up like Brent?” Marty and Jessica’s eyes began to widen as the tone in her voice told them everything, and suddenly they were both very frightened. “L…Lucca? What… What are you doing?” Impertrix answered Lucca calmly: “It certainly can, but I ask you to look at who he was and what he had in comparison to you, and then ask yourself… Will I ever hurt someone like you? Someone who truly deserves happiness and respect?” With that, Lucca turned around and stared directly into her friend’s eyes with cold indifference, as if she was looking for something ANYTHING that they could offer her that could ever compare to Imperatrix's approval. “Lucca… LUCCA NO! WAIT! She’s just going to eat you t…” But Jessica never finished her plea as her former friend had already stepped forward and had begun kissing the Amazon passionately, which soon evolved into the thick latina being absolutely ripped apart by Imperatrix’s sexual tendril veins Imperatrix was efficient and only dwelled on the pleasures of the transformation briefly, as even sharing this experience with such a sexy individual had become mundane for her. Lucca was quickly blessed with the power that linked all of John’s thralls as her mind and body expanded with every thrust. It took a few mere minutes for Lucca’s body to turn completely, all the while Marty and Jessica simply watched in awe as their friend transformed into a busty glowing bodybuilder. They were no longer trembling in fear, but were practically masturbating as they gazed upon the transformation. The heat from Lucca’s new body began to singe what remained of her clothes until she used the new control over her hair to fashion new clothes that could only barely contain her. It was done, Lucca was dead and Fuerza was born. “What a beautiful body!” Imperatrix gleamed as she smacked Fuerza’s massive ass with one of her tentacles. “Oi! Hands off!” Fuerza glared menacingly back. Imperatrix responded by gripping her waist and pushing the hair our of Fuerza’s eyes as she pulled her closer. “So feisty too…” The anger in Fuerza’s eyes slowly faded into a smile as aspects of Imperatrix became more and more… appealing. Her fantasies were cut short upon the realization that Marty and Jessica had thrown themselves at Imperatrix’s legs and were childishly begging for their own turns. “Please Please Please, do me, DO ME! I want it! I deserve it! I’ve worked for it! Please test us!” They cried. Imperatrix looked at Fuerza and gave her a look they both understood immediately. “As you wish…” Imperatrix started before a sudden familiar ringing filled the air. “The fuck… Oh… It’s my phone.. Ha! Haha, I forgot I even had this thing… Who’s calling me? Oh it’s Jack… Hmm… I’m sure John is going to want to break the news to him, fuck knows what those fuckboys have going on between them… I better…” Imperatrix began before stopping in silence until the phone stopped ringing. Heh…Ha… HAAHHAAHAHaHAAHAHAA! Impertrix began to laugh heartily. “My phone can’t even identify my fingerprint anymore! Oh that is just HILARIOUS! I can’t even input the password! My hands are too big!” Both Imperatrix and Fuerza began chuckling at the situation while Jessica and Marty refused to stop staring down Imperatrix. “I suppose I’ll have to compress… It’s a shame, but at least I can stop taking up that fine ass’s spotlight” Imperatrix said, licking her lips at Fuerza. “Do you mind putting them through the challenge yourself? I’m going to have to go attend some… things…” “Of course mistress…. It’d be an honor to bestow the challenge upon my friends… It’d be even more fitting… It’ll bring us so much… Closer together…” Fuerza accepted as Imperatrix forced her body into her compressed form and walked through the hole in the wall she created. —---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maddy finally picked up on his third call. “Yello” she answered. “Maddy! Thank god, I was so worried! I haven’t seen you for days! Where are you?” “I’ve been taking care of some business, long week, I trust your exams were satisfactory?” “Uh… Yeah. I kinda was in the mood to celebrate if you… Catch my drift.” “Oh… Well Sorry Jack I’m a bit occupied at the moment, although you’re welcome to meet me at the Demon’s Gym, I’ll be here all night.” “Wait, why would you be there all…” *Click* Imperatrix approached John from behind as he finished another set of cable flies. “He’s on his way, you ready?” Is all Imperatrix said “A moment…” John said calmly. In the distance, the sound of two tiny humans were screaming outside. As they did, John felt it again. How heavenly of a feeling it was. Raw power flowed directly into his body, hardening and stretching his god-like muscles even further. He needed no scale anymore, he knew his weight instinctively. 495… 515…. 525! He was now 525 lbs of unleashed strength. John’s Thrall network was expanding. Aside from Potesna, Imperatrix, and Fuerza, he had over a dozen other disciples who had begun stretching out over the city. The strong would become thralls and enter into a new life of bliss, strength, power, and control that could never be compared to their former lives. The weak were quickly and effectively conned out of their bodies, each one sealed away within John’s extended body stretched across his many thralls. Even now the Demon’s Gym had become a den for his latest initiates to test their newfound power. The gym itself had to be upgraded. Any weight less than 45 lbs was thrown out or crushed, all the machines were turned up to a resistance of over 400 lbs, even the weight benches were upgraded with strong electromagnets underneath, turning a 300lbs chest press into a 600lbs impossibly heavy task. His new followers were free to express themselves as they saw fit. Most would end up in flexing competitions or just raw dog fucking each other right in the middle of the room. “45… 46….47…48….49…. 50!” John growled as his powerful form finished his last set of 400lb flys. “Continue,” John commanded. “Jack’s on his way. You have any idea what you’re going to do? Are we making him into… One of us?” “No. I have a special plan for Jack. A perfect retaliation for what he did to me.” “I relish in the divine irony. In the end, this will not be a path of vengeance, but a path of recovery, as once Jack is ready, he will be truly forgiven. “ Atlas boomed from within every mind within the gym. “You fuckboys I swear…” Imperatrix remarked as she rolled her eyes. “Do not be Jell” Atlas chuckled. “In fact if you’re so put off by this… Why don’t you help ease Jack into our new world?” “Whatever… I’ve got so many meetings to set up about mass producing larger phones… Inform me when he gets here..” —------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As Jack pulled up to the Demon’s Gym he could feel something off in the air. It absolutely reeked of sweat and sex, a stench Jack had become very familiar with lately. As he looked around, he noticed he didn’t see any normal gym patrons, but rather more massive bodybuilders like himself walking into the gym, shirtless. “The fuck is there some kind of convention?” Jack wondered to himself. As he walked in he was shocked. EVERYONE in the gym was now a massive muscle monster, some of which were just openly stroking each other’s massive cocks right out in the open. “I uh… Must have the wrong gym somehow…” Jack said to himself dumbfounded at everyone around him. Suddenly a massive latina pulsating with muscle pipped up: “Oi, isn’t that the guy Atlas wants?” “Woah…” Jack said as he was thoroughly captivated by Fuerza’s body. This hypnotism was short lived however, as Jack soon found everyone in the gym was glaring at him menacingly. “Finally showed up huh bitch-boy?” “What?” Jack asked, confused. “We oughta rip you in half right here for what you did to John dipshit! You’re lucky he’s more merciful than us…” “John? What is he here?” “He’s in the back, follow me.” Boomed a menacing voice from just outside Jack’s vision, as he turned his jaw hit the floor. “M….MADDY?!?” he eventually surmised “Yeah Jack, it’s me, surprised?” “YES!” “You shouldn’t be, I told you I’d be here. Did you think I was a liar?” “I MEAN WHY YOU’RE SUDDENLY AN AMAZON!” Jack shouted “That’s what John wants to see you about. He’s in the sauna in the back. Now please, follow me…” “Maddy… Ow! Hey, let go! Tell me what’s going…” Jack asked frantically as the goddess gripped his wrists and began pulling him forcefully towards the back of the gym. “My name is Imperatrix now, you WILL address me as such.” She answered coldly with a glowing-red-eyed glare. —------------------------------------------------------------------------ As Jack was dragged further into the gym, it only became more and more depraved. As is no surprise to anyone, fucking continued to happen just about anywhere, only it became more savage and tended to involve more regular people the further they went back. No wait… Normal people being fucked relentlessly by massive monsters. Some of them even enduring mortal damage. However another question soon piqued his mind. “Wait a minute… This gym doesn’t have a sauna…” As Imperatrix rounded the corner it unveiled a new addition to the gym: A massive stone door leading into a recently dug cave. The cave didn’t cool as Jack was dragged into it, in fact it got hotter and hotter. Suddenly Imperatrix released his hand and said: “Take off your clothes.” “What?” “Take off your clothes or they’ll burn away. Your body is already blessed with the ability to cool itself at these temperatures with your own sweat, but your clothes will burn away not far after this point.” “Oh hell no I’m not being led into the fucking muscle morph sex dungeon with my…” Jack stopped mid sentence as he realized his socks were already stiffening. “Just a moment…” Jack complied as he stripped himself naked and continued on further. She was right, the temperature down here was getting unreal. Soon the two found themselves descending into a thick mist of steam. It became harder and harder to see where Imperatrix was dragging him. However in the shadows Jack saw the source of the mist: Several muscular freaks were going at it with insane speed and power. “It… Couldn’t possibly be pleasurable to be stroked at that speed.” Jack thought to himself. He then noticed that the sweat and other fluids from their bodies was instantly evaporating into the mist. “Are… Are they fucking each other so hard the friction is raising the temperature of this cave?” Jack asked. “Yes. You have no idea how good it feels when your body doesn’t deteriorate to such extreme forces. I think I’ll join them after I drop you off.” “Mad..AHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!” Jack tried to plead with his girlfriend about their relationship, however upon mentioning her old name, Imperatrix crushed the bones in Jack’s left arm. “I told you. My name is Imperatrix. Address me as such or I’ll break the other ones too…” “AHHH! PLEASE, MAaa…IMPERATRIX, I NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL!” “You’ll be fine, come on, it’s just up ahead.” As the two approached the end of the hallway a large sign read “King’s Chamber” As Imperatrix tossed Jack in he fell to the floor as he looked up he was once again horrified, the beast before him was easily the biggest person Jack had ever seen. He stood there towering above him from at least a height of 9’ tall. However, what spooked Jack the most wasn’t the monstrous frame of such a powerful being, but at the inhuman size of his massive dick. Jack knew that phallus. It haunted him, even now, as it was even bigger than before, he couldn’t help but whimper at the sight of it, and spoke his name before he even noticed the cocky face of the man staring down at him. “J…. JOHN?!!?” “Hello Jack. So glad you could join me…” —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Leave us” Commanded John with a flick of his wrists. Everyone except for Imperatrix and Jack left John’s presence. “I figure you have some questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.” “Yeah ok, first off, what the fuck is going on? And don’t feed me any more bullshit about special steroids, I’m not that stupid!” “To be honest I don’t know why you even got this far still thinking that was the explanation. Did you really think you could put on over 70 lbs of muscle in just a month?” Imperatrix mocked from the corner. “Silence Imperatrix, I won’t have you instigating this.” John glared. “So how did I… Uh… We? Yeah, gonna go ahead and guess “We”. How did we grow so much?” “From my blessing” Atlas called from his ethereal plane. “Uh who’s there?” Jack stammered, trying his hardest not to piss himself. “I have come to wear the crown and title of “Atlas”. Despite everything it is a pleasure to finally meet you Jack. I am the origin of all strength in this world. A former titan from before the earth began. I have recently entered into a symbiotic relationship with your friend John and it has opened so many paths for us both.” “I’m gonna guess you two hit it off really well back in that cave?” “Astute too, that will make this so much easier.” Atlas chuckled. “So this guy just unloads free power onto anyone who walks by?” Imperatrix stood up with her backhand high as she stepped forward to strike down the blasphemous Jack before her hand was caught mid-swing by John. “The power is not “Free”, and not just anyone can procure it. Furthermore, power isn’t so much a gift as it is an organization process…” “It’s a glorious process in which the alphamatrix can harmonize with physical forms that have adapted to the astral plane. Through quantumpyriniann injection I can advance those forms to a hyper-machoneauen state, that’s when the omedra catalyst can… ” John began before Atlas interrupted him. “Uh… My love… I believe a few of those concepts might be a bit beyond poor Jack’s understanding…” John stared down at Jack who had his head tilted as far to the left in confusion as he could with his muscular frame. “I see… Atlas my dear, this may be better suited to your enlightenment tactics.” “As we wish John…” “What the hell does thaaaaaaAAHAAAAHHHHHHHHHHAAA!” Jack began to scream as visions of quantum-physics, ancient history, and Atlas’s strength-energy flowing through the universe flooded his mind painfully. AH! AH FUCK OW! JOHN YOU BASTARD THAT FUCKING HURTS! “The pain will subside with rest…” John tried to reassure Jack. “NO! NO, FUCK YOU! UHHHGGG! FUCK THe… FUck the PAIN! What the HELL is wrong with YOU!?!” The silence in the room was the most menacing thing Jack had heard up until this point, nevertheless, he continued after a few seconds. “You… You’ve EATEN people! You just straight up consumed them like they were pizza rolls!” “Well I don’t know how YOU’VE been eating pizza rolls but I don’t recall ever sticking them down my…” “They’re dead! NO!! Worse than that! They’re your fucking slaves! You’ve enslaved people right in front of everyone! They’re trapped in your fat balls like flies on sticky paper! There are hundreds of people ensnared by your sick fucked up quest for power and… NO ONE’S stopping you! You need to undo this NOW! It’s wrong! Release them! They’re just people! Normal people who have a right to freedom!” “Oh Jack, we’re not Americans…” Imperatrix snickered from behind. “I’ve done nothing wrong here Jack. Those people came to me of their own free will and gave themselves to me willingly, thinking they would obtain power they could never hope to hold. Tempted by the idea they could ever overcome the weaknesses that were set into their souls long before they stood before me. You act as though I’ve taken their lives, but to those like us, we don’t even consider what we took from that scum to be worthy of the term “life”. Hollow shells of people with big dreams they’ll never even begin to chase after, needlessly sucking up whatever nutrients they can to survive that should be serving a greater purpose.” “You’re demented! You’re insane!” “Enough.” “NO! You’re FUCKING COO-COO AND I’M NOT GETTING SUCKED INTO YOUR NASTY FUCKING COCK JOHN!” “I said…. ENOUGH!” John said again through gritted teeth, finally startling Jack enough to quiet him for a moment. “No one is going to eat you Jack… No no… You have a special purpose for me. You are my celebration gift to Atlas.” ‘What?” “You’re like a bottle of grape juice now, but over time as the world ages, you shan't. The new world I’ve created will change slowly, and it will take years, perhaps even centuries, to obtain our goal of reuniting the entirety of my beloved Atlas’s strength. In that time, what you once considered “Human” will slowly fade away as disposable weaklings are replaced by my eternal servants. Soon after, they too will evolve once more, over and over into new beings, each rendition stronger and more pure of strength than the last. At the apex of this new era, someone, the final human, the last transgressor and the last frail fragile remnant of the pathetic species that betrayed my love will look at the new universe before them and weep for such beauty is alien to their understanding. That last human will beg for forgiveness, to join the rest of those who have long since left him behind, and to become one with Atlas’s true form.” There was a long pause as John approached Jack and gazed deep into his eyes, into his soul. “That last human, shall be you Jack.” “Wa…What?!” “You will be the ultimate wine for my final form to drink as its first true celebration as it confirms its unparalleled domination over this beautiful world. Not only will you have a vast amount of strength you’ve generated yourself, but you will have the experience of living through the transition as an outside witness. A fixed survivor to the chaos the world will inevitably devolve into as it scrambles in a vain attempt to change its destiny.” “What does that mean?” Imperatrix rolled her eyes and explained: “It means you’ve been immortal for like a month now and haven’t noticed. The rest of the world will become one with Atlas, either by becoming one of his Thralls or being consumed, when no one else is left John will return to you and make his final judgment on whether you will be a part of the new world or not. For fucks sake Jack, keep up.” “That was an… Articulate summation Imperatrix…” John said with mild annoyance at her crass behavior. “I’m immortal? Wait like I straight up can’t die?” “That is what that means, yes.” Atlas, who also seemed annoyed with Jack’s inability to keep up, answered. “But… Like how immortal, like what happens if I…” BANG! Jack stopped mid-sentence as he looked down, seeing a massive blood-stain slowly cover his chest. As he turned around he saw Imperatrix with a smoking gun pointed at him. Jack was horrified for a moment, but suddenly realized the hole had already repaired itself entirely. “Ok…Freaky…. We’re getting off topic!… JOHN! Please! This isn’t you! You know what you’re doing is evil! “ “Evil is a matter of perspective, Jack. To you, all you can see is a monster, to me all I see is a planet covered in a useless parasitic species that’s just begging to have the wheat removed from the chaff.” “Yeah see that’s kinda EXACTLY what the most evil people ever would say to justify their actions.” “Oh? Is it now? How about I show you ‘TRUE’ evil then?” John said as he rolled his head back and began massaging his balls. As John’s body began to pulsate with runic symbols, the horrifying gooey remnants of three of John’s victims slowly oozed out of John’s dick. “Heeeeeeeeelppp MEEeeee!” Each of the cum-zombies begged as they struggled to maintain their form. “This one was a serial killer who the cops couldn’t convict based on lack of evidence.” John said as he strained his waist, slurping one of the ghostly gelatinous forms back into his balls. “I caught him minutes before he was about to abduct another woman on the train.” “This one was a cop who put fourteen different people in an early grave without provocation, all in retaliation for his wife leaving him for beating her.” Jack motioned again as another bastard’s visage was dragged into John’s body. “And this one… Oooohh this one… This one’s a serial rapist, who makes a habit of ripping off her victim’s dicks with her teeth.” John snickered as the final form began lunging at Jack’s exposed dick like a feral dog. “You really want people like THIS out on the street?” John mocked. “Randall didn’t deserve this! He was just a…” “A devious cuck with twisted desires of power. Do you have any idea what he wanted to do with the strength he thought he was being offered? He was going to go on a rampage, murder innocents in the street who wronged him before, rape women who dared show themselves in the daylight, all under the belief he’d be unstoppable. That bastard is RIGHT where he belongs.” Jack was infuriated. “So you’re telling me all the hundreds of people WOULD be bad people with absolute power? No SHIT! It corrupts absolutely! Did you think that phrase was just to sound cool in movies? “John, this troglodyte isn’t going to understand our new world until he sees it. Can we just throw him out already? You’ve more than fulfilled your obligations to inform him.” Imperatrix yawned. “Indeed, those who live in caves fear the warmth of the rising sun.” Atlas mused. “I suppose you’ve worn out your welcome here Jack… Oh, and don’t worry, all of my disciples know better than to bring harm to you or your family, although… Some of them can be VERY naughty…” John said before devolving into a sinister deep laugh. With that, Imperatrix grabbed Jack by the leg and began dragging him towards the exit as he kicked and screamed, begging for John to stop. As John was tossed from the building, the various Thralls from the gym surrounded him and stared down at the tiny hunk and grinned ear-to-ear. “Welcome Jack, to the start of Arm-magedon!” they said in unison as they all flexed themselves to their extreme. —----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack didn’t know what to do. How could anything stop them? John had already amassed an army of unstoppable, immortal bodybuilders with powers and strength he couldn’t comprehend. What could he do? Who could he turn to? The police? The Army? The UN? He tore through his apartment in despair, frantically breaking anything he could in his panic as google-search after google search from his phone came back with nothing over and over. Soon he found himself in the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror…. What the fuck was he… He hadn’t comprehended it up until now, but he was a freak. There was NOTHING natural about how big he was and he was an absolute FOOL for thinking nothing of it until now. His biceps were the size of bowling balls, his legs thicker than rolled-up wrestling mats, his pecs like two massive slabs of lead inscribed with the haunting reality that his power came from an unholy and unnatural origin. He quickly swung at the mirror in rage, shattering it. The rest of the night was a blur for Jack. Perhaps the darkest in his life as each cruel realization began to creep onto him. His muscles were fueled by captured people. His body was tainted with an all-powerful parasite that linked him to the devil incarnate. His only love had abandoned him for demonic power. However the worst parts began as he finally found the exhaustion he needed to sleep, as his subconscious mind raged with visions of the pure beauty of Atlas, the Titan who had started all of this. ____________________________________________________________ Over the next week, dozens of reports were made to the West-city’s police force over missing people. (We’re just going to call the city everyone so far lives as Westcity) This wasn’t ignored, and soon the entire department was pulled into the situation. Chief Mac(M/59) spoke first: “Men, we have over 30 reports of missing people from this last week alone. Whatever and whoever is doing this is able to do it quickly, discreetly, and leaves no evidence, we’ve got the boys in the lab looking all over for answers, today we’re going to put our heads together, because for fucks sake we’ve got over 200 citizens calling every day wondering where the hell their loved ones are AND I CAN’T KEEP TELLING EM THAT THEY UP AND VANISHED AS IF IT WERE THE RAPTURE!” “The first victim we believe was one “Randall Spetinno”, who was last seen at his job at Demon’s Gym. We pulled the video footage from his last minutes… Now look here, 8:35, Randall walks into the locker room, after that he’s never seen again.” “Do we have any recognition as to who could have been in that locker room?” “Unfortunately it’s limited. The locker room has an emergency exit with no alarm, a lot of patrons use that exit to access the second half of the parking lot in the back. All we can confirm is what we can deduce from the gas station across the street’s security footage. We’re certain that no one drove away but…” “CHIEF!” A flustered lieutenant shouts as he bursts into the room. “CHIEF YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!” “What is it? Is it about the missing people?” “That gas station had an ATM machine out front, clear view of the gym’s parking lot, and like all ATMs it comes with its own surveillance system. Look at this… It doesn’t match what we got from the gas station!” “.... So the gas station video was tampered with!? That’d explain everything…” “I think so sir, but… It gets weirder…” “Weirder how…” “Well… I think I can see someone leaving the gym HERE!” The lieutenant stopped the video, and sure enough, a warped image of a dark figure is seen exiting the gym. “Look at that one guy leaves, one car in the parking lot. Do we have any idea who’s car that is?” “It’s the victims. That’s what makes this next part so… Bizarre…” The lieutenant resumes the footage, and the figure crouches down and in one massive thrust, leaps all the way out of the frame of the footage. The officer’s jaws are on the floor witnessing this. “What… The hell? He just… JUMPS away! Like he’s god damn superman!” “Men…. I don’t know what the fuck this is, but it’s our job to find out what… Johnson! Contact the other branches. Contact the military. Contact Interpol. Find fucking MI6 if you have to. Dawson, take Jess and Greg down to that gym, put the squeeze on that bastard that owns the place again, he knows SOMETHING. Everyone else, resume your patrols, we’re not losing anyone else, the Mayor approved a mandatory 10PM curfew until we sort this, anyone you find outside is to be questioned and detained, no exceptions!” —--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two hours later, Jess(F/29), Greg(M/33), and Dawson(M/58) pulled into the Demon’s Gym parking lot. “You ever been to this place Greg?” Dawson asked. “Nah, I use Silver’s, it’s closer to the precinct… This place is fulla college brats…” “How about you Jess?” “Not my cup of tea and like Greg said, Silver’s closer.” “Jesus….” Greg said as he stared at one of the gym’s patrons. “Fucking hell… He’s huge!” Jess said as she began undressing the behemoth with her eyes. The man in question was about 6’4, absolutely massive, shirtless, and dripping with a thick glistening layer of sweat that the towel around his neck was doing nothing to ease. Suddenly Dawson spoke up: “Fuck me… Look inside! I thought he was big but the rest of these freaks… They make him look like a small fry…” After a few more minutes of gawking, the three finally spoke again. “So… What do we have here? Obviously these bastards are running some kind of super-steroid trafficking business someway…” Dawson surmised. “Maybe these freaks have been just straight up eating the missing victims.” Greg Joked. “We’re going to have to go inside. However… It’s hard to tell, are these just ripped bystanders? Or are they all involved in this somehow? If they are, they might make it difficult to put the squeeze on Derrick…” “I don’t care how big these bastards are, won’t save em from a Glock 22…” Jess gritted through her teeth. “Jess… Just to be safe, why don’t you stay out here in the car?” “Why? Damn it Greg I’ve been doing this job a hell of a lot longer than you, I’m not a damn kid and I don’t need to be looked after, how about YOU stay in the car?” “Shit… Fine by me. You two get in there fast, I want to go home early tonight.” Dawson and Jess entered the building, and although neither of them acknowledged it, a cold chill of uneasiness loomed over the both of them. Dawson rang the front desk’s bell, which caused one of the big fellows who was doing some 80 lbs curls to head over. “Uh… Hello officers, can I interest you in joining us…” “Can it with the sales pitch, meathead. We need to talk to your boss, Derrick. We think he’s not telling us everything he knows about some disappearances we’ve been noticing lately.” Dawson snapped rudely. “Of course… He’s all the way in the back. I’ll take you to him…” As the massive figure began to lead the pair deeper into the building, the strange nature of the gym-goers became more and more depraved. Soon a few of the figures were seen openly fucking each other in private rooms with the doors cracked wide open. “You freaks running some kind of brothel here?” Dawson inquired with disgust in his voice. “I can assure you, all the acts committed here are consensual and in no way monetized. It’s all perfectly legal, and you’re not the first to ask about it either. Oh! And here we are, Mr. Derrick is right inside.” The two cops turned towards the massive strangely out-of-place wooden door and knocked. Moments later, a massive man dripping with sweat opened the door. “Were we interrupting something?” Jess asked. “Yes I was midway through my workout when you knocked. I’m afraid I just tossed on the nearest outfit, I absolutely hate wearing this damn thing, but policy is policy. Now… How can I help you two officers today?” “We're investigating some strange happenings inside your gym, and I don’t want you trying to deny your involvement. Look around you, NONE of this is normal. All you fucking freaks think because you crammed some fancy protein powder into your veins, so now the whole world should be scared of you!? No no no, YOU should be scared of ME! Now where are they?!” Dawson shouted with rage. “Where are whom?” “Derrick” asked with indifference. “The missing people! Randall Spetinno! Kaleb McClive! Dale Dickenson! We have over 100 missing people in this city and we know it has something to do with your gym!” Jess chimed in. “Randall disappeared a few weeks ago, I’ve already given your department…” “THAT FOOTAGE WAS FOUND TO BE DOCTORED!” Dawson roared. “NOW SPILL IT! Where are they, and why are you targeting them?!” “I haven’t the foggiest clue. What would I have to gain from his disappearance?” Jess decided to change the topic. “I notice you got the damn gold standard when it comes to gym members. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone under 200lbs since I walked in. You yourself are looking a bit big too. If I had to guess, you look to be an impressive, what? 370lbs? “411, the shirt is slimming.” “Riiiight….. but from your online photos, it looks like just two months ago you weren’t even pushing 300… Want to tell me how?” “I’ve been using old photos for my social media. It’s a bit deceptive but seeing slow/steady growth is better for business, at least when it comes to advertisements.” “And just about everyone here has just been conveniently altering their online photos too I recon?” “Oh I haven’t the faintest idea about them… I figured there was some kind of steroid craze going about. All the better for my own business so I didn’t ask questions.” “Oh really? So you don’t mind if we take a look around your back-rooms? Make sure you don’t have any kind of lab or nuclear waste back there?” “Be my guest… Although don’t say I didn’t warn you if you walk in on a couple of my patrons in… Compromising positions…” Derrick snickered. “Come on Jess… Let's take a look around, we’re not getting anything from this freak…” —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ferrum emerged from the dark recesses of the Demon’s Gym reborn. His former life of misery under the name “Oliver Yates”(43/M) was no more, and his new life as a breathtaking muscular powerhouse had now begun, and he was a very happy man. Ferrum was still high off the rush of the transformation, and with all the newfound power that flowed through him, his mind was overloaded with ways to use his newfound power, the forefront of which involved finally getting revenge on all those who’d wronged him. Oliver’s life was rough from a young age, however the peak of his misfortune occurred when he was 19. He’d worked his ass off to get accepted to a prestigious university, and he was driving home from a final farewell party before his move the next day. He’d thought back to that night often. If he’d gotten a ride home with someone else, if he’d stayed there overnight, if he’d not gone at all. However none of that changed the fact that on his way home, he was pulled over by a police officer. Oliver had done nothing wrong, however, the officer in question, officer Jim Dawson, was an evil man who at the core of his being, took a great deal of pleasure watching peoples lives be destroyed. All it took was planting a little pill bottle with some questionable substances in it to put Oliver away for 15 years. His own parents disowned him, despite his pleas that the drugs weren’t his. He spent the next decade and a half of his life in a correctional facility where things got even worse for him. Within the first five years, Oliver moved from being a weak bitch slapped around by other inmates for fun, to a hardened gang member known for smashing the skulls of anyone who lied to him. When Fuerza had approached him while on Parole, Oliver was desperate for any tail he could chase, and Fuerza was some MIGHTY fine tail. After she explained the test Oliver reflected back to the person he was before his run in with officer Dawson… That boy would have turned tail and run at the idea of losing his freedom for power. But that boy was long gone, and 15 years of prison had opened his perspective drastically as he didn’t even think twice about the risks. The ecstasy he felt as his body swelled with strength was a bliss he figured a damned soul like his own would never reach. However that ecstasy was only second to what he was about to experience. As Ferrum stepped out into the hallway, his heavy swinging cock bounced against his low swinging balls in the open air, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Standing before him was the bastard himself. Officer Jim Dawson. 15 years older, wandering around the Demon’s Gym as if it were a shopping mall with a foxy female coworker who kept averting her eyes from every sexy figure that walked by, naked or otherwise. “No fucking way…” Ferrum said as he maliciously grinned and began following the two cops into one of the back rooms. —------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Dawson, I think it’s just another bedroom. Can we move on? This whole part of the building is just disgusting and it reeks of sex and cum.” “I’m telling you Jess, one of these rooms is going to have some kind of secret passage or something…” Dawson said as he began tossing the bed for some kind of switch or button. “SLAM” Both cops drew their guns as they turned and faced the door that had just closed behind them. “Sup girl. Noticed you walking in and I gotta say I am VERY interested.” said the powerful bodybuilder as he stood naked with one hand on his hip, and the other stroking his massive member slowly. “Get behind me Jess, TAKE ANOTHER STEP FREAK AND I’ll PUMP YOUR DAMN SKULL FULL-A LEAD!” Dawson called out. “Oh what, you don’t remember me pops? You don’t remember little ole Oliver Yates?” “Who?” Dawson said with a glare. It took a moment for anyone to speak again as Ferrum suddenly realized this bastard didn’t even remember him. He committed perjury to put him away, unprovoked, and he didn’t even remember his damn name. “My old name… Was OLIVER YATES. 15 years ago, you planted some shit in my car and had me hauled off to prison! Do you not remember that? Or have you done it so many times, we all just blend together in your sick fucked up head!?” Jess glanced at Dawson and asked “Dawson…What is he talking about?” “Oh yeah… I remember now… Yates, I pulled you over for speeding, found Heroin in his car…” “It was Methamphetamines and YOU planted it!” Ferrum growled as he pointed at Dawson. “He’s lying. Now get your bitch ass on the ground before I put a hole into that creative head of yours.” “Oh… Oh no no no. Not this time pig…” Ferrum grinned as he stepped closer. “STOP OR I WILL SHOOT!” Jess screamed. Ferrum took another step, and true to her word, both Jess and Dawson emptied their clips into Ferrum. To their horror, this only slowed him down for a moment before he began licking his wounds, healing them. Within moments, the only evidence that they’d even fired their guns at all was their empty casings on the floor. “You pigs really want to know what happened to all the bitches that went missing? Come on… Tell me you want to see how.” GREG! GREG CALL FOR BACKUP NOW! Jess screamed as she fumbled with her radio. “I’m sorry, but no one can hear you…” Ferrum said as he crushed the transceiver in his hand. “What the FUCK are you?” Dawson demanded as the menacing tower of muscle stepped closer and Dawson realized he was out of room. “TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MISSING PEOPLE!” “I can’t tell you… But I can show you.“ Ferrum whispered. Suddenly Ferrum picked up Dawson with a single hand that could grip the entire front of his torso and squeezed. Dawson screamed in agony as he felt his ribcage splinter and snap as if he was being crushed by a hydraulic press. His lungs, pierced by shattered bone, burned as it became harder and harder for him to breathe. “Normally, we offer a choice to those we do this to. But you… You bitchass mother fucker… I’m giving you the same choice you gave me. NONE. You will submit, or you will spend the rest of your life bleeding out on a cum stained carpet.” “You… You asshole… How…. Why…” Was all Dawson could muster. “LET HIM GO!” Screamed Jess, but she was ignored. “You asked the owner before, what happened to those missing people… I’ll tell ya, they weren’t strong enough. See only the strong truly get to live free in this world, which is why they’re blessed with power you can’t even imagine. And right now, your only way of getting out of this room alive is with that blessing. GO ON! Look me in the eye and tell me you want to live FUCK PIG!” Dawson, scared and barely able to comprehend what was going on stammered: “I… Please… You don’t… Have to do this…. Please help me!” “Yes it is then” Ferrum said with an evil snicker as he tossed Dawson effortlessly onto the couch and began fucking him mercilessly. His monstrous 1’4” cock ripping Dawson’s guts apart as it plowed through, numbing what was left of his body. Jess wasn’t frozen in terror, and jumped at the two in an attempt to save her partner, however she was quickly swatted away by Ferrum’s insane strength. Dawson was in cripping pain and desperately tried to get away, but his legs were numb, and this monster literally had him by the dick. He wasn’t escaping this, but he still tried. He reached for the edge of the couch, but one swift pull from Ferrum yanked him off. He reached again, only to find he couldn’t reach the edge of the couch anymore, and that Ferrum almost looked even bigger than when he did initially. It didn’t take Jess or Dawson long to figure out that Dawson’s body was shrinking smaller and smaller with every furious pump. Jess stared in amazement as Dawson shrank smaller and smaller, eventually Ferrum’s monster cock was bigger than Dawson himself, leading Ferrum to force it all the way through Dawson, skewering him as a cock larger than his own body was pressed all the way from his virgin ass, all the way up his throat where it snapped his jaw off to escape his body. Soon, Ferrum was wearing Dawson like a broken condom and after minutes of torture, pulled him off, dangled him above his cock, dropped him and allowed his dick to swallow Dawson whole so he could be processed. Ferrum then turned to Jess and smiled. Mortified, Jess wept uncontrollably as she asked “Wha… WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!” “For this part.” Ferrum lulled as his body began to flex and swell as Ferrum’s latest meal had finally begun to fill him. Jess’s eyes filled with wonder as the monstrous hunk before her grew even larger than he had been before. “I… I get it… The people who went missing… You monsters fucking ATE them! All so you could grow… More powerful…So you can be even bigger…” “And you like that don’t you, you skanky little pig.” Ferrum replied as he moved closer and began running his gigantic hand across Jess’s legs. “I… I…” “Oh don’t try to hide it girl… I know. Now take those damn jeans off and bury your face into that pillow before you start talking about your little bitch husband.” Jess didn’t say a word, but did as she was told. Afterwards, from deep within Ferrum’s balls she convinced herself that it was out of fear and panic, but deep down she knew why she gave herself to Ferrum willingly. She knew she wasn’t strong enough to be blessed, and she didn’t care either. For her, she just wanted the best fuck of her life. And she damn well got it as she slowly began shrinking out of existence and her mind broke from ecstasy. —--------------------------------------------------------------------- Greg was starting to get worried. It’d been 10 minutes from Jess’s last report. He radioed in: “Hey, is everything OK?” No answer. “Jess? Dawson? Come in!? JESS DAWSON REPLY NOW!” Greg began to panic, suddenly his squadcar’s door opened and a massive goliath of a man stepped into the passenger’s seat. “WOAH WOAH! HEY GET OUT OF THE CAR NOW!” “Be quiet officer, you need to listen to me. NOW!” The powerful figure boomed. He didn’t know why, but suddenly 10 years of protocol just didn’t seem important in the face of this man. “Your friends are gone. They’ve been taken just like the others, and I don’t think we can get them back, or worse, they might be part of the problem now.” “Who are you!?” “I’m the only thing that’s survived these monsters so far without joining them. You need to take me to the police precinct, guns won’t work on them, we’ll need heavy fire power, maybe even the military.” “WHO ARE YOU!?!” Greg screamed as he finally pulled his gun on the massive intruder. The muscle stud suddenly turned and looked down the barrel of Greg’s gun without blinking. “My name is Jack, and I’m your last hope of surviving this.” (Continued immediately)
Seventeen The next morning Connor and Anton left for Orchid University. Two weeks early as Connor had to undergo some tests before he could get a wrestling scholarship. His mother had tears in her eyes as her youngest, 500 pound son hugged her. Keith creamed his pants as he drank in the sight of his younger brother’s bulging arm; the bicep wrapped around his mother was chocked in cuts and veins. Connor grinned down on his brother as he noticed the dark stain. “See you in two weeks, little guy”, he boomed. “Don’t worry, madam”, Anton said, “I’ll watch over your son. Thanks for letting me stay here all summer.” “I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done, Anton”, the mother replied, “You’re always welcome here. Take good care of my baby boy.” “Let’s go, buddy”, Anton said and patted Connor on his massive back. Connor released his mother, grabbed his bag and strutted behind his roommate. People watched in awe as the two behemoths walked passed them to the station. Some even rubbed their eyes or pinched their own arm to check if they weren’t dreaming. The two muscular beasts just grinned and continued their way. “We’re gonna dominate the entire university”, Anton said, “No one while question my position as top dog with you to back me up”. At Orchid University a peaceful serenity filled the stately buildings. Apart from some foreign exchange students, no one was already present; everyone was still enjoying summer. Things changed as Tomas arrived. The splendid weather mysteriously changed in chillish, autumn-like conditions: the sun didn’t manage to peep through the gray clouds and a strange, thick fog covered the surroundings at morning and in the evening. At night, frightening howls echoed against the buildings as evil wolves haunted the grounds. Tomas had had an excellent summer. Back at home, he had discovered an ancient book in his family’s library. The medieval book told his family’s history. Apparently, one of his ancestors had made a deal with the devil back in the day, but the deal had never been completed. His ancestor had been killed by local villagers before he had been able to conclude the dark ritual. Thanks to the evil spirit of his ancestor inside of him, Tomas would now be able to seal the deal. Tomas grinned as an exchange student sprinted for his life, chased by a big black wolf. The change in weather upon his arrival proved that he was more powerful than last year. He entered his room, closed his eyes and concentrated on his pet. An evil smile formed on his lips as he saw his 580 pound pet exiting the station and heading for the university with another behemoth following him. His dick hardened as he thought of his pet’s rock-hard, massive muscles and the fun they would have later on. He reopened his eyes and began unpacking his things; carefully putting the priceless book in his desk. “Here we are, buddy”, Anton said as he and Connor passed through the gate and entered the domain of Orchid University. The two behemoths stepped back as a big black wolf appeared before them. “I don’t want to die”, Connor said while holding his bag in front of him. “Don’t move”, Anton replied, “Perhaps he won’t see us.” “No, that’s with dinosaurs”, Connor said, “Let’s run for it.” The two behemoths turned around and the blood froze in their veins. Two other wolves stood there, blocking their way out. “Now what?”, Anton asked as he pushed his back against Connor’s wide back. The wolves didn’t attack for some reason; they howled frighteningly as they circled the two giants. “I think they want us to follow”, Anton said. “Let’s do that”, Connor said and began moving down the path. The wolves escorted the two behemoths toward the entrance. As soon as they reached the building, they howled once more and disappeared into the fog. “What the hell was that?”, Connor said as he entered the building. “Perhaps we’re too big and they don’t dare attack us?”, Anton replied, “Let’s get to our room”. As soon as they changed their sweat-soaked shirts, Anton led Connor to Tomas’ room. They barged in without knocking. Tomas was finishing a shower as he heard some noise. He turned off the water, wrapped a towel around his tightly muscled 12-pack and stepped into his room. He grinned as he recognized his pet. Anton looked down on Tomas’ muscular, 300 pound frame. He also noticed the stirring movement under the towel. “Things are gonna be very interesting this year”, he said and crossed his arms in front of him to emphasize his 50 inch arms. “You’re right, my pet”, Tomas replied, “… “There’s no denying me now”, Anton interrupted him, “I’m the biggest man alive and with Connor to back me up, I’m gonna rule this school. No one will stand up to me, not even you. The pet has become the master!”. He stepped up to Tomas, towering over him in height and width. “Really?”, Tomas asked, his vision filled with the ripped muscles of Anton’s incredible pecs that stretched his shirt. “Yeagh!”, Anton bellowed. He grabbed Tomas’ armpits and effortlessly lifted his 300 pounds of muscles until he looked him straight in the eyes. “What are you gonna do to me, my pet?”, Tomas asked, his cock inflating by the demonstration of raw power. “I’m the master now. I’m calling the shots. You’re at my mercy. And don’t call me ‘pet’ anymore!”, Anton growled, “I’ll show ya. Rip off my shirt, Connor!”. Connor instantly obeyed the angry behemoth. He grabbed the back of Anton’s shirt and ripped it off, exposing his divine torso. “Yeagh”!, Anton grunted, “I’ll reward you later. Stop squirming!”. He raised his arms a bit as he felt them shake. “I’m perfectly still”, Tomas replied, “Perhaps you’re getting weak?”. Connor noticed that Anton’s face was slowly turning red and that his arms were shaking. He blinked as he thought that the massive arms looked smaller than before. Anton grunted. “What’s happening?”, he asked, while Tomas seemed to get heavier. “You fool”, Tomas said, “Did you really think that you could take my place? I’m the top dog here. I’m the one that made you big; now you’ll pay the price!”. Horror filled Anton’s face as he realized what was happening. He dropped Tomas and slumped down on the floor; his majestic body was deflating like a leak balloon. Within seconds he was back to his old 150 pounds. “Connor, help me”, he peeped in a girlish voice. Connor didn’t budge. He stared in disbelief at the runt on the floor and raised his hands in defeat toward Tomas. “Wise decision, Connor”, Tomas said, “Now my pet, what shall I do with you? I could stomp you to a bloody pulp. Or let Connor break your bones. I could even feed you to the wolves.” “I’ll do anything you ask”, Anton peeped, “But please give me back my beautiful muscles. I’m begging you”. Tomas ignored his deflated pet and turned his attention to Connor. “Let’s see you’re made off first. Strip!”, he said. Connor instantly did what he was told, he didn’t want to lose his muscles too. He ripped off his shirt, jumped out off his pants and boxers. Anton drank in the impressive sight. The 500 pound Connor was bigger than him and Tomas together. His 5 incher throbbed as he thought of the hard, juicy pecs and the tight ass he’d dominated. “Very impressive”, Tomas said as he moved in a circle around Connor, “You’re a fine addition to my muscle corps.”. His cock swelled to its 17 inches as he felt the hardness of Connor’s muscles. “You’ve gotten all this size from your brother?” “No”, Connor replied, “I’ve first drained two bullies that bugged me. Then I took my brother’s muscles as well.” He shivered and blood flowed to his dick as Tomas groped his thick arms and played with his nipples. “With you in are ranks even the football players will know their place”, Tomas said, “but I want to keep your size a secret for now. You’ll have to wear oversized sweaters. Let them think that you’re a fat slob. There are some sweaters in the bathroom, go try them on!”. Connor nodded and strutted into the bathroom, rejoicing that he hadn’t lost his muscles. “Please make me big again”, Anton pleaded in tears. Tomas looked down at the depleted swimmer and grinned. “I’m not gonna make you big. I will make you huge again if you promise to behave from now on.” “I will! I will”, Anton peeped, “You’re the master, I’ll do whatever you say!”. “Good. Since you’re my pet, you have to please your master. Get me off and I’ll give you back you muscles”, Tomas said as he dropped his towel and sat down on the edge of the bed. Anton moved over to were his master was sitting. He sat down on his knees and grabbed the muscular legs for support. He gulped as he looked at the rock-hard 17 incher that pointed at him. Veins snaked along the thick shaft toward its dark red head. “Hurry up! Your weak body doesn’t turn me on. If I don’t get off before my cock goes flaccid, you don’t get your muscles back”, Tomas said. Anton immediately put the cock in his mouth, or tried to. He forced his jaw open and managed to get the thick head in. He took in a few inches of the rock-hard shaft and began sucking with full force. “Man, I don’t feel anything. Are you even trying?”, Tomas said. Anton let his hands join in on the action. Even with the top part in his mouth and both hands around the shaft, there was room on his master’s 17 incher. He tried to lick the head with his tongue, but the hard shaft overpowered his tongue. “This isn’t gonna work”, Tomas said and snapped his fingers. Anton blinked as he felt his master shrink. The shaft in his hands was getting shorter and thinner; within seconds he released one of his hands as he could take more of the shortening shaft in his mouth. Even the thick head was deflating since his tongue could now easily play with it. Off course Tomas wasn’t shrinking. He had simply reversed his spell so that Anton regained his previous size. “Yeah, please me”, Tomas grunted as his pet sucked his throbbing 17 incher. Anton looked down at his arms and a smile formed on his face. He scanned the rest of his muscles and found his body back to its 580 pound state. He took his master’s cock completely in his mouth and sucked at full force. Within seconds a series of squirts blasted in his mouth, not even filling half of it. “Yeaughn!”, Tomas grunted and began pulling his deflating cock from his pet’s mouth. Anton decided to give his master an extra treat. His strong tongue teased the 17 incher to hardness again, easily overpowering the thick shaft. Another series of blasts disappeared down his hungry throat. Tomas inhaled deeply and ruffled his pet’s hair as he pulled his cock from his mouth. “Good boy”, he said, “You’ll be staying in my room with me this year. Connor can have your room.” Connor had admired the scene from the bathroom. His cock had swelled to its 21 inches as Anton had regained his impressive size. “I have to go to the wrestle coach for my test”, he said as he stepped in the room, wearing the ridiculously oversized sweater. “Anton shall lead you, you fatso”, Tomas replied. Neither Anton nor Connor spoke on their way to the wrestle hall. Anton was too busy feeling his massive arms and Connor was focusing on his upcoming test. “You go change in the locker room. I’ll go join the coach in the wrestle hall”, Anton said and guided Connor over to the locker room. “Who are you?”, Anton asked as he entered the wrestle hall and saw a young-looking guy in a dark singlet. The man turned around and looked up to the behemoth’s face. “I’m the new wrestle coach”, he said, “I’ll replace coach Williams.” “You look very young for a coach”, Anton replied. “Well, I’m only 28”, the coach answered, “ I didn’t intend to end my own career but the university made me a very very nice offer. I’ve won the gold medal at the last Olympics and was seeking a new challenge. I heard some rumors about a giant freshman that stomped the competition. When I looked up some videos, I realized I would never stand a chance against you in the ring. So I applied here to train the wrestle team. I saw that your technique isn’t perfect just yet.” “Size always wins over technique”, Anton said. “My opponent at the Olympics was 50 pounds heavier than me and I still beat him thanks to my technique”, the coach stated. “What do you weigh?”, Anton asked. “240 pounds”, the coach said, “My opponent really outsized me, but technique’s everything. I wore him out and pinned him when he was tired.” “At your size perhaps”, Anton replied, “I’m 580 pounds of ripped beef. No technique is gonna tire me. I would simply grab you and smash you on the mat. Should we try?” “No, that won’t be necessary”, the coach said, “I’m here to test the rookie”. “I sure hope no one will get hurt”, Anton stated. “I’ll go easy on him”, the coach said smilingly. The coach turned around as a big shadow fell over him. He stepped back involuntarily and the smile vanished from his face. His mouth fell open in disbelief as his eyes scanned the rookie. Connor’s American flag singlet clung to his massive body. It seemed like it was painted onto his frame. His protruding pecs stretched the fabric across the rack of melon-sized muscle, making striations visible through it; the deep grooves between the big muscles of his stony 12-pack were highlighted by the fabric; his tree-sized quads showed off their immense size; on obscene bulge pushed against the fabric were his thick cock snaked down his right leg. “I’m ready, coach”, Connor rumbled in his deep baritone. Goosebumps appeared on the coach’s arms and legs and sweat formed on his forehead as he realized that he was going to fight the beast in front of him. “What are you stats?”, he asked in a cracking voice. “7 feet and 500 pounds”, Connor replied coolly, “you?” “I’m 5’7 and 240 pounds” “Don’t forget to mention your gold medal, coach”, Anton said from the side of the ring. “You’re an Olympic champion?”, Connor asked, “I hope you’ll go easy on me, coach. Let’s begin”. Before the coach could react, Connor lifted him off the floor and put him down in the ring. He stepped back and turned to face his coach. “GO!”, Anton bellowed. The coach acted within a second. He knew very well that he didn’t stand a chance against this behemoth. So he tried to surprise him. he launched himself at Connor and drove his meaty shoulder into his abs. Pain exploded through his body; it felt like he had hit a brick wall. He reached for his bruised shoulder and retreated. Connor couldn’t suppress a grin; his unflexed abs had easily withstood his coach’s attack. He jumped up and threw himself at his opponent. The coach went white as he saw the beast coming at him. More pain than ever before exploded in his body as his opponent crashed against him, sending him backwards on the mat. The massive leg covering his chest pinned him down easily. “1, 2, 3. I take round 1”, Connor said and got up, “Ready for round 2?”. “Round 2?”, the coach asked weakly, “but you’ve pinned me. It’s over.” “I’ll give you a rematch”, Connor replied. “Oh, no. That’s fine; I’ve seen enough”, the coach said. “No, no, I insist”, Connor stated and grabbed the coach’s singlet with his right paw and put him back on his feet. “I’ll take defensive position”, Connor said and sat down on his hands and knees. Instinctively the coach got on top of his opponent. He positioned his hand against Connor’s stony abs and his other hand against his elbow. He stared in disbelief at the bulging muscles on his opponent’s massive back. “Why are you laughing?”, he asked as he noticed Connor’s chuckle. “Your feet don’t reach the mat when you’re on my back, coach”, Connor said. The coach looked back and saw that his opponent was right. He hadn’t even noticed it as he was admiring the rookie’s massive frame. “The match is over then”, he said. “I don’t want to deny you your rematch, coach. We’ll switch positions”, Connor replied and got up. Very slowly, the coach installed himself on his knees and hands. His heartbeat went up and his body trembled as the giant shadow fell over him. He could feel the heat emanating of his opponent’s huge muscles as he placed himself over his 240 pound body. The thick quads next to his own well-muscled ones felt like hot marble against his sweaty skin; the protruding pecs felt heavy on his muscular back. He gasped as his opponent’s meaty arm reached under him; Connor’s right paw covered his entire stomach. The left arm that his opponent placed next to him on the mat looked like a young tree. The coached inhaled deeply and focused. “GO!”, Anton bellowed again. The coach summoned all his strength and pushed forward with his strong legs. Sweat was pouring over his red face as he tried to outmaneuver the beast. As he realized that he couldn’t move an inch, he decided to try something else. He planted his knees on the mat, grabbed hold of his opponent’s right arm and pulled with full force, trying to throw him over his shoulder by shifting his balance. Connor smiled at his opponent’s efforts; there was nothing that his gold medal decorated coach could do against him. He let his paw slide along his coach’s abs so that his massive bicep made contact with the abs. Connor then flexed his arm, making his bicep bulge and swell. The coach grunted in pain as the beastly, rock-hard bicep dug into his strong abs. He flexed his eight-pack to protect himself. Connor felt his coach flexing his abs, but his bicep easily overpowered the well-trained muscles. He lifted his arm slightly, crushing the coach between his stony pecs and his steely bicep. “Aughn”, the coach grunted in pain. He had never felt weaker in his life; this freshman was toying with him, an Olympic champion. He budged and squirmed, but it was no use: the beast dominated him completely. Connor enjoyed dominating his coach; he felt as strong as the night he had drained his brother. He flexed his pecs and bicep. “AUGHN!”, the coach grunted as more pain filled his battered body. His opponent’s meaty muscles engulfed him completely. He was having troubles breathing as the beast flexed them around his 240 pound body. “How did you ever win that gold medal? Let’s end it”, Connor said in the coach’s ear. He raised his left hand and ripped off the coach’s singlet. “What are you doing?”, the coach asked weakly as he felt the cool air against his skin. He tried to free himself but Connor’s flexed pecs and bicep held him firmly in place. Connor didn’t react. He proceeded by ripping of his own singlet. His left hand found his plump cock and began pumping the hot shaft. Within seconds it was up to its 21 inches. The coach looked down past the 40 inch arm that pinned his body against the freshman. He gasped as he noticed the long, thick pole in Connor’s paw. “You can’t masturbate during a match. I’ll suspend you for the rest of the season”, the coach said. “Okay, then”, Connor replied. He released his throbbing cock and placed his left hand on the mat again. “You’ll never get you scholarship, you perve…..”, the coach said. His voice went silent as Connor put the large head of his 21 incher against his ass. “I do as I want”, Connor grunted and shoved his thick cock in his coach’s ass. He repositioned his right arm so that his paw covered the coach’s abs again and pushed inch after inch of his monster cock in the tight ass. “AAAAUUUGGGHHH!”, the coach cried in pain, “Stop please, you get your scholarship. Let me go”. Connor ignored the remarks and kept shoving his cock deeper into his coach; about half of his 21 inches disappeared into the spasming ass. He grabbed hold of the coach abs and began stroking him up and down his rock-hard cock. The coach’s mouth hung open but no sound came out. The man seemed lost in pain. Connor grinned as he felt the coach dick smack against his fingers. “Like being dominated by a freshman, Olympic champion?”, he asked in the coach’s ear. The faint grunt made Connor fasten his strokes with the coach. A thud made him look aside; two strong arms had appeared next to his. Before he could react, Connor felt the familiar sensation of Anton’s 25 incher invading his ass. “Let’s double the fun”, Anton grunted in his ear. He grabbed Connor’s meaty shoulder with his left hand and began pounding the muscular ass. “MMhhugnh”, Connor grunted as pleasure filled his body. He upped the speed of his strokes as Anton pumped his ass. The coach was entirely lost. He was being dominated like never before. He felt like a ragdoll in the paw of the beast that used him as a fucktoy. He couldn’t understand how someone that was 10 years younger, had just tossed him around the wrestle mat and was now ravaging his ass. He squirmed as his cock exploded against the massive paw that covered his abs. “UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHNNNNNN!!!!!!!”, Connor roared as he came. He felt the coach cum against his paw and his mind was flooded with pleasure. He had totally dominated an Olympic champion without breaking a sweat. His muscles flexed wildly as load after load of cum blasted from his 21 incher. The pressure in the coach’s ass kept building. Connor released him and the 240 pound coach flew off several feet by the pressure of his blasting cock. Connor’s 21 incher kept exploding all over the wrestle mat as he stared at the battered champion in the pool of cum. “YEEEAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHNNNNN!!!!!!!”, Anton bellowed deeply as his cock exploded. The feeling of Connor’s flexing muscles around his rock-hard 25 incher sent him over the edge. Volley after volley of thick, sticky cum shot into the spasming ass. He marveled at the amount of cum that Connor was producing. After about four minutes, Anton’s orgasm calmed down. He was totally worn out from this intensive orgasm. He slowly pulled his cock from the muscular ass. His eyes widening in disbelief as he fell onto his back on the mat. As Anton’s deflating 25 incher was pulled from his ass, Connor got up and milked five more blasts from his rock-hard 21 incher; coating the coach and Anton with his cum. “Did I pass the test for my scholarship?”, he asked with a heaving chest, looking down at the two exhausted men and grinning. The coach nodded weakly at the behemoth towering over him.
This part I am sure is one of the bigger parts of the Original RP people wanted... I hope I did this justice... There is a very ORIGINAL way I did the theft in this part, which was what I think people enjoyed the most. Also there's a bit of an easter egg to a few other theft stories. Enough chatter, I hope you enjoy this part. Previous Parts: -Part 01 - Part 02 - Part 03 - Part 04 - Part 05 - Part 06 Risk Takers Matt wraps his large arms around Andrew in a tight embrace. “You won’t lose me, bro. I’ll always be your big lunk of a gym rat brother.” He notices the warmth of Andrew’s body up against him; his size much bigger and solid than what he’s been used to before. Even though Andrew is still quite a bit smaller than him, Matt can feel the difference of his smaller twin’s body size. It felt so good actually he began go become a bit more attracted to Andrew’s new size. “You know…” Matt pauses a second, swallowing the lump in his throat. “If we used rubbers, the cum wouldn’t touch…” Matt takes a deep breath, proud of the thought but also nervous on Andrew’s overall reaction. “We know that it’s the cum itself that is making these changes – the cups proved that. So all we have to do is use some condoms, and we can fuck all we want without having to worry.” Matt chuckles nervously, squeezing Andrew a bit more firmly, pulling him in tighter into his body. Andrew looks up at Matt, a bit of a happier tone spread across his face at this new revelation that his twin has proposed to him. “That actually sounds like a great idea!” Before Andrew could even finish his sentence, Matt had his brother scooped up and in his arms. The effort he put into it was a bit of a struggle at their new sizes, but Matt made sure to get in a comfortable position for himself to carry Andrew; up the stairs to their room, where Matt gently places Andrew onto his bed. Matt runs his hands over Andrew’s body, taking note of the new muscle that has formed under his brother’s skin. “Gotta admit, Andrew, watching you grow like that was pretty fucking hot.” Matt smirked down at Andrew, groping his hardening bulge in his shorts, before pulling them down his thighs as they dropped to the floor which he kicks off of his feet and pushes them aside. Matt crawls on the bed between Andrew, his eight rock hard inches at full attention. Reaching out, gently gripping Andrew’s thighs, rubbing them up and down before slowly pushing them apart. Matt reaches over Andrew to his nightstand, pulling the drawer open and grabbing one of the many condoms inside. Smirking down at Andrew seductively, he puts the condom package to his lips, ripping it open with his teeth as he pops the latex sheath out of its wrapper and slides it over his hard dick. He takes note that it’s not quite as tight as he remembered it used to fit him. Matt shook off the unwanted feeling of his smaller self as he grabbed a tube of lube from the drawer, applying a generous amount to slick up his rubber-clad cock. Matt begins to tease Andrew’s hole, prodding it with his finger, applying a bit of lube to make sure he was ready to take him fully. “I’m gonna give you a good fucking, bro. Show you I’ve still got it, even if I’m a bit smaller than before. Andrew moans loud in pleasure as Matt’s finger probes his hole, opening him up for the incoming invasion. “Please be gentle… I haven’t done it before, bro.” Andrew’s hole was tight, and spasming; his ass clamping down tightly on Matt’s lubed finger. “I’ve wanted this for a long time though, bro. I’ve wanted you to Want Me, like this…” Matt feels a bit uneasy at those words, a chill running down his spine. He leans down slowly, kissing Andrew, removing his finger from his tight hole. His lubed up cock, covered by the rubber, is achingly hard. Matt leans forward into Andrew, making sure to press the head of his mushroom tip against his brother’s hole. The tightness of Andrew and the feeling of being opened up by Matt causes them both to moan in unison. With a soft moan, Matt slowly pushes his cockhead into Andrew’s very tight hole. He watches Andrew wince a bit in pain and grunts; Matt leans in to comfort him, pushing his lips onto his twin’s in a deep kiss. His mouth engulfing Andrew’s, tongue forcing its way between his lips and teeth. Matt growls into the kiss, pushing his cock in half way before feeling Andrew tense up more under him, his bro’s hole clamping down on the four inches inside him. Matt pauses for a moment, giving Andrew a chance to adjust to his size; even at eight inches, he’s still quite the hung stud. As he keeps his dick half inside he moves his mouth down Andrew’s face, to his jaw, then his neck, nuzzling against his brother’s ear before teasing it with his tongue. Andrew moans as his body is relieved of some tension, his hole relaxing a bit more, as he gives permission for Matt to proceed further. His hole opening up, Matt pushes in further, loving the groans and moans that escape Andrew’s lips. “Oh yeah,” Matt moans, feeling his thin pubes press against Andrew’s round muscle ass cheeks as he finally reaches the end, his cock fully pressed into his bro. “Fuck you got a nice ass, Andrew.” His breathing more labored as their bodies are pressed firmly together. Matt lifts Andrew up off the bed, letting his slightly smaller twin wrap his legs around his waist; Matt’s cock moving and shifting inside of him as they changed sexual positions. Matt moves over to his desk, sitting down on it. He places his hands on Andrew’s ass as he begins to lift his brother up and down on his cock in a steady rhythm. Andrew moans more and more with each thrust up and down Matt’s shaft in pure pleasure. Every time he is dropped to the base of Matt’s cock he gasps as he feels the large phallus leaving him as he is lifted back up the shaft towards the large head, just to start his long moan as he is lowered again. Andrew’s cock is rock hard and slapping firmly against Matt’s abs as Matt holds him close to his chest. Something then snaps in his own mind right then, the consequences if Andrew was to cum now without something blocking his spunk would be very bad. “Matt… Fuck… nnn… This….Is…A… Bad… Position…” Andrew manages to get out as Matt pounds into him, steadily speeding up his rhythm as he begins to go faster… and faster… “Mmm, Fuck no, Bro! This position is fucking amazing!” Matt growl’s holding Andrew steady as he slams his dick up inside of Andrew, roughly fucking his twin, loving the way Andrew’s lust is evident from his panting and grimacing facial expressions; the way Andrew’s cock hits his abs over and over as he fucks him hard, yet passionately. Matt’s own ass begins to rise up off the chair slightly as he tries to drive his cock in even deeper if it could even be possible; spreading his strong muscular legs wider, leaning back against the desk, driving his dick up into Andrew as he holds his bro in position. His balls begin to ache, he wants to fill Andrew up so much with his love, but they seem to tremble and swell as they begin to cause him pain. Matt snarl’s angrily, desperately wanting to cum as he begins to fuck Andrew even harder, roughly thrusting up into his twin, muscles tensing and flexing with extra effort as beads of sweat begin to form on his skin. Andrew continues to be tossed around, enjoying the pounding as he notices Matt’s face begin to turn red, as he finally cries out in agony, desperate for relief. “Ah, Fuck… Please Matt…” he moans into the rhythm. With a loud cry of pain and pleasure, but pure ecstasy, Matt explodes. “AH FUCK!!!!” Pushing deep inside, Matt feels his dick spasm wildly, the big rod rocking about wildly as his seed continues to erupt from his shaft, filling the condom. The reservoir tip beginning to fill… more… and more… There is so much cum rocketing forth, Matt feels like his cock won’t stop, but he realizes it’s not his choice, it’s something more. Matt’s Symbiote controlled balls are working in overdrive, filling the tip of the condom, making it swell larger and larger inside of Andrew as it continues to fill with Matt’s splooge. “Oh fuck, Matt…” Andrew’s eyes go wide as the rubber reservoir tip expands so much it ruptures inside of him, flooding the enhanced cock cream throughout Andrew completely. As soon as it breaks and flows into him, it’s immediately absorbed, but this time Andrew isn’t warmth spreading over his body; heat begins to fill him, a fire. Every muscle in Andrew’s body begins to tense up all at once, flexing hard against an unseen resistance. “FUCK! THIS…IS… HUGE!” Andrew’s height shoots upwards, almost instantly he is four inches taller, his shoulders broadening wider to provide new space for the muscle that is pumping out from under his skin. Every fiber of his being tensing as he gets bigger everywhere, the veins making a road map to every part of him as they pump with blood and begin to be seen without even a flex. Fifty pounds of solid mass was just added to him in mere minutes, and the show was just starting. Andrew’s own cock, six and a half inches of rock hard meat expands upwards and outwards, throbbing madly as it added one more inch of length and bloated thicker to accommodate his new size. As Andrew’s growth begins to subside, his body bordering on close to Matt’s size now, their bodies even closer than ever, his cock begins rubbing against the ridges of Matt’s abs. As it grew longer and thicker, his body becoming closer to perfection like his larger twin, he begins to gaze at himself in awe from these new changes, the pressure in his own balls begins to come to a head and spill out. As Andrew tries to move up off of Matt’s cock, his body has it’s own desires as his now perfect muscular bubble butt ass latches down on Matt’s cock, “FUCK!!!!” Andrew’s cock explodes! The load firing up into the air as it lands across Matt’s face, chin, and chest. There is nothing else he can do now, but to wait. Andrew wraps his larger arms around Matt, as his cock fires again, his brain going into protective mode, as all he wants to do is hold onto Matt, not realizing his cock is still firing off between their bodies as Matt begins to shrink a bit more. “No…. no no no no no!” Andrew holds Matt tightly as he sits on his cock still balls deep. Their eyes meeting for the first time since they were kids. Matt looks straight across, eye level to Andrew. But it seems a bit off, his eyes may be even a bit lower, but that’s not really surprising since Andrew is still impaled on his dick. Before he came, Andrew had to tilt his head down to look at him, this new status change had him slightly tilting his head up. “Damn Andrew,” he croaked, words a bit slurred. Matt reached up and tries to pull Andrew off of his tool, but Andrew is now too big, too heavy. 200lbs of pure beef sitting on his lap. Matt’s ass touches down on the chair, his trembling legs no longer able to hold up his brother’s weight as easily as he was able to before. “Fuck… you look good…” Matt finally takes in the full size and weight of his twin. His larger muscles, his masculine rock hard hairy chest, his powerful shoulders, and his vasularly huge arms. Andrew lifts his ass up off of Matt’s cock, pulling the obliterated latex condom out of his hole. “Look at me, Matt.” He walks over to Matt’s large mirror that he had installed to check his own perfected body out in. Andrew lifts his right arm up, flexing, watching the ball form of his bicep. He brings his other arm up and shows off a most muscular for Matt. Seeing the tightness of his six pack and much larger pecs. Andrew in a matter of minutes has went from a jock built to something more like an amateur athlete. Andrew moves his hand down his furry chest, crossing his hairy covered abs till it meets his cock, which now looks much more adequate with his thick pubic bush. He gives it a squeeze, as he notices Matt looking at him through the mirror. Andrew spins around to face his twin. “No more, Matt…” Matt shivers with desire as he watches Andrew flex and pose and feel up his bigger body. He slowly stands up, walking up to his twin. He’s still taller, but only barely. One inch at most. He also has a slight bit of muscle still on his once tiny bro, but maybe only about twenty pounds if that. Matt brings his own arms up and flexes, his biceps rising up proudly under his skin – he’d still be impressive to anyone who hadn’t seen him flex a few days earlier. His arms are clearly still a bit bigger then Andrews. Their cocks, on the other hand, look exactly the same size. While Andrew’s dick is more obscured by his new full bush, it’s clear that the two were hanging equally low. “Damn, Andrew. You look good.” Matt purred as he looked his twin up and down. “I’m almost glad that was a defective rubber. Andrew smirks at his bro, crossing his larger muscular arms in front of his newly firm pecs. “Control yourself bro,” his voice has lowered more drastically with this new change. “Another mishap and I’ll probably be the same size as you.” He stretches his arms over his head, feeling his new size. “Well, we wasted our day with experimenting. All this growth sure is making me tired.” Andrew lets out a deep yawn as he goes to sit on his bed. Matt’s eyes never leaving his body. Matt walks over and joins Andrew on his bed, reaching out, massaging Andrew’s newly thick shoulders and traps. “Having a twin who’s the same size as me wouldn’t be the worst thing,” he tried joking as he rubbed Andrew’s thick neck. “Who knows, Bro? Maybe you’ll become a gym rat like me!” Matt laughs, as he throws his head against the pillow on Andrew’s bed. Matt pulls Andrew back into him, until they are both prone and laying in each other’s arms. “Remember how we used to do this, as kids? Sneak into each other’s beds, just stay awake for hours at night, talking to each other? Well, whispering back then. We didn’t want our parents to hear us awake.” He chuckled. “Those were good times, weren’t they?” Andrew lays against Matt’s arm; its smaller then he’s used to with his new size and the lack of size Matt once had as he reminisces about those great times they shared. He grins, turning to face Matt. “Yeah…” Andrew leans in and tries to get a whiff of Matt’s underarm, but when his nose nuzzles Matt’s inner arm, there is no longer that manly masculine scent that he loved so much. He sighs, “Don’t you miss being big, Matt?” “A little. Okay, more than a little. I do miss it. It’s weird, you know? One day I’m the big man on campus and the next, well, not so much.” Matt pauses for a few seconds, gathering his thoughts. “But it’s not all bad, you know? I’m, uh, learning to look at things differently. A Different perspective or whatever. Maybe I wouldn’t have chosen this, if you’d asked me a couple days ago. But hey, lemonade out of lemons right?” Matt turns his own body to look Andrew right in the eyes. “And you’re finally getting some meat on you! For me, that’s definitely a big plus!” Matt grins back at Andrew, running a hand over his brother’s hairy chest, feeling the contours of the new slab of Andrew’s pecs. “Could be worse, right?” Andrew pushes himself up on his elbows. “You’re right. It could have been worse. What if we were complete strangers, or even some stupid roommates?” Andrew bursts out laughing. “At least it’s happening between us, two close brothers.” Andrew moves in to kiss Matt, this time much deeper as the wall between them begins to break, most likely due to the recent surge of Andrew’s confidence from the recent growth. “If I get bigger then you, Matt, I will be there for you like you have always been for me all these years.” “Mmm..” Matt murmurs, surprised and pleased by the force of Andrew’s affections. “I know you’ll be there, Andrew. I know you’ll look out for me. I want you… too…” Matt’s voice catches as the words “Want You” escape past his lips. Like something deeper inside him is triggered. Matt can’t quite figure it out, but it makes him feel safe pressed against Andrew; their hard bodies mashed together on Andrew’s bed. His dick slowly starts to stir again, but Matt wills himself to behave. After all that’s gone on so far, he’s not entirely sure he can take much more, even though a deep part of him desperately wants it. Andrew yawns again, exasperated from the events of the day. “Well… I’m just gonna… sleep…” Andrew crashes out on the spot, his head hitting the pillow as he begins a deep snore. His body needing to recharge from today’s dramatic growth ordeal. As Matt pushes himself off the bed to move over towards his own, Andrew begins to mumble words in his sleep… To Be Continued... Coming Soon Part 07: While You Were Sleeping
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“I want all your muscles, your stamina, your metabolism, your masculine beauty, your physical potential, your athleticism.” **** A stream of warm water spurted out from the thick shower head. In the steam-filled shower booth, Austin's naked body began to be drenched in water. The tanned, healthy skin became shiny when it touched the water stream. Water cascaded down his broad shoulders and down his massive, deep muscular chest like a mountain range. It soon cleansed the eight-pack abs and moistened the massive cock and testicles between the thick legs. As Austin lazily turned back, the warm water flowed down his deep, bulging, broad muscular back, and soon his firm buttocks could feel the water. Austin enjoyed the warm, wonderful sensation for a few minutes and then took out the shower soap. His thick hands gently massaged his broad chest, brushed down his shoulders, and toned down his 20-inch biceps and deep abs. He then gently stroked his pipe-like 11-inch cock and large testicles, wiping away any traces of the night's fun. He reluctantly moved his hand from his cock to his firm, thick thighs, where his muscles were clearly visible, and rubbed them for a while. He begins to slowly brush his knees and calves, following the lines of those beautiful muscles. While enjoying his shower time, Austin thought about Ted and the 'bet' he had made. Ted was very popular as the best football player in the school, but to Austin, Ted was just a bad student who bullied Austin himself. Austin, who wanted revenge on Ted, decided to use witchcraft he had discovered in ancient books. Everything went according to Austin's plan, and as a result, Austin won the 'bet' and demanded a reward from Ted: his muscles, his physical potential, and his masculine beauty. From then on, as time passed, Ted took Austin's essence and gradually became smaller and more ordinary, and as Austin took Ted's essence little by little, he became bigger and stronger. After taking a shower, Austin returned to his room and put on a white shirt and underwear. Then suddenly, Austin stopped as he felt a huge pain in his testicles. Austin lifted his underwear and looked down to see that his testicles were writhing as if they were being squeezed. Austin finally realized that the final swap had begun. Austin had no time to react to this sudden phenomenon and just moaned and held his testicles in his hands. He felt the last of Ted's original essence being absorbed into his testicles, and it soon began to pump the last of his strength, causing his veins to pulsate throughout his body. "!!" While Austin just let out a moan, his body once again became covered in sweat and began to slowly bulge and grow. The muscles in his entire body twitched and became bigger and stronger, increasing his height to nearly 7ft. The cock and testicles he held in his hand seemed to swell and grow in size. It was too big to hold with one hand, so Austin managed to hold it with both hands. "Aaaah... yes! YES!!" Meanwhile, Austin's vision was forcibly becoming clearer, and he was getting a mild headache as more athletic knowledge flowed into his head. Even that was enough to give Austin an ecstatic feeling. In every way, Austin's body grew bigger and stronger. When Austin finally let out an orgasmic scream, the white shirt he had just been wearing was torn apart. Austin, who had been panting for a while as if after his long workout, checked out his body in amazement. Now he realized he had a muscular body of exactly the same size and shape as Ted had before his bet: biceps approaching 25 inches to prove it. Ted's biceps were the biggest in the school, they were 25 inches, and when Austin measured himself with a tape measure now, they were exactly 25 inches. Austin let out a low laugh, throwing his torn clothes on the floor, cutting off his underwear with scissors and throwing them on the bed. At this moment, a new school athlete was born who would perfectly replace Ted. What was even more pleasant was that this spell modified parts of reality so that no one would notice their changes. In this reality, Ted will always be a small, weak student, while Austin himself will be the dominant school athlete. Well, maybe he's even better than Ted in that he's sincere, humble, and kind. Austin giggled as he looked at the sweaty 7ft massive muscular body and went into the bathroom to wash up again.
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This is a story which I posted on the wrong section (archive). Rome is a collegiate athlete. For the last 3 years of his college life, he has been training hard and it really shows. At 22, 6'3 and 250 lbs, he has a body that rivals those big YouTubers you see online. This body of his earned him the title of team captain of the football team. Not only that, with his fair skin, thick eyebrows, and thick brown hair, he is deemed as the campus' heartthrob. One night, after training and working out with his team, Rome really had the urge to fuck someone. After cockily putting his body on display to the team in the shower room, he put on some baggy pants and a tight black tank top that showcases his thick arms and really highlights his huge chest. He decided he'll go to the bar and pick a fuck buddy for the night. After all, he could get anyone with his looks. Arriving at the club, his body alone is already enough to get him looks and turns. On his third drink, someone sat next to him. "That one's on me!", the man said. Rome looked and saw a short Asian man. The man looked young, almost like a college freshman. At around 5'5, Rome dwarfs this guy. "Aren't you a little too young to be here?", Rome asks with a smirk. "Haha I'm 21, today's actually my birthday, see?" the man replies, showing Rome his ID. "Hmm, so your name's Evan." Rome said, returning Evan's ID to him. "What do you want from me?" Rome then asks. "I always see you at the campus gym, and frankly, you really turn me on. What do you say we hit it up?" Evan says with a smile. "I don't think you can handle me." Rome replies, once again with a smirk. "Come on, you know you wanna do this. Besides, I can give you an experience of a lifetime." Evan teases, touching Rome's arms. Rome really wanted to release his load tonight, so he reluctantly agrees. Evan brings Rome to his dorm. They both take off their clothes. Rome strips down, revealing his powerful body and his 10 inch cock. Evan takes his jacket off, showing a skin tight white shirt, revealing some definition in his body. He's not big by any means, probably 135 lbs, but he's got some definition. He then removes his pants, revealing his own 4 incher. Just as he was about to take off his shirt, Rome cannot wait and pulls him to the bed and started fucking him. Evan was caught by surprise. But his moans and groans of pain turned into moans of pleasure as he sees the view while he's getting rammed. "Ugh fuck, you're so hot!" Evan said as reaches and caresses Rome's pecs. His hands explore Romes torso. "Ugh, dude you're gonna make me cum!" he replied back. Rome posed a double bicep and showed off his bulging arms to Evan. He's so big that it turned Evan on even harder. "You're so hot man- ughh! Sh-shit! Ughh!" Evan cums to the sight of Rome's flexing. Evan's cum shot up to Rome's mouth as he was moaning harder. "Ughhh fuck I'm gonna cu- UGHHH!" Rome moans and whimpers as he ejaculates into Evan's ass. Cum fills Evan after load after load is released by Rome. All while Evan continues to rub Rome's muscles. "Ugh fuck that was good" Rome pulls his cock out. Their moans die down and all that's left are their heavy breathing. "My turn..." Evan says. "What?" Rome confusely asks. “I'm gonna fuck you now, baby," Evan said while Rome licks his lips. "And I'll make sure you feel every inch of my cock." "Huh? You? What w-" Rome cockily says before getting interrupted. Evan grabbed Rome by the waist and pushed him down onto the bed, switching their position. Rome cockily chuckles, looking at Evan's 4 inch cock compared to his own 10 incher. "What are you gonna do, huh?" Rome cockily teases while flexing his muscles in front of Evan's scrawny frame. Rome's 6'3, 250 lbs frame completely dwarfs Evan's 5'5, 135 lbs. Evan ignores Rome's teases and grabbed the base of his 4 inch shaft and started pumping in and out of Rome's tight hole. The feeling of having another man's cock inside his body made him moan louder than ever before. "Fuck yeah, baby! You're so fucking hot!" Evan moaned as he continued to pound Rome's ass. "Ughhh! Dude what the fuc- ugh" Rome moans as he feels Evan's cock throbbing inside his ass. "Oh god, oh god, oh god!" Evan moans as he continues to thrust his cock deep inside Rome's ass. "Ughhh shit!" Rome moans loudly as he felt Evan's cock pulsating inside his ass. "Ughhhhh! Oh god, I'm gonna cum!" Evan moans as he starts to spurt his load all over Rome's insides. "Ughhh! Ughhh! Ughhh!" Rome moans as he feels Evan's cock spurting his seed inside his ass. Evan smiles, knowing a step of his plan has been enacted. After a few minutes of rest, they both got up from the bed and went for a shower together. They were still naked and their dicks were hard. They both got into the shower and began to wash each other, Rome not knowing Evan's plan. While showering, Evan kneels in front of Rome. "Okay, here goes nothing," Evan thought to himself. He grabbed Rome's dick and started sucking it like a pro. "Mmmmmm, mmmmm!" Rome moans as he feels Evan's tongue sliding along his shaft. "Oh fuck, ughh!" Rome moans as he grabs Evan's head and pushes it deeper onto his dick. "Ughhh! Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to suck Rome's cock. "Damn, you're really good at this!" Rome moans as he starts to feel his orgasm building. "Ughhh! Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" Rome moans as he starts to shoot his load into Evan's mouth. "Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he swallows Rome's load. "Mmppphhhh!" Rome moans as he feels his cock spasm and start to spew more cum into Evan's mouth. "Fuuuck! Mmmmm!" Evan moans as he keeps swallowing Rome's load. But Evan continues to suck even harder. "Ughhh! Fuck! I'm cumming again! Okay, enough..." Rome moans as he continues to pump his load into Evan's mouth. "Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to swallow Rome's load. He continues to suck HARDER. "Man, I said enough..." Rome whimpers. But Evan sucks harder. Rome starts to feel a bit weak. "No, I said stop!" Rome whimpers. But Evan keeps sucking harder. "UGHHHHH! FUCK PLEASE! STOP!" Rome screams. "ugh I'm cumming again!" Rome yells as he shoots his load into Evan's mouth. "Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to forcefully suck Rome's load out. Rome tries to push Evan away, but to his surprise, Evan is not moved by this. He seems stronger "Mmmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to suck Rome's load out. He feels himself getting bigger and stronger. Evan starts feeling his arms and chest be filled with more mass as he swallows more of Rome's seed. "Ughhhh, dude please!" Rome cries out in pain as he feels his cock spasm and start to spew his load into Evan's mouth. "Mmmmmm!" Evan moans as he continues to swallow Rome's load. Evan feels his cock grow an inch or two, he also feels Rome's shrink in his mouth. "Ughhh! Ughhh! AAAAAAAAH!" Rome screams as he feels his cock spasm and shoot his load into Evan's throat. Evan swallows it all and stops. Evan then stands, looking Rome in the eye. Rome opens his eyes and notices how he isn't looking down at Evan that much anymore. "Fuck dude, that was hot!" Evan breaks the silence. Rome is still too stunned to speak. Rome begins looking at Evan's body, noticing how muscled Evan is. Evan then proceeds to inspect his now 8 inch cock and brags about it to Rome, "Wow, this is huge, thanks for that!". Rome looks at his own cock and sees his shrunken 6 incher, also noticing his own body. "WHAT THE FUCK?! MY COCK! M-MY BODY!"
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#Recording file M - 2908 "I... i can't help but moan. Orgasm... with some pain." "It happened every time my body got bigger, which then activated my orgasm more intensely. First of all, the legs." "Oh my goodness! The thin, wrinkled legs I once had were no longer there, and in their place were healthy legs with huge, muscular thighs and calves. Huge muscles work in harmony to show off each other's greatness, and snake-like veins stand out on the legs. My skin was as smooth as when I was in my 20s. No, it was much healthier and softer than my skin was in my 20s!" "This transformation wasn't just about my legs. Every time the red power essence of the young man in the bathtub flowed into my bathtub, and each time it was absorbed into my skin, my body became hotter and bigger. My chest grew and bulged, and my slim abdomen became thicker and firmer, soon revealing strong ten abs. My shoulders and back suddenly became wider and stronger, and my pale skin became healthy and smooth. My body gradually began to resemble the giant muscles of a young man. Yes, in just a moment I will be an 8 foot tall muscular bodybuilder." "And I felt my power essence flowing out of my body and into the bathtub next to me. It was blue and so fragile. Each time it was absorbed into the young man's body, the young man's body gradually became smaller. His chest, which was bigger than anyone else's, dried up and his abs disappeared. His shoulders and back narrowed, and his healthy tanned skin turned pale. The young man will soon be five feet tall, thin and frail, just like I used to be." "As you can see, we are exchanging each other's power essence. This was possible thanks to my research results. However, the unfortunate thing is that we cannot change our age. That is, my body from the neck down was young and strong, like that of a young man, but my head and face were still the same as those of a man in his 90s: a wrinkled white beard and an old face full of hair. Still, there were some good points. The healthier my body became, the more changes I noticed in my old hair and face. The wrinkles remained the same, but the tanned skin became firmer, healthier, and more attractive. My once sparse white hair has now grown voluminously, long and even shiny, covering my back. "There are no more helpless, useless old scienti-" *Crack!* *Crack!* "Ugh! Argh!" *Crack!* *Crack!* … ... "Ah… haha… I'm sorry, I suddenly got bigger again." "Okay, now I'm pretty close to 8 feet. The experiment will end in exactly 3 minutes. And I will become a perfect elder bodybuilder…" "So just a little more…"
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Jake was facing his great fate. He checked the yellow bodybuilding speedo he was holding in his hand. This yellow speedo belongs to Kevin, the bodybuilder who lives next door. Last night, Jake snuck into Kevin’s house to complete the magic. At that time, Kevin was doing laundry, and Jake found a yellow Speedo among Kevin’s laundry. He secretly stole this and quickly returned home. Fortunately, Jake could smell Kevin’s body odor strongly in the speedo: the scent that, like it or not, emanated from Kevin’s genitals. It was a masculine, deep body odor that could never be removed with detergent. Jake placed Kevin’s Speedo in the large jar he had prepared ahead of time. He then filled the jar with the magic potion. After a while, light particles appeared in the potion and began to stick to the yellow speedo one by one. The next day, when Jake woke up, Speedo had absorbed most of the potion. Jake stood in front of the mirror as he waited for every last drop to be absorbed into the speedo. A 5'4", 90 lb. skinny man was in the mirror: wispy chest, skinny abdomen, thin limbs, and a plain ugly face. Jake had lived his whole life as a quiet, lonely nerd. Even now, as a college student, he had no friends. He was rarely there, he was always alone. Even his life as a college student was even worse than when he was in high school: because Kevin started bullying him. ‘Maybe I’ll have to live as a nerd from now on.’ Jake thought. Literally, if he didn’t know about the existence of the magic potion, he might have had a terrible college life, being bullied by Kevin. Kevin’s bullying firstly gave him a desire for revenge, and secondly it taught him a desire for a strong, muscular body. Kevin’s body was the most ideal and perfectly muscular body Jake had in mind. Kevin was a successful 21-year-old athlete and college student who attended the same college as Jake: a 7'3", 500 lb American football player with a huge muscular body. He had even competed in several bodybuilding competitions, and easily won first place in all of them. Naturally, this gave him sky-high popularity. Every boy and girl wanted to be with Kevin. His only flaw was his personality: kind to others, but vicious to Jake. It was just because Jake was a nerd. That was why Jake wanted revenge on Kevin, and it was also why he got a magic potion from some suspicious witch. According to the witch’s explanation, this potion has the power to swap physical traits between two men. It was simple to use. First, soak Kevin’s underwear in the potion. Once all of the potion has been absorbed into the underwear, Jake puts it on. Finally, Jake chants the magic spell, and the magic begins. This means that all of Kevin’s traits (muscles, skeleton, stamina, metabolism, DNA levels, etc.) will be transferred to Jake’s body. And this also means that all of Jake’s traits are transferred to Kevin’s body. Finally, Kevin’s speedo absorbed every last drop of the potion. Soon, just as the witch had explained, it glowed with a weak light and soon returned to normal. Jake instinctively knew that the magic was ready. Now all he has to do is wear it and chant the magic spell and the magic begins. But instead of putting it on right away, Jake made a little plan. First, he took off all his clothes and wore only Kevin’s yellow speedo and gray training pants. The speedo and pants were too much larger than Jake’s thin waist and small thigh, But he did not care. 'Soon these will fit me perfectly. Maybe it will become smaller.’ Jake grinned. He hurried out to the backyard of the house. At that time, Kevin was doing some light warm-up work-out in the backyard. He was wearing nothing except sports pants. He often worked out like this, wearing only pants. There was no shame in him. If has such a big, nice muscular body, who would feel embarrassed to expose it? Well, maybe today is different. When Jake came out to the backyard, Kevin, who was stretching, automatically turned his gaze towards Jake. Kevin immediately laughed when he saw Jake wearing too big and baggy sweatpants. “Ha! Anyone who sees you will think you’re a beggar.” Said Kevin. He flexed his biceps. “Or are you jealous of this wonderf-” “-Your favorite Speedo,” Then Jake said. Kevin immediately noticed something strange. Jake was strangely confident. “What the-” “-has disappeared yesterday, dont you?” “…How do you know that?” “Because I have it.” Jake took off his sweatpants. To be precise, he only let go of his pants. The pants slid to the floor, revealing Kevin’s yellow speedo hidden inside. Jake looked at Kevin, his hand clutching his speedo triumphantly. Kevin’s face was twisted with anger. “You little thief!” Kevin immediately jumped over the fence and charged at Jake like a bull. But Jake was a little faster. Just before Kevin’s hand touched Jake, Jake chanted a magic spell. At that moment, Kevin and Jake’s bodies seemed to stop as if time had stopped. As if paralyzed. The transformation came slowly but surely. As Kevin struggled to move, he noticed something strange. Jake didn’t look small anymore. Their height difference was obvious, so Kevin always looked down on Jake. But now there wasn’t much difference between his and Jake’s eye levels. No, the eye level has become the same. No, Jake started to look down at Kevin little by little…? 'Jake is getting bigger?’ Kevin thought. But he felt like he was missing something more essential. Then he saw his surroundings and realized what he was missing. Although it was not growing as rapidly as Jake, the surrounding scenery was also slowly growing. And through it all he could see his own arm. An arm whose massive muscles are gradually drying out. Kevin finally realized the truth. Just as Jake was getting bigger, Kevin himself was getting smaller! It was exactly as Kevin realized. Kevin’s massive muscles began to dry out quickly. His thick shoulders became as thin and narrow as Jake’s, and his chest, which was as massive as a mountain, became as flat as a dry plain. His proud arms shrank like small twigs. His perfect ten-pack abs disappeared from his abdomen and became thin. The vast back, which was wider than the door, suddenly became as thin as Jake. Both the bulky thighs and thick calves disappeared, and only weak legs remained. As his muscles shrunk, his once thick bones gradually became thinner and shorter. He shrunk to exactly the same height as Jake. Meanwhile, his huge penis, the essence and source of all his masculinity, became as small as Jake’s. Kevin was exhausted and out of breath. The fatigue was such that Kevin didn’t even notice that part of his facial structure was deforming. The fatigue he felt for the first time in his life. Meanwhile, Kevin’s handsome, masculine face has now become a plain, somewhat nerd-like face. Kevin flopped down in his seat. The sports pants he was wearing flowed down Kevin’s slender legs. “what…!” Kevin said. His deep baritone voice has now changed into a high-pitched voice. The star athlete and bodybuilder who once dominated college campuses has become a frail, small man like Jake. At that moment, Jake’s thin and weak muscles began to become strong and massive in an instant. His narrow, skinny shoulders became as wide and thick as Kevin’s, and a huge mountain of magnificent muscle bulged from his flat chest. The two arms, which were thin like tree branches, became thick and huge to the point of being proud. His slim abdomen became firm, and after a while, his perfect ten-pack abs were clearly revealed on his abdomen. The skinny and weak back became as wide and strong as Kevin’s. His skinny thighs became bulky, and his weak calves became strong. As his muscles grew, his thin, small bones gradually became thicker and longer. It grew exactly as tall as Kevin. Meanwhile, Jake felt a hot, tingling sensation in his groin. His testicles twitched as if they were being squeezed, then grew as large as an apple as all the essence of Kevin’s masculinity was injected into them. A thick vein rose from his testicles and connected to his cock, and in an instant, his small dick became as thick and long as Kevin’s. Jake also gasped for air. It was not because he was exhausted like Kevin, but because of the intense and ecstatic sensation he felt for the first time in his life. It was so intense that, like Kevin, Jake didn’t even notice that part of his facial structure was deforming. Soon the plain, nerd-looking face was upgraded to the most manly and handsome version of Jake himself. Jake stood proudly in his place. The sweatpants no longer fit him at all, and the only thing that fit him was Kevin’s yellow Speedo. “Good…” Jake finally said. His high-pitched voice changed into a deep baritone voice. By taking everything from Kevin, the once frail and small man was reborn as a star athlete and bodybuilder who dominated the college campus. “What have you done to-?!” “Shut up.” Jake said. Kevin instinctively closed his mouth due to the overwhelming feeling of intimidation. He had never faced anyone bigger than himself. The fear and awe it brought was much more terrifying than Kevin had imagined. Meanwhile Jake lifted his arms and placed them behind his head. He looked down at Kevin with a satisfied smile. Like a predator looking down at its prey. “Thanks for donating your muscles, idiot. Now it’s time to payback.”
- 2 replies
- 28
- muscle theft
- muscle growth
(and 2 more)
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Happy New Year, growers! Here's a new story that I wrote, probably the longest one. I took inspiration from "The Lockerroom Thief" by CockTFBoi. I hope you find this good. If this gets good reviews, I'll add pictures. I just reposted this here in the stories section since I accidentally posted it in story archive. Without further ado, here it is. A Donation From Big Bro Having been left by their father since they were kids, half-brothers Jason and Blake grew up separately. Jason, 26, the older of the two, chose to leave the house 10 years ago to try and live independently. Meanwhile Blake, 18, the younger brother, was left to grow up with his mother. Jason got a small job when he left and when he had his first pay, he invested in a gym membership. His investment obviously paid off. Seeming to have gotten some of the best genes, he grew up to be 6'2 and 260 lbs of muscle. His body, partnered with his chiseled face, tan skin, and jet black hair could really make many heads turn whenever he walks by. Blake on the other hand, chose to focus more on his studies. In fact, he just finished high school and is now an incoming college freshman. After moving in his dorm and unpacking, he lied down and scrolled on social media and that's when he saw it, his older brother's profile. He looked through Jason's photos and he was wowed by how his brother looked. At 5'5 and 130 lbs, he was nowhere near the looks of his brother. They do look alike but besides their body, Blake's wavy brown hair separates the two. Blake continued scrolling on Jason's profile and he discovered that Jason is now a personal trainer and is actually the owner of the gym near his college campus. Blake put some thought into it and decided that he wanted to turn his body around in college, he wanted to be the heartthrob of the campus. Jason was about to sleep when his phone suddenly vibrated. He checked and saw that someone had messaged him. He immediately recognized the name and photo, it's his little brother and he wants to meet with him. Tomorrow morning came and Blake was nervous as he's about to meet his older brother after 10 years. He looked around and saw huge figure of a man. The man was wearing sweatpants paired with a tank top. His shoulders were wide, his arms defined, his back tapering into a V shape, his legs shaped like boulders. "J-Jason?" Blake called. The man looked behind him and down at Blake. Blake was met with the man's portruding pecs. It was Jason. "Blake? Hey little bro. Wow, you've really grown, young man!" Jason said to his brother. "I can say the same thing to you. Wow, you're huge, man!" Blake replied. "Thanks man, I've put a lotta work into this body" Jason said, flexing his biceps in front of his brother. "So why did you want to meet after all this years?" Jason followed. "I want to be built and jacked, and I think you're the one that can help me." Blake answered, touching his thin arms. "Well, I'm flattered, little man..." Jason smirks. "So, what do you say?" Blake followed up. "Let’s make you huge, lil bro!" Jason exclaimed. Jason really stayed true to his word. He began training Blake intensively. To Blake's surprise, he started gaining weight and really noticed changes happening on his body. After training for 6 months, his weight went from 130 lbs to 150. He saw his abs being visible, his chest starting to portrude, his bicep having a bump. Blake enjoyed these changes. One night after training, Jason and Blake went to the shower room, going into separate cubicles. They were both pumped after working out and Blake was really feeling his body. But Blake wanted to see how Jason looks, so he peeked into Jason's cubicle as Jason was busy showering. Blake saw Jason's wide V tapered back leading down his ass, but the biggest treat was when he saw what was at front. Jason turned, eyes closed, and Blake saw his thick, monstrous 10 inch cock. Blake immediately felt his own cock harden. Blake couldn't help it, he took a picture of his view of Jason and went back to his cubicle. The brothers finished showering. Blake put some shorts on and before he put on a shirt, he flexed a bit in front of the mirror, admiring his progress. Jason enters the room to change, with only a towel on his waist, when he sees Blake flexing. "Feels great huh? Seeing your progress in the mirror." Jason says while smiling. "Yeah but now with you beside me, damn I'm dwarfed." Blake answers. "You'll get there lil bro." Jason says while raising an arm into a bicep pose. Jason flexes his other arm, posing a double bicep. He puts them down and proceeded to flex a couple more poses. Meanwhile Blake can't help but stare at his brother, admiring his frame. Jason sees Blake staring and he smiled. "It's okay bro, you can touch." Jason says to his staring brother. Blake almost instantly reaches for his brother's pecs, feeling the size of it in his small hands. Blake can't help but let out a sigh of amazement. His hands then move to Jason's rounded shoulders, going to his biceps. "Chest is 58 inches, biceps are 24 inches." Jason proudly states, flexing them. He then raises his towel a bit. "Calves 21 inches, Thighs 30 inches" He adds. Jason feels his ego rise, with his little brother admiring his body that he put a lot of effort into. He flexes his abs while Blake rubs his hands on the rock-hard surface, feeling the crevices. Jason turns around, flexing his wide back, tapering into a V-shape. Blake touches the wall-like back of his brother. Blake feels himself getting aroused and his cock starts to harden. He almost let out a moan, but he suppressed it upon realizing. He becomes afraid his brother will see so he stopped and put his shirt on. "I need to go, I gotta pack for the winter break." Blake blurts out. "See you in two weeks, I guess?" He says. "Actually, make that a month. I'll be going out of the country to collaborate with other gym influencers" Jason answers. "Oh, okay then..." Blake says back. "Continue your workouts huh lil bro. I don't want you getting smaller when I get back." Jason cockily teases as Blake leaves. Blake gets home to his dorm, taking his shorts off and letting his hard 4 inch cock out. He takes out his phone and opens the photos he took earlier, looking at his brother’s huge body and monstrous cock. He begins stroking his cock, feeling more and more aroused as he zooms in on his big bro. "Ughhh Jason fuck" He moans. He begins touching his body sensually, making his breaths heavier. He imagines his big bro's enormous pecs, larger-than-grapefruit biceps, washboard abs. He feels himself get closer and closer. "Ughhh sh- shit" "Oh fuck uh- huge" "Ugh ughh" "oH- UGHHHNN!" With a wave of pleasure, he cums. His cum shoots everywhere. "Ughh uhh" Blake moans and breathes heavily. He then passes out. That's when he realizes, he wants Jason's size. He wants his height. He wants his body, from his strong arms, thick legs, to his heavily muscled torso. He wants all of Jason to himself. Immediately, he went looking for a way to gain what he wants to take. He searched books and the web and after three days, he found one. He got it and he was excited to make his fantasies real. But in the meantime, he followed what Jason told him and he continued his workouts extensively. He chased for growth. Finally, a month has passed. Blake was excited to see Jason again. He was thrilled to show how consistent he has been. In a month, he added about 10 lbs. Not just that, being in his teenage years, he grew an inch in height, making him 5'6 and 140 lbs. He might not be as big and lean as his brother, but he is filling out his frame quite nicely. His chest now pushes out his shirt, his abs more fuller looking, and his biceps now fit his sleeves perfectly. But beyond all of that, he was excited for his plan. He knew that in a short period of time, his biggest desire will be reality. Blake went to the gym before the sun could rise. He knew that Jason has arrived and that he would be working out. Blake was right, he saw his brother right away. Jason was even bigger than last time, making Blake want him more. "Hey Jason" Blake greeted. "Hey lil bro! Long time no see. Damn bro, you're filling out quite nicely." Jason greets back. "You're not getting any smaller either... By the way, I got us this sports drink." Blake gives his brother one. "Thanks bro, perfect timing, I'm about to start my workout." Jason takes a few sips and went on to start his workout. "Great, I'll join you then." Blake drinks his own sports drink and grins, following Jason to the weightroom. Jason starts doing push-ups for warm-up. As he approaches 30 reps, he started feeling off. He felt a strange sensation throughout his body, kinda like the feeling when having an orgasm. "Ughh- oh" Jason groans as he stops his push-ups and falls to the ground. "Hey, you okay, big bro?" Blake asked. "I'm fine, I think it's just my amount of sleep catching up on me." Jason answered unsure. "Here, drink up." Blake handed Jason's sports drink to him. Blake made sure Jason drank of all of it, grinning as he does so. "Alright then, let's help you get bigger. Let's do bench press." Jason said to Blake. "Careful with this one, lil bro" Jason loaded 155 lbs plates on the bar and spotted Blake. Blake lifted it and did 10 reps with it. "Too easy!" he said. Jason was surprised. "My turn, little man!" Jason said, loading 460 lbs on the bar. Jason lifted the bar and started repping. As he was doing so, his mind was flooded with sexual images. He started to get turned on. "Ughhh" Jason started to moan and groan with every breath everytime the bar descends. He feels his cock getting hard so he put the bar back into place. "H-hold on a little" Jason stood up, and went to the locker room to avoid Blake from seeing his hard-on. But blake already noticed it, he smirked. Jason went into the locker room, his mind all over the place. He feels so sensitive. All that's in his mind makes him wanna orgasm. Little does he know, Blake's the one behind it. Blake followed into the locker room and saw Jason. "Hey big bro, what's going on? Come on let's continue." Blake said to his brother. "Blake, oh uhm. I- I'm just..." Jason explains, trying to cover his hard-on. Blake gets closer to Jason. "Come on big bro..." Blake said, touching the tent on Jason's shorts. "Ughhhh" Jason lets out a whimper. Jason doesn't understand what he's feeling, he's not gay, but what Blake is doing is really turning him on. Blake took Jason's shirt off and started lowering Jason's shorts. "You want to help me get bigger, right?" Blake said to his brother. "Y-yes" Jason staggeringly answers. "Good, bro" Blake said as he takes Jason's shorts off, revealing Jason's hardened masculinity, growing into 11 inches. Without any warning, Blake put Jason's cock in his mouth, making him moan. Blake started sucking, working his way on Jason's cock. Jason can no longer suppress his moans. Jason feels this sinking feeling as he nears his orgasm. The pleasure was wild and he feels closer and closer as Blake moves up and down his shaft. A shudder ran down his body and his balls start churning. "Ughhhh fuuu-" Jason cums. Blake made sure to swallow every bit of it as it shoots hard into his mouth. Jason was overwhelmed with pleasure. He fell into the bench behind him, eyes closed. Blake felt himself get taller, he felt his limbs extending and his view getting higher. As his body gets lengthier, the bulk he had put on disappears, his muscles adjusting into his body. Meanwhile, the opposite happens to Jason. He feels his spine shorten and retract. With that, his muscles enlarge, adjusting to his shortening frame. His pecs and arms bulged out, his legs grew thicker. "Wh-what did you do to me?" Jason said upon opening his eyes and seeing his short frame. "You helped me grow, isn't that what we wanted?" Blake answered. "Y-yes" Jason said, but he felt something was wrong. Seeing his brother's enlarged muscles made Blake more and more excited, so he proceeded to the next step. "I'm gonna get so massive with what we will be doing." He said. Blake lays Jason down the bench and grabbed his brother's still hard cock. He rode it and lowered himself onto it. Blake moved up and down, filling Jason with pleasure. Jason's cock started to spew pre-cum. Blake's body started reacting to it. He felt his body start to swell with muscle. Blake touched Jason's hard pecs and squeezed it as he bounces on his cock. Blake feels his body expand outward as he absorbs more of Jason's precum. His pecs start to form, his biceps tensing into a ball, his abs forming crevices. Jason feels Blake get heavier. "Fuck I'm gonna cum again- ohhh!" Jason finally shoots his load inside Blake. Jason's bulk slowly shrank into him. His biceps slowly thinned out, his treetrunk legs became weak, his torso got drained of its size, his chest on which Blake is grabbing on to lowered slowly from being mountains to a flat surface. "Ohhh fuck- ughh!" Blake can't help but groan as he feels his body fill up. He flexes a double bicep pose as his arms expand into mounds of rock. Meanwhile his legs got thicker and thicker, proportioning into his new height. His pecs grow into boulders, rivaling melons, he touches them and squeezes them. "Fuck, yes!" Blake exclaims as he poses his muscles. He went to the scale and measured his height and weight. "6'4 and 270 lbs, damn. Only one thing left." Blake says to himself as he gets back to Jason. Blake stands Jason up and turns him around. "Hey bro, just one last thing and we're done." Blake said to Jason's ear, caressing Jason's cock in his hand. Jason's cock immediately springs back up to life. Jason whimpers as he feels pleasure build up with Blake stroking his cock. While doing so, Blake slides his 4 incher into Jason's hole. Jason moans as intense pleasure fills hin again, but he can't cum. "You're gonna help me grow right?" Blake says. "Y-yes, anything for you ugh-" Jason answered. "Even my cock?" Blake follows up. "Yes, take it. Take my fucking cock." As pre-cum comes out of Jason's cock, Blake feels it slowly dwindle into his hand while his own cock grows and more and more enters Jason's ass. Blake starts thrusting, making Jason feel more pleasure, all as he strokes Jason's cock. Blake's cock grows and grows inside Jason, going into 12 inches. Jason's, however, retracted into Blake's hand, it shrank into 3 inches. "Ughh, please Blake... I need to cum" Jason whimpers. "Not until I do. Ughhh!" Blake cums into Jason's ass the largest he has ever cum. "Ughhh- shi- ughh!" Jason moans as he experiences being cummed in the ass for the first time. The two brothers experience their greatest orgasm, but one while experiencing his fantasy and one while experiencing loss. Jason shoots cum from his now 3 incher, moaning and passing out in the process. Blake pulls out his brother and admires his new 12 incher shooting more load on his passed out brother. He flexes on the mirror he once flexed on with his brother a month ago, but now being the superior one. "Thanks for the donation... little bro." He said as he leaves his brother in the locker room. Jason gains consciousness and snaps out of the drink's effects, realizing what had just happened.
- 7 replies
- brothers
- muscle growth
- (and 12 more)
Happy New Year, growers! Here's a new story that I wrote, probably the longest one. I took inspiration from "The Lockerroom Thief" by CockTFBoi. I hope you find this good. If this gets good reviews, I'll add pictures. Without further ado, here it is. A Donation From Big Bro Having been left by their father since they were kids, half-brothers Jason and Blake grew up separately. Jason, 26, the older of the two, chose to leave the house 10 years ago to try and live independently. Meanwhile Blake, 18, the younger brother, was left to grow up with his mother. Jason got a small job when he left and when he had his first pay, he invested in a gym membership. His investment obviously paid off. Seeming to have gotten some of the best genes, he grew up to be 6'2 and 260 lbs of muscle. His body, partnered with his chiseled face, tan skin, and jet black hair could really make many heads turn whenever he walks by. Blake on the other hand, chose to focus more on his studies. In fact, he just finished high school and is now an incoming college freshman. After moving in his dorm and unpacking, he lied down and scrolled on social media and that's when he saw it, his older brother's profile. He looked through Jason's photos and he was wowed by how his brother looked. At 5'5 and 130 lbs, he was nowhere near the looks of his brother. They do look alike but besides their body, Blake's wavy brown hair separates the two. Blake continued scrolling on Jason's profile and he discovered that Jason is now a personal trainer and is actually the owner of the gym near his college campus. Blake put some thought into it and decided that he wanted to turn his body around in college, he wanted to be the heartthrob of the campus. Jason was about to sleep when his phone suddenly vibrated. He checked and saw that someone had messaged him. He immediately recognized the name and photo, it's his little brother and he wants to meet with him. Tomorrow morning came and Blake was nervous as he's about to meet his older brother after 10 years. He looked around and saw huge figure of a man. The man was wearing sweatpants paired with a tank top. His shoulders were wide, his arms defined, his back tapering into a V shape, his legs shaped like boulders. "J-Jason?" Blake called. The man looked behind him and down at Blake. Blake was met with the man's portruding pecs. It was Jason. "Blake? Hey little bro. Wow, you've really grown, young man!" Jason said to his brother. "I can say the same thing to you. Wow, you're huge, man!" Blake replied. "Thanks man, I've put a lotta work into this body" Jason said, flexing his biceps in front of his brother. "So why did you want to meet after all this years?" Jason followed. "I want to be built and jacked, and I think you're the one that can help me." Blake answered, touching his thin arms. "Well, I'm flattered, little man..." Jason smirks. "So, what do you say?" Blake followed up. "Let’s make you huge, lil bro!" Jason exclaimed. Jason really stayed true to his word. He began training Blake intensively. To Blake's surprise, he started gaining weight and really noticed changes happening on his body. After training for 6 months, his weight went from 130 lbs to 150. He saw his abs being visible, his chest starting to portrude, his bicep having a bump. Blake enjoyed these changes. One night after training, Jason and Blake went to the shower room, going into separate cubicles. They were both pumped after working out and Blake was really feeling his body. But Blake wanted to see how Jason looks, so he peeked into Jason's cubicle as Jason was busy showering. Blake saw Jason's wide V tapered back leading down his ass, but the biggest treat was when he saw what was at front. Jason turned, eyes closed, and Blake saw his thick, monstrous 10 inch cock. Blake immediately felt his own cock harden. Blake couldn't help it, he took a picture of his view of Jason and went back to his cubicle. The brothers finished showering. Blake put some shorts on and before he put on a shirt, he flexed a bit in front of the mirror, admiring his progress. Jason enters the room to change, with only a towel on his waist, when he sees Blake flexing. "Feels great huh? Seeing your progress in the mirror." Jason says while smiling. "Yeah but now with you beside me, damn I'm dwarfed." Blake answers. "You'll get there lil bro." Jason says while raising an arm into a bicep pose. Jason flexes his other arm, posing a double bicep. He puts them down and proceeded to flex a couple more poses. Meanwhile Blake can't help but stare at his brother, admiring his frame. Jason sees Blake staring and he smiled. "It's okay bro, you can touch." Jason says to his staring brother. Blake almost instantly reaches for his brother's pecs, feeling the size of it in his small hands. Blake can't help but let out a sigh of amazement. His hands then move to Jason's rounded shoulders, going to his biceps. "Chest is 58 inches, biceps are 24 inches." Jason proudly states, flexing them. He then raises his towel a bit. "Calves 21 inches, Thighs 30 inches" He adds. Jason feels his ego rise, with his little brother admiring his body that he put a lot of effort into. He flexes his abs while Blake rubs his hands on the rock-hard surface, feeling the crevices. Jason turns around, flexing his wide back, tapering into a V-shape. Blake touches the wall-like back of his brother. Blake feels himself getting aroused and his cock starts to harden. He almost let out a moan, but he suppressed it upon realizing. He becomes afraid his brother will see so he stopped and put his shirt on. "I need to go, I gotta pack for the winter break." Blake blurts out. "See you in two weeks, I guess?" He says. "Actually, make that a month. I'll be going out of the country to collaborate with other gym influencers" Jason answers. "Oh, okay then..." Blake says back. "Continue your workouts huh lil bro. I don't want you getting smaller when I get back." Jason cockily teases as Blake leaves. Blake gets home to his dorm, taking his shorts off and letting his hard 4 inch cock out. He takes out his phone and opens the photos he took earlier, looking at his brother’s huge body and monstrous cock. He begins stroking his cock, feeling more and more aroused as he zooms in on his big bro. "Ughhh Jason fuck" He moans. He begins touching his body sensually, making his breaths heavier. He imagines his big bro's enormous pecs, larger-than-grapefruit biceps, washboard abs. He feels himself get closer and closer. "Ughhh sh- shit" "Oh fuck uh- huge" "Ugh ughh" "oH- UGHHHNN!" With a wave of pleasure, he cums. His cum shoots everywhere. "Ughh uhh" Blake moans and breathes heavily. He then passes out. That's when he realizes, he wants Jason's size. He wants his height. He wants his body, from his strong arms, thick legs, to his heavily muscled torso. He wants all of Jason to himself. Immediately, he went looking for a way to gain what he wants to take. He searched books and the web and after three days, he found one. He got it and he was excited to make his fantasies real. But in the meantime, he followed what Jason told him and he continued his workouts extensively. He chased for growth. Finally, a month has passed. Blake was excited to see Jason again. He was thrilled to show how consistent he has been. In a month, he added about 10 lbs. Not just that, being in his teenage years, he grew an inch in height, making him 5'6 and 140 lbs. He might not be as big and lean as his brother, but he is filling out his frame quite nicely. His chest now pushes out his shirt, his abs more fuller looking, and his biceps now fit his sleeves perfectly. But beyond all of that, he was excited for his plan. He knew that in a short period of time, his biggest desire will be reality. Blake went to the gym before the sun could rise. He knew that Jason has arrived and that he would be working out. Blake was right, he saw his brother right away. Jason was even bigger than last time, making Blake want him more. "Hey Jason" Blake greeted. "Hey lil bro! Long time no see. Damn bro, you're filling out quite nicely." Jason greets back. "You're not getting any smaller either... By the way, I got us this sports drink." Blake gives his brother one. "Thanks bro, perfect timing, I'm about to start my workout." Jason takes a few sips and went on to start his workout. "Great, I'll join you then." Blake drinks his own sports drink and grins, following Jason to the weightroom. Jason starts doing push-ups for warm-up. As he approaches 30 reps, he started feeling off. He felt a strange sensation throughout his body, kinda like the feeling when having an orgasm. "Ughh- oh" Jason groans as he stops his push-ups and falls to the ground. "Hey, you okay, big bro?" Blake asked. "I'm fine, I think it's just my amount of sleep catching up on me." Jason answered unsure. "Here, drink up." Blake handed Jason's sports drink to him. Blake made sure Jason drank of all of it, grinning as he does so. "Alright then, let's help you get bigger. Let's do bench press." Jason said to Blake. "Careful with this one, lil bro" Jason loaded 155 lbs plates on the bar and spotted Blake. Blake lifted it and did 10 reps with it. "Too easy!" he said. Jason was surprised. "My turn, little man!" Jason said, loading 460 lbs on the bar. Jason lifted the bar and started repping. As he was doing so, his mind was flooded with sexual images. He started to get turned on. "Ughhh" Jason started to moan and groan with every breath everytime the bar descends. He feels his cock getting hard so he put the bar back into place. "H-hold on a little" Jason stood up, and went to the locker room to avoid Blake from seeing his hard-on. But blake already noticed it, he smirked. Jason went into the locker room, his mind all over the place. He feels so sensitive. All that's in his mind makes him wanna orgasm. Little does he know, Blake's the one behind it. Blake followed into the locker room and saw Jason. "Hey big bro, what's going on? Come on let's continue." Blake said to his brother. "Blake, oh uhm. I- I'm just..." Jason explains, trying to cover his hard-on. Blake gets closer to Jason. "Come on big bro..." Blake said, touching the tent on Jason's shorts. "Ughhhh" Jason lets out a whimper. Jason doesn't understand what he's feeling, he's not gay, but what Blake is doing is really turning him on. Blake took Jason's shirt off and started lowering Jason's shorts. "You want to help me get bigger, right?" Blake said to his brother. "Y-yes" Jason staggeringly answers. "Good, bro" Blake said as he takes Jason's shorts off, revealing Jason's hardened masculinity, growing into 11 inches. Without any warning, Blake put Jason's cock in his mouth, making him moan. Blake started sucking, working his way on Jason's cock. Jason can no longer suppress his moans. Jason feels this sinking feeling as he nears his orgasm. The pleasure was wild and he feels closer and closer as Blake moves up and down his shaft. A shudder ran down his body and his balls start churning. "Ughhhh fuuu-" Jason cums. Blake made sure to swallow every bit of it as it shoots hard into his mouth. Jason was overwhelmed with pleasure. He fell into the bench behind him, eyes closed. Blake felt himself get taller, he felt his limbs extending and his view getting higher. As his body gets lengthier, the bulk he had put on disappears, his muscles adjusting into his body. Meanwhile, the opposite happens to Jason. He feels his spine shorten and retract. With that, his muscles enlarge, adjusting to his shortening frame. His pecs and arms bulged out, his legs grew thicker. "Wh-what did you do to me?" Jason said upon opening his eyes and seeing his short frame. "You helped me grow, isn't that what we wanted?" Blake answered. "Y-yes" Jason said, but he felt something was wrong. Seeing his brother's enlarged muscles made Blake more and more excited, so he proceeded to the next step. "I'm gonna get so massive with what we will be doing." He said. Blake lays Jason down the bench and grabbed his brother's still hard cock. He rode it and lowered himself onto it. Blake moved up and down, filling Jason with pleasure. Jason's cock started to spew pre-cum. Blake's body started reacting to it. He felt his body start to swell with muscle. Blake touched Jason's hard pecs and squeezed it as he bounces on his cock. Blake feels his body expand outward as he absorbs more of Jason's precum. His pecs start to form, his biceps tensing into a ball, his abs forming crevices. Jason feels Blake get heavier. "Fuck I'm gonna cum again- ohhh!" Jason finally shoots his load inside Blake. Jason's bulk slowly shrank into him. His biceps slowly thinned out, his treetrunk legs became weak, his torso got drained of its size, his chest on which Blake is grabbing on to lowered slowly from being mountains to a flat surface. "Ohhh fuck- ughh!" Blake can't help but groan as he feels his body fill up. He flexes a double bicep pose as his arms expand into mounds of rock. Meanwhile his legs got thicker and thicker, proportioning into his new height. His pecs grow into boulders, rivaling melons, he touches them and squeezes them. "Fuck, yes!" Blake exclaims as he poses his muscles. He went to the scale and measured his height and weight. "6'4 and 270 lbs, damn. Only one thing left." Blake says to himself as he gets back to Jason. Blake stands Jason up and turns him around. "Hey bro, just one last thing and we're done." Blake said to Jason's ear, caressing Jason's cock in his hand. Jason's cock immediately springs back up to life. Jason whimpers as he feels pleasure build up with Blake stroking his cock. While doing so, Blake slides his 4 incher into Jason's hole. Jason moans as intense pleasure fills hin again, but he can't cum. "You're gonna help me grow right?" Blake says. "Y-yes, anything for you ugh-" Jason answered. "Even my cock?" Blake follows up. "Yes, take it. Take my fucking cock." As pre-cum comes out of Jason's cock, Blake feels it slowly dwindle into his hand while his own cock grows and more and more enters Jason's ass. Blake starts thrusting, making Jason feel more pleasure, all as he strokes Jason's cock. Blake's cock grows and grows inside Jason, going into 12 inches. Jason's, however, retracted into Blake's hand, it shrank into 3 inches. "Ughh, please Blake... I need to cum" Jason whimpers. "Not until I do. Ughhh!" Blake cums into Jason's ass the largest he has ever cum. "Ughhh- shi- ughh!" Jason moans as he experiences being cummed in the ass for the first time. The two brothers experience their greatest orgasm, but one while experiencing his fantasy and one while experiencing loss. Jason shoots cum from his now 3 incher, moaning and passing out in the process. Blake pulls out his brother and admires his new 12 incher shooting more load on his passed out brother. He flexes on the mirror he once flexed on with his brother a month ago, but now being the superior one. "Thanks for the donation... little bro." He said as he leaves his brother in the locker room.
- 4 replies
- brothers
- muscle-growth
- (and 10 more)
Ha! I'm a genius scientist, so I knew my experiment would be completed successfully, but I never expected it to be this perfectly beautiful. Chase's muscles, bones, stamina, metabolism, and even his genetic levels are all mine! Chase...My younger brother has everything I don't never have: giant muscles, handsome faces, tremendous power, superior alpha DNA! Just a high school student, he's already 7ft tall, a perfect muscular body, and even smart. It's made him one of the most famous star athletes in the area, including high school. He even won overwhelmingly in local bodybuilding this time. As an older brother, I've always been jealous and hate Chase. I was only 5ft tall, and my body was as thin as a branch. I was ugly and didn't get anyone's attention. Even from my parents. I wanted to be like Chase. But no matter how hard I worked out or tried to be recognized by people, I realized it was just an unachievable dream. That's why I decided to take Chase's muscles. There's only one thing that makes me better than Chase: intelligence. Even I had incredibly high intelligence. It's not surprising that I got interested in science and started researching the human body. At first, I worked on body swaps. Yeah, I wanted to be like Chase. But unfortunately, even with my high intelligence, I couldn't find a way, and I just found out that body swap are absolutely impossible. It's impossible to transfer a person's consciousness to another body in any case. So I set the direction of my research a little different. What if I transfer material, not consciousness? For example, what if I transfer Chase's massive muscles, thick bones, powerful stamina, high metabolism, superior genetic levels to my body and at the same time my small muscles, thin bones, weak stamina, low metabolism, inferior genetic levels to Chase's body? What if I and Chase had a one-on-one exchange of muscle-to-muscle, bone-to-bone? I've worked on it, and surprisingly found out it's possible. If it's the only problem, this one-on-one exchange has to happen in less than a nanosecond. That way, we can proceed absolutely safely. But I'm a genius scientist! It's very easy to solve that problem. Still, there was something disappointing. Another thing, this experiment did not promise a perfect body swap. Because our appearance will remain the same after the experiment. Still, there was one hope. Because our genetic levels are also swapped, my appearance will be the most idealized version of myself, while Chase's appearance will be the worst version of himself. Well, I'm very satisfied with just that. I immediately built two glass, cylindrical chamber-shaped machines in the basement. Then I tricked Chase into locking him in. And… yeah, my experiment succeeded. Can you believe that the biceps and bones in my arms are the ones that were in Chase's body just now? I mean, in cells and tissue units. I can feel it, the power and heat of it… in my massive chest, in my 10 pack abs, in my thighs and calves, even in my thick, long cock. Is this something Chase has always felt 24/7? And, yeah, not just the muscles and bones. I take Chase's stamina and metabolism. And Chase's superior genetic levels too. With this I can keep these muscles and bones very easily. It's fantastic. Plus, Best of all, as I expected, Chase's genetic levels gave me the best-looking, idealized version of myself. ..... Oh, don't you wonder where my original muscles and bones went, Chase? It's in your body now, of course. My small muscles, thin bones, weak stamina, low metabolism and inferior genetic levels… I don't need them anymore. I can't let them stay in my body and damage my perfection. So I dumped them all on your body. That's why I thought of a one-on-one exchange. Yes, Chase. From now on... I'm a heavyweight bodybuilder at 7ft and a college student. And you're now a 5ft skinny nerd high school student. I have finally become a real man! And you... Chase, you are nothing now.
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- 12
- muscle growrh
- muscle theft
(and 2 more)
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So with tumblr's new policies, Im finding it hard to find or read some of my favorite MG scinerios and stories, So I made my own here. This one was inspired by "While you were gone..." for those who recognize the simularities. Enjoy. *Also, I appear to have posted this in the wrong location earlier, I do apologize for this. ------------ Hal was a weak guy. Must have been by blood, as he worked out four times a week and consumed protein-rich foods at every occasion, yet still only amassed to about 170lbs and a flat stomach (he worked hard for that, he told himself) but he always wanted more. That all changed with his discovery of "extrazilla". ETZ was a bio-enhancement syrum sold on the black market supposedly as a rejected supersoldier steroid. It required a lot of sleuthing, untrustworthy downloads to his computer, and over four months of saving up bitcoin to finally purchase a product. " Hmmm", he questioned, "New Extrazilla Extraeme, just released today and supposedly works over twenty times as strong as the normal brand, now includes new features *wink*" . Hal smiled with this and clicked "purchase now", " Sounds like thats for me" he said smiling and leaning back in his chair. He was quickly interrupted by his roommate Mark, "Yo I need the computer when you get the chance." Hal responded with, "Yeah sure, give me another few minutes." Mark rolled his eyes and said "You got 10 douche". Mark was a dick, slightly taller than Hal and much more lucky with the genetic lottery. He weighed roughly 190 pounds and could bench 250, but what really pissed Hal off was his phallic regions. Hal felt blessed with a 6" decently sized dick, until a few weeks after moving in, when he caught a brief glimpse of Mark's monster. Hal didn't have the exact numbers but he reasoned it must have been at least 10", if not more. To top it off Mark was rich, never had to work a day as he progressed through college, and frequently brought home different sluts to fuck mercilessly in their shared room. Hal snickered to himself "soon he's going to be the guy envying me" and placed the order. Hal then continued throughout his day, went to bed, and went to work and back in his normal daily cycle for another two days. On the third day he could hardly contain himself at work. As soon as he found the confirmation the package had arrived, he took off early sprinting home to his apartment's mail box room. However, when he arrived, he found the mail box to be empty. Huh. That's strange I definitely received the email... Then a small fear rooted itself in the back of his spine. "No... " Hal dashed upstairs as quickly as he could, and entered his apartment. Inside, he confirmed his fears were well founded. On the counter were two open boxes, one from "Extrazilla" and the other from "Lab 12". As well, Mark's football friend Jake (a taller man ,dumb as rocks, roughly 250 pounds, all muscle) and his on-and-off girlfriend Halley (short, cheer squad member, issues with cocaine, smaller breasts, phat ass). "Well well well, look what we got here Jake! Hold him..." Mark said grinning mischievously. Hal tried to run but Jake caught him, held him down and tied him to a chair. "What the fuck Mark?" I yelled. "Yeah, I know that's what I said! Turns out both our packages arrived today! Imagine my surprise when I find my douchebag roommate ordered the most saught after growth elixir in the world! And you were going to use all this stuff on yourself weren't you Hal?" "Wait what was in your package?" Hal asked. "Something new and exciting from my old man's lab, it's a three piece set actually made by the same people who make your stuff, but this line is more experimental and is meant to target a different audience." Mark smirked as he said this and continued, "Unlike your selfish ass, I decided to share my spoils with my friend Jake there. We just waited around because we wanted you to watch as we bulk into fucking bodybuilders." Hal watched in horror as Mark injected himself with one of the five syringes in my package. For a minute he looked like he was going to be sick, then fell to the floor grinning evilly. "I feel it.... Oh god yes I feel it! More! More!" He screamed. As he did, his chest was rising steadily, pressing against his shirt as his already well-defined pectorals jetted out a few more centimeters. His arms went from slightly buff to outright jacked. "This is too damn slow.." He grunted angrily, thrusting a second syringe into himself. His eyes went full white as they rolled back in his head. His already jacked arms practically doubled in size as the rest of his body burst out of his clothes. He had a perfect 8-pack of abs leading down to his still 10" cock. His legs had grown larger as well launching him from about 6'1 to roughly 7ft tall. "Look at me!" Mark said "Im a fucking machine!" He proceeded to entertain himself by flexing his various muscles. From the other side of the room Jake and Halley were just as wide-eyed as Hal. Halley approached Mark and started rubbing her hands all over him. "Hmmm my big strong man's so big and sexy now" and promptly squatted down slightly to start sucking his massive cock. He grabbed her head and moaned as he rolled his head back. "Mmmmm thats good bitch, use them lips..." Jake spoke up at this point: "Hey dude, Im starting to get a little weirded out by this, so Im goin to go ahead and take my share..." He said injecting two of the syringes in at once. Like Mark, his eyes rolled back into his head as his already massive body started to expand. His shirt was gone in seconds, destroyed by his massive chest. He was certainly bigger than Mark, but he wasn't nearly as well defined, amounting to only a 6 pack and very thick legs jutting him up to about 8ft from 7ft tall. The real miracle at work though was what was between his legs. Jake was packing an absolute anaconda, well over a foot long. Hal stared at the massive man as tears rolled down his face. He had worked for that money. He found and bought that product, and now he had nothing to show for it. As Hal stared in dispair, Jake noticed as his transformation finished. "You like that lil bitch boy? That's fucking 13 inches of cock your fagot ass can't have." Hal turned his head away the best he could, only to catch a glimpse of Halley and Mark on the other side of the room. She was now fully stripped naked, with her clothes laying on the floor ripped in half. She had both of her legs bent upwards as Mark's titanic cock crammed itself inside of her. "Hey bitch boy..." Said Jake, grabbing Hal's face, "You have no idea how fucking Horny this stuff makes you." Hal shuddered and said "Oh I can scarcely imagine". And before he could object, Jake crammed his 13 inch meat into Hal's throat and began force fucking it. For a solid 20 minutes, Jake continued to cram his cock down Hal until he passed out from lack of oxygen. Hal awoke a bit later with his stomach and throath lined with a thick bitter cum. When Hal got up he found he was naked and looked over to Jake and Mark, they were both naked and standing around the table again, this time holding a package with the letter " A " Written on the side of it. It contained pills. Halley opened the bottle and took two. Mark noticed Hal had gotten up and walked over. "Damn dude, you're still alive?" Then quickly crammed one of the pills from his box into Hal's mouth. Hal spit it out in disgust not knowing what it could do to me. Mark didn't like this and picked it up off the floor. He crammed it back into Hal's mouth, this time accompanied by his fingers which pushed it down his throat. It didn't take long for the effects to take place. "Thats a little sample of Sex-zilla prototype 3.2111. Or " A" as the nerds call it. Whatever " A " is, it affects sexual organs". Hal looked down at his now reletively pathetic 6" cock, withered and flacid now making it about 3". As Hal stared at it, it did appear to grow slightly as it hardened. He felt a small dripping of electricity, or hormones, or just straight power flow out of his stomach and into his genitals. It wasn't a huge improvement, but it made Hal's meat about a half-an-inch larger. He thought everything was over, but then ended up grabbing his throat. He felt it changing somehow. And just like that the sensation was gone. "That was one pill," said Halley from the other side of the room. "Look what two gets you..." As Hal looked up he saw her standing dominantly over me touching herself. Her breasts were noticeably larger, growing from a small B cup to at least CCCs. Her ass had expanded as well, now roughly the size of a beachball. "Ive got more for you to luckly little man" she said as she popped a few more of the pills and wrapped her legs around Hal's face. Hal felt her getting bigger as she squeezed him, and although he couldn't see it, Halley's breasts now sat at a whooping FF size, and her ass smoothed and grew into a sexy little firm heart shape. After a few moments she let go and walked back to her man. Mark and Jake were messing with the rest of the "A" pills, and to Hal's horror, saw the two men each downing at least twenty pills apiece. Both of their cocks stood straight up and began to swell. Halley fell on the floor in front of them, opened her legs and said "come on boys, get in there..." Mark and jake immediately crammed their expanding junk into her in any way they could. With each thrust, the two had to pull out further and further. After a full half hour of treating Halley like a pump powered train car, she erupted with cum pouring out of everything and passed out. Jake and Mark high fived each other and admired their new manhoods. Easily each one was two feet long and seemed to breathe almost, swelling to twice the size before subsiding back to the still ridiculous length and girth. "Now for stage 3" Mark said opening box "B". Hal shuddered and tried to escape the room, only to find the door out had been barred with his own bed, much too large for him to move it. Mark approached Halley's unconscious body and injected her with a blue needle. "Now you will become my queen baby" he said. Meanwhile, Jake had approached me and kissed my ear from behind, and stabbing me with another needle from the same box. Hal became worried as he waited for the transformation to take place, but none arrived. Halley however had woken up. "Hmm..." said Mark. "Looks like you need some kind of boost to get the desired effect..." He then took the final Extrazilla serum and inserted it into Halley. She bent backward in ecstasy. She felt a new rush of power sweep over her as her breast expanded a little more and every muscle in her body became supercharged. She quickly gained a flat stomach and toned perfect legs. Soon after, her eyes went jet black as she stood there motionless. "Sorry Jake, looks like we don't have any more for you and your lesser half." Said Mark looking at Hal. Jake looked disappointed. Mark then pulled out the final box marked "C" and drank the entire glass of it. "Hey we were going to share that man!" Jake said suddenly. Mark just looked down at the three of us with intense malice in his eyes. He then stabbed Jake with another needle from box "B" as Jake looked up in horror. He froze in that state as his eyes went jet black. Mark turned to Hal and smiled "You get to watch the fun part...". Marks eyes suddenly changed to a bright green color as the effects of " C" began to take root. His already oversized cock swelled to max size again and seemed to harden to a crystal-like state. Lustfully, he bent down to Halley and picked her up, setting her on this massive cock. Upon doing so, her skin bleached. Turning paler and paler, then, as if his dick was like a straw, he sucked Halley's entire body into his own. "Fuck YES!" Mark screamed. He had grown again. "So... This is what it's like..." Mark said. "I feel everything. Her blood. Her muscles. Her thoughts. Her brain. Its all mine... We... Are one..." Hal looked in horror at this, then realized exactly what was about to happen next. Mark approached Jake from behind and inserted his cock in the same manner as he did to Halley. Just the same, Jake became more and more pale, then just absorbed into Mark's body. It took a lot longer this time, and was a much more noticeable change. Mark was now about 10 feet tall, hunching over to fit in the room. His cock was like a massive snake, and he had full control over it like a third arm as it slithered around the room. Mark flexed continuously as he stared upwards with glowing eyes. "I am smarter now..." He said to no one. "I am the strongest. The fastest. The smartest. I am the most powerful being... On this planet... Hal...." Hal was still desperately trying to escape to no avail, but stopped when Mark said his name. "Please... Please don't eat me..." He whimpered. "You? " Mark asked smirking "You really think we want you to join us? Pathetic. This subhuman waste of garbage would only weaken us. I am better than you Hal, Definitively. It is now a proven fact, deduced mathematically." To Hal this hurt his esteem as much as his sanity. Mark pulled out his phone and placed it on his dick, fusing with the charge port. After a few minutes he spoke again. "To the rest of the world, Halley and Jake have just eloped together to Paris. No one will question their disappearance. Nor will they question mine as I've removed all memory of myself from all of human record." "Where are you going?" Hal asked pathetically. "I'm going to ascend to a higher state of life. I will become a powerful god, capable of controlling the whole universe.... And you... Hal.... You're going to be my bitch." Mark then proceeded to grab Hal and flip him over before he began to fuck him. His massive cock burning a crippling pain in Hal's body. After roughly half an hour of this, a glowing spark of electricity opened like a third eye on Mark's forehead, and in a flash he was gone. Hal awoke sometime that night covered in golden cum. Somehow this healed him from his wounds that should have paralyzed him. Hal didn't know what to think. Everything was gone off the table without a trace. There was no record of anyone else ever having lived there. Eventually Hal decided to take a shower and forget the whole thing. But as he got out of the shower, written in golden cum across his wall was a message "We are everywhere Hal -Mark" Mystified and scared Hal watched as the letters continued to appear "Why don't you try to appease us with some sacrifices. How about shrimp? We are in the mood for seafood. Oh and Hal, I'd hate to find out what the Jake side of me will do to you if you don't do everything we ask. Get ready bitch." As the final letter made its self apparent to him, Hal felt a sharp and familure pain in his throat and ass. (To be continued)
Sorry for the very long wait. Enjoy the final part of this story. Time seemed frozen in Jason’s room as the two heavily muscled brothers lived the moment they had been anticipating for several months. For neither it had gone as they had foreseen it. Jason had found deeper and more satisfying pleasure in dominating his grown brother than he’d ever imagined. Sure, he had enjoyed being worshipped before, during or after one of his workouts by Sam or the stares from the other guys in the shower. But his brother was now way bigger than any of the guys that had rubbed their hands allover his muscles before sucking him off or getting his cock up their ass. Brett, on the other hand, had his hopes of reclaiming his dominant spot in the family shattered the moment he laid eyes on his brother’s naked torso. The second his brother had revealed his new frame, Brett had instinctively accepted the beastly man’s alphaness. Every primal instinct in his body had automatically chased every opposition to the superior being from him. His mind had been flooded by thoughts and speculations of the insane power that the bulging, insanely large and totally shredded muscles had to possess. For some reason, the awe and fear had soon been mixed with and dominated by a strange feeling of attraction. Unknown and new feelings had whirled through his mind: he had never before been attracted to another man, not even to his bigger and 261 pounds of muscles teammate Mike. He had, off course, checked his teammates’ physiques in the gym or in the shower and complimented some on their results. And received praise in return, certainly since he’d been juicing. That had been nothing more than the usual locker room atmosphere of athletes showing respect for their efforts to build up their physique. Without any sexual afterthought attached to it. The two muscular brothers were however bound by one mutual feeling: both of them were experiencing the most powerful orgasm in their life. Brett’s mind was whirling with feelings of ecstasy as pain and pleasure traveled along his spine to explode inside his brain in a fireworks of bursts of energy. His brother’s body sent urges of need through his own body; urges even his hottest girlfriend had never made him feel. Somehow, he even enjoyed the feeling of having his 241 pound, heavily muscled body feel small next to his 327 pound, beastly brother; feeling weak in the huge man’s powerful grasp. He felt like a ragdoll against the beastly body, but somehow he also felt safe in his brother’s grasp. His mind was at peace with his position as a beta, knowing it was no use to defy the muscle beast his brother had become. His mouth hung open in a silent cry. His hand was still vigorously stroking his rock-hard 8 incher that was now leaking the remains of watery loads from his drained and aching balls. Jason was also flooded with feelings of pure bliss. His mighty orgasm felt like lightning exploding in every cell of his beastly body. The realization of eclipsing, totally dominating and reducing to an obedient beta his heavily muscled, 241 pound brother gave him more satisfaction than the process of his own growth over the past months. Sure, he had jerked off to his own, ever swelling reflection as he had posed in front of the mirror in his room. Sure, he had creamed himself feeling and exploring his ever hardening muscles. But none of these feelings compared in the least to the feeling of total and undisputed control over another athlete that dwarfed most of the guys in the gym. “YEAUGHN”, Jason roared deeply as the second wave of his all-consuming orgasm rolled over him. He pulled back his cock slightly and rammed it deep and forcefully inside his brother. ‘Oughpff”, Brett peeped. He stared at his own face in the mirror and his eyes widened as his pecs were shoved against the cum-splattered mirror and he felt his feet being lifted off the ground: he was now completely impaled in his brother’s 14 inch cock. His hand raced back and forth along his shaft, but his completely drained balls refused to spill another drop of cum. The pressure inside him intensified some more as his six-pack bloated further from the never ending blasts of hot liquid the fleshy snake kept spewing inside him. “FUCK YEAUGHN”, Jason rumbled as he felt his orgasm subside slowly. He reopened his eyes, that had been closed since his orgasm began and stared into the mirror: one third of it was covered in his brother’s spunk. He looked further down and saw the drained look on his brother’s face. Even further down, he noticed his brother’s hand still mechanically stroking his own deflating cock. He also regained control of his senses and felt the heat that had built up in the room and was hit by the strong sent of musk and sex that hung heavily in the air and filled his room. He inhaled deeply to calm his breathing and let his heartbeat slowdown. His uber-athletic body recovered within half a minute. He pumped his cock a final time inside his brother’s ass and withdrew it. His still fully hard 14 incher smacked into the brick-sized abs of his eight-pack, smearing a rope of sticky cum against the corrugated surface in the process. Brett whimpered as the fleshy snake was pulled away from his worn out ass. He shivered and felt strangely empty after having being impaled on the thick shaft. He felt the thick, hot liquid stream from his ass and slide along the back of his muscular legs. His knees buckled from exhaustion but his brother’s big paws maintained their firm grip on his hips and held him upright. Jason brought is mouth to his brother’s ear. “I’m so glad yar home, little bro. Can’t think of a better and more fun way to wake up. I even think ya enjoyed this more than me. Didn’t ya, little bro?”, he said. Brett heard a muttered “yes” escape his mouth and nodded in response. “I knew it, little bro”, Jason went on, “ya’re still stroking yar cock.” The remark made Brett look down and indeed, his hand was still stroking his now soft cock. “I…”, he began. “No need to explain, little bro”, Jason stated, “ya’re not the first to jerk off to my body. And ya won’t be the least. Clean up yar mess and get ready while I grab some breakfast.” He released his brother’s hips, pulled on a pair of boxers and strutted to the door. “Get… ready…? For what?”, Brett asked while he placed his hands against the mirror to support his worn out body. “For our workout, off course”, Jason replied, “It’s arm day, little bro. I want to see yar bigger arms in action. And don’t ya want to see my canons pump some iron?” He raised his right arm in a flex, letting his 28.5 inch arm explode into a hard, round orb. A jolt shot through Brett’s cock at the sight of his brother’s flexed arm. Anticipation filled his mind. “Clean yar mess from my mirror and put on yar workout gear, little bro”, Jason rumbled and left his brother to get some breakfast. Half an hour later, Jason and Brett arrived at the gym. Jason looking fresh and energized, Brett still feeling some fatigue after the events in his brother’s room. Jason entered the gym first, strutting over to the desk. “Yo, big guy”, Sam greeted the biggest member of the gym. “I see you brought your brother”, he added as he noticed Brett. “Geez, you look way bigger than last time too. Must be fun having top genes to build muscle”, he said as he eyed Brett’s frame. A faint grin formed on Brett’s faced at the remark. He’d always enjoyed getting complimented on his physique. It made him feel a bit like the alpha he once was. “If ya ladies are done flirting, I would like to train”, Jason stated dryly and strutted past the desk into the locker room. Jason’s remark shattered the small hint of self-esteem that had formed in Brett’s mind. Brett followed his brother. Both of them pulled off their hoodies. Only then, Brett saw both of them were wearing the exact same outfit: grey sweatpants and a black tank top. His own highlighted his heavily muscled torso while his brother’s seemed painted on his torso: Jason’s wide and heavy pecs spilled from the sides and striations were visible through the overstretched fabric across the slabs of beef on his chest; even the bricks and grooves of his eight-pack were clearly accentuated and rippled with every deep breath. “Let’s go, little bro”, Jason rumbled and exited the locker room. Brett found himself once more walking behind his beastly brother. He looked up at the wide, magnificent back covered with bulging mounds of muscle pushing into each other and capped with thick, meaty traps that supported his brother’s bullneck. His gaze travelled down along the insanely broad back to halt on the meaty ass that filled the sweatpants. Jason entered the weight area and looked around. One lonely, nicely build guy was pumping out reps on a bench. As he sat up, he looked up in Jason’s direction and nodded. Jason returned the salute and recognized the 228 pound, heavyweight wrestler he’d worked out with a few months earlier when he was about the guy’s size. His cock twitched inside his pants thinking of the guy’s hot mouth that had serviced him several times ever since he had totally outgrown him. One time he had even walked in on him and Sam making out in the locker room. Wordlessly, he had simply pulled the guys apart, dropped his pants and forced Sam to watch as he had fucked the wrestler right there. Afterward, he had tossed the guy aside and made Sam suck his still hard dick. Ever since, he had more frequently used the two lovers to satisfy his ever-present needs. “Tell me if ya need a spot, Keith”, he said as he strutted past the bench toward the rack of free weights. “Right, little bro. Let’s warm up first”, he rumbled and grabbed a pair of dumbbells. Brett stared at his massive brother, cranking out perfect and fast reps with a weight he knew he would struggle with. He followed suit with a pair of much, much lighter dumbbells. “I used those feathers too. Months ago”, Jason said without taking his eyes from the mirror. After 100 reps, he racked the weights and grabbed the heaviest dumbbells on the rack. “Let’s do this!”, he gnarled at his reflection. Brett racked his weights too and grabbed the dumbbells his brother had warmed up with. After two reps, he felt his arms starting to shake. After six reps, his biceps felt like they were on fire and he dropped the weights. “Weakling”, Jason muttered and cranked out another perfect rep. He felt his monster arms pumping up as blood flowed into his beastly biceps. After 12 perfect reps, he gently racked the weight. 30 seconds later, he grabbed the dumbbells again. “Second set, little bro. Come on!”, he commanded. Brett grabbed a lighter pair of dumbbells than the ones he had just used. On the first rep, his arms shook terribly. He got three reps before his grip faltered and the weights went down. Jason on the other hand cranked out another 11 perfect reps. “Rack yar weights while I continue”, he barked at his brother. Brett obeyed his beastly brother’s instruction and sat down on a nearby bench while he watched Jason perform two more sets of bicep curls. Every rep made the veins on his brother’s bicep swell as they feed blood into the orb of muscle. “Time for some hammer curls”, Jason said as he racked the dumbbells and strutted over to the cable station. He selected the heaviest load and casually cranked out 15 fully controlled reps. Brett selected 70% of his brother’s load and struggled to complete 6 sloppy reps. He moved aside, his face reed and breathing deeply. Jason changed the weight and did another perfect series of 15 reps. He looked over at his brother but Brett nodded ‘no’ to make clear he would skip. “Sam, get over here”, Jason bellowed. Instantly, the 185 pound guy popped up. “Get on the weight stack. Ya know it’s too light for me”, Jason said. Brett stared in disbelief as the guy placed his feet atop the weight stack and his brother pumped out 10 more perfect reps. He blinked as he saw the beastly arms pump up bigger and bigger with every rep. “I know, big guy. I asked the boss the buy heavier stacks, but you’re the only one that complains”, Sam said as he was going up and down on the rhythm of Jason’s reps. “I know ya do everything to keep me happy, Sam”, Jason growled and completed his fourth set of hammer curls. “Fuck. My biceps feel like they’re gonna bust through my skin”, he added as he dropped the rope. His left paw grabbed his right bicep as he curled his arm, making the orb of muscle swell inside his grip. “Right. Some preacher curls to wrap things up”, he said and strutted over to the preacher bench. Brett, Sam and even Keith followed the beastly Jason and formed a semicircle around the bench. Jason looked up and grinned at the three guys standing in front of him. All three of them clearly worked out: looking athletic like Sam over heavily build like Keith to thickly muscled like his brother Brett. He returned his focus on his final exercise. He grabbed the loaded bar and began curling it up and down with perfect control. Brett stared as the mountains of muscle that were his brother’s biceps swelled into round, vein-choked orbs of hard meat with each curl. He felt his cock harden inside his sweatpants. Sam and Keith had similar reactions down their pants, but were less shy. They moved over to the bench and each of them groped one of Jason’s massive biceps. Their fingers didn’t budge the hot, stony-hard muscle as their hands were too small to span the girth of the orbs. “FUARK, yeah”, Jason roared as he lowered the bar for the tenth time in his fourth sets. He stood up and threw a devastating double bicep pose. His pumped biceps, swollen with blood from the workout, jumped past the 30 inch mark as they hardened into impossibly large and perfectly round mountains crisscrossed with dark veins that outsized cannonballs. “Man, this pump’s unreal”, he added and hardened his flex some more. Around him, the three other guys were stroking their cocks through their pants. “Time for a quick shower”, Jason said and strutted past his admirers. Ten minutes later, Jason emerged from the locker room after his shower and having Keith suck him off. “Round of shakes, guys?”, he asked as he sat down at the bar next to his brother, “Brett’s buying to celebrate his return home for the summer. Aren’t ya, little bro?”. Brett nodded, not wanting to stand up to his massive brother. His pumped arms made him look even more intimidating. Back at home, Brett headed for his room but his brother’s paw grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. “Not so fast, little bro. We need to talk”, Jason said and guided his smaller brother into his own room. “Drop yar pants”, he ordered as he locked the door. “What…euh?”, Brett asked. “DROP ‘EM”, Jason bellowed deeply. Brett instinctively obeyed the command and swiftly dropped his pants. He shivered as his mind processed several scenarios, but always seemed to return to what had happened earlier that morning. He blinked as he felt a stinging sensation in the left cheek of his ass. “What…”, he began but words froze in his throat as he felt the same sensation in the right cheek of his ass. “There ya go. Ya can pull ‘em back up, little bro”, Jason said. Brett quickly pulled up his pants, happy to get off the hook without being fucked once more. He turned around to face his brother and saw him throw an empty syringe on his desk. “What did you just do?”, he asked. “Ya truly are a dumb fuck, little bro. What do ya think I did? I injected ya with a double dose of roids”, Jason replied, “I want to break the 400 pound mark before the curse runs out. It stated that at the 10th full moon the circle would be round. That gives me another three weeks to put on 80 pounds of muscle. Means I’ll have to roid yar ass to make ya put on around 40 pounds of muscle since the curse is wearing down and my growth based on yours is slowing down. Fortunately, Keith has good connections.” Brett blinked. “You’re going to make me bigger?”, he asked in disbelief. “Geez, little bro”, Jason spat back, “YES! But only to make me bigger. I’m not gonna risk my health by pumping roids into my body. But ya already did, so why not take it to the next level? Ya can thank me later for making ya bigger, little bro. The following weeks I’m gonna roid ya up with double doses. Every morning right after I’ll fuck yar ass and before we go to the gym.” The next three weeks did indeed pass as Jason had told his brother: every morning Jason would pull his 242 pound brother into his room after his parents had left for work, plunge a double dose of roids in to him and then fuck his ass before they headed over to the gym and he put him through a grueling workout. 21 days later, Brett came home to an empty house: his parents had left that morning for their yearly vacation and wouldn’t be home for another month; his brother had left for the gym 10 minutes earlier. Brett had spent the night over at an old buddy from his football team in high school to avoid the daily ass-fuck by his now freakishly big brother. He had waited in his car a few houses down the street from his own until his brother had driven off. He parked his car in the deserted driveway and quickly disappeared inside the house. He knew he had until half the afternoon before his brother would return from the gym after his training, action with Sam and Keith in the locker room and having the two guys buy him dinner. He went upstairs to his room, tossed his phone and sweater on the bed before heading over to his brother’s room. He stopped before the shut door of his brother’s room. In his mind the possibility to go search for answers grew stronger fought with the voice warning him for serious danger if his brother would catch him inside his room. On the other hand, it could well be his only chance to break the curse before it would be complete that night. His hand shook as he reached for the doorknob. His mouth went dry as he turned the nob and the door opened gently. He quickly entered his brother’s room, getting hit by the manly scent of musk, sweat and cum that hung heavily in the air and closed the door behind him. His gaze scanned the room, stopping briefly at the ropes of cum still sliding down slowly on the mirror toward the puddle formed on the carpet at its base. He turned his attention to the fully stacked book closet and began searching the shelves. 10 minutes later, Brett went through the top shelf and felt frustration well up inside him as he hadn’t found anything. A part of him knew it had been too good to be true. He turned away from the book closet and stepped over to the adjacent desk. He pulled out the drawer on the left, but found nothing. His hand reached for the other drawer and puled. The handle resisted. “Why would you keep this drawer locked, bro?”, he said to himself and pulled with all his might. The lock succumbed quickly to his new strength and the drawer opened with the sound of shattering wood. “Bingo”, he said with a grin as he saw the old book. He grabbed it, shut the drawer again and began going through the book. He didn’t understand a word of the ancient text in Latin. Luckily for him, his brother had noted the translation of most passages in pencil next to the text. Feed on power… Transfer… fluids = cum… use on Brett… The last remark made anger well up inside Brett. “So, this is the curse he used on me”, he growled and read on to find a solution. The dust inside the book flew up as he went through it and he sneezed. He pulled out his handkerchief and blew his nose to clear out the dust before putting it back inside his pocket and continuing his discovery of the book. Curse complete… 10th full moon… Lasting results… Grow huge on Brett’s efforts??? Brett blinked as he read the remark. He shook his head at the proof that his nerdy brother had grown huge at his dispense. He went on and a annotation by his brother on a page a little further caught his attention. Restore… Healing curse… Take back ill-earned gains… Definitive… Brett’s mind, way slower than his brother’s, put the pieces together and a smirk formed on his face. “That’s it!”, he said to himself. He quickly read through the translation his brother had made. “I need some of his body fluids… fluids”, he said to himself when the solution popped up in his mind. He returned a few pages and his finger tapped on a comment: fluids = cum. He turned around and looked at the cum-drenched mirror. “Luckily I wasn’t here this morning and he blew his load to his reflection”, he said. He stepped over to the mirror, pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped a nice amount of the sticky cum from the mirror. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Brett nearly dropped the book and his handkerchief. He waited a few seconds, but the bell rang again. He quickly put his handkerchief inside the book and went over to his own room. As he entered, his phone rang. “Hello?”, he asked. “Dude, it’s me, Mike. I’m at your house. Are you in?” “At my house?”, Brett repeated. “Yeah. I was around to visit my cousin Keith. Stayed at his place tonight but he’s off to the gym now. So, are you at home?”, Mike said. “Sure”, Bret replied, “come round the back. Backdoor’s open. I’m in my room. Second door on the left at the top of the stairs.” “See ya in a sec”, Mike said and ended the call. At the gym, Sam and Keith were in the locker room waiting for Jason to arrive. The now huge man had texted them to come over and not keep him waiting. They gasped sharply as Jason entered. Jason ducked and rotated his torso to come sideways through the door. He was wearing nothing but a pair of shorts that now served him as boxers: no regular pair of boxers would fit around his quads anymore. His new body was a breathtaking sight: he could no longer be called huge or beastly, he had evolved into a massive mountain of muscle. Despite the fading power of the curse he had managed to gain another whopping 85 pounds of muscle and had grown 7 extra inches taller: he now stood an towering 7’5 feet tall for a hulking 412 pounds of ripped and striated muscle. The extra height made his insanely, hulkingly muscled body maintain its aestheticly perfect proportions. His calves jutted backward like thick diamonds at the back of his legs; his quads made his kneecaps look comically small and dwarfed the tree in their backyard by the massive size of the wide, deeply grooved, corded muscles that stretched the shorts to the max; his eight-pack was a collection of cobblestone-sized blocks of muscle, separated by canyons and decorated down the center with a dark treasure trail that disappeared down his shorts; the top half of the eight-pack was obscured by the shadow of his monumental pecs; they were an insanely thick, protruding rack of heavy muscle that proudly defied the pull of gravity; each pecs had the size of a watermelon shoved underneath the paper-thin skin; the surface of the extremely wide slabs of concrete-hard beef was crossed with striations and small veins; the pecs protruded so far from his chest that his nipples pointed straight down to the floor and were not visible from the front; the massive mounds rippled with every breath he took; a thick vein snaked at the top of the pecs like a small river and ran further onto his shoulders where it branched off in several smaller veins; the hard line of his shoulders was twice as large than a doorframe and capped with delts the size of basketballs; each separate head of the muscle was visible through the stretched skin pulled tight around the orbs of meat; the wide line was capped with a pair of intimidatingly thick traps that supported his bull-sized neck; his heavily muscled shoulders formed the support of his amazing arms hanging relaxed at his sides; his arms had amassed another 8 inches and now measured 36.5 inches flexed; when flexed his biceps exploded into spheres of rock-hard muscle that dwarfed bowling balls and were choked in a network of crisscrossed veins that fed the mighty muscles; his triceps then hung like vicious horseshoes at the bottom of his arms; they had more mass on their own than most guys entire upper arm; now his arms hung relaxed at his sides, looking like hams ready to burst through the satin-like, paper-thin skin; his forearms were covered with thick cords that ran along their entire length and were thicker than most men’s legs; inside his shorts his now dormant cock had grown to accommodate to his new body: fully hard it stretched to an insanely long 18 inches and its girth outsized most guys’ forearms; even flaccid its size prevented him from wearing boxers. Sam and Keith gulped as Jason swaggered over towards them and seemed to swell with every step he took. A simultaneous jolt shot through their cocks. “Ready for some action, runts?”, Jason rumbled in a voice that filled the room like thunder as he stopped a few feet from the two athletes and stared down on them. Sam and Keith gawked at the protruding rack of heavy muscle, crossed with striations that was at their eyelevel. Even though they saw Jason shirtless and naked every day, they simply couldn’t fathom the unreal size he had grown into. The shadow cast by Jason’s monstrous body put them completely in the dark and the guy was wider than both of them standing next to each other. They looked straight at the insanely deep canyon between the two slabs of pecs. It looked deep enough to conceal an entire hand. Striations rippled against the paper-thin skin as the globes of pecs rose on the rhythm of the muscle freak’s breathing. “My dumbass brother wasn’t home this morning. Couldn’t fill his ass with my cum. I’m so fucking horny right now”, Jason stated, “Ever since my brother made me huge it feels like there’s pure testosterone coursing through my veins. Fuark.” He looked at his reflection in the large mirror and bounced his chest in an insane display of striations and veins. Keith’s gaze was drawn downwards by a stirring motion. He blinked in disbelief as he saw Jason’s package beginning to form a larger and larger bulge at the front of his shorts. Within seconds the purple head peeped outside as it pushed the waistband away from the giant’s tight waist. “Got over here, wimp”, Jason growled at Keith. Back at home, Brett put the book inside his desk as he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. The sound of the opening door made him turn around to face his former team captain. “Mike”, he said with a grin and looked at the athlete standing in the doorway. “You look a bit smaller than I remember”, he added. “Had an injury. Couldn’t train the last two months”, Mike replied without taking his eyes from his former teammate. “Down to around 238 right now”, he added. “What the fuck have you done to yourself?”, he asked while he scanned how Brett’s heavy torso stretched his shirt to the max. “I’ve grown a bit”, Brett replied matter-of-factly. He still had to look up at the half-a-foot taller athlete, but there was no doubt about who was the bigger man. Brett pulled off his shirt and heard Mike gasped at the sight of his bare upper body. Brett was now heavier than he had ever been. He had put on another 42 pounds in just 3 weeks from the massive doses of roids his brother had injected into his ass. He was now weighing an intimidating 284 pounds. Every muscle on his body was unmistakably fuller and larger: his delts had grown into perfectly rounded cannonballs that capped the broad line formed by his wide shoulders; the width of his shoulder girdle made the sides of his prominent delts brush the doorframe as he went through it; his arms had put on another 3.5 inches, making them an impressive 24.5 inches fully flexed; his pecs had amassed more beef and now protruded further from his chest; even his quads were bigger and more muscular. Overall, he looked intimidatingly muscled after his forced cycle. Despite his superior size, it was clear he had been roiding heavily: his head somehow looked a bit too small for his new size; his skin had an oily shine and looked greasy; his back was marred with severe acne; his six-pack was a protruding, bloated muscle-gut and his nipples were swollen. To top things off, his balls seemed a bit smaller and ached when he blew his load. “How big…”, Mike asked while scanning the heavily muscled body in front of him. “284 fucking pounds”, Brett interrupted him. He bounced his pecs to emphasize his weight. It had been a long time since he had felt the superior man inside this house. He raised his right arm and flexed it. His bicep exploded into a vein-choked, round orb of hard muscle as his arm reached it’s 24.5 inches. Mike blinked at the incredible sight. “Like what you see, pretty boy?”, Brett asked and raised his other arm to complete his double bicep pose. It took Mike’s mind a few seconds to process to huge guy’s remark as he was still taking in the sight of the devastating double bicep pose. “Cat got your tongue, pretty boy? This is what a real man looks like”, Brett stated coldly and threw a most muscular. Mike instinctively took a step backwards as he thickly muscled torso exploded in a display of hard muscle. He knew he couldn’t let Brett feel any of his doubt. He still had his height advantage and stretched himself to gaze down on the shorter man. “You’re big. But that’s just over-roided muscle full of water. Feel some real strength, freak”, Mike growled and launched himself at his former teammate. In a blink his fist collided with the bloated muscle-gut. Brett let out a muttered sound of surprise as he felt the fist hit his abs. He barely felt the punches the other athlete launched against his abs. He pulled back his own fist, making his right bicep harden into its 24.5 inches in the process, and threw it against the star quarterback’s tight six-pack. “Buough”, Mike groaned as the fist collided with his abs and he felt them give in slightly under the violent punch. He didn’t have any time to react as a second punch hit him just as hard in the same spot and brook through his defenses. He folded double from the impact and a third blow made him collapse to the floor. Brett felt his cock harden inside his pants as he looked down on the beaten jock: he had just taken down the once dominant man on campus with just three blows. Mike tried catching his breath, his abs sending painful stabs through his body with every breath he took. A hand grabbed his neck and he felt himself being lifted up. His legs fell rubbery and the tight grab on his neck kept him upright as he was forced to look straight into Brett’s eyes. “I have 45 pounds of mass on you”, Brett said, “And still you’re so dumb to take me on?”. As Brett spoke, Mike summoned his strength and threw another punch at the huge man’s face. Brett easily fended off the weak punch and then launched another blow into the six-pack that felt like jelly as his fist busted through it. “Buoughnf”, Mike grunted as the sledgehammer-like fist sank deep into his stomach. Brett’s mind was filled with the feeling of finally dominating another man physically. And then, like a dam breaking under pressure, the months of frustration of being the beta next to his freakish brother flooded his mind. His fist began pounding into the battered stomach of the star quarterback. Mike could only let out incoherent, painfilled sounds as his body took the beating. He didn’t even have any strength left to try and put up a defense: his muscular arms dangled at his sides. Brett felt all-powerful as he kept slamming his fist into the once dominant athlete on his team. His dick was fully hard, forming a prominent bulge inside his sweatpants. He smacked his fist into the 238 pound man’s face, bruising his eye and then splitting the man’s lip. He felt some blood drip onto his fist and inhaled heavily as he felt the testosterone and adrenaline rush through him. He kept grabbing the star quarterback’s neck with his left paw while his right paw yanked down his own sweatpants and boxers to reveal his rock-hard 8 incher that smacked hard into his bloated roid-gut. Mike saw the meaty cock through his swollen eye. He knew what was going to happen, but was powerless to resist. Brett shoved his cock inside the fallen quarterback’s mouth, easily forcing the battered man in place and returned his attention to the book. “Let’s get this over with first. I’ll deal with you later”, he said and pulled his handkerchief from his pants. He opened the book on the right passage and read it out loud: “Let the body of he who’s fluids shall cover this page surrender to this curse. Let it discard its ill-earned mass and return to the way it was!”. He quickly grabbed the hanky and rub it along the page, smearing the liquid onto the book. In the gym, Jason’s vision went dark for just a split second. He felt a strange wave of weakness go through his body and he stumbled backwards, his wide back colliding against the tilled wall. He raised his right paw to his head, making his insanely large bicep ball up in the process, and closed his eyes. At the same time, his cock sprang to full hardness and ripped away the shorts. The 18 inch anaconda pointed straight at Keith. Keith took two steps and kneeled before the 412 pound muscle god. He took the thick head and the top of the large shaft inside his mouth. Instantly, Jason began to cum uncontrollably. Keith gulped down one huge blast after the other, feeling the liquid heat slide into his stomach. Somehow the heat seemed to spread inside him. “He’s… he’s shrinking”, Sam said in disbelief as he saw Jason’s muscles get flatter. Keith’s mind processed the remark while he gulped down a fifth blast. He looked up and noticed that the shadow cast by the still impressive, yet clearly smaller rack of pecs didn’t obscure most of the diminishing eight-pack anymore. The quads beneath his hands also felt less hard. His stomach was starting to feel bloated as another shot of cum was blasted down his throat. The cock he was sucking didn’t stretch his mouth as much anymore and felt less deep inside his throat. Jason still had his eyes closed as the powerful orgasm flooded his body. Sam blinked as the giant was now clearly getting smaller: it seemed like Jason’s muscles were melting away from his body. A tearing sound tore his gaze from the hulking muscle-freak to the wrestler sucking him off. “Dude. You’re getting bigger”, he muttered as he saw Keith’s muscles rip through his tight shirt. Keith’s mind processed Sam’s remark. He sucked down harder on the diminishing cock that kept spewing load after load of cum into him. A feeling like a good pump now filled every muscle on his body. He felt pain spread through his body as his muscles began reaching their limit. He began feeling sick as his overbloated stomach protested against more forced feeding. He motioned Sam to come over. Sam immediately got the wrestler’s hint and moved in. The growing wrestler released the still impressive, yet way smaller cock. A blast hit Sam straight in the face as he kneeled down in front of the over a 100 pounds lighter muscle freak. He immediately placed his mouth over the spewing cock and felt the heat spread through his body. The slowly swelling Keith lay down atop the bench in the locker room as he felt his muscle grow and harden further. He felt his clothes get tighter and tighter. Sam grabbed hold with all his might of the deflating quads and sucked the shrinking cock relentlessly. He felt the heat fill his body as if he was getting a solid pump from a long workout. Back at home, a similar darkness overtook Brett’s vision and the next moment his cock began cumming deep inside the quarterback’s throat. Mike gulped down the sticky spunk and felt the heat spread through his body. It was as if his muscles were regaining their lost strength. Brett groaned in pleasure as the sucking on his dick got harder. Unlike Keith, Sam didn’t grow slowly: his body exploded in size as he drank down the energizing cum. His clothes exploded into shreds as his muscles ballooned upward and outward with more mass. He looked up and the once freakishly large Jason was now looking below average. Jason felt his orgasm ware off and sank down along the wall in darkness. “Fuck yeah!”, Sam roared as he saw his new physique in the mirror. He had grown from a 185 well-muscled jock into a 335 pound, superheavyweight bodybuilder. Every muscle on his body looked ripped and pumped. His grown cock throbbed and slapped against the center of his eight-pack. “Looking good, man.” Sam turned around and saw Keith walking toward him: the guy looked like his exact copy. “Man, we’re the same size”, he said excitedly and flexed and impressive arm that bulged into a hard orb of power. Keith copied his pose grinningly, revealing an equally impressive bicep. “Fuck me”, Keith whispered as he leaned in and kissed his lover deeply. A faint grunt made Sam look aside and turn his attention to the shrunken Jason. Jason blinked as his mind tried to figure out what had happened. The large room looked strangely familiar. Before he could get up, a Greek god hoisted him up. He felt his feet leave the floor as he stared at the heavily-muscled body in front of him. Sam grinned at the runt in his grasp. The months of abuse he and Keith had had to take from the once beastly Jason popped up in his mind. “Get lost and never bother us again. If you ever set foot back in this gym, I’ll break every bone in your body. Got it, runt?”, he boomed aggressively. Jason nodded in defeat. He knew he was no match for this muscle beast. “I’ve got nothing to wear”, he peeped in his boyish voice. Sam dropped the frail runt, strutted over to a locker and ripped off the door. “There, some kid-sized clothes”, he said and tossed them onto the emaciated figure. Jason got dressed quickly and headed over to the door. He turned around a final time to see the two 335 pound, muscle beasts in action: Keith was lying atop the large bench in the center of the locker room and Sam was fucking him relentlessly while they kept kissing and groping each other’s muscles. Jason hurried over to his car to get home. Back at home, Mike gulped down the last blast from Brett’s cock. He felt the energy soaring through his grown body. Somehow, he had gained 72 pounds of muscle. Brett felt somewhat dizzy as he shoved the quarterback from his cock. A look of terror filled his eyes as the other athlete rose to his full height and he assessed the guy’s new size. “How…”, he muttered in choc. “Don’t know. And don’t care”, Mike boomed in response. “Oh and I owe ya this”, he added and smacked his fist into the 100 pound lighter guy’s abs. Brett crashed backwards to the floor as the 310 pound quarterback’s fist smacked into his six-pack and busted right through it. “See ya around, little guy. Can’t wait to see what this body can do in the gym”, Mike rumbled and strutted away from the room. 10 minutes later, Jason arrived home and stormed into his room. He went through his desk frantically to get the book and see what had gone wrong. He froze when a strong hand landed atop his bony shoulder. “A word, little bro?”. Jason shivered as he recognized his brother’s voice and turned around slowly. He gulped as he stood before the 212 pound, muscular jock. His own meager, 155 pound body was obscured by his brother’s frame. “Guess you’re only technically the bigger brother again”, Brett said as he grinned down smugly into his weak brother’s eyes, “Time for some payback, LITTLE BRO”. Jason saw his brother smacked his right fist into his left paw and shuddered, realizing that the bill for his months of dominating his brother was going to be heavy…
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Brent was massive. He stood six feet six inches tall and weighed 350 pounds. Maybe 400 pounds, it'd been a while since he checked. At 22 years old, he was an unequivocal monster. He wore a tight white t-shirt that showed off every muscle in his body, the material looking ready to tear should he even move his torso an inch. His shorts were as large as you could find, and were still too small. They cut off just above his knee, showing promise of muscled, marble thighs underneath. His calves were diamond shaped, flexing with every step he took. He had just gotten into town and found a gym down the street. The gym fell quiet when Brent walked in. No one could take their eyes off him. Brent smiled, enjoying the shocked reaction of the crowd. His face was handsome, dark with a strong jaw and wide cheekbones. His neck was huge and you could see it was all muscle. Quiet murmurs filled the room as they took in the sight of the new visitor. His arms were the biggest any of them had ever seen. His forearms were bigger than most men's upper arms, huge bulging forearms covered with fibers and veins. His legs were thick, so densely packed with muscle he almost had to spread them apart to walk. He was so big, so muscular, so dominant looking. He strode up to the front desk. "Sir? Do you need a..." The receptionist started to speak, before being silenced by a glance from the newcomer. The receptionist whimpered as he involuntarily came in his pants. With a shaky arm, he opened the gate for Brent. "Thanks dude," Brent smiled and winked, giving a quick flex of his arm for the receptionist, who audibly moaned. Brent chuckled as he walked in. Brent headed for a free machine and set it to the max weight. He was delighted to find plenty of weight on the machine, he might actually get a pump. He felt the eyes of everyone in the room on him as he easily cranked out a set. Then another. They were all astounded by the weight he was lifting. No one had managed the maximum weight of the machine. After a few more sets, Brent looked around the gym for the next biggest guy compared to himself. He spotted a similarly built musclehead taking quick, furtive glances at him through a mirror in the corner of the room as he headed to the bench press. "Perfect." Brent thought to himself. He got up off of the weight machine and ambled over. Scott loved being the center of attention at the gym. He had the body for it too; over 6 feet tall, 300+ lbs of ripped mucle that was always competition-ready. Every day the guys in the gym would request something from him - to worship is huge muscles, to suck or be fucked by his giant cock. He enjoyed being told to flex this way or that, to sway his hips until his cock got hard, to dump his load into another willing admirer. He was their sex idol, their fantasy. Just the thought of that turned him on like nothing else. So to see this newcomer drawing everyone away had Scott fuming inside. "Who did this asshole think he was, just barging in here?" Scott thought to himself. "And how the fuck was he so huge?" "Must be roids," he thought to himself, shaking off the feeling of envy. He tried to focus on his workout, moving from the leg press to the bench. All the while Scott watched the new bodybuilder in the mirror. His muscles were enormous. He was taller, harder, hotter. Scott hated him. When Brent saw Scott looking at him, he smiled and gave a small wave. Scott frowned and turned away, loading up the bar with extra plates. He sat down and got underneath it, adjusting his grip when a shadow came over him. "Need a spotter?" Brent approached Scott, grabbing hold of the bar and looking down at the large man towering over him. Scott looked up at the newcomer, but found his view was obstructed by Brent's gym shorts, which were so filled with cock that they jutted out from his body, even though he was completely flaccid. "What the..." the muscleman had to blink his eyes to register what he was seeing. When it clicked, he shuddered, feeling a warm sensation in his loins. That couldn't be right though. This guy was the enemy. It must just have been the surprise. "I guess," Scott grunted, not taking his eyes off that clear-as-day outline of cock. It was as though the man were naked, but his skin was a dark blue nylon color. Did he see it twitch? That couldn't be real, could it? Brent noticed the man checking him out, but he kept his cool, smiling to himself. "Well, you going to start or what?" Scott shook his head to snap out of his trance and grabbed hold of the bar, bringing it down. His eyes never moved, and he never realized his mouth was open, breathing heavily as he lifted the bar, brought it down, and lifted again. Brent smiled wider as he felt himself starting to get a semi. Every slight move of his legs stimulated him. He squeezed his muscled thighs together slowly, massaging his balls with his hard legs. He noticed the poor guy starting to get aroused. Brent licked his lips as he watched Scott's shorts tent, raising up. "Not bad," he thought to himself. He guessed the man was packing nine, maybe ten inches. This was going to be fun. Beneath him, Scott couldn't help but stare upwards, the weights feeling like feathers as his mind focued on a much bigger issue. The shorts strained to contain the massive bulge inside them. He never thought there could be a dick so big. It must be twice his size! With every breath the man took, he could smell the heavy musk coming from the massive man, it was intoxicating. He couldn't help himself. He needed more. He placed the bar back on the rack and then wrapped his hands around Brent's waist, grabbing his ass and pulling himself closer to the man, stuffing his face up in between Brent's legs. Onlookers gasped as they heard Scott moan, his cock threatening to tear through his shorts as his face was buried between Brent's legs. "Holy fuck dude," Brent said with a laugh, "Did I do that?" He waited until Scott had let go of him before stepping back. Scott was in a daze, unsure of what had just come over him. "I'm Brent." The muscleman extended his hand. "Scott." he heard himself say, still dizzy, still rock hard. He felt Brent's massive arm reach down and pull him to his feet, a large wet spot spreading across the front of his shorts. "Let's go get you cleaned up," Brent said, as he pointed the two of them to the showers. The crowd eyed Scott enviously as they walked past. The buff pair entered the conveniently empty locker room to undress. Brent could tell Scott was still in a trance, his eyes lazily gazing over every inch of his body. Brent grinned as he pulled off his shirt and slid his shorts down, kicking them off his legs, cock swinging between his thighs. "Liking what you see?" He said with a devilish smirk, posing a bit and flexing a bicep. He put his hands on his hips and stood proudly, his foot long softie stirring mildly as it swelled a little. Brent swayed his hips, making his semi slap against his muscled thighs, growing a little bigger and harder with every swing. Scott's eyes followed it, hypnotized. His tongue rolled out of his mouth and the wet spot on his tented gym shorts started growing, his pre leaking through the cloth. "Aw yeah dude, check this out," Brent grinned at the stupefied look on the man's face. He put his hands behind his head, flexing his towering biceps and crunching his ripped stomach. His cock grew and grew, pointing forwards, then swinging up his muscled body. Finally it slid between his thick pecs and stopped growing - 18 inches of thick, throbbing, cock. Brent turned his head to lick a bicep slowly and sensually with his tongue, lightly thrusting the air so that his huge dick lightly slapped against his chest, trails of precum stretching between his cock and pecs. Scott was stunned speechless, actually starting to pant a bit watching the huge musclegod show off. He squeezed and rubbed his bulge through his shorts, which were growing wetter and tighter as they stretched to accommodate his 10 inch member. "Fuck, dude..." he moaned. He reached into his shorts and started stroking himself, the nylon eventually slipping off and falling between his ankles, his large pole in hands. As much as he wanted to supress it, the sight and smell of that crazily built muscle freak-god-beast was too much for him to comprehend. The look on his face was not lost to Brent, who locked eyes with him and smiled, showing off his perfect teeth. Scott began to cum, his orgasm suddenly exploding from his raging hardon. Brent simply smirked and gave his pecs an awesome power-flex. Scott moaned at the sight of all that muscle exploding and bulging and swelling off that beefy flexed chest. The muscle god had too much power over him, and even the simplest of flexes sent him over the edge. His body was acting on its own, his hips continuing to jerk in the throes of a ferocious orgasm, thrusting his cock into the air. "Fuck..." Scott said, coming down off of his orgasm. "You're huge! How do you do it?" Brent laughed and flexed a bit more. "Been going at it for a few years. Gotta make sure that you eat right too. Feel free to feel, if you want." His musk filled Scott's senses with his pure male scent as Scott stood up to feel Brent's body. He'd never seen anyone so huge, so ripped, or so hung. Scott couldn't help himself, his hands moving on autopilot as they rubbed Brent's golden skin. First the biceps and the forearms, and then the shoulders. Brent groaned audibly as Scott caressed the rippling shoulder muscles and stroked his hard nipples. He flexed and pumped every muscle of his upper body, enjoying the feeling of Scott's fingers as they traced every groove and crevice of his chest. Brad gently held the back of Scott's head, looking deep into his eyes. "How about we take this somewhere more private?" "Wanna go back to my place?" Scott heard himself say. "Please, I'm only a few blocks away." An unfamiliar tremor in his voice surprised him, so used to being the dominant voice in the gym. Brent chuckled. "Yeah sure dude, let's go." He licked his lips. Scott was hot, huge, and falling for him fast. Perfect. They took a quick shower together, threw on some shorts, and headed out the door. The two groped and kissed each other as they walked to Scott's house, their arousals increasing with every step. The thought that someone as hot as Brent was into him made Scott swoon. He felt like he was floating, his lust overtaking him. It wasn't long until they made it to Scott's place, throwing the door open and rushing to the bedroom. Brent and Scott kept making out as they fell on to Scott's bed. "You like muscles, really freaky huge muscles?" Brent growled. "Yes, I do," Scott answered. "Do you want this body? You know you do. You'd give your soul to be like me, wouldn't you?" Brent taunted. "Yes, yes, I'd do anything." Scott had begun to stammer. Brent smiled. "Show me." Brent said. Scott slid down the bed to Brent's feet. Reaching around the backs of Brent's legs, Scott grabbed his huge calves. Brent was so hot. His muscles felt like steel columns covered in satin. Scott licked his way up Brent's tree-trunk quads, so unbelievably big, so thick, so deeply cut and shredded. "Oooh yeah, that's it, baby, worship this muscle beast!" Brent groaned, encouraging him. Scott made his way back up between his legs, his cock leaking pre as it traced over his quads and thighs. He licked the underside of Brent's massive cock, tracing the length all the way up to the tip. "Yeah - fucking bones me being so fucking big." Brent grinned and flexed his pecs. "Fucking bones me a lot." Scott rubbed all over Brent's body as he flexed one body part after another. He wedged himself underneath Brent's monster to worship his abs, gently kissing each smooth brick. He couldn't believe that a human could be so hard and muscular. "Oh my god, Brent....." Scott moaned. "Shit, man! Look at you! You want it so bad?" Brent seized the back of Scott's head and forced his mouth on to the massive tower he called a dick. "Yeah, suck that huge fuckin' dick, man!" Throwing all caution to the winds Scott shoved as much of that fuck-pole as far down his throat as it would go. His head was spinning; Brent's musk and muscles were intoxicating. He needed more. Scott went to town on that fat, pulsing, insistent dong, while jerking on his own like there was no tomorrow. "Mmmmm - nice mouth, dude...........aww fuck yeah!" Brent held Scott's head in place as he began thrusting his cock down his throat. Scott wrapped his arms around Brent's waist, holding on for dear life. "Aww fuck, look at you dude!! You're gonna make me cum right here! Uh uhh hhnnn..." Brent moaned as he climaxed, blasting his load straight into Scott's stomach. Scott choked as he felt the hot liquid flooding into him, rising up and spraying out of his nostrils as Brent overloaded his stomach with jizz. Scott saw stars, his vision starting to go black before Brent mercifully pulled his head off his still spurting cock, spraying Scott point-blank in the face with jet after jet. After drenching Scott's face, Brent slowed down, letting go of his head as his cock fell back onto his pecs with a thud. Scott fell onto the bed, rolling onto his back and coughing up cum as he tried to catch his breath. "Holy....shit..." Scott gasped. He panted heavily, wiping the thick cum off of his face. Both of them were covered in cum, and puddles of white were all over the bed. At some point during Brent's orgasm, Scott had cum again, his comparably smaller load soaking the bed beneath him. "Mmm you got a hot mouth dude," Brent said, pulling Scott up the bed. He leaned over and gave Scott a cum-covered kiss. Scott felt a twinge of pride at the compliment. "Fucking love being this huge," Brent said, lazily stroking his still leaking cock. He raised an arm up by his head and kissed his head-sized bicep. "Fucking look at you, man.....aww fuck....." Scott groaned, stroking his own cock as he watched Brent's self worship. Brent looked over and smiled. "You're fucking hot too dude," Brent said, staring into Scott's eyes. "Fucking beautiful muscles dude, gets me so hard." Brent rolled onto his side to face Scott and kissed him again. Scott moaned into Brent's mouth as the two made out. Brent's hands traveled all over Scott's cum-coated body, fondling his prize-winning muscles. Scott was in heaven. Brent rolled on top of Scott, pinning him beneath his immense body weight, grinding his massive length against his Scott's throbbing drooling member. The massive musclegod's cock slid up Scott's chest, pre running like a continuous sprung tap onto his ripped chest. They frotted, grinding Scott's sizeable member against the larger man's monolithic shaft. "Unf... big body... and big cock to boot..." Brent moaned as he sank his weight down onto Scott. He gripped the other man's impressive cock in one hand. "What's this, 10 inches? So fucking hot dude." The grinding of hips and length on length made Scott shiver and shudder, small whimpers escaping him as he rubbed against the massive bodybuilder over him. He pushed back against the larger man's weight, but Brent seemed even stronger and heavier than his massive built frame suggested, something supernatural in that strength made him flicker in fear. Brent's cock throbbed in Scott's face, shiny with pre. "Mmm... I'm gonna really, really enjoy this." Brent said, looking Scott straight in the eyes as he aimed his throbbing meat towards Scott's ass. "Wait, Brent, mmmph.....oh my god....." Scott tried to clench his ass as he realized what was going to happen, even though he knew he was helpless to resist. Secretly, he wanted it. "Relax." Brent commanded as he pressed in. The larger man's cock pressed heavily against Scott's ass. He had a moment of pain and gritted his teeth, his own dick throbbing again as he did his best to relax. Scott cried out and his body squirmed as he was forced to accommodate the 18-inch monster meat. "..I...can'" Scott whimpered. "Aw fuck man, fucking look at got this, bro. Take that huge muscle dick, dude!" Brent pulled his cock out slowly and completely. Then again, he slowly jammed it up Scott's ass. With one hand, Brent held Scott's writsts together above his head, pinning them to the bed. With his other hand, Brent traced over his chest and nipples, lowering to his dribbling cock, teasing him gently as he shoved over a foot of himself inside with a powerful thrust. Scott cried out in pain and pleasure, the contrast of the two stimulations mixed together blurred them thoroughly in his mind from the combined overwhelming sensory input. The obvious outline of cock raised his skin as Brent pushed further and further into his guts. Scott took deep breaths as Brent slowly slid his huge length in and out, his huge balls slapping against the firm ass cheeks, until finally, he was all the way in. Scott felt Brent's cockhead was throbbing deep inside him, right up against his racing heart. Brent's eyes closed for a moment as he took a slow deep breath, taking in the taste and scent of the handsome bodybuilder beneath him and himself. His eyes opened, flashing with fire. The pace of the thrusts he launched into could only be described as "race horse worthy". From just behind the head back to base, Brent fucked Scott with blinding speed that knocked the air from Scott's lungs and made his bones shake. His ass clenched every time that cock slammed home into him, his own length tensing and splattering pre over his chest, his own need building again for release. "AAghh! Fuck! Jesus, yes I’m your…Ughh!...slut! Aaaaa! Yes, I’m your bitch! Ughh! Fuck Me! Aaghh! Fuck Me Deep! Ughhh! Pound me! Aghhh! Slam that cock in me! Ughhh!!” Loud squelches punctuated the space between his screams. Scott's ass was overflowing with Brent's pre, it sounded like he was churning butter. Suddenly, Brent hilted himself fully and grunted. "Ahh...ugh...Fuck - uh - fuck mEEEEEEEEEEE!" Scott screamed even louder as Brent bred him, powerwashing his insides with semen. He felt his body lift up from the bed as Brent clenched his ass, held aloft only by Brent's exploding cock. Scott erupted as well, painting Brent's chest and chin with his load as he felt himself swell with Brent's load. Jet after jet filled him, until Scott could swear that he felt it rising up his throat. Before cum could spray out of his mouth though, Brent relaxed. Scott gently fell back onto the bed as Brent laid back down. The muscleman panted and laid his incredible weight atop Scott, resting after the sheer intensity of their rut, every muscle in his body on fire. Scott could hardly breathe but he lowered his legs from Brent's shoulders as he came down from his climax. Brent got up onto his knees, pulling his massive cock out of Scott's battered hole. Scott felt a strange emptiness as Brent uncorked himself, his mind still reeling from the intense pounding he just received. Through blurred vision he looked up at Brent, who was smiling down at him. His cock was still rock hard and throbbing. "Ready to go again?" Brent chuckled. Scott tried to shuffle away, but he was too winded. With ease and the strength obvious from his musculature, Brent lifted Scott in the air and lowered him onto his massive pillar of stone, and flexed his cock, making Scott rise and fall as he slid onto the thickening pillar. With each throb and each thrust, the warmth and sensation inside him made Scott nearly faint and his head fell backwards onto Brent's shoulders. Across the room, he watched in the full-sized mirror as his huge body was used like a sex doll by the giant musclegod. He saw his perfect abs distend as Brent's massive invader stretched him out from the inside. Their bodies shined from the sweat and cum covering them. It was a total sensory overload. As he felt Brent inside him and the groans of pleasure from the larger man, Scott shot a load across the room. "Aww FUCK man. All this big fucking muscle and dick making you cum, man? Awwwww FUCK YEAH, man! You like it, dude?" Brent grunted. "Aww Brent......can't stop cumming....uhhh....ugggggg....Aww FUCK me, man!" Scott cried out. His cock stayed hard after cumming, throbbing painfully as Brent continued to use his body. The pain and the ecstasy was so great he fainted as he felt Brent's massive arms wrap around his chest, his dick spurting a weak load as Brent fucked him dry. He woke again as the thrusting of Brent's pelvis made him jerk forward. "...please..." Scott begged desparately. Brent's pounding was destroying any sense of stamina he had and his body couldn't take much more. "Kinda hard to hear what you're saying when you keep cummin', want my big fucking muscle dick, dude? Is that what you're saying?" Brent was unstoppable. Even after flooding Scott repeatedly, his massive 18-inch cannon never softened or ran out of cum. Scott moaned, shocked and turned on as Brent thrust inch after inch of dick into his ass, continuing a relentless cycle of sex. He continued to fade in and out of consciousness as the other muscleman used him in a variety of positions, enjoying his size and strength. After several hours of vigorous fucking, Scott passed out again, face down on his bed. Brent had been pile driving his pillar into Scott when he fell silent and his form went limp. Brent fucked between his kicking legs…his ass still convulsing and squeezing Brent's dick even after being knocked out. Brent fucked his unconscious body for a few more minutes until he finally pulled out, a loud liquid ‘Splort’ of thick gooey cum pouring out Scott's gaping asshole onto the bed. Brent looked down at Scott with a smirk. "Mmm... you got a great body AND great ass, Scott." he sighed in satisfaction. The other man placed his hands on Scott's wide back, rubbing circles into the thick muscles. Almost in afterthought, Brent flipped Scott over on his back. He wasn’t breathing. Scott wasn't the only thing that Brent had ruined. Scott lay on his back on a mattress that was now a gooey swamp of semen, the headboard smashed into the wall behind it. Scott's face was splattered and coated in white; his ripped chest was coated with cum. His legs were spread wide, a steady flow of thick jizz oozed from between them. "Looks like you enjoyed yourself dude," Brent said, sliding his still leaking cock through the pool of cum on Scott's chest. "Mmm...I've worked up an appetite," he said, mostly to himself as he laid down on top of Scott, engulfing the unconscious bodybuilder under a mountain of muscle. Scott's head was nestled between Brent's pecs, cutting off his airflow. He muttered some words under his breath and his massive form began to glow. Slowly, Scott began to disappear underneath Brent. Brent groaned as he wrapped his arms around Scott's broad shoulders, pulling him in tightly. Scott's head squeezed between Brent's huge pecs, sinking deeper and deeper into the glowing cleavage. His body sank deeper and deeper into the larger muscle beast's form, until it had sunk beneath the surface of Brent's skin and disappeared completely, leaving behind nothing between Brent and the bed. "Yeah, you're mine now, buddy." He closed his eyes and smiled. It was starting. "Oh, fuck...!" Brent moaned as he began to assimilate the other man. He rolled over and began to massage his glowing muscles. He stretched and flexed as his body adjusted to the extra weight inside him. "Fuck... fuck... fuck!" He shouted as pure ecstasy flooded his body. Scott was bigger than any of his previous victims, and just the thought of his new gains had him rock hard and throbbing. The bodybuilder's nutrients were converted into his frame, adding mass to Brent's powerful body. Brent felt his entire body tense as his arms bulged, veins spreading out over his biceps and down his forearms. The muscleman's shoulders stretched wider, his legs and limbs thickened and lengthened as pure power surged across his body, his thick virile scent growing more masculine, his muscles aching as they swelled with new strength, reinforced by the others who had met their end inside him. His thighs grew even larger, pushing apart from each other as he bulked out further, veins popping over his lower body. The curves of his body became more pronounced as his muscles inflated with strength and power. His body lengthened to accomodate the new mass, nearing 7 feet. Finally, the monolithic length between his legs thickened and lengthened further, throbbing and pulsing as it pointed skyward, inch after inch forming anew. He moaned as he felt his heavy nuts swell along with his cock and body. "Fuck!" Brent grunted as his new body suddenly convulsed, his goliath cock blasting rope after rope of thick bodybuilder cum all over the ceiling above of him, spraying back down onto the bed, the floor, and his writhing body. The entire room was being covered in a thick layer of his spunk. He grabbed his monster cock with both hands, humping the air violently as shot after shot erupted from his now 24-inch obelisk. It took several minutes for Brent's orgasm to die down, his cock finally flopping back onto his pecs, not quite reaching a flaccid state. Brent took a deep breath, his great pecs expanding outward before relaxing as he exhaled. His chest and balls weren't moving without him flexing them on their own. His body no longer glowed from within, his skin back to a perfect golden tan. Once he caught his breath, Brent growled deeply, the deep bass in his voice vibrating through the room. "Fuck..." He said, "That might be one of my top five growths." After a few moments, he stood up and looked at himself in the mirror. Beautiful. His body glistened, rivers of white running down his body. His cock hung perfectly horizontally to the ground, a two-foot long missile throbbing lightly to his heartbeat, a thick rope of shiny precum drooling onto the floor. "Damn! Look at me now!" Brent roared as he examined the added mass he had stolen and claimed as his own. Every muscle on him looked as though it had been inflated half again as big by some powerful bicycle pump. The skin appeared almost ready to tear under the strain of all that was swelling underneath it! He flexed an arm, moaning lightly in pleasure at the feeling of the strong muscle bunching up, throbbing with power and strength. He stroked his cock with his other hand, letting out a loud grunt as another shot of pre splashed onto his bicep. The muscle grew even taller at this feeling of pleasure, a thick vein forming and throbbing, seemingly ready to burst from the skin. He rubbed the cum into the soccer ball-sized arm, licking it off with the tip of his tongue as he cock continued to lurch and spew all over his perfect body. "Goddamn fucking muscle god!" he grunted, flexing his arms in a double bicep pose. The peak slammed into his fists, veins running all over them, the muscles each the size of a man's head. He kissed each peak lovingly, admiring the perfect split of his bi's. Brent ran his hands over the rest of the body, enjoying the feel of his freshly pumped muscles under his fingers. "Mmm fucking massive pecs!" he growled as he groped the thick mounds of muscle. His pecs stood out from his chest now nearly nine inches, even though his waist barely thickened. The muscle god pinched one of his nipples roughly with a soft moan. "Mmf... feels so fucking good..." With a flex, his arm-sized cock wedged itself between his pecs, making Brent moan as he involuntarily squeezed his cockhead with his chest. He slid his cock up and down his pec cleavage, leaning over to kiss his leaking cockhead as he brought a hand down to his eight-pack abs and stroked the hard, toned muscle, slipping his fingers between the deep grooves and valleys. Brent ran his hands over his massive chest, feeling up towards his wide shoulders and around his thick traps. He crossed his hands behind his head and flexed, every muscle threatening to tear through his skin as it was stretched to its limit. "Aw fuck yeah..." He hit pose after pose, admiring the view of his muscles from all angles. He ran his hands down his wet body, tweaking his nipples, toying with his abs, feeling his arms and flexing over and over again in different poses. He made his quads bulge with muscle, his abs crunch with power, his arms twitch and throb from the straight of flexing. All the while his cock was thumping on his chest, hard as a rock, begging for attention, leaking an endless river of pre. "Yeah....UUHHHHHH," he moaned as he flexed. "So fucking hot. AWW, FUUUCK!" The pleasure was becoming too great. He leaned forward, bending his neck and head just enough to shove his cockhead inside, gagging already on the massive amounts of pre flooding his mouth. Cum and spit drooled down his lips and onto his chest, separating into different streams as the liquids traced down his abs. He took as much as he could, fondling his balls his one hand and squeezing his base with the other. He could feel himself getting close. He popped his head off his cock and moaned, rubbing his hands up and down the massive, swollen shaft. His cock turned a deep shade of red, a plethora of veins popping out and throbbing against the sleep flesh. His cock was simply ready to explode. And then he let go. "FUUUUCK! YES! YES!!!!" he roared as his orgasm overtook him. Rope after rope of seed shot out, splattering the ceiling, the mirror, and himself. His cock lurched and throbbed with every shot, thumping on his chest after each wad. He writhed and continued to roar and moan, running his hands down his soaked body, up his powerful cock. His orgasm wasn't even showing signs of letting up after two full minutes. Finally, with one final thrust into the air, Brent's last shot of cum shot right into his open mouth, which he gulped down greedily. He breathed heavily, pecs heaving, his body wet as though he had just come out of a bath. His cock softened, spurting its last weak wads of cum. Brent flexed his biceps again with his palms behind his head, letting them brush against his cheeks, his tongue roaming all over them, licking the cum off, tracing the veins with his tongue. He smirked cockily into the mirror. "Thanks for the meal, Scott. I'll make sure to put it to good use." He headed out the door, in search of his next gym.
Host: Hello everyone and welcome to another season of "Gainers". I am your host Freddi Fit and you may remember me from becoming the muscle alpha I am today on our very first season just three years ago. *Freddi Fit raises a double bicep flex, stretching his button down short sleeves to their limit. "After all, who can forgot that glorious moment when I was voted to steal everything from Hank The Tank who had been growing massive all season. It was a major upset and the audience was ready to see a new alpha show that brute a lesson. Since then I've been living the dreams as America's hunkiest bodybuilder. Well tonight this dream begins once again with 8 brand new contestants. After twelve weeks, one of them will be left with a hulking body while the others leave smaller than they came. And like always, every week you the audience will decide who gets what. Now let's not waste any time here and meet our contestants. Screen switches to contestant video number one. A nineteen year old college wrestler named Cam. "Hey everyone! The name is Cameron, or Cam for short. I've been wrestling for six years and I can't wait to show the other men who the real jock is gonna be. Maybe if you're lucky you might even see me put some of them in headlocks and drain the muscle from them." Screen switches to contestant video number two. A 39 year old college professor who has been working out for many years. "Hello everyone, it Max here. I've been a health science teach for about 10 years and have always wanted more in life. I'm hoping to win and become the next leading model for muscle god magazine. Either way, I'm hoping to teach the other men a thing or two about what it means to be blessed with muscle." Screen switches to contestant number 3. A 24 year old ex fire fighter who recently begun a modeling career. "If you thought fighting fires was hot, wait till you see me on nothing but my suspenders. Hey everyone my names chad. Make sure you vote for me this season so I can become the muscular flame that makes you sweat." Screen switches to contestant number 4. A 31 year old cop from NYC. "Hey. It's Stu. I've been lifting ever since becoming a cop, but to keep the streets safe, I'm going to need your help to grow my guns and have the fire power needed to intimidate the bad guys and fight crime." Screen switches to contestant number 5. A 27 year old businessman. "Hello everyone, being a businessman keeps me quite busy. So I'm going to need your help building these muscles as big as they can get so I can really fill out my suites nicely! By the way, the name is Dominique." Screen switches to contestant number 6. A 42 year old father. "Hello everyone. My name Ken. Before I had children I was in pretty good shape. However since then I've begun to get out of shape. I need your help to be bigger and better than I was when I was younger." Screen switches to contestant number 7. A 21 year old college graduated pursuing a career in acting. "Hey y'all. Zac here. I've been trying to make it big as an actor but you know they are looking for muscular guys these days. Help me become a jacked up actor." Screen switches to contestant number 8. A 25 year old man living in his parents house. "Hi everyone. I'm Tony, and I've been having a really hard time finding a job. Can you help me you help me out and give me the chance to pursue a career in fitness and get the hell out of my parents house. They'd really appreciate it as well!" Tony is clearly the smallest guy. Although he still has slight hints of muscle, there isn't much for the others to take. Host: "Well don't we just have a great batch this year. The group will be entering the growth cell now where they will spend the next 12 weeks changing. Go online now to vote for your top 4 favorite guys who will receive a special serum boost tomorrow night to start off the game. And don't forget to send in your nicknames for each dude. The most votes will decide what we call each contestant from here on. Anyways. Goodnight Gainer fans! Freddi Fit signing off!" *Freddie fit solutes the camera and transitions in to an archer pose as the credits roll.*
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- growth-without-effort
- (and 11 more)
"Looking good dude." "You too, babe!" The two bodybuilders chuckled a bit as they both continued to work on their leg presses. They loved showing off their bulging legs, each of them clad only in a skintight pair of compression shorts. Balancing their legs out on each of them was a nice, rounded ass that bounced with every step they took, and with every press they did. Dustin and Chase noticed that they were getting several stares from the other gym patrons. They reveled at the attention, as they walked through the gym to other machines. Chase headed over to a bench, pressing at least six hundred pounds, while Henry switched to free weights, taking slow reps on a pair of dumbbells. The two bodybuilders could see the hunger in their mate's eyes as they worked out, feeling the burn in their muscles as they sweated and panted hard, pushing their bodies harder and harder. Dustin gave a smile and a wink over to Chase, admiring the sweat forming over his glistening skin as his arms bulged and flexed. Each flex accented his muscles beautifully as veins popped out of his arms. He could feel his erection starting to form, pressing out against his gym shorts as he watched his man grunt and flex, veins popping up over his body. "Looks like you need some help, dude." Dustin said with a smirk, noticing Chase's growing arousal. "I can say the same for you." Chase said, noting that Dustin was having the same reaction watching his pecs flex and bulge as he continued to methodically work the pair of dumbbells in his grasp. It was like watching a roadmap form on the man's arms as his biceps and triceps flexed and bulged, causing Dustin to lick his lips. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Dustin whispered into his partner's ear. "Head to the shower and fuck? Yes." Chase whispered back. It wouldn't be the first time that their workout sessions devolved into steaming passion, and knowing each other, it would certainly not be their last. The two bodybuilders headed towards the locker room in the back before heading to the shower facilities in the gym. The buff pair could hear one of the showers running as they entered the otherwise empty locker room area to undress, but didn't give it a second thought. The wet gym shorts were placed in their locker, although that moisture wasn't entirely caused by sweat, as their growing and drooling arousals proved otherwise once they were free to the world. The pair flexed a bit once they were exposed to the world, admiring the progress the other was making before heading into the shower room. Their ripped bodies looked practically identical, their big dicks grew as they flexed; Chase licked his lips as he stroked his 12-inch long, wrist thick cock. Dustin smiled, his 10-incher already fully at attention. A thin veil of steam covered the room as hot water flowed out freely. Chase pressed Dustin back against the tiled wall, reaching up to squeeze and grip against the huge pecs of the muscle man. The lovers were mashed against each other, taking up at least two stalls. Chase was practically on top of Dustin, mouths connected and sliding along each other. Their groans grew louder as Chase pressed their hips together, squeezing their throbbing dicks between them. The impressive lengths slid against each other, already leaking precum down to the floor. Dustin gripped and squeezed Chase's bulging pectorals as they slid down the wall. He grunted while they groped each other, tongues never leaving each other's mouths. Suddenly, Chase paused in their lustful smooching and blinked, looking to Dustin again and then swiveling his head with a grunt. They had heard the showers running as they entered the locker room, but now that sound had stopped and the steam cleared. Now they saw him. Towering over the two bodybuilders was a giant, at least seven feet tall. His back faced the stalls in which Dustin and Chase were partially obscured by the steam. Every inch of him bulged with unbridled power. His thighs had to be bigger then their own, with a powerful pair of legs that held up that mighty form. Dustin and Chase couldn't see his face over the giant's massive pecs, but their cocks both immediately twitched and spurted a jet of pre. "Jeez..." Chase whispered, looking up and down at the beefy male in the shower, "Are you seeing this?!" It seemed like the man hadn't noticed that he had company in the showers as he continued to clean up, water glistening off of his skin as he turned slightly, letting the bodybuilders see more of his massive form. The first thing that they noticed was that the giant they were spying on was hung like a horse. His cock had to be over a foot long, even while flaccid, and thick as a beer can. They tried not to drool before they saw the perfect eight-pack of abs he was sporting, at which point they gave up trying. Just the sight of watching this muscular god was clouding their mind and judgment. "Holy fuck..." Chase said, wiping his mouth to remove some of the drool. Both of their cocks throbbed between them, threatening to erupt at any moment. In that moment, Chase and Dustin wanted nothing more than to service and worship the man in front of them. "Liking what you see?" the man said with a devilish smirk, looking down at the two of them. The two men suddenly froze up as they looked into the eyes of the giant. He wasn't just buff, but handsome as well, his body bulging with a bevy of perfectly defined muscles and shining so spectacularly from the shower. Chase was stunned speechless, actually starting to pant a bit watching the big man show off. Dustin, however, was a bit more worried. "You're not upset that we were spying and ogling you?" He said, not realizing that he was unconsciously stroking his dick. "Heh, not at all." He said, "Won't be the first time, won't be the last. Though from the looks of things, you guys pretty well built yourself. Name's Brent." Brent extended one of his beefy arms and helped lift Chase off of Dustin, who hurriedly got to his feet as well. "Why don't I help you out? Hell, you two look like you're about to pop just by looking at me." Brent chuckled, eyeing their impressive erections. The two men went wide-eyed as they were invited to join him. Brent flexed his pecs at them as they made their way towards him. The free show was removing all inhibitions from Chase and Dustin's lust-addled minds. "Fuck..." Chase said, Brent's musk starting to fill both men's senses with his pure male scent, "You're so fucking huge!" Brent laughed and flexed a bit more. "Feel free to feel, if you want." The two didn't need a second invitation. Chase reached up and grabbed at Brent's arm as he flexed it, feeling the rock-solid mass. Brent guided his hand onto his pecs and tensed, trapping it there as the muscle exploded with size. “Fuuuuuuck you’re amazing... Fucking pecs so big, so solid...” All Chase could focus on was the hardness of Brent's body - even without flexing, it was like trying to push into a brick wall, there wasn’t a single millimeter of give. Chase put both hands on just one of those pecs and tried to make a dent. His blush deepened as Brent smiled and flexed, easily pushing back. Dustin, however, had something else in mind and grabbed Brent's cock, giving it a squeeze as well, only to gasp when he couldn't! That flaccid cock was hard as a rock, and only getting harder as he felt it pulse and throb between his digits. "Mmmmm...." Brent said, lightly flexing his shaft, Dustin stroking the massive piece of man meat getting harder and fatter in his grasp. The men's own throbbing erections were ignored as they felt compelled to get Brent as hard as he could. The muscle monster had his hands at the back of his head now, biceps so fantastically awesome swelling at either side of his face as Brent began thrusting his hips between the two bodybuilders. Thick, writhing veins throbbed across the surface as Brent's monstrous endowment grew and bulged! Like a beast awakening from a long hibernation, Brent's enormous prick surged upwards, the frighteningly massive head of his cock doubling in size as it was filled with pure power. They started to grind their shafts against Brent's, feeling the massive stud's heat under their manhoods. They could actually feel the muscle god's heart beating through his throbbing cock as it reached it's full 20-inch length. Dustin traced his fingers along the throbbing veins before he started to tease at Brent's urethra, gazing in awe at the fist-sized knob. Chase wrapped his hand around the base of the massive shaft; his thumb and fingers could stretch not more much than half of the way around Brent's girth. The penis was as hard as stone and incredibly hot to the touch. Chase tried to wiggle it. It was too hard. He couldn't move it off center even slightly! Apart from its shocking length and girth, a complex grid of thick veins that webbed the entire length and breadth of Brent's cock. Beneath, each grapefruit-sized teste was riddled with so many veins the sight of them rising and falling against Brent's crotch as it pumped raw testosterone into his muscles caused Chase to audibly moan. "Heh, you guys are eager to go, aren't you?" Brent said as the two bodybuilders started to work on his massive cock. He moaned out as their skilled fingers traced his throbbing veins as they worked his shaft masterfully. "Fff....Fuck!" Brent moaned, "You two are turning me on so much." The compliment from the muscle god seemed to give them energy as they picked up the pace, making sure every centimeter of his arousal was licked, stroked, or rubbed. And in return, they were rewarded with a fountain of pre pouring from him, as well as their own throbbing dicks. Dustin went to work sucking on Brent's head and glans while Chase gripped the shaft in both hands, squeezed tight, and started jerking slowly, swiveling his hands around the shaft as he went up and down. Spit and precum oozed from between Dustin's lips, providing Chase with plenty of lubrication, plus extra to leak down to Brent's heavy balls. Brent sighed and put his heads behind his head, leaning back on the tiled wall and closing his eyes as the two pleasured him. "Aw yeah..." he moaned, shoving a few inches of meat further into Dustin's throat, who was accommodating more and more of Brent's member. After a while of this, Chase stopped stroking Brent's shaft and straddled it, his cock leaking on the muscled god's chest. Brent smiled as Chase leaned in for a kiss. The two made out lustfully while Dustin continued to milk Brent, who was enjoying it more and more as he could feel the impending orgasm. Chase thrust against Brent's body, smearing him with copious amounts of precum and rubbing it in to the man's pecs, licking it up afterwards. Brent brought his arms on either side of Chase and tensed his muscles, making his chest pop out. Chase groaned and buried his face in there, licking, kissing, worshipping the powerful stud. "Flex for me. Show me those huge muscles," Chase begged between kisses. Brent grinned, bringing his arms to either side of him and flexing his biceps. Chase's mouth went from Brent's chest to an arm, licking and kissing the mountain of muscle. Dustin stopped his blow job and joined in, his lips and tongue liberally exploring Brent's body. Chase dismounted, standing on the opposite side of Brent as Dustin. Dustin stopped his worshipping and brought his lips instead to Chase's. The two made out hungrily, their bodies sandwiching Brent's enormous cock, precum leaking liberally from all three of them. All three men rubbed themselves against each other, Chase and Dustin each having a hand stroke Brent's mammoth cock, while Brent squeezed their glutes. It was when Brent felt the two bodybuilders start to move in unison that he felt this orgasm starting to rise. Both of them began grinding their shafts against his balls before moving lower and licking on the underside of his shaft, Brent couldn't take it any longer and the two men felt the gargantuan cock between them grow even larger. "FUUUUUUCK!" the stud roared, his hips bucking up, thrusting into Chase and Dustin's hands as they jerked him. Cum rocketed out like a firehose, dousing the three of them in thick, creamy seed. Dustin put his face in the stream to get a taste, only to be knocked away by Chase, who tried putting his whole mouth over the hose that was Brent's cock. Dustin tackled him to the ground, licking the cum off his lover's abs in earnest, who began to moan and shoot his own cum from his ten inch cock, adding to the mess. Meanwhile Brent's cock thumped against his body as his cum rained down on them, the walls, and the ceiling. Chase and Dustin stood and raced to grab for Brent's spurting cock, but Chase beat Dustin. He took it in both hands, pumping it feverishly and aiming it at Dustin, who was unprepared for the blast of hot spunk hitting him. The bodybuilder slipped and fell, moaning loudly as he was rained on, rubbing the spunk into his muscled body, arcing his back and writhing on the ground, his own cock exploding in an uncontrollable orgasm. Dustin sat up and licked Brent's erupting cock with Chase, until eventually the storm subsided. Brent's cock continued to throb, short spurts of cum dribbling down its length. He panted heavily, chest rising and falling as he looked down on his two worshippers. "Jesus CHRIST!" Dustin gasped after a few moments panting from all parties. "Oh fuck, I've never cum so hard." Chase groaned as he sat up. Neither man had ever been so turned on in their lives. The smell of cum and sweat filled the shower with an intoxicating musk that drove them wild. "Fuck that was great guys!" Brent said with a sly grin. Both Chase and Dustin stared at Brent in awe, both thoroughly hosed in cum from Brent's monstrous load. Despite their own incredible sexuality, the bodybuilders stared at Brent like some great god. Both of their impressive dicks grew hard again as their assholes twitched anxiously, not knowing if Brent's beast would tear them apart but too turned on to resist trying. "So, who wants to go first?" Brent said with a sultry look in his eyes. Dustin and Chase looked up in shock, still trying to catch their breaths. "Oh never mind that, I'll fuck both your brains out anyways. You! Now." Brent said, pointing at Chase. He merely nodded in agreement, quickly bending over, and propping up his ass. Brent drove his still wet and throbbing 18-inch cock in. There was a meaty, churning sound from deep in his guts as Brent's brutal penetration reshaped his intestines into a sleeve for his cock. Despite his enormous size, the head slid in with relative ease, and had Chase pissing precum immediately. Dustin stood up and stuck his tongue into Brent's willing mouth. Brent groaned as he slowly stuffed every inch of his cock into Chase's bowels. Dustin lifted his partner up by the shoulder's until he was eye-level with his cock. Chase grabbed the hard member and easily throated it. Chase groaned as he felt Brent stretch him, a thick bulge obviously visible even through his perfect six-pack. Both Brent and Dustin bottomed out at the same time. Chase was in bliss feeling thick cocks fill him from both ends. His own erection spilled pre out at a steady rate. Brent was the first to pull back. He left only the tip in before slowly thrusting forward again. As the giant thrust in, Dustin began his slow pull out. Slowly but steadily they increased the speed of this rhythm. The back and forth of the group caused Chase's cock to swing up and down, coating the man's chest in clear fluid. Chase used his free hand to rub it in all over his torso. Above him, Dustin and Brent leaned toward each other. Their lips met in another passionate kiss. Brent's thrusts became more urgent. He pushed forward quicker and harder as both Dustin and Chase were forced to hold on to each other for the ride. After several minutes of relentless pounding, Chase cried out around Dustin's cock, his big dick erupting with shot after shot of cum. His moans and clenches caused Dustin and Brent to erupt as well. After a several shots down Chase's throat, Dustin slipped his cock from his man's mouth, spraying down Chase's face. Meanwhile Brent growled as he pressed his spurting cock into the deepest, hottest depths of Chase's muscular body and let himself release. His ejaculation was nearly as copious as the first, and Chase moaned at the spreading, intense heat of all that semen flooding into his belly. They stayed locked together, dripping with sweat, for a further minute or more, before Brent pulled back and his cock slid from Chase with a wet schlorp that was followed immediately by a thick, white creampie pouring from his ass. Chase's legs buckled as Brent let go and he dropped to the ground, his body shaking from the intensity of the fuck. The sight of Brent fucking his lover and overloading him with cum had Dustin was hard as a rock despite having just orgasmed. He turned around, rubbing his firm ass on Brent's cum-covered erection, hotdogging it between his cheeks. Brent grinned, letting his huge member slap Dustin's back, the throbbing cockhead leaking precum all over it. Brent reared his hips back, lining his cock up with the eager hole in front of him, and slid forward, popping inside. Dustin cried out in pleasure, his cock swelling and spurting a huge wad of pre in front of him. Brent sensually thrust into Dustin, bringing his hips way back and slowly pushing them forward again, making his hot ass clench and flex. "Yeah..." he moaned, grabbing onto Dustin's waist and hammering into him. Chase crawled towards the two musclemen and impaled himself on Dustin's throbbing cock. Each thrust caused more cum to spurt out of his stretched hole, both Dustin and Chase were overwhelmed by their new partner. All three studs moaned loudly, bodies rocking back and forth as one fucked the other. Dustin's eyes started to flicker. "Oh, fuck..." he groaned, getting close, overwhelmed by the pleasure attacking him from front and behind. His cock throbbed heavily, and soon he was emptying his load into Chase, who in turn shot his load in front of him, thumping against his chest with every massive spurt. Brent growled and pulled Dustin further back onto his cock, causing Dustin's spurting cock to slide out of Chase. He lifted Dustin above him, sliding him up and down his cock like a sex toy, load after load of cum spraying in front of him. "Oh FUCK!!" Dustin howled, loving how he was being used. Brent snarled and thrust his hips upwards, slamming into Dustin, his muscled arms flexing hard, veins emerging all over them. Dustin was grunted with each thrust, his cock having already spent its load, now shooting blanks. His abs crunched as he was pushed down onto Brent's throbbing member, his mouth open and drooling. "Here it comes," Brent grunted. His cock expanded and blasted Dustin's innards with white hot cum. "Oh fuck..." Dustin groaned, eyes closing, head rolling back. "Oh fuck..." His ass overflowed with jizz, his abs bloating as Brent filled him up. Chase laid under the two of them, letting the excess cum cover his muscles. He moaned and rubbed the cum into his body, smiling with pleasure. "Fuck..." he whispered, eyes closed. Minutes passed as Brent came, each stream of cum slowly becoming smaller than the last one, until finally he uncorked himself, Dustin's ass literally a waterfall of cum. He let Dustin drop to the floor, eyes glazed over and tongue hanging out. "You aren't human, I've never been fucked like that in my life." Chase groans out. "Me either, fuck my cock has never been this raw." Dustin added. "Oh I'm just getting started." Brent chuckled. He stroked his still erect cock, leaning over to give it a kiss. "And I know you guys have a lot more to give." For the first time, Dustin and Chase shuddered, staring at the insatiable muscleman with his 20-inch monster. They gave each other panicked looks, realizing neither had any strength left to fight for flee. At the same time, their minds were still clouded with lust. Their dicks remarkably hardened once again, the promise of more mindbreaking sex too much to resist. For the next half hour, Brent alternated between fucking and sucking the two bodybuilders, driving them each to states of ecstasy. The three of them swapped positions and locations, moving from the showers, to the lockers, to the benches. Pools of cum spread across the floors, marking wherever they fucked. They went from one orgasm to another, not leaving any time to recover. Dustin moaned as he finished his fourth orgasm while held aloft by Brent's cock. Meanwhile Chase had passed out after cumming three more times, the man's dick so raw that it glowed red. Chase woke up spread out across a bench and looked glassily up at the ceiling, unthinking. He had never been so thoroughly fucked. He lay in a growing puddle of semen, unresponsive to stimuli. Every so often, a new burst of hot spunk would pour from his ass, pooling onto the bench and the floor below. As his spent body recovered slowly, He had the impression of action going on around him, but nothing concrete. Body parts were moving in a haze, disembodied voices cried out half-audible epithets. The scent of sweat and sex was heavy in the room, adding a perfumed density to the proceedings. Gradually, his blurry vision coalesced into the image of Dustin being held in a full-nelson by Brent, having his asshole stretched by his monster cock while his legs were pinned back nearly behind his head. The two studs were facing a full-length mirror, the sight of their sweat and cum-covered muscles flexing and bulging as they fucked adding to their pleasure. That Dustin's dick was engorged and spraying cum was evidence of how much he was enjoying the brutal sex. He even craned his head back to suck on Brent's tongue when he offered it, crying out eventually as Brent unloaded what sounded like a gallon of cum up his ass. This time, Brent split his load between Dustin's depths and his face, lifting Dustin off of his pillar and holding him up by the head to cover his features, marking him. Dustin's body was trembling and fucked-out, his legs bow-legged and shaking as Brent rubbed his spurting cockhead on his face. Sperm was leaking from his ass in heavy, degrading creampie - his nose, cheeks, and chin were plastered with semen. Still, there was a contented smile on his face. When Brent's orgasm finally ended, he let go of Dustin, who stumbled backwards, leaning against the mirror to stay upright. The two caught their breath as they stared into each other's eyes. Chase felt a pang of jealousy as he saw the lust in Dustin's eyes. Brent smiled and wrapped his arms around Dustin. The two hugged tightly, Dustin's impressive body seemingly engulfed by the larger man. Dustin gasped as the massive muscles wrapped around him, causing him to squirm beneath the pressure. Brent held him so tightly that he could hardly move from beneath it. Chase rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Were the two of them glowing? "Mmm... you're going to make some great mass for me, dude," the gigantic stud growled in Dustin's ear as he squeezed tighter. Dustin let out a muffled yelp as his head was gripped by the huge mountains. He heard the deep rumbles and the heavy strains of those mounds while he was pulled forward. He jerked and tried to pull backward, pressing a foot against the wall before he was drawn harder. There was no escaping the huge, masculine Venus fly trap. Chase watched in horror as Dustin sank into Brent's body. He tried to call out, to get up, but he was still too worn out. His arms and legs slipped helplessly in the pool of cum as he tried to back away. "Yes... give it all to me..." Brent growled as he tensed, bringing his huge arms inwards. Every squirm sent shocks of pleasure through him while his muscles bulged and rippled, flaring even bigger in front of him. Every inch that sank in caused another few inches of mass to grow throughout the musclegod's torso. Brent practically drooled from the feel ing of the growth moving through his entire body. He could feel the mass adding quickly. Dustin's form was sinking even faster while Brent tensed around him. All of his senses were being overloaded by the gigantic man and the masculine scent meshing into his nostrils. He squirmed, feeling his body becoming numb. Brent growled deeply and pressed against the man's back a bit more. Every push sent a new wave of growth through Brent's entire body, causing him to groan out and snarl in bliss. With a firm, finalizing flex, Brent's gigantic body absorbed the man completely, sealing him off from the outside world. He squeezed his monstrous pecs as they throbbed and bulged, veins pushing to the surface of his flesh while the growth continued. All of the mass that Dustin had was slowly added to his own. Drunk on the power surging within his new muscles, Brent growled in delight as his phenomenally powerful abdominal muscles crunched and flexed with more power. His arms bloated and bulged, inflating like huge, heavy balloons. They were kept apart from the growing mounds of pectoral muscle, pushing against his chin. His chest bounced and throbbed as he rolled his massive shoulders. Between his legs, his powerfully massive endowment thickened monstrously and lengthened, inching further up his chest. Veins pushed up along the massive length, bulging along the surface while the growth rippled along it. Twenty inches became twenty-eight inches of solid cock, capped with an enormous mushroom head. Brent's penis was fucking bestial, throbbing and eager for release. "Mmnh... yeah..." he growled loudly as he watched himself grow in the mirror. He panted and gripped his cock while it splattered pre over his body, grinding upward between his pecs. Nearly eight feet tall and bulging with more muscle than any man had the right to have, the too-huge muscle-beast laughed as he flexed. Chase lay on the ground, frozen in terror. “Mmm, Dustin's muscles look good on me, don’t you think?” Brent flexed an arm and turned to Chase with a malicious grin. "All mine now...." Realizing that Brent knew he had awoken caused Chase to snap into action. He leapt to his feet and charged at Brent. “You son of a bitch!” Chase immediately went to throw a punch, aiming it at Brent's stomach, but Brent simply laughed as the fist bounced off his abs. For the next few seconds he watched as Chase tried his best to hurt him, throwing punches and kicks all over his body, even attempting to tackle him. Nothing worked - the muscle god stood there, jacked up and seemingly invincible, and when Chase tired of throwing shots Brent gathered him up in a bearhug. "N-no..." Chase yelled weakly in response, squirming against the huge arm that pinned him against the enormous pectoral muscle. He huffed and whimpered louder, feeling that arm engulfing him more, shoving him along the crook while taking in the growing scent as the heat increased. "Yes. Worship me. Feel my power." Brent whispered with his deep, powerful growl that radiated through the room. "Feel all this mass Dustin gave me." "" Chase grunted while he tried to pull away, gripping his arms around the forearm as it bulked and bulged with so much strength and size that he couldn't reach all the way around it. At the same time, he felt himself harden as he pushed against the cords of muscle, feeling them tense and bulge out beneath his touch. "That's it can't help yourself around your god...fuck I feel your boyfriend filling my balls...gonna churn him up into cum..." he continued while squeezing and tensing his arm to make it bloat even wider. Chase's face was redder than ever, trying to fight himself and Brent. He whimpered as he felt his strength disappear against that forearm that held him tight to Brent's chest. Brent flexed his massive cock, trapped between the two of them, sending a spurt of pre onto Chase's face. "I wanna hear it, Chase..." Brent growled deeply, "Tell me that you can't resist me..." Chase's eyes widened as he heard the command, squirming against the huge muscleman's grasp. His resolve faltered, Brent's musk and muscles overtaking his brain. "Can't... help myself around you," Chase sobbed while he started moving his hips, humping that huge chest tensing beneath him. He needed to worship every inch of the muscle god. Dustin was a forgotten memory, his sense of survival long gone. He shoved his dick against Brent's monster rod while precum gushed from the two of them like a water fountain. His hands moved up and down Brent's back, massaging the rippling mass. "Can't resist you... Gotta... worship every... bulge..." Chase groaned out as he slid his dick between Brent's cobblestone abs, feeling it squeeze his sensitive flesh while it throbbed harder and heavier. Brent chuckled in satisfaction and released him. Chase fell to his knees. The bodybuilder looked so small compared to the grown Brent. He prostrated himself at the muscle-god's feet, hugging and kissing at his ankles. He looked up, eyes huge, and shuddered with lust as he realized how massive, how powerful, how absolutely enormous Brent was. The stud smiled down at Chase and put his hands on his hips. Chase leaned forward, kissing his way over Brent's calves and thighs, one leg at a time. He left no muscle un-fondled as he worshiped his god, unable to stop himself from babbling his adoration. Brent pointed his massive cock to Chase's face. “Kiss it,” Brent instructed. Chase's mind was a haze, a fuzz of sexual stimuli. But his body obeyed. His hands tried to encircle Brent's monster cock. With one hand it wasn’t even close. With two, he was barely able to encircle his shaft. The scent of sweat and sex and cum was growing even stronger. He leaned in and pressed his lips against Brent's cockhead. He extended his tongue and it slid into Brent's slick glans. Chase groaned. He used one hand to stroke Brent's cock as he kissed it, and reached under with the other, taking a hand and gripping his balls, letting those big, churning nuts pour over his palm. They were heavy, and seemed to thrum with power as he hefted them. "Feel that bitch?" Brent asked menacingly. "Feel my big nuts getting heavier? The last bits of your boyfriend are gonna be a nice big load of cum for you." Chase was too far gone to react to Brent's taunts. He let Brent smear his face with pre and force his mouth onto Brent's beast. His jaw creaked. That musky, monster cockhead stretched his lips open, flattened his tongue down, and burrowed to the back of his mouth. Nasty glottal noises came from his throat and his eyes went wide, tears pooling in them. Spit and throat slime first leaked, then splattered from the corners of his mouth and down his chin. Brent fucked Chase's face for a few minutes, never managing to force more than half of his 28-incher down Chase's throat. Finally, sensing his partner was rapidly losing consciousness, he pulled out and let Chase catch his breath. "Your mass... your musk, it's too much," Chase gasped, as he leaned against Brent's crotch, trying to catch his breath. "Oh, my god!" he cried out as he came without touching himself, spraying jets of jizz on to Brent's thighs. Brent groaned in appreciation, his cock throbbing over Chase's shoulder. Brent bent his legs and crouched down a little, placing his towering penis between Chase's thick quads. Instinctively, Chase began to flex his quads, giving Brent an erotic massage. Brent straightened his legs and he lifted Chase off the floor with his steel-strong cock. Chase gasped as Brent lifted him up, supporting him only with his dick as it stuck out behind Chase's glutes. Brent wrapped his arms around Chase and pulled him in for a kiss. Chase nearly went into convulsions as Brent's tongue penetrated his mouth. They ran their hands up and down each other's muscular bodies. "I'm going fuck you now," Brent growled, excitement growing, "and pump what's left of your boyfriend up your ass." Brent lifted Chase up until his the massive tip of his cock pushed up between the bodybuilder's legs. Slowly, he pushed the grapefruit-sized head against Chase's hole. It looked like there was no way this thing could fit inside. Chase shuddered nervously, knowing he was powerless to stop what was to come. Brent held his cock still and allowed his precum to lubricate the opening. He stared into Chase's eyes. His mighty hands steadily held the stud's legs apart as he waited for the hole to open and welcome him in. "Oh no please! That monster is gigantic, you can't!" Chase begged, knowing it was futile. His heart raced. He took a deep breath and nodded quickly. Brent impaled him in one swift move. Almost instantly, electricity raced through Chase's body. He yowled out loud, but soon was panting and gasping, his ass clenching around the meat that was spreading and stretching him apart. Brent pulled him down hard, watching as his gut distended, stretching around his immense length. Chase could feel his organs being pushed aside as Brent's massive dick filled him up. "Want more?" Brent said to Chase, though the tone of his voice made it clear he was going to get more no matter what Chase said. "Please....fuck....oh fuck..." Chase panted, unable to process anything beyond the massive invader inside him. Brent slammed into Chase's ass again, shoving more of his arm-sized dick into the bodybuilder. Chase's body was forced to stretch and expand around it, bulging his abs upward while spreading him wider and wider. His own dick was throbbing upward, slapping against his own abs as it bounced from the stimulation. Hot pre was oozing from his cockslit, soaking his chest as Brent plunged his 28-inch monster deeper into him. The bulge in Chase's gut was expanding and pushing upward, further stretching his body. Cum squirted back out around the thick member as it surged inside the twitching male. " might rip me apart!" Chase said. He wasn't sure how he was taking such a gigantic length, but it felt too good to ponder for more than a few moments. His waist bulged with the shape of that cock, steadily pushing up through his waist and belly. Squirming, he tried his best to push back, moaning out in bliss. Right at that moment, Brent slammed his muscular hips forward and completely hilted the bodybuilder. His heavy nuts slammed into Chase's ass, and Chase's own nuts bounced against Brent's abs. Brent and Chase roared out, the latter's cock immediately erupting and spraying jizz all over the two of them. His eyes were rolled back in utter euphoria as sensations he never could have imagined coursed through his body. "I'm... yours. You're so big... I can't feel anything but your huge cock..." Chase groaned, gurgling as a bit of precum dribbled from his lips. He choked and coughed a bit as the salty liquid rose up through his throat. There was a tearing sound as Chase's guts were rearranged by the 28 inch, arm-thick monster. Brent lifted Chase's right leg and corkscrewed him around his cock so that he was facing away from him and wrapped his arms and legs up in a full nelson. Brent walked over to the mirror and began pounding Chase up against the glass. For fifteen nonstop minutes, Brent hammered Chase into the wall, until Chase was seeing stars. Then Chase felt the most profound throbbing sensation in his chest as Brent's cock stretched him further. Brent groaned loudly as he came. "Fuuuuuck!" he yelled. His dick jerked violently inside Chase's abdomen and began to explode with cum. Chase's eyes grew wide. The pain and pleasure of Brent's ejaculations became more intense with each successive blast of cum. Chase began to cum again as Brent's load flowed out of his mouth and ass. Finally, Brent was done. He lowered the two of them to the ground, slowly pulling himself out of Chase. As the tip of his cock popped out of Chase's gaped ass, a huge burst of semen gushed out, drenching his legs and the floor. Chase fell into a quivering mess on the floor, his brain short circuited from the overwhelming stimulation. He felt himself being flipped over, his back on the floor and Brent kneeling on top of him. The weight of Brent's body forced Chase's swollen abdomen flat in a deluge of jizz. He couldn’t see his own legs, and he couldn’t feel them either. “Feel.” The command was irresistible, and Chase leaned upwards to feel just one of those biceps, running his fingers along the cords of muscle rippling underneath the smooth skin, feeling the curvature and how it shifted his fingers apart with just the slightest flex. He leaned further forward and pressed his face into those pecs again, letting the hardness shape the soft tissues of his face. “Are you ready to be part of this massive body?” Brent asked through his heavy breathing. The exhausted bodybuilder hesitated before he seemed to make his choice, "I I NEED to be yours...please...please add me to your body and use my mass for yourself." Chase shoved his face between Brent's massive pecs, his face turning deep red. Brent chuckled and immediately flexed them, causing Chase's nose to sink between them. The shameless begging drove the musclegod insane with lust, he decided to graciously grant his request and make it as slow and intimate as possible. The worshipper let out a loud, whimpering moan as he pushed upwards, grinding himself against them while Brent flexed and tensed his huge chest. Brent savored Chase's muscular body. In long teasing strokes, the massive stud used his tongue to trace Chase's neck, then delts, then made his way slowly down his chest. He flickered over the other man's nipples, biting at them. Brent's hands held Chase down by the wrists at one end, pinning him with his hips at the other. He leant in and kissed Chase slowly and deeply, tongue shoving slowly into the other man's mouth. They smiled at each other as they began to glow. Chase was silent, only biting his lower lip while he stared at the huge man. Brent enveloped Chase in his huge mass, his throbbing cock sliding between Chase's legs and up his back. Chase took in a deep breath, intoxicated by the masculine musk surrounding him. This time, Chase knew what was happening, a delighted groaning moan and whimper escaping him as the process began. "This...was what was always meant to happen...what I always wanted to happen...I never knew until now what my purpose truly was but this is it...fuel for a greater male...a" Chase felt himself weaken. "Yes... you are mine.. Make me bigger," the huge man rumbled as he brought a hand along the back of the Chase's head. Without another word, that huge hand pulled it forward. Chase's head easily sank between the mountains of muscle, tugging him slowly deeper into Brent's body. Brent gave a deep moan that vibrated through the entirety of Chase's body. Deeper Chase sank, his shoulders and chest sinking in. Brent tensed and flexed, pulling more of Chase forward, thighs now starting to disappear into his great mountains. Brent grinned and let his body work. The man's legs were engulfed by his enormous thighs and quads. He let go of Chase's arms, letting them drift back to his sides as he trailed his fingers along Chase's wide back. He reached around and rubbed his godly pillar of cock, feeling it bulge as Chase's mass began to flow into it. He took a heavy breath and rolled his shoulders, causing his mountainous pectorals to bounce a bit. Giving one last kiss to the top of the head of his prey, Chase sank away into the musclegod, disappearing into the mammoth mounds of muscle. After the deed was done, Brent panted roughly. A warmth spread through his body as his heart pulsed hard. Brent bounced his pecs, already feeling them grow as Chase turned into more muscle for his powerful body. The musclegod threw his head back and let out a deep groan that got progressively deeper while his muscles glowed. His arms expanded, tensing up as veins laced from his shoulders all the way down to his wrists. His biceps inflated like balloons, gurgling and creaking as Brent roared with delight, until they were nearly twice the size of the giant's own head. Brent growled as his arms swelled - they were so huge they wouldn't be able to rest straight down by his side. For a brief moment, Brent doubled over, his chest suddenly feeling like it was trying to pull itself apart. His massive pectorals started to swell in rapid convulsions, his chest pushing up against his chin and preventing him from looking downwards. Those manly muscles pulsed and ached, and it was all Brent could do not to grab and squeeze them, his pecs so enormous they nearly hid his face from view. Across his body, curves were becoming more pronounced, valleys becoming deeper between each massive muscle. Between his legs, his groin pulsed and fattened, filling more space between his huge thighs. He gripped his massive cock tightly and stroked slowly, growling to himself while it spread his thickening digits, getting longer and wider, unable to close his hand around even half of it. He watched it grow and extend before his eyes, gushing precum like a geyser. He groaned and brought his arms up to flex, his gigantic biceps squeezing his head as he did. He turned his head to take a whiff of his own intense musk and climaxed, sending blasts of seed spraying twenty feet across the room. Brent's body thickened, his lats swelling up rapidly to match his pecs, the musclegod's body quickly growing wider and taller it had been before, although his waist didn't change at all. Because of that, it made him look even more exaggeratedly muscular, his overgrown body flexing and throbbing as it grew. His back muscles grew so defined and cut that as he flexed and breathed in deeply it made the Grand Canyon look small in comparison. His legs widened more and more, his calves growing so huge that they pushed each other apart and fought for space, more veins lacing down to his ankles as his thighs grew to match. As Brent grew and grew, he felt himself up compulsively, groping himself utter abandon. The musclegod ground his now 3-foot long monster cock between the mirror and his chest, wringing climax after climax until he was literally coated from head to toe in his own boiling spunk. Finally, the glow faded and his growth slowed, veins receding as his lust-clouded brain cleared. His monster cock softened, hanging down past his knees, drooling onto the floor. Standing back from the drenched mirror, the grinning Brent surveyed his handiwork, nearly overwhelmed by the unbridled might that surged through his veins. He now stood over eight feet tall and at least five feet wide, save for the fact neither his arms nor his legs could hang straight down anymore. His freaky quads were fucking mountains, shredded and rippling and so overdeveloped every fucking muscle was roiling like cables under his skin. They were so huge in fact, that even with his stance adjusted so wide the two masses were still grinding against each other, the slightest of movements causing the muscles to bulge magnificently. Lifting up his incredible arms, Brent flexed them as hard as he could, not caring that he had lost some flexibility since the beginnings of his growth when he realized just how jacked they had become. His growth had pushed him to the absolute limit. His veins throbbed whenever he flexed, every fucking muscle group swelling with power at the slightest of whims. It would be a few days before his body condensed his new gains, compressing the power into mounds of muscles as hard as granite. He estimated he'd shrink down to maybe seven and a half feet tall, four feet wide, enough to regain his flexibility. Until then, Brent would enjoy his overpumped body, reveling in the power coursing through him. Brent smirked and growled monstrously. “All mine…” he whispered with a deep snort and a heavy growl, rubbing his pecs once more before he relaxed, closing his eyes and rumbling heavily. "Guess I gotta hit the showers again..."
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Nick and Brandon are stepbrothers. The two brothers never really bonded with each other due to their differences in basically everything, not just their environment. Nick is the older brother, 24 years old, 6'3 tall, and 250 lbs. Brandon is the younger one, 18 years old, 5'4 tall, and 120 lbs. Nick always acts cockily around his younger brother. He would always bully and beat Brandon. Although Brandon is turned on by his brother’s size, he wishes he can be of equal match to him at the very least. One night, after working out, Nick saw himself at a mirror in his own room. He admired his pump. He flexed and worshipped his body and it gave him pleasure. He rubbed his pecs that were the size of melons. He moved his hands to his perfect washboard abs. He flexed both his arms which were bigger than grapefruits. He continued to touch himself. The feeling felt so good that he slipped his hand in his shorts and started caressing his cock, he started moaning and breathing heavily while his other hand touches his big body. Brandon heard his brother moan and sneakily peeked at the door. He secretly watched his brother pleasure himself and it turned him on. He continued to watch as Nick moaned louder and harder. He was getting close to cumming. Brandon could not help but feel aroused seeing his brother masturbating. He wanted to do something to his brother. He decided to take action. When Nick is finally asleep, Brandon went to his brother’s room and took off all Nick's clothes. He then proceeded to grab his brother’s body. He started with grabbing his brother's huge biceps and flexing them. He moved to his chest and grabbed his brother's washboard abs. Then he reached down and grabbed his small cock. It was about 4 inches long. He wrapped his fingers around it and stroked it. After a few minutes, he noticed Nick's tight asshole and noticed that he is sleeping heavily. He put his cock in his brother's ass and started thrusting into him. After a couple of minutes, he felt his brother wake up. He felt his brother’s massive cock start to get hard. Brandon started moaning and pumping harder in his brother. His orgasm started to build up inside him. When Brandon was nearing release and was moaning hard, Nick woke up. As Nick opened his eyes and saw what was happening, Brandon busted his load inside Nick. "Ughhh! Fuck yes!" Brandon shot several loads of cum deep in his brother's ass, not knowing Nick is now awake. Nick grunted as he felt his brother's hot jizz filling his hole. Brandon then pulled out his cock and shot another load of cum on Nick's face. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Nick is enraged. He grabs Brandon and starts beating him. "You fucking bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Nick grabs his brother and pushes him against the wall. Nick begins beating his brother up until he feels a weird sensation inside him. His body seems to be reacting to his brother’s cum. Nick becomes dizzy for a split second and he looks back at Brandon. Nick then notices he is not looking down at Brandon as much as before. “What the fuck?" Nick utters in confusion. Nick sees his body has shrunken. He is still big but he is no longer the giant he was before. He is now about 5'10 and 200 lbs. Nick didn't realize his cock is hardening, but Brandon did. Busy contemplating what just happened, Nick didn't notice Brandon kneeling in front of him and started sucking his massive cock. "Uhh, oh fuck!" Nick moaned. Brandon had been dreaming about this moment for years. He always wanted to suck his brother's cock. He never got the chance to do so because Nick always humiliated him. Now that he finally gets the opportunity, he takes advantage of it. Brandon continues to suck his brother's cock while touching Nick's hot body. Nick was in heaven. The feeling of having Brandon's mouth around his cock is indescribable. He felt so much pleasure that his knees weakened and he lied down. Brandon sucked harder. “Oh god, Brandon, stop." Brandon kept sucking his brother's cock. He then reaches under Nick's body and gropes his huge balls. Brandon started sucking his brother's dick faster. He could tell Nick was close to cumming. He wanted to make sure he shoots a lot of sperm in his brother's mouth. Nick was getting closer to orgasm. "Shshhit! Ughh ohh ughhh"He moaned loudly and started shooting his load in Brandon's mouth. Brandon swallowed every drop of his brother's cum, while sucking harder. Change started to gradually happen to both of them. Nick's cock was shrinking and getting smaller. Brandon's body was growing bigger and stronger. He feels his pecs growing bigger and juicier as he squeezes Nick's shrinking ones. While still sucking hard on Nick's cock, he poses a double bicep. Brandon's cock grows longer and thicker as he feels Nick's cock shrink in his mouth. He feel his limbs lengthen as he grows taller. At this point, the 24 year old Nick is about 5'5 tall and 170 lbs, he still has the muscle mass of a model, but not big as before. The 18 year old Brandon, on the other hand, is now about 6'2 and 250 lbs. Nick's cock shrunk from 10 inches to 4 inches and the opposite happened to Brandon. Nick had begged him to stop, but Brandon didn't. "Can you still beat me up, little guy?!" Brandon exclaimed. Brandon swallows and he stood up, looking at both his and his brother's bodies. He comes to the mirror and worships himself, like he saw Nick do earlier. He cums on the mirror. "Fuck that's hot! I get why you like doing that now." Brandon says. Nick stares in disbelief. "But you know what would be hotter? If I were bigger. I see you have more size I can take, I want it." Brandon says, glancing back at Nick. Brandon starts to rub and suck on Nick's now smaller body. "No please, no more, I'm too small now, please!" Nick protests and attempts to fight back but Brandon is stronger. Brandon begins squeezing every muscle he can feel. Nick feels his limbs retracting as he gets shorter. His muscles start to condense in his smaller frame. He is now about 5'3 while Brandon grows into a towering 6'4. Brandon then proceeds to knead his now thicker muscles. As he squeezes his Nick's juicy chest, it slowly transfers onto him. He works his way around his other muscles, taking it all, leaving but a faint outline of abs. Brandon checks out his body now, he is now bigger than Nick ever was. As Brandon was distracted by his own body, Nick feels a build up of pleasure churning inside him and his cock started to harden from seeing how big Brandon got. Nick started stroking his 4 incher and he started moaning. Nick's moans got Brandon's attention which made him look at Nick. "I'm gonna need that as well to complete the look." Brandon said. As Nick was about to cum, Brandon placed his hand on Nick's cock. Nick's cock began to dwindle in size while Brandon's grew into a full 12 inches. "Ughh oh fuck uh" when Nick's cock had shrunken into a little nub, he finally cums on Brandon's hand. Brandon licks his palm and smears the cum on his face, making his face more chiseled. "That's better, thanks for the donation, little bro." Brandon tells his emaciated brother as he leaves the room.
- 1 reply
- muscle theft
- height lose
- (and 10 more)
Julian had always been the envy of his classmates with his toned physique and chiseled abs. He was proud of the countless hours he spent in the gym perfecting his body. Julian has brown eyes, thick eyebrows, dark curly hair, and he's tall at 6'1. Julian was feeling confident as he walked into his physics class on the first day of the semester. He had been working extra hard all summer to get his body in top shape, and he was excited to show off his impressive muscles. As he took a seat in the front row, he noticed a new student sitting a few rows back. "Hey there" James said to Julian, taking him by surprise. "Hi, you must be James, nice to meet you!" Julian replied, looking down at his shoulder level. "You're really quite the big guy huh?" James said as he notices and touches Julian's arms, while Julian blushed and laughed. James is an innocent looking student with blue eyes, messy brown hair, he smaller than Julian, standing at only 5'6, he looked skinny. They seem to be getting along in their first interaction, however, Julian has a weird feeling towards him that he can't seem to shake off. Over the next few weeks, Julian noticed that something strange was happening. Every time he saw James, he felt like he was losing muscle mass. At first, he didn't think much of it, but as the weeks went by, he started to feel weaker and smaller. He could see his once impressive washboard abs disappearing, and his biceps were no longer as defined as they used to be. Julian tried to convince himself that he was imagining things, but every time he looked at James, he felt like he was shrinking. Every day, Julian couldn't help but notice that James seemed to be getting more muscular while he was getting smaller. Julian tried to ignore it, he would often bounce his pecs and flex his biceps, telling himself that he was still in good shape. But every time he saw James, he couldn't help but feel a sense of envy. From that moment on, Julian became obsessed with James' muscles. "What's your secret" he thinks as he would watch him in class and at the gym, admiring his strength and power. But the more he watched, the more he realized that he was losing his own strength and power. He started to avoid James as much as possible, but even when they weren't in the same room, Julian could feel his muscles getting smaller. One day, Julian couldn't take it anymore. He confronted James after class and accused him of stealing his muscles. "What? Is this a joke? Hahaha!" James just laughed and flexed his biceps, which looked bigger and more defined than ever. "I just discovered the fun in working out. Do you wanna come with me to the gym?" James approached Julian and asked him if he wanted to work out together. "Su-sure thing, I guess" Julian nervously accepted the offer, hoping that he could finally get his strength back. As they started lifting weights, Julian couldn't help but admire James' impressive muscles. James was lifting heavier weights than Julian, and his biceps were bulging with every rep. "Ugh yeah! I can feel the pump!" Julian bounced his pecs and flexed his muscles in front of James, he was convinced that he was still the biggest and strongest guy in the room. But as James flexed his own muscles, Julian couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy and jealousy. James' muscles were bigger and more defined than ever before, and Julian couldn't help but feel like he was shrinking in comparison. "Wow, ughhn" Julian whimpered as he felt a surge of excitement at the sight of James' muscles. He couldn't resist touching them. He whimpered in ecstasy as he touched James' bigger body and muscles, feeling the power and strength that he had lost prior. "Your body is one of the hottest I've seen" James admired Julian's body and touched it, Julian started to feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe he wasn't as small as he thought he was. Maybe he still had some muscle left in him. As James touched Julian's now smaller body, he couldn't help but admire the way it looked in his hands. He could feel every crevice and contour of Julian's muscles, even though they were much smaller than before. "I feel so hot" Julian flexed as James continued to admire him, feeling good about himself for the first time in weeks. For a moment, Julian felt like he was still bigger than James. He flexed every muscle he had left, trying to prove to himself that he still had some strength and power left in him. But as he flexed, he could feel his remaining muscles and height being stolen away. "What's happening to me- ughhh!" Julian began to panic as he watched his once-impressive muscles shrink before his very eyes. His biceps were no longer bulging, his abs were no longer defined, and his chest was no longer juicy. "Ugh please no, stop, ughh" He whimpered louder and louder as James rubbed his body, stealing away what little strength he had left. Finally, Julian had reached orgasm and cums all his size away. Julian felt ecstatic and defeated all at the same time, unable to resist the power of James' muscles. His tall body fell weak on James's arms. James continued to feel Julian's "muscles," enjoying the sensation of power and strength that he was able to extract from them. He admired Julian's body, taking in every inch of it, even though it was much smaller than before. "Ugh fuck this is so hot" James couldn't help but let out a whimper of desire. He was addicted to the feeling of power and strength that he got from Julian's body, and he couldn't resist the temptation to take even more. Julian whimpered as James touched him, feeling a strange mixture of pleasure and pain. He knew that he was no longer the big, strong bodybuilder that he used to be, but he couldn't resist the temptation to flex his remaining muscles for James. James noticed Julian's cock hardening so he took it out of Julian's shorts. Julian lets out a moan, overwhelmed with the pleasure he's feeling. James puts Julian's 7 inch cock in his mouth, giving him the blowjob of his life. "Ugh James please, I'm gonna cum" Julian mutters but James goes faster. Julian moans as he is overwhelmed until he finally cums. James made sure to swallow everything Julian releases. As he does, Julian's body contracts, his limbs shortening. The opposite happens to James as he seemingly grows taller. James stands up and props Julian against a wall, Julian was now the shorter of the two, facing James's chest. James faces Julian to the opposite direction and inserts his 4 inch cock into Julian's ass. He starts pounding Julian hard while rubbing Julian's 7 incher. "I'm gonna have to take this too" James whispers to Julian's ear as he jacks off Julian's member. They moan and moan until they are almost at climax. "Please, just let me cum" Julian begs. "Not until I do!" James objects. As James thrusts harder and harder, he feels his dick growing while Julian's shrinks. Finally, James reaches orgasm and cums into Julian's hole. He pulls out and Julian falls on the ground, but James is to busy admiring his new 8 incher to notice. All that Julian was able to do was whimper as his shrunken cock uncontrollably cums and he watches James walk away. "Thanks for the time... and the bonuses. See you in class, I guess" James says as he puts on Julian's clothes which are now a little tight on him and leaves. In the end, Julian was left with nothing. He was a shell of his former self, a once-powerful heartthrob of an athlete reduced to a mere shadow of his former self. James, on the other hand, was bigger and stronger than ever before, his muscles bulging with power and strength. Julian knew that he had lost the battle for strength and power. But even as he felt defeated, he couldn't help but feel a strange sense of pleasure and desire at the thought of James' huge, powerful muscles.
— This is a fictional video transcription of a vlog interaction between Jeff Seid and David Laid — (The camera starts rolling, panning at Jeff who is filming in his house) Jeff Seid: What's up guys, Jeff Seid here and today I have a special guest with me. You guys have been asking for it and we're finally making it happen. That's right, I'm here with David Laid and we're gonna do a physique comparison. David Laid: What's up guys, David Laid here. I'm excited to be here with Jeff and compare our physiques. Jeff Seid: So, just to give you guys an idea, I'm 6'0 and currently weighing in at around 230 pounds. I've been training for over 10 years now and I think my physique speaks for itself. David Laid: And I'm 6'2 and currently weighing in at around 205 pounds. I've been training for about 6 years and I'm always striving to improve. Jeff Seid: Alright, let's get into it. David, why don't you show us what you're working with? (David proceeds to do a series of poses, showing off his muscular physique) Jeff Seid: (nodding) Nice, nice. You definitely have some impressive size and definition there. David Laid: Thanks man, I appreciate it. Alright Jeff, let's see what you got. (Jeff proceeds to do a series of poses, showcasing his massive muscles) David Laid: (impressed) Wow, your size and definition is insane. Your muscles are so thick and dense. Jeff Seid: (smiling) Thanks man, I put a lot of hard work and dedication into my training. David Laid: (nodding) Yeah, I can tell. You have some serious muscle mass, especially in your upper body. Jeff Seid: (laughing) Yeah, I've been called a walking tank before. David Laid: (laughs) I can see why. (Jeff and David continue to compare their physiques, pointing out their strengths and weaknesses) Jeff Seid: (noticing David's admiration) Hey man, are you alright? You seem a little distracted. David Laid: (shakes his head) Oh, sorry. It's just...I can't help but be mesmerized by your muscles, Jeff. They're so big and strong. Jeff Seid: (surprised) Uh, thanks man. I appreciate the compliment. David Laid: (rubbing Jeff's bicep) I mean, just look at this muscle. It's so thick and hard. Jeff Seid: (confused) Uh, what are you doing, man? David Laid: (admiring Jeff's arm) I'm just admiring your muscle, Jeff. It's so impressive. Jeff Seid: (starts to enjoy it) Oh...okay. Well, thanks man. I mean, I do work hard for these muscles. (David continues to rub and admire every muscle on Jeff's body, from his thick neck down to his treetrunk-like legs) Jeff Seid: (starts to get turned on) Uh...what's going on, man? Why are you doing this? David Laid: (continues to worship Jeff's muscles) I just can't help myself, Jeff. Your muscles are so amazing. I need to touch them, feel them. (Jeff's words slowly turn into muffled moans as David admires his muscles) Jeff Seid: (breathless) Oh...oh man. That good. David Laid: (smiling) I'm glad you're enjoying it, Jeff. (Jeff and David continue the muscle worship session, with Jeff getting more and more turned on by the minute) Jeff Seid: (moaning) Oh...oh man. Your's driving me crazy. David Laid: (smiling) Your muscles are just so amazing. I can't help but worship them. (Jeff's body is now covered in a sheen of sweat, his muscles bulging and flexing with every touch) Jeff Seid: (panting) Oh...oh man. You''re making me so hard right now. David Laid: (grinning) Yeah, I can see that. Your muscles are definitely responding to my touch. Doesn’t that just wanna make you cum? (Jeff and David continue the muscle worship session, with Jeff now completely lost in the moment) Jeff Seid: (gasping) Oh...oh man. I can't...I can't hold back anymore. David Laid: (smiling, whispering on Jeff's ear) Go ahead, Jeff. Let it all out. (Jeff finally reaches climax, his body shaking with pleasure as he lets out a loud moan) David Laid: That's right, cum it all out. It's all for me Jeff Seid: Ughh. What do you mean? (David continues to rub Jeff's muscles, starting with his pecs) David Laid: Your pecs are so tender. Ughhh! (As David rubs Jeff's pecs, his own pecs start to grow. But Jeff doesn’t realize that his pecs are shrinking) Jeff Seid: (Touching David's pecs) Fuck you're so hot! (Jeff notices David's pecs growing as he touches them, making him look at his own smaller pecs) Jeff Seid: Ughhh what's happening to me? Stop! David Laid: (Whispering on Jeff's ear) I'm taking my place as the most aesthetic. Jeff Seid: (Trying to pull away but he's too overwhelmed by the pleasure he's feeling) Ughh, let go! (David grabs Jeff's arms while Jeff grabs his in an attempt to push him away) David Laid: (Squeezing Jeff's biceps) Your arms are huge, man, I can't resist them! I can't wait to flex them as my own. (Jeff continues to push away David's arms but little does he know that touching him makes the theft faster) Jeff Seid: Please, my muscles are so small- ughh- David Laid: (Moving his hands onto Jeff's legs and shoulders) No, not yet. I need more! Jeff Seid: Ughhh! Oh fuck! (Jeff feels intense pleasure, his muscles still shrinking) David Laid: (Moving onto hugging Jeff tight) I want more, ugh! Jeff Seid: (Feeling the warmth of David's body and overwhelmed with pleasure) Please I- ugh! M-my bod-ughhh! (Jeff is filled with more and more pleasure while David grows into 285 pounds. Before Jeff was crushed, David let's go of his now average and limp 150 pound body. David looks at the mirror and flexes while Jeff stands shakily.) David Laid: (Flexing) That’s a bit too big. I need some balance in proportions. 6'6 would look good on me, don't you think? (David grabs Jeff by the neck. Jeff tries to struggle but he is once again filled with immense pleasure) Jeff Seid: UGhhh! Fuck ughhh! (David's limbs start to get longer, he grows taller and taller. Jeff starts to get lifted off the ground. Jeff's limbs start to shorten and his muscles start to compact, making it look like he still has a bit of muscle definition.) David Laid: (Putting Jeff down) That's better, I'd take your remaining size but I guess I still have some humanity in me so I won't. Besides, 5'8 looks good on you, you can still model for a living. Jeff Seid: (Filled with so much pleasure that he can't think) Please, David-ugh! Just let me cum again! David Laid: (Rubbing Jeff's throbbing cock) Will you give me anything if I let you cum? Jeff Seid: Fuuc- ugh! Yes, take what you want- ughhh! (David continues to rub Jeff's 9 inch cock and grapefruit-like balls while pressing his own 6 incher on Jeff's ass. As more and more pleasure builds up, they both moan and start to breathe heavily. ) David Laid: (feeling his cock and balls grow) Oh, fuck this feels good! Jeff Seid: Ughh shit ughh! I need to cum! David Laid: Not until I do! (David's cock grows into a 12 incher and his balls grow as they fill with cum. The opposite happens to Jeff as his once 9 inch cock shrinks into 3 inches and his balls shrink as well. More pleasure builds up until David can't take it anymore and cums.) David Laid: (Ejaculating large amounts of cum into Jeff's ass) Ugghhh! Take it all in! Fuck this is so hot! Jeff Seid: (Also ejaculating dribbles of cum out of his 3 incher) Ohh fuuuck! Ughhh! Ughh! Yeahh! (Their orgasm dies down and Jeff faints after he cums, still whimpering and moaning. David inspects his new body and flexes while touching himself. He looks at Jeff on the floor, almost feeling bad. David Laid: (panting, laughing) I'm glad you enjoyed it, Jeff. Your muscles are just too amazing to resist. Maybe in another life, we can both exist as muscle gods, just not in this one. Thanks for the donation (The video cuts with David Laid walking away after putting tight clothes on)
- drain
- cock theft
(and 7 more)
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Four Assistant coach Mr. Blake heard the door of his desk shut behind the massive gymnast and he slowly got up, his arms trembling as they supported his weight. More cum flowed from his ravaged ass and dripped along his legs. He pulled up his boxers and pants and wiped the stains of his own cum from the front of his desk. He'd somehow had to come up with a way of getting back Tyler's muscle from the hulking freshman. He needed to act fast to get a star player out on the field for the upcoming match. He inhaled deeply as his mind tried to find a solution. The next morning assistant coach Mr. Blake was setting up workout routines for the team when a faint knock made him look at the door. "Yes", he said. Tyler opened the door. "Can I come in?", he asked. He entered as the assistant coach motioned him to sit down. "I spoke with Chad yesterday", he peeped, "I wanted to make him give back my muscles". "How did it go?", assistant coach Mr. Blake replied. "Well…", Tyler mumbled. His face turned beet red as he relived the scene of sucking off the huge man. His pencil dick jolted in his pants as his mind filled with the image of the muscular perfection Chad had grown into. "He …eum… well… he wouldn't listen", he mumbled. "Thought so", the coach answered and ignored the red glow on the fallen football player's cheeks. "Did you already speak to him?", Tyler asked. Now it was the assistant coach's turn to blush. "Hum", he said and cleared his throat as he moved in his chair, his worn out ass sending shots of pain through him in response to remind him of the encounter with Chad. "I… tried", he added, "but he didn't listen either. I tried convincing him to give your muscle back but he refused. He didn't even wanted to join the team and put his muscle to use". "His muscle?", Tyler peeped angrily, "My muscle! I will go to the dean. He will force Chad to give back my muscle!". "No!", assistant coach Mr. Blake let out loudly, "That's a very bad idea. Think how the dean will react when you tell him someone stole your muscles. He will probably think you're on drugs. You will get expelled". "I will show him pictures of me. And of Chad", Tyler said. "You will have to admit you stole Chad's muscles first", the assistant coach replied, "Besides I'll lose my job if you reveal that I experimented on students. Then you will never have a chance to get your muscles back." The harsh reality of Mr. Blake's words hailed down on Tyler. Tears welled up in the diminished athlete's eyes. His mind frantically trying to find a way to get back his former size. "Tom", he peeped suddenly. "What about Tom?", assistant coach Mr. Blake answered. "He's my best friend", Tyler spat out rapidly, "If we tell him what happened, he'll help." "How could he help?", assistant coach Mr. Blake asked doubtfully. "He's among the biggest guys on campus. He could easily beat up Chad. Then we could force him to give back my muscles", Tyler said with a grin. "I don't know", assistant coach Mr. Blake replied, "Chad's a few pounds heavier than Tom now". "If we take him by surprise, Tom can take him. I'm sure of it", Tyler stated. The more assistant coach Mr. Blake let the idea run through his mind, the more he liked it. It wasn't a nice solution, but it was their only chance. He did remember the statement of the head coach that not winning the title this year would cost him his job. He nodded slowly as he accepted the plan. "Text Tom to come to my office asap", he said to the now smiling Tyler. Chad opened the door of his room and stared down on his two neighbors. "What's up, boys?", he asked. Keith and Paul took a step backward instinctively. The two freshmen were totally intimidated by the hulking, bare-chested gymnast that filled the opening completely. "We brought ya something", Keith said and handed a bag to Chad. "Saw it and thought it would suit ya", Paul added. Chad took the bag, opened it and pulled a tank top from it. A smug grin formed on his face as he recognized the Captain America logo. "Come on in", he said and stepped back in his room. Keith and Paul entered. They stared at the hulking man who put on the tank top. "Hope it fits. Biggest size we could find", Keith stated. "Bit tight", Chad rumbled and let his meaty muscle stretch the skintight fabric. "Fuck. You would dwarf the actual Captain America", Paul said in total awe, "How big are your arms?". "Not sure", Chad replied, "Haven't measured them recently. Ya boys wanna check them? There's a tape in my desk". Keith and Paul rushed over to the desk, nearly pulling out the top drawer as they practically fought for the tape. "Easy there, boys", Chad said laughingly, "there's enough of me for both of ya". Paul snatched the tape from Keith's grasp and stepped up to the massive man. His heart pounding nervously as he stood in front of the hulking gymnast. "Seems like you won", Chad rumbled and held out his right arm. Paul's hand shook with anticipation as he placed the tape atop the meaty arm. His fingers roamed the bulk of the stretched, yet rounded bicep. Keith eagerly joined in, letting his fingers follow the thick vein at the side of the bicep. "Thought ya wanted to measure my arm", Chad said smugly as the two freshmen worshipped his stretched arm. He slowly raised his forearm, making his bicep mound upward in the process. Keith and Paul marveled as the steely meat under their fingers hardened and rose upward and outward. Paul clumsily dropped the tape as the perfectly round orb of beefy muscle flexed into its full size. He and Keith stared in disbelief at the ball of striated, vein-crossed muscle. "Well. Measure it!", Chad barked at the frozen freshmen. Paul retrieved the tape and wrapped it around the insanely muscled arm. He pulled it tight and his eyes widened as he read off the number. "24 inches", he muttered and joined Keith in his touching of the hot, stone-hard ball of muscle. "Fuck yeah", Chad roared, "Ever felt an arm this big and hard, boys?". He hardened his flex some more. Keith and Paul couldn't believe the hardness of the bicep under their touch. No matter how they tried, they couldn't dent the surface. Instead the muscle pried open their hands as it hardened even more. Their cocks had hardened fully in their pants just from touching the statue-like bicep. Chad enjoyed having his arm worshipped beyond anything he'd ever felt. The thought of making everyone he met lust after him sent a jolt through his own cock. "Mmhm", he groaned as Paul's hands slid under his tank top and explored the ridges of his mighty eight-pack while Keith kept feeling his bicep. Suddenly the door of the room flew open and Tom stood in the doorway. He'd come to the assistant coach's office right away when he'd gotten Tyler's text earlier. He'd listened with a perplexed look on his face to the incredible story Mr. Blake had told him. If the runty Tyler hadn't been standing next to the assistant coach, he would have never believed the story. "We'll make him give back your muscle. No one messes with my friends", he'd yelled as he'd stormed out of the assistant coach's office. "I hope I'm not interrupting the fags", he spat out sarcastically as he entered the room. Keith and Paul retreated against the furthest wall when they saw the angry look on the team captain's face. They knew they didn't stand a chance against the way bigger man. Chad just looked back at Tom, taking in the man's size. "You stole Tyler's muscle. Give them back. NOW!", Tom shouted angrily. "Okay. Okay", Chad pleaded, "I'll give it back. Please don't hurt me". He noticed Tyler and assistant coach Mr. Blake also entering behind Tom. "Really?", Tom asked incredulously, taking aback by the lack of resistance. "Off course not, dumbass", Chad barked in response, "You didn't really think I would give up my muscles?". "Have it your way then", Tom replied and smacked his right fist into the palm of his left hand, "I'm gonna enjoy this". "Careful, Tom", Tyler peeped as he drank in the sight of Chad's muscles stretching the tank top. Tom sized up the other big man and noted he was a few inches taller than the guy. "Don't worry, man. Short guys always look bigger than they are", he said to comfort his friend. He took a step toward his opponent. Chad didn't wait for the huge football player's first move. With an unexpected agility for a man his size he jumped forward. He pulled back his right fist, his thick bicep balling up in the process, and launched it against the athlete's stomach. Tom didn't even have time to blink. One moment he saw the hulking gymnast standing at the end of his bed, the next the guy's fist collided with his abs. The punch felt like a wrecking ball as it hit him. It blasted through the defenses of his muscle gut, busted his abs and pushed the wind out of him. He bent over by the force of the impact. He inhaled deeply to fill his lungs again while his eyes darted up to see the second punch coming. The steely fist hit his muscle gut again and sank deep into the battered abs. He folded double completely as pain exploded from his agonizing stomach through his entire body. Black dots danced before his eyes as the air was once more knocked out of him. He didn't even see the third punch coming. He just felt the impact as the fist hit the bottom of his chin. The force of the blow sent him stumbling backwards until his wide back fell against the wall. He wrapped an arm around his agonizing stomach in protection and raised his other arm in defense while he tried to catch his breath. He couldn't believe the huge gymnast had nearly taken him out with just three blows. His mind urged him to get away, but his legs didn't respond. He looked up into the hulking man's eyes. Chad saw the hint of panic in the big athlete's eyes and swiftly moved in. He threw another punch in the red stomach. Tom folded double as steely fist destroyed his abs and excruciating pain exploded through his body. The moment he bent over, he felt a large paw grab his throat. His hands clutched at the meaty forearm while he felt his body being lifted up. The next moment his feet left the ground, the room seemed to spin around and he was slammed down hard. He yelped in pain as his back collided with the hard floor. Assistant coach Mr. Blake stepped in but a nod of Chad made Paul and Keith each grab one of his arms. He tried to resist but the two athletes held him secured. Chad looked down in triumph on the beaten athlete. He felt all-powerful having taken down the star football player. An idea formed in his mind. "Tyler", he barked at the runty boy, "Bring me the device and the electrodes". Tyler jumped up at the command and went over to the assistant coach. He fished the device and the electrodes from Mr. Blake's pocket and turned around to give them to Chad. In the meantime Chad had ripped off Tom's clothes and tossed the bulky athlete atop his bed. He was stripping off his own boxers as Tyler came standing next to him. "Who looks better?", he asked laughingly and took the device from the boy. Tyler's eyes shot from the nude Tom atop the bed to the equally nude Chad standing at the end of it. His friend was a big, bulky guy but Chad's insanely ripped muscles made him actually look somehow fat. Chad placed an electrode on the top of Tom's meaty pecs and the other one on the same place on his own protruding chest. He tossed the device to Paul who caught it in his left hand while still holding onto the assistant coach's arm with his right hand. "Switch it on", he barked to the smaller freshman while he kneeled at the end of the bed and placed his paws atop the thick pecs. Paul did as he was told and the device in his hand peeped, displaying "Transfer engaged!". Tom wiggled in the bed but the huge gymnast firm grip on his pecs held him down. He didn't know what was happening. He blinked as he thought what was a spark shot from his chest and disappeared into the electrode on the other huge man's chest. "Fuck yeah", Chad growled as the sparks shot into him and formed a steady flow of energy feeding his already huge muscles. The battered athlete on the bed didn't have enough strength left to resist his theft. He dug his hands firmly into the already softer pecs to increase the flow of power. "You're so full of power!", he moaned in pleasure as the warmth spread through his 248 pound body. Tom didn't capture what was going on. His mind was still trying to comprehend how the huge gymnast had taken him out so quickly. When he finally realized that the other athlete was taking his muscles, he tried fighting back but his defenses were simply too weak. "Please Chad. No", he pleaded in vain. He looked at the guy's face and saw a look of pure hunger in the icy blue eyes. Chad, now growing past the 270 pound mark, enjoyed the intoxicating feeling. He saw the fight in the football player's eyes, the fight to keep his muscles from melting away from his body. He looked at the body in his grasp atop the bed and noticed that the curly hairs were retreating into the ever softening pecs he held tightly. "MORE", he growled and dug his fingers into the pecs. The flow of power doubled temporally and decreased back after a couple of seconds. "FUARK", he roared the moment the increased jolt of power hit his body. A wave of energy surged through his body and every muscle hardened and increased in size. The other guy's in the room stared like moths to a flame to the swelling and widening back of the kneeling gymnast. The assistant coach wasn't even resisting the two freshmen anymore. Tom's body, a bulky 243 pounds just minutes ago, dove below the 200 pound mark as the sparks kept shooting from his chest. He kept fighting against the drain but his resistance was completely overpowered by the growing gymnast. He had an incredible sight on the swelling body in front of him but he didn't feel the slightest awe. All he wanted was get away and save his muscles from being taken. Chad was closing in on the 300 pound barrier, every muscle on his body inflating steadily. Hard, striated mass pushed up the veins against his ever tightening skin. "I'm getting so HUGE", he bellowed as he looked down at his growing pecs. The shelf of meat now protruded several inches from his chest. "Give it ALL", he bellowed in his unstopping lust for size. His fingers now totally overpowered the once might pecs beneath them and dug deeper into them. "YEAH", he groaned as the flow of sparks feeding him increased some more. Tyler felt sorry for his best friend but his gaze was fixed on the growing mounds of meat flowing into each other on the broadening back of the kneeling gymnast. He could also see the hulking man's thick triceps inflating bigger and bigger at the sides of his mighty arms. Further down, the kneeling gymnast meaty ass got meatier and meatier with every passing second. His own dick was fully hard in his pants again. Paul and Keith had released assistant coach Mr. Blake's arms and were also staring in pure awe at the growth of the hulking freshman. Mr. Blake didn't think about running away or rushing in to free his star player. Like the others, he could only stare at the incredible scene. Tom looked past the hulking gymnast at his friend Tyler and assistant coach Mr. Blake. "Help me", he pleaded and closed his eyes as fatigue and exhaustion began spreading through his weakening body. A good minute later he reopened his eyes to implore help again. He blinked in disbelief: the time he had closed his eyes, the gymnast had grown taller and wider and now totally blocked his view from the rest of the room. Chad stared down at the body in his grasp: the once 243 pound star football player now looked like bulky wrestler as his body sank below 180 pounds. The curly hairs that used to cover Tom's meaty pecs had retreated completely in the now flabby chest. Chad threw back his head in ecstasy and let the energy whirl around inside his beastly body. He broke past the 315 pound mark as the energy found its way into this ever growing muscles. Tom realized he wouldn't get any help. He summoned his force to get away from the beastly freshman feeding on his size. He moved his arms up and grabbed the wrists to tear the paws away from his chest. When he placed his hands onto the hot wrists, he noticed he couldn't close his grip around the freshman's thick wrists. He pulled with all his remaining might but it felt like he was trying to rip a tree from the ground with his bare hands. He look back up, past the further protruding rack of pecs to the face of the beastly gymnast. Chad felt the weak tugs on his wrists and slowly turned his head down. He looked down at his paws and saw the frail hands grabbing onto his wrists. A smirk formed on his lips at the sight of the hands that looked comically small compared to his own forearms covered with thick cords of meaty muscle. His gaze travelled along the diminishing torso in his grasp: the bulky star athlete atop the bed now looked like a swimmer as definition and beef kept being sucked from him. Unlike with Tyler earlier, he didn't notice the look of lust in Tom's eyes: the guy was still trying to fight back against the drain. Tom stared back into the icy blue eyes of the now truly huge freshman. He kept pulling at the wrists but the strong forearms didn't budge. His own body now sank under 165 pounds while the gymnast grew past the 330 mark. He knew he was no match for the biggest man he'd ever seen. He felt more fatigue spreading through his weakening body. "Chad", he peeped weakly, "Chad. Let me go… Please. Keep the muscle… but let me… have the muscle… I still have… please". Chad didn't take his eyes from Tom's. He saw the pleading look as the guy in his grasp realized that his resistance was useless. His own body was now more than twice the size of the fallen star athlete. He felt his mighty muscles push against his paper-thin skin as the striated and vein covered mounds amassed more size. His fingers felt the soft mass of the flabby tits beneath them. "More", he rumbled in his deepened bass and dug his fingers hard into the jelly-like pecs, forcing more sparks from the flattening chest into his own hulking pecs. Tom took in the craving for size in the icy blue eyes staring down on him. He knew nothing would the beastly freshman from taking anything he wanted. He could feel the wrists in his grasp thickening further as the corded muscles etching along the beefy forearms kept swelling. He looked down on his own body and was confronted with the new reality: he was now 90 pounds lighter than minutes earlier and the layer of fat that gave him his bulky appearance now made him look more like a fatso. Tyler couldn't see his best friend anymore as the ever widening back of the kneeling gymnast hid the captain of the football team from his sight. His cock was leaking precum in his briefs at the sight of the majestic back he was facing. His left hand reached down his pants and stroked his 3 incher instinctively. A beeping sound made Paul look down at the device in his hand. "Subject reaching natural limits", he read from the screen. He stepped up to the kneeling gymnast. "Hm, Chad", he said nervously as he stood next to the massive freshman, "You're maxing out." Chad heard the remark but only noted the remaining mass in the diminished athlete on the bed. "MORE", he rumbled and concentrated on draining every ounce of muscle into his body. Tom's exhausted resistance crumbled under the increased theft and the last muscles in his body rushed into his chest, converged into pure energy and blasted through the electrode. "FUARK", Chad roared as the flow of energy tripled in size and struck him like lightning. He felt and heard his skin stretch as his mighty muscles ballooned bigger with more mass all at once. "Overload", the device in Paul's hand displayed and it exploded. The excess power circling around the electrode on Chad's chest shot into the device. "Ughn", Paul groaned as the energy shot in to his body. His shirt ripped under the sudden growth of his body. He stumbled backward by the impact. Everyone in the room went silent as Chad stood up and rose to his full height. His insanely broad back was covered with meaty mounds of muscle that fought for room, his beefy ass looked like someone had shoved two volleyballs underneath his skin, his titanic triceps formed massive horseshoes of hard muscle at the back of his lengthy arms. They all inhaled deeply as the colossal freshman turned around to face them. "Fuck ya guys are small", Chad laughed out as he stared down. His deep bass rumbled like thunder through the room, a mighty sound fitted for a 7'2, 368 pound muscle god. Every muscle on Chad's body jutted out from his frame, round and full. His incredible wide shoulders, that gave him an intimidating v-taper, were capped with delts the size of small pumpkins: every head of the striated muscles was clearly visible against his skin; his monstrous pecs were the size of half watermelons, jutting out nearly a foot from his chest, the hard mounds of striated beef defied the pull of gravity and obscured the top of his abs, his nipples pointed down to the floor; his majestic stomach were a landscape of deep grooves separating eight cobblestone-sized abs that rippled on the rhythm of the beastly man's breathing; his astonishing arms hung meaty hams at his sides, the long, rounded, hard yet fully relaxed biceps were crisscrossed with a web of veins and seemed ready to exploded through the paper-thin skin; his tree-sized quads formed two strong pillars of massive muscle, every head of the quadriceps clearly defined; his calves jutted out like beefy diamonds at the back of his legs; between the thick quads a long, meaty snake dangled atop a pairs of egg-sized balls. Atop the beastly body, supported by mounding, beefy traps Chad's face had followed his body's transformation: his rounded, boyish looks had been replaced by a strong, square jaw line covered with a coarse five o clock beard. The air around the beastly freshman seemed to ripple as masculinity oozed from him. "FUARK YEAH!", Chad boomed as he raised his arms into a double bicep pose. His biceps exploded upward and outward, hardening into pineapple-sized orbs of hard beef covered in veins. His skin stretched as the arms reached their new, 31 inch size. The others in the room creamed their pants at the display of pure muscular perfection. "You grew too", Chad said as he lowered his arms and looked down on Paul. He swiftly ripped away the remnants of the guy's destroyed shirt, then proceeded with is pants and boxers. "Nice, man" he said as he took in the new size of the 6'2, 205 pound freshman. Paul shivered. Despite being the second most muscular man in the room, he looked like a twig standing next to beastly muscle god. He instinctively kneeled in front of the man and took his plump cock in to his mouth. "We're gonna have an awesome year", Chad growled as he grabbed the back of the guy's head and let him suck his cock.
- 6 replies
- dominance
- role-reversal
(and 1 more)
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Tim and Josh had just finished their workout and were changing in the gym locker room. Tim had been working out for months, trying to bulk up and impress Josh, who was always the biggest and strongest guy in the gym. But Josh seemed to barely notice him, always focused on his own workout and his own physique. As Tim approached Josh, his heart was pounding in his chest. He had been rehearsing what he wanted to say for weeks, but now that the moment was here, he was suddenly nervous. "Josh, I need to tell you something," Tim said, his voice barely above a whisper. Josh looked up from his locker, surprised by Tim's sudden seriousness. "What's up, man?" he asked. Tim took a deep breath and said, "I...I have feelings for you, Josh. I've had them for a long time now, and I just couldn't keep them bottled up anymore." Josh's face turned red with shock and confusion. He tried to back away, but Tim was too quick. He lunged at Josh, wrapping his arms around him and pressing his body against Josh's. Josh struggled, but Tim was surprisingly strong. He seemed to have a new power coursing through his body, and it was growing with each passing moment. As Josh tried to pull away, he suddenly felt a strange sensation. He looked down and saw that his legs were merging with Tim's. He tried to scream, but his mouth was pressed against Tim's chest. He could feel his own muscles shrinking as Tim's grew bigger and more defined. Tim's body was now towering over him, twice his original size, with Josh's body parts sticking out of him like a grotesque Siamese twin. Tim reveled in his newfound power, feeling each muscle in his body grow bigger and stronger. He could feel Josh's body parts merging with his own, becoming a permanent part of him. He felt a rush of pleasure as each muscle fiber expanded, filling him with a sense of power and dominance. As Josh disappeared completely into Tim's body, Tim let out a deep sigh of satisfaction. He was now a completely different person, a giant among men, with Josh's body parts as a constant reminder of his newfound power. He flexed his biceps, feeling the power coursing through his veins. Tim felt a rush of energy coursing through his veins. He could feel the power of Josh's muscles, merged with his own, pulsing through his body. Tim had never felt so strong, so powerful, so alive. He reached up and touched his biceps, feeling the hard muscle under his skin. It was a sensation he had never experienced before. As he explored his new body, Tim realized that he had become a completely different person. The body he had been working so hard to build before seemed small and weak compared to the massive, muscular form he now possessed. He flexed his arms, watching the bulging muscles ripple under his skin. He felt a sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that he had accomplished something that few others could ever hope to achieve. He took a deep breath and tightened his chest muscles, feeling them bulge and contract under his skin. Then, he let them loose, bouncing his pecs up and down. It was a sensation he had never experienced before, the feeling of his muscles moving on their own accord. He laughed in delight, feeling like he was in control of his body in a way he had never been before. As he continued to bounce his pecs, he realized that he was drawing attention from the other guys in the locker room. They were staring at him, some with envy and others with admiration. Tim felt a sense of pride in himself, knowing that he had accomplished something that few others could ever hope to achieve. He bounced his pecs a few more times, enjoying the sensation of his muscles moving under his skin. Then, he relaxed, feeling a sense of satisfaction and contentment. He knew that he was now a different person, someone who could take on the world and win But it wasn't just the size and strength of his muscles that made Tim feel good. It was the sense of power and dominance that came with them. For so long, he had been the small, weak guy that no one paid attention to. But now, he was a giant among men, with the body to match. He knew that he could take on anyone and win, that no one would dare to challenge him. As he stood there, admiring his new body, Tim felt a sense of euphoria wash over him. He was no longer the same person he had been before. He had been reborn as something new, something better.He was no longer the small, weak guy he had been before. He was now a force to be reckoned with, and he knew that no one would ever be able to stand in his way. And he knew that he would never go back to being the small, weak guy he had once been.
- muscle theft
- drain
(and 5 more)
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Inspired by a story I've read recently, a short story found its way from my pen to this board. Enjoy! Keith strutted into the deserted gym next to Orchid University. He loved working out late at night, jumping to whatever exercise he felt doing and not having to wait at any of the machines. Not that other guys made him wait. His 6'3 and 242 pound frame not only earned him success on the football field, it also intimidated anyone that got in his way. Not to mention the attention of the girls… He continued past the deserted counter and entered the locker room. He put his bag on a bench and began getting out his shake and towel. "Hi, Keith". The faint voice made Keith turn around and he stared down at the skinny guy that had just entered. He recognized Tyrone, some skinny freshman who worked in the gym. He nodded and returned to his stuff. "What are you training tonight?", the little guy asked, "Or just a quick workout for football?". Great. A talker, just what I need. Why do guys that wanna talk don't go to bars?, Keith thought as he tried to ignore the guy. "Not in a mood to talk? Focused on training, he?", Tyrone went on. Keith turned to face the guy with an annoyed look on his face. He noticed how the shirt hung like a tent on the freshman's pathetic body and how his shorts covered his legs almost completely. He unzipped his hoody and took it off, revealing his heavily muscled torso highlighted by his skintight tank top. Tyrone gulped at the sight of the round shoulders that stuck out like bowling balls to support the thick arms. A smug grin formed on Keith's face at the small guy's reaction. "Training builds muscle. Ya should try it", he said and casually bounced his pecs. "Tough guy, he", Tyrone replied, "Want to test your strength?". He motioned to a weird machine placed at the end of the row of lockers. It was some old-looking grip strength tester. It had an electronic display in the center and below there were four metal handles. "Ya want to go up against me? In a test of strength?", Keith asked laughingly and throw a double bicep pose. His meaty arms swelled to their 20 inches of muscle covered with some fat. "Just for fun", Tyrone said without taking his eyes from the orbs atop the large guy's arms as he moved to the machine. Keith shook his head incredulously and stepped over to the machine, completely dwarfing the freshman. They both grabbed hold of two handles. "Who's the alpha and who's the beta?" The display read off as it sprang to life. "I'll go first", Tyrone said and squeezed the handles with all his might. His 120 body shook and his face turned red from the effort. "POWERHOUSE", the display said. Keith followed. He gripped the handles firmly and clenched his thick fist, his body barely feeling the effort. "POWERHOUSE", the display said, "TIE!" "Seems like were matched", Tyrone peeped, "Let's try again". He repeated his earlier movement, getting another 'POWERHOUSE' reading. Keith couldn't believe this pathetic guy was matching his power. His competitive nature took over and he pressed the handles again. "MUSCLE MAN", the display showed, "Advantage to player one! Next round!". "Not so tough after all, it seems", Tyrone said and continued the game to get another "POWERHOUSE" reading. "What the fuck?!", Keith boomed, "This game is rigged". He summoned his strength, his knuckles turning white as he grabbed the handles. "MANLY", the display showed. Black dots danced shortly before Keith's eyes and a shiver traveled down his spine as he read off the text. "How…", he began and the other words died in his throat as he looked down at his body. His torso no longer strained his tank top. The fabric now sat more loosely around his somehow diminished muscles. He didn't stand out like the heavily muscled guy he used to be, but looked more like someone who worked out regularly. He glanced aside and noticed the other change: the once skinny Tyrone was now filling out the shirt that hung on him like a tent minutes earlier. The guy could now easily pass for a model. "My turn again", Tyrone said in a deepened voice. "No. I give", Keith said and tried releasing the handles but his paws seemed somehow fused to them. "We have to continue the game until there's an alpha", Tyrone said and applied his strength to the handles. "POWERHOUSE!", the display said. Keith gulped as he saw a jolt shoot through the freshman's body. He reluctantly copied his opponent's grab, noticing how the handles seemed to resist. He stared in disbelief at the display as it read "Mr. PUNY". Tyrone looked aside and saw more mass disappear from the football player's body. Their bodies were pretty evenly matched now. "Oh yeah", he grunted as he felt the energy flowing through the handles into his growing body. He grabbed the handles again, now easily pressing into the metal. "POWERHOUSE!!" "Why are there exclamation marks on it?", Keith asked in his weakened voice while he saw another jolt of growth shoot through the now pumped up fitness model-sized freshman that began looking bigger than him. "There's more power in my body now", Tyrone replied in a baritone voice, "your turn". "Do I have to?", Keith muttered. "DO IT!", Tyrone boomed. Keith shook and instinctively obeyed the bigger man. His body shook with effort and his face turned beat red. "WEAKLING" Keith felt another wave of weakness dance through him. His once skintight tank top now hung loosely from his diminished frame. He felt his sweatpants slide down along his thinning legs. He looked down and saw that he had lost every ounce of muscle he'd ever gained. The movement next to him caught his eye. Tyrone saw the mass siphon away from the football player's body and pass through the machine into him. His formerly baggy shirt now clung to his beefed up torso: his swelling pecs pulled the fabric forward while his thickening back pushed the fabric backward and his broadening lats put more and more tension on the seams. The sleeves that used to cover most of his arms didn't even cover his upper arms anymore: his widening shoulders pulled the fabric up to showcase his meaty arms. His baggy shorts now came only halfway on his thick quads. Keith gulped as he had to look up to catch the freshman's eye. The guy now looked like an amateur heavyweight bodybuilder. "Please", he pleaded in an unfamiliar higher voice, "no more. I can't get smaller". Tyrone just smirked and effortlessly tightened his grip around the metal handles, making the machine shake from his force. "POWERHOUSE!!!!!" Keith blinked in disbelief at the display. He refused to look aside as the shadow of the freshman grew and he heard the tearing sound of the ripping fabric. He knew he had no other option than to continue the game. He grunted as he summoned every ounce of force in his weakened body. The handles seemed to resist his grip. "PATHETIC" The letters on the display appeared to turn blurry and a wave of fatigue flowed through Keith. He could feel more size escaped his body and his boxers that used to showcase his meaty ass and lengthy cock fell to the ground. "CALCULATING SCORE", the display showed, "Player two… = BETA BOY!" Keith fell the last ounce of masculinity vanish from him. He felt his balls shrivel to the size of small marbles and pull closer to his body. His cock, once his 10 inches of pride followed this lead: it shrunk to a pencil-thin 2 incher. A ringing sound made him look back at the machine. "Player one", the display said, "… = TOTAL ALPHA!!!!!" "YEAUGH", Tyrone groaned as a final, yet very powerful surge shot through his huge frame. His tight, already ripped shirt exploded into shreds as his huge muscles grew to another level of thickness. A loud snapping sound followed as his shorts and boxers gave in under the pressure of his thickening waist. His head shot up as more height was added to his frame. He grunted as he felt the energy shot into his groin. His balls swelled to the size of lemons and sank lower in between his meaty quads and his 7 incher amassed girth and length, snaking further down against his leg. Without looking at the drained football player, he swaggered over to the mirror on the other side of the locker room. He ripped away the last remains of his destroyed shirt and stared at his nude reflection. "FUARK", Tyrone bellowed, his eyes widening in disbelief at the image of perfection staring back at him. He scanned every inch of his now beastly physique before beginning to explore his new body. His paws groped the protruding rack that hung from his chest, clawing at the hard meat of the half watermelon-sized pecs and testing the weight of meaty slabs; they slid down onto a stony eight-pack made of cobblestones separated by deep grooves. He licked his lips while taking in the size of his perfectly round shoulders that outsized bowling balls and the insane size of the monster arms that hung from them: the muscle on his upper arms twitched underneath the paper-thin skin and seemed ready to explode from it; his lower arms were crisscrossed with cable-sized cords of muscle. His lower body was just as impressive: his quads rivaled young trees in size; they were jam-packed with hard beef that eclipsed his kneecaps; his calves were bigger than most guys quads. He was about to grope the lengthy snake as a faint movement caught his attention. Keith had ignored the giant freshman, knowing he was no match for the guy now. While Tyrone went to inspect his new physique in front of the mirror, the diminished athlete made his move. He slowly released the handles he was still groping, pulled up his now baggy boxers and equally large sweatpants and kept his hand on them to prevent them from falling off again. He cautiously stepped to the door, making sure not to attract the freshman's attention. He grabbed the door handle and tried pushing it down. The door didn't move. He tried again, applying more force this time. "I locked it earlier when I came in". The deep rumbling bass filled the locker room like thunder and vibrated down Keith's weak body. His hand was frozen to the door handle. He heard the heavy footsteps and the large shadow grew on the door as the giant freshman came to him. A paw grabbed his armpit and dragged him in front of the mirror. He glanced up at his reflection and gasped: the ridiculously large clothes hung from his emaciated body and made him look like a kid who had put on his bigger brother's clothes. He peeped as the paw ripped away the clothes and exposed him completely. Tears welled up in his eyes: he looked like a weak boy instead off the hulking athlete he had been minutes earlier. Every trace of muscle that had once highlighted his physique, was gone. The layer of fat that used to give him a bulky appearance now made him look pudgy ad childlike. The beefy football player that dominated the team had been replaced by a meager boyish figure. He couldn't even remember having ever been this small. His 5'1, 105 pound body made him weak and puny by any standard. "Turn around!" The booming command made Keith jump up and he quickly did as he was told. He looked straight at the top row of the most deeply grooved set of abs he'd ever seen. He tilted his head up to stare at the face and instinctively took a step backward as his mind processed the size of the beastly freshman in front of him. The now 6'6, 330 pound Tyrone dwarfed him unlike anything he'd ever done to other guys. His own 242 pound body had been bulky and massive, but the giant freshman didn't seem to have an ounce of fat on him: deep grooves, striations and veins edged along the hulking mass of his hard muscles that pushed against his skin. His square face, shadowed by a five o'clock beard sat atop an insanely thick neck that flowed into a broad line capped with boulder-like shoulders. Striations were visible through the thin skin stretched across the perfectly round delts. A thick vein snaked over the shoulders down on the ham-sized arms and branched off in dozens of smaller veins to feed the huge biceps at the front and the thick triceps that jutted out from the back. The beastly freshman outsized even elite superheavyweight bodybuilders. He looked like an anatomy chart that had come to live and was perfectly proportioned, except for his arms that seemed just a tad too big. Masculinity seemed to ooze from him and hang in the air like electricity around his hulking frame. Tyrone moved in front of the mirror and threw a most muscular. "FUARK", he roared as his muscles exploded in a symphony of harness, striations and veins across his body, "seems like there's a Tyrex in town". The faint 'wow' made him turn his attention back to the former athlete next to him. A smug grin formed on his face as he noted the awe in the frail guy's eyes. "Yo Keith", he said and brought his right arm up in front of his torso and flexed it, 'BADABOOM". Keith's eyes widened while the bicep in front of him exploded in size. The orb of hard meat sprang upward and outward into a pineapple-sized muscle choked in veins. The bicep swelled and hardened some more as the beastly freshman tightened his flex fully, stopping just below 30 inches of pure muscle. The sight of the massive arm hardening inches from his face made Keith's cock race to hardness and spew out a small, watery load that dribbled from the 2 incher. Tyrone noticed the fallen athlete's reaction and felt a jolt go through his own cock while he realized he totally dominated the small guy. He relaxed his right arm, placed his paw atop the guy's bony shoulder and pushed him down. Keith was forced to his knees by the paw that covered his shoulder, upper arm and half of his flat chest. He looked forward and stared straight at the fleshy snake that was lengthening along the thick quad and began rising upward. Within seconds the 14 inch cock was at full length, veins running along the thick shaft and the purple red head pointed directly at his face. He looked up but he couldn't see the freshman's face: the protruding rack of pecs hide it from his view. "Please…", he pleaded but a large paw grabbed the back of his head and the snake was rammed into his mouth. Tyrone grinned as he felt the small guy's hand tug at his right arm that held his head in place. His thick forearms easily withstood the tugging. He pushed more of his cock into the hot mouth. Keith gagged as 10 inches of the fleshy snake filled his mouth. He ceased his clawing and placed his frail hands atop the beastly quads for support as the beastly freshman began pumping in and out his mouth. His vision was filled with the cobblestone-sized abs that flexed on the rhythm of the thrusts. "YEAUGHN", Tyrone roared as ecstasy exploded through his 330 pound body. His lemon-sized balls drew tight and began releasing their thick load into the fallen athlete's mouth. Keith quickly gulped down the first huge load, a second one filling his mouth seconds later. He sucked down as much of the sticky spunk as fast as he could, but the hefty balls kept blasting out loads. Cum began flowing from the corners of his mouth and even from his nose. His vision began going dark by the lack of oxygen. After 10 loads, the snake withdrew from his mouth and blasted a final load onto his face, coating it with liquid heat. The paw released his head and he slumped down to the floor. Tyrone turned his gaze back to his reflection in the mirror. He flexed his left arm, smirking as the huge muscle exploded into a massive orb of vein-covered beef. He would have sworn he heard his skin stretch tight as the monster bicep swelled to its new size. He went over to Keith's gym bag and grabbed his hoody. He ripped off the sleeves and put it on. The zipper could only close over his eight-pack, his pecs protruded so far from his chest that it was impossible to get the zipper up any further. He grabbed a pair of baggy sweatpants from another locker and pulled them on: they fight like a second skin over his gargantuan legs. He threw a final look on the emaciated senior lying on the floor and left.
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Hey guys, my first story on the forum, hope you enjoy, will post up a part 2 shortly. “Sam… SAM, GET IN HERE!” I hadn’t realised that I been instinctively cowering when his voice boomed across our flat. My friends first pointed it out when my hulking roommate invited himself out for drinks with us. It did come as a bit of a surprise to me when they told me this, mainly because Nick had never actually hit me or even threatened to, it’s just that I felt, like somehow, Nick could just bend my will. One of my closest friends at the time said I shouldn’t cower, like a puppy, but stand up to him. I could hear the strain in Nick’s voice though and I hurried into his bedroom. The sight and smell assaulting my senses as I entered; the smell of man went right up my nose in the first inhalation. It was sweat, stale sex, rich testosterone and damp, a kind of damp that you can only find in a student rugby players bedroom. It made my cock kick in its loose, thin, cotton sweats. Then of course, there was Nick, dressed only in a pair of boxers, with his weight bench sat upright, holding one of his 45kilo dumbells in both hands and grinning devilishy at me. “Dude, shoulder press… hand me the other 45!” his dark brows and long but spiked hair giving him a wolfish look. Dodging an empty takeaway carton, a discarded jock, a heap of college notes and at least one used condom, I picked my way to the dumbbell. The smell intensified as I got nearer to him. “Come on man, gotta get this done before Jen gets here” he grunted. I bent down, carefully raising the heavy dead weight. I hefted it over to Nick’s waiting hand as he got into position. I licked my lips as his biceps bulged as he flexed his arm into position. Both his thick pecs flattened out and his delts swelled freakishly, choked with veins from a pump. “Stand back” he ordered. I would like to say I watched, to say that I spotted him, but Nick was a tornado of male energy. A guttural roar emanating from his chest as he flexed the weight soaring toward the ceiling, his form disturbingly accurate. As his arms reached the maximum height, the clink of the dumbbells and the exposure of his forestry of pit hair, made my organ start to pulse in my shorts. As he went for more reps, so the smell escaping from his pits intensified over and over. The room filled with his scent. Looking back, I think that is one of the things that made me capitulate to Nicks demands as my flatmate. As the grunting continued, his shoulders and arms steadily bulging bigger from the pump, I quietly left the room wordlessly. I crept back to my smaller bedroom, put my hand gently on the top of my strictly average, rigid member, and felt it fire off into my pants. My legs weakening, I sank to the floor. My own varsity swimmers physique, feeling childlike compared to Nick’s hulking body. Soon, Nick’s girlfriend would be here, and I would be listening to them go at it for a few hours. I realised that I should probably try and get some sleep before it all kicks off. After cleaning up my own mess I walked down to the kitchen for a pre-bed snack, as I did, I thought about how Nick and I started off fairly evenly matched, how we were actually good mates who moved into this small, penthouse flat, off campus together. The weight set, the benches, bars, all bought with combined part time job salaries of both me and Nick. Now I barely get to use it. As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed his array of proteins adorning the top of the fridge. Is that all it took to make him bigger than me? Irritable, I escaped back to my room, snack in hand. I woke with a start. The all too familiar, rhythmical banging of Nick’s headboard against his wall had woken me. I decided against languishing in bed, getting a semi from the image of Nick’s powerful body fucking Jenna, his fitness-model cover girl. I skulked off to the kitchen and started making pancakes. Down the corridor of the tiny flat, I could hear Nick step up his rhythm and the grunting got louder. “He’s close…” I thought, before immediately regretting it, as I felt my cock thicken. I poured the milk into the blender and turned it on, which nicely drowned out the noise of Nick’s big finish. As I waited for the mixture to thicken, I again glanced up at the top of the refrigerator. Nick was reasonably busy, so I reached up and pulled down the white looking container. I had listened to Nick extol the virtues to protein, and pre-workout and whatever happened to be flavour of the month at the time. But this… this I didn’t know about. Which was out of character for Nick. I looked over the label, it was plain white with black text. Plenty of scientific writing, this was clearly not something picked up off the supermarket shelves. I couldn’t really argue with the results though. Nick had been getting bigger and bigger, much stronger too, all in the last few weeks his progress seemed to have jumped. But he wasn’t just getting bigger, he was getting leaner too. Most of all, Nick was getting bullish, ordering me around, demanding stuff, doing whatever he liked with little consideration, his new strengthened frame easily backing up his command of me. As that last thought lingered in my head I decided I should try some of the shake. Quickly, not wanting to get caught by Nick, I spooned two tablespoons of powder into a protein shaker and quickly poured water in on top. As I was shaking it, excited to see if I could catch up to Nick, I realised the sound of the blender had been masking the sound from Nick’s room. I reached and clicked the blender off and the swirling pancake batter came to a stop. I could hear the sound of my own breathing, and feel the beating of my heart inside my chest. But nothing else, Nick was clearly finished with his girlfriend. I had to get the stolen protein shake back onto the shelf before Nick came into the kitchen. I hefted the white tub into my hands and raised it above my head. “Dude… you made me a post-fuck shake!” I, almost froze at the sound of Nick’s voice, but managed to get the tub back on top of the fridge. My heart pounding at the thought of being discovered, sinking to the level of deception to try and catch up with Nick’s recent gains. As I turned to face Nick a further reality dawned. Stood there, semi hard, straining his boxers, a wet spot visible, his thick muscular topless torso, hard and glistening with sweat from his recent exertion. Nick’s look was not truly one of thanks. He observed me from underneath his thick dark brow, his bulging muscle giving him a menacing look. “Thanks for making it for me, but next time, don’t… it’s special stuff, only designed for me…” Nick almost growled through gritted teeth. “Tomorrow… you…me… college gym… chest day…” Nick continued between big gulps from my protein shaker. Thumping me on the chest with a meaty paw. I said nothing, as I watched the behemouth, swig the luminous orange coloured shake, small droplets escaping as Nick guzzled greedily, landing hapharzardly on his bulging pectoral muscle. “OK!?” Nick yelled, eyes narrowing, before belching loudly. “Yeah, sure Nick, sounds good” Nick eyed me for a few more seconds, turned on his heel and bounced off back to his room. I quickly retreated to bed, the pancake mixture left languishing in the blender. Tomorrow would be a heavy one. The next morning, I was awoken by the deafening bangs on my bedroom door. My head raised from my pillow to find my unimpressive dick had been erect and oozing all night, probably as a consequence of the thought of a gym visit with Nick. This crush had come out of nowhere, but it seemed to be growing stronger the bigger Nick seemed to grow. I dragged myself to the kitchen; Nick was already there, his tight muscle tank straining to hold back his bulging chest. “Time you got up lazy…” grinned Nick “Ready to go?” I croaked “What do you think little man?” he grunted, pulling a crab pose bursting with ripped muscle. As we walked to the campus gym, across the very quiet and expansive campus, the cold bit into my skin, but Nick seemed not to notice. Somehow, the elements only sought to make Nick even more brutally masculine and dominating. Reaching the gym, we headed straight for the weights section, deserted except for a lone American football player grunting softly between reps of squats. I did my level best not to stare at Nick, but mostly failed. His deep golden tan and his coarse dark hair gave him a wealthy exotic appearance, even as he began to warm up his veins pulsed and distended as his a gentle swell began in his muscles. “Chest today…” Nick said visibly bouncing ready to exercise. I berated myself for once again not suggesting a different body part. I only ended up working chest and sometimes shoulders because these are the exercises that Nick wanted a spotter for. I loaded up the bar precariously with extra 20kilo plates just for Nick. Trying his best to ignore me, Nick swung himself down on the bench and got into position in order to begin the workout. In this position, I was rewarded with the vision of the swell and heave of Nick’s chest. Nick on the other hand, would have had to settle for my crotch disturbingly close to his head. “Ready?” Nick grunted, and grabbed the bar, not really giving me time to react. As it transpired I was not immediately required. The new 20 kilo plates seemed like only an extra 5 to Nick’s mounding chest. He couldn’t help himself but smirk as the weight, no doubt felt lighter and easier to manage, than expected. I watched as Nick revelled in the all too familiar sensation in his chest, the pump soared through him, his triceps bulging as his chest bloating from the impact of the weights resistance. Again he pressed it up with ease, his big python plumping down the taught rugby shorts. This had quite literally meant, that whatever he was taking, maybe that new shake, had made him even stronger since last week. “woah dude… this is insane…” I said quietly murmuring watching the spectacle unfold. I watched on, Nick’s chest bulging and swelling as he grinningly pressed the weight, seemingly with growing ease. His arms didn’t shake and his form didn’t falter. His triceps flared, the veins distending along his arms giving him a look of sheer unstoppable power. He racked the weight without any help from me. When it was my turn, plates came off and I got into position, my head now close to Nick’s obscene bulge in his sweats. Not only did it look big, but this close, I could smell the incredible scent of the contents of his jock and it make the usual feelings bubble to the surface. I did my usual workout, my pecs fraught with effort and arms struggling with my usual weight, I watched Nick spot me, as my arms shook with almost half the weight he used, I looked up to him grinning down at me. This gave me the strength to finish my last few reps, but still, it served only to highlight the growing disparity in our muscle strength. The rest of the workout, I was feeling increasingly unhappy seeing Nick blow through all of his maxes and continuing to set new personal bests. I watched, uncomfortably as he nailed every chest exercise with greater than ever strength, amazed as he seemed to cope with anything thrown at him. I was so envious of his success, I figured I had to make a drastic change in my life or I’d get left behind. As I watched Nick strip for the shower, a common ritual after our workouts, that actually, maybe I needed to even the score. Later that night, Nick was out of the flat on a romantic date with his girlfriend. So I sneaked into his room while he was away. If Nick was taking this experimental supplement, there had to be some physical proof, letters, brochures, consent forms; there just had to be something to give me a clue. I needed to get on the trial. As I picked my way through Nick’s room, I found a cryptic letter from the andrology department of our university, now, SCU wasn’t exactly known for its research but, clearly, they were getting something right. However, before I had chance to read the information, I heard the familiar rattle of keys outside of the flat door, in a panic, I threw the letters back into the draw and slammed the draw shut, however in doing so, the cupboard rocked backwards then forwards. I looked upwards, in time to see the contents of one of Nick’s used condoms flow back out of the untied end and splash onto my forearm. I didn’t have time to react; I just bolted from Nick’s room out into the corridor and ran straight for my room. As I closed my door, I could hear Nick and Jenna come home and begin some post-date “activities”. My breathing calmed and my pulse slowed. My attention was drawn to the burning sensation on my right arm; I looked down to see the bright red streak across my supinated arm. I kept looking at it, it was red, and glowing, but there was seemingly no evidence of the disgusting contents of the used rubber. I was feeling hot all over, not just from the burning sensation on my arm, my clothes didn’t feel right on me. In the privacy of my own room, I shucked my clothes and went over to the mirror. I felt a spasm in my gut, then, suddenly, an intense warm glow spread through my body. I looked at myself in the mirror, my pecs hardened, abs tightened. I looked on in amasement, feeling sheer power tear through my body. My traps seemed to thicken, my delts pushed out from shoulders, giving them a fuller, rounded look. I was even convinced I was taller. I felt my legs precipitously thicken, I watched the inner head of the quadriceps surge into view, which only happened when I flexed, and yet, I wasn’t flexing. I looked up at my face, for the first time since I started college, I felt that I looked handsome and healthy. A grin unconsciously spread across my face. I had no idea how this happened, but I absolutely loved it. I posed for a little while longer. Feeling the bulge and play of my newly developed musculature, the heady experience of being taller, if only a fraction… Best of all the sensation that I must have a semi, except my cock was fully flaccid. I gyrated my hips watching the new piece of meat bounce around. It got hard easily and I wrapped my hand around it. My legs nearly gave way as my cock began firing round after round across the room, ribbons of pure white spunk blasted out and still my cock bounced in front of me, as if to fire again. I tucked the raging pole back into my strained boxers and glanced in the mirror. “Fuck yeah” I grunted, trying to flex my abs. Only, I’d never sworn into the mirror before… or actually… in many years. My stomach growled so I went to the kitchen dressed only my boxers. The bulge still present as I walked, for the first time, it seemed to bounce up and down gently as I walked along. I got into the kitchen, surprised to find Nick there, sat alone at the table, also dressed only in his boxers. He looked pale, and not in his usually arrogant vigour. The pale palour even made him look a little less masculine than normal. “You ok bro?” I said, sounding surprisingly manly. “Yeah, yeah, just had a bit of a funny turn…” Said Nick cryptically. The next morning, I woke up for the gym. I casually wrapped my hand around a raging morning erection, the cock, seemed bigger and stronger than I ever remembered. I brushed my hands up my thinner waist, across my flat stomach to the new shallow contours on my chest from my thickened pectorals. My hand found its way to the alarm clock, but it seemed I had awakened before my alarm clock, before Nick had the chance to wake me. I felt incredible after last night’s dramatic turn of events. Not only mentally but physically. I could feel energy just seem to stream out of me, I was ready to lift. The thoughts of stealing Nick’s new experimental protein shake could not be further from my mind at the moment, as a night’s sleep and deliberation had led me to the conclusion it was probablyresponsible for the effects of his potent spunk. I dressed, in front of the mirror, looking at my new body. I smiled as I quickly gave my arms a flex and my fresh, new biceps jumped up in my arms, now slightly less egg like, now definitely more fusiform in their appearance. Quietly dressing and walking out into the corridor, there was no Nick waiting with an annoyed glare, so I made for the kitchen. Nick’s half eaten breakfast was still on the table as he was filling up his protein shaker. “Y.. you’re up?” he croaked. I looked at him, he looked sleepy and tired. He rubbed his eyes and kept blinking at me. He was haphazardly dressed and his hair matted down to his head from the sweat of his night time activities with Jenna. “Are you ok dude?” “Err, just feeling a bit rough.” He answered, still staring at me. “Dude… did… you look like you, *ahem*, you’ve been making progress in the gym…” He continued, still staring at my chest. “Yeah, I think you might be right dude.” I replied, desperately avoiding the urge to show off my chest by flexing in front of Nick. He prepared his shake and we headed out. In the car, as we drove, I could feel Nick’s eyes stealing odd glances at me. I began to regret wearing the sleeveless top as I wasn’t sure if he was actually paying attention to the road. I could feel my balls tingle at the thought of a workout, I couldn’t wait to test my new muscle and I couldn’t wait to show Nick that I was capable of catching him up. As we arrived at the gym, he turned to me before we exited the car. “How did you do it dude?” “Do what Nick?” “How did you get bigger, we only worked out together yesterday, and now, you’re bigger… how?” “Nick, are you ok? I’m the same, just been working out hard.” “Dude, seriously?” “You’re delusional, now drop it” I growled with an uncharacteristic aggressive tone in my voice. Nick clearly got the message and promptly stopped asking questions, but his dark stare intensified. In the gym, Nick’s chest workout was woeful, his lifts were slightly down, he grunted and flailed with his usual weight and made much use of me as spotter. Clearly this bothered him, because he was getting progressively sharp in his statements as the hour wore on. When he had first removed his hooded jumper, he looked sick and, almost smaller. I however, was having a great workout, I loved the feeling of my chest bulging outward, the stretch of the fabric against it, the surge of the feeling of power and pride throughout me, setting new strength goals, took all my focus not to get rock hard. Whilst this was going on Nick, eyed me jealously. I could feel his cold dark eyes burning into me as he reluctantly spotted me for a new personal best. Before we could hit the showers, Nick insisted we do a flat bench press. I felt this was more of an exercise to prove a point instead of the training value of adding in another heavy set, complex lift at the end of the workout. As I pressed the weight up, I felt my body burn with exertion, I felt amazing. I added almost 10kg to my previous bench from yesterday, even with exhausted pectoral muscles from the previous hour workout. Nick racked up his usual weight, and through much straining and gritting of teeth and of course, some help from his loyal spotter, was able to do a few reps at his usual weight. As he racked the weight, it was clear the point he was trying to make, had not been as clearly illustrated as he had hoped. As he stared at me I obliviously fondled my swollen chest muscle. “What?” I asked “Nothing, lets hit the showers…” he said grinning for the first time today. Nick’s mood seemed to improve here as we entered the changing room. As he rather quickly undressed, I rolled my eyes, knowing what was coming. “Coming to shower?” he asked, grinning at me, as he intentionally groped his thick, soft cock, though wanting me to believe it as a mere adjustment for comfort. I undressed at the normal speed, grabbed my towel and followed him into the shower. As I walked in, I watched him slowly lather soap into his thick musculature. His soft cock, swinging gently back and forth as his arms worked above him. I turned my head, to glance at his cock, figuring the water must be colder than usual, as it seemed a fraction smaller than usual. As I got myself under a shower head, I looked over at him again. He was looking at me, but our eyes didn’t meet, he was looking downward at my groin. “Dude, come on, you took some of my protein didn’t you?” he said unexpectedly “Look, Nick, I didn’t…” “Listen, I told you to stay away from it.” He grunted, his eyes looking cruel with a darker hue. I glanced down at me, across my now swollen pecs, my flattered stomach, to my soft cock, I then glanced over at him. His cock looked back to its old size if not bigger, as our eyes met. I realised, that his cock was thickening. Never before had I seen Nick like this, his skin flushing, his cock becoming increasingly aroused. “You uh… need a hand there bud?” I snickered. Within a second he was on me, his powerful hands grabbing both my shoulders. When they wouldn’t yield he dragged me, hanging onto my smaller frame, causing us to collapse to the floor. I struggled against the huge bulk of his weight on top of me. A leg each side of my chest, he positioned himself on top of my pectorals, his big, thick cock growing up and outwards towards my face. His cock brushed my lips. “Is this what you wanted? Stealing glances at me all the time? Well, how does it feel now? Enjoying?” He grunted, thrusting his hips forward at the upward inflection of each question. He took hold of his long, engorging rod and smacked my lips with it. “Please st-“ before I could finished speaking, the salty, musky flavour of Nick’s thick member exploded forth as he sunk the head into my open mouth. His powerful thighs extended on top of me as more of the colossally large pole slid into my mouth. I tried to speak, but the organ took up all of my mouth, I tried to remove myself, but his huge legs pinned me. As he held himself up with one of his mighty arms, another steadied my head as he began driving the mammoth shaft in and out of my mouth. As he began pumping, I could feel a familiar burning throughout my limbs that I felt the other night after getting his cum on my arm. I could feel the precum drip down my throat, rather than fight this, I knew to let it happen, I would reach my goals, and Nick, total unknowingly, would help me. If I hadn’t had his huge rod in my mouth, I’m not sure I could hold back the grin I would have had on my face. I felt trapped as his mammoth legs pinned me, as he pumped himself into my face. I had to focus on breathing, but I could feel his pre already start to work on me, the power swelling within me like a tide. Nick was absorbed in sating his carnal urge, I brought my arms up around his muscular waist, I watched as the veins snaked and squirmed their way to the surface of my biceps, muscle fibres thickening, the individual muscles becoming visible in my forearms. I felt great, I wanted this, I urged it to happen. He grunted above, clearly enjoying himself, just as the effects of his pre began to slacken, I felt his hips increase speed an intensity. As his orgasm ripped through him, I could feel his seed fire into the back of my throat again and again. Greedily, as best that I was able, I sucked down as much as I could handle, gleefully knowing it would be my flatmates undoing. He grunted once again and then withdraw his mighty organ from my slickened mouth, shook the last remnants of his pure white spunk onto my chest. “You tell anyone about this… and I’ll end you…” His powerful body swaggered off back to the changing room, but yet as I watched him leave, I thought I could see a little less definition in his expansive back. As I lay there on the shower floor, I felt the seed I had just swallowed get to work on me. Slowly it burned in my guts, filling me with ever increasing power. I knew then, his act had given me strength beyond anything I could have achieved in a year of gym visits. I felt my ass thicken, broaden and push me up from the floor, I felt less of the floor as my back broadened and dense muscle moved in to cushion the bone. I jumped up, my stronger powerful legs growing at a pace. I glanced down to see my pecs swell, my flat stomach, flatten even more, the first hints of my abdominals erupt from beneath the skin. I grabbed onto the shower bar as more power bolted through my body. I felt the room lower as my entire body lengthened. My mouth let out an involuntary grown as my neck muscles bulged, reaching my arms up to explore my thickening neck, my new, stronger biceps bulged with power. I raced into the locker room, but I was alone, Nick had long since left, I looked into the mirror and didn’t realise the new, taller, stronger and all round more masculine Sam staring back. I pulled a double bicep pose, amazed at the sheer size and power contained within my arms, I’m not sure the average person on the street would consider them big, but I was on my way. They had to be 15 inches around, I estimated. Best of all, the familiar hardening of my cock, had a most unfamiliar quality to it. Looking down, my erection strained the now tighter swimmer trunks, the bolder individual leg muscles fought the elastic. I as I slipped down, the apparently looser waist band, I was more than happy to see my usually unimpressive erection, looked super hard, but also both longer and thicker. My bigger balls pulsed below it, urging me to lift, urged me to fight and to persue. I resisted however, and redressed myself and made for home, I had a plan. (to be continued)
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