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  1. RealIn2Growth

    Ark of The Gods (Prologue, Chapters 1 - 3)

    Hi! Below you'll find the first three chapters of my new story. It's an idea that I've had for a while that's slowly been burning. Let me know what you think. Enjoy! Ark of the Gods Prologue One The Scribe frantically jotted down everything he could remember. Each night, for the past fortnight, he had been visited by The Master, and each night he had given him more specific items to transcribe. The Scribe found that if he didn’t write down everything he remembered, he was unable to eat, sleep, or rest. He lived to write The Master’s Words. Only when it was complete would The Scribe be able to sleep. Thunder shook the ground he sat upon as he wrote. It had been thundering non-stop for three weeks. The battle in the sky would be fought until only one stood. Several had been destroyed already. When only one survived, this world would never been the same. The Scribe didn’t understand anything of what he wrote. The etching was complex. The Master was very specific about each line that was drawn. They must be exact. If they weren’t exact, The Master would surly punish The Scribe with eternal damnation. He would live for all eternity in agony. That is… if The Master survived the battle. The ground shook as lightning rained down on The Earth. The Scribe added the last of the text and knew that it was complete. As he deposited the rolls of Papyrus in to the clay pot, an explosion rocked his hut. Running to the window, he looked out and saw the sky was alive with flames. The entire sky was burning. Running back to the table, The Scribe grabbed the lid. He then took wet clay from a bowl and sealed the lid on top of the pot. Grabbing the pot, The Scribe ran from his hut and into the forest. He needed to get to the location where his Master had instructed him, he must bury the pot. Again, his instructions were very clear. The pot needed to be brought into the cave that was furthest from the sea. He must walk in darkness for 13,000 steps before stopping. At this point, he must dig a hole roughly the height of a human male. Here, he must deposit the pot. Then, he must wait. No man must disturb where the pot was buried. This location… this darkness would be where he was to remain for thousands upon thousands of years. Before entering the cave, The Scribe looked back to see a streak of darkness engulf the sky before it exploded into flames again. The Master knew he would never win this battle… there were too many against him now… but he had a plan. One day… when the world had stopped believing in anything… he would return. He would bring back harmony to the universe through his might. Even in death, The Scribe must protect The Pot. The Master had given him a vision of the one who was destined to find it. Only then would he be able to rest. One day… a man would come… and only he would be able to understand the writing. Only he would be able to unweave the puzzle The Master had created. Only he would be worthy. The Scribe entered the cave just as another explosion rocked the sky. Turning, he saw the mouth covered over with large boulders that had rolled down from the top of the mountain. Now the world was truly dark. Soon… one day… The Master would reign again. Prologue Two A Transcript from The Video Recorded Journal of Dr. Jacob Graham. ACTION: The recording is turned on. Standing directly center is Dr Jacob Graham J.G: The date is October 8th, 2022. The time… 11:02 am. Since I will be an active participant in my own experiment, I have asked my friend, physician, and assistant, Taylor Wagner to develop a recorded account. The Fountain of Youth. A mythical spring that can allegedly restore young to anyone wo drinks or bathes from it. Legends surrounding such a concept can be found in nearly every culture in every civilization. Even before Ponce de Leon, stories of restorative fountain first appeared in the writings of Herodotus in the 5th Century B.C. Legend had it that Alexander the Great drank of it in the 3rd Century, A.D. Similar myths can be found among members of The Crusades and peoples in the Caribbean who their own tales of the mysterious land of Bimini where the Fountain could be found. It was not always a fountain though. Often it was a river, a spring, or a pond that would reverse the aging process and cure the sick. With so many legends and myths build upon this concept… might it perhaps have hints of truth in it? When I discuss the concept of a Fountain of Youth with my peers, I have been told that my yearnings are just that of a 78-year-old man nearing the end of his life. They say I am afraid of death. I say… if we don’t have to die… why should we? My labors have been tireless in the pursuit of The Fountain of Youth. For 37 years I have hunted it. I’ve explored the deep heart of Africa, hidden temples, and valleys in South America, and followed maps that claim to be able to pinpoint exactly where Bimini might be. Each journey has ended in a dead in. That is, until I arrived on the Island of Crete. My search took me to the Cave of Ideon Andron in Psiloritis. It is here, legend spoke, that a man was buried with a map to ‘The Halls of Immortality.’ For six months we excavated the areas surrounding the cave and within its interior. Then, one day, I discovered what I had been looking for. It was there that I discovered The Abbascia Scrolls, so named for the word etched on the bottom of the clay pot they were discovered in. It is assumed that this was the surname of the person who wrote and then hid the 19 scrolls away. Months of translations have let us to where we are today. Behind me you will see The Ark. Standing at 18 feet in heights it was built using both Gold, Bronze, and Iron. The etchings, as you can see here… ACTION: Dr. J.G. approaches The Ark and runs his hands along it. J.G: … they form a complex labyrinth around The Ark. It took metal masons eighteen months to carve the entirety as described. Yes, the design, the etchings, the entire composition was dictated to us by the writer of The Abbascia Scrolls. ‘The Ark,’ it was written, ‘opens the gateway between now and then. The path will be traveled, the sky will be opened, and a renewal will be bathed upon those who enter The Ark.’ A renewal will be bathed upon. Interesting use of words. Of course, this is just a translation, but could The Ark be where the legends of The Fountain of Youth began? As you can see, The Ark also has eight areas where, once again, as dictated, a gem or a diamond has been set. These are Shungite, Amethyst, Howlite, Labradorite, Citrine, Diamond, Emerald, and Ruby. Each was cut exactly as described. They are each of a substantial size and the cutting of all took eight to eleven months due to the intricate, and sometimes odd requirements. Abbascia requested sunlight or the most powerful of lights to power The Ark. Here, we have chosen to forgo the use of sunlight and instead use laser light. Once I am placed into The Ark, the lasers will be powered on. The laser beams will travel through the gems, empowering them, and their light will travel down the etched paths that crisscross the Ark. From there… we shall see. ACTION: Dr. J.G. begins to remove his tie, his dress shirt, his trousers, his socks, and his underwear. He stands before the camera, naked. J.G: I have gone into this journey with my eyes open. What I am about to undertake… this has been through my own design. No matter what happens… even if I should die… it was by my own hands and no one else. ACTION: Dr. J.G. moves toward The Ark. Assistant Oliver Maynard swings the large metallic door open. J.G. takes his place inside. Just before the door is shut, there is a commotion as four men enter the room. One is recognizable as Anthony Williams, late 60’s, and head of The Foundation. The other three are silent and wear black turtlenecks and trousers with dark sunglasses. A.W holds up his hand. A.W: Why didn’t you alert The Foundation that you were ready to start trials on The Ark? J.G: I have no need to inform you of anything. A.W: Grab him. Remove him from The Ark. ACTION: One of the Men in Black move forward and forcefully take the naked Jacob Shephard out of The Ark. A.W: Did you think I would allow you to test The Ark without me being present. J.G: Then let’s stop this foolishness. You can remain, just let me go. A.W: You want to test The Ark on yourself? No. I could never let that happen. What if you were to die in there? How would I get a return on my investment? No… we need a better option. J.G: You? A.W: Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not risking my life… not until I know it works. No. How about… You. ACTION: A. W points to one of The Men in Black. K.M: Yes, sir. A.W: Approach me. ACTION: Man 1 has been identified as Kirk Mason. He moves toward Anthony Williams. K.M: Yes, sir. A.W: Your name? K.M: Kirk Mason. A.W: Age? K.M: 52. A.W: Perfect. How long have you been with The Foundation. K.M: Three months. A.W: Wonderful. You won’t be missed. Take off your clothes. J.G: Don’t be ridiculous, Anthony. You can’t put a stranger in The Ark. He doesn’t know the risks. A.W: I’d use your assistant, Jacob, but if it works, I wouldn’t want a fetus on our hands. Do you understand the risks, Mason? This could either kill you… or make you young again. K.M: Fuck A.W: I’ll take that as a yes. ACTION: Kirk Mason proceeds to remove his dark glasses and places them in the pockets of his trousers. Next to be removed are his black turtleneck, shoes, and black trousers. He stands 5’10 and 190 lbs. of fat covered muscle. His silver hair is trimmed in a traditional high and tight fade. It is obvious to viewers that he was hired for his brawn. K.M proceeds to remove his black socks and his briefs. A.W: Go stand in The Ark, Mason. ACTION: K.M moves across the room and enters the metallic Ark. He turns around and faces front. J.G: Don’t do this, Anthony. I’m begging you. A.W: You brought this on yourself, Jacob… keeping secrets. How could you think I wouldn’t find out. Close the door. ACTION: Oliver Maynard looks over at J.G, who after a moment signals him to shut the door. When finished, he pulls down a large lever that locks the door. A.W: No matter what happens… you let it go to completion. ACTION: The camera performs a close-up of The Ark. Here Taylor Wagner begins to film one of the gems and then travels down one of the complex paths. A.W: Can you hear me in there? VOICE K.M: All set in here, sir. A.W: Perfect. We can proceed. VOICE O.M: We’re in position, Taylor… Dr. Graham. Do you wish for me to continue? A.W: You will continue. VOICE T.W: Trial of The Ark begins at 11.16 am. Within is… Kirk Mason. Witnesses are me, Dr. Jacob Shepherd, Andrew Besser, Oliver Maynard, and… three members of The Foundation. J.G: Please stop this, Anthony. A.W: Start up The Ark. ACTION: The camera pulls back and takes in the entirety of The Ark. A low hum can be heard coming from it. Moments later a gem begins to glow green, and the first path is illuminated. Two other gems follow, one path is green, the other blue. The camera picks up K. M’s voice from within The Ark. VOICE K.M: Fuck… it’s… wow… incredible… The light… making patterns in here… swirling around each other… forming… what looks to be… roots… J.G: Roots? ACTION: Another gem begins to glow, and the path is illuminated in orange. Another path is illuminated, and then a purple. A second green gem is ignited and forms a path followed by the large white diamond. The white path from the diamond quickly travels around the ark. Each light proceeds to get brighter and brighter. The Ark creates one solo bright light. VOICE K.M: Its… yes!!! The energy!! You can’t imagine…. The energy… going into me… my whole body’s so alive! A.W: More! We’re almost there!! Move it to full power! Now!!! Now!!! Now!!! ACTION: The hum of the machine grows louder. The lights of the gems and the paths intensify until what appears to be comets of light begin to travel around The Ark. This new materialization of light causes a howling sound as they move faster and faster around The Ark. VOICE K.M: My body… my mind… traveling… going to places… I… I don’t understand! ACTION: There is a loud explosion as the diamond bursts into flame and begins to melt. The white path of the diamond that wraps around the ark also manifests itself in flame. The liquid diamond quickly moves over the indentation, covering The Ark. Within seconds, every gem explodes sending liquid fire down each indentation of metal. Moments later, the entire Ark is engulfed in red, white, green, purple, and orange flames. From within, we hear K.M laughing hysterically. VOICE K.M: Yes!! Yes!! This is it!!! Yes!! Oh my God! The roots… their moving around each other… coming together… The energy… it’s… it’s burning me!!!! ACTION: Another explosion rocks the floor as the various colored comets begin to whip even faster around The Ark. The comets then begin crashing into The Ark repeatedly which causes the flames to rise higher upon and around The Ark. Screams from K. M can be heard from within. Taylor Wagner sets the camera down on a table and tentatively approaches The Ark. From the way he is standing, his body arching away from it, the flames and temperature appear to be extremely intense. Dr. Jacob Shepherd runs up to stand next to him. Andrew Besser runs in from the right carrying a large red fire extinguisher and blanket. He throws the blanket at Taylor who begins to hit The Ark with it. Andrew steps back, removes the safety pin, and points the hose at The Ark. As he presses the operating levers a flare of white light erupts from The Ark and sets the extinguisher itself ablaze. Andrew drops it onto the floor. Another loud explosion. J.G: The Ark!! It’s melting!!! Where’s Oli? A.B: Hopefully calling the Fire Department!! ACTION: Dr. Gerald, Andrew and Taylor move back as the colored blaze grows hotter and brighter. A massive crack in The Ark appears, and flames begin to shoot out of fissure. Dr. Shepherd runs toward The Ark. T.S: Dr. Shepherd. Get back… it’s going to blow!!! J.G: I hope you’re happy, Anthony. I won’t be put in jail for his death… you will!! ACTION: From the fissure, a thick gelatinous fluid begins to drip onto the floor. The whole structure of the Ark begins to quake. The noise is deafening. The flames engulf the entire structure till it is impossible to see what lays beneath as it is engulfed by a tornado of colored flames. Dr. Graham attempts to move toward The Ark to retrieve a sample of the fluid that has leaked out. A flare of flame breaks free of The Ark igniting Dr. Graham’s face and body. Taylor runs up to him with the fire blanket and attempts to put it out. Anthony Williams moves across the room, speaks quietly to the two additional men, and as a group, they exit. Suddenly, the inferno grows larger and larger until an explosion is heard. The immense pulse short circuits the camera causing the screen to go black. End of Transcript. For Secure Eyes Only. INTERLUDE I Kirk Mason is naked. He walks alone through the metal labyrinth. He doesn’t remember how he got here. There is complete silence. Even his bare walking on dirt do not make a sound. As he walks, he runs his hand along the metal. Cold, he thinks. He comes to the end of the path and moves to his right. How long has he been walking? It must be hours if not days. Then, for the first time, he hears a voice: “Yes. Your coming was foretold to me in the first dream.” Chapter One Taylor walked up the front door of the old warehouse that held Dr. Graham’s laboratory with a plastic shopping bag and paused. Looking behind him, he assured himself that no one was watching or had followed him. I’m acting ridiculous, Taylor thought. Why would anyone follow me? Though… he has, in the past, believed he was being followed. It was right after Jacob hired him. He had told The Captain the next day, but he brushed it off and told Tayler not to be such an alarmist. Who would be following him? Later that afternoon though, Tayler did walk in on Anthony Williams, Head of the Foundation, and Jacob having an argument. As soon as he had seen Tayler, Jacob had slammed the door and lowered the blinds. Tayler told himself that he had just been feeling jittery and paranoid. No one had been following him then… and no one was following him now. Taylor moved to the retina scan, looked deep within the red light, heard the door unlock, and let himself in. As he was shutting it, he did give the street in front of his warehouse a once over to see if there was anything he should be aware of. There was nothing. No one had used this warehouse park in years. No one had any reason to be here. No one was following him. Standing in what would have been the reception area when the warehouse was used for its true purpose, Taylor paused to listen if he was able to detect any hint of noise. Nothing. Good. Hopefully he was asleep. He moved quietly into the kitchen and placed the bag of canned protein shakes on the counter. Removing two cans from the bag and leaving the other five, he turned and went down the long corridor to where the break room and the room where Dr. Graham had set up cots if they all needed to work around the clock. Moving to this room, he looked in and found that it was empty. Moving a tad quicker now, he crossed over to the bathroom where he found Kirk Mason, naked, sitting on the counter near the wash basin, looking intently at himself in the mirror. “Look. I told you to remain in the other room.” “If you saw me in a bar… how old would you think I am?” “I don’t know… 24…25… younger than me. It’s crazy.” “I can’t believe that piece of shit actually worked.” “We thought you were dead. We all did.” The young man looked exactly like the man Taylor remembered seeing, except younger… much… much younger. He was trimmer now… tighter. There didn’t appear to be an ounce of fat on him. His skin appeared… reinvigorated… his muscles pumped and ready. The only differences between this guy and his new incarnation were the lack of hair on any inch of his body, and the newly knotted umbilical cord Taylor had cut and knitted himself a few hours prior. Taylor handed the two cans to Kirk. “Drink. Both of them.” Kirk takes the cans begrudgingly from Taylor, opens one, and takes a big gulp. Damn, it tasted good. He took another large gulp. “Tell me again how you found me.” “I need to call and find out how Dr. Graham is doing.” “The one guy… he said he was burned to a crisp.” “Yeah. This whole day is one fucking mess. He’s in a coma. Now, You need to sleep.” “Tell me again how you found me.” “Go rest!” “I can’t rest! I’m wide awake. I’m wired. Tell me.” Taylor took a deep breath. “If you go lie down… I’ll tell you.” “Fine!” Like a spoiled teenager, Kirk pushed his way out of the bathroom, walked down the long corridor, moved into the room where the cots had been placed, and over to where the cots had been place, and threw himself down on the bed. “There. Now. Tell me.” “I don’t fully understand what happened. Everything seemed to be going according to plan. Then suddenly, it all went out of control. Each of the gems began to glow brighter and brighter… then they began to melt. Liquid fire the color of each of the gems began to travel around The Ark. we could hear you inside… you were talking about how beautiful the lights were.” “I remember… I could see them. The lights were moving around my body. It was like they wre alive…” Kirk’s 7-inch cock began to harden. “That’s been happening a lot recently.” “Hell. You’re in your twenties. What do you expect.” Taylor could see Kirk’s cock harden further till it was standing a ridged 90 degrees from his body. It’s been years since my cocks gotten that hard… if it ever did. “The flames… no… they were move then flames… they moved… like they were alive. They moved faster and faster… the flames rose higher and hotter. Andrew approached The Ark with a fire extinguisher… but… it attacked him. I know it sounds crazy… but it did. It acted like it didn’t want the flames to be put out.” Taylor could still see it all as if it happened only seconds before. He could feel the heat… hear the flames… hear the screams of the man he thought was melting with The Ark. “We tried to get to you… but the flames wouldn’t let us move closer. Oli ran to call The Fire Department… we have shit signal in the main lab. That’s when The Ark cracked open… when Dr. Graham first noticed the fluid leaking from The Ark. He leaned down to touch it… and when he did… they attacked him. One second, he was fine… and then next… it was like someone had poured lighter fluid all over his body and lit a match. Even with the fire blanket it was hard to put it out. Then… the flames moved into themselves… and The Ark exploded. Except… it didn’t.” Taylor could see it all replaying in his mind. “The room… the room was still. All I could smell was burning, but it wasn’t the room… it was the man I had covered in a fire blanket. The rest of the room… The Ark… there were no flames… no heat… No smoke. Nothing was on fire. No part of the lab was scorched. The Ark had split open and had begun to melt… and the gens no longer existed… but that was all. The firemen arrived… but the only thing that appeared to have been on fire was Dr. Shepherd. An ambulance arrived and when they miraculously found he was alive, they took him away immediately.” Kirk had finished the second can of protein shake. Taylor went over to the kitchen counter and grabbed the bag with the additional and handed them to him. “I asked one of the firemen to use and ax and split The Ark open. I wanted your body… maybe you had family. I don’t know. That’s when we found you… suspended… attached to a thick umbilical cord like a baby… and this chord was attached to eight other roots… all forming from exactly where the gens had been. You were engulfed in thick embryonic fluid. You were just hanging there… suspended.” “I was alive.” Kirk drank the third can in five quick gulps and grabbed for another. “Wonder if this new body is going to require a larger calorie intake.” Kirk opened a Strawberry and took three large gulps. “I’ve gotten so used to watching everything I ate.” Taylor watched the man drain the can dry. “There are plenty. Don’t worry. I’m not going to take it away from you!” Kirk popped open a can of chocolate protein shake. “We clawed at the fluid… grabbed at it until it began to give way. Finally, we were able to reach you. You screamed out when I cut the cord.” Kirk opened the fourth. “You don’t remember any of this?” “I don’t remember anything till I woke up in here. What I do remember is… waking up and thinking… it’s bullshit.” Kirk drank from the can as if it were a beer and he was dying of thirst. “Tell me. We need to keep records of everything.” “I felt like you had ripped me from my mother’s stomach… her womb…” “By womb… you mean The Ark.” “I guess I do.” Kirk finished the fourth can, belched, and threw it on the floor. “What time is it?” “It’s… 6.30 pm.” “I need to get home. Where are my clothes.” Kirk stood up and moved to exit the large breakroom. “Where do you think you’re going?” “I need to go home. I have shit to do. Where’s my phone… my keys.” “You’re not going home. Not tonight. You need to be under observation. We need to study you… blood tests… X-rays… ultrasounds. We need to make sure you’re okay.” Kirk leaped from the bed and onto the floor in one quick movement, and began to do burpees, one right after each other. “Does this look like someone who needs to be observed? I’ve never felt so alive. I didn’t even feel this amazing in my twenties!! I could do this all night and never get winded! No aches… No back pain… only continuous energy.” Kirk stopped and stood before Taylor. He grinned and began to flex his tight muscles. “I can’t wait to go to the gym… or for a jog… or mountain climb. Everything I’ve stopped doing over the last ten years.” “You should take it easy. Let me take a few vials of blood… make sure you’re as young on the inside as you are on the outside.” “Look, I appreciate it. You worry. I’ll tell you what. You can take as many vials of blood as you need. You can perform test after test. Tomorrow. Tonight, I’m going home, and I’m going to fuck a hot guys tight ass over and over and over again. I can’t tell you how horny I am. It’s driving me crazy!” Just talking about sex caused Kirk’s penis to harden once again. He has the sex-drive of a teenager, Taylor thought. “Everything appears normal…” “Except I’m completely bald.” “Yeah. There is that.” “I had a great head of hair. Think it will grow back?” “Honestly… I just don’t know. Dr. Graham was the expert, and even then we were shooting in the dark. Everything was an unknown. You’re an unknown.” “I still feel like me… only…” “Younger.” “Not only younger. There’s something else. It’s like I’m improved. Perfected. I noticed that too.” Kirk moved over to the bag and removed another protein shake. Fuck, he was hungry! When he got out of here, he was going to stop off and order two… not three pizzas to eat. “When I was in the bathroom… looking in the mirror… I recognized myself and I didn’t. Sounds dumb, I’m sure. How can I not recognize myself.” Kirk drank from the can. Yeah. When he got out of here… he had a lot of shit he wanted to do with this new body. “Follow me. I want to see one thing.” Taylor moved past Kirk and walked down the hallway and into the main laboratory that housed The Ark. Taylor hated the sight of it. He wanted to destroy it… melt it down… forget it had even existed. If Jacob died… he’d torch this whole place. He looked behind and saw Kirk was directly at The Ark. “It seems… dead.” Kirk walked up to the metal structure and placed his hands on it; feeling the cold. “Step onto this platform.” Kirk did as he was told. The quicker he got this over with, the faster he could leave. Taylor went to a computer and tapped in a few commands. “This is going to enable me to see your current statistics. I wish we could have done this before you went in… but… you were a little bit of a surprise.” “Hell. It was a surprise for me as well.” Kirk’s statistics appeared on the computer. “Currently you are 5’10, 178 lbs.….” Kirk moved over to the computer. “Really? I haven’t been 178 in twenty years!! Believe me, it gets harder to lose fat when you get old like me.” “What were you before?” “230.” “Huh. Now, this is where it gets interesting. With measuring a body, each side is never a mirror image of itself. There are always discrepancies. But… with you… the computer is saying that that just isn’t so. Both of your biceps: 16 inches. Your waist: 33 inches. Your feet: Size 11. Your chest: 43 inches. Your neck: 16 inches. Your shoulders: 53 inches. Your stats… they’re… well… they’re perfect. They’re the ideal man. Did you have those stats before?” “I was in great shape for my age. I’d always been muscular. Pretty strong. But you know. Too many McDonalds… to many miss gym sessions. The fat piles on. I noticed another thing when I was in the bathroom. There’s not one mark on me… not one mole… nothing. I used to have several beauty marks on my right thigh. Gone. I had a scar right here where I had surgery on my leg. Gone. Nothing. It’s like… that machine didn’t just make me younger… it…made me perfect.” Taylor watched Kirk walk over to the glass jar that was sitting on the table. “That’s the fluid you were encased in. Its embryonic fluid.” “Where did it come from? “Great question. No recollection?” Kirk stared at the jar trying to remember. “I don’t know. I can kind of remember watching the lights moving around each other… forming what looked like tree branches… then they came together into one main root… it moved around me… then entered me… attaching itself to me.” Kirk winced and doubled over as he felt a sharp pain coming from his crotch. Taylor leaped up and was at his side. “What’s wrong?” Kirk laughed as the pain faded away. “It’s nothing. I think I just drank these too fast. Bothered my stomach a little. That was my first meal… remember!” Kirk felt the pain rise up again but hid it from Taylor. It was even worst this time, but he continued smiling at the guy he had just met. “Maybe… maybe I should consider getting dressed. Where did you put my clothes.” “They’re right over there.” Taylor pointed to the pile of black clothes that had been kicked into a corner. “Great. I need to piss before I get dressed. I’ll be right back.” Kirk moved to leave the room. “Wait. Let me take some blood first. It will take three seconds.” Taylor knew that he couldn’t keep the man here and wanted to get samples just in case he didn’t come back again. “It can’t wait? I need to piss.” Again, the pain. Kirk wanted to grab onto his cock… hold it still… it was like someone was driving needles into it. He just wanted to get away from Taylor and into the bathroom. “Come over here. I’ll just grab a couple of vials and a vacutainer. If you need to piss, I can also get a urine sample.” Taylor moved over to another desk and gathered his supplies. Kirk sat in the chair and looked down at his burning cock. Lifting it to take a better look… he watched as thin pieces of skin began to quickly grow up from his circumcision scar. The pain intensified as he felt skin cells reproduce repeatedly. He could see that Taylor was close to grabbing everything that he needed. If he sees this, he thought, I’ll never leave. They’ll experiment on me! moving down below. Quickly he stood up. “I… I really need to…” Kirk buckled over as the pain began to magnify. Kirk looked down at his cock and saw that it was starting to get hard again. Taylor ran quickly over to Kirk and sat him down in the seat. “What is it? Tell me.” “Cock… my cock. It’s… fuck! Growing… foreskin!!” Taylor looked down and watched as new skin began to grow around and over the ridge of Kirk’s cock head and moving up. The burning had intensified, but Kirk was in too much awe to care. He moved his finger along the thin skin. “It feels so smooth… so warm… like a newborns skin.” Kirk could feel his cock getting even harder as the skin thickened slightly and tightened around the head. “This… it’s insane.” As the skin grew longer and thicker, Kirk experienced a spasm running through his cock into his balls. Without realizing it, he let out a low guttural, “Fuck.” From within the base of his cock, Kirk felt a new sensation; a tearing… a ripping… a splitting as his penis swelled and shot a wad of pre out of his slit. Kirk attempted to stand up, but again he felt the swelling an again his cock released another large wad of pre. “Need… toilet… relieve myself… I need… so fuckin horny… FUCK!!!!” Both men watched as Kirk’s foreskin grew even longer until his whole head was covered, and it drooped down over the top of his hard penis. As the skin became more substantial, sturdier, less like a baby and more like an adult’s foreskin, it also began to adopt a darker olive tone to match Kirk’s own skin. Kirk couldn’t help himself, and stroked the covered head, feeling the tenderness beneath the skin. Pre-come continued to leak from his slit and coated the head with tender lubricant as his foreskin grew further in length. Kirk leaned back in the chair and grit his teeth as an extremely intense wave of pleasure and pain expanded through his cock and balls followed by a large throbbing. Looking down again, Kirk took in the sight of his erect penis; harder than it had ever been his life. The foreskin pulled away from the head revealing a thicker, more bulbous head then he remembered having. Pre was dripping continuously from the slit now while the shaft throbbed and bobbed under its erect weight. Something was off though… something different…. Kirk felt a large throb grip his penis and felt the sensation as if more blood was being forced into the shaft. In awe, he watched his cock flex… rip… and swell thicker. Kirk threw his head back and let out a lewd moan. “Cock… thicker… growing…”. Another spasm forced Kirk’s cock to swell further. “That’s impossible!” “I know my own cock! I’ve always been six… FUCK!!!!” Kirk took in a deep breath and looked down just in time to see his shaft inch thicker and longer. “Look at it!!!” Taylor watched with an open mouth as Kirk’s penis proceeded to grow longer and fatter, the head flexing to become even meatier. Taylor could smell the waves of sweat coming from Kirk’s body. The man was trying to speak but found it difficult while gripped in the throes of his cock growing. Another surge… and again the cock grew longer… more impressive… the head had now swelled larger than the shaft. How big is it, Taylor thought, seven inches… seven and a half? Kirk let out another orgasmic moan as his penis swelled again. A huge grin formed on Kirk’s face as he felt it stretch longer. “Each beat of my heart… each beat forcing in more blood, Taylor… forcing it thicker… longer…. I wish you could feel how… fuck… how incredible this feels! Here comes another…”. Kirk groaned as his cock grew even larger than it had been before. It must be over… what…eight inches, Taylor thought. As if receiving an answer to his own question Taylor watched as Kirk’s cock began to swell and lengthen at an alarming rate. So thick, Taylor thought, I don ‘t think I’d be able to wrap my hand around it! “Spreading to my balls… filling up… stretching larger…” Kirk’s knees shook as he felt a stabbing sensation in both of his balls, a deep throbbing and then a hard tug as both of his testicles swelled larger. Moving his hand down to his tightened sack, he felt what had once been average in volume testicles inflate larger. An orgasm built up in his bigger balls, weighing them down in his hairless sack. The intensity mounted. Rigorously, Kirk began stroking the head with his hand, becoming more away of how sensitive the head was becoming. Pulling back the foreskin, he was surprised to see the head had become a much lighter pink color, absent of any grooves, or creases it had always had in the past. Stroking the head further, he could feel it become even smoother and slicker in his hand until he could barely touch it as it was becoming far too sensitive Kirk reached for his cock and was amazed that his fingers didn’t meet it was too thick. Kirk began to breathe faster and quicker as his cock grew in leaps and bounds. Looking at how immense it was becoming; Taylor was positive that he could see Kirk’s pulse in the thick tubular vein that traveled from his pelvis and up his shaft to the head. Kirk grabbed his cock and slowly began to stroke it. “After… after jerking this for 40 something years… this feels so new… so unlike anything I’ve ever encountered before.” Kirk groaned again as his cock flexed, swelled, and grew further, sending a tablespoon sized wad of precum flying onto the floor. The entire laboratory was filling up with the smell of cum and musk permeating from Kirk’s enlarged testicles. They themselves had grown past egg sized to now resemble something more like plums. They pulsed in Kirk’s sack prepared to spread their seed. “Skin… skin so tight… Shaft so fat!!! How… how much bigger can it get!!” Kirk let loose a guttural laugh along with another was of pre as he started to stroke the shaft more vigorously as the entire thing grew more immense. “Pulsing… pulling… throbbing… stretching!! So heavy! I never imagined a cock could grow to be so heavy! Something…Taylor… something…”. Kirk sat up with a new shock in his eyes. “Something… something…”. Kirk groaned loudly and pushed as if he were giving birth. Over and over this continued as Taylor watched the immense cock grow even more monstrous. What was once 8 inches grew to 9 and then to 10. Kirk’s testicles pulsed faster as they too swelled larger. Kirk grabbed on to the shaft and began to maniacally stroke it faster and faster. His other hand grabbed his sack and began to massage his tender balls. An endless river of pre was now flowing continuously from Kirk’s cock head which also proceeded to swell thicker. Kirk was panting faster now. “Burning… throbbing… thicker… longer…” Kirk laughed hysterically as he looked down and watched the entire thing growing all at once… his glans inflating thicker than the shaft. His mania grew until he began to buck his hips into the air and began to fuck his own hand. Harder and harder he jerked until a massive spasm forced his cock to explode even larger. Letting go of his own cock, Kirk felt his entire body fill with more and more power until it finally burst from him. Kirk cried out as cum began to be fired from his cocky over and over. Taylor watched as rope after rope exploded onto the walls, the floor, the desks, and onto himself. It seemed never ending. Eventually after twenty or so convulsions, it began to slow down. Kirk collapsed into the chat panting for breath. He could feel the weight of his still hard cock and was amazed how heavy the whole thing felt. “Grab a tape measure. Tell me how big I am now. Kirk’s voice had deepened slightly and had more of a commanding tone than it ever did before. “Go on! Grab me a tape measure.” Taylor ran to another desk where he knew they had other measuring paraphernalia. Eventually he found one in the second drawer of Oli’s desk. Running back over to Kirk, he was amazed to find that his cock was leaking pre again and looked slightly larger than when he had left it only minutes before “Come on. Measure me.” Taylor leaned over and placed one end of the tape measure near the root of Kirk’s cock and trailed it down the shaft and up and over the head. At the very tip, he looked down. “10.10.” “Nearly 11”. And around?” Taylor moved the strip and carefully extended it around the thick shaft. “7.4” “Yes. Have you ever seen a cock this monumental, Taylor?” “No… never.” How inadequate his own 8.5-inch cock now felt. “I feel such a connection with my cock now… like this is a part of the true me. I was always meant to have a cock this size… this powerful.” Kirk moaned slightly and closed his eyes. “Measure it again, Taylor. I can feel it’s still growing. It’s slowing down… but still going.” Taylor measured the length again… “10.11… 11.1… 11.3… fuck… 11.5! This can’t be possible! As he held the tape measure to the edge of Kirk’s cock, he would see it jump longer and thicker. “11.8 now… 11.10” “Width” Again, Taylor wrapped the tape measure around Kirk’s shaft only to find it even thicker than it had been prior. “7.10.” “In a few minutes I’m going to blow again. You may want to get a container. That way you can take a cum sample from me. Oh yeah…growth still going… but I can feel it fading slowly away. Measure it. Like a faithful servant, Taylor did as he was told. 12.3… by… fuck… 8.3” Kirk began to stroke his new monstrous cock. “This is only the beginning, Taylor. Quickly I’m far superior to any man alive. It’s like I’m evolving. You guys thought that was The Fountain of Youth; but it’s giving me more than that. It gave birth to something much much more.” Kirk closed his eyes and focused on stroking his cock. He is changing, Taylor thought, but when this is over… what will he be? What is the next step in his evolutionary chain? Taylor shivered as Kirk’s cock swelled and lengthened further. “Measure it.” Taylor kneeled down and placed the tape measure once again. “It’s… It’s 12.6 by 8.5” “Good boy.” Taylor felt a hand pressing on the back of his head. “Suck it.” INTERLUDE II “Your coming was foretold to me in the first dream. I never before had need for foresight before that. Then came the first sleep and the first dream.” Kirk heard the voice from everywhere, both inside and outside of him. The walls echoed with the voice. He tried to move closer to where the voice was coming from, but it was coming from all directions. “I have a proposal for you… one you should not take lightly.” Chapter Two Kirk turned his Jeep onto Highway 74. Looking out the windscreen, he was amazed that he was able to drive now without the use of glasses. He had never needed glasses until he hit 40. After that, it was a fast downward slope. At least he didn’t need to wear glasses all the time; only when he drove or when he read. Then, he slipped them on when no one would see. Yeah, yesterday everything would have been a blur whizzing past… yet today… the world had become crisper and clearer than ever before. He felt his cock begin to stir. It was easily aroused now and would be willing and eager to perform its duties at a moment’s notice. Kirk massaged the thick shaft though his black trousers. When he got dressed, he realized that there was no way he was going to fit into his briefs; everything was just too big now. When he got his balls in, his shaft would never fit. Taylor offered his boxers, but that was just as bad, so he opted on going commando. Sure, the crotch looked obscene, but it would have to wait until he could go shopping for new jeans and underwear. By the time Taylor had finished giving him incredible head, Kirk’s cock was a staggering 12.8 by 8.8. When completely soft, it was a whopping 9 inches; 4 inches longer when soft than his original cock had been when erect. He couldn’t wait to get home and introduce Hunter to his new cock. They were going to have a lot of fun tonight. Maybe Maybe I should stop off at the drug store and buy lube… not sure how much I have left, and I will definitely be hunting for ass on Scruff and Grinder tonight. How long had it been since he had sex… a year… maybe more. Even jerking hadn’t thrilled him and he found himself only doing it whenever he got really horny. Now, things were going to be different. He knew he would need regular sex several times a day now. The horny feeling he had since he had woken up that afternoon never truly faded away, even after orgasm. After Taylor had sucked him off, Kirk had remained hard and suggested he ride Taylors ass, but Taylor had said no. At least he helped jerk Kirk off so that the intense feeling of blue balls went away. Kirk grinned. He was really looking forward to getting home and getting the chance to do some hunting online. Kirk saw the large sign for CVS glowing down the road. He made a quick right turn into the parking lot and moved swiftly into a parking space. Turning the Jeep off, Kirk hopped out of his Jeep, locked the door, and sauntered into the store. The bald, sexy, young Kirk would have been a sight anywhere, but with a semi bulging down his right leg, all the other customers in the store stopped and took a good look. Walking to where the condoms were, he knelt to take in the various options for lube. The bottles on display were small and not as slick as he knew he would need to conquer ass with his newly enlarged cock. “Excuse me.” Kirk stopped a tall passing male employee that happened to be walking down the aisle. “Yeah?” “I was wondering… do you have lube in a larger bottle? I think I’ll need more than this… Hunter” Kirk smiled at the salesclerk and held out the bottle of lubricant. Hunter was taller than Kirk at 6’6 with a tight muscular build under his polyester white shirt, and blonde wavy hair that looked delightfully messy. He was tanned with just a hint of stubble on his face and gave Kirk the vibe of being a nice, fun, but not very bright surfer. “Larger? I don’t think…”. Kirk lowered the bottle Hunter was looking at so that it was level with his thickening cock. Hunter took one look, grinned, and licked his lips. “You can see what I mean about possibly needing more.” Kirk flexed his cock, feeling it force the material of his trousers to bulge further. “I see… Yeah… You…”. Hunter lowered his voice. “You might need to go to a sex shop. They’ll probably have more of what you’re looking for… and I wouldn’t bother with these condoms either… Magnums… maybe.” “No. I doubt Magnums would work either…. I’ll just take these four bottles. Should I bring them up front?” Kirk took a quick glance at Hunter’s crotch and saw that he was hard. “No. I… I can ring you up.” Hunter walked quickly to the desk near the pharmacy, hiding his bulge with his hands. He was quick to ring the four bottles up, and even gave Kirk a friends and family discount. Handing the bag to him, Hunter said confidently, “I get off at ten if you’re not busy. Would love to get a chance to see that in person.” “Really… yeah… it would love to meet you as well. Unfortunately, I should be heading home. Another time?” Kirk smiled at the younger man. Younger? He and I probably look the same age! “Sure. Of course. Umm… how. Umm…” “How big?” “Yeah.” “12.8 x 8.8 “Fuck! Really? You’re not fucking with me?” “Do I look like I’d fuck around with someone as hot as you.” “I hope you will… and often.” Hunter grabbed a piece of the till role and quickly jotted his phone number down. “Anytime you need it… give me a call. I can never get enough.” “That makes two of us I’m Kirk.” Kirk grabbed his bag of lube bottles and walked out of the bright store and into the parking lot. It has been years since he had gotten a reaction like that from such a young guy, and usually Kirk had been the one doing the pursuing. Unlocking the Jeep Pickup, Kirk placed the bag on the passenger seat. Moving to sit down, his attention was grabbed by a large flashing sign halfway down the strip mall; Chinese All You Can Eat. 12.50. Upon reading the sign, Kirk had instant butterflies in his stomach. While driving Kirk to his Pickup, Taylor had begged him not to go home but to stay in the warehouse with him until tomorrow. “Look… it’s obvious you’re going through some serious changes. You need to be under observation. We need to be going about this in a more scientific way.” “Taylor. I understand what you’re saying, but I’m going home. You can observe me all day tomorrow. I promise, all I’m going to do tonight is fuck. If anything happens… you’ll be the first one I call.” “Please try not to eat anything.” “Even ass?” Kirk smiled at Taylor but did not get one in return. “If the changes are sped up by nutrients feeding your body, let’s limit the amount until we run more tests. Agreed?” “Agreed, Taylor. I won’t eat my next meal until we’re together tomorrow. I promise.” He had given his word… but to who? Who was Taylor? Kirk hadn’t asked for this to happen to him. Hell, Taylor would probably have left him in that Ark forever if he hadn’t been interested in hiding his body! Kirk had even called the number for The Foundation but received a disconnected message. They had run so fast they probably did think he was dead. Fuck… everyone would think he was dead. Who would believe this 25-year-old big-dicked kid was the same person who left the house at 7am this morning. Sure. He had given his word, but like always he needed to take care of himself. He needed to make his own decisions. Kirk locked the Jeep again and walked across the parking lot to the large Chinese Buffet Restaurant. Opening the glass door, Kirk was hit by both the warmth from the interior and the brightness of the light. The smell of so many different foods was overwhelming but inspiring enough that it began the butterflies in his stomach moving with more intention. A young waiter with ‘Jon’ on his name tag greeted Kirk and took him quickly to a small table near the back. Kirk ordered a Diet Coke and was told to help himself to the ten different rows of food offerings. Grabbing a tray and a plate, Kirk walked over to the first row, and was confronted by several different selections of rice, noodles, and soups. Reaching for the large spoon in the fried rice, his hand stopped just before he was able to grab it. If I do this here and now, what could happen? Will my cock grow even more? Is that such a bad thing? Where’s the bathroom. I don’t want to get arrested my first day in this body. If I need to cum, I need to do it in the bathroom. Then again, is this really what I should be doing? Maybe Taylor was right and this needs to be done under supervision. Kirk moved his hand away from the spoon. Perhaps I should just go home, fuck Hunter a couple of times, sleep, and then go back to that laboratory. Doing this now could be a mistake. Yet hadn’t he been given the opportunity to live his life over again… this time knowing all the mistakes that could possibly be made. His body might be young, but his mind was still 50 years old. Hell, he had become someone better now than he had been at 25. The Ark hadn’t just made him younger. It had given him so much more. Deep down… he knew was he told Taylor was true; he was becoming something new. Maybe… maybe what came next was the power of flight… or super speed. Hell, he loved all those superhero movies. Maybe this was his own origin story. Already the changes had begun…. and they were extraordinary. With one ejaculation, he could now probably impregnate 30 or more women with his copious number of seed. His last orgasm, which had lasted longer than a minute, had produced more semen than most men produced in weeks. Estimating, Taylor stated that he probably had ejaculated more than half a pint. Half a pint!! And this was only the beginning. Yes, he was becoming something new… something amazing… something powerful that Kirk knew he was always meant to be. Kirk’s hand went quickly to the spoon and brought three scoops of rice to his plate. He then proceeded to put a spoonful of each of the many dishes on top of it. Moving to the second row, he grabbed a second plate and filled it with a further variety of Chinese food. Different dishes merged with others, but Kirk didn’t care. He wasn’t doing this to enjoy the taste. He was eating to fuel his next evolution. Heat ray vision, he thought, let it be heat ray vision!! I can be just like Homelander on The Boys! That is what is happening to me, he thought as he crossed the room to his table with his two plates overflowing with food. I’m evolving. Becoming better than I ever had been before. Without haste and not questioning anymore, Kirk began to shovel food into his mouth. In little more than five minutes, he had finished both plates and was on his feet to grab more, The two empty dirty plates on his table became four, and they became six before the waiter, Jon, took them away. Jon was constantly refilling his Diet Coke, which he drank gallons of as he ate, and his fork never was far from either food or his mouth. The staff watched in awe as the young man went back again for two more plates. The Manager knew that soon he was going to need to tell their guest that he had eaten enough. Sure, this was all you can eat… but within reason! It was on his nineth plate that his hand began to cramp. Kirk wondered at first if he had been holding the fork too tightly, when he felt the same twinge hit his left hand. Placing the fork on the plate, Kirk lifted his hands to have a good look at them and found they both had begun to pulse with his heartbeat. Over and over they contracted and convulsed before he felt another cramp and watched in shock as they proceeded to both stretch longer. Kirk opened and closed his now slightly larger hands as they proceeded to cramp and swell… cramp and lengthen.., cramp and grow. He was so in awe of this sight that he was totally taken off guard when he felt both of his legs start to cramp as well. I need to leave, he thought. I need to get out of here. He was about to lift his arm to signal the waiter when he felt his whole torso stretch nominally higher. Lifting his hand to call the waiter, he was astonished by how large they had both quickly become. They must be nearly two inches… no… three inches longer than when they first started to grow . Kirk felt another fluctuation in his body and felt the turtleneck he was wearing begin to tighten. Shoulders… shoulders growing broader. Kirk stood up slightly to try and signal the waiter again and found his field of vision was now much higher than it had been on his last visit to dish out more food. Looking across at the waving cat, Kirk watched it move lower… pulse… lower… pulse… and lower! Looking around, Kirk estimated that he now stood over 6 feet tall. Im growing taller! Just like my cock… Im growing taller!!! Kirk’s feet cramped as they grew in his leather shoes. Kirk’s shoes had never been much larger than his feet, so as his feet lengthened, they began to take up any available space. Deciing to take matters into his own hands, Kirk went to stand up again and go to the front desk and pay, but his entire body was gripped by one titanic cramp. Anyone closely monitoring the young man in the back of the restaurant would have seen his legs go rigid and then release, his knees moving slightly close to the bottom of the table while his lower legs extended outward. At the same instance, the young man’s torso began to shift slightly, pushing his head a little closer each time to the ceiling. Not wanting to miss any of the action, Kirk’s cock swelled to its impressive hard state and proceeded to join in with the rest of his body. Kirk looked down. He could see that his empty plates were now slightly lower than they had been five minutes earlier. Picking up the fork, he became aware how much smaller the utensil had become… was still becoming. His body cramped again, and Kirk gasped when he felt his entire frame surge larger, culminating in his knees smacking loudly into the underside of the table. “Can I help you?” The waiter had approached as the cramp slowly began to fade. “Yeah. Yeah. I’d like the check.” “Of course, sir. There’s only one small problem.” “What’s…”. Kirk felt the next full body cramp and sucked in some air. “Sir?” Kirk’s knees slammed into the table again shaking the pile of dishes. His legs were now spread so far yet his knees were still banging the table. “What’s… the problem?” Kirk’s torso inches further up as his legs stretched longer. In the silence, he could hear the leather of his shoes begin to tear. “Our computers are down. We can’t take any credit card payments right now.” “No credit card… payments… fuucckk!” Kirk’s entire body telescoped again, his turtleneck starting to tighten and rise to reveal his newly tied umbilical cord. “Yes. I’m sorry. We’re hoping to have it back up in a few moments.” The waiter watched as the patron grit his teeth and closed his eyes. Not wanting to further upset this obviously angry customer, he said, “let me just check for you.” He ran off just as a sudden surge in growth had Kirk’s body threatening to upend the entire table. Growing… taller… how much more… need to… need to get out of here. Feet… ugh! Feet… toes tearing through… shirt becoming restrictive… Kirk grabbed his fork and measured it against his growing hand only to discover that his hand was so large that the fork rested comfortably in his palm. “Sir… hi… yes… it’s still down, I’m afraid. You can either wait and have a tea and dessert on us, or if you’d like to pay cash…” The waiter subconsciously took in that the young man sitting in section four was significantly larger than he had been thirty minutes prior, and that sitting down, he was now nearly at eye level. Also, hadn’t he been bald when he came in? Dark stubble now completely covered his scalp and has grown in around his mouth. “Bathroom. Need the bathroom. I… fuck!!” The patron closed his eyes and gritted his teeth again. Jon swore that he actually watched the customer’s head rise higher without him even moving. “I… I really need to go!” “Right… right over there.” When the man stood up, Jon wasn’t sure if he was more surprised that he only came up to the guy’s chest, or that he had the outline of a hugely prominent hard on stretching down the right leg of his pants. Brushing past the waiter, Kirk quickly moved across the restaurant and into the bathroom, locking himself in the small single cubical room. Looking at himself in the mirror, he was blown away by how much bigger and wider he had become. Having stood 5’10 for his entire life, his reflection showed an athletic youth standing at an estimated 6’6 and growing taller. Looking around the bathroom, Kirk weighed whether enclosing himself in the tiny room was a good idea as it was quickly getting smaller. The toe area of Kirks right leather shoe tore apart first, revealing his thick growing digits, followed soon afterward by the left shoe. It was obvious that as he grew taller, Kirk’s muscle mass was also growing in proportion to the rest of him. Each muscle group was now straining at fabric, threatening to tear out and expose themselves to the world. Gaping at his growing form in the mirror, Kirk smirked, when he noticed the jet-black hair that had begun to grow on his head; covering his entire scalp with stubble. Kirk had leaned in further to take in the stubble that was erupting where his eyebrows had always been when he was gripped by the most painful cramp yet. Grabbing into the sink, Kirk felt both his entire body expand as one, and the sink begin to pull away from the wall due to the added weight. His head inched up past the mirror and moving closer to the ceiling each minute. His muscles looked vacuum sealed to his body by his turtleneck, until eventually his muscles won out over fabric as the threads in the armpit of the shirt began to tear. Growing… so fucking huge!! Kirk reached for the wallet that was in his pocket, but his hands were now too big, or the wallet was too small, and it fell with a thud onto the floor. Bending down to grab it, Kirk’s head smashed into the wall causing a large dent in the dry wall. Using his titanically long fingers, he was able to eventually pick up his leather, but as he attempted to stand up straight, he could only let out a haunting sexual moan as he proceeded to further shoot up again. A knock came at the door. “Hey… are you alright?” “Fine… FUCK!!” The waiter on the other side grabbed at the handle and began to shake the toilet door trying to get in. “My boss… he said you don’t need to pay… it was our inconvenience.” Kirk’s shoulders slammed against the door with a loud smash as they took up most of the space in the bathroom, his turtleneck tearing roughly down the side and back. Must be… must be over 7 feet tall!! Always… always wanted to be bigger!! FUCK!!! Kirk’s entire body cramped again as it lengthened at a rapidly increasing pace. Both sneakers tore further as his feet projected themselves outward and his body took up further room in the bathroom. Kirk’s head swirled as another wave washed over him. Doing his best to look at himself, he couldn’t believe how imposing and monumental he had become. Fuck! I should become a professional wrestler… or a football player. No one would be able to compete against me! No one will ever go against again! He could only laugh as again he cramped, and again he grew. FUCK!! Need… need to get out of this bathroom. His body now took up the entire thing and again his head was inching up toward the ceiling as his torso lengthened. The room was becoming sooo tiny… soooo tiny… Gripped by one immense burst of growth, Kirk watched himself fill the room to bursting. His head was pressing against the ceiling now… his black pants, once loose, now looked painted on, and the back of his turtleneck tore completely revealing his increasingly expanding back muscles. With one final push, his cock, which had grown with the rest of him, tore through his zipper, released his baseball sized balls, and slapped him hard in the stomach. Flexing his glutes with a grunt, Kirk felt the rest of his trousers loudly rip and fall to the floor. Stillness. Kirk took deep shallow breathes as he took stock of his situation. He tried to turn his body, but he was now too broad. Looking at his tiny cocoon, Kirk let out a deep bellowing laugh. He had grown into a monster… and though some would be shocked and afraid by their situation… he was loving it. I should fucking go out there and eat some more, he thought, fill the entire restaurant with my body. I must be over 8 feet tall now and way over 500 lbs.! Kirk stroked his cock which now had to be at least 15 inches long! Yeah… his whole body was so colossal now. Pre began to leak from his cock and all the newly born giant wanted to do was fuck. Not wanting to get arrested for indecent exposure… at least not right away, Kirk flexed his upper torso until his shirt tore completely away from his body. Taking the remaining fabric from his shirt in one hand and his trousers that held his wallet and keys in another, he shifted his body to the left, knocked the sink completely off of the wall, and pushed his way out of the bathroom, tearing the locked door from the jam. Bending down and maneuvering himself with difficulty through the doorway, Kirk saw Jon waiting outside of the toilet, just as he knew he would be. Kirk looked down at the waiter who now only came up to his chest. “Sorry about your bathroom. I… fuck it. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you!” He voice was much deeper now… sexier sounding… more domineering. Jon just looked at him and didn’t say a word. “Here. Wrap this around my waist.” Kirk handed the shirt fabric to Jon who proceeded to do as he was told. Kirk smirked as the waiter’s hands touched his body, doing his best to tie the ends together. “Maybe… Oh yeah!” Kirk felt a tiny wave hit him as his body grew slightly larger again. The shirt the waiter had just tied ripped from his body due to the weight and pulling of his ever-enlarging cock and fell to the floor. He looked down to see the waiter had dipped even further down from his view. “How tall do you think I am?” “I… I don’t know… Fuck! I’m 6 feet, so you need to be over 8 feet tall… almost 9.” “Ever seen a fucker bigger than me?” “No way. You’re the first!” “When you see me… what’s the first thing you think?” “That I.. I…” Jon said the first thing that popped into his head. “I need to worship you.” No sooner were the words said, then Kirk felt his body tingle as if coated with a newfound electricity, and then proceed to grow up and out again. This time, Kirk felt different. He felt more powerful then ever before… he believed that he did deserve to be worshiped. The waiter stood back as Kirk grew before his eyes to 9 ft tall. Kirk was in awe of how small the world was quickly becoming… and how much he was enjoying it. “Do it. Worship me.” Jon got down onto his knees and began to lick Kirk’s feet. Again, the electricity washed over Kirk, and again he stretched even larger. Kirk felt Jon take his big toe into his mouth as he was propelled even bigger, the 12-foot ceiling of the restaurant coming dangerously close to his head “What the fuck is going on!” As soon as the manager spoke, Jon tore himself away from the giant’s feet, the connections was lost, and Kirk stopped growing. “Calm down! Your employees just giving me a foot bath. Want to join him?” Kirk leaned over to look better at the manager. “Get… get out!” Kirk just laughed. “Fine.” Kirk’s massive frame moved past the restaurant manager and walked toward the entrance, stopping only to grab a tablecloth from one of the tables. Taking it, he wrapped it around his waist, swung the door open, smashing the glass in the process, and exited into the night air. Comparing himself to the trees that stood near the back of the restaurant parking lot, Kirk concluded that he now stood over 9 feet tall. In just 45 minutes he had gone from 5’8” to almost 10’ in under 45 minutes. Oh yeah. Now at nearly 10 feet, he was most definitely a giant, his body taking up so much room no matter where he stood. Looking down at the tiny cars and shops around him, Kirk felt formidable. I’m bigger than the entire world’s population now!!! Everyone will be looking up to me. To me! Kirk’s cock was hard again, the head and a large part of the shaft extended away from his body and lifting a part of the wrapped tablecloth. Kirk reached down and began to stroke his fabric covered cock. Must be at least 16 inches long now… maybe 17. Need to use this… and soon. Kirk walked over to his Jeep Pickup truck and laughed when he realized he would never fit inside of it again. He could always walk home… but now a better idea was starting to form. He knew he wanted to get bigger… much bigger… and his wasn’t that large for what he imagined his body was going to become. No, he needed to go somewhere else. If he could get to his dead father’s hunting cabin, he could continue to grow inside the 15-foot roofed cabin. As if just thinking about it, Kirk felt himself surge again and grow slightly larger. Only a small one, he thought. Probably only grew one or two inches. Just residual spurts. I’m looking for the game changer! The one that changes everything. Going to need some help first though. INTERLUDE III “I have a proposal for you… one you should not take lightly.” Kirk’s head swam as the labyrinth began to shift and move around him. Soon, lights were starting to circle around him… colored lights… red… green…white… blue. Each time they got close he could feel the warmth of them on his face. “Where are you?” Kirk tried to walk further along the pathway, but the way kept being blurred or his vision was blinded by the intensity of the lights. “I’m everywhere.” “Where am I?” “Everywhere.” “What’s the proposition?” “Power. Power that you never even dreamed was possible. But, it comes with a price.” “And if I don’t accept?” “Death.” CHAPTER THREE Hunter locked the CVS front door and turned off the lights. It was already 10.30. The store closed at 10.00 and he should have been out by then, but Davis the Store Manager had called in sick; again!! This was the fourth time this week that Hunter had to stand in for him and take care of the store. Hunter had applied six months ago to be Assistant Store Manager, but Davis decided that Hunter didn’t have enough experience, so he would allow him to be Interim Assistant Store Manager which came at the same rate as Cashier and much more responsibility. All he wanted to do now was get out of here and go to the gym. Moving to the side door, Hunter set the alarm, swung the metal door wide open, grabbed his gym bag, and slammed the door behind him. As he crossed the dark parking lot, he saw an immense figure, surely it had to be a trick of the lights, leaning on a Jeep Pickup. “I thought I’d take you up on your offer. Can’t believe you had me waiting.” Hunter stopped in his tracks. There was no way this was the same guy he had seen in the store a couple of hours ago with the massive cock! It was possible. Hunter stood 6’6, and that guy, he had been way shorter than he was. Now… FUCK! This guy towered over him like some kind of Hulk from the movies. As he moved slowly closer, Hunter saw that it was indeed the same guy, only now he had to be nearing 10 ft tall! He was shirtless, had dark stubble on his head and around his mouth, and what looked to be a white tablecloth wrapped around his waist. Even covered Hunter could see the guys cock had obviously grown along with him and was now at half-mast. “Fuck me!” Kirk grinned at Hunter’s sexy Southern drawl. “Oh. I plan on it.” Kirk heard the creaks and moans of the Pick-Up’s shocks as he stood up from his leaning position on the hood. Since leaving the restaurant and waiting for Hunter, Kirk had only had one additional surge of growth which left him at slightly larger than 10 ft. How could I ever have been afraid of this growth and these changes when they started. Now I want them to hit me even faster! “You’ve grown.” “You should see my father.” “I bet!” Hunter grinned as he moved closer to Kirk. “I had a bit of a growth spurt.” “You can say that again.” “I had a bit of a growth spurt.” “Fuck! Funny and hot with the world’s biggest cock. Let’s get married.” Hunter had changed out of his polyester white shirt and tie and into a tight lycra t shirt without the sleeves and grey sweatpants. With wide shoulder muscles, tight pecs, and bulging biceps, Hunter was becoming Kirk’s dream come true, at least for the next few hours. “How’d you get so big?” “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Now, don’t you want to get to work on this cock?” Kirk began to stroke his tablecloth covered cock. “Try me.” Kirk loudly exhaled. “I was a bodyguard for a guy who runs a foundation. He’s a billionaire. Spends money on all sorts of weird supernatural shit. This afternoon we went to see one of his investments. They were doing a trial on some machine that’s supposed to make you younger, like The Fountain of Youth. My boss used me as a guinea pig because I was disposable. Since then, crazy shit I can’t explain has been happening. When I woke up this morning, I was 52 years old, 5’10 with a six-inch cock. Now I’m… fuck. Who knows how big I am now!” “Shit. And I thought I had a crazy day!” Hunter looked up at the massive stranger and smiled. “Let me get you in a better light and I can measure you. Got a measuring tape in my gym bag.” Hunter moved forward and placed his hand seductively on Kirk’s covered shaft. “We can start with this anaconda.” With Hunter’s touch, Kirk felt a sharp tug on his whole body, was enveloped in a wave of tightness and heat, and began to inch taller and wider. “I’m… I’m still growing bigger… it’s slowed down… but hasn’t stopped. Last growth spurt… fuck.. was thirty minutes ago.” As he grew, his waist proceeded to get larger yet tighter, until the makeshift skirt he Kirk had been wearing tore and fell to the ground. After three minutes of continuous stretching and swelling, the wave passed through Kirk, and the growth stopped. “That is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Fuck, man!! I just came in my pants watching you grow like that!!! I mean… I’m 6’6, fucking tall as shit, and I only come up to your abs! You have to be nearly 11 feet tall now! And that cock!!! FUCK!! It has to be almost two feet! Fuck yeah!” Hunter licked his lips and moved forward again to stroke Kirk’s thickening shaft. “Look. I want to fuck you. Believe me. Right now. I want to grab you, throw you over the hood, and fuck that ass of yours… but I need your help first. Hunter marveled at the size of Kirk’s completely hard cock. “What is it?” “I need to get out of here. What I have planned… I need to get out of the city. My father, he’s dead, but he left me his cabin. Its about 2 hours from here but completely in the middle of nowhere and its huge… like 15-foot ceilings. The only problem is I’m too big to drive my truck. Take me there, and I promise I’ll make it worth your while.” Kirk picked up the torn black fabric that was sitting on the hood next to him. “The keys and my wallet are in here.” He three the fabric at Hunter who caught it easily. “If you like… you can keep The Jeep. I don’t think I’ll be using it anymore.” “Okay.” “Really? I thought I was going to have to work harder to convince you.” “When the world gets a look at you, you won’t have to convince them of anything. They’ll do everything for you. You think you’ll keep getting bigger?” “I don’t know… but I think we can make it happen again.” Hunter had continued stroking Kirk’s cock while they had been talking loving the slick and satiny feel of the skin combined with the rigidness of unbendable steel. “Really. Then hell yeah! I’m in! I’m supposed to be back here at 6 am tomorrow but fuck it. There are other jobs.” Hunter relished the way he couldn’t get his large hands completely around the shaft of Kirk’s cock. He’d never experienced anything so incredible in his entire life, though he’d dreamed about such things. Growth, muscle, massive cocks, and giants were all secret fetishes that Hunter never told anyone about. Now it was all coming true. Hunter looked up at the new sexy man in his life. “I’m usually the dominant one… the tall one. You make me feel so small. I’d try and kiss you, but your head is miles away!” “A mile away.” Kirk leaned down and quickly l grabbed Hunter under his arms and lifted him up till they were eye to eye. “That’s better.” The two men looked at each other for a moment, finally breaking it when Kirk moved Hunter’s body closer and they began to kiss. Even his lips… his tongue… all so big. His head is twice the size of mine.,. Kirk pressed Colin against his naked body. Hunter wrapped his legs around Kirk’s tree like torso, and his arms around his neck. “You don’t know how badly I want to fuck you, Hunter. It’s all I can think about.” Kirk began to kiss Hunter with more passion, exploring his mouth with deeper tongue thrusts. Hunter felt himself getting hard in his sweatpants. Kirk moved his lips away from Hunter’s and began to lick and kiss his neck. “I want you so bad. I want… FUUCCKK!” Kirk threw his head back as another wave of growth hit him. “Still… growing…”. Attached to him, Hunter could feel Kirk’s body swelling… stretching… growing larger than before. Kirk attacked Colin’s face with more vigor as the pressure mounted inside of him. When Kirk moved again to his neck, Hunter looked around and was able to watch as they crept higher and higher Below him, Hunter felt a spasm and heard something splatter onto the pavement. He tried to look down but couldn’t see what it was. “It’s… it’s nothing… just… aww fuck… just leaking… FUCK!!” Kirk practically roared as the growth stopped. “How much bigger did you get?” “I don’t know. Hard to tell. Fuck that was strong!” “Put me down. Let me see.” Kirk carefully set Hunter down, but he had to take a couple of steps back not to be hit by Kirk’s titanic cock. “You must be nearly twelve feet! I thought you said it was stopping.” “I thought it was. It isn’t like this is an exact science. That one just came out of nowhere. You’re six foot six… and you only come up to my cock.” Kirk laughed. “I’ve grown nearly seven feet taller in two hours!” A wad of pre was released onto the pavement from Kirk’s pulsating cock. “While you’re down there… why don’t you suck it again.” “I’m at your service.” Kirk lifted his hand to the back of Hunter’s head and pushed it toward his cock head. Hunter breathed in the aroma of Kirk’s shaft. He was amazed, not only by the foreskin that pooled around the rim of the thick head, but if the sheer size of it; it’s length and girth. Reaching out, Hunter wrapped his hand around the large shaft. He could feel Kirk shiver under his touch. He may be bigger than me, he thought, but I know how to tame the beast. “Feels so smooth… like a baby’s skin. It’s so hard. I don’t think I could move it.” Hunter took his other hand and moved it along the head. The sensation caught Kirk by surprise, sending him backward and onto the hood of his Jeep. From beneath him, he felt the hood give way and buckle. “Careful, Hunter. It’s sooo… oh yeah!” Hunter had leaned in and began to gently lick the underside of the head. The smell of pre cum was stronger near the slit, potent. “You like that?” “Fuck yeah, I do! Suck it.” Hunter licked the underside of the shaft again, moving his tongue over the ridge of the head and into the slit. Kirk tasted salty… clean… powerful. “The head’s nearly as thick as my fist! Fuck!” Hunter moved his mouth closer to the head while gently stroking the shaft with both hands. Then he opened up wider then he ever had before and took the fat head into his mouth. The glans nearly filled his entire orifice, nearly scraping his teeth. Ready to take on the challenge, Hunter took Kirk deeper into his mouth, forcing the cock into the back of his throat. “That’s it, Hunter. Good boy. Take it in deeper.” Hunter felt Kirk’s hand on the back of his head again, forcing him to take in more of the shaft. Hunter moved his head along with Kirk’s hand, toying the shaft and head with his tongue “Oh yeah. So good. So fuckin horny.” Kirk bucked his hips slightly and began to fuck Hunter’s face. The motion forced the head further down Hunter’s throat than he was comfortable with, causing his gag reflex to kick in. “Open your throat, boy. Relax.” Hunter felt Kirk’s cock pulse and release a spurt of precum into his throat, lubing it for easier entry. Opening his eyes, Hunter was amazed by how much he had already taken down his throat, but how much there still was to go. I’ll never be able to take it all; it would end in my stomach. Suddenly, Hunter felt Kirk lift him up off of his chick and into the air, bringing their lips together. While holding him in the air with one hand and kissing him, Hunter could feel Kirk’s other hand tearing at the lycra shirt he was wearing. “Don’t. You’re going to tear it.” “I don’t give a shit. I’ll buy you another one.” With a forceful tug, Hunter felt his shirt rip from his body. With a few more of the same moves, Kirk had Hunter shirtless and pressed him against his hot chest. Kirk then proceeded to lift him up higher so that he could begin sucking on Hunter’s pecs. I’m like a big doll to him. “I want to fuck you so bad, Hunter. I need to fuck you.” “Now?” “I have to. If I keep growing… I might never fuck another man again. If I can only fuck one man for the last time, I want it to be you.” Hunter’s cock had begun to leak in his sweatpants. Kirk moved his hand down to Hunter’s ass and began to massage it. “Behind the store… where the trees are. No one ever goes back there… There are no lights.” Immediately Kirk began to move to the back of the store, carrying Hunter with him. Once there, Kirk lowered him to the ground and then carefully leaned down to lessen the distance between the two. “I want you to know… I’m going to make you feel amazing.” Kirk leaned down and began to kiss Hunter’s neck again. “It’s natural to be afraid. I’ll be gentle. I swear.” “What if… what if you start growing… while you’re in me.” Kirk pulled away and took Hunter in his arms. “Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.” Standing up, Kirk grabbed Hunter, lifted him up, walked about 15 feet further into the dark, and lay him down on the grass. “Where’s the lube you bought?” “Fuck!” Kirk stood up and quickly crossed the parking lot back to his Jeep. Realizing he didn’t have his keys on him, that they were in his ripped pants that he had given to Hunter, he quickly moved to the passenger side and smashed the window. Reaching in, he grabbed the bag of lube and lumbered back to Hunter. “Look at you… your cock… its amazing. I’ve never even had a toy that size up me. If I tell you to stop… you better stop.” “I’ll try. I promise. Now, take off your sweatpants or I’ll do it for you.” Not wanting to forfeit another article of clothing tonight, Hunter pulled down his sweatpants and tossed them to the side. Sitting there for a moment in only his underwear, he allowed Kirk to take in the sight. “I’m big for most guys… packing 9 inches here. Nothing to you.” Kirk lifted his hand and placed it on Hunter’s chest, forcing him to lay down on the ground. Then, with a quick motion, he had torn the underwear away from his body leaving Colin naked. Leaning closer, Kirk inhaled Hunter’s scent, moving his face close to his cock and balls. “You smell so good, Hunter. Like sandalwood.” Moving his hand, Kirk lifted both of Hunter’s legs and began to massage Hunter’s ass cheeks. Then, pulling both apart, he took his mouth, and began to tongue fuck Hunter’s hole. Hunter gasped as he felt the strength of Kirk’s tongue rimming him. Kirk parted Hunter’s cheeks further and inserted more of his tongue into his hole. Hunter’s body shuttered as he felt a wave of pleasure wash over him. He wasn’t sure if it was the size of the tongue or Kirk’s technique, but Hunter found himself groaning throughout the act. Kirk’s cock got rock hard once again hearing Hunter moan. He was trying desperately to control himself and not plunge his cock immediately into his ass. He needed to warn him up first. Get him ready for the act. Kirk dove back down into Hunter’s ass licking the rim and teasing the hole. “That’s my boy… that’s my…”. Kirk felt the now familiar grip of growth grab hold of him. Moving his shaking hand, Kirk bright his pointer finger to the rim on Hunter’s hole, and began to toy with it. With his other hand, he grabbed the small bottle of lube.., was it small or was everything getting smaller to him, popped the top, and squirted a large amount onto both his finger and Hunter’s waiting hole. Then, with one swift movement, he plugged the entirety of his finger inside of him. Hunter screamed out and grabbed the grass with his hands. Soon, the pain was replaced with a heat that burned him from the inside. Kirk slowly moved his shaking finger in and out, all the while feeling both hand and body getting larger. After a few minutes of this game, Kirk removed his finger and moved his lengthening body up and over Hunter. Grabbing is cock, he took the bottle of lube and squirted the entirety of it down the length of the shaft. His head whirled, caught between lust and the organic feeling of his body growing even more monumental. Then, he began to rub the head against Hunter’s hole. “I’m not sure I’m ready yet to… FUCK!!!” Hunter felt Kirk’s fist sized head stretch his hole wider than it ever had been before. Hunter began to whimper, and soon found it impossible to even think or speak over the searing pain. All he knew was that he was being fucked by the biggest thing in his life; not even realizing it was slowly getting larger. Hunter moaned again as Kirk forced the shaft deeper into his hole. “So tight… so tight… nearly too tight…”. Moving in even further, he would pause to make sure the pain had subsided before he attempted to move again. “Not sure… you should… go in much further! You’re so big. It feels good… but… you’ll do damage…”. Kirk shuddered and felt his cock swell even thicker. He looked around at the trees and estimated he was nearing the thirteen-foot mark. “Just a few more inches Hunter… just a few more and I’ll be halfway in.” Grabbing onto Hunter’s sides, he pushed his cock in even further than he intended to go. Need to do this now, he thought. He may not let me do this again. I may be too big to do it again! Kirk began to buck his hips, pulling his massive cock in and out of Hunter’s hole. Hunter tried to speak but couldn’t form words. He was filled to near breaking yet burning with pleasure he had never felt. Kirk winced, and felt his body move slightly higher. Looking down, Hunter’s ass was being forced upward as his torso and legs grew. Fucking with even more vigor. Kirk looked around at a world that was quickly growing smaller. up and saw the ceiling inching closer. The trees around him… Hunter… all getting so small while his body… fuck… his body stretched larger and larger. As Kirk fucked Hunter, as Hunter screamed out in pleasure he had never felt, Kirk’s mind drifted to the Ark. What am I becoming? Why do big? I’m going beyond one step in evolution. What are you doing to me? Growing so big… so powerful! Hunter’s lower half of his body was now completely off of the ground; only his head and neck and shoulders remained lying on the grass. He opened his eyes and saw Kirk.., saw how much more imposing he was now then fifteen minutes before. All he could think was, I’m being fucked by this… this…Titan! With that thought… Hunter began to cum. Hearing Hunter reach orgasm, Kirk thrust five more times in and out of his ass before he tensed up and began to release his massive load into Hunter’s ass. Hunter experienced a sudden second orgasm as he felt the hot liquid coat his interior. Kirk shuddered again and began to roar as his head smacked into the branches from the large trees. Releasing Hunter, he quickly pulled out and began to fire more of his load over his lover and the grass. To Hunter, it seemed never ending. Eventually, Kirk’s balls began to empty, and his ejaculation slowed down. Kirk fell to his knees as he felt the final rush of growth hit him. I’m over 14 foot now, he thought. Over 14 foot. He grinned at Hunter, taking in the massive mess he had made. “You grew so much, Kirk. Not just talker… wider. Stand up! I want to compare myself to you now.” Hunter leaped to his feet, the large masses of cum that covered him falling to the floor. On shaking legs, Kirk also stood up and up and up. “Fuck me, Kirk! I only come up to your balls!! You’re balls! Can you believe that? We need to get you to your cabin… before we can’t anymore.” Hunter looked up at Kirk and saw him looking around, his head now almost equal with the roof of The CVS. “Are you afraid?” “A couple of hours ago I was.” His voice, Hunter thought, his voice has gotten even deeper. “I was… but I’m not anymore. I want more, Hunter. Is that wrong? I want a lot more.” Both Kirk and Hunter’s cocks grew hard again at the thought.
  2. Droz

    90 is the new 30

    So my latest idea/story. Feed back appreciated, please leave a comment in this thread Thanks __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Max Powers in 2020 is 90 years old. Born in 1930 he has seen the tail end of the horse and carriage used as transportation, he’s seen a global war, he’s seen a man on the moon, he watched as the internet took over the world and revolutionized everything. Max powers is also the world’s wealthiest person with an estimated net worth of 800 billion dollars. He is a father, grandfather and great grandfather. Max has lived a life most people could only dream of. Too young to join the military for World War II, he then served ten years in The Marine Corps right out of high school, ten years as a Marine at the start of the cold war, from 1948 to 1958. Stationed initially in Europe, then transferred to Japan and Korea. Shortly after retiring from The Marines, he used the contacts he made to start a new company selling products to the Military. From basic supplies to communication equipment. That business quickly flourished and led to Max investing in the burgeoning telecommunications industry. From there Max invested in new companies looking to cash in on The Space Race, aviation and the medical field. By 1975, Max Powers had reached the top ten list for wealthiest people. By 1985 he was at the top of the list and had amassed a fortune twice that of the next person on the list. From there he only grew richer, more influential, and more powerful in the business world. Max had married a beautiful woman while he was in The Marines, a longtime acquaintance from high school. They bumped into each other while Max was back home on leave. Max was shocked to see the young girl he knew in high school looking much like Jayne Mansfield, only taller, Suzie was a statuesque 5’10” and complemented Max’s 6’2” very well when she was in heels. They had four children together, two boys and two girls. Max earned enough money even early on, that his family had everything. Houses around the world, cars, the kids had toys, his wife Suzie had dresses and jewelry. His family wanted for nothing. Except their father and husband himself. Max travelled often and was usually away from home for weeks at a time. Suzie often argued with Max about his time away and always asked him to stay longer, spend time with her and the kids. Max simply said to her “I have too much work, I’ll make it up to you, I promise”. Max would lavish his family with gifts from around the world. Send them on vacations to exotic locations. But rarely spent more than two or three months time a year with his family. The time he did spend with them was precious and he did the best he could to “make things up” to them. In the end though, his kids never really knew their father, only that his business and money were more important to him. The love of his life, Suzie was a very lonely wife and mother. Yet she and Max remained faithful to each other for the 55 years they were married. She couldn’t really complain, she had a life most people could only dream of, Max was a good husband and father when he was around. Just, rarely present with his family. Suzie died in 2010 at the age of 80, Max was at her side, he too feeling the ravages of time, meant that he was home more and spent time with Suzi before she died. Now 90 years old, bound to a wheelchair, Max is weak, frail, and despite his sharp mind and mouth. He’s on Death’s door, his failing health, failing body, the end of his life is near. He’s spent the last six months looking for a new Executive Assistant. Yes, Max still works, as CEO and Chairman of Powers Inc. He still maintains control of his company and oversees the day to day. His last assistant, Pamela, had been his assistant for the last 45 years, faithful to him to the last. She died of natural causes at the age of 85, Max of course paid for everything for Pamela’s services. Gifted her family a generous amount of money and set aside ten million dollars in a trust fund for all of Pamela’s family members to use to send their children to college. Max needed a new assistant and spent as much time as he could interviewing candidate after candidate. Most of them only looking to work for him in the hopes that they would get to cash in on his death and have the prestige of having worked for him on their resume. While Max was resigned to his fate long ago, that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to go out fighting. Max was looking for someone that was intelligent, educated and had the experience to work for a high powered CEO, help him manage his company and also work his schedule to keep up with Doctor appointments, his medical needs and anything else that might come up. Enter Denise. A 35 year old professional woman. All 5’4” 120 pounds and 34F-22-32 of her. Max took his time interviewing the young woman. Mostly due to his medical needs and having to stop and rest throughout the day. Over the course of two weeks, speaking with her a total of eight days. She had an impressive background. Finished high school at 16. Finished bachelor’s degrees in biology, chemistry and physics by 24 at UC Berkeley. She completed her master’s in business by 26 at Stanford university. She spent the last ten years working at various companies in various capacities for management and executive support. Max had his company’s investigative team verify her background. All of it checked out. All of her references gave her very positive comments and both universities confirmed her degrees and GPA to be very high. As a final test, Max had Denise sign an NDA and gave her full executive access to her company. He asked her to analyze all subsidiary companies and their intellectual property and report on any IP that has potential. Max gave her one week. A week later, Denise had a 300 page report written up for him. Detailing profits and losses for every division, every subsidiary. In those reports she detailed where money had gone and how different projects, patents and departments were performing in relation to the value of their work and/or products. During her research, Denise came across several projects and patents that would interest Mr. Powers. She made an outline for each, highlighted key points and had them in different colored folders for him to review. The most interesting projects she put on top of the pile of course. “Homosapiens Supremis” was the name of the project, summary described a method of genetic enhancement that no one had ever thought of. Even with Max’s limited knowledge of bio-tech, he could tell that this was something that just needed modern technology to succeed. The project was part of a military R&D with ideas that were ahead of their time having been conceived and explored in the 70’s and 80’s and forgotten about, due to them being from acquisition companies that had long buried them as being unviable. This showed how thorough and persistent Denise was. Not even Pamela, his last assistant managed to dig deep enough for these projects to surface. After spending a week going through things. He sent instruction to the head of his biotech group to start work immediately to resurrect the project and keep all access secured to a small team with their new quantum encryption technology. If what Max read in the report from Denise, all with all the preliminary work done decades ago. This could be a revolution in medical science. Max hired the brunette busty bombshell. He knew she was the one to be his right hand. Within six months, the head of bio-tech that Max contacted had given him an update that shocked him to his core. “Sir, we have a viable process for reversing aging. The information in the records from the original scientists is revolutionary. It turned what we know of genetics on it’s head and makes so many more things possible. Whoever he was, was a geneticist beyond compare. I would like to discuss with you the process for doing our first human trial on you, Sir.” The next day, Max has the scientist and his entire genetics team and their equipment flown to his house on Mercer Island. It was another month before they were ready to start the experimental process on Max. Denise of course was with her boss every step of the way. She was curious to see how he would change, given that she had clued him into this whole idea. Maybe he could be able to walk again and live a few more years. By the end of the first week, everyone was shocked to see the changes in Max. He looked 20 years younger. He was able to walk unassisted, his hair had grown back, he was stronger and had more energy. The team of scientists and doctors were all amazed at the results. Denise was especially shocked, she felt genuinely happy for Max. He was one of the world’s greatest men and deserved to be able to accomplish so much more. Max no longer needed his wheelchair, he could eat normal food again, he didn’t need dialysis anymore.He could use the toilet on his own again. By the end of the second week, Max had again lost another 20 years to his appearance. He was absolutely loving the changes happening to him. He was dancing, he was singing, his mind was racing with all that was now possible for him. He felt better than he looked, he never felt this way at 50. He had a full head of hair again. He could run! He didn’t even feel any pain in his joints like he did 40 years ago. His time in the Marine Corps was rough on his body. But now, he felt better than ever. By the end of the third week of Max undergoing the gene therapy process... Denise had walked in on Max in the bathroom. He stood there, looking like a God. His body was nothing but pure muscle. He stood there, looking at himself in the large floor to ceiling mirror of the bathroom. Tensing his arms, then his legs, his abs, his pecs. She could see his cock slowly growing larger and larger, he was getting turned on by his own size and muscles. What started as an almost comically tented pair of posing trunks, guessing that Max was in the 8 inch neighborhood in length and about soda can in diameter when she walked in on him. His cock was now easily double in length and looked to have the same diameter as a wine bottle. His balls were the size of grapefruit and she could see them slowly swelling larger. His posing trunks having been torn through and fallen to the floor. The head was a little wider than the shaft, it was rounded at the tip and flaring out wider at the bottom. The tip was nearly touching the bottom of his pecs, it throbbed visibly with his heartbeat. Denise stared at the most massive, magnificent and powerful looking cock. No porn star had a cock like this, not even with those ridiculous prosthetics. Max took hold of his cock in his left hand, Denise noticed that his fingers could not wrap all the way around it. Max started to stroke his cock slowly, from just under the head down to the base and back up. Did he not notice her at all? Denise stood there, unable to move. Watching her boss, who in the last week had turned into the biggest, most muscular bodybuilder she had ever seen. With a shockingly huge cock to go along with his jaw dropping muscularity. Just a month ago, Max was a 90 year old wheelchair bound man practically on Death’s door. She tried to move, but her legs wouldn’t respond, it was like they were locked in place. She tried to say something, but her lips wouldn’t open. All she could do was watch as Max stroked his huge cock and curled his right arm, flexing so hard she could see his arm tremble from the exertion. His bicep was simply massive. With her straight on angle looking at his raised arm, she could see the muscle on the upper half of his arm, bulge out forwards and backwards as it was commanded to flex. “So much fucking MUSCLE!” Max exclaimed “Never in my life had I ever imagined being a bodybuilder. Now I can see the appeal. GOD DAMN!!! I’M FUCKING HUGE! … THE MUSCLE! …..THE STRENGTH!” Max let go of his cock and lowered his arm. He did the best most muscular pose he could, having seen it done before. He leaned forward, put out his left leg for balance. Then he flexed, his whole body erupted as his muscles obeyed his will and erupted into life. His muscles doubled in size, striations and veins came to life, he looked like a pro bodybuilder only bigger, better, more powerful. Denise’s eyes bulged, her jaw dropped as she watched him flex. Max kept up the flex, he stared at himself in the mirror. His cock was throbbing harder and harder, pushing up against his pecs as he leaned over. He relaxed the flex for a few moments, then flexed even harder, he roared like a beast. His heart was pounding in his chest, his cock was pounding just as hard and became painfully hard. He pushed himself more and more, flexing every muscle as hard as he could. His cock exploded, it blasted out cum like a fire hose. The first powerful shot was several seconds long. Max was still bent over flexing, pumping his muscles. He came again, the shot again several seconds long. He grunted and roared again, holding his flex as hard as he could. Staring at himself in the mirror. His cum shots arcing into the air, going farther each time until they were hitting the mirror, nearly 8 feet away. He could feel his huge balls jump and contract powerfully. Each shot made his cock surge bigger and harder. He stood there for nearly five minutes, holding the flex and cumming harder than he had ever before in his life. He finally relaxed and stood up straight. He was breathing hard, he sounded like a racehorse during a race. His torso heaved up and down, in and out with every breath. He couldn’t see himself in the mirror anymore. It was dripping with his thick cum, the consistency was like cold honey and even the thinnest layer of it was nearly opaque on the glass. He looked down, seeing his cock was still fully erect and painfully hard. Then he turned his head and looked over at Denise and smiled. “Did you enjoy the show Denise? I do have you to thank for my…”, he stopped and looked down at himself, holding his arms out in front of him a little, giving them a slight curl and a hard flex “…for my…amazing recovery from all my ailments. I’ve never felt this good before in my life! Not even when I was a strapping young man in The Marines! HAHAHAHA!” Max laughed powerfully, clearly reveling in his new body. Denise just stared at him in abject awe and a tinge of fear. “M …Muh…Max…I…I….I mean…Mister Powers! You look…” she swallowed hard “…you look INCREDIBLE!” Denise could barely tear her eyes away from Max’s massive cock to look at his muscles. But as she slowly studied every bulge, striation, separation. All she could think about was pure power. Max is the wealthiest man in the world, runs a multi-billion dollar corporation and is now the most muscular man on earth. [To be continued]
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