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  1. Hialmar

    The Hialmar Formula

    PREFACE Earlier today, Arpeejay, the pensées of whom I gladly listen to, analysed the way he often write stories. It became obvious, that many of my stories follow a formula, too. I decided to make fun of my stories in another of them. There is a place for gravity, regarding certain matters, but life become boring, if we take everyday things too seriously. The Hialmar Formula He had been afraid of the Badboys since he began secondary school. As in so many other schools across the country, the male pupils aged 14-19 were rather evenly divided in Poshboys, Badboys and Normies. Wherever and whenever a bunch of several years older Badboys stood clustered in the schoolyard or in the school hallways, he walked in semi-circles to avoid them, or took an entirely different route to his lecture room. When he had reached the age of 14, his former circle of friends had split: Some had taken up Poshboy style, some had remained average, and only a few of his former friends had become Badboys, probably in an attempt to rebel against their parents. He hadn't been able to afford the style of the Poshboys, and the mere thought of becoming a Badboy was unthinkable to him, and filled him with revulsion and shame. Thin and frail, he had joined a gym in the later part of Upper Secondary, but never achieved much. During university days, he now and then encountered adult Badboys who worked as bouncers or guards, but the style was rarely seen among the students themselves. It was years later. He had left university a few years ago, and was on his way home from a humdrum job, that payed the rent, when he found himself at a bus stop in one of the allegedly bad parts of the city. The bus was late, and he was standing at his usual bus stop. He could see a group of muscular Badboys approaching, the youngest of them perhaps freshly out of Upper Secondary, the oldest of them probably over 30, and sporting a tattoo from the armed forces. His cheeks burned, when he reluctantly admitted to himself, how dangerously handsome they looked, and a part of himself, which he didn't want to acknowledge, stirred alarmingly in his gut. "Those shoulders! That bull-neck!", he thought. What happened next, happened too fast for him to react and take every detail in: A black van stopped at the bus stop, and the big Badboys dragged him into the van. There was nothing he could do to stop them, because of their impressive and overwhelming strength. He could feel a sting in his arm, and then everything went black. When he awoke, he was tied to something resembling a dentist's chair. Leather straps held his hands and legs in place, and he was naked and vulnerable. The doors opened. A tall Badboy, probably above 2 metres, entered and stood in front of him with his legs wide apart, and with his beefy arms crossed in front of his massive and powerful chest. Silently, the Badboy leaned over his captive, and fastened instruments at his captive's temples. Then he opened his mouth, and spoke: "Me and me mates in the Wolf-and-Bull Bunch are the biggest Badboys in town. You will join us, Normie." "Why do you think, I would ever join you?" "I like, that you talk back. You've got guts under that Normie surface. As for your question, your dick betrays you." He didn't have to watch it. He could feel, how hard he was in the presence of the looming powerhouse of a Badboy. There was an arrogant and tough-looking smirk in the Badboy's face, but his eyes had a glint of amused mischief. Then, the Badboy pressed the button. The chair moved backwards into a dark metallic chamber, and the gate in front of him closed like an iris. He was inside the metallic chamber, like a foetus in a womb, preparing for birth into a new and entirely different life. A whirring and buzzing noise increased. He felt dizzy, weightless, and then ... THE PROTOCOL began its relentless re-programming of his DNA and mind. He tried to resist. He screamed in fear, but when the feeling of GROWTH began to stream through his muscles, his resistance broke down, and his mind snapped. Out of the blank state of his mind, his new self was emerging: The confident, cocky and posturing Badboy he had so long repressed. THE PROTOCOL caused his body to adapt. His bicepses grew into croquet balls ... galia melons ... volley balls ... His pecs into IMMENSE and powerful MOUNDS of muscle. The feeling of his shoulders' increasing size, firmness and brawn drove him crazy. His legs ... Uh! Those calves! His traps and his bull-neck throbbed of power, and his entire physical presence felt ENGORGED by strength. Unrestrained! Unlimited! Indomitable! Virility itself flowed through his veins, and he felt ready to join The Wolf-and-Bull Bunch. YES! The Wolf-and-Bull Bunch! The bunch of biggest Badboys in town! He and his new mates! The biggest there is! The biggest there is! THE BIGGEST ...
  2. dangerdanger

    Pay per Fran [ESPAÑOL]

    English version in here. UNO Mis padres siempre me educaron en la cultura del esfuerzo, por lo que a ninguno de mis amigos les sorprendió que a los veinticinco años me comprara mi departamento. Había trabajado mucho para conseguir la plata suficiente, haciendo horas extras, trabajando freelance los fines de semana y ahorrando todo lo que podía y gastando lo menos posible. Pedí un préstamo a un banco y eso fue todo. Me mudé apenas me dieron la llave y durante seis meses disfruté de la soledad y me relajé. Pasado ese tiempo decidí que lo mismo que había hecho para conseguir la mitad del departamento lo podía hacer para conseguir la otra mitad y para eso no iba a escatimar en nada. Si volvía a tomar trabajos freelance, un poco de horas extras y alquilaba una de las habitaciones que me quedaba libre, entonces no tardaría en juntar todo el dinero que necesitaba. Así fue como le comenté a mis amigos que tenía una habitación disponible para alquilar. A varios amigos les interesó pero ninguno tenía suficiente dinero para pagar el lugar, no era que yo cobrase demasiado, lo que pasaba era que ninguno tenía un trabajo que todavía les permitiera vivir solos. Los días pasaron y una mañana me llegó un mensaje de Fran: -¡Hey, me enteré que estas alquilando un cuarto y yo necesito irme de la casa de mis viejos! ¿Quien era Fran? Habíamos sido compañeros en mi trabajo anterior donde yo era desarrollador y él tester. Era un pibe jodón con quien siempre nos hacíamos bromas. No podría decir que fuese lindo, quizás si agarrabas tan solo su cara no dirías eso, pero había algo en la manera de ser que resultaba seductor, sumado a que tenía un cuerpo… ¿que digo? Un pecho enorme. No era lo que se dice musculoso, tan solo tenía las proporciones perfectas, hacía mucho deporte y le gustaba cuidarse. Practicaba lucha libre y eso debía mantenerlo bastante entrenado. Él siempre supo que a mi me gustaban los hombres, pero nunca le importó. Tenía bastante claro que le gustaban las mujeres por lo que siempre le pellizcaba el culo a alguno para molestarlo, ¡incluso a mí!. En él era tan normal como darte una palmada. Sin embargo todo lo confiado que era con los hombres, con las mujeres se desvanecía. Simplemente cuando una chica le gustaba demasiado apenas podía hablarle. Recuerdo también que muchas de las chicas “que no le gustaban” estaban tan calientes por él como yo y más de una le chupó la pija en el baño de alguna fiesta. La idea de vivir con Fran me excitó desde el primer momento. Me lo imaginaba desnudo en el baño de mi casa y la sola idea ya me servía para acabar. A la semana siguiente dejó caer su bolso en el cuarto vacío y se instaló en casa. Al principio las cosas fueron bastante normales. Ambos desayunábamos juntos y después cada uno se iba al trabajo. Yo volvía por la tarde y disfrutaba de unas horas solo para trabajar hasta que caía la noche y él llegaba. Los mejores momentos era cuando andaba por la casa solo en calzoncillos. Tenía un pecho enorme, tal cual yo recordaba, marcado y ancho. Fran me sacaba una cabeza por lo que si nos cruzábamos en el baño yo tenía la imagen perfecta de sus músculos. —¡Cuidado, enanin! —me decía cuando nos cruzábamos de esa forma y lo decía para molestarme pero a mi me excitaba. Fran necesitaba ahorrar plata pero a diferencia mía no tenía voluntad para trabajar y no gastar. Salía con amigos y se gastaba demasiada plata en cada salida. No me sorprendía que no lograse ahorrar dinero. Según me enteré por un amigo en común solía pagar para tener sexo y al parecer necesitaba tener demasiado sexo por semana. Otra cosa que hacía con ese hermoso cuerpo que tenía era lucha libre por lo que tenía esos trajes ridiculos de spandex que le quedaban de maravilla. Resaltaban sus anchos hombros, su pecho y su pija. Me lo imaginaba luchando con esa ropa con algún otro hombre vestido igual y la idea me alcanzaba para toda la noche. Las cosas comenzaron a cambiar una tarde que vino enojado de entrenar. El entrenador le había dicho que necesitaba ganar peso para competir en el torneo. —¿Cuanto tenés que ganar? —le pregunté. —Tengo que pesar 80 kilos —me respondió. No me parecía tanto y se lo dije. —¡Diez kilos de músculo! —me dijo como si fuera algo obvio— ¡Vos porque nunca ganaste ni un kilo en tu vida! ¡Apuesto que no levantás ni cinco kilos en el gimnasio! Para ganar tanto músculo tendría que comer muchisima carne, ¡con lo caro que sale!, tomar suplementos que son carísimos y además ir a un nutricionista. ¡No puedo pagar todo eso!. Más allá de que la idea de que se volviera más musculoso me excitaba y no tardé ni diez segundos en imaginarme una versión de Fran más fuerte y musculosa… con el pecho enorme y los brazos abultados… también era verdad que lo quería ayudar, al menos a que aprendiera a ser riguroso para conseguir lo que quería. Entonces le ofrecí que si durante un mes el podía enfocar todos sus esfuerzos en este desafío y usar la plata solo para sus objetivos entonces yo lo ayudaría. ¿Como? Durante un mes no le cobraría alquiler. —¿En serio? —me preguntó. —Pero solo si veo que te lo tomas en serio. —¡Obvio! ¡Ya vas a ver! ¡Me voy a volver una bestia! No sé si fueron mis palabras o las ganas que tenía de entrar al torneo pero algo en su actitud cambió de la noche a la mañana. Dejó de salir con amigos y se anotó todos los días en el gimnasio. Nuestra cocina se llenó de suplementos y la heladera de carne, pollo, verduras y otras cosas de las que ni siquiera sabía el nombre. Todos los días después del trabajo se iba a entrenar y llegaba para comer. Ahora él cocinaba para ambos y comía unas cantidades impresionantes de carne y carbohidratos. Tomaba sus suplementos de forma rigurosa y se iba a dormir para descansar lo suficiente. En pocos días noté la diferencia. Cuando salía de bañarse podía ver los cambios. Músculos sobre músculos se le marcaban en la espalda que de pronto había crecido unos cuantos centímetros. Sus hombros se volvieron más redondos y su pecho se marcó como si de pronto quisiera salirse de su cuerpo. Sus brazos se volvieron más grandes y sus piernas comenzaron a convertirse en jamones. Lo que también comenzó a suceder es que se tomaba duchas mas largas, después de las cuales siempre decía con una sonrisa y guiñándome un ojo: —Hay que atender a la bestia —y se rascaba la pija debajo de la toalla. Y así como él se masturbaba todos los días yo hacía lo mismo después… imaginando su cuerpo, sus músculos duros y fuertes y sobre todo su enorme pecho mientras crecía. El mes pasó pronto y una mañana me dijo: —Gané 5 kilos. ¿5 kilos? ¡Parecía como si hubiera ganado 20! Todos sus músculos se habían vuelto más grandes. —Lo que pasa es que perdí algo de grasa y gané más masa muscular. Y para remarcar su punto flexionó su brazo. Era enorme. —¡Felicitaciones! ¡Yo sabía que podrías hacerlo! Pero en lugar de sonreír se puso serio y me dijo: —¿Doble o nada? —¿Eh? —Doble o nada. Hacemos otro mes igual a este y si no llego a ganar otros cinco kilos te devuelvo toda la plata… —¿… y si lo lográs? Se quedó pensando durante unos segundos. —No te pago el alquiler por dos meses más… Más allá de que la diferencia de recibir o no el alquiler era importante, la idea de verlo crecer más aún me estaba calentando. —¡Trato hecho!—dije y le estreché la mano que me ofrecía. Fran apretó con fuerza. El mes siguiente fue una locura. Por alguna razón que desconozco Fran dejó de usar remeras de un día para otro. Todos los días veía sus enormes músculos pasearse por toda mi casa. Sus piernas todas marcadas, sus abdominales y su enorme pecho (cada día más grande). Cada día cocinaba cantidades más grandes de comida que comía frente a mi solo en calzones. Cuando terminaba se golpeaba la panza y sonreía. Era como verlo inflarse delante mío. Sus duchas eran interminables, era demasiado obvio que se estaba masturbando como loco. Y yo después de él, pensando en él y en lo enorme que se estaba volviendo. La noche anterior a que terminara el mes trajo una balanza. —Mañana es el gran día —dijo y se fue a dormir. A la mañana siguiente cuando me levanté ya había hecho el desayuno. Se estaba levantando incluso más temprano que yo. Solo llevaba puesto unos calzones calvin klein que le marcaban la pija… —¿Lees? —me dijo parado sobre la balanza. —92 kilos —¡Ja! —dijo y se bajó de la balanza flexionando ambos brazos— ¡Soy una bestia! Dicho eso se puso a comer. Yo todavía no entendía que había pasado, estaba demasiado dormido. Tardé unos segundos en hacer las cuentas, había ganado más de 5 kilo, ¿no? Los dos meses siguientes que había ganado para vivir gratis fueron más de lo mismo. E incluso llegué a creer que se había vuelto loco, era una persona totalmente diferente. Estaba obsesionado con las cantidad de la comida, con las horas de sueño, con las cantidades de pesos de cada ejercicio. Pero todo eso parecía estar dando resultado ya que crecía cada día más y no solo sus músculos eran mas grandes, estaba creciendo en altura. Una noche que salió de la ducha vi como su pelo rozaba el marco de la puerta. Pero no solo eso, sus hombros también. Se tuvo que comprar ropa nueva porque la anterior ya no le entraba. Sus brazos eran demasiado gruesos y su pecho parecía ser el doble que antes. Cuando los dos meses que había ganado gratis se terminaron algo cambió de repente. La semana siguiente usó remera todos los días. Yo me había acostumbrado a ver su impresionante cuerpo lleno de músculos pasearse por casa… ese enorme pecho al que imaginaba todo el tiempo creciendo cada vez más… Al quinto día le dije: —¿Che, Fran, pasa algo? —¿Por? —me preguntó él levantando la cara del plato de comida. —No sé… digo… estás como raro… —¿Yo? ¿Por? —No sé… digo… —jamás podría decir lo que pensaba… ni siquiera sabía lo que estaba pensando… Ahi Fran sonrió. —¿Me estás preguntando porque no ando más sin remera? —¡¿Que?! ¡No, obvio que no! —¿Entonces? —No nada… dejá… Esa noche se sentó frente a mi con su enorme plato de comida y me dijo serio. —Okey, necesito plata… Lo miré sin entender. —Con lo que gano no me alcanza y necesito plata. —¿Y que vas a hacer? Me miró serio, corrió el plato de comida y me dijo: —Quiero hacer un… trato… —¿Un trato? —Si… —¿Que clase de trato? —Bueno… ¿viste… viste como yo…? Lo miré esperando su respuesta. —¿Alguna vez pagaste por ver a alguien? —¿Eh? ¿De qué estás hablando? —¡Dale, chabon! ¡Ya sabés de lo que te estoy hablando! ¡Un stripclub! —Fran, no te sigo… pero no, nunca fui a uno de esos lugares. —Bueno, es un lugar donde uno paga por ver a minas… o tipos… bailar desnudas… desnudos… Lo miré sin poder creer lo que me estaba diciendo. Debajo de la mesa la pija se me puso dura en un segundo. —¿Me estás diciendo que te pague por verte desnudo? —Algo asi… —dijo sonriendo. —¡¿QUE?! —por dentro mi corazón estaba saltando de alegría pero al mismo tiempo no entendía que estaba pasando. —¡No pienses cualquier cosa! ¡Pensalo como un… win win…! Yo necesito plata… y vos… y a vos te gustan los tipos… digo… dado que a mi me gustan las minas con tetas bien grandes me imaginé que a vos quizás te gustaban los tipos… musculosos y fuertes… como yo… —¿Estás loco? —¡NO! Pensalo así…es como que me auspiciarías… me darías una mano… y yo a cambio te dejo ver mi cuerpo… mis músculos… ¡daaaale! ¡No me vas a decir que te dan ganas de ver el lomo que tengo! —… —Imaginate esto… vuelvo de entrenar a casa… y estoy todo duro… tengo todos los músculos enormes… tan duros que apenas puedo bajar los brazos…. ¿no te ganas ganas de ver lo fuerte que me estoy poniendo? —Estás loco… —dije y me levanté y me fui a dormir. Esa noche apenas pude dormir y me masturbé 5 veces antes de que sonara el despertador. Me levanté destruido. Fran comía el desayuno. Me senté frente a él intentando despertarme. —No dormiste nada, ¿no? —No… —¿Cuantas veces te pajeaste? —Cinco… —¡¿Cinco?! ¡Ja! ¡Zarpado! ¿Tanto te excita mi cuerpo? Dije si con la cabeza. —¡Que chabon! Y pregunté pensar dije: —¿Por cuanto tiempo? Fran me miró y sonrió. —Lo que vos digas. —Okey… vamos a probar con un mes y vemos. Se levantó y se acercó a mi silla. Me levantó como si no pesara nada y me abrazó apretándome contra su pecho. Después me soltó y sin esperar un minuto se sacó la remera con el movimiento más impresionante que vi en mi vida. Con ambos brazos agarró la parte de abajo y como si levantara una bandera se sacó la remera. Sus abdominales perfectos aparecieron uno encima de otro y después su pecho enorme… fuerte… —¡Vas a ver! —me dijo mientras flexionaba ambos brazos—¡Vas a disfrutar cada día de ver el lomo que tengo! ¡Me voy a poner enorme! Me voy a volver el hombre más musculoso que viste en tu puta vida y me voy a pasear delante tuyo para que lo veas. Me despeinó con una mano y se fue a cambiar para ir al trabajo. Ese mes fue una locura. Fran crecía como una bestia. Todos los días lo veía más y más grande y ya no solo se paseaba sin remera, sino que cada tanto flexionaba ambos brazos y me decía: —¿Y? ¿Que tal mis músculos? ¿Te gusta lo que estás viendo? ¡Me estoy poniendo enorme! Yo me quedaba mudo, viendo el tamaño imposible de su pecho. ¡Así tenía que ser el pecho de un hombre! A fin de mes no solo pesaba casi 100 kilos sino que además me sacaba dos cabezas. Cuando nos cruzábamos en el baño me decía cosas como: —¿Que tal la vista desde ahí abajo, putito? ¿Estoy demasiado grande? ¿Cuantas veces vas a pajearte hoy después de verme en bolas? —y flexionaba su pecho enorme y fuerte— Apuesto que tengo el pecho más grandes que viste en tu puta vida. En el gimnasio no hay nadie que tenga unas tetas como yo —dijo y mientras se masajeaba el pecho con una mano— No te das una idea la fuerza que tengo en mis pectorales, te apuesto a que puedo levantar más de diez veces tu peso. Cuando termino de entrenar tengo el pecho tan duro que apenas me puedo poner la remera. ¿Te acordas el traje de lucha que usaba cuando me vine a vivir acá? ¿Te imaginás como me quedaría ahora con estos músculos? ¿Te gustaría que me lo pusiera? Sin pensarlo dije que si… —¡jaja! Que puto que sos… Esa noche me masturbé sin parar hasta que me dolió la pija. Cuando llegó el mes siguiente le dije: —¿Como seguimos? Yo solo quería verlo sin remera… cada día más grande y musculoso… lo imaginaba teniendo que agacharse para pasar por la puerta. —Hagamos esto… ¿Que te parece si hacemos un arreglo por peso? —¿Por peso? —¡Claro! En lugar de que yo no te pague el alquiler… vos me pagas por kilo… —¿Por kilo? —Es así, ya hice las cuentas… vos ahora me estás “dando” esta plata que es igual al total del alquiler… ¿no? Si dividimos este numero por mi peso… da esto... ¿me seguís? Entonces pensé que quizás podemos bajar un poco el precio por kilo… de ese modo yo tendría que ganar aproximadamente… mmm… veinte kilos más para seguir sin pagar… ¿se entiende? Agarré la hoja donde había hecho todos los cálculos y la miré mientras pensaba: ¿20 kilos más de músculo? Fran ya era enorme, o sea podía aparecer en cualquier portada de cualquier revista de deporte. ¿Podía ganar más músculo? —De esa manera me estimulo a crecer y vos… podes verlo… ¿que te parece? —dijo y me guiñó el ojo— ¿Te imaginás lo que va a ser mi cuerpo con 20 kilos mas? Lo que pasó ese mes cambió todo. Yo había imaginado que Fran seguiría creciendo como venía haciendo hasta entonces… quizás un poco más lento, pero que todo sería mas o menos igual. Estaba muy equivocado. Ahi fui cuando vi lo que podían hacer los anabólicos. Al términar la primer semana fue como si de repente hubiera inflado todos sus músculos y los mantuviera todo el tiempo en tensión. Fue como si sus músculos adquirieran otra calidad, otra fuerza. Al principio no me imaginé lo que estaba pasando, pero algunas cosas me empezaron a llamar la atención. Poco a poco estaba más agresivo… —Mirá puto, mirá el tamaño de mis brazo —me decía y flexionaba sus brazos para después mirarme sobre su pecho como si mirara una basura— Así tiene que ser el cuerpo de un hombre…no esa mierdita enana que sos vos A veces se me acercaba demasiado y “sin querer” me empujaba: —Uh, disculpá putito, no te ví ahi abajo. A veces no me doy cuenta lo enorme que estoy. O a veces tan solo me decía: —¿Y? ¿Te está gustando lo que ves? ¿Que sentís al verme sin remera? ¿Te calienta mi pecho musculoso? No te das una idea lo fuerte que estoy. En el gimnasio estoy levantando como un toro. Después de cada una de esas frases yo solo podía encerrarme en mi cuarto a masturbarme. Una mañana de sábado recuerdo que me levanté temprano, fui a la cocina y me preparé el desayuno. Primero escuché la puerta de su cuarto abrirse y después los pasos de oso que daba Fran al caminar. Yo estaba preparándome el café cuando sentí su sombra enorme pasar por encima mío. Sin decir nada abrió la heladera y la volvió a cerrar. Cuando lo miré estaba tomando leche directamente del cartón. Solo tenía puestos unos calzoncillos que dejaban a la vista la enorme pija que todavía estaba un poco parada. Su cuerpo era una montaña de músculos. Sus piernas apretaban contra la tela del calzón pero su cintura era del tamaño justo, solo si seguías subiendo su cuerpo se ensanchaba hasta ser casi del tamaño de una puerta doble. Un pecho impresionante todo musculoso coronaba los abdominales marcados y a ambos lados unos hombros gigantescos con unos brazos abultados llenos de venas. Un poco de leche le cayó sobre el pecho y dibujó un río entre los pectorales gigantescos. Entonces me di cuenta que Fran me miraba. Me guiñó un ojo y tuve que irme despacio al baño y masturbarme con la imagen de su cuerpo desnudo y duro tomando leche. El último día del mes, después de desayunar, dijo: —Veni, putito. Vamos a pesarme. Se paró sobre la balanza pero ni siquiera se asomó sobre su pecho para mirar. —¿Que dice? Me agaché para ver. —125 kilos… —jaja… te dije… Yo no lo podía creer. O sea, se notaba la diferencia. Fran estaba enorme, una montaña de músculos todos marcados, uno sobre otros. —Me debes esto —me dijo mostrándome un papel con una cuenta. —¡¿Que?! —Es lo que habíamos arreglado… el arreglo era por kilo y ¿ves como acá dice que si pesaba 120 me pagabas exactamente lo mismo que el alquiler? Bueno, ahora peso 5 kilos mas que eso. Por lo que me debes esta plata. No es mucho… Yo no lo podía creer y me lo quedé mirando con la boca abierta. —¿Que pasa? ¿No me querés pagar? Su cara cambió de repente. Dio un paso hacia adelante y yo uno hacia atrás. Estaba contra la pared. —Te das cuenta que no es muy buena idea no querer pagarle a un hombre de 125 kilos, ¿no? Mirá el lomo que tengo… ¿Sabés lo que puedo hacerte con estos músculos? Eso bastó para que saliera corriendo a buscar mi billetera. Traje la plata y la puse sobre la mesa. Él la miró todavía enojado y en un segundo cambió la expresión. Con una sonrisa dijo: —Te estaba boludeando, enano. Quedátela, estos cinco kilos de músculo van por mi cuenta. Disfrutalos —dijo e hizo su pecho subir y bajar— Seguimos entonces con el mismo arreglo… ¿te parece? Solo que esta vez aclaramos que sin importar cuanto peso gane no me tenés que dar plata vos. ¿Te parece? Yo todavía estaba temblando. Dije si. —Pero si te parece podemos agregar esta otra hoja. Y me pasó una hoja con precios. Me miró con una sonrisa. La miré sin entender nada. —Te lo explico… esto que vez acá es el precio por tocar… y esto que vez acá es el grupo muscular. Por ejemplo si me querés tocar el pecho durante un minuto sale tanto… ¿se entiende? Mi cabeza de pronto se había detenido. —¿Que pasa? ¿Te lo tengo que explicar? ¡Es fácil, enano! La idea es que me pagues por tocarme. ¿O me decís que no te dan ganas de tocar estos músculos? Mírame el pecho… bueno, sale esto. Se paró y se fue a cambiar para ir al trabajo. Ese día llamé a la oficina diciendo que estaba enfermo. Me masturbé hasta que pensé que me moría. Después dormí y cuando faltaba poco para que Fran volviera a casa me fui a caminar. Mi cabeza no paraba de dar vueltas, nunca me había pasado algo como eso. Simplemente estaba perdido…. era una locura… O sea, era mucha guita. La verdad… ¿que estaba pensando? ¡No iba a pagar por tocarlo! ¡Era ridículo! Cuando volví a casa él estaba terminando de comer. Puse la plata en la mesa y respiré hondo. Fran sonrió, se limpió la boca con la mano, corrió la silla, abrió las piernas y mirándose el pecho con una sonrisa perversa dijo: —Todo tuyo. Incluso sentado me sacaba una cabeza. Yo era un enanito frente a un gigante musculoso. Me acerqué temblando y apoyé ambas manos sobre su enorme pecho. Era mucho más duro y suave de lo que había imaginado. Era impresionante, casi tan grande como mis dos almohadas. Era pesado y cada vez que lo levantaba caía de nuevo. De pronto lo puso duro y fue como si se volviera una roca. Comencé a masajearlo… —¿Te gusta enano? ¿Te gusta tocar mi pecho? ¡Así es un pecho de hombre! Salí corriendo y me encerré en el baño un segundo antes de acabar. No había llegado ni a tocarlo durante un minuto. Se imaginan como siguió todo. Bueno, yo no… nunca pensé que me podría pasar algo como esto. Cada día que llegaba a casa me decía a mi mismo que no iba a pagar más… que esperaría hasta la próxima semana… o bueno, hasta dentro de tres días… aguantaría hasta mañana… Cada día pagaba por tocarlo. Y cada día pasaba lo mismo. —¿Te gustan mis brazos? —decía y los flexionaba mientras yo lo tocaba— Apretá fuerte, dale. ¡Apretá como hombre! Ja, imagínate la fuerza que tengo que ni siquiera podes apretar un centímetro… ¡Dale apretá con fuerza, putito! ¡Mirá las manos de enano que tenés sobre mis enormes músculos! Lo toqué todo y cuando lo toqué todo varias veces trajo una nueva hoja con “promos”. “Cuerpo completo” o “después de entrenar” o “en pose”. Las probé todas… y al final del mes me di cuenta que había gastado todo mi sueldo. No podía creerlo, pero al mismo tiempo no podía parar… Al día siguiente fue Fran el que dijo: —Ahora no puedo, mañana. Se puso una remera sobre sus enormes músculos y salió. Esa noche no pude dormir y tuve que masturbarme de nuevo hasta que me doliera todo. A la madrugada lo escuché volver, pero no estaba solo. —Shhhh, no hagas ruido que mi amigo está durmiendo… —dijo en voz baja. A los cinco minutos la mina empezó a gritar mientras él se la cogía en su cuarto. Intenté masturbarme de nuevo pero solo logré que me salieran lágrimas de los ojos. Fran empezó a traer mujeres casi todas las noches. Algunas tuve que conocerlas ya que me las cruzaba en la cena y otras tan solo las escuché gritar… una… dos…. tres… cuatro… cinco veces… Fran estaba cogiendo por todo lo que antes no había cogido. De seguro estaba aprovechando toda la plata que yo le había dado por tocarlo para pagar por esas mujeres… porque no había duda de que eran putas… o sea… eran mujeres demasiado impresionantes como para no serlo… Una mañana después de que desayunásemos Fran, yo y una de ellas y de que ella se fuera sin siquiera saludarme le pregunté: —¿Cuanto te cobra? Fran me miró sonriendo. Su cuerpo estaba inmenso. Hacía varias semanas que no tocaba esos músculos y solo podía imaginar lo duros que estaban ahora. Estiró los brazos dejándome ver el tamaño de sus músculos. Estaba inmenso, nunca había visto un hombre tan grande. Dejó escapar una risa. —Ya no pago… —No entiendo… –Yo no soy el que paga… Lo miré sin entender. Se puso de pie para ir a su cuarto… su espalda era una montaña de músculos haciendo un trabajo perfecto. Cuando volvió traía un cajón. Adentro estaba lleno de fajos de billetes. —Son ellas las que pagan. —¡¿Que….?! ¿Me estás jodiendo? ¿Cuanto…? —¡ja! ¿Que pasa? ¿Querés saber cuanto cuesta que te coja esta montaña de músculos? —dijo y su pecho subió y bajó para después flexionar sus brazos… ¡Dios mío, eran enormes! Me quedé mudo. —Jaja, que puto que sos… Acá está el precio. Era imposible que alguien pagara… que una mina pagara… era mucho… ¿aceptaría tarjeta? ¿También era para tipos? —Vení que te muestro —me dijo y casi se me paró el corazón. Pero no fue lo que yo imaginaba. Se sentó en el sillón y prendió la notebook. Me senté a lado. Apoyó la notebook en la mesita y le dio play al video. Se dejó caer contra el respaldo y pasó la mano por arriba mío, me apretó contra su cuerpo —mi cachete apretado por su pecho— y dijo: —Vas a ver todo el show. La mina estaba en cuatro sobre la cama moviéndose hacia atrás y hacia adelante. Estaba filmado con el celular. Fran lo levantó y filmó el cuerpo de ella desde arriba y después se filmó a él. Todos sus músculos enormes y transpirados brillaban por la poca luz del cuarto. Era un compilado en el que se cogía a una mina tras otra. Algunas de parado. Otras contra la pared, otras las aplastaba bajo sus músculos. Era una locura…. pero lo que era una locura era el tamaño de su pija. Era imposiblemente grande. Fue entonces que puso su enorme mano sobre mi pantalón y empezó a acariciarme. —Mejor sin esto —dijo y me sacó el pantalón en un segundo. Mi pija estaba parada debajo de calzóncillo…. parada es una forma de decir… nunca tuve una pija grande… bueno, okey… la tengo bastante chica… Fran ahogó una risa y me empezó a masturbar con dos dedos. Cada dedo suyo era mas grande que mi pija. —Es como un pescadito —me dijo con tono de burla— ¿No se te pone dura? La verdad era que no se me ponía nunca muy dura… Estaba por decir algo cuando vi lo que estaba pasando en su pantalón. Era como si hubiera metido dos bananas… tres bananas en su bolsillo. —¿Querés ver una pija en serio? —dijo y con su otra mano llevó la mía hasta tocar su pija. Acabé en un segundo. —¡Uhhgg! ¡Boludo! —dijo y se limpió el semen en mi remera—. ¡Que chabon! Vení… encárgate vos de esta… Y se sacó el pantalón. La pija más grande que vi en mi vida se paró delante de mis ojos. —Tan grande como el resto de mis músculos… —dijo bromeando mientras me miraba y miraba su pija gigantesca—¿Y? ¿No vas a hacer nada? Con la mano temblando le agarré la pija. Era tan grande y estaba tan dura que no podía cerrar la mano. —Con las dos —me dijo. Y lo agarré rápido con la otra. Apoyó la cabeza contra el respaldo y se echó para atrás. —Mas fuerte. Su pija era mas grande que mi brazo extendido, era simplemente enorme y no pude imaginar quien podría aguantar… que mina podría soportar que se le cogieran con una pija tan grande. —Mas fuerte, enano. Todo su cuerpo estaba cubierto de músculos enormes, duros y brillantes. Incluso desnudo era como si tuviera una armadura puesta y su pija era una espada… un cañón. —Más fuerte… ¡dale! Estaba apretando con todas mis fuerzas, pero él apenas lo sentía. Se puso de pie y me levantó con una mano. Me cargó hasta el baño, prendió la luz y se paró frente al espejo. Todo su cuerpo musculoso brillando bajo la luz del baño. Me sentó en su pija y me dijo: —Hace como si fuera tu pija… ¡Dale! Me agarré para no caerme. —Imaginate que te creció una pija enorme de repente… ¡Dale! Imagínate que te podes a coger a todas las minas… que todas se mueren por chuparte la pija… por tocarte los músculos —y mientras decía eso flexionaba ambos brazos— que sos el hombre más musculoso del mundo, más fuerte que un toro y más duro que un tanque. Imagínate que empezás a ganar guita porque todos quieren tocarte los músculos y vos solo creces y creces y tenés una fuerza de la puta madre y estás todo duro y podes garchar por horas y horas y acabar una y otra vez. Ahhh… soy enorme. Mirá el lomo que tengo, putito. Mirá el tamaño de mis músculos. Soy una bestia… ¿sabes lo que hacen las bestias como yo? Cogen… Me bajó de su pija y me dejó en el piso frente a él con su pija apuntando a mi cara. Era el gigante musculoso más grande que había visto en mi puta vida. —Mirá putito… mirá el tamaño de mis músculos… imaginate lo que te haría si te garchara con esta pija… te rompería el culo… no podrías volver a sentarte en tu puta vida… ¿querés probarla? Apuesto a que me querés chupar toda la pija… —Si… —Jajaja, que puto que sos… está bien, esta corre por mi cuenta. Y con una mano en mi cabeza me sostuvo mientras me acercaba la pija. Era enorme, era demasiado grande, imposible que me entrara en la boca. —Abrí grande… jaja, te voy a romper la boca, boludo… soy enorme… Yo respiraba por la nariz intentando no ahogarme… —¿Que pasa, enano? ¿La tengo muy grande? Eso te pasa por querer chuparle la pija a un gigante como yo. ahhhh… Te rompería la boca solo porque sos un puto de mierda… Mirá el tamaño de mis músculos… Esto es un hombre… No esa mierda enana que sos vos… Mirá mis brazos… Mirá lo fuerte que estoy… Esto es un hombre… ¿Me escuchaste, putito? ¡Abrí la boca o te la rompo con mi poronga! Apuesto a que te morís de ganas de tocarme los músculos… No podes pagarlo enano. Estoy demasiado grande, demasiado duro, soy demasiado fuerte. Y ni bien acabó me atraganté y todo se volvió blanco y después negro… A la semana siguiente Fran había renunciado a su trabajo. Cuando yo regresaba de la oficina (lo más rápido que podía) encontraba el tacho de basura lleno de preservativos gigantes y ropa rota de mujer. Fran se había convertido en un prostituto… Con la guita que ganaba empezó a comprarse ropa de marca, perfumes, computadoras, celulares, todas cosas carísimas y para coronarlo se compró una camioneta tan enorme como él. Estaba cobrando tanta plata que me regalaba guita: —Comprate algo, putito. Pero yo solo quería pagarle… Quería tocar su enorme lomo… Ahora que yo apenas le llegaba a la cintura Fran se había convertido en un dios inmenso, fuerte y musculoso… y en mi bolsillo yo apretaba la plata que había sacado del banco. Un día encontré en el piso la hoja con los nuevos precios… Ni siquiera el sueldo de un mes me alcanzaría para tocarlo durante un minuto… Fran se había vuelto un prostituto VIP… Las mujeres que se acostaban con él eran millonarias. Mujeres que solo existían en las revistas y en la televisión. Y Fran se las cogía a todas. Tenía sus clientas regulares que lo amaban, que le tocaban el pecho y se volvían locas con su fuerza, con la enorme pija que tenía. Cuando desayunábamos juntos muchas veces alguna de ella dejaba caer un fajo de billetes sobre la mesa solo para tocarlo mientras él desayunaba. —¿Te gusta mi cuerpo, putita? —le decía él. Una noche llegó con tres mujeres. Con solo verlas se notaba que eran más grandes, quizás tendrían cuarenta años. Todas operadas, con las tetas enormes y llenas de guita, de oro por todos lados. Las llevó a su cuarto y se las empezó a coger… me di cuenta porque empezaron a gritar como locas. Pero de un segundo a otro se quedaron callados y entonces Fran entró en mi cuarto… desnudo. Era como si una montaña de músculos pasara de pronto por la puerta. Tenía todo el cuerpo brillante, cubierto de un aceite que lo hacía verse todavía más grande…. y su pija… gigantesca… parada… dura como un tronco… un mástil frente a mi que estaba acostado en mi cama… —Che, necesito que me hagas un favor… —me dijo desde arriba de sus increíbles músculos… era una bestia toda inflada— Necesito que me filmes cogiéndome a estas viejas… —¿Que? —Son clientas mias y quieren tener un video mío cogiéndomelas… Dijo eso y salió (agachándose para no destrozar la pared). Lo seguí. En su cuarto la ropa estaba tirada por todo el piso y en su cama estaban acostadas las tres mujeres, desnudas, con sus tetas inmensas, sus culos operados y con la cara y el cuerpo cubiertos de semen. —Awww que tierno tu amiguito… —dijo una. —¡Que precioso! ¿Nos vas hacer el favor? ¡Que ternura! —Queremos que lo filmes a él… y ese cuerpo musculoso que tiene cogiéndonos… Sos hermoso, Fran… Un semental… —Filmale el pecho, mirá el pecho enorme que tiene… ¡que macho! —Filmale la pija, mirá esa pija. —¡A mi primero! —gritó una y Fran se la cogió contra la pared, apretándola con sus músculos mientras ella le chupaba el pecho que la aplastaba. —Filmale la espalda, mirá esa espalda llena de músculos… mirá lo fuerte que es… —Mirá esas piernas… Dios mio… es una bestia… Y Fran se las cogió a todas dos veces y yo filmando todo. Cuando terminó se acercó a mi y yo retrocedí hasta quedar pegado contra la pared. Me sacó el celular y se puso a ver el video. Su pija parada todavía goteaba sobre mi cabeza, sus piernas musculosas y enormes me impedían cualquier movimiento. Olía a mucho sexo. Y todo el cuerpo le brillaba. —Bien filmado, putito… estoy enorme —me dijo y con una mano me despeinó me apretó contra sus piernas para luego acostarse en la cama con las tres minas. Los cuatro se pusieron a ver el video mientras ellas lo tocaban y lo besaban y mordían. —¡Gracias, precioso! –dijo una y me tiró un beso. —¡Que buen ojo! ¡Mirá como se ve todo tu cuerpo, Fran! ¡Estas enorme! ¡Mirá estos brazos! Pero una de ellas no decía nada y me miraba. Tenía los ojos grandes y una mirada que entendía las cosas. Se lamió los labios y dijo: —¿Como podemos agradecerte? —mientras le tocaba el pecho a Fran. Pasó su mano sobre esos enormes pectorales y después le agarró la pija todavía dura. —Fran, ¿como podemos pagarle a tu amigo? —¿A él? —me miró y me guiñó un ojo— Creo que ya está contento con verme coger… —¡Aw, en serio? ¿Es de “esos”? —Precioso, ¿así que te gustan los músculos de tu amigo Fran? ¿Viste lo enorme que es? ¡Mirá este pecho! ¡No hay ningún hombre con un pecho tan grande! ¡Que duro! ¡Aw, Fran, sos inmenso! —¿Fran, cuanto te debemos? —Ahi está la lista de precios —dijo él señalando la pared sin dejar de ver el video. La mujer de los ojos grandes se paró y se acercó a la pared. Leyó la lista de precios y después me miró. –Chicas… —dijo y regresó a la cama— ¿Que tal si le hacemos un regalo a nuestro amiguito? —¿Un regalo? —preguntó otra y cuando la primera le susurró al oido sonrió. —¡Un regalo bien grande y musculoso! —Aw, sí, ¿te da ganas, chiquito? ¿Querés saber lo que se siente que te coja el hombre más musculoso del mundo? Mirá el tamaño de esta pija, mirá los hombros que tiene. Mirá este pecho y estos brazos. Es un macho inmenso y coge como los dioses. —Tomá, Fran. Esto es por lo nuestro y esto es por tu amiguito… queremos un servicio completo… así disfruta de todos tus enormes músculos… Fran se puso de pie y se acercó hasta aplastarme con sus piernas. —Parece que es tu día de suerte, putito —dijo mientras se masturbaba la pija llena de semen— Vas a poder disfrutar de todo mi cuerpo… —dijo y me levantó y me sentó en la punta de su pija, pero antes me arrancó la ropa de un tirón. Sentí su pija gigantesca contra mi culo y como se mojaba todo. Su pecho me apretaba contra la pared, intenté empujarlo con mis manos pero era como empujar una pared, una montaña llena de músculos. Fran estaba todo duro y caliente. —¿Que pasa, chiquito? —dijo una de las minas. Ambas se acercaron a Fran y empezaron a tocarle las enormes piernas. —¿No querías esto? ¿No querías tocar los enormes músculos de tu amigo? Mirá lo grande que es. Aprovecha y sácate las ganas de tocarlo. Mirá el pecho que tiene. Mirá estos brazos enormes, mirá lo grandes que son sus músculos. Uh, estás re duro, Fran. Tocale el pecho, dale. —¡Que flacucho de mierda que sos! —me dijo Fran. —¿Que se siente estar sentado en la pija más grande que vas a ver en tu vida? —preguntó una de ellas. —¿Te das cuenta que te va a romper el orto? —preguntó otra. —Intentá defenderte —dijo Fran apretándome contra la pared— Dale, empujá, empujá en serio, dale putito. ¿Que pasa? ¿Estoy muy grande? ¿Soy muy fuerte? —Abrile ese culito que tiene, Fran. —Te voy a mostrar como coge un verdadero hombre. Uh como te va a gustar esto —dijo Fran flexionándo ambos brazos. —Fran, queremos que pongas toda tu fuerza en romperle bien ese culito que tiene. —Ja! —se río Fran— Lo voy a matar solo con abrirsle el culo con mi pija. La tengo demasiado grande para un culo tan chiquito —y después mirándome a mi con una mueca dijo— Dale, enano, tocame todo, sácate las ganas, toca todos mis enormes músculos. Uf, estoy enorme. —Espero que estés preparado, chiquitín —dijo una de ellas—Te va a violar un semental de 200 kilos. Y eso fue lo último que escuché, antes de que Fran me rompiera el culo con su enorme poronga.
  3. dangerdanger

    Pay per Fran [ENGLISH]

    Spanish version in here. My parents always educated me in the culture of effort, so none of my friends were surprised that at twenty-five years old I bought my apartment. I had worked hard to get enough money, doing extra hours, working freelance on weekends and saving everything I could spending as little as possible. I asked for a loan from a bank and that was it. I moved as soon as they gave me the key and for six months I enjoyed the solitude. After that time I decided that the same thing I had done to get half the department I could do to get the other half and for that I was not going to skimp on anything. If I went back to do freelance, some extra hours and rent the room that was empty, then it would not take me long to collect all the money I needed. So I told my friends that I had a room available for rent. Several friends were interested but none had enough money to pay for the place, it was not that I charged too much, what happened was that none had a job that still allowed them to live alone. The days passed and one morning I got a message from Fran: -Hey, I was told you're renting a room! I need to leave my old house! Who was Fran? We had been partners in my previous job where I was a developer and he was a tester. He was a guy with whom we always joked. I could not say he was cute, maybe if you just see his face you would not say that, but he had something in the way of being that was seductive, in addition to having a body ... what could I say? A huge chest. He was not what I would call muscular, he only had the perfect proportions, he did some sport and liked to take care of himself. He practiced wrestling and that should keep him quite trained. He knew that I liked men, but he never cared. He was pretty clear that he liked women so he always pinched someone's ass to annoy him, even me! In him it was as normal as giving you a slap. However, everything that he trusted with men, with women just vanished. If a girl liked him too much he could barely talk to her. I also remember a lot of girls “he did not like" that were as hot for him as me. More than one got to suck his cock in the bathroom of a party. The idea of living with Fran excited me from the first moment. I imagined him naked in my bathroom and the idea alone was enough for me to cum. The next week he dropped his bag in the empty room and settled in. At first things were pretty normal. We both had breakfast together and then both would go to work. I came back in the afternoon and enjoyed a few hours just to work until nightfall just when he arrived. The best moments were when he walked around in his underwears. He had a huge chest, just as I remembered, marked and wide. Fran was a good head taller than me so if we met in the bathroom I had the perfect image of his muscles. —Careful, little man! -he told me when I stomped into him. That was hot! Fran needed to save money but unlike me he did not have the will to work and not spend. He went out with friends and spent too much money outing. I was not surprised that he could not save money. I knew from a friend he used to pay for sex and apparently he needed to have too much sex per week. Another thing he used to do with his beautiful body was wrestling, so he had those ridiculous spandex suits that looked great on him. They highlighted his broad shoulders, his chest and his cock. I imagined him struggling with that clothes with some other man dressed the same and the idea was enough for the whole night. Things started to change one afternoon that he came angry from training. The coach had told him he needed to gain weight to compete in the tournament. —How much do you have to gain? —asked. —I have to be 176.37 pounds —he answered me. It did not seem so much to me and I told him so. -More than 20 pounds of muscle! —He said as if it were something obvious— You say that because you never gained a pound in your life! I bet you cannot lift 10 pounds in the gym! To gain so much muscle, I would have to eat a lot of meat. Do you know how expensive is it?, I would also need to take supplements that are very expensive and also go to a nutritionist. I can not pay for all that! Beyond that the idea of him becoming more muscular excited me and it did not take me even ten seconds to imagine a version of Fran stronger and more muscular ... with a huge chest and bulging arms ... it was also true that I wanted to help him, at least for him to learn to be rigorous to get what he wanted. Then I offered him that if for a month he could focus all his efforts on this challenge and use his money only for his goals then I would help him. How? For a month I would not charge him a rent. —Really? —he asked. —But only if I see that you take it seriously. —Of course!! You'll see! I'm going to become a beast! I do not know if it was my words or the desire I had to enter the tournament but something in his attitude changed overnight. He stopped going out with his friends and he went every day to the gym. Our kitchen got filled with supplements and the refrigerator was full of meat, chicken, vegetables and other things I did not even know the name of. Every day after work he went to train and came to eat. Now he cooked for the both of us and he ate impressive amounts of meat and carbohydrates. He took his supplements rigorously and went to sleep to get enough rest. In a few days I noticed the difference. After every of his showers I could see the changes. Muscles over muscles appearing on his back that had suddenly grown a few inches. His shoulders became rounder and his chest marked as if he suddenly wanted to get out of his body. His arms became bigger and his legs began to turn into hams. What also began to happen is that he took longer showers, after which he always said with a smile and winking at me: —I had to care of this beast —he would say while he scratched his cock under the towel. And just as he masturbated every day, I did the same thing later ... imagining his body, his hard and strong muscles and especially his huge chest as he grew up. The month passed soon and one morning he told me: —I won 10 pounds. 10 pounds? It looked like he had won 20! All his muscles had grown larger. —What happens is that I lost some fat and gained more muscle mass. And to emphasize his point he flexed his arm. It was huge. —Congratulations! I knew you could do it! But instead of smiling he became serious and said: —Double or nothing? —What? —Double or nothing! We make another month like this and if I do not get to gain another 10 pounds I'll give you all the money back ... —… and if you do gain the 10 pounds? He took some time to think about it —I do not pay the rent for two months ... Beyond the fact that the difference between receiving and not receiving that money was important, the idea of seeing him grow even more was making me horny. —Deal! —I said and I shook his hand. Fran squeezed hard. The next month was crazy. For some reason that I do not know Fran stopped wearing t-shirts from one day to the next. Every day I saw his huge muscles walking around my house. His legs all marked, his abs and his huge chest (every day bigger). Every day he cooked larger quantities of food that he ate in front of me. When he finished, he would hit his belly and smile. It was like watching him inflate in front of me. His showers were endless, it was too obvious that he was masturbating like crazy. And me after him, thinking about him and how huge he was now. The night before the end of the month he brought a scale. —Tomorrow is the big day —he said and went to sleep. Next morning when I got up he had already made breakfast. He was getting up even earlier than me.He was wearing only calvin klein drawers that marked his cock… —Do you read? —he said to me standing on the scale. —200 pounds —Ha! —he said and climbed off the scales, flexing both arms. "I'm a beast!" Then he started eating. I still did not understand what had happened, I was too sleepy. It took me a few seconds to do the accounts, I had gained more than 10 pounds, right? The next two months he had won to live for free were more of the same. I got to believe that he had gone crazy, he was a totally different person. He was obsessed with the amount of food, with the hours of sleep, with the amounts of weights for each exercise. But all that seemed to be working as he grew more and more every day and not only his muscles were bigger, Fran was getting taller. One night when he came out of the shower I saw his hair brushing against the door frame. But not only that, his shoulders too. He had to buy new clothes because the previous one did not fit his huge muscled body. His arms were too thick and his chest seemed way bigger. When the two months that he had won for free ended, something suddenly changed. The following week he wore T-shirts every day. I had become used to to seeing his impressive body full of muscles walking around the house ... that huge chest that I imagined all the time growing more and more ... On the fifth day I said: -Hey, Fran, is there something wrong? -Why? —He asked, lifting his face from the plate of food. -Oh! I don’t know ... I mean ... you're acting kind of weird ... -Me? Why? -I don’t know ... I mean ... -I could never say what I was thinking ... I did not even know what I was thinking ... Then Fran smiled. -Are you asking me why I do not walk more without a shirt? -What?! No, of course not! -So? -Nothing ... fuck off ... That night he sat in front of me with his huge plate of food and told me seriously. -Ok, I need money ... I looked at him without understanding. -My salary is to low… and I need money. -And what are you going to do? He looked at me seriously: -I want to make a ... deal ... -A deal? -Yes… - What kind of deal? -Well ... did you see ... you saw how I ...? I looked at him waiting for his answer. -Did you ever pay to see someone? Or something? -What? What are you talking about? -Come one! You know what I'm talking about! A stripclub! -Fran, I don’t follow you ... but no, I never went to one of those places. -Well, it's a place where you pay to see girls ... or guys ... dance naked ... you know, naked ... I looked at him without being able to believe what he was saying. Under the table the cock became hard in a second. —Are you telling me to pay you to see you naked? -Something like that ... -said smiling. -WHAT?! - inside my chest my heart was jumping for joy but at the same time I did not understand what was happening. -Don't get any wrong ideas! Think of it as a ... win win… I need money ... and you ... and you like men ... I mean ... given that I like gitls with big tits I figured that maybe you liked guys ... with big muscles and strong ... like me ... -Are you crazy? -No!! Think it like this ... it's like you would sponsor me ... you would give me a hand ... and in return I let you see my body ... my muscles ... Come one! You're not going to tell me that you want to see the muscles I have! - ... -Imaginate this ... I come back home after training ... and I'm all hard ... I have all my muscles huge ... so hard that I can barely move my arms .... Don’t you want to see how strong I am getting? "You're crazy ..." I said and got up and went to sleep. That night I could barely sleep and I jacked off 5 times before sunrise. I woke up destroyed. Fran was eating breakfast. I sat in front of him trying to wake myself up. -You didn’t sleep anything, right? -No… - How many times did you jacked off? -Five… -Five?! Ha! Does my muscle body turn you on that much? I said yes with my head. -Ha! Crazy! I asked him: -How long? Fran looked at me and smiled. -Whatever you say. -Okey ... let's try for a month and see. He got up and came to me. He lifted me up as if I weighed nothing and hugged me, pressing me agains his huge muscled chest. Then he released me and took off his shirt with the most impressive movement I ever saw in my life. With both arms he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and as he was raising a flag he took off his shirt. His perfect abs appeared one after the other and then his huge chest ... strong and big… -You’ll see! -He said while flexing both arms- You are going to enjoy every day of seeing my muscles! I'm going to be huge! I'm going to become the most muscular man you saw in your fucking life and I'm going to walk in front of you for you to see it. He ruffled me with one hand and went to change to go to work. That month was crazy. Fran grew like a beast. Every day I saw him get bigger and bigger and he no longer just walked around without a shirt, but every so often he flexed both arms and said: -How about my muscles, little man? Do you like what you see? I'm getting huge! I was speechless, seeing the impossible size of his chest. That's how it had to be a man's chest! At the end of the month, he not only weighed almost 220 pounds, but he also was two heads taller than me. When we met in the bathroom he would say things like: - How’s the view from down there, little man? Am I too big? How many times are you going to jack off today after seeing my muscles? -And flexed his huge and strong chest- I bet I have the biggest chest you ever saw in your fucking life. In the gym there is no one who has tits like me —he said and while he massaged his chest with one hand— You don’t know the strength I have in my chest, I bet you I can lift more than ten times your weight. When I finish training, my chest is so hard that I can hardly put on my shirt. Do you remember the fighting suit I had? Can you imagine how would I look like with these muscles now? Would you like me to wear it? Without thinking I said that if ... -Ha! What a fag you are... That night I jacked off without stopping until my cock ached. When the next month arrived I told him: -How do we continue? I just wanted to see him without a shirt ... every day bigger and more muscular ... I imagined him having to duck to go through the door. -Lets do this ... What do you think if we make an arrangement by weight? - By weight? -Yeah! Instead of me not paying you rent ... you pay me for every pound ... -Per pound? -Look at this, I already did the numbers ... you are now "giving me" this money that is equal to the total rent ... right? If we divide this number by my weight ... this is the result ... do you follow me? So I thought maybe we can lower the price a little bit per pound ... that way I would have to gain approximately ... mmm ... 40 pounds more to continue without paying ... do you understand? I grabbed the sheet where he had done all the math and I looked at him while thinking: 40 pounds more of muscles? Fran was already huge… he could appear on the cover of any sports magazine. Could he gain more muscles? -You encourage me to grow and you ... you can see it ... what do you think? -He said and winked at me- Can you imagine how my body will look like with 40 pounds more? What happened that month changed everything. I had imagined that Fran would continue to grow as he had been doing until then ... maybe a little slower, but everything would be more or less the same. I was very wrong. That's when I saw what the anabolics could do. At the end of the first week he suddenly inflated all of his muscles and kept them tense all the time. It was as if his muscles acquired another quality, another strength. At first I did not imagine what was happening, but some things started to get my attention. He was more aggressive ... -Look fag, look at the size of my arm —he said and flexed his arms before looking at me over his chest as if looking at a piece of shit- This is how a man should look like ... not like a little shit like you Sometimes he would got too close and "unintentionally" pushed me: -Uh, sorry little man, I didn’t see you down there. Sometimes I forget how huge I am. Or sometimes he just told me: -Are you enjoing what you see? How’s it feel when you see me without a shirt? Do you get horny by looking at my chest? You don’t have an idea how strong I am. In the gym I'm working like a bull. After each of those phrases I could only lock myself in my room to jack off. On the last day of the month, at breakfast, he said: -Come on, little man. You are going to weigh me. He stood on the scale but did not even look over his chest to look. -What does it say? I crouched to see. -275 pounds ... -Haha ... I told you ... I could not believe it. Fran was huge, a mountain of muscles. —You owe me this —he said, showing me a piece of paper with some numbers. -What?! -It was what we had arranged ... the arrangement was per pound and do you see how it says here that if it weighed 260 you paid me exactly the same as the rent? Well, now I weigh 10 pounds more than that. And you owe me this money. It's not much… I could not believe it and I stared at him with my mouth open. -What happens? you don’t want to pay me? His face changed suddenly. He took a step forward and I stepped back. I was against the wall. - You realize that it is not a very good idea not to pay a 275 pound muscle man, right? Look at the arms I have ... Do you know what I can do with all these muscles? That was enough for me to run out and get my wallet. I brought the money and put it on the table. He looked at it still angry and after a second he changed his expression. With a smile he said: -I was fucking with you, little man. Keep it, these 10 pounds of muscle go on my own. Enjoy them, —he said and made his chest go up and down.— We continue then with the same arrangement ... that do you say? But this time we clarify that no matter how much weight I win, you do not have to give me money. Ok? I was still shaking. I said yes. -But if you want we can add these prices as well… And he gave me a sheet with prices. He looked at me with a smile. I looked at it without understanding anything. -Let me explain ... this number here is the price for touching ... and this is the muscle group. For example, if you want to touch my chest for a minute, it will cost you this much ... do you get it? My head had suddenly stopped. -What happens? Do I have to explain it again? It's easy, little man! The idea is that you pay me to touch me. Or you tell me that you don’t want to touch these muscles? Look at my chest ... well, thats the price. He stood up and went to change to go to work. That day I called the office saying I was sick. I jacked off until I thought I was dying. Then I slept and when it was almost time for Fran to return home I went for a walk. My head did not stop spinning, something like this had never happened to me. I was just lost ... It was crazy ... I mean, it was a lot of money. The truth ... what was I thinking? I was not going to pay to touch him! It was ridiculous! When I came back home he was finishing eating. I put the money on the table and took a deep breath. Fran smiled, wiped his mouth with his hand, moved the chair back, spread his legs and looking at his chest with a wicked smile he said: -Its all yours. Even sitting down he was a good head taller than me. I was a little kid in front of a muscle giant. I approached shaking and rested both hands on his huge chest. It was much harder and softer than I had imagined. It was impressive, almost as big as my two pillows. It was heavy and every time I lifted it it fell again. Suddenly he flexed hard and it was as it became a rock. I started to massage it ... -Do you like it, little fag? Do you like to touch my muscles? This is a man's chest should look like! I ran out and locked myself in the bathroom a second before I came. I had not even touched him for a minute. So you could imagine how everything went. I never thought something like this could happen to me. Every day that I came back home and I told myself that I was not going to pay more ... that I would wait until next week ... well, for three days ... I would hold on until tomorrow ... Every day I paid to touch him. And the same thing happened every day. - Do you like my arms? -He said and flexed them while I touched him- Press hard, come one. Squeeze like a man! Ha, imagine the strength that I have that you can not even squeeze a centimeter ... Squeeze harder, fag! Look at the little hands you have over my big muscles! I touched every part of his huge body and when I touched him several times he brought a new sheet with "promos"."Full body" or "after training" or "in pose". I tried them all ... and at the end of the month I realized that I had spent all my salary. I could not believe it, but at the same time I could not stop ... The next day it was Fran who said: - Now I can’t, lets do it tomorrow. He put a shirt over his huge muscle chest and left. That night I could not sleep and I had to jack off until everything hurt. At dawn I heard him came back, but he was not alone. -Shhhh, keep it quiet… my friend is sleeping ... -he said in a low voice. Five minutes later the girl began to scream while he fucked her in his room. I tried to jack off but I only managed to get tears out of my eyes. Fran started bringing girls almost every night. Some of them I had to meet them because he invited them to dinner and others just heard them scream ... one ... two .... three ... four ... five times ... Fran was fucking like a machine. Surely he was taking advantage of all the money I had given him for touch him to pay for those women ... I was sure that they were whores… One morning after we had breakfast Fran, me and one of those girls. The moment she left I asked: -How much did you pay? Fran looked at me smiling. His body was immense. I had not touched those muscles for several weeks and could only imagine how hard his muscles would be. He stretched his arms letting me see the size of his muscles. He was huge, I had never seen such a big man. He let out a laugh. -I don’t pay ... -I don’t get it -I'm not the one who pays ... I looked at him without understanding. He stood up to go to his room ... his back was a mountain of muscles doing a perfect job. When he came back he brought a box. Inside, it was full of bills. -They are the ones that pay. -What….?! Are you jocking? How much…? -Ha! What? Do you want to know how much it costs to fuck with this mountain of muscles? He said and his chest went up and down and then flexed his arms ... My God, they were huge! I was speechless. -Haha, what a fag you are ... This is the price. It was impossible for someone to pay ... that a girl would pay ... it was a lot ... would he accept credit card?Was it also for guys? —Let me show you — he said and my heart almost stopped. But it was not what I imagined. He sat on the couch and turned on the notebook. I sat next to him. He put the notebook on the table and played the video. He laid back and ran his hand over me, pressed me against his body, my cheek tightened on his chest, and said: -You'll see the show. The girl was on the bed moving back and forth. It was filmed with a cell phone. Fran filmed her body from above and then he filmed himself. All his huge, sweaty muscles glowing in the dim light of the room. It was a compilation in which one girl was fucked after another. Some against the wall, others crushed under his muscles. It was fucking amazing…. but what was amazing was the size of his cock. It was impossibly large… He moved his huge hand over my pants and began to touch me. -Its better without this -he said and took off my pants in a second. My cock was at full mast … well thats a way of saying ... I never had a big cock ... well, okay ... I have a little one ... Fran laugh and began to jack me off with two fingers. Each of his fingers was bigger than my cock. -It's like a little fish -he said in a mocking tone- Does ever get hard? The truth was that I never got too hard ... I was about to say something when I saw what was happening in his pants. It was as if he had put two bananas ... three bananas in his pocket. -Do you want to see a reals man cock? —He said and with his other hand he moved mine to touch his cock. I came up in a second. -Uhhgg! Shit! —He said and wiped the semen on my shirt— Come here ... take care of this ... And he took off his pants. The biggest cock I ever saw in my life appeard in front of my eyes. —Big as the rest of my muscles ... —he joked as he looked at me and looked at his gigantic cock— are you going to stay there? With shaking hand I grabbed his cock. It was so big and so hard that I could not close my hand. —Use both —he said. And I grabbed it with the other one. He leaned back. —Stronger. His cock was bigger than my arm, it was just huge and I could not imagine who could stand ... which girl could resist to be fucked with such a big cock. -Stronger, little man. His entire body was covered which huge, hard and shiny muscles. Even naked it was as if he had an armor on and his cock was a sword ... a cannon. -Stronger ... come on! I was squeezing with all my strenth, but he hardly felt it. He stood up and lifted me with one hand. He carried me to the bathroom, turned on the light and stood in front of the mirror. All his musle body was shining in the light of the bathroom. He sat me in his cock and said: - It's as if it were your cock ... Jack off! I grabbed myself to his cock to keep me from falling. -Imagine that you grew a huge cock like this ... Come on ! Imagine that you can fuck one girl after the other ... they all want to to suck your cock ... they want to touch your muscles -while saying that he flexed both arms- Imagine that you are the most muscular stud in the world, stronger than a bull and harder than a tank. Imagine that you start to earn money out of just because everyone wants to touch your muscles and you just grow and grow and you get stronger every day and you're hard all over and you can fuck for hours and hours and come and come and come. Ahhh ... I'm huge. Look at the muscles I have, little fag. Look at the size of my muscles.I'm a beast ... do you know what beasts do? They fuck ... He lowered me from his cock and left me on the floor in front of him with his cock pointed at my face. He was the biggest muscle giant I had ever seen in my fucking life. -Look at me, little fag ... look at the size of my muscles ... imagine what I would do I would fuck you with this cock ... I would break your ass ... you could not sit in your fucking life again ... do you want to try it? I bet you want to suck my whole cock ... -Yes… -Haha, what a fag you are ... okay then, this is on my own. He held my head with one hand while he approached his cock to my mouth. It was huge, it was too big, it was impossible that I would be able to open that big. -So, little man ... haha, I'm going to break your jaw ... I'm huge ... I breathed through my nose trying not to drown ... - What's up, little fag? Am I too big? This is what happens when you try to suck the cock of a giant like me. ahhhh ... I would break your mouth just because you are a fucking piece of shit ... Look at the size of my muscles ... This is how a man should look like ... Not that little shit you are ... Look at my arms ... Look how strong I am ... Open that mouth or I’ll broke it with my huge cock! I bet you're dying to touch my muscles ... Sorry, little fag… you can’t afford it. I'm too big, too hard, I'm too strong. And then he came and I got choked and everything turned white and then black ... The week after that Fran quit his job. When I came back from the office (as fast as I could) I found the garbage can full of giant condoms and women's clothes. Fran had become a prostitute ... With the money he earned, he began to buy designer clothes, perfumes, computers, cell phones, all expensive things and to top it off he bought a truck as big as himself. He was earning so much money that he gave me some: -Buy yourself something, little fag. But I just wanted to pay him ... I wanted to touch his huge back ... Now that I barely reached his waist, Fran had become a huge, strong and muscular god ... and in my pocket I was pressing the money I had taken from the bank. One day I found a sheet of paper with the new prices on the floor ... Not even a month's salary would be enough to touch him for a minute ... Fran had become a VIP prostitute ... The women who slept with him were millionaires. Women who only existed in magazines and on television. And Fran fucker them all. He had his regular clients who loved him, who touched his chest and went mad with his strength, with the huge cock he had. When we had breakfast together, many times one of them would drop a bunch of money on the table just to touch his muscles while he was having breakfast. -Do you like my body, bitch? —he would say while flexing. One night he arrived with three women. Just by seeing them you could tell they were older, maybe forty years old. With huge tits and full of money, gold everywhere. He took them to his room and started to fuck them ... I realized that because they started screaming like crazy. But after a few minutes they stood silent and then Fran came into my room ... naked. It was as if a mountain of muscles suddenly passed through the door. His entire body was shining, covered with an oil that made him look even bigger .... and his cock ... gigantic ... hard as a club ... a huge anaconda in front of me… And I was lying in my bed ... -I need you to do me a favor ... -he told me from above his incredible muscles ... he was a beast- I need you to film me fucking ... —What? —They are clients of mine and they want to have a video of me fucking them… He said that and left (bending down trying not to tear the wall apart). I followed him. In her room the clothes were lying all over the floor and in his bed were the three women, naked, with their huge tits and asses and faces and bodies all covered in semen. -Awww look how cute your little friend is ... - said one. -How beautiful! Are you going to do us a favor? How cute! -We want you to film him ... and his muscular body while he fucks us ... You're beautiful, Fran ... A stud ... -Film his chest, look at the huge chest he has ... what a macho! -Film his cock, look at that cock. - Me first! —Cried one and Fran grabbed her against the wall, squeezing her with his muscles as she sucked his chest that was crushing her. -Film his back, look at that back full of muscles ... look how strong he is ... -Look at those legs ... My God ... he is a beast ... And Fran fucked them all two times and I filmed everything. When he finished he approached to me and I backed up until I was against the wall. He took my cell phone out and started watching the video. His cock full erect still dripped on my head, his muscular and huge legs prevented me from any movement. His body smelled to sex. And his whole body was shining. —Well done, bitch ... I'm huge, -he said and with one hand he ruffled me pressing me agains his legs and then he layed down on the bed with the three women. The four of them watched the video while they touched him and kissed him and bit him. -Thank you, beautiful! —said one and threw me a kiss. -What a good eye! Look how your body looks, Fran! You are huge! Look at these arms! But one of them said nothing and looked at me. She had big eyes and a look that understood things. She licked her lips and said: -How can we thank you? -while he touched Fran's chest. She ran her hand over those huge pecs and then grabbed Fran’s still hard cock. -Fran, how can we pay your friend? -Pay him? -He looked at me and winked at me- I think he's already happy to see me fuck ... -Aw, really? Is him one of those? - Pretty, do you like the muscles of your friend Fran? Did you see how huge he is? Look at this chest! There is no man with such a big chest! How hard! Aw, Fran, you're huge! -Fran, how much do we owe you? -There's the price list, -he said, pointing to the wall while still watching the video. The woman with the big eyes stood up and went to the wall. she read the price list and then looked at me. -Girls ... -she said and returned to the bed- How about we give our little friend a gift? -A gift? -Asked another and when the first one whispered in her ear, she smiled. -A huge and muscular gift! -Aw, yes, would you like that little man? Do you want to know what it feels like to be fucked by the most muscular man in the world? Look at the size of this cock, look at the shoulders he has. Look at his chest and these arms. He is a huge stud and fucks like a god. -Here, Fran. This is for ours and this is for your friend ... we want a complete service ... so he can enjoy all your huge muscles ... Fran stood up and came up to me crushing me with his legs. -It seems it's your lucky day, little bitch -he said while masturbating the cock full of semen- You'll be able to enjoy my muscle body ... -he said and he lifted me up and sat me on top of his cock, but before he tore off my clothes. I felt his gigantic cock against my ass and everything in me got wet. His chest pressed me against the wall, I tried to push him with my hands but it was like pushing a wall, a mountain full of muscles. Fran was all hard and hot. - What's up, little one? —said one of the girls. Both approached Fran and began to touch his huge legs. - Don’t you want this? Don’t you want to touch your friend's huge muscles? Look how big he is. Look at the chest he has. Look at these huge arms, look at how big his muscles are. Uh, you're so huge, Fran. Touch his chest, give it a try. - What a weakling you are! —said Fran. - How does it feel to be sitting in the biggest cock that you’ll ever see in your life? -one of them asked. - Do you realize that his is going to break your ass? -asked another. -Try to defend yourself from me, -Fran said, pressing me against the wall. -Come on!, push, push harder, hit me!. What happens? Am I too big? Am I too strong? -Break his ass, Fran. -I'll show you, little shit, how a real man fucks. Uh you are so going to like this -Fran said, flexing both arms. -Fran, we want you to put all your strength in breaking that little ass he has. -Ha! —Frank laughed- I'm going to kill him just by opening his ass with my cock. I have it too big for such a small ass -and then looking at me with a grimace said- Come on, little man, touch me, touch all my huge muscles. Ugh, I'm huge. -I hope you're prepared, kid, -one of them said- You're going to be raped by a 400 pound stallion. And that was the last thing I heard, before Fran broke my ass with his huge cock.
  4. MuscleNexusTF

    Quarantined - Chap 1

    Hey guys! Here's the first chapter of a custom story I'm working on for a guy with lots of awesome ideas. It's something a bit different than what I normally do so hope you enjoy! Things are going to get crazy in the coming chapters... Originally posted on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/quarantined-chap-20683663 Day 1 Devon yawned. Almost midnight and he hadn’t accomplished anything other than watching the news all night. It wasn’t even as if anything interesting was going on, he just wanted something on and then news was consistent enough where he didn’t feel the need to change the channel every five minutes. He took a long sip of beer. It was his third bottle, but he didn’t even feel a buzz. This depiction of Devon might lead someone to think he was depressed, or loney, but really he was just plain bored. His boyfriend was deployed overseas and Devon was out of money, so pizza, beer, and news at home was the most fun he was probably going to have all weekend. From the corner of his eye he saw his phone’s screen light up. A little bubble appeared that just said Scott, his boyfriend of three and a half years. Devon couldn’t help but smile a little. He unlocked the phone and the message from his boyfriend in a far away place appeared. His smile widened. Hey babe. Some of the men down here in Madagascar have gotten sick. Army’s not saying what it is. Don’t think they now. They’re bringing us home early just in case. Can you pick me up from the airport tomorrow at 9? Devon did a silent fist bump to the air, grinning ear to ear. YES! He wrote back, unable to hide his excitment. Scott replied with a heart and kissing emoji and ‘goodnight, see you soon.’ Devon clutched his phone to his chest and breathed in a deep satisfying breath. Tomorrow he would be reunited with the love of his life. Day 2 “Scott!” Devon spotted his big man in uniform and trotted over to him. “Hey Dev,” Scott replied quietly before giving his boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek. “Well I hope you can give me more than that, c’mon big guy give me a real cass” Devon said with a touch more sass than he intended. Scott smirked at him, but his eyes remained serious. Dark rings around them betrayed long sleepless nights overseas. “Later. You’re parked outside?” “Yeah, in the usual spot.” Devon went to pick up his boyfriend’s oversized luggage, but his struggle against the unusual weight of the bag was evident and Scott plucked it out of his grip easily. Devon couldn’t help notice thick muscle bulging against his boyfriend’s army uniform. Scott was always big, but was he always that big?! “Here, let me,” he grunted in a tone a little less friendly than Devon would’ve liked. The couple walked to the car in relative silence. Devons initial questions were deflected so he stopped asking assuming that his partner was over-exhausted by his deployment and the flight home. When they were both in the car and miles away from the airport Devon spoke up. “You’re awfully quiet.” He glanced sideways at his military man looking for a reaction and finding none. “Everything okay.” “Fine.” Devon shrugged, letting only a hint of irritation cross his face. He scowled at the road for a beat until an idea crossed his mind. He sharply turned and exited off the highway. The big army man startled in his seat. “What the fuck. Where are you going?” “C’mon, you must be hungry. We’re going to that diner on Main.” “I’m not hungry, let’s just go home!” Devon looked sideways at his boyfriend with suspicion. Was that panic he detected in his baritone voice. Scott was usually the calm and collected one of the duo, it was unusual to see him riled up. “Well I am. Come on, it’ll be nice.” He turned into the Dixie Cow Diner’s parking lot and put the car into park. Before Scott could utter another objection Devon was out of the car and on his way into the small but busy restaurant. With a nervous sigh Scott followed. “Table for two please,” Devon declared cheerfully to a frazzled-lookking waitress. “Sure thing love.” She glanced up to see a Scott creep in gingerly. “Military eats free,” she droned before adding “thanks for your service.” She picked up two menus and brought the couple to a window seat. “How’s this hun?” “Great, thank you.” Devon took a seat and started thumbing through the menu. He glanced up to see Scott standing awkwardly, beads of sweat forming on the sides of his face. “Come on you lug, take a seat.” Scott slid himself into the booth, but didn’t speak. “Jeeze, it’s not that hot in here, you sure you’re feeling okay?” Devon asked the big man. This finally seemed to grab his attention and he looked across the table with pleading eyes. “No!” Scott declared before hushing his voice to a whisper. “No, everything is not okay.” Before Devon could ask what the hell his boyfriend meant, he told him. “I’m not supposed to be here. I’m supposed to be back in Madagascar still in Quarantine, with the rest of my unit.” Devon blinked at the big man, unsure of how to process what he just heard. He simply said “is that why you wouldn’t kiss me?” “Yes.” “Why? What is it? Is it contagious? Do you have it?!” “I don’t know.” Scott buried his face into his hands and spoke through his fingers. “I don’t think I have it. I don’t have any of the effects….” He glanced up at Devon. “That’s how I got out. I found a uniform from another unit, one that didn’t do that expedition. And I looked healthy so…. I got out.” Devon let out a breathy sigh and sat back somewhat relieved. “Well then we have nothing to worry about.” He winked and let a small smile reassure his boyfriend. But neither man was reassured. “What can I get you boys?” The waitress appeared with notepad in hand. “I’ll have the eggs benny with a coffee please,” Devon handed his menu to the waitress and sat back. “All right, all right. Good choice. And for you?” She looked at Scott. “I’ll have the same,” he mumbled. “Great! I’ll just grab that menu from you.” She reached in front of scott and lifted the menu off the sticky table sending a wave of thick perfume into the big man’s face. HIs nose twitched and his eyes bulged. Before he could stop himself or deflect it he sneezed on the waitresses outstretched hand and menu. “Excuse me,” Scott muttered to her sheepishly. “Sorry about that.” She gave him a strained smile and turned on her heel. The rest of their stay proceeded uneventfully. They chewed their food silently. Making small talk here and there. Devon didn’t want to push his boyfriend on the elephant in the room quite yet, he’d save that for home. He did begin to worry though as he noticed subtle changes in his boyfriend. He was breathing heavier than usual and sweating like he had just finished a workout. Also-and Devon almost refused to admit this to himself as it was surely impossible-he thought Scott had gotten even bigger since sitting down in the booth across from him. His muscles pushed at the camo fabric of his uniform. The whole sight made Devon chew his lip with lust as he thought of tearing that uniform off his beefy boyfriend and seeing those muscles for himself. On their way home Devon decided he couldn’t wait any longer to bring up what hed’ noticed in the restaurant. “Scott. Have you noticed anything… Different? Like with your body… Getting bigger maybe?” Scott visibly stiffened. “What do you mean?” Devon registered the panic in his boyfriend’s voice again and saw him pulling at his collar as if to loosen it. “I don’t think I’m bigger. If anything I lost weight.” Devon drove in silence. He let the subject drop but mulled over it ferociously in his head. Scott was lying! He could always tell, and this time it was more obvious than ever. “Here we are big guy.” Devon announced as he swung into their driveway. He couldn’t help but notice Scott cringe at the last two words. He turned the key and silenced the engine. “Welcome home!” He turned to face his boyfriend and his smile dropped. “Scott??” Scott was matted in sweat and panting like an animal. Thick corded veins ran up his neck which was noticeably thicker. Devon mistakenly thought it might be inflamed and began to panic. “Jesus, you don’t look too good. Fuck. Maybe you do have that thing. You get into the house and I’ll call a doctor.” “No!” Scott panted, turning groggily to his boyfriend. “No doctor.” “But!” Devon began to protest when Scott grabbed his arm firmly. “No.” They stared into each other’s eyes. Devon’s were clear and exuding concerning. Scott’s were unfocused, bloodshot, and feral looking. Devon shook his head, not believing he was giving in. “Fine, but if you get any worse I’m taking you in.” Scott accepted this and clambered out of the car. “I nap,” was all he said before heading into the house, leaving Devon to bring in his bags. “Fair enough” the small man grunted to himself as he slung heavy camo-printed bags onto his shoulders. Upstairs Scott stared at his reflection in their bedroom mirror. His thoughts came slow and muddled. He knew he was infected. Why had he sneezed on the waitresses hand? He knew it was on purpose. He felt a strange desire deep inside him to spread the infection. He tried to suppress it, which only made it stronger. A crooked smile appeared on his face. He looked down at his body. His previously athletic build was replaced with a hard, vascular, bodybuilder’s build. His muscles bulged obscenely, dusted with a thick coat of hair. Barely contained in his standard issue military briefs his mutated cock strained to break free. Fattened to monstrous proportions by the infection it begged to release the infection into Scott’s unwitting boyfriend. “No,” Scott growled under his breath. He tried to suppress the urge… The urge to make his mate like him. He sat on the bed for a second before swinging his giant muscled feet onto and then into the covers. Devon slammed the trunk hatch down and locked the car. “There. Done.” He said to himself, satisfied. He looked up at the bedroom window he shared with Scott with a furrowed brow. “Better check on the big lug,” he thought to himself before making his way back into the house. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed and want to be notified when I post future chapters or other stories please consider supporting my work on Patreon! It would mean the world to this broke-ass bodybuilder with a penchant for writing muscle growth stories ? ---> https://www.patreon.com/MuscleNexus <---
  5. tokkola

    Better Off Ted - Part 1

    Hi all, this is my first story - please let me know if you have any feedback, or if you want to see more. ----- I feel like I’d been staring at the monitor for hours. I traced out the equation on the screen with my pencil, then tapped the pencil’s eraser against my nose. Everything looked correct. I’d tested the formula on mice, run it through various computer simulations, and mapped out the worst-case scenario, over and over, for nearly a year. Since I was 15, I’d worked on my dream project, certain it would give me everything I wanted. “Ted! Are you coming to bed?”, Jenna asked. Jenna already knew the answer, but this was part of our nightly routine. She got in bed at 11, called for me at 11:30, I said “Five more minutes!”, and I worked on the computer until 2. But this time, I was done. I was sure of it. She wasn’t exactly sure what I was working on, but thought it was for work. Otherwise, why would I have three computers, two printers, a 3-D printer, and on and on in my office? It was most certainly not for work, of course. When I was 15, I’d gotten hooked on muscles. Having them, that is. Being huge. Going to the gym was boring, slow, and incredibly unsatisfying. But, ah, if there was a way to chemically force my body to grow muscle, then that would be the most efficient route. I didn’t really think stuff like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was real, but maybe the human body just needed the instructions to induce actual drastic physical change. All you needed was software and something to power it. So I taught myself biology, chemistry, anatomy, biochemistry, DNA, physics, programming, etc. etc. – and actually netted myself a doctorate in the process. Now 27, I’d dedicated 12 years to this fantasy, but there was a nice side product – I might actually have a working formula. A formula produced a solution that jump-started a chemical process in the body that built muscle consistently and steadily, over time. With a daily dose every morning, I’d be a mass of muscle in just a few months. Computer simulations suggested it would work, but the mouse trials that produced big, aggressive, strong mice – that was really something. I had started shopping for speedos and man-thongs online, and found myself masturbating or forcing myself on Jenna constantly. She didn’t understand why I wanted to fuck at 2am, but I wouldn’t take no for an answer. I hit the switch on my computer to start synthesizing a dose for the morning, and headed to bed. I pulled the covers back, and climbed on top of Jenna. “Ted, come on - I have a big day tomorrow.” “I‘m finishing a big night right now.” She sighed and let me peel her pajama pants off. I pulled her panties aside, and pushed right in with no warning, pumping away. In anticipation of having the muscle to totally dominate her in a few months, I was a little rougher than usual, squeezing her shoulders, and her ass. “Ow! What is with you? I gave you some ass.” “Just loving my little Jenna.” She looked annoyed, but played along. --- The next morning, I got up an hour early just to down my dose. I had a little coffee machine-type device I’d rigged up years ago that could create any type of liquid concoction you might want from a variety of ingredients, liquid, powder, or what have you. I even had orange Gatorade added for flavor. I quickly picked up the dose – a small quarter cup of translucent green fluid – and swallowed it. It didn’t really have much of a taste – maybe a faint copper flavor. I immediately got an erection, but I chalked that up to excitement. For the next week, I took my morning dose, and found myself jerking off non-stop, and I even began jumping on Jenna as she came in the door. I peeled off her clothes at the front door and pounded her on the couch. During the week, I weighed myself, measured my body parts, and did visual checks, even taking nude selfies. I should have seen minor muscle growth evenly across my body, including penis growth (yes, I added that in). I’m a pretty average guy – 5’9, slender, but no real muscle tone. Dick … average? Around 6 inches or so, but I was going for a pussy-splitter. Something in the neighborhood of ten inches. I wanted to hit …. maybe 6’4, 6’5? And the body needed to be massive. Wide shoulders, big pecs, the whole thing. I had a computer layout of my body measurements and how to chart them until they hit world-class bodybuilder dimensions. But after doing measurements on day 7, I saw no changes. Nothing. After 7 whole days, I saw no difference whatsoever. Nada. I didn’t get discouraged; after all, some medications needed time to build up in your system before having an effect. Okay, maybe I was a little discouraged. No more constant hard-ons. Jenna was fine with this; she had started to get pissed whenever I started grabbing her ass or pulling at her clothes. “Oh, I get a night off? Great. Maybe you should lay off the porn. Or look at it more. The opposite of what you’ve been doing.” I didn’t even bother to respond – I was curious why I hadn’t seen any gains. The next morning, I took my dose downstairs, and dumped it into a glass of orange juice. I started to butter an English muffin, and reached for the glass, only to feel someone’s pajama pants. Jenna? I turned, and she was finishing my orange juice. “Sorry, chief. That was the last of the OJ, and you were supposed to buy more.” I stared, slack-jawed. “You know you were on grocery duty. Don’t give me that look.” I slammed down my knife. “God DAMMIT! That was fucking mine! What the fuck-“ She was taken aback, unsure why I was spazzing out over orange juice. I cut myself off mid-swear and marched upstairs. I checked to see how long it would take to synthesize another dose – 4 hours. I heard Jenna slam the front door as I hit the start button. --- When I got home that evening, I went straight to my office and gulped down the dose. Then I started making dinner. Jenna came in as I was boiling noodles. “So… what was this morning all about?”, she asked. “I was being a jerk and I have no excuse so I’m cooking dinner and hoping you’ll forgive me for orange juice,” I replied. “Are you feeling okay? You were all despondent last night. No computer work, no begging for sex, nothing. A girl starts to wonder if she still has her charms,” Jenna looked at me quizzically. “Oh, just stressed out about a timeline for work, and I was a giant baby about it to you.” I wasn’t being honest, but I couldn’t tell her the truth. The more I thought about it – I wondered… should I tell her? She drank a potentially body-altering chemical that could- no, she had one dose, and her body will dump it. If nothing happened to me in a week, nothing is going to happen to her. We watched a movie and snuggled on the couch before going to bed. The next morning, we both woke up together slightly early. Jenna felt around for my cock, and started stroking – that wasn’t like her. She was very much about her routine in the morning. Then again, we were up early. “Hey Ted. How’s little Ted? I mean, how’s Big Ted? Or Medium Ted? Does he even have a name?” Jenna reached inside my boxers. “Good morning to you too,” I offered. I put my hand under her shirt to touch her stomach. Jenna had a very average girl-next-door body, with no real muscle to speak of – but my hand was touching some… muscle? She was usually so soft, but this was firm. Jenna pulled her shirt off and mounted me, and we had a quick morning session before getting dressed. She certainly looked different. Just a little. Could the formula have affected her? As I got dressed, I looked at the morning’s dose. I took it downstairs, and dumped it into a glass of orange juice. Jenna came down right behind me. “Here, kiddo – have some juice,” I said, holding out my glass. “After yesterday? Nuh uh, I’ll just walk around outside with my mouth open until it rains,” she started to reach for the fridge. I put my hand on her shoulder. “As the man who was wrong and a giant man-baby and should apologize to his beautiful girlfriend much more than he does, I beg you to drink this peace offering.” I held the glass up like a fancy bauble to Indiana Jones. Jenna smiled and took the glass. I figured I could rig up another dose later that day; I needed to see if Jenna was actually benefitting from the formula. Over the next week, I kept up the orange juice gag – and it became a part of her routine. I had my dose in the afternoon, she in the morning. And, god damn it – she was growing. I noticed that her softness was giving way to more firmness, everywhere. Her shoulders seemed wider. Her hands seemed a little bigger. Her thighs, thicker. Her legs had always been fairly pencil-y, but she was starting to show tiny calves. Calves. Over the next 2 weeks, she grew – slowly, but surely, she was getting bigger. I, on the other hand, was exactly the same. I tried mixing my dosage with orange juice, I tried eating what Jenna ate, sleeping when she slept, everything she did. Nothing. I went back and checked the equations, reviewed my math, reviewed the science – I was back to staying up until 2am. My work was just fine. So what was the fucking problem? Later that night, I was jolted awake. “Ted?” I rubbed my eyes. Jenna had been patting my face harder and harder until I woke up. “Huh?” I made eye contact with Jenna. She turned on the lights, pulled the sheets back, and climbed on top of me. “Jenna, it’s…. what time is it?” She started to pull my boxers down, but I put my hand on her wrist to stop her. She didn’t even make eye contact as she swatted my hand away. We wrestled back and forth until she just reached through my fly and started beating me off. My cock responded to the attention, but I was getting mad. It had been… a month? I’d been trying this muscle experiment for a month after doing over a decade of research, and I had nothing to show for it. My girlfriend, all 5’5” slender build of her, was getting bigger. Growing muscle. Getting stronger. Getting more aggressive. Hornier. More dominant. Well, that was stopping. I tried to push her off, which only succeeded in pissing her off. “So when you want some ass, the store is always open. When I’m in the mood, the shop is closed? That’s how it is?” She was definitely pissed. “Jenna, I need sleep-“ I was not in the mood. I was about to get her off of me when she slapped me. It wasn’t hard, but enough to catch me off-guard. I expected her to storm off and sleep downstairs – but instead, she grabbed my cock, and inserted it into herself, and started going to town. Before I could start to protest, she already had my wrists held down, with her knees at my hips, pinning me in place. She leaned down and bit my lip to keep me from talking. --- The next morning was a Saturday, so I expected to sleep in. I found myself, however, being nudged by Jenna. “Ted, go get my orange juice. And breakfast.” Before I could argue, she reached into my boxers, and started fondling my dick. I was awake now. I took the morning dose down with me, and dumped it into a glass of orange juice as I got some English muffins ready. Wait, what was I doing? I just told myself I was cutting her off. I stared at the glass of juice. “Ted! What’s the ETA on that juice?” I supposed, at this point, I should keep the trial going, and see how she progresses. Right? Plus, the sex was great, and I had time to see what was wrong with my formula. I took the food and drink upstairs. She downed them right away. “Oh, that’s it? I was thinking maybe some fruit, too.” She did the puppy dog eyes. “Yeah, maybe – I’d have to go out.” “Great. I need to eat better for the next few days for my physical next week.” She started to adjust her pajama shirt. “Then again, I’ve been feeling great lately, and my yoga class on Wednesday is really paying off. I’m seeing some muscles pop up.” Physical? What physical? That might be a problem – she might have elevated testosterone levels. Was this for work? Hmmm. Interestingly enough, this is the first time she’d acknowledged her body’s changes. “What physical?” I asked. “Oh, that once-a-year thing at work where they do blood pressure and bloodwork to raise awareness about … I’m not sure. But everyone skips junk food for a week. Why?” She didn’t make eye contact – she was too busy rubbing her hand back and forth across her newly-appeared ab muscles, which she just seemed to have discovered. I shrugged as I realized I was getting hard watching her explore her new body. “How ‘bout that fruit, champ?” --- As I browsed the Safeway for … fruit, I thought over the formula in my head. Maybe Jenna was exposed to something at work. Maybe something in my genes was blocking the chemical reaction. I wasn’t on medication, and neither was Jenna, except birth control. But now, this physical, that was a problem. Could it get her fired? Maybe I should tell her. Up until now, this whole thing had been… unethical, at best. What had I done? I came in with two big paper bags full of enough fruit to fill a grocery cart. Jenna was waiting in the kitchen, and started eating the bananas. “Jenna, can we talk?” “Sure. Is this about more fruit in the car?” “No. This is about your physical.” She didn’t make eye contact. She’d fit the entire banana in her mouth, and was rummaging through the bag until she got a peach. “You may have something in your system that might come back on a blood test,” I started. “I don’t think your jizz will come back on a blood test,” she said, pulling an apple out of the bag. “No, not that. A few weeks ago, you drank my orange juice, and I got upset… because I’d put some medication in there for me,” I was looking at the ground. “Well, if it was a one-time thing, I’m sure it’s out of my system, but now I know why you blew up over juice, so hey,” she nodded to the side. “It wasn’t medicine. It was an experimental… drug. For me. To build muscle automatically. And I’d been taking it, and still am, with no success. But you grew muscle right away, and you’ve been on it for the last month. And that’s why you have abs and muscle, and why your pants don’t really fit. And why you’re hornier.” I looked up. She was looking right at me with a blank stare. She put the finished apple on the counter. “Excuse me?” she asked. I shrugged. “It was wrong, and I’m sorry, but … I had to see if it wor-“ I never finished the sentence. Jenna had balled up her hand into a fist, and driven it into my cheek. I went to the floor. “What the… FUCK…. is the matter with you? I could be eating poison. I could have cancer. What the … shit?!” She ran upstairs. I could tell she was pulling a suitcase out of the closet and stuffing it. She came down the stairs a few minutes later, with a half-zipped rolling suitcase, a shirt poking out. I tried to block her path to the front door, and it became another fight like last night. Again, I thought I had my foot down firm, and was sure I wasn’t budging; we pushed back and forth until she shoved me aside. I tried to grab her arm, but she just swung wildly with her fists, landing a few punches on my shoulder and back. I tried to pick her up, when I felt my feet leave the floor – she had picked me up! She flung me to the side, and stormed out the door. That went about as badly as it could have, I guessed. I cleaned up the furniture we’d knocked over, and put a bag of frozen peas on my cheek. I couldn’t tell if it was going to bruise. I tried calling Jenna’s phone. Straight to voicemail. I spent the rest of the day sitting on the couch, staring at the TV, which I didn’t bother to turn on. I still took my afternoon dose. I went to bed at 11, and looked out the window for any sign of Jenna. I thought about driving around to friends’ houses, hotels, or who knows what, but I was pretty sure she didn’t want to see me. --- I was jolted awake by someone rubbing my shoulder. “Huh? I turned on the light by the bed. It was Jenna. “I understand why you did it.” She took off her clothes except for her underwear and bra, and climbed into bed, spooning me as the big spoon. I had no idea what to say. An hour later, she woke me up again by grabbing my cock, lightly slapping my cheek. “Let’s go, mama needs.” “Huh?” I was so out of it and confused. She didn’t wait for an answer. She held one hand on my chest while she worked my cock with the other. As soon as I was hard (it didn’t take long), she started pounding away. “I want you to keep giving me the drug.” "But I thought you-“ she held her hand over my mouth. --- Over the next two weeks, I kept up the drug for both of us, with only her seeing results. She started to show real muscle definition, especially in her quads and back. Her energy levels kept going up – she started jogging in the evening, just to burn off her excess energy. We had sex as soon as she got back, and again in the middle of the night, every night. She had me order a cock sheath online just as a back-up in case I was ever too tired to fuck. She also had me get Viagra, dildos, and so on and so on. The evening sex was very much a relationship-type couple fuck session – but the middle of the night was not. As time went on, she got bigger and stronger, and the sex got rougher and more painful. Every morning I found new bruises in the mirror, mostly on my shoulders and waist. I had some big ones on my ass where she squeezed me too hard. Once, she bit my tongue too hard – as I started to make a noise, she clamped her mouth over mine, and squeezed my shoulder like her hand was a pincer, giving me worse pain somewhere else as a distraction. The night sex was clearly all Jenna taking control. I was, at this point, a dildo named Ted. I enjoyed it, except for the bruises and stuff in the morning. We had reached the point where I could no longer physically stop Jenna from doing what she wanted; fighting her just meant more bruises, possibly on the face. It was just easier to give in. In the meantime, I hadn’t discovered why the formula wasn’t working for me. I was ready to start testing the coffee or something at Jenna’s office. As for her physical, Jenna simply called out sick that day. Jenna was, under her clothes, ripped. Her work clothes pretty much hid everything. She had thick arms and her thighs stuck out. Chun-Li would’ve been impressed. She ate like a high school football player, and had become mostly impatient and demanding. Most of our interaction that wasn’t about sex or food involved her giving me commands by placing her hand(s) on my shoulder or ass to push me in the desired direction. I had started taking a daily regimen of aspirin to cope with the sore back, hips, shoulder, neck, and legs. I felt like I’d just crawled out of a car accident. Sex had become a writhing beating where Jenna pummeled me into the mattress. It was starting to become a painful chore. I’d realized that I couldn’t stop Jenna when she decided it was time to fuck. As we both got ready for the morning in the bathroom, she pushed me out of the way to use the toilet. Then she pulled me out of the shower so she could get in first. Then she shoved me aside so she could use the mirror. That’s when I realized she had gotten taller. She had been 5’5”, and I was 5’9” – but we were nearly even in height. Son of a bitch. I came downstairs for a Saturday morning cup of coffee. Jenna was at her laptop. “You didn’t get stuff for breakfast. No coffee for Ted until you come back with food.” she said without looking up. “After I have coffee,” I said as I walked into the kitchen. “Don’t make me repeat myself, Ted,” she said. I stopped. Should I joke my way out of it, or just ignore it? I opened the cupboard for a coffee cup. “Don’t fucking dare, Teddo. Grocery store,” she repeated. I ignored her and pulled out a red mug. She got up and I instinctively braced myself. She put her hand on my shoulder and started to pull. I couldn’t resist. She didn’t budge a millimeter when I tried to push her back. “You know the rules.” I tried to put a hand in her face, but that was slapped away, and followed with a firm slap to the cheek. I tried to swat at her hand, and was slapped again. She shoved the car keys into my mouth and clutched my junk. “You be a good Ted and come back with Jenna-food, and little Ted gets to play.” “Ted is tired and needs coffee,” I said as I pulled the keys out of my mouth. I tried to squirm out of her grasp, but she wasn’t having it. It was like trying to move the Statue of Liberty. “Look, if your muscle formula dealy worked on you, you could have coffee, but it didn’t, so you can’t. Go get food before I get pissed. Do you really want to ruin the weekend?” I did not. --- As I filled a shopping cart with food, I wondered if I could just cut her off. She’d probably notice the muscle loss, but wouldn’t be as aggressive. Was it worth the gamble? She was pretty smart, and she wouldn’t lose the muscle for a while. It would be a few months before I could physically defend myself. All the ‘what ifs’ went through my head: it was entirely possible the effects might be permanent. Taking her off the drug cold turkey might put her into withdrawal. She might get angry enough to break an arm. Or worse. When I went home, I decided the best plan was to talk. When I walked in the door, I heard her rummaging upstairs. I put the food away, and went up to talk. As I walked in the bedroom, I was treated to the sight of my overly muscled girlfriend abusing a giant blue dildo. I was dumbfounded. She finished and took a shower, ignoring me completely. When she got out, I tried again. “Jenna-“ “Ted bring food?!” she mimed gorilla-like movements. “Yes, but first, we should talk,” I started. “Okay…” “I think you can recognize that you’ve become bigger, much bigger, stronger, and more aggressive than the old Jenna. I’m a little concerned, because, well, you’re basically raping me every night, and treating me like a slave. I think we should try to wean you off the drug.” I waited for her reaction. She was still naked, but had no reaction. She pulled on a thong and a sports bra. Her breasts had grown, not to a ridiculous size, but definitely a large C, supported by growing pectorals. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail. “Ted, I think you’d admit I’m a girl of routine, and I’m pretty sharp. Yes?” she put her hands on her hips. “… yeah…” “Every morning, I meticulously weigh and measure myself, and have tracked a steady rate of growth. If that changes or stops, there will be trouble. I have never felt this good about myself, felt more in control, or felt more like a … a… I don’t know what. But a few months ago, you did whatever the hell you wanted, whenever you wanted, and I was fine with it. Now I’m in charge. I’m bigger, stronger, whatever. I get to eat, fuck, choose furniture, decide our bedtime, pick a TV show, choose our vacation, or whatever. I do. Me. I’m in charge. Me.” She took a step toward me. I realized she was between me and any sort of exit. Fuck. “I’m not saying you’re my bitch or slave or servant, or anything like that. But I’m in charge. Do you understand?” I nodded. “Good. What do you think will happen if I notice I stop growing?” I looked at the floor. “Do you need an idea of what will happen?” I didn’t answer. I started to feel hot all over, sweating. “Answer me, Ted.” I looked up. She was almost nose to nose with me. I realized, unfortunately, that she was slightly taller than me. Her shoulders were wider. Her arms had veins. Her forearms were thick with muscle. I knew if I moved even a little bit, she was going to swing at me, or something. “Um,” I was stalling. I couldn’t really run. She held my chin with her finger and thumb. “What do you think is going to happen if you screw me?” “You’d be upset.” “Yes, I would. What would I do to you?” “Probably hurt me.” “How would I do it?” “I don’t know.” “I am going to give you a sample.” I froze up and my stomach started to twist. She was going to cross a line, but I hadn’t done anything! She quickly shoved me up against the wall and punched the wall repeatedly, leaving a hole. My feet were off the floor. “You are going to keep me growing. If that changes, I will break something. Should I break something now as a warning?” I shook my head. “Good. You’re going to get back on your computer, and you’re going to stop looking for a way to grow Ted muscles, and instead, grow a bigger Ted dick. Do you understand?” I.. what? “Dick. Bigger. Grow one. Do you understand?” I nodded weakly. “Good. You have two weeks.” “Two weeks? I can’t-“ “Two weeks, Ted, or I break something. The first break will be something you can still work with, like the arm you don’t use. After that, I’ll start breaking stuff you need. Got it?” She let me slump to my knees and she stomped out of the bedroom and down the stairs, undoubtedly to forage for food. Jesus Christ, I hoped there was food downstairs. --- I took the next two weeks off from work to dedicate to the dick formula. But I also kept working on a muscle formula for me. Maybe I could come up with something that would work overnight, and I’d be able to overcome Jenna. Jenna had reached bodybuilder proportions. Like, stupid 80s steroid-sized proportions. People in public stared and made hushed comments. She was up to 6’1”, I think, and had Arnold-esque arms. She had broken the bedframe from sex, and we (well, she) placed the mattress on the floor. She had started hitting me during sex, usually slapping, and sometimes she squeezed me so hard from cumming that I nearly passed out from the pain. The last day of the two weeks had arrived, and I was no closer to finding a dick-growing solution. “You know, if this doesn’t come through, I’m going to have to find a better lay at the gym. You really can’t take it any more,” she gloated. That night, I stared at the computer screen. Nothing was wrong. So what was I missing? I decided to check my email when it hit me – this computer had an internet connection. I went through my logs to see what record there was of any external connections – sure enough, an IP I didn’t recognize popped up a few months ago. Son of a bitch… was I hacked? I started over from scratch, and redid my formula, working through the night, capturing a few things I could change to speed up my muscle growth, and seeing if anything had been changed. Sure enough, something in the code made an almost-unnoticeable change that altered the formula. Digging deeper, I realized it needed a special set of circumstances to work – basically, the formula would only work on a female. I hadn’t seen it before, I reasoned, because I was simply double-checking what I thought was my own work. God dammit. I unplugged the Ethernet cable and finished up. By the time Jenna woke up, the doses were being produced. “So you did it?” she asked? “Yeah, worked up until the deadline.” “Good for you and your little dick!” she exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. Once they were both ready, she downed her dose but stopped me from drinking mine. “First, we need a before and after.” She ripped my jeans in half and cupped my balls. She held out my cock and measured out the three soft inches. “How much are we going? Six inches added on? Eight?” she asked. I shrugged. “I didn’t have a chance to test it, but my math suggests about 5 to 8 inches. It shouldn’t take long.” I replied. “Good, because I can’t live on this nub anymore. Let’s get some photos,” she used her iPhone to take a few dick pictures. She clutched my cock in a death grip and tugged. “Let’s grow already!” She grabbed me by the throat and pushed me down to my knees. She squeezed my face to hold my mouth open and poured the dose in, then clamped her hand over my mouth. She fondled my cock, expecting the process to be automatic. “Well?” she looked at me skeptically. “I probably need food.” I choked out. She let me up, and I snacked on a few things. After an hour, nothing had happened. My heart dropped. Jenna held my junk in her hands and looked at the clock. “Looks like your new cock is a no-show. I guess I’m going to have to beat the shit out of you to teach you a lesson, then I’m going cock-shopping at the gym.” My stomach started to hurt, when I felt a cold rush moving down. Was I seriously going to shit myself in fear? I looked towards the bathroom, just a few feet away. “I gotta go!” I yelped. “Yeah, you’re going to go meet the nice folks at the ER.” She slapped me in the balls, and I doubled over in pain. She held my wrist in a pincer grip. “Get up. You can suck on my clit before I break your arm.” I tried to push her off and reach for the bathroom door, but she didn’t move. My entire body felt hot, then it felt like my back started to… peel. I wanted to scream, but couldn’t. Jenna let go of my wrist as I straightened out and stood up. Her face was all shock. “What the … fuck?” I caught my reflection in the microwave door glass. I was… huge? It worked! I was huge. HUGE! I realized I now had several inches in height on Jenna, and was much, much wider. Jenna was frozen in place. I made a show out of cracking my knuckles. My turn. I moved forward as Jenna tried what she’d gotten used to doing over the last several weeks: swinging at me. I easily caught her hands, and scooped her up in a bear hug. She writhed back and forth to try and get free, but I was too strong. I slowly squeezed as I walked up the stairs. I dropped her on the mattress. She looked unsure what to do as I ripped off what used to be a pair of shorts, letting out a painfully hard cock. She started to scoot backwards, but I grabbed her shoulders, and pulled her face-first towards my cock. She was able to take most of it, but I pulled her off, and held her down as I drove my dick into her unwilling pussy. I used my hips to pound her, payback for her angry sex with me. She tried to push me off with no success as I unloaded weeks’ worth of frustration. I let her punch me in the chest, but she might as well have been punching a brick wall. I felt myself ready to cum, and pulled out, pushing my cock head into her mouth as she struggled. She couldn’t pull away as I pumped round after round of jizz into her mouth. My cock reached the back of her throat, thick enough to give her no choice but to swallow the entire load. I wondered if I’d gone too far, but then, she grabbed my still-hard cock. She was actually enjoying it. She pulled me back inside of her, and we went again and again. Each time, we wrestled and abused each other with slaps, punches, choking, and whatever we could do to try and hurt each other – but neither of us seemed able to actually be hurt by it. I still had the size and strength advantage. She took another load down her throat, and accepted me forcing her to take it. She rolled over and pulled her sheet up. My cock was actually going soft for the first time, worn out by hours of hard fucking. Laying next to Jenna, it was like having an arm or a front-hanging tail nestled up against her. She was asleep, but I still cozied up as a big spoon behind her. I wondered what she’d do when she woke up – would she attack me, destroy my computer and equipment, run away, or what? I wrapped my arms around her, clasping my hands, reasoning that she’d break free of any type of binding I might find, and fell asleep. --- I woke up first, as luck would have it. Sunlight was starting to peek through the sides of the curtains. My arms were still around Jenna, but my hands were no longer clasped together – I guess that was bound to happen. But as I looked closer, Jenna’s shoulders seemed… wider? … fuck. I carefully pulled the sheet back. She was bigger, all right. She’d grown during the night. I guess that made sense, she’d had a dose yesterday. She was nearly my size, but it still looked like I had an inch of height on her. She must’ve felt the cool air with the sheet off, and began to stir. Now what would I do? She stretched, and rolled over to make eye contact. “Well, yesterday was something. I guess I was kind of a bitch, but you deserved it,” she started reaching for my cock. “Me? What did I do?” “Uh, hello? You treated me like a guinea pig. I guess it worked out, though. All of you grew, and you ended up being a lot of fun,” she started tugging. As she looked me up and down, she paused. “Did I grow?” She jumped up, and started pulling on my arm. “Am I bigger?” She started looking both of our bodies up and down, sticking her leg out to try and compare calves. “No, I’m still bigger,” I said. “For now,” she retorted. “Let’s get me another dose.” “No fucking way. You tried to break my arm,” I got up, and looked around for something to put on. I wasn’t really in the mood to fuck, even if my body was starting to get in the mood. “You’re fine. And I wasn’t really going to do anything,” she said. “That’s not how it sounded. We’re both done with that stuff.” “Says the guy who’s bigger and stronger.” I found a box of speedos I’d ordered when I had anticipated muscle growth, and put it on. “So you’re cutting me off. What the fuck.” I didn’t reply, but she walked over and reached into my speedo pouch, pulling out my quickly hardening cock. She got on her knees. “Well, feed me something.” I jerked off and quickly spurted several large loads into her mouth. That was interesting; she’d never liked swallowing before. Throughout the day, we just fucked and argued about the drug. She swallowed me each time, insisting on stopping and pulling my cock into her mouth for me to finish. She was really pushy about it. I eventually had enough, and just bent her over to keep her from getting her way. She tried to fight out of it, and I ended up putting her through the wall. We fell asleep in bed together again. In the morning, we had to get ready for work. Luckily, we’d ordered clothes online, so we had things to wear to work. We wouldn’t really be able to hide our growth, though. I had no idea how I was going to explain my body – Jenna’s growth had been gradual, even if unnatural. I decided I could work remotely until I figured something out, though I had no idea what that might be. While I was deep in thought, Jenna had rolled over and put her mouth on my cock. I tried to pull her up to meet face to face, but she wouldn’t budge. Huh. I thought I had the advantage. I was able to stop her from working my cock, and she moved up towards me until she was completely on top of me. She quickly moved to hold my wrists down, before I realized it. I struggled, but her position gave her the advantage. Then I realized we were the same size. Son of a bitch. She noticed it too. She used her knees to push my legs apart, and managed to slide on to my dick. She was in control. We seemed to be even, but her position made the difference. “Well, well. Looks like I’m still growing. You might be in trouble soon.” How was she still growing? She hadn’t received a dose. I spent the fuck session worrying about tomorrow, but my dong did all the work. Jenna got off and went about her routine to get ready for work. I worked on my computer while simultaneously looking over the formula. The code looked like it had changed. The introduction of a certain thing would cause a female who’d received a dose to grow. That thing looked like… semen. How the hell had someone changed it? My head swirled with questions, but I was able to come up with a solution for work. With a few minor changes, I created a formula that would give me the ability to instantly change back and forth from old 5’9” lazy Ted to muscle freak Ted. After thinking about it, I made up two doses, with one for Jenna. Just to be safe, I thought, I made a separate formula that would reverse the recipient to normal, putting it into an empty tube marked “Rash Relief”, and put it on the bathroom counter. I drank the concoction, and waited. After an hour, I had intense stomach pain, and headed to the bathroom. I spent the next hour vomiting. When I got to my feet, I was … Ted again. I was a very pale, sickly-looking version of the old me, that was for sure. My clothes hung off of me, no longer being stretched out by swollen, veiny muscle. I looked down – it was the old dick, too. I kind of wished I’d kept the monster cock, but I could always fix that later. I went back to work and waited for Jenna to get home. I wondered how she’d react to my, uh, shrinkage. --- Jenna came in that evening with a few bags of groceries. I waited upstairs as she started cooking dinner. I could feel my heartbeat pounding through my chest. Why was I so worried?, I wondered. I could grow again if Jenna came after me. But I realized that might be the end of our relationship if she really turned out to be a monster. I started down the stairs. “Ted, do you want-“ she froze as she saw me come down the stairs, pale and slight. I stood there waiting for her to say something, but we just stared at each other for what felt like forever. “Hi,” I started. “What … happened?” she had been holding a baking sheet, about to layer it with foil, and was now clutching it. I tugged at my shirt, several sizes too large. “I’m not sure why I look like someone who’s been stranded on and island.” “Ted, you looked that way before you grew. You didn’t really eat and you didn’t go outside.” she was looking at the floor now. “I was … kind of rough on you.” She stepped toward me, and pulled on the shoulders of the shirt. “Are you okay? Did the formula wear off or something?” “No, I did this. I decided it’d been enough, and just reversed the entire thing,” I pulled a small vial with a top out of my pocket. “I have one for you, and… we can just go back to the way things were.” She took the vial between her index finger and her thumb, and walked into the kitchen without saying a word. She unscrewed the top, and promptly dumped the whole thing down the sink drain. “Wh-what… what are you-“ Before I could finish, she stomped back over to me, and drove her fist into my stomach. It lifted me off my feet, and dropped me to my knees. I was out of breath and in piercing pain. I landed on my knees, and immediately took a upwards punch to my chin. Another shot struck my right cheek, followed by one to my left that kept me from falling over. It all happened so fast I couldn’t see it. Jenna grabbed me by my hair and dragged me into the living room. Repeated hard slaps to my left cheek left my skin stinging. A fist came in hard at my shoulder driving, pushing me to the ground, followed by several more. I held back tears and cries; my shoulder was overloaded with sensations of pain. “Fuck… you!” Jenna lifted me with her hands under my shoulders, like a small child. She held me up with one hand, while her other pulled my shorts waistband back. She was looking at my now-normal junk. “You didn’t even keep the dick. You asshole. I was worried for a moment you were sick from the formula, but no – you just wanted to put me back at – at being the little woman you can push around. Well, fuck you.” She dropped me to my knees, which were now hot with pain from being thrown and dropped. I tried to push her away, to no avail. As I got to my feet, she punched me – right in the balls. I was curled up in agony on the floor, trying to keep myself together. I could feel her footsteps moving towards the stairs as I tried to figure out if I she’d crushed my balls. She stomped up the stairs, going for… my office? Then I heard crashing and metal scraping noises. She was destroying everything. My computer, the equipment, the formula processor, everything. A few moments later, she was back. “That guarantees you’re tiny Ted from now on,” she said, starting to reach for me as I instinctively recoiled. I thought about changing, growing, to stop this. I wasn’t even sure if it’d work. Or, if it did work, what if I only grew a little at a time? I figured it wasn’t worth the risk in front of Jenna. “Jenna, I spent years working on that. Why would you do this?” She pulled me to my feet. “No more questions. Go get the monster cock sheath. After you’re done taking care of me, you can finish dinner.” I went upstairs as she watched, arms folded. At the top of the stairs, I could see the mess of computer parts and holes in the wall in my office. I went into our bedroom, and pulled a 10-inch rubber cock out of a bedside table drawer. As I walked by the bathroom by the top of the stairs, I could see a small plastic tube marked “Rash Relief” was still there. So I had a back-up plan. I finished cooking the dinner Jenna started, but she ate all of it. Every time I reached for something she would grab my wrist, and take it first. “You can just eat some Saltines,” she said. I went to the bathroom just to get a break. As I pulled the elastic waistband of my shorts down, she opened the door, and quickly grabbed my dick. She squeezed, hard. “You know, if I want to, I can stop you from pissing. You need to ask me for permission.” “What? That’s insane. Leave me alone, Jenna.” She squeezed harder, somehow, and my dick felt like it was going to pop. The pressure was unbearable. “Okay, okay, please stop, please!” She let me go. “Go clean up, then you can rub some body cream on me. Then maybe you can piss.” She watched as I cleaned the kitchen. I rubbed her body down, which was fun, but I had to fucking piss. “Can I go now?” I pleaded. She opened the fridge, and pulled out a jug of water. “Start drinking,” she said, smiling. I knew any answer but obedience would be a severe beating. I drank as much as I could. I didn’t bother trying to stall – she’d probably force the entire thing down my throat. I got about a third of the way through the jug. “That’s all I can do,” I said, panting. “You can piss when you finish the whole thing.” I wanted to cry, but held it together. I tried to move toward the bathroom, but she blocked the kitchen exit, and tipped the jug toward my mouth with her hand. “I can’t do this, I have to go!” I pleaded. “If you can’t finish it, then just piss yourself.” I had no choice. I just let it go, and the wet stain on my pants grew, and began to drip on the floor. “Oh Jesus, just go.” she said. I hurried to the bathroom. As I finished up, I had to see if I had the ability to change on command. I wasn’t exactly sure how to do it, but … I had to do something. I balled up my fists and looked myself in the mirror. I tensed up. What should I do to make the change, exactly? That wasn’t something I could exactly program. I looked at myself closely in the mirror, and pulled off my baggy shirt. I pictured my body growing to gigantic, muscular proportions. “Ted, what’s taking so long? You need to clean up your mess.” I felt a burning sensation in my lower back, and my skin felt like it was peeling, quickly, almost like ripping. I could see my arms swelling, shoulders spreading out, and my chest pushing out. Veins began to pop out here and there. My stomach started to show separations in my abdominals. My forearms swelled. My cheekbones pushed out. My hands widened. I tensed again, and looked myself over in the mirror. Was I as big as I was before? It was hard to tell. Maybe I should be a little bigger. As I thought that, I grew again. My shorts were concealing an inhuman bulge of cock and balls. My thighs had ripped my short legs. Looking down, my calves jutted out. I guesstimated how big I was compared to Jenna. I should have a few inches on her, but thought I could use a few more. I looked in the mirror and saw myself get wider, taller, thicker. I looked like I could push the house over with one hand. I had to be near seven feet tall, and … Jesus, I couldn’t imagine how much all of this weighed. “Ted?” I smiled. “Shut the fuck up, Jenna.” “What did you say?!” I heard her stomp towards the bathroom door. As she pulled on the knob, I pushed it open, and I could feel her stumble back. She had a fist in the air when she saw what I’d become. I had a good six inches and over a hundred pounds on her. I quickly took a step forward, and covered her fist completely with my hand. I realized the pain in my shoulder and cheeks were gone. Huh. She struggled to pull away from me with no success. I trapped her in a mock hug, and smiled. “We need to talk.” ----- *** To Be Continued ***
  6. THE NEW ADVENTURES OF KAKE & PEKKA (A TOM of FINLAND Rhapsody) By Absman420 It's because of the heavy, pea-soup fog that you don't see the man tied to a tree until you're right on top of him. You've been hiking the Appalachian Trail through the Shenandoah Valley, heading north back home to Maryland for the past few weeks and absolutely nothing has been out of the ordinary -- until this fog rolled in. And the man you find tied to the tree. The fog had caused you to get off the main trail, though you weren't worried about it. You knew that if you continued to head north, you'd eventually come to one of the many small backroads that criss-cross the area and find your way back to where you were supposed to be. Lucky you did, or who knows how long this guy would've been trapped here. He's hugging the tree, tied from wrist to wrist with a course rope. Your first thought is "Thank God he's not dead!" because you see him moving, struggling against his bonds. Then you realize what you see -- and you wonder, "Maybe I've stepped onto the set of a porn movie...?" He's a hugely muscular man, although fairly out of proportion in the upper body -- big arms, shoulders, a thick, bull-like neck -- with an impossibly thin waist that not only emphasizes his upper body, but also makes his ass -- his muscular bubble butt -- pop. He wears calf-high motorcycle boots on his lean, muscular legs and a sleeveless white t-shirt that doesn't even reach his waist. Most telling, the black leather motorcycle cap -- the kind worn by old-school gay leathermen channeling Marlon Brando makes you wonder if you've really encountered someone in trouble, or someone making a movie...? You call to him. "Buddy? Are you okay?" He turns his head and faces you and you're awestruck by his beauty. Impossibly handsome, a strong square jaw and cleft chin, dark hair, long sideburns, beautiful, bedroom eyes hidden beneath the shadows of his cap. He looks tired... but satisfied -- there's a bit of a smirk at the corner of his mouth. "I suppose you are going to fuck me, too," he says, and you can't quite place his accent -- Nordic, maybe. "They told me that others would come -- they promised." "How long have you been here?" you ask, shedding your backpack to access your small hatchet. "It is hard to tell time in all this fog," he says. "Long enough to make me wonder if they are sending anyone. What a waste of a morning. Not even the police could find me in all this fog." "But you're not hurt?" you ask, pulling the hatchet from it's pouch and turning to free him. "Oh, HELL no!" he says, smiling broadly. "Well, only when my cock rubs up against the bark of this tree." He laughs. "Those boys were so HUNG, too! They told me they would sending others -- I was hoping." "I'll have you free in a second," you say, preparing to cut the rope. He looks concerned, which you mistake for fear, until he says, "Are you sure you do not want a go at me before you cut me free? I mean, a handsome young man tied up and helpless and perhaps a little eager, too, yes? Look at this ass -- you would not be disappointed." He wiggles it for you, muscular and round. You don't know how to react -- you stammer. Here is a half-naked man who's been tied to a tree and apparently gang-raped and he wants to know if YOU want a piece of him, too! He takes your silence as a cue to continue. "Oh, I understand," he says. "You are embarrassed with your size! I can see that you are small, but do not worry -- I have a very talented hole, with much control and strength. I will be giving you a great fuck." "No..." you say. "No, that's not..." "Then you are a bottom only? Is that what it is? Would you like to trade positions?" Instead of answering him, you raise the hatchet and cleanly cut through the rope that binds him. When he steps back, you get your first look at the entirety of him -- and your sense of shock doesn't abate. If his backside was exaggerated, it's nothing compared to his front. His chest is impressively large, appearing to be even larger because of his tiny waist. The sleeveless t-shirt he wears clings to his over-sized nipples with the legend "FUCKER" printed across it -- it doesn't even reach to his navel. But all that is secondary to his gigantic genitals. As he stretches, his cock starts to harden -- easily as big as your forearm -- exposing the two lemon-sized balls hanging heavily behind it. "Ah, that feels good," he says, raising his arms up in the air and placing his hands behind his head -- then he looks at you and indicates his cock. "Do you want to feel it for yourself?" It is now rock hard, arching up to nearly the base of his pecs -- the head throbs a blushing red, a single pearl of pre-cum on the tip. It's nearly irresistible -- this obscenity -- you find yourself drawn to it, regardless of the insanity of the situation. What the hell is going on here? "Again you hesitate," he says. "Am I not the most perfect example of man that you've ever seen? Even in this land, I am one of the biggest and the best. Yet, you hesitate. Where are you from, outlander -- what repressed, Puritan land do you call home? America?" He laughs at his own joke, but can tell by your reaction that he's stumbled on the truth. "Oh. I'm so sorry." His dick mirrors his emotion by softening a tad, still impressive. "It's not that," you say. "I just don't understand..." He advances on you. "This is not a time for thinking," he says, smirking. "You've just saved me. NOW is the time for rewards earned." He wraps the rope around the back of your head and pulls you toward him. You fall on your knees. With his cock literally in your face, it's impossible to control yourself anymore -- you flat-tongue his big piece from base to tip. It's like licking a baseball bat made of hard flesh. "Oh, fuck yeah," he moans. "Finally." He leans against the tree he was just tied to, putting one booted foot up behind him, releasing the rope so he can pinch his own nipple -- he knows you're not going anywhere. It's so monstrously big you can do little more than lap at it, running the flat of your tongue up and down the thick shaft -- the head alone is the size of a Gallen Apple -- your entire hand doesn't even go around it. How on Earth could you be expected to put that in your mouth, let alone your ass? So you do your best, which seems to be satisfying him, if his breathing is any indication. You're hard as a rock, too -- three weeks hiking the Appalachian Trail alone, remember -- shamelessly rubbing yourself against his boot as you work his enviable cock. You've never thought of yourself as small -- your eight inches has brought you (and others) nothing but delight -- but you're a banana compared to a skyscraper next to him. You're probably gonna cum without even getting your dick out of your pants. And then you hear it -- you both hear it -- voices coming through the fog, out of the woods. "Where the fuck is he?"-- "Over here, not far." -- "Damn fog!" He speaks first, raising his head and pursing his lips. "NOW they come! And after I have been all rescued." He strokes the back of your head affectionately, then pulls you away from his softening cock. "But perhaps we should go," he says, looking in the direction of the sound. "It was a hot scene, but quite brutal. I am not sure you would fare so well against them -- they are lumberjacks... and quite large." He indicates his cock. You're immediately on your feet -- your own erection vanished -- your fear level rising. (There were more like HIM?) "What'll we do?" you ask him, sotto voce. "The road is that way," he says, pointing in the direction opposite of the voices. "It is where I left my bike." Then he smiles. "And my pants." We hear the voices again. "Where are you, Leather Boy?" one calls, the same accent as the man you rescued, the one who now seems to be rescuing you. "Are you ready for more fun?" They're close -- within a hundred yards. "Come," he says to you, motioning to follow him. "Can you run in those... things?" He indicates your hiking boots, top of the line models, like he's never seen anything like them before. "Faster than you," you say -- and you aren't nearly kidding. You grab your pack and follow him blindly into the forest, back into the dense fog. The two of you hold hands for fear of getting lost, but at least he seems to know the way, taking confident strides through the thick pine trees, this half-naked man beside you, his giant cock flopping back and forth. Somewhere in the back of your mind, it registers that this forest is much older than the one in the Shenandoah Valley where you've been hiking -- everything's different. But it occurs to you that YOU are the one in the wrong place, not the other way around. You eventually come upon a road -- although "road" is a bit misleading, barely more than a semi-paved trail through the forest. A Mountain Road, clearly used for little more than logging. His motorcycle is parked just off the packed dirt, next to one of the massive pines that make up the area, his leather pants draped over the handlebars. "There, see? Just where I left it!" "How did all of this happen?" you ask as he puts the pants on, kicking off one boot, sliding his foot through the pant leg and back into the boot again, then repeating on the other side. "I had stopped by the side of the road to piss," he says, carefully tucking his huge cock down the leg -- it reaches his mid-thigh, then buttons up. His over-sized genitals make an obscene bulge in the worn leather pants. "And these loggers came upon me." He snorts his disdain. "Loggers -- they rape the country side," he says. "And anyone they come across in it, as well." That brings his smirk back. "Come," he says, righting the bike and kick-starting the engine. "There is a Service Station a kilometer or so down the road where I work. We will be safe there -- and we can figure out what to do about you." As tempted as you are to go with him, as hungry as you are for another chance at that crazy dick of his, instead you say, "Listen, this is all just a little bit too much for me. Just point me in the direction of the trail and I'll be on my way." He is genuinely confused. "What trail? What trail is this?" "The Appalachian Trail. I can't be more than a couple miles off -- it's gotta intersect around here someplace." "My friend, there is no trail, not by that or any name. Come with me -- we will be safe at the Service Station. We can figure out what is confusing you." You are defensive. "Nothing's confusing me!" "Except you do not know where you are -- you speak of places that do not exist. Your size concerns me enough, but that you do wear such odd things on your feet. Do you not even have a pair of boots?" "These ARE boots!" He sighs, frustrated, crossing his arms before his massive chest while straddling the motorcycle. "Do you even know your name?" he asks. "Well, it's not like we've had time for proper introductions..." He barks a laugh. "Yes! And when being chased by rapists, when is the best time for this? If you must know, I am Kake." (It sounds to you like he said "COCK-uh" -- but with his accent, it's hard to be sure.) "What did you say your name was?" "Kake. K-A-K-E. It is Finnish." (Yup, "cock-uh" -- that's what he said.) You react to this, not his name. "Finnish? Really? My surname is Finnish!" He acts as if he's never heard of such a thing. "'Surname'...?" "My last name," you say. "It's Pekka!" His jaw drops. It's the first time you've seen an emotion on his face unconnected to lust -- in a way, it's disconcerting. "What?" he asks, squinching his eyebrows. "What did you say?" "My last name... is Pekka." He is fighting the smile that's breaking out on his face. "No," he says. "It's not possible. It can't be..." "What?" He studies you more closely than he has before. "But it IS!" he says, rubbing his chin. "I see it in your eyes, in the shape of your face. It's true -- and it explains EVERYTHING!" He steps off the bike and hugs you, kissing you on each cheek -- his cock has come back to life, pushing hard against the constraining leather. "Now you MUST come with me, Pekka," he whispers in my ear. "At the Service Station, there is something I must give you." You assume he means that big dick of his. And there's a part of you -- a growing part of you -- that figures, what the hell? You're not on a deadline and you've gone weeks without -- is this any different than taking advantage of any other bounty that crosses your path? It's the old saw about the hiker and the farmer's daughter... sort of. Which is how you find yourself riding down the road hugged up close to him, your arms wrapped around his waist, the smell of his heavy leather jacket in your nostrils. Between the width of his back and the vibrations of the engine, you can't help but get an erection -- you also can't "help" but press it into the back of his ass. He responds by pressing his ass back into your cock, seductively rubbing it even while riding -- (he must be a fantastic fuck, you think. He seems MADE for it.) With his left hand, he grabs your right wrist and pushes it down, until you take his leather-covered cock in your hand. As you gently squeeze it, it grows, already as thick as your wrist. As you travel out of the forest, descending down into a valley, you notice that the fog has been lifting, becoming merely overcast -- the view is not what you're used to seeing in Central Virginia. Wherever you are, you begin to seriously suspect that you're far, far from home. Far, far from home on the back of some superstud's motorcycle with the biggest cock you've ever had in your hand. Could be worse. Approaching the Service Station, you begin to wonder if you've stepped back in TIME, as well. You're reminded of rural back-woods country -- a farm house that's been converted with a false store front and two fuel tanks in the matted dirt of the front yard. The fading, hand-painted sign reads, "TOM'S -- Fuel and Motorcycle Repair." There is a small repair shop -- about the size of a three-car garage -- around back. Kake parks his bike at the door, but not before revving the loud, growling motor once as he cuts it off. Stepping out of the garage comes another man, another man built -- and clearly hung -- as well as Kake. This guy is a redhead with a flat-top so perfect you could land a plane on it. But for that, he has the same rugged good looks as Kake -- the two could be brothers. He's dressed in an dangerously small pair of greasy coveralls, open to his auburn pubes to expose his sweaty, dirty musculature, but barely containing a package that rivals Kake in size and girth -- also, you can't help but notice that he wears motorcycle boots, too. His name is spelled in cursive writing within an oval on his coveralls -- "Vicky," it reads, which makes you snort. The noise gets his attention, and he sizes you up quickly. And as he is about to speak, a truck pulls into the station, distracting us all. "A customer," Kake says. The blonde -- Vicky -- speaks, his voice deep and sexy. "I know that one -- he is only interested in my ass," he says. "Not in buying Petrol." Kake laughs. "You ass is better than the Petrol. Go take care of him -- we only want happy customers, yes? I must take my friend upstairs and give him something." Vicky looks at you and rolls his eyes. "You have a fondness for the little ones," he says to Kake, chuckling. "I think my small finger is bigger than his cock!" You almost speak up this time -- you're just about sick of these guys making fun of your dick. Eight inches is nothing to sneeze at! You want to say, Sure, you two are monsters, but where I come from, being eight inches is something most guys lie about! Instead, you watch Vicky's incredible ass as he sashays over to the truck and sticks his head in the driver's window. Within seconds, he's leaning in up to his waist, tip-toeing on the metal step -- the "customer's" big hand is holding his ass and pressing up the crack in the coveralls. "Come," Kake says to you. "He will not bother us for a while." The house is smaller than it looks on the outside, very old-fashioned with little in the way of furnishings. Kake takes you up the back staircase to his room, which is as simple as he rest of the country house -- just a big bed and a small dresser. Not even as many mirrors as you would expect. "It is simple but good for fucking," he says cheerfully. "The bed makes all kinds of good noise." You sit on it, unsure of what to do, and the bed groans a metallic sigh. "I cannot believe I did not figure this out sooner," he continues, stripping off his leather jacket and hooking it on the back of the door, revealing his incredible upper body once again, the tight little sleeveless tee reading "Fucker." "If it was a snake, it would have bitten me -- is that how you say it? I think, yes." He opens his closet door and a waft of leather-scent fills the room. "I have them in here somewhere. It has been a long, long time -- but I kept them faithfully!" "I wish I knew what you were talking about," you say, unable to help but stare at the globes of his ass. Indeed, he's made for fucking. "You do not remember," he says, "but you will. HERE they are!" He pulls out a pair of dusty motorcycle boots, almost exactly like his but they have a buckle and strap across the bridges. "What are they?" you ask. He smiles broadly. "They are your boots!" he declares, holding them out to you -- you resist taking them. "I do not joke. Look at them -- look at the inside seam." So you take them from him, these heavy, clunky things and you look inside. There, scratched in the leather -- with a nail or the tip of a knife, perhaps -- is one word, the same in each: PEKKA. "At the very least," Kake says, smiling again, "it explains why you wear those ridiculous things on your feet." "How is this possible?" you ask, examining the boots, hoping for any sign of familiarity. Your mind is racing. You think, maybe "Pekka" is a common name around here -- around here! And just where are you, exactly, that makes you think there's an "around here?" "As I say," Kake says, leaning against the wall, sexy even when he wasn't trying, "it makes complete sense, given the parts I know. My friend Pekka loved the lumberjacks, the mountain men -- he loved the brutal and clumsy way they fucked, their big cocks. And one morning, one morning like today, thick with fog, my horny friend Pekka disappeared during his hike to their camp. Days later I found his boots deep in the woods -- I have held them ever since. That was long ago, though time is difficult to feel here. But now you reappear, looking weaker for sure, like you've lost your manhood, without boots -- well, it all makes sense. You are back! My Pekka has returned to me!" "But... how...?" He waves you off. "'How' does not matter," he says, gently touching the side of your head. "'Why' does not matter. All that matters is you are back -- you are finally back. Now, put on the boots and be whole again." Okay, so you're sure you're the victim of mistaken identity -- however incredible it would be to actually BE this Pekka of whom he speaks -- but you're not against putting on a costume and doing a little role-play, either. If the most incredible man you've ever seen in your life wants you to put on some boots before you fuck, you put on the boots, right? There's humor in the way he holds your hiking boots, like they were some dead animal carcass or the laces were snakes or something, after you've untied them and stripped them off. He tosses them deep into his closet, as if even looking at them will ruin the illusion. Whatever -- you still wear your thick cotton hiking socks, the most comfortable in the world. The boots are dusty, which to you is no big deal, and incredibly well-worn, like this "Pekka" never took them off. Kake apologizes for it. "At least I kept them," he says, rubbing the leather that covers his cock. "Perhaps we will stumble across someone who wishes to shine them, perhaps even lick them, yes?" This thought gives his dick a jolt, pushing it that much further down his thigh. "Perhaps that someone will even be me..." You chuckle, saying, "Tease," while sliding on the right boot. And the coincidences continue to pile up -- the boot fits like it was made for you. You're... shocked at how comfortable it is, how beautifully it supports your arch, pads your heel -- the leather is supportive, yet yielding. You've never felt anything like it. Suddenly, this scene has become less about acting -- no need to pretend fucking in boots is hot if fucking in boots IS hot... "It fits!" you exclaim. Kake is unsurprised. "Of COURSE it fits," he says. "They are your boots." So you put the left boot on and you're jubilant when it fits the same way -- no, more. More than ecstatic. You're... You're hot. You're turned on by them -- by you in them. You stand, and even your stance is more confident, more manly. More sexual. You start to get a hard-on, your dick coming to sudden life beneath your cargo shorts. No, more than a hard-on -- it's almost like your dick is thickening, but not getting harder -- like it's growing. It makes you feel confident and masculine, feelings you do your best to encourage, rather than frighten away. Because fear is one of the first things to disappear, followed quickly by shame and guilt. You love how it feels to be a man, to get hard and be comfortable with your body -- with your beautiful, masculine phallus. Wearing these boots reminds you what it's like. What it used to be like. And your clothes are getting tighter in the ass and thigh, but looser in the waist, and nearly painful in the crotch. Your whole body's getting an erection, swelling and growing more muscular. The bigger you get, the more confident you become, the more erect you become and the more turned on you become, which causes you to get bigger, continuing the cycle. You don't know what's happening -- you don't CARE what's happening -- just that wearing these boots is helping you remember what it is to be a man. No... what it is to be a gay man -- the ultimate gay man. You are Pekka. You realize it with a clarity and a simpleness that makes it impossible to deny, even if you'd want to deny it. You remember everything as if your brain suddenly found all the forgotten neural pathways. You remember your homeland, your backstory, your hunger for woodsmen and sailors -- visiting a logging camp staffed by three horny brothers in a water-colored haze -- your nearly insatiable need for cock -- in your mouth, down your throat, up your ass, all at once. You are the ultimate expression of gay male sexuality and pride. Your cock is huge again -- you are restored. Pekka is once more. Your upper body ripples with muscle. Your pecs are nearly out-of-proportion with the rest of your body -- your nipples are larger than a 10-markkaa piece, full and inviting. Your skin is so smooth, it shines like a delicate pencil-on-paper drawing. Your chest and your ass are your best bodyparts, as they've always been. Your big, bulbous buttocks can take a battering from the biggest men and bounce back for more. It's hungry for a fuck right now -- it's been so damn long... Fortunately, Kake is there -- and few men have bigger cocks than Kake. You grab it through the leather even as you pull him in for a kiss. He immediately begins massaging your ass as his tongue slips deep into your mouth. He spins you around, so you're gripping the metal bedframe, and he presses his bulging package into the crack of your ass, reaching around your torso and roughly pinching your gigantic, tender nipples. "Do you remember now, Pekka?" he whispers gruffly. "Do you remember how much you love my cock up inside you?" "Fuck me, my brother," you answer, your voice back to its sexy, gravelly timbre. "Fuck me the way you used to -- the way you did before I got lost. Fuck me until those memories of that other place fade away to nothing. Fuck me back to Pekka." He chuckles slyly and drops to his knees, slipping his fingers into the hem of your cargo shorts and yanking them down your muscular legs, burying his face into your deep crack and attacking your hole with his tongue. You moan -- it's so good, so familiar -- and you pinch your own nipples, your cock springing up and slapping your upper abs. He's so aggressive, spitting and licking, lubing you up for that gigantic cock of his -- it's been so long, you're liable to be ridiculously tight. What a great fuck this will be. What a way to come back. (Hopefully, you've returned before the fleet rolls into Helsinki.) And just as he pulls out that magnificent cock and touches it to the bud of your hole, there is a commotion just outside the window, down in the lot. You both see two pick-up trucks pull into the station and several huge, gruff men step out. "Those damn lumberjacks," Kake says, his huge erection hanging out of his leather pants. "Looks like they found us after all." You smile. "That's okay. I think I'm more than able to handle them now." Looking up, they see you both in the window and -- monstrous dicks swelling -- yell for you to come down. "Where will we fuck down there?" you call. "On the gravel? Come up here and use the bed like civilized men! Fucking lumberjacks!" As they lumber up the stairs, you help Kake strip off his leather pants, easily taking the head of his cock in your mouth -- Pekka will show these lumberjacks a thing or two, you think, as the mist finally burns away to reveal your new world, and a hunger that you'd nearly forgotten completely takes you over. You are Pekka. And you and Kake are together again -- and you will fuck the world. END [AUTHOR'S AFTERWORD: I know it's unusual for the author to address the audience AFTER the work, but I figured if I got all intellectual in a foreword, some might not read the story, figuring it to be too cerebral, so I'm commenting here. Hopefully, you've taken the time to clean up first (hopefully, there's a need for you to clean up!). As a young gay man in the 1980's, Tom of Finland had a major impact on me, how I saw myself, and how I saw the gay community. He showed me that gays could be strong, masculine men to whom sex was a pleasure, not a punishable offense. In his images were the men I wanted to be and, in a funny way, idolized. I've had a "man wakes up in Tom of Finland World" story floating around in my head for a number of years, but it wasn't until I recently read a new, complete collection of Kake cartoons that the penny -- or in this case, the markkaa -- dropped and I was able to craft the story. Clever readers may recognize some of the images that pack this text. Most of the settings are based on specific ToF drawings, although I've taken some liberties with the physical look of Pekka. (Pekka appeared in a water-color series that Tom did in the 70's -- although Pekka's appearance is much more "classic 70's" -- sandy blonde requite with cheesy mustache -- I've given him the standard 1980's ToF body, MUCH more muscular and thick.) Of course, my hope is that readers unfamiliar with Tom of Finland can enjoy this story, but those who are fans can find some of my little in-jokes and nods to the Master. Please let me know one way or another if I've succeeded. I have strong feelings about this piece and want to know what you all think. Thank you for your indulgence. Please -- if you haven't already -- search out Tom of Finland's work. His drawing will speak to you and you may just like what you hear. Absman420 or... Tom of Maryland Oct09]
  7. BigBigger

    Teen-Muscle-Monster [GERMAN]

    Meine erste Muscle-Growth Geschichte. Leider komplett in Deutsch, da mein Schreib-Englisch echt schlecht ist. Ich hoffe dennoch, dass sie gefällt! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mein Leben als Muskel-Monster 1. Tag der Ferien Es war der letzte Schultag vor den Sommerferien als ich, mal wieder, heulend nach Hause kam. Eigentlich dachte ich, in der Oberstufe würde alles anders werden, aber die 11. und 12. Klasse war noch immer der Horror. Mobbing und üble Späße der sogenannten „Klassenkameraden“ waren an der Tagesordnung. Warum? Das wusste ich selbst nicht. Weder war ich „der dicke Nerd“, noch die „Bohnenstange“ oder sonst was. Ich war einfach nur David. Mit 1,90m vielleicht eigentlich ganz groß und mit knapp 78kg vielleicht etwas pummelig, aber nicht zwingend das typische Feindbild der coolen Kids. Meine Eltern waren noch auf der Arbeit und ich ging also in mein Zimmer, machte den Rechner an und versuchte die letzten Stunden einfach zu vergessen. Jan und Sven, die Anführer der Mobber hatten.... ach... eigentlich auch egal. Sie hatten jeden Tag irgendwas gemacht. Ich surfte also bei Tumblr, Deviantart und Co und schaute mir die Bilder von den muskulösen Männern an. Ja, natürlich. Ich war schwul. Vielleicht reichte das den beiden Idioten auch schon aus um mir das Leben zur Hölle zu machen. Wenn ich so Musklen hätte. 2m groß wäre und ein mega Ding in der Hose.... dann würden die sich aber umschauen. Genau als ich dies dachte poppte eine Werbung auf. War ja klar, dachte ich. Anhand meines Surf-Verhaltens waren ja immer zur passenden Zeit die richtigen Ads da. „Du willst Muskeln? Eine haarige Brust? Einen großen Schwanz? Dann bist du hier richtig? Nur zwei Klicks entfernt!“ Das alles und natürlich noch viel, viel mehr, verprach mir die blau-leuchtende Reklame. Es war wohl eine Mischung aus Verzweiflung und der aufkeimenden Idee ein Musklen-Monster zu werden, das mich die Anzeige anklicken ließ. Es folgten diverse Bilder von echt hübschen, großen und gut bestückten Männern bevor ich einen Fragebogen ausfüllen sollte. Wie groß bist du? Wie groß willst du werden? Gewünschtes Gewicht? Fettanteil? Penis Länge? Wunschlänge? ... und noch viel mehr. Ich füllte alles artig aus (oder besser gesagt, ziemlich geil und übertrieb ein bisschen) und kam an die Stelle, wo ich eine Telefonnummer oder Mail Adresse eingeben musste. Kurz überlegte ich und die Geilheit stach die Vernunft aus. Ich gab alles an. Es folgte sogleich eine Whatsapp: „Vielen Dank für Ihre Eingaben. Ihr Auftrag wird in Kürze bearbeitet.“ Oho... eventuell hatte ich jetzt doch Probleme. Wenn ich jetzt was bestellt hatte... meine Eltern... Oh. Mein. Gott.Panik machte sich breit, als ich aber drohte durchzudrehen kam eine weitere Whatsapp: „Lieber David. Wir haben dein Anliegen geprüft und können dir die Freigabe erteilen. Die Anpassungen werden wir vornehmen und in einem Zeitraum von 4-6 Wochen zur Verfügung stellen. Die Teilnahme an diesem Services ist aus bekannten Gründen für dich 100% kostenfrei. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn du uns weiterempfiehlst.“ Verwirrung machte sich breit. Sollte das ganze doch funktionieren? Ernsthaft? Es wirkte zu seriös. Oder machte sich da jemand einen Spaß draus, Leute zu verarschen? Ich war unsicher, aber auch ein bisschen geil und so beendete ich den Nachmittag mit einer ausführlichen Jack-Off-Session. Immer mit dem Bild von mir als Heavy-Weight-Bodybuilder vor Augen. Am nächsten Morgen war schon wieder alles vergessen und auch die erste Woche der Ferien war herrlich unspektakulär. Andere Kids verabredeten sich, ich spielte „League of Legends“ und „Overwatch“ mit Internet-Freunden. Denen war es egal, auf wen ich scharf war, solange ich gut war. Die 2. Woche Es war in der zweiten Woche, als ich nach dem Duschen mich mal wieder auf die Waage stellte und diese auf 83kg sprang. Ok... vielleicht hatte ich beim Spielen ein wenig viel Chips gefuttert. Ein genauerer Blick in den Spiegel zeigte mir aber, dass mein Bauch sogar flacher wirkte. War meine Brust definierter? Und... waren da Brusthaare zu sehen? Sogleich meldete ich die Erinnerung an die Anzeige und einen Augenblick später stand ich mit einem Latte im Bad. Ich fing an dümmlich zu grinsen in freudiger Erwartung, was da alles kam. Dieses verflog aber recht schnell, als ich mir nur ein paar der fiktiven Werte in den Kopf rief. Oh fuck. Die 4. Woche Ich machte langsam die Augen auf und stöhne leicht. Es war unerträglich heiß die Nacht gewesen und ich hatte – zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben – komplett nackt geschlafen. Aber langsam konnte ich mir das auch leisten. Ich wuchtete mich aus dem Bett hoch und wankte schlaftrunken Richtung Bad. Dort angekommen stieg ich zuerst auf die Waage. 103kg. Die Zahl war etwas schwer zu erkennen, da meine Penis... (ich musste mich noch des Wortes Schwanz ein wenig erwehren) mit seinen nun harten 18cm einen Teil der Zahlen verdeckte. Es folgte ein Blick in den Spiegel. Ich sah aus, als ob ich nichts anderes machen würde als Gewichte zu stemmen. Ich hatte langsam schon ein gut sichtbares SixPack, definierte Brust, großen Biceps, schmale Taille und wuchtige Beine. Als Bonus oben drauf: Haarige Brust, 3-Tage-Bart und markantes Kinn. Ich würde Jan und Sven fertig machen und dann in Grund und Boden ficken. Ich vermutete, dass das erhöhte Testosteron mich so denken lies.... Ich hoffte es zumindest. Meinen Eltern schien die Veränderung nicht aufzufallen. Auch nicht, als ich sie innerhalb kürzester Zeit schon wieder um Geld für neue Klamotten bat. Ich bekam 200 € und durfte Shoppen gehen. Langsam verabschiedete ich mich auch von Shirt von C&A und ging zu lässigen Tanktops und Sportbekleidung über. Einfach nur geil. Die letzte Ferienwoche Langsam kamen mir Zweifel. So geil dieser Körper auch war, so sehr fing er auch an mir Probleme zu bereiten. Mein Gewicht lag bei 146kg. Meine Abs konnte ich nur noch im Spiegel anschauen, da meine Brust zu wuchtig war. Mein Hintern war gigantisch und sorgte dafür, dass in jeder Unterhose mein Schwanz so aussah, als ob ich einen Fußball schmuggeln wollte. Ok... bei schlaffen 25cm ist das auch gar nicht so weit hergeholt. Aber Kleidung wurde langsam echt ein Problem. Tanktops waren ganz ok, aber für die Schule? Und meine Trainings-Hotpants? Die überließen nichts der Fantasie. Auch teilte mir mein Vater in einem ersten Gespräch mit, dass meine Sportsucht meinen Eltern Sorge bereitet. Er meinte, er kenne nicht viele 17-jährige mit meinen Ausmaßen. Weiterhin müssten sie schauen, da ich wohl einen mehr als gesunden Appetit an den Tag lege würde. Die Lebenshaltungskosten seien enorm gestiegen. Ich hatte übertriebe, aber der Gedanke daran Jan und Sven eins auszuwischen war es mir wert. Ich sagte meinem Vater, dass ich langsam machen würde im Studio und mir einen Nebenjob suchen würde. Vielleicht als Porno-Darsteller. Das, war zum Glück nur gedacht. Der erste Schultag Oberstufe. 13. Klasse. Ich war eine Stunde vor dem Wecker bereits wach und machte mich fertig. Ich hatte mein Outfit wohl überlegt und musste nun an die Details gehen. Mein finales Gewicht lag bei 151kg bei 8% Körperfett. Ich hatte angefangen seit Woche 4 mir einen Bart wachsen zu lassen und hatte nun einen dichten Vollbart, den ich nochmal in Form brachte. Das war durch meinen gigantischen Biceps gar nicht so einfach. Meine Hose war eine Skinny-Jeans die wie eine zweite Haut an meinen Beinen anlag und man die Outline von meinem Schwanz gut sehen konnte. Darüber kam ein Long-Tee mit weitem Ausschnitt. Ich verdeckte also die Kontur von meinem Gemächt (ein bisschen) und man konnte die trainierte, haarige Brust sehen. Ich zog mir noch meine Schuhe an, was bei meiner Größer und Umfang auch ein bisschen schwerer war , und ging runter zum Frühstück. Ein letzter Blick in den großen Spiegel im Flur. Ich sah aus wie ein 17-jähigers Testosteron-Monster, das jede freie Minute im Fitnessstudio verbrachte und einen mehr als gesegneten Genpool hat. Zeit Sven und Jan hallo zu sagen und sich auf ein tolles, letztes Schuljahr zu freuen.
  8. MuscleNexusTF


    Catfished Custom story request from a supporter on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MuscleNexus. I released it a while ago there, but I wanted to post it here for all of you as well. On Patreon there are little bonuses like illustrations/morphs to go with the story and lots of content that I don't post anywhere else. Thanks for reading! Tags: SFW, muscle growth, forced growth, getting hairy Rory swiped left. Again, and again, and again. “No, too old.” Swipe left. “No, too hairy.” Swipe left. “No, too much roids.” Swipe left. This was his nightly routine on tinder. Maybe once a week he found another man just like him: small, smooth, and slightly effeminate. But mostly he just said no to all the men that popped up on his app. “There are too many damn bears in this city,” he’d think angrily to himself before grabbing his average cock and settling in for another lonely night. ‘There’s no one new around you,’ declared Rory’s phone. He sighed dramatically, placed his phone on his coffee table and unzipped his skinny jeans. Before he even had a chance to fish out his semi-erect manhood one more face popped onto his screen. ‘Buck, 21 years old, only half a mile away.’ Rory sneered at the overly masculine name, but was intrigued. The man was everything Rory was into. Lean body with barely any muscle or athletic definition. No body hair, beard, or tattoos. And to top it all off, the man’s bio said ‘twinks to the top of the list.’ Rory swiped right. The match was instant. “Hey stud,” Buck messaged. Stud? Nobody had called Rory that before, but it didn’t matter, he was getting action tonight. “Hi. What’s up.” Rory replied. “This is it. Why don’t you come on over?” Normally Rory would’ve been put off by the man’s directness, but he was lonely and horny so he just said “sure.” *** Thirty minutes later Rory was standing in front of Buck’s apartment door. He was surprised to find that the clean cut man named Buck was living in a rougher part of town. His apartment building was old, not well maintained, and adjacent to a row of warehouses. Nevertheless, Rory was committed. Standing in front of the door he was irritated to smell cigarette smoke. “Wasn’t that illegal in most apartment buildings these days?” He smoothed his hair with his hands one more time and then knocked delicately on the door. Silence at first. Then he heard a creaking noise, what sounded like someone getting out of a squeaky couch or armchair. A few footsteps thudded from behind the door and then it opened. “Hullo little guy.” Buck grinned down at Rory. Rory stood stunned for a moment, taking in the site of the hairy behemoth that stood before him. Buck was short but exceptionally thick. Broad hairy shoulders sloped into a thick corded neck and a wide rugged face, partially obscured by a big but well groomed beard. Buck had a fat cigar sticking out of his mouth with a fragrant stream of smoke rising from it that Rory had mistook for cigarette smoke. Rory’s confusion turned to anger and quickly spat out “fucking catfish” and turned to leave. Buck gently but firmly grabbed the smaller man’s shoulder and turned him to face him again. He calmly blew a cloud of cigar smoke into his face. Rory grimaced in disgust and tried to turn away, but not before inhaling a lungful of the smoke. His eyes instantly watered and he became lightheaded. His thoughts slowed. “Where ya going little guy?” Buck said gruffly with a half smile. “I… I don’t know.” Rory concentrated, trying to remember. But his thoughts were slow and he suddenly felt safe with the big bear standing before him. “Wanna come in for a drink?” Rory nodded slowly and looked up pathetically at Buck. “Attaboy. Make yourself comfortable.” Rory stepped cautiously into the apartment. It was tidy and minimalistic. The furniture was large and comfy looking, clearly worn down by holding many big bodies over the years. He sank down quietly onto the couch. He heard a pop and a fizz and then Buck was holding a cold can of beer up to Rory’s hand. “Oh.” He said, almost apologetically. “I don’t drink beer.” Buck sucked on his cigar, letting the smoke fill up the room. “Give it a try, you might like it.” Rory looked at the open can in his hand, the label read ‘Lumberjacked, a Canadian beer by Nexus Brewery.’ He shrugged and sucked back the bubbly golden liquid. It warmed his innard and Rory instantly felt more at home on the big bear’s couch. “Like it?” Rory nodded shyly. He really did like it. It was sweet and bitter at the same time. Just like beer should be. But wait, he hated beer! Rory’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion until he breathed in another lungful of the heady cigar-laden air and took a sip of the Lumberjacked beer. Buck sat down on the big leather armchair opposite the couch, drinking his own beer and sucking on his cigar. He began talking about something. Rory wasn’t quite sure what, he was focused on the beer and an odd feeling growing in the pit of his stomach. He looked at the big man opposite him and realized he was suddenly feeling buzzed, maybe even a bit more than buzzed. Buck was wearing a loose tank top that showed off his oversized and hairy chest and arms. Rory’s gaze followed these down to the Buck’s shorts, which were made out of a sweatpants type material and clearly cut off at the knee. The big bear’s package was clearly visible, a fat cockhead outline betrayed his cut status. Almost as if on cue the bigger man adjusted his package and kept talking. Rory suddenly noticed a change in his own pants. His dick was pumping full of blood. The sensation of it radiated throughout the rest of his body. He gulped hard, suddenly feeling warm and heavy. “Wow, you finished that fast.” Buck said, motioning to the empty beer can almost hanging out of Rory’s hand. “Here I’ll get you another.” Another pop and fizz and there was another cold beer in his hand. “Thanks.” “Hey you ever think of growing a beard?” Rory blinked. “What? Oh. Me? No. I don’t like beards….” He trailed off thoughtfully, feeling his cock thickening unstoppably in his pants. “Well you’d look good with one,” Buck declared with a smirk. “You already got a pretty thick shadow man, just let it grow.” “No, I shaved before I came here.” Rory lifted a hand to rub his chin, it was covered in thick covering of stubble. “What?” Rory didn’t register the sound of the couch squeaking slightly under his weight, but Buck did. “You been working out man?” You’d look good with some beef on you.” “What…? No, gross.” Rory scoffed. But he suddenly found himself feeling constricted. His shirt was tight over his… Chest?! Rory felt the foreign muscle proudly jutting from his torso, it was hard and rippled sligthly as he moved his arm. He looked down at his arms and gasped with horror as he saw a couple of beefy hairy limbs in front of him. “What’s… What’s going on?” He groaned in pain and perhaps pleasure as his dick suddenly became uncomfortable tight in his skinny jeans. His cockhead was already peaking over his waistband. And it wasn’t just his cock, his quads, ass, and calves were also struggling to fit in the denim. Buck stood up to grab the younger man another beer. “You’re empty, here’s another one,” he thrust it into the confused man’s hand and grinned with approval as he immediately took a long sip. “Better get out of those jeans, doesn’t look like they fit anymore with all the beef you’ve put on recently.” “I… I’ve been working out.” Rory said to no one inparticular before heading to the bathroom, beer in hand. Rory began struggling to peel his pants off when he caught his reflection in his ear. His heartbeat began whooshing in his ears and he had the vague feeling that he was going to pass out or vomit. “What…?” He said, staring dumbly into the mirror. His jaw had squared into a dense meathead look that ensured he would never be totally taken seriously again. He motioned to run a hand across the new short beard that covered it and gulped as he saw his new giant hairy hands and gorilla forearms. A burst of pain from his all too tight pants captured Rory’s attention again. He looked at his new oversized bodybuilder arms, still piling on mass before his eyes. He gripped his jeans with his meaty paws and began to tug. With less effort than he imagined it would take he ripped the pants and freed his mighty, hairy legs and beer can cock which swung down with heavy appreciation. “Unfff,” he sighed in relief. Rory looked down at himself apprehensively. But as he inspected his thick furred chest, broad cannonball shoulders (also with a substantial dusting of hair), and impossibly meaty cock his apprehension turned to blind acceptance. ‘I’m a muscle bear he thought,” rubbing his thick beard with his calloused sausage fingers. The only clothing left on him unshredded was his socks, which were straining over a pair of enormous hairy daddy feet. They made a quiet thud as he paced around the bathroom. Inevitably his thoughts turned to the piece of meat sticking up from his groin. A slow dribble of precum perpetually dribbled from its tip expectantly. Rory grasped it with his hairy mitt and began stroking it. In that moment all that was Rory - the small effeminate man that would’ve been repulsed by the naked hairy bodybuilder in the bathroom animalistically stroking his cock - was replaced. He suddenly had an idea and stopped stroking. Buck would do that for him. He opened the bathroom door and stepped into his new life.
  9. GreenSleeves

    Freak Find at the Flea Market

    Before we begin, I have a couple notes: First, this story was inspired by this post from SuperWaffle over on tumblr. Second, I wrote this over on my blogger, and in transferring it here some of the formatting and whatnot was lost. For a slightly prettier looking version of this story, read it here. With that out of the way, read on and enjoy! Freak Find at the Flea Market Jonathan Riley wandered the narrow pathways between booths and tables, not really looking at the goods that were on display. The gymnasium of the local community centre was currently home to a flea market, and Jon had been planning to meet up with some friends there for a low-key way to pass some time on a boring summer weekend, but at the very last minute they all had to pull out. Jon had already been almost there when he got the texts so he figured he may as well poke around a bit on his own, but it just wasn't fun without his friends there to goof off with. On the verge of calling it quits, Jon looked up from his aimless wandering to find he'd walked into someone's "shop". It was just a couple tables of knick-knacks and a clothing rack, placed together under a collapsible canopy. The owner didn't seem to be present. Jon turned to leave, but his eyes fell on a shirt hanging on the rack and he froze. Slowly he reached out and removed the hanger from the rack. The shirt was a white muscle tee, the kind that had a neckline like an ordinary tee shirt, but no sleeves, and armholes that dipped down low to reveal the wearer's entire side. Written in an arc across the chest in bold block letters, like those found on the backs of varsity jackets, was the word FREAK. Beneath that, in the same font but large enough to take up the rest of the front, was the number 8. "Find what you're looking for?" Jon almost jumped straight through the canopy. He turned to see the man who must be the stall's owner. How had he not noticed him return? "Um, y-yeah," stammered Jon. "I mean, I think so? I don't really know..." The man looked at the tank in Jon's hands and smiled. "Oh yes, I think those are exactly what you want, young man." "Those?" Jon was confused. He just had the one item. Still smiling, the man simply reached in through the tee's armhole and fished something out. Hanging by its waistband, but hidden inside the shirt, was a plain white jockstrap. Well, maybe not "plain". Jon suddenly felt himself blushing. The pouch on the thing was huge! He didn't know why, but he wanted these clothes desperately. Needed them. He turned them over and over in his hands. "Um, there's no price on them," Jon said. If anything, the man smiled wider than ever. "Tell ya what. Nobody else has so much as looked at those things," he said. "There's no way I'll be able to sell 'em. Why don't you just go ahead and take 'em." Jon excitedly agreed, then quickly made his way to the exit. He desperately wanted to try the clothes on. As he neared the gymnasium doors, he realized that he should have at least thanked the man for the gift and turned back. He could see the man's stall from where he was, but the man himself was nowhere to be seen. Well, he couldn't have gone far. Shouldn't be too hard to find him again. Except... Jon frowned. For some reason, he couldn't remember what the man looked like. At all. That was weird. But then, Jon had been very focused on the tank and jock while talking to the man. That's right, the tank and jock... He should hurry home to try them on... ***** Standing in his room, stripped to his undies in front of his full-length mirror, Jonathan stared at his body and suddenly felt extremely self-conscious. Weighing a mere 150 pounds while standing at 6'5", he was a very skinny guy, no two ways about it. He was normally okay with that, but for some reason he now felt... inadequate. Despite his skinniness, Jon was not unattractive. His skin was smooth and clear, he had a strong jaw and high cheekbones. His eyes were piercing blue and his hair was full and thick. And yet... Jon took a deep breath and could see every one of his ribs. The bones at his elbows, shoulders, and knees were easily made out beneath his skin. His boxer-briefs should have clung to his thighs but were almost loose enough to just be boxers. His manhood was fairly average he knew but without the bulk of thighs to push it forward the front pouch of his boxer-briefs seemed almost empty. It wasn't like he'd never tried to bulk up. He'd gone to a gym for a while, but it hadn't seemed to help at all, and he'd been self-conscious the entire time. But he'd played basketball all through junior high and high school. His height had made him a shoe-in. Of course, that height also accentuated his slimness. Jon glanced over his shoulder at the muscle tee and jockstrap that were laid out on his bed. Why had he wanted them so badly? They didn't suit him at all. This day has been so weird. He sighed, picked up the tee, and went back to his mirror. May as well just try it on... In spite of his misgivings, the tee didn't actually look that ridiculous on him. Oh, he'd never wear it out and about, but it would be fine for just laying around the house, playing video games... Jon smiled. He hadn't gotten in his head like that for a long time, but he was through it now. As if to fully banish the negative thoughts, Jon struck up an ironic double biceps pose and winked at his reflection. He chuckled to himself and began to turn away, but stopped and looked back at the mirror. Slowly he brought his right arm back up and flexed again. There was some clear definition there, a nice little bump of a bicep. Some weird trick of the light even made it seem like Jon's arm was growing right in front of his eyes. Jon brought his other hand up to feel, and was shocked to find his arm was definitely thicker! Where he could normally almost close his hand around his upper arm, there was now more than an inch between his fingers and thumb. And the gap was widening! He stepped closer to the mirror and struck up another double biceps pose, watched for a moment as his arms thickened slowly but steadily. Not just his biceps, either, his forearms seemed to be inflating too! Jon dropped the pose to look down at the rest of his body, which had been keeping pace while he was enraptured with his arms. His knobbly knees had once been the widest parts of his legs, but now his calves made them look narrow, and this thighs absolutely dwarfed them! The once-loose legs of his boxer-briefs were now tight and pushed up by his growing quads, which were showing deeper and deeper definition between the individual muscles. The muscle tee was becoming tight now, and Jon looked back at his reflection to get the full view. Wait, was the mirror shorter than before, or... No way. Jon was growing taller, too! This had to be some kind of dream, right? When he got back from the flea market he'd probably laid down on his bed and dozed off. That had to be it. But, as long as he was dreaming, he might as well enjoy it, right? Over top of the tee, Jon ran his hands across his abs, feeling the rippling sheets of muscle. It felt like running his hands over corrugated steel. His hands rose higher to cup the heavy weight of his new, swollen pecs. Jon desperately wanted to see his muscles unobscured by the shirt, but he didn't dare remove it. This miraculous growth must have been caused by the shirt somehow. What if taking it off stopped the growth? As he marvelled at his ever expanding form, Jon realized he wasn't just packing on muscle. His skeleton had to be changing too. There was the obvious case of his greater height—he seemed to have settled at about seven feet tall!—but his hands and feet seem to have increased as well, proportionally with his height. Distinctly out of proportion, though, were his shoulders. While originally they'd been only slightly wider than his waist, they were now on their way to being twice as wide! His new bulging delts couldn't account for that width on their own. The muscle tee, once baggy, was now straining across Jon's massive, heaving chest, and was approaching skin-tight on his growing, but still relatively narrower, trunk. The deep armholes reached Jon's waist, and he gaped at the fact that his lats almost filled them top-to-bottom. Giving his lats a flex made him look like he'd sprouted wings! The tightness of the tee was now becoming uncomfortable. Maybe this was big enough. Jon reached for the bottom of the shirt, but he couldn't find it. His fingers slid down over fabric that morphed seamlessly into the deep-v of his new Adonis belt. Jon started to panic. He had to get the shirt off! It was so tight now that he couldn't take a full breath! His fingers felt all around his hips, his shoulders, his neck, searching for the hem of the shirt but it just wasn't there. Jon gave up the search and stared at his still-swelling physique in the mirror with horror that still bordered on awe. Then the shirt itself began to change. A dark line formed down the centre of the numeral eight on his abdomen. Then two more lines, one across the upper circle and one across the lower. The muscle tee began to sink into the crevices between Jon's muscles, as though he were being vacuum sealed. The now eight sections of the number shifted slightly to take on the shape and position of the eight ripped abs beneath them. A deep cleft appeared between his massive pectorals. Even the smaller waves of his obliques and serratus muscles were filled in. When the shirt was literally skin-tight, a new change began. Starting at the bottom, the white material began to disappear, or maybe merge into the skin beneath. Either way, it was vanishing. The black remains of the numeral eight faded too, replaced by the deep gutters between Jon's abs. His nipples poked through like pencil-erasers. The fabric of the shirt receded up and up until the last of it vanished from the peaks of his traps. The transformation was over, but one thing was left behind. Across Jon's powerful chest was the word FREAK in bold black letters. Wonderingly, Jon brought his hand up to feel the letters. They felt just like his skin. He'd been tattooed. But as his hand ran over his mighty pecs, Jon couldn't help but admit that it was accurate. He was a freak now. He threw a crab pose, and the letter E was almost completely swallowed in the cleft of his chest. Jon was a glorious muscle freak. He turned around and looked over his shoulder to see his broad back in the mirror. It was every bit as impressive as the rest of him was now. There were only a few things that seemed to be missing... Facing the mirror again, Jon looked at the pouch of his underwear. It was much better filled out now that his tree trunk-like legs pushed all of his goods forward, but it was clear that whatever magic had given him his new body hadn't affected his junk at all. He stripped off his boxer-briefs and stood completely bare. His cock and balls had been decidedly average before, but that meant they'd seemed relatively large compared to his narrow frame. Now that he was built like a god, his dick seemed downright puny. And when he turned to check out his ass, it was clear that it had toned up considerably and grown a little, but it still seemed out of proportion with the rest of him. Why would the shirt ignore these two parts of him? A glimpse of white on his bed behind him caught his eye in the mirror. Of course! The jockstrap! Jon quickly grabbed it and returned to the mirror to don it. The straps stretched considerably going over his thick thighs, but the pouch was still fairly loose. Jon hoped that was about to change. Nothing seemed to be happening. Jon turned slightly to view his package from the side. Still no change. Maybe the jockstrap is just a jockstrap. A shame if true, but if nothing else the straps accentuated his ass, making it seem not quite so small, relative to the rest of him. Hold on... His ass actually was bigger. And still growing. The jockstrap worked just like the tee! Jon turned his back to the mirror and looked over his shoulder. He reached both of his hands down and gripped one growing cheek in each, giving them a squeeze. His powerful fingers sank into the soft flesh, until he flexed his glutes and the hardening muscles forced the digits back out. Jon squeezed and flexed a few more times. Each time his fingers sank in with more difficulty, and were more easily pushed back out by his inflating ass cheeks. He would have continued, but his attention was suddenly drawn elsewhere. While Jon had been focused on his expanding ass, the jock pouch had been getting more and more crowded. Jon turned once more to face the mirror to get a full frontal on this new development. His manhood was now making three distinct bulges in the fabric, two egg-shaped lumps beneath a lengthening sausage. He watched, slack-jawed, and the bulges grew and grew, but a problem was becoming apparent. Just as the muscle tee had begun to compress his lungs when his upper body filled it completely, the jock pouch was beginning to compress Jon's growing goodies. The pressure on his cock and balls was merely uncomfortable for now, but if his plumbing continued to inflate it would soon become rather painful. Luckily, the pouch had reached its capacity and the next stage began. Just as the shirt had sunken into every nook and cranny of Jon's upper body, so too did the jockstrap begin to form around his dick and ballsack. The sight of his junk perfectly encompassed in the white fabric was surprisingly lewd. And it made the increased size of it very obvious. Though his softball sized nuts were held tight to his body by the clinging material, Jon's new python hung almost halfway to his knees. But it didn't hang for long. In a slow, pulsing manner, Jon's massive member began to harden, climbing higher as every beat of his heart sent a throb through its new length. The fabric of the jockstrap strained against this different kind of growth. As his erection reached maximum hardness, almost brushing the underside of his mammoth pecs, Jon felt a rush of warmth fill him and knew he was on the brink of shooting. He hadn't even touched his cock! Waves of pleasure were rocking through him, but he wasn't cumming yet. He looked down, past his colossal manhood, and saw the leg straps beginning to vanish into his skin, just as the tee had done earlier. He turned to see the waist strap disappearing above his shelf-like bubble butt, before facing the mirror head on again. The fabric over his package had begun to recede as well, beginning with his constricted scrotum. As the white material vanished, his giant balls fell heavily to the bottom of his freed sack. The diminishing fabric then began travelling up his shaft. This seemed to push Jon's orgasm right to the brink. The powerful muscles around his manhood began to pulse and flex, making his nuts rise and fall and his cock sway back and forth. Jon's pleasure climbed along with the fabric, and the flexing of his groin muscles intensified. His balls were practically vibrating against his taint now, and his dick was rebounding off of his abs with meaty thuds. The material reached the flaring flange of his cockhead. Jon was almost out of his mind with ecstasy. Finally, the fabric reached the wide piss-slit of Jon's spasming phallus and vanished completely. Jon's orgasm crashed over him like a tidal wave. His entire muscular body locked up except when a new wave pulsed through him, making his hips buck like a bronco. His cannon-sized cock fired off volley after volley of thick, pearly cum with such force that it was able to splatter against the ceiling. But the bucking of his body and the twitching of his dick meant that the creamy salvos hit many more targets. Thick ropes of cum burst against Jon's face, his pecs, his abs, and all over the mirror in front of him. What seemed like and hour later, the last few shots of spunk arced out onto his bedroom floor. Jon's entire body was quaking. His arm moved heavily to smear his jizz off of the mirror so that he could look at himself. His upped body was caked in his manly batter. Spunk obscured his new chest tattoo and filled his cleavage. Strings of semen hung off his nipples, and ran down the gutters of his abs. Residual cum poured from his cockhole and trickled down his shaft to drip from his low hanging balls. Jon just stood there, panting, for a moment. He still wasn't sure whether this had all been a dream or not, but if it was, he was sure he'd wake to find it had been a wet one! He was shaken out of his reverie by the sound of his phone vibrating a few times on his dresser, signalling a series of texts. He left a trail of cum drips on his way to read it. It was from his buddy Cliff. hey, it said, sorry I bailed on the flea market thing was probably lame without me, I know ? parents were being weird, needed to talk anyway I'm free now so we can hang, almost at your place find anything cool at the market? Jon didn't know what to do. How was he going to explain what had happened to him? Did he have enough time to clean up his musky mess? What could he wear? None of his clothes would fit him now. How was Cliff going to react?
  10. Omiganda

    Basically a God Part 7

    Part 1: Part 2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/12786-basically-a-god-part-2/ Part 3: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/12787-basically-a-god-part-3/ Part 4: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/15219-basically-a-god-part-4/ Part 5: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/15220-basically-a-god-part-5/ Part 6: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/15221-basically-a-god-part-6/ Part 7 My teeth were big and white as I smiled for the professional cameras the press were firing off as I accepted the key to their city. It was such a small town in America I could barely remember its name. I was practically had my knees bent at 90 degrees trying to hold this stupid shaking hand pose with the mayor, his old little hand shaking in my massive mitt of a hand. A lot of things had changed in the year I had been a guardian for the god that was Johnny Powerstone. Everyone around me knew who I was the moment they saw me and practically were on their hands and knees trying to please me. Just a year ago, I was just Arseny Petrov, one of the top strongmen in the world and a 21 year old anomaly. I used to think being just over 2 meters tall (6 foot 7) and carrying around over 400 pounds made me a truly big and powerful specimen. Those who loved a huge man among big men used to come all over just to see me take down the challenges before me with my big, bulging arms. My signature flex and grin right after winning my events was the highlight for many strength enthusiasts. Who wouldn’t love a big man who could lift a ton? Being a big name in the strongman world, I found a lot of entertainment in growing my body more, pushing bigger weights, and then going to places where my size was highlighted. The Japanese crowd got a real kick out of me. There was a good image of me trying to fit through one of their tiny fucking sliding doors that the internet raved about nowadays. “Holy shit, he used to be that big?” “Yeah, and now he’s even bigger!” “The dude’s a fucking demi-god!” They weren’t wrong. I couldn’t fit in buildings anymore when I broke 10 feet tall and at 13 feet, I’d be lucky to get my 2 ton body through the double doors of an airport. After Johnny turned me, I grew like a weed, making me the talk of the world and the other disciples he owned. My asshole dad was my favorite torture subject when I went home on my breaks from the Poundstone Tower. I’d inherited my height and size from him but even at 6’9, that little shithead was scarce when I came home. My hometown was a mark on the map for the birthplace of the biggest disciple of Johnny Poundstone and one of the biggest success stories in the public’s view of Johnny’s divine intervention. People would clamor in excitement when Johnny did his usual drop off to key towns dealing with problems too big for them. They always hoped he’d be the one to intervene but, if not him, they’d hope I would come and be their hero for the day. I loved to watch those tiny little human faces look up to me like I was a being from another world gracing their planet. Johnny had to make my suit personally so that the frequent erections I grew at public events could be contained atleast slightly. As a disciple, his publicist insisted that atleast we should be more modest than our leader. I didn’t give two shits. I would just grin and groan as my nearly 3 foot cock pushed and fought against the super fibers. I’d made a bet amongst the other guardians that I’d be able to outgrow the suit cock first and a lot of the money amongst them was for rather than against. And who could blame them? I took advantage of my new super-body the way I did when I prepared for my strongman competitions. I ate so much that many of the smallest disciples were afraid to come near the dinner table until I’d finished my food. I scarfed it down like a wolf and was almost equally as ill-mannered. The table I’d been given would groan after only a few weeks once I’d really gotten the hang of eating for my new body. While the other guardians went down to the disciple floors of the tower to fuck and play with their smaller kin solely, my day was a mixed bag. Some days I’d super hop to areas just so I could test my strength against bigger boulders and tightly rooted trees. Other days I would test my endurance by using my super speed to run laps around the country. Johnny had built an island for his guardians to test their limits but I’d gotten too strong for those feeble weights when I broke 9 feet tall. Only his magnetic weights could keep up with me but even those were slowly losing their benefit. Any day that didn’t involve me eating, lifting, or simply pushing my body to the limit was a day where I rewarded myself. Any small town would spot me and do whatever I wanted so it didn’t take long for me to set up some areas for me to beworshipped by the most beautiful of the townspeople. I used to think I only loved women but there was nothing like having women squirm and lick my monster pole while the men would rub down my muscles with their stronger hands. Just the sight of me made them question their originally self-proclaimed sexualities and I loved to make them kneel for me. I was living the life compared to when I was a strongman. No more bulking periods for me. I could eat and eat and eat yet still retain almost no fat. My body was like a muscle machine! No more having to choose between my old girlfriend and my hand for a sex partner. I had sex almost everyday of the week and twice on Sunday! No more relative fame where I had to go to competitions to find my favorite strength enthusiasts. I could make strength whores everywhere I went now. Everyone loves power. It was a perfect cycle. My muscles got bigger, which would give me the strength to push harder, which would make my ability to collect sex partners easier, which would make me push even harder, which would make me horny as hell, which would make me push harder, which would make my muscles bigger! Life was heaven. But nothing in my new life was better than the god Johnny Poundstone. Everything about him was a goal for me. An impossible goal, but a goal that would make me always want more. Johnny barely fit into anything, let alone his own tower, at 21 feet tall. He had to phase through the tower in order to travel through it but he would have to be careful not to run into anyone, moving along two or three floors at a time. His power to phase only worked on non-living things, a flaw that he constantly griped about at dinner. His muscles were defined beyond human comprehension, making him a dangerous person to collide with when each muscles had the power to move a planet even at that ‘small’ a size. Tourists to New York were warned ahead of time off his Saturday patrols of the city. If they didn’t get the warning, they’d be shocked to find a god standing above the cityscape, his feet in the water yet still his knees still in the clouds. His big muscles filled the sky on those day and we suspected it gave people perfect masturbation material. Every muscle on his body seemed to defy gravity and logic with its size and shape. His figure couldn’t have been defined as human the way his arms were bigger around than any human chest, let alone SUVs. His waist was tight and yet powerful like a pillar, the abdominals and obliques making sharp curves along his torso up to his overarching pecs. No one could speak to him any longer unless he bent at the waist or kneeled and since he grown to 20 feet tall, he’d refused to give anyone the satisfaction of him bending. The places he came to for events were encouraged to have 10 foot trenches for him to walk through or 10 to 15 foot platforms set up for when he arrived or needed to speak. The world was clearly in his grasp and it showed everywhere he went. People bowed in love or fear, sometimes both. When he said you weren’t allowed to speak, the room would turn silent. When he made a request, people took it as an order with their life on the line and their servitude as his main course. I wanted that more than anything for myself but the power that spilled off him is what pulled me in. I was in love with the force of nature that was Johnny Poundstone and Johnny enjoyed taking advantage of it. I couldn’t tell if he could read minds but it didn’t matter the way he fucked me into oblivion. I’d never given my mountainous ass cheeks to anyone other than Johnny and he took it as his territory every time he took it. I emphasize the word ‘took’ because, no matter what I was in the middle of doing, Johnny would pull me aside and start fucking me out of the blue. I would scream in shout in ecstasy and it would only egg him on. The look in my eyes would make him press me against a physical or psychic wall and roar into my ear as he fucked me into the next century. Time seemed to fade and nothing else would matter when he shoved his massive godly cock into my ass. When he told me that his cum gave me more power, I’d thought he was warning me to take advantage of it as much as possible. But how could I do that with the random black outs I experienced during his fucking. It took a solid week of fucking for me to realize it was like a magic spell that he released on himself that was like giving permission to fuck me however he pleased. I was lucky he liked me or else he’d probably use me to fuck at his hardest the way he did with the planets from footage he got using his private satellite. But even though he held back, I could feel him slowly putting more force into it with each session. The last time alone, we’d gone to an abandoned building where’d he literally fucked me through multiple floors. Sex for Johnny was an art form. He could make me shout louder with every thrust, shake harder with every pounding, want more with every kiss and bite and look. I doubted he could do more to me each time but he’d always one up himself. It was like his constantly growing and evolving powers made him better at sex by the hour. Sometimes, I’d come out of my comas and see the faces of the other guardians when Johnny fucked me. The faces of envy were obvious and the air almost turned green when they were in the room with us. No one other than me got private sessions with him. He didn’t give them his cock the way he gave it to me. I was a special case in every sense of the word that they were never allowed to whine about or question. That kind of jealousy put a smile on my face. My theory was Johnny fucked me best because of how much my body took to his and came back for more. When he fucked me, it took hours before I was out of commission. Even then, I’d wake up in a day while the others would be out for a full 7. When Johnny grew, I grew. If he grew another foot, I wouldn’t grow half as fast but I’d be close. None of the other disciples grew past the 10 foot height and, therefore, became increasingly useless as they stayed the same and Johnny grew stronger. Johnny would often be watching me as I was breaking a new personal best lifting 50 tons or saving another 15 people more from a burning building. It took me less than 10 minutes to put an illegal drug factory to bed, although I would always destroy the building as a side effect. None of them came close to me. That’s why I’d puffed my chest out so far when Johnny told me he had something special to show me on a fateful July. I’d broken the 15 feet tall barrier and Johnny, now 32 feet tall at his smallest, was pleased by progress. I now used most of his magnetic weights for curling now and I was now too big to go on ‘easy’ missions like rescuing people from buildings and robberies without destroying government property. I was a big, big handful that Johnny clearly liked for some reason or else he would have probably made the smart choice and put me permanently in our rapidly shrinking home. I remained hopeful and confident in Johnny as we flew over a new island he’d created in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. There wasn’t a route for a boat or anything at all for miles. This island, unlike the others, only contained assorted boulders and rocks. It was wide but had no greenery or animals in sight. We landed on the sand shore, my 4 ton body quickly starting to sink into the sand. “Sir, why are we here?” I asked as I looked up to him. He was so tall now that even I couldn’t see much of his face past his pec shelf. He leaned forward and I heard his thunderous voice rain down on me. “Stop calling me sir, Arseny, call me Johnny” he said with a handsome grin. His eyes were even brighter and more beautiful than the month before. “Yes, sir—ur, I mean…… Johnny” I said, going from an exclamation to a quiet whisper. I’d hoped he would take this for a slight error on my part due to my first language, Russian. After receiving his essence, I’d learned several languages like I was learning to ride a bike. Johnny boomed laughter down to me. Instantly my crotch shivered and I felt my new suit tighten. It wouldn’t be long before I outgrew another uniform. “Arseny, how’s your family?” he asked out of the blue. I’d never heard him ask a disciple such personal information before. I just assumed he could get the information by hacking the internet like he did for criminal organizations. Or he could just read our minds. “Um, their fine. My dad still sucks balls but he’s a lot quieter after I ripped the house in half looking for my protein powder.” Johnny held his grin and turned it into a big white smile. He then moved toward the boulders nearby and sat atop a formation of them like they were a love seat. My eyes were glued to his bulging muscles and the comparison of the seemingly tiny boulders to them. He was watching me. “Arseny, do you like muscles?” “Of course! I want more!” I said confidently. To prove my point I did a double bicep and admired my 60+ inch guns. “Every movement I make feels like I’m throwing around a stone! I could always have more!” Johnny took another moment to look at me as if analyzing my response. “Do you like power?” I merely nodded my head furiously before answering. “When I was in competition, the other competitors would always tell me how jealous they were of how easily I could lift things. I was so excited when a guy told me once, the can of beer I was holding burst!” Johnny looked at me again before moving into a reclining position against the boulders. “It’s not that great, you know.” “What??” I said in confusion. “It’s not that great. Strength and power, I mean.” “Sir—er, Johnny, I don’t understand. You have the power to lift mountains like lifting a spoon! You can fly at speeds that don’t just make you a blur but actually create a stream of light at your top speed. You fuck me so hard that we’ve broken old city neighborhoods like they’re made of pudding! The UN actually tried to pass a bill to limit your size on earth after you tried to walk along the shore of new York and nearly caused a tsunami!” “Yeah, yeah, that’s all well and good but so what?” Johnny said as he reached for a boulder and rubbed its smooth surface. “I could pull all the mountains, fly till I cause a planet to rupture in half, and fuck you so hard that we could re-activate a volcano but I’ll always get stronger. I’ll always top what I did last month and exceed expectations further. The world is in the palm of my hand now but so what?” At this point in the conversation, my mouth was open and my face was in shock. “It’s just not enough. I’m bored, Arseny. New has gotten old. I’m sure you’ve noticed it but I’ll just point it out. I’ve shredded my uniform twice as many times as you since you’ve been here. Ever since you arrived, everything’s changed.” “What do you mean?” “I mean that I’m growing faster now. Getting stronger than ever before. My body is adapting faster as my powers are getting stronger at an accelerating rate. I’ve tested my powers on other planets like earth and, in about 5 years alone, I’ll be powerful enough to split an atom with my mind alone. I’ve had to contain my true weight even more so than I ever have. 1/100th of my true weight could form a crater in the planet 1/10th its size. I nearly slipped when I tried to deactivate a volcano and nearly created 3 more trying to do it. I’m getting too powerful to remain this close to the planet. Even my heat vision is getting too powerful to avoid blowing a volcano into Asia… again. At my current growth speed, I’ll be as big as Jupiter at max size in 5 years but, at this rapidly changing speed of growth, I can’t say that in 5 years that I’ll be 5 times the size of Jupiter at my smallest. Nothing is keeping up with me anymore.” “But what about planet Earth? What if something happens in the public that requires you to step in?” “What if? If I stayed, I’d just push them 100 years into the future if I were to show the world my newest inventions. After my food supply sustaining research started bearing fruit, I’ve already excelled past the human races comprehension of science. I’ve outdone society by at least four centuries. The invention business has plummeted since I came around. They really don’t need me to make society perfect for them.” “Fuck, Johnny! How can you keep getting more impressive??” I asked over the sound of the waves slamming against the shore. After listening to Johnny, my cock was harder as rock and with a loud rip, my big, reddened, purple headed cock burst from my suit and lifted its hulking 5 foot mass up and slammed against my abs. Fuck, I was getting big. Johnny grinned and left his perch to stand in front of me, his eyes focused into mine. “You.” “What?” “Am I speaking Cantonese without realizing it again?” “What do you mean ‘you’?” “I mean that you are the catalyst, Arseny. You have been what’s causing my power to accelerate.” “What??” “Are you sure I’m not speaking Cantonese or Hebrew?” “Just explain!” “Well…… it turns out that my powers are correlated to you. More specifically, your growth.” “How has my growth caused your growth?” “You see, it took a while to notice but, since I gained my powers years ago, I’ve been growing and getting stronger. After a point, it became so easy to get a girl to open her legs, I stopped keeping count and tracking my conquests. However, there was a point where I couldn’t keep my cock small enough to fuck average women so I started craving men. That didn’t last long since I still grew and they remained the same. But, when I got my first disciples, Jenny and Benton, and they started to grow, my growth started to speed up again. I started gathering disciples so I could have multiple to fuck and it made me grow faster again. But even now, I’m too big for my smaller disciples. You’re the only one growing fast enough to take me anymore. Ever since you came and excelled past the others, I’ve been able to fuck you for full weeks and grow to truly immense sizes! My body’s desire for sex makes me grow and you’ve been the greatest cause! The others are now a third of my size and none of them can get my dick in their mouth, let alone their asses. You probably noticed it about now. I’ve spent more time with you than all of the disciples combined and you’ve grown right along with me. Your body isn’t at its limit so you can still grow for a little while longer before your limits set in. You’re a natural phenomenon, Arseny!” “I…..I….” I was speechless, more speechless than I usually was when Johnny was around. I’d noticed that I couldn’t fit into most of the tower and that I was the only one among the disciples still growing, but I hadn’t noticed how big a difference there was in my time with Johnny compared to the others. I just didn’t know…. Any of this, until now. Johnny reached looked down at me and held my shoulder. “Arseny… I want you to grow with me. Become a god with me.” “I— “ I tried to speak but Johnny gave me a look of intense focus. “Please, Arseny, let me show you what being a god will gift you.” Johnny moved around me and started walking into the ocean. His massive legs treaded water like air and he was quickly disappearing into the ocean. I ran to the edge of the shore and looked out as the waves lapped at my feet, searching for Johnny. Suddenly, I could see Johnny’s handsome head coming out of the water, his hair quickly drying and forming its beautiful shoulder length look like usual. My eyes began to hurt as Johnny’s traps came out of the water and my sense of perspective shifted Johnny was standing farther out than I thought by the size of the waves beside him but he appeared to be coming closer. It took me only a moment to realize he was growing. Waves crashed against the shore, bigger and bigger as he grew taller and taller. His broad shoulders had only just come out of the water and it already looked like he was becoming big enough to hide me in his golden locks. When his chest finally came up for air, I had to back away from the shore as the waves became truly massive. The clouds began to darken as Johnny’s growth accelerated and his arms were still coming into view. I could hear thunder as Johnny’s eyes glowed bright enough to be seen from even the distance I stood. My head craned even from the great distance we were apart as his muscles seemed to plump and grow along with him. I saw lightning as Johnny’s head began to reach into the clouds and the waves became 40 feet tall. I backed away and quickly climbed the piles of rock in an attempt to escape the growing waves. Johnny’s eyes were a beam of light that focused on me as his rapidly growing size closed the gap between us quickly. He covered almost 40% of my view from this distance and his abs were still climbing from under the water. This was a size he had never shown anyone while on Earth and for good reason. The boulders shook and fell out of place as the quakes from his growth became stronger. I made it to the top somewhat safely just as I saw Johnny’s cock come from underneath the water. It was the fastest growing limb on his body as it swelled and grew, climbing his body till it fought with his growing chest. I sat on my knees, astounded by the infinite power Johnny wished to show me. His body simply grew and grew, more powerful with every second, as if it was a natural thing. I didn’t feel myself jizz the first time watching his head reach the clouds but I felt it most definitely as his abs began to do it. The clouds opened wide for the entrance of a god unto heaven and yet still he soared past them. I feared for the stability of the island as Johnny’s growth shook it roughly. Rocks crumbled and the sandy shore of the island was submerged in water. I’d never seen larger bolts of lightning shred the sky. If there’d been any boats nearby, I was sure they’d have been sunken by now. I was surprised a volcano hadn’t been sprung by the earthquakes Johnny created. I’d never known this much power or size was possible until Johnny, the god of power, had shown it to me. When Johnny’s knees passed the clouds, I’d come again. The Atlantic Ocean was 5 miles deep and it wasn’t even knee deep to Johnny, who was still growing at his fastest speed. Johnny had told me that his size was equivalent to how much power he had within him. This was what he meant. So much power that you could see his shins 5 miles from the ground and then some. The water had absorbed the island I was perched on up until the very top of the stone pile. Just when I was prepared to take a dive, Johnny’s growth stopped. When the earth began to settle, I looked up and fell back into the water just after finding my footing. Johnny’s face filled the sky. Wherever it didn’t, his muscles filled the rest. With his legs above me position at sea level. Johnny almost entirely encompassed my view of the sky. He was so tall that his face and body were tinted with the color of something far away, bouncing light off of him. I dared to imagine what he looked like on a satellite view of the planet. Johnny’s knees were high above the ocean and I could tell from the view of his calves that just a few hundred more meters would reveal his calves. My angry and sore cock spewed a third load into the water as I looked to view what could only be described as a god. Johnny exceeded everything I ever imagined size and power could be. His muscles were big and intimidating works of strength that were unquestionable to any creature, being, entity or existence in the universe. The view of his big, veiny muscles bulging and his big handsome grin told me that with one glance. He was silent for someone so truly enormous but I could tell he was attempting to be silent knowing that too much sound from his massive existence could break tectonic plates and cause the average human to go deaf. His glowing, powerful eyes beaming down on me in the darkness his body created said it all said it all and I knew what to say. “Yes. I’ll do it.” ---
  11. Omiganda

    Basically a God Part 5

    Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/15219-basically-a-god-part-4/ Part 5 Hey, move along, short shit!” Benton commanded down to me. The following 6 months from the Tanner incident went pretty bad. For me at least. Mostly because, although Johnny had forgiven Tanner entirely, I was still on thin ice in every and all interactions with him. It was like hell as I feared that the growing Johnny would one day just have enough of my presence and simply stomp me into a mud puddle with his size 50+ feet. By the time the next year came by, I was on my second to last year of graduate school but it didn’t give me any relief, Johnny made certain of that. Johnny’s powers were numbing as every month, he’d discover some new power he never knew he could use and would test it on me in the most creative ways. In the fall, as I walked through the nearby park for my morning cardio, I was assaulted by trees like never before. That was the season Johnny had discovered his power to send energy from his body that worked as super miracle grow. When I was deep enough in the park, he’d used this power to grow them outward in all directions, specific ones growing and wrapping around me before lifting me into the air with their increased size and girth. It had taken hours to get me down and even now they were still trying to shred the 7 feet thick branches of the overgrown woods. Later, he’d test his self enlarging powers and take a stroll through the outskirts of the city, where my school was located. Somehow, every other vehicle in the parking lot had survived his rampage except mine, a flat and metal plate leaking oil into concrete that had sunken 15 feet deep and was in a 60 foot long foot shaped crater. It was the month after that when he’d discovered how to perform whistle commands that could make animals do his bidding to a certain extent. I practically had to watch my step and carry an umbrella at all times as dogs or birds would suddenly have the urge to crap in my direction and ruin my clothes and hair. At one point, a batch of squirrels had showered me by throwing the nuts they’d stored for the winter down at me in a hail. Winter didn’t give me much of a break either. Whenever Johnny wasn’t learning a new power, he was getting stronger in a power he’d already mastered. I’d been the last to leave on a test during one of my bio-medical exams and I assume Johnny had been waiting for me to try to leave as I felt a heavy thud shake the building. The supervisor for the test almost fell to his feet as he dropped all of the papers onto the floor. I’d tried to run to the door to see what had happened but shouldn’t have been surprised when I’d tried and a bit of snow slipped through the cracks before remaining at a standstill. Johnny had summoned enough snow to completely submerge the doors to this building. I didn’t know at the time but it literally had been done to only the building we were in. There was a perfect circle of thick snow dropped down onto our building like medical cream placed on a simple part of your skin. As I suffered the power of Johnny, it was a perspective thought that everyone else received the better end of the bargain. Besides petty crimes and general bad behavior in small doses, Johnny kept the world in order on a daily basis. Bank robberies would be halted almost before they could really start thanks to the police opening up their whole database to Johnny, who preferred that they give it to him “willingly” instead of him hacking it as he knew he could. Drug cartels lost money by the millions as Johnny went all over and halted business with his new super smelling powers which gave him the ability to smell the scent of drugs by a ten mile radius. Any smaller crimes were left to the local police as Johnny had bigger jobs most of the time he handle and, although he was powerful, he couldn’t be everywhere at once. The current drought in California was halted quickly by Johnny’s power to grow plants and his power to turn toxic waste into pure, crystalline water. The last one was a testament to his influence since a very, very short list of people knew exactly how he went about doing it. As far as politics were concerned, people in the political sphere barely complained anymore about his actions. Johnny put a special target on the fortune 500 in America as he’d discovered lately that there were many scandals they’d been planning in the last month after he’d seduced one of the hotter males into giving away secrets of some of the others for just a night with the young god. Speaking of which, when he wasn’t testing his powers on me, terrorizing the rich, or saving the world, he was fucking. I was absolutely sure of it though he wouldn’t want to tell me the way he used to. And worst of all, he’d found new ways to go about. As I was moving through the hallway, careful to check around the corners for Johnny or his followers, my best guess was Johnny was still at Olympics making his first appearance as a celebrity at the games instead of demeaning the athletes with his superiority. He insisted on helping create a meteor shower for the start of the Olympics for the fun of it. Tanner lived in the upper floors as well but he’d gone into the city to watch with some friends at a local bar. Though Johnny forgave him, he was still somewhat terrified of his once little brother. The dynamic between the two had hit him hard over the months and he was constantly calling his officers to confirm his date to go back to base. Johnny was treating him the way he used to treat me but that was completely not how he was used to interacting with him, as he did years ago. Before, Johnny was a pipsqueak who’d grown into comic books and his brother, having grown out of them, told him to fuck off whenever he asked him to come and watch a bad superhero cartoon with him. Now, Johnny practically manhandled the guy with his massive arms and planted him in a seat next to him. I never got to see since I knew Johnny would see me coming a mile away with his infrared vision but I imagined it was a way more cramped scene than it had been for me. Johnny’s base size had grown into a 9’2 superhuman and was still not showing signs of slowing in growth. The doorframes originally made for a 7 foot giant were now too cramped for him to squeeze through without taking the wall with him. At Johnny’s last check up with the doctors supervising the project, his arms had actually grown to a new intimidating size of over 90 inches when he flexed to the very point between pure flexing and enlarging the bicep. His body’s proportions were reaching unnaturally intense shapes and made it difficult for those around him. When he came to the red carpet for showings of new movies, he’d come down from the sky in a sonic boom, which he could create very easily now, and would appear in nothing but his tight formal uniform. It was nothing but a spandex speedo, the same size as his normal uniform but shrunken to the triangle of your everyday speedo. His body had so many exaggerated curves that it was impossible for anything non circular to contain him. His pecs were so massive that they were the first thing people saw when Johnny turned corners. Mouths drooled as he would walk by, those seeing him coming graced with the view of his massive package as those seeing him going would watch his powerful butt cheeks bounce and leak out of the sides of the overstretched outfit. He even had the designer make it look like a mini suit with a bowtie as if his crotch needed anything else to pull eyes to it. Johnny behaved when he was in the movie theater but the locals were well accustomed to light tremors throughout the area when he was discontent with the flick, the source being the light tapping of his toes, a habit he’d had even before his growth and simply hadn’t outgrown. Even when he wasn’t doing this, people in any scenario often kept a check on him at all times to gauge his mood. No one was foolish enough to attempt to piss him off directly and being aware of his mood made the percentage of your potential survival rise depending on how Johnny felt. This sense of control in even the atmosphere made it easy for Johnny to pick out his entourage for the night. He partied on some nights with either the most famous or those he deemed perfect for a night of intense passion. His sexual needs were now a near constant as some nights were filled with the thundering moans of a god who was yet to be sated. I was reminded of our time in the first few months as Johnny’s love making had become strong enough to quake through the many floors between the rooms he fucked in and the room I slept in. Due to his growth, his massive cock couldn’t be properly survived by the small vaginal cavity of a normal woman anymore. Now he had a male and female sex slave on hand at all times in the tower to have the choice of sex on hand. That was where his newest power came into play. Benton and Penny were two models that Johnny had seen at a fashion show in Italy and had become instantly attached to their attractive bodies. They’d originally been like humans when I’d met them but they quickly became disciples of Johnny in the most terrifying way. Johnny wouldn’t release the details to anyone but Tanner but I could still understand pretty quickly how over time, he’d made Benton and Penny grow. It started in intervals. Benton was originally 5’11 and Penny 5’9, both of them taller than me. They’d act politely to me regardless of the fact Johnny wouldn’t even register my presence. Then they started to change. Benton used to talk to me about sports all the time and we’d often go to the nearby coffee shop to talk deeply about politics. Penny would hang out with me when I went to a nearby beach or needed a generally nice girl to have a conversation with. My old high school friends never visited anymore after Johnny had scared them with a stray thunderbolt from the sky in their last visit and my college friends quickly became Johnny’s groupies after the first visit. Benton and Penny were practically my lifeline to the rest of the world. Then one day, Benton had trouble fitting into his clothes and asked me if he could borrow mine since I was wider built than he was. Penny had to go and buy a new bra because her breasts felt heavier than they used to and she needed stronger support. Then, things reached new levels of odd. Benton had outgrown my clothes and now, when I needed to reach something, neither of us needed a stepstool. He would just simply reach up and take it off whatever shelf I was reaching for and hand it to me. I’d tried to shield Penny from the cold weather once as we were trying to get into a club but she was so tall that, standing against the wall, a portion of her head was above my reach as her breasts almost touched my chin. It went on like this for months and in different ways. Benton needed to wear sandals more frequently because he’d always be outgrowing his shoes from a previous month. Penny’s breasts were so large that, even with a bra, her nipples still poked through. Benton would bend a little too low to pick up something he’d dropped and his pants, even sweatpants, would tear to reveal his big bubble butt. Penny had to work to really button her pants as her hips grew wider. Both of them now had feet that thudded against the floor with their weight as they went down the hallways. The last time we went to a sports bar together, Benton had to duck the doorframes because forehead was a magnet to them. Penny couldn’t go anywhere without causing the traffic to come to a complete halt as her waist tightened but everything below and above had swelled into sexy curves that stretched the fabric of her clothes. Then I think the growth started to get to their heads. On a day where Johnny was testing out his heat producing powers in New York, Benton had caught me reaching up for a 2 liter bottle of soda that had been placed on the top shelf of the cabinets, reached up to get it, then uncapped and drank it one fell swoop. His big Adam’s apple bobbed as he gulped and made short work of the bottle, concluding with a loud and thick burp. “Thanks, I really needed that.” Penny had found me on the couch of one of the many living rooms and simply lifted me off by my arm like I was a doll and plopped onto it herself. “Hey, there’s more than one living room,” I’d say. “Yeah, but I wanted this one,” she’d respond. Our long talks became small talks became one sided conversations until eventually, my presence just seemed to irritate them. All it took was a little look and I’d be gone as I knew there was no chance my comparatively small form couldn’t handle the behemoth sex slaves. When Johnny would bring more play mates, Penny and Benton would be nearby and ready to participate. They were quickly becoming demigods to the anomaly that was Johnny as they followed in his footsteps. “Hey, move along, short stack!” Benton commanded down to me. That was when I flew to the wall like a fly as the now hulking, 7’4 Benton walked down the hall, the floors creaking and thundering with his footsteps where there was wood. He was wearing nothing but a tight pair of briefs that Johnny used to wear that made his butt look amazing as he stomped his way through the building. I was petrified until he passed, his broad shoulders and bulging arms swing as he strutted down the hallway. My brow wrinkled as I realized I had to follow him on my way to the top floor. Watching the large muscles that made up just the back of Benton was a real sight. He was big and supernaturally proportioned like Johnny, just on a smaller scale. It took him several tries to get through doors now. It was a good thing the furniture was made to hold Johnny because normal furniture would probably crumble under Benton’s weight. He made any and all bodybuilders look feeble in comparison to him and fitness models just body enthusiasts. His arms hung at his sides and were pushed away but lat muscles so thick he couldn’t lower his arms far below their nearly 45 degree angle. His waist was tight and probably only several inches larger than my own, probably only due to the 8 pack that jutted from his stomach like iron plating. His thighs executed a slow, dominant waddle that was the best option for him unless he wanted to accidently crush his very large manhood. His calves were both clearly thicker than my thighs and yet still hyper lean, looking as though he could lift a small car onto his big and mighty shoulders. Benton’s hands and feet were large, perfect to palm someone’s entire head when one of Johnny’s many mates of the night thought they would get more time with him if they serviced someone close to him. Benton was probably almost 3 times my weight and it showed in the way his body seemed to flex and swell with the smallest actions. I’d been so mesmerized I didn’t see him open the door to the top deck, squeeze his big body through, and then turn to block my way in. Everything above his thick eyebrows and brown eyes was hidden behind the doorframe but I could see him looking down at me with an intimidating face over his broad and hairy chest. “Johnny needs this room, squirt, sorry,” he said as he turned and closed the doors, shutting me out. I pressed to the doors that remained unopened and sunk to the floor, looking up at the ceiling lights. Then I felt vibrations through the floor. Something was moving behind the door and I could only guess it was something very big. I slowly turned the knob as I knew that Johnny, Benton, and Penny still had precise enough hands to open doors but their fingers were far too big to turn the locks, not that they ever felt the need to use them. I peeped in carefully and was gifted the view of what had to be the biggest, most powerful looking butt I’d ever laid eyes on extending down to massive legs that were spread wide as balls the size of cantaloupes were placed on top of the couch cushions. Johnny was standing like a monument to manhood and his own unique godhood as his massive, rippling body was hovering over two legs spread wide. I instantly could tell by the birth mark on the left leg that it was Penny. She had grown along with Johnny and Benton and, although she was the smallest of the three, she was large and powerful looking in a superhuman, female way. Her muscular hips were wide and spread to brace themselves for what Johnny had packing, her pussy dripped as she was laid there before Johnny with what I assumed was an excited face. Benton was still in view, however he was moving his hands up and down his 16 inch hard man pole, watching the massive superhero that was Johnny tower over Jenny. “Yeah, babe, I worked really hard today.” “Oh? You look like you haven’t broken a sweat,” Penny responded with a little giggle at the end. Johnny was moving his big hands over her leg with one hand and grabbing at her massive breast with the other. I could hear her squeal as he squeezed just a little to make her moan. “You better believe I did. Those Olympics take a lot of work to do perfectly. I had to align some sitting rocks up perfectly to fly over the Olympics and not hit the earth before sending them flying with a soft tap.” Johnny raised his muscular arm and replicated the flicking motion he’d done over her head, knocking a lamp off a wall with just the force. “If I hit them too hard, they might have shattered and got sent flying down in every direction. It would have been a fucking hassle to catch those rocks before they hit the Earth. I’m pretty sure some of those stupid rocks are flying out of our solar system about now.” The talk of his power was clearly working on Penny as she tried to move down to play with her vagina but Johnny intercepted her and placed that hand forcefully against the couch too, its supports already strained by Penny’s impressive size but clearly struggling as Johnny’s mass leaned harder and harder to prepare for penetration. As he lowered his cock to her crotch, I gasped as I saw Johnny’s cock, angrier looking and more powerful than ever. I remembered the sight of its full growth almost a year ago and I could only wonder how big it could grow now. The size it was at now was probably a small fraction of its true form and it still looked like, had Penny not been her current size, it would tear a normal female organ to shreds from the attempt of pressing its big head into her snatch. Penny began to moan and shout louder as Johnny grunted and pushed, entering her slowly as to avoid pulling her to pieces. Benton was still in the corner, his cock dripping precum like an erotic fountain, lubricating his own large piece. He had three fingers up his own ass, probably envisioning what it would be like to be pumped like Penny was about to be. I had to adjust my pants as I felt how hard I was also, doing my best to keep still and immobile. Too much movement could catch Johnny’s eyes. My shorts tightnened as my cock continued trying to force its way from my zipper and continued to fail at opening the way. I wanted that to be me. I wanted Johnny to take his massive and fill me with his cum. Johnny grabbed the couch and bent his knees lower to reach Penny’s gaping cavity. His cock seemed to disappear into her regardless of its unbelievable length, most likely closing in on 3 feet at a safe hardness for humans. Benton had found a chair and sat with his legs spread wide, his big balls hanging over the end as they also carried what looked like a bountiful amount of cum. His muscles were glistening with sweat as he also seemed to be watching with an undistractable focus. His balls were bouncing against the end of the chair he’d found and I could almost hear sloshing sounds as the apple sized cum containers bounced. I could tall by the horny panting and grin on his face as he rubbed his hairy chest up and down that he was really loving the gifts Johnny had given him. I’d heard before that Benton had been struggling a bit in the modeling world as the ones in his area typically were looking for someone 6 feet tall. Now, he’d outgrown them and stood on top of the world as Johnny’s massive male sex slave. I turned from him as Johnny began to really pound Jenny into the couch. Her massive breasts, each large enough to compete with a cow in their abundance of milk, shook and jiggled with Johnny’s power. Johnny was using one hand to hold Jenny’s waist while the other gripped the couch, the structure straining from his grip strength even though he was barely putting in any force. Johnny groaned a low groan that was shaking the whole room, a result of his voice’s ability to reach supersonic levels. I’d heard he’d made drug lords deaf with that power. My ears were full of his Benton’s moans, Penny’s screams, and Johnny’s manly earthquake groans. I could tell by the tension in Penny’s muscles that she was experiencing a never ending onslaught of orgasms as Johnny’s powerful pelvis pressed into her like a powerful moving wall. I felt myself reaching orgasm also as Penny reached her 40th scream of orgasm at the end of 10 minutes. Johnny had proven over the years that he could do this to women easily and, as he’d gotten stronger, it took less and less effort to do it. The female body was like an instrument he’d mastered 100 times over, fucking them almost second nature now. He hadn’t cum into her once and he wasn’t going to remain unsated for long. “Fuck it, you’re too fragile,” he said after 30 minutes and almost 200 orgasmic screams came from Penny. “I can’t hold back this much if I want to get off. Benton, into position!” Johnny left Penny there sprawled out on the couch, her vagina quivering with exhaustion as she had received the maximum amount feeling her entire body was able to endure without falling into a coma. Johnny’s cock was still moist with her juices and almost angrier looking than it was before. His desire for sex was too strong for the enlarged and empowered Penny to even wipe the top off from his libido. My eyes darted to Benton, who was still roughly rubbing his long cock up and down. “BENTON, NOW!” Johnny roared as his cock bounced angrily against his 12 pack abdomen. I didn’t see it coming as Benton shot out of his chair toward Johnny without actually touching the ground. He was hovering over the ground as though strings were tied around his limbs as he came towards Johnny. Johnny had a lot of different, unbelievable powers but, out of all of them, I hadnt expected telekinesis. Benton’s massive body was held weightlessly above Johnny, his legs forcibly raised and his butt cheeks hanging just before the expanse of Johnny’s pecs blocked his master’s view. A massive something that I recognized to be a huge and unbelievable dildo slid out of Benton’s butt slowly and seemed to come from nowhere as it was inhumanly large. Johnny’s massive body bent and he sat in the loveseat that had been built for him. It groaned as he’d definitely gained weight since the last fitting but it held on valiantly, Johnny’s legs slightly being squeezed by the unfit chair. His monstrous cock stuck up and smacked his pecs with a heavy smack that could have been confused for two rocks colliding as he spread his legs and let his massive balls hang almost to the floor in his seated position. “Down,” he commanded, his deep voice hard to disobey. I watched amazed as Benton was slowly lowered onto Johnny’s cock. Johnny’s cock met him half way as it stretched even larger and wider to compensate for the more durable fuck toy Johnny had chosen. Benton groaned like an animal in a trap as he felt his ass cheeks pull apart by the enormous cock head alone and felt his hole stretch around the big intruder. Johnny was being fair and slowly lowering Benton but it could be seen in his eyes that he was quite impatient. Benton continued to groan and roar the entire time as Johnny’s big, long cock head forced its entrance. He’d probably taken Johnny over 100 times in the last half year and it was obvious that Johnny would still be able to stretch him out even wider. His heavy balls smacked Johnny’s pole as they shook along his trip. Johnny’s balls hung lower, actually swelling as it seemed he wanted to cum an ocean into his subject this time around. As Benton’s journey slowly progressed, Johnny continued to boast. “Heh, remember when you used to be so puny? You couldn’t even get your mouth over a fraction of my dick head. You had to wrap your body around my cock as I grew it so that I could feel something. And look at you now, dwarfing that little midget you used to be to become one of my demigods. If I keep giving you two strength, I’ll be able to actually try. Wont that be great? I’ll fuck you both so hard that the earth with shake. Trees will uproot from cracks in the ground. Oceans will tremble. Well..... maybe not oceans. I don’t think your human bodies can take that much. You’ll be fun to fuck through a wall though. I’ll make you scream in joy till your throat is sore and your chest is heaving.” Benton was groaning loudly now as he came just a bit lower onto Johnny’s cock and Johnny rewarded him by pumping his head a little bigger, exciting Benton’s hole and making his cock wag as an orgasm was coming. There was still MUCH more length that Benton struggled with but, at the halfway mark on Johnny’s long rod, he was stuck. He just couldn’t handle anymore inside him. Johnny moved his head forward, Benton now slightly lower than face level with him, and pressed his lips into his. The two beautiful faces mingled and let their tongues dance around each other. I stood in the hallway, my body shaking with arousal and jealously just before that moment. The moment that changed everything. Johnny opened his eyes in the middle of the kiss and looked directly at me. In that moment, everything in the last months hit me again at full force. I was so alone that I couldn’t help feeling everything directed at me in the last half year without any deluding of my ego or my pride. The discovery that Johnny liked boys AND girls, just not me. The realization that he had respected me more than anyone and the cold feeling that I’d let him down. The fact that Tanner was still here but had abandoned me like an outcast. Johnny’s overwhelming and ever growing dominance over my life as he tortured me for my betrayal. We made eye contact but it was brief before I turned and ran. My eyesight was blurry as I headed down the hall and dashed into the elevator. I didn’t look for my stuff to pack and leave with. I simply ran. The butlers tried to ask me if I needed anything but I just pushed past them and ran harder. I saw business men waiting for Johnny who closed in to ask me if he was available. I didn’t give them the time of day either. I just ran. I didn’t stop running till I was gone, into the night. Hopefully, Johnny wouldn’t find me. That’s what I thought as his tower reached up into the sky like a pin stabbed into a large quilt. I knew better though. He could find me wherever and whenever. He was Johnny Poundstone. I knew when I looked him in the eyes, I recognized the gaze he would give to criminals or corrupt business men who he would eventually make disappear. He would never look for me again.
  12. Hialmar

    Muscle growth poem

    I got this idea after jokingly remarking to Arpeejay, that we haven't seen modernist poetry here on MG yet, so I'm writing one in jest, because the irreverent humour I cultivated as a student is still alive. It's not your average muscle growth story, but I hope it is suggestive enough. Growth: A poem Echoes in the mind. Memories from the past: Some to keep, some to leave behind. Vivid mind. Brittle body Echoes in the mind. Heroes from the past: Greater than other kings, lofty in stature, a hero born in Uruk, a wild and rampaging bull was he. The sheer physicality! The space he occupies Fear of the place with steel-weights In bloodstream herolatry Vivid mind. Adolescent body Echoes in the mind. Heroes from the past: A man unlike no other cometh down from the mountains. His strength is beyond compare; he is like unto an immortal. The sheer physicality! The space he occupies Fear of the place with steel-weights In bloodstream shame Allure of the place with steel-weights De profundis: The URGE Mens sana in corpore sano in Alexandria of yore. But THE URGE? Vivid mind. Lanky body Echoes in the mind. Heroes from the past: Culann's dog and his body-changing frenzy The sheer physicality! The space he occupies Present in the place with steel-weights In bloodstream URGE Vivid mind. Changing body Echoes in the mind. Heroes from the past: Hottr drinking monster-blood, becoming Hjalti The sheer physicality! The space he occupies Home at the place with steel-weights In bloodstream GROWTH of heroes past becoming walls protective walls of flesh instead of brick becoming like the heroes past becoming wall protective wall of flesh instead of brick In bloodstream URGE, in bloodstream GROWTH becoming like the echoes in the mind. In bloodstream joy asserting joy The sheer physicality! The space you occupies huge at the place with steel-weights towering Pharos for brothers journeying yearning for sheer physicality! The space you occupies seeking the harbour, protective wall hearing the echoes, too Allure of the place with steel-weights echoes of their past leaving some behind when you play Bödvar's part and they attain The sheer physicality! The space they occupies and they become Greater than other kings, lofty in stature because In bloodstream URGE, in bloodstream GROWTH! Commentary Any modernist poem need a commentary, of course. Wink. Wink. ? The most obvious references are the following: The first two quotes come from the Gilgamesh Epic, and describe the two heroes Gilgamesh and Enkidu De profundis are the two first words of Psalm 130 (129 in older Catholic bibles for historical reasons), with lots and lots of famous settings Mens sana in corpore sano is a Latin saying by Juvenal, based on a Greek original by Thales of Miletus (624-546 BCE), so the quotes and allusions on heroic tales and physioculture are arranged chronologically Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in 332 BCE. Ships were guided to its harbour by the help of the lighthouse on Pharos, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Is the reader re-building himself into a wonder? The city-walls of Alexandria become a figure of speech for a gym-rat's mental and physical changes. "Culann's dog" is the literal meaning of the name of Cú Chullainn, one of the most famous heroes in Irish mythology, set in a time before the age of St. Patrick: Iron Age Ireland. Cú Chullainn was increasing in strength and turning monstrous in battle, so – in a manner of speaking – he is the original fictitious hero to "hulk out" An Icelandic saga, the tale of Hrolf Kraki (which bear some similarities with the Anglo-Saxon Beowulf Epic), tell the story of the warrior Bödvar (who is able to transform himself into a bear) protect a bullied youngster called Hottr, and let Hottr drink the blood of a monster, which formerly, until Bödvar stopped it, used to harass the court of King Hrolf. After that, Hottr turn into a huge and confident warrior, and change his name to Hjalti. The saga takes place during the Vendel Age (550-790 CE), and comes last in the chronological change, except for the new heroic tales that begin when the reader and his friends change themselves into kings over their own lives, and become good, joyful modern men accepting themselves and helping others.
  13. 789

    A gift to remember

    Ok, so, first story…. I’ve been thinking about writing one of my own for a while but haven’t had the guts to do it until now. I apologize if there are errors in syntaxes, at school teachers don’t really specialize on cursing or sexual interaction. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part 1 Well, it all first started pretty simple, when you think about it, most things usually do. First things first, name´s Christian, Chris for friends (if any). I’m a med student, top student but average in other aspects: 5’9’’, not athletic but not slim, hairy and I love it, and…. gay. However, schedules don’t really help my love life, nor my physique. That’s really frustrating since I’m attracted to muscular guys, but an average guy doesn’t attract much attention. I do get an occasional hook up, usually guys who are into hairy guys, but not anyone I yearn for. Then came one fateful afternoon. I got a call from an old friend. I was actually taken aback at first, and really tempted not to answer at first. You see, Jim, who I had once considered my best friend, hadn’t called me for at least 5 years. So, I was really surprised to hear his voice when I picked up the phone: -Hey Chris! What’s up man! -Well, life goes on you know? But I doubt you can notice that… -Come on, I know I’ve been a bad friend… -You can say that again -Jeez, I forget how ironic you can be when you’re mad. -Jim, anything else you wanna talk about besides my sarcasm? It’s already annoying having you talking to me as if it was yesterday when we last saw each other, but, it’s been 5 years. Five fucking years Jim! Where were you when I needed you the most?! -Easy man, I know I deserve this and more… -Really? -Let me talk, just as you tell other people -Fine – I hate when I’m stuck with my own morality – What do you want? -As I was saying before Mr. Resentful interrupted me, don’t say a word Chris –damn, he’s still got that ability to know when I will protest even before I try–, I know I’ve probably been the worst of friends. And I wanna make it up to you, or at least try. -Go on… -I know you’re a fan from Scheherazade’s stories. So, when I travelled to the Middle East… -You didn´t even leave the country! Filming a documentary in a Moorish building doesn’t count… -Shut up and listen man, you’ll make me loose the point. As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted -he said this with a playful smirk while I could only turn my eyes on him-, in my journey I found a picturesque scenery for my film. As I was about to enter a local café, my attention was drawn to an old woman who was selling junk in the street. At first, I thought it would be the classical useless stuff and when I was about to leave, the old woman asked me: -Looking for something in particular young man? -Not really, I’m just filming here, and all this scenery reminded me of a friend. -Oh, I see. Good friend of yours? -Him? Absolutely! Me, well I’ve neglected a little -that’s when I almost killed him with my eyes-, …fine, I’ve neglected a lot our friendship. Would you let me continue instead of enjoying this “I am totally right” moment??!! -Sorry -I said with a malicious smile. I won’t deny I was enjoying where this was going. After clearing his throat, he continued: …and when I saw you I thought you might have something my friend would like. He’s a fan of the One Thousand Nights, maybe I could find an “I’m sorry present” for him. -Are you really sorry young man? -I truly am, I know actions speak louder than words, and I’ve really been inactive. That’s my major problem, and the main reason I want to do something to make it up to him! At this point, I wouldn’t have cared if he got me something or not, his speech was heartbreaking, at least from my point of view. -Interesting. I may have something that fits him. What can you tell me about your friend? It will make it easier to find the right choice. -Well, Chris is a really nice guy. Always taking care of people and, as he says, “trying to make people see their true potential”. I don’t know how he manages that though. But, as a matter of fact he’s been hurt for that same reason several times, as people don’t appreciate him. They take him for granted, just as I did… -I’ve got to admit Chris, I told her that with a lot of remorse, but let me continue- -Have you ever read Mardrus’ version of Scheherazade? -Nope, probably Chris has. -No wonder why this place reminded you of him. Well, as a matter of fact, it is said that Mardrus’ version is actually pretty accurate, as Scheherazade did live among us a long time ago. Obviously, he made changes to the story and he never found out everything -that’s when she got out this little box-. May I present you the magic ring that once belonged Scheherazade. You won’t find this story anywhere, as only Scheherazade, in her wisdom, kept many secrets from the world. As you know, Scheherazade was a young woman who told stories every night to her king, as she wished to save the women in her kingdom, as the king married a new wife every night and executed her in the morning as a punishment for his first wife, the late queen, who had cheated on him. The detail that no one has ever talked about is this magic ring. It is said, that Scheherazade asked the magic ring for a solution to stop the executions. As a result, she acquired the knowledge to tell amazing stories and devised the well-known plan. -Wow! Does it really work? -Of course, young man. There’s a requirement though: the person who attempts to use the ring must acquire it fair and square, have a pure heart and have a strong will. If not, the ring will lose its power forever. -Incredible! That would be an awesome gift! Can it really do that? But how? -Have a strong will, think about what your heart desires and it will come true. But if it doesn’t, it was a very nice story, wasn’t it? So, if you’re interested, it would be $20.00 young man. -And that’s how I got your gift! -Ok…… I’m not really sure about it though. Besides, how are you sure it will fit? -Oh come on, you are the person with the strongest will I know. You never gave up, not after all the troubles you’ve had: mean classmates, that crazy girl that stalked you, …the loss of your parents. Come on man! At least try it on! It’s blue…. Your favorite color… That was the moment when I opened the little box he was giving me. It contained a silver ring with a blue stone, a sapphire maybe, or at least intended to be one. It had writings all over it, seemingly in Arabic. It looked nice, and I couldn’t name it, but I felt a connection to the ring. Wait a minute, a connection?! What was I thinking?! It was a weird moment, but then I tried it on. To my surprise it was the perfect size, just as if it was custom made. -See? I told you it would fit. Are you going to wish something? -The only thing I wish right now is that you and I go out and have some fun. The evening wasn’t remarkable: movies, dinner, a few beers. By the end of the night Jim had completely forgotten about the magical ring stuff. I, on the other hand, was giving it a serious thought from time to time. I’m not going to lie, as an avid reader of course I has read Mardrus’ version of the One Thousand and One Nights, or The One Thousand Nights and One Night to be more precise. It was a very interesting approach to a classic tale. But if it was true, there were a few things I had really given a thought to wish for if a chance like this would appear. I found myself arriving home thinking about this. The bright side of being an orphan is that you have all the place for yourself. Don’t get me wrong, I practically raised all by myself. Both my parents worked, so I was left alone at home after school. I learnt how to spend time by myself, even though I really cherished the time with my parents. When they both died at the accident, well, it was as if they had permanently gone to work. I do miss them, but I was already used to be alone before they died. When I arrived home, I hurried to leave all my stuff I had. Still with the ring in my hand, I went to my room in front of the full-body mirror I have. One of my biggest and wildest dreams is to be a muscular guy, a pretty muscular guy. However, I don’t want to lose control or get permanently too big I can’t go back a little. So, a while ago I had came up with a plan: if I ever got the chance to wish for something, it would be to have the power to alter my body in any way I want, as well other people’s bodies with a little bonus: I decide who gets to know a change has taken place, that is if I wish to get as big as Craig Golias I would be able to do so and everyone around me would think I had always been that big, unless I wished otherwise. With that in mind, I closed my eyes and thought: if your power is real (and I really want to believe it is) please grant my wish: to be able to change my body and anyone’s body for that matter in any way I want just by thinking it but apart from me, no one can remember the changes ever occurred, and only if I want, certain people will notice the changes. At first nothing happened, but then, there was a bright blue glow coming from the ring. I could only think: Yes! Finally! Something nice has happened! Part 2 I couldn’t believe it. There were so many things going in my mind: first of all, did I really have a strong will and a pure heart? Apparently so, as for the glow the ring gave a few moments ago, its magic had worked. Believe me, people mess up with your mind when they try to hurt you. That moment really cheered me up, I wasn’t the bastard I had been led to believe. Secondly, oh my, I can’t wait to try my powers! Where shall I begin? My first goal: be 7 feet tall. But how was I supposed to do it? The powers didn’t come with an instruction manual. Think Christian, think…. That’s it! Think! I started to think how amazing it would be to be 7ft tall, to be able to look above most people’s head. That’s when I felt it: I felt how my balance was changing and saw the floor from a higher view. And oh reality, my mirror wasn’t 7ft tall, I would miss everything! Unless… I wish the walls of my room had big mirror each covering them. A blue smoke appeared, and my wish came true. This was easy, maybe it would be useful to do other stuff…. In the meantime. Now I could see myself from every angle. Ok, let’s start. 5% fat…. Wow, so that’s why everyone at the gym said I had the shape for bodybuilding, let’s take advantage of that. But some other things first: full beard, no scars on the face, baritone voice, shoulder-length hair and more hair in the chest and in my treasure trail. By the way, full clothes on, though now my t-shirt and pants seemed small. To think I’m not half from done… Ok, let’s make it to size 48 without putting muscle, just bone structure. Now, a ten pack…. Oh yes that feels good, a brick wall. More shredded… yes, totally loving to feel the grooves between my abs. now, remain all the way long with a 30in waist. Mmmmm loose jeans…. Not for long. Bubble butt, bigger, that’s it (oh yes, I can be a total bottom) and able to take any dick but at the same time, as tight as possible. Now the front: 12in soft and 8in wide, also in a soft state, proportional when fully erect. Ops, on my way to find out which proportions will be. Focus, focus, pomegranate-size balls, able to produce a gallon of cum with orgasm. Oh my it’s getting harder to focus but I can make it. Before I completely loose it: I wish this ring fits me no matter the physical changes I go through. With that checked, where were we? Oh yes, restraining jeans. Tree trunks, so big it gets difficult to get my ankles together. All the leg muscles de….. oh yes….. defined, sartorius muscle visible, diamond cut… ugh calves Rrrrriiiippp, there go jeans. I’ll get of my shoes for this one: feet size 15. Wow, new balance, I almost fell down. Impressive, if I may say so. Well taking the whole picture it looks ridiculous: pieces of jeans hanging for their lives to two impressive tree trunks, a bubble butt with boxers that now look like a thong and a big cock begging for release. All of this attached to a skinny broad-shouldered torso. Best for last. But first things first: cock release. So much pre, I shall resist the urge to drink it… that give me an idea, but for later. Now, big pecs, bigger, that they block my view, perfect. A glass can rest over them, and my shirt’s neck is so stretched it now gives a sexy view of the shelf I now own. Back. Big, awesome back, that puts any pro bodybuilder to shame. Big lats, as wings, that force me to have a permanent 45 degree angle. Talking of which: big biceps, 24in arms for starters, with triceps resembling hooves. Big hands, long fine fingers, able to manipulate a scalpel, but also able to crush anything I want. Also, smooth fingertips but a callous palm, to be intimidating at a hand-shake but capable of caressing a lover. Rrriiipp. That’s when I lost it: so much power, so much strength, so manly, I had to cum. The best and biggest orgasm ever, it felt like a thousand of a regular orgasm and that still feels short to describe. I could only feel myself flexing and cumming. My instructions were accurate: I was cumming about a gallon after every orgasm, it took about 50 shots to finish each orgasm. What I never took in consideration was that I tend to have 4 or 5 orgasms. It was a mess, a really manly mess. That’s when I had an idea: I wish for my cum to be nutritious, for anyone who drinks cannot starve by only drinking my cum. I want it to be delicious for everyone and, at the moment I desire, my cum will act as the best aphrodisiac ever. Well, right now I have a lot of cum to drink/clean. But I can also pump it directly from the source to my mouth. It’s gonna be a long night. Imagine how awesome this is going to be when I have sex and use my new powers. I can’t wait, but I’m also hungry. Bon appetit! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Well, here’s my story for the time being. Hope you guys like it and have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. I hope to continue it soon. My exams area near so I’ll try to make time for writing. It’s my first story and my first post ever in this forum. I’m a little nervous about it. Any feedback will be appreciated!
  14. dangerdanger

    Ivan The Terrible

    So there I was at the age of 45 trying to build my life again. I mean, not again, ufff… it's hard to explain… but let's say I had the opportunity of a fresh start. So I moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Why Argentina? Well, I’ve traveled a lot and from all the places where to find a balance between nice city, cheap economy and sexy guys this is THE place. So I rented a small apartment in Palermo and decided it was time for me to start a new business. I had some ideas that I thought could work very well and maybe after a year or two sell them as a package for big investors. This was going to be the third time. The idea was quite simple: an e-commerce for wholesalers. Easy, possible and cheap. I only needed a developer. Not too experienced, actually an intern would suit the role more than well. So I started interviewing. I'm not going to bore you with all the interviews I did and all the people (nice people, by the way, love you all). Let's move faster at the end of the line where Ivan was. Ivan was 20 years old. He was a morocho (they call them like that in here), not a black person, not a white person neither but maybe closer. Was he handsome? Mmmmm he wasn’t bad… you know… I mean thinking about his head… he was kind of nerdy… worst haircut ever… like dumb and dumber you know? But… ok Was he tall? Probably 2 inches taller than me. I’m not Mr. statue, but I don’t feel I'm a hobbit… I’m a decent 5 foot 5 (no one will remind because of my height, ok). Was he built? Ok, now we have something to talk about. You know those guys that have big muscles (or decent muscles) but covered in fat? Well, he was one of those. I mean, he wasn’t fat at all. He had like a broad back, big shoulders, big arms and his body stretched that shirt especially on the shoulders. But because of all the fat he had there was no chest definition, no six packs… It was a trained boy, with a big body. He looked strong, no doubt about it. So we talked for 30 minutes. I felt he was good for the role. —So, do you have any other interests? Hobbies? —Oh… hobbies? I like to train!… Gym! —his English was as rough as himself. —I can tell! He laughed —Do you train a lot? —Oh, four times a week… I used to be personal trainer… —Really? When? When you were 10? —haha! No no, two years ago… I’ve been training since I was 15… —Nice… ok then, let me call you back… That night I jacked off thinking about him. I mean I could be his father… or he could be a friend of my son? That was much better… (I'm not THAT pervert…) So… Ivan… big and powerful and young Ivan… when you reach certain age there are some things that look way different from before… youth was one… and body of course… cause actually they are related. I couldn’t help but get horny with the idea of a much younger man than me… overpowering me… dominating me… ok ok… all the humiliation games you probably know… Sex, for christ sake! So next day I sent him an email: Congratulation! You are hired! And sent him the address of the office I rented and asked him to be on Monday at 9 AM. I'm not going to give many details of the work itself. Let say I had money and was good at business, to make things short it was easy for me. It was a very nice office, a small one with two desks I bought, a bathroom (with a shower and a small dressing room!) and a nice kitchen. So on Monday there we were, young and big Ivan and me. I took the first week to explain to him every detail of the business so he would know what to do. He learned fast and looked happy with his tasks. By the end of the month, we were working 100% of our time. Things moved fast, so did Ivan… Winter came and since I like doing sports I started jogging at noon. It was my favorite moment of the day to do that and the only possible moment to avoid freezing. I changed myself in the dressing room and went out. Ivan kept on working with his headphones on listening to some metal (I hate metal!). After some days of doing that routing I said: —Hey, Ivan! Don’t you wanna go out to do some jogging? —What? jogging? I’m not that fan of that… —I mean not necessary jogging… you could do whatever you want… don’t know… do some training… I mean... There are a lot of gyms nearby… —Really? —his face lit up— That would be great! Thanks, Mr. Johnson. —Ivan, you can call me Andy. —Oh! Ok, sorry, Mr. Johnson. So he kept calling me Mr. Johnson. That was something that made me feel older but at the same time… hot? Don’t know… Oooh, sex… what a mystery you are!! Ok so I kept on jogging and Ivan started the gym. And after that each of us would eat at their desks, working. I was in front of him and the screen blocked us from seeing each other. From time to time I would stand up to answer some doubt next to his computer and sometimes it was the other way around. Normal business, people. Keep going, nothing to see, except Ivan. At first, I didn’t notice it. But it was true that he used to use jogging suits all the time. So, what could I notice below that?. But once I stumbled next to him and grabbed his arm to keep from falling. What happened? Don’t know but that wasn’t an arm! It was like concrete or something even harder… —Are you ok? —he said. —yeah… sorry… sorry I grabbed your arm… —Oh, it’s ok… I didn’t fell anything… So there was something going on… Autumn finally came… and that Monday Ivan came with a t-shirt of a smaller size than his body. I remembered he was big… but now for sure, he was bigger. —Hey, big guy! —Hey Mr. Johnson —he said and left his bag full of who knows what. —You grew some muscles over there… —Oh? ha! yeah! I'm training a lot… —Really? I can tell! How many times? —Oh five… yeah, five… —Nice! Good progress! —Oh, thanks! —he said. I did notice he was quite ashamed. But that wasn’t the only thing that was changing. There was this day. Both of us were working in a certain feature and I wanted to check something with Ivan. —Hey, Ivan! Come here —I said from my desk. He stood up and came just right next to me. I showed him some things that he was doing wrong and told him how to fix them. Then I said: —Ok, we’ll do that later… I’m going to jog —and then I stood up. What happened? I froze… —Are you… bigger… I mean… taller… —Ah? —he said looking at me from his good head taller. Not only taller, I mean he was bigger… way-way bigger than before… his shoulders… he had… he had a chest… —You think? —he said taking a step closer to measure himself My heart skipped a beat. I was two inches from his body. I didn’t realize how big he was. He lifted an arm to measure my height against his chin and I saw what was going on at his arms. Muscles! Big muscles. —Yep… you are right… I'm taller… How tall are you? —Oh… don’t know… 5 foot 7? —Mmmm don’t think so… I was that when we met and I was taller than you… —Oh… —I must be 5 foot 8… —That is tall… —You think? —Yep, you are starting to look big… —Yep! —he laughs— My girlfriends say that too. —Does she? —so there was a girl… What happened? Oh, nothing, Ivan kept growing. Did it make sense? Of course not! I mean he was too old to have a growth spurt… how late was that? Well… never mind… Was I was enjoying the whole thing? I was going nuts… Every day his clothes were tighter, shorter, smaller in comparison with this huge body. But not only he was getting bigger, he was losing some fat… and muscles started to show themselves. —Hey, Mr. Johnson! —Hey… wow! Ivan… what happened? I mean… you look huge! —Haha! You think so? Thanks! I feel great! He would never do a double bicep or something… he was super shy… but there was no chance he could hide that muscle body… —How much do you weight? —Oh… don’t know… I don’t weight myself that much… —Really? We’ll have to fix that! That afternoon I bought a scale. —There you go… step there… take off your sneakers and your sweater… He did… OMG! What a back! He was becoming a beast! —230lb… Ivan, you are huge! —Wow! I didn’t think I was that big… I mean I see myself in the mirror… and I feel good… —Do you? —Yeah! I'm lifting a lot! —How much are you bench pressing? —Oh!… let me see… 100… 150… 300 lbs I guess… —Wow! —Ha! yeah! But my trainer told me is ok for someone as big as me… I'm 6 foot tall now… —What? —haha! Yeah, you were right Mr. Johnson. I'm getting taller! —You are giant! I’ll have to look too high to talk to you! —Haha! You are not that short… —Let me prove my point! —I step closer and look directly to his chest— You see? From here I can only see your chest… huge chest, by the way? But to see your face I have to move back… you see? Huge! —Haha… you are getting smaller Mr. Johnson! So every Monday we had our scaling session and I added a tape to measure his height. —Haha! 250 lb, Mr. Johnson! —Come here, you giant! Let me measure you! He steps next to me. I was facing just the bottom of his chest. Every part of his body was getting too huge for his clothes. I raised my hand and touch the top of his head to read: —6 foot 2… He was enormous but at the same time, he was so shy that was like a little kid in the body of a supergiant muscle man filled with strength from head to bottom. A few weeks later: —Wow! 270lb, Mr. Johnson! —Really? Let see if you grew… But when I tried to measure him I realize I didn’t reach his head. —Let me help you —and lift me so I could reach his head. His hands were enormous and I felt the strength on his arms that didn’t tremble, not even for a second. —Wow! You are getting strong, Ivan! —Haha! Yes, that was easy… how much do you weight? —Let see… The scale said 145… —Wow! That felt like nothing, Mr. Johnson! And then I read the tape… —Ivan, you are 6 foot 3… I was starting to freak out… A month later he went to the scale by himself. —How much, big guy? —I said. —Can’t read… It was true. The scale was next to the wall and to read the scale he had to bend over this chest but the wall was there. —Let me do it —just getting close to him was amazing— 310lb… its official: you are a giant! —You think so? I feel all things around me getting smaller. You too, Mr. Johnson —and he lifts me up— You are getting lighter! Measure me! So I did. —Oh… Ivan, you are 6 foot 5… —Are you for real? Let me see! —he was still holding me— Wow! I'm as tall as a basketball player! —Ehhhh… Ivan… Can you let me go? —Oh Sorry! I forgot I was holding you! You weight nothing, Mr. Johnson you should put some weight! But next week his mood changed dramatically. On Monday he didn’t even get close to the scale. He was silent and I could see he was sad. His expression was even different. —Are you ok, Ivan? —Yes, sure… —You don’t look ok… is there something worrying you? —Mr. Johnson… do you have a wife? —I did —It was 50% true… —Did you ever fight? —A lot. Did you fight with your girlfriend? Did something happen? —She says… —he paused. —She says....? —She says I'm too big. —You are big… that is true. But is there something bad about it? Some people are big... some are not. Is she worried because you grew too much? —No, you don’t get it… It’s not about my height… —Ok, it's about your muscles? —No!!!!! —he almost turned red just because I said that. —Then what is it about….? —and then my heart skipped one… two… three… four beats— Oh! Oh! Oh! You mean… —Yeah… —Oh… —I went silent— Really? I mean… how much? —She says it hurts too much! She doesn’t want to be with me anymore! She thinks its weird… O was starting to feel a heat. —And… mmmmmhh… And… aahhh.. what… do you… think? —I don’t know! —Do you like it? I mean do you like to be… big? —I don’t know! —I think you do, Ivan… He looked at me. He was a boy. A muscle giant with a huge (how fucking much????) cock, but a boy. Strong as a fuck but lost… —I think you know… and even more… I think you like it… am I wrong? you like to be big. He kept on looking at me. I punched him on the shoulder (my god… it was made of concrete) —Don’t be sad, big man. Maybe she is afraid, maybe you need to think about you… what do you want? Can you answer that? You like to train… right? Go to the gym? —yes…. —And you like getting bigger… –yes… —And you like getting taller… —yes —Now, don’t tell me you don’t like to have a big… you know… everyone man would like that… What do you say? You like it or not? —I think I do… —Ok —I stood up— Let’s do this… I'm going to sponsor you… Ivan was shocked. —Sponsor me? —Yes! I’m going to help you in your training. I’m going to sponsor you. You know! I’ll buy you all the things you need to have a proper training. Proteins, carbs, creatine, all that stuff. What do you say? —Really??? —he was smiling now— Mr. Johnson! Don’t know what to say! —Say you’ll train harder! He stood up. His face went up up up and all his body erupted like a mountain of muscles. I didn’t reach his chest anymore. He hugged me and pressed my face against his mighty pectorals. They were there, I felt them like a wall of concrete. Solid and powerful. I had to see him without clothes. I felt like a little kid crushed by a muscle man. —I’ll get huge for you, Mr. Johnson! —and he pressed me harder. Spring came and Ivan started to use fewer clothes. He was not only happier, he was bigger than ever and growing like never before. I bought him t-shirts and a lot of tank tops. Lots of very tiny shorts, and lots of supplements for him to eat. A few weeks later, the heat raised a lot. Teenagers were outside having fun. I was walking to the office and then I saw him coming. Ivan was on his bike bare-chested and using just a pair of lycra shorts. He wasn’t big... He was the biggest stud I’ve ever seen. His back was so wide that the bike looked like a tooth stick. His arms bulged with rocks of muscles and so did his shoulders. Those shoulders were bigger than my head. The muscles on his legs were so big that erupted like jams on each side. He was the image of strength and power. The most impressive man. I ran to catch him at the entrance. —Hey, big man! He stood up and I saw his huge (HUGE) abs… 8 impossible big abs and the two enormous rocks filled with power on top. The biggest chest I’ve seen in a person. I looked him from top to bottom. I did notice the incredible big meat on his pants. But his huge body was shinning. It was all sweaty. The most marvelous man was in front of me. In front and above: he was way taller than me. I only reached his abs. I moved closer. —Nice bike! —I said just as I moved even closer. I looked like a small little girl next to her giant muscle brother. Shirtless and hung as a stud. —It’s not mine. It's from my dad. It's too expensive for me to buy…. —Oh! Really? Do you like me to buy you a bike? —Oh! No! No, Mr. Johnson, you’ve done a lot for me! I could never…. —Stop right there, big fellah! I like to help you! You are happy and that what matter most! Because you are happy, right? —Happy? I'm like crazy… I have to tell you… —Did you grow right? I mean… —I had to say it— you look impressive. I’ve never seen you without clothes before. —Oh yeah! I'm way-way bigger! —We should weigh you! —That would great! —he lifted the bike and carry it above his shoulders. —You first! —I said to follow him. Walking was even more impressive that cycling. Every muscle on his back was working in something different. His legs were so long and big that he has to move them in a weird way. And his arm, his flexed arm that was holding the bike looked like metal or even more: pure muscle of a man. He stepped into the scale… and… broke it! —Ivan, you broke the scale… —Oh! I'm so sorry, Mr. Johnson. I’ll buy a new one! —Don’t be silly! —I said and punched him on his abs cause it was the only part of him I could reach. Believe me: it was as solid as the wall— Go take a shower! I’ll buy a new one! So I run to buy a new even more resistant scale. —There you go. Take off your clothes so we can get the real number. —Sure He said and tried to take off his shirt. But he couldn’t —Haha! I can’t take it. Would you help me? —Sure! —I said trembling! I grab it and helped him. When his muscle torso was free he moved closer. —Thanks! It’s hard for me to take them off, my back is too big. I lost my breath. He steps on the scale and said: —I can’t read. —Oh my god… —What? Did I break it? So sorry, Mr. Johnson! I promise I won’t do it again! —Ivan… you weight 420 lbs… —What? Are you for real? I’m huge! I was right next to that giant muscle man and I did notice the big python starting to move. —Ivan… you are an impressive man… I’ve never seen someone as big and muscular as you. —And you didn’t see me naked! My heart stopped… —Oh Sorry Mr. Johnson, I didn’t mean to say that! It just! Oh shit! —It's ok, Ivan! I understand! You had something to tell me…. —Oh! yes! —he said and he turned red— Last night… ahh, I went to a party… and there were a lot of sexy girls there… —Oh! I see. And you met someone! —Yes! and no! I mean. I didn’t meet them! —Them? He looked at me and turned red. —Did you have sex with more than one girl? He said yes just moving his head and smiling like a child. —Two? —He said no— Three? —he was smiling even more— Wow! How many? Four? —Seven… —What? —It was incredible, Mr. Johnson! They were crazy over my muscles!! They started touching me! And kissing me! It was amazing! You were right, Mr. Johnson! Girls love big muscles! They said I was huge and asked me to flex! I was so horny that I did! It was funny! I’ve never done that before! —You never flex, before? —Nop. —You should try it… —You mean alone? I don’t get it! What for? —I don’t know… I mean… I could help you with that if you want… —Really? that would be great! I would flex for you! Thanks! —No problem! And Ivan, you don’t need to wear a t-shirt in here. So feel free to be like this if you want! —Oh! Great! —and even without noticing he bounced his chest. Unbelievable. Pure mass of muscles. A man filled with strength. —Oh! We forgot to measure you! —Oh, yeah! Without even saying anything he lifts me. But I didn’t have the chance to grab the tape. So he just uses one hand to hold me. I was using his palm as a seat and grabbed from his arm not to fall. It was like a tree, muscles over muscles, strong and expanded. —There you go —he said after getting the tape. —Ivan… you are holding me with one arm… and your arm… is huge! —Oh! yeah! you are not that heavy you know! I use barbels bigger than you. —Can I touch it? Your arm I mean… —Sure! Look at this —and he flexed his arm in front of my face—Look, Its bigger than your head! —Can I touch it? —I was trembling. —Sure! I grab his bicep with both my hands. It was a rock. A huge a powerful rock. The strongest arm I’ve ever felt. On the biggest muscle man, I’ve ever seen. —It's so… hard… —Squeeze it… —Oh… really? Ok… —he was still holding me with his other arm. —Harder… —Oh my god… —Harder… —I can’t… —Haha! You can’t even dent it! —he straightened and I lost balance. Without even thinking I placed my hand on his chest. It was even harder! —Oh sorry! —Don’t be sorry, Mr. Johnson! You can touch my body! These muscles are all yours! I'm this huge because of you! You can touch my chest anytime you want! —Really? —Really… go ahead! Feel how hard I am… —Oh my god… Ivan…you are so big… and hard… —Told you…hit me… —What?? No! —Come on, Mr. Johnson! You won’t hurt me… —Are you sure? —Yeah! —he shouts and bounces his pecs I hit them. It was like hitting a tank. —Again! I punched again! —Come on, man! Hit hard! Hit like a man! I used all my strength. His body was even harder! —Harder! Hit my muscles! I obey. —Come on! Hit this chest! I was exhausted but I tried again. —Told you! —I was so tired that I rested against his chest without noticing it— You can’t hurt me, Mr. Johnson. I'm too big. I was just caressing his chest. —You don’t know how good it feels to have muscles this big! I feel like a fucking beast… I could lift you like this for hours, you know?!! How does it feel, Mr. Johnson? To be next to someone as huge and strong as me? —It's amazing —I was about to start kissing his chest. —Did you ever see someone as big as me? —No —I said not only to answer his question but also because he left me on the floor again. —Stand up next to me, I want to see how big I am. I was almost shaking. I was just millimeters away from his abs. And his python cock was almost burst his shorts. —You are getting smaller, Mr. Johnson. I have to bend to see you over my chest! Hows the view? Am I big enough for you? —You are impressive… —Do you want me to be even bigger? If you want I can grow more. —Oh yes… please… —I can make my muscles much bigger… and you won’t even reach my abs. Do you want that? —Yes, please! —Ok, Mr. Johnson. I’ll get huge for you! I’ll make my muscles even bigger! I’ll show you how big can I be. Enjoy the view, Mr. Johnson! Summer came. What could I say? I was living a dream. Ivan was beyond of being big. He had to duck to pass through doors, he had to turn because his back was wider than frames. He was not only getting big, his muscles were gaining more definition, thickness, and density. He wasn’t using shirts anymore, days were so warm that it made sense for him to be bare-chested. But what a chest! It was like looking someone with his armor on all the time. From time to time a would stand up and go to his place to show him something. But instead of that, something like this happened all the time: —You look amazing, Ivan. —Thanks, Mr. Johnson. I’ve trained shoulders today… You should’ve seen me lifting like crazy… I would place both my hands in each of the huge and rounded shoulders. —Your shoulders are huge… You are such a man… —My muscles could use some massage… And I would do that like a servant. I would massage his back, his shoulders, his arms, and his huge chest. —Mr. Johnson, you are great with your hands… Feel this… And then he would tense his chest. —You are so strong, Ivan. I can’t believe the size of your muscles! You are a god! —Ok, I'm off —he would stand up— This god is going to get even bigger. I would stand next to him. He was so tall that I was face to face with his python. His legs were huge as tree trunks. I placed my hands on his strong legs and huge legs. —You like that, don’t you, Mr. Johnson? —Oh, you are such a man. —You I’ll see how much this man can grow, Mr. Johnson. And he would leave me there. That was almost every day until the bathroom thing happened. One day he came back from the gym. He had not showered there because they had a problem in the gym so he came back to take a shower at the office. I followed him like a zombie. —Can I help you, Ivan? —Oh… Yeah… I’m so hard after training I can barely move. Would you mind taking my clothes off, Mr. Johnson? In other people, I would detect the perversion at these words, but there was none in Ivan. He was like a child. —Oh, sure! He sat on the small bench the dressing room had. He was still taller than me even seated, but I got in front of me his wide and big chest. What a view! He lifted his huge arms and I took his tank top from his waist up, up, up and he was free. All his body was shining, rock solid and filled with the biggest muscles. I placed both hands on his chest and filled his strength. Without even thinking I kissed them. A second after I was frozen. I didn’t dare to look him in the eyes. —That was nice, Mr. Johnson —he said and added— You can kiss my muscles. Girls do that. They go crazy with my chest. You can do that as well. Let me show you. He placed one of his big and powerful hands on my head and pressed me against his chest. —How’s that Mr. Johnson? Feel my power. You can use your tongue, you know. Girls do that. There you go, lick those big muscles. Lick my chest like a girl! Oh, you are good with your mouth. Do you like my big chest? —I love it. —I know you do. He stood up. But he was too big to fit in the dressing room. —Take off my pant, Mr. Johnson Was that possible? I mean how did he fit in those pants? They were super tight at his waist but below that, he had the biggest and most hard legs I’ve ever seen. I started to throw but it was impossible. I only got to see his underpants and his huge python resting there. —What happens, Mr. Johnson? Do you need some help with my shorts? —You are too big, Ivan. I can’t —Haha, don’t worry! Let a man handle that. And with a single movement, he destroyed his shorts. —There you go. I was just looking at his giant muscle body in front of me. My hands were shaking. —Are you going to stay there, Mr. Johnson? —Ivan… —I didn’t know what was I going to say —Don’t be afraid, Mr. Johnson… —Would you… would you call me… would you call me “little man”…? He smiled. —Don’t be afraid, little man. I'm a huge man, but I'm not bad. I have huge muscles but I'm a good guy. Do you want to see my huge cock? I said yes with my head. —But first take off your clothes, little man. I want to see how small you are. I did as fast as I could, though I was trembling. —There you go, little man. You are so small and fragile… haha! it makes me feel huge. He did his first most muscular pose. —Look how big I am… Look at my body. This is how a man should look like. Look how big is my arm comparing to yours. You are so weak… His python was raising below his underpants. —Do you want to see my huge muscle body naked, Little man? You are going to cry when you see the size of my dick. Take off your underpants. I did. —Whats there? You call that a dick? Haha! It's the size of my pinky. Let me show you how big is the cock of a real man! And he started to flex his body and while he talked his cock grew and grew and grew. —I love to be this big and you that small. Hows the view of my body? my big and powerful body. I love to see all the little people like you look at me from below. I love how they get scared of this chest. I have all the power here, you know. I like to see you drooling over my muscles, Mr Johnson. I'm your biggest turn on, ha? You are such a fag for my muscles and you are so small, I could crush you with my fingers. I love seeing you get smaller day after day. I love to show you how much I can grow. You call yourself a man? With that dick? Really? —his python was the size of my arm now and pointing up— This is how a man should look like. Muscles everywhere. Strong as a fuck. Oh, Mr. Johnson, I'm so big. You don’t know how strong I am! All these muscles are so fucking strong. Hit my legs. Come on! Harder! Hit like a man! Yeah! Keep hitting, Mr. Johnson! I don’t feel anything! You are just a fag, this is man. Look at this arm! Look at this muscle! I’m a fucking giant! Lick my legs! There you go, lick them like the fag you are. I should rape you to show you how a real man fucks! But I think I'm too big! I would fucking kill you! Haha! I'm huuuuuge! —his python was almost the size of my leg—. Pay attention Mr. Johnson, LOOK HOW HUUUUUUGE IS THIS FUCKING MAN! And his underpants split in two. The biggest cock I’ve ever seen was above my head. —HAHA! You won’t even reach my cock —he said starting to stroke the immense shaft— I love to be this big. I'm a fucking beast. LOOK AT MY COCK! THIS IS HOW A MAN SHOULD LOOK LIKE! LOOK AT THE SIZE OF MY BODY! OH MR. JOHNSON IM TOO FUCKING BIG! COME HERE, STEP ON THE BENCH, LITTLE MAN! IM GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW BIG I AM I did and there I was in front of that huge, long, and filled with power shaft. He was stroking his monstrous cock very slowly. —ARE YOU SURE YOU CAN TAKE THIS COCK, MR JOHNSON? IT'S TOO BIG FOR YOU! LICK IT. I grab it with both hands and lick the huge head of it. It was way-way bigger than my mouth. —Haha! THERE YOU GO, MR. JOHNSON, LICK MY MUSCLE COCK! YOU HAVE A LITTLE TONGUE THERE… USE IT… COME ON…. WORSHIP MY COCK MR. JOHNSON. WORSHIP MY FUCKING HUGE BODY. DO YOU LIKE MY MUSCLES DONT YOU? YOU CAN’T HELP TO FAG ALL OVER THIS GIANT BODY! YOU WANT MY CHEST, RIGHT?. ITS FUCKING ENORMOUS! IM SUCH A MAN! LICK HARDER! SUCK IT! OPEN THAT MOUTH MR. JOHNSON! MY HUGE COCK WON’T FIT IN THERE IF YOU DON’T OPEN BIGGER! COME ON, DON’T BE A PUSSY! OPEN IT! OPEN BIGGER! HAHA IM GOING TO BREAK YOUR JAW WITH MY COCK! ARE YOU AFRAID? ARE YOU AFRAID OF WHAT THIS MUSCLES CAN DO? YOU CAN’T STOP THIS BODY! IM TOO BIG! TOO STRONG! YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW IS IT TO BE THIS STRONG! ITS SUCH A TURN ON! I CAN FUCK EVERY ONE I WANT! HAHA ARE YOU AFRAID? OPEN BIGGER! HAHA GIRLS GO CRAZY ON MY BODY! JUST LIKE YOU, MR JOHNSON. YOU CAN HELP TO WORSHIP MY MUSCLES, SPECIALLY MY CHEST! EVEN NOW YOU WANT TO TOUCH IT RIGHT? YOU WANT TO FEEL HOW STRONG IS MY CHEST! EVERYONE WANTS TO TOUCH THIS CHEST! OH FUCK… I HOPE YOU ARE READY MR JOHNSON. YOU ARE GOING TO DRINK ALL MY MAN JUICE. And he came all over me and sent me to heaven.
  15. Tattcub

    The Visitor

    Remember, you came to me. I asked you when you first came to my door, pale and sweaty with anticipation and need. I said to you “Are you certain?” and you nodded, tears in yours eyes. You had a hand full of money and a head full of desires and urges that you, in your state then had no way to fill. You were small then, a tiny insignificant speck in a world that didn’t whether you lived or died. It didn’t care because it didn’t even acknowledge your tiny existence. You were a speck. Unloved, unnoticed and unimportant. All your life you had wanted to be something more, something bigger. You had wanted to make your mark on the world and trumpet your cause, your existence. A purpose. You tried many things over the decades that brought you here. You joined social groups and went online to feed your desires. You met up in hotels and conferences and played all the games. You listened to all the tapes and read all the fantasies and stories you could. You ate it all up and it sufficed, for a while. Then the hunger caught you again, that gnawing rapacious sensation that void aching to be filled by…something. You didn’t know or care but you still sought it. It started to encroach on your every waking moment. It was merciless in it’s tenacity and you kept feeding it’s gaping maw. Every day, every night you found little moments of pleasure. A clip here, a story there. Every day you continued to dig, to forage in your grubby little world of self-discovery and self-loathing in equal measure. You couldn’t help yourself. This obessession had taken you and you obeyed it’s whims and whiles willing. One night, in the quiet dark times before the sun’s rays caressed your computer screen, where you were still poised like a techno hunter waiting for some fresh game to come along. You happened upon a link that brought to a site that brought you to another site, that provided a link that gave you a phone number that you eventually found an address. It brought you to me. Do you remember what you said to me? How you begged? I told then it would have a cost. You said you would pay it, whatever it was. You said there was nothing in your life you weren’t prepared to give up willing for what I could give you. With that stated I stared at you, sat there in the big chair by my fireside. I smiled at you and I’m sure the light from the fire’s glow was reflected in my eyes. You flinched a little at this. I smiled some more. You told me of your life, quiet, horny and lonely. You told me what you had spent on your needs and wants and how much you were willing to spend. I could see you sat there in the firelight, a small bulge in your trousers expressing in a way without words how much your desires affected you. I asked you to give me details and made some cursory notes on a pad on the table. Not that I needed to of course. I already knew what you wanted. What you craved in the darkest moments of your most fevered dreams. You wanted all the pain to go away. All the hurt and suffering in your life, all the want, all the need. All the guilt. You wanted to see the world through innocent eyes again, not to be so inside your head as you put it. You wanted a life more physical and less cerebral. A life where all your cares and woes would be washed away, gone. Just like that. A world where you hadn’t been bullied at school and been a bully in return when you went to college. A world where you hadn’t been in a loveless, sterile marriage that had ended up just hurting the both of you because you hadn’t the nerve to admit what was really the problem. A world where you didn’t have any sordid little secrets and perversions that you thought would be held against you even though the world being what it was could really care less about you either way. You want a world where your dreams can come true, as I said. A world without pain, without suffering and without shame. A place for you to build a dream of lust and a place dedicated to your pleasure and your own needs. A selfish world to be sure. Not an impossible one. Many people do it but they do manage to pop out every now and again and remain a member of the human race. Not you. This is not what you want. So I steeple my fingers in the firelight and lean forward from the shadows my eyes glowing once more in the firelight. “Are you ready ?” I asked you. You nodded meekly and swallowed hard. “Then, let’s talk desire.” I smiled again. I look at you now as see what and who you have become. Do you remember what you were when I had you sat before me when I said… “Are you ready?” You nodded like a supplicant waiting for a blessing. You licked your dry lips and stared up at me through your weaselly boiled egg watering eyes. You swallowed the fear back in your mouth. The bravest thing you did and the thing that made me decide that maybe you were worth a second glance at. I stared deep into your soul and really saw the aching yearning desire you have. It was pure need and lust. You wanted to be freed of your mental and physical shackles but, ironically would be willing to taking on more bindings of a different sort. “I think then we may have an accord.” I said. My deep masculine voice reverberated around the room seeming to cause the flames in the fireplace to flicker slightly. You looked around nervously and then back at me as you wiped the sweat from your brow. I caught you hand quickly before you had a chance to bring it down again and trapped your fragile claw in my hard, calloused paw. It was as if you were a child, your hand was thin, frail and almost translucent it was so pale. Even though your pulse was erratic in fear I could feel your essence and knew that you were ripe for the change. I would be able to turn you easily. “Stand.” I commanded. You did so swiftly and nervously with me still holding your hand. “Are you willing to serve? If I gift you as you wish so fervently will you serve me in return and pay my price?” “Y—es, Yes sir. Anything. Anything you ask.” You breathed. “Take off your clothes.” I said in that same tone. You went pale and looked at me a moment as if trying to decided whether to flee the room back into the night where you had been only minutes before. You even glanced to the closed dark wooden door as if weighing up the odds before my strong arms clamped down on your shoulders preventing it. You stayed, not that I would ever have stopped you fleeing. You got this far on your own you must do the rest of it on your own too. You started to disrobe. First your light Jacket, as faded and worn as you were. Then your sweater and tie. Placed neatly on top of your Jacket. Then the inner vest that revealed the pale almost eel-like body underneath, barely any hair and perspiring in fear. You undid your belt and then slipped off your brown loafers placing them under the chair. With that down you shuck your trousers revealing again the pale, slim body underneath. This left you in your socks and your baggy underwear. You paused a moment and looked at me. I raised an eyebrow and nodded once at the underthings and you took off your socks and then your baggy briefs. You placed them very tidily on top of the pile and stood there shivering slightly in the warm room. You looked down at the floor and ashamed of yourself and covered your manhood with your small hands. I shook my head once hinting that you put your hands by your sides. You obeyed, revealing your manhood, your essence, your cock. It was surprising large. I know that you had used it well and often in your life, giving pleasure to your few real partners and eliciting surprise from the ones you paid for. This was the one thing in your life apart from your intelligence you could do something with. Your explorations into desire had taught you well. This pleased me. I could feel that dark energy running through you. The essence of the man you wanted, no desperately needed to be. It was a good 7 inches in length and was cut as is the way in this country for many men. It had a good weight to it and despite your fear it had a small drop of pre-cum just peeping from the little slit. A seed of the dream to come maybe. This would all be up to you. “Turn around. “ I said. Taking in your slumped shoulders and back. Your almost flat buttocks and stick-like legs finished off the picture. I placed my hands on your shoulders, you could feel the strength in them, the roughness of them and the heat radiating from the palms. You stopped shuddering. I placed my lips close to your left ear and you could feel my breath and felt my chest, shirtless as it was pressed against your back. I know you had a hard on in that moment. I could feel your heartbeat quicken and felt your lust and need grow quickly. This was good, this was fuel for the fire. On that thought I whispered in you ear. “Throw you clothes on the fire.” “See them burn and realise this is the end of the person you are now at this moment. By the time they are consumed so will you be.” You picked up your clothes and shoes and walked to the blazing hearth. Slowly piece by piece, one by one you dropped them into the opening. The firelight reflecting off your skin and your erection never receding. We stood there in silence for a moment looking into the flames as they consumed your former life. “Come back to me and turn to the fire.” I said. You complied and turned once more to stare into the flickering, golden firelight. I came up close behind you once more dropping my own garments and standing behind you totally naked. I towered above you. Thick, strong and massively muscular. “Stare deep into the flames.” I whispered. “And place your hands on your cock.” I commanded you again. “I want you to see yourself. See yourself within the fire. Imagine it holds the key to your dreams and needs. It can grant you all you desire and so much more, but you have to want it.” I called your name quietly as you gazed rapt and entranced by the dancing fingers of fire. Red, yellow, blue and light. All the colours flickered and reflected on your body. “See the change. Do you see it?” I asked. “Yes…I see it.” Came your quiet reply. So far away and distant but certain. “All you have to do is bring it out of the fire.” I said. “Let the heat come to you, draw it into yourself and become one with it.” I said. You continued to stare and I heard your breath catch for a moment. You were ready. I reached down and grabbed my own impressive cock. “Now I think we’re ready.” I said as I spat into my hand and rubbed it on my hardened member. It’s 10 thick, glistening ready and willing. “Lean forward.” I said. “Change is pain boy.” My voice dropped even more and became darker. “And this is gonna hurt.” I plunged my cock into your tight, unyielding hole. I know that it almost felt like it was tearing you in two but it didn’t. You felt both the pain and pleasure of it. This was what you wanted, what you needed and desired above all else. This was the price. You screamed into the hand I had placed around your mouth, the other on your shoulder as I slowly drew out again before slamming back in once more, up to the hilt leaving you with my entire cock inside you. I paused for a second and then repeated the same movement. I stared to get a rhythm slowing deep dicking you there in front of the fire. You screamed and whimpered into my hand and I know you were hard as steel. Your own cock now drooling it’s own preciouse juices. “Bring it into you.” I said as I rammed into you again. “Bring the change.” I said louder. “Embrace the change.” I shouted as I pummelled your arse. In and out, ramming your rapidily slackening hole. Ruining it for lesser men. “Take this fuck and become who you have always wanted to be. “ “Tell me what and who you are.” I demanded, never letting up. In and out, in and out. pistoning like a crazy engine. “I’m a big, stupid muscle whore!” You whispered. “WHAT ARE YOU!” I shouted in your ear as I felt you begin to change. I felt your back changed first, filling up and out as you were bent over letting me fuck you. It broadened, unfolding like a sail. “Nhhhhhgghhh….” You groaned as the back broaden into a monstrous almost u shape it was so wide. “I…..I’M arrgggghhh.” You moaned as your shoulders sprouted like mountains from your back. They were like titanic carved boulders, a mountain range that met in the middle at the Everest monument that were your Traps. They were magnificent. I gripped them hard almost biting down on them as you neck thickened too. It grew thick and wide enough that if you flexed which you were doing it would be thicker than your head. Your traps rising almost to your ears. “WHAT ARE YOU?” I rammed you mercilessly now, slamming your growing and tightening butt. I was get rounder and harder at the same time. I could feel you getting used to the invasion that I was committing to your hole. It felt amazing. I could feel myself getting near. “I A….BIG…Nrghh STUPID…WH…argh….FUCK ME! You scream as I ploughed you. Your desire feeding mine now as you began to push back against my thrusts as if born to do this. I could feel you grow taller, your legs rapidly thickening. Beautiful sweeps and shapes. Carved granite trunks that could snap a tree branch with ease and perfect rounded calves. All the muscle cut and carved to perfection your feet growing in size to accommodate the growth above. “WHAT ARE YOU?” I screamed now. Slamming into you with abandon as I knew the final phase of the physical transformation was coming. Your chest and abdomen had built themselves up. The pecs were beyond human shelves of muscle. They were so big that the perfect, rounded, thick, juicy nipples had to point down as the mass of them had nowhere else to go. The abs were inhuman to look at. Thick, hard, ridged muscle cut it’s way across you midriff. Beautiful obliques and then serratus muscle standing out in perfect contrast leading to a perfect Adonis belt at the top of a thick muscular waist that was able to support the sheer massive construct of flesh above it. “I’M A BIG, STUPID MUSCLE WHORE!” You bellowed in deep voice that brought me over the edge. I came inside you, I rammed you almost in a rage as I shot, load after load and spurt after spurt of cum into your warm, receptive hole. Sealing the physical transformation you had so desired. I pulled out of you, both of us panting like bulls and sweating like them too. I could hear your deep voice as you groaned. I grabbed a towel from the side and walked over to you. “We’re not finished.” I said. “I don’t understand.” You said as you stood up, sweat glistened off your still pale body. Your face and hair were unchanged and look at odds with the physique you had sculpted for yourself. You were looking at yourself in awe and pleasure. You kept touch and flexing, catching your reflection in the mirror over the mantle. “I still feel the desire.” I said, my voice darker. “I…I…This is fine.” You stammered in your masculine timbre. “Not so.” I said putting my hands either side of your face. Drawing you close and kissing your mouth. My bearded chin and lips roughly scratching at your skin.” “MMMffff” You said against the invasion of my tongue. You realised what was about to happen. This was the price you had to pay. Your skin began to darken, to become the hue of a man who works outside. Warm and weathered. Thick veins started to thread themselves across your body, especially on your shoulders, traps, biceps and most of all your forearms which were a monstrous construction. Almost beyond human in the girth and vascularity. Your legs were symphony of criss cross veins. Bulging out with every moment, each muscle group and striation screaming to be seen through the paper like skin. With the tan and the veins came the hair. You were a mousy brown-haired man no longer. Slowly each hair started to change colour and new patches grew on your body as I continued to kiss you. You begain to kiss me back, to explore my mouth with your tongue. Probing and suddenly eager. Your beard started to grow out, thicken after a good few moments into a nice lumberjack style beard. The hair on your head started to fall out slowly as the rest of your body grew more thick, beautiful red hair. Your beard, chest and legs as well as your armpits and balls all had a covering of thick red hair. Your shiny bald dome was the only contrast. You were moaning into my mouth now, almost trying to fuck my mouth with your tongue. I could feel you jacking yourself off, you hadn’t cum yet and that was the part I was waiting for. I pushed back with my tongue for a second and your face changed. It crumpled almost. Re-arranging itself. The brow got much thicker making the eyes seem deeper set. They were transforming from the dull puddles they were into beautiful bright green gems that glinted seductively from their deep sockets.The nose appeared to be slightly crooked as if broken but it seems at home in the square jawe and firm chin that it was now set in the middle of. The lips were sensuous and still perfectly manly, especially as you were still trying to rape my mouth with your tongue. You were close now, groaning and masturbating furiously as I pulled away from your mouth. Streams of saliva dripping between us as we separated. “Huh—hhuuuh uh uh” You panted. You wanted release but needed me to let you go. I smiled and turned you towards a large mirror in the corner of the room. You saw the monument of a creature you had become. You were flailing mercilessly at your eager cock as it too began to grow. It thickened and lengthened in your hands to the point where you put both your meaty paws on it. You thrashed it back and forth like a lunatic pre-cum flying everywhere. Your balls dropped again and hung thick and pendulous below your cock and your voice deepened even more as you groaned in desperate need for release. “Huh….uuuhhh..” You groaned rocking back and forth back and forth. You stared at me in the mirror unable to speak and the only thoughts were of your need. I stood behind you. I smiled and then I whispered in your ear again. “Pay the price.” I said oh so quietly. “Tell me what you are.” I’M A STUPID MUSCLE WHORE!” You bellowed with your entire soul. Your firehouse cock start to jerk and bounce as your huge firm balls contracted and you began to spurt cum. Shot after shot at the mirror you were staring at. Totally enraptured by the red headed god in the mirror. You seemed to lose your voice as it became only grunts. All you felt was your need. You didn’t have room for anything else. All your knowledge, all those years of study and work. All the years of disappointment and yearning, All the years of wandering and longing. All those memories now gone. You shot out every part of the you that walked in the door. Each pump of cum was also a handful of I.Q. Not that you realised or even cared for that matter, so in love with the muscled bull in the mirror. You got what you wanted.
  16. dangerdanger

    Little Diego, Big Bruno

    I've been thinking for a while whether to tell my story or not. Finally, I decided I was over it. It took me some time, I admit it: I've been obsessed with him for more than a year and I couldn't do more than thinking about him, jerking off and walk imaging ways to pay him back. Cause this is a real story, this happened to me. My name is Diego. I was born in NY and lived there all my life. I got to move by myself at the age of 25 and enjoyed my freedom for 5 years living on my own, dating with no attachments and trying to meet as many guys I could. I’ve always felt an attraction for big muscles but I understood that when I was 15 and my parents decided that we were going on vacations with some friends of them: The Patalli Family. They came all the way from Italy with nothing except his little son Jason. After a year they funded one of the most important pizza’s restaurants: The Patalli Pizza. Mr. Patalli was much taller than my family —my dad was 5 foot 6 inch tall, and he was the tallest of all of us—. So Mr. Patalli was a good head taller than my dad, but he wasn’t the tall one in his family. At the age of 19 his little son, Jason wasn’t little anymore: almost a head taller than his dad so imagine how big was for me, I didn’t even reach his shoulders… And what shoulders he had! He ate like an ape but he wasn’t fat at all, he was one of those guys obsessed with training. So he runs every day, trained every day and measure his muscles almost every day. I was quite chubby back then —not super fat— just out of shape and too embarrassed to take out my shirt in public. Pijama party with friends? Shirt. Pool? Shirt. Beach? What do you think? Super Shirt! So our vacations consisted of three of my favorite things: Share room with another “kid”, go to the pool with another “kid” and yes… go to the beach with another “kid”. And to make things worse he wasn’t the same type of kid I was… no mister. He was the type of training growing hulking muscles type of kid. Awesome! I was not only ashamed of myself, I got to share every day with someone that would make me feel even inferior to how I felt. Where were we? Helllooo!!! Florida!! Living Hell! So there we were: at the beach. My mom and dad decided to go for a walk —Nice! Forget about me cruel ones!—. Ms. and Mr. Patalli left Jason and run to the casino or some other depressing place. And there we were. Young Chubby Diego and Big Stud Jason. And then I started to feel dizzy. Jason took off his shirt very slowly like those guys in the TV. Like pooling the flag of victory for all to see. As the shirt started rising I got to see his waist just a little bigger than mine but with no fat, his well-defined abs and then his wings… the biggest back I have ever seen in my short life. After he was done his chest fell like an avalanche. Two perfect pillows filled with muscles. —What are you looking at, fag? —he said and flexed his chest. Oh my god. That was it: I died. Just in front of me, there was the body I’ve been jerking to without knowing it. My brain said: That’s it, buddy, I’m getting out of here! Jason laughs and tossed his shirt before going away. I will always remember his huge muscle back while running. Every part of this body defined against the sun. Hard, shiny, amazing… Stop right there! Don’t think that that was all… It was far from being over for poor little Diego. Our parents had rented a single apartment for the six of us. So Jason and I had to share the same room every night… and how was it almost every night? Our parents went out to dinner, and Jason did almost the same with his friends… It was only me who stayed to guard our castle. Brave of me, isn’t it? I can hear you screaming: Looooser! You have your point. But wait! Don’t rush! Because there was this night… —Bye, guys! —said my mom— Have fun! The key locked the door from outside and there I was laying on my bed watching facebook on my phone just to avoid thinking about anything… especially that Jason canceled his date and was in the other bed… laying on his back and chatting on his phone… wearing a very very very short pair of shorts that left his huge built and long legs exposed in all their mighty. Pure horse strength… —Ok, little man, count —he said. —What? —I said. And before I could think about anything he took off his shirt and lay down on the floor just next to me to do an impossible amount of pushups… 40… 60… 80… I was about to burst into flames… so did his body. I looked at his rounded shoulders and triceps work like a machine. Up. Down. Up. Down. And grow grow grow and what do you think? Of course! Fucking grow! When he was done he stood up —he was not even breathing hard but his chest was like expanding on every single drop of air he took— and clapped his hands to said: —How much do you weigh, fag? —Are you talking to me? —I didn’t say that of course, but my brain did while packing his stuff before leaving… —Don’t know… 110 pounds? —Really?… —he seemed disappointed (I was too)—. Too little, man, ok come on… —said by opening his big arms. The most impressive arms I’ve ever seen in my short life (yes, I know I said this before… every part of me back then was like that: short). Did I move? What do you think? Of course not! I was dead! My brain was in exile… I was chained to that bed! But this wasn’t a problem for big and powerful Jason. He ducks by my side and lifted me like I weight nothing… even worse… he said: —You weight nothing… Kill me, God! And there I was in the play of a helpless princess… or a baby doll… or a potato bag… firmly held against his chest… my check was against it… and it felt smooth and strong and hard and hot… His biceps were bulging against my back… in a few words: I was feeling the strength of his body. —Count! —he said and started to squat while holding me. How many squats he did? Forget it! My mouth was doing something that my memory will never remember. My eyes were fixed on that chest by my side… and since then I’m number one fan of big chests. I do remember his muscles stretching and flexing, he was shining and tanned from swimming at the beach. He also was laughing. I don’t blame him (I love him, for Christ sake!). I would have done the same if I were him. Imaging being held by a man way taller than you and not only way-way stronger but filled with muscles and hard after an impossible warmup. I felt protected and afraid at the same time. His chest and shoulders were tight against my body and with every movement of his legs (legs that after that grew to be 2x their original size), I felt his biceps tensing. He was a man at 19 and I was just 4 years younger but a super small and chubby kid. I felt he could protect me If the ceiling fell. I dream awake about that many times. I imagined the two of us being in a small room, small enough so his naked chest had to be above me and then the ceiling would fell off… why? Who knows!! I only know he would raise his hands to hold it while his muscles would explode in size. —Don’t be afraid, little man. I have it —he would say smiling. Of course, you have it! You have the biggest body I’ve ever seen! I wouldn’t say that, of course! I would just look at his chest, shoulders and arms growing because of the effort of saving me from being crushed… A pure man. Huge. Strong. And bigger just because I was small. OK! Enough of the dream! Let's go back to that terrible (Who am I kidding? Wonderful) night… Jason ended his training and after that, he put me down and tousled my hair like the child I was. —Thank you for being my dumb-bell, fag—said and sprint to the bathroom. Clever. Wasn’t he? Dumb-bell! I would have killed you, Jason, if I wasn't the poor kid obsessed with muscles I was. Ok. ten years have pass from that. I was leaving alone and guess what? I was training. I was going to the gym three times a week and after two months of being unable to do a single pull up I did my first and my second pull up. Success! I was strong… ha! Forget it! Now I know what was I doing wrong… but back then I didn’t. I didn’t ask no one about a routing. Forget it! I was too shy! Or too crazy… I built my own idea of training… which was 2 hours in the gym!! Impossible long routines that had almost no effect. So that lasted for a while. I did grew stronger but there was almost no sign in my body. There was that unbeaten fat covering every possible muscle I could build. So by the age of 27, I was a simple man… not a kid anymore but not a stud neither. I was 5 foot 5 (Michael fucking Jordan, people!) and weighed 145 pounds… ok ok! Stop throwing things! Ouch! That hurt, mister! I was trying, for Christ sake! At 30 I discovered three things: how to do a proper routing at the gym, how to eat for your body to answer your prayers and finally and most important: Bruno. I got to chat with him once. We sent pictures to each other and that was it. He was a little bit taller than me, was fit like one of those guys that are fit by nature but don’t train to get better at it: fuck off, man! So I didn’t payed him that much of attention. But it seemed I was the type of men he liked. He asked me once to go out, and I said “sorry, can’t”. Bitch! Same thing happened a week after that and then he disappeared. Don’t get me wrong, I'm not one of those guys that want just a hulking man to appear and fuck their brains out. I mean, I would love that to happen but to be honest I was one of those guys that need a pervert on the other side. I remember once a guy, lets call it X. We sent pictures to each other, I didn’t like him but he did like me. And what did he said? —Oh! You are tiny! —What? —my dick answered. —Yes! You are super short! That was it! I had to meet this huge beast that was calling me tiny. I travel over there with the biggest hard-on of my life. And what happened? The bold one that opened the door was just 3 inches taller than me! Disappointment! I let him kiss me and touch me until I said: enough. And left him with nothing. Bitch, again! So, what about Bruno? At least from our chats, he sounded like one of those guys that are sweet and easy going. Laughing all the time and maybe a little sissy. I didn’t like that at all and sometimes it was even hard for me to stand. I was a single man that looked exactly like any other man from NY with better clothing. Ha! —Wanna go out? —he asked for the third time. It was a cold night, it was the cruelest winter ever and I felt lonely and wanted someone to at least talk to. —Sure —I said. We met in a cafe. Bruno had his hair short, like a soldier. But he didn’t look like a soldier at all. He was thin, he bent his wrists and neck too much and laugh out loud almost like my aunt does. He was cute but too sissy for me. He talked about anything, he told me he danced a lot and asked me if I liked to do some sports. —Gym —I said. —Oh, nice! I like big muscles! —he said with a perverted grin. Are you kidding? Fuck off! I didn’t want a fag to be in my place. We don’t look the same, we are not the same, we have nothing in common! (That was my brain saying). And then he added: —I do spinning! Spinning! That is for girls! I could tell I was 100% his type while at the same time he was 0% my type. Mr. Heart breaker with you, people! That was it for Bruno… or that was what I thought. I blocked him. Winter ended. Spring came again and parks filled with people running. I did that too. Every Saturday I went for a long run. So there I was running shirtless and a little more confident, I admit it. I sported at least some V shape, not too defined, not too big. Just a decent one. And guess who I stomp with? Daaa! Bruno! —Hey! —he said waving his hand while running in my direction. Ok, let's do it fast. I didn’t want for someone to see me with him. And then I saw it. He was wearing very tight shorts, those lycra ones. What could I said? He was thin… I mean fit. He was fitter than I was, not too much. Probably same muscles but much less fat… except from his legs… Horse legs. Muscles over muscles, like two legs putted together to make a single but strong one and defined… and on top of that the most rounded and built ass I’ve ever seen. I wasn’t that much fan of asses and legs… but FUCK OFF!! Sexiness from down to top. It was like he only trained (like mad) up to his midsection and the rest came just by nature. He was fit, but too thin for me to look at. But his legs… my god. I wanted just to touch them. There was this muscle above his knee that bulged like… like… like a muscle above a knee bulging. —What? —I said. Mr. eloquent with you, people! —Training a lot, ha? —he said looking at me (at my body actually). I wasn’t a model, not even near but let say… fuck me! Who was I kidding? This guy looked like a fucking god… especially his legs. —Same there —I said pointing at his legs. He laughed like a shy girl. —Spinning effects… —he said moving them like two tree trunks— Its hard to fit into some pants. Kill me, god! Kill me, now! —Really? —I’m a genius. —Hey, you blocked me! —he said throwing a sissy fist to my shoulder— And I liked you! —What? Really? Someone kill my brain! —Really. Ok, it was nice to see you! And then he ran away. With his huge legs making a wonderful job there, tensing, expanding, flexing. And his ass jumping and doing magic. That night I unblocked him and started chatting. —I saw you looking at my legs —he said without hesitation. —Yep —I was about to die! —Ha! It was nice. A few days after I got him naked in my bed. He was fitter than I was, but somehow you didn’t see that when he was wearing any clothes on. It was like he didn’t like to have muscles but he did somehow… stupid nature! But after I saw his legs once I couldn’t help to look at them even with his long pants on. Biggest legs I ever felt. Filled with muscles, flexing at every movement. Strong and powerful. —So you are into big muscles, ha? —he said and flexed his leg for me. I was in ecstasy. It was like fucking a horse that sounded like a girl. It was a little bit confusing but he looked like a real man at least from waist to bottom. And what a bottom!!! Each leg of him was two times any of my legs. —Too much spinning makes you grow, you know? —he said. —Fuck you! —I said rubbing his muscles over and over again. —Yes, please! And that was how we started dating. Dating Bruno was easy and hard at the same time. The sex part was easy of course. I just needed to see him naked to sport a club that he would be pleased to suck like crazy and after that, he would give me his butt for me to play. So, he was passive and left me the rest for my enjoyment. I loved it. The hard part was the “social” part. I didn’t want for people to think “Look at those gays”, just “Look a single man, just the rest of the man in the universe”. Nothing special, just a regular guy. But it was impossible with Bruno. Not because of his enormous legs which people never mentioned (Don’t know why or how or what????) but because of his… sissiness? Most of the time he was 70% manly 30% you know what… but there were some times he was 0% manly… and KILL ME, LORD! I WANTED TO DISAPPEAR FROM EARTH. So did I introduce him to my friends? Some, just some girls. Forget about my other friends!. Did I introduce him to my parents? NO WAY, MISTER! (or MISSES depending on the day). I couldn’t stand it. I was too embarrassed to do so. So no family, no friends. What did we do together? Fuck most of the time of course. Read. Go out from time to time. I liked a lot the way he liked me (I could even tell he was in love with me) but I found it impossible to stand that side of him. I wanted a man, not a girl. Hello!!!?? Ok ok… you know what is like. So what happened? I decided to do something about it. —Why don’t you go to the gym? —I said to him once. —To the gym? Why? I don’t like it! And besides that, what for? —Don’t know… —of course I knew—To build some muscles… you could use them… He looked me with that evil grin that I despised so much. —You can’t help it, right? —said flexing his legs like he did nothing— Are you that obsessed? I had to jump to feel that muscles on his legs, so I couldn’t answer that. I was to busy licking them. —Let's do this —he said— I’ll go if we go together! And that was when I jumped like a cat when you try to get wet. —No!! —I said on the other corner of the bed. —Why not? —he said and his expression went from happy to confused. —Don’t know… I don’t feel like it… —You are ashamed of me, ha? Ashamed I'm not as manly as you would like to. —Pfff, of course not! —I can see it, you know. I'm not stupid. And like that, we had our first fight. We stop seeing each other for two weeks. I didn’t even send him a text message. I was angry and confused. Then I think about it again and again and again (my brain was exhausted because of that much thinking) and I realize I behave like shit. —I'm sorry… —I texted him. —No, you are not —he answered. —Of course, I am, you idiot horse! —I used to call him like that. Horse. Man-Horse. Centaur. All things related to my favorite part of him. —I miss that… —Me too… —and without thinking about it I added— I want to go to the gym with you. And then it all started. Did you ever ask yourself: Am I gifted? With your body I mean. Like genetically gifted. I never asked myself that, until I saw Bruno training. He knows nothing about. He didn’t even like to do the exercises but somehow he was good at it. And to make things worse he progressed like crazy. March - Me 154.324 pounds, Bruno 170.132 pounds (Because of his legs of course) I had to teach him every movement and build a routing to fit his current muscle development. So let's make things clear. I wasn’t either huge or strong. I was training for more than 5 years and let say I could lift some weight. And Bruno? Nothing! Zero! It was like a girl trying to do it well for her coach. I mean: he had those monstrous legs that could split me in half, that would outrun me every time we would sprint together, he would never get tired, he could do endless squats and jump impossible distances. But he never trained his upper body before. The day after the first day he complained like a girl. Every muscle was hurting. He even spent the whole day in bed. I thought it was too much but he insisted and almost cry out when I pushed him out. Ok, Mister Weak! But when we reach week three he complained no more. He was even enjoying going to the gym. He still refused to lift more weight. —I like you being the strong one —he said. But besides that, he was gaining some weight, and it wasn’t any fat. April Me 156.200, Bruno 176.012 So by April that was the schema. He outweighs me by 20 pounds. But he was lifting the same weights. Doing the same repetitions. And at the same time, I was training even harder. I was lifting a lot (for my weight and size). It was on the end of that month that one night while we were having sex and he was down on his knees I notice the difference on his back. It was way broader and some muscles were starting to appear. And then it started to happen. Every day that passed muscles were coming to view. Big, rounded and defined muscles. He laughed out of it. May Me 155 pounds (Cruel god!) Bruno 190 pounds Ok… there was something strange going on. But fuck! I was kind of enjoying it. At the gym, it was confusing to see someone as defined and big as Bruno (he was now way bigger than me) lifting such small weight. But on the bed, it was like my dream come true. I had a muscle stud just for me to fuck. Gym started to become an issue though. I mean I was killing myself and he was not even trying. Not for real. He was just doing the exercises I told him to do. But his body was growing like crazy. His chest expanded like his back. His shoulders duplicated their sizes and his arms did the same. The most impressive thing was his forearms, they grew so much that it was scary. And then I fell. I started to do an exercise just for my forearms, and what happened? I got injured! Tendinitis in both my wrists. I had to rest for two months. What happened then? I realized that Bruno was getting taller. It seemed that his body didn’t have enough growing muscles, he also needed to be tall (Fuck off, god!). He was already taller than me when we started dating, 2 inches was a lot back then… but after two months he reached 5 foot 9. It was impossible. He was not only built like a tank but also tall as a tree (for me, at least). And what about his legs? For christ sake! They were even bigger than before! —I feel great —he said once squatting and flexing his muscles in front of the mirror. It was like looking a young bodybuilder preparing himself for the competition. June Me 150 pounds Bruno 212 pounds Even though we stopped training Bruno not only kept on growing, he was getting taller too!. By the end of June, he was 6 foot tall. It was like seeing someone inflate in front of your eyes. Not only his muscles were growing, but his back was starting to be almost as wide as the door, and his chest… OMG! Two stones put together. It was like his body tried to reach the point of this legs (with no success because those monster legs were out of any league). When we have sex I felt I was fucking a real horse just because of this size. I needed to ask him to extend his legs so I could reach with my dick to THAT point. —I can’t believe you still getting bigger… —Mmmmm —What? —I didn’t… stop training… —What????????? —It was you who got injured! Not me! —But you told me you didn’t like to go on your own! —Yeah… but I changed my mind…! I like it now. —I bet you do, bitch! —Who are you calling, bitch, you runt? And after saying that he lifted and tossed me to the bed like a weight nothing. —Ha! I love being strong! —he said flexing both his arms. He wasn’t just strong: he was strength itself. July Me 148 pounds Bruno ??? In July my parents invited me on a trip to Europe. I thought about that for a while and then I decided I would like to go on vacations for a while. I remember the last night with Bruno on his bed. He was laying on his back with this arms extended next to his face. It was a vision of power. That morning I buried my face in his chest and then took a taxi. We visited Madrid, Paris, London, and many other cities. It was a great time. And I got some time to recover from my wrists. When I got back to NY I texted Bruno: —I'm back! —I'm running! See you in the park! I changed my clothes and run like a schoolboy desperate to meet his bests friends. But instead of meeting my friend I got to see this huge muscle stud tall as a tree running towards me. It was a vision that everyone could see and was seeing and pointing and owing and who knows what else... How much tall? Don’t know! 6 foot 4? 6 foot 5? HUUUUUGE! But not only tall. Built like two tanks. Every step he made transformed his muscles from soft to hard in milliseconds. It was the vision of paradise. —You shrunk! —he said laughing when he reached me. —What? —again my brain. I was looking directly to his chest. And what a chest… Broad. Big. —I can tell you like it —he said stretching his arms so I could admire the size, definition, and size (yeah, again!) of his body. —Fuck off! What to say? It was a dream come true. I was dating the biggest, strongest, tallest of all. But the thing was this: he was still the same sissy guy, except he was two heads taller now and 250 pounds. It was more than confusing. August (lets stop this measure thing for a while, ok?) The first night after I got back we slept together at his place. And guess what happened next morning? When I woke up I was alone in his bed (his new king size bed, actually)… and then I heard him. I moved myself to his side. Right next to his bed there was Bruno… doing pushups… and he was counting. —94… 95… 96… 97… 98… 99… 100 And with a quick movement he stood up. —Hey! —said the huge piece of a man. —Wow…! —Ha! You like it? —said and flex both arms. Two big mountains erupted from his arms. —Are you ok? —I said. —What do you think? —he said and flexed his chest… —Wow…! —Count…! —he said and started doing pull-ups in his new pull up bar. What is it with the counting thing? Does every stud needs for a tiny friend to count for them? —Ok! —said my cheerleader side (kill me, god!) Guess how many reps he did… easy… one fucking hundred… And after that he was not even tired… —How much do you weigh, fag? —Are you talking to me? —I did said that— You know how much! —Haha! I know you were too little, man, ok come on… —said by opening his big arms. The most impressive arms I’ve ever seen in my not so short life Did I move? What do you think? Of course, I didn’t! I wanted him to lift me up! And so he did! He ducks by my side and lifted me like I weight nothing… even worse… he said: —You weight nothing… Kill me, God! And there I was AGAIN in the play of a helpless princess… or a baby doll… or a potato bag… firmly held against his chest… my check was against it… and it felt smooth and strong and hard and hot… His biceps were bulging against my back… in a few words: I was feeling the strength of his body. —Count! —he said and started to squat while holding me. He was much bigger than Jason when he did the same (I was starting to believe there was something weird on me that pushed muscle studs to do the same thing with me) and way stronger. —You like it —he said looking at my dick. But he was enjoying it as well. There is a thing I didn’t mention before just because I was to busy with the muscle thing. There was his dick “issue”. Back then when we met that thing was a regular 4.7 inches (little less than my 5.9). But now… it was… how to say it? huge? big? it was a 12 inches long python! and big as a club! So the squat game was done… of course, he did his 100 reps… and guess what!? —Let's go to the bathroom —he said still carrying me like a paper ball. He stepped in front of the big mirror that filled the wall and let me… sit in his huge dick. —Haha! There you go! Enjoy the ride, tiny man! How does it feel to ride my huge cock?! Haha! Look at me! I'm huge everywhere! What am I? Four times your size? Look at this muscles! Look how big is my chest! And my fucking arms! I'm a beast! I feel so fucking strong! Haha! Look at you, you are so fucking small next to my body! Do you like the view little man? Are you enjoying my muscles? I could rape you if I wanted to! haha! What do you say? Do you want me to show you how big and strong I am? How’s that? Do you want me to show you how strong I am? Do you want to see what can this muscles do? Oh, fuck, I'm going to explode. And by saying that he lifted me and he impale me into his cock. I let out a scream like I never did before. —haha! You like it, tiny man! That’s how it feels a real man! And he lifted me again and impale me (again) but this time I was facing his huge body! I placed both my tiny hands on his chest to say: —Please, don't! You are too big! —Haha! I know! I'm a real man! Take a big breath, little man! I'm going to fuck your tiny ass like a man! And he did! At least until I passed out! Life continues as it was… But there were certain things that change from one day to the other. The “me fucking him” idea was over. I mean, imagine a 145-pound person trying to fuck a 270 pound, pure muscles giant. Each of his legs was bigger than my two legs together and his ass was like two mountains right next to the other. I was dying to fuck him but every time I tried to move into that direction something like this happened: —What are you doing, little man? You think you can fuck this beast? —and he would flex some muscles to show how big and strong he was— Comer here, feel this —he would say flexing his chest right in front of me —you feel that? —So strong… —I'm a genius, I know. —That’s it, little man! I'm a fucking monster! So… do you want to fuck this body? —he would say while standing up— In order to fuck this body you have to beat me… Ok, come one, little man. Haha, you are so tiny! You don’t even reach my chest, anymore! Haha ok ok, lets do this! If you lift me once I let you fuck me. —Fuck off, I'm not going to lift you… —Come oooon! Don’t be afraid! I’ll be nice, little man! I know I’m fucking huge and I’m way stronger than you. I mean, you look like a kid to me. People must think I'm your big brother. Well I’m big! ha! Nah, don’t be afraid! I’ll let you win this time. So you want to fuck this ass, right? Look at it! Come closer, have a piece of it! You see the size of it? Look at these legs! Huge! I have more muscles in one leg than you on your tiny body! —Ok, ape! You have a challenge! —That's my boy! Come on, give me a hug! —he would say lifting me to bury my head in his chest. Then he put me down and stand up in all his might. —Are you ready? Come here, try to lift this body. So I did! I grab his legs, or at least I try and then I push with all my strength up… and up… and up…. and fuck off!!! Nothing! not even an inch from the ground! —Haha, what happens little man? Am I too heavy? Are my muscles to big for you? Haha, you are so cute! Let me show you how a real man does these things! And by saying that he would throw me into the bed and after that guess what… he lifted the entire bed with me on it way above his head! —There you go, little man! This is how a real man does it? Do you mind if I train some shoulders? And there I go! Down, up, down, up and down again. —Haha, that was easy —bed was back to the floor and there he was flexing his muscles— I'm to big, little man! Come here, hang from my bicep! He flexed his arm and I grab myself from it. He lifted me up and down just by flexing. —You see my power? I'm way stronger than you’ll ever be. He put me down and made me stand up in front of him (yep, and I was his fucking toy). —You can’t fuck me, little man. You are too small to do that! I'm way-way bigger —and with every word, he would take a step and I would move back… until the wall made me stop. He pushes his body against me. I was pressed between his legs and abs, and that python dick pointing to my head. —Haha, try to move me, little man —so I did with no success—. You can’t, don’t you? I'm too big for you to do that! —and then he would start to jerk off— I'm a fucking beast, little man. And you can’t fuck a beast like me being a tiny man like you. Let me show you how a man does it! And he would fuck the brains out of me. Again I would pass out. So what happened next? What do you think? He asked me to move together. I mean, you would say that for him I was just a toy, but I was his type even I was way-way-way smaller than him, weaker and blah blah blah (not funny). He really liked me. Question is: Was I feeling the same? Mmm hard to say. I mean, I could only jerk off thinking about his chest, muscles and those humiliation sessions that made me go crazy. I mean, he was a monster. Every time I was away from him I wanted to feel his muscles, to touch them. But when he was next to me I was kind of afraid, marveled and stupid. He was too big. Too strong. So he asked me to move together and I said no. Why not? (I can hear you shout insults to my little persona) He was a muscled giant, still, sissy-like hell, dressed like a porn star and talked about muscles all the time, flexed all the time. I couldn’t just let anyone sees me next to that. It was my secret perversion. I was too embarrassed. I wanted no one to know I was a fag for muscles. And what muscles! So, what happened? We fought! He punched a wall and made a hole through it! Jesus! Fuck me! And then looked at me so pissed that I was afraid he would kill me. —I don’t know why I still like you —he said and believe it or not, he started to cry. He packed his things, dressed like a gorilla with a swimming suit and closed the door never to come back again. So life kept going… still… six months later I was single… and happy… I recovered from my injured and went back to train in my gym (every day I thought I might see Bruno again training his mighty body, but that didn’t happen). So I just had wet dreams about him. Think about him. Jerked off thinking about this body. And every time I would fuck someone I would close my eyes thinking about his legs and ass. And now you are asking: did you ever see him again? Oh yes… I fucking did. I got to travel to hell again. My parents rented a place in Florida and there I was. Alone at the beach. Just walking. I was dressed in a nice white shirt and a very nice red shorts. In a few words: sexy. And then I stopped. There, sat in a cement seat was this back… this wall of muscles… It was so big and strong that I had to move closer. I left the sand behind and as soon as I stepped onto the sidewalk I heard him calling: —Diego! —said Bruno— Hey! He didn’t stand up, but even in the seat he was a good head taller than me. I started to feel dizzy. —What? —there was my brilliant brain doing his trick. —Hey! Wassup? Come here! —he said, so I did— How are you? You look great! —Thanks… you look… ahhh —Big? —What? —Haha! Just joking —but he was big, way-way bigger than before. His arms looked like cannon balls and his chest was so wide like a king size bed with two big pillows on top of it! His shoulders were bigger than my head and his legs were so long and filled with muscles. Every part of him looked strong. —So, you kept training? —Haha, what do you think? —he said and flexed his arms. Biceps the size of my head erupted in front of me. —I followed your advice and started to take training seriously. —I can tell. —Haha! I grew like a weed! I think I fell in love of being big, you know. —Yep, I know. —Do you? —he said mocking—Haha! Just joking, you look good too! Are you still training? —From time to time, but I'm not as gifted as you though… —Gifted? me? You never said that! —Well, now I think that. Who do you know that could grow that much in such a short period of time? —Did I grow too much? —he said smiling and tousling himself. Doing that exposed all the size of his bicep for me to watch. —Well… Yeah… maybe… I mean… who grows up to 290 pounds? —290? Haha! You are way outdated, little man! I'm a 360 muscle beast! —and again the flexing bicep thing. —What? —cause, of course, my brain stopped working again. —Haha, you are drooling all over my muscles, man! —Well… you have muscles everywhere… hey, I was thinking… I mean, If you would like to go out some time that would be nice… But then a shadow covered me. —I'm done! —a man said from behind. I turned around just to find a huge and tall black muscle stud a few centimeters from me bare-chested and built like a black horse. I only reached his upper abs, so his wide chest was above my eyes. I looked him in the eyes and smile back. But then something strange happened cause this giant lifted his eyes up like following a mountain. —Let's go then —Bruno said. I’ve noticed he was bigger. But I couldn't measure how much bigger he was. Until he stood up. I was in between this two muscle men. But while the black one was huge, Bruno was way beyond that. For you to understand I was face to face with his dick… the black man just reached to his chests so next to Bruno he didn’t look just small, but also thin. Bruno's muscles expanded as he stood up. He was like a supergiant heavyweight bodybuilder. —This is Diego, Diego this is Africa. Africa? Well, he was big as Africa to me. —Diego? –Africa said— You didn’t tell me he was this small. What??????? —Haha! Well I wasn’t this big back then. But this little man is the most obsessed guy with muscles that I ever met —and then he looked at me and to do so he bend a little to look over his chest— Am I wrong? —What? —I did said that. —Haha! Don’t take it bad! Its ok to like muscles! I like them too! —and he flexed his mighty chest— How’s the view from down there, little man? Am I too big? You don’t even reach my abs anymore! But you can still look at my legs, you used to think they were big! Look at them now, each of them are bigger than your whole buddy! Ha, Im just kidding! Are you ok? You look a little pale! What is it? Are my muscles to big for you? I though that you would come in your pants just by seeing these muscles! Do you remember when I rape you? Could you imagine now? I would fucking kill you! You are like an ant for these muscles! I'm way bigger and stronger! –and then he raised his arms to stretch himself all his huge muscle body— I love to be big. I'm just too much man for you, little man, you know?. Its a pity you didn’t grow. I like you but you are too small for this body. But believe me, my cock is way-way bigger than before and not only that. I like to fight now, you know, —to mark his words he flexed all his body—. I need someone who can challenge me, at least for a while —and he winked to Africa—. I love to fight for sex and I'm way out of your league, Im too strong, to heavy and too much man to be with someone as tiny as you. No offense, im just too big. You see? Some people are just gifted like me tall, strong and filled with muscles. Some others are not. See you, little man. And he tousled my hair and walked away with Africa. I just stood there after coming in my pants, looking at the biggest stud I’ve ever seen in my entire and long life. If that black man was Africa, Bruno’s back was Europe and East Europe altogether, filled with mountains of muscles and strong as all their man together.
  17. MuscleNexusTF

    You're Fired!

    You’re Fired! Custom story request from a supporter on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MuscleNexus. I released it a few months ago there, but I wanted to post it here for all of you as well. Thanks for reading! Tags: SFW, muscle growth, forced growth, getting hairy, “You’ve got ten minutes to pack up your stuff and get out of here. You’re done doctor!” “No, no, no. You don’t understand. I’m so close!” Dr. Owen Nex stammered. “This work will change your military. The world even.” Owen’s boss leaned in close, his coffee breath puffing into the lanky scientist’s face. “If I had a dollar for every plucky PhD that told me his idea would change the world then I would have enough funding for your project. But that’s not the case. Months of work and almost nothing to show for it. You’re done.” The general turned briskly and stomped away. Owen opened his mouth to protest, to yell to the hulking man quickly retreating down the corridor, but then he let it shut. He was done and his dream would never reach fruition. He looked around his lab. notebooks, tubes, and large genetic material processing machines littered the cramped room. “So close,” he whispered to himself. He picked up a crate that had come that morning. PURIFIED OX DNA it read in bold letters on the side. It was his last desperate attempt to make his ‘super-serum’ work. The serum had been his obsession since high school. He was always skinny, puny in fact, and he hated that. But he hated lifting weights more. He knew that even the best steroids required weightlifting and a high calorie diet, so it was his mission to create a new kind of steroid that could bypass all that. Promising results during his PhD research netted him a contract with the government. A contract that was now expired. The crate was empty, he had tossed the ox DNA into the synthesizer with the rest of his half-baked serum - a final move that had ended once again in failure. He tossed some notebooks into the crate along with some personal items and turned to leave the lab and his dream forever. “Ding!” The synthesizer lit up and the cover slid open. A small cuvette of red liquid slid out. It was property of the government now, Owen thought. Not like it would do anything anyways… “Fuck the government.” He took his water bottle out of the crate and emptied it into the drain. “They get nothing,” he said to no one in particular as he dumped the red liquid into the bottle. “This is mine.” Owen dropped the crate into the trunk of his car and screeched out of the parking lot. “How was work?” Owen’s boyfriend Greg asked over the car’s bluetooth. “I got fired.” “WHAT!? Those assholes…” Greg was silent for a second. Come on home babe, I was just about to go for a run, but I can wait for you.” “No go. You know I don’t like running anyways. Besides, it’s raining” “Fine, but we’re going out when I get back. You know I can’t stand you sulking around the house.” Owen grunted his approval and hung up the call. By the time he pulled into the small bungalow that him and his partner shared the sun had begun to set and the rain had stopped. He popped his trunk and stepped around the car to retrieve his things. The air smelled metallic, electrical. Owen let the crate thud onto the kitchen table. He wasn’t going to pay attention to it anytime soon, he thought, broken dreams could wait. He pulled a bottle of beer out of the fridge, snapped the lid off, and settled on the couch. Not long after he heard the front door click and Greg came stepping in.”I’m drenched!” He called from the other room. Owen didn’t look up from his beer, “hey Greg.” “Ooh a beer sounds good,” Greg said, motioning to the beer cap on the counter. Let me get dried off and hydrated and I’ll come join you. Owen heard his boyfriend rip a few paper towels off the roll and the tap come on. “That was a good run,” he muttered to the living room in between sips of water. “I know it’s not really your thing, but maybe you could come with me someday?” “Maybe,” Owen answered. “Or maybe we can start going to the gym!. I know you’ve got a thing for muscular guys. It’s tragic that you ended up with a beanpole runner like me. That’ll never change, but it might be fun. What do you say?” “No.” “Oh okay.” Greg wiped beads of sweat from his forehead. “I’m still sweating like crazy, I’m going to have a shower.” Owen didn’t answer so Greg put the empty water bottle down and headed upstairs. He began panting as he made his way up. “Must be really winded from that run…” He thought. The stairs creaked under his footsteps, each one slightly louder than the last. “Damn, when did I get so out of shape?” He pulled the collar of his t-shirt, it felt tight on his neck. He noticed with his arm reaching up that his sleeves were also unusually tight, the material rode up his arms. “What?!” He hissed to himself as he looked at his arms in front of him. The back of each arm and hand were covered in matted dark hair and thick corded veins. His forearms bulged meatily in a way that was totally foreign to him. “Gah!” He grabbed his thickening, hairy arm and made a few lumbering steps into the bathroom, barely noticing the loud slaps of his larger feet. He slammed the door and quickly locked it before staring into the mirror. “Woah.” Greg held on the counter to keep his balance. He was definitely bigger. But how?! His eyes moved up his torso. His shirt was pushed forward tightly by thick abs with slab-like pecs overhanging them. They were still pushing out, creating a meaty shelf with a deep hairy crevice between them just becoming visible at his straining collar. He felt the material of the shirt straining as his back widened and his shoulders slowly throbbed into beefy boulders. Each sleeve cut into his ballooning biceps and triceps, making the bicep vein on each arm pop even more. He shut his eyes and grimaced as he heard the fabric begin to tear. He gasped in relief as the shirt finally fell away, in shreds. Breathing heavily Greg fixed his eyes on his hulking body. Each pec looked thick and full of hard muscle. They were covered in the same dark hair that he noticed on his arms. His jaw was also darkened with a short dark beard. He moved his arm up to rub it, grazing his thickened neck in the process. “What the fuck….” He grumbled in a deep, powerful voice. He then noticed that his running shorts had also fallen away in shreds. His briefs strained thinly over his mighty legs and ass. Already decent sized from years of running, his calves had thickened to immense proportions, each muscle easily bigger than his head, covered in thick veins and even thicker hair. He cupped a meaty pec in his hand and gave it a flex. The muscle bounced powerfully under his palm. “Oh shit….” --- Owen set the empty beer bottle on their coffee table and shut his eyes. Greg was taking a long time in the shower. He got up to get another beer. He cracked the cap off and let it tumble onto the kitchen table. It landed on it’s side and rolled until it clinked off the metal of Owen’s water bottle from work and fell on its side. Owen’s eyes narrowed at the bottle. It was uncapped, empty. “Oh shit.” Owen leapt up the stairs two at a time. Before pounding on the bathroom door. “Greg?!” There was no sound of water running, just heavy breathing. “You okay?” “Yeah.” Owen recoiled at the deep brutish sound from the other side of the door. “How about you let me in? What’s going on?” Silence, only punctuated by Greg’s heavy breaths from the bathroom. Finally Owen heard the click of the lock. He opened the door slowly. He smelled Greg before he saw him. A dense musky smell that frightened the small man and aroused him. Then he was face to face with two of the most muscled tree trunk legs and thickest muscle gut he had ever seen. He looked up to see his gargantuan beast of a boyfriend. The enormous man’s head almost brushed the ceiling, his dark dense beard tangled with his chest hair as he struggled to look over his pecs and gut to see his tiny boyfriend. “You did this,” he boomed at the small scientist. “Yes,” he gulped. “I mean no. I don’t know! What the hell Greg?” He stammered for words, half noticing the throbbing tent forming in his pants.”What are we going to do? You’re a monster! Oh god, I’m so sorry.” Greg half smiled, half sneered. He crouched down, making his massives calves flare out even bigger and coming eye level with his boyfriend. “It’s not so bad.” He moved an arm next to Owen’s head and flexed it tightly. He watched as the muscle balled up into a massive mound bigger than Owen’s head. Owen’s heart leapt into his throat as he caught the sharp smell emanating from Greg’s hairy pit and felt heat radiating from his massive veiny biceps. “In fact,” Greg growled playfully into Owen’s ear. “I want more.”
  18. MuscleNexusTF

    Subject #3

    Hi guys! After a little hiatus taking care of my own bodybuilding goals (did a cycle and got big) I'm back! To celebrate here's a story There's a version with a 3D illustration over at my Patreon account, it would mean the world to me if you took a quick look (to be honest I need the money for more food and gear ?). Check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/MuscleNexus And with that out of the way, here's the story!: “Drip.” “Drip.” “Drip.” Cody grimaced as a he felt a cool liquid running down his face. He groaned. He felt like he was waking up with the worst hangover of his young life. “Urgh.” He propped himself up, rubbed his eyes, and took in his surroundings. “What the fuck.” He wasn’t in his warm bed nor was he in his little studio apartment. “Drip.” Cody looked up to see the steady rain of water droplets escaping from a crack in the ceiling. It looked like he was in some sort of warehouse, or abandoned mall. And it was flooded. Everything had a fresh layer of moisture on it and the air was cool with the feeling and scent of fresh rain. He peeled his shirt off his skinny frame, it was soaked through. The rest of his clothes were too. He noticed the gloves on his hands and suddenly remembered what he was doing. He had been biking to work, but decided at the last minute to take a slightly different route. A route that forced him to past the long-abandoned shopping mall. Cody slid to his feet. He needed to find a way out. He spun side to side, looking for any hope of an exit. Finding none he walked to the railing and looked into the lower level of the abandoned mall. The entire first floor was flooded almost all the way to the second. Perhaps there was an emergency exit down there he could try… Cody took a deep breath, ready to dive in, when a tinny electronic voice crackled through the empty halls of the mall. “Subject number three. Observation beginning at 10:33 AM. Investigational product nineteen administered at 10:05. Primary therapeutic effect expected in two minutes. Standby.” “What?” Cody croaked, instinctively rubbing a sore spot on his delt where there was a small drop of blood and pinprick. “Hey! Heeeeey! Hello!” Cody called. “I’m not some kind of science experiment! What’s going on.” Cody nodded with satisfaction as the loudspeaker crackled into life again, at least he would get some answers. “Subject three, you are an experiment. Investigational product initiation expected in twenty-five seconds.” Cody swallowed hard. His throat felt swollen and tender, he placed a hand up to it and felt the barely perceptible thickening of the muscles and cords that ran it’s length. He groaned deeply as his whole body suddenly felt hot and heavy. “What.. Is… This…?” Every word sounded slightly deeper than the last. Somewhere in the back of his mind Cody began to feel pleasure mixing with his fear. He glanced at his expanding forearm as thick veins bulged across it and cried out a little. “No, no, no!” It was suddenly clear what was happening. “I don’t want this! I don’t want to be big!” He called out in desperation to nobody in the empty mall. His groans increased in desperation and pleasure as the man that was Cody became subject #3. At the bottom of his vision he saw his chest heavy with every breath, growing into thick slabs of muscle that hardened and jumped with even the tiniest movements of his arm. Below each sagging pec his belly swelled with muscle. He rubbed the fine hairs that dusted his turtle-shell like abs, not expecting to feel the jolt of pleasure that giving himself muscle belly rubs brought. His attention was suddenly brought to his lower half as he heard the fabric in his lycra biking shorts straining and ripping. Loose only moments ago they showed serious signs of strain against his rapidly swelling thighs, ass, and package. Cody groaned and grabbed the latter of these through the tight fabric. He lost himself for a moment, feeling the thickening meat in his shorts, but then regained clarity when an audible moan escaped his lips. “No. Not… Me.” He managed to growl before yanking his hand back. He staggered back a little, noticing the heavy thuds that his overgrown calves and feet made against the floor. He groaned again involuntarily as he realized how massive he had become and was becoming. Cody would’ve hated the overgrown mass monster standing in the abandoned mall, but subject #3 had different opinions. With a small gasp of defeat Cody looked himself over. He knew he would never be able to return to his life as the clean cut professional that had been biking to work only half an hour ago. “I freak,” he managed to croak. Subject #3 let his hand return to the throbbing meat in his shorts and never thought of Cody again.
  19. pasidious

    Camjerk 2

    Here is the second part of Camjerk. I hope it's as good as you expect! Please let me know what you think, even if it sucks. Part 1 ______________________________________________ My cock twitched, and I felt a surge of cum shoot into the shaft and launch from the tip into the air, landing on my keyboard, and then more spurts, hitting my face, my shirt, and even more on the keyboard. I shot volley after volley, until it was just dribbling down and onto my hand. I sat there, out of breath, panting, looking at my dick as the remnants of my cum-fest drooled down my hand and my dick. That was a huge load, surprisingly so, after the load I already blew so short of a time ago. I looked back at the screen on my desk, and there he was, the person responsible for my ejaculation. My heart was thumping in my chest. I didn't know how to respond to him. But then it occurred to me that he had the wrong person. He must have me confused with someone else. That's gotta be it. There's no way he's my neighbor. I finally removed my hand from my dick. Everything was a mess, but at this point, I was fully invested in this dude. Nothing would stop me from enjoying this. But what do I say? I wanna see more, and if I tell him he's surely thinking of someone else, he might disappear. But he spoke first. "Dude, you there?" He was simply sitting there now, a concerned look on his face. I didn't like how I couldn't see his entire body anymore, but it was still so hot seeing him from the abs up. His arms were bulging, and he wasn't even flexing. His pecs were jutting out, nipples pointing down, and they had such hot pec cleavage. His abs were clenching as he would lean forward and back in his chair. His obliques were prominent, too. So fucking hot. "Dude?" He called for me again. I looked at his face and he was so cute. He looked worried. I let out a sigh, and I guess I had to say something. Me: i'm here. "Oh okay, you had me worried there for a sec," he said. "Thought maybe you logged off." Me: no i'm here. "Well then don't leave me hangin' dude! How 'bout it? Wanna come over?" He was smiling, and his traps were bulging. I don't know if he was flexing them on purpose, but they were looking pretty big just then. And I felt my dick beginning to plump up again. But I had to come clean. Me: I have to be honest with you, i don't think i am who you think i am, i have no private info in my profile and there's no way you could know who i am. you mustve gotten lucky with my name. It was harder for me to care about my typing and spelling with my hands still covered in jizz. But I'm guessing he didn't mind my less formal style. "No, Mike, I know exactly who you are. I've passed you in the hall a bunch of times and I think you're hot. And uhhh... I hope you don't get mad but... funny thing about ground floor apartments is I can see inside your place. I swear I was just trying to learn more about you to see what you like, and I happened to catch you on this site. Sooo I decided to make my own account and hoped you would join my room." What. The. Fuck. He fucking watched me looking at dudes on this site? Which means he most likely watched me jerk off, too. "Please don't be mad, dude." What the fuck do I say? I mean, I'm definitely putting up better goddamn window treatment, for sure. I looked around and had to make sure no one was watching me this second. I sighed. I looked back at my computer screen and saw his cute face. All the anger I was initially feeling washed away. Well, his cute face AND his big bulging muscles made me rethink my emotions. Me: ok prove to me you know i am who i am. what do i look like? He grinned. "You're about 7 feet tall, have a mullet and a beard, and you like to dance naked listening to Toby Keith." I couldn't help but laugh at the last part. He had to be joking. And then he chuckled. "I'm kidding. You're around 6 feet tall, you have hair kind of like mine... wavy, but a darker brown. Not long, but not exactly short, either. Green eyes. Kind of athletic looking, but hard to tell because you often stay pretty covered up. The few times I've seen you wear shorts your lower legs look pretty thick. You tend to wear button-down shirts, and I believe you were wearing one even today when I saw you earlier." He stopped, keeping that smile on his face. Fuck, though. He was right. And I was wearing a button-down shirt today. Me: how'd you know about the Toby Keith thing? He laughed. "Well, guess I got lucky with that. But dude, was I right about the rest of it?" Me: yeah, i guess you do know who i am "Awesome! So, then, how about it?" Me: i guess this is all a bit too surreal though, i mean how could i believe a dude who can literally grow muscle and get huge would just happen to live in the same building as me AND want to meet me? "Dude you just watched it happen multiple times, and as for seeing how real I am, I guess you'd have to come over to find out." He winked. I pondered the situation for a few seconds. My heart was pounding, in truth. I knew already that I wanted to go meet him, to see how real this all was. Watching him grow in person would be infinitely better than just seeing it on a screen. But I also wanted to have some additional fun, first. Me: alright i think i might just take you up on that offer. but first... I sent that message, and I watched him read it. He sat in that chair, reading his screen, and I was still in awe looking at his muscled body. His round, bulbous shoulders rose and fell as he breathed, his arms bulging at his sides. His triceps really stood out, and it was so hot seeing how much they bulged and how I could see them even from the fronts of his arms. And they still had that vascularity, both arms had a prominent vein running down each that really stood out. "But first what?" he said, but immediately after that there was that telltale "DING" noise. I tipped him again. "Oh fuck, oh fuck..." he pushed himself away from his desk and stood up. His dick was only semi-hard now, but I expected it to grow and harden soon. He grinned. "So you do want me even bigger, huh? Watch." Just hearing him speak now was making my dick harden up again. He stood, arms at his sides, and I watched as his abs clenched. "Ohhh yeah..." he moaned a little. His pecs started to inflate some more, pushing out, growing bigger and bigger. His obliques became even more prominent, really making that V line stand out even more. That V line was so hot. And fuck, his abs. I watched as two new bricks etched themselves out, and he had a perfect 8 pack. He flexed into a double bicep, and I watched his arms rise up into huge boulders. "Watch this," he said. My dick throbbed. He turned around so his back was facing the camera, and holy FUCK. His back was a sight to behold, now covered with muscle. His arms still flexed, I watched them growing and throbbing, pulsing bigger and bigger with each of his heartbeats. "Unnghhhh!" I heard him moan, and his lats were widening more. His wings were flaring, and his V-taper was becoming more and more pronounced. "Oh fuck yeah, this feels so fucking good, dude!" And wow, I've never noticed glutes before, but with his back to me, I could see his ass growing. I could actually see the striations in his ass muscles, and he was even flexing them occasionally. I watched them bulge and contract as they grew. My dick was throbbing so hard, and oozing pre again. AGAIN. His ass was so amazing to look at, and I just wanted so badly to... well, I had to be honest with myself. I wanted to fuck him. "AHH!" My attention snapped back to his growth and I saw him suddenly shoot upward another inch in height. "Oh fuck yeah," he said, softly. FUCK. And his legs were swelling. He dropped his arms and turned back around, and I saw his arms hanging at an unbelievable angle from his body. Those lats were huge, even unflexed. I could now see his quads again as they grew, each head of the muscle clearly defined. His legs were pressing into each other now, and he had to widen his stance. And then... "Ahhhhh" he mostly sighed, and I watched his amazing dick starting to harden. It pulsed bigger and bigger and BIGGER, growing in time with his heartbeats, until it was standing up and hard as a steel pipe. And then it continued growing, thicker and longer. "Fuck yes, I love when my dick grows..." he said. His dick grew at least another two inches longer, and amazingly thick, and it was even beginning to leak pre. He flexed into a most muscular, and even growled a little for me. "Grrrrr!" I didn't even have my hand on my dick, and I came. I exploded. My dick suddenly throbbed harder than I'd ever felt before, and a huge volley of hot white cum shot out and straight up, so high it almost hit the ceiling, but dropped back down and splashed onto my keyboard. And then another shot, hitting my chin. It splattered all over. And then several other shots that continued coating my computer area with my spunk. I relaxed and just let it happen until it was just a slow dribble running out of my tip and down my shaft. He continued flexing on camera the whole time I was cumming, seemingly aware that I had reached my limit of sexual arousal. Or maybe not. I'm guessing flexing is what I'd do, too, if I'd just grown huge muscles, regardless of who was watching or what was going on. I was breathing hard, almost out of breath from my explosion. I could only sit there and watch him flexing those amazing muscles. But then he turned to the camera and walked back to his desk, pulling his chair back behind him and sitting down. Again, his frame took up considerably more space in the video shot than it had before. His shoulders were so wide now they were off the screen. He adjusted the camera upward since he was too tall to stay in the frame after that height increase. "So dude, did you enjoy that?" He said, smiling that smile. His face was even cocky, now. And that made this all that much hotter. Me: what do you think "Sweet! I did too, I love growing so fucking much. I bet you made a mess, huh?" I was becoming overly aware of how much of my spunk was everywhere. I'd probably have to buy a new keyboard altogether. I love how he already knew I loved watching him grow again, and what happened as a result. "So, how about it? You wanna come over?" he asked again. Me: hell yes i wanna come over "FUCK yeah!" he exclaimed. He even pumped his fists into the air. It was cute. It also made his arms flex, which was hot. "I'm on the next floor up in 2C. When can I expect you?" Me: uhhh as much as id like to run to your place right now, i think i ought to clean myself up first. ive made a big mess. give me some time? He laughed a hearty laugh. "Alright alright, but remember I know where you live so you better come over." He flexed his big gun right in front of the camera to emphasize his "threat," and then laughed some more. More of a giggle that time. And god, have I mentioned he was still cute, even as a muscle beast? Me: yeah i know where you live now too ill be there asap "Sweet, dude, can't wait!" He flexed a double bicep one more time, then clicked something with his mouse. The screen went blank and it said "The model is offline." I sighed. My dick was hardening, yet again, as I thought of going to see him for real. Plus that final flex he did before going offline made my heart flutter, too. FUCK! What was I waiting for?! I jumped out of my chair and started removing my clothes. They were covered in jizz. I used my undershirt to wipe off what mess I could from my desk and chair. I'd have to clean it all for real when I could, but I didn't want to waste any more time. I threw my clothes onto the floor near my hamper. I'd have thrown them in, but it just felt strange mixing them with my "normal" dirty clothes. Completely nude, I walked to my bathroom to shower. I didn't want to go see this dude all dirty and sweaty. I turned on the water, waiting for it to heat up. I looked into the mirror, and thought back to what he said about my being "athletic" looking. I guess my own time in the gym has paid off. I had a bit of a chest formed, pecs that were kind of full and pushing out. My arms weren't big or anything, but they were defined. I flexed an arm for myself, and I guess I could admit I had a nice ball of a bicep. And I did have abs, so there was that. Barely a 6 pack, but they were there. I looked down at my calves and remembered how he said I had "pretty thick" lower legs. Yeah, I guess my calves might even be my best muscle, really. I ran a lot, even before starting going to the gym on a more regular basis. I loved how they would bulge when I walked. I always thought big calves were sexy. Steam was permeating the air, and I realized the water was hot already. I flexed for myself once more, thinking about how great it must feel to grow. My dick twitched and started to grow a bit, but I went and adjusted the water temperature so I could shower. I stood in the shower, feeling the water washing over my body. My dick remained in a semi-hard state. My mind was picturing... wait, I never even got his name! Well, whatever his name is, I kept picturing and replaying in my mind the times that he grew on my computer screen. I had to keep refocusing on the task at hand; showering quickly. My dick kept twitching and pulsing, wanting to grow hard, and then I'd be tempted to jerk off again. No time for that. I washed all the jizz off my body, and made sure to shampoo my hair really well. I'm sure I got some cum there, too. And then the image of him when he was still skinny as a rail popped into my head. Watching him throw his head back as his shoulders broadened for the first time, and flexing his skinny arm and watching his bicep take form and swell. FUCK my dick was growing fast. Soon it was standing straight up. I shuddered, and kept my hands away from my dick as I rinsed off the remaining soap from my body. I hopped out of the shower, my dick bouncing as I did, and toweled off. I needed to get moving. I didn't want my "date", for lack of a better term right now, to be kept waiting. I went to my bedroom and quickly got dressed, pulling on a simple black T-shirt and cargo shorts. I went back to the bathroom and fixed my hair so it wasn't all over the place, and I couldn't help but notice that I did look pretty athletic. My shirt was hugging my body quite nicely. I never bothered to really check myself out, but my "date" made me start thinking about it when he said I looked athletic. I was actually really happy that the gym was doing me some good. I put my shoes on and left my apartment, being sure to lock the door behind me. I headed up the stairs, and then made my way to the end of the hallway where 2C was. My heart was thudding in my chest, pounding faster and faster as I approached the door. I wasn't sure what to expect. I mean, I had an image in my mind of what would be standing in the doorway when the door was opened, but this all seemed too surreal, like I was dreaming. I was so nervous. I took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. I couldn't believe what I saw when the door opened. It was him. But, it was... pre-transformation him. He was shorter than me, maybe around 5'9", and he was super skinny. "Hey," he greeted me, smiling. He was fully clothed again, wearing a black T-shirt, like mine, and another pair of red gym shorts. My mouth had to have been hanging open. I was expecting the muscle-bound guy who I saw on the Camjerk website! "Come in, dude!" he said as he stepped aside. I tentatively stepped forward, entering his apartment. His place was similarly laid out. The kitchen area was just inside the doorway, and beyond was the living room area. To the left was a short hallway that led to the bedroom and bathroom. His place was pretty clean for a guy so young. I mean, I wasn't much older, but usually 21 year-olds aren't so focused on cleanliness. "I, uhhh, suppose you might be wondering why I'm this size again." I nodded. "Funny thing about my ability is when the source is cut off, I begin to shrink back to this size. Which is okay! I love to experience it over and over again." He grinned at me. That face... up close, and real... it was even cuter. He was so attractive. I felt my dick twitch. I started to wonder what his plan was, if he had one at all. Was he going to grow again for me? Was he going to have me on cam with him while he got tips from other people? I realized just then that I was making this awkward. I hadn't even said anything to him yet. "Yeah! I mean... I'm sure it does feel great. To grow, I mean," I finally blurted out. I was stuttering. "I'm Zach, by the way. I realized earlier that I never told you my name. Come on, let's go sit. Want anything to drink?" he asked. "Nah, man, I'm okay for now." "You sure? I've got beer, now that I'm old enough to buy it," he chuckled. I smiled, and laughed a little with him. "No, man, I'm good. For now, anyway." He gestured towards the sofa in the living room. It was pointed at a surprisingly large TV that was mounted on the wall. We both walked over to it, and he sat down. I sat down next to him, and we both didn't say anything for a few seconds. I didn't know what to say, really. I just stared at the blank TV screen as though there was something on. I had to say something, though. This felt too awkward, and I wanted to see where things went. "So, what's the plan?" I asked. He giggled. "I don't know, dude. I wasn't even sure you'd come over, to be honest. But, uhhh, I just wanna finally say it in person. You're hot." He blushed just then, his face turning bright red. I chuckled a little. "You know I think you're hot already. I came like, three times watching you on cam. Made a mess of everything. Didn't even touch myself for at least one of those times. And you're super cute." I felt the blood rush to my face and knew I was turning red as well. He grinned. "So, I have to ask, are you gonna try to grow again?" He smiled a mischievous, almost evil smile. "Of course, dude. Like I said before, I wanna see how much fun we can have without computers separating us." "Well, then, do you wanna go to your computer so you can get back on cam?" "Oh no, dude, that's just one way. A tip is like appreciation, right? So, there's other ways I can feel... appreciated." The smile that followed that statement was definitely evil. I felt my dick stir. He then said, "Have I mentioned yet that you look really hot? I've never seen you wear such a tight shirt before. Nice pecs." He nodded towards my chest, and I guess my chest was pushing it out a bit. And then he put his hand on my leg, and slowly slid it down toward my knee. Oh god, my dick was definitely growing and pulsing now. I leaned toward him, and he toward me, and we kissed for the first time. It was a soft kiss, light, but it felt so nice. My dick responded with a throb, and butterflies entered my stomach. We smiled at each other. "Ready?" he asked. Fuck. I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep from cumming too soon. "H-how are you gonna do it?" I asked in response. "Just play along, and you'll see," he said, almost in a whisper. "You're already hard," he said, definitely in a whisper that time. He nodded toward my crotch. He lightly brushed his hand over it, and it made me shudder. He took his hand away, and flexed his skinny arms. There was barely a mound rising up on each. It was almost something you'd expect to see as a joke, and I felt ashamed for even thinking that. "Feel them, Mike," he said, still whispering. He said to play along, and my heart was pounding. I reached my hands over, and placed them on his biceps... or what would usually be considered biceps, had there been any there. I rubbed them, squeezed a little, and let my fingers slide along the length of his arms. "Now feel my chest," he commanded, a little louder this time. I put my hands on his flat chest, and felt it through his shirt. I let my hands run from one side to the other, and even ran them down to his stomach. His abs weren't there anymore, but his stomach wasn't exactly soft, either. My hands ran back up his torso, and I let them graze his shoulders. Then up to his traps and neck. "Oh fuck, oh fuck... yeah, this feels amazing, dude. I'm picturing it, what it'd be like if I was bigger, and you feeling me up, and I can feel it. Oh fuck, it's happening... unnghhh." And holy fuck. He threw his head back, like he did when he first grew on Camjerk, and I saw it happening again. For real. His shoulders were widening, growing, rounding out. They were getting bigger. And his traps were slowly taking shape, rising up slightly, swelling. I saw some movement under his shirt, and his chest was beginning to push out. Two mounds were slowly taking shape under the fabric, and I could feel my dick throbbing in response. FUCK! He raised his head again, looking at me, smirking. "This feels even better than before, dude." He straightened his arms out, and started flexing them again. This time, though, his biceps were taking shape. He flexed, and then unflexed, then flexed again. Each time, his biceps bulged up bigger than before. "Fuck yeah, oh yeah," he'd grunt with each flex. He squeezed out one final flex with his arms, and they stopped swelling. "Oh god, dude, that felt so good." My dick was throbbing so hard in my shorts, and I could feel the wetness of pre leaking into the fabric. FUCK I didn't want to cum so soon, but I didn't know if I could take much more. I didn't want to soil my clean shorts already, although the pre was already kind of doing that. He kept his arms flexed, and they were already pretty hot. Nicely shaped, bulging up, and I could already see those veins from before. But then he took his right hand and placed it under my chin, and pulled my face to his and kissed me. Hard. "Mmmmf" I gasped with his mouth on mine. His tongue entered, and I attempted to wrestle it with my own. I felt his hand running up my leg, and I mean up, not down like last time, and I shuddered. If he touched my dick, I'd probably cum. Luckily he pulled away, and broke the kiss. "You ready for more?" he asked, somewhat cockily. "Dude, I don't know if I can keep from cumming..." I bashfully responded. He glanced at the tent I was pitching, and smirked. "Duh, dude. That's the point. If I'm not making you cum, then I'm not doing my job. And, uh, I'll tell you now, it helps." And then he grabbed my wrists with his hands and placed them on his newly formed pec muscles. "Ohhh yes..." he breathed. I took the hint and let my hands press and feel his now harder chest, and let my hands roam over his newly formed muscles. I made my way to his arms, and they felt way better than before. They were harder, and felt muscly. I moved my hands to his legs and prodded them through his shorts, and they too were more muscled. I heard him gasp. "Shit, dude, I can feel it coming again. Oh god, yeah, here it comes, it's happening!" He closed his eyes, and his mouth was hanging open as the sensation washed over him. God it even looked like it felt good. My dick was oozing pre, throbbing, and my shorts were getting wetter and wetter. And then I saw it happening. He was swelling all over. His shoulders were growing bigger, wider, and I could see his traps rising up again. This time they became more pronounced, pushing the collar of his T-shirt up. His chest was pushing out of his shirt, creating definite outlines in the fabric. His eyes snapped open, and he grinned. "Fuck yeah, dude, I wanna grow so big for you," he said, and I felt my dick spasm. I was so close to exploding into my shorts. I could feel it. And then I saw his lats taking form again, pushing out against the sides of his shirt. He lifted the bottom of his shirt and his abs were taking shape again, getting back some definition. And his legs, I saw them pushing up against his shorts as he sat there. Then, he flexed his arms. They bulged, bigger than seconds before, pushing up into the fabric, filling the space that was left in the sleeves of his shirt until they tightened. He straightened his arms and flexed again, grunting, and the sleeves were even tighter, digging into his skin. I felt the pressure in my crotch reach its peak as he flexed his arms, and I felt the sharp sensation of an ejaculation erupting from my balls and into the shaft of my cock, shooting through its length and out of the tip. "FUCK!" I yelled, as I felt shot after shot of cum shooting into my shorts, a hot wet sensation expanding throughout. "Oh fuck," I said again. I shuddered, and I heard Zach chuckle. I looked over at him, and he had an evil glint in his eyes, and a smirk on his face. "Dude, you just came for me, and--oh fuck--this is about to get--ungghh--really fun!" His neck thickened and his voice deepened a little. His traps swelled upward again. He stood up from the sofa and planted himself in front of me, and I caught a glimpse of his calves swelling and bulging. He caught my gaze and said "It's only just beginning," and flashed that smile again. "Unnghhfuck" he moaned, and he started growing. His chest was really swelling fast, pushing out, pressing into the fabric of his shirt, causing stress lines to form. His shoulders were broadening again, growing bigger and bigger, and his sleeves were riding up his arms. What little space left in his sleeves was gone, and now even unflexed, his arms completely filled them. And fuck, his legs were pressing into his shorts, now. Once again, he looked like a junior bodybuilder, and was still growing. And then I felt my dick starting to harden again. Jesus, I wonder how much I could cum in one day? My balls were producing cum just for Zach. "Ohh yeah, I love this part, don't you?" My attention was brought back to Zach when he spoke, and I quickly realized what he was going to do. He had his arms raised, and I was excited to see it happen. "Unghh" he grunted suddenly, and he grew upward by maybe an inch, surprising even him. Small tears could be heard as his shirt was giving up the fight to contain his torso. "No fair! I'm flexing out of this shirt!" he exclaimed, and I guess I had to agree, it's hotter to see him flex out of a shirt. My dick agreed with a throb. He raised his arms up, and then BAM! Flexed into a mind-blowing double-bicep, his arms exploded with size, and the enormous sound of tearing cloth resounded through the apartment. RRIIIIIIP!!! The sleeves exploded, ripping all the way to the collar of his shirt, the sleeves reduced literally just to shreds. "FUCK YEAH!" he exclaimed. He took the remains of his shirt and ripped the rest from his body, leaving his torso bare. "Fuck that shirt, dude. I want you to see these muscles!" "OH fuck, Zach..." I gasped, my dick throbbing, pitching a huge tent in my shorts. "Yeah, dude. Fuck yeah. Getting fucking huge, right?" I nodded rapidly, feeling pre leaking from my dick again into my already soggy shorts. He grinned, but shook his head. "No, no I'm not. This is small. You wanna see me get huge? Come on, we're not behind keyboards anymore. Make me huge, dude!" He bent down and flexed his arm in my face. The bicep bulged up, huge, with a large vein running its length. I felt my inhibitions disappear with that muscle bulging in my face, and I moved my face closer and gave it a kiss. I kissed his bicep, and then sucked a little on the peak. I licked it, and then ran my tongue all around it. I heard Zach chuckle a bit, which then turned into a small moan. "Ummff..." I stood up, grasping his arm with my hands, and stood face to face with him. He kept his arm flexed, and I squeezed it with my left hand. But then I took my right hand and started rubbing him all over, starting with his pecs. I poked the now larger muscles, feeling the rocks they'd become. So fucking hard. I ran my hand to his abs, and traced my finger along the crevices between the bricks, and I could feel them clenching with his breaths. My hand wandered back up to his lats, and then to his back, where a vicious terrain of muscle had developed. My left hand never left his hot bicep, the muscle pulsing under it. My right hand wandered up to his traps, and fuck, they felt so amazing. I loved traps, and I knew Zach did, too. "Oh god, yesssss..." Zach breathed. And then I bent my knees and put my face near his chest, and ran my tongue up his pec cleavage. "Oh fuck, dude, FUCK!" I could feel Zach shudder beneath my hands, and I knew I had to be doing amazing things, priming him for an epic growth spurt. I brought my hands down, both of them, and put them on his ass. His glutes had grown a little, and I squeezed each cheek. I felt him flex, and my dick throbbed, squirting more pre into my shorts. "Oh god, yeah, fuck yeah, bro it's coming, get ready... watch me, look at what--unnghh--you've done to me...." I stepped back, and got a good look at him as he stood there. His mouth was hanging open again, almost like he was moaning with no sound. His arms were hanging at his sides, and I noticed his triceps were bulging. I saw his chest heaving from his heavy breathing, and then I saw something else. His chest was growing. His pecs were ballooning outward, swelling, as his nipples pointed more and more downward. And then I saw his traps rising up towards his ears as his shoulders broadened even more. "Ohhhhh yeahhhh this feels so good!" he moaned. He started to flex his chest, bouncing his pecs. His abs were developing further, becoming more and more defined, and it was definitely an 8-pack again. Watching his abs clenching with his breathing and movement was so fucking hot. And his obliques were becoming more defined as well, making that V-line really stand out, and fuck, who doesn't find a V-line sexy? But then I heard a soft rip. I looked toward the source, and I realized his legs were growing, too. His quads had gotten so big his shorts looked painted on, and then I heard another rip. "Fuuuuck..." Zach whispered. "Gonna flex, dude, make these shorts disappear..." he whispered again. And then he did it. He flexed his quads as hard as he could, and his shorts exploded all the way up to the waistband, his legs bulging with pure muscle, huge defined quads exposed to the air. His shorts were just flaps of cloth hanging from an elastic band around his waist. And his legs were still growing. He then took a moment to flex his calves, and they too were growing bigger and bigger. But then I noticed his arms. They were being pushed farther away from his body by his growing, swelling lats. And what lats they were! FUCK! They were becoming wings, and his arms were growing, too! He flexed his right arm, looking at it lustfully. It exploded with size, peaking high into the air, veins wrapping all around. He flexed his other arm, and it was even bigger. He was beyond bodybuilder big, now, and I felt a strong compulsion envelop me. I stepped forward, pressing my body into him. My hard dick pressed against his abs, and I wrapped my arms around him, feeling his back muscles. I placed my hands on his ass feeling the insanely hard muscle. I squeezed like I did before, and his ass was rock hard. FUCK! I was grinding my dick into his body, and I felt the cum welling up from my balls as an imminent ejaculation was developing. And then my dick exploded, shooting more cum into my already wet shorts, and I continued pressing my dick into his hard body. Shot after shot of cum squirted into my shorts, and I moaned. Zach chuckled. "I love how much you're enjoying this," he said. He flexed his arms, and I reached up and felt them. "You just came again, and--fuck--I can feel it coming." Butterflies entered my stomach again as I realized he was going to grow more. "Ahhh! AHH!" he yelled, as he shot up several inches in height, soon towering over me. His body was expanding in every direction now, growing more and more, packing pounds of muscle onto his frame. "Oh god, this is bigger than I've ever gotten before!" His height was continuing to increase, and his muscles continued growing. The waistband of his shorts snapped off, and the remains fluttered to the floor, and he now stood completely nude. He turned around, and flexed his biceps, making his back bulge, and his ass was phenomenal. His glutes were so muscled and big, and I realized now that I wanted nothing more than to stick my dick into his ass. I dropped my shorts, finally freeing myself of the mess I was wearing. My dick sprang out, hard again already. Or maybe I never went soft. It's hard to be soft around this much muscle. Zach had to be around 6'5" now, and considerably taller than me. And definitely more muscular. But he stood there, flexing his biceps, with his back to me. He then straightened his arms and finally flexed his triceps, and holy shit, they were amazing. His triceps were perfect horseshoes, and absolutely humongous. And yes, from behind, his traps were really evidently huge. He almost looked like he had no neck. But, he kept his back to me. I could hear my own breathing as I looked at him and lusted after his body. My eyes drifted back to his ass, and I could see striations in his glutes, and I felt my dick throb. I stepped forward, and pressed the head of my dick into his crack. He gasped. "There's the fuckin' tip I want, dude," he said, gasping again, as I pressed harder. "But I need more than just the tip. Give me all of it." I didn't hesitate, and pressed myself all the way into him, and it felt amazing. It felt like we were two puzzle pieces meant to fit together. His hole was so hot, and I could feel his muscles clenching around me like a loving caress. I started fucking him from behind, ramming myself into him. The waves of pleasure radiating around my body were like nothing I've ever felt, and Zach started grunting and moaning. "Oh fuck, dude, yeah, fuck me, unghhhh," he moaned. "This is--oh fuck--the biggest tip I've ever--nnnggggg--gotten!" And then I saw it. Every time I thrusted into him, he grew and bulged all over. Another thrust, and his muscles swelled. And then again, only this time his height increased more. I was already getting close to cumming, and I increased the fervor of my fucking. More and more I fucked him, and he continued getting bigger and bigger, grunting with each thrust. I felt the unmistakable pressure building up in my crotch, and I knew I was gonna cum. "Fuck, Zach, I'm gonna cum!" "Do it, dude. Fucking cum in me," Zach breathed, his massive body heaving. And that was it. He clenched around my dick once more, and I felt the explosion take place that launched cum through my shaft and into his ass. I continued thrusting into him, feeling shot after shot of cum leaving the tip of my dick. And fuck, it was a lot. I noticed there was even some dribbling out of his hole. I've never cum this much before at once, much less in an entire day. My dick was wild for Zach. "NNghhhhhaaahhhhh!" Zach moaned loudly, and from behind him I saw his own cum launching into the air as he shot his huge load all over the room, hitting the walls, furniture, even the ceiling. He had to be over 7 feet tall, much taller than me now. But then I heard a familiar noise. A "DING" sound. I heard Zach chuckle. I looked around, and saw a red light. It was attached to a fucking camera! I looked at Zach, who'd turned around to face me. "Zach, what the fuck..." I started, but he spoke over me. "Mike, dude, that tip was for you." And then I felt my entire body throb, and immense pleasure surged through my limbs. I was growing.
  20. Part 1 Here's the first part of a story I quickly decided to whip up. It's mostly setup for later parts, but hopefully you'll enjoy it. As always, feedback is always appreciated. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Do you know how much it sucks losing your dream job? I poured my heart and soul into that company!" I say, words slurred by alcohol. My complaints are directed to the bartender behind the counter as I stare at my drink. "Hell, I moved to this city just for this job, I don't know anyone here." I look up at the bartender who is polishing a mug nonchalantly. His bearded face shows a hint of a smile as he raises a single eyebrow. I've been coming to this bar weekly since I moved here in the summer, but more recently I've been coming daily. I just barely notice as I slowly begin swaying from side to side in my chair. "Fine, I guess I know you now, but that's not the point! The point is that after just 3 months they tell me that they need to downsize AND I just so happen to be on the cut list! What am I going to do-" I'm cut off by the sensation of stomach acid coming up my throat. I cover my mouth with a hand and sit still waiting for the feeling to pass. Joe, the bartender, just laughs. "I think you've had too much to drink... again. You've been complaining about this for five days in a row now. As for what you're going to do now, that's simple. Get a new job. Luckily," Joe walks a few steps behind him to the bar wall and points to a Help Wanted sign on the wall, "we just so happen to be hiring." I begin shaking my head in protest, but quickly realize that sudden movements aren't doing me any favors. "I can't work in a bar, I'm a journalist! Besides the fact that I have no experience, it's not really my thing. I can't just-" I'm cut off once again by another wave of nausea. I let out a low groan. The room feels like it's spinning. "Alright, alright, get a move on to the restroom before you make a mess of my bar. And at least give the job some thought before you flat out deny it." Joe said with a frown. He then swipes my half empty cup and pours it out. I nod slightly and jog/trip my way to the restroom. The restroom is empty when I enter. I run over to a sink first to splash cold water on my face. I'd rather avoid vomiting all together if I can. The shock of the cold water grounds me somewhat. I stand with my hands gripping the sides of the sink for what seems like an hour, but is more likely a minute or two, until the restroom door opens. I check the sink mirror in front of me to see who just came in and my knees go weak. Walking behind me to the toilet stalls is one of the most muscular men I've ever seen. Truthfully I don't see many bodybuilder types around here, but this man was still above and beyond the norm. He was wearing a pair of jeans that barely seemed to contain his tree trunk legs, and a tailored white dress shirt with the top two buttons undone revealing his shelf-like pecs. I don't like to admit it but I get a bit grabby when I'm intoxicated, and the more I drink the more I want to grab, and tonight I've had a lot to drink. Once the man entered his stall, my drunk brain began scheming of any way to cop a feel of those massive muscles. I stood there staring at the stall from my vantage point at the sink mirror, and began waiting for my chance to act. As soon as I hear the creaking of the stall door opening, I turn around and wait for the mountain of a man to appear. Once he enters my sights I fake a fall towards his large body. My luck finally seems to be looking up as the man catches me in his arms. I take that moment to get a feel of any muscles I can reach, pretending to try and catch my balance. I get a hold of his back, traps, delts, biceps, and pecs before he finally pushes me off of him, his hands on my shoulders. "Woah, what the hell man, are you ok?" The bodybuilder says in a deep gravelly voice. I am in bliss right now. Not only did I just feel up this massive man, but now he's touching me too? Unfortunately, my happiness is short-lived as my nausea decides this is the perfect time to go into overdrive. I only managed a small, "Oh no," before spewing my dinner and copious amounts of booze onto the shirt of the man in front of me. The man yells a string of curse words as he tosses me to the side. I try to grab onto his hand before I fall to slow my descent, but he manages to slip his hand out of my grip. The sudden prat fall knocks the wind out of me and I am forced to put my head on the ground to catch my breath. I sit up slightly to see how the large man I just puked on was doing and almost gasped as I see that he has taken his shirt off to clean it in the sink. Watching his rippling back muscles move as he scrubs his shirt distracts me for a few moments until I notice a small weight in the hand I tried grabbing the man with. Looking down I see a leather bound journal and a black pencil in my hand. Where did this come from? The cover was blank besides a name, "Greg Carlson". I had no idea who that was, but was too drunk to think about it for too long. I flipped the journal open to random page near the middle and began reading it. "-graduated from Anderson County High School with a full-ride sports scholarship. Soon after entering University, became interested in bodybuilding and-" I looked up from the journal and towards the man standing a few feet away from me. Could this be his journal? I doubted that someone as masculine as him would be carrying around a journal of his life stories everywhere he went. Besides, the way it was written seemed more like a third-person view rather than a personal journal. I looked back at the journal and flipped to the first page. Instead of seeing more life events, I saw what seemed like in depth statistics of a person's body. The stats didn't stop with just weight and height however, they went super specific like individual finger lengths. Who keeps track of that? Another thing I noticed was a category for sexual orientation, which was filled in as straight. I barely had time to register my disappointment before I saw something far more interesting, a penis category. With a length of 4 inches and a girth of 3 inches, I felt kind of bad for the guy. If the muscle beast in front of me really was the owner of this journal and it was accurate, his dick, while not horribly small, would look ridiculously tiny in comparison to his massive body. Feeling naughty and a bit horny, I erased the numbers with the black pencil that I found with the journal and replaced them with 10 inches long and 8 inches in girth. Hopefully if he notices what I wrote he'll have a good laugh about it. I got up quickly and placed the journal and pencil down near the man while apologizing quietly. He glared at me as I rushed out of the restroom. Outside of the restroom, I let out a heavy sigh and walked back to the bar, head hung. "Have a bad time in there or something?" Joe asked, noticing my sullen return. "I... I may or may not have puked all over a dude in the restroom." I said, not making eye contact with Joe. Joe was silent for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. His laugh was infectious, and I couldn't help but join in. It was too ridiculous not too. "Shit, man, I'm not going to clean that up." Joe finally said after we stopped laughing. "Ha, luckily I think it pretty much all ended up on the guy and not the floor." I chuckled again before finally looking up at Joe with a grin. "Also, would this be a bad time to ask for that job?" "That was a quick change of heart, but I guess It's a good of a time as any. I can set you up a quick interview this week with the boss. Don't worry though, I'll be there too. You're basically guaranteed the job." As we continue discussing the job and the work it entailed, I notice the bathroom door opening and the man I had met in it exiting from within. He was wearing his shirt once again but now it was wet and basically see-through and his sculpted body was on display. At the very least there was no sign of the vomit I had covered him in. With a distressed look on his face the man kept adjusting his crotch. It was bulging a surprising amount for 4 inches, but I suppose it's all about how you display it. The man speed-walked his way past me without a second glance and left the bar. Joe didn't seem to notice as he continued his spiel on bartender etiquette. Unbeknownst to me, the journal I had found had completely disappeared without the man taking it. Things would soon start to get a bit hectic around here for me.
  21. pasidious


    Guys, this is more of an experiment than anything else. I hope it's even slightly as enjoyable as the last story I posted. Please let me know what you think, even if it sucks! I do want to take a moment here and thank everyone who's read my stories so far and all the love I have received. It means so much to me. After the first written thing I ever posted, the positive feedback has given me the confidence to keep writing, and I appreciate it all so much. ____________________________________ I was introduced to this new website called Chaturbate recently. Well, new to me, anyway. As a gay 24 year old male, it offered some great eye candy. I loved clicking on various pages, watching these guys do sexy things in front of a live camera for their audiences, all the while knowing damn well they were being watched. I think it was the fact that they knew they were being watched that made it even hotter. They would voluntarily get in front of a live camera feed, whip out their dicks, often times get completely naked, and jerk off, or even invite others into the scene for even more fun. What was it about watching another dude jerk off that was so enticing; so hot? I mean, sure, we had our preferences. Some dudes were more attractive than others. To each his own, of course. But why was it so hot to see another dude jerk off? I couldn't figure it out. And, I guess I wasn't all that concerned with it, either. I wasn't a sociologist, nor was I trying to be one. All I knew was if I wanted to see some hot shit, I would go to Chaturbate and look for some hot guys to watch. And I'm sure we all know well enough how that site works, now. The "models" didn't do it entirely for free. Viewers had the option to "tip" them in the form of virtual currency. Often times the models would perform requests when tip goals were met. I, personally, always looked for the muscled dudes to watch, and I would always hope to catch some flexing, and some viewers would even request a flex or two. I wanted to tip so many of the models so badly, but I didn't have the money to throw at them. As time has gone on, however, the site has become boring. As it's become more and more popular, more and more models will just sit in front of the camera and do literally nothing until tips are received. I haven't been able to truly enjoy a Chaturbate model in a long time. In my opinion, they've lost sight of the whole point. Now it's all about the money. And they've become boring, as a result. Money does tend to ruin things. We all know it. So, I've stuck with the other sexy things I've found over the years to look at, like Muscle-growth.org, or YouTube flexing videos. I can usually find something hot to look at either way. I just really enjoyed Chaturbate because the fact that it was all live made it so hot. It made the models so much more real. And then I came across another website. It wasn't too far off from the concept Chaturbate used. When I was horny, I'd sit myself down knowing full well that I wanted to be hard and throbbing, eventually shooting a load. I loved being horny, to begin with. There is nothing much better than feeling your dick growing and swelling within the confines of your pants or shorts; the skin of your cock sliding against the fabric, the friction causing jolts of pleasure that shoot all over your crotch. I'd often be grabbing myself during the hardening process, feeling my own dick swelling within my hand, hardening, getting thicker and bigger. It intensified the horny feeling. I'd be perusing the Muscle-growth.org forums, reading stories, or looking at the media, feeling my dick growing bigger and bigger. I was never satisfied with all I could ever find, though. Every once in a while I'd check back with Chaturbate to see if there was any change in the models' behavior, but they'd usually be just too boring to cause any real pleasure. Even if they were naked, they'd still just sit there. BUT, as we all probably know, searching the net can yield surprising results. One day I found a new site much like Chaturbate. It was an accidental discovery, but then again, so was Muscle-growth.org. I came across this new site called Camjerk. It followed the same principle; it had models that would sit in front of a live cam who seemed just too happy to get off on people watching them. And, since it was a fresh site, the models were much more interactive, showing off and jerking and flexing and doing whatever just to get reactions in the chat box from the audience. I loved watching the muscled dudes, too, because even when they weren't flexing, their muscles were still on display. They'd flex pretty nicely just from jerking off. Pecs would stand out and involuntarily flex, getting pumped even, showing veins. Arms, of course, would get pumped up as well, and biceps would flex and unflex as they'd move their hands up and down over their dicks. FUCK, the muscled dudes were the best to watch. I'd even gone and purchased the virtual currency from this site so I could tip my favorite models. They'd always show their appreciation with flexing, no matter how small the tip. One day I was feeling pretty hot and horny. Which... was pretty much every day, for me. Nevertheless, I felt like I needed to shoot a load. So, I went straight to Camjerk. None of my favorites were online, which was disappointing, but it didn't stop me from browsing the other profiles on the site. I came across this one profile close to the bottom. He didn't have any followers, and I assumed he was new. His profile said he was 21, and had his body type listed as "muscular." That piqued my interest, and I felt he was worth checking out. He wasn't on-camera in the preview thumbnail, which gave me nothing to work with, at least not yet. I clicked on him, and saw a live video feed of an empty chair. He was away, I guessed, and I decided to wait a few minutes before moving on to something else. He had no other viewer than just me. I wanted to see just how muscular he was, though. I decided to check out my phone while I waited. I was looking down, scrolling through Facebook, when I heard some sound come through my computer speakers. I looked up at my computer screen and I saw a guy settling down in the chair that was originally in the video shot. The area in which he was situated seemed to be part a bedroom, as I could see part of a dresser in the image, and I could see some clothes strewn about on the floor, as well as part of a closet door. Or what I assumed was a closet door. The walls of the room were plain white, with not much adorning the walls except a single picture of what appeared to be a family member or perhaps a friend. I focused on the guy in the chair. He really did look 21. He had a cute face; round nose, slightly tanned, perfectly shaped lips that were neither too big nor too small. Perfect for kissing, I'm sure. His left ear had two of those hoop earrings, but they were black, not silver or gold. His hair was light brown, shaggy, and not curly, but it wasn't quite straight either. He had that "bed head" look, perfectly pulled off in a way that few guys can manage. His eyes were bright blue, which were striking. Not common for brown haired dudes. But the thing that disappointed me, though, was that he was not at all muscular. His profile had that lie on it. He was very thin, mostly skin and bones. He had a t-shirt on, yes, but I could just tell. His shirt was plain white, no decals or anything on it. His arms hung from the sleeves with plenty of space, like noodles. I had to admit, though, that he was extremely attractive. I wanted to move on to another model, but his face was so hot. Plus, I wanted to see if any other viewers called him out on his lie about being muscular. I checked the viewer count, and I was still the only one. Hmm. This poor dude didn't seem to have any fans. He's been online for a while now, thirty minutes, according to the information on his page. I was still somehow his only viewer? Who wouldn't want to look at this guy? He was just sitting in his chair, with a somewhat neutral look on his face. He was mostly just chilling; looking around the room, sometimes at the camera, sometimes at his phone. I decided to send him a message in the global chat box. Me: Hi how are you? He was looking at his phone, but I heard the message sound from his side and he looked up. He smiled a bit, reading the message, but then went back to looking at his phone. Okayyyy.... I wasn't sure what his goal was. Doesn't he want tips? Why else would he be on this site? It was starting to make more sense now that he only had one viewer. But I was invested in at least figuring this guy out, and I sent him another message. Me: Hello? Are you planning to do anything? He looked up again at the message, smiled again, and typed a response. Him: yea i will i jus need tips I was astounded. What a bold guy. I looked at his profile again and noticed his "Lifetime tips received" amount was at zero. He's literally never even gotten a tip. Me: You want tips to do something? Have you ever considered earning them first? Him: if anyone would actually tip me, id more then earn them Me: What do you mean Him: tip and see dude Me: There are plenty of other guys I could tip, give me something small, anything, first. You're not even muscular, and your profile says you are. Him: lol man i dont even care about the tips, i jus need them to do what i wanna do, and believe me, i wanna do it so bad What. Me: What's stopping you? Just do it. Whatever it is. You're attractive as hell, I want to see you do something. Him: jus tip me 1 token man if you wanna see why my profile has no lie on it jus tip me This whole time he's sitting there, typing away, with a shifting expression on his face. He started out somewhat amused, but the more I messaged him, the more of a worried look he developed. Damn. I guess he really did just want a tip. He said just one token, and I guess that's not unreasonable. I could spare a single token, even if it means he still doesn't do anything. He was cute as fuck. I couldn't stand the disappointed face he was making, even if it was still cute. Me: Fine. I'll give you a tip. His face lit up and he smiled a wide smile, almost cocky even. I moved my mouse cursor over the tip button and clicked on it, and the dialogue box popped up with the field into which I type how much I want to tip. I entered '1'. Then, I pressed enter. I looked back at the video feed and saw him sitting there with an expectant expression looking into the camera. He was biting his bottom lip. I was slightly expectant, as well. I wanted to see what he would do, and I sort of anticipated something like removing his clothes, or showing his dick. But he just sat there, like he was waiting for something. Then I heard the sound of a tip receipt on his end, the confirmation noise he hears when a tip comes through. Immediately he closed his eyes, his head tilted back slightly. He exhaled a deep breath, with a smile on his face. "Here it comes," he says. Then I saw it. His shoulders broadened, right there in front of me, on camera. I saw his neck thicken, and his traps rose up a bit where there were none, before. "Ahhh..." He opened his eyes, looked into the camera, and said "This feels so gooooood." He turned his head, then, and raised his left arm. He pulled the sleeve back, and said "Watch." He flexed his arm, and fuck. His bicep started to swell, and right there in front of me I saw a vein begin to show and protrude. He pumped it a few times, and it swelled slightly more. I realized right then that my dick was rock hard as I watched this dude grow. He dropped his arm, and sat relaxed again. "Now do you see? That's what happens when I get tips." He grinned. Me: Holy shit! Are you for real? How did you do that? Is this some kind of CGI stuff?" Him: no dude, im real lol tip me more to see more I was completely flabbergasted. It was a hot thing to see, for sure, but I wasn't convinced that it was real. Could it be real? Part of me felt like I was being duped. But it was hot, no matter what. I wanted to see more. I went to the tip box again and this time entered ten tokens. I pressed send, and I waited for him to receive it. He was sitting in his chair, absent-mindedly feeling his own arms, when the tip sound came through again. His eyes widened when he heard it. "Oh god, dude, thanks so much. I love how this feels!" He threw his head back, "oohhh yeaaahhh..." he moaned. His shoulders broadened more, and I could see stress lines forming on the front of his shirt. And then I saw his chest pushing out, swelling, growing. His shoulders weren't just broadening, they were growing bigger, too, as I saw them rounding out and bulging within the fabric of his shirt. His sleeves were riding up his arms. He flexed into a double bicep this time, and FUCK! His arms were growing bigger, swelling into tennis balls. His vascularity was increasing as well. He was looking into the camera again, pumping his arms. "FUCK yeah, dude. Keep tipping, c'mon!" I realized I was jerking myself while he was growing again. Shit! This was definitely hot as fuck. How does he only have one viewer, though? Am I the only one who's ever tipped this guy? I pulled down my zipper and let my dick pop out, and I was rock hard, and throbbing. I gripped my dick and continued stroking myself as I starting thinking about how big this guy could get. I sent another ten tokens, and I have to admit that doing so was harder than before, now that my one hand was completely occupied. The tip sound came through--another tip confirmation. "Fuuuuck!" he says, "You like this? Get ready!" He kept his arms flexed, and they started to swell again. They were throbbing, growing, pulsing, like watching a dick get hard. "Unnnghh," he moaned. His traps were rising up, and his shirt was getting tighter and tighter. His pecs were becoming clearer under the fabric, and he pushed himself away from his desk so more of his body could be seen. He lifted his shirt bottom, and FUCK! Those abs weren't neglected, for sure, as he had a clear defined six-pack. His lats were pressing out against his shirt, too. More stress lines were forming on the front of his shirt, and I could tell it was almost at its limit. He stood from his chair, and it was clear he looked more like a gym-rat now than anything else. Gone was the skinny twig of a guy that was there before. And his beautiful, sexy face remained the same. "Fuck yeah, dude. It's been so long since I've been able to do this. Feels soooo good." My dick was at its limit, and I was barely containing the ejaculation. I didn't want to cum yet, I wanted to see more! I hit the jackpot here. This guy was growing muscles on camera, essentially doing it just for me, and there were no others to watch it and steal his attention. I wanted him to grow more. I needed to see it. I kind of wanted to see how big I could get him. Me: Wanna grow more? I realized I hated having to type messages while he could just speak. "Fuck yeah, man. I wanna grow bigger and bigger!" He flexed his arms as he was saying that. FUCK!!! My dick was so hard. I decided to tease him a little. Me: How bad do you wanna grow? "Dude, you have no idea. This feeling... it's beyond anything I can describe." He was flexing his left arm and feeling it with his right hand, looking at it lovingly... or maybe it was more with lust. It was hard to tell for sure. Me: I don't know, maybe I think you're big enough already. He looked at the screen and shook his head. "You think I'm big enough?" He flexed again. "Dude, there's no way you think I'm big enough. You've tipped three times now, and I imagine you're super hard and throbbing right about now." He winked at the camera this time. "Try to tease me I'll just tease you right back." He lifted his shirt and lowered the waistband of his shorts, showing abs and a nice V line. This guy was incredible. He was right, he beat me at my own teasing game. Fuck. My dick was oozing pre. I went to the tip box and sent another tip. Ten tokens. The sound played on his end and he moaned. "OHhhhh YES!" He let his shirt drop and stood there, letting the feeling overtake him. "Unnnffff" he moaned again, and I saw him swelling. His shoulders were growing bigger, and I saw his lats pressing out further, making his arms angled outward from his body. He was developing wings. His forearms were thickening as well, taking on that appearance that tells you a dude is strong as hell. "Shirt's getting tight, bro. This might be it." I saw it, too. His shirt was clinging to his body like a second skin, and it was sexy as fuck. He brought his arms up and flexed them, hard, and his biceps bulged into baseballs, and "RIIIIP!!" splitting the sleeves wide open. "Fuck yeah, dude." He then went into a most-muscular, and more ripping was heard as his shirt split down the center of his chest. He turned around and there was a split all the way down his back, too. Oh god. FUCK. My hand was still wrapped around my dick, and when I saw him split that shirt open, my hand involuntarily squeezed. I felt myself throb, and then the sharp feeling of cum entering my shaft, and I shot cum all over my keyboard and shirt. FUCK I shot a lot, too. I looked up and he'd grown even more since I came. He was starting to look more like a bodybuilder. Maybe not quite that big, but he was getting close. So fucking sexy. He took the remains of the shirt and tore it all from his body, leaving his torso completely bare. And holy fuck. He was hot. I mean, really fucking hot. Model hot. He stood back farther and I could see his legs had grown, too. His gym shorts were wrapped rather tightly around his quads. His pecs had grown big enough that his nipples were pointing downward. His serratus muscles were even showing, now. He started flexing his muscles, starting with his biceps. He flexed one arm, then the other, running his hand over each. "You like this, man?" He continued flexing, pumping his biceps. He flexed both at the same time, grinning, and looking at each peak. He then put his hands on his hips and leaned forwards, flexing his traps, making them rise up. "Fuck, I love having traps, again. I love growing so much!" My dick was hardening up again already. He smiled at the camera, and made his pecs bounce. "Still got more tips in you?" he asked. "You haven't said anything in a while. You enjoying yourself?" Me: I'm still here. And yes, I love it. This is a show I'd never imagined getting to see. "Haha I bet." He flexed his arms again. "I bet you're glad you tipped me now. Have I done enough to earn it?" He winked. Me: Hmm I don't know. "Ohhh really?" He chuckled. "Maybe this will help." He looked down, and I followed his gaze. "Ohhh yeahhhh, feels so good to let this happen finally." His shorts were beginning to tent up. I watched as the bulge in his shorts grew and pulsed, until the tent was so big I could camp under it. He glanced back up at the camera and grinned. Me: Wtf how have you not been hard so far? "Hahaha I've gotten good at controlling it. I need to be able to put on a show, you know?" He flexed his dick and made his tent bounce. Tip. Oh god I needed to tip again. My dick was already throbbing hard again. "DING!" The sound of a tip came through again from his side. "Ohhh fuck, dude, thank you so--unghh--much!" His muscles started inflating again, and this time I could see his legs growing. His quads were clearly swelling, and I was starting to be able to see each individual muscle in them through the shorts. They were still loose at the knees. His lats were growing, too, forming bigger wings on his already wide body. "Oh fuck yeah..." he said softly. His shoulders were bulging bigger and bigger, and his arms were angling farther from his body. And damn, his arms. Growing even bigger and thicker, they were taking on the definite size of bodybuilder arms. As if he knew exactly what I was paying attention to, he flexed his right bicep, and fuck. It was approaching softball size. My dick was oozing pre and it was running down and onto my hand. "AH!" He gasped, and suddenly shot up in height about an inch or two. FUCK! And then "RIIIIP," his shorts tore up the sides, all the way to the waistband. "Fuck yeah, dude, I've never been able to get taller before, this feels soooo gooooood!" He stuck his fingers into his waistband and pulled, snapping the waistband and the shorts fell completely off, leaving him completely nude. His dick bounced out, hard as a steel pipe. "I wonder how big I can actually get?" He asked, smirking at the camera. "Oh fuck," he said again, and I watched as his dick started swelling up, too. He was already hard, and now it looked like he was getting even harder. I watched it throb and grow, getting longer and thicker. "Unnnghhh" he moaned, and I saw him reach for his cock for a second and then immediately pull his hand away. He was avoiding touching himself. His dick stopped growing, and he looked around 8 inches now. And thick. Me: Holy shit man, that is so hot. I already came once watching you, and I'm close to cumming again! He flexed a most muscular, and his muscles exploded into huge size. "Oh yeah, glad I can put on a good show for you!" My dick throbbed at his display of power. His muscles were huge, and so hot. Pre was all over my hand. It was getting everywhere, and I still had cum on my keyboard. My computer area was starting to become a sticky mess. But I didn't care. I happened to encounter this amazing, sexy, hot, beautiful... GOD of a human being by pure chance, maybe a little luck, and I wasn't going to let anything stop me from enjoying the experience. I wanted to watch him grow more. I wanted to see what more he would do. To me, this seemed like the chance of a lifetime. I put my hand on my mouse, and was about to move the cursor over to the tip button once more. I happened to look at the corner of my screen and noticed there was a little dialogue box that said "in private." My hand moved away from my mouse, while my other hand remained gripping my still throbbing dick. Why did it say this was private? I looked at the viewer count and it still said '1'. Was this why he had only 1 viewer this entire time? Did he not want other people to see him? My mind refocused, and I looked back to his video feed, and noticed he was sitting in his chair again, in front of the camera, in front of his computer. His frame took up considerably more space in the video. He was looking into the camera, a smirk on his face. He bounced his pecs a little, and flexed his arms, first the left one, then the right. His arms had gotten huge and veiny. So fucking hot. But then he spoke. "So, Mike, did you want to tip me some more?" He placed emphasis when he said my name. I don't know how he knew my name, and it made my heart skip a beat. I had no private information in my profile. I started to feel panic creeping into my body. But then I heard him start giggling, and I do mean giggle. It was a joyous laugh, one that held no malice. It was actually comforting. "Relax, dude. I knew who you were this whole time. It's why I made this private. I'm surprised you didn't recognize me, though. We're neighbors." He flexed his arms into a double bicep and flashed a big grin that allowed his teeth to sparkle. "And I was hoping you'd be willing to come over to my place. I wanna see how much fun we can have when you can give me more than just tips." And then I came. ___________________ Part 2
  22. Guest

    (un)identical twins (1)

    One Jason heard the rumbling sounds coming from his brother's room. "Can't he just do anything quiet", he said to himself and returned to the book he was reading. He had been granted a full academic scholarship to the prestigious university a few blocks away from his house. He was all too happy he would get a top degree and could do it from the comfort of his own room. Brett, Jason's brother, was throwing his clothes atop his bed and putting them into the two large bags on the floor. He was eager to leave for Orchid University and was going to enjoy living on campus. His athletic skills had earned him a football scholarship and he just knew that professional football was his future. Jason was washing his hands when his brother entered the bathroom. He rolled his eyes as he saw that his brother was walking around shirtless once again. Despite the fact they were twins, their brown hair and dark eyes was their only resemblance. At 5'8 and weighing 155 pounds, Jason was a typical nerd: a smart guy, always buried in books, shy and somewhat clumsy. His triangular face and the absence of any beard whatsoever made him look more like a 15 year old. Brett on the other hand was a tad taller (5'9) but weighed an impressive 212 pounds of mostly muscle. He was a pure jock: when not out on the football field, he was pumping iron in the gym, didn't miss an opportunity to ditch his shirt to show off his muscular torso. His strong jaw line and five o'clock beard made him appear a few years older than 18. "Ya done here, little bro?", Brett asked in his deep baritone. "I was born first. That makes me the big brother technically", Jason replied in his higher voice. "You? The big brother? Think again", Brett said and flexed his right arm, "18 inches of power". "Muscle won't take you everywhere in life", Jason shot back. "I'll take brawn over brain every day, bro. How many chicks did your big brain get you so far?", Brett asked and caressed his six-pack, "My muscles got me every girl I wanted. Now be a good little boy and let me shower in peace". Jason shook his head and hurried away from the bathroom as his brother didn't even wait for his reaction to pull down his own pants. He heard the water turn on as he headed back to his room. "One day he's going to get what he deserves", he mumbled to himself. He entered his room and found a parcel on his desk. He opened the little box and discovered an old looking book. A small note fell from the book as he lifted it from the box. He retrieved it and read off the message: A small gift for someone greatly interested in books. Congratulations on year scholarship and good luck in university. Grandpa Jason opened the book and noticed it was some kind of ancient spell book. He knew his grandpa had a great collection of rare books. He had spent hours and hours with him in his library, fascinated by the tales his grandpa had told. Unfortunately, his grandparents lived on the other side of the country and visits had become very rare. He dove onto his bed and began reading the curious book. The next morning Brett took one of his signature long showers. Everyone in the house knowing what he was doing from the loud moans escaping the bathroom. He appeared bright and shining at the breakfast table, a skintight shirt hugging his torso. "Gotta feed this body", he mumbled with a full mouth as he took a fourth serving of pancakes. "Makes us proud, son", his father said, "Maintain the athletic heritage from our family". "Don't worry", Brett replied and gulped down a protein shake, "I will take the field by storm". He gulped down another shake, patted his six-pack and burped. "Fine. Let's get you off to Orchid university then", his father said and get up. "Jason, honey", his mother yelled, "we're off to take your brother to his campus. We'll be back tomorrow. There's plenty of food in the fridge." "Always with his head in the books", his father said while he shook his head and followed his wife and son to the car. Jason watched from the window in his room and saw his parents and his brother drive away. He went to the bathroom and headed into the long walk-in shower. He grinned as he noticed the traces of his brother's morning ritual on the tilled wall: several sticky stains of cum glistened on the dark tiles as they were slowly sliding down. "Luckily Brett always shoots his loads as high as possible up the wall", he said to himself. He pulled a fresh hanky from his pocket and let it soak up as much cum as possible. When he was done, he returned to his room and put the soaked fabric on his desk. He wrote the formula from the book on a piece of paper, according to the instructions. He then proceeded to reading the formula out loud: "Let the body of he who's fluids shall cover this page bond with mine. Let my body fourfold gain whatever mass he should obtain". He grabbed the hanky and rubbed it along the page, smearing his brother's cum onto the paper. In the car, a sudden wave of dizziness hit Brett. His vision went dark for a split second but then returned to normal. In his room, Jason felt an analogue sensation shoot through his own body. He hid the paper inside his desk. And then, the semester got underway. ------------------------------------------------------------ One month later. Brett indeed did well on the football team. He was among the best of the freshmen and everyone agreed that he could lead the team one day. He had become friends with most of the 'big five': the five biggest guys on the team, the group of seniors that dominated their part of the game. Four of them had invited him over for a drink after his first month on the team. The fifth, Mike, the star quarterback who led the team hadn't bothered. He didn't hang out with anyone on the team: his rich parents had rented him a flat off campus and his natural arrogance made him a first class jerk. But his skills on the football field combined with his 240 pounds of muscle made him an almost unstoppable force on the field. Even in the locker room his teammates moved away when he came in. The competitive spirit on the team drove Brett to the gym every day combined with his practice out on the field. Jason eased through his classes with little effort, studying punctually and avoiding the jocks. He didn't have any real friends as he kept to himself in the back of most classes and always returned home. The curse he'd cast on his brother did have positive effects: he'd put on 20 pound of pure muscle since the start of the academic year. At 175 pounds of defined muscle, he looked more like a fitness model when he took off his shirt. Even his face now looked more like that of an 18 year old with a more squared jaw line and the hint of a beard. He kept his new physique well hidden underneath baggy shirts he took from his brother's closet. Only back at home, he went into his brother's room, took off the baggy shirt and admired the new mass on his torso. Brett didn't understand why his body wasn't reacting to his training regime. He decided to up the intensity of his training: he doubled his daily workouts and upped his protein consumption drastically, gulping down shakes whenever he could. During his new early morning workouts, he frequently bumped into Mike in the otherwise deserted gym. The huge star player only nodded to him as he went through his workout. The effects of his brother's increased training were quickly visible on Jason's body. During the next two weeks, he put on another 20 pounds of muscle. His new weight (195 pounds) and muscular arms (17 inches) made him look like a very well muscled fitness model. The once baggy shirts from his brother's closet now hugged his torso nicely and he no longer hid his physique. More heads turned his way as he passed to his classes and even his dad made proud comments. He began drinking protein shakes from the tubes left in his brother's room. One day he even decided to join the local gym. A bit nervous he stepped in and went to the front desk. "What can I do for you?", the guy behind the desk asked. "I'm new here", Jason said, "I would like to join this gym." "You're obviously used to working out", the guy stated as he took in Jason's body, "I'll let you try out for free and we'll discuss the possibilities after you training. Locker room's over there." "Thanks", Jason said. He went into the locker room, changed and entered the gym. Three other guys were working out as he entered. They nodded to him as he went to the bench press. His body seemed to know what to do and the next hour, Jason eased through a good workout. By the end, his pecs and triceps were pumped. He showered quickly and went to the bar to order a shake. The same guy from the desk made him a protein shake. "Had a good workout I see", the guy said and motioned to Jason's pumped arms. "Yeah", Jason replied, "I think I'll join this gym." "Good", the guy stated, "Membership for a month? Or a year?" "Make it a year", Jason answered, "And I'll have another shake too." "There you go", the guy said, "All done. Hope to see you again soon." Jason gulped down his second protein shake and went home. It was the first of his daily visits to the gym. As the semester went on and got near the end, Brett's performance on the field began waning. His body lacked its usual level of energy, during practice he went from being the best among the freshmen to a good top five and in the gym most of his lifts were off. He still looked muscular but hadn't gained one single pound since arriving at Orchid University despite his grueling workout regime and the vast amount of protein he was ingesting. He was probably close to overtraining for once was happy that exams were coming up so he would have a break from training. --------------------------------------------------------------------- At the end of the semester Brett had passed his exams reasonably and was happy to return home for the holidays. He took a train home and arrived mid-afternoon. He entered the house and found his brother lying on the couch. "You're home early", Jason said as he sat up. Brett noticed his brother's deepened voice and blinked as he recognized the shirt. "Are you wearing one of my shirts?", he asked. "Yea", Jason replied, "Mine don't fit anymore since my recent growth spurt. Yours are fine. Bit tight though." Brett didn't respond but took in how the shirt clung to his formerly bony brother's torso. "Huh", he said as he noticed his brother was speaking. "I asked if ya want to go hit the gym. It's time for my workout", Jason repeated while he stood up. "You work out?", Brett asked incredulously. Despite feeling far from okay, he couldn't resist the chance of showing his grown brother who was the alpha. "Fine", he said, "I'll go change and I'll show ya how a real man trains, little bro." A few minutes later, Jason drove both of them to the gym in his new car. None of them spoke a word, the tension between the two brothers hanging in the air: Jason eager to show what his new muscles could do and Brett determined to highlight his dominance. They continued their silence as Jason parked the car and they walked into the gym. "Yo Sam", Jason said to the guy behind the desk, "Brought my bro today. Ya mind if he joins me?". "Bro, I used to train here. I'm a member. Still have my card", Brett interjected and handed his card to Sam. "Yar membership isn't active if ya didn't pay", Jason answered. "Card is no longer active", Sam read from the computer screen, "Do you want to reactivate you membership?". "He's only here for a week. Ya mind if he trains with me for free?", Jason asked. "No problem, J. I'll arrange it", Sam replied. "J?", Brett asked as they entered the locker room. "The guys around here call me J", Jason said and tossed his bag into the locker, "Let's toss some weight around". Brett followed his brother into the deserted gym up to the rack of dumbbells. "Friday is back", Jason said as he grabbed a pair of heavy dumbbells and began doing rows. Brett followed reluctantly: his back wasn't his strong point and his old level of energy was still lacking. He couldn't believe how easy his brother handled the heavy dumbbells. The guy kept cranking out reps when his back was burning from the effort and he dropped the dumbbells. The next hour Jason cruised through his workout while Brett struggled to keep up. Whenever Jason saw his brother grab a weight, he made sure to grab a heavier one and pump out more reps. "Something wrong, bro?", he asked as he saw Brett trying to catch his breath. "Feeling a bit tired from my trip home", Brett muttered in between deep breaths, "We're done yet?". "One more exercise, bro", Jason said and walked over to the pull up station. He grabbed the bar and performed 50 perfect reps. Brett looked at his brother in disbelief, watching the muscles on his wide back work. He nodded 'no' as his brother motioned him to start. "Come on, bro. Thought ya were gonna show me how a real man trains", Jason said smugly and folded his arms in front of his chest to emphasize the new thickness of his biceps. "Fine", Brett replied to maintain some of his old dominant pose. He grabbed the bar and pulled himself up. He tried to ignore how little fluent the motion looked compared to his brother. He reached 15 reps before his grip faltered and he jumped down. He avoided his brother's gaze while he sat down on a nearby bench. "I'm done", he mumbled exhaustedly. Jason just grinned and performed three more long sets of pull ups. "Let's call it a day, bro", he said and walked out of the gym, enjoying how his pumped lats pushed his arms out from his sides and added wideness to his posture. "Prepare me a shake for after my shower, Sam", he said as he passed the bar. Brett followed his brother, marveled at the formerly shy guy's new dominant attitude and the wideness of his frame. As they entered the locker room and begin stripping down, he felt like saying something to excuse his lame work out if he wanted to keep his dominant position in the family. "You're lucky I'm tired from my trip, Jason", he said, "If not you would have begged for mercy". The lack of conviction in his tone only emphasized the hollowness of his words and only diminished his dominance. "Tired. Right, bro", Jason added sarcastically. Savoring how his brother tried to ignore their new statuses. He didn't even bother to look aside and kept stripping down. Brett entered the shower first and went to the furthest shower head in the right corner. He faced the wall as he turned on the water. His mind still trying to process the new reality. A few moments later he heard another shower turning on and he cautiously turned his head a bit. He saw his brother standing under the shower in the center of the left wall. Jason wasn't facing the wall as he showered. Ever since he'd grown he didn't miss an opportunity to display his body. Brett glanced from the corner of his eyes, blinking when he saw his brother's biceps twitch as the guy washed his hair. He quickly turned his head back to the wall when his brother opened his eyes. "I'm gonna have my shake, bro. Don't take too long, I wanna get home for dinner. Gotta feed my body", Jason said and left the shower. A few minutes later Brett showed up in the bar. His brother was gulping down a second protein shake based on the other empty glass on the bar. "Yeah, up to 215 since last week", he heard Jason say to Sam as he approached. "Ya pay these shakes, bro. I got ya in for free. See ya tomorrow, Sam", Jason said and stood up. Brett quickly paid his brother's shakes and followed Jason to his car. Back home, Brett was greeted by his parents and the family enjoyed their first family dinner in months. Unlike before he'd left to Orchid University, Brett wasn't being served first. Jason took the biggest steak and the largest serving of potatoes. After the first serving, Jason and Brett reached for the steak that was left. A quick glance and a slight flex of his brother's right arm made Brett retreat his fork and he watched his brother devour the juicy steak. Just three months ago there would have been no question to whom would eat the last steak. Somehow his once lanky brother had become more dominant while Brett had been at Orchid University. As his brother helped himself to his third serving of potatoes, Brett excused himself and mumbled an excuse of being fatigued from his trip. "Hope ya're feeling better tomorrow for our work out, bro", Jason said with a full mouth. The next morning Brett did feel better when he got up. He went down and found his brother dressed in his workout gear at the table. "Feeling fresh, bro?", Jason asked and gulped down a protein shake. "Let's hit the gym and I'll show you", Brett spat back and made himself a shake too. "Can't wait", Jason replied with a grin. Just minutes later the two brothers drove off to the gym, greeted Sam and entered the weight room. "Arm day, Jason", Brett said and grabbed a 80 pound bar. This time he was going to make his brother follow his lead. He cranked out reps, enjoying the feeling of his biceps pumping. Brett just grinned and grabbed the 90 pound barbell as a warm up. He made sure to pump out 5 reps more than his brother. "Time for the real work", Brett stated and grabbed the 150 pound bar. He groaned and his face reddened instantly as he managed 8 reps. He dropped the bar and looked aside with a grin. The grin froze on his face as he saw his brother curling the 170 pound bar. Unlike him, his brother even managed three sets. "What's up next, bro?", Jason asked matter-off-factly. "Hammer curls", Brett said angrily and grabbed a pair of 80 pound dumbbells. After two reps the familiar feeling of fatigue and weakness began spreading in his biceps. At his sixth rep his biceps were burning painfully and he had to drop the weight. Jason shook his head, grabbed the 100 pound dumbbells and began pumping out reps casually. "…3,4,5,6,7,8…", he counted out loud to stress his new strength. He managed 12 nice reps before gently lowering the weight. Brett didn't want to go down without a fight and grabbed the 80 pounders again. This time the painful burning filled his biceps at the first reps. His arms shook, his body trembled as hoisted the dumbbells up. After three lousy reps, his grip gave out and the weights crashed down on the floor. "Watch it, bro. Sam doesn't like weights being thrown down. Show some respect.", Jason said while he began his second set. He once more performed 12 perfectly controlled reps before ending his set. "Next one", Brett said as he racked his dumbbells. "Not done just yet, bro", Jason replied and performed a third and fourth set just to show off his new position. It felt like he was getting more dominant with every rep he did. "Now we're done", he said after his fourth set. "Preacher curls", Brett muttered and stepped over to the machine. He selected a 100 pounds and began pumping out reps. Jason sat down on the adjacent machine, selected 200 pounds and followed his brother's lead. The competition was on and neither one wanted to quit first. After 20 reps, Brett's arms cramped up completely and he had to stop. His body felt completely drained. He looked aside and his eyes widened in disbelief as he saw his brother continuing his grueling set. Jason felt totally energized. His body fed on the energy of his brother that pushed him beyond his limits. "…35,36,37…38…39…40", he groaned and ended his set. The pump in his biceps was unreal. "That was fun, bro. Let's hit triceps now", he said and stood up. "Wh…what?", Brett blurred out in total disbelief. Jason grinned at his brother's reaction. "Sure thing, bro. Biceps are just half the work on arm day", he said and returned to the dumbbells. "Or are ya tired again?", he added. Brett followed his brother but didn't train anymore. He just handed him the weights he demanded. He felt his once dominant position weaken with every rep his brother performed and even handed him his towel when he asked for it. He simply watched After an hour, Jason finally decided that their workout was over. His arms were fully engorged, his biceps and triceps pumped after the torture he had put them through. "Can't even flex from the pump", he said as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. "Fine. Let's hit the shower. And bring my towel, bro", he stated and left. Brett grabbed his brother's towel and followed the guy. He gazed at the defined, hard triceps that jutted out from the back of his meaty arms. "Thanks, bro", Jason said as he grabbed the towel from his brother's hand and ripped his shirt off. "Can't get it over my head. My arms are too pumped", he said as he saw the shocked expression on his brother's face. "When ya train like a real man, ya swill feel this too", he added and strutted into the showers. Brett followed a few minutes later. He entered the shower zone and saw his brother standing in the center of the left wall, his body on full display for everyone. He looked away quickly when his brother made eye contact. He retreated to the furthest shower on the opposite wall and face the wall like the day before. Now and then, he turned his head slightly to peak at his brother. The way his biceps swelled as his brother massaged his hair made a faint 'wow' escape his mouth. He quickly turned his head back to the wall when his brother opened his eyes again. "Time for my shake. Don't make me wait, bro", Jason said while he left. Brett inhaled deeply when he was alone in the shower zone. The second training with his brother had made another deep dent in his once unquestionable dominant position. Deep down he knew he wasn't the alpha anymore but his brain refused to accept the new reality. He turned off the shower, got dressed and went to the bar. He blinked as he saw Sam feeling his brother's left arm. Jason noticed his brother. "Now ya know what a real arms feels like, Sam", he said and gulped down his second protein shake. He got up, winked to Sam and left. Brett wanted to follow his brother but was asked to pay for the shakes again. He did and followed his brother to his car. On the ride home, he took short glances at his brother's arms, watching the corded muscles on his forearms tense as he shifted gears. Back home he rushed into his room and didn't come out until dinner. As it was Christmas the next day, the gym was closed and Brett was relieved not having to join his brother again. At noon the family gathered for their traditional feast. The food was delicious and most of it ended up on Jason's plate. Everyone watched, the parents lovingly and Brett in disbelief, as Jason wolfed down serving after serving. "Ya done, bro?", he asked and took the half serving of meat lying on Brett's plate. When every dish was emptied, he patted his tight six-pack happily. "Gotta feed my body", he said, "Fuelling up for our workout tomorrow. Can't wait for it, bro". "Me too", Brett said unconvincingly. "I'm so glad you two finally share an interest and spent some time together. I'm proud of both of you", their father said. The next morning Brett found his brother once again waiting for him at the breakfast table. Minutes later they were driving toward the gym. As the previous times none of the brothers spoke a word and the tension hanging in the air was like a thunderstorm ready to explode. Both of them knew it would be a decisive moment: Brett was fighting to maintain his former dominance over his brother and Jason was ready to finally claim the top position as alpha of the family. They maintained their silence until they entered the weight room. "Let's smash chest", Jason said. He put on his usual warm up weight and cranked out 20 quick reps. "I'll show ya how it's done, bro", Brett said smugly and cranked out 20 equally fast reps. He knew that his chest was his best muscle group and he wasn't going to step down from the confrontation today. Jason added some weight to the bar and did his first working set of 12 solid reps. Brett followed suit. Jason continued adding weight to the bar after each set. After their third set Brett's chest was beginning to feel fatigued. He'd even one rep less than his brother. "Fourth set", Jason groaned as he pushed up the bar and cranked out another 8 reps. Brett got under the bar, pushed it up and felt his arms shake. He got to 5 reps before his pecs gave out and he re-racked the bar. He stood up, trying to catch his breath and felt his face turn red. "Not so strong after all", Jason said smugly. He added two more plates to the bar and got another solid 7 reps. "Put on some more weight, bro", he said as he laid down on the bar. Brett did as he was told and watched in disbelief as his brother pumped out 5 reps with the heavy bar. It was 30 pounds more than his own max. He felt his once undisputed position slipping away. "Dumbbell presses", Jason said as he stood up from the bench press and wandered over to the free weights. He grabbed the third heaviest pair and began his exercise. Brett followed suit but took a pair of considerably lighter dumbbells. "A bit over trained from football", he mumbled to his brother. Even with the lighter weights he couldn't pump out the reps of his brother. He dropped the weights to the floor and looked in disbelief as his brother grabbed the heaviest dumbbells. "Don't hurt yourself, bro. I never managed that weight", he said. Jason grinned and cranked out 8 solid reps, enjoying the feeling of the pump spreading through his chest. "Too bad they don't have any heavier dumbbells", he grunted as he did three more sets. He sat up, racked the dumbbells and went to the dipping station. "You go first, bro", he said, "ya had time to catch yar breath while I was still dumbbell pressing." Brett grabbed the handles and began dipping. He got 12 nice reps before his arms began shaking. He managed two more reps before jumping down. Jason grabbed the handles and copied his brother's movement. On his twelfth rep, he intentionally made his arms tremble. Then, he continued dipping. Brett's eyes widened as his brother passed the 30 rep point with perfect form. He felt the balance of dominance between them shift with every passing set. "50", Jason groaned and stepped down from the dipping station, "You're up, bro." Brett reluctantly grabbed the handles again. By now his chest felt totally exhausted but he couldn't give up just like that. He only got to 6 reps before his form faltered completely. Jason went through his second set, getting to another solid 40 reps. He stepped down and looked at his brother. Brett simply shook 'no' and pretended to suffer from cramp. His mind on the verge of accepting he had been knocked down by his once lanky brother. Jason blasted through three more sets of 35 dips. He inhaled deeply as he stepped down from the dipping station, his stretched tank top protesting with some tearing sounds as his pumped pecs inflated further. "Pec deck is up next, bro", he said. From that point on Brett simply followed his brother through the gym and watched as he pushed out rep after rep, and feeling him get more dominant with every rep. An hour after they'd arrived, Jason finished his fifth set of pushups and got up. His sweat-drenched tank top was glued to his pumped torso. "Enough for today", he grunted and walked toward the locker room, not even looking at his brother. None of the brothers spoke a word when they began stripping off their workout gear in the locker room. Both of them knowing that the balance of dominance had shifted completely and definitively. Brett's mind was still processing the acceptance of being taken down a notch and Jason was savoring in his new position. "Someone pumped his pecs today." Brett turned around at the remark and saw Sam entering the locker room and admiring his brother's chest. His eyes widened as the guy stepped up to his brother and groped the pumped mass of muscle atop his chest. "Ya like feeling a real chest, don't ya", Jason asked while he let the smaller guy worship his pecs. "Come on. Flex 'em, J.", Sam pleaded. Brett just stared at the unbelievable scene in front of him. Jason grinned and flexed his chest, making striations explode under the smaller guy's touch. "Ya know what to do, Sam", he said casually while he stared right into his brother's eyes. Brett's eyes widened when the smaller guy kneeled, slid down his brother's pants to reveal his plump cock and took it in his mouth. He couldn't believe what was happening right there in the center of the locker room. It was as if he wasn't there for those two guys and his brother kept staring directly into his eyes with a smug expression on his face. Within seconds Jason spilled his load into Sam's eager mouth. When his orgasm wore off, he pulled his cock from the guy's mouth and walked to the shower zone. "Don't ya need a shower, bro?", he asked as he passed his brother. Brett watched Sam stand up and disappear and followed his brother's example. The next morning Brett awoke late. His parents had already left for work and his brother was apparently still in his room as he walked into the bathroom. He ditched his boxers and entered the long walk-in shower. He turned on the shower and enjoyed the hot water cascading down on his body. A grin formed on his face as he thought back at the countless times he'd jerked off against the tilled wall. Lately even his morning wood seemed less hard than at the end of summer. A faint noise caught his attention and he turned off the water. He turned around and a yelp escaped his mouth as he saw his fully nude brother standing at the entrance of the walk-in shower. "What the fuck, Jason", he said angrily while he put his hands in front of his cock. "I asked if ya were done here, little bro", Jason replied grinningly. His deepened baritone easily rivaling his brother's deep voice. Brett didn't react to the 'little bro'. He just stared at his brother's grown body. Standing just a few feet away, his brother looked truly intimidating. Just a few months earlier no one would have told they were brothers: he outsized Jason by a good 60 pounds. Now the tables had turned. Despite being close to his brother's weight, Brett's 212 pounds seemed way less intimidating than Jason's 215 pounds. Brett's muscles seemed a bit saggy: his pecs hung slightly as if their weight pulled them down and his shoulders hunched forward making his posture lack his once usual aura of strength and confidence. Jason on the other hand radiated power: his pecs protruded firmly from his chest and his wide shoulders formed a strong line capped with his rounded delts. His now squared face added to his masculine look. The guy seemed to ooze power and confidence. Jason grinned smugly while his brother scanned his torso. "Miring my bod like after all our workouts in the gym shower, little bro?", he asked casually. Brett tore his gaze from the ripped six-pack and focused on his brother's eyes. He blinked when he realized he had to look up slightly to stare Jason in the eye. "I'm no longer just technically the bigger brother", Jason said, "How big are yar arms?". "18 inches", Brett replied and tensed his right arm to show off his size. "18.5 inches cold", Jason replied. He raised his arms and threw a double bicep pose to emphasize his point. Brett could only stare as his brother displayed his superior form. Ever since their workout the balance of dominance had shifted entirely in favor of his brother and now Brett felt how Jason was imposing his alpha-status completely. "What does half an inch really mean", he muttered unconvincingly. Jason hardened his flex some more in reply to his brother's remark. "We both know what it means, little bro", he groaned and relaxed his pose. "Besides, I'm bigger everywhere", he added. "Huh?", Brett muttered as he pretended not to know what his brother meant. Jason stepped closer while he casually stroked his cock, grabbed his brother's ass and pulled him in. Their hard cocks brushed against each other. "See what I mean, little bro?", he asked. Brett followed his brother's gaze down and inhaled sharply: his brother's cock pressed into his the base below his cock while his own cock lay atop his brother's dick without touching his brother's groin and didn't rival his brother's one in girth either. "See, little bro. Mine's longer and thicker than yours. I'm bigger everywhere!", Jason boomed and savored his new dominant status. His erection jolted underneath his brother's hard dick. Brett broke from his brother's grasp and took a step back. "How did you do it, Jason?", he asked, "you were a runt before I left and now you're…". "The bigger man, ya mean", Jason rumbled, "I cast a curse. When you train, my body gains the size you would have gained. The more ya train, the bigger I get. And ya can't stop training or ya'll lose yar scholarship. So, ya will only make me bigger and bigger, little bro." "Cursed me?", Brett let out, "You're just on steroids. Now get lost so I can shower in peace." "Ya're in no position to tell me what to do, little bro", Jason said, "How many times did ya storm in here when I was showering and told me to leave? Flexing yar arms to intimidate me? Mocking me with yar brawn being superior to me brain? Guess what, little bro: I have brains and brawn now. I'm the new alpha here. Ya should now yar new place." Brett retreated some more, his back pressing against the tilled wall. He had never felt this intimidated before and his once runty brother was doing it to him. He saw his brother come closer and reaching for him. He tried resisting but his weakened body was no match for his now buff brother. Jason easily pushed his brother's arms aside and grabbed his armpits. He turned his brother around and made him face the tilled wall. His 8,5 incher pointed straight at his brother's meaty ass. Brett put his hands against the tilled wall and tried pushing his body away from the wall but his brother held on to his armpits firmly. "Let me go, Jason. you can shower in peace", he mumbled. The words died on his lips as he felt the head of his brother's cock brush against his ass. "No", he mumbled. Jason ignored his brother's cries and shoved his dick into the tight hole. He moaned in pleasure as he busted through the clenched defenses and felt the ass clamp against his cock. "Please….", Brett pleaded in vain. Pain exploded through his body as his brother rammed his cock entirely into his ass. His hands clawed against the tilled walls and a high painful shriek escaped his mouth. "Ya're the little bro now. I'm the new alpha here", Jason moaned, grabbed hold of his brother's hips and began pumping his cock in and out of his brother's clenching ass. Tears leaked from Brett's eyes as his brother installed his total dominance. He felt humiliated beyond anything he'd ever felt. He felt his brother's hot breath against his neck and his brother's deep moans rumbled in his right ear with every thrust of the cock in his ass. His arms trembled and his entire body rocked on the rhythm of his brother's fucking. He looked down and to his horror he noticed that his own cock was at full mast and throbbing. Jason heard his brother's painful shrieks and they only excited him more. He was quickly getting close to orgasm and he felt his balls churning while he ravaged the ass of the brother who had physically dominated the family for years. The slow process of destroying his brother's dominance during their workouts and gradually stripping him of his old alphaness now culminated into fucking him into his new role while he assumed Brett's former position at the top of the family hierarchy. He pulled back his cock almost completely and then rammed it with full force into the clenching ass. "YEAH", he roared loudly as he exploded deep inside his brother. Brett shivered as his brother's spunk filled him with liquid heat and the violence of Jason's orgasm shook his own body violently. He felt spurt after spurt after spurt shoot inside him. At the same time his own cock exploded against the tilled wall. "Ughn", he grunted as his balls blasted out four loads of cum. His own moan drowning in the noise of his brother's deeper moans. Unlike before he didn't feel all-powerful as he came inside the shower, this time he felt nothing but shame. When his blasts stopped, his brother kept squirting his load into him. He felt the sticky juice slide along his legs while his body continued shaking on the rhythm of his brother's thrusts. After eight loads Jason's orgasm finally wore off and he pulled his dick from his brother's ass. "I don't expect to see ya in the gym today, little bro", he grunted and left his humiliated brother in the shower. Brett crashed down, his body destroyed from the fucking by his brother and cried inside the shower that had once made him feel untouchable.
  23. Greatsword812

    Unexpected Package (Updated: July 5th 2018)

    Hey all. Obligatory disclaimer, long time luker, first time poster. This prompt came from a write thread on /y/ and is as follows: "Requesting a story about a young man receiving his own GroBot in the mail, and continuing to have fetishy sex with it after activating it. The GroBot should have total sentience, but be submissive to his owner. The owner should just be happy to get his dick wet with his growing android hunk. The only requirement is that theirs lots of growth and sex." Constructive criticism is appreciated. I normally don't write smut (or write at all, tbh) so please let me know if you like it. According to the anon on /y/ the prompt was inspired by rippedsaurian's character. ****************************************** “I didn't fucking order this.” The Amazon guy just stared at me. He clicked his pen again and repeated, “Ya gonna sign or what?” I huffed and scribbled my signature and he bolted out the door leaving me with a gigantic six-foot package sitting in my empty living room. Again, I scratched my head. There was no way I drunk ordered anything THIS big, even drunk me would have balked at the price. I cut down the sides of the package and revealed the inner box that just reeked of expensive production value. Light gray with gold-yellow trim and a shiny matte finish overlay the word GRO-BOT plastered on the side in large sleek lettering. Still puzzled I discarded the front of the fancy box and let out a small gasp of amazement. Before me stood a lean and average sized human looking robot. Much like the color of the box the GROBOT was colored dark gray around the torso and thighs and a dark yellow-gold in the shoulders, upper back, calves, crotch posers and head. The robot had no visible face but did have a V shaped colorless slit on the face that simulated eyes. The bot was also very clearly defined, each muscle group separated and distinct with no body fat to be seen at all, much like an anatomy mannequin. My eyes trailed lower to a small plastic sign affixed to the crotch that said “Please BOOP eyes to initiate start-up.” Following instructions, I pressed my finger to the plastic V shape and the eyes lit up with a cool white light. A small chime signaling start up rang and I watched as the operating system stimulated the GROBOT's muscles in a visible shock wave that ran the length of the body. A few moments later the head turned and fixated on my face. “Initiating Operator Mode. Please specified desired vocal auditory output. Press left pectoral for lower vocal pitch and right pectoral for higher vocal pitch.” The robot cooed. I stared a moment before complying and placing my hand on the left pec. The robot repeated the same phrase in a slightly lower and sexier voice. I immediately repeated and pressed the left pec again several times resulting in a smooth and rumbling base and pressed the eyes to continue. “Growth-based Regenerative Organic-synth Battle-bot for Offensive Training or GRO-BOT.” The bot did a small bow with his hands behind his back before continuing. “Thank you for your purchase, Master.” I stared at the robot, dumbfounded. Taking a few steps back I slouched in my favorite armchair and placed my head in my hands, letting out a great big sigh. The bot had tracked my movements with its (his?) head and said nothing. I saw another bolt of stimulation travel down the bot from head to toe as it stepped out of the box and followed me to the chair, planting its feet exactly a foot from me. “My sensors have detected that your blood-pressure, pulse and respirations are elevated. It appears you are in acute distress. How might I be of assistance, Master?” “Why do you keep saying Master?” I groaned back to the bot. The eyes flashed twice, apparently processing my query. “I am your product. You are my Master.” That did not exactly clarify the situation. “Who bought you?” I inquired, “I do NOT remember ordering something as expensive as you probably are.” More flashing eyes before the bot replied, “My subscription information lists you as the sole and primary subscriber. I am your product. Payment information is restricted.” I stood up and poked the bot hard in the cleft of the pecs with my finger. The bot registered the abuse with a few flashes of its V shaped eyes and fixated its face on mine. Each word was punctuated with another jab to the pecs as I demanded to know, “What. Do. You. Do?” “My original function was to serve as an opponent to humans training to engage in hand to hand physical combat. My architects have determined that I can provide other, more sensitive, uses to non-combat civilian personnel.” The bot replied, coolly. “In summary: I am a sex bot. Do you wish to initiate customization?” That immediately changed my tune. “YES!” GRO-BOT hummed a moment before replying. “Please specific desired height.” “Six feet and four inches.” GRO-BOT began to hiss slightly, like the sound of hydraulics expanding, and his body began to stretch upward slowly. The increased height did not pad itself out however and once completed growing the bot looked too lanky to be attractive, so I decided to up the specificity of my requests. “More weight. Wait! More muscle.” GRO-BOT flashed a moment before requesting, “Please specify body type. Average. Athletic. Olympian. Fitness Model. Body Builder.” “Fitness model!” Cables of new muscle stretched and snapped into existence across the robot's entire body. The sounds of stretching nano-flesh filled the room and GROBOT began to fill out in all the right places. His already defined torso swelled into two slabs of define pectorals complete with an eight-pack of washboard abs and shredded lats. The shoulders were next and each one ballooned out into round powerful bowling balls. Lastly, the arms writhed with new power as the biceps swelled from skinny bumps to powerful tennis ball sized orbs within a few flexes. I moaned out loud at this hot growth and placed my arms on both pectorals, squeezing their newfound hardness between my digits. With a surge of power GROBOT flexed both his pecs as hard as he could, and I felt the warm hard mounds turn to stone beneath my fingertips. My fingers traveled down the bot's torso and down to the fantastic abs on display. The brick like muscles were perfectly symmetrical with a clean divide down the middle that accentuated their power. GRO-BOT raised his arms over his head and crunched his stomach so hard one of my fingers was pinched between two of its shredded abdominal. I was really feeling horny now. My hard cock was staining my pants with pre and I had to let it lose. I frantically dropped the trousers and stood a full attention in front of my new personal sex slave. I leaned back in my comfy chair and slowly began to stroke my length while raking my eyes over the contours of the bot's body. I needed more. “Raise an arm and flex.” GRO-BOT blinked and complied, raising its right arm and bringing it to a firm flex. At his current size the bicep was about a s big as a tennis ball with small veins running beneath the small muscle and up the length of the forearm. I stroked myself faster. “Increase the bicep size by twenty percent.” The veins in the arm pulsed slowly as they supplied the arm with more liquid fuel and after a moment GRO-BOT relaxed his arm and re-flexed. The new bicep was noticeably bigger than it had been before but not quite where I had wanted it to be just yet. Before I could issue a new command, the veins pulsed again and GRO-BOT relaxed and flexed again. And again. And again. With each new flex the arm was even bigger and more defined than before A large vein appeared at the head of the bicep and pulsed with each new flex as the now soft-ball sized bicep grew even further. I was moaning at this inhuman display of power and beat my dick harder and harder until the growth stopped. I immediately let go of my dick to stop myself cumming to soon. I was not going to finish before I had my way with this new robot. “Take out your dick.” GRO-BOT obeyed. The gold fabric posers suddenly vanished and revealed a four-inch soft dick with a grey shaft and gold head. It looked pitiful against the rest of the bot's rock-hard body, so I decided to give my new bot a makeover any man would dream of. “Grow your other arm and jack off while doing it.” The overgrown sex toy blinked once as it processed the request and lowered his new huge right arm to his soft dick while raising the left arm and beginning to flex. The robot slowly began to stroke its own manhood (robot-hood?) in time with the flexing of his arms. The growth started again, first with the pulsing veins. With each flex of the inflating arm GRO-BOT also stroked its own dick to a hard six inches. I was going wild now. I was jacking off furiously and spewing precum everywhere like a leaky faucet. GRO-BOT had completed his growth cycle and relaxed both arms to his sides while his dick, still hard, began to leak its own fluid. My hands flew off my dick and I gasped for a few breaths, fighting the urge to cum early. My mind raced with ideas. How much control did this robot have over itself? How specific could I get? “Increase penis length by two inches.” The bot bleeped again but nothing happened at first. GROBOT's cock continued to leak and then suddenly throbbed back and forth like it was being flexed. Veins spread across the long fuck pole and supplied it with ample fuel while throbbing increased in intensity. The large grey-gold penis stood fully erect and shot a large wad of cum straight into the air. The bot's dick slowly stretched upward toward the sky and fired another round into the air. GRO-BOT reached down, grasping the shaft, and vigorously ran its thumb over the head while the organ finished its growth spurt. The last volley of cum exploded out of the tip like a covered garden hose and the throbbing subsided as it reached eight inches. GRO-BOT blipped again before he spoke, “My sensors detect a rapid pulse and increased perspiration, both indicative of arousal.” GRO-BOT reached out and placed his hands on the armrests of my chair and leaned over me so that I could focus only on his incredible bulk. Veins pulsed on his chest as the bot again flexed his upper body only inches from my face. GRO-BOT thrust his hips and his robot dick made contact with my own weeping manhood. “Do I please you, master?” I did not reply. I had to focus on not cumming too soon or this fantastic experience would be over before it really began. Idea after idea swam through my head of all the new possibilities I had in store with GRO-BOT at my disposal. It appeared he was fully customization and ready and willing to perform whatever I wanted. Do whatever I wanted. Be whoever I needed. “Change your body type to body-builder.” GRO-BOT straightened up and very quickly began to initiate the changes, this time growing outward instead of upward. The growth started at his thighs and began to spread downward. Each pillar of flesh bulged and stretched with new cables of nano-muscle and swelled even bigger around than they had been previously. Each pulse was accentuated by the huge pulsing veins that began to crawl down each length. The growth spurt had then reached his calves which exploded with a small bang into fist sized calf muscles. I let out a moan and quickly sat up in my chair, reaching behind GRO-BOT and grabbing onto his already bulbous glutes. GRO-BOT's behind inflated slowly but surely while I squeezed and manipulated the globes of flesh. It felt like I was holding two halves of a watermelon that kept getting bigger and bigger. Each slab felt tighter and tighter until I felt like they would burst at any moment. Suddenly GRO-BOT clenched his cheeks and thrust forward, slamming his eight inches down my throat. I groaned and gurgled and did my best to suck off this freakishly muscular bot while he continued to face fuck me with long and slow motions. Each thrust slapped his bulbous balls on my chin and after a few moments I grabbed and squeezed them tight. GRO-BOT shuddered and bucked wildly, I could feel his dick throbbing in my mouth as he shot his load again. His orgasm completed, GRO-BOT withdrew from my mouth and stood at the ready, his dick still rock solid. “I-I need you.” I stammered, trying to delay my own orgasm. “I need you inside me, now. PLEASE!” GRO-BOT's eyes blinked. In one swift motion he bent over and hoisted me up into the air by the hips. My hands clambered up his body and I wrapped my arms around his thick bull neck. GRO-BOT was supporting me like I weighed nothing to him! I let out a moan and my legs gripped the washboard abs of his midriff. GRO-BOT shifted me in his grasp and I felt a thick digit probing at my hole. GRO-BOT pressed and prodded at my delicate ass, feeling his way around my taint. The finger retreated and then returned with fresh lube from the prodigious amount of pre spilling from the robot's own cock. I felt him puncture my hole with this slick finger and slowly begin to finger fuck me open. I clamped down on the invading digit and gripped GRO-BOT's neck harder. He was not deterred and continued to slowly finger my hole lose. A moment later the invader was removed, and I heard the robot speak, “You are so very tight master. I will need to insert more than one finger to properly prepare you.” I yipped when I felt two fingers enter me with even more ease than before. GRO-BOT stretched my hole even wider and continued his finger fucking. After a moment I felt him hit my prostate and I let out a long and slutty moan. GRO-BOT continued his prodding once he knew he had struck gold, he sped up and jabbed at me harder. I could feel the hot pressure building inside me and spread from the inside out until I was putty in his hands. GRO-BOT removed his fingers then and grabbed me by the ass with both hands. “It is time.” I felt the head of his cock press against my lose hole and I tried not to tense. GRO-BOT slowly lowered me onto his enormous cock, pressing his head against my hole several times before thrusting through my defenses and sinking me on his thick pole. I gasped and screamed out as he quickly filled me with his entire eight inches. The pain was sharp at first but after a few moments I felt the pain ebb away and was replaced with an intense feeling of fullness. I raised myself up an inch or two and slammed down again, relishing in the pure pleasure of this robo-cock inside of me. “P-Please. Fuck me. Fuck me HARD!” I gasped. GRO-BOT wasted no time and gripped me tightly with both hands before sliding out of my well lubed ass and slamming back in. I could not stop myself from wailing as the musclebound bot begin to fuck me ferociously while supporting my body with this powerful form. I cried and screamed, feeling my tight hole loosen under the intense onslaught of this fucking machine. GRO-BOT did not tire, nor did he slow down. He kept his eyes fixated on me and plowed me deep like the muscle whore I am. I clamped my ass around his cock and was met with an extra hard thrust that dazed me for a moment. His body undulated underneath me, and his rippling abs massaged my own hard dick, I met his thrusts with my own and began to fuck the hard creases of his bulging abdominal muscles while GRO-BOT continued his own onslaught on my abused ass. I was turned on to the max at this point, but the deviant part of my brain knew that I could have even more. “More! More! P-Please I need you bigger! PLEASE! GROW BIGGER AND FUCK ME HARDER!” GRO-BOT's eyes flashed in compliance and I yelped as a sudden pain spread through my ass. It happened again as the huge robo cock grazed my prostate and I felt my hole stretch even wider. He withdrew from my insides until the tip of his gargantuan cock was at the edge of my sphincter. “Yes, master. I exist for your pleasure.” I heard it before I truly felt it. A slow but steady stretching sound beneath me. The next thing I knew the burning at my hole was even stronger and I clamped down again out of reflex. This did not stop the hot pleasure at my entrance as GRO-BOT's fuck pole grew inside me. He invaded me slowly this time and I felt this now gargantuan robotic cock fill me as no one had ever before. I felt him throb with each gush of pre-cum he squired inside of me until he finally hilted inside me. “Are you enjoying this, master?” GRO-BOT queried. I could not answer. Slowly, achingly slowly, he removed his extracted himself fully from my hole and leaned me back, placing me delicately on the furnished chair. I drank in the sight of GRO-BOT's completed transformation and glorious musculature, salivating over his colossal vein ridden arms and titanic pecs that looked too big to be true. My eyes lowered to his now mammoth sized cock. It was by far the most powerful looking dick I had ever seen, easily a foot in length and as thick around as the bottom of a wine bottle. He was continuously leaking precum that slid down his length and dripped onto the floor below. “Master, I must inform you of something.” GRO-BOT leaned down and raised my leg slowly back over my head with one of his pumped arms. My heart raced, and my dick hardened knowing what this hunk was preparing me for. I tried to contain my lust and stall my impending orgasm for as long as I could, but I was close to my breaking point. I needed this fuck so badly it was killing me! Delicately, he raised my other leg until I was spread-eagled, ass to the world, and primed for fucking. “You exist for my pleasure too.” The thrust pierced me with such force that I almost fainted from the sheer overflow of pleasure. GRO-BOT continued his bombardment of my ass with fast, deep, foot long thrusts with the full power of his entire body weight behind them. I was incapacitated from the overdose of endorphins my battered prostate was driving to my brain as this perfect machine plowed me more completely than any human had before. I was delirious with pleasure, numb with pain, and harder than I had ever been in my life. “Your pleasure gives me pleasure, master. I live to serve. I exist to please. The more your desires change me, improve me, the more pleasure I can give. The more leisure you feel, the more pleasure I feel.” As if to make his point he slowed his fucking motion and positioned himself exactly where he knew my joy button was. The monstrous android thrust rapidly back and forth, battering my prostate into submission. I screamed in pleasure and begged him to never stop fucking me. To never cease the endless ecstasy I was experiencing. The droid focused his blank face upon me and blinked in comprehension, his assault on my ass never wavered or even gave the slightest hint of slowing down. I reached out and grabbed onto the massive biceps planted next to my head and GRO-BOT responded by increasing the blood-flow to his already massive arms. I watched the veins bulge and swell as new fuel was pumped into the muscles of his arms, my digits stretched apart as the massive muscle was pumped ever harder under my fingertips. “You are mine now, just as I am yours. No human will ever be able to fuck you as well and as deep as I can.” GRO-BOT's dick swelled again inside me, mid thrust, the spike in pleasure making me see stars. I let out a howl of lust and started beating my dick harder than ever before. He knew I was close, very close. He lowered his body closer to mine, almost smothering me with his muscular bulk. I leaned in and dragged my tongue between his brawny cleavage and tasted real sweat. I latched onto one of his huge perky nipples and bit down hard. I was rewarded with more growth of his lower body which lead to even more explosively hard thrusts. His cum was gushing out of my abused ass with each commanding thrust. I could feel his thick hips slap against my cheeks each time he conquered my hole. And make no mistake, that's what it was. He was sexually conquering me, fucking me as no human ever had or ever could. I could never go back after this. I needed this to be over, for him to finally own me sexually. I needed to cum. “Oh god. Oh please. Oh, oh, here it comes. I”M CUMMING!” I screamed. My balls contracted, and my hips bucked wildly as I came harder than ever before in my life. Stream after stream of my seed splattered all over GRO-BOT's chest as he continued his predatory ass fucking. My vice like grip on his robotic cock only egged him on and he continued to literally fuck the cum out of me, timing his thrusts against my prostate with each volley I shot. I was still shooting when I felt him lean away from me. I watched as the android twisted his nipples and flexed his chest, showcasing his veined pectorals to me in a display of dominance. He held himself upright in obvious orgasmic bliss, straining with all his might as he continued to plow into me and fill me to the brim with this seed. I heard it burst out of my hole and drench the floor below the armchair. I felt my hole stretch each time a volley entered passed my sphincter. I welcomed the heat that grew within me as GRO-BOT unrelenting orgasm raged for a full minute. “S-stop...” I heard myself breath. I was so thoroughly exhausted I almost couldn't muster the energy to speak. GRO-BOT listened and obeyed. He removed his now 14-inch manhood from my gaping hole and hoisted me into his arms. Everything was dim and fuzzy, but I could feel him carry me into the other room and gently, almost lovingly, lay me down on my bed. The last thing I remember was the flash of his eyes before I sank into the mattress and drifted off to sleep.
  24. pasidious

    A Growing Love, Pt. 2

    After all the positive feedback I received about the first part of this story, I almost didn't want to try to write this part. I'm posting it reluctantly. I really hope you all can enjoy this part at least half as much as the first. Please, any feedback is appreciated, even if only to tell me you think it sucks! Part 1 __________________ I felt myself begin to sway and my vision was spinning. Did he really just say that? The thought of having sex with this god was too much for my mind to handle. And my dick felt like it would explode. I didn't know a human being could produce so much cum in one day, but here I was, probably surpassing records already, and my dick was about to unleash yet another massive torrent of semen. As I began to sway, I felt two hands on my arms, gripping them, one on either side. The strength in them was unmistakable, and I regained my composure when I felt my dick throbbing again. My vision steadied, and I regained focus on what was before me. Bryan was already a beautiful sight to behold. He had the tan skin of someone who spent most of his time in the sun. He had great style, always looking like he belonged in fashion magazines with whatever he was wearing, all the while making it look like it was always a bunch of clothes he just threw together. He had those light brown eyes that could almost be mistaken for yellow, which complemented his golden curly hair extremely well, and it was all too refreshing that he didn't have blue eyes, which is the overly seen cliche of an appearance for a dude (or even girl). And that hair of his... I don't know how it was so perfect, but it just was. His hair had grown more since we moved in, and it was down past his shoulders in length. It was thick, almost fluffy looking, and he had the sexiest appearance of a surfer dude. Of course, as of now, he had tied his hair up into a pile on his head. Which, quite honestly, was just as sexy as when it was down and uninhibited. Just those parts of his appearance were enough to give me a stubby, back when we first met. He was sexy, hot, and beautiful. But then, today, we finally admitted to each other we liked each other. It was a strange interaction, to say the least, but we got it out in the open. And Bryan... he didn't waste time engaging in some fun. And what goddamn fun it was. The specimen in front of me, holding my arms, making sure I wasn't going to fall over and pass out, is, to me, a perfect example of what male perfection looks like. He was not only beautiful, like he was before, but now he had grown into a muscle god. Muscles bulging all over him, arms that were mountainous when he flexed, abs upon which I could wash my clothes (quite literally), a chest so big I could lose my fingers in his cleavage, legs bigger than my two legs combined, and a dick that had to have doubled in size. And we were both completely naked, with our dicks standing straight up and out, oozing precum onto the floor. His was like a fountain the entire time he was growing, and I don't know how he managed to keep his hands off of it. Yes, there was a puddle forming on the carpet. And he just told me that we haven't even had sex yet. And he still had growing to do. Oh just the idea was making me swoon again. He held my arms tight, squeezing them. His eyes were looking into mine, and mine into his. It was strange looking slightly upward into them now, after having looked down into them only an hour earlier. My dick throbbed hard at the idea of having sex with this god. He pulled me closer to him, our dicks rubbing into our naked skin. I shuddered. He had a concerned look on his face, but still maintained a slight smile. He lowered his face to mine, and planted his lips on my lips. Suddenly the feeling of vertigo completely vanished, and it was replaced with total comfort and safety. I hummed softly, and I could feel his lips smile. I immediately brought my arms around his back, one lower than the other, and allowed my hands to roam all over the muscled terrain. Our dicks were pressed firmly between our bodies, and I could feel the sticky wetness that was seeping out of each and spreading between us. We both pulled our lips apart simultaneously, and he had a huge grin on his face. Fuck. That face. I could stare at it for days and days on end. He wrapped his arms completely around me, and I could feel the ridiculous muscles of his arms pressing into me. I laid my head against his chest, and the hard muscles of his pecs had absolutely no give. And yet, they were so warm and comfortable, like my head belonged precisely right there. I wanted to hold him closer to me. I wanted my soul and body to merge with him. Physically, we were already as close as we could get; but I wanted to become one with him. He suddenly detached himself from me, and I was slightly dismayed at first. But then he spoke for the first time in what seemed like forever. "How ya feelin', dude? You gonna be okay?" He chuckled ever so slightly. I nodded in response. "Yeah... yeah. This is all just... insane. But, amazing. I've never even fantasized about this type of thing, and yet here you are, an actual dream I didn't know I had." "Would you sayyyyy... I'm better than a fantasy?" He flashed that evil grin and flexed his right arm. I felt my dick throb again. "Oh fuck, Bryan. Yeah, you're better than a fantasy." I wrapped my hand as much as I could around his huge bicep. It was so hard, and quite vascular. My fingers couldn't even reach from top to bottom, from his peak to his bottom triceps. "What would make this even better than it already is?" He sounded so innocent as he asked it, yet he maintained that evil look in his eyes. "I'm... uhh, I'm not sure it can get any better than this." He held his arm flexed, and even pumped it a few times, letting me feel his mountain of a bicep flex and unflex and flex again. Then he lowered it, grabbed my hand, and flexed his other arm, and did the same with that one. "Unnghh" I quietly moaned. "You think so?" He kept his eyes locked onto my face, even though my eyes were on his hot arm. "I dunno, BRAH. I think it can." "Wha...? Huh?" I was zoning out, too busy looking at his sexy-as-fuck muscles. He took my face with his hands, and planted another kiss on my lips. He pulled away, briefly, and smiled. Then resumed kissing me, letting his tongue slip between my lips, entwining with my own. Even his tongue had grown stronger, as it dominated mine. He lightly bit my lower lip, and tugged on it. He then moved his lips to my cheek, kissing me all around my face, and allowing his lips to travel to my neck. Every so often he'd use his tongue and flit it over my skin, then resume the kisses. He then moved his mouth to my ear, still using his tongue, and bit on my ear lobe. His hot breath on my ear sent shivers up my spine. I think I was silently moaning. I couldn't even make noise, but I felt like I was definitely moaning. He took my hand, and guided me to his bed. He sat down on the end, and pulled me down next to him. Our dicks were still at full mast, standing straight up. He kissed my lips again, softly, and wrapped his hand around my cock. I felt jolts of electricity shooting up and down my limbs, and my entire body quivered. He then shoved himself backwards onto the bed so his whole body was on it, and he pulled my arm with him. As he lay on his back, he looked up at me. His chest was heaving up and down, and his abs were clenching and unclenching with each breath. His shoulders were so fucking hot; so round, and so big. I had turned myself around, on my knees on his bed, looking down at him. He no longer had a smile on his face. "So, you ready for this, dude? I plan to give you exactly what you want." My breath caught in my throat. I couldn't even remember what I told him I wanted, or if I ever did tell him. Again, I opened my mouth to speak, but couldn't make sound come out. "D'you remember? You told me I should get as big as I could possibly get." He chuckled, and pulled me down on top of him. He wrapped his arms around my body, and pulled my face to his for a long, passionate kiss. His strength was enormous as he held me against him. I wouldn't have been able to escape, not that I wanted to. His tongue was so far into my mouth I swear it was partly in my throat. "Mmmmm" I heard him moan. I was kissing him back, trying to fight his tongue for dominance. But losing. My hands were roaming all over his sexy arms and over his shoulders and traps. It was my turn to moan. Our dicks were pressed between us, and I could feel every time his would throb and quiver. Precum was still oozing everywhere. The smell of sex now completely permeated the entire room, and I wouldn't be surprised if the scent had made its way through our door and into the hallway. I might be taking a leap, but I wouldn't be surprised if this was the most two human beings had ever been sexually aroused. "Fuck, yeah," Bryan whispered. "It's time, bruh. I need you to fuck me." What. My mind was sent spiraling as it sank in that he wanted me to fuck him. I honestly figured it'd be the other way around. My dick ached, and I realized I wanted to be inside him more than anything else in the world right now. I wanted to be one with him. I wanted to fuck him. I looked into his eyes, and he into mine. The connection I felt with him in that moment was so strong. The bed creaked and moaned a little as he shifted his body and turned himself around, getting on his hands and knees. His ass was in the air, and I finally got a good look at the bubble butt he now possessed. His ass muscles had grown, too, and there were even striations visible. I saw him shudder. "Fuck me, Alex, dude!" I didn't need to be told again. I moved behind him, taking a small moment to appreciate the gigantic triceps that were bulging out of his arms as he supported his own weight. His ass was beautiful, and I took my hands and placed them on either side. I brought my pelvis towards his hole, and allowed my dick to glide down his crack lightly. "Unnnnnffff!!" He moaned. I felt shivers, myself. I inserted my tip, slowly breaching him. "Ohhhngg," he moaned again. "Oh fuck," I whispered. I pressed some more, inching my way into him, letting my cock slowly make its way inside. Every centimeter was pure, electrifying pleasure that shot its way up my dick and radiated throughout my entire body. I kept pushing, until all 7 inches were inside him. "FUUUUCK!" He yelled. I flexed my dick a few times, and started to fuck him. I slowly pulled back a bit, then rammed him. Then one more time. I began increasing the pace, and each time he'd either moan or shout an expletive. His hair was beginning to fall out of the tie he'd put into it, but he didn't seem to even notice. The telltale sound of sex was filling the air in between his moans, and then I heard it. That soft stretching noise. My eyes nearly bulged right out of my head when I saw what was taking place. His back was widening again. The terrain of his back's huge muscles was already impressive, but now they were swelling and bulging even more. His shoulders were swelling bigger, and I could see his traps rising even more towards his ears, almost making it look like he had no neck from behind. His midsection remained largely the same, but as I held onto his ass, I could feel more swelling there, as well. The muscles were forcing my fingers to spread apart as they grew, and I glanced down and saw even his legs were growing again. "Oh fuck, OH FUCK!" He yelled. His calves were getting fucking huge, bulging into bowling ball size masses. "FUUUUUCK!" He moaned. I was so glad I was on auto-pilot, because I continued fucking him, gliding my cock in and out of him over and over, enjoying the feeling of his tightening hole around me. I was beginning to feel the sharpness of an orgasm welling up at the base of my dick, and I knew I was going to cum soon. His hair had completely fallen out of the hair tie, and his golden curls were hanging in front of his face, swaying with our rhythm. His triceps were getting fucking insane. They were already huge horseshoes, but now they were getting even bigger. His triceps were flexed as he held his weight up, and they seemed to be responding to the strain by growing faster than anything else. And there was no doubt that his biceps were growing, too. I continued fucking him, in and out, and the bed was creaking and squeaking louder with each thrust. His increasing weight was placing a strain on the bed, and I couldn't even imagine how much this beast must weigh now. "Unnnnngh!! FUCK! OH FUCK!" This is the loudest I'd ever heard Bryan get. Veins were snaked all around his arms, and then I saw his neck bulge as even it grew larger. I happened to catch some movement from below me, and I saw his legs inching longer, and FUCK, he was getting even taller. That did it. I felt the sharp explosion that occurred within my balls, and then the intense pleasure of cum shooting from them and into my dick, surging to the tip. "FUCK! BRYAN I'M CUMMING! OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK!!!" And then "Crrreeeeaaakkk" the bed made the loudest noise it had yet, and suddenly we were both falling with the bed as its legs finally gave up and snapped from the weight. "FUCK!" I yelled again, as the first shot of cum blasted from my dick and into Bryan's ass. The bed's collapse did nothing to stop our rhythm. "Ohhhhh yesssss, OH YESSSS!" Bryan's voice was deeper, and its sound made my dick throb even harder than it was before as it shot more hot cum into his ass. "Unnngh!" Bryan was grunting each time I shot. My cock tingled as my orgasm ran its course, and I arched my back as the final surge of cum blasted into Bryan's hole. I felt the final throb as my dick expended itself for what felt like the hundredth time for the day, but this time inside this muscle god. We both remained in position, panting. His body was huge and so muscular. My dick was softening inside him, still, and I was reluctant to separate myself from him. I pulled until I popped out, and I saw him begin to push himself up onto his knees. I sat back on my legs and, still panting, watched as he turned himself around. My heart stopped in my chest as I took in the behemoth that now sat in front of me on top of a broken bed. He was an absolute monster. His chest was so big you could sit things on it, and his nipples were pointing downward. His serratus muscles were even pronounced, sitting on either side of his abs and beneath is chest. FUCK! His lats were the wings that denoted his status as a real life angel. He was breathing hard, as his chest moved up and down, and his abs clenched. His shoulders were at least as wide as two of me, and absolutely huge. I think his shoulders were as big as water melons, with veins protruding from them and snaking down is godly arms. And oh my god. His arms. They were so fucking hot. My dick was already plumping up again as I took in the sight of him, and when I laid eyes on his arms, my dick instantly shot up to full mast. I'd imagine he could lift a car at this point. At least one end of a car, anyway. But shit! The amount of strength this man must now possess was beyond my imagining. My cock was throbbing again, already. And then I noticed his dick was still hard as ever. I think I understood now why his dick grew so much in the beginning. His body simply grew to match the size of his dick. As I was scanning his body with my eyes, I didn't notice he was watching me. I finally happened to look at his face and saw this cute half smile appear when our eyes met. I have to be honest, though. At this point, with this giant in front of me, I felt slightly intimidated. He could lift me with one hand and crush me, if he wanted. He was partially laid back, resting his weight on his elbows as he watched me. "Like what you see, bro?" He finally spoke. His deeper voice made my dick quiver, and it resonated within my soul. I loved it. I gulped, and realized my throat was once again dry. And nodded. He sighed in response, and let himself collapse entirely onto the mattress, his beautiful hair spreading out in a sunburst behind his head. Laying flat, I could see he had a content smile on his face, and he was just gazing at the ceiling. "Dude, the amount of cum you shot into me... Holy fuck." He lay there in silence for a while, and I could only sit where I was, staring at him and appreciating his beauty. "Dude! What are you waiting for? Come here!" He was tilting his head up and met my eyes, and beckoned me to his side. I tentatively moved toward him, and I felt his iron grip wrap around my arm. He pulled me down next to him, and wrapped his gigantic arm around my back, bringing me close to him. He turned his head so his face was right in front of mine, and his beautiful golden eyes were staring into mine. I suddenly felt safer than I'd ever felt before. I felt as though this is exactly where I was meant to be; that there was literally not one other place on Earth that was better suited for my presence. He moved his face so close to mine our noses touched, ever so lightly. He then kissed me softly and gently, only for a second, and then held his forehead against mine. He closed his eyes, and I followed suit, and all I could hear was our breathing. Then I felt it. My entire body was wracked with immense pleasure as I felt Bryan's fingers wrap themselves around my cock. I opened my eyes and saw his eyes again, looking into mine, with that devilish grin on his face. "Ready, BRAH?" FUCK that surfer shit made me go nuts. He started jerking me, and I wasn't far off from another explosion as it was. I decided I was done letting him give me all the pleasure, so I wrapped my hand around HIS cock. It was huge. My fingers didn't even meet all the way around it, but as soon as I touched him, he groaned. "OHHHHNNNGGGGHHYYYEeesssssss!" I felt his dick throbbing hard, and rapidly. He was so hard and horny. Veins were pulsing and snaking all over it. "Unnngh! Unnnff!" He was grunting and groaning with each stroke of my hand. He bucked his hips, and I saw his entire lower torso leave the bed. I suddenly felt his entire body quivering, and I knew he was close. It was right then that I felt that immense pressure at the base of my own dick, and I knew I had an imminent explosion coming. "Oh fuck, FUCK! Bryan I'm gonna cum!" I felt the sharp sensation of cum entering my dick and launching to the tip. My head turned dark red, and a shot of hot, thick cum blasted out across the dorm room and went as far as my own bed on the complete other side of the room. Then another. My balls were emptying themselves yet again, and I felt throbbing throughout my entire being as my dick shot blast after blast of cum across the room, until it was just a slight dribble oozing out and around Bryan's hand. As soon as my orgasm subsided, Bryan's began. "MY TURN, DUDE! OH GOD! HERE IT COMES!!!! OHHHHNNNNNGH FUCK!!" His cock throbbed hard once more, then it flexed in my grasp. I felt my fingers forced apart, and FUCK! It grew! Again! But then I heard the cum leave his shaft. "AHH!! AHHHH!!" He was practically screaming. I saw his eyes roll back into his head, his mouth wide open. I could actually hear the first shot erupt, and a white hot thick rope of cum shot so hard that it went straight to the ceiling, splattering so hard that we heard it make impact like a fucking water balloon splattering against a wall. I felt his cum raining down on me, and then another powerful shot erupting, splattering the ceiling again. More of his godly cum rained down on us. He shot like that at least 10 fucking times, and every time, it hit the ceiling. It finally started to subside, and his cock was shooting less distance. Finally, it was just a dribble, leaking cum all over my hand and the bed. "Oh FUCK, dude! That was the best orgasm of my life!" Cum was still dripping from the ceiling, and neither of us cared. It was everywhere. Bryan sat himself up on his elbows, and looked over at me. He had a grin on his face, as he typically does. I felt so small next to him, and it was so hot. I couldn't reconcile the fact that this dude was smaller than me only hours earlier. Now he was a monster. A hot, sexy, beautiful surfer monster. I looked back up at him from laying on my back, breathing hard. We may have broke a record somewhere for most intense love-making. Bryan sat all the way up, and scooted himself to the end of the mattress so he could stand. He stood up, and HOLY FUCK, his head was brushing against the ceiling. He was absolutely huge, and all muscle. He brought his arms up into the air and stretched, and I saw the devilish look in his face when he suddenly brought his arms down into a double bicep pose. "Unnnnff..." I moaned, and shuddered, at the display of power before me. He knew he was putting on a show, and I loved it. He made like he was stretching another way, and then placed his hands by his hips and flared his lats. And then, he didn't even bother trying to look like he was stretching, he just went right into a most-muscular pose. I felt myself swooning again. "Come on, BRAH! Stand up! I didn't grow for you so you could just look at me!" I stood up, and he grabbed my hand and brought my body against his. He wrapped his arms around me again, and held me. I reciprocated the embrace, and we stood there like that for several moments. The light of dusk was entering the room. Bryan broke our embrace, and he, for the first time since before he started growing, showed his less confident side. "Soooo, uhh... Alex, dude... did you like it? I mean, how I... grew... and everything?" I felt a smile widening across my face as he said those words. Tears were forming in the corners of my eyes from pure happiness. His face was turning bright red. He was blushing! This dude just grew into a muscle god, and he was blushing! My heart felt like it was going to explode. "Bryan." I shook my head, and looked down at the floor, trying to avoid laughing. "What?" He responded, softly. "I love you." The smile that spread across his face was joy, no doubt about it. And it made me so happy that this perfect dude was the guy I fell in love with. He grabbed my hands with his, and pulled me into his body again, and kissed me, long and hard. His golden hair fell over my own face as he did. He only broke the kiss to say, "I love you too, brah. You're definitely the perfect dude."
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