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  1. EclipseWing

    Next Level Love: Jailbreak

    Next Level Love Next Level Love: Location Enabled ============================================ Next Level Love – Jailbreak “What the hell?!” Eros screamed into the mirror. “I’m huge!” The once twunk-ish god was now a foot taller and the size of an amateur bodybuilder. His chiton hugged every curve of his body. His once average cock was now a thick footlong sausage, currently getting manhandled by Ganymede. “Apollo’s gonna be so jealous,” Gan drooled. “Let’s not worry about the how and just let me take you for a test drive…” “Gan! T-t-this is serious!” Eros spluttered and began pacing. “It’s got to be something with the app, right? Some kind of feedback error… ugh! Hephaestus warned me about mixing magic and technology.” “So? Why complain about a gift? I think you’re looking sexier than ever…” Eros groaned. “Can you think with your head instead of your dick, please? This isn’t normal, even for us! I have to shut the app down until we figure out what’s wrong.” “No, you can’t!” “Gan, I know you like this but-” He shook his head. “I’m serious babe, shutting it down could make things worse.” “You’re right… well, at least there’s only two couples with the app, and both of them are total successes. They probably aren’t even using it anymore.” ============================================ “Dammit.” Dylan laughed. “Maybe you should actually read the directions before trying to force pieces together?” He set the directions down for the new bed and scooted over into his massive boyfriend’s lap. Sure, Dylan was big enough for about three men now, but Kyle was enough for five. He got the best of both worlds: being a muscle god amongst men while being small enough o be engulfed in his boyfriend’s arms. “I love you.” Kyle’s frustration with the bed diffused. “I love you too.” He then looked at the clock. “Ah man, I’m gonna be late for practice.” “C’mon, staaaay. Not like you need it,” Dylan quipped, waving his phone. “Yeah and thanks, but it’s about working with the team, not just me. And… isn’t Seth coming over for a study group?” “Yeah, midterms.” Kyle heaved himself up and gave Dylan a deep kiss before gently setting him back down. “Okay, just remember your promise.” Dylan’s impish grin spoke volumes. “Hey, you promised!” “I know, I know. Just saying you seemed to enjoy fucking through the whole team… and you look like you enjoy thinking about it too.” Both of their enhanced libidos and busy schedules necessitated an open relationship sexually, not that either minded. Both got off on the worship of their peers. Kyle ignored his growing bulge and pressed his boyfriend against the wall between his mighty pecs. “Dylan.” Dylan melted between the continental divide on his chest. “Okay, fine! I promise not to use the app on you during practice.” Kyle gave him a pec bounce, a hug, and dashed out the door, gear back in tow. Dylan flopped down on the mattress beside the bed pieces. He idly flipped through his phone. His finger hovered over the app. “No, I promised. Even as a joke…” He paused. “But maybe there’s something for me…” Just then, a knock came at the door. “Seth? It’s unlocked.” At first glance, most would see Seth Morimoto as a yakuza punk. Tall, with a slight slouch, several piercings, he even wore skinny jeans and a leather jacket. The mixed-heritage man had the ultimate resting bitch face, a permanent “fuck you” sneer. Most telling of all was the intricate rose tattoo that started at his neck and crept down his back and chest finishing at his right hand (not that Dylan had seen it all). Dylan only started talking to him when they were paired for an assignment in Statistics a few semesters back. Much to his surprise, Seth was pre-med and had a heart of gold. “Hey man.” “Hey. Where’s your friend? The comp sci guy from the other section? Thought he was gonna come by.” “Yeah, he’s coming, gonna be a bit late though, got stuck with the professor.” He shut the door and sat next to Dylan, playfully grabbing his arm. His sneer melted away into sheer adoration. “I swear you’re bigger than this morning.” “No, what makes you say that?!” Dylan squeaked. His phone flew out of his hands. “Calm down, geez. Never thought a guy your size would freak out.” Dylan sighed. He still had to get used to the reality filter the app created. When he first met Seth, they got to be close friends almost immediately. Later – thanks to accidentally seeing Seth’s secret blog – they discovered they both had a thing for muscle. For a while they drooled over hot guys online, sharing morphs and stories from their favorite sites, but after Dylan grew, things changed. Seth got a lot more handsy with him, only after first asking permission of course. Yet, it was as if the original Dylan was completely wiped from his mind. “I still have some growing to do. Gonna try to add another inch before the end of semester.” Seth salivated at the thought. “You should totally go to that hardcore gym off campus. Y’know, that one the frat king goes to.” “Frat king?” “Yeah, that guy who dumped enough cum into those himbos to fill a silo. Don’t remember his name though… something Russian I think.” “Dude, just because they’re frat guys doesn’t mean they’re himbos.” Seth stared at him. “The ones from Delta Alpha Pi. The house on Clover and University.” “Point taken.” Dylan stretched. “You want a soda?” “Yeah.” Seth smirked, admiring Dylan as he stood and bent over to reach into the mini-fridge. He was distracted however by the strange explosion of hearts on Dylan’s phone. “What’s this? A new game?” “Don’t touch that!” Dylan nearly jumped across the room. Neither knew who, but someone’s hand hit the screen. “Shit…” ============================================ Kyle had to admit, the app made his life a lot more interesting. Ever since the change, the locker room was more of a Billy Harrington set than an actual locker room. “Chris, get Craig’s dick out of your mouth and get dressed. Practice first, sex after.” The lineman sheepishly extracted himself from the water boy turned roid beast with a fist-thick cock. Kyle laughed inside, already making a mental guess list of who would go home with who that night. Some players were already in couples and polyamories while others preferred to, shall we say, play the field. That didn’t mean everyone was happy. Austin, a wide receiver, sighed as he closed his locker. The changes from Kyle’s cum and Dylan’s meddling turned him into a beefcake that was just soft enough around the middle for some heavenly cuddling. Unlike most of the others, he was gay before the “Kyle Shower”, but very deep in the closet. “Are you okay man?” Austin forced a smile. “I’m fine.” Kyle crossed his arms. Austin muttered something under his breath and pulled Kyle to a quiet corner of the locker room. “Okay, I’m worried, I-I-I don’t think he likes me.” “You guys have been on two dates! You barely had a chance to know each other. Besides, Dylan says he’s raving about you.” “You sure?” Austin asked. He looked like a hopeful puppy. A big, musclebound puppy. “I’m completely new to datin’ stuff, I don’t wanna mess up. You and Dyl make it look easy.” “Okay, first, only I get to call him Dyl and even then, he’s not a big fan of it. Second, it’s not gonna happen like magi-” He bit his tongue just as a familiar wave of growth flowed down his cock and into his balls. The warmth swelled inside, snapping his custom jockstrap as his massive balls stretched another six inches in diameter. “Fucking hell!” Austin had it in him to blush, looking away, despite his own jockstrap tent. “You… you good?” “Peachy. One sec man.” He stomped over to his locker and tore the door off the hinges. He angrily opened the app. “Couldn’t keep your promise for five minutes? Fine! Let’s see if you can take it.” Edge of Glory Your soulmate will be continuously edged until the next time you both have sex. As they are edged, their testicles will slowly swell. This perk may be chosen again after the effect wears off. ============================================ “White Gold?” Seth read off the phone. “Your soulmate’s balls have been pumped fuller than… what the fuck, Dylan?” “It’s just a game.” “Really kinky one… would be cool if it was real.” “Yeah… real…” Dylan grabbed a pillow and moaned into it as an invisible hand suddenly grabbed his cock. “H-how… how are you and Austin doing?” Seth didn’t seem to notice but instead lit up the room with a smile. “He’s amazing! He’s so sweet, he actually cooked for me on our last date, and man he’s good on a grill.” He took a sip of soda. “He’s also got pecs the size of a tire; I want to shove my face in them.” “Who said romance is dead.” “Shut up! We’re taking it slow anyway, but damn, last time I had to go beat off in the bathroom. Twice.” “Slow? Kinda surprised, figured he’d be pent up.” “He called himself old fashioned. I don’t mind though, nice knowing he’s not just gonna pump n’ dump. My sweet Texas cowboy…” “Isn’t he from Spokane? He doesn’t even have an accent.” Seth laughed. “Oh… uh, nevermind.” Dylan bit his lip. “Tea. Now.” He stared at the floor. “I might have seen his twitter on his phone when he went to the bathroom?” “Dude, don’t go snooping…” “I know, I know! I wasn’t – wait, not the point. He was on size Twitter.” Dylan dropped the pillow. “Wait, what?!” “Yeah, he likes big guys. Like really big guys. Like every one of his recent likes were on super huge macro guys.” “I thought you weren’t snooping.” “Not the point! You know me, I’m a total top, but there’s no way I’d ever be big enough for him.” He flung himself back on the mattress, nearly spilling the soda. “Wish that app was real so I could be big like you and my friend so I could make him happy.” “Yeah, if only it was- wait, what did you say?” “I wanna make him the happiest bottom in the world?” “No before that.” “Oh, I wish-” He was cut off by a boom of a knock. “Oh hey, speak of the devil.” Seth bounded up and opened the door. Dylan’s jaw dropped. The man on the other side was inhuman – though he felt a stir of pride that he was still smaller than Kyle. Yet, Dylan knew this guy was way bigger than he should have been, even if he was lifting out of the womb. He knew no one else on campus even came close to their size, even that himbo frat king. “Gymshark eat your heart out,” he muttered to himself. “What?” “Sorry, nothing. I’m Dylan!” The big guy seemed a little shy and just as shaken at seeing Dylan. “Hi, I’m Mateo.” ============================================ Kyle scrolled through the phone. “Kinda see how Dylan got addicted to this… time for a little revenge.” “Parker! Stop playing on your phone and get to work!” Kyle looked up to see the Coach walking towards him. Since the change, their coach was a 450-pound daddy with a thick carpet of hair that made him look more like a werewolf on the field and especially on the cot in his office. He refused to wear shirts during practice, and any player on the bench was welcome to worship him. “Just because you’re big doesn’t mean you get-mff!” Kyle simply grazed a hand across his coach’s nipple. He leaned in close and growled in his ear. “Coach, dealing with my boyfriend right now.” “But-” Kyle reached out and solemnly twisted both nipples. As far as the team knew, only the quarterback was able to tame the dom daddy. Like flicking a switch, a thick veiny cock rocketed out from below Coach’s waistband. “Oh god, Kyle… fuck me right now.” “Later Coach. Boyfriend first, but I think Sanchez was hungry for you if you can’t wait.” Kyle went back to his phone, deaf to the gagging sounds from lineman on the sidelines. “Oh, actually that’s a good idea.” Rewired and Streamlined Your soulmate’s nipples and hole are now ultra-sensitive. Brushing against either in the right way is like packing an hour of foreplay into a few seconds. “That’ll give him something fun to do during his study group.” “Is that some kind of kink thing you guys have going on?” “What the?!” He nearly jumped out of his skin. “Christ, Austin! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Austin shrugged and scratched his pecs. “So, what is it? Looks kinky. Is that how you and Dylan are so good together?” “No, well… yes… it’s complicated man.” ============================================ The study group proceeded with awkward mumbling, with Seth interjecting how worried he was about his upcoming date. Mateo pretended to read while Dylan tried his best not to buck his hips. Finally, with all the confidence of a world leader, he stood and announced, “I have to piss.” As soon as the door shut, Dylan took his chance. “How the hell are you that big?” Even just turning towards Mateo made him groan. Mateo didn’t expect the attack. “I… work out? My boyfriend’s a trainer.” “Bullshit.” “He is! We’re at the gym off campus.” Dylan studied him. There was that gym again… it felt like he had two sets of memories. One world where the gym was the most hardcore bodybuilder’s paradise and another where it was a typical health club. Then it clicked. “The app.” Mateo paled. “What?” “The app! Next Level Love, you have the app!” “How do you know about that?!” He hissed back. Dylan showed him the phone. “Holy… so, you and your boyfriend weren’t always that big?” “Are you kidding? A couple months ago, I was an average guy and Kyle – well, he was always hot as fuck, I just gave him a boost.” He pulled up the list of active perks and they traded phones. Mateo scrolled through, his small grin growing bigger and bigger into a full-on kid at the toy store with a blank check giddiness. “Okay, I’m definitely getting the mega-cum perk for Leon later.” “Wait, you can apply it to places too? That’s not fair!” Mateo shrugged. “Y’know, I could probably update your phone.” “What do you mean?” “Well, I’ve got a copy of the app data, so it shouldn’t be too hard to copy it over. I mean, we could probably copy the whole app to a new phone if we wanted.” The possibilities alone nearly made Dylan’s cock tear through his pre-soaked pants. “Wait, do you think we could put a copy on Seth’s phone?” “Put what on my phone?” Seth asked. ============================================ “You’re telling me this is some kind of magic phone app? Looks like a random game to me.” “No, seriously!” Kyle said. The two of them had gone back to the locker room. “Whatever change you choose really comes true! It could be for anything. After Dylan and I finally hooked up, we even got a perk on his phone to fix mine and my copy of the app.” Austin crossed his arms. “Obviously you picked some fun stuff too.” “Obviously.” He flexed an arm that swelled larger than Austin’s thick waist. The wide receiver let out a low moan, reaching for that veiny peak. Just as Austin was about to lick the sweat out of the crevasse between his biceps and delts, Kyle pulled back. “Sorry, forgot about the hypnotizing effect.” “Shit, that’s really strong,” Austin murmured, pulling back. His cock was painting his abs with pre. “Hey, could… could you maybe choose a perk for me? Something to help me on my date?” “Sorry, doesn’t really work like that. The perks usually only affect the two of us – unless you want another locker room incident?” Austin paled. “Um, don’t take this the wrong way… it was hot and all, but you were kinda my first…” “Wait, really?! Oh man, I’m sorry.” “Don’t be, it was fun, but I want to wait for Seth, y’know?” “Right, but I wonder if we can get a copy of the app to you somehow…” ============================================ “So, it is real! I can change myself however I want?!” “Yeah pretty much.” “And it’s also the reason you’re hard and stretching your shirt?” “That’s more Kyle but yes, basically.” “All done,” Mateo announced, disconnecting the phones. “Each of us has a copy of my version of the app, though you might want to be careful with the location perks. Gets out of hand really easily…” “Sweet!” Seth unlocked his phone and opened the app. As usual there was a burst of purple and pink hearts. The winged hourglass appeared to finish loading and then a blond bodybuilder in a bright pink tank top and teal running shorts popped up. “Wait, Eros is supposed to be a twunk,” Dylan said. Stranger than that, Eros didn’t move. He didn’t say a word, just a fixed creepy smile. “Uh, Mateo, I think you broke it.” “That doesn’t make sense; it should work.” The hourglass appeared again but this time, the glass was cracked. It loaded properly but with crimson hearts falling down the screen. A man with curly black hair and a slight tan appeared. He only wore a crimson bikini poser and cheap costume demon wings. He was cut and sculpted enough to make the most die-hard aesthetic bodybuilders green with envy. “Well, well, hello naughty boys. Someone’s been pirating the game I see.” The pretend demon purred. He floated onto his back, revealing just where the straps disappeared into his supple glutes. “I guess I can’t complain since I get to play the game now.” “Where’s Eros?” Dylan asked. “It’s an app, it can’t talk back,” Seth replied. “Oh please, what part of magic phone app don’t you get?” the man on the screen scoffed. “Oh so you’re like the Chroni-” “LEGALLY DISTINCT!” He stopped for a moment. “Oh wait, public domain, I forgot. Yeah, it’s like a Chronivac.” Seth was nearly drooling, his mind raced with the possibilities. “So, we can still use the app and change stuff, right?” Mateo asked. “Or are you some kind of anti-piracy?” The man laughed. “Anti-piracy? More like pro-piracy! I hid myself in the code. The more the app spreads the better and I want to make sure as many couples get together as possible.” “Yeah right,” Mateo scoffed. “You’re literally dressed like a demon.” “Listen, I was going for a sexy thing that was an opposite of the bubblegum twink look Eros had. Anyway, time for me to get to work.” He blew a heart-shaped ring of smoke and looked Seth over. “Hmmm… your special someone is a lucky guy, you’re really cute. How tall are you? Five-eleven? Six feet?” “Six-two, I slouch!” “Yeah, we’re gonna fix that.” Instantly a perk appeared on screen, followed by a sharp crack of bones. In a ripple of pops, Seth’s spine stretched and straightened. Stand Proud Your spine has been straightened and strengthened. You will always have perfect posture, no matter how you pose. Your next line will be “Wow, that felt good.” “Wow, that felt…” Seth frowned. “Hey, I’m supposed to pick!” “Of course! How about you get your buddies to help out. I’m gonna research your lover. Oh, Dylan and Mateo? Gave you guys admin privileges. Have fun. BRB!” The demon disappeared in a poof of smoke. “Maybe messing with a magic app wasn’t my best idea,” Mateo muttered. “Fuck that, we have admin privileges!” Dylan bit back another moan as his shirt was soaked by a fresh load of pre. “First though, let’s get Seth big.” Seth scrolled through the list of perks. “What should I do first? Height? Muscle? Cock? Oooooo, what if I do a location one?” “No wait!” Growth House All members of this dormitory are men dedicated to becoming as big as humanly possible. A bright flash of light blinded them, yet nothing seemed to happen. “What… but?” Mateo groaned. “It only affects those who actually live in the dorm. Like…” Both of them looked to Dylan who moaned, still grabbing at his pecs. He was fifty pounds heavier with pure lean muscle, distributed a little heavily on his legs. “I need… I need Kyle so bad… right now…” “Okay,” Seth said sheepishly. “At least it could be worse?” Mateo shushed him and held up his phone. It was an Instagram account of a bodybuilder with long hair a la mid-2000s. The slideshow depicted a guy pretty intent to show off, eventually settling on a picture of him and his hipster boyfriend holding hands. “Brett… he’s pretty hot. So what?” “This was a co-ed dorm. And Brett used to be Britney.” “Oh…” ============================================ For the rest of practice, Kyle helped Austin stretch and work up his confidence. “All the other guys said I shouldn’t sweat it. They said if I get an OnlyFans I’d probably make a mint, but… it’s not the point.” “Believe me I get it,” Kyle agreed, thinking back to when he could hardly speak to Dylan without his heart racing. Just then, Austin’s phone pinged and both men turned to look. “No way…” Sure enough there was a notification from Next Level Love. “That’s the app, right? Looks a little different than yours though.” “Must be an update. Take a look.” Just then, they heard the team returning from outside. “C’mon, boiler.” The boiler room off the locker room was a now defunct room used officially for storage and unofficially for hookups. So long as someone left a chalk mark on the door, people knew it was occupied, leaving Kyle and Austin in privacy in the bowels of the old section of the stadium. Austin opened the app to an explosion of hearts and then… nothing. “Strange… there’s usually someone there guide you through the tutorial,” Kyle muttered. “Can’t be that hard right?” Austin opened the store. “Let’s try this one.” OnlyFreaks Your musculature will triple but you will not grow any taller. There will be no extra stress on your organs and you will retain full mobility. Both waited, but nothing happened. “Should… should something have changed by now?” “It’s usually instant. Try another one.” Knee Slapper Your soft cock is so long it dangles past your knees and is thick as your wrist. Your balls will grow to be proportional. Again, nothing. “C’mon! I want to change!” “I thought you were a bottom?” “Yeah, doesn’t mean I don’t want a giant cock!” War of Attrition Your soldiers will hold the line as long as you command! In other words, fuck for as long and hard as you like and ride through multiple orgasms without needing to stop. Austin slammed his fist into the old boiler, leaving a decent dent. “Here, let me try mine.” Kyle scrolled through and saw one that made his slap his chest. “I… I didn’t know we could do that…” He clicked, hoping this hidden fantasy could come to life. Two Things Come from Texas… But why not have both? Your soulmate’s pecs will swell with nutritious milk that they will love to have you drink straight from the tap. This perk will also grant them soft body hair and strong skin. Chocolate, strawberry, and coffee flavored milk still in development. “Did it work?” “Don’t know unless we go see him.” The only thing going through Kyle’s mind was pinning Dylan down and milking him, keeping his cock buried in his lover while listening to every sweet sound he makes… Austin sighed and tried one final perk. Machamp in the Making You are granted an extra pair of arms (and all other necessary muscles to move them). As a bonus, you’ll also be completely ambidextrous. Austin flexed his arms hard, but nothing happened. ============================================ “Okay, I’ll admit I didn’t think this through.” “You think?” Dylan huffed. “First you make me bigger when Kyle already used something on me to-fuuuuuuck…. – to keep me from cumming and now you’ve taken up half the dorm room!” Here We Grow! Like eating a mushroom, you’ll be growing an additional half of your current height. Next Level Love is not responsible for any future attacks from turtles or kidnapped soulmates. “He likes macro…” Seth mumbled. Mateo sighed from another corner. “Yes, and that one alone would’ve been fine, if you didn’t pick that other one too.” Hulk Out! Everything about you doubles in size when you become aroused. Green skin not included. The eighteen-foot giant sighed. All of his clothes were in shreds on the floor. His added musculature however only gave him a swimmer’s build at this point, since it had been stretched across such a large frame. “Guys, I just got excited! Like you didn’t when you first got the app?” “Okay, fair.” “Yeah.” “That’s what I thought.” Seth scrolled on his tiny phone. “There we go!” Through a groan and screech of metal and wood, the room stretched and cracked. Bit by bit they were able to move again. Dylan looked around the new room, which looked more at home in a mansion in the Hamptons rather than a college dorm. The pieces of the bed had assembled themselves and seemed to have grown twice as large too. “What did you do?” “Two things. One got myself a better phone,” Seth said, waiving around a smartphone bigger than some flatscreens. “Second, this.” Fraternal Scholarship You and your close friends now live in a mansion of in a location of your choosing that will be built to meet your current size needs. “Wow, that’s awesome! Thanks!” “Least I could do after you guys got me the app.” Seth then smirked and tapped another perk. LOCC (Low Orbit Cum Cannon) This heavy armament upgrades your output to four gallons of cum. In addition, your cock size is doubled and ball size tripled. With a moan, his manhood swelled like a firehose, and just about as thick. The others could nearly hear the skin stretch and his newly grown balls slosh. Dylan groaned, losing himself to lust again. Mateo was starting to have trouble himself, wondering how Leon would feel with his cock that much bigger. With a little smirk to himself, he hit the perk on his own app, and snuck out back to their apartment. ============================================ “You turned it on and off again?” “Yes! Twice! You’ve been right here!” Austin groaned. He reopened the app for what felt like the twentieth time and got the same message as the first nineteen. Error. Unable to synchronize cloud data. “I don’t get it,” Kyle muttered. “I’ve never seen an error message like that.” “You’re the one who had it first. How do I fix it?” “Dylan would know more than me.” Austin reopened the settings, tried to select perks, everything. Again and again. Error. Unable to synchronize cloud data. Suddenly, it dawned on Kyle. “OH MY GOD, WE’RE IDIOTS!” “The hell are you talking about?” He waved his arms around the room. “We’re in a concrete box! No service! No wonder it isn’t working!” Both of them laughed and headed for the door. As soon as they stepped outside, Austin moaned and fell to his knees, instantly painting his stomach with cum. “Austin?!” “Oh shiiiiit… it’s so strooong!” He panted. “Feels so GOOD!” All at once, all of the perks he chose activated at the same time. Pound after pound of muscle piled on, fighting for space and forcing him wider and wider. He fell onto his back and continued to grow, overwhelmed by each wave washing over him. His lats forced his arms out, only to be forced farther by the new pair of arms and the extra pecs underneath. His thighs squeezed together, barely leaving enough room for his grapefruit sized balls and salami of a cock. He groaned, suddenly feeling a strange slickness in his ass and a deep hunger. He fought the urge to cum, holding himself back through the chain orgasm. Finally, he fell silent. “…Austin?” The extra-wide receiver was packed with so much muscle that it was a miracle he could move. He sat up with a growl. “We’re gonna go see Seth now. I’m ready for my date.” ============================================ “M-my pecs!” Dylan shouted. The overdeveloped chest cast an impressive shadow over his abs. A steady trickle of milk dripped onto his abs, mixing with the flood of pre. A prickling sensation washed over his entire body as dark body hair painted itself across his chest and down his torso. “What the…” Dylan grabbed a towel and tried to wipe up as much as he could. “Okay, Kyle’s getting out of hand…” “Didn’t you do the same to him?” Dylan said nothing, partially out of stubbornness and partially out of holding back his groans. Seth laughed and looked back at the app. “I just need one last change. Gotta grow just a little bit more.” He soon found just what he needed. Reproportioned Chances are that with height changes your other proportions may be out of balance. Choose this perk to rebalance everything. A small table appeared with spaces to insert stats. Seth wasn’t sure what to enter but chose “Aesthetic” out of the template drop-down menu. The table populated with the following. Reference Height – 6 feet Reference Weight – 211 lbs Chest – 57 inches Arms – 21.5 inches Waist – 27.5 inches Thighs – 27 inches Calves – 19 inches Ending Height – 18 feet “Looks good to me. Can’t wait!” The hourglass appeared for a moment before a new chart appeared. New Weight – 5697 lbs Chest – 14 ft 3 inches Arms – 64.5 inches Waist – 82.5 inches Thighs – 81 inches Calves – 60.5 inches Seth grabbed his cock and began pumping, each stroke seeming to add an extra ten pounds of muscle. He growled as his biceps pulsed outward, crowding against his pecs. His tattoos stretched over his new mass, the rose pattern nearly looking like it was blooming and spreading. His waist grew and tightened revealing a wall of tight abs. His taper from his lats was in sharp relief, despite his waist being over six feet around. The biggest change was his legs, exploding outward into sculpted pillars that looked more at home holding up a bridge. “How do I look Dylan?” He smirked with a most muscular pose. “Man, I should jump on a stage! I could probably juggle the competitors!” “Not faaaaaair…” Dylan groaned wanting nothing more than to finally get release. Thankfully, fate was merciful when the door swung open. “Dylan, are you heeee-oly fuck!” Kyle gaped at the giant. “Oh, uh, hey Kyle,” Seth said, a little sheepish at the reveal. “How’d you find us?” “Um, this guy Mateo ran into us and told us to-” Dylan couldn’t take it anymore. “Out.” “What?” “Seth, out. Kyle. Bed. Now!” Seth laughed and grabbed his far-too-small things and ducked out of the special sized door. “Austin’s in your room,” Kyle shouted after him. Kyle turned to his boyfriend. “You look good with chest hair. Is someone a little pent up?” Dylan dove onto his boyfriend, tearing away his pants and swallowed his manhood in a swift gulp. Kyle shivered with pleasure but pulled his boyfriend off. “No, let’s try something different.” He gently pushed Dylan down onto the bed. He ran his tongue along the swollen pecs before capturing a leaking nipple in his mouth. Dylan screamed in ecstasy, sending streams of milk shooting across of the bed. “So, did we learn anything?” “It was an accid-FUCK! Don’t stop!” Kyle finally decided to let up on his teasing, gently prodding Dylan’s waiting hole with his battering ram. “You know, I’m a little jealous of Seth. I think both of us need to grow.” He chose a final perk and tossed his phone aside. Extra Protein You and your soulmate can make the other grow through your cum and/or milk. Kyle began pounding away, still drinking. With each gulp, his muscles rippled, twitching with new growth. Dylan was light-headed, unable to make any coherent sentence after being edged all day. He could feel Kyle’s weight slowly pushing him farther and farther into the bed, the ever-lengthening cock stretching him farther and farther. Dylan clamped down as hard as he could as Kyle drilled him. Neither could hold on any longer, their giant balls overflowing. Kyle flooded Dylan, squeezing him tight as he began to grow. Dylan erupted into the ceiling, chipping the paint with each concussive blast. Each time they thought they reached the end, ten more blasts rocketed out. The two only stopped for Dylan to demand. “Again.” Both were too invested in their own lovemaking to hear what was going on in the next room. ============================================ Austin drooled over the overgrown Seth. A raging fire of desire filled him. His arms could only wrap around part of his mighty thighs, his cock trapped in the deep split near the teardrop. Seth too couldn’t help moaning, feeling the dense meathead against him. “You… you have extra arms?” “Yeah, you like them?” Austin flexed all four, surprised by a worshipping tongue. “God, you’re so big!” “Thought you might like that,” Seth said, a little sheepishly as Austin traced the lines of his tattoos. “So, um, you want to get something to eat or maybe watch a movie?” “Maybe… we could do something more fun?” “Oh?” “Like… we could… you know?” “I-I-I thought you wanted to take it slow?” “You are literally my most twisted wet dream, and this is the third date.” The beefy man flushed a little, grabbing at his towering date. “Please don’t make me beg.” “Don’t have to ask me twice!” Seth shoved his tongue down Austin’s throat. The wide receiver was taken aback, moaning into the kiss and grabbing as tight as possible onto his giant. Seth took Austin in one hand, the 400-pound man feeling like nothing more than a toy. As gently as possible, Seth fingered him open. “God, you’re such a hot little beefcake…” “Nnnng!” Austin groaned out, splattering Seth’s chest with his load. “I-I’m sorry!” Seth gently kissed him. “Don’t be. I know you’ve got more in the tank. Please flex for me.” Austin moaned but managed to arch forward, bringing his arms down into an explosive crab. Seth captured his dick, teasing it with skillful licks. “Too… too much!” Seth backed off while Austin caught his breath. “I’m gonna be shooting dust before you cum once at this rate.” He then reached back and started to warm himself up. “Austin, magic app or not, my cock is as wide as your hips. I don’t want to test the limits.” Austin looked like a kicked puppy, but it soon passed with a little grin. “Okay, how about this?” He pressed his body up against the massive cock. He squeezed his way up, licking along the helmet. “Ooooh yeah little guy.” “Fuck, I love when you call me that.” He wrapped around the giant cock and began to hump and squeeze himself up and down. He lapped up the pre that cascaded down over him, just as Seth grabbed him. The giant hand pumped him up and down. It didn’t take much before Seth began to gasp. “Yeah, cum for me! Cover me in your giant load!” “FUUUUUCK!” Seth roared as gallon after gallon of cum drenched the room. Austin’s own load was lost in the deluge as he too was plastered. Seth plucked him from the sticky mess and kissed him. “Damn… never realized how hot this could be.” “Oh I’ve got a long list of things for us to try,” Austin grinned, snuggling against his giant’s cheek. ============================================ After five rounds, Dylan was finally sated. He fell into a deep slumber, contentedly cuddled into Kyle’s arms. Kyle however couldn’t sleep. After a while, he opened the app, surprised to see his had changed to be just like Austin’s. This time however, someone did appear. “Aww, I’m late! I missed all of the fun. At least they didn’t get to try the admin stuff yet, can always watch that… just need to get them to spread the app a little more.” “You’re not Eros. Who are you?” “Oh, hello there, stud.” The demon gave him an impish grin. “You can call me Ganymede.”
  2. tereshky

    Caeman the Conquerer

    This one is a little more extreme than the stories I normally share with MGF. If you're into extreme transformations, give it a read. It takes place in a fantasy setting. If you want to see more of this sort of thing, be sure to leave a "like" or a comment. I tend to explore popular concepts more than unpopular ones. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The city of Tarm was surrounded. Completely besieged by the mounted armies of Caeman of Menth. Caeman had taken the region by storm, garnering thousands of men who would follow him to their deaths if he ordered. City after city had fallen and the fear of him long preceded the thunder of his massive cavalry. Tarm, a city based on farming and trade, found itself in the way of a force that seemed more unstoppable than the seasons. The town was protected by a wall on three sides and mountain cliffs on the fourth. These defenses could hold off horsemen, but they did nothing to feed the trapped inhabitants inside. Day by day the defenders and city leaders watched as their foes built battering rams, ladders, and catapults to end a stand off that had drawn on for over half a year. The people had already lost a growing season, the food was running short. If they tried to hold out for the winter, it would not go well for them. After resisting for so long, it looked as though they too would fall. A meeting of the city elders was convened to discuss surrender. His melancholy gathering proceeded as you might expect. The discussions centered around the best way to leverage some kind of amnesty from their new overlords. The debate went on for hours, during which time Sullace, a normally outspoken priest, had been sitting silent in his thoughts. Suddenly he spoke. “Men of the council, I think we speak of surrender too soon. This man, powerful though his armies are, is merely a man. What are his armies to our gods?” The elders grew silent. “Our people have lost their way from the gods of our fathers who gave us this fertile land to dwell in. Have we forgotten their high temple carved and shaped by their own hands. Have we forgotten that they have pledged to raise up from among us a warrior to defeat all our enemies if we simply go to them in our times of trouble?” Sarem, a man who came to prominence for his wealth and not his religion, shot him down saying, “Even if the legends are true and you yourself went up to their temple and became one of the warriors of old, how does one man fight an army?” “You forget that the warriors of old were unlike any man who walks the earth. And besides, the champion need not fight the army. I have a plan that will deliver this Caeman to us and stir the gods to bring the legends of old to life.” Sullace retorted. “And if the gods do nothing?” Sarem replied. “Follow my plan and we’ll still be able to surrender without making him or his men any the wiser of our true intentions.” And with that Sullace laid out his trap for them. The next day Caeman received a messenger from the besieged city. Reading the message he laughed and sent back his reply. “We will ride in at dawn tomorrow.” That morning at dawn, Caeman rode up to the city gates his personal bodyguard of three hundred men. As the messenger had indicated, the defenders on the wall threw down their weapons and the gates were opened. With a cheer several dozen horsemen entered the city, wary of a trap but found everything just as the messenger said it would be. The people were kneeling by the roadside, awaiting his procession. Leaving a small guard by the gates to prevent them from being closed on him, Caeman rode triumphantly into the center of the town where the elders waited for him. He expected them to bow but they simply placed their palms together in front of them and Sullace stepped forward. “Hail Caeman the Conqueror, we would offer our city as tribute to your greatness and might. All that you see shall be surrendered to you without bloodshed and we will submit ourselves to your rule. We only ask that you join us for a ceremony that will give the approval of the gods to your leadership.” “I do not wait on ceremony,” replied the general. “Why do you waste my time? You will surrender at my bidding and my choosing or you will all die.” “Great leader, we humble regret any lack of respect that you may have felt from our unusual request. It is only that we are a deeply religious people and we would be unable to order the masses to peacefully lay down their arms without approval of the gods. Clearly you yourself know who would be the victor in such a conflict, but we should like to spare you any trouble or loss of blood. We beseech your greatness to reconsider.” Caeman thought for a moment. “We will consider your request.” With that he sent a messenger to summon his top advisors and a thousand riders into the city. When they came he placed the men around the town, poised to destroy it at the first sign of treachery. He saw the wisdom in humoring the people, for it was easier to lead a willing people than a restive population. His advisors agreed and before noon, he and two hundred men approached the elders again, who explained that the ceremony must take place in a temple in the high mountains above. “I will partake in your little coronation,” Caeman scoffed. “However, I will take one hundred of my men with me. Your elders will remain here with the remainder of my personal guard. At the first sign of treachery, they will be the first to die.” Sullace took with him two of his priests and led Caeman, accompanied with half of his personal guard. Caeman continually made it clear that any trickery on the part of the chieftain would lead to the slaughter and enslavement of his city. They traveled on horse back and reached the mountain pass that they would have to ascend in an hour. The trail was narrow and winding and branched in many places. Many times they were obliged to dismount and lead the horses on foot. A stranger would never have found the way on his own. Eventually the horses had to be left behind, Caeman left a third of his men to guard them. It was late in the afternoon when they came to the entrance of the cave that Sullace said housed the sacred temple. It was on a high peak where one could see all the land for many miles around. The sides of the mountain were carved with many statues of creatures that were part man part beast. The opening was supported on the backs of statues of mighty men. The village elder bade them to come inside. Caeman, sensing a possible trap, stationed the greater part of his men at the opening of the cave. It wouldn’t do to be trapped inside by some ambush and there was not much that could be done with 65 men that could not be done with 20 in closed confines. They followed the villagers into the temple and took a sudden breath. The walls of the cave were illuminated by glowing crystals of various hues of blue, green, purple, and red. Skillfully crafted into the walls were carvings and paintings of more of these strange man-like creatures. They were sinuous and large in stature, some had four arms, others had large tails, some had horns, some had strange bodies where their legs should have been. “Are these your gods?” Caeman asked, with a little reverence. The temple was so otherworldly that he felt a little humbled by it. It was like they had stepped into the domain of some strange deity and he wondered whether or not it was wise to be here or not. Sullace turned to him and said, “This is the place where the gods come to be born.” They walked through the long passageway until they had come to a large cavernous hall. It was lit with the same ubiquitous glowing crystals held in the powerful stone hands of sculpted creatures. The room was full of them, they were free standing as well as sculpted into the wall and ceiling. Caeman’s gaze, however, was drawn to the central feature of this “holy of holies”. Steps led down to a pool in the middle of the room. The lights reflected poorly from the surface of the waters, making them dark an ominous. In the center of the pool was what looked like a throne half submerged in the murk. Directly behind it was a stream that fed the pool that ushered from the mouth of a small hole in the farther wall. “What is this place?” The conqueror asked. “When our people take a new leader, the old leader gives the throne to the next in line. We will perform the ceremony to give the town to you, and then no one will contest your rule and there will need be no violence.” The elder said. “And what does this ceremony entail?” The general asked with some suspicion. Sullace waved for his attendants to take positions on either side of the dark pool where they kneeled in reverence. “I will take my rightful place on the throne and then hand it over to you and there shall be a peaceful transition of power.” This was a laughable proposition. Any reverence that Caeman might have felt toward this place evaporated. He was the conqueror! This chubby chieftain was some small time leader of some out of the way city that had no other significance to him other than the fact that it was in his way. He had been nice and given them the chance to surrender before his army moved in and leveled the town and murdered all of its people. And now this pompous fool declares himself the rightful ruler and proclaims to ‘give’ power to Caeman, as if it was something that would not be the simplest thing in the world to take. “I don’t think so…” he said with a cruel smile. “I think we’re going to modify this little ceremony.” He motioned his body guards to seize the fallen leader. “It’s time you yokels learned about the laws of nature. The strong prey on the weak. The weak do not give them permission. You are weak and you have fallen! You will not give me anything! I’ll seat myself on your throne!” With that the warrior unbuckled his cloak and breast plate, revealing his solid torso, chiseled by years of combat and training. He pulled off his tunic and sandals and handed them to one of his men. The waters were inky and thick and he did not want to tarnish his garments and the hardened soldier didn’t give a second thought to his nudity. He stepped down into the pool which rose up to his waist. The waters were slimy and stuck to his skin as he waded to the throne. He sat himself on the throne as Sullace was shouting in protest. “No! You must not! You must come out of there at once! You don’t know what you’re do…” A swift blow to the stomach silenced him. “No! It is you that do not understand!” replied Caeman. The slime, which had at first been cold and clammy, was beginning to feel warm and almost inviting. This was a sensation that he failed to take much notice of as he was busy issuing proclamations. “You will immediately go down to your city and gather two thirds of all of your cattle, horses, and livestock, and render tribute unto your new leader. You will also surrender all gold and precious metals, and half of your produce.” Beads of sweat began to run down his chest as he spoke. His skin began to tingle slightly, especially around his ass. “All of your men will be gathered outside of your walls and two-hundred of the strongest will be pressed into my army.” Some of Caemen’s men were looking at their leader and thought to themselves that he looked a great deal larger than they had remembered. Perhaps it was the lighting in here but his chest seemed somewhat more massive, as well as his arms. “A small outpost will be setup in this town,” he continued pausing to shift his position a little as his ass felt tighter and it felt like something was pushing in against his hole. “…and you will responsible for feeding the garrison and complying with their demands…ugh!” He suddenly felt as if something were penetrating him from behind. He shot his hand under the surface to feel around down there. There was nothing solid poking into his ass, and yet he felt like something was sliding up into his butt, slowly but surely. “Something wrong sir?” one of his men asked. “Ummm… no…” He didn’t want to sound strange in front of his men and the discomfort was beginning subside anyway. It felt as if it was melting away into a warm pulsating sensation that spread up throughout his body. It actually felt good. “Uh… if you can do this,” he continued, “you will be left to manage the city and its affairs. If not, you will be immediately replaced. Do you…uuunderstand?” Again, he felt something forcing its way into his ass, this time larger and a little faster. He gasped as it happened again and then again. Each burst seemed to stretch him a little more and happen a little faster. He felt his cock hardening. His muscles were slowly expanding and contracting, getting bigger with each pulse. “I… wha…what’s happ…enning to me?” He forgot every ideaof concealment. He felt his back sliding up the back of the throne of as he grew taller. The locals that were standing on either side of the pool began to bow and chant. His own men simply looked on terrified. Caeman looked down at his body as it grew in size and strength. Apart from the alarming suddenness of the unexpected changes, he felt pretty good… no… he felt amazing. He felt his increasingly massive body with his hands which twitched every time a new burst of slime forced its way into his ass. His men, thinking he was in distress, began to run up to the pool to get him out. “No! Stand back!” He shouted, his voice deeper. “I don’t want it to stop! Not yet! The gods have chosen me! Behold the birth of a god!!” He was about a head taller than he had been. He tried to stand but a powerful thrust in his ass caused his legs to go weak and he fell forward to his knees with a splash. He was up to his pecs in the slime. The bulging grew more intense as greater and greater amounts of slime was making its way into him. It was like there was a growing cock inside of him, plowing him harder and harder, feeling better and better as the intensity grew. He began to moan with each new surge. The conqueror’s body slowly emerged, inch by inch, from the slime. He felt something pressing out from his lower spine. A tail began to emerge and lengthen. It grew thicker and more muscular as it became longer. His men saw it before he did as it emerged from the muck behind him. His teeth began to grow sharper and his tongue grew longer. Caeman was too distracted with thoughts of his new power and towering physique to notice these things. The mere sight of him would hasten surrender, he thought. He would speak and all men would follow! These thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of his pecs being pushed out from his chest and something bulging from under each armpit. Two new pecs were forming and pushing the pecs on top out as they expanded. Two new arms emerged from the bulges in his side. It was like some kind of dream, none of what he was seeing felt real. “What?!” He cried. “What… what is this?” He struggled to shout as his lengthening tongue rolled out from his mouth. “It’s… too much… make… it… stop!” He raised his new lower arms, stained black from the slime, and stared at them in disbelief. Then his tail came into vision as it began to wrap around his body. He could feel his hands touching it, realizing that it must be a part of himself. “No! Please! Don’t! Stop this devilry!” He was pleading to the carven gods that lined the temple walls or any god that would listen, but the changes continued. He tried to struggle out of the ooze, his men backed away, afraid to interfere. All four hands slid along the smooth floor as attempted to pull himself out of the pool. He was too slippery and his ass was being pounded so hard he had to steady himself against the edge. His tail was now at least as long as the rest of his body, thickening at the base as it grew even longer, eventually becoming an extension of his waist. His hip joints dislocated and reformed so that his legs sprouted out from either side of this massive trunk. His feet began to broaden, his toes lengthened and spread apart, each one developing a long claw at the tip. The feet were becoming much like his hands, only larger and more claw-like. His joints continued to morph and rotate until his legs simply began another set of gigantic arms His other finger nails were lengthening into sharp points and turning black. A short stubby horn emerged from each of his elbows. The tail was now so big that he could support his massive weight with it. Horns grew from his massive shoulders and curled in irregular ways. “UUURRRGGHHH!!” he roared like a beast as his canines began to enlarge and dip below his upper lip. His ass was now a slit on the front side of his long tail. Another slit was opening up and pulling in his cock and sack. As it retreated into his body, it began to grow. He found it could slide in and out of its new sheath, giving him a sensation that made his body writhe. He hardly noticed that every hair follicle on his body was falling off. As his skin turned red, he looked down on everyone present. He had grown so much that the ‘water’ barely covered his tail, which had wrapped its way along all four sides of the pool and was spiraling inward toward the throne. Everyone around him seemed like cowering rodents. Wasn’t this what he wanted? In the span of a few moments, he was becoming more fearsome than years of war and conquest had made him. His teeth grew longer and sharper, his jaws larger and more pronounced. The slit of his mouth extended to the back of his cheeks, exposing all of his interlocking teeth when he grinned. His nose compressed into two slits. His eyes began to emit a fiery violet glow as they grew to completely fill their sockets. Two tusks began to grow down over his lips from the back of his mouth. As they lengthened beyond his chin, they curved inward, stabbing into his chest and melding with his collar bone. His veins were bulging all over his body. They began to surface and branch in intricate patterns on his skin, accentuating his massive muscles. Pulses of purples light ran up and down these otherworldly vessels. In places they would sprout whip like tendrils that could cling to his hard body or whirled about in the air at his command. He was truly a monster, no longer human in any way. He felt himself a god, and he fully intended to live like one. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Here is a new one shot story by me. Though I have not watched any of Mark/iplier's videos, I always found him hot. So what better way than to write a story where he grows into a hyper muscled god! You might have to read my other stories at "Morphs and Short Stories" to understand some of the plotlines here. Everyone knows how each youtube update makes the site get worse. From changing the UI to something less readable, to messing up Youtuber’s monetization, to even recommending random videos to people to have no interest in them. A lot of outrage has been said about Youtube for the past few years. But when there is no competitor video sharing platform, Youtube had no care in the world. Until a rising star emerges, videos will always be undated onto Youtube. Here’s where our story begins. Mark had just uploaded a video to his youtube account. He had been alone in his house for a few days and was getting kinda bored due to lack of human interaction. The only thing left on his list for today was planning his next few videos. He decided to laze around for a bit to browse some social media when an interesting email had been sent to his inbox. With an unknown email address and the subject labeled “new video website recommendation”, this peaked the Youtuber’s interests. He began to read the following… “Dear Mark As you may know, Youtube is seriously not in a good place right now, but I have found another website that sounds like a potential ‘Youtube 2’ if you will, except not as atrocious! It’s called ‘Castpha’ and here’s the link to get you started. It’s only in beta version but the UI and rules and regulations seems to be great. Hope you like your recommendation!” ‘A new website?’, thought Mark. Was there really a brand new beta site with potential? There had been many video websites through the years, but they don’t really capture the same vibe and Youtube. Either due to lack of community or bad UI. But after clicking the link, he was astounded! Castpha actually looks like a darn good website. The website was nicely design, with many videos to a dedicated topic. The UI was a pleasant sight to see. Mark wanted to try out this new fancy website. But he wanted to do a small test run. He wanted to see how many views he would get without announcing his new account to Castpha. He clicked on the Sign Up button and got started. It had all the standard stuff like Username, Real Name, password and everything. But the interesting thing to note was a selection. “Are you an uploader, watcher or both on this account?” Never before has an option like this been shown. Of course he clicked ‘uploader’ first, to test things out. Suddenly an onslaught of rules and regulations appeared. It had all the standard stuff. But there was a page dedicated to the ‘Uploaders Rights’, whatever that means. It listed things like monetization was guaranteed for all Castpha videos. NSFW videos would be under the protection of Castpha. Only non-minors would be able to access NSFW videos and will be able to be monetized by companies who allow ads on NSFW videos. Each video would be checked by a human employee to see if any rules were broken. And copyright abuse would not be tolerated at all. Mark was impressed. Things actually look amazing at Castpha. After accepting the rules and regulations, there was one more page. The recommended page. “Who recommended you to click on this website? List either the email address or username.” Mark thought for a bit, guessing this is how people can get paid to spread the news of Castpha. So looking back into his email, he quickly swiped the sender’s email and typed it down. But a strange thing happened. A new slew of questions emerged as well as a small description. “Congratulations, you were recommended by one of our top tier employees. Because of this, you are able to access special services not given to any other content creator. Please answer the questions below to see what perks would you like to obtain!” ‘Wow’ he thought. Special services for himself! How cool is that. So he began to read the questions. “Would you like to participate in our Growth Service. This service is to boost your Castpha account to more people than in general.” Yes, he clicked “Depending on the rank of who recommended you, you may have a few choices or all choices for the next few questions.” “Next question, for how long would you like this service?” 1 month 6 months 1 year 2 years 5 years Forever “I guess forever it is.” Mark said. It must have been a really high leveled employee for Mark to receive the 6th option “Next question, how potent would you like this service to be?” Show to 5% more people than usual Show to 10% more people than usual Show to 20% more people than usual Show to 30% more people than usual Show to 50% more people than usual Show to 100% more people than usual Mark clicked on the sixth option again. “Next question, are you planning to show your face to people?” Mark clicked yes. What an odd question but he guessed there would be no harm. Now his choice led to one last question. “Where would you like your service to be applied? You can pick as many as you want, depending on the rank of the employee who recommended to you.” Due to Mark knowing he would receive all perks, he decided to click all on finally create his Castpha channel! With that, he wanted to test out something. Apparently there was a livestream feature. Without telling any of his current fans, he wanted to test the livestream feature out first as he had no material to work with currently for a video. As he started to stream, 2 questions appeared. “Is this a NSFW stream?” and “Would you like to use the Growth Service?” Mark wanted as little attention as possible to prevent a fan from his Youtube account to see this. And wanting to try out his special service, he clicked Yes on both options. Now it was time to load up the stream. He saw a button on the bottom right corner with in built streaming features from Castpha themselves. He jokingly typed ‘Can we get 5000 likes’ and placed the text on the top middle section of the livestream. Soon a small crowd had formed. 10 people had joined in since he posted the text. Mark remembered that he didn’t want to be noticed. Knowing some people might recognize him, he begged his Castpha viewers to not spread the word. Surprisingly, they obliged with no questions. As the live stream continued, Mark continued to ramble on and on. What he hadn’t noticed was that he was at 100 views and 20 likes. He only realised that when a commenter pointed it out. Mark was surprised. Another surprised he found out was that other people can know that he is using the Growth Service too. A lot of commenters pointed out how excited they were about the Growth Service. Mark was confused, but he didn’t bother to ask. He was just feeling a little tight is all. No really, his shirt felt a bit tighter than usual. He began to stretch his body. He certainly couldn’t understand what was happening, but his viewers seem to know as they keep sending eye looking and blushing and wet emojis. They knew what was going on. It would be long until Mark would noticed, but the Growth Service he applied had a specific box he didn’t body to read. “Grow your body in accordance to likes received.” Mark was growing, literally! Each time he got 1 like in his stream, he would receive an additional pound of muscle, or inch of height to his body for every 10 likes Suddenly, 20 more likes were obtained. Mark was groaning in more pain. He felt his skin burn. His shirt and jeans were getting tighter around his body. He was getting a small headache and his vision blurred. He messaged his head, trying to focus on his computer screen. He felt hot and sweaty. He thought he was falling sick. He tried to tell his viewers he was ending the stream, but they all denied him too. Perplexed, he continued to stream a little while longer. After a minute of sitting, he noticed his likes jumped from 20 to 100. His viewer count had increased to 1000 as well. Very odd. But now, the pain was even worse. But somehow, he suddenly felt stronger. And stronger he was. He shot up to 6 feet tall and reached 250lbs of pure muscle. He felt his clothes tighten even further. He wanted to rip it off. His muscles were growing in size. His biceps tearing the seams of his sleeves. His growing pecs and abs causing his shirt to ride upwards. The tent in his jeans growing larger and larger. He was getting really pent up. He was burning up, he tried to find a comfortable position on his chair. Meanwhile, every watcher was cheering on, watching intently as the hunk of a Youtuber growing bigger for them, without even realising it. His like counter gained 100 likes. His body reacting almost instantly to it, began to beef up even more. He felt a surge of pain building up in his body. He wanted to scream so bad. He wanted to end the stream so bad. But he couldn’t move. He had never felt so tight before. Mark had finally realised he was growing. His body began to explode in size. He wasn’t growing any taller, but his body began to bulk up further and further. His biceps swelled into the size of softballs. His pecs ballooned in size. His wings stretched outwards. His neck and shoulders thickened. He grunted and moaned. His eyes were shut and he gritted his teeth. More and more tears were appearing from his clothes. His thighs and calves grew bigger and thicker. The man had grown from a normal build to a full on bodybuilder. He now weighs about 350lbs of pure muscle. He was much bigger than most bodybuilders. With him still at 6’0 tall, Mark was looking super hefty. But it was clear that his growth showed no signs of stopping. With 300 likes in total, the Youtuber was growing even faster than before. More and more bulk began to pack into Mark’s body. He was starting to look like the muscle morphs you see online. His muscles grew so huge, it tore his shirt in an instant, revealing to the masses of the large hulk before them. Mark screamed in agony. His jeans were beginning to give way too. The lower region of his jeans had fully torn off from this legs, now looking like torn up shorts. Mark’s expanding muscles were beginning to lose space to grow. His pectorals swelled so much, it began to touch his arms. His back grew so wide, it was squeezing against the arm handles of his gaming chair. He could hear the creaking sounds of his chair about to collapse under his swelling body. He was unable to move as he was stuck in his chair, growing bigger and bigger. His body started to climb higher too, now he reached about 6’3 inches tall. The tent in his shorts, now growing so thicks and long, begin to press and beg to be released. Mark’s pain and anguish became lust. He reached for his cock with his right hand and began stroking it. It was hard to pull off. His giant bicep pressing against his giant pecs. He could barely move his arm. In fact, he couldn’t see past his mammoth pecs as well. His cock felt massive. It was probably about 8 inches, and it was barely chubbing. He felt his pre leaking out to his jeans. The discomfort began to settle in once again as his cock began to grow so huge, his jean shorts could not hold any longer. With one giant huff, the buttons holding against his pants flew off, hitting his computer screen causing a small crack. Soon the flyer of his short went immediately down and his whole shorts tore off, revealing a bright red and stretched underwear. Mark was utterly embarrassed. Everyone began to comment about Mark’s new body. 420 lbs of muscle packed onto Mark’s body. Everyone knew this was going to get better. 500 likes now displayed on the screen and the reaction was getting more potent. Mark’s muscles exploded in size. His chair was creaking more and more. Soon enough, the strength of Mark’s growth had snapped of the base and handles of the chair. He fell to the floor. A loud thud swept across the room. Mark’s cock rose higher and higher. As his pecs blocked his vision below, he couldn’t tell how big his cock was. But the stretching and snapping sound of his underwear revealed that it was growing faster than expected. He felt his legs getting heavier. He tried to feel his way through his legs, only to realise his balls were swelling and resting on his legs. His cock was rising higher as his balls swelled and spilled out of his legs. He was really pent up. He could feel his pre flowing from the slit of his head. He felt many drops of pre landing on his balls and legs. He could not take it anymore. He began to stroke his massive cock with his hands. He could barely wrap it around. He stroked as hard and as fast as he could. He panted and groaned. He begged for more growth. It felt so good. What once was pain in his growth was not pleasure. He begged his viewers to like the stream more. He wanted to reach his goal of 5000 likes. No, he wanted more. He begged everyone to try to get this live stream to as many people as possible. He wanted more likes, he needed more! Faster and faster he stroked. His body swelled more and more. Each muscle was pressing against one another. He looked like a massive muscle monster. His muscles were so disproportionately big, it even puts the Hulk to shame. His biceps rose above his head. His pecs were so fat they sagged nearly to his waist. His legs were so thick, redwood trees could barely be as thick. His back was almost as wide as his room. He was becoming a hyper monster. His cock was getting too big. It rose higher and higher, leaking more and more pre. Soon the whole floor was covered in pre. His massive muscle tits were leaking with milk. Soon enough, body hair began to grow too. In almost an instant, his body was covered in a thick layer of hair. His beard, now reach the mid point of his pecs. His pubic hair grew so long, it covered all the way to his knees. His pit hairs grew all the way down to his waist. His cock now swelled even more. His thick member now thicker than each of his legs. It rose to meet Mark’s own head. Mark was now 6’7” and growing. His cock had to be at least 4 feet. With both heads meeting each other, Mark pushed his cock into the cleavage of his pecs and began to suck on it. He could barely encapsulate his cock with his own arms. 1000 likes had been reached and now is where things start to get good. His growth was now growing exponentially. His massive and hairy body exploding bigger and bigger. His cock grew so much that it was as long as he was tall. His balls swelled big to meet with his pecs. As he grew taller and bigger, the room felt smaller. He was starting to outgrow his room. He reached 8’5” of height, but he weighed 1480 lbs of muscle. His stomach began to rumble, a familiar growing pain was felt there. His stomach swelled bigger and bigger. A muscular roid gut was forming. The gut swelled so much it started pushing his pecs higher and his cock away from his body. His whole massive body began to crush and move his furniture away. Everyone in the comments were in awe. The table holding the computer had been crushed by Mark’s massive cock. But his computer was still fine. Now most of the view was just his swelling, veiny cock. Mark now had barely any space in his room. His body was starting to crack the wall behind him. His cock rose to meet the ceiling, cracking it as well. His balls were pushing the walls in front of him. More hair was growing from his body. Everything felt tight again as the Youtuber grew bigger. His pre and milk mixture were now filling his room with 2 feet of liquid. Mark still wanted to grow. The amount of pleasure building up in his body was unbearable. He wanted to cum so badly. His cock was now taller than he was, and thicker than his own waist. He couldn’t stroke his cock anymore for his swelling muscle gut pushed his cock too far. Only one thing was left. Mark began to buck himself. He tried to get off by rubbing his cock against the walls of his room. He started to buck harder and harder. He could tell it was working. More and more pre was spilling from his head. You could barely see the head anymore. Mark groaned louder and louder. He could feel it coming soon. He clenched his fists and legs. He gritted his teeth. His eyes clenched. And with one last buck, the most powerful scream blasted through the house and then some. A huge torrent of cum came blasting from his cock. The first wave of cum broke the walls in front of him down, spilling backwards, hitting Mark’s whole body. 2000 likes and counting. Mark’s growth is accelerating faster. The amount of cum blasting out of his cock is insane. Mark’s swelling had begun to break down his house. His giant body outgrew his house, breaking and smashing every item there. Except for his computer. His massive cock still hasn’t stopped cumming as the streets, and nearby houses began to be drenched in the massive hyper man’s seed. As he stood up, he realised he was 12’10 inches tall, weighing at 2012lbs. The huge brute of a man still growing bigger and bigger. His muscles began to fill up the nearby houses. Everything fall apart against the mighty body. Layers and layers began to stack up and pile onto the hyper body. His cock rapidly swelling bigger and bigger. His balls swelling faster and faster. His body now sits on top of his balls. His roid gut swelling faster and faster, making it impossible for him to even reach the front of his gut. His pecs swelling and spilling over his gut. His nipples growing even longer and thicker. His palms couldn’t even encapsulate his nipples anymore. His face turning even more brutish and squarish. His ass swelling to form massive minivans. His back, stretching and spreading so far it took up 2 house plots. More and more did the massive youtuber cum. Each spurt getting longer and more intense. So much cum began to fill the streets. And it didn’t look to be slowing down. Cars, lamp posts, mailboxes and the like began to get swept away from the mighty white river that flows. It didn’t help that Mark’s swelling tits began to explode milk. He had never felt so much intensity and relieved at the same time. All of that cum and milk pouring like geysers from their individual holes. The constant churning of balls and tits, producing and releasing their liquids at enormous and unbelievably rates. It was a sight to behold. 5000 likes and increasing. More viewers began to pile up and the like counter surging his growth even further. It looks like people really wanted to see this happening. With the current rate of increasing likes, he would dominate the world in less than 10 minutes. His swelling now towering multiple buildings. Everyone nearby began to walk outside their houses to witness the giant man hulking beyond their believe. Multiple people began to try to get away. But the sheer amount of cum send people trapped and swept away. Everybody was defenceless against Mark’s sheer power. Mark felt absolutely bad for the poor citizens near him. He wished he would be able to save them all. But through the power of Castpha’s growth service. A wish came true. Every 5000 likes received, a new power shall be granted to the creator. And through that wish, he was given the power of teleportation. He noticed his brand new power in an instant. He was surprised. There were so many new things happening all at once. But no time to lose, he had to save everyone. Using his teleportation skills, he transported everyone to a safe location. And to prevent such a catastrophe from happening again, he tried to teleport himself to a location where he couldn’t do any harm. Unfortunately, his powers were still new, and thus, he teleported to the middle of a dense city, for all to see. But another problem had occurred. An intense pain in his groin region. A pain so intense, it faded away all previous lustful feelings he had before. Though he tried to ease the pain by holding it, his belly had made it impossible to reach for it. The pain grew more intense. Mark began to yell as loud as possible. The entire city began to shake from the boomburst that had came. Everyone began to scream and run. The glass on all buildings had shattered. Mark began to teleport everyone away from him. But the pain is getting worse. He could feel something was wrong. His cock began to start shifting around. The skin around the base of his cock warping and moving. It felt as though his cock was moving towards his right leg from the base. As it moved, he could no longer feel his cock touch his left leg but felt it entirely on his right leg. The pain to the left of his cock began to worsen. It wasn’t like anything he felt before. It felt like burning and tearing at the same time. Soon the skin of the painful area began to morph, to what looked to be a second cock forming. It began to protrude further and further from his body. Soon enough, his new cock grew as long as his first. Mark scream and was absolutely confused of the outcome. But things didn’t settle for now his balls felt a burning sensation. A lumps form within his scrotum as the lumps grew to two new testicles for the new cock. But things are getting weirder. 10,000 likes and Mark is as tall as a skyscraper. He began to feel lustful again. His muscles began to explode in size again. Nearby skyscrapers were destroyed in an instant. The city was in absolute ruins. His gut was swelling bigger and bigger. Unable to control his new size, he begins to destroy even more buildings. His gigantic muscles begin to prevent him from being able to move properly. As Mark grew even more horny, he needed to release his waterfalls again. The only things nearby were other skyscrapers. Unable to hold onto his pent up horniness, he began to pound the buildings nearby. Though he was barely able to move, the buildings were able to satisfy his needs a little. As he got more pent up, his building-fucking began to get more rapid. He pumps and pumps harder. He begins to scream as his two cock thrust and burst through the buildings. New amounts of pre and milk began to leak from their holes. He began to fuck harder and harder, as a new pain appears in his groin area. Another cock and 2 more balls begin to protrude to form a new cock. As the third cock increase the intensity of his pleasure, he pumped harder and harder, destroying more buildings. As he reached his second climax, he screamed and blasted river worths of cum and milk all over the city. As this happens, his body explodes in size, bigger and bigger... 100,000 likes and Mark towers even the tallest of mountains. It appeared that someone has created a new bot to increase the likes of the video. As people realise a bot has been increasing the likes, they too begin to join and try to download the bot to increase the intensity of the likes. As thousands of people being to get more bots, the like number increased way too quickly. As more likes were given, even more powers to Mark, making him a powerful god. But even after sending river torrents of cum and milk, he was getting horny again. His body swelled to the size of mountains, and he began to fuck the nearby mountains. With more fucking that happened, another cock and pair of balls begin to appear from his body. 1,000,000 likes and even planets dwarved around Mark. Mark had been fucking and growing for far too much. Soon he began to dwarf the countries, then the moon, then the earth and soon enough the Solar System was way smaller than Mark himself. Another cock and pair of balls had appear, giving Mark a total of 5 cocks and 10 balls. But more of his body grew. His muscles were now swelling so fast, his height couldn’t keep up. His muscles and body grew exponentially bigger than his height, causing Mark to be even more immobile. But due to his muscles constantly growing, the pressure from the growth constantly rubs his cock, causing him to constantly be in a lustful state and cumming a lot. Not only were his current muscles growing, but now more muscles were appearing in random areas of his body causing him to look bigger. His hair was now growing even faster, causing his body to be engulfed in his hair. His gut was now almost as big as his body. His cock and balls were now 5 times as big as his own body. His nipples now dropped all the wait to midway his belly. His ass swelled as big as each testicle... 1,000,000,000,000,000 likes and galaxies surround Mark. He was absolutely enormous. More muscles packed onto his body. His cock and balls swelled even faster. His gut causing him to look even more bloated than ever. He was getting even hairier. All of the galaxies nearby were being ripped apart from the sheer density of Mark. Mark’s body was getting denser than ever. All his atoms crushed each other forming a particle denser than infinity. Soon his whole body was no longer made of atoms, but a nuclear pasta so dense that no space was unoccupied by any particles. Though his body was one giant nuclear pasta, the properties of his body remained the same to still make him human. As he cums around the universe, he creates more galaxies from his body. Soon afterwards, a 6th cock and 2 more balls soon appeared from his body. Infinite likes. It looks like the universe is beyond his comprehension. He begins to crush the universe and then some. Mark was growing past multiple universes. Soon enough, he begins to burst past multiple Multiverses too. With so much dominating power, he was filled with a lot of godly power. He was now truly a god. A God with immeasurable power. But as he grew bigger and more powerful, his body begins to morph even more. A 7th cock and 2 more balls appeared from his body. But not only that, his upper torso begins to lurch and have sudden sharp pains. Mark soon realised that his pecs were moving away from his gut. What surprised him was that now 2 more pectorals has appeared right below the first pair. And quickly after, new elongated nipples had grown to immediately spill milk all over the universe. With a new set of pecs, new arms begin to protrude out of the side of his pectorals. He now has 4 arms. He was now even more powerful than ever. Infinite and Beyond. The numbers keep increasing, and so does he. In fact, a few familiar faces would soon come to pass. The Hyper Gods have witnessed a new god awaken from the emptiness. However, the body built of this new god proves to be unknowable to the Gods. The new Deity proved to be too big. And bigger he grew. As the new God swelled bigger and taller before their very eyes, they could feel the vast power that such a God held. The New God had powers and size they couldn’t even imagine. The new god swelled, expelling such great amounts of dominance and male musk that it triggered to inner lust of each previous Hyper god. The amount of size and power was to die for. In an instant, as the New God grew past each Hyper God, an instant orgasm began to spill all over the New God from the previous Hyper Gods. With the scent of the New God wafting across the Hyper Gods, they too felt a new sensation of power. A new growth awaits them. Though their growths were much smaller than the New God, it was no laughing matter as the omniverse grew smaller around the men. However their growths stopped quite rapidly. But the New God seemed to be accelerating in size. In fact, it appeared that another cock had rapidly sprung out from his body, along with another pair of balls to join them too. Pavel could see Mark growing past him. The Ultimate God was now grazed with the New God. Pavel was utterly amazed. Only one person had grown bigger than Pavel, but this was much different. The amount of bulk on the New God was too much to handle, and the rate of growth was too fast to track. In a split moment, Pavel had been outclassed by the New God. The New God heaved even more as his muscles bulking even faster into the heavens. He could feel the space around him grow colder and yet warmer still. Mark was about to meet the biggest guy he had ever seen. Will he outgrow him? Of course! There was just too much Mark to not stop growing. As he reached higher into the cosmos, he felt a hand hold his lower body. He must be close. When Mark was finally the same size as the Biggest One, they both stared at each other, and knew in an instant that Mark was to outgrow him. With another cock and pair of balls exploding from nowhere, he began to feel new power to dethrone the Biggest One... J likes? What does J mean? It could be assumed that it’s a universal constant. But what surprised Mark was another human on the J scale. But Mark seemed to still be growing. Due to Mark’s ever increasing body, he would barely acknowledge the man he passed by. All he understood from the man was that he was named Jeremy. Must be that the J stand for. It looked that Jeremy was the absolute biggest entity until Mark came around. But even if Mark was as tall as Jeremy, Mark would still outcompete Jeremy. Due to Mark’s absolute hyper body with billions of muscles stacked upon each other, Jeremy would look like an ant right beside a god. Coupled with the amount of hair on Mark’s body, the size of each billion muscles being ten thousand times larger than 1 of Jeremy’s 650 muscles, his nipples reaching towards his knees, the sheer size of his gut compared to his body, his additional pair of pectoral muscles and arms, as well as his 9 cocks and 18 balls. But it didn’t stop there as another pair of balls and a cock began to sprout from his body. A loud scream echoed from the chambers of nothingness as the last pair of cock and balls emerge from the incomprehensible hyper brutish body of Mark. As the numbers keep on increasing from the bots, so does Mark. With that, Mark had to sad farewell to the biggest man Jeremy to replace his throne. Expanding larger and larger, Mark is almost at his end. 10(infinity)J(J^(InfinityJ) + 1000J) + 11(infinity)^(infinity x e) x infinityJ(J^(InfinityJ + 1000J)) was what was displayed on the video. It appeared that he the number could not increase anymore. Even though the 11 was meant to be a 10. Mark’s growth had finally stopped. J was a Omniversal and Beyond constant that meant the biggest. The largest number in a single unit of J. No one knows where J came from But there might be a man as big as the constant J inches tall. But Mark was way bigger than that. He truly was the biggest man alive. He could barely move around the space he occupied. The Ultimate God now sat in an area he could barely move in. Mark knew this was the ultimatum, the biggest and most powerful anyone could get. His body was truly the definition of Hyper. His head could not be seen for ages. His muscles were so utterly massive, you could not tell which muscle was if you pointed at it. Piles and piles of muscles stacked on the massive body. No matter how many images of hyper muscle dudes or artwork on any website you can look, no matter how imaginative your brain may seem, his muscles were too incomprehensibly big, too incomprehensibly hyper. His muscle gut was about 5 times as big as the rest of his body. His 10 cocks and 20 balls were about 100 times his own body size, each! His 4 pecs were squishing against each other, pressing and constantly squeezing his milk out. His 4 giant arms were constantly in a flexing position as the rest of his muscles could not give them any space. His entire body was so incredibly brutish, there was no way to tell which muscle was what. Not to mention his hairs. So densely packed and grew so much, no one could find the origin of each hair strain. He now knows all that the Onmiverse and Beyond had to offer. Though the vessel may look utterly uncomfortable, Mark was in absolute peace. His intelligence is now as at its absolute highest. He was after all the most muscular, powerful, biggest, smartest and strongest man alive...
  4. A football player thinks he's too smart to fall for Jack's tricks but learns you can always be more specific. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The snow swirled around in eddies as Butch Mitchell left the stadium. The fans had all left disappointed. He was a wide receiver and he’d just gotten pummeled out on the field, ever since his injury last year he couldn’t outrun the defense. No matter how hard he tried to sprint, he just couldn’t make his leg go faster. Instead of leaving with the rest of the team, he staid behind to drink in the club house until he could get out of there without running into the fans. Tonight Ken Powers (an opposing cornerback) had taken him down more times that game than he could count. That guy was massive. His team mates called him “the beast”. He towered over everyone on the field and his powerful body ran into people like a train. “If only I could be a muscular beast like him.” He said as his driver took him downtown, past the Christmas shoppers and twinkling lights. It was their last game before Christmas and his family was out watching a musical with the kids. Lately he preferred that they didn’t watch his games. The light turned red and the car stopped by an ice rink and he watched the people laugh and dance on their skates. Their happiness made him feel even more lonely. “God I’d give anything to be like those people.” “Be careful what you wish for, the woman in the Rudolf sweater has cancer.” Butch turned and saw a stranger wearing a three piece suit and hat sitting against the opposite door from him. “Who the hell are you?” He stammered. He didn’t remember anyone getting in the car with him and the doors were locked but he was rather drunk at this point so he wasn’t entirely certain. “My name’s Jack and I grant wishes.” “Oh Jesus… I’m wasted.” He knocked on the driver’s window and told him to let the guy out but when the driver asked who he was talking about, Jack was gone. He decided to get out and walk for a few blocks, thinking the cold air would sober him up before meeting his family. His wife had repeatedly warned him not to show up in front of the kids wasted. He walked up to a park bench without noticing the people around him, unable to see past his own thoughts, filled with the end of his career. Wandering around without paying attention to where he was, he eventually collapsed on a park bench and put his face in his hands. “Why did I have to fuck up my leg last summer? Why did it have to happen to me?” “Yeah… poor guy… about to face unemployment with only five million in the bank. I can’t imagine a worse life.” Butch looked up and saw the guy from the car sitting beside him on the bench. Snow was collecting on his overcoat. “Fuck I’m cracking up.” He said. “I’m seeing things.” “Oh no, I’m very real. My name REALLY is Jack and I do REALLY grant wishes.” He said tipping his hat. “So you’re my fairy god mother?” Butch said sardonically. “I wouldn’t say that,” Jack frowned. “But I’m the closest you’re going to get.” “So I can wish for a billion dollars?” “As long as you have someone else around to wish to so you can get out of prison when the IRS comes after you for tax evasion on your hidden fortune.” Jack grinned. “Ahhh fuck… I gotta think of this kinna shit… what if I just asked for my leg to be like it was before?” “So that your friend Mr. Powers can just screw it up again the next time he tackles you?” Jack added. “Sounds like the perfect use of a wish.” “Ken Powers… that guy’s a muscular beast. I wish I was like that.” He said. “You could be like him you know.” “Yeah and then get kicked out for doping when I gain 100 lbs over night.” Butch said. “You’re learning.” Jack smiled. “What if I could give you your wish without anyone noticing anything has changed but you?” “Huh?” “Your arms could literally burst through their sleeves in front of your mother and she’d ask you why you buy such cheap clothes.” “Really? So you can make me into a muscular beast without anyone knowing that you did it? You could make me bigger and faster than ever?” Jack’s green eyes twinkled as his mouth curled into a grin. “I can do anything.” He pulled out a card and handed it to him. “Just take this and make your wish.” Butch laughed. “Heh, fairy godmother… I’ve already made my wish. Aren’t you supposed to pull out a wand and do a dance or something?” A flash of annoyance passed over Jack’s face. “Alright… have it your way…” He flicked his fingers and sparks flew to the ground. Whirling his hand in the air, the falling snow coalesced into a white wand that he began to twirl around. “You want something more like this? Sala-gadoola-menchika-boola-bippity-boppity-BOO!!” He pointed the wand at Butch and a burst of energy hit him in the chest. Butch felt like a linebacker had slammed into him as he was thrown off the bench and landed face first into a snow man. He slowly felt himself to see whether he was all in one piece before picking himself up out of the collapsing snow sculpture. He looked around but Jack was gone again. Wiping the snow off of him he pulled out his cell phone and called his driver to pick him up to take him home. The next morning his wife woke him up. “Your coach called, he wants to have a talk with… Jesus Butch, why do you sleep in crap like that?” He groggily opened his eyes and looked down and gasped. The loose fitting t-shirt that he always slept in had him in a strangle hold. The sleeves were fraying at the seams. Moving his biceps caused them to rip. Suddenly the wish came back to his mind and he pulled the sheets up to his chin to keep his wife from seeing. She just rolled her eyes and walked out. Butch walked into the bathroom and peeled the tattered shirt from his body and gasped. His arms and pecs were huge. He felt his muscles as they strained against his tight skin. “Fuck… that shit actually worked.” Then his wife walked in and rubbed his enormous bicep. “Sorry to hear about your game last night. Do you think they’ll understand about the leg?” “My leg!” He shouted and pulled off the workout shorts that he slept in, leaving him completely naked. His legs had swelled as well during the night. He stretched the massive sinuous thighs in the mirror. “Shit they’re huge!” “Of course they are… you’ve only been working on them for ten years.” She said not comprehending his surprise. In her mind they’d been that big for as long they had been married. “You don’t see any difference?” He asked. “Oh dear of course I do. You work so hard.” She said, trying to be convincing not wanting to disappoint him. She thought he was talking about some marginal gains that she couldn’t really see. It was clear however that she didn’t notice anything. Then suddenly he noticed his cock was dangling a few inches lower than usual. “Jesus my dick!” He muttered. “Oh you’re ridiculous.” She said, walking out. With her out of the room, he stepped on the bathroom scale and gasped. He was over 320 lbs. He’d grown 97 lbs during the night. Feeling his massive pecs he stared at his new body in the mirror. “How could she not notice the difference?” “Because that’s what you wished for you idiot.” Butch jumped seeing the reflection of Jack suddenly standing in the corner. He quickly grabbed a towel to cover himself. “How’d you get in here!?” He shouted. “The same way I get anywhere.” Jack replied. “Why doesn’t she notice how big I am?” “Of course she notices how big you are. She just doesn’t realize you’ve changed. In her mind you’ve looked like this since college. And it’s not just her mind.” He said pointing to family photos on the wall. He was massive in each of them. “What else has changed?” “Absolutely nothing. You’ve had the same life you’ve always had. Even the clothes you were wearing are the same” Jack grinned pointing to the fact that his tux had ripped in one of his wedding photos. “You better not have screwed anything up!” Butch growled. “Or what?” Jack pulled out the wand from the night before and butch flinched behind one of his 25 inch arms. “Ok ok you don’t have to be like… that.” When he looked up Jack was gone. He walked out into his bedroom with his towel on and grabbed his phone. His coach had called several times. Butch pressed the button to return the call. “Hey big guy. You know I’ve been on the phone with the owner all morning thinking one thing. Why do we have you as a wide receiver? You’re clearly not living up to your potential in that position. I think a big guy like you would make a much better fullback. We want to make the change before the next game.” They spoke for a while until Butch suddenly wondered how his coach knew what had happened, after all he hadn’t seen him since the change. “But how do you know I’ve gotten bigger?” “HA! You’re a bucket of laughs. Also before I let you go, you need to get measured for a new uniform. You look ridiculous out on the field. I got a call from the commissioner this morning and we have to get serious about this. Looking back at it I can’t believe we’ve gotten away with it for so long.” “What?!” Butch asked confused. “Just turn on ESPN. Look I’ve got to run.” Butch hung up and turned on the TV and was shocked to see himself all over the screen. “How did we not notice how ridiculous this man’s uniforms are?” Someone was saying as pictures flashed up on the screen. His shirts didn’t fully cover his abs in any of them. His uniforms were ridiculously stretched some of them were ripped. “The cups don’t even fit him right!” Butch gasped as the outline of his cock head could be seen through the tight shorts. “We checked folks and this goes all the way back to his college years and nobody said anything.” “You see? Only you changed.” He glanced over and saw Jack sitting at the foot of his bed. “The rest of the world doesn’t think you’re any different.” “I… I… don’t get it!” “Of course you don’t Butch… you’re as dumb as a sack of meat! But you will… I haven’t even begun to give you your Christmas wish!” Jack pointed the wand at Butch and he was hurled into the closet. Butch sat up and was pulling the crumpled up clothes off of him when he felt his pecs bulging out even more. He looked down and saw his chest ballooning out with new growth. His arms and deltoids were inflating too as his skin stretched over ever more mounds of muscles. He looked up and saw the shirts in his closet rip and fall off their hangers. His cock snaked down his swelling legs and his balls grew to the size of apples. “Oh… fuck...” He said feeling his pecs pushing his fingers apart as they inflated. He heard a massive amount of ripping as the pants all about him started to tear as his huge muscular butt got wider and wider. Everything he’d ever worn was getting torn to shreds. “What the fuck Jack! Why are you destroying my shit!” “I’m not!” Jack walked over to the door to the closet. “You destroyed each one of these things when you put them on over the years.” Butch felt himself stretching as he grew taller, reaching almost the 7 foot mark but still he continued to bulk as he passed 450 lbs. His clothes were falling around him like confetti. “But I never destroyed anything like this!” “Oh but you did! You clearly can’t fit in any of this stuff but that doesn’t change history. You put this stuff on and it fell apart and then for some reason you had it washed and put back in the closet.” He tossed him his wedding photos, everyone was smiling like normal including Butch, but he was completely naked with shreds of his tux at his feet. His foot long soft cock and softball sized nuts were hanging down his massive thighs. “Holy [bleep] folks! Can you believe they’ve let Butch Mitchel play completely naked for the last ten years!?” “Oh come on man, that’s just the way it goes, the dude’s got a massive body, it can’t be easy to find clothes to fit all that.” Another commentator said. “He’s not the first unusually large guy to play football. Why are we making exceptions for him?” The host asked. “I guess because… well… I mean things have been this way for years and you aint said nothing yet.” Butch looked through the door of his closet to his bedroom TV. Blurred pictures of him getting tackled naked were flashing up on the screen. “What I think you should be asking is why he got sacked so much by guys half his size.” He said. Butch turned to Jack. “What the fuck is going on!?” “I told you before. You’ve lived your entire life the way you have now. According to the rest of the world, you are as you’ve always been. You’ve worn the same clothes (or tried to), been sacked by the same players, done everything the same. But that doesn’t mean the future will be the same. Some people are wondering why you got to hang around naked everywhere other people are just going to shrug and remember that’s the way things have always been.” His wife came into the room and found Butch going through his torn garmets. “Are you ready? It’s time to go to lunch with Pete and Carole.” “I… uhh… was just looking for something to put on...” He replied. “Oh come on, I’m in a hurry, can you just skip the ritual of destroying a pair of pants before heading out.” “But I’m naked!” “You’re always naked… that’s your thing… isn’t it?” She suddenly couldn’t remember if they had ever talked about something so obvious that she had always apparently taken for granted. “I can’t go out like this!” “Like what?” She said scratching her head. “Not wearing any clothes!” “Ummm… you haven’t worn anything for years and suddenly this is an issue now?” She was starting to think about it more. Why hadn’t this come up before? “Look we’re running late!” Thirty minutes later they were sitting in one of the nicest restaurants in town. Everyone was staring. Butch was famous and his physique and exposed skin made him easy to spot. “Jeeze Carole people can be so rude, just because Butchy was on TV all morning doesn’t mean people have to treat us differently.” Pete and Carole were staring at the enormous football player who was turning red. They wondered how they had gone out like this all these years. “So… what’s new with you two...” Carole said trying to turn the conversation. “Well we’re taking Butch to a tailor this after noon.” “A tailor? Wow, you’re giving up the ‘hang loose life’” Pete said, a little relieved. “I mean… I like pants just like everyone else...” Butch replied. His skin was scarlet as he blushed under everyone’s stare. “You’d never know it.” Pete muttered to his wife. The days went by and Butch found an enormous robe that he could wear and cover up while his clothes got custom made. Christmas came and went and it was time for him to show back up at the stadium for their next game. His coach came up to him. “Sorry Butch, the uniform didn’t come in yet. People are starting to have a problem with you going out naked every game. You’re not in regulation gear and the networks are wondering why they let you do this for years. I think you’ve got to stay in the locker room for this one.” The game began and the players ran out and Butch sat in the team hot tub. He felt less out of place that way. He looked down at his massive chest, which was so big that he couldn’t see his abs anymore. “Why aren’t you out there?” He looked up and saw Jack sitting in the opposite end. His body would have been impressive if he hadn’t been sitting across from Butch. “I’ve never understood what people enjoy about these things.” He added pointing at the bubbling water. “What’ve you done!? They’re not going to let me play!” He said pounding the side. “Well… things could be worse. You could be a freak. Now you’re just someone who’s gotten away with something for years that society is rethinking. Your fans will still love you, your haters will still hate you, and you’ll still be rich. What’s the problem?” “I wanted to play football! That’s the problem!” “No, you wanted to be a muscular beast! And that reminds me… we have quite gotten there yet!” He hopped out of the hot tub naked and picked up the wand and dropped it in the water. The water turned purple and started to really froth. Butch wanted to jump out but he couldn’t move. The purple color started to run up his veins and spread all over his body. His pecs bulged out as two new pecs grew in, stacked underneath the other massive set. Butch felt a pressure in his arm pits as two new arms pushed their way out from them. His balls grew to the size of melons, then soccer balls, then beach balls until they poked out of the water. Butch could feel his cock moving up his body, it was slithering all over him like a snake as he began to cum all over himself. A long tail sprouted from his back side and bulked up as his toes arched and he began to growl. Horns sprouted from his elbows. All he could think to do was fuck someone. He turned to where Jack had been standing but he was gone. Then one of the assistants came in and took one look at Butch. “Oh fuck… he’s in one of his moods again.” Butch sprang out of the water, holding his balls in his lower arms and pounced on the guy. In a moment the poor assistant’s clothes were missing and Butch’s massive purple cock was working it’s way into his ass. He groaned as Butch pumped him with gallons of cum bloating out the otherwise fit man. A team manager walked in and saw what was going on. “Jesus… why did we think this was going to work?” Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away Jack was leaning back in a chair in a room surrounded by hundreds of candles watching ESPN. Four men were shouting at each other around a table. "You're telling me that the Patriots have using a four ton monster as a wide receiver for years and nobody considers that cheating!?" "Don't get me started Terry! You've never liked Tom Brady or the Patriots!" "You don't have to like a team to know cheating when you see it!" "Well you never said anything about it when they hired him! You're just jumping on the anti-Patriots bandwagon with everyone else!" So you see, if you've ever suddenly come to a realization that you've been putting up with something ridiculous for a long time and you wonder why, it may be that someone you know has been making wishes from the wrong person.
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