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Going Niche (Complete Story) [Bonus Material Added 8/29/23]


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Nice to see Tony getting an ahole treatment by not being invited to the party. It's not him the want. It's Nile and i dunno oif Nile hasnt realized it yet but he knows friends in high place that will certainly do what he wants if he just ask.

Slate and Nile should fuck and that would be something fierce. Two alphas going at it.

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Chapter 32

            That evening, it was time for my next session with Adam and Edward.

            “You are so fucking gorgeous,” Adam said as Edward gaped, worried he might pass out again at my beauty.

            “You’re looking particularly swole and beautiful yourself,” I responded.

            “Are you looking forward to the dinner party?” he asked.

            “Of course I am,” I said.  “And I’m glad you brought it up.”

            With that, Edward’s face changed to one of stoic seriousness.  “Tony wants an invite,” he said, anticipating my next statement.

            “Tony most certainly wants an invite,” I responded.

            “Tony’s not already invited?” Adam asked.

            “We can’t invite him,” Edward said flatly.

            “Why not?” Adam asked.

            “If we invite him, we’ll have to invite Cliff,” Edward answered.

            “Who’s Cliff?” Adam asked.

            “Tony’s husband,” Edward and I said together.

            “You won’t have to invite Cliff too.  Tony doesn’t let Cliff within 100 yards of any pleasure house, let alone one owned by his own family,” I informed them.  “I’ve never even seen a picture of the man.”

            “You’ve done more than that,” Edward said, putting up his hands in caution.  “Cliff and I aren’t friends, but we run in the same circles.  We belong to a lot of the same clubs, things like that.  We find each other at a lot of fundraisers for bored, rich househusbands.  We gossip.”  He pulled out his phone and scrolled until he found what he was looking for.

            When he showed me his phone, I nearly crapped myself.  The picture showed Tony and his husband at the beach.  Tony had his arm around a man in his 30s with curly brown hair, nice muscles (especially his pecs), a decent package—a man who had clearly had a lot of plastic surgery over the years… and had a sun tattoo on his calf.

            “That’s Jiminy,” I said.

            “I know that’s Jiminy,” Edward said.

            “Who’s Jiminy?” Adam asked, unused to being so thoroughly out of the loop.

            “A regular client of Nile’s,” Edward replied, putting away his phone.

            “How?”  I asked emphatically.  “How?”

            “How does he book sessions at his husband’s pleasure house without his husband knowing, or how did you never find out Jiminy was Tony’s husband?” Edward asked in turn.

            “Either,” I said.  “Or both.”

            Edward explained.  “According to Cliff, when he married Tony, Vera set up a dummy account for him.  She knew Cliff was likely to sleep around.  And if he did it at her pleasure house, she could keep an eye on things.”

            “And the other how?” I asked.

            “Until just a few minutes ago, I assumed you knew,” Edward responded.

            “I didn’t even know Jiminy was married until earlier today,” I replied.  Then panic set in.  “Fuck!  Is this why Tony hates me?  Because I’m fucking his husband?”

            “Could be,” Edward said.  “I suspect that Tony doesn’t know that you’re fucking his husband, or he wouldn’t be so desperate for an invite.”

            “They can’t come to the party,” I said.  Actually, it was more of a panicked exhalation as I began pacing.

            “I know,” Edward returned.  “That’s why I didn’t invite them.”

            Adam, now that he was all caught up, had a calm air of sangfroid around him.  “This has an easy solution,” he announced as he pulled out his phone.  “This is Senator Taylor for Tony Fielding.”  He paused for a moment.  “Tony.  Yeah.  I’m in with Nile right now.  He told me you wanted an invite to the dinner party.”  He paused for a moment.  “There was a reason for that.  The party planner invited Vera and Emil.”  Another pause.  “Yeah, apparently, her info was out of date, and she thought Vera still ran the place.”  Another pause.  “Don’t worry, the planner’s been fired.  Vera and Emil had already RSVP’d yes before I caught the mix-up.  So, of course, Edward and I would be delighted if you and Cliff can come, but your parents will be at the dinner party.  I know how you and your father fight…” Another pause.  “I understand.  If you can’t make it, Edward and I will have you over some other night for a private party.  Just the four of us.”  Another pause.  “Goodnight, Tony.”  He put his phone away and turned to us defiantly.  “That was easy.”

            “What if he comes?” I asked.  “You technically just invited him.”

            “Tony Fielding turned down his father’s legacy as a CEO rather than work with him,” Adam said smoothly.  “He doesn’t go anywhere his father might be.”

            Edward nodded.  “He goes abroad on holidays.”

            “How did you do that so quickly?” I asked, no longer pacing.

            “Please,” Adam said, rolling his eyes.  “Half my job is soothing the egos of small people who think they’re important.  Tony will be flattered that I know intimate things about him.  Like his husband’s name.  Even though I just learned it five seconds ago.  And it’s common knowledge that he hates his father.”

            “Very common,” Edward echoed.

            “But now you’re going to have to invite Vera,” I said.

            “We already did,” Edward replied immediately.  “There’s no party planner.  Or rather, I’m the party planner.  I’m overseeing every detail, including the guest list.”

            “Why did you invite Vera?”  I was flabbergasted. 

            With a small shrug, Edward said, “We like Vera and Emil.”

            “It was Edward’s idea,” Adam said.

            Edward grinned, pleased.  “Everyone wants to come to this party.  Our efforts to keep this thing small failed almost instantly.  It’s gonna be a packed house.  We know you haven’t been off campus in half a century, so we invited a handful of people who’d be familiar to you, so you wouldn’t be all alone among a crowd of strangers.”

            I nodded, and Edward picked up the thread.  “Vera was the first name on the invite list.  I also invited Dr. Mowbray and a handful of your most prestigious regulars.”  Edward chuckled.  “The ones whose spouses know about you.”

            “We even invited Quentin,” Adam continued.  “He promptly RSVP’d no.”

            “We would have also invited some former pleasure boys, especially Gavin,” Edward added.  “But that was a dealbreaker for Tony.”

            I nodded again.

            “Your people only make up 2% of the guest list—a guest list of 750 people,” Edward said, “but we don’t want you completely alone.”

            “How courteous,” I said with a genuine smile.

            “Oh, and, interestingly, the only Tony-approved pictures of you are from when you weighed 250 pounds,” Edward told me.

            “Yeah,” Adam said.  “Tony has been very reluctant to allow photos of his boys in the press mid-competition.  He wants it to be a big surprise when he unveils the final 10.”

            “That means,” Edward continued, “that we’ve been somewhat forced to keep your current size a secret.”

            “We’ve dropped hints,” Adam said.  “We’ve obviously told everyone that the house is going niche and that you’ve gotten bigger, but it’s an entirely different experience to look at you than it is to hear about you.”

            “Is it ever,” Edward agreed.

            “People are slathering to see you firsthand,” Adam continued. 

            “Me?  Why me?”  I was just an inconsequential pleasure boy.

            “The man who’s been sleeping with a senator for 30 years,” Adam explained.  “And his husband.  And recently a governor.  And the governor’s husband.  And multiple legacy athletes.  And apparently a movie star.”

            “Movie star?” That one shocked me.

            “Mark Foster.  He was a movie star both before and after transition.”

            “Ah.  Him.”  Mark was a movie star?

            “He RSVP’d no,” Edward said.  “But sends his love.”

            “Lots of people are spreading rumors about how big you are,” Adam continued, “so, if you can, could you get to 500 pounds by then?”

            “I’ve got a month,” I said, thinking it over.  “Especially if you can get me that vial of Red Miracle you promised me, it’ll be doable.”

            “Excellent,” Adam said.  “You’ll be twice as big as your press photos.”

            “My cock won’t be 16 inches by then.”

            “You’re over a foot long and only getting bigger,” Edward comforted me.  “That’s more than impressive.”

            “Since we announced the party,” Adam interjected, “my numbers have started to recover and are steadily climbing.”  He smirked and waggled his eyebrows.

            “He masturbates while looking at his polling numbers going up,” Edward said.

            “I only did that once,” Adam corrected.  “The boy wonder they have running against me—the college boxer who began weightlifting when a man 40 years his senior had bigger arms—he and his wife let it leak that they share a pleasure girl together.”

            “The boy has no original ideas,” Edward said.

            “I bet you do,” Adam said suggestively.  “We’ve got 50 minutes left.”  He paused for emphasis.  “What’s the most satisfying, kinky thing you ever did during sex?”

            “The most satisfying thing…” I said leadingly as I scoured the room for the appropriate props.  “There are three of us, so I’ll have to get improvisational.”

            “I’ll just sit and watch,” Edward said, gleefully taking a chair so he could attentively observe.

            I stripped the sheet from the bed.  “If you’ve been following my plan, your bench is over 400.”

            “My one rep max is 400,” Adam said.

            “I’ll have to be on top, then,” I responded.

            “What are we going to do?” Adam asked tentatively.

            “Only chickens ask,” I responded with a smile.  “I wish we had some exercise equipment in here,” I added, looking around.  “Do you think the door frame would hold both of us?”

            “This might be too adventurous for me,” Adam said.  “I don’t want to risk grave or serious injury.”  With a cough, he muttered, “At least, not this close to an election.”

            “In that case,” I said, “how about you bend over the bed and I fuck you silly?”

            “Sounds splendid,” Adam said, grabbing the lube.

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Oh That's why Tony wasnt invited. That must be hard for him but it goes both ways cause Tony has Onyx for his pleasure all the time with Cliff comes once a year

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Chapter 33

            That night, I dreamed another recovered memory about Gavin and me.  He came to my room in the middle of the night butt naked and carrying two pieces of rope, one much longer than the other.

            “Why do you have rope?” I asked.

            “I got them from the supply closet,” he answered.

            “That wasn’t my question,” I responded.

            “Only chickens ask,” he taunted me.  “Now, get naked, and bring your lube.”

            Ever since we’d broken into the auditorium (which was about two years before this dream/memory took place), he’d been getting more adventurous with the rules he’d break.  By this point, we routinely snuck out of the dorms at night.  We had half a dozen ways of doing it.  Sometimes, we swiped key cards.  Sometimes, we broke locks.  Once, we took a door off its hinges using a crudely manufactured chisel.  Vera knew we did it—she even caught us a few times—but I’d just give her the fucking of her life, and all would be forgiven.  We never damaged anything more valuable than a door, we never went further than a room off the main lobby, and we never broke anyone else out with us.

            That night, we surreptitiously went through a door we’d broken and made our way to the gym.

            Once inside, Gavin turned on the lights and instructed me to lube up my ass and his cock.

            “You’re what, 240?” he asked as I lubed him down.

            “I thought only chickens asked,” I retorted.

            “Touché,” he laughed, and then tied my hands together.  Once they were firmly secured, he put his head through the O created by my tied off arms.  Then, he lifted me off the ground and inserted his cock into my ass, all in one go.  I wrapped my legs around his torso and mumbled non-verbal sounds of pleasure, my feet dangling a few inches off the ground.  He then lashed the two of us together with the other piece of rope.  Once that was done, he applied more lube to the point where my body met his.  “Just to make sure I can reapply without untying us,” he said.

            Then, he went over to the chin-up bars and began doing chin-ups with the two of us tied together.  Every time he crested the bar, he’d flex his cock, which would give my prostate a good ring.  Up and down.  Up and down.  He fucked me thoroughly as neither of our feet hit the floor.

            “I’m going until you cum,” he informed me, his voice uneven from the double exertion of exercise and sexual gratification.  “And I’ll know if you’re faking.”

            “Then I’ll hold off as long as I can,” I said, my breath catching as he flexed his cock again.

            He went like that, a sexmachine of pure pleasure, for five full minutes before my floodgates broke.

            “That was incredible,” I said, panting, my slick, shaven chest and abs coated with my own spunk.

            “We’re not done,” he said.  He was flushed and I could feel his elevated pulse, but his eyes had a look of determination that had me ready to go again.

            With his cock deep inside me and the two of us tied together, he did a full calisthenic workout: stationary bike, treadmill, push-ups, and sit-ups.  The push-ups were particularly pleasurable for me, giving me a frisson of delight every time he lowered me to the floor.  Whenever he felt my enthusiasm waning even one jot, he’d thrust hard into me, bringing back my full attention.  He wouldn’t move on to the next exercise until he made me cum.

            90 minutes later, I was exhausted, inside and out, having cum five times after a full day of clients.  If I was exhausted, Gavin was near dead.  He collapsed on the floor, still strapped to me.   He was bright purple from exertion.  I could hear his heart jackhammer in his chest.  His body was drenched with sweat, lube, and cum.  I had never seen a bigger smile on his face.

            “Why did you tie me to yourself?  I would’ve held on.”

            “I tied your hands so you couldn’t stop me,” he said between pants.  “I tied you to me so I couldn’t wimp out halfway through.”

            “Oh yeah,” I said sarcastically, my ass and prostrate vibrating from the athletic sex, his cock still deep inside me, “you’re a wimp alright.”

            “I love you,” he said.  He’d once again said my name, but I still couldn’t hear it.  This time, however, I grasped its size and dimensions.  Its rhythm.  Its number of syllables.  The beauty of its trochee. 

            “I love you, Gavin,” I responded.

            “This is normally where I’d sing to you,” he panted.  “But it’ll take me a while to get my wind back.”

            “I could sing to you,” I said, but at that exact moment, Vera burst in.

            Then I woke up, covered in jizz.  My cock twitched enthusiastically, remembering the best sex Gavin and I ever had.  A security guard had found us and called her.  After she finished laughing at the mess we made, Vera almost dismissed us both immediately, but she was pregnant with Tony and was feeling generous.  So, she gave us a stern warning and docked our tips for two weeks. 

            I had other suspicions for why she kept me.  For the next ten months, whenever I fucked her, she made me tie her up first.

            Gavin and I continued to break every rule we could, but we were never so bold after that.  And we began to cover our tracks better.

            I smiled broadly at the memory, and then I heard a voice ask, “Why are you crying?”  It was Onyx.  He’d come in for his morning fuck.

            “Happy crying,” I said.  I hadn’t even realized I was crying until Onyx had pointed it out.  I’d been doing that a lot.  “Gavin loved me, and I loved him.”

            “I see you don’t need any release,” Onyx said flatly, pointing to the wet spot on my blanket.

            “Climb aboard, buddy,” I announced, lifting up the blanket like the flap of a tent.  “I got another go in me.”

            Just as we started fucking, I flipped us over so Onyx was underneath me.  While I drove into him hard and deep, a few of my stray tears landed on his face. 

            Onyx wiped them away and said, “If it’s too hard to have these memories, just start taking the green stuff again.”  Robotically, he added, “When I overdose on the green stuff, I can check out when Tony’s on top of me.  I’m not there anymore.”

            I stopped fucking Onyx immediately.

            “What the fuck, man?” I asked.

            “That’s my line,” he replied.  “Why’d you stop?”

            “You just confessed to overdosing on the green stuff.”

            “Yes,” Onyx said.  “I got the idea from you.”

            “You could destroy your brain,” I warned him.

            Onyx shook his head.  “I doubt it.  Since I’ve exceeded the maximum recommended dosage, I’ve broken through to the other side.  I can hold a full conversation again, Nile.  That doesn’t sound like brain damage to me.”

            I was still horrified.  “What does Tony do to you that you are so desperate to forget?”

            Onyx shrugged.  “He makes me act out fantasies that are against house rules,” Onyx explained calmly.  “He makes me do disgusting things I don’t want to do.  I know that.”  Onyx stopped and looked me dead in the eyes.  “And right now, Nile, I can’t remember a one of them.  It’s gone.  If you hadn’t gotten on top of me, I wouldn’t have even remembered that Tony and I have sex.”  Onyx didn’t look sad or scared or disgusted.  He looked bored.  “I’m all for Tony acting out his fantasies with a consenting adult,” Onyx said.  Then, he lifted up his head so it was right next to my ear and whispered sinisterly.  “And every day I don’t quit is a day I’m consenting.”

            “I’m your accountability buddy.  I’m telling you to stop taking the green stuff for your own good.”

            “If you want me to stop taking it so bad,” Onyx said.  “Get Tony to leave me alone.  He’s the only part of this job I can’t stomach.”

            With that, I threw on a pair of boxers and marched out of the room, leaving Onyx alone in my bed.  I stormed all the way to Slate’s room.

            “We got to get Onyx off the green stuff,” I said the second Slate opened his door.

            “About time,” Slate said, welcoming me inside.  “I asked him to stop taking it a week ago, and he flat-out refused.”

            “He told me he wouldn’t stop taking the green stuff until Tony left him alone.”

            “How do we accomplish that?” Slate asked.

            “Find him another boy.  One who doesn’t mind the shit Tony’s into.”  Then it hit me that I was missing crucial information.  “What is Tony into?”

            “Murder fantasies,” Slate said.  “He likes to pretend to kill the guy he’s topping.  He uses real, loaded guns to add to his excitement.”

            “Really?  How do you know that?”

            “Onyx and I are in the same pledge class.  He told me during training—when Tony first took a shine to him.”

            “Okay, sure.  That’s dark.  Deeply disturbing, even.  It’s just a fantasy, though,” I said.  “Tony may be a lot of things, but he’s not a murderer.”  I’d acted out that exact same fantasy with my clients a few times even though it was explicitly against the rules to do so.

            “Did Onyx ever tell you why he became a pleasure boy?” Slate asked.

            I shook my head no; I’d assumed it was the money and the posh digs.

            “He used to work in a loading dock of some factory.  His boss thought Onyx was sleeping with his wife.  Onyx wasn’t, but you know how paranoid some guys can get.  His boss took out a gun and shot at Onyx a few times.  Thankfully, he missed, but he threatened to kill Onyx if he ever set foot on the factory grounds ever again.  Onyx was then fired and couldn’t find another job because his boss badmouthed him to every factory owner in a 100-mile radius.  So, he came here.  Having sex with a man pointing a loaded gun at you could fuck with a guy who’s never been shot at.  Imagine what it does to Onyx.”

            All I could say was, “Shit.”

            “He loves it here,” Slate said.  “Job security, fancy surroundings, good food, sex on tap.”   Slate laughed.  “And when you’re as good at this job as Onyx is, the money’s not half bad either.  Even with all the supplements he’s on, he’s saved a ton.”

            “If he loves this place so much, we definitely got to get Tony to leave him alone.”

            Slate stared at me and asked, “Fine.  But how?”

            “If we weren’t going niche, the solution would be simple.  Give a younger pleasure boy to Tony.  One who hasn’t been shot at and wants to be the boss’s pet.  But there’s a hiring freeze.  And Onyx is the youngest pleasure boy.”

            “No he isn’t,” Slate said.  “Like I just said, he and I are the same pledge class.  I’m a whole six months younger than him.”

            “I don’t think six months is going to cut it.”

            “Tony’s favorite toy is broken,” Slate said flatly.  “I’m a younger model.  Plus, since the contest started, I’m actually hot in a way Tony finds sexually appealing.”

            “True,” I said optimistically.  Then, I remembered.  “But Tony is in love with Onyx.”

            “That’s just pretense,” Slate replied dismissively.

            “He calls him Nixie in private.”

            “Okay,” Slate said.  “But I want to try this.  I mean, I’ve got a bigger dick than Onyx.  Tony’s a size queen.  That might be enough to turn his head.”

            “Try it,” I said.

            “We better shuffle off to breakfast,” Slate said, his stomach gurgling.  “I’m going to need a full tank to seduce the boss.”

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