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11 hours ago, mczapl said:

he Baron was satisfied, cause the jocks brought him some decent income. According to the papers they signed, all of their property became his. His agents were now selling their apartments, land, cars; transferring their bonds and stocks to his account; one had a very juicy death insurance which of course was nicely cashed in by the Baron

What a  twist. this poor fucker dont know what they got into and they mad ea deal with teh devil. It's called "Paradise Island" but only for the Baron and Harald.


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On 8/12/2023 at 2:35 AM, Ro20316 said:

What a  twist. this poor fucker dont know what they got into and they mad ea deal with teh devil. It's called "Paradise Island" but only for the Baron and Harald.


Usually the rich get the Paradise and the poor only get an illusion of it, isn't it? 😈

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The next chapter of the Paradise Island is not written by me, but by one of the ardent followers and commentators of this story. He will publish it himself.

The following chapter afterwards will be mine again.

Feel free to contact me, if you'd want to be a co-Author of the story.

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 He will publish it himself.

3 hours ago, mczapl said:

The next chapter of the Paradise Island is not written by me, but by one of the ardent followers and commentators of this story. He will publish it himself.

@mczapl Will chapter 10 be a new  thread with the same story title? I quickly tried a general search for it and didn’t see anything published yet. If you have any info or tips on what to look for I should be able to make an alert to notify me it’s been published 


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2 hours ago, Pumped said:

 He will publish it himself.

@mczapl Will chapter 10 be a new  thread with the same story title? I quickly tried a general search for it and didn’t see anything published yet. If you have any info or tips on what to look for I should be able to make an alert to notify me it’s been published 


@Pumped - Chapter 10 "The dishonest" will be published in this thread, won't it @Jtchef2? It will be a continuation of the main story. You and the jocks will discover new kinks of Harald.

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The dishonest


Chapter 10 


Harald was thinking about what he wanted to do today with the recruits. His thoughts turned to strength; who among the recruits could deadlift the most? He had not had this competition in a few years with the annual recruits.  He signaled Baron to gather the recruits to join him in the gym.


Baron went to the Public address (PA) system and told all the recruits to gather in the gym; although most were in the gym already trying to gain strength. The more strength they acquired, the better chances they had for survival.


Harald was walking into the gym about 10 minutes after the announcement was made.  There was one straggler that was rushing to try to pass by Harald to ensure that he was in there before him.  Harald lifted his arm at the last second as the guy was running and clotheslined him at his chest level. Everyone saw the straggler do a 720-degree summersault around Harald’s arm.  The straggler landed on his back with the wind knocked out of him.  Everyone had a look of terror on their faces except for Baron, who had a huge smile on his face.


Harald looked at all the recruits and said “whenever you are called as a group or individually, you are to drop what you are doing and go to where you were instructed and stand at attention a weighting instruction.”


Harald announced that there was to be a strength competition!  Harald and Baron wanted to see who could deadlift the most.  The rules are as follows:


-1st starting at 140 kgs (315 lbs)-want to give everyone a chance to perform for us.

-2nd you each get two attempts at each weight

-3rd if after two attempts and you fail, you are out of the competition

-4th weight increases at increments of 20 kgs (45 lbs)

-5th the weight will continue to increase until a winner is crowned

-6th the winner will have a special session with Harald


Everyone got through the 140 kgs (315 lbs) fine.  10 kgs (22.5 lbs) were added to each side of the bar bringing the weight to 160 kgs (360 lbs).  Pete was up again and although he didn’t go to the gym, he had some natural strength.  He did fine with the 140 kgs (315 lbs), which surprised himself.  He struggled with the 160 kgs (360 lbs), but he did just barely manage to ge the weight lifted.  He knew that he was done at that weight, and would be on the sidelines watching the others in the competition.


The others kept lifting and as the weights increased, the field of lifters became smaller and smaller.  It got down to Joe, Joseph and the Indian Strongman Sheel.  Joe knew that the deadlift was his strongest lift, but the past lift of 300 kgs (660 lbs), was a bit of a struggle for him.  Joseph and Sheel appeared to not have any problems with that weight.  Onto 320 kgs (705 lbs), which was Joe’s PR (personal record), but he hadn’t lifted that much in a long time.  Joseph went first and it was the first time that he had any signs of a struggle with the weights, but was able to complete the lift on his first attempt.  Jon was next and was halfway up with the lift and dropped the weight.  He knew that he had another attempt.  Sheel had no issues with the weight and looked at the two J’s and just smiled and walked back in position.  


Joe went for his second attempt and fought and fought and completed the lift.  He knew that he had nothing left in him.


The weight increased to 340 kgs (750 lbs).  Joseph was up first! He fought with every ounce of strength that he had and completed the lift.  It was a new PR for him.  Joe went up to the bar and attempted the lift and got the bar off the ground by about 2”, and dropped the bar. 


Sheel went up to the bar and lifted it with ease and turned to the two J’s and smiled. Sheel knew that he had this competition won and was feeling cocky.  


Joe went up for his second attempt and couldn’t even get the bar off the ground, he was exhausted.


The weight went up to 360 kgs (795 lbs).  Joseph was trying to psyche himself up mentally.  His PR was 350 kgs (775 lbs), but he had struggled with the 340 kgs (750 lbs).  He went to the bar and took two deep breathes and started his lift.  Joseph got the bar off the ground and was feeling good about himself, but only managed to get the bar ½ was up and he dropped it.  Sheel went up to the bar and lifted it with ease.  Joseph knew that he had a second attempt.  He went up to the bar, took two deep breathes and went for his second attempt.  He got the bar about 4” off the ground and dropped it.  Sheel said let’s keep going, and they loaded up the bar to 380 kgs (840 lbs).  Sheel went up to the bar and lifted it with ease.  




Harald looked at Sheel and asked, “what is your PR in the deadlift?”


Sheel stated “420 kgs (925 lbs)


Harald instructed the bar be loaded to Sheel’s PR weight.


Sheel went up to the weight, the other recruits were watching in awe with this amount of weight attempted to be lifted.  As you might remember from earlier in Sheels description, he is very muscular, but has a layer of padding around his muscles.  He’s built like a powerlifter or powerbuilder.


Sheel took a deep breath and grabbed the bar and started his lift.  He fought hard with every ounce of strength and power he had left in his body.  The sweat was pouring off his body, but he continued to fight for the lift.  With one final loud grunt he accomplished the lift.


Sheel dropped the weight and he was soaked from head to toe with his sweat.  But he was so proud of himself and feeling rather cocky about beating the other recruits.


Harald congratulated Sheel and extended his hand to shake Sheel’s hand.  Sheel extended his hand to shake Harald’s, congratulations Sheel you are our winner today. 


Harald looked around the room to all his recruits, studying them.  He finally fell upon Sheel again and asked him “what was your PR that you listed on your application pussyboi?”


Sheel went white and was scared now.


“Let’s see it shall we?” stated Harald. He spoke to no one in particular, but all the sudden Sheel’s application showed up on the big screen in the gym.  Listed as his application under best lift and personal record showed deadlift 500 kgs (1100 lbs).  The remaining recruits were floored by that number.  


Harald looked at his minions and said load up the bar to 500 kgs (1100 lbs).  They rushed over and did as instructed.


Harald looked at his minions and told them “Grab the smelling salts for our pussyboi here.” He had an evil look on his face when he said this.  He had already talked to his minions prior to ever entering the gym giving them the instructions needed.  


Sheel grabbed the bottle of smelling salts and opened and took a huge whiff from the bottle.  It wasn’t till after that he realized that it was poppers and not smelling salts.  He gave a dreamy look at the weight as Harald let him to the bar.  All that Sheel could think about now was someone servicing his dick, not deadlifting.


Sheel approached the bar and got into position to start his deadlift, when Harald leaned over and whispered in his ear “you better pray that you can lift this pussyboi!”  Sheel froze for a minute, stood back up, back a step from the bar shook his head to clear the nonsense going on.  He slapped his own face a few times to help him concentrate.  He approached the bar again took his stance, bent over to grab the bar.  He locked his grip and started to pull.  There was only one huge problem; he had never lifted anywhere near this weight before. His attempt at deadlifting the bar was an utter failure.


Harald says, “how many attempts do you think that you need pussyboi?”


Sheel dropped his head and said “no more are necessary, Sir.  I can’t lift that amount.”


Harald looked around the room and says, “Do you know what Pete said his best lift was?”  Everyone shook their heads no.  “Pete what was your answer?” stated Harald.  Pete says, “I didn’t know because I wasn’t a weightlifter.” “Correct, yet you went up to the bar and gave it all your effort to lift the weight in front of you.  You even impressed me, Pete.” Harald stated.  Peter says “thank you Sir.


Harald looks at Joe, “Joe what did you state that your max deadlift was?” “320 kgs (705 lbs) Sir,” stated Joe.


Harald looked at Joseph, “Joseph what did you stated was your max deadlift was?” Joseph stated “350 kgs (775 lbs) Sir.”


Harald looked at the minions and nothing was said but they went to work immediately.


Harald looks at Joseph and asks, “with this rest that you have had do you feel as though you can make that lift now?”  “I’m a little tired Sir, but I will give it my all.” Joseph stated. 


Harald said to give him the smelling salts.  The minion went and grabbed the real thing this time.


Joseph was getting himself psyched up and ready, took the smelling salts, took a big lift and approached the bar.  He took his stance, reached down and grabbed the bar and started to pull.  It was a hard lift, but Joseph didn’t give up.  He pulled and pulled and completed the deadlift.


“All of you have done a good job lifting today, it was a fun and very informative session,” Harald stated.



Harald looked at his minions again, and with just the look from him they went to work loading up the bar again to 500 kgs (1100 lbs).


Harald walked over to the deadlift bar still loaded with the 500 kgs (1100 lbs) and proceeded to lift the bar with just one hand.  The recruits fell to the ground in disbelief that Harald was lifting this with just one hand.  The weight continued to rise, Harald was playing with them and lifting slowly as though this weight was a struggle for him.  He then got the weight up past his knees, back straightened out.  He then lowered the weight and did another 9 reps with his one hand.  He switched hands and did another 10 reps single handedly.


The recruits, still on the ground, could not believe their eyes.


Harald looked at Sheel and said “you won the competition and you get a special session with me.  The two J’s you will be coming along as well as invited guests to enjoy the show.” 


Harald reached out his hand to shake Sheel’s hand again.  This time when they shook hands, Harald just gave a little extra squeeze and all the sudden you heard bones shattering and Sheel screaming in pain.


Harald stated “Sheel, part of the reason that you were selected for this year’s class of recruits was due to your stated lifts.  500 kgs (1100 lbs) would have been a record for recruits here on the island as it stands your lift comes in 4th. Not what we were looking for here this year.”


“Recruits, character, integrity and honesty go a long way, here and in life.” Says Harald.


The two J’s thought in unison that they hoped that it was watching and nothing more.


J’s and Sheel followed Harald.  Sheel was holding his shattered hand; he was still crying from the pain wondering if this was the pattern to follow suit.  


The 3 had no idea where they were going.  They turned in thru a break in the bushes and saw a large black building.  They thought that this was strange because every other building on the island was white.


They walked to a nondescript door, no windows in the door, no windows seen on the buildings front.  Everything was just black.  



Harald put his hand up to a pad that scanned his handprint to allow access.  The door opened and the 3 followed Harald inside.  Everything inside was black, with black lighting shining along the walls with a few spotlights shining onto specific apparatuses.  Once the three’s eyes became acclimated to the darkness they began to realize where they were.  They were in a 20,000 sq ft building full of every BDSM piece of equipment, table, stools, whips, restraints, ropes and on and on.  There was more equipment in Harald and Baron’s BDSM playroom then ever seen before.  The three’s heads were looking everywhere trying to take it all in when they finally noticed on the far end of the building that Baron was sitting on a throne with Peter at his feet.  There were two thrones elevated on a platform to ensure that whomever was sitting up there had very good lines or sight to the activities going on in their dungeon. 


Next to Baron was another Throne that was enormous, so of course that was Harald’s.


Harald said, “follow me you three” The J’s were starting to get very nervous.


They arrived at the wooden cross.  Harald said “ J’s restrain Sheel, well we are changing his name.  You are to call him pussyboi or PB. So, restrain pussyboi to the cross facing towards the wall.”  J’s did exactly as instructed.


Baron than spoke up and said, “J’s come sit on the platform next to Peter and lets enjoy the show, you have earned that today.”


J’s walked up to the platform and climbed up, not seeing any stairs, and sat next to Peter who was sucking Baron’s dick.


Harald walked over to the wall while the J’s were retraining PB to the cross.  If you looked closely at all the equipment along the walls, it was easy to tell what was Harald’s and what were for normal people to use.


Harald grabbed his flogger of the wall and walked back to PB who was restrained to the cross.  He grabbed the shorts and jockstrap that PB was wearing and ripped them off of him.  Now PB was completely naked and ready for his enjoyment.


Harald looked at PB’s build, being that of a powerlifter/builder and thought to himself that he will be able to take the punishment coming, and that he would be able to have some rea fun with him.  We soon learned that that was not the case.


Harald pulled back his arm with the flogger and swung and the flogger landed right where he was aiming.  Right on his tight bubble butt.  PB screamed! 


Harald thought to himself “that swing was only at about 25% of my strength and this pussyboi is already screaming.” So, he went to 50% of his power.  PB SCREAMED louder and was crying again.  Harald was getting mad, this pussyboi should be able to handle more than this that I am dishing out.  Harald said “I’m not even trying very hard yet.  Let’s see what the J’s can do to you for a while.” With an evil grin.


Harald said “ J’s go over to the wall and grab yourselves some floggers, one for each hand.”


J’s jumped off the platform and walked over and each grabbed two floggers and walked over to where Harald was standing.


Harald looked and said “J1 (Joe) come over here a and start flogging PB, go as hard as you can and alternated your arms while swinging.”


J1 started doing just what Harald instructed him to do, and started swinging with all his strength.  PB was moaning while this was going on and Harald thought to himself “that is how he should be acting with me flogging him, I wasn’t using my full strength.”


Harald stopped J1 after about 2 minutes of flogging.  J1 was happy because his arms were tired and he was sweating profusely.


Harald said “J1 good job”, J1 said “thank you Sir.”


“J2 (Joseph) get over here and do the same as J1” Harald said.


J2 went to town just like J1 did and didn’t stop. His arms were tired and sore but he kept swinging as hard as he could till Harald toil him to stop.  J2 flogged him for about 2 minutes as well and all that the pussyboi did was moan.  


Harald said “good job J2”, J2 said “thank you Sir.”


Harald was impressed with the J’s for being so respectful towards him, but was getting madder at pussyboi.


Baron states, “J’s please go and get me a flogger as well, I need it to remind Peter that he is to be sucking on my dick, not looking to see what is happening in the room.”  The J’s run over and get the flogger for Baron and take their seat.  Baron uses the flogger on Peter’s back and reminds him not to use his teeth and to remain sucking.


Harald told the J’s to stand back.  He was pissed and he swung hard.  Pussybois skin on his ass was shredded apart from the one swing.  Pussyboi SCREAMED “PLEASE NO MORE.”  This made Harald even madder.  PB showing no respect.  Harald took one more swing at PB’s shredded ass.  PB went silent as his body and mind were in shock from the amount of pain that he was feeling.  


Harald said “J’s go check if he is alive!”


“He has a pulse, and his eyes are open Sir,” they said in unison.  Harald was beginning to think these two might come in handy in the future.


This at least made Harald a little happy.  


“J’s take him over to the hanging bar and handcuff him above then put the spreader bar on his ankles and secure him in place.” They did exactly like instructed to do by Harald. “Now go over there and you both put on the MMA gloves.” Harald stated.  The J’s looked at one another and winked.


“J’s I want you to go over to our hanging pussyboi and have a little fun with his body for a bit.  I want to see punches and hits everywhere that you see skin.  Don’t hold back.” Stated Harald.


The J’s went up to PB and one was at the front and one behind him and they started punching.  By the looks of their stances and the way they punched, Harald felt that they had fought some at least in the past which was a good thing for pussyboi.


The J’s where throwing hooks, jabs and uppercuts wherever they could land them to beging with.  They then looked at one another and winked and they started in on the kidneys. Simultaneous punches to the right and left kidney woke Sheel up from his shock coma.  He started to scream.  J1 went for the liver and J2 went for the balls at the same time.  More intense screaming from pussyboi.


Harald says, “great job their J’s I think that I want to take at least one punch, maybe two.”

Harald walks forward and takes one punch towards his liver, no sounds except for some blood dripping on the floor from his mouth but a look of stunned shock in his eyes.  So, Harald swings again, mildly, and hits PB in the jaw.  There was a shattering sound and a mutilated jaw hanging from PB.  


Baron says, “great job so far, this is beginning to be a fun afternoon.”


Harald looks at the J’s and says, “check is he is alive.” “He has a pulse Sir” they stated together.


“J’s take him off the hanging bar and spreader and lay him on the table at the center of the platform and restrain face up. The J’s went to the hanging bar while J2 wrapped his arms around PB and J1 took off the restraints.  They then took him to the table and did exactly what Harald their Master told them to do.  


Harald was pissed that the pussyboi was still passed out.  He went over and slapped his face with about 50% of his strength and the pussyboi screamed “FFFFUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK!”


Harald laughed and said “time to wake up pussyboi, the fun is just beginning”

PB thought to himself in his pain brain fog “I am not going to be able to survive all this pain!”


Harald looked at the J’s and said, “go over there and grab yourselves a whip each and grab mine as well and bring it back to me.”


The J’s did what was told to them to do.  J1 was closest to Harald’s whip so he grabbed it to bring it back.  When he grabbed it off the wall, he guesses that it must have weighed at least 50 kgs (110 lbs).  When the J’s turned around, their Master’s whip was between the two and they proceeded to carry it together to Harald.


“Here is your Whip Sir” they said in unison.


Harald was liking them more and more.



Harald looked at the J’s and said, “each of you stand on opposite sides of the table, and when I say so you will begin to alternate swings of your whips and hit pussybois stomach.” “Yes Sir” they stated.


“Go” was all that Harald said and the J’s knew their task at hand.  Harald noticed that they gave each other a head signal, nothing verbal, but they knew what the other was saying a thinking.  This has been evident in their speaking in unison.  Harald thought again that “these two could become very useful to him and the Baron.”


J1 took the first swing, J2 the second, and pussyboi was crying and begging for the torture to stop.  This went on for about a minute when Harald said “whip his entire body.” “Yes Sir” came immediately in unison.


J1 decided to go for the chest aiming for the nipples.  The whip landed perfectly across pussybois chest striking both nipples.  Pussyboi screamed yet again begging for this to end.


Harald was getting very pissed by his lack of respect, but turned towards J1 and said “great marksmanship with your whip.”  “Thank you, Sir,” stated J1.


J2 decided to go for the neck.  He reached back and down went his whip; it hit pussybois Adams apple.  


Harald said “I like the way that you think J2.”  “Thank you, Sir,” stated J2.


The J’s were both happy with themselves and communicated it to one another through looks, but they didn’t dare to smile or show any emotion towards their Master.


The J’s continued to whip pussyboi all over his body for about 2-3 minutes, but they never hot the genital area.


Harald says to them “Bonus is one or both of you can whip his tiny dicklette.”


They looked at each other and knew what they had to do.  J1 took the first swing with his whip and hit right across the center of his “dicklette” as his Master called it, but in reality, it was 8” flaccid.


“J1 nice aim, right where I thought it should go,” said Harald.  “Thank you, Sir,” stated J1.


J2 took aim and swung hitting pussyboi’s head of his “dicklette.” J2 thought the same as J1.


Harald says “J2 great job hitting the head of pussyboi’s dicklette, right where I thought it should go.”  “Thank you, Sir,” stated J2.


While this was going on, PB was screaming and wailing, begging for this all to stop, but showing no respect.  


Harald told the J’s to stand back, they moved back accordingly.  


Harald took his whip back and took aim; his whip came down and the tip hit pussyboi’s left nipple.  The nipple went flying and landed right at J1’s feet.  PB started to scream but passed out.  He took his whip back again and swung landing the tip of his whip on his right nipple an it few and landed at the feet of J2.


Harald says “put those in your pockets J’s, those are your souvenirs for your help today.  Now go over and check if he is alive.” “Thank you, Sir, and Yes Sir we will check for you!” the J’s stated in unison.  Harald was getting more and more impressed by his selections.


The J’s went to both sides of pussyboi and put their fingers on his carotid arteries. “He’s alive Sir” as usual stated in unison by the J’s. Harald says “thank you J’s” but thinks to himself, probably not for long and has an evil grin on his face.  


Baron, still sitting in his throne, has a huge smile on his face while watching his Master have fun. He so enjoys being able to provide these opportunities for his Master, while Peter remained sucking on his dick.      


Harald looks at the J’s and says to them “J’s take pussyboi out of his restraints, flip him over face down and put his arms back in his restraints.  Grab that triangle leather covered lift and put it with the point on his bellybutton.” “Yes Sir” was all that was said as they did what asked of them.   


Harald tells the J’s to go over to the wall and grab paddles and horsewhips, along with his own. “Yes Sir” they say together.


“OK J’s slap his face to see if you can wake him up.” Harald says.  “Yes Sir” they state.


The J’s walk over and J1 grabs his hair and lifts his head slaps one side of the head, and they hear a groan; J2 grabs his hair and lifts his head and slaps the other side of his face, and pussyboi opens his eyes with tears running down his cheeks.


“Are you ready for some more fun PB?’ asks Harald.  But only heard gurgling, groaning sounds.  


“Ready J’s?” asks Harald.  “Yes Sir” state the J’s. “OK than let’s see if you can get the rest of the skin off his ass with the whips and paddles.” “Yes Sir!”


The J’s start with their paddles each taking a cheek, but they didn’t feel as though they were getting anywhere, so they switched to the horsewhips.  Their marksmanship was very good, and they were aiming for the ends of the intact skin.  This seemed to be doing the trick. 


There was no screaming from pussyboi, just grunts, groans and tears.


The J’s had about 75% of the skin removed when Harald says that it’s his turn.

Harald starts with his paddle and on his first swing the J’s notice that pussyboi’s eyes have closed and no more sounds.  But Harald continues with about a third of his strength.  Then he switches to his horsewhip.  He is aiming for the remaining skin.  Hit by hit, the pieces of skin continue to come off PB’s ass or what is left of it. When the skin was gone, he looked at the J’s and they just said “Yes Sir” with no questions asked.


The J’s went over to pussyboi’s lifeless body and checked for a pulse.  “He has a pulse, Sir.”


Harald went up to where pussyboi was lying lifeless and grabbed his balls in his hand.  He told the J’s to watch closely.  They looked on intently, but never bent forward.  Harald squeezed pussyboi’s balls in his hand and the ball sac blew out on each side sending the demolished balls flying and landing on the J’s faces.  Baron states “Excellent aim Harald, that was exciting to watch.”


The J’s stood there and couldn’t believe what they had just seen.  They just stayed as they were told.


Harald then looks at the J’s and says “now for your real bonus for your aim with the whips.

First go over to the sink and clean your faces off.”  “Yes Sir” they said.


They walked over to the sink washed their faces off and looked at one another both communicating that they felt that everything was going to be alright. They walked over to their Master and stood on either side of him as they were before instructed to wash up.


Harald says to the J’s “come over here and take down my shorts and then my jockstrap.”  The J’s walked to either side and did as instructed.  They grabbed the shorts on the front and back and slowly started to remove them ensuring that they did not do anything to upset their Master.  “Please lift your right foot Sir,” Harald did they removed the shorts from that leg.  Then they said “Please lift up your left leg Sir,” which Harald did.  They then repeated the process for jockstrap.  Only when they got the pouch of the jockstrap over the bulge of his mammoth cock that they froze for a moment.  Harald says “Biggest that you have ever seen?” “Yes Sir,” stated with a dry throat.


Harald says “wait till you see it hard!” with a smile on his face.  The J’s gulped in unison.


Once the jockstrap was off Harald says to them “Ok J’s, now for your real bonus.  Work over my cock and balls and get me hard as nails.”  “Yes Sir” as they looked at one another to communicated what needed to be done.  They started by grabbing ahold of his mammoth cock and start to stroke it while licking either side of his mushroom head.  They could feel it gaining in size as they were stroking and licking, then in unison they each grabbed a ball with their other hand and started to roll them around in their hands.  Harald moaned a little.  He looked at Baron and asks him “How do you think that they are doing?”  Baron says “They have you moaning, so I world say pretty good so far.”  Harald just moaned his approval.


Meanwhile the J’s were bug eyed at the mammoth cock that just keeps getting bigger and bigger in front of them.  It is hard as nails and they just keep playing with it until their Master tells them otherwise.  They realize that his cock is about 18” long and as thick around as a quart canning jar.  


Harald finally says “that’s enough J’s, very nice job getting me hard.”  “Our Pleasure Sir!” states the J’s in unison.


“OK J’s stand back and watch,” Harald says.  “Yes Sir”


Harald lines up his cock with the pussy of PB, and proceeds to shove it in balls deep in one continuous movement. PB didn’t flinch, the only movement came from Harald’s cock shoving him forward some.  He looks at the J’s and says “Check is he is still alive.”  “Yes Sir.” The J’s go to each side and check his carotid arteries and they state “he’s alive but his pulse seems weak Sir.”

By this point Harald was totally bored with pussyboi.  He rammed his mammoth cock back and forth a few times and pulled out of what was once PB’s pussy, now just a big gaping hole with blood and fleshy pieces flowing out of him.


Harald says to the J’s “go to the sink and get some wash clothes and towels and clean me up.”  “Yes Sir” they stated happily.


They went to the sink and got a bucket of warm soapy water a number of wash clothes, a bucket of warm rinse water, and a number of towels.  They walked back over to their Master and got on their knees in front of him and asked “may we begin Sir?” He just smiled and shook his head yes.  After about 10 minutes of cleaning and making sure that there was nothing left on their Master, they looked at their Master with a question in their eyes.  He looks at them and says “Yes you can get me off J’s.”  “Thank you, Sir!” they stated.  “Baron come down here and join these two, I have a feeling that this will be a huge load!” Harald says.  Baron goes “Yes Sir with pleasure!”


Baron tells Peter to stay where he is on the platform.


Baron gets down on his knees between the J’s and says “you two did great today, I am proud of you, now let’s get our reward.”


The three worked for about twenty minutes on their Master’s mammoth cock when he starts to blow his load.  Each of them placed their mouth over his piss slit to take a shot of his cum.  Each shot of cum was more than any of the three could take in their mouths at once.  After the three took a mouth full Harald grabbed his cock away from them and then proceeded to cover the three in his cum all over their faces and down their chests and stomachs.  The J’s were dumbfounded by the amount of cum that came out of their Master’s cock.


When Harald was finished and came down from his orgasmic high, he looked down at his three and thanked them for their assistance. 


Harald looked at the J’s and says “do you think that we should check on pussyboi and see if he is alive?”


The J’s looked at each and did their communication to one another quickly and state “Sir, we do not feel as though it is necessary to check on a pussyboi, as long as you had fun today is all that matters to us!”


Harald looks at the J’s and states “I like the way that you think!”

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Oh Man. I feel sorry for those guys. They centainly dont know what the Baron and Harald did with what little they had and they dont show any compassion torwards them and evenso Joe and Joseph must know that eventually they will be Harald's target their muffled minds doesnt allowed them to see what is really going on.

Harald and Baron have the perfect place to do horrible things and not pay for them

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