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  1. Baring Bones: A Halloween Story - Chapter 3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 (and Bestiary Notes) ------------------------- I gradually regained some sense of self, feeling suspended in darkness. It was like being under water, except it lacked the joy I’ve always experienced swimming in pools or riding the waves in the ocean. Instead of that buoyancy, the weightlessness I was experiencing felt heavy, immobilizing me instead of enabling me to move in three dimensions. Nothing was visible except my own body, drifting helplessly. A sudden fear struck me. “Am I… dead?” Instantly the darkness boomed with a strangely familiar voice… the deepest and richest of the voices from the chorus earlier. “NO, CHILD, YOU ARE NOT DEAD… THOUGH NOT FOR LACK OF TRYING. YOUR BLOODLINE’S FIRST ATTEMPT AT JOINING THE CHOIR SINCE BEFORE THE DAWN OF HISTORY, AND YOU TRY TO REVERSE… WELL, ME? I KNOW THAT YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT NOTHING OF YOUR GIFTS, AND ARE ONLY LEARNING IN RESPONSE TO THE IMMEDIATE THREAT OF THE SPECTRE, BUT TRYING TO UNDO DEATH IS A LAST RESORT. LITERALLY.” My head pounded, both from the thunderous voice and my own condition. “So, you’re death, but I’m not dead? Is Claudia ok? Is Kellan?” “I AM… COMPLICATED. MY KIND DO NOT HAVE NAMES, ONLY TITLES. YOU MAY CALL ME THE HELPFUL ONE. YOU HAVE ASKED FOR HELP, AND IT HAS BEEN GRANTED. PART OF THAT ASSISTANCE IS THAT I WILL HELP RETURN YOU TO THE WAKING WORLD… BUT DO NOT RISK YOURSELF SO GREATLY IN THE FUTURE. CLAUDIA WILLIS IS ALIVE THANKS TO OUR INTERVENTION, BUT I WOULD NOT SAY SHE IS WELL. KELLAN IS CURRENTLY FREE OF THE SPECTRE’S CONTROL, BUT HE IS STILL A TARGET… AND THE LOST SOUL IS VERY CLOSE TO ACHIEVING HIS GOALS. YOU MUST LOCATE THE SPECTRE’S PHYSICAL REMAINS AND USE THEM TO SEPARATE HIM FROM HIS STOLEN POWER, AND SUMMON ME THROUGH THE CHORUS.” I was about to ask more questions, like “where are his physical remains” and “will this restore the drained partiers” and “what’ll happen to Kellan’s new muscles,” but suddenly the darkness lit, and I saw what I was talking to, and the sight was impossible, horrific, and strangely eye-catching! Hovering before me in the formerly lightless void was an enormous monster, whose body was made of billions of… eyes and tongues! Behind it, thousands of wings whirled as swiftly as a hummingbird’s, but I could somehow see all of them if I focused, making out every detail of red, green and silver feathers. An ancient-looking tome floated in front of it, and even as I watched, new words blazed onto the pages, as if being burned there by some unseen magnifying glass. Instead of a head, the monster had four faces, like floating masks. One was that of a child of indeterminate gender with faintly Asian or Native American features. The second was elderly and Caucasian, but so wrinkled with age that, again, I couldn’t tell if it was male or female. The third looked like an African or mixed heritage woman, with long hair that was braided on one side and cascaded loose on the other. The final face was my own, with a knowing smirk spread across his (my?) lips. All four faces opened their mouths, and the powerful voice spoke yet again, despite seeming to boom around me and not emerge from any of the lips. “TIME GROWS SHORT. YOU CANNOT REMAIN IN THIS STATE BETWEEN DEATH AND LIFE ANY LONGER WITHOUT PASSING ON PERMANENTLY, AND THERE ARE OTHER PLANS IN STORE FOR YOU. YOU WILL NEED THIS.” It began to sing, the music washing over me, and I found that I was wearing my costume wings, undamaged by the fishhooks, and that they spread, bearing me aloft on the river of sound, leaving the creature far behind. The next moment, I found myself in darkness again, but feeling something warm and hard cushioning and supporting me. I finally worked my eyes open, and found myself being held, bride-style, and nuzzled, by the new and improved Kellan, who was sitting in the passenger seat of his car. I twisted my head around and saw Claudia dozing on the back seat, but smiling, a healthy blush spread across her cheeks. Kellan shifted, and murmured as he came awake. “Heeyyyy… you’re awake. Feel ok?” He mumbled in my ear, making the hairs on the back of my neck raise in excitement. I couldn’t speak, but blushed and nodded. “Good.” He breathed in deeply, his beautiful face an inch from mine. “Thank you for saving Claudia and helping me yet again. I was out of control. But… you can’t hurt yourself. Whatever you just did, it nearly killed you… you weren’t breathing and didn’t have a heartbeat. I had to use CPR and rescue breathing on you until your chest started rising again. I brought us here to take a breather. But don’t you dare put yourself at risk like that again. What the hell happened? I thought I heard you humming and then you seemed to go into a trance. Then Claudia was healed and you came back for a moment before toppling over. Don’t do that to me again, man! I only just met you, and I want to keep you around for a looooong time.” I gulped at that last statement, but managed to nod in agreement. I then filled Kellan in on the out-of-body experience, the overwhelmingly beautiful chorus, and the insanity-inducing monster that helped me return Claudia to the world… and then did the same to me. At that point Kellan frowned. “Huh… I dozed off for a bit here in the car, and just woke up when you started stirring, so I didn’t notice it ‘til now… but your wings WERE tattered when I carried you here… and now they aren’t.” I froze at that revelation. “Really?” Kellan nodded, making the dark, wavy layers of his rock-star hair flop back and forth over his blue eyes. He reached out with his newly-muscled arm and pulled the door open, letting me slide out of his arms and stand (shakily) on my own two feet. The way he’d cradled my 6’2” frame in his football player’s arms was a bit weird, as I wasn’t used to being the shorter guy, much less being held by someone. However, as he stepped out of the car after me, I found myself looking up at a 7’1” hunk. He stretched, his biceps bulging in his torn black sleeves, his huge pecs warping the image of his costume’s ribcage, his nipples visibly erect through the fabric in the cool November air, and his shirt riding up to reveal his sculpted abs and a dark treasure trail showcased between his iliac furrow by his marble-pale skin. Once he finished stretching, he bent over, showing me the square shape of his muscle butt, while reaching into the car to retrieve my wings… good as new! “Weird,” I commented, running my fingers over the undamaged fabric of the black wings. “Just one more strange thing to add to an already bizarre evening.” Kellan nodded. “For sure. But hey man, it’s getting kinda chilly. I don’t think I’m feeling it as much as I should now that I’m supercharged with ghost lightning or whatever, but I bet you could use some more warmth. Lemme just get Claudia comfortable.” With that, he popped the trunk and grabbed some extra blankets, and quickly wrapped them around his girlfriend, making her shift and wake up, smile at him, and murmur something I couldn’t hear, before snuggling into the blankets as he closed the car to keep the cold air out. Kellan and I then headed up towards the bonfire. As we trudged uphill, I tilted my head and frowned, before asking, “You didn’t feel any drain, and Claudia was fine in the car? She didn’t get… sucked dry… like the other partiers?” Kellan shook his head back and forth, affirming that the instant-lifelessness effect I’d spotted earlier hadn’t occurred. “No… I didn’t feel anything, and Claudia’s fine. You didn’t see anything, did you?” After I confirmed that everything seemed fine when we were at the car, he relaxed. “I admit I was more focused on you and Claudia, so I wasn’t really looking around at anyone else… but now that you mention it, I didn’t hear any engines start or see any car lights. Maybe it’s just the fact that I was the one who opened the car, not Claudia, and this ghost thing needs me? Or maybe you burned it out back at the dance floor?” I shrugged, but then grimaced. “I wish… but you said you didn’t notice anyone leaving… I’d think that if the white flames had gotten rid of the ghost for good, they’d be back to normal. Besides… the big eyes-tongues-wings-faces creature said the ghost was still a threat.” As we approached the campfire, I could see the filaments of otherworldly light moving about … and somehow, I could hear them, like the hiss of the devil’s fiddle strings as he challenged Johnny for his soul. “And the threads of light are here, too… whatever’s going on, it’s not over,” I concluded. Kellan’s impressive shoulders slumped and he groaned in frustration. “Right. So, what’s the next step, besides getting toasty by the fire?” I blushed at the suggestion of “getting toasty” with the big guy, but tried to ignore it, hoping the darkness hid my reaction. “I’m not sure… the journal I found includes some descriptions about various supernatural effects and creatures, but aside from ghosts, I’m not really sure what to look for, and it’s not like this thing was written as an encyclopedia. Having to search through it… in Latin… is going to be time-consuming.” The bonfire’s warmth soaked into my skin, though the tinny noise of the glowing strings sent chills down my spine. Getting this close to the cords and knowing that I was the only one able to notice them was even more frightening than their deadliness. Kellan glanced in my direction, and he frowned, slinging a muscular arm over my shoulder, letting me lean back and rest my head on the curve of his bicep. “Hey, Angelo,” he asked in his richer, more resonant voice “Are you ok? If you’re still out of it from singing for Claudia or whatever it was you did, we could go to the main house instead and get you a couch to lie down on or something.” “Thanks,” I replied. “But I’m ok… it’s just creepy to see what I’m seeing, with the strings and all. I’m ok… just uneasy.” Kellan nodded, and squeezed my shoulder. “Ok… we can work with that.” He then shot an oddly mischievous look at me, and grinned. “Wanna hear what making out with Claudia felt like?” Assuming that non-sequitur was Kellan’s somewhat hearty, boyish way of distracting me with a change of subject, I shrugged and nodded. He seemed to take an almost puppylike glee in his new body and increased sexuality, and that excited energy seemed odd coming from a guy as big as a horse. I wondered just how greatly his personality and attitudes and even language had changed over the events of this evening. They way he was currently acting was a far cry from the terse, unwelcoming indie guy earlier. If we couldn’t figure out what was going on, how much more would he change? If we did solve the mystery, would he even want to go back? Before I could ponder these questions further, he began to speak, and I focused on his deep voice. “It was WILD, man,” the big guy enthused, his pale cheeks becoming slightly flushed, his eyes fluttering shut as he sank into the memory of his powerful body pressed against his girlfriend. “They were playing our song… ‘Beyond’ by Butterfly Three-Way. It was booming from the speakers and the air was hot as people danced around us. Claudia leaned against me and tossed her hair back, and my hands slid down her shoulders, feeling how fragile and tiny they seemed under my big hands. She smelled soooo good… shampoo with violets and cherries, perfume with I don’t know what in it, and all that.” As if being drawn back to that moment, he breathed deeply, his huge boxer’s chest inflating, the black fabric with painted-on ribcage stretching to try and accommodate the bulging muscles as they expanded. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that his muscles weren’t the only things expanding. In the glow of the bonfire, the black lycra of his pants shifted, and his already visible bulge started to grow larger and thicker as it stretched towards his right thigh. His voice, now sounding huskier than before, picked up again. “She pressed against my body, man, and she cooed… she actually cooed… when she felt how hard I was… I am. She said that she wanted to drive me over the edge right then and there… purred it into my ear, and then she raised her arms as if she wanted to be picked up. I could never do that before, but now, it just seemed right, like I’d always been able to do it… and like I’d done it a hundred times. I reached down, felt how light she was in my arms, and lifted her up to my chest. Feeling her body clinging to mine… it was soooo fucking hot, dude! Almost literally… I felt like I was on fire, or in a desert, or something, and every nerve was alive! It was freakin’ intense!” Now his stance had widened, and his package (still barely wrapped) was straining away from his body. Some of the girls (dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow, Edward Scissorhands, Mad Hatter, Sweeney Todd, and Willy Wonka) seemed to have noticed, and were gossiping behind their hands and occasionally pointing at him, while others were fanning their faces and blushing, or looking longingly at it. Kellan took no notice, though his breathing was heavier, his face was flushed, and a trickle of sweat was running down his forehead. I also noticed that, despite the heat of the bonfire, his nipples were erect, and clearly visible as they pressed against the fabric of his costume. He reached up a big hand seemed to almost caress his pecs for a moment, before sliding his long, thick fingers down over his abs, brushing them over the fur of his treasure trail. Then, his hand froze and he went still. Kellan took a deep breath, then another, and then a third, before he was able to speak. “I… I think that’s when the thing… the mist, ghost thing… I think that’s when it struck. I just found myself unable to stop. It’s like nothing else mattered except feeling good and getting off… as hard as I could. I think I forgot Claudia even existed, except as a fuck toy or something. I’m… I’m not like that… I’m not!” Then he paused, before asking, “… am I?” Taking a deep breath to bring myself back from watching Kellan actually turn himself on, I collected my thoughts before speaking. “No… I don’t think you are someone who treats others as… uh… fuck toys. I think that, while you do like yourself this way, mostly, and you do like growing… that the ghost is trying to use you somehow… and its selfishness is overwhelming your normal personality while it tries to remake you. I think that if we can get rid of the ghost, you’ll be no more of a danger to society than… well, anyone else.” Kellan’s face broke out into a gentle grin. “Thanks Angelo… just hearing you think things through makes the whole situation a lot better. I’m glad I’ve got you watching my back.” He pulled me into a lingering, if one-armed, hug, and then leaned back. “So, what should we do first? Any other spots on the property you want to check out that might be haunted?” Just then, one of the guys by the fire, well into his cups and dressed like Super Mario, pushed his friend (dressed like Wayne from Wayne’s World), who pitched forward dramatically, almost knocking into me and spilling unidentifiable alcohol everywhere. I saw “Wayne” coming towards me, drops of liquid from his cup moving through the air in what seemed like slow motion before falling into the bonfire and making it blaze upward in a sudden burst of flames. At that moment, though I was off balance and leaning precariously towards the fire, I felt powerless… there was no music, no altered consciousness, no change in the sinister ribbons of light… just me, a mere mortal. However, if I was a mere mortal, that couldn’t be said for Kellan. His powerful arms slid down me and gripped my hips, lifting me up in the air and back from the flames… and a good two feet off the ground… without raising a sweat, before placing me on his shoulder. His skin was flushed, but not with exertion… he was angry! “WHAT THE HELL,” he roared at the drunk guys, so loudly that I thought for a second that the flames cringed and blew in the opposite direction, as if from a strong wind. “YOU’RE PLAYING AROUND A BONFIRE? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MINDS? MY FRIEND COULD’VE BEEN BURNED!” The guys visibly quailed before the force of Kellan’s ire, but tried to drunkenly bluff their way through it. “C’mon mannn… we were jus’ havin’ fun. No harm meant,” slurred the one who’d done the initial pushing. His friend, however, wasn’t quite so smart. Filled with liquid courage, “Wayne” retorted, “’Sides, you may be big, but if you’re an ass bandit, you should get out of the way of a real man, fucker.” The conversation and laughs and exclamations of shock around the bonfire went silent. The “Mario” went white and tugged on his homophobic pal’s shoulder, trying to pull him back. But it was too late. Kellan took in a deep breath, the only sound besides the cackling of the flame to pierce the leaden silence. When he spoke, his words were measured but echoing, as if it was taking all of his musician’s eloquence and impressive restraint to speak calmly and not simply punch the guy… which, given the fact that he’d cracked a wall when he was less built, would be a very bad thing. “One. Gay people are real men and women. Two. They do not have to get out of the way of anyone, just because he thinks he’s hot stuff. Three. I’m not just big… I’m stronger than five of your drunken asses. Four. I’m not gay, but I have responsible, sober friends, including my pal here, who are. My friends are important to me. Five. If I see or hear of you mistreating anyone else at this party, it’ll go badly for you. Very badly.” “Wayne” clearly didn’t have a clue (or had pickled his brain cells) because he actually dared to retort, “Oh yeah? This’ a free country, you freak. What’re you gonna do about it? You lay a finger on me and I’ll make sure everyone knows you’re throwing your weight around.” From my perch on Kellan’s brawny shoulder, I could actually see his handsome face stretch into a smile that could’ve come from the same grave as his costume. “I don’t have to touch you, asshole. I’m stronger than that.” I felt his sinewy frame shift under me, and looking down, realized that he was raising his foot, almost in a bizarrely muscular parody of Captain Morgan… and then he slammed it down! Resting on his broad shoulder, I felt only a momentary shift of hard muscle beneath me, and Kellan had been braced for the force by his own power. Everything around us fared much worse, as a shockwave appeared to spread out from Kellan’s thunderous footstep, causing the logs of the bonfire to collapse in on themselves, sending sparks blazing high into the night sky and knocking Wayne, Mario, the assorted female Johnny Depps, and the other people around the fire to the ground. Squeals and shouts of shock and outrage, spilled drinks, and a cloud of dirt fill the air, though not high enough to reach me, perched on top of Kellan’s 7 foot body. “Now,” boomed Kellan’s voice. “Apologize. Or. Get. The. Hell. Away. From. US!” The drunken jerk from earlier scrambled, almost crab-walking, to back away from my new friend as if the hounds of hell were after him, and his friend split as well. The conversation picked up again as Kellan reached up and gently lowered me to the ground, and looked me over, as if examining me for any damage. “Hey, sorry about that, Angelo…” he murmured, leaning down to bring his face closer to mine. “I’m sure you could’ve handled that punk, but he got on my nerves. Are you ok? I didn’t hurt you when I picked you up or something, did I?” I finally got my tongue to work, and stammered, “ Uh... n-no, b-but, GEEZ! When did you figure out you could do that with one stomp of your foot?” My “hero” frowned, looking throughtful. “Huh… I don’t know… I mean, obviously I’m way stronger than I should be, even with these muscles,” he continued as he flexed one of his biceps, showing off the veins snaking across the muscle. “But I just suddenly knew I could do that... creepy!” The sight of the hunk shuddering at his uncanny knowledge of his abilities broke the image of the furious Hercules from a few moments ago, and I had to smile even as I thought about the possibilities. “Huh… the monster I encountered said that the ghost had goals involving you, and that’s why it keeps going after you… maybe it’s trying to prepare you for something it wants you to do? So it’s giving you these abilities and the knowledge … muscle memory, maybe… to use them? Can you think of anything else that you can do with your strength?” Kellan closed his eyes and seemed to take a moment of thought, before shaking his head. “No… I don’t think I even knew I could do that foot-stomp thing until I was angry enough to do it. If I can do other stunts like that, I don’t think I’ll know about it until they come up somehow.” Then we were interrupted, as one of the ladies (dressed as Victor from the Corpse Bride) came forward, blushing through her pale makeup, and said, “That was pretty awesome, the way you stood up to that jerk. He’s been hitting on my friends and I all night, and it’s cool that your friend has someone like you to look out for him.” Kellan smiled down at her, and chuckled. “Nah, you got it all wrong… this guy’s my guardian angel… he looks out for me. I just try to return the favor when I can.” He then nodded to me, “Hey, Angelo, do the wing thing!” Always willing to show off my costume, I tugged the strings that caused my dark wings to unfold and fan the air, and the girl clapped enthusiastically. “That’s incredible! Can you guys take a picture with my friends and I?” Kellan laughed this time. “Sure… though I gotta warn you, I’ve got a girlfriend, and my pal here appreciates the, uh, less-fine sex, as you might’ve overheard.” There was a lot of booing and teasing and pouty faces (seeing Captain Sparrow pout through fake facial hair was somewhat unnerving), but we all lined up and the girls roped a passing witch into taking pictures of the whole group, facing the fire. The light hurt my eyes a bit, and I had to force myself to keep from squinting, holding my face in a wide, fragile-seeming smile. Surrounded by the enthusiasm of the girls, with Kellan by my side, I felt glad that I’d come to the party, even if it’d been one weird event after another, and began to relax… a moment too soon. As the girls dispersed, the fire abruptly blazed green, and from their depths emerged a spindly, wraithlike figure of emerald luminescence. With long, wickedly taloned fingers and skeletal features, it reached out towards me… or towards Kellan. Its claws poured jade fire towards my new friend, and I tried to deflect them, only to see the streams separate and slide around my outstretched arm, like a river moving around a stone! I looked around, hoping that the ghost’s public actions would attract some attention from the others, but the Johnny Depp Girls had all gone inside to get new drinks, and the new people standing around the bonfire didn’t seem to notice anything awry, going about their business and joking, drinking, and huddling by the unnatural flames as if this happened all the time. Kellan moaned throatily as the flames poured into him, so deeply it was almost like the rumbling growl of a lion. “Oh yeah… feels… so fucking gooood!” As I turned towards him, I could see his skin crawling as the muscles underneath swelled and shifted, faster than before! Slices of his black shirt began to tear, showing glimpses of pale skin underneath that became more and more striated with muscle. “C’mon Kellan, last time I couldn’t free you because you were into it… don’t lose me here. I need you to resist it if we’re going to stop it,” I murmured, trying to build up my rage and direct it at the green energy. Kellan just shook his head and looked down at me as he began to grow taller. “Angelo, I don’t want to stop it. God, this feels fan-TAS-tic! Look at me. LOOK AT ME,” he crowed as his muscles rippled. He now stood about two feet taller than most of the other party guests, and was about twice as thick as any of them, with huge muscles that resembled those of a massive football player, with some elements of powerlifter from the sheer size of his muscles thrown in as well. Looking down, I saw that his crotch was noticeably growing erect… and Kellan was now massively hung, if the imprint of his cock as it strained against the costume’s fabric was anything to go by. As my poor brain tried to wrap around the concept that my new friend was turning himself on as his body grew, Kellan seemed to come to a decision, heralded by another shuddering groan. “That’s it. I can’t stand this. I need to act on my horniness… and I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile!” His hands were larger than they’d been when he’d lifted me out of the way earlier, but they were at least as fast. I found myself lifted off my feet again, clasped against the biggest, tallest, most muscular guy I’d ever seen or heard of, and felt his lips press against mine. I swear I saw fireworks. His strength was tremendous, and his muscles were hard, but his lips were… teasing, gentle, playful, sweet, exploring, caressing, warm, soft, and inviting. His entire body as he moaned with satisfaction, almost purring as he deepened the kiss. He was supporting my weight with one hand clasped over my butt, clutching my black jeans between the folds of my wingtips, while the other hand stroked through my curls, cradling my skull. The kiss was powerful and unasked for… but it certainly wasn’t unwelcome, just unexpected. It was clearly driven by his changing hormones, but it was an act that was filled with emotion and intimacy as well as hunger. I began to kiss back… and surrendering my higher thoughts to make way for my increasing attraction to Kellan finally broke through the block keeping me from converting the ghost’s energies. Instead of wrath, I drew on the passion, the lust, the connection between the two of us, and I could hear a higher, flutelike music trickling from the Choir’s realm as I felt the white flames blaze through our embrace, while the ghost’s howls (sounding faintly like “What continues to thwart my efforts to possess this host?!) faded away around us. Kellan slowly lowered me away from his lips, his eyes still shut. His breathing was heavy, but he didn’t seem to be as crazed as before. I placed my hand over his huge chest, and felt his heart pounding. “Kellan,” I murmured. “Are you ok?” He nodded, then murmured. “I’m sorry, Angelo. That was… it was… I…” He stopped and gathered his breath, his huge lungs inflating and his sculpted chest rising in response. “Ok… let me try that again. I could tell you were interested in me from the moment you complimented my costume. It’s just a skeleton suit… nothing special except that it’s skintight. You have moving wings. You complimenting me is like a bonfire complimenting a candle flame. The only appeal was my body. And yeah, it was a bit creepy of you, but you were cool about it. But before this spook started messing with my body, I hadn’t really been attracted to guys… or at least, not enough to ever want to act on it. Then… I started growing, and you were always there. My senses are stronger now… more vivid, I guess, and I can always tell where you are anywhere on this property. Now I’m the creepy guy, because this whole situation is creepy, and you’re there for me, and god, do I ever need to get off badly… you look and smell sooo good, and your voice makes my heart speed up when you talk, even if you’re getting all cerebral or goofy. I’m still just as into Claudia… god I want to fuck her… but I’ve reached the point where I’m so horny I’m, looking at guys and going ‘Why not? He’d be a good lay’ … and I’m sure you’d blow my mind. And when those girls were around us, I wanted to get naked with them as well… and you… I just wanted all of us to go off somewhere, strip out of our costumes and go crazy! Heck, I was even curious about getting with those drunken jerks earlier, even when I was yelling at them.” As he trailed off, I wondered about those ideas. “Hey, do you think your personality and mind is changing? You seem to be more interested in me, like you mentioned, but how about your memories and other interests? Claudia seemed to have her memories of what you looked like when she first met you altered. Claudia said you met in Econ class, you still remember your band and the songs you play, the chords and all that?” He frowned and closed his eyes in concentration, before nodding. “Yeah… I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my memory, though I’ll need a bigger, more resilient guitar if I’m going to play with the band anymore. I can still picture where my fingers need to be, play the songs in my head, etc. And we did meet in Econ, but I wasn’t built at all, despite what she said. But as for my personality… yeah, maybe. I always figured myself for a one-woman guy, but now… I guess I’m bisexual, and I’m not sure I’d be satisfied sticking with just one person… at least, not for sex. I feel like I still want to spend the rest of my life with someone, but maybe it should be more than one someone.” He took that moment to meet my eyes. “I should be embarrassed by showing off all this skin, and wearing clothes this tight and tattered, but I’m proud of it… I want to show off. I barely want to wear clothes at all.” In the echoing silence from Kellan’s last statement, I realized that it was weirdly quiet. “Uh… is everyone staring at you holding me in the air,” I asked tentatively. He tore his gaze from my face and went still, his eyes wide. “Uh, no… it’s worse.” He lowered me to the ground and I turned around… and saw that everyone around the campfire was slumped over on the ground, drained of their lives. I felt like I was going to be sick, and the ripples of red light centered on the flames continued to dance menacingly across my vision. “Oh Angelo,” Kellan murmured, his powerful voice throaty and wobbling from shock and regret. “I-I did this? I hurt everyone here just so that I could grow bigger and get hornier?” “No,” I insisted. “This isn’t your doing or your fault. You’re just as much a victim as they are… and it’s time to stop being victimized and get proactive about saving them! It sounds like there’s music going on inside, and I can see people dancing by the windows, so not everyone’s gone… and look, the hayride’s coming around, so obviously it’s still being piloted by someone and still has living passengers. I think that means we still have time. We need to find the body of this jerk ghost and send him to the monster, and hopefully he’ll be able to help us return everyone to normal… ok?” Kellan nodded, still looking shaky, but with increased determination in his eyes. “Can… can we check on Claudia first? I need to know if she’s still alive. I know my new… urges… make me not the best boyfriend ever, but I still love her.” Geez, the guy had to be going through a rough time, what with all of this going on. Who’d have thought that having a superhuman body would come with so many awful strings attached? I nodded, saying, “Sure, let’s go. She probably shouldn’t be left in the car for so long, even if she was sleeping.” We didn’t have to go far, however… Claudia met us halfway. “Oh, there you guys are,” she said, yet again seeming to not notice Kellan’s new growth spurt. “Thanks for letting me get some rest… I needed it. How’s the party so far? Everything I’ve seen seems like it’s quieting down.” Kellan and I exchanged a glance, and then I said, “About that… there’s something you should know.” Before I could spill the beans, however, the hayride pulled up, letting off its (thankfully mobile) passengers and looking for others to get on. “Ooooh, hold that thought, Alfredo,” Claudia said, holding up one skeleton-painted nail on her index finger while I ground my teeth at her inability to remember my name. “Kel, can we do the hayride? It’s been too crowded all night, and I wanted to try it out… it’s finally thinned out… looks like we’re the only ones who want to do it now.” I was going to interject by describing how the hayride was really just a boring ride around the edges of the property which had some Halloween decorations hanging from trees… no monsters or chainsaw murderers jumping out at you, no cool displays, just a ride in a tractor-pulled wagon. However, with an apologetic look at me and a shrug of his huge shoulders, Kellan said, “Sure, babe. Angelo, you want to come with? We can fill her in on the weird stuff going on during the ride.” Claudia was shooting a death glare at me (I did feel like a bit of a jerk for making out with her boyfriend a few minutes ago) and switching it to a pout when Kellan turned to look at her, but this nightmare was really more important than giving her time to get busy with and possibly drive my new friend to put her in a coma again, so I nodded my assent, and we all climbed onboard. The hayride had wooden planks as a floor, with a metal frame around it. Bales of hay lined the middle, but the sides of the hayride had some pews taken from the chapel. The top of the metal frame was lined with interconnecting black ropes, designed to look like a spider’s web, and spiders, bats, and pumpkins of various sizes were hanging from the railings or the web. As the engine started and the hayride took off, rumbling down the dirt path, towards the road, past the cars draped with drained bodies, a sense of foreboding began to fall over me. I was missing something… but I wasn’t going to leave Kellan (and Claudia) alone to figure it out. Kellan was filling Claudia in on all the supernatural events, but it was slow going. It seemed like the ghost had really messed with her head. “So…” Kellan was saying. “Do you remember the day we met?” Claudia smiled. “How could I forget? I went to the gym with my friends and there you were, pumping away. I spilled my water bottle all over myself just staring at you, and you were so nice and offered me your towel to dry off… along with your number. When I found out that you were a musician as well, it just made you seem even more amazing!” Kellan and I gaped at Claudia as she blithely related all this stuff about them that apparently had never happened, while the hayride rumbled past the fields and towards the tree line. Then a searing flash of red light struck the front of the tractor, and the hayride rumbled off the front of the path straight towards the trees! Claudia screamed, I gripped the railing to brace myself, and Kellan… suddenly wasn’t there. With a speed that defied the eye, he leapt from the hay bale, tore off the spider web ceiling, somersaulted out of the wagon and over the tractor, and took the entire machine straight into his prodigious pecs. The entire ride rocked, and I just managed to grab hold of Claudia before we hit. “GUYS,” Kellan roared, his voice booming. “I’VE GOT THIS, BUT CAN YOU COME AND SHUT IT OFF? I CAN’T BE IN TWO PLACES AT ONCE!” Making sure Claudia was unhurt, I climbed out and clambered up into the tractor wagon, fiddling around with the switches and levers (hey, I’ve never driven a tractor… I’m a suburb kid) while I tried not to be distracted by the sight of Kellan’s muscles flexing and throbbing beneath the tattered remnants of his costume, which now barely covered his crotch and upper chest. The sleeves had ripped off, letting his thickly muscled arms bulge as they held back an entire tractor, and his enormous height made him almost eye level as I was sitting in the tractor seat. Finally, I managed to shut it off, and my huge friend released the tractor, while we all paused to catch our breaths. “What happened,” he finally asked. “I saw a red light, like back at the manor, lash out here,” I replied. “But I have no idea where the driver’s body is.” “Back there,” came the strained, frightened voice of Claudia from behind us. We turned and saw her, shivering and rubbing her arms nervously. “He was all gray and dead-looking… I… I think he rolled out of the tractor when he died.” She then ran into Kellan’s arms, and he lifted her into a comforting embrace. I noticed more of the red lights, rippling in the darkness. “Guys, I think there’s something over here causing the red light… stay back… we don’t need you growing out here, Kellan, and Claudia, it could target you next. If anything comes for you, call out, and I’ll be there ASAP.” Before they could object, I stumbled through the underbrush, eventually emerging in a clearing filled with rocks. In the moonlight, the rocks seemed oddly shaped and oddly white. I leaned forward for a better look and gasped, scrambling backwards until I collided with something warm. I looked up and saw Kellan there, steadying me. “What’s wrong, Angelo?” I mutely waved at the clearing. “It’s bones… it’s full of bones!” He looked up and stepped forward. “I’ve never seen this stuff here, and I used to explore these woods with my cousins all the time,” he said. I looked around and asked, “Could the recent storms have washed away the soil?” He shrugged, then crouched down, showing off his v-shaped back and his perfect muscle butt, but his words stopped me from salivating too much. “I don’t think these are human bones… or not exactly.” He waved me over, and, taking a closer look, I could tell what he was getting at. One of the skulls had short horns. What I’d taken for hands appeared to be oddly-shaped claws. I saw some structures that resembled the wings of bats, and others that looked like elongated horse or canine skulls, or long snakelike tails. The skin and organs were all long gone, and they’d clearly been there longer than I’d been alive, but they also seemed oddly well-preserved, like some sort of elephant’s graveyard for supernatural creatures. Then it clicked for me. “The journal… it said that this place, the church camp that used to be here, was actually some sort of witch hunting inquisition thing. The author, Quincy Gosser, claimed to have killed all kinds of monsters… maybe this is where he buried them?” Kellan shuddered. “I kinda wish he was still around. I bet he’d be able to handle the ghost.” Then he caught sight of an extremely large humanlike skeleton. “Or maybe I’m personally better off with him in the grave.” Then the cold became bitter, as if the heat was sucked out of us. I saw the red lights begin to dance around us, and heard footsteps. Kellan and I turned to see Claudia walking towards us, smiling… with glowing green eyes. “’Tis funny that you shoulde say that,” she said with a weirdly dual voice, both her own, and one that sounded male and older and old-fashioned. “Because I am sore tired of the grave, lad, and your body will be my ticket out of it.” With that, dark green flames poured from her body and washed over Kellan. They seemed to burn endlessly, and I couldn’t get close… until the flames left Claudia, lying in a gray-skinned, lifeless heap, and pulsed across Kellan’s body. His eyes took on that green glow, and he turned to me, a wicked smile spreading across his face even as his muscles began to swell again. “There you are… finally, I have human flesh again, and actually perceive you, Abomination. I am sure that your sacrifice will give me the power to extend my abilities across the world, just as the lives of every drunken fool on this property have enabled me to possess one of my descendents and remake his form. Let the world welcome back the great Quincy Gosser!” This post has been promoted to an article
  2. Previous Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1318-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-four/ CHAPTER FIVE The vast granite face along the northern edge of Yosemite Valley towered over 2000 feet overhead. I could easily see the top through the breaks in the snow-laden canopy of the forest. The sky was clear and blue though the morning sun had not yet touched the valley floor. The snow, which blanketed the ground in all directions, nearly reached my knees. I was completely nude and the dark skin of my massively muscled body stood out in stark contrast to the field of white. Although I could sense the temperature of the snow and air and knew it was well below freezing, I did not feel cold. This did not surprise me. Temperature had become irrelevant. I looked around carefully. The forest was still and quiet. I was alone. The valley was thinly populated during the winter months. A tall white cedar roughly 50 feet ahead caught my eye. The trunk was perhaps two yards in diameter and soared well over 150 feet high. It would do perfectly and my eternally erect cock began spasming wildly in anticipation as I strode toward it. I looked down at my fantastic tool, which slung cum from side to side each time my immense thighs rolled around each other, and smiled. I was also excited to see what it could do. My legs plowed through the deep snow without effort, of course, and upon reaching the large tree, I drove the full length of my yard-long cock into its trunk, compressing and shattering the surrounding wood. The great cedar shuddered as my shaft penetrated centuries of growth and sent thousands of pounds of accumulated snowfall crashing to the ground around me. The resistance of the trunk was of course no match for my cock, yet still brought great pleasure. I remained still for some time and observed as the tree, still fully impaled on my manhood, shook violently with each throb of my mighty cock and sent additional snow sliding down to the growing mound that surrounded the tree. I stretched my powerful arms around the trunk, able to embrace roughly half of its 18-foot circumference. Then, sinking my fingers through the bark and into the tree, I carefully held it in place as I pulled back with my hips and slammed my cock back home. The trunk splintered on impact, splitting the tree lengthwise as great cracks ran dozens of feet upward as well as down into its roots. Still more snow and debris rained down around me but I continued to hold the tree upright as I pulled back and drove my cock into it one last time, this time with all my might. My cock, balls and pelvis struck the tree with such force that over half of it exploded into particles no larger than splinters and sent a sonic boom crashing outward through the surrounding forest. Cum gushed dozens of yards from my tool while the tree-turned-cloud of sawdust expanded and showered down over thousands of square yards of forest. At the same time, the shattered remains of the upper part of the tree crashed down around me as echoes of the tree’s destruction returned from the surrounding valley walls. The valley reverberated from the explosion even as I turned my attention to the sheer granite face only a few hundred feet away. I grinned. My indestructible cock throbbed larger and harder still, quivering with excitement at this new opportunity to demonstrate its absolute dominance over all things. I took a step toward the granite wall and... I fell. A loud crash jolted me to consciousness and I found myself face down in my bed and covered with lint and shredded foam. I rolled over and sat up, only to find that my raging erection had extended down through my mattress. As I rolled, my cock lifted and stretched the mattress before popping out. Matt stood on the far side of the room staring at me, completely speechless. His face was almost white. Hank was nowhere to be seen. I stood and turned back to the remains of my bed. I had literally drilled a hole through the mattress and broken the bed frame. Instinctively, I looked down and examined my cock, which remained rock hard. As far as I could tell through the paste of cum and lint, there wasn’t a scratch on it. I held it in my hands ... big, fucking Alpha Stud cock. “That must have been one hell of a dream,” I heard Matt say. Nine feet tall with a yard-long cock? Yes, it was one hell of a dream. But it was ridiculous to even imagine such a thing and I unwillingly tore my eyes away from my tool and turned back to him. “Are you hurt?” I asked. He shook his head. “No.” “Where’s Hank?” “He went home to get something for you to wear to work as requested.” I looked back at the bed. “How long was I...?” “Fucking the bed? Just a few minutes.” He remained on the far side of the room. I frowned, suddenly concerned. “You don’t have to be afraid of me, Matt,” I said apologetically. “I adore you.” “It’s just...” He looked down and shuffled his feet. “The television, the bed ... what’s next?” My mind raced. He had a point, but then he didn’t. “Okay. The TV was just stupid,” I admitted. “I lost my temper. But the bed, Matt, I was asleep.” “That mattress could have been my ass,” he said. He was right and that worried me. I automatically brought my hands to my head, which made me acutely aware of how large my biceps had grown. “We’ll get separate beds,” I said. “What were you dreaming about, anyway?” I rolled my eyes. “I ... I ... I fucked a tree. In Yosemite. And destroyed it.” It sounded even more ridiculous to say than it did to remember. His eyebrows shot up. “You ... really?” It was all he managed to say before he burst into laughter. “I told you I was having strange dreams,” I said crossly, though I was more relieved than annoyed at his reaction. In the end, I just didn’t want him to fear me. I walked over and picked him up, cradling him in my arms. “Come on, let’s take a shower together,” I said as I carried him into the bathroom. His cock was fully erect by the time I set him down. Mine was still hard from the dream. * * * As I walked to work in Hank’s clothes, I realized that my penis was going to be a problem no matter what pants I wore. It was hard more often than not, and even soft it was absurdly thick. Thankfully, Hank’s shirt truly was gigantic, so it hung low enough to cover my crotch and hence my prominent bulge. I resolved to buy a new wardrobe that evening. Despite the tent I wore, people looked and stared. It was impossible to hide my massive traps, pecs and shoulders. Still, it was better than nothing and I managed to make it to the job site without anyone kneeling before me. The morning passed uneventfully, but I could tell that the guys, including Mark, were still watching me. I again puzzled over the fact that I drew so much more attention that Hank. He was every bit as impressive. Something else was at work here. I remained in the sun as much as possible, just as I had the day before, and when no one could see me I worked shirtless so that I could feel the sunlight on my torso. My skin seemed hungry for it, as if it were soaking it up to satisfy a craving. When lunchtime rolled around, I returned to the stock of unprepared beams, only this time I climbed to the top of the ten-foot stack, found a spot that wasn’t in the shadow a nearby building, and stretched out on the sun-heated steel. I was asleep in seconds. I woke to the sound of someone shouting my name and sat up, instantly aware of two things: one, my muscles had grown yet thicker, and two, I had a raging erection that had apparently popped the button off Hank’s pants and forced the zipper all the way down. I was also dripping with sweat. “Shit!” I yelled, jumping to my feet. “Jamal!” the man called again. It sounded like Mark. “Yeah, yeah. Hold on!” I called back. “Son of a bitch,” I mumbled to myself as I tried to figure out what to do with my cock. I pulled Hank’s shirt over my wet torso and tried to force my tool back into my pants, which I quickly realized was impossible. It was simply too big now. Instead, I pulled it up so that it covered my navel and using my tool belt, strapped it against my abs. With any luck, no one would notice. I grabbed my safety vest and hardhat. After checking the area one last time, I climbed down to the ground. A feeling of dread descended on me. Mark stood waiting with an iPad in hand. He held it up. “Would you take a look at this?” I exhaled, relieved at his businesslike tone, but when I moved to take it, he put his arm down. “In the office,” he said before turning and walking in that direction. My sense of dread returned and I followed him back to the temporary building. Walking proved to be a distracting exercise as my belt and cock rubbed against each other. The friction of the thick, worn leather stimulated me to the point that I could feel the pre-cum spurt with each step and it took every bit of willpower I had to keep from tearing the belt off, seizing my great cock with both of my powerful hands and rubbing off the most powerful orgasm anyone had ever seen. Once back in the office, I noticed that Mark was very careful not to look at me. He handed me the iPad. “Just play the video,” he said as he sat at his desk and studied its surface. Sweat was beading up on his forehead despite the air conditioning. The video filled the screen and I immediately recognized our job site. Someone in the high rise across the street from us had recorded it, I estimated from around the 12th floor. I saw the staging area for the building’s steel beams. The camera zoomed in on a figure climbing to the top of the stack and my heart leapt into my throat. “Oh, fuck,” I said. I watched myself, in the clarity of high-definition, remove my hat, belt and shirt before leaning back onto the beams and stretching. My hands and feet twitched slightly and stopped moving, and then the playback accelerated. In the span of about two minutes, which according to the time indicator at the lower right of the frame covered about an hour, my penis grew erect and burst out of the jeans. This last part was shown more slowly and in excruciating detail. My crotch filled the screen. The already prominent bulge in my pants grew, expanding and adjusting, until the head of my cock poked above the waist of the jeans and continued growing until it eclipsed my navel. At the same time, my organ thickened considerably until the button holding my fly closed was clearly being stressed. Even as I watched in horror, for I knew I would be unemployed shortly, my cock stirred in real time. Seen from an outside point of view, my tool was nothing less than epic. Despite my worry, my heart pounded with excitement. Employed or not, I was redefining extreme masculinity with each passing day. And still my cock expanded in the video. The head continued its journey over my abs, which even relaxed were beautifully defined. The shaft lengthened and thickened, the waist of my pants stretched more and more, until my cock burst free and sprung upward with enough force to completely unzip my pants. The button went flying out of frame. The camera then slowly zoomed out from my throbbing cock, which bobbed visibly, until my entire heavily muscled body filled the frame, my pant legs noticeably tighter, each egg-sized testicle bulging against the denim. I imagined that my torso and arms looked more thickly muscled, but I couldn’t be sure without side-by-side images for comparison. Still, I knew I had grown again. Sleeping in the sun seemed to do it. The movie ended. I truly didn’t know why to say. There was nothing I could say. Finally, I handed the tablet back. “Mark, I – ” “This was uploaded an hour ago and a link sent to corporate,” he said. “It’s one of many uploaded today, including many of you just working. There are already dozens of pics of you all over the Internet. You have more than an audience. You have a fan club. It’s just a matter of time before this hits the media.” He continued to stare at his desk as he wiped the sweat that was pouring down his face. “Jamal, you know I like you, you’re a good guy and one hell of an ironworker, but I don’t have a choice.” “A choice to what? You’re firing me?” It was what I had expected since the beginning of the video, but hearing it was another matter entirely. He instinctively looked at me only to freeze. His next word hung from his mouth unspoken. “Holy shit,” he said finally. “STOP IT!” I yelled. Despite, or perhaps because of my newfound power over people, I felt helpless. I needed him as a friend and supervisor, not a groupie. Someone pounded at the door. “Hey Mark,” someone yelled from outside. “Jamal in there? I need his spud wrench.” I walked over and opened the door. It was Enrique, one of the electrical journeymen’s helpers. He was a tall young Puerto Rican kid. I watched his face go slack as he looked up at me and clapped my hands together twice to snap him out of it. “What’s up?” I asked. “Fuck.” The kid blinked and shook his head. “Um ... can I borrow your spud wrench real quick? No one else is on the ground and the circuit breaker panel is locked. We need to cut off the power to the hoists ASAP. Just temporarily.” “Where’s Jim?” Mark asked from behind me. “He’s off site. It should just take a minute.” He wanted to pop the lock, which of course was against the safety regs. I turned back to Mark, who was already on his radio making sure that both hoists were on the ground and empty. A minute later, he nodded at me. “You do it. Jim won’t mind. Then meet me back here.” “My tools are in the truck,” he said by way of explanation as we walked over to the panel. “Thanks.” He stared at me, openly gawking, until I felt uncomfortable. I was reminded of one of those dark fairy tales where someone makes a wish, gets exactly what he asked for, but finds that it came with unexpected and dire complications. Except that I hadn’t asked for this. But I had accepted it. Yeah, I was hyper-masculine, insanely muscular, and growing more so each day. Yeah, my reproductive equipment was already magnificent beyond my wildest dreams. Yeah, I loved it. But it was also a pain in the ass. How was I supposed to have a normal life with everyone acting drugged in my presence? “No problem,” I said as I wiped the sweat from my face. I knew the kid couldn’t help himself any more than Mark or Hank or Matt or anyone else that had seen me in the past day, but it was still frustrating and the sooner I popped the panel and got into Mark’s office the better. I gotta be able to work something out with him, I thought. I pulled the wrench from my belt and placed the point between the panel’s thick, industrial gauge door and body. Then using the ball of my fist like a hammer, I lightly struck the head of the wrench to drive it in so I could pry the panel open. Or so I thought. The point of the tool, which was essentially a foot-long spike, passed completely through the panel and circuit breakers and directly into the electrical power supply to the work site. A shower of sparks exploded from the panel and my hardhat fell off, but I maintained my grasp on the wrench. My hand began to tingle. “Shit!” Enrique exclaimed. “You okay?” I heard him, but he seemed distant and unimportant. I was focused on the strange yet welcome sensation of energy flowing into my body. The tingling had spread down my arm and across my torso until my entire body seemed to be humming. It felt good, and I could feel my muscles trying to draw more and more current from the main as if I had been starved for weeks and finally seated in front of an all-you-can-eat buffet. After several seconds, I smelled something burning and looked down to see that the soles of my work boots were melting. I was dimly aware of shouting and activity around me, but continued to hold the wrench even as my clothing caught fire. My cock broke free and surged in size as I felt my muscles growing, demanding an ever-greater amount of electricity with each passing second until after perhaps two minutes, it was over. The power had shut off, either manually or by overload, and I released the spud wrench. My boots and clothing had burned completely away. My tool belt had disintegrated; even my wallet was gone. Smoke was everywhere. Hank and I stood behind yellow police tape in a crowd of hundreds that filled the street, unable to believe our eyes. Nearly an hour had passed since the explosion in the South Tower and there was little to do but watch and speculate. The upper parts of both towers continued to burn, feeding a massive plume of black smoke that drifted eastward. The general consensus was that a jet had hit the North Tower, which of course was exactly what I saw. The cause of the explosion I saw in the South Tower was unknown, though some people claimed a jet had crashed into that building as well. The air was charged with emotion. People wandered in the middle of the street, full of nervous energy but lacking a direction to channel it. Many, like us, were horrified and anxious but too morbidly fascinated to leave. Reporters and camera crews were showing up. The scene inside the taped-off area was chaotic. Emergency vehicles continued to arrive even as ambulances left. The wail of sirens was continuous. Everyone was shouting. Debris littered the street, some of it smoking. “My cousin works in there,” Hank said, breaking a long silence. His accent suddenly seemed very thick. “Which building?” “South. We were supposed to meet for coffee in the mall.” “I’m sure he got out,” I said hopefully. “She,” he corrected. “I hope so. You think they are evacuatin’?” His voice was breaking. I took his hand in mine. He squeezed back strongly. “I don’t know,” I said. “I would assume so. At least the top half.” “She works on one of the top floors. I tried to call but I can’t get through.” I watched his face carefully. Behind the macho, bearded façade, Hank was a lot more troubled than he was letting on. “Talk to me, man,” I said. He looked back at the burning buildings. His brow furrowed with pain. “My aunt and uncle raised me. I grew up wit her.” He took a deep breath. “She’s like my sister. She hates this bodybuilding shit but supports me anyway. To top it off, I just got back from hookin’ up around Europe. I haven’t seen her in weeks. Makes me feel bad.” I put my hands on his amazingly huge shoulders and faced him. “Maybe she was planning to meet you before going up?” I gestured to all of the emergency vehicles. “There are a lot of rescue folks here. They’ll get her out.” The air filled with screams and shrieks. A woman very near me was yelling “Oh my god! Oh my god!” repeatedly. I felt the ground vibrate and turned my head to the left in time to see the South Tower collapsing in on itself with a thunderous roar. I stared at it, eyes wide, refusing to believe what I was seeing. As it fell it transformed into an immense cloud of billowing dust and debris that expanded rapidly in our direction. I could see the leading edge of a roiling tsunami of debris rushing toward me yet I remained locked in place, frozen like a deer caught in headlights. Two people fleeing the angry cloud bumped into me before Hank seized my hand. “RUN!” he yelled, and we were sprinting as fast as we could through an obstacle course of cars, buses and people. I knew the wall of dust was racing up behind us, impossible to escape, but still I fled until seconds later the sun went out and I couldn’t see an inch in front of me. I ran into what turned out to be a large truck – my shin struck something unyielding – and I crashed to the ground, gasping in pain and swallowing a mouthful of dust. Other people began tripping over me and I rolled under the vehicle, gagging and coughing, trying without success to catch my breath. Even as I lay there I heard what sounded like a rain of hail striking the vehicle and street all round me. I had become separated from Hank and opened my eyes to nothing but a uniform orange-brown haze in all directions. I tried to call for him but only coughed. Then something heavy slammed into the truck. I stood there at the job site, completely detached. My awareness returned as the smoke dissipated and I observed that my hair was not even singed. My skin was untouched. My muscles and cock were thicker and more massive. Over a dozen men stood around me, jaws slack, eyes glazed over, falling to their knees as I watched. Several things became clear at once. I didn’t need a job; I would never have to work again. I didn’t need food; I could feed from electricity and sunlight. I had some degree of invincibility; fire did not harm me. I could grow bigger and stronger at will. It was impossible but so wondrous and intoxicating and intensely arousing that my cock felt easily hard and powerful enough to penetrate and destroy a tree, or pretty much anything for that matter. It all added up to one thing. I couldn’t lead a normal life anymore because I was no longer meant to. A chill ran up my spine as I realized that everything had changed – everything – but I shoved the implications back into my subconscious, unwilling to face them. Yet I couldn’t deny the incredible power my body commanded. I felt as if I had a massive pump but also something new. I felt denser and more solid. Permanent. Almost unmovable. I surveyed the growing number of men that collected around me, all on their knees in the dirt of the work site, some in classically submissive poses with arms behind backs and heads down, while others simply stared, dumbstruck. My cock throbbed and spurted pre-cum, demanding that I fuck all of them right then. It took every ounce of self-control I possessed to keep from grasping and pumping it until I unloaded for them, demonstrating my superior equipment, spraying them as if to reward them for the complete submission they willingly offered. I found myself wishing to speak to Hank. It was time to go home. I ignored my former co-workers and swaggered over to the lockers. Despite my additional mass and density, the hardness of my skin, I moved easily, freely. I looked at my lock. It was a heavy duty, circular Brinks lock, stainless steel, designed to be difficult to cut with bolt-cutters. Curious to test my strength, I took it in hand, placed my thumb and forefinger on either side of the hardened steel hook and squeezed. It snapped almost without effort, which for some reason did not surprise me. I pulled it off and examined it briefly as it rested in the palm of my hand. Then bringing my fingers together in a fist, I crushed it. I stared at the remains of the lock in my open palm before allowing it to fall to the ground. I removed my backpack from the locker and paused. I was nude and realized that this did not bother me any longer. I was magnificent beyond reason. Everyone should see me in all my massively muscled hyper-masculine glory. But at the same time, I considered what would happen if I appeared in public naked. I could easily picture the accidents and chaos that would ensue. No. People weren’t ready. I decided to cover with something. I walked over to Mark, who had stepped out of the office minutes earlier only to fall to his knees a few steps away. He stared blankly at my cock, drooling. “Mark, do you have any sweats with you? I need to borrow a pair.” He didn’t respond. “MARK!” He tried to look up at me but his eyes only made it up to my massive pecs. “I need to borrow a pair of sweats. Do you have any?” He nodded as he continued staring at my chest. “In my bag,” He said blankly. “Just take them.” Mark’s sweats, as large as they were, were still comically tight and I caused at least two accidents on the way home. My cock was simply impossible to hide so I gave up trying. It refused to go soft and wagged left and right as I walked, tenting out the sweats over a foot in front of me, continuously leaking pre-cum so that it looked as if I wet my pants. Which, I suppose, I had. Every last person on the sidewalk stepped off to the side to watch me pass, either staring in awe, falling to their knees or both. I still had mixed feelings about their reactions, I still felt somewhat self-conscious, but I was not compelled to run and hide. Their awe was to be expected after all, their submission to me, perfectly natural. Matt was sitting in my armchair and reading a book when I arrived home. I entered and looked around. My apartment was the cleanest it had been in weeks. The broken television was gone, the gallons of my pre-cum and cum had been cleaned from the rugs and floor, the frame of the bed had apparently been repaired and the mattress replaced. He stood up to greet me, but quickly fell to the floor, dumbstruck. Forgetting myself, I ran forward, shaking the floor with each step, and picked him up. I hugged him carefully. “Thank you so much for cleaning up,” I said as I kissed his face. “This is a wonderful surprise to come home to!” But Matt’s mind was somewhere else entirely. His hands were all over my body, groping, feeling, rubbing, exploring. His eyes were wide, his mouth gaping, his penis snaking down the leg of his cargo shorts. “You’re so ... so ... HUGE!” He exclaimed, finally able to speak. “And so hard, like a marble statue.” I flexed my right arm and watched him melt. He reached up with his trembling left hand and placed it over the peak of my enormous biceps. It was so big that even with his fingers fully spread he couldn’t hold the entire ball of the flexed muscle. Then I felt him squeeze as he abruptly doubled over, even while still in my arms. “UGH!” He grunted and gasped for breath. “Ah! AH!” I brought his mouth to mine as he shot his load and gently played with his tongue with my own. I could feel the warmth and movement of his breath, his beard on my lips. His scent again filled my nostrils, musky with a slight but distinct sharpness that drove me wild. He gazed into my eyes with the adoration and worship that he had given me since we first met, an all-consuming trust and submission that hit every button I possessed. I carried him over to the bed and set him down. He continued to stare at me as if in a trance while I slipped out of Mark’s sweatpants. “Something new happened today,” I said as I stepped into the bathroom to retrieve the scale. I placed it on the floor at the foot of the bed. “Tell me what it says.” Nothing. His eyes were riveted to my pounding, leaking cock. “Matt, tell me what it says,” I repeated. Between the shelf of my pecs and my cock I could not see the display. Slowly, ever so slowly, his eyes drifted down to the scale. “339 pounds,” he said. “Fuuuuuuuuuck.” Next Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1532-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-six/
  3. brawnyjock

    Cockring 4 - Adjustment

    Cockring Chapter 4 - Adjustment The alarm rang at 4:30 in the morning starting another busy week at work. Brian rolled over on his side, as he reached over to reset the alarm, and his hard cock made its presence known. He sat up on the edge of the bed and slowly stretched first one arm and then the other over his head, touching the opposite shoulder working the kinks out. Then he stood up, running his hands across his chest, down his abs and lightly stroking his unrestrained cock. He always slept in the raw, disliking the confines of anything against his skin while he slept. He stepped out the door, onto the deck checking the temperature as he grabbed the over head beams and did several pull-ups. It was still dark out and the only light in the room was the digital display on the alarm clock and a charging light on his laptop. Using them as reference he went back in and over to the desk. Unplugged his cell phone from the charger and headed to the shower. He stopped to fill a cup with fresh brewed coffee in the kitchen along the way. His morning routine was like any other. Shower, shave, dressing, and then off to work. He arrived as usual and parked in the lot under the building after passing through the secured entrance. He rode the slow elevator up to the entrance level and walked over to the fingerprint scanner. The security guard waved him to wait a moment as he was approaching. A fellow worker was going thru the metal detector, something that was never required before. I can't go thru that wearing the cockring, he thought to himself. He began to sweat, fearing the heavy metal cockring would set it off and what might happen. His mind was working overtime trying to weigh the possible excuse that might get him past this. The metal detector had been installed months ago, but until now only visitors had to pass through it. They were always told that someday in the future random checks may be required but notice would be sent out in advance. "You're next, Brian. The guard said indicating the now empty entry way through the device. Brian hesitated a moment. "Empty all your pockets and put your stuff in the tray before going through the tunnel." "When did this start?" Brian questioned the guard, knowing full well there was no way to remove the cockring. "Just today, not scared are you? Don't have a metal implant or pacemaker do you?" "I might" Brian jokingly replied as he nervously stepped through the tunnel. But nothing happened. No alarm or flashing lights. "Guess I'm good, no bionics here, right guys." Suddenly realizing the heavy metal cockring must not be metal or at least not detectable. He smiled as he realized that he'd likely be safe at airports security checks too. After a few hours at work he grabbed his laptop and headed out of the office to the local coffee shop. Once he purchased his medium size, dark roast coffee with a bit of ice to cool it off. He sat down at a small table with his coffee and protein bar as he powered on the laptop. Once logged in he used his ID to log into his male sex sites to check his mail. He was hoping to find someone suitable to meet up with later in the week. He smiled as he realizing the new cockring would be sexy to most of the men he had sex with. He replied to several notes, hoping to get a positive response before it was time to return to the office. Brian was totally unaware that Chad monitored new acquisitions heavily the first month. He checked up on all his studs twice each day, but the new guy was checked on four or more times and sensors adjusted as new data was recorded. He was monitoring Brian this morning just before he left for the coffee shop. He tried to adjust a setting on the cockring and discovered there was no response. He continued to monitor and found out Brian worked in a data center. Information he collected indicated the building was heavily shielded to prevent espionage and most likely preventing his signal from getting through. However, data from the cockring was unimpaired as it used any local infrastructure to transmit. He was also please to find the building had cameras that he could tap into. He continued to monitor the signal and using the GPS map he was able to track Brian as he went to the coffee shop. He loved that the table Brain sat at was directly beneath a security camera. He could watch everything, and even hacked into Brian's computer so he could read the emails and find out more about Brian and his fuck buddies. Brain had just about given up when yahoo flashed indicating a new message. It was from Keith, the hot man who sent him the vid a few days ago. Opening it he found out Keith was planning on visiting. Brian knew Keith was willing to fly out and meet up anytime. However, Brian's situation would only allow him to spend a couple hours with any guy hence the brief hook ups. Brian just couldn't ask someone to spend all the money to fly out for only a few hours of hot sex. Keith said he had given up waiting for Brian to let him know when a good day for him to visit would be. Adding that he would be in town an entire week early in the month to judge a gymnastics competition in town. Brian's thought went to all the hot chats he two of them had in the past. The hot vids Keith sent him and the times they performed for each other on web cams. The note ended. P.S. How did you got off on my last vid? Brian had to adjust his rapidly growing cock as it responded to the memory of watching that vid. He remembered that he had never experienced anything like that violent climax. He replied asking for the dates Keith would be available, while he was typing the note, Chad made the connection of Keith to the wild time and massive load he helped Brian shoot last night while the vid was playing. He could hardly wait for the reply and neither could Chad, who was still observing and monitoring his stud. Brian returned to the office without finding anyone available tonight online, but figured maybe tomorrow something will turn up. When work was over, Brian drove home, changed and went to the gym for his workout. Returning home to dinner and relaxing for the evening, as he had no where to go tonight. The same routine went on morning after morning during the work week. Day after day Chad would watch and learn more about Brian. He spent considerable time trying to hack the buildings shield. He really didn't care if his signal could reach the cockring so much as learning about the shield to improve his system. Chad wasn't concerned that Brian might find out about his lack of control inside the building, since the failsafe internal to the cockring still prevented its removal. It was only two days later that Keith's reply indicated his availability several times during the week. Brian made sure his calendar was clear as he wanted to be with Keith as much as possible. Chad also marked his calendar, as he didn't want to miss out on having fun with Brian and Keith. Brian also received notice that Thursday was the night for this month’s group party. He loved the monthly groups as they allowed him to enjoy more than one man during the two hours of the party and the special after hours action. His exhibitionist side also loved to watch the reactions of the new guys that showed up. After a long day of work he drove home, changed his clothes, and went to the gym as usual. The usualy group of guys were there and several nodded or said hello to Brian. He went through several exercises of his routine for the day before he had to wait for a new guy who was using the Smith machine. He waited around and once he thought the guy was done, he asked to be sure. "Are you done on the Smith?" "Yeah, I got plenty of other things to do before I'll need it again." The guy indicated as he walked to the other side of the gym. Brian completed several chest exercises before noticing that the guy was back. He finished his last set and as he wipped off the bench, introduced himself. "I'm Brian, you're new here, aren't you?" "Yeah I'm Craig. I usually workout at The PUMP. You sure have great definition and vascularity." Brian recalled The PUMP was the GLBT friendly gymn in Minneapolis. He observed Craig's eyes roamed over his chest and arms, down to his abs before focusing on the bulge in Brian's gym shorts. "Thanks, I've heard of it and hope visit sometime." "You should, they have a great facility and plenty of good men." "I like trying out gyms to change up my routine and keep challenging myself. Looked like you have a pretty solid routine yourself." Brian realize he'd just revealed that he had been watching Craig as well. They went on exchanging some workout routines and exercise techniques before continuing with the rest of their workouts. Brian was really feeling pumped as the workout had done its job on his body. He finished up and went to the locker room, undressing slowly as he waited for the guys in the drying area to finish up before he went to shower. It was totally empty now so he could relax a bit. He was busy soaping up with his back to the doorway, keeping his cockring hidden from those who may walk past in the hallway between the pool area and locker room. Craig had been watching Brian and waited several minutes before he went down to the locker room. He could hear the shower running as he undressed. Quietly he entered the shower area and saw Brian. He admired the man's broad back and shoulders, and how his torso tapered in a strong V to his trim waist and a totally tanned ass. He move swiftly to the empty shower next to Brian, turning on the water and casually looked over to check out this hot body better. Suddenly catching glimpse of the cockring wrapped tightly around the base of a rather large thick flaccid cock he couldn't restrain his thoughts any longer. "Nice cock ring!" Craig blurted out, slightly embarrassed that he'd actually said that out loud to the guy he just met and barely knew. Startled, Brian replied, "Thanks", as boldly as possible. He was glad that he had prepared for this day. "I'd never have the balls to wear one, but it looks good on you." Craig added he applied more and more soap to his own dick and balls. "I haven’t had it that long, still getting used to peoples reactions." "Really?" questioned Craig while soaping his ass. "What made you decide to wear a cockring? If you don't mind my asking." Turning his ass toward Brian. Brian explained, "I wanted something to make me feel more masculine and really don't like piercing. I think they are good for the younger guys. Although I did consider having my nips pierced for awhile until a friend told me about all the problems he'd had. Then I considered a tattoo. Had it all picked out, but couldn't decide where to put it or even if I wanted to permanently mark my body like that." "Yeah, I know you had to work hard to get the kind of muscularity and definition you have. Tats could end up detracting from what you've accomplished." Craig interjected as he turned facing Brian. His eyes scanning every muscle of Brian's powerful body before stopping for another look at that cock. He could have sworn that it was larger and more aroused than a moment ago. He turned back, obviously to check the doorway, as an excuse not wanting to be obvious about his interest in Brian. "But I still wanted something and saw an article in a magazine about wearing one. I figured it is just like other body jewelry and not permanent. Plus its very erotic." "Well it certainly adds to your masculinity. Bet it feels hot during sex too." Careful, Craig thought to himself as his dick started to react, you're going to give yourself away and scare him off. "Yeah, it actually feels great, especially when my coc...” was all Brian managed to say before being interrupted by another man entering the shower. Craig and Brian left the shower area heading to their lockers which just happened to be in the same row. Craig dressed slowly as he could, hardly able to keep his eyes off Brian. He watched as this body flexed and the muscles moved body parts in various directions, orchestrated by Brian toweling himself off and putting on his clothes. Craig figured it was best if he didn't ask any more questions, as he'd already gushed a bit too much over Brian. He wasn't sure if Brian knew his intentions or not. However, he wanted time to get to know this man and maybe connect some day. He finished dressing as Brian was leaving and hollered "Nice meeting you." Then added, "Maybe we can workout together some time at my gym and I can show you a trick or two." Thinking quickly to himself about the inuendo of what he just said. But knowing he'd like this man to end up in his bed, fucking him all night long. "Sure, I'd love to try your PUMP workout sometime." Brian finished up, and the rest of his night was normal routine. He awoke before his alarm the next day. Rushed off to work and was please at how uneventful the day was. In fact, Thursday actually flew by fast. He was primed and ready for some hot sex action. This would be the first time since wearing the cockring that he had a chance to go out. After dinner he prepared for his party night. He shaved and trimed here and there and got clean head to toe. Grabbed his wallet and keys before saying goodbye and getting into his Jeep he drove off. He arrived promptly at 7:30 and entered the party house. Greeting the hosts and added his chips and salsa to the other snacks on the table. He proceeded to chat with some of the regulars while the usual guests arrived. A few new men arrived and were introduced to the group. Some of the regulars always latched onto the new meat, but Brian preferred to watch and learn more first. Some of the regulars liked to groap Brian as they said hello and hugged or kissed each other. Brian loved any attention and he noticed more than one hot new guy that he'd like to explore that evening. The prep time passed quickly as the crowd grew. It never failed that some of the regulars made comments to the new guys about watching out for big Brian and his brawny cock, as they pointed to his growing visible bulge. He took it in stride, watching the reactions. It was easy to tell which had more than a passing interest and which were more likely tops with little or no desire. Promptly at eight pm, the host made his announcements and the guests filtered upstairs to undress and begin the evening. Brian remained behind to finish off his energy drink and allow the initial crowd to settle in. It was far easier to undress in the less crowded hallway after the others had moved into the rooms to begin their fun. A few minutes passed and Brian made his way upstairs. He observed the group, making note of where the most promising men were as he undressed in the hallway. He turned toward the closest room, but before he could take one step a mouth enveloped his partial erection. He immediately began to grow hard as the big man sucked him deeper and deeper inside. His hands wrapped around the thick base of Brian's cock holding the cockring on tightly and keeping it in place, making his cock stand upright and helping to force more and more of it inside. Brian was peaking quickly. This new guy was exceptional. Most men trying to suck Brian off ended up trying to cram him into their mouth. Such action forcibly compressed Brian and was painful. Not so with this guy, Brian never felt the back of the guys mouth, except for noting how his cock head felt tightly wrapped the deeper the man took him. The rhythm was excellent. The man would take a deep breath, suck Brian deeply inside, pumping and swallowing all the way. Then he would slowly pull the thick glistening cock out, totally covered with the man's saliva. He'd lick it end to end as he took another breath and then repeat the process over and over. Every time his cock was totally inside he could feel the intense swallowing action, pulling him deeper into the tight hungry throat. By now several others had crowded around to watch the show. The big man with the shaved head and tight muscles, wildly sucking the monster cock. Several made comments about the man's ability or encouraging him on, while others were doing the same to Brian. You could quickly identifiy the top versus bottom men amoung the spectators. "Eat that monster", one of them placed his hands on the back of the man's head and pushed him deeper onto Brian's cock. "Give it to him Brian", as he moved in close behind Brian and reached around pulling Brian's shoulders back and forcing him to arch his hips forward into the hungry man. "Take on more cock than you can handle?" someone questioned sarcastically as he put his hand around the base of Brian's cock to illustrate it's girth. Little did he know that he accidentially set off the cockring self defense mode briefly. The growth started as it registered the action on Chad's computer system. However, Chad wasn't there to note the alarm. "Make him gag on that fucking Bull cock." another demanded to Brian. Someone started jacking off the cock sucking man's dick. Another started pinching Brian's nips, knowing how that drive him wild. No one noticed that the cockrings self defense had kicked up both the girth and length of Brian's cock to prevent any chance of removal. Brian thought he felt something but the timing with the guy working his nips made it difficult to be sure. "Swallow that rock hard fuckin cock." Another challenged as his hands slipped down around the man's throat then pulled away quickly. "Jeeze, feel his throat!" Several looked. "Put your hands on his throat Brian." Brian was too distracted by effects the cockring had on both his cock and his body. He was reeling at the heightened sensations. One guy grabbed Brian's hands, placing them on the man's throat. "FUCK!", Brian exclaimed as he felt his deeply thrusting cock expanding the man's throat. "I can feel my own cock head!" Brian blasted forth violently, volley after volley of thick cum down the man's throat. His heavily ridged cock head was still stuck inside the man's throat and it looked as if he was running out of breath. But the big man wasn't going to give up one ounce of the studs load and swallowed hard as he could. After the last blast spewed into the mans throat, the two had to carefully extricate the turgid cock from the depth of the mans gripping throat. "FUCK Man that was totally a first for me!" Brian exclaimed. "I've never been so deep in someone’s throat before." "You liked my specialty? The man questioned with his horse voice. "You’re the longest and thickest I've ever managed to work my magic on." He stood up and they kissed deeply. "Got that right, who wouldn't like your specialty?" "I wasn't sure I'd be able to take all of you. You're extra thick you know." "Yeah, I hear that a lot, sorry. But man did you feel good. Except I didn't think I was going to get my cock out of you for awhile there." "I'm just glad you did because I wasn't able to force you out either. Your cockhead must really expand at climax." He dropped back onto his knees and lightly sucked Brian some more. "Any time you want to do it again, just let me know. I'm Cum_Extractor online." He grabbed his clothes, dressed and left for the night. One of the regulars in the next room motioned for Brian. He went in and found the man on all fours, ass in the air, on the bed, all lubed up and ready to go. "Fuck me hard man", watching you get sucked off like that I figured I'd better get you to fuck me before you were totally drained for the night. Brian stroked his cock a few times checking out his readiness. Then he grabbed a Magnum XL and slipped it on over the big mushroom head with the large ridge and unrolled it down the shaft as far as it would go. He positioned his cock up to Carl's ass and pushed hard trying to penetrate as the condom split open at the head and tore back. He grabbed it and pulled the remains off before getting back working into Carl. "AAAHHHHH, that’s it." He pushed in slowly at first, just an inch or two, waiting for Carl to relax. "OMG", Carl replied, "Take it slower, please?" He begged, "I've got to get used to your thickness. It's been awhile since you last fucked me." "You got it, besides I enjoy taking my time, opening up a tight ass. It feels soooo good." Brian slowly worked his steel hardened cock inside another slowly another inch or two. “Man are you tight way inside." He began to pick up the pace a bit as his cock pried the guy open inside and he was able to drill deeper into him. "Fuck, your cocks even longer than last time. Feels like you're heading straight up into my stomach and boring even deeper." Carl said as he grimaced and moaned with wild pleasurable pain. Another guy positioned himself in front of Carl. His dick, hard before Carl's mouth and placed his hands on the back of Carl's head. Just then, Brian hit bottom, Carl opened his mouth to yell out, as the waiting dick plugged him shut. Muffled sounds were all that was heard as Brian bored repeatedly into Carl's tunnel. Brian loved the feeling of the tight ass muscles pulling against his cock shaft as he pummeled full strokes, in and out. Suddenly Brian felt hands working on both his nips. The two hosts, one on each side, were working on them. They pinched and twisted, knowing full well how they were directly connected to Brian's cock. Brian bucked like a raging bull. Harder and harder, quickening the pistoning even deeper into Carl. One of the host finally noticed the shiny new cockring on Brian and couldn't resist slipped a hand down to feel it. He gave it a slight twisting tug, while trying to see just how tight it fit around the studs thick cock, then exclaimed, "Now thats a hot cock ring Brian." Suddenly Brian felt all his muscles tense up as an energy surge filled his body. His cock thickened and lunged deeper as the cockring again initiated the self defence growth surge in protection mode. Another unnoticed alarm on Chad's computer was logged. Brian uncontrollably blasted deep into Carl's love tunnel as he now knew the cockring had been activated. His explosive massive load of cum was pouring out Carl and into the mouth of another man who'd managed to work his way between Brian's legs waiting to feed. Brian collapsed on top of Carl. His massive bulk covering Carl and holding him tightly to ward off any additional motion on the cockring. The man below didn't escape and could only lap up the load of dripping thick cream. "Come on Brian," one of the two hosts directed, "You're needed in the other room." Pulling Brian by his arms up off of Carl as his still hard cock was with drawn with a loud sucking pop. He went to the other room making his way though the orgy of men, stepping over this one and squeezing between another group and the door. He ducked into the bathroom long enough to cleanup a bit. Quickly wiping down his sweat covered body with a damp washcloth. He couldn't help but feel the pump left behind by the cockring. His skin tingled at the chill as a breeze made its way over his tight skin. Into the hallway again, he stopped long enough to grab a few swallows from his bottle of water to rehydrate. As he did, groaping hands began stroking on his massive thick cock as other hands caressed up and down his torso and shoulders, across his broad shoulders, down his firm pecs and tweaked his nips. He wanted to linger and enjoy the sensual administrations when once again the hosts indicated the other room awaited him and pulled him along. "Brian, Scotts been waiting for you since he got here." Scott was on his back on the bed in the room. He had a cock about eight inches long and normal girth, that never seemed to go soft. A new guy with a swimmers build was straddling him, knees on either side, riding his dick wildly. One of the hosts directed Brian to the two on the bed. Pointing at the new guy, "Jimmy said he wanted to be double fucked by the two biggest dicks here tonight." Then he added, "He got here late so he hasn't seen or heard about you yet. He thinks Scott has the biggest dick here." The other host cut in laughing, "We asked him if he was sure about wanting the two biggest. He told us, 'Fuck yeah, bring him on'." Brian tried again to unroll a Magnum XL over his shaft only to have it tear before it was over his massive head just like the last time. "Fuck," he yelled, "this never happened before." Throwing it away, he got up on the bed behind Jimmy. His fully erect cock teasingly brushed against the new guys waiting ass. "mmmmmmmmmm" Jimmy hummed as he leaned forward spreading his cheeks. "Shove it in behind the big dick I'm riding. I can easily take two his size, the bigger the...." Then he stopped mid sentence. He reached back with one hand and tried to wrap it around Brian's rock hard monster cock. The huge head was pushing hard against Jimmy's opening. A bit of excitement and fear showed on Jimmy's face as those watching chuckled. "Holy shit, you've got a fucking horse dick!" One of the hosts corrected him. "No, you've got the horse dick inside you, this is Brian and his Bull cock." He chuckled. "And it's more than twice as thick as Scott." added the other host. "F-f-f-f-u-u-u-c-c-c-k-k-k-k-k-k !!!" Jimmy yelled as Brian’s cock head popped inside the outer ring of his ass. "Holy SHIT, Man!" he winced, "Take it slow." Brian hesitated, "You going to be okay?" he asked. Jimmy nodded his head and Brian pushed steadily in inch by inch as Jimmy squirmed and pulled his ass open wide repeatedly trying get stretched out and accustomed to the invading monster. Those around taunted and teased Jimmy mercilessly. Scott pulled Jimmy's head down and began kissing him deeply; he could feel the tension throughout Jimmy's body as he struggled to accommodate both cocks. Scott thought Brian was almost totally inside as his cock stopped moving against his own. Then Brian began to withdraw it nice and slow and then push it back in again, only deeper. He could feel the ridge of Brian's cock head running its way the entire length against the underside of his own hard cock as Brian long stroked the kids ass. It was like someone was inside stroking his cock over and over. In no time he was on the edge and ready to shoot his load. He pushed Jimmy upright as he shot his load. This forced Jimmy's ass back harder onto Brian's throbbing cock. Brian fell onto his back leaving Jimmy riding up and down on the two cocks until Scott's dick eventually slipped out. He worked his legs out from under Jimmy and sat watching amazed as Jimmy continued riding the massive bull cock deeper and harder than before, finally driving Brian over the edge. Scott was just about to move away as he was hit in the face with Jimmy's load. Jimmy couldn't handle the monster any longer and got off Brian just as the bulls load blasted forth, sending the thick cream all over the three of them and many of those standing nearby. Scott and Jimmy got into the shower first, as Brian waited while taking his time swallowing down water from his bottle before he entered the bathroom. The other two had just finish up and were toweling off as Brian stepped in under the refreshing spray. He was soaping up his chest and abs when he felt two hands wrapped around his cock from behind. "I just want to play with your lethal weapon for awhile." "Sorry, I'm not sure how lethal it'll get. I think I'm pretty well drained for the time being." Brian replied. "I understand," the man simply stated. "You don't mind do you?" As he began soaping up Brian's cock and balls. "Not at all." Brian continued to wash off, enjoying the feeling of the hands working on his cock. "That's one hell of a cockring. It really makes you look powerful." The man worked his finger under the edge of it, getting a grip and pulling on it. Brian reached down quickly to try and stop him. But he was too late. The cockring had already sensed the 'attempt to remove' and initiated immediate erection for the third time tonight. The man had all he could do to pull his finger out from beneath the cockring. "Sorry," Brian tried to cover up what had happened. "Guess I'm still ready for more action." "You're more than ready!" The man rapidly fisting the massive cock from behind, first with one hand and then, as his arm grew tired, the other hand. His own dick hanging down between Brian's ass cheeks. "Fuck man, hope you don't mind." Brian was too preoccupuied by the sexual attention and the incredible pump of the muscles in his body. He'd never felt this degree of total body pump before. Not even after his best workout. This was the third time tonight he enjoyed the pump of his entire body. "Hell... no... not... at... all" Brian managed to say, between strokes. His hands roaming over every inch of his own body, exploring the changes as he got closer and closer to cumming again. "In this position, I can pretend. I'm the one with the monstrous cock that I'm jacking." The man fantasized as he continued using both hands end to end on Brian's cock. "Man, if I had this for real, I'd be a porn star without a doubt." "Aaarrrgggg", was all Brian could say as the first volley of cum splayed out through the open doorway, hitting the chest of another guy who had just planned on entering the shower. He quickly dropped to his knees and aimed the huge head of Brian's monster to his mouth, catching the last three volleys of cum deep inside. Standing up, with his mouth full of cum, he covered Brian's mouth forcing the cum into Brian’s mouth as he kissed him. Brian swallowed the load tasting his own load of man juice. "mmmmmmmmmmmm good". The three rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. Brian toweled off and noticing that almost everyone had left, he got dressed and went down stairs. The two hosts were talking to Joe, another of the new guys, and having a drink. They offered one to Brian as he sat down to join them. They discussed how well the party had been among other things. It was an hour after the end of the party when a very handsome model type soaked from head to toe entered the room . "Guess I'm kind of late." he stated noting the empty room. "Sure is one hell of a storm out there." Sam acknowledged the late statement with a shrugging nod and walked over to greet the guy and then to check out the pouring rain. Dick informed him how the parties usually work and offered him to join us for a drink. The guy kicked off his sandals, pulled off his soaked tank top and shorts before sitting down next to Brian introducing himself as Greg. He quickly fit right in like he'd been there before. It wasn't too long and Joe picked up his stuff and left indicating he had a long day tomorrow. Greg pointed up the stairway and asked, "Is there was anyone else left in the big bedroom upstairs?" Brian thought something was up when the two hosts both got up as if on cue to some kind of signal. Sam went upstairs to find out, as Dick headed off to the kitchen to freshen his drink. Then Brain wondered how Greg, the 'new guy', even knew about the 'big bedroom' upstairs. He asked Greg what line of work he was in. But the answer wasn't verbal. Instead, Greg leaned in as he pulled Brian's head close and began kissing him deeply as he reach up under Brian's shirt and began playing with his nips. "They wanted us to get together and arranged this setup where I was to arrive after hours, pretending to have missed the playtime." Greg whispered, as Brian's breathing quickened in response to the attention being played on his nips. "And you're every bit as hot as they told me." He worked his hand down Brian’s abs to the top of his jeans. He lingered there momentarily as he unbuttoned them, unzipped the fly and reached inside. "Sorry, I'm not responding very well. I've had a rock hard erection going for the past several hours." Brian added. "I'm not even sure how many loads I've shot tonight." "You let me handle that." Greg said as he pulled off Brian's shirt and pants as he got down on the floor. The leather sofa felt soft beneath Brian. Greg began slowly sucking Brian's cock as he work on the two large balls with his hand. Brian felt his own total exhaustion but didn't want Greg or the party hosts to feel bad. They had gone to some effort to arrange this special private meeting. Besides this guy was incredibly handsome, sported a fantastic body and a very talented mouth. Then it occurred to him, maybe he could use the cockrings fail safe to help out. It worked by accident several times tonight already and he really wanted this guy. "I think I'm getting pinched by the cockring," he said to Greg, "give me a moment to adjust it." He reached down and pulled the cockring down a bit. "That feels better." It worked faster than Brain imagined. Greg resumed sucking as the cockring signal caused the immediate growth in his cock and an overall pump in the muscles on the rest of his body just as before. "Man, now that is a huge cock and so thick!" He grabbed it in both hands stoking it end to end as it grew full and hard. He sucked on the head like he was going to suck the insides out. Next he wrapped his hands around the base of the cockring, pulling it deeper into his mouth. Totally unaware he was tripping the failsafe the second time in a relatively short time. "FUCK, Dick and Sam were right about your fuckin bull sized monster!" And it was! The cockring signal made it grow even larger and thicker. Again a signal was sent to Chad's system and again he wasn't there to observe and adjust the system. Brian had never considered trying two successive attempts of activating the cockring. The resulting growth from a single attempt was always sufficient to stop him. He grabbed Greg's head in both hands and rapidly began pumping his cock every deeper into the open mouth like a sex craved maniac. "FUCK!" he screamed, thinking Chad had somehow interceded and was taking over. "I've got to FUCK you now!" Brian's sex drive had kicked into high as his cock throbbed violently. He wanted to fuck. He needed to fuck. He was out of control as the failsafe took over. His muscles grew larger with a pump even greater than before. His skin felt so tight like it was going to rip open at any time. His brain was on over load trying to comprehend all that was going on in his body. He imagined this must be what it was like to be on steroids of some sort. Just then both the hosts reentered the room. They quickly observed that Brian was in an extreme sexual frenzy. Recognizing Brian's pending need for release and not wanting to spoil their plans. They each grabbed one of Brian's arms. "Greg, grab his feet and help us get him upstairs." Once there they tossed him onto the bed. Tying first his wrists and then his ankles to the bedposts using velcro straps Sam had prepared when he left Brian and Greg in the living room earlier. "This isn't exactly what we had planned." Greg said to the others as he stripped off his briefs revealing his hardening dick. The two hosts worked on Brian's violently throbbing cock, now much larger than they'd ever seen it before. "You think his cockrings too tight?" The Dick asked as he pinched Brian's nips hard. "I doubt it; his balls would be purple by now if that were the case." Sam replied as he continued to stoke the monsterous cock. "Yeah, but his body's never been pumped like this before. You'd swear he gain twenty pounds of muscle in the last five minutes. And he's in such a sexual frenzy like I've never seen in my life." "His bull cock is fucking huge and hard as iron right now. There's not even any play in the shaft skin as there usually is." "Dam, you're right." Brian was so totally sexed that all he wanted was to fuck Greg’s tight muscled ass. Greg stepped up onto the bed with his ass above Brian's cock. He lowered himself into position stopped to tease with just the thick head of Brian's cock against his ass. "Going to fuck me Brian?" he asked knowing full well the answer. "No, not bound like this, I won't be able too," Brian lied, as he arched his back and thightened his glutes. He thrust his ass up violently until his cock head penetrating Greg's waiting ass. "I'm going to breed you!" Greg quickly pulled up off of the penetrating shaft which came out with a distinctive popping sound, like a cork out of a bottle. Brian strained against the straps holding him down. He managed to work his hands enough to loosen them a bit. Greg almost lost his balance for a moment, but quickly recovered. "You want to play rough, hey?" He lowered his manhole over the raging cock, allowing it to impale him again, deeper this time. "You feel so fucking good." He lingered on it a moment savoring Brian's limited thrusts. Then he pulled himself up a bit and then back down taking in even more of it's incredible length. "It's so dam thick, like the fat end of a baseball bat." Greg continued riding Brian's Bull cock with long purposeful strokes. Taking in more and more of it until he'd had all that he could stand without shooting his load. Brian continued bucking up into Greg as he continued working on the straps. Suddenly he freed one hand and then the other. Sitting up he pushed Greg over to the side onto his back. Brian quickly sat up, freed his ankles. "When I'm done with you, every fucking inch of your ass is going to know you were totally bred by the bull." The two hosts were aghast; they'd never seen Brian this aggressive and dominate before. "We've awakened his inner animal." Sam said, "We've awakened something, that's for sure." They began to play with each other as they watched the two muscular men enjoy each other. "Yeah, that's it stud, breed me." Greg was feeling the huge cock working ever deeper inside his ass. It felt like it was penetrating deep up inside him, into his abs, filling him past his limit. "Fuck you, I'm going to make you mine." Brian roared. "Ugh... You got me Brian." The friction against his prostrate had his own cock throbbing for release. His climax was approaching much too rapidly. "Not yet I don't." He pushed still deeper, "I said I was breeding you totally." "Aaarrrgggghhh, Please, no" He pleaded. Greg was totally overcome by the sensations inside by the massive thick cock stretching him so totally beyond his limits. Yet, he wanted more, and wanted to stop at the same time. He was going over the edge much too quickly. "And I'm not... totally inside... you yet!" He said as he pummeled ever deeper to the very last inch. "Yyyyeeessss," Greg hissed, as his load blasted all over both their chests. "Bred by the Bull" the one host said. The other knowing Brian better than most placed his lubed fingers to Brian's ass. He watched and at the right moment, quickly inserted two of them. Brian bucked like a wild raging bull being zapped by a cattle prod. He bucked and fucked even harder as he finished breeding Greg and screamed. "FUCK, FFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKK, FFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK." Over and over, finally pulling out as even more cum shot across the chest of Greg and onto the wall above his head. Finally collapsing onto his back on the bed. His raging cock continued to spasm and shoot cum several feet into the air. Seeing this, the hosts both lapped up some of the spent glistening fluids. Then they began massaging them all over Brian and Greg as the two lay there, recovering their strength in each others arms. First Dick and Sam each showered and cleaned up while the two guests finished up. Brian and Greg showered together soaping and cleaning as they enjoyed each others muscled bodies a bit longer before leaving for the night. The sensors on Chad's system were constantly recording data from all the acquired studs. The system was recording unusually high incidence of 'activity' for Brian the entire evening. Several alerts were flagged by the system which normally would have been handled by Chad. However, he wasn't around to take action as Seattle was proving to be a difficult place to locate a candidate for acquisition. Today had been no better, so he decided to take the night off and go out on the town. He had hopes of improving upon his success by conducting some live queries in the local gay bars. Chad returned home late and as he entered his room, he glanced at the system log noting he'd missed several critical alerts. All of them from Brian's cockring. But all the warnings had expired leaving nothing that Chad could do about it now. He was too tired to anything but get some sleep and he knew he could review the data in the morning.
  4. brawnyjock

    Cockring 3 - Adapting

    Cockring - Chapter 3 - Adapting Brian woke up Sunday at his usual time, showered, shaved and got dressed for the day. Then he made coffee, and read the paper. He delved deeply into those sections that usually were of interest to him and skimmed over those which were held little interest. Today an article in the Life Styles section caught his eye. It was about 'glow in the dark' ink being used for tattoos. He read the article with some interest. The article was mostly dealing with the ink used to make them glow but it also covered other topics. 'Ten questions to ask yourself before getting a tattoo' and 'Tattoo removal options' were just a few that were of interest to him. The part about lasers being the only effective method to remove a tattoo really held his attention. He had been considering getting a tattoo for months. Never able to decide just where to put it, he hadn't gotten around to having it done yet. The obvious choice would be on his bicep with second choice location on his upper back. The permanence of a tattoo was a big issue and for that reason he'd considered getting it on his abdomen just below his navel and extending to his cock. In this location it would not be visible at work and only those who'd seen him shirtless would know he even had one. A related issue for Brian was the fear of identification. If any one of his male sex partners took it upon themselves to make trouble, a tattoo would clearly identify him. It would be enough to convince anyone in his family that the guy had really been with Brian. The presence of this cockring was another identifying item that he now had to fear. Although these same men would never suspect he was stuck wearing it all the time. Thus it was less likely to be used as 'evidence' to convince someone of his identity. None the less the size and weight of the cockring was a constant reminder that he needed to be even more careful, especially around his family. Routine life would have to change a bit. Imagine trying to explain why you're wearing a cockring all the time, let alone the same cockring. Obviously he wasn't used to wearing a cockring all the time. He knew it would be necessary to devise credible reason why he would suddenly decide to wear a heavy piece of jewelry, especially a cockring. He knew a tattoo was more socially acceptable and common place to others than they had been just a few years earlier. The article this morning provided an excuse for why he chose not to get a tattoo. It was too permanent. A piercing would also be more acceptable, nips, ears or something. He could say that piercing were of interest to him but more acceptable with the younger generation. Also, the risk of injury from the jewelry getting torn out wasn't worth it. These reasons sounded good to Brian. He still needed something soon to explain the choice of a cockring, as the situation in the gym shower yesterday was too close. He finished the newspaper and made some lunch. Turned on his laptop and logged in to check his emails. He kept expecting to see something from Chad. He figured sooner or later Chad would have to explain the real reason for the cockring. He had many unanswered questions surrounding it. Questions that only Chad could answer. He was relieved and frustrated as there was nothing from Chad. He read thru his other emails, some junk, some from friends wanting to 'connect' this week and a few new men contacting him for more information. He always had to be working the potential to keep his sexual needs satisfied. Surprising how many men promise to connect but don't go through with the actual meeting. He then opened Google and began searching; trying to find out if anyone had logged anything about a similar situation with a cockring that couldn't be removed. He found lots of articles about men who'd put on cock rings or stuck something up their ass and had to go to the hospital and get it removed. But that wasn't an option. Going to the hospital was not something that he could hide from his family. They would find out that he had done something unacceptable. The implications would again arouse suspicions that he was having sex with someone else. Why else would Brian even think of trying on known sex toy, unless he planned to have sex with someone else? Frustrated by his searches he finished his lunch and got ready to relax by the pool. It was another beautiful day to relax and get some sun by the pool. Brian would rather be naked in the sun, but neighbors were too close. He made due by wearing his skimpiest bikini whenever he could get away with it. He was alone today so he put it on, grabbed his mirrored sunglasses and book. He spread his towel on the lounge chair and sprawled out face down on the lounge to read. The hot sun felt great as it penetrated the fibers of every muscle in his back. As most people who desired no tan lines, he had to lie in different positions to try and get even exposure. Soaking up the sun always made him feel energized and he had a good tan built up this year. Wanting to maintain the all over tan, Brian would shift his bikini around or bunch it up as best he could to provide maximum exposure to the sun. While laying face down wasn't any problem. Once on his side or especially on his back, he had to be more careful as it was very easy for the cockring to become visible. After a couple of hours and several positions he found himself laying on his back, inclined facing the hot sun as he felt the sweat running off his chest. He put his book down to take a drink of water as the sun reflected off the bright chrome finish of the exposed cockring into his eyes drawing attention to it. Brian looked at it admiring how it accentuated his large cock, protruding from his body. He realized that he was actually getting used to wearing the cockring. Surprisingly it wasn't uncomfortable and it did make him feel more masculine, powerful, and very virile. 'Maybe this won't be so bad in the long run,' he thought to himself. 'I wonder if I'll be allowed to use this as a tool for my own pleasure.' He slowly ran his hands over the light coating of hair on his broad chest and pinched his nips. Then he slowly continued, moving his hands down the ripples of his torso, across his abs and to the base of his cock. Carefully twisting the cockring bit by bit. In no time at all his erection sprung forth. He stopped suddenly as a terrible thought crossed his mind. 'No one else can be allowed to know what happens to me if the cockring is tampered with!' If any other man found out and purposely tried to tamper with the cockring, Brian knew he'd loose total control of the situation. He quickly adjusted his swimsuit to cover his exposed cock and ring while taking his mind off that thought. His eyes were tired from reading so he lay back with his eyes closed to give them a rest. In no time he had dozed off. As the clouds moved in and air cooled a chilly gust awakened him. He checked the time and realized he was late for his workout at the gym. He picked up his stuff, went in the house and quickly changed, then grabbed his gym bag and bolted out the door. Brian’s time at the gym working out was a good time to take his mind off problems and focus on his physical self. There were few distractions at the gym as most the others wore headsets and listened to music as they worked out, much as he often did. An occasional nod here or hello there usually sufficed for being friendly. In the locker room he had no problem changing into his gym shorts or tank top and the Jock Sock he wore daily also doubled as a jockstrap to provide enough coverage to hide the cockring. Workout was going well, he greeted those he knew and chatted a bit between exercises. Sunday was his chest and back routine which meant he spent a lot of time in the free weights using the incline bench and then on the Smith machine repeating the same routine with the 45 degree bench reversed for the decline press. He finished up on some of the other machines to provide a full range of exercises for the various muscles. About half way through his workout he noticed a guy he hadn't seen since last fall. The guy was around 30, light brown hair and a nice trim build. Brian had seen him in the gym and in shower before and he usually had an overweight buddy with him. Today he was there alone. Brian remembered the guy and his buddy would go through a cursory workout, spending a lot of the time chatting between them and watching others workout. They took an extra long time in the shower soaping up and rinsing off repeatedly as they continued their private conversation amongst themselves. The guy was Tim, he intrigued Brian as he had a soft furry coat of hair starting on his lower back just above his ass and covering both legs completely. His lower arms were also covered the same soft fur but his chest, abs and back were hairless. He had powerful legs and a tight hard ass, but wasn't as developed in his upper body. He remained Brian of pictures of satyrs in mythology books, although he didn't have the hooves or horns. His face was handsome and mischievous with large blue eyes. Brian had caught Tim checking him out in the shower once or twice before and wondered if there was anything more he should know about Tim. He even thought he saw Tim with his hands on his groin stroking himself after Brain was standing out in the drying area. A few months ago Brian had noticed Tim wasn't working out with his buddy anymore. He asked the buddy what had happened. The guy replied, "Oh, Tim plays hockey a lot and is at training camp. He'll be back this summer." And that he was in all his firm naked splendor. Chad was enjoying his Sunday but knew he had to check on his studs. Turning on his computer and logging into the system the display came up quickly. All the dots were green on the GPS map, so he checked the summary info on each one by one. When he clicked on Brian, he noticed the pulse rate and blood pressure were much higher than normal, but the arousal indicator read only slighty higher. He was curious what might be going on and thought it would be a good idea to see what Brian was up to. Zooming in on the GPS showed Brian wasn't at home, but at a nearby Community center. According the centers data it had video surveillance. "Nice" he said aloud as he tapped into the Cameras and tried to locate Brian on the video. "There he is on the PecDec machine." He zoomed the camera in and watched Brian's powerful chest as he pumped out several reps, straining to finish the last couple. He then pauses to rest between his sets. His chest was rapidly expanding and contracting with every breath. Scanning lower he could see that Brian had to be partially erect as well. Then he noticed Brian was looking across the room repeatedly at something. He couldn't see what it was, but Brian's eyes focused in on it several times. The smile on his face indicated to Chad that 'it' was more likely a person. Brian watched Tim and noticed he wasn't really into a routine much today. As before, he still seemed even more interested in watching others now that his friend wasn't here with him today. Several times he looked up and caught Tim watching him. As he wondered if Tim had something more on his mind today, his cock began to respond. He knew instantly that he wouldn't mind being a part of something with Tim should the situation warrant. Just then the arousal indicator started to raise confirming Chad's suspicion. He tried to change cameras to find out who it was that caused this arousal in Brian. He was frustrated to find there weren't enough cameras to cover the whole gym. Whoever it was would remain a mystery to Chad for now. Chad watched the indicator slowly return to normal as Brian continued his workout. With the excitement over he moved on to check on the rest of his acquisitions in the system just as an email arrived. I understand you found the Minneapolis stud. Will be anxious to see how he performs compared to the others. Know us Minnesota guys can really get horned up over the long Winters. Keep me posted. BTW - Congrats on the profitability for last quarter. Way ahead of the forecast in the business plan. - Doc Doc, was his business partner. The one with the finances to get this project going. He mostly stayed in the background as he totally trusted Chad running the business and keeping the project plan on track. Tim left the workout area before Brian finished his workout. Brian didn't know when Tim finished up but figured he'd run into him again another day. He finished his workout, refilled his water bottle and went down to the locker room. He knew that undressing in the locker room would again open him up for risk of exposure. He rehearsed in his mind what he would say if confronted by anyone. He began to perspire as he got more nervous about it. There were several men in the locker room when he arrived. Brian mixed up his protein shake and drank it slowly before washing out the container. He used it as convenient delay before undressing completely until a man and his son nearby, were done and left. He couldn't wait out the old guy in the locker next to him who usually took over an hour in the locker room chatting with others, as he moved so slowly. He really didn't want to have to explain it to him yet, but needed to shower and get home. He undressed, trying to act as normal as possible. 'Whew', he thought, 'I might make it another day.' The man was so distracted by other things that he didn't notice the cockring at all. He held the towel draped loosely in front of him as he made his way into the shower. He took his towel in with him and hung it the empty shower head nearby. He didn't realize just how nervous he was about this whole situation. A hairy heavy set guy was in the showers and watched him enter. Brian realized that taking the towel in with him actually drew attention he didn't want. Facing the wall and soaping up, Brian managed to keep the cockring hidden until the man left. Relieved to be alone at last, Brian continued to soap up and rinse off. The hot hard spray felt good as it pounded on his engourged muscles. Massaging them as the hard spray pelted like small hail stones. Suddenly he heard another shower turning on. Looking over his shoulder, with soap running into his eyes, he saw who it was. Who else but Tim. It was now clear what happened to Tim as he was taking off his swimsuit. He must have left the gym to do laps or enjoy the whirlpool, before quitting for the day. "Looks like you had a good workout up there today." Tim said in his deep sexy voice as he eyed Brian head to toe. Wow, he's never spoke to me before. Brian thought and didn't want to just ignore the guy so he replied over his shoulder. "Yeah, this was one of my heavier days." "Well your body is really is showing how hard you've been working out. I can see a big gain since last time" "Thanks, I haven't seen you working out with your buddy in months." "Yeah, I play hockey, so only workout here during off season. My buddy, found another guy to be with." Tim said, sounding disappointed. "Well, some things change over time, sure you'll find a new bud soon." "I guess so. I'm open for new things, so keeping my options open." Tim turned to face his shower and continue washing off. Brian grabbed his towel, drying as he walked to the drying area. As he finished up, he figured he was almost safe. But then he caught Tim's big blue eyes reflected in the large mirror of the drying area. Tim had stepped into the shower doorway, far enough to see Brian's reflection in mirror. He realized the cockring was in plain view and totally visible to Tim. 'Dam', he thought, 'don't say anything to me about it or I'll get an erection'. He was about ready to head to his locker just as Tim spoke up. "Nice cockring", he said softly to Brian, and then added, "looks good on you too." 'Now what do I do? What do I say? Got to act natural and bold.' Thoughts ran rampant through his mind. "Thanks, I like it. Guess I'm open for new things too." He stated mater of factly, knowing he needed and wanted to show self confidence in his response. Twistins sideways as he moved his towel aside, allowing Tim a clear view of his stiffening cock and the thick silver cockring. Tim stepped toward Brian and placed his hand on Brian's shoulder, turning him around the rest of the way for a better view, before directing him into the shower area. He then proceeded to run his hands down over Brian's firm, pumped pecs, across the ridges of his rippled abs and to the base of his engorged cock. Brian moved his hand to block Tim from touching the cockring out of fear that it would react. But Tim stepped even closer, ignoring the monster for the moment and instead started kissing and deeply probing Brians mouth. Brian was getting so aroused. He struggle to adjust to the situation while still trying intently to listen for other men in the locker room. "It'll be okay," Tim said calmly sensing Brians concern, "I've done this with my coach many times and never got caught. There's always a way around any interruption." "Talk about a sexual fantasy. I've never done it in a gym shower room before." Brian whispered softly in his deep masculin voice as his hands ran over Tim's supple body and smooth chest. "Wish I was your coach, not that I could help you much with your hockey training." "What? With your incredible body and what you must know about exercise? I've watched you working out and I know there is plenty of other training you'd be able to provide me too." He slowly lowered himself down onto his knees. Wrapped both hands around Brians rock hard cock and added. "Plus you've got this huge piece of specialized training equipment and I'm sure you can teach me how to use it properly." He slowly stroked its length, investigating every vein and ridge along the length. The massive head which ended with a deep ridge dividing it from the shaft. Then, opening his mouth wide, he began slowly envelope it, inch by inch. Savoring the massive cock slowly as he ran his hands back up Brian’s rippled torso to his pecs. He brushed across the two hard nips which force Brian to lunge forward, driving his cock past the back of Tim's throat. He pulled back enough to mouth, "Fuck are you wired!", before he started working them forcefully, driving Brian wild. Brian leaned his back against the wall, overwhelmed and totally consumed by all the stimulus flooding his senses. He couldn't remember the last time someone sucked his cock like this. Combined with the erotic connection between his nips and his cock it was too much. He was rapidly building toward loosing his load inside Tim's talented throat. Brian grabbbed Tim's wrists with his hands and pulled him up. Wrapping Tim's arms around his neck and then reaching behind Tim, pulled him close in a tight embrace. Their bodies meshed together tightly as Brians rock hard cock slipped past Tim's dick and between those erotic furry legs. "You’re incredible!" Brian spoke softly as he kissed Tim and probed deeply inside his mouth with his tongue, he tasted Tim. "mmmmmmm, and so tasty. I had to slow you down or you'd be gagging down my load already. This is way to exhilarating to rush. The threat of being discovered is heightening everything more than you can imagine." "Threat of exposure always makes it better for me too." Brian ran his hands down over Tim's tight ass. "Man, it really is just like fur." "You like that? Turns some guys off, they say it's like I'm covered with animal fur. If only they knew how much I love it when they compare me to animals. It really turns me on." "Animal, more like a mythical Satyr. Sex crazed half man, half goat. Explains the furry bottom and hairless top, doesn't it? And makes you sexy as hell." "Fuck yeah, a sex crazed Satyr! That’s me all right. This Satyr wants to finish the job he started." Tim sank back down to his knees, his hand briefly pulling on the cockring as he positioned his mouth over the thick head, taking it as deeply as he could once again. The reaction and growth was so rapid that it caught Tim totally unprepared as he felt Brian's cock head deep in his throat. The expansive growth stretched Tim's throat wider than he'd ever experienced. His eyes stared widely at Brian, in a fearful expression. He was knew the monsterous dickhead was stuck in his throat and feared it would suffocate him before he'd get it back out. He struggled and began to panic a bit before it finally returned to more normal size and he was able to pull the deep ridge behind the head out of his throat. "UGH! What the fuck happened?" Tim questioned, but before Brian could answer Tim had swallowed the cock again and again. Wanting more and more of Brian's wet glistening cock. He really had to struggle to get enough of the thick monster. Totally addicted to it's size and the thick head. He sucked harder and harder until Brian's body began to spasm violently, every muscle pumped and strained as his cum surged up and shot forcefully, deep into Tim. Tim struggled to swallow every drop of the thick, sweet cream. Then he squeezed Brian's big balls and cock, milking the last drops. Finally, he stood up and kissed Brian as he turned the faucet on the shower to icy cold. "Time for us to cool off!" Tim laughed as the two shivered beneath the spray. Tim stepped into the drying area first, picked Brian's towel up off the floor and tossed it into Brian still in the shower room. "You’ll need this!" he said with a nod toward the lockers, indicating someone was heading toward them. Brian quickly wrapped the towel around his waist trying to restrain the huge protruding bulge from his cock as he stepped into the drying area. They both were able to get dressed without attracting additional attention. They went out the door together and headed off toward the cars in opposite directions. "Until next time, coach." Tim shouted. "I want to work more on my forearm grip to better handle those hard sticking moves." "Yeah, I'll teach you how to handle the big stick even better." Brain replied, "You'll also have to work much harder on the pecs too next time. They work hand in hand you know." They both knew what Brian really meant. Once home, Brian ate supper with his family and afterward they settled in to watch a couple of shows on TV. Finding nothing but reruns on, the other family members decide to go to a movie. Brian stayed home as he wasn't interested in another stupid animated comedy. He had to get ready for work in the morning, whereas they were both able to sleep in the next day. He also wondered if the actions of the cockring could actually hurt someone sometime. He'd have to be carefull, but admitted to himself that he really liked the powerful feelings he got from the cockring and the impact on his body and it's musculature was fantastic! He got his stuff ready and packed in his backpack for the morning. Filled the coffee maker and set the timer. He brushed his teeth, undressed, and slipped on his sleep shorts. He always slept in the raw, so never actually wore them to bed, but needed to cover up for the rest of the family. He had some time left so he checked his email one last time before bed. He read a few mails from friends. They were mostly chatty friendly notes, but some wanted to get together again and others wanted to know if he was going to the next party. He exchanged pictures with a few new potential friends and even got a new video from a hot guy he'd been chatting with for a couple of years out in California, Kevin. He looked out the window to check the driveway to be sure no one was home yet and then realized the movie would run at least another half hour. Plenty of time he thought. He slipped off his shorts and sat down to enjoy the video. "Oh, Shit!" he said aloud. "I can't believe he actually recorded this." The vid opened with Kevin stroking the other guy’s dick. Talking about how big around it was and how he only wished the guy's dick was as large as Brian’s. He even said, "Don't worry, my bud here offered to help me practice so I'll be able to handle you better when I come out to visit." It continued and quickly became a very hot scene showing Kevin sucking on the guy's very thick dick. Kevin was working hard trying to swallow it all and was about to give up. Just when the top guy grabbed Kevin's head and started violently face fucking him. Kevin went wild, he didn't fight back, instead placed his hands on over the other guys hands, which let him know to continue. Kevin swallowed and turned red several times from holding his breath, before he was allowed to get more air. At the end, he let go of the guys hands, wrapped his arms around the guy’s ass and pulled him as tight as possible. This forced the guys cock totally inside Kevin's hungry mouth. You could see Kevin swallowing and still not wanting to release the guys cock. He finally had to release him and had to gasp for a breath of air; before he licked his lips of the last drop of cum. Kevin turned to the camera and with a big smile said, "You’re next Stud! You and that fucking huge bull cock.” Brian was hard now. He just had to watch this again as he jacked off. Chad had been doing his nightly bed check on the studs and opened up Brian's data just before Brian watched the vid the first time. The data indicated that Brian had sex shortly after the last time Chad had checked on him. The location data showed it was at the gym leaving Chad to wonder if Brian and 'whoever' had connected after Chad stopped watching. It was only moments later that the real time data showed Brian's arousal indicator was climbing rapidly. Quickly checking the GPS showed that Brian was home. Chad quickly activated Brian's web cam hoping to catch him. "Fuck! Look at him jacking himself." Brian restarted the video unaware that he was being monitored or watched at all. As the video played, Brian was getting closer and closer to releasing his load. It was then that Chad decided to help him out just a bit. He sent a signal for the cockring to amplify Brian’s arousal signals and feed them back to Brian. Brian was already going wild. "aaawwwww, aaaaawwwww", as he frantically jacked the length of his massive cock. Then feeling the enormous rush from the cockring's feedback, "aaaawwww, oooohhhhh ...dam!." "I'd like you to top me again stud" Chad said to the image on the monitor as he worked a large, Brian sized dildo slowly into his ass as he jacked off with his other hand. Brian's arousal grew rapidly as he continued pummeling his engorged raging cock. "uuuuhhhh, fuck I feel everything is stretching, growing like my body’s pumped from a workout, dam!" He continued pumping even harder. His heart was pounding harder, his muscles pumped larger as he worked even harder toward climax. "He's got to be doing it to me again!" Straining head to toe for release of his load. "That’s it work that massive Bull cock into me." Chad moaned as he imagined the lubricated dildo he used to pummel his ass was actually Brian's massive cock. "aaaawwww Fuck. aaaawww, I've never experienced anything like this." He exclaimed as he looked down over his pecs which seemed even larger than he'd ever seen them before. His swollen balls drew up tight to his body between his powerful thighs, as an enormously large load of cum surged out his cock. "Cum with me stud, I'm going to shoot my load as you milk yourself dry." "aaawwww, aaawwww" Shooting volley after volley of cum all over his chest and face. The thick white man juice was flying everywhere. "aaawwww, aaawwww, yeeeeaaaahhhhh." As his cock continued to erupt even more cum until he was finally drained. Chad was still shooting his load and feverishly working the big dildo even deeper inside his ass as he continued to watch his prize Stud in action on the monitor. "More... more... don't stop now... I got to have more!" "aaahhhh, oooohhh," Brian continued his jacking, milking out that last drop. "aaahhhh, aaahhhhh, yeahhhhhh," savoring it as his racing heartbeats slowed. "Whoa.... fuckkkk." Still slowly stroking the still massive swollen cum covered cock. "aaahhhhhhhh" Chad finished jacking himself and switched off the cockring. He was as exhausted as Brian, but continued to watch as Brian slowly rubbed the thick cream into his chest and abs. He stoked his cock a bit more and carefully examined the cockring. Brian knew Chad must have activated the cockring as he had been careful not to set it off. But how Chad managed to time it just when Brian was jacking off to Kevin's video? He shut off his computer as Chad put his system to sleep for the night.
  5. brawnyjock

    Cockring 2 - Realization

    Cockring Chapter 2 – Realization Chad woke early the next morning totally horned up with a raging hard on. His thoughts flashed back to last night and the wild sex he had in the shower. "Shower, yeah, guess I need anotherone." Once under the water he stroked his hard dick as he worked his fingers between his tight ass cheeks. The water steamed down his firm tan body as he mouthed kissing Brian. Remembering the unusual second arousal, its' intensity stronger than the first one. He remembered Brian holding him tightly restrained as they kissed deeply. Feeling that monster cock stabbing his abdomen. Then breaking away from Brian, climbing up wrapping his arms around that strong neck and slowly easing down to ride that cock. Brian was like an animal beneath him. Bucking up into him so deeply and thrusting hard with that massive cock. Chad furiously jacking his dick, totally on the edge, ready to cum when an image from his childhood came to mind. Brian is like a mighty rodeo bull, strong powerful with a massive bulls cock and an animalistic drive during sex. Chad shot forth a massive load of cum. His body convulsed as he launch volley after volley until he was drained and worn out. Stepping out of the shower he dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist. He ordered coffee from room service and while he waited for it, decided to make the most of his limited time to get some work done. Sitting at the desk he turned on his laptop to check his email. He quickly composed a note and sent it off to Brian. Then he switched to his web page and brought up the GPS map. All dots on the map were green which indicated no problems in the system. All his acquisitions were doing well. He wanted to check the details of his latest stud, so he clicked on Brian’s dot in Minnesota. The screen refreshed and showed several graphs including blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and other bodily functions. The system constantly analyzed the subjects and extrapolated other data which it displayed and logged in a database. The arousal data indicated that Brian had been at least partially aroused several times during the night. This was not at all unusual during dream cycles. His research had indicated that it was especially pronounced in true alpha males like those studs he'd acquired. However, Brian's arousal cycles were more frequent and at a much higher magnitude than the norm. In fact, the current arousal indicator was on the rise, passing 'partial' on the scale and nearing 'full' erection. He knew this would surely awaken him, so he decided to continue monitoring the data. As it was nearing the time Brian usually woke up for work he was struggling to enjoy his day off by sleeping in for a change. Between the habit of waking before the alarm rang, an erotic dream and a rampant hard on, it was proving to be a losing situation. His last hope was lost by the ringing of the damned phone. He cursed the fact that anyone would call at this hour. "Most likely a wrong number", he grumbled as he answered the phone. "Yeah...” Brain answered in his groggy voice. "Morning Stud, its Chad" "Hey... how’s it going...”, Remembering last night, Brian reached for his cock, finding that he was totally hard. "Great! Sure enjoyed making you cum so many times." "Man that was a hot time last night." Brian admited as he slowly stoked himself. "Even after shooting six loads?" Chad questioned. "Aw... hell yah...” "I'm curious, you still wearing the cockring I gave you?" "Cockring?" He remembered it from last night, and how hot it felt during sex. "Check your cock" "Yeah I still got it on, why?" "Well, it’s not just a cockring. It's what made you cum so many times!" Chad turns up the power on the cockring sending a pulse through Brian’s cock. "What the?", as he gripped his cock trying to control the forceful throb. "I control it remotely." "Remotely, what?" "Remote control of your massive stud cock." "aw... FUCK! What are you doing?" "I can make you hard and cum any time I want too." "You can What?" Brian feels his now raging cock needing relief. "awwww awwwww fuuuuu" as the waves come faster and harder, "shit.. Turn it off... come on" he pleads for Chad to stop it, thinking this is some cruel kind of joke. "uhl uhll", Brian strains every muscle as the pulses cause his cock to throb and grow closer to shooting another load of cum, "fuck! What in the hell you doing to me?" "Giving you proof of what I can do to you anytime I please from now on. The program I ran last night was just a taste of what I can deliver through that cockring." Brian couldn't help himself any longer. Every muscle of his body straining as he furiously he pumps his cock. Helpless as the energy pulse takes effect on his throbbing cock. His desire for relief increased to the point that he is driven to double fisting the enraged nine inch monster. The veins standing out as he struggled to try and shoot the massive load. "Yeah! That’s it! Fuck! Work that fuckin monster for me." Brian drops the phone as he shouts at the top of his lungs. "Yeah... yeah... awwww fuck!" Just then Chad hung up the phone. Next he set the system to run the double load subprogram, leaving Brian writhing in sexual agony. Too which, Brian pumped off not one but two massive loads before he could regain control. Laying on the bed, covered in his own cum, he thought of the cockring. Frantically he tried to remove it. Pulling and twisting on it proved impossible. The cockring seemed to sense his efforts and triggered something that caused his cock to immediately grow to full hardness again. Removing his hands from the cockring the sensation subsided and his cock slowly return to normal size. Brian thought to himself that he'd have to come up with some other means to remove it. He began to think back to the online chats they'd had in the past and the conversation from the night before. He remembered how he told Chad about his married life and frigid wife. Going without sex with her for years and diverting his energy and attention to working out in the gym. Getting in shape and then taking up new sports to divert his energy and keep his mind off sex. Anything to stave off his sexual needs. Only to end up with other men starting to notice him, making comments, finding excuses to touch his body and making passes at him sexually. How he finally decided to fall back on the pleasures he'd experienced a few times during his college life. The good times of wild man sex with his buddies. Finally, he explained how he could only get away on an occaisional limited basis as he didn't want to end his marriage. Everything else about it is great! And I really do love her. Then Chad had asked about what Brian did when he couldn't get away. Those times when the need was so great. Brian explained how he'd have hot instant messaging sessions on the internet with men online and even gotten into exhibition via webcam sessions open to everyone on gay sites. Getting off on all the positive, encouraging comments from other men. He had grown proud of how he looked physically and his big cock. He loved to get off while showing it to others. He got into wearing cockrings of various styles and types which emphasized his size. Finally, he recalled what Chad had said last night, when he gave Brian the cockring. 'After what you told me about your situation and getting limited free time to play, I figured you'd appreciate this. Something to help give you pleasure, stimulate your hot sexual desires and give you release when you can't get free to be with other men.' Only now did he begin to understand the hidden meaning to Chad’s words. Even the reply to his concerns that it may not come off, 'it'll stay on as long as you need and then some.' What had been one of the most spectacular nights of his life had led his current situation and potential nightmare. He became angry thinking about Chad. The man who'd given him so much pleasure just hours ago was now taking pleasure in his ability to torture him. He couldn't believe he'd trusted this man so much or that'd he'd been such a fool. He needed to contact Chad hoping he could find out what it was that he wanted. Money? Revenge for something? There had to be some way out of this situation. He wanted to talk to Chad and try to convince him to remove the cockring. Brian didn't have a phone number to reach Chad and the call log on his cell only showed the hotel number. He tried the hotel and asking for the room, was told the occupant had checked out earlier. He logged into his eMail and found that 'MultiLoadPumper' account was closed. It indicated that Chad had covered his bases, checked out of the hotel and left town. It clearly meant that any attempt to contact him would be futile. However a final message was sent to Brian. "I will contact you if necessary. And use you for my pleasure whenever I desire!" He continued to ponder the situation, but he knew he had to go about his day as if nothing were wrong. He'd have to go Roller Blading, spend time reading by the pool and go to the gym as usual so as not to draw attention to his problem. It'd be impossible to explain it to his family as to how he got into this situation. Needless to say, he was concerned when Chad might activate the cockring again. Roller blading ten miles that day went without incident although the heavy cockring swinging around his cock with every stride, was always on his mind and very distracting. It was obvious that several guys on the trail had indeed noticed it too. Back home he changed into his swimsuit, put on his tanning lotion, made a sandwich, grabbed his book and headed out to the pool. Time flew by with the only incident being a slight rise as he was reading a hot scene about male sex between two muscular characters in his book. Although not unusual, it caused him to take a break; just to be sure it was due to the subject matter. Fortunately it was. He made a mental note that normal erections were not altered by the cockring. On his way to lunch, Chad's thoughts wondered to his fun the night before. He couldn't help but think of Brian, his big cock and how this stud had somehow managed to get him aroused that second time. Chad found his cock growing hard as he relived the scene in the shower yet again. He wanted to see how his latest alpha male was doing. He wanted to call him or send an IM or eMail, but those weren't acceptable options. It would break his security rules to have subsequent direct contact. Besides he doubted that Brian would even want to communicate with him. The presence of the cockring itself would certainly make Brian impossible to reason with. No, talk of sex, love, or romance could possibly calm the anger Brian must have about last night’s deception and his current situation today. He would have to wait and see if Brian was okay from the system data that evening when the scheduled task was to taunt Brian again. Just to remind him of the control held over him via the cockring. Chad would just have to let Brian's day continue without interruption. Brain could try to remove the cockring forever without success. Chad felt secure knowing full well that there was no way anyone else could remove it and that he could activate it anytime he wanted. The hot sun felt good on Brian as he was floating in the pool chair, reading his book. He set his book aside, took a drink of water and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He leaned his head back, closing his eyes for a moment when he remembered something he'd seen in a movie once where the guy was wired with a bomb that was remote controlled. Radio waves don't pass thru water. Figuring it may work as long as the cockring was underwater, he slipped off the chair into the water. Pulled his bikini off and carefully looked over the cockring without touching it. He decided to give it a minute and sank lower in the water up to his neck. May as well get more water between it and the air he thought. He put his hand on the cockring and nothing happened. Then, slowly, he tried to remove it. The effect was immediate! His cock sprang to life, growing so long and hard that he had to stay in the water until he could get his swimsuit back on and it softened enough and he could manage to pack it back inside. He took a mental note: removal prevention is part of cockring and not signaled by the remote system. An hour later, Brian went into the house and changed for the gym. Packing his gym clothes, towel and music. He arrived at the gym as usual parking in the nearly empty parking lot and proceeded to the locker room. He undressed and changed into his workout clothes. After putting on his iPod headset and lifting gloves, he went upstairs the workout area. He managed to get thru most of his chest and back routine before it started to get busy. Back in the locker room, he took off his shoes, socks and tank top. Mixed up his protein shake and shed his sweaty gym shorts and jock sock. He finished his shake, grabbed his towel and closed his locker before heading off to the communal shower. Once his towel was on the hook outside the shower, he walked over to his usual corner and turned on the water. His pumped muscles relaxed a bit under the powerful hot spray. He soaped himself up and his thoughts drifted back to Chad and the sex they had in the shower just the night before. His hand touched the cockring and reality hit him hard, just as he heard the voices of other men in the locker room. No time to panic, he knew he needed to hide the cockring still wrapped around his cock. His cock was starting to grow out of fear of being discovered, as he heard lockers closing and figured they'd soon be upon him. Quickly he made his way across the shower area to his towel. He left one end of it hanging in front of him as he dried himself off. One of the members, a local police officer, started up a conversation about his latest exercise program. Brian managed to continue drying off as best he could. Finally the officer completed his story and went into the shower area. Brian made his way to his locker and dressed quickly. He shook his head as he left the gym. Thinking how lucky he was that the locker room had been empty both times while changing earlier. Chad couldn't believe how stupid he'd been. To think that it was that possible for him to forget about the cockring like he did. He had worn cockrings before but always removed them when he was going to the gym. He wondered if he was ever going to get used to wearing it all the time. Then, realizing this may be a permanent situation, he decided he needed to adjust his life or be prepared with an explanation for wearing a cockring in the future. Knowing full well he couldn't hide it forever. He arrived home just in time for dinner and watched some TV with the family. After an hour or so, he went up to his office to pay the monthly bills before bed. He sat at his desk with the computer on, paying bills and balancing the checking account. Chad was hundreds of miles away in his hotel room. Browsing the internet, looking for other alpha males with the potential to join his group. As he worked he monitored his group of studs, finally deciding it was time to taunt his latest prized stud. Chad was please by how many loads he was able to force out of him last night. Not only did he have the most massive cock in Chad's group, but he proved to have the most stamina of them. Also, the results of the data collected last night was really intriguing. He wanted to enjoy a little sexual pleasure playing with the massive bull sized cock of his latest acquisition. Chad adjusted some of the settings for Brian. He was pleased to find him sitting at a computer with a webcam connected. He sent the command to activate the cam. Then initiated the subprogram and listened, sure enough it had a microphone built in too. He watched the webcam on Brian's computer broadcast the image of his shirtless subject. He admired the upper body development, the broad shoulders, large pecs and those powerful upper arms. "Well, back to business." He said to himself with a longing sigh. He clicked the button to launch the subroutine. It was set to initiate a massive instant erection and continue until orgasm completed. "FUCK!" Brian almost yelled as the erection came on so rapidly. He reached to his cock standing erect, head sticking out the top of his shorts. "I didn't want this one." "No, I did", Chad states to himself, knowing full well Brian couldn't hear him. "Oh Shit", He pulls his raging cock out of his shorts. "oooohhhhhh" as he pulls his shorts down to get at his balls. "That's it Stud, show me that bull cock throbbing and straining for relief." "awwww what the?" Brian stroking harder now. "ah-h-h Fuck" Then realizing it had to be Chad. "He's got me again." "Dam right Stud. And I intend to enjoy you again and again. This is just the beginning for you." "oh shit....ahhh ......ohhhh" Brain frantically pulled off his shorts. "That’s it. I love to see that hot body totally naked and under my control." "oh, nooooo..oh.. ahh.. fuckkkk" He continues stroking himself, harder now and running his hand over his abs. Realizing that they seemed firmer than he remembered. "Feel those abs Brian." "oh yeah... fuck" "Now, run your hand over those pecs and pinch those nips HARD. I know how that really drives you wild." "awww how the hell does he know", His thought cut short by the pain from pinching his nips with one hand while he continued pummeling the length of his still growing cock. "You'll learn over time what I know. And it's considerable." "What the fuck does he get out of it? Brian questions aloud. "Someday I might let you know the answer to that one." Chad smirks to himself. "I know what I get out of it." The euphoria hits hard in Brian, now overwhelmed. "That's only part of it... the rest you'll discover later", Chad continues to jack off his own hard dick while watching Brian on the monitor. "There you cum ... mother load." Brian blasts forth another massive load all over his desk, computer and most of the paperwork. Once he recovers the cleanup job begins. "Nice one, Brian, very nice and timed perfectly too!" Clicking a button on the web page. Chad updates his notes again, saves his files and sets the system back on monitor. Grabbing his clothes, Chad heads to the shower to clean himself up before bed. He tosses the clothes into the hamper... and starts the water. Looking into the mirror he decides he needs more sun as his tan seems to be fading. Quickly checking over his slim firm torso, he decides his workout routine is still sufficient. 'No need to change it yet." he says to himself. Slapping his firm ass, he steps into the shower. Its warmth feels good on his smooth skin and tight muscles. He feels a twinge inside; remembering how well if felt when Brian was fucking the other night. He realized how much he really enjoyed some of the aspects of his work. Also, some of the acquisitions more than others. I am reworking the series and posting once available. Hope all can be patient.
  6. FREaky

    Pleasure Growth 6

    Pleasure Growth 6 by F_R_Eaky Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1116-pleasure-growth/ Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1117-pleasure-growth-part-2/ Part 3: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1118-pleasure-growth-part-3/ Part 4: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1256-pleasure-growth-part-4/ Part 5: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1257-pleasure-growth-part-5/ Aaron, felt his cock stirring again, so soon after his last blown load. He didn't know why he felt so incredibly, uncontrollably horny, but he was pretty sure he didn't need to trigger another growth spurt. Looking down at his now thirteen foot tall self, with a body built somewhere between a gymnast and an american football player, his heart started to race and pound in fear, panic. He was so huge! He could still get bigger! He didn't need his parents and family to see him like this. He couldn't go back to the house because he couldn't fit into any room! In fact, he barely fit into this room, and only because he was sitting on the floor. He needed to leave to run. He needed to get out of this room, that contained Zeke's shirt and lingering cologne before his cock reached full errection again and caused his body to erect right out of this staff cabin. Realizing there was no way to squeeze out through the door, Aaron opened the door, then backed up and rammed the doorway at full speed in a slightly crouching position. "AUUUUUGH!" His shoulders met the door frame and he was paused for a brief second, but then his massively broad and muscular shoulders took care of the frame work and he burst through to the outside. Screaming in pain, as the door frame still cut into him and bruised him quite a bit, Aaron came to a full standing stance and was overcome with more panic realizing that in his bare feet he stood nearly two stories tall. A clap of thunder roared and rumbled at the same time as another scream came out of Aaron's mouth. A storm was moving in, hard and fast, but Aaron didn't care. He took off running towards the back of his family's ranch. He felt good running.... getting some use out of these larger muscles, these longer legs, bigger feet..... he felt the use of them, their strength, their power. He felt the weight and heft of his longer and thicker cock as it swayed from side to side, getting smacked back and forth by his quads. The bounce of the base of his cock on his billowing balls, making him feel like he was being racked or sometimes stroked each time his cock bounced heavily upon them. He felt so virile.....so strong.....so powerful! No! he mustn't give in to those thoughts. He can't trigger another spurt. Trying to let the rain coaz him in to believing he was taking a shower, he leaned his head back as he ran, letting the raindrops pelt and caress his face and run down his body. In shorter amount of time required, he had made it to the end of his family's property, but in his new body he effortlessly jumped the fence and kept on running..running to.....nowhere. It didn't matter where, just let the storm take him...take him away. On and on into the night he ran... WHAM! "AAAAAAAUGH!" WHUMP! The next thing Aaron knew he was flying through the air. No, he was more like tossed across the air, not enough oomph in the blow to send him up and over. The blow, however, was a decent solid one. Aaron landed several feet from the impact, his sides and left leg hurting, and passed out. He had run so far he was crossing over a set of railroad tracks, but the pounding rain and flashes of lighting in the dark night had blinded him to that fact, as well as the fact that a train was in close proximity. His thoughts had played so loud in his head, it had made the engine and its whistle silent. Having come to a stop, several passengers and the engineers got out to see what they hit and were stunned in complete awe. "whoweeeeoooooooo" whistled one of the engineers. "Lawd almighty, look at the size of that fella." "Yeah...and look at the amount of damage to the front of the engine. She's still works just fine, we can make it to our next town. Mostly cosmetic and protective catcher for things like cows and moose, but she'll have to be repaired once we're there. Railway commission won't allow her to run like that." "Oh, fucking shit! Of all the things to happen to us...." "Worse than that, master. We'll need to take him on board. I"m not aware of any towns close by, and even for his size, we can't leave him out in the rain." "Sampson! Get a few men and get that freak on board! He'll need medical attention....as well as working a few days for me to pay back for repairs." *************************************************************************** Aaron woke up late one morning to the sounds of children's laughter and a colliape playing. He shifted his body a little, making some small groans and moans, feeling extremely stiff and sore on his left side, hip, and thigh. He thought he heard some soft moans and gasps of surprise close by. Staring up at the ceiling he thought it a rather odd one: pulled together drapes, silk maybe, but there was a smell of canvas... Finally his eyes came to the center of the ceiling which went up into a cone and had a pole stuck through the middle of it. He was in tent. Aaron threw back the covers to get out of bed. "Wait a minute" he thought. "The bed fits." Wondering how this could be at his new size, Aaron leapt out of the bed to a full upright standing position. Suddenly he heard a woman scream, sigh, and faint dead away, collapsing to the floor. Aaron turned his head and screamed in surprise. There on the other side of the tent stood a whole crowd of people: men, women, children, couples. He quickly grabbed the sheet that was on him in bed and covered his front part up. One of the two entrance ways into the tent opened up and in stepped a powerful figure of a man. He stood head and shoulders over most men, actually head and almost chest over most men. He was powerfully built, like a bodybuilder, and he veins were full an engorged with blood. He had jet black hair that hung from his head to just past his shoulders, encased his jaw and chin in a very thin lined but thick haired beard, and covered his portruding pectorals and brick like abs, arms, and legs. He wasn't wearing a shirt, although he did have thick heavy leather bands around his upper arms and matching vambraces upon his wrists. What appeared to be the bottom half of a toga was wrapped around his waist and covered most of his thighs, while his calves were incased in strong, tight, leather laces that led to the sandles upon his large feet. Over the waist of the toga was a large leather belt with bronze plates all over it, the center one being large, round, and having a stamped 'S' upon it. This was Samuil Skromonyy, but known to the circus members and attendees as, "Sampson: the Baltic Behemoth! - The seven and half foot tall Russian Strongman." He stepped through everyone and over the guide ropes. "Ladiez and Gentlemen. This show iz now close-ed for da day. He iz jus vaking up from a zerious concushun and needz medicahl attenshun." One man, maybe around six four stepped forward, "We paid some money to see him!" "Ant you vill pay more dan dat in the hozpital! RAAAAAAAUUGGGGGH!" Striking a most muscular pose that Lou Ferrigno would have flinched at, Sampson roared at the crowd until there was one, very small, not so fancily dressed clown in the corner near a tent opening. "But....but....Sampson.... Samuil.... the master said he was to be viewed..." "Da master I anzver too in da realm of buizness, but he..." and Sampson rose up full and flexed both of his arms. "He vill anzwer to me in da realm of moralz! Get zomeone. Peeck up da voman ant take her to da medicahl tent." After the diminutive clown let out a wimper, found another to help him, and carried the woman away, Sampson turned round to face Aaron and stood there appraising the situation and Aaron's size. Sampson just barely came up about mid thigh to Aaron. "You....sit. You look vobbley ant even I may not be strong enough to stop if you fall." Aaron sat back down on the bed. "Where am I?" "You are on da outskirds of Anaconda, Montana. You are in a ezpeshally made tent to be your home, here az part of Master Mendolli's: Circo di Meraviglia." "Wait... I'm part of circus!?!" "Vell, you are now. You vere on railroad tracks at night, novone saw you. Ve struck you. Did more damage to eengine dan did to you, I tink. Az such repairs needed to be made. Master Mendolli not happy about it. He make you vork for him until you earn enough to pay for eengine, clothz, furniture, food, and zomting for you to keep youzelf." "But, I don't want to work for a circus. I certainly don't want people staring at me." "If you don' vant to vork for him, I doubt anyvone could stop you from running havay, but you still need to rest for a vhile, ant you vere running from zomting. Do you have a place to run to?" "I....I.....don't know." "I am Samuil." and the strong man stuck his hand out. "Dey call me Sampson around here. I am da zideshow strongman. Aldough, you could put me out of vork. I look like a child nekz to you, ant dat takes a bit to do." Aaron took the man's hand as gently as he could and shook hands. "I am..... I'm.......I..... I don't know. I don't know who I am. Do you?" "No.... you vere nude vhen ve hit you. No identeeficashun on you. Vorry not so much dat you do not know who you are. You vere hit ant fell and got bad concushion....it iz pozzible you have...what dey call it?....amneshia. Zo... it might be goot for you to come vork for uz for a vhile. Time to collect toughts, zome money, get clothz. I vill help you out. Do you know how you get zo beeg?" "No.....I don't." "Vell, da people will jus vant to zee you. Pretty much, just politely anzver kwestions about how you get trough life being zo beeg, stand up nekz to dem, compare your feet and hands, let dem take picshures, and you vill earn a lot of money. For now...clothz in chest. Get dressed. Then Sampson vill help you arrange your tent how you like it to be." Shortly thereafter Sampson helped Aaron arrange his tent so his bed could be a bit more private, a comfortable chair to sit near the guide ropes as well as some curtains drapped to stand in front of to take pictures. They even discussed what Aaron should go by until such time as he remembered his names. Of course Master Mendolli had some thoughts on that, but Sampson guided him towards letting Aaron choose for himself. Aaron decided to help his potential though, and chose something along the lines of what Mendolli would've have picked for him: Titus - Titus the Titan. Aaron reopened his tent and sideshow the next morning and did very well answering questions and making comparison pictures with the people who came in, and eventually some repeat costomers who became fans. Aaron, now Titus, spent much of his time with Samspon, helping him workout out better, even getting in some workouts for himself too. He helped out in taking down the tent, carrying the poles, helping push heaving things like the cannon for the human cannon ball, or some of the animal cages so the horses didn't always have to be hooked up. Likewise at their next stop in Idaho, he helped out in the reverse, carrying poles and putting them up, helping to raise tight ropes, nets, and things like that. But his and Sampson's act began to change as well. So many people liked to see Sampson's freakishly built muscles, on what used to be considered a giant sized body, now compare and lift and compete against Titus' thirteen foot tall, slightly less muscular frame. Truth be told, Sampson liked it too. He had an act in which he could interact with someone. Normally he couldn't find anyone who could lift the weights he could, or understand the problems of being as tall as he was. Titus enjoyed at least having one person who was becoming a good friend, to pall around and joke with. They soon worked up such a show, they were the envy of the other side show members, and had crowds pouring in just to see them, and see the main circus as a side show. Several weeks went by and the circus had made a circuit of the west coast and turned in heading into the southwest. One Sunday though, things didn't quite go so well. Maybe it was the extreme summer heat of the southwest. Maybe Titus' timing was off, or Sampson's was off. It led to a little bit of bickering and arguing, and both of them fuming and cursing at one another during their last show. Titus retired to his tent and Sampson stormed off; the two didn't see nor speak to each other for a number of hours. They even had dinner separately. It was bed time now. Tomorrow would be the circus folks' weekend, Monday & Tuesday. Titus was flipping through newspaper clippings and printouts of online news articles about him and Sampson, when he bent over to place the books underneath his bed. Out of the corner of his eye he happened to catch one of the doorways in his tent. There stood Sampson. "What are doing there?" Titus snapped. "I....(hic)....I can't help it." "What do you mean you can't help it?" "I've vorried bout you since ve found you on da trackz. I come in every night to make zure you are sleeping zoundly." "You've.....checked up on me every night...." "Yeshhhhh.... You....are good joe. I.....I don't vant you to end up like me...stuck here in a placsh like dis for life." "Samuil, have you been drinking a little?" "No....I've been drinkin' a lot." Sampson holds up his bottle. "Dishhhhh.... dish iz my fourth bottle of vodka." Samspon stumbled towards Titus' bed and sat on the edge of it and placed a hand on top of one of Titus'. "Titus..... I am zorry we argued zo bad. Zorry I stormed off. Friends don' act like dat to vone another. It'z jus...zo much iz goin trough my head lately." "Samuil... it's ok... we just argued..." "Listen...giant man.... I'm offhering an apology, shush ant hear it." "Samuil..... listen... here...hop up on my abs or chest, and look at me face to face..." Aaron reached out and grabbed Sampson and placed him on top of his abs to sit. "Nyet nyet nyet nyet nyet nyet nyet nyet! ....oh....damneeet!" And suddenly, almost as soon as Sampson's butt hit Titus' abs, the front of his toga like out fit fluffed up and out and stayed stuck out. Titus looked down at Sampson in slight disbelief, but with half smile on his face. Sampson sat there turning more and more red every second. "Uhm....Samuil....do...do you like me?" Sampson turned his head away and blushed even redder. "Do you like men, Samuil?" There was a long pause and a deep sigh from Sampson, who for the first time ever in front of Titus, let his incredibly broad and thick shoulders slump. "Yesh..... it's why I'm here. I left Russia because I like men ant dey....dey don like men who like men... at least da government doesn't. I had a lover....ve kept under cover, novone knew. Yet somehow, somevone found out. Dey found out about Demitri ant took him into jail for no reason. Dey....dey could tell he vas in a zerious relashunship ant tortured him to tell who hiz lover waz. He never told and zo dey killed him. I put myzelf trough zo many phycial courzez, zo I could live, zurvive, ant eventually leave, but being young ant no real training, I had to take a job here, showing off my body and strength. "But... I...." and Sampson, wiped his nose and eyes on the back of his hand as he had started to cry. "I am zorry. I have no idea how you feel about men." "Well....I....I like men." Sampson's head slowly rose to meet Titus' eyes. "And you're quite impressive physically, which I like, and you have a great personality too, and you're also....well....quite impressive physically....I mean... wow." "Fourteen.....It's fourteen inches long. EXCEPSHUNALLY HUGE! (hic) COMPARED TO ALMOST EVERY MAN! Ha-ha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! But I bet....compared to you....I look like a voman! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" "Do... do you want to make a comparison, Samuil?" The expression on Sampson's eyes said it all. Stumbling, he stood up on Titus' abs and undid the buckle of his belt, letting his toga bottom slide down his legs and off his engorged member. Smacking his prick, he laughed and shook it at Titus, who playfully made motion as if to bite it. A twinkle came to Sampson's eye, and he dropped to his knees and then lay face down across Titus' abs and chest. He then began to lick and suck on Titus' right nipple while his hand stretched over to stroke the left. Titus began to let out low, soft, growling like moans. The words "oh yes" began to frequently escape his lips as Sampson licked and stroked and caressed every inch of Titus' chest and abs. Titus' cock began to rise and grow, throb and lengthen. Titus flipped over the sheet to get to his briefs all but too late. There soon was a slow tearing sound that increased in volume and frequency, the end of which revealed Titus' enormous pecker rising high and thick over his abs and Samspon. Sampson turned over on his back and stared up. "My Got! I tink if you were shrunk proposhunately to my height, you might still defeat the 'iron bar of Sampson.'" Titus and Sampson laughed. Sampson grabbed a hold of the massive head and then shifted it forward as he began to run and jump. He caused the massive prick of Titus to be pulled downward and Sampson stood there holding it, staring at it. "Eet iz zo beeg.... I tink I could fuck your cock head like it was an azz." The fondling of his nip, the handling of his cock was sending such powerful emotions through Titus he was beginning to buck and moan. "Oh....Samuil... your touch.... it's ....it's sending such powerful energy through me. Such strong emotions..... Oh my God! Fuck me... FUCK MY COCK HEAD NOW!" Smiling, Sampson pushed on Titus' cock sending it down to his crotch area, when upon reaching it, he plunged his own fourteen inch prick into the head of Titus' cock. "My Got! It iz like fucking an azz.... yet zo big.... I tink two odderz could join me in fucking you!" "Oh....Sampson! Go....Keep it up! Keep it up! Keep...p...pp...pppp. ..it.....iiiiiii...." "Oh yeah!....feels zo good... my huge penis fucking your, vhat you say, 'ginormous' pecker! Zo firm....zo tight moist.....zo....whoa-hoo! T....Tit...Titus? AAAhhhh hoooo!..... TITUS! I tink you cock iz growing! WHHHAT! Your cock is pushing me back! Titus? TITUS!" But Titus was lost in the feeling, completely overtaken. Sampson saw Titus' whole body plump up, veins popping over every inch, as if Titus' whole body was becoming erect. But more and more Titus cock was growing, getting even longer, thicker, harder, veinier, harder than steal! And the spurts were coming in larger and larger doses. First spurt sent Sampson to the end of the bed. The second picked up Sampson and held him in midair. Third spurt the cock head, carrying Sampson, rose all the way up to the top of the center tent pole. Meanwhile, Sampson could see looking down that Titus' shoulders spread out further and further across Titus' form fitting bead. The delts getting thicker and thicker, the traps rising up and mounding more and more. Titus' arms blew up in form getting so thick and swole, becoming more mountainous in their biceps peak shape, while the trapizoids helped to push and raise Titus off his own mattress. Titus' pecs began to blow up and swell, increasing in width and thickness. The full semi-circular, crescent moon shapes grew and grew, inflated, becoming two huge full moons, threatening to become globulous. The lats grew and grew, thicker and wider, pushing and fighting the arms for room, sending them sticking nearly straight out and off the bed, while the deep and rapid breathing appeared to create deeper cuts and more swollen, brick shaped muscles on Titus' abs and obliques. "ooooooohhhhhhhh" Titus groaned and moaned even lower and deeper as his balls began to inflate larger, fuller and firmer, as if they were hooked up to an air hose. They were pushed up and out further and furhter by the mounding, pulsating, thickening quads of Titus which pushed and pushed on each other until Titus began to spead his legs out to the side more and more. This was a shame, Sampson thought, for as Titus legs grew, they caused the shins and knees to come off the bed and fall down so that Sampson couldn't see the magnificent calves bunch, swell, throb, and pump up fuller and fuller, larger and harder. "Auuuuuh! Auuuuuh! Auuuuuh! Auuuuuh! Auuuuuh!..." Titus moaned out more and more and with each moan his body just expanded and grew in every direction. His cock head, still carrying Sampson rose even higher, pushing itself and Sampson into the tent top, eventually growing large enough the two lifted the tent top off the center pole. Hands and feet, carried and guided by growing arms and legs were sent out every side of the tent, snapping the tent ropes, pushing poles down, growing into neighboring tents, ripping the fabric, breaking poles, ropes, and cables. Titus' feet becoming large enough to cover whole doorways, hands as well. People began pouring out of the demolished tents, looking at the arms, legs, and head of the increasingly growing Titus, who was moaning and groaning and bucking his way to a climax soon to be remembered by all. "OH! OH! AUUUUUH! AAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!" A muffled Russian accented yelp was heard as the top of the tent suddenly popped off of what most of the circus staff thought was Titus' center pole. However, the amount of cum that came gushing out he vent holes, the fact that the pop caused the tent top to pull down and take off the tent from Titus soon revealed exactly what Titus was moaning about. Coming too, Titus looked around him at all the staff standing and crying in fear or awe and at how small they looked. Shakily, he began to stand up and look at himself. He was a giant. Muscle wise he had blown up far beyond any workout Sampson could or had given him. He was something akin to a very heavy and built American Footballer or American Wrestler. He soon would be able to enter into bodybuilding contests, except for the fact that he began to notice his hair was coming in, darker and thicker on his body: legs, arms, crotch, abs, chest, and along his jaw line. Titus dazed and confused soon felt some movement at his feet. Sampson was finally digging his way out from under the collapsed tent. Sloughing off the canvas, Sampson stood tall and straight, cum dripping off of every inch of his body as he searched for Titus. Titus and him looked down and up at the same time, making the comparison and realizing what had just happened, how much Titus just grew. Sampson had shrunk down from mid thight to mid calve of Titus. Dazed at the sight before him, the adrenaline rushing through him, the amount of cum that was filling and distending his stomach and possibly filling his lungs, Sampson staggered and collapsed on his butt. Titus seeing this cried out, "Oh, Sampson...." and after looking for help from someone in the crowd, which didn't come, he stepped over the crowd, tents not knocked down, and once on a clear stretch of land began to run once more into the night.
  7. MrLemur

    The Iceman Cometh (Part 3)

    After an insane day of travel and hot phone sex with Jake I was ready for bed shortly after 10. I drifted off easily and had the most amazing dream. There I was standing naked in the middle of this beautiful, tranquil valley. The gentle breezes swept around me stirring the tall grass and my brown curly hair. Despite being so exposed I felt at peace. Then the ground began to tremble under my feet, subtly at first then stronger as the mini quakes grew louder and closer together. The sound of trees falling and cracking caused me to turn. Something was coming at me through the woods only a short distance away – something big. I began to run away from the sound and just as a reached the river nearby I fell. A giant hand scooped me up from the shore and turned me over. “JAKE???” “Oh Emmett, I miss you.” Jake’s voice was so loud it echoed off the valley walls. I starred in awe at my new lover. He was over thirty feet tall and swollen with muscle. He held me like a doll in his hand. He pulled me up close to his face, and kissed my head. Then he gently placed me on his cock. I straddled it like a horse, clinging with both my arms and legs. It was as big around as a tree and just as hard. I began to hump the gargantuan member as Jake began rubbing his cock-head with one hand while exploring his massive, muscular frame with the other. I started humping faster and faster as Jake’s loud groans, rang-out through the valley. As I reached climax Jake did too. I held on for dear life, but Jake’s cock’s spasms shook me loose, and I started to fall. I awoke from my dream gasping for air. The hotel pillow between my legs soaked with cum. I thought of the giant Jake in my dream and realized how much I hated being in Boston right now. I reminded myself it was only few days, and how much trouble I’d be in with Dr. Gannon if I left, so I resolved to stay. I tried calling Jake, but there was no answer so I left a message. It was still early so I decided not to worry and try out the treadmill in the hotel gym before breakfast. After my workout I felt a little better in general. The first seminar might have been interesting if I wasn’t so pre-occupied. One other attendee kept giving me the eye – had to be gay. He wasn’t bad looking, but compared to Jake? Well, there was no contest. When my cell-phone rang I felt everyone’s eyes on me. It was Jake so I tried to quietly step out and answer the call. “Hey, how are you feeling?” I asked. “Pretty fuckin’ good right now, but I slept in late - sorry for missing your call” Jake said apologetically. “I went to bed pretty late last night. I just couldn’t stop wackin’ off after our little call. I’m not feeling so overly hyped this morning, but I still feel strong as an Ox. How about you?” “Glad to be hearing from you. Have you changed out your patch yet?” I asked. “Oh, yeah I guess it is about that time isn’t it? I’ll take care of it after I hang up don’t worry Doc,” Jake continued. “Listen I just wanted to call and let you know I’m okay. I need to go out to the store. I about ate myself out of house and home last night, so I need to go pick up a few things.” “So you’re appetite is up as well?” I asked. “Well I did work out for about four hours yesterday if you just count the weight lifting. If you add in all the jerkin’ off you can add another seven hours, and that makes a boy hungry.” He said chuckling. “Well, I won’t worry about that then. Anything else unusual?” I asked. “Well my clothes feel a little tight, but other than that I feel fit as two fiddles. I’ll call you back later after I get my shopping done. I’ll be spending most of the afternoon and evening at the Arena – It’s a game night you know.” “I know. Wish I was home and not here, or better yet with you.” I added. “Miss you.” Jake said softly into the phone “Miss you too. Bye, Jake” After hanging up I needed to go to the men’s room for a while. Talking to Jake got me all hard again, and the last thing I needed was having all eyes turn to me going back into the auditorium and me sporting a stiffy. The clock seemed to hardly move at all for the rest of the day. Finally, the seminar torture was over. I had dinner alone despite the staring man asking me to go out with him. Humph! One hell-of-a Gaydar I got. The hotel didn’t have ESPN2 so I couldn’t even watch the game from Boston – suck! My cell finally rang a little after nine. WOOOO - HOOOOO!!!!! Came Jake’s voice booming over the phone. I quickly jerked the phone away from my head trying to let the ringing in my ears subside. “Well, hello to you to mister. I take it the Mariners won?” “Hell YEAH!” Jake shouted again. “Ah, could you bring the volume down a little. I’d like to be able to use my right ear in my old age.” I pleaded. “Sorry Babe,” Jake said bringing his voice down to a dull roar “But damn you should’a seen me play tonight. I kicked ass! (“Damn right you did!” came a voice in the background.) Aw, Emmett I was on fire tonight. I was zippin’ around so fast – knockn’ those losers into the wall. Hell, by half-time most of their team avoided the puck like it had the plague or something. Anyhow, this one dumb fuck must have been thinking he was hot shit when he pulled off an intercept from Scotty, but I taught him a lesson.” “What did you do Jake?” I asked trying to see the game in my mind. “I plowed into him so hard from the middle court I sent his ass flying into his own goal. Took down their team goalie with him. It wasn’t till he got up he realized he was laying on the puck. What a dumb fuck.” Jake said laughing out loud now. “Hell eight of the goals tonight were mine. Do you know how long it’s been since I got that many goals in a game?” Jake asked almost demanding. “I don’t know stud, but I sure would like you plowing into me tonight.” “Hey Jake when are you gonna get ready?” I heard from somebody in the background. “You going out with the fellas?” I asked. “Well, the boys all wanna buy me a drink tonight. But first I gotta take a shower and I don’t know if I can do that.” He said his voice getting lower all of a sudden. “Why? What’s wrong? Are you not feeling good?” I asked. “I’m feeling better than good. That’s the problem. Right now my jersey is almost hiding my woody, and you’re little plowing comment didn’t help by the way. I can’t go in the showers like this – the guys would freak out. I mean to say, they are pretty okay with me being gay and all, but if I walk in the showers with this baseball bat stickin’ out in front of me - I’ll never live it down.” “What are you gonna do?” I asked. “What can I do? I’ll have to lie. Tell ’em I hurt me knee and need to put some ice on it – that should buy me some time. I’ll tell ‘em that I’ll meet ‘em down at the bar – wait till the coast is clear then get cleaned up.” Jake said. “Did you have the same problems today that you had yesterday?” I asked. “Not quite as bad, but still a problem. Maybe I shouldn’t have worked out this afternoon again, but it just feels so good to workout Emmett. It’s like I can almost feel my muscles growing with each rep. Hell, my pads have been cutting into me all night – everything is just tight everywhere, and it was already a tight squeeze to put this dick of mine in a cup, but now with my balls all swollen up, damn! Didn’t keep me from kicking ass on the ice tonight though did it? Jake said proudly. “Listen Jake, I’m getting worried. You’re symptoms are getting extreme. I’m gonna try and catch a flight in the morning. I’ll just have to tell Dr. Gannon what’s going on with you and how it’s more important than a bunch of pompous blowhards going on about how brilliant they are to a captive audience.” “You won’t get in any trouble or nothing will ya?” Jake asked all concerned for me when he should be worried about his own health. “Jake, I got you placed in our trial drug program, it’s obvious we have some unplanned side effects here, and they need to be looked into. I don’t want you putting on another patch in the morning; as a matter of fact I want you to take the one you’re wearing off. Okay? I said insistently. “Let me know when you’re flight is coming in okay? I’ll be there to pick you up.” Jake said worry now in his voice. “Okay, I’ll call you as soon as I know. Just be okay when I get there, please.” I begged. “Don’t worry Emmett I feel fine. I feel better than fine. I’ll wait for your call – the guys will forget about me after a few rounds anyway. All I want is you back here with me.” “Bye, Jake – I’ll call back soon.” None of this sounded right to me I thought as I ended the call. If anything happens to him I’ll never forgive myself.
  8. AT2000

    Hulk Smashed

    Here is a story I posted on the old forum. I'm re posting it here in preparation for posting a multi-part continuation I started called "Containment", which I don't think I ever got around to posting on the old forum. I'm having issues with formatting (took forever to whip this post into shape) so when I finish fixing the continuation, I'll post it too. Part 1 Bruce Banner watched cautiously from concealment. He was just inside a thickly wooded, dark forest that appeared to border a public park. Minutes earlier, he had awakened nearby on the forest floor. Now, he was trying to figure out where the Hulk's latest rampage had landed him, once the beast's rage had spent itself enough to allow the unstoppable green powerhouse to transform back into the trim, sensitive physicist. The park was nearly deserted. Still, the half-naked man was reluctant to show himself. The army's Hulk-Buster unit was probably combing the country-side in search of his alter ego and drawing attention to himself before he was able to find some suitable clothing was not a good idea. He hunkered down lower into the undergrowth as someone came running toward him. At first he was afraid he'd been spotted, but the young man approaching at a run, veered slightly and entered the tree-line along a trail that led deeper into the woods. The kid appeared to Banner to be twenty-years old at the oldest. He had close-cropped coppery, red hair and a light dusting of freckles on his arms. He was even skinnier than Banner, but appeared to be close to the same height. Which made the fact that he was clutching a duffel-bag of the type one might use to carry a change of clothing very interesting to Banner. Bruce decided to trail the kid and see if he might leave that duffel unattended at some point, long enough for the desperate scientist to make off with it. The kid slowed once he was well into the woods. He was wearing baggy, athletic shorts and a tank-top that had "Middleton Maulers" printed across the chest in red letters. Banner refined his estimate or the young man's age to somewhere in the range of a high-school upperclassman. The totally lost physicist tried to mentally place a city or town called Middleton in order to glean some insight into his whereabouts. Unfortunately, he wasn't familiar with any such locality. The kid came to a stop in a small clearing. He stood for a moment, breathing heavily, then moved to take a seat on a large rock, tossing his duffel to the ground beside him. ***** Christopher Sean O'Malley took a seat in the small clearing in the woods by Greendale park. It was a place he often came to when he needed a little solitude. A senior this year at Middleton High School, he had just washed out at the tryouts for the school's football team for the fourth and final time. Even though Chris had always been the oldest kid in his class (he'd be nineteen in three months), he had always been a late bloomer. Kids two years his junior often out-performed him in sports and all his pubescent growth, which had FINALLY begun to manifest itself, was coming in the form of added height. Not that his current five foot, ten inches was really all that tall, but at least he was no longer so noticeably shorter than his classmates. Still, this was small consolation for having just been so totally humiliated by no less than three sophomores and even one freshman in the football tryouts. The other boys seemed to progress effortlessly in their physical training endeavors. Ironically, Chris had become infatuated with the sport of bodybuilding at a very young age, and decided, in the way the young kids do, that he was going to be one when he grew up. For years, Chris exhausting himself regularly with a pretty intense weight-training program, yet no amount of lifting seemed to have the slightest impact on his stick-like limbs. Frustratingly, it seemed that all around him, kids years younger were proudly tearing the sleeves from their old team workout shirts to showcase growing muscles to both approving coaches and admiring girls. Being denied the latter never really seemed to bother Chris, a fact that he subconsciously avoided considering, but the fact that none of the school's coaches ever had any reason to notice him was a constant source of frustration. On top of all this, Chris's comparative frailty made him a natural target for every belligerent miscreant in three grade-levels. As a result, he kept mostly to himself and had come to grudgingly accept a position as something of an outcast. Sometimes Chris wanted nothing more than to be able to overpower those bullies and maybe, just once, humiliate his other classmates who were, to the last guy, so physically superior to him. Realizing that he would never have what it took to succeed in bodybuilding, he dreamed of excelling at some manner of sport. Unfortunately, the only thing he came close to lacking more than physical prowess was any kind of athletic coordination. Chris contented himself with reading for amusement and studying. He wasn't a stellar student, but he did okay. He loved the sciences, but tried to keep that passion under wraps. There was no bigger tell that screamed "total geek" than being a science nerd, and he had enough working against him in that department. As if the odds weren't stacked against him enough to keep him from blending in with his classmates as an equal. He had recently discovered himself to be a mutant. Something that, if it became known to anyone else, was sure to make him even more of a pariah. Being a ‘mutie', as people like him were disparagingly referred to, was not only isolating, but dangerous. Especially since the mutant ability he manifested seemed about the most useless ‘power' imaginable. Chris stood and picked up a fragment of a decaying tree-limb from the ground. He thought he heard movement in the undergrowth nearby and stood motionless, listening until he was convinced no one was around. Holding up the limb, he concentrated and an aura of ghostly-white light formed around the limb. The aura quickly spread up his arm and soon engulfed his entire body as well as the tree-limb. Rearing back his arm, Chris hurled the limb away into the woods. But the white-aura remained around the limb, it stretched into a kind of tether that connected him to the branch. The tether stretched thinner until it slowed, then stopped the limb in mid-flight. Then with a strange elasticity, the ethereal tether snapped the limb back toward Chris, who deftly caught it in the same hand he'd used to hurl it away. Chris examined the limb then smirked. "Couldn't have been the ability to fly or shoot lasers from my eyes." He said, derisively. "No, I get the ability to turn anything I want into some kind of weird yo-yo." Chris shook his head. "Just my luck. For this, I get to be an even bigger freak than I was before." "Us freaks need to stick together." A voice said from behind Chris, causing him to jump and turn around. Banner had decided that this discouraged youth might be as much in need of a friend as he himself currently was, and that direct engagement was probably the way to go. He emerged from his hiding place and approached. "You...you were spying on me?" Chris asked disbelievingly. Then, more angrily. "You know? You know about me!" Banner held up his hands, trying to calm the boy. "It's okay, I wouldn't tell anyone, I promise." The thought of being exposed as a mutant by this interloper, as well as the lingering humiliation of being beaten yet again by younger guys in the football tryouts combined to fan the anger Chris felt at being spied on into a fiery rage. When he charged Banner, throwing a punch at the older man's exposed midsection it took Banner completely by surprise. Bruce felt the boy's punch land home, but instead of the wrenching pain he expected to accompany the gut-punch, he barely felt the hit at all. Banner was so used to being thoroughly trounced in any sort of physical confrontation that it took him a moment to realize that this kid was far weaker than even the slender scientist. Years of pent up rage boiled to the surface inside Chris and he hurled himself at Banner, his arms a flurry of ineffectual punches. "Look, kid..." Bruce began, but trailed off, momentarily amazed at how easily he was withstanding the young man's continued pummeling of his abdomen. "...I know what it's like to be different." Bruce abandoned his attempt to communicate and fell silent. The kid was so lost in channeling his anguish into his assault that Banner didn't think a rational discussion was possible. He decided to just let the young man vent. Also, it felt odd to be so much more powerful than someone else. It was strangely gratifying to shrug off such an intense assault with such ease. He felt his brutish other half stir somewhere in a dark corner of his mind. The feeling of relative strength Banner was experiencing must have resonated strongly with his powerful alternate persona. Chris's punches slowed. He stared in frustration at the strange man's lean and surprisingly strong abs, then to the look of concern on the man's face. There was no sign of discomfort at all. The younger man gulped as he gave up on his attack. He wondered with dread if their was going to be a counter attack from the slight, but obviously more powerful man. "Feel better?" Banner asked. He smiled, concentrating on not letting that smile slip into a smirk of superiority. Chris was suddenly very glad that he'd never taken his father's advice to punch out the next bully that picked on him. His father was constantly giving him pointers on how to throw a punch effectively and urging him to take the fight to aggressive bullies. But If this guy could withstand such an all out effort on his part, then his only hope for surviving an attack on some of the powerfully built jocks that tormented him in school would have been for them to collapse from laughter before they broke him in half. Chris stumbled back from the other man. He looked like he was about to flee the raggedly dressed stranger. Again Banner held up his hands and tried to calm Chris. "It's alright. I'm not angry and I'm not going to tell anyone your secret. But I would like to ask you if you have some clothes that I might....borrow." Bruce gestured toward the duffel nearby on the ground. "It's not like I could stop you from taking them." Chris managed with resignation. Banner's smile widened. "Don't feel too bad." He said rubbing his abs, casually. One of the benefits of being fairly scrawny was that it could really make a guy's abs stand out. "There are times when guys a hundred times as strong as you couldn't do any better." Chris just stared at Bruce with confusion. "Uhm...that power you were using earlier..." Bruce said, trying to distract the boy from his last comment, as well as gain the boy's confidence. "...might be that there's more to it. Sometimes mutant abilities can take a while to develop fully. My name's Bruce, by the way." Chris was slowly starting to accept the man's claim that he meant the boy no harm. If the guy had wanted to, the boy reasoned, he could have clocked him and then took what he wanted by now. As Chris's mind calmed, questions about the older man began to form in his head. "What happened to your clothes?" The man wore only the tattered remains of a reserved pair of khaki pants. Incongruously, Chris could see what appeared to be a racy, bright purple pair of underwear through the shredded material of the pants. "It's a long story." Bruce said then pointed at Chris's duffel. "May I?" Chris shrugged. "Sure." "Thanks." Bruce said, sounding relieved. He scooped up Chris's duffel and started pulling out the clothing inside. After briefly survey the removed contents of the bag, he stripped away the remainder of his khakis, revealing the completely undamaged purple underwear beneath. Chris watched the man pull on the pair of jeans and the t-shirt he found inside. The clothes fit the wiry stranger snugly, Chris noticed grudgingly. The same clothes hung loosely on him even though the two men were close to the same height. For Banner's part, he wasn't used to this sort of trendy clothing. The low-riding jeans and the vintage t-shirt fit him perfectly. It was a revelation to him that he might actually be able wear something like this well. He was approaching his mid-thirties, which wasn't that old, he reasoned. But it would have never occurred to him under normal circumstances to try on such clothing and he was surprised at how well it suited him. He was by no means a muscle-head, but the fitted nature of the outfit seemed to enhance his lean body to maximal effect. "What did you mean earlier? When you said us freaks have to stick together?" Chris asked, taking a seat once again on the large rock. Banner took a moment to consider his response. He had what he needed from the boy, so he didn't see any reason to involve him further in his plight. "Well, it's hardly normal to be lost and barely dressed in the middle of the woods now is it?" Chris looked disappointed. "So you're not a...a..." "Mutant?" Banner offered. "No, not exactly." "What? Were you kidnapped or something?" Chris asked. Banner grinned, ruefully. "Something like that, yeah." Banner changed the subject. "What's your name?" "Chris." The young man replied, reluctant to divulge his full name to this odd stranger. "Chris." Banner said with a nod. "Can you tell me where the nearest city is?" "Chicago is about 75 miles north of here." Chris offered. "Great." Banner sighed. He was several states from his base of operations in New Mexico. Clothed, but still barefoot, Banner started to head out of the woods then remembered how Chris had helped him out. He stopped and turned back to the kid. "Umm, Chris. Thanks a lot for the clothes." Banner patted the pockets of the jeans he now wore. "Do you have anything to write with?" Chris pulled a scrap of paper and a pencil from a side pocket on his duffel-bag and handed them to Banner, who proceeded to scribble down some information. "Contact this address and I'll see to it that you are reimbursed for your clothes." Banner handed the paper and pencil back to the boy. "If you're interested, I can put you in contact with some people who'd be able to help you to deal with your mutant ability." Banner offered cautiously, wondering if his passing acquaintance with Professor Charles Xavier might be enough to justify steering the boy in the educator's direction. Chris's eyes widened with fear. "NO! You said you wouldn't tell anyone." Banner put a calming hand on the boy's narrow shoulder. "And I won't." He assured him. "It's totally your call." Banner wasn't sure what else he could do for the boy, particularly if he wasn't ready to accept help. "I've got to go, but remember that if you ever change your mind...." Chris shook his head emphatically to indicate that he wouldn't. "...alright then." Bruce relented. One more bit of guidance occurred to him that he might offer the boy. "If you're determined to go it alone, you need to work to make sure you understand the scope and nature of you mutant ability." Chris looked confused. Banner tried to explain what he had in mind. "There are some pretty useful meditative techniques that I've used in the past to...umm, to manage anger." Chris couldn't imagine that this gentle-seeming man would have much of a problem with his temper Bruce continued. "They basically just involved learning to clear your mind and focus on the nature of whatever it is that troubles you. The technique is also helpful in allowing you to control and explore certain things - like your mutant ability." "I don't think I understand." Chris replied, looking lost. "Maybe a demonstration would be better, here." Banner motioned for Chris to follow him to a nearby grassy area. "Just lay here and relax." After Chris hesitantly did so, Banner knelt by the boy and continued. "Clear everything from your mind, don't try and force this to happen, just imagine your thoughts all falling away. Concentrate on one thing - like the sound of your breathing - until it's all there is." Chris lay still and silent. He seemed to become more relaxed by the second. After several minutes Banner broke the silence. "Looks like you're a natural at this." Banner said softly. Chris opened his eyes and blinked. He almost seemed surprised that Banner was there at all. Banner continued his coaching. "Now try the technique again, but this time, instead of concentrating on your breathing, concentrate on your mutant ability. When you're totally focused on it, use it...explore it." Again, Chris closed his eyes. The random thoughts in the back of his mind all dropped away. For a moment, Chris wondered how to concentrate on something as abstract as his mutant ability. He decided to imagine his power as a perfects sphere. He visualized that sphere, then concentrated on it. He willed his power to activate and in his imagination the sphere began to glow. Banner watched as the glimmering glow he'd observed Chris generate earlier returned to Chris's hands, then spread to the rest of his body. Bruce smiled slightly and softly whispered "Thaaaat's right. Good man." Chris scrutinized the sphere in his mind's eye. At first it was perfectly round and continued to glow with luminescence like a soap-bubble. Subtle, swirling detail in the sphere's surface showed that it was spinning slowly. Then it began to wobble slightly. Chris noticed a second, much smaller sphere had appeared out of nowhere. It was adhered to the larger one. Unlike the larger sphere which had begun to glow when the boy had switched his mutant ability on, this new sphere remained dim. Chris focused his attention more onto the smaller orb and it began to grow. The non-glowing sphere was soon nearly equal in size to the other and it was growing faster and faster. The analogy of soap bubbles again seemed the best way to describe how the two spheres stuck to each other. The growing sphere quickly dwarfed the first one and swelled larger and larger. Soon the rapidly expanding dark orb seemed to blot out the horizons of Chris's imaginary space. It loomed over him like a great alien moon. Chris's heart-rate quickened as he tried to understand what was happening. He reached out with his mind to try to will the massive and expanding sphere to stop. Instead the sphere lit up like the first one had, only the light from the growing sphere was blindingly bright - to the point of being painful. Banner watched with growing alarm as Chris's tranquil expression became more and more troubled-looking. He had just decided to rouse the boy when the eerie glow surrounding him vanished and Chris sat bolt upright with a loud gasp. "Chris? What's wrong?" Bruce asked, wondering how the relaxation technique could have ended up distressing the kid instead. Chris clambered to his feet, breathing heavily. "I - I don't know." The boy looked very upset. "I think you'd better leave." There was something almost threatening in the boys tone. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong." Banner demanded firmly. Chris tried to push past Banner and leave himself, But Banner grabbed the boy by the shoulders. "Oh no you don't" Banner admonished as he held the struggling boy in place. He was concerned for the kid, but he also had to admit that his ego welcomed the opportunity to further test his strength against the young man. He found that he was easily able to overpower him. Chris struggled, but Banner held him easily. "Look, you wanted me to explore my mutant abilities and I did." Chris replied angrily. "I didn't want the first power and now, thanks to you I find out that I have another one!" Chris struggled more frantically. Banner shook him slightly to better get his attention. "What do you mean? What kind of other ability do you think you have?" "I don't KNOW!" Chris shouted. "Knowing my luck I can probably smell like a skunk cabbage on demand...just...let me GO!" With a surge of effort Chris slipped free of Banner's grip and stomped off. Bruce didn't want to leave Chris alone in such a state...and he found himself oddly miffed that the kid had broken free from his grip. Bruce sprinted after Chris and caught him by one arm. Spinning the thinner man around he bear-hugged him, pinning his arms, then lifted him bodily into the air and carried him back to the clearing. "You need to talk about this!" Bruce urged the boy firmly. "Let...ufff...let me go!" Chris squirmed futilely as he protested. "Struggling is going to get you nowhere." Bruce explained confidently. He squeezed until Chris let out a groan that trailed off into a whimper. "Awright...awright." He pleaded in surrender. "I give." Bruce was getting so caught up in the heady feeling of power he was getting from humbling the younger man that he was almost sorry Chris had given up. "Promise?" Bruce asked, prolonging the demonstration of his superior strength a bit longer. Chris's face went red as he ran out of breath. But Bruce could feel him nodding his head vigorously. That's when Banner felt something odd. Chris's soft, almost spongy feeling arms and torso went rigid inside his bear-hug. It was as though the boy transformed from helpless foam-rubber dummy into a writhing bundle of coiling sinew. Bruce released the boy even as he felt him seem to find this strange, inner reserve of energy. He reluctantly let him drop to the ground. Banner found himself relishing the idea that the boy might be able to offer more of a challenge to him. Bruce was surprised to see Chris almost immediately double over in pain. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you there, Chris." Bruce said, a hint of haughtiness creeping into the his concerned tone. Chris clutched at his stomach as he felt waves of strange and intense pressure course through his body. Even as his hands pressed into his middle in an instinctive attempt to somehow alleviate the unpleasant sensations, he felt his soft gut tighten and grow firm. He could feel ridges of muscle coalesce beneath his hands as if by magic. As he grew accustomed to the strange sensations running rampant throughout his body, he ran a hand along his upper arm. He stared at his arm in shock. It didn't look much different, but it definitely felt different The boy smirked. "I think I know what my other mutant power is." He straightened up and stared challengingly at Banner. "Well, good" Banner said as Chris approached closer to him. "You know what they say; Knowledge is power." Bruce slapped Chris on the back in an outwardly friendly manner, but put a lot more force behind it than was strictly necessary, as a way to remind the boy who was physically in control of this encounter. The scientist didn't like the defiant look the kid was suddenly sporting since picking himself up off the ground. Seemingly unaffected, Chris spread his arms and faced Banner directly. Those arms didn't seem quite as thin as before. Chris felt his anger return at Bruce's not so subtle attempts at physically cowing him. "Thanks for everything Bruce." Before Banner could react, Chris had enfolded the other man in an apparent embrace of gratitude. "Maybe I can give you some insight into what power is in return." With a small grunt, Chris actually lifted Banner off the ground. Again Banner decided to put the kid in his place and returned the embrace. Again he squeezed Chris hard in order to take the wind out of his sails. But this time, it felt like trying to squeeze a fence post. The boy laughed and inhaled deeply. His torso expanded to what felt like an impossible degree, forcing Banner’s arms open wider and then Chris gave Banner a squeeze of his own. "Arrrgh, Chris..." Banner grunted. He tried to free himself but it was no use. "Chris that hurts!" Chris continued laughing as he released Bruce, shoving him backward slightly. "And how about this? Does this hurt now?" Chris fired off a surprise punch into Banner's abs, but unlike the dozens of punches Bruce had easily absorbed from the boy earlier, this one slammed into Bruce's stomach with authority and knocked the wind out of him. "Unnnnfffff! H-how did you..." Bruce stammered as he struggled to remain upright against the pain in his abdomen. Bruce felt himself become angry at what he considered to be such an unfair surprise attack. He threw a reprisal punch of his own at Chris's stomach. His fist was stopped dead as though it had encountered the side of a house. Banner drew back his hand and rubbed his fist, which felt a little numb. Still smiling, Chris hoisted his shirt at the hem, revealing actual visible abdominal muscle where before he had only ever had a flat, but featureless stomach. "Looks like I'm finally going to be able to keep up with my classmates." Chris raised one arm right in front of Banner's face. "I wonder how many of them will be able to keep up with me now." Chris flexed his biceps and his formerly stick-like arm jumped into muscular relief. He looked like a well-trained member of a high-school swim team now. Moving swiftly, Chris placed the stunned Banner into a headlock and squeezed. Banner gripped Chris's forearms with one hand, his the boy's lead-pipe biceps with the other and strained in futility to free himself. Banner felt his face turn red from the pressure...and from his alarmingly increasing anger levels. "Chris....Chris. You have to stop." Banner gasped for the breath to continue. "...you're putting yourself...in danger." Banner tried to explain. Chris just laughed at Banner's perceived threat. He released the older man and shoved him once again, sending him stumbling. The boy was even more intoxicated with his newfound relative strength than Bruce had been. He advanced on Banner again and, slapping a hand on the other man's chest, he clutched a handful of the borrowed t-shirt. "I'm not sure why you think I'm the one in danger." With that and a growl of effort, Chris hoisted Banner off his feet with one arm. Bruce wriggled helplessly, suspended in mid air. He flailed for something to grab onto, finding only Chris's suddenly very sinewy arm. That arm trembled only slightly with the effort of holding Banner aloft. Otherwise, it was as though Bruce had grabbed onto an oak yardarm. "Now THIS is what I call a mutant ability." Chris chuckled with approval as he shook Banner slightly to reinforce his obvious, newfound physical superiority. "And I think I'm still getting stronger." Chris performed a biceps pose with his free arm. Instead of a champion swimmer, that arm now looked like it might belong to a fairly powerful quarterback. Just then, Banner began to scream as if in excruciating pain. This shocked Chris enough that he dropped the man back to his feet, whereupon Banner immediately crumpled to the ground. He curled into a virtual fetal position and began to make strange gurgling and growling noises. Chris recovered a little from his shock. "C'mon, you're not that fragile." Chris advanced and hauled Banner to his feet. He was further surprised to find that Banner was now a good foot taller than he was. The older man's face had taken on a more chiseled, primitive aspect and he was ever so slightly beginning to turn...greenish. "What!" Chris gaped. "What the hell are you?" Chris released the ever more hulking man and sprang back from him as Banner reared taller and became more intensely green in color. Chris watched as the cuffs of the jeans he had loaned Banner earlier rode up on the man's lengthening legs, then split open against calves that were the size of bowling balls and still getting bigger. The t-shirt was splitting along dozens of different tears and in moments it shredded to ragged strips against Banner's rippling, swelling torso. In a matter of seconds, the slim, lost man Chris had just met had transformed into a seven-foot tall mass of bulging green muscle. As the beast leaned back in a ground trembling roar of fury at the sky, Chris realized who...or what, he was now confronted with. "You...You're the Hulk?!" Chris exclaimed hoarsely, his throat constricting with fear. The boy finally overcame his shock and turned and fled at top speed. Part 2 The Hulk's post-transformational bellowing wound down and the brute stood looking around his new environment. The form of a fleeing human caught his eye as it disappeared into the thick woods that surrounded him. The Hulk absently swiped away a small shred of the t-shirt Banner had been wearing where it had managed to remain draped across one of his trapezius muscles, which was roughly the size and hue of a ripe watermelon. The Hulk vaguely recognized the retreating human by the shock of red hair on his head. Banner's desire to help the youth was all that had survived of the man's consciousness inside the Hulk's brutish mind. "Hulk help Chris." The Hulk muttered and then leapt into the sky above the trees, headed in the direction of the fleeing boy. Chris ran headlong through the woods. He nearly careened into several trees in his fright. It was hard to judge distance as he seemed able to run far more swiftly than he had ever been able to before. Up ahead, through the trees, he noticed one of the trails that criss-crossed the woods. He quickly tried to alter course so that he would intersect the path and follow it out of the forest. Then he did clip a sapling of about the thickness of a street lamp with his shoulder. He spun out of control and sprawled on the ground. He sat up blinking and looked around. He was near one of the many sculptures the city had contracted local artists to create and place throughout the park. A few of the sculptures had been placed along the wooded trails. This one looked like a set of free-floating, shipless sails. For having endured such a violent impact, he felt almost nothing. His gaze fell on the small tree he had collided with. Or rather, its remaining stump. It had splintered near the ground and been hurled several meters away by the impact of his body. Chris absently rubbed the shoulder that had felled the small tree. There was no pain at all. It didn't feel like his shoulder. It felt more like that of one of those tank-like kids he'd been utterly unable to compete with in one of his typically unsuccessful tryouts for the wrestling team. Remembering that the Hulk was nearby, Chris slowed his breathing to near silence and listened intently for any sign of the monstrous being. Chris's heart nearly stopped when the silence was suddenly shattered by the Hulk as he came crashing down from the sky, shearing off tree branches several times the size of the tree Chris had brought down. The beast landed effortlessly, batting away falling, telephone-pole thick branches. He strode toward Chris through a small blizzard of falling leaves and other arboreal debris. Chris felt adrenaline flood his body. He scramble to recover his footing and was about to sprint away as fast as he could when a hand, larger and thicker than a catcher's mitt, closed on his shoulder. "Why does muscle-boy run away?" The Hulk asked in a slightly annoyed voice that was like rolling thunder. It seemed an odd question from such an intimidating pursuer. Chris wondered if it was supposed to be a taunt of some kind. Then it dawned on him that the Incredible Hulk had just referred to him as "muscle-boy". He reflexively grabbed the Hulk's hand and tried to free himself, but it was like trying to pry open a vise. The Hulk scooped Chris up in one motion and attempted to tuck the boy under one arm. Chris managed to plant one hand against the Hulk's side, with the other he continued to pry at the Hulk's grip on him. For a moment he managed to frustrate the Hulk's effort at securing him, but the Hulk exerted more strength and easily overcame Chris's resistance. "Muscle-boy is stronger than other puny humans." The Hulk noted absently as he stomped off with Chris trapped and held immobile under one ridiculously muscular green arm. As Chris was carried along, his torso wedged between the insanely large biceps and triceps of the Hulk's upper arm and the brute's rippling mosaic of cobble-like obliques, he had quickly realized the futility of struggling. He relaxed and tried to calm himself in order to take advantage of any opportunity for escape that might present itself. Chris could feel the pressure of the Hulk's hold steadily increase. There was, so far, no accompanying pain or discomfort, but he wondered why the Hulk kept squeezing him harder when it was clear that he was already well and truly trapped. The Hulk grunted with irritation and readjusted his hold on Chris. "Muscle-boy can't get away. Stop fighting Hulk." The brute admonished. That's when Chris realized that the Hulk's grip wasn't tightening because the beast was squeezing harder, it was tightening because Chris was still getting bigger. He craned his neck to examine his right arm where it wrapped around the Hulk's own much larger right forearm as Chris held on. The boy's eyes widened with surprise. The Hulk's arm might be much, much larger than his, but he could definitely see why the Hulk was calling him ‘muscle-boy'. The biggest, toughest linebacker on his high school's football team would have killed to have an arm like that. Chris knew he wasn't in the Hulk's league, but he was beginning to wonder if he might be able to free himself with a surprise, strategically timed, all-out burst of effort He slowly began to exhale. He tried to precisely counter the effect of his growing musculature so that the Hulk would think that he had totally given up and was resigned to being held captive. Soon he thought he could detect a small relaxation of the Hulk's grip. He continued this for as long as he could and right before he was completely out of air - his lungs screaming at him to take a breath - he twisted as hard as he could in the Hulk's grip and shoved away with both arms with all the strength he could muster. To his surprise he felt himself slip the Hulk's hold. He landed on his feet just behind the Hulk and was able to quickly steady himself. "Huh!?" Then Hulk grunted with surprise. He stopped and whirled around, glaring at Chris in irritation. He couldn't understand why the boy was resisting his efforts to protect him from...what ever it was he needed protection from. The Hulk's simple mind was being driven only by the dimly remembered concern Banner had regarding Chris's well-being. Chris stood trying to catch his breath from the long period in which he had interrupted his normal breathing. He found himself momentarily distracted by unusual movement in his field of vision. He glanced down, realizing that the heaving motion of his breathing was causing his pecs to rise higher into view than they used to. Heck, he'd never even really HAD discernable pecs before. He ran a hand across his chest and was amazed at how the much thicker muscles there felt. His breathing under his rippling pecs felt like the slow revving of some immensely powerful engine. Chris was stirred from his infatuation with his burgeoning muscles by the sound of the low growl emanating from the Hulk as he moved in on him once more. The Hulk's child-like mental focus was beginning to drift from protecting Chris to being annoyed at being defied by this less-puny-than-usual, but still puny human. Chris's eyes widened and he froze in place, not sure which way to run. The Hulk stooped and arms more powerful than the mightiest earth moving machinery encircled Chris, who felt himself pulled against massive, slab-like, green pectoral muscles that seemed to stretch away on either side of his head for miles. "Muscle-boy will stop trying to fight Hulk." The Hulk demanded and then squeezed Chris to demonstrate his displeasure with the boy. Chris went white with fear. The Hulk's biceps seemed to advance like opposing bulldozers on either side of him, while the Hulks pecs bulged like a swelling liquid steel tide. Chris closed his eyes tight and tensed up, expecting to hear the sickening crack of his ribs giving out just before the Hulk crushed him. Instead, that earlier feeling of power he'd experience when concentrating on his own pecs returned, only it felt even stronger now. Wondering how much time he had before the Hulk overwhelmed him, Chris struggled to free his arms, but the Hulk had them pinned too solidly. The Hulk felt Chris's effort to move his limbs. "Muscle-boy will make Hulk hurt him." The Hulk warned with anger this time instead of mere irritation. The Hulk increased the power of his squeeze by what felt like a factor of ten. Not seeing how he could free himself from the now even more solid hold the Hulk had him in and fearing the Hulk might totally squeeze the breath out of him, Chris inhaled as deeply as he could. His chest expanded hugely, even against the Hulks ever thickening pecs. Chris flexed down hard with his own pecs to try and resist the Hulk's onslaught for as long as he could. Grimacing with effort, his eyes squeezed shut, Chris waited for the inevitable. He was suddenly aware of the irony of his situation. Just as he'd finally been miraculously granted the ability to avenge himself on all those guys who'd kicked him around all through school, fate had sent the strongest creature ever to take over the job of bullying him. The Hulk growled with increasing anger as he felt Chris flex against him. "Muscle-boy is strong." The Hulk grunted. Chris's eyes flew open. Was that a grunt of effort?! "But Hulk is STRONGER!" The Hulk bellowed. Chris's head whipped back and forth as he examined what was happening. Veins as thick as garden hoses surged in each of the Hulk's straining biceps and waves of undulating striations rolled along the surface of the Hulk's expansive chest as the brute brought more power to bear on the boy. The pressure on Chris's torso must have been beyond belief. But the boy's powerfully flexing pecs did not yield. "Uh...Am I actually standing up to the Hulk?" Chris wondered to himself in disbelief. He looked up, curious to see the Hulk's face so that he might gauge the amount of effort the best was putting forth, but the great green arc of the brutes massive pecs obscured the view. The Hulk roared and ramped up the power of his bear-hug. Chris felt himself fairly disappear, he was almost completely engulfed in the bulging green muscles surrounding him as the Hulk’s arms and chest swelled with the increased power being channeled into them. Chris exerted himself more, in an attempt to counter...and found the strength to keep up with the Hulk's surge was there, on-tap, within his own bulging muscles. "Does Muscle-boy give up?" The Hulk growled smug confidence. Chris wondered how much of the Hulk's strength he was capable of coping with, but his curiosity was eclipsed by his desire to escape. The Hulk's question seemed like the opportunity he needed to free himself. "Umm - sure, Hulk." Chris answered from where he was pinned between the Hulk's massive, straining muscles. "You're uh...You're just too much for me." Chris added, then rolled his eyes at how unconvincing he sounded. He held his breath, hoping the Hulk would buy it. The Hulk's oak-tree arms swung open like the gates of a mighty fortress. Chris felt himself fall away from the twin armored hemispheres of the Hulk's bulging chest, his feet hit the ground and the boy stood on his own once more. Even though the Hulk still loomed menacingly over Chris, he found himself more concerned with checking out the state of his own body. His fear of the Hulk was momentarily displaced by what he saw when he held out his arms and looked down over his now even more powerful looking frame. Chris's previously skinny arms had filled in even more with hanging slabs of triceps that underlay powerful-looking biceps, both of which peaked slightly even with his arms outstretched. His pectoral muscles protruded outward like the stout prow of a tug-boat, obscuring his view of anything below them behind the expanse of lightly freckled skin that was stretched tight over those broad, incredibly thick, rippling muscles and the line where it bordered with the tightly stretched material of his shirt.. Chris swung his arms behind him, causing those pecs to flatten against his ribs as much as was possible. Tilting his head forward, he was now able to see his stomach, where a rippling mass of riotous muscularity ran rampant across his abdomen. His previously featureless middle now looked like something that should have a couple of rock-climbers scaling it. It was then that he felt the first leg-band of his briefs give way, followed quickly by the tearing sound of the other leg-band slowly succumbing to the swelling muscles of his leg. The overly baggy shorts he'd been wearing were still intact, but they were less and less baggy all the time. The over-sized arm-holes of his Middleton Maulers tank-tee were beginning to snug up around the boys lats, trapezius muscles and the sides of his chest. The collar stretched tight as well, around those same traps as well as along a tight circle that skimmed his upper pecs. Chris crooked his right arm, grabbed the biceps with his left hand and gave the muscle a probing squeeze as he flexed it. His jaw nearly hit the leaf-littered ground. It felt like an iron cannonball. "Hulk must go back home." The gravely voice of the Hulk drew Chris's attention from checking out his bod. The Green behemoth was looking up, scanning the sky through the trees. After seeming to fix his position somehow, the Hulk turned his attention back to Chris. "Muscle-boy will come with Hulk." The Hulk declared in a manner that proclaimed that Chris simply had no other option. "W-where's home?" Chris asked, stalling for time as his mind raced. "In big desert." The Hulk answered as he took a step closer to Chris. Chris pack-peddled keeping his distance from the advancing brute. "Hulk not leave muscle-boy alone here." The Hulk said, his voice rising with annoyance once more as Chris tried to avoid him. "Umm, c-can I go get by gym-bag first" Chris requested. He pointed back toward the clearing. The Hulk eyed him suspiciously. "Hulk will take you to bag. Then Hulk will take muscle-boy back to big desert." The Hulk effortlessly swept Chris off the forest floor and held him with one big arm behind the boys knees while the other arm cradled Chris's torso. In a rush of acceleration that took Chris's breath away with the power and unexpectedness of it, the Hulk launched them both into the sky with a single leap. Chris felt himself go quickly from the initial heavy sensation brought on by the Hulk's mighty leap to an exact opposite feeling of weightlessness as they came to the peak of the jump's trajectory and began falling back to earth. They landed with a jarring thud as the Hulk's legs - larger, more thickly muscled and more powerful than those of a bull elephant - absorbed most of the energy of the impact. For a moment the Hulk stood, holding Chris as he surveyed the clearing for signs of anyone else. Chris found himself comparing the Hulk's deeply muscled chest to the brawn of his own newly acquired muscles as he waited for the brute so set him down. The boy's chest was side by side with the Hulk's and though the Hulk was clearly bigger, Chris couldn't help but noticed that his pecs were now spanning a width that was almost in the same league. The Hulk released Chris's legs, letting them swing to the ground then set the boy on his feet. "Now muscle-boy can get bag and come with Hulk." The Hulk said, sounding impatient. Chris moved to retrieve his duffel-bag as slowly as he thought he could get away with. His mind raced as he tried to think of a way to escape. The Hulk didn't seem like the brightest guy around. Chris supposed that when you were built like the Hulk you didn't have to be. But he wondered if he might be able to convince the Hulk to give up on the idea of taking him along. Chris turned away from the where the duffel lay on the ground to face the waiting Hulk. "Uh, look, Hulk. I really don't think I want to go with you." The Hulk's brutish brow furrowed. "But Hulk has to protect muscle-boy." Chris wondered where the Hulk got the idea that he needed protection and from whom, but the line of reasoning gave him an idea. "Yeah, well um - thanks for the offer, Hulk. But you said it yourself," Chris straightened to his full height and squared his new, better-than-Olympia-class shoulders. "Muscle-boy is strong, right? I can protect myself." Chris squeezed his right hand into a fist with nervous anxiety as he waited for the Hulk's reply. The movement peripherally caused the boy's right pec to bunch up in a sympathetic reflex. His Maulers tank top could no longer accommodate such a size increase. The collar seam popped and the shirt tore down the middle revealing the young man's broad and deeply muscled torso. The already confused expression on the Hulk's face intensified and he cocked his massive head to one side and stared at the bulging muscles of Chris's now almost fully exposed body. Chris grinned and tore away the remnants of his shirt. "See what I mean." Chris felt so incredibly powerful now. "Heck, I feel like I could take on every one of those guys at the football tryouts at once now, or take out an entire army or...or..." ‘Take on the Hulk?' Chris choked off that last example before saying it aloud. He trailed off, intrigued by the irony of how that example had just randomly come to him. Chris sized up the green behemoth before him. The legendarily powerful brute was still a good two feet taller than Chris, as the boy didn't seem to be growing in height at all. It was true that Chris felt and looked superhumanly powerful now, but what he was contemplating seemed insane - that he might actually pose a challenge to the Hulk!? Apart from massive muscles, the Hulk looked to have a skeleton that was just as inhumanly thick and dense. One of the Hulk's wrists alone was almost half as thick as Chris's waist, which was the only other thing besides the boys height that had remained nearly unchanged. The Hulk was simply massive - The living equivalent of an Abrams tank. But then, of course,the Hulk could crush such a tank like a tin can. Chris quickly put any thought of tackling the Hulk out of his mind. "I-I guess what I mean is..." Chris continued and begin to slowly, cautiously back away from the Hulk along the trail that ran through the clearing. "...I'll be fine on my own...really." The Hulk began to growl again as Chris backed away more quickly. When the giant started to stride after him, the boy turned and ran. Chris's arms and legs pumped powerfully, accelerating him to an exhilarating speed. He was near the opposite side of the wooded area in no time and beginning to think he'd finally shaken the Hulk. But he wasn't so lucky. Again, the Hulk crashed to the ground from another of his spectacular leaps, this time, directly in Chris's path. Having almost no time to react, the boy collided with the Hulk full tilt. Chris felt himself slam into the Hulk. It brought him to an instant, teeth-rattling halt. He saw stars and the breath was knocked out of him. Chris took a couple of staggering steps backward and then simply sat down hard on his backside in an attempt to keep from actually falling down from the dizziness imposed by the collision. He shook his head then looked around, waiting for his vision to refocus. After a few moments, he could see more or less clearly again. There was no sign of the Hulk. Chris clambered to his feet looking all around for his huge green pursuer. Had the Hulk decided he wasn't worth it after all or had he maybe finally taken Chris at his word and decided that the boy didn't need the Hulk's protection? Then Chris noticed a large mature oak tree further along the path in front of him. On one side of the trees ancient, enormous trunk, a huge chunk the size of a Volkswagen had been blasted out of the living wood. The tree was groaning slightly as if its weight was still in the process of being redistributed along its compromised trunk. Looking beyond the massive oak, Chris noticed several other trees were missing branches or were otherwise damaged. The trail of destruction led deeper into the woods off a curve in the trail. Chris advanced a few meters into the trees and stopped dead, his mouth gaped open in awe. The Incredible Hulk lay flat on his back at the end of a shallow gouge in the soft earth of the forest floor. His head was propped against the base of a steep cliff, which apparently had finally halted the huge creatures motion. An expression that was a mixture of pain and disorientation was frozen on the coarse, chiseled features of his face. His thick chin rested on his slowly heaving pecs. The Hulk was out cold. Chris lurched backward in amazement, he stumbled a bit then turned around and moved unsteadily back to the trail. His mind reeled as he struggled to process what had just happened. Chris halted in his tracks as a strange sensation surged through him. It was hard to describe the feeling. It was as though a huge freight train had reached its destination and coasted to a stop. Instinctively, the boy knew the mutation that was imbuing his body with exceptional size and strength had fully manifested itself and he had just stopped growing. A few meters away on the path, another of those sculptures loomed to one side. This one was an obvious homage to the Monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. However, instead of being uniformly black, this great metallic rectangle was finished in highly polished chrome. It had a near-perfectly reflective surface. Chris moved slowly to stand before it. What it showed him boggled his already overwhelmed brain. He was monstrous. He was beautiful. His image was at once terrifyingly powerful and mesmerizingly attractive. Even the muscles in his youthful face were powerfully developed, rendering him brutally, masculinely handsome. He struggled to imagine how someone else might perceive him now. He turned his head slightly from side to side as he examined the strong features of his face. He stood tall and scowled experimentally and was sure that anyone who was the subject of such a look from him would have fled at the sight. He smiled broadly and was equally sure that the sight of it would have set hearts fluttering and knees wobbling. He stepped back a couple of paces to more fully take in his body's reflection. His mind struggled to make sense of what he saw. If he considered just his biceps or say, one of his bulging calves that jutted out on either side of his shin like halves of a great lopsided pumpkin, his mind balked; too big. Too big to be human. But when he considered those individual muscles in relation to his new body as a whole, the thought that came to mind was; perfect...just right. Unlike the Hulk, whose thick, squat overall physique conveyed one thing: unstoppable, brute strength. Chris's massively muscled frame had a symmetry and a flow that manifested a perfection of form...as well as projecting matchless power. Chris moved a hand to explore the undulating ridges along his stomach. As he did so he noticed that his chest responded to the motion by bunching up thicker and higher on his torso. The motion was intriguing to him. He relaxed his arms and concentrated. With some trial and error, he was soon able to cause his thick, heavy pecs to move independently. Soon he'd figured out how to tighten and bounce his powerful chest just like those bodybuilders he'd used to idolize. It was strange and so different from the bony collection of visible ribs that used to comprise his torso. It was almost like having a whole other set of appendages to learn how to control. Chris stuck one of his legs out before him so that he could both check out his reflection and look down and observe it directly. His thigh had the girth of an oak barrel and massive quadriceps and hamstrings simultaneously interlocked in tight, powerful cooperation and separated sharply as though they didn't want to touch each other or even share the same leg. His calves were round and full as large caliber cannon shot or tightly angular and diamond shaped, depending on how much he flexed his foot at the ankle. His phenomenally massive muscles displayed surprisingly little vascularity. Everything; his pecs, his biceps, delts, quads, lats - were full, round, huge and smooth. His skin glowed as it tightly covered his muscular body, The overall effect invited comparisons to unyielding metals like polished steel or unblemished forged iron. Even his gleaming hair had the look of burnished copper. Chris tore his attention from his reflection and glanced in the direction of the Hulk. Could it be true? In the space of half an hour, could he have gone from being helplessly manhandled by what he thought was a scrawny, homeless guy to having the muscle to not only survive an impact with the Incredible Hulk, but to leave the Hulk sprawled insensate on the ground afterward. It didn't seem possible to Chris. Until he returned his attention to his reflection once more. He tentatively raised his right arm, he swallowed nervously, then flexed his biceps. His arm instantly expanded in a way that was reminiscent of the kind of flaring mushroom-cloud that followed a nuclear detonation, and seemed to pulse with as much power. "Yeah!" The boy whooped, nodding with approval. "Seems possible now!" The Hulk had nothing on Chris. Even though he was two feet shorter than the emerald giant, his muscles were easily as impressive. Chris smiled. "I look like nothing in the world could stop me." Once again he turned back toward the direction of the fallen Hulk. "Well, there's one way to find out." He said, still a little nervous about the course of action taking shape in his mind. Part 3 Chris took a step in the unconscious Hulk's direction then stopped. An adventurous smile settled on his face and he scanned the sky overhead. "If it's good enough for the Hulk..." He said. Keeping his eyes on the sky and swinging his arms forward, Chris squatted and with one leap, his massive legs propelled him through the air. He landed next to the Hulk, the immense weight of his powerfully muscled body shaking the ground when he landed. Chris stood up straight from his landing like an Olympic gymnast who had just nailed a dismount. A cocky grin briefly graced his face as he noted the precision with which he had hit his desired landing point. He moved to stand over the Hulk and he could hear the beast groaning as his eyelids began to flutter. He seemed to have been jarred awake by the force of Chris's landing. Again, a pang of doubt welled up momentarily beneath Chris's powerful chest. He wondered if he might be wasting his one opportunity to get away from the Hulk. What if he wasn't even close to being as strong as the Hulk. If he ticked the brute off, the Hulk might well injure him badly...or worse. Then again, the Hulk was the one that had his clock cleaned the most by their collision. "I've gotta know." Chris said to himself, steadying his resolve. Chris was gawking at the Hulk's huge torso when the brute's emerald abs flexed powerfully into action, effortlessly powering the Hulks massive torso into a sitting position. The Hulk looked around rapidly as he struggled to his feet. He didn't seem to pay any particular attention to Chris. Once upright, the giant swayed unsteadily for a moment and Chris resisted the impulse to reach out and steady him. The Hulk rubbed the back of his head, wincing slightly. "What...What happen to Hulk?" The Hulk managed with confusion. Chris breathed a sigh of relief. The Hulk literally didn't seem to know what had hit him. Which was fine by Chris. "Umm, a-are you okay, Hulk?" Chris asked. "Yes!" The Hulk answered instantly as though the question was an insult. "Hulk not hurt!" He added a little too insistently as he focused on Chris. The Hulk looked down from his seven foot height at this shorter, but tank-like boy, his head just below the Hulk's chin. The Hulk clamped a big green hand on the boy's powerful looking shoulder. "Chris ... must come with Hulk." The Hulk asserted. He grabbed Chris by the upper arm with his other meat-hook of a hand. Only that hand didn't look quite so thick or quite so powerful as it failed to fully close around Chris's phenomenally large biceps. "No!" Chris answered assertively. ‘Talk about a one track mind' he thought to himself. The Hulk was like a dog with a bone. Shrugging the Hulk's hand away with enough force to stagger the giant, Chris worked up the courage to challenge the Hulk. "Listen Hulk, I'm not going with you, so deal with it." The Hulk was surprised by Chris's strength, he hadn't expected the boy to be able to resist. The Hulk reached down and grabbed one of Chris's wrists, this time, avoiding the boy's massive biceps, which made for a more unwieldy handle. The Hulk tried to drag Chris into him, reaching to secure a grip with his other massive hand. The boy didn't budge. "Muscle-boy is stupid to fight Hulk." The Hulk closed in on Chris and grabbed his other arm. The two juggernauts struggled against each other. The Hulk's brutish brain struggled as much with the concept that Chris was able to resist him as Chris's mind wrestled with how effectively he was holding his own against the Incredible Hulk...and he wasn't even really trying that hard. Chris looked directly ahead, seeing the Hulk's massive round pecs, rippling and surging as they jousted. The Hulk's strained face looked down on him from nearly two feet above. He saw the Hulk's flexed and struggling arms. He felt supremely powerful holding this beast at bay. A surge of cocky confidence welled up inside Chris as he easily compensated for the Hulk's escalating efforts at overpowering him. When the boy demanded more strength from his unstoppable new body, it responded instantly. His strength seemed to just keep surging as he exerted himself. The Hulk roared and with a tremendous burst of effort, he forced their arms down. The Hulk closed in on Chris and flexed his powerful emerald chest in front of his face, as if to drive home this perceived victory to his opponent as he half growled - half roared in the boy's face. The beast was almost always able to instinctively gain a psychological advantage over his opponents just by displaying his intimidating muscles. Chris smiled. He wasn't feeling at all intimidated. In fact, he was feeling ready to try a little intimidation of his own as that new feeling of strange supreme confidence flooded over him. He stepped in even closer to the Hulk. "You sure do like to flex, huh, Hulk." Chris observed. Suddenly, as though the most powerful being on the planet wasn’t struggling to hold his arms in place, Chris powered his hands to a position behind his back. The Hulk's eyes widened. He thought he had finally overpowered the boy and was holding his arms immobile. But the motion of Chris's arms dragged the Hulk's hands along until the brute's own rippling green arms were encircling the shorter kid. The Hulk growled with confusion as maintaining his grip on Chris's wrists forced the taller brute to stoop down until he was face to face with the young man. The Hulk's lower jaw thumped to rest against the top of Chris's protruding pecs. Still, the Hulk stubbornly refused to let go, just as Chris had hoped. Chris wanted to force the Hulk to release him, but in a way that would demonstrate his power to the utmost. "Maybe I should try it - flexing, I mean - just to see what the big deal is." Chris said. As he spoke, he ever so slightly bounced his massive pecs a couple of times, buffeting the Hulks head and causing it to snap backward with each bounce. Smiling at the way he was rapidly getting the hang of controlling his massive new muscles, the boy then began slowly tensing his mighty chest in earnest. It expanded so much that the Hulk's upper torso was soon pressed tight against a vast expanse of bulging pec-muscle. Chris leveled off his exertion and looked the Hulk right in the eyes, their faces inches apart. "Feels a little different than last time huh, Hulk." Chris taunted, referring to the earlier episode in which the two had been physically pitted against one another chest to chest - when the Hulk had trapped the boy in a bear-hug as a means of subduing him. Even then, Chris now suspected that his chest had been at least equal to the Hulk's in power, if not size. But now! Chris grinned. "Ask me again if I give up." The Hulk snarled and released Chris's wrists and clamped his hands together behind the young man’s back, fully securing his second bear-hug around that deeply muscled torso. "Puny muscle-boy thinks he is stronger than Hulk, but Hulk will show him. Muscle-boy will give up." The Hulk pulled upward and inward with his incomprehensibly powerful arms, pressing Chris against the thick muscular plates of his over-muscled green pecs, which the brute simultaneously flexed into even thicker granite-like slabs. Their powerful chests bulldozed into each other - emerald green struggling against lightly freckled alabaster. In response to having his wrists released, Chris started to wrap his now unencumbered arms around the Hulk in a retaliatory bearhug of his own, but then he just smirked and casually clasped his hands behind his head, instead. He glanced proudly from one massive lulling biceps to the other where, even totally relaxed, they bulged like oversized cannonballs at each side of his head. "Don't think I'll be needing you guys for this." He said, playfully addressing his mighty arms. He turned his attention back to the Hulk. "Is that it Hulk? I mean, is that all ya got or are ya just getting started or...?" Chris was asking with polite curiosity when he suddenly began to breath in deeply and opened his mouth in an exaggerated fashion. "Whew...Sorry Hulk...please excuse me." Chris apologized through a pretty convincing yawn as he moved one hand to cover his mouth. "You know how it is when you're feeling bored." The Hulk roared at being mocked and squeezed down on Chris's stubbornly expanding pecs even harder. But it was no use. Continuing his faux yawn, Chris, with only the flexing of those unrelenting pecs of his, forced the Hulks straining pectorals to flatten and yield against the boy’s more powerful muscles - even though the Hulk's arms were working in concert with his overmatched chest. The Hulk's straining frighteningly muscled arms trembled and then they too lost ground against the power exerted by the expansion of the boy's all-powerful pecs. Then with a casual, lightening quick increase of his flex, Chris almost effortlessly broke the Hulk's grip. The Hulk stumbled backward a few steps, and gaped at Chris with stunned confusion as he rubbed his sore, over-strained, and thoroughly out-muscled pecs. Chris laughed. "What's wrong Hulk? Why'd you let go?" He asked stepping right back up to the Hulk, making sure the taller muscle-beast had a close-up view of the burgeoning muscular chest that had just staggered the giant. "I wasn't ready to give up yet." Chris said with totally insincere confusion. The boy then dropped his massive arms and laughed as he reached up to place one of them on the Hulk's shoulder in a false show of camaraderie. He chuckled haughtily. "It's Ok, big guy. Couldn't quite hang on, huh? That's too bad." Chris said with mocking sympathy. The young man then disengaged and turned to stand directly in front of the utterly dazed Hulk. Chris clapped his hands a couple of times and cheered, "Good effort though Hulk." He then squatted slightly and, performing a congratulatory ritual he'd observed jock's use after successfully completing some athletic feat or another, Chris threw his arms back and jumped a couple of feet straight up into the air, angling slightly toward the Hulk. In the split second that he bumped the befuddled Hulk - chest to chest - he gave those massive pecs of his another quick, pulse of a flex. The boy's insanely broad, thick chest bulged explosively into granite mountains of rippling, striated power. Their expansion slammed into the Hulk, blitzing the overmatched brute's already pummeled pecs as Chris chest-bumped the taller muscle-beast flat on his back again, this time by the power of the mere flexing of the boy's dominating muscles. Chris thumped back down to the ground, shaking the woods around them again. "Oopsie. Sorry Hulkster." Chris said as he brushed imaginary dust from his pecs. "Guess these guys don't know their own strength, huh?" The Hulk lifted his head and stared uncomprehendingly at Chris, who chuckled. "Looks like you don't like flexing so much when somebody else does it." Chris laughed. "Somebody with some real muscle." Chris kept the taunts coming. "Somebody stronger than you." The Hulk scramble to his feet, enraged. "Hulk is STRONGEST one there is!" The Hulk proclaimed savagely. He lifted his massive green arms into a crude and inhumanly awesome double-biceps pose. "Hulk will show muscle-boy who is stronger!" Again Chris moved in on the Hulk, totally unimpressed. "Well, it's usually the guy with the biggest muscles." He pointed out, and casually matched the Hulk's pose; Matched it, and exceeded it. "And it looks like ‘muscle-boy' has got ya beat in that department, Hulkie." Chris announced as the Hulk's freakishly huge biceps were eclipsed in size by the arms of the much shorter young man. "Bah!" The Hulk spat and squeezed his huge green muscles harder, causing them to swell even larger. The Hulk's white teeth stood out against his green gums as his lips pulled back in a grimace of effort. He was actually able to pump his biceps several inches and match Chris's size. "Wow!" Chris said. "We've got some pretty huge guns, don't we Hulk." Chris chuckled, "Let's really pump 'em up." Chris grinned, and straightened his arms out. Then he slowly resumed his flex. As the boy's arms bent back into a double biceps pose, his biceps heaved and pulsated with power. A barely visible vein appeared along the tight curving surfaces of both of Chris's previously completely smooth arm muscles. Chris's biceps were now easily twice as big as the Hulk's. The Hulk dropped his own arms to his side where they hung limply. The brutes eyes bulged and his jaw dropped open. "Something wrong, Hulk?" Chris asked, pretending to be concerned when he saw the Hulk give up trying to match him. The young man once again straightened those Hulk-humbling arms. He flexed again, with the same casual ease and his biceps towered even higher into the air. Multiple, branching veins like lightening bolts now crisscrossed his arms and his bi's bulged up into twin volcanic peaks that erupted with impossible size and power. Now Chris's biceps were easily three times the size of the Hulk's comparatively puny lookingarms. "What's a matter, Hulk? Can't keep up with muscle-boy?" Chris finished with a smirk as he stepped even closer to the Hulk, trying to intimidate the beast even more. Sneering, Chris dropped his arms. "You look like you've had enough Hulk But you know what?" The kid gave one of his now relaxed biceps an affectionate, meaty slap. "These babies were just getting started." The Hulk snarled and tried to push Chris back. Chris was so strong that he didn't even have to try to resist the Hulk, the brute couldn't even budge him. Chris looked down at where the Hulk had planted a big green hand in the middle of the boys chest and was shoving ineffectively against the powerful high school student. Chris was a little miffed that the Hulk would actually dare to touch the muscles he'd been using to humble the beast with such ease. A wicked grin settled on Chris's face as he thought of something new to try. Obviously the Hulk was a slow learner. He'd have to reinforce the lesson. Chris glanced down at the Hulk's hand and clucked his tongue. "Ya gotta learn to respect the pecs, Hulkster." He looked back into the Hulk's eyes and added, resignedly. "It's for your own good." Chris struck a quick most-muscular pose, again calling on the overwhelming size and power of his over-muscled chest. The Hulks massive hand looked momentarily child-like where it splayed against Chris's growing granite muscle and then, with the merest forward shrug of Chris's shoulders, that thick hand was swallowed up, disappearing from view in the deep crevice between the boys rapidly thickening pecs. Now instead of pushing on the boy, the Hulk was tugging, trying to free himself from the vise of solid muscle; But the Incredible Hulk wasn't strong enough to free his hand. "This pose is called a crab, or a most-muscular." Chris narrated. "In my case I think ‘most-muscular' might be literally true." The boy beamed proudly. "Let Hulk go or Hulk will SMASH!" Warned the Hulk as he continued to struggle to free himself. Chris merely gave a short derisive laugh. He cupped a hand to one ear making his biceps swell bigger than ever. "Did you say 'smash'?" He asked mockingly. With that, Chris sneered and flexed his chest hard and huge. The Hulk's eyes flew open wide and the brute opened his mouth in a silent scream. The bones of his massive, green mitt felt like they were being ground to powder between Chris's rippling pecs. The boy’s muscles seemed to just thicken and thicken and thicken. Soon the Hulk felt his wrist and forearm start to deform as they too were being engulfed by the steadily expanding mountains of striated hyper-muscular power. "gnnhh...no..." The Hulk managed to protest weakly. "Oh, but YES!" Chris growled back smugly and kept flexing his chest harder and more huge with each passing second.. For several panicky moments the Hulk roared and growled in frantic desperation, his arm racked with intense pain. Then the brute seemed to become exhausted. "M-muscle-boy....too....s- strong." The Hulk whimpered. His massive body went limp as he surrendered and stopped struggling. It was just no use. The boy's strength was totally overwhelming. "Muscle- boy...hurts Hulk's hand..." Chris sighed, as though once again bored with his opponent. "Yep, pretty much." He taunted mercilessly as he continued flexing his chest even more. Making a show of ignoring the Hulk, Chris struck another double biceps pose, muscle flexing on top of muscle. His powerful heart pumped blood with the force of a raging river through the throbbing veins covering those arms, each beat momentarily compressing the Hulk's trapped hand with that much more pain. Chris's biceps were bigger than ever, he seemed to be slowly exploring the limits of their size as they peaked above his head with what seemed like very little effort on his part. Chris scrutinized his biceps, turning his head from one to the other. "Whadday think Hulkie? Four? Maybe five times the size of yours? Wonder how they'd look if I got a decent pump and really put some effort into it." The Hulk covered his eyes with his free hand and threw his head back. "ARRrrrgggh...l-let Hulk go." The Hulk pleaded as he dropped to his knees. Chris stared at the Hulk, kneeling before him. "Oooh!" Chris said with mock sympathy and disappointment, as though the Hulk had given the wrong answer on a game-show quiz. "You didn't use the magic word." The Hulk heard nothing Chris said, His world consisted only of pain. By some lucky cosmic coincidence, the next words out of the brutalized behemoth's mouth rescued him. "Please...muscle-boy...s-stop." The Hulk pleaded in a barely audible whimper. Chris dropped his arms and focused on the Hulk again. "Manners, Hulk." He sighed. "My mom always says people respond to manners." Chris put his hands on his hips and made a show of considering the Hulk's request. He smiled and relented. He relaxed his pecs, not enough to allow the Hulk to free his hand, but enough to ease the pain. The Hulk moaned with relief as he emerged from his world of agony. The Hulk tugged tentatively so see if he could completely extract his had. He still couldn't. The brute didn't know what to do, he wanted to free himself, but he didn't want to do anything that might provoke the terrifying power in the mutant muscles that held him trapped and send them crushing in on his hand once more. "What...what does muscle boy want?" They Hulk asked with grudging submissiveness. The question brought the cocky teen-ager up short. "Hmm." Chris replied. He clasped his hands behind his back and rose up on the balls of his feet a couple of times as he thought about it. The Hulk was bounced up and down with humiliating ease by the motion. "That's a very good question, Hulk." Chris added as he continued to considered the Hulk's beleaguered query. He'd tested himself against the Hulk and found the brute to be not much of a challenge. No challenge at all, really. Now instead of testing his own strength he found that he was more interested in demonstrating that strength. He'd beaten the Hulk with his pecs, he'd humbled the beast with his biceps...how else might he reveal the extent of his power using this being, whom the rest of the world regarded as the most powerful creature on the planet. An idea began to form in Chris's mind. "Hey Hulk, is it true that the madder you get, the stronger you get?" Chris asked, as much to himself as to the Hulk. The Hulk just stared at Chris blankly, but the boy was nodding to himself. He rubbed his chin as if dredging up a vaguely remembered lesson from school. "Yeah, I think I remember reading that somewhere." Relieved of most of the pain in his hand, the Hulk was starting to get restless with being held immobile. "Get up Hulk." Chris ordered rubbing his hands together gingerly in anticipation of what was coming. The Hulk's glare intensified as his dim mind wrestled with the impulse to once again attack the muscular boy who was humiliating him. "Awww, what's wrong?" Chris teased. "Don't tell me the Strongest One There Is is afraid of puny muscle-boy?" A low growl began to emanate from the Hulk's throat. At having his words mockingly hurled back at him. "I said get up." Chris warned casually and tensed his pecs just enough to remind the Hulk of the pain he was capable of causing the beast. The Hulk growled louder and struggled to his feet. "I'm going to give you a chance to fight back here Hulk." Chris explained, charitably. The boy clasped his hands behind his back again. His repeated use of this posture seemed to be the equivalent of boasting: "Look ma, no hands." as he manhandled the Hulk. Chris smiled a bit when he saw the Hulk's free right hand clench into a fist. "I'm gonna let you hit me as hard as you can, as many times as you want." Chris explained with condescending benevolence. He slid his hand down to his muscular abdomen and gave it a couple firm slaps. "The Incredible Hulk should be strong enough to take on the tummy of a pasty little high-school football reject, right?" Chris laughed at the Hulk's uncertainty. "C'mon big guy, don't be a wimp. Take your best shot." The Hulk's growl was rising in volume and he was beginning to show his teeth in an angry sneer. In a flash the Hulk launched a thundering punch to Chris's abs. Chris's only reaction was to look frustrated. "Aw now, don't hold back Hulk." Chris pressed his mouth into a tight line of consternation and huffed an impatient breath out his nose. Then he explained slowly to the Hulk: "If you don't start hitting me hard enough to make me feel it, I'm gonna hafta turn this loose on ya again." Demonstrating what he meant, Chris briefly tensed the muscles of his chest around the Hulk's trapped left hand again. The angry look on the Hulks face diluted briefly with panic and he started hammering away at Chris's abs with his free hand. Chris watched, unimpressed and considered ways to humiliate and anger the Hulk, hoping that his anger would make him more of a challenge. "I could take punches like this all day Hulk." The boy mocked. "C'mon. Hit me harder!" The Hulk raged at Chris's goading and struggled to hit Chris harder. The boys steely abdominals rose and fell slightly as he breathed casually amid the Hulk's onslaught. So far, Chris's plan wasn't working. Chris closed his eyes and smirked. "Hmm, let's see...is that the Hulk hitting my belly or a five year old girl?" He said, ridiculing the Hulk's effort. The Hulk roared and started pulling himself bodily toward Chris with each hit, using his trapped hand for leverage to add to the power of his punches. Despite the powerful tugging and pounding, Chris didn't budge, but the ground began to shake around them. "Shut up! Muscle-boy had better shut-up!" The Hulk bellowed as he pounded harder and harder on Chris's unyielding body. "Why?" Chris laughed derisively. "It's not like the Hulk can shut me up. You'd have to do way better than this. You may as well face it big guy, " Chris's eyes twinkled with glee as he finished the taunt. "compared to me, The big bad Hulk is as weaker than a puny human." The Hulk bellowed with inarticulate rage, but he couldn't even affect Chris's voice as the boy taunted the taller muscle beast. "Yeah, keep ‘em comin', that's it." Chris chuckled at the Hulk's frantic efforts. "C'mon, harder big guy!" After letting the Hulk pound away a while longer, getting more and more frustrated and angry all the while. Chris sensed that the Hulk had reached the height of his strength. Still, the boy easily withstood the Hulk's power. Eventually, despite his anger, the Hulk began to tire. "Muscle-boy’s muscles...too hard." The Hulk bleated with pure frustration between desperate gasps. "...too strong....for Hulk to smash". Chris, though disappointed with the Hulk's increased but still inadequate strength, smirked with satisfaction at the admission, which did seem to enrage the Hulk a bit more at having made it. The burst of anger helped the Hulk continue his assault a while longer. "This is going nowhere". Chris said with a disappointed sigh. "Time to end it." "NO! Hulk will find a way to BEAT you!" The Hulk cried out desperately as he began to catch a second wind. Chris rolled his eyes and sighed "I guess I did say you could punch me for as long as you wanted, didn't I." The boy said, as though now regretting that promise. Then he grinned wickedly. "Guess I'll just have to make you want to stop." The Hulk was savagely pounding away as Chris spoke. The boy's patronizing tone was causing the beast's anger to spike once more. "Hulk will SMASH." The Hulk roared with desperate rage as he hammered completely unaffected abs that looked like something off the cover of ‘Mutant Muscle and Fitness." "Yeah, right." Chris laughed. "Smash this." The boy mocked and for the first time crunched down, actually flexing his abs. Every bone in the Hulks right hand shattered on impact with Chris's abs, which became impossibly even more ripped and defined as he flexed them. The Hulk wailed in pain and once again dropped to his knees, Where he stared with fear and disbelief at the wall of chiseled stomach muscle in front of his face. There wasn't even any skeletal support directly behind those abs and still the muscles were so powerful and hard that the Hulk had shattered his hand against them like a bundle of dry twigs. The Hulk just stared, unsure what to do. He couldn't run, the muscle-boy still held his hand trapped in yet another set of overwhelmingly powerful muscles. Chris examined his impervious rippling belly approvingly. "Sweet!" He said with a laugh. Then he noticed a small red smear just above his navel. The Hulk noticed it too and held up his ham-sized fist to display a trickle of blood oozing from around a couple of his knuckles. The Hulk grimaced and shook out his meaty paw a moment, then pressed the bleeding knuckles to his mouth. "Look's like you've made a little mess Hulkster." An idea occurred to Chris as he watched the Hulk tend to his wound. He grinned with delight. He stepped closer to the Hulk, bringing his rippling stomach almost in contact with the Hulk's face. "Lick it off." the boy commanded, pointing to a couple more smudges of the Hulk's blood that marred the pale skin of his matchless, muscular mid-section. The Hulk refused. "That wasn't a request." Chris pointed out and with the merest twitching of one pectoral muscle, the boy snapped two of the fingers of the Hulk's hand where he held it imbedded within the muscular vise of his chest. Chris felt the bones in the Hulk's hand give way. He loved this feeling of power. With a cry of pain, the Hulk complied - he began licking the boys abs, he reluctantly lapped away the traces of his blood from the very muscles that had just bloodied his poor hand with their unyielding muscle-tone. "Awright, Awright." Chris squirmed a bit and pulled away, causing the Hulk to pitch forward painfully onto his not yet healed hand.. "That tickles." The peerless mutant powerhouse said through an incongruous giggle. He rubbed his tummy absently and pulled his hand away, inspecting the slight moisture there. "And it's kind of gross", he said and wiped his hand on the straining material of his shorts where they stretched tight across his round, powerfully muscled backside. Those extra-baggy shorts had shredded and ridden up his barrel sized thighs so that they now fit him like a pair of very brief, square-cut swimming trunks. His hand still held fast, the Hulk slowly climbed to a standing position, struggling to minimize physical contact with Chris's intimidating body as he did so. In the meantime, Chris was rather comically exploring his butt after feeling how different it felt when he'd wiped his hand on his shorts. He had both hands planted on his behind and was exploring his steely-hard, rounded glutes - testing their resilience and shape. He noticed the Hulk glaring at him and grinned. "Hey, this is all new to me, okay?" He removed his hands and planted them on his hips and let out a little satisfied breath as if to say: "Ok, what next." He noticed that the Hulk was shuffling his feet like a restless child and making little frustrated grunting noises as he looked around anxiously, everywhere but directly at Chris. "What's up with you?" Chris asked, amused. The Hulk scowled and seemed reluctant to respond but finally blurted out. "Hulk's hand." The brute grumbled and gestured sheepishly toward his trapped hand with his nearly healed one. Chris peeked over the top of his Hulk-conquering pecs and noted the brutes fist was still trapped past the wrist. "Oh, yeah." Chris snickered. "Um...I stopped flexing ages ago." The Hulk gave his hand a solid tug. It didn't budge. His brow furrowed and he looked from the boy's unyielding chest muscles back up at Chris's face. Chris grinned proudly. "Yeah, my muscle tone's a bitch huh, Hulk." The Hulk grabbed his stuck fist with his still-sore right hand, planted his feet and heaved. He strained for several seconds to no avail. "Well, huh," Chris said looking slightly puzzled. He rapped his knuckles probingly against one meaty pec. It made a deep bass "thump-thump" that the Hulk could feel in his hand. "Guess I might have a bit of a pump going. Maybe kicking your butt was more of a workout than it felt like." The boy then laughed dismissing the idea with a wave. "Nah, It's gotta be just good old fashioned muscle tone. Put some muscle into it Hulk." The Hulk continued straining to free his hand for another few seconds before Chris finally rolled his eyes at the Hulk's pathetic effort and pulled his elbows around behind his rib-cage, which cause his deep pecs to press together somewhat less firmly. The Hulk broke free and stumbled backward, nearly losing his balance. By this time, all their jostling about had brought them near to the cliff face that had earlier halted the Hulk's motion when he'd ricocheted off Chris's more powerful body. That had been the first incident in which the Hulk had been so totally overpowered by someone since Emil Blonsky had initially been transformed into the creature known as the Abomination. But even the ease with which Blonsky had swatted the Hulk in that encounter paled in comparison to the degree to which Chris surpassed the Hulk in raw muscle. Now free, the Hulk steadied himself as unfamiliar impulses warred in his dim mind. The deepest most primitive part of his brain raged and demanded an immediate and unceasing attack on the opponent before him. But his higher cognitive mind, atrophied as it was, had done the math: The Hulk was seriously out-muscled here After having helped the Hulk free himself, Chris brought his shoulders forward once more, squaring them with a proud little bounce. He couldn't get over his new self. He bent at the waist to once again examine himself. It was still hard for him to accept that the Hulk's onslaughts had left him completely unmarred. Chris then noticed something for the first time. His brow knitted with curiosity. "Wait a minute." The boy said aloud to himself. "I didn't know that was muscle." He said as he hooked a thumb inside the front of the waistband of his shorts and pulled the tightly stretched material away from the mosaic of muscle at his waist and peered down inside. His eyes widened, he was obviously impressed with what he saw there. "Or those either for that matter." He added. Letting the waistband snap he grinned at the Hulk. "This day just gets better and better." "Now," Chris began more seriously. "What to do with you." The young man crossed his massive arms across an equally huge chest and considered the Hulk for a moment. "I'm not real keen on anyone finding out I'm a mutant." Chris said, apparently thinking aloud and not really attempting to dialog with the Hulk. "Right now, Bruce Banner is the only person who knows about me." Chris focused intently on the Hulk. The beast became uneasy under that glare and began to inch backward, away from the boy. "I could make my debut as the most powerful hero on this planet now - claim I'm a space-alien or maybe some kind of super-soldier here to defend the world against powerful and dangerous threats." The boy took a step toward the Hulk. "Threats like you Hulkie." Chris nodded. He was really starting to like this idea. "And I could do it all without anyone ever having to find out that I'm really a mutant. All I'd have to do is make sure Banner never squeals." Chris began to crack his knuckles the sound was like rifle-shots. The motion caused his biceps and triceps to work against each other like surging ocean swells. "I'll bet I could make sure of that right now." He added, staring the Hulk down coldly. Chris moved in on the Hulk, who bumped into the cliff that was now at his back. The Hulk saw the boy coming and felt something that this young man was causing him to become more and more familiar with: Fear. The Hulk moved a few steps laterally to clear the cliff then squatted low to the ground, his great green leg muscles coiled, ready to launch the massive beast far away in an escape leap. The Hulk shot upward explosively, desperately trying to get away from Chris. But a fraction of an instant after he left the ground, he felt tremendous pressure clamp down around one of his ankles and he was brought to a complete, jarring halt. Chris had grabbed the Hulk by his right ankle, cancelling the force of his leap with one mighty arm. As the Hulk was violently jerked back to the ground, Chris caught the beast in a bear-hug, their two thick torso's thumping into each other. The Hulk placed both meaty palms against Chris's chin and pushed. He may as well been a toddler trying to push over a fire-hydrant. "Don't try that again Hulk." Chris warned. "Remember what I did to your hand?" The boy caused a thick wave of striated sinew to roll up his pecs. The Hulk felt his own broad chest compress painfully under the movement. "I'm pretty sure I could do that to your whole body...If I wanted to." The Hulk struggled to reclaim the breath that had just been knocked out of him by the impact with the far more densely muscled boy. "No. No. Let...Hulk...go." The Hulk protested in a near total panic. "Don't get yer purple panties in a wad Hulkster". Chris smirked. "I'm through with you for now. I need to talk to Banner." At the mention of that name, the Hulk's face contorted with rage and hatred. "Puny Banner..." The Hulk began, but Chris merely glared at the Hulk and shook his head as though admonishing an unruly child. The boy gave the Hulk a little squeeze. The Hulk's defiant look vanished instantly to be replace by the fearful look of a trapped animal. "That's better." Chris smiled. "Now, I'm betting that you and Banner have at least a subconscious awareness of each other." Chris explained as he tightened his hold further. The Hulk struggled but couldn't even begin to free himself. The green brute tightened every gargantuan muscle in his torso in attempt to counter Chris's bear-hug. "At least...for your sake I hope so." Chris finished. "Banner!" Chris called aloud. "In about thirty seconds, there's going to be exactly enough space between my forearms and my big bad bod for one scrawny little physicist." Chris explained. "If your big green buddy is still here, well..." Chris grinned confidently up into the Hulk's face. "He'll be so much guacamole." Chris continued more softly, addressing the Hulk. "If you can, I'd cooperate with puny Banner if I were you." The boy advised. The Hulk screamed in rage, then agony. His arms alternately flailed helplessly then pounded on Chris's mountain-range of a back. His mighty gamma-spawned muscles trembled as Chris's rock-solid arms and chest began to mash them flat. Then the Hulk went limp in utter surrender. His arms draped down the conquering boy's back where they hung limply. "Banner..." the Hulk croaked in a hoarse whisper. "Banner...come back. Hulk not like...muscle-boy." Retreating against such unquestionably superior power, the Hulk's immense green musculature seemed to melt away more and more with each passing second. Soon Chris stood victorious. He'd humbled and vanquished the Hulk in a way that was unprecedented. Banner stared at the boy from his prison of teen sinew, the physicist had never retained so much detailed memory from one of his transformation's into the Hulk. He guessed that this was because his Hulk persona had never willing relinquished control over their shared physiology. For the first time in memory since the day he was caught in the New Mexico desert gamma- bomb blast that had unleashed the Hulk on the world, Bruce could not sense his other personality lurking in that dark corner of his mind, so thorough was the Hulk's cowing at Chris's hands. "How much do you remember, Doc?" Chris asked. "Enough to know that you are probably about to kill me." Banner replied." He didn't sound at all frightened, in fact if this phenomenal boy intended to kill him, part of Banner welcomed the idea of peaceful oblivion. Chris looked momentarily confused. "Kill you?" Then the boy grinned. "Not unless I have to. Besides, you think I couldn't have offed you just as easily while you were tall, green and stupid?" Banner gulped. "Then, uh..." He tried squirming a bit, but he couldn't move in Chris's grip. "What are you going to do with me?" "Make a deal, of course." Chris replied. "He loosened his grip enough so that Banner slid to the ground. Banner stumbled back grateful for some distance between himself and that much raw, Hulk-pounding power. "A deal?" "You've got a secret I want kept." Chris explained. "And I've got the means to keep your little alter-ego in check if he ever gets out of hand, again." Chris demonstrated those "means" by sending the two most powerful biceps in existence towering above Banner in a double biceps pose. Chris beamed with pride. "I think it's more than a fair agreement." The boy's features darkened ominously. "The alternative..." He said trailing off and stepping into Banner, bumping the much, much smaller man back several steps. "Is far less pleasant." Banner, thought it over for a moment. He didn't know if finally having the means to keep the Hulk in check was a balanced trade-off for having helped unleash Chris on the world, but he also didn't see that he had much of a choice. With a reluctant nod, he accepted Chris's terms. Again, Chris beamed. "Oh, and one more thing." Chris added. "I want to make a big entrance on the hero scene." Banner didn't see where he had any say in this matter one way or the other. "Um, Ok, but..." "We'll have to work on your ability to change into the Hulk, wouldn't want to have to smack you around every time I want him to come out and play. Then I'm thinking maybe I'll round up the Abomination and maybe Juggernaut and unleash you all on...I don't know, maybe the next Super-bowl crowd - No, wait...the World Cup...then, in front of the whole world I'll save the day by pounding on all three of ya. Whaddya think? No, wait. I gotta better idea..." Chris placed an irresistible hand on Bruce's shoulder and shoved him along as he continued to chatter on excitedly. Banner could only sigh and struggle to come to terms with his new world order as he was ushered along.
  9. Previous Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1194-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-two/ CHAPTER THREE I passed through the entrance to the Eagle as I had dozens of times before. The bar was dark and quiet – naturally as it was late on a Sunday night. The urgent, throbbing beat of tech house music mixed through the alcohol and sweat laden air. My cock twitched in my skin-tight jeans. I could feel my balls pressing against the denim. I was there to fuck. The downstairs appeared empty save for the bartender across the room. His broad back was turned to me. Long, dark hair spilled across his shoulders and almost to his waist. Huge triceps stretched the arms of his black t-shirt. I didn’t recognize him. It didn’t matter. As I approached, a thickly muscled Asian kid in a wife-beater jogged down the stairs at the back. I guessed he was 25 at most – clean-shaven with a flattop. Beautiful. He saw me – shirtless, bulging, massive. “Whoa,” he said simply as he stopped. The bartender turned around. Though to my right, I could see that he was bearded with big pecs and shoulders and a bigger gut. But I was focused on the muscle boy. Even in the dim lighting I could tell that he had perfect skin. Smooth. Soft. His face was square, strong, and handsome. I walked up to him and reached behind his neck. He began to tremble. “It’s okay,” I said gently. “I’m going to give you what you want.” He relaxed and dropped to his knees and began gnawing at my bulging crotch, licking and biting and sucking through the denim. Blood surged into my cock and it swelled, pressing against my jeans, providing a larger mound for him to chew on, expanding as his teeth caressed it. I could feel it become almost impossibly hard, so big and thick, thrusting until it tore through the spit and pre-cum soaked denim and plunged directly into his wide-open mouth. Somewhere in the distance I heard a deep voice shout “FUCK,” but I was too lost in the bliss of the boy servicing my powerful tool to pay attention. Then I felt my pants being torn away and a second pair of lips, another tongue, lapping and sucking hungrily on my ball sack. “Aww, yeah…” I moaned with approval, but I had something else in mind. Minutes later they were both gagged and bent over, hands tied to their feet, bare asses in the air. I stood some distance behind them, naked save for my heavy boots, and admired their butts. Both had large, full glutes, but the bartender’s were thick with hair while the kid’s were completely smooth with only a hint of peach fuzz. My fully engorged cock bounced with my heartbeat, so hard it felt as if it were welded onto my skeleton – unbendable, unyielding. Pre-cum oozed from the engorged head and dripped onto the floor. I strode toward their waiting asses, keenly aware of the weight of my organ as it swung side to side. I slammed it into the boy’s hole, ignoring his muffled cry as I felt it stretch further around the fat base of my cock, tightly wrapping my tool, caressing it with the velvety smooth heat it deserved. I could hear his grunts as I pounded his ass, giving him what he so desperately needed, taking what was mine until I had loaded him with my cum and moved on to the bartender. And when I finished with him I moved on to the next waiting hole, for more men had appeared, all bound and gagged, in a circle around me, waiting for their chance to pleasure me. It wasn’t until I had reached the fourth man that I became aware that I was somehow still fucking the first three concurrently, for the physical sensation and pleasure continued to increase as I moved around the circle. I somehow knew what was happening, and my cock and balls surged with power. I threw my arms into the air and flexed as I thrust repeatedly and accepted my role as Alpha Stud of humanity. Suddenly, I was fucking every man in the bar simultaneously, satisfying them as only I could, feeling the dozens of holes worship my mighty cock, filling them from the infinite reservoir of my jism, until the joy of my orgasm grew so powerful that I... My body spasmed in my bed, cum surging from my raging erection, grunting, almost yelling as the bed shook with the most intense orgasm of my life. Fully a minute later, I found myself flat on my back on soaking wet sheets, covered with sweat and my own cum, my heart slamming against my ribcage, my head spinning with the aftershocks of the dream and orgasm. I again wondered what that hell was going on, simultaneously thrilled with the sexual prowess that I now seemed to possess but confused by the lack of control I had over what was happening to me. I replayed the dream in my mind. I remembered it clearly, even the many butts that I had plowed, some hairy, some not, some perfectly white and flawless like Matt’s, some dark – hair and skin of many colors, all desperate for me to dominate them. I flushed, embarrassed at the arrogance of my subconscious. Alpha Stud of humanity? As impossibly hot and desirable as that sounded – and felt – it certainly was not me. I just wanted everyone to get along, to live and let live ... and fuck as much as I could. “You know you’re a master stud, right?” Matt had asked me yesterday. I sat up and shook my head. It was time to get to work. I stood up and felt my cock swing. It was still erect and I looked down at the fully engorged organ. “Do you mind?” I asked it, exasperated. Yet I continued to study it, watching it bob slightly in rhythm with my heart, so thick and robust looking, veins wrapping around the mighty shaft... Mighty? Where did that come from? I had never thought of my cock as mighty or anything special. It was just my cock. I wrapped my fingers around it – they didn’t even come close to closing around the throbbing pole. It really is bigger, I admitted, which of course caused it to surge larger still. I found myself stroking it, enjoying its extreme hardness and heft, wondering why no one was at my feet begging to worship it... “STOP!” I yelled out loud. My heart was pounding again, only this time with fear. I was losing myself, and despite the overwhelming need to satisfy my lust, I forcefully cleared my mind and jumped in the shower. Water – as cold as possible. Wash – as fast as possible. Dress – as fast as possible and in the largest Carhartt pants I have. Do not look in the mirror... As I began to leave for work, I saw the mechanical scale still sitting in front of the closet door. I found myself walking toward it and with some trepidation stepped on. The dial spun and bounced: 255. I smiled and sighed with relief. I wore boots, jeans and a t-shirt. Given the weight of my clothing, I had lost a few pounds overnight. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. Air in. Air out. Air in. Air out. I was not losing my mind. I am in control. Air in. Air out. Air in. Air out. I then stepped down, grabbed my hardhat and backpack, and was off to the job site. * * * People stared openly as I moved down the busy SoHo sidewalk, but I ignored the attention. I walked, or more like waddled, as quickly as possible and with imaginary blinders on. No eye contact. No acknowledgement. Do not look at anyone. Once again I felt fear. I had long drawn more than my share of attention, but this was ridiculous. I checked my shirt and pants, wondering if I had put them on inside out. Fly open? No. I checked my face in the window of a parked truck – it looked normal. I was fifteen pounds heavier – why would that generate so much attention? Even Hank, who was far larger than me, did not create such a distraction. Hank and I stepped onto the busy Church Street sidewalk, coffees in hand. The morning was clear and mild and we began walking through the broad canyon of low-rise buildings toward the neo-classical Saint Peter’s Church. I briefly fell behind so that I could check out his ass but ended up watching, impressed, as many oncoming pedestrians afforded him wide berth. While this was Manhattan, land of the most jaded of pedestrians, few were above moving out of the path of a super heavyweight bodybuilder. Some of the men gave him a thumbs up. A few even knew his name. I felt invisible in his wake, but also inspired. At five foot ten and 210 ripped pounds, I was pretty built, but before we even reached Barclay Street I had decided to get as big as possible. I quickly caught up with him. “Mind if I train with you sometime?” I asked. “But you ain’t even poked me yet.” He winked. That made me smile. “Maybe I like to get poked.” He rolled his eyes. “Oh, no. I recognized you. Why do you think I stopped at that coffee shop?” I found Big Red’s recognition flattering, but somehow I had never seen him before. “You have me at a disadvantage,” I said. “Let’s just say we have a mutual friend and that your rep precedes you.” I wondered who our ‘mutual friend’ was and laughed. “Really? I have a rep?” “And I can smell a good top a mile away,” he said. “There’s only one of you in each borough, you know.” ‘Which leaves all of Manhattan to me’ was the obvious comeback, but before I could say it, the familiar roar of an approaching jet aircraft filled the air. Familiar, but much too loud. I instinctively looked up. A commercial jet was almost directly overhead and at an insanely low altitude. Goosebumps rose on my entire body and even as I watched, the jet slammed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, enveloping the upper floors in a ball of flame. I briefly turned to Hank. “Holy shit did you see that?” I exclaimed. To my amazement, he was tying his shoe. An instant later, the sound of the explosion reached us and adrenaline flooded my body. “Down!” I yelled as I shoved Hank to the street behind a parked truck. Just as I covered him with my body, debris began falling around us. I continued along the sidewalk. People – men, women, children – parted and stared. My shirt and pants were tighter than usual, but I’d seen tighter. Something very strange was happening and I found myself wishing I were invisible. Again anxious to get away from the public, I jogged the remaining blocks to work and as I reached the job site, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Matt. Hey Big Guy – we are heading to Brooklyn for the day. Walking across the bridge. Having pizza I think. Can’t stop thinking about you. Can I see you tonight? I grinned as I pictured his beautiful, bearded face. So handsome and sweet. His blue eyes adoring as he looked at me. My cock sprang to life in my pants. I panicked and shoved the phone back in my pocket. Immediately, I broke out in a cold sweat. My cock had become some kind of problem child, impossible to control and ready to cause trouble. And people were staring at me, gawking. While pretending to study my phone, I could see every head turn in my peripheral vision. Every head. A few people, mostly men, appeared to struggle to keep moving. Why? Except that I knew the answer. I could feel it surfacing from my subconscious, yet I shoved it away, too terrified to face the reality. Still on the busy sidewalk, I looked up at the steel skeleton of the new building rising above the temporary wooden safety wall and focused on it. Today is all about you, I said to the unfinished structure. I put on my vest, belt and hardhat and entered the jobsite, and for four hours I was able to think only about work. The other guys on the project did pay attention to me more than usual, but I was able to block them out. A few of my buddies asked if I had put on weight and just told them I was doing a cycle, which seemed to satisfy them. It wasn’t until lunch that I realized that not only was I not hungry, but I hadn’t eaten in almost 24 hours. I briefly considered grabbing a bite anyway, but instead found myself walking over the staging area for the steel beams that had yet to be prepared for placement. It was hot again, but the sun felt so good that I made sure it was on me as much as possible all morning. The steel was hot from baking for several hours. I removed my shirt and leaned back against it, stretching luxuriously like a cat in a beam of sunlight. Mark, my supervisor, shook me awake. “Jamal, you okay?” I opened my eyes and sat up. “Sorry, man,” I blurted out reflexively. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” I jumped to my feet. My pants were uncomfortably tight, again. I felt pumped – again – and I broke out in a cold sweat, again. I’ve put on more weight, again. This time, I was keenly aware of it. I knew what it felt like now. I estimated I was again ten to fifteen pounds heavier. Mark was a big man – not a bodybuilder, but he wasn’t a stranger to the gym either. We had trained together years ago, until he got married and became a father. He was bearded, tattooed, and had long gray and brown hair. People often thought he was a biker, though (like me) he had never even been on one. “Fuck,” he said as he stared at me, almost trance-like. “What a stud.” I could feel him devour me with his eyes, especially my torso, arms and crotch, until I felt it begin to grow. I nodded and headed back to the scissor lift. “I gotta take a leak bad, man,” I said as I began running away. “Hey, wait,” he called after me. “I need to show you something in the office.” I didn’t stop. I knew what he wanted to show me. His ass. He was a completely straight man. He had never displayed any issue with gays, but never displayed any desire for men either. Yet he wanted me to fuck him. Somehow, I knew this, and it was right. Everyone needs me to fuck them. They need my muscles and cock to show them who’s boss. They crave the reassurance of my dominance. I am the Alpha Stud, after all. I stopped in my tracks, my heart racing in renewed panic. Where are these thoughts coming from? Even my mind was betraying me, and as my erection strained against the heavy denim of my pants and a part of me observed in terror, I knew that I would fuck Mark. I turned around and faced him. He was already walking toward me, my shirt, hat and vest in hand. I had left them on the girder. My cock throbbed powerfully in the confines of my jeans in anticipation and his eyes locked onto the huge bulge as he approached. His jaw dropped. “Please,” he said, once again looking me in the eye. His expression was pleading. Minutes later, I stood in the office in the temporary building with my jeans around my ankles, pre-cum dripping from my raging erection onto Mark’s face as he knelt before me. His complete submission was intensely arousing and felt perfectly natural. He desperately craved my dominance. The look in his eyes was clear. The complete awe with which he gazed up at my long, fat, throbbing cock and massive, hairy body was clear. Mark needed to worship me, to demonstrate his submission to the Alpha Stud. Long, fat, throbbing cock. My cock wasn’t long. Except that it was now. It had grown again along with the rest of me. And after several minutes of watching the continuous strand of my pre-cum pour onto Mark’s face and collect in his mustache and beard, I felt it was time. “I’m going to give you what you need,” I said. “Stand and bend over your desk.” He dropped his pants and I wasted no time in forcing the head of my pre-cum lubed cock into his virgin hole. He gasped and his breathing became labored. His hole was so tight that I blew my wad twice during the several minutes it took to drive it all the way in. Between watching my fat tool disappear into his ass, knowing how much I was stretching him out with my superior manhood, and the intense physical pleasure of feeling him wrapped tightly around my tool, I couldn’t stop myself from shooting. I remained amazed at how quickly I could recharge, but on the other hand I knew that was how it was supposed to be. I slid the length of my cock in and out of his ass, reveling in the sensation of his sphincter gripping my rod. In. Out. In. Out. His groans increased in volume. In. Out. In. Out. I smiled. I am the Alpha Stud. I am giving him what he needs. What they all need. And this is my reward. “You all exist for me to fuck,” I heard myself say as the heat and pressure in my loins reached the tipping point. “YES!” he agreed. “UGH!” And with that, Mark’s spasming cock was spraying all over the side of his desk as I used his hips to pull him flush against me, sinking my great fuck pole in to the hilt, again pumping another of my enormous loads into his intestine. Minutes later, my cock was still rammed up his ass. “I don’t know what happened,” he said sheepishly. “But I don’t want you to pull out.” “I know,” I said as I gently extracted my long cock, listening to Mark grunt as I withdrew. “But we should get back to work.” We both pulled up our jeans. “How are we supposed to work with you around?” he asked. This truly puzzled me. “What?” He sat down at his desk and grimaced. “Fuck, it burns,” he said. “How long will it hurt?” The conversation was surreal. I shrugged my shoulders. “I really don’t know. A day or so?” “Anyway, you’re not the same,” he said. He began sliding the supplies and papers back into place on his desk. His supervisor hat was on once again. “I’ve been watching you and the guys all morning. You’ve been working like a machine, but everyone around you is distracted, including me. We can’t focus. I know I sure as hell can’t.” I threw my hands up and began pacing between the water cooler and the wastebasket by the door. “I don’t know what’s happening, Mark. I’m getting bigger for no reason I can see. Everyone is staring at me. I mean, we’re men, we like to be big and strong, right? I shouldn’t complain, but it’s freaking me out. Because ... because...” I stopped and faced him. “Because I have no control over it. I’m not doing it. It’s just happening.” Neither of us spoke for a few minutes. I looked at him and wondered how much longer I would have a job, while he just stared at me. Then his eyes glazed over. Here it comes again, I thought. “Fuck, you’re huge,” he said. I sighed and turned away. “You need to be worshipped,” he said reverently. I spun around again, “NO! What I need is a job!” But already I felt my cock stir and begin expanding upward toward my navel, thickening and lengthening until the head pushed beyond my belt, pre-cum already oozing from the piss slit. “Shit. No no no no NO!” I said as I pushed it back into my pants and redirected it to the side even as it continued to swell. “It’s fuckin’ huge,” he said in awe. “It certainly wants to be worshipped.” “What I want is a JOB,” I yelled irritably. Mark blinked and shook his head. “Look,” he said, apparently himself once again. “Take the rest of the day off – ” “But – ” He held his hand up. “Just listen. You’re way ahead of schedule. Come back tomorrow. Wear something ... big. Big and baggy.” He looked at me again. “Very big. Huge. And we’ll take it from there.” I walked home without my shirt, for it had torn as I tried to put it back on. I ignored the stares and cameras and pleas for attention. A few blocks from home, someone approaching me actually dropped to his knees directly in my path and to my horror, my cock immediately began to swell. I began running, desperate to have some privacy again, until I was off the sidewalk and in the entryway of my building. I stopped, expecting to be winded. I wasn’t. Once inside my apartment, I made a beeline for the kitchen and pulled a bottle of tequila out of the cabinet, removed the top, and chugged the remaining third of the liquor. I just stood there, bottle in hand, heart pounding not with exertion but panic, and waited for the alcohol to work its magic. Ten minutes passed. I stripped down to nothing and looked at the mechanical scale as if it were already the bearer of bad news. 260, I thought. 265, tops. The phone rang and I hurriedly dug it out of my backpack. I recognized the area code as I felt the tequila hit. It was Matt’s cell. I hadn’t responded to his text. I began to accept the call but froze. It rolled to voicemail. Next Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1318-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-four/
  10. MrLemur

    The Iceman Cometh (Part 2)

    It was so hard thinking about work. I normally looked forward to Mondays. Sphye was a great place to work. Every day had potential to be “The Day” we made the next big break-through. I guess the saying of “do what you love and the money will follow” is true, at least for me. Despite loving my job this morning was filled with nothing but distraction. All I could think about was the weekend I spent with Jake. After having the most satisfying sex of my life on Saturday night, Sunday held several encores. Jake even humored me by going down to the park and playing soccer for while. I needed to remind him tackling is not a part of standard play more than once. I think he knew it, but he liked the excuse of grabbing me and falling on top too much. I had several bruises by the late afternoon, but I didn’t mind one bit. The morning dragged as I waited for Jake to come in at eleven. I knew he was here when I heard Gracie, our front desk flirt, laughing just a little too loud. God, how she threw herself at any man who was remotely attractive – the afternoon visits from the UPS man were more than I could bear some days. Of course she had to “help” Jake find my office. How could he get lost going only ten steps? I would love to see the expression on her face if she knew he was mine. Jake and I were very professional in front of her but as soon as the door was closed that all changed as Jake scooped me up. There is just something about being with a man that can pick you up like you weighed nothing that made me rock hard. After a gentle kiss Jake set me back down, and I went over all the forms with him. He gave me copies of his medical records from the Mariners’ doctor and then I explained the risks of the treatment, and had him sign the dotted line. “I called in quite a few favors from the lead research physician to get you in the trials Jake. I really hope this works for you.” I told him. “So, ‘Side effects may include minor aches and pains, high blood pressure and increased libido,’ I think I can live with that.” He chuckled, “Are those just initial side effects or prolonged?” he asked. “Well, Jake like I said; we are still in the early stages of human trials. You may have none or all of those side effects. You’re a bit of a wild card based on your age. The next youngest participant is 55. Since the drug stimulates the endocrine system and you’re a still relatively young man you should respond to the treatment extremely well.” I tired to assure him. I handed Jake the small box of 30 patches and he looked it over with great skepticism. “Are these bandages or drugs?” he asked a bit confused. “They are trans-dermal patches. You’ll need to place them in the low groin area – one every 24 hours. The drug is absorbed into the blood stream via the skin. Easy enough?” reassuring him that this wasn’t some kind of prank. “So, I stick these on my nuts?” He asked. “No, just stick them low on your stomach - just above that horse dick of yours” I said taking one out of the box, un-zipping his pants and showing him how to apply it. “Hmmm, kind of tingles against the skin.” Jake commented taking my hand and sticking it further down into his pants. “I don’t think it’s the patch giving you that tingly feeling Mr. Naughty.” I said pulling out my hand. “You need to behave. We aren’t at my house now, and Gracie has a bad habit of barging in un-announced.” Almost on queue as Jake was zipping up Gracie stuck her head in the door. “Dr. Gannon needs to speak to you. Can you make yourself available?” she said in her sing-song-iest voice. “Is the intercom not working again Gracie?” I asked as sarcastically as I could. “Sorry, bad habits die hard. So, can you see him or not?” She asked insistently. “Yes, yes, send him in. I am done with Mr. Wyzkowski for now. Unless Mr. Wyzkowski has any more questions?” I continued. “Nope, nope, I’m good. Perhaps I can call you later should I think of any more “questions?” Jake inquired giving me a devilish look. “That would be fine.” I answered. As Jake walked out lead by Gracie I got one last look at that marvelous ass of his, and let out an audible sigh as Dr. Gannon came in. We shook hands and he got straight to business. “So, Lange how do you feel about Boston?” “It’s a nice enough city I guess why do you ask?” “Your associate Peter Burchman appears to have taken ill and cannot attend the conference there. I was thinking you could go in his stead. You’re single aren’t you? You don’t need to give notice to anyone do you?” He went on and before I could respond. “Good then, I’ll have your secretary Gracie make all the arrangements. We should be able to get you on flight late today. It’s about time you got out of the research lab and networked with your colleges. Have a good day Lange.” And with those words Dr. Gannon excused himself from my office, and then my cell phone rang. “Hello?” “Hey, nice shove out the door there sport. I wanted to ask you out to dinner tonight.” It was Jake. “I’m sorry Dr. Gannon is the senior scientist as well as a member of the Board. I have a tendency to get a little nervous when he comes around. Can you forgive me?” I asked. “I guess that depends on whether you can join me tonight.” Jake said with just a touch of that sexy chuckle of his. “Damn, I can’t. My good buddy Pete screwed me by getting sick, or so he claims, and now it looks like I have to go to Boston in his place. I’m sorry Jake.” “How long do you plan on being gone?” he asked “I guess I won’t be coming back until Friday night, but that means we still have the weekend to look forward to. Of course I’ll miss Wednesday night’s game, and I really hate that.” I added. “Keep talking like that and I may start thinking your just dating me to get free tickets.” God, he is so adorable when he gets all cheeky. “Nah, It’s that big dick of yours.” I said holding my hand over my mouth and the phone. “Tell you what, I’ll call you once I get settled in at the hotel tonight, and maybe we can have a little fun on the phone.” “If that’s the best I can get from you this week I guess it’ll just have to do. I’ll miss you.” Jake said almost whispering. “Me too, bye Jake.” “Bye” It was Hell having to run home and pack things as quickly as I could. Gracie managed to get the airline tickets for a five o’clock flight, which was cutting it tight, but I made it. I got to the hotel, registered for the conference and before I knew it, it was nine in the evening until I had a chance to call Jake. The phone rang and rang until it rolled over to his answering machine. Half way into the message Jake picked it up sounding like he just ran a marathon. “Hey Emmett! I almost gave up on you calling.” “Sorry babe, it’s been a crazy day, but I’m here safe and sound, and glad to hear your voice. Are you all right? You sound a little winded.” I said kind of worried considering he had just started taking a very powerful, trial drug. “I guess you could say I got started without ya’.” He responded. “What does that mean?” I asked. “Well you aren’t the only one who’s been having a crazy day, so let me tell you about mine.” Jake said in an excited tone. “After leaving your offices I went down to the Arena gym like any other day, but about halfway into my workout I started getting such a rush I just couldn’t stop myself. Anyway, before I knew it five o’clock rolled around and I had to make myself stop. Emmett, I was so jazzed, and pumped I couldn’t believe it. I jacked off in the showers twice. Then when I got home I just had to look at myself again. Hell, it’s like four hours now since I stopped working out and I still have a pump.” Like a little boy talking about his day at an amusement park Jake kept talking a mile-a-minute. “I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve jacked off since getting home. Fuck, that’s what I was doing when the phone rang. I’m just standing here in the hall right now completely naked and I’m boning up again.” “Wow, you’re really good at this phone sex thing.” I purred into the phone. “I’m not kidding Emmett. What the Heck is in this stuff you gave me. You guys weren’t kidding about increased libido. It’s like my nuts are working over-time. My whole bathroom is covered in jizz, and I’m ready to go again.” “How do you feel otherwise? Any joint pain? I asked getting concerned. “Come to think of it I really haven’t noticed any pain. That’s kind of unusual for me.” Jake answered. “Well, then let’s not change anything about your dosage just yet. The side effects could level off in a day or two.” I assured him. “Hey, with side effects like these who cares about joint pain? Speaking of side effects Emmett I think I gotta take care of my boy again.” Jake said his voice taking on a mischievous tone. “Oh, really? Why don’t you tell me about that big horse dick of yours. I miss it so much.” I said longingly. “Well, it feels more like a baseball bat than a dick tonight. Damn! It’s so hard I think I could pound it through a cinder block wall. I’m stroking it right now with my free hand. Goin’ up and down my long, thick shaft – fuck it feels so good Emmett. I’m lookin’ at myself in the mirror too. My muscles are so pumped and hard I feel like I could takedown the whole fuckin’ Raiders team by myself. Pre-cum is flowing like crazy as I’m strokin’ my rod. Does that make you feel hot Emmett?” “Oh, yes” I answered, my hand already pulling my own cock out of my boxers. “My muscles are lookin’ so big and pumped Emmett. I wish you could see me right now. My body all hot and wet from the shower, my skin all red, and the vein on my bicep standing out from pumping my big cock. My balls look bigger too. I swear they’re as big as lemons now. Fuck it Emmett, I’m getting close again. How about you?” “Oh Jake, you are so sexy. I think I’m gonna blow any second.” I said half speaking, half gasping for air. “Oh, Fuck! Emmett! I’m gonna…. Explode! Arrrrghhh, Uhhnnn, Ahhhh, Oh fuck baby, that feels so good.” As I heard Jake blow his load I spilled my own onto the hotel carpet, falling down onto my knees panting like a animal. “Oh, Jake I wish I could be with you now.”
  11. FREaky

    Pleasure Growth Part 5

    Pleasure Growth 5 by F_R_Eaky Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1116-pleasure-growth/ Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1117-pleasure-growth-part-2/ Part 3: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1118-pleasure-growth-part-3/ Part 4: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1256-pleasure-growth-part-4/ Once back home, Aaron truly felt like he was in solitary confinement. His parents gave him work and chores to do on the ranch but only things that were light for him, even if they were quite the daunting task for his brothers. His brothers had started to make all sorts of comments, poking fun at him saying how they had the jolly green giant at the house now, or ribbing him a little bit about his homosexuality and his involvement with Zeke. On the rare occasion however, they pushed the buttons a little too often and Aaron would get very angry and accidentally hurt one of his brothers by trying to lightly push them away or shove them, or give them a noogey punch on the shoulder. But with a gymnast's build now, Aaron's strength was a bit more than what he was used to, and at nine feet tall it was enhanced by his size, so the small shoves and punches caused extreme bruising, one broken arm, and sent his brothers flying to the opposite side of the room. Those instances caused Aaron's mom to put her foot down. Rest assured his father was there too, and was laying down the law as well, but no matter how big Aaron's dad and brothers were, the last word came from his mom, and when she laid down the law, everyone in the family listened or faced the wrath of her and a pair of rolling pins she handled like nun-chucks. The ribbing, no matter how light it was, about Aaron's homosexuality, his size, any kind of taunting or teasing was to stop and stop immediately or the older boys went to bed hungry, even as men in their twenties. "Besides," commented Aaron's mom, "Anger sometimes can cause arousal, especially if you piss him off and he accidentally shows off great strength. He's got to be treated and act like he's sterile. Nothing to set him off or arouse him whatsoever!" And both her and her husband meant it. There was no talk about special nights out with the girlfriends, or how mom and dad met and fell in love on their evening of their wedding anniversary, the cable and internet had locks put on them by mom so anything that showed relationships of any kind, let alone sexually explicit or pornographic scenes, were completely blocked from viewing. Not only Aaron, but the entire family felt like they were all trapped in a world where they were kids again for mom pretty much made sure the only thing available on the radio, t.v., or the internet were things produced by the Disney Company. So life went on for a couple of months like that. Aaron feeling even more depressed about his size, having to duck at the waist, if not crawl through a doorway on his hands and knees, although the farmhouse being an old victorian style did have high enough ceilings to accomodate his standing height. He felt more depression from missing Zeke, but was told he couldn't think about him so as not to get aroused. A daily grind of farming and ranch chores, child like games or card games, wholesome family t.v. and cartoons, and meals. Aaron at times nearly wished he could talk about the grass growing as it was fast becoming a more interesting subject than his life. But life was still to be interesting in big big ways for Aaron, despite the best efforts of the family. New Year's Day was going to start the new year with a big, big bang. Aaron's father, upon seeing his seven foot tall son, with his other boys all grown standing around six to six feet four, an inch to more taller than him, had started to go through a little depression himself. He was only in his early forties, his wife and he having gotten married and had the kids very young in their lives, but with all these young, taller, and stronger men in the house, Aaron's dad was beginning to feel less of a man. Well, Aaron's mom, wasn't hearing of anyone in her family being sick in anyway, including her man. On a secret trip they went to the doctors and got him checked out. Some testoterone treatments for him, triple rechecked by the doctor before administering, and some viagra, and Aaron's father, and mom, were feeling very happy, hardy, and healthy again, indeed. The stage was now set, however, for the "accident." The form of Dad's viagra pills were small and bluish. So too, were a set of pills Aaron was given to take to curb his horomone and libido levels. The family was in a rush getting ready in the morning as they were heading to town and then to a barn dance that evening. All, except Aaron, of course. While mom was busy getting breakfast prepared and laid out, she handed a tray to one of the brothers with two pill cases and two glasses of orange juice. "Things are in a bit of rush, today, Elijah, and I don't want either Dad nor Aaron to forget about the meds. Take these up to them and have them take them before they get their baths." Elijah took the tray, nice like from his mom and turned into the doorway where the back staircase was. Once on it, however, he decided to sprint up the stairs and nearly tripped on the top step. Now, he managed to keep the tray balanced so as to save the glasses of orange juice from completely tumping over, but the pill cases slid to the edge, hit the tray rim, and launched off, hitting the floor and popping open. Now, the brothers new about Aaron's pills and had seen them, and had seen some of the pills Dad was taking as well, but the new pills for testosterone and viagra, mom and dad kept descretely quiet about. So, when the pill cases hit the floor and popped open, Elijah, groaned and complained to himself, but looked down and figured he knew exactly which pills to place back into what case. The larger, blue, viagra pill, he figured was a booster pill for Aaron since the family was going to be gone all day. Aaron wasn't allowed to go to the barn dance, in case he saw a cowboy he took a liking too, plus the neighbors hadn't found out yet about Aaron's new size. So the pills delivered, Aaron and his father absent mindedly taking the pills without actually looking at them, the family finished getting ready, had breakfast, and then bid goodbye to Aaron and went on the New Year's Day outting. Aaron went about taking care of the morning chores of feeding livestock, checking for eggs, throwing out hay, and he decided to head out to the front of the pasture to check on a gate his brothers said wasn't latching properly. After checking that out, he started to walk back to the house, but noticed he was walking past the cabin that some of the extra hired hands stayed in while working here. In particular the one Zeke had stayed in. Opening the door, Aaron ducked and walked inside. The last time he really spent time in here was was five foot six inches tall, well... then, six feet tall. The cabin seemed much smaller to him now. He walked over and sat down on the bed, which groaned greatly under the weight of his new height and size. He noticed the height marks on the door frame of him and all his brothers. He had to laugh as there wasn't room to mark his current height now. He sat there for awhile but then began to notice an odd scent. No, not odd...familiar. He couldn't figure out what it was, or where it was coming from. He began to sniff in this direction and that, finally realizing, there was an old shirt of Zeke's on the floor near a dresser. It was a dirty shirt, still carrying Zeke's scent on it. Aaron was surprized how he could smell it so strongly. Even more surprised at how small the shirt looked compared to him. Picking up the shirt, he sniffed it, and sat back down on the bed. Crying, he thought about Zeke: when he first arrived at the ranch, all the chores he tackled, how he helped Aaron with his chores. He then remembered those little smile glances Zeke would giveh him, especially after he had grown to a seven footer. His mind then wandered to all the really hot days, when Zeke, drenched in sweat, would take his soaked shirt off to get cooler. His tight and taught, muscular body glistening in the summer sun, bunching and mounding during the labor. How his arms would pop and swell during work, his chest would heave and barrel, his lats flare, or on the one or two occassions when Zeke declared it so hot, he shucked his pants off as well and was working on fence lines in just his cowboy boots and underwear. Aaron would secretly watch the two mounds of Zeke's breifs: the back mound with its two firm bubble like forms making Zeke's tight ass, and the front mound with its three bulges, two that were the good sized bubble formations created by his balls and the longer, snake like one that was his cock. Aaron started breathing harder. He was missing Zeke so much. He wanted to be with Zeke again so much. To touch him. To feel him. To make love to him. To feel Zeke touching him. Aaron broke into a sweat, moaning softly, thinking about Zeke, almost pantomiming being with him. He couldn't help it. He was getting turned on so fast. He was so incredibly horny right now and didn't know why. All he knew was he wished Zeke was there, right now, to hold, to grab, to caress, to fuck! Suddenly he felt it. His cock, just suddenly shot straight down his pants leg stiff as a board and getting harder by the second. He wanted to touch it. To release this building energy he felt inside of him, but he knew he shouldn't. To pleasure himself might set off a reaction, another spurt. He focused and tried to will the horniness and his hard on away, but the viagra and extra testoterone he accidentally had taken this morning was in full effect. His cock now throbbed so hard, so painfully, that Aaron swore it was going to burst apart. Finally unpopping his button and zipping down his fly, he let his large cock bounce upwards and slap him in his abs. Grabbing a hold of it, Aaron was amazed at the sensation just touching it was creating through his cock and through him, as well as the fact that it felt like he was gripping a rod made of solid steel. Aaron gave one long, slow, firm stroke down his cock all the way to and over his balls. "aaauuuu-hu-hu-hu-huuuuuuuuuuuuh" escaped the moan from his lips and then...the sensation hit him. It hit him in the very tip of his prick head, shot down the shaft to his balls and then back upwards again. Only problem was, when it hit his cock head, his cock head shot out farther away from his body, his shaft became noticebly thicker, his balls suddenly swelled larger, firmer, and hung lower. "AWWWWUUUGGH!" Aaron was growing and he knew there was nothing to do but keep stroking and attempt to get it done and over with fast. He stroked faster and faster, his cock shot out longer and thicker, harder and veinier, than ever before. He stroked firmer and tighter and his balls swelled like balloons being filled with water, and he felt heat rising from them and could feel cum being produced in greater quantities, filling and swishing round in his balls. Attempting to stroke longer and slower, he felt his feet swell and stretch, his legs lengthen, his arms reach, his back and neck stand straighter, over and over, taller, and higher, again and again. Aaron began to stroke wildly and grope and fondle his balls and as he did so his muscles bunched....swelled....popped....got denser....thicker...harder....veinier...more striated....fuller....more defined....grew...and grew.... and grew! Even sitting down he noticed the ceiling was getting closer and closer again. The bed underneath him began to groan and creak, and it was a wrought iron bed! It began to bend and sink, finally snapping in two and Aaron now firmly sat on the floor, still growing upward, outward, muscles getting so full, crevices and crannies developing between the full bloated bellies of each muscle. His cock was still getting larger proportionately rising higher and higher. His clothes were ripping and popping everywhere, in every which way, becoming nothing but tattered shreds sliding off his huge body. And still Aaron stroked....and stroked....and stroked.... "AH! HO! UH-HUH! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHMMMMMOTHERFUCKER!" Aaron blew his load and through rolled back and semi crossed eyes watched the spoo soar and splat upon the ceiling. He finally gave in to collapse, his back hitting the wall, and he heard a few cracks and splits of the beams which made it. He looked down over himself. His musculature was now somewhere between the size of a gymnast and an American football player. His legs and feet, although sitting up, stretch almost halfway across the cabin floor. His cock shrinking down to its flaccid state still felt so long, thick, and heavy, as if he almost had a third leg, and that was pushed out further by two mounding globes that where his balls, hanging just slightly low and heavy, and getting racked even in sitting position by Aaron's newly burgoning thighs. What was he going to do? He knew if the calculations were correct, he just shot up to thirteen feet tall, and the way he was filling up the space of this cabin, he could tell that to be true. But he couldn't stay sequestered, he couldn't be pinned up, one can't live like that. He couldn't live...without Zeke. He needed to see him. He needed to be with him. He...He.. needed to calm down, but even though he just released a huge two month load, his cock was becoming painfully erect again and fast! What would he do?
  12. FREaky

    Pleasure Growth Part 4

    Pleasure Growth Part 4 by F_R_Eaky Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1116-pleasure-growth/ Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1117-pleasure-growth-part-2/ Part 3: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1118-pleasure-growth-part-3/ Aaron woke up the next morning stiff and crampped in a make-shift bed. He doesn't remember how he got there, but somehow he was in his dorm room. Zeke was there too. He apparently moved furniture around so he could place his bed and Aaron's end to end so Aaron had enough room to stretch out, but being as they were both twin sized beds they weren't wide enough for Aaron now to feel comfortable. Looking down his body, he noticed that Zeke was sleeping on top of him ... on top of him! Aaron hadn't even noticed this in his sleep, and now that he was awake he felt like a child was sleeping on top of him. And no wonder, for not only was Aaron taller, he was bigger built as well, now somewhere between a soccer player and a gymnast. Aaron was quite amazed at this. This type of build was the kind that started to really show and pop on a body. One could see size and definition, the pushing and bulging the muscles of the body did to fight for room: chest barreling; lats and back begin pushing the arms out; forearms, biceps, triceps, and delts begin to fill out sleeves and cause them to rise up; butt bubbling and filling out shorts and pants, while thighs stretch out the pants legs. Aaron was going to be in trouble. Zeke had told him not to gain any major muscle mass and here his body had done so. Aaron remembered now being pulled into the locker room showers, being washed down, politely, some towels and such pinned together around him and being snuck into the dorm room, sat down, given something to eat and then put to bed. And even though Zeke had taken care of him, he still aparently managed to have some fun, for there he was sleeping on top of Aaron and Aaron could see some light scratch marks across his abs and chest. These thoughts betrayed Aaron and in a panic he felt his cock stir. He worried at this, but then realized that strange sensation was occuring and so decided to let nature run its course. His cock rose and rose. It was amazing to see, almost frightening to watch. It caused Zeke's hand, his arm to stir and it grew erect and pushed itself out from under Zeke. Aaron stared in disbelief, he felt pretty sure he wasn't just getting bigger because he was taller, but it was getting bigger proportionately each growth spurt now too. When he was finally hard as granite, Aaron's mouth popped agape. His prick fully erect was as long as Zeke's forearm. Forearm and hand. Hand open, extended and flat. Hell, maybe Zeke's hand, forearm, and part of his upper arm as well. "Aaaaaauuuuuuuuuuooooh..." Aaron suddenly moaned, feeling the hand, or rather hands of Zeke latch on and begin to stroke his dick. One of Zeke's hands wasn't quite big enough to wrap all the way around Aaron's member. Zeke slid himself down a little, having his arms raise above his head so his hands could caress and stroke the mighty helmet of Aaron's cock, while he flexed his chest as best he could around Aaron's shaft and rub it in between them. He let his balls rest upon Aaron's and he began to do pull ups on Aaron's dick and slide back down. Soon Aaron's breathing was becoming rhythmic, with loan groans and moans escaping his lips, rumbling the air and filling the dorm room and the hallway with sound. After a while, Aaron let out a deep, low, growl that despite being soft and whisperish, echoed down the hall, along with gasps, pants, and grunts of release from Zeke as well. This was followed by the muffled sounds of a couple of other male groans of pleasure from other closed dorm rooms. Looking down, Aaron could see a very healthy splattering of cum across his chest, felt it on his chin, and saw it covering Zeke's hands, with droplets on his forearms and face, and Zeke's own cum strung across Aaron's cock and Zeke's abs. Zeke looked up a little embarrassed and smiled. "Breakfast in bed.... I told you not to gain any kind of decent muscle mass." Aaron chuckled a little, but then a small bit of panic registered across his face, he closed his eyes, and rested his head against the head board. "That's the other reason I did it. I knew this was going to hit once you woke up." "How could it not? Look at me... look at you on top of me. You look like and feel like a tween to me. Another growth spurt and you'll be a child, another one a baby, then you'll seem like a microscopic dot." "I know...I know, babe. I understand... no... not what you're going through,...just that this is difficult and scary. I'm scared for you. This isn't what you expected nor wanted when you went in for treatment. Being seven foot was bit extra, and that was kind of cool, maybe even appreciated by you. You could be the big man of your family. Be one of the bigger men of the world, but it's not that unheard of a height. Now you're nine feet tall. A bit bigger of a problem to overcome and be. Uhm, no pun meant on that." "I know..." "What time is it?" "It's eight forty-five a.m." "Ok... let's get ourselves and this place cleanned up. I called the coach and Sanjay last night and told them they'd need to meet us this morning in our dorm room, and to bring breakfast." Zeke, stood up and back and looked up and down Aaron. "Does fifteen sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits with eight hash browns and five large o.j.'s sound right to you?" "Yeah that sounds about right for all of us." Zeke chuckled and ran his hands across Aaron's abs. "That was just your order." "My lord...." Aaron stopped and began to think about it as he heard his stomach growl. Yeah...a single sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit from McDonalds he could hold with his thumb and index finger now. It will take quite a few of them to make a meal for him. Zeke went down the hall and got a bucket of soapy water and rinse water, figuring the size of Aaron's form might create quite a bit of a stir if seen, not that his voice during the morning jack off hadn't already created quite a bit of questions posed at Zeke. Using towels to both wash and dry Aaron, Zeke tried to give him a sponge bath without causing either him or Aaron to achieve another erection. After that was done, Zeke went down and got his own shower and then the two picked up and cleanned the dorm room for their meeting. Coach Dreisden showed up with Sanjay and the medical team; they were all in state of extreme shock, except Sanjay. They were finally able to sit down and start talking when the Presdient of the University came knocking on the door. "Good lord! I just heard all these rumors about our star player being even bigger, I didn't expect this." "Yes, sir, it is a bit of shock." "Imagine what it will be to our rival teams." "Uhm, they may not get to see him, Mr. President." "What do you mean, Coach Dreisden?" "From what, Sanjay and the medical team have discovered and told me, we may need to.... well, pull up a seat and let Sanjay explain it. He can do it better and we've not had a chance to tell Aaron here." The President of the University sat down and Sanjay began. "After confering with your doctor back home and running several tests together, we have discovered several different facts, good and bad, all combined." Aaron spoke up in a worried tone, "Good and b..b..bad...all combined?" "You went to the doctor to get help in growing due to low horomone levels. They have discovered that your horomone levels weren't low, or rather were just low at the time and at the time of the injection were just beginning to be secreted and rise. You would've had your growth spurt, you were just a late bloomer. And you were set for a decent sized one. Our estimates show you would've been somewhere between six foot two to six foot five when done. Now, you got those injections of extra horomones but it wouldn't have done any damage or caused things to mutate. You simply would've just shot up an extra couple of inches or so, winding up some where between six foot five to six foot eight." "But that's not what happened. I'm well over six foot eight inches tall. I'm... I'm..." Aaron looked over to Zeke. "I measured him this morning, flat on his bed. He's nine feet tall, even." "So how tall am I going to get?" Sanjay continued, "Well, we're not exactly sure. You see there was an interference in your treatment. There was a man there by the name of Wylle. He was secretly conducting his own little genetic experiements, trying to create a serum, formula, that would make very large, strong, and...uhm...let us say verile men." "He got that part down..." "ZEKE!" Sanjay smirked a little looking at Zeke and Aaron, but continued. "Nurse Cloris was supposed to grab two different petri dishes, but the second one she grabbed was the one on which Wylle was working. Now, it could have been relatively alright still. You could've wound up becoming a very tall, yet very powerfully built man. Something like a slightly taller Lou Ferrigno. You know, the man who played the Hulk in the seventies show? However it somehow mixed with your hormones well. ... too well. "Combining, what happened is the superman compound, for lack of a better term for it, took your growth spurt and split it apart into separate growth spurts of equal size, but then with its genetic make up, it then caused each of those growth spurts to increase in size exponentially." "Wait... you're saying I'm to have several growth spurts?" "Yes..." "How many? A...an...and how large will each be?" "We're not exactly sure on either of those answers. But I can give you somewhat of an idea. A normal man has as his main teenage growth spurt somewhere between four to nine inches on average and then anywhere from half an inch to two inches more from age eighteen to around age twenty-five. The problem is, height genetics vary so from person to person depending upon the combination received from his parents. He could have a nine inch growth spurt with a half inch post spurt, or four inch growth spurt and a two inch post spurt, or anywhere in between in any kind of combination. So say young man x was in the same situation as you and he was going to experience the extreme maximum potential in his growth spurts: nine and two. That means total he was going to grow eleven inches taller, but with that serum, what has happened is that instead of growing through an eleven inch growth spurt, he's going to grow through eleven growth spurts." "And you have no idea the size of these spurts?" "Well, we do know they're increasing exponentatially, but we don't know exactly how much. Now this last growth spurt last night you grew two feet. You grew two months ago to seven foot, but we don't know how tall you were before you grew, although we do know you started out at five foot six." "I was six foot even." "Six foot even?" "I was five foot six inches tall when I got the shot. The first time I experienced a growth spurt I shot up to six foot. The second one was when I hit seven foot tall." "Six inches, then twelve, and now twenty-four. .... that means the serum is causing your growth spurts to double in size from what the previous one was." "oh my god...." The President stood up and walked over to Aaron to try and comfort him. "Well, it won't be that bad then. You've already had three, maybe you're only going to have one more." "One more and I'll be....Thirteen feet tall!" Coach Dreisden spoke up. "Mr. President... I don't think you understand exactly what Sanjay has just told us. Young Aaron here was going to be a late bloomer, and he was going to be in the taller set of his family. The shortest range they estimated him to be was six feet two inches tall. From five foot six that's a growth spurt of eight inches, which means he could have five more of these growth spurts. Possibly more if he actually was to hit the six foot eight range." "Oh shit!" "Shhh, shh... Aaron.. it'll be ok. We'll get this figured out. We've identified the cause, we just have to correct it." Consoled Zeke. "And keep me from getting aroused!" "Keep you from getting aroused?" asked Sanjay. "Yeah..." Aaron hung his head down in embarrassment. "The sensation, the spurt, isn't triggered unless I get aroused. It happened the first time, Zeke and I...er....made out, and the second time we did, and then I.... uh....er.... I uh kind of got myself aroused thinking about how big I was compared to other guys." Coach Dreisden, sat next to Aaron and patted him on the shoulder. "It's alright, son. Young men, hell even some of us older men, still, get aroused thinking or seeing that we're bigger built, taller, stronger, or more virile than other men around us. It's part of mankind's old animalist nature. Survival of fittest, being the dominant, alpha male, kind of thing. It's just nature. Workout and locker rooms don't smell like they do because of sweat. It's because of testosterone. Any male athlete in the world would be a liar if they told you they never, not once during a match, game, or workout suddenly sported wood. Don't blame yourself or be embarrassed by it." Aaron nodded approvingly, albeit quietly. "So...the thing is what do we do for Aaron now? I'm sorry, Mr. President, but he can't be on the team. Sure, at nine feet tall, he'd be quite the asset, but the games, the trainning sessions, the workouts, he could get aroused again easily. Even worse that his boyfreind here is on the team. Which is something else we'll have to handle. You two are going to have to have separate dorm rooms." "What?!?" cried out both Zeke and Aaron. "BOYS!....boys....look. I know this is going to be difficult, but you've got to think about your future. Aaron you're nine feet tall. You've just surpassed the tallest man in history in the Guiness Book of World Records. You're a foot taller than the average height of most rooms. You're not going to fit into normal clothes, cars, furniture, houses. Yet, at nine feet tall there are still some accomodations that can be made for you. With that, we've got to figure out a way to stop this, to try and help you, Aaron, still have as normal of life as you can possibly acheive. Now, Sanjay and the doctors can work on that 'cure' to stop the serum Wile E. Coyote or whatever that jerk's name was, but until then we need to use this 'enemy's' weakness against it. We've got to keep you from getting aroused. In fact, I would suggest that until a cure is found or until your body hits an age to be unaffected, around age..." "Twenty-five." said Sanjay. "Twenty-five!?" screamed Aaron. "Yes, twenty-five!" bellowed Coach Dreisden "That you go back home and sit a spell. Look, I understand it'll be like sending you to solitary confinment in a prison, but it's better that and then having a fairly normal part of your life for the rest of your life, than having to worry that every time you brush your hand against your cock, experience a good stiff wind, or accidentally see porn on the internet you'll suddenly grow twenty feet taller." Aaron turned his face to the wall. "I know... it sucks, son, but think about what you're combating, what you're fighting for. If not for yourself, think about you and Zeke. How the hell are you gonna have a relationship if you grow so tall that your cock flacid stands ten feet taller than Zeke does." Both Zeke and Aaron blushed at that. "And Zeke, you're both in college, time to be men, adult, mature men. Now, my wife will show I have no credentials in knowing what homosexuals look for in a relationship, but I'm pretty sure it's the same thing my wife and I looked for. A relationship between you and somebody else means that you're always thinking not just about yourself, but that other person, and what's good for them, you, and the two of you together. Zeke, if you really love Aaron, you've got to let him go...for the now... If it's strong enough, when Aaron is in the clear, you can go back and pick up with your nine foot lover where ya parted, as opposed to having to part with a lover who could drop you down his piss slit with room to spare." There were still small protests from Aaron and Zeke, but with confirmation from Sanjay, the doctors, and even eventually from the president of the university, they relented and gave in to plans to send Aaron back home to his parents' ranch. The coach called up several department heads and got them and their students to work out clothing options for Aaron, even creating a make-shift pair of size U.S. men's forty-three's to cover Aaron's dogs. He put Aaron's scholarship on hold due to medical reasons, and got his classes frozen until such time as they knew Aaron could return. The President arranged for special transportation, while Zeke and Aaron got all of Aaron's stuff packed and boxed. Finally, the bus having arrived, Aaron tearfully said good-bye to the university president, his teammates, his coach, and finally to Zeke. He boarded the bus and walked to the back where a specially made chair was waiting, sat down, and cried softly to sleep on the long journey home.
  13. Previous Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1131-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-one/ CHAPTER TWO Matt and I were still blocks away from my studio apartment when we walked in front of a vacant storefront with large plate glass windows. “Wait,” he said. We stopped. “Look at yourself.” We stood side by side and appraised our reflections. I did look huge – massive and ripped. I not only felt as if I had just finished an intense full body workout and was completely pumped, I looked like it. Once again I grew hard, but this time it was because some distortion in the glass made me look like a fantasy illustration. Hyper-masculine and massive, but realistic. “Wow.” I said. “It’s flattering. I’ll admit that much. I’m a big guy, but not as big as that window makes me look.” “Yeah you are,” Matt said. “Look at my reflection. It’s accurate, isn’t it?” I had to admit he was right. He looked just as incredibly sexy in the window as he did standing right in front of me. “You look amazing,” I said as I again wrapped my arms around him and pressed my burning equipment into his. “What is it about you that turns me on so much?” “Just lucky, I guess,” he said before I plunged my tongue back into his mouth, forcing his own tongue aside. I let my hands roam freely across his well-defined back, surprised at how silky-smooth his skin felt. My thick pecs pressed into his chest and I could feel his light chest fur brushing against mine. My heart pounded. My head swam. He felt deliriously good against me. I would have sworn I was high. I pulled my head back enough so that I could see his handsome face but still feel his pecs against mine. He was gazing at me, his eyes adoring, doe-like despite their intense blue color. I felt my eyebrows rise involuntarily; my eyes widen a bit more as if to better capture his youthful, masculine image. “You are the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen,” he said finally. “So masculine, dark and rugged but gorgeous at the same time.” I laughed. “You’ve had too much to drink,” I said. He shook his head. “I’ve had nothing to drink. You are simply amazing.” The chemistry between us was literally intoxicating. I suddenly felt dizzy and grasped his upper arms to help steady myself. “Your palms are so rough,” he said breathlessly. “I can feel the callouses.” “I work with my hands. The gym doesn’t help. Sorry.” “No, no. I like it,” he whispered between gasps. “You talk as if you have no idea what a man you are. Oh my god.” Our fully engorged cocks pressed against each other through the denim of our jeans and I rocked slowly side to side, rubbing the rather considerable length of his tool with my own. “Grab my nipples,” he said under his breath I complied, taking the firm, perfect nubs and gently rolled them between my fingers. Almost immediately, he threw his arms around me and held on as tightly as he could. I could feel his entire body begin to spasm. “Oh, god!” he grunted. “Ugh!” His strength was surprising as he hugged me, squeezing tightly to hold on as his legs went limp in his ecstasy. His breath was hot on my neck, his blond beard luxurious against mine. “Ugh ... UGH!” I cradled him as he came, holding him up right there on the sidewalk as he released his load in his pants. “Yeah, baby, cum for me,” I whispered in his ear. “Just like that.” A minute passed as he continued to cling to me, moaning contentedly. “Get a room!” Another guy with an effeminate voice yelled as he drove by. “Too late!” A familiar voice shouted back. Matt had recovered by that time and was standing on his own. I released him and turned to see my friend Hank, in his gigantic ginger splendor, standing only a few yards away. His lips, framed by his meticulously trimmed copper goatee, were pressed together with some irritation. Well, this is embarrassing. Hank wore a huge t-shirt large enough to drape from his enormous shoulders and chest. He was typically around 300 pounds off-season. “I got your message,” he said. I put my left arm around Matt’s tight waist. “Hank, this is Matt.” Matt’s jaw dropped. Hank nodded and shook Matt’s hand before turning to me. “You sounded ... strange. I saw the news and was concerned.” Matt gawked at him. I watched his eyes scan hungrily from Hank’s clean-shaven head to his immensely thick forearms, which since he was off-season, currently sported the thick coat of copper hair that had earned him the nickname Big Red. “My god you’re ... you’re...” “You didn’t answer your door or phone so I figured you went to the Eagle,” he said. “This is Hank Davis, Matt,” I confirmed. Hank, my fuck buddy, also happened to be the current Mr. Olympia. “Am I the only one havin’ dis conversation?” Mr. Olympia said crossly. His green eyes and unrestrained Brooklyn accent told me that he had passed the point of patience. “Pushy bottom,” I whispered into Matt’s ear. I finally turned and faced Hank. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I’m fine, I’m just ... embarrassed.” “I can clearly see that you’re fine,” he said. My old friend was not pleased. “In fact you look better than fine. You’re juicin’ again.” Matt looked at me. “I’m not,” I said sincerely. “I haven’t used in years, you know that. Ask Terry.” “Don’t bullshit me, Jamal,” Hank said. “You must be at least 250. I’ve never seen you this big. What you doin’? “See?” Matt agreed. Now I was flabbergasted. “Geez! What’s with everyone today? I’m 238. Maybe 240 tops. I weighed this morning.” Hank looked at me doubtfully. “Look, I don’t mind. It’s just that you’re always givin’ me shit about usin’ and here you are.” That was not entirely accurate. I only got on him when he used too much. He was a top-level competitor, but occasionally his dosing would get ridiculous. “I’m NOT using!” I exclaimed. “Give me your cell. I’ll call Terry right now and you can go down with me tomorrow so he can test me.” I held out my right hand. He continued to stare as if he didn’t believe me. Exasperated, I threw my arms in the air, turned around and took a few steps away. “Hank. You’ve known me for ten years. I’m probably the most honest person you know. Why would I lie to you about this?” “It don’t add up,” he said. “Look, I’m glad you’re alright. I’ll give you a call later in the week.” He turned away. “Sure,” I said, surprised and disappointed at his abrupt departure. “Thanks for checking on me, Big Red. I appreciate it.” “Don’t even call me that right now,” he said as he began to cross to the east side of the avenue. Hank shaved his head, but it was his copper-colored hair that had caught my eye a decade ago. I had stopped for coffee on my way to help a friend of mine with a build-out contract he had won near City Hall. His drywall guy had called in sick and I was on stand-by for a new project... I couldn’t imagine that anyone else could fit into the small lower Manhattan coffee shop, but at least I was next in line. Feeling slightly claustrophobic, I turned my head to the right and looked through the double-glazed floor-to-ceiling glass wall. It was about 8:30 and the sidewalk was filled with people on their way to work. I was about to check my position in line when a flash of copper drew my attention. I looked back just in time to see a massively built redhead in a skin tight white v-neck shirt pass through a beam of reflected morning sunlight. His beard and shoulder-length hair seemed to glow even after he was back in shadow. He passed right by me and I craned my neck around to see him pause at the entrance to the coffee shop. “Hey buddy, you’re up,” the suit behind me said impatiently. I jumped. “Sorry,” I muttered before stepping forward and ordering a large coffee. Even as a tall skinny kid was filling my order, I turned back to see where the redhead had gone. The shop was too crowded though. I couldn’t see everyone in line, let alone on the sidewalk outside. Disappointed, I was edging my way through the line to leave when I came face-to-face with a coat of trimmed red hair struggling to escape the opening of a v-neck t-shirt that was stretched across a pair of extra-large pectoral slabs. I looked up at the owner of the massive chest and our eyes instantly locked. “Buy you a coffee?” I asked. “But you don’t even know my name,” he said, playfully. I had already named him, however. Thick copper hair and beard, matching chest and forearm fur, porcelain-white skin with just a touch of red... I held out my hand. “Good to meet you, Big Red. I’m Jamal.” He laughed and took my hand. “Hank,” he said. “And yes, you can buy me a coffee, but you have to wait on line wit me.” Hank continued across the avenue and I smiled to myself as I watched his familiar swagger. “I love you, man!” I called out. “Shuddup,” he said without looking back. Matt looked at me. “That didn’t go very well.” I sighed. “He’ll be fine.” It was obvious Hank was still mad, but I’d upset him worse before. This time, however, I truly had done nothing to anger him - except to somehow gain around ten pounds. * * * Or fourteen. Back in the bathroom of my apartment, I stepped off my digital scale. “252.4,” Matt said proudly. “See?” Naturally, I had stopped to check myself out in the full-length mirror on the inside door of my closet and I really did look bigger. Somehow, in the course of the day I had gained a significant amount of muscle mass. I was both leaner and more massive and could no longer deny it. “I don’t know what the hell is going on,” I said to no one in particular. I was certainly pleased with my gains, but also unnerved. “People don’t gain fourteen pounds in one day.” “How big are your arms?” Matt asked. “About nineteen and a half inches. I haven’t hit twenty since I was 35 – the peak of my last cycle – and I wasn’t as lean back then.” “Where’s your tape?” “What makes you think I have a tape?” He gave me the oh-no-you-didn’t look. Busted, I pulled my tape out of the top drawer and handed it to him. I hit a double biceps pose in the mirror. They were clearly bigger. The biceps were full and round with a distinct split that crowned triceps that could only be described as mammoth. My delts looked like segmented cannonballs. Everything was bigger and more cut. Matt stood behind and measured my upper arms. I grew hard just looking at myself. Fucking Muscle Stud, I thought. I bet if I really tried I could give Hank a run for his money by the next Mr. O. My arms, it turned out, were just over twenty inches cold. Despite my confusion, I was giddy. I had reached my goal size naturally, if mysteriously. I turned around to kiss Matt only to find that he had already removed his pants. His long cock was rapidly growing. “Fuck me,” he said as he stared dumbstruck at my chest. I lifted him up with surprising ease – he’s much lighter than I expected – then carried him to my bed and tossed him down. I undressed as quickly as I could but my Levi’s proved difficult to properly remove. I simply tore them off. “That was so easy,” I said to myself as I tossed them aside. I climbed onto Matt. “How’s my sexy boy?” “I must be dreaming,” he said as he looked into my eyes. His expression of adoration was so sweet and sincere I couldn’t help but smile. Once again he seemed almost star-struck. I laughed as I positioned myself over him, supporting myself with my arms. “I feel like I’m dreaming, because I sure don’t remember selling my soul to the devil.” “There is no devil,” Matt said. “But clearly there is a god, and I think he’s about to fuck me.” I blushed and smiled. “Naw, I’m just a big stud alpha male, but I am going to fuck your sexy ass.” “That’s more like it,” he said. As I lubed up, I noticed how big and hard my cock was. It could have been simply that I was unusually excited, but my thick endowment seemed bigger than ever. It didn’t matter, however. All I knew was that it needed to be in Matt’s perfect hole and after a few minutes of kissing on his handsome face and eager lips while gently working his sphincter, I pressed the engorged head against it, locked my eyes on his and began bucking my hips just enough to slowly push it in a half-inch at a time. He grimaced and I paused. “Keep going,” he said between deep, controlled breaths. “I’ll be fine.” He didn’t need to tell me twice and I resumed my measured thrusts. My eyes rolled back in my head as the heat and pressure of his ass caressed my manhood, as if to welcome and thank me for the penetration. “Oh god it feels so good,” he said once he was fully impaled on my tool. Our eyes locked before he smiled and clamped down on my shaft, sending shivers of pleasure throughout my body. I gasped. “You’re telling me,” I said. I fucked him for nearly two hours. Or should I say, his ass serviced my cock for two hours. I stood and used him as a human fleshjack, fucked him on all fours like a dog, fucked him from the side, fucked him as he sat on my cock... I came in his ass three times and never went soft, he shot twice but still couldn’t get enough – then his endurance ran out. “I have to stop,” he said after our last orgasm. We were both dripping with sweat. My sheets were soaked. “It hurts too much, sorry.” He was seated on my cock and I slowly lifted him off. “Hey, don’t apologize. That was ... amazing. And to be honest, my dick is a bit raw too.” The cool air felt strange on my cock, which remained stubbornly erect. I couldn’t recall ever being so turned on, even when I was young. He put his hand around the base. “So fat,” he said as it surged briefly fuller at his touch. “It’s magnificent.” “You make it that way.” I did have a nice cock. It wasn’t huge, but it was decently thick, especially at the base. Hank called it The Torpedo. I thought that was an exaggeration, but today the nickname seemed fairly accurate. He continued to hold on to it, which seemed to keep it from deflating. After a few moments he looked into my eyes again. “You’re magnificent.” I smiled. “Care to join me for dinner?” I ventured. I wasn’t hungry, which was surprising given I was always hungry, but I wasn’t ready to send him on his way either. He sighed. “I can’t. I should be getting back to my friend’s. You’re not easy to just walk away from though.” Despite my disappointment, I chuckled. “I’m not going anywhere,” I said. “How long are you here for?” “Until Saturday,” he said as he ran the fingers of his free hand through the hair on my chest. My cock throbbed again. “Jim is planning some stuff for us to do but I want to see you again.” “Hell, yeah. I work days and go to the gym evenings but I’ll make time for your sexiness.” I leaned over and kissed him. “That was the most fun I’ve had in years.” “Better than Hank?” He asked with a wink. I laughed again. “Hank is ... Hank is ... well, Hank is a long story, but he really does look out for me. He’s a bit needy, but a great friend.” Matt and I exchanged numbers and e-mail addresses – then he was gone. I walked back to my chair, looked at the smashed television, and sighed. He didn’t even ask about that, I thought. I wonder if he even noticed? I fell back into the chair. Matt’s absence was palpable. Our chemistry was magical. Somehow, in the span of only a few hours, he had gotten under my skin. I glanced down at the paper he had written his information on: [email protected]. He was a vet? Veteran or veterinarian? I realized that I really didn’t know anything about him other than that he was from Cleveland, sexy as hell, and an insatiable bottom, at least with me... I held him against the wall, his legs over my shoulders, my hands on his hips, and fucked him relentlessly. “You know you’re a master stud, right?” he said breathlessly. “Right? And so fucking strong.... I wish I could live with your fat cock up my ass. You should get paid to breed... UGH!” A long rope of his cum landed across his face and chest... My dick surged back to life. I had come three times in two hours, something I hadn’t done since high school, and I was hard again. That now-familiar pressure began to build in my crotch. Back in the bathroom, I leaned against the vanity and stroked my cock while admiring my reflection. Thick, ripped muscle covered with glossy black hair. So fucking masculine. I rubbed my left hand over the mounds of my pecs, feeling the dense muscle, lifting the heavy masses, relaxed but powerful, bulging far beyond the shredded cobblestones of my abs. I closed my eyes and worked my cock, imagining that I was fucking Matt’s face, stretching his jaw wide open, forcing my cock down his throat, and listening to him gag even as he pulled my crotch into his face, feeling my low-hanging balls slap against his chin. “Yeah, you’re hungry for that muscle cock, aren’t you boy?” I said aloud. The first volley of cum hit the mirror above the vanity with an audible smack, but in my imagination I was pumping my load down his throat, filling my hungry boy with cum until his belly was distended. I opened my eyes. Four distinct ropes of cum hung from the mirror. What the fuck??? After cleaning the mirror, I stepped back and appraised my physique. I still looked bigger. There was no question. Bigger and more ripped. I stepped back on the scale again: 253.5. I gained a pound while having sex for two hours and not eating anything? Again incredulous, I went to the closet, pulled the mechanical scale from the top shelf and stood on it, watching the dial swing and bounce a few times before settling on 255. I walked back to the digital scale in the bathroom: 253.5. Goosebumps formed all over my body – I was growing – without eating. Which was, of course, impossible. Next Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1261-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-three/
  14. Guest

    The Flexorcist (15)

    Fifteen Keith was exiting the shower as he heard some noise. He wrapped a towel around his tightly muscled waist and stepped out the bath room. He didn’t see anything in the hallway and strutted over to his room. “Man my workouts sure pay off”, he said to himself as he walked through the hallway, “I’m up to 290 pounds of muscle. Sean will be in for a big surprise next week at university.” He entered his room and turned toward his bed to get his clothes he had laid out. He noticed a big shadow sliding over the bed from behind. Surprised, he tried to look aside but before he could turn around, a big strong hand shoved him forward. Keith put his hands on the bed to prevent himself from crashing down on it. “Hey!”, he said as the towel was ripped from his waist and a hot pole slid into his ass. “Anton, no!”, he grunted half in pain half in pleasure. “Oh I’m not Anton, bro”, a deep yet familiar voice replied. “Connor?”, Keith asked as he steadied himself under the violence of the thrusts in his ass, his cock inflating with blood. “Yep, bro. I’ve come for my birthday present”, Connor said as he pounded his brother’s muscular ass with full force, grabbing his sides to keep him from being pushed down on the bed. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”, Keith asked while trying to escape the strong hands grabbing his flanks. How does he keep me in place? I outweigh him by at least 150 pounds of muscle, he thought as he wiggled and flexed his big hard muscles to free himself. “Come for my present, I told ya. And I’m not done just yet, bro”, Connor grunted and exploded down his brother’s ass while he effortlessly held his 290 pound brother in place. “Now got what you want you little fag?”, Keith yelled angrily as he felt his brother’s cum fill his ass, “I'm gonna stomp you like a bug, little perv”. He grabbed hold of the bed and tried to pull him free from the paws and the cock in his ass. Veins exploded on the surface of his hard, 23 inch arms as he pulled with all his might. “You’re in no position to tell me what to do, bro. You can't even free yourself from my hold”, Connor said and turned Keith around, his deflating dick still inside him. Keith stared in disbelief at his little brother as he was turned around. Big, hard muscles that clearly out-sized his own well-trained ones gave his brother a stud-like physique; his still boyish looking face just seemed too young for the hard muscled body looming over him. His cock hardened slowly against his abs. “How did you get this big?”, he asked trying to prevent his brother from noticing his inflating cock while drinking in the incredible sight in front of him. “Growth spurt, I guess. And I want to be even bigger”, Connor replied in his deep voice sending vibrations through both their bodies. “Who’s the fag now?”, Connor said grinningly, “Does the big jock of the family gets off on his brother’s body?”. “Shut up and let me go!”, Keith said harshly and tried to get away from his brother. He summoned all his strength, placed his hands against the rock-hard abs and pushed to free himself. His cock inflated further as he felt the extraordinary hardness of the firm, hot muscles. "Agh", he sighed as he gave up the unwinnable struggle and realized that his brother was supporting his 290 pounds with just his arms. And the deflating cock in his ass. “Alright”, Connor replied, “I’ll make you go.” “Finally”, Keith replied, “I won’t beat you up then.” “I’ll make you go off like a fountain”, Connor continued, “This spell with full force shall roar, until you’re smaller than I was before. With every load your cock shall blast, 10 pounds of muscles on me shall be past!”. Hellish chants and an icy chill filled the room as Connor spoke these words. Keith didn’t even notice it. His more than half-hard dick sprang to its full 8.5 inches and pointed straight up towards his brother’s muscular frame as his balls drew tight and a first spurt of cum was blasted against his brother’s muscular pecs, sliding down slowly onto his hard abs. “YEAH!”, Connor moaned deeply and began pounding his brother’s ass with full force again. His big, hard muscles inflated further as more loads blasted from his brother’s dick, drenching his chest and abs in sticky cum. Keith managed to calm his orgasm down after five loads had blasted from his balls. He bit his tongue hard and the pain overwhelmed the pleasure coursing through his body. He grunted and blinked as he saw his brother grow and expand before his eyes. The round shoulders swelled outward into nice balls of muscles, wider than a doorframe; the heavy pecs hardened and grew into meaty slabs of armor that protruded clearly from his chest; the muscular arms that supported his weakening frame hardened under his body, he could feel the biceps swelling into steely hardness against his once well-muscled back; the tight eight-pack stretched and hardened further as his own dick slid down against the stony surface; the cock that was pounding his ass swelled beyond the size it had when it entered, he could feel the pressure building. “Mmmghn” His brother’s grunt made Keith look up and his mouth fell open in disbelief; his brother’s formerly boyish face had evolved to match his body. The layer of baby fat had melted away and had made room for an angular one with a stubbly beard; his blond curls had taken on a more spiked appearance. Keith’s balls churned and blasted out another round of spurts against the hard stomach his cock was trapped against. “MORE!”, Conner bellowed as he pounded his brother’s ass even harder, supporting him with just one big hand that covered Keith's entire lower back while his other hand groped the swelling mass of his hard pecs. Keith could feel his own body getting weaker and weaker. He looked down and saw his muscles melting before his eyes. His once impressive, 290 pound physique shriveled down and shrank as more cum oozed from his cock and smeared against the swelling abs it thwacked against. He had lost about 100 pounds as shaking went through his swelling brother. The cock in his ass swelled further and throbbed violently. “YEAUGHN!”, Connor bellowed deeply as his growing cock exploded in his brother’s ass once more. Load after load of thick, sticky cum blasted from the jolting cock. The pressure kept building and his brother suddenly flew from his cock in a rush of cum. Connor kept cumming for what seemed like an eternity, coating his brother and the bed in a thick layer of his juices. “I’m gonna check my body”, Connor said and strutted out of the room, leaving his diminished brother coated in cum on his bed. The hellish chants ended as promptly as they had begun. Keith blinked incredulously as his eyes followed his now massive younger brother exit his room. He jumped up from the pool of sticky cum and rushed after Connor like an eager puppy. He sprang into the hallway and was just in time to see his brother descend the stairs leading to the basement. He waited until his younger brother disappeared into the dark basement before sprinting toward the stairs. He has to be in the gym, he thought as he quickly descended the stairs. Better not let him notice I'm here, he thought as he cautiously and silently sneaked to the door and peeped around the corner into the basement gym. He couldn't prevent a loud gasp from escaping his mouth as he saw the stud his brother had become. Connor was standing in front of the large mirrors and was about to begin inspecting his new physique as he heard a faint gasp at the door. “Come over here and stand next to me, little guy. Now!”, he bellowed without removing his gaze from his own reflection. Keith jumped up but couldn’t withstand the powerful command from his brother. He walked up to the big stud and stood next to him. Their nakedness was the only resemblance he saw in the mirror. “How the tables have turned. Looks like my 18th birthday is my best one yet”, Connor said, “I’m finally the man I was supposed to be. And you’re the little one from now on.” “I'll have my size back soon enough when I attack the weights. Besides I’m still bigger than you were before”, Keith blurted out quickly. “For now, little guy, for now. Let’s have some fun first”, Connor said and grabbed the biggest dumbbells from the rack and began doing bicep curls. Instinctively, Keith did the same. He grabbed onto the second heaviest dumbbells but couldn’t lift them an inch. “Better grab something light you can lift, little guy”, Connor said laughingly and kept pumping out perfect reps. Keith grabbed the 20 pounders and began curling them. His 190 pound body sure didn’t look appealing, but he still had a solid base left to build from. After about 10 reps, he dropped the weights. His arms were worn out. Connor kept going on for about a minute before gently racking the dumbbells. “Let’s check our guns, little guy. Do you have a tape in here?”, he asked as he turned to face his former big brother. “Over there”, Keith replied and pointed toward a cabinet. “Grab it!”, Connor bellowed. Keith sprang up, rushed over to the cabinet and returned quickly with the tape to his brother. “Flex your arm, little guy”, Connor said as he grabbed the tape. Keith raised his right arm and flexed it hard. The muscle showed some nice definition but was nowhere near the 23 inches it had grown into over summer. “Just under 14 inches. Let’s says 14”, Connor said, “My turn now”. Keith watched in awe as his younger brother raised his right arm. As the muscular arm was stretched horizontally, the separation between the two heads of the bicep was clearly visible, as were the veins that fed the thick muscle. The muscle exploded in size and rushed upward as his brother brought in his meaty forearm. Keith’s diminished cock followed. He did no longer care about his brother noticing his cock inflating in a salute to his incredible body. He put the tape around the massive arm, enjoying the feeling of the hard, hot ball of muscle and the jolts it send through his hard cock. “Well, what does it say?”, Connor asked. “Just over 29 inches”, Keith said breathlessly. “Yeah!”, Connor boomed and grabbed the tape from his brother’s grasp. “Let’s measure something else”, he said and put the tape up against his brother’s hard cock. Keith sighed as his brother’s warm, thick fingers caressed his diminished cock. “5 inches all hard. Mine’s bigger flaccid during winter”, Connor said laughingly, “Measure it”. Keith held down the tape. “I’m not gonna measure your cock, little bro”, he said, “that’s just nasty.” “Who are you calling little here?”, Connor bellowed angrily and smacked his right fist against his meaty left paw. The sound echoed through the basement gym. “I’ll show you what a real man looks like”. He stroked his cock to hardness and measured it. “17 inches of meat, bro. You were never this big. Do a most muscular, little bro", Connor said as he put his brother in front of his own body. Keith gulped as he noticed his younger brother towering over him in height and broadness. Instinctively, he followed the bigger man's order; he bent over slightly, brought in his arms and flexed his diminished muscles. His still muscular, 190 pound body showed some good definition as the lines on his athletic muscles deepened. And his frame formed a solid base for some serious mass in the future. "My turn", Connor said. "You're still relaxed?", Keith blurted out as he stared at the big hard muscles behind his reflection in the mirror. His cock throbbed and thwacked against his flexed abs. Connor just grinned, tossed the tape aside and copied his shrunken brother's pose. Veins and striations exploded on the surface of his protruding chest as the beefy pecs hardened into two fleshy orbs the size of 50 pound plates; thick veins snaked over the perfectly round, striated delts down onto his meaty biceps. Keith gasped at the difference. His brother’s upper body looked simply perfect, the spectacular lower body was blocked by his own frame. Keith’s cock throbbed at the sight. "You know you were right a few minutes ago, little bro", Connor asked while hardening his flex even more. The icy chill and hellish chants invaded the basement gym as his juicy muscles hardened further. “Wh... wh... what do you mean?”, Keith asked looking up at his brother and relaxing his shaking muscles. “You’re still bigger than I was before my growth spurt. Time for some more growth spurts and I'm not gonna miss a single drop”, Connor said. He relaxed his titanic muscles, grabbed the nearby bench, placed it in front of him and effortlessly stood his brother up on it; turning him around to face him. "Feed me some more, little bro", he said. Connor bounced his right pec as he said 'li', his left pec as he said 'tle' and flexed both the incredible muscles as he said 'bro'. Keith’s vision was filled with his brother’s bouncing, juicy pecs covered in veins and striations. His overstimulated mind couldn’t take anymore. His nearly drained balls stabbed as they churned and blasted another round of spurts against the giant’s hard muscles. Keith shuddered and shook by the force of the consuming orgasm exploding through his 190 pound body, nearly falling from the wobbling bench, his brother grabbing him with his left paw to steady him; his cock squirting against the massive chest, shoulders, biceps and forearms in front of him. “THAT’S IT!”, Connor boomed in his further deepening voice that filled the basement gym as load after load of his brother's cum splattered against his growing torso. He tossed his shrinking brother aside from the bench to inspect his beefing up frame and flexed his swelling muscles in the mirror. His broadening back, leading up to massive shoulders the size of two doors, gave him an awesome v-taper; his legs out-sized tree-trunks and more deep grooves appeared on the expanding quads; his eight-pack abs lengthened and swelled into the size of cobblestones and two more rows of steely abs emerged under his swelling chest; his massive pecs inflated with hard mass, pushing his nipples outward; incredible arms ballooned further until they reached an impressive 40 inches of rock-hard, round, vein-infested meat. “No” The meager high-pitched, girly voice made Connor look away from his reflection. He smiled broadly as he saw his diminished brother beating his pathetic cock on the bench. “Who’s little now?”, he boomed. He quickly returned his gaze to his magnificent, still swelling muscles in the mirror. Keith blew another load by the deep manly voice his brother had developed. Mesmerized by the hulking muscles on the growing frame of his evolving into perfection younger brother, he got up from the bench and stumbled over on his skinny, weak legs toward his behemoth brother, still beating his diminishing cock. He smeared his cum onto his frail hand and reached for the back of the towering giant that dominated the entire basement gym. His pathetic, 3 inch cock jolted as his hand made contact with the hot, hard muscles on the wide lower back. He rubbed the cum onto the giant’s muscular lower back with his cum covered right hand. Instinctively, his left hand reached for his oozing not quite 3 incher and applied the last two blast of his completely emptied balls onto it. He reached for his brother's incredible 12-pack abs and coated the cobblestone-sized abs of lowest row with the cum. "YEAGH!", Connor grunted as he noticed his diminished brother rubbing his cum onto his titanic muscles. He grinned broadly as he realized that his older brother only came up to the fourth row of his 12-pack. "More! Bigger!", he said as he grabbed his brother's waist and easily lifted him up with his right arm. "My arm is bigger than your entire body, little bro." Keith squirmed but the big paw that encircled his waist didn't budge. His mouth fell open in awe as he was hoisted upward and his eyes scanned the more than huge muscles on his younger brother's spectacular body. His note quite 3 incher rushed to hardness again. "It's thinner and shorter than my pinky", Connor grinningly said before he took the pathetic cock in his mouth and began to suck. "No...ughn", Keith grunted in agony and lust. His agonizing, drained balls protested violently and it felt like his cock was about to be ripped off and disappear down his giant brother's throat. A shudder went through his now feeble 90 pound body as a final dribble oozed from his 2,5 inch cock. His vision went black and his body went limp as he passed out in his brother's paw. The hellish chants disappeared and the temperature returned to normal as Connor pulled the excuse for a cock from his mouth and tossed his shrunken brother on the floor. "Let's go have some fun", he said and left the basement gym. Connor grinned broadly as he entered his room, finding Anton sleeping on his bed. He shut the door and dove onto the muscular behemoth. “Like your present?”, Anton asked as he awoke from the impact and the sound of the collapsing bed that couldn't take the weight of the two behemoth. “Best present ever”, Connor said as he ripped off Anton’s boxers and groped the massive muscles on the behemoth’s chest. He tried to dig into the meat but Anton’s steely hard flex didn’t budge. “Still smaller than me, buddy”, Anton grunted as he flipped Connor around and stretched him out on the bed before sliding on top of his muscular body. “Still a very nice and impressive size though”, he said as he groped Connor’s thick arms. Connor flexed his arms into their 40 inches of hard meat but Anton was too powerful. His thick fingers dented the muscle playfully. “Ughn”, Connor grunted as the behemoth sucked on his sensitive nipple and he felt the thick cock inflate against his hard 12-pack. “Let’s do what I’ve wanted all summer”, Anton groaned and rammed his engorged 25 incher into the tight, muscular ass. “Mughn”, Connor moaned and clenched the powerful muscles of his ass to withstand the invasion. “No you don’t”, Anton grunted in his ear and rammed past the clenched defenses. “Feels so good and tight”, he groaned as he slid the entire impressive length of his cock inside his roommate. He grabbed Connor’s muscular shoulders and began pounding with full force. “Yeagh”, Connor grunted as pleasure filled him as the big, hard, hot tube slammed in and out of his ass. He grabbed Anton’s meaty ass and pulled and pushed in the rhythm of his roommate. His own cock swelled between their hard, muscular abs. He released one arm and flexed it in front of Anton. Anton marveled at the sight of the 40 inch arm and exploded. “UUUUGGGHHHNNN!”. Massive amounts of cum blasted from his beastly cock into the clenching muscular ass. His titanic muscled flexed with every load that jolted from his cock. As Anton exploded down his ass and the huge muscles of the gigantic chest flexed mere inches from his face, Connor exploded too. His engorged 21 incher blasted load after load of cum between their hard, flexing abs. When Anton crashed down exhaustedly on his body, a final load blasted from Connor’s dick. "Man that was way better than raping my brother's ass", Connor said, "I could get used to this every day". "The fun has only begun", Anton replied and sat up, his cock still inside his fellow behemoth's ass. "Round 2!", he said as he thrust Connor's 500 pounds up and down the shaft of his 25 incher. "Ughn", Connor moaned in ecstasy. His eyes rolled back and blood rushed into his deflating cock. He grabbed hold of the beefy, perfectly round delts of his roommate and began moving in the rythm. "Yeagh! That's it!", Anton grunted between clenched teeth as his roommate slid up and down his throbbing cock. Connor came first, exploding cum all over Anton's incredible chest and 14-pack; drenching both their bodies in his sticky man juice. Anton followed as he felt the behemoth's muscles harden and flex around his rock-hard 25 incher. Volley after volley of thick cum blasted in the tight, hard ass. "Quite a mess we've made", Connor said as he calmed his breathing and noticed the cum covered, collapsed bed. "I'm gonna get a drink. You want something?", he said and lifted himself from the deflating cock. He got up from the destroyed bed, turned around and headed for the door. Two strong hands grabbed his meaty, round shoulders. "Round 3!", Anton said in his ear. "More?", Connor asked and put his hand against the wall to steady himself as his fellow behemoth's 25 incher slid in his ass once more. "You ... ugh ... like ... ugh ... it", Anton grunted in his ear, shoving the entire length of his engorged cock into the juicy ass. His right paw played with Connor's inflating dick and his left paw grabbed hold of the muscular shoulder in front of him. "Yeaughn", Connor moaned as the strong paw pumped the length of his swelling cock. he shivered as he realized that his rock-hard 21 incher disappeared entirely into the hot, strong paw. "Your big, hard muscles drive me wild", Anton said as his left paw roamed the thick pecs. Connor flexed his impressive chest but his roommate easily overpowered his flex and dug into the striated slabs of hard beef. His cock jolted in the strong paw that pumped his lengthy shaft. "Teasing me?", Anton asked between fastening breaths and began pounding the muscular ass with full force. Connor placed his other hand against the wall the withstand the force of his roommate's thrusts and moaned in lust as his ass was pounded and his cock was stroked. "UUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!" A deep, pleasure-filled, animalistic moan boomed from his mouth and echoed through the room as his 21 incher exploded. Cum flowed between the thick fingers pumping his shaft and splattered against the wall. Goosebumps and shivers raced through his 500 pound, muscular frame as his fellow behemoth kept pumping his shaft. The spams and shivers from his roommate atop his throbbing 25 incher sent Connor over the edge once again. "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHNNNNN!" Load after load of cum blasted from his bull-sized balls and fired into the spasming ass he pounded relentlessly. After about five minutes, Anton's orgasm calmed down and he released his roommate's cock and ass. The worn out Connor slumped to the floor as his knees gave away. He stared up grinningly at his fellow behemoth, his 21 incher slowly deflating between his muscular quads. "I can't wait to see the look on my parent's faces when they come home from their vacation tomorrow. And to see how they react on the news I have to tell them..."
  15. A "trigger" for some writing A Proposal for Creation of the National School for Male Muscle Worshippers by [email protected] Mission: To teach committed muscle worshippers (regular guys and bodybuilders) how to deliver passionate, profoundly erotic, and deeply stimulating muscle worshipping services to muscle gods. As a result of delivering these extraordinary services, the muscle gods keep asking the very gifted muscle worshipper to come back time and again and, in many cases, are willing to pay for the muscle worshipping services because the worshippers are so expert at fulfilling the deepest needs of the muscle god (a type of “reverse” escort services). Faculty: Regular guys who are muscle addicts and who have already established themselves as experts in the art and science of muscle-worshipping. They are also expert trainers and coaches of adults. Gorgeous bodybuilders that not only love to be worshipped themselves, but are also very effective, enthusiastic, and passionate about giving deep joy to other muscle gods. Massive and beautiful muscle gods who offer their time, bodies, and lustful inclinations to be worshipped in support of the development of muscle worshippers. Location(s): A series of weekends at private resorts throughout the nation with: (1) strong security, (2) a workout room that can be dedicated to the school for a period of days, and (3) a private pool for fun in the nude. Possible Topics for the Curriculum: Overall Basics Male musculature (names and nick names of the major muscles) The psychological nature of the deep-seated win-win relationships that can occur between a muscle god and the worshipper The differing needs of muscle gods (no one is the same) The strategic use of skimpy and very tight t-shirts, posers, jock-straps and cut-off shorts. Making sure it is always safe sex and making that fun, instead of a drag. Using internet stories and first-hand real-time experiences for ideas, inspiration, and understanding of the wide variety of different dynamics in the worshipper/musclegod relationship. Understanding the profound and visceral relationship between hardened and flexed muscles and sexual gratification for both the worshipper and the muscle god. Worshipping Basics Cock-hardening muscle talk (without sexual innuendo) and muscle sex talk Uninhibited basket and bulge worship by hand, mouth, teeth, and tongue Feeling, mauling and appreciated rock hard flexed muscles—their striations and veins Fucking muscle god’s hard muscles with worshippers hard cock Basic submission without abuse Meeting and responding to the special needs of muscle daddies Muscle worship in private workout sessions with gym equipment while doing exercises. Strategic use of mirrors for maximum worshipping impact Proven techniques for mutually rewarding showers in a shower stall or tub. The art of supremely sensual total body muscle oiling Advanced tit manipulation and worship “Taking charge of the muscle god” (when he is willing) The importance of powerfully demonstrating your worshipping passion and excitement to the muscle god Discovery and assessing the most deeply held and important desires and needs of each muscle god Expanding into more sex Tips to guarantee the hard flexed muscle god gets his cock hard and powerfully shoots a load without being touched by himself or the worshipper Strategies for slow building – and pulling back – from shooting a load – both solo and together. Advanced cock-sucking and masturbation Advanced top and bottom anal sex Total turn-on from muscle and cock-grinding frontal frottage Additional key techniques The joy of threesomes Deep total body tissue massage Techniques for helping the shy and inexperienced muscle god mature into a muscle flexing testosterone-driven machine. What to do if and when a loving friendship or relationship starts to develop Training methods Highly experiential with extensive hand, cock, and body contact Pre-taped videos showing best muscle worshipping practices In class videos taken for immediate study, feedback, and additional practice Real time practice demonstrations, including developing load-shooting frequency Posing and flexing exhibitions, and rewards for the muscle god. Private time for one on one mutual muscle talk, muscle sex talk, and body exploration Muscle worshipping homework during and between weekends. At Graduation A Certificate of Completion for the worshipper for use on a website and on-line profiles of the muscle-worshipper. Addition to the national “Hall of Fame” of muscle worshippers for review and selection by muscle gods seeking expert worshipper services. Two years paid membership for the worshipper at their local muscle god gym. Take home muscle god memorabilia: cum and sweat soaked posers, cut-offs, jock Straps, and t-shirts Voluntary addition of contact information of all faculty and students, together with pictures, into the School’s data-base for post-training follow-up and link-ups. OK readers and muscle-worshippers, this is a great opportunity to turn this muscle-worshipping fantasy into a story-line. For instance: What could happen in the “classrooms?” What would “extra-curricular” activities look like? How would a student earn “extra credit?” What would “final exams” look like? What would the “graduation ceremonies” look like? What would the “commencement speech” be about and who would deliver it? Do those questions trigger some fantasies of your own? Don’t be shy. No one is gonna “grade” what you write Have at it and post it! Thanks [email protected]
  16. MuscleNexusTF

    Hot Night Air

    Hey guys, I submited this story to metabods a while ago, but I thought I'd post it here as well to see what you guys think of it! This is my first post, hope you enjoy! http://metabods.com/mb/index.php/Hot_night_air
  17. alwaysmyway

    Not Your Normal New Years' Night

    In Oregon, New Years’ Eve typically means staying inside and praying the snow doesn't completely seal the front door from the outside world. In Florida, it’s t-shirts and plaid shorts. Iced tea and ice cream. Going to the beach and chilling by the pool. So when I got to head to Miami to spend the last week of December with my older brother Craig, I jumped at the chance. I skipped a couple days of community college, he took a couple days off from work, and we did Florida our way. When I woke up and crawled off the couch in Craig’s apartment, greeting the sun that streaked through the blinds with a wide smile, I figured it was going to be a good day. Then Craig gave me the news. His former fraternity had invited him to their end-of-year costume party, and I was coming along. My parents exhausted their money sending Craig to college, so going to a decent school wasn’t in the cards for me. The idea of being in a fraternity was definitely an appealing one though, and I was really excited to experience the booze-fueled madness I had seen in the movies firsthand. But what’s a costume party without a costume? I hadn’t brought one with me, and Craig had been too swamped with work to buy one before I came, so off we went to go looking for something to wear. Craig and I had always been decent brothers. We never fought when he was home, and my life felt a little less exciting with him on the opposite side of the country. We looked pretty similar too, though that had changed somewhat since the last time I had seen him. His shaggy blond hair has been replaced with a casual-looking faux-hawk and his skin had taken on a tan, but otherwise he still looked like what I hoped to be in five years. We even topped out at the same height: 6’3. So there we were in the car, heading off to search for our costumes. He was in a short-sleeve purple dress shirt and black jeans; I was in my usual teal tee and blue skinny jeans. We still had the same basic shape: skinny but fit, no real muscular development but we could both run a mile in eight minutes. Craig turned to me with a smirk on his face. "So, ready for tonight Tanner? It’s your first frat party… gonna be a big boy.” I roll my eyes as he tousles my hair, still the shaggy mop-top he once had. I was nineteen, he was twenty-four, and yet we still treated each other like kids. “Depends. Can I drink?” I smirk back at him. “Only if you don’t get caught.” I told you we had a good relationship. I recline back in my chair, his Prius zipping down the carpool lane as we head towards downtown. A couple moments later we turn onto the off-ramp and start passing through the industrial district, a “shortcut” that Craig uses to get to work. “Where are we going, anyway?” I ask. “There’s this warehouse I pass by on my way to work, I think it might be a good place to start.” “A warehouse? Is it full of costumes or something?” “We’ll find out.” Craig turns off of the road into the parking lot of a rather creepy-looking warehouse, with a sun-bleached banner proclaiming COSTUMES draped down the front. We’re the only ones in the parking lot. “Must be a leftover from Halloween.” I chuckle as we get out of the car and head toward the rusty-looking metal doors. There’s a small OPEN sign hanging in the window, but I figured the selection must be picked clean. As Craig opened the door, I realized how wrong I was. “Holy shit dude…” Craig exclaimed as we walked in. We were met with row-after-row of neatly organized costumes, all packed in thick, multicolored cardboard boxes. They were even organized and alphabetized. “Someone’s got OCD…” I mutter as I gaze around the building. The black racks are stacked twenty feet up, with sliding ladders like those seen in book stores running along the outside. We stand in awe of the warehouse when a seductive voice coos “Hello, boys.” From behind us. We turn around, confused, when we see a gorgeous red-haired woman in a flowing green dress. “My name is Emily.” She says with a flutter of her eyes. “What brings you two handsome young men to my store?” Handsome? I smirk somewhat as Tanner speaks up. “We have a costume party tonight, and this place is our only option.” The woman looks us over, one hand on her hip, the other twiddling with her bejeweled necklace. “You’ve come to the right place. I pride myself on our selection of costumes for all occasions.” She leans in closer to us, clearly sizing my brother up. Great, she’s a cougar. “Did you have anything in mind, young man?” She stops twiddling her jewelry and crosses her arms, smirking. “I love making recommendations, especially for fetching boys like yourselves.” I eye my brother as he nervously responds. “There’s, uh… such a selection here, I don’t, uh…” He awkwardly stutters out. How cute, he likes the pretty girl. “You don’t know where to start?” The woman finishes his sentence. “Well, lucky for you, I’ll let you two dashing young things get a sampling of what we have to offer. Three for the price of one.” “Oh, that’s, uh… very nice of you to, you know, do that.” Craig awkwardly smiles at Emily, blushing. Ugh, it’s like an ABC Family original movie. “So, we’ll get three each. Right, Craig?” “Oh, yeah, sure.” He says, still transfixed on the woman before us. “And we were going to match, right Craig?” “Oh, yeah, sure.” He repeats. “I’ll make this easier for you two… what are your names?” “Craig…” He says with a smile. “Tanner.” I say dryly, my arms crossed. “Well, Craig and Tanner… how about you two go find a pair of costumes each, and then I’ll surprise you with the final duo.” “That sounds great.” Craig says as he leans against the counter. Great, so it looks like we’re going to let this MILF-y chick decide our fate. “Have fun looking, boys. Ring the bell if you need me.” Emily says as she slinks behind a bright red curtain. “Wow.” Craig says as he shakes his head in disbelief. “You two were totally eye-fucking.” I say as I start toward the costume aisles. “Whatever man, that chick is HOT.” Craig exclaims as he catches up with me. “So, shall we split up?” “Sure.” I take a left away from Craig, and I see him head the opposite direction as I head into an aisle. As I browse the shelves, I admire the vast selection of costumes ranging from animals to mythical creatures, even celebrities are present. Naturally, nothing I’m interested in. “FIND ANYTHING CRAIG?” I yell as I keep looking through the shelves. “Nope.” A voice whispers into my ear. I jump and look back to see Craig, laughing hysterically. “Son of a bitch, Craig!” I punch him in the arm before going back to rooting through costumes. “This place is pretty awesome right? Huge selection and everything.” Craig says as he leans on a cabinet nearby. He notices I’m ignoring him, so he heads to another aisle. “Yell if you need anything.” I look up at the directional signs and head down the aisle and to the right, a simple red sign reading “Superheroes” hung from above. I root through the red and black cabinets, looking for something that will catch my eye, when I see a bright blue box from the corner of my eye. “Huh…” I say as I reach over and grab it, and I turn it over to see the yellow and red S emblem of Superman peeking through a cut in the box. I reach into the cutout and feel the costume, the textured spandex blowing away the crappy costumes you could get from Walmart, and I with a shrug I grab the box by the handle. Who knows? Maybe I might look good in- “Spandex?” I hear Craig say from behind me. “Didn’t figure you were the Superman type, Tanner.” “I know, I know…” I pull the box out again, gazing at the large picture of Superman himself on the side of the box, the costume hugging every crevice of his body. “I like the classics.” “Nothin’ wrong with that.” Craig pats me on the shoulder before turning to the opposite side and checking through the bins. “What do you have in mind for me?” I think briefly before crossing over to the other side of the aisle. The Marvel costumes are separated from the DC costumes, something any comics nerd would appreciate. I thumb through the selection a bit before finding just what I was looking for. “Ah, here it is.” I say with a smile as I pull out a gold box, a hammer and silver helmet clearly visible through the top. A picture of Thor in a heroic pose is scrawled across the side of the box. “Thor? Nice. I guess we’ll both be batting out of our league tonight.” Craig says as he takes the box. “My turn!” He says excitedly as he turns away and heads towards another aisle. I follow him “Well, if we’re getting three each we might as well get a selection.” I smile at Craig and he smiles back before turning away, box in hand, and heading toward another aisle. I follow him down the aisle, and he stops right under a bright red sign proclaiming “Vampires.” Located in the “Pop Culture” aisle of all places. I shrug and keep walking when I nearly trip over a stray box, knocking me right into a cutout of Edward Cullen. Craig chuckles as I get myself together and reposition the cutout back up. The vampire section in the store is overrun with costumes from the Twilight franchise, ranging from the Volturi to James to the Cullen family themselves… but only the male characters. In fact, I haven’t found a female costume anywhere in the store. Huh. I shrug it off and look over at Craig. “What’s the plan, boss?” “It’s right here.” He says with outstretched arms, presenting the Twilight aisle as if he were expecting applause. “Twilight? Really?” “Vampires are the big thing right now. Girls will love ‘em.” He nods in satisfaction before starting to rummage through the shelves. Soon enough, he pulls out a box marked “Emmett Cullen”: a black box with a chess piece cutout on top and a vial of “vampire dust” in the center. “What, no Edward?” “I figured you would prefer the big, bad vampire brother.” “Wait, he’s for me?” “You think I’d dress in a Twilight costume? Dude, I’ve got dignity.” We both smirk before he goes back to checking the shelves. “Whatever man, I guess I can work with it.” I lean against a rack and check my phone for messages. Craig keeps checking through, when I see him start to grin. “Whew, it’s my lucky day.” He reaches to the side and pulls out a black box with a red top and skull cut-out with a ring hanging around inside. He turns it toward me, and scrawled on the side is none other than Stefan Salvatore of The Vampire Diaries. “So… that’s better?” I joke. “You have no idea how addicting this show is, Tanner.” Judging by his stern face, I’d say he was serious. “Okay… wait, is Boone in there?” Craig turns and rummages through the rack again, only to come out empty handed. “No Damon.” “I guess we’ll balance eachother out then. That guy’s the nice vampire, right?” “That’s Stefan.” He gives the box to me. “Great, let’s go see what that girl picked out for us.” I take the box and walk towards the counter. Craig rings the service bell, and out pops Emily with two black boxes in her hand. “Find anything worth your while, boys?” I try to get a look at the boxes, and Emily puts them on the counter. They’ve both got Mickey Mouse head-shaped cutouts on the lips, one with a rose in the center, the other with a compass. “Disney characters?” I ask, curiously. “Timeless classics.” She nods and looks me in the eyes. She tilts her head, before presenting me with box with the rose. “I think you’re more of a Prince Adam than a John Smith.” “Prince Adam?” I say as I pull the box toward me. I flip it around to see a picture of the prince from Beauty and The Beast on the side along with the designation of “Disney Heroes Edition” stamped in gold lettering. “I didn’t know he had a name.” “I’m quite a fan of his.” She says before turning toward Craig. “But I’m more fond of John…” She presents Craig with the second box. “I bet you’d love to go around the riverbend with me.” Yuck. Craig blushes and places the other two boxes on the counter. I place mine next to his, and she looks them over with a smile. “You two have quite good taste. You’re going to look absolutely stunning, the life of the party even.” She scans the barcodes on the box while eying the Thor box. “I bet you’ve already got quite a hammer, Thor.” Jesus, it never ends with this chick does it? Craig continues to blush as she takes a look at Superman’s box, and then back at me. “You’re going to gorgeous in that spandex, young man. It accentuates even the slightest figures.” I roll my eyes as the cash register rings up the totals. “Sixty dollars, even.” Craig pulls a hundred from his wallet and gives it to her. “Keep the change.” “You’re quite generous young man. Come back soon, I know your costume party will be an unforgettable experience.” She backs away into the curtains and blows an air kiss to Craig before disappearing into the back room. I grab him by the arm and we head out of the building and to the car. “My god, Craig. Five more minutes and you would have been fucking her over the table.” I joke as I hop into the car and buckle up. “If you don’t think she’s hot, there’s something wrong with you.” He buckles his seatbelt and we drive back to his apartment, located in one of the nicer neighborhoods. “What time is it?” “4:30.” I respond. “Awesome, we have time to try them out.” He smiles as we wave hello to the security guards and drive into the complex, park, and head upstairs to the apartment. “I’ll be in the bedroom trying things on.” Craig says as he heads into his room and locks the door. I place my boxes on the couch and look them over, deciding to try on the Superman costume first. I open up the box and pull out the costume, surprised on how heavy-duty it is, and I stretch it a couple times before putting it down on the couch and pulling out the accompanying red boots and cape. “How ya doing in there, Tan?” I hear from behind the bedroom door, accompanied by the tinkling of metal. “Doing Superman, you?” I respond. “Thor.” He replies. I take off my shirt and chuck it onto the recliner, then my undershirt, followed by my shoes, socks, and jeans leaving me in my usual plaid boxers. The door to Craig’s room suddenly opens and I rush to cover myself, much to Craig’s amusement. “Come on, like I haven’t seen you in your underwear before.” Craig chuckles, his Thor costume only half-on, metal plates fastened to the top and bottom of his chest, a detailed gold belt buckled around his waist, dark blue tights hugging his thighs, and tall gold boots that go right up his calves with black shin guards. He tosses a bright red cape to me. “Zip me up and cape me, brother.” He says as he turns around. I walk over and zip up the back of his costume, a sturdy black rubber tank-top, and tie the cape around his neck. “Jesus, that’s a heavy-duty costume man.” I say as I spin him back around. “Well, go get yours on!” Craig says excitedly as he walks back into his room. I grab the Superman costume and slip my feet into the holes, then my arms, and slip on the red briefs and belt before walking into Craig’s room to get him to zip me up. Craig is in the process of putting on his arm-bands, his helmet on his head, when he looks at me with a smile. “See! It looks good!” He assures as he goes behind me and zips me up. Surprisingly, the suit actually fits really well, snugly even. Now that I think about it, Craig’s costume fits perfectly too… weird. I head back into the living room and put my boots on before grabbing my cape and bringing it to Craig. He ties it around my neck before grabbing his hammer. “We have to take pictures of this.” He says as he grabs his cell phone from his desk and pushes me toward the bathroom mirror. “Mom and Dad are gonna love this.” I slide across the bathroom tile, my red boots squeaking as I go, until we’re in front of the mirror. “Strike a pose!” Craig laughs as we put our biceps up for a flex. The camera goes off, and we eagerly take a look at the picture… needless to say, we don’t really look the part. I feel oddly strained and stretch my arms out, the blue spandex clinging to my skin, when the straining feeling becomes more intense. I look down to my chest, where the straining seems to be focused, and my breath goes short as I see what’s transpiring. My chest is pulsing, throbbing visibly beneath the “S” insignia… I clutch the center of my chest as it starts to heave out, becoming firm beneath my hands, expanding even. I start to groan and fall back against the wall, causing Craig to jump back before clutching his own chest in pain. I shut my eyes, teeth clenched as the straining feeling spreads to my arms, forearms expanding against the side of my stomach, biceps quaking. I hear Craig grunt "What's... happening...." before my back gives out and I fall to the ground, my stomach pulling in, arms pulled tight around my chest as all of my body seems to balloon outward. The strain of spandex is heard as my thighs start to push against eachother, gaining mass, becoming hard and rounded. My biceps and forearms constrict my thickening pecs, a deep crevice formed between them, the S logo now stretched tightly over the square mounds. My neck snaps to the side as my shoulders start to stretch out, delts inflating, neck thickening, visible grooves forming all over my body... I manage to open my eyes just enough to see Craig's arms becoming massive, deep striations appearing all over them, his hands clutching the provided hammer. I do an involuntary pelvic thrust, catching sight of the rigid bricks seemingly embedded in my stomach. I fall back down onto a thicker, firmer cushion, and I reach down to feel my muscular ass as the straining feeling fades away. I collapse against the wall, exhaustion taking over, when I look over to Craig and gasp in disbelief. He's... HUGE! Thighs that look as thick as redwoods, the blue tights looking like a second skin, his biceps as thick as soccer balls, he looked like a god! He's breathing heavily, but smiling... like he enjoyed it. I look up at the mirror on the counter, angled just enough for me to see my ripped stomach... it can't be me... I stop grabbing my ass and move up to my stomach, feeling the deep ridges of the six- No! EIGHT-PACK! Something I had thought to be a myth! Craig groans and looks over to me, confused yet still smiling. I straighten myself up and hoist myself onto my feet, the feeling of the new mass completely foreign to me as I stumble around. Craig chuckles and lifts his massive arm to me, and I grab his thicker hand and heft him up with a bit of effort. He stretches, the grooves and thick mounds all over his body breathtaking to me. We make eye contact, his face looking happier by the second, before slowly turning toward the mirror. After what feels like hours, we see our reflections. "Oh my GOD!" Craig says with surprised laughter and a gleeful smile. He grabs the sides of his head in disbelief, clearly loving what he's seeing. His massive frame takes up a good third of the room-length mirror, his heavy vest curving up from his stomach and clearly concealing a pair of huge pecs beneath. I cautiously take a look at myself, looking my body up and down from the ripped quads and calves to my pecs that hang like a shelf over my cobblestone stomach. Every crevice, every bulge is highlighted by the spandex, even the sizable one hiding beneath my red briefs. Curiously, I look to see Craig too has gotten quite an upgrade down there, and I reach down to cop a feel of myself when Craig starts to moan and falls back against the wall. I dart over to him, frantically asking what's wrong, when I see his face start to restructure. His jaw juts out and widens, his nose becoming thicker and brow protruding out just enough to give him an intimidating glare. He shuts his eyes as long blond hair starts to slip beneath his helmet, cascading down his neck and forming a flowing mane. With a deep gasp his eyes reopen, now a vivid blue. He was no longer my older brother... he was the God of Thunder. He looks up at me, almost relieved that the changes seemed over, when he points to me frantically. "What? What is it?" I ask as I reach up to feel my hair changing textures, receding inward... I turn to the mirror to see my hair darkening, becoming jet black, before an intense pain starts to build in my skull. I fall to the counter, groaning as I feel my face start to rearrange, my jaw shifting, nose becoming sharper. I feel a curl move over my forehead as my eyebrows seem to tilt, giving them a sharp look, and the pain dissipates leaving me to look up at a chiseled face, one of power and authority. The same vivid blue eyes as Craig's, but complimented by angled eyebrows and a sharp chin and neckline not to mention that signature swoop of hair. I reach up and feel my solid jaw, when I hear Craig's voice from behind me. "You... you're fuckin' Superman!" He yells as he stands himself up and walks to the counter. "Dude, what about you?" I say as I look to his reflection. "You're Thor, man!" “Jesus… what, HOW did this happen?” Craig says as he traces his jaw, moving down his neck to his chest and arms. “It’s like magic or something!” “I don’t know… just, holy shit…” I keep looking over my body, realizing this is ME, a smile replacing my confused and slightly horrified expression. I WAS the Man of Steel. I stretch my arms behind my head, straining the “S” on my chest and causing my pecs to jut out, and I turn to see Craig flexing in the mirror with the excitement of a little kid. First his left arm, then his right, then his thighs, like he was an expert at it… he could definitely pass for pro. Those arms looked godly, as if they could snap my regular self like a twig. Wait… what am I doing looking at him? I bring my own arms to a flex, the sensation of the straining spandex feeling even better than I imagined… Craig’s bigger, but what do I care? I’m fucking SUPERMAN. “Hah, watch this…” I say as I crunch my abs, sounding slightly cocky as my stomach ripples. “This is pretty kinky... bet I put your abs to shame.” Craig crosses his arms. “Hah, bring it!” I say jokingly. Some part of me definitely wanted to see what he was hiding under there. “Unzip.” Craig turns to me and I toss his cape out of the way, unzipping his vest slowly to admire the deep V cut into his back, when I hear him start to grunt and fall forward. I duck down to his face, asking him what’s wrong, when I see his eyes start to darken and his brow receding… wait, he’s turning back into himself! Panicking, I grab his vest and quickly zip it up, causing Craig to throw his head up with a moan as his face turns back to Thor’s. He turns to me and scratches his head. “What… was that?” “It must be the costume…” I say, trying to connect the dots. “If you take off part of the costume, you revert back…” “Really? Fuck!” Craig sighs loudly and buries his face in his hands. “That SUCKS!” “Uh, dude… you’re huge.” I say as I grab his bicep. “How can that suck?” Craig looks up at me, unamused. “I wanted to show off at the party!” “You still can! You just… have to be in costume.” I try to reassure Craig, apparently he had his heart set on exposing himself. Speaking of exposure… I look down to his crotch and notice his prominent bulge. Heh, who would have known Thor had two hammers. Craig sighs again and crosses his arms. “I guess that’s cool…” He looks down at himself, then back up at me. “At least we’ll be bigger than everyone else at the party.” I look over to the clock, thinking that we’ve been in the bathroom for HOURS. Naturally, it’s only 3:40. But then another idea crosses my mind… “What about the other two costumes?” I ask. “If these ones did this, then the others must do the same!” Craig smiles and looks up to me as if he had been born again. “You’re right! Come on!” Craig darts out of the bathroom and over to his bed, and I casually follow admiring his strong-looking ass. He turns around with the two other boxes, Stefan and John Smith, in his hand. “We have GOT to try these on.” “And the best one we can wear to the party!” I add, the prospect of Emmett and Adam getting me more excited by the minute. “Exactly… but who do we go to next?” “I wanna see how Adam and John look in real life before we hit the vampires.” I look to Craig for approval, and he nods. “Alright… I guess we have to unzip these guys for now.” Craig turns to me and I slowly unzip his vest, once again admiring his back, before reaching the bottom and disconnecting the zipper. Craig groans, but manages to stand up as he starts to lose mass, his hair receding up into his helmet, massive arms and legs losing definition, shrinking back to his normal size. His costume shrinks with him, still snug around his body as he returns to his old self. He turns back around to me, his face back to normal, and motions for me to turn around. “Do I have to?” I joke before Craig gives me a playful shove. “Come on Supes, playtime’s over.” I roll my eyes and turn around, and Craig moves my cape and unzips me. I brace myself as the straining feeling returns, and I feel my body start to shrink. My pecs and abs suck back into my body, biceps and thighs returning to their usual sizes, jaw restructuring… I take a deep breath as I feel my hair grow back out, and soon enough I’m back to being myself. Craig pushes me toward the living room. “Alrighty, go get Adam ready!” He shuts and locks the door behind me, and I kick off my boots, maneuver myself out of the Superman briefs and belt, and slip out of my tights only to feel a breeze when I lower the tights down. I find myself naked beneath the costume and mutter “what the fuck?” before seeing my boxers had been torn down the center… I guess they weren’t Superman sized. I toss my boxers out and take off the tights, and carefully fold all of the costume elements up and place them back in the box. “Tanner?” I hear from the bedroom amid the sound of metal clanging against itself. “Yeah?” I reply as I grab the Adam box and prepare to open it up. “We’re gonna need some new boxers.” “Seems that way, huh?” I laugh before opening up the Adam box. “Wait… what?” I say as see the contents… nothing more than a rose, two leather armbands, and a shiny black thong. There has to be some mistake… wait, what’s this? There’s a gold booklet inside of the box, marked “Disney Heroes Edition.” I pick it up and open it, and out pops what looks like a painting of Adam, wearing nothing but a black thong, armbands, and a rose stuck between his thigh and his thong. “The fuck is this?” I hear from the other room. Suddenly, Craig’s door opens and out pops a hand holding brown briefs with Native American patters weaved into the waistband and what looks like a raccoon tail hanging off one side. “When in the movie did John wear this?” “I guess it’s some weird thing to get around licensing… mine’s just underwear too.” “That’s… kind of gay.” Craig chuckles as his arm pops back in and he shuts the door. “You’re not the one with the thong.” I mutter as I gaze at it, slightly disgusted. Well, at least I’ll look good in it. I shrug and pull up the thong, a rather uncomfortable feeling but oddly… nice. “I’m safe if you want to come out.” I say as I put the arm bands on and grab the rose. Craig walks out of the bedroom, clad in the briefs and a leather bracelet weaved around his right arm. “This is really weird, dude… what kind of Disney characters are these?” He pulls on the briefs’ raccoon tail, confused. “Well, they’re characters regardless… ready to go?” I say as I hold up the rose. Craig holds up a compass hanging from a gold chain, and we jokingly “toast” the two objects before I slip the rose between my left thigh and the outside of the thong, and Craig drapes the necklace around his neck. He looks down at my waist and smirks. “Is that a thong?” “Shut up.” I snap as I walk over to the bathroom and stand myself in the mirror. Craig follows me in, and we stand in front of the mirror and wait patiently for the changes to commence. “Ooooh… there we go…” Craig moans as he grabs his crotch and shuts his eyes, his chest pushing out over his stomach forming a nice set of lean, toned pecs. His stomach crunches slightly, a lean six-pack appearing on his stomach. His thighs thicken, becoming rounder but retaining the same lean look, his calves following suit. His arms do the same, gaining mild definition, less like the monster Thor was and more like a model. Just as I notice the front of Craig’s briefs growing out into his palms, my own changes start… ooh, wow, this one feels way better than Supes did… it’s like the changes are emanating from my dick… I shut my eyes as the sensations creep up my stomach and down my legs, the feeling of gaining mass more mild than it was for Supes but still present… I feel my thighs gently pressing against each-other, pushing my crotch forward, pecs growing into a slight overhang above my stomach, arms feeling stronger as they gain lean muscle. My thong starts to tighten, but in an oddly comfortable way, as my ass swells into a bubble-butt and my dick feels noticeably heavier. I open my eyes and see my stomach has been carved into a delicate six-pack, my shape slightly larger than Craig’s but just as attractive. “Fuuuuuck… that felt good…” Craig moans as I open my eyes. He’s still clutching his crotch, and I reach down and give myself a squeeze and shudder at the feeling… seems we’re both packing now. “I wish Superman had been like that.” I chuckle as I turn to the mirror and admire myself, my hair starting to grow out and darken to a dirty blond, nose becoming more pronounced yet delicate, jaw and lips becoming thicker. I look over to Craig and see his hair lengthen, repositioning slightly as it collapses onto his forehead before tightening up. His jaw squares off, becoming more masculine, his lips and nose shifting to a more rugged look. Our eyebrows become more pronounced, Craig’s eyes turning to a brighter blue while mine darken to a gorgeous olive. Craig smiles as his hair finishes changing, reaching just past his neck, parted in the center and curled on both sides. My hair is longer and flows down the top of my back, a nobler look than Craig’s style. I take a look back at my face, definitely a more French/European look, and I feel my sharper chin before continuing to feel the pronounced bulge in my thong. “We could totally show off with these.” Craig says as he gazes into the mirror, smirking. “Grab my phone, take a picture of me!” I roll my eyes and grab Craig’s phone, setting it to camera mode before pointing it toward him, nearly breaking into laughter as I see his “serious face.” I was the fucking Beast. He got his ass saved by some Native American princess. “Yeah, work it girl.” I chide as I take the picture. “Should I send it to your girlfriend? I bet she’d suck first and ask questions later.” “Har.” Craig grabs his phone and starts fumbling with it while I turn toward the mirror and continue to admire myself. Dear lord, some of those animators had to be gay. I’m perfect! I shoot a glare toward the mirror, breaking into a smirk from sheer happiness before looking down toward the front of my thong… “Shit!” Craig yells as his phone starts to vibrate. “Speaking of the girlfriend, I’ll be right back.” He heads out of the bathroom and answers the phone, exiting onto his balcony. I keep staring at the front of my thong, ever more curious to see what’s lurking beneath the fabric… I look around the bathroom and quietly shut the door, not wanting to attract attention from Craig. I start to squeeze and massage the front of my thong, watching my reflection in the mirror as I go, feeling the pouch become harder and harder… okay, I’ve gotta be careful about this… I pull the lip of the thong out, just enough to gaze at the monster that is pulsing inside, and I reach in with my free hand and start to massage again, realizing just how thick this python was. The front of my thong starts to get uncomfortably tight I near full mast, and I pull my cock out only to see the most glorious hard-on I’ve ever seen. At least seven inches around, cut with pulsing veins snaking all over the surface, this eleven-inch monster was appropriate for someone who was once a beast. I carefully pull my thong down just enough to get the base of my cock free, making sure to keep the rose intact, and I slowly start tracing the head of my cock before bringing it all the way down the length. I start flicking at the plump head, thinking of various ways to prolong the experience… wait, I don’t have time for this… I grab the shaft and start jerking off, snickering at the sheer look of this noble French prince masturbating in the mirror, turning to the side and watching my hand work the entire length, deep breaths causing my abs to crunch as I go. I shut my eyes and continue to jack, pre starting to slick up my shaft, gliding up to the delicate, sensitive head, when suddenly I hear “Yeah, you like that huh?” come from the bedroom. I open my eyes and crack open the bedroom door, one hand still jacking, and I see my brother posing on the balcony. He must be trying to impress some girl. “Hah, check these out!” He says as he turns sideways, giving me a perfect side-view of his body, shining in the sun, hair flapping in the light breeze, that perfect ass… I keep jacking, watching him pose for this unseen person, seeing him flex his biceps, admiring that taut ass outlined perfectly in his briefs… he turns around, looking over his shoulder as he flexes more, seeing his lean abs and pecs just standing there in front of me, his gorgeous thighs and hot bulge sticking out of his briefs. I feel this lust surge within me, smiling wildly, gasping as I keep masturbating, watching him go through the motions. He turns to the side again, this time at the perfect angle, showing off his entire shape in the sunlight; my body trembling as my rod surges with power, hand furiously stroking the slick pole, when I feel such an intense pleasure… oh god, I’m gonna do it… I’m gonna… “OH!” I moan as a thick spurt of my seed hits the shower across from me, splattering on the glass. My jaw drops in pure stupor as I climax, the feeling of release overwhelming me as I shoot load after load, flinging it across the bathroom as I keep moaning, not even thinking to release my grip. I fall against the bathroom door, knocking it shut as I keep jacking, hand and thong now soaked in my sticky deposits as my loads become smaller and smaller, until I’m finally out of my orgasmic haze. I take a deep breath and give my cock a few more firm tugs as it softens, and I stuff it back into my cum-soaked thong with a deep exhale. I look around the room, noticing the streaks of cum spattered across the floor and on the wall… Jesus, Adam can blow one hell of a load. I take another deep breath and steady myself up, being careful not to step in any of my messes, and I wash my hands and grab a towel to start wiping up. I manage to clean the visible splatters off of the wall and floor, though there’s a slight sticky residue left over, and I toss the towel into the cabinet beneath the sink before looking back at the mirror. “Shit!” I put my palm to my face as I realize that my thong is noticeably and visibly wet, and I reach down to find quite a sticky surface as well. I can’t get rid of it or else I’ll go back to being, well, me… well, the fabric’s black, so it’s not too noticeable… and besides, why would Craig be staring at my dick anyway? And then it set in. The entire reason my thong is so sticky and wet? Him. Me watching him flex, jerking off like there’s no tomorrow. I’m momentarily disgusted with myself when I hear the balcony door open and shut, accompanied by Craig laughing hysterically. I freeze, trying to figure out if he might notice the remains of my “session,” when he knocks on the door. “Tan? You okay in there?” “Yeah, I’m good…” I reach down slowly and open the door, and in walks Craig covered in sweat and glistening underneath the florescent lights. “So what was that out there?” I cross my arms. “Trying to impress someone?” “I heard a wolf-whistle from some chick down below, so I gave her a show.” He smirks and raises an eyebrow. “Jealous?” “Whatever…” I look up to the clock and notice the time. “Dude! It’s 4:15!” “What?” Craig looks to the clock. “SHIT!” He darts out of the bathroom and grabs his keys and his three costume boxes. “What about Stefan and Emmett?” I ask as I walk out of the bathroom. “We’ll try them on there. Get some shoes on, we’re heading out.” Craig says as he heads out the door. “Meet me at the car.” Great… I’m going to the party wearing nothing but a cum-soaked thong. That’s attractive. I sigh and grab my costume boxes, and I put on a pair of flip-flops from my suitcase as I head out. I dart down the stairs, a group of younger girls staring at me as I go, and I give them a smile before running to the car. “Ready to go?” Craig says as he pops open my door. I hop in and we start driving to the fraternity house, a couple miles away from downtown. I try to figure out the logistics of partying like this, how I’m going to keep the rose in and so on, when I ask Craig when we’re going to go to Stefan and Emmett. “Whenever you want. If you don’t want to show off, we can do it when we get there.” I think to myself a bit, wondering how many people will be going the same underwear-only route as Craig and I, when we turn into Fraternity Row. The lane is packed with cars, lights flashing in the windows, people hanging out in the yard with the usual red plastic cups… yep, just like the movies. We manage to find a parking spot and grab our costumes, Craig insisting he could hide our costumes in his former dorm room, and we look at each other and take a deep breath before walking down to the party. A group of giggling girls starts screaming at us from their car, lewdly commenting on our asses, and we both manage to smirk it off when we make it to the yard. Red cups litter the grass as we approach the patio, with girls dressed in as little clothing as possible and guys in lampshades and the usual jokey costumes crowding the doorway to the frat house. We head inside of the frat house, watching partygoers’ eyes go wide as they see us start to weave through the crowd. I sling my costume boxes over my shoulder and lean against a wall as Craig branches off to find a couple of his former frat brothers. Guys seem to steer clear of me, understandable considering their less-than-intimidating looks, while girls curiously brush past me and occasionally cop a feel... jeez, an “excuse me” would be nice. A short blonde girl in a red dress with a lollipop in her mouth and what looks like whipped cream cans on her chest walks up to me, smirking. “Who are you supposed to be, stud?” As someone who isn’t used to receiving attention from anyone, let alone a girl, I stutter but manage to get out an answer. “Prince… Prince Adam?” She gives me a confused look. “From Beauty and the Beast?” The girl thinks for a bit, before something finally clicks. “Ooooohhh! Wait… when did he wear that in the movie?” Thinking quickly, I grab her by the hand and twirl her around like a princess. You know, like anyone would when you hear loud rap music. Suddenly, she grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd, stopping in the center to gyrate around my crotch and rut her body all over mine. I move to the rhythm of the song as she glides around me, scanning the room to see if I can find Craig, when I catch him talking to a well-built guy in a bad spray tan and mussed black hair. Ugh, he must be one of those Jersey Shore dicks. “Excuse me…” I let go of the girl and start inching away from her, and when the moment is right I disappear into the crowd and weave over to my brother. “Shane, this is my brother Tanner.” Craig points over to me. Shane looks me over with a face of awe. “Jesus dude, you two look nothin’ like each other! How often do you work out?” I shrug and try to dodge the question, when Shane notices my uncomfortable expression and switches the subject. “So I saw you out there with one of the Tri Chis… you got a lot of learning, man.” Craig smirks. “They’re basically a bunch of sluts, Tan. Stick with me, I’ll show you where the real good stuff is.” “So where’d you get those costumes man? I’ve known Craig for six years and he looks nothin’ like himself.” Shane crosses his arms. “Dude, the last time you saw me was two years ago.” Craig laughs. “Things can change.” “But your fuckin’ brother is bigger than you! How does that work?” Craig and Shane keep going back and forth as I drift away from them, walking around the party and enjoying the looks I’m getting. The women are drooling, the men are jealous… some even look interested. Judging by all of the eyes on me, I’d say I was the center of attention. I step over to the keg and grab a cup, figuring I can get away with trying this magical elixir I hear so much about. I take a swig… BLARGH… I choke and spit it out right onto the three guys dressed as “seamen” (har.) situated in front of me. “Jesus, this beer tastes like SHIT!” I exclaim before looking up at the men, their faces slowly turning to anger. “Whoah boys, settle down…” I say as they inch closer to me, shouting profanities as they get up close. I’m taller and bigger than they are, but they aren’t intimidated by my appearance one bit. “Knock it off, boys.” I hear from beside me. I turn around and catch a tall guy dressed in a long overcoat, a navy button-up and gray slacks beneath, some sort of contraption on his right ear… oh, now I get it. He’s that one guy from Torchwood, Captain Jack Harkness. “Start shit and you’re out of here. It’s not your house.” He says, a stern glare on his face. He’s every bit as handsome as his television counterpart. “Whatever, this party is shit anyway.” The three men turn away to go, Captain Jack looking rather satisfied as they leave. “Ugh, Kappa Taus. Think they’re better than everyone.” Captain Jack turns toward me, looking me over with a raised eyebrow. “So you’re Craig’s brother, right? Tanner?” I nod, but remain silent. “Sweet costume... you must weigh like, twenty pounds more than him.” He reaches up to feel my arm, but jerks his arm away at the last second. “So your brother said I need to look after you.” He crosses his arms and nods at the cup I’m holding, and I toss it into the nearby trash can. “There we go.” He smiles. “I’m Aaron, by the way.” I reach out to shake his hand, and he gives it a firm squeeze while looking over my chest with the same smile. “You and your brother must work out a lot. He was a skinny bitch back when he was here.” “Yeah, well…” I try to dodge the statement. “Has anyone recognized your costume yet, Captain Jack?” Aaron’s eyes light up. “You watch Torchwood?” “One of my favorites.” “Wow, that’s a surprise… and you’re… uh… an Armani Exchange model?” “Close. Prince Adam.” “Who?” “From Beauty and The Beast?” “Oh! After he turns back!” Aaron grins. “I don’t remember him wearing THAT in the movie…” I chuckle and look over to Craig, who is drinking and having a good time as usual, when Aaron grabs me by the arm. “Follow me, I wanna talk to you in private…” I nod as he pulls me through the crowd and up the stairs, passing numerous girls who take the liberty of cupping my bulge as I pass them, when we make it into one of the second level hallways and duck into a dorm. “This one’s mine.” He says as he shuts the door. I gaze around the room, and only then do I realize what I’ve gotten myself into. There are guys on the wall. LOTS of guys. Mostly naked and in seductive positions. I turn around to see Aaron on his bed, his coat behind him. “Come over here, get comfortable.” He pats next to him and I walk over and sit. “So is this your first frat party?” “Yeah, I flew down here for it.” “Nice, from where?” “Oregon.” “Wow, that’s a long flight… where are you staying?” “I’m at Craig’s apartment.” “Cool, cool.” Aaron nods before his vision slips to my crotch. “So, if you don’t mind me asking…” He looks back up at my face. “How, uh… big is it?” I give him a confused look before realizing what he’s talking about. Great, how do I deal with this… first frat party, first gay encounter… alright, play it safe Tan… “Eleven.” “Holy SHIT dude!” He says with open-mouthed grin. “It shows!” “You think so?” I say as I look down at myself, satisfied with the compliment. “Can I see it?” He asks. I look up at him, slightly uncomfortable. “Whoah, sorry dude… didn’t mean to put you in a bad place.” He looks over to one of his posters, a ripped guy with his jeans just barely concealing his cock, when I realize the dude seems to long for something like this. I don’t see another bed, so I guess he’s alone in the house, and probably alone in the frat as well. I take a breath and reach into my thong, pulling out the monster that had been hiding beneath the fabric. Aaron gasps in amazement, reaching down to touch the sleeping giant, when I cough an AHEM. “Wow… I’m so sorry, man… it’s so big, I kind of got sidetracked.” He chuckles, gaze still affixed to my member. “Okay Captain, let’s see what you’re packing.” I joke as I stuff myself back into the thong. He sighs as I put my cock away. “Alright, but I’m nothing compared to yours…” He reaches down and unbuckles belt, then his pants, revealing gray boxer briefs, when I realize he’s already hard. “See what you do to me?” He smirks as he pulls out his cock, a respectable eight or nine inches, and he wasn’t cheating like I was. I stare at it a bit, not sure what I should do, when he breaks the silence. “If you want to touch it, be my guest.” I make eye contact with him, unsure of how to continue. “Go ahead man, I don’t mind at all.” I reach over and touch the head, a bulbous mushroom cap, my own groin tingling as I make contact with his. His cock tenses as I move my hand away, then curiously bring it back for more as I start to trace his shaft. “Ooooh fuck, man…” He says, smiling. For some reason, I can’t help but be affixed on his member. My thong is starting to tighten as my cock becomes erect, and I look at him with a smile. “Fair is fair.” I say as I reach into my thong and pull out my thickening member, unfurling to its’ full length. I lean back a bit, tensing it slightly as it reaches full mast. I look over to Aaron and nod, and he reaches over and starts to run his finger down my length. I moan as he reaches the head and gives it a flick, sending a wave of pleasure through me, when he brings his hand away. “Alright, Tanner… we’re gonna have to take care of these somehow.” He smirks and looks up at me, then back to my pulsing cock. I’ve always wanted to try this mutual masturbation thing, but I’ve never really had any friends to do it with… here’s my chance. “Uh… I’ll do you, you do me?” Aaron grins. “Deal. But first…” He gets up and walks over to the door and locks it, and then turns around toward me. He looks at me with a seductive grin, kicks off his shoes, and starts slowly lowering his pants, revealing lean, toned thighs and calves, then his underwear; causing his cock to jut straight in front of him. He unbuttons his shirt, showcasing a youthful set of abs and pecs, and he tosses the shirt to the ground before slowly walking toward me. He points down to the floor, and I scoot off the bed onto the floor as he grabs two towels from his cabinet. “Gonna take that off?” He motions toward my thong… shit, can’t do that… “I, uh… like underwear.” Aaron smirks and me and pulls his underwear back up his legs, popping his cock out of his fly. “Sexy kink, man…” He sits down next to me and reaches over, the sensation of another man’s hand on my cock exciting me even more, and he gives it a good firm tug before I reach over and grab his own member. We slowly start to jack each other, my hand going at a slower pace while Aaron makes sure to feel my entire length, my body tensing as he continues to go, my hand starting to build a faster pace on his member causing him to moan lightly. He increases his speed, causing me to moan as well, and we build up a rather fast pace as I see his eyes close and jaw lower… he’s getting close, I know he is… I gaze at his cock and watch it tense, his hand furiously jerking my own, his lean abs sucking in and out as he breathes heavily. He seizes up and moans an “OOH!” as a load of his creamy white essence shoots from his cock onto his chest, his cock surging in my hands as he nearly loosens his grip on mine. I feel the familiar surge within myself as he continues shooting his loads, his warm seed now slicking up my hand, when I fall back and let out a grunt as a rope of cum shoots from my throbbing cock onto my chest. I shut my eyes as my cock continues shooting, deposits landing all over my chest, my hand still clutching Aaron’s softening cock and coated in his sticky essence, his pace on my member slowing as I take deep breaths. “Jesus… that was…” Aaron stutters between breaths. “…AMAZING… you’re awesome…” I smirk and let go of his cock, bringing my hand to my chest and almost instinctually rubbing my cum all over my chest, giving it a sticky sheen. I open my eyes to see Aaron watching me, giving himself a couple more tugs. “You’re one kinky dude… never tried that before…” I chuckle and sit up, Aaron tossing me a towel to clean up. I towel my cock off and rub it along my chest, unable to get the sticky residue off. “Damn, I’m gonna be sticky all night.” “Want some help?” Aaron says as he stuffs his cock back into his boxer briefs and wipes off his chest. I give him a nod, and he’s suddenly down on his knees licking over my pecs and down my abs. I’m speechless as he gives my cock a couple licks before going back up my chest, and he stands up. I look up at him, a mixture of surprise and confusion on my face. “And you said I was kinky?” “We like what we like.” He jokes as he tosses his towel in the dirty laundry bin. I keep wiping myself off and stuff my cock back into my thong before tossing him the towel. I turn away to grab my flip-flops, and I turn back to see him inhaling the towel before putting it in the bin… okay then. He turns back to me with a nervous smile, and I smile back as I stand up. “You really need to come here more… we could, you know… try things…” He walks over to me and rubs his body up against mine… “TANNER?!” I hear from the door. Shit, it’s Craig! “YEAH?!” I yell back. “I’M TIRED OF JOHN SMITH, TIME FOR THE VAMPIRES! MEET ME IN THE BATHROOM ACROSS THE HALL, KAY?!” “GOT IT!” I reply. “Vampires?” Aaron asks as he flops on his bed. “Yeah, we brought three costumes each. This is just one of them. I’ve also got Superman and Emmett Cullen.” “From Twilight?” “Yeah, him.” I bend over and grab the costume boxes, only to be met with a slap on the ass. I turn my head and give him a smile before standing back up. “I’m a big Kellan Lutz fan... can’t wait to see what you look like.” I walk toward the door and turn back to him with a nod. “Neither can I.” With that, I open the door and walk out, shutting the door behind me and taking a deep breath... jeez, maybe that’s why I’ve never been able to masturbate to girls… I shrug off my thoughts and cross over to the bathroom, and I knock on the door. “CRAIG? IT’S TANNER.” The door opens and I walk in and lock the door behind me. Craig has already changed back to himself, his John Smith garb dangling from the box, now wearing Stefan’s black jeans and undershirt. “So what comprises Stefan’s wardrobe?” I ask as I place the boxes on the counter and take off Adam’s armbands, causing me to shudder as I begin to change back to my normal self. “Jacket, brown button-up, undershirt, boxers, black jeans, socks, Converse. You know, what vampires wear.” He smirks as I feel my body shrink, losing its definition, the bulge in my thong disappearing as my face restructures and hair returns its original length. I look back in the mirror and see myself again, and I can’t help but feel slightly guilty about Aaron. My regular self would probably have never caught his eye, and he’d probably laugh at my normal seven incher. I sigh and ask Craig to turn away, and I remove the rose and take off my thong and put them in the Adam box before opening the Emmett box and rummaging for the accompanying boxers. Blood red, naturally. I pull them up and give Craig the all clear, and he turns around with his button-up on, but unbuttoned. I give him a curious look as I pull on my own undershirt, to which he replies “I won’t be able to see the good stuff if I button it up.” Huh, interesting strategy. I pull on Emmett’s undershirt, then his gray jeans, finishing it with the black thermal. “So I guess the vampire thing is in their faces? These guys just look like hipsters.” Craig jokes as he ties his shoes. I pull the sleeves up on my thermal and sit on the counter to pull my socks and shoes on, when Craig starts tapping his foot. “I’m hurrying, kay?” I snap as I tie my shoes and put on my wristband and watch. I grab the vial of “vampire dust” and open the cap, and I look over to Craig and give him a nod. Craig puts on the Salvatore crest ring and leans back against the wall as I sprinkle the glitter onto me, then I cork the vial and toss it back into the box. I lean against the opposite wall and look at the mirror, waiting for the changes to start, when I see Craig start to smile as the front of his undershirt starts to push out. He shuts his eyes as his pecs form a nice shelf above his stomach, which is visibly rippling as a rigid six-pack becomes faintly outlined beneath the fabric. Sadly I can’t see his legs or arms growing, but I’m sure they are just as good-looking. I feel my shirt start to tighten and I look at the mirror, turning slightly as my pecs push in, feeling my stomach crunching into the chiseled six-pack I expected. My arms start to bulk up, biceps noticeably inflating beneath the fabric of my thermal, forearms following suit, neck thickening slightly, my legs feeling bulkier as they shift beneath my jeans. Our complexions both become paler, mine becoming an eerie white while Craig is more natural, and soon enough our faces start to change. Craig’s brow becomes more pronounced, his jaw and nose shifting slightly to a sharper, more angular shape. His cheekbones flare slightly, eyes changing to a darker brown, hair turning to a dirty blond and shifting into a more pronounced, spiky style. My face goes a more rugged direction, jaw shifting to a more square shape, nose following suit. My eyebrows become more pronounced and darken, my hair shortening into almost a crew cut and darkening to a brownish-black. My eyes flood with a vivid amber color, and the visible specks of “vampire dust” disappear, leaving only their sparkle behind. Craig laughs in disbelief and crosses his arms, a wide grin on his face. I look back at myself and chuckle… we’re unrecognizable. No, scratch that… we’re recognizable alright. Craig and I are splitting images of Paul Wesley and Kellan Lutz, the two actors who play the characters. It’s almost eerie to have taken someone’s form like this; the other characters were just animated or illustrated, we hadn’t turned into Brandon Routh or Chris Hemsworth. But these two, their only visual representations were these actors. To tell you the truth, in the back of my mind I felt almost... evil. I gaze into my reflection, staring at the alien amber eyes before me, when I turn to see Craig has lifted his undershirt up and exposed the chiseled six-pack beneath. “Yep, dude’s way better built than John Smith.” I shrug and lift my own shirt and undershirt up, exposing my own ripped stomach. I’m inclined to agree with Craig, Emmett is way more defined than Adam was. “Alright, time to hunt.” I joke as I pull down my shirt and grab the boxes. Craig pulls down his undershirt and buttons his shirt up, and grabs his boxes. “Off we go.” I open the door, only to be met with Aaron, clad in his Jack button-up and pants, standing right in front. His jaw drops when he sees my brother and I, in complete disbelief of what he’s seeing. “Tanner? Is that… you?” “Hey Aaron.” Craig waves. “Craig? Holy shit… your fucking costumes are just… that’s incredible!” “Pretty cool right? We look just like them.” I add. “Alright, excuse me Aaron… gotta go.” Craig heads out of the bathroom and down the hall, his boxes dangling from his hands. “Can I come in?” Aaron asks. I motion for him to come in, and I shut the door behind him. “Jesus CHRIST you’re hot! It’s just too bad you’re covering up that body with all that clothing…” Aaron smirks as he walks around me, admiring my frame. “You shouldn’t be hiding that shape.” I reach down and pull up my shirt, giving him a good view of my six-pack. “My god! That pale makeup TOTALLY highlights your abs!” Aaron stares open-mouthed at my body. I drop my shirt and lean against the wall, stretching my arms, when Aaron rushes me and pushes me against the wall. “So… weird question for you… are you a top, or a bottom?” He says with a seductive smile. I snicker at the question before replying. “Top.” With that single word, Aaron goes in for a kiss. I don’t stop him. He starts to invade my mouth with his tongue, and I can’t help but feel like I want him… I need him… I start to make out with him, putting my arms around him and holding him as close as I can. I disgorge from him and smile, and I feel a familiar rise in my own jeans and in his. Aaron starts to breathe heavily as he backs away, dropping his pants. His cock is visibly hard beneath his boxer briefs, and he starts to lower them down allowing his cock to flop out into view. I unbuckle my jeans and pop my hard cock out of my boxers, the length and girth more or less the same as Adam, when Aaron walks up to me and whispers my ear. “Take me.” I smile as he turns around, not even thinking as I grab his waist and start to force my way in, penetrating his tight hole and pushing my entire length inside. He moans loudly as I start to thrust into him, having never been with a guy but never liking a girl, eyes shutting as I vigorously fuck him. I reach around and grasp his cock again, jacking it off as I go, eliciting shrieks of pleasure from him. He clenches his ass as I buck even harder into him, moaning as I near climax, gripping and pulling his cock, when the door suddenly opens. “TANNER?” I hear Craig’s voice from the doorway, but it’s too late… I moan louder and louder, bucking harder and harder, until I blow my load right into Aaron’s ass. I turn to Craig with a look of ecstasy as I plow into Aaron, deep heaves coming from both of us, and Craig’s face turns to one of anger as he turns and stomps away. “I’m… so sorry, Aaron…” I say as I pull myself out of him, my cock completely slick with cum, and I push my member back into my boxers before grabbing my boxes and darting back into the hall, keeping sight of Craig as I go. I make it outside just in time to see Craig toss his Stefan ring onto the ground, his body turning back to his own as he heads to the car. I run over and grab the ring and put it in my pocket when he slams the door and turns on the car. “Craig?” I yell as he starts to pull away. He lowers the window and gives me a glare. “You know, if you had told me I would have been a hundred percent behind you, got you some hookups, whatever you wanted. But at my old frat house? With one of my brothers? Come ON, Tanner!” Craig yells. “I’m sorry, Craig! He was just…” “Just?” Craig snaps. I try to think of something to say, but I can’t think of a way to sugarcoat it. “Yeah, whatever.” Suddenly, Craig drives away, leaving me stranded in front of the house. I try to run after him, but he doesn’t stop. I watch the car disappear in the distance, a single tear rolling down my face. I scream out to the sky, anger finally setting in… my own fucking brother left me behind because I didn’t tell him I was gay… fuck, I didn’t even KNOW I was gay until today! How was I supposed to prepare for this! Just… fuck this… fuck this stupid frat party, fuck this fucking costume… I angrily grunt and pull off my wristband and toss it to the ground, dropping my costume boxes next to it, and I stomp off in the direction Craig headed in. I make it a hundred or so feet away when my anger starts to turn to sadness and guilt. I felt really bad for Aaron, since I had basically done the equivalent of a one night stand and left him behind. And Craig… ugh, I guess I should have told him I was experimenting or something. I didn’t know he’d have a gay frat brother, and I definitely didn’t figure I’d be such a teenager in the way I handled him. I stop walking and stand in the middle of the road, the Florida night a calm, cool breeze. I take a deep breath and turn around, and I slowly walk back to the frat house, my head down in shame. I make it back and grab the costume boxes and wristband, making sure to put it back in Emmett’s box, and I walk over to the curb and take a seat. A couple minutes later, I see someone running out of the frat house toward me, his jacket flying as he runs, carrying boxes of some kind… oh no. It’s Aaron. What am I going to do now? Like he’ll understand this stupid costume bullshit? Like he’ll be okay with some skinny skate punk instead of some chiseled French nobleman and sculpted actor clone? I bury my head in my hands as I hear him approach me. “Hey, are you okay?” I hear from above me. I don’t respond. “Well… your brother forgot these.” He drops the boxes next to me, and I hear silence as I start to cry into my hands. Suddenly, I feel two arms around me and a head on top of my own. “Hey… it’s okay, man…” Aaron says as he embraces me. “I don’t have any brothers or anything, but if I had one he would probably have been pissed too.” I continue to cry into my hands, periodically stammering an “I don’t know what to do.” As I go. Aaron sits down next to me and continues to hug me, trying to cheer me up. “Don’t do this… I’m a fucking fake…” “Why are you a fake? Cause you were wearing a costume?” I look up at him and he lets go of me, his face slightly confused as he sees my normal look. “So… you took off your wig?” I turn toward the box next to me, Emmett’s box, and grab the wristband. I stretch it for a bit and look up at Aaron’s confused face before putting the wristband back on. I turn back to Emmett, body filling out, face shifting back, and his eyes go wide. “What the fuck is that?” He yells. “How’d you do that?” I take off the wristband again and turn back to my normal self. “I… don’t get it.” Aaron starts to stutter. “What is this?” “It’s the costume… it’s some weird magic shit that makes people change into what their outfits are.” After a bit of silence, Aaron finally speaks out. “Do it again.” I put the wristband back on, and shift back to Emmett’s form. “That’s… fucking crazy. How did it… wait, so Craig did…?” “Yeah, he did too.” I pull off my wristband and return back to myself. “So you… don’t…” “I’m not ripped, I don’t have a big dick, and I’m not handsome. I’m a hundred and fifty pounds, it’s only seven inches, and I look like I’m fourteen.” I put my head back in my hands, and Aaron never replies back. I sit there for ten minutes, only the sounds of the party from across the street keeping the silence away, when I feel arms around me again. “That’s one weird kink, dude.” I lift my head out of my hands, a big smile on my face, and I return his hug before sitting up on the curb. “I’m really sorry… I feel so shitty about what I did to you… it’s just so wrong…” I explain. Aaron looks over to the party, wistfully. “Dude, in case you haven’t realized, I’m kind of lonely in this place.” He turns toward me. “And I’m gonna guess you’re pretty lonely too.” I nod, slightly embarrassed. “So hey, at least we had a little fun tonight right?” Aaron smiles and puts his hand on my back. “Was this your first time?” I nod again. “You’re a really good fuck.” I look up to the sky and smile, taking a deep breath. “I’ve got nothing on what I had then.” “It’s all about the technique, man.” We giggle as we see a car in the distance. It approaches and then stops in front of us and the window opens. “Want to talk?” I hear Craig’s voice from the window. “That’s your ride.” Aaron says as he stands up. He reaches over and helps me up, and I give him a hug. “You know, I have a thing for skinny guys too.” He smirks as I let go of him. I take a deep breath and open the car door, noticing Craig is in normal clothes again, and I shut the door. “Hey, I take full responsibility for this Craig.” Aaron says as he approaches the door. “Don’t blame him.” Craig takes a deep breath. “I’m cool with it… I was a dick and overreacted.” He turns towards me. “So I guess he knows about the costumes?” “Yep.” Aaron says with a smirk. “Pretty kinky right?” Craig jokes. “VERY kinky.” Aaron replies. “I would have loved to see Superman though. I always thought he was sexy.” “He can try that out next time.” Craig says. I look over to him, hopeful that we don’t have to get rid of the costumes. “So we can keep them?” “We can keep them.” “In that case…” I dig in my pocket and pull out Craig’s ring and give it back to him before grabbing the Adam box and rummaging through. I grab my Emmett wristband, wrap it in Adam’s thong, and give it to Aaron. “We can play whenever I come back.” Aaron smiles and grabs the improvised pack. “Hah, I look forward to it. Maybe I could try on one of them…” “You can use mine. I think I’m done with costume parties for a while.” Craig adds. “Just remember to use a condom next time.” “And Aaron?” I ask. He looks down at me with a smile. “Thanks.” “You’re welcome, man.” Aaron nods and backs away from the car, waving. “I’ll be back for Spring Break!” I yell as we start to drive away. “I’ll be counting the days.” Aaron replies. I sit back in my seat as we drive away, Aaron waving as we go. Craig actually was fine with my sexuality, and made it clear that I’m always welcome back to the apartment. Even after I told him about the bathroom incident. We counted down the New Year on his balcony, and the next day he drove me back to the airport. He gave me Aaron’s number, and we’ve been calling and texting each other every day since. Craig has the costumes locked up for safe-keeping, and Aaron has taken a liking to wearing my thong around his dorm. Now that I’m back in Oregon, I’m pretty happy about how things went down in Florida. The only downside? Four months until Spring Break.
  18. gayboyswag

    Trey's Growth

    This is my first story ever, so I'll accept any criticism you give me. Note: This story will contain a bunch of my fetishes. I'm not sure exactly where it will go yet though. I do know that it will include incest, macro, muscle growth, straight to gay, and musk. If any of those offend you, this won't be the story for you. ************************************************************************************************************************* “I hate how small I am,” Trey complained to his friend after he stepped out of the car. The small teen had just been accused of having a fake ID by a police officer, pulled over because he looked way too young to drive a car. “You're not THAT small,” James, his much larger friend answered. “You're a really bad liar James,” Trey said, pushing his long brown hair out of his dark eyes. James really was lying. At 5'3 and 85 pounds, Trey was the smallest senior at his high school. And it had always been this way. He was the smallest kindergartener, the smallest freshman, and now the smallest adult. Trey constantly prayed for a growth spurt that would make him as big as his dad, an absolutely massive man. Heck, at this point he would settle for average height, maybe 5'7”. But according to every doctor, he was done growing, and Trey would have to settle with being small. James patted him on the back. “It doesn't matter man,” he said. “You've got a lot to be proud of.” Trey frowned. It was easy for James to say that. At 5'11 and 190 lbs his muscular, football playing friend had never been confused for being small. He looked up into his friends icy blue eyes. “Whatever dude,” Trey said. “Lets just look for clothes.” The boys walked into the mall to find summer clothes. As they looked around, they saw a strange looking shop that neither had remembered seeing before, in all their trips to the mall. The small, partially hidden shop's sign claimed that it sold “Chinese curios, knick-knacks and traditional medicine.” “Lets check this out,” James said, pulling on his smaller friend. “Maybe they'll have cool stuff.” The boys split up and looked around. James seemed drawn to the strange decorations, while Trey was eying the swords and weapons. The large Chinese man behind the counter smiled at Trey, before going back to inventory as Trey admired his wares. A butterfly knife caught his eye. “Excuse me,” Trey asked, “How much for this knife?” The Chinese man grabbed it and looked at it in his hands. “This is well crafted. It would cost you at least 100 dollars.” He smiled down at Trey. “However, I cannot sell a weapon such as this to someone younger than 18 without a parent or guardian, so you will either need to wait a few years, or bring your parents with you, young man.” Trey's face fell. “I am 18.” he pulled out his ID, a common enough occurrence when one looks five years younger than they are. The older man looked Trey up and down and then smiled. “Ah” he said. Then went into a back room. The man walked out holding a large pill bottle, covered in Chinese characters. “This is what you need then.” Trey frowned. “What is it?” “The solution to your problems. These are Chinese growth pills. If you take one a day, you will soon become a much larger man. You won't be mistaken for a child any longer.” James walked over to the counter. “That's impossible,” he said. “Oh no,” the shopkeeper answered. “I can promise you they work. When I was twenty, I was only slightly larger than your friend here. As time went on, I became the man I am today.” “I call bullshit,” James said, “Trey lets get away from this snakeoil salesman.” Trey however, looked enthralled. “How much is it?” he asked. “How much do you have on you?” Asked the shopkeeper. A look of disgust fell on James's face. “You're gonna buy this shit?” he asked. “Worth a shot,” Trey answered, “nothing else has ever worked.” He turned to the shopkeeper. “I've got 45 dollars and some change.” The shopkeeper smiled. “Sold!” he said, accepting Trey's money. Trey emptied his wallet on the counter, and grabbed the large jar. “Take one a day, until you reach the size you want,” said the shopkeeper. “Make sure to never take any more than that, or there will be consequences.” “Sounds good!” Trey said, and then walked out with his purchase. “You got scammed hard,” James said once they got away from the store, “but hey, if being tricked by old Chinese guys makes you happy, who am I to judge.” The boys eventually arrived at Trey's house. “I wish I could read Chinese,” Trey said as he studied the bottle. “But I'll just settle for doing what the shopkeeper said.” He opened the bottle and popped a pill into his mouth. James looked down at his smaller friend and laughed. “Not any bigger yet huh. Told you you were scammed.” “Maybe they take time,” Trey answered, willing to believe anything. “Yeah and maybe I'm the queen of England.” James shot back. He started walking into the living room. “Whatever, forget about that lets play Madden. I'll set it up, you grab us some pops.” Trey watched his friend disappear, admiring his taught muscles in his tight shorts, and how his blonde hair fell almost to his muscular back. If only James was gay, he'd be exactly Trey's type. He'd settle for James being the best friend he could ask for though. As he grabbed the pops, a he saw the pill container sitting on the corner of the counter. “One more couldn't hurt,” he said, as he popped a second pill into his mouth, before heading out to join his friend on the couch. Trey and his friend sat down and played video games for a few hours, so enthralled with their games that they failed to notice the miraculous changes hitting the smaller of the two men. As they played, Trey's body swelled, his pecs and abs starting to gain some definition, and his arms gaining the smallest hint of muscle. Under his shirt, which no longer covered his abs entirely, a small, wispy trail of hair snaked down to the beginnings of a bush of pubes. His armpits, too gained hair for the first time in his life. Trey's short legs began to expand, leaving his ankles, and eventually a bit of his calf visible under the now tighter jeans which seemed much too small for the frame he had expanded to. The one change Trey did feel, however was the heat. He was sweating profusely, starting to soak through the shirt. “Is it hot in here?” a deeper voice called out. “Woah,” both boys said in unison. Then they both turned their attention to Trey's body. “Oh my god it actually worked!” James said, looking over his friend. “I mean, you're still small, but you're like, average sized now. All of this was one pill?” Trey blushed. “Well, actually, two, but hey I'm not gonna argue with these results.” He wiped the sweat from his still boyish face with the bottom of his tshirt. Revealing the beginning of abs, and the light body hair. James looked on in shock, “you sure don't look 13 anymore, I'd say more like 16.” Trey grinned. “Hey, let's just get me to 18, and then we'll call it a day.” “Are you sure that's a good idea,” James said, looking a bit worried, “I mean, the shopkeeper said-” Trey frowned. “Man forget what he said, I've got a chance of being average for the first time in my life. I'm gonna take a few more.” James shook his head. “If you think it's a good idea, whatever, it's your body. Just know that I am 100% against this. Trey flexed his small arms. “You're just against this because you're afraid I'll get bigger than you,” he joked. “But I promise I won't overdo it.” “Knock yourself out shortstuff.” “Not for much longer,” he answered. Trey went back to the kitchen and grabbed two more pills, popping them into his mouth and then drinking a glass of water to take them down better. He looked at his ill fitting clothing, and took off his shirt and jeans just in case anything bad happened. He didn't want to get stuck in them, and besides, he was sweating buckets. James walked in after him, “I'll watch over you just to make sure you don't die or anything,” he said, patting his friend on the back, seemingly unfazed by seeing his best friend, who had just grown about 4 inches, in just a pair of tight underwear. This time, the growth hit faster, and this time he could feel it. He groaned as his body slowly expanded. First came his arms, which widened from 10 inches to a pair of nice 15 inch biceps. As his body slowly grew upwards, his pecs and abs hardened, gaining definition that looked like it came from years of working out lightly, his abs hardening into a six pack, and his pecs beginning to take on a shape that could only come from lifting weights regularly, as his nipples began to point downwards. His legs expanded and shot outwards, with his quads hardening and becoming defined, like a soccer players. In the front of his shorts, his package expanded to match his growing body, with his formerly three inch long dick hardening and lengthening into a nice 9 inch tool. His balls expanded until they were the size of small eggs. Trey's new body strained against his underwear, as the last phase of his transformation went underway. His body exploded with hair. His large bush became visible over his tented boxers, and the treasure trail on his six pack pushed upwards and outwards until it merged with the patch of hair that had formed over his now large pecs. His armpits became even bushier as hair grew on his forearms, and expanded down his lower body, from his ass down to his feet. As a final touch, stubble grew on Trey's manly jaw. Trey was panting and sweating as he looked eye to eye with his friend. He smiled as he made eye contact. “I'm definitely not a little kid anymore, huh James?” His deep voice called out as he laughed. “Definitely not,” James said in awe. “Lets stop here though Trey, any more and you won't pass for yourself at all.” Trey walked into the bathroom, and stepped on the scale. “193 lbs.” He said with a smile. “How much do you weigh, James?” “190! Damn you're big now!” James said. “Damn right,” Trey said, flexing. As he hit the double bicep pose, exposing his sweaty, hairy pit, the first side effect, the reason for not taking more than one a day became apparent. Trey's body was now producing a strange pheromone, one that made him irresistible to men. The smell drifted over to his now smaller friend, who was beginning to tent in his shorts, his own sizable erection straining. “Trey you smell...” James said looking confusedly at his friend, and eying the body, focusing especially on the straining cock in too small of briefs. “You smell so hot.” Trey looked puzzled. He knew his friend was straight. “What was that James?” he asked, hoping to understand what was going through his friends mind. “Your body,” James said, almost drooling, “It's so sexy, and muscular, and you smell so good.” “I thought you were straight,” Trey asked, confused. “I am, but how could I turn you down,” James said, approaching his friend, and lifting his arm up. James began to inhale his friends armpit sweat, before looking at Trey with hunger in his eyes. “Trey” he said, “I really want you to fuck me.” Trey looked on at James, his confusion showing on his face. He realized that it must be from the pills. “You want me to fuck you?” “Yes, more than anything.” James said, pulling down Trey's underwear, and began to suck on his large cock. Trey moaned loudly. “Oh god James,” he gasped, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this. James didn't answer, and continued sucking on the dick in front of him. It was clear, from the way that he struggled against the cock in his mouth that it was his first time ever, but he made up for it in how eager he was. “Fuck,” Trey moaned as James took the head in his mouth and swirled the tip around with his tongue, before licking up and down the sides. “If you keep that up I'm gonna shoot,” Trey groaned. James pulled off Trey's cock. “Good, stud,” he said. “Shoot, but not in my mouth.” James stood up and pulled off his basketball shorts. He turned around and bent over in front of Trey, before exposing his virgin ass covered in a light layer of hair. “Fuck me Trey.” He called out. Trey didn't need to be told twice, as he began to push the head of his cock against his formerly straight friend's asshole. “You sure about this James?” He asked, as he teased the hole with his tool. “More than anything,” James moaned, “Fuck me hard stud.” Trey pushed the head into his friends ass, causing him to gasp and moan. Slowly but surely, he stuck all 9 inches of meat into James's virgin hole. James was moaning in pleasure. “Now fuck me stud” he called out. Trey began to fuck, and fuck hard. He pounded his cock in and out of his friend's ass, his balls slapping against James's as he pushed in and out. There was no way he was gonna last long. James moans became louder and louder, and soon, without warning, he came, shooting all over the bathroom wall, clenching his ass as his cock shot out. That proved too much for Trey, who came deep into his friends ass. Panting, he pulled his soft cock out of his friends ass. James seemed to be in bliss. “That was the best sex of my life,” he moaned, “who knew what I was missing out on.” Trey smiled at his friend. “It was great for me too. Now lets get dressed and cleaned up.” James frowned. “No dude, he said, lets just enjoy each other for a while. Just not in the bathroom. I'm too spent for more sex, but I'd love to just feel you." Trey flexed once more. "Still 100% against this?" James stood up and kissed his friend on the lips. "You know the answer to that, sexy." They walked back to the living room. James laid on top of Trey on the couch, as the friends felt up eachother's bodies. James seemed especially concerned with licking up his friends sweat, from wherever it was, paying close attention to the armpits. Trey was in heaven, wishing this moment would never end. Soon however, James noticed the clock. “Fuck man it's almost five. I've got work in like 20 minutes. I've gotta go. Trey watched as his friend hurridly put on his clothes, and ran out the door. “See you tomorrow?” He called as his friend left. “Of course, stud.” James called out. “We hung out every day before you got hot as hell, why would I stop now?” Trey waved at his friend as he left, and closed the door. Then he realized his problem. He was 8 inches taller than he was in the morning, and bigger and stronger too. He hardly looked like the same person, and his dad would be home any minute. So what do you guys think of my first attempt?
  19. Author's note - this is an ongoing story I started in 2011 and posted on the old site. I managed to write and post 14 chapters of Part I. The 15th and last chapter has languished untouched for years because, well, let’s just say the past few years have been very stressful and challenging. But I’m back and continuing work on Chapter 15. I’m going to post the existing chapters one at a time unchanged from the original. Speaking of which, here is Chapter 1. * * * A few months had passed since my 39th birthday and for the first time I was beginning to feel old. Ten years before, I had promised myself that by 40, I would weigh over 250 pounds, own my own home in Manhattan, and have a partner. So far I was zero for three. I was striking out at my own game, not that I had anything to complain about, at least physically. At a few inches shy of six feet tall and 240 pounds with around nine percent body fat, I was impressively built. But we are never big enough, are we? My name was Jamal and I was somewhat of a mutt. My dad was half Syrian and half Native American, my mom half African and half Samoan. The combination resulted in a Mediterranean appearance with olive-brown skin and green eyes beneath dark eyebrows. I usually sported a thick black beard and after ten years of busting my butt, I had built up a hard, thick musculature that as a bonus was covered in dense, black hair. So yeah, many guys considered me hot. Some might say exotic. I thought I was okay. I worked construction, which I learned early on was unusual for a gay man. Most guys thought it a turn on, but sometimes I would happily push paper in a comfortable office rather than sweat or freeze in the typical New York weather. How did I get into it? A straight friend of mine hired me after high school and that was that. I averaged a decent five-figure income, but certainly couldn’t afford to buy where I lived. Project-based jobs usually don't promise a steady income, but in the end I found it satisfying to have something tangible to show for my effort, so I stuck with it. I was single. In fact, I had always been single, though I certainly had lots of sex. I loved to fuck, and guys loved to get fucked by a big guy like me. Why was I single? The short answer to that was that no one understood me, which is a nice way of saying that I was hard for most to put up with for long. Was I a jerk? No. The problem was that I cared too much, which is a good place to begin this story. I had a studio apartment in the West Village near the Meatpacking District. It was nice enough. Five flights up, good view to the west, lots of light in the afternoon, and yes – a window unit air conditioner, which I was sitting in front of after taking the elevator up and hanging my sweaty tank on the doorknob. My workout had been good, and I leaned back in my old, stained brown leather chair and closed my eyes. My sweat-soaked body relaxed in the cold breeze of the a/c, which was a blessing on a hot day like today. I felt my nipples grow hard from the cold air and looked down at my heavy, meaty pecs. My chest was certainly my strongest body part. I was pretty lucky with my genetics – everything responded well to training – but my pecs were exceptional. They were perhaps a bit too big for the rest of me, but I kind of liked that. I watched as a bead of sweat somehow dodged the thick forest of hairs on the mound of my left pec and rolled down until it disappeared under its shelf. My cock twitched and I thought about calling Hank, my best friend and preferred fuck buddy. But I didn't. Instead, I swallowed the rest of my second post-workout smoothie and turned on the television. It took about ten seconds for my blood pressure to skyrocket. Every time I paid attention to the news, I promised myself I would start ignoring it. The television wasn't an entertainment device. It was a window into chaos. In less than five minutes, CNN reported terrorist attacks across Europe by Al-Qaeda, several murders of gays, blacks and Mexicans in America's more “red” states by assorted extremist groups, Palestinian rockets striking Jewish neighborhoods amid Israel's demolition of Arab housing in east Jerusalem, sectarian strife in Iraq and Afghanistan, the violent crackdown on worker's riots in corporate America's Asian sweatshops, widespread conflicts over water rights in Africa... I wasn’t the brightest bulb in New York, but it didn't take a genius to see that most of human misery was self-perpetuating and completely unnecessary. Why hadn't I hitched up? Apparently, I was “too compassionate.” I let the human-inflicted suffering of others bother me too much. I allowed myself to get too worked up over events I couldn't control. And everyone was right. I did let horror stories get to me. The news gave me nightmares. I lost sleep over each new round of ethnic cleansing. I didn't have any control over these things, but they still felt wrong. And so I agonized over how cruel people were to each other, and after a few months of dating, it drove away potential mates. So I didn’t date. I had sex. I had fun, but didn’t let anyone under my skin because they never lasted. I exhaled slowly and tried to center myself. I changed the channel. Local weather. A cold front was on the way that would end the current heat wave. It was October already, but summer remained in overtime. Then they switched to national news, covering a senator from Oklahoma who was speaking to reporters and saying that America was facing a three-pronged attack from homosexuals, illegal aliens and Muslims and that these groups needed to be eradicated. “Fuckin’ moron,” I mumbled. I changed the channel. A news bulletin announced the execution of a gay man who was found guilty of hate crimes against a Christian group in Texas. He had been captured by three members of a church group while leaving a bar in Waco, taken to the country and beaten, though he managed to fight back and break the neck of one of his abductors. The other men got in their church van and fled. The man called the police on his cell phone – and was arrested. The trial and sentencing had ignited a media firestorm worldwide but to no avail. The Texas governor had refused to stay the execution because she wanted to show that attacks on Christians would not be tolerated. “It is essential that people of faith be free to express their beliefs,” she said. Two seconds later a thirty-pound dumbbell shattered the television screen. “Fuck!” I yelled, as much at myself as at the moronic governor. I jumped up from the sweat-stained chair. My heart pounded in my chest. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” It was beyond outrageous. They executed a man for defending himself and called it justice. I was filled with frustration and anger. Extremists continued to gain more and more control over people's lives – and deaths. My stomach cramped, severely, and I doubled over, falling to the floor. My face and neck burned. A voice pierced the thick haze that surround me… “… the mass execution of homosexuals has been resumed by Iran's hardline government…” a man was saying. Despite my sudden disorientation, I realized that audio was still playing through the receiver. My rage intensified and I saw red. Red. Rage, apparently, was red. For even with my eyes open it was the only color that existed and as I writhed on the floor it engulfed my body, tingling as if every part of me had been deprived of blood only to have it restored minutes later. At the same time, the heat in my face and neck spread across my body until my skin burned. Saliva filled my mouth and I vomited. Then there was nothing. * * * I was wet. Actually, I was covered in sweat. The voice of a male anchorman filled the room and I opened my eyes, blinking in the glare of the early afternoon sun pouring through the window. I could smell urine and … something else. To my horror, I realized that I had not only lost control of my bladder, but my bowels as well. What the fuck? I sat up, fumbled for the remote, and turned off the entertainment system. Next, I carefully removed my gym shorts and tossed them in the trash. After unplugging the TV, I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Receding hairline. Dark, thick eyebrows. Heavy mustache and full beard. Black with a few strands of white. Generous body hair, particularly on my pecs, forearms and legs. My skin glistened with sweat. I shook my head. “You let yourself get so worked up you had a seizure,” I said to my reflection. “Nice.” After a hot shower and a quick lunch, I felt human again, if still agitated. I left a voicemail for Terry, a truly huge power lifter I had dated for a while who was now my doctor, and stood naked in the main room of the studio apartment, cell phone in hand. I needed a distraction. I dialed Hank but got his voicemail. After leaving him a short message, I decided that Plan B would be a beer. No. I needed several beers, and I pulled on an old pair of relaxed-fit Levi's, the belt required to hold them up and a fresh white tank top undershirt. In no time I was out the door. It was hot, but the sun was refreshing as I walked the several blocks to the Eagle. I greeted a few guys I knew, nodded at a few more I wouldn't mind knowing, and by the time I entered the two-story brick building that the bar occupied I was feeling pretty good. My negative funk had long since evaporated. I pulled off my shirt. Two hours and six beers later I was on the roof top patio, sitting on a bench and leaning back against the brick of the taller building next to the bar. The music was loud, the patio was packed and I stared relentlessly at an extraordinarily hot kid, probably ten years younger than I, who was standing in front of me but deep in conversation with some daddy bear who I didn't recognize. I watched the kid. He was tall – probably about six feet, maybe six one, and sandy blond with a full beard. He listened attentively and laughed easily; moved confidently but naturally. I found myself wondering how the scruff of his facial hair would feel between my thighs as he sucked me off. Time passed and I imagined the bliss of repeatedly ramming my cock between his perfect butt cheeks and into the soft heat of his hole. This little fantasy drifted lazily in my mind as I enjoyed the hot sun on my chest. I could feel myself growing hard – yet somehow drowsy. The sun felt amazing against my skin. I closed my eyes and wondered why I’d never noticed that before. Someone was shaking my left shoulder. I had fallen asleep. “You’re gonna get a sunburn, big guy,” I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes to find the scruffy blond kid standing immediately in front of me. His deep blue eyes were almost hypnotic, but he glanced downward at the wooden deck before looking at me again. Despite the confidence I had observed earlier, he seemed shy. The kid was beautiful. He had removed his t-shirt to reveal his lean, athletic torso. His well-developed chest was covered with a fine coat of blond hair that swirled around his eager nipples. I was so aroused that I was fully erect. “I haven’t seen you before,” I said as I covered the prominent bulge in my jeans with my tank-top. “I’m Jamal.” I held out my hand. “Where are you from?” “Matt,” he said quickly as we shook. “Cleveland. I mean ... I’m from Cleveland.” He’s nervous, I thought before he spoke again. “Well, I should get back to my host,” he said awkwardly. “I just didn’t want you to sunburn.” You mean you just couldn’t think of a reason to talk to me, as dark as I am it would take me a few hours to burn. I smiled. “Thanks,” I said and shrugged my shoulders. “Nice to meet you.” I watched his butt and sighed as he walked away into the upstairs bar. I waited for my disappointment to extinguish the heat in my crotch, but it didn’t. The need to fuck persisted. In the absence of distraction I noticed that we, or now I, had a small audience. Although I recognized a few of the faces, no one particularly interested me. I stood to leave and immediately noticed that my Levi’s seemed smaller. My cock strained uncomfortably against the fabric, which clung to my upper legs as if painted on. My muscles felt unusually full, as if fully pumped after a workout. It was a puzzling, but welcome feeling. I felt unusually strong, but dismissed it as part of the residual buzz. I used my shirt to wipe the sweat from my face, shoulders and chest before walking back inside toward the stairwell. All eyes were on me as I left, which ordinarily would have made me feel self-conscious, but today I liked it. It seemed right. I was an alpha male, after all. My cock twitched but I paused at the top of the stairs. Alpha male? Where did that come from? I jogged down the stairs, enjoying the feeling of my thick muscles bouncing slightly with each step. The downstairs bar was clearing out. Matt stood in a small circle of guys with his lean, muscular back and perfect ass pointed right at me. The waist of his jeans hung very low on the beautiful white globes of his ass – how kids these days liked to wear them. I usually find that look sloppy but on him it was incredibly sexy. He turned around as if sensing my presence and I nodded. My heart pounded and my loins ached. I wanted him, but I didn’t feel comfortable pulling him from his friends. I continued forward until I was out on the sidewalk, where I stopped. I could just as easily go home and try Hank again. If he wasn’t available, there was always the memory of Matt’s backside and my right hand. I started walking back toward the Meatpacking District and home. His image remained in my mind with perfect clarity. The farther away I walked the more strongly I felt the need to return, as if I were pulling a giant elastic band that was growing more and more taught. “Oh, what I would give to see that boy naked,” I said aloud. I had almost reached 10th Avenue when I heard someone call out from behind. “Hey! Jamal!” And I turned to see Matt running toward me. My god he is beautiful, I thought as he approached. The slabs of his pecs bounced above his perfect, well-defined abs as he ran. Again my cock grew fully erect, which surprised me because it hadn’t responded that spontaneously in years. Then again, I couldn’t recall feeling that stimulated in years. “I’m just going to say it,” he began once we were face to face. “I can’t stop thinking about you.” He glanced briefly at the ground before looking up again. Was he genuinely nervous or just a good actor? Either way, I found it endearing. “Are you doing anything? Do you want to, you know, hang out? I’m not...” I didn’t let him finish. I pulled him to me and drove my tongue into his mouth at the same time I wrapped my arms around his tight, muscular form and grabbed the firm mounds of his butt. Immediately his hands were all over my torso, feeling the spread and thickness of my lats, exploring my huge pecs. He pressed his crotch against mine and began grinding, either oblivious or apathetic that we were standing on a public street in full daylight. “Get a room!” A man in a car yelled as he drove by. I laughed and pulled away. “Good idea,” I said. “I probably shouldn’t rape you in public anyway.” “You can’t rape the desperate,” he said. I took his hand and began leading him to my place. “Somehow you don’t strike me as the desperate type.” “Just desperate for you,” he said. “I know it’s cliché, but you really are my fantasy man.” I chuckled and rolled my eyes. I’d be wealthy if I had a dollar for every time I’d been told that. Yet they always changed their mind... “Your jeans are kind of tight though.” My left eyebrow went up and I looked at him. “That’s a bad thing?” He was correct, however. Only hours ago they fit just fine and now they were skin tight – except in the waist. The only explanation I could come up with was that I was retaining a lot of water, but even that seemed unlikely – and inadequate. “You should leave something to the imagination,” he said. “No secrets here.” “No secrets? Okay, what happened to your back?” He had noticed the scars. “Hmm. Later,” I said. “Try again.” “Sure,” he said graciously. He didn’t press the question and that impressed me. “Okay. How much do you weigh?” This was The Question. Guys always wanted to know how much I weighed. How much I could bench. How much I could squat. How big my arms were. What supplements I used. It could be tiresome, but I didn’t mind him asking. “I hover around 240. I’ve been as heavy as 250 before but I can’t break it.” “No way. I’d say you’re at least 250 right now.” I shook my head. “Weighed myself this morning. 238.” “Dude. You’re huge. Your scale is broken.” “You seem very sure of yourself,” I said. “I am.” I smiled. “Well, Mr. Know It All, I have an old mechanical scale in my closet. We’ll just check it when we get to my place.” “Deal,” he agreed. “So what do I get when I’m right?” Some degree of cockiness was emerging through the shy behavior he had displayed until now. I found I liked it. “To get fucked by your fantasy man,” I said. “And if you win?” He asked. “I get to fuck my fantasy boy.” “I like it,” he said, smiling. “A win-win.” “Damn straight.” Next Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1194-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-two/
  20. FREaky

    Pleasure Growth Part 3

    Here now is a new chapter to Pleasure Growth - Enjoy Pleasure Growth Part 3 by F_R_Eaky Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1116-pleasure-growth/ Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1117-pleasure-growth-part-2/ "Look, son. I know this has been kind of hard on you, everything that has happened so suddenly, but we're trying to help you out as best as we can, and you need to pick up your pace and adapt faster." Head basketball coach, Mr. Dreisden was saying to Aaron out in the middle of the basketball court. Aaron almost didn't respond to the coach he was so lost in the moment and wondering how he got here. It was only in the middle of the second month of the quarter, his second month away from home as a freshman at college and his whole world had been turned upside down and was getting more and more tossed each day. He had gone in for a horomone treatment to help him possibly grow at the beginning of summer. Nothing happened and the family figured it was a bust. Aaron was going to be a five and half foot tall man, unlike his brothers who ranged from six feet even to six feet four inches tall. But the night before he left for college, he had experienced a growth spurt; six inches in a night putting him at six feet tall. He didn't worry about it, he didn't think about it...he just thought the treatment worked, albeit in an odd manner. On top of that, the family's young ranch hand, turned friend, Zeke, who was earning money for college, the same one Aaron would attend, expressed an interest in Aaron and they were starting a relationship. Which is probably why Aaron hadn't worried too much about his growth spurt as it put him closer to Zeke's height of six foot four inches and made tussling in bed with him a lot easier and more fun. However, a month into the school year and Aaron had another growth spurt. Zeke surprised him while taking a shower and got him worked up, and started riding his, probably longer than Zeke's pole. The same sensation hit him as did their first night and sexual encounter together just before they left for college. Like last time, Aaron grew; boy did he grow! The next morning after Aaron woke up, Zeke spoke to him calmly and showed him what happened and then helped measure him. He had grown a whole foot taller! He was now seven feet tall. His musculature had grown as well. He had beefed up slightly from a lithe swimmer's build to a little bit more like a pro basketball player. And that's when the whole world turned upside down. He wasn't sure what he was going to do. He couldn't go to classes as he didn't fit into any of his old clothes, any of the clothes he nicked from his brothers' closet, nor Zeke's. He was well beyond being able to buy anything off the rack and he knew he couldn't afford anything custom made. Without clothes he couldn't attend classes, no attending classes meant getting expelled from school, and the return home...what would he say to his brothers? To his parents? They hadn't noticed his growth spurt the night before he left. He had intentionally stayed away from them until he was seated in the truck with Zeke to leave. They thought their five and a half foot tall relative had left, and now a seven footer was coming back home, because he couldn't get to classes. "Look... just breathe and we'll get ya through this." said Zeke after measuring Aaron that next morning. "How?! I have no clothes to wear...I have no money to buy clothes. I can't walk around all day in my bed sheets like a toga! And what is happening to me? The formula was supposed to help kick in my growth spurt, which should've been around the same as my brothers, not increase it to where I'm... I'm...." "Aaron, stop right there!" Zeke commanded in a huge deep voice, standing up to Aaron as if to face off with him, although he now only stood a few inches above Aaron's shoulder. His glowing green eyes pierced Aaron's blue ones and stared hard. "If you mention the word, 'freak', I don't care how big you are or get, I'll beat the crap out of you. You are not now and never will be a freak. Lots of guys are seven feet tall. There are opportunities you can take advantage of and use to help you out. You just have to switch gears a little. So, first things first is to find out what's happening to you. One of the guys on the basketball team is actually here on a science scholarship. He's studying bio-chemistry, genetics, and anatomy. We'll get him to come with us to school's doctor's office and help them out in taking samples and analysing them to see what's happening to you. Send some of them off to your doctor get him to look and confer and hopefully come up with a solution. Next, we'll go talk with the coach. See if we can get you on the basket ball team." "The basketball team? Zeke, I'm not an athlete. I've not been trained." "True, but listen. While you're still trying to figure out what's going on, maybe even still growing, they can play you, but play you light. Only sending you in for a couple of minutes each game. Happens a lot with freshman players, especially freshman who between senior year of high school and frosh year at college or during their freshman year they grow and now have to get used to their new body and sometimes a new position. The coaches can help train you, and on an athletic team they'll have medics who'll be watching and helping out with the training. They took me on, and I'm relatively short guy for basketball even at six feet-four. This school... able to get a seven footer...they'll go nuts. They might give you a scholarship which will help pay for some things and free up some money for clothes. Not only that, but you'll get a few team uniforms, away game set, home set, warm up and exercise pieces, that'll be free and just don't turn them in to the laundry after the games, wash them yourself and wear them in school." "I don't know, Zeke. Adding all those changes, on top of this..." "Hey, Aaron.... babe.... you won't be alone. I'm still here." Zeke approached Aaron and wrapped his slightly beefier arms around Aaron's torso and looked up at him softly. "I'm still here, babe. I fell in love with you. I'm wanting a relationship with you and that means I have to accept you for who or whatever you are. But the thing is, I love you, the person inside. Doesn't matter what happens to this shell on the outside, I'm here for the person inside to lean on, talk to, care, and love." "Zeke... stop..." "What? Why?" "It....it happens... that is I think...god! Zeke, I think it happens whenever I'm aroused. It happened our first night together." "I knew it! I knew you were bigger, and wearing my boots, too, I might add." and Zeke smiled at Aaron. "Sorry... was hopping you thought you'd left them behind. But I'm serious. It happened that first night, and then in the shower last night." "Ok... it's alright. I understand. We can still be boyfriends, I just need to respect that getting personally physical with you right now is out of the question until we find out what's going on." It didn't happen that way though. We left and took care of the items we made a plan to do. I walked into the medical office at the school and after pulling my records they were in shock. Zeke's teammate, Sanjay had come with us and walked back into the office with them to help plan a study of what was going on. They took several samples of blood and sent them off to various labs as well as my doctor back home and told me it was now a matter of waiting for results. From there we went over to the gymnasium and the basketball coaches' office. Zeke was right they were extatic. The rest of that afternoon was flurry of measurements and phone calls. First was to the rest of the basketball team coaching staff, then the team medics who put me through paces to see what I could do. After a shower, it was over to the statistition's office who took care of the team uniforms and gave me several sets of uniforms. While in the locker room I met with the President of the university, who listened to my story and condition and then listened to the team's medics asses of my abilities and body functions. He managed to find some money for a scholarship to offer me, if I considered parlaying my condition into playing basketball for the school. After that I sat with the coach as he made several phone calls to some major athletic equipment companies to see if he could get shoes for me. Yeah.... I grew big, and so did my feet, U.S. men's size twenty-five. He finally found a company willing to make me some shoes my size and donate to them as long as the school gave them proper credit. The next day the President scheduled a press conference with me as the star. In front of news reporters and television cameras I signed off on a scholarship contract to play for the school. Then the reporters and camera crew followed the President and I around the campus, like he was showing me the school, with a stop off at the college bookstore so he could present me with several oversized t-shirts, sweatshirts and pants, even a few polo shirts all my size, all emblazoned with the school logo, of course. With that came the emergency visit from my family. They arrived the week-end after the press conference and an irate call to the President for not letting them know before-hand what was happening to their son and brother. They were shocked to say the least. Mom did nothing but cry, hoping that her baby was alright. Dad was in shock at how big I had grown and wasn't sure what to say. My brothers, all gawked and whistled, but cheered and egged me on, smacking and patting me on the back, making comments like, "Well, if ya had to have the spurt late, ya might as well have it big! Knock 'em dead on the court, bro." During all of this there was Zeke. He didn't get to talk to me much, except in our dorm room, which got switched by the way so I could have a longer twin bed put in to accomodate my much longer frame. He would give me tips, coaching me on how to handle the fame, the attention, what was coming up, how to play athletic politics, and help teach me the finer points of basketball away from the court. But once we left that dorm room, he was off on the side. His athletic star was fading in my lime-light, but he was always there, with a small smile my way. It always made my stomach do a little flip. So, it was no surprise that his plan of staying away from me, didn't work out like he wanted. We were sitting in our dorm room, both studying, reclining on our beds, when I glanced over and saw him staring at me with that smile. I looked back at my homework, and then waited for when I noticed him looking back at his. I very gingerly set my school books aside and then just sat there smiling at him. He eventually noticed and did a small double take. "What?" Zeke said. "Nothing." I continued to smile at him. "What?!?" "Nothing....I'm just...trying to smile at you like I catch you smiling at me all the time." I moved over and leaned over him on the bed, getting my face close to his. "A...Aaron...what are you doing?" "I know it's only been a couple of weeks...but I can't take it anymore. I love you too, Zeke. For all the help you've given me, for all the plans you helped put together to take care of me, for all the coaching in basketball, but most especially for all those smiles you give me. It lets me know you care.... that you feel for me. That..." "That I love you..." I moved in and planted a kiss firmly and deeply on his lips. He responded by throwing his books aside and wrapping his arms around me as tight as he could and passionately returning the kiss. He pushed himself away from the bed, sending me backwards and landing on my bed. He looked down at me and then suddenly let fly... "Holy fuck!" I looked down where he was looking; it was at my crotch. My cock was already snaked down my pants leg and now it was snaking further, getting fatter, as it got harder. "Are you getting the same sensation as you did before?" "No...and I wouldn't care if I was. I want to be with you again so badly!" Zeke leaned in and kissed me passionately again, but then backed off and dropped to his knees. I let my head fall back, eyes closed, waiting, anticipating what Zeke was going to do; it was a surprise. Instead of going for my pants button, he went for my shoes, undid the lacing, took them and my socks off and began to massage my feet. When I finally looked down at him questioningly, he blushed and answered. "Sorry....It may sound funny from a fairly big man, but...it so turns me on that you're bigger than me. The size, musculature, and meatiness of your feet, drive me while. So does the touch of your massive paws. The way you can palm a basketball. I watch you get up in the morning, moving on the court, I get so turned on I nearly blow a load everytime." He took his hands and glided them across my feet, working his fingers between my toes, then caressing them across the instep, my ankle, and up my shins and calves, over my thighs, until he came to my waist band and gave me a signal to rise up so he could pull it down. He did so and up sprang my cock... Lord...even to me it looked huge, gigantic. "Son of a bitch! A...a...Aaron! That looks like a miniature Louisville slugger! And your balls....they need a tattoo that reads 'inflate to so many pounds P.S.I.'!" He took his hands and rested them on top of my prick head and then slowly caressed his way down my shaft. After several minutes of power stroking he eventually gave way to sucking my cock as best he could, until finally he growled like a caged animal, dove for his desk and pulled out some special lube. Smothering my cock and his hole in it, he eventually stood up on my bed and lowered himself down onto my engorged cock. "Oh! Sweet....UH-HUH! MOTHER FUCK!" He was already convulsing from my size. I could feel my cock spreading his ass cheeks farther and farther apart and the deeper I went in him the tighter he felt. "Put your hands on my waist and help me!" I put my hands on his waist and began to help him ride me and ride me and ride me. He took a few breaks, allowing him time to rest, me to suck him, him to screw my hole, to suck and play with each other's nipples, but finally he rode me until I blew a load so huge inside him, it came right back out like a cascading waterfall, despite the blockage of my cock. He collapsed on the bed and on top of me. His head resting on my chest, his left hand resting on my cock. His eyes widened as he watched it shrink and become flaccid once more. "It's like watching the hulk shrink down...only it's definitely not an average man it reverts to. Speaking of the hulk, don't you ever gain any serious muscle mass." I thought this kind of an odd statement, so I asked, "Why?" "Just something in me, likes big, built men. I love you, just you, that inner drive, personality of yours. I think you're marvelous. And now...now that it's encased in this huge, big footed, hung body....well, if you develop big bulging muscles...you never will wear any clothes." "Why cause I can't find anything in BIG and tall?" "No....cause I'll rip them off of you so I can always see this." That was two weeks ago. The last two weeks has been again a flurry of activity. My first game, training sessions, getting used to the training schedule, traveling for away games, studying for classes, learning how much food I now eat and how I have to eat it in the same amount of time. It's been just over a month since I grew and man, had it changed my life. "Aaron! Are you paying attention to me, son?" "Yes, sir, coach! I'm just trying to get my head wrapped around everything... the new plays taught today, as well as going over all the basics of play. Trying to think it all through and what I have to do for me, you, the team." Coach Dreisden paused for bit and stared at me. Finally he gave me a pat on the arm near my shoulder. "It's alright. I know I've been pushing you hard, but I do understand it's been a hell of a lot for you take. So many changes in your status at school, in your body's development... But you just said you were trying to focus on what you needed to do for yourself and for the team. I like that. That is a good attitude. I can cut you a little bit of slack. We're not really working or using you that much this year because you're so green, but next year... the school will be expecting a lot more out of you next year, as well as your junior and senior years if you stay on here." "I get what you're telling me coach. I'm trying to adapt and adapt quickly. Just this wasn't the arena I expected to make my mark in." "I know, son... I know. Well, you've got friends and family helping ya. Take a breather if ya need to, but when you can, get to work on it, hard, fast, continuously, and you might be able to garder a career out of it that can set you up for whatever real dreams you had planned to pursue. Go on, now. Hit the showers." "Actually, I've got some free time. Is it okay if I spend tonight practicing my shots?" "Sure...just don't over do it, but...good attitude. Hard work and practice pays off." The coach and the rest of the team hit the showers and I stayed behind practicing my shots and rebounds, running up and down the court, doing lay ups. I had probably been there about an hour and half or so. Practice ended at nine p.m. They were going to shut the gymnasium down in about a half an hour. I'd be ok though; tonight Zeke was working the front desk. I continued to practice for a while, but they shut the lights off. Probably thought everyone was already out. Wasn't a problem as there was still enough light from the doorways and other places I could see the baskets. But my mind had begun to wander a little bit from practicing. My mind wandered to lazy summer days with my brothers as we would play hoops out back. A couple of them almost a foot taller than me, a couple half a foot taller...never could get the ball from any of them. How different those games would be now. SWISSHHHHH! I'm the one who stands a foot taller than a couple of them now... SWISSHHHHHH! I'm the one who stands not a half a foot, but eight inches taller than the other two now.... SWISSHHHHHH! In fact I'm having to duck through doorways to enter rooms... BOUNCE!.....SWISSSHHHHH! I've become the big man on campus.... BOUNCE...BOUNCE....SWISSSSSHHHHHH! the BIG man on campus...... BOUNCE...BA-BOUNCE...BA-BOUCE....SWISSHHHHH! In the fraternity areas, some drunk ass gives me lip, they immediately shut up when I stand up. BOUNCE...BOUNCE....BOUNCE.... LAY UP....STUFF! All I have to do is stand up...don't need to get mean, or angry, or show off...just stand up. BOUNCE...BOUNCE....BOUNCE.... LAY UP....STUFF! CATCH...REBOUND...STUFF! Hmmm damn....I just flopped out of my briefs....hmmmmm that kind of feels good.... BOUNCE....SWISSSSH! The weight of my cock, pulling on my groin....feels...manly.... BOUNCE....BOUNCE.....LAY UP....STUFF! Feels sexy...all that meat, flopping in my basketball shorts, down most of the leg, rubbing against the fabric. BOUNCE....BOUNCE.... SWISSSSSH! I'm...I'm the big man everywhere... BOUNCE....BOUNCE.... BOUNCE.... SWISSSSSH! And my boyfriend likes it.... BOUNCE....SWISSSH! Likes that I can stuff the hell out of him..... BOUNCE...BOUNCE.... SWISSSSSSH! That my feet and hands are so much bigger than him... BOUNCE.... That I can palm this basketball with ease.... BOUNCE..... That I've become the big man on campus... BOUNCE.... THE big man on campus.... BOUNCE..... And he loves me....for all that I've become... SWISHHHHHHH! "Oooh!" Suddenly I felt it. My own thoughts on having become this giant of man had turned me on and my cock had begun to get erect. But with its erection came that sensation like I had experienced before one and two months ago. I tried to think of cold, cold showers...of suddenly shrinking down to the size of a gnome...of walking in on mom and dad in their bedroom.... but it was too late. I had started the erotic feelings and my cock was becoming erect. As it did so it gained in blood and size and weight and pulled on my groin even more, sending sexual sensations up through my body. It didn't matter what horrible thought I came up with now, I was trapped in a state of arousal. And that arousal and feeling spread throughout my whole body. As my cock snaked down longer, thicker, and harder, in my basketball shorts, my body began to grow taller, and thicker, harder, heavier, veinnier. I could feel my sleeves riding up my arms, across my delts, and heading for my shoulders. My shirt hem started rising up towards my chest exposing more and more of my abdominals as it rose. My shorts hem started rising above my knees and creeping up my thighs. But that wasn't the only part. I was filling out. I could feel myself not only getting heavier due to my height, I could feel my muscle mass increasing. Feel fibers breaking and healing, thickening and strengthening. I could feel the definition come in more and the striations developing. My clothes not only were shrinking they were getting tighter and tighter and along their climb up my body they began to rip and tear and split here and there. The sleeves split as they rode up across my delts. When the sleeves hit my shoulders, my back split the back of my shirt, while my ballooning chest split the front of the shirt down to the hem. Developing lats blew out the pits of the shirt under my arms. Meanwhile my thighs were making short work of the shorts splitting the seams and other places all the way up to my waist band. But butt bubbled out a little bit getting a lil' fuller, firmer, blowing the seat out of the shorts. My cock kept snaking on and on further and further down my leg till it's size and length were enough to overcome the restraints of the shorts leg, which was now split apart by the thighs anyway, and slowly began to rise higher and further and further out in an impossible erect state. My balls kept gaining in weight and size and I swear I could feel the cum churning and swirling inside them begging for release. But the pain was becoming incredibly intense as my body made my briefs tighter and tighter causing them to rack my balls. I was going into pain overload as my feet spread out and began growing in my now overly small shoes. I could feel my toes getting pushed and crammed in the front, toe section of the shoe, fighting for room, stretching the fabric. I could feel the sides of my feet extend beyond the sides of the shoe causing the leather sides to roll down and spread out flat against the floor becoming an extra part of the sole now. My heels were pressing fiercely into the back of the shoe screaming at them to burst, while my top arch and ankles grew and grew busting the laces, tongue, and hole of the shoes. Finally my feet broke free, spreading out farther, wider, longer, than the shoes ever hoped to be despite they're being a size twenty five. But I knew they were going to be huge. I knew they had to become massive gargantuan feet because I was growing... up...and up.... and up.....getting taller and taller... seven footers were in no way the big men on campus, or maybe they still were. They were the big men on campus but I was THE man on campus. I was the giant man on campus. Up and up I went. My feet out growing and completely covering my old tennis shoes. My clothes eventually all busting apart and sliding off my body cascading to the floor and I stood there, having caught the basketball in a last bounce close to me, holding it two handed, but realizing in one hand the basketball felt more like a baseball or something similar to me. My eyes finally stopped rising up. I finally stopped growing. My eyes were mere inches below the hoop, meaning my head was even with the hoop itself. I was now nine feet tall. NINE FEET TALL! "AUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I blew a load from my mammoth sized cock that I swear sprayed up into, through, and far above the hoop. Some cum splattering the back glass. In my extasy I convulsed and crushed my hands together, causing the basketball to pop. I stood there, in the dark, lost in my euphoria for a bit. Lost in thoughts of confusion over what was now going to happen to me. Despite what Zeke had said nearly a month ago, I had just grown into....a freak." I heard the sound of someone walking and the jingling of keys in the hall. It passed the gymnasium doors to the end of the hall and some lights went out. The gentleman then came and started closing the gymnasium doors; he stopped when he saw my silhouette. "Hey, the gym is now clos...are you nude? Dude, what the hell?!" He came near me at a decent pace and then began to slow down the closer he got to me... "A...a...A..Aar...Aaron?" Slowed down to a walk, he approached me and began to gently place his hands on me. He looked up at me to see my face and his eyes widened. "Aaron... what happened? It happened again didn't it?... Good lord...you are so tall... and bigger built... and that's not your.... ok... snap outta it, Zeke. It's okay, baby... I'm here.... I'm here... it'll be alright..." He noticed I was still lost in a stupor of some kind. That stupor was quickly getting replaced by panic. My peripheral vision had notice that Zeke's six foot four inch self, just came up to mere inches above my navel. Visual confirmation that I was indeed almost three feet taller than him. He grabbed me by the hand, then the arm, and finally the wrist when the other two proved too big to get a decent hand hold around. "Come on, baby...this way, towards the locker room showers. You can sit and relax for a bit under hot water, and I'll come clean the floor and...good lord, the back glass and net off. I'll call the coach and the doctors. We'll find out what do... come on... this way...this way..."
  21. A steady ground. A hard, stable surface upon which to walk, run, live... He felt as if he was waking from a terrible nightmare. The kind of terrible nightmare that faded quickly with the state of sleeping but left one trembling, sweating. A steady ground. Yes, he was waking from a terrible dream, but what he was waking to, he did not know. That moment of disorientation just before reason and logic where the world seems like an alien place. Except, for him, the reality did not come. His name... He reached out into the inky black void of his mind, grasping for information that should be there at his fingertips, ready for him to produce as an instinct. But it wasn’t there. None of it was. How old was he? Where did he live? How did he get here? Where was he? All of these questions circled his mind, asking themselves in different ways. Backwards, forwards, sideways. Yet, still, the answers did not come. He stood up from the smouldering wreckage of the building surrounding him. Carefully, he climbed towards a far away light. He slipped several times as he made his way through broken stone, metal and glass. Finally, he stood on solid, even ground. Asphalt. He looked down at his hands and finally his feet. A part of him knew that both should be covered in cuts, welts and burns, but they were in tact. No pain. He frowned slightly as he looked down at his hand. Glass, Asphalt, he knew these things, yet he did not know his name. He knew the object next to him was called a car. That it was made in 2002 by a company - a company? - named Chevy and was called an Impala. The color: blue. The tires, bald. Flashing lights. Red, white, blue. He felt his abdomen tighten in a combination of fear and relief. Those colors meant safety but also danger. Why danger? Why danger? A part of him, a distant part of him screamed at him to run, to go. Another part urged him to stay. Before he knew it, his legs were moving and the ground flew beneath his feet. Air roared in his ears as he approached the far white lights. He came to a stop as he reached the lights and several things happened at once. The cars standing next to the strange columns shook and started screaming. The lights above flickered. Then several people ran out of a door and began yelling. He tried to understand why they seemed so... angry. He just needed to know where he was. He looked around as the people continued to yell at him but found no indication of where he was. He turned to the rest of the people and tilted his head. “Where am I?” One person threw his hands up, “Great, he doesn’t speak fucking English.” “Sounds like Chinese,” a woman said softly. “Who the hell goes walking around naked at two o’clock in the mornin’ at a gas station?” “Probably some frat boy.” “Poor thing, someone get him a blanket or something.” The blanket they provided smelled like stale sweat and smoke. Sweat... Smoke... He looked up at the surrounding faces. As time passed, they began to show worry. “I don’t know what my name is,” he said softly. “Where did you come from?” He frowned and searched his thoughts. Still, no answers. “I don’t know.” “Let’s get him cleaned up and take him down to the police station, maybe he’s like, you know, retarded?” “Doesn’t look retarded to me.” The man again felt his stomach tighten. Fear. That word. Police. No, he couldn’t go to that... Police Station. A man put a hand on his shoulders. He looked old. There were lines in his face around his mouth and eyes. This man smiled alot. He like him. Gently, the old man led him to a room whose smell sickened him. There were small walls inside and a white... thing mounted to the wall. Urinal, the word came. “You need to use the bathroom, son?” the old man asked. He looked at the old man for a moment. Yes, he had to use the bathroom. He nodded. The man guided him to the urinal and gestured for him to go. He went. As he did, the man spoke. “That’s the biggest one I’ve ever seen on a man,” he remarked idly. “Yer mom musta bred with a horse if you know whata mean.” The old man laughed. He looked back at the old man. A horse... “Yer big too, muscles and everythin’. Not as big as somma those boys down at the beach, mind ya, but big enough.” He flushed and moved over to the sink to... wash his hands? He turned on the water and ran his hands under it. After a few moments he looked up into the mirror. Smoke, grime and dirt covered his features and made his black hair grey. But it was him. The reflection moved with him, so it must be him. His eyes travelled down from his moonlight pale eyes, across his bronze skin and finally to a marking on his chest. “Ninety-one,” the old man remarked over his shoulder. Ninety one. The numbers done in gothic - gothic? “Ninety-one. Is that my name?” “Nah, don’t think so. Then ‘gain I could be wrong,” the old man shrugged. “Got girls out here named Bonifa. But I suppose you need a name. How about... Nine? First name Nine, last name One?” He frowned slightly, then nodded. “Nine.” “Alright, Nine, wash your face and I’ll get you to the police station,” the old man said. “What is your name?” Nine asked. “Me? Oh, Will,” the old man replied. “Will, I cannot go to the police,” Nine stated clearly as he leaned his face down and rubbed it with water. “Why not?” Will asked, curious. A dawning comprehension lit his face. “You’re runnin’ from the law. That’s why you’re naked and that’s why you got that tattoo!” Fear quickly replaced comprehension. The man took a deep breath as if to yell as he scrambled backwards towards the door, then froze. Nine jerked his head up out of the water and caught the man with his gaze. He felt something click within him as he looked into the man’s eyes and felt his body grow warm. His sharp gaze quickly turned into one of lust. His cock swelled and he knew that it must be dealt with. Now. Nine felt the man’s will break under his gaze and in moments old Will dropped to his knees forcing his first cock down his throat. Nine leaned back against the wall of the small bathroom and let out a long moan as Will sucked harder and harder, trying to pull Nine’s orgasm from his body. Slowly, Nine began moving his hips, forcing his cock back and forth between Will’s lips. His body felt as if it were on fire as he was thrown upwards and over the pinnacle of his climax, forcing jet after jet down Will’s throat. Nine’s orgasm ripped from his throat in a primal roar that did not end until the last shot ebbed from his softening cock. Will fell back onto the ground, clutching at his stomach as Nine stepped out of the bathroom. An old woman looked up at Nine in fear then rushed into the bathroom at her husband’s cries. “Oh my god, Will!” she screamed. “You’re... growing!” Nine glanced back and saw Will’s pant leg explode with muscle before he looked back out over the dark expanse of the world. Like his mind, its secrets lay hidden in the murky black. Who was he? Nine? That couldn’t be his name, yet it felt right. Nine. One.
  22. arpeejay

    Other Muscle Story Sites

    Probably night the right forum for this topic but we don't seem to have a General section specifically for Stories. For me there are some fave authors out there who never spent much time on the old Forum for one reason or another. One of mine is Josef Howard, who does really awesome muscle growth description. Some of Josef's stuff wound up on the Forum, some in the Evolution Archive, but the most reliable source is his own (infrequently updated) website: http://www.agrowingconcern.com/ If you haven't done so already, you really need to check it out. They're classics of the genre. CMiller, if you see this one, perhaps you could pin it so that we could add to the content as we become aware of other sites? -- RPJ Likewise, O'Melissokomos has done yeoman's work collecting and archiving stories from many of the old Forum's authors (including, I think, all of mine, Jaypat's, BBMSN's, etc.) (But not Josef Howard, unfortunately!) If you haven't done so already, check out his archive: http://www.pridesites.com/omelissokomos/stories.html -- RPJ
  23. GiganticBeast

    The Breeder - A Memoir Chapter 1

    The first time it ever happened, would be back in my senior year of highschool, just getting ready to leave for college, in the back seat of her car..I'd never learned to drive, not that high up on my list of things to do really, not when there was time to be working out! I was a beast back then...so much more now but I don't wanna get ahead of myself. 6ft, 225lbs, I was a beefy jock then, and Jessie was the envy of all her peers being with me, but it took her forever and I mean FOREVER to finally cross that home base so to speak, I was a blue balled testosterone filled beast from the months and months of buildup, she always said she was terrified of getting pregnant, she was afraid it would hurt you name it! But finally neither of us could hold off anymore and after graduation that was it! the two of us grinding against one another madly trying to take off enough clothing in the cramped back seat of her little prius to feel skin on skin! At last my thick fingers got her bra off, and her little hands, yeah she was only about 5'5 so tiny I felt IMMENSE for sure, my thick 10incher causing her to gasp..fuck I'll always remember that gasp! She wasn't even sure she could take it, the look on her face as i slowly guided a rubber onto it, they tell you how to do it in health class but never mention how TIGHT it was and that was the biggest size they had! I'll admit, it wasn't long, we were only going at it for maybe 10minutes before she started to just shudder, her own orgasm just too intense for her to even go on, asking me to pull out, begging me to and it was at that point I lost it and I started to cum but so hard...harder than I ever have before! I could literally feel her getting tighter around me as I felt a snap...the first of many times this would happen...the condom being burst open as she started to moan and cry out telling me it felt like I was punching her pussy with my cum, how HOT it was, how HEAVY it was! and it was just filling her! My cock just wouldn't stop, and I couldn't pull it out, it was literally growing with every throb! along with the rest of me! I had no idea what was happening at that time, but now I know it all too well, I was growing as I pumped her full of my seed, that first growth spurt I had to have put on 50lbs of muscle and just over 6inches of height. You don't have any idea what that's like! Honestly, I kept cumming for MINUTES it was the most surreal thing I'd ever felt, as my barely clothed body started to spasm and throb in time with my flexing cock as she started to scream out about how BIG I was getting, that's just it, she was the first one to notice my growth..obviously. The growth starting at the base of my cock and stretching up my torso as my abs started to flex and swell growing firmer and heavier as they got more defined with each throb! the thick veins moving up my abs to my pecs which would heave thicker and heavier with each breath! I could feel my shoulders stretching out my shirt, my loosened tie from the grad party digging into my neck as it thickened and bulged! My back up against the roof as I felt the already cramped car getting more confined! My hands were getting bigger and I was holding her down onto that beast cock of mine, my body on autopilot as I wanted nothing more than to get every drop of my cum into her little spasming body, by this point she was pushed into her third orgasm and her eyes were literally rolling into the back of her head. I was hearing the metal of the flimsy little car start to buckle as my beefy shoulders kept swelling and stretching against it and I could see her just about to pass out and I swear it took...it took every bit of my strength at the time to pull my cock out of her, still so hard, still throbbing, still spurting with my thick load and there was just so much of it! I was already big, but I kept struggling to pull out, and there was more, and MORE my heavy balls slapping her ass, hanging down against my thighs as I pulled the full 13inch prick out and I spurted up and down her bare stomach with the rest of the load as I collapsed ontop of her, this hulking sweaty cum soaked beast! I realized later that I could have done her a lot of harm if I didn't manage to fight it, and pull out in time, her petite frame couldn't take too much more of my growing! We came to a few hours later, her father knocking on the window MORE than a little upset, but as I stood up, and got out of the car, my pants around my knees, my half hard cock hanging just about that low he found himself at a loss for words, staring at his cum soaked daughter, who was rubbing her stomach and letting out blissful moans. I got to see myself in the reflection off the window and I was..I was immense! staring down at her father who I'd been eye to eye with just earlier this day, I struggled to do up my pants, my thick muscled ass stopping any such hopes as not even my boxers could get over that bulging bubble butt, I resigned myself to wrapping the blanket she had under us around my waist. My parents took me to the doctor the next morning, growing that much had them terrified, but the doctors were just as lost as I was as to why it went down. I remember stepping onto that scale as the nurse weighed me, his eyes bugging out as much as my parents as it read 285 pounds, I felt IMMENSE! staring at myself in the exam room mirror, no fucking hope of the clothing fitting me it was amazing! Still, at the time, that wasn't the weirdest part, not by a long shot, I should have been upset or wanted answers but I was enjoying it far too much, and then even more strange, I got a text just a few hours later though, from Jessie, telling me she was pregnant. The doctor said easily a month in as well apparently. She was sending me message after message assuring me she never cheated, that she thought the results were wrong, and that I didn't have to worry, all that and I couldn't reply, just speechless. But instead of being terrified, I was there, at the doctors office, my heart pounding my blood pumping, my muscles tensing I was...I was turned on! The nurse, his name was Greg, was watching my reaction, just me and him in the tiny doctor's office and he noticed the throbbing bulge. He was cute too, up until that point I didn't even really notice. He was almost as large as I was, clearly took care of himself, filled out the scrubs better than anyone I've seen before or since. He let out a chuckle, god Greg had a good laugh, and he pat my shoulder asking if I've gotten a kinky text or something, and I just told him I got my girlfriend pregnant. He seemed confused especially about my reaction and to be honest I couldn't explain it either! The room at this point was filled with the musky smell of my sweat and precum, I was soaking through my pants, and it's obvious now that my body was pumping out pheromones trying to lure in another 'victim' to knock up, but at the time I had no idea, but Greg definitely was feeling it. His nervous, thick hand pressing against my shoulder as he tried to offer me comfort for this pressing time, that hand moving down my muscled pecs, brushing over my sweatsoaked abs as it rest on my bulge, feeling it throb and pulse as I let out this guttural groan and another burst of pheromones. Greg felt them wash over him as he started to soak through his scrubs, his hands both trembling as they opened up my pants, and I didn't stop him, I'd never once felt this way before but my body NEEDED release. He dropped to his knees and slowly stroked my thickening 13incher mumbling out how big it was, how it was stretching his jaw as I put my hand on the back of his head, forcing it down his throat and starting to work harder, he felt my balls as they churned and throbbed I was so fucking horny watching myself in the mirror as I flexed and posed, my bicep bigger than my girlfriends head was my sleeves started fray from getting so pumped! I felt that same building pressure as I finally unloaded into him! Greg was gagging, his eyes rolling as the heat of my cum splased down his throat! I even watched his own thick bulge throb and spurt against his scrubs, cumming just from the sheer overload of pheromones I was putting out! I watch myself close in the mirror, feeling his throat getting tighter and his hands smaller with each spurt but I wasn't getting any bigger! Confused I finally pulled out my 13 incher and helped Greg up to his feet, staring down at him now a few inches shorter, seeing his once thickly stubbled face look smoother and more angled, his thick biceps having gotten slightly slimmer, and certainly less veined! he looked himself over, his hips having swollen out and his ass grown even curvier he was amazed but pleased, and that was when I found out exactly what my body does. I would be told about it later by another Breeder, which I'll tell you about next time maybe, but I am built to breed, my cum the most potent and powerful in the world and my body has this insatiable urge to do so, any woman even coming close to that thick hot cum runs the risk of accidental exposure, and everytime I do breed someone, my body rewards me, with growth, to turn me into an even MORE suitable mate. Greg found out what happened to MOST guys on the receiving end of my load, I say most because there are a few exceptions!! but they lose their muscle mass, their testosterone, their manliness all of it being stored in me, ready for my reward for my next breeding. These muscle men become more and more feminine everytime they take it, and the pheromones I pump out keep them coming back for more. It's a vicious cycle and it's the reason I'm actually transcribing this through someone right now, haven't been able to use a keyboard in...fuck in YEARS. So that's how I found out what I was born to do, next time I'll tell you about how I found out WHY I do it, and maybe mention Thomas, the other Breeder I was talking about...
  24. This is the last of this series that I finished for the old site. I was particularly glad I was able to incorporate my love of music into this chapter. I started chapter six several years ago and abandoned it. I came back to it this week. I tweaked it a bit and think I may have figured out where to go with it. I hope it will be posted to the main Stories page soon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apparently eternity is not forever, even for immortals. I had grown in so many ways: grown in wisdom and in power. Tasks that I once could only do with a great deal of effort were now on a whim. And as I had grown, my beloved Adam and I had grown apart. It was totally amicable. We didn't have a screaming fight. No one was hurt. No solar systems were destroyed. I just needed time and space. Adam and I had been apart very little since he brought me over, but it was different now. When our kind greet each other, we make love in a way in which one is momentarily absorbed into the other. I felt almost like I had lost myself. On the other hand, it's not like I could resume my old life—well not easily. After all, as far as the world was concerned, Peter Hooper had died that night nearly ten years ago when Adam had made me immortal. Or vanished, at the very least. So I travelled a lot. I was walking in the Downtown area of a large Midwestern city. I was kind of down. Okay, if I had let me mood manifest itself as weather, it would have been raining pretty hard. And then I heard it. To call this sound the voice of an angel would be a cliché, but, speaking as someone who has been mistaken for an angel at least once, I think it was a fair assessment. I heard a tenor voice so clear and so beautiful that I really did begin to cry. I had to see where this sound was coming from. Standing on the sidewalk, not far from me was a young man. The only instrument present was his incredible voice, which he was using to present an incredible array of musical offerings: opera, sacred classical, Broadway, pop standards. His wasn't a heavy, wobbly voice like the overrated, overplayed operatic überstars have. This was the kind of voice you hear from the very best tenor soloist you've ever heard at the finest Early Music concert ever held: The kind of voice a boy treble grows up to have if he's really lucky. Most people just passed him, paying little attention—although a few would throw small amounts of money in the hat that sat in front of him. A few gathered to hear him. As I got closer I took a good look at him. He was about 24 and might be described as a “scruffy puppy”. He had short, dark hair, already showing signs of thinning, a day or two's growth on his face and, judging by his hands, would say that there would be fuzzy hair in many places. He was compact and solid—neither thin, fat, nor enormously muscular, though certainly nicely built for his size. He had a cherubic expression on his face, keeping with his angelic voice. I had lost track of time. I had been standing before him for about fifteen minutes. He looked up at me and said “Hello.” I was shaken from my reverie. “Hi!” I smiled. He and I were both wearing pullover sweaters, but I guess mine was tight enough that he could see what was underneath. He seemed to like it, though even after all these years of immortality, I'm still not used to that. “Thank you for singing for us,” I said as I produced (literally) a twenty dollar bill from my pocket. “Where do you sing?” He sighed. “Mostly right here.” “What? That's criminal! You should be...” “I know,” he interrupted. “But that's show biz!” He shrugged and smiled. “Maybe if I sing about warm weather, It will warm up.” He began singing “Summertime”. This young man, Jeremy was his name—he had wanted to tell me, but felt shy, not knowing I already knew it--affected me in a way that no one had for a very long time. I smiled at him, winked, and walked on. I went to the hotel where I had rented a room for a few days, thinking about Jeremy the whole way. As I turned on the lights in my room, a familiar voice said. “Jeremy, is it?” “Adam!” I was shocked. This was the first time I had seen him since we had parted. In a way it was like seeing him for the first time. That face. That body. But I was also quite surprised to see him. “What are you doing here?” “I'm still very concerned for your welfare, dear,” He took me in his arms and kissed me. “So tell me about Jeremy.” “You know what I know. Actually, you probably know more.” He smiled and nodded. “And why do you think Jeremy has affected you so powerfully?” “He's not one of us, Adam! I know that!” “Not yet, anyway.” “He will be someday?” Adam nodded. “You could say that.” “Oh. Are you going to...” Adam and I may have parted company, but the idea of him finding someone else stung a little. “No. You are.” “What?” “He is the next young man born to become one of us.” “Born to become one of us?” “As were you, as was I.” “So why am I...” I began. “You know. You have met him once and you feel connected to him in a way you've only connected with our kind.” “So how do I...” Adam interrupted again. “Get him to come up here and transform him. Do whatever it takes. He's your responsibility, as you were mine, as I was Jake's.” I stood agape. “Whatever it takes? Use my powers? That hardly seems fair.” “Fair? When I transformed you I implanted memories of myself in your head, arranged things so you could leave work early, spent days in tight T-shirts and jeans, bounced my pecs every time you looked in their direction, turned you into a penguin and suspended the existence of your next-door neighbour. What in heaven's name makes you think you have to play fair?” “Adam, don't scare the poor boy,” came another voice. “Jake!” I smiled. Jake also embraced and kissed me. “Peter, Jeremy is your responsibility, but you can only be who you are. Yes, you must transform him, but do it in a way that you're comfortable.” “Jake...” Adam began. Now was his turn to be interrupted. “Adam!” Jake glared at him with a stare that would wither a whole city (literally). “Peter will not let us down. And he'll do it his way. And you wear tight T-shirts and bounce your pecs all the time!” Adam and Jake stared at each other. I was scared stiff. Either one of them pretty much could undo reality with a thought. I held my breath. Jake and Adam both smiled, their beautiful faces lighting up, and began laughing heartily, embraced each other and kissed passionately. Jake turned to me and smiled. “Peter, bring Jeremy here and you'll know what to do. I think Adam and I need—some time.” He kissed me. Adam smiled at me also. “Don't underestimate the power of simple persuasion, Peter.” Then, winking, he added, “And never underestimate the power of bouncing pecs!” as he demonstrated his considerable talent in that area. And with that, he and Jake disappeared. The next day, I walked along the same place and there was Jeremy again offering his singing to whoever would listen. When I approached, he looked up and smiled. When he finished his song, he said “I'm gonna take a break!” and picked up his hat. We walked over to a nearby bench and sat down. “I'm Jeremy,” he smiled. “I know—that is, I've heard. I'm Peter.” “Peter. Nice to meet you.” “I have to tell you how much I love to hear you sing. I used to sing a little—choral stuff mostly—but your voice is incredible!” “Thanks. I've got my bachelor's and master's in vocal performance and I'm still making a living singing on street corners. It's really hard, but I try to stay optimistic. It will happen.” “Yes. It will. Beyond your wildest dreams.” Jeremy laughed. “Peter, you're a trip. Listen, would you like to get together sometime?” Okay, I'm scheming to get him up to my place and he asks me out? “Of course, but, please, it will be on me.” Jeremy started to protest, but he realised there was no point in that argument. We went to dinner, during which Jeremy opened up so much to me. His parents pretty much turned him out for being gay, but he was so talented that he had no trouble finding funding for his education. After his master's was finished, he had some work, but, for some reason, he had trouble putting a living together and had to turn to street performance. He was cagey about where he was living, though I don't think he was on the streets. After dinner he said, “I'd like to ask you back to my place, but, well, could we go to your place instead?” When we arrived at my hotel room, he was a little puzzled. “So you don't really live here?” “Not really. I've sort of been travelling around for a while.” “Must be nice to have the money to do that!” “Well, it's not exactly money,” I smiled. He nodded. “Why do I have the feeling that there's a lot more to you, Peter, than a cute face and nice body?” “You could say that. Have a seat.” We both sat on the bed. “Remember when the waiter gave me the check at the restaurant?” “You paid it—no wait! He gave you the little folder, you snapped your fingers, smiled and looked at him and he said 'Thank you very much' and we didn't see him again.” Smiling, I said to him. “You're a lot more astute than I was, Jeremy. You see, I'm not human.” He stared rapt. “Go on.” “I'm of a race of super-human beings who have existed since the dawn of humanity, caring for it and preserving it.” “Are you that old?” I laughed. “I'm only about ten years older than I look. Adam—the one who transformed me--and Jake—who transformed him—are much, much older.” “So what can you do?” “Pretty much whatever I want.” “Are you talking telepathy and telekinesis? Or more like super-strength? Super-breath? X-ray vision? Shape-shifting? Creating matter?” Could he actually believe this? “All of the above, really! Do you need a demonstration?” The smile on his face was about the same as you would see on that of a four-year-old on Christmas morning. “I don't think I need one, but I sure wouldn't say no!” “Take my hand!” In the next instant, I was flying Jeremy over the city as he let out a squeal. “Where shall we go?” “Ah, Paris?” “An excellent choice!” Within a minute we were soaring over the Eiffel Tower. “Ever want to be a bird?” He smiled broadly and then he and I were falcons. We flew around a while and I let him know we should get back to my room. Presently we were and were in our regular forms again. Jeremy kissed me, his scruffy beard, pressing against my goatee. “Oh, Peter! My whole life I've dreamt of someone like you! You're incredible! Man! This will sound funny, but if you can bounce your pecs you'll be perfect!” I guess Adam was right. “You mean like this?” I said, as the boys did their little dance under my sweater.” “Cool! I can sort of do that.” His quivered a bit. “Wow! This is too much!” “Well, Jeremy, there's more. Some men are born to join us. And I understand you're one.” He became silent. “Me?” “Yes. You.” We were then floating in the night sky, unclothed. He saw me in my immortal body and was at first slightly ashamed of his mortal, though certainly not unimpressive, body. I gestured and he floated over to me and we embraced. As we kissed, he smiled to me and said. “Yes, Peter. I have no life down there. But to let you know, it's not so much the powers.” He looked at my chest. “Or even your pecs. It's you. You are the sweetest person I've ever met. You could have taken advantage of me a million times over and yet you didn't.” He kissed me. “Let's do this!” I kissed him again and then, as Adam had done to me so long ago, I breathed into him. As I did, perhaps it was Jeremy's musical nature, but I began to hear something familiar. I soon recognised it as the final movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. It came from both of us and all around. As I let him go, the music crescendoed and he doubled over almost into the foetal position for a split second and then he bloomed. He flexed in a double-biceps pose and every muscle in his body filled in. Muscle flowed over muscle under the thick hair that still covered much of his body, as a symbol of the power that grew in him. His face, already beautiful in the extreme, became almost painful to look at in its beauty, complete with the three day's growth of his beard. And in the moment of his transformation, came the chorus of the symphony from every pore of his being: “Freude, schöner Götterfunken,Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuer-trunken,Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!” came forth in four parts, proclaiming the birth of the new Jeremy. He flexed his new muscles, revelling in his new eternal youth, beauty and power—and,yes, he bounced his pecs in time with the chorus that continued. I smiled at him and called him over. And, in the manner of our kind, I greeted him, bringing him into a physical and spiritual congress no mortal could imagine. And, in the manner of our kind, I brought him into myself for a moment. There was no Jeremy. There was only Peter as I briefly consumed his existence within my own, only to have him bubble up within me and reemerge, as had been done to me by every other immortal I had met. And in that I understood so much about myself. I wasn't lost in being absorbed. I was joined with my kind. I was with Adam, Jake, Lars, Jeremy and all the others, for all time. Particular relationships may wax and wane, but the commonality remains. Jeremy looked at me and said, “Oh, Peter! Thank you! I guess I don't have to worry about finding a job now.” “No, my sweet. You never have to worry again.” We kissed and I added “Never underestimate the power of love.”
  25. Guest

    The Flexorcist (13)

    Thirteen The diminished Sean stared at the three muscular jocks as they left him lying on the cold floor in the locker room. After they exited, he tried to get up. He grabbed the wall for support with his stick-like arm and weakly got up on his knees. Dizziness made his vision dance as he slowly stood up. He looked around to find some clothes that would fit on his prepubescent body. He avoided looking at his pathetic reflection in the mirror as he continued his search. He found the container with dirty laundry behind a row of locker and went through the pile of stinky, sweat-drenched clothes. He discovered a freshman’s little, dirt-covered shirt and shorts and quickly pulled them on; ignoring how the tiny clothes felt baggy on his weak frame. Sean walked over to the wrestle hall, were Keith still laid on his back on the wrestle mats. Bruises covered his battered, athletic, 200 pound body. “Keith?”, Sean asked as he kneeled next to his friend. Keith blinked a few times and looked at his diminished friend. “Sean? What happened to you?”, he asked. “We’ve lost our bet. So they let me choose who of us would lose his muscles. I could only choose myself”, Sean replied. “I will never forget what you’ve done for me, buddy. No one will touch you again, I swear! Let’s get to our room to give our bodies some rest”, Keith replied as he tried to get up, grunting in pain as his bruised muscles and bones protested. Sean helped his buddy by letting him lean on his own weakened frame; his knees buckling under the weight of Keith’s muscles. After what seemed like an eternity, he managed to help Keith get up and stumbled to their room, where they crashed onto the bed and sank in a deep sleep. Meanwhile in Tomas’ room more action was taking place. As soon as the three muscular jocks had entered the room, Tomas had taken control of the situation. “Drop the towel and move to the center of the room, my pet’, he ordered as he stripped off his clothes. Anton, now way bigger than Tomas’ 300 pounds and Kurt’s 220 pounds combined, dropped the towel from his hard, muscular waist and strutted to the center of the room. He smirked as he noticed Kurt tearing off his own clothes and beating off furiously at the sight of his body. “Good boy”, Tomas said as he roamed his hands across the huge muscles of the behemoth towering over him. He circled around his gigantic pet, deciding what to do next. He faced the titanic, broad back filled with bulging muscles, his rock-hard, 17 inch cock throbbed at the sight. Noticing that his pet’s muscular ass was too high up for him, he took several steps back until his back made contact with the wooden door. “Brace yourself!”, Tomas yelled and sprinted toward the behemoth and rammed his 17 incher into his ass as he jumped onto the broad back. Anton didn’t budge as Tomas’ 300 pound, muscle-filled frame hopped onto his back. He slid his large paws under his master’s hard, muscular legs to support him. ‘I’m gonna ride you like a horse”, Tomas grunted. He grabbed hold of the gigantic traps and began bumping up and down on his pet’s back, slamming his rock-hard cock into the muscular ass with full force. Anton slightly flexed his massive legs under the force and looked aside as he heard a thud. He smiled as he saw Kurt lying on his ass, squirting cum all over his own hard chest. He felt liquid heat flowing from the throbbing dick into his ass and his master’s bumping slowed down. “Good boy”, Tomas grunted exhaustedly and began pulling his deflating 17 incher from his pet. “Not yet”, Anton said and flexed his muscular ass. He flexed it teasingly, flexing the deflating cock back to hardness, “I want more”. “I’m drained”, Tomas said and moved backward. Anton simply tightened his hold on his master’s meaty legs and slammed him against his back. He kept flexing his ass and soon enough, he felt another dribble flowing from the throbbing dick into his ass. “Ungh!”, Tomas grunted into his pet’s ear as another load dribbled from his painful balls. “Good”, Anton said and released his iron grip on his master’s legs. As soon as his pet’s huge, strong paws released his muscular legs, Tomas slumped down on the floor; lying on his back in exhaustion. Anton turned around, grabbed Tomas’ 300 pound body and gently laid him on his bed. “My turn to have some fun”, he said as he stroked his flaccid cock to hardness with his left paw. He smiled as the long shafted swelled in his grasp. The cock hardened quickly and thwacked loudly against the hard surface of his cut 14-pack as it reached its impressive 25 inches. Tomas’ eyes widened as he realized what his pet was up to. His mind ordered him to run for it, but his exhausted muscles didn’t move. His limp cock jolted as the big, hot, dark red head of the monster cock made contact with his ass. Anton looked into his master’s eyes and smiled. He grabbed hold of his muscular torso and pushed his 25 incher into Tomas’ muscular ass. He marveled as his master was able to take in his entire incredible length. He released his muscular torso, grabbed the wooden head of the bed and began pounding the ass underneath his huge frame. Tomas grunted in pain and ecstasy as the behemoth’s cock entered, left and re-entered his ass. His big hands grabbed the thick, muscular back to steady himself and his cock raced back to hardness against his pet’s stony abs. “Yeah”, Anton grunted and pounded the muscular ass even harder. The bed began to shake and creak under the violence. The sheer mass of the two very well muscled jocks nearly crushed it and the hard pounding was just too much. As Anton reached his climax, his titanic hard muscles flexed and destroyed the bed. The wooden head shattered under the force of his huge paws and rest of the bed simply collapsed. “HAHAHA”, Anton laughed loudly as he stood up; supporting his master’s 300 pound, muscle-filled frame with his arms and cock. His 25 incher blasted load after load of thick cum into the muscular ass. “Ughn”, Tomas grunted as a few droplets of cum dripped from his 17 incher and smeared against his pet’s hard abs. He could feel cum pouring from his ass along the throbbing pole that shoved back and forth in him. After about 10 loads, Anton’s cock calmed down and his balls ended their hurried rush. “More”, he grunted deeply and began slamming the 300 pound body up and down on his cock; his thick, meaty biceps flexing and relaxing in the process. “No more”, Tomas mumbled and placed his big hands onto the behemoth’s arms to free himself. His eyes widened in disbelief as he felt the incredible hardness and mass of his pet’s flexing biceps. He grabbed them with all his might, but the huge muscles simply overpowered his grip and pried open his hands. A stabbing pain shot through his drained balls as a final load exploded from his cock and splattered against the flexing 14-pack in front of him. His over-stimulated mind went black and he passed out in his pet’s grip. ‘YEAUGHN!”, Anton boomed as he felt his master go limp. The feeling of being able to make the 300 pound jock pass out by his own sexual prowess sent him over the edge again. His bull-sized balls blasted out another round of loads as he slammed the limp body up and down his throbbing 25 incher. As the pressure in the muscular ass became too much, he pulled his master from his cock and blasted four more loads onto his body. His cock began to deflate and he laid his master down onto the mattress. Anton turned around as something slick hit his lower back. Kurt had stared at the incredible scene in front of him and stroked his cock with all his fury. His cock blasted out a final load from his emptied balls and his knees buckled in exhaustion. Before he could fall down, two strong paws grabbed his armpits and lifted him in the air. He marveled at the muscular body that passed his eyes before he made eye contact with the grinning behemoth. “Well captain, you came over to punish me for missing practice, I believe?”, Anton asked mockingly. Before Kurt could react, Anton placed him on the second bed in the room and laid down with is abs on Kurt’s lap, his ass facing upward. “I hope you won’t spank me too hard with your strong arms’, Anton said laughingly as he glanced up at his captain’s face. Kurt first stared in disbelief at the juicy, hard ass but then grinned evilly. “Brace yourself for your punishment, rookie”, he said and raised his hand. He lowered his hand and a loud ‘smack’ resounded as it made contact with the meaty ass. He raised his hand again and began slapping the ass with full force. “Oh captain, don’t be too hard on me”, Anton said laughingly as he felt Kurt’s cock harden against his 14-pack. He tensed and relaxed his abs to tease it to hardness again. Kurt grunted with pleasure as his cock was jerked to hardness by the hard abs. He raised his hand again, but suddenly his world seemed to turn upside down. Anton stood up, grabbed Kurt and slammed him down on his re-inflated 25 incher. He pushed and pushed but only half of the incredible length fit into the tight hole. Kurt’s dick instantly exploded as the hot pole slid into his ass. Three loads blasted from his cock and splattered against the wall before his drained balls protested. Anton slammed Kurt up and down the top of his dick with his left hand. He raised his right arm and flexed it. He marveled at the size of his 50 inch arm covered in veins and kissed it. As his delicate lips made contact with the hard, hot surface of his steely bicep, his cock exploded into his captain’s ass. 9 big loads filled Kurt’s intestines and made his hard eight-pack look bloated. Anton grunted as a final load shot from his dick, pulled Kurt from his dick and tossed him on the bed. He began groping his flexed bicep with his left hand and smiled at its hardness; even he couldn’t dent his own hard muscles. He released the ball of muscle and began playing with his hard nipples before sliding down onto his stony 14-pack. He grabbed his deflating cock and stroked it back to hardness. “I wonder if there’s anything left”, he said and pumped the lengthy shaft. Within seconds, he was panting and his balls drew tight. Five more loads of cum blasted from the hard 25 incher against the ceiling before he collapsed on the floor in exhaustion. Sean awoke groggily from a deep sleep. He opened his eyes and discovered his still sleeping buddy next to him. He had to fight back his tears as he realized that his hard earned muscles were gone. He got up silently and quickly pulled on the baggy clothes he’d taken from the locker room. “Already dressed, buddy?”, an awaking Keith asked. “It’s not like a have a body worth showing”, Sean peeped in his now higher voice, “How are you feeling?”. “Like I got hit by a train”, Keith replied as he turned over on his side and grunted in pain. “You look like it too”, Sean said, “Anton was as big as a train near the end of our fight. We’re lucky they didn’t steal your muscles too”. “As soon as my body has recovered, we’ll start working out together. You have to regain your mass as soon as possible and I have to get bigger to protect the both of us”, Keith stated as he sat up slowly. “We’re lucky exams are coming up. Within a few weeks there’s summer break and we’ll don’t have to worry about Anton and Tomas then. You go back to your house and I go back to mine and we build as much muscle as possible during summer. Right now, we have to try and avoid Anton and Tomas”, Sean said as he helped his buddy get up. The last weeks of the academic year went by without any other confrontation. Sean and Keith never bumped into their former scrawny roommates. The only left their room for class and worked out in a gym in town. Sean’s shrunken body didn’t have the same ability to gain muscle it used to. Despite the hard workouts Keith put him through and the massive amounts of protein shakes he gulped down, he didn’t gain a pound of muscle on his prepubescent looking 100 pound body. Keith on the other hand managed to put on 25 pounds of muscle, weighing an impressive 225 pounds and out-sizing Sean at his prime. Their friendship reached an entire different level now that Keith was the bigger guy. They enjoyed their long mutual showers and Sean eagerly worshipped his big friend’s solid muscles while being gently fucked by him. Anton and Tomas simply dominated the entire university. No one questioned Tomas’ position as alpha dog thanks to his behemoth pet. Only a few football players tried to maintain their dominant position but a few broken bones later, even they accepted to step down in the university’s hierarchy. Anton claimed the university’s wrestling title that was declared vacant since Sean announced that he wouldn’t defend his title. Anton’s intimidating, 580 pound muscle-filled frame simply scared his opponents off the mat; one wrestler was foolish enough to try and fight him to win the title. The fight ended in mere seconds as Anton simply grabbed his opponent and slammed him down on the mat, breaking all his ribs. As the academic year ended and results were announced, Sean and Keith rushed away from campus towards the station. They were relieved they had escaped their foes. “You know you’re always welcome in my house, buddy”, Keith said as Sean stepped into the train that would take him home, “Call me if you’re in trouble and I’ll come to help”. “Thanks, buddy. See you after summer”, Sean said with tear-filled eyes as his train took off. Keith stared at the departing train and boarded his train. An hour later, he was home again. He hugged his parents as he entered the living room. “It sure feels good to be home again”, he said. “You’ve gotten bigger, son”, his father said as he looked at his muscular son. “Well, I’ve put on a good 30 pounds of muscles this year”, Keith replied, “How’s my little bro doing?”. “I’m fine”, his two year younger brother said as he entered the room. “Still into drawing and studying the Bible”, his father stated. The doorbell made an end to their conversation. “That will be your friend from university”, Keith’s mother said, “They called to ask if he could spend summer here and since you’re such close friends, your father and I decided it was okay”. Keith smiled broadly and rushed to the front door. He made me think we wouldn’t see each other for weeks back in the station and now he’s here, he thought and opened the door…
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