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  1. Karim had left town six days ago, with every intention of walking to what his best friend Manny called Muscle City. Rumors around town spread of a "town of super-huge naked bodybuilders" not far from there. One of the guys who had come back from there described someone who fit the description of the massive Latino. He had wanted a reason to leave town ever since his father was killed in a car crash and his mother began drowning her sorrows in alcohol. The young man wondered if it was ironic that she sought solace in the bottom of a bottle, considering that her husband was killed by a drunk driver who was allegedly reaching for a fallen can of beer. When she was taken to the hospital for liver failure, he had decided that enough was enough. So he said his goodbyes and left for this new town. Since he was now eighteen years old, he was no longer under his mother's legal obligation. As far as he was aware, she would not even notice his absence. The night of the fifth day of his journey, he had a strange dream. It felt like one of his prophetic dreams that he had from time to time. Usually, he had them before significant events, like the one he had before his father's death. In it, he was in what must have been a small convenience store at one time. A massively muscular, inhumanly beautiful being that could easily be mistaken for a god was before him. The bronze god's massive form was so impossibly gorgeous in its muscularity that it was almost painful to look upon him. Massive biceps flexed with peaks that could proudly grace the Rockies, while a powerfully pulchritudinous pair of perfect pectorals (say that three times fast) danced and bounced with enough striations to more than show their superhuman strength. Adamantine abs that could probably treat a speeding bullet like a lover's kiss sat proudly on the god's torso, supported by thickly-muscled legs that would make a redwood jealous. His hands explored all facets of the god's body, reveling in its power and majesty. Hair as black as a raven's wing flowed from the god's head like the waves of an obsidian ocean, while eyes the color of milk chocolate pierced into Karim's soul and saw the desire to ascend to their level of superhuman power. The god enveloped Karim in his divine embrace and seared his soul with a single kiss full of love and strength. Karim attempted to wrap his hands around the god's gloriously wide back, yet could not get much further than his manta ray-like lats. "You want all this, Karim?" the god intoned in a resonant tenor that shook his achingly erect cock to its core. Karim could feel his balls churning a load as he emphatically nodded. "More than anything," he responded, kneeling before the incarnate deity. The god hefted one of its two erect cocks and offered it to his smaller supplicant. Karim took the mammoth tool into his mouth and suckled like a baby would on a bottle. With one hand on the massive man-missile in his mouth, he grasped a steely hemisphere of the god's bubble butt. At the same time, the god began stroking his other mighty dick. Karim's own cock throbbed with blood as he neared climax. With a moan that was muffled by the god-cock, Karim came before his god. Grunts and moans emanated from the god as he neared his own divine climax. "Get ready, bro," the god said, his voice full of lust yet oddly familiar. A majestic, almost bestial roar escaped the god's lips as he came. And came. And came. And came. Karim felt like he was drinking from a fire hose. He made sure to get every drop of the god's alabaster offering. For the next few minutes, he drank of the super-cum that sprayed into his mouth. All the while, he could feel himself changing, expanding. His body began to swell at an enormous rate, filling with the god's power. His clothes, once slightly bigger than he needed them to be, suddenly became far too small and exploded at the seams. The more cum he ingested, the bigger and more powerful he felt. He could fuck every guy in town five times and still be ready for more. He was becoming like the god before him, becoming one of them. "Welcome to Muscle City, bro," the god said as he woke. The sun was just beginning to rise as Karim awoke from the dream. He was glad that he slept naked under the blanket he brought, so there was less to wash. Placing the blanket in a plastic bag, he got dressed and continued on the road to Muscle City. He knew he was close, but was unsure of when he would arrive.
  2. Link to Chapter 1. Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to get this out! It turned out way longer than I expected it to be, and I'm not completely satisfied with it because I know it could be tightened up a lot, and there are some glaring error, but I figured I'd just go ahead and release it because I'd be picking over it forever otherwise, hope you enjoy! ======================================== The Muscle Kiss - Chapter 2 It was definitely Byran. I sat there for what felt like a few moments stumbling on my words, but I guess in reality it was just a few seconds and I didn’t say anything at all. He snapped me out of my brief daze with a suave “hey” and a vocal confirmation that sent chills down my spine. It was weird, I’d seen this man just yesterday, and yet somehow by today he had to have lost 15 to 20 lbs. I’d never seen anything like it before in my life. He was still a big guy, but the weight loss was so obvious in such a short amount of time, especially to me. His face was certainly tighter, his clothes were notably looser, and most of all the energy that was radiating off of him was almost intimidating. I asked him what was up and all he could really say was “I feel amazing.” …it was something spectacular to see a guy whom has always had a gigantic amount of inner confidence now have it bursting on the outsides and through every seam. He put his hand on my shoulder, looked me straight in the eye and told me that we had to go talk privately. I easily obliged because I needed to know what the fuck was going with him. We went into the drama room and I thought that was good enough but immediately he insisted that “no, we should go into the closet.” I think normally I would have questioned this, but there was something so commandeering and serious about his voice, that I just said okay and went along. As soon as we got into the closet, the first thing he did was unbuckle his belt and start to lift up his shirt …I could hardly get a “whoa…hold on” out before he started talking. “Man…I don’t know what’s going, but look at me! I’ve must have lost about 20 lbs… I really don’t think I’ve ever felt this good in my life!” He kept going on. At this point I felt like I’d heard most of it all from him before, but I guess if something like this happened to me I’d be strangely excited too. I couldn’t figure out why I was his confidant though. It wasn’t like we’d been that great of friends throughout this entire process, and we’d only known of each other at best before. Either his primarily excitement wore off, or perhaps he started to realize that I was paying less attention, because it seemed like he suddenly slowed down and became a bit more serious. He explained that all throughout the day he felt so energetic, but it was nights that were just really incredible. He explained how his body gets so hot, and as soon as it seems like it may become unbearable, it switches to such a calming and relaxed kind of hot. He kept saying that he felt like he connected with himself for the first time ever. He explained how it felt like total calm, and that he could feel every piece his body. How there was a pulse that connected with every bone, every nerve, and maybe even the blood itself as it rushed through his system. He explained that it just felt so damn good, and it was like what he could only express as pure bliss and how that just before it’s over, he has to dig in his pants and start jacking off. (It was getting uncomfortable for me here, but I let him continue) …He said that he’s tried most every drug that he can get his hands on and nothing had compared to how he feels as his hands touch his meat in that moment of bliss. He explained how every stroke of his cock was like he was touching it for the first time ever, and how the orgasms were always so powerful that he had no time to recover after. Usually he just passed out, right in all of his cum. …and he said he then wakes up in the morning, somehow feeling even better, and looking better too. I shook my head and blinked as he started to feel all over his body again before he continued, “and my voice …it didn’t even change this much during puberty.” I don’t even know if Byran was looking for answers or what, but it was such a bizarre thing for me still. I didn’t really know what to say. He just looked at me and remarked … ”You believe me, don’t you? … I mean, that I don’t know what’s going on? That I don’t think I’ve done anything to cause this.” I told him yeah. …and I guess it was convincing enough because it seemed like that put him at ease. In reality, I really didn’t know what to think though. I don’t think anyone has ever seen, heard, or documented anything like this before. How could this just naturally happen to a person? I didn’t think it was possible. I kept thinking that there must have been something he was doing and not telling us…but then again, I couldn’t figure out why he would confide with me in private just to tell a lie. It all makes sense to me now, of course, but it was the most bizarre moment of my life to that point. He sighed. I sighed. We left the closet and I was trying to get through the rest of the day as normal as possible. Naturally, within no time as the day progressed the rumor mill began. It seemed that the most popular story was that he had actually gotten liposuction long ago, but it was only just now starting to really take effect. Some people thought perhaps he found the right combination of diet pills and he was having an amazing result. Some people swore their lives on the fact that he was a part of some super-secret case or drug study. Perhaps the strangest rumor though, involved him being such a great and magnificent actor that it turned out that all this time he was just wearing a fat suit and prosthetic makeup to fool us all. Whatever it was though, it was happening. …and there was no hiding it at all for him. This day was the second to last rehearsal that we would have before opening night. Honestly things were getting so weird that I was kind of relieved that this would almost be over soon. I guess everything was still going smooth throughout this rehearsal, but it was really hard for me to tell. Last time I was pretty distracted by Byran, but it seems that this time everyone was. Even Byran himself. Neither of us messed up any lines, no one missed any cues …but it seemed like all eyes were always on him. Usually Byran would be fully immersed in his character, so much so that I could look at him and see only whomever he was meant to be projecting, but not this time. He was still good…really good, but I can tell that all he wanted to do was keep looking at and feeling on himself. I could only imagine how much must have been going in his head to have even me to be able to tell that something was up. …and then before I knew it, it was that time again. The car. The Ocean. The Leaving The Car. The Boat. The Kiss. …and this time… Still nothing. Well, nothing from me at least. After the kiss Byran stared at me and he held his gaze. I felt his face flush along with a release of a deep breath and a strange radiating energy. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes said it all. It was like he looked at me with all the passion of the 7 seas. This was the gaze of the real Byran, not the actor Byran. It was something that came from within him. Way below all the walls he held up as he kept his multiple characters. It was like in that moment he held me close and said “I love you” for the first time. …only that the only thing my dumb look could communicate back was “I know.” I felt awful …but mainly confused. It was really awkward after the kiss. He kept his heirs as best as possible, but I could tell that he felt rejected. Unfortunately there was nothing I could do about it. I guess he understood that because he didn’t put up any fight. I’m straight. After we finished, it seemed the group consensus was that this was one of our best rehearsals yet, though I assume it was only because the moment that just happened with this kiss. I doubted that anyone actually paid close attention to anything else except what was happening to Byran (or was that only me?). I didn’t really feel like chatting afterward, but I heard Byran get a ton of compliments on his look …it was a bit weird because usually right after he left, you’d hear a bunch of whispering, but that was totally understandable. As we started to disperse Byran came over to me as I was about to walk out of the door. He said …”well thanks for believing me at least,” and that was last I heard from Byran. …at least, the Byran that we all used to know. The next day I was in the hallway for about a total of five minutes before I was approached, “Oh. Em. Gee! Have you seen Byran!?” was the first thing I heard. I had no idea the images of possibility that flashed in my head at that moment, but they didn’t have to last for long, because then, right through the double doors, there he was …Byran. And he was …skinny? It was weird. If before he had lost about 15 to 20 pounds, he had easily lost like 50 or 60 more now. …and it was overnight. I was worried about him for a few seconds …until he got closer and I saw just how good he looked. He was absolutely radiating. He wouldn’t stop smiling. Even now I wouldn’t call him a handsome fella, but now we could actually see his face. He had a nice pair of cheek bones, and if there were a few tweaks he’d definitely be a contender. Right now he was just alright, I’d say …but what was specular was his figure. I think everyone had that little bit of worry at first few …but when he gets closer you see that he was no skeleton. He approached me and the only thing that came out of his mouth was “I haven’t had any time to go get new clothes yet …but check this out Joanny, I haven’t been able to fit in this shirt since I was in 4th grade” …and then he turned his back to me and started to talking to another group of people. Again, his voice had notably changed as well. It was subtle, again, but pretty evident to me. I felt pretty creepy for most of the day. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him whenever he was around. I wanted to study the changes, and I wanted answers. …but I guess I wasn’t alone either because he always had a circle of people around him. It seemed like if the day before Byran didn’t like the attention he was getting from his physical changes, today was completely different. He was loving it. He spent all day indulging everyone’s questions, and just talking about how great he felt and how great he was looking. I know I’ve said this so many times while telling you this story, but it was just so fucking weird. I didn’t know if he was just playing me for what happened the day before, but whatever he was doing was working. I couldn’t stop him to get a word in edgewise the entire day, it was like he was purposefully ignoring me …but perhaps it was even worse, he wasn’t paying attention to me at all. The school day was almost over but I wasn’t satisfied. I needed answers …I guess this time I would be the one demanding for him to go to closet to talk privately. We didn’t have a full rehearsal today, but the entire drama team had to meet after school to finish setting up all the props and costumes, and making sure everything was in order and working correctly …the stuff I actually love to do. I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to corner him and finally have a talk. Even as we were all supposed to be working, all the talk was about Byran …and to Byran …and from Byran. It was so exhausting, or perhaps just frustrating to me because I was lacking the opportunity to be the one throwing the questions. As we were dispersing, it was finally my time to corner him. He didn’t seem very interested in chatting, but I evoked that same ‘commandeering and serious’ tone that he used to lead me to closet just before. “We NEED to talk. Privately,” I said looking straight in his face! He seemed severely unfazed by the words, but he did oblige regardless. “Alright. I will give you a minute.” He said with the utmost of scorn in his voice. I had to stop myself for a moment there. He will ‘give me a minute’…seriously? Just who did he think he was all of a sudden? I knew I had to put my anger aside if I wanted any answers though. “What did you want?” he was so brash and harsh with me, I really didn’t understand it. I told him that we need to go back to the closet. “Alright, 45 seconds then.” …we went into the closet and the first thing he did was lift up his shirt. “Is this what you want to see?” he was gusty as hell. …it wasn’t? Or maybe it was? I don’t know. I couldn’t’ think straight at the time...it was just insane. Literally overnight he went from having a small pot belly to being thinner than even I was. …but it wasn’t even that. He looked fit? How the fuck? He wasn’t like the star athlete, but he looked like someone who watched what they ate and occasionally exercised. ..and what was truly amazing to me and that there was no evidence that he was ever fat. None. He had no baggy skin, and he was perfectly proportionate. It was like his body was reset and it was always supposed to look this way. It was amazing. “20 seconds. You got a question?” …I was so off put by his attitude that I just gave him a look. “15 seconds.” … I was so agitated by his attitude and so distracted by him lifting his shirt that all I could mumble out was “and you really didn’t do anything to cause this…?” ”No. “ Byran said swiftly. “But… Can you just explain…?” I think I sounded pathetic. …”Look, I have no idea what is going on with me,” Byran’s tone was horribly unfriendly. “I told you already. I feel amazing, I look amazing. I am amazing. …everything about my body has gone through an amazing change. And I still feel it happening. You have no idea what it feels like” ----he started rubbing on his body again--- “this energy is incredible and I’ll be just fine if it never stops. My dick too. …My dick. It’s grown! It’s thicker …and more handsome too. Do you want to see it?” “No. I’m not interested,” I said with a huff. …What was this guy trying to do to me? ”0 seconds. …now, unless you want to put your lips on my cock, I’m going.” …and that was it. That was the last conversation I really had with Byran. The next day of school I guess Byran went shopping…Because this day his clothes were virtually skin tight. They were nice, compared to what he would usually wear …no, they were nice in general. It was like he picked up a Guess catalog and ordered exactly what he saw in there, just a size too small. And all of sudden today, if yesterday he was looking like a skinny person who just watched what he ate; today he had the body of a high fashion male model. It wasn’t nearly as a dramatic change as the day before …but it was enough to where I was certain that he changed again. ---and considering these clothes, and the attitude I felt all across to the end of the hall, his personality was still changing as well. He was still giving me the cold shoulder and pretending like I wasn’t a part of something we’d be working on for so long. I was just so happy that we only had one more full rehearsal and then it was opening night, as I was ready to be done with all of this, and ready to not have to be around him much longer. Byran irritated and annoyed me all before rehearsal. He wouldn’t stop talking about himself, he wouldn’t stop showing off, and he wouldn’t stop just acting like a giant douche. No one else really seemed to mind though, so I don’t know if it was all my head. I guess he was just still playing a game with me and it was really working. It was going to be a full dress rehearsal this go around since it was our second to last before opening night. We were given our costumes to change---and then---I don’t even know why it surprised me …but Byran didn’t go to the changing room to do it. He stripped down right in the middle of the room, in front of everyone. He knew everyone would have their eyes on him…and they did. Me included. It was really crazy. I guess it was obvious from the tight clothes he was wearing, but seeing it topless was something else. His body had literally transformed even from when he was excitedly showing me in the closet the other day. He suddenly legitimately had something right in between a swimmers build and the body of a high fashion male model. He wasn’t super muscled, and he wasn’t cut …but it really looked like fitness and good eating had been a natural part of his life for years. ---and then he started to take off his pants. I guess he went underwear shopping too because all of a sudden he was sporting a pair of brightly colored 2xist briefs. They were standing out so much on the rest of his body that I couldn’t ignore it at all. Too bad for his face though, because his body looked like he was a few more workouts away from being able to model for the company. …and then, wtf, his bulge. I can easily admit that this is the first time I’ve not wanted to divert my eyes from a man’s junk. For all I can tell he was still soft, but if that was true …damn. I’ve always been confident in my size, have never disappointed anyone in the bed, and I still regularly get compliments even …but seeing THIS bulge was the first and only time I‘ve really felt penis envy. I have no idea what he was sporting, but even I can admit that it looked impressive. Everyone didn’t have much time to recover from the shock of how bold he was in this move, though …because when he put on his costume, it was quickly revealed that it was totally altered. It was even more skin tight than what he wore to school today, and I guess he made extra sure that it was *extra* tucked in the bulge area because he might as well have had arrows pointing straight towards it. …I was just about to say something when I was saved from sounding like the bitch by being promptly interrupted by the costume director. “Byran… no. This isn’t going to work!” it was followed by a clamoring of murmurs in the room seeming to agree. I was delighted to be saved from having to be the one to say it, but I vigorously shook my head in agreement. We then took the time to remind Byran of the original concept of the play. The concept was kind of thrown completely out of the window if the rich and talented and successful counterpart is also a show off...and an attractive one at that. I didn’t think he was really taking in everything we were saying, but regardless he reluctantly agreed to change his costume. We had an early version that was scrapped, but we all decided that it would do for now. We handed Byran the costume and he acted as if he was being given scraps not fit for a peasant …and then of course he stripped again right in front of all of us. This time he looked directly at costume director while he did it, and then winked at me as if it rub it all in. You could tell he was uncomfortable in the bigger clothes, I thought it was ridiculous as it was only like 4 days ago where these clothes would fit him snuggly. I thought something was still missing though, and after that wink I didn’t care too much about being ‘the bitch.’ He needed to look fat, still. I quickly suggested that he should tuck everything in and then that we should stuff the clothes to plump him up again. I could tell he absolutely hated the idea, but everyone agreed and that is exactly what happened. Finally, it was time for the actual rehearsal. Even with the new attitude problem, I guess his talent remained intact. As soon as it was time to be our characters, he was stripped of all of the heirs he’d been handing out today and he was the person in this play that I was supposed to be acting to be in love with. It was instant, he was able to just instantly switch it up….and something about that quick change just pissed me off more. I couldn’t stand having to be here with him anymore, and I couldn’t stand when he looked at me, and I couldn’t stand when I had to touch him. I don’t know how much of this was jealously, how much of this was the game he was playing was, or how much of this was just the fact that I generally don’t associate with douchebags, but all of it was just ugh. I felt like I was doing a horrible job, and that made him look all the better. It could have still been in my head, but at this point I was just so confused and weirded out and angry that I had no idea. ---and then that dreaded time came around again. The car. The Ocean. The Leaving The Car. The Boat. …The Ki-—I couldn’t do it. I really couldn’t do it. I went to go lean in for it and the look in his eyes just made me resent him even more. He wanted it so badly; he relaxed all his body and let out a sigh. …not just any sigh though, THAT sigh. You know, that sigh when you just feel so relaxed! That after-a-good-pee or when you finally-lay-down-after-a-tiring-day sigh. THAT sigh. You know exactly what I’m talking about. …and I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t give him that satisfaction. I was really hating this guy in that moment. I stopped it, but quickly saved grace by saying that I think we should save the final kiss for the opening tomorrow. Everyone bought it easily, well…except Byran of course. He gave me the most nasty eyeroll that to this day is still burned in my eyes. As soon as we were done he took off his costume and just left it on the floor and walked out …in his underwear. We were all kind of dumbfounded, but apparently he later sent the costume director a text saying that ‘he’ll take care of it,” which we all assumed meant that he would alter the original costume back. It was really awkward when he left, but I guess everyone didn’t have much to say because we didn’t really talk about it at all. We just finished preparing for the big day tomorrow. By the time I made it home I was regretting everything. I was regretting ever signing up for the play, I was regretting agreeing on taking the lead. I was regretting ever being friendly with Byran, and I was regretting that I was letting myself feel so much anger and hatred. I remember thinking that I could accept this stress if it were about the actual production or performance, but dealing with all of that felt so stupid. At the time I don’t know what this dude was doing to his body, but none of it made sense. I really didn’t know how he went from being obese to literally having a model body. I also didn’t know how he went from acting like he understood that I was straight, and how we went from coming from a place of having mutual respect for the art and craft of theater, to him crushing on me or some shit, to him then being a nasty douche. ---and I guess, yes. I had to accept that I was jealous. I’ve always had a healthy amount of confidence, but I guess it is just hard for me to not be bitter when someone who already had so much seemed to just be getting more. ---and you know, I’m sure if he kept the great attitude that he had before everything started to happen, I wouldn’t have minded at all. In fact, I think I would have actually been happy for him. Maybe I was also pissed that some dude has been dominating my thoughts and mind constantly for so long at this point. He was never an important person in my life and then suddenly I couldn’t stop thinking about him...at all. How fucked is that? …I hardly got any sleep that night, but all of the thinking at least made me feel a little better. I didn’t think I was ever going to like this guy again (and I didn’t), but I felt like I knew I could certainly get to a point where I could at least tolerate him to get this over with. And that is exactly what I did. Barely. The next day seemed to start much like the last. Byran stood in a place while groupies circled around him and bombarded him with questions. He was wearing even tighter clothes than the day before. The jeans were so tight that you could see every movement his legs made. His butt was something that most people would envy, hell, if I saw a close-up of it in these low cut jeans while browsing the internet I’d definitely want to touch it before I found it belonged to a guy. …they were so low cut that you could see his underwear while was standing, which were low themselves because you could also see that he was sporting a new very defined V line. The shirt was so tight that he may have not been wearing one at all. He was looking so stiff and ridged though, because you can tell he was posing but pretending like he wasn’t. It was so unnatural. I thought it was so dumb. I was hoping the school day would have breezed by, but it actually felt like one of the longest in memory. As soon as I felt my mind was clear for a second and I got that dude off of my mind, he would either appear by me, or someone would ask me about him. I was just tired of it all. …but finally it was time. Our last rehearsal was here, and then a few more hours after that I could do this play and not have to associate with him again. Everyone was fully dressed in their costumes and ready to go except ...of course, Byran. He told us all that we should not worry, the costume was good to go but he just wasn’t ready to wear it until the real performance. I think we were all skeptical, but for the past 12 years at this school, Byran had always come through with his word, so we just took it and let him rehearse in his clothes. I was more in my zone this time, but it was weird. I felt like Byran was trying to seduce me, or maybe not just me, everyone. For the most part his acting was on point as per usual, but he was also trying to show off his body as much as possible. I don’t know if it was evident to everyone else, but he was showing me everything. There was one point where he lifted his arms up to their capacity and it showed his entire torso …I quickly looked away but not before noticing that the fucker now had abs. They weren’t like abs on a fitness model …but they were definitely abs. Like what the fuck, this fucker was still changing. He stripped 3 times yesterday, and while flat and smooth, he did not have abs. How. The. Fuck. It threw me off a lot, as you could tell...but I recovered quickly and I stopped focusing on him. I had to remind myself that he was just a thing that I had to deal with for a just few more hours. …but oh, shit! The car. The Ocean. The Leaving The Car. The Boat. I could only wonder if I should do it this time. I didn’t want to …but I had to. Shit. Crap. Fuck. …the Kiss. I thanked the havens that we didn’t lock lips for long …but then it hit me that it was because immediately we were all surprised by Byran letting out a loud moan. It was the strangest fucking shit. He quickly apologized and then ran off to the bathroom. Everyone looked at me …I guess I was the expected one to go run after him? Ugh. Even though I hated this dudes guts I guess I did fell a little bad as that had to be embarrassing. I reluctantly starting going to the bathroom. I walked so slowly hoping that he’d already come out so I wouldn’t have to confront him…or talk to him at all. ---but I wasn’t that lucky. I heard some strange sounds coming from the backroom, and it made me a little concerned so I busted open the door …and the fucking fucker was jacking off! I immediately turned around and slammed the door. I can’t even describe how mad it made me! He didn’t even bother to go and do it in a stall! ----I could have done without seeing what I saw, but I must admit that holy shit that penis was impressive. If that is what he’s always been holding, I can easily understand how he had this quiet confidence all these years despite the ugly face. …But I guessed it was logical in the most messed up way to think it was probably just another effect of whatever the fuck that was going on with him. Maybe he had a nice start though? …anyway, it was too much thinking about dick. I stood outside of the bathroom trying to take it all in; I couldn’t believe what I just saw. Apparently though, that was just enough time for him to come out just as I started to walk away. I tried to just keep walking but he ran right in front of me …he was sweating bullets, his pants weren’t all the way on, his shirt was still rolled on his chest and he was breathing so heavy. I got a full look this time. He was lean, and he was fit. It didn’t look like he grew much, but his skin tighter. His chest was definitely fuller and he seemed be growing perfect fuzz on top of it. I couldn’t help but think that if I were into guys, I’d be all over it in a second. A sweaty fit girl is irresistible. He looked me dead in the face, his voice was so husky and he said “ahhh, thank you for walking in. You seeing me was all that I needed to finish up” …and then he turned his back to me walked ahead. He didn’t even give me a chance to really comprehend or respond to anything. He also didn’t adjust his clothes until he got back in the theater room. Knowing he was just showing off made me pissed again. The rest of the evening was a blur. Everyone was hectic trying to set up and make sure everything was working correctly for the opening. We both ran our lines with other people and just continued and pushed on. I noticed that Byran kept taking frequent trips to the bathroom. He was still sweating so he was drinking a lot and I’m sure a lot of people thought he was just going to go pee, but I knew what he was doing ...and again, it just made me hate him more. FINALLY though, it was time for *the* performance, it was time for this to all be over. We were all still worried about Byran’s costume, but finally went to go get dressed and came out of the dressing room and … It was perfect. He actually did restore the costume back to normal. He even padded the costume to make it look like he had all of his natural girth. It was a huge relief and I think it put everyone at ease and in the mood to really get going again. And then suddenly…it was time. We found our places and we heard the audience start to pack the room. It felt like only a few seconds before the curtains begin to roll …and it was at that moment, that without missing a beat, Byran unzipped his costume and revealed the same insanely skin tight getup he tried to wear the day before …altered. It looked like he made it even tighter, somehow. He cut the sleeves all the way to the point where they were pointless. He switched out the pants we had for him with something that almost looked like the tightest leather he could find. He fooled us, very well. It was too late to do anything about it, and too late for any of us to react because the curtain was up and it was time to run lines. He had such a cocky smile on his face and I’m sure it annoyed everyone as much as it annoyed me. As usual, though, he gave the performance his all. I was doing well too, I think, but I couldn’t help but notice his body. He never stopped sweating after that last kiss ….and now his veins were bulging. He really did have an amazing ability to put on a front when he needed to act. I could clearly see that a lot was going on with his body…physically, but he pushed on as if everything was completely normal. Every time I got up close to him it looked like his skin was literally pulsing. His arms were pumped as hell, and I swear that it seemed like every few minutes they were getting more defined. I convinced myself that it must have been in my head, or just from the excitement of performing. Half way through, I started noticing the bulge, too. I don’t know if he was getting turned on, or what. It was getting to the point where it was impossible to ignore. He was still pushing through the performance but it looked like he just wanted to leave and touch himself. …something was definitely going on. It was getting so crazy that I couldn’t take me eyes off of those arms, they were definitely …growing? It was so subtle, but I couldn’t have just been crazy. My eyes then focused on his torso. The costume was so tight that I could basically see everything. He showed off his V-line earlier, and right now it looked insane. It was so tight and vascular, I really didn’t understand how. With every twist and turn it looked like the area was getting more defined…and then, what? His abs! His fucking abs were getting more and more visible through his shirt. How?! It was just so distracting. He was literally pulsating. I was on auto-pilot at this point as far at the play was concerned. I guess by this point I was so used to being in this distracted situation that I don’t think anyone could tell the difference. And then that moment. That all too familiar moment that was finally almost over for good. I was ready for it…and here it came… The car. The Ocean. The Leaving The Car. The Boat. …and oh God. The Kiss. …and this time I saw it. He tried to stay as still as possible in my arms as we brought the play to a close, but he was jolting. He was sweating so much that it was even starting to make me wet, and his body and his muscles were contracting at an alarming rate. His calves, his thighs, his biceps and triceps, his abs, even his neck. Everything seemed to be going crazy but he was just there, moaning quietly while still remaining in character as the curtain was closing. I was so happy that this was the final kiss, that it was hard to even take in what I was seeing, but it was amazing at the same time. The curtains started to close and it felt like everything was in slow moment and it was taking forever to all be over. I continued to hold him in my arms as he had this look of absolute equal pleasure and pain on his face. I think I would have been concerned if it didn’t look like he was enjoying it so much. Those skin tight leather pants seemed to be suffering as his bulge looked like it was trying to break free of their cage. I couldn’t divert my eyes from him so I saw everything. As the pulsating subsided, I saw it first in his arms. They exploded in veins and it looked like he was flexing though all indications suggested that he was actually relaxed. All I could picture was that scene in Twins where Arnold’s bicep tore through the shirt without him flexing. Right in front of my eyes they were firming and seeming getting bigger. I don’t think he had any fat left on them at all …and then I noticed his chest. That shit was impressive outside of his shirt, but now it was nuts on the outside too. You could see all of the striations and it looked like it was alive as both pecs bounced up and down. His shoulders seemed to almost be pushing his head up as his shirt began to stretch upward guided by their increased height and spread. It was at that point that I realized my hands were on his ass as I was holding him up, and it was only then I noticed just how firm it had gotten. It was solid muscle. His leather pants looked like they were really being pushed to the brink. I don’t think I’d ever seen someone look so fit up close before, the shape was insane. His legs started to look like they were carved to be that way. The thighs were a perfect gumdrop to the knee, and even through the leather his calves seemed like they were something that would be a marathon runner to shame. I then diverted my attention to his face. Dude now looked like he was in heaven. He had the most cheeky smile on his face, and it actually looked it was getting tighter. His jaw line was more apparent than it had ever been, and I must have been definitely been going crazy because it also looked like he was growing stubble. …the curtains finally lowered and before me or anyone else had a chance to say anything he had his dick out and started whacking away. I immediately dropped him on the floor and turned the other way. It made everyone uncomfortable but he was really in his own world at this point. I didn’t even stick around for anything, I had to leave. I just went home. I didn’t say a word to anyone. That was my last play and the last I wanted to do anything with theatre. It took all my energy to convince myself that I wasn’t crazy. Knowing that Byran’s body was rapidly changing overnight was confusing, but to actually be holding him and staring at something that should have been impossible really messed with my head. He went from being a fat ass, to an average slob, to really skinny, to looking athletic, to having a model body, and then to looking like a fitness trainer. This happened all so fast and dramatically …in a time frame that just blew my mind away. I spent the rest of the school year just avoiding Byran. It wasn’t that hard to do because his flock of groupies just got bigger and kept a wide radius between us at all times. I didn’t want to hear his name, I didn’t want to be in his presence. I completely blocked him out, and when he was the topic of conversation my mind just went into cyberspace. A few years later, I did get over it finally though. As it turns out, we were right all along, he was pretty much the only one of us who was famous after school ended. I guess it was a no brainer considering he had a new hot body, a new ego, and has always had the talent to match. He got picked up pretty quickly by a pretty popular sitcom and had quite a few small roles in some A level films. Word is that after the play he never had another sudden spurt of muscle growth...but he never lost it either. All he would do was go to the gym about once a week, and that was enough to maintain a body that was the epitome of envy for most people. He was getting pretty consistent acting jobs for about two years, however, apparently that was all too boring for him. I thought he got into just something else, and that was good because I no longer saw his name being plastered around, but I’ll never forget the day that I was on pornhub and then I saw that face. He was actually handsome now, and banging my favorite sexy Latina girl. It was nuts. Byran was actually doing porn. It was almost funny because I had to accept the fact that apparently I’d never completely escape this guy. The word on the street was that after his first shirtless scene, he got many offers from major porn studios. The one he went with offered the top plastic surgeon in the country to fix his face, and he pretty much immediately signed a multi-million dollar contract with them. It worked for him too, you could tell it was Byran, but I’d scare it was a much better looking older brother. It was also crazy because apparently he was up for almost anything. Gay, straight, orgy, S&M, he was pretty much in every category I clicked. I noticed that in all the thumbnails, he was insanely fit, though in some more than others. I guess it would change depending on how much he actually worked out or not. It seemed apparently his ego never changed either, because the bastard even used his real name. Through the whole Byran fiasco and for a long time afterward, I never considered the possibility that I had anything to do with his changes. It was just something that I never understood, and something I never completely believed he didn’t cause somehow. Even with him popping up in my porn sessions, I still mainly blocked him and everything that happened during the play out. I thought I’d never know what was going with him, and I honestly did not want to know anymore. I wouldn’t be sitting here and telling you this story if that was my only experience though. He was just one person, one lucky son of a bitch that I happened to have worked with… I’m telling you, my lips are cursed. I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but I have this power. Byran was the first, but he certainly wasn’t the last. Unfortunately I only had a few normal years until my sophomore year of college where I was faced head on with another situation that was even more fucked up than this one…
  3. X: I haven't proof read it yet, but I can't seem to save it so make do, point out mistakes and I'll get back to it. *** Stephen had walked up to the gymnasium at least five times over the past couple days. Each time he'd wimp out and back off, only to build himself back up soon after and make it back out. The rugby team were meeting here, each day this week as the season started. They were preparing, getting ready for a tough year where their opponents looked bigger than ever. They had to get pumped up, gunning to win and Stephen wanted to be in there and be a part of that. Today he made it. The first thing he noticed when he swung open the door was the smell. Next was the noise. The grunts and moans of 20 men working out, pushing, pulling, pumping. All was accompanied by a musk, the stench of sweat and dirt that was just intoxicating. None looked up from what they were doing as Stephen entered. He wondered if they noticed him at all. Stephen had been working out for some time now but he felt he just couldn't pack the mass on. He'd look at himself in the mirror and flex and he'd notice the vascularity of his arms, the peak of his bis, how his peaks shifted under his skin as he bounced them around. He had rows of abs that were admired, by everyone but him. He was a pretty boy but he wanted to be thick. He wanted to have mounds of muscle packed upon each other, thick pecs resting below thick arms and a thick back. Just thick. He wanted to look in the mirror and get hard and he felt no better place than to get inspiration and support than the rugby team. The coach had noticed him as he walked in and approached him. "Hey! We're in the middle of training at the moment, if you'd like to come back later I think they co-" "No, no, I'm here for the team" Stephen cut him off "I want to join this year" The coach laughed "I'm not so sure mate, we're pretty much packed up this year" he pat his gut as he said that; it was firm "And we've got to be big y'know" Stephen noticed the coach look him up in down. Stephen was doing the same. The coach looked young, but mature. He had a heavy stubble on a perfectly sculpted jaw. Chest hair burst out of this coach shirt that must have been two sizes two small. It clung to him like wet, accentuating his broad back and chest, each nipple poking out, hard. He certainly didn't have abs but he wasn't fat. His gut was packed and powerful, he was built like a brick house. Along with the rest, his shorts left nothing to the imagination. That bulge was fascinating and his thighs pulled each short leg tight. He hadn't seen the coach's ass but he assumed it'd be much of the same. "Well what have you got?" Stephen realised he'd been gawking "Um, how do you mean?" He was getting hard, he could feel it. "Prove that you can make the team." The coach licked his lips "Drop and give me 50" Stephen did. And each one he pumped out coach counted. "1... 2... 3..." He got to 45 when he said "Okay, 100" "What?" Stephen slowed "Give me 100, hear me!" Stephen didn't answer, he kept pumping them out and he kept going after a hundred and the coach didn't stop counting. Eventually he collapsed under his own weight. The coach laughed "Oh man, that's a valiant effort" Stephen could feel his chest pound under his shirt. It felt tighter as it rubbed against his nipples. "You've got potential kid. Come with me" The coach started to walk away so Stephen dragged himself up and followed. He walked into the locker-room. Stephen was about to follow him when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Oi, what the fuck do you think you're doing here?" The voice was deep. Stephen turned around and came face to face with the thickest chest he'd seen in some time. Stephen wasn't short so this guy was tall and he was built. His body dripped with sweat, glistening under the gym light as he panted heavily. "Uh... well I'm looking to join the team" "Ha! You? I doubt it" this dude look Stephen up and down just like the coach did "Take your shirt off" "What?" "I said take your fucking shirt off" Stephen didn't hesitate. He peeled off his shirt and held it. The man in front of him took it from him and held it up. "Well you won't be needing this any more" So he tore it. Like paper, it fell to his feet. "I'm Mark, I'm the captain" Mark began to put forward his hand so Stephen instinctively mirrored and went in for a handshake. But Mark didn't stop. He went forward and put his hand on Stephen's chest. He rubbed it over and around, squeezing each pec and grabbing firm each nipple. His hand wandered down over his abs as he bit his lip. He nodded. "Turn around" Stephen did. He was getting hard. He stood there for a moment, in silence before Mark gave him a hard slap, right on his ass. "Yeah, don't worry, you'll be useful here" Mark walked away, a thick pair of glutes bouncing behind him. Stephen readjusted and made his way into the locker room. The coach was sitting there, legs wide. "What took you so long? I doesn't matter. I'm actually happy you showed up today, you'll be very helpful. A useful addition to the team" the coach got up and started rifling around in his bag. "So wait- I made the team?" "Uh, yeah sure" He was distracted "Just not right now, you gotta try something first. Come here." Stephen came close as the coach pulled something from the bottom of his bag. It was a clear box with a vial. And in his other hand was a capped syringe. "Coach I don't know if I can do that!" Stephen stood back "It's cheating and doesn't it fuck up your junk" The coach chuckled "No, it doesn't. And it's not that. It's something else. It'll get you on the team" Stephen was intrigued again. "You need to get big, and this will do it" The coach gave them both to Stephen. "I want you to go home and give yourself this. Just 20ccs. No more. Not yet. Then I want you to have a big meal. And I mean big, as much as you can get. Carbs, protein, you know, workout food. If you can get some shakes in there too, that'd be great. It should work" "Should?" "Well, yeah, this is a new batch. It can be hit and miss but I tried some on one of the players. It worked pretty well, you might've noticed him" Stephen thought he did. "Go on kid, get home. Come back tomorrow, this year's gonna be hard." *** Stephen sat at his dining room table. He pulled the vial out of the container and stuck the syringe in. He pulled out the recommended amount and stuck it into his arm. He felt nothing so he began to eat. Before him sat a personal buffet. He had pulled food out of the fridge, his meals for a week, three quarters of a left over chicken, a gallon of milk, beef, bacon. He poured himself out some protein shakes, he had cereals and toast and he began to ravage it all. The more he ate the more hungry he felt. He ate and he ate and he ate. He ate until he was full and he continued to eat until he was done. With it all. He ate more than he thought could fit in his stomach and it showed. He laid back and pat his full stomach. It was pronounced as his shirt rode up over it. As he rubbed it to sooth it, it began to grumble. It grumbled and grumbled and it shrunk. Immediately it went away, from bloated back to his washboard abs. He was amazed; it must have worked. Stephen didn't feel any bigger though. He was going to wait though, he trusted this would work. *** Stephen was getting ready. He was meeting with a friend later and he'd be over soon. Pulling over a shirt it felt tight. Not too much but it did feel like it was a stretch to get on. Same with the pants; tight around the calves. The door bell rang. "Hey man, how's it going?" "Oh you know" Stephen's friend Rob entered "Getting by." Rob entered the living room and sat down. "So what've you been up to?" "I went to try out for the rugby team today" "Oh no way, I didn't think you'd be interested in that" "Well, they let me in" "Congrats man! How'd you do it, suck the coach's dick?" He laughed Stephen blushed, he felt his body tighten "He gave me this stuff, to get me big" "Come on dude, you shouldn't get into that shit-" "No, it's not that it's like thi-" he paused. He felt his body shift. "Like this stuff that processes protein or something I don't know. Hey you want a drink?" "Sure." Stephen made his way to the kitchen. He felt a draft on his ankles. He looked down and saw his pants were shorter than they were just before. And they were tight. He felt it cling around his legs, stretched out. And his shirt felt like he'd picked out one from years ago. He wondered if it was noticeable. He brought the drinks in. Rob looked over as he came in and laughed "hey, you wanna go put on some proper clothes?" Stephen looked down. He noticed his treasure trailing poking from the bottom from his shirt. Was it thicker than usual? "I swear these fit earlier" "Ha, ha, very funny man now do-" *RIP* Stephen's pants tore down the side. His quads spilt out. They were definitely thicker than before. "Dude..." Rob's mouth was agape Stephen laughed and smiled, proud. He began to squat. His pants tore again, right across the ass. Standing back off he grabbed the front and pulled them right off. Standing in just his underwear he began to flex his legs. He was putting on a show for Rob. Then his focus turned upwards. Stephen turned around and flexed out his lats. He was wide and with it his shirt tore in two places, right on each side. Then he turned back and flexed his biceps. Each one tore through each sleeve. His shirt was shredded. As he pulled it off he began to take in his new body. The serum worked, he was much thicker. His abs weren't as defined but they were there and they felt powerful. He'd almost forgot Rob was in the room as he pulled a bunch of poses, each one turning him on a little more. Suddenly Rob's hand was on his chest. "I swear you weren't this big before" His finger rubbed over a nipple. It made Stephen harder. Stephen looked down and saw Rob had something growing in his pants. He smiled. Rob blushed and stepped back, picking up his bag. "I've got to go dude, something's come up." He rushed out the house. Stephen didn't mind, he had his own body to work with. He quickly made his way upstairs and stood in front of his full length mirror. His was definitely big. Pulling out some more poses he assessed his body. His biceps were like boulders, each one much thicker than before. They were longer and rounder and filled up each arm. His forearms matched, and were nicely vascular. His shoulders were like rocks. But it was his pecs that amazed him. They were round and heavy and soft in each hand. He bounced them and they rippled along his chest. He twerked each nipple, for each felt much rounder and thicker than before. They were suckable. His abs definitely weren't as visible but he felt strong. He was like an offseason bodybuilder early in their career. He loved the look. He was fully hard and leaking precum. His underwear was beginning to stain so he pulled them off, already fraying around the edges. His dick stood tall and full of girth. It was bigger than before. Grabbing it in his hand he began to rub as he looked down his body to his legs. His quads were fucking massive, powerful. His calves had to be seen to be believed. But his ass, oh his ass. Round and thick, he made each bun bounce. It was more than a bubble butt, it was a beachball butt. This would make Mark happy. That thought pushed him over the edge. He'd been stimulating his throbbing cock that seemed to just grow in his hands until he couldn't hold it back any more. He came and he came loads. All over the mirror, it dripped down the reflection of his brand new body. He fell back on his bed and smiled. Coach would be proud. END OF PART 1
  4. TheWeremuscleForest

    Initiating Another Milking Agent (Muscle Genie)

    Check out the previous installments here: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2206-the-milking-agent-part-1-2/ After finally giving in to his desires and growing into an furry beast like Gabe and Madison, Russell finishes having hot manly sex with his master sharing milk with him and vice versa. Knowing that they can’t grow any further, the thought crosses their minds as to who they could convert next. Gabriel still sits behind them scooping up the cum he shot when he saw Russell become a giant himself. He tries to stand up from where he is sitting and struggles to regain his footing. He ends up falling out the window directly behind him and tumbles to the ground. The other two manage to go over to see if he is alright since he fell about three stories and landed on the concrete. ‘Uhhh…..*looks up at them where the window was and laughs* I’m fine I think *sees the blood that was spilled from his body being absorbed back inside him and grins* OMG boys, we can’t be hurt…..at least when it is just a minor fall like this. *sees the broken concrete around him* FUCK ME! I LOVE IT! *looks back up at them again* You two can enjoy yourselves up there, I am going to go look for some fun myself. *gets up out of the crater and turns to start waddling towards the other side of the city*’ Madison and Russell feel each other up again while trying to brainstorm who else they know that is close to them that they want to convert. Since he is part of the financial division of the company, Russell remembers that one of his young coworkers always stared at him in a very flirty way. Madison thinks he knows who that is since he has sat in on some of their meetings since he is Gabriel’s assistant. Since it is afterhours, they have to come up with a plan to get this guy to come in. Russell thinks that he can tell him that they are having an emergency meeting and needs his help to come up with a solution especially since the building is in such disarray. They both laugh in their deep baritones and give several nice tugs on each other’s nipples spraying milk all over themselves. Trying not to get into another sex session, Russell says he will go find a phone in another part of the building to get the ball rolling. Madison stands there trying to think of someone he knows that could be a part of this plan too. The only other guy he can think of is his friend from the cafeteria, Galen. He knows that sometimes he stays late to cleanup and generally can’t hear things on the bottom floor. Wasting no more time, he starts waddling his way through the third floor and down a flight of stairs nearby. When he gets to the bottom floor, he reaches for the door to go out into the main lobby and accidentally rips it off the hinges like it is made of paper. The sheer power in his hands amazes him as he tosses the door beside him. When he walks through the doorway, he looks around to see if anyone is still in the building. The cafeteria is located about 100 feet down the hall which he quickly starts rushing towards. When he finally gets there, he can hear someone in behind a nearby wall located just beside where he is standing. He decides to just press on it which makes the drywall shift and start collapsing. The voice behind the wall yells in fright. ‘HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE HELL!? *moves back away from the crumbling wall* What is going on with this….. *sees the giant figure in front of the wall* OH GAWD….. *starts running the other way*’ Madison jumps through the hole in the wall and shakes the floor making everything in the kitchen area bounce around and fall over. The man ends up getting knocked down by falling dishes and pots. He continues to yell in fright fearing for his life as this huge giant continues to walk towards him. When Madison finally stands above the rubble, he pushes the mountain of debris off of his scared buddy and picks him up. The man is actually fairly large, not muscled but rather husky. He is wearing a dirty tank top and a pair of shorts that do little to cover up most of his crotch. He tries to punch Madison in the face but ends up doing very little damage to him and may have hurt himself. He grabs his hand and groans feeling the pain go up his arm. The huge giant restrains him and looks him straight in the eyes. The man seems really distracted now as he tries to figure out who this might be. ‘Wait? You look vaguely familiar. *stares at Madison’s mountainous pecs and leaky nipples* You…..are leaking…..but you are not…..*seems really distraught*…..I don’t understand…..’ Madison smiles and forces the man’s face into his huge pecs. The man feels the muscles pressing against his face and tries to resist. He can’t breathe in fact which makes the giant pull him away from them. The man gasps several times before staring up at Madison’s face again. The giant looks down at him and gives him an ultimatum. ‘Galen…..*talks in a softer tone*…..I’m Madison remember? Well, I don’t look the same exactly but I’m still your pal Madison. *smiles before placing Galen in front of his engorged nipples* I need you to do something for me buddy. Will you suck all of the milk out of my pecs for me please? I would try to myself, but I can’t seem to be able to reach them. *laughs*’ Galen’s eyes widen as Madison bounces both pecs spilling milk down his bloated gut. The small man writhes trying to get free but the giant just increases his grip which makes the little man grimace. Once again, Madison places the man’s face in front of his huge engorged hairy pecs. This time the man seems a little more receptive to his orders and opens his mouth to lick his swollen left nipple. He gets a few drops of milk on his tongue and moans tasting its sweet mixture. It isn’t long before he locks his lips on the nipple and guzzles down everything it makes. Madison feels the changes immediately taking hold in Galen as the man’s body quickly starts to grow. His legs and quads expand rapidly making the giant have to loosen his grip on him. He can hear Galen grunting as he moves over to Madison’s other swollen nipple and goes crazy draining it. The sensation makes the big man spray multiple jets of cum all over the kitchen. Galen’s back muscles are doubling up on themselves as his tank is unable to compete with the incredible mass now forming on his frame. It completely disintegrates in seconds as his arms, pecs, and gut grow at the same time. He grips the giant with his growing hands as he continues expanding wider feeling his spine crack and lengthen feeling himself getting taller to accommodate the additional size. ‘MORE! *shorts rip off* MORE! *ass flares out and cock thickens* MMMMMM…..*drains Madison’s right nipple* AHHHH! *looks down at his swollen roidgut and punches it* Oh my gawd, my pecs are so sensitive. *feels them and realizes that they are also filling up with milk* OHHH SHIT…..I am going to cum so much……*blasts his volcano all over Madison which draws several moans from the big guy* MMMMM……*moves down to swallow his master’s cock and works it over*’ Madison humps his mouth for several minutes before he shoots his huge load down Galen’s throat. The now equally large hairy beast pulls his master’s cock out of his mouth and stands up to look at him face to face. They grin at each other and start rubbing their roidguts together before they decide to start wrestling around destroying everything in the kitchen area. Eventually they end up going through another wall and landing on the ground out into the main lobby. The two sweaty monsters finally take a breather before Madison moves down to delicately suck on Galen’s mammoth blond haired pecs. The sensation makes the newly christened giant roar in delight as his cock erupts each time Madison slurps the milk out of his pecs. It gets to the point where the master giant alternates between sucking Galen’s cock and sucking on his huge nipples. ‘Ohh buddy, you taste so much better than Russell. I could do this for hours and hours if I could. *realizes that he is making Galen lose consciousness and stops* Whoops, I will let up on you pal.’ Galen sits up once Madison quits servicing him. The blond haired giant looks him in the eyes and gives him a deep kiss on the lips which is returned by the darker haired behemoth. He realizes that Galen does have feelings for him as he leans against him. They pet each other’s bodies for a few moments before they start talking again. ‘So…..when did this happen to you Madison? I am guessing that this happened not too long ago since I just saw you a couple of days ago. Have you destroyed the rest of the building yet? *laughs in his new baritone*’ ‘Well….*rolls his eyes* not the whole building, but the third floor is pretty ransacked. I am not the only one in this condition in case you were wondering.’ Galen grins before he scoots over to a nearby wall to pick himself up. He then walks back over to Madison to help him up. They start walking down the main lobby together still talking. ‘I am anxious to know who else you have changed Madison. I’m not sure I have ever met this Russell you are talking about.’ ‘Ahh, he is this incredibly sexy redhead. Changing him was fun, but not quite as fun as it was changing you.’ Galen reaches over to plant another kiss on Madison’s lips before pounding on the big guy’s pecs making milk cascade down his chest again. The dark haired giant does the same to Galen which starts another sequence of spraying each other with milk. Galen’s sensitivity in his pecs ultimately is also leading to faster production of sperm as well as Madison is finding out. He gives the blond giant a few sucks on his huge tool and gulps down the thick juices he produces. Once he is done drinking his white flood, he gets back up on his feet to answer another question Galen asks him. ‘So the growth stops once I suck the milk out the first time Madison?’ ‘It appears that is true pal. I hope we can figure out a way around this though since we will probably run out of converts eventually.’ The two behemoths begin searching for Russell who is looking for someone himself to convert.
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