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  1. TheWeremuscleForest

    Protein Does A Body Good

    ‘Mmm oh gawd Todd this stuff is so fucking good you have to try it.’ ‘Damn Jake you really need to slow down on all of that food, you are going to get so damn fat.’ ‘You have to eat big to get big buddy. I can’t wait until I blow up huge, I just wish my growth was quicker. It is never enough I swear.’ ‘You are crazy man. I will never understand your need for all of this food. I hate these damn buffets, can’t we go to an actual restaurant sometime.’ ‘Hehe maybe on a rest day Todd, but after one of these fucking crazy workouts, I need to fill my belly with all kinds of stuff. I have no choice it is a need not a want hehe.’ Jake has a real love affair with food. Even before he got into weightlifting he loved it. He grew up wanting to be big and always researched how to get there. Once he got started into both on a regular basis, he realized that his body could grow if he fed it as much as possible. Buffets have become his favorite stops because of the huge amounts of food they provide. His close friend and training partner Todd goes with him to eat a lot mainly because Jake likes to make him uncomfortable and maybe because he likes him a little more than he shows. Jake’s interesting features originally drew Todd in when they first met. He has blondish red hair and has grey eyes to go along with his thick beefy muscles. At first Todd was only interested in Jake as a workout partner, but it grew more personal as he watched Jake slowly get bigger over time. He usually wears obscenely tight clothes which strain each time they go to eat. Todd suspects that he does this on purpose in case a sleeve rips or maybe one of his shirts bust open after he makes his stomach bloat. Todd’s secret crush on Jake is probably the main reason why he withstands all of these buffet trips. Normally in the back of his mind as he sits and watches the big brute eat, he imagines Jake fulfilling his need to go all in and make his muscles explode as he gulps down each and every morsel. He will just stare off into the distance sometimes listening to Jake moaning as he eats his food. ‘HEY! Are you drifting again buddy? Where do you go man? I know you get tired of listening to me down this stuff, but you don’t know what you are missing. MMMM’ ‘No it’s alright Jake. I just want to eventually go somewhere that doesn’t involve consuming multiple plates of the same food over and over. I am lucky if I get two of them emptied each time.’ Jake sits back in his chair and pounds on his stomach as it makes a hollow sound. The buttons on his dress shirt have started to stretch to their limits. His hairy stomach protrudes a bit making Todd stare a tad at the reddish hair peeking through. Jake winks before letting out a slight belch. ‘Hmm I think I need another plate buddy. I’ll be back in a few minutes.’ Todd watches the big guy get up and go back over to the buffet line after clearing his third plate. He starts to daydream again but this time goes all in on his fantasies of the huge stud. He can’t quite pinpoint exactly what he is feeling at that moment but in this instance it feels slightly different like there is some force making him go further into his fantasy of making Jake grow. This entire sequence must have lasted several minutes because when he snaps out of his fantasy, Jake is already back at the table getting ready to tear into his food again. ‘I swear Todd you need to stop doing that because you might never come back the next time.’ ‘Uhh sorry Jake, I don’t know what is going on with me today. This is happening more than usual for some reason. Is that your fourth plate?’ ‘MMMM it is buddy. I think this will be my last one though since you seem like you are getting distracted. I don’t want to keep you from getting something else done.’ Todd looks at him and smiles. ‘No it is quite alright man. You go ahead and eat and I’ll just watch I guess.’ ‘Okay suit yourself Todd.’ Jake takes a big bite of the chicken on his plate and lets out a deep moan. He almost seems to be having a moment. ‘Ohh fuck…..damn that is some good meat…..i can’t remember the last time I tasted something that good.’ Todd smiles back again as he stares at the nicely-shaped boulders of muscle straining inside of the beefy stud’s arms. His amusing thought of what Jake said almost escapes him as he notices a slight change in them. The huge vein sitting over top of his left bicep appears to have increased in size somehow at least it looks that way from his perspective. He wonders if it is his imagination playing with him, but he continues to watch it as it contracts. It looks like every time he swallows a bite, the vein grows a little more. ‘Mmmm I’m feeling really warm all of a sudden Todd, hehe must be all of this protein passing through my body.’ Todd looks around the buffet just to see if anyone else is noticing what he is seeing. Nope for the most part the place is starting to clear out since it is getting closer to the late hours of the evening. He can see the fabric starting to fray a little bit on both sleeves as both biceps appear to be slowly growing. Todd’s eyes grow huge as he witnesses this happening in front of him. ‘Uhh Jake…..I think your shirt is having a bit of a problem. Your sleeves appear to be having issues with your arms.’ ‘MMMM…..huh? What do you mean? *looks at his biceps* Ohh hehe, that is strange. I swear I just bought this shirt not too long ago. Oh well I must be pumped up from that workout earlier today. I think I might have to get another plate Todd. I’m so sorry man I really am but the buffet today just tastes so good for some reason.’ Jake scoops up some of the remaining chicken and licks the fork with his tongue. Todd’s eyes instantly go to the lifter’s forearms as they begin to stretch wider. The veins and tendons expand slowly pulling the skin in both arms tighter as the muscles grow larger. Jake seems oblivious to his change as he sits there taking in the flavor of the chicken. ‘Okay man, time for another plate. This time I think I will get the turkey with a little bit of ham too. Sit tight okay.’ Jake starts to get up as Todd notices the big guy’s huge cock starting to stretch further down his shorts. He can almost see the thick cockhead peeking out from the right side of them. Todd himself feels his own cock straining as he reaches down to adjust it. Before long, Jake is already back at the table and sits down with a huge grin on his face. He looks over at Todd who is starting to sweat a bit. ‘What is going on with you man? You feel bad or something? Maybe you need to eat something.’ Todd watches eagerly as Jake puts turkey in his mouth and chews it slowly. As he swallows it, Todd hears fabric ripping. He sees that Jake’s biceps have finally torn their way through the sleeves as the rip moves all the way up to his shoulders which appear to be growing too. The round bulbous muscles are stretching the fibers to their limits as they begin to emerge through the seams. Todd hears them slowly ripping apart which makes him moan a bit louder. In fact, the growth seems to be moving all over Jake’s body now. He sees Jake’s pecs swelling to the point that they spill up and out the top of his button-up shirt. ‘MMMM OHH YEAH! THIS TASTES SO FUCKING AMAZING!’ Jake’s voice gets louder as Todd can see the changes happening much faster now. Jake’s shirt buttons begin to fly everywhere as his pecs and stomach grow beyond the limits of them. His delts, lats, and the majority of the muscles in his back tear through the fabric like paper as his reddish fur thickens on top of them. He appears to be getting a major rush from the turkey as he puts the fork down to flex his expanding guns. His shirt completely shreds as he does this revealing his immense upper body as it continues to grow. Todd looks at him in awe as he pulls his cock out from under the table to start stroking it. ‘OH FUCK THAT TASTED SO GOOD MAN. HOLY SHIT, I think I am starting to leak pre Todd.’ Jake stands up and feels a trail of clear fluid running down his right leg as his cock travels its way further down his quad. Todd moans softly to himself so his huge friend can’t hear him. The growing lifter leans down to put his hands back on the table to start eating the ham which still sits on the plate. ‘I just can’t stop eating buddy…..mmmm fuck it is like I can’t concentrate anymore.’ As he picks up his fork again to eat the ham, Jake’s growing lower body shreds his shorts as the seams rip under the pressure of his furry reddish blonde quads. Todd sees his growing friend’s calves doubling up on themselves as he also appears to be growing taller. With each bite of the ham, Jake’s back makes a cracking sound as his body appears to be readjusting itself. He seems unaware that his legs and feet are slowly moving away from the table with the extra height. His hand still planted on the table is beginning to make it creak a little more. Todd strokes harder on his cock as he moans a little louder getting the attention of his hungry buddy. ‘Whoa Todd, I guess you do like me a lot. Hehe I should have known that I guess.’ As he finishes off the ham, the remaining fabric from his shorts falls to the ground revealing his giant cock and huge bubble butt to accommodate his growing hairy quads and powerful calves. He stands there completely nude rubbing his round belly as his wet cock bounces freely dribbling a thick stream of precum on the floor. He starts to feel the thick fur running up and down his body slowly massaging each hair and looks down to examine himself. It is like he always knew this would happen because he barely reacts whatsoever. As he places his enormous hands back down on the table, it makes a loud noise and breaks in half. He smiles at the rubble falling in front of his face and flexes his biceps. Todd’s erect cock is in plain view now as he just avoids the carnage. Jake winks as he walks over to where his admirer is sitting. He looks him in the eyes and picks him up in his arms. He carries the smaller man over to the buffet and knocks the top part of it off to sit Todd down on the counter. Todd can see now that there is no one left in the buffet. ‘Want to hand feed me Todd? I think this could be a lot of fun don’t you think?’ He winks and even places the small man’s hands on his chest. Todd squeezes the giant boulders as Jake bounces them slowly. Todd moans and tries to reach down for his cock again as his pants dangle below his knees. Jake stops him and pulls his pants off to throw them over to the side. He then places Todd’s hands along his lower back to let him get more acquainted. ‘No stroking man. I want you to savor it. Build you up so you can feel as good as I do. Now why don’t you turn around and get me some of that sweet potato casserole sitting there?’ Todd smiles back at him and reaches over to grab the giant spoon sitting in the tray. He fills it up with the sweet potatoes and turns to shove it into Jake’s mouth. The hungry beast chews most of it as the remainder rolls down his thick furry chest. Todd leans in to catch it with his tongue as he places his mouth on Jake’s massive pecs. He feels the incredible heat emanating from him as his tongue finds its way to the muscleman’s nipples as he begins to worship them. He hears the spoon fall to the ground as Jake growls in lust. Todd feels him grab a hold of his back as the hulk begins growing once again. ‘OHH SHIT TODD, this feels so fucking awesome. I just can’t stop loving how my body responds to the food.’ Todd feels Jake’s nipples stretching and getting bigger as he lays his head on his huge friend’s pec shelf feeling it swell beneath his face. The huge lifter must be over 7 feet tall now and easily 350 pounds. He laughs in shock as he holds his smaller friend in his arms cuddling him and rubbing his back. ‘Mmmm I love this a lot Todd. I never really had strong feelings like this for you before, but your hands on my growing body feels incredible. Instead of stroking that cock man, why don’t you put it inside my ass and make me feel how much you love my growth.’ Todd looks amazed and nods in agreement. Jake takes him over to an ice cream machine and opens the top of it. Before the small admirer has a chance to do anything else, the huge lifter rips Todd’s shirt off of him with one hand and sits him beside the machine with the other. He grabs a huge pitcher sitting by and dips it into the milk inside. He takes it out and starts gulping down the milk as it flows down his body. He then leans down to pool the milk all over Todd’s bare chest before giving the small man a very manly kiss. They both moan loudly as they lock lips. The small 180 pound Todd is shocked to see the huge 350 pound Jake push the machine off the table as he gets on top of him very slowly. Todd’s thick cock slowly pushes inside Jake’s waiting hole as he growls deeply. He maneuvers his way further down the shaft as Todd moans louder. Incredibly, Jake’s size is not too much for his small top as the big man tries to keep from hurting him. The two milk covered studs completely lose themselves in the moment as Jake feels a huge load building from inside Todd’s balls. ‘MMMM, I always knew you wanted me Todd. I want you to fill me up with that hot spunk of yours and then I will feed you something they don’t serve here on the menu.’ Todd feels the flood moving into his cock as he yells in ecstasy. ‘Fucking punch my chest man. Make my cock bounce hot stuff, come on.’ The small man punches him several times as his pecs and stomach flex showing off the huge ripples of solid muscle. Jake’s cock bounces furiously as he spills huge amounts of precum down his small lover’s chest. Todd looks into his eyes with incredible lust and has no words to speak of. Jake winks as he leans down to bury his top’s face into his pec shelf and moans himself. ‘Fuck yeah little man, cum inside me. Fulfill your desire for me and I will fulfill yours too.’ Todd rears back as he explodes inside Jake making the big man roar in delight. Todd thrusts multiple times shooting numerous ropes of thick goo inside him. The huge man’s sweaty muscles drip profusely as his cock swells up until it is almost purple. ‘OHH FUCK MAN…..I CAN’T HOLD IT ANY LONGER…..TIME FOR YOU TO EAT YOUR HOT MEAL!’ Jake quickly gets up off of Todd’s cock so he can shove his giant rod down his buddy’s mouth. The huge member pulses wildly as it contracts pushing a giant river of cum down Todd’s throat. He nearly loses consciousness as the load fills his belly full of thick cum. The huge man roars as his huge muscles flex and react with the whole sequence. He holds Todd’s head in place as his cock continues to pump jet after jet down the man’s throat. ‘OH GAWDDAMN IT TODD feels so fucking good to get that out. I guess it was a good thing you didn’t eat that much earlier because you won’t be hungry for a while now.’ Todd moans as Jake’s cock remains hard in his mouth. He slowly sucks on it lovingly running his tongue against the immense vein running along the side. This makes Jake moan in ecstasy as he smiles and looks down to wink at Todd again. The small stud can tell that another load is building inside Jake’s round balls. ‘WOW, I think this one is going to be as big as the last one Todd. Keep going buddy…..oh yeah…..just like that…..just a little more man…..OH FUCK YEAH!’ Todd tastes the sticky precum changing over to the solid white stuff again as another big juicy load goes down his throat. The load is so powerful that cum flows down the sides of his face and along his chest. Jake pulls his cock out and continues to stroke it as he leans down to lap up the cum already running down Todd’s body. His cock continues to shoot its jizz all over the feeder’s body. By the time it is done shooting, the small stud is completely coated in his sticky juices. ‘MMMM Todd, that was incredible. I think…..I need…..a break now.’ Jake falls on to the floor and appears to be unconscious. Todd lies on the table spent himself and incredibly full. He lifts his head up to look down at his immense stomach bloated from the massive amounts of cum he consumed. It is at this moment that he feels a rush of energy flowing through him. ‘OHHHH GAWD I CAN’T STOP IT……’ BOOM BOOM BOOM! Todd’s body explodes in size as his muscles nearly triple. The growth is so abrupt that his cock sprays several jets of cum into the air. The table he is laying on buckles from under him as his 180 pound frame vanishes in seconds. He lands on the floor and notices that he can’t feel any pain. He tries to move but his growing muscles prevent him from making any kind of motion. Jake still lies on the ground unconscious as his good buddy continues to grow beside him. Todd’s skin can barely keep up with the growth as he sails past 500 pounds. The cum from within his stomach finally dissipates as it now matches the rest of his giant body. He barely has enough time to notice his changes as he also goes unconscious. As the two behemoths lie there, the people in the back of the restaurant peer around the corner before calling the authorities. It isn’t known what will happen next, but in this case consuming protein certainly does a body good.
  2. msclvrtoo

    Angel: A Sequel - Part 6

    (Author's Note: Important background on this lust filled muscle worship day is in Parts 1 - 4 at the BeeKeeper's site under "msclvr") I wanted to help inaugurate this new site with this Part 6 and the previous Part 5...I seemed to really "get into" the muscle-orgy-strength passion among these testosterone-driven body-builders. Angel: A Sequel – Part VI By [email protected] Paul’s Muscle-Worshipper Perspective: Please Indulge Him (It gets hot) Grant is, as I know from much earlier in this extraordinary day, an incredible gift to me. As I shared in earlier parts to this story, he came from nowhere – literally -- and knocked on my door. In no time, he was also knocking on the door of my cynical, gay, and many times broken heart. He was also knocking at the very deepest part of my soul’s male sexuality -- my soul-sexuality – if that makes any sense. He is helping me rediscover what it is to be an alive, vibrant, caring, and a deeply sexual man. And, what it is like for two men to love deeply, passionately, and with no holds barred -- a man (me) who is all of sudden much more understanding of himself, others, and what the world needs from him. How is Grant able to do this? Frankly, that is a very good question. If you’ve read earlier parts to this story, you know he does not come “through the womb” of a human mother. In my words, as inadequate as they are, he comes from “the womb of God.” As a long-term “sometimes” atheist, that is something revolutionary for me to say. But, in this one day – since he arrived on my porch -- all of my beliefs about what is possible, especially in a man, a man to love and with whom I would share my life with, are completely upside down. Everything that used to be impossible is now possible. Long-time fantasy is now reality. I am taking Grant at face value, knowing that he has much he wants to share with me –much of it with a mysterious quality. The only thing he knows how to do is love. And he is loving me. I am beginning to understand that he loves with so many different kinds of love…not just sexual love or eros. The idea that I would never be “good enough” for a handsome musclegod – or be wanted by one like him -- is long gone. I’m happily living in what philosophers call a “state of suspended disbelief.” This very deep and reciprocated love is very new for me. All I’ve known in the past is pretty superficial, and limited to “if our bodies and cocks can turn each other on.” And those have been far and few in between. The rest of the time I have spent pretty much alone. Lots of fantasy, writing, reading, and jacking-off on the Internet stuff which, by the way, has gotten way hotter for muscle-worshippers given You-Tube and other technologies. Yet, the long existent overall sense of aimlessness, loneliness, and being unpartnered, has been my path, at least up until the miracle of this morning’s visit from Grant. I want, what I now have, for all the lonely gay guys out there. As best I can figure out, and I know my understanding is very limited, I had been longing deeply for a huge, handsome, massively-built and cut, muscle-god to come be with me and be my lover and soul-partner. In other words, my longing and my visioning for all these years – from being a teenager - was about “manifesting” what I wanted. And, after years of patience, impatience, general pissed-offness, 24/7 fantasizing and writing, and resignation, it happened. He knocked and I, despite my fears, answered in more ways than just opening the front door. No regrets about my screwed up parents. No more deep shame about being a gay man who is hard-wired to be attracted to and lust after body-builders and muscle-gods, to the exclusion of damn near every other male. He is, truly, what other muscle-worshippers know deeply, and long for, and “call out to the gods” to for themselves. Now, what has really got me going over his arrival and all our mind-blowing muscle-worshipping and sexual intimacy this day, is his unheard of: height of least 6’8”, his god-given extremely handsome good looks and ice-melting smile, his astounding combination of masses of muscle everywhere, accompanied by cuts, sinew, cords, and maps of veins that defy any Mr. Olympia competitor. He is gifted with phenomenal size – height, mass, and width – yet carries proportions that are truly carved by a modern day Michelangelo who has a fetish for really big and built men. In other words, the V from his unusually wide shoulders, to his very small waist, is something most bodybuilders would die for. This type of V on Grant, is truly a sexual invitation. And, since he’s been “following my thinking” from the “heavens” for years (see Part I), he certainly knows this. The long and short of it is that he is always reading my mind. He’s been reading my mind for years. And, as a result, he fully knows what I want in him and the world. So, he, in fact, “made” himself for me. He told me that in a very convincing explanation earlier today. I know that sounds very “woo-woo”. Yet, that is the truth as I know it now. I know I might be rambling here a bit, but I think it’s worth getting this down. And there’s more. He has a long, thick, cut, and a very muscular and veiny cock possessed by very few men….certainly not by world-class bodybuilders…many of whom have had theirs’ shrivel up for a range of reasons. The ridge of his crown is nearly twice as wide as his cock. His balls are like oranges and covered with a soft black hair. He has his black pubic hair clipped right at the top, just below his smallest poser. Rarely does anybody see muscle-gods with this type of huge package – unless it is artificially stuffed with a sock of something like that. Period. And, god, when he gets hard, it is something to see him shake and wave his manhood around! He can be like 16 year old adolescent in the showers, proudly showing himself off. As if there could be any more. Well, there is. He exudes what we might traditionally a “musky, manly, and masculine scent.” That is, however, one hell of an understatement. His “scent” has a way of disarming folks – folks that might otherwise be very intimidated by his extreme good looks, size, and muscles. It helps them relax and actually feel friendly and want to be close to him. It actually draws people to him – regular guys or body-builders. It makes no difference. And, most people, once they are close in to him, want him to flex his extremely large and veiny arms and other muscles. He has no problem if folks want to grab and squeeze his big package, either. He does this with a big smile and in a very gentlemanly way. He does not need any lessons from Dale Carnegie. His body and his warm smile are his consistent “calling cards.” Most folks are satisfied with our story that he is from a farming family in Idaho and has never had the time or money to compete. Yet, we say we have a one-of-a-kind gym in our basement where he lifts amazing poundages. Of course, he’s never traveled to compete. That mystifies folks but they don’t feel inclined to challenge him. When asked what his measurements are – as he’s already been asked in this gym today – he just says he’s grown so big so fast that he needs to re-measure himself to find out what they really are, now. Again, they’re a bit surprised because all body-builders know every possible measurement on their body. But, Grant is their friend and hero now, and they’re not taking issue with him. Grant and I spent our first hours together – in my home -- having more sex and muscle-worshipping than I’ve had in my life time. He is teaching me some mind-blowing techniques of man-to-man love in the traditions of the Great Wisdom Teachers of the Ancients. Also, given his unlimited strength, he is able to do things with my body and his body that defies anything we might call normal. He loves getting me excited and getting me off. He knows I have a related fetish. I love musclegods who can do big feats of strength – lifting, bending, grinding, collapsing – you name it, I’ll love it. He’s also an expert in telling me what I can do to get him totally aroused, poised to explode, and spew a cannon of cum, spurt after spurt. We’ve had some real “messes” to clean up. Guess that’s the product of all that ancient “wisdom”. After he burst out of his t-shirt and shorts at my request – his already huge muscles exploding all over the place -- I went out and bought clothes that I thought he might be able to fit into. Most of the time, he could fit into them -- just barely. T-shirts, jerseys, all sorts of cut-offs, sweats, jock-straps, posing gear, sandals, etc. That’s what he wore to the gym where we have been at for the last 2 hours in this private extravaganza of posing, flexing and profound muscle worship. I never would have imagined that the owner would close the place down, draw the shades, and have Grant do some posing – just so his bodybuilding clientele could do some major muscle-worshipping of Grant. No holds barred. No embarrassment. No man-to-man awkwardness. Just muscle-god men being with muscle-god men and letting it all “hang out.” Grant got them going with his truly inspiring posing and flexing, and the guys just took it from there. Jock-straps and posers came off, beginning with Grant’s. He literally got so hard that he busted out of his jock-strap. And, wow, did they ever get inspired! The male testosterone-driven sexual energy just filled the place. One other part of Grant’s “personality” is that he is absolutely 100% dedicated to me. He always wants to know “how I’m doing” or what I need or am feeling. He is not distracted by the other guys, no matter how built or good-looking they are. He’s told me he would decline a 3-way with another guy if I were not completely on-board. Shit, what more can a gay guy ask from his personal muscle-god? Even though we haven’t hit the weights yet, I know he will hover over me to make sure I lift safely and feel good about the progress I am making. He is so cute when I ask him what does he need from me. He says, “Just your company, close, real close, Paul, my special friend.” He forgets that he gave me an amazing gift earlier this afternoon. Early on I told him I was embarrassed that my cock is small. Even when I get it hard, it still is small. Without a word, he pulled me over to him, and wrapped his huge hairy hands around my cock. He concentrated. Maybe he was even praying. I felt a tingling for about 15 seconds and he pulled his hand away. Fuck, my former small soft cock was now a certifiably big soft cock. He rubbed it for a bit and, damn, I got at least an 8 inch hard-on. Just like that. Of course, I was both very shocked and extremely overjoyed. He wouldn’t explain how. He just said to be grateful. I was. He also forgot that I started to run “out of gas” with all the sex we were having. Yet, I had delivered two of the biggest loads I’ve ever experienced, one right after the other. So, I felt depleted. I told him that and apologized profusely. He looked at me so lovingly, leaned back, pulled his big monster out. He asked me to make him hard. That took no time at all. Then he asked me to give him a blow-job and be sure to keep him in my mouth so I could swallow all his cum. He promised me it would be sweet tasting. What a joy to have him fill me that way. I was so proud of being able to get all of his cock and crown into my mouth and throat, and helping him cum, that I completely ignored this nearly instant sense of invigoration I felt throughout my body. It was like someone had hooked me to a live wire. He said that was one of the benefits of “consuming” him. His sperm is just filled with what mortal men need to go as long as they want. And I sure as hell did for this entire day. Shit, what an experience that was. Another totally unexpected gift from a most unexpected but very welcomed hunk of hyper-masculine male. Now, that brings us to all of these gym muscle monsters – near naked – and Grant – naked -- and me, with the gym all to ourselves. Taking the Musclegod Worshipping Orgy Up a Notch Grant came back over to me and wondered if I was okay with he and the guys taking a shower together and “trying out some stuff”. He made it clear he wanted me to join them, if I felt comfortable. Before my new dick, I would have said an unequivocal “no.” Now that I knew I could easily sport an 8” hard-on, I was an enthusiastic “yes”. He grinned and said he wanted to show them how strong he was, yet not let on that he had, in fact, unlimited strength. I suggested that they would probably love being “manhandled”, lifted, and otherwise be dominated by him. He agreed and said he “had a few ideas” along those lines. Then, much to my surprise, he gave me my first public kiss. I did not hesitate to reciprocate. We locked lips – it seemed like forever – and no one seemed to care one bit. He was already hard and “punching me” in my gut with his huge cock. I “punched” him back with my own. We both gave each other very knowing grins. “Okay, men, let’s hit the showers and feel what muscle really feels like slicked up under nice hot water.” Grant barked this out like a drill instructor. I was overwhelmed at watching these eight huge and massive musclemen strip out of all their sweaty clothes as fast as they could. Piles thrown everywhere. Even Gus, the old manager, got into the action. “Thank God I’ve got a good lock on that front door,” he remarked to me with look of relief. Grant, already naked and displaying himself to his full glory, including a big hard cock that stood straight out, went in the large shower area first and turned on the four nozzles. No cubicles. Just wide open space. The hot water and steam kicked in quickly and surrounded him with a light mist. It looked like he was descending from the clouds. His muscles shown so brightly, even more than they had under the lights during his posing and stripping exhibition in the weight area. He started posing – more for himself, at least at this point. This was a perfect picture of an extraordinary muscle-god, surrounded by mist, clouds, and water. The water just cascaded down his massive muscles and cuts. Thank god I was there to take it all in – all of him. The guys had consumed a fair amount of Gus’s liquor in the last few hours of muscle-worshipping Grant. It was clear there were few, if any, inhibitions left among these muscle monsters. Some were built short but very thick, very wide, and very massive. Of those, some looked like former power lifters who could have beaten anyone in the World’s Strongest Man competition. Any of them looked like they could bend thick bars of steel at a moments notice. I reminded myself to ask some of them about that later to see what they could show me with their strength…despite the fact that I had Grant. I had some quick and cock-hardening fantasies of their performing feats of strength for me, with me slowly and reverently feeling their thick bodies and hard-flexed muscles while they did them. Lots of hair on many of these guys. That’s real sexy in my book. Especially when the water matted it down on their back, chest, and arms. Cocks were average size, except for one big uncut guy. He flaunted it, of course. It was cute to see them wander over to Grant and just hang around him. Some were bold enough to ask him to flex his muscles so they could feel them. And when he did, boy, did they ever work him over. As bodybuilders, they knew how to appreciate each crevasse, each indentation, each cord, and each strip of muscle tissue. Grant loved the attention and the deep admiration from these guys. Then there were a couple of gorgeous competitive bodybuilders that had manhandled Grant and his package earlier. They seemed a bit more shy. I don’t know why. Except they could not help but compare themselves to Grant’s immensity, as many of the other guys were, as well. A couple of them got together and started to compare their flexed quads. They were huge and cut, no question. Standing very close to each other, they did an abdominals and hands behind the head pose to show off their etched abs and obliques. Each shifting side to side to show it all off. The water continued to find all sorts of new routes down their flexed muscles. One started to get hard. He didn’t care. So the next guy got hard. Before I knew it they were having “sword play” with their hard cocks. God, that was a sight I never thought I’d see. They “whapped” each other hard, then they stepped forward and tried to jam their cocks into each other’s abs. Then before I knew it, they exploded into laughter, grabbing each other in a bear hug, and sandwiching their hard cocks between each other’s bulging brick-like ab muscles. Their “hug” was more like a mutual fuck of each other’s hard-muscled bodies. Shit, I’d wish I had had a camera. Or, better yet, I wish I had been right in the middle and sandwiched between them as they body-fucked each other. All of this with water streaming down their muscles and being surrounded by clouds of hot mist. Meantime, I stepped into the shower and, feeling much more secure and with more bravado then I ever would have had in my life, went up to one really tall, handsome, and built guy and told him how sexy he looked to me. He didn’t miss a beat. “So, Paul, friend of Grant, what do you like about what you see? By the way, my name is Todd.” “Fuck, where do I start. I have a mental list,” I said excitedly. “Well, start at the top and keep going,” he instructed. “First, it is so sexy to see the water run off down your chest, especially your deep cleavage, down your cut abs, and then drip off your big cock.” I couldn’t believe I was talking this way to a muscle-god that wasn’t Grant. “Keep going,” he said with a smile of understanding. “You are so much taller than me and, as you know, I think tall guys, especially when they are built like you, are so fuckin’ hot, so fuckin’ hot. It’s like all you need to do is stand there and I’ll get hard,” I added somewhat sheepishly. “Yeah, I get that a lot,” he said. “You should see me when I do some nude wrestling for pay. Talk about domination. The guys always get hard and end up feeling up all my flexed muscles. I love it,” Todd remarked with pride. Then their big treat is when I fuck the hell out of them,” he added proudly. “If I like them, I’ll let them fuck me, and that really gets their juices going,” he added matter-of-factly. He was looking at me with a big shit-eating grin. Out of the blue I asked him if I could wash him all over. He said, “Be my guest. I’ll flex each muscle as you wash it so you can get the full benefit,” he offered. I started with his back, a handful of liquid soap, and he gave me a back lat spread that made me so damn hard I thought I’d explode. I worked over his top lats, and his upper arms and rear delts which he danced for me as I touched each part. God they were hard…and so big…all of them. Then I took some soap and went down his back to his ass which, of course, he flexed for me. The striations in his glutes were astounding. I decided not to do his butt hole, though I came close to it. Down the backs of his flexed legs, slowly massaging each cord and crevasse. He was groaning and kept saying “yeah, yeah, yeah…right there, Paul…yeah, right there.” I knew he was enjoying this as much as I was. I came around to his front and he said “Now, for the big time little buddy, the big time.” I knew exactly what he meant. Grant was much bigger and more cut. But I was far from bored. This guy gave me an explosive double-bi and kept pumping it. I washed it all, feeling each and every muscle, the tissue (his fat was less than 5% I guessed), and the cords. I loved tracing the big veins that ran the length of his humongous arms. He had hairy arm pits. I just gave it my all in getting those pits clean and feeling the cords that collect and bury themselves in the pits of this muscle-god. Then his chest…his chest. Fuck, what a feeling of sensory overload that was. He expanded, drilled down, and expanded it some more. He flexed each pec so the muscles in each pec literally rolled back – one at a time -- from the tit to the base of the pec. His light coat of hair made him seem even more sexy. I couldn’t get enough of the hugeness and the hardness. I was the one groaning now. In fact, we both were groaning. Tearing myself away from his chest, I moved down and soaped up his abs and obliques which he obligingly flexed and flexed again. He was unstoppable. He was being another hyper-masculine muscle-god. The water trails were unbelievably erotic. And I now was looking down and paying close attention to his big thick cock. Not real long, but it was straight out and real hard. Muscles, veins and cords up and down the shaft with a nice big crown on it. I looked at him with inquiring eyes and he said, “Yep, I think I need my monster cleaned, too, Paul. You up for that?” “Fuck, yes. You’re beautiful,” I said enthusiastically. With a new supply of soap, I grabbed his manhood with both my hands and gave it one hell of a rub-down. Up, and down, and back….squeezing…letting go…squeezing…. pulling on the head with my fingers. The water and his buckets of pre-cum really slicked his cock up big time. Boy, his groaning just exploded into near screams of ecstasy. I had no idea I could be this good doing this. Or, maybe he just hadn’t been serviced like this for a while. Probably the latter. Then, before I knew it, his body shook, then froze, then shook again, and he hollered a pile of expletives, and his dam broke through his piss slit right into my hand. I kept pumping and pulling and shoved his cum back up his cock for more lube. More spurts. More total body flexing. And even more spurts. “Oh god, Paul, god, you were great…thank you, man…that was just awesome…drained me dry….will Grant let me take you home with me?” he asked breathlessly. “I don’t know, you’d need to ask him,” I said respectfully. That was one hell of a compliment. It meant a lot to me. “I guess it’s what’s going on here tonight that has us all juiced up,” Todd added. I took some more soap and lovingly cleaned his cock of the cum while he stood there in the quasi-relaxed pose that competitors learn while they are on stage. He squared his very broad shoulders. Shook out his massive arms. And “assumed the position” – his big cock still with a partial hard-on. I gave it a tug and a squeeze for good measure. He gave me back a big toothy grin. He was so damn sexy looking. I thought about a three-some with Grant. Maybe. We’ll see. Meanwhile: Grant Puts On Another Show “Yeah, yeah, fuck your muscle-god. Fuck my hard body. Put all that big muscle of yours into action. Let me have it. I can take it….Damn, now you’re doing it.” Grant was demanding more – demanding all the muscle and strength from a very powerful muscle-man – a 270lb plus behemoth muscle-man that he had hoisted into his arms with his big hands by grabbing the guy’s ass and holding up and into Grant’s huge body. The guy had his own big arms up and around Grant’s exploding traps, hanging on for dear life and pumping himself into Grant’s rock-hard abs. “Damn, Grant, you are one extremely strong man. Never seen the likes of a guy like you before. You are damn near inhuman,” he said, not knowing the irony he just spoke. The spray of the water from the nozzle seemed to envelope these guys as if they were in some kind of cloud dream. Shit, Grant and I had come close to this scene earlier today but this muscle-man, given his very big and powerful body, was really making this into another way to do a total body fuck. “Yeah, jam that hard cock into my abs…jam it…I need to feel that cock of yours trying to punch a hole in my muscles…I know… I am impervious…you’re just finding out how much so,” Grant said proudly. “Harder man, harder. Yeah, you are bouncing off me. No shit. Everybody else will too. That’s why I’m you’re muscle-god and you’re mine,” Grant bragged. “Had enough, big guy?” queried Grant. “Fuck me, you are something else, Grant. I say again, I have never met such a strong man before and who was so damn hard – all over. My cock is rubbed raw from your abs. And it sure as shit feels good,” the muscle-man said appreciatively. Grant let him down slowly. The guy wobbled for a few moments trying to regain his composure and his balance. His cock was still hard. Grant gave us a few triumphant poses, especially an eye-popping most muscular where his traps busted out of his neck even more. “Who’s next?” Grant demanded, as the guy melted back into the mists of the shower room -- into a little bit of heaven. A couple of very big but short guys came up together, their hard cocks swaying back and forth. Their cocks were pretty small compared to Grant’s cock that just never went soft – always hard and always sticking out straight. They said they wanted to hang on Grant’s biceps while he flexed them up and down. They were short enough and Grant was certainly tall enough so that Grant’s lifting and flexing would definitely take them off the ground. “Okay, guys, you’ll need to use both your hands and wrap them around these monsters of mine, and clasp your hands together. You’re in for one hell of a ride,” Grant announced matter-of-factly. What a sight. Two big muscle men and the inhumanly monstrous size of Grant. He put his arms out and dropped them a bit so the men could grab on. Then, with no apparent effort whatsoever, he lifted them both off the ground at the same time. “Ready for the ride?” Grant asked. “Give it to us,” they responded. With that Grant started to pump and flex, and pump even harder. As Grant’s biceps literally morphed into mountains of striated muscle, the guys were lifted off the ground even more. The rest of the guys were hollering and cat-calling and cheering Grant on. Grant raised his massive flexed arms even further and the guys were off the ground even more. He raised and lowered his flexed arms really fast – like he was working 10 pound weights. These guys had a shocked look on their face. They struggled to keep their hands clasped while the water cascaded down from the nozzle right over Grant’s shoulder. More cheering and more hard cocks everywhere. When the “ride” was over, both guys went after Grant’s pumped and veined arms – licking the sweat and water off, and demanding Grant flex them some more so they could wrap their hands around these mountains of steel and muscle. They wanted to feel – even more -- the incredible hardness and power Grant possessed. Grant, in a playful gesture, grabbed both of their hard cocks at the same time and gave them some heavy-duty pumps and squeezes. All this muscle was way too much for both of them. In no time at all, both spewed their cum all over Grant’s big and cut quads. “That’s what I like boys, some appreciation,” he commented with a leer. “I’d say you were ready to let loose, right? That’s just what happens when guys are with me, on me, and use me” Grant said in a bit of a mocking tone. They were too busy mauling his arms to say much of anything, other than “thank you, thank you.” It’s funny how Grant has a way to take big strong massive macho men and turn them into worshipping adolescents. More Cum from More Musclegods “Since you guys seem to really get into fucking my muscles, let’s try something else. I need two more volunteers,” announced Grant. I had no idea what he was up to. Two really big and built guys came forward. Grant told them to turn around and give the group their best poses. He’d pose with them. What an amazing sight. Grant, in all his massive glory, had two competitive muscle-gods posing their asses off on either side of him. The sexual tension between the three of them was thrilling. Grant barked out the poses and all three did them in graceful unison: “double-bi,” “side chest,” “abs and quad,” “front lat,” “most muscular,” “back lat,” “rear double-bi,” and “side chest, again.” That was one of Grant’s favorite poses. He looked absolutely awesome. So did the other guys. They loved being up there with him, their new real-time muscle-god hero. All men were hard as hell and were proud to wave their cocks back and forth as they shifted from one pose to another. The two muscle-gods on either side of Grant were totally into their flexing and showing off their hard-earned muscles, mass, and cuts. Their cocks, like everyone else’s, were hard and sticking straight out. Grant, nevertheless, was the centerpiece…the god of gods…his posing was flawless, explosive, cock-hardening, and demanding of being worshipped. For me, it has always been the case that male bodybuilders and muscle-gods are sex personified. Their muscular and built bodies just exude pure sex. They can just stand there – in posing briefs, a few street clothes, or naked -- and “be” sex. That’s hard-wired into me, too. Having established themselves as muscle-gods in their own right, they stopped their posing and turned and faced Grant. Grant positioned them close into him and near each other. Again, I couldn’t figure out what this would be about. “Okay guys. Yes, you’re big, very big, and you’ve got lots of competition winning muscle. Everyone can see that. Now let’s show them who the real muscle-god is.” Grant was getting even more fired up – if that was possible. He dropped his arms and shoved each arm in between the legs of each muscle god. They jumped in surprise. “Hold on, guys, I got you,” Grant reassured them. He shoved his forearms thru their massive legs and pulled them in tight. Their hard cocks were now jammed high up into Grant’s huge biceps. As they leaned into Grant and his arms, he lifted them up with ease. He easily bounced them to get their crotches settled into his own elbow crotch. They both let out a yelp as their hard cock smashed into Grant’s now hard bicep. Their hands flew up and around his massive neck column of cords and huge hard trap muscles. They were like kids wrapping their arms around a huge muscle daddy that was gonna give them a ride. They needed to keep their balance for the muscle ride of their life. “Now, do what I know you want to do…each of you, fuck my bicep…fuck it hard…make love to it…drive those hard cocks of yours, hard…into my massive bicep. I want you to cum all over my bicep and shoulder,” demanded Grant. He bounced his arms up and down to egg them on. It was unreal to see these huge bodybuilders, each with Grant’s arms thru their crotches, with Grant’s hands spread broad all over each ass, with his forearm in their butt cracks. Grant was holding them up, bouncing them, pulling his arm into them, and flexing, without any apparent effort. These two musclemen, each with their hard butts way up in the air, had their butt cracks jammed tight and manhandled by Grant’s muscular and vein-riddled forearm. All this and water kept cascading down on the three guys making it look almost unreal. The rest of the guys, under the showers themselves, were just going nuts. Some went and grabbed their cellphone cameras from their gear and couldn’t stop taking pictures of this extraordinary display of power, muscle and sex. Most guys were beating their meat with complete abandon. Some beat their meat with one hand and mauled the muscles of another muscleman with their other hand. They were gettin’ it both ways. “Come on…yeah…fuck me guys…fuck these huge and hard biceps…hump me, hard….” Grant demanded once again. Both guys wrapped themselves even tighter around Grant’s neck as their cum began to churn deep and rise. As they hollered their own expletives of joy and total rapture with their fucking of Grant’s biceps, each of them extended their inner arm grabbed each other around their shoulders and began humping on Grant’s rock-hard biceps together – in unison. I was beating my own 8” furiously, loving the warm water blasting on my body, and seeing all these muscle men completely turn themselves over to Grant’s awe-inspiring show of unlimited strength, extraordinary muscle, and sexual power that defied the powers of men, even muscle-gods. There’s never been a shower scene like this in any gym. I am sure of that. “Hey, somebody grab my muscle cock and get me off,” Grant demanded, again. The big guy, Todd, the one I had been worshipping moments earlier, went over, and got down on his knees in front of Grant. He took both of his hands and wrapped them around Grant’s long and thick steel pole. He brought his mouth to Grant’s crown and began licking it all over. “Fuck, yeah, man….lick it hard…sink your teeth into me…let me know you’re there, buddy….yeah, lick this monster,” Grant groaned. It was amazing and a hell of a turn-on to watch Todd’s huge back muscles move and grow as he worked Grant over. It was even more amazing to watch Grant truly be the musclegod centerpiece – with one 250 pound musclegod each lifted high on each arm fucking the hell out of his biceps, and another musclegod giving Grant a hand and blow job. What a picture! Grant caught my eye, looked at me and gave me a big grin. The guys could not stop cheering. One guy screamed, “Oh fuck me, fuck me, you’re the strongest man in the world!” I could see Grant mouth something to me like “There’s more for you when we get home. Hope you can wait.” I nodded a “yes” and “I’m lovin’ this. You’re awesome!” Amidst all the hot steam and hot water, a chorus of musclemen started to chant to all four – “Let it go!” “Let it go!” and more and more “Let it go!” chants followed. An erotic rhythm got going. The two musclemen on Grant’s arms bucked even harder – massive shoulder to massive shoulder. Todd, the big guy sucking Grant, felt Grant start pumping his monster cock into his squeezing tube of encircled hands. Todd…without touching himself…started to shake and freeze, and shake and freeze again. Then he let out with multiple bursts of cum that only a few of us could see, while he still had his mouth full of Grant’s near-the-edge cock. The guys on Grant’s biceps felt Grant start pumping his arms even harder as he was beginning to get into his own cock-shattering climax. He looked like he was almost hurting them with the power he was using in his arms to press them into his bicep. Yet, they still looked like they were enraptured and enjoying every moment of this extraordinary display of inhuman strength and power. Then, at just about the same time, they both let out volleys of cum – with accompanying screams of ecstasy -- that went all over Grant’s biceps and shoulders. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I wanted and I know you wanted. Cum. Lots of cum, everywhere. All because you fucked my rock-hard bicep until you couldn’t hold it anymore,” exclaimed Grant. “Nothing beats fucking hard, hard muscle, nothing!” added Grant with great joy and satisfaction. Meanwhile, Todd was expertly bringing huge Grant even further out to the edge of losing orgasmic control. And he wanted an infusion of Grant’s very special testosterone. No question about that. And he got it when Grant let out a blood-curdling roar and pumped and jammed his cock into this guy’s throat at least six times. Grant was doing this so hard that Todd almost lost his balance each time. But he kept his mouth locked around Grant’s cock so he wouldn’t miss a drop of cum. Grant had also started another posing routine while this was going on – and with the guys still on his arms, no less. God, he just never stops. The guys were dumbfounded at his tremendous strength. Grant slowly let these two muscle behemoths down of his arms and shook them out like he does this kind of thing every day. Todd sat back on his butt to rest. Grant looked very pleased with himself. They all were streaming rivulets of hot water and cum over their entire muscle-encased bodies, wrapped in billows of steam. I could see the joy and satisfaction on all their faces. They loved gettin’ it on together. They loved Grant for his sexual and unheard of, cock-hardening strength and physical power, and for his willingness to bring other musclegods to new heights of sexual and muscle-worshipping overload. Many deeply hidden and unspoken fantasies were being fulfilled this afternoon. More Astonishing Feats of Strength, Sexual Stamina, and a Posedown Thru the hot mists of the shower, Grant came over me with a slightly apologetic look on his face. Fuck, he is so impossibly big and so handsome…I always seem to be in awe of him. With a sexy grin on his face, he said, “I’ve got a couple of ideas to wrap up our time together with these guys. I’m sure it’ll be a turn-on for you and for them. I know I’m turned on and want to show them a few more tricks I have up my sleeve. I hope you’re game and not feeling ignored by me.” “Grant, my special friend, I am so excited to be with you and be here with these other muscle-gods. No, I’m in seventh-heaven with all your displays of unbelievable strength, muscularity, and inhuman sexual stamina. And, it’s a real hoot to watch these guys just get completely uninhibited with you and with each other. Gus, the manager, is already talking about all sorts of what he calls “exhibitions.” Go at it,” I said encouragingly. “Next up guys,” Grant started to announce in his deep booming voice, standing tall, broad, and very handsome in the center of the showers and billows of steam, “is an informal posedown. The winners get me as the prize.” A bunch of excited murmurs came out of the guys. Once again, I had no idea what Grant had in mind. “I’ll tell you more as we go along. While we won’t be handing out ribbons or trophies, I’m sure you’ll like the prize,” he added with a laugh. “To make this fair, I want the super heavyweights on one side of the showers and the heavyweights on the other side. You know who you are. I don’t think we have any other classes here. Ok, move,” he instructed. Like excited kids they shuffled their huge naked bodies around – all in their muscular naked glory and most still sporting hard-ons. Many had no reservations whatsoever about groping each others muscles and cocks. The sexual energy was pervasive. Fuck, what a feast of muscle eye candy – for all of us. “As I think most of you sense, bodybuilding competitions sometime in the future are, at least for men, going to be in the nude. Just like we are today, though probably not in a shower room.” A bunch of chuckles and laughter followed that last comment. Grant continued, “A lot of the same criteria will apply: mass, cut, proportions, and vascularity. I hope cock size is not a criteria. It shouldn’t be. It won’t be today.” Grant added: “While you’ll be doing your posing “cold”, without the benefit of warm-ups with weights, hopefully our time in these hot showers and our fun and games, have most of you pumped up sufficiently for a good display of all your hard work,” he explained with a sexy leer on his face. There seemed to be a general nodding in agreement. “I’ll call out the poses, one group at a time, and you’ll put it all out there. The other group will be the judge of the winner from the posing group. Any questions?” he asked. Just silence and anticipation. “Ok, heavyweights, you’re up. Since the hot water seems to be holding out, let’s use that as the backdrop. It’s damn sexy to see you guys under the showers and watch the water splash down over your muscles. So, stand in the showers.” The four heavyweights moved into an extraordinary line of muscle and cock eye-candy with the water cascading down their bulging muscles and dripping off their hard cocks. “Relaxed,” Grant barked. They all assume the position. It’s an awesome sight of meat, muscle, and cock. “Double-bi.” “Side chest.” They move around a bit to give or get some more space. “Front lat.” “Abdominals with extended quad.” The differences are showing up big time. There are one or two guys that seem to have it all. Some, because they are power lifters, seem to struggle with the poses. But their mass is unbelievable. “Most muscular.” One guy’s traps are mind-blowing in their height on his neck and size. Another’s vascularity makes him look like a walking sex machine. “Back lat.” They all move around and finally have enough space to expand. The power lifter is astounding in his width. “Rear double bi”. A couple have the experience to pump different muscles in this pose and really put on a show. “Last pose. Front double bi.” They all turn around and really work to give us a show. Some have great size and bulk. Others have a peak. A couple have some great vascularity. “Thanks guys, that was really great. Let’s give them all a round of applause.” Lots of hoots and hollers from the super heavyweights. I love the camaraderie that Grant has created with all these monsters. “By applause and any form of hollers, cast your vote,” and with that Grant walked in front of each. All got some applause and hoots. But the last guy clearly won it. He was not very tall but he clearly was a competitive bodybuilder. Great mass, proportions, and cuts. Lots of vascularity. And his posing was very polished. Grant gave him a big hug and he reciprocated. They held it much longer than might be normal. It was a muscle-body, physique fuck. And, this was not a normal “event”. Grant told him to get ready soon for his prize and he whacked him gently on his hard cock a few times. The guy was overjoyed at his win and at this attention from his new found muscle-god. He gave us a great peaked double-bi just for the heck of it. “Alright, super heavyweights, you’re up,” barked Grant. Again, standing under the spray of water and surrounded by wisps of steam, these gorgeous massive hunks of manhood shuffled into a line. Holy shit, what an astounding group of very big and built guys. To accommodate their consistently huge shoulder width, they had to spread out beyond where the heavyweights stood. All my favorites were in this group. No surprise, there. And, it was unavoidable to ignore, of the four, three were really hung with some big cocks and balls. What a sight! “Relaxed.” They all assume the position, just like the heavyweights. My god, I never would have imagined such a sight of built and sexy muscle. “Double-bi.” “Side chest.” They did a lot more moving around to get into their “competitive space.” Each seemed on a mission to get Grant’s prize. “Front lat.” “Abdominals with extended quad.” This was going to be hard. All seemed to be competitive bodybuilders. Yet, there were clear differences in mass, cuts and proportion. All were very good posers and knew how to show their best and hide their weaknesses. “Most muscular.” To a man, their mind-boggling, cock-hardening traps were fabulous. I have always thought traps were like a signal of sexual capacity and stamina …sort of like primitive animals. “Back lat.” After the shuffling, they each had the space they wanted to take those breaths, pull in their back muscles and explode their lats. I had fantasies of grabbing each of them from around their back and humping their backs until I came. “Rear double bi”. Like the previous group, these guys knew how to milk this pose and show all their rear arm and upper back muscles. The water just made them all glisten like they were beautifully oiled. “Last pose. Front double bi.” They all turned around and, like the heavyweights, really worked to give us an arm show. Some have both huge mass and peaks. Some have amazing vascularity. One behemoth seems to have it all, including a set of forearms that I’d love to lick. Grant walks up in front of each “contestant.” Once again, there’s plenty of enthusiastic appreciation and admiration for all these guys. After he’s done, he comes back to number two and announces him as the winner. The room just explodes in cheers. This is Todd, the guy that I had worshipped earlier in the afternoon. I was real excited for him. While much smaller than Grant, he is still a very, very big man compared to normal men. He has great mass, deep cuts, a fabulous V shape, and his body fat is so low that his vascularity is astounding. And, god knows, he’s got one very big beautiful cock. He’s all smiles and gives us a really pumped up double-bi, followed by a side chest pose that would make most guys instantly cream in their pants. “What’s your name stud?” asks Grant. “Todd, sir,” he says respectively. “OK Todd, you get me as your prize. How do ya’ like that?” Todd is speechless. “ Here’s how it's gonna’ work, Todd” explains Grant. “I’m going to give you first choice of me over Stan the heavyweight winner. What would you like to do with me? You have two choices. Everyone was dead silent, wondering what Grant would offer. Would you like to fuck me in my hard-muscled butt and be massaged into a mind-blowing orgasm by my butt muscles? Or, would you like to be fucked by me, and have my big hard cock drive up into you, let a load loose, while you let your own load loose?” Grant says this with another knowing leer and yet it is still so matter-of-fact. The room stays completely silent. Grant has been reading these guys since we started. He knows they have a lot of hidden fantasies about him and what each would like to do to or with him. The fun we’ve had in showers up to now was, as they are now finding out, a kind of prelude. Todd looks more than a little rattled. The guys start screaming encouragement and giving him lots of advice on which choice to make. All are wishing they had the same choice with Grant. “Well, hell, Grant, it would be an honor to fuck you as hard as I could, let a load loose in your beautiful hard butt and bring you to an orgasm at the same time. I’ve done it with other guys and I think I can do that for you,” said Todd with no small amount of confidence. “Great choice man. I’m all yours,” announced Grant. “Hey, Gus, bring in one of those wooden benches from the gym. We’ll need that to get started,” instructed Grant. After Gus brought the bench in and put it underneath the continuing sprays of water, Grant placed himself on the bench with his beautiful striated ass up in the air. I could tell we were all astounded that our hero, our muscle-god, was going to be a bottom to Todd, another muscle-god with one big long and thick cock. Grant told Todd not to worry about either of them being lubed. Grant said he always had enough lube in his ass for any situation. With that, Todd moved in behind Grant and brought his hard and veiny cock up to Grant’s ass hole, and paused. “Don’t worry, Todd. I’ve got a lot of flexibility,” reassured Grant. “It’s not you, it’s me I’m worried about. I don’t want to hurt my cock on your tight ass muscles,” Todd confessed. “I’ll handle that, Todd. I’m loosening up for you right now,” reported Grant. Todd brought his huge arms forward and leaned into Grant’s enormous back. Grant raised his big ass just a bit and Todd started to enter Grant. Todd relaxed noticeably and had a big grin on his face. “God, Grant, you feel so tight and so warm,” Todd cooed. “I’m all yours, Todd, all yours,” replied Grant. “Fuck my big muscle ass. Fuck the shit of it…fuck it hard. Pound me. That’s what I want from you. After all, you’re a muscle-god, too!” exclaimed Grant. Todd kept pushing in, slowly. While he did that, we could see Grant flexing his ass muscles to accommodate and literally massage Todd’s thick cock. It was a sight to behold. Two muscle-gods doing what so many want to do to each other and for each other, and are afraid to ask or even talk about it. Once Todd was all the way in and gyrating his own ass to touch all the spots in Grant’s ass, Grant did an amazing thing. He told Todd to grab him around the chest and stay as close into his ass as he could. Grant, using his own massive arms, reached around and grabbed Todd by his own ass. Once again, the room was silent except for the sound of the water. Grant stood up, holding Todd up close to him, and bounced him to make sure he was staying inserted. Grant’s unlimited, inhuman and otherwise unknown strength was not even being tested. Todd instinctively knew what to do and quickly moved his arms from Grant’s chest to up around Grant’s massive neck, where he clasped his hands together. “I do some of my best butt and anal flexing from this position, Todd. What do you think?” asked Grant in a very unassuming voice. Holy fuck! We were all speechless. All in shock. Todd was stunned. Before Todd could come up with an answer, the room once again erupted in cheers. Never had they seen a man, let alone a muscle-god like Grant, hold another muscle-god from the back and keep him inserted in his ass. This was reversing roles big time. Grant, no surprise, was now the “top” and Todd was the “bottom.” Only someone, some inhuman man like Grant, could pull this off. These guys knew it and were once again, astounded at Grant’s fantastic strength and muscular control. I very quickly made a mental note to myself that I wanted to do this with Grant when we got home. I started fantasizing about what other feats of strength he could do for me. Todd’s “answer” was to start pumping Grant’s ass like hell. Grant responded by visibly flexing, pumping and flexing his entire lower body. Todd started to groan and groan even louder. He was starting to cum at the same time Grant just pumped and flexed even more. Todd’s cock was getting an unheard of mashing, massage, and squeezing by Grant’s internal and external ass muscles. Then Todd let out his own roar and deep pumped Grant at least four times. We could tell he had just let loose with four major spurts of warm cum into Grant’s muscled ass. “Fuck, yeah, that’s what I like to see in my bottoms,” Grant announced proudly. “Now it’s my turn,” he added. Instantly and without touching himself, he let out some expletives and we all watched – in awe – as six thick ropy volleys of spurts go at least 4 feet onto the shower floor. Lots of cheers and “atta-boys.” Grant is just a non-stop cum making machine. “So, Todd, how was that for your prize?” asked Grant. Todd had slid down off of Grant’s back and turned around and gave him another big, long hug, and body fuck. “Oh, Grant, I never would have imagined this. Never in all my muscle-worshipping days. Never with another man. You are incredible. Your strength is just astounding. You are so damn sexy. I can’t get enough of you,” Todd exclaimed. Then he whispered into Grant’s ear, “It would also be an honor for me to go home with you and Paul. I’d make you both very happy that you made me part of a three-some,” he said imploringly. “We’ll see, Todd. I’ll talk with Paul. But thanks for the invitation!” Grant said sincerely. Stan Gets Special Treatment “Alright, Stan, our heavyweight winner. I think I’ve got a prize for you that will truly knock your socks off,” exclaimed Grant. Stan came over and stood next to Grant. The height difference was something else. Yet, what Stan may have lacked in height, he certainly had in mass, especially a set of shoulders that were beyond what most anybody else had in this group of muscle-gods – even in the super heavyweights. His huge thick arms just naturally hung way out from his body. His abs were breathtaking for their thickness and mass. His huge and cut quads and calves made him look very proportional. I guessed he was around 275 of very tightly packed pounds. And, fuck, he was so damn cute. He had a baby face with blue eyes and a light stubble. I loved his square chin and indentation in the middle. Very studly…very appropriate for a muscleman like him. “I hope you’ll like being a bottom to me,” asked Grant, with a little hesitation. “Yes, I’ve got a monster cock but I’m an expert at shaping it to fit most any guy and I know how to make it easy. As I told Todd, I’ve always got more lube coming from my cock than any of us needs,” he added enthusiastically. “Hell, yes, being a bottom for you – is a chance of a lifetime. I’ve never been with a muscle-god that had it all like you do – height, incredibly cut mass all over, vascularity, really Hollywood-like good looks, and such a beautiful big cock. I’ve taken some big one’s over the years. I think I can handle yours,” he added confidently. “And, you’re so god damn sexy, I can’t believe how you turn me on,” he blurted out, even surprising himself. “I know, Stan, I know. Thanks for the kudos,” said Grant humbly “Okay, Stan, get on the bench like I did for Todd before,” instructed Grant. “Show me that great big beautiful ass of yours. A little higher. Yeah….yeah…. I’ve already got the pre-cum going. You turn me on, too, Stan – big time. And there’s some lube in all of that, too. Just relax. I’ll take it slow and easy. I know my head is big,” Grant said reassuringly. Not to miss an opportunity, Grant started to pose while he began pushing himself into Stan’s ass. The guys started to clap. Stan didn’t understand why until the guys told him that Grant was posing while he was pushing into Stan. He was thrilled to be used this way by this one-of-a-kind muscle-god. That’s a second thing about Grant, not only is he a non-stop cum machine, but he’s a non-stop poser as well. God what an extraordinary sight to watch. As Grant continued to push deep into Stan, Stan looked like he had died and gone to heaven. He wiggled his butt to get the full effect of Grant’s huge steel pole. He backed up once and a while to get Grant to push in harder and deeper. Meanwhile, Grant kept giving us poses – double-bi’s, side chests, arms extended and flexed, and front lat spreads. Grant’s flexibility was amazing – that he could do all these poses and still drive hard into Stan. “Fuck, I love this guys. Fucking muscle is great. But fucking muscle-god ass and posing at the same time is something else. Makes me really horny,” exclaimed Grant. “Hell, you guys can do this among yourselves, from now on, right?” Grant demanded. There was a lot head nodding and “yes, sirs”. “Stan, you’re nice and tight, just the way I like it…nice and tight…yeah, I can feel you squeeze me…squeeze me again…yeah…I’m really in there tight and deep. Lovin’ it,” Grant said enthusiastically. “Now, let’s show these muscleheads a thing or two about fucking muscle,” Grant announced. “Relax. Don’t worry, I’m not pulling out yet, at least. I’m going to bring my arms around in front of you, grab you around your chest, and pull you into me,” explained Grant. “Oh, fuck, am I gonna go for a ride on your cock?” asked Stan very excitedly. “You got it,” announced Grant. Murmurs of encouragement and enthusiasm from the guys in the showers. With Stan firmly enveloped in his huge arms, and with Stan’s own big arms dangling at the side, Grant stood up straight – effortlessly. Yet, once again, Grant had shocked us. We were astounded. Thrilled to be present to see this friendly monster handle a smaller monster with such ease. Still deeply plugged into Stan’s ass, Grant started walking around showing the guys – up real close – what it looked like to have Stan impaled on his cock. His quads and calves were exploding in veined and hugely pumped muscles. Now, 275 pounds of muscle meat was nothing for Grant to hold up. Nothing for his big cock which everyone knew was doing a lot of the “holding up”. The guys just flocked to them and focused especially on feeling up Grant’s arm, back, and shoulder muscles. Again, these muscles and all of Stan’s were covered in water, glowing, and slick to the touch. Grant walked around like he was holding a rag doll – a massive muscleman rag doll, no less. No strain, no exertion. Stan was kept grabbing at Grant’s bulging and striated forearms and muttering “oh my god’s” one right after the other. When they weren’t worshipping Grant’s exploding arms, shoulders, and back, they were down feeling up the huge bulges in Grant’s glutes, quads, and calves. “Yeah, guys, feel it all. I’m a one man impaling machine. Feel these muscles do their work, compliments of our heavyweight, Stan,” Grant announced like a bull-horn. “Fuck, I could walk to the corner store and back and not feel the least bit tired. I just have all this power in me, everywhere, especially in my cock. Isn’t that right, Stan?” inquired Grant. “Fuck, yes, I’ve been a bottom but never carried on a guy’s cock like this. Grant, you are so fucking powerful..so damn strong…so sexy…I’m at a loss for words,” exclaimed Stan. “Well, if the cat’s got your tongue, maybe I can cure that if I pound your ass standing up,” announced Grant. With that, he pushed and pulled Stan back and forth on this cock, hard and heavy. He did this without moving his own body an inch. Such incredible power. Stan was delirious. Most the guys started jacking themselves off yet again and feeling up each other’s muscles. They were just totally inspired – as they had been all afternoon – by Grant and his inhuman power and sexuality. Stan started to beat himself off, too. It didn’t take long and he exploded in his own set of cum volleys out onto the shower floor. “Guess you like this, eh, Stan,” inquired Grant with no small amount of sarcasm. “We’re not through yet, Stan, good buddy,” announced Grant. In one swift motion, Grant pulled his right hand away and extended it out and began to flex his arm even more. The huge bicep and tricep, together with all the thick veins, was mind-boggling. At the same time, he just tightened his one-arm vice-like hold on Stan. The guys went nuts. Grant was walking Stan around, impaled on his indestructible cock, and holding him up with just one of his big arms. Stan was both shocked and stunned that Grant to do this to him without any effort whatsoever. We all started beating our meat even harder at this indescribable display of cock and arm strength by Grant. He paraded around so we all got a close look, feeling up both the bicep of his free arm, and the bicep and forearm of the arm holding Stan in place on his cock – and beating our cocks at the same time. We had learned well how to make the most of this extraordinary muscle-god’s presence. Bringing his free arm back, Grant lifted Stan off his steel pole. Like Todd before him, he was a little wobbly and needed to be steadied by Grant’s strong hands. Stan turned around and reached up and gave Grant the biggest and most powerful bearhug he could muster. “God, thanks man, you are absolutely one of a kind. I had no idea this could happen to me…let alone today…when I just came in for my regular workout.” Stan shared that looking directly into Grant’s seductive eyes. Through all of this I was mesmerized. I also stayed hard longer than I ever have. Due, no doubt to Grant’s infusion of his testosterone earlier today. I was also incredibly grateful to have had many fantasies fulfilled by Grant in the gym and in the showers. He gave of himself, unapologetically. He knew what these men wanted and what I had dreamed of for years. And he has the unlimited strength, height, mass and sexuality to give it all to them and me. And we were all very appreciative – stunned, really. All of them came around to congratulate him and welcome him and me to the gym. Some wanted to know our workout schedule. It was too early for that. Some wanted to know for sure that he could be their trainer. Again, too early for that. Gus told us that he wanted to do some marketing and figure out a financial agreement that would work for him and us. Grant, in his loving way, put his big huge arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him. He whispered how much he loved me, how much he appreciated my support, and hoped that he had made me happy today. I, of course, reassured him that I was forever his and loved how much he loved making me and others happy and helping our deeply desires come out in the open with other musclegods. We kissed…lip locked…and he, this time, let my tongue win. That’s just the kind of guy he is. And he’s all mine. Big ass naked Gus was unapologetically beside himself with enthusiasm and gratitude. He gave Grant a huge long hug – another body fuck. And then turned to me and apologized for not paying more attention to me. He told me that he would host me much better in my next visit. Since Grant had ripped out of his clothes, yet again, Gus was able to find some dry and super-sized clothes, that were still too tight, but that he could wear home. I got supplied by Gus as well. Before Grant and I walked out the door, we looked back into the shower room. They all gathered their huge wet bodies in the entrance to the shower and gave Grant boisterous loud cheers. Grant saluted them and they cheered even more. What a sight! So much masculine manhood. So many huge muscles. So much testosterone and sexual energy – all among very big men. I knew I’d be taking many more pictures next time. We left a little after dinner time to go home, have a meal, snuggle, and I’d explore his fantastic body and gorgeous face until I fell asleep, and he carried me into the bedroom. What an extraordinary, unpredictable, totally unbelievable day it had turned out to be for me…and for Grant. We’ve got something very special. I am so grateful I opened the front door earlier in the day. I can’t wait to see what we can do together, next. Feedback welcomed and appreciated No flames please Copyright [email protected]
  3. JoeyT24

    A Pectacular Romance Pt. 1

    My feet never touched the ground when I sit on the high stools at this bar. I grasp my beer with both hands and stare down at my frail little legs hidden behind my khakis and kick the bar playfully a few times like I'm a child kicking the dirt with an audible sigh. I've been here a few times before on my way home from work to order a couple beers after the stressful days at my mediocre office job. There's never anything special that goes on in this bar because it's in the middle of basically no where except that mediocre office job I mentioned and my little appartment in the city ten miles from here. I'm convinced the stereo in here plays the same five songs over and over and I'm starting to get really sick of it, but the beers are cheap and the service is quick. The thunder claps outside and I can hear the wind starting to pick up as the rain begins to pelt the roof, almost blocking out the sound of the light music playing in the background. The lights flicker as a huge bolt of lightening cracks the sky in my view out of the window to my right. Suddenly the door behind me swings open and the sound of the downpour outside is much more evident. The door slams closed, shutting out the wind but the thunder continues to shake the establishment with subtle thuds that make the wine glasses on the shelves behind the bar quake. The thunder seems never ending at this point and feels like its getting stronger with each passing wave. I notice the bar tender's eyes grow wide as he stops drying the beer mug he had been rubbing with a rag. That wasn't thunder, those were foot steps. A huge leg suddenly swings onto the stool two chairs down followed by another massive twin. I look over and see a wall of a man towering what seems to be three feet above me. At 5'4 and 125lbs, soaking wet, it's not uncommon to have to stare up at everyone around me, but this was the biggest excuse for a man I had ever seen. He had jet black hair that was buzzed only a few inches long and a cut jawbone with a huge masculine jaw that sported a slight five o'clock shadow. I started to sweat as my eyes creeped lower and notice that his tight t-shirt, which must have been an XXXL, was soaking wet and leaving little to the imagination. One thing I could never admit was that I love huge muscles. I have an extreme weakness for their power and I feel a certain safety around big guys. I don't know what it is but pecs are something I can't get enough of, and this guy had a chest that stuck out atleast a foot over the bar. His broad shoulders carried two massive arms that were slick with rain as they rested on the ledge. A beer appeared in front of him. This was probably because he ordered it, but I wouldn't have been able to hear him order it if he had screamed it because my senses were all fucked up; he seemed to have me in one of those slow motion trances that you see in movies when the popular kid walks down the hallway and everyones staring. Wait, how long have I been staring? Holy shit! I snapped out of it and looked up to see the behemoth smiling down at me. While I contimplated my next move I noticed in my lower vision something moving. He was bouncing his pecs back and forth in his wet t-shirt. I lost it. I looked back down to my khakis only to be more humiliated by the tent I was pitching. This can't be happening. It was like high school all over again. I had to get out of here! I quickly threw money on the bar--which could have been one hundred dollars for all I was concerned--and immediately dashed towards the exit. Lightening struck fiercely as I ran towards my car. In seconds I was whipping around turns on the empty road surrounded by woods on every side. The rain was making things way too hard to see--it was as if my windshield had a sheet of white paper across it. I don't even know how far I had made it from the bar when I lost control of my car. The last thing I saw was my head going straight for my steering wheel. A couple of seconds later I woke up--dry--in a huge bed that was about two times as large as my queen sized bed in my shitty apartment. The fluffy white comforter was crisp and cold to the touch, just how I like it. Oh my god, I'm dead..I died. Then I heard a voice coming from the doorway ahead of me. I crawled to the edge of the bed and jumped down to explore. I walked out into a huge open room with high ceilings and log cabin styled walls. This place was huge! The ceilings had to be at least twenty feet high. I noticed, next, that the voice was actually a newscaster talking about the storm on the flat screen TV mounted halfway up the large wall ahead of me. I don't know if there are flat screens in heaven, so where the hell am I? I walked down a hallway on the opposite side of the room and I heard running water. I followed the noise until I reached a steamy open bathroom. The white tile floor was warm and moist as my barefeet walked across until I reach a large ceramic wall that only went half way to the ceiling and half way across the room. I peered over the other side of the wall and found the source of the steam. This was a lockeroom styled shower, fit for a giant. The shower water cascaded across the giant man standing naked, facing away from me. I estimated his back to be about four times as large as my entire width and it was covered in a mountain range of muscled lumps here and there. The water slid down to his massive glutes that had huge defined dents in the sides that could have been used as large cereal bowls. His legs were like tree trunks and his calves were as sharp as diamonds. I looked back up and noticed his head was thrown back and his shoulders were pulsing like he was...like he was stroking something. I gasped and he quickly whipped his neck around. I darted out of the shower room sliding across the tiles as I headed for the exit. Suddenly the thunder I heard earlier was back as this behemoth stomped after me, making the house shake with each of his large leaps. I ran for the bedroom I had woke up in and dove under the huge bed. The stomping slowed as it got closer. One last thud landed near the edge of the bed. Suddenly the bed creaked and started rising higher and higher. My shelter was being lifted above me! The giant, robed man used only one hand to lift the side of the huge bed 5 feet up in the air as he peered under it. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to--" I started. "Hey! Whoa, whoa! Relax there, little man! I'm not going to hurt you!" He eased. "I brought you here a few hours ago because I saw you swerve off the road after you ran out of the bar. I wanted to apologize for being so foward so I chased after you but ended up having to pull a rescue mission in this storm." "Well.." I shuttered. "How about you come out from under my bed so I don't accidentally cause you another concussion in one night?" He offered his huge hand to me. "I'm Alex." I put my hand in his and suddenly felt an ounce of his power as it envolveped up to my wrist and tugged me out from under the bed. The bed came crashing down as he released it and then spun around to sit on the edge of the massive mattress. Even as I stood and he sat, he was still a solid 6 inches above me. "What's your name?" He asked. "I'm Joey." I said, still skeptical of what this big guy might do to me. "Thanks for saving me." "It was the least I could do for ruining your night." "You didn't ruin anything. I just--" I stopped and stared up at him. "You just what?" He questioned, staring blankly at me like a lost puppy. This huge guy had no idea what kind of effect he had on me. "I just never saw anyone as big as you before..." I admitted ashamedly and looked back down at his feet. They were more than twice as large as mine. "Oh!" He said excitedly, "You like this?" I looked up to his face as he smiled and stood up from the bed. He stepped closer to me so that there was less than a foot between us. As I stared up he seemed to keep rising and rising, it was never ending. He peeled off his tight robe and tossed it on the bed behind him. I looked straight ahead and was eye level with his navel which was a tunnel inside his cavernous abs. He wore whitey tighties that had an extremely small waist compared to his wingspan. I was not prepared for what I saw when I tilted my head up. His pecs jetted out over me by a foot. They casted a shadow that sent shivers down my spine and blocked out the light from the ceiling fan high above. The cleavage between his pecs was unlike anything I've ever dreamed of. With a slight movement of his shoulders and arms his pecs parted like the Red Sea and his cute face peered down at me in the view between them. He looked incredible from my angle and I just stared with my mouth agap like a silly school boy. "So, do you like this?" He asked again as he began alternately bouncing the giant pecs above me. "You're...you're so big..." I said breathlessly. "Do you really think so?" "Yes," I declared, "I can't believe it." "What's not to believe?" He said as he sat back down on the edge of the bed in front of me. "I actually can't believe how small you are. I was shocked when I saw you wiggling your legs at the bar, trying to touch the ground." He chuckled. "It was adorable." Was he serious? He thinks he should be more into me than me into him? What is going on with this guy? "Do you want me to flex for you, little man?" He furrowed his brow as he asked the question. "Yes, big guy!" I said eagerly. I had a boner for the passed fifteen minutes, I didn't know how I was lasting this long in the same room as this titan. He raised up his arm and held it parallel with the bed. He closed his hand into a fist and veins started popping out of his forearm and his bicep. He brought his fist two inches from his ear and his bicep shot up into a huge bowling ball. "Holy..shit." I said as I gazed at the veiny orb. "Go ahead and kiss it, little man." He was staring at it, too, "before I flex it." It was then that it hit me that his huge bicep was not even flexed yet. Had I even seen any part of his body flexed yet? I moved my face close to his hot flesh and pressed my lips on the lower portion of the muscled rock he called a bicep. Suddenly he grunted and the bicep visibly swelled into massive porportions. Before, I was able to see the top part of the wall behind his arm; once the big guy flexed his bicep, the mountain grew so big that the muscle wall that was now as big as a basketball and was all I could see. I started to use my tonuge and kiss every surface inch of this massive arm. "It's real strong. I bet I have more muscle in this one bicep then you're whole body!" I could tell that my worshipping of his muscles excited him. He loved being admired and he definitely liked that I made him feel big. I decided to take the lead and touch his rock hard ten-pack next. "Yea, check out my abs, little guy!" I sucked on his huge arm one last time and then pulled my face away to check out his midsection. He stood up and I was once again face to face with his ripped abs. "Damn, big guy," I said as I rubbed his ribbed stomach, "they're like stone!" Each of his abs popped out a solid three inches and they were perfectly symmetrical. The rift down the center was as thin as a credit card swiper. I moved my face in and started to kiss his abs when his huge hand came up behind and lightly pressed my face into the divide between the ten pack abs. My nose and lips locked into place between them and then with a slight grunt he flexed. My face was being pinched by his rock hard abs and there was no way I could pull my nose our lips out without them being torn off. I pressed my hands on both sides above my head and my finger tips sunk into different crevices between his upper abs. The big guy chuckled as he swayed side to side, bringing my defenseles cute face and hands wherever his midsection pleased. Finally he released me and I rubbed my face and then immediately licked whatever part of his muscled abs I could reach. "Check this out!" he said as he stomped towards a dresser on the side of his room. "I call this my toy box, but it's really just a junk drawer" he smiled playfully. He pulled out a thick marker and a pencil and brought them over to me. He placed the marker on the bed and put the pencil in my hand. "Go ahead, little man," He looked down at me with a devilish grin between his massive pecs, "put it in my abs!" I first looked at the yellow, wooden pencil and then I looked up at his abs. I slowly brought the pencil close to his midsection and turned it sideways so it was parallel with the floor. I selected the thickest ab set and placed the pencil in the slot they formed. "Push it in!" He shouted. I poked the pencil in and then gave it more force. When I brought my hand away the pencil remained sitting in place. Alex chuckled and then slowly started to flex his abs. The pencil shimmied its way in and then cracked and snapped as his abs bent the pencil. I dug my fingers in and pulled out the remains of the pencil and looked up at him and smiled. He was loving this just as much as me. "Now the marker!" he shouted down at me. I picked up the thick black permanent marker off the bed and held it perpendicullar to the floor. I pressed the marker into the deep crevice between all the sets of his abs. After putting enough pressure on the marker it sank in so deep that I don't think I would have been able to pull it out on my own. Alex flexed his abs and the marker wedged itself so deep that it was surrounded by muscle on all sides. "Hahaha! I can't see what's going on down there over my pecs, but by the looks of it, you seem to like this!" This gave me a great idea. "Yea, big guy, your muscles are amazing! But, I have a question for you." I asked shyly. "Listen, I love that you make me feel big. Anything that will help you enjoy this experience will help me enjoy this experience. Ask away!" He exclaimed. "D-Do you think you could try this with your pecs?" I asked looking up at him. "Oh man, hahaha! You're a pec guy, aren't you?" He said proudly. He bunched his pecs up and his face disappeared from sight again. "You're in for a treat, little man!" He reached down with one hand and scooped me up like a doll. While holding me a few feet in front of him, he slowly plucked the back of my shirt and gently pulled it over my head. "I hope you don't mind we get a bit more comfortable?" He asked. I grinned happily and nodded. He then pulled my pants and boxers off leaving me naked. He craddled me in his massive arms and my head rested on his giant bicep. He pulled me closer to the underside of his chest and his pecs literally sat on top of me like two giant heavy bean bag chairs. He chuckled and bounced them around while craddling me. The two mounds heaved up and down, one by one; Each time they came down they crashed onto my naked body making me lose a little bit of breath each time. "Big gu--" Boom. "Big g--" Boom. "Big guy, you're" Boom. "Crushing me" Boom. Alex looked over his chest, hearing my whimpers and then tightened his chest into position with a freightened look on his face. "Shit, I'm sorry Joey!" He pleaded, "Sometimes I forget my own strength. Are you okay?" He looked down at me in his massive arms with the sorriest expression. "Yea, it's okay. I liked it, actually, I just hope you don't accidentally hurt me in all this fun!" I explained. Alex reassured me with a smile and then glanced at the dresser he rummaged through before. He gave another devilish grin and started to stomp towards the dresser. He placed me on the dresser which was about three feet high and really did look like a toy box for this giant hunk of a man. I noticed that when he placed me down on top of the three foot dresser, I was face-to-face with his huge pecs. I could have swore that he was only above seven feet when I first saw him at the bar, so this math just didn't add up to me. But, I shrugged it off as the big guy seemed to have a devilish plan in store for me. He reached down and opened the junk drawer. "Go ahead, pick out something for us to play with," he smiled at me. I reached in and brought up an old CD. "Inset disk here," He giggled as he bounced his huge chest around. I slid the disk into the tight cleavage and it slowly went further and further in. He looked me in the eyes and winked and started bouncing his pecs again so the disk disappeared between his pecs. I dug my fingers in as he playfully flexed and even though they were three inches into the deep crevice, I still could not feel the disk. "Just how deep is this cleavage?" I asked, shocked. "I guess you'll have to find out!" He giggled as he gave his pecs one big jump and the disk flew out and hit the wall across the room. I reached into the drawer again and grabbed a thick dictionary. "I bet your pecs can't swallow this, big guy!" I teased and went to put the heavy book back into the drawer when he grabbed my wrist with his long, thick fingers. I looked up at him startled and he had a serious expression. He was determined to prove me wrong. He brought my hands back up to his pecs. "Come on, little man, wedge it between my pecs--if you can--pipsqueak." Alex smiled and flexed his huge pecs. The veins were bursting out and the striations that made up the upper and lower pecs were visible like huge ropes. He expanded his back and then puffed out his chest and the cleavage seemed to open like a huge muscular vice. I slowly moved the heavy book towards his pecs and then squeezed it in as far as I could. I couldn't believe my eyes. His pecs parted for the book and then when he relaxed them they came crashing towards both covers. The dictionary was hanging out only a few inches from being totally enveloped by his pecs. I gasped and put my hands on both of his huge pecs. I felt them vibrating as sweat dripped down his forehead. "Watch this, little man." He grinned. "They're gunna GROW!" He shouted as he opened his arms wide with his fists clenched tight. I could audibly hear his pecs growing. They made the sound you get when rubbing two balloons together. I backed up as his pecs grew a few inches towards me and my back hit the wall. Alex looked down at me, standing on the dresser in front of him, and bounced his pecs again. The dictionary wedged itself deeper and deeper into his pecs until it was no longer visible. "I believe you lost a bet?" Alex smiled and flicked my eight inch cock which was now rock hard and dripping precum. I looked down and saw his huge python sticking straight out almost tearing through his tight underwear. The underwears' elastic could hardly contain his package and his pubic bush was flowing out of the top. "Big guy...You just grew!" "I know. I knew you would like that! The thing is, i've never grown more than an inch or two a month. With you, I feel like I can just keep getting bigger!" He bounced his giant pecs and the dictionary plopped out the underside of his cleavage, crashing to the floor. "You're so massive! I can't believe how huge your pecs are!" I fiddled around in the drawer beneath my feet as I said this, looking for something to really test his strength. I came back up with an old door knob in my hand. "Hey big guy?" I asked provacatively. "Yea?" "Do you think you can crush things with your pecs?" Alex smiled and raised an eye brow. "Go ahead, little man, put it in there!" He once again opened up his cavernous cleavage and looked me in the eyes. I pressed the door knob a few inches into his pecs and let go. They closed up like a venus fly trap and I pressed my small hands on his pecs and rubbed around. "Here goes nothing!" He wrapped his huge arms around me and pulled me close to his pecs as I tried to push away. "Stop! What are you doing!" I shouted, terrified. As soon as I was pressed against his pecs, Alex stopped tugging me towards him. My dick pressed against his abs and I thrusted it upwards where it laid in the rift between his abs. "Little man, I told you I will never hurt you. Look at all the power I have in just my chest. I'm here to protect you, not hurt you." And with that Alex released me and grabbed my hand. He slid my hand to the underside of his pecs, and a small gumball sized piece of metal fell into my palm. It was warm to the touch. It was once the door knob that he crushed with just his pecs.
  4. londonboy

    Daddy - Part Three

    A true pup knows he is never a slave. He can walk away from the relationship at any time. That’s part of the intense thrill between a daddy and his young mate. If the big dude is a true muscle daddy then he’s like this huge pup-magnet that pulls on the smaller dude with such a force that he never even contemplates leaving his master’s side. It’s the most natural and comfortable relationship ever created – pup needing security and daddy needing adoration. The more your love grows for an admiring young thing the more you want to protect him, mentor him, and even grow him. Yeah, part of being a good muscle daddy is knowing that you should always be working to create your replacement. Big guys are a dime a dozen but true muscle gods – the kind that can truly breed others are very rare. Of course, it takes two to tango. You have to have the perfect pup to train. If you get a good one then half your work is already done. I was lucky – being a pup builder was now in my DNA. I had been formed by one of the best. The day he had set me free to go and find my own little men had been one of the hardest in my life, but I had realized how important it was. I was carrying on a tradition – one that had been around since the beginning of time. I needed to go plow my DNA into some little worshipper that, in turn, would someday grow big enough and strong enough to train other pups into becoming muscle daddies. It was the evolution of huge men. “Butch, sir, I’m looking for something,” the pup said, pulling me back into the moment. “Well, actually I’m looking for someone. But not just anyone. I’m looking for someone powerful, because I’m looking to be tamed and it’s going to take someone very, very strong to accomplish that.” More beautiful words had never been spoken. What Bradley was basically doing was giving me permission to be myself – completely. He was taking a chance and letting me know that he wanted to be dominated. Again, he was speaking in code – testing the water to see if I might be exactly what he was looking for. A pretty muscle boy would simply just flex and say, “I’ve got the body you need.” That’s not what Bradley wanted, though. He could probably get any handsome big man he’d ever laid eyes on. That was a simple catch for a guy like him. But to find a guy that saw the situation in its totality was very hard. Bradley wanted a guy that had the muscles, the inner strength, the patience, the attitude, the intelligence, the wisdom, and all that comes with being a true daddy. It wasn’t about getting laid – it was about being able to submit yourself completely to another man. I also had a feeling Bradley was powerful as shit in the business world. I had a feeling he had people jumping at his every word all the time. He was looking for someone that would make him jump. He was looking for a guy that would laugh at him if he uttered a command. I had a feeling I was Bradley’s man, but I knew there were some more tests before we found out if we were “made” for each other. I thought it was important, however, that I answer his latest question in a way that he’d never forget. I placed the little guy back down on the barstool. I then leaned down and flexed my big gun right beside his head. I then placed my face against his – pushing his cheek, ear, and head into my hard bulging biceps. My mouth was next to his ear. The guy moaned slightly from the feeling of being surrounded by muscle and a scruffy beard. “I can be as powerful as you want me to be . . . and then some,” I whispered softly, flexing my arm even harder to emphasize my point. The dude sucked in air and I’m sure got kind of dizzy. His body was in reaction overload. I could hear him whispering as he counted to ten over and over – clearly trying to prevent himself from spewing. I had answered him in almost the exact way of his fantasies – I’m sure. I could tell his brain was battling between thinking I was too good to be true and the fact that he wanted to submit him to me completely right then and there. Bradley was a sharp businessman, though. I could tell. He knew not to blow his wad – forgive the pun – on an unproven entity, but everything in his body was confirming I was a muscle daddy beyond compare. I decided to drive home my point. “Need something broken, Bradley? I can break it for you,” I said. “Need someone punished? I can punish ‘em and I can be as brutal as you want me to be. Need to be pounded dude? I’m the best pounder you’ll ever meet. Need protection? Nothing’s ever going to get through me. Need something big to hold onto? Well, I think you’ve already realized that’s not a problem, either.” “Sir, if you don’t be quiet – even just for a minute – I’m going to pass out,” he said putting a hand to my mouth. “If you want something massive to be flexed, I’ve got lots of big things to tense,” I said out of the side of my mouth, just to tease him more. He turned his hand sideways so it would cover my lips completely. I took the chance to kiss his palm gently. He opened his eyes, which had been closed so he wouldn’t spurt out a big load, and gazed at my face. His look said so much. There was a deep pleading that almost choked me up. The dude was clearly desperate for me to be the one – for me to be real. I understood this, because I felt the same way about him. Earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes would not have moved me from this man at that moment. Something incredibly magical was happening. Two souls were meeting on a plane that was only perceptible to them. No one else in the room would have understood or even felt what we were feeling. He bit his upper lip and forced his breathing to not be so hard. He had been on the brink of ejaculation, but something much more intimate was taking over. “I really need this to be real,” he said – and I knew it would be the most heartfelt thing I’d ever hear in my entire life. “I know it’s been less than a few hours, but my body had never been this fucking sure. My head says yes. My gut says yes. My heart says yes. And my cock screams yes. Hell, I even think my small toe says yes. But don’t take me down this road, big man, unless you’re sure, too. I could get lost in you. I could get very lost. You could break my bones and I’d finally heal, but I’m pretty sure if you broke my spirit, I’d never trust anyone ever again. So walk away now, if this isn’t right for you, too.” I leaned in and kissed him. I realized – at that particular moment – no words would be sufficient. I knew that I needed to show him how I felt – instead of trying to prove it with weak sentences. He needed the kind of confirmation that only strong lips and a prying tongue could give. Our kiss turned ravenous instantly. He grabbed the side of my face and pulled my head into his with a force that even impressed a big guy like me. His tongue actually gave mine a run for its money and we battled powerfully as we traded spit. We both were moaning a little and I could sense that people were staring. I didn’t care. This little fucker knew how to lip-lock like a pro. I was tensing every muscle in my body trying not to explode because of his incredible oral skills. I finally had to pull my face from his – fearful that I might orgasm at any second. “Holy shit, little man, where’d you learn to do that?” I asked, reaching up to fan my face. “Just now, sir. I needed you to know how much I cared.” he replied. “Well it worked,” I shot back. “That’s like a secret weapon, dude.” “Did I find the big man’s kryptonite?” he asked. “Hell no, just the opposite. Kisses like that can make me take on the world,” I answered. “Something I’d love to watch,” he teasingly said. “You need a big knight in shining armor, little man?” I asked, deciding to toy with him, too. “I’d prefer a muscle daddy in leather, sir,” he replied. I had anticipated him to continue the playful banter, but – instead – he went for honesty. A big surge of juice shot from my balls when I heard his answer. The little guy was so spontaneous and such a mystery. He could be so cheeky and joking at one moment and then he’d surprise me with a comment I knew revealed corners of his soul. I’m sure part of what made a good businessman was to always keep them guessing – and he was doing that quite well with me. I was still being tested. He was making sure I had the ability to keep up with him – to banter with him when he needed to play and to turn serious when it was time to – even if only briefly – open up. I’d seen his type before – but no one had ever been this deliciously honest before. Most guys could volley a cute conversation for a while but usually they’d become distracted by my body or quickly become bored. It seemed like this guy was a pro – but I still treaded lightly. Neither of us wanted to be hurt – and we both knew it could still happen. “I’ve got a drawer full of fun leather apparel. Maybe you’d like to see me model it sometime?” I said, noting how his crotch twitched at the statement. “I plan on it, sir,” he replied – and his tone told me something that solidified this guy as a major contender for my next long-term relationship – maybe he’d even be the ‘one.’ “It’s not going to be tonight, though, is it?” I asked, crossing my fingers in my mind, hoping for the right answer. “We both know the answer to that already, sir,” he replied, smiling broadly. “If I came home with you tonight I’d be just one of them. You’d be the same for me. Either one of us can easily find distractions, but I have the feeling that you’re actually looking for the same thing I am. You’re looking for honesty, dedication, adoration, and someone who needs you desperately. Someone that needs all the things you can offer and all the things you can do. You’ve been testing me all night long – just like I have you. Sure, we can go get our rocks off at your place if we wanted to. That would be nice, I’m sure – but we can do that any night of the week. What’s been happening to both of us during these last few hours only happens once or twice in a lifetime. I’m going to wine and dine you, my friend. I’m going to show you off as much as I can. I want to see how you do outside of this bar – which is clearly your domain. I’m simply a visitor in the kingdom of muscle daddies. I have a feeling there’s no test I could give you that you won’t ace easily, but when it comes to protecting my heart I have no problem sticking to a game plan. I’m sure all of this makes sense, doesn’t it.” “Most of it makes perfect sense. You seem to have one part wrong, though,” I said – leaning in to emphasize my point. “Oh,” he said, looking a little disappointed that I might say something wrong, “What’s that?” “If someone’s going to be leading the wining and dining it’s going to be me,” I said, oozing so much confidence my own words even turned me on a little. The man stopped breathing. I had usurped his authority – his leadership abilities – without him even seeing it coming. This didn’t distress him – no, it actually did the opposite. It thrilled him. He had forgotten one of the golden rules of being with a muscle daddy – the big guy’s always in control. I had assured my dominance in just one sentence and he loved it. “Of course, sir,” he said, quietly. I grabbed his chin softly with my big hand and again brought my face into his. This time, he was ready for me from the start. His lips, tongue, and mouth took over the kiss in a way that made my toes curl tightly in my boots. I also squeezed his chin harder which made him moan with happiness. The guy shot a hand up to my biceps, copping a feel of my muscle mountain. I could tell by the way he latched on to my gun that he was falling for me, big time. I was feeling the same way about him. I pushed his face back a little, just so I could remind him of who was boss. “Did you forget your proper place, little stud,” I asked, smiling so he’d know I was teasing. “Yes sir,” he sheepishly replied. “Don’t let it happen again,” I said, pulling his face back into a passionate kiss and then letting him go. Bradley let go of my big biceps and made a fist with his hand. He started punching my big mound of muscle and then moaned a little when the hard thing didn’t give at all. I tensed it even more and he put a little more power behind his punch, marveling at how the thing still didn’t budge when he smacked it with his clenched hand. He kept pounding it harder and harder – which, in turn, made my cock get harder and harder. He finally stopped – probably because his fingers had started to hurt. He pulled back and looked up into my face. “Hard enough for you?” I asked. “I don’t know, sir, you’re not inside me, yet,” he quickly replied and I almost fell over from the thrill his words gave me. “Aw, little man, you can’t come out of nowhere with comments like that. You have no idea what that does to me,” I said, closing my eyes briefly to calm my dick down. “You see, that’s the problem,” he shot back, “I know exactly what it does to you . . . sir.” “Are you sure you’re going to be able to handle what you’ve started here, little fella? I can be wilder than a herd of stampeding buffalo when I get a little excited,” I warned him. “I hope you’re more than just a little excited, sir,” he said with an impish smile. “I’m feeling like I may go ‘all in’ for this thing happening between us, so I’d like to know that I’m turning you on something fierce.” “We’ve got to slow down, little man or I’m going to either explode or rip you apart,” I said, quickly putting an end to our little teasing session. “I hope that explains how fierce I am.” I meant it, too. I had gotten jacked to the point where I could have easily gone beyond the point of no return. I wanted the little guy so much that my body was screaming for me to attack. That’s the thing about finding a true worshipper, though – he’s worth the wait. You force yourself to not give into your basic urges, just so you can be with the ideal mate. Even though I was a pro muscle daddy, I still didn’t trust myself when it came to preventing myself from giving in to my need for pleasure. The bigger a man is the bigger his desire. I was aching for my new buddy so much that all I could think about was him being speared on my hard rod. But that needed to wait. I was still convinced that he could be so much more than just a good fuck. I moved away from him so the heat between us could cool a little.
  5. TheWeremuscleForest

    Achilles Does A Body Good

    ‘Are you reading that story again Chane? Damnit man, I know you want to be one of those guys that end up having a fling with Achilles but come on.’ ‘I know I know I’m sorry Matt. I just can’t help it, there is so much sex and the transformations are great too. I just want to be one of those guys he meets up with and changes.’ ‘You are fine the way you are stud, you don’t need to go overboard fantasizing about some guy in a fan story geez. You have me and I’m not too shabby right?’ *flexes his small biceps* ‘Yeah I guess so. Do you want to have sex before you leave?’ *grins really big* ‘And you always want to have sex after reading it too. I wish I had time hot stuff but I need to get going. You need to get moving to the service center too anyways. I will talk to you later okay?’ Matt leaves their bedroom and walks down the hall to where the front door is to open it. He waves goodbye to Chane and leaves not long after. The fairly nerdy man sits at his desk and just stares at the computer screen not thinking about too much and just daydreams as he watches Matt drive off in his sports car. His mind wanders a bit as he imagines what Achilles might look like in real life. The words in the story make him out to be a very beefy stud with a vivid imagination. Chane wishes that he had the same ability as the man in the story so he can grow and be the incredible stud that Achilles is. He dozes off after a few minutes and feels as if he is falling from the sky. After a few seconds, he opens his eyes and thinks that he is awake, but rather he isn’t. He gets up from his computer chair and goes walking into the kitchen. There he sees a thickly muscled, black haired, handsome man standing over by one of the windows and is shirtless. His black chest hair is damp and it appears that he has just finished some workout. The man turns and gives Chace a big grin before doing a double bicep pose. His huge guns shine as the hair protruding from his pits is exposed. ‘Greetings mate. I was just getting ready to fix myself a big protein shake. I really hit those weights hard today, do you think I succeeded at getting a nice bloody pump?’ The man turns to do a double bicep flex with his back to Chane. The enormous delts and traps swell up to match his thick head. Chane nearly faints as he rushes over to sit in one of the kitchen chairs. The man turns back around and looks at him with a confused look. ‘What’s wrong with you mate? You have never acted like this before, at least not since I have known you.’ The man goes over to the blender and turns it on as Chane watches him stand there with his muscles twitching in his back. Chane feels his pulse increasing as he sees the sweat rolling down the huge man’s muscled spine before disappearing into his hot ass crack. As the man finishes fixing his concoction, he takes the pitcher off the blender stand and tips it back to drink its contents. Chane’s pupils dilate as he sees some of the shake rolling down the man’s huge beefy chest. The man finishes the shake and takes a few fingers to rub the amount on his chest into his pecs and stomach. He puts the pitcher down on the counter and walks over to sit by Chane. The handsome man puts his strong hands on Chane’s clean shaven face and leans in to give him a nice light kiss on his lips. Chane doesn’t resist and they slowly lock their lips together. The surprised small man puts his hands on the other man’s head and lightly starts rubbing feeling how tightly muscled it is. The man stops kissing him to say something. ‘You not feeling yourself this morning Chane? Let me put you at ease a little bit mate.’ He pulls Chane’s shirt off and leans in to give him huge manly kisses on his chest. The man pulls him into his own chest and squeezes him softly. Chane feels the man’s thick chest pressing into his own making him moan. He then puts his hands around the man’s wide back and feels the huge muscles as they contract. The man moans himself as he pulls Chane’s pants off. They both get more into it as the man starts to slowly tongue his unsuspecting lover’s shaft throbbing beneath his black undies. Chane moans as he feels his apparent partner’s hands gripping his ass squeezing it tightly making him give in to his temptation. It isn’t long before the man is able to expose the cockhead from beneath Chane’s briefs. The small guy begins to run his hands and arms up and down the man’s huge back as he rubs the huge lats protruding from the beefy stud’s sides. The man smiles up at Chane’s face before running his tongue along the entire head of his cock. He stops lapping at it to say something again. ‘I think you are starting to feel a little better now mate, I can tell. Why don’t I help you get a little more comfortable while I am down here.’ The man slowly pulls his lover’s briefs down and throws them to the side before standing up to give Chane a cheeky grin as he slowly pulls his own gym shorts down past his crotch and giant pumped quads. The thick beef in his legs glisten with sweat as Chane looks in awe at the huge throbbing cock bouncing in front of him. The man finally pulls his shorts completely off past his calves to throw them in the same direction where he launched Chane’s undies. He picks his small lover up into his arms and sits him on the kitchen table before reaching in to shove his tongue down Chane’s throat. The two men embrace as their cocks press against each other and rub their ooze all over their shafts. Chane moans deeply as the man’s massive sweaty torso rubs up against his shirt. The man then reaches down and grabs the side of Chane’s shirt to slowly rip it off taking in the awesome sound of the fabric giving way to his sheer power. He tosses the fabric to the side as he stops kissing Chane to start running his tongue and mouth down his lover’s skinny chest. The man locks his hands together with Chane’s and pulls him up into him again off the table. The small admirer can feel his own hole tingling with anticipation as he realizes that he wants the man’s hot rod up inside him. ‘I know mate I know. I can sense it too. I want you too. I want you to cum for me though mate without me fucking you. This could be bloody fun.’ After thinking for a few minutes, Chane realizes that this man is actually the Achilles that he read about in the story. He looks into the man’s eyes and smiles really big prompting the beefy stud to smile back at him. Achilles slaps his cock on Chane’s and positions him to where the big stud’s cock starts to pulse against his midsection. The smaller man starts to worship his chest feeling its thick contours before slowly nursing his hairy nipples and pecs. The huge strongman moans in his husky british tone and releases one of his hands to caress Chane’s head. ‘MMMMM mate that feels incredible. Keep working me over love and I will give you a bloody wonderful present soon that you will never forget.’ Chane buries his face into the black forest running down Achilles upper body. His throbbing cock is now pressing up against the small admirer’s face before slowly dripping a little pre down his right shoulder. Chane moans as he grabs Achilles’ cock and begins massaging it slowly with his free hand. Achilles growls loudly as he pushes Chane in to suck him. The thick shaft maneuvers its way inside his mouth as it throbs wildly. The tasty ooze increases as it flows down Chane’s throat. He tries to reach down to stroke his own cock, but Achilles slaps it lightly before shaking his finger down at him motioning that he is not allowed. The eager small man squeezes his beefy lover’s ass tightly as he feels Achilles pushing his cock further down his throat. He manages to gain his composure again as he feels his huge lover’s balls hitting his face and slowly swelling bigger than before. ‘You are such a great sucker mate. I can feel myself getting closer to bursting. Why don’t you lean back Chane so I can really make you feel good.’ He slides his cock out of Chane’s mouth and puts him back on the table enough to where his cock begins to slap against the pulsing hole of his eager lover. He lets go of his lover’s other hand to run his own huge beefy hands on Chane’s thin frame. His warm muscles touch his lover’s skin making the smaller man shutter a bit feeling enveloped and a bit protected. Achilles leans in for another manly kiss on Chane’s lips as he runs his hands down to where his small lover’s legs are and pulls them around to his back. Chane immediately locks his legs on to Achilles and moans loudly making the brit growl in delight. ‘MMMM mate I want to cum so badly…..I think you are giving me the impression also that you want my load inside you. *winks and grins* I think you will be surprised as to what I have in store for you mate.’ He rubs his huge cock on Chane’s hole and slowly starts to push it inside sending a rush of ecstasy through the small man. ‘OH YEAH, I know you will love it mate. I have a big load waiting to fill you up.’ He pushes further inside Chane as the smaller man draws closer into Achilles begging to be fucked. The thickly muscled powerlifter senses his small lover’s needs and starts to hump him slowly making the table start to creak. His powerful hairy body starts to drip with sweat as Chane’s eyes become transfixed on his man’s stunning power as he is being ravaged. ‘Mate I can feel it getting closer…..I have to fucking cum so badly it is driving me crazy…..’ He increases his speed as Chane feels Achilles body starting to tense as the table shakes to the point that the legs on it begin to break. The huge stud grabs his lover in his arms as the table finally falls to the ground. He holds Chane up in his arms as he begins to yell in his british drawl. Chane feels his huge lover’s cock starting to contract. ‘OHH FUCK MATE, I CAN’T CONTROL IT…..*stretch*…..*pop*…..I AM FUCKING CUMMING’ As Chane feels the huge river flowing through him, he can feel Achilles muscles expanding all around him as he feels the hairy muscle growing against him. The muscles stretch and pop uncontrollably as his British lover laughs feeling himself starting to wreck everything around him. Before Chane witnesses any other destruction occurring……he wakes up from his dream and feels his cock exploding in his pants. He grabs his cell phone and realizes that he was supposed to be at the service center about an hour ago. His cock continues to throb filling his undies with more cum before it finally stops. He gets up from his chair and ponders what just happened in his dream before he gets up to change into some clean underwear. If Matt found out that he didn’t make it on time, he would probably be pissed. After putting a t-shirt and a pair of shorts on, he gets into his truck. He finally gets to the service center and rushes in to put his uniform on before his coworker Alex sees him. Unfortunately, he has already noticed that he is late and is waiting for Chane in the back dressing area. He smiles and has his big veiny forearms crossed standing in the doorway smiling. ‘Well, did you and Matt have a nice morning? There has to be a reason why you are late, you never are.’ ‘Uhh well I guess you could say that Alex. I’d rather not talk about it and get to work.’ ‘Okay. Frankly I don’t see what you like so much about him, you could have been with me a long time ago and I know I could satisfy you way better than he can. You have known me far longer too and even encouraged me to pursue my aspirations for growth.’ Alex opens his uniform and shows off his greasy muscular frame exposing nearly everything including the upper part of his crotch. ‘Geezus Alex, how do you get away with not wearing any underwear. That is so sleazy man.’ ‘I like the feeling of it all flowing freely man. Besides I get good money if I show off my goods when I get some of these rich guys to leave their cars here. Oh well, I have to get this day moving along, I’m already behind, I will see you out here in a bit.’ Alex leaves as Chane finishes putting his boots on. He feels a bit lightheaded but gets up anyway to go out on the floor to start servicing a vehicle. After changing the oil in the car, he feels himself getting dizzier and almost falls to the ground. Alex hears one of the other guys yell out and rushes over to see what happened. He picks Chane up off the floor and takes him into the back. He looks into his friend’s eyes and sees how disoriented he is. ‘Chane? I’m taking you to the hospital man, you look completely out of it.’ Chane reaches out and touches Alex’s shoulder. ‘No Alex I’m fine. Please don’t call Matt either he won’t know what to do. I feel…..*pauses as he breathes a little heavier* really strange.’ ‘Chane…..?’ The concerned coworker looks down at his buddy’s chest and notices how tight Chane’s shirt is getting from even just a minute before. ‘Have you worked out a lot lately because I don’t remember your pecs looking this swollen?’ Chane turns his head down towards the ground and sees what Alex is talking about. His pecs are slowly stretching his shirt to its limits. He puts his hands on them and feels their power emanating as his nipples stretch the fabric as if they are trying to break free. He doesn’t feel any type of pain from this either which totally intrigues him. Alex’s pupils dilate as he turns his attention towards his friend’s growing arms. Completely unaware of his other changes, Chane’s forearms and biceps begin their growth cycle as the veins and tendons stretch against his skin pushing it wider and thicker. In fact, the unsuspecting recipient’s body is growing all over. Alex takes a seat off to the side as he witnesses the transformation commencing. Chane lightly moans as he continues to feel his pecs stretching the fabric. It slowly starts to rip down the middle as he watches his pecs emerge from captivity and drip several beads of sweat down his torso. His once flat chest is now filling out rapidly as his abs tear through the bottom half of his shirt. His growing back shreds his shirt and begins to work on his uniform. His legs quickly catch up to his upper body as they fill every single inch of the space in his shorts before ripping the seams completely open. It isn’t long before they start to fill the area remaining in his uniform. Alex pulls his greasy cock out from his own uniform and slowly wanks seeing his friend morph into someone far more appealing. Chane’s face and head is beginning to change its appearance slightly as his hair changes from blonde to brown and his face gets fuller even growing a bit of stubble. His shoulders stretch bigger and rounder pushing his uniform higher off his body to make room for his immense delts and lats. At this point, the growing stud pulls his tattered shirt off and looks up at Alex before winking and throwing the rag at him. Alex moans before he starts to crawl his way over to where Chane is sitting. They don’t speak as Alex pulls the top part of Chane’s uniform down to watch his upper body continue its dramatic change. At this point, the grower sees what his arms have done and smiles. Alex stops stroking his cock and runs his hands all over Chane’s thick forearms before tracing them up along a giant vein which continues into his shoulders. He squeezes them tightly getting a reaction from the growing stud. Chane wraps his arms around Alex and hugs him into his chest which pulses with excitement. Feeling Chane’s powerful quads starting to rip the seams apart in his uniform, Alex quickly pulls the rest of it off. The big bodybuilder’s legs are completely drenched in sweat from their transformation as his body hair begins to thicken up. Alex can feel Chane’s chest hair growing quickly as it covers his pecs and abs. He runs his hands over them making the big man moan lightly. ‘Oh mate…..*pauses and grabs his newly thickened neck with both giant arms* what the bloody hell? Huh? Why am I talking this way? I’m not british? *pauses again to think about it as Alex stares curiously up at his face* Could it be? *looks off in the distance* WHOA! I thought it was just a dream?’ ‘What was just a dream Chane? You mean this crazy transformation? I admit I never thought you would ever look so incredible.’ Alex runs his hands up and down his friend’s incredible quads and feels the bodybuilder’s throbbing cock against his own which is sitting up against his. Chane’s brown eyes stare into Alex’s blue ones before leaning in to hug him against his new muscular body again. The greasy admirer continues to run his hands along Chane’s hot body as they find their way towards his huge lats which flare out slightly. He squeezes them before rubbing his face into Chane’s hairy pits. The surprised stud rubs his friend’s head slowly as he buries his face further into each pit. Alex moans louder as he runs his hands up and down the huge monstrous back that now resides on Chane. The big stud pulls Alex’s uniform off before grabbing a hold of his ass and pulling him into him. Alex yells as he feels his body now pressing against Chane’s. ‘Oh gawd please Chane, you have to fuck me. Matt won’t even know who you are now so you might as well go for it. I am so fucking turned on by you, but I have always been anyway. You can’t deny me now can you?’ ‘Gawd mate…..I don’t want to cheat on him…..but…..I do feel like things have definitely changed. This does feel bloody amazing and you are so hot.’ Before Alex has another moment to respond, Chane pulls him down on top of his raging cock as some of the other guys from the service center begin to make their way into the changing area. Chane’s dream about Achilles appears to be quite the game changer as he embarks on a new path in his life. For other stories with Achilles, check these out: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2477-the-achilles-effect/?p=18769 http://muscle-growth.org/topic/3910-the-other-side-of-the-species/(mentioned, not a main character)
  6. TheWeremuscleForest

    Sex Does A Body Good (2 Parts)

    Part 1 ‘Damn. I envy that guy so much. I wonder how long it took for him to get that big,’ Cole mutters to himself as he watches one of his gym crushes max out another rep after he takes another ten second breather on the bench press. The huge hairy stud has coached Cole before after they spoke a few times and even had lunch together. His grunts always make the smaller lifter pay attention to him despite the fact that he is supposed to be doing his own routine. Every once in a while, the bigger stud will turn to stare at Cole and bounce his pecs while winking. ‘HEY COLE, YOU BETTER BE WORKING HARD DUDE. I WILL COME OVER THERE AND KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO YOU,’ he says with authority. Cole stops glaring with a dumbfounded look on his face and gets back to working his legs. His big trainer friend stops his routine to stand up and walk over to a nearby mirror. He flares his huge hairy lats and stands with confidence as he studies every single detail in his muscles. He makes some unusual noises and smiles a bit as his eyes peer in Cole’s direction through the reflection. Once again the young lifter is catching glances and can’t seem to help from looking. ‘WHAT DID I TELL YOU COLE? GAWD DAMN MAN, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH YOU?’ He turns to walk towards the youngster and as he gets closer, Cole can see sweat beading down his hairy chest and back as his arms glisten. The vast array of veins and vessels stick out from his forearms all the way up to his shoulders. He goes to stand in front of Cole as he tries to use the leg press. He puts his huge arms down on the rack as the young lifter attempts to lift it up with all of his might. Cole’s face turns dark red as he tries to lift it up before having to drop it back down. ‘Come on Reid, can’t you take it easy on me. I have been doing so well and you are punishing me for some reason.’ ‘Dude, you are taking too many rest periods. I know I am distracting you by being here, but I know you need help with your training. I did promise you right?’ Cole stares into Reid’s dark brown eyes and seems mesmerized. Reid’s eyebrows rise a bit as he flexes his guns making the veins grow and sit right off from the surface of the skin. ‘COLE! WHAT THE HELL MAN? WAKE UP! Okay I will let go of the rack.’ He lets go and walks over behind Cole’s head. ‘Now, I want you to lift that fucking rack up all the way man. Hold it for about five seconds and then bring it down.’ Cole understands and attempts one complete rep. Reid tells him to do it again and he does. This continues for the next three minutes as Cole does a complete set. ‘Great job man, now you can relax for a minute.’ Reid rubs Cole’s chest with his big hands making his eyes enlarge since he has never done that before. The young lifter can feel his chest pressing against his back now. He realizes there is no one else in the gym and is probably why Reid is so much looser now than he was just a few minutes ago. The big guy’s groomed beard is now brushing against Cole’s face as he sighs a little. ‘What was that noise you just made Cole? Did you just sigh?’ ‘Uhhh maybe, why are you massaging my chest anyway Reid?’ ‘I am just rewarding you man. You are working hard lately and I thought I would help you relax a bit.’ ‘Ummmm thank you I guess. I have enjoyed our lunches lately Reid.’ The big stud smiles as his eyes light up. He moves to the side of Cole and looks at him before moving down to talk to Cole at eye level. The young lifter looks a bit confused as Reid moves in. The hot trainer looks into Cole’s eyes before leaning in to kiss him on the lips. It is soft but very comforting as Cole nearly melts. Reid laughs a bit as they separate. ‘You are okay man. I have thoroughly loved our lunches Cole. I know you like me a lot which is why I am so hard on you in the gym.’ Cole’s cock instantly gets hard once they stop kissing. Reid knows this but doesn’t touch it. Cole’s eyes look glazed over as he continues to stare at Reid’s gorgeous face and body. His short brown hair, groomed beard, and cleft chin drives Cole wild, but his massive hairy chest, back, and legs make him weak. Reid winks as he does a double bicep flex. His engorged biceps swell as the veins grow and his back widens. ‘Go ahead Cole, I will let you touch me. I feel like we are becoming good friends now.’ Cole grabs both biceps and squeezes. Reid lets out a nice moan and motions for Cole to continue exploring. The young lifter seems disoriented, but Reid helps him out by taking his hands and putting them over his huge hairy round pecs and flexes them. Cole feels how firm they are under the thick growth and moans himself. Reid leans back in again and kisses Cole on the lips again this time rubbing the young lifter’s face and head. ‘Mmmmm Cole this feels so good man. I really like the way you kiss. I think you can put that mouth of yours to good use.’ Reid takes his head and buries it into his pecs. He laughs as Cole moans loudly feeling the power radiating from the big stud’s chest. His tongue finally decides to explore as it find its way to Reid’s nipples. He licks them lightly before nibbling as he starts to rub the big man’s back. Reid moans louder himself as he pulls Cole’s tank off and rubs his back. Cole gets noticeably louder as he realizes that the big stud is truly interested in him physically. ‘Oh gawd Reid are you really that interested in me?’ ‘Cole I absolutely am interested man. You turn me on so much. I just want to keep going if that is okay with you?’ Cole stops talking to go back to worshipping Reid’s pecs. The big stud pulls his own shorts off to stand and show off a little more of his body. He flexes his quads as he pulls his undies down enough to expose his thick brown bush just above his cock. Cole looks up into his eyes and looks as if he is begging. Reid winks and pushes him into his bush. Cole slowly pulls his undies down exposing every inch of the big man’s cock while running his tongue on it. Reid roars in delight as Cole does this and tells him to turn to the side. The big man pulls Cole’s shoes, socks, and shorts off as he pulls him towards his crotch. His cock bounces not far from Cole’s face. The young lifter watches it dangle in front of him before sticking his tongue out to touch the big cock head. Reid yells as he puts his hands on Cole’s shoulders and pulls him towards his cock. The young admirer licks the sides before toying with the head again and sticking it in his mouth. Reid moans again as precum begins to pour down Cole’s throat. His eyes look intoxicated once this starts. ‘Ohhh gawd Reid, I want you so badly it hurts. I feel it deep inside me, the need to have your cock in me as I worship you.’ The big stud looks at him in pure lust as he grabs Cole and turns him around to yank his undies off of him. The young lifter bends over to grip the leg press as Reid starts slapping his huge cock on his ass. Cole moans even louder feeling such incredible sensations passing through him. Reid wraps one of his arms around his young friend and pulls him into his cock. It squeezes slowly inside making Cole grimace a few times before moaning long and deep. After a few thrusts, Reid turns Cole back around to move in from the front. He tenses his massive muscles so his young admirer can focus his energy on him as he fucks his hole hard. He picks him up and holds him against his chest as he speeds up his pace. Cole moans into his huge chest as he grips his wide back. Reid begins grunting which makes the young lifter get louder himself. They start kissing again but their lips stay locked as Reid finally gets all the way inside. He pounds Cole incessantly now as he feels his load growing inside. The young man finds Reid’s hard ass and smacks it hard. He growls and tells Cole to do it again and again. He eventually slows down and tells Cole that he is going to explode if he doesn’t pull out. To his surprise though, the youngster wants him to shoot inside his hole and even relaxes himself in preparation for it. With just a few more thrusts, Reid lets it rip as it flows through Cole’s intestines. The hungry bottom sighs as he leans back against his big top. Reid wraps his arms around Cole and leans around to give him a nice long kiss on the lips. They remain still for a few minutes just taking in each other’s tastes and smells as they realize what they just did. Cole moans as Reid slowly pulls out and heads for the showers. Cole tells him that he will stay behind until he gets done because he feels like he should just keep the sex to once a day in the gym and laughs. Reid smiles and agrees as he goes humming towards the shower with his ass bouncing the entire way. Cole stares at it shining in the lights with the hair lightly coating the inner cheeks. Once Reid goes around the corner, the young admirer comes back to reality again and walks towards a nearby mirror. He looks in it at his reflection and wonders what it would be like if he was bigger. He does a few poses as he looks at himself and sort of sighs in disappointment. He envies Reid for having such amazing genetics and wishes that he could match it. He takes a deep breath and starts to imagine a larger more masculine version of his self. Part 2 His hairless body barely shows any kind of definition despite all of the effort he has put into it. He hears the water start up in the shower and wonders if he should just go take his, but for some reason he feels compelled to just keep standing there and stare at himself. He gets an intense look on his face as he starts to harness some kind of strange energy in the air. *POP* ‘WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? HUH?’ Cole looks down and sees his forearm muscle in his right arm swell up and actually appears to be growing bigger veins and vessels. He sort of cowers in pain a little as a new sensation enters his brain for the first time. *POP* He looks at his left arm and it also grows a larger forearm muscle. It appears that with each new muscle, he experiences some kind of crazy pain. He wonders if he focuses harder that he will have more extreme changes. As he strains, he squeezes his biceps as the veins in his arms begin to grow violently making him struggle to stay on his feet. He feels the muscles starting to contract as the pain eventually goes beyond feeling. They start to thicken up as the small golf balls become tennis balls. He continues to strain as they grow again this time to solid softballs. He unclenches his fists as he looks at his enormous veiny arms as he feels pain moving up into his shoulders as they swell into giant mounds. The small horseshoes that lay in his triceps have now matches his huge biceps and forearms. He looks up in the mirror again and flexes his engorged guns as they dwarf the rest of his body. He laughs a bit and knows that he has a lot more to endure before he is finished. He feels a thick layer of hair covering his arms now as it starts to travel all over his chest and legs. It makes him itch violently as he scratches. He almost shivers at the sensation travelling all over. He looks in the mirror again and seems quite disgusted with how he looks at the moment. He starts to flex his scrawny legs as the hair starts to thicken on them and feels a great deal of pain starting to move through them. He feels them starting to contract and bends over in pain once again. He places his hands on them and can feel the muscles stretching against the skin. His calves also start to grow as he hears a huge popping sound coming from them. He looks down and watches them expand out to the sides of his fibulas and smiles. His quads and hamstrings are now growing at such an alarming rate that he can no longer feel any pain in them. He looks back up again into the mirror and sees them pulling his legs wider apart as he feels his body trying to adjust to his new lower body. He doesn’t even notice that his feet have grown to a size 15 from where they were only 10 before. Cole can now feel his prostate reacting deep inside as he grasps his junk in his larger hands. He knows that his cock and balls must be next since he is beginning to feel a strange sensation coming from down there. He continues to hold it in his hands as the pain begins to build from inside. He groans as he feels something pop. Cole uncovers his cock and looks down at it as it makes a giant cracking sound. He did have a curved cock, but it has corrected itself and is beginning to lengthen. He yells as he feels it grow and thicken. A giant vein begins to appear from the side as it fills up with blood. Cole loses his breath as he feels his balls swelling up. He did have a lot of space in his ballsac, but now his balls have stretched it to its limits as they double in size and fill up with cum. He moans as the thick cum rushes through his huge cock and splatters all over the mirror. After nearly a dozen ropes hit it, his cock finally hangs down to rest. At this point, Cole is completely covered in perspiration and is beginning to feel a lot different as he begins to admire how the hair looks on his lower body and arms. Next he starts to feel a ton of pain shooting to his backside from the prostate into his anus. He turns his body to stare at his tiny back and ass and begins rubbing his hole with his fingers. He starts to moan again as the pleasure factor overrides the painful sensations. He feels his anus contracting from the inside and it makes his cock stand up again. He slides a few fingers inside and feels the walls stretching and widening before his ass grows. He continues to rub himself as his ass begins to thicken as the bones disappear and his glutes balloon. He smiles as they form a perfect bubble butt. From his ass, Cole begins to feel incredible pain starting to move up his lower back into his delts, traps, and shoulders. It is an astronomical amount of pain that brings him to his knees and finally on his new ass on the ground. He begins to bawl as his back cracks and his spine realigns itself. He can literally feel new vertebrae growing in his spine as he gets taller. Through the sheer agony, he hears multiple pops all over his back as the muscles start to thicken and push their way out from inside his body. He can feel his lats spreading further outward as his arms begin to rise from where they were sitting. Cole says ‘OH GAWD!’ several times as his delts explode in size making him sit up straighter than before. He feels his traps rising out of nowhere against his neck as it contracts and thickens. The veins swell into giant hoses against the skin. He can hear his shoulders stretching like helium against his arms and traps and holds his face in his hands. As he does this, he can feel his voicebox tingling as he mutters to himself and notices that his tone has gotten deeper. He says, ‘HOLY SHIT!’ and boasts with laughter as he looks back into the mirror and sees his head starting to change. The hair on his head has thickened, covering up any bare spots. He was a blonde, but now he is a brunette. His green eyes have changed to hazel as his clean shaven face grows a nicely kempt beard with a red hue. Instead of pain in his head, he feels a bit light headed but is aware of his changes as his eyes appear a bit glazed. He brushes his hands against his beard and moans deeply as he loves the way he looks. He knows now that the only thing left is his chest which of course is his favorite area. The tingling has finally moved down from his head and neck and is penetrating his pecs and stomach. He grabs his chest over his heart as it beats incredibly fast. His eyes grow huge as he feels like he is dying and falls to his knees. He peers into the mirror and sees his nonexistent pectorals starting to form. He cries out in extreme pain as they start to stretch and fill out. His nipples struggle to keep up with the changes as they nearly disappear underneath the giant swollen melons. His abdominals begin to appear directly under his enormous pecs as they contract and inflate one after another. He growls as he makes a scary face as his eyes grow big and the veins in his head pop out. The pressure from the tiny muscles growing in his abdomen makes him squirm and itch. All of the stabilizers and oblique muscles are next as they thicken and lengthen their way all over his sides. The thick hair that covered his entire chest has now become proportioned between his 8-pack and the crevices and surfaces of his pecs. After this final transformation, Cole breathes a major sigh of relief and stands back up to move to another mirror located not far from where he was. He takes a few giant breaths and does a whole sequence of poses that he learned from Reid. After a few minutes, he hears the water turn off in the showers and wonders how his trainer didn’t hear any of this happening. He doesn’t move from his spot because he wants Reid to see him as he is now. He hopes that Reid recognizes him since he does still have similar facial features only a bit more mature. He can hear someone coming around the corner from the shower area and looks into the mirror. To his surprise it isn’t Reid, but rather one of his training coworkers Emmett. His first reaction is, ‘Dude do you need a towel or something?’ Cole turns to look at him with a puzzled look on his face and says, ‘Where is Reid?’ Emmett laughs and says, ‘ohh he is here man. I heard everything you two did earlier, I just didn’t know that you were so……right for him.’ Cole responds by saying, ‘well…..I uhhh…..didn’t look like this earlier.’ Emmett gives him a weird look and just shakes his head. ‘Whatever man, all I know is he will never want another man because you are perfect for him physically.’ Cole smiles at him and Emmett makes a low growling sound at him. Cole flexes his huge guns as Emmett makes a few woof noises. He turns to leave the gym as Reid finally makes his way out on to the gym floor. He instantly drops his gym bag once he sees Cole standing there flexing. ‘UHHHHH…….WHO ARE YOU? Wait a minute……you look familiar. You sort of look like……NO WAY! Your eyes are…..you have a beard? OH MY GAWD THE BODY HAIR……MMMMMM…..HOLY SHIT……HOW DID THIS…..COLE? Reid stares at him for five long minutes as Cole continues to pose as his cock bounces and drips precum all over the floor. The mesmerized trainer’s rod pushes intently against his towel as it loosens and falls to the ground. Cole smiles at him with a huge grin as Reid’s rod jumps wildly. He continues to watch his equally muscular buddy tease him with his muscles. Cole moves over to him as he looks into his trainer’s beautiful brown eyes and cups his face with his hands. Reid can barely breathe as Cole shoves his tongue down his trainer’s throat as their bodies meet for the first time on equal terms. It can only get better from this point.
  7. TheWeremuscleForest

    Hypnosis Does A Body Good

    A C has been pumping iron for years and is pleased with his progress. He started out as a skinny 18 year old and continuously grew from that point for about 6 years. His strength tripled with the help of a lot of supplements and hard work, but he has to work on his diet too. His stomach is an eyesore and doesn’t like to go shirtless despite the fact that he has 22” arms and a colossal barrel chest. He has been working on his legs extra hard lately to get them up to the size of his upper body. They don’t look ripped, but the thickness of them makes him feel really good. The redhead doesn’t shave his body hair either and likes to stay au natural despite a lot of the ladies opinions. He admits that he doesn’t have time to date to his friends on occasion because he wants to focus on growing even more. He recently added hypnosis into his routine to see if it would help him work harder on making new goals and to possibly help with his diet to reduce his gut. He heard from some guys at his gym that it could actually help him grow bigger after taking the class, but the results would vary depending on how much he wanted it. A C has attended every class over the last several Mondays and is about to finish up. He isn’t as tired anymore after he leaves the gym from an intense two-hour workout since he started taking the hypnosis course. His muscles feel pumped to the max and he can get an erection from the sight of seeing himself in the mirrors. His energy level has increased since then too. The instructor always does one-on-one sessions with the athletes to customize their needs and wants. With the last session this Monday night, A C is extra motivated. He decides to get his workout in before the class in case afterwards he wants to do something else to celebrate. For the last session, the instructor puts him under and asks him very specific questions about his goals and why he feels the need to get bigger. A C tells the instructor that it is his destiny to be huge and powerful and he won’t stop until he gets there. After this admission, the instructor wakes him from his coma and the session ends. A C feels like a ton of stress has been lifted from his conscience and leaves the facility to return home. Still feeling pumped from his earlier work out, he rubs his hairy chest and flexes his thick biceps feeling the soreness running deep inside. He almost feels horny from the touch; he loves being big and only wants to be bigger. He has never been satisfied with his 6’1 height, but to be wide and powerful would more than make up for it. He gets home a few minutes later and walks into his bedroom. Every morning he would always get up to walk over to his body length mirror to examine himself and flex. Now for the first time ever, he would do it at night. When he stands in front of it, he is wearing a white tank with Labrada Laboratories on it. He still has on his grey shorts and black boxers. The flip flops he is wearing are black with a green stripe on the sides. He starts to smile and do his normal posing routine: double bi, back, crab, and whatever else he learned from his trainer a few months back. The posing actually makes him feel more confident than before since he can’t keep his eyes off of his pumped chest. He pulls the tank off to stare at his huge hairy pecs bouncing up and down and getting all pumped. He feels them jumping around in his hands and it gets his juices flowing throughout his entire body. He starts flexing his biceps and can feel the testosterone starting to increase. The overwhelming sensations make him want to dominant someone and tell them to worship him. Since no one is around though, the only person he can do that with is himself in the mirror. He starts to trash talk his reflection making himself feel incredibly powerful. Now dripping with sweat and getting a lot warmer, A C strips off his grey shorts to check out his huge quads. He flexes them taking in their diamond-shaped beauty and attempts to make them ripple. As he does so, he starts to implore his body to react to his demands. The tingling sensations he has been feeling for the last twenty minutes have now moved deeper into his body as he feels the soreness in his muscles beginning to subside. He can’t get over the fact that he isn’t sore anymore, but his muscles are remaining so pumped. A C feels his heart pumping harder than before as the blood starts circulating through every inch of him. He looks down at his hands hearing an odd sound coming from them. Are they growing? The sounds they are making are actually the fingers stretching and making more room to accommodate the added weight. It is not a painful feeling, but rather it itches. He laughs at what is transpiring. He feels his blood inching up to his wrists making them swell exposing the veins that will start the trail up his arms. He moans as he feels them pulsate and grow larger under the skin. The sensation gets stronger as he notices his forearms thickening up and making all kinds of stretching sounds. With the feeling now moving up to his biceps and triceps, A C begins to roar in anticipation as he watches intently as he 22” guns shine in the light. The big vein sitting on the peaks of both biceps begins to stick further out and appears to be growing larger. He feels the blood rushing through both of them making him bounce his biceps. He starts to agonize as the decent sized horseshoe in his triceps pulls wider and bigger taking up more space than before. The veins grow from what were straws into small garden hoses. The pleasure he is getting from his growing arms is sending his cock into a euphoric state as he starts to leak precum in his boxers. He laughs as he watches his biceps popping not once but twice growing larger, thicker, and wider. It has now moved to his shoulders making him go absolutely wild. He has cannonball sized shoulders to begin with, and can now feel them filling up with blood. He looks from side to side as each fiber expands and stretches bigger and bigger growing into his delts pushing higher than before. His blood has now made its way into his neck where his carotids begin to stick out further than before. The huge veins start making more space inside for more blood to flow. A C can feel every single change occurring. While he has some hair on his head, what is there is starting to fall out as he feels his head literally swelling up and getting thicker. He moans in agony as not only the sound is overwhelming but the feeling of the muscles in his head thickening up makes him nearly fall to the ground. He manages to keep staring into the mirror to watch what happens next. His neck continues to stretch and widen making bull necks look tiny. He knows now that it will start moving down his chest. After finishing its trip inside his neck, his blood starts to travel slowly down the ridge above his huge pecs all hairy and soaked with sweat. He loves the feeling of his pecs all swollen and sore, but this is unlike anything he has felt before. The sensation is beyond ecstasy as his chest heaves in and out with anticipation of its growth cycle. He feels his pecs expanding outward pushing his massive arms out further than before. His nipples drape even further down with this change. He squeals in delight as his nipples are being manipulated, growing wider. The hair on his chest is falling off because of his excessive growth. His cock shoots a thick white load into his boxers as his nipples expand. The thickness of each pec creates shadows under each curve. Tears stream down his face as he feels his gut starting to morph. The fat around his middle is beginning to dissipate as he feels his waist tighten to a level he has never felt before. It frightens him at first until he feels every single muscle in his abdominal cavity start to thicken and harden. He watches as his obliques, stabilizers, and abdominals start popping growing with each sound. He rubs each individual ab feeling the fibers swelling up into thick marble slabs. His legs are unable to support his weight and they buckle on him, making him fall to the ground. This makes his house shake to the point that it leaves cracks in the floor. He laughs and wants so much more. His blood starts to move to his back. He can feel his lats starting to react so he spreads them. The tingling sensation makes him squirm as he hears them stretching, growing bigger, thicker, wider. His back cracks making his spine stretch. He can feel himself getting taller. He yells as his traps make an explosive sound and start growing bigger and bigger making him have to put his hands on the floor to handle the extreme changes. He hears multiple pops moving down his back as the muscle fibers around his spine swell and stretch growing massive. The area at his lower back stretches tighter making his waist look smooth and fibrous. The blood is now moving further down into his pelvic region. He tries to stand up, but the weight of his upper body prevents it so he just stares into the mirror while on his knees. He rises up enough to pull down his boxers to where he can see his pelvis. The fat pocket that was there before has disappeared revealing tighter almost veiny muscles that are pulling his pubic hairs out. He feels his ass starting to thicken even more. His hard butt is stretching further away from his body. He turns to his side and sees his boxers being stretched to their limits. Each individual seam is literally being pulled apart by his growing ass cheeks. His boxers eventually fall off of him revealing his throbbing cock now engorged with blood. It is hairless now with his transformation. He can feel more blood moving down insides his legs into his quads, hamstrings, and calves. The anticipation makes him start growling uncontrollably. He loves the feeling he gets when he works his quads anyway and this will heighten his pleasure. Each individual muscle fiber in his quads have started to pop and pull their way up and out swelling up even more. He feels both quads stretching, growing further outwards getting thicker. His cock immediately points up at the mirror and squirts a huge rope of precum on to the mirror. He moans as his hamstrings swell bigger and bigger pushing him further off the ground. He is able to stand now and take in the rest of his changes. Now his calves have started to react, stretching further beyond his fibulas. They grow to nearly twice their size and glisten in the light. It doesn’t stop here as the blood finally meets up with his feet while he is still wearing his flip-flops. He looks down to watch his toes swell thickening up and crushing his footwear. The change is almost complete as he growls staring at all of his new equipment. He feels incredibly horny after this incredible experience and feels all kinds of tingling sensations starting at the base of his cock. A C was decently equipped to begin with, but with his massive growth, his penis suddenly looks smaller. The tingling moves into his ballsac making him squeal in delight. It feels so good that he wants to cum a thousand times, but can’t do so. He watches in the mirror as his testicles start filling out and growing bigger making more veins and capillaries to accommodate their new size. His sack is now stretched tight where it was loose before. He can feel the overwhelming sensation of his prostate being stimulated by his testicles creating more cum. He shoots another rope of precum coating the mirror again. He wipes it with his huge hand and gives it a taste before moaning. The blood inside his penis finally makes its move and begins to transform it. After hearing it pop, A C agonizes as his cock starts to stretch and thicken getting wider and harder than before. He can feel it lengthen from the inside added several inches. He was never hung before, but after this change, his cock can now bob up and down with each contraction. Raging with sexual lust and power, A C wants more as his mind intensifies its need for additional stimulation. He continues to leak more precum into huge puddles on the floor in front of him. The sequence he just went through must have added at least 50 pounds to his 260 pound frame. While he has been able to channel his emotions well, his need for more muscle is stronger than ever. He manages to get back into position in front of the mirror and does a most muscular. The veins and arteries on his entire body start to bulge and fill up with extra blood. He senses the hair on his body beginning to grow back. It starts on his head and moves its way all the way down. The bristling sound it makes sends him into another round of ecstasy. His reddish brown body hair comes back in thicker than ever covering everything. He strokes it lovingly as he looks at the dark reddish brown facial hair forming a beard on his face. He smirks noticing how perfect it looks on his chiseled face. His eyes have even changed to a golden brown color which he admires. He feels the short stubbly hair on his head and glides his huge hands across it looking at its red tinted tips. He finds himself incredibly attractive at this point, but he can’t help but to want more. He rubs his hands together to prep himself for the next phase. A C takes a deep breath and tenses his body. He flexes his neck and chest like he is trying to lift a car and looks up in the air. His 6’5 frame starts to make sounds that he has never heard before. He yells in pain as he feels himself growing taller again this time moving faster than before. His huge back pops multiple times making him rise higher and higher. His voice is now getting ridiculously deep as it rumbles the walls in his bedroom. They shake to the point that anything on them falls to the ground. His pain goes beyond what he is feeling now and instead is replaced by constant tingling. His normal human proportions are going to end if he doesn’t stop. He goes past the 7’ mark and realizes that he no longer cares if his house exists anymore. He reaches his hulking arms out to touch the side walls that are now getting closer and closer. His hunger makes him shoot the load sitting in his growing balls on to the mirror. It falls and shatters into hundreds of pieces. His muscles continue to stretch and pull their way out further from where they were before. He laughs as his growing frame runs into his bed pushing it towards the wall. He knocks over the lamp on his side table and puts his fist through it. It is like paper crumbling as the drawers disintegrate and the underwear inside it just goes flying everywhere. His bed finally reaches a wall and starts to buckle making the wood start to split. It finally breaks as his immense chest goes through it. He feels himself getting close to the ceiling which means he has to be close to 8’ now and nearly 600 pounds. The floorboards in his bedroom start to break under his weight. He can’t help but to shoot another massive load hitting the back wall and putting a giant hole in it. Incredibly he is still coherent inside his gigantic muscular head. He wants desperately to bust through a wall or maybe the ceiling. His growth seems to have stopped too as the strange sounds have ceased. A C is practically immobile since he is now underneath the floorboards. He tries to climb out of his trench, but just breaks more in his path. This makes him a tad irritated even though he wanted this more than anything. He starts making his way over to the corner of the room busting up every floorboard and piece of furniture in his way. A C grabs a hold of the bottom edge of the corner and starts lifting up. His 35” cannons flex making beach balls look small. He feels the side of the room starting to creak as he pushes the house away from the foundation. The walls begin to fall apart as he hears his bedroom windows starting to break. This makes him start to precum again as his two foot schlong lies in a giant puddle of goo. He roars as he launches the wall up into the air sending debris everywhere in his yard. His bedroom is almost nearly destroyed except for the closet on the other side of the room. He attempts to run towards it making a path all the way there under the floor. He manages to get underneath the carpet beneath his entire closet to get his gargantuan back into position. When he is ready, he moves up on it like he is using his closet as a press. The sound of wood and nails breaking and flying is heard through the neighborhood. He growls as he is able to detach the entire closet and throws it down. The feeling is enough to make him moan as his cock sprays the grass now in front of his massive feet. He remembers that his house is not on the foundation anymore and attempts to push it completely off. A C manages to get free from under the floor and waddles over to the corner where his kitchen is on the outside of the house. He puts all of his strength into it and starts moving it. The sound of stuff crashing through the house is enough to make him growl as he watches his one story house crumbling with each inch he moves it. He can’t help but to be aroused uncontrollably by this. He shoots multiple ropes of hot sticky cum all over the siding showing his dominance. He wonders what will happen now though since he just destroyed his own house. What will the neighbors think? Check out the sequel story here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7751-hypnosis-does-more-than-one-body-good/
  8. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Role Reversal Parts 1 + 2 (Muscle Genie)

    Abraham is a small teenager afraid to step foot out the front door of his house because he fears for his safety. The reason is because of a very large classmate that lives down the street. He has made Abe feel insignificant for longer than he can remember. He used to go out with his friends almost every weekend he wasn't in school, but now he watches from his bedroom window as this bully walks by his house, looks up at him, smiles, and flexes and taunts him with his huge arms. This sequence can last for several minutes before he finally decides to move on. Nolan, the very muscular classmate, isn't afraid to show his body off either. The summer season following high school was horrible for Abe. He went to the pool to just cool off from the heat and just enjoy himself but Nolan was there too. His overbearing personality was making the small teen so upset that he had to leave. The buff jock would constantly make fun of his body the entire time he was there. It got so bad after school started up again that Abe eventually gave up on trying to accomplish anything outside his house. That is until he is visited by a huge figure outside his front door. Instead of being afraid of it though, he opens the door and lets it inside the house. It tells him to sit down, take a deep breath, and look into its eyes. Without making another move, he peers into its eyes and is instantly placed into a relaxed state. The figure disappears once Abe lies down and falls asleep. He awakens and feels different the next day. He doesn't look any different after looking in the bathroom mirror, but does have a slight sensation deep down in his stomach. It is the end of the week and as he leaves the school the bully doesn't miss a beat. He follows Abe all the way home like he always does and won't let up on all of his insults. Normally he wouldn’t stop walking and try to get home as quickly as possible, but on this day in particular he feels a rush of adrenaline building up inside him. He gets a little further ahead of Nolan and stops. He doesn’t turn to face him because he doesn't really have to. ‘NOLAN, YOU NEED TO STOP HARRASSING ME! YOU ARE MAKING ME SO STRESSED OUT, I CAN’T…..STOP…..(feels almost numb)’ At this point, Nolan stops saying anything at all and notices Abe’s shirt starting to rise up his chest. His short stature begins to disappear as he starts to grow taller, the sound of his spine cracking as it begins to grow new vertebrae. Nolan is awestruck at what is happening in front of him. ‘UHHHH! (voice deepens) OH GAWD I CAN’T FEEL ANYTHING!’ *looks down at his hands and sees them widen* ‘WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME? *stretch* *pop* ‘UHHH!’ *stretch* Nolan watches in amazement as Abe’s back grows wider pushing his shirt to its limits. His light middle-eastern skin has now turned to a darker hue as he begins to look more mature. The sound of his muscles growing is starting to turn him on more than he anticipated. His expanding arms are now shredding the sleeves completely off of his shirt. The seams begin splitting all the way down the sides of his shirt and reveal his growing lats. He begins to stumble as he starts walking away from Nolan and can hear him behind him talking to himself. ‘What the fuck?.....Is this happening?.....Are you the Incredible Hulk dude?.....You are not skinny turd anymore. I don’t know who the fuck you are?’ Abe smiles really big since he can't see his face. As he continues to slowly walk, he can feel his shoes squeaking as his feet expand. He stops again to look down and sees the stitches starting to fray on them. His toes start to penetrate the leather and rip through the front. He growls as he feels his feet finally destroy his shoes. His back finally manages to completely bust through the whole left side of his shirt. ‘OHH YEAH! I AM FEELING GREAT! *feels his balls filling up with thick cum realizing his true potential* MMMM, MORE I WANT MORE!’ Nolan sees his arms growing again as he moves them from side to side, the fabric shredding all the way up to his huge shoulders revealing massive triceps which developed colossal horseshoes. He stops after a few more steps again to check out his growing biceps and notices that unflexed they are now bigger than his own head. *deep laughter* ‘HEHE, WHERE ARE YOUR WORDS NOW NOLAN? I SUGGEST YOU TURN AROUND NOW AND GO THE OTHER WAY BOY! I AM FAR FROM DONE IT SEEMS.’ Knowing that the bully is still back there, he flexes his huge bis and splits the seams on the top of his shirt as it just blows in the wind. He grabs the shirt fabric and pulls on it as rips off his thick neck and tumbles to the ground. He is shirtless now as he stands with his lats spread out and his back flexed. His huge neck and wide shoulders are now meeting up with his huge arms. At that moment, he turns to glance back at Nolan walking towards him as he jogs across the street enjoying the feeling of having huge pecs bouncing up and down when he moves. By the time he gets to the other side of the street, the growth has moved to his legs as they stretch his jeans. He growls as he hears the fabric straining even though it hurts to be confined in them. He squeezes his quads and laughs at the sound of denim exploding beneath his waist. ‘WHOA! Who the fuck are you dude? I should stop following you, but I feel compelled to. Your transformation is unlike anything I have ever witnessed in my life.’ Abe reaches down and rips the jeans off showing his new gargantuan legs. His calves have doubled their size and look like huge upside-down hearts. He still manages to be wearing his underwear, but his expanding glutes are making it difficult to keep the fabric from buckling. He begins to sprint to his house and notices that Nolan is trying to run behind him as well. Before he can get to his front door, he hears a rip in the back of his underwear as his butt begins to fall out. He moans as he feels his cock growing bigger to accommodate his huge cum-filled ball sack. He busts through the front door just before his entire crotch is exposed and the fabric on his underwear gives way. He stares down to look at his huge 10-incher hanging there dripping with precum. He rushes to go look in the bathroom mirror and can't believe who is looking back at him. In his reflection, he sees a hazel-eyed, curly-haired, hugely-muscled, godlike teenager staring back at him. He smiles and instantly falls in love with the guy in the mirror. ‘AWW YEAH, YOU ARE ONE BEAUTIFUL STUD ABRAHAM! I FEEL SO HOT RIGHT NOW, MMMM!’ *strokes his huge rod as he takes in his muscular body* *he rubs his sweaty body and feels his balls begin to react as the cum inside them begins to rush into his cock* ‘OHH SHIT, YEAH CUM YOU GOD, I WANT TO FUCKING COAT THIS ROOM WITH MY JUICES.’ *rears back and sprays the mirror as the force shatters the glass* *his thick cum coats the whole floor as he steps in it* *he laughs hysterically as he leaves the bathroom once he stops cumming* ‘MMMM, I hope that Nolan is still around so I can do a little taunting of my own.’ The fear of Nolan is completely gone now and he just wants him to worship his body now. He looks out a side window and notices him just standing there. He doesn't say anything and looks rather bewildered like he is deciding on what to do next. ‘Damn, that dude completely ripped the door off its hinges. That pipsqueak must be so kind of freak that someone has engineered in some lab. I wonder if his parents….’ *he gasps* Abe walks back into the doorway where the front door was and just stands there as his huge muscles shine in the sun and his cock begins to harden again. He smiles at Nolan and points at him as if he is trying to tell him something. ‘HEY NOLAN, I TOLD YOU NOT TO FOLLOW ME HOME. NOW YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY FOR YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS. GET OVER HERE!’ *points at his porch* ‘HELL NO, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU? YOU LOOK LIKE YOU COULD BE PIPSQUEAK’S DAD WITH ALL OF THOSE MUSCLES. I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE CLOSE TO WHERE YOU ARE.’ ‘THE HELL YOU ARE…..’ Abe starts charging after Nolan and grabs him before he could take off. Nolan’s mouth is covered by Abe’s massive hand as he grinds the bully with his huge body. Nolan begins to calm down after a few minutes once he uses up all his energy on fighting the huge teen. Abe starts to move his rod close to Nolan’s lips and holds him down to keep him restrained. Nolan tries to resist. ‘Shhh Nolan, I know you want this. Once you taste my cock on your tongue, you will never want to bully me ever again.’ ‘I am never sucking you dude, I fucking hate you. You are some kind of freak….’ Abe shoves his rod into his mouth and starts to thrust. Nolan jumps for a few seconds and then slightly moans. ‘Good boy Nolan, nice and slow. You won’t even remember that nasty jerk residing in your head in a few minutes.’ Nolan picks up speed gulping down the pre oozing from Abe’s cock. ‘MMMM GOOD, just a little more Nolan. OHHH YEAH, THAT’S IT….GO FOR IT BOY…..YEAH HERE IT COMES….SAY GOODBYE TO THE EVIL NOLAN…..’ Abe shoots rope after rope of thick cum down Nolan’s throat making him writhe in ecstasy. The big teen laughs as he sees his bully’s eyes glaze over as he slows down and slowly sucks Abe’s rod. Abe smiles and pulls out of his mouth. He gets up and walks back into his house leaving the bully lying there with cum oozing out the sides of his face. Only time will tell if Nolan will truly change. The Tools of Revenge Abe walks back into his house to turn around and stand in his doorway to stand with authority as his huge muscular body gleams with sweat. He watches Nolan lying there muttering to himself as he continues to spew cum all over his face. The defeated bully starts to thrash about in agony as he feels his body shrinking. His muscles nearly disappear as he looks down in shock as his clothes hang off him in a bad way. He tries to get up but feels so weak that he can’t move. Abe is heard laughing as he does a most muscular pose. ‘What is wrong now Nolan? Have the tables turned on you? Do you feel insignificant? It sucks doesn’t it? Now you can deal with the same problems I dealt with for years from you. The only difference is I am not going to make you feel like shit. Oh no, I’m sure your friends will do that without any thought.’ Abe walks back out to him after his transformation and picks him up. He takes the scrawny teen inside and puts him on his couch. The hulking teen sits by him and covers his crotch with a jacket he had laying nearby. He squeezes Nolan’s arm and laughs again before getting a serious look on his face. Nolan seems ashamed that he looks so tiny compared to Abe. ‘You don’t get this do you Nolan? Ohh I’m sure you will when we go to school tomorrow.’ Nolan looks exhausted as he passes out. Abe smiles and goes to find some of his dad’s clothes to put on. He isn’t sure that he can wear any of them, but will try. He remembers when his dad was heavier and looks for a box in the attic full of them. He eventually finds a t-shirt and some shorts that he can fit into and goes back into the living room. He manages to find a pair of boxers too that can contain his huge rod. He wonders if his parents will recognize him and decides that he needs to find another place to stay. He walks over and picks up the sleeping teen and takes him out the front door and down the street. He sees people stop walking and peering out their windows as they stare at him carrying Nolan. One of them happens to be one of Nolan’s friends, Cooper, a massively built brute that is known for being quite homophobic too. He tries to block Abe several times which makes the huge teen irritable as he lays Nolan down along the curb of the street. ‘Who the fuck are you dude and what the hell happened to Nolan? He looks like shit…..actually…..fuck he looks like he is 12…..what the hell is going on here?’ ‘Cooper I am trying to get him home so he can rest there so if you don’t mind I am a little busy. You can talk to him tomorrow.’ ‘How the fuck do you know my name? Do you go to school with us? Fuck you have to be the biggest guy I have ever seen that could possibly be our age. You do look familiar though in the face…..hmmm’ Abe picks Nolan back up and proceeds to pass Cooper. He shakes his head because he can’t believe that Nolan’s friend wouldn’t recognize a guy that has olive skin and noticeably middle-eastern features. There isn’t that many guys like him around the city. He can see Nolan’s house within his sight and starts moving a little bit faster. He knows that Cooper is following him on foot so he stops again midway. He turns as the big jock stumbles into him. ‘What the fuck man? I can’t let you take him there until you tell me who the hell you are? I seriously don’t have a clue. When did you start going to school with us?’ ‘Cooper seriously you don’t remember me? You used to harass me over the last several summers with Nolan. Remember that time at the pool?’ Cooper begins to think about this and a light bulb goes off in his head. His eyes grow huge as he realizes that it is Abraham he is talking to, well a much more mature looking Abraham. Abe turns back around and starts power walking again as he draws closer to Nolan’s house. Cooper follows as he tries to keep up. He eventually stops and proceeds to yell something. ‘ABE COME ON MAN! YOU KNOW WE WERE JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU GROW SOME BALLS! IT WAS OBVIOUSLY A SUCCESS BECAUSE YOU ARE FUCKING MASSIVE! WHY DON’T YOU JUST LET ME TAKE HIM HOME AND WE CAN ‘DISCUSS’ THINGS AFTERWARDS?’ Abe stops and turns again this time as he is only 100 feet from Nolan’s front steps. Cooper jogs to him as his heaving pecs and powerful legs sweat profusely through his clothes. Abe scans the huge jock’s body and finds himself attracted to him even though he remembers how terrible he was treated by him. Cooper makes a motion to put Nolan down, but Abe will have none of it. This aggravates Cooper to the point that he punches him in the back of his head. Abe grins a bit and turns to finally get Nolan to his house before placing him on his porch. The scrawny teen never awakens one time through the whole ordeal which does in fact worry Abe a bit. Cooper continues to taunt him over and over as the huge hulk takes Nolan’s vitals. He has a faint pulse but he is alive so he leaves him there hoping that his parents will take care of him. Cooper swings at Abe again and this time hits his stomach. The brute yells in pain as it feels like he has hit a brick wall. Abe pushes his weight on to the black-haired brown-eyed bully as he backs him up practically into the street. Cooper tries to puff his chest out to exert his own strength. His veiny arms lock with Abe’s as they begin to tussle. Abe moans a little as he begins to enjoy this confrontation. He restrains the brute as he pulls him to the ground. Cooper’s strong body puts up a major fight as Abe really has to work hard to keep him in check. His muscles strain and flex under the intense pressure as sweat pours off of him. ‘FUCK YOU ABE! FUCK YOU! I HATE YOUR GUTS! Nolan wasn’t like this yesterday. I don’t know what happened to him, but you obviously had something to do with it.’ ‘Maybe I did, but it was for the best Cooper. I also think I should teach you a lesson like I did with Nolan. You are a fucking stud and I want to taste your body and suck your hot cock. Think I can do that boy?’ Cooper thrashes just like Nolan did when Abe restrained him just a while ago. He begins to get a scared look in his eyes as Abe lifts his shirt up and begins to run his tongue up and down the muscular teen’s chest. ‘YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS FAGGOT! I PROMISE YOU WILL PAY! I WILL GET ALL OF MY FRIENDS TO COME AFTER YOU!’ Abe unzips Cooper’s shorts and pulls his undies down as his cock falls out. Abe slowly gobbles it down and starts to massage it with his mouth making Cooper groan longingly. He tries to kick Abe in the groan, but can’t get a good angle. Abe pushes down on him harder to keep him in line. ‘NOOO FUCK I WON’T LET YOU MAKE ME CUM…..I FUCKING HATE YOU……UHHH FUCK I…..’ Abe moans deeply as he feels Cooper’s swollen balls getting ready to push their cum into his cock. ‘Mmmmm good boy…..I will totally make you never want to fight me again Cooper. Feed me that luscious load of yours and I will show you someone you won’t want to mess with.’ Cooper moans ‘AHHHH’ numerous times before he blasts his load down Abe’s throat as the big hulk slowly gulps down the multiple ropes. He moans deeply as he continues to drain the distraught bully. Cooper can feel himself starting to shrink as his huge muscles begin to disappear. The same cannot be said for Abe who begins to laugh as he feels his muscles starting to grow again. The clothes he obtained from his father will not last long as he pulls Cooper’s cock out of his mouth and gets up to start running down the street. He feels the straining muscles beginning to push their way through the seams on his shirt and pants. He stops to take a breather as his chest rips its way out the front and his biceps grow to the size of melons. His legs destroy his pants as they begin to look inhuman. He lets his body transform again this time without any resistance as he grows to supernatural proportions including his cock which most likely tops off at 18 inches. He is no longer recognizable as a typical teenager, but rather as a full-grown man who looks like he has been taking growth hormone forever. His mind even feels a bit different like there is another person residing inside along with him. He embraces the change fully though as he knows his life will not be the same anymore. He stares down the street and sees Cooper crawling towards Nolan’s front steps. Instead of going back though, he starts to make his way to some area where no one will find him. At least no one that knows him, but that won’t be a problem now with his new transformation.
  9. Nassar is a competitive wrestler for a prominent squad of champion wrestlers. He started out his college career in the 163 but moved up to the 185 after he bulked up during the summer of his sophomore year. He started his junior season with a few wins, but lost a few as well. His opponents are much bigger and tougher than he anticipated as he moved up from his previous weight classification. His teammates have noticed him struggle with the change but they have their own classes to worry about. His parents did not necessarily support his decision to continue with his wrestling career after high school so he feels like the only person that really keeps him motivated is his coach Byron. He has always been there for him and really cares about his career and his training. Nassar has trained with him many times before and has had long talks about extending his career into possibly the Olympics. While Byron has focused on all seven members of his team, he has also noticed that Nassar needs a little more support than the others. He has practiced with the 211 competitor, Morgan, several times to prepare for the more experienced 185 wrestlers. He is probably the only one on the team that the middle-eastern immigrant has really spent a lot of time with because of the practices and the fact that he likes to have a little company too. He has other friends outside the gym, but they are not interested in his focus on wrestling. Most of them are more engrossed in sports like football or baseball. One evening in particular, Nassar is in the gym by himself practicing his moves when a figure appears out of nowhere on the mat. He gets really shocked and jumps backwards. The figure grabs a hold of him and pins him down on the ground. It pulls his unitard completely down and sticks a small rod inside his bum. He tries to wiggle his way out of the figure’s arms, but ends up screaming loudly and can't resist it penetrating him. It pulls his unitard back up on him and disappears. He looks around and wonders what the hell just happened and tries to feel for the rod in his ass, but it is gone. That same evening, he is in the locker room and his coach Byron walks in. He tells him to come into the gym and to get on the mat. ‘Hey there buddy, how about we practice a few moves? I need to get a little more comfortable before we do though.’ Byron takes his jacket off as well as his pants too. He is wearing a unitard himself, but Nassar’s eyes instantly go to his incredible cock. In fact, Byron is in phenomenal shape and appears to be turning him on. He gets behind Nassar and wraps his arms around his waist to get into position. The Lebanese wrestler can't seem to focus on the task at hand as Byron flips him over. Nassar seems to just give up as his coach looks him in the eyes as he just stares at his coach’s huge crotch. ‘Now Nassar, why did you give up so easily? Ahh, do you see something you like?’ He can't seem to help himself as he moves over to start licking Byron’s semi inside his unitard. He doesn't resist and lets the wrestler start sucking on his cock through the fabric. He loses himself in Byron’s intoxicating scent and his hairy muscularity of his fine chest. ‘Mmmm feels really good man. I think something is happening to me.’ He can feel Byron’s cock expanding in his mouth as he speeds up his rhythm. His hands grab his swelling pecs and can feel his unitard stretching. ‘AHH YEAH! *stretch* *pop* Mmmm keep going man, I feel like I am fucking growing.’ It isn't long before Nassar hears the fabric snapping and ripping apart exposing a growing hairy god. Byron grabs him and rips his unitard off penetrating his sweet ass with his massive cock. ‘OH FUCK COACH! I DON’T KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING BUT IT FEELS SO GOOD!’ His mind starts to go as he sees Morgan walking towards him. He imagines him growing as he is fucked by Byron. *stretch* *pop* COACH….*stretch* NASSAR…..*pop* *voice deepens* OH MY GAWD! *stretch* It is working as Morgan grows wider and wider with each step he takes as his huge member goes straight for Nassar’s waiting lips. Morgan manages to stick his growing cock into his mouth with ease. The Lebanese wrestler feels the shaft thickening within his lips as the main vein increases its size exponentially. He looks up at Morgan and sees his face beginning to grow thicker hair to form a nicely shaped beard. *the bigger wrestler winks* ‘MMMMM YEAH NASSAR! I HAVE ALWAYS LIKED YOU STUD AND I LOVE WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO ME! FUCK YEAH I FEEL INCREDIBLE!’ The hair moves down to his chest which is expanding. His pecs are now spilling over the sides of his unitard, pulling the straps on his back upward with his growing traps and thickening neck. Nassar hugs his growing butt and feels its power pushing the unitard further away from his body. *massive stretching sounds* ‘GAWD YEAH NASSAR, FUCKING MAKE ME INTO A GIANT, I WANT MORE!’ Morgan grabs his head and pushes it all the way down on his huge cock. The feeling drives his growth further as he can hear his legs shredding the fabric. The unitard snaps and rips completely off. Byron’s growth is also phenomenal. The hairy coach is becoming a beast of his own right as his arms grow to 25" and his chest sails past 65". He also has developed a nice trail of hair all over his body. His cock continues to grow inside Nassar making him have to deal with the pain involved. He yells in extreme pain, but wants his coach’s spunk inside him. He grinds Byron’s cock really good moving up and down on it trying to get him to release. ‘MMMM GOOD BOY BUDDY, YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO GET ME GOING!’ He moans with such lust as Nassar gets his wish. Byron pulls out of him in time for the wrestler to see the eruption. A fountain of solid white begins to pool out of his cockhead when he pushes it back inside him. Nassar moans as he pumps him full of his muscle growth spunk. He doesn't want it to end and starts humping him again. He feels coach’s rock-hard quads underneath him and begins to feel more comfortable now with him fucking his ass. Nassar stops sucking on Morgan’s cock so he can move over to where the coach is. Now it is Byron’s turn to suck him. ‘MMMM WELL HELLO THERE MONSTER MORGAN! DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING FOR ME? WHY I THINK I’LL HELP MYSELF.’ The coach works over Morgan until he knows he is going to cum. The cum shoots directly into Byron's waiting mouth as he gobbles it up, even letting a small pile off it dribble down his enormous hairy chest. Nassar manages to sneak a peek and rubs it into the coach's mammoth pecs and stone slab abs. This quickly leads to the coach unloading into him again as he feels his spunk squirting jet after jet into his gut. ‘Aww fuck coach, I love the feeling it gives me when it travels through my body.’ His body begins absorbing all of the cum straight into his muscles. He remains on top of the coach and leans back to rest on his chest. Byron starts encouraging him to grow huge like him and Morgan. Even the huge hairy teammate wills him to start growing. Coach and Morgan start chanting: ‘GROW GROW GROW GROW! ! ! ! !’ Nassar feels it beginning to take hold inside him as the urge to explode in size begins to stress him. ‘NO PLEASE STOP SAYING THAT, I CAN’T LET IT…..’ *feels numbness beginning at his feet and traveling up into the rest of his body* The Lebanese wrestler doubles over in pain as the other two men grow silent. Major cracking sounds begin to echo in the gym as they see his back reshaping adding more height. His voice begins to greatly deepen as he punches his two arms into the floor. *BOOM* WHY *BOOM* DID YOU TWO *BOOM* DO THIS TO *BOOM* ME? Nassar’s regular frame grows rapidly as he begins to expand wildly. His muscles nearly explode out of his skin as he sails past 300, then 400, then 500 pounds. *voice shatters windows* ‘I FEEL SO POWERFUL LIKE I AM REBORN!’ Byron approaches the 8’5 giant and smiles up at him. His 6’8 350 pound frame is no match for Nassar’s. Morgan walks behind Byron and starts to rub him. Byron turns to him and laughs. ‘HEHE I THINK IT IS MY TURN TO GROW AGAIN!’ Huge popping sounds are heard from Byron’s frame as he begins to grow taller and thicker again. Morgan moans watching his coach add nearly another foot in height and 125 pounds in muscle. ‘MMMM COACH, I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU AND NASSAR WRESTLE NOW. IT COULD BE A MATCH FOR THE AGES.’ The two behemoths turn to look at each other and smile. They give each other a huge kiss on the lips and get into the standard wrestling position while Morgan stands on the side. A match for the ages, perhaps he isn’t far off from being correct. Team of Champions As Coach and Nassar prepare to put the moves on each other, Morgan waddles his way towards the back locker area where the other five wrestlers are hanging out. None of them seem to be aware of what is happening out on the mats in the gym. Morgan tries to stay incognito behind the entry way into the locker room. He can hear three of them talking amongst each other. Knowing that he can’t be seen by all five, he tries to come up with a plan to see if he can convert them individually. He knows that he can’t cover up his 6’6 325 pound frame with any of the singlets in their inventory so he has to try and rush his way past them somehow and see if the coach has any of his own. Maybe just maybe they won’t recognize him. He can hear them walking towards the showers which angles around to where they can’t see where he is standing. He tries as quickly as he can to race into the coach’s office which is located behind the lockers. He closes the door behind him and falls on to the ground to take a breather. As he does though, he realizes that he is not alone when someone makes a moaning sound. ‘Whoa dude…..who the hell are you?’ Morgan sits up quickly and turns to see that it is Linc, his Spanish-American teammate who competes in the 157. He is sitting in the coach’s chair completely nude with a hard-on that is sitting on his chest. His hard rippling muscles on his 5’7 frame glean with sweat as it appears he was jacking off. The big brute is surprised by this and tries to get up to go into the nearby bathroom. Linc jumps to his feet and runs over in front of him. His huge cock smacks Morgan on his enormous muscle gut. ‘Seriously dude…..you can’t be on the wrestling squad because you are too big to compete. Besides…..*starts to rub Morgan’s chest* I think you can help me relieve a problem I am having down below.’ Linc starts to rub Morgan’s cock which immediately starts to grow up against his small body. He looks up into the big guy’s eyes and moans as he begins to massage those huge nips with his mouth and lips. Morgan growls before picking the small wrestler up and taking him over to the coach’s desk. He moans louder as the smaller man moves his mouth further down the bodybuilder’s chest past his gut and starts to lick his huge cockhead. Somehow Linc manages to shove his own cock up inside Morgan which makes the big guy moan deeper feeling his hole convulse as it swallows the big pole. It turns out that Linc has a really big crush on older men and thinks that Morgan is one of the coach’s former wrestlers. He stops working Morgan’s cockhead to lean his body up against the big man’s chest as he pumps faster inside him. ‘OH GAWD DUDE…..YOU ARE SO FUCKING HOT…..coach really knows how to inspire us to keep training after we graduate obviously. I can’t hold back any longer…..fuck I am going to explode…..’ Linc loses himself as he shoots a huge load inside Morgan making the big guy flex his entire body. His rock hard muscles press into the smaller wrestler making him nearly lose consciousness. His cock finally goes limp after nearly an entire minute inside him. Morgan picks him up after his cock falls out and places him back in the coach’s chair. He wants to convert Linc but doesn’t feel like it is the right thing to do at this time. He turns to leave but is stopped in his tracks when the small guy wakes up. ‘NO…..please don’t leave dude…..i feel like I know you somehow. You seem so familiar? Have we met before somewhere? *scratches his head* Man there is no way, but you must have been a lot smaller the last time we met.’ ‘UHH…..I don’t think we have man. I did enjoy you cumming inside me though, your cock is huge and feels really nice inside my hole. You really are bold for facing me like you did because I could have totally fucked you up.’ ‘Yeah I know dude, but you are so incredible.’ Linc stares at Morgan’s cock and licks his lips. He gets up from the chair again to face the big guy. ‘Dude…..I am hungry for some man cock and I have to finish what I started with you. I can probably shove my tongue down inside that beautiful cockhead of yours. Please you have to let me do it.’ Morgan smiles and pushes the small wrestler down on him making him gag. Linc spills saliva all over the entire width of the big man’s cock making him growl in excitement. Instead of terror, the small wrestler smiles up at his dominant master and slowly shoves his tongue down the giant slit of Morgan’s cockhead. The bodybuilder starts to rear backwards feeling the ecstasy flowing through him as he does this. He realizes that the small man is a risk taker and is willing to go as far as he can to get what he wants. ‘Lincoln…..you do know me man. We have actually spent a lot of time together outside of the gym. I am surprised you don’t at least recognize me a little.’ The wrestler stops toying with the man’s cock to sit on the ground and pause. He looks up into Morgan’s eyes in complete shock. ‘HUH? WHAT?! Are you kidding me dude? Morgan? *blushing a lot* Oh my gawd…..I…..am so attracted to you anyway buddy. I have always thought you were so sexy…..your body has always looked so hot to me. At your previous size you were incredibly built, but like this you are beyond beautiful. All of those days together for me were special because I needed some kind of happiness in my life. I sort of wished that you were gay just so I could be with you not only out in public, but in private too. Now that I have fucked you, I feel the need to taste you. I think you know what I mean don’t you?’ Morgan smirks down at him and slaps his cock on the Spanish-American’s head. ‘I do man, but I hope you know that things will happen that won’t be able to be reversed. At least I don’t think they can since I have been like this for a little while.’ Linc grabs a hold of the big guy’s cock and kisses it lightly. ‘Damn dude, are you telling me your size was caused by some strange occurrence?’ Morgan nods and slowly caresses his teammate’s head. ‘You could definitely say that man. It all started with coach and he passed it on to me. We even converted Nassar and it was amazing.’ ‘Oh fuck that is awesome. I would love for you to convert me Morgan. I have always had feelings for you so let’s get this started.’ Linc pushes Morgan’s huge cock down his throat and starts gulping for dear life. The huge man moans deeply as he feels his balls filling up. The small wrestler massages them moaning as he feels them swelling. He takes a few breaths every once in a while before going back to sucking on the huge muscleman. Morgan carries him back over to the desk again but this time gets on top of it with the wrestler. He turns Linc around and slowly pushes his cock inside the Spanish-American’s tight hole. His loud moans begin to attract attention now as the four men from the showers come rushing out and pile into the office. They all stop in their tracks as they are mesmerized by the huge stud straddling their teammate. After a few seconds, the men begin fondling each other and start making out. Morgan continues to push his way further inside Linc finally reaching his buddy’s prostate. The wrestler grips the desk as hard as he can. ‘OH GAWD YES PLEASE MORGAN…..FILL ME UP HOTTIE…..MAKE ME A FUCKING GAWD LIKE YOU.’ After a really quick pounding, Morgan feels his load starting to move its way into his cock. He wraps his massive arms around Linc and holds him up against his body as he unloads his river inside the waiting bottom. The small wrestler lets out several long winded moans feeling it rush through his entire body. He immediately feels something happening to him as he shakes violently. ‘OHH FUCK……*stretch* MORGAN….. *pop*……I CAN FEEL IT…..*whoosh*……HAPPENING…..’ Morgan growls feeling his teammate growing beneath him. Linc’s rippling legs stretch and thicken rapidly as the muscles in his quads and calves spread wider. His ass digs into Morgan’s huge gut as they form two perfectly shaped balloons under his olive skin. His huge cock throbs wildly as it spills sticky pre all over the desk. His rod thickens even bigger as his balls stretch bigger completely filling his ballsac before hanging underneath the desk. Morgan moves his hands up to feel Linc’s growing chest beneath them. The wrestler agonizes feeling his pecs swelling bigger as they nearly come out of the skin as stretch marks appear all over them. His nipples dangle underneath after his pecs finish growing. His shoulders, traps, and delts push his head further above his body as his necks thickens to twice its size. His abs pop numerous times as they swell larger and thicker than before forming an irregular pattern from beneath his pec slabs. His lats fly out from within his body and push Morgan’s arms away from his chest. He makes a loud moaning sound as he flexes his growing guns which blow up into giant softballs to match his incredible new horseshoe triceps. He sees his forearms do the same as they too grow into huge baseballs. Morgan hugs him tightly against him and kisses his buddy’s neck feeling the sweaty stud’s freshly grown muscles against him. ‘Oh Lincoln, you have developed nicely man. I think I need a taste of that fresh spunk of yours now.’ He flips the stud over and swallows the sticky rod down his throat. He feels the flood of pre increasing as he picks up his pace. Linc doesn’t speak and appears to be letting his dominant side take over as he pushes Morgan’s head all the way down on him. He yells in delight as he turns his head to watch the other four wrestlers having sex with each other now. It is not known exactly how far this will go but at this rate it appears the whole wrestling squad will be giants.
  10. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Inflation Artist Parts 1 + 2 (Muscle Genie)

    C J is a small guy that has a tremendous talent in drawing muscle growth on paper. This is a talent that he has honed over several years growing up as an outsider in not only school, but in society as a whole. His parents could never understand why he had no interest in ever finding someone to be with in real life. All he ever cared about was drawing whatever fantasies were in his head on paper. This infatuation with muscle growth would escalate into him actually attempting to inflate himself through various means by way of vacuum, air, water, or whatever he could find to manipulate his body. The swelling of his body makes him feel powerful, even though it is extremely temporary. He would look at himself in a giant mirror in his bedroom as his clothes would expand with whatever he could put inside them. One day unexpectedly, a hulking figure appears on the other side of his mirror. It speaks to him and says that it would like to fulfill his desire, but that he must give up his innocence to do so. He is puzzled as to what the humanlike figure is talking about. It walks out of his mirror and is an amazing specimen to behold. It touches his head as he feels an unreal rush of excitement racing through him. The feeling disappears once the figure turns back around and goes through the mirror. Without ever uttering a word, he makes a deal with the Muscle Genie. He is actually a very modest guy. He lives alone because he doesn't really identify with anyone. He does however talk on chat groups on his laptop since that is where he gets most of his ideas for his drawings. His obsession with inflating his body may become a major part of his life from this point on. As he goes to lay down for the night in his bed by the window, he feels a sense of ease as he tries to compile more ideas. He falls asleep after a few minutes and begins to dream about inflating his body again. With his extensive experience of stretching his skin for temporary periods of time, C J would have no issue with doing it again. Coming through the mirror, the Genie walks over to his bed and climbs in with him. It smiles as it moves in close to where he is sleeping. It uncovers him and pulls his boxers off his crotch. After looking at his flaccid cock for a few moments, it touches it and makes it jump slightly. C J moans and tries to move to his side before the Genie rolls him back over. It puts its other hand on his head to keep him calm. C J sighs as the feeling is so soothing. After keeping him motionless, it rubs his cock to wake it up. Incredibly, it starts stretching and pulling its way from inside his body getting longer and thicker. Once it is done growing, it has surpassed a foot in length. ‘Mmmmm that feels so amazing…..I want more.’ The Genie smiles again as it leans over and licks his stomach to make it react. C J grabs its head as he feels his abs and obliques pulsing and quivering. ‘Ahh yeah feels so good…..I want to feel them swelling.’ It obliges as extreme popping starts with each individual abdominal forcing their way out from his core. He moans as they start bloating themselves into distended shapes resembling more of a belly than muscles. ‘AHHH YES…..GIVE ME MORE! ! ! ! !’ It starts to move its way up his chest to his pecs which are starting to swell. C J moans uncontrollably in his slumber as he feels them starting to touch his chin. His nipples are now blowing up beyond silver dollars and continuing. The Genie can see now that he craves this more than anything since he is starting to spill precum all over his bed. It stands in front of him now and begins to rub its hands together. It makes a strange motion and points at his arms and legs. C J moans louder now as his arms blow up into huge vascular poles and his legs turn into massive tree trunks. His bed disintegrates under his weight as he continues to grow wildly. ‘*very deep voice* OH FUCK YEAH…..I WANT IT ALL! ! ! ! !’ His tiny head begins to swell up itself as the muscles start swelling bigger than before making his facial hair disappear under the pressure. He is hairless now as his skinny body has inflated into superhuman proportions. Instead of disappearing after this monstrous transformation, the Genie waits for C J to wake up to witness his changes. ‘Uhhh *he awakens*, WHA! *notices his voice change* OH MY GAWD! *stares at his hands and notices his beastly pecs and nipples* HOLY FUCK!’ He looks up and sees the Genie staring him in the face. It wants him to try and stand. It puts its hand out to grab his and pulls him up. He stumbles a few times after learning that he needs to conform to his new size. Each step he takes makes his apartment shake as stuff hops on the floor. The Genie opens a window for him to try and get through. When he tries to go through it, he ends up breaking the whole frame and it crashes down on him. The Genie grabs him quickly and pulls him away from the building. ‘Uhhh, that hurts a lot’, as he pulls huge glass slivers out of his back. The Genie tells him to stop moving so it can help ease his pain. It places its hands on his back and quickly heals him. When they get to an empty field, it stops and makes him stand motionless. It directs his eyes to stare into its own as it begins to inflate itself. Its original 7’ height is now beyond 9’ and continues to climb as it grows more muscular filling out more and more. ‘WOW MAN, I LOVE THIS SO MUCH.’ C J is blown away by the Genie’s ability to grow. It eventually gets to 15’ before some people start to notice something going on. While the being’s body is outrageous by C J’s terms, the young artist is no slouch either. His 6’5 440 pound frame will be hard to contain. The Genie eventually stops growing once it gets to 18’ and 10,000 pounds. It looks down at the tiny humans and smiles before evaporating into thin air. C J falls to the ground and lies there unconscious shrinking with each breath. Was this all a dream or did the Genie really bestow this gift to him? Perhaps one day he will know for sure. The Field Where I Grew ‘Ohh damn, my head hurts.’ CJ awakens back inside his bedroom as he hears someone unlocking the apartment door. ‘Hey there stranger, how’s it going…..WHOA Corey you look amazing. Did you decide to take in some gym time while I was gone?’ ‘Huh? Wait what……’ CJ looks down at his ripped muscles and smiles as he realizes that what happened a few hours ago really did happen. ‘Seriously Corey, you look great. Let me come over and take a closer look at your hot self.’ The surprised black man walks over and sits down on the bed to give his partner a nice rubdown feeling his hard muscular chest. They kiss a bit as CJ uncovers his lower body revealing his hard cock. ‘Did you miss this Colin? I know it has missed you quite a bit.’ ‘MMM Corey, you know how to entice me.’ He leans down to swallow CJ’s rod as the black man takes his jacket off to get more comfortable. He moves rapidly up and down on his lover making him writhe in pleasure. CJ makes him stop after a few minutes though to tell him something. ‘I want to tell you how my body got this way Colin, but you may think I am crazy. While I was toying with the idea of inflating myself, some strange alien came by and turned me into a huge muscle giant. It was awesome. I guess that as a result, I was able to keep some of this muscle.’ ‘Uhh alright…..I know how much you love to manipulate your body CJ, but this seems a bit strange. Anyway, can I finish sucking you off babe?’ CJ sits back and gets a look on his face that confuses Colin. ‘Wait Colin, I have an idea. Let’s go to the place where this happened. I want to see if it will happen again.’ Colin seems irritated by this especially since he just wants to relax and have a little fun with CJ. ‘Hmmm well for you babe I guess I will go along with it. It isn’t necessarily my thing, but I will do it for you.’ ‘Great, let me grab a t-shirt and some pants and we will go. You may love this more than you think sexy.’ CJ and Colin arrive at the field about ten minutes later. The confused black man watches as his lover rushes over to the spot that he is talking about. ‘Here is where it happened Colin. Now if only I could do it again…..*grabs his chest*…..OH SHIT!’ CJ begins to feel a rush of adrenaline passing through him as he feels his body starting to react. His muscles start to double up on each other as his shirt and pants completely shred to pieces. He feels himself rising as his feet and legs begin to push him higher into the air. His muscles nearly grow out of his skin as they make stretching and inflating sounds. Colin’s mouth gapes open as he witnesses his lover growing rapidly. ‘COREY!? WHAT THE FUCK…..IS HAPPENING TO YOU? HOLY SHIT MAN…..*sees this giant muscleman growing in front of him*…..THIS IS UNREAL!’ *deeper voice* ‘OHH YEAH COLIN, AND THIS TIME IT FEELS INCREDIBLE! LAST TIME THERE WAS PAIN, BUT THIS TIME I DON’T FEEL ANY OF THAT. FEELING MY MUSCLES GROWING WIDER AND WIDER IS MAKING ME SO HORNY! GET OVER HERE SO I CAN WATCH YOU BLOW UP JUST LIKE I HAVE! I WANT TO FEEL YOUR HOT BLACK MUSCLES EXPLODE IN MY HANDS!’ Colin feels his cock growing in his pants hearing CJ talk so dirty. He walks over slowly since CJ has now grown to over 300 pounds. Once he gets into the area of where his lover is, he can feel his own body reacting to some strange force. ‘OH MY GAWD MAN…..*voice deepens* *RIP…..RIP…..RIP* SHIT……*STRETCH* *SHRED*……FUCK YEAH…..*voice gets deeper*……MMMMM I FEEL SO FUCKING HORNY COREY……YEAH I WANT TO FUCKING GROW EVEN MORE…..*STRETCH*……’ Colin’s clothes rip completely off as his muscles explode in size. CJ finally stops growing once he passes 400 pounds as he sees his once small black lover growing in a huge Nubian giant. His skin has trouble keeping up with the pace of his growing muscles as he cups his own pecs in his hands feeling their massiveness nearly making him fall over. He begins to rise higher into the air just like CJ did as his feet and legs begin to grow longer. His arms continue to grow even after his massive quads and chest stop. He laughs as he watches his engorged biceps swell up bigger flexing them and feeling them rise above his head. CJ grabs him and starts to kiss him feeling his black lover expanding in his arms. Colin slaps his cock against his white lover’s legs as the two behemoths start making love again. ‘OHH COLIN…..FUCK MAN YOU HAVE NEVER LOOKED HOTTER! I TOLD YOU YOU WOULD LOVE THIS!’ ‘I HAD NO IDEA COREY THAT THIS WOULD FEEL SO INCREDIBLE! GAWD I CAN’T HELP BUT TO SUCK ON THESE HUGE BICEPS! *licks and sucks them* FUCK I CAN’T HOLD MY CUM IN BABE!’ CJ comes up with an idea. ‘HEHE LET’S SHOWER THIS WHOLE PARK WITH OUR SEED COLIN, IT WILL BE FUN HOT MAN!’ CJ strokes himself a little faster making his balls start to swell up. Colin sucks on his huge nips making his white lover yell as his voice echoes over the entire area. ‘SOUNDS GREAT TO ME BABE. I AM ALREADY LEAKING ALL OVER THE GROUND.’ CJ gets down on his knees to lap up the river flowing from Colin’s cock and moans deeply making the ground shake. With just a few strokes, the black giant rears back and shoots numerous rockets of white jizz all over his lover and the park. The goo makes the ground look like it just snowed. CJ decides to get up and strokes himself harder to join Colin in his ecstasy. ‘OH YEAH COLIN HERE COMES MY CONTRIBUTION!’ CJ shoots his massive load over the trees and into other parts of the park as him and his black giant lover continue to coat the park in white jizz. They both turn to look at each other and make out before falling to the ground to start taking turns fucking each other. Various emergency vehicles are heard in the background which does little to detract from the two behemoths love making. As they feel more cum building inside each other, they shoot more cum all over the park and even on each other as they swallow several gallons before passing out from the sheer exhaustion of the experience. After they fall asleep, they both shrink back to their original size and lie in a huge pool of cum. The emergency personnel find them unconscious and wonder what the hell happened to the park.
  11. Guest

    The Flexorcist (17)

    Seventeen The next morning Connor and Anton left for Orchid University. Two weeks early as Connor had to undergo some tests before he could get a wrestling scholarship. His mother had tears in her eyes as her youngest, 500 pound son hugged her. Keith creamed his pants as he drank in the sight of his younger brother’s bulging arm; the bicep wrapped around his mother was chocked in cuts and veins. Connor grinned down on his brother as he noticed the dark stain. “See you in two weeks, little guy”, he boomed. “Don’t worry, madam”, Anton said, “I’ll watch over your son. Thanks for letting me stay here all summer.” “I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done, Anton”, the mother replied, “You’re always welcome here. Take good care of my baby boy.” “Let’s go, buddy”, Anton said and patted Connor on his massive back. Connor released his mother, grabbed his bag and strutted behind his roommate. People watched in awe as the two behemoths walked passed them to the station. Some even rubbed their eyes or pinched their own arm to check if they weren’t dreaming. The two muscular beasts just grinned and continued their way. “We’re gonna dominate the entire university”, Anton said, “No one while question my position as top dog with you to back me up”. At Orchid University a peaceful serenity filled the stately buildings. Apart from some foreign exchange students, no one was already present; everyone was still enjoying summer. Things changed as Tomas arrived. The splendid weather mysteriously changed in chillish, autumn-like conditions: the sun didn’t manage to peep through the gray clouds and a strange, thick fog covered the surroundings at morning and in the evening. At night, frightening howls echoed against the buildings as evil wolves haunted the grounds. Tomas had had an excellent summer. Back at home, he had discovered an ancient book in his family’s library. The medieval book told his family’s history. Apparently, one of his ancestors had made a deal with the devil back in the day, but the deal had never been completed. His ancestor had been killed by local villagers before he had been able to conclude the dark ritual. Thanks to the evil spirit of his ancestor inside of him, Tomas would now be able to seal the deal. Tomas grinned as an exchange student sprinted for his life, chased by a big black wolf. The change in weather upon his arrival proved that he was more powerful than last year. He entered his room, closed his eyes and concentrated on his pet. An evil smile formed on his lips as he saw his 580 pound pet exiting the station and heading for the university with another behemoth following him. His dick hardened as he thought of his pet’s rock-hard, massive muscles and the fun they would have later on. He reopened his eyes and began unpacking his things; carefully putting the priceless book in his desk. “Here we are, buddy”, Anton said as he and Connor passed through the gate and entered the domain of Orchid University. The two behemoths stepped back as a big black wolf appeared before them. “I don’t want to die”, Connor said while holding his bag in front of him. “Don’t move”, Anton replied, “Perhaps he won’t see us.” “No, that’s with dinosaurs”, Connor said, “Let’s run for it.” The two behemoths turned around and the blood froze in their veins. Two other wolves stood there, blocking their way out. “Now what?”, Anton asked as he pushed his back against Connor’s wide back. The wolves didn’t attack for some reason; they howled frighteningly as they circled the two giants. “I think they want us to follow”, Anton said. “Let’s do that”, Connor said and began moving down the path. The wolves escorted the two behemoths toward the entrance. As soon as they reached the building, they howled once more and disappeared into the fog. “What the hell was that?”, Connor said as he entered the building. “Perhaps we’re too big and they don’t dare attack us?”, Anton replied, “Let’s get to our room”. As soon as they changed their sweat-soaked shirts, Anton led Connor to Tomas’ room. They barged in without knocking. Tomas was finishing a shower as he heard some noise. He turned off the water, wrapped a towel around his tightly muscled 12-pack and stepped into his room. He grinned as he recognized his pet. Anton looked down on Tomas’ muscular, 300 pound frame. He also noticed the stirring movement under the towel. “Things are gonna be very interesting this year”, he said and crossed his arms in front of him to emphasize his 50 inch arms. “You’re right, my pet”, Tomas replied, “… “There’s no denying me now”, Anton interrupted him, “I’m the biggest man alive and with Connor to back me up, I’m gonna rule this school. No one will stand up to me, not even you. The pet has become the master!”. He stepped up to Tomas, towering over him in height and width. “Really?”, Tomas asked, his vision filled with the ripped muscles of Anton’s incredible pecs that stretched his shirt. “Yeagh!”, Anton bellowed. He grabbed Tomas’ armpits and effortlessly lifted his 300 pounds of muscles until he looked him straight in the eyes. “What are you gonna do to me, my pet?”, Tomas asked, his cock inflating by the demonstration of raw power. “I’m the master now. I’m calling the shots. You’re at my mercy. And don’t call me ‘pet’ anymore!”, Anton growled, “I’ll show ya. Rip off my shirt, Connor!”. Connor instantly obeyed the angry behemoth. He grabbed the back of Anton’s shirt and ripped it off, exposing his divine torso. “Yeagh”!, Anton grunted, “I’ll reward you later. Stop squirming!”. He raised his arms a bit as he felt them shake. “I’m perfectly still”, Tomas replied, “Perhaps you’re getting weak?”. Connor noticed that Anton’s face was slowly turning red and that his arms were shaking. He blinked as he thought that the massive arms looked smaller than before. Anton grunted. “What’s happening?”, he asked, while Tomas seemed to get heavier. “You fool”, Tomas said, “Did you really think that you could take my place? I’m the top dog here. I’m the one that made you big; now you’ll pay the price!”. Horror filled Anton’s face as he realized what was happening. He dropped Tomas and slumped down on the floor; his majestic body was deflating like a leak balloon. Within seconds he was back to his old 150 pounds. “Connor, help me”, he peeped in a girlish voice. Connor didn’t budge. He stared in disbelief at the runt on the floor and raised his hands in defeat toward Tomas. “Wise decision, Connor”, Tomas said, “Now my pet, what shall I do with you? I could stomp you to a bloody pulp. Or let Connor break your bones. I could even feed you to the wolves.” “I’ll do anything you ask”, Anton peeped, “But please give me back my beautiful muscles. I’m begging you”. Tomas ignored his deflated pet and turned his attention to Connor. “Let’s see you’re made off first. Strip!”, he said. Connor instantly did what he was told, he didn’t want to lose his muscles too. He ripped off his shirt, jumped out off his pants and boxers. Anton drank in the impressive sight. The 500 pound Connor was bigger than him and Tomas together. His 5 incher throbbed as he thought of the hard, juicy pecs and the tight ass he’d dominated. “Very impressive”, Tomas said as he moved in a circle around Connor, “You’re a fine addition to my muscle corps.”. His cock swelled to its 17 inches as he felt the hardness of Connor’s muscles. “You’ve gotten all this size from your brother?” “No”, Connor replied, “I’ve first drained two bullies that bugged me. Then I took my brother’s muscles as well.” He shivered and blood flowed to his dick as Tomas groped his thick arms and played with his nipples. “With you in are ranks even the football players will know their place”, Tomas said, “but I want to keep your size a secret for now. You’ll have to wear oversized sweaters. Let them think that you’re a fat slob. There are some sweaters in the bathroom, go try them on!”. Connor nodded and strutted into the bathroom, rejoicing that he hadn’t lost his muscles. “Please make me big again”, Anton pleaded in tears. Tomas looked down at the depleted swimmer and grinned. “I’m not gonna make you big. I will make you huge again if you promise to behave from now on.” “I will! I will”, Anton peeped, “You’re the master, I’ll do whatever you say!”. “Good. Since you’re my pet, you have to please your master. Get me off and I’ll give you back you muscles”, Tomas said as he dropped his towel and sat down on the edge of the bed. Anton moved over to were his master was sitting. He sat down on his knees and grabbed the muscular legs for support. He gulped as he looked at the rock-hard 17 incher that pointed at him. Veins snaked along the thick shaft toward its dark red head. “Hurry up! Your weak body doesn’t turn me on. If I don’t get off before my cock goes flaccid, you don’t get your muscles back”, Tomas said. Anton immediately put the cock in his mouth, or tried to. He forced his jaw open and managed to get the thick head in. He took in a few inches of the rock-hard shaft and began sucking with full force. “Man, I don’t feel anything. Are you even trying?”, Tomas said. Anton let his hands join in on the action. Even with the top part in his mouth and both hands around the shaft, there was room on his master’s 17 incher. He tried to lick the head with his tongue, but the hard shaft overpowered his tongue. “This isn’t gonna work”, Tomas said and snapped his fingers. Anton blinked as he felt his master shrink. The shaft in his hands was getting shorter and thinner; within seconds he released one of his hands as he could take more of the shortening shaft in his mouth. Even the thick head was deflating since his tongue could now easily play with it. Off course Tomas wasn’t shrinking. He had simply reversed his spell so that Anton regained his previous size. “Yeah, please me”, Tomas grunted as his pet sucked his throbbing 17 incher. Anton looked down at his arms and a smile formed on his face. He scanned the rest of his muscles and found his body back to its 580 pound state. He took his master’s cock completely in his mouth and sucked at full force. Within seconds a series of squirts blasted in his mouth, not even filling half of it. “Yeaughn!”, Tomas grunted and began pulling his deflating cock from his pet’s mouth. Anton decided to give his master an extra treat. His strong tongue teased the 17 incher to hardness again, easily overpowering the thick shaft. Another series of blasts disappeared down his hungry throat. Tomas inhaled deeply and ruffled his pet’s hair as he pulled his cock from his mouth. “Good boy”, he said, “You’ll be staying in my room with me this year. Connor can have your room.” Connor had admired the scene from the bathroom. His cock had swelled to its 21 inches as Anton had regained his impressive size. “I have to go to the wrestle coach for my test”, he said as he stepped in the room, wearing the ridiculously oversized sweater. “Anton shall lead you, you fatso”, Tomas replied. Neither Anton nor Connor spoke on their way to the wrestle hall. Anton was too busy feeling his massive arms and Connor was focusing on his upcoming test. “You go change in the locker room. I’ll go join the coach in the wrestle hall”, Anton said and guided Connor over to the locker room. “Who are you?”, Anton asked as he entered the wrestle hall and saw a young-looking guy in a dark singlet. The man turned around and looked up to the behemoth’s face. “I’m the new wrestle coach”, he said, “I’ll replace coach Williams.” “You look very young for a coach”, Anton replied. “Well, I’m only 28”, the coach answered, “ I didn’t intend to end my own career but the university made me a very very nice offer. I’ve won the gold medal at the last Olympics and was seeking a new challenge. I heard some rumors about a giant freshman that stomped the competition. When I looked up some videos, I realized I would never stand a chance against you in the ring. So I applied here to train the wrestle team. I saw that your technique isn’t perfect just yet.” “Size always wins over technique”, Anton said. “My opponent at the Olympics was 50 pounds heavier than me and I still beat him thanks to my technique”, the coach stated. “What do you weigh?”, Anton asked. “240 pounds”, the coach said, “My opponent really outsized me, but technique’s everything. I wore him out and pinned him when he was tired.” “At your size perhaps”, Anton replied, “I’m 580 pounds of ripped beef. No technique is gonna tire me. I would simply grab you and smash you on the mat. Should we try?” “No, that won’t be necessary”, the coach said, “I’m here to test the rookie”. “I sure hope no one will get hurt”, Anton stated. “I’ll go easy on him”, the coach said smilingly. The coach turned around as a big shadow fell over him. He stepped back involuntarily and the smile vanished from his face. His mouth fell open in disbelief as his eyes scanned the rookie. Connor’s American flag singlet clung to his massive body. It seemed like it was painted onto his frame. His protruding pecs stretched the fabric across the rack of melon-sized muscle, making striations visible through it; the deep grooves between the big muscles of his stony 12-pack were highlighted by the fabric; his tree-sized quads showed off their immense size; on obscene bulge pushed against the fabric were his thick cock snaked down his right leg. “I’m ready, coach”, Connor rumbled in his deep baritone. Goosebumps appeared on the coach’s arms and legs and sweat formed on his forehead as he realized that he was going to fight the beast in front of him. “What are you stats?”, he asked in a cracking voice. “7 feet and 500 pounds”, Connor replied coolly, “you?” “I’m 5’7 and 240 pounds” “Don’t forget to mention your gold medal, coach”, Anton said from the side of the ring. “You’re an Olympic champion?”, Connor asked, “I hope you’ll go easy on me, coach. Let’s begin”. Before the coach could react, Connor lifted him off the floor and put him down in the ring. He stepped back and turned to face his coach. “GO!”, Anton bellowed. The coach acted within a second. He knew very well that he didn’t stand a chance against this behemoth. So he tried to surprise him. he launched himself at Connor and drove his meaty shoulder into his abs. Pain exploded through his body; it felt like he had hit a brick wall. He reached for his bruised shoulder and retreated. Connor couldn’t suppress a grin; his unflexed abs had easily withstood his coach’s attack. He jumped up and threw himself at his opponent. The coach went white as he saw the beast coming at him. More pain than ever before exploded in his body as his opponent crashed against him, sending him backwards on the mat. The massive leg covering his chest pinned him down easily. “1, 2, 3. I take round 1”, Connor said and got up, “Ready for round 2?”. “Round 2?”, the coach asked weakly, “but you’ve pinned me. It’s over.” “I’ll give you a rematch”, Connor replied. “Oh, no. That’s fine; I’ve seen enough”, the coach said. “No, no, I insist”, Connor stated and grabbed the coach’s singlet with his right paw and put him back on his feet. “I’ll take defensive position”, Connor said and sat down on his hands and knees. Instinctively the coach got on top of his opponent. He positioned his hand against Connor’s stony abs and his other hand against his elbow. He stared in disbelief at the bulging muscles on his opponent’s massive back. “Why are you laughing?”, he asked as he noticed Connor’s chuckle. “Your feet don’t reach the mat when you’re on my back, coach”, Connor said. The coach looked back and saw that his opponent was right. He hadn’t even noticed it as he was admiring the rookie’s massive frame. “The match is over then”, he said. “I don’t want to deny you your rematch, coach. We’ll switch positions”, Connor replied and got up. Very slowly, the coach installed himself on his knees and hands. His heartbeat went up and his body trembled as the giant shadow fell over him. He could feel the heat emanating of his opponent’s huge muscles as he placed himself over his 240 pound body. The thick quads next to his own well-muscled ones felt like hot marble against his sweaty skin; the protruding pecs felt heavy on his muscular back. He gasped as his opponent’s meaty arm reached under him; Connor’s right paw covered his entire stomach. The left arm that his opponent placed next to him on the mat looked like a young tree. The coached inhaled deeply and focused. “GO!”, Anton bellowed again. The coach summoned all his strength and pushed forward with his strong legs. Sweat was pouring over his red face as he tried to outmaneuver the beast. As he realized that he couldn’t move an inch, he decided to try something else. He planted his knees on the mat, grabbed hold of his opponent’s right arm and pulled with full force, trying to throw him over his shoulder by shifting his balance. Connor smiled at his opponent’s efforts; there was nothing that his gold medal decorated coach could do against him. He let his paw slide along his coach’s abs so that his massive bicep made contact with the abs. Connor then flexed his arm, making his bicep bulge and swell. The coach grunted in pain as the beastly, rock-hard bicep dug into his strong abs. He flexed his eight-pack to protect himself. Connor felt his coach flexing his abs, but his bicep easily overpowered the well-trained muscles. He lifted his arm slightly, crushing the coach between his stony pecs and his steely bicep. “Aughn”, the coach grunted in pain. He had never felt weaker in his life; this freshman was toying with him, an Olympic champion. He budged and squirmed, but it was no use: the beast dominated him completely. Connor enjoyed dominating his coach; he felt as strong as the night he had drained his brother. He flexed his pecs and bicep. “AUGHN!”, the coach grunted as more pain filled his battered body. His opponent’s meaty muscles engulfed him completely. He was having troubles breathing as the beast flexed them around his 240 pound body. “How did you ever win that gold medal? Let’s end it”, Connor said in the coach’s ear. He raised his left hand and ripped off the coach’s singlet. “What are you doing?”, the coach asked weakly as he felt the cool air against his skin. He tried to free himself but Connor’s flexed pecs and bicep held him firmly in place. Connor didn’t react. He proceeded by ripping of his own singlet. His left hand found his plump cock and began pumping the hot shaft. Within seconds it was up to its 21 inches. The coach looked down past the 40 inch arm that pinned his body against the freshman. He gasped as he noticed the long, thick pole in Connor’s paw. “You can’t masturbate during a match. I’ll suspend you for the rest of the season”, the coach said. “Okay, then”, Connor replied. He released his throbbing cock and placed his left hand on the mat again. “You’ll never get you scholarship, you perve…..”, the coach said. His voice went silent as Connor put the large head of his 21 incher against his ass. “I do as I want”, Connor grunted and shoved his thick cock in his coach’s ass. He repositioned his right arm so that his paw covered the coach’s abs again and pushed inch after inch of his monster cock in the tight ass. “AAAAUUUGGGHHH!”, the coach cried in pain, “Stop please, you get your scholarship. Let me go”. Connor ignored the remarks and kept shoving his cock deeper into his coach; about half of his 21 inches disappeared into the spasming ass. He grabbed hold of the coach abs and began stroking him up and down his rock-hard cock. The coach’s mouth hung open but no sound came out. The man seemed lost in pain. Connor grinned as he felt the coach dick smack against his fingers. “Like being dominated by a freshman, Olympic champion?”, he asked in the coach’s ear. The faint grunt made Connor fasten his strokes with the coach. A thud made him look aside; two strong arms had appeared next to his. Before he could react, Connor felt the familiar sensation of Anton’s 25 incher invading his ass. “Let’s double the fun”, Anton grunted in his ear. He grabbed Connor’s meaty shoulder with his left hand and began pounding the muscular ass. “MMhhugnh”, Connor grunted as pleasure filled his body. He upped the speed of his strokes as Anton pumped his ass. The coach was entirely lost. He was being dominated like never before. He felt like a ragdoll in the paw of the beast that used him as a fucktoy. He couldn’t understand how someone that was 10 years younger, had just tossed him around the wrestle mat and was now ravaging his ass. He squirmed as his cock exploded against the massive paw that covered his abs. “UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHNNNNNN!!!!!!!”, Connor roared as he came. He felt the coach cum against his paw and his mind was flooded with pleasure. He had totally dominated an Olympic champion without breaking a sweat. His muscles flexed wildly as load after load of cum blasted from his 21 incher. The pressure in the coach’s ass kept building. Connor released him and the 240 pound coach flew off several feet by the pressure of his blasting cock. Connor’s 21 incher kept exploding all over the wrestle mat as he stared at the battered champion in the pool of cum. “YEEEAAAAUUUUGGGGHHHHNNNNN!!!!!!!”, Anton bellowed deeply as his cock exploded. The feeling of Connor’s flexing muscles around his rock-hard 25 incher sent him over the edge. Volley after volley of thick, sticky cum shot into the spasming ass. He marveled at the amount of cum that Connor was producing. After about four minutes, Anton’s orgasm calmed down. He was totally worn out from this intensive orgasm. He slowly pulled his cock from the muscular ass. His eyes widening in disbelief as he fell onto his back on the mat. As Anton’s deflating 25 incher was pulled from his ass, Connor got up and milked five more blasts from his rock-hard 21 incher; coating the coach and Anton with his cum. “Did I pass the test for my scholarship?”, he asked with a heaving chest, looking down at the two exhausted men and grinning. The coach nodded weakly at the behemoth towering over him.
  12. Hey guys This story is dedicated to my good friend Mad Dog, I hope you enjoy muscle growth on older men because we are entering... THE AGE OF MUSCLE GODS! Story by Muscl4life CHAPTER I : Power of one, hunger of many. Right in the morning, I knew it would be one of those very long days. My secretary had called in sick the third time this month, which meant that I had to arrive earlier to take care of paperwork and every other detail before the patients arrive. It was stupidly hot and damping humid outside and the door attendant realized my frustration when I entered the building so he told me the central a/c was broke and they company would only fix it in the weekend. I had to open the windows to freshen up my office, but it also resulted in letting in the loud traffic noises and the disgusting fumes, still there was no other way to survive in such uncivilized heat. I managed to survive in that smelly furnace for a few hours until the first patient arrived for the 2 o’clock appointment. “Hello there, you must be Bradley right? Please come in.” I greeted the young lad opening the door. “Yes, thank you Doctor Finnegan…” His voice tone was very low and judging by his body language, I could tell this young man carried many issues. Although I was not having the best of days, I knew he needed someone to whom he could talk urgently. “Please make yourself comfortable, can I call you Brad?” I asked while he sat down at the couch, noticing how nervous that young man seemed. “I don’t mind, I mean you can call me Brad, if you want Dr. Finnegan.” “And you can call me John. How old are you Brad?” I smiled at him. “I just turned 18 last week, I hope this isn’t a problem.” He said at once. “I don’t see any problem, Brad. We are just going to talk.” I explained in a professional tone. “Ah, cool…” He replied and quickly returned to his silence. Brad carried the typical “emo” look. Dressed in black cargo pants, matching the color of his worn out Anathema T-shirt; his hairdo was meticulously cut to look like it was casually disheveled, dyed in a very dark tone of black with a purple lock that covered the left one of his very blue eyes. However, the blond roots needed retouching, which probably meant that he has been very busy to take care of his meticulous look. “So, what have brought you here, Brad?” He was understandably uncomfortable so I let him calm down for a bit, but noticing that he was growing restless, I decided to lead the session in the traditional way. “Brad, I just want you to know that I am here to help you, whatever problems you might have I am here to listen to you.” I gently smiled. It took him a few extra moments of hesitation, but he finally closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “It is all my fault! I did something terribly wrong and now the whole world will suffer the consequences of my actions!” I could tell it was somehow a relief for that young man. “Have you committed any crime, Brad? Did you come here to confess anything?” I replied, suddenly feeling not so sure of my safety in the office with that disturbed lad. Brad looked at me rolling his big blue eyes. “I didn’t shot or kill anybody, just because I dress like this, it doesn’t mean that I am one those psychopaths. Please, have some respect for my freedom of expression okay?” “I am so sorry, Brad, I judged you in advance. That won’t happen again, I promise.” I felt bad for the kid, he came looking for help, and I treated him like everybody else. “It’s not only your fault; I guess I should have explained things first. I came to you because I read the books you wrote on paranormality. You basically tried to convince your readers that we can do things with our minds that science can’t yet explain right?” That lad sure had done his homework. “You’re right, Brad. The human mind is more powerful than current medical science can measure.” He took a deep breath. “Well, that’s good, because I have discovered something that freaked me out. I have this power…this ability if you want, it started very soft and subtle but it is getting very hard to control it!” “What kind of ability are talking about, Brad? Divination, Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis?” I felt that discussing things in a more technical level could make him realize I understood his concerns. “No, nothing of that…it is a weird power. I can…make men grow bigger and more muscular!” Brad confessed, probably expecting that I would just call him lunatic. I looked seriously at him and replied. “You are not the first one who reported me such condition, Brad.” “What?” “In fact, I have even started a special study on this particular condition. All over the world, many male individuals have been reporting this new kind of paranormal ability, and I am inclined to believe that it is linked to a correlated phenomenology, which is the reports of hugely muscular men, much bigger than any acceptable social standards.” Bradley was speechless for a few moments. “So, you say that you believe in me?” “I never thought you were lying, Brad, but perhaps you are taking the blame for something that is not being caused by you, at least not consciously. Now tell me, who you believe that has been growing because of you?” Bradly smirked. “You’re just full of crap, aren’t you? Alright, I know you probably have found out that I am into older muscular men.” “There’s nothing wrong with that Brad. You are a young healthy man expressing your sexuality; you are entitled to have your fantasies.” I never expected to get such breakthrough right in the first session. “Oh, I express my sexuality indeed. I can’t help it, everywhere I look, those geezers who were skinny, flabby and weak turning into massive muscular men right in front of my eyes, and they come after me, they all lust for my tiny, soft, smooth body!” I could tell the guilty Brad carried was consuming him. “These men are indeed superbly muscular and much bigger than we once thought to be possible, Brad. They are all over 60 years old and such muscular development has never been recorded in Medical History, it’s understandable that you feel attracted to them, like all the other young men who believe they are doing something so wrong they need to be punished.” The young emo lad snapped. “You’re just like everybody else! I am telling you that I am responsible for all those growing geezers all over the world. I have set the changes! All those guys are just mere vessels for my own madness!” I took a deep breath. “Brad, why are you inflicting such pain and suffering upon yourself? Do you believe you have done anything that deserves such punishment?” The tears blurred the heavy makeup underneath his eyes. “I am fucking my own grandfather!” He confessed and felt so guilty that I had to hold his arms before he stormed out of the room. “Please, tell me what happened. Were you abused?” “What? No way! My grandpa feels just as guilty as I am feeling at frist …we couldn’t help it! He’s growing so intensely, and I am feeling so horny when I am near him…” “Does anyone else in your family knows about that?” “He’s the only family I have, my parents died in a car crash and he was a widower before the accident. He raised me ever since I was 8 years old, we lived very happy until…I broke everything” “So, your grandfather is one of the men growing, I understand that it might have been a dramatic change in your young life. He has been your male role model, and seeing him becoming so much more muscular and stronger is a very powerful fact.” I tried to rationalize but Brad was convinced otherwise. “He is not just one of the growing men, he is the primordial one, the one through which I channeled my power and damped with the supernatural forces of this existence!” Bradley shook his head violently. “You know that paranormal abilities are not the same of supernatural forces, Brad. You have studied my books and understood the differences…” “Oh please, they’re the same thing, only told with different words! I set this shit in the world through the ritual I performed in my house! I found the ancient books of magic and sorcery, I have found the components, and I did everything for him!” Brad was deeply moved by his own hallucinations. “Brad, listen to yourself, you really believe that some ritual you performed is capable of changing men all over the world?” “You don’t understand…the power I have, it manifests when I am horny, and Grandpa was the first to receive the benefits, he has always been very muscular and manly…” Bradley picked his cellphone and showed me some pictures that deeply impressed me. “Is this your grandfather?” I asked holding the cellphone closer as I switched over the impressively hot pictures of this tall bearish tower of muscle elder man, with a huge thick cock posing with such casual authority that it simply blew my professionalism out of the park. At that moment I knew Bradley had to be hallucinating, because I had seen pictures of that same man many times before, posted in different gay blogs and sites all over the internet. That was one of the most iconic “muscle daddy” fantasies – the tall, bald, bearded, massively muscular man with white hair all over his phenomenal body. Bradley sighed. “Yeah, imagine what it feels to be a young gay man living with a breathing wall of muscle. Grandpa is not aware of his oozing sexuality, even the simplest of his actions can set me on fire, the way he drinks milk out of the gallon, bulging those hugely biceps…” I gasped. “This can’t be true Brad, these pictures had been around much before the reports of the growing elder men; the muscles on this man were earned by years of hard work and dedication.” The young lad looked at me, realizing that I had also found the pictures of his alleged grandpa. “Yeah, you’re just one among thousands of horny men dying to know more about my pops. You must have jerked off a lot to these pictures, haven’t you?” I tried to ignore my own blushing. “Regardless, I have seen these pictures all over the internet. It is hard to believe this man is your grandfather since it is such a famous picture, and no one seems to know more about him. Brad’s grin was priceless. “Well, I am truly his only grandson. I was very shocked when I found about them too, but it was a great thing because my obsession was making me crazy. At least I found out that not only he was gay as well, but he also likes to show off his amazing body!” “So he just took these pictures behind your back?” I asked in disbelief. “Yeah, Grandpa used to take the pictures when I wasn’t home, he asked his lovers to take them, and his fans are always begging him to post more, I am so excited that he digs the fact people want to know more about the humongous muscle man who poses naked outside the snowy winter. Now I have the pleasure to be the only one taking his pictures, but we stopped sharing them, at least until I unleashed the growth” “What do you mean Brad?” I realized that I sounded as nervous as the young lad in the beginning did. “Things before pops and I have grown much more intense after these pictures. Once I found about them, it gave me the courage to come clean about my feelings, and my biggest surprise was to realize that he just felt that I was the hottest twink in the world!” Bradley said in a truly proud tone. “So, how has escalated to a worldwide geezer growth situation?” I still strongly believed that young lad was just another one of the muscle daddy lovers who lost their sanity after this unexplainable growth condition started. Brad rolled his eyes. “You don’t believe I am responsible for this right? Fine…I’ll let you with a proof. You must have realized that not ALL older men are growing at this point, only some of them are being blessed.” I decided to see where this was going. “Yeah, my Uncle Steve is 67 years old and he doing quite alright without any growth so far. I had just checked with him a few days ago.” Brad reached for my hand and held it for a moment, closing his eyes for a second before opening them with a renewed grin. “Yep, that’s right. Your dear Uncle Steve has not shown any growth, but he has never been a skinny man either, a former Ranger, he has been in great shape for his entire life. I bet he is upset that he has not started growing like some of the older men. That’s because the growth needs a trigger, and this can only be provided by a younger guy desiring the man to grow bigger for him…” “Okay…that was spooky, I’ll admit.” I said retrieving my hand from Brad’s touch. “Don’t worry, doc. I understand how you feel; you called your Uncle Steve with desperate hopes to see if he had grown bigger too, but both of you felt so frustrated with the answer. But that’s okay now, I made it happen, your hunger for his growth triggered the changes for your dear Uncle Steve, he’ll soon join my grandpa and the many others all over the world. The rest of the reports you had are not hallucinations, but they are not responsible for the growth either. I am doing this, I am changing the world because Grandpa asked me to.” I gulped. “Brad, what the hell are you talking about? W-what has he asked you?” Brad stood up at once. “Oh dear…would you look at the time? It’s the end of our session. I guess we’ll have to wait till next week to discuss more about that huh? ” He said letting the money for the session on my desk and headed towards the door. “The world is about to change even further, John. The right men will grow to claim the power they deserve over us, little frail men. They will lead us, they will love us, and they will protect us from our naughty selves”. He said before closing the door. I was simply appalled, that young emo lad changed his expression, and he no longer seemed the troubled young beautiful lad that came into my office. He had a confident aura about him like he had done exactly what he needed to do. That boy was so spooky, but then I felt this urge to grab my cell and dial to my Uncle Steve. It actually took him more than usual to answer, but thankfully, Uncle Steve’s voice at the other side made me calm. “Hello, John.” “Uncle Steve, I am so glad to hear from you. Is everything alright ?” I heard something in the back, I could swear it was some kind of animal roaring. “Oh it sure is, boy. I was just talking to my friend Bruce here; he had great news for me!” “Really? What is it?” I asked shortly forgetting about the weird session I just had. I overheard someone saying. “It is done, call him over.” Uncle Steve chuckled. “I can’t say it now, you will have to come here, but you will love it! I promise.” I suddenly gulped. “Grandpa, does your friend has a grandson?” “Oh yeah, he does and his name is Brad, a very interesting character.” “I am coming right away Uncle…” I said before turning off the call and reach for my bag. To be continued.
  13. Hello guys, Thanks so much for your enthusiasm about this tale, it really inspired me to work on the next chapter. I hope you guys enjoy, this time I decided to throw in some actual huge muscle daddies... After all this is THE AGE OF MUSCLE GODS! CHAPTER I CHAPTER II: Clearing the Road Story by Muscl4life Uncle Steve lived in a little town very close to me, but there has been an accident in the highway so, traffic was particularly even more jammed than regular weekdays. I just took a deep breath and tried to relax, although I could not dismiss the idea that my dear relative was being held hostage by some psychopath grandfather-grandson duo. The accident involved three cars, one 18-wheeler and one interstate bus happened, victimizing dozens of people, and I could perfectly see the commotion of the rescuing happening only a quarter of a mile from my current location, but there were already thousands of vehicles ahead of me, waiting for the traffic to be cleared. Since there were some victims still trapped inside the vehicles, the rescue crew asked for the firefighters to bring the Jaws of Life, and with the road closed, many drivers decided to turn off their engines, although I still cherished my precious air conditioning. Suddenly, I looked at my side and the driver’s door of this huge black Hummer opened to reveal the biggest man I have ever seen in my entire life! He could perfectly be a realistic version of a superhero. The massive fellow seemed to be in his mid-thirties, he stood at whopping 6’4” tall, but his physique was impressively brawny and thick, such fellow had red hair, freckled cheekbones and bull sized neck pressed by his impressive deltoids and humongous shoulders. He wore a navy blue XXXL T-shirt totally stretched over his offseason muscles, his muscular, yet distended gut pushing the fabric to its very limit, his black denim pants also seemed to be at the pointing of bursting, especially on the area of his uncanny quads. I could tell by his body language that this man had to be very familiar with dangerous situations, probably a volunteer firefighter or perhaps even a Seal agent, he definitely seemed determined and in control. My suspicions were confirmed when the burly man picked some kind of military goggles and took a better view of the accident ahead. “What do you think, sir? Should we go help them?” The man asked to someone inside the car without taking his eyes off the crash scene. I could hear the deep tone of his voice through the closed windows, the a/c and the radio, although I immediately turned off the last, giving my entire attention to the uncanny powerful figure standing so close to me, until the whole SUV starting to shake and twist in the asphalt like it suddenly gained life. The back door of the passenger’s side opened and it was then I realized that poor dude holding the goggles could no longer the biggest man I’ve seen in life, since the monster who squeezed out of the enormous SUV was actually so huge that he clearly didn’t fit in the front seat along with the driver. The man who emerged from inside the Hummer was just too muscular to be real, and once he stood up, I noticed he had to be at least a whole head taller than his red haired driver was. The special passenger wore blue mirror shades; had olive complexion and strong southern features with shaved head, rugged angular cheekbones and very wide jaw. I noticed right away that his face was undeniably that of a mature man, with visible wrinkles, but that did not take away from such manly beauty, quite the contrary I felt that such immense man had all the experience necessary to be in charge of everything. “Heh, yeah, like you could actually help those guys, Bobby. Just stand back here and let the real man do the job, okay cub?” The gloriously huge man shook his head and tapped the shoulders of the suddenly eclipsed red haired muscle bull. His muscles were so wide and massive that he had to turn aside to pass by my car, and he still moved it a couple of feet without even noticing! I unconsciously held my breath upon looking at that behemoth because he was muscular beyond the point my mind could process, his massive proportions were so thick and muscular, and those humongous shoulders, impressive traps and indescribably thick deltoids around his monumental neck made his ears look so tiny. Like many others, I dropped everything and followed the humongous Samaritan on his way to accomplish the humanly impossible, fascinated by his powerful casual waddling. The immensely developed muscular guy wore nothing else but denim shorts that were too tight around his butt and I swear I could see the enormous tip of his low hanging cock as he walked towards the accident scene. His powerful chest stood glorious nearly naked, minimally covered by the vestiges of a wife beater, revealing the salt and pepper forest that covered such humongous area. His inhumanly huge biceps so veined and thick they seemed like hammocks, and claimed each time more space to make through the series of cars in that jammed traffic. “It’s one of them, the huge geezers!” Someone voiced out, and suddenly, I noticed everybody had their cellphones out, to capture the humongous man as he passed through the vehicles, casually moving one or two with nothing but the mere pressure of his moving bulk, while drivers and passengers just watched in awe as the enormous mature man calmly addressed the firefighters who were rescuing the victims. “They actually prefer the term Senior Muscular citizens!” The red haired, muscular (but now unimpressive) Bobby screamed back from his Hummer, demanding respect for the humongous muscular men who appeared all over the world. I quietly followed the immense stranger while my thoughts brought me back to the words of that disturbed emo lad. “The world is about to change even further, John. The right men will grow to claim the power they deserve over us, little frail men. They will lead us, they will love us, and they will protect us from our naughty selves”. I had read the reports of hugely elder muscle men, I had seen the pictures and the many internet videos, but up to that very moment, I guess my mind refused to deal with such palpable reality. Every single day now, there were each time more elder male individuals growing immensely muscular, much bigger than their younger counterparts, much stronger than any reported man before, and much, much manlier than anyone could ever imagine to be possible! “Hello there, officers. Kent Durant, retired US Army Colonel, are our fellows bringing the Jaws anytime soon?” The humongous man asked to the shocked firefighters. “The one we had is under maintenance, we asked for another one in the nearest county, but it’s taking too damn long, sir!” One of the most proactive firefighters decided to reply the commanding figure towering over him. Kent nodded. “Okay, I’ll get these people out of the vehicles; you guys make sure to have the medical support ready.” The glorious salt and pepper extremely huge muscle daddy looked back at his improvised entourage and gave direct orders. “You boys wait here now. No one crosses that point.” Mr. Durant looked at me when gave that order, his deep manly voice tone sounded heavily southern, probably Texan, and it took me a few seconds to notice that he actually spoke with the dozens of other guys who surrounded him like mops to a flame. None of the followers dared to disobey Kent’s orders, I think that even the firefighters and police officers in the scene were so shocked to see such immensely muscular man at the scene that none of them even dared to stop the humongous civilian from taking part of the rescuing team. Mr. Durant calmly reached the bus, from where people still screamed in pain and agony and gently addressed them in his calming, soothing, deep patriarch voice tone. “Don’t worry my friends. Big Papa Kent is here to rescue you, now just hold still while I rip this stuff.” The immense Senior Muscleman said as his thick calloused fingers easily went through the bus retorted steelwork as if it suddenly turned into tin foil, slowly cutting through the metal and making room to free the victims inside the bus. The firefighters took the opportunity and quickly rescued them, while the glorious muscle geezer moved to the next spot, repeating his inhumanly possible feat of strength and helped those in need, and soon all the victims were rescued and placed into ambulances. “Okay, so we only need to take care of clearing the road again.” Mr. Durant said looking down at the firefighters and the police officers. “You’re not have all the fun to yourself, huh Kent?” An equally deep voice said from the back, and I quickly turned my head to devise what had to be another immensely huge senior muscle man. This guy was far from being the clichéd stereotype of African American elder citizen, but he was actually still dressed in denim overalls with no shirt underneath his onyx marvelous skin. His white thick mustache and the balding grey hair atop his head completed his look, but I could tell even from the distance that this man was even bigger than Mr. Durant, and he was not alone! Standing just a couple of inches shorter, but looking every single bit as immense, there was this dazzling handsome native American elder muscle man, dressed in nothing but tight jeans and sleeveless black T-shirt. “What took you guys so long?” The immensely huge Kent said, opening his hands and smiling at his equally brawny friends who opened their way among the crowd, even striking a pose or two for the hundreds of flashes that popped as they approached. “We were 5 miles behind your position, so we had to make our way through the crowd, and you know how Roger love to show off to the little guys!” The Native American chuckled as he pointed to his fellow behemoth, who kept flexing and posing for the cameras. “Hey, they just want some attention, that’s all. Besides, Y’all love to flex too, Vince!” The humongous onyx muscle man approached the other muscle geezers, the inhumanly huge trio greeted each other, shaking hands, tapping their immense backs, and even trying to clunk their heads together, which was impossible given the humongous size and thickness of the muscles between them. For a moment I couldn’t even breathe, there was so much manly overdeveloped hairy muscle rubbing and flexing so close to each other that even my usually demurred sexual drive was going into overdrive. However, judging by the blushing and awkward positions, many other men felt the same way, trying to hide their obvious erections, especially those joining their wives and girlfriends. “Well, I took care of the victims inside, all is left to do is some heavy lifting. Have you old guys taken your vitamins this morning?” Colonel Durant teased, flexed such a humongous biceps, which sore like a real mountain. “Heh, you know I’m much tougher than you, little guy!” The humongous Roger flexed his arm back to Kent, and I swear that the black glistening veined muscle was even bigger than the colonel’s monster muscle. “It’s all about strength, not posing, you morons!” Vincent shook his head and headed to the remains of the bus. “Fair enough, I get the wheeler!” Roger said as he ran towards the truck, while Colonel Durant protested. “Hey, that’s not fair, I got here first!” The rest of the people suddenly did not know where to look. While Vince grabbed the rear part of the buss and surprisingly supported the rest of the crashed vehicle, lifting it from the ground with relative easiness, Colonel Durant easily picked the first crashed car and started stacking one on top of the other, until he collected all of them and casually carried them to the grass area between the lanes. Meanwhile, the amazing Earl grunted out loud, and managed to accomplish the impossible, he lifted the humongous truck from the ground and held it over his head, even daring to use just one of the massive arms of his, taking his time to flex while the cheering audience took hundreds of pictures of him. “Can you believe that guy? Such a show off!” I heard Colonel Durant’s unmistakable tone so close to me, that I nearly jumped once I noticed the immense elder muscle monster stood right at my side, with his monstrous arms at his side as he shook his head. “C-can you blame him? He’s so damn huge and strong! I mean, all of you guys are amazing! You saved the people and cleared the road in record time!” I didn’t know how I’ve managed to speak those words to the humongous man towering over me. “Thank you, citizen. I am just fulfilling my duty. You know what they say, once a soldier…” He grinned, removing his blue shades and bending over, extending his massive hand and revealing his penetrating dark brown eyes. “Name’s Kent Durant, but I think you heard that before, how about you my little friend?” He took my hand and totally engulfed it on his massive paw. At 5’10” and 175 pounds, which I fought so hard to keep in shape, I never considered little until that day. “J-John Finnegan, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Colonel.” I replied, feeling that he was not squeezing at all, but my hand hurt just by being in touch with such hard, calloused surface. “I can tell that, but don’t worry, lots of little guys bone up when they see this much muscle in action.” Colonel Durant blinked before putting his shades on, while I blushed intensely. “That was an amazing job sir!” The red haired muscle guy from the Hummer said as he ran towards the humongous muscle elder man. “Thanks Bobby, but didn’t I tell you to remain in the car?” The behemoth asked, crossing his inhumanly massive arms at his chest, and even I gulped down fearing that he would scold the younger dude. “The traffic is already flowing sir, I parked right there so I could come get you.” Bobby quickly replied, making sure he would never disrespect a direct order. “Is that so? How nice of you boy, now go wait in the car while I talk to my little buddy John here.” Colonel Kent dismissed Bobby and I could feel him shooting me with his eyes before he left. “I should get back to my car…I don’t want to get a ticket…” I replied not knowing what to do next. “Who’s the charming little fella, Kent?” Vince asked already placing his huge hand on my shoulder, and I felt the warmth on his harsh palm even through the fabric of my shirt. “His name’s John Finnegan…” Kent said sounding very interested in my person. “Nice to meet you, John. I’m Vincent Tahoma.” At such close distance, I noticed Vince actually seemed younger than Kent, which could explain his lack of thickness and height compared to him, but he was still phenomenally immensely muscular for all human records! “Oh, so is this little guy a trigger?” The hulking Roger suddenly appeared and completed the circle of muscle around me, I just felt so incredibly intimidated, that I didn’t even notice his very indiscrete approaching. Colonel Kent rolled his eyes while Vincent sighed. “Very subtle, Rog…” “What is exactly a trigger? It’s the second time I hear that term today.” I actually don’t know what came onto me to be so bluntly honest, but if I wanted to know more about the huge elderly muscular monsters, why not just asking them. The immense trio smiled, but only Vince answered me. “It means that you are going to make another muscle geezer, and I can feel it is going to happen soon.” Once again, my mind flooded with images from the prior events with Brad at my office. “Did you all grow from these triggers? Who were they?” Kent chuckled. “You just met him, Sergeant Robert Monroe, aka Bobby.” Vince nodded along. “I was triggered by a younger guy from my tribe named Donny.” Earl pointed to two blond twins moving towards us. “I had the pleasure to be triggered by Ethan and Evan, those hot little twinks.” “Wait…are you all gay?” I asked in disbelief. To my uttering surprise, they all just shrugged, and didn’t feel uncomfortable with my question at all. “Who cares what we were back then? After the trigger we only care about fucking hot little guys like you, John.” I felt Kent’s huge hand on my ass and for a moment I thought those monstrous men would just rape me right there. “B-but, how does it happen? How did they trigger you growth?” I asked totally in shock. “I don’t know, and I don’t really care, it is just amazing to be so powerful and strong again, like a real man should always be! You go ahead and go make another massive man, little John” Roger said as he turned around, embraced his two 5’5” 160 pounds blond gymnasts with alabaster skin and lifted them in his immense hug and carried them away. Vincent leaned forward so he could ask something in my ear. “You were going to meet the man you are supposed to trigger, right?” “What? No…I mean, he’s my Uncle…” The two massive elder men chuckled. “Bloodline triggering? That’s some powerful stuff…you will make him grow massive!” Kent commented as he kissed my forehead. “Well, Vince, I guess we did more than just one good deed today, we saved some people and cleared the way for another muscle geezer.” “Senior Muscle Man, be more respectful you moron.” Vince glared at Kent before he looked back at me. “You are good to go no, John. Go meet your Uncle and just let him be everything that you both deserve.” He said hugging me very tenderly, something that I really didn’t expect. The two monster sized elders smiled at me and returned to their vehicles, while I walked mindlessly down the road, trying to conjoin the latest events with all the weird things Brad had told me before. Would I really going to trigger the growth on my Uncle Steve? If so, how big would he get? And how could that change the world in the way foretold by the emo lad? I only had one certainty in my mind: I needed to see Uncle Steve. To be continued.
  14. As Justin just stands there in sheer awe, Cecil grabs him and shoves him on top of his cock. The smaller muscleman agonizes as the beefy giant’s cock stretches his hole wider. After finally getting all the way in, Cecil begins to pound Justin into oblivion. He yells in pain as he feels the aggressive top beginning to grow again. His 13” cock starts stretching him even further as Justin tries to stop him from fucking his ass, but he can’t do anything. At this point, he is close to passing out, but not before he notices Cecil moving them back to the puddle of precum. Justin screams to stop as he doesn’t want him to keep growing while he is inside him or he will kill him. It is at this point that the other giant, Garrett, awakens from his slumber and jumps to his feet as the ground shakes. He rushes over to try and pull Justin away from Cecil but he is now fighting with an even larger opponent. Cecil’s huge muscular frame continues to expand as he collapses into the pool of precum. Garrett yells in disgust at this as he sees the two huge men wallowing in it. The weight of the two men is too much for the floor as it falls in and takes them with it. Onlookers still in the warehouse begin to scatter as they feel the floor beginning to move under them. Garrett peers down into the new giant crater and can only see smoke billowing. He squints and can hear weird sounds coming from within. Once some of the smoke clears, he jumps back at what he sees. Cecil no longer looks remotely normal, but rather more like that green superhero. He fears that the hulk will not be able to control himself and starts to move away from the crater. His huge feet though combined with the unbalanced floor is beginning to make the whole warehouse unstable as he hears sirens going off and things falling in on their selves. Cecil is trying to climb out of the crater but is actually making the structure crack even more. Anyone remaining in the facility is picked up by Garrett as he goes racing out of the complex. He can see a fire starting to billow in the back of the warehouse as he hears the giant hulk roaring. He wonders if he should go back in there since he hasn’t seen Justin. He puts down his rescued workers and goes around the side of the facility to see where the fire is. When he gets there, he can hear Cecil inside. He manages to break through a wall and sees the hulk lying on the ground surrounded by flames. Before he can do anything else though, he hears the rafters above him give way and they fall on top of Cecil. He manages to turn back around and get out without being harmed. At this point, the warehouse is now becoming completely engulfed as the fire department arrives. Garrett knows he can’t stay there any longer or people will be hunting him down so he runs into the nearby forest. Within a few minutes, he finds a giant man sitting by a tree passed out but breathing. He goes over to him and tries to wake him up. He appears to be bruised up, but his body also looks like it has just been born. When he turns the giant’s head towards him, he realizes that it is Justin. He leans down to kiss him deeply in hopes of getting him to wake up. It works slightly as the huge brute mutters to himself as his cock awakens too. Garrett leans down to swallow up Justin’s foot long down his powerful throat and gulps. Justin moans loudly as his eyes open and he grabs Garrett’s head to force him to suck him. Despite gagging, the sucker feels comfortable with the huge cock down his throat and moves even faster tasting the pre pouring. Justin starts squirming as he feels a load moving up into his cock and roars in anticipation. Garrett knows it will be an enormous load since he just went through another transformation so he moans too. After a few more sucks, Justin unloads as he holds Garrett’s head on his cock as it fills his gut up with thick ropes of cum. The smaller hulk looks down and sees his gut protrude further outward and wonders if this will make him as big as his coworker. Once Justin finishes cumming, he lets go of Garrett as he falls over on the ground. The cum begins to dissipate inside him as the huge hulk along the tree smiles like he knows what will happen next. Garrett feels it working inside him as he grips the dirt beneath him and feels all of the muscle fibers from within his body swelling up. His already immense arms begin to grow further as he watches them become bigger than what his legs looked like originally. His chest swells to just under his chin as his legs part even further. He feels his cock bouncing furiously as it spews cum over and over again as it lengthens to over 15”. He yells in pain as his voice scares all of the birds in the trees away. Remarkably, his mind stays intact as he looks over at the smiling behemoth sitting along the tree. He crawls over to Justin and lays his head on his shoulder as he breathes heavy. Justin finally speaks and says that he doesn’t hate Cecil for what he did to him, but that he feared what happened to his mind. Garrett tells him that he thinks Cecil is dead as Justin admits that he saw the fire from where he was sitting. They begin to talk about what will happen next with their predicament. Justin tells Garrett that he has heard some unusual voices far off in the distance and thinks that they may not be alone. They agree that they can’t stay where they are very long because it is possible that someone will come looking for them. They decide to take turns keeping watch while the other one sleeps. Justin says he will keep watch first since he has already taken some sort of nap before Garrett got there. As a portion of the night passes, Justin wakes Garrett up to whisper that he hears the voices getting closer and to get the fuck up. As they try to rush away from their spot, Garrett notices that his cock is leaving a trail of pre on the ground and he tries to cover it up. Justin grabs him and tells him to stop fucking around and get moving. Once they get moving, they find the grassy area of the forest and try to disappear. The voices eventually end up where they were staying. The two hulks can see two equally large bodies from about 1000 feet away. The two behemoths in front of them keep walking towards where the warehouse once stood. All of the excitement from earlier in the evening is over as the fire department has already left and the entourage has dissipated. They wonder who these two men are and why they would risk being out in the open. Garrett tries to convince Justin that these two guys may know how something like this would happen, but Justin tells him that he is crazy for wanting to approach them. After a few more minutes of debating, Garrett agrees with him and they turn to move further into the forest. As the dawn approaches, they find an open area. Justin tells Garrett that this is too risky to wade through because there could be someone lurking around waiting to possibly catch them or something. Garrett is willing to risk it though and starts walking ahead of him. Justin can see a shadow in the trees on the left and can’t make a sound as he gets on the ground. His big buddy has no idea and continues to tread on. Before he is aware of the other big hulk, they run towards him and punch him in the head. Garrett falls to the ground as the big man in what appears to be a lab coat turns him over to part his lips. Justin looks on as he sees the giant pull out a test tube with a yellowish fluid in it. He pops the cap off of it and pours the contents into Garrett’s mouth. The giant man just sits there as if he is waiting for something to happen and starts talking to himself. Justin tries to listen to his words, but needs to move in closer to hear them so he gets up from his position. The man can hear him and jumps up to defend himself. Justin stops and cocks his head as the man smiles at him. ‘Hello there big man, I am guessing this is your friend,’ he says to him. ‘What have you done to him? What is that stuff?’ The man in the coat just laughs and opens his coat to reveal his giant muscles to Justin. At this point, the concerned giant is unimpressed by the doctor’s body since he has seen a couple of them already. The man stops smiling and realizes that he isn’t the first or second one he has seen. He comes towards Justin and demands to know where one in particular has gone. Justin doesn’t utter a single word to him which makes the man even angrier as he starts to fight him. He knocks the man down and starts to drag Garrett through the grass as the doctor begins chasing them through the field. Garrett mutters a few words but Justin can’t stop to listen to them because he is too busy trying to get away from the doctor. Despite the fact that he doesn’t want to leave Garrett, he lets him go and disappears into the forest again. The doctor follows closely behind as the sun shines brightly above them.
  15. msclvrtoo

    Angel: A Sequel - Part 7

    Angel: A Sequel – Part VII By [email protected] (Author’s note: please refer to important background in Parts I-VI) Post Workout As he did when he got into my little car to get to the gym, Grant squeezed his massive and bulging body into my front seat, yet again. It was comical. His huge and striated legs were almost pressed against his already protruding pecs. His incredibly wide shoulders had his left shoulder jamming into mine. I didn’t mind that at all. He looked at me and gave me a cute knowing smile. He saw the absurdity, too. I thought that all it would take for him to rip himself through the roof and side door was to take in a big breadth and expand his extreme muscle mass to its max. “Yeah, that would be a feat of strength I bet you’d love to see. Unfortunately, you’d loose your car to the junk heap if I did that for you,” he said, chuckling to himself. “Yeah, but I’d love to see you do that feat of strength and, especially, feel all your muscles get as hard as a warm granite rocks,” I said with lust dripping from every word. “Well, my dear Paul, we have lots of time to think up more ways for me to perform incomprehensible feats of strength for your viewing and muscle worshipping pleasure,” he added confidently. I exclaimed, “Hell, you blew my mind and the minds of those muscle-worshippers at the gym with your astounding strength just in the gym. And, god knows, they appreciate really stacked strong men and they certainly showed how they appreciated you. Did you see how excited they all got when you said we’d be back for some more workouts? Jeez, they really were like enthusiastic kindergarten kids, only with very big muscles themselves and some great lookin’ cocks.” “Hey, I actually don’t know if you need to eat…I mean ever, Grant. Boy, I sure could use some dinner. How about if we stop at the Coney Island up the road and get something to eat?” I inquired. “Yeah, I eat. You’re right. I don’t have to, but I know I’m expected to. That Coney Island sounds fine,” Grant announced. I immediately did an “oh shit” in my head wondering how the customers would react to Grant. The dry clothes that the manager gave us both fit me ok, but on Grant, that was something else. His short sleeved shirt was way too small. Even his relaxed bulging biceps, veins and all, looked like they would burst the sleeve apart at the smallest movement of his arm. It was very sexy, of course. The shirt could only be buttoned from the bottom three buttons and below. His naturally protruding pec shelf, covered in light hair, is such a lust-trigger for me. For instance, his slightly hairy and relaxed chest was just too huge and way too over-hung with a shelf of pec meat for any buttons to close. It was spread so wide that you could almost see his wide areolas and finger-thick nipples. Again, Grant is one hell of a sex object. And the short shorts. His crevassed and veined quads and its layers of thick muscle kept pushing the bottom of his shorts up to the top of his thighs. And, of course, his huge package was dead center and pushing the zipper cover so wide that it was noticeably losing the war to keep his massive equipment contained. “Got it, my friend. I hear you. Yeah, guess I am a little underdressed for dinner. Since this is a resort town, I’ll certainly cause a stir in folks but I doubt we’ll be arrested or anything like that. Or, tell me the truth, do you like the idea of being with me like this? I think I know the answer…but thought I’d ask anyways,” he inquired. He brought his monster left arm up and around and wrapped it completely around my shoulders, his big hand coming down easily and completely wrapping my very modest bicep. He gave me a gentle but noticeable squeeze. Oh fuck. I was in heaven. “No, Grant, I’ve given up worrying about people’s reaction to you…and me. You just have a great way of exuding such warm and attractive vibes….people become very deferential to you…and not just because of your size and extreme good-looks. You won over those cynical hard-assed muscle guys at the gym in no time at all. I bet you’ll do that with the Coney Island customers and servers, too. No, I’m thrilled to be with you and you with me,” I announced authoritatively. My right hand left the steering wheel and went digging around the unending hard contours of his massive package. At the moment I thought I had made his cock hard…or, more precisely, when he let me make him hard, and push his humungous cock up to his waist line, we arrived in the parking lot of the restaurant. “There’s more for you later, good buddy,” he announced with a leer and another squeeze of my shoulders. At the Coney Island The staring and stunned gawking from everyone – men, women, young or old – began immediately when we got out of the car. Grant was carrying himself – just naturally for him – with great presence and confidence – his extreme height is breathtaking. I watched as damn near everyone stopped in their tracks – coming in or out of the restaurant – to see this behemoth of an extraordinarily built and handsome male. One young kid couldn’t resist. He enthusiastically ran over to Grant. He got up real close and looked way up, and asked Grant if he was a circus strongman. Grant got a big smile on his face, leaned down, looked at the kid’s shocked parents, and he picked up the kid in his right hand and lifted him up to his face. The kid squealed in glee and said, “I knew you were a strongman. I could tell.” “What’s your name?” Grant asked the kid. “Harry. What is yours Mr. Strongman?” he asked back. “Grant,” Grant responded. “Will I see you at the circus Mr. Grant Strongman?” the kid asked. “I’m not sure, Harry. But it’s good to see you here,” commented Grant. “Wow, you are really big Mr. Grant Strongman. My dad is really strong, too,” the kid said very proudly…looking over at his father. I looked at his Dad who was beet red (and also a good-looking male specimen in his own right) -- probably in both embarrassment and pride. Nothing like receiving your son’s very public hero-worship in front of another strongman. Grant gently put the kid down and the kid ran hollering to his parents about how he’d been lifted by a real circus strongman. The parents smiled back at Grant, though clearly mystified at Grant’s size. The noisy restaurant started to quiet down as we walked to a booth, way the other side of the restaurant. The attractive waiter was slender but built. He was clearly both very excited and very nervous about escorting us. My gaydar, though not usually in good working order, went off with this guy. But, then, as I’ve discovered, most men are just enthralled with being up so close to Grant. Jeez, I’ve never seen so many people stop and stare so unapologetically in my life. Some would look away and then look back, look away, and again, look back. They couldn’t keep their eyes off of him. I’m sure the fact that we were together and that I was so vastly smaller in size, had a lot of folks confused or speculating god knows what. I just smiled politely; following Grants tightly wrapped big ass butt and the cute ass of the nervous waiter. Other than the gym, this was our first voyage into the general public. It was gonna be memorable, I could tell. I was also amazed at my own reaction in being in public with Grant. I felt tall, confident, secure, and proud. These were new feelings for me. I was very grateful. Once at a booth, and before we sat, the waiter’s eyes slowly moved up and down, and side to side, taking in all of Grant’s huge frame. He said, “ Sir, I hope our booths are…. big enough for…. you. I’ve picked one so you can have more room for ….your….legs.” “No problem. What’s your name?” asked Grant with that incredibly warm and charming smile of his. “Evan, sir.” “Well, Evan, thanks for taking such good care of my partner and me. I’m sure this booth will work out just fine,” Grant observed nonchalantly. I was instantly touched and moved that Grant would, once again, in public, call me his partner. Fuck, I was so in love. I was truly feeling beside myself with happiness. Grant squeezed himself into one side of the booth. I put myself into the other side. However, the thought occurred to me that I’d love to sit next to Grant. On second thought, there would not have been enough room for the both of us. “Yep. You guessed that right my good buddy. We can cuddle up when we get home….hopefully sooner than later,” Grant said softly. Little did we know how the evening would yet unfold. It still unnerves me that he is always reading my mind. Evan decided he would be our waiter and had a bunch of questions about what needed to get started. I could tell he really was absolutely enthralled by being around Grant. I just started to stare at Grant myself. He knew that and just gave me back his trademark grin. God, he is so handsome and so fuckin’ sexy. I just kept roving my eyes around his head and face. His gorgeous wavy jet black hair looked like he had just had it cut…perfectly balanced. His ears. Damn. How could ears be so sexy? They stood out just enough from the side of his head to make a statement of “we’re important too.” They sure are. Then his beautiful, sparkling and glistening blue eyes. Perfectly trimmed and bushy eye brows framed his liquid eyes. Truly, I knew what it was like to get lost in a man’s eyes. The light beard stubble on the sides of his face and chin continued to give him an even stronger aura of hyper-masculinity and strength. Like so many gods, he, too, had a vertical cleft in his chin that made him “Hollywood handsome.” His lips were big, not too pouty, and a deep red. I remembered how profound it was to have kissed him earlier this morning and feel those moist strong lips on mine. In this quiet moment together, even in public, I once again marveled at his towering and massive traps, rising up to nearly the top of his neck, and slowly tapering down to his explosive set of front and back delts. The t-shirt was so thin and tight that it just looked like another tight skin. Then his unheard of relaxed arms…each the size of two footballs mashed together. Then his forearms, covered in light hair, veins, tendons, and crevasses, extended out – as he crossed them and uncrossed them for my lustful pleasure. Damn, that was an act of sex all by itself. His big hands…fingers covered in small tuffs of black hair…very thick and long fingers. I remembered what they had done surrounding and squeezing my cock earlier in the morning. “Yeah, I know, you like what you see. I want you to know that I really like what I see in you, too,” he said, once again, softly. I had a hard time telling myself this was not a muscleman, muscle-worshipping wet dream…definitely not another internet short story of fantasy…though I loved those, too. We didn’t need to talk too much. We just seemed to relish being in each other’s quiet company after the extravaganza of muscle-worshipping passion, muscle addicts, and sex at the gym. Yet, it was far from quiet. I couldn’t believe how people started coming up to us, introducing themselves. A few were jerks and only wanted to talk with Grant. He made short order of them. Some girls asked to feel his bicep and he obliged with a big flex and smile. They giggled like no tomorrow. A couple of guys wanted to know if he was a trainer and where he worked out. We told them about the gym we had just been at. They gave us their phone number and promised to meet us there, soon. Both were body-builders and dumbstruck at Grant’s size and virility. They had a hard time leaving us. Evan was ever attentive with questions about if our food and service was satisfactory. I knew he had more questions, but he was just too embarrassed or intimidated – at least for the moment. I noticed his cock was hanging on the inside of his left leg. I wondered how hard it was getting. We ate and continued to gracefully manage all the gawking, interruptions, questions, and requests for a flex. This was ok for the moment. Yet, I could see it also getting old. Something to think about. Grant was just incredibly consistently charming, pleasant, and encouraging. As I saw with the muscleheads at the gym, people just felt drawn to him and his special exceedingly masculine energy. I was very proud. At one point, just as a reminder to me, he put one of his monster legs in-between my legs and I squeezed as hard as I could to let him know I knew he knew I was there. He loved that. Cute little Evan finally brought over the check. Again, asking more questions to make sure the food and his service was satisfactory. Which, of course, it was. Grant was reading him like a book. “Hey Evan. Looks like you workout,” Grant observed. Evan nodded affirmatively yet silently. He stood up straighter and thrust his chest out. “Maybe you’d like to meet up with me and Paul sometime and we could workout together. I’d be happy to show you some of the tips that have helped me get this big and muscular. Maybe we could jump start your workouts to the next level for you. You interested?” asked Grant knowingly. Evan’s face turned red and gave us a huge grin. “Oh yeah…I’d be honored to work workout with you guys. It is really such an inspiration to have you even here and be able to wait on you,” Evan exclaimed. “Write down your name and phone number and one of us will give you a ring sometime in the next week or so, ok?” suggested Grant. “Oh thank you, both of you. You’ve just made my week,” added Evan. He paused and seemed deep in thought. Then the truth came out. “I’m a little nervous but I’d love to feel your amazing bicep, Grant,” he asked apologetically. “Well everyone else has so here you go,” Grant announced. He gave him one hell of a peaked double-bicep. All of a sudden, Evan got very uninhibited and inspired. He was not the least bit embarrassed about leaning into the booth with both his hands and feeling both biceps all over, passionately. We left him a big tip. And he had one hell of a big grin. God, I bet he had cock-pounding jack-off fantasies for weeks. I sure would have. A Potential Tragedy Barely Averted As we walked back through the restaurant to the front door, the gawking continued. I laughed because Grant took the walk more slowly this time…letting his magnificent hyper-masculine presence and massive body sink into each on-looker. Shit, he can be such a fabulous show-off when he wants to. I could only begin to imagine the detailed and passionate fantasies he was triggering in both the men and the women. I was surprised we didn’t get more folks coming out of their booths to talk to us before they missed the opportunity to connect to us…connect to Grant. We got in the car and started driving on the toll-road over the bay back to my house. Frankly, I couldn’t get there fast enough. I was so horny. I’d been like this all day long, ever since I consumed his one-of-a-kind cum this morning. Half way over the toll-road, we saw a huge collection of police cars and fire trucks flashing their lights up ahead. Traffic had begun to slow but was not yet stopped. There were still some left lanes open, evidently. As we pulled closer, we were both shocked. A huge tanker truck was flipped on its side and was squashing a yellow school bus against and almost over the bridge guard rail. Even from a distance, the school bus looked very badly damaged from front to back. We both knew that there were probably kids in that school bus and that it was very close to breaking the guard rail and heading into the deep water. This accident looked like it had just happened. Instead of following the urgent directions of a very big cop to stop gawking and drive by, Grant told me to pull over and park the car. I did just that. The cop was furious. Yet, when Grant got out of the car and started running to the accident, the cop seemed so shocked at seeing Grant that he turned to the other cars, passionately motioning them to keep moving. I got out of the car and began to follow Grant as fast as I could. But his running speed, no surprise, was exceptional. I was so stunned at seeing the awful accident and the extreme risk these kids were in, that it didn’t occur to me what, if anything, Grant could or would do. I didn’t have to wait long. He ignored all the cops and firemen. They kept hollering and screaming at him to get out of there. Yet, there was nothing they could do to stop this monster of a man. I was close enough so I could see Grant, but far enough back so I wasn’t told to leave. Thank god. The tanker was leaking but that wasn’t stopping the almost futile efforts of the cops and firemen to get into the school bus and pull the kids out. That’s when Grant made his move. He effortlessly wedged his hugely muscled body in-between the severely dented tanker and the crushed driver’s side of the school bus. I was sure he was pushing back and easily bending metal on the tanker and the bus with his body to get into the middle of the wreck. He pounded his fists and forearms into the metal of both the tanker and bus to help clear his path. He continuously thru his massive shoulders into both sets of metal, as well. He was making huge dents into all the metal. It was collapsing from the unbelievable pressure from his extremely powerful body. There was no stopping this superman. I was a little ashamed at myself for having such a hard time focusing on the kids, yet still thinking about Grant’s inhuman strength. My concern for the kids won out. Grant was putting himself to the test…a test he was called to…a test that had to succeed. The lives of an unknown number of kids depended upon him, his in-human strength, and his exceptionally powerful muscles. The accident had just happened so no ambulances were in sight, though I was sure they were among the sirens I was hearing get closer. It was horrifying to think they might be too late. The cops and firemen seemed helpless to get into the bus from either the front end or the back end. The guard rail and tanker had just demolished access from doors or even windows. I moved around to look between the bus and tanker and saw Grant raise his huge arms and start to push on the middle of the tanker. His already huge body was becoming a mass of pumped-up muscles pitted against hardened steel. With each powerful push, the tanker moved up off the bus just a little bit. Grant repositioned his arms and body each time, giving the tanker another punishing push, yet holding it steady at the same time. He was huge. His whole body was a stunning mass of exploding muscles. There was no strongman on earth that could do what Grant was doing…no one. The cops and firemen looked up and, despite their visible disbelief at seeing Grant do the unthinkable, they redoubled their efforts to get into both ends of the bus. No go. The bus had been sandwiched way too hard between the tanker and the guard rail. It was now teetering because Grant had lifted the tanker from direct contact with the bus. With one final huge shove – I heard a very deep and loud roar from him -- Grant pushed the tanker into an upright position. He had busted completely out of his flimsy t-shirt. I could tell his shorts were in tatters from the unrelenting expansion of his quads. He truly looked like a white Hulk, though half-naked. I had a vision of him being a very big angel. He quickly turned back to face the side of the bus. With one of his massive arms, he grabbed the side door and just pulled the door off. With the other huge gun, he held onto the bus so it wouldn’t slip over the guardrail into very deep water. All of us were stunned at this in-human display of unlimited and spectacular strength. I was hard as hell but I also knew it was okay, despite the very scary circumstances. Grant’s testosterone from early this morning just had that kind of effect on me. With no time to waste given the uncertain medical condition of the kids, Grant pulled the entire bus, this time with both humungous arms, up off the guardrail and onto the safety of the concrete. Cheers went up from all the on-lookers that had stood by helplessly -- thinking the worst might happen. Grant was not done, however. Nobody cared that he barely had any clothes on. All they cared about was that this massive superman was saving the lives of these terrified kids. Grant muscled the metal door out of his way and went into the mangled and shattered bus. We all knew he or others had to do this. We just didn’t know if there would be a fire and explosion -- at a moment’s notice. The kids screaming had become louder and louder. One at a time, with great care, he lifted each kid into his massive arms and maneuvered them through the demolished door. He was so very big. And in his huge arms and chest, the kids seemed so very small and fragile. He quickly ran with each child away from the accident, and laid each child down on the ground. Inexplicably, he began to give each child very gentle and loving mouth to mouth resuscitation…even if they were conscious. He did this even though the cops and firemen were screaming at him to wait for the ambulances. He held their nostrils closed with one hand, cleared their passage-way with the other, and then placed his huge hairy hand in the middle of each of their chests. Right where their heart was. Continuing to ignore the screams cops and firemen to wait, he went back into the bus for each child. And, for each child, gave them his own very special brand of care. By the time the first ambulances arrived, he had safely evacuated and given resuscitation to a total of 12 kids…all at an amazing speed. What was left of his t-shirt and shorts were covered in blood. He showed no evidence of being winded or tired. He was simply on a very special mission. The EMT’s, having seen what Grant had been doing with the last couple kids, were extremely angry and berated him for even moving them and giving them aid. They did not know the inhuman feats of strength he had just performed to save their lives from certain death. He calmly listened to their outrage and did not react. As the medics started triage with each kid, the medics became very confused – talking and conferring excitedly with each other. While many of the kids were covered in their own blood, they did not seem to have any immediate or observable internal or external injuries. The medics kept looking frantically at each kid, checking all vital signs, looking for possible internal injuries, and looking for broken bones. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Yes, the kids were all very upset, crying, and hollering. Yet, the kids also seemed to be without any injuries. “How could this be possible,” the medics started asking themselves, including the cops and the firemen. The cops and firemen pointed to the hulking bloodied figure of a half-naked Grant standing patiently nearby. They excitedly told the medics how Grant had single-handedly lifted the tanker off the bus and ripped open the bus metal door. They told them how he went in and pulled each child out and gave each resuscitation, holding his hand over each of their hearts as he breathed into them. The medics were in complete disbelief. Yet, they knew these cops and firemen would not and could not make up such an extreme story, given the crisis at hand. Grant was still just standing tall and quiet. Soon, the medics, cops and firemen started to gather all around him. He stood head and shoulders above them all…both literally and figuratively. They couldn’t stop asking him angry questions about this extraordinary rescue, his inhuman strength, and the medical miracles he seemed to have accomplished with his breath and hands. The really big cop I saw earlier was up close, along with another very big cop next to him. Both looked like their blues were painted on their either super heavy-weight body-building bodies or powerlifter bodies – I couldn’t tell which. Muscle-cops. Definitely muscle-cops. I never miss musclemen…never…no matter what the situation. I couldn’t help feeling a stirring in my pants, despite the crisis. Damn, these were really hot muscle-cops….in short sleeves, no less. And their huge arms were pointing and gesturing towards Grant and the wrecks of the tanker and bus. OMG I thought to myself. Grant was very patient with all of them. He kept repeating phrases like: “Yes, in a way, my strength is in-human…I’m grateful for it. And very glad I could help here.” “I know I have healing powers and I used them on these kids.” “I don’t expect you to understand all of this.” “My partner and I live over in the next town.” “I’m just glad I was here in time.” “The cops and firemen worked very hard at great risk to themselves to get the kids out. It was an honor to help them out.” “Yes, all of this was, indeed, a miracle. And we know where miracles come from don’t we?” That last comment and question only stopped their barrage of questions temporarily. They just couldn’t stop firing questions at him. Finally, they all began to tell him how very grateful they were that he did what he did…that he risked himself the way he did…that he understood more than they did what it was going to take to make sure these kids were safe and well. They softened. I was now up close to the group. I think I saw Grant start to tear up. Some of the professionals were tearing up as well. A true tragic catastrophe had been averted because of who Grant is. I was in tears myself. I was also so proud of Grant…so very proud and grateful. One of the EMTs came up with a blanket and wrapped it around Grant’s shoulders…at least as high as he could get. Grant readjusted it and told him thank you. The EMT said it would help keep the blood off whatever car he was riding in. “I’ve never seen guy with so many huge muscles like you. You are an unbelievable sight. Thank god you were here today and could use them like you did. Though I just don’t understand how you could move the tanker and tear open the bus like that.” The EMT was a combination of deep appreciation and total confusion. “As I said, I was just glad I was here and could help,” said Grant modestly. After handshakes, “thank yous”, and manly shoulder pats all around (Grant got a hell of a lot of long pats on his shoulders and arms), Grant and I walked over to my car. Once again, cheers emerged from the crowd. Grant stopped, turned around, and gave a big salute. More cheers. Clearly, he was the epitome of a hero in everyone’s eyes. An unforgettable, huge and extremely handsome hero…covered in the blood of his heroic exploits. We were quiet the rest of way home. I drove with my left hand as we held hands with our fingers tightly intertwined. I kept thinking that rarely have I read muscle-god muscle-worshipping fiction where the muscle god also saved lives…especially the lives of children. Grant, of course, “heard” me. He remarked, “Paul, I am simply made to love and do good things and be with good people. I am so glad to be able to share it all with you.” Tears came to my eyes once again. I couldn’t get my mind around the unheard of feats of strength – bending, pushing, and pulling hard metal – Grant had just done with his body. God, talk about being a superman. And he is all mine…and I sure don’t mind sharing him, either. Home and Surprising Visitors Arrive We got Grant out of his bloody clothes….what was left of them…which was barely anything at all. I started to feel his muscles and he started to flex each as I touched and massaged them. I had just seen these huge pumped muscles do things that humans cannot do. These were the same in-human muscles that had bent tanker and bus metal to get him wedged in the middle of the crash. These were the same muscles that relentlessly pushed, pounded, and lifted the multi-ton tanker trailer back on its 18 wheels. These were the same muscles that just ripped open the side door of the bus like he was stripping sheets off a bed. These were the same muscles that ever so gently carried 12 terrified children to their safety and, in fact, helped them heal from internal and other injuries. As he flexed and re-flexed, and I mauled and massaged, I asked him, “What exactly did you do when you gave the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and put your hand on their heart?” He kept on flexing then paused. I paused my muscle explorations, as well. “Well, you saw how I was able to give you a bigger penis earlier today in just a few moments. Right? So, I just used my God-given powers to breath the spirit of healing into each of these kids and lay my hand on their heart to speed the healing of their entire body. It really isn’t more complicated than that. It’s who I am. It is what I do. I’m an instrument, as well all are, each in our own way. My gifts are just more visible than those of most humankind. Isn’t this what you’ve always fantasized for all these years in your muscle gods – in your deepest and wildest dreams?” He knew me well. “Oh, Grant. I get a little scared hearing that kind of talk from you. Yet, I know in my heart of hearts that you are telling me the truth. I just never thought I’d hear such a wonderful thing from a hyper-masculine, handsome, muscle-god like you. You’re breaking the mold of my fantasy stereotypes of muscle-gods like you. And I’m so glad you’re doing that with me,” I added enthusiastically. He reached around and brought our naked bodies together and squeezed hard. I squeezed back as best I could. We ended up taking another shower together. God, how I love being his personal wash-cloth as he soaped me up, manhandled me, and rubbed me all over his massive body. I got another great ride on his hard cock…jamming my own hard cock into his steel ab muscles. We both exploded with gushers of cum. I made sure I scraped up as much of his cum off my body as I could. The delicious nectar went straight into my mouth. He seemed to like mine as well. After drying off, we both got into some loose clothing and lay down on the couch to watch some TV. He held me tightly up in his lap. Actually, I was really sitting on his constantly big thick hard cock. I kept massaging his huge forearms and very sexy hands. Then the doorbell rang. That is pretty rare in my house. Fortunately, I was sort of dressed. I opened the wood inner door and damn near fainted from more shock. I was speechless. Standing in front of me were the two very, very big cops that I had seen at the accident. One had black hair and other had blond hair, cut short. Both had their cop caps tucked underneath their huge arms. Both wore the sexiest black opaque shades I had ever seen on guys. My gay eyes darted everywhere very fast. Both had tufts of hair spilling out from the top of their damn near glued-on tapered blue shirt, with all the police insignia you could imagine. Both were in short sleeves that, like Grant’s earlier, looked like they would burst into tatters at the mere movement of their massive and huge hairy arms. Fuck, they were so intimidating. I’d certainly read about muscle-cops. I’d had a lot of fantasies about what they do and what they’re like. But, shit, I never thought I’d have two of these stunning, instantly authoritative muscle-gods, on my porch. I stopped my own gawking when one of them asked me if I was “Paul Dickson.” I stammered. I didn’t know what to say other than a weak “yes”. I collected myself just long enough to ask them why they were here. “You were at the scene of the accident on the toll way. We took your license number down and obtained this address. You’re not in any trouble. Neither is that big huge friend of yours either,” one added. “My partner,” I barked. “Your partner…my apologies,” added the same cop. “We just had a lot of unanswered questions that we need to get answers to for our accident report to our deputy chief. We hope you’ll be willing to help us. It is voluntary for both you.” While he said this to me, I couldn’t help but drill down on both of these guys and their very tightly tailored blue pants. One had a big bulge that pushed out the zipper. The other had his long thick cock hanging down the inside of his tight right leg. His VPL was awesome. They were like super-heavyweight twins. Both had spectacular v-shapes to their torso, accentuated by their blue shirts neatly tucked tightly into their narrow waists. Grant came up behind me and brought me back to reality. “Hi officers, how can we help you?” he boomed out in his most authoritative voice. He was taking charge, thank god. “We were just explaining to your….ahhh….partner…that we have some questions that needed to be answered for our accident report. And, by the way, we are all very grateful for your help in saving those kids. We could not have done it without you.” “We are still completely baffled and stunned that you flipped that tanker back up on its wheels and ripped off the side door to that bus. We saw you with our own eyes. As you can probably tell, we are body-builders and power-lifters, too, so we know a thing or two about strength. But your strength is absolutely incredible… in-human…unbelievable. I guess we’d like to talk about that, too.” The big cop added that last sentence with a bit of embarrassment and very evident hopefulness. The sexual tension was building quickly. “I bet you would…yeah…be happy to talk about my strength. I’d like to hear about what you two do, too. Paul, why don’t we invite them in?” queried Grant with a knowing smile. He could see that we had a couple of muscle-addicts on our hands. They were real-time muscle-cops…big, threatening, and huge all over. And my gaydar was working overtime, yet again. “Don’t mind if we do,” added the bigger cop. I opened the screen door and these gorgeous blue hulks of hyper-masculine manhood came in, one at a time, still wearing their dark wrap-around sun glasses. I gave them another once over and was getting hard again. Fuck, how could two muscle-cops be so big, so muscular, so well-built, and so sexy? My certifiably gay little mind wondered: Are they partners? Or partner partners? Both body-builders? Both power lifters? Who do they fuck? My mind was racing. No doubt Grant already knew. And these massive blue muscleman beasts are in my living room at the same time, with my own muscle-god, Grant. The possibilities were endless. All this because Grant was unquestionably willing to show – publically -- his super-human strength to save the lives of 12 children. I could never have imagined such an amazing day when I woke up this morning, opened the front door, and saw Grant. Exploring the Cock-Hardening Possibilities After standing in my living room just for a moment and looking around – I guess that’s just a cop thing – they removed their glasses, folded them up, and put them in their top shirt pocket. Both were handsome but in a rugged and rough kind of way. Grant started us off. “Well, officers, I know everyone at the accident scene really appreciated all that you did, too, to figure out how to get those kids out. You risked your lives. Thanks for what you did,” Grant said earnestly. They were standing tall, big, and with their huge shoulders squared. Almost like they were at attention. Holy shit, I was getting intoxicated with lust. “Thanks. But we don’t know your name,” said the bigger cop. “I’m Grant,” responded Grant. “Grant who?” asked the cop like an inquisitive cop would. “Actually, I’m in the middle of legally changing my last name but that’s too much to go into right now,” Grant responded calmly. “Well, Grant. We gotta have a last name for our report,” insisted the big cop. “OK. Since Paul is my partner and all, he and I have the last name, at least in our minds. So, I’m Grant Dickson,” Grant asserted confidently. The big cop drew up one of his massive hairy arms and reached into another shirt pocket, took out a small pad and pencil, and wrote that down. “Thanks, Grant.” Fuck me, what a hell of a huge and hairy arm – though not as big as Grant’s, that’s for sure. This was a sight to behold. Three very big musclemen standing toe to toe in my little living room, with me as the “host”. Unreal. “Officers, would you like to sit down? Can I get you some water or iced tea?” I asked. That felt so lame. Both sat down on the love seat that Grant and I had used to fuck our brains out earlier this morning. I hoped I hadn’t missed getting the leftover jizz cleaned up. Both were so damn big in the shoulders that there was no extra elbow room. Grant and I sat down in the other couch. The “power” tension in the room seemed to be subsiding, but the sexual tension was growing. “What are your names?” asked Grant innocently. “I’m Officer Max Anderson and this is my partner Officer Greg Vanderbilt,” said Officer Anderson. “So, Grant. Where have you competed?” asked Officer Vanderbilt. “Actually, I haven’t. Paul and I just moved here from my family farm in Idaho. Too busy managing the farm and lifting to compete,” Grant explained, just as he had at the gym. “Hell, man, we’ve been around a lot of very big guys but none have come even close to you in size or certainly in strength. Frankly, we couldn’t believe our eyes when you pushed that filled tanker back on its wheels,” said Officer Anderson. “Are you some kind of special forces Army project or something? Are they building a platoon of new supermen?” he continued with a bit of a know-it-all attitude. “Nope. I like to say I’m just built by God,” Grant said calmly. “Well, what the heck do you lift on the farm to get this fantastic build of yours?” asked Officer Vanderbilt. “Oh, almost anything that weighs at least a ton or more. Tractors. Loaded pick-ups. Cattle cars. You know, that kind of thing,” Grant said easily. Not missing a beat, Grant asked them both what they did in a dead lift and squat. They were easily distracted from asking Grant more questions by the opportunity that Grant had given them with his question back to them. They were clearly proud and wanted to talk. “I’ve done a dead lift at 955 and a squat at 857. Both were at the US Police Officers and Fireman’s Bodybuilding and Power lifting Competition in 2013,” said Officer Anderson with no small amount of pride. “I guess I’m still a work in progress. My dead lift is 910 and my squat is 825. But I’ve also taken 1st place in the 2012 super heavyweight class at the same bodybuilding competition,” said Officer Vanderbilt, not hiding his pride, either. “My partner here, does better at the power lifting,” he added. “Actually we challenge each other in alternating years – sometimes competing in the power lifting and then changing up our training and diet – big time -- to compete at the super-heavyweight body-building class and blow away the competition,” he added, even further. “Yeah, we are both into lots of power and muscle…just like you seem to be,” he observed. Grant saw another opportunity. “Excuse me a second and let me go get something,” he announced. The power, grace and his extraordinary musculature was not lost on these guys. They couldn’t take their eyes off of him. I had no idea what he was going to do. He came back with the v-shaped iron barbell bar that he had bent underneath his cock and balls while fucking the hell of out of me earlier in the morning. Again, I hoped he had cleaned his jizz off it before he brought it into the living room. “Maybe you guys, being successful lifters and body-builders would appreciate this. I bent this for Paul earlier this morning. I’m gonna bend it back right now so it’s straight,” Grant stated matter-of-factly. I could see the eyes of these guys open wide. They nervously shifted their big bodies but they had no where to go on the small couch. Taking each end in his massive hands, Grant flipped the V so the ends were up. Then, with barely any effort at all, his arm, shoulder, trap and chest muscles exploded as he powered the ends back down – slowly, clearly for effect -- into the original straight bar. “See, that’s what I do,” Grant said with his own justifiable pride. “Not possible. Gotta be bull-shit. What kind of bar do you actually have there, Grant?” demanded an indignant Officer Vanderbilt. Both were clearly very rattled at this amazing display of raw strength. “The same kind of bar I can bend totally around your wrists as a pair of cuffs, Officer,” challenged Grant. Officer Vanderbilt stood up, convinced Grant was a sham. He took the bar from Grant and tried to bend it himself. His upper body and arm muscles grew and grew fast. His sleeves actually split. “Fuck. Loose more uniforms this way,” he muttered. No bend. Nothing. “Fuck me. Okay, Grant, try to wrap this around my wrists.” He laughed derisively. Big mistake. Grant took the bar. The cop raised his thick arms, put his wrists out next to each other. Shit, what a power play this was gonna be. These guys have no idea what they’re getting themselves into. Grant took the bar, set it on top of the cop’s wrists and began to easily wrap both ends around the cop’s wrists, bringing the bar into a closed loop around the bottom of his wrists. I certainly wasn’t surprised but the cops were in disbelief. “No way. Holy shit, man. Where do get that kind of power?” screamed Officer Vanderbilt. He was standing there in a virtual steel bar prison – the same kind of prison he does for others when he arrests them. Only this time, Grant had “arrested” him with his extraordinary power and strength. This irony was such a turn-on for me, and no doubt for Grant, too. I wondered – from this display of muscles and strength from Grant -- if these guys had some cock-stirring going on, themselves. While this incredible display of power was going on, I was watching Officer Anderson almost absent mindedly massaging his hard cock. He was the one that had it running down in pant leg, sporting one hell of a VPL. I knew we’d get something good going with these muscle-cops. “Get this off me, now,” demanded Officer Vanderbilt. Grant easily wrapped his hands around both ends, pulled the bar out of the loop around the cop’s wrists, and straightened it once again. What a show! There was a sudden change in attitude by both of them. “Alright. Alright. You definitely got something going on, Grant. We don’t understand it. Not even close. But we’ve seen it. You’re absolutely amazing. We have never met such a man as you. You are so fuckin’ well built. You could take any bodybuilding contest at any time. You’re so damn strong, you could win the World’s Strongest Man Competition in a heart beat,” exclaimed Officer Anderson with passion and some undisguised lust. “And, fuck, I hate to admit it but you are the most sexy monster I’ve ever laid eyes on. And god knows, I’ve been with my share, including my partner, here,” added Officer Vanderbilt. “So, my friends, is it safe to say you two are really into muscle, mind-boggling strength, and great muscle-sex that only guys built like us understand and yearn deeply for?” Grant was laying it all out on the table. “Oh, fuck, yes. Guess you could tell we’re more than patrol partners. When we met two years ago at one of the competitions, we fell head over heels in lust with each other. Yes, we’re married to our wives, sorta. Max moved down here and joined my unit. Because we’re so fucking big and strong, the deputy chief keeps us together as a patrol unit. We’re always called into the worst situations because, between the two of us, we scare the fuck out of criminals. They see us and try to run or just give up,” explained Officer Vanderbilt. “We’re proud of that.” “The deputy chief and our sergeant don’t give a shit about our personal life, our sex life together, or our partnership in helping build the other up for power lifting or bodybuilding competitions. All the other officers really look up to us, want to be with us, and want to work out with us. Fuck, most of them want us to fuck them, which we do happily,” he added. “And there’s more…we think you guys would understand…we’re really into worshipping each other’s muscles. It’s such a turn on and inspiration for us both. And, when we go to competitions – always together – we love getting it on with other musclemen. They always love getting the two of us for one,” he said with a laugh. “We have quite a reputation…quite a following. We especially like other really big muscle guys who want to get it on,” he said proudly. “Okay, then, enough of “getting to know each other,” asserted Grant. “Let’s have some muscle worshipping and muscle sex among just the four of us. As you guys will see, Paul is expert at making us musclemen feel really appreciated. You up for that?” he asked the cops. “Fuck, yes. Ever since we saw you, your incredible muscles and massive body, and unbelievable strength in action at the accident, we’ve been really hot to get personal with you, Grant. You’re an amazing combination of incredible strength, a tall and fantastic build, and you are, as we said, as sexy as hell. Just what we like in our men. And, Paul, we’re not gonna leave you out of this. That’s for sure,” added Officer Vanderbilt. “Hey, Paul, would you like to do the honors of stripping us out of our muscle-hugging blues? We both saw your leers at the door. We know you want us,” said Officer Vanderbilt, explaining the obvious. “Fuck yes!” I hollered. “I get to do you one at a time,” I added enthusiastically. With that invitation, I wasted no time in getting in front of Officer Vanderbilt, the guy with the big dick and VPL. He put his huge arms up and gave me a pumped up double-bi that I manhandled with everything I had. I literally ripped his tight blue shirt right down the middle and pulled it off the front, out of his waist, and did the same thing on his back. God was he gorgeous. Fucking hair everywhere, and certainly not hiding any muscles or his definition. I pushed and mauled his back muscles while he did a rear bicep flex. Incredibly hard muscles. They jumped all over the place as he flexed them. I loved running my fingers through his thick hair. I came around in front and couldn’t resist going after his big long cock hanging down his pant leg. I pulled the zipper down and went digging for it in the flesh. Fuck. I was not disappointed. Very hard and warm. Very thick. I pumped it as best I could as he kept encouraging me with his posing hot muscle talk. Then I went after his belt, pulled the buckle apart, and yanked the belt off his waist. He kept right on posing. Unlatching the clasp and pulling down the zipper, I yanked his pants down to his ankles. What gay man, what muscle-addict, wouldn’t give the world to be stripping a massive muscle-cop? Shit, what a sight. Huge hairy slabs of veined quad beef. His cock sprang straight out. Big, thick, muscular and very veiny. Holy shit. What a crown he had on it. Almost as big as Grant’s. “Yep, that’s my real club,” he announced. He quickly stepped out of his pants. I pulled his socks and cop-issue boots off. What a huge specimen of hyper-masculine manhood! My hands went all over his quads and then I wrapped them around his cock and pumped him hard. He loved it. The other cop, meanwhile, was getting really wound up and moved in real close to the two of us. He was my next target. This blond monster had already split his sleeves a little earlier. Fuck. How sexy was that. He pumped his arms again and said “I’m all yours, Paul.” I wrapped my hands partially around his right bicep and tricep and couldn’t squeeze for love nor money. He was just so damn hard. I traced his pencil-thick veins with my tongue, soaking in the smell of manhood. I went down and grabbed the bottom of his skin tight shirt, pulled it out of his pants and, with all my strength, just about got the whole shirt off his body. He shook the rest of it off and went into a mind-blowing front chest pose. I grabbed at his hard pecs, squeezed his nips as hard as I could, and mauled his huge arm muscles. “Yeah, man, tell me you want me…all of me,” he demanded. God, I wanted to dive into his cleavage with my face and lick the hell out of his hair, tight skin, and striations. That could come later. Next, I went after his belt buckle. I wanted to see this huge package that was pushing out the zipper. After yanking his belt off, and unclasping the pants, I pulled the zipper down. His big black jock basket fell right out. Holy fuck. Perfect for a muscle-cop. I went after it with my hands…pushing and mauling it hard. Then I got down on my knees and drove my face into it, pushing it around with my face, teeth, and nose. The masculine scent was intoxicating. What a muscle-cop he was. My hands pulled down his pants and his beautiful black jock strap was a spectacular contrast to his white strips of muscle and light blue veins. “Yeah, that’s what you want, Paul. Take it. I’m all yours,” he demanded. With that I reached around and began yanking down his jock strap, one section at a time. Gradually his big cock and balls became center stage. As he continued to pose, he got hard in no time. Not as long as his partner, but almost twice as thick. And he sported another huge red crown. What a monster he was. I manhandled that cock and sucked the hell out of his big piss slit. Boy, did that turn him on. While I had been stripping these breathtaking muscle-cops, Grant had gone downstairs and brought up my bench press bench and put it in the middle of the living room floor. He had already stripped himself naked and was swinging his huge dick back and forth. He knew he was the “king of the muscle-god hill” and wanted to make sure these cops knew it. Their eyes, when not watching me strip them, were watching him like hawks and getting turned on big-time. “Alright men, we’re gonna have a four way, and more. Paul, strip and lay down on the bench with your ass up. Max you get on top of Paul and gently guide yourself into his cute tight little ass. Paul, just relax as best you can. Max proceeded to wrap his muscular arms around me and the bench, and started loosening me up with his hard cock. I was ready. God, I loved feeling his hair and all his muscles enveloping my little body. It was painful at my asshole at first but subsided quickly. He kept whispering how good my ass felt. I kept trying to massage his big dick with my ass muscles. I’ve wondered for years what it would be like to be fucked by a big hairy muscle-cop. Now it was actually happening. “Okay, Greg, you’re next. Go ahead and mount your hunky partner here. I’m sure you’ve done this many times. Right? Yep. Get up on top of him. Max, you loosen up and let your big strong loving cop partner get in. Max, be sure and hold yourself and Greg up enough so you don’t crush Paul. Yeah, that’s it…all the way in,” Grant coached. “Greg, be sure to grab Max around the chest and Paul, if you can. I want you guys to hold on for dear life.” “Alright Greg, I’m going to get on top of you. Don’t worry. My hard dick has more lube than 20 men. And I’m an expert at fucking men. Remember now, keep the weight off of Paul. Paul, you ok?” asked Grant with some concern. “I….think so…you guys just seem so heavy…but it feels great,” I responded. “Here I come Greg. Relax and open wide. Let me though. It won’t hurt much, I promise. Yeah. You got it. Your flexing ass muscles tell me you like me. That feels so damn good.” Grant was really getting into this scene of muscle-cop fucking. With that, Grant wrapped his huge long arms around the three of us. Easily squeezing his hands underneath me, along with Max. And we all did what comes instinctively to gay men. We all started to buck and hump each other. Groans and muscle talk filled my small living room. My cock, though it had nowhere to go, other than to be crushed by these three muscle-monsters, still responded by being real hard. I just humped the hell out of the bench. Then, without any hint of what was to come next, Grant, with his arms wrapped tightly around the three of us, proceeded to lift us all off the bench at the same time! God, what a show of superhuman strength and flexibility. All three of us were stunned as Grant bounced us hard. Grant in Greg. Greg in Max. And Max in me. Holy shit. Grant didn’t stop. He was so strong that his bouncing just added to the pumping and thrusting that we were doing to each other already. Grant was standing up straight now and still holding us all in place. It was unbelievable. He held us so tightly that there was no slipping out of position or out of each other’s ass. With my free hands, I started pumping my own cock, now that it was free from the pressure of being jammed into the bench. What a feeling being held by Max, Greg and my extraordinary muscle-god Grant. I made it a point to tell myself to go to these Police and Firemen Bodybuilding and Power Lifting Championships that these guys bragged about. I’d do it with Grant, of course. Once again, the possibilities were endless for us. We were all so turned on that we began to blow our wad into each other. Not to my surprise, I was the first to release three volleys of thick rope. Then I felt Max push harder into me as he started to scream expletives. Then my ass was all warm with his mother load of jizz. Next, it was Greg. My bet was that he was screaming both from punishing his muscle partner’s tight ass and having Grant pound him relentlessly. Greg let out a huge scream. He had delivered his loads. Grant took it up a notch, if that was possible, and, using his super-human strength, began bouncing us even harder and using that bouncing to pound the hell out of Greg’s ass. Holding us even tighter, he let loose with one scream after another…one, undoubtedly, for each load into Greg. God only knows what the neighbors heard. I didn’t care. Gently, Grant let us down onto the bench and pulled his huge arms from around us. “Shit, that is what I call real muscle-sex. I hope you guys liked it as much as I did,” Grant said with his ever-present enthusiasm. All three of us were breathless. We had never imagined such man-to-man sex was possible. We had been treated to a four-way that only some superman like Grant could pull off. We couldn’t stop talking about how amazing, extraordinary, and mind-fucking that experience of muscle-sex was for each of us. Grant loved the compliments and all the appreciation for what he and his incredible strength, and massive and powerful muscles, had made possible, yet again. The three of us couldn’t contain our extreme passion to want to feel up all of Grant’s incredibly pumped up muscles. He soaked it right in. We were all over him with our hands and tongues. Max took Grant’s huge cock as far into his mouth as he could. I could tell he was biting and chewing the hell out of it. Grant loved it. Greg and I went after Grant’s enormous traps, feeling and punching those, and his huge delts and arms. His posing was awe-inspiring. No matter what pose he gave us, his muscles, veins, and striations just mushroomed out of his huge body. Grant grabbed our cocks and the same time and gave us some unforgettable pumps. We all seemed to explode with cum at the same time. It was both exhausting and exhilarating. Thank god I have an extra large hot water tank. We had more fun feeling each other up and sword playing with our hard cocks. Being in the warm water just elicited some amazing posing routines and all the intense muscle worship that goes with it. Clearly, we were bonded. Greg and Max lay around for a while, small towels wrapped around their gorgeous hairy bodies. Grant and I stayed naked and he held me in his arms while I rested a bit. I was, understandably, both overwhelmed and exhausted. Finally our muscle-cops put on the clothes that hadn’t been destroyed. We gave them some shirts to cover themselves. We exchanged heart-felt long bear hugs all around. As their cop car pulled away, they hit the flashing lights and siren. I took that as yet another “thanks”. Grant and I, having had an unbelievable and extraordinary day, crawled underneath the covers. We spooned. I had my backside to his front as he kept reminding me he was there by throbbing his hard cock into my backside. I used his huge left arm as a warm pillow all night long. Copyright © [email protected] Feedback welcomed. No flames, please. Part VIII to follow
  16. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Chemical Experiment

    Dr. Colby Raines is an inventor that has developed some very important treatments for a lot of sick people. He has even been nominated for some major medical awards, even though he never won them. He is well-known for having a brilliant mind. Despite this expertise in the medical field though, deep down he has always had a longing for a different kind of achievement. His interest in muscle growth led him to start work on a new chemical designed to turn weaklings into crazy huge studs. He has always had great sponsors for his breakthroughs, but many decided to pass on this new project. He has to dig into his monetary donations from his donors for his research. He doesn’t use lab mice, but rather small cats because he knows he can save them from being put down at the local pounds. He learned that he has less difficulty dealing with cats and can see their development a little better. The chemical he is developing is a blue powder that is ingested using only a spoon. With the cats however, it isn't as easy to get it into their bodies so he has to mix it in with their canned food. For this chemical, he went searching for hairless cats that are slightly malnourished. He found one and brought it into the lab to put into a steel cage. He sprinkles a little bit of the powder into the cat food and feeds it to the cat. The hungry cat gobbles down the food and doesn't even notice that the chemical is inside. He never expected an immediate reaction, so he decides to leave the cat alone so it can sleep it off. When he goes in the next day, he is stunned to see the huge changes the cat has experienced. Its sinewy body is now full of enormous muscles and the cage appears to be suffocating it to death as it gasps for air. He decides to release it into the lab to study its behavior. It immediately starts roaring and goes straight for the door. Raines is amazed as the giant cat plows through the steel door and leaves a huge hole. It is at this point that he realizes he can go a step further and find a willing human subject. He places an ad out in the media looking for a skinny male in need of some quick cash and a place to stay while taking the tests. After screening several candidates, he chooses a 20 year old college student who has been living in a rundown apartment fairly close to the lab. He meets Raines at the lab a week after being interviewed and says that he is grateful to be involved in something so cool. He tells Raines that he is a runner and his metabolism is quite high so food rarely puts any weight on him at all. He is shown around the lab and points directly at the chemical located in a bowl on one of your lab counters. He walks up to it and remarks about the blue color. Raines says that he has never developed a chemical in that shade before and just decided to do so with this one to be different. The young guy, Gavin, takes a little pinch of it and sticks it on his tongue. The two men both laugh when they look in the mirror and see his blue tongue sticking out. Raines proceeds to show the man where he will be staying inside the facility. His room is located very close to where he will be tested for the chemical. The doctor notices that instead of him being nervous, the young man is excited because he wants to experience something unique in his life. Raines cautions him that this is quite dangerous, but the man seems rearing to go with the project. He is given a spoonful of the chemical and told to take it with the bottle of water sitting on the table with the chemical. He takes it and pours the contents into the bottle and shakes it up to get it as mixed as possible. It turns the water into a crystal blue colored hue and he drinks the entire bottle. Raines tells him to go lie down now in the relaxation chamber located on the other side of the lab. Gavin retrieves his E-reader and takes it in with him to read some of the books he stored in it before he came over. Within the first 15 minutes, the doctor notices the man getting quite sweaty. The man motions for Raines to come in and monitor his heartbeat. The beats are moving so fast that he loses track of them, but he expected an extreme reaction anyway. He decides to leave him alone for awhile, but will return to monitor him. Gavin decides to start reading again while the doctor goes back to making his notes. When Raines turns to look at the young man, he is floored that the once Caucasian man is beginning to see his skin change to an olive color. The shape of his face is getting rounder and his eyes are changing from green to hazel. He documents these changes as well as his body transformation. His slender ectomorph body is rapidly changing to a mesomorph. He hears Gavin’s bones cracking and reforming seemingly making room for some kind of dramatic growth. It stops finally after probably twenty minutes with practically a brand new man in the chamber. The darker looking young man seems to have no idea of his amazing changes as he stares at the doctor with curiosity. Raines finally opens the chamber door to go inside to check on him. Gavin’s cluelessness of the situation makes the doctor think that it changes the brain to the point that it is unaware of any physical transformations. The olive stud went into the chamber wearing just his underwear and is now straining those with his obviously larger crotch. He still seems pretty docile and wonders what is next. Raines decides that he will give him a bigger dose of the chemical tomorrow to see if the growth will continue. Gavin’s eyes get larger as he smiles and nods in anticipation. The doctor tells him to get some sleep and he will see him in the morning. The second day comes around and Raines gives the young stud a bigger water bottle with the blue powder. Gavin chugs it down and immediately the growth starts. This second time though, the man’s personality changes and he gets more volatile. He is getting considerably taller and his body is growing wildly. He threatens to break out of the chamber if Raines doesn't give him any more. He manages to hide a little bit of the chemical away from Gavin and gives him the rest. The irritable man pours the chemical down his throat and growls as he feels himself growing again. This turns out to be the biggest mistake the doctor could make because the man’s power is getting astronomical. He grows so rapidly that the chamber begins to buckle and the man’s size makes the metal give way. Raines runs into the next room to escape but he hears Gavin’s heavy feet coming for him. The massive man catches the doctor, turns him around to give him an evil smile, and attempts to do something that he may not want to be a part of. Before Raines can leave the basement of the medical facility, Gavin pins him against the wall and pushes his weight against the doctor making him submit to the hulk. He starts to bate him trying to find out what happened to the rest of the chemical. He starts to search Raines and finally plunges his huge hand into the doctor’s pocket and pulls it out. The seven foot, 400 pound behemoth then forces his tongue into Raines’s mouth and makes him give in. He tries to resist, but the hulking brute threatens violence if he does. He takes the container and opens it up. He releases his lips from the doctor’s long enough to pours the remainder of the blue chemical on to Raines’s tongue. He tries to spit it out, but Gavin grabs his cock and promises that he will rip it off if he decides to do 'something foolish'. He closes the doctor’s mouth with his huge hands and makes him go to a water fountain close by. He tells you to drink the water and swallow the concoction. Raines attempts to spit out the powder, but Gavin wraps his massive arms around his waist and starts to squeeze making his back start popping. He is having a hard time breathing and realizes that he may be killed by the huge man. The hulk takes one of his arms and puts it over the doctor’s mouth to make him swallow it. Then he falls on the ground with Raines in his arms still and holds him tightly to keep him restrained. The doctor realizes at that moment that this man had a deep desire to be crazy big and was willing to do whatever it took to get there. Gavin starts to whisper in his ear how he won't regret this and that he should have taken the chemical when he first developed it. After about an hour of sitting in that spot, Raines feels himself starting to sweat profusely which makes Gavin put his left hand in the doctor’s pants to stroke him. He writhes trying to make him stop, but he can't move. It seems that the massive brute is trying to relax him so he will give in to the change, but he won't do it. He decides to let go of the doctor who immediately runs for the basement door. He manages to stop Raines before he gets them and pushes him away from the handle. He bends the metal on the door frame and prevents him from getting out. He taunts Raines and tells him that it is too late and he has no choice but to give in inner desires. He goes to get some food out of the kitchen and leaves him by himself. The doctor attempts to bend the metal back to where it was, but it is way too thick. His body is not strong enough to do anything about it. Gavin peers out the corner of the kitchen and starts laughing at him. He grabs Raines’s arms and puts them behind him back before dragging him into a sleeping area. He closes the door behind him and sits directly in front of it. He tells the doctor to come over and service him to take his mind off of the stress he is experiencing. Raines refuses and tells him to 'go fuck himself'. He laughs and says that in an hour or two, he won't even remember saying that. After pacing the sleep area for an hour now, the doctor goes to lie on a bed and feels his breathing getting heavier. Gavin starts jacking off because he senses the changes coming for him. He tells him to start growing already as Raines yells back that it will never happen. He laughs again and says that he can't stop it. The pain is becoming quite unbearable now as the doctor feels his back cracking and his height pushing him further down the bed. His lab coat is now filling up with new muscles. He can feel the chemical flowing through his entire body now. Gavin laughs as he sees the doctor’s arms shredding his sleeves revealing a new skin color and thickening body hair. His eyes have turned from green to blue also. He moans as his personality changes to a more aggressive nature. The massive hulk is cumming as he watches the puny doctor becoming a bigger and more dominant one. Raines’s growing chest is popping the buttons on his coat revealing massive brown pecs and wide chocolate abs. His back and shoulders are ripping the whole back of it to shreds. His pants are fraying under the gargantuan mass of his legs. The doctor’s small cock is exploding in size as his DNA dramatically changes. It grows so much that it busts through the top of his pants and causes them to rip all the way down to his calves. Gavin jumps to his feet to go service the huge doctor. Raines’s mammoth foot long is waiting to be serviced as Gavin tastes the sweetness of his reborn cock as he forces him down on it. At this point, the doctor has completely changed his skin color and demands to be worshipped while he fucks Gavin. The young behemoth is so turned on by this that he squirts a huge jet of cum onto his master’s newly formed chest. The two huge hulks end up fucking each other back and forth several times pumping their seed into each other before they finally pass out from the exhaustion.
  17. First Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1131-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-one/ Previous Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1757-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-seven/ CHAPTER EIGHT Carlos crouched on all fours on a bed at the center of an old but otherwise empty warehouse, sweat streaming from his massively muscled body onto a plastic sheet. I stood behind him and repeatedly slammed my 18-inch cock into his ass to the hilt. My orange-sized testicles slapped against his balls and cock with each thrust. The god fucked his biggest slave and found it good. He had been released from the hospital after a miraculous recovery and I spent the last week patiently stretching his hole and training him to take my massive rod, which naturally had grown larger along with the rest of me. Although he lost a lot of blood and passed out several times during the first few days, he was adapting well. His endurance was improving rapidly. This session, as well as my orgasm, had lasted for hours. I had been coming continuously the entire time and the bed was surrounded by a vast pool of sweat and cum. The bed and I were spot lit from above so that I could watch the great length of my immensely fat cock slide in and out of his hole, stretching it out, using it for its only purpose – pleasing me. My largest slave no longer ate or drank, shit or pissed. His only input was my cum, his only output was his sweat and cum. His only purpose was to worship and service me. Nothing else satisfied him. At the head of the bed was a ten-foot mirror so that we could both see the fantastic musculature of my godly seven-foot, 800-pound body as I fucked him. The mirror also allowed me to see his eyes in this position. Other mirrors were positioned to our left and right so that I could watch myself plow him from the side, admiring the incredible vertical thickness of my cock as it slid in and out of his ass, or more accurately, my hole. One advantage to keeping him in this position was that he could not beat his own meat. He was forced to wait until I triggered his orgasm – and for the past hour, the desperate look in his eyes, the pained expression on his face, told me that he needed to come. Although I could fuck him endlessly, I also missed feeling him against me. I decided it was time. “You look ready,” I said. “Please, Master, let me release,” he blurted out between gasps for air. I took my eyes off of him and looked up at my reflection. Immediately my orgasm increased in power and intensity, as it always did when I saw myself. My ever-increasing hyper-masculinity and mass were overwhelming even to me and I felt my cock surge in size, causing my slave to yelp. I continued thrusting, plowing, using his hole as it needed to be used, smiling with satisfaction as he strained to endure my ever-growing cock, and lifted my tremendous arms up into a double biceps pose. I watched his jaw drop in awe. “You may,” I said. Immediately, his immensely powerful ass clamped down on my throbbing cock and he came, screaming from the power of his orgasm, so intense that it crossed over into pain, even as his eyes remained riveted to my impossibly thick arms and shoulders. The combination of pressure from his sphincter and the flood of cum from my cock forced him forward and he fell flat on the mattress, which left my cum cannon spasming in space, my hips still bucking, firing my jism against the mirror until it shattered and I brought my magnificent tool to my lips to allow it to finish draining in my mouth, my eyes closed in ecstasy, my mind swimming with the limitless pleasure that my world provided. I opened my eyes. I found myself in my apartment, squeezed into my chair with my lips stretched around the head of my cock. Hank was standing in front of me, surrounded by a pool of cum. I released my cock and sat up straight. He looked good. Pumped. I was reminded of his effortless masculinity, supersized and beautiful. He must have just come from the gym. “That was some dream,” he said. I was confused. I looked at him but didn’t speak. It certainly hadn’t felt like a dream. “Hey, I just stopped by to remind you of somethin’.” He squatted down so that our eyes were on the same level. I looked into his eyes. They seemed strange, dark. “What?” I finally said. “Why.” My brow furrowed. “Why what?” “Why,” he repeated. “I’m here to remind you why.” “Hank, what in the hell are you talking about?” “Jamal. You know why,” he said. “Okay, I need you to relax your mind. Look at me. Look into my eyes.” He wasn’t making sense, but this was Hank. I trusted him with my soul. He had to know something that I didn’t, so I looked into his eyes. They were strange. Cloudy. You know. His lips didn’t move, but I could hear him in my head. Clearly. You know that the world is spinning out of control. You know what is wrong. You know what must be done. You know that you are the only one who can do it. His eyes grew darker and larger until they were great, black saucers and still they grew, pulling me in, closer and closer until I could see something inside them, thousands – no, millions of points of light. Soon they encompassed the entire room and I found myself floating in space, surrounded by nothing but the occasional hydrogen atom. There was almost no heat, it was just above absolute zero, but I wasn’t cold. My skin was caressed by the radiation of countless distant stars. I had no desire or need to breathe. What do you want more than all else? To fuck. I just want to fuck. Wrong. I felt myself falling backward and opened my eyes, shocked to find myself still in bed. The light from the window, the noise from the street told me that it was morning and Hank was beside me, stirring. The sensation of falling persisted and I bolted upright. “Sh... sh...” I tried to speak but had no air in my lungs. I inhaled deeply. “SHIT!” I said in an unfamiliar, deep voice. “What the hell?” I heard Hank say. I focused. Hank, I, the bed were all drenched in cum. I felt my ball sack and discovered jumper cables clamped to my testicles. Alligator clips were clamped to my nipples with wires attached as well. “What the fuck?” There was that voice again – deeper, more powerful, but I was certain I was losing my mind. I franticly looked around the room to find something to anchor myself mentally to prove I wasn’t still dreaming. Matt was standing against the wall again, only this time he was naked and erect. Even that was strange. I looked at him. “Am I insane?” “Not unless all three of us are,” he said. Hank was sitting up next to me now. “Did you have the same dream I did?” He said to me. “Wait,” I said. “One thing at a time. What is this shit attached to m...” I looked at Matt, exasperated. My lips were moving again but nothing was coming out. I had no air in my lungs. “Inhale.” I heard Matt say, but what I wanted to do was scream. Every time I felt like I was in control again, I wasn’t. “You stopped breathing last night,” he said. “I couldn’t wake you, but your pulse remained steady.” He shrugged. “I don’t think you need to breath anymore. Except to speak, apparently.” Matt seemed so casual about it, but what I wanted to know now was why he was standing against the wall with an erection. He looked so hot and sexy and I really wanted him next to me. I took a breath. “What are you doing over there anyway?” “I was looking at you and masturbating, okay? You are a god, you know. A fucking off-the-charts gorgeous insanely massive hairy muscle-fuck god,” Matt said. “Remember when I said you were my fantasy man? Well, multiply that by a factor of ... oh ... a billion now. You’re so impossibly beautiful and masculine and magnificent that it hurts to look at you because my brain can’t even process it properly!” I closed my eyes. It was all too much. I tried to clear my mind and focus. “Can I say somethin’?” Hank ventured. “No!” I said. “Let me deal with this.” I paused and opened my eyes again. One thing at a time. “Okay, the jumper cables and clips. Explain. Hank.” “I hooked you up last night after you fell asleep,” he said. “I wanted to make you bigger. It worked.” I tried to sigh but couldn’t. I was out of air again. I had to admit it was very hot – closing a circuit between my balls and pecs – but I rolled my eyes and took a breath. “I appreciate the enthusiasm but let me have what little control I have over what’s happening to me.” “You the boss,” he said. I nodded my head and stood up. “Yeah. Yeah, I am.” Hank was right. I was bigger. Matt gawked at me and fell to the floor, first landing on his hands and knees. Even as cum spurted out of his cock, he passed out. I immediately turned to Hank, who was staring at me. “Don’t you dare pass out on me,” I said. “Will you at least admit to bein’ a god now?” He asked quietly. Either his eyes were watering or he was crying. I couldn’t tell which. “You’re not human anymore, Jamal.” I ignored his comment for the moment, unable to process it. If I’m not human, what am I? “You mentioned something earlier about a dream,” I said as I walked over to check Matt. He seemed fine and I lifted and put him on the bed. “Yeah, I remember a dream. We were here. You were in your chair and I was standin’ in a lake of your cum. I was tellin’ you... Tellin’ you that you know why you’re here. Why you’re changin’, becomin’ a god.” “We had the exact same dream,” I said, filled with wonder. “We shared a dream.” It was impossible, but just one of many impossible events over the past few days. “Yeah,” he said. “And you told me that – ” “That I didn’t know why,” I interrupted as I squatted down next to Matt. “I know it’s happening and I know everyone is desperate to worship me, but I can’t say why.” I began kissing on him, from his firm, perfectly shaped pecs down to his tight, defined abs. “Yeah you do! We talked about it last night, man.” I looked up at Hank. “What, that I’m supposed to save the world?” “Yeah.” “Ridiculous,” I said. “Come on, man. If you had one wish, what would it be?” “I’d wish that ... okay. I just want everyone to get along – give each other a fair shake instead of being self-centered assholes. I bet most of our problems would vanish if people would stop believing things with no real evidence and put themselves in their supposed enemy’s shoes.” “YES!” Hank said. “Exactly! You can make people do just that.” “How? Everyone just wants to worship me. How does that save the world?” Hank rolled his eyes. “You ain’t seein’ the big picture here.” “Anyway, I thought Jesus was supposed to save the world.” I said. “That ‘Savior’ stuff and all that?” “That ‘Savior’ stuff is mythological bullshit,” Matt said from my side, startling me. I wondered how long he had been listening. “You know that the nature of Jesus was hotly debated for centuries, right? What we call the New Testament is just the winners compiling the history book. The real Jesus has been dead for two thousand years. There is no God. If there was, everything wouldn’t be so fucked up.” I looked at Matt, surprised at the intensity in his voice. “Don’t Christians say that we brought suffering on ourselves because we disobeyed God?” “Yeah, that’s the excuse they made up early on, but I’m not superstitious so I don’t buy it.” He sat up on the bed but didn’t look at me. “Anyway, that wouldn’t justify the tens of millions of animals that suffer and die year after year as we torture them to death in countless experiments and factory farms.” He jumped up and strode across to the door before spinning around. “What did they do to deserve that? What kind of god would allow that? Tell me.” His face burned red, his breathing was heavy. This was obviously a hot button topic for him. Hank suddenly looked cross. “Hey, are you callin’ me superstitious for believin’ in God?” Matt sighed impatiently. “Well, yeah, I guess I am. Believing in God is believing in the supernatural and believing in the supernatural is believing in superstition.” I looked at Hank, who still appeared upset. “Chill, Hank,” I said. “He’s just saying his two cents. Besides, you already know I’m agnostic.” “Ugh,” Hank said. “You godless liberals disgust me.” I rolled my eyes. Even though I knew he was being sarcastic, he sounded exactly like his uncle. Matt turned to Hank with eyebrow raised. “Don’t make me come over there and kick yo’ superstitious ass, Meathead.” That made Hank laugh. “I’ll snap you like a twig, girly man.” “Well, see if this girly man fucks you again,” Matt said. Hank suddenly appeared very worried and sat up straight, as if to demonstrate that he was now on his best behavior. “Oh my god I’m so sorry,” he said so rapidly that I started laughing. “What were we talkin’ about again?” “Animal torture,” Matt said. The intensity of Matt’s compassion for the innocent impressed me. For the first time, I felt as if I had met someone who not only understood me, but understood me at a deep and fundamental level. I realized I could fall in love with him so easily. “I’m sorry, Matt. I wish I could do something.” “Don’t wish,” he said. “You can do something. Jamal, who’s going to stop you?” He paused for a moment, staring at me, but not losing focus. “You know, I think Hank is right,” he said finally. “About the saving the world thing?” “Yeah, about that,” he said, nodding. I stood up and walked over to him. “My sweet, sexy boy,” I said. I pulled him to me, forcing him to straddle my cock, which lifted his heels off the floor. He looked up at me, momentarily speechless. “You must be three inches taller than me now,” he said in awe at the same moment my cell phone rang. I put him down and ran over to my nightstand, shaking the floor. I looked at the caller ID: Terry Berman. “Fuck!” I said as I accepted the call. I had forgotten my appointment with him. “This is Doctor Berman at Bellevue Hospital Center,” an amazingly deep voice said. I was sitting in the locker room at the gym. It was my second week back after being released and I was wasting no time in trying to regain the thirty pounds I had lost. “May I speak to Jamal Al-Bakri?” “You got him.” “Good evening, Mr. Al-Bakri. My name is Terry Berman. I’m a resident physician at Bellevue. I helped stabilize you when you were brought in.” He paused as if considering his next words. I heard him take a breath. “I’m calling you on my personal phone. I...” The line fell quiet and I wondered if the call had dropped. “Hello?” “Sorry,” the deep voice said. “I have some information that is confidential, but ... I think you deserve to know.” My heart jumped. “About Karen? Where is she? Can I contact her?” “I know the paramedic who brought you in, Mr. Al-Bakri. I’m sorry, Karen Davis had already passed away by the time they found you.” * * * Although there was really no point in doing so, I decided to keep my appointment with Terry. Now, the biggest problem was how to get me to his office in the Upper East Side. Hank suggested that I walk and let the cards fall where they may – he seemed determined to push me into public view sooner rather than later – but Matt had a better idea. “I’ll rent a van,” he said. “Hank and I will go eat breakfast, pick up the van and drive you to Terry’s. Hank will drop us off, go to Bellevue to check on Carlos and then come back for us.” After they left, I set about cleaning up my cum and washing the sheets. I took a shower, though maneuvering in the bathroom was a bit of a challenge now. I made a point of not looking at my dick or at myself in the mirror. It was extremely tempting, but my penis had actually relaxed and hung flaccid, more or less. I wanted to keep it that way as long as I could. The weight and heft of it as it swung was arousing enough. I sat down at my aging PowerBook for the first time since Sunday morning and looked at my email. Already, much of seemed like it belonged to someone else – friend requests from strangers and casual acquaintances, advertisements of sales, e-blasts from real estate agents I knew of flats and studios on the market. None of it mattered anymore. I realized I hadn’t looked at my snail mail either. That could wait until the weekend. I searched for the video that Mark showed me the day before. He was right, there were many. A dozen people must have had video cameras trained on me. I looked at some of the comments, which was always a mistake. There was something about anonymous commenting that brought out the worst in people, or just showed them as they really were: profoundly ignorant and/or tragically bitter. Hundreds of photographs of me had already been posted on Flickr. The comments here were usually more respectful for some reason. “Morph” was a common and perfectly reasonable comment, but they had no idea. I was probably about 200 pounds heavier now than I was yesterday when those photos were taken. My phone rang. They were downstairs. And for the first time, I walked out of my building wearing nothing, carrying nothing. Next Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2107-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-nine/
  18. Guest

    The Flexorcist (16)

    Sixteen Keith awoke groggily from a restless sleep. “What a strange dream”, he said to himself as images of Connor stealing his mass dissipated in his mind. “I feel like shit and so weak”, he said and gasped as he tossed aside his blankets. Tears filled his bloodshot eyes as his tiny hands touched his emaciated, 90 pound body. His dick, stubbornly hard at 2.5 inches, made reality crash down on him. Images of his runt little brother pounding his ass, growing as his then nearly 9 incher exploded all over his abs, taunting him in front of the gym mirrors and draining him even more filled his mind. His cock exploded as he thought of the spectacular muscles his brother had grown. Exploded wasn’t quite right: his pee-sized balls spilled some cum that streamed in a few drops from his pencil dick. He also recalled the sound coming from his younger brother’s room that had prevented him from falling asleep. The two behemoths had been going at it for at least four hours before silence finally returned in the house. Tears rolled over his cheeks as he thought of the beautiful, hard muscles he had worked for all summer that had been drained from him. He put on some of his brother’s clothes and carefully walked toward the kitchen. Keith couldn’t help but notice how big their house looked from his 5’0 perspective. Connor awoke energized and felt stronger than ever. A large smile formed on his face as he scanned the huge muscles on his 500 pound beastly body. His already half-hard cock inflated further while his huge paws groped the hard mass of meat on his chest. He shivered as he played with his hard, sensitive nipples. His long thick fingers slid down and traced in and out the lines separating the cobblestone-sized abs that formed his 12 pack. As he continued down, his cock reached its intimidating 21 inches and pointed straight up toward the ceiling. “Mind if I join in?” Connor blinked as his roommate’s deep voice pulled him from his self-worship. He grunted as Anton’s strong paw was wrapped around his hard shaft and began pumping his long pole. “No”, he grunted, “my parents are home. If you make me come, they’ll hear me roar two blocks further.” He squirmed as Anton kept pumping his throbbing 21 incher. He grabbed his fellow behemoth’s forearm and pulled with all his force. The arm didn’t budge. “I’m still 80 pounds of pure, hard, ripped beef bigger than you, boy”, Anton replied, “but you’re right. We won’t take any action while your parents are here. We’ll save it for later. Let’s go get some breakfast”. He gave his roommate’s cock a final whack and put on his clothes. Connor admired Anton’s spectacularly muscled back. He licked his lips as the hard defined muscles flexed by his movements. Connor took a few deep breaths and stood up. “What can I put on? None of my old clothes will fit and my brother’s biggest clothes are way too small”, he asked as he ruffled through his closet, letting his half hard dick smack against his tree-sized quads. He held up his brother’s largest shirt against his torso; the XXXL shirt didn’t cover two thirds of it. “And I used to think he was big. One of my arms is bigger than his torso was.” “Try this one”, Anton said and tossed him a black tank top, “It’s too small for me.” “Thanks, buddy”, Connor replied and put it on. He loved how the fabric hugged his huge muscles and accentuated his form even more. “Very nice”, Anton said and groped his roommate’s protruding pecs, “Let’s eat. I’m starving.” Keith was greeted by the smell of fresh coffee and scrambled eggs as he entered the living room. “Hi mom, hi dad”, he peeped in his high voice. He sat down and stared at his plate to avoid his parents quizzical gaze. “What happened to you, son?”, his father asked, “How did you get so small?”. Keith looked up at his father and opened his mouth to speak. The rumbling sound of heavy footsteps silenced him. “Man, I never noticed before how small this house is!” The booming sound of a deep, yet familiar baritone made everyone look at the door. Keith instantly creamed his pants. His parents mouths fell open and their eyes widened in disbelief as their youngest son strutted into the living room, sideways since his cannonball-sized, broad shoulders outsized the door. “Mom, dad! I’m so happy to see you! How was your trip?” Connor’s deep voice rumbled from his huge frame, filled the room, echoed against the walls and vibrated down their bodies. The seat creaked in protest as his 500 pound body sat down, smiling down on his diminished brother. Keith’s right hand instantly disappeared under the table and stroked his leaking 2.5 incher. He drank in the sight of perfection in front of him. He nearly drooled as he noticed the masses of hard meat pushing the tank top to its limits. “Morning, Madam, sir”, Anton said and installed him next to Connor. Keith’s mind couldn’t process the image: it seemed like a mountain of muscle in front of him. His younger brother was huge, but Anton clearly outsized him. Keith tried to eat, but was just too distracted. It was a symphony of bulging and flexing meat as the two behemoths began devouring massive amounts of food. Each time one of them put something in their mouth, their gigantic bicep mounded and flexed. After about half an hour, their father finally got over his amazement. He looked up at his behemoth youngest son. “What happened here while we were out? You got huge and your big brother shrunk. Are you on steroids, Connor?” “Richard!”, their mother said, “you don’t have to accuse my little boy. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation.” Before Connor could react, Keith yelled out: “He stole my muscles and shrank me. You both know how I looked when I returned from university a few weeks ago. Now I look like he used to and he like I used to! I want it back!” Everyone went silent as Keith’s high pitched voice shot through the air. They all stared at Connor. “Well, Connor. What do you have to say?”, their father asked. Connor slowly gulped down his food. He looked at his father, then looked down at his older brother and began laughing. His deep, booming laugh filled the room and rattled the cups on the table. “Don’t mock me!”, Keith yelled hysterically. But his girlish voice drowned in the rumble of his brother’s laugh. “That’s a good one”, Connor said as he quit laughing, “stealing your muscles to grow big. What do you think, Anton?”. “Connor’s right”, Anton added, “you just can steal someone’s muscles to grow big. What’s next? I got big by stealing your friend Sean’s muscles?”. “But you did!”, Keith peeped. “Ridiculous”, Anton replied as he turned to their father, “I’ll tell you how Connor got big. At the beginning of summer you asked me to give your sons some pointers on working out. So I did. Connor really listened to my advice and the results are here. He got big thanks to the hard thing I put into him, over and over.” “Yeah”, Connor boomed, “yesterday I was in the gym twice. And I’m way bigger than you were at the beginning of summer, little guy.” “And don’t forget our late night workout in our room”, Anton added, “I quickly saw that Connor had great potential. He’s no quitter. And since he really took in my hard thing, the results are here today.” Anton turned to Keith. “Besides, if Connor was able to steal someone’s muscles. Why would he steal yours when I’ve got so much more to give?” “That’s true, son”, their father said before Keith could react, “Now we know how Connor got big. And sorry that I accused you, son. Now I would like to know how you got so small.” “There’s an easy and logical answer, sir”, Anton replied, “Keith wasn’t in the gym more than ten times this summer, right?”. “Yes”, Keith peeped. “It’s a proven fact that muscle mass built with steroids and growth hormones quickly disappears when not training”, Anton said, “The fact you also lost lots of height, you’re around 5 feet now?, just proves that all of Keith’s muscles were artificially built. Unlike Connor’s, that are the result of time in the gym.” “Liar!”, Keith yelled out and jumped up. “And those sudden mood swings clearly point at an addiction”, Anton continued. Keith noticed the shocked look on his parents’ faces and the grin on his brother’s masculine face. He reddened completely and ran out of the living room. “Keith! Keith! Get back here!”, their father yelled. “I didn’t mean to upset him”, Anton said, “but I just can’t stand it when someone cheats to build muscles. It takes time and hard action to get big.” “I thought we’d raised a better boy”, the father replied as he tried to calm down his crying wife. “Don’t cry, mom”, Connor said, “you’ve still got me to be proud of. And I’ve got some good news to tell.” His parents looked up at their youngest son. “I’m going to Orchid University to study there.”, Connor said, “Anton contacted his wrestling coach and I’ve gotten a full wrestle scholarship.” “Thank you so much, Anton”, the mother said as she dried her tears. “It’s the least I could do”, Anton replied, “you welcomed me in your home and let me stay here all summer. I must have ruined you with the amount of food I ate. Since Connor responded so well to the weight training, I contacted my coach. Once he got Connor’s stats, he was dying to enlist him.” “Will you go easy on my baby boy?”, the mother asked. “Mom!”, Connor boomed in protest, “I’m a big boy now. I can take care of myself.” “You don’t have to worry, madam,”, Anton said, “Your baby boy turned into a real man this summer. At 500 pounds of pure muscle, he’s one of the biggest men on campus. We’ll team up and dominate the wrestling season. I’m pretty sure we’ll be the new national champs. I’ll watch over him to make sure he doesn’t cheat like his brother.” “We can’t thank you enough for everything you did for Connor”, the father said, “it’s a good thing he has a big guy the watch his back and to keep him straight. Too bad Keith hadn’t someone like you. I really thought he had the brains to resist steroids.” “Bad friends can do lots of damage”, Anton answered, “His friend Sean also lost his muscles like that. So likely he was the one that hooked Keith on the stuff. Connor will never get in contact with steroids. I’ll keep pushing him in the gym to keep him growing naturally. Let’s go pack our things for university, roomy.” The parents hugged each other in pride as they saw their huge youngest son follow his behemoth roommate. “He’ll turn out okay”, they said. Meanwhile Keith was showering to calm down after the frustrating breakfast. The anger of being accused of steroid abuse and the disappointment in his parents’ eyes still flowed through him. He couldn’t believe that Connor was actually getting away with stealing his hard earned muscles. Instead of being unmasked as a cheater, he was now the new hero. His little brother had not only stripped him of his size, but also taken his spot as admired jock and alpha male of the family. He had never felt more humiliated before. But the thought of his younger brother’s spectacular body also sent other feelings through him. His 2.5 incher was stubbornly hard again. He stroked the hot shaft, thinking about the meaty pecs stretching the tank top. His pee-sized balls ached painfully; they were completely drained. Suddenly, the shower curtain was pulled aside. Keith jumped up and yelled in fear. His high pitched voice drowned once more in his brother’s deep laugh. “Can’t you wait, bro?”, he squealed as he involuntarily stepped back. “I shower when I want, little bro”, Connor boomed, “and I feel like showering right now.” “Okay, okay, I’m done anyway”, Keith peeped and tried to leave, “Mind if I pass?”. “I said I wanted to shower, I didn’t say anything about you, little guy”, Connor replied. He began pulling off his clothes without moving. Keith didn’t think about trying to leave the shower. He drank in the sight of his slowly stripping brother. His arms hung at his sides and his cock was rock hard as his brother revealed more and more of his fantastic body. Connor tossed his clothes aside and stepped into the shower. He had to stand diagonally to fit in and even then his broad shoulders brushed the tilled walls. Keith involuntarily stepped back as the intimidating behemoth entered. He pressed his back in the furthest corner of the shower. He gasped as he noticed that his eyes only came up to the third row of hard, cobblestone-sized abs of his brother’s 12-pack. “I should beat you to a bloody pulp”, Connor said angrily as he stared down at his brother, “You tried to give away my secret. What did you expect? That dad was going to make me give your muscles back?”. Keith shivered in fear. He knew there was no escape. His behemoth brother blocked the shower. He raised his hand in a reflex to protect his face, knowing full well that he was at his brother’s mercy. Connor grinned at his brother’s reaction. “And I used to look up to you, man. Look at you know. You’re nothing without your muscles. Even I had more authority when I was a skinny runt. Relax, bro. I’m not gonna hurt you. We’re gonna have some fun”, Connor said. Keith looked up doubtfully. “What do you mean?”. “Well, I’m too big for this shower now”, Connor replied, “You’re gonna have to wash me.” “What?”, Keith peeped, “You already took my muscles, raped my ass and you want to humiliate me even more?” “You don’t get it, do you little bro?”, Connor said, “I’m the man of this family now. I can do whatever I want. Besides, you want to rub and feel my big, hard muscles. You’re lusting after my body since last night. You were hard when you laid eyes on me last night, even when you were still big. This morning you were jerking off at breakfast and drooling over me, you little fag. And your pencil dick is hard again, I see.” Keith gave up the fight, knowing that his brother was right. In the course of a day he had lost his top dog position to his formerly runt brother. Connor had grown into perfection, way beyond anything Keith had ever seen, except for Anton. He found Connor’s body even more appealing knowing that it had been a skinny bag of bones until last night. He extended his hands toward the 12-pack. “Tst. Tst. Tst.” Keith’s hands froze in mid-air and he looked up. “Not so fast, little bro”, Connor stated, “We’re gonna have some fun. I’ll say what body part you’re gonna soap. And then you’re first gonna soap your body before doing mine. Let’s start with legs”. Keith grabbed the soap and began rubbing it along his toothpick legs. His hands roamed the skeletal leanness of the nonexistent quads and bony calves. “Yeah, rub it onto your wrestler legs, bro”, Connor said, “They were always your best muscles. Thick, hard and strong to support your body. That’ll do. Now do your younger brother’s legs”. Keith eagerly grabbed the heavy mass of his brother quads. Even both his hands didn’t span half the amazing girth of the tree-sized muscles. His dick hardened painfully as he rubbed the hard meat. He was unable to dent the relaxed muscles. “Mhm. How do a real man’s legs feel? One of my legs is bigger than both your former legs crammed together, bro. Don’t forget to rub the crevices”, Connor said and flexed his legs. Keith gasped as the stony muscles hardened under his frail hands. His brother’s monster quads swelled outward and veins and deep canyon-like crevices exploded on them. He rubbed the hard surface with all his might, marveling at the size of the teardrop-shape. He continued downward, onto the thick calves that easily supported his brother’s 500 pounds. He released the fantastic legs and expectantly looked up at his brother, his 2.5 incher at attention. “Good job, little bro.”, Connor said grinningly, “Let’s move onto abs”. Keith soaped up his own undefined stomach. He flexed as heard as he could, making two small abs visible. “Keep it up, bro. Soap that hard stomach that protects you from your opponents’ blows. I can tell you really worked your abs hard. Look at that row of defined muscles.”, Connor said, “Now do my weak abs”. Keith instantly began rubbing soap onto the 12-pack in front of him, ignoring his brother’s ironical remarks. Each one of his brother’s cobblestone-sized abs was bigger than his hands. He rubbed and rubbed the hard surface, enjoying the feeling. “MMhhmm. You like my hard abs, little bro? Their harder relaxed than you former body was flexed.”, Connor said and flexed his stomach. Keith’s cock throbbed painfully as the steely abs flexed. “You were relaxed?”, he peeped. He rubbed the bar of soap in and out the deep cuts separating the muscles. He gazed at the veins snaking over the bottom row of abs; he didn’t even have that himself at his prime. His balls stabbed in protest as his hands kept roaming the flexed muscles. “That’ll do, little bro. You really like my manly abs, don’t you?”, Connor asked and smiled as his brother kept exploring his 12-pack, “Pecs are up next”. Keith reluctantly let go of his brother’s abs and soaped up his own puny chest. His pecs had once be one of his strongest muscle groups. Now, they were no more than skin across his ribs. His fingers kept bumping into his ribs, that were clearly visible. “Yeah. Feel your meaty pecs, bro.”, Connor said, “Strong and thick from all those bench presses you do. Feel if you younger brother’s chest can equal that”. Keith extended his arms but couldn’t reach to top of his brother’s pecs. “Better move a bit”, Connor said and bent over slightly. Keith gasped at the sight: it seemed like a mountain of muscle hung over him. Keith immediately began rubbing the thick muscles. He marveled at the width of his brother’s perfectly round pecs. He had to use both hands to be able to rub half of the left watermelon-sized muscles; he then repeated the process on the right pec. He playfully pinched the hard nipples as he rubbed the lower half of the spectacular muscles. “MMMMhhhhmmmm”, Connor rumbled, “Good you don’t miss a single spot, little bro. Don’t forget my striations!”. He flexed his chest. Keith’s 2.5 incher jolted and throbbed wildly in the air, springing up and down. Looking up, it seemed like he was being buried under a waves of bouncing beef. His tiny hands roamed and soaped the cement-like, hard muscles. Even his own hard pecs were never this defined at his prime. He admired the deep striations and veins crisscrossing the meaty rack of muscles. “Good job, little bro”, Connor said and relaxed his chest, “ I’m dying to see your arms.” Keith rapidly began rubbing his 9 inch arms. He couldn’t way to grope his brother’s gigantic biceps. “Don’t forget the peak of those intimidating arms, bro”, Connor said, “Look at those guns. Strong and hard to force the air out of your opponents. What does it take to build canons like those?” Keith flexed his bony right arm. The roundish muscle hardened a bit, not even forming a ball. He quickly finished his other arm looked up expectantly at his brother. Connor grinned and held his right arm in front of his 12-pack. Keith practically jumped onto it and clumsily dropped the soap. He quickly retrieved it, not wanting to keep his bigger brother waiting. He rubbed along the thick, strong and vascular forearm. He reached the beginning of the impressive bicep. Even extended and relaxed, the muscle was bigger and harder than a football. He soaped the hard lines separating the thick bicep from the low hanging tricep. His brother’s relaxed arm was harder than his own legs at his prime. “Let’s not forget my peak either, little bro”, Connor said and raised his forearm to flex his arm. Keith’s mouth dropped open in disbelief as the larger-than-a-football-sized bicep rushed upward. Veins exploded all over the hardening muscle as it reached its full 40 inches. Keith’s dick throbbed wildly, his balls stabbing and his shaft swinging in the air. He licked the hard peak before rubbing it with soap. He no longer cared that he was hard in front of his younger brother. Anyone would get turned on by the godlike perfection Connor had grown into and at least he had full access to the huge muscles. He was going to enjoy his new role, worshipping the beefy frame of his alpha dog brother. He groped the bicep with new energy. Connor noticed the change in his brother’s attitude and grinned. He knew that his brother had finally accepted his new place in the hierarchy. “YYYEEEAAAGGGHHH!”, he roared as he took the top position of the family definitively. His dick starting to fill with blood. “Let’s flex some more, little bro”, he boomed. Keith shuddered as the 40 inch arm hardened further under his grasp. His tiny hands, not even covering one third of the amazing girth, were pried open completely; the peak forcing itself through his fingers. His 2.5 incher throbbed wildly and he peeped in pleasure and pain as his balls seemed to rip from his body and shoot through his shaft. His knees went weak as a tiny dribble of cum leaked from the dark red head of his cock. His legs gave away, but he dangled in the air, hanging from his brother’s flexed right arm. He gasped as he saw the lengthening snake between his thick quads. “Get to it, little bro. Please your big brother”, Connor boomed. Keith got up weakly and moved toward his brother. He stopped suddenly. Two even bigger quads had appeared next to Connor’s muscular ones. Keith looked up and saw Anton smiling down from behind his brother. “Don’t keep me waiting, little bro… ughn”, Connor said. “I won’t, roomy”, Anton answered and shoved his engorged 25 incher into the meaty ass, “You’re domination session has got me all hard.” Connor’s cock sprang to its 21 inches, shoving Keith backward. The thick head pushed the weak little guy against the wall. Keith budged and moved, but his brother’s cock simply overpowered his body. Connor placed his hands against the wall to steady himself under the violence of Anton’s thrusts. He moaned in pleasure as the huge dick plowed his ass. The pleasure of dominating his older brother excited him even more than being dominated himself. “Mhm. Your juicy pecs keep driving me mad”, Anton grunted as he groped the meaty rack of muscle on Connor’s chest. Connor couldn’t take no more. He tried to flex his chest, but Anton overpowered him completely. “UUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNN!”, he roared as he came. His balls blasted out load after load of thick sticky cum. Keith shivered as his brother let out the beastly roar. The throbbing cock painfully pushed the engorged red head into his weak chest. Gallons and gallons of cum shot from it; splattering against his chest, making it hard for him to breath. His brother’s sticky man juice covered him entirely and glued him against the wall. He feared drowning as it kept blasting from the 21 incher against his chest. Soon enough, Anton also came. His engorged dick would have lifted up anyone, but Connor’s 500 pound were too much. “YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!”, he boomed as he exploded into the muscular ass. After about five minutes, Anton’s orgasm subsided and he withdrew from his roommate’s ass. Connor grunted as the meaty 25 incher left his ass, cum pouring from it. He looked down at his little brother, still glued to the wall. “I’ll see you at university next week, little bro”, He said and followed Anton to their room.
  19. ‘What is going on here? Seriously what is going…….*sees Avi’s arms twitch* on? Huh? *stretch*’ Avi starts noticing that his body is changing as Alden smiles at him. The Lebanese kicker begins to feel tingling sensations moving up and down his arms. He looks down and gasps as he begins to feel them swelling up losing their hair as the muscles and veins grow. His olive skin starts to shine as the biceps blow up into huge softballs. He looks down at his swelling pecs as they retain their hairy nature pushing their way towards the top of his v neck. The tension begins to make the fabric start to fray at the center as they press against his huge new bull neck. His back starts to bust seams along the sides as his lats push their way free. Chad has a huge erection in his shorts that Alden can see clearly. The big jock seems dumbfounded as to how this could be happening. Avi’s growing quads make the fabric on his shorts squeal loudly as his cock makes quick work of his underwear underneath. It snakes its way out the top and sits on the growing slabs expanding on his stomach. The shirt quickly rips down the front as his chest gleans with sweat under the lights. His thick black fur and huge round pecs make Alden swoon loudly. His nipples have turned downward towards the ground. Without another second passing, Avi’s shorts explode revealing the rest of his huge Arabian muscles. His huge firm ass and large cock now fully visible as it swings slightly laying on his chest. It seems that Avi is remaining unchanged mentally from this crazy transformation too. He stands up and turns to slap his rod on Chad’s face. The shocked kicker takes a few moments and grabs the large hulk’s obliques to look up into his hazel eyes. Avi peers down at him and grins as he puts on a tough façade. ‘You know how to fix this don’t you Chad? Why don’t you give my cock a nice massage with your throat while you are pondering your thoughts?’ ‘Uhhh…..huh…..how did you do this? I…..gawd you look incredible Avi….i don’t normally do this but…..fuck I want to worship your body so bad.’ Chad feels the mountain of fur sitting on top of Avi’s chest muscles, but the big Arabian pushes his hands away and waves his fingers. ‘No Chad, cock only. Make me cum and maybe we will move on to other things.’ Chad looks a bit concerned as Avi reaches down and pushes his head into his cock parting his lips and sliding his huge cock inside. Chad chokes and even tries to resist as he struggles with the big Arabian but eventually gives in to his underlying desire to worship the stud. He works Avi’s cock over with his mouth long and hard as the huge hulk summons Alden over by him with his free hand. He looks into the black teammate’s eyes and plunges his tongue down Alden’s throat as he embraces him with his immense right arm. Alden moans loudly as Avi manages to pull his shirt off nearly ripping it. He lets go of Chad’s head to run his huge powerful hands on Alden as he pulls the smitten buddy’s shorts down to grab his cock. He strokes him until he is hard and pulls his cock out of Chad’s mouth. ‘I want you to service Alden too Chad. This is your payment to me for all of those times you were a complete tool.’ Chad seems understanding by this and turns to swallow Alden’s cock. After a few minutes of powerful sucking, the two friends begin smacking Chad in the face with their cocks. He sighs as he sits with his mouth open and his eyes closed. They take turns fucking his mouth before their moans get much louder. ‘Why don’t you cum all over him Alden, I’m sure he would love to be humiliated like he thinks I would be with him.’ Alden strokes quickly as he unloads all over Chad’s face and shirt before the kicker surprisingly turns to give a few licks to his cockhead as he tastes the cum hitting his tongue. He lightly moans as he shoves the black man’s whole cock into his mouth swallowing the cum that remains. Avi grabs him by his head and lifts him up to plunge his head into his chest demanding that he worship it. Chad tries to breathe as Avi smothers him with his enormous hairy pecs as Alden pulls the kicker’s pants down to slide his cock into his hole and starts working him over. Chad begins rubbing his hands all over Avi’s powerful muscles as the huge Lebanese hulk positions himself to join Alden’s cock inside Chad. They both manage to make room inside to fuck him synchronized. Chad runs his tongue up and down the Arabian stud nursing his huge pecs and nipples and yelling in ecstasy. Avi and Alden both moan deeply feeling their loads building as their cocks rub against each other vein against vein. Chad himself can feel a load starting to build as Avi reaches down and tears his shirt off to slap the kicker’s beefy back as Alden slaps his ass. ‘Oh fuck guys I had no idea I would love this so much, damn you two really know how to set me straight or rather…..gay.’ They both laugh at his comment as they fuck him harder making him shutter as he feels their cocks swelling inside him. They look at each other knowing it won’t be long before they lose their loads and pull out. Chad turns around and lies on the couch and starts wanking himself. Avi shoves his cock inside his mouth as Alden moves down to swallow Chad’s cock and begins to work him into a frenzy. The kicker moans as he feels himself getting ready to cum. The same can be said for Avi who starts to contract his muscles as Chad rubs them and stares into their beauty. ‘Ohh yeah Chad you do great at servicing me. Make me cum jerk……here it comes…..mmmmm feels so good…..’ Chad moans as he begins to taste Avi’s cum going down his throat and realizes that Alden is about to make him cum. The black sucker makes Chad hump his mouth as he feels his cum traveling into his cock. Alden pulls it out as a huge volcano goes flying onto the huge lebanese’s back as Chad moans letting a river of cum seep out of his mouth on to his body. His lustful eyes stay transfixed on Avi as he slowly rubs the huge man’s chest and arms. ‘Ahh that felt incredible Chad. I think that is enough for now. Did you learn your lesson?’ He pulls his cock out of the kicker’s mouth as Chad slowly nods in agreement. Alden kisses Chad’s cock and rubs the kicker’s huge muscly legs as he sits up to slap his own cock on them. Avi sits up to sit by Chad and begins to start shrinking. Chad looks in disbelief at the Arabian’s regression. By the time his revert is complete, Alden is ready to blow another load this time all over the kicker’s massive quads. ‘DAMN Alden, you fucking love my huge legs don’t you. Yeah man, fucking jizz all over them. I want to feel it.’ Alden moans deeply as he lets his cum fly all over Chad’s legs. He leans down to lap up the cum and lick Chad’s huge quads and calves. The kicker moans as he looks down and sees this happening. Instead of being irritated anymore, Chad’s demeanor has changed as he smiles at Alden. The black teammate goes to join both of them on the couch as Chad puts his arm around both men. He turns to give them both kisses on their lips and lays his head on them. ‘Guys, you both have made me feel better in this one night than I have felt in years. I secretly have been struggling with my sexuality since I could remember. I think I have feelings for both of you, but Avi…..i am sorry for making you feel insignificant. You as a hulk is…..insanely hot though. You have to do that again for me because I just lose myself.’ Chad turns to kiss Avi again and even nuzzles his head on his neck. Alden smiles at him as Avi looks very surprised. ‘I think I need to go home now guys.’ Alden says to them. ‘You don’t have to leave yet Alden. I think we could have some more fun.’ Chad says to him. ‘Nah I think you and Avi are compatible. I am just in the way of you two I think.’ Alden gets up to put his clothes back on and goes out the main doors as Chad and Avi say goodbye. End of Part IV and Story?
  20. londonboy

    Daddy - Part Two

    The last word actually made his cock twitch hard. I could feel it next to mine. His entire body seemed to vibrate, as well, as if in unison with his stiff meat. I could have sworn the guy whispered the word ‘finally’ but it could have just been my own hopeful imagination. I could feel his ass clamping tightly together, as well. I didn’t know exactly what was causing his reaction, but I knew I liked it. Again, it took almost all of my strength not to squeeze the dude so hard that something broke. It was like I wanted his body to melt into mine. I had a need to be so close to him that a mere hug wouldn’t and couldn’t be enough to satisfy. Instead, my big paws squeezed his hard ass tightly causing the dude to wince a little, but he also gurgled something about me being ‘so big and strong.’ I knew it was best to distract myself from my intense desires of the moment, so I went back to asking questions. “What’s you name, kid,” I said, smiling at his face. “Bradley,” he replied. It wasn’t Biff, but it was close. He definitely looked like a Bradley and I bet he was a ‘the second’ or better yet ‘the third.’ That would make things even more complete. Hearing his name made me want to flex my guns, so I tensed my arms as I held his body at my waist. His eyes shot exactly where I hoped they would when my biceps swelled thicker. He mouthed some words but it wasn’t hard to see they were ‘fuck yeah.’ This high-powered businessman, this preppy ‘I come from old money’ dude clearly got off on things more powerful than him. I bet he owned a fast car. I bet he employed a trainer that looked like a trainer should – huge, hot, and virile. I bet he loved to skydive. The guy probably loved being near things that reminded him of his own mortality – his limits. I was pretty sure he loved anything that could subdue him. That’s why my arms easily caught and kept all of his attention. He could feel the power of my guns, since they were easily holding him in the air, but looking at their power – taking in their hugeness and beauty along with knowing what they could do – that’s what turned him on even more. It was like he was some kind of tactile learner, who needed to see and experience things to believe them. But he definitely loved it when things looked powerful. I could again feel his cock twitching for joy as he gazed at my tensed arms. There’s something special that happens to a mature muscle man when he figures out some young thing is attracted to his daddy strength and size. It’s hard to explain, but there’s a switch that goes on inside the big man’s head and he instantly intuits what will make the other guy happy. I’m pretty sure it comes with age and not just from being big. I’ve seen some big men in my life that had no idea how to please little fellas. But give a muscleman some years and a whole lot of experience and the wisdom flows as easily as a posing routine. My dick registered the little pup’s reaction to my tensed arms way before my brain did. It’s like the synapses from what my hands were feeling and all that my eyes were witnessing decided to go south first, alerting my cock to potential pleasure before it did the same for my brain. The pup’s expression as he gaped upon my massive biceps signified another hurdle had been leapt over in this little muscle tango he and I were doing. I was passing some test, moving to the next round, and being moved to the front of the class in this guy’s opinion – and that was just as important as him getting to new levels in my estimation. In order for a young small buck to want to be controlled, subdued, or dominated he needs to trust his master completely. He’s got to want his master completely. I learned a long time ago there are guys out there that say they love big men, but I quickly realized they knew nothing about true muscle worship. Let me give all my big muscled brothers a little word of advice – if you come across small dudes who think that worshipping your big bod is only about them touching or you flexing please turn around and run. For one thing, the verbal ascent to worship needs to be intense and should almost equal the final explosion. A true worshipper is not afraid to talk about your huge muscles or their thirst for said mounds of beef. A sure sign of a lousy worshipper is a silent worshipper. Another way of weeding out unsuccessful worshippers is listening close to their terminology. If a small dude can only say ‘I love your fucking huge arms’ and ‘Wow, what a giant chest,’ it’s more than likely you have only a muscle whore on your hands. Don’t get me wrong – there’s a place for muscle whores in every big man’s life, but they aren’t meant to be long term. They’re good when you want to just get a superficial boost to your ego. These guys are what I call the lightweights. They usually shoot their loads before you even get fully charged – mainly because they just love bulges – and not what has gone into making those bulges. These shallow dudes will squirt all over the place as soon as you flex a little or let them touch your body. Rarely are they concerned about you getting off and the thought of you being a little rough makes them go nelly screaming out of your apartment. Like I said before, there’s a place for such guys in the world – but I’ve grown wise in my old age and I’ve learned to look for something much more substantial – something a lot deeper. A true muscle daddy worshipper appreciates your wisdom as much as he appreciates your size. He’s into your bulges – I guarantee that – but he’s just as excited about seeing how those muscles influence your daddy psyche, as well. The guys that turn out to be keepers need their big man to be three-dimensional. The little pup’s said, “He, of course, needs to have the body from hell, but he better have the attitude from hell, too.” I’m not talking about being some ax murderer or psychopath – I mean the muscled dude has to have a cockiness that enables him to squeeze his pup’s neck hard for a greeting or can make flirts back away from his pup with just a low growl or an intense stare. If a young stud is a real worshipper he’ll be looking for the daddies that have the third aspect of a complete package – the big man has to have experience. This is why most young men can’t reach true muscle daddy-om. They don’t have the years that make them fantastic kissers, charming beyond your wildest dreams, pro sexual athletes, and – most importantly – men with a sixth sense about exactly what will make their pup happy. It’s, of course, rare that such specific and powerfully-charge individuals can find each other, but it does happen. I knew many couples that were living in daddy-pup bliss and had been for years. Unfortunately, that special prize had eluded me for all of my life. I had been with some fantastic guys – but most of them had merely turned out to be muscle whores. They were into my hard beef, but could not have cared less about my thoughts, my wisdom, or my need to truly dominate a guy. Let’s stop and get one thing straight – the word dominate has gotten a bad rap in recent years. Everyone views it as something negative or demeaning. I think the great work in the area of spousal abuse had really brought the wrong kind of attention to the type of domination I’m referring to. In the muscle daddy world – to dominate means there first had to be an invitation. It’s like the big man is standing on the side of the ballroom and he only enters the dance if some young pup walks up to him and asks. That’s why most of my evenings with so-called muscle worshippers merely ended in them getting off on my massiveness. That’s all they wanted. But it can be so much more – it can be so much more empowering to be dominated. It’s when that special someone trusts you so completely and needs you so completely that they actually request you to become something special for them – something more powerful. That’s when the true magic happens. That’s when lives change. And what’s crazy – what you might not fully understand – is that the dominator is subdued, as well. He becomes a slave to his pup. There’s no way for you to fully understand until it happens to you, but let’s just say that you give up all rational thought when you become somebody’s full fledge muscle daddy. You become their protector, their trainer, their disciplinarian, and so much more – but you also become tied to them in a way that all the fucking strength in your body could not undo no matter how hard you try. You become theirs as much as they become yours. So, you can see how thrilling it could be to pass certain hurdles in this dance the young pup and I were doing. I could feel my own heart swelling with hope – with anticipation over what the next few hours could bring. I had been on the precipice many times before – only to be a solo jumper, the would-be pup preferring the safety of the ledge instead of joyously falling into the abyss of true muscle worship. My fantasies of what might be had taken me to some other place and the pup had finally torn his eyes away from my bulging arms to notice (another sign of a true worshipper – caring about what was happening with the daddy). He wanted to bring me back into the glorious here and now. “And what’s your name, sir?” he asked, clearly knowing full well what the word at the end of his sentence would do to me. To a muscle daddy – a good one – hearing the word ‘sir’ sends a jolt to his balls that equals the electricity it takes to light up a small town. My mother always made me use the words ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to show that I was raised right and I think it is a very similar situation when pup’s say ‘sir.’ This dude was sending me a message with a simple three-letter word. He wanted me to know that he was raised right when it came to respect and adoration of elders. He also wanted me to know that he had some basic knowledge in the world of submission. Since gay men were now allowed to live such open lives the new ‘in the closet’ was when it came to fetishes. Gay men today had learned to talk in code to make clear what they were into – or what they weren’t into. The word ‘sir’ was definitely part of the muscle daddy worshipping scene – and it was used frequently to help others know if they could proceed with their flirting or not. The pup was clearly inviting me to move to the next level of our ever-evolving understanding of each other. We were peeling back the layers of the onion until we got to the core – the place where we both would be free to assume the roles we both desperately wanted. Each of us, however, knew to take it slowly. One false step could ruin the entire dance and we were definitely far too engaged in the glorious ball to let that foolishly happen. “People call me Butch,” I replied. “Of course they do,” he said seriously. “I’m glad to know your name, but I think I’ll just call you ‘sir’ if that’s okay with you.” There was that word again. My cock thumped against his hard-on. He felt it – I could tell by the smile that sprang to his face. My body had betrayed me. It gave away in a clear and precise way what that word did to me. I could see that he was overjoyed to recognize that fact. I got the feeling my little pup was checking off some list in his head as he got to know me better in the same way I was doing it for him. This seemed to solidify our connection even more. He, of course wasn’t going to be a total gentleman and let my body’s involuntary jolt of pleasure go without being alluded to. “You deserve the respect, sir,” he said, emphasizing the last word on purpose – and smiling even more when my cock again throbbed noticeably. “I know I do,” I shot back – my cock was uncontrollably reacting to this guy’s tone of respect, but that didn’t mean he was in charge. Cockiness was one of the three supports of being a muscle daddy and I could call on that reservoir of confidence whenever I wanted. I truly knew how incredible I was – and not only did it make me sure of myself, it also helped me to shower that same feeling on others. “I get the feeling you can be the perfect respectful pup.” I had anticipated his lust for that certain word correctly. His entire body shook with revealing pleasure – a response similar to mine. We both realized another hurdle had been easily sailed over. I loved the fact that he had to close his eyes – until the joyous jolt of worshipper euphoria passed. I wondered briefly if he was also saying a silent prayer to the muscle gods in hopes the beefy older dude holding him might be the real deal. I added my own plea to Mount Olympus or wherever for the same thing. I was beginning to worry that I was moving beyond a point of return. I was so hopeful about this pup I was beginning to worry that I might be projecting a lot of his reactions. I tried to be reasonable and realistic, but it was hard when all the signs pointed to your desired end.
  21. msclvrtoo

    Just Dave And Me - Part Iv

    Here's Part IV. Part III is yet to be written Just Dave and Me – Part IV (Part III has yet to be written. The “writing gods wanted” Part IV and V next) (See Parts I and II for important background) By [email protected] Scott Holy shit, I am bushed. Never in my wildest muscle-worshipping fantasy dreams did I think I could spend the last two hours in such total muscle, sensory and erotic overload. Dave is extraordinary as man, muscle-daddy, lover, super heavy-weight body-builder, and sex machine. And, I have never felt so protected and loved by a man in my life – and love is not too strong a word. We’ve just hit it off big time and, yet, I know deep down, that it will probably not last beyond this week. I’m committed to making the most of him right now. I am laying here, my head nestled between his massive right bicep (which he loves to flex to remind me he’s here) and his huge set of deltoids. His forearm, even unflexed, is so thick, vascular, covered in veins, and has the light touch of hair that I love. His hands are so huge and, with hairy knuckles, it was amazing feeling for him to take my already hard cock into his huge hand and squeeze and pump it. I felt like I was getting an infusion of his strength and masculinity through my cock and his calloused hands. My puny legs are entwined in two pillars of explosive muscular power. Never did I think one man, one alive man, as opposed to a man in my fantasies or morphs, could possess such bulging slabs of quad beef that wrap around each other creating all sorts of crevasses. They narrow down to his knees and then explode once again into huge calf muscles. His legs are works of art, made and carved of rock. God, I did love licking all that and wrapping my arms around one of those monsters and feeling the incredible hardness against my chest. I humped him like a dog in a fever and it felt so damn good. He responded by thrusting and re-thrusting his quad into my chest. It was so cool to gradually work myself up to his stiff cock and be told, in very specific terms, how to worship, lick and suck his monster to get him off. It was an honor to pleasure him like that, and I was rewarded with gobs of cum down my throat and all over my face and body. He’s like a fire-hose. And during all of that he was flexing, posing, and pumping…getting off on being a total sex and muscle machine. Backing Up A Couple of Hours It all started when we stopped in the hall outside the room and he did, as I had asked, and picked me up in his arms – so easily -- carrying his suitcase at the same time. What a thrill to be in the thick, hard arms of my new muscle-daddy. He had a big grin on his face because he knew he was fulfilling one of my life-long fantasies…to be carried like this. I knew he’d be carrying me even more in the days ahead. He lifted me up so gracefully and, yet, his arms just bulged out of his turtleneck even more. I didn’t know what to feel up first so I put my right arm and hand behind his neck and just felt the erupting traps and thick corded neck muscles that always seemed to be huge and hard on him. I brought my other hand up and, in a moment of deep affection, cupped his handsome face in my hand, caressing all his masculine features, day-old beard and all. He liked that very much. I traced his smile with my index finger, and he sucked, hard, on my finger. God, what would he do with my cock? Once inside, it was like both of us were possessed with indescribable passion and lust. He told me to get naked first. I couldn’t believe how hard my cock was. Then he told me I was going to strip him and do it slowly, despite the urge I had just to try to rip it all off at once, as if I had the strength to do that. Right then, I thought I really did. God, it was like unwrapping the best Christmas present I ever had. Since he had taken his jacket off at the table, I was challenged to figure out how to get a sweater up and over all his very thick arm muscles, very wide lats, huge shoulders, and massive neck. He saw that and just said “Go at it buddy, it’s what we both have been waiting for.” It wasn’t easy but, god, was it beautiful. I raised the bottom of the sweater and was treated to a visual feast of an eight pack of thick, etched ab muscles covered in a light coating of brown hair, hair that trailed down into his tight pants. I managed to get the sweater off his extended shelf of pec muscles, and they weren’t even flexed. His tits were really big and stuck out like they were hard themselves. Then it took both of us to get him out of the arms of his sweater. I was astonished and so turned on I almost came just looking at the incredible contours and veins of his forearms, biceps and triceps. I was in a hurry now, even though he told me to do this slowly. No way. He leaned his head forward and I grabbed the sweater’s neckline and pulled it all up and over his head. Holy mother of god….I was in awe. He stood there watching me, being dumbfounded, once again, until my hands started to explore his whole upper body. He is so wide and he narrows to an unbelievably small waist. It truly made him look very, very powerful. I loved the light coating of hair on his pecs and down his arms. That hair did not interfere with his definition at all. He flexed each muscle as I explored, pushed, groped, and grabbed. I went right into his cleavage with my face and started licking like there was no tomorrow and then moved over to his flexed biceps and triceps and kept licking until I had no saliva left. His pits were to die for. Hairy, corded, very deep, and with a heavy musky sent. In the meantime, my hands were groping his wide muscular back and beautiful bubble butt. I groped his back for leverage to keep pulling myself tight into his steel-casing of muscles in front. Actually, I was humping him with my whole body, again. The muscle talk between us just kept us both more stoked. Still, with his pants on, he hit a bunch of poses that drove me wild – double front biceps, left and right side chest, hands behind the head abdominal flex, back lat spread, and front lat spread. I just kept rubbing, fondling, massaging, and groping each set of muscles as he presented them to me – pose by pose. I couldn’t get enough of pushing and trying to grab onto his semi-soft cock that was hanging down his pant leg. I could see how very proud he was of his body. I knew I wanted to get his pants off quick…not only to see him totally naked in all his muscular glory, but to let that huge cock out…the thing that was now, once again, all hard and big along the inside of his right leg. I remember him telling me in the restaurant that he didn’t wear underwear. Something calmed me down and I very slowly started undoing his belt, savoring what was to come. I undid the pants hook and slowly pulled down the zipper. I glanced up at him and he just had this huge shit-eatin’ grin on his face, his hands and arms extended out from his waist in a partial flex…like a Superman pose. His beautiful pubic hair started to show, then the root of his cock. It was really thick even there. Then I just grabbed his pants, pulling them down to his shoes. His gorgeous cock popped right up, damn near straight up…which I know from reading…is a sign of plenty of virility. It hit me in the face. I’ll never forget that moment. I was in overwhelm. Not only was I in the presence of the biggest and most beautiful cock I had ever seen or imagined, but I was looking at pairs of legs that defied description – they were so big, cut and vascular. He wasn’t moving. I knew he was waiting for me. I took both my hands and wrapped them around that huge cock, one in front of the other. He was that big. I squeezed hard to feel the power, muscle and hardness of his baseball bat. I squeezed again, and again. Mostly to let myself know that I was really here, really doing this, and really feeling the real thing. I was in awe of the corded muscles that ran the length of his cock, and the web of veins, and the different colors of blue, purple, and red, especially at his crown. The ridge around his crown was very pronounced and his big glans were separated by a deep piss slit. It was gorgeous, a sight to behold. From there, we just went crazy. Once I got him out of his pants and shoes he really took charge and demanded that I worship each flexed muscle. I couldn’t do that enough, that’s for sure. Then, as I’ve mentioned, he taught me how to worship his cock muscle. It was clear that because he was far bigger than the average man, there was far more to giving him pleasure than might be ordinarily expected. And, I sure as hell wanted to please my muscle-daddy. Then, much to my surprise, he just picked me up like I was nothing and threw me onto the bed. I thought he wanted to fuck the shit out of me. Instead, he wanted to get me off. He stripped me of my clothes so fuckin’ fast. I was in a daze. Then he placed his huge body on top of mine. He could have crushed me to death and I still would have loved it. He was an expert in going after my cock and balls. No surprise there. He knew all of my sensitive male spots and took me through an amazing fore-play experience. Just when I thought I was going to pop and couldn’t hold it any longer, he took all of me into his mouth and began to give me a total cock massage with his muscular, rough tongue. It got even rougher when he gently scraped his teeth along the top and bottom of my cock. God, I was in heaven. During all of this, my hands were aggressively exploring every bulging muscle I could reach. When I exploded into his mouth, he took it all without hardly a dribble from his lips. He lay down and I crawled on top of him. God he is huge and so damn hard. He loved flexing his muscles some more as I lay on top. He got hard again, of course. I moved his big cock over underneath mine and really got into crushing my hardness against his hardness. I was fucking his cock and he reciprocated by thrusting up and fucking my cock. Again, I felt like I was merging with him….being given some of his masculine power and energy when I did that. I moved onto my side and cuddled up against his bicep and shoulder and we started to rest for a while. I was one grateful muscle-worshipper. Dave Damn, I got me one fine man here. He’s one of those guys that are just built – emotionally, mentally, and spiritually – to be a muscle-worshipper. He loves being dominated by me. And, fuck, he takes initiative – I don’t have to tell him what to do all the time. He just knows what to do – by muscle-worshipper instinct, I guess. I guess all my mass and muscles just inspire the fuck out of him. No surprise there. That’s just way guys react to being with a muscle-god like me. I’m laying here with my buddy cuddled into my side, his head on my big bicep, and thinking about how I love to be worshipped, show my big-ass muscles off, flex and pose to bring guys to orgasm, demonstrate my strength, be cocky, be an exhibitionist, and help guys like Scott have the time of their life. This surrogate stuff is right up my alley. Well, hell, I’ve always thought I had testosterone instead blood in my big veins. I loved seeing all the reactions I got from Scott, beginning with my picking him up outside the door and carrying him in. Guys both straight and gay, almost always eat that up. I understand. Hell, if I ever met a guy bigger than me, I’d want him to do the same thing for me. I know it amazed him that I did it without any effort and, yet, my muscles just bulged out the sweater even more. He certainly noticed that. I loved it when he cupped by face in his hand and explored….he had such a sensitive touch on my lips. I couldn’t help but smile and suck on his finger. It was a sight to behold Scott do the slow strip of my entire body. Although he did get quite excited and sped it up -- contrary to my command. I get that, too. My super-heavyweight massive body and my good looks – I know I’m vain – just get guys like Scott so worked up that they can’t control themselves. I know that’s why I get call-backs from the Institute to do more surrogate work with guys. Gay guys are so much more fun to be with. It’s just natural for them to go nuts over me. Straight guys have a lot more hang-ups, but some of them do get with the program if they are with me long enough. And Scott is one hell of a quick learner. He worked my big cock like there was no tomorrow. He did exactly what I told him to do. If he does it that way for other guys, word will get around and he’ll be more popular than he could have imagined. It always gets me off even more when I flex and pose while a guy is working my cock. There’s something magical about pumping up and flexing hard, and being sucked at the same time. I guess it’s a statement of the effect of being massive and having huge amounts of masculine power, dominance, and hyper-masculinity. That’s me. I know I scared him when I threw him on the bed. He thought I was going to bust his ass wide open with my pile-driving cock. I’ll certainly do that a few times this week but I know how to make it less painful for him. Then, I could tell he was shocked that I was ready to give him a blow job. He didn’t see that coming. It’s good to keep him off balance once and a while. And god knows I know how to take a guy to the limits with my tongue and my mouth. He loved feeling my muscles as I did a number on his cock. It got us both turned on. I like that about Scott, he can walk and chew gum at the same time in muscle-worshipping. His cum tasted damn good. And, he was right, he can keep it hard for a lot longer than most guys. Now, we’re taking a break. I can tell he really likes being held like this – by his big muscle-daddy -- in bed. I’m glad to oblige. I’m thinking he and I should hit the pool and turn on a few folks…create some excitement…watch girls swoon over me…and watch the guys get hard-ons in their swim trunks or, even better, in their tight little speedos that don’t hide thing. I’ll tell him to help me get my extra-large jock-strap on. He’ll like doing that, for sure. Then we’ll decide which of my swim trunks create the best effect. Scott Oh, oh, ohhh….I could lay here with Dave like this forever. I could spend the week like this with him. I feel so close to him and so protected by his huge physique, especially his massive arms. Yes..s…s…..s….. Dave “Hey, little buddy, I want to go out onto the pool deck, catch some rays, and see if I can’t get a bunch of people all excited. Time to get out of bed and help me figure out what to wear. I know you’ll like doing that. Good. Go into my suitcase and pull out the jock-strap and you’ll see a couple of swim trunks underneath. They’re bigger and have more leg than regular posers. Pull those out, too.” This is going to be fun. Scott Oh my god, we’re actually gonna go outside…together…and he’s gonna show everything…his muscles, his good looks, and his big bulge. I know he’s right…we’re gonna be hit by bimbos and studs wanting attention and wanting to put the moves on him. God knows I sure would if I were one of them. And, thankfully, I am in an entirely different role. This is so cool, I can hardly stand it. There are moments when all of this feels like a dream…like something I’m reading off the internet. But, damn, this is for real. Really real. I feel like I’m going into holy territory…going into his private suitcase…to rummage through his pieces of clothing to find his jock strap and swim trunks. That seems so personal to me. Yet I know he knows that me touching his clothing, especially his jock strap…which is undoubtedly well worn and stained…I wonder what it will smell like….same with his swim trucks and posers ….well…is getting very close to my muscle daddy and very personal. Fuck, his jock strap is so huge and so sexy. And, yes, there are cum stains, yellow stains probably from piss, and even a few holes….oh god, I love the holes. Nothing like seeing glimpses of cock and hairy balls covered up in the mystery of a bulging pouch. Reminds me of some fabulous classic Colt photos of legendary Pete K. Dave “No, my friend, you can feel it right now but do not smell it right now. Save that ecstasy for later after I’ve worn it some more. Yes, I know you want to bring it up to your nose and bury yourself in the musky scent. That’s being a good muscle-worshipper. But I want you to develop some more discipline and this is as good as time as any.” Damn, I can read Scott’s mind. Hell, I love the smell of my own jock strap, too. It gets me off that I can turn myself on that way. Yeah, and those holes…boy, does that feed muscle-worshipping, jockstrap, and package fantasies. Wait till he puts it on me and helps jam my equipment into the thing. He won’t know what hit him. We might never get to the pool and instead he’ll just want to worship my jockstrap and huge bulge. Scott “Yes, sir. You’re my muscle-daddy and I do want to obey you. I know it’s for my own good, but it is very frustrating because your jockstrap is so big, so worn, so well-used, and so damn sexy. Are these the two swim suits you want to try on? God, they look awfully small…like posers….are you sure they’re not the posers?” Holy shit, I don’t know how I’m going to control myself out on the deck if he is packed into this jockstrap and the swimsuit. He’ll be a walking hyper-masculine sex machine, attracting folks like moths to a light. But I’ll sure as hell love hearing the conversations that have a lust-filled agenda. Dave “Yep, you got ‘em. So, come over here and help me get into the jock strap, first. That’s one of the benefits of being with me, buddy. You get to do stuff that other guys would give their right arm to do. I’m keeping my cock soft so you can get it and the balls into the pouch. If I made myself hard for you, even the jock strap wouldn’t help hide it all. So, while we’re out on the deck fending off the lusters, I’m going to find ways to keep myself soft so I don’t cause a scene that would cause problems with management. Yeah, spread the leg straps out wide…you got it…don’t worry if my cock swings and hits your face…that’s one of the benefits of doing this for me…right?....” “Now you’re going have to use your own muscles to get the straps up and over these huge legs of mine..and you’re gonna have to pull the back strap up over my big muscle butt at the same time. Can you do that?” I love seeing him kneeling in front of me like this. He really is worshipping me. He knows doing this for his muscle-daddy is an honor…an honor that very few guys ever get. And, fuck, it was funny to see his face drop when I told him not to smell my jock-strap just at the moment he was about to bring it up to his face and bury himself in it. That was tough on him, but its okay, we’ll do that later. Scott “Oh god, your legs are so huge I don’t know how I’m going to get these straps over them and still get the back strap over your butt at the same time. Is it ok if I reach around and pull the straps up a little each time? Oh my muscle-daddy you are so massive, so cut, so tall, and so big…I hardly have words for what I’m feeling right now…but I do know I am so glad to be with you. Thank you for letting me do this.” Damn, he has such unexpected and amazing ways to make me feel dominated and I’m so glad I like it…really like it. Holding his jock-strap and getting it up and on him is like a religious experience for me. Now, I get to grab his balls and huge cock and figure out a way to stuff them into the pouch. I’ve always had fantasies about doing this and rearranging a muscleman’s cock and balls to make it all fit. I’m gonna love making his job strap bulge in so many provocative ways – experimenting by moving his big cock and balls around for different effect. This is one hell of a wet dream come true. Dave “Ok my man, you’ve almost got this done…now the best part for you, and for me, is getting all my big equipment into the extra-large pouch. Remember, no smelling, yet. Just use your hands. Don’t worry about hurting me…my stuff is damn near impervious to being man-handled. In fact, I get off when I get man-handled, hard. You’ll see that later when I have some more instructions for you. That’s it, pull the pouch way out, and move my stuff into the pouch…cock in the middle, balls on either side. Yeah, I know it all feels really big, heavy, and warm. A lot to grab onto, I know. Now, get the straps straightened up and flat against my muscles. Yep, you got it. Hell man, you’re pretty damn good at this stuff. Sure you haven’t done this before?” He needs a little encouragement from time to time; all guys do when they’re with me like this. Otherwise they get too tentative and that’s no fun for either of us. Lord knows I’m one sexy son-of-a-bitch just wearing a jock-strap with my huge bulge protruding, surrounded by massive muscles. Scott “Fuck, fuck…I don’t know how we got all of you into this thing. You’re so big, that I can see your cock and ball bulges through the jock-strap! And, damn, those holes. I love seeing your cock and hairy balls, even a little bit. Oh, you are my muscle god, my muscle man, my Hercules, my Superman. You get me so excited and so damn turned on I don’t know what to touch or where to look next. How can we possibly get you into a swim trunk that keeps you covered?” I’m in awe. I just put a jock-strap on a man, on a musclegod, that doesn’t even come close to holding all of him in. I have never even imagined a more sexy, massive and hyper-masculine man in my entire life. And I am actually here with him and him with me. And we’re gonna go out in public! Wow. I’ve got one of those four hour erections that they caution about on the TV ads. I don’t think it’s ever gonna go down. Dave “Alright, next phase is the swim trunks. You ready? I’ve got two. Hold each of them up and let’s take a look at them. Yeah, I know it’s unbelievable to think I can get into them, but I really can…done it a hundred times. And, it does take some work. And, it’s nice to have your expert help. Which do you like the most? Yeah, I agree, let’s go with the white one. They look great on my tanned skin and give me a kinda angelic look, if that’s really possible. Okay, I want you to pull them up my legs just a little at a time…in fact, that’s all you can do.” “After the knees, it’ll be like trying to get a wet-suit on me, one pull at a time. I could buy bigger suits but I really go for the tight look, the really tight look. Yeah, you’re gettin’ it, one pull at a time. Be sure to reach around and pull the back up at the same time. Yeah, I know it gets your face real close to my package…you know the rule. Now, the big challenge. Fortunately, there’s a zipper on this thing. You have to pull really hard to get the zipper up and over my jock-strap bulge. Yep, push my package in with one hand and pull the zipper up with the other. Keep pullin’. It’ll come. Great. You did it. How was that?” He is so into this. I love his enthusiasm and how carefully he follows instructions. Yep, he sure does want to please me. And the cool thing is that I am putting him into orbit, into seventh heaven, into total ecstasy. He’s doing with me what he has only been able to read about or imagine in his own fantasies. Hell, I think I’m as glad he found me as he is in finding me! Scott “ Jeesuz…I’m blown away. You are so damn sexy looking. Your thigh muscles just explode out from below, and your abs and chest explode out from above. Your waist is so incredibly narrow, just below an amazing set of ab slabs. This makes you look even more powerful than I know you already are. And to have your trunks centered in all this muscle with your huge jock-filled basket pushing the front of the suit way out like it does…my god. I think I should try to get your package centered on the zipper, instead of pushing out to the side the way it is. Would that be okay with you? It just would look more symmetrical on your body and be a little less obvious bulging off to the side the way it is.” Holy shit, that’s bold. Can’t believe I said that. I don’t want to interfere with him displaying himself. Yet, having his bulge in the center would be very aesthetic and still bulge out big time. Who would have ever thought I’d ever even be thinking about these things let alone talking to a musclegod about these types of aesthetics? I know, though, that bodybuilders in competition are very intentional and very strategic about the positioning of their equipment and look of their bulge. Hell, they, too, have help to do this. God, what I wouldn’t give to be one of those helpers. Collegiate wrestlers don’t give a shit. They don’t wear a thing under their singlet and just let all their junk bulge anyway it wants. I think that’s way a lot of people go to wrestling matches. Now, professional wrestlers…that’s another story entirely. Dave “Okay, I appreciate your suggestion. Let’s try and do it though, from experience, I can’t promise I’ll be able to keep the bulge centered…it often just moves off to the side of its own accord, especially when I start to get hard.” The kid clearly doesn’t really get how hard it is to keep me from moving around…I understand…he’s got good intentions. Yet, he is thinkin’ even though he’s on his knees. Scott “Okay, let me get into my own jock and swim trunks. God knows I’ll really need a jock strap this time because I know my hard-on is just going to stay with me. Fuck, you are so fuckin’ massive, masculine, and handsome. I can’t stop looking at you. I’m the luckiest guy in the world right now.” He’s just standing there looking so big and sexy and he knows it. I love it that he knows it. I’m starting to get nervous about what will happen when we go out onto the deck. I know he doesn’t care what people think, except that they think that he is an exceptionally sexy muscle god with no fears about displaying himself to the utmost. Dave “Now, I want you to remember that many sexy women parade around pools, especially here in LA, with the skimpiest bikinis they can possibly get away with. And, of course, most guys just go nuts over them. And, nobody thinks there’s anything inappropriate. The same can apply to men like me, Scott. I am the personification of masculinity, masculinity at its peak, and sexy as hell, and I wear next to nothing. And folks will go nuts over me. I say the same standard should apply. No big deal about women flauntin’ all that they have, and no big deal for me flauntin’ all that I have. You with me on this?” I can tell he’s getting’ nervous. Well, once we’re out there, he’ll forget all about his nerves. He’s gonna be so proud to be with me and have people come up to me and to us and want to be with me. If he’s having a problem with his hard-on now, wait till I throw him into the water, start rough-housing with him, and he gets to feel my muscles and my package up in the water, right in front of all those people – who will be watching us with eyes of lust and envy. It’s good that we’re in LA. People are used to a lot of stuff. Scott “I’m glad you told me that. It’s very true. I’m taking a “what the fuck” attitude and just letting it happen. Being with you is so special. And I love the idea that we’ll be partners. God, those guys are gonna die when they start hearing that. Yeah, I’d like to be the one that tells them that. I’m gonna be cocky about all of this. It’s part of the fun and the fulfillment of my dreams.” My mind is flashing about what we’ll wear to the pool. Robes? Towels? Or just our swim trunks? I can see creating a stir at the pool, but a stir in the halls with people looking at us? I ask him about that. Dave “Good question. I’d wear a robe to add to the surprise when I take it off on the deck. But I doubt the hotel has a robe that is big enough for me. Go get one and let’s see. Nope…I’d rip the shoulders and arms to shreds without even flexing. Let’s do towels around our waists. That’ll give people plenty to look at and still keep an aura of mystery until we find our lounge chairs. Let’s take some sunscreen. Whether you rub it into my back or I rub it into your back, we will definitely dial up the lust meter on a hell of a lot of gawkers.” He’s not missing a trick. I loved his smile when he thought about me wearing a towel and then taking it off at the pool. He knows that will have a hell of an impact on the gawkers. In fact, I’ll probably wait a few moments once I get to the lounge chair to make sure I have everybody’s attention, and then take the towel off. The sun-screen on the back routine gets them every time. Fuck, my exhibitionist just wants to come out big time right now, especially here with my buddy, Scott, taking it all in. It’s all a part of being a really great muscle-daddy for him. Scott Oh boy, I am in for one hell of treat. The idea of watching people, especially guys, watching his totally awesome body in a really tight and small white swim suit, with a huge bulge, really turns me on. This is even more than the Institute director promised. Oh, god, here we go. That couple that just passed us in the hall, they couldn’t take their eyes off of Dave. They both drilled into him…looking at him up and down…and they slowed down while they were walking towards us. I, not surprisingly, probably didn’t even register on their radar. That’s ok. I like being the observer, being the partner, sorta like privately owning this unbelievable specimen of ultra manhood. Jeesuz…Dave’s back and shoulders are just fuckin’ beyond comprehension…then they narrow down to his small waist, wrapped in a short towel that looks like its going to fall off at any minute. He’d love that, of course. So would I. Oh, fuck, I think I just fell in love with him even more. He pushed the first door open for me and waited until I walked through it. What a gentleman. A gentleman muscle-daddy? A gentleman muscle god partner? It doesn’t get better than this. His big grin gave him away. He knew I’d get a little faint with that loving gesture. I kept on walking thinking he was behind me. He wasn’t. He was still holding the door, but holding it for two big young studs that looked like bodybuilders themselves. Fortunately, I turned around in him to see him greet these guys with a little conversation and watch them stop dead in their tracks, look down a little at their feet, and then look up and say thank you. They didn’t move. Dave let the door go and they caught it, staring at Dave the whole time. Dave walked over to me with that satisfied look on his face. God, he is one big handsome devil. Dave Yep, definitely in my element here. I never get tired of people staring at me, especially guys. I bet one or both of folks in that couple in the hall had some big time fantasies of worshipping me and getting it on with me in a three-way. I love three-ways. I get to do both at the same time and they are usually amazed at my staying power. Scott is so out there with me. He damn near fainted when I held the door for him. Again, I like to keep him off balance, in the best sense of the word. And, I wish he could have seen, up close, the faces of those two big bodybuilder studs when I held the door for them. Such young meat…very well developed…and very sexy in their Speedos. Both had some good size bulges and VPL lines. They were in shock and embarrassed while they looked at me..up and down…up and down…then down a lot. I understand. Fuck, they’re probably sharing a room and sleeping together. I could show them a thing or two about really getting’ it on and turning each other into profound muscle addicts. Enough of that vanilla stuff and more hard-core muscle worshipping and mind-blowing sex. Hell, now that they know I’m going onto the pool deck, I bet we’ll be seeing them again this afternoon. Scott “Hey partner”. God, I loved saying that to him. “Here’s two open lounges that seem pretty much in the middle of the crowd.” I really was feeling pretty damn self-conscious…now that it was clear to everyone that could see us… that we were together. Yet, I am so fuckin’ proud to be with him…my lover, partner, and muscle-daddy. And, its funny, I don’t feel the least bit self-conscious about my own very average and slender body. We’re both standing next to each other with our towels around our waists, sort of surveying the crowd. And, lord, I can certainly see a hell of a lot of eyes surveying us…him, really. I imagine the contrast between us has a whole hell of a lot of them confused, excited, jealous, mystified, maybe even optimistic about talking to him…us. I take my towel off and lay down on the lounge. He, no surprise, continues to stand there, looking extremely powerful, massively built, and extraordinarily sexy. At the same time, he’s looking very casual, as if he didn’t have a care in the world, and as if nobody was around. This goes on for a minute or so and then, ever so slowly, he brings his huge arms around in front of him and undoes the little knot in the front of his towel and slowly unwraps himself. Yes, he really is doing a strip tease. He’s shown his body but now he’s showing off his exceptional manly endowment. My first reaction is some embarrassment, but then I let that go and revel in the fact that he is standing just a foot from me, ready to lay his huge body down onto the lounge, right next to mine. After all, we are partners, whether anybody likes it or believes it or not. Dave God, I’ve always loved audiences, ever since my first body-building competition when I was 18 years old. I loved the cheers, the roars and the claps when I delivered my best poses. I knew then that they were also really cheering at how god-damned sexy I looked in my bulging posers. They loved that as much as they loved my muscles. And, as long as I didn’t expose too much, the judges seemed to be pretty generous with the points for that special muscle. Now, years later, the cheers, roars and hand-clapping are in another form. They are in eyes and facial expressions that betray their owner’s awe, shock, excitement, and lust by being in my presence…right up close…close enough to touch my mass of muscles, if they want to…and close enough to talk me, if they have the courage, and I have the interest. Thank god for LA. Anything goes, especially around a pool. And I love doing this and being this muscle-god for Scott. He is so excited and so appreciative and so enthusiastic about being with me. That actually touches my heart. It makes me feel good that I am helping a guy out…a guy that has had trouble feeling his own manhood and, may, as a result of this week, feel more loved, more self-confident, and more hopeful that he can yet have a great man in his life. I know he’s watching these people and seeing, in them, with the same cluster-fuck of lustful emotions, that I am seeing in them. Part V follows. Copyright©[email protected] Feedback welcomed. No flames, please.
  22. msclvrtoo

    Just Dave And Me - Part Ii

    Here's Part II of four “Just Dave and Me”: Part II By [email protected] Dave Great. Scott looks as good in person as he does in his picture. I can’t deny that it is so much easier for me to really get off being a great escort when the guy is at least decent looking. A little overweight isn’t a problem, either. I know I’m not supposed to be affected by my client’s looks but that just isn’t how it works for me. Now, I’ve been with a few guys who, while not much in the looks department, were absolutely fantastic as sex partners. That’s great, too. Poor guy, he’s trying so hard not to show how nervous he is. Humm…I like his build. He clearly has some bulk and muscle. I like that. Lots to grab onto, and push, shove and power around with in bed. It always turns me on when guys challenge me with their own muscular power. It turns me on to watch them get turned on by turning me on. While that might sound a little complicated, it really makes a difference in this kind of work. Fortunately, I really do like getting turned on, and turning others on. That, I am very good at. After all, I haven’t worked to create this body just for appearances sake. Even though we just sat down, I realized it really was a little hot in the restaurant. Well, I know he’ll appreciate watching me take off this jacket. Given my size, I’ve never been able to master the art of taking off a jacket without it looking like a bit of wrestling match. As I stand up, I watch his eyes turn upward to take in my height. Then, I’m amused at the quick darting looks he gives to my chest, and crotch, and the rest of all my bulges. I’ll get him comfortable in soaking me in at length soon enough. “There, that feels better. Can I assume by the way that you’re looking at me that you approve, Scott?” I’m getting used to being pretty direct in this business. My clients appreciate it and it helps to cut the tension so we can get to the good stuff quicker. Scott My god…I’m so excited at seeing this guy...this huge bulging and handsome monster…that I don’t know what to say. I finally muster a feeble “Oh I sure do approve, Dave. You are the most incredible man I have ever seen. I never thought the Institute would really be able to find someone like you. And I don’t even know you, yet.” I feel so stupid. Yet he’s looking at me with such compassion in his eyes. He knows he’s overwhelming me. He knows that he has built himself into a hyper-masculine spectacular bodybuilder. He’s gotta get this kind of reaction all the time. Christ, I’ve never seen a pair of traps, delts, biceps and forearms absolutely push the limits on a pull-over sweater. Dave “Well, I sure as hell am glad you approve. I’ve spent my adult life lifting, building myself bigger and bigger, and stronger and stronger. I think we’re gonna have an amazing week, Scott. From what the Doctor told me, you are really into muscles. That’s cool. I love to be with guys that are really into muscles and know how to really appreciate me, all of me.” I get such a kick out of how guys, and women too, can get so transfixed at looking at me that they almost stop functioning. He is definitely hooked. I wonder if he’s got the courage to really let himself go with me --- and push us both to the limits of worshipping massive muscle and passionately loving each other at the same time? “Now, why don’t you change where you are sitting and take this chair next to me? That way we can be a little more private and intimate and make some plans that will, literally, take you to new levels of man-to-man ecstasy and extraordinary up close and personal muscle-worshipping joy. Does that sound like what you might be looking for?” God, he’s cute. He shuffled over next to me without a word. Scott “I’m glad the dining room is just about empty. I’m feeling very self-conscious being with you. It’s not a bad thing…it’s just that I’ve never been with a man that is so massive and so handsome.” Well, it’s the truth and I hope he understands. I hope he didn’t see my hard-on when I got up and moved. Jeesuz…I just came alive when he sat down and started to talk so understandingly with me. I think he might really be a nice guy. God, I need that kind of guy – not to mention his massive body and very handsome face. Shit, I got a total package here. God, I want to feel his massive quads under the table. No one will see. The tablecloth drapes over the table far enough. They must be incredibly hard when he flexes them. Dave “Honestly, Scott, I hope you get over your self-consciousness pretty quick. First, I understand. Most folks feel like that when they’re with me…and even when they’re just staring at me from a distance. I’m thinking we’re gonna want to do some things out in public so we can be seen together. I want you to feel proud of being with me --- all of my muscle, my height, and my good looks -- and proud of yourself for having someone like me in your life. I don’t mean to go too philosophical on you here, but you ordered up the whole package and I don’t think either of us wants to be hidden away in a hotel room all week…as much fun as that will be.” I want him to have the amazing experience of being “my partner” when other guys and girls come up and hit on me, as they always do. I know he will enjoy the little game of being my partner and watch everyone else get really jealous or disappointed and wonder what’s with this little guy that this gorgeous man wants to be with him. This could really be a fun week if and when he loosens up. I know how to help that along, that’s for sure. Yeah, I know I’m a narcissist. But not an ass-hole like a lot of other guys. Scott “You’re reading my mind. Yeah, no way in hell do I want to feel self-conscious this week, either in public or in private. All of this is just taking me a bit to get adjusted to. I’ve never had an experience of being proud to be with a man, let alone a spectacular bodybuilder like you. And, I don’t think I’ve ever been with a man who was proud to be with me, certainly not a man as handsome and as masculine as you. I’ve just been missing the boat for so long. That’s why I went to the Institute. I am so glad they found you and that we are actually meeting and going to spend a week together.” I’m feeling embarrassed to tell him all that, but I want him to know what this means to me, in my heart of hearts. I know I’m making myself extremely vulnerable but I sense he is the right guy to do it with. Dave “I’m glad they put us together, too. I love doing this kind of surrogate work. It often turns out to become a friendship, sometimes even more. That’s great. I get to meet really neat people, like you, and I love to have my big thick muscles, all of my body, and my big dick worshipped. Almost anything turns me on…working out…posing in competition…posing for others in private…posing for myself in front of a mirror…arranging my big cock and balls for maximum effect in all my posers…fantasizing about how strong I am and what I can do with this huge body of mine.” That ought to get him going…nothing like a little muscle sex talk to get the juices flowing. “Is that what you’d like to do with me this week Scott?” As if I didn’t already know. Scott “Oh god, that would be fantastic. I’ve got years of muscle-worshipping fantasies that I would like you to do with me. If you think I’m asking too much or am too weird, I want you to tell me. I won’t take you for granted and want to respect any limits that you might have.” There, I said it. God, I hope he doesn’t have a bunch of rules and limits. That would be a hell of downer. Dave “Believe me, Scott, you can’t ask me to do anything that someone else hasn’t asked me to do before. I’ve heard and seen it all. And, as I say, there’s nothing better than some fetishes and kinkiness to keep things interesting. Who knows, you may have some muscle-worshipping ideas that I’ve never thought of before. And you’ll be amazed at what these big muscles of mine can do. But there is one thing, I do insist on safe sex. It protects me and it protects my clients. We can talk about what that looks like later. “Let me ask you this, though. You told the doctor you wanted a really big guy, like me, to be like a father figure or older brother figure to you this week. I’m game either way. What’s your pleasure?” Scott “Now, that you’re here and I’m with you, I don’t honestly know.” Jeesuz…what a dumb answer. I’ve been thinking about this for months and now, with him right in front of me, it’s like I’ve got brain freeze. Dave “There is another option. Have you ever heard of guys like me being “muscle daddy’s”? I may have to explain this one to him. Scott “Well, I’ve certainly heard of it, read about guys like that, but what’s the difference between, say, being a father figure for me and a muscle daddy?” Damn, I wish I knew more about this stuff. He must think I’ve just fallen off a turnip truck. Dave “In my experience they can be very similar and they also can have some big differences. The key is what you want this week. My job is to deliver what you want and give you an absolutely unforgettable man to man week. Let me explain. If you want me as your muscle daddy this weekend we will do a hell of a lot of muscle sex talk and turn each other on by describing, in cock-hardening detail, what it is like for you to feel, fuck, and hump my muscles…what it’s like for me to give you some massive flexes for you to feel up and try to massage and kiss…talk about what a turn on it is for me to pose for you and how you are turned on my turning me on…we’d talk a lot of about how we’re making each other’s cocks hard as rocks and then bring each other to multiple extreme orgasms. Believe me, describing it is nothing like talking dirty muscle talk. Generally, in a father role, I wouldn’t be doing that much muscle sex talk. You’d still be worshipping me as your father but it wouldn’t have the punch that being a muscle daddy has. Does that make sense?” God, I sorta feel like I’m making this up as I go along…but it seems true. Scott “Yeah, I think I get it. As my muscle daddy I’d want you to always want to protect and love me. I know that may sound weird, but I want your muscle and your loving attention.” Wow, I’d never thought I’d put it quite that way. I hope I’m not asking too much. Okay, here it goes, I’m gonna put my hand on his quad and hope he doesn’t pull back or get upset with me. Dave “Shit, Scott, that tells me just about everything I need to know. Here, feel it all over as I give it a good flex. No one is looking. Yeah, that’s right…all over…no, you can’t dent it with your fingers…its way too hard…that feels good…feel it up down…all the thick cords and crevasses…guess you like that, eh?” Great, he took some initiative. That’s exactly what I want this weekend from him. He has no idea what is in store for him. That’s the fun part for me. “Now that you’ve felt just one of my massive muscles, let me tell you that as your muscle daddy I would make certain that you always felt loved and protected by me – by my whole body and all my muscles—and all of my heart -- all week. Scott “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. I can’t believe how hard your thigh muscle is. Like steel. Like warm rock. And I could feel the ridges and crevasses in it, too. And, I appreciate your saying that you would protect me and love me. I’m still embarrassed to say I need that from you…but I think you understand”. God, he is amazing, both inside and out. I can’t believe how hard and how big his thigh is. Can’t wait to see and feel it without it being covered. Dave “Two more things on this muscle daddy option. I think you get that it is about muscle worship…about worshipping me and all of my muscles, muscles that explode in veins and striations when I flex them. It is about you mauling and feeling them – non-stop – until either of us have to piss or decide to have an orgasm. That is not necessarily the kind of thing you would do with a father figure, though you certainly could if you wanted to. I’d be game either way.” “While I have your attention, unless you want to feel up my quad muscle again, there’s a third difference. If I were to be your muscle daddy this week, I would want to dominate you. And I would want you to want to be dominated by me. Now, think about that a bit. I’m not talking about verbal or physical abuse or being an asshole, or making you think less of yourself. It is about my huge body dominating your small body. It is about your wanting to please me and, for the record, my wanting to please you as your muscle daddy.” “Call it roll play if you want, but I take being a muscle daddy who demands to be worshipped passionately – and I mean passionately – very seriously, Scott. And, we will have plenty of great fun. Is that something you are comfortable with?” I put this pretty crudely and roughly to make an important point. I could have been even more harsh and demanding, but I think that would take some of joy out of the week for him. He just needs a taste of domination, not the abusive stuff. Scott “When you put it like that, that is quite a choice. Aw fuck, I’ve always avoided thinking I would like to be dominated, never wanted to admit it, never. But, here, in front of you…it just seems so natural. So let’s go with you being my muscle daddy. I like that. I already feel weak in the knees in your presence and at looking how incredibly big and massive you are. Then, add your handsome good looks, and I feel like putty in your big hairy hands. I know I’m built to be a muscle-worshipper.” I feel so relieved that I can tell him the truth about what I need and want. He seems to understand me better than I understand myself. Well, he’s probably been with 100’s of muscle-worshippers – just like me. But I hope I turn out to be one of the really good muscle-worshippers. I want to make him happy and get him really turned-on. That will turn me on, and we’ll be in one hell of a beautiful circle of passion. Dave “Good, good that we’ve got that straight. I admire your passion and your attitude, Scott. I also guess that you are a fast learner. That’s good too, because I am one hell of an experienced trainer of muscle-worshippers….as you’ll see in just a little while. “One more thing, for the public out there…and this is really cool….for all those women, and especially men, who want to talk to me, meet me, feel my biceps, ask me about my training routine and my diet, who start to do a little stalking – and they will – they always do – people just get hypnotized by my muscles and my looks…just like you have. So, for all those men who start to lust after me and try not to show it, I recommend we just shut them down my telling them we are partners. Hell, you can tell them we’re partners…they’d be floored at you talking instead of me. Many of them will be dumb-founded that I have you and you have me. Many will be extremely jealous and disappointed.” “Some will not stop and will suggest a three-way with you and me. I don’t think we should go there unless the guy is really built, really handsome, has a great package, and gives off positive vibes. And, I’d want your ok on that too. In other words, I’m your muscle-daddy in private and your loving, totally infatuated partner of yours, in public. How does that sound?” He has no idea what he is in for and the commotion and distractions that I cause. It doesn’t matter what I’m wearing – how skimpy or how covered. This is just what I live with. And, I do get off on it, except for the assholes – of which there are plenty. Scott “Wow, that is a great idea! I’ve actually been one of those guys – a few times -- that just barely musters the courage to go up to a bodybuilder and try to start a conversation. Generally, I feel pretty stupid about doing that. I know they know that I’m just into their muscles. Most treat me as if I’m not there and ignore me. I just step away to not cause a scene. Others have seemed to enjoy my compliments and my questions but seem to get bored with talking with me pretty quick. I understand. I just feel like I humiliate myself too much by doing all of that.” Fuck, am I talking too much about myself? Am I telling him more than I really need to? No, I think he understands guys like me. And, in my case, with Dave, I get to be treated with both compassion and passion. “I’m going to take another risk here, Dave. You talked about our cocks getting hard and talking muscle sex talk to get them hard and getting it on together. I really like that. My problem is that I don’t have a very big cock. In fact, both my cock and balls are pretty average. And while I can get hard in an instant and stay hard for a long time, it really isn’t very big compared to other guys I’ve seen. I’m a little embarrassed about it, to tell the truth.” What the fuck am I doing? Why would I tell him this now? I just don’t want him to be let down and disappointed when we get naked together. Yet I sure as hell don’t want to worry about this until we get naked in the hotel room. Shit, this is going to be a test. Dave “Whoa there Scott. You’re getting yourself all stirred up when you really don’t need to be. First, I’ve not met very many guys that have bigger cocks or balls than me. I’m the top of line. So, the chances of your being comparable to me are just about next to none. And that’s no slam on you. The vast majority of guys are just average in the equipment department and that’s the way it is. It’s no big deal for me. Second, I love having big equipment. And, I know what to do with it. And most guys into muscle-worshipping forget about the comparison to my cock size and focus on getting me off and me getting them off.” “An explosive orgasm is an explosive orgasm no matter the size of the cock it comes from. And I do like to give and get explosive orgasms. So, cut the worry about your cock size. Is that clear?” Boy, I haven’t had many clients that would be this up front about their anxiety over their cock size so soon in the party. I think he’ll get off big time when we lie in bed and put our hard cocks together and I masturbate us, together, in one of my big hands. Most guys love having their hard cocks smashed and mashed against my big thick guy. He won’t have any regrets then, not if he’s like most other guys I’ve met. He’ll also get off when we get him hard and put his cock in between my flexed forearm and biceps and he masturbates himself and climaxes in an arm fuck. The last thing on his mind will be the size of his cock, in that kind of muscle action. I always love it when guys do that. They get so incredibly heated up and can pump the fuck out of my gigantic arm muscles – these monsters of mine are like a giant pussy only much harder and tighter. Scott “Well…I guess I feel more relieved. I’m glad I told you now so I wouldn’t have to deal with it when you saw me naked.” I’m getting so damn turned on with all this muscle talk. God, I love it. It’s like I’m with my twin. I’m still hard as hell and don’t know when I’m gonna get a release. I do know that I’d love to see how big his cock really is. He didn’t pull back before when I groped his massive thigh. Hopefully he won’t now. Dave “Hey Scott, I think I’m readin’ your mind right now. Go ahead. Nobody can see us. Go ahead and put your hand on the inside of my right thigh muscle, the one closest to you. I’ve been getting hard just being with you…yeah…for real. You’re gonna see I wasn’t exaggerating about having a big cock. And it’s hard just for you and your pleasure. Yeah. That’s right. Big, thick, long and very hard. Right? I don’t wear underwear, by the way. Your eyes are saying it all and I guess the cat has got your tongue. Just imagine what we’ll be able to do with that baseball bat this week!” Shit, I really get off on the look of profound awe when a guy gropes my hard cock. Scott is no different. He’s a hoot. He can only grope, push, grab and try to do a hard cock massage. He can’t talk. Yet, he’s looking at me like he is completely in love with me. I’ve seen that look many times, especially on some of those huge roided up bodybuilders who thought they could dominate me with all their muscle and equipment. Most of them ended up turning into little puppies with me. Scott “Oh my everlovin’ god….holy shit…I’ve never felt anything so big, so long and so hard. I didn’t think guys could be built like this. I never thought I’d be sittin’ in a restaurant feeling up a muscleman like this. Oh, Dave, you are fabulous…one of a kind…I am eternally grateful that you are so willing to be my muscle daddy. I know that sounds a little corny but its true. You are a dream come true, in all ways. But I gotta know, how the hell do you get yourself into tiny posers for competition or, even in a swim suit? There’s a pool here in the hotel we could use.” I can’t take my hand away. I don’t want to take my hand away. I just want to continue to feel this hard monster and feel its power. It feels very warm. The only thing even close to this would be groping his totally flexed biceps and forearms. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be out at the pool, next to each other, laying in lounge chairs, and see all of his huge muscles on public display, and what would have to be the biggest package I’ve ever seen, let alone be really close to. Dave “Hell of a question my man, hell of question. I’ve actually been disqualified from competitions because my cock and balls were way too big and promiscuous for my little posers. I’ve tried wearing small straps underneath the posers but that just made a single bulge bigger, instead of the VPLs and ball bulges without a strap. I’ve tried taping my equipment down but the sweat almost always dissolves the adhesive. So I wear bigger posers and I when I do that, I just don’t feel very sexy and I do want to feel sexy. The really big problem is when I get turned on behind stage watching all these other muscle monsters strut their stuff – and some of them are really awesome --. As you and your right hand now know, I have a hard-on that will explode down the leg of a poser, in an instant. When I’m on stage, I have to find something else to think about, especially when the posing goes open and we push each other around to get into the front of the judges and hold a pose. All that skin and hard muscle contact can be such a turn on – and – usually – lays the groundwork for some mind-boggling after-competition muscle sex action in the hotel rooms. That’s maybe more than you wanted to know but the bottom line is I don’t compete too much anymore. I much prefer private shows like I’ll be having with you. Then anything goes.” Well, he wanted muscle talk. Yeah, and I like talking like that. I could tell he was transfixed in listening to the details. Hell, he’ll probably want even more detail as the week goes by. I’m happy to oblige him. I’ve got some great cock-hardening muscle sex stories. This is very cool that he is getting into the swing of things. Fuck, when he went after my cock and felt its full width, length and hardness, I almost shot a wad. I’m getting myself wound here. That’s a good sign. I’m gonna give him a two-fer next – feeling a big hard cock right next to a flexed big hard quad. That’ll get him going even more. Scott “Shit, that is one hell of a story. God, I do love it when you talk about your massive muscles, your huge equipment, and tiny posers. I’m really into poser, basket, and bulge worship – call it what you will. If we can do some that this week, I really will be in heaven.” Jeesuz….I’m going nuts listening to his muscle talk and imagining all the things we can do this week. I’m glad we’re getting to know each other here in the restaurant, but I really want to get upstairs, get him into a room, and maul the fuck out of his mass of muscles. Dave “While we’re on posers, I brought an assortment of posers with big and small covers and straps, and a couple of different swim trunks that are very tight and high cut on my thigh, and a few tight workout shorts. I can try each of them on and you can take your pick – for the pool, for your private posing sessions, and for the workout room. And, believe me, I’m not shy about showing what I’ve got – my big muscles and my big cock. You’ll get a kick out of all the different reactions people have when they see me in my finest outfits. Yep, guess I’m an exhibitionist at heart. Hope you can handle that, Scott.” Scott “Hell, yes, I can handle it. I want to handle it. I love the idea that you’re all mine this weekend – my own muscle daddy – on display to shock and awe men, especially men. And, at the same time, you are my partner. I’m already so proud.” God, this is really getting exciting. End of Part II Part IV to follow (skipping Part III for the moment) Copyright©[email protected] Feedback welcomed. No flames please. Dave “Right on buddy, right on. How ‘bout you and me clear outta this restaurant and get up to your room – to our little muscle-worshipping paradise? I think I have a few things you’ll want to loose no time in exploring and I’m feeling as hot as a fire-cracker.” Yep, time to get this show rolling. Scott “Yeah, let’s go. How about when we get up into the hall, and if there’s no one there, that you carry both your suitcase and me, at the same time, into the room?” Damn, that was bold of me. God knows he’s got the strength. Dave “Sounds like a plan to me. We’re gonna have to find some other ways this weekend for you to experience my amazing strength. It just goes with all the muscles. After all, they’re not just for show! I really get myself off doing feats of strength…especially when I’m challenged to bend a steel bar with a really wide diameter. We’ll stop at Home Depot and get some rebar cut. And wait till you see me in the workout room. Hopefully we’ll have it to ourselves and you can feel my hard muscles explode while I work them to the extreme.” Oh yeah, now we’re talking. God, I love this work. Scott “Well, I’m yours muscle daddy, all yours. Just let me get to those big hard muscles and I’ll show you what I’m capable of.” I’m already feeling a lot better about myself. I feel more like a man than I’ve ever felt with any other guy. Who would have thought? End of Part II Just Dave and Me – Part III to follow
  23. cropsey23

    Colin's Determination, Part 7

    My heart seemed to stop, but was really racing as I watched Colin in front of the scale. Without hesitation, he dropped his cargo shorts on the floor. Now I knew all along how strong his calves were. And in the light of the Coach's office, they looked massively powerful. But seeing his glutes in full view for the first time really drove home for me how much power he had gained. They were quite massive, and now I knew why he moved with such ease on the field. The briefs could barely contain all the solid muscle. Thick ropes of muscle snaked down his legs, and watching them twitch gave me chills. He turned slowly and I got a full view of his diamond shaped quads. They were perfectly symmetrical, and it became apparent to me that they had to be strong, to carry that dense upper body muscle. Even before he shed the hoody, I was amazed at how massively wide his shoulders were. Looking directly at me, Colin tugged down the zipper of his hoody. I could see underneath the collar of a flimsy tank top. It was one of my old tank tops...that I never wore because it was too loose on me. Without hesitating he pulled off the hoody. The first thing I noticed in the reveal was his delts. They truly were softball sized, and perfectly rounded. The size and thickness really added to his broad, imposing frame. And they needed to be big, to support he newly thick neck. My eyes instinctively drifted down to his biceps. Even relaxed, I could see the peaks and cuts in them, and I naturally compared them to mine. Looking at my arms, and back at his, which were clearly much bigger, Colin caught my eye. He must have sensed how my train of though came to a complete halt. He grinned, turned and let me see his thick triceps. I was still speechless as he said "python...is the word you are looking for Greg...python." He didn't even have to flex them for me to know he was right. He was now standing in front of me, in just briefs, and my too-big tank top. Needless to say, it appeared to be painted on his jacked up frame. His chest was as thick as the rest of him - defined and clearly quite powerful. Just from the size of his pecs, the tank top rode up on his torso, and there was about a 4 inch gap between the tank and his briefs. I could see the outline of a solid 8-pack cobblestone of abs. In a flash, he grabbed the hem of the shirt, pulled it up over his head, and I got a flash of the back of his powerful triceps. He tossed the shirt, turned, and stepped on the scale. The weights of the scale were still set at my weight, 150 + 44. As soon as Colin stepped on it, I heard the balancing bar clunk UP. He outweighed me. I was surprised, but he didn't seem to be. Coach Conway approached, his face as stunned as mine must have been. He started to move the lower weight from 44 up to 50. Colin just laughed, and I could see the power in his lats from behind. I was taking in the entirety of his massive Y physique, and was startled by Colin's voice. Very quietly, he said, "You need to start at 200 Coach." Coach Conway adjusted the weight to 200, and then slowly started to move up the smaller counterweight. 201. 202. 203. 204. The bar was still not in balance. Colin seemed to be relishing my and the coach's response. 205 206 Finally, the bar settled at 207. 207lbs. Colin had gained eighty-three pounds in just seven weeks, and now outweighed me by 13lbs. He turned and looked at the coach, and without the least bit of irony, he just said "big enough for the team now?" Without waiting for a response, he stepped off the scale. He just stood there, crossed his arms, which made them seem even more imposing. His very presence seemed to suck all the oxygen out of the room. Coach Conway tried to gather his thoughts. He just said "That is a remarkable gain Colin, you have worked very hard." Colin studied him, and me. Then he just said "Now you can watch me work out on the field with the other players." Again, more of a statement then a question. Coach nodded, and told Colin to go change into his workout gear. As he turned to go to the locker room, I offered him his hoody. He just smiled and said "I won't be needing that anymore Greg." I watched as his powerful frame walked down the hall.
  24. As Alden finishes returning to normal size, a lot of the other players turn to go back into the locker area to dress and get their thoughts together. Miguel comes rushing into the showers and sees Alden standing there toweling off. He mentions how he heard some of the guys from his squad mentioning a man dominating Doug and shaming him. He knew who they were talking about and just wanted to come and see if Alden was still in his ‘hulking’ phase. Miguel turns and sees Doug still standing by himself under the shower head muttering to his self. Alden tells him to stay away from him because he thinks that they have an understanding now. They proceed to go to the locker area so Alden can change into his normal clothes. One of the members of the practice squad hands Alden his jersey and pants, or rather what is left of them. ‘Hehe thanks Randy, just what I needed rags and torn fabric.’ Randy smiles and turns around to leave. Miguel stares at the remains dumbfounded. ‘Oh my gawd papi, you managed to destroy your football jersey and pants? Fuck I want to do that sometime myself.’ ‘Let’s not get into a rush there man. Anyways, how was your practice?’ ‘Now papi, I want to know how you felt when you changed. I will tell you about my practice after you give me some insight into your experience.’ Alden laughs a bit and then tells Miguel about how his mind raced at first as his body began to grow. Then when it all finished, he felt confident and even a bit domineering judging by the way he went after Doug. ‘Whoa, that is awesome Alden. I seriously want to use all of my pills at once.’ ‘NO MIGUEL, knock it off man. Now tell me about your practice.’ ‘All right, well it actually went really good other than witnessing my friend Avi getting a railing from Chad.’ ‘Oh I wondered if Avi was still around. Yeah I know how much of a prick Chad is. The guy thinks he is the best kicker in the league. I mean sure he is quite accurate, but Avi isn’t bad either.’ Miguel continues to mention Avi to Alden trying to get him to go talk to him about possibly hanging out sometime just to get what he means. ‘I see what you are trying to do man. You are thinking about giving Avi a pill to make him grow so he will go and kick the lights out of those footballs.’ Miguel smiles and then gets a look in his eyes like he is thinking. ‘Come on papi, let’s go see him now before he leaves for the day.’ Miguel grabs Alden’s arm and drags him out of the locker room and into the practice facility. Miguel points to Avi, who is sitting over at a table eating a subway. The Lebanese-american kicker points back and smiles at Miguel. Clearly the man has worked his legs because his quads and calves are quite developed. His black beard is well-kempt as well as his noticeable body hair which peeks from his shirt. Alden turns to look at Miguel who obviously has a thing for him. ‘You sneaky devil, you just want me to meet him because you want to hulk him out. Am I right?’ ‘No that isn’t it at all Alden. I really think he needs a little boost from all of the crap he gets from Chad.’ Speaking of Chad, he is sitting two tables back from Avi looking quite buff, at least for a kicker. His large arms and thick chest look out of place for someone that is known for just kicking and punting. The man notices Alden staring at him and grimaces. Alden smiles at him and gives a thumbs up. Chad looks really stumped and goes back to eating again. ‘What are you doing papi? He is the enemy. Are you just fucking with him?’ ‘Of course Miguel, he doesn’t seem that threatening at least to me.’ They walk over and sit with Avi as they start talking. Alden mostly just listens to him and Miguel speaking and waits until he is fully let in on the whole story. Avi starts talking about how Chad used to always race bash him but that ended only to lead to just bullying. He knows that the lead kicker uses growth hormone because he has openly said that he does and actually grew almost thirty pounds in a span of two months. Alden isn’t that surprised by his statements and can now see why Miguel thinks he needs some kind of boost, but he doesn’t want to rush through this. Miguel looks really pissed and doesn’t really want to abide by Alden’s rules. He pulls out his bottle of three pills and tells Avi to stick his hand out. The middle eastern kicker looks confused but does it anyway. Miguel drops a pill in his hand and says he should use it right then and there so he can go teach Chad a lesson. Alden swipes the bottle and the pill away from both men and says that is crazy and this is not the place to do this. What he did in the locker area was justified, but this is not. He then turns to Miguel and says that he should have been there to see it but he wasn’t so he can’t be hasty. Miguel jumps up and leaves the table making guys from other tables take notice. They stare at Avi and Alden and wonder what the hell is going on. Chad for one seems intrigued. The big kicker gets up and walks over to their table to stick his meaty forearms on each side. He looks at both of them and grins. Avi looks away as Alden looks up at him. ‘Yeah, is there something you need Chad?’ ‘What is going on over here? I thought you and the Mexican were friends? You seem to be making quite an impression today Alden. I heard about your hulkout earlier. Are you going to do that again here?’ ‘Do you want me to hulkout here Chad? I got quite a few guys aroused in the locker room, perhaps you would too.’ Chad stops smiling and turns to look at Avi. ‘Hello there wannabe, are you spreading lies about me now. Telling other guys about our arguments is not wise. It could get you into a lot of trouble.’ Chad tenses his arms as the veins pop out. Avi is not impressed and neither is Alden. They start talking to each other as Chad takes his arms off the table and folds them. They smirk at each other knowing that he is in fact interested in what they were talking about before. Chad proceeds to sit down by Alden who pushes him away. ‘Come on Avi time to leave I think. This jerk is trying to hit on me I think.’ They both get up as Chad puts his arms out like he is trying to be decent. They walk into the main lobby where Alden finally hands Avi that pill he had earlier. The kicker studies it and wonders how a pill could be so small. ‘I suggest not taking it right now. Don’t tell Miguel I gave it to you, he will be so angry with me because I have his pills.’ ‘So…..it has some power? Is this what made you get huge? I am not an aggressive person by heart, but I fear once I consume this, I will become some crazed freak. Can this be controlled somehow?’ ‘Yes, but I haven’t quite figured it out entirely yet. You might have more restraint than me, but who knows. I actually think that Chad likes you. He is being fairly passive I think.’ Avi nods his head and admits that he has gotten that impression himself of Chad. They sit down in a lounging area as members of the two practice squads begin to leave. There is no sign of Miguel which Alden thinks has probably already left. Guess who hasn’t left though, Chad. The lead kicker comes walking towards them and sits across in a chair glaring at both men. ‘You don’t give up do you Chad? What do you want?’ ‘What is your secret Alden? Do you have some genetic condition that makes your grow when you stress? I have to know.’ ‘Uhh no, it was just a one time deal. It won’t happen again trust me.’ Chad seems disappointed but gets up to get between the two men. He puts his arms around their backs and squeezes. They both seem puzzled as to what he is trying to accomplish. ‘Is this a game to you weirdo?’ ‘Nope no game Alden, I just think you are lying. I really do think it is caused by stress or maybe anger. The other guys said you hulked out so I think you are like that Bruce Banner guy.’ Alden rolls his eyes and pulls Chad’s arm off him. Chad looks miffed and puts it back where he had it. Avi begins to get annoyed by his tactics and looks at the pill in his palm. He quickly downs it before Chad turns to look at him. Alden sees this and gets a crazy look on his face which gets the big kicker’s attention. He seems a tad mystified as to what is transpiring. End of Part III
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