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  1. Motivating the Mind: “Mr. Aberdeen…please take a deep breath and settle down. I am excited myself to get this process moving along, but you will give yourself an aneurysm before we even start.” Dr. Doblones is now busy trying to get a few of his medical technicians to jot down some of the things he is telling them. They are being instructed to attach a specialized IV bag on to the back of the chair to a four-way channel that will lead over and under Jessie’s arms and legs. He will have four syringes impaling his major arteries to get the serum into his body. He then finishes his instructions to go stand in front of the eager client. “Okay young man, I am going to turn this operation over to Arliss, if he will get here…” The huge hulking hairy stud is walking briskly into the medical arena with a smile on his face. Dr. Doblones looks over at him and winks. “Alright, Mr. Mancari will be entrusted with the transition. I know you two will get along just fine. *tries not to show emotion* I honestly don’t know what will happen, but I do know that it will be unforgettable for all of us. I will be looking down on the transition until I know that you will be okay Mr. Aberdeen. I have a feeling though this is going to go off without a hitch.” Jessie can see Victor off in the distance from where they walked in. He is wearing a loose tank and a pair of shorts along with a pair of sneakers on. He is called out by the guy in the chair from about hundred feet away. “Vic…hey come over and join us? I could use a little more support here. Remember your promise?” The doctor and Arliss turn to see who he is talking about and notice him too, hiding in the shadows outside the door. The man in the lab coat moves toward him which prompts Victor to start walking in the other direction. He is quickly told to stop walking by Dr. Doblones. “Victor Dumas stop walking. Get back here.” He sighs before turning back around after moving a few feet away from the door. “Normally I wouldn’t allow you to go in there but you two are bonding in a way that I rarely see here. You can probably calm him down as well so you will also be included in the transition. Just make sure that you and Arliss don’t fight over him too much. He will likely have his way with both of you so try not to destroy the room like what usually happens in the other wings. Have fun Mr. Dumas.” The doctor proceeds down the hall into the main lobby as Victor waddles his way over to the other two at the chair. Arliss is locking Jessie into the chair’s restraints by way of an expandable material that will obviously be tested by Jessie’s growth cycle. He is making sure that they are secure and tightly affixed to the sides of the chair as well. The young man is wondering how his small frame would possibly get to the point of even testing the limits of those restraints. “I mean…am I going to get THAT big? The space between my forearms and the titanium is practically double, maybe even triple. *feels his cock twitch* MMMMM, I shouldn’t feel so much pleasure in this but I do.” Victor studies the apparatus behind the chair since he has never seen such an arrangement before. He is fascinated by how it will be transfused into Jessie’s body. The syringes are being attached to the serum chambers by two medical technicians who are now showing both Arliss and Victor on how to correctly insert them into Jessie. They finish their instructions and leave the area. The two huge studs look at each other briefly before searching for just the right arteries to impale. Victor leans in to kiss the young man on the lips before going back to doing what he was instructed to do. “I am a bit nervous I am going to hit the wrong one Jessie.” Jessie squeezes his arms to make the veins pop out and find their way to the surface. Both Arliss and Victor laugh and shake their heads no. “Well…that is fine and all cutie, but we are supposed to put these thick needles into an artery. It will likely hurt really bad when we do this so we will do them one at a time. There will be two in your legs too.” Both hunks think they have found the right one in both arms as Victor tries to distract his partner. “Were you just trying to edge me earlier Jessie or was that supposed to go the distance?” “Ohh I was definitely trying to make you…AHHHHHH! ! ! !” Arliss slowly jams the thick syringe into the young man’s right arm until he thinks it is secure. It is a successful effort on his part. Jessie is obviously in a bit of distress. “Okay cutie, you were nice enough to let me join you and Vic in this experiment, what do you think will happen once…you know…the other you comes out?” Jessie is trying to focus on Arliss to answer him. “I…uhh…I don’t know. I mean…I wonder if the other me is a bit of a douch…AHH SHIT SHIT SHIT…” Now Victor is pushing his syringe into Jessie’s left arm until he thinks it is secure enough. It is a tougher ordeal partly because his partner’s left tricep is a bit thicker than his right one. The lottery winner is hunched over in pain with his head in his lap as the sweat starts pouring down his face and back. Both Arliss and Victor give him a minute or two to compose himself. “Okay buddy, Vic and I are going to have to do the same to your legs. I hope the pain isn’t as bad down there.” They both slide a part of his shorts up so they can view his lightly hairy, but nicely firm quads to search for the biggest artery they can find. Jessie rises back to his original position and is trying to calm himself down again. Instead of making chit-chit again, both of the hulks decide to stick him at the same time. Jessie yells in pain as they quickly slide the syringes into his quads and get back up to their feet to give him some tight hugs. He is crying a bit from the ordeal. “We are sorry cutie. We know that the pain is awful. The good news is though you probably won’t even know they are there in a few minutes.” The remaining technicians in the medical arena are now checking to see if the entire system is going to be operational. When they check Jessie’s attachments, they give the two huge hulks a thumbs up as they leave the area. Victor stands up and leans against the chair above Jessie’s head while Arliss finds the button that starts the IV transfer into the four chambers. He flips it as the serum slowly starts flowing into each tube. Victor is now rubbing his partner’s face and chest with his hands. He is quite nervous and Jessie can tell. “It is going to be alright Victor. I am at peace with whatever happens here. I pretty much have no choice at this point, the real me will be emerging soon enough.” Arliss and Victor watch as the serum finally meets up with Jessie’s insides. The young man involuntarily jumps at first before sighing a few times as he feels it start to flood his arteries and vessels. Mancari is checking the lottery winner’s vitals to make sure nothing drastic changes. He jumps again as Arliss finishes just to make him react and laughs. Both of the big guys look at each other in bewilderment. “Are you doing that on purpose Jessie? This stuff must be making you relax and goofy. I don’t think I have ever seen you do that…” Before he can even finish his sentence, Victor reaches over to feel something happening to his partner’s left arm. Jessie is lightly moaning as his cock jumps a few times in his shorts. He does not appear to be in pain anymore. Instead, he leans back in his chair and has a smirk on his face. The big hunks are now paying attention to nearly every square inch of his body to see what is about to occur. “MMM…I can feel it invading my brain now. There is no doubt about it that this is what I have always craved my entire life.” He can feel the muscles in his arms and legs starting to burn as his body proceeds to reprogram itself according to what his mind is telling it to do. He is now flexing them making the veins stand out once again. He turns to look at Victor and grins. “Victor…I think the transformation is about to start because I am feeling the urge to grow myself now. It is the strangest sensation I have ever felt, but I LOVE IT! I can’t really hold it back since this stuff is continuously flowing into me.” He laughs as he feels both of his arms straining before they finally start to swell. Victor can feel Jessie’s bicep and tricep growing beneath his left hand, eyeing the veins as they begin expanding just beneath the young man’s skin. Arliss can feel the same thing happening with his right arm, rubbing each thickening vascular branch and muscle fiber as they slowly stretch his skin. Jessie can feel the same thing happening in his quads as well. “YYEESS!! AWW FUCK! What a feeling! I think I can feel my legs reacting now.” The growth is more rapid in his legs as both Victor and Arliss look on in total disbelief as they see and hear the muscles in both quads stretching and growing closer together. The gap that was present between his legs is quickly evaporating as his shorts are being forced upward into his midsection. Jessie is clearly becoming more eager to grow as he looks over at both of his arms and sees the swelling start to move down into his forearms. At the same time, it is closing in on his calves and feet. Arliss lets go of Jessie’s arm and moves away from him to take in the sight of his young friend’s transformation. He is now located far enough back to where he can watch the IV solution empty. He undoes his pants and pulls his erect cock out to let it start dripping precum beneath him. Victor lets go of Jessie’s other arm to get on his knees. He is anticipating the scenario that he has always dreamed about for his partner. Jessie speaks again. “GIVE IT TO ME! ! ! This is all I want now.” He grunts feeling the veins and muscle fibers stretching the fabric holding his forearms in place. Even his fingers and palms are growing thicker as he grips the chair. Sweat coats his entire body as veins pulse beneath his shirt and along his neckline. The muscles beneath his knee are stretching and growing thicker as leathery sounds can be heard beneath his ankles. His feet are expanding as the fabric in his shoes begins to stretch to try and accommodate its growing inhabitants. His calves are growing wider making him moan deeply. Both Arliss and Victor can clearly see them jutting outward from his legs. There are new branches of veins and capillaries forming in places that previously had nothing to show. The fabric that is wrapped around Jessie’s ankles is being stretched as the fabric draws closer to the clamps that are holding them in place. The young man’s lower half, besides his crotch, is glistening with new muscularity, hugely veiny with peaks and valleys of thick densely constructed power. Arliss gets the attention of Victor and motions that the IV is not even half empty yet. His thick rod is lightly dripping precum down his shaft and he is breathing quite heavily. Next obviously, the serum will be moving into other areas such as Jessie’s chest and head. The growing young stud’s shoulders are swelling, making the fabric over top of them sound like there is water inside of a balloon. He laughs as he leans forward to show them that his back and ass are starting to react. There are tons of sounds radiating from his back as muscles begin to emerge from out of nowhere. He is growling as his two glutes inflate in seconds, nearly stretching the back of his shorts to their limits. “OHH FUCK…MMM…ohh shit Victor…the sensations of my ass growing like that is stretching my hole as well. It feels like someone pushed a foot long into my butt. I am leaking soo much…” He is breathing heavy now as the serum saturates his torso and his vocal cords. His voice goes an octave deeper and it is exciting him. He finally feels his testicles and penis being influenced. It is the meeting of the minds as the serum is now fully melding with Jessie. He growls again as he feels his spine crack and pop a few times. He is getting taller. As a result of this, he is growing more muscles in his back as the veins and cords of muscle fibers leading up into his delts are starting to test the limits of the doctor’s fabric. His traps are now forcing his head forward even more as they stretch across to his engorged shoulders, which are still somehow hidden beneath his shirt. He can no longer sit back in the chair as he starts to feel his chest react. “Watch my pecs Victor…*feels them start to swell*…FFUUCCKK!!!” Arliss moans loudly watching Jessie’s pecs inflate, not realizing that the young man’s cock and balls are also starting to grow. The two formerly thin chest muscles are stretching the shirt, pulling the fabric and creating a giant gap at the top. His nipples are growing as well as they protrude just beneath the fabric. They are as hard as they can be. He is in total ecstasy feeling his entire stomach area reacting as his abdominals are completely visible beneath the fabric in eight nearly perfect slabs. He is not even close to being satisfied as he feels his pecs bunching up on each other trying to break free from the fabric that is keeping them from breaking free. “SSHHIITT…this damn fabric is too strong. Victor…heh…my cock wants to say hello by the way. You should come and take a look.” Victor moves over and sees Jessie’s cock slowly stretching out the side of his shorts. It is spitting precum down the side of his right leg. It is also quite obvious that he is sporting a huge set of testicles as they are stretching the fabric in the front. Dumas is done watching now and leans down to start slurping on the huge young man’s thick 10” cock. He is able to shove part of Jessie’s cock down his throat and is sucking on him. Arliss is so turned on now by the transformation that he shoots several ropes of cum on top of the two men. Jessie laughs hysterically knowing that he is making both of these insanely gorgeous men lose their minds. His neck is now stretching thicker and beefier than before as the hair on his head falls off and new veins form all over the top. He can feel the muscles bulging as his face as he begins to sport a blocky and more masculine look. He is mostly hairless now, but doesn’t even seem to notice it. He grunts feeling his cock being massaged vigorously. Victor gulps down the river of precum that comes oozing out every few seconds. He can feel Jessie’s raging ballsac beside his face and wants badly to empty them. “YYEESS Victor…worship my big cock…I hope you are leaking as much as I am because I am about to unleash my fury on your throat.” He can feel his testicles starting to contract. “Get ready for a HUGE surprise.” Victor chokes as Jessie’s huge cock starts pumping thick gobs of cum down his throat. It is spilling out all over his face and shirt. He can’t take anymore as the thickly-built young man shoots a few jets over to where Arliss is standing. They hit him in the chest as he moans in delight. He is in awe of Jessie as he tries to get Vic’s attention again. “Hey Vic…the serum isn’t done. That was just 60% of it. That means he is going to grow again.” Jessie overhears them and smiles before trying to sit back in his chair. He is slightly uncomfortable, but there is no pain. He is taking a breather after launching his missile at both of them. “How big am I right now guys? I want to know. I feel good, but not great. This first phase was like an awakening for me, but I need more, WAY MORE!” The serum continues to flow into the huge young man. Arliss starts to evaluate him as he walks over with his cock still dangling. He is drenched in sweat as his clothes stick to him. The same can be said with Victor as well. “I would say you are probably a good 280 Jessie. You just added probably 120 pounds to your frame. Those arms are easily 22, maybe 23 inches. Gawd, your forearms though…probably close to 18 or 19 inches and that is HUGE.” Jessie lets out a few very deep manly grunts as he starts to feel the serum penetrate his mind again. “I guess it is time for round two then guys. This time, I will get to dictate the growth and I can guarantee that I will get out of this chair somehow.” End of Part 8 Marking His Territory:
  2. Marking His Territory: “Let me look at your eyes for a minute Jessie.” Victor peers into his partner’s piercing greenish-blue eyes and notices something unusual about them. “Whoa! The serum is actually making a part of your irises turn red Jessie. I am a bit concerned that you are not going to be the same man I fell for anymore. Are you still feeling like you are in control, or are you sharing a mind now?” Jessie is now trying to adjust himself so he is more comfortable for when he decides to keep going. He smiles up at his lover and keeps motioning for Victor to lean in. They kiss each other deeply, which definitely gets his hunky coach to react. He can feel a surge move through his body all the way down to his cock which jumps in his pants. They move away from each other again. “Does that reassure you just a little Victor? It is true that I am not completely the same, but the serum is starting to get too confined and is running out of room in my body.” He turns to look at his other mentor. “How much is left in the IV now, Arliss?” The huge hairy hulk takes a peek and is still quite surprised. “Looks like about a quarter of it is still left cutie. Well…I should say hunky since the cute part of you has since disappeared.” Jessie turns back to face the front again. “Well then…I guess I better get the show moving along once more.” Jessie starts to grimace as he squeezes his legs and feet. The fabric in his shoes quickly start ripping apart as his feet burst free. Victor is shocked to see how large they have grown. The same can be said for the rest of his lower half as well as both of his mentors watch as his quads begin squeezing together and mashing each other, growing bigger and thicker with each passing second. His calves add even more veins to their already freaky appearance. They are now larger than some muscular beasts’ triceps. His shorts are now literally painted to the top of his quads as his enormous hamstrings slowly rip the underside fabric. “RRAAWWRR! I need to be BIGGER, and GROW FASTER!” He leans forward before grunting and squeezing his upper body as he feels the fabric in his shirt start to give in to his power. His laughs loudly as he feels his explosively growing delts and upper back start to destroy the middle as it splits nearly in half. He then sits up and leans back to puff his chest outward as the shirt practically disintegrates under the intense pressure from his expanding pectoral mountains and silver dollar sized areolas. His heaving pecs bounce several times once they are able to break free from the confines. He is feeling the most intense rush of his life. “FUCK…I HAVE to destroy this chair…SERIOUSLY! I MUST HAVE MORE SIZE…MORE MUSCLE…MORE…COCK…” Jessie’s cock is now swelling to the point that it is starting to tear through the side of his shorts. His balls are ripping the seams beneath them as his massive glutes do the same to what remains of his pants. He is being lifted up slightly higher again because of the added thickness of his immense ass. His cock flops away from his leg and down the front of the chair as it hangs freely and starts drooling precum onto the floor beneath him. His ballsac, now filled with two baseball-sized testicles, is slightly mashed underneath his swollen rod. His shorts are now destroyed besides the waistband, which clings desperately to his expanding muscle gut which has completely burst through the rest of his shirt and is jutting out nearly as far as his immense 70” chest. His pecs have swelled all the way up to his face now as he tries to sit his head on their shelf. He is moaning and grunting at the same time as he takes turns looking at both of his expanding arms. “COME ON GUYS…GROW FUCKING MASSIVE FOR ME…I…HAVE…TO…BREAK…FREE…YES…YESS…YYYEEESSS…” Whatever fabric was clinging to his arms is being destroyed as both of his entire arms swell even bigger and thicker than they were. His bloated triceps are starting to make contact with the back of the chair as Victor and Arliss can hear it squeaking loudly under the pressure. Arliss is moaning loudly and as he runs his hands up and down his soaked clothing watching Jessie become an absolute monster. Jessie’s forearms are literally begging for mercy and throbbing wildly as additional veins and capillaries form beneath the skin. His hands have swollen again and are hanging over the edge. He is about to do what he has set out to do the whole time and wants to savor every last second and minute of it. Victor is slightly concerned that he is going to be severely outmanned by his partner, but is in complete awe of what he is watching him become. Arliss is obviously unconcerned and is in complete ecstasy. The serum is almost entirely inside the muscle behemoth at this point which is great news; however, the bad news is, that means that Jessie is not done growing. He isn’t even talking anymore because he is now concentrating on his restraints. The two older men can hear odd noises coming from the doorway that they entered earlier. They are being locked in. It appears that Dr. Doblones suspects what is about to happen to Jessie and doesn’t want him to get out. In the back of Victor’s mind, he wonders if he should go and try the find the antidote in case this gets out of hand, but he is frozen in place, and can’t stop watching his partner’s transformation. In an intensely powerful voice, Jessie turns to his lover and says, “WATCH THIS VICTOR! RRRAAAHHH…” The colossal muscle monster flexes his forearms and ankles as the metal starts to bend like paper. He is also literally pulling the chair out of the floor. He stands up with the whole apparatus attached to his back before gripping the sides of the chair and pulls it downward as the arm restraints creak loudly and his wrists bust through the top of them. He can barely reach one of his 30” guns over to his right hand to place a finger inside the fabric that is still attached to his right wrist. He rips it off to release his right arm which swells a bit more before it finally stops. He grins over at Victor. “I am getting closer to freedom Victor. Are you ready for me?” He grunts as he reaches over to rip the fabric off that remained to let his left forearm finish growing. He then reaches down to tear his ankle restraints off. He yanks off the waistband still attached to his muscle gut and starts to examine himself for a bit. His cock, now a 16” dong, flops from side to side, and has created a giant puddle beneath his immense feet. He notices how huge it is and places his hands on the giant rod to give it a few strokes. The intense rush of the serum inside of his ballsac makes him nearly spray cum everywhere. He stops quickly since he does not want to release it just yet. He is able to stand up as much as he can to take a breather for a few more seconds before he looks over at Victor again. “MMM…I hated that chair. Let’s see if I can turn around and tear this fucker in half.” He turns and starts grunting loudly as he leans down to pick it up in his giant hands. He grimaces and yells in delight as the apparatus squeaks before finally buckling beneath his astounding power. He has somehow torn the entire structure into two halves. The needles that were placed into his arms and legs earlier are now barely even visible inside of the bloated veins. He remembers that they are still inside of him and slowly slides them out before tossing them out of the way. Arliss has now rushed over to another part of the medical arena to avoid him for the time being. Jessie laughs once he notices that his mentor has fled. “Now wait a minute Arliss…you wanted me to be here, remember? You are getting off on me right? Well…I am FUCKING on cloud nine over it; however, I have a gift to give to my Victor.” Victor is still frozen in place as Jessie waddles over to where he is standing. The muscle monster with his 30” biceps, 25” forearms, 75” chest, bloated ab rack, flared lats, cavernous delts and traps, 60” quads, 20” calves, size 20 feet, and an ass that juts out several feet slowly picks his partner up and runs his massive veiny hands underneath his partner’s ass to tear an opening inside his pants and underwear. “Hello beautiful…” Victor is making nervous sounds as he feels Jessie searching for his quivering hole. The behemoth tries to calm him down as he finds his destination and slides two of his beefy fingers in and out of his coach’s ass. He smacks Victor’s thick glutes with his free hand and holds him up against his swollen chest. “You know what is amazing Victor, I have enough serum inside me right now to feed to you. And since we are such a perfect match for each other, I think maybe…just maybe…” Jessie stops finger fucking him to position his giant cock to where it will slowly enter his frightened coach’s relaxed anus. “Just stay relaxed Victor. I have to be able to…MMM…YYEESS…the serum should be able to find its path inside you.” The behemoth pushes his immense cockhead inside Victor’s swollen hole to start thrusting. “Jessie…I don’t think you fit…UHH…AHH…you will hurt me…” “Just let me thrust inside you a few more times Victor…MMM…MMMMM…YES…YYEESS…YYYEEESSS…” Jessie pushes his cock a bit further into Victor’s hole so he can start launching his cum into his partner’s body as Arliss watches on in the distance. He is mesmerized. The monster grunts loudly as his partner can do nothing but let him dominate him. Jessie grips him in a loving way as he hugs Victor’s body up against him. He is eager to make his partner as big as him. Within just a minute or two, it is obvious that Victor is already feeling something happen because he is staring into his partner’s eyes and looking dazed. “UHH FUCK…you are right Jessie…I can feel it rushing through me. It is flooding my mind with massive amounts of hormones and…AND…it feels INCREDIBLE!” Victor can feel it heating his muscles up. He wraps his hands around Jessie’s head and they lock lips. It isn’t long before the hulking behemoth can feel his partner’s tight hole start to swallow his massive cock. The hairy stud moans deeply into Jessie’s mouth and throat as his glutes start swelling inside his pants. They slowly rip through the seams before finally freeing themselves. The hungry top grips him tightly so he can feel every change happening to his partner. They stop kissing to focus on the situation. “OHH FUCK YYEESS! ! ! This is exactly what I want for you Victor. I want to grow you…” He squeezes his mammoth cock further inside his partner to pump more of the serum into him. He thrusts a few more times to spray more cum. Victor’s pants can no longer withstand the two expanding tree trunks that are emerging from within its confines. The shredded fabric tumbles to the ground as the thickening muscle fibers and vascular canyons are completely visible as he wraps them around his master’s powerful waistline to satisfy his lust for more. All of the thick fluffy hair that was on Victor’s body is now falling off as well as Jessie feels his partner’s cock contracting and swelling against the pocket between his pectoral mountains and the top of his two engorged abs. The growing bottom’s cock is mating with his partner’s pecs and is getting close to losing control of its self. His big ballsac is pressing up against Jessie’s musclegut as they both throb against each other. Victor is breathing heavily feeling it moving up into his chest and back. “COME ON VICTOR! Spray my tits with your hunger for growth! We are made for each other…even the serum knows this.” After adding another inch or two to his calves, Victor’s midsection and lower back begins to thicken outward even further than it was before. His shirt is stretching from the bottom up as his abdominals’ strain against the flimsy material. He is moaning loudly. Jessie stops thrusting to give him some time to concentrate on the growth. The behemoth is massaging Victor’s thick 13x8 hose with one of his hands and is rubbing it against the overhang of both of his massive pecs bouncing them as he squeezes several ribbons of precum out of his partner’s wet shaft. He rubs some of it onto his pecs before licking the remainder with his tongue. He shivers in delight. “MMM FUCK…don’t cum for me yet you hungry beast…I want you to massacre that weak fabric. You know what you have to do…” Victor laughs and grunts feeling his lats and delts stretching and pulling the shirt to its limits. He can also feel his pecs trying to reach his chin as his neck muscles and traps begin destroying the seams on the top of the shirt. The sensation of his swollen nipples tearing through the fabric is enough to make Victor soak his partner’s smooth, cavernous terrain in thick white rivers of cum. He is completely lost in his transformation now. “OHH MY GAWD…MORE…MORE…MMMOOORRREEE…” The shirt is being decimated from all directions as his swelling upper body makes quick work of the fabric as it sticks to his expanding frame. He gasps feeling the growth moving through his gigantic inflating shoulders and down into his swelling biceps and triceps. There are deeply-rooted rumbles emanating from both arms as his 22” guns…surpass 23…then 24…and finally hit the 25” mark before they finally stop. Once again, the sensation is so intense Victor unloads another massive river onto his partner’s throbbing chest. “FUCKING YYEESS…I love you so much Vic. Let’s make those forearms as big and veiny as possible.” The nearly full-grown muscle bottom yells in ecstasy as his forearms shake and tremble as they make the same deep rumbling noises. The veins start expanding and growing as the 17” muscles of power beneath them begin their new growth cycles. “FUCKING GROW BOYS…I want you to make him cum so much that he can feed me his boys from here.” “AHH…AHH…wait Jessie…FUCK…OHH GAWD IT FEELS SO GGGOOODDD! ! !” Both forearms stretch and swell past 18…then 19…20…21…Victor can feel his balls quickly filling up again as Jessie arches his partner’s cock towards his mouth. He opens up and sticks his tongue out laughing and watching Victor nearly lose his mind. Once his engorged forearms pass 23”, his cock starts flexing again as they both yell loudly anticipating the most intense orgasm yet. The newly enhanced Victor sprays his partner’s face and chest with several more jets of thick cum. As his partner finishes growing, Jessie decides to try and move his nearly 380 pound lover’s spurting cock up to his thirsty mouth to drink down its remaining contents. It is a nearly impossible task, but he is going to do whatever it takes to make it happen as he quickly lays down on the ground and sits Victor on top of him to shove his partner’s hose down his throat. Victor moans loudly as Jessie gulps several times shoving more and more of the massive tool inside him. The exasperated bottom is completely spent as he tries to lie back on his partner’s incredible quads to rest. Jessie finally drains Victor’s balls and slowly pulls his partner’s cock out of his mouth to let it sit on his musclegut and pecs. His cock bounces wildly against his equally impressive lover’s chest. It is obvious that the huge behemoth needs one more release himself. “Victor…don’t go to sleep on me just yet…I need you to make me cum one more time…” The cum-soaked top instantly feels two powerful hands stroking his cock slowly and methodically as precum flows freely down his cock again. The two muscle monsters are completely unaware that Arliss has moved over beside them and wants desperately to be involved, but is a bit scared to get too close. As Victor maneuvers his position over enough to start licking and massaging Jessie’s immense rod, the remaining hairy stud left in the arena joins him as well. He is finally noticed. “AHH YES…I never forgot about you Arliss…MMM…let’s see what I have left in the tank for you then. Let’s help our good buddy out Victor.” Arliss is transfixed on Jessie’s huge cockhead and slurps loudly on the river of precum coming out of the slit. He is dazed from the emotions flowing out of his brain. Victor lets him completely take over as he moves out of the way so Arliss can focus as Jessie moans watching his close friend hunger for more growth. He doesn’t want to tell his mentor that he is nearly free of the serum, but he still wants to see if he can at least make him challenge his clothing. “YYEESS…work me over GOOD Arliss…make me lose control…I want to grow you so bad…” “MMM…Jessie…I need it…grow me please…” He can feel the load stretching his testicles and knows it is going to be a good one. The need to feed Arliss is actually making him produce more hormones than he thought. “Okay hunk…slow it down…savor it…make me feel it…Try and stick that beautiful ass over top of my cockhead.” Arliss yanks his pants off and moves over top of the behemoth. Jessie studies his friend’s lower half and moans as he motions for him to try and sit on the very top of his rod. The hairy stud spreads his ass just enough so he can try and squeeze it inside his tight hole. He grimaces feeling it stretching his anus slightly. Jessie shakes his head no and has him pull it out. “Nah…let me do this for you. I am going to just jerk it out and feed you that way. Are you ready? Let’s do this Arliss.” He has his mentor sit beside his cock on his left quad as he strokes himself. He is moaning and grunting loudly, trembling feeling it sloshing inside his ballsac. He is not going to last long now. He arches his cock towards Arliss and tells him to catch as much of it as he can. The hungry stud wants Jessie to stop stroking so he can be in control of it. “MMM…YES…milk me Arliss.” The river immediately coats him as it continues to flow out of Jessie’s cock. He gulps as much as he can down his throat, choking and moaning at the same time. This goes on for the next couple of minutes until the cumming behemoth finally passes out from the orgasm. Arliss feels a bit of heat radiating throughout his body, but it isn’t what the other two experienced. He grunts trying to make himself induce a transformation of his own, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. He is disappointed. He notices that Victor has also passed out behind him as he attempts to get up to his feet again. He is drenched in cum himself as the tight shirt he is wearing clings to his impressive hairy chest. He is envious of his friends, and wanted what they have, but knows that the serum is limited. He hoped there was enough for him, but he wasn’t quick enough. He wanders over to where the antidote IV is and picks it up. He can hear the cameras above him moving in his direction and stops to look at them. He smiles knowing that he can reverse the whole process if he wants to. The question is, will he do it or not? End of Part 9
  3. “Ehh…..it feels really weird, is that supposed to happen?” Thomas looks at the medical assistant as they pull the syringe out of the opening to the needle that is in his left arm. He looks like he is going to be sick as he starts sweating a bit. Arliss turns back around in his chair and tells Cliff that he better get back in there because he can tell that Thom is going to have a bad reaction to the serum. The mentor jumps from his seat and rushes back into the medical area to stay with his young client. Arliss starts talking to Steve again. “I sent Cliff back in there because sometimes the serums can make the guys sick. It almost always happens to the smaller ones. Thomas’s body is not able to handle the rapid muscle tearing so he will probably vomit a few times before he gets used to the whole process. Don’t worry he will be okay, he just needs a little bit of reassurance from Cliff.” Steve seems okay with the whole scenario as Arliss stands up and turns to look at the guys in the back. “Guys, I need all of you to leave the area and go watch this in the viewing room. I know some of you will be critical of him and I don’t want him to get overworked any more than he already has. His body is going to obviously take quite a beating so be courteous.” There are several groans as the men stand up and shuffle out and into the viewing area located just a few feet away. Arliss sits back down with Steve as they watch Cliff retrieves a bucket from one of the medical assistants to put it in front of Thomas’s face and torso. It is obvious now that the young man is going to lose whatever he ate earlier that morning. He looks at his mentor and is very scared. “I feel like I am going to die Cliff. Are you sure this is safe?” “You will be sick for a few minutes Thomas. This is normal. Your body has not experienced something this extreme before. You will get through this and after the first dosage kicks in, you will be feeling a lot different.” One of the medical assistants attaches the IV bag back to Thomas’s right arm again to make sure he is hydrated after he vomits. After a few minutes, he throws up twice and is feeling a bit weak. Cliff rubs his back and can tell that the young man’s body is getting ready to change. Leathery sounds are heard coming from Thom’s body as he tries to relax for a few seconds. Cliff runs his hands along his client’s sensitive muscle fibers down his back as they slowly swell beneath his skin. His breathing is a bit compromised but he is starting to feel a bit better. “You’re right Cliff. I am feeling better although I can’t seem to feel my arms and legs anymore.” The hunky personal coach notices that Thomas’s arms are twitching and are involuntarily flexing as well. He seems to be unaware of the loud popping that is radiating from his biceps and triceps as they lose the flat look that they used to have before the serum was introduced. The veins and muscles in his forearms are starting to bulge just ever so slightly as the growth moves down to his quads and calves as well. Cliff’s eyes immediate lock on to Thom’s crotch as he watches his client’s cock stretch down his left leg. The shy young man can certainly feel what is happening in that area because he is gripping the arm rests tightly. It is a surprisingly large bulge as it stops halfway down his fairly-developed calf, which has veins and a nice dusting a hair that he previously didn’t have before. It leaves a small wet spot at the end of his cockhead as Cliff takes one of his hands and places it just underneath it. Thomas’s face is looking a bit firmer as two well-pronounced dimples form in his cheeks. His glasses are now slightly stretched as his head expands a couple of inches. His flat chest has miraculously formed two very firm pectoral muscles that seems like they came out of nowhere to fill in a bit of the gap that was in the sides of his tank top. His abs do the same from the inside his body everyone can now see the indentations of an eight-pack in his midsection from underneath the top. Thomas is looking at Cliff and looks as if he is a bit drunk from the formula’s dosage. His mentor smiles back at him, while rubbing his back with one hand and caressing the cockhead in his pants with the other. “It appears to be working Thomas. You look like you have been working out quite a bit now. That was just the first dosage as well because this was supposed to jumpstart your muscles.” The medical assistant that injected the first dosage into him is now checking both of the needles to see if they need to be moved around or not because it appears as if his upper body is absorbing the solution more than his calves and quads are. His 15” biceps keep tensing which is creating a slight issue. Cliff is aware that Thomas is starting to enjoy what is happening to him because he keeps leaning his head over to the sides to rub his stubbly face on his bigger round shoulders. At the moment, Thomas has probably grown to around a very athletic 165-175 pound range and that is only after the first dose. After a couple of adjustments to the needles in his arms, the serum bag is removed and the medical assistant is ready to put the second serum in. Before they do though, the man from earlier gets on to speak through the intercom system. “Congratulations Mr. Mangold on getting through the hardest part of your transformation. Your body is now prepared for the more appropriate doses it will be exposed to. The body you have now is normally where our clients begin in their metamorphosis. We anticipate that you will probably gain a fair amount of muscle in the next cycle so you will probably be feeling a considerable amount of pressure coming from every square inch of your frame. Mr. Byutov, I will need you to set up the bigger chair that is found in our primary medical area and then have the young man get up from the one he is in. Mr. Mangold, your mentor will help you over to the big boy seat because you are going to need it. Our medical personnel will follow you over there so don’t worry about the needles leaving your arms.” The previously shy Canadian man is now bouncing his cock in his pants as it drips precum down his leg and onto the floor. “I am now craving it Cliff. I didn’t feel this way just a couple of minutes ago, but now it is all I think about.” “Try to keep your emotions in check Thomas. We have had some issues in the past with a few guys who ended up completely losing their minds over this. They eventually calmed down after the transformations were complete, but it was very scary at first. I will need to leave for a few minutes so try to behave yourself.” He points over Thomas’s right shoulder to show him where it is and leaves. As Cliff does, Arliss gets up from his seat and tells Steve to follow the other men into the back area so he can watch on the monitors. They don’t want there to be any major distractions since it appears that this is going to be a more complicated procedure. He walks into the medical area and watches as the medical personnel undo his grips and hold on to the tubes attached to his syringes as he is helped up by the huge supervisor. Arliss wraps his right arm around the young stud’s waist and lifts him up slowly to get him out of the chair. The formerly gawky nerd is now looking a bit better with the extra bulk. There are veins pulsing in his head against his stretched glasses. The older man is now trying to move him over to the chair fairly quickly to keep the entire process moving along. He helps him up into the chair where Cliff is setting the straps up to be wrapped around the horny muscle nerd’s arms and legs so he is tightly secured without any kind of movement. The medical personnel that are with him are now setting his IV syringes in place. The stronger serum is going to be administered strictly to his right arm this time. He will be fed an IV solution into his left arm because his body is going to need considerably more nutrients when the process is completed. Arliss is now standing in front of the fit man and is watching him closely. His cock is peeking out the bottom of his shorts now. Thomas sighs as he relaxes his body in the chair and leans back. The sweat is pouring profusely from all of his orifices now. He looks at Arliss and seems to be in a really good mood now. Cliff is wrapping the straps around Thomas’s arms and legs and making sure they are as tight as possible. The serum hasn’t even been administered to him yet and yet the veins in his body are already looking as if they are going to blow up. Now Cliff is standing with Arliss in front of the stressed muscle nerd. “Look at me Thomas. Stay relaxed and let the serum consume you. Your body is craving it so much that I am afraid you might stop breathing or your heart will stop.” Cliff looks at Arliss for assistance. “I think he will be fine actually. This is probably going to be an incredible success when it is all said and done. I wonder if we should remove his glasses or not? *smirks at Cliff* Hmm, maybe not. I may actually cum in my pants watching him destroy them.” Both men nod their heads at the medical doctors as they attach the serum to his right arm. It starts to flow into his body after a few seconds. He is gripping the chair tightly, feeling it reach his mind as his breathing gets noticeably heavier. His cock is spilling even more precum now. Thomas is moaning as the serum starts to expand his cock. The huge vein that is visible from beneath his shorts is swelling to the point that it is slowly starting to rip the fabric. Cliff and Arliss look on in amazement. Their cocks are bouncing wildly in their pants now. Thomas was already quite endowed to begin with, but the fact that it has expanded even further especially when it is powerful enough to tear through fabric is shocking the men that have already went through the same process. Cliff decides to speak to Thomas to see if he is coherent enough to talk. “Uhh…..How are you doing Thomas? *tries not to look at his huge 12” shaft* I think you are enjoying yourself immensely, am I right?” Thomas laughs as his voice goes down about two more octaves. He notices the difference immediately as his eyes dilate and he feels his balls destroying his underwear. They are now stretching the front of his shorts to its limits. He is close to shooting a load already since he has never felt such sheer ecstasy in his entire life. “Mmm god Cliff, I thought I would hate this, but I was stupid for ever thinking otherwise. Mmm yes……YES…..I can feel my muscles begging for it. AHHH…..can’t…..talk…..anymore…..I must feel EVERY…..SINGLE…..FIBER…..GROWING……” The young Canadian begins grunting as his legs and torso are now reacting to the serum. His shorts are struggling to stay intact as his quads and glutes begin to separate the seams. Arliss is staring at Thomas’s growing toes as the arches of his feet elongate and thicken. His calves are squeaking as they widen and part to form hardened upside-down hearts. The fur on his legs is also thickening to create a cover for his swelling lower half. Once his shorts surrender to the power that is emerging from within them, his cock and balls flop a few times. He shoots a few ropes of cum into the air and it hits Cliff in the face. The shocked man rubs his fingers on his face and slowly licks them. The taste is so good, that he feels it surge through his body. His cock reacts as it spills a load of its own down his legs. At the same time, Thomas can feel his arms reacting to the serum as he feels an incredible amount of pressure welling up from inside both forearms. He can’t take his eyes off of them as the muscles from within stretch and swell, expanding beneath the straps and fighting to break free. The young Canadian is smiling as his eyes scan past his arms midpoint and as he watches his biceps and triceps swelling and bulging bigger than he ever imagined possible on his formerly small frame. The glasses on his face are unable to take anymore as the rims snap off his face and fall into his lap. The veins swell and bulge even more than before as the hair on top of his head falls off. He is growing a thick beard on his chin and it feels amazing to him. He doesn’t know where to look next as he looks down to watch his pecs and abs transform beneath his white tee. The sensations coming from all over his body is making him produce more testosterone which naturally results in more cum being spilled as he launches a few more jets in front of him. Both Cliff and Arliss are beyond boned as they both try to catch his spunk on their faces, laughing in the process. Since it is full of extra charged hormones, they are feeling it hit their own crotches, prompting more spillage. They look at each other and decide to strip down to just their thongs, which is not distracting Thomas at all. Arliss is grunting feeling a huge load building up in his ballsac while Cliff caresses his thickly-muscled hairy body with his hands and is dripping onto the floor through his thong. End of Part 5
  4. TheWeremuscleForest

    Growth Hormone Meta-Evolution (Part 5 & Finale)

    Don't forget to check out the previous part: Part Five: *Back to FutureTech Research* They pull up to the front gate as a security officer stands in front of them. Oakley flashes his badge and tells the officer that it is an emergency and that the doctor needs to pick up something before they go back to the precinct. The officer buys the information since he knows about the two giants now roaming the city. The gate flies open as the cruiser drives up to the front doors. Both Oakley and Banner jump out and rush inside. They get on the elevator and go up to the second floor. When the door opens, there is mass chaos everywhere as they slowly step over top of crushed lab equipment and tons of paper. Oakley is stunned. “Did the same shit happen here as well? *thinks about cuffing Banner again* Doctor I don’t know about this, this seems really fishy to me.” David puts his hands on Oakley’s face to get his attention. “Officer, you have to trust me. This was caused by a bad serum that my assistant developed a while ago. Our work can have consequences, but there are always at least one or two successes involved as well. *takes his hands off Oakley’s face* Now…..I hope that the key I need is still in the drawer I left it in.” He finds the drawer he is talking about along one of the wall cabinets and tries to open it. It is jammed and he can’t get it to budge. He looks at Oakley who reluctantly gets the point and yanks it open. The doctor rummages through several sets of keys and finds the one he is looking for. “Eureka! *holds it up* I purposefully puts all of these other keys in here to keep other people from finding the right one.” He leads Oakley over to an area of the room which looks uninteresting. Beneath one of the tattered rugs is a small square with a lock on it. He turns the key and opens it revealing a metal briefcase which he takes out quickly. He takes it back over to the cabinets he was at before and opens it. There are three vials of a purple liquid with three syringes as well. After looking it over for a minute or two, he closes it. “It is all here, we should get moving…..” Before they can leave the area, there is a rumbling outside the facility. Oakley and Banner walk over to where his assistant and his wife jumped out earlier and look out to see both Adrian and Skylar approaching the front part of the property. There are dozens of police cruisers and a few SWAT vehicles surrounding them. Banner turns to look at Oakley. “This briefcase has three vials that can reverse this process. I am confident that it will work because I have tested it before.” The officer looks at him puzzled. “How could you have tested this before? *thinks for a moment and is shocked* You mean, on another human? You have turned someone into one of these giants before and managed to reverse the process?” “Indeed, which is why so much of the serum was made. You have already done so much for me already Oakley so I will do the rest.” The officer grabs his arm and shakes his head no. “Are you kidding doctor? I am too invested in this now and yeah you are right. I do care about the city and what these monsters do to it. You give me one of those vials and I will take care of Officer Adrian.” Banner opens the briefcase again and hands a vial and syringe to Oakley. They both rush into the elevator and go back down to the main floor and out the front doors. At this point, the two behemoths have moved past the law enforcement teams and into the parking lot. They begin smashing cars left and right that were abandoned after the debacle that occurred there earlier in the day. Oakley and Banner position themselves in front of the giants and prep their syringes. They both seem ready for what is about to transpire. Giant Adrian and Giant Skylar barely notice that the two men below them are getting ready to jab needles into their big toes. As they get just a few feet away from the behemoths, Banner motions for Adrian to aim for the nailbed of Adrian’s big toe because it is softer than the rest of it. After a couple of seconds, they both quickly race to stab the giants with the needles and move out of the way in different directions. Unaware of what just happened, the two bloated hulks continue to move towards the research facility. Banner cringes because he doesn’t know if the serum will be fast enough to avoid his place of business from being destroyed so he can’t watch. Oakley runs over beside him and grabs David by the arm to let him know that he is there. As both Adrian and Skylar approach the windows on the main floor, they bash a few of them in as the reversion serum begins to take effect. Both men start to lose a bit of height and weight as they grab their heads and fall over. The teams of law enforcement and SWAT move in and capture both offenders before putting them in cuffs and carting them off to the trucks. Massey shows up with Doctor Gibbons who approaches both Oakley and Banner. The head officer salutes his fellow brother-in-blue and then shakes his hand while Gibbons talks to David. “Well that is a freaking relief Banner. I think we have had enough excitement for one day don’t you think? Now if you don’t mind, I think we need to get to the hospital so we can check up on a few people that we know.” Banner agrees and turns to talk to Oakley one more time as he finishes his conversation with Massey. “You did incredible work today Oakley. I think a promotion is in order don’t you think?” Massey salutes him again and turns to go over to the truck which is holding Adrian. He gets in the front and they drive off into the distance. Oakley knows that he should leave to go back to the precinct, but he tells some of the other officers that he will return later because he wants to escort Banner to the hospital. They get in his cruiser and drive off to the Bloodstone Willpower General Hospital where everyone that was hurt or killed was taken to. *Bloodstone Willpower General Hospital* Banner, Gibbons, and Oakley arrive and go up to the front desk to talk with the receptionist. Gibbons tells the other two that he will go find out where Amber and Brian Hennessy are at while he goes to see about Henry Holstein and his wife Bethany Rose. Oakley stays with him as he is led down a few corridors to where Henry is at. The medical assistant is thrilled to see his research partner and gives him a big hug as he lies in bed with a huge set of bandages on his leg. “I am glad to see you David. I wasn’t sure if you were still alive or not. I have been talking with a few of our coworkers and they said the facility managed to stay intact, barring a few broken windows and a huge amount of destruction on the second floor. It should be able to reopen in a couple of months I would think.” Banner introduces Oakley to him as they shake hands. They have a little bit of chitchat before Banner tells him that he needs to go and see Bethany’s body before they take her away. Henry says that she should be down in the morgue with Brian most likely. He was shocked to hear about his death, but the way the day turned out, he wasn’t all that surprised either. Oakley tells him that they need to go down as soon as possible because he knows how quickly they can process people. They say their goodbyes to Henry and venture into a nearby elevator to go down to the basement where the morgue would be located. When they get out, Gibbons is about five feet off to the side, sitting on one of the benches outside the doors into the morgue. He is a bit surprised by what he saw in the other room. “Unfortunately I have to warn you Banner, your wife is…..uhhhh…..looking a bit mangled. I had no idea that she would look like that to be honest. Brian however looks like he is asleep, with a few holes in his abdomen and an odd-looking spot on his shoulder of course. Amber is alive by the way. They managed to resuscitate her and she is in stable condition on the third floor. I don’t think she realizes though that she has lost her husband forever.” David and Oakley walk past him and into the morgue where the medical examiner is already cleaning up Brian’s body. He recognizes both men immediately and begins talking to them. “Hello there Dr. Banner and Officer Oakley, I assume you are here to see your wife doctor? *walks over to one of the doors and opens it before sliding out a tray with a body bag on it* There wasn’t much I could do with her, she was pretty messed up so I suggest that you don’t spend too much time looking at her.” As he unzips the bag, Banner immediately tears up and leans on Oakley’s chest, as the officer wraps his arms around the doctor’s back and is holding him. He then tells the ME to close it after a few seconds and to put her back in the cabinet again so he can go sit down and contemplate what happened to her. The officer takes him out of the room and over to an empty bench to sit him down. He sits beside him and rubs Banner’s shoulders. Gibbons is no longer down there and appears to have gone back upstairs. “I didn’t even have time to think about Beth’s death at all. Now that I see what she did to herself, it just makes me angry to think that I might have caused her to do something irrational.” Oakley’s demeanor with the doctor has gradually changed as the day has progressed. He knows that Banner needs to grieve for his dead wife, but he is also developing feelings for him. He flexes his 18” guns against the side of the doctor’s face just so he can get his attention which is working. David turns to look at him and can see that Oakley is giving him a certain look. Instead of being forceful, the officer leans over and slowly kisses Banner on the lips. The sensation from this makes the doctor shiver just a bit as he wasn’t expecting to like it that much. After spending a few minutes of lightly kissing each other, both Banner and Oakley get up to go back into the morgue to find out what to do next with Bethany and Brian’s corpses. Banner has never been completely against being with a man before. He once contemplated having an affair with Henry when they were developing their serums over the past few years. His relationship with Bethany Rose gradually fell apart over that time, especially after she took control of the company’s financial assets. He still loved her though despite their difficulties. Doctor Gibbons’s position with all of the parties involved has vastly changed with Brian Hennessy out of the way now. With his wife Amber now widowed, the door is now open for him to pursue her and gain her trust to help further his own causes. With Skylar Hamilton now finally in the custody of the law enforcement agencies, it is possible that a lot of dirt may end up out in the open about nearly everyone involved in the research and development of HGHX. The Hamilton Corporation will have a hard time trying to get past what the wild teenager has done to them over the past several months. Banner’s work will depend a lot on what Skylar has to say about Brian Hennessy and Doctor Banner’s wife Bethany Rose when he will be inevitably questioned by Massey and all of the other law enforcement agencies. He knew both of them well and could make up some crazy story to get himself out of all of this insanity. It is also possible that Doctor Gibbons will put a stop to this and make Skylar look like he is a spoiled brat that only inherited the company because his parents were too naïve to know better. Everything he does though has a price and he will definitely try to maximize whatever advantage he can get out of all of this. Banner has a new ally now and his name is Justin Oakley. If his superior, who turns out to be Marcus Massey, does indeed promote him to possibly being in a higher position such as detective or captain, he can bail Banner out of whatever predicament he ends up in. Henry Holstein may end up being a casualty in all of this since he was primarily responsible for what happened to Banner’s wife. It appears that the carnage is over for now, but who knows what the future will bring for everyone that is still alive and kicking. This is the end of the story. (For now at least!)
  5. TheWeremuscleForest

    Growth Hormone Meta-Humans (Part 4)

    To catch up on the first three parts, here they are: Metamorphosis: Metabolics: Metaphysics: Part Four: *FutureTech Research* Knowing full well that he is being chased by the person that used to be Bethany, a much more muscular and nimble Henry continues to knock down the walls in front of him to escape the giant transsexual hulk. He can hear her breaking down the door from the lab and is in total pursuit of him now. He is running out of square footage and is fully aware that he is going to have to jump out of one of the windows in front of him so he braces for impact. The 230-pound muscleman flies through the glass as it cascades down his body as he drops from the second floor and lands onto the pavement beneath him. The impact is very minor as he barely tears any skin from his huge arms and legs. He does scrape a bit of his 8-inch cock as he reaches down to rub it for a few seconds to make sure that it is still intact. He quickly gets up and takes off down the facility parking lot as he glances behind him every so often to see where the monstrous 325-pound behemoth is at. She jumps down from the broken window about fifteen seconds after he does. They both are gathering an audience as various other employees with the organization leave the building and start to gather around the entrance doors. The security officers located at the end of the parking lot are blocking the way out and are aiming their guns directly at Henry. He stops once he gets approximately five feet in front of them. “Please guys, don’t shoot me. I…..uhhhh…..FUCK…..I don’t have my ID with me……uhhhh…..I’m Henry Holstein, I work with Doctor David Banner on the second floor in research and development. You guys have to believe me when I say that the person chasing me back there *points* is trying to kill me. She…..I mean…..he used to be Bethany Rose, his wife.” The four men stare at each other in disbelief before turning back around to shake their heads no. One of them walks forward and shoots a bullet into Henry’s left quad. He falls to the ground as Bethany nearly cuts the distance in half. The other three men start shooting their guns at her as the one that shot Henry attempts to get him back up off the ground and scoots him over towards the guard tower. He shuts the door quickly behind him and locks it before helping Henry up the stairs to the top. He sits Henry down by a window and takes his jacket off. He then takes his shirt off and wraps it around Henry’s leg. He looks out the window and watches as the transsexual behemoth falls to the ground as the other three officers surround her. She is completely riddled with bullets and is clearly dead. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on man, but there is some seriously bad shit being done at this place. Whoever that person was is dead now.” Henry gets up and looks out to see that the officer is indeed correct. Sirens can be heard coming from every direction as the main gates open and medical vehicles pour in. Bethany’s body is placed on a gurney as Dr. Banner is seen running down the lot towards her. Henry hops down the stairs and out the tower to approach him. David can barely recognize Henry as he falls to the ground. “David, it’s me Henry. I…..can’t explain everything that has happened, but your wife took the HGHX serum that we were developing and it completely changed the way she looks. I took the other one and it turned me into a bodybuilder.” “Henry…..*weeps uncontrollably*…..she didn’t deserve to die. She cared about the research we were doing here, that is why she was funding it for us. Why in the world would she decide to use it on herself?” Henry slowly gets down on the ground to speak with David directly. “David…..I don’t think you know everything about Beth. She was conspiring with someone else in the company, I am positive. She thought you were nothing but a stooge doing the dirty work for the organization. She was trying to make me take that serum that she ended up taking herself. It ended up turning her into a freak of nature.” David punches Henry in the gut and gets back up from the ground. He is getting quite angry with what Henry is suggesting to him. “FUCK YOU HENRY! There is no fucking way that she would betray me like that. She has rarely even gotten into a fight with me, let alone…..” Banner pauses for a few moments before looking down at Henry who is now being attended to by a medical professional. He has a revelation that Bethany has in fact been quite distracted lately by something. He is starting to calm down as Henry is helped up to his feet and led over to an ambulance. David follows him over to where he is being put on a stretcher for medical treatment. The EMT loads him into the vehicle. Dr. Banner hops in for a few moments to talk to him. “Okay Henry, I will entertain your idea that something is going on. Who is this other person that you think she is working with?” The medical personnel are trying to wave Banner out of the vehicle, but he keeps putting his arm out to tell them no. Henry leans in and whispers a name to him which surprises David. He gets out of the ambulance and the vehicle is closed. It goes barreling down the highway to the nearest hospital as Banner walks over to his dead wife as they place her body in a bag. He barely even recognizes her, but knows it is her because half of her wedding band is still attached to her enlarged ring finger. He lets the medical personnel know that he will meet them later on at the morgue, but for now he has other things to attend to. They load her up and take off down the other direction down the highway. David is now racing over to his car to get in and drive over to Hamilton Tower. *Hamilton Tower Press Conference* Amber aims the gun directly at her husband Brian and attempts to shoot him directly into his heart. The bullet leaves the chamber just as Skylar jumps down from the podium platform and escapes through a back side door. The other attendees are now running through the front doors of the conference room to escape the carnage. Brian is hit in his shoulder instead as he grimaces feeling the bullet struggle to even penetrate his body. Amber manages to get another shot off before Brian tackles her to the ground as her purse goes flying into the air and hits the floor. He is now yelling in pain as he lies on top of her bleeding from his side. His immense size is too much for her as she lies there unable to breathe. She is gasping for air as a man walks up beside the pair and pushes Brian off of her. The huge hulk is now bleeding from his gut as a huge river of blood pools beside both of them. Amber clutches her throat as the man picks her up and takes her out the conference center and into the main lobby. The police have started to enter the building from various side doors and go rushing into the conference center. The man glances back and sees several of them surround Brian as he lies on the ground motionless. It appears that Amber’s second bullet has dealt him a fatal blow as one of the officers is calling for a medical examiner to come in on his walkie. The man runs up to a receptionist and tells her that he needs a medical professional immediately. As he turns around from the desk, he is met by Dr. Banner. The doctor is in complete shock as to what is transpiring and recognizes the man and whom he is holding. Amber is no longer conscious. “Gibbons? What the fuck is going on today? I need answers right now.” The two doctors have been working on separate experiments trying to perfect the same type of gene, but both are not aware of where each other’s work has progressed. An EMT intervenes for a few moments to take Amber away from Albert and places here on a stretcher as they rush her out of the building and into an ambulance to resuscitate her. As the two men stare each other down, the medical examiner runs into the conference center and declares Brian dead as they place his lifeless body on another gurney. As he is wheeled out of the room, they both walk over to stop the medical personnel so they can look the body over. The ME is not pleased, but is met with credentials from both doctors. Banner tears Brian’s dress shirt open to look over his wounds and examines the rest of his immense frame. He is fairly sure that he recognizes the man. “I know who this is Gibbons. This is Brian Hennessy, he has a scar that stretches from below his left pec and into his abdominal wall. *notices how stretched the scar is* He obviously used a serum as well on himself or somebody supplied it to him. Does this have something to do with you?” Gibbons is shocked that this man is Brian and not someone named Mason Ducati. “David I had no idea that this man was Brian Hennessy. He first spoke to me on the phone a couple of days ago and told me that Brian was indisposed and that he was his primary donor Mason Ducati. If you don’t believe me, then check out his credentials.” They notice that his conference badge is still on him so they both look it over. It lists Brian Hennessy as his primary name, but in small letters, it has Mason Ducati directly underneath it as his sponsor. Both doctors are puzzled by this and wonder what the hell is going on. “Gibbons, I have a feeling that there is more to this story than we realize.” Albert walks back through the conference room where Brian died with Dr. Banner following closely behind. They stop and turn to look to their right as they can see a shadow in from behind the stage where the ruckus started. They both walk through the doorway that is open and turn the corner to see Skylar Hamilton breathing quite heavily with sweat pouring down his face and neck. His heaving pecs are entirely visible from within his shirt. The two doctors look at each other and are getting quite angry as David starts speaking to him. “Henry was right. You are behind this whole debacle. Congratulations Skylar, you have successfully murdered at least two people so far because you just couldn’t wait until you were in complete control of everything so you could do extreme experiments on not only yourself, but others as well.” Skylar’s breathing is labored but he manages to get a few chuckles in once in a while. He pulls a vial of the HGHX serum out of his pants and shows it to both Banner and Gibbons. “Good evening……doctors. For your……information…..Brian’s death…..was a complete…..accident. I had no…..idea that Amber…..was going to confront…..him. He was going…..to leave that bitch anyway. *pulls a syringe out and plops the plastic lid off to plunge it into the vial* I was going…..to use this on both…..of us, but I guess…..I will have to use it all myself.” David rushes over to stop Skylar from continuing to fill the syringe as they begin to tussle. Gibbons moves over beside both of them to try and kick the serum away, but Skylar is too strong for both of them as he knocks Albert out as he falls down on the ground and flips David over to hold him down. Officers come rushing around the corner and point their guns at the three men. One of them tells Skylar to get up onto his feet again and to put his hands up. The extremely muscular teenager smiles at the officer as he stands back up. He then walks toward the officer and attempts to grab his weapon. The man shoots him in his chest, but the bullet barely penetrates him as it falls to the ground. Banner scoots over to Gibbons and notices that he is unconscious so he checks his pulse. He fortunately has one, but it is weak. The two officers watching them look at David and tell him to stop moving as they walk over to apprehend them. One of them calls for an EMT to come back there to pick Albert up as David is cuffed by the other one. He is led to his feet and carted out of the area to the front of the building. Gibbons is placed on a stretcher as he is also carted out to the same area as one of the officers stays behind to deal with Skylar. Both men are pretty well-built and are more than willing to use some of their training skills if need be. The teenager is still a bit winded from earlier, but spots the syringe with the serum close by. The officer that stayed behind that isn’t dealing with Skylar directly finds it and picks it up to examine it. “Is this that stuff your company is making Mr. Hamilton?” Skylar is tempted to lunge towards the man, but he knows that the other one will probably shoot him several times just to make him stop moving so he doesn’t. “What do you think it is officer? Why don’t you inject it? It might be worth it to find out, don’t you think?” He looks at Skylar with a puzzled look and then gives the other officer a slight glance before plunging the needle into his right arm as he squeezes the solution into himself. His beefy frame is unlike any other body type that the serum has been used on, which is why Skylar is so open to seeing what it does to this man. The one aiming a gun at the thick teenager is now very concerned for his partner’s safety. “Why the fuck did you do that Adrian? Do you know what this motherfucker does for a living? *grabs Skylar by the arm and cuffs him* Come on you piece of shit, time to join the other two outside.” Skylar is slowly carted out of the area but peers behind him to see what the officer is doing. It is obvious that this man is in a bit of discomfort as he throws the syringe across the room and breaks it. He stumbles slowly behind both of them and is sweating profusely. The officer with Skylar stops midway through the conference room to turn around and look at him. Skylar chuckles a few times to himself which prompts the officer to punch him in the face. He grimaces as he falls back a bit, but remains standing. Officer Adrian is now leaning over and his back is arched as strange sounds are coming from within his body. “Adrian? Why in the hell did you think that was a good idea?” The officer is no longer in anguish as he is now back up to being level with his law enforcement partner and is pushing his chest out in front of him. His pecs are now trying to tear through his uniform as his legs begin stretching the fabric of his pants. Skylar is absolutely giddy at what is transpiring and is now taunting the other officer. “You are going to be in for quite the surprise officer. He is going to do for me what no one else would. You better get out of here because I am not about to go to prison.” The concerned officer gets the hint as he goes rushing out of the room. Skylar gets down on his knees in front of Adrian as the police officer’s pants shred revealing his sweaty jock. The excited teenager begins to massage the man’s ballsac which is expanding out the sides. His cock is about to snap the jock off as Skylar opens his mouth to catch the veiny rod in his mouth. He sucks vigorously as Adrian’s entire lower half breaks free and continues to grow. His arms and chest make quick work of his shirt and uniform as the man completely embraces the changes that are going on from within his body. The other officer makes his way outside and notices that Dr. Banner is sitting in one of the cruisers with the officer that apprehended him. Gibbons is in an adjacent vehicle as well by himself. He gets between them to tell them what is going on. “Would you two fucking tell me what the hell is going on at this place? I have an officer in there that decided to go rogue on me because he somehow got mesmerized by that man that you guys confronted earlier. *hears a LOT of destruction going on inside the building* What the fuck? *he looks around the corner inside and sees two gigantic musclemen moving towards the entrance* Oh my gawd, we have to get the hell out of here.” The officer jumps into the cruiser with Gibbons and tells the officer in the one with Banner to get to the precinct as quickly as possible. Both the giant officer and giant Skylar burst through the front entrance about thirty seconds after the two cruisers take off down the road. Banner leans in to the front to tell the officer something. “Hey, take me to FutureTech Research instead. I might know a way to stop all of this destruction if you will help me out.” The officer seems very reluctant to listen to him. “You know I can’t do that Dr. Banner. If Massey found out I did this, I would be done.” Banner interjects. “And does Massey want two musclebound giants destroying his city? I think not. Take me to FutureTech Research and get me out of these cuffs so I can go and fix this.” The officer stops the cruiser at an intersection as Massey and Gibbons drudge ahead towards the precinct. He turns to look at Banner and sighs. His soft blue eyes look into Banner’s brown ones as he shakes his head. “Alright doctor, where is this research facility? *uncuffs Banner* I hope I am doing the right thing because I am risking everything to help you.” “Trust me officer, you won’t regret it. What is your name anyway so I can remember it for when I document everything?” “It is Oakley. Justin Oakley, but we go by our last names at the precinct. Give me the coordinates to the facility doctor.” Banner gives him the directions as they go barreling down several side streets towards the facility. End of Part Four
  6. You can check out the previous case here: Case A, Part 1: Case A, Part 2: Case B: “Can we please move this along a little bit faster; I have places I need to get to.” “Dude, you have to wait just like everyone else does, alright?” The extremely muscular receptionist at the front desk, Armand, has been listening to this 41-year-old overweight man for several minutes now as he continues to complain about the waiting time. “Dr. Darkori will be out soon, he has a huge backlog of people he needs to see. He sometimes has to spend more time with some clients because of their complex issues.” The side door leading into the exam rooms opens as two very well-muscled men emerge holding hands. One of them appears to be sporting a giant volleyball in their stomach as well. The other one hands Armand a clipboard as they wave goodbye to him and head out the front door. He smiles and waves back at them as he asks the overweight man what his name is. “Alright dude, you are probably next. What is your name again?” “Henry Davis. I was referred to Dr. Darkori by Dr. Aberdeen about a fertility problem I am having.” Armand shakes his head yes. “Yeah I talked to Aberdeen the other day. He said he was sending someone here that had an issue with their penis. The doctor will be out shortly to meet with you. I do have a warning for you though. He looks a bit different than everyone else you might see.” Henry looks at him puzzled. “What do you mean ‘different’?” Armand chuckles a few times. “Oh you will see what I am talking about when he comes out here.” After a couple of minutes, a red-skinned man in a white lab coat walks out and leans on the receptionist’s desk. Armand hands him a clipboard and he skims it over quickly. “Whew, this has been a busy day so far Armand. *looks over the file* Mr. Davis is it? Follow me then and we will have a consultation.” Henry follows behind the doctor into an exam room that looks almost like any other you would see in a doctor’s office. The doctor takes a seat at a small table with a laptop on it and starts to enter a few entries into the computer. He motions for Henry to go ahead and sit on the exam table. After a couple of minutes of documentation, the doctor turns to look over at the overweight man. “Okay Henry, it appears you have been referred to me because of an issue with your penis. My name by the way is Seth Darkori in case you were wondering. Just call me Seth if you want to, I don’t mind at all. Now, tell me more about what your problem is and I will determine how to proceed.” Henry looks at him in disbelief as he scans the doctor’s red body and muscular frame. He might even be slightly attracted to him. “Uhhh…..well can I ask you a personal question first? Why are you…..ummmm…..well…..why is your skin red?” Seth laughs for a few seconds before he speaks again. “Don’t worry Mr. Davis, I get this question every other time someone new comes here. I was born this way actually. It is in my genetics. I function the same way you do so there is no need for you to focus so much on it. Now tell me more about why your penis is in need of being examined.” The man sighs a little before he continues his explanation. “Well, I have a very tiny penis. It is affecting my social life greatly and I am getting tired of feeling bad about it. I’m not sure what can be done about it, but my primary doctor thinks you can help me somehow.” Seth smiles as he gets up from his chair to walk over to Henry. He then remembers to put some gloves on before he proceeds. “Sorry, I’m used to my assistant Brodie being here. He took the day off to be with his partner so I have to do everything. Let me take your blood pressure and whatnot before I take a look down there.” The doctor performs the collection of vitals like blood pressure, body temperature, heartbeat count, and even checking for lumps on the man’s body. He then motions for Henry to stand up. “Okay, I am going to need you to take your pants and underwear off for me so I can assess your condition.” Henry seems embarrassed but understands that he needs to do this. He sheds his dress pants and puts them on the floor before pulling down his boxers very slowly. His erect 3-inch penis and tiny ballsac are nearly hidden underneath the fat he has accumulated over the years. The doctor looks at them calmly as he reaches down to touch and rub on the small pole. “Hmm, yeah it is pretty small. What surprises me the most Henry is that your balls are actually quite underdeveloped. They should be much bigger than this. You should have healthy vascularity in both your testicles and your penis and I don’t really see that. I do have a procedure that I can perform on you though. Lay back on the table for me please while I go over and find the right instrument to administer the medication to you.” Henry lies back down on the table as the doctor goes over to his cabinetry and opens up one of the drawers. The overweight man can’t help but to watch him and sees the doctor pulling out a few metal rods on the counter. After taking three of them out, Seth walks back over to press them up against the man’s hard cock until he finds the right size for it. He makes a few ‘uh huhs’ before walking back over to put the other two back in the drawer. He closes it and opens a cabinet above him to pull out a bottle with a bunch of capsules inside. The bottle itself is labeled ‘enlargement’. He takes the rod, puts it inside the bottle, and slides one of the capsules into one end of the rod before putting the bottle back inside the cabinet again. He grabs a bottle of lube and walks back over beside Henry to grab an instrumentation table which has wheels on it. The tray on the table is already prepped for use so Seth can put his instrument and the bottle of lube on it. He stands very closely by Henry’s side. “Okay Mr. Davis. I am going to be performing a procedure on you that will cure your penis problem. You will be feeling a lot of pressure when I insert the instrument into your urethra. After a couple of minutes, you might start to enjoy it in all actuality. I have had patients tell me that it is quite relaxing. I am confident that this will be successful so don’t worry about it too much.” The doctor squeezes some lube on to his gloves and then rubs it all over the metal rod. He then finds Henry’s cock again and strokes it a few times to get it hard once more. The concerned overweight man can barely watch as Seth parts the cockhead’s slit and slowly slides the rod down inside his cum canal. Henry groans feeling the rod rubbing up against the walls inside his shaft as it continues to slide down even further. It finally stops at the base as the doctor looks at his patient’s face and sees that he is in a bit of discomfort. “Don’t worry Henry. The hardest part of the procedure is about to pass. I am going to release the capsule at the end of the rod and will pull the rod out slowly so it doesn’t irritate the inner lining of your shaft. You will feel a very strong numbing sensation passing through your entire penis and into your ball sac. It should not take more than a few minutes for the procedure to be completely done. *puts a finger up in the air* Ohh and another thing…..*pauses for a few seconds and then smiles*……there might other benefits to this procedure as well. I haven’t tested your blood or your metabolic system, but you may lose some weight as well depending on how your body reacts to the capsule. That will happen simultaneously with whatever occurs with your penis. Just stay calm for me for another minute or so while the capsule dissolves inside your shaft.” Henry’s cock throbs while the doctor holds the metal rod in place. He feels the capsule begin to break open as he releases it by pressing on a knob on the top of the instrument. He slowly slides it up and out of the man’s urethra and sits his cock off to the side towards one of Henry’s legs where it continues to lightly bounce. The red-skinned doctor then places the rod on the tray and moves it over to where it was before he decided to use it. It is quite obvious that the pill is already starting to work because Henry has a puzzled look on his face. “Oh gawd! Yeah Dr. Darkori, I can’t feel my dick…..this doesn’t feel right. *the numbness moves into his testicles* Ack! What is happening to me?” The man’s cock pulsates as a couple of light pops come from within the base. It turns a bright red as the veins in his shaft start swelling as it begins to lengthen as well. At the same time, his testicles are swelling as his sack expands to prepare for their new size. Henry feels his testosterone levels rising too. He is sweating profusely as reaches down to rub his chest with his hands and lightly moans to himself. The doctor examines his cock as it rises from Henry’s leg and into the air as it continues to lengthen as it then reaches for his stomach. It is now over 6” long as new blood vessels start growing from out of nowhere. His testicles are looking like normal-sized ones now as they continue to swell. The numbness is now resigned to just the inner part of his cock’s base as his shaft resumes its metamorphosis. Seth grins knowing that the procedure is working according to plan as he sees the man’s stomach starting to shrink as well as his shirt moves closer down to his chest. Henry’s cock slides up along the bottom half of the shirt as a couple of very bloated veins are now wrapping around the shaft as it surpasses 9” and continues to snakes its way up towards his ribcage. He moans deeply as he reaches up to pinch his nipples which are fully erect now. His testicles are nearly as big as golf balls as they fill in the remaining space inside his sac. Dr. Darkori runs his fingers along the slick wet shaft feeling its raging power in his hands as it continues to expand and lengthen. “Things appear to be going quite well Henry. *notices how his patient’s body is getting more defined* It appears that the capsule is tapping into your metabolism as well. Your body fat has decreased in half already.” Seth reaches down to feel how firm Henry’s legs are now before returning his hands back up to Henry’s huge shaft. He strokes it a couple of times making the much leaner patient grunt loudly as the doctor squeezes his huge cockhead causing a river of precum to flow into one of his gloved hands. The man’s cock has now reached his well-defined pecs which are now pasted to his soaked shirt. The doctor runs his precum laden glove along Henry’s lips before sitting him up on the table so that his immense cock can now touch his mouth. “I do believe your penis is in need of some attention Henry. Open your mouth so it can find its way inside.” At this point, Henry’s testicles have grown to the point that they resemble baseballs as they stretch his sac to its limits and his cock is beyond a foot long as he slowly leans his head down onto it massaging the cockhead with his tongue and lips moaning deeply as he tastes the sticky precum flowing down into his throat. His body has now gotten down to less than 10% fat as his muscles are completely visible in his shirt. He moves further down on his shaft and picks up speed on it as it swells and his ballsac contracts. His voice strains as the sensation is nearly too much for him to bear as he feels his cock getting ready to blast his insides. As the river of cum rushes into his 15” rod and down into his stomach, the doctor watches Henry’s body hemorrhage as his muscles start exploding in size. He moans deeply as he continues to massage his huge pole with his mouth as the white flood starts to roll out of his mouth and down the sides of the powerful rod. With his body still arched downward, he tries to stay in rhythm as his abs, obliques, and lower back muscles double up on each other. He comes up for air after swallowing a few gulps of cum to take a few deep breaths as his pecs and upper back blast through his shirt as it cascades to the ground beside the doctor. He is now reveling in his transformation. “YES! MORE…..I WANT MORE! I haven’t felt this alive in my entire life. Feed me more oh great penis!” He goes back to worshipping his cock as it dumps more cum inside his body. His voice is noticeably deeper as well now as his facial muscles look much fuller than before and the hair on the top of his head is growing much thicker. He is developing a very thick brown bushy beard with a few grey strands in between every few hairs. Seth continues to squeeze the massive pole as Henry’s softball-sized nads react to the stimulation. Both of the growing man’s legs are inflating into huge hairy redwood-sized tree trunks which coincide with the huge heart-shaped diamonds that are taking over the lower half of his body. His shoes explode under the sheer power of his fat toes and 18” feet. The doctor seems to be quite taken with Henry’s metamorphosis now. He pulls his patient’s 16” member out of his mouth to lean in to run his own tongue all over the massive cockhead which continues to spurt thick globs of cum. He makes a few ‘mmmm’ sounds before he looks into Henry’s eyes to tell him something. “It tastes quite good Henry. *feels a quick rush of energy passing through him* I think I am…..*his back and chest muscles immediately tear through his lab coat* OHH GAWD YES! This is going to be quite fierce.” The doctor flexes his guns and pushes his chest out to destroy whatever fabric is left on the top of his coat. His legs and cock emerge shortly after that as the red behemoth grunts a few times before hopping on to the table and positioning himself just above Henry’s gargantuan pole. It immediately starts to slide itself into the big doctor’s hole which stuns the patient. Somehow, Seth’s body is molding itself to his cock as it continues to slide further inside. Seth smiles at Henry before bouncing up and down on him. The huge muscular top moans loudly as his cock and balls continue to produce more and more cum as it floods the doctor’s system in waves. “YES! This feels so good Henry. I can feel myself…..*loud stretching noises are ringing from all over his body* MMMMMM…..your cock is an amazing muscle builder Mr. Davis.” Seth is growing again as he feels his legs and ass spilling over the sides of Henry’s waist. He bends over to bury his growing tits in his patient’s face as his nipples start leaking fluid down the muscleman’s big chest. The horny top munches on them tasting the sweet liquid coming from them as the doctor’s dick manages to find Henry’s mouth from in between his huge red mountains. Henry sucks on his cock vigorously tasting the thick precum as he takes turns on Seth’s bloated pecs and his raging 20” cock. The exam table crumbles beneath them as they continue to keep pace with each other. After a few minutes of toying with the doctor’s mammoth cockhead, he is rewarded with a thick white flood which places Henry in a comatose state. It is the tastiest liquid he has ever consumed but it is also too much for his mind to handle as he lies there motionless. “OH DAMN! I’m sorry about that Mr. Davis. I got so ravaged by my lust that I forgot that my cum causes a euphoria in humans. I think we need to stop now anyway since it is obvious that this was a rousing success. Unfortunately, I will have to give you a partial antidote to this because you can’t leave here looking like this.” The doctor slowly slides up and off his dazed client as he waddles over to the cabinets again where he realizes that his hands are too big to open the cabinetry. He breaks the cabinet door open to retrieve a long needle with a huge bottle of liquid. He quickly jabs the syringe into the bottle and collects part of the specimen before plunging the needle into his bulging 28” right gun. He finds another long needle and collects more of the specimen into that one before walking back over to his patient’s side and gets down on the ground again. He is already starting to shrink as he plunges the needle into Henry’s huge 25” left bicep. “This is a fast-acting agent in case you didn’t notice already. Don’t worry your penis and ballsac will still retain a very healthy size after you scale down a bit.” After just thirty seconds of the serum being in his system, Henry shrinks down to about half the size he was before. His cock slowly shrinks down a few inches, but then stops at around the 10-11” mark while his balls stop somewhere between golf ball and baseball size. The doctor examines them closely before sucking on Henry’s cock a few times to make it rise again. He smiles as he continues to jerk him until a few more ropes of cum come spilling out his cockhead. “Everything looks perfect now Henry. I have done all I can do for you at this point in time. Now if you will, please go wash up in the bathroom over here *points to the other side of the room* while I clean up some of the mess we made.” He helps Henry up and leads him over to the bathroom where the lean muscular man begins to shower. The rubble they left is pushed into a corner on the other side of the room as the doctor finds a clean shirt and a pair of pants for him to wear when he leaves. He remembers that Henry was wearing boxers as well as he finds them sitting on the table he was doing some of his research on. He picks them up and hands them in to Henry who gasps loudly when he puts them on. He quickly rushes out into the exam room and points down at his huge bulge. “OH MY GAWD! It is so huge I can barely wear these now. This is awesome! Thank you so much Dr. Darkori.” The doctor grins and hands Henry the shirt and pants he got for him and tells him to put them on. They fit almost perfectly as his new incredibly well-toned muscular body fills in every square inch underneath the fabric. Seth finds Henry’s old pants and hands them to him. “I don’t think you will be needing those anymore Mr. Davis. Your legs might fit fine inside the pants, but your waistline is probably half the size it was when you walked in here. These are just a reminder of who you were before. Okay, I think my work here is done. *hands him a clipboard after he signs his name on the dotted line* Take this to the man at the front desk and you can go ahead and leave. Call me when you need to come back for anything else. *waves goodbye*” Henry waves back and smiles as he goes out the exam room door and down the hallway. Seth rushes into the bathroom shortly after to take a shower himself. He remembers that he needs to find another lab coat in the closet and puts it on first to make sure that he can fit in it. After cleaning up, he secures it firmly so that his junk doesn’t fall out by accident. It is time for him to meet his next client and leaves the exam room to go back out to the main lobby.
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