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Hi all. Been offline for WAY too long now.

I hopefully have a bit of spare time again, so I’ve revisited some of the characters and continuing Vaccinated.  (And, yes, I have other stories on the go - haven't forgotten.)

If you haven’t read it, you’ll almost certainly get more out of this one if you read that one first. A refresher might be helpful too, as there will probably be lots of callbacks and interwoven story lines.

Obviously heavy spoilers here if you haven’t yet read the first one.

Consider this a continuation following on immediately from the events in the first story, before the Epilogue. Events here may or may not progress matters to the same point in that Epilogue - so a sort of alternate history.

Hope you enjoy.

As before, I only have a vague outline of a story - I’m making the rest of it up as I go along, so fair warning, the story could include almost anything. If you’re easily offended or triggered, then maybe avoid this one.

I welcome any feedback and will work in any suggestions you might have as it goes along. Delivery will likely be a fair bit slower than in the past, but I’ll try my best to keep chapters coming in on the regular.



Jake’s timing was exquisite; perfection.

He could feel the crescendo, the approaching tsunami about to break, and he wasn’t about to miss the opportunity to experience the pleasure his partner’s ejaculation was about to unleash on his dick. Undulating, peristaltic waves of muscular contractions milking his shaft, coaxing the breeding load from deep within his heaving, roiling balls.

Jake’s cock fully plugged the tunnel, his cock’s sensitivity heightened by the tight embrace along the entire shaft from tip to pubic bone. He pulled back slowly, deliberately, the head of his massive cock raking against the tunnel’s walls, tweaking the prostate, eliciting a deep, resonant growl in his partner that vibrated throughout his entire body, increasing the sensations and bringing the coming flood to the brink.

He stopped as the head reached the opening, enjoying the feeling of the ring of muscle quivering against his fraenulum, his partner’s growl increasing. Jake’s heavy, pendulous balls seethed, ready to unleash their prodigious load.

Squatting slightly, he adjusted the angle of his cock so the head would smash his partner’s prostate as he rammed in all fourteen inches down to the pubic bone. The separate muscles of his massive quads stood out in stark relief, vascularity pulsating and engorged, the massive root running along his inner thigh branching out to feed power to every muscle.

He flexed his cock, watching, enraptured, as it swelled even bigger, became even harder, the veins flooding it with blood, steeling the shaft and sending bolts of exquisite pleasure spreading throughout his godly body.

Jake’s core tightened, the globes of his perfect arse contracting and squeezing as he slammed his cock in as far as it would go, and then further. As he smashed past the prostate, the tsunami was triggered. It was Jake’s turn to groan, as his partner’s orgasm and ejaculation began, massive waves spreading up his shaft, tingling, more bolts of electric pleasure sending him wild.

As Jake slammed in as far as it would go, his balls slapped into his partner’s arse, his orgasm contracting and pulsating muscles throughout his pelvic floor. The hole clamped shut around the base of Jake’s shaft, a natural cock ring further swelling and hardening the already diamond-hard cock. As it swelled, his massive cock pushed harder against the walls of the tunnel, increasing the strength of the muscular contractions as it struggled to contain and eject the monster invading its depths.

Jake’s eyes rolled back as his partner’s cock pumped out splashes of thick, creamy cum. As the first few arcs of cum splattered against his partner’s pecs and abs, a large glob settling in his thick, dark beard, Jake allowed himself to ejaculate, his own muscular contractions mingling with those of his partner, heightening their ecstasy. Jake’s balls, so eager to unleash their load, rose up, and his cock somehow swelled and hardened even more as his ejaculation began. The pressure exerted along the length of his cock, and especially by the ring of muscles clamped around the base of his shaft made it more difficult for his cum to make it through all fourteen inches, causing high pressure spurting jets of cum to spray deep within, the massive load contained by the swollen head plugging the tunnel.

Even as they both continued ejaculating, Jake leaned in for a deep, passionate kiss, the taste of cum on his lips adding to his explosive wave of orgasms.


“Get out,” Jake said, as he stood up and went to shower.

“Fuck, mate,” he breathed heavily, still recovering from the orgasm, “you were mind blowi–”

“I said, get out.” He didn’t even turn back.

“Can I at least get your number? I don’t even know your name…” He trailed off, distracted by the incredible view of Jake’s naked body walking to the en suite. The X shape, his glorious arse cheeks, sitting atop massive ham-hock hamstrings, the sweep of his quads visible even from behind, his back muscles mounding and rippling as he walked, roadmap veins - everywhere he looked, splendour upon perfection.

Jake ignored him. The cumrag, having served his purpose, already forgotten.

Despite his swelling dick - how could you not get hard at that view, he thought? - he hurriedly dressed, the cum covering his abs and chest already drying, sticking to his shirt, and left.


Brad, Amber and HE were sitting in Brad’s living room, regrouping and discussing the recent events and the fallout.

“Can you still sense him?” Amber asked. They all knew which 'him' she was referring to.

“Yes…” He hesitated, “…he’s having sex.” It was a very odd sensation, having his best friend’s subconscious as a stream in part of his brain.

Despite everything, Amber and HE both blushed. Amber, in particular, was still trying to process her feelings about Jake. She could not let go of the fact that they meshed perfectly, their sex on a level she had never, and almost certainly would never, experience again.

But, equally, she could not forget his treatment of her. His callous disregard, the violence against her without so much as a second thought. Yes, he was under the effects of the vaccine, but was that merely amplifying an existing tendency? She did not know, and the conflict was gnawing at her.

What made it worse, she could never discuss it with him. Jake could not - must not! - ever know or be reminded of his rampage. They all feared if he learned what they did – what he did – that he would try to regain his abilities, and his reign of terror would resume.

She nuzzled into Brad’s strong, comforting embrace, his Herculean arm around her. He was no Jake, it was true, but he was kind and loving, the sex was fantastic (though, of course, not the perfection she had with Jake), and his body was phenomenal. And, yet, she still could not shake the thought and feelings - he was no Jake.


As Jake’s orgasm erupted in a corner of Brad’s brain, his own dick chubbed, and his mind wandered, lustful thoughts – of tits, of arse, of legs for days, of vascularity and muscle – flooded his brain, like cumshots pumping hot man cream, flooding holes.

Amber nuzzled into him, the feel of her pert, luscious tits pressing into him causing lustful fire to tingle through him, making a beeline for his cock. He smiled. Not for the first time he silently thanked Jake, his best friend and, in many ways, his saviour. If Jake had not convinced him to break his vow of celibacy, he would not have met Amber. Not since Angelina had he felt such feelings for a woman. Amber would never replace Angelina - nobody ever could - but Amber was a mighty fine substitute.

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He dialled, “Yeah, you would not believe what I just heard.”

“About the gym? What?” He was surprised to hear a robotic, monotone voice responding instead of the usual one. At least it wasn’t as unnatural as Stephen Hawking’s voice was, he thought, technology has improved by leaps and bounds.

“It’s gotta be some new roid, or a new stack, or something. What they’re reporting is, frankly, miraculous. Smashing PBs, cutting while bulking… and no cycling.”

“Bullshit,” the computer made the curse seem flat, emotionless. He was certainly no expert, but he knew enough to know what he was being told was impossible.

“Yeah, sounds like BS to me too, but it’s coming from a couple of different guys.”

“You need to find out more, everything you can. I want to know what they’re supplying, where they’re getting it from, everything.”

“I’ll try, but you know how tight-lipped some can be about roids and pinning. Many won’t even admit that they’re on the gear.”

“Listen, mate, I’m not paying you to try, I expect you to deliver.”

“I’ll let you know. Bye.”


It was the day after they’d defeated Jake and cleared most memories of the events leading up to it. Only the three of them still had a full memory of events, some like Stella at the front desk still had her memories, but they told her a member had broken a bone to explain away the screams. Stella seemed dubious, but she shrugged it off and said nothing.

Brad’s dick continued to harden as Jake's orgasm subsided, Amber’s breasts pressing into him did not help matters. He groaned, a deep, gravelly sound that reverberated around the room.

Amber feigned shock, “Are you HARD?”

Brad looked sheepish, “He just orgasmed, and your tits…”

A playful glint entered her eyes. She moved to straddle him, using her perfect arse to grind against his erection.

“Nnnggghhhh.” He tried, a Herculean effort in the circumstances, “Come on, Amber, we need to discu–” He groaned again as she squeezed her cheeks around his steel-hard cock, bouncing slightly, his lust welling up.

She was still insatiable. Her libido had always made her horny, but since the nightclub, she could not be satisfied.

She leaned in to Brad’s ear, her tits pressing up and flattening against his granite chest, and whispered something in his ear.

HIS own erection was growing, throbbing slightly with HIS heartbeat, getting turned on by the show. HE did not hear what Amber whispered to Brad, but whatever it was, it caused him to groan and let out a soft ‘fuuuuuck’.

Amber turned her head, her coquettish look giving HIM the come hither. Cum, HE would, just hopefully not too soon.


They made an odd pair, really. Jason, a fat, unfit, pushing-middle-aged, lazy couch potato, and Ben, a young, amateur athlete who enjoyed working out and keeping fit.  They met at work when Ben was a new recruit at the engineering firm Jason worked at and Jason was assigned as his mentor.

Over time, the pair became friendly. Not ‘friends’ exactly - Jason didn’t have any friends - they had next to nothing in common, but Jason enjoyed Ben’s stories. He especially enjoyed stories of Ben’s conquests - living vicariously is all he really had these days, the sex in his own loveless marriage was infrequent, perfunctory and boring - and Ben liked having someone enthralled and hanging on his every word.

Ben was attractive, which didn’t hurt things any. Twenty-two, taller than Jason by a few inches, he had the lean, graceful body of a swimmer; a swimmer that was bulking up. Ben swam competitively through his teens, only recently retiring and discovering bodybuilding, which he took to like a duck to water. His years of swimming had built up his lung capacity and cardiovascular fitness, which helped him immensely in the gym. He could push himself harder and longer before failure, causing more trauma to the muscles, forcing them to grow.

“You know, my brother owns a gym,” Jason said to Ben shortly after they’d met, when Ben mentioned that he enjoyed working out. It was a tenuous thread that they had in common, but it was something.

“That would be awesome, he must pick up all the time.”

“He does. And he’s so proud of it, too.” Jason could not hide the venom from his voice, venom stemming from envy and jealousy. There really was no love lost between the brothers, and from then on Ben only ever heard Jason’s twisted take on things.

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Season 3 Drinking GIF by The Simpsons

Im seated waiting tio read what new adventures will come to the life of this many characters.

Im already invested and surprised at the same time. Is Jason gonna be a main charatcer? will we read a redemption arc for him or is ot too late to ammend things between His son, Jake and him.. Will he finally admit that he likes muscles ?.... Amber, Brand and of course or loveable HIM are taking care of Jake but they cant be onto him all the time they all have their lives altho they intertwined they have to eventually move on and HIM got that job far away, right?.... Jake is still an Alpha, They managed to supress whatever was making him unstable but he  got the changes he'd made teh increase test, the tweaking of his hormone lvls so he wil grow fast. Its gonna be an exciting ride....


Like i said. Im already invested.

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Jake stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel. He slowly towelled himself off, revelling in his body, his power as he went.

Every inch of his body was packed with dense, striated, vascular muscle. A little TOO dense, TOO striated, TOO vascular, he thought. He wasn’t complaining, of course - his swelling cock was testament to that - but something wasn’t quite right.

As he dried his balls, they ached slightly. A not unpleasant feeling, their extra mighty heft, again, unusual. His balls had started to grow to satisfy his demands for them to produce more testosterone, as they began manufacturing more Leydig cells. But his balls were now the size of a large grapefruit, larger than he remembered them. Again, not that he was complaining.

His massive quad muscles left no room for normal-sized balls let alone his massive hangers, the extra muscle pushing them up and out. He’d bulge erotically, outrageously, in any clothes - even more so than ‘before’.

Jake had felt a similar aching in his balls before, when he adjusted his hormones off the charts and demanded testosterone production from his balls well past natural limits.

Obviously, he had ramped up his testosterone production to insane levels and, from the looks (and feel) of his muscles, he’d super-charged anabolism and minimised catabolism. The only problem - he remembered none of it. The last he remembered, he’d promised Brad that he would ramp up slowly to avoid his tendency toward ultra-aggression and berserk frenzies. Ramp up slowly, he clearly hadn’t, and yet his levels were all back to normal. What the fuck?

As he completed drying off, he walked back into his bedroom to find some clothes. The floor-to-ceiling mirror distracted him, his body a hypnotic display of muscle he just couldn’t resist.

He’d always been proud of his body - proud, but disappointed in his size. He was happy with the separations, striations and vascularity - always a strength - but he wanted more size. He never thought of himself as a bodybuilder - he never thought he was big enough ‘before’.

Jake was too hard on himself, anyone else looking at him ('before' , but especially in his current condition) would think he was crazy - his body was phenomenal in every respect; perfection. Yes, he was not one of those roided out mass monsters, that was true. But they tended to look bloated and soft, and often struggled with their mass. Nobody could ever consider Jake bloated, or soft - either now, or ‘before’ - and they certainly wouldn’t consider him small. As for his athleticism, that was the stuff of legends.

Now, he was not only hard and dense, with a massive system of veins covering his body, he was BIG. Not quite big enough - ‘before’, he’d always wanted an extra 30kg/66lbs or so of muscle on top of his already formidable musculature - but he guessed he was about two-thirds of the way to that goal.

A small corner of his mind continued to question, to raise alarm bells - something was wrong - how had he packed on 20kg of muscle with no memory of it? This small corner was overpowered by the other 99%, which currently had his cock achingly hard and dripping pre. He was fucking swole! Fucking jacked! Fucking huge!

He watched his arm, mesmerised, as he exaggerated its movement towards his cock, increasing his arousal. As he grasped around the base of his shaft, a glob of pre made its way from his prostate up through his shaft and spurted onto his hefty shelf of perfectly squared off pecs. He moaned, watching the veins and muscles of his forearms dance and ripple as he squeezed his grip harder. His cock throbbed intensely, veins lifting up on its surface, feeding the tumescence. The glob of pre moistened the light dusting of hair, leaving a trail of sheen as it ran down his pec into the deep crevasse between the two granite mounds of his chest.


Brad’s arousal increased. Jake was about to cum again, his arousal peaking. The man was a machine.

Brad wasn’t sure how he would cope with the thoughts of two super-horny studs in his mind. His own revved up libido and, now, that of Jake’s. He was again grateful he was no longer celibate, as his cock hardened painfully. It was constricted by the fabric of his jeans, and being stimulated by Amber’s incredible arse, and his own and Jake's arousal in his head. He made a sound deep within his barrel chest, ready to tear off clothes and ravage all before him.


As his cum arced across the room, splattering onto the mirror, he heard nothing, no ‘voices’. For the second time in under an hour, Jake felt an emptiness, a hollowness, an aching longing for something that a mere ejaculation, a mere orgasm could not fill. It was dawning on him that losing the ability to sense his sperm was more of a loss than he’d first realised.

At first, he was only concerned about their fledgling coaching business. If he lost the ability, then HE might too, and then the entire underpinning of their business was sunk.

He also then lamented the loss of others’ needing him, wanting him, begging, pleading for his seed, his magical elixir that would make them grow, make them swole, make them jacked beasts. An endless parade of hot bodybuilders and professional athletes, begging for his cock.

He didn’t consciously realise it, but he also missed the power it gave him over others - their insatiable need for his cock, his sperm, and him, giving him control and power over them - a power that he would do almost anything to regain.

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18 hours ago, Ro20316 said:

Season 3 Drinking GIF by The Simpsons

Im seated waiting tio read what new adventures will come to the life of this many characters.

Im already invested and surprised at the same time. Is Jason gonna be a main charatcer? will we read a redemption arc for him or is ot too late to ammend things between His son, Jake and him.. Will he finally admit that he likes muscles ?.... Amber, Brand and of course or loveable HIM are taking care of Jake but they cant be onto him all the time they all have their lives altho they intertwined they have to eventually move on and HIM got that job far away, right?.... Jake is still an Alpha, They managed to supress whatever was making him unstable but he  got the changes he'd made teh increase test, the tweaking of his hormone lvls so he wil grow fast. Its gonna be an exciting ride....


Like i said. Im already invested.

Thanks Ro. Love your comments, they give me great ideas, and often would take the story in completely different directions than I had originally planned.

I hope your expectations aren't too high... don't want to disappoint.

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Scott was finishing his breakfast as one of his uncle’s conquests sheepishly made for the door.

“Hey, kid, what’s his name? Can you give me his number?”

Whoever he was, he was handsome, tall, built. His uncle sure didn’t want for a fuck, though Scott supposed it was hard to go to bat above your league when you’re at the pinnacle of every league, ever.

“Fuck off, mate. If he wanted you to know he would’ve told you. Go shower, you fucking reek of cum.”

He blushed and beelined for the door.

As he washed up his breakfast dishes, Scott could hear his uncle’s moans and groans, and he grinned. He was still horny. The man was a machine, unstoppable.

Scott was feeling fully recovered from his close call, the blood loss having mostly been replaced now, and he was itching to get back to the gym. Hopefully his uncle would let him tag along.


“Captain, I’ve finalised the report of the Robertson incident. I thought you might like to review it before I formally file it in the system,” Diego didn’t really want to file it, he liked Jake - at the thought of Jake, he blushed, remembering the domination, the feel of the batons… his cock swelled - and he hoped the Captain might bury it.

Assad did not fail to notice Diego’s bulge move at the mention of Jake. Assad sympathised. “Thanks Diego. Appreciate your professionalism. I know Jake’s a friend - and he’s an honorary officer - but we can’t be seen to play favourites, especially not if there’s a conflict or possibility of conflict,” Assad said.

“Sure, Cap, but–”

“No buts, it’ll be our arses on the line - potentially the whole station - if this goes south, so it has to be by the book, understood?”

“Yes, Captain.” He was forlorn, but he understood. Besides, there’s no way anything would come of it - there were two victims with contradictory stories and, frankly, the father’s story was not credible.


Diego handed over his report and left the Captain to read it.

Assad skimmed the report, finding no real surprises. Diego was professional, despite his personal connection to the accused. Assad didn’t think the case had any legs, but he also knew the local prosecutor, Smith, was a hard arse and a stickler.

Logging into the system, Assad amended a few words of the report, and electronically signed it, formally submitting it. It was now in the hands of Smith. He considered giving Jake a heads up - but thought against it. The direct trail of a text or call would not look good in any investigation.

Then, a thought came to him. He clicked his radio, “Rodriguez, would you come to my office please.”

He must’ve been standing by the door, as Diego was knocking on his door almost by the time Assad had released the button on his radio. “Yes, enter.”

“Yes, Cap?”

“Diego, who have we got on patrol in Jake’s beat?”

“Jones and Williams, sir.”

“Perfect. Give Jones a call, ask him to stop into Jake’s and give him a heads up. But make sure there’s a malfunction in the cruiser’s camera and GPS systems. In fact, didn’t they report such a malfunction as they were heading out on patrol?”

Diego and the Captain worked well together. “Yes, Captain, they did. It was noted in the patrol logs, and brought up with maintenance.”

“Good work, Rodriguez. Dismissed.”

Diego set about putting the Captain’s plan into action.


Jake struggled to find something to wear. His T’s were all too small, any pants other than baggy sweats were all too tight, and he couldn’t fit his junk in. He settled on a baggy muscle-T and grey sweatpants.

Checking himself out in the mirror, he smiled. The “baggy” sweatpants hugged his legs, the sweep of his quads, the diamonds of his calves all clearly visible. His bulge was epic, and he wasn’t even hard. But the best part was his arse, the material stretched tight around the globes of his cheeks. He flexed his glutes, and everything tightened up, the stretched material even pulling up on his bulge at the front. He groaned. The sleeveless T showed off his erotic arms, veins popping even as his arms just hung by his sides. Yes, this look would do, but he needed to buy new clothes.

He found Scott in the kitchen, drying dishes.

“Good morning”

“Morning, stud,” Scott grinned.

“Ah, you saw him, huh. Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be sorry. He was pretty hot, nice find. Cheeky fucker asked for your name and number.”

Jake did not really know what to make of Scott since he learned of Jake’s sexuality. It was as though he was going out of his way to show his uncle that he was okay with his bisexuality. He supposed there were worse reactions.

“Not gonna lie, he was a good fuck, but that’s all he was. I don’t particularly want to–” He was interrupted by a knock at the door. Did the fucker forget something?

Opening the door, he was surprised to see Officer Jones.

“Sam! How are you? Come in.”

“Mr Robertso–"

"Jake will be fine."

"Ah, Jake, good morning." He looked Jake up and down and blushed, his bulge growing noticeably. "No, sorry, I’m here on business - but unofficial business.” He looked nervous, and he paled when he saw Scott.

“Uh…” he didn’t know what to say. He did not expect one of the victims to be there!

Scott twigged as to what was going on, “It’s okay, officer, the other victim was my dad, and this is my uncle, and I know why you’re here… the report’s been filed, and you want to give my uncle the heads up.”

Sam nodded.

“And this conversation, this visit, never took place.”

Sam nodded again. He broke out into a sweat, and looked like he was going to hurl.
“Thanks for letting us know, I already made it clear I don’t want my uncle prosecuted - there’s nothing for him to be prosecuted about anyway, it should all be in the report - so thanks for the heads up.”

Sam breathed a sign of relief. “Thank you. Have a nice day.” He almost ran out the door.

Jake watched him leave, something niggling at him, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

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7 hours ago, mmvmgo2011 said:

He also then lamented the loss of others’ needing him, wanting him, begging, pleading for his seed, his magical elixir that would make them grow, make them swole, make them jacked beasts. An endless parade of hot bodybuilders and professional athletes, begging for his cock.

He didn’t consciously realise it, but he also missed the power it gave him over others - their insatiable need for his cock, his sperm, and him, giving him control and power over them - a power that he would do almost anything to regain.

Oh! Jake rembers what his cum did but he doesnt remember how he lost the ability... this is tricky cause Jake is an intelligent man and sooner or later he will figure out what happened and even more when he meets with HIM cause HE will want to keep the job he was offered and keep the bussiness afloat  ... Jake loves to dominate and be in control and the ability just brought the worst in him maybe that's why he forms the club from the other story?.... He might not recover the "ability"  but he is imposing enough to dominate.

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1 minute ago, Ro20316 said:

Oh! Jake rembers what his cum did but he doesnt remember how he lost the ability... this is tricky cause Jake is an intelligent man and sooner or later he will figure out what happened and even more when he meets with HIM cause HE will want to keep the job he was offered and keep the bussiness afloat  ... Jake loves to dominate and be in control and the ability just brought the worst in him maybe that's why he forms the club from the other story?.... He might not recover the "ability"  but he is imposing enough to dominate.

He does... and the others made a few mistakes, leaving behind some 'clues' in their haste to stop Jake and fix things. Will he put things back together? Will he regain the ability? Will it make him go power-crazy again?... we'll have to wait and see 😉

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There was a knock at his door. “Enter”

“Captain, Jones has reported success, though there was an unexpected curve ball.”

Assad didn’t like the sound of that. “Curve ball?”

“One of the victims, Scott, he was there when Jones visited.”

“Well, fuck. And?”

“Jones reports that Scott doesn’t want his uncle prosecuted, and he understood the purpose of the visit perfectly.”

“Will he be a problem?”

“I don’t believe so, sir.”

“Good. We don’t need any further complications in this case.”

Speaking of complications reminded him of that vexing log entry. He’d made enquiries around the station, but nobody knew much more than what was written, except that Diego had accessed the armoury and stocked up for a small army and that Jake and Brad were involved, somehow.

“Sit.” Diego had been standing. He sat opposite his Captain.

“The log entry…”

Diego scowled. “Captain, I swear, I know noth–“

He raised a placating hand, silencing him. “I believe you, I don’t have any memory of it either. I’m not accusing, I’m trying to find out more. My investigations have revealed that you called in, advising I was compromised, and that any strange orders from me should be ignored. I then called in an APB on you and a number of other officers, stating you were all armed and dangerous. Some time later, you accessed the armoury and stockpiled enough for an army.”

Diego listened carefully, intrigued, amazed. “That all sounds… unbelievable Cap - how can we not remember any of it?”

“I don’t know, but I do know that Jake and Brad were involved, somehow. The log doesn’t mention it, but I put an APB on them also - or, at least I tried to - my orders were ignored on account of my ‘compromise’.”

Diego could not believe that either Jake or Brad would be involved in something so shady it needed a raid on the armoury.

“Should I talk to them?”

“Yes, I think they’re our only lead, but you need to be careful, Diego. I can't trust anyone else with this, so can't send you with someone. We don’t remember, and if they’re involved in something that needed us to raid the armoury…” He didn’t need to finish the sentence.

“Understood, Captain.”


Diego left the Captain’s office and headed for a cruiser. He would start with Jake - he knew Scott was there too, that should improve on safety. Captain knew where he was going and would send backup if he didn’t check in as scheduled.


Diego made good time, knocking on Jake’s door a few minutes later.

The door opened, revealing Jake in all his glory. Diego couldn’t help it, he horned up.

“Diego! Come in, mate. We’ve already had Sam deliver the news.”

“Morning Jake. Thank you. Yes, I know, I sent him.”

As Jake stepped aside, Diego stepped inside. Jake clasped his hand firmly, then brought him in for a hug. “Thanks, that’s much appreciated.”

Diego stood sideways so Jake wouldn’t feel his erection, swelling more now as he returned the embrace.

“Something to drink?”

“A coffee would be great, thanks. I could go for something harder, but I'm on duty.”

“Duty? So you’re here on official business?”

“Yes and no. Not an official investigation, but just chasing up a few oddities and loose ends.”

“I’m intrigued. Do I need to be worried?”

“On my account, no, of course not. And, as I said, everything is off the record, unofficial.”

“How do you have your coffee?”

“Just a flat white, no sugar, thanks. Is Scott still here?”

“Yeah, he’s in his room. Come on, don’t keep me hanging, what’s this about?”

Diego began with the mysterious log entry. But before he could expand upon it, Jake interrupted.

“I’m sorry Diego, I’d love to help you, I really would, but I don’t remember a whole chunk of time, including that night. Something strange is going on, because I’ve packed on muscle that I can’t even remember. The last proper memory before yesterday was the orgy.”

“I was going to comment - you’re looking particularly jacked, and those pants are making me think things I shouldn’t be thinking on duty.” Diego did not mention that he and the Captain were missing the same period.

Jake smiled, “Thanks, mate. After your shift I should show you more of my mystery extra muscle.”

“A Jake muscle show? Fuck yes.” He groaned, grabbing his bulge as it swelled in anticipation.


Diego (and Jake) somehow restrained himself, and left Jake’s without jumping him - he looked particularly hot this morning. The sweatpants really left nothing to the imagination, and Diego could swear everything about him was bigger, harder, more vascular.

Come to think of it, Diego’s uniform felt a bit tighter, and his own vascularity seemed more prominent. He’d been working hard in the gym, it was good to see results paying off.


“Bradley. Nice to see you again.” He wasn’t kidding, his muscle density and size made for an intoxicating view. He was a little flushed, and looked extra pumped, his vascularity extra prominent.

“Diego? Come in.” Brad was surprised to see Diego at the door. “Or is it Officer Rodriguez?”

“Thanks. A bit of both, actually.”


“I’m on official business, but it’s an unofficial investigation.”

“Investigation? Do I need a lawyer?”

“No, nothing like that. It’s all off books, off the record. I’m trying to chase down a few anomalies for the Captain.”

Brad didn’t like where this was heading. “Can I offer you a drink?”

“No, thanks, I’ve just come from Jake’s and had a coffee there.”

Jake’s. And there it was. Shit.

“What can I do for you, Officer?”

Diego surreptitiously surveyed the room. He could hear a shower running, and noted the smell of sex. They were not alone, good. He started with the station’s log entry. As he continued his story, Brad’s expression darkened. As he finished up with “Is there anything you know that might add further information?”, he waited expectantly for an answer.

“Just one moment, Officer, I’ll be back.” Diego's hackles rose, now on full alert.


Brad entered the bathroom, HE and Amber were having sex again in the shower. Ordinarily, a hot sight that he’d probably join in on, but they had far bigger issues.

“Out of the shower, now. We’ve got a problem.”


Jason’s jaw throbbed as the call ended. It was a reminder of why - well one of the reasons why - he was looking for ways to enact his revenge.

He wondered how long “I’ll let you know” would take.

His fucking cunt of a brother. The one who was destroying his life. He destroyed his relationship with his only child, destroyed his marriage - Maria and he were together, now, in name only. He couldn’t even bring himself to fuck her once a month like they used to. Last time he tried the night before Jake’s bashing him, he couldn’t get it up - he kept imagining Jake taking over and giving Maria the ride of her life, the imagined cuckolding emasculating and making him impotent. But he would have the final say. He would be the ultimate destroyer.

His brother might be the strong one, the fit one, the hung one - the hot one - but Jason would prove that he was the better one, the superior one.

He would’ve smiled, if his jaw was not still wired. His dick swelled as he imagined the mighty Jake brought down on his account.

Jason squeezed his growing bulge - not bulging enough for his liking, Jake stole all the good genes - groaning as he imagined the things he would do to his brother. He imagined him on his knees, snivelling and pleading. The once powerful Jake, reduced to a pathetic, begging mess by the superior sibling. Jason imaged Jake's godly body, his mammoth cock, his to do with as he pleased.

At that thought, he came, his dick dribbling out cum with each pathetic contraction of his ejaculatory muscles.

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What happened was HUGE. There were so many people involved  they have to be carefull what they say cause it will mess things up and there is just a thin line that is keeping everything together I mean if someone is to watch the security footage cause i bet there is some tehre. They can see that something happened. 

Jason and Jake have similar personalities, They are brotehrs after all  and they both have a kink for dominantion but Jason resents Jake cause unlike him Jake acts on it and never shy away from what he wanted and he built his body and his personality to be the best whereas Jason with his iternalised homophonia just resented all people like his brother but if he would have been a man with the body he desired he would have been just like Jake.

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