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  1. alwayspinning

    Owning my Teacher

    Sitting outside. Seth is quite nervous. He checks his phone. “About to pull up.” said the text. Seth paced left and right as he was outside his house. Suddenly the sounds of a large vehicle rolled up, he was blinded by the lights as he was shocked when the man stepped out. Well more than a man, an absolute beast stepped out. “T-teach?” Seth says in surprise. Seth was surprised alright. His teacher hopped out and Seth nearly fainted at the sight. “Haha like what you see?” he says as his footsteps draw close. It was crazy. Mr. Gibson, Seth's high school chemistry teacher was in front of him, but this man was huge. Huge being an understatement, your former teacher was fucking ripped. His mind immediately thinks back to when he was his teacher. Mr. Gibson was a popular guy in school. A man who took care of himself and had all the attention of the female staff in school. Seth would watch him work and get around; a good 200 or so pounds to himself. A smart man who probably didn't realize how many eyes would be on him as he explained Advanced Chemistry as best as a teacher could. Big was now a hard word to describe him. God damn he was fucking huge. From 200 pounds-ish from years ago to what must have been easily 400 or so pounds now. An absolute freak. “Y-you’re h-huge.” Seth whimpered as he sat looking slack jawed at his former teacher. However, Mr. Gibson was quite humble and entertained Seth’s curiosity as he pumped a double bicep in a stringer top that fit him almost comically and flashing a stunning grin. “Haha like what you see Seth. We’ve kept in touch ever since you graduated and went off to college but your teacher ain't so small no more. Over 600lbs of huge fucking muscle.” Mr. Gibson flexed harder, 30 inch biceps, traps that pushed almost over his head, muscles stacking upon themselves. Big, massive pecs that pushed out several feet in front of him with huge nipples to boot. He kept posing and flexing, completely forgetting why Seth was even there to begin with as he came around and finally asked. “Sorry Seth, I didn't mean to get distracted with myself. Why don't you come in so we can talk about what's going on. You didnt say what happened but youre here now so it must be serious.” Seth too was distracted from the sight of his huge, massive and obviously hung former teacher that he almost forgot why he came to his house to begin with. “A-are you sure? Mr. Gibson I don't want to be a bother.” He says, almost trying to dodge what he came here for until he is comforted by Mr. Gibson's presence. “Nonsense. You were always my favorite student Seth. You really applied yourself in my advanced class and even kept me updated on your college classes after you graduated from High School. And please, no need to call me Mr. Gibson. You can just call me Anthony now.” Seth was a bit apprehensive at Anthony's advance, “Ye-yes sir Mr. Gibson- I mean Anthony.” And with that, Seth watched Anthony waddle past him as he watched the massive bulge between Anthony's legs bob up and down as they are obviously propped up by a massive pair of balls underneath the fabric. Seth tried to keep his mind out of the gutter as he followed behind his massive former teacher. Even worse as he stared at the massive globes of Anthonys ass pushed out so invitingly. Anthony let Seth inside as the house looked pushed and pulled around to accommodate a man of his current size. Seth sat down on the chair as Anthony sat across from him. Seth could only drink in Anthonys size as he could watch him as he sat far enough to give his size enough space. “So you texted me about coming to see me. We kept in touch but never like this. What's going on Seth?” Anthony asked with cause and concern in his voice. But Seth sat in a stupor, still taking in all the mass and muscle Anthony put on. So much distraction that Anthony spoke up. “Haha. I would ask if you like what you see but I can tell you're enjoying the view. That's ok Seth. I know you're probably wondering how I got so big. To be honest, I can't tell you either. No funny games here.” Anthony said that with a brief chuckle as he pumped another bicep and a soft grunt followed as Seth watched it grow freakishly large. “You know Seth. I needed something to do after retiring from school and something about those text messages you sent me about going to the gym finally did something to me. I know you came here with your problems and before I ask again what's wrong, I do have to say thank you for always pushing me to go to the gym.” But Seth could only nod and finally snap himself back into reality as reality can get right now. “Sorry Mr.Gib-I mean Anthony dammit. Sorry! I’m having a word vomit moment. But thank you! You always took care of yourself and I didnt want you going soft on me after you left teaching. I'm glad my text messages helped you!” Seth paused, realizing he was getting distracted over the moment before he focused. “I’m doing it again. But I have to just say it and get it out.” He paused once more. “Anthony. Im gay!” Another pause in the air, Seth was ready for Anthony to throw him out and he braced for those words. He closed his eyes in anticipation but suddenly he felt something heavy on his shoulders. Seth opened his eyes to look into the face of a 600+lb beast in front of him now as Anthony gave him the most comforting look before embracing him in a hug that could melt a glacier. “Y-you’re not mad?” Seth asked in confusion as his former teacher pulled back as he was even more handsome up close. Seth tucked himself under the table in a desperate attempt to hide his bulge underneath. “Of course not Seth. Why would I be?” Anthony looked left and right and grabbed Seth's hand as he stared deep into his eyes. “IF it makes you feel better, I’m gay too.” As he chuckles quietly. This surprised Seth! “Y-you’re gay too! No way man. All the female staff couldn’t keep their eyes off you!” Anthony chuckled and rambled about how it was being gay for him growing up in an effort to comfort Seth. Seth added that not only was he gay, but that his parents didn't take him coming out too great and that they kicked him out. He had nowhere to go and after reaching out to other people was his former teacher the only one who accepted the situation. “How about this Seth. You stay here with me until you get yourself together. You’re a college graduate, you said you passed with a high GPA and you're in a high demand field so I don’t see the problem in this.” But Seth just sat there slack jawed. He didn't expect the invitation to go so forward. “A-are you sure? I mean I don't want to be a bother in your life Anthony.” But Anthony stood up, his muscles in all his glory as he walked past him and patted his shoulder one more time. “Don’t worry about it Seth. You’re doing good for yourself. Now if you don’t mind; feel free to make yourself at home here. I need to freshen up. Your former teacher just finished an 8 hour session at the gym before you texted me a while back and I stink!” Seth tries to hold his composure. He was unsure if Anthony did it on purpose or not, but as he waddled by him, his massive bulge pushed against his own shoulder and Seth stifled the tiniest moan known to man. He tried not to be nosy and just sat there to himself to gather his thoughts, but he immediately looked back to see his huge, massive former teacher now turned gym head walk away to one of the rooms with his massive bubble butt in tow shaking side to side until he left. Moments later he came out with some things and went across the hall as Seth heard the shower turn on as everything got hot and steamy. Seth tried to keep his composure, but he heard the door where the shower was creak open and out of the corner of his eye did he look and see a Hulk- no, bigger than the Hulk come waddle once more out the shower and into the bedroom; probably to grab something. Seth immediately saw the length and girth of Anthonys monster cock. It had to be over 4-5 feet long as it was just standing up at attention in its massive glory with pumpkin sized balls pushing it out further underneath! The college grad near damn fainted at the sight but acted like he saw nothing when he swore he caught a glimpse of Anthony looking back at him when he headed back into the shower. Seth noticed the door close, but not completely and he suddenly found his feet trying to wiggle towards the door. He tried to fight his body and curiosity but he found himself unable to fight those urges as he got up and tip-toed towards the door. As he got closer, he immediately wanted to turn tail and run but by then he was already inches from the door. Seth quietly took a peek and saw his former teacher just casually showering himself. God he was a monster. Huge fucking everywhere, muscles in places you wouldnt think you could grow muscles. Seth took care of himself; he was quite average but compared to Anthony, he was more than self conscious. Having enough, Seth slowly slid back, but accidentally knocked over something as he tried to pull the door back as well; which garnered Anthony's attention. “Don't be shy Seth. Why don't you come in.” Anthony poked his head out as best as he could and watched Seth slither in shyly. “Want to help wash me? I'm just so big it's hard to reach around sometimes, especially when I’ve had a good pump at the gym.” Seth nodded and tried to be modest. However, he had no idea what was coming over him. He stripped naked and slid in the shower to join Anthony. Now he was in full view, Anthony stood over 7 feet, clearly pushing 600 pounds of massive and thick oversized muscles. He had moments to take in everything before he was presented with a scrubber to help Anthony out. The two talked about life. More of less Anthony's life. How he was gay growing up and how he always had a fondness for muscle men and being huge himself. Anthony explained how he was a casual gym goer during school but got caught up in the work-life balance to stay committed. Something about receiving those text messages about going to gym just made his mind focus so much on it. Getting text messages to stay at the gym longer and longer and just doing as he was told. Anthony started to grow hazy in the eyes before suddenly snapping back to reality as he looked at Seth who just politely finished up. “Haha sorry Seth. Guess I had gotten lost there rambling.” Anthony let Seth out first and grabbed a towel as Seth dried himself off; then helped dry Anthony off next. The huge man pointed to Seth where his room was and walked to his room, but suddenly he turned back as best as he could to look at him. “Would you like to join me? I haven’t had company like this for quite some time.” Seth was taken back, “But Mr. Gibso-Anthony… I’m your student.’ And Seth saw Anthony chuckle, “You were my student. Now you're a grown man capable of making his own decisions. It’s clear you're into this.” Anthony says flexing a HUUUGE bicep. Anthony heads into his room and Seth stands there. He turns to his room but once more; his body says otherwise as he walks into Anthony's room soon after. The massive stud stands at the edge of the bed. He knew Seth would come, he couldn't resist him at this point. But suddenly something comes over Anthony. A feeling he'd never felt before. LIke something in him was losing control. Seth suddenly had a different demeanor and posture about him. His lack of confidence earlier seemed to fade away as he walked over with a look upon his face that would make anyone whimper and beg. “Wh-what's happening?” Anthony asked out loud as his eyes began to droop a smidge. Seth continued walking over as he had a different aura about him; one that shook Anthony to the core. “Oh Anthony. Got you right where I wanted.” In his mind, Anthony envisioned himself getting up and overpowering and tossing Seth out the house. But now, he wanted to be at his feet. Something told him to do so and out of nowhere and character did he slide off the floor and present himself to Seth. “Yes Master. I do and obey you.” His form dwarfed Seth, but there he was, on his knees now looking up at Seth as to his surprise Seth was not small in the meatpacking department either. A good two feet of solid thick penis was now in front of Anthonys face. “I don’t know when it happened, but growing up I always knew I was different. Almost like I could control guys with my mind. It was small things at first, but guys definitely feel my powers of suggestion. A small thing here and there, but I knew what I wanted and I knew who would give it to me.” Anthony's eyes grew wide. “Yes master, but I do not understand.” All the emotion in Anthony slowly leaving him a husk of his former self as he listened. “All those text messages from me to you. All those times I told you to go and lift and grow big. That was all me , baby. I got a thing for muscle men; dated plenty in college, but they weren't able to satisfy me. That's why I continued to text you, molding you into the perfect muscle slave.” Anthony nodded, “ Yes sir, I am your muscle slave. I am here for you to do anything you want from me…” Anthony heard Seth in his mind “Good meat like you should stop talking so much and suck my cock. The huge beast nodded and grabbed Seth's large shaft with one hand as he guided it into his mouth and began to suck. He had never sucked on a dick this big, he had a feeling Seth was packing in high school; but he never asked or questioned how his prize student was growing. But Anthony did as instructed and sucked away. He gulped down the shaft but looked up to see Seth pushing his hips against his face as Anthony's eyes rolled back in pleasure. The air was filled with slobbing noises. The life he formerly had was fading away as he knew his life now was to serve and please Seth as Seth wished. “I can’t believe you fell for the whole ‘my parents kicked me out because I was gay’ schtick. I just said all that so you'd feel sorry for me and let you in. Nice place you got here teach’ I think i'm going to enjoy living here. You’ll still grow and get huge, but you live to only serve me.” Anthony nodded as best as he could in between sucking and soon after did Seth groan and shoot down a massive load down his throat. Seth looked down at Anthony's happy expression as he gargled a “Fthank-Fhrew Shir” in between sucking and swallowing down the large piece. Suddenly, Anthony felt a burning sensation down in the pit of his stomach as he felt himself slowly grow and swell in all directions. The cum in Seths nut was helping fuel a small growth surge within him as pounds upon pounds of pure unbridled muscle pushed out in all directions. Anthony would moan happily, accepting the growth as 600+lbs would turn to 700+ as he knew his place. Finally, Seth would pull out, but not before shooting another thick load directly in Anthonys face. “Thank you sir. I am yours and yours only.” And with that, Anthony stood up at attention, ready to hear Seth's next command. “Good. Present that ass for me to claim Anthony. I need to permanently seal this deal. I'm going to breed you and make you mine.” “Yes sir, I would do anything for you sir.” Seth grinned and watched Anthony use the bed as support as he was presenting his ass for Seth to use. Seth got on his knees, taking in Anthony's new size before giving those massive glutes a slap before spreading them wide and starting first with eating Anthonys ass out. He heard the huge behemoth howl in pleasure as he grinded his face against Seth to whom happily lapped up slurped that tight virgin hole. Seth knew Anthony was enjoying it as he could hear Anthony whimper and beg for Seth's cock and after a good solid minute or two of rimming did he stand up and push the head of his huge cock directly into Anthony's tight anus. The two moaned, one after the other as Seth continued sliding in with Anthony gripped the sheets whimpering for Seth to keep going in further and further. Seth continued sliding his monster shaft all the way until he pushed up against the brute's huge asscheeks once more and let it sit inside him briefly before finally sliding out a bit and pushing back in. Seth got his rhythm together shortly after and picked up the pace hearing Anthony continue to whine more and more for his master's cock. He gave Anthony what he wanted and continued slamming his cock deep inside Anthony as not even much penetration happening did Anthony moaned loudly as his own 6 footer blew its load; shooting in front of him and staining the walls and floor with his thick muscle cum. This only makes sense after watching you and so long of fucking his huge muscle beast does Seth finally cum deep inside Anthony once more who happily moans yelling and thanking his master. Seth grins and feels Anthony grow hot once more as his beast is growing once more. And he was going to enjoy his new life now with Anthony at his feet.
  2. Harris hated his roommate. It was a fact that often raised eyebrows of their few mutual friends when he had chosen to share his opinion - mostly he kept it hidden and bubbling under the surface, fooling few but at least allowing the pretence of civility to exist. For those friends, it was hard to imagine anyone hating Rhys. He was kind, considerate, generous with time and money, and an all round “nice guy” who never seemed to reciprocate any feelings of ill will. Mostly, they put it down to jealousy. In highschool, Harris was very much the big fish of his pond. At 6’3”, he wasn’t the tallest guy in school, but he certainly enjoyed the benefits of being tall, and he didn’t have that gangly look a lot of the tallest boys had. Neither was he the strongest - he had friends who out-lifted him consistently, but they were all red faces and beer-bellies. They looked chubby more than they looked muscular and, Harris reasoned, if you’re not going to look good whilst doing it, what’s the point? He was still one of the strongest guys around after all, and had a perfect V of a torso, pumped arms, tight quads and defined abs that made all the girls he knew swoon when they saw him - even those that pretended not to. It also meant he was quicker than those lumbering gorillas, which helped him excel at sports. He was, as far as he was concerned, perfect. And he would admit, meeting Rhys for the first time was… difficult. How could it not be, when it was the first time his perfection was challenged? It was his freshman year at university, and he was the first to arrive in their halls of residence. He’d just finished unloading his belongings into his new room when a voice came rumbling from behind him. “Hey, buddy - room for a little one?” An innocent joke, one designed to break the ice, but a misjudged one: it had knocked Harris out of joint from the very start. Although, there probably wasn’t much Rhys could have done to stop his new roommate going down that path. When Harris turned around, he froze with his jaw hanging slightly open. He was tall - very tall, having to duck just under the doorway to enter the shared bedroom. That made him, what, 6’7”? But the bastard didn’t have the good grace to be skinny streak of shit to go with that height, oh no. His broad shoulders filled the door frame - making him almost like a ship in a bottle, Harris unsure exactly how he entered the room so quietly - and crowned a thick, burly mass of muscle. He didn’t have a cut physique - despite being fully dressed, the items he was wearing were stretched to near transparency, so Harris was certain of that. But what he did have was mass, probably twice as much as Harris himself possessed, on what seemed to be the most natural looking mountain of musculature the poor teen had ever seen. “Rhys - pleased to meet you,” the giant said, a friendly smile on his face and his hand outstretched to Harris, trying to break the tension. Harris accepted and immediately regretted it, finding his own hand swimming in the giant’s paw. He wrinkled his nose - not just because of the indignity of the situation, but because he was pretty sure he could smell the guy. It wasn’t a foul odour, and definitely wasn’t sweat, but it wasn’t entirely removed from that. It was manly, and a little intimidating, and the only way a guy like Harris knew to respond to feeling threatened was anger. Quiet and seething, he finally spoke. “Harris. This bed’s mine.” But Harris wasn’t jealous. He was very adamant about that, despite the fact that - from that moment on - Rhys wasn't able to put a foot right in his eyes. So what if the guy was huge? Some people just happened to be genetic freaks, it’s not like anyone could do anything about it. If anything, Harris felt sorry for the big oaf, who would almost definitely go on to have health problems later in life. No, the thing that Harris despised, the biggest crime that Rhys had committed, was being lazy. Harris was not the kind of person to have everything handed to him on a plate, or so he liked to think. His view on the matter always seemed to gloss over who paid for his gym memberships or his specially catered diet, who had taken him to sports meets and bought equipment, who had helped him with school work to let him focus on his hobbies, or the numerous genetic advantages at his disposal. But it was true, at least, that Harris did work hard alongside all of these benefits. He was up at 6am most days, trained long hours down at the gym, stuck to his dietary regime with pious zeal and put in effort day after day. He felt he had earned the body he was blessed with, Rhys had not. The giant lump was snoring loudly whenever Harris left in the morning to train, and was often still in the same position when Harris returned. He played sports casually as if there was such a thing. He played pick-up sessions if they were going, always humiliating his diligent roommate in the process, but no matter how much any of the teams on campus begged him to even try out a practice session, he always firmly but politely refused. “I’m just not interested in sports,” would be his template response. His actual interests appeared to be just goofing off with his friends, playing games and watching shows. He always had a soda open or a packet of something filled with carbohydrates, and whenever he caught Harris giving him a venom-filled side-eye, he would have the absolute gall to offer him some. Harris would politely refuse, then send off an angry text to the effect of “YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HE DID NOW-” At first, this behaviour made Harris feel more than a little smug. If that’s the way Rhys decided to take care of the gifts he’d been given, then so be it. Maybe when the freshman fifteen hit, and all that mass turned to flab, and he found himself a useless, out-of-shape wreck the moron would learn a thing or two about actually taking care of himself. And when he came to Harris, begging for his help in getting back in shape, he might even consider helping the poor guy. But that never happened. Worse, as time went on, Harris became aware of something else: the fucker was still growing. His head seemed to get closer and closer to the ceiling of the dorm, cresting at around 6’8”. Whenever Harris left for his morning gym sessions, he found himself having to squeeze past a humongous sock-clad foot, sticking out from the end of Rhys’ bed; it was humiliating! Within days of term starting, a new selection of clothes had arrived for the colossal boy, but within two months even these were now beginning to look tight on him! Rhys’ body loomed bigger and bigger, both physically and in Harris’ mind. The injustice of it made him seethe with rage, and people found him more and more prone to snapping at them. How could anyone possibly experience so much change in such a small amount of time, especially when they had so much to begin with? It just wasn’t fair, and the more Harris thought about it, the more he realised - no. It wasn’t fair, was it? There was something very badly wrong here. One day, he waited until Rhys had left the room before springing into action, and it wasn’t long before he found exactly what he had suspected to be true. RESIZR Hormonal adjusting hypersteroidal compound. WARNING: Resizr causes extreme difference in body mass. Use must be prescribed by a medical professional. Misuse can cause fatal injury. Dose must be taken as prescribed. Missed dosage can cause immediate, catastrophic reversal of effects. Had he not seen the proof of it already, flaunted in front of his face every day, Harris would never have believed it. But here it was! A bottle of pills that might as well be a genie’s lamp, hardly even hidden in a fucking sock drawer. His first instinct is to unscrew the lid, and pour as many of those pills down his gullet as he could, and see just how big someone who worked for it, someone who deserved it could get on the stuff. But some small, still-rational part of his mind saved him. That label about fatal injury cowed him, and so he settled on another course of action. The bottle said that regular doses were needed, right? Then all he had to do was make sure that would never happen. He flushed the lot, and hid the bottle at the bottom of his closet, a wicked grin plastered on his face as he did so. It persisted all day until his lumbering roommate returned, squeezing in through the door with a cheery smile and a wave, feeling happy, for once, to have it returned. Then Harris watched him. Rhys put down his keys, took off his shoes, took a trip to the bathroom, put his phone on charge and then - finally - he did what Harris was waiting for. He walked over to his sock drawer. Paused. Rifled around, then went over to his bedside table which he checked, then back to the sock drawer. He looked up at Harris, urgency clear on his face. “Um - Harris, you haven’t seen a medicine bottle lying around have you? I’m due a dose.” He asked, plaintively. “A medicine bottle? Are you under the weather?” Harris asked, unable to wipe the smile off his face. “No, it’s… it’s an ongoing thing, just some medication I need to take is all. Have you seen it?” “Hmm, I’m not sure. Have you tried the bathroom?” Rhys held his gaze for a long moment. He wasn’t an idiot, he could tell Harris was acting strangely, but then he always did. With no better options he went to the bathroom and, as he expected, found nothing. He came back into the room saying so. “Oh, dang. You sure it’s not in the drawer?” Harris asked. “Yes, I’m sure.” “Really? Because sometimes, I can just stare at something and-” “Harris, I’ve checked twice, it’s not there.” Rhys says, and uncharacteristic impatience in his voice. “I’m sorry, I just really need to take this medicine, like right now. Please, if you know anything just say so.” “Sorry, friend, I - no wait, I think I did see something!” he said, faking enthusiasm. “I saw it when I was tidying earlier, I just thought it was a prank gift or something. Is this what you’re looking for?” He hopped up, went over to the closet, and pulled out the bottle before handing it over. “Yes! Oh, thanks buddy, you’re amazing. You really don’t know-” And then he stopped. He’d unscrewed the bottle, peered inside, and found it empty. Then he looked up. Harris was watching his every move with a shit-eating grin on his face. “What’s up, pal? I think you better hurry up and take your medicine.” Rhys was still frozen. He had tried, really he had, from the moment he had met Harris. He knew that his size made people behave in funny ways sometimes, and usually all it took was a few careful words, a friendly hand extended across the aisle, and they’d come around to him. Not Harris. He fought him every step of the way, every attempt at friendship and civility dashed, thwarted and sent back to him smeared in crap. And now this. Going through his things, stealing medicine from him, hiding the evidence, lying. No. Rhys was through trying with this prick. Just then he felt a pain in his stomach. With a wince and a stifled “Ah-!” he doubled over, his huge form bending down before Harris and his nasty, sadistic smile. Rhys would be sure to wipe that off his face. “You clueless, jealous, tiny piece of shit…” he said through gritted teeth, still clutching at his stomach. “You have no fucking idea what you’ve done.”
  3. BiteApple

    Beyond a Man: Hudson's Growth

    Beyond a Man Chapter I Hudson was your typical highschool jock. Played football, quarterback, and engaged in all of the typical jock activities. Since highschool started he had managed to bulk up due to the immense volume of testosterone he was producing. Broader shoulders, thicker pecs and a six-pack. Not too shabby. Not Mr Olympia, but who cared? It was on his way home one night after a long hard training session, taking a shortcut through a suspicious alleyway and had suddenly blacked out. He woke up, head throbbing, strapped down to a ice-black chair, shirtless. He struggled against his restraints, but to no avail and took a look around his surroundings. He was in a stark metal room, void of any decor, except for a large plane mirror in front of him. He could see himself perfectly in it. Suddenly, a voice rang out through hidden speakers. "Hello, Hudson. We have been watching you." "Who are you? What did you do to me?" "We simply… took you for a little ride to our facility. See, we're a little known branch of the army, set on creating the perfect super soldier. Strong, resilient, obedient and… hung. We've selected you as our… newest recruit." "This is crazy! What about my parents?" "Your parents have long since forgotten you, thanks to our little memory wipe program. And as for your teammates and friends, the wipe isn't powerful enough to erase all their memories, so we disguised your absence as an 'unexpected trip'." "Get me out of here! Please!" "No can do… you can't avoid the inevitable, Hudson. Preparing to administer Alpha Serum #1" A robotic hand slipped out of a silent panel in the ceiling, grasping a syringe filled with a mysterious green liquid. It lowered onto Hudson's right shoulder, and plunged in, filling his veins with its swirling contents. Immediately, Hudson yelled out in pain. It was unimaginable. His whole arm was cramping and it was spreading, until his whole body was writhing in agony. "Just let it in, Hudson. Resisting will only make this all the more painful". "Ugh! Stop! What are you doing to me…" he reached, as he felt his shoulders begin to broaden. "Fuck…" he moaned. This was starting to feel… good. His biceps bulged and flexed into writhing mounds of muscle mass, his triceps extending into enormous wheels of pure power. His forearms morphed into god-like extensions, rippling with veins as his hands quadrupled in size. "Stop! This is wrong! This is… ugh! Ngh! Uh…" he moaned, as he felt his traps push against his thickening neck. "Shit… I'm getting huge! Ugh! FUCK! I can't! I don't want to… nghH…". His pecs pegan to balloon out as they began to fill with muscle, rounding out into hard, solid mounds of manliness. His midsection tightened as his six pack bulked into a shredded eight pack, obliques ripping up to his expanding lats. "No! I want.. I want more… this feels good. Mmpf… so much muscle… so much power… becoming… ngh… a man!" Hudson moaned, his growth accelerating with each word. "Yes Hudson! Give in to the power! Give in to the lust! Become what you were always meant to be!". Hudson roared, as his abdomened formed a bulging v-shape, veins winding their way to his crotch, which was hard as a rock. His thighs were next, ballooning out with unbelievable definition. They were like solid hams, tree trunks even, hard and writhing with man power. His calves, carved into muscular diamond shapes, flexed as his feet ripped out of his socks. His shorts didn't last long either, as they were torn to shreds by his massive thighs and growing ass. Hudson roared. He was a bulging, masculine mass of muscle, ready to dominate, ready to… what? This wasn't like him. "No! Stop! Release me!" he pleaded. "Ah… so there's still a bit of you still in there. We'll see about that. Administor Alpha Serum #2: Nipple Enhancement and Mind Control. Two vials, filled with a purple liquid, lowered onto his erect nipples, now pointing up due to his massive chest. They plunged into the sensitive meat. Hudson moaned in pain and pleasure as the contents were injected deep within him. Almost at once, he began to grow again. "Some mind control that was… hah… ugh… mmpf! Ngh! So manly… must resist… must become a super-soldier. Fuck! So big… so huge… look at my shoulders… so broad and manly… like a fucking boulde- ngh! More…". He began to flex his massive arms, forcing them to swell and grow even more. Soon, they burst through the restraints and he started to tease his nipples. Huge, immense waves of pure sensual pleasure rocketed their way through his young, buff body. Looking up over his massive pec shelf, he could see them begin to swell. Bigger… thicker and juicier. The areola expanding to the size of coins, then saucers, his nipples became so much more sensitive as his flicked and rubbed them with his new huge fingers. "Looks like you need some help there, son" the voice echoed. Two robotic arms with cups on them came out of the chair and attached themselves to his nips. They began to suck and apply pleasure, flicking and rubbing them. Hudson moaned. "Fuck! Ngh… so good… more… more growth!" He began to flex his now free, and massive arms, enjoying how they swelled to incredible proportions. He was becoming a true man. A sudden wave of growth washed through him. Every muscle exploded with size and power, bulking and swelling to unimaginable size. "Good… Hudson, you're doing so well. I think you're ready for the final treatment. Get him Alpha Serum #3: Hormonal Multiplier." A robotic arm once again appeared. Hudson saw the mysterious milky-white liquid inside and flexed his body. Instantly, he blew up with even more bulk and burst out of his restraints. He snatched up the syringe and ripped open his tight black boxers and pulled out his erect cock, plunging the needle deep inside his piss slit. He roared in pain. He pushed the contents in, making sure none was left in the tube before crushing it with his massive paws. He continued to roar as his cock began to throb. Soon, his moans of pain turned to pleasure as he began to laugh. His cock was growing. Bigger, thicker, girthier, it inched as it swelled to 11 inches… 15 inches… 18 inches! It was a throbbing, muscular pole of veins and sexy lust. His balls began to throb as they began to excrete mass amounts of testosterone. Hudson could feel it, pumping though his body. "Yes! Yes! Ngh! YES!" he moaned, his voice deepening into a manly growl. "FUCK! My voice! YEA, I'm a real MAN now! MORE GROWTH! MAKE ME INTO A GOD!" His armpits began to fill with musky pubic hair as they began to sweat a delicious scent. He bent over to sniff them. Immediately he went into horny overdrive and grabbed his huge, thick cock and began to jack off. "So big… so manly… becoming a soldier… yes… YES! MORE! ARGH!!" A thick pubic bush began to sprout around his crotch, as his orange sized balls started to fill with his man jizz. He could feel it, sloshing around inside. So much. So manly. So big. He stood up, flexing his huge biceps, feeling his massive shoulders, working his thick, musky cock. He sniffed his man pits, filled with a forest of jet black hair. He ran his hand down his abs and chest, ripping off a cup to REALLY play with his nipples. He got up from the chair and stood in front of the mirror to admire what he had become. "Ngh… so big… so huge. Muscle… muscle… MUSCLE!" he roared. He was close now. Every inch of his huge man body was edging him closer. "Yes Hudson!", the voice chorused, "become what you were always meant to be! Become beyond a man! Transform into a soldier! You are no longer a puny little jock! You are a monster, fucking, manly beheamouth! CUM Hudson! Seal your new destiny with your muscle cum!" Hudson let out a rippling, manly roar, in his deep sexy voice that tore though the room. He moaned, as his dick throbbed harder and grew bigger. He could feel the torrent of cum burst out. Thick, smelly white ropes of man-cum rocketed out of his sex pole. "Ngh! Fuck! Take it! So manly! Cumming! Mmpf!" he growled. His cock spewed so much cum. It was so forceful it bounced off the mirror and onto his ripped body and pooled onto the floor as a pool of white man-milk. He growled as he finished off. Looking in the mirror, he flexed his now muscular body, admiring the shape of his torso, his now manlier features. His broad shoulders, powerful pecs, ripped abs and his dripping, wet cock. Suddenly, he heard a door open. "Well done, Hudson. Welcome to the brotherhood." To be continued in Chapter II
  4. mmvmgo2011

    Vaccinated - A Continuation

    Hi all. Been offline for WAY too long now. I hopefully have a bit of spare time again, so I’ve revisited some of the characters and continuing Vaccinated. (And, yes, I have other stories on the go - haven't forgotten.) If you haven’t read it, you’ll almost certainly get more out of this one if you read that one first. A refresher might be helpful too, as there will probably be lots of callbacks and interwoven story lines. Obviously heavy spoilers here if you haven’t yet read the first one. Consider this a continuation following on immediately from the events in the first story, before the Epilogue. Events here may or may not progress matters to the same point in that Epilogue - so a sort of alternate history. Hope you enjoy. As before, I only have a vague outline of a story - I’m making the rest of it up as I go along, so fair warning, the story could include almost anything. If you’re easily offended or triggered, then maybe avoid this one. I welcome any feedback and will work in any suggestions you might have as it goes along. Delivery will likely be a fair bit slower than in the past, but I’ll try my best to keep chapters coming in on the regular. ~~ONE~~ Jake’s timing was exquisite; perfection. He could feel the crescendo, the approaching tsunami about to break, and he wasn’t about to miss the opportunity to experience the pleasure his partner’s ejaculation was about to unleash on his dick. Undulating, peristaltic waves of muscular contractions milking his shaft, coaxing the breeding load from deep within his heaving, roiling balls. Jake’s cock fully plugged the tunnel, his cock’s sensitivity heightened by the tight embrace along the entire shaft from tip to pubic bone. He pulled back slowly, deliberately, the head of his massive cock raking against the tunnel’s walls, tweaking the prostate, eliciting a deep, resonant growl in his partner that vibrated throughout his entire body, increasing the sensations and bringing the coming flood to the brink. He stopped as the head reached the opening, enjoying the feeling of the ring of muscle quivering against his fraenulum, his partner’s growl increasing. Jake’s heavy, pendulous balls seethed, ready to unleash their prodigious load. Squatting slightly, he adjusted the angle of his cock so the head would smash his partner’s prostate as he rammed in all fourteen inches down to the pubic bone. The separate muscles of his massive quads stood out in stark relief, vascularity pulsating and engorged, the massive root running along his inner thigh branching out to feed power to every muscle. He flexed his cock, watching, enraptured, as it swelled even bigger, became even harder, the veins flooding it with blood, steeling the shaft and sending bolts of exquisite pleasure spreading throughout his godly body. Jake’s core tightened, the globes of his perfect arse contracting and squeezing as he slammed his cock in as far as it would go, and then further. As he smashed past the prostate, the tsunami was triggered. It was Jake’s turn to groan, as his partner’s orgasm and ejaculation began, massive waves spreading up his shaft, tingling, more bolts of electric pleasure sending him wild. As Jake slammed in as far as it would go, his balls slapped into his partner’s arse, his orgasm contracting and pulsating muscles throughout his pelvic floor. The hole clamped shut around the base of Jake’s shaft, a natural cock ring further swelling and hardening the already diamond-hard cock. As it swelled, his massive cock pushed harder against the walls of the tunnel, increasing the strength of the muscular contractions as it struggled to contain and eject the monster invading its depths. Jake’s eyes rolled back as his partner’s cock pumped out splashes of thick, creamy cum. As the first few arcs of cum splattered against his partner’s pecs and abs, a large glob settling in his thick, dark beard, Jake allowed himself to ejaculate, his own muscular contractions mingling with those of his partner, heightening their ecstasy. Jake’s balls, so eager to unleash their load, rose up, and his cock somehow swelled and hardened even more as his ejaculation began. The pressure exerted along the length of his cock, and especially by the ring of muscles clamped around the base of his shaft made it more difficult for his cum to make it through all fourteen inches, causing high pressure spurting jets of cum to spray deep within, the massive load contained by the swollen head plugging the tunnel. Even as they both continued ejaculating, Jake leaned in for a deep, passionate kiss, the taste of cum on his lips adding to his explosive wave of orgasms. *** “Get out,” Jake said, as he stood up and went to shower. “Fuck, mate,” he breathed heavily, still recovering from the orgasm, “you were mind blowi–” “I said, get out.” He didn’t even turn back. “Can I at least get your number? I don’t even know your name…” He trailed off, distracted by the incredible view of Jake’s naked body walking to the en suite. The X shape, his glorious arse cheeks, sitting atop massive ham-hock hamstrings, the sweep of his quads visible even from behind, his back muscles mounding and rippling as he walked, roadmap veins - everywhere he looked, splendour upon perfection. Jake ignored him. The cumrag, having served his purpose, already forgotten. Despite his swelling dick - how could you not get hard at that view, he thought? - he hurriedly dressed, the cum covering his abs and chest already drying, sticking to his shirt, and left. **** Brad, Amber and HE were sitting in Brad’s living room, regrouping and discussing the recent events and the fallout. “Can you still sense him?” Amber asked. They all knew which 'him' she was referring to. “Yes…” He hesitated, “…he’s having sex.” It was a very odd sensation, having his best friend’s subconscious as a stream in part of his brain. Despite everything, Amber and HE both blushed. Amber, in particular, was still trying to process her feelings about Jake. She could not let go of the fact that they meshed perfectly, their sex on a level she had never, and almost certainly would never, experience again. But, equally, she could not forget his treatment of her. His callous disregard, the violence against her without so much as a second thought. Yes, he was under the effects of the vaccine, but was that merely amplifying an existing tendency? She did not know, and the conflict was gnawing at her. What made it worse, she could never discuss it with him. Jake could not - must not! - ever know or be reminded of his rampage. They all feared if he learned what they did – what he did – that he would try to regain his abilities, and his reign of terror would resume. She nuzzled into Brad’s strong, comforting embrace, his Herculean arm around her. He was no Jake, it was true, but he was kind and loving, the sex was fantastic (though, of course, not the perfection she had with Jake), and his body was phenomenal. And, yet, she still could not shake the thought and feelings - he was no Jake. **** As Jake’s orgasm erupted in a corner of Brad’s brain, his own dick chubbed, and his mind wandered, lustful thoughts – of tits, of arse, of legs for days, of vascularity and muscle – flooded his brain, like cumshots pumping hot man cream, flooding holes. Amber nuzzled into him, the feel of her pert, luscious tits pressing into him causing lustful fire to tingle through him, making a beeline for his cock. He smiled. Not for the first time he silently thanked Jake, his best friend and, in many ways, his saviour. If Jake had not convinced him to break his vow of celibacy, he would not have met Amber. Not since Angelina had he felt such feelings for a woman. Amber would never replace Angelina - nobody ever could - but Amber was a mighty fine substitute.
  5. NayarLeng

    The Ascension of the Dragon

    It was the first days of September, summer was giving way to fall, and the summer heat was still being felt, but already some of the trees began to change their green clothes for more ochre and copper. The fruits were ripening, and the harvests were about to start. The crops were coming to fruition while the students returned to the classrooms after a well-deserved vacation. Some were very anxious to go back to school, for they had just started a new period in their lives, such as starting college. Sabrina Spellman was one of those young women who, on this day, would enter the university that, fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, was close to her home. She chose this college because, apart from teaching the usual mortal subjects, it was indeed one of the country's few witches and wizard colleges (a fact unknown to most attendees), as well as the most prestigious. These were the main reasons her aunts were so insistent that she go. Sabrina finally agreed, because deep down she was very fond of them, which did not prevent her from deciding to rent an apartment to live alone, although she managed to do so after swearing a thousand times that she would visit them often. That morning she woke up excited, she didn't loll around in bed much after the alarm went off, she immediately went to get cleaned up, change her clothes, eat some breakfast, grab her backpack, and hit the streets with her skates like she used to do in high school. The area where the town was located was also on the outskirts of the city, but more populated than the neighborhood where she had grown up, with a few buildings here and there, the streets a little busier with passersby walking back and forth and cars following the same behavior. The witch moved briskly but smoothly through this influx of people and streets until she stopped at a small apartment building. She stopped before the door, pulled her cell phone from her backpack, and dialed a number. “Harvey, I'm here," she said, glancing at one of the floors above her, before hanging up and preparing to wait. Her dear friend had also decided to attend the same university as her, which made her overjoyed, it was always good to have a familiar face in new places. “Hello, Sabrina” greeted Harvey a few moments after he came downstairs after Sabrina had called him. He was carrying a skateboard and the backpack on his back, like the witch, a helmet protecting his head. “Ready for a new stage in our lives?” “More than ready, even eager," Sabrina replied, seeing the enthusiasm in her friend's eyes. "As far as I can tell, so are you.” Harvey smiled broadly before answering, "Of course, I want to try something I've wanted for a long time. “What is it?" Sabrina was curious. “You know that the college we're going to has a wrestling team, right?" the boy replied. "Well, I want to try out for it, today is the tryout.” Sabrina couldn't help but be concerned when she heard her friend's wish. Although he had grown a bit since high school, he was far from being considered a robust boy, he was rather thin, of average height. “Are you sure about that," she said worriedly. "Don't you think you should wait a bit, maybe gain some more muscle?” “Ha, don't worry about it," Harvey interrupted her. "I've been training during this vacation and eating an egg-based diet to gain muscle mass, I'm not so weak anymore.” Sabrina's heart shrank when she saw her friend's practically nonexistent biceps when he flexed one of his arms. “Well, if you say so," she continued. “Also," he added, "I bought an amulet to bring me luck. Look, it has a rabbit's foot, a lucky stone, and a feather.” Sabrina knew very well that those amulets sold among humans were completely devoid of magical power, so her worries only increased, but she did not say anything, she did not want to hurt her friend's feelings. “Well, we're late, we'd better go to college," she said trying to change the subject, luckily Harvey agreed, so they both left immediately, she with her skates, he with his skateboard. The trip was not very long, just a few minutes, both of them gliding smoothly through the streets of the city, slipping between the morning passersby, the wheels making a soft sound as they rolled on the asphalt and sidewalks, until they stopped in front of the university gates. The university had a conservative architecture, similar to traditional New England’s one: a rectangular nave formed the main building, with two rectangular extensions, perpendicular to the ends of the nave. Several towers, crowned with pyramidal roofs decorated with pennants and spires, rose imposingly in the center. A large window with exquisite stained glass welcomed students and faculty, and below it was the great gate. Sabrina and Harvey said their goodbyes at the gate and went to their respective classes for the day, meeting again in the afternoon at the indoor stadium where the wrestling team tryouts would be held. It was almost 3:00 p.m. when the selection process began. A few spectators were sitting in the stands, all eager to either see their friends or just to have a good time and have some fun, Sabrina was as close to the field as possible to get a good view of Harvey. On the track were the coach and the competitors of the moment. Harvey told her he would be the fifth match of the evening, so she waited patiently at her post, flanked by two other people. She may have been the only one cheering for Harvey as he entered, not so for his opponent, who from a distance looked much stronger than her dear friend. No sooner had the fight begun that Harvey, who had moved quickly toward his opponent, ended up on the ground, crushed by the other boy, with little chance of escaping the confinement in which the other boy had trapped him. He tried to use some of the techniques he had learned, but to no avail, the other boy did not move an inch, on the contrary, he used more force in his grip. Harvey's face turned red from the effort, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead, he clenched his teeth tightly, tried to anchor his feet to the floor and push himself up, and tried to force with his arms, but it was useless. “One!" the referee announced. Harvey redoubled his efforts. “Two!" he continued. Tears of helplessness threatened to fall from his eyes. “Three!" Harvey already knew he had lost, but he still tried to pull away from his opponent. “Four! We have a winner!" the referee shouted, a chorus of cheers rang out from the stands, Sabrina remained silent, her gaze fixed on Harvey who was still lying on the floor, tears running freely down his face. “Cry outside this ring," the trainer shouted at Harvey. “I don't understand," Harvey said as he stood up. "What did I do wrong? I trained; I ate eggs..." “Some people just aren't cut out for this," the trainer cut him off. You could see that he was holding back a smile, which those who had already been selected and some of the audience were not doing at all "Some are just good at being simple tadpoles.” “You should have been called Shrimpzilla," he openly mocked his former opponent, and the stadium burst into laughter. "Really, Harvzilla? Have you ever looked in a mirror?” Harvey couldn't stand the humiliation any longer and ran out of the stadium, his hands covering his eyes in a desperate attempt to hide the tears of shame. Sabrina immediately got up from her seat and ran after him, trying to comfort him. The rest of the day was just as sad, and it didn't take long for the news to spread like wildfire among the students, Shrimpzilla's nickname flooding the hallways and social networking sites themselves. “I'm done," Harvey said, his eyes downcast as he played with the spoon of his favorite ice cream that Sabrina had given him to cheer him up. “Maybe you can do it later, maybe if you concentrate better and...” “No, Sabrina," Harvey cut her off, his brow furrowed, gripping the spoon tightly. "It's like they say, I'm not good at it.” Sabrina debated what to say next, it hurt her soul to see her friend in that state. It was no less true that his small and thin frame would have to work hard to achieve his goal of becoming a wrestler. Maybe if he got a little help, things would be different. That night, she lay on the bed, pensive. She couldn't stop thinking about how she could help her friend. “If only she could use the Spookypot” she whispered to herself, but not so quietly that Salem, who was lying on the mattress next to her, would not hear her. “What are you going to do now, Sabrina?" the talking black cat asked as he stretched out. “Harvey wanted to join the wrestling team, but due to his constitution it was impossible for him, plus he's the laughing stock of the entire university because of his terrible match," the witch explained. Salem could not contain himself and a laugh escaped his lips, but he quickly controlled himself after Sabrina's curious look. "Don't take me wrong, but I don't need to be an expert to know that he's not fit for that, he's too small!” “I know," Sabrina snorted. "I'd like to help him anyway, but isn't there a spell or something to make a person stronger?” “Of course there must be," replied the cat. "But I don't know any, not even your aunts.” “I doubt they would help me anyway," Sabrina admitted. “But I know someone who will," the cat smiled. “Really, who?” Sabrina's eyes lit up. “A magical newt who lives in the basement of your old house," the cat replied. “There is a newt under my aunt's house," Sabrina was puzzled, "how come I never knew that? “Even your aunts don't know," Salem admitted, putting his paw to his head in embarrassment. "It's something only he and I know, we have... an agreement.” “Well, I don't care what you do or don't do in your private life. You introduce me to him the next time we go home," seeing that her problems were probably solved, Sabrina turned off the light and closed her eyes with a smile on her face. A week later, Sabrina and Salem visited her aunts, who greeted them enthusiastically. After a round of questions about how she was doing in school and some lunch, Sabrina and Salem went downstairs to the basement, taking advantage of a moment when her aunts were distracted. It was like any other basement, dark, dusty, with even more cobwebs than in the entrance of the house, full of old things that had not been used for a long time, but were probably kept there for their possible "usefulness". “Newton!" called Salem as he put his paws on the basement floor, immediately a small but male voice answered from somewhere in the basement. “What do you want?" the voice replied. "You haven't been here for a while.” “That's right, I don't even live here anymore," Salem laughed. "I came to ask you something.” “Oh, that's very strange of you.” “Well, it's not exactly for me," Salem and Sabrina walked slowly through the basement towards the place where the voice came from. “It’s for my friend Sabrina Spellman.” “Spellman," the tone of his voice took on shades of terror by the time both Salem and Sabrina had reached their interlocutor, a small blue-green newt, lacking one of its eyes, a patch covering it. He wore a small conical blue hat, with a few yellow stars, and a red tunic “Did you bring me a witch?” “Easy” Salem tried to calm him down, in fact, he had to stop him because he was already in a race to get out of there. “How can I be calm when you brought me a witch?" the newt kept shouting from the paw Salem had trapped him in. “Oh, don't worry, I didn't come here to hurt you," Sabrina approached Salem and the newt with a comforting smile on her face. "I just came to ask you a favor.” “I won't give you my other eye," the amphibian cried as it wriggled in the cat's paw in an attempt to escape. “Why would I want your eye," Sabrina was a little confused. “Isn't it obvious," Newton asked. "Don't you know that the eye of a newt is a popular ingredient in witches' potions?” Sabrina was about to say something else but decided to remain silent for a moment because the newt was right, she only had to look in her potion book to realize that most of the recipes contained this ingredient. “Well, I didn't come here for that," the witch finally said. "But for you to help me with a friend of mine. The newt seemed to calm down a bit after hearing Sabrina's words, so Salem decided to put him back on the table where they had found him, which resembled a small miniature laboratory, with various flasks and liquids of different colors bubbling due to the heat they were exposed to or the chemical reactions they were experimenting with. “You see," Sabrina continued. "There's a friend of mine who wants to be bigger and stronger..." “Oh, is that all?" interrupted Newton. "Don't worry, I have what your friend needs.” He immediately began to search his downsized laboratory. He rummaged through every inch of it, the shelves, the corners, the trunks until he finally came upon a red clay jar sealed with a cork. “Let me just pour some of this into a perfume bottle," the newt said as he tweaked the knob with his tweezers. "This is very concentrated and, therefore very strong. If you use it once, it will be enough.” He took a perfume button he found in a corner of the lab and poured a small amount of the greenish liquid that was in the bottle into the flask, later he gave the perfume flask to Sabrina. She thanked him and they both said goodbye. Harvey was still depressed about the embarrassment he had suffered the previous week during tryouts for the wrestling team. Sabrina found him sitting on a bench, his head resting on the table in front of him and his arms outstretched. “Hi, Harvey," Sabrina greeted enthusiastically when she found her friend. “Hi, Sabrina," Harvey replied quietly and without much enthusiasm. “I have good news for you," Sabrina continued, not letting her friend's long face affect her in the least. She was carrying the potion Newton had given her in her backpack. Harvey only raised his head slightly in response to what Sabrina said. “Oh, come on, cheer up a little," Sabrina said as she sat down next to Harvey and searched her backpack for the bottle. “How can I do that if I can't fulfill one of my dreams”, Harvey said with some annoyance. “On that note," Sabrina finally pulled the vial of potion out of her backpack. "I think I can help you. I'm going to put some of this lucky perfume on you and you'll see how much better everything gets.” “Sabrina, please," Harvey didn't believe Sabrina's words at all. "Even if it works, the tests are over, there's no way I can get in.” “You may be right," Sabrina said. "But you don't lose anything by trying, maybe you can get in next year or next semester.” Harvey thought carefully, Sabrina was right, he had nothing to lose. “Okay, I accept, just for you," she decided and with that Sabrina sprayed some of the perfume on Harvey's body. A greenish vapor rose a few centimeters from Harvey's head, the strange thing was that the top looked like the head of a dragon. This immediately descended onto the boy's body, which glowed with a faint green light, Harvey's eyes staring at an undefined point in space, as if he were in some sort of trance, only to have a slight green flash appear in his irises. Harvey straightened up completely in his seat, his muscles tense, then relaxed, then tense again. With each passing second, he gave the impression that his sweater was getting tighter and tighter around Harvey's body. His usual slender build took on a bit of toning, even a seductive outline of his chest was sketched under his clothing, not to mention the sleeves were filled with the new thickness of his arms. Harvey smiled mischievously at this slight growth, even flexing one of his arms and enjoying the feeling of constriction as his sweater struggled with the new dimensions of his body. “Pfff," someone behind him snorted. "What the hell are you doing, Shrimpzilla? Harvey turned his eyes to where the taunt came from. There he saw the boy he had fought last week. His brow furrowed in anger. He abruptly rose from his seat and moved to confront him. Sabrina tried to stop him, but just as he was about to utter a few words, Harvey grabbed the other boy around the waist with both arms, lifted him with his weight, bent his lower back backward, and slammed the boy to the ground. He immediately lunged at him and grabbed him with a good hold. The boy tried to break free, but Harvey's grip was quite strong, as was his new body. The coach of the wrestling team happened to be passing by at the time, so he had a chance to watch the fight. He saw the boy struggling with all his might to get free, just as Harvey was holding him almost immobile with little apparent effort. When he saw the boy indicate that he was going to give up. He walked over to where they were standing and announced that Harvey was now part of the college wrestling team, which of course pleased both Sabrina and Harvey. The magic of the potion affected not only Harvey but also the amulet he was wearing. Despite what Sabrina thought, the amulet did have some magical power, very little, almost invisible, but with the influx of magic from the potion, it was activated and a new entity began to brew within it, a consciousness that would gain more power and influence over the boy as the days went by. Despite the strength he gained from the potion, Harvey remained small and scrawny compared to the other members of the wrestling team, so the coach himself put him on a strict training and diet regimen: he had to train in the gym for at least an hour every day. At first, as expected, it consisted of full-body workouts without much weight to avoid injury. Then there were the drills in which Harvey gradually learned different fighting techniques. “More” a month had passed since Harvey had joined the wrestling team, and every morning he woke up and heard the word in his head. It sounded like a whisper, like the words of someone far away or behind an extremely thick wall. He didn't think much of it, he took it as his determination to gain more strength, something that was already well on its way. The roar of his stomach was the third (after the alarm and that voice) thing he heard in the morning. He'd been eating a lot lately; the training sessions had left him exhausted and his body was demanding nutrients to grow. He had already gained quite a bit of muscle mass in that one month, but he was still at light weight. Even so, he didn't overlook his athletic image in the mirror: those toned arms, his firm (though still small) pecs, those three pairs of abs over his belly, his broad shoulders, and those round buttocks supported by a pair of strong legs. “More, much more” he heard that voice again, and he agreed, it was still not strong enough. So, he helped himself to a hearty breakfast, the equivalent of two people's ration. After finishing, he went to the university, as usual, with his friend. Harvey's physique wasn't the only thing that changed after Sabrina poured that perfume on him. Harvey began to become more distant, arrogant, selfish, and violent. It didn't help that he started using steroids. After a month of training with the rest of the wrestling team, Harvey realized that his teammates were using these supplements to increase their performance. At another time, he would have refused to use them outright, but that insidious voice in his head convinced him to use them. “More, stronger, you must be stronger," the reptilian voice in his head kept repeating. "Use whatever it takes to get there. The reflection of each morning in his mirror pushed him more to obey the designs of that voice. He saw the changes day after day, his arms thickened, his chest bulging, his back wider, his legs stronger, and even some veins were outlined on his arms. The first doses were administered by his classmates, but it wasn't long before he learned to administer the doses himself. The injection hurt, but that pain quickly turned to bliss as soon as he loaded the weights. He had become addicted to the feeling of power, of pushing his muscles to the limit with each repetition, of seeing his reflection in the gym mirrors as he did each exercise, flexing his muscles, watching the veins carry precious oxygen to his ever-growing muscles, the sweat pooling on his t-shirt, moistening his skin, making it glisten under the light of the lamps. It was extremely orgasmic, in fact, from each session he always had to have a moment alone to release all the sexual tension that built up with each workout, first with the classic method, but as he acquired a more impressive body, it was common that he always found someone willing to "help" him. Sabrina was not unaware of her boyfriend's increasingly radical changes. She hardly spoke to him anymore, they no longer went to school together, and he was always asleep after all the wild parties he had started to attend. Besides, it scared her. Harvey had turned into a monster. He had already witnessed several moments when he had mistreated other students, it was with people who weren't very cordial or nice, so she didn't make a big deal out of it, once in a while you had to know how to put said riffraff in their place. But it didn't take long for him to do the same, or worse, to other students: from hurtful words and insults to more physical violence, to blackmail or extortion. Harvey had become a kind of master to serve, where everyone was his servant. “Is it normal for a person's behavior to change after using the potion," Sabrina asked Newton one day. “It depends," replied the newt, without looking up from some experiments he was doing. "It is very rare that an adult suffers changes, a teenager on the other hand...". “Well, he is 18 years old...” “What do you mean 18 years old?" the newt shouted, almost spilling the substance he was working with on the floor. "There are still some growth and sex hormones acting in his body, maybe not like in real adolescence, but it's dangerous to link that with the potion.” Sabrina didn't say another word, her face had tightened in a mixture of embarrassment and fear. “You only used it once, didn’t you?" the newt asked. “Yes, only once," Sabrina replied. “Then there shouldn't be any more problems, it will calm down eventually," said the newt and went back to his work. "Keep it somewhere safe and out of reach anyway.” “Understood," Sabrina smiled, relieved. It had been three months since Harvey joined the wrestling team. He was already a middleweight, he had to change his entire wardrobe because his clothes were already too small for him, he was already wearing a size M, with a tendency to be a little tight (not that he minded, he loved showing off his body). His routine had changed almost completely: he got up extremely late because he spent most of the night at parties with his new friends, he barely attended classes, he spent more time at the gym working out, he didn't care much about homework, he'd gotten an entourage of privileged students to do it for him in exchange for not bothering them too much, and he even let them enjoy the occasional hot nights with him. He tended to force them to satisfy his sexual needs, although perhaps due to the mixture of hormones and magic in his body at the time, his "mistresses" eventually gave in completely and became mere bitches, eager for Harvey to bend them over. Perhaps because of the enormous amounts of energy he was expending during the day due to his increasingly long workouts, Harvey also began consuming energy drinks. At first, it was only while he was in the gym, but later he added more cans throughout the day, almost completely replacing water. There were times when he would drink an entire bottle in one gulp, and contrary to what others thought, he had no trouble sleeping. Between the training and his accelerated metabolism, plus the magical influence of the amulet, his body easily processed all the energizing drinks. It helped him concentrate on each of his exercises at the gym and kept him a little calmer for the rest of the day. Another habit he developed during these months was smoking. It was unexpected, but, likely, the Dragon's influence that developed in the amulet during those months influenced this new vice. During one of the many parties he attended, he used an electronic cigarette for the first time. The moment the smoke reached his lungs, something inside him was activated. Perhaps the smoke and taste connected him to memories of the natural habitat of the creature that was developing in his mind, a habitat near volcanoes or other places where there were constant fumes, the fact is that he was instantly turned on. Harvey would start his day with a cigarette in his mouth, he would go out on the balcony of his apartment and vape a little, then another little when he arrived at the university, another one during lunch, another one after his training sessions with the wrestling team and at the gym, the last one just before going to bed. “That’s it, give up your personality and become more like me. You have to be strong, intimidating, dominant, a king,” whispered the voice in his head every time he put his electronic cigarette to his lips and inhaled the vapors, every time he injected his dose of steroids or threw someone against the lockers or intimidated them with his threatening look. “That's right Harvey... no, Harvzilla,” the reptilian voice corrected,” You're not like the others, you're better, you're someone superior, almost a god, the others need to know where they belong.” Harvey smiled evilly at these words as he extorted a few dollars from a nobody to buy some protein bars, his stomach wouldn't stop growling, but he knew the reason, he was still gaining weight, and he wanted to make it to heavyweight by the end of the semester. “Why settle for so little?" the voice asked "You can get bigger.” “That's right," Harvey whispered. "I need to be bigger. “A titan,” the voice suggested. “A god," Harvey corrected. The voice did not answer, just laughed at how much it had corrupted the young man's soul. It was no surprise to anyone when Harvey showed up at school with a nose ring piercing. He had done it one weekend in the interest of completely shedding the good boy image (which he had already achieved with all the pounds of muscle he had put on in the past few months, plus this radical change in attitude), although it was no less true that he now had a more animalistic, brutal, threatening air about him. The student body was divided between those who praised him (and sometimes not-so-secretly desired him) and those who felt intimidated. The new Harvey liked both sides. The mid-semester competitions were coming up. Harvey was selected to compete in the middleweight division due to his outstanding performance. A crowd, both from the university itself and from the other participants, gathered at the stadium to watch the various bouts that would take place that day, which began in the afternoon after most classes were over. Harvey was in the locker room, sitting on a bench, holding his amulet. He was fully dressed in his team's uniform, and in a few minutes, it would be his turn to go out into the stadium and fight his opponent. His heart was pounding in his broad chest with excitement, rising and falling with every breath, pressing his skin against the tight latex fabric. “I have to win," Harvey muttered between his teeth. He was convinced that he would, few people dared to face him after he had acquired that ominous physique, but even so, that voice in his head, from his old self, reminded him of all those insecurities from before he joined the wrestling team. “You just have to get stronger," the dragon's voice suggested. "The strongest always wins.” “How?” Harvey asked, he could already hear the call from the audience to enter the ring, his turn was about to begin. “Search for the potion," the voice replied. "The one that unleashed your transformation. You will become even stronger if you take it again, you will be unstoppable.” “Yes," Harvey agreed. "I must find that potion, I must become stronger.” Harvey got up from the bench and left the lockers in the direction of the school to look for Sabrina's locker, something told him that what he was looking for was there. Luckily it wasn't very far, he would be back immediately and before they declared defeat for non-participation. The corridors were deserted, everyone, or at least most of them, were at the stadium watching the fights, and those who weren't were probably at home or in the library. Harvey went straight to Sabrina's locker, as expected, it was locked, but that didn't discourage him, on the contrary, he threw himself sideways against the door, his developed shoulder hitting the metal door hard and it wasn't long before it bent a little, he threw himself at it again, it bent more, again it was open enough to rummage inside and look for the flask. It didn't take long to find it. It was amazing how much he had grown, the flask looked so small in his huge hands... Harvey sprayed some of the contents over his body, inhaled the scent, and felt the first hit. He thought again and decided to open the lid and pour the entire contents on himself. The moment the liquid touched his skin, his nerves sent waves of pleasure to his brain, his muscles tensed, and his heart sent greater amounts of blood to them. “That's it, grow," the reptile's voice said. A green glow enveloped Harvey's body as he writhed in pain and pleasure. He grunted like an animal as his muscles exploded in size, his skin gradually becoming drier and thicker as small scales began to cover it, scales that were purple at first, but quickly gave way to a more greenish color. His ears grew and became pointed, and his pupils contracted vertically, giving him a more reptilian appearance. His torso expanded with each inhalation, centimeter by centimeter, his shoulders growing farther apart and at the same time bulging and rounding with the muscle that was constantly being added. His trapezius became more prominent, almost turning into a pair of mountains that temporarily blocked his head until his neck grew enough (both in length and width) to move freely again. His Adam's apple grew so much that the growls Harvey emitted began to sound more like roars, so intense that the crystals began to shake. The arms wasted no time in growing to a size proportional to the shoulders. They became as thick as a grown man's leg, with prominent veins adorning their surface, sending enough oxygen and nutrients to make them grow even larger. Each muscle became perfectly defined: the biceps looked like the tops of two mountains when the arms were flexed, the forearms large enough to hide the presence of the bones beneath with their magnificence. The hands grew considerably larger, to the point where they could completely encircle a person's head. The fingers also grew thicker, as did the claws that grew from their tips, where nails previously were, which were so sharp they could easily cut through steel. Deep valleys formed in Harvey's back as he gained more muscle mass. His deltoids expanded to such an extent that it quickly began to look more like a palace wall than a simple back. It took a while for the fabric of the uniform to give way due to its elastic nature, but thanks to the continued growth of his pecs, dozens of tears began to appear in his suit. His chest had grown so large that they threatened to block their view, they were so large that even his new oversized hands could not encompass a single one of his pecs, and even his nipples were forced to almost look down due to the incredible amount of muscle his pecs had gained. His abdominal muscles did not waste any time either, the little fat that remained on them was quickly consumed and transformed into pure muscle, eight bricks as strong as titanium alloy appeared under the monstrous breasts. The legs were next to grow, first in length, then, almost immediately, in width. His glutes became rounder and firmer with the perfect arrangement of fat and muscle. His quads exploded in size; it was very likely that he would have to walk with his legs slightly apart as the muscles came to touch at the crotch. Like his forearms, his calves grew so large that any hint of goosebumps disappeared. Finally, his feet grew rapidly, causing them to feel trapped in the shoes that protected them, but not for long, as the toes immediately cut through the socks and rubber of the shoes with the help of the claws that had also grown to replace the nails. “Harvzilla, Harvzilla," shouted the crowd in the stadium. Harvey heard these shouts and followed in their footsteps, unaware that the effects of the perfume were still upon him. Each step he took added an inch to his height, his teeth became sharp as daggers, and a pair of horny bumps began to grow on his forehead, plus a few small ones along the edge of his jaw. Just above his buttocks, another bulge began to grow. Centimeter by centimeter, this structure pressed against the remains of his briefs: bones, muscles, and nerve endings grew under the skin of the nascent appendage, and it wasn't long before Harvey could move it from side to side as he walked. Harvey had to start bending his back as his horns began to hit the roof of the school. His face had stretched forward, his human features completely replaced by those of a dragon. Two types of scales covered his body: larger, plate-like ones on the ventral part of his torso and tail, of a lighter green, almost white, and another one spread over the rest of his body, of a darker green and smaller in size, but no less resistant than the previous ones. A scream of horror flooded the room where the contestants, judges, and spectators were as they saw this reptilian monster emerge from under the door, well, more than emerge, walk through it. Harvey had grown so large that he could not fit through the doors in the normal way, both his width and height were too large to fit through a normal door. “Weren't you here to see me?" Harvey asked, pieces of brick falling from his shoulders to the floor. His voice had grown low, more like a roar than a human voice. No one answered, everyone was too scared to think of anything but running. They all crowded into the emergency exit, pushing and shoving each other in desperation. The only one still on the bleachers was Sabrina, who, no matter how much Harvey had changed in these months, remained his friend. “Harvey, what happened to you?" she shouted, but her scream was drowned out by the roar of the dragon-turned-human as it clawed at the roof of the stadium, trying to get out. Harvzilla had reached the impressive height of 10 meters and it didn't look like she was going to stop. Perhaps it was the new height he had reached, but the Herculean proportions he had acquired a few moments before had completely disappeared. Harvey looked more like a giant Asian dragon than a human, his body was cylindrical, with hardly any difference between his shoulders and waist. His hind legs looked short compared to the rest of his body, a ridge of horny spines had extended down the centerline of his back to his tail, which ended in a huge tuft of hair the same color as the hair on his head. Harvzilla scanned the horizon for a few moments before lifting one paw over the walls of the building that housed the wrestling match she was about to enter. With clumsy, heavy steps, he moved across the university campus, leaving deep pentad footprints and a trail of destruction and terror in his wake. He walked without stopping to think of the poor people beneath his feet, not of the gardens, benches or cars he destroyed on his way. Sabrina finally made it out of the stadium. She had to summon a broom to fly out of the place. At that moment, she didn't care about keeping a low profile in front of the mortals; besides, they were too busy running for their lives to notice if an 18-year-old girl was flying over their heads on a broom. As he made his way across campus, he watched as some of the professors in the Magic Department tried to stop the dragon's advance, but to no avail; for some reason, spells and incantations did not affect Harvey. “I have to get to my aunts’ house right away and try to fix this mess," the little witch muttered to herself as her broom flew across the city at full speed. “More” Harvzilla roared in his seemingly aimless progress through the city. His mind had slowed down, only a few thoughts were contained in this moment, and most of them had to do with being even bigger and more powerful. Cars stopped as drivers saw the reptilian creature approaching, many crashed into each other and were engulfed in flames, others, less fortunate, were thrown somewhere as they were struck by Harvzilla's long tail. Whole houses collapsed completely; buildings were heavily damaged. Neither the fire department nor the police could keep up with the exponentially growing number of incidents in the neighborhood. The screams and desperate cries of the people were drowned out by the periodic roars of the dragon as it sniffed the air from time to time as if searching for something. There were times when it would lean over a house, lift it as if it were a doll's house, and inspect it, oblivious to the screams of terror from the tenants. “Perfume... I need perfume," the beast struggled to articulate, its mouth still unaccustomed to the new anatomy. Sabrina quickly flew to her aunts' house. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she suddenly opened the door and ran out without paying much attention to her aunts, who were astonished by the unexpected visit of their niece. “Sabrina, what is the purpose of this visit?" asked Zelda, her eyes following Sabrina's figure as she opened the door to the basement and disappeared as quickly as she had come in. “I have a problem to solve," the echo of Sabrina's voice answered her as she ran down the stairs to the basement. “What have you done now, Sabrina?" asked her Aunt Hilda, but before Sabrina could answer, the news came from the television that a giant dragon was ravaging the suburbs of the city, near the university. Both aunts decided to go down to the basement to find out more details about what was going on, only to find their niece screaming for someone. “Newton, I need your help," called Sabrina. “Who is Newton?" asked Hilda. “A newt that lives in the basement,” Sabrina replied, still looking for the little one-eyed amphibian. “A newt lives in our basement?" said Zelda in surprise. “It's a long story, but, yes," Salem's voice appeared out of nowhere to answer the question. “And where did you come from?" the aunts were startled. “I'm a cat, appearing out of nowhere is our specialty," the cat joked. “Now you can explain to me what three witches are doing in my basement," Newton's voice was heard. “Newton," Sabrina exclaimed as soon as she heard it. "I'm so glad I found you! I desperately need your help, Harvey, the friend I used the potion you gave me, has turned into a giant dragon and is destroying the town.” “Is that monster Harvey?” Zelda put her hands to her cheeks in shock. “Sabrina, do you have any idea what you just did?" Hilda reprimanded her. “Hilda, you can punish me for all eternity if you want, but now we have to solve this situation," Sabrina didn't take her eyes off the pensive newt. “Dragons are powerful beings, it is very likely that this boy is now under the influence of the creature he has become," the newt replied. "There is little we can do for him, the only thing I can think of is to get rid of what is left of the potion and that you try to get to the bottom of his being and bring him back.” “I'll try," Sabrina replied determinedly. "Then let's get rid of the potion before it does any more damage.” An earth tremor stopped them just as they were about to pour the potion down the drain. The five people gathered in the basement froze, knowing what was going on out there. “Do you, aunts, know any spells against dragons?" asked Sabrina. “Dragons are very powerful beings whose magic is even more powerful than that of most witches and wizards today," Zelda replied. “I'm afraid not, Sabrina, our magic isn't even enough to tickle them," Hilda added. “That must be why the wizards at the university had such a hard time stopping him," Sabrina mused. A rumbling sound silenced the familiar chatter. Those present heard the walls of the house creak and crackle as a force was applied to them. They saw the walls buckle periodically from one side to the other and even heard cracks appear in the walls and other structures. “This is it," Salem said, still shivering. The warmth of the house was invaded by the cold night air, the moon appeared just above their heads, but its argent light was eclipsed by the titanic shadow of a monstrous lizard watching them closely. Strong gusts of air hit them as Harvzilla began sniffing around the cellar in search of the potion, a process that did not take long as the bottle containing it was tucked away in a corner of the newt's miniature laboratory. Without delay, the titanic reptile thrust one of its paws into the cellar, intent on taking the precious liquid. No one moved to stop it, for all were terrified, watching as the reptile lifted and then pulled the bottle, which looked so small between its claws, but was careful not to break it. “Sabrina," the newt managed to articulate, "as far as I can see, the boy is still in the early stages of transformation. Developmentally speaking, he's still just a baby dragon.” “What does that mean, Newton?" asked Sabrina, not taking her eyes off her best friend. “If you can reach him, talk to him, make him remember his human form, maybe he can return to normal," Newton replied. "That is all you can do, as your aunts said, there are hardly any wizards powerful enough to fight a dragon. Even if it is a baby like this one, the magical power these creatures possess is incredible.” Sabrina nodded at the talking amphibian's words, then gathered all her willpower, raised her arm horizontally to chest height, and summoned her broom, which immediately came out of the room. Sabrina grabbed it and mounted it, then gave a little jump and flew up to Harvey's eye level, who was already about to pour the magic substance on him. “Harvey, stop," Sabrina shouted with all her might for the monster to hear her. With apparent success, Harvzilla stopped for a few moments and focused his gaze on the witch hovering in front of him. It was almost as if he was looking at an insect. “Harvey, have you even seen what you've become?" Sabrina continued, her eyes reflecting concern and pleading. "You weren't like this, you were a good boy, kind, sweet, and you cared about others.” Harvzilla continued to watch without even blinking. Sabrina took this to mean that her words were having an effect, that she might be getting somewhere with her friend, which made her smile a faint smile of hope. So, she did not get discouraged, but just as she was about to continue her speech, Harzilla emptied the entire contents over his snout, which, due to a problem of proportions, hardly looked like he was pouring a drop on himself. But it was enough to make his brain work faster. As Newton had said, Harvey had been turned into a kind of baby dragon, so his intellectual abilities were partially diminished, but with this new influx of magic, his intellect returned, even increased. “I'm sorry, Sabrina," Harvzilla's voice was as deep as the crater of a volcano, his breath burning like fire. "But I'm not going back to being the pathetic creature I was before. Not when I have this power.” Harvzilla did a double biceps pose, showing off his arm muscles. “No, I will definitely not go back to being human, on the contrary, I will embrace this new dragon body and bring it to its maximum splendor," Harvzilla continued, at that moment he began to move his arms in the air and Sabrina could see how magical energy began to escape from his hands. “Oh gods, he has gained power over her magical abilities," exclaimed Newton. "We are lost.” “Harvey, what are you doing?" cried Sabrina in horror. “That amount was minuscule, I need more," Harvey replied. “But you don't know how to make it.” “Ha, Sabrina, I have enough capacity right now to make more potion, enough to become the most powerful dragon that has ever lived in this world. I can even make it better,” Harvzilla boasted. "Now, if you'll excuse me, you're in the way.” With that, he shoved Sabrina away with his paw, just like shooing away an insect. Sabrina was able to regain control of the broom and was unharmed, but it was clear that there was nothing she could do for her friend but watch helplessly as events unfolded. “Well, first I need a cauldron to make the potion," Harvzilla said with a wave of his paws, causing the ground in front of him to eject pieces of rock and houses into the air, which began to swirl around a center in front of Harvzilla. Gradually, the pieces of rock and debris began to collide and coalesce, slowly forming what looked like a giant cauldron. “Good, now, some fire,” with another gesture, Harvzilla had several entire trees uprooted and placed under the cauldron, and with the help of his fiery breath, he set the fire ablaze. People fled in terror as hundreds of objects flew through the air above their heads as Harvzilla gathered more materials. Screams flooded the area. “Oh, shut up already," Harvzilla roared, slapping the ground with his huge tail, the roar echoing through the city and instantly silencing the terrified people, "Don't force me to take you as a snack, so many transformations in one day have made me hungry.” No one said a word or made the slightest sound when they heard these words. “That's the way I like it, insects, be quiet and let me become what I am truly meant to be.” The water pipes ruptured and burst through the whole thing to the surface, their contents floating directly into the cauldron until it was almost filled. After that, almost industrial quantities of certain drugs shot out of the pharmacies (and some people) and fell into the water, which was slowly heating up in the fire of hundreds of trees. “Heh, heh, my addition to the formula, steroids, the more the better," Harvzilla laughed, "I'm also going to add something to make it work only on me, I have no interest in fighting anyone else who accidentally gets exposed to this treat.” Harvzilla used one of his paw claws to cut the flesh of the other one to draw out the blood, which fell into the cauldron and gradually mixed into the potion. To this, he added other elements such as sweat, bull's horn powder, his own scales, lion's mane hair, rhinoceros’ horn, oak leaves, and a little Amanita muscaria. Gradually, the concoction began to change color and smell. Harvzilla smiled slightly as he realized his potion was almost ready. After half an hour of preparation, the potion was ready. The greenish substance still bubbled in the makeshift cauldron, its vapors slowly rising into the air. Harvzilla took a deep sniff, letting those vapors stimulate every millimeter of his nostrils, traveling down his very long windpipe and filling his lungs as its magical properties began to take effect, but not content with just sniffing his handiwork, he grabbed the cauldron with his paws and lifted it over his head with one smooth motion, then poured it all over his head. The still-boiling mixture completely bathed his body from head to toe, seeping through his scales and soaking the ground beneath his legs. Enjoying the intense heat, Harvzilla closed his eyes and waited for the potion to take effect. It didn't take long for the potion to take effect, especially with the immense amount and concentration of it. An intense greenish glow covered his body. Harvzilla closed his eyes tightly and arched his back slightly, his body feeling as if an intense fire was burning inside of him, the fire enlivening every cell. “Yes," Harvzilla murmured. "This was what I needed, this power.” The first thing to be affected in his body were his bones, creaking as they lengthened, especially those in his legs, which had become very short concerning his body with the last transformation. Harvzilla groaned as his lower limbs grew longer and longer, his legs also growing in unison, pushing everything around him due to the force of his growth. “This is not enough, I need more," Harvzilla growled. Next to be affected was his torso, which flattened out dorsoventrally, while his shoulder blades and pelvic girdle widened, especially the shoulder blades, gradually giving his body a V-shape. Then his facial features hardened, his jaw became square and strong, and the upper part of his eye sockets became protruding, giving him an ever more serious and intimidating scowl. The horns on his head doubled in length, adding more ramifications to the antlers, while the number of spines bordering his jaw increased in number, some adding a few inches to their length, a pair of whiskers emerged from his snout and slowly descended until they reached the height of his chest. On his shoulders and back, countless spikes appeared, sharp as blades and almost blackish green. “Yes, more," Harvzilla roared, his brain completely intoxicated by the pleasure of his transformation. His muscles tensed again, his veins bursting at the seams, dilated to get as much oxygen and nutrients to his growing muscles as possible. His neck was the first to be affected by the new wave of growth, his Adam's apple becoming even more prominent, irrevocably turning his voice into a mighty thunder that roared with the fury of a storm. Then it was his shoulders that added more and more mass, rounding out, increasing the width of his shoulders while the trapezoids rose like mountains. His chest, flat as a board a few moments ago, began to gain some definition as hints of pectorals appeared beneath his scaly skin. Gradually, they began to take shape, taking on their characteristic four-sidedness, later gaining mass and protruding forward. They grew in both width and thickness, so much muscle mass had they acquired that their nipples began to practically point downward, looking like a pair of pillows to lean back against. Next were his abs, which quickly came to the surface, growing and hardening into three pairs of bricks as hard as titanium. Then his back, already broad, widened even more, becoming an impenetrable wall covered with sharp spikes and decorated with deep valleys where the muscles were inserted. Then came the buttocks, rounded with the perfect mixture of fat and muscle, upon which rested the ominous tail, waving back and forth, destroying any building within its reach. Finally, the limbs exploded with titanic strength, the veins running through them like mighty rivers of vital fluid. His biceps were the size of a small car, his claws powerful, capable of bending steel itself as if it were the finest paper. His legs became as strong as pillars, with mighty quadriceps and spherical calves. To put the icing on the cake, a trail of spikes grew over his torso resembling what it would have been body hair, from his groin to his huge pecs, where it covered almost the entire surface. Some spikes also grew over his forearms and legs. Once the transformation was complete, Harvzilla roared with satisfaction, a roar that echoed in the distant mountains and struck fear into the hearts of thousands of people nearby. He was so big that the skyscrapers in the center of the city looked like toys compared to him. The titanic dragon took his time inspecting his tale, enjoying every muscle, every valley, every scale, every hair, running his paws over every inch of his being, even tasting himself with his now very long tongue. “Finally," the dragon thundered. "This is the body a god like me deserves. No one will dare challenge me; everyone will have to worship me and pray that I will be kind to them and not destroy their pathetic lives.” With that, he swung his paws in the air again. The ground in front of him suddenly rose like a small elevation, but it didn't take long for it to change its appearance and resemble a seat, a throne. Harvzilla prepared to sit on it, in front of him hundreds of people, so small compared to him, ran from one place to another, always casting a glance at the colossus in front of them, waiting for what might happen, Harvzilla on the other hand just watched, enjoying the terror he inspired and thinking about what he would do from now on. Nayar Leng
  6. (AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well, this is what happens when you're too damn clever! Twenty-years ago, I wrote the first two chapters of CYCLE ONE -- each imply a malevolent force behind the creation/ distribution of the sports drink, but who was it? I never answered that question within the text of CYCLE ONE, but while I was writing the original KING REX series a few years later, I playfully connected the two universes, revealing that the secret ingredient in Cycle One was the mystical cum of the super-villain, King Rex. (Here I am twenty-years later trying to crawl out of the mess created by that decision! So, as you will see in the coming story, characters from both "franchises" populate these pages. You don't necessarily need to read both of those stories to understand this one, but... it's kind of fun, in a completest kind of way... (Let me know if you think I succeeded or not. Hope you enjoy!) ******************************************************************************************************* CYCLE ONE: FOUR BACKSTORIES ONE: There’s a mom&pop coffee shop in Ellicott City, MD, that the writer favors, not just for the view and the free wi-fi, but because it’s intimate and quiet -- he can sort his thoughts before he writes without worry of distraction. He leaves his little apartment, walks the steep downhill toward the Patapsco River, and spends his mornings writing at the coffee shop, enjoying the sunrise over the rushing water. He’s a big man, thick and solid -- not at all the build one would expect a writer to have -- but small compared to the bodybuilder that suddenly enters the shop, a very muscular man dressed in tight joggers and matching jacket over a t-shirt that fits him like spandex. The guy moves like he’s not used to the dimensions of his own muscular body. Awkward. The writer has seen this kind of thing before -- although, it’s been long enough that he’s surprised to see it again. It’s possible that the guy has never adjusted to the change, the growth, but that seems unlikely, not after nearly twenty years. This is too fresh. The bodybuilder spots the writer and a small, hopeful expression appears on his face. He crosses to the writer’s corner booth in a few heavy steps. “Sam Bennett?” he asks. The writer sighs and looks up, locking eyes with the bodybuilder. “Can I help you?” he asks. “I sure hope so,” the bodybuilder says. “My name is Ben Fortunato and I’m in desperate need of help.” He indicates the seat on the opposite side of the booth. “May I?” he asks. Sam nods and the big, Italian bodybuilder squeezes into the booth. “Mr. Fortunato…” “Ben.” “Ben... “ The writer draws a breath for strength. “What brings you by?” (He asks in a tone that implies he knows the answer already.) Ben pulls something out of his jacket pocket and sets it on the table between them. A crisp new bottle of CYCLE ONE, a magic potion disguised as a sports drink. There is a growing horror on Sam Bennett’s face as he stares at the bottle. “What the fuck?” he asks. “Are you kidding? Is that real?” He pushes it back toward Ben. “Jesus Christ, do you know what people would DO to you to get that? Put it away before someone sees it!” He looks around, paranoid -- nothing’s amiss, nobody else is even in the room, but it doesn’t stop his panic. “Put it the fuck away!” Ben is confused, but does as he’s told. “I just wanted to prove I was legit.” But Sam didn’t lose his intensity. “You realize people will fucking KILL you for that? You know that, right? There are some crazy motherfuckers out there, Ben -- addicts, all of them! And they will do anything for their drug of choice. Where the fuck did you find that? No, wait, don’t tell me -- I don’t want to know.” “I have a lot more than this one bottle.” Sam Bennett, the writer, takes another breath -- he likes to believe he’d be stronger than this, but it’s right there in the man’s pocket… Sam could just TAKE it… Why is he even entertaining the thought? It’s been nearly twenty years… Does he really still want it that badly…? “Ben,” he asks instead, “do you understand what addiction is?” Ben’s expression is unreadable. “Yeah, I’m getting a pretty good idea…” “Imagine you’re taking a drug that makes lifting better than sex, and sex better than anything. Imagine that you spend a good few years of your life getting other guys hooked on it, turning them into addicts, too. Imagine that you do that for pay -- good pay -- and INCREDIBLE bonuses! And the world is just one powerful playground ripe for the taking. “And then one day, the drug disappears -- it goes out of production, the magic formula is lost, whatever -- new stock isn’t being produced. What’s left is what’s left. “And people go fucking crazy! First, it’s the guys with money -- they try to stockpile it -- the would-be dealers and petty hoarders. There’s fights over it, attacks, takeovers -- guns are always blazing and bodies -- big, muscular bodies -- begin piling up. Gangs form -- safety in numbers, right? -- some become cults, worshipping the drug and the drug’s creator. They isolate, hiding with their horde, fighting to be the last guy with the last drop. It’s the Supply War -- it’s a dark time led by power-hungry addicts. “But there’s another type, too -- another kind of guy, fewer in number, of course. Guys who understand and accept that it’s addiction -- they form support groups specializing in this drug. And there they learn how to navigate their lives without it, without this incredible drug that makes lifting better than sex and sex better than anything. Without it, they don’t get pumps at the gym anymore -- so lifting loses its… magic. No pumps, no good workouts, so bodies… don’t remain in the same condition. They still keep most of the size, but they get softer, saggier. “And of course, sex loses its vibrancy. I mean, what’s the use? You don’t feel attractive, so you stop attracting and pretty soon self-gratification is your only option -- and you don’t feel much like pleasing yourself, either.” He sighs, looking far away. “I know you didn’t come all this way to hear that, Ben,” the writer says, re-establishing eye-contact, “but you should know there are no happy endings when it comes to CYCLE ONE.” Ben speaks quietly. “I’m really sorry,” he says sincerely. “It wasn’t my intent to trigger you. I just wanted to have a conversation with someone who understands and can help me.” The writer does something mildly out of character and lays his hand on Ben’s arm. “Ben, I can connect you with several support groups…” Ben almost laughs. “It’s not that,” he says. “Honestly, I don’t care if I never drink another drop of this shit again! Isn’t that funny? As a kid, I dreamed of having a body like this -- getting a body like this by drinking a magic potion, in fact -- super-hero shit -- and now my life is one big fucking nightmare. No, the problem isn’t with me -- it’s my brother, Glenn. I mean, you wanna talk about addicts…? He’s been on a two-week binge…” Sam Bennett cocks his head curiously. “Two weeks…? How much CYCLE ONE do you have?” They make eye contact and Ben speaks quietly. “About twelve-hundred cases,” he says, waiting for a reaction like he’s revealed a poker hand. But Sam Bennett is silent, immovable -- stunned. “What the fuck..?” he finally whispers. “Do you have any idea how much danger you’re in?” Ben shakes his head -- he’s being misunderstood. “It’s not me, so much, it’s my brother. I need to know how to stop him from drinking it -- like, separating him from it, you know? I just… he’s not listening…” “No, I mean your life is in danger! There are people who will kill you for the bottle you have hidden in your pocket, much less a case!” He forces himself to a whisper again. “And you have a THOUSAND cases!” He shakes his head in disbelief. “You have clearly stumbled across someone’s stash and it’s only a matter of time before they come looking for it -- or for you. This is like mafia-shit, Ben -- I’m totally serious! And just by talking to me, you’re risking my life, too!” There’s a moment when Ben considers continuing this conversation, but then realizes there’s nothing to gain in it. He sighs and stands. “I’m really sorry to have bothered you,” he says, offering his hand. “Thank you for talking to me.” They shake and Sam partially rises. “I’m sorry, too,” he says. “I don’t mean to be so… well, it threw me to see the stuff again… I hope you understand. But I still hope you take my words to heart.” “I will,” Ben says. “There is someone I can connect you with,” Sam says. “He can probably offer a solution for your brother, but, um… I wouldn’t tell him about the stash. I wouldn’t trust him.” Ben nods. “Thank you.” And just as Ben is about to leave the coffee shop into the warm, morning sunshine of Ellicott City, Sam calls him back. “You know, Ben,” he says, swallowing his guilt, “on second thought, I will take that bottle.” Knowingly, Ben nods, smiling slightly in support. The writer doesn’t make eye contact with him, looking shamefully at the floor, broken by his confession, his own addiction. Ben places the bottle on the table and leaves -- he doesn’t see how long it takes for Sam Bennett to touch it. Imagine, lecturing Ben Fortunato on addiction -- or warning an Italian about the mafia! Jesus God, ridiculous! Still, Sam Bennett is right about one thing: there are no happy endings with CYCLE ONE. *********************************************************************************** TWO: “Welcome, brother,” the nearly naked bodybuilder says, wrapping Ben in a hug in the doorway of the church. “I’m glad you’re here.” For Ben, who’s never considered himself gay, this connection is a little too intimate, but there’s a strange masculine pleasure brewing, too. (He can’t help but remember what he and his brother had done when he first…) Fucking CYCLE ONE… “Thank you for meeting me,” Ben says, trying gently to pull away -- the bodybuilder doesn’t just let him. Instead, the moment becomes awkward -- especially when Ben can feel the nearly naked bodybuilder start to get hard in his tiny little thong, pressing against the inside of Ben’s hip. Worse, Ben can feel his own dick start to respond. “The pleasure’s all mine,” the bodybuilder says. “You smell fresh.” Ben breaks the hug and steps back. “Excuse me?” “It’s still in your system, the Cycle One,” the bodybuilder says. “You’ve had it so recently, I can smell it. I’d consider it an honor if you let me have your cum.” Ben is shocked -- speechless. The bodybuilder smiles, adjusting his hooded cape back across his shoulders, slitted open in the front to reveal his pouch. “It’s a sacrament, not sex,” he says. “You ARE new! Come inside and let’s talk -- welcome to the Brotherhood of Rex, the last remaining sect.” He leads Ben into the large, airy cathedral. “I’m Father John J,” the bodybuilder says warmly. “I’ve been the leader of this sect since our Lord plunged into the Multiverse.” They enter the sanctuary, Ben notes the lack of pews and such, just soft matting on lounge chairs set up to face the Altar, a towel on the back of each seat -- the place smells immaculately clean and fresh. He sees that there are superheroes on the stained glass, not religious figures, but he doesn’t have much time to process that as they come upon the altar. Ben swears it’s merely a California King-Size Bed with a black spandex/neoprene fitted sheet, but in this atmosphere, it feels more important. At the head of the bed -- of the altar -- stands a marble statue of a hugely muscled, hyper-masculine god -- an ancient greek statue given a 21st century physique. He’s a handsome man, with strong features and a build that would seem impossible if Ben hadn’t seen what he’s so recently seen. Ridiculously wide shoulders sloping to the tiniest of waists then exploding out again in a sweep of thigh. But that’s if you could NOT get distracted by the statue’s overladen balls and fantasy cock, erect and gently bending up. It’s so lifelike, it’s as if Father John J had poured white paint over a live model who’s eight feet tall and just standing there frozen -- it’s disconcerting. Father John J genuflects before the statue and speaks, looking only at the statue’s face. “This is our Lord and Creator,” he says reverently. “The Living God now lost in the Multiverse, King Rex. I am honored to be among the first he transformed -- I even aided him in the acquisition of Superion, His Majesty’s consort and husband. Pardon my prideful bragging, but there’s a reason I am where I am, and I sincerely doubt you’ve read my resume.” Ben legit smiles -- strange as all this is, he still maintains his humor -- it helps diffuse the anxiety. “No, I haven’t. The truth is I was sent here by Sam Bennett.” “Sam Bennett?” asks Father John J. “That’s a name I haven’t heard in a few years. How’s… um… how’s Sam?” “He seems well,” Ben says, shrugging. “I mean, he was a little surprised to see me and warned me extensively about continuing this journey -- he made it all sound very mafia.” Father John J nods understandingly. “His perspective has always featured a little paranoia -- it’s one of the things that makes his fiction so good. Come, let’s go to my office where we can talk a little more comfortably.” HIs office is surprisingly simple for a religious leader, fairly modern and standard but for another… altar in the back -- this looks more queen-sized than the altar in the sanctuary, same sheeting, though. Father John J directs him to the sitting area by the window and Ben takes one of two comfortable chairs. Father John J removes his cape, draping it across the altar and, dressed only in his golden thong and slippers, takes the other chair. Ben is still awed by the Father’s body, the impossible made flesh. (Nearly as big as his brother…) “I’m sorry,” the Father says. “I’ve been rude. Would you like something to drink? Coffee, water… Cycle One?” Father John J smiles in a teasing way. Ben snorts and unconsciously crosses his arms. “No, thank you,” he says, forcing a smile. “I appreciate you meeting me on such short notice -- time is… important.” Father John J nods. “Tell me what brings you here, Ben.” Ben is thoughtful for a moment, as if he’s debating whether to confess at all, much less to what extent. “You’re safe here,” Father John J says. “You’re Catholic, right? Let’s consider this confessional.” He leans back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head and inadvertently flexing his abs -- not many priests do that. “Thank you,” Ben says, still not at ease, but he sighs audibly and starts his monologue. “My brother and I… purchased a storage lot, three connected units. It was a blind buy, so we had no idea what we were getting, just someone’s abandoned junk, we assumed. It turned out to be a stash of Cycle One. And someone had clearly been living there, guarding it -- hell, one whole unit was a gym for this poor guy, and the next was the living quarters. “So we find this stash of Cycle One -- there’s something… familiar about it in the back of my mind, but I can’t remember what, and my brother drinks one like they haven’t been sitting there twenty years! I mean, like, who the fuck knows what’s really in the bottles and have the preseratives turned to poison or has there been some kind of freaky fermentive process? I mean, he’s fuckin’ CRAZY!” Father John J is thoughtful, curious. He gently asks, “How many bottles were there?” Fortunately, Ben is not so far gone that he doesn’t recognize the ploys of priests -- he WAS an altar boy, after all. He’s deceptive. “Let’s just say, quite a few,” he says, which doesn’t satisfy the Father, but it will have to do. “And he starts exercising, you know, playing around on the gym equipment, feeling all energetic and silly. I immediately blame the Cycle One -- so does he. And he starts slugging them down like it’s a frat party and he’s arrived late. “Because of some… bungling on my part, I ended up getting locked outside with my brother trapped inside and I had to run home to get the tools necessary to free him! It was an incredibly stressful few hours, but I did take the time to do some internet research on Cycle One -- that was how I connected it with King Rex. “I was fifteen, sixteen at the time that all went down, when all the superheroes suddenly became hypermasculine homosexuals -- I had no idea it was connected to Cycle One!” The Father smiles. “The cum of our Lord and Creator, the Living God lost in the Multiverse.” Ben is quiet again, lost in his own thoughts. The Father prods him. “Is your brother still trapped?” “Hmm?” Ben says, coming back to the moment. “No, not anymore. Not by accident.” Father John J tilts his head like an interested dog. “So, I went back. I got tools and I went back to free him. I’d only been gone, like, five, five-and-a-half hours -- it was crazy. I had no idea what Cycle One could do! I mean, I’m trying to free him and from inside he suddenly… rips the sliding door from its track and destroys it and… he’s HUGE! I mean, bigger than you and you’re fucking HUGE!” The Father can’t help but run a hand over his massive torso, and neither of them miss the twitch of his dick. “And he’s dressed the same way as you, in barely nothing, and he’s roaring and flexing and his cock is hard and um… I trip back over a piece of cinderblock and whap my head against the wall and pass out.” He smiles. “Glamorous.” The Father is wise enough to know that he shouldn’t interrupt, but he does offer a comforting smile. “When I wake up, I don’t know how much time has passed, but I discover my brother has chained me to one of the pallets…” “‘ONE of’...?” “Yeah,” Ben says, unthinking, lost in his own story. “And in order to get to the keys, I’d have to be strong enough to drag it across the room.” He swallows. “Only one way to do that.” There is another awkward silence as Ben gathers the strength to continue. “And as if that weren’t enough, he literally sealed me in, cemented the wall with old cinderblocks -- real Edgar Allen Poe shit, you know? He’s crazy, right? I mean… I had to… drink or die. Worse, he’s FILMING the fucking moment, too! So I get to have my humiliation digitally preserved forever. I was so fucking pissed…” The Father reaches over and puts his hand on Ben’s knee. They make eye-contact briefly. “You don’t have to tell me…” “I do,” Ben says. “I need you to know why I need your help.” He places his hand on top of the Father’s -- Father John J adjusts so they can hold hands. Ben is near tears. “You know what the stuff is like,” Ben says quietly. “The way it makes you feel -- the power and the masculine explosion of strength and desire and will. At first, it feels like it’s churning there in your balls, forcing the creation of testosterone, linking sexuality with the spirit, the cock and the muscle. God, I’ve hardly talked about it, because I’m trying so hard not to want it again -- because it’s fucking incredible, that feeling! That like… righteous anger that fills you with the belief… that you’ve gained power -- that you’re somebody!” Even Ben can’t help his cock’s reaction, that twitch of desire -- or memory. “And you feel like you can do anything, like even drag a heavily laden pallet across a cement floor. And if you fail, you just slug back another bottle of the magic potion until it amplifies everything all over again -- but especially the emotion, the masculine connection. It’s like coke, or meth, like that -- this… false sense of power. “Pushing the pallet was easier than pulling it -- it was like hitting sleds at high school football practice -- and the pallet scraped its way slowly across the floor. Each inch it moved was a triumph for me -- I swear, I’d celebrate by downing another bottle of Cycle One, like a fucking addict lost!” “Sounds like a lot of Cycle One,” the Father said, unable to hide his growing erection. “It usually takes only ten-to-twelve to complete the transformation.” Ben scoffs. “I had way more than that,” he says. “Maybe it’s old.” Father John J smiles gently. “Maybe,” he says. “Go on.” “Well, I had to… uh… get through the wall,” Ben says, trying to hide his own hard-on. “My brother had cinderblocked me in, remember.” Father John J shakes his head in disbelief. “Amazing…” “Turns out he had it wrong -- moving the pallet was WAY harder than destroying the wall. The wall was just… a couple of punches and some torn stone. The cement hadn’t really set -- there hadn’t been enough time -- so it wasn’t that difficult to get through. Though, I admit, I did get a couple of scratches and a shit-ton of semi-wet cement in my hair. But right then I was flying so high on the Cycle One, I wasn’t feeling ANYTHING real. “And I break through this wall and I’m feeling mighty and manly and there sits my brother on the cot, jerking off. He’s huge, I mean, bigger than when I’d seen him when he’d torn the door off its track, just… impossibly huge. “And his cock…” Ben almost doesn’t continue, looking down, remembering, then he speaks on. “I never wanted a cock before. I never… desired…” He licks his lips. “And it wasn’t that I wanted his cock so much as I wanted what was inside him -- his essence. His power.” “‘Well, look at you,’ my brother said, playing with himself. ‘You got BIG!’” “And instead of being weirded out by that, I realized he was right -- I HAD gotten big! I hadn’t really paid that much attention. My loose t-shirt was now too tight because of the muscle I’d never had before -- I ripped it off with glee, flexing my big pecs, my insane arms! I was rock hard celebrating my rock hardness! “So, the whole gay incest thing was unexpected -- at least it was for me, maybe Glenn had had some more time wrap his head around it, but I sure hadn’t considered the sexual response. For me, it was all about the Me Big, Me Strong thing -- it wasn’t until I realized that my cock was part of the equation that I got Me Horny, too! “And it just felt so weirdly natural, jerking off with my muscular brother while we flexed for each other. He had me wear this electric blue thong he’d found in the dresser -- I’d never worn anything like it, so scanty and sexy -- but I looked AMAZING in it! My fucking body -- in the mirror, hypnotized by my own reflection, so turned on by myself. “We worked out and pumped up and flexed and he kept pounding back the Cycle One, bottle after bottle. “Pretty soon flexing and jerking off weren’t enough anymore. Men fuck. And um… when my own brother tried to fuck me… that was the end for me. I… I couldn’t.” A tear rolls down Ben’s cheek. Father John J hugs him, drawing him in close. Ben tries not to weep, but loses the battle, hugging Father John J back -- he’s ashamed of his erection. Father John J seems to be okay with it, pressing himself even closer against the hardness. “Everything’s okay,” Father John J whispers. “I will help you with your brother, but first things first.” Using his right hand, he casually strokes Ben’s erection. “Let’s make an offering to God.” ******************************************************************************* THREE: In the Beginning, Rex the Almighty was born on this Earthly plane, a mutant to two normal mortals. His Divine Power manifested as He ascended to manhood -- transforming mortals into His worshipful slaves by granting them muscle mass and a spark of His Hyper-Masculine Energy. Finding himself ready to accept His destiny, our Lord Rex began His Holy Crusade, the elevation of the Super-Hero. Until this time, no one had submitted the Mighty Superion, the greatest of all the mortal heroes. His power and will were legendary, until humbled by our Lord. Rex not only enslaved Superion, He took the hero as His Royal Consort. And unlike most marriages of powerful families, these newlyweds truly and deeply loved one another. This marriage was blessed by the gods themselves. Rex continued His Divine Campaign and recruited the Justice Club itself to His cause -- at one crucial point, He absorbed the mystic lightning used to transform Timmy Thompson into the Planet’s Most-Powerful Protector, Captain Thunder, and Rex was elevated even further, truly becoming KING Rex, the most powerful man on the planet! His Majesty discovered that His ejaculate had been mystically enhanced, as was fitting for a living god -- with little more than a drop, He could transform a mortal man into a hypermuscular slave without using His God-gifted powers. Diluting it, packaging it, and marketing it as the sports drink, “Cycle One” was a stroke of His genius -- it began the subtle transformation of the masses into His worshipful followers. These were the Glory Days of the Church! The Acolyte John J was the first man transformed by His Majesty, King Rex, the Living God. A museum security guard, the skinny waste of a man John J quickly cast aside his old life to follow His Saviour and Transformer. Blessed by the gift of Rex’s power, John J now had the body of his dreams, power he’d only imagined, and finally, a purpose for his purposeless life. He was more than happy to recruit other men into the fold, to help them experience the bliss of worshipping King Rex, their creator and Living God. The Acolytes John J and Sam Bennett distributed the Cycle One, turning gyms into churches and athletic departments into sects. All of that male sexual energy further empowered His Majesty, creating a never-ending cycle of growth. A worship service could have as many as a thousand muscular men cramming the sanctuary, praising His Majesty as they edged themselves into Bliss -- it was possible to actually see King Rex grow from the worship. There was no greater reward. And then, the Great Tragedy -- King Rex lost in the Multiverse! Thus began the Period of Despair -- the Consort Superion went into mourning, completely unable to function or uphold his duties, emotionally devastated to lose his King and lover. For weeks, he remained cloistered in their marital chambers, not seeing visitors, not spending time in the sun -- he weakened, some thought, hoping to die. There was dysfunction in the Church, suddenly lacking a spiritual leader. With their Lord and Saviour trapped in the Multiverse and Superion unwilling to take His place as figurehead, there was nothing to hold the flock together. The men who’d been transformed by His Majesty, the Almighty King Rex, suffered only emotionally. Those who’d been transformed by the Cycle One lost touch with the magic, their masculine spirit. With Rex gone, the supply of Cycle One was suddenly finite -- that was the conclusion many reached at once. The fight for the remaining reserve became the next battlefront. Men who’d been long-addicted to the stuff suddenly lost the will to train, the ability to get a pump, their interest in sex -- they knew they’d never again get that rush, that high without Cycle One. And thus began the Supply War. It was during this low-level, guerilla-style warfare -- bloody and heartless as it was fast becoming -- that the Acolyte John J began to counsel the Consort Superion, trying to get him past his crushing loss to see how badly the world needed a champion again. All this bloodshed, all this death for a drug made out of his husband’s cum -- this is what finally brought Superion to action. In less than a week, he’d recovered most of the lost stock of Cycle One, returning it to the vaulted catacombs in the bedrock deep beneath the Church. He still refused to participate in Religious Services, but created a statue of his Husband and Lord that stands in the Sanctuary today, as a reminder. Instead, it became the Acolyte John J’s mission to save the Church -- but he immediately realized it wasn’t religion these men needed, it was counseling. They were addicts and their god was gone. Without the drug, they were unable to access their own masculine energy. Workouts lost their meaning -- sex became impossible. And thus evolved the practice of Group Masturbation, sexual stimulation with the goal of connecting to the masculine spirit, building energy by edging, the harnessing of energy rather than ejaculation. On Cycle One, sex had always been about power -- now sexual energy was used to build power. Men who were used to getting powerful, rock-hard erections now had to take a step back, relearn stimulation and fantasy, enjoy the other wonders of the body, the taint, the balls, the asshole. Sex was more than penetration. Training changed, too -- the evolution of Connective Bodybuilding, forging a link between cock and muscle. In the Before Time, the gym had become a place almost as sacred as the Church. Cycle One had always made working out better than sex, but now there was no more Cycle One, so no connection to masculine energy. Weight training required almost too much adaptation, further separating those who’d been transformed by the Almighty from those who’d only had the Cycle One. Imagine how disheartening it would be to see some men still achieve the kind of pump you used to be able to get, but now could not -- to lift the kind of weights you used to handle with ease, but now could not. It was too hard for too many. The Acolyte John J -- now FATHER John J -- protectively doled out the Church’s supply of Cycle One in the form of Communion. A shot glass of Cycle One for the faithful once a week, then engaging in Group Masturbation while singing the praises of the Almighty Rex. Many men lost the Path, strayed. Spiritual readiness takes patience and no one began taking Cycle One because they were patient. Some men preferred their misery to the challenge of rebuilding their sexual power. After the deaths, the abandonments, the suicides, there were just a few hundred in the congregation, masturbating together and praying. As the years passed without a Second Coming, more and more fell away -- then it was a decade, then it was two. “And so here we are,” Father John J says, gently pushing Ben to a seated position on the Altar, facing the statue of King Rex. “There’s only a handful of us now, awaiting Him, praying for His return.” He kneels between Ben’s legs and unlaces Ben’s tight joggers. “But we have learned things in this time,” he continues, pulling Ben’s joggers down over his newly-muscled thighs. “Things about pleasure, the giving and receiving of it.” Ben wears a sparkly thong, barely holding his enhanced genitals -- his erection fights the material. “Let me show you,” Father John J says, releasing Ben from the confines of the thong -- his hard-on flops up on his muscular abs. “I’m not gay,” Ben mumbles, leaning back on his elbows, the soft matting of the Altar accepting his weight. “But ever since the Cycle One…” “It’s not about labels, Ben,” the Father says, gripping Ben’s erection at the base. “It’s about pleasure.” He licks the head of Ben’s cock and a shudder goes through the man. “Cycle One just bumps up your hormones and lowers your inhibitions -- neither of which will hurt you, unless it builds up in your system too much. Then you need release. Holy Release.” The Father’s hands are smooth and skilled -- a firm grip on Ben’s balls, thick fingers riding down the sides of his perineum, giving him sensations he’s never felt before -- strange new pleasure. Ben is losing himself in it. “What you feel is a gift,” says the Father, expertly swallowing the whole of Ben’s big new cock. He constricts his throat around Ben and waits for Ben’s natural thrusts before continuing. “A gift from His Majesty,” he says, lapping the tip of Ben’s cock, before descending on it again. “King Rex.” Ben looks up at the statue as the Father continues to work -- it’s unbelievable physique and impossible cock, so masculine and perfect. Ben can feel the Father fingering his asshole, gently teasing his way inside, searching for Ben’s secret button. The statue holds its arms open, as if ready to accept worship -- or orgasm -- or offering. What happens next makes no sense. The Father’s skilled mouth works in tandem with his talented fingers and, just as the Father discovers Ben’s prostate, Ben swears he sees the statue open its eyes and look directly at him, into his soul. “REX!” he screams as his orgasm overwhelms him! Not that the Father lets any get away, but Ben knows there’s a lot of cum -- he can feel it like his cock is a firehose. He shoots and shoots, crying to Heaven, certain the statue is real. “Yes, my brother,” the Father says, lapping Ben’s fading erection, cleaning every delicious drop away. “Now you feel Rex’s power. Give yourself up to it.” “I… I…” “Say it,” the Father says, standing, masturbating his own giant cock. “Let me hear you say it.” Ben smiles. “Hail King Rex,” he says, as the Father allows himself to orgasm, as if the words put him over the edge. “HAIL KING REX!” the Father yells, echoing through the sanctuary, shooting a thick rope of cum across Ben’s face. Father John J smiles again. “You’ve been baptised now in the name of our saviour, King Rex,” he says calmly, milking the last drops of cum from his cock and offering his finger to Ben -- Ben gratefully takes it in his mouth. “You are now one of us.” “Thank you,” Ben says, relieved, watching the Father refit his big package into that tiny little thong. “I actually feel better -- I feel the release. But what do we do now?” “Now we save your brother,” the Father says. “And I know just the guy…” “You’ll do that for me?” Ben asks, suddenly joyful, standing and redressing himself. “Thank you!” “Well,” the Father says, playfully kissing Ben, “we should first discuss a TITHE…” ******************************************************************************** FOUR: Ben parks the truck outside the ETERNAL STORAGE building, an old, abandoned facility scheduled for demolition (to build an Amazon distribution center -- welcome to the modern world). The parking lot is cracked and broken, stray grass and weeds growing wherever they can, reclaiming the land. It’s surrounded by a rusty chain link fence topped with barb wire. The building is in no better shape, holding its form only because it’s made from cinderblocks, but suggesting the same sort of neglect. Behind the wheel, Ben forces a deep breath before exiting the cab, in an attempt to settle himself -- it’s obvious he’s nervous, no matter the supportive talk from his passenger, Father John J. Ben is dressed in the same tight gray jumpers he wore to the Church -- the Father wears black spandex shorts, black wrist gauntlets, sandals, and a form-fitting white t-shirt that reads “REX = KING”. Exiting the cab, the Father, looking around, says, “You’re right. This IS the middle of nowhere.” Ben nods, shutting the driver’s side door behind him and looking toward the building. “Yeah,” he says quietly. “I hope nothing’s happened to him.” “Who?” Father John J asks. “Oh, you mean your brother! I thought you meant…” And then, from out of the sky, a being lands on the ground before them with a surprising amount of force, breaking into the cement and creating a small crater from his weight. It’s the hero Superion! Ben has seen pictures, of course, but has never seen him live -- and the pictures don’t do him anywhere near justice! If he’s not seven-feet tall, then he’s six-and-three-quarters -- it doesn’t seem possible that a being with a build like Superion’s could exist at his height. He’s almost a giant in a children’s story, he’s so colossally large -- human proportions, but so much taller! And the muscle -- the mind-boggling muscle! Like Father John J, Superion has been transformed by King Rex, given the Royal Gift of Mass and Power, Hypermasculine Endowment, and Sexual Realignment. As Royal Consort, he’s second only to Rex Himself -- and with Rex lost in the Multiverse, Superion reigns supreme. He wears black combat boots and bright blue leggings, accented by black piping, that proudly display his oversized package and seem to barely contain the mass of his leg muscles or his thick, ripped glutes. They’re low-waisted, so that the buckle of his belt sits at the base of his cock, allowing us to see his extremely ripped abs unencumbered. Shirtless, he wears only a harness that supports his “S” shield and acts as the anchor for his red cape. Bigger than the biggest bodybuilder, his pecs are round and thick and his pink nipples hide just below the bottom edge. But it’s the width of shoulders that gives Ben pause, those crazy way-larger-than-coconut delts -- bowling ball delts! -- the strong, confident arms, the artistic curve of the lats. And if you can take your eyes from his body, to see his thick neck, his square jaw, his sunny blue eyes, his very kissable lips… Superion strides toward them, breaking Ben’s thought. He smiles, glowing white teeth catching the light. “Hello, Johnny,” he says, opening his arms for a hug. Father John J takes a knee. “Your Majesty,” he says, bowing his head. Superion puts his finger beneath the Father’s chin and raises his head. “Johnny,” he says earnestly, “it’s been twenty years. We have to move on.” He takes Father John J’s hands and raises him to his feet, then they hug. They hold each other very closely -- Ben isn’t sure if Father John J is crying or not. “He will come again,” the Father says, into Superion’s pec. Superion holds the back of Father John J’s head and whispers, “I dearly hope so” into the Father’s ear. He kisses Father John J’s forehead and releases him, turning his attention to Ben. “You must be Ben Fortunato,” he says, holding his hand out to shake. Ben considers dropping to his knees, that’s how strikingly beautiful this man is. Instead, he stammers, “Um… yes. Ben. And you must be… incredible!” Superion smiles broadly -- he’s heard this joke. “Superion,” he says, shaking Ben’s hand. “I’m sorry we have to meet under these circumstances.” “I’m so grateful for your help,” Ben says. Superion grunts. “Anything to put another one of these fires out,” he says, looking up at the building. Something happens to his eyes as he looks, but Ben can’t say exactly what. “He’s up there,” Superion announces, studying. “He’s okay -- he’s pretty big.” “Thank God he’s okay,” Ben says, crossing himself. “How big?” Father John J interrupts. “Is the Cycle One okay? How much is left?” They both look at the Father dryly. Superion says, “Do you know, Johnny, nothing would make me happier than to destroy this building and all the Cycle One in it -- you know that, right?” The Father squares off with him. “I do,” he says, trying to maintain his bravado. “But you won’t, right?” Superion smiles enigmatically. “I’m gonna go get your brother,” he says to Ben. “I won’t be a minute.” He enters the building and disappears from view. Ben and the Father don’t even have time to begin a conversation before the wall above them blows out, throwing chunks of cinderblock, cement, and bottles of Cycle One raining down like shrapnel as Superion’s body comes crashing through, flying about twenty feet before slamming into the ground. Superion stands, wiping the dust from himself -- with the back of his hand, he strokes the side of his jaw that has just been punched. Superion is clearly unhappy. He strides toward the building, kicking away the stray bottles, determined. “You guys might want to stand back,” he says. “He’s not being cooperative.” Superion flies back into the hole he just made. Seconds later, a different body crashes out through the roof -- not Superion -- a hugely muscled man dressed only in a pair of neon green short shorts that ride into his ass-crack. “For the love of God!” Ben yells. “GLENN!” His brother sails up about thirty or forty feet into the air before arcing down toward the ground. He lands hard on his back with a wind-losing smack. Trying to shake it off and stand, he snorts like an animal. Ben is trying to comprehend what his brother has become. Even in the few days since Ben last saw him, Glenn has grown. His brother had always been a heavy-set, snowman/ pear-shaped guy, wide hips and narrow shoulders. Now he’s a freak bodybuilder with a roidgut that rivals a beach ball, supporting these thick and ponderous limbs. It should be impossible for him to move, given the size of his muscle -- traps that almost keep him from turning his head, a back so wide he can’t lower his arms completely -- yet move he does, with confidence and surprising grace. Superion flies up out of the hole in the roof and lands about ten feet away from Ben’s brother. “Stop!” he commands, holding up a flat palm. But like an angry bull, perhaps egged-on by Superion’s flowing red cape, Glenn charges, gaining steam with each step. It takes little effort for Superion to side-step him, trip him, and force him forward till he slams into the side of the building. Glenn roars in anger, throwing a chunk of broken block at Superion. As Superion knocks it aside, Glenn takes advantage of the distraction and tackles Superion from the side, taking him to the ground. His brother is bigger than Superion! “He’s in a rage!” Father John J says as he and Ben seek a better observation spot, running to the far-side of the building -- Father John tries to grab the extra bottles. “His energy is out of control.” Glenn has Superion in a schoolboy pin, squatting across Superion’s torso, kneeling on his biceps, punching him over and over in the face, raging. “GLENN!” Ben calls, distracting his brother for just a moment, but enough. Glenn looks at Ben and Superion grabs Glenn’s fist, halting it mid-strike. Superion stands, holding Glenn by the wrist, spins him around and around like a lasso, before throwing him to the other side of the parking lot, where he lands with a loud crunch. “This guy’s pretty far gone,” Superion says to Father John J as Glenn starts to charge back across the lot -- a rhino. “Any ideas? I don’t want to hurt him.” “You have to release his pent-up energy,” Father John J frets, shaking his head as Glenn leaps into the air. “You have to…” Glenn lands within their circle and the reverberation knocks them all off their feet. He steps toward Ben, fierce anger filling his eyes, no recognition, but the hard-on beneath his spandex shorts is more than obvious. Before he can strike, however, Superion grabs him from behind in a full-nelson and flies them up about ten feet into the air. Glenn is trying to shake his grip, thrashing about, but he lacks leverage. That he’s sexually stimulated is lost on no one -- his erection throbs. “You have to make him cum!” Father John J yells. “You have to make him release!” Superion’s grimace speaks volumes, but he sighs and reaches around Glenn, grabbing Glenn’s erection at its thick base, rubbing his hand over the spandex material. Glenn reacts in a surprising way, moaning in his deep throat -- his whole drive seems to shift from “rage” to “lust” as easy as the stick on an old jalopy. He starts dry-humping the air, rubbing his ass against Superion. Horrified, Ben can’t look away. Of all the things he didn’t think he’d be seeing today, this had to top the list. On the other hand, his brother had tried to sexually engage Ben after Ben’s transformation, which had freaked Ben out so much he ran away and brought back Superion. And now it looks like Superion is enjoying himself, too -- there’s no hiding what’s going on in his blue leggings. Father John J had said Superion hasn’t had sex since his lover -- this King Rex -- got tossed into the Multiverse. How does someone go twenty years without sex? MONKS don’t even do that! “It’s not enough to jerk him off,” Father John J yells. “You have to... press his button!” Superion’s frustrated reaction weakens his grip on Glenn, who breaks Superion’s hold and suddenly drops to the ground with a heavy, dull thud. Superion is on him in a flash and the two of them wrestle in the parking lot -- but it isn’t to fight. This is different -- it’s two men squaring off. This is foreplay. Other than size, Glenn has no real advantage over Superion. And now that Superion has a new drive, there’s really no stopping him. Superion is erect himself, his cock as supremely out of proportion as everything else about him -- whatever else this Rex favors, it’s big-dicked muscle-bottoms. They flex at each other, Superion and Ben’s brother, a Most Muscular, an ab/ thigh -- showing off, mutual worship -- double biceps, erections straining flimsy material. Glenn smacks Superion’s pecs with an open hand, then squeezes the muscle as Superion flexes -- fucking rock hard -- punching cement. Looking each other in the eye, Glenn falls to his knees and begins mouthing Superion’s cock through the heavy spandex of Superion’s leggings. Superion unclasps his belt and releases it, allowing Glenn to take it in his mouth. Clearly at some level, Glenn knows what he needs. Or what he wants. “Get it wet,” Superion orders him. “Get it good and wet -- or it’s gonna hurt.” “What’s going on?” Ben asks Father John J as the Father collects stray bottles of Cycle One. Father John J looks at Superion, then at Ben. “He’s going to fuck him,” Father John J says. “He’s gotta fuck him and press his button, release the energy. Same as I did with you at the Church!” Ben crosses himself. “But you just used your fingers,” Ben says. “Why does he have to…?” Father John J shushes him. Glenn holds Superion’s cock in his fist and spits on the head, immediately putting it back in his mouth, soaking the thick, super-shaft. Superion pushes him onto his back, straddling Glenn’s chest to allow Glenn to continue sucking his cock, but putting Superion into a dominant position. Superion licks his fingers and reaches for Glenn’s hole -- so tight -- Glenn squirms, discovering a new sensation. “Yeah,” Superion says. “Big boy likes that.” “All Hail His Majesty’s Consort, the Mighty Superion,” Father John J intones, falling to his knees with an armful of bottles. “All praise King Rex!” Superion shoots Father John J a snide look. “Don’t do that shit, Johnny,” he says. “This is pragmatism, not Church! Toss me a bottle of that stuff!” “It IS Church!” Father John J argues, still on his knees. “You engage in the holiest of acts, a sacrifice -- an offering! I must pray!” Superion shakes his head but doesn’t argue. “Throw me a bottle of that stuff!” he says again. Father John J won’t release what he’s gathered, so it’s Ben who throws one to him -- or overthrows, actually -- he doesn’t know his own strength. Superion catches it with such confidence and ease that it makes it look like it had been intended that way. Superion cracks open the Cycle One, sniffs it -- a memory floats across his features -- and he pours a tiny bit over his cock, into Glenn’s desperate mouth. Glenn groans again, desperately lapping it off. Superion pulls his cock out of Glenn’s mouth and says, “On your hands and knees -- NOW.” He levitates slightly, allowing the three-hundred-plus giant to spin beneath him -- moving from one submissive pose to the next -- then he slowly pours the Cycle One down Glenn’s ass-crack, until it reaches the fingers Superion has against Glenn’s hole. Using the honey-thick Cycle One as lube, Superion pushes his fingers in. Glenn’s moan is a roar that can be heard for miles. “Bigger than that coming,” Superion says, pushing his fingers in and out. Father John J weaves while he prays. “We commend this energy to you, Great Lord, lost in the Multiverse, that it might find you and strengthen you for your journey home!” Superion yells. “Johnny, please!” as he pours the Cycle One on his hard cock, like sauce on a meaty rib. “Just let me do what I came here to do!” “Release it!” Father John J prays. “Give it back to the Master!” Superion slams his foot-long cock into Glenn’s waiting ass -- they both scream, both of them from a different sort of denial, but coming together here in this parking lot. Has there been a change in the light? Ben wonders, unable to take his eyes away from his brother’s submission. Where did this wind come from? “Can you feel it?” Father John J shouts. “CAN YOU FEEL THE MASTER?” Superion begins fucking Ben’s brother, doggie-style, gently at first, even then, barely keeping control of himself -- it’s been so long, Superion -- but then, even Glenn wants him to go harder, pushing his ass back into Superion’s cock, trying to form words. Trying to find his own button. And there’s something else around Superion, something familiar, whispering in his memory, filling him with strength and power -- a masculine spirit. Making him fuck -- forcing him to connect and dominate. It feels like his husband… Is he feeling the effects of Cycle One? He releases -- who fucking cares? Fuck -- Superion wants to fuck. He drives into Glenn’s ass, fucking so hard they break the pavement. It’s power and forgotten masculine urges, decades of repression. “CAN YOU FEEL IT?” Father John J yells above the din, the wind, the energy. “PRAY WITH ME! PRAY TO OUR LORD, LOST IN THE MULTIVERSE!” Superion fucks Glenn with his super-long cock, pounding a forgotten, manly rhythm in his loin, awakening something deep within him. The energy crackles like lightning around them. Ben falls to his knees, his legs weak -- what is he seeing? They’re fucking there in the broken parking lot, his brother and Superion, it’s broad daylight, but there’s a sense of darkness around them, reality seems to shift as their sexual energy grows. Superion groans. “I’m so close…” Glenn rises up on his knees, exposing own erection that rises exactly along the curve of his distended belly, almost to his navel. Glenn is flexing his arms in a double bis -- Superion uses them as anchors, deep-thrusting. “Gonna… cum…” “WE CALL ON THEE, GREAT LORD! WE GRANT THEE THIS OFFERING!” Superion, a being that hasn’t orgasmed in nearly two decades, shoots his almost impossible load -- Glenn, who has never anally-orgasmed, explodes with incredible pent-up masculine energy, his “overdose” on Cycle One, and climaxes simultaneously. They scream together, too, full-throated and deep. There’s an explosion -- well, something very much like one. It’s like nothing Ben has ever experienced before. There’s no sound, no BOOM -- it’s almost as if someone takes reality, twists it, and then releases it to snap back into place. The explosion -- if one can call it an explosion -- is energy, electricity and force, concussive and multi-layered. There is a soundless brightness that blows them all back -- Ben’s back slams into the wall of the Eternal building, cracking the brick. There’s a hissing in the background, like pink noise, that settles out of the silence -- and then Ben’s hearing comes back. Or reality comes back -- it’s hard to say. His brother Glenn’s body slams on the ground before him, steaming a little, digging up the asphalt a little more. He rolls over on his back directly in front of Ben. “GLENN!” Ben calls, scrambling over to his brother. He slaps his face. “Glenn, wake up! Oh, God… Oh, sweet God be okay.” Glenn comes to, a little disoriented -- the crazed, drug-addled look in his eye is gone. “Ben?” he asks, looking Ben in the eye. “What’s going on? I… Bro… what happened? You’re huge! Wait, I’M huge!” Ben chuckles. “It’s a long story,” he says, nearly in tears. “And I don’t think it’s over yet…” Both Superion and Father John J had been knocked back, too, in opposite directions. Superion is already recovering, steaming himself, studying the blast area. The spot where they’d cum is now a blown out pit, smoke and steam and electric crackles encircling it. Superion immediately checks on the others, locating and diagnosing their injuries -- bumps and bruises, but generally okay -- when he hears a moan come from the pit itself. What? How is that possible? Father John J hears the sound as well, and draws up onto his knees like a hopeful teen. As Superion stands on shaky feet, the figure in the pit finds his footing, too, his face hidden by the steam, the unnatural shadow, and electrical snaps. He is a giant of man, bigger than Superion, more powerful, more muscular. His god-given body beyond fantasy, his muscle on the edge of impossible. In his purple shorts with the gold piping, the golden boots and gauntlets, the simple over the shoulder cape and the electric-metal lightning bolt emblazoned on his chest, he is instantly recognizable. Especially to Superion. “Rex…?” he asks, a smile finding the corner of his mouth. “Is it really you?” The muscle god smiles. “Superion?” he asks. “Am I home? Am I finally home?” They fall into each other’s arms, laughing and kissing, relieved and amazed. Even Ben smiles, happy that there’s a happy ending with Cycle One for once. Glenn, confused, asks his tearful brother, “What’s happening…?” He’s answered by Father John J. “It is the return of His Majesty, Rex the Almighty!” Rex and Superion continue to kiss, flying up into the air together. Father John J opens his arms to the world. “IT IS THE SECOND COMING!” **************************************************************************************** EPILOGUE: “Hey everybody, this is Glenn!” “And this is Ben!” “We’re the Fortunato Brothers! And you’re watching another episode of ‘Can You Believe They Bought That Shit?’” TITLE -- THEME MUSIC “In this episode, we’re actually gonna be talking about SELLING shit for a change.” “Hey! Before we go on... Viewers, did you notice our new logo in the opening?” (CUTAWAY: the old logo, the Fortunato Brothers looking like cartoon Laurel & Hardy (one fat, one thin) fades to the new logo: Laurel & Hardy as bodybuilders, one arm wrapped around their brother and the other flexing their biceps. (CUT BACK to the live Brothers in the same pose as the logo, barely holding their laughter.) “If you’ve noticed we look a little different than we have in past episodes, but you don’t know why, it’s possible you missed our TRANSFORMATION SPECIAL that dropped a couple weeks ago.” “I don’t know, Ben. With over two-hundred million downloads, I don’t think many people have missed out TRANSFORMATION SPECIAL!” “It’s still available if you have, that’s all I’m saying…” “But what you HAVEN’T missed is what transformed us into this muscled perfection, the awesome sports drink CYCLE ONE!” Glenn reveals a bottle in frame, holding it for the camera to see -- plain, ordinary looking stuff for what it could do. “It took about a dozen of these to transform my skinny brother Ben there into THAT!” Ben flexes for the camera, his muscle pumped, his confidence high. “No lie,” Ben says. “Believe me, I would never have done this without CYCLE ONE -- I was too lazy and too weak. Not anymore.” Glenn wraps his massive arm around Ben’s neck and pulls him close -- he kisses the side of Ben’s head. “Isn’t he cute?” Glenn asks. “So, we’re doin’ something we don’t normally do: we’re selling some shit. CYCLE ONE, to be specific. You can get to my brother’s size with a twelve-pack -- you can get to mine with a case!” The brothers flex for the camera -- the spandex shirts they wear ripple with muscle. “We haven’t even talked about the biggest bonus!” Glenn continues to flex for the camera. “Tell ‘em, Ben!” “When you go to the bidding page, click the link to join King Rex’s Holy Order and be a Knight for His Majesty, the power behind Cycle One, the Living God, King Rex, once lost in the Multiverse but now found! Be His Knight, His Holy Warrior, and join the Crusade in His second coming!” Glenn laughs. “Geez, Ben, you sound like a fanboy!” Ben is sincere. “I witnessed God’s Second Coming, Glenn,” Ben says simply. “That kind of thing… changes a man…” ************************************************************************************* Sam Bennett pauses the video. He’s watched it a thousand times -- he knows what it says by heart, by now. Still, it’s the first thing to give him an erection in almost a decade. How should he feel about that? He presses Play. “...sound like a fanboy.” “I witnessed God’s Second Coming, Glenn. That kind of thing… changes a man…” Pause. Not really believing he’s doing it, but somehow certain it’s the right move, Sam Bennett presses the link to join the Knighthood, the Holy Order of King Rex. He does it because he wants to believe in Happy Endings.
  7. mmvmgo2011


    Hi all Long time lurker. I thought I'd start a story that's been mulling around in my head for a while now. I'm still not sure where it's ultimately headed - though I'm hoping it won't go where you think it might. I have some ideas for the direction - but nothing concrete. There could be anything - so fair warning - if you're easily offended, or grossed out, or whatever, this may not be the thread for you. I'm planning on keeping each chapter fairly short, but hoping to post updates more often. It's my first ever story - so be kind, or not ... EDIT: I've purposefully not given our main protagonist a name, but will use uppercase HE/HIM/HIS to refer to HIM. I'm gradually editing each entry to fix this after the fact. Apologies if it's hard to follow. ******* CHAPTER ONE It was over. Well, IT wasn’t over, but the race to find a vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the virus that caused COVID-19, was done. The company where HE worked had lost the race. There were five or six vaccine candidates approved worldwide, some mRNA based, some more traditional. HIS company had spent billions of dollars, and would never recoup those R&D losses releasing vaccine number six or seven, even if it was more effective. If only it was even slightly effective. The project was shelved and, indeed, the existence of the company itself was now under threat. Word had come down from on high that afternoon; a Thursday. The staff were shocked, but not particularly surprised. Everyone expected the axe to fall at some point — many surprised it took as long as it did. It was always a radical and ambitious plan. A plan that would pay massive dividends if it paid off - not only in immediate sales of vaccine, but in lucrative patents that would forever change vaccine development and progress medical science as we’d known it. As the old saying goes, if it’s too good to be true… A vaccine that reprogrammed the patient’s DNA so that the patient’s own immune system would produce the cells and antibodies necessary to fight the virus would not only prevent COVID-19 disease, it would also prevent transmission of the virus causing the disease, ending the pandemic once and for all. But that was small fry compared to future developments. No more influenza, common cold, herpes, HIV, Hepatitis… any infection known to man — virus, bacteria, fungi — would be cured. And even the big C, cancer. Well, it WAS ambitious. But it was not to be. Though the theory seemed sound, putting the theory into practice proved… challenging. Hundreds of billions of dollars were spent trying to make it work and, though there was some promising early results in vitro, every single tested animal had resulted in horribly disfigured or dead animals. Not exactly ready for initial human trials, let alone approval for final manufacture and sale. The bean counters and lawyers were still crunching the numbers and considering the options, but it seemed that so little progress had been made converting theory into practice that everything relating to the project, from samples to formulas, from notes to equipment, from methods to specialised equipment — everything — was effectively worthless.
  8. Chapter 1: "Dusk of One Day, Dawn of Another." After a couple of failed attempts to write something half decent, I’m delighted to finally share with you the opening chapter of “The Devil By My Side”. Originally posted on another site, I decided to share it here. It's not entirely about muscle growth, but it does play a part in several chapters. It was co-written with a wonderful and talented friend of mine who; working together we've attempted to come up with a story we think is exciting, compelling and entertaining, and so, we hope you enjoy reading chapter one as much as we enjoyed writing it. All teenage characters are at the late stages of puberty, use of the word “boy” or “child” as a description is used to signify the advanced age of a demonic entity. Most of the individuals that call upon my kind often do so seeking something. A prize, a reward, a deal. They expect of us, try to make bargains and deals, but this… I could tell from the second he began reading the incantation that this was different. I suppose you could describe it as someone lightly tapping against a windowpane, not that my domain has windows; that’s how it started. But from the instant I felt him calling to me, I could feel that he wasn’t really seeking… anything. A grin crossed my face and I pondered internally: “A summoner without cause, how unusual”. Of course, many have tried to bring forth me and my brethren throughout the years - doubtless you may have read the stories told of people who succeeded, but none have ever done so with such a lack of direction; a lack of desire or need. And it was that that made me curious to answer his call; he’d barely even considered the requirements for a summoning; the rituals and pageantry, but those are the requirements we set for those who place requirements on us. This, was an unconditional invitation to the human world. The words tumbled lazily and mispronounced out of his mouth, but even if he was unable to pronounce my name correctly at the moment, I was certain that given time, it would be carved into his mind. And so, ever the courteous guest, I decided to answer the call. A blinding flash of light poured into my eyes and instinctively I held my hand above my face to shield them; within moments I adjusted to the glow of the late evening sun dappling through the trees. “What the fu… where am I?!” I heard a voice cry, I lowered my gaze to see the Mortal facing away from me. He turned in position trying to find his bearings and as he did, our eyes locked. A look of horror as he took in my visage; from the charred grass circling my feet up my sculpted body and back to my face. His breath quickened. “Are you…?” He quizzed, the words failing to leave his mouth. I remained staring at the youthful male, he seemed as confused as I was. “Why did you call me to this place” I rumbled. “Wait… what?!” He stammered. “I….. I didn’t. I was just reading. Who are you?! And where are my friends? A minute ago, I was in the basem… I didn’t summon you… I don’t even know how to…” The panic rose in his voice as he continued to speak - I took a step forward. And he instinctively took one back. “Please don’t kill me! Please… I’ll just leave…” he cried. I took another step. He jolted backwards, his back pressing against one of the towering trees surrounding us. “I won’t tell anyone.. you certainly don’t need to hurt me.” I stepped forward once more, narrowing the gap between the two of us. “Please!” He wailed, his eyes becoming glassy. “Whatever you want… I…” “Silence, child!” I roar. “Are you always so quick to cower?… it sickens me.” I sneer I take the final step towards him, leaving only inches between us. He flinches, pushing himself as far away from me as he can. Fear flushes through him; and I relish in being so fearful. I snap my fingers and behind me, the ground rumbles and groans. Grass and soil shifting upwards and hardening into a coal-black seat. Sitting down I maintain eye contact. “Seems to me, young one, we’re in an unprecedented situation.” I murmer. "Please Sir… err… Mr. Demon, Sir… don’t kill me. I don’t want to die. I’ll do anything you ask of me. Just please, spare my life!” He nervously pants. I stare at him continually, then I begin to chuckle. “You are in no position to make any demands of m…” The words catch in my mouth, it’s typical to lie when entering into a contract with a summoner. But this time, there’s no need. “Yes…” I allow myself a moment to consider the situation; my mind gleefully races. He looks at me, fear his your eyes but a look of confusion. “If there is no contract… then I am unbound.” I muse to myself. Thoughts continue to rush through my mind. Suddenly I snap my attention back to the youthful Mortal and laugh a hearty, deep sinister laugh. “You made no demands. No requests. No bargains or deals.” I summarise. “As such, I owe you nothing. And so, you are of no use to me.” My eyes flare with an infernal crimson light. I fix my focus into his eyes… my intent is to destroy him, to engulf his brain with flames inside his skull. Destroying the one witness of my arrival and only creature in this realm who might know of a way to banish me. But, the second I try I feel a shooting pain across my skull and cease immediately. ‘Wh… what just happened?!” The mortal asks, stunned. I grasp my brow and rub the surface “The pain…” I groan. Inside the mortal’s head, a thought compels him to start running. “Go you moron! Don’t just stand there! Run! Run for your life!” But as his inner voice screams at him, he finds himself moving forward. “Why am I moving forward?” He questions his actions. “Why am I not running away?” But his curiosity has taken over and he continues inching closer and closer towards me. As he nears me, I once again feel the urge to harm him, before he harms me. I sharply extend my arm and wrap my hand firmly around his neck. A smile of triumph painted onto my face. But, as I squeeze, I feel the pressure within my own throat - the harder I force myself, the less I’m able to breathe. As my lungs start to burn, I drop the boy. We both collapse to the ground, coughing and spluttering; gasping for air. I manage to choke out the words “If I were you, mortal. I would run.” The voice in his head urges him to heed the creature’s warning and go, try to save his life. But for some reason he simply didn’t want to move. He should have feared for the safety of his friends, he should have been at least a mile away by now, but he simply couldn’t ignore a second voice in his head which had been teasing him for some time now: “Why can’t he hurt me? Why does he feel what I am feeling? When he tried to squeeze the life out of me, he nearly succeeded in killing himself”. He couldn’t go. He was too… curious to go. He’d almost died on the spot when the Demon had tried to choke him, but one thing was clear to him. The Demon couldn’t harm him. "You can’t hurt me demon!” The Mortal shouted. “There’s nothing you can do to me.” “Perhaps not physically, boy.” I snapped back. “What?!” He froze “What do you mean?” I stare at him.. my healed and pain-free mind is literally racing. I have never encountered a human who can’t be harmed. Mind you, I’ve never encountered a human… in this domain. Which reminds me… there’s a whole world out there for me to explore now! And so I grin at the small mortal. “In time, you and the rest of your kind will witness precisely what I mean. But for now, you’re not worth my attention, child. So take your good fortune, flee and be thankful for it.” I turn from him and begin striding away. The soil beneath my feet a welcome reminder of my newly found freedom. But as our distance widens, I begin to feel as if I’m wading through the river of Styx. Each step becomes more and more of a vigorous effort. I look back over my shoulder and see him continuing to stare at me. With every ounce of strength in my powerful body, I take one further step and in the corner of my eye, I see him stumble forward. With each energy sapping footstep I see his body dragged across the ground in my direction. Nearing exhaustion I stop. “No.” I groan. “No it can’t be.” The realisation is dawning on me. “YOU!” I snap at the boy “What hex have you cast upon me?!” As he watches the Demon trying to leave in vain, the human heard him yelling and he thought about the situation quickly. His mind tried to rationalise: ”He can’t run away from me. He can’t harm me. I summoned him. Accidentally, yes.. but he made it out of Hell just because… I called him out. I told him to come here…” A crazy idea pops into the boy’s mind. He raises his head and locked eyes with me. “Hey you! Demon!” The boy cried. “Kneel!” A wave of anger flushes through me “I KNEEL FOR NO ONE!!!” I roar back. But, in the darkest parts of my being, as he spoke the words… I did feel a compulsion. The boy, without even thinking, opened his mouth and yelled once more: "Oh you will kneel for ME! YOUR master! I summoned YOU! You are here thanks to me!” He bawled.” Now you have to do as I command you! I know you’re unable to harm me, which means I must have some sort of power over you! So when I say kneel. YOU - WILL - KNEEL!” As he howled the last word, I felt the earth shudder beneath my feet. The idea enters my mind. Not from my own will… but I can feel it… his anger, his desire, his will pushing into me. And so I resist. I fight the overriding desire to kneel to him. But I feel my body quiver. In horror I watch as my legs fold under me. I fight again. Pushing my obvious supremacy back against his request. But I sink lower. Before I can take stock of the situation, I am on bended knee. Eyes to the ground. I raise my head and am instantly shocked at what I see. The boy was kneeling too. In that instant, we are a physical mirror of each other. And he appeared just as shocked as I was. A smile crosses my face again. “That didn’t seem to work as you intended, did it… ‘Master’?” “What is happening?!” The boy panicked internally. "Why am I kneeling? That shouldn’t be… What has he done to me?”The fear flashing across his eyes. “Seems to me, ‘Oh Glorious Master,’” I smirk, “that you and I, are bonded.” “What the hell does that mean?!” The Mortal snaps. I take a second to consider the question and the grin on my face slowly fades. “Honestly…? I don’t know.” “How can you not know?!” He blurted. “As I said earlier, young one, we are in uncharted territory here.” I begin. “When a summoner calls upon a demon, they do so with intent…. so what did you intend, boy?” The boy stops. His memory trying to recall. “When I read what was on the paper, I didn’t have any intent whatsoever.. I didn’t even know what it was!” He cried. “I simply came here tonight with my friends because the guys said this place was abandoned - I like spooky tales… I wanted to go on an adventure and explore the supernatural with the guys.” “That! There!” I realise. “That’s it.” “What’s it?!” He quizzes. “I don’t understand.” “You… desire to belong.” I ponder. “These ‘guys’, you desire to be in their company?” The boy breaks my gaze. He looks awkwardly at his feet. “Well… yes… I do… I really do… but it’s… not so simple.” I look blankly at the youthful mortal. “Calling them ‘friends’… isn’t accurate.” He continues. “They’re actually bullies - they’ve mistreated me since I started high school. Always said that I was weak, a ‘pussy’.” He grumbled. “Today, when they dared me to go there, I thought ‘well, tonight we are gonna see who’s the pussy!’ I was sure a bunch of muscle-heads like those guys were all tough on the outside, but in reality had issues and complexes as every other person on earth!” I looked at the pitiful boy, “You thought that would win their friendship?” I chuckled. “You wanted…. a friend?” “To be honest, I wanted to be more than just a friend to those guys…” He replied as I shifted from kneeling to sitting on the ground. “Go on…” “Well… you see… I have realised for sometime now that… I’m not interested in women… I’m attracted to men. Those guys played a major role in that. Since I can remember, they’ve treated me like shit, as if I was their inferior - as if I was someone who simply should worship them - for they were the prime males of their world, the top dogs, the alpha men. They have been calling me faggot for years now, humiliating me in front of everyone in the school: In front of my classmates, in front of the teachers. They have been accusing me of ogling, staring at their muscles and their… packages.” The truth poured out of the young human. “To be honest, I tried to become like them, do some sports, put on some muscle, but the coach didn’t believe in me and put me in the locker room cleaning up after his boys’ mess. And there was the first time I felt it. They were always showing off their muscled bodies, accusing me of being a faggot looking at them, desiring them, wanting to suck their cock and clean their sweaty muscles with my tongue… well… that was my world, and, if you spent year after year waking up and going to sleep having all this in your head playing over and over again, I assume even if it weren’t true, eventually it becomes your reality. And that’s how I started falling in love with them, looking at them undress in the lockers, smelling their pungent stink after every practice, seeing the sweat dripping off their shirts and compression shorts…. I wanted to be everywhere they were. After a certain point, I stopped caring about their insults, I simply didn’t care as long as I was close to them, seeing them, smelling them… And that’s how I ended up here, tonight, sitting…. wherever the hell we are…. talking to a demon.” I took a moment to look at the boy from head to toe. Most people who had disclosed what he had would do so with a sense of self-pity or shame… but in him… it was almost like he was indifferent to it. Like he had accepted his role as an inferior so entirely… and it didn’t sit well with me. “So, that’s what the whole ’kneel’ matter was about? You trying to dominate?” I pondered.“I still don’t see how that would bond us.” I mused aloud. “Perhaps I’m not supposed to.” I rose to my feet; and offered the young Mortal a hand up. “He works in mysterious ways.” I smiled. “God?” He asked. “No… the other guy.” I grinned, pointing a thumb down. The boy stared at my two softly glowing eyes as he extended his hand towards the demon. “So you don’t want to kill me now?” “Something tells me it would be best for us both for me to not.” I take a chance to breathe deep. “Besides, it might be best to have someone who knows much of the human world.” I smiled. “Especially if I’m going to claim it.” The colour seemed to drain from the boy’s face “’Claim it’?! You mean, you want to own the world?!” “Well now, see here’s the thing. As you summoned me without condition… I have no need to return… down there.” I stroke a hand tenderly down the young mortal’s face. “And I’m going to need a helping hand to make myself comfortable here. You’ve told me what you want with your ‘friends’, that’s well within the scope of possibility.” I stretch as if waking from a deep sleep. “But you’re thinking awfully small, little mortal.” “What do you mean?!” The young human asked. “A couple boys who’ve bullied you? I can look into what awaits… a whole existence of being second best; beat down, ignored and belittled.” I grasp his shoulder. “But now; the two of us… we can make this world whatever we want.” “I don’t understand. How can I, a human, help a supernatural being as you? I have no powers, no influence as a person in this world.” He speaks, panic and nervousness quickened his speech. “And why should I help you? After all you’re a demon, you say you want to ‘claim’ the world. Why should I be the one to bring damnation on the entire human race?” “You’re not getting this, are you? Little one.. you and me. We’re stuck together. Joined at the soul for the rest of eternity. And as you say - you have no power, no influence. So I guess what I’m saying is this; you’re along for the ride whether you want to be or not”. I grinned wildly.
  9. *WARNING*: This story includes incestual themes and the subject of forced sex that may not be suitable for those who are against having sex with family members. Reader's discretion is advised. All subjects included in this story are of age and there will not be any issues associated with each character. ‘Oh god no, not now! Please God not now, I am not prepared for this.’ Sam grips the sides of his bathroom sink as he stares into the vanity mirror and grimaces. ‘Ack! It hurts, it hurts…. damnit!’ He feels his back trying to pop as he struggles to maintain his composure. He attempts to keep his voice down so his dad doesn’t hear him, but unfortunately it doesn’t work as he hears someone’s footsteps coming up to the door. They knock a few times. ‘Sam…. son I’m sorry you are going through this buddy. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone trust me. Just try to keep as calm as possible and you might be able to ride it out without too much of a problem.’ Fortunately, the 20-year-old college-aged young man is only wearing his boxer briefs as he feels his muscles starting to tense up and grow on his slender frame. He anguishes in pain feeling his back giving in to the change. The small bulbous muscles in his arms stretch and swell against his skin as the pressure he is putting on the sink causes it to start cracking. He then moans as he feels the changes affecting his nether regions. ‘Sam? Buddy fight it…. (Senses his son’s changes through the door as he feels a bit strange himself). Uh shit…. (Sweat starts to pour down his own face and down his lean chest). Talk to me Sam…. let me know how you are doing.’ Sam’s dad Dale knows he can’t stick around long himself because he too will be thrown into a major transformation of his own. The sound of porcelain hitting the floor behind the door tells Dale that Sam is giving up on trying to fight it anymore. ‘DAD? *His voice noticeably lower now* I think the bathroom is going to have to be remodeled again. Oh…. damn…. *Sounds noticeably pleased* it feels so good this time though.’ Dale rubs his beard slowly and tries to keep his composure. He knows that keeping calm can help contain the man from within himself from coming out and going after Sam. ‘Okay Sam…. just please don’t make too much of a mess.’ The growing teenager feels his legs pushing his boxer briefs higher on his quads as they stretch wider and harder. His calves have now doubled in size as his height begins to increase. His 5’9 frame is now stretching to over 6’2. He moans louder as his pecs balloon outward making his nipples tingle and his crotch react. He rubs his chest as his abs pop out and create a perfect 8 pack. He massages each individual slab and lets out a few deep sighs. Hearing his son’s moans, Dale begins to struggle with his own problem as he feels a twinge inside his stomach. He grimaces grabbing his chest and feeling the sweat increase as it coats his tank top and shorts. ‘Sam…. I won’t be able to help you much longer buddy. You know who is going to want to have a few things to say to you.’ Sam continues to grow as his ass stretches his boxer briefs to their limits as his cock snakes its way out the bottom and pools precum on the floor as his back and lats stretch even wider. He reaches up to feel his face firming up as his massive biceps flex and push his arms further away from his face. He opens his eyes and notices they have changed color from green to brown and he has grown a beard. He reaches down to rip his boxer briefs off freeing up his ass to reach its full potential. ‘MMM damn, *rubs his huge ass* I look so fucking good dad. *Realizes in his mind that his dad may in fact have the same problem* Oh fuck, dad I hope you can keep from letting go. I don’t want what’s his face to show himself anytime soon.’ Feeling the hormones raging inside him though, he can’t help but to reach over and lift the toilet off the ground. He moans staring in the mirror at the muscles twitching as he holds it above his head. He drops it beside him shattering it into pieces and sending water everywhere. The water cascades down his naked gargantuan body making his cock swing erratically as it swells, stretching bigger and longer than before. The young behemoth growls feeling his balls growing from inside his sack as it aches from beneath his huge shaft. He checks out nearly every square inch of his body marveling at all the new bumps and crevices. He tries to keep his voice down to a minimum, but his immensely deep baritone can be heard through the door as his dad continues to move further away from the bathroom door. Dale’s body tenses slightly as he reaches for one of the posts on the front of Sam’s bed. His breathing deepens as he tries to get a few words out. ‘Sam…. son…. I don’t know if you…. can hear me buddy…. I can’t hold him back…. any longer…. (Takes his glasses off and throws them out of the bedroom)’ A loud pop comes from Dale’s back as he falls to the ground and lays his hands by his sides. He tries to control the pace of his breathing as he feels something rising from within him. He then sits up and knows that it won’t be long now. ‘Oh shit…. he really wants out tonight…. *Knows this could be a bad thing* *yells at Sam* I’M SORRY SAM…. SHIT BUDDY HE IS…. RAGING! AHH!’ Dale’s transformation is violent as he feels his muscles growing rapidly starting in his back and chest. Within seconds his tank top rips completely off starting with his back as it splits in the middle and continues all over. His chest explodes in size as his pecs inflate all the way up to his neck. Thick patches of brown fur spread across his chest covering most of the muscle. His nipples follow as they double in size and situate themselves in both corners. His mind changes gears as he laughs feeling his shorts rip open along the seams. The popping increases exponentially as every muscle in his back doubles up on themselves making his body stretch even wider. His lats push his arms further away from his chest. He feels himself getting taller too as his spine cracks and reforms adding more muscle to accommodate the added height. He tries to stand up as his immense quads and calves flex helping him lift himself of the ground. He roars in delight feeling his cock burst through his underwear and over to one side of his leg. The only clothing that remains on his body now is the waistband from his shorts which he is now staring down at. ‘FUCKING DESTROY THAT FABRIC, MUSCLE…. I WANT TO FEEL A COMPLETE FUCKING RELEASE!’ The behemoth’s ass swells bigger as he feels his muscly sides starting to stretch the waistband to its limits. He moans feeling his cock aching and bouncing relentlessly wanting complete freedom from its confines. After feeling himself growing a few more inches in height, his body finally succeeds at ripping the waistband off his pelvic region glistening with a nice brown forest and a river of sweat. The man’s massive rod throbs wildly as his balls make stretching sounds filling in every space in his sack. He looks at his biceps and sees the baseball-sized muscles throbbing but seems very dissatisfied. ‘Come on body, I know you can do better than this. Give me more size damnit, I want to feel like a god!’ The huge muscleman strains making both arms flex harder making the veins press up against the surface of the skin. He grimaces feeling huge pains passing through both arms. After a few seconds, the pain turns to pleasure as deep laughter comes barreling from his lips. His biceps begin swelling again as he watches them both grow to twice their size. His forearms and shoulders follow suit as the veins widen all the way up and down the rest of both arms. ‘YES! OH, FUCK YES! This feels so fucking amazing. *Takes several deep breaths* I haven’t been out of this prison for such a long time, I was beginning to wonder how this felt.’ It appears that the man’s transformation is complete. The formerly slender middle-aged man that inhabited this body is now absent as the man from within transformed it into a 6’4 350-pound behemoth. The man finds Sam’s mirror behind him and stands in front of it. He rubs the thick fur coating his immense chest and legs but won’t touch his cock. The 14-inch rod appears to be close to bursting and quickly turns to walk towards Sam’s bathroom door. There is silence from within the bathroom as it appears that Sam was listening to the whole sequence commence. The man stops a few feet back to speak. ‘Sammy…. open the door man. I need your help with something. Your daddy Dallas will treat you like a king if you come and fix it.’ Sam knows this will not be turn out well if he doesn’t find a way out. This isn’t the first time he has dealt with his dad’s most aggressive personality. His solution he thinks is to break down the door to throw Dallas off and just bash his way out the back of the house. When he tries to attempt this, Dallas punches his arm through the door and gets stuck trying to grab Sam by the neck. The younger behemoth manages to knock him down after the door goes flying off its hinges. Dallas growls as he lies on the ground. The excitement though makes his cock spill a few drops of precum on to his stomach. ‘SAMMY! DAMNIT, I LIKE CHALLENGES BUT THIS ONE IS GOING TO BE A DIFFICULT ONE TO DEAL WITH!’ The older hulk hears a huge crash in the other room as he jumps to his feet and rushes in there. He sees broken glass on the floor as one of the French doors to the backyard lies in a pile of rubble. Dallas seems uninterested in the damage caused and walks over top of it before rushing out the opening in the doorway and into the field behind the house. He sees Sam trying to put some distance between them. He stops at the edge of the field to yell at the younger stud. ‘COME ON SAM! I WON’T HURT YOU MAN! I JUST WANT TO FUCKING FILL YOU UP WITH MY LOVE! *Laughs loudly in his gravelly voice*’ When Sam goes to turn around, he falls dangerously close to the cliff located at the other end of the field. His sheer size is hard to control as he feels himself starting to slide over the edge. A giant hairy arm comes out of nowhere and grabs Sam’s right bicep. It of course is Dallas who has a very frightened look on his face. ‘Sammy…..don’t move man. Don’t move. Why are you running from me? I may not be Dale, but I do love you so much son.’ Sam tries not to panic as he feels his sweaty muscles twitching against his dad’s big hand. ‘Come on, let me lift you up here so we can finally let this happen, okay?’ Sam knows that Dallas will not remain in control for the rest of his dad’s life, but he wonders how long he will be around this time. He also knows that he must let Dallas save him or he will be toast. Within the next ten seconds, the huge hulk grabs Sam’s other arm and quickly lifts him up and places him back on to safe ground. Sam tries to get away from him, but Dallas grabs a hold of his arms and pulls him closer to him. The hulk’s huge rod continues to throb and leak gobs of pre everywhere. ‘NO! NO! Please God no! Dallas, I can’t take it…. you will permanently hurt me if you do this.’ Dallas moans hearing Sam’s cries as his cock shoots several ropes of cum all over his massive back. ‘UGH, Sammy stop struggling, you are just making me want it more. Just relax and let me fuck you.’ Dallas slides him underneath his body and slaps his immense rod on to Sam’s ass a few times before teasing his son’s hole with his cockhead. He pushes the head inside which makes Sam calm down a bit. ‘NO……No……no…. uhhhh…. *Feels his own cock jumping*……why Dallas…. you are my dad…. i shouldn’t like this….’ Dallas pulls it back out and turns Sam over to look him straight in the eyes. ‘We are a part of each other man, I know you will grow to love being with me someday. In a few years, you will even want your big daddy Dallas to be around forever. *Notices Sam’s own cock pulsing* Here I think you need some servicing of your own….’ Dallas lays him on the grass and leans down to start sucking on the 230-pound young man’s cock. Sam groans feeling his body shutter as he grips the ground beside him. His hulking dad rubs his son’s chest and arms and starts to run his tongue up past Sam’s abs, chest, and finally his mouth where he locks lips with him. Sam moans as Dallas lies on top of him and wraps his huge guns underneath the scared man’s body. ‘Stop it, Dallas. My dad will know this happened when he returns.’ ‘Will he? You forget Sammy, you are not yourself either. You may not remember everything either. Come on man, relax for me, please. *Lifts Sam’s legs up over his shoulders* Let your REAL daddy love you like you should be loved.’ Dallas starts to push his cock inside Sam which makes the young adult cry out in pain. Dallas slowly moves in and out of Sam pushing a little further inside each time. Sam can feel his body starting to loosen up now allowing Dallas to take over fully. ‘Good boy…. daddy Dallas will make you feel more satisfied than you ever thought possible.’ The hulking behemoth starts to pound him harder as he moves Sam’s legs around his back and holds him in his arms firmly. The son at this point just holds on feeling Dallas getting closer to exploding. ‘MMM Sammy…. here it comes man.’ Dallas grips him as he feels his cock pumping wildly inside the young man. Sam realizes this might be dangerous and starts to grow agitated. ‘NO Dallas NO! You will kill me, why? Oh god no, I can’t handle this.’ ‘Shhh…. relax Sam…. your body will recover. Don’t worry…. i won’t hurt you. *Feels his balls contracting* UHH YEAH…. OH, SHIT MAN…. OH SHIT…. FUCKKKKK!’ Dallas thrusts all his might into Sam’s hole as he launches massive rivers of cum into his son’s belly and beyond. Sam feels his insides swelling as his stomach stretches against his abs making them look more like a roidgut. This makes Dallas growl loudly. ‘OH, FUCKING YEAH…. I knew you could handle it man. *Rubs Sam’s huge gut and leans down to lick each bloated ab*’ He continues to thrust inside Sam holding him close as he looks up to plunge his tongue down his son’s throat. Sam is about half conscious at this point as he lets his aggressive dad have his way. The huge behemoth finishes cumming and stops kissing his son so he can rub Sam’s back for a few minutes. He peers down and sees his son’s cock leaking more than it did before. At this point, he pulls his own cock out of the man’s hole to move him a little further up. ‘Sammy? Son, I think you need to cum boy. Your cock is going to explode if you don’t do anything soon.’ Sam comes back to his senses and tries to free himself from Dallas again. The hulking brute makes sure he can’t get away by holding him down. ‘No Sam, this must be done. Trust me it will feel so much better when you just let it go.’ Dallas puts his arms underneath his son and lifts his crotch up to the hulk’s waiting lips. He slowly swallows the swollen rod and works it over with slow steady gulps making the young man writhe in ecstasy. Dallas tastes the river of precum flowing into his belly and knows it won’t take much to release the floodgates, so he just gulps the whole shaft down without a second thought. Sam digs his hands into his father’s legs as he pumps Dallas’s body full of thick goo. The young adult can hear his father swallowing what must be a gallon of cum and notices the behemoth sigh with pleasure as he does it. The sweat is pouring profusely from both men as they both sense that something else is about to happen. Sam finishes cumming and goes completely limp in his father’s arms. Dallas lovingly works his son’s cock a few more times in his mouth before it retreats back into its slumber. He kisses the cockhead after it leaves his mouth and picks Sam up in his arms. He kisses the young man on the lips one last time before lying down on the ground. The college-aged youngster can feel Dallas starting to doze off and manages to finally get free from his confines. Unfortunately, Sam is unable to stand up after the unreal pounding he just experienced by the huge hulk. He starts crawling away from Dallas and occasionally turns to see if the behemoth wakes up. Before he gets to the other side of the field, he realizes that he is shrinking as he feels his thick muscles starting to disappear and revert back to their original size. His ridiculously stretched hole manages to repair itself as well which gives him a sense of relief as he tries to stand up again. Once he gets back up to his feet again, he looks down the field and can see that his father Dale has returned to his original self as well and is still lying on the ground sleeping peacefully. The sun is now starting to set as the ordeal appears to be over….at least for now it is.
  10. NexCanis

    Out of the Closet

    There are few things in this world that could allow and facilitate instantaneous transformation or gratification. Those that do often are fleeting and transitory, offering brief releases from reality but never leaving any lasting effects. Most of the time, people need to rely on themselves to change and their will to commit to that change. Note, however, that the use of determiners such as ‘few’, ‘often’ and ‘most’. Rare as they may be, there are phenomenon and artifacts out there that can bring permanent change and true gratification. These objects often cause great change that mortal minds simply cannot comprehend. Our minds would simply explode trying to understand this phenomenon so our minds simply rewrite our memories and thoughts to accept the new reality as truth. An extreme sense of denial, one could call it. Perhaps this is how these objects maintain their sort of pseudo-anonymity and remain forever hidden with only the lucky individuals who encounter it stumbling upon them by complete accident. No one ever hunts for these artifacts because in the eyes of history, they never existed. Even those changed by it rarely have any recollection of them, their memories and history merely blending with the truth that they had come to understand. One of these many wonders is rumored to have been created by Priapus, crafted from only the hardest of wood from a tree that was fed on the seed of all the gods that Hermes secretly milked while they slept. There are even tales that this unassuming object was crafted by a puckish demon who scorned the world’s objection to homosexuality and used it to turn men into loving other men just to destabilize the world. A single tale speaks of an extra-dimensional entity who simply wanted men to have the lives they dreamed of without fighting against the constraints of circumstance. Whatever the truth of it, this simple, unassuming closet ensures that any man who steps inside, truly ‘comes out’. ❖ Timothy Willis stepped into the dingy motel room with a dejected sigh. Sleep had eluded him for the past week leaving the heavy bags under his eyes to match the weight of the two travel bags that he dropped onto the floor next to the awful, puke-green door. Shuffling his scrawny frame across the mud-colored carpet, his dirty sneakers dragging beneath him, he shut the door behind him with a slam without even bothering to lock the door. Weary, broken-hearted and defeated, he collapsed onto the bed face first only for pain to immediately rocket up from his nose. The mattress was as hard as concrete and he could swear one of the springs had jabbed his forehead just out of spite. Grumbling, he rolled onto his back and stared at the creaky ceiling fan that looked like it was just about to fall on him and end his suffering. Though that would be welcome. Timothy lay on his back, trying to muster up some previously unknown psychic power to summon that fan into his skull. Naturally, nothing happened and he was left free to ponder the misery of his existence up to this point. Truly amazing was the speed of his descent. Just two weeks ago, he was a bright-eyed intern for a country-wide media corporation. Dreams of one day being an anchor man fueled him through grueling hours, hostile bosses and constant jabs of having ‘no soul’ because of his dark red hair. More than once he had scalding hot coffee thrown at him because ‘it wasn’t a latte’. He draped an arm over his blue eyes, fighting back the tears and holding back a sob. One of many interns, he was in a competitive field and many of his fellow interns were constantly doing whatever they could to sabotage his and one another’s efforts to garner favor from the higher-ups. Being too nice or perhaps too honorable, Timothy never resorted to any of those tactics. Which is exactly what got him fired. Too ashamed to go back to his parents, he packed up his belonging from the apartment that he could no longer afford and shuffled into this motel, a loose-fitting white collared shirt from Forever 21 around his shoulders and black tie hanging loosely around his neck. His legs were covered by the same, skinny, black slacks that he had worn to his senior prom were dirtied with mud and coffee stains. The tears were starting to soak into his sleeves. Wiping puffy, red, eyes free of the tears, he steeled himself and straighted up in the bed. “There are better opportunities,” he told himself, light voice that never stopped ‘breaking’ heavy with disappointment and shame. “I’ll find another job. Maybe start local.” Though he had no solid plans, the twenty-three-year-old, communications major jumped to his feet and straightened his back. Having never really participated in sports, Timothy had the blessing of being able to eat anything and everything while remaining quite skinny. His metabolism seemed to constantly be in overdrive. Eating takeaway was probably not a good idea given that he was now on a budget but he needed some comfort food this evening. First, he needed to get changed out of these clothes. They stank of disappointment, expensive cologne, coffee and cigarettes. He padded over to where he had left his bags, grabbed them by their handles and dragged them over to the closet. He wasn’t expecting anything fantastical or even decent from a roadside motel but when he pulled open the closet door, he was quite surprised when he had a full walk-in closet in front of him. It was not a dingy closet that could barely fit one person, either. It could be construed as a room in and of itself. “What the hell…?” he mumbled to himself, poking his head forward and into the room. “How could a place like this have a closet this big?” There was enough room for him to stand inside with his arms outstretched and still have room for the coats and shirts to hang on the racks with his fingers barely grazing them. It was the kind of thing he would expect to see in a mansion or a ritzy hotel but certainly not this place. The strangest thing of all, however, was the fact that there were already clothes in the closet. To his left were a variety of jackets from heavy parkas, long trench coats, tough-looking leather jackets and even some luminescent worker’s vests. To the right were shirts of all variety. Long-sleeved, collared shirts, tank tops, compression shirts and even some print shirts. Beneath both were matching sets of pants and shorts ranging from the formal to the mundane. A rack at the far end of the wall was populated by all forms of footwear. On that same wall were large, square shelves where underwear and socks were stocked, neatly folded. “That explains the fee,” he mumbled to himself. “Though who would leave all this stuff in a motel?” The logical part of his brain said that he should go back down to the front office and inform them that someone had left a fortune’s worth of clothing in his closet. Maybe he could even argue for another room without such space and get a discount for being a Good Samaritan. Something about the closet, however, called to him. Perhaps it was curiosity or some innate desire to try on something that didn’t hang off him like a ghost’s sheet during Halloween. He left his bags where they were, just outside of the closet and stepped inside. The air was strangely crisp and clean, the bright, white light above his head illuminating every corner without flaw. His eyes were drawn to the expensive-looking suit jacket to his left. Just as his hands were about to brush against the silky sleeve, there was a loud bang behind him. Timothy spun in place and his heart leaped to his throat at the side of his own reflection staring back at him. There was a full-body mirror planted at the back of the closet door - a door that was now firmly shut. “What in the world…?” he exclaimed, scrambling forward for the doorknob. But there was no doorknob. There was a brief flash of confusion followed by panic as he tried to push the door open only for it to stubbornly refuse. He banged at the door with his right fist as fear began to set in. Something cool, slick and silky suddenly snapped around his wrist, pulled it back away from the door. It was a tie. A burgundy-colored tie that seemed to have wrapped around one of the racks and winding itself to pull him away from the door. “The fu -” He never got to finish his exclamation as that same sensation snapped around his left wrist and suddenly yanked his wrist back. Another tie, this one teal in color, had taken his wrist. The force of both ties pulling at his limbs dragged him across the carpeted floor before stopping about halfway into the closet. The question ‘what is happening?’ constantly played in his mind, his shock keeping him from vocalizing it even as the ties tightened their grip and yanked him off the ground, lifting him a whole two feet off the floor. The first instinct was to start kicking and in response, two other ties snaked out from between the pants and shorts, seizing his ankles and holding them still. “What the hell is going on here!” he cried. “Let me go!” In response, something heavy and damp slapped into his face. The ensuing gasp caused whatever it was to dive a little into his throat, causing him to choke on the fabric and filling his tongue with the salty, musky taste of the sweaty briefs. A scent thick with testosterone, manly body odor and the strange combination of fresh pine and mud wafted into his nostrils. Coupled with the weariness from a lack of sleep for the past five days and his protests and struggling quickly subsided. Blue eyes glazed over, Timothy hung there, suspended by the ties with his head drooping slightly and his eyes gazing off at his own reflection in the mirror. A new sensation quickly made itself known, radiating from his groin. If the bottom half of his face wasn’t obscured by the large briefs wrapped around his face, the leg-holes looped behind his ears, it would have been possible to see the dopey grin that crawled across his features as his modest cock began to stir awake. There was still some part of him that was screaming that this was unnatural, that he should wrest himself free from the restraints or cry for help but those thoughts were quickly overwhelmed by images of getting up in the morning with a supreme hard-on and immediately finding release by stroking his throbbing meat. Restrained as he was, the only thing he could do to mimic that sensation was to absently thrust his hips forward into the air, rubbing his erect dick against his boxer-briefs and the tight confines of his slacks. That one thrust was all the rest of his body needed. A deep thrumming began emitting from deep within his flesh, vibrations rippling throughout his entire body. Cells rapidly multiplied and divided, muscle stretching and expanding with a sound like stretching leather while bones snapped and grew to the chorus of a cracking whip. Each of his toes wiggled up from where they sat in his sneakers, pressing up against the dirtied fabric and distorting the shape as the balls of his feet widened. Those toes were forced to curl as they pressed up against the limits of the same sneakers he had worn since college. The strings grew taut, wailing in protest while his socks receded down from his calf, the fabric begin pulled by his expanding digits. Rrrrrrip! His toes flared out from his sneakers, exploding out of his size 10 shoes like a crescent moon peeing over a curved hill. His socks were only a second behind, giving way as his toes shot out of the white fabric and freeing his feet. The gap at the top of his destroyed shoe quickly spread all down the length of his foot, finally meeting at the back of his heel and causing the dangling flap of the sole to drop uselessly on the ground. A soft sigh of relief escaped his Timothy’s lips as a sense of familiarity washed up from his his new size 16 feet. Size 16. That didn’t seem right. He never had such big feet. But of course did. Ever since he had reached puberty, he needed to have his shoes custom made simply because most shoe stores didn’t stock size 16 shoes readily in stock. His parents always boasted that he would be a star basketball player with feet that big. Basketball was never his sport though. Wrestling. Yes. Wrestling was h is more type of game. But did he ever wrestle? What questions he had was erased by a more pressing question. ‘What is it that people say about guys feet compared to their cock size?’ Grinning through the mouthful of musky undergarments, Timothy thrust once more into the air, brushing his cock against the slacks that felt so alien on him now. His member pulsated, already fully erect but somehow stretching up another inch and leaking precum that mixed with his own rising musk, a musk that was quickly gaining a hint of pine and mud in it. Like magic, the remnants of his shoes which hung uselessly on the back of his feet peeled themselves away, shards of an old life falling away to give way to the new. The torn fabric of his socks unraveled themselves, the thread flying off out of sight in between the tightly and neatly pressed garments that hung against the walls, being absorbed into the essence of the Closet. The fragments of his shoes wiggled off into the shadows, disappearing from view and leaving him completely bare foot. To fix this, two pairs of thick, black, woolen socks snaked out from the shelves behind him, sliding themselves down the back of the closet to meet the two pair of heavy, tan, steel-toed boots that let themselves off the shoe rack and began ‘walking’ towards the restrained Timothy. They worked in tandem with one another, the shoes offering a platform for the socks to slowly open their maws and position themselves over Timothy’s bare feet. The moment the fabric touched Timothy’s pale skin, the young man squirmed and found his arousal double, precum forming a distinct stain against his slacks. Thick, reddish-brown hairs sprang from the knuckles of his toes, curling into a dense patch that matched the thick patch that formed over the bridge of his foot. All of this the socks quickly enveloped, hugging the delicate hairs tightly with a promise to protect them in as much warmth and comfort as they could provide. Timothy smiled at the memories of feeling that fabric brush against the back of his feet, enjoying the tingling sensation of the freshly laundered and dried socks gliding over the hairs on his feet. The thought made his toes curl, welcoming the embrace of those steel-toed worker’s boots that jumped up and gobbled his feet like a hungry whale. Raw power and masculinity radiated from those boots and Timothy arched his back, sucking in air and more of that heady musk through clenched teeth as the boots pushed back his slacks and securely tied their laces around his new, enlarged feet. This stirred the mass of his calves to throb and bulge. The hems of his slacks were forced to recede further as his shins extended, dense, dark red hairs sweeping over his pale skin and covering them in a protective layer of fuzz. These hems became stuck above halfway up his calves where they abruptly tore, giving way to the large, heart-shaped bulges of his muscles that spread out like two, meaty hams. This started a chain reaction all up his slacks. The seams of the same pants he had worn almost every day to work burst to reveal thick muscle and hair beneath. A series of ripping and tearing accompanied the cacophony of moans that left his lips. Bulging tree-trunk thighs shed the fabric of his pants, sending shards flying off into different directions like tiny, black snowflakes that disappeared in between the garments of the Closet. Even the part of the pants that was tightly wound bound by his belt was not spared as it flaked off of its own accord, surrendering itself to the powers of the Closet and leaving him only in his shrinking black boxer-briefs and his shirt. As the line of the boxer-briefs were forced further and further back up his swelling thighs, the hairs on his legs grew thicker. A beastly coating soon covered his massive limbs like God himself was trying to tell this primal, perfect specimen of a man to show some humility and hide the definition in his legs so that other, lesser males would not feel so emasculated. But modesty could not hold back the thick, pulsating veins that crisscrossed Timothy’s legs like vines over a tree trunk or the tear-drop definition of his quads and ‘V-shaped’ arches of his hamstrings. Stubbornly, his briefs refused to tear even as his cock tented the fabric and weakened it was precum that almost completely soaked the front of the garment. The assault would not - could not - stop there. Timothy moaned louder and his upper body squirmed. His fingers curled around the ties that held him down more out of a need for support than to resist their bindings. Each finger popped and swelled, becoming huge, meaty sausages that could make any man moan with just a single prod with them in the right hole. A favorite pastime of Tim’s. Only another man could truly satisfy him, after all. Only other men built like he was could understand what he needed. It was a reason he never dated women. Though there were a few transient images of asking girls out only to be rejected while he was in middle school and a fling during college, it all seemed like distant dreams from a hormone-induced growing body that could not possibly be true. Reality demanded that he often found other guys and shoved his fingers into them, pushing them up to his hairy knuckles to loosen them up before his thick beer-can of a cock, already lubricated with his seed, found its way into their ass and bred them like a bear fucking in the woods. Just those images stirred his cock into a second - or third, in this case - awakening and it surged up to a devastating eight inches. His grip around the ties tightened, stimulating his forearms and sending them surging out in all directions. Bands of thick, reddish-blonde hair sprang across his otherwise hairless forearms, joining with the thick pelt that developed on the back of his hands. The muffled cry that came from his throat broke one last time before settling on a deep, gravelly bass that shook the Closet, rattling the handle-less door. Perhaps he could have escaped then and there but nothing about him wanted to. Not even the little doubting fragment that tried to remind him who he had been. That increasingly distant voice wanted this to happen as it even recognized that this was better. Deep rumbling shook through his arms, pulling the sleeves that he had pulled halfway up his forearm to recede a little further before they gave up and - Rrrrrip! Tore apart. The seams of his shirt split around his shoulders, boulder-like flesh exploding from torn, white fabric and monetarily revealing their scalloped frames before it was partially obscured by dense, red-blonde hair. Another thrust into the air and his cock surged out into a monstrous nine-inches. The grunting from his throat grew more fevered and his thrusting became less an occasional burst lust and rhythmic pounding a beast in heat. To accommodate, his chest swelled, the buttons of his shirt straining against the rapidly inflating pectorals and forming diamonds of exposed flesh where the buttons held on doggedly. Tim curled his toes as he threw his whole body into each thrust. Each testosterone gyration caused a bit of irritation across his chest and stomach as the rough, course reddish-brown hairs that was his pubes began rapidly spreading up from his crotch and making its way up the valleys and developing hills of torso. Every abdominal muscle popped, hardening into solid, hairy plates that fit together perfectly like a six dark ice cubes sitting perfectly in a row, swallowing his bellybutton between their folds. As he put more and more of himself into each thrust, his ass ballooned outwards, becoming a crisp, cut bubble but that caused his boxer-brief to slide uncomfortably up their bulging mounds and strain into his crack. The thrusts sent rippling bursts of energy shooting up his spine while a sound like crackling bark or dry leaves being crushed underfoot emanated from his spine. From his moderate 5’6’’ height, a whole half a foot was added thanks to his lengthening legs while another foot was added into his torso length, pulling the hems of his shirt from where it hung around his waist and causing it to recede until four of his abs were fully exposed. The train on his shirt was getting too much. The fabric gave loud groans of protest, nearly squealing as it strained against his expanding muscles. It became harder to breathe as the cloth was pressing up against his chest, his mountain like pectorals pressing so far up against the fabric that his diamond-hard nipples were poking right through. His loose tie was now straining against his bull-like neck, nearly disappearing between the muscular fold of his traps and shoulders. It’s dull, gray length was sandwiched between his two pectorals. A loud pop put a momentary pause in his gyrations before the memories of his multiple sexual conquests began stirring his groin and pumping his dick to a titanic 10 inches in length. Gone were the ambitious thoughts of being his own news anchor and reading off the news every night at seven. Now, all he could think of was clocking off work at five in the evening, dragging his sweaty, musky frame to the nearest bar, picking up some hot bull that was in the same boat and then licking each other clean before spraying their seed all over one another and then once again bathing each other in their tongues. Deep, wet stains developed under his armpits soaking into his shirt, weakening the fibers further. The strong musk of man, sex, testosterone and that unique blend of pine and mud permeated the air. It became so overwhelming that even the direct scent that came from the pair of briefs pressed against his nose was overpowered. Something just clicked in his mind that this was his scent. A smell developed from his overactive libido, hours spent in the woods chopping trees then fucking all night long in the embrace of another man. This realization connected the final hold-out brain cells that were still resisting his change to the rest of his body, mind accepting what body had already welcomed with great enthusiasm. Tim threw his head back, letting out a tremendous roar. All at once, every button that remained on his shirt gave out, emitting that same resounding pop that he had heard just a moment ago. Buttons flew off his chest like bullets, disappearing into the jackets and shirts but never emerging again, never even emitting a sound like they had hit a solid wall. Immense, hairy pectorals were finally free, erupting outward to reveal the thick coppery chest hair that seemed to spiral out from his nipples before forming a thick treasure trail down his washboard abdominals and disappearing into the waistband of his stubborn boxer briefs. Straining at eleven inches of thick man-meat, his cock oozed precum to the point where his soaked underwear could no longer absorb the amount. Drips of clear, gooey liquid seeped out of his undergarment and seeped into the carpet beneath him, disappearing into the fabric without a trace. How his briefs remained intact despite now being little more than a thong against his titanic quads and bulging but remained a mystery. But there was still a few finishing touches that the Closet had to apply. The smile on Tim’s features grew a little and the pair of briefs hanging from his ears finally released their grip, dropping from his face and landing on the ground. This left his clean-shaved features free. A prickling sensation crawled over his cheeks, spreading out from his sideburns and trickling across his cheeks. Coarse, coppery hairs sprang from his pale flesh, quickly multiplying to form a well-trimmed and maintained canopy over his skin. The hairs met at his chin, highlighting instead of hiding the handsome cleft chin that suddenly appeared against his lantern-like jaw. Accentuated by his his thick neck, the thick, closely-cropped beard exuded an aura of manliness but also discipline as each hair follicle was well-trimmed and glossy. After all, he was a man who knew how to take care of himself not a slob. The pale flesh on his cheekbones reddened from years laboring out in the sun. His eyes shut momentarily, allowing the hairs of his faint eyebrows to thicken with his growing brow. Behind his eyelids, his irises danced as memories of going from lumberyard to lumberyard, traveling across the country wherever there was work and even doing some voluntary fireman work down in California during wildfire season wrote themselves into his mind. The smell of damp underbrush juxtaposed against the scent of cum. The blazing sun versus the dark of a room filled with the moans and grunts of men fucking. The clean breeze of an open window as he traveled across the country in his truck against the pleasure of a fresh pair of lips around his thick dick. The pump he felt from lifting over three hundred pounds at the compared to the exhaustion from cumming over and over again in the company of a sexy, beefy, hairy man. When Tim opened his eyes, they were filled with clarity. Whispers of doubt faded into the bellowing choir of morning shoveling carb-heavy meals down his throat, days spent felling trees and nights fucking and being fucked. The roots of his dark hair lightened, a fiery red color seeping out from his skull and smoothening the disheveled, split ends into cool, maintained curls that hugged the shape of his head. Their tips lightened further into streaks of blonde that, adding color and texture to his lush head of hair. With all other sensations abating, he became aware of the one, remaining pressing need that had to be met. The ties around his wrist and ankles loosened, allowing him to finally drop to the floor. He didn’t need to reach for his dick no matter how needy it was. He closed his fists, veins popping up his forearms and merely grunted, thrusting his hips forward. At long last, the boxer-briefs of Timothy Willis gave way and exploded off his groin, the elastic waistband snapping away almost like magic to free the enormous, foot-long member supported by heavy lemon-sized balls covered in a thick, dark bush of red fuzz. The pieces of his boxer-briefs dissolved into wispy threats that glided through the air like tiny streamers that disappeared into the folds of the clothes all around him. On instinct, he grabbed his throbbing meat with both hands. His left hand wrapped around the base, fat, hairy fingers jostling his balls and stimulating them while his right performed laps up and down his flushed pink penis. The fiery sensations of arousal exponentially grew, his toes curling and his eyelids fluttering. His jaw dropped open in slack-jawed pleasure. Eyes became unfocused as the last vestiges of the old Timothy Willis was pooled into his balls. The overwhelming need to ejaculate, to release his old life grew to unbearable levels. Every muscle in his body coiled like a spring, readying himself for the onslaught of the dam breaking against his reservoir of man milk. His strokes grew more and more desperate, the oozing precum from the tip of his dick lathering his entire 12-inch length with increasing thickening liquid. Something compelled him to turn to his right, an otherworldly command that warned him not to spray his seed on the mirror pressed against the door. The moment he obliged, nothing held back the flood. He threw his head back, thrust his hips forward and tightened his grip around his cock and balls. Molten seed exploded from the tip of his cock in a gush that could only be considered herculean. White, sticky rain splattered all over shirts, hangers and shoes as he slowly rotated in place, flexing every muscle in his body as if he was displaying his new, hirsute physique for an audience hidden between the fibers of the hanging garments. He turned to face the shoe rack, his back to the mirror. Waterfalls would have recoiled in embarrassment as the sheer volume of cum he produced. Some of the shoes even had their interiors flooded to the brim by his seed. Pride welled in him at the display but he couldn’t linger too long as he knew that this was the peak of his pleasure. With every peak, came a fall and as he turned to face the rack of suits, the jets of seed that pumped out of his cock subsided. Even as he squeezed his dick and splattered the last ounces of his milk into the dark suit jackets and dress pants, he was filled with a lingering buzz akin to being pleasantly drunk. Tim’s arms slowly fell slack, fingers unwinding from around his cock. At long last, the remnants of his shirt which had clung miraculously to his shoulders and looked more like a stained, torn white vest crumbled away, their strands disappearing into the cum-stained walls. Just with these fibers, his still-warm seed was absorbed into the fabrics at an unnatural rate. Within moments and even before his staccato breathing could stabilize, all his seed was gone. From the rack of shirts, a simple, sleeveless, white tanktop snaked out from its hangers. Drunk on the daze of afterglow, Tim mindlessly followed an ethereal command to lift up his arms. The tanktop easily rose through the air, suspended on invisible strings and dropped down onto his form, hugging his hairy chest so that it was tight enough to accentuate his broad chest and chiseled abdominals while allowing the contours of his swirling chest hairs to just press up against the fabric. He lowered his meaty arms, holding them out to his sides. A red and black flannel shirt snaked out from the rack of jackets in front of him, easily sliding a sleeve into his right arm. Tim bent his left arm to allow the loose-fitting garment to slip over his taught biceps, the sleeves barely making it past his boulder-like shoulders. Time blinked a few times and remembered the piece of musky underwear sitting on the ground, the only piece of clothing that hadn’t vaporized into the Closet. With a grin of familiarity, he bent down, plucked it off the ground and pressed it against his nose, taking one good, long whiff of the scent embedded into the fabric - his scent. A scent that would never truly go away no matter how many times it was washed. The smell committed to memory, he easily slipped on the underwear like he had done a hundred times before. It fit snuggly around his balls and though he had to stuff his semi-erect dick into the garment, the eight-inch sausage sitting against his left thigh, it still felt right and comfortable. A pair of denim pants with torn knees walked casually out from the rack behind him, pressing its familiar, rough surface against his hairy thigh. Without questioning it, he plucked up the pants like an old pet, cradling it in his arms before lowering it so that he could slip his monstrous legs into it. Even with the heavy boots wrapped around his feet, he was able to slide his foot through it, the denim stretching unnaturally like a second skin so that he could complete his transformation. Like many of his other clothing, he had to get them custom built so that he could buckle it comfortably around his thin waist. On cue, a big, brown belt snapped out with the ferocity of a viper from a nearby hanger. It curled around his waist, sliding through the loops of his pants and locking together with the shiny, buckle shaped like a bear’s snarling head front and center. As a finishing touch, a silver chain necklace with each link as thick as a fingernail wrapped around his neck. Tim ran a finger over it, recalling how his parents had given it to him on his first day as a lumberjack. They were so proud of him. With a smile, he turned towards the mirror, regarding the familiar features of Tim Woods, his sparkling, pearly-white teeth shining out form beneath his thick beard. At long last, the Closet door jostled, opening just a crack. Tim, with a grin on his face, pushed the door open… … and came out of the Closet.
  11. londonboy

    Might I Suggest

    I had merely suggested that they might like to see my house – knowing full well it would impress them. I had been chatting with the two big guys at the gym and invited them home for lunch. I could immediately sense that the invitation made them both very uncomfortable, so I had simply focused on the larger of the two guys and thought about how he might really like to see my place. I thought about how the home gym and plush movie room would of specific interest. He had immediately accepted the offer on behalf of the two of them – much to the consternation of his friend. We were now standing in the large living space that opened out to the pool at my home – the beach, in sight, beyond. I loved the fact that the two guys were so confident that they acted like they were whispering, but spoke loud enough for me to hear – it’s just something cocky guys like to do. It’s as if they are marking their territory or something. It was meant to intimidate me if I had any ulterior motives. “I’m not feeling comfortable with this, man. Don’t you remember how this guy was staring at us while we were working out? It’s like he was imagining us naked. I say we split.” “Are you kidding dude? Look at this place. This guy is fucking rich. I say we milk this for everything we can. Besides, he’s so tiny either one of us could squash him like a grape with little effort. We got nothing to be scared of. Let’s just sit back and enjoy the ride. It’s nice to be pampered.” “Might I suggest we sit over here to have our drinks,” I said, calmly, pointing to a sofa and chairs near the pool. I had placed their two beers on a table in front of the large couch – making it pretty clear that they might want to sit near each other. I took my place in a chair directly across from them. The larger guy, Hank was his name, moved over to the sofa. When he sat down he picked up the glass I had placed beside his bottle of beer and stared at it with a confused face as he took a big swallow. “What’s this for? You gonna serve water, too?” “Might I suggest you pour your beer in it?” “What for?” asked Hank, the larger of the two large men, as he took another quick sip. “Cause it’s civilized, dude! Just do it,” answered Toby as he sat next to his workout partner and poured his beer obediently into the glass. He sat exactly where I hoped he would. Hank gave him a ‘what the fuck’ look and then followed suit. “Might I suggest you two make yourselves more comfortable.” “I don’t know, mister. I’m pretty fucking comfortable. I worked my ass off in the gym and have a mega-pump, I’m sipping nice beer from a glass, and I’m sitting in what I’m sure is a ten-million-dollar home. Can it get much more comfortable?” “Might I suggest you take off your shirt, Hank?” “Hell yeah! I mean, if you don’t mind, sir. Come on Tob, let’s go shirtless.” “Dude, this is all a little weird. Besides, I don’t want to see your man-boobs.” “I know, bro, but I just gotta uncover these puppies. It’s like if I don’t let them breathe I’m gonna die. It feels like my shirt is as heavy as a suit of armor or something. And it’s so fucking hot.” In an instant, Hank had his shirt off and if he had man-boobs, as Toby called them – then I’d say I must be a man-boob fanatic. His chest was miraculous. Heavy, heavy thick looking pecs that tensed and bounced as he moved. My mouth watered. The young man was enormous, like a young Lou Ferrigno. I could sense he was the more adventurous of the two – more gregarious and ready to embrace life. I did like Toby’s reserve, though. I had a feeling he was much more mature than his friend but loved hanging out with Hank so much, that he just accepted his friend as he was. They had told me they had known each other a really long time. Both were waiters at a fancy restaurant near the beach, while Hank had just started pursuing bodybuilding and Toby worked hard to build a modeling career. Toby’s looks matched Hank’s hugeness. The smaller big man had a fitness model physique and a face that had certainly caused many-a-wet-dreams over the years. I appreciated beauty as much as I did muscles. “Toby . . . I’m sure you’d be able to catch a few rays while we’re out here drinking and dining. I’m thinking you’d love to darken that already gorgeous tan of yours. Am I right?” “Yes sir. That’s good thinking. I could sure use a little more sun,” Toby replied as he put his beer down, grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt, and lifted it to reveal one of the most chiseled physiques I had ever seen. The two men were like the perfect pair – salt and pepper, Jack and Coke, oysters and champagne, or Ben and Matt. I loved huge pumped muscle – represented by Hank, but I also loved that low body-fat look of a sculpted surfer – represented by Toby. I had chosen perfectly. I pushed a button on the table beside me and soon an elder gentleman stepped out onto the patio. “Gentlemen, might I introduce my friend and butler, Alfred. Alfred, this is Toby and Hank,” I said, pointing to the appropriate guy when I spoke his name. “Gentlemen,” Alfred responded with a raised right eyebrow. “What’s up Al?” Hank said and I saw my butler cringe a little. “It’s nice to meet you, sir,” said Toby, and this made Alfred smile. “What would you like for lunch, guys?” I asked. “You mean, like we would say anything and this Alfred, here, is going to go and make whatever we ask for?” Hank said with total glee in his voice. “No, no, no – not Alfred,” I replied, as the older gentleman turned to me with a shocked look. “He will merely go and order it with the chef. Might I suggest a salmon and shrimp Caesar salad, with toasted garlic bread and then a big cheese and fruit platter for dessert. I also think a nice sauvignon blanc will go nicely with that.” “Is that a vegetable?” Hank asked. “It’s a wine, dude,” Toby quickly said, “That sounds really nice, mister.” “Thank you, Alfred. If you would let the chef know. Oh, how do you like our new friends?” “I haven’t seen bodies as nice as that since . . . um . . . yesterday, sir,” Alfred said, rolling his eyes and heading towards the kitchen. “Do you have a lot of servants, dude?” Hank asked, taking another sip of his beer. “Man, they’re not servants . . . they’re staff. Jeez!” exclaimed Toby. “Well excuse me, do you have a lot of staff, mister?” “A few, yes. By the way, you fellows may call me, Saxon,” I answered. “No more of this ‘mister,’ stuff.” “Is that your name? Wow, it sounds like SAX-ON-the-beach!” Hank said, laughing and getting a ‘shut up’ look from his friend. “Fellas, do the two of you ever wear posers?” I asked, stepping to an outdoor fridge behind a bar to get them two more beers. “You mean those skimpy little bathing suits? Naw, I’m not in competition shape, yet, so I haven’t had to buy one. I’m not sure I’m going to like them. As for Mr. Three-Legged-Toby, here, he can’t wear them because of his larger-than-life endowment. I swear the eight inches I’ve got on him in height all went to his crotch. He’s a monster.” Hank said, boasting openly for his friend. “Dude, some things don’t need to be shared,” Toby said. “It’s not like you can hide it, Tob-ster. Trust me, Saxon, it’s the first thing girls notice when we go out to bars. I’m standing there – six feet, ten inches of solid muscle, but the dames are all looking at his crotch. Most of them are scared to shit of the thing, but there are a few that usually take on the challenge.” “Over-sharing, Hank. I’m serious. Saxon does not want to hear about my dick, okay?” Toby said, clearly embarrassed by the conversation, but he also seemed a little proud of his giant tool, which had definitely not gone unnoticed by me – how could it? “Well, getting back to posers, I just happen to have some new ones in that table at the end of the sofa, Hank. Yes, just in there. Might I suggest that you two get even more comfortable and put some on. There are all sizes, Toby, so your more-than-ample endowment will not have to worry. It would please me very much and brighten the day even more than it already is.” “Wow, these things are really kind of hot,” Hank said as he opened the drawer and pulled out a bunch of still-tagged posers – all different colors and sizes. Toby looked on with horror and nervousness. I knew he’d need a little more convincing. Hank, on the other hand, had already started laying a few across his crotch to imagine what they might look like. “Surely, someone with a body like yours, Toby, and that of your friend’s, should not be covered with unnecessary layers of material. All the work you have done to make yourself buff, it’s only right and kind to let others behold the fruits of your labor.” “Well, when you put it like that, Saxon, it does sound selfish not to share,” Toby said in agreement – his words actually shocking himself. “It would be damn selfish,” Hank added – clearly ready to change. “You got an outdoor changing room Sax, buddy?” “Might I suggest that you both just change right here,” I said, slowly and clearly. “We’re all grown men and there won’t be anything revealed we’ve never seen before. That is, unless you’re embarrassed by your god given bodies and shy about your private parts.” “Fuck it, I did circle jerks with teammates in the locker room during college, so changing here is a piece of cake. I’ve got nothing to hide,” Hank said standing up and pulling down his sweats and briefs at the same time – in one quick, glorious move. Indeed, the huge specimen of manhood definitely had nothing to hide. His thighs looked as big as chairs and the muscles tensed beautifully as he moved. He also had nothing to be ashamed about in the meat department – sometimes a really big man does, indeed, have a nice sized penis, too. There was no ‘trying to make up for shortcomings below the belt’ causing Hank’s lust for bodybuilding. A nicely proportioned, thick, slightly curved dick hung invitingly between his legs as he pulled up some gold, shiny posers he had chosen. It was only when Toby slowly stood up and pulled down his shorts and underwear that Hank’s endowments became obsolete. Most wine bottles were not as thick as this young man’s cock and it hung down almost to knee level. He could have easily been taken for an elephant. The way that it flopped around told me it wasn’t even slightly hard at this insane size, which made me immediately want to suggest something to stimulate it, but I nixed that idea for later on. I swear the obnoxiously large cock only looked right . . . symmetrical . . . because Toby had this sculpted-by-the-gods body with appropriate bulges everywhere. He was of decent height – probably six feet – and his beautiful muscles made you accept the tree he was now stuffing into triple extra-large black posers. I’m sure his goal was that the color would help hide his more-than-a-horse cock, but it was also clear that was hopeless. I swear the thing could actually wrap around his waist. “Now, I think that makes all of us feel a lot better, don’t you,” I said to ease any lingering stress and it seemed to work. “Yeah, I’m feeling really good. Nice beer, snug posers, pumped body, the sun beating down on me, and a fucking mansion surrounding me,” Hank said, his face truly registering how happy he was. “Yes sir, this is nice,” replied the more reserved Toby, adjusting his monumental package. “How big is your chest, Hank?” I asked and the normally outspoken young man turned a little red and looked down at his huge pecs. “I’ve swelled these puppies up to fifty-seven inches in the last month. Gonna hit sixty by the end of the year. I can feel it,” Hank said, tensing the pecs together and then bouncing them. “Probably my best body part. I just got to get the rest of my muscles on par with my pecs and I’ll be ready to compete.” “It looks like you are well on your way, young man,” I replied, admiring his enormous size. “I bet you like to play with your big chest, don’t you?” “Yeah . . . yeah, I do. Like right now. I love to manhandle the big things – trying hard to compress the hard muscle,” he answered – his eyes not leaving his own chest and his hands groping the big mounds with not an ounce of self-consciousness. “Dude, what are you doing?” asked Toby, who was staring at his friend in disbelief. “Can’t help it man, I just sometimes got to feel all this thick muscle. I love how all this hard beef swells when I tense it. And watch – I can make them bounce together or one at a time,” Hank answered, and then he made his pecs do exactly as he had said. “Wouldn’t you like to feel one of his massive pecs, Toby? I bet Hank would love to share the privilege of groping – after all, there are two of them,” I suggested softly – imagining exactly what it would look like. “Oh, hell yeah, T-man. I’d love to have you clamping a strong hand down on my big pec. Bring it in, mister T and show me what you can do.” Hank said, looking into the eyes of his friend. “Those big things are really hot,” Toby said, unbelieving the words came out so easily, and his right hand went up to grip Hank’s massive pec with spread fingers. “Oh shit, dude, they’re so much harder than I thought they’d be.” “Wait til I tense them, dude,” Hank replied and then he flexed his chest with all his might – forcing Toby’s fingers to have to lessen their grip and making both men let little moans escape their mouths. “Fuck, feel free to squeeze harder, dude, my meat can take it. Yeah, hard to hold on to all that tensed beef, isn’t it, dude?” “It’s not hard to hold on to that big-ass nipple, punk,” Toby said as his fingers pinched Hank’s nub hard. “Yeowwww!!!! Oh, fuck that feels good, man,” Hank yelled. “Do it again!” “Look at you, loving the abuse,” Toby said. “You have no idea, Tobster – no idea,” Hank replied, as he let his head fall back and he closed his eyes. The bigger man had started tugging on his other nip in rhythm with his friend’s yanks on the first one. Soft growl-like sounds came from somewhere deep inside Hank. He was enjoying the abuse of his nips, completely. I refused to touch myself as I watched the show. I simply took a sip of the drink I had made myself and gazed at all the muscled beauty before me. The men had forgotten I was there. Toby was looking at his friend’s big pec – mesmerized by how much power he could use on the other guy’s nipple. I wanted to see just how powerful my talents for persuasion could take me. “That plump man-knob looks like it could use a mouth sucking on it, don’t you think, Toby? That would certainly make you feel nice, now wouldn’t it, Hank?” I said as calmly as I could. “Oh, fuck yeah.” “I would like to taste it, bud,” Toby said, politely and with begging in his eyes. That was all the permission the big bodybuilder needed. He grabbed the back of Toby’s head with his big hand and forcibly directed the guy’s face to his waiting pec with its jutting nipple. I could hear how hard Toby’s face hit by the smack it made. The smaller man didn’t seem to mind, at all. He simply began sucking on the nub sticking out from the swollen meat protruding from Hank’s big torso. From the immediate sounds of grunts and groans coming from both men, it was very hard to determine who was enjoying themselves more. Toby’s lips and mouth suctioned so hard that his cheeks caved in and gave him the look of a starved model. Hank writhed uncontrollably from the pleasure suck he was receiving – taking his friend’s head into the air as his back left the sofa. “Damn, Toby that mouth of yours is so fucking hot!” Hank said, without even thinking about it. “Toby does have a beautiful, sweet mouth, doesn’t he, Hank?” I said softly. “Wouldn’t you like to know what those lips, that tongue and his warm mouth taste like?” I was pushing the envelope and I knew it. I didn’t care. The big boy on big boy action happening in front of me was almost too much for me to handle. Huge muscled beef being licked, kissed, and sucked by this beautiful chiseled young man was much more than I had ever dreamed possible when I set out to the gym today. I wanted to see where all of this could lead. I wanted to satisfy all the urges these hot men were creating in my own body. I focused on Hank because he seemed to respond to the promptings the most. I was also beginning to pick up distant stirrings from Toby – something that made the show even better. “Just think how nice it would to be kissing that mouth, Hank,” I said – picturing it in my mind. “Might I suggest you try.” “Come here, babe,” Hank said with heaving breaths and then he locked his fingers in Toby’s thick hair and pulled the smaller man’s head toward his face. I could tell Toby paused briefly, allowing the lustful haze to lift for a few seconds and question what was happening. Hank didn’t want the other guy to wait for very long. The big man wanted to taste Toby’s mouth – that’s all he was focused on, now. He didn’t even miss the wonderful sucking of his huge pec. He smeared his mouth against the now waiting mouth of his friend – roughly, forcibly, making it clear that it was a big man’s kiss. Hank’s tongue attacked. His lips pressed in. He inhaled. And he moaned. There had never been foreplay made in any porn movie better than this. Hank dominated the smaller muscle man and kissed like he was trying to extract Toby’s soul through his mouth. Toby’s fingers had re-found the big nubs on Hank’s chest and were going to town on them, again. Hank’s big hands were all over Toby’s body – one pulling the other guy’s head in even harder into the kiss and the other caressing the chiseled back of the gorgeous man – getting dangerously low with each caress. “Lunch is served,” Alfred announced, near the doorway to inside. Those three words broke the mood and whatever influence I had been enjoying over the boys, but I didn’t mind. I knew we’d be able to return to where we had left off after lunch. Even with the mood ruined, the two young men continued to kiss for a few seconds more. I watched closely to see what would happen as my suggestion wore off. Toby was the first to stop, looking at his friend with wide eyes as Hank continued to press into his face with a kiss. Toby pulled back quickly, realizing that his fingers were tugging on Hank’s nipples – so he jerked them away, too. “What the fuck, Hank?” Toby said, scooting away on the sofa. “I don’t know, Toby,” Hank said, looking a little confused, but satisfied, too. “It was just a little snogging. Don’t know why we did it, but I don’t really care either. You’re a great kisser, dude. A really great kisser.” “That’s not the point, man.” Toby continued. “Hey, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t tell anyone,” Hank said, winking at his friend and then turning to me. “Sorry about that Sax-on-the-beach – I was just really horny and needed to see why all the girls say Toby is a great kisser.” “Oh, don’t worry about me, fellas,” I said, “I was enjoying myself, too. But come, lunch is served. Might I suggest we move to the table over there beneath the umbrellas and have some food and drink?” “I am hungry,” Toby said, standing – his perfectly, symmetrical muscles glistening a little from the sweat caused by his and Hank’s make out session. “I could eat a fucking horse,” Hank said, and he stood - his full six feet ten inches in all its glory, dressed only in golden posers. I had forgotten just how huge the big man was. Because he was constantly around his muscly friend, Toby, his full height and bulk was not always apparent. But as he and I walked side-by-side to the table I felt like some kind of small wind-up doll moving in his shadow. My oversized patio furniture looked small when he was in it. I marveled at the idea that a man so large could navigate through the regular world so easily. I’m sure he found doorways too low, spaces to confining, and many things infinitely too small. That idea thrilled me and I was drawn to sit across from him so I could behold his enormity throughout the meal. Toby sat at one end of the table, obviously still unsure about what had caused Hank’s intense session of sucking face. But more importantly, it was clear he was concerned even more by his own involvement . . . and enjoyment . . . in the action. “Have you always been tall, Hank?” I asked as we began our meal and sipped our wine. “Yeah, I topped six-two in eighth grade and weighed about two-sixty. I dwarfed most of the teachers. It was kind of cool,” the big man answered. “He’s the main reason our high school football team won the state championship four years in a row,” Toby added – clearly proud of his good friend. “And how long have you two known each other?” I asked. “Since the beginning of fourth grade . . . that’s when I moved to our hometown,” Hank answered. “It must be nice – having a best friend for so long,” I said, smiling. “Yeah, it is,” Toby answered, smiling, too. “This guy knows me better than anyone,” Hank said, laughing. “He could get me into a lot of trouble if he ever told some of my secrets.” “And vice versa, dude,” Toby responded. “Might I suggest both of you share something that your friend doesn’t know,” I said with an ease that I hoped would help them feel even more comfortable in sharing. “I sometimes beat off watching myself pose on video or in the mirror,” Hank quickly confessed. “I sometimes beat off watching videos of you posing, too,” Toby quickly said, as well. Both men wouldn’t look at each other. There was something sexually electrifying in the air and no one wanted to disturb it. I, myself, could imagine jerking off a heavy one while watching the big man flex. His foundation was magnificent. I could see the pro competitor he would be in a few more years. A smile crept across Hank’s face as he processed what his friend had said. I realized, then, that it had never even crossed his mind that Toby might find his body hot. He turned to look at the smaller guy. “This can make you squirt, dude?” Hank asked as he flexed his right arm, making the biceps swell huge. “Yeah,” Toby responded softly and stared at the tensed biceps, “If I’m in the right mood.” “That’s fucking hot, bro,” Hank said in return – smiling even more. “It looks like we’re all through with our lunch,” I said and then added, “Might I suggest that we return to the sofa and have a little routine from Hank. I think we’d all love to see him pose.” “Yeah, I’d fucking love that. These posers make me look hot,” Hank said, bringing his arm down and immediately moving to the other area with a full glass of wine. He was tugging the waist band of his posers out, teasingly. “Something on the inside of me is really excited about posing for the two of you.” “I’m glad, Hank,” I said as Toby and I sat down on the sofa with our wine. “Might the outside freely show the same kind of excitement? No one would mind if that happened. We’re all big boys, here. You being the biggest . . . well, in relation to your body, that is. If you got turned on by all of this, we’d all understand.” My suggestion made it so and Hank’s substantial meat in the gold posers thickened and elongated as soon as the sentence was finished. It was like watching cartoon growth. The joy on Hank’s face matched the happiness below. I wondered if shooting hard so quickly made him a little light-headed. My mouth watered as the covered cock continued to grow – even when I thought it was fully hard. It seemed that Hank was a grower. I had a feeling that Toby was a grower and a shower – since the mammoth tool was already showing through the black posers – completely flaccid. I looked forward to suggesting he might be ‘more excited.’ “Fuck, Hank! You want to turn down that monster in your posers, dude,” Toby said as he couldn’t help but notice his friend’s throbbing hard-on. “Can’t help it man. It must be the wine. It must be the sun. Or maybe it’s because I’m about to do this for your two,” Hank said, with no apology, as he brought both of his arms up into a perfect double biceps pose. “Grrrrrrrr, look at all that beautiful hard meat, fellas.” I almost asked if he meant up above or down below, but seeing his monstrous arms ballooning into the air made my mouth drop open. The same response came from Toby, too. This thrilled Hank to no end. He flexed harder – veins popping out on his forehead and his cheeks turning red. It looked like his arms then swelled a few more inches thicker. The man’s muscles were breathtaking. I so wanted to play with my hardening cock, but willed my hand not to move to my crotch. I did not, however, want to put the same restrictions on my friend, Toby – my sofa mate. He was mesmerized by Hank’s massive arms, so I took advantage of the situation. “We’re all friends here, Toby,” I said. “Feel free to do whatever comes natural as you watch your big best friend, Hank, show off for you. He’s such a colossal beast, don’t you think? Let your body respond as it wants to.” “Yes, sir,” came the soft response as Toby continued to stare at the big biceps in front of us. “Might I suggest that you grab the opportunity to fully enjoy the show. We might let your own colossal beast give us a show, too,” I said, looking at the man’s black posers. Color drained from Toby’s face as his posers began to be stretched. I knew that all the blood in his body was pumping hard to a certain part of him- that had suddenly started to grow. I wondered in shocked awe at how the man could walk with the giant thing that had hung between his legs, but now I was in utter dismay as his enormous cock thickened. The head popped out from the waistband of his black posers and it looked as big as my fist. And, yet, the thing kept growing. It snaked up Toby’s muscled thigh like a boa constrictor inching up the trunk of a tree. Suddenly, I was aware of how thin and fragile my wrist looked compared to his dick. Even when I thought it had reached its maximum size, the thing kept getting bigger and thicker. Surely the kid would fall over forward if he stood up – the weight of that monster cock completely throwing off his balance. By now, the gigantic rod stuck straight up – the tip nestled in the gaping crevice at the bottom of Toby’s perfectly formed pecs. “Fucking hell, Toby, that thing is bigger than a telephone pole!” Hank exclaimed as he released his tensed fists, but kept his arms up beside his head. “I’ve never seen it hard! You make my cock look like a toothpick!” This was far from the truth, but I could see why Hank would feel inadequate. Toby’s mammoth pole looked inhuman – like it should be attached to a guy ten times the size of the guy who presently sported it. It’s when Toby’s quite muscular hand wrapped around . . . well, tried to wrap around . . . the thing that it’s true size was highlighted. Toby’s hand – the hand of a well-built man – looked tiny holding on to the telephone pole. When he started pumping the big thing, his hand looked even smaller. Hank watched Toby’s hand go up and down on the king dong. The big man was mesmerized in a way he hadn’t expected. The stroking of the huge cock made Hank want to do something equally as impressive, so he flexed his guns again. Toby’s gaze was glued to the monstrous mounds tensed in front of him. I could not decide where I wanted my focus to be – the enormous pecs and arms or the equally gigantic cock. It was a glorious problem to have. “That’s the fucking hottest thing I’ve ever seen, Toby – you sitting there pumping that big thing.” “Then you haven’t looked in a mirror recently, Hank, because those arms of yours are the hottest things I’ve ever seen.” “Might I suggest you come closer, Hank,” I said lightly – making it as if I wasn’t even there, only a voice in the wind. “Maybe you two would like to touch each other.” Hank’s legs moved without him bringing his arms down or taking his eyes away from Toby’s. Hank used his big leg to push the coffee table in front of Toby and I to the side. Luckily, our wine glasses were elsewhere. Toby spread his legs farther apart, but kept his hand moving up and down on his hard-as-hell cock. Hank knelt right in front of his friend – between his legs, his big body barely fitting. He was flexing so hard his fists were shaking a little and his knuckles were white. He leaned forward and Toby placed his free hand on top of Hank’s huge, tensed right biceps. I saw both men jerk a little from a sexual jolt when their skin met. Hank’s giant pecs rolled upward and Toby’s giant cock visually throbbed. “Might I suggest you tell me what Hank’s arm feels like, Toby,” I said, in almost a whisper. “Like I’m massaging concrete that’s had the sun’s heat pounding on it all afternoon.” “Wouldn’t you like to feel that huge cock between your big pecs, Hank? Might I suggest you make your friend feel good by squeezing his hardness between your hardness.” “Aw hell, that would be the best. How about it, Toby - you want to fuck my massive chest.” The slit of Toby’s dickhead opened up and a big gob of thick white semen seeped out and that was the only answer needed. Hank kept the biceps flexed that still had Toby’s hand rubbing all over it. At the same time, he took his other hand and reached down to pull his mammoth left pec away from the other – only to realize he’d have to pull further as Toby’s free hand steered his mighty cock between the mounds of beef. The big man released his hold and pec meat instantly engulfed Toby’s big rod. Hank’s pecs were the only things that could actually make Toby’s cock look regular. Instantly, Hank tensed his chest and Toby let out a long moan. Then, the smaller man started to buck his hips up and down, humping his cock in the tight crevice of the humongous pecs before him. And he still kept his hand on Hank’s flexed biceps. “Fuck my meaty pecs, man. Yeah, that feels so good.” “Shit, Hank, how can you squeeze your chest so hard? I’m not going to last long, bud, if you don’t lessen your pec grip just a little.” I felt I had died and gone to muscle worship heaven. Had there ever been a couple made for each other more than these two? Seeing that huge cock surrounded by hard bulging muscle was the thing that finally made me rub my own crotch. There was no way that I could see these two muscled behemoths pleasing each other in this way and not get turned on. I also pictured Alfred, my chef, my gardener, my chauffeur, my security guard, and my pool boy all gathered around the television where the security camera feed was delivered – with their own dicks in their hands - all getting off to the sight before them. I knew the security room was going to smell like a bathhouse for days. “Hank . . . uh . . . . man . . . ungh . . . you gotta . . . quit . . . oh shit . . . squeezing so…” I looked up and saw that Hank was now looking into the eyes of his best friend. I saw a determined look in his gaze and knew he wanted one thing and one thing only. He wanted Toby’s big cock to explode. Watching the thick big head of that cock poking out from between massive pecs as Toby forced his crotch forward and then pulled it back was almost too much for all of us. It was clear, however that Hank’s chest was in control of the entire situation. “Come on buddy, let that big thing blow. Cover my massive pecs with your hot spunk,” Hank growled as he spoke. “Wanna milk you dry, man.” “Quit . . . squee-zing . . . ungh . . . ungh . . . stop . . . Hank, please . . . I can’t . . . hold . . . it . . . in . . . please…” It was like watching a movie you’ve seen a hundred times and knew the ending by heart. It was clear that Toby’ hard cock was being smashed by even harder mounds of muscle. His cockhead was now a deep purple. It was clear the poor kid would not be able to hold out any longer. I felt like I should get an umbrella – for the ejaculation was going to be momentous. We all knew what was coming – so to speak. “I’m . . . sorry . . . Hank . . . I’m going to . . . so sorry, man . . . ungh . . . ungh . . . unggggghhhhhhh!” To say that Hank’s chin, neck, and chest got sprayed would be an understatement. It was more like he got hosed down. Toby’s giant cock could obviously store up more juice and propel it more forcibly than that of a normal man. Hot cum shot up into the air and rained down – splattering loudly against Hank’s chest. And still the big man’s tits squeezed. And still the large cock exploded. It was like a gif on constant repeat – a never ending fountain of Toby’s milk. I was worn out just watching the boy have an orgasm. There was no telling how spent he felt at the end of his eruption. “Fuck, that was incredible, Toby. It’s like you could keep every sperm bank in the world fully supplied forever. I’ve never seen someone spew like that,” Toby said, pulling his chest back and watching the enormous dick flop out from between his pecs. The towering cock was still hard and stayed poking up into the air. All three of us stared at it - waving back and forth a little like a flagpole in the wind. I looked down and saw that Hank’s posers were sopping wet – he had clearly joined in with Toby’s explosion. The big man obviously could not hold out watching his best friend release a supersized load. I admired the mammoth wall of muscle that was the young man’s body. It was even more spectacular covered in the drying cum of the beautiful guy across from him. “I’ve wanted you for so long,” said Toby, his gaze staring into Hank’s eyes. “Yeah? That’s kind of funny, Tobster, because I’ve sat in my room many-a-night yanking myself to a big finale and wishing it had been your hand, mouth, or ass making me explode,” Hank said in response. It suddenly hit me that I had not suggested either statement. I hadn’t even subconsciously thought the words that were being shared. I was a little taken aback by what was happening in front of me. Hank leaned back towards Toby and slid his big hands under the other man’s ass. Toby wrapped his legs around his big friend. Hank stood up, taking the smaller muscleman into the air with him. “How about we take a little dip - to do a little clean up?” Hank asked as he turned and walked down the stairs into the cool water of the pool. I watched in astonishment as the two big men kept moving until they stood with water at chest level. Still supported by Hank’s arms, Toby splashed water onto the big pecs, neck, and massive arms of his friend – washing off all the dried spunk. The two men never took their eyes away from each other. Once they both sparkled in the sunlight because of water droplets, Toby brought his face to Hank’s and they began to kiss passionately. I no longer existed to either of them. I no longer had to suggest anything. I simply watched. It was then that it occurred to me . . . I might suggest that they grow…
  12. Muscle fog ogre’s gift Ch 1 part 6 by Big Zargo Human shopping With the fall of Holmes top borough’s hospital and the death of Oliver, Logan decided that staying in one place was dangerous, for no matter how secure it was Owen would eventually find a way in. Their only hope was to go across town into the forest and reach the gate which would allow one to travel great distances and circumvent Owens magical fog barrier. Logan hands out special talismans to each group which will allow them to activate the gate. Now these groups of 5 to 10 people head out to the gate in hopes for their freedom. Each group sets off in different directions in hopes of giving each group a chance to make it to their destination. Two weeks later. The group led by Sam were holed up in a small store after Elmar twisted his ankle. “Just one more day Elmar and we’ll have to leave. I don’t want to leave you or any man behind, but this store doesn’t have enough food for all of us, or very much at all in the first place. If you’re not ready to go, we will have to leave you,” Sam says with sadness in his voice. Elmar lather on the ground on top of a bunch of women’s clothes, rubbing his ankle. “Don’t worry Elmar I will not leave you behind. I’ll carry you and both of our packs if I have to. With your skinny body will be easy for me.” Reynard says in confidence, flexing his biceps. Knock-knock-knock-knock!! Every man’s face turns towards the front of the store where the noise came from. “Little humans little humans let me in, or I will huff and puff and blow your door down.” The deep voice spoke from outside the store. Grabbing his talisman from his pocket Sam starts walking towards the front of the building. First Sam check the Windows to make sure there aren’t any other ogres nearby by peeking through the shutters and window covers. Then with the talisman in his hand he steps outside of the store. “You’re a brave one, aren’t you?” The ogre says while backing up, Sam’s talisman glowing a harsh bright white light. This ogre had orange colored skin, on a 10 feet tall and wide muscular body, covered in gray hair, short spiky hair connected by sideburns with a strong square jaw covered in a 5 o’clock shadow. His grace blue eyes were gleaming with sexual hunger and the desire to corrupt. Surprisingly to Sam and his group of survivors, the ogre was wearing a kilt made out of brownshirts and had intelligence, unlike the other ogres who were dumb and naked, and wandering the streets looking for their next victims to fuck. “Yes, yes, I am, monster. We will not be coming Owens sex slaves we will not accept his so-called gift,” Sam says with conviction. The ogre roars in agony as Sam’s talismans given by the wizard / Guardian Logan, both burns with pain and forces him to move back from in front of the store. “That’s right you muscle freak get back. The power of this talisman forces you to get back.” Sam yells out. “So be it. Remember this name, human. Charlie. I will come for you and I will make you my personal cum truck,” Charlie says well yelling out in pain. Charlie quickly turns around and starts running away deeper into the mist then deeper into the fog. Looking to the sky Sam sees that the night is coming, soon the mist will transform into the muscle fog; not even the talismans can keep them safe if they are exposed for too long. “We should leave soon as possible. The ogre might return tomorrow with some friends. Judging by the way the sun is setting will have to leave early in the morning; We can’t risk traveling by night,” Sam says to his group, with concern on his face. Sam soon delegates watch time to the group of survivors. With him and Reynard taking the first watch, then Eli and Elmer taking the second and finally Xavier and Tommy. Eli grumble but accepts his guard watch. Each man starts resuming work on securing the area before heading to sleep. “Do you know how much power the talismans have left,” Reynard asked Sam? “It’s still glows green on the back, so it’s still close to fill. But you must conserve power as much as possible. we may not have taken the longest way to the gate, but we still need to avoid the downtown area,” Sam says. Couple hours later The first hour for Eli and Elmer had been pretty boring for the two men. When Eli spotted two ogres. “Yuck, those two muscle monsters are fucking right in front of us,” Eli says with discuss. “I know we should be lookouts, but I don’t think Sam wanted us to watch this all night,” Elmer said. Both men turning around and placing their backs to the door trying to ignore the sounds of Ogreish fucking, Unaware that the two ogres were a distraction. On the roof top of the building that they are staying in, an ogre cloaked in the shadows of night places a stone disk with strange magical symbols on top of the roof. Within 30 minutes the stone magic subverts the protections of the building that the survivors are standing in. Within 10 more minutes the power of the talismans that Eli and Elmer had on them fizzles out. The next 10 minutes Eli and Elmer minds became foggy and lusty as the fog secretly seeps in, wrapping around their legs and slowly turning them into ogres. Xavier was the first one to wake up and the first one to realize something was wrong. He woke up on his own rather than being woken up by Eli and/or Elmer, and he had an extreme case of mourning wood. He had quickly and quietly got up, checking his surrounding before quietly waking everyone. Thanks to the morning light, Xavier could tell that there was a light dusting of Mist all over the floor. Does not take very long for someone to succumb to muscle fog but does take time for someone to succumb to its mist form, Xavier had thought to himself while he was waking up the other survivors. It didn’t take Xavier very long for him to find Eli and Elmer; For they had been transformed into ogres. Their destroyed clothes were on the floor with a trail of destroyed and fallen racks and shelves led to them. “How did we sleep through that,” Xavier thought to himself. There were like two huge bears like men sleeping like babies. Each of survivors grouped together at the back of the store. “Everyone gather your things. We need to leave now,” Sam said in a whisper. “I’ll take point,” Tommy whispered. All of the survivors quickly and quietly gathered all their supplies, before gathering in front of the door to the back exit. Tommy grabs his talisman and fails to notice that the power was gone. he slowly and cautiously opens and seeing that the coast is clear, and that the alley was cleared. He begins walking through the door. “Looks like it’s good and empty,” Tommy said turning his face towards the others. But before Tommy could move away from the door a ball of condensed muscle fog falls upon Tommy’s body. “Eaaaaaaaa!” Before everyone’s eyes Tommy starts transforming into an ogre. The ball of condensed fog passes through Tommy’s mouth and like a balloon he grew and swell with size and muscles. His skin turns into a shade of orange. As his clothes quickly become tight with his growing muscular body. Within a blink of an eye Tommy have been changed from average man into a huge tan heavyweight bodybuilder and yet his transformation was not over. For now, his clothes starting to rip and tear as he grew into a monstrous inhuman size. His shoes burst open revealing his huge growing feet. His belt strains against his growing body before submitting to the changes and snapping off of his growing waistline. The survivors can clearly see Tommy’s growing six-pack in front of their startled eyes. Like an opening mouth, eyes shaped tears appear a pawn side of Tommy’s pants revealing his growing muscular thighs before falling apart onto the floor with his boxers. His cock quickly becomes erect as it begins to swell and lengthen; Inch by inch first from its 5 inches than six than seven than eight then 9, 10,11, and finally 12 inches. With each inch of growth of his cock he leaped out his humanity through his cum, as his balls have been starting to replace with Ogreish cum. As his cock grew so did his balls quickly swelling into the size two big oranges. The straps on his backpack quickly fell off, as his shirt tour from the middle of his chest and back. Survivors witness how Tommy’s shirt bursts off of his huge meaty pillow size pecs and how the monist hair on his body grew and spread-out words over his body starting out with his pecs. From his upper body the growth and transformation propagate to his arms, starting with the shoulders which became huge boulders, then to his bicep which became size bowling balls, wrists that grew too large for the largest of human watches and have that quickly grew into huge baseball mitts which became large enough to cover a man’s face. The worst thing for the survivors to see, is how Tommy’s face change. Starting with his neck bulging thickening veins popping out as skin turns to a shade of orange. The Facial features begin to become brutish, with eyebrow ridge growing and becoming pronounce, with his stubble jaw becoming blunter and square, his nose became more rounder. Tommy quickly grew to the point he completely blocked the doorway of the exit with his size, to the point that the other survivors cannot even see his head. Within a mowing muffled by the wall he came shooting last of his humanity to the horror of his friends in the other survivors. “No way,” Xavier said in stun and shocked. They were all shocked and just standing there but Sam was the first one to break the shock to realize the implication. “Everyone we have to go back to the lobby of the store for we cannot stay here,” Sam says. Breaking the shock that they had over them, and they ran. The group of survivors come back to the main room of the store to find Charlie and his group of ogres ready to meet them. “We will huff and puff and blow you all guys down,” Charlie yells out. Then him and the other ogres took a deep breath before blowing all over the survivors, in a form of a powerful wave. The survivors wet on their knees with grins all over their faces and erect cocks. “They’re all yours believe that one to me,” Charlie said while pointing at Sam. With his words Charlie grabs Sam and peels his clothes off like a banana as if his clothes were like wrapping paper. “I’ll choose the big one,” said the biggest ogre with gray skin. “Nice choice Gareth,” says one of the other ogres. The rest of the survivors try to resist but they were sluggish things thanks to the ogre’s breath magical attack. Each ogre took great delight at picking their humans to turn into ogres and temporary sex slaves. Each ogre stripping their human down and carrying them like a fireman; with the People’s ass facing the heavens and their faces pressed against the ogre’s hairy muscular back. “Let’s secure these humans with the magical bindings, then we will destroy this building and this block buildings,” Charlie said. From the back of the room the now Ogreish Tommy walks in with another more hairy and shorter ogre. “I’m going to take this fine lad with me if you don’t mind? Just a couple more of these groups and one more wizard and this town will be ours,” the short ogre says. “That was the deal, Reginald. Once we’re done converting these humans into our brothers will send you the video of it,” Charlie said. With their goodbyes to Reginald the rest the ogres quickly secured the humans, then began demand their work of destroying the area of the town. One by one the survivors were picked off and tell only Sam, Reynard and Xavier remained; the ogres becoming inpatient and lustful during their breaks. The survivors watched friends, family and comrades being forced to the smelly pits, chests, feet and balls of the ogres and saw how the victims changed. First, they would stop resisting. then they would begin lick and/or sniff the musky area. Then their cocks would become erect, and if possible, they would begin humping and/or grabbing their cocks. These actions would eventually cause the ogre to become erect as well and like moth to the flame the victim would be attracted to it; the victims would begin licking at it, sucking at it, or in some cases tried to rub their asses against it. The ogres would sometimes bend down so that their victims could serve them and another times the victim would kneel a little, instead. At this point the victim skin would start to change color, from a human natural shade to a shade of orange like their skin was becoming tan while those with light brown or brown became a lot darker. Their bodies would begin to grow wider and taller, and with it there their muscles as well. For some the fat on their body would disappear while for others the fat would transfer being evenly distributed against their growing bodies. Like a horror show to the tied-up victims, they watched how the others grew into tan looking bodybuilder’s and/or strongman. Their backs growing and becoming developed, as their trapezius grew on their swelling neck to the point, they suffered bulls’ neck. Their ass, thighs, and calves would swell, their ass was like two huge balls squished together, their thighs were like tree trunks with teardrops etched on the front and their calves were like huge footballs. Body hair had grown or were started growing all over the victim’s body; when they had reached a size 7 feet and their bodies were like heavy weight bodybuilders and/or strongman. The victim’s bodies began to shake and tremble, as their human’s bodies reach to their limit. Then the true change began to happen. Like a second growth spurt the once human victims completely transformed into ogres. There once already huge 7 feet tall bodies had grown to a large 10 feet or taller monster, their pecs, biceps, ass, thighs, and calves would grow until they were larger than humans’ head. All of their facial structure would change that nose becoming blunter, jaw squaring out before being covered by beard and/or 5 o’clock shadow, there eyebrow ridges becoming more pronounced as their eyebrow’s became more thicker and asked their hair grew out and/or became more shorter or even bald. When the transformation was complete the victims now monster cock would shoot at the last of their humanity in a massive orgasm, which the ogre would come before the transformation or after it. The most horrible part of it all was the victims’ eyes, were once there were a glimmer of intelligence and person, now there was dim a mindless hunger for sex and destruction. Their dumb minds and blank expressions of joy made a disturbing site for the remaining victims; for they had become monstrous muscle bear of a caveman in other words an ogre and joining Owens horde of muscle monsters. Once the transformation was done the ogres might have a second wind and began having sex, but once they were done the ogres would begin tearing apart the surrounding area with their terrible strength. The ogres uplifted cars like they were nothing moving them into a pile, they punched through walls like cardboard. They easily snapped telephone poles like twigs, bend streetlamps and sign like slim metal coat hangers. They did not even break a sweat while they were breaking and destroying buildings in the nearby area. What once had taken weeks and/or months to build was now destroyed in a single day, a single afternoon. Once the ogres were done destroying the area so that no one could hide their, the last three survivors were taken to the camp of the ogres the village of tents.
  13. Here's a story that I wrote a while ago, but I want to share it with you guys since I recently (re)discovered these forums I hope you'll enjoy it! --- Chapter one: Return to Cloville Henry was walking around the taxi parking area, looking for a cab to bring him to his hometown, Cloville. For some weird reason, however, it seemed very hard for him to find a driver to take him to the small rural town that he once called home. Being so close to his hometown made Henry think. It had been ages since he had last seen his hometown or his family for that matter. All it took was one fight, as Henry hit puberty. He hated his stepdad, and the hatred seemed to be mutual. At one point, all the pent up frustrations just exploded. Henry immediately regretted his little outburst, trying to make up for it. His stepfather was relentless, though, and he forced Henry to move out. He had family living on the other side of the country, so, fortunately, he could stay there. Years had gone by since then, he lost all contact with his family. Even his little brother, who turned 18 two months ago, wasn’t allowed to contact him. Henry had now finished his studies and was working at this big law firm in a big city. His life seemed to be pretty good until his brother called. His mom had passed away, and his father insisted on bringing the family back together. “You wouldn’t believe how much everything changed here” Andy, Henry’s brother said through the phone. “You’ll like dad now. I surely like him. There’s a new farm in town, and the veggies are amazing, we eat them as much as possible! Just come back as fast as possible, mom’s funeral is on Friday. See ya!” Henry put down his phone, surprised by how cheery his brother sounded. Was the bond between Andy and their mom worse than he thought? Even if the relationship between Andy and his mother was worse than Henry expected, why was the information about this farm and the vegetables so crucial in comparison to their mom’s funeral? Henry pulled up his nose, thinking about the vegetables. Since he was young, he always despised most vegetables. The only plant he liked was lettuce, but mostly he tried to stick to fruit to meet his vitamin intake. That night he found a ticket, and the next day he left to Cloville. --- “Hey boy, looking for a cab?” A very muscled man called out to Henry. “Erm, yes, sir! Thank you very much. I need to go to Cloville.”, Henry said, hoping this wouldn’t result in a new denial. “Oh, cool! I live there, and it’s the end of my shift so you can hop along for free!” The driver replied. Henry got into the taxi, together with the muscled man. Now that the driver was sitting in front of him, Henry could take some time to look at the man a bit more closely. The man’s back was wider than the chair he was sitting; his short build made him look a bit stocky. Like a big bodybuilder was squashed together. The muscles on his leg almost touched the steering wheel though. And was that an eggplant stuffed in the guy’s crotch area? As Henry was looking up, he noticed the eyes of the driver looking directly at him in the mirror. Henry quickly averted his eyes, looking at the floor under his feet. “So boy, why are you going to Cloville? Not a lot of tourists make their way up there, and you don’t look like you’ve been there recently.” The driver at least made an effort not to show he noticed Henry’s staring. “Well, I’m originally from the town. I’m just here to attempt my mother’s funeral. She passed away last week, and my stepdad hopes it’s a reason to bring the family back together again. Her funeral is tomorrow.” “Oh yeah, that’s why my son was back too! He arrived yesterday, unfortunately, one day too late for the funeral, so he missed that.” Then the driver’s voice went a bit softer, Henry focussed his ears and listened “Fuck do I hope the boy ate some veggies, I’m horny as hell.” Henry’s eyes widened in shock. Did he hear that correctly? He decided to ignore it since it was almost a whisper he must’ve heard it wrong. His brother’s focus on the veggies was still clinging to him properly. “Oh, a son? Maybe I know him, what’s his name?” Henry sat up a little. Even though it was ages ago, maybe he could meet up with some old acquaintances. “My son? Dylan! I guess he’s as old as you are, so pretty big chance you know him. What’s your name then kid?” Henry seriously started getting agitated by being called “kid” all the time. But he thought about a Dylan he knew. “Are you mister Sandhoff?” Henry asked, “because I used to be friends with a Dylan Sandhoff, we used to be friends when I still lived here. We met each other again when I went to university.” Dylan looked at the driver again. “No, this can’t be mister Sandhoff”, he thought. “Sandhoff used to be a very frail guy. Surely he couldn’t possibly have gotten this big in the past years. The man surely must’ve been a hard gainer.” “Mister Sandhoff in the flesh, kid. Pleased to meet a friend of my son, maybe you guys can go and eat some of the local veggies soon!” Mr Sandhoff said. “These stupid vegetables again”, Henry thought, and then he replied to mister Sandhoff. “Well, mister Sandhoff, both me and Dylan don’t really like a lot of vegetables. But we used to go out and have some beers though so we can do that again. I’ll send him a text when I get home! Didn’t know he was visiting too!” The cab slowly drove into Cloville, and Henry looked around the town. The city hall was still there, mister Sheffield’s store just at the corner of the main street. The small village looked exactly as Henry remembered. The streets were abandoned. “Well, guess even this town is shrinking”, Henry thought. “This must be it, kid.” Henry’s attention was pulled back to reality by the low grumble of his driver. “But sir, I never told you my name. How did you?” Henry looked surprised. “The secret of Cloville, boy. Now say hi to your family, so I can go have a look at my son. See ya soon!” Henry quickly got out of the taxi, got his suitcase from the back and walked up to his driveway. The house looked the same as Henry remembered it, possibly trapping all bad memories inside as well. Henry felt the nerves in his stomach. Then the front door opened, and Henry saw the face of Dave, his stepfather. Henry was only able to recognise the face, however. He remembered Dave to be quite chubby and rather short. The man now stood a good head taller than Henry. The most shocking change, however, was the body. Dave looked like an exact copy of Dylan’s dad. Dave’s pecs formed shelves under his incredible thick neck and broad shoulders. The shirt Dave was earing was so tight that a solid eight-pack could be seen under it. The shirt’s sleeves were filled with arms that must’ve been as big as Henry’s legs. Dave’s legs, filling a pair of khaki pants, looked like tree trunks. His upper legs looked like tree trunks, big enough to harbour a few animals if it would’ve been hollow. The calves looked like sharp, big diamonds. The only difference to mister Sandhoff was Dave’s ass. It was enormous, easily twice the size of the taxi driver. Almost like some sort of compensation, the bulge in front looked a bit smaller. Henry still wondered if there was something stuffed in the front of his stepdad’s pants, but at least this thing was slightly smaller. “Heey Henry, kiddo. Awesome to see you again! I have to bring a few veggies Frank and Davy, our new neighbours down the street. They moved here last week, cute couple! See ya soon, son, go meet up with your brother! Get ready in your room, it’s ready for your arrival. I’ll serve dinner soon.” In Dave’s voice, no signs were to be seen about their past fights or a single hint of mourning about the loss of his wife. And without waiting for a reply, Henry’s stepdad left the front garden. Henry walked inside and up to his room, or at least what he remembered of it. When he opened his door, he saw another muscled guy sitting on his bed. This one was younger, had blond hair and was wearing the same clothes as Dave had been wearing earlier. Before he could have a proper look at the guy, Henry slammed the door shut and called out for his brother. “Andy! There’s a random dude in my room. Andy?! Are you home?” Henry called out through the empty house. Stopping dead in his tracks when a reply came from behind his door. “Yes, little bro, I’m here! Don’t call out for me after you pretty much slammed the door in my face!”. A small chuckle was added to Andy’s reply. Henry opened the door again and was greeted by the same sight for the third time that day: broad shoulders, stuffed pants and big arms. Andy looked at his brother. “God, you look cute, and boy do we need to catch up. Too bad you’re one day too late for mum’s funeral! But just let me update you on what happened in Cloville since you left.” --- Davy looked at himself in the mirror. In the past week, his body had grown so much. His muscles had exploded. His ass and dick were gigantic. First came the growth in his muscles, a few days after his husband became a lawyer for Cloville’s newest farm and Frank’s muscles had come in. After the growth in Frank’s muscles, Davy noticed an increase in his husband’s sex drive. Shortly after that, his own sex drive followed. His horniness was through the roof, and the fucking sessions between the two husbands grew both in intensity and number. Davy looked at his body. His dick was slightly smaller than his husband’s, measuring around 30 centimetres. His arse had grown enormous, and even though he always used to be the top in the relationship, his new arse required filling, a lot of filling. So now his husband topped him every night, morning and multiple other times on the days that he was free from work. A small voice in the back of Davy’s head was saying that something was wrong; the vegetables they ate at night tasted terrific. The sex was great, but something was wrong. His husband started as a lawyer, but now he seemed like he was just a farmhand, helping with harvesting the variable vegetables. And for some reason, Davy thought that exactly those vegetables were to blame for it all. “Frank, we need to leave, I packed our backs. Let’s just get in the car and drive away from this crazy fucked up village. We’re not ourselves anymore, come on we have to leave.”Davy told his mirrored self the practised lines. He looked at his bright blue eyes and his dishevelled blonde hair. The light behind his eyes was getting weaker in a similar way as his husband’s eyes were now empty, brightly coloured, but the lights in his brain were off. Something was messing with their heads, and it had to end now. Taking a deep breath of air, Davy walked down the stairs to his husband, carrying the suitcases with him. “Frank, honey, we need to talk,” Davy said. “Can’t that wait a moment, dear? Dave, from down the street, is just here to bring us a few tomatoes. Do you want to taste a little piece?” Davy’s husband replied. Davy could see Dave’s eyes locking on his suitcase, raising an eyebrow. Of course, he didn’t want to raise suspicion; all the muscled guys in town seemed to work together sometimes. So Davy decided to grab a piece of tomato and taste it. The tomato tasted like any other vegetable from the farm, a familiar taste but mixed with a slightly bitter aftertaste. The more he ate the vegetables, the more he’d grown to like them. This tomato wasn’t an exception; it was delicious! Davy’s libido was rising, and he wanted Dave to leave so he could bounce on his husband’s dick again. He stopped for a second, wasn’t he supposed to resist this wish to fuck? Wasn’t he supposed to tell his husband they should leave as soon as possible? The voice in his head quieted down as soon as he saw his husband’s huge dick pulse in his pants. Dave noticed the change in the atmosphere. “Okay, guy’s I guess I’ll just let you discuss whatever Davy here wanted to discuss, see you guys later! I’ll see myself out.” Davy and Frank kept looking at each other, the tension rising. Then they heard Dave leaving the house, closing their front door. “So, you wanted to talk?” Frank said. “Erm yee, erm, erm.” Davy was lost for words as he saw that his husband slowly took his cock out of his pants. “Naww honey, you seem so confused, some bounce on my dick a little, your mind seems all fogged up.” Davy lost all control, tore off his pants and kneeled in front of the dick. He was just sucking it quickly to lube the cock. Just a few minutes later, his husband’s dick was buried deep inside his ass. The fucking was hard and animalistic like ever. The chair was creaking under the couple’s combined weight. Davy’s moans grew louder and louder, his husband rubbing his hair. Davy turned around towards a mirror Frank decided to hang up to watch their fuck sessions from other angles. He could see the light in his eyes dim down. “Oh honey I’m gonna cum”, Frank groaned shortly before unleashing a big stream of cum. Frank’s balls had grown together with his dick, they were the size of small oranges, hanging over the edge of his chair as Frank pumped his seed in his husband’s ass. As Davy felt his ass being filled, he came too. His balls were slightly bigger than they used to be, but he didn’t meet the amount of cum his husband produced just yet. The voice in the back of his head now told him he should eat his veggies so that he could grow more. “So,” Frank said, “you wanted to tell me something?” Davy looked surprised. What did he want to ask again? “Well, honey, I don’t remember. But let’s cook up those veggies, grow and fuck some more!”
  14. THE PARAGON PORN QUARANTINE by absman420 “Congratulations, Domenic! You have successfully logged onto the Paragon Porn Employee Reference Site! Please take a moment to fill out your profile page, then we will pair your headset with your bluetooth connection. Please click HERE.” I do. It brings up a page for personal information, regular stuff: address, phone number, payroll forms, social security, the whole routine. I’ve filled out enough of this sort of thing through the years -- business is business, after all -- even in porn companies, you have to pay taxes, it seems. That I’ve even come this far is comical in itself. When my buddy Austin approached me at the gym, I thought he was kidding. I mean, I knew he was a “porn star” -- I guess I shouldn’t use sarcastic quotes there, he’s a legit star, not some guy who’s filmed a couple scenes and uses the title. In that world, Austin was a celebrity -- his name alone could sell millions of units of merch -- he won awards (there are awards!) -- and all the little twinks loved him. (And he loved them -- often.) We worked out at the same gym, we worked out at the same time, we had nearly identical physiques, but we weren’t partners. He preferred entertaining some different fan-obsessed boy daily and I preferred to train alone. 2020 was the year I turned forty and I’d just done my first official contest -- I’d placed second in “Masters” physique, so I was flying high on myself. I’d performed well on stage, mask and all, probably from having been an actor/dancer in my 20’s, and my stage-savvy helped me. And then Austin approached me in the gym and asked me if I’d be into doing some porn? What ego doesn’t need that stroke? I mean, I’d been an actor most of my life -- I knew how to work an audience -- and I’d always been curious about porn. Like… how do you motivate yourself? How do you fuck in front of a crew? Is there any intimacy or is it all business? Is there a script or can you improvise? What do you tell your mom? “Serious?” I asked Austin. “Yeah, sure, why not?” he said, adjusting his mask. “You got the bod for it. And I think you got the cock…” He glanced purposefully down at my crotch -- I adjusted myself self-consciously -- he smirked. It wasn’t the best cock, but it did okay. Was it a porn-star cock? Doubtful. “No one complains,” I said. He winked and said, “I sure wouldn’t.” I chuckled. “Tease,” I said. “You like the twinky boys.” He smiled professionally (seductively). “I like everybody.” I smiled -- the joke was easy but I didn’t take it. “Listen,” he said, “I’m exclusive with Paragon -- they’re great! Best house I’ve ever worked for. They really care about the talent, they provide opportunity for growth, investment, marketing and stuff to help you build your brand.” “That sounds... surprisingly great! I’ve heard that porn kind of chews guys up and spits them out.” He shrugged. “Some studios do,” he said. “It’s a shame. It’s a great way to make a living -- you just can’t let yourself get treated like shit.” I laughed. “You sound like a salesman, not an actor!” “I’m a testimonial. Four years ago, I was just a physique model trying to bust out of the pack on IG -- now I’m a freakin’ celebrity! And I owe it all to Paragon. And they’re looking for muscle tops right now, preferably mature, level-headed guys without sexual hang-ups. I thought of you right away.” I was genuinely flattered. “You did? Thank you,” I said. “I’ve always been curious about porn, honestly… as an actor, I mean. I know that sounds weird…” “No, not weird at all -- we’re not robots. It’s all about creativity -- dude, it’s fun. Give the guy a call and do the initial interview -- everything’s on facetime now… you know, cuz of the COVID, so it’s even easier. I mean, in my day, I had to strip naked and blow the guy…. Kidding, kidding!” He gave me a card -- I thanked him and we elbow-bumped. “Let me know how it goes,” he said, indicating the card. “My number’s on there -- shoot me a text.” “I will, thanks!” I pocketed the card and resumed my set -- he left with his pretty partner, no doubt to fuck. Maybe porn wouldn’t be so bad... ***************************************************************************** “Please select your Virtual Training Coordinator.” There are five different profile pictures to choose from, each a different type -- a lean black guy with mind-blowing abs; a twinky bottom with an impossible bubble butt; a professorial type, all nerdy and neat; a bad boy in his leathers. I pick the one most like me -- a middle-aged, well-muscled bearded guy with a slight roid-gut wearing workout tights that do nothing to hide his prodigious manhood. His blurb reads: “COACH ROD -- great for Jocks and Sports-Gear Fetishes. From straight guys who’ve never sucked a dick to muscle daddies looking to be young again, COACH ROD is for you.” I select “COACH ROD” and a download begins -- I have to give it permission -- finally a pop-up appears with what looks like a FaceTime window with the Coach, a CGI character that seems impressively complex. He’s sitting on the edge of a desk in a locker room/ office -- the place just exudes organized chaos. He picks up a whiteboard and writes on it, then holds it to the camera. “PUT ON THE HEADSET.” “Oh,” I say. I quickly slip the headset on my head and adjust the microphone while I say, “Got it.” “Great,” he replies, his AI voice smooth and rich -- a baritone. “Can you hear me okay? Do I sound clear?” “Yes, I hear you fine -- the volume’s okay.” “Great. Give me a second -- I’m downloading your profile information. We’ll finish filling out your paperwork together and we’ll let my algorithm get to know you a little better, then we’ll work our way through the employee training program. It’ll give us something to do during your two-week quarantine period, right?” “Sure,” I say -- dictating was better than typing anyday. “Seems like kind of a big set-up…” “...for a porn company?” Coach Rod finishes. “Yeah, maybe. I think you’ll find Paragon is the premier studio for a reason -- we treat our people well. Our performers aren’t just assets -- they’re family. It’s too easy in this business to find low self-esteem, drug abuse, burn out, a real use ‘em up and throw ‘em out mentality. Paragon doesn’t have that.” He pauses for just a second, holding up a finger in a “wait a minute” pose. “Okay, I’ve just finished downloading the results of your physical this morning and I’m going to put together a diet/ training program that will better address your needs. You’re in good shape, Dom -- especially for your age -- but you can be significantly better.” When I don’t respond, he looks up into the camera and says, “Problem?” I smile. “I guess I’m just blown away by this technology,” I say. He smiles and touches his muscular body. “Yeah, I’m pretty real, aren’t I? Listen, I’m just an instruction program -- I can be whatever you think you learn best from. Do you want me to change race? Age? Costume? More muscle? Big, shameless cock? Anything that’ll keep you focused. As I get to know you better, I’ll probably refine myself, both in looks and motivational approach, to get the best out of you. We want to launch a successful career for you with Paragon -- that’s always the goal.” “Thanks, Coach,” I say. He laughs. “See? You’re gonna do just fine. Now, let’s start with some basics. I’m gonna ask you a bunch of random questions to get to know you better. Answer honestly -- I’m not going to judge you -- I can’t, I’m just an algorithm right? -- but your truthfulness will matter, so don’t be embarrassed or ashamed, no matter how weird the answer might seem. Okay?” “Go ahead -- shoot!” “You’re gay, right? 100% gay/ 0% straight? Or is there some pussy love in you someplace?” “Well, I fucked my high school girlfriend -- does that count for something? Of course, that was decades ago and I haven’t been with a woman since. So, 100%, yeah.” Coach smiles -- it looks so real. “Top or Bottom?” “Top.” That smile again, as if he knows something. “Percentage?” “If I say a hundred, it doesn’t sound like you’ll believe me, but it pretty much is. I’ve bottomed a couple times but it’s never worked out well.” He hmphs -- a computer hmphs! “Is that because it hurt too much or because it didn’t feel natural?” “Both, I guess. And don’t tell me it’s cuz I haven’t met the right dick, because I assure you, I have! I’m just… not a bottom.” “Okay,” he says, matter of factly. “Being vers will get you more gigs, but maybe if you have other skills. Do you suck cock?” “Uh… yeah, sometimes.” “Do you like it?” “Yeah, it’s okay.” “Are you good?” “Uh… I think I’m okay.” He looks up from his notes into the camera. “Have you ever made a guy cum?” “From a blowjob? No.” “From lacking technique or desire?” “Jesus… these questions.” He smiles a tight smile. “Don’t evade. Answer it -- honestly.” I shake my head as if I’m searching for something to say. “Um… I don’t know.” He nods. “Fair enough. Would you like to watch a training video?” “Excuse me, what? A training video? Are you kidding?” “Of course. Why not? It’s a skill -- and skills can be learned. You learned to ride a bike, right?” “Yeah,” I say, trying to find some way of arguing it. “I guess. It just seems… I’ve never considered...?” A link pops up in a text window below him. “Click on the link,” he says. “We’ll make fun of the acting together afterward!” “Ok, what the hell? I got nothin’ better to do.” “Good man!” I click the link. ******************************************************************************************* You’re in a classroom -- no, it’s a movie set of a classroom -- it appears functional but it’s not real. The teacher sits on the edge of the desk, except he’s clearly not a teacher -- he’s too muscular and tan. Even in his short sleeve dress shirt, his neck ink and forearm tats give him away. Gruffly handsome, his hair and beard are the same shaggy buzz. As he leans against the front of the desk, you see his pants are unzipped and open, revealing his sizeable erection. Aside from you, there are two other boys in the shot. Both are young and handsome, a blond and a brunette in schoolboy uniforms. You are all three on your knees at the feet of the teacher, looking up at him. The brunette is sucking the teacher’s cock while you and the blond look on. You’re in a porn movie, you realize. That makes sense -- just follow the script. “Okay, that’s not bad,” the teacher says. “Work around the base of the glans a little more. Good, good. Like that, yes.” The brunette, confident, attempts to deep throat the “teacher’s” huge cock, but ends up choking and gagging. He backs off immediately, sitting back on his heels. “That’s okay,” the teacher says. “Your eyes are bigger than your throat. That’s why we’re here, to learn. Who’s next? Who wants to give it a try?” He waggles his hard dick. “You?” He looks at you, and you don’t need anything more of an invitation -- his cock is magnificent. (Well, all cocks are magnificent in your eyes -- cockslut!) -- so you shuffle on your knees into a more advantageous position for the camera and you get to work. The script calls for you to be hesitant at first, maybe intimidated -- it’s hard for you to play that when this cock is so clearly suckable -- but you’re an actor, so you do what the director tells you. The “teacher” develops a nice dollop of pre-cum at the tip of his dick as you play with his balls -- he told you right before filming that he’d heard how amazing your mouth was and how much he was looking forward to this scene -- looking into his eyes, you gently lap it off with the tip of your tongue, teasing the slit of his cock for more. Fuck, that’s good! Sweet and slick, it fires you up for more. You grip the base of his shaft with your left hand and begin to roll your tongue around his mushrooming head. “Yes,” he moans. “Very nice.” He begins “instructing” you -- that’s the point of this video, remember -- techniques to stimulate the glans, using the tongue to tickle the very spot where the ends of the glans merge, how to create just enough suction -- this is a swirl, this is a tease, this is how to stimulate the nerve endings -- you demonstrate as he discusses. The whole thing feels very sophomoric to you, you who’s born to suck cock, you who’s such a natural. Without waiting, you plunge deep, taking this spectacular cock into your throat, past your naturally suppressed gag-reflex. You hold your breath and constrict your throat slightly, letting his head run along the soft tissue of your throat. Your tongue is magic. He moans -- loudly. “Yes,” he says. “Very good -- you’re a natural.” You start bobbing your head in a rhythm that grips him, countering that by pulling on his balls. You can tell he’s close -- you’re connected -- it’s a gift you have -- so you decide instead of teasing him and passing him to the blond boy, you’re going to finish him off yourself, this beautiful man and his tasty cock. Who could blame you? You got into porn to show off your skills, after all -- show them! You deep-throat him again and you can actually feel his balls churn. Your mouth races his cum to the tip of his cock -- you pull your head away just in time to have him shoot two long white ropes across your face, then you take his cock back in your mouth and swallow the rest -- your reward. Your drug of choice. You continue sucking him, draining him until there’s no more to get -- what a hunger you have! Little slut. “What a mouth you have!” the teacher praised. “That’s the best blowjob I’ve ever gotten from a Freshman!” You smile, still gripping the base of his dick, and lovingly kiss the head, never breaking eye contact. “I wanna see what he does that’s so great,” the brunette says, standing and revealing his own erection. “Suck my dick!” “No!” complains the blond. “I want him to show me -- I haven’t gotten to do anything yet.” “Don’t worry, boys,” you say, taking one of their cocks in each hand. “I can do this all day!” You suck the knob on one, then switch to the other. They both taste good. “See, boys?” said the teacher, “that’s the kind of cockslut you should aspire to be! You just gotta love it…” And you do -- big cocks, little cocks, thick cocks, bent cocks, heavy cocks, knobby cocks, uncut cocks, hairy cocks, pierced cocks, leaky cocks, old cocks -- you love cocks! Not just having them in your mouth, but pleasing them, pleasuring them, getting them to cum in your mouth… This is an instructional video -- here’s how you get two guys off at the same time. Getting a guy to cum is powerful enough -- getting two guys at once shows you’re a master of technique and desire. When the blond and the brunette are simultaneously shooting their loads across your face, you know what a cockslut you are -- how much you truly love it. The teacher brings your cum-covered face in for a deep, loving kiss. You’re Teacher’s Pet. Fade Out -- End Scene ************************************************************************************************** I wake in the morning to the sun streaming in the window, pleasant and warm, even the cinderblock dorm rooms don’t seem so stark in this light. I’m excited to work out -- my quarantine gym time is from 8-10am, giving me a half hour to have some coffee and smoke a bowl before I have to head down. I do hate working out alone, but it’s way better than not working out at all. (If I had to go through a two-week quarantine with no gym, I think I’d go out of my mind!) As I sip and puff, I scan through my emails. There’s one from Coach Rod -- I’m tickled that my virtual trainer is reaching out to me virtually! (Stoner…) “Hey, Dom,” the email reads, “Check outside your door -- your meal-prep should’ve been delivered by now. I want to bump your training a notch and clean you up a bit before your big film debut! The meals are all labeled -- you’ll have six today -- you’ll see the consumption times on there, too! All good stuff -- I made it myself (haha). “Reply to this email to let me know it’s received and understood and I’ll see you at your Noon Training Session with me. In the meantime, enjoy the gym! Coach Rod.” This is so weird -- I respond so. Outside the door is a cooler with a stack of prepped meal containers. I bring it in the room and transfer the meals to my mini-fridge (but for the one I’m scheduled to eat) and then put the cooler back in the hallway. I continue to be surprised at the budget of Paragon -- this seems a long way to go just to film some pornography. Don’t people make that stuff on their iphones? Whatever -- I’ll enjoy the pampering when it’s offered. I could really use a cock. This quarantine has gotten me horny -- it’s been too long since I’ve had a cock in my mouth. (Hard to believe about a little cockslut like me! I can’t fucking WAIT to finally film and get some fucking relief!) I’d suck on a dildo, I want one in my mouth so bad, but I don’t own one. Fuck! Great time to be a top with an oral fixation. I eat my boring meal of egg-whites and oatmeal and then dress quickly for the gym, baggy shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. It’s a nice gym and I have an intense workout -- I think of all the people in quarantine without access to a gym -- I’m pumped and gently flexing in the mirrors when I notice someone in the pool on the other side of the glass wall. It’s the first time I’ve seen a live person in three days… ...and already I’m aching to suck his dick. He’s doing laps in the pool, lean and athletic, smooth and practiced. His back and arms are muscular and well-defined, strong but not big. I’m watching him swim back and forth and I’m gently touching myself. Shameful -- but I'm isolation-level horny, so it’s understandable. I watch him for a good five minutes before he finally finishes and pulls himself out of the water, his back to me. A scruffy-bearded redhead, wearing a neon green speedo, his ass is beyond spectacular. As he walks down the deck, he has to reach in his suit and adjust himself -- he’s not hurting in the front, either. What a beautiful, lithe body, not an ounce of fat on him! Is he a fellow actor? Dear God, let him be a fellow actor!!! As he disappears into the locker room, I bring myself back to reality. Damn, I’m horny -- I’m fucking hard watching a guy swim, wishing once again that I’d been on the swim team in high school. Anyway, enough regrets, time for my Training Session. ****************************************************************************** “How’d your workout go?” “Great! I must say, I was feeling kind of bad about having this incredible gym available while the rest of the country’s on lockdown.” The coach coaxes. “But…” “But then I get these great pumps and I get over it.” “You like showing off.” I laugh. “I’m not sure I’d make it a statement like that -- I mean, I like getting looked at. It took me a long time to get up the nerve to compete, though.” “But you’ve been an actor for years -- you’re comfortable on stage.” “Oh, I think that’s what helped my win, don’t get me wrong. But when you’re an actor, you’re playing a role. When you’re onstage in a tiny little poser in a bodybuilding, you’re you, as emotionally naked as you are physically -- it’s way different.” “Would you do it again?” “I don’t know. I mean, the dieting is hell and the shaving is endless… I mean, maybe. I don’t know.” Coach Rod smiles. “What if you had a really big dick that barely fit in your posers?” I laugh. “Everything’s a porn movie to you AI-generated training programs, isn’t it?” “And you evade answers by making jokes.” I think for a second -- how to phrase this? “What man wouldn’t?” I ask. “What man wouldn’t want a really big dick that barely fits in his posers?” “How big?” I laugh. “Porn-star big!” “That’s limited,” Coach Rod says. “Free associate. How big?” “I don’t know -- hyper-masculine, Tom-of-Finland big, ridiculous and seductive, impossible yet challenging, tempting but worrisome -- every teenage boy’s transformation-fantasy big! That’s what I mean. Or do you need numbers?” “No, no. You’ve given me plenty to work with. Let’s communicate with the medical staff and see what’s possible…” “Excuse me, what?” I sit up in my desk chair, nearly choking on my protein shake. “‘What’s possible?’ Did I hear you correctly? They can… do that?” Coach Rod laughs. “You’re asking that of an AI program.” “Which means?” “Which means they can do lots of stuff that used to not be possible.” “A porn company?” “A worldwide adult entertainment juggernaut with a reputation for incredible men with incredible abilities with which you’re entering an exclusive contract. They -- via me -- will drive you to be the best product you can be. Stick with it and I promise you’ll be very well taken care of. All you need to do is look good and fuck guys -- there are worse jobs.” “True...” “Do you have any idea how many men would kill for this opportunity? Do you know how lucky you are, to be entering off the street with no experience into this field at this level?” “I wonder if that’s what my high school guidance counselor would say?” He holds up a finger in a “wait a minute” gesture. “Your high school guidance counselor was Jonathan Witek -- he retired in 2018. By tracing his credit information, I see he has purchased Paragon’s online content for the last six years. He responds to movies about young twinks who turn the tables on and top their authority figures.” “Oh my God…” “With this in mind, we can surmise that he’d approve of your career choice. Perhaps he’ll even be a fan?” “This just gets weirder and weirder.” “Or better and better. Now, you’re scheduled to check in with the medic at 1pm -- you remember where that is, right?” (A facility map appears on the screen with an animated trail that leads from your dorm room to the medical center in the basement.) “I got it.” Coach reappears on screen and blows me a kiss. “Go get ‘em!” he says, smiling. “We’ll talk about doing a video when you get back.” “Okay -- peace.” The box goes blank -- Coach has “signed off”. ************************************************************************************ The medic is dressed in a blue Hazmat suit, which seems a little overboard for me -- his face is shielded and he’s masked beneath. I can only see his eyes, so I wouldn’t be able to identify him if I saw him naked. (I wonder what kind of dick he has?) He’s pleasant enough, but nowhere near the conversationalist my AI-generated Coach is. I try to engage him in conversation as he swabs my nose. “I think you scraped my brain,” I joke as he removes the swab. I can’t tell if he’s amused or not through his mask. “A lot of guys say that,” he responds. “I have to do it that hard.” I smile. “That’s what guys always say.” Nothing. I’m sitting in a chair that reminds me more of the dentist than a medic, but it’s comfortable. The medic sets up an IV for me, puts the needle in my forearm and tapes it in place. As he’s satisfied with the drip, he returns to my chart and reads it over. “Oh,” he says as he spots something he hadn’t seen before. “Says here you’re scheduled for some gential enhancements. Wanna get that started now?” I’m not sure how to take that information -- I’d barely mentioned it to Coach Rod a half an hour ago and here I am. “Sure,” I say, shrugging, not really believing him. “Why not? What have I got going on?” He goes to a cabinet and removes a device that’s connected to a bunch of tubes. It reminds me of a cock-pump, except it’s significantly larger, like it would hold everything. “You’re not wearing underwear, are you?” “Beneath my paper gown? What kind of porn star would I be?” I’m right, the whole of my genitals go inside the tube -- it really has a shape more like a swollen package, not just a cock -- lifting my paper examination gown, he begins sliding the pump on me without asking permission. It creates a seal around the base of my groin like a cock ring -- he then connects the hoses and power cords to a small USB port next to the examination chair. He pulls a pre-loaded syringe from a drawer and injects the contents into my IV. “This is gonna take about an hour or so to run the complete program,” he says in a way that sounds almost bored, like he’s done it a thousand times. “Would you like to watch a video?” “Oh, sure!” I say as he pulls out a VR-headset front he cabinet. “What you got?” He helps me put the headset on and insert the ear plugs. “You’ll like this,” he says as he presses a key on his pad. Just as the video starts, I can feel the suction begin on my groin. Oh damn, I think. This is gonna be good. ****************************************************************************************** You’re onstage at a bodybuilding contest -- no, it’s the set of a movie -- there’s no audience (they use cutaway shots and SFX for audience reactions), only a camera crew. You’re pumped and primed and crammed into your posers, the tiny pouch barely holds all of you, stretched as it is -- the root of your cock is plainly visible. You’re in the final posedown with the other men of your weight-class. The guy on your right is trouble, a big Russian with a back as wide as the Asian continent -- he’s blocky, though -- thick. He doesn’t have your natural aesthetic, your height. Or your huge package. You can’t help your genetics. When you were in high school, going through puberty, having a dick the size of yours made you feel self-conscious -- none of the other boys had dicks as big as yours. It made you feel a little freakish -- especially on the swim team! Perhaps because your balls were so oversized -- goose eggs at 14 -- you put on muscle easily. You started working with a coach and trainer because the owner of the gym saw your potential and you did your first contest at 19 -- you took the Open and the Teen Class! That posing would cause you to get hard was the challenge. Flexing would always get you hard. Your posing coach laughed it off at first -- “You get off on showing off!” he’d say, patting your shoulder as the two of you looked in the mirror and tried to ignore your rod. “You just can’t hide it as easy as some guys!” Even now, all these years later, flexing for others has the same effect on you -- it’s one of the reasons you stopped competing so much. Difficult enough to get past the “does he stuff his posers” memes online -- which secretly turn you on -- but as you got into the muscle worship scene (and started making some serious bank from it), you realized your flexing fetish got you bookings by the score! And sponsors (mostly underwear companies)! And now… movies! You and the big Russian with the acne-scarred back start the posedown. The third guy in the lineup -- the guy on your left -- he’s not even show-worthy, bulky, but with a thick, round ass that can’t be contained in his posers. So you start flexing for the “audience”, for each other, for yourself, and you feel your cock start to come to life, as it always does. Double-bis, to get attention, then you start flexing your legs. You shake your relaxed quad muscle then slap it and flex it hard at the same time, but this is just an excuse for the camera to get your growing cock in the shot and you know it. The big Russian plays along, jamming his leg up against yours and doing the same bit. You can see him checking you out -- his little dick gives him away. He runs his hands down the front of your flexed quad and he makes an “impressed” face. You flex your bicep and let him feel that, too. Meanwhile, your cock grows harder, already testing the limits of its spandex container. The other guy tries to jump in front and do some squat poses, low to the ground, aching for some camera time, some audience recognition. Both you and the Russian ignore him and turn around to do lat spreads. Going from that pose to back double-bi is what causes your cock to pop out of your trunks, the one thing you’ve always worried would happen in actual competition. It’s strangely liberating, letting it go, not able to stop it. You can still feel your balls contained by the strap, but your cock is free, bouncing up as you hold your pose -- when you turn around, the audience screams, -- or maybe you just hear that in your head (it’s a movie, isn’t it?). It doesn’t matter -- you continue your show, fluidly moving from pose to pose as your cock rises to full mast, its head just above your belly-button. The big Russian is hard as well, though his dick is contained in his strained posers. He faces you and, with a smirk on his face, begins punching your pecs. The other guy is on his knees, running his tongue up the grooves in your thigh, nuzzling your bull ball-sac. From your position, you can see his lower back tattoo -- above that magnificent ass -- of two powerful wings. The Russian is behind you, reaching around, running his hand down your cobbled abs, purposefully -- teasingly -- avoiding your huge cock. He pinches your nipples as you continue to flex. And that’s what makes you cum! You don’t even touch your cock -- your arms are up in a double-bis -- but you shoot a massive load anyway. So hard and far it hits the camera lens -- stripes of it coat the face of the guy on his knees and you can tell he’s loving it (and aching to get some of it in his hot hole). The big Russian is standing there pounding his cock. You flex a “Most Muscular” in his face and he shoots his load, which the other guy is more than eager to lap up. You and the Russian make out, feeling each other’s bodies as the other guy kneels there and shoots his load for the camera -- he doesn’t matter. Your cock is the star. ************************************************************************************* Another fantastic workout -- I’m gonna have to be careful or I’m gonna become a regular morning gym guy, even when my contract is up here. What am I now? Eight days into a fourteen day quarantine? Certainly no one could look at me and think me in any way unhealthy. My body is amazing! The training regime, the dietary control, and whatever they’re giving me supplementally in those IV’s is taking my physique to a whole different level. I look so good right now that I hate that no one is seeing me. I haven’t announced what I’m doing on IG yet, but I have put up some thirsty shots after my last few workouts. I’m getting a fuck-ton of hits, not to mention all the people trying to slide into my DM’s. I admit to feeling the slightest bit guilty about my gym access with everyone else on lockdown, so I don’t post videos of workouts like I’d like. For the sake of ease, I pretend I’m working out at home like everyone else. For my chest training today, I’m wearing a red stringer that scoops so low as to show off the entirety of my deep cleavage and a pair of spandex short-shorts, which barely -- BARELY -- cover my oversized package. It looks as though any second my gigantic cock is going to pop out, or flop out, or just wear the material down and tear out. I love being a tease with it -- I know what cockhounds guys are. (At least, I know what a cockhound I am -- and if I saw someone with a cock as hot as mine, I’d be all over him, too. I can’t blame them.) I’ve been dealing with it since being on the high school swim team, learning how to keep it in my Speedos. My gigantic cock -- my gorgeous, gigantic cock. And my swollen bull balls. That’s what got me here to Paragon, right? Austin saw me in my contest and thought, the way my package crammed my posers, I should be in porn! How right he is! Squeezing out the last few reps of cable crossovers, in the reflection of the mirror I can see the glass wall that separates the gym from the pool. I know he’s over there -- I’ve seen him doing laps in the corner of my eye -- that beautiful red-haired boy. So I waddle over to the glass wall and watch him swim. I can see myself in the reflection of the glass, so I practice posing -- my chest looks amazing! It doesn’t take more than a few poses for my dick to start to come to life. Whatever -- I fuckin’ love posing! As my erection starts to get obvious, the red-haired boy gets out of the pool. This time exiting on the side facing the glass wall, so I can see his front, which is just as spectacular as his back. He’s probably 5’10” 190 or so, rips so sharp his abs could cut someone. He wears a pair of black jammers so low on his tight hips that they expose his entire deeply grooved iliac furrow -- called the Adonis Belt -- and rest just above his cock, across his groomed pubis. Other than that and his scruffy beard, he’s completely hairless. Pulling himself up out of the pool, he doesn’t see me until he’s standing, shaking the water from his head. We make eye contact and he smiles an easy, genuine smile. Gorgeous. I smile back, knowing he’s seeing the erection he’s given me -- with my cock (in spandex) it’s a little more than obvious. I salute and wave -- he waves back. We can’t hear each other, so after a few awkward moments of staring, he points to his eyes, then points to me, then waves, heading off toward the locker room -- allowing me to see that ass again. Fuck that guy’s hot. Please, please, please, gods of pornography, let him be my scene-partner. Fucking six more days!!! ************************************************************************************************ Over the last few days, I’ve noticed that Coach Rod has gained some size, especially through his chest and traps (and some big, obvious nipples) -- he’s also dressed more provocatively lately, as if he’s purposefully exploiting my spandex fetish. He’s an AI program, I think. He’s clearly adapting to me -- right? “Coach,” I ask, “who picks what you’re wearing?” He smiles. “You can if you want. Click on this link…” (one appears in the text box) “...and you can pick specific items, or you can just tell me a genre or style and I can work from there. You respond best when I’m wearing spandex.” I laugh. “I know. Feel free to wear as many singlets or posers as you want.” “You got it!” “Tell me something,” I say as I act casual about getting my meal ready, “there’s a hot redhead who’s been swimming laps while I’m training. Do you know who that is?” Coach smiles -- if I didn’t know better, I’d say a knowing smile -- and he says, “Hold on -- let me check the schedule… oh, yeah! Eddie -- Eddie Ginger.” “Eddie GINGER…?” “His stage name. Which reminds me, we need to finalize YOUR stage name…” “Yeah, yeah. Tell me about Eddie Ginger instead.” Coach can’t stop smiling. “Do you like him?” “Of course I like him,” I say. “He’s fucking hot as fuck and I’m horny as a motherfucker! I’m so over this quarantine right now -- you have no idea! I swear to God I’m gonna stick my cock in the first hole I come across and pound on it like I’ve never fucked before!” “Then you’ll be happy to know Eddie’s your first scene partner.” I’m shocked. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I ask. “That beautiful boy? That beautiful, twenty-something boy is my first scene partner? Oh, fuck, look at this… my cock is already getting hard. I’m never gonna make five more days…” “Eddie’s a really nice guy -- and one of our top-sellers! He moves more units than the next three featured bottoms put together -- you’re very lucky, Dom. Working with him, you’re bound to get exposure.” “How did I win this golden ticket?” I ask. “I’ve always heard the porn industry chews ‘em up and spits ‘em out. As an actor, that’s what’s kept me AWAY from porn all these years! If I thought this were possible…” “Working your way up from the bottom is very hard,” Coach says. “That’s where there’s likely to be use and abuse -- guys who are desperate or addicted or lost -- very few make it out of that. Some are lucky -- they know the right people or they manage their online presence well enough -- but most blossom and die without rising to the level of Porn Star. In some ways, it’s just like Hollywood, right? And you? You got a feature film on a referral -- and that’s gonna piss so many people off. This guy appears out of nowhere and becomes a huge star -- it’s the American Porn Dream come true! It’s just perfect! If only we could finagle you into having been straight before we hired you… that’d be the Porn Hat Trick!” He laughs at his own joke -- how odd that AI can entertain itself. I shrug. “Sorry,” I say. “Can’t help it -- I like cock too much.” “Especially your own!” I laugh with my usual confidence. “Of course -- you know what I’m packing! And you know I love showing it off! You should’ve seen me in the locker rooms in high school -- stupid straight boys standing there with their jaws agape as I wagged my cock out of my Speedo. Do you have any idea how many teenage circle-jerk cock-worshipping scenes I started? Paragon should’ve filmed those!” “Speaking of which, shall we work on a masturbation video today? The one you did yesterday -- the one where you were standing there spinning your cock around like a tassel? -- the producers LOVED that!” “They did?” I ask excitedly. “They saw it? I thought we were just playing around?” Coach Rod was matter-of-fact. “It was good,” he said. “Part of my programming is to alert the producers to content that stands out. Especially from the newbies. They’ve invested a lot in you -- there’s no harm in showing them their money’s not wasted.” I shrug. “I suppose not. I just… I wasn’t being serious.” “That’s what they liked about it -- it had personality. It was obvious how much you enjoy your cock -- that came across very clearly. So let’s make another. I think we should do a seated one this time, so we can really focus on it. What do you think?” “I’m totally in,” I say, flopping down in the chair in front of the camera. “When do we start?” ************************************************************************************** As the video opens, you’re sitting back in a chair -- the camera is at a high angle, looking down, probably not a laptop -- you barely fit in frame, the focus is so tight, your muscles are so pumped. You wear a black baseball cap and a tan-colored thong that could easily be mistaken for nothing if seen out of the side of someone’s eye at the beach. You prefer thongs to jocks -- hung as you are, you prefer the freedom of a thong rather than the tight compression of a jockstrap. You’ll wear whatever the client wants, of course, but you prefer the aesthetic of a thong if given a choice. As you sit back in the chair, you give the audience a chance to appreciate your body, your size, your cuts, your ridiculous abs and obliques. The angle in which you sit, leaning back like this keeps your abs flexed without any effort at all -- you reach your arms above your head and stretch -- so seductive. You know the audience’s eyes are sliding down your torso and focusing on your insane dick -- you’ve done that move before. You flex your pecs, bouncing them slowly back and forth while staring at the camera -- your expression says “come get ‘em” -- but when you play with your bare, pink nipples, pinching them just slightly, your cock comes to life. That’s what everyone’s here to see, anyway -- heck, you’re just the co-star and you know it -- so you allow your cock to grow, quickly filling the confines of the lycra pouch. Keeping one hand on your nipple, you allow the other to trace down the heavy grooves of your abs -- the look on your face, amazed at your own development -- until your fingers land on the top edge of your smooth pubis, slipping along the band of your thong, which itself barely covers the root of your cock. A cock that keeps hardening, seeking escape. Palm down, you slip your fingers under the band of your thong, two on one side of your cock, two on the other, and you waggle the pouch back and forth, slipping the front down the lengthening shaft. Your cock seems to inflate as it’s exposed, like yeast in dough, until the only thing keeping it from springing out to its full glory is the head, still trapped in the pouch of the thong. You put your arms back behind your head, again flexing your impossible abs and weaving your hips back and forth, which makes your trapped cock’s struggle obvious as it aches for freedom. The look on your face seems to expect the viewer to jump through the screen and do just that -- set that beautiful cock loose! Finally, the material loses the battle and your cock pops out, arcs up and over, and slaps loudly on your tight abs, just above your navel, thick and full and near fully erect -- your balls are still in the pouch, so you pull the band down with one hand, pull your goose-eggs out with the other, and let the band slip behind them, the elastic helping to elevate and keep them in frame (for their fans)! You play with your nips again, which causes your cock to thrash about, seeking attention -- it’s nearly twelve inches long, coke-can thick, gorgeous and intimidating at the same time. A pearl white dollop of pre-cum forms at the tip -- you push your cock to the camera, offering it to the audience, then you bend down and actually lick it off yourself. You can put your own cock in your mouth! You start jacking it then, showing us how one hand can barely reach around the root of the thing. It takes both: one to stroke the upper cock, to encompass the head, and the other to work the thick root. It’s a technique you’ve mastered through the years and it’s somewhat hypnotic to watch, the same way a snake charmer tames a cobra. You’ve been jerking this bad boy off for an audience since the locker room on the high school swim team, getting off on the cheering when you’d cum, much less the endless college frat parties where you discovered real big-dick energy, where you learned a cock like you had could get you what you wanted. All you had to do was know how to use it. And you learned how to use it. Happily, it’s never made you cynical, or contemptuous -- you love cock too much. And even if everyone isn’t as lucky as you, a cock is a thing of beauty -- and they all deserve a little love -- big cocks, little cocks, thick cocks, bent cocks, heavy cocks, knobby cocks, uncut cocks, hairy cocks, pierced cocks, leaky cocks, old cocks. And now your cock, the grandest of them all, which is about to shoot. If their volume is up, they can hear the change in your breathing, as your body tries to get enough oxygen to power this explosion. Just as you’re about to shoot, you pull your hands away, revealing the magnificence of your fully erect unit, and the audience can see your balls churn just before two huge ropes of cum blow out of your cock, leaving streaks across your face. You get your mouth open for the third one, catching a great lot of it on your tongue -- you roll your eyes as if you’ve tasted meade. With your right hand, you slowly stroke the base again, allowing the burbling lava that is your cum to continue to spew from the head, coating itself in its own volume, running down the grooves of your abs to gather via the cum gutters of your adonis belt. Once again, you look in the camera, as if the audience is challenging you, and you lean over and flat tongue the tip of your cock, licking an ice cream cone’s amount of cum and swallowing in bliss. You wipe the rest off with the two fingers of your right hand, kiss those fingers, then use them to flash a peace-sign to the audience. The video fades out. ***************************************************************************************** Finally, I wake on the day my quarantine ends! The heavy focus on training and diet have me in incredible condition -- especially for a guy who’s forty -- I look amazing, better than when I’d competed! I’m not as tan as I’d like to be, but my cuts are totally visible and obvious, so I’m not stressed. On the bed, I’ve spread out a bunch of posers and jocks and a couple singlets -- I don’t know what the director’s going to want for the shoot today, so I figure I’ll bring options. Maybe Coach’ll have an opinion -- an AI opinion.... I open my laptop and Coach’s window pops up. He’s a monster now, a freak -- his muscles are so swollen, his body would be barely functional if it existed in real life. Still, he’s managed to squeeze that bulk into the barest of singlets -- an old-school 80’s low-cut, revealing nearly everything. He’s also a redhead, but I choose to ignore that. “Good morning, Dom!” he says with a smile, adjusting his substantial package. “You must be excited to shoot today!” “I am!” I say, mirroring him. “I’m trying to decide what I’ll bring to wear.” “I wouldn’t worry,” he says. “I’m pretty sure for most of it, you’ll be naked.” I smile indulgently. “I gotta start somewhere.” “This is casual -- jeans and a loose t-shirt. This is a ‘buddy-shoot’ -- they’re just testing for chemistry, experience, awareness. It’s not a ‘scene’ -- that usually has a script, or an intent. This is just two guys getting to know each other. It’s easy!” “Easy for you to say,” I say. “I’m horny as fuck. I’m liable to blow the minute we shake hands!” “I doubt it,” he says confidently. “You’ll remember your training.” “So what if I suck or something -- what if I can’t cum or I’m terrible? Will they ship me out? After all this?” He laughs indulgently. “That won’t happen. Believe me, you’re ready. I’ve had two weeks with you -- normally, I get one long Saturday to do it all. The quarantine has been great for us in that regard. You’re here in our bubble for the next six weeks to shoot a shit-ton of content. After that, we’ll reevaluate your contract and go from there -- to be transparent, most of our models choose to stay here in the bubble and continue to shoot. I mean, why not? Unlike the rest of California, you get access to a gym during lockdown.” I chuckle. “That would piss a lot of people off.” He pinches his nipple. “All the more reason.” Ultimately, we settle on my blue posers (just cuz I don’t like the look of my cock down the leg of my pants -- too obvious) under jeans. I prefer a big bulge. On top, I wear a loose, scoop-neck t-shirt, which does display my cleavage, but whatever. My scruff is trimmed and my pump is obvious as I proceed to the studio in the basement. We’re filming in studio 2B, one of the smaller, more “intimate” studios -- I can see a gym set and a dungeon set as I walk along -- I’m so excited! As I enter, there are three people already present -- it’s been two weeks since I’ve seen live people, even longer since I’ve seen people without masks within six feet of each other -- the cameraman is obvious as he tinkers with equipment, setting lights, and running cables. He looks to be about my age, though in nowhere near as good condition, wearing a backwards baseball cap. The other two are talking quietly together. One is the gorgeous redhead from the pool, now wearing jeans and a tank top, and the other is who I assume is the Director. He’s a handsome man in his mid-thirties, slightly stout but not chubby in his tight black jeans and his loose flowered top. When I enter, they both turn and see me -- smiles break out on their faces. “Big Daddy!” the guy I assume is the director says. “You found us!” I smile -- I was loving my stage name: Big Daddy Domenic -- or Big Daddy Dom. (C’mon -- that’s damn funny. And isn’t porn built on puns?) “Yeah,” I laugh. “I followed the breadcrumbs.” The redhead smirks and adds, “No surprise -- they were coated with pheromones.” We all laugh together -- I’m instantly at ease, even if I’m crushing harder than ever. “I’m Michael McFly,” the Director says, extending his hand to shake. (“Why wouldn’t the director have a stupid stage name in porn like everyone else?” I think, shaking it.) “I’m so excited to be talking to human beings!” I say, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. “For the last few weeks, I’ve just been spying on people through glass walls.” The redhead laughs, knowing I mean the joke for him. “And this is Eddie Ginger,” the Director says, indicating what I already knew. I hold out my hand to Eddie and instead of shaking it, he hugs me, a warm and genuine gesture. He’s firm but gentle and he smells of clean soap and freshness -- my cock plumps immediately -- I know he can feel it. “Nice to finally meet,” he says quietly in my ear. “I’m excited to film with you.” “So am I,” I whisper back, inadvertently pressing my package against him. “Obviously.” He laughs and slaps my ass as he steps back. “We’re gonna have fun, Dom,” he says, smiling. “It won’t even feel like your first time.” The Director McFly jumps in. “You’re not nervous?” he asks me, gripping my arm around the tricep. “There’s no need for that -- Eddie’s a pro!” “No, no,” I say, holding up my hands in surrender. “I’m excited, not nervous. Excited.” McFly glanced at my package. “So we see,” he says, flicking his eyebrows. I may’ve reddened, a little embarrassed, but Eddie seems to find that adorable! Aside from the camera equipment, there’s only a sectional sofa with a daybed, flat and clean and decorated with a few throws. The walls are industrial gray and bare -- nothing to pull the eye -- but the lights are warm, pink and soft. The Director has us sit on the sectional while he and the cameraman adjust lights and sound. Eddie makes small talk with me about my quarantine and how he finds it funny that we spied each other through the wall -- he says he went back to his room and jerked off. I’m starting to get hard again when the Director says, “All right, looks like we’re ready to get rolling. You guys ready?” “Yeah!” Eddie says excitedly. “Sure am!” I say, ready for anything. “All right, gentlemen, let’s have some fun -- and… ACTION!” And the moment he says “ACTION” I feel dizzy… something deep... ************************************************************************************************* You’re on the set of a porn movie -- there’s only a sectional sofa in frame. You share this sofa with an incredibly hot redhead, sleek and muscular, with cream-colored skin and the small remains of the tan freckles of his youth. He wears comfortable jeans and a red tank top with a unicorn printed on it -- you’re in jeans and a loose low-cut t-shirt, humble-bragging on your ample cleavage. DIRECTOR’S VOICE (off-camera): Hey, everybody! Welcome to another Paragon Porn First Timer Video. We have the always incredible Eddie Ginger with us today as our experienced model. Eddie waves to the camera. “Hi!” he says, smiling. “Been a hot minute since we’ve filmed.” DIRECTOR’S VOICE: And he’s joined today by our newbie, Big Daddy Dom, right? You laugh. “Yeah,” you say. “Domenic Luger. Just Dom is fine.” “Oh, but I like Big Daddy,” says Eddie, punching you in the arm. You smile at him. DIRECTOR’S VOICE: And Dom, this is your first time doing something like this? You look around nervously, glancing into the camera. “Yeah,” you say, with a bit of an enigmatic smile. “But I’m looking forward to it.” “Me, too!” Eddie chimes in, patting your knee. DIRECTOR’S VOICE: So you’ve never sucked a dick before? You act embarrassed. “No,” you lie. “I mean, guys have sucked mine -- guys have BEGGED to suck mine -- but I’ve never…” DIRECTOR’S VOICE: But you’re gonna try today? You look at Eddie enthusiastically -- VERY enthusiastically. “Oh, yeah,” you say, trying not to smile. “Looking forward to it.” DIRECTOR’S VOICE: Well, maybe you guys should do your first kiss. The two of you glance at each other like you approve the idea -- small, teasing smiles -- he slides across the sofa to be closer to you. You wrap your upstage hand around his neck and gently pull him in -- he allows this, already submitting to you. His lips are soft, gentle but confident -- his kiss is more tender than you expect, a little playful, too -- surprisingly intimate. You kiss lightly a few more times, then you finally go in for something a little more serious. Already you feel a connection. As you pull apart, you both mumble “Wow!” and then laugh -- he falls into your arms and you begin kissing a little more seriously. “Take this off,” you say, pulling his tank slightly. He strips it off, exposing his defined torso and his puffy pink nipples -- his abs are so cut and sweet, small little veins evident across his thin skin. “Damn,” you say, running your hand up along his strong core until it ends up cupping his pec and squeezing his nipple -- he gasps. “Look at you and your hot body…” DIRECTOR’S VOICE: Yeah, but Dom, show him YOUR abs! “But I just got off a show,” you say, raising your arms so Eddie could remove your shirt. “So it’s not completely fair…” “Holy shit,” Eddie says as he reveals your abs. “Holy shit -- you praise ME? Dude, LOOK at these abs -- eight pack?” You smirk. “Very early in the morning, before I’ve eaten, yes.” He removes the shirt and you flex for him (which always turns you on.) You bounce your pecs, which makes him flat-palm your chest -- he’s smiling a gleeful grin, clearly enjoying himself touching you. DIRECTOR’S VOICE: You said you just came off a show? A bodybuilding contest? “Yeah,” you say, continuing to flex for Eddie. He’s feeling the peak of your bicep right now. “I compete in what’s called ‘Classic Bodybuilding’ -- we don’t go as big as the freaks.” DIRECTOR’S VOICE: You look very big. “Everything’s very big,” you tease, winking obviously. You indicate your jeans to Eddie. “Help me get these things off.” You both stand, you and Eddie kissing as he unbuttons the waist and fly of your jeans. You keep your hands behind your head and your abs flexed as he opens the waist, revealing the blue poser you’re wearing beneath. “Sexy,” he says, gently pulling the waistband of the posers, then getting back to work on the jeans. He has a hard time getting them down over your thighs -- and you don’t help him by keeping them flexed so he has to struggle. You love to tease. “Damn,” he says, smiling. “You weren’t kidding everything’s big!” “Big thighs is why I’m a bodybuilder, not a physique competitor. Pull ‘em like you mean it!” His tugging makes your package flop around, which you love. Finally, he gets them down to your ankles and you step out of them -- he remains kneeling. “Holy shit,” Eddie says, eye-level with your pouch. DIRECTOR’S VOICE: Do you have to have those specially made? You smirk, adjusting yourself. “Yeah, I can barely squeeze myself into the standard ones -- though I like trying! I worry that one day I’m gonna be onstage and pop right out.” Eddie strokes your thighs and gently grips your hamstrings as he nuzzles into your package. He then licks his tongue up your spandex-fighting cock until he gets to the root, itself barely covered by the waistband of the poser. DIRECTOR’S VOICE: That would make a good movie. Would you mind flexing for us? “Not at all,” you say, and you begin your routine. Flexing has always turned you on -- it’s your favorite part of the sport, certainly not the training! No, it’s listening to the audience screaming, seeing the disbelief and awe in their faces, the desire, the envy. Of course you get hard when you flex. And Eddie is right there, worshipping away, stroking and punching and feeling everything he can, imprinting it onto his fantasies. Facing him, you do an ab/thigh pose, so he can see your half-hard monster straining, yearning for escape. He takes the bait, gripping the waistband with both hands and slowly pulling it down, revealing the entirety of your beautiful cock. When the head pops out, it swings up and swats him on his fuzzy chin. He grins broadly and kisses the head, as you step out of your posers. “Oh, yeah,” Eddie mumbles as he takes it in his mouth -- or as much as he can, which is a surprising amount (more than half). He pulls back and spits to help lube it, then wraps a hand around the base to stroke while he sucks. He’s got a good mouth -- well, he should. (He’s a professional.) More, he’s not afraid of your balls, big as they are. He squeezes and strokes and gently pulls on them, accenting the pleasure he gives to your cock. Adding to your enjoyment, you begin to pinch your ample nipples. You expected to lose track of the camera, to forget it’s there and just focus on your technique. But it’s just the opposite, you’re very aware of the camera -- it’s like you’re showing off for it, opening up angles for better views, making love to it. You know the camera loves your flexed abs as you lean slightly back to make a better picture, the swollen cum-gutters taking the focus right to your magnificent cock, which Eddie slaves away on. He’s got you on the edge and he knows it -- you can see the glint in this eye -- but it’s way too early to cum, horny as you are. No, you want a taste of him first. As he pulls off your cock to catch his breath, you pull him up into a kiss. He wraps his arms around your neck, allowing you both hands free to open his pants. Turning his back to the camera, you slide your hands down over the cakes of his ass and bring his jeans with them, giving a clear shot of his spectacular bubble butt. Spinning him around, you seat him on the sectional and pull his jeans off him -- he leans back, straightening his legs and flexing his own fine abs. He’s got a beautiful cock, uncut, maybe eight-and-a-half inches, pretty pink head -- he leaks precum. You kneel between his legs and kiss him deeply -- it’s hard for him to resist the urge to wrap his legs around your torso, but he does make a show of embracing you with them, gorgeous muscular limbs. You bite his fuzzy little chin, then kiss his neck, working your way down his beautiful body, his pale skin and bright pink nipples (which you make a show of working), then you’re licking HIS abs, defined and obvious, even if not as developed as your own. Finally, you’re at the trimmed little patch of auburn pubes and you can feel his hard cock stroking your cheek as you kiss the base of it. As an actor, you’d like to continue the charade of having never sucked a cock before, but your own internal horniness casts that aside quickly. You’re on his cock like a whore on crack, the sweet taste of precum your drug of choice. It’s no small cock -- Eddie’s a porn-star, remember -- and whether a bottom or not, it’s a nice piece. You’ve been dying for a cock, much less a nice cock, much less THIS fantasy cock for a while now! You’re conflicted about taking your time and savoring the moment or just banging out a desperate load then going for the slow cook on the second. But then you remember teasing the camera is your job, so you make a show of it. It’s possible that Eddie’s that good an actor, but his reactions seem very real, as if he’s legitimately turned on by what you’re doing. You’ve no reason to doubt it -- you are. Fuck, you’re so turned on, living this fantasy cum true, that you never want to step out of your filming bubble. You’ll stay here forever fucking hot guys for fun and profit. (You already want a scene with Austin to thank him.) And then you’re just deep-throating him and going to town, bobbing your head effortlessly on his beautiful dick -- how happy you are to have a cock in your mouth again! The sheer joy of that drowns out any thought of pacing for the camera or making the moment last -- you’re too eager to make this beauty cum! For his part, Eddie moans and rolls his head. He’s up on his elbows, leaning back, so he can look down across his flexed abs at your effort -- he’s supposed to be the “experienced” guy, remember? “I’m gonna shoot,” he moans, as you tug his balls. “Oh, Big Daddy, I’m gonna shoot!” You pull your mouth off his cock, still stroking the base, just in time for him to orgasm, the first volley hitting you right on your tongue. You deep-throat him and he screams, thrusting into your mouth. You flat-tongue his big dick, showing the camera how much cum he produced, and just swallow it all. “Oh, fuck, Big Daddy,” he mumbles. “Oh, fuck…” You advance onto the sectional and kiss him, sharing his taste. Then, in a semi-push-up position, you continue to slide up his body, until he’s face to face with your monster cock. He takes the head of yours in his mouth and you begin doing push-ups, slowly dipping your cock into his mouth, then rising back up. The camera loves your muscular back. You sit back onto his torso, putting his arms under your knees in a wrestling school-boy pin. The tip of your erect cock rests on his chin -- he only has to slightly lift his head to get it in his mouth, which he does. “You want it, pretty boy?” you ask, tapping the head of your cock on his lush pink lips. “You want Daddy’s big load?” “Yes,” he answers, trying to lick your cock with the tip of his tongue. “Please, gimme it! Please!” It takes little more than a few tugs and you can feel your big balls churn. “Here you go, Eddie,” you say as you release your cock and flex a double-bis just as you begin your orgasm. Your first shot crosses his entire face, but he gets his mouth open for the second one. But you don’t stop -- it’s been too long. You just keep shooting and shooting, volleys that just coat the redhead’s pretty face. You’re panting as your finish, releasing him from your hold. As he sits up, the two of you kiss, your cum running down his face -- you snowball it back and forth, as you wipe the rest of him clean with your hand. The two of you are laughing about the amount. DIRECTOR’S VOICE: A-a-a-a-and CUT! The moment he says “CUT”, you feel dizzy… something deep… ******************************************************************************************************* Eddie and I are standing in each other’s arms, soaked in cum, giggling like schoolgirls. Someone throws us towels and we begin wiping each other down. (It’s a lot of cum!) The Director is still talking to us. It’s clearly a Post Show -- the camera’s still rolling. “That was great you guys!” he says. Eddie laughs, wiping his face. “Dude shoots some big loads!” he says. I shrug. “I do everything big!” I laugh. Eddie is playing for the camera -- he points to your cock and brings his hand to the side of his face in an “astonishment” pose. In the same spirit,I spin him around and show the camera his perky bubble butt, smacking it with my open palm. He laughs. “All right, thank you guys,” the Director says. “Great shoot!” “It was a lot of fun,” Eddie says, playfully kissing me. “It was,” I agree, kissing him back and glancing at the camera. “That was just… easy. I could do it all fuckin’ day!” He chuckles. “Don’t say that too loud or they’ll make you!” He slides into his jeans. “I guess you’re coming out of quarantine, right?” “Yeah!” I say. “Finally…” “Well, then maybe I’ll see you at the gym and stuff?” I smile, sliding my jeans up over my ample quads. “I hope so!” I say enthusiastically. He strolls up to me seductively. “I’m sure of it,” he says. “I’m gonna put in to do a full-scene with you.” “What?” I ask. “Are you kidding? That would be fuckin’ AWESOME!” He indicates my bountiful cock as I tuck it into my jeans (I didn’t put the posers back on). “Big Daddy, I want to get fucked by that log -- it’s fuckin’ hot as fuck.” “Anytime.” He smirks. “How about a shower scene right now on my OnlyFans page?” “Let’s go!” ************************************************************************************************ Outside the bubble, the virus continues to run unchecked, gyms are still closed, lockdowns still enforced, Americans still feeling like masks infringe their freedom -- it’s just unbelievable. Naturally, desperate to stave off boredom, people are seeking content, entertainment, anything to fill the time. And nothing fills time better than porn. Most of the major entertainment companies set up their own production bubbles, but Paragon was far-and-away better prepared than their major competitors, creating what the industry has been calling Paragon’s “Porn World” where all the biggest names live and film as if it were still the Before Time. My first six weeks are up today and I’m hoping my contract will get renewed. I’ve been filming almost daily, mixing and matching with the other studs in the bubble -- it’s honestly been some of the best times of my life, professionally. Well, socially, too -- I’ve made some good friends and fuck-buddies. I open my laptop to see Coach’s Tab blinking. I open it and link up with the program. “Good morning, Dom!” “Morning, Coach! What’s the word?” “Your number’s are great!” he said. “They’re offering you a contract extension. Would you like to pull another twelve weeks?” I don’t even have to think about it. “Hell. Yes.” I love this job so much -- seriously, they can use me until I’m dried up and dead. I don’t care. “Great!” he says. “I’ll forward the contract to your email and we can get it done. There’s a couple of perks we can talk about, but it’s an improvement over what you were getting. Of course, they’d like you to start performing private services for clients…” “Private services?” I ask, suspiciously. “I don’t know, Coach. It’s one thing to be a porn star, it’s another to be a whore.” He laughs indulgently. “It’s not being a whore,” he says. “Here, let me show you a video…”
  15. Trio

    Reborn a soldier

    I walked towards the chamber, I had to trust my instincts to keep on going forward, as I walked I could hear my shoes tapping on the floor of steel. ... Suddenly, when I moved to a certain point on that dark room, the lights turned on, revealing a grey room filled with desks and gadgets, I was surprised I could move without bumping into them. I kept on moving, then suddenly I stopped, as an object caught my attention, a dogtag, soaked in some gooey liquid was above one of the desks, almost falling on the floor, it was silver and had an engraving in it saying: Ξαναγεννιέμαι στρατιώτης Είμαι μυς Ζω για να προστατέψω I could tell it was greek, though I couldn't say the meaning of those words. My curiosity got the best of me, I caught it by its small ball chain, and started studying it more closely, I kept on walking, but now slowly, as I analyzed what I had in my hands. The object was light and captivating, at least for me. In the end, I decided to keep it, passed the chains through my head and carefully put the dogtag inside my clothes. I started to feel a tingly feel, started in my hands, that had some of that gooey liquid present on the dogtag, and then it spread towards my chest. I kept on going, but I started to feel worse and worse. I ignored the burn in my body as I could, as I wanted to keep exploring that desert lab. Then I saw a chamber, in the corner. I walked towards the chamber, I had to trust my instincts to keep on going forward, as I walked I could hear my shoes tapping on the floor of steel. I saw it was large enough for a couple of men to be there one next to the other, but overall nothing than a weird elevator, so I thought, and as I started to move outside it, the doors closed. I was surprised, and then a gooey liquid started to rain above me, covering me into it, what a stinging substance, I started to panic and cried for help, but none was around, none came. My skin burned and the liquid started to flood the place, I was desperate, crying for help, and as I did, more and more of the substance poured above me, quickly inundating the chamber. Before I realized, I was floating in the middle of the chamber. My body was absorbing the liquid, and I screamed in pain as I tried to understand what was happening. Slowly, I realized I was growing taller, not only that, but I could feel my clothes tightening across my body. "How could this be?" I thought as I stopped screaming, even if the pain was still overwhelming. My body grew, my muscles expanded, slowly first, then faster and more aggressively. I felt my chest inflating, my pectoral becoming wide and robust. My screams started to thicken and becoming deeper, I could sense my abs growing inside me, carving its ways into the surface, aggressively and sharply. I could see the progress as my shirt finally started to gave in, revealing more and more of my strong pecs, with each nipple further and further away from each other, I was growing wide, my abs were expanding fast now, my scream was a roar now, and I felt pleasure in the pain, more and more. Not only my shirt, my pants also gave in, starting to reveal my strong legs, thicker and with every single muscle being sculpted into it, my trousers also gave in, revealing that my... my penis was growing too, it was thicker and bigger, and was hard. I could taste my pre-cum mixed within the substance. The smell was overwhelming, and more and more came from my body, I was transforming. And it didn't end there, as I was naked, exposed, with my arms standing beside me, my strong muscular arms, my shoulders, my heroic shoulders, wide and robust, that could sustain so much weight. As I was naked, exposed, I was rushed with a urge to fuck, I had to stroke, I was turning into a monster, and the thought of it invaded my mind, washing away every other thought I had before, I was a soldier, I was a big, thick, muscular, wide soldier, and I felt the urgent need to release my newfound power, I grabbed my cock with my strong veiny hands and violently masturbated, with a strong vigor, the pleasure was blinding, I was moaning and bellowing and roaring, my gutural noise was transforming me even further, I stroke furiously, as my abs grew wider, my nipples were wide apart from each other as my pecs were huge, and the dogtag was there, shining in my chest, feeling my strong heart beating, its sound mixing it with everything else. The dogtag was there beside my body, glued by the musk, the musk that mixed with the formula, that mixed with the pre-cum. I reached the peak of my existence and I came in so strong jets that the chamber started to break down, the cum started a different reaction within me, it was the missing link for my departure to the human race. I grew even thicker and wider, stronger and now my skin was mixing itself with the formula, with my own musk, with my cum. It was solidifying around me, becoming my shield, my new skin, I could feel every cell of my body boiling, and the formula washed away my blood, replacing it. My hair was no more, a strong cover of horns was in its place, I was roaring in octaves so low I wondered if anyone could actually hear me if they could. Not only roaring, but letting my pleasure escape through my words. "Fuck, I fuck, uhhhh, transform me, transform me more, me want more" My older being was lost. I was a creature beyond this world now, my pecs insanely wide and muscular, my thick abs, impenetrable. My strong cock was mutated beyong recognition, evolving beyond my control, not that I wanted to control it, I wanted to unleash my new power. I was transforming, stronger and stronger, and I want more. The liquid was no more, my body had absorbed it all, I opened my way out the chamber with my bare muscular hands, and as I did, again I jerked off, it was the only thing I could do, the only thing I wanted to do. I was reborn a soldier, a voracious one. I am reborn a soldier. I am muscle. I live to protect.
  16. Muscle fog ogre’s gift CH 1 part 5 By Big-Zargo Ogres Invade the Hospital This night would be a good night to look at the stars, but Owens fog covers the sky blanketing the moon and stars in its embrace. The fog seeks and spreads finding victims to propagate Owen’s influence, turning their victims into ogres. Fat, muscular, skinny, average, gay or straight, smart or dumb, healthy or not, any man caught by Owen’s fog will succumb to his will. These ogres under Owens control had been destroying buildings of Holmes top Borough so that Owens Palace could be made and that his domain could be secured. Any humans who survived the first night of Owens takeover who were unfortunate enough to encounter Owens ogres quickly succumb joining the orgy of sex and destruction as an ogre. It has been two weeks since Owen had captured Samuel and transformed him into an ogre, and it had been a bright idea to do so. Unbeknownst to him his ogres had been degrading losing their intelligence and their memories. If it hadn’t been for the ogre-fied Samuel all of his ogres would have been degraded and he would just have to start from scratch re-teaching them all. Having a bunch of dumb ogres would have been easy to control and made them more loyal to him. But it was important that they retain their intelligence; each of their perspectives would give his town variety. Samuel’s fix for the problem is both intelligent and temporary; for by storing the memories and intelligence of his ogres he is able to stop the degrade in select few of his lieutenant ogres or even slowing it down to a crawl in others, but this leads plenty of dumb ogres, who need management to stay out of trouble. In the biggest tent in the city of tents Lord Owen sits upon his big couch like chair towering with his orange muscular body looking down at a blonde-haired man, making this man look like a child. “You’re offering to me is sufficient to attain my audience. Now tell me human what do you seek.” Owen says, while his face is hidden by shadows making the human guesses emotions. “I’ve seen the power of your gift, the strength and size it gives to the recipient and I wish to have it for myself.” The man says with trepidation in his voice. Owen’s shadowed face tilts to the side a little as he replies. “If you just wanted strength you could easily have just walked into my fog and let the transformation take hold rather than sacrificing your two friends to the fog, to make contact me.” After giving his statement, Owen gave a pause to see the man’s response. “The man- “I want to be the biggest, strongest, and the most masculine ogre of them all. But most of all I want to keep being straight. I’ve seen what happens to those who fall under your influence, I have seen how the degrade over time. I’ve noticed that some of your ogres maintain their intelligence and most of their personality. I want your strength, the powers you can offer me, I want musk that can make women go crazy for me, the same way how your ogres are able to make men do so.” Owen gave the man a toothy smile before frowning and leaning forward towards the man. “I could simply lie to you, tell you to do my bidding before turning you into a very big and strong ogre. But for me to grant your wish you must accept the possibility that you might turn out like the rest of my ogres. There is a chance that you may be able to retain that aspect of your sexuality for yourself but that requires a strong will, especially if you’re going to become a specialized ogre; For the more power I bestow upon my ogres the less their original human personality remains. I am trying to say is when I turned you into an ogre, your humanity will be gone and most likely that part of you that cares for a woman’s touch is most likely going to be leaking out of your fat Ogreish cock.” The man- “I have two questions for you my… Lord, Great, Master... How do you want to be called Owen? Owen- “That’s three questions human. But I will oblige. It would be Lord, for the first one.” The man- “Is there some way to get I want without losing my sexuality, and why do all the people you transform into ogres become Gay? Owen- “well now I think there might be a way to keep some of it, but the best I can do is make you bisexual the most. To answer your other question. It’s because I desire it and/ it is also desirable side effect of me transforming people into ogres. I give the people that I transform into ogres some of my essence, like copying and pasting a file, which overwrites some of their natural life force. It would take a probably about a year for the effects to be permanent. Hmmm.. Now I think of it that might be one of the reasons why they are deteriorating. Did I satisfy your questions?” The man- “Yes Lord Owen. What is the task you would like me to do? Owen- “All you need to do is infiltrate a hospital. It somehow is protected from my magical gaze and have some form of magical runes preventing my ogres getting nearby. I needed you to look around figuring out how it’s defended and if possible, destroy those defenses.” With a ripple of noise two ogres enter the huge tent behind the man, but he did not notice them. The man- “That’s it? It will be on my Lord.” “Indeed. I just need to give you a few things for the job.” Owen says, with a mirth in his voice. Three weeks later Deep within the hospital of Holmes Top Borough in an ideal location in the dark and musty basement two man on working air pumps sucking up all of the mysterious muscle fog. This ideal spot in the basement allows the men to work without risk of succumbing to Owens power. Like the sea, Owens fog rises and falls making it the perfect place to experiment with the fog. At the daytime is safe to go down the fog surprisingly retreats into mist or even fades away entirely; but that night the fog rises leaving only one staircase and platform safe to inhabit. These men seek to use the magical fog’s healing properties on their patients. Prof. Semih Zeki was average size man with long curly brown hair, gray eyes, average nose, and weeks cheekbones from the country of Turkey. He had spent the last five years in the USA during research, before heading to Holmes Top Borough to visit a colleague of his, at this very hospital. While Gang Jian was born in America after his parents immigrated, and unlike Prof Zeki he was athletic with lean muscle tannish skin with amber eyes, and long black hair tied up in a ponytail. Like Prof. Zeki he was visiting this hospital because his girlfriend’s mom was in the hospital. On the night of the mysterious fog’s parents all females and young children vanished. The young man latched on to Prof. Zeki like a child to candy because of Zeki willingness to study this strange phenomenon, giving gang some form of stability and hope for his girlfriend as they both investigate the properties of this fog. Prof. Zeki was nervous as they were extracting the muscle fog into an air container. For the last week someone has been attempting to destroy the runes which were protect the hospital from the muscle fog and its victims. He knew he was playing a dangerous game with the muscle fog, but there are too many patients that are to hurt to leave the hospital. With Dr. Wyatt’s help the dosage of the fogs healing property has been found one more night of extracting fog and condensing it into liquid form and they’ll have enough to start healing all the patients. Prof. Zeki hated how loud the gas collector it always makes him nervous. was if it wasn’t for Dr. Wyatt giving them a heads up and the lower floors and basement being practically empty because of the muscle fog surrounding the floors they have made been caught by now. Without Oliver’s wards, talismans and runes around the hospital the ogres would have somehow squeezed inside the hospital and started infecting them all; but at the same time Oliver’s wards do not prevent infection by the muscle fog, only slow it down and reversing the process if there’s not too far gone. Prof. Zeki and Gang knew something was wrong the minute the gas collector stopped making noise. “I’m going to assume are Semih Zeki and Gang Jian you to are not down here breaking my wards. Because if you are, I’m going to have to kill you.” The man behind Prof. Zeki and gang said. Turning around both Zeki and Gang to see Oliver. (Oliver was a middle-aged man with light brown skin and average body type but with a height of 4 feet tall made him a short person. His piercing gray eyes often distracted people from his soft round face. His dirty worn clothes and unshaven black hair gave him a homeless man look.) Prof. Zeki -“No No No I’m not breaking your wards Oliver. I am just collecting the fog for my experiments I believe with the right dosage the fogs healing properties could be used to help. It would make it easier for us to escape if did not have to abandoned anyone, especially the patients.” Oliver gave Zeki a hard look before saying. “I believe you Prof. Zeki that you guys are not breaking my wards.” Prof. Zeki gave an audible sigh of relief at those words. “But this fog collecting must end. The creature called Owen can feel any creature who comes in contact with his fog. That is why had the head Dr. Benjamin Helpmin turn your proposal down. We don’t know how much influence Owen would have a person who was healed by his fog. A person’s whose hand was healed by it may find their own hand moving on against their own volition, or for worse a man who has brain damage might strongly turned traitor on us at a key moment dooming us all into slavery by the wicked creature. That is why I had the containers of fog destroyed.” Prof. Zeki face turns red for a second before his face falls in sadness as he hears Oliver’s words. Gang couldn’t believe how easily Prof. Zeki gave up. Prof. Zeki work was helping people, it had the potential to heal anyone everyone in the hospital. Prof. Zeki research might be able to figure out a way to bring all the women and children back. Prof. Zeki and he have made too many sacrificed to turn back now. Oliver- “I know you guys have been using the patients for your experiments. I am willing to forgive you because I understand that you are trying to understand Owen’s fog; A may not agree with your methods but have enough empathy to understand but I understand why you did it. If you help me find the one who was breaking my wards and give me all your research notes on the fog, I will protect you from Dr. Helpmin and chief Carrick they’ve known what you’ve done and are willing to kill you or exile you. I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt bio have to put a magical binding upon you two as the insurance policy.” Oliver lifts his hand out as if he was going to greet the two men. “What this so-called magical binding,” Prof. Zeki asked? Oliver- “It’s like a magical promise only if you break it there would-be consequences.” The two men looked apprehensive at the thought of Oliver’s magical binding. Prof. Zeki gave a long exhausting sigh before saying. “All I want to do was help people. When I saw that one arm man transform into an ogre and his arm was fully restored. I thought that I could use the fog to heal people.” Prof. Zeki starts to cry as he continues to speak. “I got some of the first dosages wrong on the first couple of patients and the immediately transformed into ogres. I didn’t mean to turn some of them into ogres I didn’t need to turn Kenny into one of them.” Gang couldn’t believe it. Prof. Zeki a proud man was crying like a baby and confessing actions to Oliver. This behavior from Prof. Zeki was odd to Gang. Something was wrong but he couldn’t put his tongue on it. “Come you two grabs onto my hand and all will be forgiven.” Oliver says with compassion in his voice. Before Prof. Zeki’s hand could reach out towards Oliver, Gang stopped it. “How do you know of our experiments and what did you do with all the few people healed by the magical fog.” Gang with suspicion in his voice. “Because I told them.” Said the man coming behind Oliver. Both Prof. Zeki and Gang looked shocked at the site of Dr. Wyatt as he walked into the dim light. (Dr. Wyatt was a skinny man with a black curly hair, bland facial features with a slim mustache to break up the monotony, brown eyes that are surrounded by thick round glasses and dark brown skin that as dark as dark chocolate. He is currently wearing worn-out red button sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and his doctor’s shoes.) Dr. Wyatt’s face was pointed downwards in shame. Gang- “why Wyatt why?” With sadness in his voice. “Didn't you want to help your brother? we had collected enough to wake him up without turning them into an ogre.” Dr. Wyatt- “I’m sorry but chief Carrick caught me sneaking around the lower floors and I panicked when I saw him and ran; Sadly, for me, he was faster. He brought me to Oliver, and he gave me two choices tell him what I was doing down at the first floor or he would place a curse an upon me.” Something was wrong but Gang cannot put his finger on it. Prof. Zeki was giving up too easily, he had to knock him out just so he can get some sleep three days ago. Dr. Wyatt and himself had made plans just for this occasion, although he wasn’t a great liar, he was good of the subterfuge of half-truths. Something was definitely up with the situation. Looking around Gang at Prof. Zeki and Dr. Wyatt he noticed that their body language was off; it was if they were drunk, the way their bodies moved side to side in a circular motion. Backing away Gang asked. “What have you done to them Oliver? What kind of spell had the cast upon them?” Oliver - “MMMM… You seem to have a natural resistance to magic or magic of own which is defending you against my charm. Sadly, for you, I have no time to break through your defenses or to test to see if you are capable of becoming a wizard or sorcerer. My spell to secure this location is surprisingly delicate. I can’t have you accidentally messing it up by be here, neither can I allow you to escape if Owen got his hands on you, we will be doomed.” Gang- “If I’m such a wrench in your plan what about the trader? With Owen’s help he could stop whatever you’re doing.” Oliver- “I doubt that. The trader is clearly human if he had an ounce of magical power, I would’ve sensed it. I’ve been scanning all week for any magic users in the area. When the trader began destroying my wards and runes, I found you, Dr. Wyatt and Prof. Zeki through my scanning. I cannot let you and your allies jeopardize the safety of the people of this hospital, with you and your reckless experiments with the muscle fog. By you being resistant to my charm spells you can cause great trouble to me and the protection of this hospital, because of that Gang, you must die for the greater good.” With those words Oliver pointed towards Gang's chest and with a flash, a fireball hit him pushing and flipping him off the edge of the platform. His body falls onto the ground making a big flat as it does so. Oliver would have loved to simply kill all three of them and be done with it, but he needed Prof. Zeki notes, and he promised the head Doctor and the chief that he would apprehend Prof. Zeki and Dr. Wyatt for their judgment. Besides with the charm he put over them they’ll confess everything. This has been the second potential he had to kill, but it had to be done. With Gangs immunity to my charm spells and keen eye he would have found out, that I had control of the leadership of the hospital. even if you were to be executed the rumors, he would make would slow his plans down for evacuating the other potentials. Looking around he thought that this place would make a good excellent to store the other six potentials while they’re still in magical stasis on the second floor. With a wave of his hand, he compelled charmed Prof. Zeki and Dr. Wyatt to follow him. The good news or bad news for Gang when he was pushed off the platform by Oliver’s fireball, he fell directly into Owens muscle fog. If Oliver knew how powerful the fogs healing was, he would’ve aimed for the face. As it stands the fog began to work overtime to repair Gang’s broken body. Unknowingly to Owen, Oliver or any of the other guardians, Gang’s bloodline of Magic was now awakening due to the residue of Oliver’s magic and Owens magical fog. The limbs that were broken because of his fall began to reassemble themselves. The hole in his chest began to fill in, as he began to regain consciousness. The mostly dormant magic in gang body began to awaken and grow, like a plant deprived the water its greedily soaked up the magical fog. Everything felt like it was on fire to Gang as his magic transformation began. With every breath from his chest Gangs body swells with might, his arms and legs growing in the rhythm with his healed heart. Every second Gangs body grew and grew with muscle and height quickly stretching out his of clothes. Boiling magical blood flow through his body feeding his grow of his muscular body. His cock quickly hardens as it becomes erect, causing him to moans out in pleasure. With sounds of tearing and popping the remains of his clothes quickly fall to the floor as Gangs transformation kicks into high gear. Gangs fine six pack grew into a muscle gut, his biceps grew into huge bowling balls, his thighs grew into muscular tree trunks. His feet and hands became huge pads and baseball mitts with black nail like claws. Like swelling balloons his balls grew into oranges and his hard cock swells into a thick 12-inch-long monster. Two small black horns, like round triangles grow out of Gang’s head. his teeth sharpen as his lower canine grow outwards turning into tusks. His jaw turns squarish, his nose becomes more blunter, as well as his facial features. His amber eyes begin to glow a supernatural yellow, as his brow ridge grows out giving him a demonic caveman look. Wild black hair starts growing on his thick barrel chest, and spreads all over his body covering his arms, legs, back and ass and leaving a nice treasure trail to his huge cock and balls. His face quickly follows, His eyebrows thickening, as grows a wild beard and mustache and has his already long hair grows even more longer and wilder. Finally, his skin turns blue with dark patches sprinkled in. The finalization of his of his transformation causes gang to roar in pleasure as he came, shooting out all of his humanity through his fat cock. Seeing the changes to his body rekindle his lust, that he felt earlier. His fat cock rehardens, as he sets up moving his body in a sitting position. Gang’s felt his mind hazy and conscious at the same time. Like a dream gang’s body moves on its own reaching his meaty hand towards his erect cock, with no conscious control of his mind. Lightning bolts of pleasure raced through his mind as starts to pleasure himself on his fuck-stick. “My god,” Gang thought, “this feels fucking good. My whole body feels like it is on fire and it makes me so fucking horny. I feel like I can run all day and still have enough energy to fuck all night. If this is how it feels to be one of Owens ogres, then it’s no curse. Faster, stronger and a libido I don’t know why we resisted.” After any other minute of masturbating Gang came again, shooting out his poet and thicker cum all over his big hairy body. “Fuck”, Gang mound out in pleasure. After his second orgasm Gang kept finding new ways to pleasure himself. For hours he kept playing with himself finding new ways to feed his lust. Pausing his pleasure after hearing a mysterious voice in his head. “HMMMM… Well, your different, but maybe I can help you. My name is Owen.” “Help?” Gang sniffed in annoyance. “I’m so fucking horny, I can barely think straight. I’m so fucking horny, I doubt I can even save Semih and John from Oliver.” Owen- “please tell me more.” And so, Gang did. Telling Owen his story and eventually telling him everything he knew. “I think I can help you Gang, with your predicament.” Owen said with a thought of a smile. Several hours later Oliver, Kendall the head Doctor of the hospital, and Carrick the chief of police in Holmes top Borough were all standing on the roof top of the hospital, waiting on the betrayer to be delivered to them. All three leaders, two prisoners, and four guards were waiting for the betrayer to be delivered both Kendall and Carrick were staring daggers at Prof. Zeki and Dr. Wyatt, Kendall with brownish gray eyes and Carrick with the green eyes. Both Kendall and Carrick contrast each other, Kendall with his average body, brown skin, black hair, and clean-shaven face, compared to Carrick’s round body, pale white skin, reddish-brown hair, and nice bushy mustache. Carrick- “I can’t believe we found for traders among us. You think that being transformed into a huge muscle horny caveman controlled by a vengeful supernatural entity would unite us together.” Kendall- “Sex crazed ogres or zombies the results are the same. Some will rise to the challenge while others will be found wanting.” Carrick- “I guess a zombie apocalypse would be worse because we would have to kill our loved ones if they became infected.” Kendall- “HMM… It’s hard to say which ones worse, on the one hand, a zombie infection that comes from virus, would be no leader, both male and females, adults and children can all become infected; and eventually the infected would die out, because of exposure from the elements and a lack of food and water. On the other hand, Owens infection is magical, and it has a leader to direct be infected and maintain victim’s health.” Carrick- “Yeah you’re right it’s pretty was hard to say which ones worse. By the way don’t you find it’s pretty strange that Owens infection only effect men?” Kendall- “Yeah, it’s pretty strange.” Oliver- “I believe it’s what gives it the most power. As a God, devil or demigod he gains its power through worship. These deprived acts of sex and destruction must be would feel it is. It must not be able to corrupt females or it’s simply too hard to do so. What puzzles me the most is the children? They should be the most easily to corrupt.” The insightful conversation that Oliver was having with, Kendall and Carrick ended as the trader was escorted onto the top of the roof of the hospital with them. The trader was sickly pale tan skin man, with blue eyes, that had a rabid tint to them, long filthy blond hair, triangle like face, a short scruffy beard and a lean and muscular body, as if he been starving for days. In short, the man looked like a rapid animal. The man was easily carried by the two guards escorting him. Oliver thought that he would be too weak to interrogate and maybe too dangerous to use spells on; But he and the men knew what they had to do. Oliver- “you do not need to be here Kendall; you can stay near to the door of the stairwell. One the guards will grab you, if your medical services are needed.” Kendall- “thank you for the concern, but this must be done. I’ll be near just in case you need me to keep him alive. Besides I can always leave the range of your silence spell.” With a wave of his will, he cast the spell of silence around them, so that the interrogation of the prison there may begin. A dome of light appeared surrounding all the men on the roof top before disappearing. On the ground level an ogre with a pair of magical binoculars had been watching. One of Owens plan has come to pass in it was now time for its execution. The trader’s work was done Owen now had a direct line to the hospital in fact several lines for which he could pump his muscle fog inside the building. With his will Owen began pumping his fog through the air vents of the hospital, while casting his own silent spells with the help of Gang. Gang began moving his big body throughout the hospital beginning with the basement to the first floor; casting silent spells as well as laying the fogs magic abilities to bending reality. Rather than destroying the building and bring along noise the fog had transmuted the properties to be like soft sturdy rubber, like if the hospital was a fun house. They are very few people guarding on the first floor, and because of that they were the first to succumb to Owens will. With a blast of a fog ball striking a guard in the middle of his chest. He quickly starts changing into a muscular ogre; muscles quickly grew destroying his close. His facial features changed and tell he resembled a brutish caveman. The intelligence in his eyes quickly fading, being replaced with dumb horniness, and with a silent roar, he came shooting out the rest of his humanity through his new fat Ogreish cock. The newly changed ogre quickly fell into line, following Gang in converting the humans in the hospital into ogres. One then two then three and eventually all ten guards on the first floor, fell into line as big 10 feet tall ogres, each peppered with wild hair all over their bodies, each with horniness clouding their minds, each radiating fog all over their bodies, each leaking erects foot long cock scheming out muscle fog as their Ogreish cum by making contact with the air, and each ready to spread Owen’s gift. With a psychic command of their master, they split up each quickly taking the stairs in the hospital. The people on the second floor knew something was wrong, as everything became silent all at once. Quickly barging in through the hallway of the second floor. The ogres ran towards guards first and then people, spreading Owen’s gift with one touch. Young adult or old man, fat or skinny, sickly or healthy, injured or well, and any between felt Owen’s blessing passing through their bodies. One by one the victims start to transform and like guards on the first floor before they quickly grow out their clothing. Their big meaty hairy pecs popping out of There barrel chest, as shirts pop off of their growing bodies. Hands grew into mitts as, biceps became huge as bowling balls, destroying any shirt sleeves if worn. As their big feet quickly destroy their human size shoes. Pants and shorts rapidly start tearing and exploding off of them, unable to handle the big solid hairy thighs of an ogre. Undergarments dropping off of huge chests and wide waists, revealing their foot-long hard cock, huge orange size balls and their big thick hairy ass. Before anyone human on the second floor had knew what was happening they were all roaring as they shot the last humanity. Owen’s blessing had reached the second floor turning all the humans into his ogres. Their skin had taken and turned into different shades of orange if their skins weren’t dark already. Like the guards on the first floor, their faces became more brutish, the hair on their had grown wild and their minds have gone blank being replaced with sexual desires. Some if not all of the fat on their bodies transferred when they became an ogre. most of doors which remained close and/or locked now opened, with the fog spilling out, as the occupants came out. Even those who hidden inside their rooms were not safe, even those who were asleep or injured were not safe from Owens blessing. The sexual energy was now ramping up with so many ogres nearby each other some of them even beginning masturbating while others began to hump each other. Within another mental thought the ogres began moving towards the third floor to spread Owen’s blessing. Oliver felt the disturbance as a man outside in a hurry, passing through his invisible barrier of silence to reach them. The guard- “the ogres have invaded the hospital and they have already claimed the first two floors. Oliver, we need your help to ward them off. The talismans you’ve given us all working, but there’s too many of them and they’re quickly spreading. I fear the people on the third floor may be lost. If you don’t hurry the fourth and fifth floors will be consumed by the ogre’s sexual rampage.” Carrick- “Fuck! If we don’t, at least repel these ogres from the second or third floor we will be trapped, at the top floors of this hospital.” Oliver- “Kendall, Matt and you guards stay up here, on the roof top where is safe and watch the prisoners. The rest of you follow me we need to stop the ogres before the corrupt this entire hospital. Oliver, Carrick and the rest of the guards made their way downstairs to the fourth floor. Before heading down Oliver had cast a silent beacon spell intended for the other guardian but one unknown to Samuel. By the time they got to the fourth floor they discover that the third was lost. Oliver discovers that the floors were being silenced to prevent any attempt of a mountable defense and to isolate them from each other. Quickly taking of the situation, Oliver had the stairwells quickly secure to prevent further spreading to the fourth and fifth floors. Once the fourth floor was secure Oliver asked, Carrick to go and check up on the fifth floor and secure it. With complete trust in Oliver’s wisdom, Carrick made his way to the fifth floor. He began the process of securing the fifth floor making sure that the people were calm and not panicking making sure that everyone has the talismans. These talismans made by Oliver are like crosses to a vampire for the ogres pushing them back and re-pal the effects of the fog on people. Sadly, the potency of these talismans had limits eventually they would run out of power, then the ogres could go on to grab you, and make you join their sausage party. “Carrick Sir, Dr. Horton he has vital information for you and Oliver. This information so important that’s for your and Oliver’s ears only.” Said the masked guard, whose bluish green eyes glimmer in the light. Getting a few more commands to the people and guards, carrack made his way to the roof top. Making his way through the stairs and opening the door, Carrick wondered what kind of info was so important that Kendall had to tell him in person. Carrick- “What is it that you….” Splat!! A blast of hot ogres cum had fell straight into Carrick’s mouth as he was talking. He stuttered for a second gagging on the ogres cum in his mouth nearly falling into the stairwell before reflexively swallowing and gaining his balance. The sight Kendall, the guards, Prof. Zeki Dr. Wyatt as ogres had stunned him and arouse him at the same time. Carrick’s face quickly paled of the relays what happened to him and his friends. But sadly, for him these were his last thoughts, as his mind became foggy with lust. His body quickly changed into a big hairy ogre quickly bursting through his clothing with his new 10 feet tall muscular orange colored body. His once average cock transformed into a fat foot long monster, before shooting all of his humanity. Carrick now a big hairy ogre felt the call of his master as well as the others. the guards on the fifth floor, quickly found out that the talismans no longer work, as the ogres came into contact. Within several minutes the people on the fifth floor quickly succumb to Owen’s gift, each roaring in primal ecstasy, as they shot the last of their humanity through their fat Ogreish cocks. People on the four floors, after hearing the roars coming from third and fifth floors begun to panic. “Gather to me and hold strong, I have one last idea.” Oliver said with command and confidence. Oliver knew that they were doomed. He knew they cannot escape. Maybe he could have escaped on his own leaving the people to their fate, but eventually he would be cornered, captured and corrupted into Owen’s slave. The outcome he cannot allow to happen neither would he abandon these people under his protection. He knew what must be done but could he do it? As the ogres came closer to the circle of people Oliver lifted his glowing red hands up into the sky and cast one last great spell. In an instant, him, and the people around him exploded. This explosion creating a shockwave that blasted the few ogres out of hospital and collapsing the third fourth and fifth floors into each other. Leaving the hospital of Holmes top borough practically destroyed. A few days later Owen was both frustrated and happy because one more Guardian was gone; but sadly, he was not able to corrupt losing a potential asset. Still the prices he got was well worth it and discoveries he made with magical potentials he found in the wreckage. Gave him one more chance to corrupt a guardian, the last Guardian he thought. Next time he would have to make sure the Guardian would not destroy himself or his potential recruits. It was a nightmare to save the potentials and my ogres from Oliver’s explosion luckily, we ogres are quite durable. Now I send Leo to do one last task for me prefer giving his reward. One the last bastion for the people I must conquer before this town is mine.
  17. Transformheaven

    Sent to the Army

    The day was there, Andrew’s 18th birthday was finally there. Andrew had seen the procedure on two of his three older brothers. David and Luke both got sent away the day they turned 18. David, Luke and Andrew were kids from his dad’s previous marriage. The three brothers had a small build. They looked twinkish; all three of them had to wear glasses, their skins were full of zits. Even on their 18th birthdays, their faces were covered in pimples. No muscles to be spotted. The first person that went away was David, his oldest brother. He was dragged away the morning of his 18th birthday. Andrew remembered the day vividly. He woke up to screaming and the sound of somebody being dragged over the floor. David resisted as much as his weak body could. Finally, they gave him an injection of some sort. Just as Andrew rounded the corner, he saw his oldest brother losing consciousness, his eyes fading away. Two bodybuilders in army clothing dragged his brother away, into an army van. Two years went by, in the beginning, his brother sent letters. They were all addressed to Andrew and Luke. Andrew still kept the first letter of his brother. The message was positive; it went on about how amazing the camp was, how good his fellow soldiers were, not a single negative thing to be spotted. Until Luke remembered that he and David used to write secret notes to each other. For the first few weeks, the two brothers wondered why the sentences had such weird structures. Then, Luke wrote down all capital letters behind each other. “HELP ME” they spelt. They told it to their dad, who laughed it off. After that, the two brothers had to make sure they checked the letterbox before anyone else, or the letters were destroyed before the boys could read it. For the first three months, all letters contained a similar message. Then the messages stopped, and the spelling of the letters deteriorated. One month later, four months after the hidden messages stopped, all letters stopped. The army must’ve found out about the secret messages, six months later, a final letter arrived. The handwriting assembled that of a child. Somebody else surely must’ve tried to write something. But this contained a message “NO HELP. ME GOOD”. After this letter, Andrew’s father and step mum seemed to start on preparing Luke to be sent away to the army. It was better for him not to resist. If he didn’t, he would be home within half a year. He wasn’t supposed to send any letters, after what happened with David. And then, on Luke’s 18th birthday, an army truck stopped in front of the door. Luke obviously chose to follow the advice. When Andrew walked out of his room to check on his brother, he saw him silently followingGeneral to the army truck outside. Before the sun shone down on Andrew’s street, his brother was gone. With his brother disappearing, all signs of him in the house disappeared as well. Andrew never heard anything from his brother again. His parents were silent about it all; all the pictures of his brothers were removed from the house. And now Andrew was here, lying in bed on his 18th birthday. He finished making up his mind about the past years without his brother, the agonizing pain of not being allowed to tell his friends that he might never see them again hit him. The distinct sound of the doorbell ended his thoughts. It was time. Andrew jumped out of bed, but on his tracksuit pants and grabbed the bags he packed the night before. Deciding also to follow the advise to be cooperative, the image of his oldest brother getting an injection still instilled in his mind. He had to to leave his bags at the door. “The army will take care of that for you, kid”,the General said. Andrew wanted to speak up, demand that he could take some personal belongings with him. Then he remembered the injection again, and he decided not to. He obediently put down the bags and walked outside to the van, not even waving his parents goodbye. The door was closed as soon as he left the house. He saw the army van for the first time up close, the first thing he noticed was that there were other people in it already. Almost all boys inside looked to be his age and one older man, who looked more like a dad himself. As Andrew entered the van, taking place on the last available seat, he saw 7 other grim faces. The older guy looked to be the most shocked. As the van began to move, Andrew could hear that the older man was saying stuff under his breath. “The guy looked like me” he put his head in his hands as he said so, “exactly like me. How will she know? They brainwashed her; they must have. I shouldn’t have resisted the offer. They brainwashed her to put me out of the house. And now, she’s with him. What about my boys?” The guy just kept on rambling completely upset with what happened. Andrew looked around the van. He could only see the people he was sitting within the back, the driver’s compartment had been sealed off, and they were unable to see anything. Finally, Andrew’s eyes rested on the blonde boy sitting next to him. He looked to be around his age, and the only question Andrew could form left his mouth: “It’s your birthday too?” The blonde gave a quick nod. Andrew immediately asked a new question: “Where, where are they taking us?”, his fear made his voice crack a little there. The boy moved his eyes to something that appeared to be a camera next to a speaker. “No speaking to each other!”, a voice commanded through the speaker. “Now that you’re all here, however, I can explain to you guys where we are going. You were selected for a special program from the military in search to create a super-soldier. You guys were lucky enough to receive warnings from your older brothers not to resist us. That’s good. We like it that way, except for Henry here. You may have noticed he’s a lot older than you guys. That’s because he has three young boys who were selected for the program when they turn 18. He decided to resist our offer, so we had to replace him with a copy of him, a copy that’s a bit more obedient to our suggestions. But don’t worry Henry, you’ll be a part of our experiments now.” After saying this, Henry started crying out loud, and the speaker shut off. Leaving the group with only the sounds of the van and Henry’s sobbing. Andrew rested in his faith, as most boys appeared to do. The road to the military facility seemed to take forever, and Andrew drifted off now and then. Just after he woke up, he guessed eight full hours had passed by now. The windows seemed to get covered by something dark. This was preventing the people in it to look at their surroundings. No idea of where they ware, the journey went on for another hour before the van finally stopped. The doors opened and the young men inside needed a minute to adjust to the sunlight flooding in. “Come out now boys!”General commanded. As the boys walked out, Andrew immediately noticed an incredibly muscled guy standing just outside of the van, looking at the boys from a little distance. Andrew’s jaw almost hit the floor when he saw the guy. The man in front of him had blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. He was wearing a tight green t-shirt and cargo pants that hugged his muscled legs very tightly. Andrew had seen some images of hyper muscled guys when he was looking for “chicks with massive tits” on the internet. This guy, however, dwarfed all the pictures he’d seen before. The front of the cargo pants looked like a turkey had been stuffed inside of them. His t-shirt hung loosely around his narrow waist, and the sleeves were straining against massive biceps. At that moment, to Andrew, a god himself had descended from heaven. The blonde guy that sat next to Andrew on their way here clearly didn’t share Andrew’s view of the guy. “Ronald! Ronald is that you? What the fuck did these guys do to you?” By the end of the sentence, the blonde was practically screaming, running towards the god-like figure a few metres away from them. “Rob, stay here! I command you.” General said mockingly, trying to stop him. Ronald didn’t react to his name at first, but he did respond to the guy running towards him. A slight grin formed on his face, and he retrieved a little injection needle from his pocket. When Rob closed the little distance in between them, Ronald stapped him straight in the neck. From where he was standing, Andrew wasn’t able to see Rob’s face. “Wha… what’s… happ…” Before he was able to finish his sentence, Rob lost consciousness and fell to the floor. Ronald picked the blonde boy from the floor and carried him out of sight for the others. “Okay boys, let this be a lesson for all of you; behave yourselves. Some people here might look familiar to you, but rest assured they won’t show any sign of recognizing you. So don’t end up like Rob. And now we’re off to the barracks, you will start your training immediately after settling in. From now on you guys will be on a tough diet and work out regimen. Welcome to the army boys.” Three days had passed. The first night the group was put through the most intense workout any member of the group had ever experienced. Everybody had struggled, eventually giving up on giving their full 100% in the workout. The trick was to make the general think that you were pushing yourself. It turned out the entire group would make for some good actors! Henry, the group’s dad, was the first that lost his façade. He just gave up, put down the weights and started sobbing again, calling for his wife and kids. After seeing this, General walked over to Henry, leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Immediately after this, Henry’s back straightened, and he got a stern look on his face. The rest of the workout, Henry put more than a 100% into his exercises. Nobody considered it possible, but after General offered him a special type of drink, Henry’s muscles seemed to grow with every rep. The general looked up to the rest of the group and noticed them staring with an intense stare. “Well, I tend to have some very forcing whispers as you guys see. If this causes you discomfort, feel free to get your earphones for the next workout and listen to some music during your workouts! But don’t forget, the special water will be mandatory from tomorrow on.” Indeed, the next day during breakfast a special purple drink was served. This was the only colourful thing most of the group had as a meal. All the meals on the army grounds seemed to consist of a grey goo. Andrew looked at Henry’s plate, and he noticed the goo was purple and he had a nice steak served with it as well. A weird type of breakfast, Andrew thought. As Andrew was finishing his grey goo, the ground started shaking a little. The doors to the cafeteria flung open, but where light should’ve been flooding in through the open doors, most of it was blocked by a giant silhouette. A figure that rivalled the other soldiers that Andrew grew accustomed of in the past day. The figure stepped inside, closing the doors behind him. When he turned his face towards the room, Andrew’s jaw hit the floor again. Standing at the entrance was somebody that looked like Rob’s twin brother. The guy had the same blonde hair and small nose as the guy that sat next to Andrew on the bus just a day before. But of course, somebody couldn’t grow that large in one day! The Rob look-a-like started walking towards Andrew’s table. He smiled a beautiful white smile and then asked with a booming voice: “Hey Andrew, is this spot still free?” Andrew found his ability to speak after a bit of a struggle: “R-R-Rob? Is that you?” “I’ll take that as a yes”; the blonde god spoke as he sat down at the table, the chair underneath him letting out a few noises in protest of the weight. Rob was eating a steak, just like Henry. He looked around franticly, and when Rob saw that no other soldiers were around, he bent over a bit to Andrew. As he turned towards Henry, Rob dropped his voice to a slight whisper. “They didn’t get my mind yet. Be sure to take some earphones to the gym session this afternoon. Meet me afterwards outside behind the main building in the north of the camp. Be careful not to show anybody a sign that you know anything. See you then.” Rob looked up as one of the soldiers marching in the cafeteria hushed them. “You two, eat!”, the guard practically yelled at them. Rob and Andrew finished their meals in silence. Immediately after drinking the purple drink, Andrew noticed his muscles aching less. His body was getting a nice pump to start the workouts that afternoon. He actually started to feel a little excited to workout, and clearly, the other guys felt similar. Most of them were chatting enthusiastically, and Andrew only remembered to take his earphones at the last minute before going out of the building to get to the gym barrack. It turned out he was the only one that remembered to take their earphones. As they were walking in the middle of the grey barracks, the sun burning on their bodies clad in army gear, multiple men referred to their forgotten earphones and music. “Oh men, don’t fear” Henry’s voice boomed through the group. “You’ll like hearing the General’s voice pushing you to the limit. YEAH LET’S GO!” That final statement ended with Henry clapping his hands together, flexing his arms in the process. The gym building was pretty close to the guys’ dormitory, and as they walked in rows of two, Andrew again was assigned to Rob. They were walking next to the blonde guy, seeing how he had hulked up. Henry’s dick went semi-hard. “weird”, thought Andrew “I never chub up around a guy.” Before Andrew could give his strange arousal another thought, the group arrived at the gym. The General immediately put them through the same intense session as the day before. Andrew secretly tried to check in the other guys. Henry was in a similar mood as the day before, hyper-focused on his training. He was screaming through his reps as his muscles kept tensing up and swelling. Everybody noticed the rapid muscle growth on the kidnapped dad. Every rep was bringing his body closer to giants like Rob or the soldiers outside of the gym. Henry wasn’t the only one throwing all of himself into the workout. Since almost all people except for Andrew forgot to take their earphones, the General was walking around. Whispering words into their ears, after a brief exchange of whispers, the eyes of the guy whispered to would get an overly focused gaze to them. After that, the guy wholeheartedly threw himself into the workout, immediately growing his muscles. As the General passed Rob, he started speaking out loud, and Andrew could hear his voice through the music from his earbuds. “Ah Rob, the boys did a good job on you, didn’t they? You look like a real good soldier now!” Upon hearing this, Rob’s eyes fogged over slightly, and he started pushing himself further into the workout. All the guys around Andrew threw themselves into their workouts vigorously, but the General left Andrew alone, just winking at him occasionally as he walked past him. At the end of the workout, Andrew stood up from the benchpress he was laying on and decided to still go to the place that he and Rob would meet up at. Andew stood behind the main building in the north of the camp. The late afternoon sun was shining down on his head. He looked around, looking whether Rob was leaving the gym building already. Finally, a figure left the gym building. Henry squinted his eyes against the sun, and as the figure came closer, he saw that it wasn’t Rob. The General had an evil grin as he approached Andrew. “Well, well, well. Look who’s here. You’re the first person I’ve seen so far that was able to remember to bring his earphones to the second workout. Amazing! We can’t use resisters in this camp, I’m afraid. As you may have noticed by now, we don’t really like people that resist. Let me show you what happened to the people that opposed the moment we tried to take them, I think one of them will be quite familiar to you.” The General concluded with a smirk in his voice. At this moment, Andrew could feel the earth move a little as he saw Rob leave the gym building. Rob walked up to the General with a guilty look in his eyes. “Sorry man, all I need is a trigger now, and he just made me…” Andrew could see Rob’s eyes go empty again as he saw the General squeeze the big bulge in Rob’s tracksuit pants as the muscled giant let out a massive groan. “Yeah, it takes a few days for our convicts to stay in their mental state permanently. Okay now, let’s go boys.” “YES, SIR!” Rob yelled as he started marching further towards the edge of the army camp. After a walk that was relatively far considering they were just inside an army camp, the threesome stood in front of a rather high building. From behind the blinded windows, Andrew could hear sucking noises and faint moans. A glance at Rob’s pants showed that at least someone was exciting to stand close to this building. Andrew just got a bad feeling from it. The General slid open some doors that made the building look more like a barn than an army building. As the General closed the doors behind them, Andrew’s eyes needed a second to get used to the lack of lighting, caused by the black paper covering up the windows. His mouth opened in shock, another door was in front of them, the moans behind it unbearably loud. In front of the door stood two guards, just as muscled as the other soldiers in the camp. Andrew focused his gaze on the guard standing on the left side of the door. While all other soldiers he had seen so far were wearing camouflage coloured pants, this one was wearing tight compression pants that reached just above the knee. His calves stood out like diamonds, and his quads were wider than Andrew’s hips. The shorts had trouble containing a throbbing dick that almost showed it’s head on the bottom of the right leg. His balls made the crotch look like two small melons were put in there. Cobblestone abs, eight in total followed the narrow waist. His pecs stood out, forming shelves under his face. His lats almost seemed to form wings behind him, causing his arms to form an angle. His traps almost entirely swallowed the giant’s neck. Now that Andrew finally raised his head to look at the guy’s face, his mouth fell to the floor. Of course, somebody gets used to seeing muscled guys everywhere if you see them all the time, but the face shocked him. The face of this giant, showed his older brother Luke, the one that got sent away directly before him. After getting over the initial shock, Andrew wanted to run towards his brother and call out his name. Just in time, he remembered what happened to Rob. He took a final glance at the soldier’s eyes, staring towards something, only the two guards could see. “Ooh, yeah that’s right. One of these guards should look quite familiar to you, Andrew!” The General said out loud. “Don’t worry. You’ll be able to spend time with him soon enough!” As the General said that, he gave a stern nod towards the guard who pressed their backs against the door, causing it to open minimally. The General slipped through the gap, as did Rob, pulling Andrew behind him. The room behind the doors had bright lights, so bright that Andrew had to cover his eyes for a second. The General clearly tried to say something, but all the background noise completely overpowered him. The first sound that stood out in the cacophony of noises were the moans. The room sounded like an orgy bigger than any porn movie Andrew had ever seen. And then there was a sucking sound, not as if somebody was sucking on something, no a machine. Andrew slowly opened his eyes and let them adjust to the lights. He thought his mouth couldn’t hit the floor any harder than it already had in the past few days, but this was a new shock for the 18-year-old. The General, Rob and Andrew stood on some sort of platform, looking over a slightly lower room. On the floor, about 4 metres below the platform, a group of musclebound people sat, feeding from tubes. The sucking noises were made by big tubes attached to the freaks’ cocks. Sucking the cum out of them, and then, the cum seemed to travel towards a big tank. It reminded Andrew of the times he visited a dairy farm in his youth. The General bent over towards Andrew. “Now, you might want to prepare for what’s next. Your eldest brother is down there.” Andrew’s stomach sank. As the threesome descended down the stairs, Andrew could see that the room continued underground. Dozens of men must’ve been in the room, sucking on tubes and getting their dicks sucked. Some had army men, the kind that Andrew got used to by now, fucking them from behind. The eyes of both cumcows and soldiers only showing utter bliss. The only difference in them was that the guys bottoming seemed to have lost their intelligence. Their mouths constantly drooling. Their dicks were enormous, reaching out well above their heads. The balls were bigger as well, the only other difference with the regular soldiers besides dicks and balls was the look in their eyes. It was hard to describe, but to Andrew, they just looked dumb. His fears turned out to be accurate, the guy in front of them, getting fucked senseless by a soldier at the moment, was his oldest brother. The guy… was David. The General started speaking again: “As I said before, and as you may have noticed by now, we don’t like resisters. We try to form a super army, and we thought we should try to form a bond between the soldiers that was as strong as possible. We were making them gay and hungry for each other. That worked pretty much straight away after the transformation is complete, only super-soldiers will make you horny. Not only that, if you don’t get fucked or get to fuck after two days, you’ll slowly go crazy. The first version of our virus made people stupid as a rock, and caused…” The General paused for a second, “some more significant dick growth than we wanted. Their balls were set to produce the serum themselves, giving them the possibility to enslave the enemy. However, in the end we found out that caused the loss in cognitive abilities, so we had to take that out of the serum. The second prototype worked like a charm! In the end the government decided to stop the funding, so we lost most of our serum. Luckily we still had some of the first serum left. A slight adjustment to that caused their inflated balls to produce the second version of the serum. It’s complicated, but it worked! So now we just mix some of that cum into your food and drinks. The subliminal messages in the gym, enhanced by my commands, activate the serum. Our Research department didn’t stop there though, to guarantee a stable supply of new recruits, we bribed parents into giving us their children. If they resist, we clone them with some more… agreeing versions of themselves. We just send the women to an island. Most men end up in this building, as our serum cows. Your brother was different, though. He decided to resist and kept on resisting even as his mind was melting away into his balls. Too bad, he shouldn’t have needed to become a cow. Unfortunately, I don’t make the rules. And now, say goodbye to your life as you know it.” The General turned towards Rob and commanded: “Rob, start fucking little David here!” “YES, SIR!”, Rob replied as he undid his pants, lowering them. His cock seemed to go on for ages, it turned out he was as hung as the guard’s at the door. Andrew had been silent all the time, completely dumbfounded. The General bent over and said: “Now, be a good jock-soldier and eat your brother's cum. And with you along, I’ll make the army pay for ever stopping our funding.” At these words, Andrew felt the enormous need to obey, and so he did. The General unhooked the tube and Andrew started sucking his older brother’s dick, while Rob fucked David into oblivion. As his brother started cumming, Andrew blacked out. --- “WAKE UP, YOU FATARSES. BREAKFAST IS SERVED SOON.” Andrew lifted his head, he was awake for quite some time. He looked down towards a guy playing around with his dick. After what happened in “the barrack”, Andrew only saw the other soldiers as his brothers. He believed, however, that this one was called Luke, and he had some special bond with him. They both looked quite alike, Andrew thought as he blew his former brother’s mouth. Quickly after they went out of bed, got dressed and walked towards the breakfast hall. In there a bigger recruit, Andrew believed his name was “Henry” or something, threw himself into an already intense pull-up session on the doorframe. He clearly tried to show the general his best. Andrew sat next to his brother in arms, a guy he at one point thought of as “Rob”. The guy was an absolute beast and Andrew loved the way he filled his ass! As he started eating his breakfast, the General started speaking. “Recruits, after months of extensive training, the time has come! This nation can no longer continue it’s crimes agains the people that should rightfully be in power. Just look at you! You are super-soldiers!” The group started cheering as the General started yelling. “You are super-soldiers and together we will move towards the capital! We will make this country ours!” To Andrew, the future looked bright.
  18. Hello, everyone! Long-time lurker over here! I've read a lot of stories on this forum and when the AI Dungeon was introduced here recently, I decided to give a shot at writing my own story. I've written a few dozen stories at AI Dungeon before, but this story here takes the cake. English isn't my first language, so you might encounter some errors here and there. On a side note: I'm not sure if I should post my story here or in the AI Dungeon section. I'll gladly repost it there if I made a mistake. AI type: Dragon WARNING: If you are not comfortable with incestuous relationships, then I highly advise you to not read this story. DISCLAIMER: The characters in this story are above 18 years of age. Ian and Ethan My name is Ian and I am a freshman in college. I have an older brother named Ethan and we get along really well. I am your stereotypical nerd in glasses. I'm of average height, standing at 5'9, wear glasses and kinda thin. I'm decently fit, but not fit enough to look muscled, if you get what I mean. I consider myself pretty good looking, as well. I've had a number of confessions from boys and girls alike. My brother, on the other hand, is easily one of the hottest guys in college. He's athletic and charming and is always nice to people. He stands tall at 6'3 and weighs about 225 pounds of solid muscle. His features include a defined, angular jawline, deep blue eyes, strong eyebrows, sandy blonde hair and dimples. His manly face contrasts with my boyish features. Surprisingly, my brother hasn't really been dating anyone seriously. He has been having sex here and there, but none of them became his girlfriends. I, however, didn't date anyone because of an entirely different reason. I'm secretly gay and I have been crushing on my brother since God knows when. Recently, I have been taking interest in hypnosis. I've always been fascinated by how a human mind can be controlled by the most trivial of things. I'm also curious to see if with the right technique of hypnosis, can someone be hypnotized to change how their body looks at will? So I started learning. I wanted to practice, but there's no one there to volunteer. "I'm home", I heard Ethan's voice downstairs. He must be back from football practice. I walked downstairs and greeted him at the door. "Hey, big bro! You must be back from practice. You must be tired, let me make you a drink" "Thanks, little bro. Why are you acting so excited?" he said as he raised his eyebrows. "Oh, no reason." I replied as I went to the kitchen. I got a glass of ice and poured Ethan's favorite drink, iced chocolate. "Thanks. Now cut the crap and tell me what's going on", he said as he took a sip. "Fine", I said as I dropped the act. "I have a favor to ask you" "A favor? You? This must be some pretty big favor", he said as he smirked. "Well, it is and it isn't. See there are these hypnosis sessions I want to try, but I need a partner. Since you're my brother, I thought you'd love to help me out." "Wait. You want me to go under hypnosis and do what exactly?" "Just go under a light hypnosis and follow my commands." "Is this safe?" "Of course! As long as I don't command you to do anything stupid, nothing can go wrong", I looked at him with a smile. He seemed hesitant "Pleeeaaaaase", I said as I clutched his arm. "I need you to help me with this." "Fine, but just once. I have football practice tomorrow." "Yay!" I said as I hugged him. "Now let's get started." I took him to my room and closed the door. I turned on the hypnosis program on my laptop and a weird spiral filled the screen. "Now I want you to stare deeply into the spiral", I said "I'm not sure about this", he said. "Hey! No chickening out! You promised to help me" "Fine", he said as he stared at the screen. I closed the blinds and turned off all the lights in my room. "Now what?" he asked. "Now just relax, don't think about anything, just stare at the spiral." He sat on my bed and continued to stare at the screen. "You feel your body relax into the chair as your muscles loosen" I said in a slow monotone voice. "You can hear me, but you're too relaxed to turn your head and look at me." "My whole body feels numb", he replied in the same monotone voice. "That's good. Now you find my voice really soothing" "Your voice is very soothing. I really like your voice", he said in a monotone voice. "Now I'm going to count from 10 to 1, when I reach 1 you will be in a deep hypnotic sleep. When you're in this state, you'll be able to hear my commands and you'll be able to follow them. When I snap my fingers, you will wake up and remember everything I tell you to do. Do you understand?" "Yes", he replied in a monotone voice. "Good, now here we go. 10, getting sleepy...9, you are feeling very relaxed...8, your muscles become loose...7, you feel like stretching...6, your eyes are closing...5, you are about to go unconscious...4, you are entering a trance...3, you are hypnotized...2, you are completely under my control...1, completely under my control..." I snapped my fingers as I counted "1". "You are awake and completely aware of your surroundings. You will follow all of my commands. You are smart, funny and attractive. Do you understand?" "Yes", he replied in a monotone voice. "You will have a crush on me, but you will try to hide it" "Yes", he said. "You will find ways to make me feel your muscles. You like it when I touch you" "Yes", he said. "You will get the urge to show off for me, but you will try to hide it. You want me to see just how buff you are." "Yes", he said. "When I say the phrase "Deep sleep", you will enter a deep hypnotic trance. When I say the phrase "Wide awake", you will exit the trance and remember all of my commands. Now repeat what I said" "When you say the phrase "Deep sleep", I will enter a deep hypnotic trance. When you say the phrase "Wide awake", I will exit the trance and remember all of your commands", he repeated my words in a slow monotone voice. "Good", I said and I snapped my fingers and he exited the trance. He blinked a few times and looked at me. "Did you do it? Did you hypnotize me?", he asked "Yep. You don't remember anything, do you?" "Nope. Nothing. You didn't make me do anything stupid, did you?" "Nope. I just made you flap your arms like a chicken", I joked. Now I wanna see if my hypnosis worked. I grabbed his bicep and pulled him "Let's go to McDonald's and grab a burger. I'm starving" He let out a little moan as he felt my hand on his bicep. "I'd love to, but I'm broke for the rest of the week. I spent my money on protein supplements", he said as I felt his bicep flex in my hands. He tried to pretend he didn't do anything and looked away. "Well, I'm not going to let you starve. Let's go", I said and grabbed his hand. He didn't say anything as I dragged him out of the house. We got into his car and he drove us to McDonald's. He was very quiet and kept looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I didn't say anything since I wanted to see what he would do. We got to McDonald's and he parked the car. "Are you sure about paying, little bro?", he said as he started to open his car door. "Yeah, I'm sure. You can pay me back later", I said and got out of the car. He followed me into McDonald's and we both ordered. He got a double quarter pounder meal, large fries and a chocolate shake while I got a double whopper meal, large fries and a diet coke. "So, you want ketchup or mustard on your burger?" I asked him as we sat down. "Both", he said as he opened his ketchup and drowned his fries in it. I shook my head as I started on my whopper. I looked over at him and saw that he was already half way through his meal. "How are you so hungry? You ate a big lunch not too long ago", I said in between bites. "I have a high metabolism. I eat a lot and never gain weight" "You're saying your 225 pound, muscular body never gained weight?", I glared at his body. "I'm not 225, I'm 220. And I'll have you know, I work out every day for at least two hours", he said in a defensive tone. "But you're still way too buff for a 20-year-old. How can you not gain weight and be this muscular?", I said as I pointed towards his bicep. He blushed. "I-It's not that big", he said as he looked away. "Dude, I'm just saying you're muscular. I mean, I'm fucking 5'9 and weigh 150 pounds", I said as I felt his bicep. He let out a moan as I touched it. "You're not 150 pounds, you're 155. I saw your ID", he said as he finished his food. "Yeah, well I'm not 5'9 either. I'm 5'8 and three quarters", I said as I took the last bite of my whopper. He laughed and took a bite into his food. He secretly liked me touching his biceps earlier. His inner cockiness was probably cheering. We finished our food and headed back to his car. "I'll drive", he said as he got into the driver's seat. "Again? I can drive, too, you know", I said as he started the car. "No, I'm driving", he said in a serious tone. "Fine" He drove us back to his house and we went inside. "I'm going to go upstairs and do some assignments. I'll be down in a few hours", he said as he walked towards the stairs. "Alright, I'll be in my room", I said as I walked towards my room. I walked into my room and sat down on my bed. I was really bored since I didn't feel like playing any games or anything. I grabbed my laptop and opened it. I checked Facebook and saw that I had a notification from class council about the elections tomorrow. I remembered I was supposed to go for the "fun" As I was scrolling through my feed, he knocked on my door and came in. "Hey, I'm done with my homework. What you up to?" "Nothing much, just checking my Facebook", I said as I turned the screen towards him. "Oh yeah, the elections are tomorrow. You running?" "Yeah, I'm going for secretary this time" "Why not president?" "I dunno, I think the president has too much responsibility. I just want to have fun", I said as I turned the screen back towards me. "Yeah, I get you", he said as he sat on my bed. "So, are you going to the gym today?" I asked, changing the subject. "Yeah, I'm going to the gym and then coming back here. You should come with me", he said as he patted the spot next to him on the bed. "I don't work out, remember?" "You don't have to be buff or anything. Just some light weight lifting will do" "Nah, I'm healthy enough. I don't wanna be as buff as you", I said as I poked his shoulder. He blushed and said "Hey, little bro. Do you think you can massage my shoulders?" "Huh?" "My shoulders are really tense. So can you give me a massage?" I blushed as I looked at him. He had a serious look on his face, but I could tell he was blushing as well. "Uh... Yeah, sure" This must be one of his ways of trying to make me feel his muscles. And it's working. I got off my bed and walked in front of him. I put my hands on his shoulders and started to massage him. He moaned as I touched his muscles. I could tell he was really enjoying it. "R-rub a little harder", he said as he bit his lip. I started to rub his shoulders harder as he moaned even more. I could feel his muscles relax under my hands. He was really built. I wonder how we're even related? I'll have to check that out as well. "A-ah, that feels good", he said as he closed his eyes. I started to massage his arms as well. He moaned as I touched his muscles. I then moved my hands down to his chest. I could feel his heartbeat through his chest as I massaged it. He bit his lip and moaned. "Deep sleep", I said as I looked into his eyes. His eyes closed and he entered a deep hypnotic trance. "Your lust towards me increases and at times, you won't be able to hide your attraction towards me. The urge to show me how buff you are becomes stronger" I continued the session like normal and told him to wake up after ten minutes. When he woke up, he looked at me and smiled. "That was a nice massage. I felt my muscles relax a lot", he said as flexed his arms. "Do you feel any urges?" "Just one. Do you want to see how buff I am?" "Uh... Yeah, sure", I said as he took off his shirt. He turned around so that he was facing me and flexed his muscles. He had the biggest arms I had ever seen. I was a little bit jealous of his muscles. "How do I look?" "Uh... You're really buff", I said as I looked at his muscles. He smirked and said "Thanks, little bro". He then walked out of my room. I decided to go to the gym with him. He seemed pretty happy when I told him. When we got to the gym, he started to do bench presses. I sat on a nearby chair and watched him. He was really focused on his workout. He did a set of bench presses and then looked at me. "Hey, come rub my shoulders again", he said as he looked at me. I got off the chair and walked over to him. I then started to massage his shoulders and he moaned. "Ah... That feels good, little bro", he said as he closed his eyes. I stopped massaging him after a few minutes and he looked unsatisfied. "I guess it's about time we go back home, then", he said as he looked at the clock. It was 4:30pm. "Yeah, it is", I said as we packed our stuff and left the gym. He took a shower at home and came to my room, just wearing a towel. He was standing at the door and his towel hung low at his waist. I stared at his body in awe. His pecs were big and his arms were gorgeous. His washboard six pack abs glistened with bathwater. Veins started trailing under his abs towards his groin. I could see the outline of his soft bulge through the towel and it was huge. He smirked and said "Hey, bro. Can I borrow your camera? I need it for an assigment" "Uh.... Sure", I said as I got up from my bed and tried to reach the camera on the top shelf. I was struggling because I was too short. "Here, let me help you with that" he stood very close behind me and reached for the camera. I could feel his pecs and abs pressing onto my back. His bulge was pressing right between my ass cheeks. I could feel my underwear getting a little damp. He grabbed the camera and handed it to me. "Thanks, bro", he said as he looked at me. I looked at him and saw that he was staring at me intently. I felt his hand rub against my back and then go down to my butt. He gave it a gentle squeeze and then walked out of the room. I was in shock. My brother just felt me up and I wanted him to do more... No. I took a deep breath and tried to forget about what happened. I got ready for bed and lied down. The next morning was a Saturday and I woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon. I went downstairs and saw Ethan cooking at the stove. "Morning, sleepyhead", he said as he turned to me and smiled. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a tank top. His glistening muscles were showing. I could see the outline of a huge bulge in his shorts. "Hungry?" he asked as he pointed to a plate full of pancakes and another plate full of bacon. "Yeah", I said as I sat down at the table. I started eating the pancakes and bacon while he sat down next to me. He continued eating like nothing happened last night. I was confused. Did he forget about what happened? I wanted to ask him about it, but I didn't want to seem like a fag. "Hey, little bro. Let's watch some TV after this", he said as he turned his head towards me. "Yeah, sure", I said as I continued eating. We finished eating and went to my room. We lied down on my bed and started watching TV. I tried to forget what happened last night, but I couldn't. It was all I could think about. WWE came on and we watched a wrestling match. I was trying to focus on the TV, but I couldn't help but notice how hard his arm was pressed against mine. I wanted to touch his arm. I wanted to feel his hard muscles. I bit my lip and tried to ignore what I was feeling. I started to get hot. I felt my underwear get a little damp as my erection started to grow. I really wanted to turn towards him and start kissing him. I felt his arm slowly move towards me. Our fingers were barely touching. I felt my heart beat faster and faster. He slowly moved his hand towards mine. Our fingers intertwined and we both looked at each other. "I think we should wrestle", he said "Huh?" I was visibly confused. "Let's wrestle. You're a tough guy, right? I'm a tough guy. Let's see who's tougher." He got up and took off his tank top. He flexed his muscles and got into a wrestling position. "You're kidding me, right? I'm way smaller than you", I said "I'll hold back. We used to do this a lot when we were kids. C'mon, little bro. Wrestle your big, muscular bro", he said as he flexed again. God, he was so hot. I got up and took off my shirt. I got into a wrestling position and we started to wrestle. He was right. We used to do this a lot when we were kids. I guess he was trying to reconnect with me as family. It was working. After a few minutes, he stopped holding back and I realized something. Boy, was I wrong to think that he did this to reconnect with his little brother. He did this so that he can show off his muscles and pin me down with them. I have to admit, it's turning me on a little bit. "Alright, I give up", I said as I felt his hand touch my back. "You sure?" he asked as he kept pushing me down. "Yeah, you win." He got off of me and I lied down on the bed. He pounced on top of me and stared into my eyes. "That was intense! You may look small, but you sure as hell are strong", he said. "You're pretty strong yourself", I said. "Thanks, but you're the one who's strong. You're also pretty fast. You almost pinned me a couple of times." He got off of me and lied down next to me. We both stared at the ceiling as we tried to catch our breath. "Hey, Ethan" "Yeah?" "Deep sleep", I said. He immediately fell into a trance. I slowly moved my arm towards his arm and touched his bicep. His bicep was hard as a rock. I felt it and then moved closer to it. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. I started to get nervous, but really turned on at the same time. I whispered into his ear, "Your lust towards me increases as you feel the urge to pleasure me" "Yes" "You will have the urge to press your muscles against my body" "Yes" "The testosterone in your body will increase by 10 percent. Your body muscles and cock will grow very slowly. You will become constantly horny" "Yes", he replied in a monotone voice. I snapped my fingers and he exited the trance. "What did you do to me?" he asked. "Nothing, bro." "My muscles are aching. I feel really horny." "You should go take a shower. All that wrestling made you sweat" "Yeah, I will." He got up and walked towards the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on. I got up and looked out the window. The sun was setting and it was a beautiful sight. I heard the shower be turned off. A few minutes later, I heard the bathroom door open and then close. There he was, in his towel again. His body looked noticeably bigger, but this time, his bulge wasn't soft. It was huge and was tenting his towel "I'm still horny", he moaned. "Then go jerk off in your room or something", I said as he walked out of my room. "Wait. How big is that thing?", I asked, pointing at his bulge. "Huge", he replied. "Let me see." He dropped his towel and turned around. His butt was gorgeous. I mean, I knew it was big, but his whole body was big. He had a huge V shape going down his back. His legs were thick and strong. "Last time I checked, it was 10 inches", he said as-a-matter-of-factly. He walked out of my room and I heard him jerking off in his. His moans can be heard and honestly, it turned me on more than I expected. I started to get horny, so I grabbed the lotion and started jerking off. I kept thinking about him and how big his muscles were. I thought about how he was so strong for his size and how he could easily pick up a car with those huge arms of his. I came and I heard him moan in his room as he released soon after. I cleaned myself up and got dressed. I heard him moan a few more times before his moans died down. He came a lot, I thought. "I'm done", he said as he walked into my room with a tissue in hand. "Done with what? Jerking off?" "Yeah. I'm going to sleep now." "Alright. Goodnight, bro." "Goodnight, bro" The next morning, I was awoken by the sound of moaning in the bathroom. God, he was jerking off in the toilet. That increase in testosterone sure did a number on him. I heard him flush and as he walked past my room and he looked surprised. "Hey, Ian. I didn't think you'd be awake" "Good moaning, to you, too, Ethan", he blushed a deep red and laughed at my pun. "Sorry to wake you up", he said, putting his hands up. His clothes looked tighter now that his muscles had grown. He looked delicious. "It's fine. What time is it?" "Its 7:30." "What the hell. That is early. You better make me some breakfast in return", I said jokingly. "Fine. What do you want?" "Surprise me." He laughed and walked out of the room. I got up and got dressed. I went downstairs and saw him cooking. He was wearing a tight shirt that showed off his arms, shoulders, and chest. "Wait, you really made breakfast? I was joking" "I know. I'm just letting you look at my muscles while I'm cooking." He laughed and I sat down at the table. He brought over a plate of bacon and eggs. It looked delicious. "Thanks, bro." "No problem, Ian." We ate and talked about random things. I had a good time with him. After we finished eating, he cleaned up and we went into the living room. We watched TV for a bit until he asked me if I wanted to go to the wrestle with him again. "Bring it", I said as I got into position. We didn't waste any time taking off our shirts and started wrestling. This time, he easily overpowered me and pinned me down onto the floor. His bigger muscles made him stronger. I felt so small compared to him. "Ha! I win!" he laughed as he got off of me. "Yeah, good job. Now get off of me." He laughed and got off of me. He started doing push-ups and I stared at his muscles. He turned his head and looked at me. "What?" "Nothing." "Tell me." "You're really hot." He laughed and turned his head back. "Thanks." He kept doing push-ups while I kept looking at him. I started getting a chubby. I got up and went into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw a lot of fruit juice. I grabbed a bottle and drank it. I heard him come in. "What are you doing?" "Nothing." He laughed. "You're not drinking that to hide your boner, are you?" "Shit." I quickly closed the fridge and turned around. "No." He laughed. "It's fine. I have one, too." I looked down and saw that he did have a boner. I looked back up at him and he had his hands behind his back. "Pinning you down felt so good", he said. "You wanna do it again?" "Yeah." We started wrestling and he pinned me down again. He was on top of me and I felt his muscles on my body. It felt so good. I felt my boner on his body. He felt it, too, and he started pressing his muscles onto my body. He started grinding his hips into me. I felt my precum soaking my underwear. He started grinding faster and harder. I felt his bulge rubbing against my body. It felt so good. His bulge dwarfed mine. My 8 inches looked small compared to his 10 inches. He was so big and strong. I felt my body give into him. I wanted to serve him. I wanted to be his. "I'm gonna pin you now", he whispered in my ear. "Do it." He easily pinned me down and kept me pinned down. "I'm gonna make you feel so good." He started grinding into me again. I felt his bulge throb as he kept grinding onto me. "I-I'm gonna.. cum", he said "Me too", as I said as we both started hugging each other and grinding harder. We both moaned and grunted as we felt our bodies release. He fell on top of me and kept me pinned down. I felt his warm seed inside my underwear. It felt so good. I came, too, and my seed leaked out and stained my underwear. We both panted as we kept grinding into each other. He soon realized what he was doing and got off me. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." "It's fine." He got up and went into the bathroom. I heard the water run and he cleaned himself off. He came back with a towel wrapped around his waist.. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." "It's okay, dude". He looked down and saw the stain in my underwear. "You came, too?" "Yeah." I saw him getting hard under his towel from the sheer fact that he made me cum in my pants. He quickly turned around and went back to his room to hide his boner. I got up and went to the bathroom. I cleaned myself off and took off my underwear, throwing it into the hamper. I went back to my room and lied down on my bed. I heard a knock on the door. "Yeah?" "Can I come in?" "Go ahead" Ethan came in and lied down next to me. "I'm sorry I did that to you." "It's fine." "No, it's not. I took advantage of you." "You didn't take advantage of me. I wanted it, too." "Are you sure? You're not just saying that?" "I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it." He smiled. "Thanks, Ian." "No problem, man" "Hey, Ethan" "Yeah?" "Deep sleep" His breathing slowed as he entered a deep hypnotic trance. "Ethan, you will become constantly horny and only I can make you cum" "I will become so horny that I'll want to release my sexual tension everyday." he said "Your muscles will grow very slowly until your clothes become very tight" "You will feel very hot all the time." "You will start growing muscle but only where you have muscle. Fat and other organs except your cock are unaffected." "Your body will crave my touch." "You will become so attracted to me that you'll want to be as close to me as possible. "You will have the urge to make me worship your muscles" "You will now exit the trance and remember everything I say. Wide awake", I said as I snapped my fingers. He slowly blinked his eyes as he regains consciousness. I was excited to see him follow my commands. "So, what do you wanna do now?" he asked. "I don't know, what do you wanna do?" "I don't know either. We could watch a movie or something." "Sure, what do you wanna watch?" "I don't know. You pick something" "How about The Incredible Hulk?" "Sure." I saw him biting his lip whenever Bruce Banner's muscle growth scene comes on. "Man, you're almost as muscular as the Hulk", I said while grabbing his biceps. "N-no I'm not. I'm muscular, but the Hulk's way bigger", he blushed as he flexed his bicep in my touch. "You're still big, dude. Look at these guns", I said, squeezing his biceps harder. "Thanks, Ian. You're pretty hot yourself" He looked at my body and bit his lip. He started to flex his arm again. "Do you think it's big? "It's huge, man. I think it has to be at least 19 inches", I said as I wrapped my hands around his bicep. "It's 20 inches", he said as he smiled. "You're just so hot, man. I can't believe you're my brother." "Thanks, Ian. You.. You can touch more if you want" "Really? You won't get mad?" "No, go ahead." I started to feel his muscles some more. I grabbed his arms and felt them as he giggled. "You're tickling me", he said. I kept grabbing his arms and then my hands traveled to his chest. "You can keep touching", he said. I felt his pecs and stomach as he started to breathe heavier. I then grabbed his thigh, feeling the huge mass of the quad. "I love your hands. They're so tiny on my muscles." "Thanks, man. Your body is so hot. I love your muscles. They're so big and firm." "I love your hands on me." I kept grabbing his muscles as he started to moan. "Your hands are so good, Ian. You're making me feel so good." I felt his body as he moaned louder. "Oh, Ian. I'm gonna..." He stopped himself and got off the bed. "We shouldn't be doing this, Ian. We're brothers", he said. "You started it", I said. "I know, but... We're brothers." "So what? You're hot and I'm attracted to you. Why can't we show each other affection? Lots of brothers do it." "Not true. Lots of brothers don't have sexual relationships." "How would you know if you don't try it out?" "I just know, Ian. Besides, we're going to be caught if we keep this up. We have to cool it." "Stop being a pussy and get over here. You made me hard, now it's time to take some responsibility", I said, pointing at my boner. "You know what? You're right. I can't back down from a challenge." He got back on the bed and started to crawl on top of me. He was breathing heavily against my neck and whispered into my ears, "Is this what you wanted?" "Mhmm", I moaned. He lowered his body onto mine and started to grind against me. "Oh, God. You're so hot." "You like that? I can go harder." He started to grind harder and I could feel his bulge grinding against my own. I started to moan as he kept going. "You like that, bro?" "Keep going. That feels so good." As he kept grinding, his muscles started growing very slowly again. I could see his shirt getting tighter. He noticed this and said, "Dude, I'm growing? How is this happening?" "I have no idea, but just keep going." He started grinding faster and I could feel his body growing against mine. He was at least 6'10 now. "This is so weird, but it feels so good. My muscles are growing and I can feel my body expanding. "Keep going. It's turning me on." He started to moan and grow even more. His shirt was getting very tight now and I could see the outline of his huge muscles. He was like a junior bodybuilder now. I pulled his body against mine and whispered into his ear, "I need to tell you something" "What is it?" he asked out of breath. "I hope you don't get mad at me but I made you attracted to me. Those urges you're feeling? I did those. I hypnotized you to make your muscles grow, too", I said. "You did? Why would you do that?" "Because I wanted to see you like this. You're so hot right now." He started grinding harder and his body was getting bigger. He was now a full blown bodybuilder and was nearly double my size. "Do you really think I'm hot?" "I think you're the hottest guy I've ever seen. You're like an Adonis." "Thanks, Ian. That's the best compliment I've ever received." He started to grind against me even harder and his body grew again. He was now so big, he was crushing me. His growth stopped after a few minutes and he looked like a bodybuilder now. His clothes were practically skin tight and I could see every muscle through it. He was covered in sweat and breathing heavily. "I feel so weird. I think I'm supposed to get mad at you for doing this to me, but I can't seem to do it" "Don't worry about it. I want you to enjoy yourself." "I am. You're right. I am the hottest guy you've ever seen, aren't I?" "Yeah, you are." He started grinding against me again and I wrapped my arms around his huge body "I want you to flex out of your clothes", I said. He started flexing and his clothes tore under the pressure of his muscles. Soon he was naked except for his boxers and I could see his huge, eight pack abs and his huge pecs. His body was perfect. He was perfect. "Do you want me to do anything else?" he asked. "Do you want me to worship your muscles?" "Yeah. You should worship my muscles." I started to kiss his huge bicep. It was so big, I couldn't even reach all the way around it with both hands. "Do you want me to flex for you?" "Yeah, show me what you got." He started to flex his arm and I could see his muscles bounce and grow. His arms were so big they looked like they were about to rip out of his skin. "Do you want to touch them?" "Yeah, I do." I started to touch his pecs and he felt my hands against his chest. His pecks were so big and round, I couldn't even fit my hand around it. "Do you want to touch my abs?" "Yeah, I do." I started to touch his 8-pack and he felt my hands against his stomach. His abs were rock hard and covered in sweat. "I want you to wrap your muscles around me" I said. He started to flex and his muscles started to wrap around me. His arms wrapped around my back and his pecks were pressing against my chest. "I want you to squeeze me" He started to flex and his muscles started to squeeze. I could feel his huge pecs pressing against me as he wrapped his arms around me. He was so big and strong, I felt so small and weak compared to him. I pulled him into a deep sloppy kiss. I can't believe I'm making out with my brother. This was wrong, but it felt so right. I felt his huge muscles against my body and I felt so small and helpless compared to him. "I want you to dominate me" I said. He started to flex again and his muscles got even bigger. He was so big and muscular, he looked like a professional bodybuilder. He picked me up with one hand and threw me against the wall. I felt my back hit the wall so hard, it knocked the wind out of me. "Do you want me to stop?" he asked. "No. Don't stop." He pinned me against the well and we started making out again. He was so big and strong and I was so small and weak, I felt so helpless under his powerful body. I put my hands on his bulge and felt his monster. It must've grown a few more inches and it was noticeably thicker. I stated giving him a handjob through his underwear and he started to grow even more. It was so big now, it looked like it was about to rip through his underwear. "Do you want me to take it out?" "Yeah. I want you to take it out." I pulled down his underwear and took out his huge monster. It was so big, fat, and long. I put my hand at the base and couldn't fit my hand around it. I started to stroke it and it started to grow bigger. I don't know how someone so big and muscular can have a weiner that big. He put me down and I started focusing on his cock. It was so big and fat, I couldn't fit my mouth around it. I tried to deepthroat it, but I couldn't even get the head in. I started to give him a handjob while I sucked, but his huge head kept hitting the back of my throat and I started to choke. "Do you want me to stop?" "No. Don't stop." I kept on trying to fit his huge head in my throat, but I just couldn't do it. I started to give up and he grabbed my head and pushed it down his huge rod. I felt my throat start to expand as his huge head pushed down my throat. He kept on pushing and I kept on trying not to choke. He was so big, my eyes started to water as he kept on pushing. I felt his huge hairy legs against my shoulders and his huge bulging arms against my head. I deepthroated all 14 inches of him and he kept it there for a few seconds. I started to choke as I tried to breath, but he kept his hips still so I wouldn't struggle. He pulled out slightly and then rammed it back in. He did this a few times and each time he thrusted, my eyes started to water even more. He then grabbed the back of my head and started to face-fucking me. He kept on pushing in and pulling out, each time a little faster. With every thrust, I could feel his huge heavy ball hitting my chin. "Do you like my big hard meatstick?" "Mmmm...hah...yeah...I love it..." I managed to say with his huge rod in my mouth. He kept on face-fucking me and with every thrust, I could feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head. He kept on thrusting and I started to feel something was building up. With every thrust, I could feel my muscles tensing up. "I'm gonna...I'm gonna..." He kept on going and with one final hard thrust, I felt my muscles release as I started to squirt. I squirted all over his chest and mine. He kept on thrusting as I kept on squirting. He then grabbed my head and started to thrust even faster. "I'm gonna squirt, you want it in your mouth or on your face?" "Mmmm...in my mouth." He thrusted a few more times and I felt his huge heavy ball tighten. He rammed it one last time as I felt his squirt enter my mouth. It tasted really bitter, but I managed to gulp it down as he kept on squirting. He pulled out and I could feel his squirt dripping out of my mouth. It felt so warm and sticky. "You like that?" "Mmmm...yeah..." He sat down on the bed as he grabbed my head and started to kiss me. His tongue entered my mouth as I could still taste his squirt. "You wanna grow bigger?" I asked. "Yeah, I do." "Well, come on then. Let's do this." I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the bed. I laid down as he got on top of me. He started to kiss me as I could feel his huge bulge rubbing against my stomach. "I want you to grow while you fuck me" I said. He lifted up my legs as he started to push himself in. He started to push and I could feel him entering me. It started to hurt as his huge head pushed through. He kept on pushing as I felt it go in even more. It felt so tight around his head that he couldn't push anymore. "It's too tight, you can't go in." "Yes I can, don't worry." He pushed a little more as I felt my muscles start to give away. It started to hurt as he kept on pushing. I felt his huge head go in as I winced in pain. He pushed a little more as I felt my muscles give away completely. "It's in." He started to thrust as he kept on going in and out. It felt so tight around his head that he couldn't keep the same rhythm. He kept on going as I felt his huge head hit against my walls. It felt so tight that he couldn't keep the same rhythm. He thrusted a few more times and I felt his huge head go all the way in. "It's all the way in." I pulled his huge body onto mine and kissed him. "Now grow" I said. He started to thrust in and out as his huge member started to grow. It grew longer and thicker as I felt my insides stretch to accommodate his growth. He kept on thrusting as it kept on growing. It felt so tight around his growth that he couldn't keep the same rhythm. His body started growing as well. His muscles started bulging as his shoulders widened. He kept on thrusting as he grew taller. His biceps grew as his arms increased in size. His legs grew as his thighs increased in size, his calves grew as his feet increased in size. His rhythm got faster as he got bigger. "I love you, big bro" I said. "I love you too, lil bro" he replied. He kept on thrusting as his growth started to slow down. He was now a two feet taller than me and thrice my size. His arms were as big as my legs and his chest was wider than my torso. He thrusted a few more times as he was about to explode. "I'm gonna come" he said. "Come inside me, please." He kept on thrusting as he exploded. It felt so warm as he kept on coming. He came for about a minute as I felt his seed fill me up. It felt so warm that I couldn't feel anything else. He finished and kept on thrusting as he was about to come again. "I'm gonna come again" he said. He kept on thrusting as he came again. His seed filled me up as I felt my stomach expand from the inside. He pulled me into a deep kiss and pulled his now 16 inch cock out of me. "I love you" he said as he knelt down and licked my bulging belly. He licked all of his seed as he took it all. I felt his tongue go in and out as he cleaned all of it. He kept on licking as I felt his tongue enter me. He kept on licking as I felt his tongue massage my insides. He finished and licked my lips clean. "I love you" he said as he licked my face. He licked my whole face as I felt his tongue go all over my body. He stopped licking and kiss me. We laid down side by side as he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm gonna protect you forever" he said. We fell asleep as we kept on holding each other. The next morning, I woke up and saw him staring at my face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. "I dunno, you're just really pretty." I felt his huge arm wrap around me as he pulled me into a deep kiss. "I love you" he said. "I love you too" I replied. We laid down side by side as we kept on holding each other. "You know, Ethan, as much as I like you being huge, people at campus will start to get suspicious" "You're right. People will lose their shit if they see me standing at 7'9 and weigh close to 400 pounds", he said "Yeah. So I'm gonna put you in a trance again. Is that okay?" "That's fine" he said. I started the process and said "Deep sleep" He's in a deep hypnotic trance now. "Your body will shrink down to 6'4, and your weigh will be reduced to 250 pounds of solid muscle. Your cock will shrink to 11 inches. You will grow back to this size whenever we have sex" His body started to shrink until he was 6'4 and 250 pounds. I snapped my fingers and he regained consciousness. He looked down at his body and said, "Hey, this isn't my old size" "I know, I made you bigger. I added another inch in height and a few more pounds in muscle" I said. He looked at me and smiled. "I like this size", he said. "Well, we better go to class now" I said. We got up and got dressed. He drove us to school and only a few people noticed his slightly bigger body. He kept on smiling the whole time. "Why are you smiling?" I asked. "I dunno, I just feel really happy", he replied. We got to school and went to our first classes. He'll be representing our college with his team in a football tournament this year and I wanted to make sure he looked his best. He was already 6'4 and 250 pounds of solid muscle. His arms, chest, and legs were all bulging with muscles. He had a deep voice that could charm anyone. His face was gorgeous and his eyes were like the ocean. He was perfect. The end.
  19. Muscle fog ogre’s gift: Ch 1 part one by Big Zargo A Heroes Reward Rising towards the heavens and covering the night sky over a small town. A mysterious fog swept across the homes of this sleeping town, carrying off those who are not men, to a realm of eternal dream. Those who are left will find that they can no longer leave Holmes Top Borough the same, but visitors are always welcome. A ball of condensed fog fell from the sky and landed in a backyard of a vacant home. All that was in this backyard was a lonely tree, a dying fire pit and a patio with a table covered with food preserved with magic. Placing down the two tied up thieves that it was caring next to a tree. Smelling through the magic it floated towards the table and dispelled the magic that was protecting the food, the ball of fog began to feast upon it. Meanwhile the two unconscious thieves began to wake up. One thief was skinny and had shaggy brown hair, a pointed nose, on a Triangle like face, strong cheekbones giving him an elfish like look. While the other one had short black hair a round face, a Roman nose and fat body. The skinny thief was the first one to open his green eyes, see two ski masks on the grassy ground and feeling the breeze of air on his face, He began to panic. “Where are we and what the hell’s going on?” The skinny thief said in a jittering voice while looking around frantically. “Jack will you shut up; I’m trying to get some sleep.” the fat thief said tiredly. “Wake up Tom, we are captured. Somehow, we ended up ended up in some guys backyard.” Jack said. Coming to, Tom’s gray eyes shot out with a start, finding himself tied up next to a tree with Jack. “Dear God, what’s going on.” Tom said. “ I….I do not know.” Jack said. Finally done eating all of the food on the table, the ball of fog set about greeting it saviors. Seeing a giant moving ball of fog form into a humanoid shape, made the two thieves pause in shock at the site of this mystical phenomenon. Creating a ball of light and dispelling its fog while walking towards the two thieves. Viewing the site of a 11 feet tall hairy ogre with huge hairy feet, calves like huge basketballs, thighs like a large tree trunk, with a waste wider than a mini fridge, an ass like to huge soccer balls squeeze together, a thick soda can of a cock package with balls the size of oranges, with a huge hairy muscle gut, a barrel chest, with pecs like pillows with quarter size nipples pointing downwards, shoulders like huge boulders, a pair of biceps bigger than bowling balls, huge hands like baseball mitt, a face like a brute, sideburns with a strong square jaw, a fluffy black mustache under a big round nose, intelligence brown eyes under thick hairy eyebrows, bald head and, a naked orange skin body; The two thieves sat there in silence not believing their eyes. Stopping near the two stunned thieves the ogre spoke. “My name is Owen. And I must thank you for releasing me from my ghastly prison under Mrs. Parsley’s basement.” “What the hell, I thought there was supposed to be some type of treasure. Dammit Pete you lied to us!” Said the Jack, who was trembling with anger. “I told you this was a bad idea Jack. But no, you just had to spite Mrs. parsley by stealing from her. Now we have unleashed some kind of monster upon the world. I knew your mysterious pal Pete bad news.” Said Tom with fearful gray eyes. “Whatever Tom were both tired up Here. Besides Pete paid for your sister’s surgery. You owe him.” Jack said in angry annoyance.” “What do you mean my sister? I have no sister. I only went along with this plan to make sure you didn’t get arrested and thrown in jail.” Tom said in confusion. “What do you mean you don’t have a sister?” Jack said while looking confused. “I never had a sister Jack; I was the only child remember.” Tom said in exasperation. “But, But, But….” Jack sputtered “I think Pete was some kind of sorcerer or wizard; He must have cast a spell on you. how else could you mix up my debt to Larry the loan shark with me having a sister.” Tom said. “Indeed, he did.” Owen said while nodding his head. “By the smell of it, Pete’s spell is starting to fade away. For a mediocre mage Pete was able to do a lot for last. I mean subverting Mrs. parsley’s defenses, whose power was three times as strong, but course he had help from me. Even Still he smart able to predict what I would do when I got out of my prison. Hm now how I’m going to give him his reward for releasing me.” While Owen was contemplating his plans, Jack spoke up. “I don’t know, Know, what your plans are Mr. Owen Sir, Sir. But can you just let us gO.” looking down at the shivering Jack, Owen saw that Jack’s frail mind was starting to fall apart. “Apparently, Pete’s deteriorating glamour is doing damage to your mind Jack. He could have been because he was sloppy, or he didn’t really care what happened to you, or even that he wanted you dead.” Owen said in amusement. Jack’s slow shivering, and purplish complexion, where the two out of five signs of magical mental deterioration. “I wonder how long you will last with Pete’s deteriorating spell Jack. Hm I think a month at the most a week at least assuming your friend Tom took care of you. But you do not have to worry I cannot let my Savior die, because of a sloppy spell.” Owen said in a weird form of concern. “Your Savior?” Tom said looking at Owen with concern on his face. Smiling at Tom’s words, Owen began walking backwards magically dragging Jack with him. Stopping a couple feet from the dead fire pit and Turning Jack around so that Tom could see them both sides. “It’s been so long since I had someone suck off my fat cock. You may have the honor of being reborn as an ogre.” Owen said in glee. Forcing Jack’s face into his crotch, Owen took great delight at Jack’s struggle for air. “Just breathe it in Jack. Let my ogreish musk open your mouth to receive my gift.” Owen said while moaning out. Jack’s already frail mind could not resist against Owen’s tantalizing musk. Opening his mouth against his conscious will, Jack began to lick at Owen’s huge balls. “Oh yeah that’s the spot. Keeps licking my balls off good. Yeah that’s it.” Owen said in pleasure. Owen felt good with Jack’s hard work, on making his soft fat cock grow into a 12-inch hard monster. Reaching towards Owen’s fat cock with his tongue, Jack felt like a kid licking a jawbreaker trying to reach the delicious core. Grabbing Owen’s hard fat cock with his unbound arms, Jack gave the tip of Owen’s cock a kiss before devouring with his thirsty mouth. “What the hell.” Tom said in a whisper of absolute terror. Tom knew that Jack was not gay. “He had even seen Jack’s porn collection. He remembered all the time that Jack tried to ask out all the popular girls in high school. He just couldn’t believe that Jack was now this monster’s cock slut. That him and Jack unleashed this monster upon their hometown.” Jack, rubbed and squeezed at Owen’s large cock and balls for the last couple of minutes trying to entice Owen to shoot out his tasty cum. While Owen in response started to thrust his fat cock deeper into Jack’s mouth. Back and forth, and back and forth Owens muscular hips moved to the rhythm they made. “Work for it, puny man. Squeeze my balls for the prize you seek. Make me come, so that you can become a huge masculine ogre.” Owen roared out in a commanding voice. Grabbing Jack’s head with his huge hand, Owen came with a roar. Shooting his ogreish cum down jack’s throat and tell his belly pop out of his shirt. Jack sat down on the grass with his legs stretching out. “That was awesome.” Jack said as he burped out. On the onset of his huge belly gurgling; Jack produce a moan of extreme pleasure. Feeling like a balloon expanding, Jack’s body found new might, kick starting its new growth. Jack’s skinny arms and legs set about the process of swelling out with muscles. Jack’s feet slowly grew out of his shoes splitting them into two halves before eventually falling off because the growth of his lower legs. Jack’s bulging belly flatten and then grew 8 pack abs of steel under his slowly tightening shirt. With the sound of tearing fabric, Jack’s clothing could not handle his growing body. Then a new ogreish growth spurt spread across his growing body. Clothes with growing tars completely blew off of Jack’s expanding body. Thighs that quickly grew out into large trees trunks. Two Biceps that blew out into huge bowling balls. pecs that grew into huge meaty pillows with plump nipples. Shoulders that grew into huge boulders which widen out as well as his waist. Balls plumping up to the size of oranges, a rising cock reaching for a fat 9 inch in length, a new huge bubble butt. Jack’s jaw change from a triangle into a square, his nose grew more bigger and wider, his brow ridge grew more prominent, his normal human skin became a yellowish ochre, his shaggy brown hair grew more longer, as he grew a nice beard and mustache, and finally hair grew all over his new huge ogreish body. Tom blanched at the sight of his once skinny friend transform into a huge hulking ogre. “Isn’t he a sexy ogre?” Owen said, as he walked towards the prone Jack. Owen grabbed Jack’s muscular arm and lifted him off the ground, so that he was standing in front of Tom, Owen said. “This is my gift to you to be reborn as an ogre.” Jack gave a double bicep pose in response to Owen words and gave a thrust of his hips as he came, shooting out the last of his humanity through his human cum onto the grass. “Oh yeah now that is good a sight.” Owen said. “What are you?” Tom said in shock and horror. Owen looked towards Tom and said. “Are you daft I already said, my name is Owen…? Oh, let me rephrase it. I am Owen an ogre demigod of mist, fog, change and magic.” “A demigod?” Tom Said in disbelief. “Yes, I am a demigod,” Owen said in exasperation. “for you see, a long time ago I was summoned to your world to help a village by being its Guardian. You know protecting at from rival villages, other tribes and/or threats. Well let’s just say I was betrayed, village I was protecting got destroyed and before I could get my revenge on the perpetrators five wizards imprisoned me. But Thanks to you and your friend and Pete, two of my bindings are unlocked. Just three more to go and I will be completely free.” “So, you’re saying if I just gave you these three other keys, you would change my friend back to normal and leave this world peacefully.” Tom said with hope. “Why would I make a deal with you?” Owen said in curiosity. “Because I could track them down for you. You cannot walk in the middle of the street in broad daylight, that would track a lot of attention to yourself. Those holding the other keys might be able to flee, or words they might be able to re-imprison you. Plus, the FBI might be able to capture you as well.” Tom tried to say convincingly. “How cute to think that you have leverage to bargain with me.” Owen said gleefully “Through the help of Pete, I’ve transformed the power of my prison and made it my own. Now this town has become my domain from which I would prosper. Even as we speak my influence is spreading across town soon there will be no more humans in Holmes top Borough only big strong ogres.” So, fixated by the conversation with Owen, Tom did not notice that Jack had moved beside him. Being grabbed by his once human friend Tom began to struggle. The magic bindings plus Jack’s huge muscular arms prevented him from escaping. Being slowly moved towards Owen’s face; Seeing Owen’s deep brown eyes Tom felt his will to resist starting to wane. “What are you doing to me?” Tom said in a trance “Nothing yet,” Owen said while lifting his rights eyebrow. “You see Jack will take some time to start being useful to me. At this point he can do basic commands and not shit himself, but I need someone who can do more who I can give more. If I were to try to give Jack magic and the knowledge to use that magic, he would most likely become a living vegetable or would just die from the mental imprinting.” Looking at tom more seriously. “We can’t have that Tom. So, this is how it is going to go down, you will become an ogre. What kind of ogre you will become is your choice? Will you become my lieutenant enforcing my will with the powers I give you or will you become an 8 feet tall dumb and fat ogre who will worship me as my living toy? By the way 8 feet tall is short for an ogre. So, what’s it going to be Tom?” The beauty of Owen’s deep brown eyes made Tom want to say yes, there on the spot, but he had to think. “If he were to say yes, he would gain magical power but be in Owen’s service and if he were to lose, he would be complicit in Owen’s plans and may face unknown consequences. On the other hand, if he were to refuse, he would probably become a mindless slave to Owens will doing whatever he wanted, and if Owen were to lose than he would be free from Owens influence. Then what, everything would turn back to normal and if so, he would be back where he started a man desperate for a job, and about to lose his home to Larry the shark.” Using all this will Tom said, “What kind of powers I get for saying yes to your offer?” Owen’s eyebrows narrowed and for a second, Tom thought Owen was going to be turned into a fat mindless ogre. But Owen the answer him. “As my enforcer I would impart a piece of my personal power to you. This will grant you tremendous strength, magical powers, vast intelligence and semi immortality but in return you will serve me as a vassal. For the most part you will have the autonomy, but you will be forced to do if I command. You may interpret my command, but you will do them consciously or unconsciously. Also, as my vassal you will not be able to betray me, so do not think to do so, no matter how powerful you become. So, I going to ask you one more time will you be my enforcer or not? I need you to be willing Tom.” Owen said. Tom simply nodded his head in confirmation of Owen’s offer. “Good then, let your friend go Jack. We need to solidify our deal with a handshake.” Owen said with a smile. The ogreish Jack place Tom back on to the ground, removing his huge meaty hands from Tom’s side. Now free from Jack’s hold and Owen’s magical binding, Tom initiate the deal with Owen by lifting his right hand in attempt to shake Owen’s hand. Tom’s entire body felt like lead, making Tom’s attempt shake Owen’s hand very difficult. If Tom were to falter now, Owen may interpret it as Tom refusing his offer of power. It felt like an eternity, for Tom’s hand to finally make contact with Owen’s hand. With a strong but firm grip Tom felt power flow into his body, flowing from his hand to his heart Tom knew power. Feeling his hands swell in Owen’s grip Tom let go, to feel how his right glove starting to become tight. Attempting to remove it with his left hand, Tom felt a jolt of energy pass through his right hand on to his left hand causing it to start growing as well. Stretching and popping through his gloves, Tom felt his clothes tightening around his growing body. Fire flew through his bulging veins making Tom a roar in ecstasy. Grabbing his tight clothes, Tom rip them into pieces with his growing ogreish strength. First were his gloves, with his growing canines he tore at his straining gloves. Then with his growing hand, he tears at his jacket and shirt, revealing his bare chest. Tom’s Fat belly produce a gurgle sound, as it grew into a strong firm muscle gut. Tom’s Man boobs grew into hard pecs with quarter size nipples facing the ground. Tom Feeling his growing shoulders and a waste starting to become wider, tear at his pants with his growing muscular arms. Ripping his blue jeans to reveal his growing erect cock and his muscular legs. Tom shoes tear as his feet grew out of them. Now the Growing Tom starting to look like a well-endowed strong man when Tom felt his ogreish growth spurt. Bursting out of his torn shoes Tom’s feet grew out. Tom’s body grow wider and taller as his, big strong thighs grew even larger tree trunks. Moaning as his balls grew to the size of huge oranges, and as his cock grew out into a fat 9 inches. Bulging shoulders that grow into huge boulders holding up biceps the size of bowling balls. Tom’s chest grew even more bulkier with his new ogreish, while his muscular neck grew even further giving him a strong case of bull’s neck with a complementary, of growing an extremely muscular back and nice firm bubble butt. Like Jack, Tom’s face change, starting with his eyebrow ridges became more pronounce, his nose grew bigger, wider and more rounder, his clean-shaven face grew a new thick black beard while the hair on his body became more wilder and thicker, his skin became more thick change to a shade orange and his intelligence grew. Grabbing and rubbing his fat cock, Tom took pleasure in the act of masturbating, for his master Owen. the Feel of Jack’s breath on his back muscular, while rubbing Tom’s muscle gut, Tom said a deep voice. “Still horny Jack.” In answer to Tom question, Jack places his fat cock into Tom’s hungry ass hole making him moan in pleasure. “It hurts at first but, damn it feels so good. Oooow, keep pounding my ass Jack, in fact go wild on it.” Tom yelled out. Moaning and grunting Jack took Tom’s words to heart and gave out harder and faster thrusts into Tom’s ass. In a rhythm of hard fucking, Jack gave what Tom asked for, a hard ass pounding. Fuck. That is the spot. Keep pounding my ass.” Tom said while moaning in pleasure. Lifting his arm and making a double bicep pose Tom felt close to coming. With one last roar Tom came, shooting all this humanity on to Owens hairy chest. Owen not breaking a beat use his left finger place some of Tom’s human cum into his mouth tasting it. Then Jack came, roaring as he did so, shooting his ogreish cum into Tom’s plump ass. The two musclebound ogres bast in their afterglow of sex. Owen made clapping sound: “Bravo Bravo. What an excellent show. You guys got me hard again. Now the night truly begins. We have lots of things we need to do before we can have our fun. The first thing you need to do for me Tom destroy a few buildings.”
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