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Anyhow, @Keychain, I love that @muscleaddict is in a habit of writing stories in a British setting. That setting is more relatable, than stories in a US setting, because the cultural gap is considerably less wide in the British case.

British crime drama (Midsomer Murders in particular) is big over here (though I love Vera and Shetland), and British comedy fare very well, too. Personally, I would mention David Mitchell as a good example of British comedy, wouldn't you say so? Perhaps I oughtn't review another country's cultural output.

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2 hours ago, Hialmar said:

Anyhow, @Keychain, I love that @muscleaddict is in a habit of writing stories in a British setting. That setting is more relatable, than stories in a US setting, because the cultural gap is considerably less wide in the British case.

British crime drama (Midsomer Murders in particular) is big over here (though I love Vera and Shetland), and British comedy fare very well, too. Personally, I would mention David Mitchell as a good example of British comedy, wouldn't you say so? Perhaps I oughtn't review another country's cultural output.

I love stories in a British setting too, partly because they are more relatable, but more so because the English speaking internet is so incredibly dominated by American content. I have a theory that American content gets prioritised by massive American companies like Google, Meta, Apple, Microsoft etc to increase ad-revenue. However, that’s a debate for another thread on another forum. Suffice it to say, it’s always a pleasure when I find a space on the internet that feels like it’s carved out just for me.

As far ac comedy goes, Britain has a great sense of irony and wit. As Stephen Fry once put it “American comedians always want to be the wise-cracking smart aleck attaching the underdog, and British comedians always want to play the underdog.” Our comedians have been world renowned for decades; from Charlie Chaplin and Stan Laurel, to Tommy Cooper, the Two Ronnies, and recently with people like John Cleese, Rowan Atkinson, and perhaps the greatest of all Billy Connolly. I’m not much of a patriot at all, but I am proud that we Brits are better at laughing at ourselves than anyone else. 😊

As far as evaluating the cultural contributions of other countries; I think it can be a positive experience which can strengthen the cultural ties that bind us. As long as the discourse remains civil, there is much to be learned from an exchange of views. The more we learn about one another and the more we laugh together, the less divided we are as a people. 😊

Also, David Mitchell is great. His angry logic is hilarious.

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On 7/21/2023 at 12:14 AM, bodybuilderbeef said:

Really? Thank you for your support there! Hope you like the pics and videos I share there.

No worries, mate. It's a great profile. I had another look the other day. You weren't kidding about the Jonny post being popular!

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14 hours ago, Mdlftr said:

Do anyone have a clue what he is saying? Without captions, it's like a foreign language film!! LOL

Haha! It's a notoriously tricky accent to understand - especially for non-Brits. Luckily for you, I'm able to translate: "Muscleaddict is my favourite writer of muscle stories and I filmed this video of myself in my shiny pink trunks just for him. Don’t mind my massive pecs. They tend to twitch and move on their own accord. Ooop. There they go. Ooop. There they go again.”

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Thanks, @Hialmar and @Keychain. It's much easier for me to write British-based stories, especially if they're set in places where I've lived or visited. When I wrote the chapters of Deano, Again set in Chicago I was worried they wouldn't feel authentic or realistic or that I'd mess something up.

It could be quite a fun challenge to try and use my years of consuming American media to write something with an American protagonist but, again, I fear I might trip up. Do something like having him put his favourite jumper on then popping the kettle on to make a brew and getting a packet of his favourite (spelt with a u) biscuits while anxiously waiting for Chad, his football quarterback jock friend from school turned professional bodybuilder to text him back.

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2 minutes ago, muscleaddict said:

It could be quite a fun challenge to write something with an American protagonist but, again, I fear I might trip up. Do something like having him put his favourite jumper on then popping the kettle on to make a brew and getting a packet of his favourite (spelt with a u) biscuits while anxiously waiting for Chad, his football quarterback jock friend from high school turned professional bodybuilder to text him back.

Many of your American fans, like I, would considerate it an honor to help you out on 'legitimizing' a character in your story as American.  Make the character from New York and we'll give him a Brooklyn or Bronx accent, confusing everyone except those of us originally from there.  😆

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12 minutes ago, DennisFLL said:

Many of your American fans, like I, would considerate it an honor to help you out on 'legitimizing' a character in your story as American.  Make the character from New York and we'll give him a Brooklyn or Bronx accent, confusing everyone except those of us originally from there.  😆

Haha - I wouldn't be so arrogant as to think I could actually pull it off. But you have got me thinking. "Muscle Bros, Inc" featuring three recent bodybuilding NYU graduates sharing an apartment in Bushwick? 🤪

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17 minutes ago, muscleaddict said:

It could be quite a fun challenge to try and use my years of consuming American media to write something with an American protagonist but, again, I fear I might trip up. Do something like having him put his favourite jumper on then popping the kettle on to make a brew and getting a packet of his favourite (spelt with a u) biscuits while anxiously waiting for Chad, his football quarterback jock friend from school turned professional bodybuilder to text him back.

One way could be to let a tourist from Boston (Massachusetts, not Lincolnshire) travel through the Republic of Ireland and UK seeking his roots, and feeling conflicted about Puritans from Nottinghamshire and Catholics from Ireland, while he meet some of your already established British characters. My own ideas of Bostonians are probably very unrealistic, as they are based on Good Will Hunting, Boondock Saints and the existence of Mark Wahlberg.

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I’ve spent the last couple of days on this sort of heady high. Ever since Jason Fox - coach and trainer to Alfie Winters and many more - said he wanted to work with me and coach me towards the Tiger Classic North West next month. I’m going to be training with Jason Fox. I’m going to be competing in a bodybuilding show again next month.

I wasn’t expecting or planning on hitting the stage again any time soon. It’s going to be a lot of hard fucking work. And I certainly wasn’t expecting to be competing in a Junior Classic Physique class (I didn’t even know that was a thing). But it makes sense, I guess. As Danny King said the other day when we were hanging out in my room, I have the right build for it. And look at what’s happened with that blonde Montgomery University guy, Shaun Hudson. He just won his first pro show and now he’s qualified for the Mr Olympia. And as Danny also said, I can always compete in both. The regular bodybuilding classes and classic physique. Plus, well, I’m not exactly going to argue with uber-coach Jason Fox, am I?

I still can’t believe he’s gay. Although … now that I think about it, maybe I had heard the rumours about Jason's sexuality. And there is something about him. A sort of quality, I guess. I think maybe it’s the voice. He’s quite soft-spoken. And also well spoken. I have my first one-to-one meeting with him on Monday to go through the training and the diet. And then it all kicks off. Four weeks to get back into the condition I was in for my show last month. Hopefully a BETTER condition. Four weeks to get my super shredded abs and quads back (though my abs never really went away to be fair). I actually can’t wait to be in that condition again. To look like a shredded bodybuilder again. (Just not in regular posing trunks this time.)

I keep thinking about texting Mason the Hot Muscle Daddy to let him know I’ll also be competing at the Tiger Classic North West. Something he even suggested to me on Monday when I was at his flat.

That’s another reason why I’m on a high. Because of what happened with Mason the Hot Muscle Daddy earlier this week. I haven’t heard from him since he sent me that text right after I left his flat telling me he couldn’t wait for me to fuck him again. But I’m confident I will. I almost just know it’s gonna happen.

It’s other stuff too, I guess. I’m (mostly) enjoying my internship. Things are back to normal with Alfie. Who I now know is definitely not bisexual. So there’s zero chance of anything happening there. And I’m actually getting on with Danny King! We’re becoming friends. We’re hanging out in my room. Well … we hung out once! But hopefully, it will happen again. Hopefully, he’ll wanna sit next to me on my bed bulging out of his t-shirt, playfully nudging me with his arm and squashing my pillow again which kinda smelt like him for a day or so afterwards. (God - if ever he knew I was having those sorts of thoughts.)

But yeah. Everything feels like it’s sort of fallen into place. Everything in my life right now just feels kind of right.

After finally being happy with the white t-shirt and blue and green checked short-sleeved shirt I’ve chosen for Jason Fox’s birthday meal, I grab my phone and wallet and head out to the living room. I'm expecting to find Alfie already ready and waiting for me, only to see Danny King in his black Panther’s hoodie instead, sitting on the sofa and eating out of a bowl.

“All right, mate?” he says.

I feel a pinch of excitement as I say all right back and sit next to him. I don’t think there’s any clothing Danny King could NOT look hot as fuck in. And while I obviously love seeing him in his tight fitted t-shirts, there’s something about the image of him in that black Panther’s hoodie. He looks so big and cuddly. I’m pretty sure if he ever put his arm around me and let me snuggle up to his incredible torso when he was wearing that hoodie I’d just wanna stay there forever.

“Oh, erm … thanks for sorting the beds.”

“No worries,” he replies, casually. “Are you an official member of Team Fox now then?”

“Ummm …” I fail not to smile. “Yeah. I guess!”

Danny's lips curl into a warm grin. “When’s the prep start?” 


Danny sucks his lips in. “So we’re both gonna be miserable and tired for the next month then?”

I grin in response, feeling a warmth in my chest. Would it be rude to cancel on Jason Fox and just stay here at the flat to hang out with Danny King all night instead?

“Got your trunks sorted?”

“Nah. Not yet!”

He gives me an ominous grin and nods. The truth is, I have thought about shopping for my classic physique trunks online. I’ll need to do it at some point. But … I dunno, I can’t quite bring myself to look yet. I think because I find classic physique trunks kind of ugly. They're always black. They're rarely shiny. And they're so big compared to regular posing trunks. The thought of spending money to buy a pair kind of pains me.

“I was a bit surprised," Danny adds. "When you said you were doing classic physique.”

I have no idea how to reply to that. That comment has kind of thrown me. Danny was the person who said I’d do great at classic physique. I'm guessing he can sense my confusion by the way he's now looking at me.

“I think it’s dead good that you’re doing it. You just … didn't seem that keen when we talked about it the other day.”

Before I have a chance to respond, Alfie walks in and I have to keep my  jaw from dropping to the fucking floor. He’s wearing skinny jeans and a tight fitted bright red polo shirt which makes his arms look even more fucking massive than they usually do. Jesus Christ. I’m swelling instantly. He’s literally never looked hotter.

“What's up, bitches,” he says.

“How did you find a polo shirt that fits?” Danny asks, dryly. “Oh wait - you didn’t.”

Alfie looks down at his body and his lips curl into a mischievous grin. “We don’t all have people literally falling at our feet wherever we go. Some of us have to make an effort.”

“You look like you’re about to burst out of your clothes though.”

“That was the look I was going for. You ready, Nick?”

“Ummm. Yeah,” I say, standing up.

“You’ve got Nick all flustered now,” Danny says. What the - I can’t believe he just said that. Danny gives me this teasing, little grin and Alfie is cheekily smiling at me as my cheeks start to burn.

“Slight change of plan,” Alfie says as we head out the door. “We need to make a little detour on the way to the restaurant.”

“Oh right,” I say as I follow Alfie. My head still spinning from what just happened. God - Alfie's back has never looked hotter bulging underneath the material of his red polo. And that fucking arse stuffed into those skinny jeans. It’s just … obscene. It's like he's transcended a normal level of hotness.

“I said I’d pick up my mate, Curtis, outside Piccadilly.”

I look over at Alfie, but he’s not making eye contact. Which is kind of weird. I’m trying to think of a bodybuilder I know of called Curtis. I can’t think of one.

“Oh right. Is he on Team Fox?” 

This ominous laugh escapes Alfie’s lips. “No. He’s not actually a bodybuilder. So you won’t be the smallest guy there anymore.” 

“How does he know Jason?” 

Alfie clears his throat. “He doesn’t,” he says, in a weird tone. “Funny story. I, erm … was supposed to be seeing Curtis tonight. When Jason told me about his birthday meal, I didn’t clock the date. Dickhead, that I am. Jason said I could bring him. He’s an old friend. From school.”

He turns to me and his mouth curls into an ominous smirk. “You’ll like him.”

There's something about that smirk and his tone of voice which makes me nervous for some reason. 

“You two are kind of similar,” he adds.

I shoot a confused look at Alfie. He looks away, still smirking slightly.

“Did you … tell Danny about me?” I ask, my stomach twisting slightly. “You know - what we talked about the other day?” 

“What?” Alfie says, turning to me and looking confused.

"You know. Me being gay."

“No. Nick, I wouldn’t do that. It’s not my place to say anything, is it?”

I bite my lip and nod. "It's just. You know - what he said right before we left?"

And that teasing fucking grin he gave me. Which was also just - ugh - so fucking hot.

"I make ALL gay guys flustered," Alfie says casually. Then he looks at me with a cheeky grin to let me know he's joking. I smile back, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

“The thing you need to know about Danny is - he’s a massive piss-taker!”

I nod to myself and smile,

 “Yeah. I kinda got that!”

“Here he is,” Alfie says as we approach the entrance of Picadilly train station a little while later.

I look to find a very average built guy in a maroon red jumper with this kind of awkward but happy grin on his friendly looking face walking towards us. Now HE looks flustered! Straight away, I think to myself that maybe that's because of what Alfie is wearing.

“All right,” Alfie says. Alfie looks really pleased to see him. He’s got this excited grin on his face. These two must be really good friends.

“Curtis, this is Nick. Nick … this is Curtis. Old friend from school.” 

A weird look passes from Alfie to Curtis. Never in a million years did I expect Alfie to be friends with a guy like this. He just looks so … normal. Nice. Non-sporty. Kinda bookish, I guess. I awkwardly say hi and we start walking. 

I look over at Alfie’s old school friend. He’s biting down on his lip. He looks a bit nervous. But it’s like … he’s struggling to keep from smiling so much. Maybe he’s just generally a really happy guy.

The three of us start heading back into the centre of town, Alfie sandwiched in the middle. I suddenly feel a bit like a third wheel.

“So, Curtis … THIS tall, spec-wearing, big-armed glass of adorableness …” Alfie says, signalling to me. (What the hell?) “…is my new, slash, OTHER flatmate,” Alfie informs his friend as he all head towards the restaurant.

“Oh right!” Curtis says, in a tone of surprise.

My head is spinning. I can’t believe Alfie just described me in that way. I swear I’m blushing. To top it off, Alfie reaches up and pinches one of my cheeks. 

“Look at these chipmunk cheeks!” he teases.

I look over at Curtis, who’s grinning.

“Curtis already knows Danny.”

The two of them exchange a knowing smirk.

“Mmmm. You haven’t actually introduced us yet though,” Curtis says. Alfie’s mouth curls into an ominous grin, which gets bigger when Curtis adds, “Like you promised you would.”

Alfie and Curtis exchange knowing grins. I don’t know what it is between these two. It kind of feels like everything they say is an in-joke. I can tell they’re clearly really good friends though. It’s almost like Alfie’s suddenly come alive now that this Curtis guy is here.

“You’ve seen Danny’s pictures," Alfie begins. "You get the idea. Big handsome Alpha male gap-toothed half-gorilla who looks like he just escaped from the Army and found the nearest bodybuilding gym.”

A laugh escapes my lips. I fucking love that description. ‘“That’s … a scarily accurate description!” I tell him.

“I know!” Alfie says, looking pleased with himself.

I look over and lock eyes with Curtis, who’s smiling at me. He’s actually a pretty cute guy. With his blondey-brown hair. And nice guy looks. He seems like the type of person who wouldn’t have a single bad word to say about anyone. Like, his head is just filled with nothing but lovely, warm, happy thoughts.

Jason Fox is just inside the entrance of the restaurant when the three of us walk in, with three massive meatheads alongside him. I think I recognise all of them from the gym. I’d have definitely been the smallest one here if it weren't for Alfie’s school friend.

I'm completely taken aback when Jason wraps his arms around me and scoops me up in a warm hug. When I grip onto his back, I can’t believe how big and fucking solid he feels. God knows what's going on under that t-shirt he’s wearing. I have a fleeting vision of me falling head over heels in love with Jason Fox. Like - I can legitimately see that scenario unfolding.

“You never hug me!” Alfie cries.

“I actually like Nick!” Jason jokes. I feel a flutter in my chest which quickly turns to jealousy when Jason grabs Alfie into a jokey reluctant hug. What do I have to do to get a hug from Alfie Winters? Preferably while he’s wearing THAT bright red polo shirt.

Alfie introduces Curtis, who looks slightly bewildered by the four huge bodybuilding dudes he’s having a meal with. Almost like he didn’t quite know what he was letting himself in for.

“Where’s the new fiance?” Alfie teases.

Jason gives me a pointed look and shakes his head. I just sheepishly grin back at him. “The guy I’ve been casually seeing for TWO WEEKS is running late.”

When we head to our table upstairs there are another three guys at the table. There's a guy who looks like a smaller, slightly more handsome version of Jason, which makes sense when he introduces him as his brother. Then a fairly muscular but lean Chinese guy with huge arms who gives me a cute smile and sets my Gaydar off and a hot ginger guy who looks bigger but still not quite the same level as Jason and the other meatheads. Wait - are these guys a couple? I'm definitely getting a vibe. I mean - Jason is gay so it would make sense for him to have gay friends. I’m pretty sure the other Muscle Factory guys are straight but then - at this point, who the fuck knows?

As I go to take the seat next to Alfie, he suddenly stops and backs his chair up. “Nick - why don't you sit here?” he suggests, practically ushering me into the seat next to Curtis he was just about to occupy. 

Curts looks like some kind of kicked puppy dog now that he’s not sitting next to the only person he knows here.

“Umm. Okay,” I say, doing as Alfie says and sitting next to Curtis, thinking how this seating arrangement makes absolutely no sense.

“Curtis - tell Nick what you do for a job.”

“Erm …” Curtis looks embarrassed but obeys. “I’m a teacher.”

Alfie rolls his eyes as his lips curl into a warm grin. I have no idea why. “Oh right. What do you teach?”

“A bit of everything.”

I nod. “Is it, like, primary school kids then …?”

“It’s a mixture of ages. It’s a special school so it’s kids with disabilities. And special needs.”

I nod in response, finding myself smiling. Of course that's what Curtis does for a living.

“You didn’t tell me that!” Alfie cries.

I look at my flatmate to find a mix of awe and surprise on his face. How could Alfie not know that piece of information about his friend? Unless they're not actually that close. Or Curtis only just started working at the special needs school. It just seems like something Alfie should know.

“I … definitely told you,” Curtis says, in an almost knowing tone. Something weird passes between the two of them and things feel momentarily awkward until we’re interrupted by the waitress. 

"Curtis - tell Nick about your OTHER job!” Alfie says when the waitress has taken our orders. He's looking all wide-eyed and excited. 

I look at Curtis who has a sheepish smile on his face. “Erm … well, I’ve written a children’s book. Just the one.”

“So modest!” Alfie teases, getting his phone out of his pocket.

“Oh wow!” I say to Curtis, genuinely impressed. “Is it published?”

“Yes!” Alfie says, almost proudly. “Here you go,” he says, handing me his phone. “Curtis Mayhew. Mega-rich, world-famous children’s author.”

I’m looking at a book on Amazon by an author called Curtis Mayhew. “That is so cool!” I say, looking up at Curtis. He gives me a sheepish, warm grin in response. Which is not NOT cute.

“Teacher, children’s author AND occasional wearer of yellow woolly jumpers!” Alfie says. Curtis is beaming and shaking his head. Alfie is grinning too. Another in-joke. Yeah - there’s a lot of love between these too. Despite Alfie not even knowing that he teaches kids with special needs. 

“So you’re from Manchester?” I say to Curtis. There’s a weird pause as he looks at Alfie. “Yep!” he replies.

“Well …” Alfie jumps in. “Not originally. Hence - why he doesn’t have the accent. We used to call him a posho at school.”

Curtis gives Alfie a knowing grin and I nod.

“So … what was Alfie like at school?”

Alfie clears his throat and a mischievous grin spreads across Curtis’ face. “He was very … cheeky!”

Alfie grins and bites his lip.

“A total attention seeker! He was one of those really loud, annoying lads. You know, the ones who sit at the back of the class and just piss about. Disrupting the whole class.”

“Well … Curtis ate chalk," Alfie says, matter-of-factly.

“What?!” Curtis says, laughing.

Alfie looks at me. “Honestly. He was known for it. You’d be in an exam. You’d hear this chomping noise. You’d turn around and there’d be Curtis, chowing down on a piece of chalk like it was a Cadbury’s chocolate finger. No shame or embarrassment. He used to steal them when the teacher wasn’t looking.”

Curtis is still laughing. “Do you REALLY believe that, Nick?”

“Why would I lie?” Alfie cries. Curtis gives me a look, shaking his head, still grinning wildly. I kind of feel like I'm in the way sitting in between these two.

“So … NICK has some exciting news!” Alfie says, placing both of his hands on my shoulder and arms. An act which causes me to both melt and smile to a ridiculous degree. 

“He’s doing a bodybuilding show in four weeks!”

Curtis bites his lip and awkwardly nods. “Very cool!” he says. I swear his cheeks have gone red.

“Same show as Danny King. He’s gonna be working with Jason. He’s now an official member of Team Fox.”

I sheepishly smile. Curtis is smiling, but it’s he seems to have suddenly gone a little shy. I have no idea what this guy thinks about bodybuilding. Is he just being polite?

“Curtis knows about bodybuilding cause, you know … being friends with me.”

Curtis buried his face in his drink glass. I feel like asking him if he’s ever been to one of Alfie’s shows, but I don’t want to embarrass the poor lad any further.

“He’s doing the Junior Classic Physique class,” Alfie informs Curtis. Something about the way he says it makes my chest suddenly feel tight. It was almost in a mocking tone. Did I imagine that?

“So he won’t be wearing his shiny hot pink Next Level Posers!”

Curtis starts choking and spluttering on his drink. 

“Are you okay?” I ask him.

“Mmmm,” Curtis says, in between coughing. “Went down the wrong way. Back in a sec,” he says, quickly standing up.

I twist my head to watch Curtis head off for the toilets. And then I see something which makes my whole body go into a panic. Or to be more accurate, someone. Someone I definitely wasn’t expecting to see tonight. Someone who seems to making a beeline for our table. Someone who is walking right up to where Jason Fox is seated.

What. The fuck. Is going on?

He hasn’t seen me yet. Is this really happening? 

“Guys, this is Andy.”

And with those words, my whole body goes cold. What the actual fuck?

He starts to take his coat off and that's when he spots me. His blue-grey eyes widen momentarily. Staring right at me, having just joined our table, is the guy my new training coach, Jason Fox, has apparently been “casually seeing” for the past two weeks.

Now staring right at me, with his handsome, smouldering looks, sexy bald head and that unspeakably hot vein zigzagging across the side of his forehead is Mason the Hot fucking Muscle Daddy.

The guy I fucked two weeks ago after meeting at Utopia. Who I agonised over for a week because he wouldn’t reply to my text messages. The guy who texted me out of the blue last Monday afternoon demanding I go around to his flat to fuck him.

Mason the Hot Muscle Daddy is Andy. Mason the Hot Muscle Daddy is seeing Jason Fox! 

This just can't be happening. I mean - he did tell me there was another guy who wasn’t his boyfriend but was more than a one-night stand. But I had no idea that guy was Jason fucking Fox. The person who’ll be coaching me for the next four weeks! And what’s with his name? Did he lie about being called Mason? 

Jason introduces Mason (sorry - “Andy”!) to everyone one by one. All the time, my head is spinning and my heart is pounding. I see his eyes light up and he smirks slightly when he’s introduced to Alfie. And then it’s my turn. I have no idea what my face is doing, but Jason Fox doesn't seem to have noticed that I’m having some sort of internal panic attack.

“And this is Nick.”

Mason/Andy looks me straight in the eye. “Hello, Nick!” he says casually, his piercing blue-grey eyes set on mine, his mouth curling slightly. How is he not freaking out right now?

“Nick’s the guy I was telling you about. The one I’m coaching for the Junior Classic Physique at the North West.”

Mason's eyes widen. “Junior Classic Physique?” he says, pulling an interested face.

“You probably know Nick and Alfie’s flatmate. Danny King?”

Oh shit. A look of surprise flashes across his face momentarily. “I know Danny King!” he says, looking at me, with a hint of a smug smirk. “You guys all live together then?”

Seriously - this has to be some sort of wind-up. How can this be real? How can Mason the Hot Muscle Daddy be the guy Jason Fox has recently started seeing?

“Yep!” Alfie says. “Nick moved in a few weeks ago.”

Mason nods. “Interesting!” he says, practically smirking. 

It’s almost like … he’s enjoying this! Meanwhile, I’m over here wanting the ground to swallow me whole.

“Andy’s doing the North West too. Masters Over 40.”

“We’ll all be competing together!” he says, giving me a pointed look. 

“So … what do you think of Curtis?” Alfie says, leaning into me.

The question completely throws me. “Ummm … yeah. He’s ... nice!”

“He’s gay!” he says, with his eyes widened and a tight lipped grin on his face.

And then it hits me. Oh shit. Is that what's going on here? Is Alfie trying to set me up with his old school friend? Alfie making a point to tell me how similar me and Curtis are. Making us sit together. Showing me Curtis' book on his phone. It all makes sense.

“Aaaand … he’s got a bit of a thing for bodybuilders!” Alfie whispers.

Before I have the chance to respond, Curtis comes back to the table. I’m being set up with a guy who is lovely and sweet but who I have no interest in or attraction to in the slightest, all the time the guy I had some of the best fucking sex of my life with six days ago is sitting opposite me, next to the guy he’s dating. Who also happens to be my new fucking coach!

“Back in a sec!” I say, standing up and practically running to the toilets.

I lock myself in a cubicle and get my phone out. I’m tempted to text Liv to tell her what’s going on but I can’t quite bring myself to do it. I still can’t believe it. Mason the Hot Muscle Daddy and Jason Fox are seeing each other. They’re a thing! 

Okay - maybe this isn’t so much of a big deal as I think it is. Mason DID tell me there was another guy. It’s a new thing. And clearly not that serious. It’s not like I KNEW that they’d started seeing each other when I went round to Mason’s last Monday. And we’ve only fucked each other twice. Maybe this doesn't have to be made into a big deal. 

But does this mean it’s over between me and Mason? No more incredibly hot sex? No more urgent, horn-fuelled texts demanding that I go around to his flat that very second because he needs my fucking dick in him? My stomach feels heavy at the thought that all of that is over. But it has to be. If he’s seeing Jason Fox, who is now my coach and will probably most likely soon be someone I class as a friend, it has to be.

I unlock the cubicle door to find Mason (or whatever his name is) standing there with this surprised grin on his face. God, he looks so fucking hot bursting out of his tight white short-sleeved shirt. His thick, veiny, slightly furry arms on display. I can see the top of his thick ballon pecs peeking out with that silver chain running across them. Why does he have to be so fucking hot?

“So, this is kind of awkward!” he says, his mouth curling into a slightly smug smirk.

I bite my lip, but I can feel my lips curling into a smile. I can’t deny how nice (and fucking exciting) it is to see him. To be standing in front of him again.

“I swear I didn’t know!" he says. "Jason texted me the other day to tell me he’d recruited a young guy at the gym to enter the Junior Classic Physique. He didn’t mention a name. It didn't even enter my head that it might be you.”

I nod, my eyes going down to his thick torso barely contained by his sheet. God those pecs. I swallow. “How long have you been seeing him?”

“A couple of weeks,” he says, casually. “After I met you at Utopia. It’s … very new. I think I told you that?”

I bite my lip and nod. “So … your real name’s Andy?” I ask, my stomach twisting slightly.

“Mason’s my surname. Most people call me Mason. Some people call me Andy. Jason likes Andy,” he explains with a shrug.

I nod, feeling lighter at the realisation that I haven't been lied to. 

“So … you’re flatmates with Danny King?” Mason teases. He arches an eyebrow and his mouth curls into a teasing grin. “You kept that quiet!”

“Ummm. Yeah. Kind of,” I say, feeling sheepish. “I wasn’t living with them the first time we met though. It sort of happened afterwards.”

He nods and continues to give me a teasing grin like he doesn’t really care that I left out that little piece of information when the two of us were talking about Danny on both of the occasions we hooked up.

“Are you just walking around with a permanent hard-on all the time?”

I bite my lip and smile. Mason sighs and gives me this look. Then he looks down like he’s properly checking me out, all the time with this fuck-off sexy grin on his face. Argh. So. Fucking. Hot. 

“I almost forget how sexy you are,” he purrs.


“Cute and kinda geeky with a boyish charm!” he adds. I’m fucking melting. “With hot little abs. And awesome arms.” He looks behind him at the door to the bathroom. “And a massive fucking cock.” 

He takes a step towards me. My heart starts beating faster. And I’m rapidly starting to swell in my jeans. Mason looks down and notices then looks back up at me. Grinning wildly. THE sexiest fucking grin. I feel a mix of panic and excitement as Mason reaches out and puts his hand on my waist. I grip his furry forearm arm and now he's leading me into the toilet cubicle. My heart is still beating fast. My head is spinning. My hand is making its way up to his upper arm. God. I want him so fucking much. Even just touching him makes my body feel like it's about to explode.

Mason starts tugging at my belt. God - this is such a fucking rush! Before I know it my cock is out. Mason plants his hand firmly over my mouth and starts tugging at my hard on. I’m trapped against the wall. Breathing into his hand. He’s wanking me harder.

Mason bends down and puts the head of my cock in his mouth, all the time his hand is pressed against my mouth tightly. Trapping me. The back of my head against the wall of the cubicle. I’m groaning into his hand. Making whimpering noises and muffled groans as Mason the Hot Muscle Daddy fucking devours my hard cock. It’s so fucking intense. My hands are running over his head. Gripping onto his thick shoulderblades as he sucks my cock hard and fast.

This is so intense. This is such a rush. I couldn’t stop it now even if I wanted to. I've completely surrendered to what's happening. Mason the Hot Muscle Daddy is sucking me harder. I’m totally at his mercy. I’m his fucking boy. And I’m cumming. I’m moaning into his hand which grips my mouth tighter as my cock explodes in this hot muscle daddy bodybuilder’s mouth. 

I'm panting and laughing as Mason stands up and helps me sort my jeans out. We lock eyes. Both of us smiling as we bask in what just happened. But as my breath starts to slow, reality suddenly hits and I feel this sharp stab of guilt. Because all the time we were doing THAT, the guy who is both seeing Mason and is MY new coach is out there completely fucking oblivious to the fact that we even know each other.

Just as I finish sorting my belt out, Mason brings his lips to mine. I kiss him, fucking melting into the wall. My hands gripping onto his incredible body. I’m totally consumed by him. I'm just letting this happen. It feels like Mason has this incredible power over me. Where logic and reason go out of the window.

We part lips and he purrs out an, "Mmmm," as he fixes his eyes on my lips. Like he just wants to spend the whole night kissing me. Which sounds pretty perfect to me.

“I think you better get back,” he says. I swallow and nod. Mason's mouth curls into one of those big, fuck-off sexy smiles. And then he shakes his head, grinning at me wildly. 

I reluctantly leave Mason the Hot Muscle Daddy and head back to the group. To Alfie Winters and the nice, average sized guy he’s trying to set me up with. And my new coach Jason Fox. Whose new, not-quite boyfriend just sucked me off and made me cum in the toilets. I get a horrible, twisting feeling in my gut. Because I know what just happened with Mason was wrong. Really fucking wrong.

I think back to those thoughts I had at the flat earlier tonight. How everything feels like it's fallen into place. How everything in my life at the moment feels kind of right. 

I couldn't have been more fucking wrong.

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7 hours ago, muscleaddict said:

Thanks, @Hialmar and @Keychain. It's much easier for me to write British-based stories, especially if they're set in places where I've lived or visited. When I wrote the chapters of Deano, Again set in Chicago I was worried they wouldn't feel authentic or realistic or that I'd mess something up.

It could be quite a fun challenge to try and use my years of consuming American media to write something with an American protagonist but, again, I fear I might trip up. Do something like having him put his favourite jumper on then popping the kettle on to make a brew and getting a packet of his favourite (spelt with a u) biscuits while anxiously waiting for Chad, his football quarterback jock friend from school turned professional bodybuilder to text him back.

Goodness gracious, it’s an incredible skill to convincingly write in a different syntax - I’m not a good fiction writer (quite a good technical and academic writer, but goodness me there is a world of difference) so the idea of trying something like that is enough to make my head hurt, lol! 

It would be fun to have an American character in a British setting or visa versa- so much opportunity for some light hearted comedy and wholesome cultural exchanges. 

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